Basic Web Training Handout - Web Help


Basic Web Training Handout - Web Help
Basic Web Development @ Fullerton College
FC Net Accounts
Obtaining Web Space
Accessing your web space using MS FrontPage
Accessing your web space using Macromedia Dreamweaver
Accessing your web space using an FTP application
District Web Policy
Web Shares
Campus VPN software
Additional Q & A
Welcome to Academic Computing Technologies (ACT) Basic Web Development
training. The focus of the training is to provide general information about creating on
campus web sites and Academic Computing Technologies’ services.
FC Net Accounts
Staff Accounts
o To Obtain an account, you must fill out
o H: drive
o Available Space is 75 MB
o Located on
o Typically a file server
o Scheduled backed ups
o Accessible through FTP or Directory Share (H drive)
o Accessible when your account is generated
o Email
o Available Space is 50 MB
o Located on
o Accessible through MS Outlook or the web @
o Accessible when your account is generated
o W: drive
o Available Space is 50 MB
o Located on
o Accessible through FTP, Directory Share (W drive), or the web
o Typical staff URL is[accountname], i.e.
o Web Space must be requested through the campus web portal.
Hourly Staff Accounts
o To Obtain an account, you must fill out
o H: drive
o Available Space is 75 MB
o Located on
o Typically a file server
o Scheduled backed ups
o Accessible through FTP or Directory Share (H drive)
o Accessible when your account is generated
o Email
o Available Space is 50 MB
o Located on
o Accessible through MS Outlook or the web @
o Accessible when your account is generated
o W: drive
o Available Space is 50 MB
o Located on
o Accessible through FTP, Directory Share (W drive), or the web
o Typical hourly staff URL is[accountname],
o Web Space must be requested through the campus web portal.
Hourly staff accounts expire every 30 days, but can be renewed indefinitely by
your supervisor.
Department Accounts
o To Obtain an account, you must fill out
o H: drive
o Available Space is 50 MB
o Located on
o Typically a file server
o Scheduled backed ups
o Accessible through FTP or Directory Share (H drive)
o Accessible when your account is generated
o Email
o Available Space is 50 MB
o Located on
o Accessible through MS Outlook or the web @
o Accessible when your account is generated
o W: drive
o Available Space is 50 MB
o Located on
ƒ Folder departments/[loginname]
o Accessible through FTP, Directory Share (W drive), or the web
o Typical department URL is http://[loginname], i.e.
o Accessible when your account is generated
o Department web sites that have not been updated for 12 months will be
Tutorial 1 - Creating Web Space on the Fullerton College Web Server
To create web space on the Fullerton College web server, you must first have a Fullerton
College Network account. Staff and faculty accounts can be created upon request by
filling out the form at Once the
network account has been created, you will be able to log into any of the computers in the
computers labs, use the email system, and disk space for your home drive and web space.
To create web space, you will need to start Internet Explorer and go to the campus home
page, You should see a page similar to the page below.
Click the login link on the lower left hand corner of the page. The link will take you to
the campus portal (see below) where you can use your network account information to
log into the site. Staff members, login with their network account, usually your first
initial and last name and your network account password (the same password used to
login to email or your office computer).
(Campus Portal Home Page)
Once logged into the portal you should see a screen similar to the following screen:
All student and staff members are given a default layout for the portal view. The tabs
consist of smaller views known as channels. Each channel provides you with information.
The “Print/Web” tab provides access to the print and web channels. Next, you should
see a screen similar to the screen below that contains a button to request web space,
“Create My Web Space” button. Click the “Create My Web Space” button. Once you
have clicked the button, your web space will be queued for creation.
Please note that creation does not happen instantaneously. Once the space is requested, it
can take 15 – 30 minutes for the web space creation process to complete.
Once the button is clicked, you should see the following screen which explains that your
web space has been requested and displays the url where your web site is located. In this
case, the staff member’s site is located at Again, you
will have to wait approximately 30 minutes before you will be able to access the site. If
you already have web space available, you will also see the following screen indicating
that you do not need to request space.
