dec newsletter - Lodge Park Academy
dec newsletter - Lodge Park Academy
D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 9 Welcome to the third newsletter of the 2009-10 college year with key term-dates information and an update on events at Lodge Park. S O M E I M P O R T A N T Q U I C K I T E M S O F N E W S : Thank You Year 9 Parents! COLLEGE POLICIES CHILDREN IN NEED The turnout for the Year 9 Parent’s Evening in November was excellent even better than the great response for the Year 7 Parent’s Afternoon. Many thanks to everyone who came along and made it such a productive evening. All our College Policies are reviewed, updated regularly and ratified by our board of governors. If you wish to see any of the College policies at any time, please ask at reception and we will provide you with a copy of the relevant document within 5 working days of your request. Another big well done to all the staff and students who pitched in on Children in Need Day with a huge range of individual and team efforts to raise funds for charity. Some sponsorship money is still coming in so it isn’t possible to publish the final total just yet, but all the fun was in a good cause. Year 8 have their Parent’s Evening on Thursday December 3rd - see you there. F R O M T H E Tr a c e y N e l s o n , C l e r k t o t h e Governors P R I N C I P A L : Busy times! students prepare ideas for how Lodge Park can be made more sustainable and ecofriendly. Next week a team from every class will enter the Dragon’s Den to pitch their project and, most important of all, we’re going to make sure that the best one happens. It was also great to talk to so many parents in Year 9 at parent’s evening and I’m looking forward to having the same chance with Year 8 on December 3rd when we’ll also have a display of possible uniform ideas for people to look at and tell us what they think. I think it is a really positive sign when I sit down to write the Principal’s piece for the Newsletter and there isn’t much space left after all the other things that are much more important! The truth is that if I only wrote about the excellent work that I hadn’t had time to see this month - such as the amazing set of experiments at the Science Fireworks Club (in photo) and the theatre production for I asked students, staff and parents a few Year 7 I still would run out of space. weeks ago what we felt our ambition should be for everyone at Lodge Park; what we should all aim to live up to every day. The options came from me, from Student Council and from many students by email and the final vote ran into the hundreds of responses. The final choices were: students were asked to design and make a savoury or sweet product suitable for a party. Wonderful smells wafted out of R4 and into the Rumbelow Block. The students thoroughly enjoyed creating original designs and spent a lot of time and effort creating their masterpieces. Mrs Hayes had the difficult task of choosing the 3 best results. 1st – Sarah McLean 10A 2nd – Callum Reilly 10E 3rd – Opal Gilchrist 10R My thanks go to Mrs Hayes for judging the Halloween dishes and to all the students taking part. Well done! Mrs Downing, Food Technology MFL Stars Our Lodge Park Ambition for everyone is that Well done to the following students who have we show: consistently achieved top marks in their Achievement Motivation Belief Inclusivity weekly French vocabulary tests: Talent Independence Open Mindedness and Year 7 - Nathan Clark, Cory McDade, Nobility. Matthew McGregor, Dean Mobbs, Evan As well as all the things you’ll find in this Guy Shearer, Principal Williams and Daniel Coull. n e w s l e t t e r, N o v e m b e r h a s b e e n a Year 8 - Niamh Dove, Lisa Middleton, Leonie tremendous month in college with the first Weston and Georgie Coull. set of exams in the hall (module tests for Maths and Science) and many chances for me to get to know the place much better. On Tuesday 20rd October 2009 the Year 10 Year 9 - Hannah Beattie, Jack Buchanan, I’ve spent quite a bit of time with Year 9 in Food Technology students took part in a Conor Duncan, Kerry Inglis, Callum Nelson The and Matthew Sanders. Citizenship lessons, as teams of our Halloween Cookery Competition. Halloween Cookery Lodge Park Technology College 1 PE Department News BOXING Jordan McKee 9A participated in a boxing match on Friday 23rd October fighting against D o m i n i c Shepard from the Nottingham Boxing Club. Jordan went on to win this fight and now has an impressive record of winning 7 fights out of 6. Jordan now attends squad training in Leicester with another selected fighter from the Corby Olympic Boxing Club. YEAR 11 FOOTBALL TEAM opposition including gymnasts that had competed at National Level. She won a bronze medal on the vault and also a bronze medal on the uneven bars. Congratulations to the Year 11 football team w h o h a v e c o m p l e t e d t h