2002 Annual Report


2002 Annual Report
2002 CIPS annual report
Center for Integrated Plasma Studies
2002 CIPS annual report
The cover image presents the nonlinear
structure of a laser wake field potential
by means of a VORPAL simulation.
Source image created by Chet Nieter,
modified by Arlena Szczesniak.
2002 CIPS annual report
About CIPS .................................................................................................................... 4
Directions and Contact Information ......................................................................... 5
Mission Statement ........................................................................................................ 7
General Outline of Research ..................................................................................... 8
Note from the Director ................................................................................................ 9
Personnel ..................................................................................................................... 10
Research Grants ......................................................................................................... 12
Seminar Series ............................................................................................................. 15
Professional Interests .................................................................................................. 16
Publications ................................................................................................................. 21
Presentations at Conferences ................................................................................. 24
Current Research Programs ..................................................................................... 29
Extra Activities ............................................................................................................. 45
List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................... 49
Index ............................................................................................................................ 51
Credits .......................................................................................................................... 62
2002 CIPS annual report
About CIPS
The Center for Integrated Plasma
Studies (CIPS) is a research center at
University of Colorado at Boulder,
CO. Situated in the Duane Physics
Complex (see maps and photos on
pp. 5-6), its main office is on the 8th
floor of the Gamow Tower.
The center first came into being in
1993, in order to consolidate plasma
research on campus and in the Boulder scientific community at large.
Ever since the first days of its existence it has hosted many scholars from
all over the world. In 2002, its 9th
year, CIPS was home to 7 Fellows, 15
Members, 18 Scientist Associates, 20
graduate and undergraduate students, as well as other staff, which
altogether made 61 regular and temporary employees. Aside from independent researchers, CIPS’s scholars
constitute a number of research
groups, each responsible for its own
current projects. Our scholars make
abundant use of a number of highly
specialised laboratories across the
CIPS is funded by research grants
received from NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration),
NSF (National Science Foundation),
and DOE (Department of Energy), as
well as other agencies.
2002 CIPS annual report
Directions and Contact Information
18TH ST .
Email us at
Or phone or fax us at
tel. (303) 492 8766
fax. (303) 492 0642
East Campus and
Research Park
30TH ST.
University of Colorado
at Boulder Main Campus
28TH ST.
17th ST.
Our mailing address is
Center for Integrated Plasma Studies
390 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0390
CIPS is located on Colorado Avenue, in the middle of the main campus of the University of
Colorado at Boulder, CO. The closest parking lot is on Euclid Avenue (numbered 15 on the map
on p. 6) and comprises a short-term, pay parking garage.
DE 36
Figure 1. The Duane Physics Complex building (view from NW).
Figure 2. A seminar in
the conference room.
Figure 3. A plasma laboratory.
2002 CIPS annual report
28TH ST.
20TH ST.
19TH ST.
18TH ST.
17TH ST.
Boulder Creek
Varsity Lake
13TH ST.
15TH ST.
Streets (many main campus streets are limited
access during certain hours)
Limited access streets
28TH ST.
Major buildings
Housing (residence halls and family housing)
Kittredge Complex
Pedestrian/bicycle underpass
Visitor parking lots
Creeks and ponds
18TH ST.
16TH ST.
15TH ST.
14TH ST.
13TH ST.
12TH ST.
11TH .ST.
2 32
Dalton Trumbo
Fountain Court
28TH ST.
Main Campus
Emergency telephones
RTD bus stops bordering campus
Gamow Tower (F7)
Duane Physics Laboratories (F7-8)
Benson Earth Sciences (F9)
Coors Events/Conference Center (H-I12)
Engineering Center (F-G10)
Environmental Design (G6)
Fleming Law (J-K10)
Folsom Field (D-E8)
Imig Music (G-H7)
JILA* (F-G7)
to D S. 36
LASP* (F7)
Mathematics Building (F9-10)
Muenzinger Psychology (E6)
Norlin Library (E5-6)
Parking Lot (G6)
Power House (F6)
Regent Administrative Center (I8)
Student Recreation Center (D6-7)
Telecommunications Building (G6)
University Club (H5-6)
University Memorial Center (G5)
* for a complete list of abbreviations see section List of Abbreviations on pp. 49-50
2002 CIPS annual report
Mission Statement
The mission of the Center for Integrated Plasma Studies is to foster plasma and beam
related science and research. In particular, CIPS provides a home for interdisciplinary
plasma related activities. This includes coordination of high-performance scientific and
networking capability. The Center for Integrated Plasma Studies has the additional
mission of scientific outreach, including making plasma physics, general physics and
astrophysics highly accessible to the general public.
2002 CIPS annual report
General Outline of Research
The focus of research carried out at CIPS is the study of plasma, hot ionized gas, such as
found in the stars, in space, and in lightning storms. It is used for fluorescent lighting
and for fabricating microchips.
Plasma physics has broadened considerably from its original domain. It includes not
only the study of ionized gases, but also the study of strongly coupled systems, nonneutral plasmas, dusty plasmas, and charged particle beams. Plasma research has long
been applied to space, astrophysical, and fusion plasmas, but in addition is now applied
to semiconductor processing, intense particle beams, and high-definition video. Plasma
physics is important in both naturally occurring systems as well as in the laboratory.
All of these areas of physics are found in the Center for Integrated Plasma Studies.
Because of the broad scope of plasma physics, members have links to many other units
at University of Colorado. These units include the Departments of Physics, Astrophysical
and Planetary Science, Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace
Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. Other institutes, such as the Laboratory for
Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) and JILA, are represented as well. In addition,
CIPS reaches outside the University with affiliates from government labs, such at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the High Altitude Observatory
of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), and the Space Environment
Labs of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and from
several local research companies, such as Lodestar Corporation and Science Applications
International Corporation.
The Center for Integrated Plasma Studies supports communication and exchange of
ideas in plasma physics. It does so through its seminar series, which covers all aspects
of plasma physics. In addition, CIPS provides research opportunities for students and
all others interested in this field.
2002 CIPS annual report
Note from the Director
CIPS is approaching its 10th year of existence with
continued growth in annual research support, which has
reached approximately $1.5 million. This was achieved
under the leadership of our previous director, Prof. John
R. Cary, who placed CIPS on a sound financial footing.
The retirement of Prof. Raul Stern, a founding Fellow, draws
attention to our program in experimental plasma physics.
Raul was the pioneer in the use of laser induced
fluorescence as a plasma diagnostic tool. In honor of Raul's
75th birthday, a Miniconference on Laser Induced
Fluorescence is being held at the 2003 meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the
American Physical Society. We wish him a healthy and enjoyable retirement. Clearly
our top priority for 2003 will be the hiring of a new Professor to broaden the options for
students seeking degrees in experimental plasma physics.
Scott Robertson
2002 CIPS annual report
and collaborators
Present Director:
Present Associate Director:
Director in 2002:
Associate Director in 2002:
Scott Robertson
Scott Parker
John R. Cary
Scott Robertson
CIPS Fellows
John R. Cary, Professor
Martin Goldman, Professor
James Meiss, Professor
Scott Parker, Associate Professor
Scott Robertson, Professor
Theodore Speiser, Professor Emeritus
Raul Stern, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., 1979, University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D., 1965, Harvard University
Ph.D., 1980, University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D., 1990, University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D., 1972, Cornell University
Ph.D., 1964, Pennsylvania State University
Ph.D., 1959, University of California, Berkeley
CIPS Members
Yang Chen, Research Associate
Isidoros Doxas, Senior Research Associate
Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Research Associate
Rodolfo Giacone, Research Associate
James Howard, Research Associate
Marie Jensen, Research Associate
Alan Kiplinger, Senior Research Associate
David L. Newman, Senior Research Associate
Chet Nieter, Research Associate
Zoltan Sternovsky, Research Associate
Ph.D., 1998, Princeton University
Ph.D., 1988, University of Texas
Ph.D., 1998, University of Colorado
Ph.D., 1998, University of Rochester
Ph.D., 1969, University of Wisconsin
Ph.D., 2001, University of Aarhus, DK
Ph.D., 1978, University of Texas
Ph.D., 1985, University of Colorado
Ph.D., 1999, University of Colorado
Ph.D., 2001, Charles University, CZ
Members from other Institutes
Frances Bagenal, Professor of APS*
Daniel Baker, Professor, Director of LASP*
Timothy Fuller-Rowell, Senior Research Associate with CIRES*
Alan Gallagher, JILA*
Mihály Horányi, Associate Professor of Physics/LASP
2002 CIPS annual report
CIPS Scientist Associates
Richard Aamodt, Lodestar Corporation
John Bollinger, NIST*
Paul Charbonneau, HAO/NCAR*
Daniel D’Ippolito, Lodestar Corporation
Paul Dusenbery, Space Science Institute
Ernest Hildner, SEC/NOAA*
Thomas Holzer, HAO/NCAR
Arthur Hundhausen, HAO/NCAR
Boon Chye Low, HAO/NCAR
James Myra, Lodestar Corporation
Terry Onsager, SEC/NOAA
Vic Pizzo, SEC/NOAA
Art Richmond, HAO/NCAR
Ray Roble, HAO/NCAR
Howard Singer, SEC/NOAA
Robert Walch, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley
Ron Zwickel, SEC/NOAA
CIPS Research Support Staff
Carolyn M. James, Professional Research Assistant
Graduate Students
Brent Goode
Samuel Jones
Charlson Kim
Jinhyung Lee
Qudsia Quraishi
Jonathan Regele
Amanda Sickafoose
Byron Smiley
Kiran Sonnad
Ireneusz Szczesniak
Srinath Vadlamani
Weigang Wan
Undergraduate Students
Marina Bondarenko
Ryan Bruels
Amanda Heaton
Arthur Michalak
Candace Nichols
Christopher Omland
Viktor Przebinda
Kelsi Singer
* for a complete list of abbreviations see section List of Abbreviations on pp. 49-50
2002 CIPS annual report
Research Grants
active during calendar year 2002
Primary Investigator;
John R. Cary
John R. Cary
Chaotic Dynamics in Accelerator
Scott Robertson;
Mihály Horányi
Fundamentals of Dusty Plasma
Martin Goldman;
David L. Newman,
Meers Oppenheim**
Theory and Kinetic Simulation of
Beam-Plasma Turbulence in
Laboratory Plasmas
Scott Parker;
Yang Chen
Macroscopic Kinetic-MHD Hybrid
Scott Parker
Macroscopic Kinetic-MHD Hybrid
Scott Parker
Electromagnetic Gyrokinetic
Turbulence Simulations
Martin Goldman;
David L. Newman,
Robert Ergun
Origins of Nonlinear Wave
Structures and Particle Heating in
Current Driven Plasmas
Scott Parker
Plasma Microturbulence Project
John R. Cary
Ronald Cole;
Lecia Barker,
Lynn Snyder,
Barbara Wise,
Scott Schwartz
(Kathy Garvin-Doxas)
Transport in Toroidal Confinement
Configurations and Advanced
Computational Methods for Fusion
Applications (Neoclassical Transport
of Energetic Particles in Asymmetric
Toroidal Plasma)
2001 U.S. Particle Accelerator School
IERI: Scaling Up Reading Tutors
2002 CIPS annual report
Joshua Colwell;
Scott Robertson
Dusty Plasma Dynamics Near
Surfaces in Space
Martin Goldman;
David L. Newman,
Scott Parker
Simulation and Theoretical
Modeling of Observations of Bipolar
Structure and Low Frequency Waves
in the Auroral Ionosphere
Alan Kiplinger
Hard X-Ray Spectroscopic
Microwave and H-Alpha Linear
Polarization Studies with Hard XRay Observations From HESSI
Robert Ergun;
Yi-Jiun Su
David L. Newman
Modeling of Parallel Electric Fields
in the Aurora
Yi-Jiun Su;
Scott Parker,
Robert Ergun
Joshua Colwell;
Scott Robertson,
Mihály Horányi
Scott Robertson
Study of Laser-Cooled Ions in
Penning Traps for Quantum
Information Processing
Scott Robertson
Study of Laser-Cooled Ions in
Penning Traps for Quantum
Information Processing
David L. Newman;
Martin Goldman
Beam-Driven Waves and Turbulence
in the Topside Auroral Ionosphere
Robert Schnabel;
Clayton Lewis,
Diane Sieber,
Elaine Seymour,
Lecia Barker
(Kathy Garvin-Doxas)
ITW: Attracting and Retaining
Women in Information Technology
Programs: A Comparative Study of
Three Programmatic Approaches
John R. Cary;
Isidoros Doxas
ITR/AP: Application of Modern
Computing Methods of Plasma
Isidoros Doxas
Using Space Weather and
Magnetospheric Physics to Motivate
the Electricity and Magnetism
Standard Physics Curriculum for
Cusp Dynamics-Particle
Acceleration by Alfven Waves
Dynamics of Charged Dust Near
Surfaces in Space
2002 CIPS annual report
Isidoros Doxas
David L. Newman;
Martin Goldman,
Robert Ergun
Influence of Double Layers and
Electron Holes on Observed
Phenomena in the Auroral
Downward Current Region
Lecia Barker;
Kathy Garvin-Doxas
ITR: Research on Recruiting Middle
School Minority and Majority Girls
into a High School IT Magnet
Robert Ergun;
Martin Goldman,
David L. Newman
GEM: Self-Consistent
Characterization of Parallel Electric
Fields in the Lower Magnetosphere
James Howard
Nearly Axisymmetric Systems
University 2001-2003
of Texas,
Isidoros Doxas;
John R. Cary
Low-Dimensional Models for the
Solar Wind Driven MagnetosphereIonosphere System
SGER: Using Branch Prediction and
Speculative Execution to Predict
Space Weather with a Cluster of
Inexpensive PCs
* for a complete list of abbreviations see section List of Abbreviations on pp. 49-50
** italicized names signify CIPS non-members
2002 CIPS annual report
Seminar Series
coordinated by Dr. James Howard
February 8
T.A. Casper, LLNL
Modeling electron cyclotron current
drive effects on transport barriers in the
DIII-D Tokamak
February 22
David Schecter, NCAR
Two-dimensional vortex dynamics in
pure electron plasmas
March 5
Professor Fran Bagenal, LASP
Plasma physics and Pluto
March 14
Dr. Daniel Barnes, LANL
Stability of a long field-reversed
April 25
Pat L. Colestock, LANL
Measurements of halo generation in an
intense proton beam
May 8
Rob Shaw, The Prediction Co., NM
Entropy as a local observable
July 30
Dr. Yang Chen, CIPS
Magnetic field-aligned coordinates for
improved resolution in turbulence
September 13 Professor John R. Cary, CIPS
Pulse train generation via optical
injection into laser wake field
September 25 Ireneusz Szczesniak, CIPS
Visualizing HDF5 data with OpenDX
October 11
Kevin Bowers, LANL
Surface waves and Landau resonant
heating in unmagnetized bounded
December 6
John Kline, LANL
Investigation of laser plasma instabilities
relevant for the National Ignition
2002 CIPS annual report
Professional Interests
John R. Cary
My interests are concentrated in beam/accelerator physics,
plasma physics, nonlinear dynamics, and computational
physics. My accelerator/beam physics interests concentrate
currently in advanced accelerator concepts: the generation and
use of large (10-100 GV/m) fields through laser-plasma
interactions. My plasma physics interests are currently in the
simulation of the nonlinear interactions of radio frequency
electromagnetic fields with plasma as occurs in plasma heating.