After the process has completed, you should be able to request the site from the url
provided in the channel. You can do so by clicking the link for your site or typing it in the
browser’s address text field. By doing so, you should see a temporary page that looks as
Now you can use FrontPage or Dreamweaver to add, delete, and update files in your web
site. For more information on accessing your site through FrontPage, please see, the section on “Accessing my web site with FrontPage”.
Tutorial 2 - Accessing your web space using MS FrontPage
Once your web space has been created, you can access the space by different methods,
FTP, Directory Share, or HTTP. In this tutorial will use MS FrontPage which uses HTTP
to transfer files to the server. To begin you need to start MS FrontPage by clicking
“Start”, then scrolling over “Programs”, “Microsoft Office”, then clicking on “Microsoft
Office FrontPage 2003”.
Once the application starts up, you can connect to your web space by clicking “File”,
“Open Site”. Notice, there is an “Open” and an “Open Site”. You want to modify the site,
so “Open Site” is the appropriate action. By doing so, you can modify the entire site and
not just one page.
Next you should receive a dialog box prompting for the site you would like to open.
For staff, a typical staff URL is[accountname], i.e. For hourly staff a typical hourly staff URL is[accountname], i.e.
For department accounts a typical department URL is http://[loginname], i.e. Next, type the appropriate url for the site you want to
connected to and click “Open”.
FrontPage will prompt you again, this time it prompts for your authentication credentials.
This is your Fullerton College network username and password (If you are connecting to
a department account, you need to use the department account to connect to the site).
Since I’m connecting to, I use my username, brippe
and my network password. Some versions of MS FrontPage have an additional field for
Domain and others do not. In either case, the Domain is “fc”. MS FrontPage 2003 does
not prompt for this information, thus, you need to add it to the beginning of your
username. So the username brippe should be entered as “fc\brippe”. However, if you are
using a version of MS FrontPage that does prompt for Domain, you need to enter just
your username and NOT “fc\username”.
Once logged into the site, FrontPage will give you a list of the folders and files in your
web space. You should notice the “index.htm” file in your space. This is the current home
page. By default, the web server serves either an “index.htm” or “default.htm” page when
a page is not requested. So, requests to will receive
the “index.htm” file in my web space.
If you double click the “index.htm” file, FrontPage will open the file in what’s known as
“Page View”. “Page View” allows you to view the page and modify it similarly to MS
Modifying Text using FrontPage
Open the “index.htm” file by double clicking on the file. You should see the following
view in FrontPage:
From the “Page View” you can modify any text by selecting the text and typing your new
text. Highlight the text that reads “This is a temporary page!” by moving the cursor next
to the “T” in “This”. Next press the left mouse button, while holding down the button,
drag the mouse across the text and release it when all the text is highlighted. Now type
“Your Name’s Home Page” (Brad’s Home Page). You can save the page by clicking on
the save icon in the toolbar,
or by pressing Ctrl+S. Once the document is saved its
changes are accessible via a browser.
Start Internet Explorer and in the address bar type your web site’s url,
( and you should see your changes. In addition to
changing text you can also modify its appearance. You’ll notice that there is a toolbar that
contains fonts, sizes and styles similar to MS Word. You can modify the appearance by
using this toolbar and saving the document.
Adding links
To add links to a web page, you need to highlight the text that you want for the title of the
link, then clicking the insert hyperlink from the toolbar
and typing in the url of
the site you want to link to or by selecting a file in your web space that you want to link
Let’s create a link for the FC Web Help site. In the “index.htm” file, highlight the text
“” and click the Hyperlink icon in the toolbar.
Once you click the Hyperlink icon, a Hyperlink dialog box will be displayed. Type url for
Web Help ( if it doesn’t already appear. Then click “OK”.
You’ll notice in the dialog box that you can type the fully qualified url
( to link to an external site or you can select files from your
web site to create internal links. Since the web site currently contains one file (index.htm)
there aren’t any additional files to create links.
