Beef Sires 2016 – 17
Beef Sires 2016 – 17
Beef Sires 2016 – 17 Aberdeen Angus British Blue Ai SERVICES – NORTHERN IRELAND – British Blonde Charolais Hereford The Complete Range of Top Performance, Reliable Calving Ease, Superior Quality Sires Limousin Simmental Beef Shorthorn And More ABERDEEN ANGUS 3 • Hallington Endeavour 4 • Woodvale Kool Jaguar 5 • Thrunton Rocket BRITISH BLUE 6 Springhill Coconut 7 Colosse ET de Tourelles 8 Springbank Dancer 9 Ballydougan Darragh 10 Ballygrange Frankie 11 Lukeroyal Ghost 12 Bavan Giant 13 Chatham Index 14 Boroside Incredible 15 Springhill Vagabond BRITISH BLONDE 16 Glenvale Harry 17 Vasco CHAROLAIS 18 • Conval Frank 19 • Thrunton Nostrdamus 20 • Anneskeagh Ulysses 21 • Coolnaslee Universe INDEX AA1145 AA1377 AA1340 BB1201 BB0474 BB1202 BB1200 BB1310 BB1398 BB1333 BB1392 BB1459 BB0369 BL1093 BL1056 CH4159 CH4441 CH4301 CH4525 CULARD CHAROLAIS 22 Gaulliste 2 HEREFORD 23 Graceland Giovani 24 Trillick Hotspur H9460 H9406 LIMOUSIN 25 • Lenagh Equaliser 26 • Ampertaine Ifor 27 • Millgate Judge 28 • Rahoney Umar 29 Damona LN2271 LN2553 LN2608 LN0132 LN2609 SIMMENTAL 30 • Omorga Baldwin 31 • Kilbride Farm Delboy BEEF SHORTHORN 32 • Annanwater Scotsman 33 • Hussar SG1117 SG1186 BS0885 PARTHENAISE 34 Reflex PS0978 AUBRAC 35 Cesar AU9992 BLACK LIMOUSIN 36 Beldoon Jet Black LN2550 LUING 37 Dirnanean Justice LU0986 BELTED GALLOWAY 38 Ballylough Bell Boy Y9031 SALERS 39 Drumlegagh Dennis SA0914 FERTILITY BOOST 40 George x Index X Incredible 40 Index X Rocket X Hotspur 40 Judge X Frankie X Hotspur 40 Imperator X Rocket X Giant MS8148 MS8143 MS8149 MS8087 41 42 43 43 44 45 46 Royalties Synchronisation Benefits of AI Getting the best from AI BLUP Breedplan Bull Comparison Table • Royalty payable for Pedigree Registration Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained in this catalogue, AI Services (NI) Ltd accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any error, and without prejudice do not accept any liability for losses which may result from any error. HB No: UK107067700136 Sire: DOB: 04.04.07 Netherton Figaro C244 Dam: Blelack Ebolass C661 CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION • Excellent calf quality with conformation to match • Progeny display excellent muscling throughout, with very good growth rates • Suitable for use on both suckler and dairy herds 2.5% Avg Gestation Days 285 Mortality Average 67.2% Above Average 22.2% ConformationAverage 71.0% Above Average 24.6% 4.6% Surgical Vet Asst. 2.6% Size APRIL 2016 ABERDEEN ANGUS BREEDPLAN EBVs Birth Wt Kg EBV -0.2 -1.4 -0.7 +4.3 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV -1.7 +0.3 +0.9 +3.0 Surveys 197 on 148 Cows and 49 Heifers Non Surgical Vet Asst. Calv Ease Calv Ease Gest. Len. Direct % Dtrs % Days Aberdeen Angus ENDEAVOUR Hallington Endeavour G136 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Milk Kg Scrotal Size cm Carc. Wt Kg Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % Angus Terminal Index GBP Angus S-Rep Index GBP +40 +77 +100 +11 +0.2 +61 +3.7 -3.7 +1.3 +0.5 +37 +48 +35 +61 +77 +10 +0.7 +48 +3.3 -1.2 +0.9 +0.1 +28 +37 3 Aberdeen Angus JAGUAR Woodvale Kool Jaguar P633 HB No: UK939271803633 Sire: DOB: 01.03.14 Woodvale Lord Jaguar Dam: Friarstown Kinnannie PEDIGREE • Successfully shown as a calf:- Northern Ireland Bull Calf and Overall Champion, 2014 • Tremendous performance figures • Recommended for breeding replacements • Use with caution until a detailed calving survey is carried out Woodvale Lord Jaguar Wedderlie Net Profit Woodvale Lady Jane Sire PGS PGD Friarstown Kinannie S A V Net Worth MGD Argwen Kinannie Dam MGS APRIL 2016 ABERDEEN ANGUS BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Calv Ease Dtrs % Birth Wt Kg 200 Day Wt Kg EBV -0.1 +3.1 +4.4 +50 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV 4 -1.7 +0.3 +3.0 +35 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Milk Kg Scrotal Size cm Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % Angus Terminal Index GBP Angus S-Rep Index GBP +85 +104 +14 +0.9 +4.8 -1.1 +0.9 +0.4 +40 +54 +61 +77 +10 +0.7 +3.3 -1.2 +0.9 +0.1 +28 +37 HB No: UK106935301282 Sire: DOB: 04.06.11 Netherallan Peter Pershore Dam: Lakewood Rhapsody Z001 • Tremendous farmer satisfaction with progeny of Rocket • Sired by Netherallan Peter Pershore, noted for his superb breeding ability • Exceptional performance figures for both terminal and maternal breeding indexes • Widespread calving survey suggests calving ease CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION Birth Wt Kg EBV -1.2 +2.3 +1.0 +4.4 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV -1.7 +0.3 +0.9 +3.0 Surveys 214 on 138 Cows and 76 Heifers 1.9% Avg Gestation Days 284 Mortality Average 77.2% Above Average 19.8% ConformationAverage 77.6% Above Average 21.9% 2.4% Surgical Vet Asst. 1.0% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. APRIL 2016 ABERDEEN ANGUS BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Calv Ease Gest. Len. Direct % Dtrs % Days Aberdeen Angus ROCKET Thrunton Rocket L282 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Milk Kg Scrotal Size cm Carc. Wt Kg Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % Angus Terminal Index GBP Angus S-Rep Index GBP +47 +91 +123 +16 +0.5 +81 +6.1 -3.5 +2.5 +0.0 +47 +66 +35 +61 +77 +10 +0.7 +48 +3.3 -1.2 +0.9 +0.1 +28 +37 5 COCONUT Springhill Coconut HB No: B-20071165 Sire: Ear No: UK93326292527 DOB: 04.07.07 Cajoleur de Rettigny British Blue Dam: Springhill Rainbow CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION • Recommended for crossing on Holstein cows; calves display excellent colour marking • Coconut displays tremendous length and excellent square hindquarters • Calves making a good impression on local farms 4.6% Avg Gestation Days 286 Mortality Average 69.0% Above Average 28.6% ConformationAverage 69.9% Above Average 30.1% 3.8% Surgical Vet Asst. 2.3% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. APRIL 2016 BRITISH BLUE BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Calv Ease Dtrs % Birth Wt Kg EBV -0.5 +0.1 +2.7 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV 6 -0.6 -0.3 +2.2 Surveys 131 on 126 Cows and 5 Heifers 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Scrotal Size cm Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % BBB Carcase Profitability Index GBP BBB Pedigree Breeding Index GBP +15 +16 +32 -0.1 +1.3 +0.2 +0.2 +13 +4 +12 +20 +29 +0.2 +1.5 +0.1 +0.4 +12 +6 COLOSSE Colosse ET des Tourelles HB No: I-20002041 Sire: Ear No: BE62365487 DOB: 02.12.95 Luron 2800 du Coin Dam: Jobeline 9541 du Coin British Blue • Colosse is one of the all time great bulls for cross breeding on suckler and dairy cows • Outstanding progeny displaying length and muscling development • Progeny from Colosse achieve a very high killout percentage CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION Surveys 233 on Cows and Heifers 6.4% Avg Gestation Days 286 Mortality Average 63.6% Above Average 33.3% ConformationAverage 55.5% Above Average 43.6% 2.6% Surgical Vet Asst. 2.2% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. APRIL 2016 BRITISH BLUE BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Calv Ease Dtrs % EBV -0.5 -0.2 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV -0.6 -0.3 Gest. Len. Days Birth Wt Kg 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg +0.6 +1.3 +5 +7 +16 +0.7 +2.2 +12 +20 +29 BBB Carcase Profitability Index GBP +12 7 DANCER Springbank Dancer ET HB No: B-20082021 Sire: Ear No: UK940014601191 DOB: 11.10.08 Woodview Solo ET British Blue Dam: Ballygrange Roxy • Dancer combines superb conformation with exciting bloodlines • Tremendous style and quality with superb muscling in the first calves • Calving Ease Specialist CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION on 6 Cows 0.0% Avg Gestation Days 283 Mortality Average 100% Above Average 0% ConformationAverage 100% Above Average 0% 0% Surgical Vet Asst. 0% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. FEBRUARY 2016 BRITISH BLUE BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Calv Ease Dtrs % Birth Wt Kg EBV -0.2 +0.8 +2.1 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV 8 -0.6 -0.3 +2.2 6 Surveys 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Scrotal Size cm Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % BBB Carcase Profitability Index GBP BBB Pedigree Breeding Index GBP +15 +18 +28 +0.8 +1.6 -0.1 +0.5 +0.0 +13 +11 +12 +20 +29 +0.2 +1.5 +0.1 +0.4 +0.0 +12 +6 DARRAGH Ballydougan Darragh ET HB No: B-20080636 Sire: Ear No: UK93008401686 DOB: 24.01.08 Tamhorn Sumo Dam: Chatham Utility British Blue PEDIGREE • Excellent muscling with well developed hindquarters • Sired by Tamhorn Sumo • Excellent Colour Marking • Calves are of excellent quality Tamhorn Sumo Affute du ry Ossogne Leverhulme Nimbus ET Sire PGS PGD Chatham Utility Lenborough Oliver MGD Chatham Mabel Dam MGS APRIL 2016 BRITISH BLUE BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Calv Ease Dtrs % EBV -1.0 -1.0 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV -0.6 -0.3 Birth Wt Kg 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg BBB Carcase Profitability Index GBP BBB Pedigree Breeding Index GBP +2.0 +11 +26 +46 +18 +4 +2.2 +12 +20 +29 +12 +6 9 FRANKIE Ballygrange Frankie ET HB No: B-20102173 Sire: Ear No: UK940014601272 DOB: 28.06.10 Classique de St Lambert British Blue Dam: Ballygrange Uree • Frankie displays excellent length and growth, with superb muscling throughout • Sired by Classique, a sire noted for his calving ease • Calves are of excellent quality CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION on 4 Cows Surveys Average 87.5% Above Average 12.5% ConformationAverage 62.5% Above Average 37.5% 0.0% Surgical Vet Asst. 0.0% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. FEBRUARY 2016 BRITISH BLUE BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % EBV -1.3 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV 10 -0.6 4 0.0% Avg Gestation Days 292 Mortality Calv Ease Dtrs % Birth Wt Kg BBB Carcase Profitability Index GBP BBB Pedigree Breeding Index GBP -1.2 +2.2 +7 -1 -0.3 +2.2 +12 +6 GHOST Lukeroyal Ghost HB No: B-20111276 Sire: Ear No: UK906285007575 DOB: 18.06.11 Mountjoy Utopia Dam: Lukeroyal Tulip ET British Blue • Superb growth and well developed hindquarters • Excellent muscling throughout with a strong wide loin • Use with caution until a detailed calving survey is completed • Progeny are of exceptional quality CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION on 8 Cows 0.0% Avg Gestation Days 286 Mortality Average 50.0% Above Average 25.0% ConformationAverage 25.0% Above Average 62.5% 0.0% Surgical Vet Asst. 0.0% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. FEBRUARY 2016 BRITISH BLUE BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Calv Ease Dtrs % Birth Wt Kg EBV -1.1 -0.98 +1.7 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV -0.6 -0.3 +2.2 8 Surveys 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Scrotal Size cm Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % BBB Carcase Profitability Index GBP BBB Pedigree Breeding Index GBP +12 +18 +24 +0.3 -0.1 +0.2 -0.4 +0.2 +6 -1 +12 +20 +29 +0.2 +1.5 +0.1 +0.4 +0.0 +12 +6 11 GIANT Bavan Giant ET HB No: H-20112060 Sire: Ear No: UK942172505187 DOB: 13.11.11 Auchenlay Vagabond (SR) ET British Blue Dam: Faughanvale Cynthia ET • Superb muscling throughout • Excellent performance figures for growth • First calves are impressive • Use with caution until a detailed calving survey is completed • Recommended for use on suckler cows only CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION on 8 Cows 0.0% Avg Gestation Days 292 Mortality Average 87.5% Above Average 12.5% ConformationAverage 62.5% Above Average 37.5% 0.0% Surgical Vet Asst. 0.0% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. APRIL 2016 BRITISH BLUE BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Calv Ease Dtrs % Birth Wt Kg EBV -2.3 -1.6 +5.8 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV 12 -0.6 -0.3 +2.2 8 Surveys 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Scrotal Size cm Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % BBB Carcase Profitability Index GBP BBB Pedigree Breeding Index GBP +27 +38 +58 +0.3 +1.2 +0.5 +0.1 +0.1 +17 -1 +12 +20 +29 +0.2 +1.5 +0.1 +0.4 +0.0 +12 +6 INDEX Chatham Index HB No: B-20130254 Sire: Ear No: UK917081836113 DOB: 10.03.13 Paulern Verdi Dam: Chatham Bernie British Blue PEDIGREE • Index displays great natural muscling and shape • Impressive calves with good colouring • Sired by Paulern Verdi, renowned for his ease of calving • Excellent EBVs for Carcase Index and Growth Sire PGS PGD Paulern Verdi Tamhorn Sumo Paulern Little Dean Chatham Bernie Lenborough Oliver MGD Chatham Phyllis