e i r s e a s o n Congratulations also to two other students undefeated and only missed out on the had competed earlier in the day at Level 3 league title on goal difference. and had also gained good results. Well done to Laura Bland and Mollie Gracie. Well done to the team CORBY ATHLETIC CLUB Ryan Alderson, James Cassidy, Luke Cruickshank, Ryan Docherty, Connor Mcann, Ryan Morgan, Louis Trimble, Nathan Cassidy, Greg Connor, Steven Hadden, Callum Leech, Callum Logan, Ross White, Katie Fowler 9O a Corby Athletic Club runner ran her personal best at the 60m sprint Harry Campbell and Colt Barratt clocking up a superb time of 8.30 seconds at Lee Valley Athletic Club in London GYMNASTICS On 27th September 2009 Tasha Brooks took part in the Level 2, Age 14+ Regional Championships at New College Leicester Congratulations and good luck in your next Gymnastics Club. fight which takes place on 10 April next year. This was the first time Tasha, who is trained at the Corby Gymnastics Club at Lodge Park Sports Centre, had competed at this level and found herself competing with strong FREE SCHOOL MEALS Community Room A healthy balanced lunch has been demonstrated to improve students’ concentration, attention, energy levels and academic performance; as a result healthy eating has been proven to improve the overall results obtained by students. On Monday 16 November 2009 we launched our Community Room for the use of Corby North SCT (Safer Communities Team). Neighbourhood Wardens and other local agencies who would like to use it to engage with students, teachers and local residents. Police Officers from Corby North SCT have been based in the school each afternoon during the week from 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. to be on hand for any enquiries from students, teachers, parents and local residents. One of the College’s main aims is to ensure healthy eating for all students regardless of means or background, ideally through the provision of a well balanced school lunch, served in a warm, welcoming dining environment in a way that is convenient for the pupils’ needs. Free meals are available to any full-time student who is still at school and eligible, including Sixth Form students. Your child can claim a free school meal if you are eligible, and can provide proof of the following: Income Support, Income-based Jobseekers’ Allowance, Child Tax Credit only (with a family income of less than £16,040 as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs), National Asylum Seekers Support, Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit, Employment and Support Allowance – Income Related only. Please note: If you are currently in receipt of Working Tax Credit then you do not qualify for free school meals. If you are in receipt of any of the above please could you bring proof, either your payment booklet or a letter, to the College Reception (please note we cannot accept bank statements as proof). We take a photocopy and add your child’s name to the new register for this year. Mrs L Lapsley, Finance Assistant The Community Room is based in the Weston Block entrance of the school. Corby North SCT have also introduced a Trust and Confidence Box within college. Any letters given to the college addressed to Northamptonshire Police will be placed into the box (and of course they can be handed into reception too). It is hoped that pupils, parents, teachers and local residents will anonymously use this to inform the police of persons, properties or places that they think the police should be aware of. The Corby North SCT Officers will be holding Police Surgeries within the Community Room on the following dates: Wed 02 Dec 2009 1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Wed 16 Dec 2009 1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Wed 13 Jan 2009 1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Wed 27 Jan 2009 1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Wed 10 Feb 2009 1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Wed 24 Feb 2009 1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Wed 10 Mar 2009 1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Chris Steed, Vice Principal Support 2 MATHS STARS Congratulations to the following students, who have earned 10 credits in Mathematics and have been sent a postcard home up to November 19th Year 7 Victoria Bartlam, Callum Farr, Anthony Keys, Nathan Clark, Liam Sheridan, Rebecca Mabbutt, Chloe Adams, Rylee Magee, Elland Neave, Dean Mobbs, Matthew McGregor, Noel Fonbanu, Cerys MacWhinnie, Evie Sandall, Natalie McDonald, Daniel Coull, James PeatElrick, Phoebe Benson, Hayley Buchan, Joshua Ivanoff , Norbert Jarski , Chanelle Nathwani, Connor Ure-Lafferty, Jordan Spencer, Olivia Stark, Evan Williams, Callum Garvie, Jessica Lucas Year 8, Niamh Dove, Ellen Odell, Jessica Pickaver, Year 9, John Oxborrow, Paige Toner, Lloyd