To preview your new link, you’ll notice in the lower left-hand corner of the right-hand
pane tabs
in FrontPage.
which change how the page is displayed
Design View – displays the page in a manner that makes it easy to modify the
page by showing tables, images and text.
Split view – displays the page in a combination of two views, design and code.
Half the view will be the design view and the other half will be the HTML code
Code view – displays the page as its html code.
Preview View – displays the page as it would appear in the browser.
Next click the “Preview” tab. You’ll notice that the borders of the tables have
disappeared. Now move your mouse over the text “”. You’ll
notice that the cursor changes into a hand, denoting that the text is now a link. Again to
make your changes accessible to users of your site you need to save the file.
FrontPage Folders
All web sites on the FC web server use FrontPage extensions for web creation even if you
never use FrontPage the extensions are enabled. From FrontPage’s Folder List you’ll
notice a directory called “_private”. This directory is used by FrontPage for hiding files
you don’t want users to see. FrontPage creates other directories that begin with the “_”
underscore which is used for FrontPage functionality. DO NOT DELETE these
directories. If you do delete them, there is a possibility that FrontPage will not function
properly, deny you access to the site, or simply won’t save files.
Adding files to your web
FrontPage provides the facility to add additional files to your web space by importing
them into the space. You can import files by clicking on the “File” menu, then “Import”.
Note: if the you do not see the sub-menu item “Import”, move your mouse over the
double arrows at the bottom of the menu
. This will expand the menu completely.
Next the Import dialog is displayed. From this dialog click the “From Site…” button.
Now a file dialog appears and you can navigate to any file that you want to add to your
site. Typical files are html, Word documents, pdf, and image files. You can add files from
your local computer or external sites. Once you click the “From Site…” button the
following dialog should appear:
In the text field titled “Web Site Location” type, then click “Next”. In
the next dialog make sure that “Add to current Web site” is check and click “Next”. In
the last dialog make sure that none of the options are checked and click “Next”. This
screen limits the files that will be downloaded. If you were importing an html file that
had links, FrontPage would try to import all those files too. This screen limits the amount
of files that are imported. Since you are importing an image file “book.jpg”, you don’t
have to worry about this feature. Finally, click the “Finish” button.
When FrontPage finishes the import, you should see the file in your folder list.
The book.jpg file is located in the root directory because that was the directory selected in
the folder list when you chose to import the file. If you select another folder before
importing the file, the file will appear in the selected folder.
Moving Files
To move a file you can simply select the file and drag it to the new location. In the last
example you imported a file called “book.jpg” into your root directory. Drag and drop the
file and into the images directory. Typically, web sites use an image directory to store
images and keep the site uncluttered. When you’re done the site should look as follows
from the folder list.
Notice that the book.jpg file is now located in the images directory.
Inserting images
To insert images into an html file, open your “index.htm” (if its not already open, then
make sure you’re in “Design” view). Place your cursor after the “e” in “Fullerton
College” in the last paragraph, then press “Enter”. From the toolbar click the insert image
. Next, the Picture dialog will be displayed, double click the images directory,
then click the “book.jpg” file, then the “Insert” button.
In the “Page View”, you should see the book image in your html document. To save the
changes, press the “Save” icon in the toolbar or Ctrl+S.
Creating an Instructor’s Web Site
Now that you’ve modified html documents, inserted images, and added documents to
your web space, you’re ready to create your own instructor’s web site. You’ll use a preconstructed group of templates from the site for an instructor’s
web site. These templates have a similar look and feel to the Fullerton College campus
web site.
Before you begin, let’s rename your current “index.htm” file to “index_old.htm”. You
can rename files by right clicking on the file and from the popup menu clicking
The file should be highlighted, then type “index_old.htm”. FrontPage will prompt to
make sure that you want to rename your home page. Click “Yes”.
Now you can begin the importing process of the instructor templates. To get the files, you
need to import them from the Web Help site. You can do so by clicking “File”, “Import”
as you did above. Next, type in the Web
Site Location, and then click “Next”.