Dam MGS APRIL 2016 BRITISH BLUE BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Calv Ease Gest. Len. Direct % Dtrs % Days Birth Wt Kg EBV -0.3 -0.1 +0.2 +1.9 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV -0.6 -0.3 +0.7 +2.2 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Scrotal Size cm Carc. Wt Kg Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % BBB Carcase Profitability Index GBP BBB Pedigree Breeding Index GBP +16 +31 +46 -0.1 +25 +0.7 -0.2 +0.1 +0.0 +18 +9 +12 +20 +29 +0.2 +16 +1.5 +0.1 +0.4 +0.0 +12 +6 13 INCREDIBLE Boroside Incredible HB No: IE371479981207 Sire: Int’l ID: BBLIRLM371479981207 DOB: 01.01.14 Rutabaga Beaffaux Irish Blue Dam: Ballydownan Winny ET NEW PEDIGREE Sire • Incredible displays style and breed character • Excellent ICBF ranking for Growth rate and Carcass Weight • Use with caution until a detailed calving survey is carried out PGS PGD Rutabaga Beaffaux Fringant ET de Biourge Omega 6643 Beauffaux Ballydownan Winny ET Van Terbeck Osborne MGD Ballydownan Teresa Dam MGS DECEMBER 2015 ICBF EUROSTAR RATINGS Replacement Index 14 Terminal Index Calving Difficulty Carcass Weight Kg Carcass Conformation «« ««« +31 kg Star Rating Within BB Breed «««« «« urovalue -15 +121 13.2% Index Reliability % 22 27 27 Star Rating Across all Beef Breeds « ««««« Daughter Calving Difficulty Daughter Milk Kg Dtr Calving Interval Days «« «««« +2.64 13.7% 1.01 kg 7.23 days 34 27 9 14 27 ««««« ««««« «« « VAGABOND Springhill Vagabond ET HB No: B-20040146 Sire: Ear No: UK93326291934 DOB: 03.12.03 Gypse 3318 de Haute Somme Dam: Springhill Tanya British Blue • An excellent specimen of the breed, displaying tremendous shape and muscling • Progeny have been easily born with excellent colour marking • Calves continue to top local market prices CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION 3.9% Avg Gestation Days 284 Mortality Average 67.8% Above Average 23.2% ConformationAverage 64.6% Above Average 33.2% 2.3% Surgical Vet Asst. 5.0% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. APRIL 2016 BRITISH BLUE BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Calv Ease Dtrs % Gest. Len. Days Birth Wt Kg EBV -1.5 -0.7 +0.3 +1.8 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV -0.6 -0.3 +0.7 +2.2 Surveys 220 on 211 Cows and 9 Heifers 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Scrotal Size cm Carc. Wt Kg Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % BBB Carcase Profitability Index GBP BBB Pedigree Breeding Index GBP +10 +19 +31 -0.2 +16 +1.0 +0.1 +0.0 +9 -2 +12 +20 +29 +0.2 +16 +1.5 +0.1 +0.4 +12 +6 15 HB No: Sire: Ear No: UK952105 0762-7 DOB: 24.01.12 Budore Utah Dam: Glenvale Ellie 42-0007 British Blonde HARRY Glenvale Harry • Exceptional muscle development • Excellent shape and style • Sired by Budore Utah, noted for calving ease • Superb example of the Blonde breed • Early calving information suggests use on R grading heifers 16 CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION on 39 Cows and 30 Heifers Surveys 69 2.9% Avg Gestation Days 295 Mortality Average 72.5% Above Average 20.3% ConformationAverage 73.4% Above Average 21.9% 2.9% Surgical Vet Asst. 4.3% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. VASCO Vasco Sire: HB No: FR 6464197593 DOB: 18.12.04 Nicodeme Dam: Grue British Blonde PEDIGREE • Recommended Calving Ease Sire • Remarkable muscularity • Heavy, compact carcasses • High killing-out rate Sire PGS PGD Nicodeme Gullit Fauvette Grue Tonnerre MGD Amerique Dam MGS FRENCH PERFORMANCE DATA Calving Ease Carcass Weight Conformation 111 114 115 17 FRANK Conval Frank HB No: MBM0047511 Sire: Ear Tag: UK522662600124 DOB: 13.08.10 Lochend Apache Charolais Dam: Conval Charm CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION • Reserve Intermediate Champion at Stirling February 2012 • High index performance sire with style and breed character to match • Excellent figures for muscling with good growth rates • Excellent farmer satisfaction with calf quality on Cows Surveys 205 Mortality 2.4% Avg Gestation Days 294 Average 61.7% Above Average 32.6% ConformationAverage 66.6% Above Average 32.9% 2.5% Surgical Vet Asst. 4.4% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. APRIL 2016 CHAROLAIS BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Calv Ease Gest. Len. Direct % Dtrs % Days Birth Wt Kg EBV -16.0 +7.0 +1.6 +2.7 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV 18 +0.2 -0.2 +1.3 +2.6 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg 200 Day Milk Kg Scrotal Size cm Carcase Wt Kg Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % BCCS Terminal Index GBP BCCS Self Replacing Index GBP +30 +49 +54 +4 -1.0 +49 +5.8 -0.5 +2.3 -0.7 +32 +36 +26 +45 +51 +6 -0.1 +41 +3.1 -0.3 +1.1 -0.1 +39 +36 NOSTRDAMUS Thrunton Nostrdamus HB No: MF0081667 Sire: Ear Tag: UK/N1651/00221 DOB: 28.08.97 Maerdy Location Dam: Thrunton Icicle Charolais • Nostrdamus progeny show exceptional growth and good muscling • Recommended for producing heavy weanlings and strong store cattle • Excellent star rating for maternal traits • Calving Ease Sire CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION on Cows Surveys 222 Mortality 5.4% Avg Gestation Days 291 Average 65.6% Above Average 24.4% ConformationAverage 69.6% Above Average 24.2% 3.2% Surgical Vet Asst. 1.8% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. APRIL 2016 CHAROLAIS BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Calv Ease Dtrs % Gest. Len. Days Birth Wt Kg EBV +0.8 +6.3 -1.0 +1. Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV +0.2 -0.2 +1.2 +2.6 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg 200 Day Milk Kg Carcase Wt Kg Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % BCCS Terminal Index GBP BCCS Self Replacing Index GBP +33 +66 +77 +15 +55 +1.9 -0.8 +0.5 +51 +48 +26 +45 +51 +6 +41 +3.1 -0.3 +1.1 +39 +36 19 ULYSSES Anneskeagh Ulysses HB No: MBMI0000175 Sire: Ear Tag: IE171085610030 DOB: 07.02.03 Anneskeagh Oscar Charolais Dam: Anneskeagh Naomi • Ulysses is producing outstanding progeny from suckler cows • Calves display excellent muscling from an early age, with 98% of calves average to above average on conformation • Suitable for use on most types of suckler cows CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION on Cows Surveys 211 Mortality 2.8% Avg Gestation Days 292 Average 60.1% Above Average 35.1% ConformationAverage 61.4% Above Average 36.6% 3.2% Surgical Vet Asst. 1.8% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. APRIL 2016 CHAROLAIS BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Calv Ease Dtrs % EBV -11.4 -3.5 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV 20 +0.2 -0.2 Gest. Len. Days Birth Wt Kg 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg 200 Day Milk Kg +1.7 +3.4 +20 +19 +30 +2 +1.2 +2.6 +26 +45 +51 -0.1 UNIVERSE Coolnaslee Universe HB No: MBM0011009 Sire: Ear Tag: UK905635811011 DOB: 26.04.03 Roundhill Ohoh Dam: Oscar Natasha Charolais CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION • Progeny from this sire are making a very good impression across suckler cow herds • Excellent growth rates and superb muscling throughout • Suitable for cross breeding and pedigree use on Cows Surveys 210 Mortality 1.7% Avg Gestation Days 293 Average 71.0% Above Average 25.1% ConformationAverage 70.4% Above Average 28.6% 3.8% Surgical Vet Asst. 1.9% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. APRIL 2016 CHAROLAIS BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Calv Ease Gest. Len. Direct % Dtrs % Days Birth Wt Kg EBV -17.7 -16.1 +2.4 +4.4 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV +0.2 -0.2 +1.2 +2.6 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg 200 Day Milk Kg Scrotal Size cm Carcase Wt Kg Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % BCCS Terminal Index GBP BCCS Self Replacing Index GBP +17 +31 +40 +0 -0.2 +24 +3.2 +0.0 +0.6 +0.1 +10 +2 +26 +45 +51 +6 -0.1 +41 +3.1 -0.3 +1.1 -0.1 +39 +36 21 GAULLISTE Gaulliste HB No: FR6950643722 DOB: 23.07.11 Sire: Charolais Culard Dam: NEW • Exciting Culard sire with Exceptional conformation • Exceptional calving ease • Excellent Muscle Development • Recommended for crossing on Holstein Cows • Short gestation length FRENCH PERFORMANCE DATA 22 Calving Ease Index Average Weight of Calves Muscle Development Conformation Gestation Length 101 43 Kg 112 117 278 Days GIOVANI Graceland 1 Giovani (P) HB No: UK9240248 8281 Sire: DOB: 22.06.10 Greenyards 1 Dougie Dam: Ballymoyer Anne Hereford CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION • Superb example of the modern Hereford breed • EBVs suggest above average growth and improved muscling • Excellent quality progeny suitable for crossing on Holstein cows • Fantastic performance figures for growth and muscling 3.1% Avg Gestation Days 290 Mortality Average 72.4% Above Average 22.2% ConformationAverage 74.3% Above Average 24.8% 3.1% Surgical Vet Asst. 3.1% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. MARCH 2016 HEREFORD BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Calv Ease Gest. Len. Direct % Dtrs % Days Birth Wt Kg EBV -1.5 -2.3 +1.9 +3.3 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV -0.5 -1.0 +0.8 +2.1 Surveys 226 on 155 Cows and 71 Heifers 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg 200 Day Milk Kg Scrotal Size cm Eye Mus Area cm2 Rib Fat mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % Hereford Terminal Index GBP Hereford Self Replacing Index GBP +29 +59 +78 +3 +1.1 +2.9 -0.3 +1.1 +0.1 +33 +38 +25 +45 +58 +5 +0.6 +1.7 -0.1 +0.3 +0.0 +23 +27 23 HOTSPUR Trillick Hotspur HB No: IE251104 781341 Sire: DOB: 22.12.12 Free Town Hotspur Hereford Dam: Corlismore Echoe 591 CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION • Hotspur’s sire was successfully used on dairy cows • Excellent ICBF ratings for all traits • Recommended for Holstein cows • First calves are impressing farmers • Calves are easily born with good conformation on 24 Cows and 8 Heifers EBV -0.1 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV 24 -0.5 32 0.0% Avg Gestation Days 286 Mortality Average 87.1% Above Average 6.5% ConformationAverage 87.5% Above Average 9.4% 0.0% Surgical Vet Asst. 0.0% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. MARCH 2016 HEREFORD BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Surveys Calv Ease Dtrs % Gest. Len. Days Birth Wt Kg Hereford Terminal Index GBP Hereford Self Replacing Index GBP -2.1 +1.6 +2.7 +25 +29 -1.0 +0.8 +2.1 +23 +27 EQUALISER Lenagh Equaliser Ear Tag: UK 9063095/89-2 Sire: HB No: SKW09-004 DOB: 14.07.09 Dauphin Dam: Kype Ulay Limousin • Progeny from Equaliser are of superb quality, 98% of calves average and above • Sired by the famous French sire Dauphin, noted for maternal traits • Equaliser is an excellent balance bull, displaying superb muscling with impressive top line and square hindquarters • Not suitable for maiden heifers CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION Surveys 204 on 97 Cows and 107 Heifers 4.4% Avg Gestation Days 291 Mortality Average 73.8% Above Average 20.8% ConformationAverage 68.0% Above Average 29.5% 4.5% Surgical Vet Asst. 4.0% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. BLUP Date 14.03.16 Birth Weight Calving Ease Maternal Calving Ease Gestation Length Calving Value 200 Day Milk Age at First Calving Life Span Calving Interval Maternal Production Value Maternal Value 200 Day Growth 400 Day Growth Muscle Depth Fat Depth Beef Value EBV +3.9 -7.1 +0.3 +0.2 -1 -1.0 -0.13 +0.6 +8.8 +9.0 +6 +40 +73 +6.8 +0.3 +40 Acc % 85 80 60 94 94 57 62 63 58 67 61 72 70 66 60 77 25 IFOR Ampertaine Ifor Ear Tag: UK 9564385/889-7 Sire: HB No: MGD13-8897 DOB: 26.09.13 Ampertaine Foreman Limousin Dam: Ampertaine Vera • Superb new Limousin sire by the 38,000 gns sire, Ampertaine Foreman • Excellent well balanced bull with impressive muscle and shape • Suitable for pedigree breeding CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION on 6 Cows Surveys Average 50.0% Above Average 33.3% ConformationAverage 66.7% Above Average 33.3% 0.0% Surgical Vet Asst. 0.0% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. 