Embird Manual


Embird Manual
Embird Manual
© 1997 – 2003 by Ladislav Balara, Embird
1st edition February 3, 2003
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means without the written permission of authors.
Embird Software
Warning and Disclaimer
This book is designed to provide information about Embird Software. Every effort has been made to make this
book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information is provided
on an „as is“ basis. The author shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect
to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this book.
Adding Stop Point................................................................................................................................................... 3
Calibrate Giant Hoop-It-All(tm) with Janome machines ........................................................................................ 6
Change Stitch Type................................................................................................................................................. 7
Color and Palettes ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Converting Designs............................................................................................................................................... 13
Co-operation with Machine Cross Stitch 2000 Software ...................................................................................... 15
Co-operation with Thred Digitizing Software....................................................................................................... 17
Creating Design Images for Cataloguing .............................................................................................................. 19
Digitizing Studio 1.x: Co-operation with Embird ................................................................................................. 21
Downloading Embird and plug-ins ....................................................................................................................... 24
Entering Registration Password into Embird Plus ................................................................................................ 28
Exporting Images .................................................................................................................................................. 34
Formatting Floppy Disk ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Iconizer Plug-in..................................................................................................................................................... 41
Inserting Aligning Stitches.................................................................................................................................... 48
Inserting Aligning Stitches (Another Way) .......................................................................................................... 54
Installing Embird................................................................................................................................................... 59
Installing Plug-in................................................................................................................................................... 63
Joining Designs ..................................................................................................................................................... 67
Open Designs for Giant Hoop-It-All(tm).............................................................................................................. 72
Open Designs for Giant-L Hoop-It-All(tm) .......................................................................................................... 75
Open Janome GigaHoop Design ........................................................................................................................... 78
Open Janome #5 Hoop Design.............................................................................................................................. 81
Open Viking Plus Hoop Design............................................................................................................................ 84
Lettering 1 (General)............................................................................................................................................. 87
Lettering 2 (Individual Settings) ........................................................................................................................... 90
Lettering 3 (Envelope) .......................................................................................................................................... 93
Localization of a Stitch ......................................................................................................................................... 95
Passwords Back-up ............................................................................................................................................... 97
Points Editing Mode.............................................................................................................................................. 99
Print & Stitch ...................................................................................................................................................... 106
Processing ZIP Archives ..................................................................................................................................... 110
Reading Floppy Disks......................................................................................................................................... 112
Resizing with Density Adjustment...................................................................................................................... 117
Resizing with Density Adjustment (Advanced).................................................................................................. 119
Save Brother Jumbo Hoop Design, Save Viking Plus Hoop Design .................................................................. 123
Save Designs for Giant Hoop-It-All(tm)............................................................................................................. 126
Save Designs for Giant-L Hoop-It-All(tm) ......................................................................................................... 132
Save Janome GigaHoop Design.......................................................................................................................... 138
Save Janome #5 Hoop Design............................................................................................................................. 141
Save Singer Multi-Hoop Design ......................................................................................................................... 144
Sew Simulator ..................................................................................................................................................... 149
Sfumato Stitch 1.x (2 colors): Creating Designs in Sfumato Stitch .................................................................... 150
Sfumato Stitch 1.x (2 colors): Advanced Use of Sfumato Stitch ........................................................................ 154
Sfumato Stitch 2.x - How To Create Single Color Design In Sfumato............................................................... 161
Sfumato Stitch 2.x - More Detailed Colors and Density Tutorial ....................................................................... 163
Sfumato Stitch 2.x - Complete Example of Design Creation.............................................................................. 168
Splitting - Interactive Free-Hand Splitting.......................................................................................................... 180
Splitting - Split Before/After Color, Separate Color ........................................................................................... 184
Splitting - Using Initial and Ending Stitch Boxes ............................................................................................... 187
Thread Catalogs .................................................................................................................................................. 189
Uninstalling Embird............................................................................................................................................ 193
Viewing Designs ................................................................................................................................................. 195
Writing Designs to Floppy Disks ........................................................................................................................ 198
Adding Stop Point
1 - Run Embird and click on "Editor" menu.
2 - Open the file, into which the Stop point is going to be inserted. Use "Open" command in
"File" menu to open a file.
3 - Click on "Freehand Select Mode" button. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
4 - In the Freehand Select Mode, select an area (see also Interactive Free-Hand Splitting),
which will be after the Stop point in new design. Then click on the"Split" button to separate
selected (red) stitches (Picture No2).
Picture No. 2
5 - Now you will see two objects at "Object Order Bar" at the right side of screen. Doubleclick left mouse button on the box containg the color which will be changed (Picture No.3).
Picture No. 3
6 - Choose the new color in the dialog box that appeares on the screen. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
7 - Save whole design (not only selected part) to a file on your disk. (Picture No.5). Click on
"File" menu and choose "Save As..." command. Specify format and name of new design.
Picture No. 5
Calibrate Giant Hoop-It-All(tm) with Janome machines
1 - Download sample design (rectangle) from http://www.embird.com/sw/embird/
rect4sew.zip, it allows to check whether your markings are correct. You will find also
Btest_RB.sew design included, which is necessary for calibration.
2 - Hoop stabilizer and then locate the exact center of the hoop and mark the center on the
stabilizer with a cross.
3 - In Embird, print out a template of the Btest_RB.sew file and tape template sheets together.
4 - Place the red cross on the template directly over the cross on the hooped stabilizer and
fasten securely.
5 - Slide the hoop until the machine's needle aligns with the large black horizontal line
(clothsetter cross) on the template.
6 - Using the front of the bracket as a guide, mark the gold rail with a marker. This is Embird
position "RB".
7 - Next align the needle in the exact center of the large black cross on the template for every
B position on each of the four sides. The machine's "edit mode" will have to be used to obtain
exact placement. Record the number of movements and the direction it took to reach the exact
center of the large black cross. (i.e.: 2 edit positions to the right)
8 - Repeat steps 4 - 7 for the bottom, left, and top sides. (The template must be re-centered for
each side.) All of the "B" positions should now be marked on the rails.
9 - Using Embird's printed ruler for the GHIA, align the ruler's "B" position with the mark on
the gold rail and use the ruler's "A,C,D,E" positions to mark the other positions on the rails.
Each side of the hoop should now have 5 positions marked on the gold rails.
10 - Now sew the test rectangle files using the edited positions. For example: If a design starts
at position "RA" and the starting needle position needed to be moved in "edit mode" 2 edit
positions to the right, then every design on the right side, "RA-RE" must be moved 2
positions to the right in order to align with each other.
Change Stitch Type
1 - Run Embird and choose "Editor" mode.
2 - Open the design using "File -> Open" command. In this example, we want to change the
type of stitch connecting "A" and "B" letters. Now it is jump (floating) stitch, and we want to
change it to normal (running) stitch. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3 - Zoom in the lettering using "View -> Zoom -> In" command (also accessible via
4 - Switch on the "Stitch Direction" option in "View" menu. A small arrow drawn in every
stitch midpoint will simplify the stitch selection process. (Picture No. 2)
Picture No. 2
5 - Select the stitch using "Freehand Select Mode"
. More information regarding stitch
selection is available in "Interactive Free-Hand Splitting" tutorial. A stitch is selected if its
midpoint lies inside the selection polygon. Selected stitch is drawn in red color.
(Picture No. 3)
Picture No. 3
6 - Another way of stitch selection is to type the stitch number into both "Initial" and
"Ending" boxes at the top of the window. You can find the proper stitch by trial-and-error
method. Selected stitch is drawn in red color. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
7 - Once you have selected the right stitch, click on "Edit" menu and run "Stitch Type..."
command. A dialog box will appear and you can specify the stitch type (Picture No. 5).
Picture No. 5
8 - Check the result of the operation. (Picture No. 6)
Picture No. 6
Note: You can also insert the stop point into design this way. Select the stitch after which you
want to place the stop point. Run "Edit -> Change Stitch Type..." command and specify "Stop
(color change)" option in the dialog box that appears on the screen.
Color and Palettes
1 - Open file in the "Manager" mode.
2 - Double click on the color, which will be changed (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3. - Select new color and adjust eventually (Picture No.2).
Picture No. 2
4 - Push button "Apply Color Changes" to apply new color. (Picture No. 3).
Picture No. 3
5 - To change other colors and color of background repeat steps 2,3,4.
6 - To save design with new colors select "Color Palette" and then "Save As..." (Picture No.4)
Picture No. 4
7 - Select folder, name of palette file, and save. It is proper to have the same name of palette
file as the name of design, and save them in the same folder (Picture No.5).
Picture No. 5
Converting Designs
1 - Open folder in the "Manager" mode.
2 - To select files which will be converted push left button and move with mouse
(Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3 - Select "Right Panel" and then "Convert Files..." (Picture No.2).
Picture No. 2
4 - Select target format from list (Picture No. 3).
Picture No. 3
5 - Converted files are in the same folder, as source files (Picture No.4).
Picture No. 4
Co-operation with Machine Cross Stitch 2000 Software
Embird Plus v. 7.20 and above can co-operate with Machine Cross Stitch 2000 Software,
release 1.32 and above. This software is produced by DP Software company and it allows you
to create cross stitch designs. More information, demo, registration and support for MCS 2000
are available at http://www.dpsoftware.co.uk
Please read the guide below to find out how to use the MCS 2000 with Embird. It is supposed
that you have downloaded the MCS 2000 software from the web site of its producer and
successfully installed it on your computer.
1 - Run Embird and click on "Editor" menu.