In the next screen, make sure that the “Add to current Web site” is checked and click
In the next screen, check the box next to “Import the home page plus linked pages”, then
type a “2” in the levels deep and click “Next”.
In the final screen, click the “Finish” button.
You should receive a notification that FrontPage is about to overwrite your existing
“book.jpg” file. You can click “No” to replacing this file.
At this point, you should have a complete web site loaded into your space. You will have
to modify content, add any links, images, and/or documents that help your site achieve its
goals. Content can be copied and pasted from Microsoft Word documents or other
documents to suit your needs.
Your site should now look similar to the following screenshot.
The directories are as follows:
– hides any files you don’t want users to view
– contains image files.
– contains the site’s style, css (cascading style sheet).
– contains a location for assignments. Currently one file, index.htm
- contains a location for lectures. Currently one file, index.htm
Creating a New Page
Using the Import technique described above, import the file This time DO NOT check
any options to import links. Only import the page.
When you finish the process, you should be prompted to overwrite some of the image
files that are already located in your site. You may click “No” for replacing all images.
Now you should have a “template.htm”. This is a blank html file with the look and feel of
the rest of the web site. You can keep this file for creating new html files. To create new
file, right-click the “template.htm” file and click “Copy”.
Now below the “template.htm” file right click again and click “Paste” from the popup
FrontPage will make a copy of the file and name it “template_copy(1).htm”. You can
rename this file by right clicking on it and clicking rename from the popup menu. Try to
rename the file to “grades.htm”. Your folder list should look as follows:
To create a link to “grades.htm”, open your “index.htm” file by double clicking on the
file. Highlight the “assignments” link and the horizontal break below it. This can be done
by clicking your left mouse button before the “a” in “assignments” and dragging the
cursor to the end of the horizontal break. If done correctly, your document should look as
Now move your mouse over the link “assignments” and right-click, then click “Copy”
from the popup menu.
Press the right arrow key on the keyboard “->”. Your cursor should have moved to the
end of the horizontal break. Now press “Ctrl+V” (Ctrl+V is a shortcut for Paste).
FrontPage should have pasted a new “assignments” link in your “index.htm” file.
Highlight the new “assignments” link (this can be done by double clicking the link) and
right-click over the link. This time click “Hyperlink Properties” from the popup menu.
FrontPage will display an Edit Hyperlink dialog. Now select “grades.htm” file in the
dialog, change the text in the “Text to display” field to read “grades”, and click “OK”.
Your “index.htm” you now have a new link to the “grades.htm” file that you just created.
This new link can now be copied and placed into the other htm files if need be. To save
the document, press “Ctrl+S”. Once the file is saved, users will be able to view your
Modifying a Page’s Title
Every html file has a title. The title is displayed in the user’s browser in the upper lefthand corner of the browser when the file is viewed and is descriptive of the content.
Furthermore, search engines use this as the displayed text in a search query of pages.
To modify a page’s title, from “Page View” right-click on the file and select “Page
Properties”. A properties dialog should be displayed with the Title field highlighted. You
can change this text to the appropriate text of the page and click “OK”. Now you need to
save your document in order for the changes to appear.
In this tutorial, you’ve modified html documents, imported files from an external web
site, created links, inserted images, modified text, and created new web pages. The hope
is that this tutorial gives you enough examples on modifying html documents that can
continue exploring and creating new web documents for the Fullerton College
For additional information on web development @ FC, please see
Tutorial 3 - Accessing your web space using Macromedia Dreamweaver
This tutorial the focus will be on connecting to an FC site with Macromedia
Dreamweaver. Since some of the techniques are similar to MS FrontPage, they are left
for you to explore and discover on your own.
To begin you need to start Dreamweaver by clicking “Start”, then go to “Programs”,
“Macromedia”, then click on “Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004”.
When Dreamweaver starts you need to create a new site definition for your staff or
department account. Click the “Manage Site” link from the left-hand panel of
Dreamweaver. If you do not have this view you can access the manage site feature from
the top menu under “Site”.