26 6 0.0% Avg Gestation Days 291 Mortality BLUP Date 14.03.16 Birth Weight Calving Ease Maternal Calving Ease Gestation Length Calving Value 200 Day Milk Age at First Calving Life Span Calving Interval Maternal Production Value Maternal Value 200 Day Growth 400 Day Growth Muscle Depth Fat Depth Beef Value EBV +1.3 -1.4 +0.2 -1.9 +3 +0.0 +0.15 +1.5 +6.3 +7 -4 +31 +65 +3.9 +0.0 +36 Acc % 65 64 51 77 75 53 56 63 57 64 57 75 77 72 67 75 JUDGE Millgate Judge Ear Tag: UK9630001/2550-1 Sire: HB No: LFR14-5501 DOB: 26.10.14 Norman Ely Dam: Millgate Harmony Limousin NEW PEDIGREE • Son of Norman Ely • Superbly balanced bull with style and character • Excellent all round performance data • Use with caution until a detailed calving survey is carried out Sire PGS PGD Norman Ely Saphir Norman Betrys Millgate Harmony Condor MGD Millgate Dolly Dam MGS BLUP Date 14.03.16 Birth Weight Calving Ease Maternal Calving Ease Gestation Length Calving Value 200 Day Milk Age at First Calving Life Span Calving Interval Maternal Production Value Maternal Value 200 Day Growth 400 Day Growth Muscle Depth Fat Depth Beef Value EBV +1.2 -1.0 +0.0 -1.3 +3 +0.0 -0.13 +1.1 +7.3 +31 +15 +36 +64 +4.5 -0.3 +37 Acc % 71 60 39 71 70 35 49 57 46 57 47 70 68 69 63 72 27 UMAR Rahoney Umar Ear Tag: UK 9634843/678-4 Sire: HB No: MDS03-012 DOB: 26.05.03 Ronick Oklahoma Limousin Dam: Rahoney Martha • Progeny from Umar are excellent in terms of conformation and muscle development • Umar progeny are 97% Average to Above Average on conformation • Suitable for crossing onto Holstein and suckler cows CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION 2.9% Avg Gestation Days 294 Mortality Average 63.2% Above Average 31.9% ConformationAverage 66.8% Above Average 30.5% 3.5% Surgical Vet Asst. 1.5% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. 28 Surveys 209 on 194 Cows and 15 Heifers BLUP Date 14.03.16 Birth Weight Calving Ease Maternal Calving Ease Gestation Length Calving Value 200 Day Milk Age at First Calving Life Span Calving Interval Maternal Production Value Maternal Value 200 Day Growth 400 Day Growth Muscle Depth Fat Depth Beef Value EBV +3.8 -0.9 -1.3 +0.5 +1 -4.0 -0.08 +0.8 +5.2 +14 -2 +28 +48 +5.2 -0.6 +22 Acc % 91 87 70 96 95 62 75 79 69 80 72 88 89 85 82 90 DAMONA Damona Sire: HB No: FR2942852535 DOB: 06.11.08 Neuf Dam: Sirene Limousin NEW • French Limousin sire recommended for calving ease on beef bred heifers • Suitable for breeding suckler replacements • Maternal index of 113 PEDIGREE Sire PGS PGD Neuf Cassis Jungle Sirene Micmac MN MGD Junon Dam MGS FRENCH PERFORMANCE DATA Calving Ease Calving Ability Milk Production 117 103 113 29 BALDWIN Omorga Baldwin 10 Ear Tag: UK963633004531 Sire: HB No: M076745 DOB: 21.05.10 Omorga Volvo Simmental Dam: Omorga Daffodil 4th ET • Baldwin is the complete package for performance, style and pedigree • Purchased Spring 2011 for 6600 gns at Dungannon, where he was Supreme Champion • Baldwin displays great conformation and superb hindquarter development • Excellent quality of progeny CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION Birth Wt Kg EBV -6.9 -5.2 -0.4 +2.6 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV 30 -0.4 -0.5 +0.0 +2.2 3.3% Avg Gestation Days 291 Mortality Average 73.3% Above Average 21.4% ConformationAverage 64.7% Above Average 34.8% 2.8% Surgical Vet Asst. 3.3% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. APRIL 2016 SIMMENTAL BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Calv Ease Gest. Len. Direct % Dtrs % Days Surveys 214 on 189 Cows and 25 Heifers 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Milk Kg Scrotal Size cm Carcase Weight Kg Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % Terminal Production Index GBP Self Replacing Index GBP +25 +54 +57 +5 +1.6 +33 +4.0 -0.1 +0.8 -0.3 +61 +65 +30 +55 +60 +5 +0.4 +39 +3.1 +0.0 +0.5 -0.1 +66 +72 DELBOY Kilbride Farm Delboy 12 Ear Tag: UK906234429193 Sire: HB No: M082204 DOB: 10.05.12 Curgmelyn Brenin 10 Dam: Kilbride Farm Dora 40B Simmental CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION • Purchased privately from Kilbride Farm herd • Superb example of the Simmental breed • Calves display style, quality and performance all in one package • Suitable for pure breeding • Recommended for cows only Birth Wt Kg EBV -7.8 +1.1 -0.4 +5.3 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV -0.4 -0.5 +0.0 +2.2 1.3% Avg Gestation Days 291 Mortality Average 57.1% Above Average 37.8% ConformationAverage 59.5% Above Average 37.9% 5.9% Surgical Vet Asst. 5.0% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. APRIL 2016 SIMMENTAL BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Calv Ease Gest. Len. Direct % Dtrs % Days Surveys 119 on 119 Cows 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Milk Kg Scrotal Size cm Carcase Weight Kg Eye Mus Area cm2 Fat Depth mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % Terminal Production Index GBP Self Replacing Index GBP +46 +77 +87 +8 -0.3 +56 +4.4 -1.1 +2.2 -0.6 +95 +91 +30 +55 +60 +5 +0.4 +39 +3.1 +0.0 +0.5 -0.1 +66 +72 31 Beef Shorthorn SCOTSMAN Annanwater Scotsman (P) Ear Tag: UK582146-201173 Sire: HB No: 563802157 DOB: 16.03.09 Trunley Barley 098 Dam: Cainsmore Zo Lucky Heather • Scotsman is a fine example of the Shorthorn breed, displaying length, natural fleshing and good muscling • Recommended for both crossing and pure breeding • Progeny are impressing local producers CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION Surveys 196 on 83 Cows and 113 Heifers 1.5% Avg Gestation Days 290 Mortality Average 76.5% Above Average 17.3% ConformationAverage 72.5% Above Average 23.3% 0.5% Surgical Vet Asst. 0.5% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. APRIL 2016 BEEF SHORTHORN BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Calv Ease Dtrs % Gest. Len. Days Birth Wt Kg EBV -0.7 +0.9 +1.9 +3.4 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV 32 -0.4 -0.4 -0.2 +1.5 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Milk Kg Scrotal Size cm Eye Mus Area cm2 Rib Fat mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % Terminal Index GBP Self Replacing Index GBP +14 +25 +40 +6 +0.3 +0.8 +0.3 -0.4 +0.5 +15 +14 +15 +24 +32 +4 +0.0 +1.2 -0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +14 +13 HUSSAR Hussar of Upsall (P) Ear Tag: UK121060-300986 Sire: HB No: 613802756 DOB: 09.04.14 Broughton Park Thunder Dam: Augusta X822 of Upsall NEW Beef Shorthorn PEDIGREE • Purchased by Antrim Estates, Glenarm for 9500 gns • Sired by Australian sire Broughton Park Thunder • Hussar displays breed character with style and performance Sire PGS PGD Broughton Park Thunder Weebollabolla Theodore Broughton Park Rose Augusta X822 of Upsall Cougar of Upsall MGD Augusta X563 of Upsall Dam MGS APRIL 2016 BEEF SHORTHORN BREEDPLAN EBVs Calv Ease Direct % Calv Ease Dtrs % Gest. Len. Days Birth Wt Kg EBV +3.1 +0.1 +0.3 +1.5 Breed Average EBVs for 2014 Born Calves EBV -0.4 -0.4 -0.2 +1.5 200 Day Wt Kg 400 Day Wt Kg 600 Day Wt Kg Milk Kg Scrotal Size cm Eye Mus