August 2014 - Horse Rescue Australia


August 2014 - Horse Rescue Australia
What’s Inside
Dick Smith fundraiser
News from
the Yard
Member’s News p9
Horse’s Birthday
Celebrations p10
Spotlight on a
Volunteer p11
Advertisements p13
Jo-Anne’s Story (our
HRA Treasurer) p15
Upcoming Reiki Clinic
Newsletter for Horse Rescue Australia
Issue 33 - Spring 2014 Edition
Note from the Editors – Jo & Jan
Advertising Rates
Welcome to our August newsletter. We have revamped the style of the
newsletter and hope you enjoy the new format. We would like to send
out a huge thank you to our previous editor, Mel, for all the work she has
done with the previous newsletters (I don’t know how she did it with all
of her children and all of their commitments). We aim to produce the
newsletter on a quarterly basis so if you have any suggestions, ideas,
articles, photos, etc., please contact Jan – her details are below. If you
have a budding journalist in your family – get them to do an article on
their pony or their favourite pet and we can include it in our newsletter’s
“Member News” section. Stories of adopted HRA horses are always
welcome so feel free to submit them to us for inclusion.
Full page (23cm x 17.5cm).... $85
Unless otherwise stated – all photos in this newsletter are courtesy of the HRA Committee.
1/2 page (11.5cm x 17.5cm).. $50
1/4 page (11.5cm x 8.5cm) ... $25
1/8 page (8.5cm x 5.7cm)...... $17
Send to
NB: Please send ads as .jpg,
.doc(x) or .pdf files
Deadline for November edition is Monday, 20th October 2014
Send articles/pictures to or Tel: 0417 283 203
All Rights Reserved
The opinions expressed in this newsletter are of each author and not necessarily endorsed by HRA. Advertisements are solely
for the information of readers and are not endorsed by HRA.
Please note all copyright photographs are not to be reproduced without permission.
Recent Arrivals
Jack is a 14 year old Appaloosa gelding who is 15 hands.
owner has been unwell and could no longer look after him. Jack
is broken in and is quiet. He has arthritis in his near fore so his
riding career would need to be managed (light riding), but he has
a lot to offer.
Recent Adoptions
Dodger’s long time paddock partner, Misty was
adopted and has moved to her new home in Berrima.
She will be keeping a big old fellow company. We wish
her and her new "herd" all the best.
Gypsy and Star have been
adopted and have moved to
Molong – thank you to the new
owners for keeping these two girls
(mother & daughter) together.
Dearly Departed
Sadly we lost Samara this year. She has been a
long time resident of HRA due to her health issues. She
started going down hill and it was decided that she no
longer had a good quality of life and the decision was
made to have her put down. She was a ripe old age of
37 – quite amazing for the old girl. She has left hoof
prints on our hearts and one on Jo’s left knee!
Dearly Departed
We had a new arrival who we have sadly also recently
lost. Tiffany was a 25 year old brown mare, about
14.2hh. Her owner went to a retirement facility and
she needed to find a home. Unfortunately, Tiffany had
health issues and deteriorated whilst in the care of
HRA. The vet was called a number of times and, in
the end, it was decided it would be kinder to
euthanase Tiffany as she was experiencing pain and
discomfort. Tiffany was put down on 10 July.
Horses in Residence at HRA
Zal is a 17 hand thoroughbred who is 11 years
old. He is a very friendly fellow who loves his
dinner. He has had some sort of neck accident
so would not be suitable for riding – but would
make a great companion horse.
Zal is available for Sponsorship or Adoption.
Princess is an elderly Shetland pony.
She is not
very friendly but is a sweet old thing. She comes out for
breakfast and dinner every day and wanders around the
yard. She always has to check out the hay shed – just to
make sure there is no hay going to waste on the floor!
She is availble for sponsorship or adoption.
Minnie is a 20 something Pinto pony about 13.2hh.
Gear and rug sale
She came to HRA with her mates Star and Gypsy. Her
owner became unwell and had to move into a retirement
facility. Minnie is quite friendly, can be hard to catch, but
she is good to handle. She isn’t broken in but is coping
well living with the herd, although she is a bit frail and slow
these days and may need to move in with the golden
oldies at some stage. She is available for sponsorship or
adoption (to the right home).