Next, Dreamweaver displays the Manage Sites dialog, this is where all your site
definitions are located, click the “New” button and select “Site”.
Dreamweaver displays the site definition dialog for your local site information. Note, the
“Advanced” tab is selected; this provides a little more flexibility when defining the site.
Now you need to fill in the following:
Site name: Staff Web
Local root folder: (use the default) – this is the location on your local computer where
the files will be stored. Unlike Microsoft FrontPage, Dreamweaver works with ftp and
not http. This means that Dreamweaver must store local copies of your files that can be
modified on your computer and then sent to the server.
Refresh local file list automatically: Checked
HTTP address:[yourusername]
Cache: Enable cache checked
Once you have filled out the local information click “Remote Info” from the category
panel on the left. From the Access menu, select “FTP”. Then fill in the appropriate
information for your FTP connection:
Access: FTP
FTP host: (for staff and departments) /
(for hourly staff)
Host directory: (blank for staff) / departments/[yourdepartmentaccount] (for depts)
Login: fc\[accountusername]
Password: (the account password)
Use passive FTP: Checked
Once the dialog has been filled out, click “OK”. You will go back to the Manage Sites
dialog, click “Done”. Dreamweaver will save the settings and set the new site as the
active setting. To connect to the server click the connect icon
remote files appear in the left-hand panel.
. You should see the
Dreamweaver has two views that you should be concerned with, “Remote View” and
“Local View”. If you toggle between the two views you will see your remote files (the
files you created with the FrontPage tutorial) and the local files which should be empty.
To bring all of your remote files to your local machine, select the root directory. In the
screenshot this is the 00005520 directory, your root directory should be a directory with
your first initial and last name. Then click on the green down arrow to “Get” the files.
Dreamweaver will ask if you if you’re sure, click “OK”.
Now from the Files panel, select “Local View” from the View menu.
You should see a local copy of all your files. Double click on your “index.htm” file.
Dreamweaver will load the “index.htm” file into its “Page View” so you can modify the
document. Next, modify any text on the document and press “Ctrl+S” to save the file.
Now you have a modified version of the file on your local computer. However, you need
to send this file to the web server. Make sure your “index.htm” file is selected in Files
panel and click the blue up arrow to put the file on the web server. Putting files on the
server will overwrite the current “index.htm” replacing it with the “index.htm” with your
most recent changes.
This is how you get files on and off the server using Macromedia’s Dreamweaver.
Adding links, images and new pages are similar to the MS FrontPage, so there are left for
the remainder of the session.
Tutorial 4 - Accessing your web space using an FTP application
To FTP into your staff web account:
1. Make sure you have an active network account, i.e. you can login to a lab computer.
2. Make sure you have a web directory. See instructions on creating a web directory.
3. Download or if already installed, use an FTP (File Transmission Protocol) program to
transfer your files on the the FC server.
Start the program, you will see the following screen (example uses WS-FTP LE):
Click New and fill the text fields with the appropriate information.
Host Name/Address:
User ID: use your FC account prepended with "fc\"
For example - fc\brippe
Password: use your fc account password.
4. Once your username and password are verified, you will be able to transfer files from
your local computer to the FC server by selecting the file(s) you want to send to the
server and clicking on the arrow to the right, "->". The FTP program will verify that the
transfer was successful or not.
5. To view your pages, open a web browser, Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, and
type the url in the address text field.
** Note, you will need an active account before you can save files on the server.
FTP programs can be found at:, search on FTP or
WS_FTP can be found at:
District Web Policy
BP 3740 Web Sites
AP 3740 Web Sites –
3.0 All official home pages must include:
3.1 The name and logo of the appropriate college, or the School of Continuing
3.2 The North Orange County Community College District name or the
abbreviation of the name with a link to the District home page. The District logo
may be incorporated if desired, but is not required.
3.3 Disclaimer statement or link to a disclaimer statement.
3.4 Notification when a link is a non-supported District, college or School of
Continuing Education link.
