Report - Jean Shepherd
Report - Jean Shepherd
Jean Shepherd Show Listing Listing of all shows in the database as of: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Note that some partially or un‐dated shows may be duplicates of fully dated shows Also there may be duplication due to shows being re‐run at a later date Have Class Date K Title 1952 1952 Jean Shepherd KYW Phila. Description: None Notes: K January 23, 1953 1953 Jean Shepherd KYW Phila. Description: None Notes: K January 24, 1953 1953 Jean Shepherd KYW Phila. Description: This was the last broadcast on KYW in Philadelphia. He returned to Cincinnati to work briefly at WLW on the radio and doing a TV show called Bumpers Notes: Mentions that he started broadcasting on KYW April 4, 1951 and he is heading for WLW in Cincinnati. W September 9, 1956 No Time for Heros Description: None Notes: W June 16, 1957 Early Shep Description: "Excelsior" Keep your eye on the subject. Let's all honor knees. I'm here and you're there. 3rd Grade and knee dadeling Shep is disappointed Protective Coloration The Status Symbol of Ice Notes: This is the first hour from an episode of the 9:05pm to 1:00am shows Shep did. Since it was recorded with a 'live mike' in front of a radio, you can hear background noises from the household, and even an old propeller airplane flying overhead, adding to the nostalgia. W June 16, 1957 Granite Knee Description: Shep discusses many themes, including Marlboro Wrappers, Ambition, The Heights of Parnassus, Granite Knee, RadioLand and 'Spill the Beans' Night. Notes: W June 1957 Being On The Tonight Show Description: Shep talks a call from listener. Next Thursday ‐ 15 minutes on Tonight Show Jean Shepherd ‐ "He died sustaining" Notes: W 1957 Hurling Invectives Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 1 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1957 Armenian Wedding Description: None Notes: W 1957 Audition For Nedicks Description: . . . and he said, what is it ‐ ‐ ‐ Shepherd? What's the matter? Aren't you an artist? And naturally I bridled at that. Not only an artist but a gentleman and an old Nedicks customer from way back ‐ they kept me alive through one of the darkest years of my whole career ‐ and he said "Well come on, let's hear it." And so all these assembled vice presidents are standing around, he says "come on, I want you to sing it. Now sing it out Shepherd." And so the guy hit the "A" on the piano there and I went "Nedicks, Schmidics, double beaticks, popkins all agree. . .the pinch ‐ (chuckle)" And ‐ and ‐ and all these guys were sitting and looking at me and they take this seriously ‐ they're all sitting there with their iron hats on and one guy nudges the other guy and says "Are we spending dough for this?" And the other guy says "No they're doing it free." And I says ‐ "NO, OH NO ‐ I getting dough for this." I'm not going to let, you know (? Not distinguisable) begin to sneak in on me. He says, "You mean you're paying this guy for this ‐ he can't even sing." And so they hit another "A" and I tried it again "Nedicks, Schmidics, double beaticks, pipkins all ‐ aw gee (chuckle) what you have to do to sell hot dogs these days!" Notes: W 1957 Cancelled Streetcar Transfers Description: None Notes: W 1957 Dr Fumanchu Description: None Notes: W 1957 Giant Bicycle Description: None Notes: W 1957 I Want a Scroll Description: None Notes: W 1957 I Want Everything Description: None Notes: W 1957 Intro by Al Collins Description: None Notes: W 1957 Jugband Music Description: None Notes: W 1957 Monkey in a Room Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 2 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1957 Mystery Sound Description: None Notes: W 1957 Night Person Lifesaver Description: None Notes: W 1957 Powers of Darkness Description: None Notes: W 1957 Sealed in Plastic Description: None Notes: W 1957 A Book Shep Read Description: Shep talks about two books he read by author Jean Dutourd ‐ "A Dog's Head" and "Five A.M." Synopsis: Jean Dutourd's A Dog's Head is a wonderful piece of magical realism, reminiscent of Voltaire, orges and Kafka. With biting wit, Dutourd presents the story of Edmund Du Chaillu, a boy born, to his bourgeois parents's horror, with the head of a spaniel. Edmund must endure his school‐ mate's teasing as well as an urge to carry a newspaper in his mouth. This is the story of his life, trials, and joys as he searches for a normal life of worth and love. Notes: W 1957 Rescue at Sea Description: None Notes: W 1957 Sinking in a Rowboat Description: None Notes: W 1957 Sorehead Listener Description: None Notes: W 1957 Starlings Description: None Notes: W 1957 Story About BUY BUY BUY Description: None Notes: W 1957 Sucker List Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 3 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1957 Ending Theme Description: None Notes: W 1957 Florida Travelog Description: None Notes: W February 1958 Annie Decoder Pin Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 4 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 1, 1958 Shep's Neolithic Period Description: Shep begins talking about milestones, when having just gotten out of the Army he was deep in the heart of his Neolithic period. It's a beautiful Saturday morning as he came to work whistling through Times Square on his Vespa. Shep saw a play last night ‐ "The Man in the Dog Suit" by Hume Cronyn Looking back at the ruins of your life. Someone should blow a trumpet in your ear whenever you reach a momentous point in your life. Walking through Goldblatt's dept store looking at the 'remainder' books. He bought 3 of them. "Animal Farm" by George Orwell; "Mistress Masham's Repose" by T.H. White, and an un‐ named 3rd book. Later claims to have changed his course in college because of these books he bought. Bruce the engineer comes into the studio and Shep tells him to do what he has to do and Bruce says "I don't know what I am supposed to do." ‐‐ break for Grand Union commercial and WOR ID ‐‐ Shep asks 'What am I supposed to do?' Monsters and the abominable snowman. After commercials, Shep reads the local traffic reports ‐ sponsored by Chrysler The Golden Hamster Hoax ‐ Mr. Bruner answers an ad for fun and profit by selling golden hamsters during the depression. He never made a cent. Other ads ‐ How to make your own Tesla Coil and Fleischmann's Yeast for the complexion. "Speaking of rubble strewn roads..." ‐ Volvo commercial ‐ Shep says he spent all day Thursday at Yonkers Raceway driving the new Volvo. Engineer Phil brings Shep coffee. According to NY Times the 1959 new car designs from Detroit are making matters difficult for the car washes ‐ may cost $500 per car wash to modify equipment. 'Does anybody know where I can get a new nose flute? Martha Deane stepped on mine!' Shep going to Village Gate concert on the 9th ‐ see ad below I'm doing it because I like it. 'My Heart's in the Highlands' at 'Theatre Club' ‐ E 30th st over "Cedars" Lebanese Restaurant Phil leaves followed by commercials and Shep reading the traffic reports again. We're in the middle of a big election campaign. Each side points the finger at the other side and how bad it will be if they get in. (Nothing seems to have changed in 50 years!) Shep talks politics in general ‐ wouldn't it be great if the candidates ran on philosophy? "Speaking of falling apart, we have a new sponsor..." First a Volvo commercial and then the new sponsor ‐ Electronic Workshop (see ad below) Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 5 of 451 Have Class Date Title Shep raves about them ‐ how they are owned by a Harvard trained physicist ‐ Clifton Howard. Shep says he owns a MacIntosh 60watt amplifier, a MacIntosh C‐8 pre‐amp and mixer, and a Garrard 300 turntable. More commercials and general banter Next is the Ed Petit Show Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 6 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 8, 1958 Making History Because it Makes Sense ‐ Reaching the Apex of Life Description: Where are the elves? People sitting in front of the TV or movie screen and believing this utter drivel and going away feeling warm inside ‐ that it really was this way. Driving through Times Square on his Vespa, noting the changes that take place over time when driving the same root. The changing marquees. There are so many things to do in this town. Shep has been to Paris, London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Dublin and there is no more exciting city as this city. New York is the capitol of the world ‐ most people who live here don't know that and how long will it last until another city takes its place? Fine tuning the antenna to get a better picture. Family had a Scott DX‐10 radio (Note: probably meant AC‐10 which was the popular model when he was a kid) The old man was constantly polishing the radio and cleaning it with carbon tetrachloride. He kept a log of all the stations he ever heard. The old man was an early Uncle Fletcher. (Vic and Sade) Charlie Egelston died last week. He was a good friend of Shep's and for over 26 years played the part of Shuffle Shober on Ma Perkins. Shep returns from the news break playing the nose flute to the theme. "I feel better now!" The car that makes history because it makes sense. It's getting to the point now where you can make history just if you make sense. " 6000 years from now will you have known if you have ever lived? ... In the seventy years of your lifetime, do you, do you know or are you aware of the moment in your life when you are at your absolutely most complete and thorough, magnificent, your most magnificent ‐ everything is the rightest that it will ever be ‐ your physical being, your mental being, you are at the very apex of your career this moment. How long does this moment last? Do you know it?" It's this dream that the next minute is going to see something more magnificent happen to them or they will be somehow greater or more heroic than they have ever been in their lives before." "There's a kid in the control room ‐ he says YEAHH! By George I haven't seen a kid in years ‐ there's a kid! They still have kids! Look at that ‐ there's two kids in the control room! Live kids, in tree dimensions" Shep invites him into the studio and asks him what he is doing here. The kid says "To get your autograph". Shep asks "Do mothers still give motherly words of advice?" The kid responds "Yes, really, they do." "What a golden moment ‐ a kid!... That little shrimp's got the history of the world and the future of the world in his hands. What a frightening thought." ‐‐ Commercials ‐‐ "We'll be here until noon here ‐ this is Harold Everyman" Shep side tracks into general banter backtracking to the first commercial and then discussing his role as "Girth" in Ivanhoe while in the 6th grade. ‐‐ conclusion of commercials ‐‐ "This is your friend Harold Everyman ‐ we'll be back tomorrow night at 9." Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 7 of 451 Have Class Date Title Notes: W November 16, 1958 Full Sunday Show Description: None Notes: W November 22, 1958 Creatures of Nature Description: "Harold Everyone here ‐ we'll be here until noon." Time magazine has conscience editor. Marquees in Times Square ‐ how they appear different in the day and night. "The Flesh is Weak" "We are creatures of nature" Shep tells the story of how he was in the northern Michigan woods and got up on a Saturday morning at 11:00 and it was as dark as if it were 11:00 at night. He turned on the radio and all seemed normal. He tried calling the operator and aside from a strange buzzing on the line everything was normal ather end. Someday books will have commercials ‐ everything is being packaged ‐ even the weather. Everything now has to be fun, deoderized, and sprayed. New Yorker's fear the weather more than anybody else in the country. Answering machines ‐ all of a sudden the whole world is composed of robots. Shep says that last night (11‐21‐1958) he was at the annual Humor Forum at the University of Pennsylvania with Shel Silverstein. There were about 1100 kids at the auditorium. 1 year ago the main question were about the prob. Of conformity, this year it is the opposite. In a week or two we are going up to Princeton. Hoffritz commercial ‐ Uncle Fletcher would have dug Hoffritz. Continued discussion of Vic and Sade‐ 'What was the name of the movie house, the movie and who played in the movie?' (answered later during phone call) Shep's aunt was entirely made of corsets and she creaked. She took Shep to a Johnny Weismueller & Maureen O'Sullivan movie (Tarzan). Shep is young and when the old professor dies Shep is stunned and isn't able to separate the picture from reality. Shep reads a letter from a father about his kid who saw a Fu Man Cu movie. TV stations showing it because "we are living in very periless times, strange times." Aladdin shoes vs round toe shoes. Shep wears a checkered shirt to WOR occasionally and takes a lot of heat. Back to Vic and Sade ‐ "Bright Kentucky Hotel" and the "Sacred Sons of the Milky Way Lodge" Pegine Fitzgerald calls in. She's a big Vic and Sade fan and theres more chatter about Vic and Sade. She answers Shep's earlier questions: The theatre was the Bijou Theatre playing "Hearts of Flame" starring Gloria Golden. Worth perfume commercial ‐ 'Big problem in the perfume industry is people can't pronounce the names' Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 8 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 23, 1958 Full Sunday Show Description: None Notes: W November 29, 1958 Full Saturday Show Description: None Notes: W November 30, 1958 Full Sunday Show Description: None Notes: W December 07, 1958 Full Sunday Show Description: None Notes: W December 13, 1958 Full Saturday Show Description: None Notes: W December 14, 1958 Full Sunday Show Description: None Notes: W December 20, 1958 Full Saturday Show Description: None Notes: W 1958 Annie Decoder Pin Description: None Notes: W 1958 Interview With SJ Perelman Description: None Notes: W 1958 Life As A Situation Comedy Description: None Notes: W 1958 Nat King Cole Ad Description: None Notes: W 1958 Peter Pain Description: None Notes: W 1958 Shep Reads The Funnies Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 9 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1958 Show Music Description: None Notes: W 1958 S.J. Perelman Description: None Notes: W 1958 Peopletropic Description: None Notes: W April 26, 1959 Monster Feet and Style Description: This 3 minute clip was played by Shep on his June 21, 1968 show Notes: W May 2, 1959 Crawling Toward the Golden Light Description: Mankind inching himself forward towards that great golden glow on the horizon ‐ has shed that last pair of vestigial gill covers, and has advanced from the cave, and is starting to crawl toward the light! National League player Myril Hoag noted to have one foot size 6 and one‐half and the other size four and one‐half! Shep citing "tight underwear" as reason for his own meager 148 batting average in early career How to make big money in the senator business by Lyndon B. Johnson Ad noted in the Times for a 100 million volt electron accelerator ‐ an atom smasher for your basement! Twenty‐six of the 28 ice cream flavors noted at a Howard Johnson's on PA Turnpike ‐ highest percentage found so far! Salute to Ronald Medzger of Marshall, Illinois ‐ Drove his farm truck onto the sidewalk and sheared off thirty‐three parking meters like cornstalks as the sheriff jumped onto the running board in an attempt to stop him! Only regret is that he missed two of the offending meters! AVANT MEDZGER! He did it for all of us! Discussion of Shortstop players EXTEMPOR MORAYS DOC "You are stepping on my foot," or, as an analogy "My house is yours! Welcome and sit!" Celebration of the "Equal Verninox" noted Notes: Early example of the 45 minute format which was later to become Shepherd's mainstay on WOR Radio The "Tight Underwear story was told on his 5‐9‐66 show and again during the 8‐26‐67 Limelight show. During the Music Age Record Shop commercial Shep says that he made a record in 1955 called "Into the Unknown". Shep further went on to say that the record is out of print and that it is hard to find, he says that he did not have a copy himself! Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 10 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 1959 Thoughts Description: None Notes: W November 22, 1959 Dream Recycle ‐ Blow Guns ‐ Clouds Description: None Notes: W December 27, 1959 Last Sunday Show of the Year Description: Each man marches to his own drum ‐ Coming new year Charlie and Og ‐ it's going to be different next year Wants to hold mill at "Sweet Bird of Youth" do bird calls G. Ade ‐ Successful Tobias Request night ‐ Stop crying ma (no end) (After break) ‐ gap in tape, then Head thumping ‐ Sheik more Kopfspeil time signal (break in tape) Kashmir ‐‐ poor family Poem ‐ Service ‐ New Year ‐ break ‐ scat with Duke E. Thanks to listeners for loyalty Bitter Tea of Gen. Yen First night in Army Theme song ending ‐ ends 1AM ‐ into Long John Notes: This show was originally thought to be from December 31, 1959 which is a Thursday. Shep did not broadcast weekdays at this time. Shep says "We'll be here until one o"clock." He also says something like, "Should I wait until after 11?" regarding something or other he was going to do ‐ either the jazz, or the George Ade story, or the head thumping. He also says "This is the last show of 1959" Since Thursday was the 31st, then this broadcast would be the evening of December 27 into the 28th of 1959. He never mentions it being midnight even though he does make reference to the Holiday. There is no mention of Shep being on the air in the WOR evening lineup for the two dates according to the New York Times Radio section: Sunday, December 27, 1959 9:00 News; Jean Shepherd Show 9:30 Sports; Jean Shepherd Show 10:00 News; Jean Shepherd Show 11:00 News Report 11:15 Jean Shepherd 1:00 Long John Thursday, December 31, 1959 9:00 News; UN Today 9:15 Studio X ‐ Music 10:00 News 10:15 Studio X ‐ Music 11:00 News 11:15 Studio X ‐ Music 12:00 Long John Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 11 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 3, 1959 Thursday Show Description: None Notes: W Possibly July 1959 Clean H Bomb ‐ Gothic NY Architecture Description: Shep is quietly reflective, more serious than usual. He talks about the folly of a "clean h‐ bomb", the ghosts of the ancient Greek and Gothic civilizations in the architectural details of the old buildings in Manhattan, and the story of a man whose crowning moment was catching a foul ball at a White Sox game. 6,000 years from now we'll all be gone Mentions the Soviet National Exposition in New York Notes: W Apr/May 1959 Sunday Night Show Segment Description: None Notes: W Apr/May 1959 Sunday Night Show Segment Description: None Notes: W 1959 Man Without an Outlook Description: None Notes: W January 10, 1960 Amos and Andy ‐ George Ade Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 12 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 17, 1960 Sunday night show Description: G. Ade ‐Fool Killer Signs of the times True story of Cinderella Jug & banjo music G. Ade? Bohemian story Sky IS falling Jazz with nose flute accompaniment Ad clippings John Quinn letters Gothic music Mother at butcher's Sky‐jector Remember 1955? Grandmother & dice Girl watching Man who barked Annie, Mrs. Meany,Mrs. Meano Hell‐bound train Driving through night Cracker barrel cheese ad Driving, cont. Pushing rock up hill America poem Look baby... An excitement in men Notes: W January 31, 1960 Uncle Carl's Inner Tube Description: None Notes: W March 5, 1960 Social Commentary Description: None Notes: W March 6, 1960 Doppler, Hell Bound Train Description: None Notes: W March 12, 1960 Head Thumping Description: None Notes: W March 19, 1960 Packing For Europe ‐ Passion Description: None Notes: This is the last of the Saturday 10:15am to Noon shows. Shep was leaving for a trip to Europe and mentions that the shows while he is away have been pre‐recorded. Is next live show will be 'two weeks from today' (April 2, 1960) Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 13 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 20, 1960 Life cycle of common man Description: Life cycle of common man‐‐Nemerov Jug & banjo music When 2 strong men ‐‐ 2 drivers in snow Gothic music, comments on time Your life plan projection Look baby... Party idea, old boyfriends Looking at sky Charlie and Og, what is it all about? We drink, we live ‐‐ flamenco Earth life came from garbage? Marching with Dixieland Americans love slogans Dixieland, cont. Notes: W March 20, 1960 Standoff in the snow ‐ Nemerov ‐ Travel Description: None Notes: W March 26, 1960 First Saturday show in new time slot of 12:15pm to 2:00 pm Description: Notes: W March 26, 1960 Blowing Bubbles, Solar System & Rest Rooms, Second Feature, Milky Way, Boy Scouts, Radio Around the World Description: None Notes: W April 2, 1960 Swiss Fondu (Partial Show) Description: None Notes: W April 2, 1960 Return From Europe Description: None Notes: W April 9, 1960 Coney Island, Automatic Pitcher, German Winter, Rubber Stamps, Nearsighted in Style, False Teeth Description: None Notes: W April 10, 1960 Writers Block ‐ Expandng Universe Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 14 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 16, 1960 Locked out of station, Nasty Aunt Teresa Molding Jello and lives, Japanese Cameras, Neon Price War Description: Being locked out of the station, is this a conspiracy across the whole country? Taxi cabs, tipping the drivers. Expectancy in life. Aunt Teresa, Jello molds, molded foods, Uncle Fred and the movie camera. Cheap Japanese cameras, and price wars resorting to neon signs Notes: W June 4, 1960 Late Late Late Show, Snake Chokin' Day, Night People, Chicago Bug House, Sins, Golf, Fishing Description: None Notes: W June 11, 1960 Whoopee Cab, Air Raid Shelters, Jones Beach, Ex‐People, The Loop. Description: None Notes: W June 18, 1960 Wet Blankets, Protest Marches, Machine People, White Sox Scoreboard Description: None Notes: W June 20, 1960 Boxing ‐ Patterson Vs. Johansen w/Howard Cosell Description: None Notes: W June 25, 1960 Generation Gap and the Beats, Human Ant Hill, Dance Marathon, Fishing For Bullheads on Golf Course Description: Part 1 Shep talks about Le Mans car racing, the rules that apply and the general racing atmosphere involved with the Grand Prix and about the 'standing start' of the Le Mans. He talks about going to the airplane races, watching makeshift aircraft being flown 50 to 75 feet in the air going 200 to 250 mph. Shep explains 'barnstorming' and how the name came to be. Flyers who were always seen at these shows were the likes of Jimmy Doolittle and Roscoe Turner. Part 2 The whole structure of mankind is like we're living in a vast anthill. He describes Mr. Bruner next door and how he works one day a year and celebrates it at Flick's Tavern. He once rode his bike 20 miles to see one of the Howard brothers. Driving as a family to watch two guys breaking the endurance record. Marathon Dancing. The M.C. was Red Skelton. Dolphins and how they went from land to sea... 'they are ahead of all of us'. References are made to Vic and Sade, the characters and he quotes some of the expressions used on that show. Notes: After the commercial breaks, Shep describes his mother standing in the Kitchen in her Rump Sprung Chenille bathrobe with the dried egg. Shep makes reference to Leigh in this show Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 15 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 1960 We salute you comrades Description: We salute you comrades; flamenco Phone call with Audrey Flamenco, cont. Meek shall inherit the earth Tabernacle in summer Credit application Mr. Flickinger returns Final security, cemetery ad break Abercrombie & Fitch Look for your SS# Would you hire you? Time, Life, Fortune Nancy's big meal Whistler on bus Your face is gonna freeze like that Nice day, Otto! Paul Sergeant ad Charles, medievalist Ragtime jazz Old lady with frog on hat St. Louis duplex? Home magazines, fantasy fiction Car ads Plains Indian chant What's bugging you, Castro, Mao? Indian chant Couples in cars . Notes: W July 2, 1960 Living in the Future; Normal Living ‐ Peace or War?; Wallace Beery & Old Movies; Rain on 6th Avenue; Cab Ride; Riding Busses Description: None Notes: W July 3, 1960 Juno Alaska Radio Offer; H.K. Grubbage news; Slang Dictionary; Dillinger as Crime Hero; $25 Ice Cream Sundae Business Luncheon; Wondrous Willie and Lost Daredevils Description: None Notes: W July 4, 1960 NO TITLE Description: None Notes: W July 9, 1960 Party Conventions and Crowds; Riots; Yankee Go Home; The Lost Art of Radio Acting; Hitler & Evangelist Speakers; The Nervous Sixties; Sun God; Gin and Watermelon Description: None Notes: W July 10, 1960 Part 1 ‐ Chain on the Door, Talking of Trifles, Who's in Charge of the Store, Man vs. Machine Also: April 02, 1960 ‐ last 8 minutes only Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 16 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 10, 1960 Part 2 ‐ Mom's Cookie Cutters; NY Times Calls Shep for Help; Ford Pitches to Weak Hitter; Chinese Water Torture; Fu Manchu for President; Lifetime Credit Card; Phoney Old Moon Description: None Notes: W July 23, 1960 Patsies of the World; Eagle and Cocker Spaniel; Built‐In Obsolescence (Memory); Obsolete People ‐ Used Presidents; Living in a Cartoon; Embattled Mankind (Starlings arrive in Queens); The Lone Ranger ‐ Hiyo Silver! Description: None Notes: W July 30, 1960 Tropical Storm and Alligators in the Sewer Description: Tropical Storm Brenda Hits NY; Shepherd Goes to Sea; The Sailor, the Sharks and the Turtle; The Footrace of Life; Living in Momentous Times; Womankind Abdicating It's Place; Alligators in the Sewer! Notes: W July 31, 1960 Listen Baby ‐ "Have some clams"; Emotional Appeal; Og and Charlie ‐ The Great Turning Point; Poem: Changeling Blood; Man Laughs at Tragedy and has a Flat Tire; The Sales Presentation; Ike and the Congo Situation Description: Listen Baby ‐ "Have some clams"; Emotional Appeal; Og and Charlie ‐ The Great Turning Point; Poem: Changeling Blood; Man Laughs at Tragedy and has a Flat Tire; The Sales Presentation; Ike and the Congo Situation Notes: W August 7, 1960 Listen Baby ‐ "I'm not arguing with you, just involved"; Flying with the Wings Up; NY Scavenging; Cybernetics; Used Thursday ‐ A Rerun; Visiting Library as a Boy Description: None Notes: W August 14, 1960 The Importance of Being Important, Radio/TV, Story of Guy Grand, Maris Gets a Single, Mr Chips Description: None Notes: W August 14, 1960 Jean Retires as Mr Chips, Fertilizer, Beauty Mark, Locked in Closet, Death Flute, Animal Stories Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 17 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 21, 1960 Mystery of woman Description: [from Max] Mystery of woman Mr. Buitoni, opera singer PhD topics You're a gas man, right? Old man percussion Get me a wash rag Uncle Carl Panhandler in street Indian chant, drum Jug & banjo music If you get back, tell them. . . [from Ken Applegate] Yin and Yang and Women The Silent Generation Book proposal: What people really say as opposed to what they think they say Buitoni news article about his dream The secret of a humorist Shep reveals how he is impressed with the younger generation Obscure college degree dissertations Age assigned by what they remember How people get pigeon holed or tagged Your family station scenario Starting to know Jean offered a spot on the Gary Moore show head thumping Obscure stories about life Notes: [ken] This is a little more than hour & is part of what would be a 4 hour show There are other people in the studio with Jean The show appears to be a lot of cut and paste of the 4 hour program W August 27, 1960 Life of Riley ‐Who's Riley?, Salami, Milk and Jam, Admen become their own heroes, Shep and Nehru Get Tickets Description: None Notes: W August 28, 1960 Red Button: Do Not Press, Canned Laughter, Chewing the Fat, Rowboat of Life Description: None Notes: W September 3, 1960 The Moment of Lucidity; Circus of Life; MONY Sign; Remembering overnight shows from NJ transmitter; Making first purchase at new Paperbook Gallery (300 copies of "I Libertine" found!); more Description: None Notes: W September 4, 1960 Sunday Night Segment Description: None Notes: W September 10, 1960 Fidel, Ike, and Shep's Trip to Guantanamo Bay Radio Description: Fidel, Ike, and Shep's Trip to Guantanamo Bay Radio; "Six o' One, Half Dozen of the Other"; First‐Name Basis and The Unloved American; Turnpikeism; newsbreak ‐ Kruschev Visits UN. Notes: Shep takes call from 2 listeners during the show Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 18 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 11, 1960 More on Guantanamo Bay Description: More on Guantanamo Bay Visit, Riffling over Jazz (A "Listen Baby" segment?); Air Conditioned Graves; Fu Manchu reading; Flier Reminisces with Shep about old shows; Fall Haiku Notes: W September 18, 1960 A to Z in one Step; Sullivan Introduces Hemingway; Deceptionville ‐ Old Cats, Young Chicks; Dictator Convention (Kruschev and Tito hit NYC); What Not to Name the Baby; Water Polo Mayhem; Statues and Effigies Description: None Notes: W December 18, 1960 Martin J. Newmark Interview Description: Martin J. Newmark interview ‐ parody of a Barry Farber interview. Newmark supposedly has a new documentary out called "Central Park Zoo ‐ Fun, Myth, or Legend?" Future projects of Martin J. Newmark Charlie & Og Will machines create their own Gods Big nasturtium poem end theme Notes: W December 31, 1960 Is Shep Dead? Description: Sales meeting Indian chant, drum On naval cruiser Truck over cliff Slow dixieland Your orders are cut Electronic listener Gossip Indian chant, drum Promotion Rumor that Shep is dead "siehst du?" When I was 10, poem 90% of universe missing Telephone party proposal Ending Theme Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 19 of 451 Have Class Date W Title Summer 1960 Grandmother on porch Description: Grandmother on porch Ragtime piano Census taker of year 2000, Brubeck background Radio as underground medium Father of the Year, letter to A. Landers Call with listener People secretly love disasters Something in your eye baby. Broadway stroll It's a dark and stormy sea Dark glasses Peter Sellers Savage Eye movie Big nasturtium poem Uncle Sam at automat Mother's story of crashing zeppelin Stripper on bus Charlie & Og ‐ you never can tell Railroad Jim and ghost, poem Hank Wilson, 56 watches, now dead Notes: W 1960 Chewing Tobacco Description: None Notes: W 1960 JG the Ape Description: None Notes: W 1960or 1961 Dating Girl from Morristown Description: None Notes: W 1960 Technicolor Description: None Notes: W January 1, 1961 Man cannot see himself Description: Man cannot see himself Folk wisdom about New Year and time Village Voice ad Starlings O time... various perspectives on time Evolution of money end theme Notes: W January 22, 1961 ‐ Part of Sunday Show ‐ Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 20 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 1961 Religious revival Description: Religious revival Dear Abbey ‐ wife is trash writer Rhinegold ad Games ‐ diplomacy, risk, verdict end theme Notes: W January 1961 NO TITLE Description: Music ‐ jug, gothic end theme Notes: W January 1961 False Spring Description: Shep talks about the coming of age in this show. He talks about how girls seem to be different. Stealing copies of "Spicy Detective" and "Spicy Westerns", hiding them in the ice box in the basement. Suddenly they disappear! Esther Jane Alberry and Eileen Ackers have an effect on him. Just passing their houses, he breaks into a cold sweat. His mother remarks to him, "You're beginning to feel your oats?" She tells him his father should have a talk with him. Unsightly skin problems. An ad says Fleishman's yeast will clear it up. So he goes down to Mattingly's grocery store to buy a cake. Mattingly chuckles and asks if he's having skin problems. The old ladies in the store look at him. Mattingly knows his mother doesn't bake bread, she's been a Silvercup lady from way back. The yeast doesn't work, the old man says nothing and puberty churns on. Notes: W February 13, 1961 First night back on weekdays Description: No one listens You're next Crisis man Siphoning gas Electric rabbit NY is mine Flash your headlights Outlaw ice skater Notes: W February 14, 1961 The Ground Sniffers Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 21 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 15, 1961 Whiner in subway Description: opening theme Whiner in subway "lummox" definition? poems with dixieland pot of Wheatena boiling more poems end theme Notes: W February 22, 1961 Civil War Centennial Pitch Description: Dream Sequences ‐ Getting up at 3 or 4 in the morning and dragging yourself to the bathroom for a drink of water. Easing back into the sack, there is a rustling sound out on the street. Looking out, there is a long dark mass of people moving to the end of the block, climbing down a manhole. They're wearing bathing suits and bathing caps, carrying weekend travel cases. 15 minutes later you're in your bathing suit and following them down the manhole. You are awakened by the phone. The editor of Life wants to do an 8 page picture story on you. You hang up, the phone rings again, the New York Times wants to do a Sunday supplement, the phone rings again, Charles Collinwood, a three part program. Finally the phone rings with a call from Jack (Kennedy) at the White House. Off the phone again and there's this gigantic watermelon ‐ at long last you've tapped it. What everybody secretly wants ‐ a monopoly. What every businessman really wants is to see ‐ another businessman up against the wall. Games show what we secretly want. A small booklet in his mind ‐ "Keep Your Knees Loose", the education of a 20th century man. All the talk about George Washington on the air today. National nothing but the truth day. From out of the wastebasket, a tip sheet on how to make the radio station really sell. Use the upcoming Civil War Centennial as a theme. Dress up the salesmen and personalities. Offer Confederate money as premiums. Getting into a cab a three in the morning on the streets of Manhatten. The cab driver is a "real chick". She's been a cabbie for seven months since taking some time off from being a stripper in Miami. Playing the infield and all the balls are flys. Playing the outfield and there's nothing but groounders. Finally, a letter from a 16 year old fan which Shep reads, concludes: "Shepherd, I'm digging your night show. You sound like a fish that's been flopping around on a pier in the sun and some kind‐hearted old Schrafts lady just threw you back in the sea." (See note 1) Notes: 1) Shep had just started doing a night show again (Feb 13) after being on Saturday and Sunday afternoons only since Sept. 11, 1960. 2) Best guess by the "Jean Shepherd Audio Archeologists" is that this show was done on Wednesday February 22, 1961 due to references to George Washington and the upcoming Civil War Centennial Celebration beginning April 12th. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 22 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 27, 1961 One of Them Beats Description: Reading the obits, man dies and when they open the safe deposit box at the bank, he has 3,000 golf score cards from 3,000 different golf courses. An ad for "guaranteed memorials". His friend Frank kept a note book of all the restaurants he ever ate in. He would color code the entries if it was good or bad. He could recite any given date where he ate and what he ate. Prexy's commercial ‐ the native American food, hot dogs and hamburgers. "When I was in collage there were 4,000 other hamburgers with me" Go into the new Prexy's on Saturday and say quietly "Excelsior" and you will get a strawberry short cake with soft ice cream ‐ on the house. Native customs ‐ tourists from India writing home about observations they make of New York natives. Celebrity photos hanging on walls of establishments. "To Fred, the greatest barber in Manhatten ‐ Steverino" (Steve Allen). A native Manhattan tradition. The big Apple. What kind of an apple is Manhattan? A Macintosh, a Golden Delicious? An odd thing, this business of time. Shep discusses the odd feeling of his recently changed time slot (Weekdays, 11:15pm to Midnight ‐ He had been on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.) "It was like returning to something that you haven't eaten for a long time but you vaguely remember that you liked and suddenly you're having it again and it tastes even better than you thought it tasted" If he ever had a bar or grill he would line the wall with pictures of unknown people. "Keep your knees loose and your fanny down" Notes: W March 1, 1961 One Man Radio Shows Description: The ability to strike a different type of note. Interesting observations and trivia. Working at a one man radio station for 12 hours a day, doing one man shows at WKLUCQ using names like H.G. Grubbage and Friendly Fred. Did the entire day's broadcast schedule using different names and voices. He goes on to tell interesting news notes as "H.G. Grubbage" The end of the world ‐ in Philadelphia The auction of a 6 foot statue "Babe" Ruth. Bids start at $100, but the only bid was for 25 cents. A 650lb 6‐1/2 foot long wooden pig went for $310. Notes: Shep tell everyone to go into the new Prexy's and whisper Excelsior. The man behind the counter will make you a Strawberry Shortcake with soft ice cream on top ‐ for free. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 23 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 2, 1961 Shoeshines and Creative Obstructionism Description: The Shoeshine man ‐ the key figure around which the underground network of local people revolve. He knows everyone, and what they're up to. Creative obstructionism as a way of life. Filling out the crossword puzzle in "Spicey Whoopie" magazine. The only crossword puzzle consisting entirely of four letter words. Notes: The 1961 show had somewhat of the free‐form nature of the late‐night Shep I so much admire. Eugene Bergmann Shep mentions going to Prexy's after the show on Saturday afternoon. This gives a date of at least 3/1961 before the saturday afternoon shows ended. W March 4, 1961 NO TITLE Description: None Notes: W April 14, 1961 The Story of Change Description: Side show barker Types of people Turnpike coin taker Indian music end theme Notes: W April 15, 1961 NO TITLE Description: Solitary guy with TV Winston ad Amateur radio cont. Morse code champion Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 24 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 18, 1961 Miss Bundy and the Projector Description: Gothic remnants in NY Chrysler Bldg. gargoyles Ms. Bundy and projector fiasco ‐ Miss Bundy organized hikes and clean‐up days. Mr Spencer was principal at the school. Miss Bundy was to operate projector to show a safety movie. When the movie is over and the lights go back on there is a 6 foot pile of film on the floor behind the projector. Shep is in the Army and gets paper from home and reads Miss Buny has died at the age of 67. An article in the Hammond Times on April 12, 1934 may have inspired the story. "Much interest was created by a movie machine which James Reel demonstrated for the 5A, 6B grades in Miss Robinettes room last Wednesday." Sargasso Sea end theme Notes: The article in the Hammond Times on April 12, 1934 may have inspired the story that Shep tells. Although he was already out of her class in 1934, it was not uncommon (at least when I went to school in the50s) when some sort of demonstration by a visitor would be done in school, they would sometimes do it from class to class and school to school over a period of days. Perhaps there was an incident where the film broke and began spewing onto the floor. Having been on a visual aids crew, that embarresment occurred quite frequently to me. He probably recalled this and then commenced to expand the story for use radio. W April 1961 Pirate Radio Description: None Notes: W May 3, 1961 The Bestiary Description: The Bestiary ‐ T.H. White A Canticle for Liebowitz ‐ Walter Miller Notes: W June 2, 1961 George Kaufman Description: None Notes: W June 29, 1961 NO TITLE Description: Eternal flame Edison show at Soldiers Field Scooter accident Camel ad Attack movie ad Gen. Tire ad Alba milk ad ‐‐ puns end theme Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 25 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 30, 1961 NO TITLE Description: Lawyer on Broadway Feeding big dogs end theme Safeway ad Notes: W June 1961 Smell of Houses, Indiana Dunes Description: None Notes: W June 1961 Electric Roses, Lake Michigan Weather, Steel Mill Tornado Description: Jean talks about demonstrators, from the US to potato farmers in France, shares some street scenes from Times Square, and talks about the tornado that hit the steel mill. Notes: W June 1961 Yeast, Skin Trouble, Great White Ship Description: Notes: W August 17, 1961 Hit On Head By 2 x 4 Description: None Notes: W September 4, 1961 It's All Part of Life ‐ Square Eggs ‐ Army Bangalor Story Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 26 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 5, 1961 A Box to Hide In Description: "Is there a 'good time Charlie' with us tonight? Is this an expression used only in the middle west?" Shep thanks the NY Times for the article about the show written about a week previously. "Whoever wrote it up didn't even sign his name." We spend most of our lives searching for our identity. Shep discusses phrases like "Good Time Charlies", "Big Butter and Egg Man" , "A Red Hot Cookie", "A Smooth Article", "Honkey Dorey", and "Hotsy Totsy" He quickly jumps from topic to topic all pertaining to people and their mannerisms. He talks about conditioning rats to respond to reward as they learn a feeding pattern relating to a buzzer. Building a philosophical box around yourself. When things get too involved man builds a box around him. This is why they move to the suburbs. They feel safety with the shutters and the lawn around. A man in Syracuse, New York commits suicide by sealing himself in a crate with only a flashlight. He reads from James Thurber about the man and the box. "And by the way. The box principle is also associated with extremism of many forms. The are many ways of building a a box to hide in. And in the end all you can say is... 'Maybe it'll all go away, maybe I'll be all right, maybe it'll get worse' ...It really is hard to say." Notes: Election primaries for NY Mayor is tomorrow Night. NY Times article is: Radio‐TV: Raconteur ‐ Jean Shepherd Still in High Style on WOR August 28, 1961 W September 16, 1961 Last of the Saturday Afternoon Shows ‐ WOR New York 12:15 to 2:00 Description: None Notes: W October 6, 1961 Morse Code in Restaurant Description: Notes: W October 13, 1961 Working on the Radio ‐ "Yellow Eye Sparks" Description: None Notes: W October 16, 1961 Ehics of the Fallout Shelter Description: None Notes: W October 19, 1961 Bums, Fallout Shelters Description: Shep talks about the local New York Bums Notes: W October 20, 1961 More Shelters Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 27 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 23, 1961 Halloween Poetry Description: None Notes: W October 24, 1961 October ‐ Autumn and its effects on us ‐ Myths Description: None Notes: W October 25, 1961 Fantasy Description: None Notes: W October 26, 1961 Password, Space Experiments ‐ Friend or Foe Description: None Notes: W October 27, 1961 Chili Parlor Description: None Notes: W November 1, 1961 Aborigines, Track Star Description: None Notes: W November 3, 1961 Siphoning Gas Description: None Notes: W November 7, 1961 Election Night Description: None Notes: W November 8, 1961 Masks Description: None Notes: W November 10, 1961 Perfect Communications Description: None Notes: W November 14, 1961 Rewriting History Description: None Notes: W November 15, 1961 The Radio Hum Description: None Notes: W November 17, 1961 Anti‐Soviet Anecdotes Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 28 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 20, 1961 Radio Jamming ‐ Early Birds, Gothic Music Description: None Notes: W November 22, 1961 Leg Lamp Ad Description: None Notes: W November 23, 1961 Working Thanksgiving Description: None Notes: W November 24, 1961 Survival Films Description: None Notes: W November 27, 1961 On the List Description: None Notes: W November 29, 1961 Criminal vs. Law Abider (Modern Sound Effects) Description: None Notes: W November 30, 1961 Amnesty on Guns ‐ Gothic Music‐Todays new Music Description: None Notes: W December 11, 1961 Identity & Myth Description: Notes: W December 12, 1961 Evil of Boredom, Army Coke Bottle Game Description: Notes: W December 14, 1961 Little Miss Muffet Description: None Notes: W December 18, 1961 New Faces Broadway Show Description: None Notes: W 1961 Show Fragments Description: None Notes: W 1961 Car Crash ‐ excerpt Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 29 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1961 Fall ‐ Hill in Michigan, Wild Mushroom, Omar Khayyam Description: None Notes: W February 5, 1962 Camp Crowder Record Description: None Notes: W February 15, 1962 Myths and the 3 Ways to Live Description: Shep notes three different routes to existence: 1) Existing by the myth, a type of basic folk knowledge ‐ "Evil will be uncovered eventually" "I am happy, but wealthy people aren't" 2 Living by the absurd by blocking the outside world ‐ "In these days, who wants gloomy things?" (but these are the truthful things) 3) Logical path existence based on "I am here" Prevalent myths: "People love the sea" "Man does not love war" The truthful perceptions of a sea captain who retires after years at sea ‐ "I hate it" "I'm afraid of the sea" "The more truthful you become, the better you can get by with it. Nobody believes it when they hear it. When they do hear it and believe it, they have to make it sound like he's just kidding, or he's a kook, or he's nuts..." JS A Poem "The human races all live where time and space is, Their nature uniformly base is…" "It's a matter of perception ‐ wanting to perceive or not to" JS "A feeling of universal dread is probably the most common of all feelings" JS Everyone's little collection of 1st days ‐ First day in high school, or 1st day that you knew more than you should! Story of Shep's first day at the steel mill at age 16 ‐ a story of being overwhelmed by a stark, impersonal perception of adult ork. "Thousands of men walking with me ‐ Life isn't exactly the way it seems to be ‐ Men walking fast ‐ They had a kind of dead look on their face" Notes: Sometimes Shep is profound ‐ this is one of those times. LT W February 16, 1962 The Art Market Forecast Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 30 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 19, 1962 Mankind And His Stuff And The Divinely Absurd Description: Realistic television shows ‐ Cops chasing the bad guys up and down the roofs. Could you imagine if that was for real? The auctioning an elephant foot umbrella stand. "I would love to see a pile of all the junk, just the junk of mankind!" Story about a man who breaks into the St Louis Zoo and smashes open 46 cages full of snakes, then leaves in a getaway car. "How can anyone try to pretend that there is some kind of absurd logic that man follows in his convolutions through time and space?" Shep reads from "The Anglo Saxon Attitudes" by Angus Wilson Getting rid of ants by talking to them. There is a logic to everything ‐ Driving a bed in England requires a plate with the letter "L" for learner, a braking system and proper insurance. A lady in Cincinnati riding downhill on Vine Street, against the wind, in a washing machine. (A Maytag) Man's wanting to know everything and seeing what it will do. Why does man make up reasons for wanting to do something instead of telling the truth? For example, to send up a rocket with a man in it is really just man's itch to throw things up as high as he can to see what would happen. (See Note 1) Notes: 1) Shep is referring to the 1st US orbital space flight by John Glenn taking place the next day (2‐20‐62) W February 21, 1962 Mole People Description: Early Shep radio ‐ "Bing Sings" sponsored by Dr. Sam Pollack Grandma's false teeth. American expressions ‐ "Hunky‐Dory", "Chewing the fat" WOR's 40th Anniversary Mole People ‐ have "passions that burn like low flames on an ancient stove, barely flickering" George Ade describes the "Mole People" Is the reverse of mole people ant people? And is it the giant grasshopper person who comes up over them both? Birch Bark Canoes and being up the creek without a paddle. More George Ade Notes: Show starts with full Bahn Frei theme, with the original ending. No "Aahh" by Shep at the end. Lowell Thelin sent in this note: Shep's "mole people" are exemplified in the George Ade fable entitled The Regular Kind of Place and the Usual Way It Turned Out which he reads on the show. See p. 214 in The America of George Ade, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1961. Shep ends the show by reading another George Ade fable ‐ The Patient Toiler Who Got It in the Usual Place. See p.217 in the same reference. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 31 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 22, 1962 Self Delusion and Dogma, Kate and George Description: Shep portrays himself as the guy in the bushes who is neither an Indian or a guy on the wagon train and who can understand both sides ‐ whether by "fate, inclination, or inheritance" he is not involved in the day to day hoopla of most people doing what they have to do to "buy a new breezeway next year" ‐ the role of the gadfly. (the guy who just fools around and hollers) WOR 40th birthday celebration ‐ Shep notes an alienation from the WOR family along with Dorothy and Dick, and Long John. Junk Mail ‐ Plant a Prayer system ‐ turn on tape player under the pillow which propagandizes that "you are a conservative right‐thinking American" "People on one side of the fence believe everything about that side and never question it." JS "Ever since the very first two or three guys sat on the banks of the antediluvian lake there has been some sort of strong dogma that has filtered through the mind of man, because if you can get dogma strong enough (of any kind), it removes all elements of self‐doubt" JS Story of Og and Charles and the beginnings of dogma and elimination of doubt. Story of Kate and George who keep up the self‐delusion that they are planning to marry, but everyone knows they really never will. Notes: References are to "my father" rather than the "Old Man." Show has profound insights into human thought patterns clearly explained. W February 28, 1962 Getting Ready For John Glenn Parade Description: Shep talks about being called upon to cover the John Glenn parade in New York City from a helicopter. Notes: Incomplete review ‐ only 7 minutes from the Bob Kaye collection. W March 1, 1962 Flying Over The John Glenn Parade Description: Shep describes the events of the day as he prepared to take off in a helicopter borrowed from a Philadelphia radio station to cover the parade. Shep was going to film the event and do commentary from the air. As they were about to take off, word came through that an American Airlines plane had crashed. They headed to the crash site and Shep tells of his experiences and feelings while covering the event and his feelings afterward. Notes: Incomplete show from the Bob Kaye collection. W March 21, 1962 Nigerian Trip part 3 Description: Poor countries (leaders) want International Jet Airlines as a status,, regardless of poverty in population. Notes: W March 22, 1962 Nigerian Trip part 4 Description: New Federal Palace Hotel, New Modern Cab Ride, Bargaining, horns, fishing Notes: W March 23, 1962 Nigerian Trip part 5 Description: Fantis Pop, Pepsi African cola, Polygamy is big Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 32 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 3, 1962 Greasy Kidstuff, Snark Description: Some Snark reading, Liz & Eddie, Dial‐a‐gripe Notes: W April 4, 1962 Red Neck Saloon Description: Time goes by, Revival meeting, Rabbithash Ky., Lexington Ky. Notes: W April 5, 1962 J Wentworth Bean Description: Won't chicken out, Jack Parr Image, How's Your Image?, poem Notes: W April 16, 1962 Dish‐Rag Chain Letter Description: Dating a Fitch girl, majors in love and marriage, Dishrag short story Notes: W April 17, 1962 Uncle Sam Cereal Description: Chevy Cab, Andrea Doria ship, large trucks Notes: W April 18, 1962 The Cheap Haircut Description: pyramids, kid story about German barber and bad haircut‐ mother made him go back, Jimmy Cannon at Thompsons drugstore, admits to being a liberal, in elevator w/ rich guy, old man Bruner got job, shell shock, early beat tobacco spitter, extra board at RR Notes: W April 19, 1962 Refinery Explosion Description: guy finds mummy hand on bus, x‐ray vision toy, Mill‐cleaning the open hearth, Refinery Explosion Kid Story,, The Night the Still Blew Up. Notes: W April 20, 1962 Old Grad Speaker Description: A day of the lady bugs, Full Moon‐Nut calls to station, Nathaniel West‐day of the locust, monuments of our time, Betty Swisher‐String base, playing in band, Carl Rose, Ernie Dunker, Old Grad speaker with obscene story & song, 2nd half of the school program cancelled, Miss Snyder‐homeroom, Hunting Snark poem Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 33 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 23, 1962 Piano Factory Job Description: Shep opens talking about the new Diner's Club game and being brought up in the depression atmosphere. "I'm this kid..." It's June, living by the lakeside and starting to look at Ester Jane like he never had before. Shep, Paul Flick, and Bollus get their work permits and land jobs at the Strabe Piano Company. The job pays $9.90 a week working from 8 to 4:30 weekdays and 8 to 12:30 on Saturdays. Paul was assigned to 'tops dept', Bollus to the 'action dept' and Shep to the "backs dept". He doesn't say what flick did. In the backs department Shep works for Mr. Zudock who teaches him to cut, sand, and drill the backs of pianos. Zudock tells him to drill straight and fast, showing him how to measure with a T square that had the numbers worn off of. Shep describes how the 'old timers' would come in early to set up and leave late, after cleaning up the shop. After a week of work, Friday comes, PAYDAY! He gets his first paycheck for $9.81, 9 cents taken out for taxes. After the second week he has $15.00. His mother made him pay $2.00 a week for board now that he had a job. Shep decides he wants to buy a bike and so the next Saturday, the family goes down to Sears and he buys an Elgin. Red and white with chrome fenders, and a battery and light. He pays $12.00 and it is delivered on Monday. He also invests in a Boy Scout uniform. The week goes on and on Thursday he is called to the office. He is being 'replaced' by someone else. Mr. Zudock feels that he is not working fast enough. Shep is in a panic. He owes for the bike and has no job. He gets home that day and tells his mother what happened and the next day his father goes down to Sears and pays for the bike. That was the beginning of an education…. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 34 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 24, 1962 Darling, Let's Make a Movie Description: Barber Shop with no customers and 15 chairs with barbers standing idly by. Sign says "No waiting ‐Plenty of Chairs" Rinky Tink music with birds 200,000 people under the age of 25 have a terrible urge to make a movie or be in a play ‐ to be applauded. Would you make a movie if they wouldn't let you put your name on it? Are you starring in your life? A man is lying on the beach with a chick with waves and wind in the background. She whispers "Darling, Darling, let's... let's..." and with eyes alight she says "Darling, let's make a movie ‐ a spectacular!" People that do this really think it is an act of love. A theme that is running through films is the emptiness of life. Neorealism. What was the old realism, Jimmy Stewart movies? A misconception is that people of the past were happy because their lives were simple, and they had a kind of truth in their lives. Shep notes that "The mechanization that we have in our lives (all the means of communicating so quickly) has destroyed our sense of being ourselves. It is fascinating to think of 87 million people all being thrilled at the same time by Mary Martin at the same moment doing Peter Pan at the same instant over a great coaxial cable." Shep notes that dozens of kids tell him that their old man makes them go to bed early and they have to sneak the radio up. They say that he thinks the kids are wasting time if they are not watching TV. The "new vicariousness" relates to being judged by how many hours are clocked in a waiting line to an art movie rather than how many books have been read in a week, as had previously been the gauge. Shep can't imagine that life is now more empty than 1000 years ago. He notes, however, that this emptiness was seldom recorded. "You don't see all the people that were not inside Camelot (noted by Shep to be an isolated island). We can't say that today's life is any more terrifying than life in any other time. Value judgements on death ‐ "It is not as bad to be killed by a mace as by a shell fragment, and not so bad to be killed by a shell fragment as by fallout." He wonders if we know that more people were killed by night bombing in Cologne than by the atomic bomb. Chinese restaurants in Chicago are called "Chop Suey Joints." Shep tells about his Uncle Al and Aunt Kate and how they would order takeout. "For you, ah amond cukie!" Other Chicago treats included Hunkie and Pollack restaurants. Notes: The date of the show was determined in four ways. First, it was on the reverse side of a reel to reel tape marked 4/23/62. Second, there is an ad in the Long John Nebel show which immediately follows for the Hudson Vitamin catalog for April 1962. Third, Shep says that "The White Sox beat the Yankees today!" The New York Times for 4/25/62 states BOMBERS SUFFER THIRD LOSS IN A ROW! White Sox downed the Yankees 3‐1. Fourth, the Long John Show following this show has guestwriters including Lester Delray, Caske Stinette, Bill Friedman, Frank Kane, Earl Conrad, etc. The New York Times for 4/24/62 lists Long John Nebel Show 12‐5 Guests discuss "The World of the Professional Writer" Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 35 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 30, 1962 A Day At The Mets Description: Baseball as representative of life The details that never get broadcast on the radio airwaves during a game An interesting hypothetical scenario between Kennedy & Khrushchev A Day at the Mets, describes Mets Ballgame, Roadblock Jones, Early Wynn Pitcher Notes: W May 1, 1962 Date with Dorothy Description: Mrs Marion Buckley got a divorce based on unreasonable requests from her husband The worlds largest cigar in danger How many people want something else from their significant other? Negative aggressiveness Notes: Along the lines of making up stories from news items (early Shep) Date with Dorothy seems like an very early version of the Shep in over his head theme W May 2, 1962 Elspeth Tenn Description: Shep tells the story of visiting Dale Hollow Lake on the Ky‐Tenn border Elspeth Tenn., Raining, Bus driver like a 1st Sgt., Kentucky Derby, Indy 500, Uncle Charles, Aunt Clara, Church‐Hill Downs, Louisville, Dale Hollow Lake, Large man made lake that covered towns visible from above Notes: W May 3, 1962 Shoppers Paradise Description: Shoppers Paradise, Theater Story‐lines, Coast to Coast Notes: W May 4, 1962 Hippocratic Resposibility Description: Hippocratic Responsibility, new Medical TV shows, old oaths, cult of no responsibility Notes: W May 7, 1962 British Musical of the Blitz Description: Brit Musical of the Blitz, Birds that make it & some don't Notes: W May 9, 1962 Fictional Novel Ideas Description: Fictional Novel Ideas, Goldwater 18th century, books, all politicians are dishonest, electric fence, Village Voice Reader Book Notes: W May 11, 1962 Name the Whoopie Description: Name the Whoopie, Keep marriage rosy, open road, locust 17 years, Jeanette Weathers‐Spin the Bottle, Beatnik, democracy Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 36 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 14, 1962 Cemetary For The Living Description: 5‐14‐62 Cemetery for the Living, Flying‐turboprop, perpetual care, no sleep, brigadoon play, musical, city central, NYT Amusement section‐ Name blotted out, Egypt Trip‐ pyramids Notes: W May 28, 1962 Where's the John Description: Where's the John, On the Toady Show this AM, Modern Buildings, after planes, 2 eagles attack plane, Bulletin‐ Idewille Plane, Spirit of Flight Notes: W May 29, 1962 Win Mrs Webley Description: Win Mrs. Webley, stock market down, panaceas, Dr. Block‐Marital Fighting, Billy Goat, Psychic research, Win Mrs. Webley Notes: W May 30, 1962 Frustration Room Description: 5‐30‐62 Frustration Room, Memorial Day, Mets Ballgame sold out, Indy 500 Notes: W June 1, 1962 Berserk Bus Rider Description: Berserk Bus Rider, back to 50KW transmitter, sense of power, bus ride beserko Midwest, everybody leaves Notes: W June 4, 1962 Mets ‐ Public Losers Description: 6‐4‐62 Mets‐Public Losers, George the Sea Lion captured, redemption, Featherhood, Mets‐ Losers Notes: W June 5, 1962 Raincoats, Helmet Liners & G.I. Shoes Description: Raincoats,,,, British Court‐martial, Hollywood Movie‐ Star divorces T‐5, ARMY‐ Scut, Crud Being Chosen Latrine Orderly, in sack without remaking bed, at Mono. Camp, Hotel Commercial to wake up to, Prince George, Fall Out,, Helmet Liners, Raincoats and GI Shoes Notes: W June 6, 1962 Image Makers Association Description: Image Makers, Jabberwalak, Stereotypes, Dream & Reality Notes: W June 8, 1962 No Start, No End Description: No Start or End, Big Daddy is Smooth, Anglers in Stream of Life, Take the Bitter with the Butter, Just the place for a Snark Notes: W June 11, 1962 River Storm Description: River Storm, Bulldozer sunk in swamp‐ diver to recover, hothouse tomato, Island Queen‐ Paddleboat, Storms, Towboat, Mississippi Riverboats , end clipped Notes: clipped W June 12, 1962 National Character Description: National Character, Ample food seen in Atomic Attack, High Death Toll may abort shortages, plugola, National Character Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 37 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 13, 1962 Café Incident Description: Cafe Incident, Alcatraz Escape‐3 guys with spoons, Russians making counterfeit lipsticks Shep tells the story of trying to get a cup of coffee in New York City Notes: W June 14, 1962 Robert Service Description: Robert Service, Burying Blastomous Bill Notes: W June 15, 1962 Creative Playthings Description: Creative Playthings, Plant a seed‐ Make a thing Grow Notes: W June 18, 1962 Other Peoples Disasters Description: Other Peoples Disasters, Lands and Ramas, Notes: W June 19, 1962 Stylization and Office Rituals Description: Stylization & Office Rituals, Good and Well Cooked, Working in Tin Mill Office, Snyder‐Chief Clerk, Southern Accent, Good Morning, youngstall‐ do Rockwell‐test, Fred Cannon‐ Pickup Reports, Raymond Harris‐ Sneaky Truck Driver from Stationary Dept., Howard Forman, Asst. Forman No nothing Job Notes: W June 20, 1962 Selling Yourself Description: Selling Yourself, large wood treehouse from FAO Swartz, Kansas City, selling soap on Sunday, Blue Laws, Boy Scout troop recruiting girls, Sister Bertha, Army transfer, stolen wheaties, illiterate men in company. Notes: W June 21, 1962 Stoned MG Description: Shep tells the story of getting stoned in His classic car MG‐TC. It was a 1947 red one with natural leather interior. Stoned MG, Double‐talk, Car Co CEO in new car that quits, Advertisers believe in what they write, 1947 MG TC red car got after getting out of Army, Kids throwing rocks at car, cab ride, buys radio‐cheap Jap labor. Notes: W July 9, 1962 Cargo Cults, Hell Bound Train Description: Cargo Cults, choke‐ups, cargo cult natives from WW2, Hellbound Train, Politically correct quiz. Notes: W July 10, 1962 Casey At The Bat Description: Shep describes a recitation and performs 'Asleep at the Switch' and reads the classic version of Casey at the Bat. Notes: W July 11, 1962 Fish Bait Oil Description: Fish Bait Oil, Magic Gypsy Fish Bait Oil, Indiana summers, New Neighbors and Séance. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 38 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 12, 1962 Stephan Crane Poetry Description: Stephen Crane Poetry, Wall Street Journal, Historical Background to 19th century writings Notes: W July 13, 1962 Traveling Political Circus Description: Traveling Political Circus, Uncle Carl's trick, Elmers' Traveling political circus, Russian life (only 20 min. of show) Notes: clipped both ends W July 16, 1962 Stop Pretending Description: All Star Game, Reingold beer ads, National Reality Dream Week, stop pretending Notes: W July 17, 1962 Jack Oakie Film Description: Jack Oakie Film, Old Films, Oakie inherits Girl's school, Ned Sparks co star, Joe Penner, Grable Notes: W July 18, 1962 Ethnic Picnics, KKK at the Preserve Description: Ethnic Picnics, at forest preserve, Ind. Burnham Woods Preserve, 2 1/2 miles from home, The Johnson Family Picnic, KKK picnic Notes: W July 19, 1962 Pockets of Wind Description: Pockets of Wind, playtools, phone numbers, car critique‐Volvo ad, straws of wind‐pockets of wind. Notes: W July 20, 1962 Class of 1962 Description: Buildings, peace of mind cemeteries, mortuary for the living, Charles of the Ritz, Class of '62, 2 1/2 million of them Notes: W July 23, 1962 Early Role Reversal Ads Description: Role Reversal, Role reversal commercials, mayor breaks window, Charles atlas ads, Zacalery calls in live, owns car dealership VW, first radar sets Notes: W July 24, 1962 Heir Louie & The Hungry Five Description: Shep tells a story about the 1933 Chicago World's Fair and the end of the SkyRide. He also tells the tale of Uncle Al working inside the Chicago World's Fair Heir Louie, Uncle Al's music‐played violin not a fiddle, Chicago Worlds Fair, Amos n Andy Towers‐ Character named cars on the sky ride, Uncle Al playing at the Bavarian Inn inside the Worlds Fair Notes: W July 25, 1962 Uncle Carl's Truck Description: Uncle Carl's Truck, previous job at cleaners, mob insurance and bombing and iodine into the suits, inherited after store was bombed, panel truck and leaking gas tank. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 39 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 26, 1962 Encounters with Presidents Description: Encounters with Presidents, filming Robert Frost, on train with Truman, His Own Birthday, Ike in Philadelphia, Bobbie traps and war souvenirs Notes: W July 27, 1962 Arcturus Description: 7‐27‐62 Arcturus 2, late happy birthday, Arcturus 2 Spaceship probe to planet 6SJ7GT as radio‐ TV would cover the event. (Arcturus was a brand name for old radio glass tubes) Notes: W July 30, 1962 Beautiful People and Time Description: Beautiful People, Shep has cold‐a little horse, afraid of time, 999 year lease, Time‐hung‐up & Temperature Notes: W July 31, 1962 Hats Are Important Description: Hats are Important, chick in Nash Manhattan, trucks make living easier, Faker‐ Ana Marie wrong eye patch, 2 photos, TV repossessed, News & Notes, Hats & Helmets, important things, Beer Can on Wheels‐ disposable Notes: W August 1, 1962 Amusement Section Description: Amusement Section, YOK Cab ride, future Moon Landings‐We're Here Notes: W August 2, 1962 My House on Cleveland Street Description: House on Cleveland Street, accumulators, basement furnace, old man to Finish the Attic Notes: W August 3, 1962 Machine Worship Description: Machine Worship, the magic machine Notes: W August 6, 1962 Accepted Truths, Baseball Description: Accepted Truths, Bobolinsky‐Pitcher, He's a nut‐Who is this Nut?, cosmetic solutions, conformo pills, TY Cobb‐ aggressive Baseball, Luke Apling‐White Sox vs. Eldon Aucker‐Pitcher Notes: W August 7, 1962 Selling Fun Description: Social status of Bums, Bum Methods, Fun Commercial selling fun Notes: W August 8, 1962 Fear of Animals, Opossum Description: Opossum‐Fear of animals, Ralph Bruner Sr., fishing on lake‐Snowy Owl Notes: W August 9, 1962 To the People of 2062 Description: TV Set at Friends apt, NYT to the People of 1962, Graduating Class Notes: W August 20, 1962 Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 40 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 21, 1962 Animals in Pants, Army for keeps Description: California law pending to force animals to wear pants Dorothy and Shep at the zoo The bathtub gin principle or the taboo creates the desire Amy Vanderbilt rides a bus to write a book on how to behave on a bus Piece from the Post by David Gilman on public transportation Kids section on life, war and a Bangalore Attack Calif. Law proposed that zoo animals wear pants, Takes Dorothy to zoo, sad laws, Amy Vanderbilt rides bus to write bus courtesy etiquette, Army for Keeps. Orientation Film‐German attack, Carl Zinmetster, Nash, Gone, On our way camp in fla. Notes: W August 22, 1962 Terminal Man Description: How to behave on bus, Any Vanderbilt pamphlet, silly puddy terminal man Notes: W August 23, 1962 Corporate Image, HoJo, Old Man Fired from Borden's Description: Old Man Lost Job, Ford Motor Co. Joseph Ingrahan, Beach Type Seats, Lee Iococca, works in anger, bucket seats‐world speed records, Fred Murphy Ads, World Wide Soreheads‐ Everywhere, True Believers, Old Man‐ Looks like Harold Lloyd, Dairy Org‐Borden, comes home 3pm, bagged on back steps‐lost job, Tommy McMahan‐Ghost Kid, Tommy Watts, Bernice Gertz‐ Harry Gertz kid, got new job in Jewelry store, 2 weeks later‐ back at Bordons Notes: . W August 24, 1962 Marching Band (Early Duckworth) Description: Marching Band, Baseball‐swearing player, parades, marching band, frozen instrument, Drum Major w/ shako‐plume, stepphie‐steffie, (early Wilbur Duckworth Story) Notes: W August 27, 1962 World of Theatre Description: World of Theater today Notes: W August 28, 1962 Work Abstraction Description: Work Abstraction, no explaining human nature, Army KP‐ pots and Pans man, didn't rinse‐‐ company got the runs, Lever office Notes: W August 29, 1962 The Other Side of Us Description: The Other Side of Us, Kid's letter, star in times, what is he, space probe to Venus‐space junk, Forum Visit, NY Auto accident Notes: W August 30, 1962 Carrot Catchers Description: Carrot Catchers, Laugh Track for 2 1/2 min, Thrill of a Lifetime, carrot on stick Notes: W September 3, 1962 Signal Corps Song Description: Signal Corps Song, ad world, mother figure‐weather girls, moon godess, ad pages, signal corps song by generals wife. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 41 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 4, 1962 Combination Man Description: Combination Man, 11:15 show‐new time, 6am radio show‐Toledo Ohio, living on nothing, white castle account Notes: W September 5, 1962 Radio Performers Description: Radio Performers, Ins. Co. Living forever‐ greatest last words, radio performers Notes: W September 6, 1962 Election Night Description: Election Night, Liston‐Patterson fight Notes: W September 7, 1962 Fear of the Future Description: Fear of the Future, lost radio signals Notes: W September 10, 1962 Pitchmen Description: Pitchmen, Spooky night, Pitchmen, Baseball, Religion, Politics Notes: W September 11, 1962 Love, to Love Ads Description: Love, to Love Ads, Hello there, I'm your friend, Radios Quit‐TV the good life, Love, to love ads, the show is reality, Old time radio mikes‐his own microphone 77D, guy has own sponsor and goes to sta to station Notes: W September 12, 1962 Kid‐dom to Adult‐dom Description: Kid‐Dom., W9QW9, scale of values, cutie pie radiation detector, steel mill rumors, 1st job via ham radio‐Gil Gilamos, Kid‐dom. to Adult‐dom., Stores fitting Equipment. Notes: W September 13, 1962 BBQ Lawsuit Description: BBQ Lawsuit, jersey marties fight‐except for cops, guy sues as Funeral home sets up near his BBQ, Army in Fla Everglades, mooning Fla. Train. Notes: W September 18, 1962 Political Convention [15 min pre‐empted] Description: Political Convention Notes: W September 19, 1962 Elephant Foot Description: This Show is mis‐dated by FHC. Same as 2/19/62 (Has Max's ID) Notes: W September 20, 1962 Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie Description: Gimmie, Up to my blooming knickers, shady disorder, Kid Loans, Radio Sta. Call Letters, WOR Air Conditioner amuck, show mag ad mess‐up Notes: W September 21, 1962 What Next Description: What next, Louse‐up in band march Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 42 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 24, 1962 Being Remembered Description: Being Reminded, finishes story from 9‐21 Notes: W September 25, 1962 Harold Dill Fight Description: Harold Dill Fight, Rube Goldberg, Hammond scene, Liston‐Patterson Fight Notes: W September 26, 1962 Gods Mailing List Description: Gods Mailing List, Noxzema, Postcard Billy Grahams God's Mailing List, Sausage Eater 2 yd., Radio Logs, Big Operation‐1853 English, Lincoln Center‐Henderson KY.,Pilot dies‐obit Ken Taylor Notes: W September 27, 1962 Good Bye Jimmie Description: Goodbye Jimmy, what's it all about, Newsweek‐ old gal with 45 auto, turnpike gun, American life, tinker‐Welkin and the color Organ Notes: W September 28, 1962 I am a Druid Description: I am a Druid, ridge cemetery, Old Miss Violence, English Motorist vs. Mailman on Bike Notes: W October 1, 1962 Ole Miss Integration Description: Ole Miss Integration, coarse cab co., giants vs dodgers, success‐ space race‐modern south. Notes: W October 2, 1962 Romantic Engineer Description: Romantic Engineer, cornerstone, beatniks, bagged drunk engineer Notes: W October 3, 1962 Army Pass in NY Description: Army Pass in NYC, new TV season‐War, screen reality, War shows, westerns and short subjects, Army, Camp Crowder Ozarks, got in Army at Ft Sheridan‐Chicago, cadre, Shep and Gasser‐ Starlight roof, Army Pass NYC, ballgame‐giants/cardinals (copy has signal drift) Notes: W October 4, 1962 Secret People Description: Your life done as a pie chart The future of sports foretold Insurance as a preventative measure Buildings as a Hollywood production Funeral home advertisement Building an electro magnet & the bad tube scheme's Secret People, Hip Buildings, Showbiz buildings, building electromagnet, 1st tube radio Notes: News bulletin about accident on the roadway W October 5, 1962 Aggressive Car Description: Aggressive Car, Hit it Again‐man smashes car, Kid story about his car, Flick‐Partner changes motor in his V‐8 Ford,, then sells it for less than paid. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 43 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 9, 1962 Function Fans Description: Sears Roebuck catalog Christmas shopping Enjoying trouble is American The World Series aura Sears catalog‐the Barbie World, Dr Killdeer, Aunt Teresa‐Yelling, Army‐home & date in blackhawk, 1st world series game, 5th game at Yankee Stadium, Function Fans, rainout Notes: W October 10, 1962 Selling Cheap Guitars Description: Selling Cheap Guitars, full book shelves, drink muddy water, Texas Jimmy Watson, Guitar Gift, Uncle Fred on Guitar, you look like a guitar player, ask for cheap guitars Notes: W October 11, 1962 It's My Material Description: It's My Material, Saturdays are special, wrote 'Look Charlie' 58 play off Broadway, pet cemetery Notes: W October 12, 1962 Plane Lands at School Description: Shep tells the story of a plane landing at the Warren G Harding grade school. Lands at School, Epics vs. History, miss shields 2nd grade WG Harding, plane lands, Curtis Robin Notes: W October 15, 1962 Destiny Description: Destiny, small boat destiny, out of Army‐returns to Steel Mill, lawless town Notes: W October 16, 1962 Remote From No Man's Land Description: Remote from No Mans Land, Jersey Junk Yards Notes: W October 17, 1962 Lawless Town & Smokey Joe Description: Lawless Town, Driving in Germany‐ small cars, realities of life, lawless town and Smokey Joe from Corral Inn Notes: W October 18, 1962 Football Fun Description: Football Fun, Disney to build Ford Exhibit for Worlds Fair, NY Yankees win series, basement‐ electric shock, avenging angel, football team, freshman picked, #65 uniform for Varsity, with Schwartz, Broken nose & misc. injuries Notes: W October 19, 1962 Pushed to the Brink Description: Pushed to the Brink, Being Bugged, Army march in Ozarks, Pvt. Clevenger decides not to go on, 803 signal battalion Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 44 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 22, 1962 Michigan Fishing Description: Depression tip, how to extend the life of your tires with newspapers Chicago Tribune 'The Worlds Greatest Newspaper' reports a Golden Eagle attack Shep does his kid story equivalent of the 'Old Man and the Sea' Notes: W October 23, 1962 Shep Gets PO'd Description: Shep gets PO'd, Cuban Crisis, GI bill of rights, 5220 club, working under assumed name, Quiz‐ Patrons of Chicago Radio just after war, caller calls him FLIPPANT and Shep gets PO'd, mysterious people, neighbors, Rabbit Fever & Hunting Rabbits, catch them in sack, Old coffin dug up removed 35 years, old body (early gruesomely) Notes: W October 24, 1962 Bookman Description: Bookman, Nazi only following rules, marked cards‐didn't have anything to do with deaths, jiffy fish, Mr. outlaw, chimp art, helicopter, just married‐car kit Notes: W October 25, 1962 Explosion at the Mill Description: Explosion at Mill, new cars for cabbies, God is a Belefonte fan, steel mill‐charging a heat, Explosion and spill of moultant metal. Notes: W October 26, 1962 Short Wave Radio Description: Short Wave Radio, Family playing 27 hand pinochle, short wave radio listening to Hitler in Germany Notes: W October 29, 1962 Entertainment Section Description: Entertainment Section, Cuban Situation, Dream World‐no account, War Pictures sell Hot, Fantasy World Notes: W October 30, 1962 Swedish Influence Description: Swedish Influence, IBM 1401, Xmas gifts‐Costumed Religious People, Costumes for Christmas, 14 yr. old during Christmas Vacation, Swedish Influence, Dorothy Anderson, ,,,Father was a TRUE carpenter,, Job replacing Ceiling Tiles in the Drugstore over the holidays. Mr. Anderson had too much grog and was out for a few hours. Notes: W November 1, 1962 Mr Shepherd is Live Description: Mr. Shepherd is Live, where's the record, Mr. Melton from geography class played the flute, George Washington play 7th grade, Kruchev gets a Sullivan Guest Shot, Play it Louie, More Dorothy Anderson, Mr. Anderson was building house, Blown down onto metal stake, walks to hospital Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 45 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 2, 1962 They Walk in Square Corners Description: "The Perfect Crime" ‐ Shep tells the story about the Old Man's Graham Paige. Shep fans with IGWT can go to chapter 22 and literally follow along with a great story. They Walk in Square Corners, reverse roles, educational programs, great influences, Dagwood Bumsted, Mrs. Frieda VanHousin‐Rich lady, invites mom to join Moose club, Dorothy Anderson's father, kid named Johnny, Perfect Crime, Graham Paige, polishing and chrome job, scrapes side in garage, (same story and wording of short story Perfect Crime IGWT) Notes: W November 5, 1962 The Rooster is Loose Description: The Rooster is Loose, is everybody happy, the Rose of Washington Square, chased by animals‐ teases rooster, kid alley collecting wheels, friend goes to Broadway play by himself‐laughs at play. Notes: W November 7, 1962 US Highway 41 Description: New York Times rant in a terrible accent Violence reported in the papers Depression stories of John Dillinger US Highway 41, John Mattenly deli, credit called the book, Dillinger and mob stories, Deli held up and shots fired from both sides Notes: W November 8, 1962 No Hard Feelings Description: No Hard Feelings, cabbie, rathole, Philadelphia shootout‐old lady there not shooting at me, crows, swamp, Kid story about finding sunk rowboat, work to repair and it sinks again. Notes: W November 9, 1962 Putdown Artist Description: Putdown Artists, chicken claw choosers, religious war, put‐down‐no third act, played for united Brethren Notes: W November 12, 1962 Army KP Description: Army KP, Army movies for civilians, Army life‐tradeoffs, making miserable life, Army KP Notes: W November 13, 1962 Army, Area Two Description: Shep tells the story of the guys assigned to "Army Area 2" Army Area Two, Stan Kenton Band, Army Camp Crowder, Ozarks, Insanity catching, Temp orders, Company full of hostile Gis with bad reputations. Somebody burnt down the dayroom. Notes: W November 14, 1962 Self Worshipers Description: Self Worshipers, fake cookies as ornaments for monopoly game, new game‐career game, mink ad Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 46 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 15, 1962 Creative Military Ads Description: Creative Military Ads, Mr. Clean‐most sexy man on TV, romantics your life, Army Payday. Notes: W November 16, 1962 Great Expectations Description: Great Expectations, Gets out of the Army at Camp Atterbury Ind., out of Army and nobody cares Notes: W November 19, 1962 Starlings Description: Starlings, Archie story, White house starlings. Notes: W November 20, 1962 Christmas in the Army Description: Christmas in Army, Early Christmas promotions, war photos, Christmas in Army and no pass. Notes: W November 21, 1962 More Starlings, Locusts, Frogs Description: Starlings, more White House Starlings, repent, Jesus Saves on Rock, locust attack, frog invasion Notes: W November 22, 1962 Holiday Visiting Relatives Description: Holiday Visiting Relatives, Thanksgiving, rat‐race, the Kennedy's, stogie knot heads and disrespectful, Visiting Relatives, Mill Christmas party, Yojimbo Movie Ad Notes: W November 23, 1962 Army Laurel and Hardy Moments Description: Shep tells story about a march and the Nutty Army General. Army L/Hardy Moments, fall publishers list, forced Army March, air attack w/ bags of flower being dropped, plane w/ general yelling at them crashes, great moments under pancho smoking with Colonel, Laying wire from DC3 Notes: W November 26, 1962 That Little Corner House Description: Little Corner House, new dish soap called Thrill, Fads and Phrases, Scottish Actors, Kid Story about neighborhood corner house which was a store‐gas station‐tavern‐candy store, cop car rear ends guy who falls out of car, car crashes into rear building loaded with illegal stuff. Frank Stoke family. Notes: W November 27, 1962 Disasters, Getting Fired Description: Disasters‐Getting Fired, working at radio station with bad owner Notes: W November 28, 1962 Generalized Love Description: Generalized Love, love as we know it, working in radio sta, they all go to football game, distinguished colleague gets drunk and makes a fool of himself Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 47 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 29, 1962 Parachute Jumper Description: Shep tells the kid story of passing the Roby Race Track one Sunday afternoon. Early Story of the Country Fair, Race Car lands on a Graham Paige waiting in the traffic jam outside the racetrack. Shep also tells the kid story of seeing the Parachute Jumper. Parachute Jumper, Giving Trading Stamps for grades, ID cards for everybody, voice print ID, conformity, Foul Ball keepers, airports and air shows, Roby Racetrack, dirt track racing, Parachute Jumper‐into trees Notes: W November 30, 1962 NY Plane Crash (short) Description: NY Plane Crash, short show w/ news bulletins about plane crash Notes: W December 3, 1962 Triple Tongue It Description: Triple Tongue It, sousaphone playing and the HS band. Notes: W December 4, 1962 Edge of Absurdity Description: Edge of Absurdity, subway candy machine, how is it in outland, east St Louis party, just out of Army, Ruth, playing footsie, on date and her possessive mother. Notes: W December 5, 1962 Freshman Football Description: Freshman Football, Robins drunk on fermented berries, facts of life, Old Santa fired for giving away toys, Freshman Football‐Wildcats Notes: W December 6, 1962 Radio Traditions Description: Radio Traditions, New Doll‐Kissy, WGN 720 Chicago, radio sta name trivia, famous radio stations Notes: W December 7, 1962 Never Admit Anything Description: Shep tells an Army Story. "Army Rock Lane" Never Admit to Anything, Old Brain, primal, Army‐Never admit louseups, Capt. Victor Campbell‐ VMI grad, Painted rock lines along ditches. Notes: W December 10, 1962 Nothing Box Description: Nothing Box, Theme erased, when the ah was added, 1939 time capsule‐rotted, Catholic poodles, Christmas gift list, Nothing Box, Fur seatbelts Notes: Shep explains where the "Ahh" came frome at the end of the theme Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 48 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 11, 1962 20 Cents a Day Description: Hen that lays empty eggs Treachery and the problems you have when you run out of coal Hitch hiking to school for the adventure 20 Cents a Day, the ah is added to end of theme, empty eggs, treachery, hitchhiking to school, given 20 cents for bus, lady in Chrysler Airflow, old dodge junker and late, garage attendant tells him to write a note & fink Notes: Average price of a dozen eggs was $0.54 (No word on what empty eggs went for) Number one song in the US "Big Girls Don't Cry" by the Four Seasons W December 12, 1962 Albert Farkas Description: Newsmen should never do radio, or people might stop reading their articles. Shep muses about how the papers wouldn't notice if radio went on strike. New Jersey as a state of mind. News flash from New Jersey over accident reason. A real news flash about a newspaper writer that has died (John Chapman). Jean launches into memories on the writer he knew. Fear and it's inspiration as a male thing. Albert Farkas in the Alley Albert Farkas, newspaper strike, columnist Solkosky dies, Farkas chases Shep, hides in the A&P Notes: W December 13, 1962 Two Kinds of Fear Description: Two Kinds of Fear, Seventh Sense of Wonderful, Fantasy Fiction, Magazines of today, Harper's, 17 Notes: W December 14, 1962 English Night Description: English Night, Gift ideas of the time, Jaguar thief, Phantom of English racing Notes: W December 17, 1962 Great Ice Cream War Description: Great Ice Cream War, train to Philadelphia, package trips, newspaper strike, irrationality, Ice Cream War, Igloo vs. Bordons Notes: W December 18, 1962 Doing Show From BBC Description: Doing show from BBC, big gimmick, manual labor '58, 4hr Sunday night several shows from BBC London, BBC station‐gathering crowd, they couldn't understand free‐wheeling show, all their stuff is scripted Notes: W December 19, 1962 Week of the Office Follies Description: Week of the Office Follies, office parties and drunks Notes: W December 20, 1962 New Swear Words Description: New Swear Words. computer Christmas songs, Religion of the Machine, Honeywell 800 songs Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 49 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 21, 1962 Dunes Bobsledding Description: Dunes Bobsledding, commercials, no Monday night show (24th) preempted, winter, northern lights, winter sports, Dunes Bobsledding‐Toboggan vs. Bobsled down steep snow covered dunes out onto lake Michigan Notes: W December 25, 1962 Collecting Teeth Description: Collecting Teeth, FM radio personalities, Dr Stanley G> Brown dentist where they got discarded teeth, unfinished goals, new slate Notes: W December 26, 1962 Folk Biz People Description: Folk Biz People, Vietnam typewriters, weapons of war Notes: W December 27, 1962 Basement Intruder Description: Basement Intruder, Slobism, Japan gum chewing, FuMan Chu radio, Basement intruder Notes: W December 28, 1962 Big Little Book Description: Big Little Book, Back from party at RR flat in village, girl fit‐woman trouble, Gun for Christmas, Old book stores, Big Little Book‐comic strip form, Hair Breath Harry Notes: W January 1, 1963 Sparrows and Spatsies ‐ The National Bird(Starling) Description: None Notes: W January 2, 1963 Selling Seeds Description: None Notes: W January 3, 1963 Big Little Book II Description: None Notes: W January 4, 1963 Great Market Scare Description: None Notes: W January 7, 1963 Haiku Poetry Description: None Notes: W January 8, 1963 Amateur Radio War Description: None Notes: W January 9, 1963 Telephone Syndrome Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 50 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 10, 1963 Truth Fans Description: None Notes: W January 14, 1963 It's Called Motivation Description: None Notes: W January 15, 1963 Tin Mill Girl Description: By George thank God there is an England BBC news The getting to know you better Tokyo news Camels and chipmunks relationship explained What is a drop forge plant Finally the tin mill and sheets of moon light Notes: W January 16, 1963 Corny Looking People Description: None Notes: W January 17, 1963 Love‐Hate, Bar Fight Description: None Notes: W January 18, 1963 Medicine Cabinate Discovery Description: Dreamers, Realists, & Cynic's (all of mankind) The power of translators Ma what have ya done for me lately Shep discovers Psychedelics Notes: W January 21, 1963 Robert Service Description: None Notes: W January 22, 1963 Electro Theraputic Description: Newspaper strike Being in a play Scientific formula's More deserted houses in the upper mid west Notes: This was very popular in France at one time, and it is not unusual for French homes to have several Electro Therapeutic devices. W January 23, 1963 Dangers in Bras Description: None Notes: W January 23, 1963 More Corny Looking People Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 51 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 24, 1963 Getting Ham License Description: Very cold weather described Passing long winter nights in search of his white whale, Shep does a Melville Notes: W January 25, 1963 Mill Stories Description: None Notes: W January 28, 1963 The Male Role Description: None Notes: W January 29, 1963 Hunting of the Snark 1 Description: Shep spends the whole show reading "The Hunting of the Snark" by Lewis Carroll. At the end he says that this shouldbe required reading by all the under‐graduates, twice a year, along with the Army general orders. He compares Carroll's 'nonsense' to Herman Woulk's 'sense' Notes: Special thanks to David Director for providing this show and David Singer for originally recording it and preserving it over these years. W January 30, 1963 Hunting of the Snark 2 Description: None Notes: W January 31, 1963 Hunting of the Snark 3 Description: None Notes: W February 1, 1963 Emerging Corny Looking People Description: None Notes: W February 4, 1963 Sifting the Ashes Description: Shep tells the story about the Saturday Job of Sifting the Furnace Ashes. Notes: W February 5, 1963 NY ‐ Out of Touch Description: None Notes: W February 6, 1963 Billy Graham Pavilion Description: None Notes: W February 7, 1963 Old Man's E.H. Scott Radio Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 52 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 8, 1963 More E.H. Scott Radio Description: None Notes: W February 11, 1963 Close to Trouble Description: None Notes: W February 12, 1963 Quest of the Perfect Car Description: None Notes: W February 13, 1963 Monster Movies Description: None Notes: W February 14, 1963 Troop Train Ernie Description: Shep tells the classic story of Troop Train Ernie. Notes: W February 15, 1963 Anticipation Description: None Notes: W February 18, 1963 Carl's Essex, Worms Description: Shep talks about Uncle Carl's Essex. Notes: W February 19, 1963 The Gray Seal Description: None Notes: W February 20, 1963 In Wine There is Truth Description: None Notes: W February 21, 1963 NYC via Paddy Wagon Description: None Notes: W February 22, 1963 Being an Unchosen Description: None Notes: W February 25, 1963 Robert Service Description: None Notes: W February 27, 1963 Army Shoes, Uncle Alby Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 53 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 28, 1963 Chicago World's Fair Description: None Notes: W March 1, 1963 Homer Croft ‐ Bugler Description: News article Colonia, New Jersey The code all around us Bugle calls and faking it Notes: W March 4, 1963 Granny on the Bus Description: None Notes: W March 5, 1963 Orwellian Opposites Description: None Notes: W March 6, 1963 Really Dig This Job Description: None Notes: W March 7, 1963 Hung Up, Ham Radio Description: The eternal sewerage system of the soul The Village Voice newspaper as a humor paper The Major problem of being Hung Up & an article in the Newark Star Ledger as an example Most people are Hung Up on themselves Dictators in America, and revelling in your wrongness Shep's admission of his Hang Up Notes: W March 8, 1963 First Trip To Radio Station As Kid Description: None Notes: W March 11, 1963 Stetson University Description: None Notes: W March 12, 1963 Asleep on the Air Description: None Notes: W March 13, 1963 Got Rid of My Hat Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 54 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 14, 1963 Fanatics and Tyrants Description: Jesus Saves (others spend?) AP piece on a driver on a mission in Michigan Zealot Fraternities & Associations Notes: W March 15, 1963 Cola Machine Gives ‐ The Great Coca‐Cola Monster Description: None Notes: W March 18, 1963 Pop Culture Description: A story about a gaboon Viper found dead in the Philadelphia zoo with his own fangs embedded in his back, leads Shep into one of his serious discussions, this time about pop culture. Notes: W March 19, 1963 Men Always Choosing Up Sides, Hitching to School Description: None Notes: W March 20, 1963 Basement Racing Description: None Notes: W March 21, 1963 6th Grade Book Report Description: Shepherd is in a rotton, skunky, stinky, mood ‐ he has a cold. Colds were put on earth to remint man of his mortality Shep tells the story of his sixth grade book report based on the book Decameron of Boccaccio by Giovanni Boccaccio. This story became "MISS BRYFOGAL AND THE CASE OF THE WARBLING CUCKOLD" in the August 1966 Playboy and was ultimateley used in the movie "My Summer Story" as on of the plot lines. Notes: W March 22, 1963 BBQ Shrimp Date Description: None Notes: Shep still has a bad cold W March 25, 1963 Army Specialized Training Program Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 55 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 26, 1963 Dime Store Grab Bag Description: "This is a dime store culture we live in." Shep discusses the people and atmosphere of the old dime stores such as Woolworth's. He sets out as a kid to buy a birthday gift for his father. He looks around in Woolworth's and almost buys a tie pin with a pheasant. He decides to ponder it for a while and heads for the toy department where he looks over the model airplanes. There was a big box marked "Grab Bag 25 cents". Considering this he decides to spend the quarter on one of the mysterious packages. After being asked by the cashier if he was sure he wanted it, he plops down the quarter and picks the biggest package there. He gets on the bus and get almost home. He gets off and goes to an empty lot where he can open it with nobody around. It turns out to be a Shirley Temple cutout book. He looks it over and heads back to Woolworth's. The woman behind the counter looks at him and asks if he wants his quarter back. He takes it and heads back out of the store and onto the bus. A lady on the bus asks his what's hanging on his elbow. When he looks he finds a blood red broach hanging on his sleeve. It must have hooked onto him while passing through the jewelry department. He takes it home and give it to his mother. His mother says why give it to me? It's your father's birthday. "Well I figured dad would prefer it if I would give you a present. The old man says "That is the best present you could have given me." Notes: W March 27, 1963 Double Speak Description: Pet turtle travels 10 miles to return home and continue eating vegatable garden. Did anyone see this cartoon about a turtle with 2 snails sitting on op of his shell. One says to the other "Hang on! Here we go!" Shep discusses the different forms of double talk around the world, sports, politics, entertainment, and people in general. Notes: W March 28, 1963 Something is Out There Description: None Notes: W March 29, 1963 Ball Lightning Description: Shep begins by discussing a lightning bolt that hit a plane with 22 Methodist Ministers on board. "Global Cooling" "End of the world" syndrome Fireball rolling down the street when he was a kid. It makes a left turn and goes right through the front door of the Striker house. Notes: W April 1, 1963 Perpetual Teenagerism Description: Shep ponders current American Attitudes Scapegoatism Mother's Day and Muzak. Notes: W April 2, 1963 Troop Train, Jug Band Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 56 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 3, 1963 Does Anybody Like Me Description: None Notes: W April 4, 1963 Vermont G‐8 Airline Description: Shep talks about his trip to Vermont where he has just returnedfrom doing a college show. Notes: W April 5, 1963 Great Sinking Sensation clown flop Description: None Notes: W April 8, 1963 Toledo Con ‐ How Shep Ran Into the Big World Description: New development, plug in radio's that don't need batteries! Spy cameras for 35 cents The problems boxers have & frozen faces Toledo radio station job for $7.50 a week Notes: W April 9, 1963 Imponderables, Baseball Fans Description: Holloway Suckers, Baseball dress codes, indoor baseball and football stadiums and their effects on the game. The Mets are going to be a better team in 5 years. (In 6 years they made the World Series and won) Notes: W April 10, 1963 After the Circus Description: Miss Reingold ‐ where are you tonight? Shep compares the world to a circus. Notes: W April 11, 1963 Army Room Mate Description: None Notes: W April 12, 1963 Army Induction Description: Being un‐cool Sitting at a podium about a year ago in a foreign country, playing it cool. Shep talks about his induction day in the Army. Notes: W April 23, 1963 Date After Army Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 57 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 24, 1963 Casey at the Bat Description: Shep opens up the show singing various courses from: "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen" "Mommy's Little Baby Loves Shortening Bread" "Old Man River" ...and more Speaking of the Yankees and a game played against the Chicago White Sox earlier that day: "There is a feeling in the air". "I think this is going to be a desperate season" He then reads the story of "Casey at the Bat" by By Ernest Lawrence Thayer. Notes: The Yankees went 70 ‐ 89 in 1966 and finished in 10th place. Shep was right ‐ it was a desperate season. The Original poem "Casey at the Bat" appeared in the San Francisco Examiner on June 3, 1888 and can be read here: W April 25, 1963 Atomaniacs Description: None Notes: W April 25, 1963 Schraffs Lady Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 58 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 26, 1963 Popping the Cork Description: "Don't promise nothing! Anything you get, any little thing, you're ahead of the game " The signboard with Paul Newman and "Why HUD?" that is appearing around. It has a large black area along the bottom. "Now I'm not making any suggestions... but I'll be looking for some interesting graffiti." Shep reads an ad for "mother's image' lingerie by Gillian from page 14 of the April 26, 1963 issue of life magazine. Being mistaken for a woman because his first name is Jean. Nominated for Who's Who of American women. A salute to the Human soul ‐ the American of the week‐ "If you can't beat City Hall ‐ Flood it!" A Mailman in San Francisco goes into City Hall and commences to flood it. "I thought City Hall needed flushing out!" (Shep tells this story chopping it up with cheap honky‐tonk music) Old man Schwartz ‐ Gets a new car. It's 14 inches too long to fit in the garage, so he makes it. The garage has a nice 14‐1/2 inch scoop out the front. Works as a vice president at the steel mill and Shep delivers mail to him. "Don't throw that mail!" Getting a ride to school in Schwartz's car. "He was the most deeply religious man I've ever now" Shep describes going to Sunday congregation, when old man Schwartz was preaching. Notes: Shep yells at Walt and someone else in the control room to pay attention on several occasions. He refers to Schwartz as Paul. This is a rare occasion that we hear the real first name of one of his friends. Mentions being on until midnight. W April 29, 1963 Where Will You Spend Eternity Description: None Notes: W April 30, 1963 Revival Thing Description: None Notes: W April 1963 Baseball Fans Description: None Notes: W April 1963 Compassion + Cantaloupes Description: None Notes: W April 1963 Stag Films Pool Description: None Notes: W April 1963 The Snooper Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 59 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 2, 1963 Irene Bogash ‐ Bunny or Rabbit Description: What did Irene do at the candy store and where did she end up? Is a bunny a rabbit? Notes: W May 3, 1963 Italian POWs Description: None Notes: W May 6, 1963 Say It Big Description: None Notes: W May 7, 1963 Are You Really Happy Description: The world is turning into a Zen fiesta. Man Bites Dog ‐ arouses wife Wage all out war in the safety of your home ‐ Shep reads ad for war game from April 1963 Superman Comic ‐ page 40 from "My favorite humor newspaper" ‐ The Philadelphia Enquirer "Are you really happy? by William Bernard and Julius Leopold Notes: W May 8, 1963 Hypnotize the Sales Staff Description: None Notes: W May 9, 1963 Heinie Fopbol Revenge Description: What can Sauerkraut, Butterfingers and Baby Ruth Bars have in common? Notes: W May 10, 1963 Army Secret Weapon Description: None Notes: W May 13, 1963 Rat Hole to New Shop Description: None Notes: W May 14, 1963 Surveyor Job Description: None Notes: W May 15, 1963 Shepherd Anonymous Description: None Notes: W May 16, 1963 NY Giants vs Post Team (Banjo Butt Story) Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 60 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 17, 1963 Astronaut Gordon Cooper, the Aha Expeirience, Picture Flip Books Description: Shep mentions that Astronaut Gordon Cooper is reported in newspapers as if he was a piece of electronic equipment. Shep sings "Sitting On Top Of The World". Shep wishes that the astronauts were not such clean‐cut looking people. He tells about a James Thurber short story " The Greatest Man In The World" (obviously inspired by Charles Lindbergh). The man makes a heroic airplane flight but it turns out that the man is a thug of the first order. He meets an untimely end in mysterious fashion. American can't have as a hero such an unworthy person. Shep talks about how we want to refer to our notable people by first name or in other familiar terms, with reference to Gordon Cooper's military rank. Shep talks about, when new in radio, he covered the Indianapolis 500 race. He reported how the race really was progressing (dull) but he was told by his boss to make the race more interesting, to "jazz it up". Shep then does his version of coverage of a space shot. He satirizes the coverage and shows how ordinary events are exaggerated. Nothing in particular may be happening, but the reporter makes it sound like a dangerous, exciting and unusual situation. Just trying to make a dull story exciting. Shep talks abut the "Aha! experience". Shep is about six when he started school and was thrust into a new environment. He suddenly confronts new people who have different values and experiences. Tells story about when he was a kid he had picture "flip books" that he traded with other kids. He had one of a baseball player hitting a home run. He traded it for another one. It was a porno flip book but he was too young to know it. The old man took it and had a lot of fun with at card games with his friends. Notes: W May 21, 1963 Everybody Loved Uncle Emil Description: This is the age of "THE GREAT HANG UP!" Italian newspaper article on unrequited love Uncle Emil who was one of GREAT Aunt Theresa's suiters Members of the family that are not members of the family & how it happens Notes: W May 22, 1963 Moving Ahead Description: Poll ‐ Do you feel America is moving ahead? How different people interpret the question. Mankind is like an enormous school of fish swimming in a vast circle. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 61 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 24, 1963 1st Grade Lice Description: If you want to get ahead remain sober at all costs if you can ‐ George Ade paraphrased Cousin Buddy called Jean 'Satchel . . . Jean enlightens us to the prelude passage of the 'Shiek of Araby' Movies have replaced reality Gigantic hassle in Norway over Donald Duck English medicine marches on in Lancet magazine Poor families are afraid of light Notes: Regarding the Norwegian dispute that Shep mentions, see:! W May 27, 1963 Mondo Cane Description: None Notes: W May 28, 1963 Space Weapons Description: None Notes: W May 29, 1963 Expert Panelists Description: Mets / Yankees Shep doesn't know what to do with the thousands of scraps of paper with phone numbers he has accumulated since they have no names. Playing Truth or Consequences Shep finds his old notebook from his trip to Nigeria ‐ it contained all the "impressions" he had during the trip. Sharks in the Bay of Guinea and a CW operator in Nigeria taking down the news in code. CW is a world of pure symbolism ‐ there are no inflections in CW Shep tells about the time he wasd a kid and after giving his name, was seduced for 4‐1/2 hours, because he was thought to be a girl. Notes: W May 31, 1963 Lithuanian Compost Heap Description: Twice chewed cabbage Shep gives the WOR engineers a hard time Sunday Journal American story on 'Plan for future with a compost heap!' Shep explains Compost Technology followed by brief introduction to politeness Steel mill fallout, red cars, lungs and other things Lithuanian foibles and the compost heap story begins Interesting view of Midwestern life & the sexual attraction of Phillips 66 Killer Sunflowers Notes: Lots of WOR announcements for Palisades Park and the 1000's of giveaways before the show starts Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 62 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 1963 "The Woolworth Crowd and the 25 Cent Grab Bag" Description: "This is a dime store culture we live in." Shep discusses the people and atmosphere of the old dime stores such as Woolworth's. He sets out as a kid to buy a birthday gift for his father. He looks around in Woolworth's and almost buys a tie pin with a pheasant. He decides to ponder it for a while and heads for the toy department where he looks over the model airplanes. There was a big box marked "Grab Bag 25 cents". Considering this he decides to spend the quarter on one of the mysterious packages. After being asked by the cashier if he was sure he wanted it, he plops down the quarter and picks the biggest package there. He gets on the bus and get almost home. He gets off and goes to an empty lot where he can open it with nobody around. It turns out to be a Shirley Temple cutout book. He looks it over and heads back to Woolworth's. The woman behind the counter looks at him and asks if he wants his quarter back. He takes it and heads back out of the store and onto the bus. A lady on the bus asks his what's hanging on his elbow. When he looks he finds a blood red broach hanging on his sleeve. It must have hooked onto him while passing through the jewelry department. He takes it home and give it to his mother. His mother says why give it to me? It's your father's birthday. "Well I figured dad would prefer it if I would give you a present. The old man says "That is the best present you could have given me." Notes: W June 14, 1963 Pearl, Biology Class Description: None Notes: W June 17, 1963 Old Airplanes Description: None Notes: W June 17, 1963 Masculinity Description: None Notes: W June 18, 1963 Dream World Description: "Touching the Dream World" Shep explores advertisments and their relation to the 'Dream World' Mentions owning a car agency once Notes: W June 19, 1963 Projected Images Description: None Notes: W June 20, 1963 Last Night of Spring Description: Shep discusses the coming of summer and how it affects us all This is the last night of spring The definition of Farrago Summertime makes more people slip into fantasy more than any other time of the year Summer Madness ‐ Can people 50 years from now look back and explain how they felt "It's going to be a Romantic Summer" Glamor Magazine Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 63 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 21, 1963 Elephants Graveyard Description: Jean tells some Elephant and Frog stories. Notes: W June 25, 1963 Mr Chuckie Again Description: None Notes: W June 26, 1963 Date at the Beach Description: None Notes: W June 1963 Business Lunches Description: None Notes: W July 1, 1963 First Intro to the Classics, Moving Music Description: None Notes: W July 2, 1963 Being A Peeping Tom Description: The opening theme of this show is missing. It starts off with Shep reading a newspaper story, in his trademark bad Asian accent, about waiters in a restaurant somewhere in China beating a customer to death in a dispute over a check. The point is unclear. He moves on to a newspaper story about teenage boys in Westfield NJ playing tennis in the dark with infrared glasses and a florescent tennis ball. This leads Shep onto the theme of the show: nocturnal games, particularly of the male teenage variety. Shep taunts his listeners to state what they are dedicated to ‐‐ with the clear implication that it's probably a lot less than they imagine. He reads a snippet of article about the celebrated Chicago bunko artist, Joseph "Yellow Kid" Weil, offering a Brass Figlagee to anyone who knows how he earned his nickname. He also makes reference to other Chicago folk‐hero criminals, presumably by way of setting up the premise that Midwesterners are not as pure of heart as some may suppose. He uses that setup to launch into his story about nocturnal teenage games, laced with some Shepherdesque observations about the darker side of humanity. Shep says he is about to make a confession, that at the "yeasty age" of 12 years old, one summer night he and about 15 of his Hammond pals (Swartz, Flick, Bruner, and a several other names appearing only rarely in his stories), spontaneously become a roving band of peeping toms, moving from house to house until, after four or five nights they "taste the heady fruit of the clandestine" by hitting the "double jackpot." He felt he had become a "true rotten person," but of course did not stop ‐‐ until a police alert warning of band of peeping toms ran in the Hammond Times, and police cars appeared down the street one night about a week later. Shep observes that he "never met anyone who didn't have an affinity for sin of all kinds," and that human beings have the capacity for making it into an intellectual experiment, rather than admitting they do it for kicks. "Mankind is great at hiding things," he concludes. Notes: Shep seems to be distracted by some activity in the studio near the end of the show and wanders off‐ point, leading to not quite the big finish he might have intended. This show contains a great description of hot, humid summer nights in the Midwest. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 64 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 3, 1963 4th of July in the Army Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 65 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 4, 1963 Lagos; The Old Man's Fireworks Stand Description: Starts show by saying that it is the Fourth of July and "Wouldn't you know it, one of the Kennedy's had a kid". Says that we all are Americans. Has a friend in Paris who paints. An art dealer saw his paintings and he said that he is painting Americans, that all of the people he paints look like Americans. Talks about visit to Nigeria. It was so hot that you want to take off your skin. Life is all over the place. It is a very exciting place. Went to the post office in Nigeria to buy stamps. A guy in line reaches over and touches him. A huge handsome colored man. He is a guy from the States. He is glad to talk to an American. They get into the man's car and go for a drink. Turns out that the man is a listener from Brooklyn. He told Shep that "I had to come all the way over here to discover that first and foremost I am an American." Went back to Lagos. In the hotel he is having a drink. Man asks S if he is enjoying trip. Man is from Poland. Guessed that he is a top flight Communist. Man came out with virulent racist talk about Nigeria. A man from one of the great People's Republics. The 4th of July is a truly American celebration. It is celebrating what you really are. It is not the 4th unless it is incredibly hot. Traffic jams and fireworks are part of the 4th. The 4th is a violent holiday. The Old Man ran a fireworks stand . A few week before the 4th he went out and got a supply of fireworks. Shep offers the brass figlagee to anyone who can identify various types of fireworks that he is describing. The scars of the fireworks would be all over town for at least two week after the 4th. Knows these things because fireworks was an integral part of his life as a kid. Talks about OM, an absolute nut about of fireworks. Had a fireworks stand outside of the city limits of Chicago. Asks trivia questions about brands of fireworks. OM and S. set up stand and about midnight the business would peter out. OM was excite because he gets to shoot off the leftovers. S. liked fireworks but hated to work in the fireworks stand. Tells about hapless customers that needed their first aid supplies because the product they sold was too effective. Tells about wimpy rich kid "Timothy" who just wanted sparklers because he was afraid of the good stuff, but the kids father wants the big fireworks. S. visualizes their servant shooting off their fireworks. S. said most traumatic experiences were about his father and fireworks. Tells about the "Terrible episode of the backfiring roman candle". Tells about various sizes of roman candles. The five dollar one was the biggest. Tells how OM set off the roman candle. The OM had style in everything he did: pool, bowling, etc. He put body English on the roman candle. Great moment in Ships life. OM liked roman candle best. Going fine when one ball shot backwards and right up his sleeve and out the back of his shirt. Shirt is on fire. OM was the best piece of fireworks of the whole night. He puts out the fire and in five minutes he is back outside shooting fireworks. Tells story about of squibs (dud firecrackers) and how the neighborhood kids burned their faces when they set off the powder from about of five pounds of squibs. Powder from the squibs is put in a bucket and Flick drops in a match. All of their eyebrows are gone. Tells about fireworks on the great lakes, fireworks set off on ore boats. Tells about fireworks accident on the lake. The people liked it, it was a great display. Final story about OM. Biggest 4th fiasco he ever saw. OM had about $350 of fireworks, at depression prices. Fill up two ton truck twice. Had the fireworks in two huge boxes. Put two boxes near big pinwheel. Sparks are going into the boxes. Shep gives his usual vivid description of the ensuing disaster. Only regret anyone had was that the OM set them off all at once. "It's tough being an Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 66 of 451 Have Class Date Title American, It is one of the hardest jobs in the world." Notes: Note: Christopher George Kennedy was born on July 4, 1963 to Ethel and Robert Kennedy. W July 5, 1963 Great Ice Cream War Description: What a great city this is when everyone is gone. Shep asks that everyone stay away, stay where they are because it's so peaceful, he even rode his motorcycle around town. "What is that expression? When the rat's away..." Shep begins by talking of summer madness and the gasoline price wars that Jersey had not long ago. This leads to him telling the story of the Great Ice Cream War between "The Igloo" and Borden's Dairy back in Hammond during the late 30's. The two were right across the street from one another and one day a battle was fought driving the prices down from 12 cents a double dip to FREE. Notes: This was originally thought to be the July 4th show, but has been redated due to the confirmed July 4th show surfacing. W July 9, 1963 What is IT Description: None Notes: W July 10, 1963 Friend or Foe Description: None Notes: W July 11, 1963 The Peer Group Description: Shep and the selling of and the reality of Cleopatra. Shep ponders power, immortality and what it must feel like to be president. 'Religion of Total Privileged' or 'Only the Select Belong' (Temples=Restaurants). Dressing for political success. Concerned discussions and the restaurant tale of the broadway producer. Shep skewers Sports Illustrated and Hugh Heffner. The real leaders of today. Notes: W July 12, 1963 Friends Work at IBM Description: None Notes: W July 15, 1963 Dr. Fu Man Chu Description: None Notes: W July 16, 1963 Hutteries Description: None Notes: W July 17, 1963 Day with Tallulah Bankhead Description: None Notes: W July 18, 1963 Lightning Hits Ham Radio Description: None Notes: W July 19, 1963 Summer with Dawn Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 67 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 22, 1963 Maine Solar Eclipse Description: None Notes: W July 23, 1963 Short Wave Radio Description: None Notes: W July 24, 1963 NJ Historymobile Description: None Notes: W July 25, 1963 Summer Madness, 32 Ford Valve Job Description: None Notes: W July 26, 1963 Cantaloupe Field Description: None Notes: W July 29, 1963 Bugging the Neighborhood Description: None Notes: W July 30, 1963 Gertz and the 47 Crappies Description: None Notes: W July 31, 1963 Hunter's Stew Description: None Notes: W July 1963 Improving on Nature Description: None Notes: W August 1, 1963 Mr Chuckie's Fashion News, Army Life Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 68 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 5, 1963 (Est) Watchers Vs. Doers Description: "What Happened" ‐ Ask that for no reason and see people's reactions Insurance policies that disclude acts of nuclear or atomic damage. Will anyone be around to collect and who will be around to pay? Imagination, fantasy dreams and show biz have taken over reality Are tapes available of the shows ‐ "No!" Shep answers a fan's question. 'Do you know what tape costs? 4,000 people have tried to get him fired ‐ 3,927 have succeeded. He mentions that there are 2 LPs out. He didn't like the names of the albums and complained to the union. Shep says he belongs to local 1010 CIO Steelworker's of America. He complained to them about the names of his records and they wrote back ‐ "Pay your dues" Notes: W August 5, 1963 Cassius Clay, Louts and Beer Drinkers Applaud Description: None Notes: W August 6, 1963 Hypnotism; Thinking Vs. Subconscious Description: Brunner was on the "extra board" for 35 years. Don't vegetate ‐ Do something! Hey, kid! Shout out to your old man "Hey Dad! Why is it you never did Nuthin'?" WOR is blacked out in Staten Island because of the Mafia. Berlin and Stalin Alley peace rally. Hypnosis parties. Official FATHERdom phantasm. Myth of the first order, "Hypnotised people doing other than they would normally do." Pittsburgh News Article on 60 people put into a trance! Notes: W August 7, 1963 Privileged People Description: None Notes: W August 8, 1963 Insanity Sessions, Cross Country Run Description: Description Losing the thread in a big meeting of the idiots Shep and Flick learn what not to eat before a track meet! Notes: W August 9, 1963 Natural Talent Description: None Notes: W August 12, 1963 Blue Assed Buzzard Story Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 69 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 13, 1963 A Klotz is a Klotz Description: Do birds know they are birds? Do turtles know they are turtles? Do other animals know what they are? Shep examines whether or not we really know who we are Notes: W August 14, 1963 No Blip on the Blimp Description: None Notes: W August 15, 1963 Cause and Effect Description: Selective deafness, conscience The mind is a built in tape recorder with an auto eraser Causes create effects and effects are created by causes ‐ another lecture for the Blue Book Exam Notes: W August 16, 1963 Covered Wagon BBQ Description: Troublesome questions Setting up the audience (a continuing theme) Applause required A Charge to infinity and beyond Uncle Chuckie's Covered Wagon BBQ Women a different species Transmittable psychological disorders Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 70 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 19, 1963 The Old Man As A Pool Shark Description: Offers the brass figlagee if someone can tell Shep who it was who said "I got so mad I wanted to throw my shoes over the first national bank building". Shep asks "How many of you are looking for love"? Shep offers to give hints. Says that people think the rest of the world is sane and that America is out of its skull. Talks about families. Says that there are different kinds of families. Likes the idea that WOR bills itself as a family station. That American is "hung" on the term "love", it is a basic theme. Talks about cliches. WOR is more like a Tennessee Williams family. Suspects that what the slobs like today the avant‐garde will not dig. Pool rooms are now billiards clubs, they have more classy spittoons. The avant‐garde have just discovered the Western movie. The Village Voice was talking about a John Wayne movie. The Voice thought it was a new art form. The Hippies just discovered the Mets. They don't know that it is just bad baseball and not good against evil. Says his predictions came true. He said that the stag film will become an art form. That a movie house in the Village gave a whole night of stag films. They Just discovered it. When he was a kid he remembers when in his neighborhood in the basement of the barbershop there was a "Social and Smoker". His mother would not let his father go to it. At 2 AM it was raided by the cops. Mr. Brunner was arrested too. Also Ray the barber was thrown in the jug. Now his father was cheering them on. Shep as a kid could not understand why people were arrested for watching movies, and why movies were in the basement of the barber shop. Brunner was finally seen sober after being released. The kids were curious and wanted to see the movie. Shep says stag films are dull films, and now they are art. Wonders how far behind are the avant‐ garde. For years kids looked at comic books, and they admire pop art. Shep also talks about folk music. No "folk" would be welcome by the hippies. Shep says that his father is a character in a James T Farrell novel. A character in a Studs Lonigan book. The author knew his father when they lived on the South side of Chicago. As a kid the Old Man was a pool shark and he never lost his skill. The Old Man was an ace bowler. The family went bowling. The Old Man used to play pool at the alleys because he could not help himself at times. Hot night in August, took family bowling in Chicago. In the back of the bowling ally were about 25 pool tables. As a kid he know nothing about that part of the alleys. The Old Man, Shep, kid brother, and Uncle Al went bowling. (Long digression about Mets and Sandy Koulfax , as a batter. Does not take them seriously). They could hear clicking of pool balls in background of the alley noise. The Old Man kept looking at that part of the alleys. His father become a different person. Starts to play pool. His eyes became like tiny steel marbles. Plays with Uncle Al. The Old Man is bringing them into the game. Starts to play pool with strangers. At 3 AM the Old Man gets into the house with three times his regular pay. Shep's Mother is shocked and bugged. Shep's father was not a gambler. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 71 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 20, 1963 World's Fair Description: None Notes: W August 21, 1963 Stage Play Production Description: Jean plays his nose flute and suggests there are some randy words to the song The explaination of the difference between good and bad laws Text read off a page by actors gives them seemingly similar qualities The New York factor Shep templates great plays Notes: W August 22, 1963 Druids; Rottenness Personified as Junk Description: None Notes: W August 23, 1963 Bible to Be Made into a Movie Description: None Notes: W August 26, 1963 Mill Disasters Description: None Notes: W August 27, 1963 Mortal Fear Description: A salute to the beautiful people Life imitating art and art imitating life Radio Tokyo al la Shep Mortal Fear, another tale of working at the Steel Mill Notes: W August 28, 1963 Where the Beautiful People Play Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 72 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 29, 1963 March on Washington Description: Shep begins the show singing "I'm forever blowing bubbles" The show was on tape the previous night and he explains the reason being that he was one of the marchers who went to Washington. One of the two or three most interesting days that he has experienced in his life, he went to Washington on a cross town bus as just one of the marchers. He describes the bus ride down, and his observations of how things went once they were there. He doesn't tell about the events themselves, but discusses what went on around him. How the people acted, and how organized things were. He compares his experience with that of a regular news reporter, who is doing a report from the press stand and not getting the real feel of the events as they unfolded. Notes: W August 30, 1963 Chicago Outdoor Market Description: None Notes: W August 1963 Army Induction Description: None Notes: W August 1963 Production Description: A thousand years from now "they" will call our century the Time of the Great Itch, possibly also the Time of the Transcendent Show Biz Outlook. Things now are produced instead of just happening. Shep tells of walking past a construction site & hearing a bad loudspeaker playing a recording of the construction efforts narrated by Tony Curtis, June Havacare (?) and Cary Grant ‐ "the voices of spring". Shep mentions a trade journal report in which a couple of "big networks" were "teed off" with the "space agency" over the low production values of a recent Atlas rocket launch. He then becomes a network official making a presentation to the space agency, illustrating the difference between their poorly produced launch (guys fooling with dials, loud "7 db over zero" hum during countdown) and how their production would turn the country on its collective ear. They'll portray the astronaut as "a veritable Charlton Heston of reality", Richard Burton will do the countdown and James Mason will narrate re‐entry – all produced by Otto Preminger & 20th Century Fox. Shep goes onto a story of being summoned to meet Otto von Kornfeld (Preminger?), a "great man" who has fully produced his own life. Hidden camera commercials as the most sickening type (new Socko soap with 5‐pronged action & the new Socko Dynamo 8 with Super Dyno Whoopee Drive) Shep ends by portraying an ad agency guy on the phone telling C.G. that Mr. Brundage says to get the copy points in the “real people” commercials & that real people do say such things as "New improved Super Dyno Five Point Drive" – his wife said it the other day! Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 73 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 2, 1963 Chicago Labor Day Parade Description: None Notes: W September 4, 1963 Operating Soreheads Description: None Notes: W September 5, 1963 Another Election Night in NYC Description: None Notes: W September 6, 1963 Pulp Fiction Description: None Notes: W September 9, 1963 Apocryphal Family Stories Description: None Notes: W September 10, 1963 Fake Hippies Description: How hip they are in Chicago They don't board people on planes anymore, the inject them with a human hypodermic A flying Shep story The loss of the true protest attitude Notes: W September 11, 1963 The Perfect Drive‐in Description: None Notes: W September 12, 1963 Handy Hints Shopping Service Description: What would you like to see in a time capsule An ad from Esquire magazine (Page 166 September) with effects WOR's handy shopping tips Shep as George Washington in a school play ‐ Notes .Speaking of mercenaries, a true fact, the only nationality that can not join the French Foreign leagion is . . . . . . French! Notes: Speaking of mercenaries, a true fact, the only nationality that can not join the French Foreign leagion is . . . . . . French! Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 74 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 13, 1963 Never Mentioned Description: Hayseed Shep "Things aren't getting any better blues" Hip school artists News report UPI softball game report that went on for 400 innings Nuttiness in the mid western competitions Our disposable society creates dumps People dumps, we call them retirement communities Insurance against getting stuck with your elderly parents The latest fad from Denver, boys combing their hair like girls The dilemma of answering certain questions like, how does it feel to be a woman? Notes: Jean seems to rather successfully have predicted an end to Worlds Fairs! W September 16, 1963 Time Capsule Description: None Notes: W September 17, 1963 Nuttyness Survey Description: Opens with a strapped in rendition of "I'm forever blowing bubbles" Angry biting essential Shepherd Nuttiness survey as an answer to the New York World Fair time capsule, a collection of absurd news around the world . Civic improvement in Germany through burning down eyesores . New York Times predictions of fashions for men, advert for men's shirts, worn by women . UPI reports in Germany an escaped wolf who is not dangerous unless hungry . Life magazine reports Russians are being taken by pool sharks . Swedish take on American by opening a western saloon that features a brawl every night . Japan directive ordering city hall employees to stop playing games and put on their clothes . England, UPI, Scamp a pet rabbit taken to psychiatrist because he imitates ducks Notes: W September 18, 1963 Esquire Story Description: None Notes: W September 19, 1963 Other Side of Man Description: None Notes: W September 20, 1963 HS Football Stories Description: None Notes: W September 23, 1963 Automation Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 75 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 24, 1963 Army Taps Description: Mystery man plays Taps on the Miami airport PA system The first time Shep realized he was in the ARMY & it wasn't a game The motivation of fear (Strums guitar throughout show) Notes: September 24th may be incorrect date ‐ Shep makes several references to it being Wednesday night during the first 3 minutes. Shep announces Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy starting Monday September 13th, then changes it to the 30th later. W September 25, 1963 Trying on Life Description: Starting with his nose flute Shep refuses to sing on the air ever again The Daily Telegraph Reporter News flash and other British salutes Trying On Life by playing at life according to the Reading News Roll reversal, what sex was Huck Finn anyway Brentano's Sport Section has War as a sport The National Enquirer radio station Funeral Coverage on the radio* Notes: *Ironically we would all be watching funeral coverage in two months time .Ed ‐ Rating ‐ Summary By .Ken Applegate W September 26, 1963 Moon of Confusion Description: Ivy league bikini's available according to the Philadelphia Bulletin Moon observations in Japanese culture and poetry The movie as the genuine experience, and the genuine experience as personal failure, not a failure of the movie to portray things accurately Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 76 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 30, 1963 Salute to Jersey Description: Pontiac offering a new longer Tempest & spins it into the all new Armageddon The Marauder revelation and other car names A Salute to the people of Lakeville Connecticut 7 their Freedom Eat A Salute to Mr Clark of New Jersey & his paint gun How difficult it is to communicate over cultural differences New Jersey experiences a virtual Battle of Gettysburg in beer bust Army beer fight story Notes: W October 1, 1963 Day Before World Series Description: None Notes: W October 2, 1963 Orthodoxy Description: Shep threatens a full moon show Shep describes a Grahme Wilson cartoon Irate listeners complain Orthodoxy, the ultra conservative lemming of a specific group's morays, and that a leader of such a group can say anything and the lemmings follow Notes: W October 3, 1963 Moon Night Description: Moon trivia Moon news from Indonesia Shep shoots the moon Moon poetry by Walter De La Mare Moon poetry by a German poet Hynie Moon poetry by Robert Beverly Hale Moon poetry by a German poet Hynie Moon poetry by a Alfred Lord Tennyson Notes: W October 4, 1963 Sacred Cows Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 77 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 7, 1963 Total Show Business Description: Shep mentions World's Fair buildings and that the IBM building has stainless steel trees, getting IBM back to Nature – almost. He mentions a letter from a listener who is OK during the week, but nervous on weekends – he misses Shep! We're informed that Walt Disney discovered Mickey Mouse under a daybed in the Lorraine Hotel in Cleveland and that people will be converted to religion by such occurrences as seeing Tony Perkins portraying St. Thomas Aquinas. Drive in worship Real life is only recognizable if it is done by Felini In addition to resorts dedicated to golfing, fishing & religion, there will soon be political resorts where you can participate in the Goldwater‐Rockefeller argument led by William F. Buckeley by the pool. Also coming will be comic resorts: Milt Kamen by the pool, Jackie Mason in the Yak‐ Em‐Up Lounge, Bob Newhart doing his funny submarine bit in the gymnasium and Mort Sahl doing his famous Eisenhower golf ball bit in the downstairs ladies lounge. He mentions a commercial by the “Hot Shot 4 Brothers Smothers” who sing that “if you want to walk for freedom, wear Hootenanny by Thom McAn”. He reads a news report from London in which a man was jailed for setting fire to a car owned by his former fiancée. She testified he became jealous of the car (which she actually did think more of than him). Herald‐Tribune “AM Highlights” describe Shep's show as “offbeat banter and interviews” – Shep comments that it's OK with him because Eric Sevareid's show is also described as offbeat banter. News flash from Radio Tokyo about the success of Russian anti‐China propaganda resulting in beatings of Japanese citizens mistaken for being Chinese Shep ends the show as the Radio Tokyo travel editor advising travelers to Moscow to wear “rising sun armbands” so as not to be confused with “Communist rat‐fink Chinamen”. Notes: W October 8, 1963 Myths of Automation Description: The goofing off underground A vague feeling about the Worlds Fair Executive Waste Basketball What do you give a computer when it retires The ability of the underutilized to focus on insignificant details ad‐infinituum Dog perfume and mascara His and Hers transmissions Technology keeping those that would otherwise be eliminated alive & future evolution Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 78 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 9, 1963 Pop Art Description: Feeling good and it is all going to work out Last minute cures Specialized tours Self inspectroscope A flat baseball bat & a square ball, or making difficult things easy Talent equality* Life is art, or is it!?! Notes: *On many occasions I have wondered at the similarity of Kurt Vonnegut Jr. and Jean. Here is another example of an obscure Sci‐Fi story that runs parallel to the subject Jean discusses. Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut see: It is easy to relate this show with the previous show, the common theme being what I refer to as the dumbing down of America. Machines that keep idiots that would have been killed alive (October 8, 1963) are of the same vein as flat bats and square balls; easy to drive cars and slob art! W October 10, 1963 Life as a Short Story Description: Do women feel Rank? Treasure Island trivia question. Is your life a significant story. Pop Politics The self promotion of Sheldon Silk. Notes: W October 14, 1963 Eerie Stories, Group Think Description: Shep starts out singing 'Ragtime Cowboy Joe' 17th concept of the death of God and man making himself out to be God The Cancer of FEAR Kansas City News Flash about a television repairman kept prisoner to fix TV Philadelphia Inquirer story on a most unusual football game George Orwell said: "Fear itself drives people into a search for a totalitarian system!" How we associate certain beliefs with others that are not associated Group think leading to a failed system according to Orwell Notes: W October 15, 1963 Taureg Culture Description: None Notes: W October 16, 1963 Selling Seeds Description: None Notes: W October 17, 1963 Army Air Corp Flight ‐ more Blue‐assed Buzzard Description: Shep tells the story of an Air Corps Flight Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 79 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 21, 1963 19th Century Mind Description: Looking through someone else's eyes National Illusions Clubs of various sizes and the implications Under the influence of a crowd What century are you in? Notes: W October 22, 1963 Turnpike Driving and Highway Philosophy Description: After spending the whole weekend traveling up and down the east coast on non‐turnpike, Shep talks about driving on the back roads of the country as opposed to the Turnpike. He talks of a friend who is a "turnpike person" and their favorite color is Howard Johnson orange because it represents safety. This guy asks how people get across the road since there are no overpasses or underpasses. You see America in a whole different way. Never take a person from another country on the Turnpike to show him the countryside. At one time you would drive all through the countryside trying to find the turnpike and now you can't escape it. There are signs that lure you on in very subtle ways. The turnpikes are all built high ‐ above the rubble of life. There's a certain guy who believes in the expressways as a way of life. Heaven is a giant Howard Johnson and Hell is an eternal detour on the outskirts of Providence on US Route 1. Signs you see on the different highways. Driving in the dark through Ohio at 5 in the morning a Greyhound bus comes up behind him and scares him out of seven inches of growth barreling past. Shep finishes with a story about how once a 57 Ford with equipped with a Continental customizing kit, and whip antenna, comes up to an S curve just ahead of Shep, drifts out and he drives right through the fence into oblivion. Shep pulls to the side of the road with 2 or 3 others and they get out to see when another plum color Buick comes around the bend and WHOOP! through the fence without touching the sides. Someone says "Why don't we just let them all kill each other off. Why don't we just stand here and watch!" Notes: Walt is the Engineer Good show about the pros andcons of driving on turnpikes vs driving on back roads. W October 23, 1963 Unconscious Humor Description: Shep spoofs a magazine ad for the latest Bob Dylan record album Notes: W October 24, 1963 Movie Mill Scene Description: None Notes: W October 25, 1963 Self Expertise Description: None Notes: W October 28, 1963 Blind Obedience Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 80 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 29, 1963 Shootout on Cleveland Street Description: None Notes: W October 30, 1963 Changing World Description: None Notes: W October 31, 1963 Halloween Description: None Notes: W November 1, 1963 Thurston's Manatee & Camel Description: Shep describes the kid story about the Manatee that was moved into Magician Thurston's garage. Thurston was a famous Magician who lived in the Indiana neighborhood. Notes: W November 4, 1963 Beruit ‐ The Beautiful Mediterranean Sea Description: None Notes: W November 6, 1963 Engineering Life Description: Good evening Life fans, fellow sufferers "I've been working on the railroad" on his Ukulele The BBC salutes obscenities in the mist British Man runs over car Sorehead license plates Millionth ticket for New York's Worlds Fair sold & the fair is not even open yet Scripting services for life, living life by the script Notes: W November 7, 1963 Christmas BB Gun Story Description: None Notes: W November 8, 1963 Chuckie's Xmas Tips, Instant Fame, Singing Class Description: SHEP starts with "I'm forever blowing bubbles" Mr Chuckies Christmas hints Instant Fame as a Christmas present A surprising time when Shep was not an unabashed ham bone Notes: W November 11, 1963 Scammed At Ping Pong Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 81 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 12, 1963 Mice, Basements, and the Furnace Description: Shep sings along to "She's Got Eyes of Blue" Shep has just been to a horse show at Madison Square Garden and start talking about animals and sin. The only animal that has sin is man. From Los Angeles ‐ Mice have become addicted to pot in the basement of the Hall of Justice in the evidence room. Basements, fighting the furnace. Shep and Randy discover a mouse nest in the coal bin down in the basement. There were 7 baby mice. They take them out, put them in a ball jar with a piece of cheese, and hide them under the bed. They don't eat the cheese and Randy gets worried and starts crying. Their parents find out. They decide to put them back and "The great mouse hunter" (the old man) places them back into the coal bin and covers them. 2 weeks later the old man is chasing mice around the kitchen and Randy starts crying "It's the Mommy and Daddy" Rats in Industry. They have no natural enemy. The scrap yards in the steel mill. Shep was in charge of getting rid of the rats. On day one comes out that is a full 2‐1/2 feet standing on his hind legs. Notes: W November 13, 1963 Protester's Bit Description: Opening gambit, "How is the fight going?" Protester's claim to be Intellectuals The enemy of the protester, the intellectual, brings logic to the situation Interesting observation on protest from the New York Times sport page Turning your traits into another persons problems Protest anger as nothing more than a bit, a part of the show, not for angst Notes: W November 14, 1963 Holiday Truths Description: None Notes: W November 15, 1963 Fear of Excavations and Ruins Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 82 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 18, 1963 You Can Never Tell Description: "This is going to be a very profound night" Shep spends most of the show running from one song to another, sometimes singing to the music, sometimes playing to it, and sometimes singing with no music ‐ "Shiek of Araby". The music runs from "Ragtime Cowboy Joe to the Okeh Laugh Record and in some cases he just plucks at a guitar (?). Sep will support the "Red Cabbage Drive" He mimics an old radio show his mother used to listen to and askes if anyone remembers it. Tells about dating a girl and it took 3 weeks to get her into the car instead of riding on the running boards. Then he gets a flat, she gets cold feet and is back out on the running boards again. IBM introduces a most significant change in punch cards. They will sport round corners instead of the traditional square corners. Preparing for the Christmas season. Only 30 more shopping days according to John Gambling. UCLA ‐ A new course titled "Sensativity Training". Shep mocks a news report from one of the classes. Talks about the play "Banquet For The Moon" in which he played Mephistopheles. He recounts some of the dialog and mentions how he threw a pinch of salt over his shoulder for luck in one scene which the audience thought a humorous thing for the devil to be doing. "You never can tell!" The mysterious patchwork quilt Notes: Shep addresses Walt right before the Buick commercial. (Pre‐recorded from another time) He mentions he will be appearing at Rutgers on Friday. It is unknown if this show happened due to the Kennedy Assasination that day. W November 19, 1963 Machines Description: Musical start ukulele and head thumping Deep thinking and Hieronymus Bosch Parties centered around obscure abilities Kenya cure for backaches, sit on a turtle Transference and projection to inanimate objects Why things are she or her Clara the steel mill converter Notes: Hieronymus Bosch see:, it was often believed that Bosch's art was inspired by medieval heresies and obscure hermetric practices so we can see what he and Shep might have in common Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 83 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 20, 1963 Big Lie Techniques Description: Having an itch The agony doll Uncle Chuckies Christmas tips Peer pressure as a tool to support the big lie or hit musical Unequal equations such as the suggestion that the Birmingham racial situation is on par with Hitler and the gas chambers Notes: Engineer & other people in the control booth: Don who smokes a cigar and doesn't give Shep his just due Observation from Ken Applegate: I woke up in the middle of the night here and was mulling over what show Shep was talking about. Sure sounded like Dr. Stangelove, a pre‐screening maybe, but so much of what happened that month is buried under a ton of Kennedy related stories after his assassination it is hard to figure! I dug around the web and found: Shep's description (although limited), and his suggestion of what he would do if he were the Russians as a result, do seem to suggest that he had gone to a pre‐screening of Dr. Stangelove, and the topic "The Big Lie," was certainly used effectively by Kubrick in that movie! Most notably where Sellers needed money to call the Pentagon to stop a nuclear bomb attack, but was going to have to answer to the Coke‐A Cola company for tampering with their machine to get that money! The release of the movie was another repercussion of the Kennedy assassination, as well as changes that were thought necessary to remove inadvertent links to that day in Dallas. Wikipedia ( suggests an original official test screening date of November 22, which would suggest that unofficial test screenings among the Avant Gard were happening, and why Shep was so careful not to give away the name of the movie he had seen, which is in keeping with unofficial viewing disclosure agreements. Everything that was thought important in November 1963 before the 22nd changed after the 22nd. W November 21, 1963 Mill Yard Scales Mice Description: None Notes: W November 25, 1963 Kennedy Assassination Description: Shep talks about the assasination and politics in general. How they affect our lives. He did not play his usual theme song at the start or finish of his show for the entire week out of respect and spent the week doing shows related to the subject. Notes: W November 26, 1963 The Ugly American Description: Again, Shep did not play his usual theme song at the start or finish of his show as he would do for the entire week. Shep continues his discussion from the previous night's show Where is the anger A‐Political righteousness Why the U.S. can 'do no good' Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 84 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 27, 1963 JFK Followup Description: None Notes: W November 28, 1963 Shadows and Haiku Description: "For this week we are dispensing with our loud and raucous and sometimes sinister theme. But I'll tell you this ‐ we not dispensing with our loud and raucous and sometimes sinister attitude! That is impossible to eradicate I'm afraid in this somewhat loud, raucous, and sinister age" "Education either sneaks up and belts you behind the ear or it doesn't" "Life is a fist fight and we all feel that one day it's all going to straighten out" Looking in the microscope at school he compares what he sees with life and people. The Brownian Movement ‐ being bombarded by things we never see. ‐ Life is like this. Shadows ‐ Shep talks about a cartoon the Clown and how the artist's hand was seen drawing the image and the shadow followed him. The cartoon had an effect on Shep for a while about the shadows around him. He talks about the old radio show "The Shadow". The myth of the 'man who casts no shadow'. Is history the shadow behind us? Then there is the myth of the man who casts his shadow before him. Is that his future? Great literature is being replaced by film in today's world. The unforgettable films that you can't remember 2 years from know. Remembering what you read puts responsibility on the reader and we are in the age of no responsibility. The world is getting more and more irresponsible hence there is less and less reading. One Shep's favorite forms of writing is the Japanese Haiku because it has said more in less action and phraseology and because of the ancientness of it. Haiku is a 17th century classical form of Japanese poetry consisting of 17 syllables. They refer to time and seasons. Shep reads a few Haiku poems to close the show. Notes: No theme ‐ For the week after Kennedy's assassination Shep played no opening or closing theme. Shep has the gain turned up so the listeners can hear the fire trucks going by outside the studio. W November 29, 1963 Shadows Description: None Notes: W December 11, 1963 Boy Scouts Description: None Notes: W December 12, 1963 Eighter From Decatur Story Description: None Notes: W December 13, 1963 New Christmas Toys Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 85 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 16, 1963 Violence without Conscious Description: Johnson admin news blurb at the start, then Shep starts obviously unaware of the interruption (probably a tape over error) Wouldn't it be great if commercials were honest lead into what kind of a world do we live in News from Morris Township New Jersey, the rifle club is using Santa Claus as targets Christmas gifts for members of the NRA and other ultra leaning groups and the new worship of violence that exists At the end Shep is interrupted again by an official sounding "This is WOR your station for news!" statement (probably another tape over error) Notes: W December 17, 1963 Santa's Zip Code Description: 99701 is Santa's Zip Code War medal's as Christmas gifts How times have changed and living your life through your children Commercials that tell you how it really is A salute to English soccer violence The insanity surrounding an air crash disaster Notes: W December 18, 1963 The Great Indiana Blizzard Description: None Notes: W December 19, 1963 Sportsman For All Occasions Description: Background laughter and corny music lead into a Honky‐Tonk version of Stars and Stripes Forever. This theme continues through much of the show as Shep performs impressions of the American sporting scene. He covers Football, Mets Baseball, Ice Hockey Toledo Mudhens, the Indy 500 in his mimicking of sports journalism. He finishes up this segment with "reports" from Reuters about a notice issued by Tokyo City Hall that employees must keep their pants on during working hours, and then does an "H.G. Grubbage" spoof reporting religious news from 'here, there, and everywhere' on the BBC. A quick story about an army sergeant who sits on his bunk every night with a set of mother of pearl handled brushes and manicure utensils. The show is wrapped up with the subject of tattoos ‐ making the big plunge. Wearing transfer tattoos in school. Going to Long Branch, while stationed at Camp Wood, and ending up in the tattoo parlor. Notes: W December 19, 1963 Generational Gap Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 86 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 23, 1963 Christmas ‐ Perfume Atomizer Description: Christmas shopping with Jean ‐ A kid story Mid‐Western Christmas gifts. Mail order shopping A poem by Barney Mullally from the late 19th century Notes: W December 25, 1963 Christmas Day 1963 Description: "This show is live, not taped. Being live is a copout because you can't hear yourself. People who are taped walk around embarrassed." Shep spends the day listening to 9 hours of serious FM station Christmas Music and discusses the various renditions of music and stories. Most radio stations look towards Europe for Christmas. Hours of German Christmas Songs, Charles Dickens. Radio stations across America celebrate Christmas differently. Shep describes listening to the radio as he is driving through the little towns of the Midwest from Cincinnati to Chicago. Attempts to read a George Ade story about Christmas in a small town. Can't find it in the book. The fable of the guy who saved up his money to buy a gift. Christmas traditions of reading Scrooge on the radio, commercialization of Christmas. Notes: W December 26, 1963 Child Worship Description: War is hell, all over again Ten year olds and Playboy The look, as defined by a little girl in McCall's magazine Bristol England News Flash!!! Disposable people are like dirty Kleenex Mountainside New Jersey tree house unfriendly Notes: From Ken Applegate: Wheaties ‐ Bob Richards (‐richards) Shep calls qualities assigned to children of being pure, and not corrupted, as child worship, is it? Or is it another form of a role reversal, where the one time children who were sent to camp against their will are now sending their parents to nursing homes!?! Are children playing at being adults and are adults playing at being children? Playboy readers want to know! ‐ Engineer & other people in the control booth Ed who reads popular mechanic's instead of men's magazines and Leigh Brown who mouth's McCall's magazine badly ‐ Rating ‐ Summary By .Ken Applegate ‐‐ Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 87 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 27, 1963 NY Times Page 23 Description: None Notes: W December 30, 1963 Satire, Poitics, and Rationalization ‐ Enclosed Stadium Description: None Notes: W December 30, 1963 Hillbilly Bar Description: None Notes: W December 31, 1963 New Years Eve Description: None Notes: W December 1963 Human Evolution Description: None Notes: W 1963 (Summer) New Frontier Show Biz Description: None Notes: W 1963 (Summer) Shep's Beard; Grinding Valves Description: None Notes: [Rich B] Shep mentions he learned to drive on a '37 Pontiac; 1st car a '33 black Roadster. W 1963 (Summer) Bugging the Neighbors Description: None Notes: W 1963 (Summer) Fishing in Indiana Description: None Notes: W 1963 (Summer) Summer Madness Description: "Frankenstein 1970" on the Million Dollar Movie (WOR Channel 9) A salute to England and Englishmen as told by "H.G. Grubbage" TV Dxing ‐ Sign off prayer ‐ lost audio Growing a beard in Maine More H.G. Grubbage Buying his first car as a kid for $60. A black 1933 Ford V8 Roadster. Regrinding the valves ‐ Mr. Bruner to the rescue, drunk as a skunk. Notes: W 1963 Shep Sings Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 88 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1963 Scammed at Ping Pong Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 89 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1963 What People Do At Business Lunches Description: The announcer must have introduced the show as the "Interesting World of Jean Shepherd" Shep rants over the theme about the interesting world of Jean Shepherd! Says something is bugging him. Says a friend of his, a German girl, heard the show but did not understand why he was lauging. Plays a little of his nose flute and the Sheik of Araby. What is bugging Shep is that the theme of a soap opera is going through his head and he can't remember the name of the show. He was in a meeting today. They wanted to put his show on in the morning after John Gambling. Talks about Advertising Age magazine. It is an important meeting, but the soap theme is in his head and Muzak is coming into the room. The meeting went nowhere, nothing happened in the meeting. Present outward appearance that something is being accomplished. Hard to follow the thread of the meeting, it is easier to follow the thread of "Waiting for Godot". Says that Madison Ave ad executives are sexless like the rabbit or Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. A lot of guys on Madison Ave have been defying gravity for years: no talent. In meeting could not get soap opera theme out of his mind. Digresses to talk of old lady at Horn and Hardart who takes fifteen minutes to get ready to eat her small meal. Fusses with fork, napkin, etc. because she has nothing else to do. Shep says he was enjoying the meeting. One half hour into the meeting he lost his concentration because of the soap theme. Talks about actors losing concentration. Plays the tune on the nose flute, talks to the engineer. Engineer does not know the tune either. Starts to see the people in the meeting as the characters in the soap opera. Plays and sings more of Sheik of Araby. Gives up trying to figure out soap theme. Says the rest of the show is brought to us as a public service of WOR, as compared to public service announcements that tell us to join the Marines. He says he is the only person who remembers America, that he can't forget anything. Says he remembers the theme of Lorenzo Jones. Talks about how US soldiers in Pacific in WWII used trivia questions as passwords. The Japanese spoke English but did not know the things that an American would. "Who sponsored Jack Armstrong?" "Wheaties" Shep continues with Lorenzo Jones trivia, and asks engineer more soap opera trivia. He says in newspaper he read about American ladies track team that is not doing well. Russian ladies work hard, are strong. US "chicks" want to do it the easy way. We want things instantly. Shep is a good American kid. We all cheat in one way or another but we agree not to notice each other's cheating. Ours is the only country that keeps up a high level of verbal smoke screen. Shep is this kid. He thinks he is above normal disasters. Americans have a dream world: no disasters can touch us. Shep is in high school. He is on the track team. The #3 man on a 4 man team cross country running team. Flick is #4 on the team. Running needs endurance but no brains, just must be dogged. It is the first big track meet. He has a tough coach, a real professional athlete. Coach tells them to eat nothing on the day of the meet. Shep has no breakfast or lunch. On the way to the stadium he and Flick stop at the Igloo. They eat a cheeseburger and a couple of shakes. They start the race very well. After about a mile Flick veers off into the bushes and is violently sick. Shep makes a lot of heaving sick sounds here. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 90 of 451 Have Class Date Title Next it is Shep who is sick. Now Shep makes ever louder heaving sick sounds. Notes: W 1963 Life is Showbiz Description: None Notes: W 1963 Mice Description: None Notes: W 1963 The Snooper Description: None Notes: W 1963 Valve Job Description: None Notes: W 1963 Dr Fumanchu Description: None Notes: W 1963 Being Tired Description: None Notes: W January 1, 1964 The New Shepherd Description: None Notes: W January 2, 1964 Movie World Description: None Notes: W January 3, 1964 Pretending Interest, Ice Boat Description: None Notes: W January 7, 1964 Early Ham Radio Description: 1964‐01‐07a Jean Shepherd WOR Radio describes getting his Class A Ticket. Part 1 1‐7‐64 1964‐01‐07b Jean Shepherd WOR Radio describes getting his Class A Ticket. Part 2 1‐7‐64 Notes: W January 8, 1964 Definitions Description: None Notes: W January 9, 1964 It's All Timing Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 91 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 10, 1964 Kids as Worshipped as Gods Description: None Notes: W January 13, 1964 Enclosed Ballparks, Satire, Rationalization in Politics Description: None Notes: W January 14, 1964 Two Sides of Man Description: None Notes: W January 15, 1964 Performing Reverend Description: None Notes: W January 16, 1964 The Great Indiana Blizzard Description: A show dedicated to the cold weather The big snowstorm Saving the Graham Paige from freezing The old man puts the furnace to sleep Huddling under the blankets and everything else in the house to keep warm Burrowing through the snow to get to school school Notes: A classic "I was this kid..." story W January 17, 1964 Big Snow Hits NY; Indiana HS Basketball Description: None Notes: W January 28, 1964 Miss Robinette & Farkas: No Leadership Qualities Description: Albert Farkas ‐ Classes strong man and thug. Shep beats up Bud Blue the big bully. (Sounds like ACS storyline) Miss Robinette looked like Dixie Dugan (Comic Strip) She was rounded all over. 5th Grade teacher Notes: Albert Farkus, Harold Dill, Bud Blue W January 29, 1964 English Invasion of the Arts Description: None Notes: W January 30, 1964 Army Late Replacements Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 92 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 31, 1964 Mill Mail Truck vs Train Description: None Notes: W January 1964 Football Formation, Myth of Utopia Description: None Notes: W January 1964 Mistaken Identity Description: None Notes: W January 1964 How He Got His Name / Cars in NY Description: None Notes: W January 1964 Flat Earthers, Klan, Ham Radio Description: None Notes: W February 3, 1964 Role Reversals ‐ Satire Description: Mr. Chucky A message to those who record the shows and distribute them all across the country. Things are moving ahead on all fronts ‐ A salute to the conservative non‐communist book store. Ever upward and onward dept: Dr Kildare ‐ Dr Gillespie now a specialist. Sweeping the country ‐ "What is best for me is best for the whole world" "It's so nice to have a man around the house!" Role reversals becoming a formalized institution. A majority of cars today are being driven by women with the man sitting beside her. Notes: Shep announces a time change for the show to 10:15 effective 2/10/64 W February 4, 1964 Literacy Has No Joy Description: None Notes: W February 5, 1964 Shooting Planes Description: None Notes: W February 5, 1964 WOR Sales Meetings, Egos Description: None Notes: W February 6, 1964 Luck of the Draw Description: None Notes: W February 7, 1964 Plane Rides Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 93 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 10, 1964 Selling America Description: None Notes: W February 11, 1964 Dynamic Maturity Description: None Notes: W February 12, 1964 Mae, 2nd Grade Stripper Description: None Notes: W February 13, 1964 Abstract Fear Description: None Notes: W February 14, 1964 Dawn Strickland's Valentine's Day Party Description: "Valentine's Day and I have not yet received a single, solitary, sad, sincere, Valentine." "As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap" Our text for tonight ‐ "You can't get lovin' when there ain't any love" The many types of Love (Luv) Love related new notes from Dallas and Atlanta with Honky Tonk "Stars and Stripes Forever" background music. Talks about the Limelight Show. This is to be the first Limelight Show and he says they are setting up the tanks for the underwater ballet. Playing the String Bass in the band shell at Grant Parks under the direction of Dr Frederick Stark while in High School. Dawn Strickland ‐ "The first truly traumatic love of my life" The Valentine's Day party at Dawn's house when he was 5 or 6. Taking a box of Whitman's Samplers as a Valentine gift and coming home with the same box of candy as a prize. Notes: There was this chick in the neighborhood whom I have mentioned from time to time that was the first truly traumatic love of my life. 1st grade class with Mrs. Meano "Dawn Strickland was the rich kid in the neighborhood. We lived down at the other end where they had the big apartment house, where if you were a phoney you could get a sub‐lease. " "Across the street and down about a half a block was Dawn Strickland's house." Only lived there about seven months This was another world ‐ on Beacon Street Dickie, Dick Twyman, and Cahmire who lived on the other street. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 94 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 15, 1964 The Abstract Fear ‐ No Brakes Description: Notes: W February 17, 1964 Who's Boss Description: None Notes: W February 18, 1964 Sneaking a Smoke Description: None Notes: W February 19, 1964 Old Stuff Description: None Notes: W February 20, 1964 One Act Plays Description: None Notes: W February 21, 1964 Tomorrow Forever Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 95 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 26, 1964 Bobby The Operator Description: Shep's mom describes life ‐ "You're either gonna like it or you're gonna lump it." Shep talks about liking it and lumping it. He mentions the Clay ‐ Liston fight. Isn't that what Clay told the reporters ‐ like it or lump it! Whining is a major art form. A West Haven School is almost closed because the student parking lot had not been cleared of snow and the students were complaining. They have better cars than the teachers. Telephone listening / recording devices. Amoral advertisements ‐ Executive jobs being eliminated by use of automation and computers. Creativity courses ‐ there is not a kid under 17 who has not been told he is talented. What is talent? Shep tells the story of his classmate Bobby. He was fantastic at getting good grades, he never answered questions in class because he always call on the teacher before she could call on him. Shep was given the chance to do a radio show at a local station each week highlighting the school sports scores. Bobby makes Shep take him down to the station to meet the program director. After spending a few minutes with the P.D. he ends up as the producer of Shep's show over Mr. Wilson, the History teacher. Soon he becomes the nightime supervisor rearranging the station constantly working his way up the ladder. Shep gets out of school and is in the Army where one day he sees an ad with Bobby in a pinstripe suit ‐ "Young Man of the Year", operating one of the biggest talent agencys in Hollywood. After he was out of the Army and going to collage he see a sign stating that Bobby was giving an address to the commerce club. Shep goes to see him and Bobby is brushes him off with a curt hello, being too busy, having to catch a plane. Notes: W February 27, 1964 Cemetary Scouting Description: None Notes: W February 28, 1964 Being Pushed Description: None Notes: W March 2, 1964 Social Director Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 96 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 3, 1964 Chicago World's Fair Description: None Notes: W March 4, 1964 Bolis Wedding Description: None Notes: W March 5, 1964 Our Time Description: None Notes: W March 6, 1964 Ham Radio Bootlegger Description: None Notes: W March 9, 1964 Selling Magazines Description: None Notes: W March 11, 1964 Mill Hot Strip Description: Shep tells the story of the men working in the Mill Pickling Department and the story of the disaster in the Mill Hot Strip. Notes: W March 12, 1964 Mail Order Piano Lessons Description: "Mystic Skull" ‐ Jean describes a new toy coming on the market. An actual game made by Ideal Toy Company. Notes: W March 13, 1964 Train Traffic Jam Description: Shep tells the story of the Indiana train traffic jam. Notes: W March 16, 1964 Train World Description: None Notes: W March 18, 1964 Yellers and Yellees Description: None Notes: W March 19, 1964 20th Century America, California Freeways Description: None Notes: W March 23, 1964 Xenophobia Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 97 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 24, 1964 Opera Devil Description: None Notes: W March 25, 1964 Grandpa Augus Description: None Notes: W March 26, 1964 More Orthodoxy Description: None Notes: W March 27, 1964 Passing the Plate Description: None Notes: W March 30, 1964 World Affairs ‐ Kids Speak Out on Issues of the Day, Man on Street Doesn't Care Description: Father wanting to join the mothers club in Bayside Equality and freedom as scary concepts .If we just get rid of Hitler the world will be perfect again . The Wild Duck Frankfort Germany Is the worlds fair in NY a trades fair? Washington State, the US is loved Johnson sez . Youth speaks Man on the street Notes: W March 31, 1964 Labeling Time Description: None Notes: W April 28, 1964 Five Hour Day Description: None Notes: W April 29, 1964 International Flying Description: None Notes: W April 30, 1964 Being In or Out Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 98 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 7, 1964 Young Arrogants Description: None Notes: W May 8, 1964 Life is About Kicks Description: None Notes: W May 11, 1964 Get Off My Back Description: None Notes: W May 12, 1964 Brack‐Bork Description: None Notes: W May 13, 1964 unk Description: None Notes: L May 23, 1964 Movie Dish Night, Red Garter Dixieland Band / Jersey Marty Description: None Notes: W May 26, 1964 Combination Man Description: None Notes: W May 27, 1964 First Martini, Avoiding Resposibility Description: None Notes: W May 28, 1964 Fun While it Lasted Description: None Notes: W May 29, 1964 Eye of the Beholder Description: None Notes: W May 1964 Folk Wisdom Description: None Notes: W May 1964 Night Crawlers ‐ Worms Description: None Notes: W May 1964 Aggressive Nature of Man Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 99 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 1, 1964 Kid Books and Reality Description: None Notes: W June 2, 1964 Search For Superman Description: None Notes: W June 3, 1964 Met Fan Phenomenon Description: None Notes: W June 4, 1964 Banana Oil Spill; WWII Souvenirs Description: None Notes: W June 8, 1964 19th Century Mind Description: None Notes: W June 10, 1964 Apocryphal Family Stories Description: None Notes: L June 13, 1964 Football Game Parade Formations, Renting Tux; Band / Boy Scout Stories; Boy Scout Hat Description: None Notes: Possibly rerun from May W June 17, 1964 Back From Maine Vacation Description: Returning from a 2 week vacation in Maine Shep talks about Maine comparing it to Sixth Avenue at times. There is a town in Massachusetts along the Turnpike called Tolland. Turnpikes are for people who hate traveling. They get you into a car and take you where you want without having to stop. Drinking beer, cans vs bottles. Driving through the primevil wilderness of Maine. He listens to his own show while driving along. Passing by the shacks on the side of the road, made up of old Pepsi signs nailed together with a car out back sinking into the mud. Masculine and Feminine names for cars. Traveling through different areas from state to state or country to country. The back woods of the Northern areas of the country are hit by poverty. On the back of the shack is a tall antenna so they can pick up the distant TV signals. What do real hillbillies think of the Beverly Hillbillies. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 100 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 18, 1964 Boy Scout Camp Description: "Did I hear Ed Petit say there is nobody happier than a boy going to camp?" Shep say going to camp is fun in theory, but in practice it's a lot of poison ivy and snakes. He compares it to New York where you se pictures of the city at dusk and people running on the beaches. The never show the guy at 4:00 in the morning driving around the block looking for a parking space in a 1958 Ford. Life is difficult in New York. Just getting a note in your mailbox that there is a package for you at the post office. This means you have to take two weeks off having to find the post office and then being turned away because you don't have the right identification. Shep talks about inflatable girls. Are there going to be inflatable men? He tells about how he predicted this back in his early days during one of his all night shows. Shep tells the story of how he go to go to Scout Camp when he was 12. There was a contest in scouts during the annual jamboree. The three scouts that tied the best knot, built the best canoe, etc. would get to go. Shep displayed his two tube receiver that he had build and it was a hit, so he was selected to go. The list of stuff he needs to take with him comes in the mail and the family goes into hock getting this stuff together. Waterproof match box, Ax, mattress ticks, duffle bag, and more. Going seems like fun, but actually getting on the bus to leave is a deteriorating experience. "I'm about to go to camp with everybody who hit me!" It seems like everybody knows each other and he's the only stranger. Two weeks of unadulterated torture!" Notes: L June 20, 1964 Summer Solstice ‐ Rader in the Florida Swamps, Red Garter Dixieland Band / Summer Job, Toledo Mudhens Play‐by‐Play Description: Shep starts out the second hour of this show by telling a tale about hunting crayfish in the swamp near his home. One day Shep, Flick, Schwartz, and Bruner set out to the swamp and instead of catching crayfish, they come up with a Water Moccasin. Next, they go swimming in the swamp and come face to face with a Mudhen, which leads into the story about baseball and the legendary Toledo Mudhens for whom he did play by play in his early career. Notes: Limelight Show W June 21, 1964 Boy Scout Camp Description: None Notes: W June 22, 1964 Big Band Remote ‐ The Theremin Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 101 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 23, 1964 Summer Madness Hits World's Fair Description: Shep checks his voluminous files to see what he talked about on the show from a year ago. He spoke of Summer Madness. World of communication ‐ never knowing what's next in the news. The Worlds Fair ‐ The Bell Telephone exhibit where none of the phones worked. And there was no one to complain to. The GE exhibit ‐ Carousel of Progress ‐ breaks down. Labor disputes at the Fair. Excessive charges for small repairs. Notes: The show is interrupted in the first few minutes by a news bulletin regarding the exploding of the Macy's barge during the annual fireworks display. L June 27, 1964 Wire Laying; Red Garter Dixieland Band / Personal Radio Hell ‐ Hillbilly Hit Parade Description: None Notes: W June 1964 Casey at the Bat Description: None Notes: W June 1964 Apocryphal Stories; Nose Flute Demonstration; Jack Paar with ZsaZsa Description: None Notes: W June 1964 Night Crawlers ‐ Spring People; Worm Biz Description: Hamilton, Ontario ‐ Worlds oldest beatnik & the night crawler case Grow your own worms & old sparky Tricks and tips for budding worm aficionados Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 102 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 1964 Aggressive Nature of Man Description: "I think what I've decided to do is perhaps a revolutionary move in a very very profound sense... but I have decided to quit goofing around. I have decided that from here‐on in, in my life, I am going to build a giant edifice. I am going to work with the blocks of time... of course you have to look at that symbolically. Time in this case being the raw clay of existence and I will pat each small hour, each tiny minute, each fleeting second into a thing of beauty. I will pat it together with the hands, see ‐ and then I'll put the next second on top... of course these things often have a way of going awry." "How many movies have you seen in the last 5 years telling you war is bad? None of the movies focus on why did the war start?" Hand grenades ‐ throwing them in the army and their use in Chicago to help collect "insurance" against their use on a business. Mr. Schwartz of Schwartz's cleaners misses a payment and ends up owning a hole in the ground. A London Times article on studies of animal aggression inspire Shep to discuss this topic. "Animals from the hippopotamus to the ant have for various reasons aggressive traits. But the species which shows up worst in biological research on animal aggression is Homo Sapiens. Only in man is aggression so uncontrolled as to lead to wholesale killing within a species." "As the animal goes higher up the scale in intelligence, he becomes more aggressive for his own sake." "Non‐human animals seldom kill one another under normal conditions in the wild. Fighting is ritualized." Ritualized fighting according to strict rules... like a boxing match... aggression as a means of establishing social rank... Why would we kill one another, whereas the other animals don't. We share with the animal kingdom ‐ primal fear. The ideal would probably be to copy those species which have ritualized aggression to the point of making threats without coming to blows. "What a fascinating creature we are... keep your knees loose and occasionally sharpen your finger nails!" Notes: Friday show sometime from June 1964 W June 1964 Myths Description: None Notes: W June 1964 Rand Rebuttal Description: None Notes: W June 1964 Truck Spills Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 103 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 1, 1964 Introduction to Classical Music ‐ High School Orchestra Description: Mr Chuckie A kid in the high school orchestra: an introduction to reality. "Marijuana in the Wheaties!" Betty Bowen on the string bass, playing Tchaikovsky, memories of the school orchestra. Notes: W July 2, 1964 Peeping Tom Description: None Notes: W July 3, 1964 4th of July in the Army Description: None Notes: L July 4, 1964 Patriotism, Fireworks Stories ‐ The Dago Bomb / Little Old Lady Shot; Life's Subtleties Description: 1st Hour Shep and the fans sing happy birthday to the United States in honor of the 4th of July. He has spent the day listening to the radio and is amazed that practically nothing is being played in celebration. Shep talks of the nuttiness of which Patriotism is composed. Shep talks about the fireworks stand his father had each year, about Mr. Bruner and the Dago Bomb that fell over. He tells about the fourth of July fireworks display that the 'old man' put on every year and about the one that didn't go quite as expected... almost burning down Roosevelt High School. Red Garter Dixieland Band ‐ "When Johnnie Comes Marching Home", "Over Hear, Over There", "Hello Dolly" and others. Notes: 1st Hour These are early versions of stories used in "The Great American Fourth of July and Other Disasters" Mr Bruner was replaced by Ludlow Kissel. The version with Lud Kissel appeared as "Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb that Struck Back" in Playboy. W July 6, 1964 Monsters in Michigan Description: Summer and the origins of Manhind Voodoo belief after 15 minutes of tropical jungle experience Buildings reflect our atitudes toward our lives Donald Lake, Michigan Notes: W July 7, 1964 Smoker At The Legion Hall Description: None Notes: W July 10, 1964 Hibernation, The Sack Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 104 of 451 Have Class Date L Title July 11, 1964 Covering Political Conventions; Red Garter Dixieland Band / More on Elections, Rain God, Smoky Joe Description: 1st Hour Shep holds a pseudo convention in the Limelight! Election politics of dry towns that boarder wet towns (Bristol, Tenn.?) Smoky Joe's strong arm politics, money talks nobody walks. Red Garter Band 2nd hour‐ A great picture is painted, "Have you ever had the feeling that you are some forgotten actor in a gigantic pageant; where everybody has fantastic lines and a great script; and you have just been told to go out and ad‐lib; and they say ad‐lib on cue; and then they forget to tell you what the cue is . . ." Shep talks about accidents in time, that the breaks are always given to the other guy. And how some technicians at various transmission relay stations get their revenge. 'Mexican Museum erects huge idol, interest in ancient rain God overshadows elections' according to the New York Times. What if the average man observed an actual mythological happening? Finally an ARMY story about elections in the military. Notes: Shep predicts the future election of an actor as a president (again). W July 17, 1964 Shrimp and Lobster Description: None Notes: L July 18, 1964 Paycheck Mistake Description: None Notes: W July 20, 1964 The Uncaring Universe ‐ A Scary World, Aircraft Carrier Description: None Notes: W July 21, 1964 Shit Hits The Fan, Be Prepared, and Other Slogans Description: None Notes: W July 24, 1964 Insidious Pain, First Night in the Open Hearth Description: None Notes: L July 25, 1964 Church Remote, Female Cretins on a Bus / Shep's birthday, Army ‐ Climbing Poles, Air Show Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 105 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 4, 1964 Slobus Americanus Description: Shep discusses slobism. Some of the topics he talks about: The turtle with the plastic shell. Life is like silly putty because it assumes any shape you want, but it always returns to the original lumpy shape. A barber in Texas refuses to give crew cuts to men unless they have a note from their wives. The Sultan of Zanzibar fails his drivers test. Favorite words and expressions of the slob Slobs at the 1963‐64 New York Worlds Fair And more slobism ‐ Shep moves quickly from one slob topic to another. Notes: W August 5, 1964 Kazoo & Don Marquis, Face on Barroom Floor, Poetry and the Hellbound Train Description: None Notes: W August 13, 1964 Sep At Business Lunch, Brits in Ad World Description: None Notes: W August 13, 1964 Heinz Aviator (AM fill in show for PLH) Description: None Notes: W August 14, 1964 No Talent, Army Piano Prodigy Description: None Notes: W August 14, 1964 Vic and Sade (AM fill in show for PLH) Description: None Notes: L August 15, 1964 N.Y. A Summer Festival; The Yankees; Your Father's Mustache Band / Shep in Munich; Uncle Carl's Teeth Description: None Notes: W August 17, 1964 Vic and Sade, Fact and Fiction, Chicago World's Fair Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 106 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 18, 1964 Literary Convention of Mothers as Monsters Description: Anti‐mother books, "Mother as Monster" "The mother monster is almost totally the product of Eastern writing circles" The mother as a giant protecting envelope who is attempting at all points to control and to mold and to create almost an entire image of the child, the family, the entire unit. Farkas and 19 cronies in pursuit, Shep's mother just says ‐ "Fight your own battle" Life is different throughout the country. We like to believe that what we read in McCall's or the New York Times is happening all over the country. A friend from the Midwest comes East to work in a high school, after 3 weeks is distraught. The parents are calling him asking why 'Johnnie' looks unhappy. The students are completely different, they don't have a clue about the subjects they are learning. Ethics and views of modern day writers. Book reviews written in two different parts of the country are diametrically opposed in their conclusions about a book. "In the pursuit of truth, you better be careful to recognize that your truth is your truth." Notes: W August 20, 1964 Theatrical Agents Description: None Notes: W August 21, 1964 Malice ‐ Hate Groups and Hate Mail Description: None Notes: W August 22, 1964 How to Make Money on Commercial Radio Description: Used magazines, whoopie cushions, angry red signs that say "We are connected with no other chisler on this block!" Honky‐Tonk ‐ "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" The playwright not being able to write unless in the hustle and bustle of the city. Someone else writes Shep a note of frustration. He spent 20 years wanting to live in New Hampshire and now that he's there, he can't stand it. He's going out of his skull and breaking out in pimples. How does he tell his wife and kids that his lifelong dream turned out to be a lead zeppelin? Shep talks about selling and the time that Rick from the station bought 144 Plastic Roy Acuff Juke Box Banks to be sold over the radio. Shep is given the job of pitching them and after going on and on about how you should have one, proving that real good selling provides entertainment and they wind up get 17,923 orders. Within 6 weeks Rick is ruined. He has unions, tax men, men with violin cases all chasing after him. Rick is now living in Canada. Notes: W August 23, 1964 Do Worms Talk? ‐ Wormology Description: Do worms talk? Shep discusses worm communications, the disappearance of worms in Indiana, and much more. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 107 of 451 Have Class Date L Title August 29, 1964 First Day in High School / Theme for Signal Corps; Girls Swimming Class Description: None Notes: Prototype for "Lost at C" short story. L September 5, 1964 Labor Day Weekend ‐ Army Story: Shermie the Wormie / More Army Stories Description: None Notes: W September 15, 1964 Worlds Fair Description: Jean live from the New York World's Fair The Mexican Pavilion Noise, horns and bells The Uni‐sphere The African Pavilion Walt Disney's "It's a small world after all" Pavilion The IBM people wall The Clairol Exhibit Back at the African Pavilion The Chrysler Auto Park Notes: "It's a small world after all" Pavilion become a ride at the Disney parks because it was so popular, and at this point in time, 40 years later, it is still being presented at the Disney parks all over the world, unchanged and just as described by Shep. The "Carousel of Progress" also moved from the World's Fair to Disney World and the narration was updated in 1994 with Shep as the narrator. W September 18, 1964 More From the Fair Description: Shep tours and describes various exhibits at the 1964 NY World's Fair Notes: W October 15, 1964 Tuareg Culture (Troubles in Algeria) Description: None Notes: W October 16, 1964 Selling Seeds in 2nd Grade, Drunken Painter Description: Shep tells about the time in 2nd grade the kids all have to sell flower seeds to raise money for a set of encyclopedias for the school. He comes home from school and spends the afternoon going from house to house trying to sell them. No luck! The old man, being a salesman himself and understanding how tough it is to sell, shells out the $1.25 and buys them all handing them to Shep's mother saying, "here, you say I never give you flowers, make your own!" His mother takes them all out behind the garage and plants them. Shep tells about the painter he worked for and how he liked his gin. Shep was going going out with his daughter and her old man was always bagged while painting. Notes: Shep gives good descriptions of all the neighbors ‐Bruner, Emdee, Anderson, Stafford, Van Hous. Mentions Emde kid's name is Dick and was the only true juvenile delinquent. W November 2, 1964 "What Year Is It?" ‐ Pipe Dreams Description: None Notes: W November 2, 1964 Back From England, Beatles, Election Eve; Pipe dreams Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 108 of 451 Have Class Date L Title November 7, 1964 British Trip ‐ On Tour With The Beatles / More On Tour With The Beatles, Army Ping‐Pong Description: None Notes: W November 9, 1964 Brits and Americans Separate Races Description: None Notes: W November 16, 1964 Exciting Night on Channel Whoopie Description: Shep solicits for a salute for life Radio, A very special medium Newspaper Kazoo salutes Toothpaste architecture America's first anti‐communist game Channel Whoopie A salute to Anxiety on the tenth anniversary of tranquilizer drugs Notes: Phone Tag on the air with Leigh W November 17, 1964 Driving Captain Cherry on a Date Description: None Notes: W November 18, 1964 Whiners: One Born Every Minute Description: None Notes: W November 19, 1964 Randy Shepherd in Burma Description: None Notes: W November 23, 1964 Shepherd doing a Sports Broadcast Description: None Notes: W November 26, 1964 Thanksgiving Day ‐ Xmas Trees Make Broadway Debut Celebrating Holidays Description: None Notes: W November 27, 1964 Sign For Back of Your Car, Getting Ahead At Work Description: None Notes: W December 9,1964 Strange Moments In Sports Description: Shep talks about some strange events during football and baseball games Notes: July 26, 1936: Umpire Bill Summers is forced out the game after he hit in the groin by a pop bottle thrown from an unruly crowd of 50,000 at Comiskey Park. The crowd is upset with a out call at 1B on Ray Radcliff in the 8th of the nitecap. Judge Landis, on hand to watch the game, offers a $5,000 reward over the PA system for the culprit, but only draws more boos. The deluge of pop bottles finally abates when Jimmy Dykes pleads through the field amplifier. The Yanks sweep a pair from the Sox, winning 12‐3 and 11‐8 in 11 innings. Lou Gehrig hits his 29th with two aboard to start New York's scoring in the opener. DiMaggio and Lazzeri add round trippers to make it easy for Johnny Broaca. Sugar Cain is the losing pitcher. In the nitecap, Gehrig adds another homer, while Zeke Bonura homers and drives home four runs for the Sox. DiMaggio has one hit, a triple. The sweep increases New York's lead to nine 1/2 games. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 109 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 15, 1964 Government Coverups, UFOs, Inner Earth Description: None Notes: W December 16, 1964 Teaching as Show Bix, Scholastic Productions Inc. Description: None Notes: W December 21, 1964 Show Biz Uber Alles, Reverting to a Primitive State Description: None Notes: W December 22, 1964 The scent of the Primitive Man ‐ last 8 min & 4 min news ‐heavy static end Description: None Notes: W December 23, 1964 Anniversary of first shot at show biz; School Choir Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 110 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 24, 1964 Christmas cards reflect the times Description: Notices the rise of the hip, putdown and sexual Christmas Cards. What's next? Social changes first manifest in the peoples rituals. When someone picks out a Christmas card, they are saying something very important about their tribe, world. Modern cards are very different than 1900's cards. Santa Clauses in 1900 were very European. Looked Germanic or Nordic. Figures hardly anyone is listening, so it is OK to do this type show. Advises listeners to stop listening and go out and look at the sky, or take a walk. Last few years cards had a guarded quality to cover up emotion about other people. They were often hip/beat oriented. 1964 is post‐JFK and now Christmas cards are no longer hip/Jules Feiffer/beat style. 1964 Christmas cards are secular religious. Natural romantic/Rousseau or trees or ski slopes or lakes or red cards with a bit of gold. They are transcendental or honoring nature not man. Oriented toward selfishness. It has become a statement of taste. Cites a growing trend to not send any so that they don't make any statement that can be used against you. The reason a particular card is selected is far deeper than willing to admit or knows. More than colors or style of Santa Claus. Why do preferences change? Sometimes self‐proclaimed atheists send out the most religious cards. Tells story about an 11 year old he met. Why do kids relate to criminals as hero? Underdogs are the heroes in literature. Legitimate underdogs are pursued by police and criminals are pursued by police. Police only pursue underdogs. Under dogs are good therefore those pursued by police are good. Many youth feel life is composed of an infinity of troubles, i.e., inequality, repression, badness and evil perpetrated by others. They are victims. The kid feels that the most fortunate person is the person who has no trouble at all. They are somebody who is dead. Representative of many kids who have a secret death wish, which is related to drug use. It is an obliteration of consciousness. If you can retain the old words like consciousness, beauty and truth and apply them to the obliteration of those things, you have achieved the cake and eating it that everyone wants. So a man will obliterate his life with drugs and will call it "expanding his consciousness". He uses old phrases to cover up a new way to get stoned. Shepherd agrees with the kid that there seems to be no remedy, no escape from troubles. We have tried political, economic philosophies, revolution upon revolution to no solution. Kid has restated theme religious folks have had for years that the only place there is no trouble is heaven where he stops being a part of the world. Now, this feeling of sad disaffection is shared by religious people and atheists. "Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward men…and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse and the only people who were working were radio nuts." Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 111 of 451 Have Class Date L Title December 26, 1964 Early Version of Red Ryder story Description: 2nd Hour: Calling home for Christmas ‐ You haven't written home in eight months and what's worse, you haven't even thought about it. Going to the dentist. Early version of the Red Ryder BB gun story which ultimately made it's way into "A Christmas Story". Several differences are "You'll shoot someone's eye out" vs. "You'll shoot your eye out" and Randy gets blamed for the stepping on the already broken glasses and breaking them vs. an icicle breaks them. Notes: W December 28, 1964 Straws in the Wind, Kopfspeilen Description: None Notes: W December 30, 1964 New Year's Eve at The Burly Cue Description: Tribal News Years rituals New Years hang‐ups, are we celebrating the death of a year, or the coming of the next Shep predicts some problems with the change of the century Celebrating New Years Eve at a movie house in the mid‐west The Star & Garter New Years in the ARMY, in the Ozarks you go to Kansas City Notes: W December 31, 1964 New Years in the Army Description: None Notes: W 1964 Mill Car ‐ Ernie the Vendor Description: None Notes: W May/June 64 Shep's First Martini, Avoiding Responsibility Description: Straws in the wind ‐ Note from Courier News in Scotch Plains Mock wedding with all female cast Dear Abby Caan Film Festival There's a first time for everything ‐ first time you drank water, first time you put a shoe on, the first haircut. Many first time things do not work out. In the Army for several months, out in a new world. Shep has about $60 in his pocket and decides to go on a date. The cab ride costs $7.65, and he sees his money melting real quick! He picks up his date and they go to the restaurant. She orders a Manhatten, and Shep doesn't want to order the same thing so he orders the only other drink he heard of ‐ A Dry Martini. After consuming the first, he orders a second and when he gets up to go to the can, everything was rocking! The next morning he couldn't remember anything and had $4.00 left! Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 112 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1964 Kids Worshiped As Gods Description: None Notes: W 1964 Shep in Scotland Description: None Notes: W January 1, 1965 New Year's Resolutions Description: None Notes: W January 4, 1965 Broken New Year's Resolutions Description: A salute to mankind: Warsaw ‐ After annual Christmas Feast, 1,000 ambulances were required to haul off all the gluttens. Seaford, Delaware ‐ A scientist has started an experiment to make a man fly like a bird. Dear Abbey ‐ "How can I break my husband's habit of sucking his thumb?" Louisville ‐ Road department replaces "Dead End" signs with "No Outlet" signs Radio call signs around the world. Who uses what letters. Pirate stations that set up all around the world using amateur bands. Communication systems are beginning to govern the world. How football games are being governed by communication companies in order to show more commercials. A monument in Germany dedicated to a radio tube which lasted well beyond its normal expected life. The perfect automobile designed entirely by a computer. Notes: W January 5, 1965 Advice on Life ‐ aka Age of Sex Description: None Notes: W January 6, 1965 Why I'm Such a Sorehead Description: Why he is such a sorehead River Boats Shep tells how he got interested in ham radio and about his first time in front of the microphone. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 113 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 7, 1965 A Day at the Races Description: Wedding gowns with pants Sale on topless and bottomless swim suits in Toronto New Yorkers and signs. 30% of the people today are lunatics. The New Yorker has a stoney gaze. A place in Sweden thinks Shep is an exotic art collector ‐ the catalogs come in plain brown wrappers, and a place in Kansas City that thinks he is a used sock buyer. Shep tells about the time when he was about 17 and in high school, that he gets a letter from the Arlington Racetrack ‐ Jockey Club inviting him to the club house area. With the letter came an official pass which he proudly put into his wallet. Shep takes his girl one day to the big race, featuring Whirlaway. Apparently the same pass was sent out to everyone else ‐ the track was mobbed. Shep places a $2.00 bet on Whirlaway. It was the only race Whirlaway lost all year. The girl he took to the track was Dorothy Anderson, who remembers the event even in 2005, confirming that she and Shep had dated for a while, corresponding while he was in the Army. Notes: W January 11, 1965 Mephistopheles Description: None Notes: W January 12, 1965 Banana Oil Spill Description: None Notes: W January 13, 1965 A Dot in the Eye of Buddha Description: Shep opens show looking for what life is all about. The Glunts (hypochondria) The dime store mentality & his addiction Notes: W January 14, 1965 Army Life Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 114 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 15, 1965 Yukon Poetry ‐ Robert W. Service Description: Shep starts out this show in one of his silly moods, taking up nearly the first ten minutes riffing to "Trouble in Mind", "After You're Gone" and other jazz and blues ditties over honky‐tonk piano recordings, even adding a little rare acapella. This is a winter show. "New Yorkers fear cold weather," Shep says, but "I love it." Shep reads some of his favorite "rotten cold‐weather poetry" by Robert W. Service, including all or portions of: ‐The Ballad of Blasphemous Bill ‐The Call of the Wild ‐The Cremation of Sam McGee ‐The Ballad of the Northern Lights He also reads "The Frozen Maid" (apparently not Service and uncredited) and another bit of unnamed verse about the glories of drink. Shep does not credit Service either, in this particular reading of his work. Notes: W January 18, 1965 Soviet Slag Heap Description: None Notes: W January 19, 1965 Mock‐Serious Sells Description: None Notes: W January 20, 1965 Sun‐Moon Religions Description: None Notes: W January 21, 1965 Home Frog Invasion Description: None Notes: W January 22, 1965 Shepherd Marches On! NJ Deli Description: Shep opens the show proposing a change to the opening theme. "Just like the grasshopper, I've outgrown my old skin" He continues for the next few minutes singing along to 'funky honky tonk music' and acting silly. "Great truths which have been discovered in the world of science" A psychology professor from Harvard has found alcoholics drink because of a hunger for holiness. The New York bartenders and people who visit. The New York deli. Having lived in may cities New York is the easiest town he has lived in. You know where you can buy the best stuff for practically nothing. He talks about showing Shel Silverstein all the little places to eat good meals. "New York is a lousy place to visit but a fantastic place to live ‐ absolutely the 'endsville'.'" Notes: W January 25, 1965 Hunting the Snark Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 115 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 26, 1965 Gender Issues; Critics; Effluvia Description: Nutty page of the New York Times Interruption for a news bulletin Shep offers a collection of WORs best news bulletins A head of his time, Shep gets on the overly skinny female models Abstract horror Women giving up their femininity and role reversals People who work in a field not knowing anything about their field The Herald Tribune advertisement for Fanny Hill History rewrites itself Notes: W January 27, 1965 Bike Wings Description: None Notes: W January 28, 1965 Company K: Captain Cherry Bugs Out Description: KP in the Army ‐ tying the white towel at the foot of your bunk so that you get woke up for KP. Shep discusses being moved to a new camp, being the strangers amongst the other companies. They are confined to the company area for 3 weeks and finally it is announced that passes will be given. When everyone stands inspection Captain Cherry knocks the passes down one by one over a simple item. He measured everyone's arm patches. They were supposed to be exactly 1‐ 1/4 inches down from the seam and no one passed! Notes: W January 29, 1965 Ham Radio ‐ Heising Modulation Description: None Notes: W February 3, 1965 WWII ‐ Nostalgia Vs. The Way It Was Description: Dear Mr. Shepherd you can't fool me . . . Adam's gums Humane war or what's so bad about chemical warfare. Trivia question: What company changed the color of their carton for patriotic reasons late in WWII? ‐ Lucky Strike Alternate lyrics that were popular in the war that are lost to history. Battles against the elements never shown in war movies Notes: W February 4, 1965 Pigeon Company ‐ Old WWII Cruiser Description: None Notes: W February 5, 1965 Great Myths & Utopian Concepts Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 116 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 8, 1965 Pecking Order ‐ Protective Coloration Description: Shep receives all sorts of prison newspaper from all around the country and reads a poem from one of these about a little bird ‐ "I gently closed the window down and crushed his stupid skull." The pecking order of animals. Put a group of chickens together and within 5 minutes there is a head hen and a number two hed and so on down the order. Does Charlie the dog really know what a car is, does he know the scenery is moving past him. Is he aware the vehicle is moving? Does a horse have a concept of winning? Does the cat show independence because it is so smart or because it is dumb? We are the only animals that get hung up on other animals. Have you ever run across a chipmunk that has a turtle as a pet. One thing that man shares with other animals is protectice coloration. He assumes the color of the atmosphere he lives in. Like a chameleon. Shep decribes having chameleons as pets when he was a kid, pinning them on the curtains and scaring girls. Man changes his 'color' to adapt the the surroundings. Using pet names, smoothing your way with magic words, being utterly helpless, sloppy natural emotions, are all examples of protective coloration. Notes: W February 12, 1965 Rude Noises in Company K; Latrine Duty Description: Shep begins the show by talking about "folk talent," which mentions pop art and Andy Warhol. Shep asks the audience ehat event did "Lord Windesmere" excel in and announces that he will award the Brass Figlatee with Oak Leaf Palm for the correct answer. Then, Shep tells the story of Chris Metropolis, and we get into the main business of the evening for the rest of the show. Shep describes the fuction of the "L.O." (Latrine Orderly) Notes: W February 15, 1965 New Improved Packaging Description: Everybody should have their own theme song Plastic Hearts Simulated Buick Portholes Image makers Products that have disappeared The new sports Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 117 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 18, 1965 Midwestern Drugstores and Drive‐Ins Description: Comments on the farting contest Protest songs of the current generation Book review of a 'Season in Hell' Chicago candy trivia surrounding Mandies Candies Dements Turtles craze started in Chicago Cafeteria craze in the east Large Drugstores in the Midwest vs. the east The Drugstore nation drink was Lemon Coke Drive‐in eatery protocol Notes: Lord Windismere farting contest ‐ Tandem Records ‐ The Great Contest W February 19, 1965 Hooked on Kicks Description: None Notes: W February 26, 1965 Kentucky ‐ The Blue Steel Roscoe Description: Shep talks about the Blue Roscoe, the time his father's office was held up and about the time he was working for a Cincinnati radio station for the summer during collage, and was held up in a little restaurant called the "Wheel In" in Covington, Kentucky by "Carla and Howard", an 18 year old girl and her little brother. Notes: W March 1, 1965 Advertising & the American Dream; Travel Description: None Notes: W March 2, 1965 Worst Job in the Steel Mill Description: "This is a good studio" "First studio in 3 weeks where we are on the air" Popular Mechanics ‐ System to flavor turkeys and chichens before they are killed. The Old Man's scorn when behind a car that smokes Board games that popularize the services of selected companies like banks and ad gencies. Rotton jobs ‐ cleaning 400 chickens in Ft Monmouth in the Army. Working at the Sinclair gas station for $3 a week. Shep talks about working in the steel mill and being on the various shifts, eating there, Polish food, 'fish fry night' on Fridays. One day he is called to J.M. Snyder's office. He is the chief clerk and assigns Shep the position of "Rat Killer" handing hin a big can of rat poison and telling him to go out and kill all the rats. Notes: Some names he mentions ‐ Hermie, Chuck, Chester Gooch W March 3, 1965 Show Biz, Thing in the Ground Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 118 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 5, 1965 Soaking Pit & Friday Night Drinking Description: "Where's the crowd?" Shep is in search of recognition. A listener calls in ‐ "Yeah Shep ‐ the Village" Shep hangs up and calls him a klutz. He quotes either Marcel Proust or Dorothy Kilgallen, he's not sure which, who says: "I shall be un done by naives and fools" He tells everyone in the booth to stop taking calls, there's a show to do. Friday night is a drinking night. He tells about steel workers drinking on Friday nights. "Hammond hangs to the underbelly of Chicago like a rotton barnacle hanhing on the bottom of a rusty scow" "Jean Shepherd ‐ Live at the Limelight" came out on Wednesday. Many people don't thing that the Limelight shows are live. The old man was not a regular drinker. Big drinking night was Old Man, Uncle Carl, Uncle Fred, and Uncle Al sitting around the kitchen table on a Friday night having a shot and telling dirty stories. A "Peripheral Activity" Working at the steel mill at 16 as a member of a "Bull Gang" (Roving Laborers). He tells about being called to clean the 40 inch soaking pits, being lowered down wearing wooden shoes and scraping scale for 2 minutes before being hauled up out of the intense heat. After work on Fridays everyone would head across to the Eagle for shots and a beer. Shep describes his first experience doing this and becoming one of the guys. Notes: W March 8, 1965 Great Role Reversal Description: None Notes: W March 9, 1965 Religion of Success Description: None Notes: W March 12, 1965 The Smell of Homes Description: None Notes: W March 15, 1965 Indiana: Football and Trains Description: None Notes: W March 16, 1965 The Great Lawn Caper Description: None Notes: W March 17, 1965 Difference Makers and Non‐Makers Description: None Notes: W March 19, 1965 Embalmers, Getting Out Of Army, Electric Blue Suit Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 119 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 22, 1965 Dreams of Glory, Cars Description: None Notes: W March 23, 1965 NAB Convention: Biting the Hand Description: Beards and problems it creates The Human Comedy Hour National Association of Broadcasters compared everything from the Mafia to garbage Demo of the all automatic radio station, untouched by human hands Artificial broadcasting emotionalism The more trivial the product the more bombastic the advertisement The Philadelphia Bulletin bombastic advertisement for . . . Scott Tissue N.A.B. Broadcasters Prayer (as a measure of the self importance of broadcasting) N.A.B. Seminar on the 30 second commercial The big speaker of the day ‐ The Weatherman Religious Kazoo music by Shep Notes: In a day when audio recording was rather crude, Shep predicts the ability to record radio stations with out actually having to listen to them! [Rich B] Shep says he owned a Peugeot 403 W March 24, 1965 Great Generator Hunt Description: None Notes: W March 25, 1965 Pop Art ‐ World's Fair Fool Description: Selling at the carnivals and Fair. Fashion at the Fair. How the Fair will be different and better this year. Pop Art in commercials Notes: W March 26, 1965 More on NAB Convention, Bunny Slippers Description: "Friday Night & the dysfunctional family station" Human carbunclism Delusions of normalcy Smoking and Sex (comments inspired by the Kent commercial) Freud and Fantasies Nothing like reality ‐ Jab at the N.A.B. Convention Sheila Graeme column excerpt on Hollywood made in character Roll reversal Bunny Slippers ‐ A brief collection of bits captured in 'A Christmas Story' Perspective based on geographical reference of where we grow up Hammond Indiana fresh air and a 10 year olds perspective The hook for the Limelight Notes: Shep mentions that it is Friday on many occasions during this show, it is night (of course) but Shep was our Knight! Jousting as he did against even his own sponsors, which he did quite a bit during this show. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 120 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 30, 1965 Simple‐ism; or Ignorance Is Bliss Description: Shep sings 'I'm forever blowing bubbles' Program designed to be a counter irritant Simplists the types (political, religious, etc.) Simplists are Bi‐polar; everything is black or white, good or bad, left or right Self confidence emanates from simpletons Shep sums up the middle‐east problem as both sides being confused by technology Mankind's search for simple answers The origin of the word Camp The role reversal Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 121 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 31, 1965 The Playboy World; NY Vs. Chicago Description: Shep has returned from Chicago, having visited the "pleasure dome" he calls Xanadu. He never mentions the Playboy mansion by name. His mission this show, is to tell New Yorkers what Chicago and other cities are like. Throughout the show Shep takes the typical provincial view and calls New York City "New York" and city dwellers ,"New Yorkers." NY is the last bastion of Victorianism, but Chicago is Babylon revisited. Chicago is hip, NY is Squaresville. Sybaritic life is so rampant in Chicago that everything in NY looks like a Girl Scout troop. In Chicago, Musak has taken over everything, even funeral parlors. The Playboy lifestyle is actually available in Chicago. In Chicago, the good life and bad life never mix. Fist fights and bums are found everywhere in NY but Chicago has a coral for that. Chicago has much less traffic and people are not crammed together. Compares Chicago weekday traffic to NY Sunday traffic. Chicago is casual. In Chicago, he lived in a house, implying the Playboy Mansion, where no one used last names. Says last names will vanish, because names are controversial and say something about your background. During the commercials, he runs a tangent and says if he had all the money he spent on cars, he would own WOR and fire all the Klutzes at WOR. NY is incredibly filthy, dirty. Suspects it is one of the dirtiest cities in the world. Chicago thinks it is a dirty city but it is relatively clean. NY is noisier than an oriental bazaar. NY has a certain sense of excitement, but other cities have a sense of architectural style that makes NY relatively ugly. He bemoans New York's ugly architecture to some length. New Yorkers have lost the virtue of civic anger, and are tolerant of annoyance. Banging in a grill while parking is completely accepted. Radio, television is different in Chicago. NY doesn't have live, personal ads. In Chicago, commercials are watched as a form of entertainment, including fan clubs. Chicago television seems more alive, NY television is kind of dead. New York Worlds Fair is lifeless, built to be there. Maybe NY is dead and maybe what America will be is happening outside of NY. The show ends on a reflection that on his trip, no one on the plane was interested in looking out the windows and that everything going on in the cabin is designed to substitute for looking out. No one was interested in seeing the incredible geology below. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 122 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 1, 1965 Great Hamburger Blowout Description: Sniffing the air Shep toys with the idea of whether or not to tell the hamberger story. Shep talks about being a compulsive reader and how he even reads all the blurbs on packages. 'People who write those advertisements have always wanted to write a novel.' He reads from the package of "Official World's Fair" toothpicks. "Did you ever have a traumatic experience that results in something physical after eating something?" Says he never told the story on the air about the time he blew up like a Christmas Turkey. When he was 10 years old he went to an Ukranian‐American winter barbecue. Schwartz, Flick, Bruner and him get on the line for burgers, rush off and eat them and keep returning. They did this until 9:30 at night and after each consuming 17 burgers, piles of chips, and bottles of Nehi orange they go home. As he lay there in bed that night, he begins to feel himself swell ‐ beginning to bulg out all over. And then the pain came and he began to swell some more. His mother comes into the room, pulls the covers back and says he's blown up like a Christmas Turkey. Finally at 5:30 in the morning, 17 quarts of hamburger come flying out like a safety valve. He couldn't look at another hamburger until he was 18 and it took another 2 years to be able to eat one. Notes: aka ‐ Hamburger Binge Shep mentions during the Happiness ad that he will be having a going away party there in a few weeks for his trip to Australia. W April 2, 1965 Camp and Pop Art Description: Shep opens show singing I'm forever blowing bubbles while pondering how death resolves so many issues. The current issue (April 3rd) of the New Yorker opposite page 62, Shep has a vision of Sarah, diapers and her new Mustang. A clipping from a Reading newspaper, and how Ethel deals with tension. TV Producers are now turning off their TV sets! TV Guide letters. Why do people drink? Looking for what life is all about in our hang‐ups instead of just admitting we are just having a good time! Camp is seen as homosexual. Some letters from teachers demonstrating role reversal in action. Humorless people Pop Art, why didn't they do certain comic strips. Notes: L April 3, 1965 Used Cars, Driving Own Car to the Prom / The Great Generator Hunt Description: None Notes: [Rich B] Shep mentions he owned a '37 Ford. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 123 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 5, 1965 Back to Witchcraft Description: NY Times article noting rejecting of Moses statue because it looked ape like Ramblings about Dutch Cleanser and Arm‐N‐Hammer The duality of a Hi‐Tech society co‐existing with slobism Mailing lists Witchcraft as a viable alternative and why it will happen Notes: W April 6, 1965 The Brits; Tourists Traits by Country Description: None Notes: W April 7, 1965 Jew's Harp and Nose Flute Virtuosity Description: None Notes: W April 8, 1965 Love at the USO Description: Shep makes remarks about the previous nights show on Jews harps and demonstrates playing and English Jews Harp. "I'm one of the few classical Jews Harp players." Salute to an Englishman ‐ In his H.G. Grubbage voice Shep reads a story of an Englisnman who discovers his wife is cheating on him when he catches her running naked from the guest room. She claims that she was only telling the guest that breakfast would be ready in fifteen minutes. "The case of the embarrasing knock on the oak paneled door" ‐ Corporal Shepherd playing ping pong in the basement of the Red Bank USO and the beatiful girl who watches. While in Ft Monmoth NJ, Shep and the guys would go to the USO and play ping pong. Shep notices a good looking chick working there and they strike up a conversation. After a few weeks they go out on a date to the movies and a short time later she invites him into her house. They are sitting on the couch and Shep is preparing for his next move when there is a knock on the door and in walks the girls husband. A Major in the Army! He says hi to Shep and heads into the kitchen to get a beer as if there was nothing wrong. Shep makes a hasty exit. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 124 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 9, 1965 Upstaged! Description: Claims to have won "Mug of the Month" award in a barber shop magazine. Sings "After you've gone.." Joins in on "Saturday euphoria". Plays a tape of some fantastic Jews harp music from India. He is completely outclassed. Feigns to be "broken". There was another time he was completely crushed in the world of music. Some people do not compete, but others are the ones that know ecstatic delight and crushing defeat. This story is of a traumatic defeat. Describes the hell of a tuba player such as when folks throw things into the bell. This creates a sadness in all tuba players. Discusses his sense of sickening defeat. In high school he feared being compared to others and this manifested itself in the form of a terrifying, but required public speaking course with Miss Parsons. Even seeing the public speaking classroom with the stage and lectern made him feel sick and queasy. On the first day he is supposed to do a one minute speech on what he wants to be when he grows up. He shrivels up inside. All's he can think of is he will ride on the bus and eat sandwiches, stand on the street corner, eat cheeseburgers and scratch. But Eileen Ackers got up and did very well describing being an artist. He gets up and his mind has left his body and he has no idea what he said. The rest of the semester was worse. Back to the story he is the "ace of the base" with his tuba. He is one with the tuba and loves it. Then he is cajoled into competing in the Indiana state solo competition. He actually gets all psyched up to do it. But he gets blown out of the water by a kid he derisively called "little jug ears". He felt sick and did not remember anything he played and at the end he got a distant 2nd place. From this he learned that no matter how good you are at something, there is someone else out there that can do it much better. You can always be upstaged. He closes with a Happiness commercial running over the theme song. "Happiness, thy name is sweet and sour spareribs. Oh happiness....happiness". Notes: L April 10, 1965 Jean Shepherd at the Limelight Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 125 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 12, 1965 Tornado Hits the Mill Description: Shep tell about the two tornados that he was witness to. Once when he and his brother Randy were out fishing in a boat in southern Michigan and a tornado passed within a half mile, and the second time while working at the steel mill and was literally in the path of one as he clings to the side of a rail car. They found his hard had seven miles away. He also mentions that he is about to leave for Austrailia and has been pre‐taping the shows for while he was away, and he mentions that he has a cousin Arlene. Notes: W April 13, 1965 Code School (and meeting Fred Allen) Description: Preparing for the trip to Austrailia Playing "Chinatown" on the Jewsharp as requested Talking with Fred Allen over coffee at the B.G.'s on Broadway in the middle of the night. The Code School Story ‐ Shep tells how he and the rest of his army group wound up going to code school even though they were all proficient in morse code. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 126 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 14, 1965 The Return of Roswell T. Edwards Description: Shep opens playing "Chinatown" on the Jews Harp. He has just come from a going away party at Happiness, the Chinese Restaurant for his upcoming trip to Austrailia. See notes for countries visited along the way. Shep describes the itiniery for the trip and how he plans to record the sounds of the various countries, not interviews. He talks about how he will visit the Outback, so to the sheep country, fish in the Barrier Reefs for shark The shows will continue, John Gambling has recorded a whole series of "memorial time signal and weather report shows" A strange thing happened tonight… After the meal there was a question and answer period and someone asked about the people that Shep spoke about in his stories. Do they ever hear the stories. What about Aunt Theresa? Shep relates a story about how he recently saw his Aunt and told her that if he announced that Aunt Theresa would be standing on a particular corner in New York, all kinds of people would show up. As he was leaving, a man stands up and they recognize one another ‐ Roswell T. Edwards from Shep's Army days was there. Shep tells about how Edwards was a real 'yardbird' in the Army, always organized and neat. He tells the story of the time that they were all set for inspection when Gassor comes in and announces that Edwards not only had his room clean, but was polishing the door knobs and the light fixture on the ceiling with a Blitz Cloth. Everyone hussles to do the same thing, and they all realize that their hands are green from the Blitz Cloth. It's too late to wash and everyone gets gigged for having green hands ‐except Edwards who got his weekend pass. Notes: Leigh's plea for Shep to not go to Austrailia. She also did this prior to his going to the Amazon. Frankfurt, Germany Athens, Greece Cairo, Egypt Bangkok, Thailand Singapore Karachie, India Darwin, Austrailia Sidney, Austrailia Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 127 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 15, 1965 Infinite Radio Signals Description: Shep opens plaing the Jews Harp. The theories of games ‐ "At any given time people will play games about that of which there is least of in a society." The game of our time is love, according to April 12, 1965 New York Times Ad for a game called "Game of Love" MonoLOPy ‐ The mis‐spelling comes from when he was a kid. There are only 7 people in the world who pronounce it that way. As part of a Boy Scout Jamboree project, Gaiza Neiman decided to make an inlaid monopoly board. He finishes it and everyone is staring at it when Flick realizes Gaiza spelled Monopoly wrong ‐ M O N O L O P Y. They decided to never say the name correctly again. Radio radiations ‐ Shep talks about how radio signals theoretically travel through space forever. He discusses how a million years from now they could be listening to 'ol Shep way out in the far reaches of space. What was advertised on the back of all the Popular Electronics magazines? The 'blank' coil. (Tesla) One of his first experiments was with a automobile spark coil. He hooked a series of batteries to it and Whack! Notes: Matt is the Engineer W April 16, 1965 The British Empire: News Readers Description: None Notes: W April 19, 1965 People Want Crud! Rise of the Neanderthal Description: None Notes: W April 20, 1965 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 128 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 21, 1965 Salute to Trouble Description: Exploding cigars and the gosh commercial as a pop art medium. 3 or 4 years ago Shep predicted people would pattern their behavior on people of the past. One of the games in reading a tabloid newspaper is finding the news amongst all the Alexander ads for girdles. Decisive people. What if "Lefty", the new guy at the WOR sales meeting one day pulls out a blue steel roscoe and starts waving it around and proclaims that all the big accounts are now his and he's in charge. Shep's friend Joe who started in the mail room of a radio station in now one of the 7 most important guys in the industry. When asked about his success, he tells Shep that 999,999 people out of a million have no ideas about anything. And the other person also has no ideas but doesn't let anyoner know. He's decisive, so everyone follows his lead. How many times is brass confused with talent? Obnoxiousness confused with talent. The number of truly talented people is almost non‐existent. You can watch a whole week of television and not see a talented person. Mediocrity: The writer who was so good, that 10 days after coming up with 7 great ideas, was out. The mediocre writing team rejected the writer who was so good. The fear of ideas. Notes: Don is engineer Ideophobia‐ Fear of ideas. W April 22, 1965 Changing Styles in Mannequins Description: None Notes: W April 23, 1965 Playing Musical Instruments ‐ Jews Harp, Tuba Description: None Notes: L April 24, 1965 The Star and Garter. Pursuit of Sin / Cave Diggers, Drive in Date, Company K Eggs Description: None Notes: W April 26, 1965 Kids and Adults as subjects for study Description: A great study by Stanford suggesting that Salmon lived longer and looked better when neutered Other great studies of the obvious A series of WHY'S having to do with groups as they increase A series of WHAT'S having to do with what is humankind Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 129 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 28, 1965 What is Talent? Isolation (NATION ‐ INDIVIDUAL) Description: Starts with his Kazoo (Ain't She Sweet) Where do we get a life editor Don't try to account for anything! ‐ George Aid Mindless Optimism (A Southern Stereotype) Writing and writers Notes: W April 29, 1965 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: L May 1, 1965 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W May 3, 1965 Frankenstein Myth ‐ Superman Idea‐ Machines Description: Shep starts singing "I'm forever blowing bubbles" a capella with Kazoo interludes Major break through the creation of Superman London Observer news report on the creation of Superman How mankind emulates that which he is in awe of The computer as our new mother Social classes within the machine social structure Notes: W May 4, 1965 Back To Witchcraft Description: None Notes: L May 8, 1965 Mother's Day Show / Australia #1 ‐ Shep in Australia Description: It's the day before mother's day and Shep talks about calling home to mom. After talking about how no one in the city talks to one another, he side tracks to making phone calls in a phone booth ‐ like calling the weather, just to have someone talk to you. He then tells about finding phone numbers written on the phone booth wall and his experience in dialing one of them ‐ a girl named Marie. After several self‐aborted attemps he finally lets it ring and a guy answers. "Marie ain't here ‐ are you calling from that phone booth at the H&H? (Horn and Hardart) In the second hour Shep talks about his recent trip to Australia. He read 7 books on Australia before leaving. Talking about how the people adapt to their environments, he pokes fun at Secaucus, New Jersey, saying those people have adapted by having skinny nose. (Due to all the pig farms that once existed there.) He decribes the flight to Australia and the countires he encountered along the way. At the airport he observes that all the souveniers in the gift shop were mostly made in Brooklyn. Between Darwin and Sidney he explains there are vast areas of desert where no man has ever set foot. He describes the kangaroos running freely around Sidney and the sharks swimming shoulder to shoulder just off shore. Sundays in Australia, the entire continent is turned off. He talks about the holidays there, the food they eat and a visit he made to a private home. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 130 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 11, 1965 Australia #2 ‐ Back from Australian Trip,Thailand Description: The peculiar unreality of global travel. You begin to think the countires are props at the airport. What kind of view does the jey setter have of the countries he visits? Bangkok, Thailand ‐ wanted to go to a restaulant where Thai people eat ‐ not tourists. He tells about how many of the people there live on the water and that there are even boat taxis. River life in the Orient is incredible. It is a large part of their lifestyle. Japan has a large presence in Thailand. Cars are mostly Japanese, and different from the ones seen in the United States. There are Japanese soft drinks. Small motor scooters with ricshaw backs have replaced the traditional old ricshaws. They go to a small restaurant where the Thai people go to eat American food, but they order Thai food. They order soup ‐ not so hot, and beef. The food arrives and is beautifully prepared. The first taste of the soup turns his friend's face a cold ice blue. Shep tastes it and it is the single most hot soup he ever had. The other food while hot was nothing after the soup. While sitting there eating a Thai band sets up on stage and begin to play "Pennies From Heaven". Shep reaches into his pocket, pulls out his Jews Harp and begins to play. They all wanted him to get on stage and play. Notes: He mentions being back as if it's his first show since returning. Was the show from last night pre‐ recorded? (He had already done a Limelight Show on Saturday, May 8th regarding Australia.) The monetary denomination in Thailand is the Tical (Shep asks if anyone can guess.) W May 12, 1965 Aurtralia #3 ‐ Manly, Australia Description: The idea of travel is far more exciting than traveling. Manly, Australia ‐ bounded on the left by little suburban house and on the right by a solid phalanx of sharks. Shep describes standing in the lobby of the hotel and watching a small boat going back and forth. He asks what they are doing and is told that it's the shark patrol. He tells about how the waters are populated with sharks swimming shoulder to shoulder. He describes the discotheque in the hotel, the type of dancing they do. "I suspect that Australia is the greatest beer drinking country in the world." Lord Howe Island ‐ Shep talks briefly about this island and promises to talk more about it on a future show. Walking along the street, Shep comes face to face with two listeners ‐ two sheets to the wind ‐ who begin telling Shep how he should do his show. "You do that on your show", Shep tells them. Then waiting on line for a bus, a man breaks out singing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame". Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 131 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 13, 1965 Australia #4 ‐ Arrival in Sydney Description: The moon over Pakistan, the reality of traveling in trains vs planes. For people who travel a lot there is a great boredom. He tells about his discussion with Shel Silverstein about the drag of traveling. He describes flying over Pakistan while reading about the Pakistan / India dispute in the Herold Tribune. Hw looks down from the plane and sees only a few lights below as opposed to flying over other more densely populated countries where the cities are all lit up. Flying over the outback of Australia on the way to Sidney. Censorship in Australia prohibits Playboy magazine and Shep tells how he smuggled a copy into Australia wrapped inside a copy of Christian Science. He tells a reporter about it and claims that he will go to a local burger joint at high noon on Monday and take it out to read. He didn't do it, but claims the reporter showed up with two photographers and the chief of police. Australians are big drinkers, but all the bars close at 6pm. He says that the parties start early. He was invited to one and was taken by surprise at how formal their informal parties were. A regular Fred Astair / Ginger Rogers party with formal evening gowns. When he remarked about the formality, a guet told him that the formal party was going to be next week, this was just a get together! Notes: W May 14, 1965 Australia #5 ‐ More on Australia Description: The age of junk mail ‐ Shep is going through all the mail that has accumulated during his trip to Australia. He reads from a trade journal for a state penitentiaries. Story about prisoners that rebelled about returning to their cells until the TV show they were watching was over. Guards had to use tear gas. They were watching The Fugitive! He reads some of the names from the gossip column. Americans are the great dreamers of the world. The paradox of what man thinks he is and what he really is. Censorship is very tough in Australia, but their view of what should be censored and what shouldn't is vague and confusing. Westerns, the significance of busting mirrors and bottles. Sling shots in Germany ‐ they have peep sights and are very sophisticated Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 132 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 17, 1965 Australia #6 ‐ Anzac Day Tapes Description: Shep has received a bunch of letters from listeners asking why he went to Australia or travel other countries so often. He goes because it's there and asks why do people in Hackensack not feel the urge to look at the rest of the world. He's been traveling since he was a kid. At 8 or 9 his first trip was to Ohio and he loved the feeling of different places. He gets a feeling of ecstasy leaning out of the window or walking along the streets of a foreign country. He likes to wake up early around 4 or 5am and observe the local people getting started in the morning. Manly, Australia ‐ hundreds of souvenier shops but not for the outside tourists, they are for the Australian tourists, since Manly is a resort for Australians to go. Don't try to analyze a country. Shep likes to talk of the experiences he has and makes recordings of the sounds of the area and fills notebooks with his observations for everywhere he visits. The entire world is so paradox, but Australia is the most paradox of all the ones he has visited. The have a great pride that they are decended from a penal colony sent there by England. "Our population was selected by some of the greatest judges in England" He talks about ANZAC day in Australia. This is the biggest holiday there and it is in celebration of the military achievements of Australia since World War 1. Shep plays a tape he recorded from his room of the parade passing in the street below. You can hear the bagpipes playing in the background and a local radio broadcaster describing the parade. Notes: ANZAC ‐ Australian New Zealand Armed Corps W May 18, 1965 Australia #7 ‐ The Modern Marco Polo Description: The trials and tribulations of being a modern day Marco Polo. Are people all the same or have we bread several distinct strains through culture? Not talking about the obvious differences such as color or bone structure. How we have become 'herd animals'. When traveling most people take too much. Women tend to take their whole closet with them. In many cases, you can get what you need to wear during the trip and probably cheaper. Take plenty to read. It's hard to hold anything other than general conversations in a foreign country. Take a transistor radio and spare batteries. When you travel, the difference in time makes it difficult to sleep. Because the body is on a different time zone, it is hard to get coordinated. Shep describes his attempt to rest and take a shower. Notes: Someone called Terrence is in the studio W May 24, 1965 Putting the Blame On Others Description: None Notes: W May 25, 1965 The Theater Mystique Description: None Notes: W May 31, 1965 Memorial Day ‐ Indy 500 Description: Shep talks about the classic race on Memorial Day weekend and what it means to Mid‐ Westerners Notes: Could this be 5/31/65 show? Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 133 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 1, 1965 Early Radio ‐ Old Airplanes Description: None Notes: W June 3, 1965 Gemini Launch ‐ I'm Flying! Description: Shep refers to the transcripts and audio from the Gemini IV launch earlier today, on which Ed White does a space walk. He recounts some of the more humorous comments made and things White does like cleaning the windshield. He tells the story about the first time he flew. The whole family had gone to a small airport to watch the planes and there were planes there where for $3.00 you could get rides over the local countryside. Shep and the Old Man get tickets and go on the little 4 seater. The Old Man gets sick and Shep is hooked on flying. He spends the rest of the show with a general discussion about kids wanting to fly or be invisible, and about the future of space flight and the stunts that will come out of them. Notes: W June 4, 1965 Playing Baseball for United Brethren Description: Shep starts the show testing out his Jews Harp and Kazoo, playing 'Beautiful Dreamer' on the Jews Harp and Shiek of Araby on the Kazzoo. He also sings "After You've Gone" A brief discussion about 'gas bags' which he says he isn't because people people who are gas bags do not get anybody mad. He bases this on the number of complaints that WOR receives every hour. Radio announcers ‐ Shep tells about an announcer he knew that had a free floating upper plate that sounded like castanets. Another annoucer he worked with couldn't pronounce the letter "W" and the station call letters were WLW. Another announcer he knew that brought his own microphone to work. The station mics were so cheap that everyone sounded like they were speaking through a kazzoo. Herb was clear as day and they soon learned that he had his own microphone that he would take out to do his show and then pack away at the end. Non‐singers ‐ Shep talks about 'non‐singers' that he knew in stage shows he did. Ted Lewis and Al Jolson were non‐singers, they never hit any notes! Polish weddings ‐ The incredibly horrid case of the stuffed cabbage and Jeanette Dumbrowsky. Falling in and out of love with Polish girls. Going to Polish weddings and the fist fights that break out. This leads to fist fighting softball players. They practice swearing and fist fighting and getting hit in the gut. Playing baseball for United Brethren ‐ The guys were 'hired' to play for the church ‐ "There wasn't a Christian in the lot" Home games were at night and when the visitors were at bat the lights were set at 3/4 strength and when the home team batted they were at full strength. Notes: Shep talks about playing baseball for United Brethren. In "Phantom of the Open Hearth" he is seen playing 3rd base for this team in a game against Immaculate Conception. L June 5, 1965 Hammond High Graduation, Running for Junior Class President, Date with Jeanette Dombrowki, Army Payday Description: None Notes: W June 9, 1965 Shep's TV Aspirations & The TV Biz Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 134 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 10, 1965 Shep For Mayor; Aunt Min's Surprise Description: "I think I may run for Mayor" "What a fantasic Mayor I'd make" Claims his literary inspiration for writing is "Ragedy Ann and Raggedy Andy and The Camel With The Wrinkled Knees" Shep tells about the time Aunt Min takes him to see "The Student Prince". She tells him they are going to see a show and right away he thinks she's taken him to see King Kong. She tells Shep that they are going to see "The Student Prince" which he didn't realize was a live show and not a movie. It was as bad as Miss Shields singing at a PTA meeting. He also discusses H.L. Menken, "The Snake People", and Sunday School. He claims he will tell the story of "The Great Cod Liver Oil Riot" on a future Limelight show along with 'the time I broke the lamp'. Notes: W June 11, 1965 Assorted and Sundry Description: None Notes: W June 14, 1965 Women in Sports Description: None Notes: W June 15, 1965 General Conversation Description: None Notes: W June 16, 1965 Early Morning Radio Job Description: None Notes: W June 17, 1965 Old Flying Machines Description: None Notes: W June 18, 1965 Early American History Description: Trouble getting music cued right ‐ they even play the theme again on several attemps ‐ Shep tells the engineer to put it under the waste basket. "Look Homeward Angel" by Thomas Wolfe (W.O.Gant) All men are created equal but not the same. George Washington has never seen Johnny Carson! Jefferson and the founding fathers ‐ a humorous look at the writing of the Constitution. Notes: W June 21, 1965 Everybody's Uncle Carl Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 135 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 24, 1965 First Summer Job ‐ Surveying Description: None Notes: L June 26, 1965 Graduation Day Description: First Hour: Shep talks about how he stood in the batter's box at Yankee Stadium that afternoon in a Yankee uniform. He describes the "masculine mystique", kneeling where Roger Maris kneels, showering with Whitey Ford, famous body "adjustments" in the batter's box, and chewing tobacco. This leads to the story about working at the steel mill on the open hearth gang. Arriving at work one night they are all handed a free sample of chewing tobacco when getting on the mill bus at the clock house. He chews it and loses everything he ever ate including pabulum! Knocking down the World's Fair. He talks of the Chicago and New York World's Fairs, going to the Chicago one as a kid and seeing the knocking down of the famous "Amos and Andy" towers. Second Hour: An army story about the time in Florida, they built a baseball diamond in the middle of nowhere and were playing softball wearing only their shoes and dog tags. A staff car pulls up to watch the game and in the back seat is a beautiful blonde. Suddenly it makes a hasty departure. It turns out that the Commanding General decided to ride out to see the troops and decided to bring his daughter, who had just finished college, to see soldiers in action. She got an eyefull and the next day the ball field was turned into an infiltration course. Going to New York on pass to get free tickets and meals. Shep and Gasser turn down tickets to "Oklahoma" to see another musical that closed "30 seconds after we get there". The go to the Waldorf Astoria for their free meal, but since they didn't start serving until 10pm, they end up being sent to Lu Chows, where they receive a meal of a lifetime. Shep boards a train from New York to Chicago when he gets a pass in the Army. Standing from New York to well past Erie, Pa. due to lack of seats, he heads back through the cars and eventually ends up in the baggage car where some of the railroad crew are playing cards. He wants to lay down, but the place to lay is on top of a coffin carrying a PFC. When he is awaken, the train has stopped and he is part of the honor guard. Notes: The story about building the ball field was and early version of "The Unforgettable Exhibition Game of the Giants Versus the Dodgers, Tropical Bush League" a short story which appeared in the May 1971 issue of Playboy Magazine. He also tells this story on a 2‐19‐66 Limelight Show (Schmidco #36) and tells how he got a call after the show from the General's daughter who witnessed the scene. She said she remembered Shep at 3rd base (that made him proud). Shep refers to the last story about sleeping on a casket on an August 9, 1965 show. He received a letter from a woman who got upset over it. W June 28, 1965 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 136 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 1, 1965 Hurling Invectives, Fire Works and War Games Description: Shep ponders the balsa wood stage of life. Your free WOR Invective! Contemplations in the night by Charles DeGaulle and LBJ People who have plans and weather reports. Fireworks and the personalities who buy different things. Military Manuvers Notes: W July 2, 1965 You Must Work to Have Fun Description: None Notes: L July 3, 1965 The Dago Bomb Description: The war against mosquitoes. The old man hunting them down in the bedroom. Working at the old man's fireworks stand and his fantastic display of fireworks on the 4th of July. Mr. Bruner, who used to work the extra board at the RR yard, and the Dago Bomb. This is a early rendition of what ultimately became the movie "Great American Fourth of July..." In later versions it was Ludlow Kissel instead of Mr. Bruner. In this Army story Shep tells about getting picked up hitchhiking by a lady who during the ride asks Shep about the Army. After putting it all down and saying how the commanding general was a jerk, she pulls right onto the base and receives all kinds of salutes. She was the base commander's wife. She asks Shep his name and Shep says "Gasser, Herbert L" and takes off. 10 minutes later Gasser is being parachuted over Germany. Casual company ‐ another army story about being assigned to lead a detail of men to go to the General's house to clean the Basement and cut grass. Notes: W July 5, 1965 Mendacity‐NYC Influence on TV Biz Description: None Notes: W July 6, 1965 The Old Man: Pool Shark Description: None Notes: W July 7, 1965 Peanut Butter Episode Description: None Notes: Palisades Amusement Park ad after closing ‐ only 35 cents W July 8, 1965 Unionism Description: Union meetings Organizations & hierarchies Fun things & how fun has become watching other people have 'fun' Notes: W July 9, 1965 You Dig Him or You Don't Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 137 of 451 Have Class Date L Title July 10, 1965 "Be careful of the live wires!" / VD Film, Trooptrain Ernie, Army Glasses Description: 1st Hour Shep tells the story of being a kid in Indiana one summer night, when lightning strikes the house and wipes out his ham radio and half the house, despite his mother's warnings to "Be Careful of Live Wires!" He concludes the hour with the time that he and Flick, Schwartz, and Bruner steal enough lumber from a construction site to build a 7 room cape cod in the woods behind Flick's house. Of course they get caught in the act and escape after "9 hours" of pursuit. 2nd Hour VD Film Trooptrain Ernie Army Glasses Notes: Live at the Limelight W July 12, 1965 Musical Urge; The Muskellunge Description: None Notes: W July 13, 1965 Psychic Brochure; Shep On Paar Show Description: (Rustling of paper) That's the sound of a pop art world. "Making it" ‐ people are concerned with it 97% of the day. Everyone want to see their name on a marquee. Junk mail that promotes success. The ability to dominate anyone instantly. Being in a play with friend George, the playright was striving to make it a success. Shep and George wanted the cranberry concession in the lobby for this turkey. Shep tries to get a union started at the radio station. 14 out of 15 votes were against the union, and one guy got fired! Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 138 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 14, 1965 Martian Chronicles Description: Apparently the springboard for this show is the Mariner 4 flyby of Mars that day and which sent back 21 photos of the planet. Shep knocks recording engineers. Shep fantasizes what if life is found on Mars, and the presidential announcement in his best imitation of an LBJ accent (which is none too good!). Shep relays a conversation between fellow hams, the other ham being a NY Times writer at 5 Am about life in the universe. Space being an early mankind pre‐occupation that seems to be lacking in today's cities. New York is not "Big Sky Country". The northern lights with sound effects. Kite flying. The show changes midway to one about life in NY, spurred by the Orenstein ad, as Shep visits the client. Motorcycling in New York story How to connect with a New Yorker The oft‐repeated theme of revisiting an old neighborhood that you used to live in and be intimate with, and how it seems new and strange after you've been away from it. The story of Hurley's Bar, that refused to sell out to Rockerfeller Center. Notes: Great poetic description of the city as it awakes (starting at 13:40) W July 15, 1965 Moving Pianos Description: Hurling an invective. "Put your radio on the window." Fight over a softball game Unloading a freight car, the smell of old used magazines. Eating free in the Automat and Hector's. Getting a work permit and a job...moving pianos for 10 cents an hour when Coke was 5 cents. Heat, and the New York summer fist fight Sense memory and the smell of old used magazines Notes: L July 17, 1965 Baseball Stories, Great Ice Cream Riot / Moments of Fear, Weekend Pass Fistfight Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 139 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 19, 1965 Creativity Description: The newest curse of our time Slots we all fall into I just want a job in production syndrome and the glamorization of life Notes: ‐ Notes If anyone suggests that you are an artist for what you do, swallow your pride and insist you are a doctor, the pay is better! ‐ Ken Applegate ‐ Engineer & other people in the control booth "Don't runaway Danny" "Charlie this is in your department" W July 21, 1965 Music from the Sewers Description: None Notes: W July 23, 1965 Tennis Date with First Love Description: None Notes: W July 26, 1965 Americans and their Cars Description: None Notes: W July 27, 1965 Personal Radio Hell Description: None Notes: W July 28, 1965 Summer Festivals and the Whoopie Instinct Description: On this show Shep talks about summer festivals across the country like the Bratwurst Festival in Sheboygan Wisconsin and recounts his own family trek to the Tulip Festival in Holland Michigan. Other subjects touched upon: Shep played the part of tooth decay in his elementary school play. "The school was built from balsa wood and silly putty" He also asked two trivia questions on the show: What metal badge or medallion was given out by a major gas company to be put on license plates? What soft drink company used a ladies leg with a high heel shoe and stocking? (Nehi) Notes: "I made my debut in show biz in an oral hygiene pageant. I played “Bad Breath.” No, no, I’m wrong! I’m just being rotten here. Actually, what I played was “Decayed Tooth.” They had me all dressed up in a “Decayed Tooth” costume. Dawn Strickland played a toothbrush, Jack Robinson played a squeezed tube of toothpaste, and Alex Joshaway played “Mouthwash.” I’ll never forget it. The lavish reviews came out the day after in the Warren G. Harding School’s Daily Bugle." [Gene Bergmann] W July 29, 1965 Animalophilia; Ben Casey Syndrome Description: None Notes: W July 30, 1965 Randy and the Gar Fish Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 140 of 451 Have Class Date L Title July 31, 1965 Trivia, Fleishmann's Yeast Description: None Notes: W August 2, 1965 Shepherd in the Lion's Den Description: None Notes: W August 3, 1965 Foreign Cuisine Description: None Notes: W August 4, 1965 Bears, Manly Australia, and Bavaria Description: None Notes: W August 5, 1965 The Bear and the Cadillac Description: Evolutionary contemplation as humans Musings about WOR Channel 9 TV experience Why some people seem to have amused looks The newsman's voice and implied authority (a segway to WOR ID) Jean spins great fantasies for Charles W. Applerot Notes: W August 6, 1965 The Pure Slob Description: None Notes: L August 7, 1965 Fantasy vs Reality, Shirt Commercial / Army Casual Company Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 141 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 9, 1965 Civil Rights Movement as Show Biz Description: Driving in a cab in New York takes a hour and a half to go six blocks. The dirt of New York just descends in great undulating waves like a rain. The radio in the cab plays on and on and on. "My mother told me to go to school, I did and he didn't" "Entertainment has superceded any serious situations we are faced with. Most people get very irritated when they begin to hear serious discussions of one thing or another about subjects which can be very very troublesome unless they are larded with laughs, unless they're watching a star do it." Americans have one of the lowest boredom thresholds. They are one of the quickest bored in the world. America is a country of extroverts, bowlers, playgoers, Mary Martin fans, and demonstrating fans. Shep often gets invited to talk about Civil Rights or Vietnam, but they want him to be funny. Shep makes mention of how when he tells an Army story that deals with the war people get really bothered and write angry letters. Like the time I told the Army story about riding in the back of the train, sleeping on the coffin of a dead PFC. Notes: He is referring to the Jun 26, 1965 Limelight show in which he tells about sleeping on the coffin. W August 10, 1965 The 52‐20 Club Description: None Notes: W August 11, 1965 Reading Listeners' Letters Description: Shep sings: '(I'll Be Loving You) Always' & 'Trees' Shep threatens to sing 'The Song of India' Story of singing in the shower at Camp Crowder: Tramp tramp tramp the boy's are marching The hit and run world we live in & mans love for machines. Shep sings: Just a Song at Twilight Shep talks about "Tongue in Cheek" People sometimes misinterpret tongue in cheek as serious and at times interpret serious issues as tongue in cheek. He reads various letters from listeners to demonstrate this. Why there are more males born in a society than females is affected by the society itself. How the masculine male is fast becoming a minority and advertising is starting to be aimed at the woman rather than the man. Women NOT a minority Advertisement campaigns geared to women. Invitations from people to come to their parties or for meals. A sad letter from a guy who's wife doesn't like Shep Toothpaste and child prodigies straightening out their parents Shep reads article from Radio Electronics Magazine about a zoo that put a TV in with a bunch of gorillas. They became less bored cranky and quarrelsome, except during the commercials. The dumbing down of society Notes: Shep yells at Don to stop talking with the engineer (Skip) during the show. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 142 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 12, 1965 Full Moon ‐ Nut Call Night Description: "It's a dangerous night ‐ did you see that moon out there? That is the biggest, Phoniest, rottenest, looking moon I've seen in a long time. It's nut call night!" Conflicting letters from fans about the style of his shows having 'no subject matter' A Captain at one of the precincts tells Shep "The switchboard begins to quiver about three days before a full moon." The moon in New York City The moon as a kid. "Ode de Meat Loaf" ‐ the perfume his mother used Getting in the car and taking a ride under the full moon "I shot the moon" ‐ Shep shoots 2 BBs at the moon and takes credit for it. Walking bridges. Shep tells about walking across the suspension bridge between Cincinnatti and Kentucky at 2 o'clock in the morning. Off in the distance he sees a lone figure walking when suddenly the person climbs the railing ‐ then over and down. Notes: W August 13, 1965 Friday the 13th ‐ Swamp Fear Description: None Notes: W August 16, 1965 Wired For Kicks Description: None Notes: W August 17, 1965 Blue‐Nose Ladies Vs. Youth Culture Description: Let's play radio ‐ I'll pretend I'm on radio and you pretend you're listening Followup on Bratwurst festival New York Times magazine section ‐ page 130 causes a stir with Shep (See link below) Merit the board game based on religion Teenagers are taking over. Teenage Cantina in Australia Shep's Uncles break out in a fistfight Notes: W August 18, 1965 General Conversation Description: None Notes: W August 18, 1965 Midwest Softball Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 143 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 19, 1965 Food‐Shaped Stands; Elephants Graveyard; Flagship Description: The Flagship on Route 22 in Union, NJ is empty and for sale or rent. Shep wonders what kind of a pad it would make. He imagines inviding Mr. Leder there. Gasoline Alley and the Corky doll that Aunt Glenn gave him when he was 6 Indelible pencils, golf ball centers, swallowing gum, quicksand and other kid myths. Shep describes various food stands he's encountered. One shaped like a DC‐3, one shaped like a giant hot dog serving foot long Colombian hot dogs. The elephant graveyard myth ‐ Shep finds a book in the basement about them that the old man has stashed. Notes: W August 20, 1965 The Edge of Nowhere ‐ Late For Work, Peru Prep, Zambia Space Program Description: None Notes: W August 23, 1965 Exporting The Real American Culture Description: None Notes: W August 24, 1965 Left‐ and Right‐Handedness Description: WOR recognizes Americans and the Arts and a major art form ‐ Whining Whining is different from complaining, slang words. H.L. Menkin and George Ade wrote about slang. Slang words describe situations and feelings for which there is no classical word. "A person who does not understand the slang of his time is a person who has lost contact with is time." Words drop out of our vocabulary as well as new ones being introduced. Left handers are nutty ‐ gives examples in baseball, musicians, and opera. He read a piece in the NY Post while riding in the back of a cab, about a study which determined that left handers are neurotic. He read it to the driver who was not impressed ‐ being a left hander himself. When Shep was was a left hander and when he was in the first grade his teacher, Miss Meano, forced hime to write right handed. By the end of the first week, he was getting nose bleeds from having to learn to be right handed, and by the time he was in second grade he was a right hander. He continued to be an ambidextrous batter through life. Notes: Makes references to the time he did commentary for a major U.S. opera company on the radio. After closing theme ‐ Palisades Park commercial featuring Frankie Michaels singing the Little Miss America theme. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 144 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 25, 1965 Viet Nam: Responsibility or Inconvenience? Description: Spirit of our time ‐ what would people 1,000 years from now think if they only have Doris Day or Woody Allen movies to go on. Not taking a stand on the Vietnam situation. Staying in school. Feeling of superiority. A member of the world of the select. Avoiding the reality of the world by staying in school. 'Education prepares you for life' vs 'education is life' The institution of higher learning has become a fortress against the real world. "WOR does not exist by itself like rain or sand... it is created and caused." The urge of man to top all other men. "The drive to be top dog." The realization that some goals are too high. Countries wishing to control the world around them Disclaimer: I'm not saying we should or shouldn't be going into Vietnam. I'm not saying we should or shouldn't extend the war. I'm fascinated by the number of people who think the whole thing was created in Washington. The pros and cons of taking sides in issues. The threat of the 'ultimate weapon' as the means to gain their ends. "There isn't anything that most people would love more than to be allowed to totally pursue their own selfish course throughout their entire life without so much as a ripple. This has been the Utopian dream of mankind since the very beginning of time" Notes: L August 28, 1965 Building first radio with the Old Man / The Lure of Defeat, The Mets, Enlisting Description: None Notes: W August 1965 Working for Mr Scott Description: Hurling an Invective Shep gives the instructions to get the radios on the window and after a kazoo countdown plays a short excerpt from "Ballet Mecanique" followed by: "All right you guys ‐ fall in! The doctor will be along in ten seconds. The uniform will be helmet liner, raincoat, and GI shoes ‐ and nothing else! Let's go!" More 'Ballet' Playing baseball for United Brethern Heat ‐ New York ‐ the summer fist fight, Unloading barrels of flour in the heat while in the Army Getting his working permit with Bolus Notes: Talks to Leigh ‐ offers Brass Figlagee to anyone who remembers what they used to call the medical officer in the Army. W September 1, 1965 Myths by the Millions Description: None Notes: W September 2, 1965 Peru ‐ To Go or Not To Go Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 145 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 3, 1965 The Sheik of Junior High Description: N Gauge people are taking over The start of the school year A salute to those who get their life out of books Mr Chuckies fashion commentary People wanting to be professional students Notes: L September 4, 1965 Harold Dill, High School Bully / Tolls and Tipping Description: A Story Surrounding home life to the background lyrics of "I'm just a gigolo" The one time dreams of elementary school teachers of ART, and other come downs How to escape getting nailed for questions in class and speaker selections Labor Day in the mid‐west and the first day of high school High School Survival 101 Telling your boss off A giant invective whoopee and head light flashing at oncoming traffic Arriving in Heaven at the exact change lane and not having exact change Heroism: A true story of someone arriving at the Lincoln Tunnel toll booth and refusing to pay because after all the tunnel was supposed to have been paid for years ago Fundamentals of tipping Cabbies in New York Sheps father the big tipper Notes: WOR ID (with audience 'participation') Speaking of urchins under the porch, what evil decadent radio station is this gang, 'WOR' let's hear it, 'AM & FM,' and where are we, 'NEW YORK,' and that is the, 'BIG APPLE!' Speaking of klutzes what radio station is this gang, Come on lets hear it, 'WOR AM & FM' in friendly New York which is a fantastic place to visit friends W September 6, 1965 Labor Day Show Description: Liz Taylor, Bing Crosby, Barry Fitzgerald movies Shep tells about making a commercial for Betty Crocker during his days in Cincinatti and how things went wrong because he couldn't read the cue cards, Recognition in the news: Uncle Carl caught in the parachute ride at Riverview Park ‐ on TV and in all the papers. Shep sees Ike arriving in Philly and his picture is in the paper the next day as one of the admirers welcoming Ike. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 146 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 7, 1965 Leaving for Peru Description: Letter from 13 year old kid that has pimples ‐ Shep plays chant for removing them. John Lindsey is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ‐ He has lost my vote! Heading for Lima, Peru tomorrow night at this time. Taking off from Kennedy airport and would to have at least 3 people standing there with signs that say "Shepherd if you do anything, bring your crummy head back" Forget the piranha, watch out for the amoeba in the salad. Shep discusses things he's read and heard about Peru and why he wants to go there. Notes: PaAm flight 81 New York to Lima Peru ‐ 10:00 pm W September 8, 1965 Poetry, Writers Description: None Notes: W September 10, 1965 Bit Players of Life Description: Shep warms up singing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" and "In The Good Old Summertime" as well as tuning up his Jews Harp, Kazoo, and Nose Flute. Shep examine the different factions of life "Life is a private situation" "How do you see life gang?" "Do you see life as a vast rhapsody of emotion and passion?" "Do you drop the ball in a tie game or get pinch hit for?" Life as exemplified by Playboy The whoopie faction Friday is the crossroads of all the factions. There are those who look forward to the weekends and going to church, there are those who look at the weekends as an interruption and can't wait for Monday, and then there's the whoopie crowd looking to live it up. Do you feel that you're not succesful because of your breath or because you're fat? Shep talks about life's portratals in commercials, movies and TV. There are lovers and bufoons in the movies. How many of us are affected like this. Real attitudes vs fictional attitudes. The more a performer makes himeself inaccessable, the greater his following. Notes: W September 13, 1965 Lost Three Day Pass Description: Shep tells about a man in Texas selling copies of the shows Man sues Playboy after being turned down for job as a Bunny The parking ticket for the triple parked lady Telling a story over ‐ done by request, not for lack of material The lost 3 day pass. The MPs pluck Shep off a train halfway through Pa. because he couldn't find his pass. He winds up in the Dry Run, PA jail where he eventually remembers where he put it. Changing tide of Human behaviorism ‐ more talk on the "Role Reversal" theme he discusses from time to time. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 147 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 15, 1965 The Jackdaw Syndrome; Hupmobile Description: Great moments like picking out a piece of meat from between your teeth, or a great nose blow, and other great triumphs of mankind Jackdaw, the garbage collector of the animal kingdom Egyptians as early garbage collectors trying to take it all with them Jackdawism and a large spoon, compared to the myth of Sisyphus, the writings of Albert Camus and life as we know it We picket a scream over nothing (see note) The problem with the worlds fair was that it didn't become OZ The challenge of a used car is superior to buying a new one theory of Sheps old man Notes: Shep explains why it is that we were so caught up with the Clinton affair and the rest of the world wondered why we were upset W September 16, 1965 Just Back From Amazon Trip Description: Back from his trip to the Amazon jungles of Peru. Shep opens by talking about what he has just experienced and how he will be spending the next few shows describing the trip. It's the first time that their photographer Sol Potemkin has been out of the United States. He is speaking as an artist reflecting things as he has seen them, not as an expert on the subject. He talks about the river water, while not polluted, it is filled with parasites and diseases. The pilot of the small plane is delivering a battery to one of the missionaries in the jungle. The sand fly, the vampire bat, and other dangers that the people must endure there. The bat atacks the chickens they keep for food. The Shopra Indians live in small family units, not in a village. They are all strong muscular people. "Burning a monkey" ‐ One of their chief meals is monkey meat. Bathing in the river The native drink is a yellowing vaugely alcoholic liquid which they drink after every meal. Living in the jungle is a full time occupation. The day starts about an hour before dawn. Hunting is dangerous and difficult. The Jaguar is a real threat along with the anaconda. Shep performs with the Jews Harp, Kazoo, and Nose flute, and they wind up playing in a duet. The Chief says they are the first people to come to paticipate with the tribe. They loved being entertained. Notes: Lee Chamberlain ‐ Lude's rep Sol Potemkin ‐ photographer Doris Cox ‐ Translator Tarridi (sp?) Chief of the tribe Arushba (sp?) Chief's son Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 148 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 17, 1965 Amazon Duets ‐ Tape of Amazon Trip Description: Shep opens by playing a tape of him playing the Jews Harp in a duet with Arushba, the son of the tribe chief, who is playing his own hand made violin. Shep decribes the violin, how it is made and from what woods. The birds of the jungle. "The smaller the bird the bigger the sound" Shep explains how he recorded much of the trip on tape. He talks about how you become chief of the tribe by 'braining' all the competition. The camp is difficult to navigate into so it makes it harder for the enemy tribes to enter. They always are on the alert for jaguar and enemy tribes coming into thecamp. The violin is handmade and has a face carved into it. They explained that the face meant "it sings to you". Shep plays an excerpt of Arushba playing the 2 string instrument. The Shapra had no written language. The missionaries are trying to provide them with the written language so that they can preserve their history and not disappear. Withing 24 hours of arriving he was drinking river water, and eating the roots and the vines. The one thing that kills them is disease. They thought for a long time that they were the only people in the world. They thought the world was 'pod' shaped. On his trip to New York to be on Barry Farber's show, (refer to 9‐16‐65 show for detail), the Chief observed that with so much in the city, you did not have one important thing they had ‐ monkey meat. Shep plays a portion of tape where he entertained them playing the Kazoo and of the chief speaking. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 149 of 451 Have Class Date L Title September 18, 1965 Headhunters of the Amazon Description: 1st hour "To all of those for which it ain't gonna happen tonight, we dedicate this show." "We were all born a warm bowl of cherry jello with no mold" "Peter Pain" has been eliminated by the Ben Gay company. The fun guys of the world ‐ being a playboy... Going on a date... Watching the Late Show on TV, Chelo playing... "Speaking of Gum Chewers, where are we gang..." Shep starts telling the story of going to the Amazon to visit the Shopra Indians of Peru. He describes the trip going down there and arriving in the jungles. Sol kept comparing it to the Catskills. He talks about the transportation methods, flying over the Andes Mountains over the unmapped country. 2nd Hour Shep tells the story about how Barry Farber "arranged" for Shep to make the trip to the Amazon to deliver 500 pounds of Luden's cough drops which Barry had won at a candy convention to be given to his favorite charity. Having just interviewed the chief of a headhunter's tribe in Peru, he named them as his favorite charity and asked Shep to go on his behalf to deliver them. He talks about the interpreter and how she and another girl, just out of college, went to meet this tribe and interpret their language. It took 8 years and she was eventually made a 'sister' of the tribe. He decribes eating monkey which is one of the main foods they consume. He spends the rest of the show showing and describing some of the things he brought back with him. A 'wife beater' which isused in competition and you're out if you draw blood. It is hung on the center poll of their hut. "Speaking of wife beaters ‐ this is WOR..." A head hunter's arrow with a wooden tip covered with curarae. Used for hunting jaguar. A twin tipped arrow used for fishing. A hunting bow A hand made violin made by a 16 year old named Arushba. A head dress A hand carved paddle signed by the chief who also drew a picture of Shep's face and a child to symbolize the fun they had. A hand woven skirt. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 150 of 451 Have Class Date Title Shep tells how he played the nose flute ‐ "The Hudson High theme song, and the Jews Harp in a duet with them. Notes: Introduces Sol Potemkin who was the photographer that went along and Lee Chamberlan W September 20, 1965 More on the Amazon Trip & News Strike Description: Traveling easier going from one country to another, but not so easy to go from one culture to another. The jungle birds. Chickens roamed around and an endless crowd of dogs would lay around. Occasionally they would begin fighting one another forming a big ball. They also had pet monkeys, even though it was one of their chief foods. Referring to the current newspaper strike, as Shep prepares to read an article by Bob Considine, he asks why the radio people have to read the news articles when if the situation was reversed and there was a radio strike, would Bob write about what Shep would have said on his show that night? Answering mail ‐ dozens of letters asking about his LP records. Shep tells everyone to get in touch with Elektra Records. Shep talks about the land and people of Lima and Peru in general. Ancient Incan architechture. Upwards of a million Incans still live in Peru. Notes: Plugs his short story "Leopold Doppler and the Orpheum Gravy Boat Riot" which is appearing in the October issue of Playboy. Sol Potemkin was the photographer on th trip. W September 21, 1965 Trend of Disbelief Description: Shep has trouble with his earphones say his pair came from a Disc Jockey kit for kids. Mentions being on Barry Farber that night. Disc Jockey kit for kids Trends of disbelief, letter to Shep doubting he wend to Peru. He reads the letter. People think I go to libraries read up on countries and do shows on them. "creeping showbizisms" Football season, cheerleading, remote broadcasts to and from empty stadiums. Newspaper strike ‐ who misses the papers? Fairy tales on TV, panel shows. The era of true escape fiction. We're moving further from reality. Selling products ‐ "the new improved…", "secret ingredient" Because of the newspaper strike Shep has to read Red Smiths column about the Milwaukee Braves moving. Peru, Incan Ruins ‐ Shep finishes up recounting the trip he took to the Amazon and had talked about in the previos few shows. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 151 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 22, 1965 Shepherd in the Circus Description: None Notes: W September 23, 1965 More From Peru Description: None Notes: L September 25, 1965 Shep Buys a New Car / Cheer for Ted Mallie; Cave of Snakes; Og & Charlie; Army Grease Trap Description: None Notes: W September 27, 1965 Surrealism; First Car and License Description: With Ballet Mecanic playing in the background, Shep discusses "toys that give power over one's enviroment". Shep's toy taxicab ‐ "Amos 'n' Andy's Fresh Air Taxicab" The "Sandy Andy" The rubber ducky and rubber dagger "The Dick Tracy Crimebuster's Kit." The most educational toy he ever got was on his 16th birthday ‐ his driver's license. Shep recalls his first car. Notes: W September 28, 1965 A Tale of Old Radio Days Description: Jerseyana ‐ The Luminous Ghost of Lodi Small time radio scenarios Jean the ventriloquist 3rd rate hotels Jean took White Tower Kickback Working at a Toledo radio station and having to open up Jeans life as a second story man Notes: W September 29, 1965 BEWARE of Live Wires! Description: None Notes: W September 30, 1965 New For Xmas: Games That Reflect Life Description: None Notes: W October 1, 1965 Cars, Sex, and Shep the Football Player Description: Football season is upon us. Clifton H.S. cheers by Leigh Shep recalls his football days in high school and how he got his "football knee" Cars with sex appeal for women and taped 'mother' sounds for men. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 152 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 4, 1965 The Pope Visits New York Description: None Notes: W October 5, 1965 Soothing Sounds for Baby ‐Electronic Music Description: Shep discusses the sounds and music around us and how it affects us. Music from Planet Earth Predictive Telephone Ringing Soothing Sounds for Baby Notes: W October 7, 1965 Advertising Description: None Notes: W October 8, 1965 Sex and the Brits Description: None Notes: W October 11, 1965 Creeping Meatballism; Traffic Court Description: None Notes: L October 23, 1965 Bolting Burgers; Nudity in Frisco; Army Life Description: None Notes: L October 23, 1965 Playing Footsie in the Library Description: None Notes: W October 26, 1965 Mythology of the Truck Driver's World Description: None Notes: W October 27, 1965 Mystical Experiences Description: None Notes: W October 29, 1965 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 153 of 451 Have Class Date L Title October 30, 1965 Halloween Show Description: Ivy League, Playboy readers vs. Doers, 1st show to KRAB; Orgy play‐by‐play Class pumpkin, Tic‐Tac‐Toe; H'ween Mischief ‐ Smoke Bomb Candidates in the coming election for mayor. A new sin? Invent your own! A meeting with Eisenhower in Philly. Shepherd mentions that part of the program will be heard on a San Francisco station. He tells a member of the audience to, "Shut up." Shepherd recalls Halloween back in the second grade. A stinkbomb is set inside a Polish movie theatre. Thoughts about Shea Stadium. Marty Warren (owner of "The Limelight") sings his original song about the Brooklyn Dodgers (who had recently left for California) to the tune of, "John Henry." Notes: W November 1, 1965 Folk Tales of the American Road Description: Phone booths ‐ getting in touch with mother or friends. Clling Marie ‐ A number on a phone booth catches his interest. After dialing several time and chickening out, he goes through with it. It is answered by someone in the San Francisco Control Tower. "You calling from that phone booth at the Fairmont Hotel ‐ that's six times this week!" Franklin Indiana ‐ Looking for an open garage at 2:15 in the morning. Iona Pearl Bodkin ‐ A neighbor who lived briefly on the block. He and Bruner Jr never looked at her the same way after one day her dress blew up around her neck exposing her black underwear. Folklore of the open road ‐ the phantom rig. Worked on the road riding shotgun in a big Reo truck for about 3 weeks. Driver tells him about driving out of Wheeling Folklore of the sea ‐ talks about myths on the sea amongst navy personel. Notes: 55" show recorded 10/26 for KFRC‐FM San Francisco The song Shep sings in the shower ‐ the singing commercial for "Mission Bell Wine" W November 2, 1965 American Dream Sales Pitch Description: Graffiti GOD is dead, signed Nietzsche ‐ Nietzsche is dead, signed GOD Note from a spy in the Metropolitan Opera House men's room Humble Pie with a Cardboard Crust Insistent Salesmen The Texas Cowboy Poem Why we have a cynical culture Non‐conformism standardized a la USA The human as a machine Notes: Rudolf Bing was General Manager of the Metropolitan Opera from 1950 to 1972. A strong leader, he took complete responsibility for running the company. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 154 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 4, 1965 People rarely want what they say they want! Description: None Notes: L November 6, 1965 Surprise! Another Army Story Description: None Notes: W November 8, 1965 Success Through Spells Description: Tonights show is about success. Shep sings "If I had the Wings of an Angel" Life Magazine add for nylon zippers. Don't let your zipper stand in your way to success. The nylon zipper doesn't shine the the metal ones! "Stink Out" ‐ the magic blue gargle.Shep does a mock commercial for "Stink Out" with the magic blue oscillating bubbles. "It ain't what you know ‐ it's who you know." Shep tells about how his father sits at the table moaning about being passed over for a promotion. Magical, mystical spells. Shep reads ad for a revealing book of magic spells that give you mystical powers instantly. The magic twig. Shep fantasizes that He is put in charge of WOR, then the the'Majic Twig' isstolen by a counter spell and the bubble is burst! Notes: Matt is engineer Shep notes that he worked at Flick's Tavern cleaning up and cooking the fish on Fridays. W November 10, 1965 Fire Him! Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 155 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 12, 1965 Great Train of Memory ‐ "Riding the Rods" Description: Reading Pennsylvania Reverend will give a message on the 23rd Psalm called "The Testimony of the Sheep" A Gospel ventriloquist will preside at the 2 services of a local church. In Torrington Connecticut, the world's largest Kazoo band, 5,000 strong, plays their rendition of "Let's Go To Church" Strippers ‐ Randy tells him about strip club in Japan where they Ava Maria behind the stripper. Shep recalls a strip club where the stripper played the Queen of England. Playing the devil on stage, Any vague fugitive feeling you've ever had, you can count on it that someone has already carried it out. Shep talks about his desk which is covered with so many papers and his boss comes into Shep's office and claims to have seen cockroaches crawling out from the piles of papers. Fake blood ‐ it's not ketchup. Once in a play where George Segal played a major league catcher and Shep was third baseman who slid home crashing into the plate, they used fake blood and Shep was amazed that after the performance a group of kids asked him "How do you remember all those lines?". No mention of all the fake blood he was wearing. Poetry ‐ Shep is given a poem to learn by Friday by Miss Robinette in school. "I tear her tatered Ensign down, long may it wave on high…" He procrastinated until Thursday night to learn it and then went into a panic. He couldn't remember the lines. His mother worked with him for four hours, pounding it into him. Then she woke him at 6am and made him say it again. Finally in class, after sweating it out, his turn comes and he gets up in front of the class and recites it ‐ it's over! And he made it! Notes: L November 13, 1965 More Childhood Stories ‐ Show Biz and March Band Formations Description: Starts with a big hand for Lenny Bernstein .Happy Birthday sung to the Holland Tunnel. Big night turnpiking Marching Band stories and 'Stinky Davis' Politics and being booed to feel appreciated .Distressed look as a desirable item Snow in the mid west Magic ingredients in commercials ...Marty Warren sings NEWS Interrupts with Yarmouth Castle update which is interrupted .The FAO Schwartz Daddy Suite & a plastic Mother's Knee with a tape recorder for motherly advice. The crowd gives themselves a big hand The famous halftime tribute to Ben Casey, a hypodermic needle A signal corps war story in formation Notes: News 31‐36 minutes, A fire on the holiday cruse ship Yarmouth Castle W November 15, 1965 First Show on KRAB, San Francisco Description: A Santa Claus suit for your dog. A reading of a story by Don Marquis. Shep talks about KRAB in Seattle (which carries the program) and reads a KRAB editorial. Memories of working at a large radio station (sounds like he's describing WLW). Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 156 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 16, 1965 Go, Nadja, Go ‐ Eternal Love Description: Nadja from Baghdad ‐ who decided men should not be the only one to enjoy multiple marriages. She had 7 husbands with whom she spent 1 day a week with until she got caught! Now each visits her on one day of the week. May ‐ the 4th grade stripper at Warren G Harding. She drove the entire male contingent of the 2nd to 5th grades out of their skulls. The urge to express one's self. Telling stories. Story about a red Ferrari hanging on a hook from the clouds ‐ sign says 'free' Og and Charlie gather clams and discover women Notes: W November 18, 1965 Nose Flutes, Bad Books, and Radio Parts Description: Picking a book to read in school. Once you start, you cannot change. So Shep picks one written by a man, which he feels is a safe thing, and 8‐1/2 milliseconds into the book his head begins to buzz, his foot's asleep, and his butt is itching. Playing the Jews harp, Shep talks about learning to play an instrument when you are a kid. After all, you had to play something. Some kids played harmonicas, some played guitars and even some creative kids played rubber bands. He notes that 1 of every 4 soldiers in the Civil War carried a Jews Harp in their pocket. He also demonstrates the nose flute. He plugs his story in Playboy, but misquotes the title as "Red Ryder Nails the Hammond Kid or Justice Gets the Evil Doer" (Correct title was ‐ "Duel in the Snow Or Red Ryder Nails the Cleveland Street Kid") Back to the book he talks of the Ah Ha! experience and how the book was about a miser, offering a Brass Figlagee to any caller who called in with the correct name of the book. One did, and it was "Silas Marner" He tells a 'miser' story about when he was a kid and became fascinated with radios. Lawrence Striker built a radio in a cigar box. Flick, Schwartz, Bruner and Shep begin searching the garbage behind old radio shops for parts to trade. Schwartz gets hold of plans for a radio and the boys decide it's time to build one. Shep's worked, but barely, and he spent the next 17 days doing nothing but listening. (Side story about the set of earphones he got from his Uncle, which were so heavy they stunted his growth.) Next they decide to build a 1 tube amplifier and begin collecting parts. They acquired a lust for any radio parts they could find. They haunted all the stores in 'Radio Row' in Chicago. One day they go into a place called "Stanley's" and are offered their choice of any barrel of radio parts for $3.00. All winter they sorted through the parts dividing them up amongst themselves. Notes: W November 19, 1965 The Face of Evil; Tonsillectomy Description: None Notes: L November 20, 1965 Thanksgiving; Childhood Daze Description: None Notes: W November 23, 1965 Street Car Scene Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 157 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 25, 1965 Thanksgiving Day Description: None Notes: L November 27, 1965 Hillbilly Show; Guest: Announcer Andre Baruch Description: None Notes: W November 30, 1965 Company K: Pole Climbing Description: None Notes: W November 1965 Buffoonery Description: None Notes: W November 1965 Asleep at the Switch Description: None Notes: W December 1, 1965 The Absurd World Description: None Notes: L December 4, 1965 Scratchy Suit, Mill Mailroom, Drugs Description: None Notes: W December 7, 1965 Boredom; Coke Bottle in the Office Description: None Notes: W December 8, 1965 American Myths Description: None Notes: W December 9, 1965 "Lafayette, We are Here" Description: None Notes: W December 13, 1965 Christmas is Coming Description: Games and Toys for Christmas. Chess, Pick up Stix, Tinker Toys, Aunt Glen looked closely at Shep when he was 3 and never really looked at him since, so he is always 3 to Aunt Glen. At 16 he gets Tinker Toys and fresh out of the Army, Aunt Glen gives him a pair of bunny slippers. Forced march in the Army ‐ "How do you like show biz?" Notes: Plugs upcoming show on Dec 16 at Seton Hall University ‐ S. Orange Also plugs his piece in Playboy Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 158 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 14, 1965 A Poetic Effort Description: None Notes: W December 15, 1965 The Human Comedy Description: Sports quiz and time intervals Inverse distance from the scene of the action law New game called OFFICE Colleges you only hear of at a certain time of year News Items ‐ A hell of a way to make a living Our sue conscious society ‐ the dynamic copout Cab (taxi) story Refrigerator mover story The pool room story The bus story Notes: W December 16, 1965 Scenus Americanus Description: None Notes: W December 17, 1965 Robert Service ‐ Cremation of Sam McGee Description: New Haven ‐ some 10 and 11 year old kids set a bulldozer in gear down the street. After climbing over a Cadillac, it goes halfway into a variety store. This leads to a discussion about loose canons, rolling pianos and kid story about the time he was working at the steel mill and a freight car got out of control and crashed through a warehouse door. 'The railroad hods the steel mill together like a skeleton hold the body together. Shep talks about 'style'. Most people have a certain style which seperates them from the rest. Writers have style which makes them recognizable after reading only a few lines. Robert Service ‐ Shep reads "The Cremation of Sam McGee" Notes: No Limelight show on Christmas ‐ there will be a studio show (Pre‐recorded? Rerun?) W December 20, 1965 Projecting an Image Description: None Notes: W December 21, 1965 Forest Fire lamp Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 159 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 22, 1965 Uncle Carl's Christmas Surprise Description: The story of the "Flying A Train" Sign on the 'A' train ‐ "Keep New York Plastered" The Holiday Whoopie World! The balloon drink detective Battery operated beer glass ‐ lights up as you knock down the suds! Wine making kit Shep's 'old man' ‐ the life of the party. If there had been television then, he would have been Soupy Sales. He would do a snake dance with a lamp shade on his head. The story of going to see Uncle Carl and Aunt Min at Christmas. Uncle Carl sobered up and bought Aunt Min an artificial, imitation, synthetic fireplace, with artificial synthetic grates, and artificial flame. On top of the mantle was a picture of Uncle Carl. Notes: W December 23, 1965 Poetry (with Guitar music) Description: None Notes: W December 24, 1965 Rattling Home for Christmas Description: Shep reads "Rattling Home For Christmas" a poem by Grant Raynard while the sounds of a railroad play in the background for effect. Notes: W December 27, 1965 Playboy Pad Description: Shep salutes first show being aired on WNAC Boston. Notes: W December 29, 1965 Depression Pleasures Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 160 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 30, 1965 Ahab's Arctic Apples Description: Shep begins, "Good evening to all you 'in crown' people", and then toys with the engineer who plays the wrong music on cue. He makes him continue playing it to 'soak in it for a while' Most people don't know what winter is about. "Have you ever looked back on your life and thought about a fantastic, unbelievable senseless trek or hang‐up that you have had that you can not explain at this moment... something that you wanted so tremendously or some insane thing that you decided to do and you carry through in spite of the fact that the car sank in forty feet of water, that you had to swim fourteen miles in raging seas?" As a kid, Shep finds a flyer in the mail from the local IGA. They advertise a bushel of apples for 45 cents and Shep decides to surprise his mother with a bushel of apples. In the midst of a snowstorm he rounds up his brother, Bruner, and Flick and off they trek with their sleds through the howling wind and snow. They arrive frozen in front of the IGA and it is closed. Shep decides to struggle on to the A&P which had stayed open a half hour later. When faced by four frozen kids holding the flyer for apples, the manager goes to the basement and brings back a bushel of apples. Feeling sorry for the boys, who had made the trek through the storm with their sleds, he arranged for them to be driven home in the back of the A&P truck. They come up on the back porch with a bushel of frozen apples. "Have you ever tasted an apple that was frozen and then thawed out? The instant those apples thawed out, they all turned into one gigantic pile of brown mush!" In 8th grade, the teacher (Miss Fife, "a little dark haired teacher with rimless glasses") decided to relax and read a short story to the class. She had one in her purse which was written by Jack London. It was about a man and his dog struggling in the frozen North trying to stay alive. Shep calls this story "The Two Matches" (See notes below) He had only two matches between survival and and freezing to death. The class became so caught up in the story that near the end, when the bell rang signaling the end of class, they were all left wanting more. The teacher closed the book and told the class that if they were interested in the end of the story, they could find a copy a the library. 