Montana is a 16 year old, 14.2hh bay mare. She
returned to HRA after her adoptive family moved. She had
been wonderfully cared for and trained by them and spent
the best part of 13 years with them. She is a lovely mare,
very friendly and loves being the centre of attention. She
needs an experienced rider. She has been shown in the
past and more recently has done lots of trail riding, including
a trip to the Snowy Mountains. She adores people and
really needs someone who can spend heaps of time with
her. She is available for sponsorship or adoption.
Millie and her baby Possum came to HRA with a
few friends (such as Princess) from a property that
was unable to sustain so many ponies. Her owners felt
unable to cope with their care, and they were in need
of help. She is available for sponsorhip or adoption.
Maggie came to HRA from a property near
Bringelly. Her owner was finding it hard to care for
her. She was used as a lead pony for young kids.
She isn't overly friendly, but is okay to catch and
handle. She is a chronic founderer so we're keeping
an eye on her diet. She also has a large growth
under her tail. She is available for sponsorship or
Sandy came to HRA in 2000 when she was
rescued with some of her friends from a herd of 20
ponies running wild. When Sandy arrived at HRA she
had a very young foal at foot and another still suckling
from her. She has probably spent her life before HRA
having babies. She is a very pretty little mare, and
looks very nice as she is running away down the
paddock when you try to catch her! She is very timid,
but VERY smart and would need a very experienced
home that has the patience to deal with her. She is
available for sponsorship or adoption (to the right
Markeen was left behind at a rental property and the
new tenants knew little about caring for an older horse.
That, and the fact that he is a cribber and has poor
dentition, meant that he was in a sorry state when we
were told of his plight.
With TLC from our treasurer and lots of tucker he is
looking really well. He has had a riding assessment and
seems to be fairly quiet. He is a bit stiff, however, so would
only be suitable for light riding.
He is available for sponsorship or adoption.
A bale of hay is $18.00 can you donate some
money for my dinner?
arrived in terrible condition. She was surrendered
when concerned neighbours contacted us about her plight.
Her feet were also in a terrible state, but she is doing well
and enjoying her life with her new equine friends.
She has recently developed some growths on her lips which
are being monitored. She is available for sponsorship or
Dodger came to HRA after his owner died and he could no
longer be cared for by the family. He had never left his paddock in 17
years, in which time he had only had a sheep for company. He was
very surprised by his new horse friends when he came to HRA. He
was originally on the adoption list, but recently his eyesight has
deteriorated and he is now totally blind. He has also developed a few
skin cancers. We have decided it might be better for him to be placed
on the sponsorship list due to his health issues. He is a lovely horse,
even if he is a bit of a "bulldozer"!
He is available for sponsorship only.
Thank you to the kind lady who donated me a lovely warm rug for
Don’t forget Sponsorship is tax deductible!
Sponsorship is a great way to help us care for the horses here at HRA. You can sponsor a
certain horse, or just sponsor the HRA horses in general. You don’t have to be a member to
sponsor the horses. You can sponsor as little or as much as you like. It is completely up to
you. Contact us for more information if you are interested in becoming a sponsor at
Come and
join the fun
at HRA
Open Day!
HRA Open Day – 7 December
Our Open
Day will be held this year on 7 December.
Always a great day to come out and meet all the horses in person and grab a coffee or a bite to
eat. Talks and demos will be conducted providing an educational base for the day. We will
have a sausage sizzle, raffles, games and other fun stuff.
If you can help us to get ready : Saturday 6th December – 10am till 1pm
We will need help to clean/groom/bath all the horses and get them looking their best for the big
day on Sunday the 7th. We may also need to do a last minute clean up around the place to
ensure that everything will look its best.
Any volunteers that can help out on stalls and with the horses would be very much appreciated.
Please contact Jan and let her know you are available and at what times you can offer.
Entry will be a gold coin donation at the gate.
Are you a crafter or painter? If you want to hold a stall – you are most welcome – we would ask
that you make a donation to HRA on the day. For more details or to let us know if you can
help, please contact Jan: or tel: 0417 283 203
Recent Fundraisers
Gear Sale
We had a very successful gear and rug sale on Sunday, 18 May 2014. There were 2nd hand
saddles, bridles, headstalls, saddle blankets, floating and jumping boots, fly masks and a
multitude of rugs from 3’6” to 6’9” and lots more. Attendance was good and we made a good
profit. Thanks to all committee members who helped on the day.
Gucci and Rosie worked hard to help us on the day!
Bunnings BBQ
We attended the BBQ on Saturday, 26 July 2014.