In plasma heating the nonlinear dynamical effects, which are
crucial to making the process irreversible, are also part of our
research. In recent years we have devoted extensive effort to
computational methods, including developing a new arbitrary-dimensional, parallel, hybrid,
plasma simulation code, VORPAL.
Yang Chen
I am interested
p a r t i c l e
simulation of
turbulence and
research I am
involved in the
Summit Project,
a multi-institutional collaboration on the
development of large-scale electromagnetic
simulations of plasma transport. As part of this
project I developed a gyrokinetic particle code
GEM, which is the only particle code capable of
treating both kinetic electrons with the realistic
ion-electron mass ratio and the finite beta effects.
Isidoros Doxas
The main subject of my research
is plasma turbulence in
laboratory and space plasmas,
especially as analyzed by the
methods of nonlinear dynamics
simulations. I have worked on
stochastic transport in fusion
devices, and on the limits of
quasilinear theory. For the past
ten years I have participated in
and directed research projects in
magnetospheric physics.
2002 CIPS annual report
Kathy Garvin-Doxas
My research focus is on education and technology particularly in the
sciences. I evaluate a variety of new learning tools as they are being
designed using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods
(pre- and postsurveys, video-taped and direct observations and analysis
individual and focus group interviews) to determine student learning
gains, how well the learning tool works, and recommendations for
improvements. This work has lead to my involvement with national
efforts to employ evaluation as an agent for change in teaching and
learning at the classroom, discipline, and institutional levels. I also work
on gender issues related to science and technology, as well as effective
collaboration in classrooms—particularly in science lab settings.
Rodolfo Giacone
My research interests lie in the
area of laser-plasma interactions,
especially as related to plasma
accelerator physics. I am also
involved in the development of
new algorithms and computer
codes using modern computing
methods for laser-plasma
Martin Goldman
I am interested in developing
nonlinear theoretical models
in order to interpret measurements in Earth's auroral
ionosphere of localized unipolar fields (double layers),
associated localized bipolar
electric field structures and
highly nonthermal particle
distributions. I also study the
excitation of these structures
in a beam-plasma system.
2002 CIPS annual report
Marie Jensen
James Howard
My research interests lie mainly
in applications of Hamiltonian
dynamics to a wide variety of
physical problems, including
dust dynamics, asteroidal
satellites, microwave ionization
of Rydberg atoms, and RF ion
traps. In addition I collaborate
with Applied Math faculty on
dynamics problems and
Aerospace Engineering faculty
on sonic boom simulations. I also
work in such areas as nearly
axisymmetric systems, martian
dust rings and the epicyclic
motion of Saturnian dust grains,
asteroidal satellites, as well as
the stability of extrasolar planets
around binary stars.
My recent work has
been focused on
temperature of lasercooled ions in a
primarily motivated
by the possibility of
manyparticle entangled
states. Such states
would have applications in the fields of both quantum
information and frequency standards. A Penning trap
is a device used to trap charged particles. The
confinement is due to a combination of static electric
and magnetic fields.
Alan Kiplinger
My research revolves
around several areas of
observing solar activity.
In particular, solar
activity that has direct
effects on the Earth and its
space environment. These
phenomena include solar
flares and their associated
interplanetary particle
events and coronal mass
ejections. Efforts involve the use of solar hard and soft Xray, microwave, optical and EUV data.
2002 CIPS annual report
James Meiss
David L. Newman
My primary research activities
are in the field of nonlinear
plasma physics, with emphasis
on theoretical modeling and
nonlinear simulation of wave
and particle phenomena in a
variety of near-Earth space
environments. Specific research
projects in 2002 included openboundary simulation studies of
the interaction of “transition
layers” (a generalization of
double layers) with electron
phase-space holes, extended into
a second spatial dimension for
highly magnetized electrons and
ions. These and other research
projects were complemented by
data visualization efforts using
graphics packages (such as
OpenDX) to aid in the analysis
of multidimensional data sets.
My research is in the area of
dynamical systems, in particular
the study of the onset and
characterization of chaos.
Current research has focused on
the geometry of three and four
dimensional dynamical systems.
Chet Nieter
My research focus is
on the application of
modern computing
physics. I have
continued to work on
capacities of the
plasma simulation code VORPAL. VORPAL now has a
working fluid and particle-in-cell model for the plasma,
and a finite difference Yee mesh solver for the
electromagnetic fields. VORPAL has been used in
studies of beam injection for the laser wake field
accelerator (LWFA) concept. Preliminary work has
begun on using VORPAL to study radio frequency
heating of fusion plasmas.
2002 CIPS annual report
Scott Parker
My research areas include theory and
simulation of plasma turbulence and transport,
kinetic particle effects and kinetic closure of
macroscopic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
fluid models, magnetosphere and auroral
ionosphere Alfven waves, and new numerical
methods for kinetic plasma simulation. In 2002
we solved the so-called “High Beta Problem”,
i.e. we discovered how to simulate kinetic
electrons with magnetic perturbations in
turbulence simulations.
Scott Robertson
My research interests are in experimental plasma
physics including the ionosphere and space, as
well as the development of rocket-borne probes
for ionospheric aerosols (NASA-funded). A
second NASA grant (with Josh Colwell) supports
laboratory studies of the electrostatic transport of
lunar and martian dusts. A DOE grant (with
Mihály Horányi) supports fundamental studies of
dusts in plasmas. I also involve undergraduates
in research on confinement of plasma in Penning
traps and interact with a NIST group using
Penning traps. In 2002, although I was officially on sabbatical leave, I continued to
advise Engineering Physics students and to advise graduate students.
Zoltan Sternovsky
My research interest is currently in
plasma probes, in the physics of
dusty plasmas and in the electric
properties of cosmic dust particles.
I perform experiments in this area
and I am also involved in the
development of probe theories and
dust charging in plasmas. I build
experimental set-ups, develop
instrumentations and perform
numerical calculations.
2002 CIPS annual report
papers published in journals and at conferences
The following is a list of all CIPS publications which appeared in 2002, organized by
subject matter.
Dusty plasmas
1. Howard, J., and M. Horányi, “Halo orbits about Saturn,” Dust in the Solar System and Other
Planetary Systems, S. Green, I. Williams, J. McDonnell, and N. McBride, eds., (Pergamon
Press, London, 2002), p. 164.
2. Howard, J., C. Mitchell, and M. Horányi, “Validity of epicyclic description of Saturnian dust
grain orbits,” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on The Physics of Dusty
Plasmas (Durbin, South Africa, 2002).
3. Howard, J., M. Horányi, and H. Dullin, “Generalizations of the Stoermer problem for dust
grain orbits,” Physica D171, 178 (2002).
4. Howard, J., T. Wilkerson, and J. Cantrell, “Orbital dynamics about a slowly rotating
asteroid,” Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 94 (2002).
5. Sickafoose, A., J. Colwell, M. Horányi and S. Robertson, “Experimental levitation of dust
grains in a plasma sheath,” Journal of Geophysical Research 107 (2002).
6. Sternovsky, Z., A. Sickafoose, J. Colwell, S. Robertson, and M. Horányi, “Contact charging of
lunar and martian dust simulants,” Journal of Geophysical Research 107 (E11), p. 5105
Magnetic fusion
7. Chen, Y., S. Jones, and S. Parker, “Gyrokinetic turbulence simulations with fully kinetic
electrons,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 30 (1), p. 74 (2002).
8. Cohen, B., A. Dimits, W. Nevins, Y. Chen, and S. Parker, “Kinetic electron closures for
electromagnetic simulation of drift and shear-Alfven waves I,” Physics of Plasmas 9, p. 251
9. Cohen, B., A. Dimits, W. Nevins, Y. Chen, and S. Parker, “Kinetic electron closures for
electromagnetic simulation of drift and shear-Alfven waves II,” Physics of Plasmas 9, p.
1915 (2002).
10. Parker, S. and A. Sen, “Simulation of cylindrical ion temperature gradient modes in the
Columbia Linear Machine experiment,” Physics of Plasmas 9, p. 3440 (2002).
11. Parker, S., “Nearest-grid-point interpolation in gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulation,”
Journal of Computational Physics 178, p. 520 (2002).
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
12. Gomez, A. and J. Meiss, “Volume preserving maps with an invariant,” Chaos 12 pp. 289-299
13. Meiss, J., “Standard Map 4.1,” a Macintosh Application, software & manual available at
2002 CIPS annual report
Non-neutral plasma
14. Quraishi, Q., S. Robertson, and R. Walch, “Electron diffusion in the annular Penning trap,”
Physics of Plasmas 9, p. 3264 (2002).
Particle accelerators
15. Cary, J.R. and C. Nieter, “VORPAL an arbitrary dimensional hybrid code for computation of
pulse propagation in laser-based advanced accelerator concepts,” Proc. 18th Annual
Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (Monterey, CA, 2002).
16. Dimitrov, D., D. Bruhwiler, W. Leemans, E. Esarey, P. Catravas, C. Toth, B. Shadwick, J.R.
Cary, and R. Giacone, “Simulations of laser propagation and ionization in l’OASIS
experiments,” Proc. 10th Workshop, Advanced Accelerator Concepts, C.E. Clayton and P.
Muggli, eds., AIP Conference Proceedings 647 (Mandalay Beach, 2002).
17. Nieter, C. and J.R. Cary, “VORPAL as a tool for the study of laser pulse propagation in
LWFA,” Proc. ICCS 2002, P.M.A. Sloot, C.J.K. Tan, J.J. Dongarra, A.G. Hoekstra, eds.,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2331, p. 334 (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2002).
18. Stoltz, P., J.R. Cary, G. Penn, and J. Wurtele, “Efficiency of a Boris-like integration scheme
with spatial stepping,” Phys. Rev. ST/AB 5, 094001, 1-9 (2002).
19. Szczesniak, I. and J.R. Cary, “DXHDF5: a package for importing HDF5 self-describing files
into OpenDX, a visualization system,” UNIX software available for download at
Plasma diagnostics
20. Sternovsky, Z. and S. Robertson, “The effect of charge exchange ions upon Langmuir probe
current,” Applied Physics Letters 81, pp. 1961-1963 (2002).
Space physics
21. Andersson, L., R. Ergun, D.L. Newman, J. McFadden, C. Carlson, and Y. Su, “Characteristics
of parallel electric fields in the downward current region of the aurora,” Physics of
Plasmas 9, pp. 3600-3609 (2002).
22. Doxas, I., W. Horton, and R. Weigel, “Using particle simulations for parameter tuning of
dynamical models of the magnetotail,” Journal of Astrophysics and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
64, p. 633 (2002).
23. Ergun, R., L. Andersson, D. Main, Y. Su, D.L. Newman, M. Goldman, C. Carlson, J.
McFadden, and F. Mozer, “Parallel electric fields in the upward current region of the
aurora: numerical solutions,” Physics of Plasmas 9, pp. 3695-3704 (2002).
24. Horton, W., C. Crabtree, I. Doxas, and R. S. Weigel, “Geomagnetic transport in the solar wind
driven nightside magnetosphere-ionosphere system,” Physics of Plasmas 9, p. 3712 (2002).
25. Newman, D.L., M. Goldman, and R. Ergun, “Evidence for correlated double layers, bipolar
structures and very-low-frequency saucer generation in the auroral ionosphere,” Physics
of Plasmas 9, pp. 2337-2343 (2002).
2002 CIPS annual report
Below is a list of CIPS researchers along with their corresponding 2002 publications.
The numbers refer to the publications listed on pp. 21-22.
John R. Cary
Yang Chen
Isidoros Doxas
Rodolfo Giacone
Martin Goldman
James Howard
Samuel Jones
James Meiss
David L. Newman
Chet Nieter
Scott Parker
Qudsia Quraishi
Scott Robertson
Amanda Sickafoose
Zoltan Sternovsky
Ireneusz Szczesniak
#15 #16 #17 #18 #19
#7 #8 #9
#22 #24
#23 #25
#1 #2 #3 #4
#12 #13
#21 #23 #25
#15 #17
#7 #8 #9 #10 #11
#5 #6 #14 #20
#5 #6
#6 #20
2002 CIPS annual report
papers presented at professional conferences but not published
The following is a list of all CIPS presentations given in 2002, organized by subject
Dusty plasmas
1. Colwell, J., M. Horányi, S. Robertson, and A. Sickafoose, “Levitation and transport of charged
dust over surfaces in space,” Dusty Plasmas in the New Millenium, 3rd International
Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, AIP Conf. Proc. 649, R. Baruthram, M.
Hellberg, P. Shukla and F. Verheest, eds., American Institute of Physics, NY, p. 438-441
2. Krauss, C., M. Horányi, and S. Robertson, “Electrostatic discharging of dust near the surface
of Mars,” Dusty Plasmas in the New Millenium, 3rd International Conference on the
Physics of Dusty Plasmas, AIP Conf. Proc. 649, R. Baruthram, M. Hellberg, P. Shukla and
F. Verheest, eds., American Institute of Physics, NY, p. 309-312 (2002).
3. Sickafoose, A., J. Colwell, M. Horányi, and S. Robertson, “Experimental dust levitation in a
plasma sheath near a surface,” Dusty Plasmas in the New Millenium, 3rd International
Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, AIP Conf. Proc. 649, R. Baruthram, M.
Hellberg, P. Shukla and F. Verheest, eds., American Institute of Physics, NY, p. 235-238
4. Sternovsky, Z., M. Horányi, and S. Robertson, “Contact charging of dusts on surfaces,”
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 (9), p. 25, 55th Gaseous Electronics Conference
(Minneapolis, MN, 2002).
5. Sternovsky, Z., M. Horányi, and S. Robertson, “Lunar and martian dust charging on
surfaces,” Dusty Plasmas in the New Millenium, 3rd International Conference on the
Physics of Dusty Plasmas, AIP Conf. Proc. 649, R. Baruthram, M. Hellberg, P. Shukla and
F. Verheest, eds., American Institute of Physics, NY, p. 402-405 (2002).
6. Sternovsky, Z., S. Robertson, and D. Kingrey, “Experimental evidence for Debye shielding of
dust by orbiting ions,” National Radio Science Meeting (URSI) (Boulder, CO, 2002).
7. Doxas, I., “Developing a simulation based curriculum: challenges and opportunities,” NASA
Office of Space Science, Education and Outreach Conference (Chicago, IL, 2002).
Magnetic fusion
8. Carlsson, J., J.R. Cary, and R. Cohen, “Application of the Broyden method to stiff transport
equations,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 (9), 51 (2002).