Area cm2 Rib Fat mm Retail Beef Yield % IMF % Terminal Index GBP Self Replacing Index GBP +20 +28 +27 +9 -0.1 +3.2 +1.2 +0.5 +0.1 +15 +18 +15 +24 +32 +4 +0.0 +1.2 -0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +14 +13 33 REFLEX Reflex Sire: Individue HB No: 7968730091 DOB: 28.01.00 Dam: Infusion Parthenaise PERFORMANCE DATA Birth Weight • Recommended for crossing purposes • Calving Ease 42 Kg Weight at 120 Days 174 Kg Weight at 210 Days 322 Kg FRENCH PERFORMANCE DATA 34 Calving Ease Growth Muscle Development Skeletal Development Weaning Synthesis 98 102 102 105 106 CESAR Cesar Sire: Aubrac Anquetil Gsire: Orque HB No: FR1527091231 DOB: 13.03.07 NEW Sire PGS PGD Anquetil Toulous Flamande Aubrac • Easy Calving and Muscle • Small calves at birth that develop export quality weanlings • Exceptional muscular development • Suitable for crossing on Holstein cows PEDIGREE Trappe Orque MGD Musette Dam MGS FRENCH PERFORMANCE DATA Calving Ease Growth Potential Muscular Development Skeletal Development Weaning Proofs 107 98 109 108 112 35 JET BLACK Belldoon Jet Black Black Limousin Sire: Ear Tag: CPM0125298 DOB: 27.05.99 Planet Hollywood Dam: Nordic Wee Lady PEDIGREE Black Limousin Sire 36 PGS • Ease of calving sire • Suitable for breeding suckler replacements PGD Planet Hollywood SLVL Beef ADKL Hollywood Nordic Wee Lady Polled Black Powder MGD Polled Black Magic Dam MGS Canadian Genetic Evaluation Gest CED WW (lbs) YW (lbs) PWG (lbs) CEM Milk MWWT SC DOC Stay CW REA (sq in) Fat (mm) MARB EBV -2.3 -2.5 +54.1 +72.1 18 +2.2 +15.2 +42.2 -0.1 +14.5 +11.7 +18.9 +0.51 -0.07 -0.16 Acc % 17 31 27 26 24 23 24 23 13 13 80 JUSTICE Dirnanean Justice Luing Sire: HB No: Luing Coll Dam: Dirnanean E12 Shona DOB: 10.03.07 PEDIGREE • Justice will breed functional and efficient suckler cows • Luing cattle are robust, hardy and easily fleshed from grass • Maternal, Fertile Females • Long lasting, docile cows Sire PGS PGD Luing Coll Luing Experience Luing Ardiarach Luing Dirnanean E12 Shona Luing Soloman MGD Dirnanean A7 Shona Dam MGS LUING CATTLE SOCIETY DAM CLASSIFICATION EBV Feet Hind Legs Udder Teats Temperament Condition Score Skeletal Size Age at 1st Calving Avg Calving Interval Number of Calvings 9 8 9 9 8 8 6 24 m 367 d 5 37 Belted Galloway BELL BOY 38 Ballylough Bell Boy Ear Tag: UK151769/27712 Sire: HB No: 04739 DOB: 25.04.11 Castlemartin Admiral Dam: Ballylough Heather Bell PEDIGREE • Excellent example of the Belted Galloway breed Sire • Calves are easily born PGD • Calf quality is excellent PGS Castlemartin Admiral Graedstrup Springfield Schougaard Pixie Ballylough Heather Bell Forthill Buster MGD Barnearnie Heather Dam MGS DENNIS Drumlegagh Dennis Sire: Dam: Poldean Tutu • From one of the top Salers herds in the United Kingdom conformation • Calving ease sire, suitable for maiden heifers and DRU2010017 DOB: 03.03.10 CALVING SURVEY INFORMATION on 40 Cows and 43 Heifers Surveys 83 0.0% Avg Gestation Days 290 Mortality Average 81.9% Above Average 7.2% ConformationAverage 91.5% Above Average 8.5% 2.5% Surgical Vet Asst. 1.2% Size Non Surgical Vet Asst. Salers • Superb growth with great hindquarter development HB No: Voitou 39 Fertility Boost AI Services offers a selection of mixed beef semen. Mixed semen of this nature has been shown to significantly improve conception rates. Triple Mix British Blue Rostrevor George + Chatham Index + Boroside Incredible LIM x BB x HER Fertility Boost Millgate Judge + Ballygrange Frankie + Trillick Hotspur 40 BB x AA x HER Chatham Index + Thrunton Rocket + Trillick Hotspur SIM x AA x BB Sneumgaard Imperator + Thrunton Rocket + Bavan Giant Additional Mixes are available by request. Individual sires may change in the mixture from time to time. Bulls known to carry a registration levy for pedigree registration:BULL OWNER TEL. NO. LEVY Cheeklaw Eirwyn AA AI Services 028 9083 3123 £25 + VAT Woodvale Kool Jaguar AA AI Services 028 9083 3123 £20 + VAT Hallington Endeavour AA AI Services 028 9083 3123 £20 + VAT Thrunton Rocket AA Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society 017 3862 2477 £25 + VAT Hussar BS Antrim Estates Bryan Wilson 028 2884 1203 £25 + VAT Doncombe Aga Khan BA R McElroy 078 4509 8398 £30 inc. VAT Coolnaslee Universe CH AI Services 028 9083 3123 £30 + VAT Anneskeagh Ulysses CH John Devine 028 8164 8823 £25 + VAT Thrunton Nostrdamus CH AI Services 028 9083 3123 £25 + VAT Conval Frank CH British Charolais Society 024 7669 7222 £40 + VAT Rahoney Umar LM AI Services 028 9083 3123 £25 + VAT Ampertaine Brigadeer LM AI Services 028 9083 3123 £30 + VAT Ampertaine Ifor LM AI Services 028 9083 3123 £30 + VAT Lenagh Equaliser LM AI Services 028 9083 3123 £25 + VAT Millgate Judge LM M. Loughran 028 8675 1780 £40 + VAT Norman Ely LM British Limousin Society 024 7669 6500 £30 + VAT Omorga Baldwin SM AI Services 028 9083 3123 £30 + VAT Kilbride Farm Newry SM W H Robson & Sons 028 9335 4917 £35.25 inc. VAT Kilbride Farm Delboy SM R Boyd 077 9934 6784 £35 + VAT Royalties BREED 41 Considering Synchronisation? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BENEFITS Minimun Heat Detection needed Allows you to batch calve More even batch of animals to manage at housing and grazing Reduces the need for additional bulls Cost effective Select sires for individual cows or heifers IMPORTANT POINTS TO CONSIDER Results can be variable Good handling facilities are essential Plan ahead and discuss with your Veterinarian and AI Services Technician Adequate calving pens are needed Herd health and nutrition Other variables could have negative impacts (e.g. weather) Days between calving and A. I. +42 days Body Condition Score Previous calving difficulty Poor temperament of animals Synchronisation Contact your local AI Technician or Breeding Specialist for more details. See the back cover for contact phone numbers for advice 42 Benefits of A. I. in the Suckler Herd 1. It allows you to utilize superior genetics 2. It allows you to select sires for individual cows • Most of the herds are made up of many different types of cows 3. You can select sires using EBVs • Sires with high 200 day growth are suitable for farmers selling weanlings • Sires with high 400 day growth and muscling are suitable for beef finishers • Sires with high 200 day milk value are suitable for breeding replacements 4. Calving and progeny details available • All the bulls are scrutinized for calving difficulty and calf quality 5. A. I. allows you to alter genetics quickly • Change from one breed to another - Charolais, Limousin, Angus or Salers without incurring additional costs. 