2 - Run "Insert -> Cross Stitch Design" command, or click on "Insert Cross Stitch Design"
button. (Picture No. 1). This command will launch the MCS 2000 software, which will work
as a plug-in for Embird.
Picture No. 1
3 - Create the cross stitch design in MCS 2000. When you are finished, click on "File -> Save
as" command to save the design file to your hard disk. (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
4 - Click on "Create digitised file for machine" button to create the stitches (Picture No. 3).
5 - Close the MCS 2000 window to return to Embird.
Picture No. 3
6 - The output from the MCS 2000 Software will be launched into Embird Editor, so that you
can edit it, add lettering or just save it to the hard disk choosing any of formats supported by
Embird. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
Co-operation with Thred Digitizing Software
1 - Run Embird and click on "Editor" menu.
2 - Click on "Insert Thred Design" button if you want to digitize a brand new design, or run
"Insert -> Thred Design" command. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3 - If you want to edit an existing desing, open it first using "File -> Open" comand and then
run "Edit -> Edit in Thred..." command. (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
4 - Once you are finished with editing in Thred, close it to return back to Embird (Picture
No.3). You will have to save the changes both in Thred and in Embird, otherwise they are
Picture No. 3
Creating Design Images for Cataloguing
1 - Run Embird.
2 - In the "Folder:" box at the Right panel choose folder with designs you want to catalogue.
3 - Select the designs, of which the images are going to be created. Depress the left mouse
button on filenames in "Files:" box at Right panel and drag the mouse to select multiple
4 - Once the files are selected, click on "Right Panel" menu and choose "Export... -> Export
Image..." command, or just press the ALT+I key. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
5 - Specify the size of images - either width or height. (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
6 - Specify the file format of images. Size of .JPG files is smaller than the size of .BMP files,
but it takes more time to create .JPG files.
7 - Finally, hit the "All" button to create images of all selected designs. (Picture No. 3).
Images will be stored in the same folder as the designs.
Picture No. 3
8 - Now you can view images. For example, if you have Windows 98/ME/2000 you can view
images in Windows Explorer. Run Windows Explorer (click on Start -> Programs ->
Windows Explorer). Browse to the folder with your designs and move the mouse cursor to the
image file. After a while, image will be shown at the left side of the screen (Picture No. 4).
Note: You can use any other picture browser to view the images, e.g. IrfanView
(http://www.irfanview.com) or ACDSee (http://www.acdsystems.com/index.htm).
Picture No. 4
Digitizing Studio 1.x: Co-operation with Embird
Digitizing Studio is additional plug-in for Embird.
To use it, you must download and install it separately.
1 - Run Embird and click on Editor menu.
2 - Click on "Insert -> Digitizing Studio Design" menu to launch Digitizing Studio.
(Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3 - Create new design using Digitizing Studio tools. Find more information about Digitizing
Studio in its Help file - press F1 when running this application.
4 - Once the design is ready, run "Design -> Compile and Put into Embird Editor" command.
(Picture No. 2). Dialog box will appear on the screen, allowing you to save your project to
hard disk.
Picture No. 2
5 - Design will be inserted into Embird Editor. (Picture No. 3). Now you can change the hoop
using "Options -> Hoop Size" command. You can also add lettering or perform any other
6 - Finally, save the design to your hard disk using the "File -> Save As" command.
Picture No. 3
7 - You can also edit existing designs in Digitizing Studio: Open the design in Embird Editor
using "File -> Open" command.
8 - Use "Edit -> Edit in Digitizing Studio" command. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
9 - The design will be launched into Digitizing Studio. (Picture No. 5). Now you can modify
the design, create new shapes, etc.
Picture No. 5
10 - When you are finished, use "Design -> Compile and Put into Embird Editor" command to
return to Embird Editor. (Picture No. 2).
Downloading Embird and plug-ins
This tutorial explains delivery of installation files in e-mails. Normally, you can download all
installation files for Embird and plug-ins from http://www.embird.com/sw/embird/down.htm.
You will find evaluation (demo) version of Embird and plug-ins there. The evaluation version
will change into full version after inserting registration password. You will receive this
Registered users: Please note that there is no special installation file for registered users, they
must download the evaluation (demo) version too - see also Installing Embird tutorial.
Warning: Many problems with downloading are caused by premature termination of
download process. When the downloading lasts too long, the process is interrupted. The
downloaded installation file is incomplete and cannot be used. Unfortunately, some internet
browsers do not delete these incomplete files, nor display any error message, and users
consider the file to be complete. Therefore we strongly recommend you to use some
download manager, which allows more sophisticated downloading and is capable to continue
with downloading even after interruption - for example GetRight® software, free full
functional demo available at http://www.getright.com. Another way of solving this problem is
to receive the installation files in e-mail - this is explained in the tutorial below.
Receiving installation files in e-mail:
1 - Run your internet browser and go to http://www.embird.com/sw/embird/down.htm. When
the page is displayed, type in your e-mail address and hit "Submit" button. (Picture No. 1)
Picture No. 1
2 - New page will be displayed, informing you that confirmation e-mail had been sent to your
address. (Picture No. 2)
Picture No. 2
3 - Run your e-mail application and wait for confirmation e-mail from "info@embird.com".
(Picture No. 3). Read this e-mail and choose which file you want to receive in another e-mail.
In this example, we have clicked on the link with "Embird Plus v8.00", because we want to
receive this file.
Picture No. 3
4 - New page will be open in your internet browser. Hit "Yes" button to continue.
(Picture No. 4)
Picture No. 4
5 - Another page will be displayed, informing you that your request was accepted.
(Picture No. 5)
Picture No. 5
6 - Run your e-mail application and wait for the e-mail with attachment. (Picture No. 6).
Please note, that it can take several hours till the file is delivered to you, depending on the file
size and the traffic. Therefore you should wait for the file and not require it again. Otherwise
it might happen, that you obtain the e-mail with large attachment multiple times.
Picture No. 6
Entering Registration Password into Embird Plus
This tutorial shows how to enter the registration password into Embird Plus, so that it stops to
expire and turns into full version. It also describes how to enter the registration numbers for
plug-ins. It is supposed that you already have received an e-mail from Balarad, with
'PASSWORD.INI' file in attachment. The following steps explain what to do with this file.
Please close Embird Plus first in case you are running it.
Microsoft Outlook Express
Netscape Communicator
Eudora by QUALCOMM
How to verify, that my copy is registered
How to enter the registration number for plug-ins
Users of Microsoft Outlook Express read here:
1 - Click on the clip to show the popup menu (Picture No. 1).
2 - Choose 'Save Attachments...' command in popup menu.
3 - A dialog box appears on the screen (Picture No. 2). Click on 'Browse...' button and browse
to the folder with Embird Plus. Usually it is C:\EMBIRD32 folder.
4 - Hit 'Save' button. Overwrite existing file if any.
Please continue in step 5 bellow.
Picture No. 1
Picture No. 2
Users of Netscape Communicator read here:
1 - Move mouse cursor to the 'PASSWORD.INI' link at the bottom of the message. Then
press RIGHT mouse button to show the popup menu (Picture No. 3).
2 - Choose 'Save Link As...' command in popup menu.
3 - A dialog box appears on the screen (Picture No. 4). Type in the 'C:\EMBIRD32\
PASSWORD' text into 'File name' box.
4 - Hit 'Save' button. Overwrite existing file if any.
Please continue in step 5 bellow.
Picture No. 3
Picture No. 4
Users of Opera read here:
1 - Move mouse cursor to the 'PASSWORD.INI' link at the bottom of the message. Then
press RIGHT mouse button to show the popup menu (Picture No. 5).
2 - Choose 'Save link document as...' command in popup menu.
3 - A dialog box appears on the screen (Picture No. 6). Type in the 'C:\EMBIRD32\
PASSWORD' text into 'File name' box.
4 - Hit 'Save' button. Overwrite existing file if any.
Please continue in step 5 bellow.
Picture No. 5
Picture No. 6
Users of Eudora by QUALCOMM read here:
1 - Move mouse cursor to the 'PASSWORD.INI' link at the bottom of the message. Then
press RIGHT mouse button to show the popup menu (Picture No. 7).
2 - Choose 'Save Attachment As...' command in popup menu.
3 - A dialog box appears on the screen (Picture No. 8). Type in the 'C:\EMBIRD32\
PASSWORD' text into 'File name' box.
4 - Hit 'Save' button. Overwrite existing file if any.
Please continue in step 5 bellow.
Picture No. 7
Picture No. 8
How to verify, that my copy is registered :
5 - Now you can verify whether your copy of Embird Plus is really registered. Run Embird
Plus and check the blue bar at the top of window (Picture No.9). There should be your name
displayed there.
Picture No. 9
How to enter the registration number for plug-ins :
The following steps describe how to enter the registration numbers for plug-ins. Plug-ins are
not included in Embird Plus installation file, you must download and install them
independently. Please note that your copy of Embird Plus must be registered first, otherwise
the registration numbers for plug-ins are not accepted. Make sure that your copy of Embird
Plus is registered - find how to do it in step 5 above.
6 - Run Embird Plus and click on 'Editor -> Insert -> Text' menu.
7 - A dialog box will appear on the screen (Picture No. 10).
Choose the plug-in you want to register in 'Plug-in:' box.
8 - Type in the number we have sent you into 'Plug-in Registration Number:' box.
9 - Hit 'Register' button. Repeat this procedure for every plug-in you have registered.
Picture No. 10
Exporting Images
1 - Select the "Manager" mode.
2 - Open file, which will be exported (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3 - Click on "Right Panel" and "Export:". Select type of export, for example "Export Simple
Documentation" (Picture No.2).