9. Chen, Y. and S. Parker, “Gyrokinetic simulation of turbulence and transport with kinetic
electrons and finite beta effects,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 (9), 44th
Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, p. 200 (Orlando, FL, 2002).
10. Chen, Y. and S. Parker, “Progress on electromagnetic gyrokinetic simulations of
microturbulence with fully kinetic electrons,” International Sherwood Fusion Theory
Meeting (Rochester, NY, 2002).
2002 CIPS annual report
11. Goode, B. and J.R. Cary, “A comparison of the effects of collision operators on RF
propagation,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 (9), 48 (2002).
12. Kim, C. and S. Parker, “Hybrid delta f-MHD simulation of the internal kink mode,”
International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting (Rochester, NY, 2002).
13. Parker, S. and Y. Chen, “Kinetic electrons: a current challenge in low-frequency meso-scale
particle simulation,” US-Japan Workshop: Simulations of plasmas (Los Angeles, CA,
14. Parker, S., “Frameworks for developing comprehensive turbulence simulation models and
future integration with MHD and transport modeling,” Fusion Simulation Project
Workshop (San Diego, CA, 2002).
15. Parker, S., “Microturbulence in the presence an island and coupling to MHD,” Fusion
Simulation Project Workshop (San Diego, CA, 2002).
16. Parker, S., Y. Chen, and C. Kim, “Kinetic-MHD simulation,” Bulletin of the American Physical
Society 47 (9), 44th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, (Orlando, FL,
17. Parker, S., Y. Chen, and C. Kim, “Kinetic-MHD simulation,” Magnetofluid Modeling
Workshop (San Diego, CA, 2002).
18. Parker, S., Y. Chen, B. Cohen, A. Dimits, W. Nevins, D. Shumaker, V. Decyk, and J. Leboeuf,
“Large-scale electromagnetic turbulence simulations with kinetic electrons from the
summit framework,” 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (Lyon, France, 2002).
19. Parker, S., Y. Chen, B. Cohen, A. Dimits, W. Nevins, D. Shumaker, V. Decyk, and J. Leboeuf,
“Overview of the summit framework: open-source software for large-scale gyrokinetic
turbulence simulation,” International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting (Rochester, NY,
20. Roach, C., J. Carlsson, J.R. Cary, and D. Alexander, “Installation of the national transport
code collaboration data server at the ITPA international multi-tokamak confinement
profile database,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 (9), 201 (2002).
21. Vadlamani, S., S. Parker, and Y. Chen, “Further work on the unified particle-in-cell and
continuum method,” International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting (Rochester, NY,
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
22. Howard, J., “Nearly axisymmetric systems,” Department of Mathematics Colloquium, USC
23. Howard, J., “Nontwist maps,” Dynamics Meeting, USC (2002).
Non-neutral plasma
24. Bollinger, J., J. Kriesel, M. Jensen, and W. Itano, “Investigation of the Penning ion trap for
quantum information processing,” The Southwest Quantum Information and
Technology Network Fourth Annual Meeting (SQuInT ’02) (Boulder, CO, 2002).
25. Jensen, M., J. Bollinger, and J. Kriesel, “Progress on new temperature measurements and
excitation of shear modes in Penning trap ion crystals,” 44th Annual Meeting of the
Division of Plasma Physics (Orlando, FL, 2002).
26. Jensen, M., J. Bollinger, and J. Kriesel, “Temperature measurements and shear modes with
Penning trap ion crystals,” Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
(DAMOP02) (Williamsburg, VA, 2002).
27. Jensen, M., J. Kriesel, and J. Bollinger, “Temperature measurements of laser-cooled ions in a
Penning trap,” Cooling 2002 (Visby, Sweden, 2002).
28. Lee, J. and J.R. Cary, “Longitudinal cooling of a strongly magnetized electron plasma,”
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 (9), 129 (2002).
2002 CIPS annual report
29. Quraishi, Q., S. Robertson, and R. Walch, “Classical collisional diffusion in the annular
Penning trap,” Non-Neutral Plasma Physics IV, F. Anderegg et al., eds., American Institute
of Physics, NY, AIP Conf. Proc. 606 (2002).
Particle accelerators
30. Bruhwiler, D., D. Dimitrov, W. Leemans, E. Esarey, P. Catravas, C. Toth, B. Shadwick, J.R.
Cary, and R. Giacone, “Code validation via detailed comparison with experiment: PIC
simulations of short, intense laser pulses ionizing He gas,” Proc. International Comp. Accel.
Phys. Conf. (Lansing, MI, 2002).
31. Cary, J.R., R. Giacone, C. Nieter, V. Przebinda, and J. Regele, “New mechanisms for optical
injection into laser in wake field accelerators,” Proc. International Comp. Accel. Phys. Conf.
(Lansing, MI, 2002).
32. Esarey, E., G. Fubiani, C. Schroeder, B. Shadwick, W. Leemans, J.R. Cary, and R. Giacone,
“Optical injection using colliding laser pulses: theory and simulation,” Bulletin of the
American Physical Society 47 (9), 280 (2002).
33. Giacone, R., J.R. Cary, and C. Nieter, “Generation of nonlinear plasma wake fields in the
colliding laser pulse injection schemes,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 (9), 282
34. Leemans, W., C. Geddes, C. Toth, J. Faure, J. Van Tilborg, B. Marcelis, E. Esarey, C.
Schroeder, G. Fubiani, B. Shadwick, G. Dugan, J.R. Cary, and R. Giacone, “Optical
injection using colliding laser pulses: experiments at LBNL,” Bulletin of the American
Physical Society 47 (9), 279 (2002).
35. Nieter, C. and J.R. Cary, “Modeling relativistic plasmas with PIC using VORPAL,” Bulletin of
the American Physical Society 47 (9), 53 (2002).
36. Przebinda, V., J.R. Cary, and C. Nieter, “Optimizing VORPAL, and object-oriented numerical
code,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 (9), 53 (2002).
37. Sonnad, K., and J.R. Cary, “Finding a near integrable nonlinear lattice using a convenient
time averaging scheme and control of beam halo formation through nonlinear
transport,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 (9), 310 (2002).
38. Stoltz, P., J.R. Cary, G. Penn, and J. Wurtele, “Efficiency of a Boris integrator with spatial
stepping,” Proc. International Comp. Accel. Phys. Conf. (Lansing, MI, 2002).
Plasma diagnostics
39. Robertson, S. and Z. Sternovsky, “Charge exchange collisions and the current to probes and
dust particles,” Dusty Plasmas in the New Millenium, 3rd International Conference on
the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, AIP Conf. Proc. 649, R. Baruthram, M. Hellberg, P. Shukla
and F. Verheest, eds., American Institute of Physics, NY, p. 208-211 (2002).
40. Robertson, S., “Rocket measurements of ionospheric aerosols,” Institute of Meteorology,
Stockholm University (Stockholm, Sweden, 2002).
41. Sternovsky, Z., “Collisional probe theory with charge exchange ions,” Bulletin of the American
Physical Society 47 (9), p. 283, 44th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, p.
200 (Orlando, FL, 2002).
42. Sternovsky, Z., S. Robertson, and M. Lampe, “Collisional theory for cylindrical Langmuir
probes,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 (9), p. 62, 55th Gaseous Electronics
Conference (Minneapolis, MN, 2002).
43. Sternovsky, Z., S. Robertson, and M. Lampe, “Collisional theory for cylindrical Langmuir
probes,” plasma seminar, Naval Research Laboratory (Washington, DC, 2002).
2002 CIPS annual report
Space physics
44. Andersson, L., R. Ergun, D.L. Newman, J. McFadden, C. Carlson, and Y. Su, “Characteristics
of parallel electric fields in the downward current region of the aurora,” Eos Trans. AGU
83 (19), Spring Meeting of The American Geophysical Union (Washington, DC, 2002).
45. Doxas, I. and W. Horton, “Using branch prediction and speculative execution to forecast
space weather,” Geomagnetic Environment Modeling conference (Telluride, CO, 2002).
46. Doxas, I., B. Goode, J. R. Cary, and W. Horton, “State transitions in driven stochastic
systems,” Space Weather Week (Boulder, CO, 2002).
47. Goldman, M., D.L. Newman, L. Andersson, and R. Ergun, “Electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves
in the auroral ionosphere,” Eos Trans. AGU 83 (47), Fall Meeting of The American
Geophysical Union (San Francisco, CA, 2002).
48. Goldman, M., D.L. Newman, L. Andersson, and R. Ergun, “Generalized current-driven
instabilities in the auroral ionosphere,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 (9), 44th
Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics (Orlando, FL, 2002).
49. Horton, W., C. Crabtree, R.S. Weigel, D. Vassiliadis, and I. Doxas, “Spatially resolved
substorm dynamical model with internal and external substorm triggers,” American
Geophysical Union (San Francisco, CA, 2002).
50. Jones, S. and S. Parker, “Gyrofluid simulation of magnetospheric Alfven waves,” Geospace
Environment Modeling Workshop (Telluride, CO, 2002).
51. Kiplinger, A., "Solar activity," lecture and live demonstration, NOAA Space Environment
Center (Boulder, CO, 2002).
52. Kiplinger, A., "Various astronomical phenomena," lecture and live starshow, CU Alpine
Observatory, Mountain Research Station (Boulder, CO, 2002).
53. Kiplinger, A., "The launch of the RHESSI spacecraft and early results," NOAA Space
Environment Center (Boulder, CO, 2002).
54. Newman, D.L., M. Goldman, and R. Ergun, “Double layers, phase-space holes, and waves in
the auroral downward-current region,” Eos Trans. AGU 83 (19), Spring Meeting of the
American Geophysical Union (Washington, DC, 2002).
55. Newman, D.L., M. Goldman, and R. Ergun, “Magnetized 2-D Vlasov simulations of
nonlinear field structures,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 (9), 44th Annual
Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics (Orlando, FL, 2002).
56. Newman, D.L., M. Goldman, R. Ergun, and L. Andersson, “Kinetic simulation of local
transition layers associated with the magnetosphere-ionosphere interface,” Eos Trans.
AGU 83 (47), Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (San Francisco, CA, 2002).
2002 CIPS annual report
Below is a list of CIPS researchers along with their corresponding 2002 presentations.
The numbers refer to the presentations listed on pp. 24-27.
John R. Cary
Yang Chen
Isidoros Doxas
Rodolfo Giacone
Martin Goldman
Brent Goode
James Howard
Marie Jensen
Samuel Jones
Charlson Kim
Alan Kiplinger
Jinhyung Lee
David L. Newman
Chet Nieter
Scott Parker
Qudsia Quraishi
Jonathan Regele
Scott Robertson
Amanda Sickafoose
Zoltan Sternovsky
Srinath Vadlamani
#8 #11 #20 #28 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 #46
#9 #10 #13 #16 #17 #18 #19 #21
#7 #45 #46 #47
#30 #31 #32 #33 #34
#47 #48 #54 #55 #56
#11 #46
#22 #23
#24 #25 #26 #27
#12 #16 #17
#51 #52 #53
#44 #47 #48 #54 #55 #56
#31 #33 #35 #36
#9 #10 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #21 #50
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #29 #39 #40 #42 #43
#1 #3
#4 #5 #6 #39 #41 #42 #43
2002 CIPS annual report
Current Research Programs
The following abstracts are brief summaries of various research projects currently
carried out by CIPS scientists. They are organized by subject matter.
Dusty plasmas
James Howard
Dust dynamics
Saturn: We have continued our investigations of charged
dust dynamics in planetary magnetospheres. New work
for Saturn includes a treatment of epicyclic motion of
equatorial grains and the effects of radiation pressure and
nonkeplerian gravity on orbital stability. Recent
simulations show that nonequatorial “halo” orbits can be Figure 4. Artist’s conception of a
nonequatorial halo orbit about Saturn.
populated via capture of interplanetary grains. This is very
encouraging news for the Cassini Mission due to arrive at Saturn in 2004.
Jupiter: Work on jovian dust dynamics shows
that the tilt of the magnetic field produces
strongly chaotic behavior for dust grains
smaller than about 750 nm, an interesting
application of nearly axisymmetric theory.
This is a radically different approach to dust
dynamics near Jupiter and may well help
observed form
and composition
of the jovian
Figure 5. Tilted magnetic dipole structure of Jupiter.
Figure 6. Transverse martian
halo orbit, supported by solar
radiation pressure and martian
Mars: Do martian dust rings exist? While astronomers have looked
in vain for equatorial rings, our results suggest that attention should
be drawn to nearly polar orbits. In order for such orbits to exist,
they must be stable to Mars’ small oblateness as well as its rotation
around the sun. One mechanism for populating a transverse ring
might be via collisions of micrometeoroids with the two small
martian moons. Our treatment of transverse martian dust rings
has been sharpened by an improved treatment of solar wind effects,
and will hopefully be observed by the Nozomi spacecraft now en
route to Mars.
2002 CIPS annual report
James Howard
Asteroidal satellites
Transverse orbits: Our first work dealt mainly with the
effects of asteroidal rotation on transverse near-circular
orbits, using the classical two fixed centers field as a
tractable model. The results indicate that initially circular
orbits remain so under gradual increase in asteroid rotation
rate. In a new paper for Celestial Mechanics, in collaboration
with Prof. Dan Scheeres (University of Michigan), we
extend our repertory of gravitational models and employ
second order perturbation theory to improve the semianalytic description of orbital tilt into a successful
quantitative theory.
Figure 7. Transverse satellite orbit about
Coplanar orbits: Most observed asteroids rotate in the a rotating asteroid.
“pencil on the table mode,” i.e. about the axis of maximum moment of inertia, and the orbits of
most observed asteroidal moons lie close to this plane of rotation. Thus, it is important to
understand the dynamics of such “coplanar orbits.” Issues concern the relative stability of
prograde and retrograde orbits and the role of chaos on the size and location of stable regions.
Extrasolar planets around binary stars: Interestingly, the dynamics of a single planet under the
gravitational force of a binary star system bears strong similarities to a small moonlet orbiting
an extended body. This connection is being explored in collaboration with Prof. R. Dvorak
(University of Vienna).
Zoltan Sternovsky, Scott Robertson
Experimental plasma physics in the lab and in the upper atmosphere
Our research involves experimental plasma physics, modeling, and
atmospheric physics. In the lab we perform experiments on plasma
diagnostics with Langmuir probes and study properties of plasma
sheaths, in both emphasizing the effect of ion-neutral collisions. We also
develop numerical simulation codes, including Monte-Carlo methods, Figure 8. Two detectors
which help us in the better understanding of the experimental data. In for charged aerosol
collaborations with the Naval Research Laboratory we do numerical particles. They are
mounted on the surface
calculations on dust charging and shielding in plasmas, including the of a sounding rocket.
effect of trapped ions in the dust’s The electronic box
potential well. Currently under converts the electronic
development are detectors for charge into a measursounding rockets for measuring able voltage signal.
charged aerosol particles in the upper atmosphere (see
Figure 8). The new detector will have better mass resolution
and will detect both positive and negative particles. The
aim is to determine the charge to mass ratio of these
Figure 9. Attaching the payload to the
rocket motor.