37 kids that day were turned on to reading. Notes: The actual story appears to be "To Build a Fire" written in 1902 and may be read at the link below. W December 31, 1965 The Turn of the Last Century Description: "Applauding the New Year and weeping the old year as it quietly disappears... It will take me well into July to stop writing 1965 on my checks." Shep talks about the turn of the last century, writing 1900 for the first time. Predictions by prophets. "Ultimately the 20th century will go down as the century of great wars." A discussion of Literature on New Year's and the year coming in leads Shep to read several poems and fables: 2 poems by Robert Service ‐ "The Passing of the Year" from 1903 and "New Years Eve" from 1897. George Ade's "The Fable Of Successful Tobias And Some Of His Happy New Years" "Archie the Cockroach" by Don Marquis "Keep your knees loose..." Notes: L 1965 Exotic Bath Mat, Bad Suit / Raiding the Medicine Cabinet, New House Description: None Notes: L 1965 New House Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 161 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1965 Tatoos Description: Sheps opens talking about bodily adornments, such as ties and earrings, and other tribal markings. Shep then tells the story of how he and Gasser were on a weekend pass in the Army and went to Long Branch, NJ. They spend the evening walking the boardwalk and ultimately find themselves in front of a tattoo parlor. They watch as a sailor has a sinking Lexington tattooed and Gasser asks how much various tattoos cost. They leave, but Gasser decides he wants to go back and gets a pair of Signal Corp flags. At 3 minutes to 11:00 Shep sits down in the chair to get a Mermaid tatooed on his arm with "Esther Jane Allberry ‐ Eternally Yours" below it. When the artist says there is not enough time to do it tonight, come back tomorrow, Shep escapes being embarrassingly marked for life. Notes: This was one of many shows that were recorded for syndication sometime in late 1964, early 1965. W 1965 Going to the Races, Brits Have No Taste Description: Shep just recently returned from a 2 week stay in Great Britain where he toured with the Beatles for an article which later appeared in Playboy. He talks about traveling to all the little places where normal tourists don't go and was able to study Britain from a different perspective. He say that Americans have a sub‐conscious hang‐up about Great Britain. The British are a chauvinistic society, second only to the French. He describes the social classes, and compares the upper class urban life to a half‐baked Manhattan underground/underworld life. He clarifies the expression "going to the dogs" as originating in Britain. One of the lower classes of Britain finds pastime in going to and betting on the dog races. Thus if you fell down the social ladder, you were "Going to the dogs." Notes: This is one of at least 60 shows that were recorded for syndication sometime in late 1964 / early 1965. There were gaps left for commercials to be inserted. Engineer is Matt W 1965 One Man Radio Station Description: Shep starts by playing various radio and commercial theme songs on the kazoo and the reminiscing old high school songs. Shep talks about working as a 'combination man' for a radio station where he performs multiple duties such as being the engineer, having to fix broken equipment, selling commercial time to local stores, and being all the different on air personalities. He would introduce a man on the street show and while the theme music was playing, run down to the street, do the interviews and then run back up to the studio to do another show such as "Bing Sings", as a different personality. Then he would put a long record on and run to the local hardware store and pitch for them to buy commercial time, getting back to the studio just in time for the end of the record. One of his great mistakes was closing out the end of the day, while speaking to someone on the phone, he puts on the French National Anthem in error. The phone go crazy before he realizes what he has done. Notes: This is one of at least 60 shows that were recorded for syndication sometime in late 1964 / early 1965. There were gaps left for commercials to be inserted. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 162 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1965 Early Days in Cincinnati ‐ Amos and Andy Description: Shep begins the show talking about the old radio show "Amos and Andy" and how they got their start. This leads to talking about his mother listening, teary‐eyed, to radio operas. He talks about his early radio days in Cincinnati and how he did the commentary for Saturday afternoon Operas. Notes: This was one of many shows that were recorded for syndication sometime in late 1964, early 1965. Label Reads: Jean Shepherd Show #60 Hartwest Productions, Inc The Warwick 65 West 54th Street New York, NY 10019 (212) JUdson 6 ‐ 7272 Chief of production ‐ David Sureck Duplication by: Avery & Elkins, Inc New York City W 1965 The Magic of Radio Description: Standing by in life waiting for your cue and you muff your lines. Thinking of mother ‐ makes people nervous. Killing time, how much of your life is spent in pure unadulterated 'scut'. The general mechanics of existence ‐ cleaning the dishes, getting mad, cleaning the floor, etc. Building the Houston Astrodome, the end of baseball. The loss of wind and lack of temperature and humidity variation affects the outcome of the game. Packaging the product to sell. Breakfast cereal, cars. Dress up the package, but the insides remain the same. Definition of work. What do we define work as. Magnetic lines of force, a science lesson. Our body ‐ how it generates and conducts electricity. Our television, not just a receiver. What is magic? How does radio work? Notes: This was one of many shows that were recorded for syndication sometime in late 1964, early 1965. Label Reads: Jean Shepherd Show #3 Hartwest Productions, Inc The Warwick 65 West 54th Street New York, NY 10019 (212) JUdson 6 ‐ 7272 Chief of production ‐ David Sureck Duplication by: Avery & Elkins, Inc New York City W 1965 Old Movies on TV ‐ Laurel and Hardy Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 163 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1965 The Grandstand Syndrome Description: None Notes: W 1965 The Look on the Face Through Past Ages Description: None Notes: W 1965 Problems of the Now Description: None Notes: W 1965 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W January 4, 1966 Bullheads Description: "Call me Ishmael" Our Moby Dick's name here is Leder! Fishing for Catfish 3 Married Men Shep talks about talking with a ham radio friend that had been talking with a group in Antartica that knew Shep. They arranged to talk tomorrow night at 1am. Shep then asks for a listener to call in to yell "Excelsior" over the phone which he would then play back in the call to Antartica. News break‐in for update on NYC transit strike. Shep reads from the police blotter for Car 9 in Narberth, Pa. Quotes from H.L.Mencken Completion of fishing for bullheads. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 164 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 6, 1966 Spell of the Yukon ‐The Antarctic Description: "This show will be interrupted at least4 times to tell us that there is no news.. About the strike!." (Newspaper?) "You can now buy 'Sour Grapes' " (reference to Luden's candy) Elements and secret ingrediants. Reading box labels ‐ 'Rat Poison' , Shep reads the description and contents of a box of rat poison to the music of the informer. Ham radio ‐ spent the previous night talking with a group of guys stationed in Antarctica where it was now summer with 24 hours of daylight and up to zero degrees. He tells of talking with a German who was calling from a 4 masted schooner. It was a German training ship with a bunch of cadets aboard. 3 or 4 weeks later it sunk. "Amateur radio is not a bunch of little boys sitting around interferring with television." Shep mentions he had a chance a few years ago to visit the Antarctic which leads to the telling of the Robert Service peom "The Spell of he Yukon" He tells the story of how, one Christmas, he is invited to visit Schwartz's uncle for the Christmas holiday ‐ in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan. He describes the trip up there and how it was 43 degrees below zero when he got there. Notes: W January 7, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W January 11, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W January 13, 1966 Goin' Down to Cripple Creek Description: San Francisco reports that 15 people each year apply to have the sex changed on their drivers license Cripple Creek the legend Airports as glamorous as a bus station Description of flying over Chicago Europeans impressed by the great plains The psychological effect of being a city person near giant mountains, or giant plains & visa versa Cripple Creek 45 up, up, up miles from Colorado Springs altitude 8000 feet It's all based on hope! Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 165 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 14, 1966 Guinness Records; Obscene Bath Mat Description: Shep talks about his Uncle Carl's molar and the sounds he can make with it. This leads to a discussion about world records and he spends most of the show reading through the Guinness Book of World Records. He looks up the records of the most hamburgers eaten at a single setting, the record for potato chip eating, the fattest person, longest fresh water fish, and most prolific known murderer. He mentions that if stuck on a deserted island the four pieces of reading material he would like are Spicy Western, Q&A, the Guinness Book of Records, and a slide rule. Shep tells about going into a novelty store with a guy from the station and this guy buys an obscene bath mat. It gets rolled up and wrapped. They leave to go see a client at a restaurant and they put the mat under the chair. Just as they were about to leave Shep realizes the guy forgot his package, he picks it up and carries it to the front of the restaurant and then it opens up and unrolls in front of everyone. The guy who bought it looks at Shep and says it's not his, he never saw it in his life. Notes: Refers to "The Blues I Love to Sing" as his pig music. Mentions that he was born in Chicago. L January 15, 1966 Playing it Big on a Date Description: None Notes: W January 17, 1966 Faking It Description: None Notes: W January 18, 1966 Winter Kid Sports ‐ Swamp Hockey Description: Guys who come from cold climates rarely are hung up on winter sports. The world of kid's sports. Shep spends the show talking about being a kid in the winter. He talks about playing ice hockey down at the swamp near the Calumet to the music of Karlheinz Stockhausen. Very descriptive segment about the surrounding and atmosphere of the swamp. Shep, Flick, Bruner, Schwartz, Farkas, Martin ‐ about 10 altogether, go out to this swamp about 2 miles from home one night. Catching a puck in the eye. They played until it got so dark you couldn't see the puck. Suddenly, Martin disappears! He went through the ice into the water. Schwartz crawls out on the ice and he goes through the ice. The ice creaks all around. Within 45 seconds they were all in the water. They swim to the edges and try climbing out and the ice keeps breaking away. They finally all get out onto hard ground. 10 scared kits all scared to go home. The feeling of the frozen corduroy knickers. They light a fire to dry out their clothes. The feeling of getting back home to the warmth of the house. He closes the show telling about going out onto Lake Michigan on an ice boat. Going faster and faster across the ice. Notes: W January 19, 1966 Super Fink is Here Description: Seeing through walls Shep a technical advisor Gadgets News article about a voyeur Spy stuff for normal people Robert Service (The Ballad of the Black Fox Skin) Robert Service (The beginning of The Ballad of Pious Pete) Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 166 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 20, 1966 Shep the Spy; James Bond Description: None Notes: W January 24, 1966 The Excelsior Fund Description: August 9, 1959 the "Beadle Bumble Fund" was established by the Richmond News Leader to pay fines for people who prove that the law is "an ass and an idiot". The first fine of $25.00 was paid on behalf of a man who walked across the hood of a car blocking a pedestrian walk, and received a ticket from the policeman to whom it belonged. Some of the other "Beadle Bumble Fund" payouts: Parking too far from the curb even though all the other cars were further. Violating the Blue Laws by painting the parking lines in a parking lot on Sunday ‐ the only day the lot was empty. Putting a second dime in the parking meter. Fishing in Bird Park without a license ‐ He was putting a worm on a hook for a three year old fishing in the park. Shep parks scooter illegally to mail a letter and receiving a $15.00 ticket. Forming a fund called the "Excelsior Fund" Pay the cabbies $45 fine for speeding when he was trying to get blood to a local hospital to save a life. Shep is stopped for backing up on a street to avoid a trafic jam and is arrested because of improper identification. They didn't believe his name was 'Jean'. When he got back to the car, there was a $15.00 ticket for parking on the highway. Getting on line at the motor vehicle and after endless hours of waiting finding out it's the wrong line. Notes: W January 25, 1966 "End of the Alphabet"; "Ballad of Pious Pete" Description: None Notes: W January 26, 1966 The Expert Description: Notes: W January 27, 1966 The Great Transition Description: None Notes: W January 31, 1966 The English Bullfight ‐ Operation Description: Why Shep has never made it big A Salute to the English Sour Grapes the candy and the meaning Men's and women's goals The Bullfight Channel Early TV Show, a live telecast of a medical operation Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 167 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 2, 1966 The World at Large ‐ Human Panaramas Description: Shep reads bad poetry The pornographic reform church Short morbid stories The emerging feminist attitude Notes: Show opening comes from another show played two days earlier in history. W February 3, 1966 Uncles Charles and His Chickens Description: None Notes: W February 4, 1966 Shep Wrote a Novel; Naples and Pompeii Description: None Notes: W February 9, 1966 Call it Style; Hard Luck Letter Description: None Notes: W February 10, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 168 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 11, 1966 Kentucky Cock Fight; George Ade Story Description: Sings a Shepherdian version of "My Bonny Lies Over The Ocean", puts down WOR. Hints and Kinks: Reads news article about what to do if you are too fat. Plays "Suwannee River" on the Kazoo in Shepherdesque style. Reads article about the busting of a Union City, NJ cockfighting ring. Then he tells a story about being invited by his friend Hal, to a time‐of‐your‐life activity. After work he meets Hal and friends "Black Bart and Big Jack Slag" with $15‐20 in his pocket and starts a mysterious trip into Kentucky over a bridge (1), into Covington and Newport, then into the outskirts. They were barreling along, three hillbillies and Shep in a Pontiac station wagon. Then they turn onto an unmarked gravel road. They go around a pond into an empty field with about 75 cars from many states. They go into a barn. In the barn is an amazing little horseshoe grandstand with a sunken pit lined with green cloth. He saw cages at the open end where you can see "creatures". Hal introduces him to the gauntlet of alternately beefy or skinny, squinty eyes patrons as a friend. Fakes his Indiana accent and spits. He does some spitting and scratching to try to fit in. Describes the scene in a mild southern accent. Talks about the conversations and the smells. They get stared with an introduction of the owners and the cocks, then the betting started furiously. Describes the combatants and the start of the fight, the fury and the hollering for blood. Shameless plug for his show at the Limelight, threatening to "say it" and to do his underwater ballet. Goes to other commercials and completely sabotages an Evelyn Wood speed reading commercial. A subversive bit: Talks about the new popularity of being a dropout, and the silly anti‐dropout commercials. The promise of graduation is a better job, but most people thinking about dropping out are not interested in jobs. He mentions drinking courses, another fine idea from Harvard. "Candy" is required reading in a high school, according to one letter writer. Plays more "Suwannee River". Reads subversive fable by George Ade(2) regarding Learning Versus Learning How. Moral: "The longest way around is the shortest way to the university degree." "He'll get his" is a delusion whose truth is that they *will* get their riches and power. "Keep your ol' knees loose, just keep your hands ready and supple." Notes: (1)undoubtedly over the "Suspension Bridge" re: 8/12/65 program (2)Shepherd edited and introduced "The America of George Ade" in 1960. L February 12, 1966 Pre‐Valentine's Day Paper Route; Bowling & Pin Boys Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 169 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 14, 1966 Luv, Brits Dump on American Culture, Valentine's Day Description: Valentine's Day is nervous day in USA. Americans are so hung up on love, he figures Americans invented "LUV". He thinks it should read "In love we trust". "Dynamic begging" is the most virulent form of love. National symbol should be a loveable cocker spaniel. It says "Please love me". The theme of eternal love is in all our art forms such as songs and plays. Only U.S. could have invented "Dear Abby", a love confessionalist, or Edgar A. Guest. Peace is just a schtick. Americans like war and violence too. Love and war: The Peace Mace represents the best of all possible worlds. America is the country of prepackaged messages of love (Valentine's cards), for those who are primarily illiterate. Actually some people save Valentine's cards, even from people they hate. This gets Shep on a British theme that lasts the rest of the show. He uses the Beatles an example of British slobism. British actors get a pass in America just because they are British, taking over American theater. It is so bad it affects the economics of theatre. Seems to be a real sore point. As usual, he uses commercials to go off topic a bit. Talks about the Luden head hunter religion that was created by Shepherd when Shep handed out Luden T shirts with a big red "L" to a tribe in the upper Amazon. Evelyn Wood demos are a great show and good for a cheap date. Actually improves on the commercial this time. A good example of Shepherdian hyperbole: Rovers are so durable that there are still some around from before cars were invented. Americans can love any country but ourselves. Same way with our own search for identity in novels and plays. On the whole, America is not nearly as chauvinistic compared to English or France or Australians. Cites foreigners coming to America, and criticizing America on radio interviews. We are the world's patsy because we take all the criticism. Tells of a NY actor who knocked around for 9 years with nothing, who went to England, changed his name and came back as a successful actor. English secretaries are being hired by the boatload too, for their accents. This is because we have a cultural feeling of inferiority. Even college kids at Harvard, Yale try to pick up an accent. Harvard accent is pseudo‐British. The British mechanic visits America and travels all over, for months and wrote major English newspaper articles about how great it is for the average working guy here, which caused a great national controversy. It was pointed out that most of the people that come to America to be critics of America are from privileged classes. They want first class. Privileged classes of Britain do not like real democracy. They don't like to wait in line and expect to be treated according to their "station". For example there is no 1st, 2nd class travel on trains. Western Union has 38 love messages( e.g. "I'm in Reno. Expect to hear from my lawyer. Be my Valentine." There are lots of ways to express love. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 170 of 451 Have Class Date Title "Keep your knees loose and be careful. It's starting to come up around the knees here, by george." Notes: Shepherd's Beatle interview for Playboy" was published in the Feb.1965 issue. W February 15, 1966 Transistor Mystique Description: None Notes: W February 16, 1966 At Playboy Magazine Description: None Notes: W February 17, 1966 The Johnson Smith Catalog Description: Shep reads items from a 1920's Johnson Smith Catalog sent to him by a listener Notes: W February 18, 1966 True Believer‐dom Description: "Are you one of the down‐trodden sensative ones?" Dear Abbey ‐do you think parents should pay their children for good grades? Alienation ‐ The feeling that guys have that they're not part of society. The Beatles ‐ they can consider themselves teenagers whenever it's necessary. A Discussion about the Kulacks "The world has been taken over by the 'True‐Believers' " The non‐believers vs the true‐believers. A camp is a group of people who want to replace one set of values with another ‐ theirs. Knowledge is not the same as wisdom Life size inflatable legs. Makes a wonderful gift for the man who has almost everything! Archie the Cockroach ‐ "The Flattered Lightning Bug" Notes: L February 19, 1966 2nd Anniversary at the Limelight ‐ Washington's Birthday, Army Sports; Visit to Grandma Description: None Notes: W February 21, 1966 The Head of the Demonstrator Description: A Salute to ignorance British news with H.G. Grubbage During the time of college, people feel that great conflict of your private goals and aims being infringed upon by the outside world. When you are out of college you are part of that world that intrudes. Will be at St. Peter's Univ. in Jersey City, NJ at 8:00pm Setting up the tanks for the first college perfomance of the underwater ballet Writer calls Shep lazy because he taped some shows for play while he was away to Florida few a few days recently. Shep claims it is harder work to tape shows than to do them live. Shep continues talking about the 'paradise' of college. Everything is geared to you. People don't realize it when they are there, only after they get out. Many dropouts stay on the campus because they fear losing that feeling of paradise. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 171 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 22, 1966 Washington, By George Description: Did people looking upon the person Alexander the Great recognize his greatness? Imagine Aristotle with a disgruntled student. Washington was not a patriot by definition. The age of civility. Rules of behavior as written by a young George Washington. Free and easy manners of Benjamin Franklin in France. The truth of the expression, 'By George!' Notes: W February 23, 1966 The World A‐Go‐Go Description: None Notes: W February 24, 1966 "Camp" ‐ Shep, That's OUR World! Description: None Notes: W February 25, 1966 Tell the Story Already! Description: The Batman Syndrom 1) Pensacola Florida ‐ man complains to police about a man dressed in black cape running around back yards leaping fences. 2) Fresno California ‐ "Dial a virgin" telephone program started by a group of girls. Similar to Alcoholics Anonymous. 3) Rome ‐ Anti‐sex maniac who attacks loving couples with a rubber trunchen yelling "Stop this filth!" 4) Air Travel ‐ Letter from listener writes about plane that stops in Atlanta and the whole first class section is loaded with U.S. Mail. Shep invites first listener to call in with the secret password and countersign to choose the story he will tell on tonights show. The choice is a plane story and a story about a sexy date. The caller chooses the airplane story, but Shep decides to hold that one off and tell it at the Limelight the following night. Instead he tells the story about the sexy date. Shep tells about the time he had a new car and was working at a radio station at night. There was a girl named Gloria working there and after having coffee together for about a week, he asks her out on a date. They go to a classical music concert. Afterward they go to the "Big Boy" drive‐in to get something to eat followed by a drive and parking to enjoy the view. After about a half hour Shep takes her home. He pulls into the driveway and suddenly Gloria's mother comes flying out of the house pounding on the car, knocking the window out and hitting him on the head. Notes: [Rich B] Shep says the new car was a Blue Ford and he got after the Army. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 172 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 4, 1966 Lost High School Ring Description: A Fort Worth Texas woman vacuums up her bird 'Joey Boy'. She washes his off under the faucet, and dries him off under the Hairdryer. "He hasn't been singing since then, but he's at least eating well" In Germany, 4,700 homing pigeons are released and only 50 return. The Wellsville New York basketball team plays a 24 hour basketball marathon for the Basketball Marathon Record only to find out the record was 25 hours. The Lucky Horseshoe Nail Ring from Tom Mix. Learning as a kid that horseshoes are nailed to the horses foot. Grover Dill steals his ring. The High School Ring. Shep orders his high school ring in his senior year ‐ the one with the black onyx stone. After weeks of waiting the ring comes. He goes home and shows it to everyone and goes out to play ball. When he gets home, he goes up to the bathroom to wash his hands. Realizing he has the ring on he goes to remove it with his soapy hands and the ring slips out of his hands, bounces three times on the floor and goes down the hot air register into the furnace. They never found the ring. Notes: L March 5, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W March 7, 1966 Hillbilly Radio ‐Classic Entertainment Description: "The show that hits you right in the face with a mental pig bladder" Working at a Cincinnati radio station watching them prepare for an amateur show. "Everybody wants to get into show biz ‐ everybody thinks they have a talent." Mothers with their nine year old daughters. Old man as a 'one man band' singing and playing "Good Night Irene" He describes all the hillbilly types arriving in Chicago for a "Grand Opry" type show. Gene Autry is up on stage tuing up his guitar, and everyone is setting up chairs and unpacking spare ribs and buttermilk. The Honeymooners was for urban hillbillies. Notes: W March 8, 1966 Amateur Radio ‐ Hillbilly Opry Description: "The show that hits you right in the face with a mental pig bladder" Working at a Cincinnati radio station watching them prepare for an amateur show. "Everybody wants to get into show biz ‐ everybody thinks they have a talent." Mothers with their nine year old daughters. Old man as a 'one man band' singing and playing "Good Night Irene" He describes all the hillbilly types arriving in Chicago for a "Grand Opry" type show. Gene Autry is up on stage tuning up his guitar, and everyone is setting up chairs and unpacking spare ribs and buttermilk. The Honeymooners was for urban hillbillies. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 173 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 9, 1966 Junking With Shep Description: None Notes: W March 10, 1966 New York, NY, A Helluva Town Description: "The Boss is here" Beauty Pagents ‐ no winners Ray Bradbury Urban Decay Notes: W March 11, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: L March 12, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W March 14, 1966 The Circus of Life Description: None Notes: W March 15, 1966 Mike Todd's Party for Liz Taylor Description: The circus motif and gallimaufry: "Self destructive art" ‐ London A new art magazine will devote an issue to self destructive art. The magazine pages will be treated to disintegrate after about 4 weeks. Fox hunters in England disrupted by Gwendolyn Barter who couldn't watch while hunters dug out a fox. Lexington Ave. ‐ where the "in" people hang around. Fluffy sweaters and skinny pants. Washington Redskins football team right in the middle of it. Pennsylvania Dutch hobby ‐ saving batteries, myths about batteries. The old Ford coil. Cleaning up Flick's Tavern "Smell‐o‐vision" The Mike Todd story. "One of the most unbelievable orgies ‐ one of the most fantastic events I have ever witnessed in my entire born days!" Notes: Pete Delaney wrote an article for the April 8, 1994 edition of Movie Collector's World regarding this party. (fan_page_pd.htm) W March 17, 1966 How to Enjoy Your Vacation Description: None Notes: W March 18, 1966 The Hudson Terraplane Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 174 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 21, 1966 Ponderosity Description: None Notes: W March 23, 1966 Poor Benny Description: Complete reading of the poem "Evolution" Notes: W March 24, 1966 More Human Comedy Description: In a salute to eternal human comedy, Shep refers to an advertisement for "Gold Plated Hand Grenades" referring to them as a "light hearted executive gift". This leads to various stories concerning the dangers of owning potentially dangerous items. Shep tells about sitting around the "Talent Office" with four other guys when one day the mail is delivered and one of the fellows, Jack, receives a box about 4 inches square. He opens it and inside is a cigarette lighter in the shape of a big, black, shiney "8" ball. He fills it with lighter fluid and lights a cigagrette when all of a sudden the ball just bursts into flames. While working in Cincinnati, Ohio, there was a story of a house which caught fire while the occupants were not home. The fire department responded and while putting out the fire, suddenly the whole house explodes. Apparently the people living there had a live 105 round sitting on the fireplace which went off. In the last story, he tells about how all the guys go down to 'radio row' on State Street in Chicago and they pick up all kinds of old surplus Army radio equipment. His friend Lloyd buys an old "keyer". Shep remembers something about the keyer and fails to tell Lloyd about it. Several days later he hears about Lloyd's accident. It seems that a lot of the old equipment was made with a mechanism to destroy the unit in the case of an emergency during battle. It had not been deactivated and Lloyd triggered it. Notes: W March 25, 1966 Frankie and Johnnie; Rotgut Description: None Notes: W March 28, 1966 Chicagoland Description: None Notes: W March 29, 1966 You Get Letters Description: None Notes: W March 30, 1966 You Get Phone Calls; Mysterious New Years Gift Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 175 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 31, 1966 10, 9,8...Phitt, or; Hamsters in Space Description: Shep starts the show in one of his silly singing moods. "Just once I want to come on the air with the dignity of 20th century man" He's looking for an old cathedral style Philco radio. One that works, not one that somebody gutted to make a house for their canary. Shep talks about one of the engineers who has a car with a tape deck in it and he plans to play sound effects while driving up behind other cars. Or maybe he drive through the Lincoln tunnel and when he gets halfway through, play a loud scream. "Cars are getting to be like moving houses." He talks about all the accessories available for cars from TVs to bars. Shep shifts to talking about the rejuvenation of old radio tubes, drop them twice, put 5,000 volts across the plate and they're good for another 10 seconds. Reading from the Paterson Evening News, Shep tells a story of a group of Paterson students that plan to put a hamster into space. They were going to soot him up 500 feet in the air and then spend the next few months studying the effects on him. But things did not go well for the students. All attempts at launching the rocket fail. They even tried lighting the fuse with a lighter and a blowtorch, all the while the hamster prayed! Finally the teacher grabs the rocket and throws it 8 feet in the air and the experiment is over. The hamster is still praying. Notes: L April 2, 1966 Steel Mill; Model A Mill Car;Army Induction Physical Description: None Notes: W April 4, 1966 Is it True What They Say Description: "There is a motion picture based on old Shep" Shep sings "Is it true what they say about Dixie" KOS Radio "This radio station salutes all the true believers: ‐ Think in terms of cliches ‐ Is life a gigantic multiple choice game? ‐ Dear friend ‐ the meaning has changed ‐ Did you ever feel that you're jinxed? Stepping on cracks on sidewalk Shep relates story when he stepped on a crack as a kid and worried about his mother. Says that the step on a crack and break your mother's back jinx goes on to say 'and you'll have bad luck forever' Shep gets a lifetime subscription to a magazine and recently got a notice that it is being cancelled. Shot putting in high school. Notes: The motion picture he refers to is "A Thousand Clowns" by Herb Gardner There seemed to be an air of discontent in Shep's attitude as he speaks about capitolism and all the money at WOR not going to all the right people. He mentions having bad luck forever, when crupling a piece of paper he jokingly asks Leigh(?) "you know what this is, maybe I shouldn't" and flattens it out again. He does the WOR id by saying "speaking of God…" Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 176 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 5, 1966 Court Jester Description: Disclaimer ‐ Sentimental Warning! Poem about a maiden fair ‐ 1881 scrapbook poem Roll reversal article about an ashtray wielding mother American Hairdresser Editorial ‐ On Women with Money A male thing to play with dolls ‐ G.I.Joe Prediction ‐ Within a year a boy will go to school wearing a skirt A threat to tell the story of Mae in the second grade, and Armoury the placebo Tangent on Japanese anger management Movie review on "The Group" Virile commercials The reason there are so many turgid analysis of Batman and Superman Notes: The PTA of Upper Merian high school, AKA Fertility Music, actually believed to be a cut from the New Guinea Head Hunters Medicine Man's Death Record W April 6, 1966 Curses Description: The thinking kid's Soupy Sales Warning for a scientific experiment and playing of Dyak Curse. All through the show Shep takes calls from listeners to 'study' the effects of the the curse that has just been played over the air. It was a recording of a Dyak Male curse of Borneo Dyak natives. Causes instant death or lifelong curse against makes. Does not affect women. Send a postcard to "Curses" care of this radio station for the antidote. Comedy of mankind parade: ‐ Dear Abbey mother worried about her sailor son being so far away. ‐ Elephant that sits on red cars ‐ The giant squid and love in the ocean depths ‐ Anxiety and the female psyche ‐ The seven deadly crimes you commit against yourself Notes: Mentions being at Barrington High School for a show at 8pm on Friday (4/8) W April 7, 1966 Devil Bats of Lake Titicaca; Teacher Visits Description: None Notes: W April 11, 1966 Zealotry Description: Shep talks about kids and toys. He refers to "Disarm the Toy Industry" a theme used for IGWT and ACS Notes: W April 13, 1966 Time Description: Another one of them dull deepies Dedicated to peace in mankind's time Book "The art of selfishness" A report from the middle east Public service announcement The first computerized beauty contest ‐ a fraud!?! Can computers lie? War is caused by TIME theory Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 177 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 14, 1966 The American Primitive Description: A salute to the American Primitive The political scene, the vegetarian ticket and Mrs. Yetta Bronstien who announces her candidacy at the Chock Full of Nuts Cafe Shep goes off on a tangent about radio he experienced in Europe, a kind of open mike night Hobo Mythology and primitive western Patterson, New Jersey Notes: W April 15, 1966 Snipe Hunt Description: None Notes: W April 18, 1966 Mud Hen Hunt Description: Straws in the Wind Long Beach Calif ‐ Massive Gripe‐in Communist Slogan Day Comic Strip Fleischmann's Yeast and skin 'disorders' One man's great society is another man's hell Wisdom and knowledge ‐ "Some of my most ignorant friends have doctorites" Shep and the boys go hunting for mud hens Notes: W April 19, 1966 A Woman's Work is Never Done Description: Shep describes the life of his mother in the Midwest Midwestern nurse shoots her husband on the Golf course The plight of the American male Garbage our shot at posterity Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 178 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 21, 1966 King Levinski Meets Joe Lewis Description: Sunglasses in the metro theory Shep offers a Brass Figlagee with Bronze Oak Leaf Palm [with special aluminum cross] for someone to call and identify the sound he is making. He quickly receives a call from a listener who correctly identifies the sound as 14 ounce Championship Everlast Boxing Gloves. The caller was at Sheps live performance earlier this day at Union Junior Collage in celebration of "King Levinsky Day". King Levinsky vs Joe Lewis in Chicago Humorous headlines, from the NY Post ‐ 'Charlie Brown & Son Indicted in Kosher Fraud' The Nutty Season & a Mother's Day advertisement in a 42nd street sex shop Patriotic Underwear Kid Letter with NY Times magazine section clipping from Sunday April 17, 1966 page 106, Shep offers another Brass Figlagee with Bronze Oak Leaf Palm award for anyone that can identify what is in that picture. Says the kid ‐"The sword is more of a bullwhip than a bullwhip, Dad." (We are not told what was in the picture ‐ see notes) Things that are exciting just to look at, racing cars, airplanes, and Sheps interest in Aviation Flying lessons ‐ flying over the Howard Johnsons on US 1 A small plane lands outside Warren G Harding one day during 2nd grade, running out of gas. He gases up, the kids all push the plane over by the swings and he takes off. It was then that Shep decided he wanted to fly. He is currently taking flying lessons. Notes: This is the third year at Union Junior Collage Tomorrow ‐ 4‐22‐66 FDU Teaneck Campus ‐ 8pm Per Pete Delaney ‐ It was an ad for a bra company. There was a sexy model wearing a bra who was also wearing a high 19th century Russian Cossack hat, a stereotype Russian mustache and a pair of bushy eyebrows. She was also holding a huge sword. Shep's flying instructor was none other than Bob Hall who was part of the "Sons of the Whiskey Rebellion" whose music Shep often played. Shep played the jews harp at Bob's wedding. W April 22, 1966 Super Rats; Topless Blackjack Description: None Notes: L April 23, 1966 Old Time Radio, Comics, More Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 179 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 25, 1966 John Dillinger Description: Shep opens show speaking over the opening theme A Warning the show is to be a Cheapy deepy or a deepy cheapy. UPI note: Miami ‐ Al Capone's son not living up to expectations. Chicago Gangsters, and the fact that people in Chicago never talked about gangsters. Dillinger Fan Clubs, where Shep would visit famous crime scenes. Red Hamilton, Dillenger's right hand man, and visits to the Michigan City State Pen in Indiana in hopes of seeing an escape. Babyface Nelson and the history of these guys as country bumpkins, not city types. Dillinger's first arrest was over a simple fist fight over money. Dillinger got to the state pen based on his ability to play shortstop. Shep teaches us how to make a rubber gun as a part of playing a game. The Dillinger escape using a gun made from a bar of soap. Notes: W April 27, 1966 Barber Shop Description: Poetry Trivia ‐ "We are lost, the Captain said, as he staggered down the hatch" Scary Omens in a Chinese restaurant Special kid voices ‐ Shep's was Charlie Chan Beware the Ace of Spades ‐ it means death! Getting fitted for Tux at the Wohlmuth on Saturday Getting his Honda 305 Super Hawk tomorrow Reading material in the barber shop Men find it difficult to criticise other men for doing a lousy job, like a bad haircut Nevada is only state that allows you to choose your method of death ‐ "What'll it be? Shooting or Hanging?" Barber Shop Groupies Women love to watch men shave ‐ they are fascinated by it. Notes: The real name of the Fred Allen Chinese detective character was One Long Pan. W April 28, 1966 With Doppler at the Dump Description: Shep begins the show by 'remembering' nursery rhymes such as "Humpty Dumpty" to the tune of honky‐tonk music. This is interrupted on occasion by a mysterious thumping sound in the studio. Shep calls for an investigation using a scope and caller feedback. Discussion of leading a sheltered life and going to the city dumps to rummage for treasures. He asks if there was anyone else out there who did this secretly without their families knowledge, and in a RARE moment he actually takes a phone call and the caller is heard on the air. The caller had been to the dumps just 3 weeks previous. The main story unfolds about the time he and another kid from school named Dopler went on a bike ride one afternoon and visited the city dump. Dopler had been there before, but it was Shep's first time and he was in awe of the things he saw. He talks of families that live there, the rats, and a man with a derby who watched the dump and lived in a shack made up of old Coke and Pepsi signs. It sported license plates and toilet seats for décor. Living with the old man, who sold worms and dough balls for bait on the side, was a huge black crow that had a vocabulary better than many humans. The boys visited often and sat with the old man and the crow on the bank of the river that ran through the property. Eventually they stopped going and Dopler moved away never to be seen again, but the visits to the dumps remain a fond memory in Shep's mind even today as he recounts the story. Notes: This is one of those rare times that Shep spoke to a caller on the air and one of the fewer times that you heard both sides of the story. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 180 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 29, 1966 Poetry ‐ Guess the Celebrity Author Description: 'Women are like horses, once they sense you are afraid of them, your in trouble!' according to Jean Poem ‐ "The Executive", Shep offers a Brass Figlagee with Bronze Oak Leaf Palm if you can name the Author (Fred Allen) Poem ‐ "The Captains Miserable Little Daughter" Modern day victims of technology A little note from the NY Times ‐ London, a car was hit with a toilet 28000 Drunken Elephants Uncle Carl remembrance (a result of the Miller High Life commercial) Poem ‐ "The Conqueror Worm" (name the author and get a fig newton, Shep offers, Edgar Allen Poe, can a Fig Newton be emailed?) Story of a school teacher in Shep's Junior year of high school that loved the poems of this author Shep speaks of giving a class of his own, and an underground cartoon Notes: Between the line Shep raises the question, with out asking it, if we see pink elephants when we are drunk, what do drunk elephants see? Shep talks about getting his new bike as part of the Honda commercial Shep talks about being fitted for a suit at the Miracle Mile on Saturday and riding around the block on his new Honda wearing the Tux. L April 30, 1966 Sex Education; Top Secret Radar; $20 in Library Book Description: None Notes: W May 3, 1966 By Definition Description: None Notes: W May 4, 1966 Around a Kid's Neighborhood Description: Straws are in the wind musings and headline in the Wallstreet Journal, "The Denture Venture, Bootleg False Teeth!" Kids learn their neighborhood and the trauma of moving. "in the middle of kindergarten I'm taken out of Miss Bundy's clutches" Falpuls Butcher Shop, and the sounds, smells, & tastes. Shep played with son ‐ Heine and mentions Diversey Ave, Belmont and Dearborn St as locations The psychological shock of moving from a city into the country. Establishing your range. Melvin Emde folly (to have been continued May 5th, 1966). Notes: Starts with a Joe Foreman announcement by Lester Smith and associated banter clip. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 181 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 5, 1966 Go See the Chaplain / Emde's Folly Description: I will award the Brass Figlagee to anyone who can define the word 'Gluntz' Shep tells about the time he went to see the chaplain while in the Army. He thought if he told a real sob story he coud get a 3 day pass out of the chaplain. After spilling his guts out the chaplain looks back at him and says T.S. ‐ next! Shep explains that gluntz is a midwestern term for the anonymous shifting of mostly rotten feelings you have. Golfers, golfing, and fetching golf balls as a kid The story of Emde's Folly. A square flat orange stucco house with French windows from the ground to the roof. It had a tower with arched windows. Looked like a Spanish hacienda with fake wood beams protruding through the walls. The Emdes lived there only about 2 weeks when they mysteriously moved out during the night. A year later the Bodkins family, from Kentucky, moved in with their daughter Iena Pearl Bodkin. Notes: The Bokin family that moved into the Emde house became the Bumpus family in later stories. He mentions the son's name is Melvin, but in the show of 10/16/64, Selling Seeds, he says it's Dick. (2 kids?) He refers to the previous night's show, 5‐4‐66, when beginning the Emde story. "as we mentioned last night and left you hanging on the cliff last night" W May 6, 1966 'Golden Boy' Fig Leaf and Other Unveilings Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 182 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 9, 1966 Fat Pains and Tight Underwear Description: "Peek‐a‐boo! See, I came in just in time to louse up your tape recording friend ‐ yes, indeed. Oh what a rotten person!" After the theme, Shep breaks right into song by singing (?) the new official state song of New Jersey. In a New York Times front page article, Cornell University has concluded a seven year study and gave low ratings to American bathrooms. In other studies, new ailments breaking out include back problems from watching too many re‐ runs, eye problems from watching the second Late Late Movie, and aching pains just over the left buttocks from carrying a wallet thick from credit cards. "Credit‐card‐itis" The 'painful' discussion continues as Shep talks about the Yankees and what he feels are the effects of tight underwear. He tells about when he was playing ball as a kid and got hit in the head with a pitch. Not only was he called out, but he suffered a ringing in the head for six weeks. Once, his batting average had slipped 70 points and the coach tells him that his problem was tight underwear. So he goes out and buys 3 new pair of jockey shorts and his batting average goes up 40 points in a week. Miami Beach, Fla. from the head of Dorian Ficarrelo comes "peculiar sounds" Squishing, wheezing, and whining sounds come from his head in a peculiar fashion. The only man with noises in his head that others can hear. After falling off a ladder, surgeons attempted three time to silence the noises in his head. He couldn't even go to the movies because it disturbed people all around. Another ailment Shep had was in infection in the middle ear that made him think E. Power Biggs, the famous organist, was playing Bach right next door, humming and tapping his feet at the same time. Finally Shep discusses a Time Magazine article about Northern Indiana. People are discovering the Midwest. He compares melting pots ‐ NY vs Chicago. Notes: The "Tight Underwear story was told on his 5‐2‐59 show and again during the 8‐26‐67 Limelight show, W May 10, 1966 Boredom and Kicks Description: Shep opens show seeking tolerance, beauty and truth with a salute Dear Abby: Who pays for the pills? Kicks Beatles being bored Notes: W May 11, 1966 Antique Cars and the Bugatti Description: None Notes: W May 13, 1966 World War II Kitsch; Embracing Our Fears Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 183 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 13, 1966 Kid Myths Description: "I will award the Brass Figlagee with Bronze Oak Leaf Palm to any lonesome traveler on the Yellow Brick Road of Mediocrity who wishes rise rise above the mire and the muck of common listenerdom, who can identify who, what and where was the phrase used ‐ 'Are you ready Hessy'. Where was that used, who used it, in what context was it used, why was it used." Shep starts the show in a rather silly mood reading an assortment of articles. A man hanged in 1877 wills his skin to the prosecuting attorney to be used to make a drum head. Shep talks about his appearance on the Merv Griffin Show the previous night. The Golf Ball Myth ‐ poisonous centers, exploding centers. Condensed milk cans ‐ throw them into the fire and the neighborhood would be gone! Shep makes an appeal to hear from a kid who still believes that golf balls blow up. Shep gets a call from a kid named Schafer (sp?) and they talk about the golf ball myth. Blood poisoning from transfers (tattoos). The indelible pencil. Great art cliches. Notes: L May 14, 1966 The Prom Description: Shep describes recently watching some kids getting ready to go to a Prom and begins discussing proms and things that go wrong. He tells the story of a doctor friend who couldn't get a date until he graduated Med school and had Doctor in front of his name. He picks up his girl and they go to a restaurant together to eat and dance. After being seated for a while she tells him that his zipper is open. He trys to zip it up without anyone at the other tables seeing him do it, so he pulls his chair close to the table and zips it. After a short while they decide to get up and dance. As he stands the table cloth is stuck in his zipper and he pulls everything off the table. Shep relates this to a similar instance when he was playing in "Banquet for the Moon" and had his fly open on stage. Everyone cheered. After the news break Shep reads a NY Times article about a 10 year old boy who pours gas on the back of his trousers to take off like a rocket. "A great moment in kiddom!" Shep goes 'scragging' with Lawrence Striker. They need gas and wait until dark to siphon some out of the Anderson's car. Shep sucks down the gas, the Anderson's dog comes out barking and Mr Anderson catches him. On the last half of the show he tells an early version of the story which later became the main theme for "Phantom of the open Hearth. The time that he went to the Prom, renting a tux, getting rained on, and drinking too much. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 184 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 16, 1966 Computer Dates and Mail Order Mates Description: Great moments in sports when a shot buffalo recovered to kill the shooter Cannes news flash Popular Mechanics Image's Fulfillment: Augusta Schwartz found a complete deck of 52 cards one card at a time Popular Mechanics the back pages mail in offers Notes: [ken] Number one song on the charts was "Monday, Monday" by the Mamas & the Papas W May 17, 1966 Politics in the Cemetery Description: None Notes: W May 18, 1966 Real People News Description: None Notes: W May 19, 1966 The Evil Eye Description: None Notes: W May 20, 1966 NO TITLE Description: None Notes: L May 21, 1966 Buying a Used Car For Flick Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 185 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 27, 1966 Tornados and Ball Lightning Description: Poem: Hellbound Train Strange Phenomena ‐ Saint Elmo's fire on radar mast Sudden temperature changes, not seen in the East but in the Midwest, cause whirlwinds; tornado on the baseball field. Tornado at Steel Mill takes all the mail from his sack, but not even noticed a few blocks away in the office. A tornado makes a sound like a giant generator. NY Times story ‐ Scientists prove the existence of ball lightning. Sitting on the porch swing on a spring evening, after a hot day, with fireflies in the snowball bushes, he sees a light the size of a basketball slowly floating down the street. It's very bright, and blue/orange. Everyone is looking, women letting out faint screams. It makes a turn and goes into Mrs. Stryker's house. She is the neighbor across the street, one of two women who will call the cops when the kids lose a ball in her yard, although sometimes she will join in the game. She's not only unpredictable but deaf, and plays her radio very loud. The ball lightening blow up her cathedral radio and goes on down the street. Notes: Shep's current bike is a Honda 305 Super Hawk, got his first bike in 1959. Mentions that the 5‐28‐66 Limelight will be a rerun. Ball lightning story also told 3/29/63 L May 28, 1966 Prom Night With Pearl, Algebra and Biology Class Description: None Notes: Original date on this show of 7/1/66 is wrong. LL was only on Saturday. It is a rerun from a prev LL show as Shep introduces it saying he is on Vacation. Shep was in Middle East late May 1966 to about June 5. My guess is rerun date is 5/28/66 since other shows have been accounted for for the other weeks he was away. W May 30, 1966 Memorial Day / Inside the orchestra Description: Forest Fire PSA at top ‐ "Next, the World of Jean Shepherd" ‐ full open. Bad poem about a frog. Memorial Day Shep's shoulders are uneven from carrying a Kahn B flat tuba in parades. Corrects himself ‐ a sousaphone is not a tuba. He was second‐best High School player in state competition. He was given charge of a German silver mouthpiece for four years of HS. A sousaphone must be warmed up before playing. Secrets of the orchestra ‐ people talk all through concert, unheard from audience. Many count off the rests, others blow spit on players around them. He mentions several all‐state concerts he was involved with, one at the Grant Park bandshell, conducted by Dr. Frederick Stock. Ruth, star oboist, played entire solo with a split lip, like a boxer. Trumpet soloist William Tate had his trumpet crushed and had to play a borrowed instrument. Timpani player is doing Wagner solo when the drum head splits apart. Occupational hazards of music ‐ green thumb from tuba ring, calluses, etc. Notes: full Palisades Amusement Park at end after theme Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 186 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 31, 1966 Hooked on Altered States Description: Quotes "April is the cruelest month". Reads article about Jersey Devil re‐appearing. DTs, seeing animals like bats and rats. Do IBM programmers see talking computers? The Lost Weekend is a REALLY scary movie. Monster movies, why we like them. Now they are all based on the atomic bomb. Thrill‐seeking ‐ LSD and skydiving. War is the ultimate fright, so mankind seeks it out. Mass Man versus Unit Man. Unit Man wants peace, Mass Man wants war. Escapism ‐ Drugs, movies, TV. Many forms of escape. Notes: "Great Show, a deepie" ‐ Max W June 1, 1966 Do it yourself camp art, Tillie and Gus Description: It's raining in NY. Sings "3 O'Clock in the Morning". Talks about old radio show Mr. First Nighter and it's great appeal in midwest ‐ the lure of New York. Kids pick up foreign phrases from movies and work them into everyday speech ‐ Schweinhundt, achtung, caramba! Lifebuoy down the tonsils ‐ various reactions to different soaps in the mouth. Enough with second‐rate classics, where's "Bad Movie Time" on TV? Do‐It‐Yourself Camp ‐ how to create your own works of art with every day items. Who needs Andy Warhol when you can get your own can of Campbell's Soup? Shep saw a great movie on TV ‐ "Tillie and Gus", with W.C. Fields, and recounts many plot points. Notes: Palisades Amusement Park at end after theme W June 2, 1966 Great Plains of Kansas Description: Will do the whole show with a cigar in his mouth. News from Kansas. Recalls train trip through Kansas during Army years. Goldberg, from Brooklyn, has acute agoraphobia, can't look out window at the empty spaces. Also on board, Zinsmeister, who would become a corporal. AP news story of Miss America's visit to Great Bend. Kansas: "It makes a different kind of man". Notes: Shep goes into greater detail on a July 1968 show called "Creatures of Nature" about Dan, the rider sitting next to him. W June 3, 1966 Why I Tell Stories Description: None Notes: (full station statement and id) full open Show is pre‐recorded, he should be in Paris about now. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 187 of 451 Have Class Date L Title June 4, 1966 Broken window / Company K: Firing Range Description: Quotes Batman comic strip. Mrs Stryker, the neighbor who would call the cops on the kids playing ball; long aside into Concrete Mexican story; back to softball, which breaks Mrs. Stryker's window. The gang hides under porch, but she calls their mothers. The awful sound of your mother calling your name. Lifebuoy treatment causes Jeannie to rat out his friends after trying to pin it on Jack Martin, but even Mom knows he couldn't have done it. (Paul) Schwartz, and he and Flick have to use all summer job money to pay for the damage, and try to assess who owes how much. Break for news after Eye Bank PSA and Journal American notice of closure since April 24. Ed Petit with the news. Company K on the rifle range ‐ one guy shoots foot, then they take turns shooting at targets and going to the pit to mark them. They help out a pal by punching holes in bullseye ‐ he makes sharpshooter. The next day he is in the pit and THEY make sharpshooter. #&@*‐Detail, will you get a pick or a shovel? Captain Riker has Co.K dig a ditch, then line it with rocks. They start after dinner, work all night and the next day. The general visits Camp Crouder, hates it, and orders it all filled back in. To reward the men for their labor, Riker breaks out a case of Scotch for a secret party, and they get drunk "by the numbers". Shep is assigned to the supply room. In the back they find World War One uniforms and try them on, but the Sergeant wants to sell them for big bucks as surplus to a costume company. This story is cut off by the end of the broadcast. Notes: This is a rebroadcast according to an introductory piece by Shep. He is on his trip to the Middle East. W June 6, 1966 Shep's Trip to the Middle East ‐ Part 1 Description: "I'm forever blowing bubbles" Shep begins by explaining that he has just spent the past 2 weeks in the Middle East and describes the desert wind playing over his forehead while lying in the sack. "A strange world which is so completely removed from our world" Talks about 1st time he went in the late 50's and visited Syria, Lebanon, and the Negev Desert. Shep describes the trip through the Desert, seeing camels from Jordan, experiencing the heat, A Roman fort of the 3rd Legion, the going past King Solomons Mines, the Dead Sea, and on towards the Red Sea. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 188 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 7, 1966 Shep's Trip to the Middle East ‐ Part 2 Description: Shep jokingly interrupts the theme saying he likes to louse up the collectors who try recording it. Shep speaks of his experiences driving through the Negev Desert to go to Beersheba ‐ kind of a "Las Vegas in the middle of the desert". He talks of passing the Beduin camps with the goats, and tents, and of desert life in general. In Beersheba, they stay at the Desert Inn, and plan to go to the "Beduin Tent", a nightclub featuring belly dancers. Shep describes the Tarbush headdress worn by the men and how there are many different styles and colors for work, dress, and ritual. (Shep bought a blood red 'dress' Tarbush' to bring home) He explains how it is put on and worn. He would love to go into the H&H wearing it. Women's hats are getting smaller and smaller. Someday they will disappear entirely. Austrailian hats, W.C. Fields' hats. Traveling, and getting accustomed to the strange climate around you. Living in the desert and reclaiming the water through a process involving the hot days, cold nights, condensation, and spongy rocks. Promises to tell the story about the nightclub on the next show. Notes: W June 8, 1966 Shep's Trip to the Middle East ‐ Part 3 Description: Skin diving in the Red Sea. Shep had promised to tell about Skin diving, but immediately gets side tracked talking about the area. King Solomon's Mines and the area. Why do they call the Red Sea "Red"? It has to do with the way the sun strikes the water and reflects off the mountains. The area is called the "end of the world". Shep stayed at the Queen of Sheba Hotel. Eating at the "The Blue Fish" restaurant. Shep finally gets around to telling about the skin diving. The water is different from any sea water you ever waded in. Clear as glass. Because it is surrounded by mountains the bottom slants downward very quickly. Notes: W June 9, 1966 Shep's Trip to the Middle East ‐ Part 4 Description: 'Do I sound different tonite? They're letting the night shift use the day shift microphones tonight. Tel Aviv ‐ Walking this waterfront street at 1 am. The dark rolling waters of the Mediterranean, the sounds of middle eastern music from a thousand windows. The city stays up late, but the stores close at 1 in the afternoon and reopen at 4 to avoid the day's heat. The girls pick up where Sohia Loren left off. Most tourists go to the tourist attractions, but there are more magnificent and interesting areas to vist. The music of any area tells you more about the area than anything else. Shep describes a restaurant and the atmosphere. It's an oriental restaurant, but they do not serve Chinese or Japanese. They serve middle eastern food here. Outside a sheep stands in the middle of the street, and a burrow comes around the corner with a girl riding carrying peppers. The music permeates the air along with the smells of the sheep, the tobaccos, and the Mediterranean. An in the middle of it all is The Brooklyn Ice Cream Shop ‐ in Tel Aviv. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 189 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 10, 1966 Shep's Trip to the Middle East ‐ Part 5 Description: Shep describes the smells and sounds of the mideast while lying in the bed in his room. Listening to the radio in the mid‐east. Radio stations being jammed. When you take a radio bring plenty of batteries. Don't try and get a 9 volt battery or roll of 35mm film there ‐ it ain't cheap. Shep describes the lifestyles of the Bedowins. He describes getting all prepared to see an Arab show on a stage in a tent. To see the Arab delights, the dancing women. He sits waiting, taking in the aromas around him when finally the curtains part and three stand up comedians come on stage like Manny, Moe and Jack! Notes: It sounds as if Shep yells at Leigh who apparently is haunting him to do the station ID and commercials: "once is enough honey, twice is too much, three times you're fired" L June 11, 1966 Shep's Trip to the Middle East ‐ Part 6, The camel and the coat, Limelight Show Description: More talk about the Middle East trip. Buying a water pipe duty free ‐ made like a lamp. Mom in the kitchen with the coffe grounds belching out of the sink. Force feeding Randy with a screwdriver and funnel. Shep tells about his experience with a camel. New people move into the 'haunted house' on the block and they have a camel in the garage. Shep starts feeding it the leftover peanut butter and jelly sandwiches he had for lunch every day. After several months, one day he eats his whole sandwich and comes by empty handed. The camel is not amused and takes a big bite out of his new sheepskin coat. Shep's mother accuses him of lying when he tells her how the camel bit his coat, so he blames it on Flick. She sticks a bar of soap in Shep's mouth and calls Flick's mother. (See notes) He also tells of the sea lion they also had in the garage, living in a tank with cigar butts and beer cans. They would tap on the window and the sea lion would surface, its sad eyes peering at them. They would feed it apple cores every day after school. Then one day while they were playing ball a truck pulls up. The men go into the garage an come out carrying the sea lion on a stretcher. It had died. Notes: Soap in mouth: This basic concept was used in A Christmas Story. In stead of getting the soap in the mouth for lying, it was because of the cursing. The phone call is made to Schwartz's mother instead of Flick's. The camel story was also told during the 1‐6‐71 show, "The Camel and the Coat" W June 13, 1966 Midwest Softball Description: Rugby league news flash Softball, the mid western religion & tavern trivia Why Shepard never got the call to host Johnny Carson is revealed at last Notes: W June 15, 1966 In Paris Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 190 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 16, 1966 Morse Code Record Description: Nobody loses in commercials for the track Dublin suppresses raise information on pay stubs The ham bug bites again Notes: W June 17, 1966 USO Show ‐ The Darling of Company K Description: Straws in the wind: A romantic moment ‐ Shep salutes a New Haven woman who steals a man's wallet and swallows two of the three $100 bills he had. The official magazine of the British Army no longer prints pictures of girls because "the girl apparently means less to today's soldier" Shep starts talking about the darling of Company K of the 362nd Signal Air Warning Group. "A fantastically boring outfit!" He quickly sidetracks to another story about the guy standing in the mess line who paces back and forth and finally breaks out of line, runs up to the lister (water) bag and slices it open with a knife. Shep talks about liter bags (water bags), 'The Purple Death' (Grape Kool‐aid), weekend passes, and Sad Sack. One day a notice is put on the bulletin board that the entire group is restricted to base the following weekend because a USO show is coming. Everyone anticipates Bob Hope, Jack Benny, and Debbie Reynolds. The camp gets a complete cleaning from top to bottom. Finally a little fat lady climbs up to the piano and begins playing "It's a long way to Tipperary". After what seemed like 2 hours of piano playing the next act comes on ‐ an 80 year old man with a straw hat and cane who tap dances. Notes: L June 18, 1966 Baseball Description: Naked Baseball in the Army and getting caught by the General's daughter Notes: Basis for the Playboy short story of May 1971 ‐ "The Unforgettable Exhibition Game of the Giants versus the Dodgers, Tropical Bush League" W June 20, 1966 Games Playing ‐ Negev Kites & Sail Plane Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 191 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 21, 1966 Inside Radio Description: Shep begins this show lighting up a cigar and singing "I'm forever blowing bubbles. He then sets up the theme of the show by reading an article about a group of collage students in London that show up at a housing project one day claiming that they are filming a commercial for beans. They gather up about 74 of the local residents and get them marching around the recreation grounds yelling "BEANS, BEANS, BEANS" for forty‐five minutes. Then they pack up and leave. There never was a commercial ‐ the people had been HAD. This leads Shep to tell three stories about practical jokes in radio. 1) While working at a station in Cincinnati, the station invites listeners to apply for taking part in a talk about a product and their experiences with it. They choose 45‐50 pompous old ladies from the applicants and bring them into a room at the studio. Here they are invited to talk all about "Hot Digity Dog" with secret ingredient "Zowie 7". This of course is a fictitious product, but they all sit around and talk about how swell it is for 45 minutes. 2) Also while working in Cincinnati, Shep is the emcee for "Preview Star Time" an all new coast to coast radio show, which of course was not real. Shep warms up the audience until it's "airtime" and then everything 'goes wrong'. Shep starts off with a really dirty joke stunning the audience, then a totally drunk singer comes out to sing "Danny Boy", and finally the band breaks out in a fight. At this point the NBC executive stops the show, yelling at everyone, and sends the unsuspecting audience out into the street. The phony show was never intended to go on the air. 3) The last story is about a seasoned newscaster who takes his work seriously. When he's on the air, no one is allowed in the studio with him. One night while he's on, Eddie the salesman walks into the studio smacks him on the back, and says "Hey you old son of a gun, you still giving them that old jazz?" and walks out saying "Give 'em hell Charlie." Shaken by this he tries to get back on track with the news when the door opens again and in walks an engineer carrying a soldering iron looking around. "Hey, are you on the air?" he asks and walks out. Now clearly in shock the newscaster barely gets the show done. It wasn't until the next day that he learned that the entire broadcast was never heard over the air because it was pre‐empted at the last minute by another special broadcast. It was only enjoyed by the people working in the studio. Notes: W June 23, 1966 Form vs Substance Description: Surveyor 1 How Scientists talk ‐ form over content ‐ example Op Art Form vs substance Purpose of radio / tv is to sell stuff The news is getting in the way of commercials Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 192 of 451 Have Class Date L Title June 25, 1966 Custer, Graduation Day Description: The story of how 2nd Lt George Custer became Brigadier General, and laid an egg 90 years ago. Car Names Working at the steel mill in the mail room and getting the boss's, boss's, boss's pay check by mistake! The new fun "in" drink ‐ Alka Seltzer on the rocks with a twist of lemon. Allstate commercial ‐ two hands with the little house. Adds for cemetary plots Barbie on the pill Shep gives a speech at a graduation ceremony. Tells the story about his own high school graduation and his diploma was missing! Notes: W June 27, 1966 Company Picnics ‐ Job at Milk Company Description: Suggested lyrics for a song for the city of New York A warning to all politicians Famous on air story when the truth got out The beard endowment The Catered Wedding Fiasco of the year The Company Picnic Notes: W June 28, 1966 "23 Skiddoo" ‐ Computer Charisma, Primaries Reporting Description: "Good evening election fans." There's something about hot summer weather that brings out the summer madness. Camp Crowder in Missouri being turned into a water and sewage technical school. "In a way, its function has never changed." Wouldn't it be great if you could erase your life? Wouldn't it be great if someone contrived a machine that could erase from your memory all of the life you have lived. A look at personalities and the psychology surrounding them. (Break for John Wingate and election returns. Report with Lester Smith.) "One politician calling another politician ambitious somehow has elements of high comedy." The comedy of reporting elections and computers replacing man. "The day the Bronx didn't call in." What would the news media do if no one voted that day? One little station at the end of the dial showing a Pricilla Lane movie gets all the ratings. The Rover commercial leads into a discussion of mobility and the bodily side of freedom. How people cannot even get out of their country. You can be imprisoned by a large area the same as a small area surrounded by bars. The relationship of man and machine. How the machine gives man the mobility to escape. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 193 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 29, 1966 Disorganized Baseball Description: A salute to 'factory made' stickball bats. Shep requests a bimbo to call in and receives a call from a woman who claims to be a "Bronx Tomato". Stickball is an Eastern game. It was not played in Indiana. They played baseball in Striker's empty lot only to be chased by Mrs. Striker. They played one inning at a time and often had to chase after Emde's dog 'Zero' who would run off with the ball. If you hit the ball into the stickers in right field you would be out. The baseballs lost their covers after a few days and they would wrap the ball in tape to keep it from unraveling. One day they built a ball field in a empty lot. They spent a week cleaning out the weeds and making an infield. When they were all done, bulldozers showed up to build houses. They just kept moving from lot to lot. "The moving portable ballgame." One day Mr. Gorden, the scoutmaster, of Troop 41 ‐ "the Moose Patrol", gets all the kids together to form an American Legion Baseball team. They spent 3 days running around the field practicing, and then had squad eliminations. They had to sign for their uniforms. After having played with oversized taped balls, they couldn't field a real one! Notes: During the spot for Chinzano Shep tells about the famous ashtray and how he arranged to give 200 of them away to listeners who wrote in. W June 30, 1966 Britsh News, Subways, George Ade ‐ Good Fairy Description: A salute to England, Lady of the realm takes on ax wielding Jewel robbers with her umbrella, stripping as a way of saying thank you by Lady Hazel Religious news and sporting fox hunt news Great Subway moments with subway fisherman The dreams of the common people as captured by George Ade Notes: L June 1966 Army Stories ‐ "Digging A Ditch" and "In The Negev" A Limelight show rebroadcast in Boston, according to the audience station break chant. Description: None Notes: W July 1, 1966 It's July ‐ Ball games & hot dogs, Grandpa Watts 4th of July Poem, New Character ‐ Emory Watts Description: None Notes: W July 4, 1966 Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 194 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 5, 1966 Elektra or Why It's Called Electricity Description: "AM means Antique Modulation" Shep makes comments throughout the show regarding the FCC ruling which forced AM and FM stations carry separate programming. The "Holiday Concept"... very operative among the most primitive native tribes. The more primitive the tribe, the more holidays they have. Movies ‐ takeoffs on takeoffs. The way movies are being made today. After dwelling on a discussion of movies ending with Elektra, he shift hi focus on how the word electricity originates from Elektra. He talks about jars of pickle juice and a copper spoon causing electrolysis and the time he tried to have his father explain electricity. He gets into the origins of some other words like Tolls coming from Norwegian Trolls and Omelets coming from Hamlet. Notes: Shep very bitter about something lashing out all night. (Max) Palisades Park theme at end W July 6, 1966 Beatings, Casmir Wocznowski's House Description: Hell's Angels Courtesy Card 68 year old grandmother 'stripper' arrested in Denmark Getting beaten up People who smell. Shep tells about Casmir Wocznowski and visiting his house of aromas. When planning guests for a birthday party Shep's mother requests that Shep tell Casmir to take a bath before coming. It was only then that he realized how gamey Casmir really was. The family never took baths. Notes: Announces that as of July 30th the show will be AM only W July 7, 1966 Humor vs Comedy, The Chicaco Exposition Description: None Notes: W July 8, 1966 Winchester 66, Living in Kentucky Description: None Notes: L July 9, 1966 The Great Ice Cream Riot Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 195 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 11, 1966 Archie Declares War, Army Cockroaches Description: Warning! This show is not for the squeamish, nervous, women or children. Shep reads one of the Archie stories by Don Marquis called "Archie Declares War" Speaking of cockroaches ‐ this is WOR. The sponsor is the barnacle of the radio world, clinging to the ship and occasionally dragging it down. Shep reads a Reader's Digest clipping about the origin and evolution of the cockroach. They were here when the dinosaurs arrived and still around when the dinosaurs left. How they have learned to survive, eating almost anything. They love soap. In the Army, Shep and Gasser are stationed in the Florida Everglades and encounter some of the largest cockroaches they've ever seen. 2‐1/2 inches long, with a seven inch wingspan. "The one thing that the cockroach knows how to do is hang in there ‐ baby! The cockroach makes the scene and will continue to make the scene forever and ever." Notes: W July 12, 1966 Bum Poems, Game Called on Account of Frogs Description: The loveable bums on Broadway "One of those fantastic moments of unconscionable humor" "New York is like a giant cake of Fleischmann's Yeast" Coming across a man lying sprawled out on the sidewalk, bagged to the ears. Shep reads The face upon the Bar room floor Shep requests for a caller to phone in and cheer.. ."Yay Shep". . . And one does. Another "Bum" poem Speaking of Frogs Seeing a picture of a frog on the cover of a newspaper laying on the sidewalk reminds Shep of frog stories: England's concern over the disappearing frog population Frog Storms ‐ Frogs invade a town in Wisconsin and Shep tells the story of when he was playing center field at the age of 15 or 16 and the entire field became covered with little bright green frogs and instead of scooping up the ball, he wound up with a glove full of frogs. The game was called. It was the first and only game called because of frogs. Notes: Shep repeats the 'frog' baseball story on the 1‐22‐71 show W July 13, 1966 Radio Quiz ‐ The Shadow Doesn't Know, Sports As A Religion Description: None Notes: W July 15, 1966 Riverview Amusement Park: Riding the Bobs Description: A London surgeon recommends that car safety belts should be designed to work like brassieres for women drivers. Six Cambridge University competitors are on their way to the Soviet Union to try and teach the Russians to play tidally winks. Driving along the West Side Highway he looks across the Hudson and sees the lace‐like lights of Palisade Amusement Park. He describes the lights and movements of the park up on the cliffs. Shep tells about going to Riverview Amusement Park in Chicago. He describes the old man and Uncle Carl riding the "Bobs" and going through the Fun House. At 15 he goes there with his girl Dorothy, his cousin Chuck and his girl. They come to the Bobs and he and Chuck take the plunge! Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 196 of 451 Have Class Date L Title July 16, 1966 Barbership, Date in Old Car, Fishing With the Old Man Description: None Notes: W July 18, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W July 19, 1966 Op and Pop Art, Ritualistic Literacy Description: 'I was taught by my old man to whistle like a real whistler... I can break windows for blocks around. What will the end of all mankind be? Homer contemplating a bust of Aristotle Bronze statue of the Beatles Judging society by the themes of their artists Op Art and Pop Art The hamburger is the definitive statement of nine year oldness Illiteracy in this country: An illiterate reader is a person who doesn't read (Even though he knows how) A write is not a writer unless he writes. An actor is not an actor unless he acts. Books ‐ Decline of reading People buy books to carry around More money is spent on the covers of the book than what goes between them 'Public Domain' books ‐ cheaper to print. More books are sold than are read. Buying books has become ritualistic. Ritualized literacy ‐ You surround yourself by books that are unread. "Creeping Articleism" Who knows how long it took to write a masterpiece Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 197 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 20, 1966 Commercials: The New Calendar Art Description: Leigh Brown's notes for 7/20/66 10:15 (Theme)...Time for Radio to begin...JS reading a great Recitation...(That's My Weakness Now)...JS reading "The StraightShooter's Prayer" .20 (Strolling Through the Park)...Effect of Calendar Art on the attitudes of people... Anti‐Art in the Comic Strips... .25 REAL Art came on calendars...Examples of pure Calendar Art. .30 JS' father's attitude toward Art...More Calendar Art...(ID)... Electronic Calendar Art... .35 Commercials as Calendar Art...Endearing commercials... .40 Story about JS' composer friend...Views on commercials and Materialism... .45 Things that REALLY excite people...Value judgements on excitement... Commercials as variations on te Superman myth... .50 The Hero more lasting than the Anti‐Hero...Beowulf will be around longer than Woody Allen...'Standard' commercials... (Miller) .55 (Regal Crown Candy)(Rover)[can add com'l here] THEME OUT ‐ 42:40 Notes: Recorded 7/12/66 This show came from a WOR master tape which had Leigh Brown's notes attached W July 21, 1966 Uncle Charlie's Birthday Ring ‐ 10th Birthday Description: None Notes: W July 22, 1966 Awake Out There! ‐ Big Brother's Cameras Description: 1984 ‐ The book by George Orwell "Big Brother is Watching You" "Now, I've had a thesis for a long time, for what it's worth, that almost anything that comes into being, that is an eventual evil, is always hailed as a new discovery in good." JS A story about a major city that has 24 hour a day, automatic, television surveillance so the police can see what's going on. "You know there is a peculiar, undeniable, fascination that you feel for observing other people at a distance" JS Shep tells about his friend Jerry who has a color TV camera set up on his roof and can zoom in and pan across rooftops blocks away. And with sound! Notes: Shep mentions that it is Friday Geogre Orwell Links: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 198 of 451 Have Class Date L Title July 23, 1966 Forced March Through the Ozarks with Gasser & Goldberg Description: The All star Baseball game & Marius Russo Indiana, trivia The Yankee's come to Indiana & the difference between them and the White Sox The personalities of the players Notes: W July 26, 1966 Chinatown Phone Booths (Shep's Birthday) Description: None Notes: W July 27, 1966 Cleaning Out the Files Description: Reads letter from fan who's wife was asked by the neighbor who that was that her husband was always listening to ‐ Jean Shepherd, the man of a thousand faces. Overhears lady who is in terrible distress. "Doesn't know why he did it" She was talking about her parakeet that flew out the window. Pittsburgh ‐ Melvin Sweeny thought he heard a burglar in the apartment. He grabs his 22 rifle and fires four shots. One kills the dog and another hits a gas pipe to the stove. His wife hears the noise and comes into the room lighting a cigarette ‐ booom! No more Melvin. Nieman Marcus presents the Silver Spoon ‐ a finishing school for young girls. "It's amazing how much the stuff that is so deeply involved, so important to us, how transitory it really is." We all have things in our mind that were are planning to get, that if we could only get it, things would be better ‐ at any given moment. When we get it, our mind immediately searches for the next thing. The Wall Street Journel ‐ "Never bought a copy ‐ don't measure up to it." Reads article about building in Chicago made completely of rusty iron. Detroit should build cars that are rusty. New law in California requires a license for surfboards. Are ice skates, scooters, even shoes next? They are all means of transportation. Licenses for bicycles. Notes: W July 28, 1966 Us vs Them: Our Violent World Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 199 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 29, 1966 Last FM Show ‐ Throwing Tantrums Description: Two cops have a fist fight over who is going to drive the squad car. "Sheik of Arabie" ‐ Sung by Shep Style, the art of throwing fits. "A consummate show kicker‐off‐er. Lima Ohio man catches bullet between his teeth. Notes: This was the last show broadcast over WOR FM due to a FCC regulation requiring separate programming on AM and FM affiliates. [Rich B] Shep says he owned a '31 Chevy Roadster Independence Cabriolet W August 1, 1966 1st AM Show "Oh Boy, Talk About Gomorrah!" Description: None Notes: W August 2, 1966 Getting Better All The Time? Bowery Barmaids Description: None Notes: W August 3, 1966 Shep Meets Mayor after Taping Merv Description: None Notes: W August 5, 1966 Polish Hot Pickled Peppers, Nigeria Story Description: None Notes: L August 6, 1966 Polish Wedding, VD Movie Description: Bollus Polish Wedding Story ARMY Story about the VD Movie After the ARMY Story about the VD Movie A New York sigh for the people in Circleville, Ohio Sharpshooters of Company K The ping pong champs of WWII Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 200 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 9, 1966 Dynamic Trivia Description: Salute to America ‐ Stars and Stripes forever. The kitchen sink and the Knight radio on top of the refrigerator. The pilot light goes on once in a while, and the old man has to hold his fingers on the speaker to make it sound right. Life magazine ad of Aug 12th 1966 issue. Simple homey household object. Man in Pennsylvania arrested for having cardboard license plates. Columbus Indiana ‐ Bearded burglar living in a beach tree in a hammock loaded with bow and arrow, peanut butter, jelly, and a surf board. A description of northern New Jersey read from a letter from the Governor. Mystery litter bug in New York City. Defacing U.S. Coins ‐ Life imprisonment? Smashing pennies on the streetcar tracks. Notes: Takes a couple of jabs at FM radio and Barry Farber Music: Cheap Guitar Music, After Your're Gone W August 10, 1966 Mr. Chuckie's World of Fashion Description: Mr Chuckie reads NY Post article: The World of Women ‐ It's Getting to be a Man's World, too. Wants to leak into FM the way AM leaks into FM and ruin Murray the K's show $50,000 Mystery sound ‐ (boxing glove?) Chinatown My Chinatown with Shep's new lyrics Beer guzzling mongoose, gin ad ‐ boozing as a hobby ‐Mr Bruner's favorite movie ‐ Lost Weekend Football team switches uniforms for psychological advantage Shep's HS team wore purple pants and silver jerseys Training for the team, something shocks him from behind ‐ kicked by a guy who is "all neck with two feet on the bottom" for dragging his butt History teacher Wilson suggests that they always lose when they wear white uniforms Notes: L August 13, 1966 Model A Mill Car, Ernie the Vendor Description: None Notes: W August 16, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W August 22, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 201 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 23, 1966 Dreams of Glory (President Johnson, the Teacher) Description: None Notes: W August 24, 1966 Steel Mill Canteen Story Description: None Notes: W August 25, 1966 Fantasy and Reality Description: Shep opens by reading an article about a 59 year old Salvation Army Colonel who was found guilty of heavy petting in the bushes. "She was a cuddly sort of girl". Shep says he'll get blamed for reporting the article. The reporter is always blamed for the event. This leads to a discussion of Fantasy vs. Reality. How drug addicts substitute drugs for life, animal lovers substitute the love of their animal for real love. He says this is a theme that runs through his work ‐ the constant battle between reality and a dream. WWII was about a nation who believed they were the supreme creation of mankind. Anything you do, give it enough publicity and it will go. Real life is a fantasy to some people. The more you spend the better it is. Fantasy with people is if it is free, it's no good. A discussion about movies based on reality and those based on fantasy. Write a play and then reverse the male dialog with the female dialog and it'll become a hit. Confusion between civil rights & success and hapiness. Notes: Cheap Gutar Music W August 26, 1966 New Minority ‐ Dogs, American Influences Description: Everybody I the world is stupid ‐ only in different ways. The elevation of dog to the status of a new privileged class Shep talks about his favorite movie star and his raise to fame. How he changed his name after years in the movies. His career has spanned black and white and color movies. He coins a new phrase ‐ "The Pluto Pup Syndrome" after his favorite star ‐ Pluto. How Pluto would remain ignorant to his surrounding, be awakened by a burglar andgo back to sleep in his dog house. Notes: L August 27, 1966 Cookie Duster Dustup, Lou Gehrig Description: None Notes: W August 29, 1966 Archie Poem: A Flea Goes To Hollywood; Steel Mill Attire Description: Tin plating accident that sliced people like bread Notes: W August 30, 1966 The Inchoate Cry; Signal Corps Training ‐ Tying Knots Description: None Notes: W August 31, 1966 Regimental Ties Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 202 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 1, 1966 Navy Scenes Description: None Notes: W September 2, 1966 A New Area. . . The Caddy (All Golf) Description: None Notes: W September 5, 1966 Labor Day Parade ‐ Milkmen Float Description: None Notes: W September 6, 1966 Listen Baby; Ancient Compaint ‐ Who left us this rotten world Description: None Notes: W September 8, 1966 Army ‐ Company "K" and Separation Blues Description: A salute to Bruce Elliot (the newscaster at WOR ‐ on right before shep) and "Today's Person. Shep talks a little about slang and comments about how there are three slang expressions credited to his in the American Dictionary of Slang and Usage. "Creeping Meatballism" is one, what are the other two? Finally Shep talks about seperation from the army and the events, and aftermath, leading up to smoking a cigar to toast the event. Notes: W September 9, 1966 Nudist Play in NJ; Meeting 'Types' at Ad Agency Description: Shep plays Adam in flesh colored tights Notes: L September 10, 1966 Butter vs. margarine; Noises in Basement ‐The Abstract Fear, Sousaphone Audition; Co K Transmitter Repairs "Emily" the transmitter Description: None Notes: W September 12, 1966 It's About Time Description: Boilerplate Magazine Articles; Obsession with Time; Great Myth:The Present Stinks, but not past or future. Notes: W September 13, 1966 Cartoon World Description: Gets Job Writing for Cartoon Factory Notes: W September 14, 1966 Symbols Description: Little Orphan Annie Lyrics; Concrete Mexicanism, Symbolism in movies Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 203 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 15, 1966 State of Maine Description: Did you ever get fired? Leigh gets speeding ticket while riding horse and the horse kicks the squad car. Shep tells about the first time he went to Maine and went out fishing in a little boat. Suddenly a seaplane lands next to him being flown by a game warden who want to see Shep's fishing license. Shep realizes he left it back in his cabin on the table. The ranger tells Shep to go back and get it and follows him in the seaplane! Notes: Shep says there is no Limelight Show being broadcast tomorrow, being pre‐empted by the opening of the opera season. There will be a show at the Limelight but not broadcast. L September 17, 1966 Kid Stories: Dirty Mags in Basement, Stink Bombs, Treasure Box Description: None Notes: W September 19, 1966 In God We Trust Description: Shows off first copy to Claude Kirschener at WOR office Notes: W September 20, 1966 Sally Rand Description: Age 5: Sees Sally Rand at 1933 Chicago World's Fair Notes: (says it's 9/23 and last day of Summer on show ‐ a joke??? ‐ takes phone call, so show was live) W September 21, 1966 Alcoholism & Drunkenness Description: None Notes: W September 22, 1966 NY ‐ Fun City Theme Description: Consumer Religion ‐ Product Logo Decals Define your Sect Notes: W September 23, 1966 Keep Your Pants On Description: Shep warms up playing "You are my Sunshine" on the Jews Harp. A salute state Senator Robert F. Dean of Maryland who during a speech before Centerville High School students, had his pants fall around his knees. Pulling them up he kept going. Shep goes to a Broadway production and a girl on the stage right in the middle of a romantic scene has her panties drop to the floor. Shep talks about playing Mephistopheles in the play a "Banquet for the Moon". He recites a whole scene from the play and then tells about the time he was playing the part with hisfly open. News note: In Miami, someone smears a woman's car with spaghetti sauce and meatballs after she did a radio panel discussion about crime and the mafia. He tells about the time he was watching a panel discussion one late night at the studio which became very heated until one of the panel members had enough. He got up, walked to the corner of the room and 'made a nuisance of himself' before leaving. Going out to an important lunch and having his pants spit in the restaurant. Notes: L September 24, 1966 More Kid Stories Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 204 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 26, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W September 27, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W September 28, 1966 Almost in the Slam Description: Army: Three Day Pass ‐ Train from DC to Chicago on "The Capitol Limited" (but pass & ticket stolen! ‐ busted by MPs) Notes: W September 29, 1966 Leave It To The Brits Description: Shep reads a recount of Queen Victoria's Coronation, and talks about the aristocracies of the 18th century French and 19th century English. Humor vs Satire ‐ "Report exactly what you see ‐ that will be humor" People elected to office are from a world that is totally remote from the kind of life that 99.9% of the population they are governing come from. There is becoming a large gulf between the governing people and the people they govern. Why people elect the 'aristocracy' ‐ does it take smartness to get rich or just shrewdness. Look up the meanings of Wisdom and Shrewd. Shrewd leads to wealth, wisdom does not. Notes: (Leave it to the Brits) (Shadow style open ‐ Leigh is Margo Lane. "Whoopee Does Not Pay!") Class Distinctions; The American Aristocracy ‐ Movie Stars Into Politicians; Bobby & Rocky W October 15, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W October 18, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W October 19, 1966 Salute to Fun City Firemen Description: H.G. Grubbage ‐ salute to Charlie Newman who is a dedicated window smasher. Has been arrested 28 times. A news interview with a NY City policeman. "How can the call this the Fun City? It's getting worse every day. Shep talks about the police and firemen of the city and how they put their lives on the line everyday. He recounts a police shootout where one officer puts himself in the line of fire in order to direct the operation. He then talks about the big fire on 23rd street which had just claimed the lives of almost an entire company of firemen. He tells how while watching the fire he felt that the