Picture No. 2
5 - To see exported documentation click on "Preview" (Picture No.3).
Picture No. 3
6 - To return into save mode click on "Close" (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
7 - Select format and folder/file where you want to store documentation, click on "OK"
(Picture No.5)
Picture No. 5
Formatting Floppy Disk
DOS formats, 2HD or 2DD floppy disks
Format the floppy disk using Windows:
1 - On Windows desktop, click on "My Computer" icon
2 - Right click on "A:" icon. This will display a popup menu.
3 - Choose "Format..." command in the popup menu.
Note: In case of "Tajima" disk, use 2DD floppy disks and always specify "TAJIMA" label in
the format dialog box.
Non-DOS formats (used by industrial embroidery machines
e.g. Barudan FDR, FMC or ZSK), 2DD floppy disks,
use Left Panel to process these disks in Embird
Non-DOS floppy disks cannot be formatted by Windows. Use the following steps:
1 - Select the "Manager" mode.
2 - Select "Left Panel" and then "Format Floppy Disk...". (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3 - Select format (Picture No2).
Picture No. 2
4 - Make sure, that disk is not write-protected (Picture No.3).
Picture No. 3
5 -Note, that all files already stored on floppy disk will be erased during the formatting
process (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
6 - Wait until the floppy disk is formatted to 100% (Picture No.5)
Picture No. 5
7 - Click on OK button to finish formatting (Picture No.6)
Picture No. 6
Iconizer Plug-in
This tutorial explains how to use the Iconizer plug-in. Iconizer plug-in works together with
Microsoft® Windows® Explorer, the application which is present in every installation of
Windows version 95 and above. The principle of Iconizer plug-in is simple: Normally, when
you run Explorer and you are not using the Iconizer plug-in, each design file is represented by
universal "type" icon (Picture No. 1). Registered Iconizer plug-in will show a small icon of
the design contents instead (Picture No. 2). This allows you to browse and sort your designs
easily, because you can see the contents of each design file while using all the great features
of Microsoft® Windows® Explorer.
Picture No.1
Picture No.2
Note: Iconizer plug-in supports only those embroidery formats which are supported in
Embird software.
Please read the guide below to find out how to install and use the Iconizer plug-in:1 The installation file for Iconizer plug-in is contained in Embird Plus setup file, so there is no
special file to be downloaded. During the Embird setup process, the "Shell Integration Setup"
dialog box will appear on the screen (Picture No. 3).
2 - Choose "Unused" and switch off the "Enable Iconizer" box. Hit "OK" button to finish the
Picture No. 3
3 - Run "Embird" and click on the "eXplorer" menu. This will launch Microsoft® Windows®
4 - In Explorer, browse to the folder with the designs, e.g. to C:\EMBIRD32\FILES folder.
This folder contains some free DST designs, and because the setup have integrated the DST
extension to shell with a link to Embird, the designs will look like those on Picture No. 4. The
Iconizer plug-in is disabled now, because we have chosen this option in step 1.
Picture No. 4
5 - Close the Explorer window.
6 - In Embird, click on "Options" menu and choose the "Iconizer Settings" command. A
dialog box will appear on screen (Picture No. 5). You will see that there are 2 lists of
extensions in this box. The first list allows you to choose which files should be open in
Embird when you double-click on them in Explorer. The second list allows you to choose
which files will be handled by Iconizer. In the example on picture No. 5, the .HUS files will
be shown as icons in Explorer, but the double-click on .HUS file will not open the file in
Embird. If there is some other application associated with .HUS extension on your computer
(e.g. Husqvarna Customizing Software), the design will be open in this application after
double-click in Explorer. To enable Iconizer for all supported formats, click on "Select all
(Enable Iconizer for all)" button located below the second list of extensions. Hit "OK" button
to confirm the settings, this will close the dialog box.
Picture No. 5
7 - Click on "eXplorer" menu to launch the Explorer again.
8 - In Explorer, browse to the C:\EMBIRD32\FILES folder again. Now the Iconizer plug-in is
enabled and the designs will look like those on Picture No. 6.
Note: You must purchase and register the copy of Iconizer plug-in, otherwise only several
icons will be showing designs contents. All the others will display the universal "type" icon
http://www.embird.com/sw/embird/register.htm. Use the "eXplorer" menu to enter the
registration number into the Iconizer . This will display a dialog box allowing you to type in
the registration number.
Picture No. 6
Picture No. 7
9 - When you move the mouse cursor to some of the designs in Explorer, and you depress the
right mouse button, the popup menu will appear (Picture No. 8). There are four commands
available - "Open", "Print", "Convert" and "Edit". You can choose any of them to launch
Embird and perform the operation. In case you have enabled the Iconizer for this design
format, you will also see the design image in the popup menu. The size of this image can be
changed in "Options -> Iconizer Settings" menu in Embird (Picture No. 5).
Picture No. 8
1 - Use the "Large Icons" view mode to obtain the best results, otherwise the icons are too
small. In Explorer, click on "View -> Large Icons" command. (Picture No. 9). Please note that
you can have also larger icons: Specify the icon size in "Iconizer Settings" dialog box (Picture
No. 5). The default size for large icons is 32.
Picture No. 9
2 - In Windows ME, 2000 and XP there is another view mode available in Explorer:
"Thumbnails" (Picture No. 10). Choose this mode using the "View -> Thumbnails" command
in Explorer (Picture No. 9)
Picture No. 10
3 - Registered users of Iconizer plug-in can also allow displaying of design icons in "Files"
box located on right panel in Embird. (Picture No. 11). Use the small check-box above "Files"
box to allow this option, or the "Preview Files" command in "Right Panel" menu.
Picture No. 11
4 - If you have the same design stored in different embroidery formats you may need to know
the file extension to be able to recognize its format (Picture No. 12). In Explorer, click on
"Tools -> Folder Options" command. This will bring up a dialog box. (Picture No. 13).
Choose the "View" tab and uncheck the "Hide file extensions for known file types".
Sometimes it might be suitable also to uncheck the "Remember each folder's view settings"
option, especially in case you use the "Thumbnails" view mode in Explorer and you are
browsing through many folders.
Picture No. 12
Picture No. 13
Inserting Aligning Stitches
This tutorial explains how to insert aligning stitches into parts of split design. Aligning
stitches can be added horizontally, vertically, diagonally or all three. Typical usage of
aligning stitches is for designs which are larger than your hoop size, and therefore must be
split into usable parts. Aligning stitches simplify the positioning of the various parts in the
hoop when embroidering, allowing you to match up the split parts.
Note: In Embird, there exists an another easier way of inserting aligning stitches. However,
you should read this tutorial first to understand what is going on. Then read Inserting
Aligning Stitches (Another Way) tutorial.
1 - Run Embird and click on the "Editor" menu.
2 - Open the file you want to edit. Use the "Open" command in the "File" menu to open a file.
3 - Split the design into the appropriate number of parts. In our example the design was split
into 2 parts: top and bottom. These parts can be seen in the "Objects Order Bar" at the right
side of the screen. (Picture No. 1). Read the Interactive Freehand Splitting tutorial to find
out how to split a design.
Picture No. 1
4 - First we want to add the aligning stitches to the top part. Therefore we will hide the bottom
part for a moment. Move the mouse cursor to any of the color boxes belonging to the bottom
part and then click the right mouse button. Choose the "Hide All Colors" command in the
popup menu which appears on the screen. (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
5 - Click on "Mode" menu and choose "Points Editing Mode".
. Drag this box around
6 - Click the left mouse button and a small dotted box will appear
the area you want to edit, making sure it contains at least one point belonging to the top part.
(Picture No. 3)
7 - Choose the join point, i.e. the point where you want the two files to join. In our example
we have chosen point 0.0, -7.0 mm. These co-ordinates can be seen on the bottom of the
"Objects Order Bar". Make a note of these co-ordinates for use in Step 15. Move the mouse
cursor to this position.
Picture No. 3
8 - Click the right mouse button for the popup menu. Choose the "Insert Horizontal Aligning
at Ending" command (Picture No. 4). This command will add the aligning stitches to the end
of the top part.
Picture No. 4
9 - Three new aligning points were automatically added to the end of the top part.
(Picture No. 5). The first point is at the co-ordinates of the join point. The second point is the
left one and the third point is the right one. The left and right points have the same Y coordinate as the join point. Their X co-ordinates are determined by the width of the top part.
Picture No. 5
10 - We are going to repeat the same process with the bottom part. Move the mouse cursor to
any of the color boxes belonging to the bottom part and click the right mouse button for the
popup menu. Choose the "Show All Colors" command. (Picture No. 6).
Picture No. 6
11 - Hide all colors belonging to the top part, using the same steps as shown in Step 4.
12 - Click on "Mode" menu and choose "Select Mode". This will cancel the current area of
editing in the top part.
13 - Click on "Mode" menu again and choose "Points Editing Mode".
14 - Following Step 6 above, specify any area of editing, but make sure it contains at least one
point belonging to the bottom part. (Picture No. 7)
15 - Move the mouse cursor to the join point - in our example point 0.0, -7.0 mm.
Picture No. 7
16 - Click the right mouse button for the popup menu. Choose the "Insert Horizontal
Aligning at Beginning" command (Picture No. 8). This command will add the aligning
stitches at the beginning of the bottom part.
Picture No. 8
17 - As the distance between the left and right aligning points will be equal to the width of the
section being worked on, the distance between these points may be different for each section
(not all parts of a design are the same width). You must therefore move the right and left
aligning points so they match the corresponding points in the top part. (Picture No. 9). To do
this, move the mouse cursor to any of the color boxes belonging to the bottom part and click
the right mouse button and choose "Show All Colors" from the popup command which
appears on the screen. . Then click "Points Editing Mode" in the "Mode" menu. Click the left
mouse button and highlight the left aligning points of the design. Left click and drag the
bottom aligning points (stitches) so that they match the corresponding points in the top part.