2002 CIPS annual report
Isidoros Doxas
Using space weather to motivate the electricity
and magnetism standard physics curriculum for
The computer-based modules that use the reallife effects of Space Weather as a motivation
for studying the basic concepts of Electricity
and Magnetism at the level of a typical
introductory physics course for non-majors are
designed to enable instructors to engage Figure 10. A java applet showing the Earth and two of
students in exploring problems that are the current systems that affect space weather: the ring
current and the substorm wedge. The applet can use
complex enough to be of practical interest, different models to predict various indices of
while still allowing them to concentrate on the magnetospheric activity, and then compare the model
basic physics concepts that they need to learn. prediction to the measured value. A running comparison
The design of the modules is based on tests between measured values of the AL index and the
prediction of the WINDMI model is shown in the graph.
carried out over the past six years in three
different schools, and evaluation results show both an improvement in student attitudes towards
science, and content assimilation at least equal to textbook-based instruction.
Kathy Garvin-Doxas
The use of technology to enhance student learning
Kathy Garvin-Doxas works in research and evaluation of STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics) education initiatives, particularly those that involve the use of
technology to enhance student learning. With STEM
Colorado, she coordinates assessment and evaluation
efforts among participating departments as well as basic
organization for the project. Her research focuses on
misconceptions about classroom collaboration and
cooperative learning; issues of gender and diversity among
those who study and work in information technology
fields; articulating the communication process necessary
for eliciting student misconceptions about STEM subjects
as a model for computer-student interactions; and the
development of research-based learning assessment
instruments as well as protocols and instruments for use
in evaluating course transformation and the success of
innovations. Additionally, she provides workshops on
Figure 11. An example of a computerinstitutional change and course transformation for many
based teacher manual developed by
Kathy Garvin-Doxas that uses video clips national organizations in STEM education, and on
from actual classroom and lab sessions
improving teaching and learning in STEM classrooms.
to illustrate examples of good pedagogy.
2002 CIPS annual report
Magnetic fusion
Yang Chen, Scott Parker
Gyrokinetic simulation of turbulent transport
My research is on the numerical modeling and prediction of turbulence and transport in toroidal
fusion plasma. In order for the fusion reaction to take place in a self-sustained manner, the
plasma must be heated and maintained at a certain level of density and temperature. The main
obstacle to a controlled fusion is
that a confined high-temperature,
high-density plasma tends to find
various channels to lose its
particles and energy to the reactor
wall. The most important among
these loss channels is the
anomalous transport induced by
small-scale instabilities and
turbulence. Due to its complexity
Monte-Carlo simulation is the
only reliable technique for
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
studying the physics of such
anomalous transport. Previous
kinetic simulations have been
Figure 12. Finite beta effects on the Ion-Temperature-Gradient-Driven
limited to plasmas with very low
turbulence and transport. The blue curve shows the growth rate of the
dominant mode devreases as beta increases, the red curve shows the pressure, due to an inaccuracy
transport level also decreases, from above to below the adiabatic level problem associated with the
(green line).
Ampere’s equation. In the past
year I have developed an algorithm to solve this problem. We have successfully applied the
new algorithm to the simulation of typical H-mode plasmas, demonstrating the importance of
magnetic field perturbations and collisional processes in determining the transport level. This
work is part of the Summit Framework (http://www.nersc.gov/scidac/summit), which is a
multi-institutional collaboration to develop comprehensive software for the modeling of
turbulence and transport in toroidal fusion plasmas.
Brent Goode, John R. Cary
RF heating of plasmas
There are many applications of Radio Frequency (RF) power in plasma, from heating and current
drive, to profile control and instability suppression. The accurate prediction of the propagation
and absorption of RF waves in plasmas is a crucial element in design of a working fusion
reactor. We are working in collaboration with Lee Berry of Oak Ridge National Lab to calculate
an improved plasma response theory with additional terms to describe new physical effects,
which were not included in previous calculations. These new terms allow us to add the effects
2002 CIPS annual report
of magnetic field gradients in
arbitrary directions and magnetic
field curvature to the calculation
of the plasma’s response to RF
fields. When previous calculations
left these effects out, they made
assumptions about the size of
these effects relative to other
physical phenomena, such a
thermal motions of particles. With
our new theory we can examine
approximations had on the
accuracy of the results. Our new
theory also has a more complete
incorporation of collisional effects
than other RF absorption theories Figure 13. A comparison of the plasma response function calculated
with our improves treatment of collisions (black) versus the previously
used for fusion physics. If previous published results (red).
theories incorporated collisions at
all, then a simplifying assumption was made that the plasma was at a very high temperature.
While this is valid in most cases relevant to fusion physics, there are important situations in
which the high temperature approximation fails. These include the plasma near the edge of the
reactor, and the entire reactor during the start up period.
Scott Parker
Direct numerical simulation and basic theoretical understanding of plasma turbulence and transport
My research includes large-scale simulations of tokamak plasma turbulence. (A tokamak is a
donut shaped magnetic confinement device used for studying production of fusion energy in
the laboratory. Fusion is the energy source of the stars, including our sun.) These simulations
solve reduced equations in a five-dimensional phase-space (called the gyrokinetic formalism)
using newly developed particle simulation methods
which evolve the perturbed part of the distribution
function along characteristics. These calculations
involve many millions of simulation particles and
must fully utilize the newest and most powerful
massively parallel computers. For the first time,
these fully nonlinear simulations have shown
spectral features and transport levels similar to that
observed in large present-day experiments. Other
active research areas include theoretical and
computational research on kinetic-fluid hybrid
Figure 14. Fluxtube simulation region for
models, and renormalization procedures for microturbulence calculations.
collisionless kinetic systems.
2002 CIPS annual report
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
James Howard
Nearly axisymmetric systems
Nearly axisymmetric systems occur in many physical problems, including dust dynamics in
planetary magnetospheres, ion motion in a Paul trap, microwave ionization of Rydberg atoms,
field errors in plasma fusion devices, or any axisymmetric device where imperfections introduce
small azimuthal variations. In a truly axisymmetric system, all dynamical quantities, including
the canonical momentum, are independent of the azimuthal angle, allowing a two-dimensional
description of single particle motion in terms of an effective potential. In the presence of small
azimuthal variations it often happens that the canonical momentum merely oscillates about an
average value, which may be used to define an average effective potential. The motion may
then be described as quasi-two-dimensional, with orbits confined within a torus much smaller
than the exact zero-velocity surface.
Planetary rings: Solar radiation pressure acting on micron-size dust grains orbiting an
axisymmetric planet such as Mars or Saturn can produce large long-time effects. In the case of
the nonmagnetic planet Mars the result is a rapid increase in orbital eccentricity and impact to
the martian surface. Saturn, on the other hand, has a substantial magnetic field which can
stabilize the inward-spiraling motion of submicron size grains. The relative stability of smaller
Saturnian dust grains is seen to be a consequence of the existence of an adiabatic invariant
which maintains the quasi-two-dimensionality of the motion.
The E ring of Saturn (3-8 Rs) is composed primarily of micron-size dust grains moving under
the influence of planetary gravity and rotating magnetic dipole field. Since the magnetic and
spin axes coincide, this system is axisymmetric, even including planetary oblateness and a
magnetic quadrupole field component. The unidirectional force
of solar radiation pressure breaks this symmetry and can have a
large cumulative effect on the motion of individual grains.
Ion traps: Another important and very actively studied
axisymmetric system is the RF Paul trap, which offers myriad
physical and technological applications. While the pioneering
experiments were conducted in purely axisymmetric geometry,
current experiments are almost invariably performed using
slightly nonaxisymmetric electrodes, in order to establish an
“axis of crystallization,” along which ions can line up. In
addition, easily fabricated elliptic traps are widely used in
quantum computation research. In all these applications it is
essential to avoid unstable combinations of parameters, which
can lead to “crystal melting” and rapid loss of trapped ions.
Perhaps the most thoroughly studied configuration is the relative
two-ion motion, which is conveniently split into a rapid
“Zitterbewegung” and a slow time-averaged “secular” motion. Figure 15. Three dimensional
Elliptic traps are also of current interest for quantum contour plot of zero-velocity
computation applications. In contrast to the dust problem, where surface for two-ion motion in an
elliptic ion trap.
2002 CIPS annual report
the perturbation strength is small and dictated by planetary parameters, the asymmetry of the
Paul trap has no such limitations and can in fact be quite large. At large asymmetry particle
confinement is limited only by the topology of zero-velocity surfaces, which involves some
interesting applications of singularity theory.
James Howard
Nonlinear dynamics
Nontwist maps have
become a major area of
nonlinear dynamics.
Kiran Sonnad and I are
trying to devise a
possible reconnection
modes for higher order
symplectic maps. A
Figure 16. Typical reconnection scenario for nontwist map.
second topic concerns
the observation of singular periodic orbits in symplectic maps and Hamiltonian flows,
characterized by vanishing rotation number. Our goal is to determine whether such orbits are
generic, and their significance. While two-dimensional symplectic maps have been thoroughly
studied, the properties of 4-D maps are much less well understood. Froeschle maps, which are
coupled standard maps, have interesting resonance structure (Arnold web) and offer a tractable
proving ground for ideas on the dynamics of higher dimensional maps. We have studied both
thick and thin-layer Arnold diffusion in Froeschle maps. Also of interest is the nature of twistless
tori in these 4-D maps.
James Howard
Microwave ionization of Rydberg atoms
Classical models have enjoyed considerable success in describing the ionization of Rydberg
atoms by microwave radiation. In particular, this approach, a wedding of celestial mechanics
and atomic physics, yields useful ionization thresholds, which shed light on both classical
dynamics and so-called quantum chaos. Experiments are currently being planned using
elliptically and circularly polarized (CP) microwaves, which are usually studied in the case
where the orbital plane coincides with the plane of polarization. At very low scaled RF
frequencies ionization is well described by a static Stark model. For small electric field strength
we again have a nearly axisymmetric system, with the spherically symmetric Kepler Hamiltonian
as unperturbed system. We are investigating the structure of the zero-velocity surface (ZVS)
which is isomorphic to the ZVS for the radiation pressure model for a nonmagnetic planet. The
classical theory of the interaction of Rydberg atoms with linear or circularly polarized microwave
radiation presents many theoretical challenges. A comprehensive treatment has been written
2002 CIPS annual report
in collaboration with A. J. Lichtenberg (University of California, Berkeley) and is presently
undergoing final revisions. Our previous theoretical work on two-frequency excitation resulted
in successful experiments carried out at SUNY Stony Brook. These experiments, originally at
high microwave frequency, i.e. well above the orbital frequency of the participating electron,
are now being extended to much lower microwave frequencies, where new resonances come
into play. A new theory for this interesting frequency regime is being developed in collaboration
with Reinhold Blümel (Wesleyan University).
James Meiss
with Holger Dullin, David Sterling, Adriana Gomez, Paul Mullowney, Keith Julian, Derin Wysham
Geometry and dynamics of conservative systems
The focus of our studies is the geometry and dynamics of conservative systems such as
symplectic maps that arise from Hamiltonian dynamics and volume-preserving maps that arise
from incompressible dynamics. One topic we have studied is the concept of a twistless
bifurcation; this corresponds to the nonmonotonicity of the frequency as a function of action.
They can lead to the breakdown of stability of linearly elliptic equilibria and of the invariant
tori that surround them (see Figure 17).
Transport in volume-preserving systems is
important for the understanding of the
mixing of passive tracers in fluids. Our
study of a simple model that generalizes the
two-dimensional “blinking vortex” flow of
Aref. Surprisingly we found that a quite
general three-dimensional stirring model
has a invariant. We also found more general
classes of volume-preserving mappings
that have an invariant—the dynamics of
these can nevertheless be quite complicated
(see Figure 18).
Figure 17. Volumes of regular regions near an elliptic fixed
point for a 4-D symplectic map as a function of its rotation
number. The horizontal and vertical axes represent the
residues of the fixed point (related to their rotation numbers).
The onset of chaos near resonances can be seen in the
small volumes (orange and red) along curves in this space,
as opposed to the larger volumes (blue and mauve) away
from resonance.
A third area that we have studied concerns
polynomial mappings. These have a long
history; indeed, one of the first chaotic systems to be studied was the quadratic mapping of
Hénon. We have developed a classification of reversible polynomial automorphisms of the
reversors in dynamical
systems are involutions (e.g.
reversal of velocities
corresponds to reversal of
time). In our studies we
Figure 18. Dynamics on a toroidal invariant set for a volume preserving
polynomials must have
mapping. Unlike integrable systems, the dynamics of a three dimensional
mapping can still be chaotic even if the system has an invariant.
finite, even order.
2002 CIPS annual report
Non-neutral plasma
Marie Jensen
Temperature measurements of laser-cooled ions in a Penning trap
Measuring the temperature of laser-cooled ions in a Penning trap
is primarily motivated by the possibility of creating many-particle
entangled states. A Penning trap is a device used to trap charged
particles. The confinement is due to a combination of static electric
and magnetic fields. There is a strong magnetic field (in our case
produced by a superconducting magnet) along the z-axis, also
called the trap axis. This field provides the radial confinement, i.e.
charged particles cannot escape from the trap along a direction
perpendicular to the trap axis. The axial confinement is due to
electric fields (appropriate voltages are applied to the electrodes
to create the needed fields).
Experiments on trapped ions are carried out at NIST by Marie
Jensen, Taro Hasegawa and John Bollinger. In this experiment, ions
of beryllium are confined in a 4.5 T field. The ions are laser cooled
to a temperature of ~1 milliKelvin which results in a crystalline
state. As the ion cloud becomes warmer from collisions with
residual gas, a discontinuity in the temperature is consistent with
a solid-to-liquid phase transition. This occurs at approximately the
Figure 19. A Penning trap device.
expected value of the coupling parameter (G = ~170).
Figure 20. Two real space images of ion crystals in a Penning trap.
2002 CIPS annual report
Jinhyung Lee, John R. Cary
Microwave cooling of a strongly magnetized electron plasma
In order to get cold electron plasma whose temperature is low enough for the plasma to be a
crystalline phase, we introduce microwave cooling to the electron plasma. An electron plasma
which has no internal degree of freedom cannot be cooled down below a heat bath temperature.
However, the longitudinal
cooling can be achieved by energy
transfer from the poorly cooled
parallel degree of freedom to the
well cooled (by synchrotron
radiation) perpendicular degree
of freedom. A microwave tuned
to a frequency below the
gyrofrequency forces electrons
moving towards the microwave to
absorb a microwave photon.