firefighters, by putting their lives on the line, had saved many others and possibly a much larger fire. Notes: W October 21, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 205 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 22, 1966 Jean Shepherd At the Limelight Description: None Notes: W October 26, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W October 31, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W October 1966 Flying Saucers Description: None Notes: W November 1, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W November 10, 1966 Second Bananas in Politics Description: "Tonight we may very well give you the clue as to who you are, why you are and what you are." A salute to America in the 20th Century: ‐ the 20th century will go down as the age of total show biz ‐ Efrem Zimbalist Jr addresses the graduating class of FBI men. ‐ Graduating class of nurses is addressed on the responsibility of nursing by an actress who played a nurse on the TV show 'The Nurses' Playing a leading man or the hero are two totally different roles. Second bananas in movies never get the girl. A discussion about Barbie and Ken and Midge. Did commercials for an undertaking parlor. Shep tells how his mother was a great whistler. She used to hang over the sink whistling Ragtime Cowboy Joe. Good guys and bad guys in movies and politics. It's always the good looking guy who is the good guy in the movies and the same thing with politics ‐ the good looking guy always wins. Notes: W November 14, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W November 16, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W November 24, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 206 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 25, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W November 7, 1966 ( Age of Total Showbiz Description: None Notes: This show has to be from week of 11‐7‐66. Shep mentions the upcoming 'for kids only' autograph session he is having at the limelight 'this Saturday' This happened on 11‐12‐66. W December 3, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W December 5, 1966 George Ade Stories Description: Who's getting fired for Christmas? President Roosevelt (FDR) used to open cabinet meetings by reading George Ade. Shep reads from "America of George Ade" for which he wrote the Introduction. The Fable of the Boston Biologist and the Native with the Blue Hardware. The Fable of the Bureau of Comfort and the Man in Charge The Fable of how the Fool‐Killer Backed Out of a Contract The Fable of the Caddy Who Hurt His Head While Thinking The Fable of the Martyr Who Liked the Job Notes: Recorded 11/28/66 W December 6, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W December 8, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W December 9, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W December 15, 1966 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W December 27, 1966 Whoopie Parties Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 207 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 30, 1966 Haiku; The Race of Time Description: Time is one of the most diffiicult things to define. Does time exist in nature? Five minutes of time you that you are enjoying immensly, it goes by in a split second in your mind. Five minutes of torture can strech on for hours. Shep spends the rest of the show reading poetry and Japanese Haiku all related with the celebration of the new year. Notes: L December 31, 1966 New Years Description: None Notes: W December 1966 Flying Dutchman Description: None Notes: E 1966 Yanked Into The World Description: None Notes: E 1966 Receptacles of Unchartered Passions Description: None Notes: E 1966 Commitment to Adulthood Description: None Notes: E 1966 The Grandstand Syndrome Description: None Notes: E 1966 What Man Is Description: None Notes: E 1966 Living In Circleville Description: None Notes: E 1966 Gradually Being Phased Out Description: None Notes: E 1966 The X‐Random Factor Description: None Notes: E 1966 Hero of the Great Drama of Life Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 208 of 451 Have Class Date E Title 1966 Southside Chicago Baseball Description: None Notes: E 1966 The Master Plan Illusion Description: None Notes: E 1966 Don't Be A Leaf Description: None Notes: E 1966 The Best Job in the World Description: None Notes: E 1966 Scut Description: None Notes: E 1966 Foretelling the Future Description: None Notes: E 1966 Security Blankets Description: None Notes: E 1966 Captain Billy's Whiz‐Bang Description: None Notes: E 1966 Fate Description: None Notes: E 1966 Public Relations Description: None Notes: E 1966 Defeated Ex‐Kids Description: None Notes: E 1966 Playing The Tuba Description: None Notes: E 1966 Automotive Age Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 209 of 451 Have Class Date E Title 1966 Home Description: None Notes: E 1966 Life Is Description: None Notes: E 1966 Thirst for Holiness Description: None Notes: E 1966 Scientific Plots Description: None Notes: E 1966 Og & Charlie Description: None Notes: E 1966 Kicks Description: None Notes: E 1966 Choosing Up Description: None Notes: E 1966 No Rest for the Wicked Description: None Notes: E 1966 Straws in the Wind Description: None Notes: E 1966 The Midwest Humor Tradition Description: None Notes: E 1966 Ribbon Velocity Description: None Notes: E 1966 Slob Art Description: None Notes: E 1966 Western Spectacular Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 210 of 451 Have Class Date E Title 1966 Pomp and Circumstance Description: None Notes: E 1966 Secret Mission Edinburgh Description: None Notes: E 1966 Highlands Description: None Notes: E 1966 Back in London Description: None Notes: E 1966 London Wrap Up Description: None Notes: E 1966 Terraplane Description: None Notes: E 1966 Superman Description: None Notes: E 1966 Comic Strip Studies Description: None Notes: E 1966 The End f the World Description: None Notes: E 1966 Life Imitates Description: None Notes: E 1966 Hunger For Balderdash Description: None Notes: E 1966 Appetite for Self Delusion Description: None Notes: E 1966 The Fatal Flaw Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 211 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1966 Paris Adventure Description: None Notes: W 1966 Straws in the Wind Description: None Notes: W 1966 Cockroaches Description: None Notes: W 1966 End of the World Description: None Notes: W 1966 Harmony Description: None Notes: W 1966 Lake Michigan Description: None Notes: W 1966 Nature of Man #1 Description: None Notes: W 1966 Nature of Man #2 Description: None Notes: W 1966 Oz Description: None Notes: W January 10, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W January 13, 1967 Friday the 13th Description: None Notes: W January 27, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W February 06, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 212 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 23, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W February 27, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W March 1, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W March 2, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W March 6, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W March 7, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W March 8, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W March 9, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W March 17, 1967 Saint Patrick's Day Description: For those who cannot tolerate St. Patties day, this program is going to make you wanna throw up. When in Dublin, do as the Romans do. One of the most poignant countries I've visited is Ireland. Drinking Beer in Ireland ‐ one of the great beer countries. James Joyce Night Life in Ireland The impact of the Irish on Chicago Being in Dublin on St Patrick's Day is very different from being in New York on St. Patrick's day. Notes: Mentions his grandmother was a Rafferty (Paternal or Maternal) Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 213 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 23, 1967 Gypsies Description: None Notes: W March 28, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W March 1967 Cuckoo Whistle Description: None Notes: L April 1, 1967 Patent Medicine Description: None Notes: W April 3, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W April 11, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W April 20, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W May 1, 1967 Rotten Poems Description: None Notes: W May 2, 1967 The Steel Mill Description: "The Human Comedy" The British Pig Club disbands ‐ young people are just not interested in pigs any longer Reads a poem which is an ode to the midwest ‐ specifically Indiana The New York cab driver's syndrome ‐ an uncontrolable need to shout obscenities East Brunswick Show ‐ South River High School delegates give Shep a 5 foot Jews Harp. Shep talks about the poster of him that just recently came out. Cheating the Coke machine, and the electronnic age. Someday people will be transistorized. Shep and Flick had a car they owned together. One day they were in the yard grinding the valves when Mr. Bruner comes staggering by. He's been drinking for about a week and a half but commences to work on the car for them. All of a sudden, out it all came ‐ 17 gallons of used green beer, into the engine! "Salting the Slab" ‐ Steel mill story about what happens when you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 214 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 4, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W May 5, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W May 9, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W May 10, 1967 "Oh Wow!" (Closing Words) Description: None Notes: W May 11, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W May 12, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W May 16, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W May 18, 1967 Animal Poems; Oral Hygiene Pageant Description: None Notes: W May 25, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 215 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 26, 1967 Indianapolis 500: Green Car Curse Description: Indianapolis ‐ A cornfield with street lights. Indiana state trooper point system for out of state license plates. New York is a 10 pointer. By the year 1990 there will be traffic police on sidewalks. One of the basic drives behind man is the "fiesta drive" Og and Charlie sitting scrunched over, belching and grunting. Og looks at Charlie and grunts. "Charlie, let's go and tie one on", leading to Democratic conventions, the American Legion, the Ed Sullivan Show, and to tonight's "Salute to the Indianapolis 500, or salute to one of the great nutty things in American life". Shep talks of the people and events that encompass the days around the Indy 500 each year. "This is the biggest 'county fair' ever." The types of people who meet each other only once every year at the race. They go early every year and wander around greeting each other and exchanging stories of the past year. They come with the beer, hot dogs, mustard and pinochle cards, waiting for the gates open. They all roar when the race starts, watching the first lap and then settle down to pinochle. Notes: W May 29, 1967 Fiesta Drive and Indy 500 Description: None Notes: W May 30, 1967 Memorial Day Description: A salute to the 27 trillion suckers who all got out on the road to stand bumper to bumper going nowhere. Parking meters and piggy banks. I was three weeks old and the first thing I was able to focus on was a Buick hubcap. Shep tells a story of being in the school marching band playing a double B flat tuba. He talks about the mechanics of a marching band and the differences with an exhibition band. The band, one Memorial Day is lead by Stinky Davis (aka Wilbur Duckworth), marching across Soldier's Field in Chicago. As they reach the reviewing stand they all peel off, leaving the last row of 8 tuba players headed by Snuffy Smith. Snuffy stumbles over a bench and falls. The other seven tuba players commence to fall on top of him. Stinky, seeing this, blows his whistle and instantly the band starts playing El Capitan. "We salute all you Memorial Day bands wherever you might be." Notes: This is one of the earliest versions of the Wilbur Duckworth story that evolved to the movie Great American Fourth of July. Wilbur is also referred to as Stinky Davis. Shep appears to be playing with a toy pop gun throughout the show. W June 5, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: L June 17, 1967 Father's Day Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 216 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 21, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W June 28, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W June 29, 1967 Inventions; Job in Piano Factory Description: The used car mystique ‐ 'Previously' owned cars and 'Pre' owned cars. Shep sings along to "Good ol' Summertime" Shep tells about a kid in his neighborhood whose father invented the soft ice cream machine. He talks about taking a tour through the Queen Anne candy bar factory a few block from home. His real first job came at age 14 when he got his work permit at the state employment office. He and Schwartz, Bolus, and Flick got their papers, but Flick "peeled off" to work at his fathers tavern. They got jobs at the piano factory. Sep gets fired after a few days. He closes the show with his list of actors and actresses he would have to be tortured on the guillotine to go and see. Notes: L July 1, 1967 Natural and Other Types of Disasters Description: None Notes: Re‐run of the springtime show ‐ Shep on Vacation W July 4, 1967 Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb Description: Shep reads 4th of July Poem by Shel Silverstein This is followed by the reading of "Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb that Struck Back" one of Shep's short stories from Playboy, which appeared in his book "In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash", and ultimately in the movie "Great American Fourth of July and Other Disasters" Notes: Shep refers to In God We Trust All Others Pay Cash having been published the year before (1966) and the Dago Bomb story having appeared in Playboy "a couple of years ago, (July 1965) This makes it seem that the show is from 1967. W July 7, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W July 11, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W July 13, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W July 18, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 217 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 19, 1967 Mail Pouch Chewing Tobacco Description: Built in "Failure Factors" "The Merry Month of May" sung by Shep Og and Charley ‐ out of the muck and mire The first joke told Growing up and being influenced by your parents. Going 140 mph on the N.J. Turnpike. "Cost me 86 dollars!" Becoming one of the gang at the steel mill ‐ chewing tobacco Notes: W July 20, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W July 21, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W July 26, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W July 28, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W July 31, 1967 Fishing Tackle Description: None Notes: W August 1, 1967 The Bandini Description: None Notes: W August 15, 1967 Nutty Season; Secret Vice‐Cantaloupes Description: None Notes: W August 18, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W August 20, 1967 Gene Autrey Description: None Notes: Wrong date ‐ no Sunday shows at this time. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 218 of 451 Have Class Date L Title August 26, 1967 Minor League Baseball, Amusement Park Rides, Leave at the Boardwalk. Description: Going back to school meant putting on clean underwear! While playing in Class D mior league baseball Shep was struggling with his average. After striking out on a pitch down the middle with a man on second in a tie game, the manager yells out of the dugout "You know what your problem is? Tight underwear!" He tells Shep to buy 3 pair of underwear 4 sizes too big. In the following month Shep's average gained 43 points. At age 13 Shep, Casmir, Esther Jane, and Helen Weathers all go to the amusement park and ride the 'bob', the giant roller coaster. Shep describes how stuff was pulled out of him by centrifugal force, hanging there in midair. It was squirting out of his ears. One old hamburger got caught in his ear. They took 4 rides and after it was all done Casmir had trouble speaking and Shep had forgotten how to spell. As Corporal T‐5 and stationed in Ft Monmouth, Shep and Gasser stand inspection before a weekend pass. Shep decribes having a footlocker with everything glued in place just for inspections. Sgt Kowolski and Lt Cherry make their rounds and after passing inspection and having Lt Cherry comment on how well Shep and Gasser looked, the last thing they see as Kowalski leaves the tent is his hand, flipping a well known salute. They get their pass and go to Asbury park where they begin following these two girls. Shep and Gasser follow them into a seafood restaurant and the boys eat two rounds of Cherrystone Clams and Lobster followed by dessert and a brandy. It was the first time Shep ate clams. "If you listen carefully to a bowl of clams you can hear them moaning". Next they follow the girls to an amusement park and manage to get onto the same ride with them. (Dive Bomber) They sit opposite the girls and after the ride starts, Gasser turns green, and they both loose their lunch. As the clams come out, 'yelling yay!' Shep yells across to the girls ‐ "Duck!" Everything he ever ate including pablum came out. Finally they had finished when suddenly one of the girls yells "Duck!". As the ride comes to a halt, the attendant looks in at them and says "Looks like your having fun in there, this one's on me!" and around they go again. Notes: The "Tight Underwear" story was first told on his 5‐2‐59 WOR show and again on the 5‐9‐66 show. Shep says he was in the 3162nd Signal Airborne Mess Kit Repair Battalion and he and Gasser were in the Handle platoon. W August 31, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W September 1,1967 Bugging Adults Description: None Notes: W September 2,1967 Raincoat Description: None Notes: This is not a Limelight Show, so the date is probably wrong. W September 7, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: L September 16,1967 Mae, The 2nd Grade Stripper Description: Shep tells the story of little Mae Wilson the 2nd grade stripper. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 219 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 26,1967 "Look Out" (Closing Words) Description: None Notes: W September 27, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W September 28, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W September 29,1967 Missed Opportunities ‐ Just Ask! Description: None Notes: W October 3, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W October 4, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: L October 7, 1967 Concrete Mexicans / Shep, the Colonel, and Sweetheart Pillows Description: 1st Half Hour Sex as an art Swedish Movies National Art Appreciation Week Art in grade 4B Archologists digging up a concrete Mexican 2nd Hour Army Stories Putting on a show Meeting Gassor for the first time Shep tells the story of how he was in the PX making fun of the "Sweetheart" pillows when he realized his Colonel was buying one. Quick to think he bought 2 himself and shoved them into his footlocker. A few weeks later,the Colonel goes through the barracks for inspection, sees Shep and immediately busts him to private. Then he wants to inspect Shep's footlocker. He wants the top tray removed, under which the pillows lie, and Shep stares him right in the eye. The Colonel backs off and heads to the other end of the barracks. A few seconds later and Sgt Kowalskie comes back to Shep and says "I don't know what you have on the Colonel, but he just made you corporal! Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 220 of 451 Have Class Date L Title October 14, 1967 Judgment Day / Book Report for Miss Bryfogel Description: 1st Half Hour First shaves Aunt Glen gives Shep a copy of Silas Marner & a pair of bunny slippers for Christmas Visiting Aunt Berniece & Uncle Roy ‐ stuffing rubber Nabiscos down the radiator Having instincts about evil ‐ the feeling of being caught Judgement day with St. Peter 2nd Hour Huntley and Brinkley National Oral Hygene Week Al ("Scut") Farkas and Grover Dill (Class Bully and Toady ‐ ACS) Classroom seating ‐ "Even the fourth grade had a slum" Miss Breyfogal and Faking Book Reports (See notes) Notes: The book report story appeared in the following: "Miss Bryfogel And The Case Of The Warbling Cuckold" ‐ Playboy Aug 1966 "Miss Bryfogel And The Frightening Case Of The Speckle‐Throated Cuckold" ‐ "In God We Trust…" "My Summer Story" (Movie ‐ 1992) W October 18, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: L October 21, 1967 Marching Bands and Dead Chickens Description: 1st Half Hour Mouth wash, football game commercials, the marching bands. Shep talks about playing the Sousaphone and skipping practice with Dunker. 2nd Hour Shep tells about Wilbur Duckworth and the High School Marching Band and the problems of marching in a formation after having missed practice. Getting into a fight in a bar with a bunch of Marines while on pass. 24 hours of KP and 400 dead chickens Notes: W October 23, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W October 24, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W October 26, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 221 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 27, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W October 30, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W October 31, 1967 Halloween Description: None Notes: L November 4, 1967 Jobs / 2nd Lieutenant Shepherd Description: 1st Half Hour The grasshopper and the ant National Job Appreciation Week Getting a job working at the A&P stocking cans of Cambell's Tomato Soup 2nd Hour Television Commercials Being in the Army and almost being sent to Officer's Candidate School only to find out there's another Shepherd on base. Notes: W November 6, 1967 TV Set Dies; Allied Catalog Description: None Notes: L November 11, 1967 Hobbies, Radar, Beer and Tonsils Description: Visiting Grandma The old man shedding clothes through the kitchen Lincoln Logs and creative building 'Exotic Post Cards', but the old man gets them first ‐ Shep heals under the daybed National Cat Week, Oral Hygene Week, Hobby Week Uncle Al selling suits made from 'cheese cloth' Shep collected match books as a kid and his mother finds the collection under the basement steps. She sends them to Shep in New York ‐ all 7 bags. The real stories of what scares Gis ‐ the rumor about the effects of radar on Gis. Gassor goes to town to see if it's true. Zinsmeister proves it's not true and has to get married. Getting the hometown newspaper ‐ 7 pounds of the Hammond Times. The 1.7 million dollar radar unit that couldn't find itself. Shep tells about the time his doctor told his mother to give him a can of beer evernight with supper in order to gain some weight. Shep and the old man become midnight drinking buddies. Shep goes to get his tonsils out. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 222 of 451 Have Class Date L Title November 18, 1967 Army Movies / Chow in the Mess Hall Description: 1st Half HOur Re‐enlisting in the Army "KP" and "LO" Army movies and the parts played by various stars 2nd Half Hour Officer living vs Enlisted living The mess hall and the various 'gourmet' dishes Thanksgiving chow in the mess hall ‐ SOS turkey Going to the chaplain for a pass Notes: The serial number Shep rattles off his serial number twice during this show is actually his own serial number from when he was in the Army. (16 098 946) W November 20, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W November 23, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W November 24, 1967 Hippo Description: None Notes: L November 25, 1967 Boredom in the Army / USO Pass Description: 4 letter word written in big boulders in Canada. Constructed by some bored military personnel and able to be seen from the air. getting into a new outfit and having the CO explain the 'rules' Getting a pass in the army and going to the USO Being invited to spend a day with a typical Neosho Missouri family Notes: 2nd Hour Only W 1967 Mismatings Among Ducks, Geese, and Swans. Being Chased by a Goose Description: None Notes: Shep plugs an upcoming appearance at Univ. of Pennsylvania's Irvine Auditorium on Dec 4 and mentions there would be no live Limelight show "this Saturday". There was a show from the Limelight on Nov 25 (and Dec 9), but NOT on Dec 2. This show MUST be from the week of Nov 27 ‐ Dec 1. L December 2, 1967 Jean Shepherd at the Limelight Description: None Notes: W December 8, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 223 of 451 Have Class Date L Title December 9, 1967 Sunrise Semester / The New York Woman / Gas Masks Description: 1st Half Hour Archeologists digging up an old orange shingle next to exit 12 of the New Jersey Turnpike Sunrise Semester and Professor Asenschlager (sp?) Everyone should write to the station and tell them what a great show it is and how the enjoy the professor. Soon he will be appearing on Ed Sullivan and have his own show. Selling products ‐ Holiday gift wrapping Kid wants BB gun but gets insurance policy instead ‐ "You'll shoot your eye out" 2nd Hour Get more out of life ‐ go to a movie Life in Staten Island, Hackensack, and Goshin, Indiana The "New York Woman" vs the REAL New YOrk Woman Gas Masks in the army ‐ learning to use a gas mask ‐ the hard way Notes: W December 11, 1967 Slob Art; Christmas Parties; Burmese Dagger Description: None Notes: W December 13, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W December 14, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W December 15, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W December 19, 1967 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W December 25, 1967 Red Ryder Description: None Notes: W 1967 Poetry Description: None Notes: W 1967 (Late) Straws in the Wind, Helen Weathers Falls Off Stage Description: None Notes: W 1967 Bananas Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 224 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1967 Cheap Cars Description: None Notes: W 1967 Coke and Aspirin Description: None Notes: W 1967 Foul Fowls Description: None Notes: W 1967 Hobbies, Potatos, etc. Description: None Notes: W 1967 Night Maneuvers Description: None Notes: W 1967 Tatoos Description: None Notes: 1967's "Tatoos" can't be from 1967. Shep's station ID identifies WOR‐AM and FM. The FM simulcast stopped in July '66. This show is also not the syndicated show of the same name from 1965, although the Long Branch tattoo parlor story is told in that one also. W 1967 The Philadelphia Gunfight Description: None Notes: W 1967 The Philly Coldsore Description: None Notes: W 1967 The Christmas Monkey Description: None Notes: W 1967 NO TITLE Description: None Notes: W January 1, 1968 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W January 10, 1968 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W January 12, 1968 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 225 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 17, 1968 Whoever Thought They Would Be President Description: None Notes: W January 22, 1968 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W January 25, 1968 Radio Shows and Conversations Description: None Notes: W January 27, 1968 "Flick's Tongue" Description: Shep opens show talking about the previous portion of the show on which he played a recording of a Dayak curse. For the rest of the show he goes about telling the story of being a kid and their involvement in kid mythology. There were the believers and non‐believers. He talks about myths such as the poisonous inside of a golf ball, the indelible pencil, bats flying into your hair, swallowing gum will make your stomach stick together,and the tongue myth. The tongue myth stated that if, on a very cold day, you placed your tongue on a metal object, it would stick forever. So one day on the way to school Shep, Flick, Schwartz, and Bruner start talking about this and as they pass an iron telephone pole, start to dare one another to try it. Dares led to double dares and then to the double dog dare! Flick walks up and places his tongue right on the pole and it's stuck!! The rest of the kid's run to class leaving Flick behind. Miss Shield's, their teacher finds out, and the fire department is called to solve the problem. Notes: This show is a Saturday night post "Live at the Limelight" show. After the Limelight shows ended, he continued on Saturday nights 10:30 until midnight doing an "in studio" show. This show was repeated on April 6, 1972 condensed to a 45 minute format. This story about Flicks tongue is an early version of the story which ultimately ended up as one of the storylines in "A Christmas Story". W January 29, 1968 People in the News, The Drunk Test, The Lucky Lady Gambler Description: None Notes: Shep just did a show for Raritan Valley Hospital at the Middlesex High School the previous Friday. Has a show 'this Thursday, February 1st' at Seton Hall Speaks to a caller regarding the Friday show for Raritan and about the Dayak Curse show Shep did on the radio recently. (prev Fri or Sat) W January 22,23 or 24 Archie the Cockroach ‐ Worm Lovers vs Bird Lovers Description: None Notes: W February 1, 1968 Spy Stories Description: None Notes: W February 17, 1968 Versions of Hell: Obscene Bath Mat, Blind Date Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 226 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 19, 1968 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W March 18, 1968 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W March 23, 1968 Bolus' Wedding Description: It's the first Saturday in spring. Shep reads a letter from a 14 year old Park Ridge New Jersey kid. He get caught writing Flick Lives on the desktop and receives 3 weeks detention. Scragging season has begun. Shep describes the art of 'scragging'. A bunch of guys driving around in a car on the prowl for chicks. "Hey baby! Oh Wow! Holy Smokes!" Next he tells the story of his Polish friend Bolus. Shep, Flick, Schwartz, Bruner, and Bolus would play cards, go to dances, and go scragging together. They were always together and new each others friends. In their senior year of high school word get back to Shep that Bolus is getting married ‐ and no one knows to who! When they finally pin Bolus down, even he doesn't know her ‐ only that her name is Stella. His parents and her parents had met and made the arrangements for them to be married. They finally get to meet Stella and Bolus is a changed man. Very serious, no more ball playing. Right after High School graduation they get married and Shep and the rest of the guys are invited to the wedding where they dance the polka until after 4 in the morning. Notes: Herb Squire is Engineer Bolus ‐ Bolek Rickowski (sp?) W April 1, 1968 April Fools Date Description: Being April Fool's Day, Shep tells about the time when he was a kid in school and he gets a note in class from Patty Ramaley (sp.?). In the note she says she is madly in love with him. Shep rushes home excited, deciding not to sell seeds for school that day. He heads to Patty's house and knocks on her door. Her mother answers the door and asks Shep what he wants. He tells her to tell Patty he is here. Patty tells her mother from the next room that they don't need any seeds. Shep is confused and Patty seems to know nothing asking what he wants. He fakes it and asks about the math homework and then leaves. As he leaves the house, he hears giggling coming from under Patty's porch. Schwartz yells out April fools! Notes: From: Max Schmid To: Ron Hardin Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 6:52 AM Subject: Re: 1968 was year of april fools show the international auto show schedule http://www.pietro‐ shows it has to be 1968, to agree with the spot that shep ran. Good detective work! I thought they were always in April. Max Schmid ‐ Producer ‐ WBAI, NYC 99.5 FM Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 227 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 4, 1968 March on Washington ‐ Rerun from August 29, 1963 Description: On April 4, 1968, the evening Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, WOR re‐broadcast Shep's story about riding a chartered cross‐town bus to Washington D.C. to attend the civil rights rally where Dr. King gave his "I have a dream..." speech. Shep was out of town so the entire week was reruns, and an announcer came on at the start of the show to say that Shep had called and specifically asked them to replay this show. (Thanks to Dan Comly) ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Shep begins the show singing "I'm forever blowing bubbles" The show was on tape the previous night and he explains the reason being that he was one of the marchers who went to Washington. One of the two or three most interesting days that he has experienced in his life, he went to Washington on a cross town bus as just one of the marchers. He describes the bus ride down, and his observations of how things went once they were there. He doesn't tell about the events themselves, but discusses what went on around him. How the people acted, and how organized things were. He compares his experience with that of a regular news reporter, who is doing a report from the press stand and not getting the real feel of the events as they unfolded. Notes: W April 8, 1968 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W April 8, 1968 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W April 13, 1968 Easter Dinner Description: None Notes: W April 27, 1968 Private Sanderson Description: None Notes: W May 1, 1968 Anniversary of First Ham Licence Description: None Notes: W May 6, 1968 Jean Shepherd Description: None Notes: W May 17, 1968 Roaches in Florida, Important People Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 228 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 25, 1968 Army Bourbon March Description: None Notes: W May 28, 1968 Balloon Description: None Notes: W June 11, 1968 Electrical Shocks and Cheating in School Description: Poems from kids in Rumson, NJ including "My Desk", "The Worm", and "Poem to Lima Beans" Shep relates finding a box with a crank in the basement of an abandoned house in the woods with his friends ‐ a very official looking medical case with a list of diseases (colic, scurvy, the "glunts", etc.) The number of minutes of electrical shock treatment per day was listed for each ailment! When Schwartz cranked, Flick took off like a $2 sky rocket ‐ a new game was born. They took greater shocks each day, and graduated to holding on to a plug in an electric light socket ‐ then to a Ford spark coil! Schwartz wires Flick's car with a huge charge, but the gag backfires when Schwartz himself gets the shock! Shep relates his attempt at cheating on a Chemistry test one Spring day. He penned in enough formulas on the tongue of his denim blue Ked tennis shoes to just squeak by, but a rainstorm during lunch dissolved all the ink into his socks so the notes were gone by the time of the exam. Notes: W June 15, 1968 Animal Kingdom & Dead Flies Description: Straws in the wind Naked hitchhiker lady in England 2 women on golf course contronted by naked man in derby Animals ‐ members of the animal kingdo look upon humans as one of their own species. The old man and the mouse The Saber Tooth Blennie Flipper makes guest appearance on Gentle Ben Cockroaches cooked in pork chops Shep tells the story about getting the car ready for a big date with Dorothy. At the gas station he buys some soda and takes 2 big chugs. He holds the bottle up to the sun and sees that there is an inch and a half of dead flies in the bottom of the bottle. Between the gas station and the beach he stops 512 times to run into the bushes. Notes: W June 17, 1968 Sounds of WWI Planes Description: "Tonight is the night for machine coo coos" Tank races in Portland Oregon Man steals a car in Chicago and drives it into a dealer, has air conditioner installed and drives off without paying. The Sopwith Camel Shep talks about the various WWI aircraft and how they were constructed. He plays a record of various WWI engines starting with the Sopwith Camel and talks about how it only had one speed. He finishes the show saying how sounds should be preserved. Notes: [No Theme] [No commercials cut at approx 9:00] Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 229 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 18, 1968 Campaign Cliches Description: Talking with friend Sol about the elections His friend Fred signs up for election in his district just for fun ‐ and wins! Now he's in Washington talking like a real politicion. Politicians all say the same things ‐ just fill in the blanks. Shep once wrote down all the cliches used during campaigns and then read them on his show. Came on at midnight, no theme, and regan reading them off accompanied by background music, a recording of a big cheering crowd, and a gavel. Went on for 27‐1/2 minutes. (Is this "Fellow Americans" from the Foibles record) Notes: [Election night ‐ primaries?] [Commercials cut] W June 19, 1968 Vote For The Tiger and Raising Worms Description: "45 minutes to unwind" Voting for the Esso tiger Randy in the Air Force stationed in Burma. One night a tiger gets into the transmitter shack. Letters form listeners re. voting for the tiger Driving along route 206 stops by a stand where a kid is selling worms. He asks the kid how he gets the worms. "By digging them stupid" Shep tells about how at the age of 10 he developed a method for raising worms using an old Ford spark coil. Notes: [Commercials cut] W June 20, 1968 Exciting Places Description: This is not a cute night Exciting towns of New Jersey ‐ Flemington, Lambertville, Long Branch, Bound Brook in the spring, and Kearny. Raid of East Side house of ill repute complete with indoor swimming pool and sauna. Travel to England and in St. Williboard, Holland villagers storm the local police station. They were protesting the high rate of unemployment. Shep goes to a New Jersey Drive In. It was a double feature and the second film was "Weekend Italian Style". Notes: [Commercials ‐ Playboy/Ollie Hopnoodle ‐ remainder cut out] W June 21, 1968 Krapp's Last Tape Description: Samuel Beckett ‐ "Krapp's Last Tape" Keeping a diary vs keeping tape recordings 1,000 years from now the things that people ignore today will be studied by historians and archeologists to reconstruct events. Plays old tape of his show from April 26, 1959 (Jim Macolier (Eng) was going through old tapes) Signing each other's yearbooks ‐ one listener writes in that the teacher he most hated signed his yearbook "Best Wishes ‐ Flick Lives". Shep talks about his favorite radio show Vic and Sade and recalls one of the episodes where Vic gets an article he wrote published and they spell his name wrong and use the wrong photo. Shep tells of the time he got his yearbook and his piucture and that of another girl named Shepherd were switched. Notes: [Commercials ‐ Playboy/Ollie Hopnoodle ‐ rest cut out] Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 230 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 22, 1968 Dirt Track Racing Description: Eating Italian hot dogs and visiting Union Beach, NJ A salute to a 70 year old lady who jumped off the Staten Island Ferry. She began swimming back and forth and flipped over to float on her back. Finally an Army Corps of Engineers boat pulled her out of the water. Sings "Chinatown" to "Hindustan" music Plagiarism as a kid ‐a friend does a painting by copying a picture and passing it off as an original. He wins a painting contest. Midwestern names ‐ Delbert Bumpus, Ima Jean Pearl, Kathy Ledbetter, JXK Smothers Dirt track racing in Indiana. Going to the fair grounds when he was about 5 or 6 and watching the races. As they are entering the fair grounds, one of the race cars comes flying off the track landing in the hot dog stand. The driver gets out and pushes the car back onto the track. One day Shep, Flick, Schwartz, and Bruner are watching the races. The lead car blows the engine. The driver jumps out, kicks the car, hits it and walks away in disgust. Notes: ["Happy Saturday to you, happy first day of summer"] [Commercials ‐ cut out except for Playboy‐Ollie] W June 24, 1968 More on World War II Planes Description: A day of self indulgence Received 100s of letters about the show he did on 6/17 on WWI aircraft Discussion of sounds ‐ 17th century man has never experienced the sounds we hear today Preservation of sounds Discusses the construction of WWI airplane engines Plays more recordings of WWI engines Notes: W June 26, 1968 Peanut Butter Anonymous ‐ Letter from the Rockies Description: The devil is everywhere and only deals with those who are worth corrupting. Spy from Gimbles writes in about 5 kids who run through the store playing jews harps and yelling 'flick lives' ‐ they are trown out of store. Green Austin Healy drivingup Madison Ave with 'Excelsior' in big yellow letters written on the side. Kids and jews harps Peanut Butter Anonymous ‐ Shep is a member of Peanut Butter Anonymous. Tells about watching TV one night and a commercial for peanut butter comes on. He gets a call from a fellow PBA member and they get each other through it. But Shep goes out to the store and finds other fellow sufferers there with jars of PB. He resist the urge and buys an ice pop. Shep receives letter from another spy who has written from somewhere in the Rockies and describes a good ol' western bar brawl. He tells of the time he and Randy are out driving in a Jaguar through Kentucky. They get thirsty and stop at a house with a sign "BEER". They go into thehouse and the living room has been converted to a bar room with booths off to the side. In one of the booths sit 7 heavy jowled guys who keep eyeing them. A trooper comes in and gets Shep to the side telling him that those guys don't reckon to outsiders, especially ones driving Jaguars. 30 seconds later Shep and Randy are 5 miles out of town. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 231 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 27, 1968 Dr Fu Man Chu Description: A salute to monsters Watching monster movies Shep relates to the monster. Monster things like name calling amongst kids. Dr Fu Man Chu was educated at Ohio State University in pediatrics. Correlation between beauty and danger in animals. Coral snakes, Tiger, Thunder Storms, Fighter Planes, The Sea, the coast of Maine, and the desert. The water in Peru contains dangerous parasites and pirahna. Other exotic and dangerous areas around the world. Notes: [Commercials ‐ Cut] W June 28, 1968 Poetry by T.S. Elliot, Elizabeth Bishop and Kenneth Patchen Description: Shep uses the whole show to read poetry: By T.S. Elliot "The Hollow Man" "Ash Wednesday" By Elizabth Bishop "The Fish" "Imaginary Iceberg" "The Man Moth" Shep plays the soundtrack from 2001 while reading the poetry and explains the source of the music and tells a little about the movie. By Kenneth Patchen "The Deer and the Snake" "Streetcorner Collage" "Do The Dead Know What Time It Is" Notes: Shep acknowledges Barry Farber who comes into the studio W June 29, 1968 Uncle Carl's Trip Description: Tobacco juice all over John Gambling's desk Ned Sparks movies Bracheopods and Volcanos, the Evolution of man "Before you knew it Brooklyn came into being" Can you imagine ending up in a room full of women ‐ all of whom you have dated! The effects of summer on animals and man Shep tells the story about the annual family reunion organized by Aunt Clara by the shore of the Fox River. Uncle Carl was the hit playing the Banjo and doing his imitation of Sally Rand. Everyone goes down by the river to swim. Uncle Carl sits himself in an old inner tube floating around playing the banjo. Later they all spot Uncle Carl out in the middle of the river heading downstream, playing the Banjo, unaware he isbeing swept away. They all chase after him in cars. He continues down the river and over a waterfall where he is still playing the Banjo. They finally catch up to him at the great lock wher the Fox River joins the Chicago drainage canal. Uncle Carl gets annoyed because his trip is interrupted. Notes: Shep says it is June 29th Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 232 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 2, 1968 Backsliding Description: Shep claims that after reviewing records of some of his past shows he has been backsliding. He has not lived up to his New Year's resolutions. He takes a phone call who claims to be backsliding. Didn't do very good in his first semester vowing to do better in the second. Did even worse in the second and vowed to do better in the third semester ‐ now he's in summer school. Shep talks about Randy in Burma while he was in the Army. The sacred cows and how to keep them away ‐ with the use of a 750 volt power transformer and some wire. Heat and the way it affects a person. Shep tells the story of when he was 16 and started working at the steel mill in the 40 inch soaking pit. Notes: Shep claims that after reviewing records of some of his past shows he has been backsliding. He has not lived up to his New Year's resolutions. He takes a phone call who claims to be backsliding. Didn't do very good in his first semester vowing to do better in the second. Did even worse in the second and vowed to do better in the third semester ‐ now he's in summer school. Shep talks about Randy in Burma in the Army. On his 6/19/68 show he says Randy was in the Air Force. W July 3, 1968 Losing Your Eyebrows Description: Playing the Kazzoo at a friend's Wedding* Shep's friend Jerry and the cameras he built and mounted on the roof to watch the street below. Shep talks about the 4th of July and fireworks. The time he set his shirt on fire when shooting off firecrackers, the time his mother burned off her eybrows when demonstrating how he used to burn the powder collected from 'squibbs'. All the kids in the area collect up all the squibs and fill half a paint can with powder ‐ the next day 'the entire 4th grade goes to school with no eyebrows. Notes: [Mentions it is day before 4th] *This would be Bob Hall's wedding ‐ Son's of the whiskey rebellion ‐ as told to me by Dave Bogart from the group.] W July 4, 1968 Ludlow Kissel And The Dago Bomb Description: Shep reads 4th of July Poem by Shel Silverstein This is followed by the reading of "Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb that Struck Back" one of Shep's short stories from Playboy, which appeared in his book "In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash", and ultimately in the movie "Great American Fourth of July and Other Disasters" Notes: Shep refers to In God We Trust All Others Pay Cash having been published the year before (1966) and the Dago Bomb story having appeared in Playboy "a couple of years ago, (July 1965) This makes it seem that the show is from 1967. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 233 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 5, 1968 Stuffed Cats and Radio Technology Description: Pistachio (Pinnocio) Have your cat stuffed as a door stop ‐ complete with a built in purr. Peter Pain Parabolic antennas and all the high frequency garbage floating around us How radio works ‐ Shep gives a quick description of how a radio works He tells about the time as a kid when he was working on his ham set. He built a 'dummy' load. As he was tuning it the current was being dissipated through his arm and all of a sudden he realizes he couldn't let go of the knob! Mom to the rescue. Notes: Another show where he plays with the pronunciation of names W July 8, 1968 Stealing From the Melon Patch Description: Mrs. Boggs and the Turnip patch, "Pistachio" ‐ the kid made out of balsa wood, male things, choosing up sides. Shep quickly runs through these items in his opening comments during the first few minutes of the show. He reads an article from Blyville Arkansas about a Deacon asking the lord to strike his congregation all dead. They all turn on him and everyone ends up in court. Shep sets the topic of the show by mentioning that is the heart of cantaloupe season in the Midwest He, Flick, Schwartz and Bruner go out to the river on their bikes and come across a cantaloupe patch. After a discussion about stealing one, they decide it is too light out and they should come back after dark, Even though they all had cantaloupes in their refrigerators back home, they felt the need to steal one. They go back home, eat supper and hang out until it gets dark. Then Shep, Flick and Schwartz hop on their bikes and return to the field just out of view of the farmer's house. Accompanied by owls, mice, muskrats, black snakes and all the other creatures that come out at night, they sit there cutting open cantaloupes and eating. After eating their fill they decide to take some home and just as they were about to leave a dog starts barking. A door slams in the distance and the farmer is silhouetted in the moonlight at the top of the hill. "Who's down there? Who's down there in that field?" The shot gut goes off and there is the sound of bees going past the boys ears. Flick gets nicked with one of the pellets. They take off and don't stop until they come to the gas station where they all run into the men's room and unleash all the cantaloupes they had eaten. "Crime does not pay!" Notes: Shep yells at Leigh. "It pays for the producer to pay attention!" W July 9, 1968 The Lost Summer Description: None Notes: W July 12, 1968 Actor Trivia Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 234 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 20, 1968 Going to the Races Description: At the age of 15 Shep receives a free pass to Arlington Park, the local racetrack for horses. He asks Dorothy to go with him and they tell everyone that they are going to the Orpheum. They get there and watch a couple of races and when the big race comes up Shep wants to be on a horse. Not knowing how betting is done he goes up to a guy and asks if he wants to bet. The guy thinks Shep is being a wise guy at first, but figures out Shep doesn't have a clue. He tells Shep how to go up to the window and place a bet ‐ tells him to bet on #12, "Attention". He has heard that the favorite is #5 and undefeated, so he bets on #5 instead. The race concludes and #12 comes in first. #5 comes in 3rd and then disqualified and placed in last. It was the only time the horse was defeated. #12 came in at 15:1 odds! Notes: [Shep gives the date as July 20th] [Mentions that Aunt Min is his father's sister] W July 31, 1968 The Life That We Live Description: Shep talks about the apartments he had in Covington, Kentucky and New York. He goes off on various tangents. He then talks about various television commercials and the people in them. Notes: Based on Shep's comments, "Almost August" and "what's today? July 31st?" this show is dated as 7‐31‐68. (Approx 5 min into show) W July 1968 The Bumpus Hounds Description: "This is a day that will go down in infamy" Shep goes into a men's room in an exclusive Manhattan men's club and written below the mirror are the words "Flick Lives" Merry old England ‐ An 18# ham blows out of a pressure cooker. This is an early version of the story of the Bumpus Family story that appeared in the April 1969 Issue of Playboy, as a chapter in the book "Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories…" and the movies "A Christmas Story" and "My Summer Story". As with many of Shep's stories there was a constant evolution of the story from the first time it was told on the radio to the time it was put on film. Emil Bumpus rips the back porch off the back of the house after arguing with someone inside. This was used in "My Summer Story" only it was in response to the old man's threat to call the cops. Not certain if it was Emil or another Bumpus. The target in this story was a ham instead of the Christmas turkey and it was for no particular holiday. The dogs drag the ham out into the back yard, they don't eat it in the kitchen. Old man Bumpus see this and starts to laugh, the old man throws a beer bottle at the side of the Bumpus house. After returning to the house and surveying the mess, he tells everyone to get dressed, we're going to the Chinese joint. (This is same as "A Christmas Story") Then one day, in the middle of the night, the Bumpus family moved out ‐ "My Summer Story" Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 235 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 1968 Creatures of Nature Description: Shep tells about riding on a troop train in the dead of night just after being inducted into the Army. He sits next to a fellow named Dan from New York, each amazed at the others accent. He describes the ride, crossing the Ohio river, seeing solitary lights off in the distance, the occasional ringing of a RR crossing as they pass through. Finally around dawn they arrive at their destination out in the Plains. Notes: W July 1968 Starlings Description: Talks about the Esso election Tiger vs Ad Manager At one time he could tell the brand of gas by tasting it. Compares gas brands like wines Truck driver in New Jersey encounters 3 motorcycle Coo Coos in diner. They start badgering him and when they go out to leave find their motorcycles have been flattened by a truck. The cockroaches invading New Jersey. Shep talks about the starling ‐ the most people‐like bird The Starling in Granada that stole Shep's eggs Why we hate Starlings Problems with Starlings in cities and the steel mill and trying to get rid of them. Other creatures that live in the steel mill. Notes: W July 1968 Trip to Barbados Description: Show opens with the theme cut short and Shep playing around with a set of steel drums. He talks of Robert Lewis Stevenson and Treasure Island Shep describes the island of Barbados, speaking about the people, the food, what they grow, sugar as their main money crop. Mentions meeting with some of the local radio people and one fellow who knew Shep and had listened to him. They talked about the Wannemaker, Niedics, Kite Flying, and I, Libertine incidents. Notes: This is one of apparently several shows Shep did from Barbados and the surrounding islands Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 236 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 1968 Trip to Granada Description: Shep talks about Bill Stevens, the man that the character Mike Nelson was based on in the TV series "Sea Hunt" starring Lloyd Bridges. He met with Stevens and spoke with him on this trip. "This is a cocktail party culture. People move from home to home having cocktail parties. He goes on to talk about the people on the island. He talks about the cars there. There are hardly any American made cars. The average life of a car is 2‐1/2 years due to the salty climate. Because of the terrain and roads the average life of tires is about 5,000 miles. There is one radio station and Shep plays a few minutes of the broadcast which happens to be a BBC sports broadcast. The big sport is cricket. Several times he stops to let the audience hear the sounds of the night birds as dusk begins to fall. He is recording this around 7:00. Finally he takes a phone call! While recording, the phone rings and he answers it. It's the front desk telling him the car is here to pick him up to go to a party. Notes: This is one of apparently several shows Shep did from Barbados and the surrounding islands W August 3, 1968 Fireman Fred Description: Straws in the wind: Mosamic ‐ soccar game held up because it was being plaed on grave site. Pittsburg, Pa ‐ Luthern Church starts "phone confessions" Paterson News ‐ Article about how men are now carrying beaded handbags ‐ by Gay Paulie Meaning of "In Hoc Arinculus Conk" Scotch bottle shaped like a transistor radio The upcoming Republican Convention and Walter Cronkite The month of August and how it produces the largest jump in population Story of Fireman Fred Notes: Based on length this appears to be a Saturday show. Shep says 'It's August now". Probably first Saturday in August. Appears to be about 7‐8 minutes missing from beginning based on position of station ID which is normally around 25 minutes into Sat shows (10:30) W November 16, 1968 Cameo Theory of Memory Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 237 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 22, 1968 Shooting Craps in Company K Description: A Christmas gift suggestion ‐ Wheeler Dealer marked cards. "Anyone who has lived in this world has run up against the sharpsters. Shep goes on to tell the story about him, Gassor, and Zinsmeister getting caught up in shooting craps in the Army. They were walking along the company street one night after seeing an Army flick about some disease, and having stopped for a few 3.2 beers. When they get into the company area they notice the Day Room lights are still on and check it out. They go in and there is a crap game going on being run by Sgt Kowalski. They join in and 35 seconds later the are out on the company street ‐ flat broke, busted! They vow to learn the game better and spend the next 17 days, waiting for payday to come, learning the game. Shep talks for a while about payday in the Army and the various phrases used to describe it and invites callers to guess the bugle call for pay. Payday finally arrives and they wait through the day for nightfall for the crap game to begin. Five minutes later they are out on the company street ‐ plucked clean! Notes: Corny is engineer Shep makes a comment during the commercials "Don't make any plans for New Year's Eve" (He was referring to the 2 shows at Town Hall that night) W November 28, 1968 Turkeys and Thanksgiving Description: Opening with a turkey joke Shep then recites "When Father Carves the Duck" He tells about the time when he was caught between two flocks of turkeys on his way to a date and the mess that followed. Shep sidesteps after the commercials to tell about his embarrassing moment on the Skitch Henderson Show. Conclusion of the first turkey story, Shep arrives to pick up his date, Patty, at the drugstore where she worked. The second turkey story is about the time when was living in Cincinnati, he was flown to Tennessee by a co‐worker at the radio station to hunt wild turkeys. Notes: W November 30, 1968 The Steel Mill Pick‐Up Truck Description: The Christmas season is upon us ‐ received first obscene Christmas cards. "When the Saints Go Marching In" ‐ Paul Blackman Shep has lunch with a friend who tells about how he went out and did something he always wanted to do ‐ bought a pick up truck! Shep then relates the time he was working as a mail boy at the steel mill and he was given a brand new pick up truck to make deliveries. On the first day, he manages to get it crushed between a building and a train. Notes: W November 1968 Embarrassing Moments in Flight Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 238 of 451 Have Class Date W Title Apr/May 1968 Fake Shepherds Description: The Seven Sins Miss Robinette and Silas Marner UCLA female flasher during band practice Mr Melton and the proper pronunciation of 'proteins' Shep talks about and reads a review of his recent show at Rutgers. One fan accuses him of not being the real Jean Shepherd. Shep 'admits' that there are many Jean Shepherds that do the appearances and radio show, he'sw one of them. All the good people have moved to the center of the earth. A literary round table over ham radio with a group of North Bergen, NJ high school students regarding IGWT. Holy Rollers Notes: W 1968 Rabbits on the March, Horror Movies, Attack of Locusts Description: Scaramouche quote ‐ 'He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was created mad!' A Reuters news note from Siberia ‐ Hares on the march! Tass reports; The hares marched to the sea where they attacked a seaweed that appears to be like cabbage, then returned inland in the same orderly manner. Shep envisions a future world a la Huxley and ponders whether animals think ‐ Flick Lives! The environmental catastrophe as a deep psychological fear greater than sexual rejection. Locusts, Shep tries to put the 17 year attack in perspective with his personal experiences. Notes: During the Mandarin House spot, Shep mentions that their "New Years Banquet" is available from Jan. 30 to Feb. 17. Only seems logical that this was broadcast during the last week or two of January. W January 4, 1969 New York Scroungers Description: None Notes: W March 7, 1969 AWOL / Locked in a Department Store Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 239 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 14, 1969 Inflatable Doll / Sings Hindustan Description: Shep opens show speaking of Lee Harvey Oswald as a show business persona West coast spy sent Shep an LA Times advert Commentary on the moon landing and the fact that Armstrong might be the first, "How American can you get!" Wilmington Delaware news report a prison search for a missing library book on Houdini Back to the advert which Shep interprets as a commentary on the dominance of women Gretchen the Inflatable Doll reminds Jean of a Gretchen Shep knew Shep speaks of a marching horde from last year, the Woody Allen syndrome and the fact that the real thing is better than a movie People feel anonymous and it feeding a need for recognition Cardboard camera's and ducks Shep sets up a read your name on the air lottery, you can win recognition ‐ send in a postcard with your name and he will read them 'next Thursday' (March 20th, 1969) Violence report: segue from the Magnavox commercial, baby baptismal violence as a result of television Benedict Arnold High School and how popular he would be today Friday horror elevator story The camping show in New York story Notes: A tongue in cheek dedication of the show to Joe Franklin W March 15, 1969 Frozen in a Block of Ice Description: "Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey" with Jew's Harp and Kazoo Salute to Gorillas ‐ Officials at zoo in Bristol, England attempting to fingerprint three gorillas Letter from kid who purchased a 1936 Hudson ‐ Shep relates "the facts of life" learned from his own Hudson Hornet ("an aggressive piece of junk") purchased from Friendly Fred Story of Old Man's Essex which couldn't get off the street car tracks due to bad kingpins as street car approaches Description of the lot of the "walkin around guy" ‐ the guy not invited to the Roman orgies who might have had cleanup duty in the lion cages at the coliseum Adaptability of cockroaches and man ‐ both can be frozen in a block of ice and survive when thawed Story of radio station promotion at a circus in which Shep (age 17) is frozen in a block of ice while providing five minute remote broadcasts every three hours to describe the process ‐ complete with a feeding tube, rubber suit, attached microphone, and refrigeration tank Notes: 55 minute Saturday show ‐ "A Classic" LT This show was edited down to 45 minutes and replayed on December 9, 1970. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 240 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 17, 1969 Real Smells of Springtime in the Air / Rumpelstiltskin Description: Promises not to talk about the holiday ‐ St. What's? Day A touch of Spring is in the air. "You can see every cigar butt ‐ every bum etched in clear delineated lines against the sunset" Flying over Jersey on Sunday ‐ a "soft, blue Jersey haze at 500 feet ‐‐ A woolly blanket of haze" Recollections of anticipating a date while a "yardbird." "Men know the madness that sweeps over them, but later realize that they might rather be at Howard Johnson's having a Texas Tommy" Distorted views of the fairy tales that Mrs. Ossenschlager told in 5th grade to keep the class quiet ‐ Dumplestilsken, and Andora's Box, and Sampson and Gretchen Describes being in a classroom at a small campus of Indiana University in the middle of a huge refinery complex ‐ a "gamey atmosphere like living in a tremendous sea of rotten cabbage where every once in a while a bubble of ancient primal methane gas would break the surface." Times when people would be afraid to strike matches in the air ‐ the whole town would go up! Octane in the air was close to the standard antiknock Texaco gas sold in the area Could run a car on the air ‐ the car wouldn't know the difference! That Spring afternoon ‐ like an enormous compost heap which is just a pile of life itself. The professor was dissecting a word at the board as Shep only thinks of Betty Lou Morrison outlined against the windows as he glances through his school wardrobe issue of Esquire magazine showing idealized views of models next to expensive Italian autos. The campus reality is the refinery cracking plant where petroleum is cooked to produce wax, kerosene, and bezene! Then Kaboom ‐ a sound like a big wet dishcloth hitting a bass drum as the light in the classroom changes to mustard yellow, and a mushroom cloud rising to 5000 feet is observed. Kerosene dropped from the air on everything in the county including the canvas top of Shep's own convertible as the professor just went on. Months after, the beer ordered in restaurants tasted of kerosene, but there were no complaints ‐ people accepted life as it was. A second incident of an exploding cracking plant is described as occurring when Shep was a kid as they drove in a car over a bridge. "The widows in the car just caved in, and the Old Man never looked back" Notes: Shep also refers to the excitement of emerging Springtime in the episode of 4‐5‐73. Also, Shep apparently left Indiana University in 1948 to work at WSAI (see Biography). W March 20, 1969 Second Annual Parade of Humanity Description: Shep spends the entire show reading the names of fans who wrote in. This is the second time he did this and mentions that it was done about this same time last year. Notes: Shep mentions having just recently doing a show in Madison. This was March 18, 1969. W March 21, 1969 Spring Equinox, Salute to Chickens Description: None Notes: Shep says it isFriday and the equinox Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 241 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 28, 1969 More New Jersey Slob Art, Salute to Margate Elephant Hotel, Learn Anything from Books! Description: Shep opens show with a salute to the Margate Elephant. A classic example of NJ slob art. Last Sunday's Times Newspaper report that the Margate Elephant is dying at the age of 87 years. Miniature Golf cuckoo's We are the only country in the world that believes you can buy a book to teach you anything The Karate poster Gadget Cuckoo's (a busy box for geeks is described in detail) April is the cruelest month Notes: In the bit on the Gadget Cuckoo's, Shep is appears to be predicting the success of digital games years ahead of the success we see today. Complete with his description of the surrounding marketing events as we now know them. W March 29, 1969 Model Airplane Flying Description: None Notes: W April 10, 1969 Bullets, Xrays, and a Corkscrew Description: Kid brings marijuana seeds to school for "Show and Tell" President Nixon's sense of humor Lack of humor noted among technical people Doctors' sense of humor based on real world ‐ man's x‐ray shows swallowed stainless steel corkscrew ( "It's a good one, too ‐ Hoffritz!") 30 caliber bullet on x‐ray of guy's shoulder ‐ origin unknown Man deaf for 20 years ‐ full hearing restored after cork pops out during ear cleaning Unknown origin of bullet holes in Shep's gas tank Jet forced to land due to 22 caliber bullet "winged" by guy in cornfield Guy in Jersey finds finger in bag of grass seed Evil Knieval's planned motorcycle jump across Grand Canyon Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 242 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 11, 1969 Shepherd's Complaint Description: None Notes: If you heard this morning's MASS BACKWARDS episode from April 11, 1969, there was a rare phone caller who was the "Teenage Expert" inspired by the Pontiac commercial. The 15 year old caller was my brother Bill calling from our Staten Island bedroom! What an incredible shock to hear it for the first time in 38 years! I remember distinctly Bill immediacy calling WOR when he heard Shep's request for the "Teenage Expert." Been looking for this show since '69. Thanks Max! Pete Delaney (Middle aged expert) W April 18, 1969 Python in Toilet, Hindustan on Kazoo, Last Night's Princeton Show, Shep's First Live Performance Description: Shep opens show asking about what good are frogs? Newspaper article about a French toilet. Newspaper headline claims a happy childhood is inked to atheism Princeton University musings about Jeans appearance ‐ caller mentions it is first time he saw Shep live which leads to Shep's story closing this show. Salute to the little old lady from Philadelphia who fooled a hold up man Woo‐Woo's another salute to privatization of the economy Sheps first live performance while working during High School at WJOB he is sent to do a talk in front of a ladies club. Notes: W April 22, 1969 Peeling an egg ‐ Old man fixes his carburetor Description: How do you peel an egg? Today is Tuesday ‐ Thursday is the 24th the 24th is "Flick Lives" day The old man fixes his carburetor Notes: W May 9, 1969 Selling Beer At the Ballpark Description: Shep tells about getting a job with Schwartz at sells beer at the ballpark 'Buttered all over' Ernie Notes: W May 23, 1969 Banana Oil Description: Notes: W May 28, 1969 Fantasies Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 243 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 29, 1969 Cockroach Racing Description: None Notes: W June 6, 1969 The Cut Description: None Notes: W July 4, 1969 Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb That Struck Back Description: None Notes: W July 31, 1969 Elevator Dancing Description: None Notes: W August 4, 1969 Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan Description: None Notes: W August 5, 1969 Happy Herb Jingle Animal Fables Description: None Notes: W August 6, 1969 First Love ‐ Dawn Strickland Description: "I'll see you in the comic strips" Shep tells of his first love, Dawn Strickland, at the age of five. He was madly in love with her even though he didn't understand the meaning of love and would visit her every day since she lived across the street. They went to school together at William McKinley elementary. He mentions Schwartz, Ester Jane Alberry and Jack Morton being in the same class. They lived in an apartment house and Dawn lived across the street in a house with a playhouse in the backyard. The one day about two weeks before Christmas, the old man comes home with the news that he got a promotion and were moving to the country. Three days later the moving van pulled away and he never saw Dawn again. While in the Army he reads a story in the Hammond paper that Dawn marries a Baron who is a Brigadier General. This leads to the Army story about the time he was serving chow on the mess line out in the field. While serving a guy comes from behind and holds out his plate. Without looking, Shep tells him "Get in line bud!" Turns out he said this to a Brigadier General who later sends word down to Shep that he did the right thing. Notes: He claims he never saw Dawn again. He also Flick and Schwartz being in McKinley with him ‐ did they move also? The move may be based on his move from Chicago to Hammond at an early age but the characters, except Dawn, are all Hammond related. Another example of how Shep would weave truth and fiction into his stories. [Jim Clavin] "I will always remember. And, in fact, vividly remember—the intense shock and great wave of disappointment. There were no desks! There wasn’t a desk in the entire room! They never show pictures of kindergarten in magazines. It’s always the grade school they show. I didn’t know that. To me, school was school. This was kindergarten. And there were sandboxes. Sandboxes! There were little girls sitting around cutting stuff out! There were thousands of kids all sitting around playing in sandboxes! " [Gene Bergmann] Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 244 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 7, 1969 Catching Rats Description: None Notes: W August 8, 1969 Horseback Riding Description: None Notes: W August 9, 1969 Myths and Urban Legends Description: None Notes: W August 11, 1969 Toilet Tax, Army Story Description: None Notes: W August 12, 1969 Snakes, Army Snake Story Description: None Notes: W August 13, 1969 Love, Society and Preferences Description: None Notes: W August 14, 1969 "Super Chief" Freight Train Description: None Notes: W August 15, 1969 Acting Description: None Notes: W August 16, 1969 Fireman Fred ‐ Evangelist Description: None Notes: W August 18, 1969 Caves Description: None Notes: W August 19, 1969 Lights Out and Stripper on Bus Description: None Notes: W August 20, 1969 Steel Bands Description: None Notes: W August 21, 1969 Daydreams, Scottish Girl Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 245 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 3, 1969 Impossible Dream Description: None Notes: W September 4, 1969 Fillers Description: None Notes: W September 5, 1969 Horse Opera Description: None Notes: W September 6, 1969 The Cut Description: None Notes: W September 8, 1969 Salute to New Jersey Description: Deodorant commercial mistake on "live" network TV Announcer quiz ‐ Shep gives voice imitations Hair and deodorants as concerns ‐ "reaching for antiseptic beauty" Elegant luncheon ruined because somone had made the wrong step on the way over which confirmed New York's larger dog population than people population Inverse Theory of Progress ‐ the more a city is applauded for progress, the less progress it is making Corporation Board Meeting with Mr. Bullard Erotica Picture Corporation of North America presents Lesbia O'Toole in Hearts Aflame filmed in wide screen Eroticolor A lady victim of Equal Rights wants to burn down statue of Susan B. Anthony Another shattered dream ‐ man buys a tapered Edwardian suit and ends up looking like a "bowling pin with ruffles" Salute to Beloit, Wisconsin ‐ 1st city to deodorize itself with giant city wide spray deodorant Salute to New Jersey as apology to listener for "always saying bad things about NJ" ‐ includes Hoboken, South Orange, Plainfield, Rt. 22 (with Pat Boone's Hamburger Heaven, Leaning Tower of Pizza, Two Guys from Harrison), Clifton, Neptune, Metuchen, Long Branch, and others Notes: "A very entertaining show" LT W September 9, 1969 Starlings Description: None Notes: W September 10, 1969 Mets in First ‐ Kazoo andJews Harp Description: None Notes: Takes a listener call Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 246 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 11, 1969 The Quark; What Time Is It? Description: Long Weekends ‐ they start on Thursday and end on Tuesday. The mets win ‐ winning in NY is in cycles, watch the Knicks The discovery of the smallest matter known to man ‐ the Quark Sins Sitting in the dentist office thinking about the quark Fight in the Army ‐ over what time it was. Notes: W September 12, 1969 Looking For Action Description: None Notes: W September 12, 1969 Nude Skiing ‐ Superstitions Description: None Notes: W September 13, 1969 First Day of Kindergarten Description: Shep recalls his first day of school. Aunt Min was over that Sunday. The William McKinley school 2 or 3 blocks from the house. Bobby Twyman, a neighbor that he played with, was in Kindergarten with him and they went together that first day. A big fat lady in a purple dress with glasses ‐ Shep's first memory of Miss Bundy! And shortly later he met a little boy named Schwartz and other kids named named Helen Weathers, Esther Jane, and Flick. He soon finds himself falling behind in school ‐ over his own name! Miss Bundy insists his name is short for Eugene. Shep's disappointment in school that first day is that they do not have a reading period, but instead 'nap time' is introduced. Notes: W September 13, 1969 High School Football Game Description: None Notes: W September 15, 1969 Army Story ‐ Stripes Description: None Notes: W September 15, 1969 Bad Gift, Dino Drops, Car Wash, Steel Mill Accident, Randy and Candy Machine Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 247 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 16, 1969 Yankee Doodles Description: None Notes: W September 16, 1969 Stoned Mouse Description: None Notes: W September 17, 1969 Mooning, Answering Machines, Yankee Doodle Commercial Description: None Notes: W September 18, 1969 Salute to Bogota NJ; Australian Sharks Description: Salute to Bogota NJ and the Hackensack River Commercial for Drugs Shep's cab get hit in Manhattan New York is a summer festival Australia ‐ one of the most exciting places he's visited Bathing suits and riding the sharks The single most exciting house he's ever visited and the party there Notes: W September 19, 1969 Visiting Peg and Gedrof for the Weekend Description: None Notes: W September 20, 1969 Critics in New York Description: None Notes: W September 22, 1969 Radar and Practical Jokes Description: Salute to most creative criminals of the week: Chaarleston W. Virginia ‐ man cons women out of their hair Dribble Glasses Exploding Cigars Stink Bombs set off in joke shop Shep tells a story about being in the signal corps radar outfit, the equipment they used and all about setting it up and testing it. They begin to power it up, a process involving more that flipping a switch, each man carefully watching the settings on his part of the equipment. As they get this unit almost up to max power, Gassor suddenly says he smell something. This is followed by a high pitched squeal that fills the air when suddenly ‐ BOOOM! Everyone heads for the trees taking cover. When it's all over they find that someone had rigged it with a buzz bomb. Notes: Show was rerun on January 21, 1971 and again in 1976 Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 248 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 23, 1969 Something to Believe In; White Sox Jacket Description: Shep does a reading of a conversation between 2 co‐workers with Japanese Koto Music in background. Two of the old radio stations Shep worked for are know interfering with the WOR signals. Chicago Cubs ‐ secret desire of every man that the team got so desperate for players that they go out into the stands begging for players Tonight Shep is wearing a Chicago White Sox jacket. His apologies to the Mets fans. He had a bunch of commercials for the White Sox and demanded the jacket as partial payment. Notes: W September 24, 1969 Fearless Orthodontist Description: Shep salutes an 80 year old broadcaster his mother liked who use to start his show saying "There's good news tonight" and the town of Lebanon Tennessee where they banned rain from September 27 to October 4th. Another salute to the lady who came running naked out of her into the street complaining there's no water and she needs a bath. A local Hotel worker hoses her down and gives here a sheet to dry off. In Santa Anna California Rin Tin Tin's grandson becomes a hero by saving the housekeeper from a bad guy who was holder her at gun point. "Before the advent of modern dentistry people used to go to blacksmiths, I still do." Shep suggests a television show about a dentist or a plumber. New from the world of sports with "Butch Bullard" Decoder for IBM cards The first recorded use of celery was as medicine. A headache pill company takes its ads off the air ‐ it gave people headaches from the beat in the commercial. Notes: W September 24, 1969 Hofstra, Compoz et al ‐ Mets clinch NL east Description: None Notes: W September 25, 1969 Da Mets Description: Shep talks about the Mets game he went to the night before. He discusses baseball's winner' and losers and the Mets in general. Who hit the first Met home run, and the first actual hit in the first Met game? Who was the first pitcher to throw the first official pitch? Shep plays "Pushing the Broom" recorded by Herb Squires, his engineer Notes: Shep mentions going to the Mets game the night before and seeing them play St Louis. Also he mentions the score being 5‐0 at one point. The Mets played St Louis on 9‐22 (won 3‐1), 9‐23 (Won 3‐2), and 9‐24 (Won 6‐0). So it appears that he must have been to the 9‐24 game which would date "Da Mets" at September 25, 1969. On a later show he mentions a letter someone wrote stating that he was seen in the front row at Shea stadium on the 9‐26‐69 6pm news during a multi‐part special on the Mets. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 249 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 26, 1969 People Frozen In Amber Description: "I'm doing tonight's show totally in the nude!"..."The secret mission of the what buzzard?" It's more fun to watch the people than the event. 25 years from now there will be this crowd still wearing long hair and kids will be looking at them incomprehensibly. A comparison of generations. People feel that their generation is 'the one' and it's the reason parents and kids never see eye to eye. A great play would be the 'fly frozen in amber'. Radio row ‐ Shep buys a new set of speakers, mounts them onto plywood baffles and hangs them on the wall in his room. The old man hears the music and brings out his old records which he claims is 'real music'. Notes: Shep mentions that the A&P is 5 blocks away. In the show "Ahab's Arctic Apples" from 12‐30‐65 the A&P is much further away. Music: Shiek of Araby Fatheadcentral has this show titled "Now Generation" W September 27, 1969 Almost Busted Description: Shep tells about being stopped by two cops one night and they did not believe that he was Jean Shepherd. they accused him of using a girls driver's license. He convinced them to call WOR, but then in a moment of panic couldn't remember the station's phone number. While one of the cops was on the phone trying to call the station, 3 kids come down the street and recognize him. "Hey Shep, Excelsior" The cops are convinced and ask for his autograph. Shep tells about the time he was in the Army, stationed in Florida and wound up in the brig. He was on pass in Stewart, Fla with Gasser and they met up with a fellow soldier named Nash and his friend. They all decided to go to West Palm Beach. When they got there they went into a bar at Nash's suggestion. They all order Southern Comforts and after Nash downs his third one, he becomes a little rowdy and picks on three sailors at the end of the bar. A fight breaks out and they all spend the next three days in the brig. Notes: Shep says he is 17 when this happened. Being born in 1921 this would have been 1938, but he was actually in the Army from June 1942 to December 1944 W September 30, 1969 Monsters Description: Fan letter about Shep's critique of Lawrence Welk What is more disturbing than a creepy crawly thing? Japanese monster movies are the worst monster movies. Alligators in sewers and large snails in Florida. Shep recalls his own experience with a monster while fishing and catching a rare Golden Dog Fish. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 250 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 1, 1969 Two Kinds of Education Description: "Has it ever occurred to you that your life is all academic?" Shep receives a letter from a student complaining that he's only a couple of weeks into the school year and already he's flunking! "You're trying to learn stuff. That way lies madness!" Shep reads George Ade: "The fable of the bookworm and the butterfly who went into the law" The moral is "There are at least two kinds of education." Shep then talks about his own childhood experiences in school, showing that indeed there are two kinds of education. The battle between Schwartz and Eileen Ackers for tops in the honor roll and Jack Martin who could care less. Schwartz was the scholar who was always striving to climb his way higher on the honor roll. He was always in the top three. His worst time in his four years was when he received a B+ when he had the Chicken Pox. He constantly combated with Eileen Ackers for the number one spot. Jack Martin was the handsome, chisel profile, 6 foot 1 inch partygoer. Always giving rides, the kind that would go out for track and win the high jump in three days. He never made the honor roll. He took all the easy subjects like Health, and Driving Safety. The day came for graduation and Jack Martin won the gold medal for "Most Deserving Student" because he was president of every club in school. He edited the joke page of the school paper and won three awards for it. He headed the dance committee. Schwartz and Eileen Ackers didn't come close! Notes: W October 3, 1969 Peanut Butter Anonymous Description: Waukesha Wisconsin ‐ famous for its natural bridge. Charges against 18 year old driver stopped by police for driving recklessly across the center line were dismissed. Seems he was distracted by his girlfriend who was totally nude in the car. She surprised him when she picked him up from work that morning. Philadelphia ‐ the city of "Brotherly Love" Shep reads letter from fan who saw him sitting in the first row of a Mets game during a special report on the Mets on CBS 6 o'clock news, Friday September 26th. PBA ‐ Peanut Butter Anonymous ‐ If you ever had the peanut butter monkey on your back, you know what it is to be hooked on drugs. Shep tells about working in the supermarket as a kid. He used to stamp the prices on the cans and used a technique with his wrist to make the price almost legible. The problems of working with Campbell's soups, baked beans and pickles. He talks about how customers sneak around the store and consume products such as the people who take a can of beer, walks around the store drinking it and then places the can back on the shelf. Others unscrew the cap to a jar of peanut butter, scoops up two fingers worth, closes the jar and place it back on the shelf. The same thing with cookies and candy. Man who is trying to stop smoking in a study program. Has to smoke all day with three baboons. Sandy the Airedale. Shep gets a 'commercial route' delivering newspapers. Everyday Shep would deliver to a pool hall and the dog there liked Shep. The owner showed him a trick ‐ give the dog a shot of Bourbon. The dog loved it. Then one day Sandy wasn't there. When asked why, the bartender responded that the dog got arrested for walking down the middle of the street drunk. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 251 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 4, 1969 Halftime Sousaphone Description: None Notes: W October 6, 1969 Army SOS, Montauk Description: None Notes: W October 7, 1969 Mets, Win Stuff Description: None Notes: W October 13, 1969 Beneath Your Feet Description: None Notes: W October 16, 1969 Da Mets ‐ World Champs?!? Description: None Notes: W October 17, 1969 Incipient Marching Band Obscenity Description: None Notes: W October 20, 1969 Send For Particulars, Testimonials Description: Celebrations of minimalist accomplishments Paying to get junk mail Stomach trouble as the classic bond between humanity Snake oil Testimonials The snake oil testimonial scam Opening the medicine cabinates in other people's houses As kids Shep and Schwartz go into an old house Notes: W October 21, 1969 Jack Kerouac Description: None Notes: W October 23, 1969 The Look in the Doctor's Eye Description: None Notes: W October 24, 1969 The Ballad of Blasphemous Bill Description: None Notes: Date was 10‐31‐69 ‐ Boston broadcast Shows re‐broascast in Boston were 1 week after the WOR broadcast. W October 27, 1969 Pin Boy Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 252 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 28, 1969 Halftime Shows Description: None Notes: W October 29, 1969 The Pompous Are Around Us Description: None Notes: W October 30, 1969 The Forty‐Inch Soaking Pit Description: None Notes: W November 4, 1969 Salute To Halftime Description: None Notes: W November 8, 1969 The Clunker of All Time Description: None Notes: [Rich B] Shep says his first car is a light gray Ford W November 10, 1969 The French Seventy‐Five Description: How is your soul tonight? A letter from our spy in Hong Kong. A new hit record from Hong Kong. "Don't make me laugh, I have cracked lips." People who have favorite phrases and keep repeating them. Flying on a plane to Los Angeles ‐ eating the food, what the stewardess recommends. Drinking on the plane ‐ the man who had too much. The "French 75" ‐ World War I drink. Notes: W November 11, 1969 Fly, Glide, and Soar Description: None Notes: W November 12, 1969 Sounds of Our Times: Talk Shows Description: None Notes: W November 13, 1969 Buzzwords Description: None Notes: W November 14, 1969 Nitty Gritty Radio Description: None Notes: W November 15, 1969 Realism: Company K and the Movies Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 253 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 17, 1969 Fastest Gun in the West Description: None Notes: W November 18, 1969 Fleabag Memories Description: None Notes: W November 20, 1969 Sentimental Poetry Description: None Notes: W November 21, 1969 Rising Out of the Meatloaf ‐ Caterpillar in Salad Description: None Notes: W November 22, 1969 Automobile Names, WLW Radio Description: None Notes: W November 24, 1969 Johnny Appleseed Tree and Rattlesnake Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 254 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 25, 1969 Trapped in the John Description: We rarely take time out to salute the little things which mean so much to us in our daily pursuit of happiness ‐ the potato chip and bread and butter pickles. Did you ever notice that the bigger and more important the newspaper, the shorter the name they have? Some weddings are tru slob art. A wedding at the 1st Baptist Church in Alabama featured a cupid dressed in pink tights with a bow and arrow. A flock of white doves were also released. A listener writes in that he got caught writing "Flick Lives" on a desktop in school. Cambridge Mass ‐ 4 men and a woman invade a class on campus and were arrested ‐ they were studying behavioral psychology. Confusing signs on public restrooms: Shep tells about being on a recent trip to Maine and being in a restaurant. Shep and the group he was with watch a lady go into the men's room by accident Quite a few men go in after her and yet she doesn't come out. More men go in and come out, still no sign of the lady. After about 20 minutes she comes flying out with a very red face. He tells of his own personal experience as the victim. Once while on business on the 79th floor of a building in New York, he finishes his meeting and when in the hall decides to go to the bathroom. He goes into the ladies room by accident. Suddenly he hears the voices of 2 women coming into the bathroom. He dodges into the stall, locks it and jumps up on the seat. The women are there for a while talking, trying to get into the stall, and considering calling maintenance to come and open it. Shep is pouring sweat by now, but fortunately they leave. He waits a few seconds and then scurries out of the stall. As he gets out into the hallway, the 2 ladies are waiting for the elevator. They all get on together and the 2 women keep looking at him. He could imagine what they were thinking ‐ and imagine if they say him on the Steve Allen show one day! Notes: Shep tells this pun: There were three pregnant squaws sleeping on animal hides. One on an elk hide, one on a deer hide, and the third on a hipotomus hide. The first 2 gave birth to sons, and the third to twins. This proves that "the Squaw of the hipotumous is equal to the sum of the squaws of the other two hides." He tells the ladies room storyagain on the 4‐23‐76 show W November 26, 1969 Salute to News, Sankes, High School Football Game Description: None Notes: W November 27, 1969 Thanksgiving Show Description: None Notes: W November 28, 1969 Steel Mill Workers Description: None Notes: W December 17, 1969 Cross Country Air Mail Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 255 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 18, 1969 Gifts, Army Cook Book, Simulated Moon Rock, Army Stories Description: None Notes: W December 19, 1969 Goldberg's Pipe Description: Christmas gifts: Plastic outdoor Nativity scenes Buy a drinking mug that lets out 4 belches What are they going to call the 70's? Shepherd's new theory: "Advancing complexity mirage syndrome ‐ in which every year, every day, every way, I believe that my life becomes more complicated moment by moment" Naming the various decades The Prettiest Navel Contest Pipe tobacco and being tent mates with Goldberg in the Army. You could smell him coming 15‐ 20 feet away. After sitting down and eating Salmon Loaf and Cabbage and a canteen cup of the Purple Death, Shep lays in his tent when Goldberg lites up... And up comes the Salmon Loaf and Cabbage and a canteen cup of the Purple Death! Notes: W December 20, 1969 Xmas Grab Bag at Woolworths Description: None Notes: W December 22, 1969 Monopoly Description: Shep answers a letter about where to get a Jews Harp and demonstrates the sounds of several of his. The Red Rider story is real and it wasn't until IGWT came out that his mother found out the Randy didn't break Shep's glasses. She liked the book ‐ didn't know he could type so well. Monopoly or Monolopy ‐ Shep talks about the popularity of the game and how as a kid they used to play it for days. He explains the story behind his calling the game Monolopy. One of the guys made a Monopoly board in shop with all inlaid wood and mispelled the name. He reads an article from "This Week" Magazine by Sally McClosky ‐ "Great Moments in Indoor Sports ‐ Do Not Pass Go ‐ Do Not Collect $200" She describes the world's longest game and other interesting games that were played. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 256 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 23, 1969 Glee Club Description: The disappearance of Chrismas Music Now they're playing Barbara Streisand Going to read the Red Ryder story for Christmas and "The Return of the Smiling Wimpy Doll" on the next night. Neiman‐Marcus catalog ‐ Christmas gifts Being selected for the Glee Club ‐ Shep tells how he tried out for the Glee club just to be closer to Eileen Achers and end up singing on the radio. Says his mother still has the recording of it. Just out of the Army he meets Miss Norton on the street and she invites him to come to the school and speak to the kids in the glee club. Notes: W December 24, 1969 The Bootblack's Christmas and other Xmas Poetry Description: Christmas eve and Office Christmas parties. Shep recounts going to a Borden's Dairy Christmas party at the local country club. One of his earliest memories of Christmas. The watched a performance of poetry reading. "The Bootblack's Christmas" by Barney Mollely. This was the first moment of drama that pulled me in. "The Boy Who Laughed at Santa Claus" ‐ Ogden Nash "Christmas at Sea" ‐ Robert Louis Stevenson In the Army at Christmas in Fort Monmouth Shep got a 2 day pass and went to NY with Gassor. They slept in the swimming pool at the Henry Hudson Hotel. They ended up at the Stage Door Canteen where they met Dana Andrews. Notes: W December 25, 1969 Red Ryder Story Description: Notes large volume of listener requests over past year to read the Red Ryder BB Gun story (4 or 5 hundred) Story background relating two men in an Indiana bar at Christmastime who had known each other since childhood but had taken separate paths ‐ one had remained in Indiana as a bartender while the other had since become an effete New Yorker ("Do you remember that particular Christmas?"