Do the same for the right aligning points. Both designs should now be the same width with
the aligning stitches sitting on top of one another. (If you cannot see whether the left and right
aligning points match, choose "Select Mode" from the "Mode" menu, select the top section of
the design and move it up enough so the aligning stitches show. You should now be able to
see both sets of aligning points and make the necessary adjustments. Hint: You can use the
reference points in the co-ordinate box to help with the lining up.)
Picture No. 9
1 - In a design split into three or more parts, the aligning stitches are inserted at the end of the
top section, at both the beginning and end of any "middle" sections and at the beginning of the
bottom section.
2 - Do not forget to add tie-off/on stitches just before the "Ending" aligning stitches and after
the "Beginning" aligning stitches.
3 - If your aligning stitches do not show up because they are the same color as the screen
background or the same color as the aligning stitches of the next part, temporarily change
their color. These stitches will be either the first or the last color to the right in the "Objects
Order Bar" in the part you are working on. Change the color back to the original color when
you have completed the editing.
4 - When sewing the design out sew out the first section and leave the aligning stitches in.
Rehoop the fabric or move the hoop and use the adjustments on your machine so that the first
aligning stitches of the next part sit exactly on top of the previous section then sew out.
Complete the design then remove all aligning stitches.
Inserting Aligning Stitches (Another Way)
This tutorial explains how to insert aligning stitches into parts of split design. Aligning
stitches can be added horizontally, vertically, diagonally or all three. Typical usage of
aligning stitches is for designs which are larger than your hoop size, and therefore must be
split into usable parts. Aligning stitches simplify the positioning of the various parts in the
hoop when embroidering, allowing you to match up the split parts.
1 - Run Embird and click on the "Editor" menu.
2 - Open the file you want to edit. Use the "Open" command in the "File" menu to open a file.
3 - Split the design into the appropriate number of parts. In our example the design was split
into 2 parts: top and bottom. These parts can be seen in the "Objects Order Bar" at the right
side of the screen. (Picture No. 1). Read the Interactive Freehand Splitting tutorial to find
out how to split a design.
Picture No. 1
4 - First we want to add the aligning stitches to the top part. Click on the top part to select it.
When it is selected, a frame is drawn around it. (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
5 - Click on the "Insert" menu and choose the "Aligning Stitches" command. A dialog box
appears on the screen. (Picture No. 3).
6 - Notice the object order at the right side of screen: Object no. 1 is the top part of squirrel,
object no. 2 is the bottom part. We want to insert the horizontal aligning stitches to the end of
the top part. We have chosen the join point co-ordinates 0.0, -7.0 mm (see also Insert
Aligning Stitches tutorial). The bottom part of squirrel is wider than the top part, and because
we want the aligning stitches in the top part to match the corresponding points in the bottom
part, we will choose the reference object no. 2. (Picture No. 3).
Picture No. 3
7 - Three new aligning points were automatically added to the end of the top part.
(Picture No. 4). The first point is at the co-ordinates of the join point. The second point is the
left one and the third point is the right one. The left and right points have the same Y coordinate as the join point. Their X co-ordinates are determined by the left and right edges of
reference object specified in the dialog box above.
Picture No. 4
8 - We are going to repeat the same process with the bottom part. Choose "Mode -> Select
Mode" to switch into select mode. Then click on the bottom part to select it. (Picture No. 5).
Picture No. 5
9 - Click on the "Insert" menu and choose the "Aligning Stitches" command. A dialog box
appears on the screen. We want to insert the horizontal aligning stitches to the beginning of
the bottom part, i.e. to object no. 2. The join point co-ordinates are the same as for the top
part: 0.0, -7.0 mm. Reference object for left and right aligning point is object no. 2, because it
is wider than object no. 1. (Picture No. 6).
Picture No. 6
10 - Three new aligning points were automatically added to the beginning of the bottom part.
(Picture No. 7).
Picture No. 7
1 - In a design split into three or more parts, the aligning stitches are inserted at the end of the
top section, at both the beginning and end of any "middle" sections and at the beginning of the
bottom section.
2 - Do not forget to add tie-off/on stitches just before the "Ending" aligning stitches and after
the "Beginning" aligning stitches.
3 - When sewing the design out sew out the first section and leave the aligning stitches in.
Rehoop the fabric or move the hoop and use the adjustments on your machine so that the first
aligning stitches of the next part sit exactly on top of the previous section then sew out.
Complete the design then remove all aligning stitches.
Installing Embird
This tutorial explains how to install Embird. If you already have some older version of
Embird installed on your computer, and you want to update it, please note that there is no
special file with "smart" small update or "patch" available. You must download the whole
setup file for new version from http://www.embird.com/sw/embird/down.htm. Download the
file to e.g. "C:\My Documents" folder on your hard disk. Then you must uninstall the current
version and finally install new version. If you follow the steps in this tutorial, your passwords
for Embird will remain on your computer and they will be transfered into new version
Warning: If you already have older version of Embird on your PC and you want to update,
please read the note above and then follow the steps in Uninstalling Embird tutorial to
uninstall the older version. Only then continue with installation of new version.
Installing Embird:
1 - Click on "Start -> Run" command. (Picture No. 1)
Picture No. 1
2 - A dialog box will appear on screen. Hit "Browse" button. (Picture No. 2)
Picture No. 2
3 - Browse to the folder with downloaded installation file for new version of Embird, e.g. to
"C:\My Documents". (Picture No. 3). In this example we are dealing with Embird Plus
version 8.00, therefore the installation file has name "embrd800.exe". Select the file and hit
"Open" button.
Picture No. 3
4 - Hit "OK" button to run the file. (Picture No. 4)
Picture No. 4
5 - Installation file will start and a dialog box will appear on screen. (Picture No. 5). Hit
"Setup" button to continue.
Picture No. 5
6 - The dialog box with "License Agreement" will appear on screen. (Picture No. 6). Read the
agreement carefully andi if you accept it, choose "I accept the terms in the license agreement"
option. Then hit "Install" button to continue.
Picture No. 6
7 - Another dialog box will appear on screen, allowing you to change the settings of
"Iconizer" plug-in, which is included in Embird installation file. (Picture No. 7). Please read
Iconizer tutorial to find more about this plug-in. Hit "OK" button to continue.
Picture No. 7
8 - When the installation process is finished, the information message is displayed.
(Picture No. 8)
Picture No. 8
9 - Now you can move Embird icon to your desktop and double-click it to run Embird.
(Picture No. 9).
Picture No. 9
Installing Plug-in
This tutorial explains how to install plug-ins for Embird. Before you start installing plug-ins,
please note that first you must install Embird software - find more in Installing Embird
tutorial. Then you must download the installation file for each plug-in from
http://www.embird.com/sw/embird/down.htm. Download the files to e.g. "C:\My
Documents" folder on your hard disk.
Warning: Iconizer plug-in is included in Embird installation file and therefore there is no
special installation file for Iconizer available. It will be installed together with Embird
Installing Plug-in:
1 - Click on "Start -> Run" command. (Picture No. 1)
Picture No. 1
2 - A dialog box will appear on screen. Hit "Browse" button. (Picture No. 2)
Picture No. 2
3 - Browse to the folder with downloaded installation file for plug-in, e.g. to "C:\My
Documents". (Picture No. 3). In this example we are dealing with Alphabet 1 plug-in,
therefore the installation file has name "alphabt1.exe". Select the file and hit "Open" button.
Picture No. 3
4 - Hit "OK" button to run the file. (Picture No. 4)
Picture No. 4
5 - Installation file will start and a dialog box will appear on screen. (Picture No. 5). Hit "OK"
button to continue.
Picture No. 5
6 - Another dialog box will appear on screen, allowing you to change the "Unzip To Folder:".
Normally, it is not necessary to change it, because this is the default folder where Embird was
installed. Hit "Unzip" button to continue. (Picture No. 6)
Picture No. 6
7 - When the installation process is completed, the information message is displayed.
(Picture No. 7). Hit "OK" button.
Picture No. 7
8 - Finally, hit "Close" button to close the installation dialog box. (Picture No. 8)
Picture No. 8
9 - Repeat the installation process in steps 1-8 for each plug-in you want to install. The list of
installed plug-ins is available in Embird in "Help -> Installed Plug-ins" menu.
(Picture No. 9 and 10)
Picture No. 9
Picture No. 10
Joining Designs
1 - Select the "Editor" mode.
2 - Open first design (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
4. - Click on the "File" and then on the "Merge..." (Picture No2).
Picture No. 2
5 - Select second design and open (Picture No.3).
Picture No. 3
6 - Adjust both designs in the suitable positions (push left mouse button on design and move
with mouse ).
7 - Select both designs for joining (push Ctrl button and click with left mouse button over
8 - Click button "Join" to join designs.
9 - Click button "Hoop Size" to select suitable hoop (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
7 - Select hoop from the list or select custom hoop (Picture No.5)
Picture No. 5
8 - Click button "Center" to center joined designs (Picture No.6)
Picture No. 6
9 - Select "File" and "Save As..." to save joined designs (Picture No. 7).
Picture No. 7
10 - Choose target file format (Picture No. 8).
Picture No. 8
9 - Choose drive/folder/ and name of saved file (Picture No. 9).
Picture No. 9
10 - When finished Exit.
Open Designs for Giant Hoop-It-All(tm)
1 - Select the "Editor" mode.