What started off as a cold, rainy morning ended
up being a nice sunny afternoon. While the rain
did keep customers away in the morning, we
ended up selling all 500 sausages and did a great
trade in soft drinks. Our profit for the day was
around $800.00. This money covered Tiffany’s
vet bills. Special thanks go to all the volunteers
and committee members who helped to make the
day so successful – Tony and Orla, Dianne and
John, Nicola, Xinong, Anne, Colleen and Dave,
Dawn and Neil, Michelle and Katie and Kraeg. A
very special thank you goes to Jo who found the
strength to not only set up the BBQ, but stayed all
day and helped to pack up as well.
Horses needing homes
We often get contacted and asked to take horses on which do not fall under our neglected,
abused or abandoned rule. These horses are advertised on our website under “Horses
Needing Homes”. So if you are looking to give a horse a home take a look here. You might
find that life long friend you’ve been waiting for.
New Fundraising Event
Dick Smith - $1 Million to Charity
We have registered with Dick Smith to try to get
some donations going for HRA.
You can help by buying any Dick Smith
product and text or email a photo of you
with the product as well as the name of the
charity you would like the money to go to.
The Rules: We do count each product plus extra
points for each participant up to 10 participants in
the photo. We do NOT count same images. (same
people-same environment, same background)
If it is obvious the same product has been used in
multiple photographs - handed over to another
person (same environment, same background,
same people) we won't count it again.
We have therefore given the opportunity to receive
bonus points if you send us a group photograph with
up to 10 people.
We can't really tell if it is a new or the same product,
but we do trust our supporters and as I mentioned
before if it is obvious it won't be counted.
Our ability to donate is largely determined by our
sales performance.
Please understand that we CANNOT count photos
made in supermarkets, unless there is proof of
If your charity can get more people buying
Dick Smith Foods products and voting, you are more likely to receive a donation.
Depending on the number of votes you receive, you could receive $10,000, $20,000
or even $50,000.
We have sent in photos of Jo and Possum eating a peanut butter sandwich and Michelle and
Possum serving up a pretend sausage sanger with tomato sauce.
You can help!
Buy any Dick
Smith product
and send in a
Give us your fundraising ideas
We are always looking for fundraising ideas. If you have any suggestions, we would love to
hear from you. Please call Jan on 0417 283 203 or email her at Every little bit helps – you may have a brilliant idea
which can help HRA raise that much needed money to finally buy a property of their own so
that the horses will always have a sanctuary to go to.
Member News
These cute post cards were made by one of the Anooshca students and sent in to us (one of
our wonderful sponsors and regular visitors).
This beautiful drawing was done by Yasi
Ksoter and sent in with her story.
Thanks Guys!
Horses Birthday - Australiana Village
We attended this event on Sunday, 3 August 2014. We
were at HRA bright and early to load our 2 ambassadors,
Possum and Izzie – although Possum was a bit reluctant
to go at first.
On our arrival, the round yard was set up and the ponies
unloaded. The ponies certainly attracted a lot of interest
both with children and adults. There were a variety of
activities in the arena – from the military horses to the
Gypsy Cobs, liberty displays and performing donkeys!
Jo made a wonderful saddle cloth promoting HRA and
horses birthday and was worn on the day by Izzie.
Izzie & Possum having a mutual scratch.
The parade was a great success and both ponies did very well although
Izzie was a bit keen to get it over and done with so she could reach the
birthday cake. This cake was made of a bale of hay with carrots stuck in
the top. The children took a carrot and gave it to a horse/pony of their
choice. Needless to say that Possum and Izzie really cleaned up with
children waiting to feed carrots to them.
The main raffle was drawn at the end of the day. The prize consisted of a bag of wheaten
chaff, Lucerne chaff and a bag of pony pellets. Jan won the raffle and kindly donated the
proceeds to HRA! Thank you so much Jan.
Thanks go to Anne, Jo, Michelle, Katie, Kraeg and Jan for all their work on the day. And a big
thanks to our two little ambassadors – Possum and Izzie who were very well behaved.
Izzie & Possum take part in the parade down main street.
Spotlight on a Volunteer
My name is Nicola Addison and like most girls when I
was young I loved horses. We lived in the UK and I
was lucky enough to be able to have riding lessons
and the occasional holiday away at a horse riding
school. I must have been very brave then because I
can also remember going over the occasional jump.
Fast forward 40 years or so to living in Surry Hills in
Sydney and feelings of still longing to ride a horse.
How can this work when I live in a city? Well if you
want something enough you will make it work.