6. A. I. has low capital investment • A good (?) stock bull could cost anything between £2,000 – £10,000 • After 30 months – Cull Price • Feeding, housing, fencing and high risk factor for you, children and the public 7. A. I. ensures semen quality • 5% of all bulls are infertile at some time • 30% have unsatisfactory semen quality 8. A. I. allows you to synchronize • • • • • Shorter heat detection period Shorter calving period Even and heavier batch of calves to erase house market Fewer barren cows Better record keeping Getting the Best from A. I. • • AI Information • • • • • • • Heat detection rates in the United Kingdom average about 55%. Improvements are gained by taking more time, i.e. 20 - 30 minutes on each occasion, and by more early morning and late night inspections. Although average heats last 12 - 15 hours, 25 - 30% of cows have heats of less than 6 hours. Prevent cows getting either too fat or too thin. Cows in condition score 2 - 3 (scale 1 - 5) are optimal. Thriving animals always do better. Avoid excessive weight loss around the time of service. Treat lame animals promptly. Breeding cows within 50 days of calving tends to give poor results. Never breed any cow with a dirty vaginal discharge or evidence of ‘whites’. Keep complete records of all cows that come into heat and use them to anticipate returns. Where cows are not coming into heat have your vet examine and treat them. A cow standing firm to be mounted is the best sign of heat, but remember 6 - 8% of pregnant animals will occasionally stand too! 43 BLUP Figures the numbers explained Obtaining a bull with the right genetics can have a major impact on herd profitability. Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) are measurements of genetic potential, which can be used to assess a bull’s breeding merit for a specific trait. EBVs are expressed in the same units as the traits they represent and are expressed relatie to a common baselie. Comparisons can be made using EBVs between bulls of the same breed, but not different breeds. A bull’s EBVs must be halved to estimate how much of his genetic superiority will be pased on to his progeny. So a bull with a 400 Day Weight EBV of +40kg will produce calves 20 kg heavier at 400 days of age than a bull with an EBV of 0. Accuracy Values are produced for each EBV. Accuracy is expressed as a percentage and indicates the amount of data used to calculate the EBV. The higher the Accuracy Value, the lower the chances of the EBV changing over time as new data becomes available. EBV Interpretation Notes Birth Weight Negative values = Lighter calves at birth Enables sire to be selected to produce smaller calves at birth, reducing calving difficulties Calving Ease Positive values = More unassisted calvings Identifies sires whose calves will tend to be born without assistance Maternal Calving Ease Positive values = More unassisted calvings Identifies females that will calve more easily. Should not be confused with Calving Ease Direct (see above) Gestation Length Negative values = Shorter gestations Shorter gestation lengths tend to result in easier calvings, because birth weights tend to be lower Calving Value Higher values = More profitable The economic value of an animal in terms of gestation length and difficult calvings 200 Day Milk Positive values = More productive female replacements Indicates female breeding lines that produce more milk and so wean heavier calves Age at 1st Calving Negative values = Puberty reached at an early age Herds looking to calve heifers at two years of age should identify bulls with superior (negative) EBVs for this trait. This will increase conception rates at first mating. Life Span Positive values = Longer breeding life Predicts the length of an animal’s breeding life in the herd Calving Interval Negative values = Cows that get back in calf more quickly This EBV can be used to breed cows with short calving intervals that get in calf again quickly Maternal Production Value Higher values = More profitable The economic value of an animal’s ability to produce breeding females and males for finishing Maternal Value Higher values = More profitable The economic value of an animal’s genetic ability to produce breeding females Positive values = Faster growth rates Selection for faster growth will result in animals that have heavier carcases at a constant fat class or leaner carcases at a constant age Muscle Depth Positive values = Deeper loin muscle Selecting for this trait will increase the yield of lean meat in the carcase Fat Depth Negative values = Leaner carcases Indicates animals capable of producing lean carcases, which can be taken to heavier weights without becoming overfat Beef Value Higher values = More profitable The economic value of an animal in terms of the financial merit of its offsprings’ carcases 200 Day Growth BLUP 400 Day Growth 44 BREEDPLAN the numbers explained Breedplan BREEDPLAN is a modern genetic evaluation system for beef cattle. It offers the potential to accelerate genetic improvement in your herd, tighten up breeding operations, improve productivity and increase prices of cattle sold for both breeding and slaughter. At the time of printing this catalogue, the Aberdeen Angus, Simmental, Shorthorn, British Blue and Hereford breeds are using this system. CALVING EASE Calving Ease EBVs are based on calving difficulty scores, birth weights and gestation length information. More positive EBVs are favourable and indicate easier calving. DIRECT calving ease indicates how this animal influences the birth of his progeny. DAUGHTERS’ calving ease indicates how well the animal produces daughters that have easier calving. BIRTH GL: Gestation length EBV (days) is based on AI records. Lower (negative) GL EBVs indicate shorter gestation lengths which generally relate to easier calving and increased growth after birth. BWT: Birth Weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted for damage. The lower the value the lighter the calf at birth and the less is the likelihood of a difficult birth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use on heifers. GROWTH MILK: 200 Day Milk EBV (kg) is an estimate of an animal’s milking ability. For sires, this EBV is indicative of their daughters’ milking ability as it affects the 200 Day Weight of their calves. 