2 - Click on "Hoop Size" button. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3 - Choose Giant Hoop-It-All(tm) for your sewing machine. (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
4 - Click on "File" menu and choose "Merge" command. Dialog box will appear.
(Picture No. 3). Select the file or files you want to open. You can select multiple files at once
(e.g. by depressing SHIFT key when you are clicking on filename).
Picture No. 3
5 - Embird will ask you about hoop position for every file being merged (opened). Specify the
"Side" and "Position" in the dialog box that appears on the screen (Picture No. 4). If you are
opening files that were prepared in Embird, you can deduce the side and position from the last
two characters of the file name, e.g. "lette_bc.hus" means "Side B", "Position C".
6 - Repeat the steps 4 to 5 for every individual or group of file you want to open.
Picture No. 4
7 - Sometimes it may be necessary to change the order of objects. Drag and drop objects at
Objects Order Bar, so that their order is correct. (Picture No. 5)
Picture No. 5
Open Designs for Giant-L Hoop-It-All(tm)
1 - Select the "Editor" mode.
2 - Click on "Hoop Size" button. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3 - Choose Giant Hoop-It-All(tm) tab and then specify the hoop for your sewing machine.
(Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
4 - Click on "File" menu and choose "Merge" command. Dialog box will appear.
(Picture No. 3). Select the file or files you want to open. You can select multiple files at once
(e.g. by depressing SHIFT key when you are clicking on filename).
Picture No. 3
5 - Embird will ask you about hoop position for every file being merged (opened). Specify the
"Side" and "Position" in the dialog box that appears on the screen (Picture No. 4). If you are
opening files that were prepared in Embird, you can deduce the side and position from the last
two characters of the file name, e.g. "www_LA.hus" means "Left Side", "Position A".
6 - Repeat steps 4 to 5 for every file you want to open.
Picture No. 4
7 - Sometimes it may be necessary to change the order of objects. Drag and drop objects at
Objects Order Bar, so that their order is correct. (Picture No. 5)
Picture No. 5
Open Janome GigaHoop Design
1 - Run Embird and choose "Editor" mode.
2 - Click on "Hoop Size" button. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3 - Choose "Janome GigaHoop - Horizontal" or "Janome GigaHoop -Vertical" option
(Picture No. 2). Typical position is horizontal, with two overlapping hoops. The vertical
position works the same way as the horizontal does, just the parts are automatically rotated by
-90 degrees when loading from hard disk.
Picture No. 2
4 - Click on "File" menu and choose "Merge" command. Dialog box will appear.
(Picture No. 3). Select the .JEF file you want to open. You can select multiple files at once
(e.g. by depressing SHIFT key when you are clicking on filename).
Picture No. 3
5 - Embird will ask you about the position in GigaHoop for every file being merged
(opened). If you are opening files which were prepared in Embird, you can deduce the
position from the file name displayed in the blue bar at the top of the window. In this
example, it is www_1.jef file and it should be placed into position 1 in GigaHoop.
(Picture No. 4)
6 - Repeat step 5 for every part. You can select multiple files in "Merge Files" dialog box.
Picture No. 4
7 - Sometimes it may be necessary to change the order of objects. Drag and drop objects at
Objects Order Bar, so that their order is correct. (Picture No. 5)
Picture No. 5
Open Janome #5 Hoop Design
1 - Run Embird, then click on "Editor" menu.
2 - Click on "Hoop Size" button. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3 - Choose "Janome #5 - Vertical" or "Janome #5 - Horizontal" option (Picture No. 2).
Typical position is vertical, with 11 overlapping hoops. The horizontal position works the
same way as the vertical does, just the parts are automatically rotated by +90 degrees when
loading from the hard disk.
Picture No. 2
4 - Click on "File" menu and choose "Merge" command. Dialog box will appear.
(Picture No. 3). Select the .SEW file you want to open. You can select multiple files at once
(e.g. by depressing SHIFT key when you are clicking on filename).
Picture No. 3
5 - Embird will ask you about the position in Janome #5 Hoop for every file being merged
(opened). If you are opening files which were prepared in Embird, you can deduce the
position from the file name displayed in the blue bar at the top of the window. In this
example, it is www_1.sew file and it should be placed into position 1 in Janome #5 Hoop.
(Picture No. 4)
6 - Repeat step 5 for every part. You can select multiple files in "Merge Files" dialog box.
Picture No. 4
7 - Sometimes it may be necessary to change the order of objects. Drag and drop objects at
Objects Order Bar, so that their order is correct. (Picture No. 5)
Picture No. 5
Open Viking Plus Hoop Design
1 - Select the "Editor" mode.
2 - Open file, which will be inserted in the middle position of hoop (position P2).
3 - Click on "Hoop Size" button. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3. - Select "Viking Plus (overlap)" hoop. (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
5 - The open design is situated in the middle (green) hoop (Picture No. 3).
Picture No. 3
6 -Merge second file, which will be situated in the upper (red) hoop. (Picture No. 4). Use
"Merge" command in "File" menu to merge a file.
Picture No. 4
7 - Select upper hoop position. (Picture No.5)
Picture No. 5
8 - Repeat steps 6 and 7 to insert third file in the lower hoop position. Result is visible on the
Picture No. 6.
Picture No. 6
Lettering 1 (General)
1 - Select the "Editor" mode.
2 - Click on "Insert" menu and choose "Text..." command (Picture No. 1). Dialog box will
Picture No. 1
3 - Type your text into "Text" box. Change "Connection type" if necessary. (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
4 - Click on "Properties" tab. Specify text dimensions (e.g height) either absolutely or
relatively in "Size" section. You can also change other text parameters at this tab. This relates
to density of cover stitches, type of underlay, pull compensation, start/end offset, broadening,
random broadening, fill pattern, auto shortening, gaps among letters etc. You can set either
GLOBAL parameters for whole text or INDIVIDUAL parameters for each letter. Choose this
option in "Use" box. However, please note that in most cases all you have to change is the
text size. (Picture No. 3).
Picture No. 3
5 - Click on "Layout" tab. Specify "Baseline type", e.g. circle. Change baseline "Width"
and/or "Height". Move the text along baseline using "Start Point" scroll bar. Turn ON the
"Place text on the other side" switch if necessary. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
6 - Finally, click on OK button. (Picture No. 5).
Picture No. 5
Lettering 2 (Individual Settings)
When you create lettering in Embird, you may specify either global settings for whole text or
individual settings for each letter. In this example, the meaning of individual settings is
demonstrated. The text being inserted consists of two "Q" letters, each one having its own fill
1 - Select the "Editor" mode.
2 - Click on "Insert" menu and choose "Text..." command (Picture No. 1). Dialog box will
Picture No. 1
3 - Type "QQ" into "Text" box. (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
4 - Click on "Properties" tab. Specify text height "70" mm. The letters must be high enough,
otherwise the fill pattern effect is not visible. (Picture No. 3).
Picture No. 3
5 - Click on "..." button for first "Q" letter at the right side of screen. Specify "Fill 1" in
"Pattern" box and click on OK. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
6 - Click on "..." button for second "Q" letter at the right side of screen. Specify "Bricks 1" in
"Pattern" box and click on OK.
7 - Now look at "Use" section at the bottom of "Properties" tab. "Individual settings" should
be ON. (Picture No. 3).
8 - Finally, click on OK button. If you save this design and you open it in Manager, so that it
is drawn photorealistically, the result should be as can be seen bellow (Picture No. 5).
Picture No. 5
Lettering 3 (Envelope)
1 - Select "Editor" mode.
2 - Click on "Insert" menu and choose "Text..." command (Picture No. 1). Dialog box will
Picture No. 1
3 - Type your text into "Text" box. (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
4 - Click on "Layout" tab. Notice the panel with settings at the bottom of the preview area.
Switch ON the "Envelope" option. A rectangle will appear in the preview box, with several
sensitive points - black squares (Picture No. 3). You can move each sensitive point and thus to
change the text envelope. Move the mouse pointer to some sensitive point and depress either
left or right mouse button. Then move the mouse pointer to new location and finally release
mouse button. You will immediately see the new shape of the lettering. You can also choose
some of pre-defined shapes in the box below "Envelope" option. There are also other options
available - you can choose the type of envelope edge: either "Line" or "Curve". If you want to
create symmetrical envelope, you will find the "Horizontal" and "Vertical" options in
"Symmetry" box very helpful.
Picture No. 3
5 - Finally, click OK button to create lettering and insert it into Editor.
Tip: You can create your own shapes, which will be offered in the box with "pre-defined"
envelopes located below "Envelope" check box (e.g. "eye" in Picture No. 3). Once you are
ready with new envelope, click on the button with diskette icon (Picture No. 4) and save the
lettering project into "C:\EMBIRD32\PLUGINS" folder. Only .LTG files saved into this
folder are offered in the "pre-defined" box.
Picture No. 4
Localization of a Stitch
1 - Run Embird and click on "Editor" menu.
2 - Open the design using "File -> Open" command.
3 - Type in the same stitch number into both Initial (1) and Ending (2) stitch boxes. (Picture
No. 1). In our example, we have localized stitch no. 1000.
Picture No. 1
4 - Move mouse cursor on any color box at the right side of screen and click the right mouse
button. A popup menu will appear. Choose "Hide All Colors" command in this menu.
(Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
5 - All colors will be hidden, but the selection remains visible. In our example, only the stitch
no. 1000 is selected, therefore all stitches under 1000 and over 1001 will be hidden, only
stitch no. 1000 is visible. (Picture No.3).
6 - Now you can use "Edit -> Stitch Type..." command to change the stitch type.