So now my partner Paul and I take lessons at Moore
Park Riding Stable, and we get to ride in beautiful
Centennial Park (but I’m clearly not up to doing any
jumps again - yet)
But what this experience made me realise is that I
needed more horse time. It’s not enough of a fix for
me to have only a 1 hour ride every week or so. I felt I
needed more horse time. How could this be
achieved? Of course! – Volunteering!
Whilst writing that can make me sad, knowing that the
horses who now live at HRA are content, loved and
well cared for makes me so happy that that is all in
their past.
I would not miss my volunteer day at HRA as it offers
me more horse time and the opportunity to be around
more horse people, to muck out a field, to paint a
paddock, to groom a pony or to watch one of the
displays by Kate Dickson from HorseTalk.
I have learnt much from the experienced HRA
committee. Not only is their knowledge vast but their
hearts are big - big enough to work at night or
weekends when a call may come in of a horse
needing rescuing.
Nicola with Montana
I hopped on Google and searched for horses and
volunteering and up popped Horse Rescue Australia
(HRA). I sent them an email and received a very warm
email back informing me that volunteer days are bimonthly come rain or shine.
When we first arrived we were greeted by the 3 dogs
who also share the property with the many darling
horses that have been rescued from a variety of
situations. Horses that had just been left to fend for
themselves when their owners had left a property,
others had belonged to an elderly person who could
no longer care for them, others who had suffered
Nicola & Paul on poo patrol
To date I can honestly say that volunteering here is
one of my ‘most favourite’ things to do. If you love
horses and would like to contribute to helping HRA
please consider becoming a regular volunteer or
alternatively you can sponsor a horse for as little as
$10 a month.
Our next volunteer dates are:
5 October / 6 December (to help prep for Expo)
Photos courtesy of Nicola. Addison.
Come and join us from 10am to 2pm picking up
poo, weeding or odd jobs and grooming horses
and ponies.
Bring a bite to eat and a hat.
Attend a volunteer day
Volunteer days are held her at the HRA property every second month.
The day starts at 10am and usually finishes up about 2pm.
We supply morning tea and coffee, but ask people to bring along a
drink for themselves and some lunch. Usually we give all the horses a
much needed groom and clean up, and also do a “poo-patrol”.
Mostly, it is jut a nice day spent in the company of the horses and
other like minded people. Closed in shoes must be worn, but boots
are preferable. Sorry, but dogs are strictly not allowed.
Attend a Working Bee day
Working Bee days are held as the need arises. Typically, general
property maintenance such as weeding, fencing or cleaning up is
undertaken on these days.
By Fundraising
There are many ways you can assist to raise much needed funds;
distribute membership brochures, look after a donation tin or help out
where needed at fundraisers etc. If you have any fundraising ideas,
we’d love to hear them.
Adopt a HRA Horse
The ultimate outcome that we wish for all our horses is to place them
in a stable and loving adoptive home, hopefully for the rest of their
lives. Check out all our horses – you might just fall in love with one!
Become a Member or a Sponsor
Our members and sponsors really are the backbone of HRA. Every
single member and sponsor makes a difference in the daily lives of the
horses in our care. Take a brochure and have a read through it, you
might just decide to join up!
Advertise your horse
related business here
Contact us for more
A big welcome to our New Members: C Edwards, Helen Knight, Alyse
Price-Tobler, Gabriella Pasztor, Fran Williams, Maddie O’Hare, June Nita, Kristy de Bruin
and Nicole Clarke.
Mention us to a friend
who might be
interested ~ give them
the membership form ~
come along to our
volunteer days and
have a great horsey
day out together!
Become a Member and Support HRA
Simply by being a member you are voicing your objection to neglect and abuse and you are
helping to make changes. The steady income provided by membership funds helps to ensure that
Horse Rescue Australia can continue to function. Every single member really makes a difference to
the lives of the horses.
You will receive a membership card and quarterly newsletters to keep you up to date with what is
going in on in the organization and with the horses.
You can join Horse Rescue Australia by purchasing either an Individual or a Group membership.
Group memberships are open to families, school classes, company departments, other non-profit
organisations etc. For group memberships a contact person will need to be appointed. (Note: prices
include GST). Multiple year memberships are also now available for Individual memberships.
Individual Membership
Membership helps
us buy feed and
pay for the vet
when the need
Stop this kind of neglect.