...) Notes background music of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky as being identified with Christmas Notes that the the Red Ryder story had originally appeared in Playboy magazine a few years back, and later in In God We Trust All Others Pay Cash Reading of "DUEL IN THE SNOW or RED RYDER NAILS THE CLEVELAND STREET KID". Notes: This show was repeated on 12‐25‐72 with different commercials Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 257 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 26, 1969 Booze ‐ Flying High Description: Day after Christmas #1 Christmas gift for the last 15 years ‐ BOOZE Visiting the Seagrams distillery and sticking his head in the vat. They show him the Chrismas 1971 bottle and swear him to secrecy. The 1963 bottle was so bad the designer is now working in Iceland! Everybody in Shep's family would buy Grandpa a bottle for Christmas. When flying you are allowed 2 drinks. Shep tells about flying from LA to NY and there is a college professor on board. The professor made his rounds around the plane asking people if they had their two drinks. If they hadn't he asked if he could have them. He became extremely drunk. The stewardess explains he's a regular on the flight and does it all the time. Notes: W December 27, 1969 The Return of the Smiling Wimpy Doll Description: This is a reading of "Return of the Smiing Wimpy Doll" which appeared in Playboy Magazine ‐ December 1967 As a Christmas present Shep's mother sends him a box of things she had been storing in the basement. He reminices as he pulls things out of the box such as his Ed Wynn Fire Chief's Helmet, Buck Rogers space helmet and goggles, Flash Gordon Zap gun, tatoos, pedometer, "Brownie" his Teddy Bear, and his Wimpy doll. Notes: W December 29, 1969 New Year's Resolutions Description: Shep declares his New Years resolutions No more Jews Harp or Kazoo playing, he will get rid of his entire collection He says he will give his Kazoo to the person sending in the best essay on how their life would be more complete if they owned Shep's Kazoo He will read more serious NY Times articles No more crying or laughing No more reading silly articles Tells about his neighbor's dog Zero. The Beegee family living in what is known as the Emdee house, have a son named Melvin who is about Shep's age and a dog named Zero. The dog spends 24 hours a day yapping in their backyard until one day the old man hurls a can of beer at him. From that day on the dog kept silent. Notes: W 1969 On Location at The Union Steel Mill Open Hearth Description: None Notes: W 1969 Pudding Ship, Man of La Mancha, Army Story ‐ Red Lined! Description: None Notes: W 1969 Salute to Doughty Old Dolls, Snakes, Salute To Dumb Guys Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 258 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1969 "On The Road with Jean Shepherd" ‐ Remote From Agra, India Description: None Notes: W 1969 "On The Road with Jean Shepherd" ‐ From Dining Car on the Last Ride of The Domeliner Description: None Notes: W 1969 Potpourri Night Description: None Notes: W Unknown Nightmares of working in radio stations Description: None Notes: W January 5, 1970 Jews Harp, One Man Band Description: None Notes: W January 20, 1970 Head Thumping Description: None Notes: W January 21, 1970 State Mottos, Ice Fishing With Playboy Bunnies Description: None Notes: W January 22, 1970 Altered Theme, Be A Minister Description: None Notes: W January 23, 1970 Bugging Equipment Description: None Notes: W January 24, 1970 Being An Outsider Description: None Notes: W January 26, 1970 Sci‐Fi Movie Endings Description: None Notes: W February 6, 1970 Camel Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 259 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 13, 1970 Friday the 13th Description: 45 minutes of Friday the 13th appropriate poetry reading. Spooky Poetry I know some lonely houses by Emily Dickinson more Spooky Poetry and one from Bret Hart Overheard on a salt marsh (poem) The counting man (poem) Green Candles (poem) W.B. Yeats (poem) The demon Lover (poem) written by A.Nonymous Mr. Nobody (poem) written by A.Nonymous > Notes: W March 23, 1970 "Uncle Carl's Still" Description: March 2nd OPC Conference will be played this Saturday "Pomp and Circumstance" First time ever played with a kazoo Mentions there is a mail strike (March 18 to 25) Made trip to India last November Vultures What would you like to come back as? Booze per Capita ‐ 1.8 gallons Discussion of booze leads into telling story of the time they went to see Aunt Min and Uncle Carl. Uncle Carl took them down into the basement where he had a still hiddenin a closet. Notes: W March 27, 1970 "Hitchhiking to Maryland" Description: Shep get's a Jews Harp made in 1883 from a listener. He plays it to Hindustan and compares it to his own Jews Harp. Modern Medicine ‐ March 9, 1970 "It's What's Up Front That Counts" Reads article about breat implants. A salute with El Capitan playing in the background. The Theatre of the Absurd ‐ Federico Fellini Movies 'Corporal Shepherd's Oddysy' ‐ Stationed in Maryland at the University of Maryland, Shep is shipped to Ft Monmouth. He has a date with a girl in Maryland and hitchhikes there. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 260 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 31, 1970 Stealing Radio Tubes Description: Straws in the wind: Lichte (sp?) cartoon Human cannonballs have midair collision Strikes Having a computer fix a ticket Talks about the OPC conference broadcast on previous Saturday. Asks the 'reporters' to send in their reviews from the school papers. Talks about the editing of the show. Didn't take out the good parts. Confesses crime commited in his youth. He builds a radio by stealing the tubes from radios in local electronnics stores. Notes: W March 1970 Philosophy Description: None Notes: W April 1, 1970 Rock Groups, Jam Session Description: None Notes: W April 3, 1970 Friend Loses Job‐ Mixed‐up paycheck Description: None Notes: W April 4, 1970 Selling Worms, Hinkley Ohio Buzzards Description: None Notes: W April 10, 1970 Beatles Break Up Description: None Notes: W April 11, 1970 Catching worms w/ spark coil, Men Catching mice Description: None Notes: W April 11, 1970 Popular Mechanics Description: None Notes: W April 14, 1970 Strange Tales of New York Description: None Notes: W April 15, 1970 Born Losers, Model Plane, Flying Quacker Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 261 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 22, 1970 First Earth Day Description: In this show Shep discusses this first 'Earth Day' He compares man to other animals and their adaptability to their environment. He tells how the Koala Bear is not adaptable, it survives on eucalyptis trees only wheras man can adapt to different foods as others become hard to find. The cockroach, a subject Shep dicusses quite often, is very adaptable. They can survive on wood, leather, leaves, and even cigar butts. Some creatures are more fertile than others, multiplying at significant rates. The elephant barely reproduces to maintain its existence, where the cockroach multiplys at an incredible rate. Man, like rats, become extremely paranoid when living in close quarters. Shep predicts that by the end of the century there will be an exodous out of the big cities. Man is a nest fowler. He fowls his nest and then moves on to another one. People will be moving to the vast open spaces out West. By the end of the 21st century Shep believes that there will be more communities living on the waterways in river houseboats, or in the middle of Lake Superior in large cities. Notes: So far only the last 20 minutes of this show has surfaced. W May 6, 1970 Tribute to an Italian Composer Description: The Smithsonian and the naked employee in the 19th century. Jews Harp and echo chamber interlude Salute to Gene Davidson ‐ prize winning artist who got third place for the yellow rope barrier he place around a piece of artwork. George and Bob in Radio Station start making fake weird music using a piano and echo chamber. George playing and Bob recording. After recording a series of pieces they passed them off as missing recordings from an Italian composer. They got many phone calls to the radio staion. They did this every night for 3 weeks when they receive a letter from a Cincinnati musical organization who wanted to honor the composer and bring him to America. The next night they had to claim the composer died right after WWII. Notes: W May 7, 1970 Amateur Radio ‐ Learning Code Description: This is 'National learn to code week' Shep talks about his interest in and the history of Morse Code. Learning ham as a kid and the ability to talk with people all around the world. The best way to learn is to listen to it. Suddenly one day it all comes together ‐ the "AHHH‐HAAA" experience. Notes: W May 8, 1970 Raggedy Ann and Andy Description: "We have a short show tonight" (Started late due to speech on Cambodia by Pres Nixon) Notes: W May 9, 1970 Status Symbols Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 262 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 11, 1970 People Description: None Notes: W May 12, 1970 Cub Reporter ‐ Headless Cockroaches Description: None Notes: W May 13, 1970 Eating in NYC and Maine Description: None Notes: W May 14, 1970 BBC Type Stories Description: None Notes: W May 15, 1970 Stamps of the World Description: None Notes: W May 16, 1970 Old Movies ‐ The Common Marlboro Man Description: None Notes: W May 18, 1970 Fishing Description: None Notes: First 34m only ‐ end missing W May 19, 1970 Lost High School Ring ‐ first Year One Poster ad Description: None Notes: W May 20, 1970 Satanic Black Mass Description: None Notes: W May 21, 1970 Hawaiian Guitars Description: None Notes: W May 22, 1970 Red Baron G‐8 Description: None Notes: W May 23, 1970 Animals of Africa Description: None Notes: W May 25, 1970 Unistars ‐ mysterious show Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 263 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 26, 1970 Movie Stars ‐ Commercials as Art Form Description: In the elevator with Otto Preminger, in the hall with Barry Farber. Show biz ‐ the commercial is one of the most difficult areas to crack. 'Cattle Calls' Using commercials to build a resume. The complexities of making a commercial. Movie commercials ‐ Shep made them for Warner Bros, Paramont, and 7 Arts. Did ads for: Dupont Stren Monofilament Fishing Line (Monitor) American Cancer Society Yankee Doodles with James Coco Willy's Jeeps with Bob and Ray Commercials for kids are more creative than for general audiences. Commercials could be one of the major art forms of our time. Notes: W May 27, 1970 Stranded at Sea ‐ Buying a PT Boat Description: None Notes: W May 28, 1970 Utopias Description: None Notes: W May 29, 1970 Kit Building Description: None Notes: W May 30, 1970 Cartoons and Humor Description: None Notes: W May 30, 1970 Medicine Description: General talk: Woman has pint of nitro‐glycerine in her refrigerator Talks about 5‐20 show "Satanic Black Mass" Who stole my walnut coffin America 1500 years from now 2 men found dead at still Full Moon CooCoo‐dom Notes: W June 1, 1970 Crazy Fan Mail Description: None Notes: W June 2, 1970 Dr Pepper, Sicilain Jews Harp Description: None Notes: W June 3, 1970 Army Induction Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 264 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 4, 1970 Intolerance on the Rise Description: None Notes: W June 5, 1970 NY by Cab (says Party can't pay) Description: None Notes: W June 6, 1970 Train Trip on 'City of LA' Description: None Notes: W June 8, 1970 Records of Animal Sounds Description: None Notes: W June 9, 1970 Cicadas Description: None Notes: W June 10, 1970 Starlings, Crazy Birds Description: None Notes: W June 11, 1970 The Urge to Go Description: None Notes: W June 15, 1970 Asst, Uncle Carl, Newsreel Schtick Description: None Notes: W June 16, 1970 Keir Dullea Story Description: None Notes: W June 17, 1970 Shep Rides Fantastic Horse Description: None Notes: W June 18, 1970 Archie, Don Marquis Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 265 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 19, 1970 Crashing Summer Picnics Description: I'm Popeye the sailor man The relationship of summer to the passion quotient. Shep does a whole show about the fun of crashing picnics. Schwartz, Bruner, Flick and Shep start by crashing a Greek picnic eating everything in sight. He gets home and for a half hour experience total nausea. Next they hit the American Legion picnic eating everything in sight again. Atmospheric effects on the moon ‐ the "Blood Moon" The one they almost crashed, but were stopped in their tracks was a picnic for the KKK! They crashed the Lithouanian Picnic for so many years people got to know them. Notes: W June 22, 1970 Ant Farm Description: None Notes: W June 27, 1970 Village Party Pick‐ups Description: None Notes: W June 29, 1970 Kazoo, Riley in the Mill, Swearing as Art Form Description: None Notes: W June 30, 1970 Talent‐Mail‐Order Piano Lessons Description: None Notes: W June 1970 Stripper Fan, Perpetualware Door‐to‐Door Salesman Description: None Notes: W June 23 or 24 1970 Backyard Airplane Description: None Notes: W July 2, 1970 Octoberfest, T Mann, American Authors for Foreigners Description: None Notes: W July 3, 1970 General Discussion Description: None Notes: W July 4, 1970 Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb that Struck Back Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 266 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 7, 1970 E.H. Scott Radio Description: None Notes: W July 8, 1970 Artie Gerbil B'Day, Changing Fuel Pump ‐ Model A Description: None Notes: W July 11, 1970 Heinz Aviator Roscoe Turner Description: None Notes: W July 13, 1970 Glass Mausoleum, Survival of Roaches and Crabs Description: Reading a story in study hall, or wish projection? Shep imagines great moments frozen in time. When all time ends what will be left? Cockroaches according to Shep. Cockroaches and Horseshoe crabs to be more explicit. An army story about land crabs. Notes: W July 14, 1970 Large Stamps, Geoffrey Holder Description: None Notes: W July 15, 1970 Shep the Newsboy Description: None Notes: W July 17, 1970 Musical Records of the World Description: None Notes: W July 20, 1970 NY Delis Description: None Notes: W August 3, 1970 John Wayne War Hero; Art Lover Mail Aways Description: None Notes: W August 8, 1970 Flying/Australia Description: None Notes: W August 15, 1970 Inventions and Myths Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 267 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 22, 1970 Nome Alaska Description: Shep has just recently returned from a trip to Alaska and spends the show speaking about Nome. He first plays a tape he made while sitting on rocks at the edge of the Bearing Sea. You first hear only the sounds of the waves hitting the shore and then Shep goes into a narration describing Nome and his trip from Juneau to Nome. Back live in the studio he reads Robert Service's "The Shooting of Dan McGrew" On the next taped piece, Shep goes into a Nome bar and records the sounds of the bar including a drunk who gets up and plays the piano. The last piece he plays is listening to the radio while driving outside of Nome. KICY radio in Nome. Shep says that everyone should write to KICY requesting a record to be played dedicated to someone in New Jersey or Staten Island. Notes: This is a second show on Alaska ‐ he says the first was last night which would have been 8/21/70. Says he was going to write a column for the Nome Nugget. KICY ‐ Nome radio station Using an Electrovoice 635 microphone W August 26, 1970 Early Wynn Baseball Description: None Notes: W August 28, 1970 Turtle Painter and Gramp's message from beyond. Description: None Notes: W August 29, 1970 Tobacco Spitting, Pinocle, and Tennis Description: None Notes: W August 31, 1970 Planes, Spitfires Description: None Notes: W September 4, 1970 Snakes Description: None Notes: W September 5, 1970 TV Commercials Description: None Notes: W September 11, 1970 Thefts at his Car Dealership Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 268 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 12, 1970 Playing High School Football Description: None Notes: W September 18, 1970 Fixing the Old Man's Car Description: The CooCoo birds are out. Shep is getting al kinds of strange letters. One comes from a woman who feels that he keeps flying his plane over her house and even goes so far as to hire someone to do it while he is away. Shep tells about the man crawling around on his hands and knees on the sidewalk. Shep stops and asks him what the problem was. He lost his keys. This reminds Shep of the time he had been working at a local garage, grinding valves, working on cars for $1.40 an hour. He tells about the time one Saturday when he had the itch to do something with his old man's car. He goes out and sits in it, then decides to turn it around. Finally he opens the hood and decides to clean the carburator. After struggling to get the 4 bolts loosened he removes it from the car, then he removes and cleans the gasket. After cleaning out the carburator, he puts in back on the car. Each bolt goes on tighly and after strugglingwith the 3rd one he reaches for the 4th and it's gone! He gets down on his hands and knees and searches everywhere. In a panic he closes the hood, puts the tools away, and heads off for the park to play baseball. When he gets back he finds the old man going crazy trying to start the car. Shep tells him there is gas under the car. They open the hood and the old man discovers not only the missing bolt, but the other 3 are stripped and the carburator is loose. Since Shep had just returned from playing baseball the old man assumed it was Randy and he got the blame. Shep mentions a job he had as valve grinder @ the local garage for $1.40/hr. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 269 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 22, 1970 Food Obsessions, Hamburger Binge (Hugh Addonizio conviction) Description: The CooCoo birds are out. Shep is getting al kinds of strange letters. One comes from a woman who feels that he keeps flying his plane over her house and even goes so far as to hire someone to do it while he is away. Shep tells about the man crawling around on his hands and knees on the sidewalk. Shep stops and asks him what the problem was. He lost his keys. This reminds Shep of the time he had been working at a local garage, grinding valves, working on cars for $1.40 an hour. He tells about the time one Saturday when he had the itch to do something with his old man's car. He goes out and sits in it, then decides to turn it around. Finally he opens the hood and decides to clean the carburator. After struggling to get the 4 bolts loosened he removes it from the car, then he removes and cleans the gasket. After cleaning out the carburator, he puts in back on the car. Each bolt goes on tighly and after strugglingwith the 3rd one he reaches for the 4th and it's gone! He gets down on his hands and knees and searches everywhere. In a panic he closes the hood, puts the tools away, and heads off for the park to play baseball. When he gets back he finds the old man going crazy trying to start the car. Shep tells him there is gas under the car. They open the hood and the old man discovers not only the missing bolt, but the other 3 are stripped and the carburator is loose. Since Shep had just returned from playing baseball the old man assumed it was Randy and he got the blame. Shep mentions a job he had as valve grinder @ the local garage for $1.40/hr. Notes: W September 24, 1970 Bra Test, Stripper on Bus Hi‐jack Description: None Notes: He tells the stripper story again on his 4‐23‐76 show W September 25, 1970 HG Grumbage, Greed Description: None Notes: W September 26, 1970 Toad Invasion Description: None Notes: W September 28, 1970 Poll Taking, Contact Lens, Comic Strips Description: None Notes: W October 2, 1970 Army Induction Physical Description: None Notes: W October 3, 1970 The Demise of Fads Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 270 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 5, 1970 Catches A Record Small Mouth Bass Description: None Notes: W October 8, 1970 TV Commercials and the One He Made Description: None Notes: W October 9, 1970 Cockroaches‐ Finding Shotgun Description: None Notes: W October 10, 1970 Story of Company K and Spanish Fly Description: None Notes: W October 12, 1970 Columbus Day Parade Description: None Notes: W October 16, 1970 Big Nells Description: None Notes: W October 23, 1970 Teacher calls him Eugene Description: None Notes: W October 31, 1970 First Grade Art Class Story Description: None Notes: W October 1970 Alaska Description: How we see history T.V. show on Alaska‐Nome Board of Trade bar Eddie Durant Nome Nugget & Albro B. Gregory Sounds of the bering sea Some items from the nugget (incomplete ending) Notes: Based on the info Shep gives the Alaska show is from October 1970. He refers to the August 22, 1970 show and recaps some of the stories. He also mentions receiving a letter mailed "about a month ago on September 11th". Lastly he refers to the premier of J.S. America coming next April. Also due to the length of the show, 45:36 and still going strong when it's cut off, I suspect it may have been a Saturday show. W November 7, 1970 Cars Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 271 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 14, 1970 Man Bit By Horse / New Ice Age Description: None Notes: W November 21, 1970 Embarrasing Moments in High School Band Description: None Notes: W November 27, 1970 Three Bus Stories Description: None Notes: W November 28, 1970 Wilbur Duckworth & His Magic Baton Description: Shep reads the story from "In God We Trust ‐ All Others Pay Cash" Notes: W December 1, 1970 Bar Fight with Shore Patrol In Florida Description: None Notes: W December 2, 1970 Talking About Different Games Description: None Notes: W December 4, 1970 Three Tales about Public Relations Men Description: None Notes: W December 5, 1970 Army Pranks Description: None Notes: W December 5, 1970 War Over / Falling Off Stage Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 272 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 9, 1970 Frozen in a Block of Ice Description: "Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey" with Jew's Harp and Kazoo In Milano, Italy parents storm a school to regain control after students take over. Letter from kid who purchased a 1936 Hudson ‐ Shep relates "the facts of life" learned from his own Hudson Hornet ("an aggressive piece of junk") purchased from Friendly Fred Story of Old Man's Essex which couldn't get off the street car tracks due to bad kingpins as street car approaches Adaptability of cockroaches and man ‐ both can be frozen in a block of ice and survive when thawed Story of radio station promotion at a circus in which Shep (age 17) is frozen in a block of ice while providing five minute remote broadcasts every three hours to describe the process ‐ complete with a feeding tube, rubber suit, attached microphone, and refrigeration tank Notes: This show was edited down from a 55 minute Saturday night show originally aired on March 15, 1969. Opening theme ‐ The 12/9/70 show starts with a new theme. On the 3/15/69 show he talks over the theme and mentions it being Saturday. Towards the end of the theme the 3/15/69 show is cleverly edited in for the theme's finish just as Shep starts singing "La Cha...Cha Cha..." Both shows run parallel through the bit about the Milano Italy Schools and at the point right after Shep sings happy birthday, the 12/9/70 show skips ahead about 5 minutes to where Shep says "Oh hey, here's an ad..." On the the 3/15/69 show these 5 minutes are taken up by Shep playing the jews harp and talking about gorillas being fingerprinted. The two shows come together again and Shep reads an ad for professional landlords and talks about doing Uncle Tom's Cabin in school. Right after he says "Oh ‐ high point in drama!" about 45 seconds is cut where he plays 'reality sounds' (a train) and mentions it being Saturday. They both pick up together where he starts to sing 'Bill Bailey' and continue in sync until he says "This is WOR" The 3/15/69 show has him continue to poke fun at WOR and then do a plug for the upcoming FDU show on 3/18/69. The 12/9/70 show has a commercial for Nat Sherman's. They pick up together again briefly when he says "Please Tony..." and he plays Bill Baily for about 23 seconds. The next part of the 3/15/69 show is cut where Shep asks if anyone knows who Bill Bailey was and then plays more of the music. Again they both pick up together as he says "I have a listener here who asked me a question" The show continues uncut fro the remainder except for one other line. As he starts to tell the story of being frozen in ice, he asks Tony "Did I ever tell you that story Tony?" The next line ‐ " I don't think I did." is cut out. W December 10, 1970 Becoming a Duty Corporal Description: None Notes: W December 11, 1970 Food & License to climb Mt. Everest Description: None Notes: W December 15, 1970 Girl in Chock full of nuts, fixing army shoes Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 273 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 16, 1970 Flying Quaker Airplane Description: None Notes: W December 21, 1970 Marching Band Description: None Notes: W December 21, 1970 Mystery Grab Bag Xmas Gift Description: None Notes: W December 21, 1970 Xmas Dinner w/Swedish Family Description: None Notes: W December 21, 1970 Marching Band Description: None Notes: W December 21, 1970 Buying Randy a 25 cent Grab Bag for Christmas Description: None Notes: Another source had this show dated 12‐21‐70 W December 23, 1970 Joins Glee Club To Be Near Girl He Likes Description: None Notes: W December 24, 1970 The Borden Christmas Party Description: Shep tells about the time as a kid, when he attended the Christmas party at the Bordens Dairy where his old man worked. Shep reads "The boy who laughed at Santa Claus" Notes: W December 24, 1970 Army Guard Duty on Xmas Day Description: None Notes: W December 24, 1970 Xmas Poetry / Stage Door Canteen Description: None Notes: W December 25, 1970 Playing Santa on the Radio Description: None Notes: W December 25, 1970 Red Ryder Nails the Cleveland Street Kid Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 274 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 26, 1970 Return Smiling Wimpy Doll, reads his story Description: None Notes: W December 28, 1970 Drunk Birds and TV Talk Shows Description: None Notes: W December 29, 1970 Shep and Schwartz visit uncle in Freezing Canada Description: None Notes: W December 30, 1970 Army Guard Duty During New Years Eve Description: None Notes: W December 31, 1970 New Years Resolutions, Geo Ade Story Description: Shep resolves to become un‐Shepard like The George Ade Story ‐ Fable of Successful Tobias and some of his Happy New Years ‐ 1897 moral ‐ "One New Year is about as happy as another." Shep muses about how he see's the world changing using the inspiration of Huxley and Orwell Notes: FET is a Field Effect Transistor W December 31, 1970 Nightclubs / Town Hall Tape Description: None Notes: W 1970 Domeliner Train Description: None Notes: W 1970 Emu Report, Plays Donkey in School Play Description: None Notes: W 1970 Sounds of the The Steel Mill Description: Educational striptease on British Television Shep spends the remainder of the show playing unedited audio tapes of the sounds of the Inland Steel Mill. This was recorded during a recent visit he made for one of the Jean Shepherd's America shows, to the old mill where he had worked as a kid. He describes the sounds of the workers talking and the roar of the Open Hearth furnaces in the background. Notes: W 1970 Kindergarten and Miss Bundy, Blintzes, Kindergarten Milk Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 275 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1970 China and Chairman Mao, Horoscope, Trivia, Oral Report Description: None Notes: W 1970 Outer Space, Salute to British, Dating Service, Shep's Credit Card Description: None Notes: W 1970 (Fall) The Cuckoo Eye Description: Pantyhose shuts down Massey Ferguson Tractor factory Stamps ‐ the size of the stamp is related to the self esteem and confidence quotia of the country of origin Reading the newspaper ‐ the real stories are inside. Sports and insulting headlines. Shep relates a time he went to a Titans game where they won with a 107 yard touchdown and nothing was mentioned in the paper the next day. Want ads ‐ Authentic dead copperhead in formaldehyde. Kids and snakes. The indelible pencil ‐ Jack Morton had purple tongue through high school. There is a myth that Shep lives in NJ. "Shep does not, never has, and never will live in NJ" (See note) Letter from listener ‐ I wrote you about marrying my sister and you never contacted her. Cuckoos ‐ People in show business are indignent. One listener writes in that she saw Shep selling mens ties Constant invitations to dinner Shep compares notes with Jack Parr about fan mail they receive. Notes: Shep did live in New Jersey several times. In the '50s he lived in New Milford and in the '70s he lived in Washington, NJ. W 1970 (Fall) Sicilian Jew's Harp Music Description: Shep has record of folk music from Sicily featuring Jew's harp. Notes: W 1970 How Radio Works Description: None Notes: W 1970 Uncle Tom ‐ Bootlegging Description: "Life is a Chowl of Berries" Building a power supply in the basement with Schwartz which blows up in their faces Uncle Tom the Bootlegger Notes: Shep mentions a show at Stonybrook University the night before W 1970 Broadcast to Other Galaxies ‐ Using Old Equipment Description: Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 276 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1970 Screaming Man at Dentist Office, Tooth Collection Description: Notes: W 1970 Underground Fires Description: Notes: W January 1, 1971 Changing His Radio Image Description: None Notes: W January 2, 1971 Cherry Cider / Gangsters Funeral Description: None Notes: W January 4, 1971 Aunt Clara Flute Music Description: None Notes: W January 5, 1971 College Ethics: Basic Western Philosophies Description: None Notes: This was originally dated 1‐5‐70 From: "Max Schmid" <> To: "Jim" <> Subject: Re: New server Date: Thursday, January 02, 2003 10:56 AM I've been meaning to write you about the show this week. It's from Bob Kaye, and the other side is 12/31/70 Talking about Greenwich Village. I was thinking about playing that one, and still might, but it didn't start off very well, like an idea that didn't gel on the air. I will listen to the rest of it and see if it improves. I figured for NY eve to go with the goods on the other side of the tape. So I checked the logs, and thought maybe I had a better copy in the BKR (Bob Kaye Reel) set, but when I checked it, it wasn't the same show. I always had problems with the dates on those shows, but I copied what the reel said (now missing, of course). But it stands to reason that the show listed as 12/21/71 is actually 1970, and the 1/05/70 is very likely 1971. To me that makes more sense of the contents of the entire reel, copied below. MISC SET: I took the following complete WOR airchecks off a reel, JEAN SHEPHERD BKR01 (90) 12/31/71 New Year's Resolutions & George Ade 01/05/70 College Ethics: Basic Western Philosophies JEAN SHEPHERD BKR02 (90) 11/27/70 Three Bus Stories 12/01/70 Bar Fight with Shore Patrol In Florida JEAN SHEPHERD BKR03 (90) 12/02/70 Talking About Different Games 12/04/70 Three Tales about Public Relations Men JEAN SHEPHERD BKR04 (90) 12/09/70 Frozen in a Block of Ice 12/10/70 Becoming a Duty Corporal Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 277 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 6, 1971 The Camel and The Coat Description: The lint that gathers in your naval ‐ Grubble Edgar Kennedy ‐ 'the slow burn' In Americus, Indiana, a kid comes home from a basketball game one night and finds a dead camel on the front lawn. The kid tells his father who accuses him of drinking and gets sent to bed. The next morning there was still a dead camel on the front lawn. "The Art of Head Thumping" ‐ Shep demonstrates his head thumping expertise to the music of The Smith Street Society Jazz Band. Shep tells about his own experience with a camel. Coming home through the back alley that ran behind the houses, Shep discovers that in one of the garages is a camel which belongs to a magician. He starts feeding it the leftover peanut butter and jelly sandwich he had for lunch every day. After several months, one day he eats his whole sandwich and comes by empty handed. The camel is not amused and takes a big bite out of his new sheepskin coat. Shep's mother accuses him of lying when he tells her how the camel bit his coat, so he blames it on Flick. She sticks a bar of soap in Shep's mouth and calls Flick's mother. (See notes) Notes: Soap in mouth: This basic concept was used in A Christmas Story. In stead of getting the soap in the mouth for lying, it was because of the cursing. The phone call is made to Schwartz's mother instead of Flick's. This story was previously told at the Limelight during the 2nd hour of the June 11, 1966 show. This show was also listed with a 1‐16‐71 date, possibly recorded during a sydication rebroadcast. W January 6, 1971 General Inspects Company K Description: None Notes: W January 7, 1971 Scientific Proof of Harmful Effects Description: Shep starts the show singing along to the tune of "In the Good Old Summertime" with his own lyrics plugging upcoming TV appearances on Steve Allen, Mike Douglas, Dick Cavett, and the Tonight Show, along with mention of his new record, (The Declassified Jean Shepherd) and TV show (Jean Shepherd's America). "We are in a global game of Monopoly" Harmful effects: Weaverville, Calif. ‐ People who hate sonic booms are sending in $1.00 to the Trinity County Sheriff Tom Kelly so he can buy a jet fighter to help round up the offenders. People believe they are the most important thing in their universe. Around 1900 people wanted to ban radio because they felt the radio waves would cause harm. They felt it would affect the marrow in their bones. In the mid 1920's people wanted to ban airplanes because the sound would reverberate and kill livestock. Another group of people felt people would die from the pollution. Mid 20's ‐ 30's ‐ Due to the increasing popularity of cross country driving in autos people feared the extended vibrations while sitting in the car would cause sterility in women and miscarriages. In the late 40's and 50's people feared getting bad eyesight and cancer from sitting too close to the TV. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 278 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 8, 1971 Old Radio Description: None Notes: W January 13, 1971 Private Sanderson (Army Yardbirds) Description: Shep talks about the time he was in the Army stationed in a casual company. One day a new soldier, Pvt Sanderson, comes into the barracks and takes the bunk right above Shep's. After spitting chewing tobacco on Shep's locker and cleaning it up, they go to the PX one night for a few 3.2 beers and Sanderson gets into a pushing match with another soldier. The MPs come in and Sanderson gives them a fake name and ID, while Shep gives them his real name. He gets called to the orderly room Notes: W January 14, 1971 Lights Out Description: None Notes: W January 16, 1971 Stories of Big Money Deals Description: None Notes: W January 18, 1971 New Action Army/Fishing in Italian Village Description: None Notes: W January 19, 1971 Witch Doctors and Rituals Description: None Notes: W January 20, 1971 Severe Nausea, Sniffing Glue, and Drinking Boilermakers Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 279 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 21, 1971 Practical Jokes, Army Signal Corps Oscillator Buzzbomb Description: Salute to most creative criminals of the week: Chaarleston W. Virginia ‐ man cons women out of their hair Dribble Glasses Exploding Cigars Stink Bombs set off in joke shop Shep tells a story about being in the signal corps radar outfit, the equipment they used and all about setting it up and testing it. They begin to power it up, a process involving more that flipping a switch, each man carefully watching the settings on his part of the equipment. As they get this unit almost up to max power, Gassor suddenly says he smell something. This is followed by a high pitched squeal that fills the air when suddenly ‐ BOOOM! Everyone heads for the trees taking cover. When it's all over they find that someone had rigged it with a buzz bomb. Notes: Shep acknowledges aomeone named Connie who either enters the studio or passes by. This is a re‐run of the 9‐22‐69 show. Commercials have been added and when he reads the article about the stink bomb in the joke shop, in the 1969 show he metions the year, which is cut out of the 1971 show. There are also a lot of other edits here and there to free up time for the commercials. In the minute before the commercials there is a part in the 1971 show that is not in the 1969 version including the WOR ID, but is obviously part of the 'original' recording. Then the commercials are edited in. (Approx 2 minutes) Listening to the 1969 show you can hear the spot where something has been edited out right where the commercials would be plus about 15 seconds right before ‐ including the WOR ID. Maybe the commercials were cut by the person recording? But why the part right before since it is still part of the story he was telling and then the WOR ID. It was repeated again in 1976 W January 22, 1971 Frogs Description: None Notes: W January 23, 1971 Discoveries At The Dopplers Description: None Notes: W January 26, 1971 Old Man and microphone, Job at Bendix Electric Description: None Notes: W January 29, 1971 Gasser & Shep Almost Tattood Long Branch, NJ Description: None Notes: W January 30, 1971 Army Story of Making PFC Description: None Notes: W February 6, 1971 Gang Sees Strange Small Old Man Description: None Notes: W February 8, 1971 Camera and Balloon, 28V Selsyn Motors, Surplus Balloons, Kites Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 280 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 19, 1971 Hobson's Choice, Do people see dreams in focus without their glasses on Description: Hobson's Choice, Glasses ‐ do people see dreams in focus without their glasses? Adjusting the color TV set at mom's house ‐ everyone is green, but she likes it that way! Stamp collecting, Andoren stamps. Notes: W February 24, 1971 Bullets, X‐rays, Corkscrew Description: None Notes: W February 1971 DX Ham Radio CW Description: Shep recieves a letter from a fan in Milan, Italy where they are picking up the show via DX signals. Shep discusses the technical aspects of DX signals. His old man used to pick up stray television signals. The ultimate achievement was picking up a station from France. Notes: Shep plugs his upcoming appearance at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute on Feb 26th at 8pm. W February 1971 Orson Welles, Credit Card Snafu Description: None Notes: W February 1971 Kindergarten Milk Description: None Notes: W February 1971 Radio Row Description: None Notes: W February 1971 Night Airmail Description: None Notes: Possibly w/o 2/1‐6 W February 1971 X‐rays Description: None Notes: Not 2‐24‐71 show W March 4, 1971 Name Show ‐ Parade of Humanity Description: Shep spends the entire show reading the names of listeners. This is possibly the 4th year he has done it. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 281 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 26, 1971 Committees Description: Shep talks about commitees The larger number of sharpened pencils, the greater the group, the less chance anything will happen. "You get one guy, you got a great society… you get two guys together you got a fistfight." Most committees are used for the personal purposes of several people within the committee who want to use the committee to get their own particular end pulled off. Notes: W March 27, 1971 Rubbernecks Description: None Notes: W April 1, 1971 April Fool Gags Description: None Notes: W April 3, 1971 Canary Funeral, How to Camp Description: None Notes: Shep announces time change to 10:15 on Monday 4/5 W April 10, 1971 Army Glasses Description: None Notes: W April 12, 1971 Amateur TV Description: None Notes: Shep mentions the Overseas Press Club conference as happening "last week" and also mentions later that the day was Monday. The Monday following OPC was April 12. W April 17, 1971 Trains Description: None Notes: W April 24, 1971 Stealing Description: None Notes: W April 1971 JSA Reviews Description: None Notes: W April 1971 Sea Cow Description: None Notes: W May 1, 1971 Practical Jokes Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 282 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 8, 1971 Summer Madness Description: None Notes: W May 22, 1971 Worms Description: None Notes: W May 29, 1971 Fishing and Racoons Description: None Notes: W June 5, 1971 Shep vs Coke Machine Description: None Notes: W June 1971 Schools and School Topics, Jack Morton Description: None Notes: W June 1971 Lurking Disaster Description: None Notes: W June 1971 Plagerism, Racing Description: None Notes: W June 1971 HS Issues Schools and School Topics; Jack Morton Description: None Notes: W July 9, 1971 Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Other Animals, Amhearst Police Log Description: None Notes: W July 16, 1971 Practical Jokes Description: None Notes: W July 22, 1971 Super Slobs and Dogs Description: None Notes: W July 1971 Flying, Fathers Traffic Jams, Lemmings Description: None Notes: W July 1971 Cars, Phones, Licenses, IDs Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 283 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 1971 Events Calander Description: None Notes: W August 13, 1971 Friday the 13th Description: None Notes: W August 31, 1971 Shep's Book + Clubs Description: None Notes: W August 1971 Wanda Hickey ‐ Writing a book Description: Shep opens the show thumping on the first copy of "Wanda Hickey" which had arrived that afternoon after working on it for three years. He's trying to answer the 1,000s of inquiries he's received. Shep spends the show describing the process of writing a book and getting it published. He talks about writing in the first person ‐ the "I" form and how fiction is semi‐autobiographical in that it projects an image into what the writer has seen and experienced. It results in an amalgam form not of specific incidents, but of what could have happened in certain situations. The book was 3 years in the writing and once it it sent to the publisher it goes through a long process to get published. It is in the contract how many free copies an author gets ‐ 6 copies. The book goes through a design process, where an artist designs the book itself. Bindings, color, paper, type, and the layouts of the pages. Another artist does the dust jacket. When it is all designed, it goes to the factory to be printed and 'built'. Decisions are made as to when it will be published ‐ spring or fall and on what date. He mentions that there are writers and readers. Readers read, and Writers write but seldom read.* He thinks out a story before writing. He thinks out a beginning, a middle, and an end. Only then does he start writing. and once he's done writing, he's done and puts it out of his mind. He moves on to the next thing. Notes: He says he's a second baseman. In many other shows he mentions being a third baseman. Herb Squire ‐ engineer *I remember in one show Shep (the writer) talked about his obsession with reading everything he could get his hands on. Even cereal boxes. W August 1971 Secret Fears Description: None Notes: W August 1971 Publishing Description: None Notes: W August 1971 Prediction Comes True, Collections, Edsel & Other Commercials Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 284 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 1971 Bad Bees ‐ Walking Catfish Description: None Notes: W August 1971 Bad Radiator ‐ Brit Spirit ‐ Lost Dog ‐ Flies Description: None Notes: W August 1971 Spiders ‐ Farkas and Crackerjack Description: None Notes: W September 1, 1971 Take out the Garbage, Trivia, Story of Shep's Childhood Description: None Notes: W September 7, 1971 Keys, Tollbooth, Cowboy X, Plainfield ‐ Books, Dear John Letter Description: None Notes: W September 8, 1971 Crystal Radio, Shep's Telephone Description: None Notes: W September 9, 1971 Dracula, Shep in Black Forest Description: None Notes: W September 11, 1971 Big Frankie Description: None Notes: W September 13, 1971 Shep's Play, Toy Bedbug, Camps Description: None Notes: W September 18, 1971 Underground Fire Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 285 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 25, 1971 Drunken Animals Description: Woman in Australia raises pet wild rats and a funeral for lizard that liked to drink Plymouth ‐ a community based on strict moral laws, total temperance. 25 miles away Thomas Morton arrives on a ship. They set up a may pole and everyone including the Indians get skunked. Drugs and drinking amongst todays kids ‐ cheap wine is the current craze, the type of California wine you use to keep your radiator from freezing. Poor Richards Almanac, the most moralistic book written was by Ben Franklin, another man who liked his drink. Shep tells about Mrs Scott, the neighbor across the street who used to collect all the baseballs his into her yard, threatening to call the cops. She even wore a fielder's mit. She had a Spitz named Rocky that always barked. One day Rocky grabbed Mrs Scott by the ankle and bites her. Seems that Mrs Scott also had a rabbit hutch in the yard. The rabbit food used to drop through the bottom of the cage onto the ground below. There is would ferment in the sun and rain. Rocky discovered this and use to get drunk eating the fermented pellets. One day someone cleaned out under the cage and Rocky couldn't get high and after a couple of days of a hangover. He had a head the size of a watermelon, so he bit Mrs Scott. Notes: Shep notes that "Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories" is listed in the Time Magazine best seller list under non‐fiction. Mentions being on K. Berman's "Perspective" tomorrow (9/26) morning on WOR FM at 8 am W September 30, 1971 Phantoms and Snakes Description: None Notes: W October 11,1971 Writers Convention, Conference at Playboy Description: None Notes: W October 12, 1971 Commercials Description: None Notes: W October 15,1971 Army Pass, Going Home Description: None Notes: W October 22,1971 Wizard of OZ‐ Cavemen Description: None Notes: W October 25,1971 Army Rifle Range Description: None Notes: W October 27,1971 Giving Advice / Yellow Kid Wild Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 286 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 1971 Trivia, Hickory Bark Review, Nostalgia Description: None Notes: The show "Reviews, Nostalgia" dated Oct. 1971 can be narrowed down to either 13 or 14 Oct. Shep mentions he'll be at Bloomfield College "this Saturday" which was the 16th; the 13th & 14th are the only dates that don't have shows associated with them for that week. ‐ (spiderman via 12‐10‐ 2010) W October 1971 Trivia, Pot News, Jersey Devil, Kentucky Devil Description: None Notes: Shep mentions that in one week from Saturday he will be appearing at Bloomfield Collage on October 16th. That dates this show sometime during the week of 10/4/71 W October 1971 Marching Band & Wilbur Duckworth, Parade and Floats Description: Put the horses to the back of the parade! The crowds are betting on whether the trombone player is going to step square in it. Shep describes Wilbur Duckworth and rehearsing for a marching parade Thanksgiving Day parade ‐ Shep talks about parades and the 'slob art' of floats. He describes the float of plumber's union 6SJ7. A white lilly covered toilet with black crepe paper lid that opens to the sounds of a toilet flushing. His H.S. band marched behind it. Another year they marched behind the sanitation workers. The float featured water sprinklers which would spray detergent into the air ‐ and all over Wilbur Duckworth! He just kept marching, never missing a beat and occasionally his baton would be seen rising above the cloud of detergent. Shep claims to keep a photo of Duckworth in his center desk drawer for inspiration. Notes: Shep keeps mixing up the names. He starts out calling the character Wilbur Duckworth but mixes it up with "Stinkey" Davis at times, calling him "Stinky" Wilbur Duckworth. He also slips one calling the character Davis and then correcting it. Announces Princeton show ‐ Saturday November 6th at 8:30pm. All seats reserved ‐ $3.00 W October 1971 Checla Cars, Devils, Mysterious Blackout in Woods Description: None Notes: W October 1971 Car Dealer Description: None Notes: W October 1971 Reviews, Nostalgia Description: None Notes: W October 1971 UK Car Shopping Description: None Notes: W November 1, 1971 Life / Brain Waves Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 287 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 3, 1971 TV Weather Girls, Newsmen, Moose Description: None Notes: W November 5, 1971 Farmer who Collected Things, Planes, M/C, Cars Description: None Notes: W November 8, 1971 Survival of the Fittest Description: None Notes: W November 10, 1971 Airplanes Description: None Notes: W November 12, 1971 Toll Booth / Common Cold / Incense Burner Description: None Notes: W November 15, 1971 Throwaway Car, Japanese Music, Shep's Record, Auto Troubles Description: None Notes: W November 16, 1971 Trivia, Mean People, Chess and Bobby Fisher Description: None Notes: W November 17, 1971 Re‐enactment of Former Battles Description: None Notes: W November 19, 1971 TV Trivia / Buttered All Over Ernie Description: None Notes: W November 22, 1971 Harlem Jazz Description: None Notes: W November 22, 1971 Happiness / Environment Description: None Notes: W November 23, 1971 Harlem & Jazz Description: Shep discusses Harlem Day in New York, talking about its history and the musicians of the time, playing music from his own extensive collection of records. Instead of closing theme, Shep goes off playing music from Fletcher Henderson. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 288 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 24, 1971 Grand Ole Opry Description: None Notes: W November 25, 1971 Controls of the Universe, Alligator in Swamp, Obscene Phone Number Description: None Notes: W November 26, 1971 Wet Cement Description: None Notes: W November 29, 1971 Disposable Car Description: None Notes: W November 1971 Army Induction Description: None Notes: W December 3, 1971 Stealing Description: None Notes: W December 6, 1971 Newspaper Boy Story Description: None Notes: W December 8, 1971 Article in WSJ, 1937 Railroad Pulp Mag, Trivia Description: None Notes: W December 14, 1971 Fungus, Giant Beens, And Hassenpfeffer Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 289 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 15, 1971 Flying Quaker Airplane Model Description: Shep talks about his annual urge to build a model airplane. Building planes is a guy thing. He's never seen a girl interested in building model planes. Boys vs. Girls ‐ Romanticism vs. Sentimentalism. The first plane he built was a "Stinson Reliant" which his mother broke "a little bit" when she dusted the room. (Remember the Leg Lamp and how it was broken in A Christmas Story?) Aerial Photography ‐ kids send a camera up 1,000 feet attached to a balloon to take pictures and the string breaks. Shep and Schwartz build a model of the "Flying Quaker" in the basement. They buy it for $15 after the prices was reduced from $21, and work together in Shep's basement assembling it. Finally it is ready, and they bring it outside, run a few tests of the engine, and then get ready for the maiden flight. The plane takes off and climbs to about 1,000 feet in a spiraling left turn. Suddenly it straightens out and takes off, climbing even higher. Everyone jumps into the car and they chase the plane down highway 41, through fields and used car lots, only to watch it fade off into the sunset never to be seen again. Notes: W December 16, 1971 Used Cars Description: None Notes: [Rich B] Shep claims to have owned a Hudson Hornet W December 17, 1971 Beer and Uncle Carl Description: Nose flute accompaniment to Mozart. Discusses techniques for inspiration ‐ Sherlock Holmes had his pipe. For Shep ‐ Occasionally the nose flute, other times the Jew's Harp, but sometimes "nothing will do it like beer!" Notes that recent show about beer on public TV network generated more response than any other show. Beer as an ancient craft ‐ Neanderthal man had a form of beer. Notes that "TV would totter on its foundation without beer". First hand observation that beer factory employees "dig the product". Ernie Oest ‐ world's greatest collector of beer cans, caps, and beer related items. Women beer tasters at Allied Breweries in England. Uncle Carl reveals his secret basement brewery to a young Shep and his Dad ‐ complete with stone crocks covered with big rubber caps connected to pipes with meters, all in an locked and insulated room built by Carl, himself. The "curious sweet, rich, vaguely sickening smell" noted ‐ "New batch, want to try some?" An explosive ending to Uncle Carl's brewery and his quick escape by the back door. "To ignore beer is to ignore life" JS Notes: "A classic" LT Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 290 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 18, 1971 Robert Service Description: None Notes: Misdated? There are 2 shows for 12/18/71 W December 18, 1971 Christmas Madness Description: None Notes: Misdated? There are 2 shows for 12/18/71 W December 21, 1971 Hunter's Stew Description: None Notes: W December 22, 1971 Playing Santa Description: None Notes: W December 23, 1971 Commercials, Playboy Description: None Notes: W December 24, 1971 Earliest Christmas Description: None Notes: W December 26, 1971 Wimpy Doll Description: None Notes: This show is misdated‐ there were no Sunday shows in 1971 W December 31, 1971 New Year's Eve at Grandma's Description: Shep reads "New Year's Eve" by Robert Service He talks about the New Year's Eve shows he did in the past. Town Hall, Limelight, 1 Sheraton Square. New Year's Eve at Grandma's with all the cousins. They watched the Times Square celebration and couldn't understand the 1 hour time difference. Granma brings out a tray of pickled herring ‐ "For good luck!" Outside they hear shooting and suddenly the street is crawling with police cars with their search lights pointing towards a third floor apartment across the street. On TV they see the report that the police are in a shootout with "Big Lefty McGoon" on the north side of Chicago. "Big Lefty" gets caught and the kids all celebrate midnight. Notes: W December 1971 Hunter's Stew Description: None Notes: W December 1971 Earthbound + Flyers Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 291 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 1971 Kooky Stamps Description: None Notes: W December 1971 Turnips Description: None Notes: W December 1971 Real US History Description: None Notes: W December 1971 Shepherd Experience 2 Description: None Notes: W December 1971 Singing Dogs, Talking Plants and Strange Radio Waves Description: "Jingle Bell" as sung by dogs. "Sorry, Herb" A salute to Mrs Barlow who had a 10 ft deep hole mysteriously appear in her backyard. Barber loses a case that his shop lost business when his divorce became public. In fact it was busier than ever. He was divorced because his wife could not keep up with his sexual appetite. Reactions of plants to their surroundings and how one man used a receiver to pick up the very high frequncies of plants. He had crimes commited in front of the plants and observed their reactions to a line up of culprets. Ham radio signals, Hughie Metalkof and his bootleg ham station. Notes: W December 1971 Christmas Gifts for the Affluent; Worst Weather in the World Description: Ellegantette Giftee Shoppee (and what the gifts really say) ‐ A Cockroach Trap ‐ A years supply of deodorant ‐ A Nose Job Massenram, gets the worlds worst weather, so don't complain! Notes: February 24th Booksignings ‐ Bambergers 1‐3pm Willingboro Shopping Center in Wayne Summit Book Shop 4‐6pm W December 1971 Trains Description: None Notes: W 1971 Confession Night Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 292 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1971 (Summer) Phone Booth Fantasy Description: None Notes: W 1971 Old Movies, Comedy, Shep in Play Description: None Notes: W 1971 Oriental News, Music, Shep as School Patrol Description: None Notes: W 1971 Trivia, God's Top 40, Payday Description: None Notes: W 1971 Personal Habits, NY Times Ad, Shep's New Book, Clubs Description: None Notes: W 1971 Graffiti, Flying "A" Train, Phantom Radio Station, Count of Monte Crito, Donald Lake Description: None Notes: W 1971 Trivia, Car Dealer Description: None Notes: W 1971 Chester Conklin, Seminar at Payboy HQ ‐ Chicago Description: None Notes: W 1971 Rheingold Rest, Edsel and Other Commercials Description: None Notes: W 1971 Trivia, Scrapping Bottom, Football, Shep in Slam Description: None Notes: W 1971 Salute to London, Battery in India, English Newspapers, Airlines Description: None Notes: W 1971 Stamp Collecting, Interesting Places, Hobbies Description: None Notes: W 1971 Duet With Butterfly McQueen, Jolean Gehrhard, Money Bags, Advice and Jealousy, Admiration Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 293 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1971 Salute to Slob Art, Army Induction, Who You Know, British Mutiny Description: None Notes: W 1971 Salute to British Spirit, Trivia, Remnants of World War I Description: None Notes: W 1971 (Summer) Summer Camp Stories ‐ Playboy Description: None Notes: W 1971 Drunk Tracking Description: None Notes: W 1971 Ecology Description: None Notes: W 1971 Hobbies and Collecting Description: None Notes: W 1971 Slogans Description: None Notes: W 1971 Spicy Detective Description: None Notes: W 1971 Stamps Description: None Notes: W 1971 The Specialist Description: Shep reads Chic Sale book about the Specialist. Outhouse builder. Notes: W 1971 Rituals, Graduation, Commercials Description: None Notes: W 1971 Air Stories, Heinz and Roscoe Turner Description: None Notes: W 1971 Fake Ids, Diplomas, Credentials Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 294 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1971 Peace Watch Description: None Notes: W 1971 Army Shoes Description: None Notes: W 1971 Popular Mechanics Description: None Notes: W 1971 Rats Description: None Notes: W 1971 Summer Pinball Description: None Notes: W 1971 Trivia, Shooting, Finger Description: None Notes: W 1971 Trivia Description: None Notes: W 1971 Junk Mail Description: None Notes: W 1971 Music, Lady on Ferry, Rotton Artists, Names, Dirt Track Racing Description: None Notes: W 1971 National Spitting Contest, Inflatable Bras Description: None Notes: W 1971 Freezer Story, Rival, Ice Age, Wildlife Description: None Notes: W 1971 Festivals and Contests Description: None Notes: W 1971 Larry Gardner, Milwaukee Beer Day, Signal Corps Theme Song Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 295 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1971 The Privy Builder Description: Shep reads "The Specialist" by Chic Sale Notes: W 1971 Mobile Home and Ghost Town Description: None Notes: W January 3, 1972 Time and Resolutions Description: None Notes: W January 11, 1972 (clipped end) Description: None Notes: W January 13, 1972 To Bra or Not To Bra Description: "The Answer Man" The Bra(less) test ‐ Place a plain wooden pencil under one breast. If the pencil does not stay there and falls you can go without a bra. Shep asks to hear from some women in the audience to call in with their own test results. Two people are married via television. The minister appears on TV to marry the couple. Bedridden patients become active when BBC puts sex show on TV Salute to Dumont, NJ ‐ Cultural activity. Dumont launches its new cultural series showing the film King Kong. I can see culture is a very serious project in Dumont NJ. Univ of Calif. Prof. of Eng. J. D. McKenzee has combine cow manure and glass bottles to produce bricks. Stanford Calif ‐ special surgical masks have been developed for doctors sporting big beards. Lack of red M&Ms ‐ spokesman says there is a failure of the company that makes the red dye to come up with a better formula. "John" paper squeezing. Human Cannonball Notes: W January 17, 1972 Comic Strip Quiz Description: Shep spends the show describing various comic strip characters to see who (apparently aimed at those in the booth) can name the character or the creator of the character. Along the way he gives some background material of the strips to help refresh memories. Notes: W January 21, 1972 South Dakota Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 296 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 28, 1972 Witch Doctor Description: None Notes: W January 1972 Wacky News Items, Math Class Revelation Description: None Notes: W January 1972 Behind the Scenes Description: None Notes: W January 1972 The Boarding House Description: None Notes: W January 1972 Sense of Place Description: None Notes: W February 3, 1972 Salute to George Plimpton, Rain and Cars Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 297 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 10, 1972 Scrambled Eggs Light, Excelsior Description: Shep opens with Stars and Stripes playing with a salute to the candidates in this year's election. Receives a telegram from Car and Driver ‐ they can't get through the switchboard to talk to him. Salute to Ma Bell Pilots listen to his show, like the Jews Harp The origin of kalrabi Working for Village Voice and eating at the Mandarin House Sitting in a diner with his friend Bob, another customer comes in and for no apparent reason dumps mustard all over Bob's scrambled eggs. Bob asks why and the fellow says "Wanna make something of it?" Bob picks the guy up, the waiter makes ready with a rubber pipe, and the crowd watches. The guy orders Bob more eggs with toast. A few days later the same guy comes in, sits down as ifnothing ever happened and greets everyone. Shep likes the cerial that gets shot out of a cannon. When he was young and had not much money, he would order a boxof the cerial in the diner for breakfast and keep pouring the half and half into the box and drinking it. He would consume almost a whole quart with every little box of cerial. The waiter caught on and began to give him the half and half in little portions. So Shep switched to another diner and on the second day the waiter says 'Ain't you that guy that goes around drinking all the half and half?' and gives it to him in a little cup., which proces there is an underground amongst quick order chefs. Shep asks for a caller who knows the secret password. Immediately someone calls to say "Excelsior". Shep then says the origin of the password is the poem "Excelsior" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Notes: W February 15, 1972 Trivia, Phantom Chess Player, Latrine Explosion Description: None Notes: W February 16, 1972 World's Records (Ferrets) Wedding on "75" Description: Salute to man who sets record by placing 2 ferrets down his pants for 2 minutes. New Hampshire Hamfest Attended wedding of 2 pilots who got married in the hanger. The flag pole sitter The marriage of Al and Rose ‐ Married over ham radio, husband, wife, Reverand all in different locations. Notes: W February 18, 1972 Robbery at Bank of America, Gangsters and Gunmen Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 298 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 21, 1972 Washington's Birthday, Colonial History, French 75 Description: Refers to Limelight show where everyone sings happy birthday to George Washington. Shep spends the show discussing Washington and the time period. He talks about Washington's teeth and uniform which are in the Smithsonian and his rank. Revolutions vs Rebellions ‐ The Boston Tea Party Washington drank Madera wine which leads to a discussion of what the troops drank at the time and famous drinks of the military. The "Artillary Punch" of the Revolutionary War, the "Stonewall" from the Civil War, and the "French 75" from WW‐I. The Stonewall consisted of a jigger of bourbon in a glass filled with apple cider. Notes: W February 25, 1972 Shep's Father's Bowling Tournament Description: The Old Man's quest to win a prize. Bowling on the ABC tour he bowls a 300 game and becomes a local hero. Sitting around the kitchen table with his friends the Old Man gives a frame by frame description of the game. There in the middle of the kitchen table lies the medal he brought home. Shep's High School principal come to the house to meet the Old Man. Notes: Mr. Rupp was actually Shep's H.S. Asst Principal and his picture appears in the 1939 Yearbook. W February 28, 1972 Money, Watchers Description: None Notes: W February 1972 Advertisements In Strange Places, Rosacrucians Description: None Notes: W February 1972 Bodies Description: None Notes: W February 1972 Lurking Suckers Description: None Notes: W February 1972 Straws in the Wind Description: None Notes: W February 1972 West Coast Description: None Notes: W March 1, 1972 Cockroaches and Races Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 299 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 2, 1972 Theater with Shep Description: None Notes: W March 3, 1972 Kid Myths, Fleer Gum and Talking Bird Description: Shep spends the show bouncing from subject to subject, all trivia, making references to saving Indian Head Pennies to buy a Ford, collecting gum wrappers, "dildocks", and more. Dildock ‐ What to do with 87,000 Pepsi Cola caps? Scouts and Gum trivia. The right number is the winner & enough pennies will get you a Ford! Dildock ‐ Salt Lake City police car chase with a youth that didn't want another ticket. Dildock ‐ Credit at Indiana University in Comic Book appreciation. Dildock ‐ Stereo albums of My Favorite strike bulletins of the 1960's! Dildock ‐ Lake Charles Louisiana, an armed bandit holding up the credit company asked the lady clerk to take off her pantie hose to tie her up! Dildock ‐ Chicago, the mystery of the horse in the swing pool. Dildock ‐ Cleveland, Richard Burton got a bill from Hermes in Monti Carlo!?! Gluttony the only sin not popularised by Hollywood. A future jail able offense. Dildock ‐ England, Neighbor shoots neighbor when he drops in for tea. Dildock ‐ Union New Jersey, Do not refuse a beer!?! (a Miller, opportunity missed) Dildock ‐ Boston, College students buying term papers. Dildock ‐ NYU, intellectuals can not afford to fail, so they buy all their term papers. Dildock ‐ Germany, Johnny Weistmuller was pissed on in living color by a chimp. Talking Mina Birds & Toilet paper with smiley faces. Notes: Engineer & other people in the control booth Herb who was not in the Cub Scouts. Leigh Brown his producer finds a gum wrapper in the control booth. Don Crikey who went to Notre Dame could go back to school for comic books. W March 6, 1972 Month of March, Baseball, First Job Description: None Notes: W March 7, 1972 Logic and Stories, 1972 New Hampshire Primaries Description: None Notes: W March 8, 1972 Trivia, Japanese ‐ Kamikaze, Foreign Country, Quiz Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 300 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 9, 1972 Pickle Juice Drinkers ‐ Calendar of Weeks Description: Koo koo bird letter of the week Dealing with dead moles Kosher bottled pickles week National Chunk Peanut Butter Week Notes: W March 10, 1972 Frauds and Hoaxes Description: None Notes: W March 14, 1972 Carol O'Conner Description: None Notes: W March 15, 1972 Trivia Description: None Notes: W March 17, 1972 St Patricks Day in a Dublin Pub Description: Shep describes the St Patrick's Day parade in NYC and then tells about his trip to Dublin Ireland and the Irish pubs Crossword Puzzles in the New York Times by Will Weng Notes: W March 20, 1972 Wet Blankets, Building A Flying Bicycle Description: None Notes: W March 21, 1972 Spring Description: None Notes: W March 22, 1972 History, Etc; African Tribal Music, Presidents, Fort Monmouth to Redbank Description: None Notes: W March 29, 1972 Bouts With High Voltage; Electrical Shocks and Power ‐ Tornado At Steel Mill Description: Pomposity Rutgers garbage cans are labeled "Anti‐Pollution Devices" Shep plays the nose flute to a jazzy version of "After You're Gone" "Rampant Dildockery" A gov't grant of $23,000 to study why tiny tots fall off tricycles. Shep describes "One of the prime educational times" of his life working with a transformer and other unfortunate 'shocking' events related to his early years working in electronics as a hobby. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 301 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 31, 1972 Co. K Change Of Command Description: Reads Army story about Sgt raising melons which get mowed over. Shep tells about one of the blackest days to hit Company K when the new C.O. arrives and makes them G.I. the camp area ‐ Lt Cherry. He mentions it as Camp Crowder. Notes: W March 1972 The Great Generator Hunt (repeat from 1971) Description: None Notes: W March 1972 Entire Show Of Wacky News Stories Description: None Notes: W March 1972 Computer Poem, Gurgling Toilet Disaster Description: None Notes: W March 1972 Norbert's Bones & Dillinger's Severed Finger, Creepy Stories Description: None Notes: Does big promo for upcoming show at Carlton Theatre in Red Bank, NJ on April 7,1972 at 8pm Mentions it is Friday Repeated 9/9/76 W March 1972 Censored Lyrics Description: None Notes: W March 1972 Brooklyn Description: There are certain towns people have an attitude towards even if they have never been there. In the case of Brooklyn some people are amused. Brooklyn was in the background of old movies and radio shows. "Newstalgia" ‐ picture magazine by Bob Richmond. Brooklyn WAS the Dodgers. Most people don't know how the name Dodgers came to be. Brooklyn was a city of trolley cars criss crossing the town and to get to the ball park people were constantly dodging the trolleys and became known as the trolley dodges. How Brooklyn got its name ‐ Breuckelem, then Brookland, and finally Brooklyn. Shep discusses the history of Brooklyn and the surrounding area referring to the "Newstalgia" magazine and drawing from some Army memories. Going to the Dodgers / Giants game Notes: WOR has spent the whole day broadcasting about Brooklyn W March 1972 Creepy Stories Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 302 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 3, 1972 Memory Description: None Notes: There is a promo for the Carlton Theater Red Bank, NJ show. That was on Friday, 7 April. Shep also says during this show that it's "the beginning of the week". According to the database, the only date unaccounted for at the beginning of that week is ‐ 3 April. W April 4, 1972 Trip Around the World in 7 days ‐ Part 1 Description: Left NY on March 25th ‐ JFK Airport London, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Beruit, Tehran, Bangkok "I don't make the news ‐ I just reports it!" Notes: 10:30 break for Lester Smith reporting primary results in Wisconsin. W April 6, 1972 Flick's Tongue Description: Shep tells the story of being a kid and their involvement in kid mythology. There were the believers and non‐believers. He talks about myths such as the poisonous inside of a golf ball, the indelible pencil, bats flying into your hair, swallowing gum will make your stomach stick together,and the tongue myth. The tongue myth stated that if, on a very cold day, you placed your tongue on a metal object, it would stick forever. So one day on the way to school Shep, Flick, Schwartz, and Bruner start talking about this and as they pass an iron telephone pole, start to dare one another to try it. Dares led to double dares and then to the double dog dare! Flick walks up and places his tongue right on the pole and it's stuck!! The rest of the kid's run to class leaving Flick behind. Miss Shield's, their teacher finds out, and the fire department is called to solve the problem. Notes: This show was originally broadcast on Saturday, January 27, 1968 W April 7, 1972 Trip Around the World in 7 days ‐ Part 2 Description: None Notes: W April 10, 1972 Trip Around the World in 7 days ‐ Part 3 Description: None Notes: W April 11, 1972 Twits, Etc Description: None Notes: W April 12, 1972 Trivia, Chaplain in Army ‐ Unusual Caskets, Seeing The Chaplain For A Pass Description: None Notes: W April 13, 1972 Trip Around the World in 7 days ‐ Part 4 Description: None Notes: W April 14, 1972 Kentucky Cock Fight Description: None Notes: See 2‐11‐66 Repeat? Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 303 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 17, 1972 Letter from Geometry Class, Dentist Shot At, Lafuchets Disease Description: None Notes: W April 19, 1972 Men's Zipper Problems, Mayonnaise On Date's Lip Description: None Notes: W April 20, 1972 Traffic of the Future Description: None Notes: W April 21, 1972 Kiteman Description: None Notes: W April 24, 1972 Bad Mistakes Description: None Notes: W April 24, 1972 Burning Glasses, Kiteman, Opening Game of Baseball in Ohio Description: None Notes: W April 26, 1972 Trivia, Shep's Style of Hockey Description: None Notes: W April 28, 1972 Telephones, Placebos, Uniforms, Pigs, Aunt Clara Description: None Notes: W April 28, 1972 Witch Doctor Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Losing Plane Ticket In Iran Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Swamps, Dentists Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Summer In Greenwich Village Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Stage Foibles Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 304 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 1972 NJ Turnpike Howard Johnson's, Street Named Shepherd Circle Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Practical Jokes Backfiring, Obscene Bathmat In Elegant Restaurant Description: None Notes: Repeated from 1‐4‐66? W April 1972 Bananna Oil Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Bangkok Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Chicago Rialto Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Chinatown Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Collage Radio Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Controlled Environment Description: None Notes: W April 1972 East Side NYC Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Geography Description: None Notes: April 1972's "Geography" can be dated from the first week (+/‐) of that month. Shep plugs the Red Bank, NJ show on 4/7 W April 1972 Great Plays Description: None Notes: April 1972's "Great Plays" can be dated from the first week (+/‐) of that month. Shep plugs the Red Bank, NJ show on 4/7 W April 1972 Japan Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Neomasochism Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 305 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 1972 Potpourri Description: None Notes: W April 1972 Secret Panels Description: None Notes: Secret Panels can be dated from the first week (+/‐) of that month. Shep plugs the Red Bank, NJ show on 4/7 and the show also has an ad for the NY Auto Show "now through April 9th." Knowing this show had to be aired before the 7th and taking definitively dated shows from the database into account, they must be from either 4/1, 2 or 5. W April 1972 Special Events Description: None Notes: W May 3, 1972 Practical Jokes Description: Joe Pepitone Dial a Laugh Pracktical Jokes Notes: W May 5, 1972 Trivia, Salesmen and Gags Description: None Notes: W May 8, 1972 Lobsters, Restaurants Description: None Notes: W May 10, 1972 Alfred Pecker, Peru & Its Forests Description: None Notes: W May 15, 1972 Airports, Seaplanes, Myths Description: None Notes: W May 17, 1972 Writers, Politics Description: None Notes: W May 19, 1972 Ego, Art Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 306 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 22, 1972 Dirigibles and the Future Description: Shep discusses dirigibles, talking about their history, the different types, hydrogen vs helium, their construction and their future. He says a company in England is currently building one to transport freight. Claims he has logged time on the Goodyear Mayflower whose FAA registration number is N1A ‐ the first registration issued. Explains how registration numbers stay with the craft even if sold andhow the numbering in used throughout the world. All US craft begin with the letter "N" and England begins with "G" Mentions that US (Texas) is major source of Helium which was not allowed to be sold to Germany after WWI. He further discusses the technologies that may come down in the future to be used in the aviation industry. Aircraft could received weather signals forcing a craft to divert its course to avoid bad weather. Also a "Federal" credit card to charge your flights and food with. Just stick it in the machine and if it is accepted, you're on! Notes: Shep says it is 28 years until 2000, confirming year of show W May 23, 1972 Trains, Possessions of Shep's Childhood Description: None Notes: W May 24, 1972 Hollering Description: None Notes: W May 26, 1972 Indy 500 Description: None Notes: Racer Jim Malloy died in a crash during this race. W May 30, 1972 Hard Times Of A Sousaphone Player Description: None Notes: W May 1972 Misprints, Tour Busses, Reading From Travis McGee Pulp Novel Description: None Notes: W May 1972 Cockroaches Description: None Notes: W May 1972 Trains, Lost Sounder Key Description: None Notes: W June 1, 1972 Pollution, Creative Pregnancy, How To Know A Millionaire Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 307 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 2, 1972 Inspector 16 Description: None Notes: W June 6, 1972 Code Description: None Notes: W June 6, 1972 Advice to Candidates Description: None Notes: W June 7, 1972 Historic Rooms Description: None Notes: W June 8, 1972 American Society Description: None Notes: W June 8, 1972 Witchcraft, Jug Band Description: None Notes: W June 8, 1972 Porn Theatre Description: None Notes: W June 9, 1972 Transistorized Shep Description: None Notes: W June 12, 1972 Beware of Animals ‐ Alimony, Incidents with Animals Description: None Notes: W June 13, 1972 Philly Boo Birds, Conscience, Apology to Philadelphia Description: None Notes: W June 15, 1972 Gettysburg, Roach Races, $750 Ring & Balloon, Guinea Pig Description: None Notes: W June 16, 1972 Guinea Pigs, Horses Description: None Notes: W June 20, 1972 Triva, Election Primary Reports Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 308 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 21, 1972 Back of the John Description: None Notes: W June 22, 1972 Ben the Sewer Rat, Cockroaches Description: None Notes: W June 23, 1972 Witchcraft Army Description: None Notes: W June 26, 1972 Throw Away Unfinished Kit Day Description: None Notes: W June 27, 1972 Staten Island Description: None Notes: W June 30, 1972 That Night With The Old Man's Pontiac Description: The summer ‐ the time of the year when everyone gets in trouble. Especially on the weekends. A salute to the American Men ‐ Stars and Stripes "Under no circumstances does Shepherd feels that when he was a kid things were better than they are now." and He does not feel that being a child is the best of all possible worlds and things were better than they are now. Along with Flick and Schwartz, Shep "borrows" the old man's Pontiac and the go to the drive‐in for a hamburger and a drunken truck driver plows right into the back end of the car while they are parked. Notes: Shep mentions that the re‐runs of J.S. America will start on Saturday July 8th at 7pm on Channel 13. W June 1972 Urban Legends Description: None Notes: W June 1972 Steel Mill Tornado Description: None Notes: W June 1972 Primary Election Description: None Notes: W June 1972 Voice Of The Devil, Animal problems, Police Log Description: None Notes: W June 1972 Nude Record Store Sale, Seedy Times Sq. Hotel & porno Theater Regulars Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 309 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 1972 Airports and Sailplane Description: None Notes: W June 1972 Car Parts Description: None Notes: W June 1972 Fads Description: None Notes: W June 1972 Frenzied Animals Description: None Notes: W June 1972 Hooray for NY Description: None Notes: W June 1972 Railroading Description: None Notes: W June 1972 USA Ingenuity Description: None Notes: W July 3, 1972 The Old man In The July 4 Parade Description: None Notes: W July 4, 1972 Ludlow Kissel's Dago Bomb Description: None Notes: W July 5, 1972 Hit By Lightning Description: None Notes: W July 6, 1972 Roller Skating Craze Description: None Notes: W July 7, 1972 (?) Ben The Movie Rat Description: None Notes: W July 13, 1972 Convention Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 310 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 21, 1972 Voyeurism Description: None Notes: W July 25, 1972 Pilfered Passwords Description: "America" Love It or Leave It ‐ fluorescent bumper lights Is madness the true sanity or is sanity the true madness? Increased awareness of mortality at the dentist's office ‐ listening to screams of the doomed and the damned while in the waiting room. Growing crowd of crossword puzzle highjackers noted. Paging through the Sunday New York Times ‐ ads for summer camps with moralistic premise (i.e. camps for weight loss, psychiatric adjustment, work ethic). Excitement of finding a blank crossword puzzle ‐ " sense of a new start, like the myth of New Year's". Discovery of pilfered puzzle in Sunday Times ‐ unsuccessful attempt to replace the newspaper from dealer, and discussion of the highjacked puzzles being taken over state lines in trucks. Scientist's discovery of 95% of the solar system missing ‐ "must be something out there eating it up". Oath of Allegiance for NJ Teachers ‐ until a few months ago the oath had ended with "so help me God*" (* optional) God had been optional in the state of New Jersey and had an asterisk next to his name "just like Roger Maris" Naming of Man's Ages (Age of Exploration, Age of Reason, Renaissance) and examples of "men who failed their Age" What will our Age be named? Notes: "Energetic and interesting throughout" LT Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 311 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 27, 1972 Gehrig Aims For The Old Man Description: "Praying Hands" salt and pepper set as example of "pious slob art" "Within every civilized man there is a slob sitting around waiting to be heard" JS Bullet proof Bible and "Last Supper" tablecloth Distinction between sports and games Salute to the soreheads and the "boobirds" ‐ "It's not how you play the game, it's whether you win!" Philadelphia as "boo" capital of the world Old Man's love for the White Sox ‐ losing teams produce loyal fans New York Yankees as the "ultimate winners" and Chicago White Sox as the "ultimate losers" Beauty of Comiskey Park ‐ looking down at playing field before the game ‐ "pregnant with possibilities ‐ the grass, white lines, foul lines angling off, fantastic green, enormous cliff of the stadium..." A baseball outing with the "Old Man" at age 6 to a double header on a hot July Sunday against the Yankees at Comiskey Park is the subject of a story forming Shep's whole attitude toward sports. The Old Man leads a group of about 20 anti Gehrig fanatics using his "tremendous diaphragm" with jeers of "Lou, you bum!" at their seats about 5 feet inside the foul line at upper deck right field. Gehrig nails one about 30 feet behind them, and scores three runs. The "boos" continue with "eyeballs bulging!" Three innings later Gehrig slams one on a direct line to the Old Man which hits the railing just below him. The OM becomes "white as a sheet" realizing that Gehrig was aiming for him! "The next one will decapitate us!" He felt responsible for the defeat of the White Sox that day for goading Gehrig into a superhuman effort, and shuts up for two games for fear of being hit. "Kinda took the wind out of the OM as a boobird" ‐ until the next game with hated Cleveland! Notes: Shep talks about becoming a Yankee fan through the back door, "because the Yankees represented the avenging wrath that would come out of New York periodically and decimate the White Sox... They were so fantastic that you couldn't help but go out and watch them!" This story was used in the 1985 Jean Shepherd's America Series in an episode called "Chicago, Chicago That Toddlin' Town" Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 312 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 28, 1972 Owls and Penguins Description: Computer dating service for Dogs Audio test of two Jew's Harps Sheik of Araby with Jew's Harp accompaniment Psychological effect of harmonics upon listeners as observed by audiologists ‐ positive and negative effects of various musical instruments Sheik of Araby ‐ singing and kazoo Lunchroom at Copeland, Florida in middle of Everglades wilderness ‐ turtle steak, turnip greens, okra, corn bread, and Jim Beam green label with Merle Haggert music two for a quarter. Distinction between Traveler and Tourist Hissing sound from owls in tree above car in parking lot ‐ emotional response. Lady in Everglades whose husband built her a fireplace because she "always wanted to sit in front of a fire in a fireplace". James Thurber ‐ "You release 5000 pigeons in Yankee Stadium ‐ you get no excitement at all. Release 6 owls and you got a riot." Penguins as mysterious birds Experiences with a rented penguin for a TV show Notes: The image of the Everglades lunchroom stays with you. LT W July 1972 Real Dracula, Car Trip From Munich To Innsbruck Description: None Notes: W July 1972 Show Biz Fringies And Phonies, George Ade Fable About Show Biz Description: None Notes: W July 1972 Skunks, Snakes And Giraffes Description: None Notes: W July 1972 Convention Description: None Notes: W July 1972 Minnesota Description: None Notes: W July 1972 Show Biz Stories Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 313 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 1, 1972 (?) Shepherd In Bmidgy Minnesota Description: None Notes: W August 3, 1972 Chewing Tobacco Description: None Notes: W August 4, 1972 (?) Shep As Sat. Morning TV Cowboy, Army VD Film Sneaked On TV Description: None Notes: W August 7, 1972 The Piano Factory Job (See 4/23/62 ‐ Repeat?) Description: None Notes: W August 16, 1972 Commercial, Mouse In The Radio Station Power Supply Description: None Notes: W August 18, 1972 Hitchhiking To School Description: None Notes: W August 22, 1972 (?) The Zoo Opera, The Eyeball Stew Description: None Notes: W August 24, 1972 Trip to Sweden Description: None Notes: W August 25, 1972 New York Mets Description: None Notes: W August 1972 Ben The Rat Description: None Notes: W August 1972 Fishing Description: None Notes: W August 1972 Gordian Knot Description: None Notes: W August 1972 Kits and Hobbies Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 314 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 1972 Rats and Cockroaches Description: None Notes: W August 1972 Signs at Shea Description: None Notes: W August 1972 Trip to Sweden Description: Has a bad cold ‐ a swedish cold! Just returned 2‐3 days ago. Notes: W August 1972 VD Film Description: None Notes: W September 1, 1972 The Labor Day Parade Description: None Notes: W September 4, 1972 Animals Description: None Notes: W September 6, 1972 New York City Oddities Description: None Notes: W September 6, 1972 Trivia, Zoo & Opera, Food in Haifa Description: None Notes: W September 8, 1972 The Reformed Parrot Of Alaska Description: None Notes: W September 8, 1972 Bugs, Termite Story Description: None Notes: W September 11, 1972 Animal Night Description: None Notes: W September 13, 1972 Aunt Clara and Cousin Buddy, Drunks Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 315 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 19, 1972 Trivia Al the Doberman Pinscher ‐ Bad Taste Night Description: Shep goes Mitch Miller, and conducts a sing alone solo and kazoo session. The how the hell things really are school. Good guys, bad guys and politics. Important things in life, like a New Jersey sunset though 8 year old Bourbon. Foreign news papers, witch‐doctors and their advice. Shoes shine parlors and reading a 1937 National Geographic. Graffiti, Stamp out Woody Allen. What happens when the barbershop becomes Mister Anthony's. A story from a Spanish News Paper about a man that had eaten a cat. A Doberman Pincer that answered the phone. Notes: W September 20, 1972 Chickashay, Oklahoma Description: None Notes: W September 21, 1972 Beer Is The Mother of Life Description: None Notes: W September 22, 1972 Saturday At The Dentist Description: Shep starts the show singing "I'm Popeye the Sailor Man" slow and low. Standing on stage in front of 2,000 people with his fly open. Walking along 6th avenue Shep hears a blood curdling scream. Looking around he sees it's coming from a dentist's office. There are two kinds of people that go to the dentist ‐ the dentist haters and the people who just go. Shep talks about being a kid and getting the school medical exams. The time Helen Weathers threw up all over the nurse when the tongue depressor was used. Shep get a note to take home saying he has two cavities. His mother hauls him off on Saturday to the dentist. While they're sitting in the dentist office, a scream comes from the inner office and a grown man runs out only to be hauled back inside by the dentist. Notes: Shep makes mention of the time he collected teeth in a ball jar Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 316 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 27, 1972 Saved By A Clairvoyant Description: Governor West has dedicated a ceremonial bathroom in a drive to bring plumbing to South Carolina! "All right everybody, let's dance!" Unidentified man has been dumping shoes behind the house of Lella Begley of Milan, Michigan for about a year. She put a stop to visitors rummaging through the 30,000 shoes since they were "tramping through my strawberry patch!" Although she had originally granted permission so as to get some shoes for her kids for school, the onslaught has gotten out of hand, and the shoe pile (3 feet deep, 50 yards long, and 10 to 15 yards wide) continues to increase. Recently dumping has been undertaken at night! Shep proposes a TV show starting with the Begley kids eating Fruit Loops in the kitchen, followed by a camera dolly to the left with a view out the back door to the "sheer cliff, the tremendous glacier of shoes." Report on the "Pixie of the Week" ‐ a male type, complete with a "knit hat with pink flowers on the side" Shep describes a TV show of the past in which a clairvoyant typically walked out into the audience to identify the unseen contents of a purse, etc. Shep had been working long hours in the "standby booth" (similar to an unventilated phone booth) where he would make hourly announcements such as "This is WLW, Cincinnati." One night the monotony and purposelessness of the job got to him. "I'm going out of my head. I'm going to go to the boss' office five minutes after I get my paycheck Friday afternoon. I'm going to kill myself right in front of him!" At this point the clairvoyant says "No No!" while giving love life advice to a lady in the third row! All Shep hears is the "No No!" and takes it as a sign! He stood up straight, blew his nose, and walked out tall. That clairvoyant is the "reason I survived to now bedevil you!" (The clairvoyant's name was Dunninger) Shep describes a place outside of Sarasota, Florida where all the great TV symbols (such as the Esso tiger and Mr. Clean) are retired! Notes: Shep worked at WLW in 1953 (see "Radio"). Could he still have been taking some college courses in this year as well? Was Dunninger on TV in 1953? Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 317 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 28, 1972 Red Baron Flying Ace Description: Kid asks Shep to write a book report for him about Robert Service ‐ complete with notes and tape recorded observations. "Sense of Humor" and characteristic of "Dishonesty" as a distinction of all mankind from the animals. Listener letters consistently report "I am one of the true people." "No one ever believes he is a bad guy." JS Rise in the serious belief in actors as "profound thinkers" and "truthful people" Perfect political candidate of the future seen as a black medical doctor of one‐third Indian background who is a successful actor. Emphasis on ancient rather than contemporary history noted. Manfred von Richthofen ("Red Baron") cited as example of a "spectacular character" who created classic aerial tactic formations in WW.I Discussion of theories about the final defeat of the Red Baron. Additional facts about the Red Baron's life Notes: Shep is reminded twice to do the commercials ‐ "Don't worry, I'm on top of it" W September 29, 1972 Giants Football Game ‐ Keep Your Knees Loose Description: None Notes: W September 1972 Insects Description: None Notes: W September 1972 Variation On "The Grasshopper & The Ant" Description: None Notes: W October 2, 1972 Bolus, Dog Droppings ‐ Dung's the Word Description: None Notes: W October 3, 1972 Pinboy, Caddy Description: None Notes: W October 6, 1972 Flying, Playing Baseball United Brethren Church Description: None Notes: W October 9, 1972 Broke in NYC Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 318 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 10, 1972 Refer to English, Shep's First Love Description: None Notes: W October 11, 1972 Caddy Stories Description: None Notes: W October 12, 1972 Step On A Crack Break Your Mother's Back Description: None Notes: W October 12, 1972 Fu Man Chu, Smell‐O‐Rama, Sight of Sleep Phobia Description: Excerpts from an article on "Sight of Sleep Phobia" from a London publication. New fad stated in the village ‐ pacifiers. Shep describes a momentary movie fad, Smell‐O‐Vision! The theory that at seven years old we are set in our ways. Sheps father a fan of "Fu Man Chui" books. Jersey images, marching forward in spite of the obvious facts. Notes: W October 13, 1972 Superstition, Friday the 13th Description: None Notes: W October 16, 1972 Pollution, Found Money, Asserting Yourself On A Chow Line, Revenge Description: None Notes: W October 18, 1972 Last Night's Carnegie Hall Show With Clips Description: None Notes: W October 18, 1972 Stepping on Cracks Description: None Notes: W October 19, 1972 Shep, Schwartz & Flick Play Chicken With Pills Description: None Notes: W October 24, 1972 Queens, New York Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 319 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 31, 1972 Halloween, The Evil Darkness Description: Trick or treat! Come across or I don't do a show! Come across or I'm going to play excerpts form John Gambling shows of the past. Riding the F train ‐ Shep is riding the train when it stops at 18th street and a man gets on and sits down. Eventually he gets up, takes out a can of orange spray paint, writes "Superman" on the door and gets off at the 23rd street station. Putting a pin in the doorbell, hanging a pin by a string on the outside of a window so it keeps taping in the breeze. Going to a Halloween party Darkness ‐ All of man is afraid of the dark. Hunters in the darkness.Shep does a haunting commentary with spooky music about the evils of blackness. Notes: W October 1972 Modern Approach For Wilderness Survival Description: None Notes: W October 1972 Bolus The Pin Ball Hustler Description: None Notes: W October 1972 Faust And Fame Description: None Notes: W November 1, 1972 Litigious Sports Fans, The Reverse Of Astrology Description: None Notes: W November 2, 1972 Army Chickens Description: None Notes: W November 3, 1972 Marijuana Soup, Chicken Plucking, Motor Pool Description: None Notes: W November 6, 1972 Head Lice Invades Shep's Class Description: None Notes: W November 8, 1972 Post Election Talk Description: None Notes: W November 8, 1972 Instant déjà vu Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 320 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 9, 1972 Salute to Sneaky People Description: None Notes: W November 10, 1972 Cockroach Poem, Romantic New York City Description: None Notes: W November 13, 1972 Miss Bailey & Figs Description: None Notes: W November 14, 1972 Polly the Parrot, Mrs. Trainer, Banks Description: None Notes: W November 15, 1972 A Salute To Sneaky People Description: None Notes: W November 16, 1972 Car Number One Description: None Notes: W November 17, 1972 Clarence the Singing Chicken Description: None Notes: W November 20, 1972 Without Them You Would Not Have Existed Description: Shep opens by reading "Evolution" Stories that have influenced us as kids. The cave man period of life. What kid drama was based on a cave man? Wizard of Oz ‐ Shep asks a group of trivia questions about the story. What city? What road? Visiting a museum with Miss Robinette. Looking at the cave man exhibit. A family of cave people. She pointed out that these were our ancestors. Without them we wouldn't even exist. Notes: W November 21, 1972 Slob Equipment, Christmas Gift Suggestions Description: It's the day before Thanksgiving and Shep starts off by talking about popcorn stuffing. "It's not only good, but you'll know when the turkey is done." A society can be determined by the gifts it gives one another. As a public service Shep spends the show reading Christmas gift suggestions from various mail order catalogs he has received: Electric earwax cleaner, Pipes in the shape of a privy, Transistor radio that looks like an orange, Plastic apple pen holder, Plastic orchid making kit, Plastic bird clothes pins, 40 inch high daisy bird bath, and lots more. 