Simultaneously the electrons
move up one in Landau state and
then lose their longitudinal
momentum. In this process, the
longitudinal temperature of the
electron plasma can be decreased. Figure 21. Our simulation result of Fokker-Plank equation shows that
On the basis that the the crystalization can be achieved approximately in 2 hours. The ratio
of the first excited state over the ground is 0.2 during the simulation.
perpendicular temperature is
below the Landau temperature of the plasma, we set up two level transition equations and
then derive a Fokker-Planck equation from the two level equations. With an aid of a finite
element method (FEM) code for the equation, the cooling times for several values of the magnetic
field, the microwave cavity, and the relative detuning frequency from the gyrofrequency, are
calculated. Consequently, the optimal values of microwave cavity and detuning frequency
from the gyrofrequency, for longitudinal cooling of a strongly magnetized electron plasma
with microwave bath, have been found. By applying the optimal values with an appropriate
microwave intensity, the best cooling can be obtained. For the electron plasma magnetized
with 10T, the cooling time to the solid state is approximately 2 hours. Without this optimization,
times were always several hours, longer than the life time of the plasma in real system.
2002 CIPS annual report
Scott Robertson
Non-neutral plasma
Non-neutral plasmas are plasmas composed of either electrons or ions alone. Plasmas having
one sign of charge generate their own electric field, which affects equilibrium and stability.
These plasmas are often confined in cylindrical Penning traps in which a magnetic field provides
radial confinement and electrostatic potentials at the ends provide axial confinement. Professors
Scott Robertson and Bob Walch and students have carried out a number of experiments to
investigate the effects of electron-neutral
collisions on confinement of pure
electron plasmas. Different pressures of
helium gas are used to create a known
collision rate. A measurement of the
density of electrons as a function of time
is used to find the electron loss rate
arising from mobility and diffusion.
Conducting rods at the center of the
experiment are used to create a field that
twists the magnetic field lines.
Experiments show that the neoclassical
theory of transport developed for
tokamaks describes the transport in the
Penning trap with the twisted field lines.
Figure 22. The Penning trap experiment.
2002 CIPS annual report
Particle accelerators
Rodolfo Giacone, John R. Cary
Optical injection
Our research efforts have recently
been concentrated on a novel, and
promising concept to generate
high quality particle beams in the
laser wake field accelerator
(LWFA) scheme called optical
injection. Through the use of a new
computer code (VORPAL)
developed in our group, we
demonstrated that most proposed
all-optical injection schemes failed
to produce a single electron Figure 23. Longitudinal electric field on axis as a function of position. A
beamlet. We showed that multiple right propagating laser pulse creates a high intensity plasma wake
particle beams are generated field. A second laser pulse propagating in the same direction with
instead, which is very undesirable special amplitude and phase, absorbs the wake field after the first
for most applications. We have wavelength created by the first one.
developed new alternatives for injection schemes and performed computer simulations using
VORPAL. The results of our simulations showed that our new schemes eliminated the multiple
beams formation problem and now it is possible to obtain a single, high quality electron beam.
Chet Nieter, John R. Cary
Modern programming techniques and object-oriented design in computational plasma physics
My research focuses on how modern advances in
computer programming and software design can be used
to develop better, more flexible numerical simulation tools
for use in computational plasma physics. I am one of the
principal developers for the plasma simulation code
VORPAL. VORPAL was designed from the start to
incorporate these ideas. It uses an object-oriented design
to provide a greater level of flexibility than is normally
found in simulation codes. Currently I am currently
working on adapting the code so it can model the injection Figure 24. VORPAL simulation shows
of radio frequency radiation into magnetically confined nonlinear structure of a laser wake field
plasma to heat to temperatures where nuclear fusion can potential.
2002 CIPS annual report
Kiran Sonnad, John R. Cary
Dynamics and applications of nonlinear focusing in particle accelerators
Finding a nonlinear lattice with
optimum dynamic aperture: A
condition for improved dynamic
aperture for nonlinear, alternate
gradient transport systems is
derived using Lie-transform
perturbation theory. Numerical
calculations using a fourth order
symplectic integrator confirm that
this condition leads to reduced
chaos and optimum dynamic
aperture (see Figure 25).
Self-consistent beams in a
nonlinear lattice: This project
involves the generalization of the
previous one to space charge
effects and development of the
Lie-transform method for use in
self consistent systems. It involves
the derivation of a phase-space
density distribution that retains
the conditions obtained for the
single particle case.
Control of beam halos through
demonstrates that beam halos can
be controlled by combining
collimation. The study relies on a
one dimensional, continuous
focusing model. Numerical
simulations involve the use of the
particle-core model and a radial
particle-in-cell (PIC) code.
Figure 25. The left panel represents the set of confined particles
while the right panel represents the particles that are not confined.
The figure shows how the confinement improves dramatically as one
approaches the condition predicted by perturbation analysis.
2002 CIPS annual report
Space physics
Martin Goldman and David L. Newman
Theory and simulation of nonlinear electric fields in space and laboratory plasmas
The primary focus of our research
is the theoretical and numerical
modeling of nonlinear electric field
structures in current-carrying and
beam-driven plasmas, together
with propagating waves and
modified particle distributions
found in association with these
structures. Recent spacecraft
observations — especially those
from the FAST (Fast Auroral
SnapshoT) satellite — have
revealed the important role played
by nonlinear electric field
structures in Earth’s auroral zone.
One class of phenomena observed Figure 26. A fixed-time “snapshot” of the electric field components
by FAST that we study are known and magnitude from a 2-D open-boundary Vlasov simulation with
as double layers, or more generally strongly magnetized electrons and ions. Among the features seen are
as transition layers. Transition a turbulent transition layer and numerous localized field structures to
the right (i.e. high-potential) side of the transition layer. These
layers separate regions of the structures are characterized by a bipolar signature in the component
plasma with different values of of E parallel to the background magnetic field, but are also localized
electrostatic potential and other perpendicular to the magnetic field in accord with observations. This
plasma properties. Thus, they may simulation was initialized with a field-free current-carrying plasma and
account for the different densities a small charge-neutral density depression (uniform in x near z=640),
which determines where the transition layer develops.
and temperatures in the
ionosphere compared to the magnetosphere. Electrons accelerated by the transition layer’s
electric field can excite beam-plasma instabilities that lead to a second class of nonlinear field
phenomena know as bipolar structures. These correspond to holes in electron density as well as
in electron phase-space. The relation between transition layers and electron holes is illustrated
in the accompanying figure from a recent 2-D simulation in which both the electrons and ions
are assumed to be strongly magnetized. Among the continuous waves observed in association
with transition layers and electron holes are lower hybrid waves and electrostatic ion-cyclotron
harmonic waves. One of our goals is to use the insights gained from studying transition layers
and bipolar structures in space in order to guide the design of experiments for the study of
these phenomena in the laboratory. Our research benefits from close ongoing interactions with
Prof. Robert Ergun of the APS Dept. and LASP, who is a Principal Investigator on the FAST
satellite mission.
2002 CIPS annual report
Alan Kiplinger
Collaboration with the Czech Hard X-Ray Spectrometer (HXRS)
Before 2002 Dr. Kiplinger worked with scientists from the Czech Republic (Dr. Francis Farnik)
and the NOAA Space Environment Center (Dr. Howard Garcia) to develop the HXRS which
has two hard X-ray detectors. These efforts included providing a scientific basis for development
and launch; design modeling for the instrument’s passive entrance filter; and development of
the FITS data format needed for analysis by specialized hard X-ray fitting routines. To date, the
HXRS spectrometer has recorded 20 solar flares that are directly associated with major proton
events seen at Earth. Eight of these events were simultaneously observed by RHESSI with the
event of Aug 22, 2002 being the best example of satellite overlap with protons.
Alan Kiplinger
Use of the Solar Radio Burst Locator telescopes
The Solar Radio Burst Locator (SRBL) is a new ground-based
instrument used to record the spectra of microwave bursts and
to locate their positions on the solar disk. It was designed at
Caltech by Dr. Gordon Hurford and is currently supported by
Dr. Brian Dougherty. It employs a single, automated, six-foot
dish and a receiver that records more than 100 frequencies below
18 GHz every five seconds. Although solar burst positions
formed the primary design consideration, Dr. Dougherty is
working with Dr. Kiplinger in exploring the remarkable
microwave spectra that the instrument returns. Spectral
signatures seen in microwaves often mimic the signatures seen
in hard X-rays that lead to predictions of proton events in space.
Alan Kiplinger
Figure 27. A Solar Radio Burst
Locator (SRBL) telescope, Owens
Valley, CA.
Use and support of optical observations made at the wavelength of H-alpha (NASA funded)
H-alpha is an optical emission or absorption line of hydrogen that is an extremely sensitive
indicator of solar flare energy release. In this regard, Dr. Kiplinger continues to support the
SOONSPOT (Solar Optical Observing Network Solar Patrol on Tape) solar image archival system
and the High Speed H-alpha Camera/Polarimeter system. In 2002, the SOONSPOT system
employed four U.S. Air Force SOON (Solar Optical Observing Network) observatories located
around the world. Each site records full disk H-alpha images every 30 minutes, and large scale
H-alpha images of active regions or other features every five minutes (or 30s during flares).
In addition to SOONSPOT, Dr. Kiplinger continues observations with the High Speed H-alpha
Camera/Polarimeter system which operates from the Boulder Campus at Sommers Bausch
Observatory. Basically, this camera system was developed to explore temporal relationships of
rapid fluctuations in hard X-rays and flashes in H-alpha intensities (-1.3 A blue wing). It was
later upgraded to measure linear polarization at a cadence of 0.5s in the blue wing of H-alpha
and on band. The 18-inch telescope on the CU campus has been modified and it now requires,
2002 CIPS annual report
in good conditions, less than 1 hour to place the system into operation. In July and August of
2002, two new students were funded by CU’s Summer Undergraduate Research Experience
(SURE) program to conduct observations with the High Speed Camera/Polarimeter. They are
Kelsi Singer and Amanda Heaton who are incoming sophomores in astrophysics and in
aerospace engineering/astrophysics, respectively, and both have since been employed part
time with CIPS under the direction of Dr. Kiplinger.
Figure 28. The ISOON telescope at
Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, NM.
There is also a newer optical H-alpha system called the
Improved Solar Optical Observing Network (ISOON)
which was to have replaced SOON beginning in 2003. It is
full disk in field of view and it performs in an astounding
fashion when compared to most modern ground based
instrumentation. Surprisingly, further deployment of
ISOON was terminated in late 2002. Thus, it appears that
the SOON and SOONSPOT will remain the USAF’s only
worldwide solar optical support system for several years
to come. Accordingly, Dr. Kiplinger has engaged in a new
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Air
Force, NOAA/SEC and the University of Colorado to help
insure SOONSPOT operation for ~3 additional years.
Isidoros Doxas
Low-dimensional dynamical models for the solar wind driven magnetosphere-ionosphere system
In investigating a family of low-dimensional dynamical models for the coupled magnetosphereionosphere, a new, spatially-resolved nonlinear dynamics model of the coupled solar wind
driven magnetosphere-ionosphere system is developed for the purpose of real-time predictions
of the electrical power flows from the nightside magnetosphere into the ionosphere. The model
is derived from Maxwell equations and nonlinear plasma dynamics and focuses on the key
conservation laws of mass, charge and energy in the power transfer elements in this complex
dynamical system. The models has numerous feedback and feedforward loops for six forms of
energy storage elements in the M-I system. In contrast to neural networks, the model delineates
the physically realizable time ordered sequence of events in substorm dynamics initiated by
changes in the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF).