1 year $40
2 years $75
3 years $110
Lifetime $400
Group membership (Up to 30 members) $60
Group memberships (30+ members) $60 for the first 30 people, then $2 for every additional person
Have any Questions? Email
10 Year Members: Meredith Joseland, Lynn & Duncam Turpie, Steve Chapman, Lesley Kay
Cansdell, Collette Graham, Allyson Ebsworth, Elizabeth Wright and Lesley Livingstone.
Lifetime Members: Liz Jones, Barbera Morgadinho, Tracy Lee Cornish, Marg Wyborn, Tresna
Pollok, Sue Mackenzie, The Marks Family, Graham Carson, Fiona Drummond, Jackie Flower, Lydie
Boyd, Amanda Large, Deborah Burgess, Patti Behrens, Wendy Lorincz and Shirley Baines.
Jo-Anne’s Story (Our HRA Treasurer)
Back in early 2008 I heard about Horse Rescue on
the grapevine and decided to attend a volunteer day.
There were many horses lined up to be groomed, but
one particular horse down in a paddock caught my
eye. I asked HRA's caretaker Anne who he was and
she took me to meet him. He had recently arrived
and just been gelded, so had not been brought out.
Well, it was love at first sight! I felt an immediate
connection with this beautiful little Arabian. His name
was Glow and it suited him to a tee. His soft gentle
nature glowed to match his striking chestnut coat.
Before long I found myself coming back to spend
time with him and bring him treats. I would groom
him and we'd take little walks together on the
In August 2011 HRA had a call from a woman
concerned about an abandoned TB. Anne asked if I
could deal with checking him since he was in my
local area. It was obvious from photos that he was
badly malnourished and needed "out" in a hurry, so it
was planned that I go and rescue him. He came to
live with us for three months while he put on some
weight and built up enough strength to travel the
distance. Markeen, as we discovered his name is, is
a very easy going horse that you can do anything
with, so no problem to care for. He still resides at
HRA and despite his windsucking and lack of front
teeth manages to munch away happily and stay
healthy and would love to be a companion to
someone's horse.
October of 2011 saw the adoption of HRA
Boomerang. Markeen was going down and "Boomy"
hitched a ride back! He's a chestnut standardbred ex
pacing racer, who had quite a successful career
before being adopted off the track. Sadly his owner
developed cancer and Boomy came to HRA as a 13
year old. He brought my little herd up to 3, along with
my bay Arabian Phoenix and my (personally)
rescued pinto brumby Gypsy. Boomerang is a kind
natured boy who's very easy to deal with.
Despite being 23 years of age he still had
spectacular movement and held his head proudly.
Anne began hinting that he WAS available for
adoption and I began dreaming. Early the following
year my hubby and I bought a property and plans
were hatched to make Glow our own. We were not
yet living on the property and Glow needed daily care
for a squamous cell carcinoma on his muzzle, so he
stayed at HRA in the meantime. I continued to visit
"my boy" whenever I could and developed a close
bond. Sadly his cancer spread and he was no longer
enjoying life. In August 2009 we laid him to rest, but I
still hold special memories of a special little horse
and a lock of his tail hair. I plan to one day have it
made into a bracelet.
By this time I'd joined the HRA committee and made
the trek out to the Hawkesbury from the inner city for
meetings. It was clear that the treasurer, Graham,
had given many years of service and it struck me he
might like a break. When we made the move to the
country at the end of 2009 I put up my hand to
relieve him. Graham had dedicated ten years to HRA
and was awarded life membership as a thank you.
I've been keeping HRA's books ever since, doing the
quarterly BAS' and liaising with our accountants at
end of financial year.
In June 2012, with three dogs of my own, I fostered a
mumma Staffy and her four newborn pups for eight
weeks, till old enough to be rehomed. Mumma
Princess was a wild child that stole my heart, but we
were full at the inn. She and her pups were rehomed
through Big Dog Rescue in Sydney.
Jo-Anne with Glow. Photo courtesy of J. McGoldrick.
In August of 2013 HRA was called on to help another
TB in need in my local area.
Nugget on arrival.
Hope the surprise.
Whilst arranging to have him collected from Taree
pound and brought home, one turned into two, and
an aged little Shetland type pony mare, Star, arrived
Starr on arrival.
Two soon turned into three, as it was discovered Star
was heavily pregnant and two weeks later gave birth
to a filly foal I named Hope. Almost a year down the
track I still foster this cosy trio, who became quite the
little "family" and now share a paddock with my own
herd. Nugget, as the TB became known, is such a
lovely big teddy bear. Star is a lost little soul who I'm
trying to help along. Hope in particular is very close
to my heart, having helped her into the world and
cared for her since birth.