'Have you actually ever seen anyone use an electric carving knife? I knew someone whpo took off the knife and put a hack saw blade into it.' Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 321 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 22, 1972 Turtle on the Runway Description: Thousands of slivering worms cover the runway at Cleveland airport. Spotted when a DC‐10 skidded sideways on the runway. Shep tells about his experience landing in Florida an finding a turtle right in his path. Other animals found on the runway are the moose and bear. A pilot landing in the jungles of the Amazon gets shot at by the local natives. Shep decribes the blowguns they use and the poison darts. Gives a detailed description of how they are made. A process which takes almost a year. Mentions the blowgun he received on his trip to Peru. Notes: W November 23, 1972 Thanksgiving in the Army Description: None Notes: W November 24, 1972 Trivia, Animals, Dick Humbert Description: None Notes: W November 25, 1972 Fired at the A&P Description: None Notes: W November 27, 1972 Wilbur Duckworth And The Liquid Detergent Truck Description: Shep talks about Thankgiving Day parades and one made famous by Wilbur Duckworth Notes: Shep refers to Duckworth as 'Stinky'. In earlier stories the character of Wilbur Duckworth was called Stinky Davis. W November 1972 Cavemen Description: None Notes: W November 1972 Eating Dog Food Description: None Notes: W November 1972 First Car Sale Description: None Notes: W November 1972 West Side NYC Description: None Notes: W November 1972 Turtle on the Runway Description: None Notes: W December 1, 1972 Commercials, Honesty & Cheats ‐ Mistakes Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 322 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 4, 1972 Trivia, Football and Related Topics Description: None Notes: W December 5, 1972 Settling A Dispute At A Garage Description: None Notes: W December 6, 1972 Apollo 17 Description: None Notes: W December 7, 1972 Beethoven Description: None Notes: W December 8, 1972 The Exploding Streetlight Mystery Description: Woman in England goes to the dentist and when he pulls one of her teeth, a centipede crawls out of the tooth. Leigh does her Yogi impersonation Kid from Denville NJ takes out a helicopter with a baseball. Shep tells about the time he was ten and shoots down the street light with his BB gun. Notes: He will be at Wanemakers in Philadelphia 12 noon on Saturday (12/9) W December 11, 1972 Unlawful Gatherings, Pickle Juice Description: None Notes: W December 12, 1972 Games & Frogs Description: None Notes: W December 13, 1972 Trivia Quiz, Parties Description: None Notes: W December 14, 1972 Losing The Old Man's Car In A Parking Lot Description: None Notes: W December 15, 1972 Shep As A Radio Station Santa Description: None Notes: W December 18, 1972 Steel Rhino, Battle Over A Board Game, Half Track Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 323 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 21, 1972 Jews Harp Virtuosity Description: Listener tells Shep that "with his handlebar mustache," he looks like the kind of guy the posse rides out after Jew's Harp accompaniment with Nitty Gritty Dirt Band selection Pitfalls of buying a musical instrument as a Christmas gift Attempted rip‐off by Chinese cab driver in NYC Virtuosity on the Jew's Harp as a religious calling ‐ Shep started at age six Jew's Harp accompaniment to a recording by country fiddler Vassar Clements Explanation of first entertainment money earned at age 15 playing Jew's Harp for the Colorado Cowhands Shovelnose Scott's distinctive sound on the Jew's Harp Fiddle style of Little Davy Greg (sp?) ‐ "came out so natural he didn't know he was playin' it, he was bombed so much" Vassar Clements playing "Wabash Cannonball" as demonstration of fiddle virtuosity (Shep chuckles because there is only guitar on this particular cut ‐ see Notes) Shepherd imitation of Purina "Chick Chow " ad More country music with Jew's Harp accompaniment Notes: After "Wabash Cannonball" Shep says to Leigh ‐ "You did it again, Baby, didn't you? You blew that one, Leigh! ...No, you didn't. You never do anything wrong! It's just me. I take full responsibility" Shep notes that he will be on the Alex Bennett Show tonight at 2 a.m. (12‐22‐72) W December 21, 1972 Santa Claus, Army Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 324 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 22, 1972 In A Christmas Mood; Pre Christmas Show Description: "Deck The Halls with Boston, Charlie" Short history of Christmas cards Ebenezer "Stooge" quiz Slob Art ‐ Bank displays huge tin Christmas tree with the corporate emblem replacing the Star of Bethlehem Merry Christmas wishes to a "call in" listener representing the entire audience Give your friends "you" ‐ ad for full dimensional sculptured facsimile of you "to take your place at long meetings or dull parties" Christmas greetings from Conway Tweedy (Shep's guinea pig) Wife opens 6' 2" talking sculptured facsimile of husband received as Christmas gift ‐ "It's Alive" Prediction of ego centered Christmas gift giving by 1980 Phone calls from guinea pig owners and listening to their guinea pigs squeal Notes: Shepherd talks with Leigh several times during the show and is in a happy mood throughout. Leigh imitates guinea pig. W December 25, 1972 Red Ryder BB Gun Story Description: Notes large volume of listener requests over past year to read the Red Ryder BB Gun story (4 or 5 hundred) Story background relating two men in an Indiana bar at Christmastime who had known each other since childhood but had taken separate paths ‐ one had remained in Indiana as a bartender while the other had since become an effete New Yorker ("Do you remember that particular Christmas?"...) Notes background music of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky as being identified with Christmas Notes that the the Red Ryder story had originally appeared in Playboy magazine a few years back, and later in In God We Trust All Others Pay Cash Reading of "DUEL IN THE SNOW or RED RYDER NAILS THE CLEVELAND STREET KID". Notes: The commercials appear to be added, implying that this is a repeat show. It appears to be a repeat of the 12‐25‐1969 show Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 325 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 26, 1972 Food Poetry Description: Philodendron stolen ‐ ransom note appears two days later along with demand for $10 Reality check ‐ Mailer received just before Christmas describes fuel oil produced from dog waste. Reading of poetry about food from a book entitled ...And Be Merry ‐ A Feast of Light Verse by a friend, William Cole ‐ included are poems about shad, mixed drinks, a 17th century hangover cure, eggs, soup, and oysters. Authors include Ogden Nash, Mae Swenson, and Thomas Hood. Discussion of emotion as the basis of each of the seven deadly sins, including gluttony. More reading of food poetry. Archeologists' recent discovery in France of eight 5000 year old well preserved wooden houses found 15 feet underground ‐ Shep reminds us that anyone of us might have a pad that could last 5000 years, and that we ought to clean it up because "the next Ice Age might hit before morning." Our own house could be the basis of future judgment about our entire civilization. Notes: Shep received the poetry book as a Christmas gift. W December 27, 1972 Ribbon Cutting and Promotion Fiascos Description: None Notes: W December 28, 1972 The Majestic Goose Description: This is the only time of the year you can get a goose in a restaurant. Shep talks about "A Christmas Carol" and mispronounces all the names of the major characters. Scrooge ‐ Stooge Marley ‐ Barley Cratchet ‐ Hatchet He also quotes the first line of Mobey Dick as "Call me Israel" He tells the story of being attacked by a goose as a kid. He used to go by a neighbor's yard, every day on the way home from school, where there was a goose behind the fence. Each day he would run by the yard running a stick across the fence ‐ tat tat tat...and the goose would go wild chasing after his trying to get through the fence. One day as he got to the end, he found the gate was open and the goose came tearing out after him. The goose chases his all the way down the street, through the back door and into the kitchen. Shep hides in the bathroom while his parents chase the goose around the kitchen for five minutes before getting it out the back door where it waited until the lady who owned it came. Notes: Shep does the General Tire ad twice. Once about 17 minutes into the show and then at the end. Seems like he finished his dialog early and filled with the commercial. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 326 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 29, 1972 Car Radiator Ornaments Description: Warning ‐ there are certain elements in the next 45 minutes which are of questionable taste. In a jovial mood, Shep sings "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" stating he is kneedeep in the rubble of old Christmas parties. Debating how to go straight in 1973 ‐ maybe he will stop picking on New Jersey. National Blues and Boodle Am ‐ salute to girls we loved and passion itself. Who knows what 1973 will bring. Who knows who will will be meeting. What if you knew on a certain day that you were going to meet a terrific girl on an elevator. Would you get on the elevator that day? Shep receives a Christmas gift from friends of a pornographic radiator ornament made of German silver. What do you do with it? You can't drive around New York with it and you can't hurt their feelings by not using it. Shep talks about radiator ornaments and how they are coming back really big. People have great collections of ornaments. He refers to a New York Time article obout the comeback. He describes the different ornaments which adorned the older cars such as the Model A, and those found on Pontiacs. He once saw a chauffeured Cadillac with the Howard Johnson "Pie Man" as an ornament. The license plates were "HJ". He talks about how you can get ornaments based on your occupation. Notes: W December 1972 Games and Frogs Description: None Notes: W December 1972 Beer and Uncle Carl Description: None Notes: W December 1972 Slob Food Description: None Notes: W 1972 Sports Description: None Notes: W 1972 Influence of Comics Description: None Notes: W 1972 Al & Mabel Description: None Notes: W 1972 Austrailia Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 327 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1972 Pro Am Golf, Letters from listeners Description: Salute to Philly who's welfare department paid $1300 for belly dancing lessons for a welfare recipient. Just got back from playing golf in the Tony Lima Memorial Pro Am in Florida. His partner was Johnny Unitis. Shep tells how his hits his ball into the middle of the deepest and largest sand trap he's ever seen. One of the pros, George Fazio, comes down and give Shep a few pointers. Shep hits the ball like he's told and as he climbs out of the trap he hears the whole crown cheering. He hit the ball out of the trap and 70 yards right into the hole! Shep reads a bunch of letters received from listeners whose topics include: 1) A 57 year old parrot that fights off a burglar ‐ in Hammond, Indiana 2) A Shep Coo Coo who while stationed at Ft Knox had a friend take him up in a plane every night so he could listen to Shep. 3) A guy writes in about his concern for a friend that carries a rubber duck everywhere he goes. 4) Henry Ford gets a letter from John Dillinger attesting to the get‐away power of the Ford. Notes: Tony Lima was a golf pro killed in a plane crash July 24th 1966 near Munster, Indiana. It crashed in a pond on the golf course.‐19.htm Possibly a Monday show as he states he has just gotten back from the Pro Am which was over the weekend. W 1972 UK Japan Greece Description: None Notes: W 1972 Trivia, Flight of Icarus Description: None Notes: W 1972 2 Jokes, Falling Beans, Commercials, Touristville, Unusual Food, Restaurants Description: None Notes: W 1972 Letters Description: None Notes: W 1972 Greenwich Village Description: None Notes: W 1972 The Rialto, Fantastic Saturday, Pinnocle, Bolus' Basement, Boom Boom O'Tool Description: None Notes: W 1972 Upcoming Parade of Humanity Description: None Notes: W January 1, 1973 Shepherd's New Year's Resolutions; Shep Repents Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 328 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 2, 1973 Reformed Shep, New Jersey Description: None Notes: W January 4, 1973 Robert Service Poems Description: None Notes: W January 4, 1973 18 Hours Of KP Description: None Notes: W January 5, 1973 Salute To Slobs Description: Slob‐ism's like: "Hey ya got anymore beer?" Slob‐ism's like: "Hay Namath, your a bum!" Slob‐ism's like: "Hey defense you slobs, let's go! Move that puck!" Philadelphia slob‐ism, Jersey slob‐ism and etiquette Slob food selections Slob music Slob requests in the mail Slob drink selections Slob taste in cars & bumper stickers Slobs in history Slobs in sports Slobs have animal wisdom Slob comics Notes: Shep appeared in the show to be sexist by not acknowledging female slobs who might say things like: "I'm tired of these old beat up antiques, I want some new antiques!" W January 8, 1973 12 Folk Talents Description: None Notes: W January 10, 1973 Lemmings, Preverts, Pet Pigs Description: None Notes: W January 10, 1973 Charisma Description: None Notes: W January 11, 1973 Shep & Schwartz Raising Band Money In Subzero Weather Description: None Notes: W January 12, 1973 Army VD Story Description: Shep opens show with spooky connotations, an actors bar and a cigarette machine Match cover messages Shep reads an open letter leading to a suggestion to air the Army VD movies The VD movie experience Quiz, popular serviceman's name of that VD film. Late night television faux pas playing of the film. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 329 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 15, 1973 Rat Trapping, Tin Mill Rat Catcher Description: The rehashing of TV shows, Adam 12 is rehash of Dragnet and Canon is a rehash of The Fat Man. Salute to Philadelphia's Rat Catcher Sam Micelli who refuses to get a haircut and is fired. Zoos should have rats on exhibit A short course on the fundimentals of tin plated cans used for food. Why there are different costs due to the thickness of the plating and the contents. Shep was a 'professional rat catcher' at the tin mill, succeeding Clarence who was a legend. Chester Gooch was the boss and assigned Shep to the duty of setting the traps, catching anwhere from 50 to 100 a day. Notes: W January 16, 1973 Silence Might Be The Solution Description: None Notes: W January 17, 1973 Sin with a Surprise Ending Description: None Notes: W January 18, 1973 Fu Manchu Description: None Notes: W January 19, 1973 Rat Catcher at the Tin Mill Description: None Notes: W January 22, 1973 LBJ Eulogy Description: None Notes: W January 24, 1973 Radio and the Electronics Wiz Description: Shep begins by discussing secret ambitions to play the piano (Tommy van Heusen). Shep then muses about his childhood hobby: building radios. This would be a topic for the rest of the show. At the end, Shep recollects seeing television for the first time in a friend's basement. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 330 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 25, 1973 Radio Station Job Description: "New Jersey" version of Bahn Frei theme Six week job at age 16 as only English speaking announcer at a 250 watt Chicago foreign radio station with wind up turntables in the back room of a Chevy agency amid 30W oil stock ‐ "Any place that gives you experience isn't going to pay you!" Award for promoting "well being and health" of Hungarian community Introductions to the radio shows in nine languages Learning a language by listening Lowell Thomas as creator of "Lawrence of Arabia" Playing in a pinochle quartet with "masters" Notes: NJ version of Bahn Frei theme played several times in show ‐ "one of the worst pieces of music I've ever heard in my life" JS W January 26, 1973 Differing Viewpoints Description: Title Syndrome ‐ Janitor as Waste Material Conveyance Director "The Bear Missed the Train" Artist creates huge letters on five continents spelling "EARTH" NJ Turnpike Sunday night traffic jams interpreted as giant glowing electronic worms by astronomers light years distant Our reaction to space probe from Venus taking pictures of us Bad TV drama depicting unrealistic responses to violence Pilot's head turns off on solo flight ‐ stays aloft for hours, but claims he circled the field just once Veteran actor blanks out for five minutes on stage ‐ returns for a perfect performance and denies it ever happened Notes: Shep chides engineer for missed cues ‐ praises him when he gets it right. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 331 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 29, 1973 Unusual Thefts Description: Personal Service Workers trade union formation by Turkish prostitutes Kindness to criminals at a peak Theft of 5' stuffed penguin from a bar and 17' canoe from a department store Weekend theft of entire office equipment stock from radio station by guys disguised as lease company personnel doing routine equipment exchange Theft of radio equipment including transmitter, mixers, tape machines and mikes ‐ although never placed "on the air," a year later three guys were found "playing radio" with a complete ersatz station setup at a remote site Theft of essential typewriter prop during "live" Broadway theater production Theft of microphone during "live network TV" production causing important Ritz Crackers commercial to "boot" Notes: No WOR station identification for this show! W January 30, 1973 Crime Night Description: "Crime" noted to be WOR station theme for past 24 hours Discussion of rising "pseudomorality" Effect of the recent Vietnam War peace agreement on the peace sign industry and peace groups Forces of "good and evil" in classical Westerns ‐ replacement by pragmatic killing for fun Experiences with NYC apartment robberies, and reluctance to report crime for fear of increased insurance rates ‐ effect on crime statistics Crime in past seen as "just the way life was" Three outside phone calls taken ‐ crime discussions with working policemen "There is not one of us not capable of murder" JS Notes: Shep rebukes engineers for inattentiveness to show. Also, Shep insists he is a "working monologist," and "not a phone type" in reference to phone broadcast hookup engineeers are working on. W January 31, 1973 Dissension In The High School Band Description: None Notes: W January 1973 Army KP Duty Description: None Notes: W January 1973 Child Cruelty Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 332 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 1973 Robert Service Description: None Notes: W January 1973 Rumors Description: None Notes: W January 1973 Scout Balloon Description: None Notes: W January 1973 Turtle Painter Description: None Notes: W February 1, 1973 Shep As A Decayed Molar In First Grade Play Description: None Notes: W February 2, 1973 Work Ethic, Why "The Honeymooners" Is Realistic Description: 12 year old boy steals 3 school buses. Shep's 1st experience of driving. At age 12 he helps Leonard the local delivery boy make deliveries, but Leonard has girls on his mind and lets Shep drive the truck while he is otherwise 'occupied' in the rear of the truck. Archie Bunker is no Honeymooners. Bunker never mentions work. Shep re‐creates a Honeymooner episode he recently saw where Ralph is passed over when the new bus is delivered. Shep tells about the time "Gallagher got it" where his old man was also passed over for a promotion to Chief Clerk in the accounting department, something he had been waiting for 6 years for. Notes: W February 5, 1973 Bears Description: None Notes: W February 5, 1973 Obique Harch, Actors, Protein Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 333 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 6, 1973 Hot Air Balloon Story Description: The scrambled egg theory of the brain ‐ up to 16 years old the brain is not solidified yet. Shep is in the Boy Scouts, the Moose Patrol, and the Jamboree is coming up. Shep was a junior patrol leader in Troop 41 Martin, Howard Emde, Shep, and Flick decide to build a Hot Air Balloon for their project. He describes how they made it from plans found in a magazine. Making Kerosene, Parafin, and Excelsior mix for fuel. Shep hesitates for a while about telling the rest of the story which he eventually does tell. It seems they underestimated the effects of the fuel. Martin lites it and there was a great cloud of smoke and the heat rose the balloon high up into the air in a ball of flame. It comes down and burns down 1/3 of Warren G Harding School. Notes: W February 8, 1973 Nit Picking Description: None Notes: W February 9, 1973 Various Topics Description: None Notes: W February 9, 1973 High School Band Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 334 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 12, 1973 Lincoln's Birthday Description: Shep starts the show singing "Happy Birthday Dear Abe" "Jokes are popular, humor is never popular because it looses you clients" (See notes) Salute to the New Mexico House of Representatives which has voted to repeal an old law which allows a husband to kill his wife if he finds her in bed with her lover. The vote was 61‐6. Mr. Lincoln was one of the leading Jews Harp players in his day. Politics always provided some sort of entertainment following a speech. Lincoln would often provide his own, and come back out onto the stage to play his Jews Harp. While in the White House, late at night, he would play for his friends. While in High School, Shep played the B Flat Sousaphone in the High School Concert Band. During an assembly one year, celebrating Lincoln's birthday, not all goes as planned. Sitting in the band in the front of the auditorium, he can smell this familiar smell. The curtain goes up and there stands Abe Lincoln on the stage. He continues to smell that smell. Lincoln speaks: "Four score and seven years ago . . ." he stops, and then starts again. "Four score and seven years ago . . . " he stops again. What is that smell? He starts again, but he is swaying back and forth. Shep recognizes the smell ‐ Uncle Carl. . . His drunken Uncle Carl! Abe Lincoln is bombed. The curtain quickly drops and Miss Fife takes over the assembly, telling about her recent vacation. Shep ends the show singing "Happy Birthday Dear Abe" Notes: Was this meant as a jab at the sponsers that get irritated when Shep pokes fun at them? Shep is Freshman in high school Miss Fife is mentioned as a member of the English Dept. W February 13, 1973 Bills Description: None Notes: W February 14, 1973 A Valentines Day Perspective Description: None Notes: W February 15, 1973 Life At The Boarding House Description: None Notes: W February 16, 1973 Robert Service Poems Description: None Notes: W February 19, 1973 Revolving Door Disasters, Modern Literature Description: None Notes: W February 19, 1973 Birthdays, Holidays, Easter Bunny, Shep's Book Report, Authors Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 335 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 20, 1973 Bootleg College Dorm Phone System, Hot Aircraft Description: None Notes: W February 21, 1973 Invisible Picture Show Description: None Notes: W February 22, 1973 George Washington's Birthday Description: Shep opens the show singing "happy birthday" to George Washington. He continues this birthday salute by telling many interesting facts about the father of our country including his uncommon size and the real color of his hair. He describes the false teeth Washington wore (they were never wooden) and tells the story behind the picture of George Washington that is on the one dollar bill. He talks about Washingtons horsemanship and some of his personal likes. Notes: W February 23, 1973 Voice of the Chicken, Ruth Auction Description: None Notes: W February 26, 1973 Things That Are Solid State, ExLax Contest Description: None Notes: W February 27, 1973 Misprints, Detectives; Forgotten Authors Of Pop Culture Heroes Description: Shep talks about misprints and reads what he thinks should be the misprint of the year. Saying that you don't have to read novels and books to find out about life, that it I all in the newspapers. He gives examples from newspapers from different parts of the country, such as the wonam who was accidentally locked in the snake house overnight. He points out that television and movie heros run in trends and describes the current wave of folksy and ethnic detectives. He talks about folk heros and pop culture. Notes: W February 28, 1973 Guinea Pigs, Trains, Snowmobiles Description: None Notes: W February 1973 Silent Film Piano Description: Shep, Flick and Schwartz standing on the corner when car comes to a stop in front of them. Another car hits this one in the rear knocking the driver of the first car fall out into the street. His car was still in gear and drives off without him. He chases it around in circles and on the 10th lap the car crashes into the pool room. Shep plays music from the album "Play Me A Movie" by Abraham Lass who used to play the piano in theatres during the silent movie days. As he plays each cut, he describes the mood that is trying to be created by the music. Notes: W March 1, 1973 Spring at Home, baseball practice Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 336 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 2, 1973 Image is as Good As Reality Description: None Notes: W March 2, 1973 Food and Clothing Description: None Notes: W March 5, 1973 Grafitti, "Tijuana Babies", Army Days Description: None Notes: W March 5, 1973 Porny And The Army Description: None Notes: W March 6, 1973 Drug Night Description: None Notes: W March 7, 1973 Weird Sing‐Alongs and Wacky Historical Trivia Description: None Notes: W March 8, 1973 Cheating Description: None Notes: W March 9, 1973 Cheapo Tires Description: None Notes: W March 12, 1973 First And Last Performance Of The Signal Corps Song Description: None Notes: W March 13, 1973 Trip to Calif., Slob Food Description: None Notes: W March 15, 1973 Robert Service Poetry Description: None Notes: W March 16, 1973 Basement Intruder ‐ 3 shots in the Basement Description: Shep tells us about man's primordial urge to dig caves to hide in, and relates that to the smells and sounds of the basement. Then he relates the unsettling yarn of defending his family with a shotgun after hearing noises coming up the stairs from the basement! Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 337 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 19, 1973 Starlings Invade Cincinnati Park Description: None Notes: W March 19, 1973 Signal Corps Song Description: None Notes: W March 21, 1973 Memorabilia Description: None Notes: W March 22, 1973 Going Through The Wrong Door At The Limelight Description: None Notes: W March 23, 1973 Funny Incidents In The Theater Description: None Notes: W March 26, 1973 Simonize ‐ How to Wax A Car Description: Don't lock your keys in your car in Florida if you're cheap Sheps adolescent sexual intensity Jane Hutchinson, a vest pocket Susan Hayward Simonizing the car for fun and profit in detail Driving the Old Man's Oldsmobile to Chicago on a big date Notes: "The Bear Missed the Train" came out in 1973 which dates this show 1973 or later. W March 27, 1973 TV Truths, Crime, Rutabagas Description: None Notes: W March 28, 1973 Beer, Nomenclature Description: None Notes: W March 28, 1973 Shep's Friend Solves Insomnia Description: None Notes: W March 29, 1973 Rev. Ernie Description: None Notes: W March 30, 1973 Distortion Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 338 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 1973 Ancient Crud Description: None Notes: W March 1973 Army Prunes Description: None Notes: W March 1973 Distortion Inducer Description: None Notes: W March 1973 Swans and Butterfingers Description: None Notes: W April 2, 1973 Customer Dissatisfaction Description: The commercial as "the calendar of the fears of our times" Bad breath commercial direct approach ‐ "No longer does man worry about the sensibilities of his fellow man" Problems with spray cans and rip‐offs on common items with fancy names ‐ "Beware of any place that in itself has created a euphemism for what it sells" Attempts to get an oil change ‐ + "If you're in a hurry, take a ride, Mack!" + "Can't you see we're using the lift ‐ Why don't you change the oil yourself!" + Guy with dead battery setting off a scene of anger and frustration + Attendant in with his chick on Sunday ‐ not about to do anything Fungus Clevenger story ‐ guy in college dorm smells so bad that he is bodily thrown into shower and sprayed down with deodorant Notes: Shep in a frustrated mood for the "oil change" stories Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 339 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 3, 1973 Salute to NJ ‐ Vicariour Trauma ‐ Popsicle ‐ Preacher who cuts TV wires Description: Salute to New Jersey for contributing the popsicle Description of discovery of the popsicle in 1904 by a kid who made lemonade which froze accidentally New Jersey also created the great curse called television Effect of TV crime shows ‐ After each caper is shown on TV, somebody actually tries it A minister in Connecticut is gelding TV sets ‐ he cuts the wires to eliminate channels that have offensive programs Science can propose theories that are eventually proved false ‐ canals on Mars, for example TV has an unknown effect on the mind ‐ TV provides just a little knowledge and this is dangerous Prediction ‐ By the year 2000, there will be a psychology based on "electronic trauma" Instead of real experiences, a child might be significantly affected by what is seen on TV at an early age Example ‐ kid sees attack of giant radishes from outer space on TV and forty years later has a fit upon seeing real radishes at the Four Seasons restaurant (Vicarious Trauma) Notes: Could computers be contributing to our lives becoming more "vicarious"? W April 4, 1973 Spitting, Stamps, Books, and Pulp Magazines about Railroads Description: Test of echo chamber (full and partial) ‐ "Assume that I'm in a vast primal wilderness" Distinction between conventional and special talents (including spitting accuracy) Proposal for Ishmael, Holden Caufield and Ludlow Kissel to be depicted on American postage stamps. Proposal for federal grants and subsidies to publishers for books not published ‐ Senator Bullard speaking in Congress with echo effects. Readings from September 1937 Railroad Magazine with background sounds of a West Virginia freight train ‐ advertisements, a poem, and jokes. Imitations of a tobacco auctioneer and "Call for Phillip Morris" Trivia quiz on advertisements ‐ Marlboro man ("What was his tattoo?") Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 340 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 5, 1973 Opening Game at Cincinnati ‐ The Rite of Spring Description: Today is Opening Day at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati (Cincinnati Reds vs. San Francisco Giants) Baseball as a national rite of Spring ‐ "It matters not whether you are interested in sports..." Spring as a time of great changes ‐ Swings of feeling of exhilaration and sadness World Series as the Fall harvest celebration of America Baseball as a total abstraction ‐ "a man with a stick" "a ball hurtling through the Spring air" "ritual cabbalistic uniforms with symbols" (ex. a cardinal, a bear cub) A description of opening day in Cincinnati with Ewell Blackwell "the Whip" pitching for the Reds ‐ the opening ceremonies with drum majorette and band in a stadium surrounded by green fields, flocks of birds, and the river's "smell of a million kinds of life emerging" Why do we play games? "I have had victory over my enemies" "Men mulling for weeks over a single chess move" Notes: "An especially entertaining and thought provoking show. Shep mentions Grady Hatton, Ted Kluszewski, and Hank Sauer (in addition to Ewell Blackwell) as playing for Cincinnati on the opening day he attended with his college roomate. All four teamates played together only in 1948 and 1949. Since Shep left Indiana University (without a degree) in 1948 to work at WSAI (see Biography), the opening day he attended must have been in Spring 1948." LT W April 6, 1973 Eating Rabitt Food Description: None Notes: W April 9, 1973 Bizzare Behavior At The Coffee Shop Description: None Notes: W April 10, 1973 God As A Tax Advisor, Classic Beliefs Description: None Notes: W April 11, 1973 Getting Suspended Twice Description: None Notes: W April 12, 1973 True Irony And Real Justice In A Dorm Shower Part 1 Description: None Notes: W April 13, 1973 True Irony And Real Justice In A Dorm Shower Part 2 Description: None Notes: W April 16, 1973 Mob Violence In The Company K Barracks Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 341 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 16, 1973 Making Use of Your Faults Description: None Notes: W April 17, 1973 Hawaii and Alaska Description: None Notes: W April 18, 1973 Spitzer's Moustache Story Description: None Notes: W April 19, 1973 Instinct, heredity And Environment Description: None Notes: W April 20, 1973 More Folk Talents Description: None Notes: W April 23, 1973 Stamps As Propaganda Description: None Notes: W April 26, 1973 Charlie Chan And The Hindenburgh Description: None Notes: W April 1973 Curmudgeon Description: None Notes: W April 1973 Sense of Irony Description: None Notes: W May 1, 1963 Adventures Along The Turnpike Description: None Notes: W May 2, 1973 Celebration of Cockroach Season Description: None Notes: W May 2, 1973 Mysterious Car Happenings, Auto Shootout, Sky Rocket Description: None Notes: W May 3, 1973 Model Airplanes Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 342 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 4, 1973 What is it All About? Description: None Notes: W May 8, 1973 Environmental Bivouac Description: Shep salutes the march of culture as represented by a television movie (Chant of Silence). Taking things for grantted in life that are not available in the Army and what it is like on an Environmental Bivouac. Notes: W May 9, 1973 True Fame, Horatio Alger, Other Famous Authors and Books Description: None Notes: W May 10, 1973 Blue Book Exam Study Notes Description: None Notes: W May 11, 1973 Trojan Horse (Smart Guys ‐ PD) Description: News note from Oncara, Turkey ‐ Turkey is building a new Trojan horse 35 feet high near the location of the original one. Discussion of the Trojan Horse and other historical facts. Notes: W May 14, 1973 Railroads Description: None Notes: W May 15, 1973 The Day The Moose Patrol Did The Devil's Work Description: None Notes: W May 21, 1973 How To Raid a Food Table At A PR Luncheon Description: None Notes: W May 21, 1973 Exlax Competition ‐ Water Drinking Contest Description: Indy campers and trailers banned because "They encourage vice!" Plant nappers Special stamps Impromptu college contests like Exlax eating or water drinking Notes: W May 23, 1973 Carbide Cannons Description: Boy Scout Projects (the Moose Patrol) Obsessive behavior analysis 101, or BIGGER IS BETTER Saturday root word analyzed The bomb making merit badge Blowing up Dopler's garage Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 343 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 24, 1973 Sousaphone Stories Description: None Notes: W May 28, 1973 Disastrous Massive School Band Outdoor Concert Description: None Notes: W May 29, 1973 Shep Claims he Started "Alligators in Sewers" Myth Description: None Notes: W May 29, 1973 Intolerances Description: None Notes: W May 30, 1973 Goats, WOR Sales Department, Witchcraft Description: None Notes: W June 1, 1973 Half Track Description: None Notes: W June 4, 1973 Smokey Joe & The Canceled Reformers, Primary Night Description: None Notes: W June 4, 1973 Elections and Candidates Description: None Notes: W June 5, 1973 Helen Kubilick & The Latin Trap (Latin 1) Description: Shep takes a liking to Helen Kubilick and while filling out schedules for the next school year he finds out she is taking latin. He signs up for the same class which is taught by Lillian D Enderby ‐ the "D" was for damnation according to her students. The following fall he goes to the first day of Latin class and there is no Helen! She has transferred to another class and he never saw her again. After sitting in Latin for a few weeks he tranfers to German and after 2 more weeks he transfers to Printing and Shop 1 and 2! Notes: W June 6, 1973 Hedonism Description: None Notes: W June 6, 1973 Profanity, Anchovy Crisis, Youth Description: None Notes: W June 7, 1973 Codes Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 344 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 8, 1973 Dead Flies In The Coke Bottle Description: None Notes: W June 11, 1973 Cleaning The Soaking Pit, Hell Hole Description: None Notes: W June 12, 1973 New York City's Love/Hate Relationship Description: None Notes: W June 13, 1973 The Great Ice Cream War Description: Shep takes a trip back home and describes how not much has changed and as he drives up the main street he spots "The Igloo", the site of the Great Ice Cream War. He tells the story of the Great Ice Cream War between "The Igloo" and Borden's Dairy back in Hammond during the late 30's. The two were right across the street from one another and one day a battle was fought driving the prices down from 12 cents a double dip to FREE. Notes: This show is the same show as the 6‐21‐74 show W June 15, 1973 Modern Dilldockery In Action, Watergate Shoes Description: None Notes: W June 18, 1973 Shepherd Vs. The Machine Description: None Notes: W June 19, 1973 American Folk Poetry, The Hellbound Train Description: None Notes: W June 20, 1973 Today's Crowd And Mankind's Future Description: None Notes: W June 21, 1973 Why The Midwest Is The True Home Of Radicals Description: None Notes: W June 22, 1973 Ego And Desire (Repeat) Description: None Notes: W June 26, 1973 Watergate Description: Watergate the TV show Good and Evil New words thanks to Watergate Bureaucracy as a force of nature New York City in the summertime Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 345 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 27, 1973 Ulterior Motives Description: None Notes: W June 28, 1973 Whets Past To New Yorkers Is Present Day To America Description: None Notes: W June 29, 1973 Bolus And His Unique Vocabulary ‐ School Film About Inflation Description: None Notes: W June 29, 1973 Watergate Description: None Notes: W July 2, 1973 Motivation To Get The Army M. O. S. Description: None Notes: W July 3, 1973 Surplus Fighter Planes & PT Boats For Sale Description: None Notes: W July 4, 1973 Ludlow Kissell and the Dago Bomb Description: The reading of "Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb that Struck Back" one of Shep's short stories from Playboy, which appeared in his book "In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash", and ultimately in the movie "Great American Fourth of July and Other Disasters" Notes: This reading has become an annual event for Shep every 4th of July Notes that the spelling is "Daygo" W July 5, 1973 Perpetual Motion Description: None Notes: W July 6, 1973 Half Tracks And Beer Don't Mix Description: None Notes: W July 9, 1973 Toledo Heat Description: None Notes: W July 10, 1973 Summer School (Repeat) Description: None Notes: W July 12, 1973 Radio Station Contest Scam Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 346 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 13, 1973 Get Rid Of That Unfinished Kit (Repeat) Description: None Notes: W July 16, 1973 The Detroit Tigers/Chicago White Sox Riot Description: Baseball is the topic of this show. Shep compares various matchups and rivalries between teams such as the Yanks vs Cards. He mentions that he did the 'color' for the 1st World Series broadcast live over the Armed Services Network. He looks at the possible matchups for this year: Cubs vs White Sox Yanks vs Dodgers (It turned out Mets vs Oakland for 1973) He then talks about the Chicago / Detroit rivalry and about the fistfights that broke out on the field during some of the games he went to as a kid. Notes: W July 17, 1973 Shep's Sex Formula ‐ S = 1/a Description: None Notes: W July 18, 1973 Army Revenge Description: The quality of your garbage ‐ service provides elegant empty containers each month for you to put in with your own garbage to 'raise' the elegance of your garbage. If truth became fashionable, the legal system would be out of business. The population explosion is a technological advance. Shep meets a guy on 57th street. They appear to know one another but can't remember each other's names. They exchange false names and continue the conversation. The guy could not even remember his own wife's name when he introduces her to Shep. Shep word play ‐ Revelent vs Relevant A life lesson: Frogs and turtles ‐ who runs from who The story of Thomas Watts ‐ a figure of scorn Shep tells about a kid by the name of Thomas Watts who no one wantedto play with. He was constantly being ignored and chased, once by Shep for 30 blocks. They all grew up passing in the halls through high school. One day while in the Army Shep is transferred to a new unit. The next day there is an inspection by the commander who turns out to be none other than Watts ‐ now a"full bird" colonel! Notes: W July 19, 1973 The Drink Made With 24K Gold Flakes Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 347 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 20, 1973 Reasons For Extinction Description: None Notes: W July 23, 1973 Night Club Disasters Description: None Notes: W July 24, 1973 Watergate And Lawyers Description: None Notes: W July 25, 1973 FNA, PBA, LTVA, and Dial a Boss Description: Shep discusses: FNA ‐ Fig Newtons Anonymous ‐ Addictions to Fig Newtons PBA ‐ Peanut Butter Anonymous ‐ Sneaking a peanut butter sandwich at four in the morning or opening a jar of peanut butter in the supermarket, taking a taste, and putting the jar back on the shelf. LTVA ‐ Late television anonymous ‐creeping back to the living room to watch late night TV in a trance until the early morning prayer. Dial a Boss ‐ Service for ex‐executives going through the un‐employment bends. Each morning at 9:05 Cliff Smithers receives a phone call from his "boss" C.G. Bullard, barking at him and chewing his tail. An afternoon call is provided when you get the urge for approval. Dial a Flunkie ‐ For bosses who have been fired. They can call up and yell at someone giving them a sense of power and security. He concludes the show telling about how "I spent one brief curious period in my life on duty with the Navy". This was aboard the Essex CVA‐9 on the Mediterranean in the late 50's, reading the morning news and ship's bulletins over the PA system. Notes: The commercials appear to have been cut/trimmed in this recording. Only a portion o the Dubonet commercial appears and a very short blurb by Shep about Sweet and Low. Shep refers frequently to Joe, his engineer. W July 26, 1973 Unremembered Non Events, Mike Todd Party Description: None Notes: W July 27, 1973 Just Messin' Around Description: None Notes: W July 30, 1973 Italian Scam Description: None Notes: W July 31, 1973 Dates As Bottomless Pits, Pets Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 348 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 1973 Ill Fated Plans Description: None Notes: W August 1, 1973 The Piano Corurse Description: None Notes: W August 2, 1973 Insects, The "Don't Work" Theory Description: None Notes: W August 6, 1973 The Acme Incident Description: None Notes: W August 8, 1973 Predictions Description: None Notes: W August 9, 1973 Various Topics Description: None Notes: W August 10, 1973 The Boring English Class Of Elephant McCullough Description: None Notes: W August 13, 1973 Real Life, Aunt Teresa, Witty Sayings, Shep The Druid Description: Real life vs movies, literature, etc. ‐ what if it they ever came together? Games, game shows Going to Aunt Teresa's house on a Sunday afternoon Shep declares himself to be of the Druid faith when he has to tell them what religion he is. Most people had a "C" or "P" or "J" on their dog tags. Shep had a "D". Notes: Sheps mother had 4 sisters W August 14, 1973 Nothing Like it Today Description: None Notes: W August 15, 1973 Chewing Tobacco Disasters (Repeat) Description: None Notes: W August 17, 1973 How George The Greek Beat Bolus The Pin Ball Hustler Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 349 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 20, 1973 Commercials, Drunk Animals Description: None Notes: W August 21, 1973 Stealing A Lawn Description: None Notes: W August 22, 1973 Clones And Cloning Description: None Notes: W August 23, 1973 Winning Is Everything Description: None Notes: W August 27, 1973 What Nightmares Are Really Made Of Description: None Notes: W August 28, 1973 Ogres And Trolls Description: None Notes: W August 29, 1973 The Too Heavy Soap Box Derby Car Description: None Notes: W August 30, 1973 Commercials ‐ Time Capsules Of The 20th Century, Drive To Sell Description: None Notes: W August 1973 Golf Caddy Description: None Notes: W August 1973 Slob Sports Description: None Notes: W September 3, 1973 1938 Radio Schedule Description: None Notes: W September 4, 1973 Five Shepherd family Disasters Description: None Notes: W September 5, 1973 Crime, Desiccated Rice, Sirens Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 350 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 7, 1973 Counterfeiting By Potatoes Description: None Notes: W September 10, 1973 Mrs. Shepherd And The Thousands Of Washrags Description: None Notes: W September 11, 1973 Shep As High School Football Announcer Description: None Notes: W September 12, 1973 McGuffey's First Grade Reader Description: None Notes: W September 13, 1973 Hi Tech Boxing At Madison Square Garden Description: None Notes: W September 20, 1973 Lightning On The Golf Course Description: None Notes: W September 24, 1973 Reaction To Shep's 1973 Carnegie Hall Show With Clips Description: None Notes: W September 25, 1973 The Hardware Store Evangelist Description: None Notes: W September 26, 1973 Flying Aces ‐ The Black Claw Description: None Notes: W September 27, 1973 Remote TV Van Disaster, Clothes Eating Toilet Description: None Notes: W September 28, 1973 Howard Cosell, Tuba On Top Of a Flagpole Description: None Notes: W September 1973 Sports Riots Description: None Notes: W October 2, 1973 Mr. Spone Is A Fink Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 351 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 9, 1973 Kopspeilen (1970 Show Used On "Declassified") Description: None Notes: W October 10, 1973 Human Salamanders Description: None Notes: W October 11, 1973 Locomotive Sounds Description: None Notes: W October 12, 1973 Bizarre Date Set Up By The USO Description: None Notes: W October 14, 1973 Searching For Sandra's may Wine Description: None Notes: Boston rerun? No WOR Sunday broadcasts in this period W October 15, 1973 The Bloody Finger In The Box Gag (Repeat) Description: None Notes: Dillinger's Finger? W October 16, 1973 Sandy Description: None Notes: W October 17, 1973 The Big Sports Blur Description: None Notes: W October 18, 1973 Drunk Newscaster On The 30 Yard Line (Repeat) Description: None Notes: W October 19, 1973 Wild Radio Outside Of New York Description: None Notes: W October 22, 1973 Various Topics Description: None Notes: W October 22, 1973 Leeches Description: None Notes: W October 22, 1973 Navy Penn Game Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 352 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 23, 1973 How To Learn To Hate Poetry Early Description: None Notes: W October 24, 1973 Using Grocery Money To Buy 30 Gumballs Description: None Notes: W October 25, 1973 The Gristle Sandwich Racket Description: None Notes: W October 26, 1973 Lecture Gig aka Experts, Shep Hired To Pretend He's A Car Company Executive Description: Develop a certain style and you can get away with anything. "Dr. Fox" a fake doctor gives a lecture and fool the entire audience. Murray, Shep's agent when he first came to NY and was looking for work while living in a Time Square Hotel, gets Shep a gig to do a lecture on a new V8 engine. He goes for the audition and is hired. After memorizing the script, he shows up to do the speech and is told his name is Dr. Youngson and he is from Detroit. Turns out the real Dr. Youngson is a boring engineer and so the auto company decided that since this was a very important presentation, they need to hire an actor. Notes: W October 29, 1973 The Real Show Biz Influences Description: None Notes: W October 30, 1973 Approaching Christmas, Football Description: None Notes: W October 31, 1973 Halloween Description: None Notes: W October 1973 Memory Description: None Notes: W October 1973 Student Demonstration Description: None Notes: W November 1, 1973 Why Man Hangs In Description: None Notes: W November 2, 1973 How It Is And How It Aint Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 353 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 5, 1973 Catalogues (Repeat) Description: None Notes: W November 7, 1973 How Shep Was Victim Of Accurate Typecasting Description: None Notes: W November 8, 1973 Strangely Related Subjects Description: None Notes: W November 12, 1973 Movie Cliches, Horse Racing Description: None Notes: W November 13, 1973 Natural Humor Description: None Notes: W November 14, 1973 Puzzling Description: None Notes: W November 19, 1973 Learning A Profitable Lesson Description: None Notes: W November 22, 1973 Turkey Troubles (Repeat) Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 354 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 23, 1973 Racing Cockroaches Description: Tonights show is devoted to the cokroach "I am not necessarilly pro cockroach nor am I anti cockroach. I'm neutral." The cockroach comes from Germany and is an adventurous animal. Shep tells how a cockroach was discovered aboard one of the Apollo flights to the moon. Upon return to earth, a complete search failed to find the cockroach which leads to the assumption that there is no longer an absence of life on the moon. They are big pets in China along with the Cricket. The Shepherd "Scrambled Egg Hypothosis" ‐ Everybody is born with scrambled eggs between the ears. In the beginning they are very soft. And it is not until you are roughly 23 that you begin to have a semblence of brains" He side tracks to discuss and play various Jews Harps. Shep tells about how he, Schwartz, and Flick started raising and racing cockroaches. He explains the theories of feeding and training them. They each had their 'colors' ‐ Sheps was royal blue, and they would 'paint' the cockroach with a crayon. They kept them in a canning jar, but they would transport the roach in a small matchbox. One day in class Shep had the box out to look at his favorite roach Clarence, and Miss Breyfogal caught him. She took it away saying that he should not be playing with matches and stuck it in her bag. At the end of class she gave the box back to him and it was empty! Clarence was gone! Notes: W November 28, 1973 Motels (Repeat) Description: None Notes: W November 29, 1973 Newscasts, Commercials, TV Trivia, Mets Trivia Description: None Notes: W November 30, 1973 Revolution 710 ‐ Shep's Craziest Show (Repeat) Description: None Notes: W December 3, 1973 The Achilles Cheeseburger Description: None Notes: W December 4, 1973 Rosemary Woods And The Missing 18 Minutes Description: None Notes: W December 5, 1973 Football, The Hate Break, Santa Claus Description: None Notes: W December 6, 1973 Gas Siphoning Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 355 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 7, 1973 Program Before 12/7/41 Bulletin Description: None Notes: W December 10, 1973 Tribute To Martha Deanne Description: None Notes: W December 11, 1973 Rosetta Stones Description: None Notes: W December 12, 1973 Pomposity Factor Description: None Notes: W December 13, 1973 The Grublenuts Disillusionment Description: None Notes: W December 17, 1973 Energy Crisis Con Games Description: None Notes: W December 18, 1973 Bear Weevils Description: None Notes: W December 19, 1973 Return Of Christmas Sentiment Description: None Notes: W December 20, 1973 Worst Gifts Description: None Notes: W December 21, 1973 Bunny Slippers Description: Calling information, getting into a conversation about the upcoming holiday and forgetting to get the information. Christmas parties Thousands of kids who get their hopes up for what they will get for Christmas and get everything but! Shep tells the story of the time when he was eleven, his Aunt Glenn gives him a pair of pink bunny slippers. Notes: The story of the bunny slippers was used in A Christmas Story W December 23, 1973 Ego Gifts Description: None Notes: Boston rerun? No WOR Sunday shows this period Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 356 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 24, 1973 Christmas Service Poem, The 3 Day Pass Description: None Notes: W December 25, 1973 Duel In The Snow Description: None Notes: W December 27, 1973 Oil Description: None Notes: W December 28, 1973 Classic And Imaginative Kid Literature Description: None Notes: W December 31, 1973 New Year's Eve Shootout Description: None Notes: W January 1, 1974 Don't Try To Account For Anything (Repeat) Description: None Notes: W January 2, 1974 The Shocking Krupe Curing Discovery (Repeat) Description: None Notes: W January 3, 1974 Flick's Tounge Stuck To Pole (Repeat) Description: None Notes: W January 7, 1974 A Trip Down Under Description: None Notes: W January 8, 1974 Unusual Hobbies Saluted on Stamps Description: None Notes: W January 9, 1974 Real Mysteries, Awakening Sleeping Animals Description: None Notes: W January 10, 1974 In A Romantic Mood Description: None Notes: W January 11, 1974 Halftime Show Spoof and Football Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 357 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 11, 1974 Recreating An Old Time Radio Show, Classic WOR Clip Description: Shep has fun recreating an old '30s show from WOR using an original carbon mike. The music he plays is from an old transcription. He plays an air check from when WOR turned on the new 50,000 watt transmitter. Notes: W January 14, 1974 The Lettuce Bowl Half‐time Show Description: None Notes: W January 15, 1974 Thomas Wollf And Discovering The Joy Of Reading Description: None Notes: W January 16, 1974 Xenophobia Description: None Notes: W January 16, 1974 Why Jean Is Not A Girl's Name Description: None Notes: W January 18, 1974 Running Out Of Gas In The Lincoln Tunnel Description: None Notes: W January 21, 1974 Alternatives To Cars Description: None Notes: W January 22, 1974 The Underground Fire Description: Putting a penny on the RR track, trying to out flank the trains back in Indiana. Shep reads an article about an underground fire that has been finally put out after 40 years. He goes on to tell about growing up as a kid exploring swamps and building caves. He describes an underground fire that mysteriously appears in a vacant lot down the street. Little wifts of smoke rising from the ground. It burned for years until one Sarturday afternoon during late winter there was a tremor followed by a mushroom shaped cloud. The entire field had been replaced by a hole. Notes: W January 23, 1974 The Hat Trick Description: None Notes: W January 24, 1974 The Flaming 8 Ball Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 358 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 26, 1974 Learned Phrenologist Description: None Notes: W January 28, 1974 Bud Of The Everglades Description: None Notes: W January 29, 1974 Comet Kohutek & The End Of The World Description: None Notes: W January 30, 1974 State of Union Description: None Notes: W January 31, 1974 Polo, Commercials Description: None Notes: W January 1974 Old Airplane Films Description: None Notes: W January 1974 Radio Artifacts Description: None Notes: W February 2, 1974 Lesson Taking Description: None Notes: W February 4, 1974 Unexpected Undersudies Description: None Notes: W February 14, 1974 Pepito the Monkey, Pickled peppers Disasters (Red and Green Things) Description: Shep reads a story about a monkey that steals a hot pepper sandwich. This leads to his telling the story about his experience with hot polish peppers as a kid. Along the way he talks about the paper routes he had and his experiences with an Airedale. Notes: W February 18, 1974 Cigar Practical Joke, Robert Service Smoking Poem Description: None Notes: W February 21, 1974 Press Overkill At The Super Bowl Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 359 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 22, 1974 The Energy Crisis Description: None Notes: W February 23, 1974 Heinz 57 Varieties Description: None Notes: W February 28, 1974 Slob Food, Salisbury Steak, All Heinz 57 Varieties Named! Description: None Notes: W March 1, 1974 Great American Birds Description: None Notes: W March 4, 1974 Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster Description: None Notes: W March 5, 1974 Rain Date Description: None Notes: W March 6, 1974 Leigh Brown's Proposition Description: None Notes: W March 14, 1974 Devil Sin + Trivia Description: None Notes: W March 15, 1974 Crime and Punishment, Playing Hooky Description: The art of streaking, getting a sponsor. This show is dedicated to crime and punishment Tells story about a beautiful spring day when he and Schwartz decided they didn't want to go to school that day. They spent the day walking down on the beach and going to a movie with a couple of girls they meet. They enjoy it so much they decide to do it again. The next day they need a note for school and ask the garage mechanic to write one for them which he does. They turn in the note and two periods later they are called to the office. Turns out the garage mechanic works for the truant department ‐ they are suspended for three days and notes were mailed to their mothers. Notes: W April 10, 1974 The Magpies And The Rock Throwers Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 360 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 12, 1974 Power Of a PA System Description: None Notes: W April 19, 1974 Effective Mistakes Description: None Notes: W April 22, 1974 Spelling Contest Description: None Notes: W April 23, 1974 Australia Description: Shep gets a letter from his friend Simon in Australia with an article about how in Coff's Harbor because the banana industry is doing poorly they are legalizing topless bathing on the beach to lure tourism. He tells about his trip to Sydney and how they flew into Coff's Harbor, drove into the jungle and visited a banana plantation run by a famous track star. In his usual fashion, Shep describes the climate and terrain of the area. Notes: W May 15, 1974 Ireland Description: None Notes: W May 21, 1974 High School Graduation Description: None Notes: W May 22, 1974 Show And Tell Governor, Alexander Hall, Dump Picking Description: None Notes: W May 1974 Food Surprise Description: None Notes: W June 17, 1974 Common Ignorance Of Common Knowledge Description: None Notes: W June 18, 1974 Gloria Steinum & Shep In Help Magazine Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 361 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 21, 1974 Ice Cream Wars Description: Shep takes a trip back home and describes how not much has changed and as he drives up the main street he spots "The Igloo", the site of the Great Ice Cream War. He tells the story of the Great Ice Cream War between "The Igloo" and Borden's Dairy back in Hammond during the late 30's. The two were right across the street from one another and one day a battle was fought driving the prices down from 12 cents a double dip to FREE. Notes: This show is the same as the 6‐13‐73 show W June 25, 1974 Philosophical Cookbook Description: Humble Pie The Philosophical Cookbook Salute to the National Institute of Roses Mauseleums and talking gravestones Flower pots made from clay and your loved one's ashes. Wouldn't it be ironic if they made an ashtray from someone who died of cancer? Good and bad memories ‐ Country Western music Notes: W June 1974 Carbide Canon Description: None Notes: W June 1974 Crisis Society Description: None Notes: W July 3, 1974 Potato Rustlers Description: None Notes: W July 4, 1974 Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb Description: None Notes: W July 5, 1974 4 Songs By Abe Burrows, Panhandlers, Manhattan On A Holiday Description: None Notes: W July 8, 1974 From Frying Pan Into The Fire Description: None Notes: W July 15, 1974 Shep's Collection Of Worthless Items Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 362 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 16, 1974 Golf Caddy Description: None Notes: W July 18, 1974 Summer Heat Description: None Notes: W July 28, 1974 Suicidal Weekends, Shep's Mom's Color TV, Candy Bar Fight Description: None Notes: Boston Rerun? No WOR Sunday shows during this period W July 29, 1974 TV & Mets Trivia Description: None Notes: W August 2, 1974 Pulp Detectives & Classic Cars Description: Salute to California where candidate Elizabeth Keithley while running for Governor prove she has nothing to hide by campaigning in the nude. Reads part of a Dashiell Hammett story. His old man loved detective stories. His two favorite magazines were "Doc Savage" and "The Black Mask" Evolution of transportation from horses to buggies, to the horseless carriage, to modern cars The Phaeton Studebaker made buggies before they made cars Notes: W August 5, 1974 Varmints Description: None Notes: W August 20, 1974 Ireland ‐ Pub Singing Description: Shep has just returned from a trip to Ireland and spends the entire show playing a recording he made in an Irish 'Singing Pub'. He describes the people that are there, what they are singing and the general culture of the pub life. It is near closing time and he points out how the bartender announces the closing by telling everyone to 'go to their places' He describes the various beers that are found in the pubs and how they differ from the beers in America. Notes: Shep plugs the 3rd Carnegie Hall show 9‐14‐74 Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 363 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 21, 1974 Ireland ‐ Castle Description: Shep spends the show talking about Knappogue Castle in Ireland which was built in 1467 by Sean MacNamara. You can visit there to experience a real medieval banquet with such original servings as smoked Irish Salmon. You enter through the great archway greeted by the ladies of the castle followed by food and show for the evening. Notes: W August 22, 1974 Ireland ‐ Irish Radio Description: In this third day of shows about Ireland Shep focuses on Irish Radio. Radio Erin ‐ the state owned radio network He plays an excerpt from an Irish radio show called "Dear Sir or Madam", a weekly show where listeners can write in about any topic they wish. He speaks for a few minutes about the Irish response to President Nixon's resignation. He plays more radio, this time it's the Cork Musicians. Notes: W September 11, 1974 Daredevil Spectacles Description: None Notes: W September 12, 1974 Barbaric Truth From Children Description: None Notes: W September 13, 1974 Driver's License Description: None Notes: W September 16, 1974 Winchester House Description: None Notes: W September 17, 1974 Chicago ‐ How To Kill A Saturday Night ‐ Follow The Drunk (Repeat) Description: None Notes: W September 19, 1974 Bad News Description: None Notes: W September 1974 Casey at the Bat Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 364 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 1974 Crime and Sin (Nixon) Description: Shep says this is the week after Nixon's pardon. Was Mr Nixon guilty of a crime or a sin? Notes: W September 1974 Five Dollar Cigarettes Description: None Notes: W September 1974 Cartoons and Comic Strips Description: None Notes: W September 1974 Future Folk Music ‐ Commercials Description: None Notes: W September 1974 Country Music Description: None Notes: W October 9, 1974 TV vs Reality Description: None Notes: W October 10, 1974 Robert Service Poems Description: None Notes: W October 11, 1974 Kerosene Lamps and Fans Description: None Notes: W October 14, 1974 Elsa the Lion and Lassie Airplane Description: None Notes: W October 15, 1974 Letter From the Lord ‐ Junk Mail Description: None Notes: W October 17, 1974 Lead Quarters Description: None Notes: W October 18, 1974 Hadacol Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 365 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 22, 1974 Laying Wire From the Air Description: None Notes: W October 23, 1974 Football Game Description: None Notes: W October 24, 1974 Harold Dill, Bully Description: An afternoon at a London theatre. A salute to English style over an incident at Hove, England Public Service Laughter Baseball fighters and spitters: Harold Dill. Shep gets framed and disgraced "That concludes tonight's salute to Mohamed Ali and George Foreman." Notes: W October 25, 1974 More Junk Mail Description: None Notes: W October 28, 1974 Mugging of Moog Description: A show full of commercials, Shep rambles along playing the Jews Harp to Yakety Sax, telling about someone who mugged a Moog synthesizer at a rock concert, and talking about the devil in the cockpit of mankind. He claims he has the temptation to tell a dirty joke and several times during the show begins to tell it and then sidetracks away from it. The third attempt is aborted as the theme comes to an end, "We're out of time" Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 366 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 29, 1974 Stock Market Description: A salute to the Stock Market Crash with the DOW Jones Blues (AKA as The Bear Missed the Train) .How the truth is not as we know it .Why a poster commemorating the Stock Market Crash over a brokers desk is so funny Notes: From Joel Baumwoll as posted on the Yahoo Shep Group The timelessness of Shep: If you listen to Shep regularly, as I do, thanks to Max, Flick Lives and The Brass Figlagee podcasts, you must be struck with how appropriate and relevant many of his programs are for today, despite their 30‐40 year age. Last night I listened to a show he did on October 29, 1974. This is the 45th anniversary of the great the stock market crash in 1929, which many think was the harbinger of the Great Depression. It was eerie listening to him knowing that the DJIA dropped below 8000, a six year low and nearly 7000 points below its high a mere two years ago. His commentary was not dated, and could have been done almost as is live last night without losing a beat. Lester Smith's news preceded him with a quote from the President (Ford) that his policies were up to handing the economic problems. Shep played "The bear missed the train" throughout this show, as the theme of the 1974 economic woes, which included 13% inflation and declining stock prices. He said he was always ignorant of the stock market and, as a result, was not invested in securities. In this case, "ignorqance is bliss" he said. A friend who was always chiding hm for not investing had a framed copy of the New York Times front page of Oct. 29, 1929 on his wall. Shep said that was like a Kodiak bear collecting bear skin rugs. This is the guy, Shep said, who is often under his desk with a bottle of Jack Daniels as the market drops. Two points he made that stuck with me is how people don't learn from history and always want to think that the time they are living in is the most critical and important, and that they think of the past as a "simpler" time with less challenges. The Waltons came in for a drubbing as a romanticized view of life in the distant and rural past. "If I see John boy again I will fwow up," Shep said. He talked about how historians and movie makers create our images of the past out of whole cloth, and that people resist accepting a true rendition because it challenges the view that they like to have. He said imagine if Dick Cavett could interview U.S. Grant about the civil war. Historians would be up in arms because he would say a lot of things that were at odds with their writings. "What does he know?" they'd shout. "He doesn't have a Pulitzer Prize in history." The kind of stuff that helped shape my views at the tender age of 15. Perhaps we can have a thread about Shep shows from the way past that connect to the present. It's been a long time since we've talked in depth about the guy and his work. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 367 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 30, 1974 Phrenology Description: None Notes: W October 31, 1974 University Food Description: None Notes: W October 1974 (Pre election show) Description: None Notes: W October 1974 Jersey Night Description: None Notes: W October 1974 Nature Description: None Notes: W October 1974 Press Box Description: None Notes: W October 1974 Straw in Wind Description: None Notes: W November 1, 1974 TV Description: None Notes: W November 4, 1974 Elections Description: None Notes: W November 4, 1974 Wide Open Town ‐ Big Al Description: None Notes: W November 4, 1974 Smokey Joe Description: None Notes: W November 6, 1974 Literary Elegance Description: None Notes: W November 7, 1974 Veteran Cab Rider Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 368 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 8, 1974 Phone Number in Wallet Description: None Notes: W November 11, 1974 Filming The 17th Century Queen's Huzzars Light Cavalry Description: None Notes: W November 12, 1974 Artists, Reality‐based Games, Paying for Gratuitous Acts of Charity Description: None Notes: W November 13, 1974 People in Commercials Description: None Notes: W November 14, 1974 Fail Safe Education Description: None Notes: W November 15, 1974 Harpsichord Kit Description: None Notes: W November 18, 1974 The Poetic GI Description: None Notes: W November 19, 1974 Alaska Description: None Notes: W November 20. 1974 Contemporary Conventions Description: None Notes: W November 20. 1974 Laying Wire Description: None Notes: W November 21. 1974 Radio Pioneers Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 369 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 22. 1974 Herd of Turkeys Description: Shep meets a girl named Doris in the Library while he was doing research on theWhiskey Rebellion. She needed help with differential equations which he knew all about. He helps her and they begin dating. One night Shep picks her up and takes a short cut ending up in the midst of a herd of turkeys. After sitting through this storm of birds and being threatened by the farmer they finally arrive at their destination only to have Doris ask to go home ‐ they both, along with the car smelled like turkeys themselves. Notes: This is a variation on the story he told 11‐28‐68. In that one he was going to pick up his date when getting stuck in the herd. W November 25. 1974 Trains and Railroads Description: The aural medium and sounds. Shep plays the sounds of the Queen Elizabeth as it leaves the New York harbor. Shep talks about railroads. 3 miles south of Chicago is the major railroad hub of the midwest. He reads a piece from George Ade. He talks about train accidents. How 3 students and a teacher he knew were killed in a car right behind the school. The teacher had picked up the students on the way to school. A train his a car in the steel mill. Once while waiting at a crossing he see a car get hit by a train and the engine goes flying up through the air. He gets out and looks for the car but can't find it. The engine lay there still smoking. Another train makes an attempt to stop for an open bridge, but the engines end up under 30 feet of water. Another time there is a head on collision between 2 trains. Notes: Shep's comments about knowing classmates and teachers that were killed by trains was recounted in an article in the Hammond Times in 1983 during a visit back to Hammond. W November 26. 1974 The Learned Phrenologist Description: None Notes: W November 27. 1974 Thanksgiving in the Army Description: None Notes: W November 27. 1974 Nothing But Commercials Description: None Notes: W November 28. 1974 Traditional Football ‐ Thanksgiving Description: None Notes: W November 29. 1974 Hippopotamus and Bones Description: None Notes: W November 30, 1974 Turkey Bones Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 370 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 1974 Pulp Magazines Description: None Notes: W December 3, 1974 Caveman Exhibit Description: None Notes: W December 4, 1974 Erector Set Description: None Notes: W December 5, 1974 Cosmic Photographer Description: None Notes: W December 6, 1974 The Perfect Christmas Gift ‐ Salami Description: Christmas gifts and shopping madness. Mail call in the Army ‐ getting packages from back home for Christmas. After a long block of commercials, Shep comments about time, the theory of relativity, and quantum leaps. Then more commercials. The story of Goldworm and the Kosher Salami. How a five foot salami becomes an enterprising business in the Army. Notes: W December 12, 1974 Time ‐ 1930 versus 1974 Description: None Notes: W December 13, 1974 Dissimilar Metal Rectification Description: None Notes: W December 16, 1974 Escape From Reality Description: None Notes: W December 17, 1974 Glee Club (part 1) Description: Getting killed by a flying gargoyle Things working out for the best Jean joins the Glee Club Notes: W December 18, 1974 Glee Club (part 2) Description: The subtle nuances of 'ho, ho, ho' Is miss directing people shopping in the store evil Fist fight trivia Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 371 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 20, 1974 Office Party Description: A mail order offer for dog burial services. Holding one's liquor at a Christmas party. A "news bulletin" interrupts the celebration: atomic war has broken out with Russia. Slipping obscene sugestions into a woman's show commercial copy. Notes: W December 23, 1974 Pipe for Christmas Description: None Notes: W December 24, 1974 Red Rider BB Gun Story Description: None Notes: W December 25, 1974 More Robert Service Poetry Description: None Notes: W December 26, 1974 Present Day Description: None Notes: W December 27, 1974 Jack Benny Tribute Description: Shep spends the entire show talking about Jack Benny and his accomplishments over the years. Notes: W December 30, 1974 Search for Tradition / Brand Names Description: None Notes: W December 31, 1974 New Year's Eve and Grandma Description: None Notes: W 1974 Restaurant & Pousse Café Description: None Notes: W 1974 Pickles Description: None Notes: W 1974 Age of Bad Taste Description: None Notes: WKAT Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 372 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 1, 1975 New Year's Resolutions Description: Mind, memory works in a nonlinear fashion. Gives example of friend who accidentally dated a check for many years previous, a year marked by trauma. He feels like the year 1975 is science fiction‐like. He makes new resolutions, he's going to go straight: 1) He will stop making snide remarks. Could at least become Mike Douglas by 1976. 2) He will practice liking Victor Borge. Will watch old movie clips. 3) He will practice laughing at Phyllis Diller. That will be tough. 4) He will practice laughing at Don Rickles. Very hard. In his new image, he could do a panel talk show. 5) He will learn to love Zsa Zsa Gabor. 6) He will systematically erase his long term memory. This will keep him out of trouble when people contradict themselves. Best memory would be very long term memory so that you can talk about stuff that doesn't matter anymore. Wants a button activated memory eraser. 7) He will work very hard on his intolerance and hate. Development of these attributes will help him to be a top editorial writer for New York magazine. No point in being a nebbish or a true, loving human being. Never pays off. 8) He will learn to respect critics because critics are becoming more important than what they criticize. 9) He is going to work on pragmatism so that he can get away with rotten things like John Dean. Should be a full blown pragmatist 10) He will start giving time continually on his show. 11) He will do interviews on his show. 12) He will install 25 phones and produce each call that comes in. 13) He will play popular records. 14) He will control his voice so that he sounds sincere during the commercials. He will deliver commercials with ringing note of total sincerity based on honest and proper humility. 15) He will say good things about radio in spite of all evidence to the contrary. 16) He will work on proper gratitude. 17) He will practice pretending to like cats. 18) He will learn to walk respectfully, not aggressively or "macho". 19) He will learn to respect his "betters". 20) He will to "tug at the forelock". 21) He will get rid of the Jew's harp and kazoo, no longer sing ridiculous songs. But sings "The Bear Missed The Train" one last time. Then he tosses out the instruments. 22) He will not ever mention sports. Just Bobby Fisher and chess. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 373 of 451 Have Class Date Title 23) He will steer away from mentioning any cultural differences between Midwest and east. 24) He will pretend that he enjoys Broadway musicals. Closes with more than one snide remark. Notes: W January 3, 1975 Paperweight Collection Description: None Notes: W January 6, 1975 Stamps and Post Office Description: None Notes: W January 7, 1975 Creative Crime Awards Description: None Notes: W January 8, 1975 Mysterious Things Description: Shep talks about "Gravity Hill" in Schellsburg Pa. where a car, descending the hill, and placed in neutral., will roll to a stop and reverse direction, going back up the hill. Also, walking down the hill requires as much effort as if walking up and walking up the hill is like walking down. A stream which runs parallel to the road also runs UP . In Michigan, Shep spends ten days in a cabin he rented from a farmer who owned 500 acres. It was right on the shore of Rifle Lake. After about three days he is sitting in the boat on the lake fishing when all of a sudden something big and smooth rolled right next to the boat from out of the black water and then disappears. Everyday it kept seeming darker. After a few days Shep is listening to the portable radio, and walks out of the cabin into the night... except it was 11:00am! It was pitch dark and you could see stars. By 3:00 it began to get ligh, by 4:30 it was twilight and by 5:00 it was getting dark again. He also talks about the wildlife in the area and the Apple Jack and Cherry Jack produced locally. Notes: Gravity hill website: Shep claims to have found out 2 months later what occurred on the lake, but doesn't tell on this show at least. W January 9, 1975 News Flashes From Maine Description: None Notes: W January 9, 1975 Three Phone Description: None Notes: W January 10, 1975 Rock Painter Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 374 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 13, 1975 Kangaroo Description: None Notes: W January 13, 1975 Train Recordings Description: Chimes are what the train man calls a whistle .Greenriver, Wyoming is where the Sundance Kid and Butch Cassidy operated. Shep tells you the meanings of the different chimes. The people that work on the trains know everybody and house en route by sight. These old trains are still working, but now they are in India. Notes: At 41:23 some music from somewhere creeps in and takes over the show drowning out Shep until 41:46 (Max's note: This was an in‐studio broadcast glitch; it is not in the actual tape of the Shep broadcast) W January 14, 1975 Radio Parts Description: None Notes: W January 15, 1975 Sin and Garbage Description: None Notes: W January 16, 1975 Writer's of the 30's Description: None Notes: W January 17, 1975 Folk Talents Description: None Notes: W January 20, 1975 How to Taste a Pickle Description: None Notes: W January 20, 1975 Friend Fired Description: None Notes: W January 21, 1975 Andy Capp Cartoon Description: None Notes: W January 21, 1975 Military Blunders, Light Brigade 600 Description: None Notes: W January 22, 1975 Ambitious John Description: None Notes: W January 22, 1975 Bad Breath and Job Loss Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 375 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 23, 1975 Dial‐A‐Boss Description: None Notes: W January 23, 1975 Salute to Philadelphia Description: None Notes: W January 24, 1975 Signal Corps ‐ Special Order Description: None Notes: W January 24, 1975 Russian Equipment Obsolete, Company K Description: None Notes: W January 27, 1975 What Happened to Civilization? Description: None Notes: W January 27, 1975 Mystery Time Description: None Notes: W January 28, 1975 Scary Story ‐ Media Groupie Description: None Notes: W January 28, 1975 His Play Misty for Me Real Experience Description: Shep talks about the film, "Play Misty For Me." Radio as a personal medium. Shepherd describes how a similar experience to the movie happened to him in Cincinnati. Notes: W January 29, 1975 Commercials Description: None Notes: W January 30, 1975 Lightning Strikes Golfers Description: None Notes: W January 31, 1975 Laying Wire in the Swamp Description: None Notes: W January 1975 Maine Media Description: None Notes: W February 3, 1975 First Timers, Army 2nd Lt, Dolt fixes radar set Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 376 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 4, 1975 Oil Versus Power Supplies; 1871 School Text Book ‐ The Battery Description: None Notes: W February 5, 1975 Comedian in New York Description: None Notes: W February 6, 1975 Jackdaw Syndrome; Dopler's House of Junk, 'Junking' Description: None Notes: W February 7, 1975 Aeroplanes and Flying Description: None Notes: W February 10, 1975 Wizard of Oz Description: None Notes: W February 11, 1975 Movies of Airplanes Description: None Notes: W February 12, 1975 Alimony to Four Ex‐wives; Old Cars Description: None Notes: W February 13, 1975 Train Whistles Description: None Notes: W February 14, 1975 Valentine's Day Party Description: None Notes: W February 17, 1975 Film of Romans Description: None Notes: W February 18, 1975 Catch Your Cold Description: None Notes: W February 19, 1975 Hot Dog Incident Description: None Notes: W February 20, 1975 Dingbat of the Week Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 377 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 21, 1975 Africa Description: None Notes: W February 24, 1975 How to Get a Job Description: None Notes: W February 25, 1975 Air Horn Description: None Notes: W February 26, 1975 Used Cars Description: None Notes: W February 28, 1975 Self Improvement Description: None Notes: W February 28, 1975 Bad Tours Description: None Notes: W March 3, 1975 Radio and Comics Premiums Description: None Notes: W March 4, 1975 Doughnut Machine, Triangle Donuts Description: Ben and Berniece, friends of Shep's parents go into the Triangular Donut business when Ben get laid off from work. One day Berniece shows up with the donuts and feeling sorry for Ben being out of work, Shep's mother buys some donuts. They were absolutely terrible and no one liked them. But everyday she would bring more donuts to Shep's house and all around the neighborhood until the old man tells Shep's mother to stop buying them. Soon the rest of the neighbors stopped buying them and one day a few years later when Shep was down in the basement of Ben's house he saw the old donut machine covered in the corner. Notes: This story was originally told at the Limelight in 1964 and ended up on the "Live at the Limelight" album. W March 5, 1975 Washrag Story Description: None Notes: W March 6, 1975 I Hate Hamburgers Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 378 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 7, 1975 Manatee Description: Shep reads a clipping about 4 Manatee being released in Mexico to help clear the waterways. He tells of his own personal relationship with a Manatee in the Florida waterway. He was fishing one day when he saw this big Manatee swimming around. It saw him and appeared interested. Shep threw him an apple and made a friend. Each time he went fishing here the Manatee would come by and Shep would give him an apple. Shep later found out they love cabbage and fed heads of cabbage to it. Notes: W March 10, 1975 Make Big $$$ During the Depression Description: None Notes: W March 11, 1975 History is All Around Us (aka History vs. Nostalgia) Description: Learn how to use behavioral psychology to gain power over people. Living in a big city you lose the sense of history. Small towns tend to retain their feel of history. Back in Cincinnati Shep spoke with a woman who was in her 90s and had been a young girl during the Civil War. Shep was facinated by her recollection of many of the events and people from that time. The best part was that she spoke about an old man in town who had been a young lad during the American Revolution. At the Overseas Press Club he meets an old man from Germany who new Hitler and how he was kicked out of a restaurant for not being dressed properly. Riding the seas in a four masted schooner Notes: W March 12, 1975 Godzonka! Part One Description: Shep reads about the discovery in Texas of the skeleton of the largest know flying bird with a wing span of 51 feet. "They've discovered Rhodan!" He discusses flying creatures of the past and remarks that according to all aerodynamic laws the bee should not be able to fly. The monsters from Japanese movies ‐ Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, Ghidorah Shep tells the first part of his own monster movie story called "Godzonka" Notes: W March 13, 1975 Godzonka! Part Two Description: Dracula ‐ blood sucking Shep continues his discussion from the previous Show about Japanese movie monsters ‐ Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, Ghidorah In response to a letter, Shep declares he does not collect stamps, but does collect fountain pens, one of which leaked in his sports coat as a kid, and old radios. Please write before sending in your old radios. He 'concludes' the Godzonka monster story, but leaves it at a Point where the monster would drink all the gasoline in the world in 3 days, if not stopped, and cause economic collapse! Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 379 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 14, 1975 Night Shift at the Steel Mill Description: None Notes: W March 18, 1975 Ernie the Barber / Preacher Description: None Notes: W March 19, 1975 TV Commercials Description: None Notes: W March 20, 1975 Physics Class, Two Wives Description: None Notes: W March 21, 1975 What's in the Pop Bottle? Description: None Notes: W March 24, 1975 The Muskellunge Description: None Notes: W March 24, 1975 Worms and Fishing Description: None Notes: W March 25, 1975 G.I. Party Description: None Notes: W March 26, 1975 Kid's Influence Description: None Notes: W March 27, 1975 Symbolism Description: None Notes: W March 27, 1975 Doilies Description: None Notes: W March 28, 1975 Local News Description: None Notes: W March 31, 1975 No News at All Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 380 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 1, 1975 Sense Memory ‐ Smell Description: None Notes: W April 1, 1975 Tennis Story Description: None Notes: W April 2, 1975 Hollywood Day Description: None Notes: W April 3, 1975 Surplus Equipment and Confessions Description: It's confession time. Confession is not always the best ‐ it can ruin your life Doesn't like Twinkies Doesn't listen to the radio His newscaster friend John is worried because the world is getting better and the news is getting thin Confession is not necessarily always good for the soul. It can ruin your life. Ignorance is good for the soul. Surplus equipment in the electronics world ‐ "Radio Row" Johnny Anderson picks up a piece of old army surplus equipment with all kinds of knobs and jacks. They start putting voltage to various sections of it. He put voltage to one section and the little counter starts ticking. He increases the voltage and a meter clicks on with a red light. They step back and BOOM a big puff of smoke. Turns out it was a radar keyer with a built in self destruct. Notes: W April 7, 1975 Kindergarten Description: None Notes: W April 8, 1975 Letters ‐ Cleanup Description: None Notes: W April 14, 1975 Discovery of Alcohol Description: None Notes: W April 15, 1975 Animals in the Forest Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 381 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 16, 1975 Filter Capacitor Story Description: None Notes: W April 16, 1975 British Empire News Reader Description: None Notes: W April 17, 1975 Landscaping Description: None Notes: W April 18, 1975 Clyde Beatty Lion Show Description: A new drink ‐"Orphan Annie's Debauch" Looking back at note of old shows and sees he did a 3 show series that most of us don't fear the right things. He talks about his friend Frank who builds a radio receiver. Ming the Merciless Appears in a book written by Clyde Beatty. While working for a small television station he is given the task of doing a remote from the center ring of the circus. He was be inside the cage with Clyde Beatty and 35 lions! Beatty claims in his book that this was one of the most dangerous moments in his career. Notes: Rebroadcast 02‐04‐76 W April 21, 1975 Worm Ranching Description: Help wanted ads What radio program was based on a door to door salesman? (Shep gives no answer, but it was The Al Pearce and His Gang Show) Selling a TV station cheap. Shep reveals his rare collection of crap. Genuine LBJ cow turds. Salt shaker with Barry Goldwater and Alvin Barkley on the pepper shaker. JFK Straw Skimmer Hat that sez 'All the way with JFK!' Shep confesses a regret Shep the Worm Wrangler Notes: W April 22, 1975 Games (Non‐sport) Description: None Notes: W April 23, 1975 Antenna Party Description: None Notes: W April 25, 1975 Worm Business, and working at gas station Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 382 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 1975 Cookie Duster Description: None Notes: W April 1975 Learning Poem Description: None Notes: W May 5, 1975 Job in Gas Station Description: None Notes: W May 6, 1975 "Blind Date" Story Used in Text Book Description: None Notes: W May 7, 1975 Kid Jokes Description: None Notes: W May 8, 1975 Words to Marches Description: None Notes: W May 9, 1975 Iran Without Tickets Description: None Notes: W May 19, 1975 Squashed Cars Description: None Notes: W May 20, 1975 Falls from Garage Roof Description: None Notes: W May 21, 1975 Bovine Quantum Description: None Notes: W May 22, 1975 Epic Movies Description: None Notes: W May 23, 1975 53 Year Old Corpse Description: None Notes: W May 26, 1975 Motorcycle to New York Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 383 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 27, 1975 The Hudson Automobile Description: None Notes: W May 28, 1975 Patrol Boys' Picnic Description: None Notes: W May 29, 1975 Coo Coo Birdism Description: Mentions doing a show a few weeks ago Notes: Mentions that the Blue Ribbon Restaurand is in a scene in a short story he wrote. W May 29, 1975 Raining Knishes Description: None Notes: There is another 5‐29‐75 show which seems to be confirmed by several sources. This show is probably mis‐ dated. W May 30, 1975 Most Boring Job Description: None Notes: W June 2, 1975 Sex Tapes, Player Piano Rolls Description: Shep gets all kinds of junk mail. One of the items he receives regularly is a porn magazine sent to him for promotional purposes. In a letter her received from the magazine addressed to the editor they say they are now sending out tapes with content that they cannot print in the magazine due to postal regulations. Shep talks about player pianos and the early 20th century when piano rolls were a big thing. He plays several cuts from an album of Plater Piano music promising to do another show later in the week. Notes: W June 3, 1975 The Delta Queen Description: Mispelling of names ‐ Shep talks about how his name is always being mispelled ‐ Notes: W June 4, 1975 Ultimate Pollution Description: None Notes: W June 9, 1975 Three Telephone Extensions Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 384 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 11, 1975 Flemings James Bond and God's Bowling Ball Description: Shep gets a chain letter ‐ breaking the chain Sounds of charging elephants James Bond and the significance of the 00 number. Ian Fleming's popularity rose in the early 60's due to JFK liking to read his books As a kid Shep liked to read ‐ was not hung up on movies. At age 10 he was reading P.G. Wodehouse and Frank Baum (Wizard of Oz) They were the 2 greatest influences on him God's bowling balls The oak desk and setting up his ham radio on it ‐ then one day the lightning struck! Notes: W June 12, 1975 Historic Airplanes ‐ Spruce Goose Description: None Notes: W June 13, 1975 Uncle Carl the Drunk ‐ Friday the 13th Description: None Notes: W June 16, 1975 What Does BVD Stand For? Description: None Notes: W June 17, 1975 Gas Class and Tony Ryatt Description: None Notes: W June 18, 1975 Soldier of Fortune; Army Aptitude Test Description: Shep opens by acknowledging that he was the voice on the commercials shown during the TV series "The Deputy" starring Henry Fonda. In a "Straws in the Wind" classic, as described by Shep, he talks of 'professional journals' and reads brief descriptions from one called "Soldier of Fortune" dealing with the testing of new rifles, night fighting, freelance paramedics and others. He then talks about a comedy bit he did about 10 years ago on an LP (1961 ‐ Will Failure Spoil Jean Shepherd) regarding a fictitious new professional magazine called Guts. He re‐creates a portion of this sketch. In closing he talks of the three days of V.A. aptitude testing he went through which determined that he was qualified to become a dentist and how, after a year and a half, he decided he didn't want to be looking into peoples mouths the rest of his life. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 385 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 19, 1975 Napoli Flim‐Flam Description: Punching in at the studio Frank Field and the weather Shep and his friend Bob go to Napoli. A local cabbie takes them for a 'ride' First he takes them to a restaurant where they end up paying $52 for a stuffed panda bear and get a meal of plastic spaghetti with cool aid sauce. They decide to get a bottle of wine and go back to the hotel. The cabbie has a friend who owns a liquor store. It's after hours, so the cabbie has them wait in the cab. He goes in to buy a bottle of red and a bottle of white wine, comes out with them wrapped in brown bags and tells them to hide them since it is after hours and don't take them out of the bag until they get back to their room. $25 per bottle ‐ "The best wine in Italy" Back at the room they open the wine and all they got were 2 bottles of water. The whole evening including the $27 cab ride came to almost $200 and they realized they were the victims of a flim flam. Notes: W June 20, 1975 Champions: Golf and Horses Description: None Notes: W June 23, 1975 Real People on TV; Tennis Snob Culture Description: None Notes: W June 24, 1975 Internal Erotic Wiring Description: None Notes: W June 25, 1975 The Phone Book (with 1943 WOR‐Mutual jingle) Description: None Notes: W June 26, 1975 A & W Root Beer Stand Description: None Notes: W June 27, 1975 Attack of the Locusts Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 386 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 30, 1975 Bad Nights (aka Tentacle) Description: Salute to Charles Kuralt Letter from fan ‐ "What's the worst night you ever spent?" Spen in a hole with another guy Both Soldiers Third guy comes in in dark ‐ turns out to be 'chicken' colonel who had given the orders of no lights or flames. They lit his cigarette and he leaves. "You are failing Chemistry" Shep has to cram for a Chemistry test. Notes: W July 1, 1975 The Non‐Literate Description: None Notes: W July 2, 1975 TV Unreality ‐ Killer Eel off Rhode Island, Predictions Description: None Notes: W July 3, 1975 WWII History Quiz, Army Parade Description: None Notes: W July 4, 1975 Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb Description: This is the annual reading of "Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb that Struck Back" one of Shep's short stories from Playboy, which appeared in his book "In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash", and ultimately in the movie "Great American Fourth of July and Other Disasters" Shep talks about how fireworks in many parts of the country are legal and mentions the origin of the expression "Excelsior". (see notes) He tells the story about the skyrocket that runs astray and lands on the roof of Roosevelt High School. Notes: Shep comments that the use of the word "Excelsior" came not from the New York State slogan, nor from Longfellow's poem. It was the brand name of a famous fireworks company. He made a similar comment on his 7‐3‐65 Limelight show. W July 7, 1975 Extra Long Ball Game Description: The story of a rock collector who has accumulated 60,000 pounds of assorted rocks followed by a tale of a fictitious Montreal Expos game where they score 1119 runs in one inning! Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 387 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 8, 1975 Man's Desire to Fly ‐ Bicycle Wings Description: The boys find plans in a Boy's Life to make wings for a bicycle. Each wing was about 11 feet long. First they set out to buy all the materials, 2x2s, #2 clamps, mueslin, plywood, etc. It took 2 weeks to build the first wing and another week for the second one. Finally they carried them out of the basement and hauled them the the local hill where they fitted them onto a bike. Everyone tried to make it fly but none of them ever go off the ground. It was a total failure and the wings ended up in Flick's basement when they remained as a sad reminder until finally one night Flick's father threw them out. Notes: W July 9, 1975 Adventures in Eating (Salad Story) Description: Stealing Lobsters Shep goes to a restauant on a date.The salad is served and Shep suddenly get the feeling of being watched. He pokes around and finds two beady little eyes looking back at him from the salad. Those of a big fat caterpillar. Notes: W July 10, 1975 Shoplifting / McCloud Description: None Notes: W July 11, 1975 UHF Stations / Funeral Music Description: None Notes: W July 14, 1975 The Gusto Life Description: None Notes: W July 15, 1975 The Alibi Tapes Description: None Notes: W July 16, 1975 Crime: Stealing 2x4s to Build a Shack Description: None Notes: W July 17, 1975 Dishonest People Description: None Notes: W July 18, 1975 Alaska Parking Meter Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 388 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 21, 1975 Leaning Empire State Building Description: None Notes: W July 22, 1975 Practical Jokes Description: None Notes: W July 23, 1975 Car Pool Description: None Notes: W July 24, 1975 American Bureaucracy Description: None Notes: W July 25, 1975 Flick's New Tires Description: Attention to asparagus fans, a salute! Beer the elixir of our time now being used to catch horse flies. Another salute this time to a guy who wanted to celebrate his birthday with fireworks. A letter on an ARMY story using the word oblique, and the common term jarhead for a Marine. Catalog tires and the scam advertising. Notes: W July 28, 1975 First Shaves Description: Favorite phrases for people you don't like ‐ Dildock, Turkey, Chowderhead… Shep discusses the origins and meanings of various words we take for granted. The use of the word "Turkey" or "Bomb" to describe a play or movie. Someone once set off a stink bomb in the theater after seeing a show they didn't like. Since turkeys are dumb, pretentious and gamey they became widely used to describe a bad show. In the early 19th century whiskey manufacturer Edmund Booze produced a highly popular whiskey, Everyone would go into a bar and ask for it by name. "Gimme some Booze!" and the name stuck. A common household fixture was named after its inventor ‐Commode. "Commercials are the true literature of our time" Shep tells about one summer when he was 14 and had just gotten his work permit. The old man, siting at the supper table, puts his paper down and tells Shep, "I have a present for you." He tells Shep to get a package out of his coat pocket. Shep opens it and it's a gillette razor. The old man teaches Shep how to lather up and shave. When he nicks his face, the septic pencil is painfully introduced and finally the stinging slap of Aqua Velva. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 389 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 29, 1975 The Lister Bag Incident Description: Roll call ‐ Are there any paegans, barbarians, slobs, or avenging Huns out there? Going through his phsychic cycles. Elephants ‐ looking one straight in the eye while in East Africa. How his Old Man's goal in life was to hunt down the elephant hunting grounds. Shep tests the crew on the meaning of various bugle calls as he begins to tell an Army story about lister bags. He was standing on the chow line one day when they were on bivouac. It just so happened that he was standing next to the lister bag when all of a sudden a corporal approaches from the back of the line, coming from what looked like a weapons carrier. He walks right up to the lister bag and drops a 20 lb cake of ice into the bag. Cold water!!! Shep explains that this was a very big event since he was stationed in Florida and you could make normally make tea without having to heat the water. Notes: W July 30, 1975 Soldering Iron Description: None Notes: W July 31, 1975 Forgotten Personalities ‐ Age of Total Media Description: None Notes: W August 1, 1975 "Teeth" ‐ Giant Crocodile Description: None Notes: W August 2, 1975 Czar of the Radio Station Description: None Notes: W August 4, 1975 Quitting and Getting Fired From Radio Description: Shep talks about the time he worked for a TV / Radio station whose policy was nobody ever quits. As soon as management got wind that a person might be leaving, they would fire them...Until Shep came along! Working for C.G. "Fang" Bullard, he mentions to a co‐worker one day that his audition went well. Within minutes he is called to C.G. Bullard's office. Bullard is a short man of 4 feet 9 inches and has a tremendous office ‐ "The smaller the man, the bigger the office" (JS) After going through a series of security doors, Shep enters Bullard's office where he is given a 3 year contract to sign. He insists Shep sign it without reading it. Shep asks for some time and Bullard says sure, give it to the secretary outside. As soon as he leaves the office, she asks for the signed contract. He hands it to her, she says "It's not signed". Shep tells her he'll be back later this afternoon to sign it, he has to go down and fix up his show. With that he left, snapping the bowties of every executive along the way. He was the only one whoever managed to quit from that station. Shep says they have since written him out of all history of the station, never to be mentioned again, as if he never existed. Notes: First 2 minutes of theme missing Appears to have 5 to 7 minutes of commercials cut W August 5, 1975 Sunglasses Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 390 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 6, 1975 Tarpon Fishing Description: None Notes: W August 7, 1975 Science Fiction Predicts the Future Description: None Notes: W August 8, 1975 Army Phrases, Mean Mess Hall Story Description: None Notes: W August 11, 1975 Bicentennial Rebuttal Letter Description: None Notes: W August 12, 1975 WWII Airfield Description: None Notes: W August 13, 1975 "Barbarian" ‐ Spoof of Jaws Description: None Notes: W August 14, 1975 Rock Throwing Description: None Notes: W August 15, 1975 Hexes and Curses Description: None Notes: W August 18, 1975 Austrailia Description: Shep gets a letter from his friend Simon in Australia with an article about how in Coff's Harbor because the banana industry is doing poorly they are legalizing topless bathing on the beach to lure tourism. He tells about his trip to Sydney and how they flew into Coff's Harbor, drove into the jungle and visited a banana plantation run by a famous track star. In his usual fashion, Shep describes the climate and terrain of the area. Notes: Rebroadcast from 4‐23‐74 Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 391 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 19, 1975 Carl the Singing Chicken Description: Frank Purdue looks just like his chickens. How people begin to look like their products. He's beginning to show insipiant Wattles. Imitations of various chicken clucks for the various moods of a chicken Shep once worked at a radio station as 'Cousin Jean' and played the part of "Carl the Singing Chicken" Used to sing ('cluck') all sorts of songs Plays short piece of lady doing hog calls Vassar Clements ‐Fiddle Player Notes: W August 20, 1975 Fighting in Class Description: None Notes: W August 21, 1975 Kid's Music Lessons: 5000 Fingers of Dr T Description: None Notes: W August 22, 1975 License Plates Description: Shep spends the show discussing nicknames of cities and states, the colors of the different states license plates and their mottos. He tells about the cerial premium that offered a miniature license plate in each box. He collected them all but could never find New York. Years later when he was at a meeting in New York he met the man who was responsible for the promotion. He said that was on purpose. In New York you couldn't find an Illinois plate! He had Shep come back to his office and gave him one of the New York Plates from a drawer filled with all sorts of the old premiums. Notes: W August 25, 1975 Chew Tobacco Description: None Notes: W August 26, 1975 Time Description: None Notes: W August 27, 1975 Dog Decathalon Description: None Notes: W August 28, 1975 Getting Ahead, Chew Tobacco Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 392 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 29, 1975 Obscene Phone Call Number Description: None Notes: W September 1, 1975 Labor Day Picnic Description: Labor Day, a depressing holiday How do you visualize the year, as a circle or an oval? The highest rates of suicide are at Christmas and New Year The OFFICE, the official world of the adult The differences between the guys from the OFFICE and the guys from the PLANT Notes: W September 2, 1975 Darts Description: None Notes: W September 3, 1975 "True" Trivia Description: None Notes: W September 4, 1975 The Guy with Memory Description: None Notes: W September 5, 1975 Cod Liver Oil Description: Baking muffins and golf ball suckers. A visit to Dr Slicker, the tongue depressor that gags. Shep gets a tonsil infection and before they can be taken out he has to take "medication" five times a day ‐ cod liver oil. It was so bad and smelled so bad that the dog, Zero, next door, started howling at the smell. The walls started to peel when the bottle was opened. His mother tried mixing it into the Welches Grape Juice he loved. Now he can't stand Welches! After that, when he was in the Army he could drink anything they gave him. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 393 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 8, 1975 Fall of Rome; Spartans, Dead Sea Description: "Did Rome fall or did it default?" Shep compares the rise and fall of Rome to the current fiscal problems in New York. Roman games at the Colliseum, comparing such things as a discus or javelin going into the stands with today's foul balls. The Spartans Visiting the Dead Sea Sodom and Gamorrah The mines of Solomon Notes: W September 9, 1975 Style ‐ License Plates Description: None Notes: W September 10, 1975 Radio Row Description: None Notes: W September 11, 1975 Remember the Sixties Description: None Notes: W September 12, 1975 Chicken Pluckers Description: None Notes: W September 15, 1975 Frogs Description: None Notes: W September 16, 1975 Eclipse Description: None Notes: W September 17, 1975 Attention Span Description: None Notes: W September 18, 1975 Winners and Losers Description: None Notes: W September 19, 1975 Two Bad Nights Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 394 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 22, 1975 Season Tickets / Cigarette Machine Description: None Notes: W September 23, 1975 History of Radio Description: None Notes: W September 24, 1975 King Tut and Other Mummies Description: None Notes: W September 25, 1975 Puritans and Witches Description: None Notes: W September 26, 1975 The Boarding House Description: None Notes: W September 29, 1975 Trip to Ireland Description: Shep just returned from a 10 day trip to Ireland. This is the second time he's gone there. The first time was one of the first European countires he visited. He describes a bus tour he took through Dublin and compares it to a bus tour through New York City. The tour guide narrates the tour by quoting famous scholars unlike the more descriptive ones in America. Shep recounts his comment from the previous trip about how in the early morning while lying in his room he could hear the footsteps of the people walking out on the street. He tells about driving through the Connemara countryside, coming across some ponies and a flock of sheep along the road. There are hundreds of small one lane roads criss crossing the countryside, populated with small houses without electricity, using only kerosene. At one point they pull over to check the map and suddenly a donkey pokes its head in through the car window. Soon they're surrounded by 25 more of the curious animals. As they slowly drive away, the donkeys begin to follow. They arrive in Clifden where the first two men to fly the Atlantic nonstop, on June 15, 1919, had 'landed' their plane. What had appeared to be a grassy field, turned out to be a bog. In Clifden Shep visits a samll shop where the old shopkeeper tells them of how he witnessed the landing and even shows them a piece of the wing from the plane, signed by the pilots. Notes: Tape verbally dated Shep got back from Ireland about 25 hours earlier Was there with someone named George Alcock and Brown info: http://www.aviation‐ W September 30, 1975 Real News Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 395 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 1975 Lobsters Description: None Notes: W October 1, 1975 Hitler and Hearst Description: None Notes: W October 2, 1975 Ants and Glass Description: None Notes: W October 3, 1975 Stage Performer / Delayed Satisfaction Description: None Notes: W October 6, 1975 Crime and Technology; First Stun Gun Description: None Notes: W October 7, 1975 Gravity Defied Description: None Notes: W October 8, 1975 Crime Trivia Description: None Notes: W October 10, 1975 The Book of Names Description: None Notes: W October 13, 1975 Medieval Weapons Description: None Notes: W October 14, 1975 Changing Laws in America Description: None Notes: W October 15, 1975 The Bottom of the Ocean Description: None Notes: W October 16, 1975 Head Test Description: None Notes: W October 17, 1975 Geese on the Golf Course Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 396 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 20, 1975 Chicago: Slob Capital Description: None Notes: W October 21, 1975 Bored Betters Description: None Notes: W October 22, 1975 Unions, Brewery Benefits, Irish‐Guinness, Pubs Description: Unions ‐ keeps 7 or 8 unions very well suppied with dues for the convention in Burmuda. Ford Motors ‐ duck have been in union contract since 1964. Ford must pay for the food for the ducks around the plant. Of course when the ducks retire to Florida, they still must receive food. Spent time is a brewery out in Milwaukee (filming episode of J.S. America) As part of the union contract the company had to send a case of beer to each employee's house every week. The longer you worked there the more cases you got. Visiting the Guinness brewery in Ireland. Shep talks about Guinness beer, how it is served and its taste. Was invited to lunch at the Guinness Brewery. Guinness started the Guinness Book of Records. Visiting the classic Irish pubs Notes: W October 24, 1975 Beer Can Collection, Fringe Benefits Description: None Notes: W October 27, 1975 Conspiracy, Fictional Life Description: None Notes: W October 28, 1975 Stark Realism, Tollgate Salesman Description: None Notes: W October 29, 1975 His Hit TV Show, Preserving Old Gas Stations Description: None Notes: W October 30, 1975 Christmas Gift Suggestions, American Literary Characters Description: None Notes: W October 31, 1975 Legend of the Jersey Devil Description: None Notes: W November 3, 1975 Old Man Trying to win contests, Top Sheep Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 397 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 4, 1975 NY City Defaults, Cream of Wheat, Astrological Report Description: None Notes: W November 5, 1975 T‐shirts Description: None Notes: W November 6, 1975 Stealing Car Batteries Description: None Notes: W November 7, 1975 Fan Letter, TV Actors Description: None Notes: W November 10, 1975 Junk Mail, Toad in the Cornerstone Description: None Notes: W November 11, 1975 Teaching Monkeys to Work, Monkey Watches Pigs Description: None Notes: W November 12, 1975 Varsity Football & Training Description: None Notes: W November 13, 1975 City Poster, Failure, Anti‐Hero Description: Holden Caulfield Shep mentions that he recently wrote a preface to a book and in it he mentions Holden Caulfield and Jack Kerouac. He gets a call from the publisher saying the preface was 'smooth' but who were these guys? Creeping Meatballism has now become de‐facto Shep gets into a discussion of failure, heros, and anti‐heros New York ‐ the anti‐hero mystique Notes: W November 14, 1975 Under the Lake, Unexpected Sites, Description: Reality vs Mythology Shep spends the show discussing old cars, planes, and ships which appear from the depths or other hidden places around the world. Even a mastodon Notes: W November 17, 1975 'In' Characters on TV, Croation Detective Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 398 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 18, 1975 School Fight with Harold Dill Description: None Notes: W November 19, 1975 Credit History and Scams, Advertise on Cups Description: None Notes: W November 20, 1975 Army‐Laying wire from Aircraft. Description: None Notes: W November 21, 1975 Inertia Factor, Carp Description: None Notes: W November 24, 1975 Historical Names, Volume Description: None Notes: W November 25, 1975 Mediocrity, Pet Rocks Description: None Notes: W November 26, 1975 Commerce Description: None Notes: W November 27, 1975 H.S. Football Description: None Notes: W November 1975 Block of Ice Description: None Notes: W December 3, 1975 Driver's License Description: Shep says he got his driver's license in the mail the other day and describes the various 'junk' mail he gets promising all sorts of wonderful things. Tells about a cab driver he met that had driver's licenses from all over the country. He tells about the time when he turned 16 and went for his driver's license. His friend Stanley Roper takes him down for the test in Stanleys Chevy. Shep passes the written exam and end up with officer Johnson, who was the toughest of the testers. First they get out to the parking lot and Stanley and the car are gone. Johnson tells Shep he'll have to come back another time. Just as Johnson is going back inside, Stanley shows up. A quick argument over Stanley wanting to ride with them during the test which he loses. Shep gets in the car and has to back out of the space. Thanks to a over‐anxious clutch the car jerks. Several attempts later Shep is on his way home ‐ having failed the test. He took the test 3 times before passing all because he kept getting Johnson. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 399 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 8, 1975 Sailing Trip Part 1 Description: None Notes: W December 9, 1975 Sailing Trip ‐ Part 2, Route of Columbus Description: None Notes: Mentions the previous night's show which makes this part#2 W December 10, 1975 Sailing Trip ‐ Part 3, Stop at Dominica Description: None Notes: See 12/09/75 show for title change to part 3 W December 11, 1975 Sailing Trip ‐ Part 4, Dominica, Pig Roast Description: None Notes: W December 12, 1975 Helen Kubic Romance, Latin 1 Description: None Notes: W December 15, 1975 C & W Music Description: None Notes: W December 16, 1975 Boy Scout Santa Claus Description: None Notes: W December 17, 1975 Tinker Toys, 'Monolopy' Board Story, Xmas Cards / Gifts Description: None Notes: W December 18, 1975 Free Sample / Bad Taste, Car Wash Description: None Notes: W December 19, 1975 Cultural Development, Baseball, Horses with Diapers Description: None Notes: W December 22, 1975 Christmas Show, Gift Wrapping Description: Ebeneezer Stooge ‐(Another play on names by Shep) Trivial stories vs Important ones. How friends bore him with trivial stories about their car and fail to tell him the interesting ones like being shot in Pear Harbor by a Japanese Zero. Going up the escalator in Macy's he is reminded of a story as a kid. In his Junior year of high school Miss Matson asked kids to fill out a form if they wanted to make some money over the Christmas holidays. Shep did and wound up with a job at Marshall Fields depatment store wrapping Christmas gifts for Mrs Wringle. He did such a good job he worked there for three years wrapping gifts. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 400 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 23, 1975 Hellbound Train, School Plays Description: None Notes: W December 24, 1975 Christmas in the Army, Pole Line Construction Description: Shep uses John Gambling's holly covered microphone with teakwood base and ivory knobs tonight, and shakes his keys ‐ "sounds like one of those guys in front of Macy's with the Santa Claus suit" NY Jets singing Jingle Bells with Shepherd's Jew's Harp accompaniment Shep is thankful tonight that he is not in the army. Being a "yardbird" is a "soul searing" experience, and a particular Christmas Eve in the army is recalled. He had been stationed in the Ozarks, hundreds of miles from any major city. A week before Christmas a notice had been posted ‐ "One‐third of all personnel of every operating company will be confined to base on Christmas holiday." On December 23rd, the list of those leaving for home was read, and Shep, and Gasser, among others, were not on it. That afternoon, the entire company trudges to the "pole line construction practice yard." This is 5000 flat acres of mud with a "great bristling forest of stripped telephone poles" of sizes ranging from "little fifteen footers all the way up to sixty footers. They kind of marched to the horizon like a denuded forest that had been hit by some terrible blight." Company K was going to practice putting up equipment on telephone poles. They wore "belts with clips, wire cutters, flashlight, continuity tester, medical case, and sidearm" all on the outside of their raincoats. "Climbers" were spurs worn at your instep, and if somehow they didn't hold while you were climbing down, an extremely dangerous situation resulted. It was best to hit the belt safety catch at this point and push away so that you were not held close to the pole to be impaled by gigantic splinters, which could be fatal! Shep climbs a sixty foot pole with Edwards, and Gasser on poles on either side. When Shep starts singing Jingle Bells, the others chime in, but they are interrupted by the southern red‐ headed corporal GI shouting "At ease up there!" The mood at chow is dismal. Fried liver and cabbage salad are served with pickled beets, and purple Kool Aid. Next morning Kowalski gives the order "Since it's Christmas, let's knock off everything through Christmas day!" No one was in the mess hall so they could cook up anything they wanted! Shep's huge meal of seven fried eggs, a slab of bacon, and all the coffee he could eat was interrupted by Gasser's observation. "You seen that bulletin board, Shep? Guess who's picking up guard duty?" At eight that night, Shep dresses in his raincoat, gas mask, leggings, M1, and cartridge belt and takes his guard post at the end of the rifle range. Every half hour the officer of the guard would drive by in a Jeep with the "rain slanting in the headlights." At the end of the watch, the officer calls out "Take it easy soldier, and by the way, Merry Christmas!" But tonight Shep surmises that somewhere even that officer is saying to himself "It's Christmas. Thank God I ain't in the army!" Notes: "A Great Show" Best to listen to in windy snow or rain! LT W December 26, 1975 School Glee Club, sing during the holidays Description: None Notes: Show starts late and is interrupted due to news about the LaGuardia Airport bombing W December 29, 1975 Kid's Premiums, La Guardia Airport Bombing, Trade Marks, Corn Description: None Notes: W December 30, 1975 Monsters and Cave Men Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 401 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 31, 1975 Change of year Description: None Notes: W December 1975 Hibernating Bears Description: None Notes: W 1975 Announcing Jobs Description: None Notes: W 1975 Comic Strip Quiz Description: None Notes: W 1975 Rumors Description: None Notes: W 1975 The Dogs of Elsinore Description: Musical trivia The scary true story "The Dogs of Ellsinore" Shep imagines a glider story during WW2 Small Airport stories Notes: Shep says it is Friday night and that summer is approaching, which makes the date sometime in late spring of 1975. W 1975 Various Topics Description: None Notes: W 1975 Review Acting Description: None Notes: W 1975 Forgo Description: None Notes: WKAT W 1975 Hockey Matchbooks Description: None Notes: WKAT W January 2, 1976 Visiting old Relatives, Aunt Theresa and Uncle Emil Description: Shep hurls an invective ‐ sort of! He tells everyone to plave their radios on the window sill bur instead of hurling the traditional invective, he plays "Downtown" followed by a laugh track. Visiting Aunt Theresa and Uncle Emil. She serves them petrified cookies. Kid milestones. Memorable moments in growing up such as the first time you realized you were looking down and not up at the sink. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 402 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 5, 1976 Hobbies, Quiz Show Host Description: National Hobby Week Salute to the collection of names ‐ people with strange names. Shep did TV quiz show when he was in Cincinnati and thet had to give prize money to people for anwering questions. You would be amazed how many people do not know the name of the President. One old lady was so bad she thought Rome was in New York. George Ade said "It is impossible to underestimate the intelligence of the average person" Notes: W January 6, 1976 Crime and Punishment, Playing Hooky Description: The art of streaking, getting a sponsor. This show is dedicated to crime and punishment Tells story about a beautiful spring day when he and Schwartz decided they didn't want to go to school that day. They spent the day walking down on the beach and going to a movie with a couple of girls they meet. They enjoy it so much they decide to do it again. The next day they need a note for school and ask the garage mechanic to write one for them which he does. They turn in the note and two periods later they are called to the office. Turns out the garage mechanic works for the truant department ‐ they are suspended for three days and notes were mailed to their mothers. Notes: Repeat from 3/15/74 The commercial for Alpan Center is cut short ‐ tape defect W January 7, 1976 Movie Plots, Biting‐Fighting, Ear Biter Description: Deep TV plots The meaning of man Pleasure centers of the brain, the whoopie hat Biting ‐ man in Argentina during a cigarette shortage waits on line and when he finds out his brand is sold out, he leans over counter and bites ear off of the clerk. Shep spends 3 days in the Florida Everglades fishing with Bud. Bud has no left ear and when Shep inquires about what happened he is told that on the Everglades there are guys who fight by biting. Kaleb was the worst of them all. He took Kaleb on and lost. They don't call them canine teeth for nothing. Shep tells about the dog that chased him all the time on his paper route and how he developed 'the kick'. He also tells about the time he was biten while playing in a football game. He compares the strength of the human bite to other animals Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 403 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 8, 1976 Frigidaire Ad, Rampent Soldering Iron Description: The talking refridgerator Shep tells about getting a soldering iron for his birthday and commenced to become imersed in soldering projects two of which led him into trouble. The first problem was when he spent the day soldering on his mothers new tablecloth. The excess solder dripped trough the chasis he was working on and burned the tablecloth. After being banned from using the kitchen table he moved his operation to a counter near the breadbox. There was even a convenient outlet here. All was well until on night there was a scream from the kitchen. The old man had come down in the dark to get a piece of bread. Guess who left the soldering iron plugged in! The old man grabbed it in the dark and by the time he was through yelling it was at the bottom of the basement stairs ‐ shattered. So, of course, Shep saved up and bought a new one. Notes: W January 9, 1976 Friday Show, Slobus Americanus Description: The Marvin Kitman rating system Shep's rating system of rating the critics ‐ The "Raspberry" Discussion of the Boobus Americanus versus the Avant Guard. The Boobus Americanus is 20 years ahead of the Avant Guard. Kid story about a vacant lot a few blocks away when they constructed a giant ice cream cone. It was a 4 story ice cream stand. Notes: W January 12, 1976 Frankenstein and Air Craft Carrier CV‐9 Description: None Notes: W January 13, 1976 Wonderama Appearance, Kiddie Show Elegant Description: Shep opens by mentioning his recent appearance on a kid's show and talks about his experience with "Clarence" the turtle and a giraffe. He discusses his elegant friend who has a morning kid show. Tells about the way he dresses and goes about doing things, hates animals. One day he has a talking Mynah Bird on the show who commences to take over the show and almost ruin his friends career. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 404 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 14, 1976 Turnpike People, Turnpike Legends Description: The Turnpike people vs Legends of the Sea Shep tells of his own experiences driving on the New Jersey Turnpike. A car passes him doing 135 mph with police in pursuit. They get off the same exit but the car disappears. The toll collector never saw it, and there was no other way to get off. Once he got stopped in the fast lane due to congestion. He looks in the rear view mirror and a VW is barreling down behind him, the driver busy talking and not paying attention to the road. Just as the guy comes up behind Shep the right lane moves forward and Shep veers over. The VW rams right into the back of the car that was ahead of Shep. Another time he is driving behind a large motor home. The back door is open and the convertible couch is falling out. He pulls up on the side of the motor home and begins honking his horn and motioning to the driver. The driver keeps ignoring Shep thinking he was some kind of nut. Shep pulls off into a rest stop to gas up. He gets back on the road and after a few minutes sees a commotion on the road ahead. There are a couple of police cars stopped alongside a busted up couch in the middle of the highway. Notes: W January 15, 1976 Robert Service Poems, Winter, Flick's Tongue Description: Description Shep opens show with the golden opportunity hour & a Robert service Poem. Shep makes the observation that NYC is not cold & a Robert service Poem. After the break Shep opens with a reference to an unheard joke, talks about the season and is interrupted by a news broadcast. Animals have heightened senses compared to ours, except in the sense of touch and heat & cold. Some stories of that cold (a break) then Flick's Tongue! Notes: W January 16, 1976 OZ and Mythical Countries Description: Thought of creating World Money Ham radio and symbolic language, learning Danish Takes course at Indiana University Extension with Stanley Roper to learn artificially created language constructed from all the major languages. At the age of twelve he got hooked on books. Went to the library every Saturday to hear stories being read. Shep talks about the other OZ stories. Dorothy and the Wizard was only one of the stories. The Pumpkinhead of Oz. Most of the great literature is based on a 'quest' in an artificial land where the writer creates a country, people, religion. Discussion of Oz and other mythical kingdoms. Notes: W January 19, 1976 Ham Radio Language, story of OZ Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 405 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 20, 1976 Electra, Radio Eng. Fired for getting TV License Description: The story of Electra by Sophocles Shep tells about the radio engineer who went to a convention of radio engineers back in the days when TV was just beginning to start up. The FCC had set up a booth to promote TV and the engineer signed up to apply for a station license. A few weeks later the application was approved and the owner of the station was infuriated. He said they couldn't afford to run a TV station and there was no future in it, but they had no choice. He did not want to be embarrased in front of the FCC. The engineer was fired and the TV station is worth $22 million. (WLS) Notes: Electra, obsessed by dreams of avenging her father's murder, impatiently awaits the return of her exiled brother Orestes. When he arrives, the play mounts toward its first climax, a tender recognition scene. From that moment on, Electra uses Orestes as her instrument of vengeance. They kill their mother's husband, then their mother herself‐‐and only afterward see the evil inherent in these seemingly just acts. W January 22, 1976 Jesus Saves Graffiti, Friend Fired, Rock Painter Description: Did you ever see road signs with bullet holes? Shep loves to drive the back roads late at night and describes the grafitti such as "Jesus Saves" painted on rocks. He tells one story of someone putting up posters for a candidate only to be followed by another car with 2 guys who are taking them down. Who does this stuff? Cars named after gods such as Mercury and Apollo ‐ mythology Who wrote "Topper"? ‐ Thorne Smith Notes: W January 23, 1976 Army Story, Someone Swipes His Wheaties, Post Cerial Plant Tour Description: None Notes: W January 23, 1976 Trips Around the US Description: None Notes: W January 26, 1976 Fireman sets Fire, Charisma Machine 210‐DL Description: None Notes: W January 27, 1976 Radio‐TV listings, Watch Things Happen Description: None Notes: W January 28, 1976 Writers Don't Remember, Day Out Of Your Past Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 406 of 451 Have Class Date W Title January 29, 1976 Slob Art Again, Taxidermy Story Description: Bicentennial Products ‐ parking meter, decorator toilet paper, toilet paper dispenser with built in radio. Salute to man who 'left his apartment in the same condition as when he moved in. He bought 60,000 roaches and set them free in the apartment. At 10 years old Shep sends away for a taxidermy kit. He finds an old dead cat and…. Then his mother finds it in the coal bin in the basement. Notes: This show was originally broadcast in 1974, in late May or early June since Shep was promoting the June 8th Princeton Show. W January 30, 1976 Witch Doctor Calls Description: Shep spend this show playing various chants from a recording of one of the most powerful witch doctors in Africa. He explains the function of the witch doctor within his tribe and describes the meaning behind the various chants, and the expected results. Notes: W January 30, 1976 Fear Description: None Notes: W February 2, 1976 Pepito the Monkey, Hot Polish Peppers at Blue‐Bird Tavern, Paper Route Description: Shep reads a story about a monkey that steals a hot pepper sandwich. This leads to his telling the story about his experience with hot polish peppers as a kid. Along the way he talks about the paper routes he had and his experiences with Scruffy the Airedale. Notes: W February 3, 1976 Reporter With Lion Tamer Description: A new drink ‐"Orphan Annie's Debauch" Looking back at note of old shows and sees he did a 3 show series that most of us don't fear the right things. He talks about his friend Frank who builds a radio receiver. Ming the Merciless Appears in a book written by Clyde Beatty. While working for a small television station he is given the task of doing a remote from the center ring of the circus. He was be inside the cage with Clyde Beatty and 35 lions! Beatty claims in his book that this was one of the most dangerous moments in his career. Notes: Original broadcast 4‐18‐75 Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 407 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 4, 1976 Transmitter Maintenance, Old Geography Book Description: Giving thanks to the hard working guys who do all the thankless jobs. This leads into a long bit about buffers, grids, oscillators and other radio issues. Tasting batteries Bought an 1871 geography book for the 4th and 5th grades. He describes some of the maps in the book, Florida in particular, where many cities did not even exist yet. There was no Miami. He also has a Science book from 1900 which he picked up in Maine. It was interesting to see how much we take for granted is not even in the book because it didn't exist. Coal was the energy of focus back then. Shep remembers studying oil in school and the teacher saying how the supplies are so vast we'll never run out. You can replace that rectifier, but not the oil Notes: W February 5, 1976 Hot Air Balloon Project Description: The scrambled egg theory of the brain ‐ up to 16 years old the brain is not solidified yet. Shep is in the Boy Scouts, the Moose Patrol, and the Jamboree is coming up. Shep was a junior patrol leader in Troop 41 Martin, Howard Emde, Shep, and Flick decide to build a Hot Air Balloon for their project. He describes how they made it from plans found in a magazine. Making Kerosene, Parafin, and Excelsior mix for fuel. Shep hesitates for a while about telling the rest of the story which he eventually does tell. It seems they underestimated the effects of the fuel. Martin lites it and there was a great cloud of smoke and the heat rose the balloon high up into the air in a ball of flame. It comes down and burns down 1/3 of Warren G Harding School. Notes: W February 6, 1976 Studies To Prove Obvious Description: None Notes: W February 8, 1976 God Father Pizzeria Description: Notes: W February 9, 1976 Dear Sir put‐down. Hat Trick, Dog Races Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 408 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 11, 1976 Out Of Gas Inside Lincoln Tunnel Description: Dover, New Hampshire fire department responds to call to find 10 year old boy with his tongue stuck to a sign post. The only thing man learns from history is that man does not learn from history. Shep describe the time he was driving his Porsche into the city through the Lincoln Tunnel on the way to do a show and runs out of gas. He talks about the psychological effects of a tunnel and the fear of being trapped. The gas shortage and hobbies such as gas siphoning. Notes: W February 12, 1976 Converted Pulpit, Elephant grave yards. Description: None Notes: W February 13, 1976 From Florida ‐ Part 1, Florida ‐ "A Dream World" Description: None Notes: W February 16, 1976 From Florida ‐ Part 2, The Condo Man Description: None Notes: W February 17, 1976 From Florida ‐ Part 3, Florida Way Of Life Description: None Notes: W February 18, 1976 Lago, Pipe Organ With Gargoyles Description: None Notes: W February 19, 1976 Wild Turkey Fans, Conventions and Bad Taste Description: None Notes: W February 20, 1976 CW Songs, How to Write CW Lyrics Description: None Notes: W February 24, 1976 On Stage Mishaps Description: None Notes: W February 25, 1976 Liquor, Drinkology Description: None Notes: W February 26, 1976 Egyptian Gods, Pharoah in Egypt Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 409 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 27, 1976 Illiterate Students Description: None Notes: W February 1976 Human Animal Description: None Notes: W March 2, 1976 Singing in the Shower, Sound Effects Description: Shep gets hold of a sound effects record and apends the entire show playing various portions of it. He plays the soothing sounds of rain storms, the sounds of a submarine crew preparing a launch and launching a torpedo, and the sounds of a bullfight. Notes: W March 3, 1976 More Sound Effects Description: None Notes: W March 4, 1976 Guy towing Plane, Tarpin Fishing Description: None Notes: W March 5, 1976 Booze & Drinking, Cocktail Parties Description: None Notes: W March 8, 1976 Ham Radio, scout troop, Learning Code, Lawrence the Ham Description: None Notes: W March 9, 1976 Comb Mystery, Commercial Characters Description: Where do all the combs go? The Great mystery. Who are these pollsters, and who do they call? Another mystery. Shep demonstrates how he would handle a pollster. Wonders of the 20th century . . . Commercial nostalgia Notes: W March 10, 1976 Teeter Totter Description: None Notes: W March 11, 1976 Things Not For Television Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 410 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 12, 1976 Brooklyn Description: There are certain towns people have an attitude towards even if they have never been there. In the case of Brooklyn some people are amused. Brooklyn was in the background of old movies and radio shows. "Newstalgia" ‐ picture magazine by Bob Richmond. Brooklyn WAS the Dodgers. Most people don't know how the name Dodgers came to be. Brooklyn was a city of trolley cars criss crossing the town and to get to the ball park people were constantly dodging the trolleys and became known as the trolley dodges. How Brooklyn got its name ‐ Breuckelem, then Brookland, and finally Brooklyn. Shep discusses the history of Brooklyn and the surrounding area referring to the "Newstalgia" magazine and drawing from some Army memories. Going to the Dodgers / Giants game Notes: W March 15, 1976 Public Address Announcer Description: None Notes: W March 16, 1976 Rumor Expert Description: None Notes: W March 17, 1976 Soldering Iron Description: None Notes: W March 18, 1976 Scorpions Description: Bazookas, 50mm machine guns, grenades, and scorpions Shep talks about the various poisonous wildlife he has encountered in his travels. Coral snakes, red frogs of peru, sand midges of the upper reaches of the Amazon, the black momba, and scorpions He tells a story of being in the army and onenight Elkins lets out a scream. He had a scorpion on his foot. Suddenly there are 6 guys trying to get out of the tent yelling and screaming. Keeping a lizard on the mosquito netting. They eat the mosquitos Scorpions like strawberry jello Notes: W March 19, 1976 Survival March Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 411 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 22, 1976 Influence of Comic Strips, Cartoon Creators (Comic Strip Quiz) Description: Shep spends the show describing various comic strip characters to see who (apparently aimed at those in the booth) can name the character or the creator of the character. Along the way he gives some background material of the strips to help refresh memories. Notes: W March 23, 1976 Tag Day For Band, Band Contests Description: Shep relives Tag Day (the day, in the middle of March, when he had to solicit funds for his high school band. He discusses what happens in band contests, mentioning the three categories of completion (‘Selected Piece,' ‘Required Thing', ‘Sight Reading'). He describes in great detail the last category, Sight Reading, where all members of the orchestra open a sealed envelope, containing untitled sheet music (“It could be ‘Old black Joe', but nobody knows for sure”). The musicians are given five minutes to read their sheet music, but can't discuss it between themselves. “By a stoke of uncommon luck”, the oboe player (Ruth) opens the piece by playing the first thirty measures. All other musicians Immediately recognize it as Sousa's ‘El Capitan' (their ‘Selected Piece'). Great Radio! Quote: “I get itchy every time I think of wool” Notes: W March 24, 1976 Piano Warehouse, Piano ads in mid‐west Description: None Notes: W March 25, 1976 Worms and Fishing, Muskie of Northern Lakes Description: None Notes: W March 26, 1976 Folk Talents, Bolis knuckles/spitting Description: None Notes: W March 29, 1976 Gadgets / Alibi Cassettes Description: Barney (show engineer) invents "Alibi Album" of fake background noises for phone contacts.Shep tells of fantasy scenarios for it. Mentions sazerac cocktail Salutes American ingenuity and "Jump For Joy" spring loaded shoes.Tells of fantasy uses for the shoes @ political conventions. Salutes "Yellow Kid" Weil, Chicago con artist. (See interesting links below) Notes: Average to good show with interesting follow‐up links to "Yellow Kid" & sazerac drink (tougher to make than French 75). Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 412 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 30, 1976 Bicentennial Report, Chicago Fair, Celebrations Description: Shep gives a Bicentennial update. Asks if anyone else has received the special offer in the mail for the specially minted set of coins. Only Americans can trivialize anything A Salute to the USA Bicentennial The Bicentenial concrete mixer painted red, white and blue with 76s all over it. A salute to the Texan crawling all the way to Washington Shep tells about the time he was a kid and the family went to a celebration at Soldier's Field in Chicago where the president was going to set off the fireworks from the White House. The button didn't work, so the workers ran around with matches setting them off. The big flag display lit up only half and fell over burning. Notes: W March 31, 1976 Frozen In A Block Of Ice At Circus. Description: None Notes: W April 1, 1976 Boy Scout Project, Old Newspapers, Grade School Science Description: None Notes: W April 2, 1976 Tv vs Real Life / Wake Turbulance Description: Spring is in the air! Collecting cartoon music Popeye and characters, "Ham Gravy" Olive Oil's cousin Wake Turbulance Have you ever been robbed? Salute to Police Woman Notes: W April 5, 1976 Illiteracy & Fistfights / Ghost town for J S America, Dummy in Dept Store Description: Creative Illiteracy Los Angeles ‐ After failing to open a safe at a car dealership a burglar gives up. What he did not see was the sign on the safe which gave not only the combination but also saying that the safe was empty. Survey ‐ 44% of 1‐6 year olds prefer TV to their fathers. The rational of choosing between the Mets and your wife. Mingus Texas ‐ The Super Bowl of bar room brawling. Colorado ‐ The filming of J.S. America Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 413 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 6, 1976 Paycheck Mistake / 1776 & Dumb Americans Description: None Notes: W April 7, 1976 Tarzan Science Description: The call of Tarzan What makes things work? Michigan man invents a device that can lift anything. Shep get into discussion about clocks and gears talking about gear ratios. Notes: Shep mentions he just recently played at M.I.T. Since this is a 1976 syndicated show it may be that Shep appeared in a previous year if the original airdate was not in 1976. W April 8, 1976 The A‐Ha Experience, Indiana Basketball Description: Cute kids grow up to be mean people Calling home to mom and sensing something is wrong. After much proding he finds out she had been fightened by something before he was born ‐ a soldering iron. The A‐Ha experience ‐ suddenly recognization of the source of troubling matters. The 4th dimension ‐ time. Time is a vast sea of shallows and depths. It runs quickly at times and longer at other times. You just about unpack your suitcase on vacation and suddenly packing up to return home. High school seem to take forever. Basketball in the midwest. Every family who had a backyard had a bounding board mounted to the garage or a tree. Basketball is one sport that you can play with as many players as you want, even alone. Girls basketball is very big in Indiana. The finals are sold out events. Notes: W April 9, 1976 Popeye, Crossword Puzzles, Private Games Description: Reasons vs Rationalization Private games vs competitive games "The more afraid a person is of formal competition, the more he tends to have private games." You can fix all the odds in a private game Shep has his own private games like trying to ride the elevator non‐stop to his floor at WOR, getting to H & H in time to get a celery and shrimp sandwich before they run out. He also does a lot of crossword puzzles and play a game when flying. He reads the paper during the flight, but saves the crossword until the end. When they announce for everyone to fasten their seatbelts for landing he begins and trys to complete it before the plave comes to a stop. Notes: Shep appeared as 47 down in the New York Times Crossword on July 28, 1971 W April 12, 1976 Various Subjects, Media Room Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 414 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 13, 1976 Allied Catalog Description: A female companion for you mutt. Trip to the bank and name spelling problems again ‐ Sheppharrd. Ordering things from catalogs ‐ even used socks! All people never read an entire catalog. They only look at the section that interests them Shep sends for an Allied catalog and it comes to the wrong name ‐ "Shirp" He orders some things from the catalog using the order form in the catalog with Shirp's name and a Shepherd money order. Squeezing the Charmin ‐ product promotions Sitting at John's one day Schwartz puts some Spanish Fly in Flick's YooHoo. Notes: W April 14, 1976 Sailboat in Parking Lot Description: None Notes: W April 15, 1976 Distortion ‐ Race Track Humor Description: None Notes: W April 16, 1976 Horseradish Contest Description: None Notes: W April 19, 1976 Adam and Eve Skit Description: None Notes: W April 20, 1976 Flying Bikes, Bicycle Wings Description: The boys find plans in a Boy's Life to make wings for a bicycle. Each wing was about 11 feet long. First they set out to buy all the materials, 2x2s, #2 clamps, mueslin, plywood, etc. It took 2 weeks to build the first wing and another week for the second one. Finally they carried them out of the basement and hauled them the the local hill where they fitted them onto a bike. Everyone tried to make it fly but none of them ever go off the ground. It was a total failure and the wings ended up in Flick's basement when they remained as a sad reminder until finally one night Flick's father threw them out. Notes: W April 21, 1976 Electronics Freak Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 415 of 451 Have Class Date W Title April 22, 1976 Prisoner of NBC Description: None Notes: W April 23, 1976 Ladies Room, Stripper on the Bus Description: Bad taste ‐ The art of bubble gum snapping. There are different grades of gum which are best for snapping vs blowing bubbles. Wrigley's Spearment is the best. The flavor is important for quality. Student walks into the Girls Room by mistake. Shep tells about the time he left a meeting and stopped in the men's room. It wasn't until he was inside and heard the voices of women coming into the bathroom. He dodges into the stall, locks it and jumps up on the seat. The women are there for a while talking, trying to get into the stall. He's afraid they'll be looking under the door and see him. Shep is pouring sweat by now, but fortunately they leave. He waits a few seconds and then scurries out of the stall. As he gets out into the hallway, 5 women are walking towards him looking at him rather strangely. He also tells the story of the time at 2:30 in the morning Shep gets on a bus when a few minutes later a very amply endowed woman gets on. She greets everyone and commences to perform a strip tease right there on the bus walking up and down the isle. A reverend get on and she grabs him and begins dancing with his to his embarrassment. Notes: The ladies room story was also told on the 11‐25‐69 show. The stripper story was told on 9‐24‐70 W April 23, 1976 Rugby Shirts, Old Man's Radio‐Cleaning & Listening, 232 Tube Radio ‐ Symbols Description: None Notes: W April 25, 1976 Science Fashion Spo Description: None Notes: Show mis‐dated ‐ No Sunday WOR shows during this period. Boston re‐run? W April 26, 1976 Contemporary Culture 1850 Textbook ‐ Old and New Ignorance Description: None Notes: W April 27, 1976 Old Man De Soto Lemon, Convertible Description: None Notes: W April 28, 1976 Bass Fishing Description: None Notes: W April 29, 1976 Humor, Early Reading and First Library Card, PG Wodehouse Description: None Notes: W April 30, 1976 Frozen Milky Way Bars, George Anthiel, Most Unusual Play and Concert Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 416 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 1, 1976 Celebrating the Anniversay of Getting Ham Radio License Description: Shep celebrates the anniversary of getting his ham radio license by telling the story of how he took the exam and endured the suspense of waiting weeks for the results. Just when he had given up hope that he passed the exam, his license came in the mail. He describes this as one of the great moments in his life. Notes: W May 3, 1976 Early Literary Influences Description: None Notes: W May 5, 1976 Old Ads From 1939 Fortune Magazine. Description: None Notes: W May 6, 1976 Lady Backs Into Jean's Car Description: None Notes: W May 7, 1976 Bus Tour of New York Description: None Notes: W May 10, 1976 Kentucky Derby & Indy 500 Description: None Notes: W May 12, 1976 Twit of the Year Description: Maurice the cursing magpie in the Sydney Australia zoo. The bird can get a show on WBAI Salute to Mabel Pehley who sued a naked girl on a motorcyle in Whimbleton Commons and won. Salute to Iranian woman who gave birth to a record breaking 26‐3/4 lb boy Various other salutes including "Twit of the Year" and Holden Caulfield and Catcher in the Rye. Notes: W May 13, 1976 Shining Light Description: None Notes: W May 14, 1976 Stanley, the Worm Eater Description: None Notes: W May 17, 1976 Graduation Watch Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 417 of 451 Have Class Date W Title May 19, 1976 Serious Kopfschpieling Description: None Notes: W May 20, 1976 Watergate Nostalgia Description: None Notes: W May 21, 1976 Prelude to Travel Shows Description: None Notes: W May 24, 1976 Travel ‐ Upper Michigan Description: None Notes: W May 25, 1976 Travel ‐ South Dakota Description: None Notes: W May 26, 1976 Wisconsin (Not Travel) Description: None Notes: W May 27, 1976 Set Your Head Description: None Notes: W May 28, 1976 CB Madness Description: None Notes: W May 31, 1976 Memorial Day Description: Shep discusses Memorial Day and talks about the Civil War specifically. Notes: W June 1, 1976 Tracts Thru the Mail Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 418 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 2, 1976 Balderdash, Commercials Description: Mr Dagastino Shep misses commercials on PBS Jolly Green Giant ‐ Pimento Cream Sucotash Saluting record holders ‐ not only the fastest, but also the slowest. Auto race in Europe for 1/4 mile done the slowest ‐ 25 hours. Worst movie ‐ they sold cranberries in the lobby to go with the "turkey" Commercials are about us. Ads with editorial views. Irritating commercials (Plop, plop, fizz, fizz) vs the balderdash commercials (Hidden camera and 'real people') Celebrety hawking ‐ Bill Cosby, Nancy Walker Notes: W June 3, 1976 Fred Allen's Letters Description: None Notes: W June 4, 1976 Artifacts Description: None Notes: W June 7, 1976 Graduation Term Paper Description: None Notes: W June 8, 1976 Dale Hollow Description: None Notes: W June 9, 1976 Bus Tour in Jungle Description: None Notes: W June 11, 1976 Man's Real Fears Description: None Notes: W June 14, 1976 Media Addicts Description: None Notes: W June 15, 1976 Mark‐ism Description: None Notes: W June 16, 1976 Operation Sail Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 419 of 451 Have Class Date W Title June 17, 1976 Robert Service Poems Description: None Notes: W June 18, 1976 Summer School Description: None Notes: W June 21, 1976 Cockroach Racing Description: None Notes: W June 22, 1976 New York, A Medieval City Description: None Notes: W June 23, 1976 Comedy Technique Description: None Notes: W June 24, 1976 Derigables Description: None Notes: W June 25, 1976 Age of Bad Taste Description: None Notes: W July 13, 1976 Lice Description: None Notes: W July 14, 1976 Convention Speech Description: None Notes: W July 15, 1976 Getting a Ham Ticket Description: None Notes: W July 16, 1976 Truck in the Steel Mill Description: None Notes: W July 19, 1976 Mars Description: None Notes: W July 23, 1976 Department Store Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 420 of 451 Have Class Date W Title July 26, 1976 Right Oblique Harch Description: None Notes: W July 27, 1976 Secret Panels and Dungeons Description: None Notes: W July 28, 1976 Zoo Opera Description: None Notes: W July 29, 1976 Cave Man in Museum Description: None Notes: W July 30, 1976 Skippy ‐ Polish Wedding Description: None Notes: W August 2, 1976 Kids Camps and Spinoffs Description: None Notes: W August 3, 1976 Worst Kind of Humor Description: None Notes: W August 4, 1976 Sir Mordrid's Revenge Description: None Notes: W August 5, 1976 Three Inch Human Description: None Notes: W August 6, 1976 Bullet In The X‐Ray Description: None Notes: W August 6, 1976 Ultimate Horsing Around Description: None Notes: W August 9, 1976 Philadelphis Fog Horn Description: None Notes: W August 12, 1976 Crossword Puzzles Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 421 of 451 Have Class Date W Title August 17, 1976 New Old Antiques Description: None Notes: W August 20, 1976 Pickle Colored Car Description: None Notes: W August 24, 1976 The Flying Quaker Flys Away Description: None Notes: W August 25, 1976 Parking Meter in Nome Description: None Notes: W August 26, 1976 The Kholrabi Myth Description: None Notes: W August 30, 1976 The Great Test Taker Description: None Notes: W August 31, 1976 Hair and Teeth Symbols Description: None Notes: W September 1, 1976 The Pet Rock Remains Description: None Notes: W September 2, 1976 Geoffrey's Ginger Beer Description: None Notes: W September 3, 1976 Motel Traveler Description: None Notes: W September 6, 1976 Labor Day Picnic Description: None Notes: W September 9, 1976 John Dillinger's Finger Description: None Notes: W September 10, 1976 First Day High School Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 422 of 451 Have Class Date W Title September 13, 1976 Expense of Broadcast Description: None Notes: W September 14, 1976 Frogs on the Bus Description: None Notes: W September 15, 1976 Captain Blood Description: None Notes: W September 16, 1976 Mystery of the False Teeth Description: None Notes: W September 17, 1976 Archie, Banks, and Funerals Description: None Notes: W September 20, 1976 TV Trivia Description: None Notes: W September 23, 1976 Half A Pet Rock Description: None Notes: W September 24, 1976 Review Performers Description: None Notes: W September 27, 1976 Forego Description: None Notes: W September 28, 1976 Blabber Description: None Notes: W October 4, 1976 GI Expressions Description: None Notes: W October 5, 1976 Election Show Description: None Notes: W October 7, 1976 New Car Anniversary Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 423 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 8, 1976 Police Calls Description: None Notes: Jim to Max (This show was dated 10/7/76 along with another) There are 2 shows dated 10‐7‐76. I suspect one is wrong ‐ possibly the 8th. No way to tell unless there are hints in the show. Max to Jim It seems likely that the first show listed as 10/07 would be correct, the next show (Police Calls) would be somewhere between 10/08 and the next date, 10/12. Upon checking the reel, I find that the date stamps that had previously been recorded onto the tapes are no longer there, but preceding the first show on the reel (10/07) there is the end of a newscast followed by an announcement that Shep and Carlton Fredericks would NOT be on that night. Since the last show on the previous reel is 10/05, that would make the 10/07 date correct for the first show. If the next date is right, then the second 10/07 can only be 10/08 or 10/11 since the other dates would be the weekend ‐ perhaps there's a mention of it being Friday? W October 12, 1976 Giant Baboon Description: None Notes: W October 15, 1976 Personalities On Stage and Off Description: None Notes: W October 18, 1976 Stanley, Idaho Description: None Notes: W October 19, 1976 Grocery Store Pin Ball Description: None Notes: W October 20, 1976 Valuable Collector's Items Description: None Notes: W October 21, 1976 A Real Debate Description: None Notes: W October 25, 1976 First Car Description: None Notes: W October 26, 1976 Anti‐nostalgia Description: None Notes: W October 27, 1976 The Politics Game Description: None Notes: W October 28, 1976 Private Games Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 424 of 451 Have Class Date W Title October 29, 1976 GI in New York Description: None Notes: W November 1, 1976 Polls amd Spectators Description: None Notes: W November 3, 1976 Era of the Good Ol' Boy Description: None Notes: W November 4, 1976 Tinfoil Ball Description: None Notes: Originally misdated with 11/14/76 date ‐ no Sunday shows in 1976. The tape had a note that the show followed the Jimmy Carter press conference. Carter had a press conference on 11/4 accoding to this website W November 9, 1976 Bazooka Description: None Notes: W November 11, 1976 Marching Band Description: None Notes: W November 12, 1976 Telephone System Description: None Notes: W November 15, 1976 Flies in Pop Bottle Description: None Notes: W November 16, 1976 Inspired Puns Description: None Notes: W November 17, 1976 Horse Racing Description: None Notes: W November 18, 1976 Telephobia Description: None Notes: W November 19, 1976 Beer ‐ Part 1 Description: None Notes: W November 22, 1976 Egg Caper Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 425 of 451 Have Class Date W Title November 24, 1976 Cartoons, Comedy, and Humor Description: None Notes: W November 25, 1976 Herds of Turkeys Description: None Notes: W November 26, 1976 Denver ‐ Part 1 Description: None Notes: W November 29, 1976 Shovel Snow For Dough Description: None Notes: W November 30, 1976 Colorado Pt 2 Description: None Notes: W November 1976 Carter Election Description: None Notes: W November 1976 Victim of Surrealism Description: None Notes: W December 1, 1976 Teddy Bears, Shoveling Snow for $$$ Description: Carlton Fredericks loves Pringles Purina Geezer Chow It's a good thing Big Bird can't fly Last year's news item is this year's nostalgia The source of Teddy Bears ‐ why did they name the Teddy Bear ‐ "Teddy Bear" (Named after Theodore Roosevelt. The artform of the New Yorker is the "kvetch". New Yorkers complain about everything. The weather in New York vs the Midwest. Midwesterners take NY weather in stride while New Yorkers are closing schools. Shep tells about a bad snowstorm when he was a kid. He and Schwartz decided to make some money after a big storm. They spent hours shoveling out Mr Scott's driveway and only cleared a few feet. They snuck away before they were done. Shep gets home and the phone rings. His mother answers, Mr Scott is at other end ‐ Shep and Schwartz spend the whole next day well into the night finishing the driveway ‐ for $1.00. Notes: W December 2, 1976 Beer ‐ Part 2 Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 426 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 3, 1976 Rumpus Room Description: None Notes: W December 6, 1976 Automobile Idea Description: None Notes: W December 7, 1976 Selling Christmas Cards Description: None Notes: W December 8, 1976 Unusual Phonograph Records Description: None Notes: W December 9, 1976 Consumer Advice Description: None Notes: W December 10, 1976 Steering Wheel Knob Gift for the Old Man Description: None Notes: W December 13, 1976 Bear Weevil in Friends Coat Description: None Notes: W December 14, 1976 Chester the Hatchetman Description: None Notes: W December 15, 1976 Collecting Tobacco Cans Description: None Notes: W December 16, 1976 Cloverleaf Salve Description: None Notes: W December 17, 1976 Grooble Nuts‐‐pesters mother for breakfast food Description: None Notes: W December 20, 1976 Double date and fix other guys car Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 427 of 451 Have Class Date W Title December 21, 1976 Pulp Magazines Description: The answer man Life after death Die hard Russ Colombo fans Popular press not the same as the mainstream press. The National Enquirer is popular press, the New York Times is not. Shep talks about various 'popular press' stories such as Life after death, UFOs, meteors, and the like. Notes: W December 22, 1976 Laughing In Study Hall Description: Lord Whig arrested for "Kerb Crawling" (cruising) in England Influence of reading The land of Oz Never took homework home ‐ home was for playing ball. Shep tells story about how reading got him into trouble in school. He was reading a book by his favorite (P.G. Wodehouse) author when the main character strikes a policeman with a fish, grabs the Bobbie's hat and runs down the street. He bursts out laughing uncontrollably in Study Hall and has to be taken to the school nurse. Notes: Says his favorite author is P.G. Wodehouse W December 23, 1976 100 yr. old Salamander Description: None Notes: W December 24, 1976 Duel In the Snow, Red Ryder BB Gun Story Description: None Notes: W December 28, 1976 Practical Jokes Description: None Notes: Same as Schmidco set #1 6B? (1976mmddW06b) and FHC W December 29, 1976 Hollywood Hotel Room Description: None Notes: W December 30, 1976 Firing Range Description: None Notes: W December 31, 1976 New Year's Gunfire Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 428 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1976 Practical Jokes, Army Signal Corps Oscillator Buzzbomb Description: Salute to most creative criminals of the week: Chaarleston W. Virginia ‐ man cons women out of their hair Dribble Glasses Exploding Cigars Stink Bombs set off in joke shop Shep tells a story about being in the signal corps radar outfit, the equipment they used and all about setting it up and testing it. They begin to power it up, a process involving more that flipping a switch, each man carefully watching the settings on his part of the equipment. As they get this unit almost up to max power, Gassor suddenly says he smell something. This is followed by a high pitched squeal that fills the air when suddenly ‐ BOOOM! Everyone heads for the trees taking cover. When it's all over they find that someone had rigged it with a buzz bomb. Notes: This is a rerun of the 9‐22‐69 show, which was also repeated 1‐21‐71 W 1976 Human Relics Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Dingdongs & Dingbats Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 CB Madness / Benedict Arnold Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 New School Beauty Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Television vs. Real Life / Movie Trends Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 The Basement / Cavemen / The Intruder Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 The Carpool Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Play It Again, Sam Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Opera at the Zoo Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 429 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1976/77 Political Convention Speeches Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Bad Advice / Teddy Bear Giveaway Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Greatest Literary Influence Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Escape! / Flying Kites Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Kopfspeil, or The Musical Head Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Wisconsin Heartland / Geography Quiz Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Springtime Musical Madness ‐ The Nutty Season Has Begun! Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Midsummer Madness Time / Summer Solstice / Comic Characters on Stamps Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Practical Jokes Description: None Notes: Same as 12‐28‐76? W 1976/77 THINK POLKA!!! Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Knack for Test Taking Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Summer's Over / Labor Day Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Fads, T‐Shirt Slogans, Pet Rock Cemetery Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 430 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1976/77 Gruesome‐O‐Mania, Dillinger's Finger (Syndicated Show) Description: "Tonight's show is as evil as the Black Pit. I've got some real bad stuff for you tonight!" "Have you ever run into a collector of Gruesome Omania?" Shep tells a story of when he was nine. Walking home from school with Flick and Schwartz and Bruner, down the back alley, playing kick the can. There's a kid with them called Jack Martin. He invites them all into his house "to show them something" Curiosity gets them and so they follow him into his house into the basement. He takes a Prince Albert can out of the cabinet. He takes the top off and in the can is a wad of cotton. In the wad of cotton is a finger. All brown and dry ‐ with a fingernail. It was John Dillinger's little finger. Three months later outside the school the go out to the swamp. Sitting amongst the weeds is a shack. Nailed to the side of the shack was a hand! They run back to the school and tell the janitor, Mr. Sanderson, about the hand. They tell the principal who calls the police. They come and it turns out to be a glove nailed to the wall. It was the swamp that made everyone see a hand. Notes: This is a 30 minute syndicated show. It was previously played 3/72 and 9/9/76 in 45 minute format W 1976/77 Exploding Ginger Beer & Beets Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Media Addiction: A Salute to Rona Barrett and the Blabber Industry Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Movie & TV Extras / Beer Quiz Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Rumpus Room / Junk in the Basement Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Christmas Gift Ideas for the Affluent Description: Shep talks about various affluent Christmas Gifts From one of the Banana Republics you can get you or your friend placed on a postage stamp for a mere $25,000 to $30,000 For $1,500 to $2,000 you can get a book written in your name about any subject and have it published as if it's your very own. Give someone a major league ball team. The owner of one major league ball club put his son‐in‐ law on the team. The owner of a major football team put his son on the team as quarterback. Shep tells about when he was working at a Cincinnati TV station and one of the announcers told Shep he was leaving. For Christmas, his grandmother had given him his own TV and Radio station in Omaha, Nebraska. The employees of one major company gave their Chairman a one hour movie based on the life and times of himself. It covered al the magnificent moments in his career. His part was played by a well known actor. Notes: This is one of the 1976/77 shows put out in syndication. Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 431 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1976/77 High School Glee Club (Christmas) Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Christmas Job at Marshall Field Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 The Sousaphone Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Don't Horse Around! Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 The Sophisticated Cave Maker Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Lost Undies, Dropped Drawers, The Invention of Work, and the Nature of Time (and Weather) Description: Failing elastic on underwear. The girl who dropped her drawers getting on the bus and Shep saves the day picking them up and handing them back to her. Definition of time. What is the real definition of time? How does it affect us? Do certain days or months appear to occur more often than others? The steel mill, working in the 40 inch soaking pits. Notes: W 1976/77 The Flying Quaker Model Airplane Kit Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Alaska ‐ The Nome Nugget Newspaper Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 The Quickie Paint Job Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Steel Mill Mailman Disaster Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Our Trivial Life/All the President's Men Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 The Ages of Man / Age of Bad Taste Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 432 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1976/77 Political Candidates and Promises Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Soldier of Fortune, Aptitude Tests Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Commercial Trends, Radio Catalogs, Listening to Police Calls Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Day of Carter Election ‐ Good Ole Boys and Regional Accents Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Free Meal at the USO Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Letters, N.J. Surrealism, Flying Dutchman, Baboon Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Near Christmas ‐ Complete version of Eileen Aickers and The Glee Club Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Saving Cigarette Wrappers, Lucky's Car Giveaway Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Archie (The Cockroach) and Mehitabel Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Jew's Harp, Man Vs. Animal Traits‐Laughter Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Literacy and Poetry ‐ The Bobolink Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Used Car / Salute to Hyenas Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Sin and Revivalism Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 433 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1976/77 Old Airplanes Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Extremely Bad Taste Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Guns Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Spring ‐ Baseball Poetry, Tornado Story Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Mimories Kin Be Painful Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Clarence, the Singing Chicken Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Old Electrical Devices Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Revivalism Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Works of Art ‐ The Bugatti Description: The art of the Jewsharp Shep talks about one day in Cincinnati, he goes to see a Bugatti 57SC housed in an old garage. He continues to describe the car and the reason behind it being a 'work of art', describing the history of the Bugatti family and their involvement in cars. Notes: W 1976/77 Historyland Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 The Last Laugh / The Past / Pilgrims Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Being in A Hurry Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 434 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1976/77 Kopfspeilen Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Live Show‐Schooldays, Holidays, Halloween Prank Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Costumes for Class Play Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Village Voice / Truth About Country Music Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Rubes, The American Spectator, and The Booboisie Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 True Tarzan & Phony Sports Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Recorded on Location in Alaska Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Potpourri ‐ Handy Hints and Kinks Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Primal Laughter Description: None Notes: W 1976 Accidental School Fire Description: None Notes: W 1976 Riding the train, sleeping on a coffin Description: Letter from a GI Playboy reader in an Italian train who has been reading Grover Dill and the Tasmanian Devil' The GI Train Ride to Hell while wearing wool on a hot day. Notes: This story was told on the 6‐26‐65 Limelight Show. Shep refers to this story on an August 9, 1965 show. He received a letter from a woman who got upset over it. W 1976 Real Life, Aunt Teresa, Witty Sayings, Shep The Druid Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 435 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1976 Nesters vs Movers Description: How to handle kids ‐ use a fly swatter Patriarchy & Matriarchy U.S. is only country which revolves around raising kids Nesters vs Movers Nesters and their $5,000 lawnmowers Society in the year 2000 will be unrecognizable to the people of today Shep admits to being a mover Notes: W 1976 The Giant Ice Cream Cone Description: Why you write the way you do. Why are you the way you are? The Horatio Algier Ideal. Surealism. Flying over Peru the door to the plane Shep was flying in opens and the clipboard with all the charts goes out into the jungle below. Shep tells about the 4 story ice cream cone that was built one day when he was 9. It opened that summer selling ice cream. The following year it mysteriously closed after being open for only 3 weeks and was boarded up for years. Then one day it was demolished with a few sticks of dynamite having a profound effect of Shep as he stood there watching it fall. Notes: W 1976 Al Capone and Chicago Gang Description: None Notes: W 1976 Benefits of Literacy Description: None Notes: W 1976 Film and Fashion Description: None Notes: W 1976 Four Day Pass Description: None Notes: W 1976 Goin Crazy Description: None Notes: W 1976 Laughter in the Face of T (?) Description: None Notes: Possibly 9/7/1976 ‐ Shep mentions this show was the day after Labor Day. W 1976 Medical School Exam Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 436 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1976 New York as a Medieval City Description: None Notes: W 1976 Old Electrical Equipment Description: None Notes: W 1976 Rubes Description: None Notes: W 1976 Self Help and the American Description: None Notes: W 1976 Summer in New York Description: None Notes: W 1976 Tommy Moore Description: None Notes: W 1976 Trade Journals Description: None Notes: W 1976 World's Greatest Jackdaw Description: None Notes: W 1976/77 Kazoo Commercial Quiz Description: "Salute to man's constant struggle upward and onward" Shep describes a red brick firehouse with gargoyles. No one makes building with them anymore. An old church in Holland is rebuilt with gargoyles of Donald Cuck, Pluto, and Snoopy. Gargoyles in life ‐ people you are involved with and how did you get involved with them. What happened? Shep plays a bunch of commercials on the kazzoo and quizes everyone in the control booth to guess them. Most people are born with 2 chunks of lead on each side of their head to keep the cottage cheese in. People's success due to short comings. A very successful man goes through life with a painful toenail. They find he has a small tumor and it is removed, eliminating the pain. He is no longer driven by the pain and is pennyless in no time. He has lost all ambition. Short people as TV hosts, and world leaders ‐ Hitler, Napolean George Washington had painful false teeth Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 437 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1976/77 Whatever Became of.....? Description: None Notes: W January 3,1977 Training Film (Green Light) Description: None Notes: W January 4, 1977 All Slob Request Night Description: None Notes: W January 5, 1977 Airplanes and Blowguns Description: None Notes: W January 6, 1977 London Cat Dealers Description: None Notes: W January 7, 1977 Carnegie Hall Description: None Notes: W January 1977 Old Electrical Equipment Description: None Notes: W February 2, 1977 Rifle Selling at $2.95 Description: None Notes: W February 4, 1977 Lawrence Striker Description: None Notes: W February 7 ,1977 Chicken Imitators Description: None Notes: Same as Schmidco set #3 29b? (1976mmddW29b) W February 8, 1977 Ettore Bugatti Description: None Notes: Same as Schmidco set #3 30c? (1976mmddW30c) W February 9, 1977 Kitch Schlock Description: None Notes: W February 10, 1977 CB Program Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 438 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 11, 1977 Archie Cockroach Description: None Notes: Same as Schmidco set #2 17a? (1976mmddW17a) W February 14, 1977 Film of Old Berlin Description: None Notes: W February 15, 1977 Stealing Lumber Description: None Notes: W February 16, 1977 Ernie the Barber Description: None Notes: W February 17, 1977 Tokay Description: None Notes: W February 18, 1977 Human Characteristics Description: None Notes: W February 21, 1977 Watergate Carpet Description: None Notes: W February 22, 1977 Symbolism Description: None Notes: W February 23, 1977 Violence on Radio Description: None Notes: W February 24, 1977 Ruth Auction Description: None Notes: W February 25, 1977 Nesters Vs Movers Description: None Notes: W February 28, 1977 Teletype Man (Sousaphone) Description: This is oft‐told story about the prank teletype "from Eisenhower" announcing end of WWII, then falling off stage at concert with Dierks, breaking sousaphone. Is this Horsing Around? Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 439 of 451 Have Class Date W Title February 1977 Turning Point Description: None Notes: W March 1, 1977 Rotten Ralph and Other Stories Description: None Notes: W March 1, 1977 The Emu Description: None Notes: W March 2, 1977 C&W Predictions Description: None Notes: This is the same show as Schmidco set #3 33a 1976mmddW33a ‐ probably a rerun W March 3, 1977 Super Electronic Watch Description: None Notes: W March 4, 1977 Basic Rube Revoution Description: None Notes: Same as Schmidco set #3 33b? 1976mmddW33b W March 7, 1977 The Decline of Sports Description: None Notes: W March 8, 1977 Driver's License Description: None Notes: W March 9, 1977 Holloween Stink Bomb Description: None Notes: Same as Schmidco set #3 32b? 1976mmddW32b W March 10, 1977 Hadicol and Other Fads Description: None Notes: W March 13, 1977 Juneau, Alaska Description: None Notes: March 13th is a Sunday. Since there is no show accounted for on Friday the 11th, this may be it. Same as Schmidco set #3 34a? 1976mmddW34a W March 14, 1977 Magic Buzzwords Description: None Notes: W March 15, 1977 Junk Mail ‐ Church By Mail Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 440 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 16, 1977 Triple X Listing (Army VD Story) Description: Shep opens show with spooky connotations, an actors bar and a cigarette machine Match cover messages Shep reads an open letter leading to a suggestion to air the Army VD movies The VD movie experience Quiz, popular serviceman's name of that VD film. Late night television faux pas playing of the film. Notes: W March 17, 1977 Side Arms Description: None Notes: W March 18, 1977 Mimrys Description: None Notes: W March 21, 1977 Movies, Planes Description: None Notes: W March 22, 1977 The Jersey Devil Description: "Tonight's program, however, deals with an emerging phenomenon which we must take cognoscense of from time to time, and that is the evolution of the state of New Jersey. And I would like to salute tonight... Jersey." The "Fat Mary" controversy. Bloomfield campaigns against the use of the name for a local tavern. Shep reads the story of the Jersey Devil, and discusses various sightings throughout New Jersey. Notes: New Jersey Devil Links: W March 23, 1977 Why I Am Leaving Radio Description: Shep talks about all his writing commitments and offers for television. He says he has no time any longer for radio. Going to do a network special for the Ratheon Corporation. Says this is his decision, nothing to do with all the others on the station who were being replaced. Shep announces princeton show Friday, June 3, 1977. Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 441 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 24, 1977 Time Capsule Description: The Bi‐centennial is over ‐ how many of you blew it! It's the only one you'll experience and you had a whole year to experience it and you blew it! Shep describes the contents of "a people's time capsule" The ultimate container wold be the super size Hefty trash bag because it will last forever. He goes on to list the contents and why they would qualify to be included: 1 ‐ Quart can of 30 weight Citgo motor oil 2 ‐ 7‐up Can 3 ‐ 2 pound can of A&P coffee 4 ‐ 34 inch New Jersey Pizza ‐ petrified to last 5 ‐ Collection of TV commercials 6 ‐ Film of a President making a speech or Mayor laying a corner stone 7 ‐ 5 losing tickets for horse races 8 ‐ Collection of 1976 obscene valentines 9 ‐ 1967 convention of nurseryman and gardeners button from the Steel Pier in Atlantic City 10 ‐ Japanese All‐weather radio ‐ that doesn't work 11 ‐ 1976 illustrated program for a gay art pornography convention in San Francisco Notes: Shep tells everyone in the booth to pay attention ‐"Come on, get with the show here you two ‐ come on gang! Have to interrupt you now, there aren't many more left, and you might as well enjoy them" This was one of the last shows he did on WOR. They ended 4‐1‐77. W March 25, 1977 Dracula, Vampire Country Description: Special confession night Still nervous about what happened the other night. Turned on TV in motel and there was Count Dracula. Gives education about bats ‐ the big ones in the vampire movies are actually fruit bats. A real vampire bat is the size of a mouse. How vampire bats kill their prey. Reads article by Osgood Caruthers ‐ "Dracula was Real" Driving between Innsbruck and Munich through the Black Forest. He stops to eat in the middle of the trip. He describes eating strange food in a strange restaurant. Continuing the drive he suddenly see these two eyes. It was the biggest, most evil, most sinister looking Red Stag with immense antlers. He followed him for a half mile and suddenly he disappeared. Notes: W March 28, 1977 Carbide Cannon Description: None Notes: W March 29, 1977 Tryst World Description: None Notes: W March 30, 1977 Historyland Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 442 of 451 Have Class Date W Title March 31, 1977 Cats Cars Description: None Notes: W April 1, 1977 April Fools Date (Last WOR SHOW) Description: Being April Fool's Day, Shep tells about the time when he was a kid in school and he gets a note in class from Patty Ramaley (sp.?). In the note she says she is madly in love with him. Shep rushes home excited, deciding not to sell seeds for school that day. He heads to Patty's house and knocks on her door. Her mother answers the door and asks Shep what he wants. He tells her to tell Patty he is here. Patty tells her mother from the next room that they don't need any seeds. Shep is confused and Patty seems to know nothing asking what he wants. He fakes it and asks about the math homework and then leaves. As he leaves the house, he hears giggling coming from under Patty's porch. Schwartz yells out April fools! Notes: This was the last WOR broadcast by Shep, ending over 20 years on the station. He made no special remarks to signify the end. He mentioned leaving radio on his March 23rd show. He makes a quick reference to collecting teeth which was one of the stories. This show is a rerun from 4‐1‐68 From Laurie Squire: In the last couple of months of Jean's time at WOR he did very few live shows and left it up to me to pick any show for air. I would listen through a tape for any glaring problems, have the old spots edited out and new ones inserted. I tried to choose shows that aired around the same time of the month so the April Fool's tape was chosen for that reason (I know, sounds bad but...). As to why he didn't do a last live show, that decision also was not up to him (but, for the record, he had no desire to do an "official" final live one): typically (not always but often) when an on‐air talent was removed, the WOR management at the time did not want anyone's final show to be live out of fear that something untoward might happen or be said. W 1977 Historyland Description: None Notes: W 1977 The Last Laugh Description: None Notes: W 1977 Basement Description: None Notes: WBUR W 1977 Birthday Description: None Notes: WBUR W 1977 Department Store Description: None Notes: WBUR W 1977 Flim Flam Description: None Notes: WBUR Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 443 of 451 Have Class Date W Title 1977 True Fears Description: None Notes: WBUR W 1977 Army, Lt Culligan Description: None Notes: W 1977 Literacy Description: None Notes: W 1977 Showbiz Traumas Description: None Notes: W Unknown Cartoon Quiz Description: None Notes: W Unknown Critics Description: None Notes: W Unknown Diets in America Description: None Notes: W Unknown Army NYC It Description: None Notes: W Unknown Basement Description: None Notes: W Unknown Beer Quiz Description: None Notes: W Unknown Bolis Description: None Notes: W Unknown C & W Prediction Description: None Notes: W Unknown Car Pool Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 444 of 451 Have Class Date W Title Unknown CB Madness Description: None Notes: W Unknown Comic Strip Stamps Description: None Notes: W Unknown Commercial Trends Description: None Notes: W Unknown Convention Speeches Description: None Notes: W Unknown Beer and Uncle Carl Description: None Notes: W Unknown Department Store Description: None Notes: W Unknown Dynamic Pomposity Description: None Notes: W Unknown Egg Caper Description: None Notes: W Unknown EH Scott Radio Description: None Notes: W Unknown Elections Politicians Description: None Notes: W Unknown End Of Summer Description: None Notes: W Unknown Fads Description: None Notes: W Unknown Geography Quiz Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 445 of 451 Have Class Date W Title Unknown Gift Suggestions Description: None Notes: W Unknown Gifts Description: None Notes: W Unknown Giftwrapper Description: None Notes: W Unknown Greatest Literary Influence Description: None Notes: W Unknown Head Thumping Description: None Notes: W Unknown Hobbies Description: None Notes: W Unknown Horse Bet Description: None Notes: W Unknown T‐Shirts Description: None Notes: W Unknown Lice Description: None Notes: W Unknown Literary Influence Description: None Notes: W Unknown Lucky Strike Description: None Notes: W Unknown Mass Psychology Description: None Notes: W Unknown Mice + Bears Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 446 of 451 Have Class Date W Title Unknown Old + New Ignorance Description: None Notes: W Unknown Our Trivial Life Description: None Notes: W Unknown Pinball Description: None Notes: W Unknown Public Humiliation Description: None Notes: W Unknown Radio License Description: None Notes: W Unknown Real Tarzan + Sports Description: None Notes: W Unknown Robert Service Description: None Notes: W Unknown Robinette and Farkus Description: None Notes: W Unknown Rumpus Room Description: None Notes: W Unknown School Description: None Notes: W Unknown Self Help & American Dream Description: None Notes: W Unknown Snow Description: None Notes: W Unknown Summer In New York Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 447 of 451 Have Class Date W Title Unknown Teddy Bears Description: None Notes: W Unknown Test Taking Description: None Notes: W Unknown Tommy Moore Description: None Notes: W Unknown TV vs Real Life Description: None Notes: W Unknown Twits Etc Description: None Notes: W Unknown Upper Midwest Description: None Notes: W Unknown Useless Crud Description: None Notes: W Unknown Victim Of Surrealism Description: None Notes: W Unknown Train Trip ‐ Army Description: None Notes: W Unknown Worlds Greatest Jackdaw Description: None Notes: W Unknown Zoo Opera Description: None Notes: W Unknown 1897 Sears Catalog Description: None Notes: W Unknown Army Phrasiology Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 448 of 451 Have Class Date W Title Unknown Blabber Description: None Notes: W Unknown Cars Horses Description: None Notes: W Unknown Creepy Stories Description: None Notes: W Unknown Exploding Potables Description: None Notes: W Unknown Eyewitness Description: None Notes: W Unknown Film + Fashion Description: None Notes: W Unknown Letters Kites Description: None Notes: W Unknown Marching Band Foible Description: None Notes: W Unknown Politics + People Description: None Notes: W Unknown Sousaphone Baseball Description: None Notes: W Unknown Travel Tips Description: None Notes: W Unknown Trivia Quiz Description: None Notes: W Unknown Army ‐ War Games, Maneuvers, Company K Description: Army Games 40 degrees in Missouri (Probably during Signal Corps training at Camp Crowder Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 449 of 451 Have Class Date W Title Unknown Albert the Alligator, Golf Description: None Notes: W Unknown Tornado At the Steel Mill Description: None Notes: W Unknown Bats Description: None Notes: W Unknown Cartoon Characters Description: Television ‐ cartoon characters, kiddy shows Notes: W Unknown Christmas Parties Description: None Notes: W Unknown Department Store Description: None Notes: W Unknown Opening Day of Duck Hunting Season ‐ Snipe Hunting Description: Opening day of duck hunting season Snipe hunting Notes: W Unknown Erector Set Description: None Notes: W Unknown Farkas Description: None Notes: W Unknown Getting Sick in the Army Description: None Notes: W Unknown Sunday Night Description: None Notes: W Unknown Straws in the Wind ‐ Nigeria ‐ Flying Description: None Notes: W Unknown Stills and Scams Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 450 of 451 Have Class Date W Title Unknown Telephone Crime Description: None Notes: W Unknown The Night the Greek's Still Blew Up Description: None Notes: Shepfest4‐5 ‐ Night the greeks still blew up W Unknown Greenwich Village Description: None Notes: Shepfest4‐5 ‐ Night the greeks still blew up W Unknown Late Night Phone Calls Description: None Notes: Shepfest4‐4 ‐ Late night phone calls W Unknown Delis Description: None Notes: W Unknown CW Description: Morse code in the Army and an embarrassing QSL moment as a kid Notes: W Unknown Erector Set Description: None Notes: W Unknown Going Crazy Description: None Notes: W Unknown Self Help And The American Dream Description: None Notes: W Unknown Computer Dating Description: None Notes: W Unknown Drinking With The Bull Gang Description: None Notes: W Unknown Fantasies Description: None Notes: W Unknown First Sportswriter Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 451 of 451 Have Class Date W Title Unknown Flying Saucers Description: None Notes: W Unknown Function Machine Description: None Notes: W Unknown IBM Visit and Class Ring Description: None Notes: W Unknown Misc 1 Description: None Notes: W Unknown Marks ‐ incomplete Description: None Notes: W Unknown Nome Eagle Description: None Notes: W Unknown Peacock Description: None Notes: W Unknown Scientific Proof Description: None Notes: W Unknown Selling Grades Description: None Notes: W Unknown Softball Description: None Notes: W Unknown Suspended Description: None Notes: W Unknown AM vs FM Description: None Notes: Classes: W = WOR Show / L = Limelight Show / E = Syndicated Show / K = KYW Show Tuesday, September 8, 2015 copyright 2013 ‐ Compliments of Page 452 of 451