Carson, Amie McKay, Dalton Cooper, Megan Sharkey, Lauren Harvey, Emily Jull, Chris Graham, Bethany Morgan, Michael Kell, Phivos Papachristoforou, Shannon Clarke, Year 10, Thomas Stone, Emily Tierney, Milica Kovacevic, Charlotte Roberts, Laura Curran, Emma Carson, Lee Richmond, Lara Pheasant, Kimberley Briglin, James Burlington, Nicola Miller, Chelsea Brown, Danielle Hammond, Lyndsey McIntyre, Danni Richardson, SENIOR TEAM MATHS CHALLENGE Year 11 Annalise Cuthbertson, Megan Madden, Shona McInally, Zoe Priest, Katie Blades, Lori Bell Thinking Skills 30 Stickers Daniel Coull 7G, Elland Neave 7G, Victoria Bartlam 7G , Eerik Parv 7P , Elizabeth Burlington 7P Citzenship Stars 35 Stickers Arren Moore 7P RE 30 Stickers Harry Barwell 8O, Harry Toseland 8L, Leonie Weston 8L, Josh Tinto 7D, Bethanie Ramskill 7E, Chanelle Nathwani 7E, George McKillop 8O Student Receptionists It has long been a tradition at Lodge Park to use Year 8 students to support the smooth running off the school. A different student works each day to assist staff with a variety of duties such as taking messages to classrooms, checking that all registers have been returned and putting notices into registers. This experience gives them an insight into how Lodge Park runs on a day to day basis and gives them a brief idea of the sort of duties a Work Experience student might have to do. We hope that you will agree that this is a valuable exercise. ANTI-BULLYING WEEK 16th-20th November was Anti-Bullying Week. I hope that you received my letter and information regarding cyberbullying, which is the focus of this year's campaign from the antibullying alliance. On the 4th November, Lodge Park entered a team into the Senior Team Maths Challenge 2009. The team comprised of Nicky Jackson and Joe Ferns from Year 13 and Steven Hawkins and Megan Davies in Year 12. This regional heat was held at Northampton University, and 17 schools and colleges from the region took part. There were 3 rounds, these consisted of a group round, a cross-number round and a relay round. Our team came a very commendable 6th place in the competition. The teachers and students that took part really enjoyed the experience and hope to return next year and do even better. Miss Sonecha If you have any comments about our Anti-Bullying policy which is currently being updated please let us know. Members of Student Council are working on our policy and we would welcome parents' contributions too (if you would like to join a group of parents to discuss how to move our policy on, please contact me). GILL PENDRILL After School Club For details of what we are doing everyday check the notice boards in the display area. Collect a form from student reception and join us in G2 Monday to Thursday at 3.15pm - 5.45pm £2.00 per session includes a drink and a healthy snack. See you there Fireworks Club A big thank you to all students in year seven who attended fireworks club this year. Hope you enjoyed taking part and watching the dangerous demonstrations. Remember if you enjoyed fireworks club come along to science club on a Monday after school. Mrs Brown Website We hope you find these newsletters useful and interesting. Remember that the college website, as well as having a lot of information, also carries news and photos as well as the Principal’s weekly blog and now the blog of our Student Council where they can write about their work and the ways they are supporting the college in becoming a better and better place. 3 R E M A I N I N G T E R M D A T E S 2 0 0 Term 2 School Closes Friday 18 December 2009 Term 3 Excellence Cluster Training Day School Re-opens to students School Closes Monday 4 January 2010 Tuesday 5 January 2010 Friday 12 February 2010 Term 4 School Re-opens School closes to students Training Day Monday 22 February 2010 Wednesday 31 March 2010 Thursday 1 April 2010 Term 5 School re-opens School Closed (Bank Holiday) School Closes Monday 19 April 2010 Monday 3 May 2010 Friday 28 May 2010 Term 6 School Re-opens School Closes Monday 7 June 2010 Friday 23 July 2010 2 R 0 1 0 - 1 1 T E R M D A T E 9 Monday 6 September 2010 Tuesday 7 September 2010 School Re-opens to students: New Yr 7 Students Targeted interviews for: Yr11, Yr12, Yr13 Wednesday 8 September 2010 Whole College starts School Closes Thursday 9 September 2010 Friday 22 October 2010 Term 2 School Re-opens School Closes Monday 1 November 2010 Friday 17 Dec Term 3 Training Day (Excellence Cluster) School Re-opens to students School Closes Tuesday 4 January 2011 Wednesday 5 January 2011 Friday 18 February 2011 Term 4 School Re-opens School closes to students Monday 28 February 2011 Friday 8 April 2011 Term 5 School re-opens School Closed (Bank Holiday) School Closes Tuesday 26 April 2011 Monday 2 May 2011 Friday 27 May 2011 Term 6 School Re-opens School Closes Monday 6 June 2011 Friday 22 July 2011 4 1 0 S Training Day Training Day Term 1 -