Note: Another way of stitch selection is shown in Change Stitch Type tutorial.
Picture No. 3
Passwords Back-up
In Embird Plus 8.0 Build 2 (and above) you can back-up your passwords easily using the
'Help -> Passwords' menu. This command will create 'PASSWORD.INI' file on chosen disk
(e.g. on floppy disk A:), containing all passwords which are in your copy of Embird. We
strongly recommend to back-up the passwords regularly to avoid problems caused e.g. by
reinstallation, hard disk failure or virus attack. The 'Recover' button is 'Help -> Passwords'
dialog box allows to insert the passwords into Embird and thus to change the evaluation
(demo) version into full version. You can also use the 'Back-up' and 'Recover' commands if
you want to use Embird on some other computer, e.g. on your laptop, and you need to transfer
the passwords to have it registered. However, please note that you may transfer Embird to
another computer only as long as the other computer is owned by you and as long as it is used
on only one computer at a time.
1 - Run Embird and click on "Help -> Passwords' menu item. (Picture No. 1)
Picture No. 1
2 - A dialog box will appear on screen. (Picture No. 2)
3 - To back-up your password, just insert formatted floppy disk into drive A: and hit 'Back-up'
Picture No. 2
4 - If you want to recover the passwords from back-up copy on your floppy disk, hit 'Recover'
button. (Picture No. 3)
Picture No. 3
Tip: To find out whether your copy of Embird is registered, please run Embird and check the
blue bar at the top of Embird Plus Manager window. In registered copy you will see the
following text there: "Embird Plus Manager - registered to [your name]" (see also Picture
No.1 above). To find out which Embird plug-ins are installed and registered on your
computer, please use "Help -> Installed Plug-ins" menu.
Points Editing Mode
This tutorial shows how to:
- Move a single or several stitch points,
- Add a new stitch point,
- Change the stitch type,
- Split the design on chosen point.
Similar steps can be used for deleting of a single or several points.
1 - Run Embird and click on "Editor" menu.
2 - Open the file you want to edit. Use "Open" command in "File" menu to open a file.
3 - Click on "Points Editing Mode" button or choose this mode in "Mode" menu.
4 - Select the area of editing. (Picture No. 1). Depress left mouse button and drag mouse to
select the area of editing by rectangle. Release left mouse button once you have chosen the
suitable area.
Picture No. 1
5 - Only points lying inside the selection rectangle are accessible for editing. All the rest
points are drawn in ghost color (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
6 - Move mouse cursor to the handle square of some point, depress left mouse button and drag
mouse to move the point (Picture No. 3). The point being moved is selected - notice that it has
thick handle square.
Picture No. 3
7 - If you want to move several points at once, you will have to select them first. Click left
mouse button on the first point to select it. Then move mouse cursor to the second point,
depress SHIFT key and click on the point. It will be added to selection. Now you should have
two points with thick handle square. Repeat this procedure for every point you want to
select. You can see the number of selected points at the bottom of "Objects Order Bar" at the
right side of screen. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
8 - Once you have selected several points, you can move them to new position. Move mouse
cursor to any of selected points, depress left mouse button and drag mouse. Release left
mouse button once you have moved the points to new position. (Picture No. 5).
Picture No. 5
9 - You can add a new stitch point easily. The new point is always added AFTER the selected
point. Therefore it is very useful to switch on the "View -> Show Direction" setting, so that
you can see the stitch direction and select the proper point. (Picture No. 6).
Picture No. 6
10 - Once you have selected the proper point, move mouse cursor on this point and depress
right mouse button. A popup menu appears. (Picture No. 7). Choose "Insert" command in this
menu. Another way is to depress "Shift" and "Ins" keys simultaneously after selecting proper
Picture No. 7
11 - A new point is created in the middle between selected and following point.
(Picture No. 8). New point becomes selected immediately, so that you can move it to other
position if necessary.
Note: You can add several new points at once this way: Select several points first after which
you would like to add the new points. Then use the same steps as shown above.
Picture No. 8
12 - There exists another way of adding new points: You can add them "freehand", directly to
the right position. Select the point after which you would like to add the new point. Then
move mouse to the position where you would like to place the new point. Depress CTRL key
and click left mouse button (Picture No. 9).
Picture No. 9
13 - A new point is created and placed on the chosen position. (Picture No. 10). New point
becomes selected immediately, so that you can move it to another position if necessary.
Picture No. 10
14 - Points Editing Mode allows you to change the stitch type easily. Stitch type always
relates to the stitch BEFORE selected point. In the example below, we want to change the
connection stitch between letters to floating stitch (jump). Select the end point of connection
stitch and then click right mouse button for popup menu. (Picture No. 11). Choose "Change
to Floating Stitch" command in this menu.
Picture No. 11
15 - Now you can see that the stitch type have changed to floating (jump). (Picture No.
12). Floating stitches are drawn by dashed line in Embird.
Picture No. 12
16 - Another feature of Points Editing Mode is that you can split the design on chosen point.
In the example below, we want to separate the letters - split the design on connection stitch.
Select the end point of connection stitch first. Then click right mouse button for popup menu.
Finally, choose "Split" command in this menu. (Picture No. 13).
Picture No. 13
17 - The design was split on selected point. (Picture No. 14). Now we have two objects in
Editor, you can see their icons on "Objects Order Bar" at the right side of screen.
Picture No. 14
Print & Stitch
This tutorial explains how to process the Print & Stitch design in Embird. Print & Stitch
technology works in the following way: An image can be selected as a background to an
embroidery design. This image can be resized and printed out (as a mirror image) onto IronOn transfer paper. This is then ironed onto a piece of material, cut out and then hooped for
embroidery. A coordinating design is then stitched on top.
It is supposed here that you have some image and the designs which should be embroidered
onto the image. It will be explained below how Embird can simplify this process.
Note: You can download several free Print & Stitch samples from
http://www.vikingemnet.com, they are in Downloads -> Sample Galleries -> Print section.
1 - Run Embird and click on "Editor" menu.
2 - Open the background image file (Picture No. 1). Use "Image -> Open" command to open
an image.
3 - Use "Image -> Set Size" command to set the size of image.
Picture No. 1
4 - Use "File -> Merge" command to merge a design or even several designs belonging to the
image. (Picture No. 2). Do not use Open command, as this will erase the image.
Picture No. 2
5 - While merging a design, Embird will ask you about its position. (Picture No. 3). This is
used for designs that have been previously prepared for the Print & Stitch technology. This is
further explained in step 8 below. For now, click on Cancel button when asking about
Picture No. 3
6 - When you have merged all parts, you can position them over image, because their position
is probably not correct (Picture No. 4). Sometimes it is necessary to split some designs,
because each part must fit into:
- 100 x 100 mm hoop for .PES, .PEC & .HUS,
- 125 x 90 mm hoop for .SEW,
- 140 x 200 mm hoop for .JEF,
- 120 x 115 mm for .PCS & .PCM,
- 130 x 240 mm for .XXX.
Read Interactive Freehand Splitting tutorial to find out how to split a design.
Picture No. 4
7 - All parts are on the correct position now (Picture No. 5). We have also verified that their
sizes do not exceed the size of hoop, as specified in step 5.
Picture No. 5
8 - Click on "File -> Save As" menu to save the parts to hard disk. Embird will display a
dialog box, allowing you to specify the format and file name. Then it will save each part to
hard disk. It will automatically generate file name for every part being saved, e.g. if you
choose "babybook.hus" as file name, Embird will save part 1 as "babybook_1.hus", part 2 as
"babybook_2.hus", etc. While saving designs, Embird will put a small black dot on the image,
showing the hoop centering for each part being saved. This will simplify the process of
embroidering, because you will be able to hoop the fabric and position the needle precisely.
When the saving is finished, a table with positions is displayed. You can print this table and
use it later when re-opening designs in Embird - see step 5.
9 - Click on "Image -> Save" command to saved modified background image. While saving
background image, Embird will ask you about the saving of a special file with the .BMQ
extension. This file contains positions of stored designs. It can be very useful when reopening parts saved in step 8. If you allow Embird to create the .BMQ file, the position box
shown in step 5 will be automatically filled with correct data.
10 - Print mirror image of background. Click on " Image -> Print Preview" command first to
check image before printing. Embird will ask you whether you want to print the mirror image
or normal image. Run " Image ->Print" command if you are satisfied with preview.
Processing ZIP Archives
1 - Run Embird and choose "Manager" mode.
2 - Use "Drive:" and "Folder:" boxes at right panel to browse to the folder containing ZIP
3 - Double-click left mouse button on archive name in "Files:" box (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
4 - The contents of the archive will be temporarily unzipped to C:\EMBIRD32\TEMP_ZIP
folder, and this folder becomes focused automatically. Now you can display or print the
designs stored in archive. (Picture No. 2). However, please note that the files stored here are
temporary and they will be deleted once you open another archive (see steps 6-8 bellow to
find out how to extract files permanently).
5 - If you want to close the archive and return back to the initial folder, click on "Up One
Level" button placed above "Folder:" box.
Picture No. 2
If you want to permanently extract files stored in ZIP archive, please follow the steps
6 - Select the archive in "Files:" box at right panel, so that it is highlighted blue. You can
select multiple files (e.g. by depressing SHIFT key when you are clicking on filename).
7 - Click on "Right Panel" menu and choose "Extract Zipped Files to..." command.
(Picture No. 3)
Picture No. 3
8 - Choose destination folder in the dialog box that appeares on the screen. If this folder
doesn't exist yet, it will be created. All files stored in selected archives will be unzipped to the
chosen folder. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
Note: Folder C:\EMBIRD32\TEMP_ZIP is automatically created and managed by Embird.