4.0 All official web pages and personal pages (faculty, staff and student) must include:
4.1 The name of the appropriate department or division and the name and logo of
the appropriate college, or the School of Continuing Education.
4.2 The author of the page, with contact information, such as a “mail to” html tag.
4.3 The most current modification date .
4.4 Disclaimer statement or link to a disclaimer statement.
4.5 All web pages must have links to the appropriate Home Page (CC, FC, SCE,
or District).
4.6 Notification when a link is a non-supported District, college or School of
Continuing Education link.
Web Shares
In addition to FTP and HTTP access to your web site, ACT provides directory shares to
all web drives. When using an on campus computer you can locate your web drive from
“My Computer” where it will be listed as your “W” drive. You can drag and drop files
and create directories as you would on any other network drive.
If you do not have a web drive, following instructions will demonstrate how to map to
your web space from a campus computer.
From your desktop, right-click “My Computer” and click on “Map Network Drive…”
from the popup window.
Next you will get a “Map Network Drive” dialog. Fill in the appropriate information to
map to your web share.
Drive: Select an available drive letter (usually W)
Folder: type “\\caesar2\[youraccountname]$”
(my web share is located @ \\caesar2\brippe$)
All web shares are located on the caesar2 web server
Reconnect at logon: checked if you are using your office computer otherwise unchecked
Click “Finish”.
Next you’ll receive a window with all your web data. You’ll notice the directories that
start with “_” an underscore. These directories are used by MS FrontPage, so DO NOT
delete these directories.
**Note: if you are using FrontPage technologies, surveys, themes, etc. it is best to modify
your web site from within FrontPage. Using your web share to modify documents and
directories can corrupt or destroy some of the files that FrontPage uses to manage your
Campus VPN software
The campus provides VPN (Virtual Private Network) to all staff members from home.
What does this mean? This means you can access your web share, your home drive and
email from off campus. In order to do so, you need to download the VPN software from
the campus portal. This software will allow you to log into the FC network and thus
providing access to the mentioned services.
1. To download the VPN software, open your browser (Internet
Explorer/Netscape/Other) and go to the campus web site (type in the address bar and press enter).
2. From the home page, click on the “login” link in the lower left-hand menu.
3. This will send you to the campus portal, My FC. You need to log into the portal
with your FCNet username, password, and click the “Login” button.
4. Once logged into the portal you will see a list of tabs at the top of the page. Click
the very last tab named
view all available tabs).
(You may need to scroll the page to your right to
5. You will see a security notice from “Thawte Consulting” asking for permission to run
the installation applet. Click “Yes”.
6. Scroll down the page till you see a list of the “Available Installers”. Right click the
link titled “Download (16.5M)” and click on “Save Target As…”
7. From the Dialog box select your desktop and click the save button. The application
will download and appear on your computer’s desktop. Once the download has
completed you may continue with the following instructions.
8. Double click the “install.exe” icon to start the installation process.
9. This window will pop up.
10. Click Next on the Introduction screen to continue.
11. Keep the Default Folder (recommended) or choose another location and click Next.
12. Keep the default or choose where to place the VPN Icons. Click Next to continue.
13. View the Pre-Installation Summary. Click Install to start the actual installation.
14. This screen will appear while installation is in progress.
15. Click Done. IMPORTANT: Reboot your computer before attempting to connect
to the Fullerton College Network.
Connection Procedure
1. Locate the VPN Client icon, and double click.
2. Highlight “Staff VPN Connection”, and either double click on it, or single click on
the Connect icon.
3. Enter your FCNet User Name and password. Click on OK.
4. Click Continue. The VPN Client Banner window will minimize.
5. The minimized icon will be located in the System Tray
Termination Procedure
1. Double click the minimized icon in the System Tray
2. Double click the Disconnect icon in “VPN Client – Version 4.0.3 (C)” to terminate
the Staff VPN Connection.
Additional Q & A
Feel free to email – Brad Rippe
Additional Resources can be found @