I share my life with my husband Steve, who's had a
steep horsey learning curve since we married, our
now two rescued dogs Rani and Baxter and our
recently rescued cat, Jesse. We also have beef cattle
agisted on our place. Sometimes I've got ponies
playfully chasing cats, cattle chasing unawares dogs
away from their calves, and dogs and horses sniffing
hellos to each other. Life is never dull in the world of
rescue, but I wouldn't want it any other way!
Nugget lovely and fat in February 2014.
Photos in this article courtesy of J. McGoldrick.
Bequest Information
If you would like to leave a bequest for
the horses, here are the contact details
you will need for your will.
Name of organisation:
Horse Rescue Australia Inc.
Business Address:
539 Kurmond Road,
Freemans Reach, NSW 2756.
Postal Address:
PO Box 234,
North Richmond, NSW, 2754.
Phone: (02) 8250 1442
Need to contact us?
Phone: (02) 8250 1442
Post: PO Box 234, North Richmond,
NSW, 2754.
539 Kurmond Rd, Freemans Reach,
NSW, 2756.
Don’t forget you can also follow us
on Facebook and Twitter.
Arena for Hire
“The Ann Macintosh Arena”
Fully fenced sand arena 60m x 20m
Float parking area
$10 per hour
Groups and instructors please
contact us for prices
To book please call 8250 1442
All funds from arena hire to go towards care of
the horses.
If you have been looking for a safe place to ride your horse in the Hawkesbury area, then come
and check out our arena.
Note: For insurance reasons you need to either be a member of HRA or the EFA to be able to
hire the area. We also ask that you wear an Aust Standard Riding Helmet and riding boots whilst
you are riding.
Need a gift for a friend? Looking for some Horse Rescue merchandise?
We are looking at adding to our merchandise – so please let us know what kind of thing you
would be interested in (pens, key rings, tea towels, bags, etc??).
Christmas Cards – Blank or Birthday Cards
Why not get your Hand Made Christmas cards or other cards (made to order) made by
volunteers and committee members of Horse Rescue? We have various cards to
choose from. Cost is $3 per card or 4 for $10 plus postage.
HRA Merchandise Order Form:
Items Available
HRA Coffee Mug
HRA Ezy-Dry riding
Hand Made Cards – Christmas
Hand Made Cards Other (specify
blank or birthday etc)
Total $$
$3.00 ea or 4 for $10
$3.00 ea or 4 for $10
HRA Gift Certificate to the value of:
Please include $5.00 postage per parcel (excluding gift certificate)
Please return to:
Horse Rescue Australia
PO Box 234
North Richmond NSW 2754
PAYPAL is available on our website if you prefer it –
This year’s Annual General Meeting will be held on the 16th November at 10.30am at the HRA
property – 539 Kurmond Road, Freeman’s Reach.
Voting forms will be posted to you soon. Do you want to join the committee? Come and see
what we do and see if you can help us out. We are looking for people with experience in
merchandise / sales / advertising / fundraising. The meeting is open to the public and all are
welcome. You can make a difference to the life of these horses!
Horsey Tips
You need to be able to check on your
horse at least once a day. If your horse is
being cared for by other people, or if you
are not able to visit it every day, make
sure that a responsible person who sees
your horse daily is able to contact you in
an emergency, or summon veterinary
assistance on your behalf.
Looking after your Horse
A commonsense approach to horse ownership is best for you and your horse. Remember the
following important aspects of good horsemanship:
Provide only good quality feed.
Always have clean, cool water available for your horse.
Do not work your horse immediately after a heavy feed.
Always clean your horse’s feet before and after riding to prevent foot injury from
stones, sticks or metal objects that may have become embedded in its feet.
Make sure your saddle is kept clean, the girth is cleaned and that the saddle blanket is
washed regularly.
Always check your saddle for pressure areas due to shifting lining, packing, or dried
leather girths or saddle flaps.
Never work your horse for long periods until you have properly conditioned the animal
through slower regular workouts.
Remember that horses have good memories—they can learn bad habits as easily as
good ones.
Register yourself as a client and your horse as a patient with the veterinarian of your
choice. He or she will be able to advise you on a regular program for worm control,
vaccinations, and tooth and foot care.
Enlist the help of a trained professional if you are having major problems with your
horses behaviour.