You should never place any files into this folder, because it is used for ZIP archives
exclusively. If you are obtaining warning message during unzipping process reporting that
this folder is non-empty, you should close Embird and delete this folder manually, e.g. in
Windows Explorer.
Reading Floppy Disks
DOS formats, 2HD or 2DD floppy disks,
use Right Panel to process these disks in Embird
1 - Select the "Manager" mode.
2 - Insert floppy disk into drive.
3 - Choose floppy disk drive on the right panel in "Drive:" box (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
4 - In the "Files:" box select designs which will be read (Picture No. 2). To select the files,
depress left mouse button and drag mouse over the filenames.
Picture No. 2
5 - Move mouse pointer to the "Files:" box on right panel and click right mouse button for
popup menu. Choose "Copy Files to Clipboard" command to copy selected designs to the
clipboard (Picture No. 3). You will find this command also in "Right Panel" menu.
Picture No. 3
6 - Select hard disk drive in "Drive:" box on right panel (Picture No. 4). You can also choose
the destination folder in "Folder:" box, into which the selected files from the floppy disk will
be copied.
Picture No. 4
7 - Move mouse pointer to the "Files" box on right panel and click right mouse button for
popup menu. Choose "Paste Designs from Clipboard" command to copy the files from floppy
disk to hard disk (Picture No. 5). You will find this command also in "Right Panel" menu.
Picture No. 5
Non-DOS formats (used by industrial embroidery machines
e.g. Barudan FDR, FMC or ZSK), 2DD floppy disks,
use Left Panel to process these disks in Embird
1 - Select the "Manager" mode.
2 - Insert floppy disk into drive.
3 - Click "List A:" button and wait until Embird recognizes the floppy disk format
(Picture No. 6).
Picture No. 6
4 - You can see files stored on the floppy disk on the left panel in "Files:" box. Select files
which you want to copy to the hard disk (Picture No. 7). To select the files, depress left mouse
button and drag mouse over the filenames.
Picture No. 7
5 - Move mouse pointer to the "Files" box on left panel and click right mouse button for
popup menu.. Choose "Copy Files to Hard Disk..." command (Picture No. 8). You will find
this command also in "Left Panel" menu.
Picture No. 8
6 - Choose the target format and hit OK button (Picture No. 9). Embird will read the files
from the floppy disk, convert them 'on-the-fly' to chosen format and finally save them to the
hard disk
Picture No. 9
7 - Once the reading process is finished, you will see files saved on the hard disk on the right
panel in "Files:" box (Picture No. 10)
Picture No. 10
Resizing with Density Adjustment
1 - Run Embird and click on "Editor" menu.
2 - Open the design using "File -> Open" command.
3 - Click on "Set Size" button (Picture No. 1), or run "Edit -> Set Size" command.
Picture No. 1
4 - Hit "Stitch Density..." button to change the resizing settings. (Picture No.2).
Picture No. 2
5 - Choose resizing mode: with or without density adjustment. If you decide to resize with
density adjustment, you can specify whether you want to keep the original fill pattern for
filled areas, or whether these areas will be re-filled with a new pattern. You can specify also
density of column stitches and density of fill stitches (Picture No. 3). The bigger number you
specify in density box, the lower density you obtain. In fact, this number is distance among
stitches in tenths of milimeters (value 4 means 0.4 mm). The fill stitches pattern is used for
filled areas (this setting is available only in case you switch off the "Keep original fill
pattern"). The default setting for pattern is "Fill 1", the examples of all patterns can be seen
after pressing "Example..." button. If you choose "None" pattern, the fill areas will become
Picture No. 3
6 - Specify the new size of design, or let it be the same if all you want to change is the stitch
density (Picture No. 4).
7 - Finally, hit "OK" button.
Picture No. 4
Resizing with Density Adjustment (Advanced)
It this example, it will be shown how you can resize a design with density adjustment. Part of
the design will be resized with retaining the original fill pattern, while the rest of the design
will be re-filled with a new pattern. We want to resize the balloon design in Picture No. 1 to
150 % to its original size. We would like to maintain the fill pattern for the upper part (cyan
color), and all the other parts should be re-filled with a new pattern.
Picture No. 1
1 - Run Embird and click on "Editor" menu.
2 - Open the design using "File -> Open" command (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
3 - Separate the upper cyan part of the balloon, i.e. color no. 2. Move the mouse cursor to the
color no. 2 at the "Object Order Bar" and depress the right mouse button. A popup menu
appears (Picture No. 3). Click on "Separate Color" command in this menu. The design will be
split to three parts - stitches before color no. 2, stitches of color no. 2, and stitches after color
no. 2. The second part will be selected, with a rectangle around it (as you can see in
Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 3
4 - Click on "Set Size" button (Picture No. 4), or run "Edit -> Set Size" command. Specify the
new relative size (150%), check off the "Keep position" box and then click on "Stitch
Density..." button.
Picture No. 4
5 - Check on the "Adjust stitch density when resizing" and "Keep original fill pattern" boxes
(Picture No. 5). Then hit "OK" button to return to previous dialog box. Hit "OK" button in
this dialog to resize the selected part.
Picture No. 5
6 - Select the two remaining parts of design. Repeat the steps 4 and 5, but in the "Stitch
Density" dialog box check off the "Keep original fill pattern" and choose "Fill 1" as the
pattern (Picture No. 6).
Note: A quick method to select several designs, left click on first design, then while holding
down the Shift key, left mouse click on another design to add to your selection. You can click
on a design within the design screen or click a design icon on the "Objects Order Bar" (right
side of the screen).
Picture No. 6
7 - Finally, run "File -> Save As..." command to save the new resized design to your hard
disk. You do not need to join the three parts before saving, it will be done automatically
during saving process. The result of resizing can be seen in Picture No. 7. The upper part has
the same pattern as the original design, all the other parts are re-filled with a new pattern.
Picture No. 7
Save Brother Jumbo Hoop Design,
Save Viking Plus Hoop Design
1 - Select the "Editor" mode.
2 - Open file, which you want to save for Jumbo Hoop or Viking Plus Hoop. To open a file,
click on "File" menu and choose "Open" command. Please note, that you probably will have
to split this file into two or three parts.
3 - Click on "Hoop Size" button (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
4. - Select proper type of hoop (for example Brother Jumbo Small or Viking Plus)
(Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
5 - You can see now, that the design exceeds size of one of three hoops behind and therefore
must be split into two parts. Optimal solution is to split the design somewhere between red
and blue hoops (in common area). (Picture No.3). Use "Freehand Select Mode" to select
stitches you want to cut out (separate). More information regarding splitting is available in
"Interactive Free-Hand Splitting" tutorial.
Picture No. 3
6 -Click on "Split" button to split design (to separate red selection). (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
7 - You can see parts of designs (part1 and part2) at "Object Order Bar" at the right side of
screen (Picture No.5). Each part now lies completely in one of three overlapping hoops.
Picture No. 5
8 - Save design on your disk Click on "File" menu and choose "Save As" command to save
the file.
Save Designs for Giant Hoop-It-All(tm)
1 - Select the "Editor" mode.
2 - Click on "Hoop Size" button. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3 - Choose Giant Hoop-It-All(tm) for your sewing machine. (Picture No. 2).
Note: If you have not previously done so, verify the markings on your hoop to determine
positions A, B, C, D, and E:
For Pfaff machines, within "Editor -> Options -> Hoop Size", click on the "Print Rulers"
command next to the name of your hoop. This will print four rulers on your printer that you
may glue on the rails of your GHIA. This provides the correct positioning marks for your
For Janome machines, read Calibrate Giant Hoop-It-All™ with Janome tutorial to find out
how to calibrate the hoop precisely. You can also use the "Print Rulers" command next to the
name of your hoop. This will print four rulers on your printer that you may glue on the rails of
your GHIA. However, the rails are not mounted symmetrically on all sides, and using only
printed rulers might be inaccurate.
The GHIA for Viking and Brother machines have four lines for A, B, C, D positions drawn on
the rails and the bottom of the rail is used to define the E position.
Picture No. 2
4 - The empty hoop will be drawn. (Picture No. 3).
The center of hoop may be greyed out. If so, this area is non-usable with your sewing machine
without re-hooping. Also, some area around the hoop perimeter and the corners is greyed out.
This area is reserved for needle mechanism and/or is non-reachable.
You will see fuchsia, yellow, white and aqua lines around the hoop. These colors will be
explained below. Also, there are all "child" hoops drawn, so that the working area looks very
complicated. Child hoops are the maximum size that your sewing machine can sew in one
position within the GHIA. You can switch on/off each side of hoop by Alt+Up, Alt+Down,
Alt+Left or Alt+Right key combination (also accessible via "View -> Hoops In Giant HoopIt-All" menu). You can turn them all on/off at once using Alt+Ins key combination.
All sides of hoop work like a magnet. If you turn some side off, it stops "attracting" designs
unless you turn it on again. This way you can prepare designs side-after-side, starting with
right side and ending with top side. All designs belonging to some side will be drawn in that
side's color (i.e. fuchsia, yellow, white or aqua), but only when the side is off. This way you
can check to which side does the particular object belong - turn all sides off (Alt+Ins) and you
will see.
Picture No. 3
5 - Let's start with the right side of hoop. Turn all other sides off using commands in "View > Hoops In Giant Hoop-It-All" menu. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
6 - Merge the designs into hoop. Use "File -> Merge" command to merge a file. (Picture No.
5). For futher information on merging files, please see step 4 in Open Designs for Giant
Hoop-It-All(tm) tutorial.