200: 200 Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 80 and 300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth to early ages. 400: 400 Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 301 and 500 days of age, adjusted to 400 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for yearling weight. 600: 600 Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 501 and 900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age. CARCASE CWT: Carcass Weight EBV (kg) is an estimate of the genetic difference in Carcass weight at a standard age of 650 days. EMA: Eye Muscle Area EBV (cm2) estimates genetic differences in eye muscle area of a 300 kg dressed Carcass. More positive EBVs indicate better muscling on animals. RIB: Rib Fat EBV (mm) estimates the genetic differences in fat depth at the rib in a 300 kg dressed Carcass. More positive EBVs indicate more subcutaneous fat and earlier maturity. RBY%: Retail Beef Yield Percent EBV (%) represents total (boned out) meat yield as a percentage of a 300 kg dressed Carcass. A more positive EBV indicates higher percentage yield for the 300 kg Carcass size. TERMINAL SIRE INDEX This index ranks bulls by their genetic potential for the production of prime steers and heifers for beef production. Growth and Carcass EBVs are the main drivers used in compiling this index, with considerable emphasis on calving ease direct. Typical production parameters, prices and costs underlie this selection index. Bulls with a higher Terminal Index will have a greater genetic potential to sire heavier finished progeny. As there are no maternal traits included in the calculation of the Terminal Index, bulls with a high Index will not necessarily be suitable for breeding heifer replacements. SELF REPLACING INDEX This index is also focused on Calving Ease, Retail Beef Yield and Growth (as animals are still being sold for slaughter), but includes maternal and fertility EBVs as well. The index is trying to balance the requirements for the cow herd with producing animals to market specifications. The Self Replacing Index is aimed at a herd selecting replacement females from within the herd while breeding steers and excess heifers to turn off to meet market specifications. There is emphasis on calving ease and maternal traits while also looking to finish animals for slaughter. 45 Use on Comparison Table Breed 46 Sire Name Dairy Cow Recommended for Suckler Cow Ease of Calving Fast Growth Improved Muscling ü ««« ««« Aberdeen Angus Woodvale Kool Jaguar ü ü Aberdeen Angus Hallington Endeavour ü ü «« «« Aberdeen Angus Thrunton Rocket ü ü ««« ««« British Blue Springhill Vagabond ü ü «« ««« British Blue Springhill Coconut ü ü British Blue Chatham Index ü ü ü ü «« «« «« ««« British Blue Ballygrange Frankie ü ü «« «« British Blue Lukeroyal Ghost ü ü «« «« British Blue Ballydougan Darragh ü ü «« ««« British Blue Springbank Dancer ü ü «« ««« British Blue Colosse ü «« ««« British Blue Boroside Incredible ü «« «« British Blue Bavan Giant ü «« ««« British Blonde Vasco «« «« British Blonde Glenvale Harry ü «« «« Charolais Anneskeagh Ulysses ü «« ««« Charolais Conval Frank ü «« ««« Charolais Coolnaslee Universe ü ««« ««« Charolais Thrunton Nostrdamus ü ü ««« «« Charolais Culard Gaulliste ü Charolais Culard Aloes ü ü ü ü ü «« «« « ««« ««« ««« Hereford Graceland Giovani Hereford Trillick Hotspur ü «« «« Limousin Rahoney Umar ü ««« ««« Limousin Ampertaine Brigadeer ü ü Limousin Lenagh Equaliser ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Limousin Norman Ely Limousin Ampertaine Ifor Limousin Millgate Judge Limousin Damona ü ü Simmental Kilbride Farm Newry ü ü ü Simmental Omorga Baldwin Simmental Kilbride Farm Delboy Beef Shorthorn Annanwater Scotsman Beef Shorthorn Chapelton Liberty Beef Shorthorn Hussar Parthenaise Reflex ü ü ü ü ü ü ««« ««« ««« ««« «« «« «« ««« «« ««« «« «« ««« ««« ««« ««« ü ««« ««« ü ü «« «« ü ü «« «« ü ü ü «« «« ü «« «« Salers Drumlegagh Dennis ü ü ü ««« ««« Black Limousin Belldoon Jet Black ü ü ü «« «« South Devon Trewint Henry ü ü « « Luing Dirnanean Justice ü ü «« «« ü Belted Galloway Ballylough Bell Boy ü ü ü «« «« Aubrac Cesar ü ü ü «« «« Full Sire details available from the Beef Section of AI Services’ Website: • Royalty applicable for Pedigree Registra Recommended for Suckler Cow Replacements Weaning Additional Comments Beef Finishing Royalty • ü ü ü Test Bull • ü ü ü Good replacement for Eisenhower • • ü ü ü Excellent Crossing Sire ü ü Excellent Colour Marking ü ü Suitable for Holstein Cows ü ü New, Test Bull ü ü Test Bull ü ü Test Bull ü ü Test Bull ü ü Newly proven, Calving ease ü ü Excellent progeny for selling ü ü New ü ü All Round Sire ü ü New ü ü Quality Calves ü ü Elite Carcase, Very popular Weanling • ü ü Top Quality Progeny • ü ü ü ü Elite Carcase, Growth, Muscle • ü Superior Carcase, Fast Growth • New, Short Gestation Length ü ü ü ü Excellent Progeny ü ü Very Popular Crossing Sire ü ü Elite Carcase, Excellent Muscling • ü ü Elite Carcase, Impressive Progeny, Pedigree Use • Test Bull ü ü ü ü Elite Carcase, Good All Rounder • ü ü Superb Carcase • ü ü Test Bull • ü ü New, Test Sire • ü ü ü Elite Carcase, One of the Best Simmentals Available • ü ü ü Superb Calf Quality • • New ü ü ü ü New, Test Bull ü ü ü Calving Ease Sire ü ü High Level of Farmer Satisfaction • ü ü New • ü ü New ü ü ü Calving Ease ü Calving Ease Sire ü Milky Females ü ü ü ü ü ü ü New ation. See page 41. Contact your Breeding Society or AI Services for further details. Comparison Table ü ü 47 At Your Service . . . Headquarters and Stud Facility Ballycraigy 028 9083 3123 Breeding Information Ivan Minford 078 3118 9852 028 9083 3123 Michelle Hill 028 9083 3123 BREEDING SPECIALISTS ANTRIM / LONDONDERRY Ben Mallon Ivan Minford Gary Henderson 078 8444 3899 078 3118 9852 079 8934 6226 DOWN / ARMAGH David Dunlop Nigel Spence 079 7660 5701 078 0927 4141 FERMANAGH / TYRONE Mervyn Nelson Jonathan Kelso David Vance 079 0997 2711 079 1949 6232 077 9584 1306 EMBRYO TRANSFER David McCall 077 7880 5357 STUD MANAGER Robin Boyd 077 9934 6784 DIY TRAINING David Vance 077 9584 1306 Ai SERVICES (NORTHERN IRELAND) LTD Ballycraigy 671 Antrim Road Newtownabbey Co Antrim BT36 4RL Tel: 028 9083 3123 Faz: 028 9084 2640 Web: Email: 48 To Book a Service Call FREEPHONE 0800 17 11 11
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