2002 CIPS annual report
Extra Activities
additional tasks and positions
John R. Cary
Advisor and mentor for Viktor Przebinda, an undergraduate student
Associate Editor, Physical Review E (2000-2002)
Chair, Public Information Committee, Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society
Consultant, Tech-X Corporation
Head of an active research group at CIPS
Member of thesis committee of Samuel Jones and Charlson Kim
Member, American Geophysical Union
Member, American Physical Society
Member, Chair’s Advisory Committee and Curriculum Committee, Department of Physics,
University of Colorado
Member, Executive Committee, Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (2003)
Member, Local Organizing Committee, Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (2003)
Member, Organizing Committee, Particle Accelerator Conference (2003)
Member, Plasma Science Committee, National Research Council, National Academy of
Member, Review Panel, Accelerator and Fusion Division, LBNL
Peer Reviewer of multiple papers and proposals
Postdoctoral advisor of Rodolfo Giacone and Chet Nieter
Principal dissertation advisor for Kiran Sonnad, Brent Goode, and Jinhyung Lee
Supervisor of Kathy Garvin-Doxas and Isidoros Doxas
Teacher of Theoretical Mechanics (course 5210), University of Colorado (60% appointment
for Spring semester and 50% for Fall semester)
Yang Chen
Advisor for Weigang Wan, a graduate research assistant
Member, American Physical Society
Researcher, Summit Project
Isidoros Doxas
Member, American Geophysical Union
Member, American Physical Society
Member, Space Physics and Aeronomy Committee on Education and Public Outreach,
American Geophysical Union
Kathy Garvin-Doxas
Evaluator, the Digital Library for Earth System Education
Evaluator, Project Field Tested Learning Assessment Guide (FLAG)
Member, American Educational Research Association
2002 CIPS annual report
Rodolfo Giacone
Member, American Physical Society
Martin Goldman
Associate Editor, Physics of Plasmas
Chair, Evaluation Panel, PRL, American Physical Society
Chair, Faculty Evaluation Committee, Department of Physics, University of Colorado
Director, Physics-2000
Head of an active research group at CIPS
Member of qualifying examination committee of Colin Mitchel
Member of thesis committee of Daniel Main and David Foster
Member, American Geophysical Union
Member, American Physical Society
Member, Anti-terrorism Task Force, American Physical Society
Member, Committee on Journals, American Institute of Physics
Member, Computer Committee, Department of Physics, University of Colorado
Member, International Advisory Board, European Center for Nonlinear Sciences
Member, Panel on Public Affairs, American Physical Society
Member, Plasma Astrophysics Working Group, International Astronomical Unison
Member, Publication Committee, Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society
Member, Steering Committee, Alliance for Technology, Learning and Society, University of
Peer Reviewer of multiple papers and proposals
Teacher of Intermediate Plasma Physics (course 7160), University of Colorado
Teacher of Introduction to Plasma Physics (course 5150), University of Colorado
James Howard
Peer Reviewer for PRL, Celestial Mechanics, and other technical journals
Volunteer, Chautauqua Silent Film Program
Alan Kiplinger
Developer of the Alpine Observatory, University of Colorado
Leader of public star shows at the Observatory during the Persied meteor shower in August
Leader of the reinstallation of a 8-inch solar heliostat, NOAA's Space Environment Center
Installed an 8-foot optical bench at the heliostat while developing the optics to project a 40inch image of the sun for live demonstrations
Other interests:
Advanced class amateur radio operator
Large format photography of the American West
Riding his Tennessee Walking Horse
Flying radio controlled model airplanes
James Meiss
Advisor for 1st and 2nd year students, Department of Applied Math, University of Colorado
Associate Chair, Graduate Studies, Department of Applied Math, University of Colorado
2002 CIPS annual report
Associate Editor, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
Author of letters of reference for colleagues
Chair, Hiring Committee, VIGRE postdoctoral fellowships
Chair, VIGRE activities, Department of Applied Math, University of Colorado
Conference presenter, Vertical Integration of Research and Education in the Mathematical
Sciences (VIGRE) (Reston, VA)
Fellow, Colorado Center for Chaos and Complexity
Head of an active research group at CIPS
Member, Dean's Committee on Promotion and Tenure, Department of Applied Math,
University of Colorado
Member, Graduate Committee, Department of Applied Math, University of Colorado
Member, Preliminary Examination Committee, Department of Applied Math, University of
Member, Preliminary Examination Committee, Department of Applied Math, University of
Member, Review Panel for proposal to the NSF, Vertical Integration of Research and
Education in the Mathematical Sciences (VIGRE)
Peer Reviewer of multiple papers, grants, and proposals
Principal dissertation advisor for Adriana Gomez, Paul Mullowney, Derin Wysham, and
Srinath Vadlamani
Reviewer for 4 proposals for the NSF
Teacher of Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (course 5460), University of
Teacher of Dynamical Systems and Chaos (course 3010), University of Colorado
Teacher of Seminar in Dynamical Systems (course 8100), University of Colorado
Web site moderator, SIAM Dynamical Systems Activity Group, the "Dynamics Thesaurus"
Web site http://www.dynamicalsystems.org/ag/
David L. Newman
Peer Reviewer of multiple papers, grants, and proposals
Teacher of Intermediate Plasma Physics (course 7160), University of Colorado
Chet Nieter
Member, American Physical Society
Other interests:
Holder of a 2nd degree Black Belt in Aikido
Scott Parker
Chair, Computing Committee, Department of Physics, University of Colorado
Member of thesis committee of Kiran Sonnad, Adrienne Allen, Jinhyung Lee, and Curt Miller
Member, American Physical Society
Member, Graduate Committee, Department of Physics, University of Colorado
Member, Graduate Student Research and Creative Work Award Committee, University of
Member, Junior Faculty Steering Committee, Department of Physics, University of Colorado
Mentor for Dr. Yang Chen, a research associate at CIPS
2002 CIPS annual report
Peer Reviewer of multiple papers and grants
Principal dissertation advisor for Weigang Wan, Srinath Vadlamani, Charlson Kim, and
Samuel Jones
Teacher of Principles of Electricity and Magnetism (course 3310)
Titular research advisor for Keith Harrison
Scott Robertson
Member, American Physical Society
Member, "Best Thesis in Plasma Physics Award" Committee, American Physical Society
Member, IEEE
Member, Organizing Committee, 10th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas,
Mentor to Dr. Zoltan Sternovsky
Peer Reviewer of multiple papers, proposals, and grants
Research advisor for Byron Smiley and Amanda Sickafoose
Kiran Sonnad
Active volunteer for the Association for India's Development (AID), see
Member, American Physical Society
Raul Stern
Member, American Physical Society
Zoltan Sternovsky
Member, American Physical Society
Peer Reviewer of a manuscript for Planetary and Space Science
2002 CIPS annual report
List of Abbreviations
American Geophysical Union
Association for India's Development
American Institute of Physics
Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences
Center for Integrated Plasma Studies
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
circularly polarized
University of Colorado
Czech Republic
Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
District of Columbia
(United States) Department of Energy
Extreme Ultraviolet
Fast Auroral SnapshoT (Explorer)
finite element method
Field Tested Learning Assessment Guide
Geospace Environment Modeling
High Altitude Observatory
High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager
(United States Department of) Health and Human Services
Hard X-Ray Spectrometer
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Conference on Communication Systems
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Interagency Educational Research Initiative
interplanetary magnetic field
Improved Solar Optical Observing Network
Information Technology
International Tokamak Physics Activity
Information Technology Research / Applications
Information Technology Workforce
formerly called Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
laser wake field accelerator(s)
Memorandum of Understanding
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Center for Atmospheric Research
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
National Institute of Standards and Technology
2002 CIPS annual report
New Mexico
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Science Foundation
New York
Personal Computer
Doctor of Philosophy
Physical Review Letters
Radio Frequency
RHESSI Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager
Space Environment Center
SGER Small Grants for Exploratory Research
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
SOON Solar Optical Observing Network
SOONSPOT Solar Optical Observing Network Solar Patrol on Tape
SQuInT Southwest Quantum Information and Technology
Solar Radio Burst Locator
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
http://www.suny.edu/, http://www.sunysb.edu/
SUNY State University of New York
SURE Summer Undergraduate Research Experience
University of Colorado at Boulder
Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (International Union of Radio Science) http://www.intec.rug.ac.be/ursi/
University of Southern California
VIGRE Vertical Integration of Research and Education
VORPAL formerly called Versatile, Object-oriented, Relativistic, Plasma Analysis with Lasers
zero-velocity surface
2002 CIPS annual report
The following is an index of names, abbreviations, and concepts that appear throughout
this report. The numbers in brackets signify the number of occurrences of an item on a
given page, e.g.
atom pp. 18, 34, 35(3) = the word atom appears once on page 18 and 34, and three
times on page 35
2-D pp. 15, 27, 34(3), 35, 36, 42(2)
see also dimension
3-D pp. 34, 36(2)
see also dimension
4-D 19, 35(2), 36
see also dimension
acceleration pp. 12(2), 13, 15, 16(3), 17(2), 19, 22(3),
26(2), 40(2), 41, 42, 45(2), 49
see also laser wake field accelerator
see also particle accelerator
address p. 5
see also contact information
Adobe® pp. 62(5)
see also software
advisor pp. 45(5), 46(2), 47, 48(3)
see also dissertation advisor
aerosol pp. 20, 26, 30(2)
aerospace pp. 8, 18, 44
see also space
AGU pp. 27(4), 49(2)
AID pp. 48(2), 49(2)
AIP pp. 22, 24(4), 26(2), 49(2)
see also physics
Alfven waves pp. 13, 20, 21(2), 27
see also waves
algorithm pp. 17, 32(2)
annular pp. 22, 26
see also Penning trap
see dynamic aperture
Applied Dynamical Systems p. 47
see also dynamics
Applied Electromagnetics p. 22
see also electromagnetics
Applied Mathematics pp. 8, 18, 46(2), 47(5), 50
see also Department of Applied Mathematics
see also SIAM
Applied Physics p. 22
see also Department of Physics
see also physics
APS pp. 10, 42, 49(3), 50
see also planet
Associate pp. 4, 10(15), 11, 45, 46(2), 47(2)
see also Associate Chair
see also Associate Director
see also Associate Editor
see also Associate Professor
see also Research Associate
see also Scientist Associate
Associate Chair p. 46
see also Chair
Associate Director p. 10(2)
see also director
Associate Editor pp. 45, 46, 47
see also editor
Associate Professor p. 10(2)
see also Professor
asteroid pp. 21, 30(3)
see also asteroidal satellite
asteroidal satellite pp. 18(2), 30
see also asteroid
see also satellite
astronomy pp. 27, 29, 46
see also astrophysics
see also NASA
astrophysics pp. 7, 8(2), 22, 44(2), 46, 49(2)
see also astronomy
see also physics
atomic pp. 25, 35, 49(2)
see also atom
see also DAMOP
see also IAEA
atom pp. 18, 34, 35(3)
see also atomic
see also Rydberg atom
aurora pp. 6, 13(3), 14, 17, 20, 22(3), 27(4), 42(2), 49
see also auroral ionosphere
see also FAST
see also Fast Auroral SnapshoT
auroral ionosphere pp. 13(2), 17, 20, 22, 27(2)
see also aurora
see also FAST
see also Fast Auroral SnapshoT
see also ionosphere
2002 CIPS annual report
axisymmetric system pp. 14, 18, 25, 29, 34(9), 35
Bagenal, Frances pp. 10, 15
Baker, Daniel p. 10
beam halo pp. 26, 41(2)
see also beam plasma
see also halo
see also particle beam
beam plasma pp. 7, 8(2), 12, 13, 15, 16(2), 17, 19, 22,
26, 40(5), 41(3), 42(2)
see also beam halo
see also particle beam
see also plasma
beta pp. 16, 20, 24, 32(2)
see also finite beta effect
see also high beta problem
binary star pp. 18, 30(2)
bipolar structure pp. 13, 17, 22, 42(3)
see also polarization
Bondarenko, Marina p. 11
Boris pp. 22, 26
Boulder pp. 4(2), 5(3), 6(2), 24, 25, 27(4), 43, 50, 62(3)
see also CU
see also UCB
Bruels, Ryan p. 11
bulletin pp. 24(3), 25(4), 26(8), 27(2)
see also journal
see also PRL
CA pp. 22, 25(4), 27(3), 43, 49
see also California
California pp. 10(4), 36, 49, 50
see also CA
see also USC
campus pp. 4, 5(3), 6(3), 43(2)
see also university
canonical momentum p. 34(2)
see also momentum
Cary, John R. pp. 9, 10(2), 12(3), 13, 14, 15, 16, 22(5),
23, 24, 25(3), 26(9), 27, 28, 32, 38, 40(2), 41, 45
Center for Integrated Plasma Studies pp. 1, 4, 5,
7(2), 8(2), 49, 62
see also CIPS
see also plasma
Chair pp. 45(2), 46(3), 47(3)
see also Associate Chair
chaos pp. 12, 19, 21(2), 25, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36(3), 41,
charged dust pp. 13, 24, 29
see also charged particle
see also dust
charged particle pp. 8, 18, 30(3), 37(2)
see also charged dust
see also particle
Chen, Yang pp. 10, 12, 15, 16, 21(3), 23, 24(2), 25(6),
28, 32, 45, 47, 62
CIPS pp. 1, 3, 4(5), 5, 7, 8(3), 9(2), 10(2), 11(2), 14,
15(3), 21, 23, 24, 28, 29, 44, 45, 46, 47(2), 19(2), 62
see also Center for Integrated Plasma Studies
see also plasma
CIRES pp. 10, 49(2)
classroom pp. 17(2), 31(3)
see also education
CO pp. 4, 5(3), 12, 15, 24, 25, 27(6), 49, 62
see also Colorado
code pp. 16(2), 17, 19, 22, 25, 26(2), 30, 38, 40(4), 41
see also computer code
see also particle code
see also simulation code
collimation p. 41(2)
collision pp. 25, 26(8), 29, 30, 32, 33(4), 37, 39(2)
Colorado pp. 2, 4, 5(6), 6(2), 8, 10(3), 11, 21, 22, 31,
44, 45(2), 46(8), 47(14), 48, 49(8), 50(2), 62(2)
see also CO
see also CU
see also University of Colorado
committee pp. 45(9), 46(7), 47(10), 48(2)
see also examination committee
computational physics pp. 12, 16(2), 21, 22(2), 33,
34(2), 40(2)
see also computing
see also physics
computer pp. 17, 19, 31(3), 33, 40(3), 46, 50
see also computer code
see also computer programming
see also computing
see also PC
computer code pp. 17, 40
see also code
see also computer
computer programming pp. 16, 21, 40(2)
see also computer
see also programming
see also software
see also UNIX
computing pp. 13, 17, 19, 47
see also computational physics
see also computer
Conf. pp. 24(4), 26(5)
see also conference
conference pp. 3, 5, 6, 9, 21(2), 22, 24(7), 25, 26(2),
27, 45(3), 47, 49
see also Conf.
see also lecture
see also workshop
confinement pp. 12, 18, 20, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37(4),
39(4), 40, 41(3)
contact information pp. 3, 5
see also address
see also email
see also fax
see also parking
see also phone
cooling pp. 13(2), 18, 25(3), 37(3), 38(10)
see also heating
see also laser-cooling
see also temperature
coupling pp. 8, 25, 35, 37, 44(2)
2002 CIPS annual report
cover pp. 2(2), 62
CP pp. 35, 49
see also polarization
crystal pp. 25(2), 34(2), 37(2), 38(2)
CU pp. 27, 43, 49, 62(2)
see also Boulder
see also UCB
see also University of Colorado
curriculum pp. 13, 24, 31, 45
see also education
cyclotron pp. 15, 27, 42
cylindrical pp. 21, 26(2), 39
CZ pp. 10, 49
DAMOP pp. 25, 49(2)
see also atomic
see also molecular
see also optical physics
data visualization 15, 19, 22
see also visualizing data
DC pp. 26, 27(2), 49
degree of freedom p. 38(3)
density pp. 32(2), 39, 41, 42(3)
department pp. 4(2), 8, 25, 31, 45, 46(4), 47(8), 49(2)
see also Department of Applied Mathematics pp.
46(2), 47(5)
see also Department of Energy pp. 4, 49
see also Department of Mathematics p. 25
see also Department of Physics pp. 45, 46(2), 47(3)
see also Dept p. 42
Department of Applied Mathematics pp. 46(2),
see also Applied Mathematics
see also department
Department of Energy pp. 4, 49
see also department
see also DOE
see also energy
Department of Mathematics p. 25
see also department
see also Department of Applied Mathematics
Department of Physics pp. 45, 46(2), 47(3)
see also department
see also physics
Dept p. 42
see also department
diffusion pp. 22, 26, 35, 39
see also fusion
dimension pp. 14, 15, 16, 19(2), 22, 33, 34(4), 35(2),
36(3), 41, 44(2)
see also 2-D
see also 3-D
see also 4-D
dipole pp. 29, 34
see also polarization
director pp. 3, 9(2), 10(5), 46
see also Associate Director
dissertation pp. 45, 47, 48
see also dissertation advisor
see also thesis
dissertation advisor pp. 45, 47, 48
see also advisor
see also dissertation
see also mentor
DK pp. 10, 49
DOE pp. 4, 12(9), 20, 49(2)
see also Department of Energy
double layer pp. 14, 17, 19, 22, 27, 42
see also layer
Doxas, Isidoros pp. 10, 13(2), 14(2), 16, 22(2), 23, 24,
27(3), 28, 31, 44, 45(2), 62
Duane Physics pp. 4, 5, 6
see also Gamow Tower
see also physics
dust pp. 13, 18(3), 20(4), 21(6), 24(5), 26, 29(7), 30,
see also charged dust
see also dust dynamics
see also dust grain
see also dusty plasma
dust dynamics pp. 18, 29(4), 34
see also dust
see also dynamics
dust grain pp. 18, 21(3), 29, 34(3)
see also dust
dusty plasma pp. 8, 12, 13, 20, 21(2), 24(9), 26(2), 29,
see also dust
see also plasma
dxhdf5, p. 22(2)
see also hdf5
see also OpenDX
dynamic aperture p. 41(3)
see also dynamics
dynamical pp. 16, 19(2), 22, 27, 34, 36, 44(3), 47(6)
see also Applied Dynamical Systems
see also dynamics
dynamics pp. 12, 13(3), 15, 16(2), 18(3), 21(2), 25(2),
29(4), 30(2), 34(2), 35(4), 36(7), 41, 44(3), 47, 49
see also Applied Dynamical Systems
see also dust dynamics
see also dynamic aperture
see also dynamical
see also Hamiltonian dynamics
see also MHD
see also nonlinear dynamics
Earth pp. 6, 17, 18, 19, 31, 42, 43, 45
see also planet
see also solar system
education pp. 17, 24(2), 31(3), 45(3), 47(2), 49, 50
see also classroom
see also curriculum
see also FLAG
see also IERI
see also learning
see also lecture
see also school
2002 CIPS annual report
see also seminar
see also teaching
see also VIGRE
electric field pp. 13, 16, 17, 22(2), 27, 35, 37, 39, 40,
see also field
see also nonlinear electric field
see also parallel electric field
electricity pp. 8, 13(2), 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22(2), 27,
31(2), 35, 37(2), 39, 40, 42(5), 44, 48, 49
see also electric field
electrode pp. 34, 37
see also polarization
electromagnetic field pp. 16, 19
see also electric field
see also field
see also magnetic field
electromagnetics pp. 12, 16 (2), 19, 21(2), 22, 24, 25
see also Applied Electromagnetics
see also magnetism
electron pp. 14, 15(2), 16(2), 19(2), 20, 21(3), 22,
24(3), 25(3), 38(9), 39(5), 40(2), 42(7)
see also electron closure
see also electron hole
see also electron plasma
see also proton
electron closure p. 21
see also electron
see also kinetic closure
electron hole pp. 14, 42(2)
see also electron
see also hole
electron plasma pp. 15, 25, 38(7), 39
see also electron
see also plasma
electronics pp. 24, 26, 30(2), 49
see also IEEE
electrostatic pp. 20, 24, 27, 39, 42(2)
see also electric field
see also electricity
see also electrostatic potential
see also static
electrostatic potential pp. 39, 42
see also electrostatic
see also potential
elliptic trap p. 34(2)
see also trap
email p. 5
see also contact information
energy pp. 25, 32, 33(2), 38, 43, 44(2), 49(2), 50
see also Department of Energy
see also fusion energy
engineering pp. 6, 8(3), 18, 20, 31, 44, 49, 50
see also STEM
entangled state pp. 18, 37
entropy p. 15
epicyclic motion pp. 18, 21, 29
equatorial p. 29(2)
see also nonequatorial
equilibrium pp. 36, 39
EUV data pp. 18, 49
see also radiation
examination pp. 46, 47(2)
see also examination committee
examination committee pp. 46, 47(2)
see also committee
see also examination
experiment pp. 9(2), 20(3), 21(2), 22, 24(2), 26(2),
30(4), 33, 34(2), 35, 36(2), 37(2), 39(4), 42
see also experimental plasma physics
experimental plasma physics pp. 9(2), 20, 30(2)
see also experiment
see also plasma physics
extrasolar planet pp. 18, 30
see also planet
see also solar
FAST pp. 42(3), 49(2)
see also aurora
see also Fast Auroral SnapshoT
Fast Auroral SnapshoT pp. 42, 49
see also aurora
see also FAST
fax p. 5(2)
see also contact information
Fellow pp. 4, 9, 10, 47(2)
see also Professor
FEM pp. 38, 49
see also finite element method
see electric field
see electromagnetic field
see also laser wake field accelerator
see also laser wake field potential
see magnetic field
finite beta effect pp. 16, 24, 32
see also beta
finite element method pp. 38, 49
see also FEM
FL pp. 24, 25(2), 26, 27(2), 49
FLAG pp. 45, 49
see also education
fluid pp. 19, 20, 25, 27, 33, 36
frequency pp. 13, 16, 18, 19, 22, 25, 32, 35, 36(6),
38(3), 40, 43, 50
see also gyrofrequency
see also low frequency
see also radio frequency
see also RF
Froeschle map p. 35(2)
see also map
Fuller-Rowell, Timothy p. 10
fusion pp. 8, 12, 16(2), 19, 21, 24(2), 25(6), 32(6),
33(4), 34, 40, 45(3)
see also diffusion
see also fusion device
see also fusion energy
2002 CIPS annual report
see also fusion physics
see also fusion plasma
see also fusion simulation
see also fusion theory
see also magnetic fusion
fusion device pp. 16, 34
see also fusion
fusion energy pp. 25, 33
see also energy
see also fusion
fusion physics p. 33(2)
see also fusion
see also physics
fusion plasma pp. 8, 19, 32(2)
see also fusion
see also plasma
fusion simulation p. 25(2)
see also fusion
fusion theory pp. 24, 25(3), 45(2)
see also fusion
Gallagher, Alan p. 10
Gamow Tower pp. 4, 6
see also Duane Physics
Garvin-Doxas, Kathy pp. 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 31(3),
45(2), 62
GEM pp. 14, 16, 49(2)
see also geospace
see also modeling
gender studies pp. 17, 31
geomagnetism pp. 22, 27
see also magnetism
geometry pp. 19, 34, 36(2)
geospace pp. 27, 49
see also GEM
see also space
Giacone, Rodolfo pp. 10, 17, 22, 23, 26(5), 28, 40, 45,
46, 62
Goldman, Martin pp. 10, 12(2), 13(2), 14(2), 17,
22(2), 23, 27(5), 28, 42, 46
Goode, Brent pp. 11, 25, 27, 28, 32, 45, 62
gradient pp. 21, 32, 33, 41
graduate student pp. 4, 11, 20, 47
see also student
grant pp. 3, 4, 12, 20(2), 47(2), 48(2), 50
see also proposal
see also SGER
gravity pp. 29(2), 30(2), 34
gyrofrequency p. 38(3)
see also frequency
gyrokinetic pp. 12, 16, 21(2), 24(2), 25, 32, 33
see also kinetic
halo pp. 15, 21, 26, 29(3), 41(2)
see also beam halo
see also halo orbit
halo orbit pp. 21, 29(3)
see also halo
see also orbit
H-alpha pp. 13, 43(8), 44
see also wavelength
Hamiltonian dynamics pp. 18, 35(2), 36
see also dynamics
HAO pp. 11(7), 49(2)
hard X-ray pp. 13, 43(5), 49
see also HXRS
see also X-ray
hdf5, pp. 15, 22
see also dxhdf5
heating pp. 12, 15, 16 (2), 19, 32(3), 38, 40
see also cooling
see also temperature
Heaton, Amanda pp. 11, 44
helium pp. 26, 39
HESSI pp. 13, 49(2)
see also RHESSI
see also spectrum
HHS pp. 12, 49(2)
high beta problem p. 20
see also beta
hole pp. 14, 19, 27, 42(3)
see also electron hole
Horányi, Mihály pp. 10, 12, 13, 20, 21(5), 24(5)
Howard, James pp. 10, 14, 15, 18, 21(4), 23, 25(2), 28,
29, 30, 34, 35(2), 46, 62
http:// pp. 21, 22, 32, 47, 48, 49(25), 50(13), 62
see also www
HXRS pp. 43(3), 49
see also hard X-ray
hybrid pp. 12(2), 16, 22, 25, 33, 42
IAEA pp. 25, 49(2)
see also atomic
ICCS pp. 22, 49
see also conference
IEEE pp. 21, 48, 49(2)
see also engineering
IERI pp. 12, 49
see also education
IL pp. 24, 49
IMF pp. 44, 49
see also interplanetary
Information Technology pp. 13, 31, 49(3)
see also IT
see also ITR
see also ITR/AP
see also ITW
see also technology
injection pp. 15, 19, 26(4), 40(5)
see also injection scheme
see also optical injection
injection scheme pp. 26, 40(2)
see also injection
institute pp. 8(2), 10, 11, 24(4), 26(3), 46, 49(6)
see also AIP
see also CIRES
see also IEEE
see also JILA
2002 CIPS annual report
see also NICHHD
see also NIST
interplanetary pp. 18, 29, 44, 49
see also IMF
see also planet
ion pp. 13(2), 16, 18(2), 19, 21, 22, 24, 25(4), 26, 27,
30(2), 32, 34(7), 37(7), 39, 42(3)
see also ionization
see also ionosphere
ionization pp. 8(2), 18, 22, 26, 34, 35(4)
see also ion
see also ionosphere
ionosphere pp. 13(2), 14, 17, 20(3), 22(2), 26, 27(3),
42, 44(4)
see also auroral ionosphere
see also ion
see also ionization
see also magnetosphere
ISOON pp. 44(3), 49
see also solar
see also SOON
IT pp. 14, 49
see also Information Technology
ITPA pp. 25, 49(2)
see also tokamak
ITR pp. 13, 14, 49
see also Information Technology
ITR/AP pp. 13, 49
see also Information Technology
ITW pp. 13, 49
see also Information Technology
James, Carolyn M. p. 11
Jensen, Marie pp. 10, 18, 25(4), 28, 37(2), 62
JILA pp. 6, 8, 10, 49(2)
Jones, Samuel pp. 11, 21, 23, 27, 28, 45, 47
journal pp. 21(4), 22, 46(2), 47
see also bulletin
see also PRL
jovian p. 29(2)
see also Jupiter
Jupiter p. 29(3)
see also jovian
see also planet
see also solar system
Kim, Charlson pp. 11, 25(3), 28, 45, 47
kinetic pp. 12(3), 16, 20(4), 21(3), 24(2), 25(4), 27, 32,
see also gyrokinetic
see also kinetic closure
kinetic closure pp. 20, 21(2)
see also electron closure
see also kinetic
Kiplinger, Alan pp. 10, 13, 18, 27(3), 28, 43(7), 44(2),
46, 62
lab/laboratory pp. 4, 5, 6, 8(4), 12(2), 16, 17, 19, 20,
26, 30(3), 31, 32, 33, 42(2), 49(5)
see also LANL
see also LBNL
see also LLNL
Landau pp. 15, 38(2)
LANL pp. 15(4), 49(2)
see also lab/laboratory
laser pp. 2, 9(2), 13(2), 15(2), 16, 17(2), 18, 19, 22(3),
25, 26(5), 37(3), 40(4), 49, 50
see also laser pulse
see also laser wake field accelerator
see also laser wake field potential
see also laser-cooling
see also LWFA
see also VORPAL
laser pulse pp. 22, 26(4), 40(2)
see also laser
see also pulse
laser wake field accelerator pp. 15, 19, 40, 49
see also laser
see also LWFA
laser wake field potential pp. 2, 40
see also laser
see also potential
laser-cooling pp. 13(2), 25, 37(3)
see also cooling
see also laser
LASP pp. 6, 8, 10(2), 15, 42, 49(2)
see nonlinear lattice
layer pp. 14, 17, 19(2), 22, 27(2), 35, 42(10)
see also double layer
see also transition layer
LBNL pp. 26, 45, 49
see also lab/laboratory
learning pp. 17(4), 31(6), 45, 46, 49
see also education
see also FLAG
lecture pp. 22, 27(2)
see also conference
see also education
see also presentation
Lee, Jinhyung pp. 11, 25, 28, 32, 38, 45, 47, 62
levitation pp. 21, 24(2)
library pp. 6, 45, 62
Lie-transform method p. 41(2)
linear pp. 13, 21, 35, 36, 43
see also nonlinear
see also quasilinear
LLNL pp. 15, 49(2)
see also lab/laboratory
Lodestar Corporation pp. 8, 11(3)
low frequency pp. 13, 22, 25
see also frequency
lunar pp. 20, 21, 24
see also moon
LWFA pp. 19, 22, 40, 49
see also laser
see also laser wake field accelerator
macroscopic pp. 12(2), 20
see also MHD
2002 CIPS annual report
magnetic field pp. 15, 18, 29, 32, 33(2), 34, 37(2), 38,
39(2), 42(2), 44, 49
see also field
see also magnetism
magnetic fusion pp. 21, 24, 32
see also fusion
see also magnetism
magnetism pp. 13, 15(2), 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27,
29(2), 31(2), 32(2), 33(3), 34(5), 35, 37(2), 38(4),
39(2), 40, 42(4), 44, 48, 49
see also electromagnetics
see also geomagnetism
see also magnetic field
see also magnetic fusion
see also magnetization
see also magnetosphere
see also MHD
see also polarization
magnetization pp. 15, 19, 25, 27, 38(3), 42(2)
see also magnetism
magnetosphere pp. 13, 14(2), 16, 20, 22, 27(2), 29, 31,
34, 42, 44(4)
see also ionosphere
see also magnetism
map pp. 4, 5, 21(2), 25, 35(11), 36(3), 62
see also Froeschle map
see also mapping
see also nontwist map
see also symplectic map
mapping p. 36(5)
see also map
see also volume preservation
Mars pp. 24, 29(3), 34(2)
see also martian
see also planet
see also solar system
martian pp. 18, 20, 21, 24, 29(5), 34
see also Mars
Meiss, James pp. 10, 19, 21(2), 23, 36, 46, 62
Member pp. 4, 8, 10(2), 14, 45(14), 46(13), 47(11),
mentor pp. 45, 47, 48
see also dissertation advisor
MHD pp. 12(2), 20, 25(5), 49
see also macroscopic
see also magnetism
see also dynamics
MI pp. 26(3), 49
Michalak, Arthur pp. 11, 62
microturbulence pp. 12, 24, 25, 33
see also turbulence
microwaves pp. 13, 18(2), 34, 35(4), 36(2), 38(9),
see also waves
MN pp. 24, 26, 49
modeling pp. 13(2), 14, 15, 17, 19(2), 20, 22, 25(3),
26, 27(3), 30(3), 31(4), 32(2), 33, 35(3), 36(2), 40,
41(2), 42, 43, 44(6), 46, 49
see also GEM
molecular pp. 25, 49
see also DAMOP
momentum pp. 34(2), 38
see also canonical momentum
Monte-Carlo method pp. 30, 32
moon pp. 29, 30(2)
see also lunar
MOU pp. 44, 49
NASA pp. 4, 13(6), 20(2), 24, 43, 49(3), 62
see also astronomy
see also space
NCAR pp. 8, 11(7), 15, 49(3)
Newman, David L. pp. 10, 12(2), 13(3), 14(2), 19,
22(3), 23, 27(6), 28, 42, 47, 62
NICHHD pp. 12, 49
Nichols, Candace p. 11
Nieter, Chet pp. 2, 10, 19, 22(2), 23, 26(4), 28, 40, 45,
47, 62(2)
NIST pp. 8, 11, 13(2), 20, 37, 49(2)
NM pp. 15, 44, 50
NOAA pp. 8, 11(5), 27(2), 43, 44, 46, 50(3)
nonequatorial p. 29(2)
see also equatorial
nonlinear pp. 2, 12, 16(4), 17, 19(2), 21, 25, 26(3), 27,
33, 34, 35(2), 40, 41(6), 42(4), 44(2), 46
see also linear
see also nonlinear dynamics
see also nonlinear electric field
see also nonlinear lattice
see also quasilinear
nonlinear dynamics pp. 16(2), 21, 25, 34, 35(2), 44
nonlinear electric field p. 42(3)
see also electric field
see also nonlinear
nonlinear lattice pp. 26, 41(2)
non-neutral plasma pp. 8, 22, 25, 26, 37, 39(2)
see also plasma
nontwist map pp. 25, 35(2)
see also map
NSF pp. 4, 13(4), 14(5), 47(2), 50(2)
nuclear p. 40
see also reactor
NY pp. 24(5), 25(3), 26(2), 50
see also SUNY
object-oriented pp. 19, 26, 40(2), 50
Omland, Christopher p. 11
onset pp. 19, 36
OpenDX pp. 15, 19, 22
see also dxhdf5
see also software
optical pp. 15, 18, 25, 26(3), 40(3), 43(4), 44(3), 46(2),
49(2), 50(2)
see also optical injection
see also optical observation
see also optical physics
optical injection pp. 15, 26(3), 40(3)
see also injection
2002 CIPS annual report
see also optical
optical observation pp. 43(3), 44, 49, 50(2)
see also optical
optical physics pp. 25, 49
see also DAMOP
see also optical
see also physics
orbit pp. 21(4), 24, 29(6), 30(10), 34(3), 35(3), 36
see also halo orbit
see also transverse orbit
parallel pp. 13, 14, 16, 22(2), 27, 33, 38, 42
see also parallel electric field
parallel electric field pp. 13, 14, 22(2), 27
see also electric field
see also parallel
Parker, Scott pp. 10(2), 12(4), 13(2), 20, 21(5), 23,
24(2), 25(9), 27, 28, 32, 33, 47, 62
parking pp. 5(2), 6(2)
see also contact information
particle pp. 8(2), 12(3), 13, 16(3), 17, 18(3), 19(2),
20(2), 21, 21(2), 25(2), 26(2), 30(4), 32, 33(3), 34,
35, 37(3), 40(3), 41(6), 42, 45, 50
see also charged particle
see also particle accelerator
see also particle beam
see also particle code
see also particle-in-cell
particle accelerator pp. 12, 16, 22, 26, 40, 41, 45
see also particle
particle beam pp. 8(2), 40(2)
see also beam halo
see also beam plasma
see also particle
particle code p. 16(2)
see also code
see also particle
particle-in-cell pp. 19, 21, 25, 41, 50
see also particle
see also PIC
Paul trap pp. 34(2), 35
see also trap
PC pp. 14, 50
see also computer
Penning trap pp. 13(2), 18(2), 20(2), 22, 25(3), 26,
37(5), 39(3)
see also trap
Ph.D. pp. 10(17), 50
phase pp. 19, 27, 33, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42
see also phase-space
phase-space pp. 19, 27, 33, 41, 42
see also phase
see also phase-space hole
see also space
phase-space hole pp. 19, 27
see also hole
see also phase-space
phone pp. 5, 6
see also contact information
photon p. 38
see AIP
see Applied Physics
see astrophysics
see computational physics
see Department of Physics
see Duane Physics
see fusion physics
see optical physics
see plasma
PIC pp. 26(2), 41, 50
see also particle-in-cell
planet pp. 8, 18, 21, 29, 30(2), 34(6), 35(2), 48, 49
see also APS
see also Earth
see also extrasolar planet
see also IMF
see also interplanetary
see also Jupiter
see also Mars
see also Pluto
see also Saturn
see beam plasma
see Center for Integrated Plasma Studies
see CIPS
see dusty plasma
see electron plasma
see fusion plasma
see non-neutral plasma
see plasma diagnostics
see plasma sheath
see physics
see space plasma
plasma diagnostics pp. 9, 22, 26, 30
see also plasma
plasma sheath pp. 21, 24, 30
see also plasma
Pluto p. 15
see also planet
see also solar system
polarization pp. 13(2), 17(2), 22, 29(2), 34(2), 35(3),
42(3), 43(3), 44, 49
see also bipolar structure
see also CP
see also dipole
see also electrode
see also magnetism
see also quadrupole
potential pp. 2, 30, 34(2), 39, 40, 42(2)
see also electrostatic potential
see also laser wake field potential
presentation pp. 3, 24(2), 28(2)
see also lecture
see also publication
2002 CIPS annual report
pressure pp. 29(2), 32, 34(2), 35, 39
PRL pp. 46(2), 50(2)
see also bulletin
see also journal
probe pp. 20(3), 22, 26(4), 30
see also rocket
Prof. pp. 9(2), 30(2), 42
see also Professor
Professor pp. 9, 10(10), 15(2), 39
see also Associate Professor
see also Fellow
see also Prof.
see also Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus p. 10(2)
programming pp. 21, 40(2)
see also computer programming
proposal pp. 45, 46, 47(4), 48
see also grant
proton pp. 15, 43(3)
see also electron
Przebinda, Viktor pp. 11, 26(2), 45
publication pp. 3, 21(2), 23(2), 46
see also lecture
see also presentation
pulse pp. 15, 22(2), 26(4), 40(2)
see also laser pulse
quadrupole p. 34
see also polarization
quantum pp. 13(2), 18, 25(2), 34(2), 35, 50
see also SQuInT
quasilinear p. 16
see also linear
see also nonlinear
Quraishi, Qudsia pp. 11, 22, 23, 26, 28
radiation pp. 29(2), 34(2), 35(3), 38, 40
see also EUV data
see also solar radiation
see also X-ray
radio pp. 16, 19, 24, 32, 40, 43(3), 46(2), 50(4)
see also radio frequency
see also RF
see also SRBL
see also URSI
radio frequency pp. 16, 19, 32, 40, 50
see also frequency
see also RF
reactor pp. 32(2), 33(2)
see also nuclear
Regele, Jonathan pp. 11, 26, 28
Research Associate pp. 10(11), 47
see also Associate
research group pp. 4, 45, 46, 47
resonance pp. 15, 35, 36(3)
RF pp. 18, 25, 32(3), 33(2), 34, 35, 50
see also radio frequency
RHESSI pp. 27, 43, 50
see also HESSI
see also spectrum
ring pp. 18, 29(5), 31, 34(2)
see also transverse ring
Robertson, Scott pp. 9, 10(3), 12, 13(4), 20, 21(2),
22(2), 23, 24(6), 26(5), 28, 30, 39(2), 48
rocket pp. 20, 26, 30(3)
see also probe
see also sounding rocket
rotation pp. 21, 29, 30(5), 34, 35, 36(2)
Rydberg atom pp. 18, 34, 35(3)
see atom
satellite pp. 18(2), 30(2), 42(2), 43
see also asteroidal satellite
Saturn pp. 18, 21(2), 29(4), 34(4)
see also planet
see also solar system
school pp. 12, 14(2), 31
see also education
see also university
Scientist Associate pp. 4, 11
see also Associate
SEC pp. 11(5), 44, 50(2)
see also space
seminar pp. 3, 5, 8, 15, 26, 47
see also education
SGER pp. 14, 50
see also grant
SIAM pp. 47(2), 50(2)
see also Applied Mathematics
Sickafoose, Amanda pp. 11, 23(2), 23, 24(2), 28, 48
simulation pp. 2, 12(4), 13(2), 15, 16(5), 18, 19(3),
20(3), 21(5), 22(2), 24(3), 25(10), 26(2), 27(3), 29,
30, 32(4), 33(7), 38(2), 40(6), 41, 42(4)
see also fusion simulation
see also simulation code
see also Vlasov simulation
simulation code pp. 16, 19, 30, 40(2)
see also code
see also simulation
Singer, Kelsi pp. 11, 44
Smiley, Byron pp. 11, 48
software pp. 21, 22, 25, 32, 40, 62
see also Adobe®
see also computer programming
see also OpenDX
solar pp. 14, 18(4), 21, 22(2), 27, 29(2), 34(2), 43(11),
44(5), 46, 49(2), 50(5)
see also extrasolar planet
see also SOON
see also solar activity
see also solar flare
see also solar radiation
see also solar system
see also solar wind
see also sun
solar activity pp. 18(2), 27
see also solar
solar flare pp. 18, 43(2)
see also solar
2002 CIPS annual report
solar radiation pp. 29, 34(2)
see also radiation
see also solar
solar system p. 21
see also Earth
see also Jupiter
see also Mars
see also Pluto
see also Saturn
see also solar
solar wind pp. 14, 22, 29, 44(3)
see also solar
sonic p. 18
Sonnad, Kiran pp. 11, 26, 35, 41, 45, 47, 48, 62
SOON pp. 43, 44(2), 50
see also ISOON
see also solar
see also SOONSPOT
SOONSPOT pp. 43(3), 44(2), 50
see also solar
see also SOON
sounding rocket p. 30(2)
see also rocket
space pp. 4, 8(4), 11, 13(3), 14, 16, 18, 19(2), 20, 22,
24(2), 27(5), 31(3), 36, 37, 41, 42(3), 43(2), 45, 46,
48, 49(2), 50
see also aerospace
see also geospace
see also phase-space
see also SEC
see also space plasma
see also space weather
see also spacecraft
space plasma pp. 16, 19
see also plasma
see also space
space weather pp. 13, 14, 27(2), 31(3)
see also space
spacecraft pp. 27, 29, 42
see also space
spectrum pp. 33, 43(3)
see also HESSI
see also RHESSI
see also spectrometer
spectrometer pp. 43(2), 49
see also spectrum
Speiser, Theodore p. 10
SQuInT pp. 25, 50(2)
see also quantum
SRBL pp. 43(2), 50(2)
see also radio
see also telescope
staff pp. 4, 11
static pp. 18, 35, 37
see also electrostatic
STEM pp. 31(5), 50
see also engineering
see also technology
Stern, Raul pp. 9, 10, 48
Sternovsky, Zoltan pp. 10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24(3),
26(4), 28, 30, 48(2), 62
stochastic system pp. 16, 27
student pp. 4, 6, 8, 9, 11(2), 17, 20(2), 31(6), 39, 44,
45, 46, 47
see also graduate student
see also undergraduate student
substorm pp. 27(2), 31, 44
summit framework pp. 25(2), 32(2)
Summit Project pp. 16, 45
sun pp. 29, 33, 46
see also solar
SUNY pp. 36, 50(3)
see also NY
see also university
SURE pp. 44, 50
see also undergraduate student
surface pp. 13(2), 15, 24(5), 30, 34(3), 35(2), 50
see also zero-velocity surface
symplectic map pp. 35(3), 36(2)
see also map
Szczesniak, Arlena pp. 2, 62(3)
Szczesniak, Ireneusz pp. 11, 15, 22, 23
teaching pp. 17, 31(2), 45, 46(2), 47(5)
see also education
technology pp. 8, 13, 17(2), 19, 25, 31(4), 46, 49(4),
see also Information Technology
see also IT
see also NIST
see also SQuInT
see also STEM
telescope pp. 43(3), 44, 62
see also SRBL
temperature pp. 18, 21, 25(3), 32(3), 33(2), 37(4),
38(5), 40, 42
see also cooling
see also heating
thesis pp. 45, 46, 47, 48
see also dissertation
tilt pp. 29(2), 30
tokamak pp. 15, 25, 33(2), 39, 49
see also ITPA
toroid pp. 12(2), 32(2), 36
transition layer pp. 19, 27, 42(8)
see also layer
transport pp. 12(2), 15, 16(2), 20(2), 22, 24(3), 25(2),
26, 32(8), 33(2), 36, 39(2), 41
transverse orbit pp. 29, 30(3)
see also orbit
transverse ring p. 29(2)
see also ring
trap pp. 13(2), 18(4), 20(2), 22, 25(4), 26, 30, 34(7), 35,
37(10), 39(3)
see also elliptic trap
see also Paul trap
see also Penning trap
2002 CIPS annual report
turbulence pp. 12(2), 13, 15, 16(2), 20(2), 21, 24,
25(3), 32(5), 33(2), 42
see also microturbulence
UCB pp. 5, 50
see also Boulder
see also CU
see also University of Colorado
undergraduate student pp. 4, 11, 20, 44, 45, 50
see also student
see also SURE
university pp. 2, 4, 5(2), 6(3), 8(2), 10(17), 11, 14, 26,
30, 36, 44, 45(2), 46(8), 47(13), 49, 50(3), 62(2)
see also campus
see also school
see also SUNY
see also University of Colorado
see also USC
University of Colorado pp. 4, 5(2), 8, 10(3), 44,
45(2), 46(7), 47(13), 49, 50, 62(2)
see also CU
see also UCB
UNIX p. 22
see also computer programming
URSI pp. 24, 50(2)
see also radio
USC pp. 25(2), 50(2)
see also California
see also university
VA pp. 25, 47, 50
Vadlamani, Srinath pp. 11, 25, 28, 47, 48
VIGRE pp. 47(4), 50(2)
see also education
visualizing data pp. 15, 19, 22
see also data visualization
Vlasov simulation pp. 27, 42
see also simulation
volume preservation pp. 21, 36(4)
see also mapping
volunteer pp. 46, 48
VORPAL pp. 2, 16, 19(4), 22(2), 26(2), 40(5), 50
vortex pp. 15, 36
Wan, Weigang pp. 11, 45, 48
wavelength pp. 40, 43
see also H-alpha
see also waves
waves pp. 12, 13(4), 15, 19, 20, 21(2), 27(3), 32, 40,
42(4), 43
see also Alfven waves
see also microwaves
see also wavelength
workshop pp. 22, 25(4), 27, 31, 48
see also conference
www pp. 22, 32, 47, 49(17), 50, 11
see also http://
X-ray pp. 13, 43(5), 49
see also hard X-ray
see also radiation
zero-velocity surface pp. 34(2), 35(2), 50
see also surface
see also ZVS
ZVS pp. 35(2), 50
see also zero-velocity surface
2002 CIPS annual report
Design, layout, and editing: Arlena Szczesniak
Cover image: Chet Nieter
This report was composed by means of the following software:
Adobe® PageMaker® 7.0.1
Adobe® Reader® 6.0.0
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CIPS logo by Arlena Szczesniak
p. 2 (Commercial Seal of the University of Colorado): courtesy of CU-Boulder
pp. 3, 4 (all), 5 (Fig. 1-3), 9 (portrait), 16-20 (portraits), 30 (Fig. 8), 39, 49 (all), 50 (all), 62: by Arlena Szczesniak
pp. 5 (map), 6: courtesy of CU-Boulder
pp. 7, 9 (briefcase), 10, 12, 14, 16-20 (telescopes), 21-24, 27, 28, 45-48: courtesy of Adobe® PageMaker® 7.0.1 Library
p. 8: by Arthur Michalak
p. 15: courtesy of http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/photo_gallery/
pp. 29, 30 (Fig. 7), 34, 35: by James Howard
p. 30 (Fig. 9): by Zoltan Sternovsky
p. 31 (Fig. 10): by Isidoros Doxas
p. 31 (Fig. 11): by Kathy Garvin-Doxas
p. 32: by Yang Chen
p. 33 (Fig. 13): by Brent Goode
p. 34 (Fig. 14): by Scott Parker
p. 36: by James Meiss
p. 37: by Marie Jensen
p. 38: by Jinhyung Lee
p. 40 (Fig. 23): by Rodolfo Giacone
p. 40 (Fig. 24): by Chet Nieter
p. 41: by Kiran Sonnad
p. 42: by David L. Newman
pp. 43, 44: by Alan Kiplinger
© Center for Integrated Plasma Studies,
University of Colorado at Boulder, CO, USA – August 2003