Picture No. 5
7 - Position the design at the right side of hoop. (Picture No. 6)
Picture No. 6
8 - You can see now, that the design exceeds size of child hoop and therefore it must be split.
(Picture No. 7). More information regarding splitting is available in Interactive Free-Hand
Splitting tutorial.
Picture No. 7
9 - Repeat splitting process until every object fits into one of child hoops. (Picture No. 8).
Sometimes it may be necessary to change the order of objects. Drag and drop objects at
Objects Order Bar (right side of screen), so that their order is correct.
Picture No. 8
10 - When you are finished with splitting, turn off the right side of hoop (Alt+Right). All
objects belonging to the right side should be drawn in fuchsia color now (Picture No. 9). If
some objects are not drawn in this color, it means that they do not fit into child hoop and you
must split them (press Alt+Right to turn on the right side and repeat step 8). Designs placed in
the middle of the hoop (in grey non-usable area) cannot be saved and you must either delete
them, or skip them during saving process.
Picture No. 9
11 - Turn on the following side and repeat steps 6 to 10.
12 - When you are finished with all four sides, choose "File -> Save As..." command. Embird
will save all parts to your disk now. The "Save As" box will first ask you for a filename, but
only first 5 characters of this name will be used. The remaining characters will be used for
indication of hoop position, e.g. lette_bc.hus means that the file is at Bottom side at Position
C. This is very helpful during embroidering, or if you want to re-open these files in Editor.
(Picture No. 10).
Picture No. 10
Note 1 - Users of Viking and Babylock: Positions A, B, C, D correspond to lines marked on the rails of your
Giant Hoop-It-All(tm). Position E is the bottom of the rail.
Note 2 - Users of Janome: Positions are defined in the following way: Attach the bracket to the sewing machine
and then attach the sliding rail to the bottom of the bracket. Use the bottom of the bracket as a reference point.
A: Slide the hoop into the bracket until the bottom of the bracket intersects the second screw hole from the top.
B: The hoop is pushed up until the bottom of the bracket is directly over the red horizontal line.
C: The hoop is pushed up until the bottom of the bracket intersects the third screw hole.
D: The hoop is pushed half way between screw holes #3 and #4. (The half way point between screw holes is
E: The hoop is pushed up until the bottom of the bracket intersects the fourth screw hole.
You can print four rulers on your printer that you may glue on the rails of your GHIA. This provides the correct
positioning marks for your machine. Use the "Print Rulers" command in Editor -> Options -> Hoop Size, next to
the name of your hoop.
Note 3 - Users of Pfaff: Positions are defined in the following way: Attach the bracket to the sewing machine
and then attach the sliding rail to the bottom of the bracket. Use the bottom of the bracket as a reference point.
A: Slide the hoop into the bracket until the bottom of the bracket just covers the second screw hole from the top.
B: The hoop is pushed half way between screw holes #2 and #3. (This is 33 mm from bottom edge of upper
screw hole.)
C: The hoop is pushed up until the bottom of the bracket just covers the third screw hole.
D: The hoop is pushed half way between screw holes #3 and #4. (This is 33 mm from bottom edge of upper
screw hole.)
E: The hoop is pushed up until the bottom of the bracket just covers the fourth screw hole.
You can print four rulers on your printer that you may glue on the rails of your GHIA. This provides the correct
positioning marks for your machine. Use the "Print Rulers" command in Editor -> Options -> Hoop Size, next to
the name of your hoop.
Save Designs for Giant-L Hoop-It-All(tm)
1 - Select the "Editor" mode.
2 - Click on "Hoop Size" button. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3 - Choose Giant Hoop-It-All(tm) tab and then specify the hoop for your sewing machine.
(Picture No. 2).
Note: If you have not previously done so, verify the markings on your hoop to determine positions A, B, C, D,
and E:
For Super-Giant-L Hoop-It-All(tm) for Babylock Ellageo and Brother ULT machines, within "Editor -> Options
-> Hoop Size", click on the "Print Rulers" command next to the name of your hoop. This will print two rulers on
your printer that you may glue on the rails of your GHIA. This provides the correct positioning marks for your
For Pfaff embroidery machine, the Giant-L hoop was designed for the Brother 8200 and has markings on the rail
for that machine. Ignore these red markings and mark your own as follows: The A section on the right side is 84
mm from the top inner edge of the hoop. Section B is 50 mm below A, section C is 50 mm below B, etc. Finally,
section E is 284 mm from the top inner edge of the hoop. Rotate the hoop by 180 degrees and mark the sections
on the left side using the same measurements. Please note that you will have to move the designs prepared in
Embird by 7 mm to the left on your embroidery machine. Use your left arrow key on the sewing machine to
bring the design to the far left (7 clicks of the arrow key) prior to embroidering. This will provide largest design
area possible and prevents the needle mechanism from hitting the hoop. Download the sample design (rectangle)
from http://www.embird.com/sw/embird/testrect.zip ,it allows you to check whether your markings are correct.
The Giant-L Hoop-It-All(tm) for Babylock ESE, Ellure, Brother, Viking #1 and Rose machines have five lines
for A, B, C, D, E positions drawn on the rails.
Picture No. 2
4 - The empty hoop will be drawn. (Picture No. 3).
Some area around the hoop perimeter and the corners is greyed out. This area is reserved for
needle mechanism and is non-reachable.
You will see fuchsia and white lines on the right and left sides of the hoop. These colors will
be explained below. Also, there are all "child" hoops drawn, so that the working area looks
very complicated. Child hoops are the maximum size that your sewing machine can sew in
one position within the GHIA. You can switch on/off each side of hoop by Alt+Left or
Alt+Right key combination (also accessible via "View -> Hoops In Giant Hoop-It-All"
menu). You can turn them both on/off at once using Alt+Ins key combination.
Right and left sides of hoop work like a magnet. If you turn some side off, it stops "attracting"
designs unless you turn it on again. This way you can prepare designs side-after-side, e.g.
starting with right side and ending with left side. All designs belonging to some side will be
drawn in that side's color (i.e. fuchsia or white), but only when the side is off. This way you
can check to which side does the particular object belong - turn all sides off (Alt+Ins) and you
will see.
Picture No. 3
5 - Let's start with the right side of hoop. Turn the left side off by depressing Alt+Left, or
using commands in "View -> Hoops In Giant Hoop-It-All" menu. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
6 - Merge the designs into hoop. Use "File -> Merge" command to merge a
file. (Picture No. 5). For futher information on merging files, please see step 4 in Open
Designs for Giant-L Hoop-It-All(tm) tutorial.
Picture No. 5
7 - Position the design at the right side of hoop. (Picture No. 6)
Picture No. 6
8 - You can see now, that the design exceeds size of child hoop and therefore it must be split.
(Picture No. 7). More information regarding splitting is available in Interactive Free-Hand
Splitting tutorial.
Picture No. 7
9 - Repeat splitting process until every object fits into one of child hoops. (Picture No. 8).
Sometimes it may be necessary to change the order of objects. Drag and drop objects at
Objects Order Bar (right side of screen), so that their order is correct.
Picture No. 8
10 - When you are finished with splitting, turn off the right side of hoop (Alt+Right). All
objects belonging to the right side should be drawn in fuchsia color now (Picture No. 9). If
some objects are not drawn in this color, it means that they do not fit into child hoop and you
must split them (press Alt+Right to turn on the right side and repeat step 8). Designs placed in
grey non-usable area cannot be saved and you must either delete them, or skip them during
saving process.
Picture No. 9
11 - Turn on the left side and repeat steps 6 to 10. In this example, the left side is not used.
12 - When you are finished with both sides, choose "File -> Save As..." command. Embird
will save all parts to your disk now. The "Save As" box will first ask you for a filename, but
only first 5 characters of this name will be used. The remaining characters will be used for
indication of hoop position, e.g. email_RA.hus means that the file is at Right side in Position
A. This is very helpful during embroidering, or if you want to re-open these files in Editor.
(Picture No. 10).
Picture No. 10
Save Janome GigaHoop Design
1 - Run Embird and choose "Editor" mode.
2 - Open file, which you want to save for Janome GigaHoop. To open a file, click on "File"
menu and choose "Open" command. Please note, that you probably will have to split this file
into two parts.
3 - Click on "Hoop Size" button (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
4 - Choose "Janome GigaHoop - Horizontal" or "Janome GigaHoop -Vertical" option (Picture
No. 2). Typical position is horizontal, with two overlapping hoops. The vertical position
works the same way as the horizontal does, just the parts are automatically rotated by +90
degrees when saving to hard disk.
Picture No. 2
5 - You can see now, that the design exceeds size of hoops drawn behind and therefore must
be split into two parts. (Picture No. 3). Use "Freehand Select Mode" to select stitches you
want to cut out (separate). More information regarding splitting is available in "Interactive
Free-Hand Splitting" tutorial.
Picture No. 3
6 - Once the selection is finished, click on "Split" button (or use "Split" command in "Edit"
menu) to separate the red selection. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
7 - You can see design parts (part1 and part2) at "Object Order Bar" at the right side of screen
(Picture No. 5). Each part now lies completely either in left or in right hoop.
Picture No. 5
8 - Save design to your disk Click on "File" menu and choose "Save As" command to save the
file. Specify "Janome .JEF" format. Each part will be stored in a separate file, and Embird
will automatically add "_1" or "_2" extension to the name you specify. This extension
indicates the position in GigaHoop. Position no. 1 is the right hoop, position no. 2 is the left
Save Janome #5 Hoop Design
1 - Run Embird, then click on "Editor" menu.
2 - Open the file which you want to save for Janome #5 Hoop. To open the file, click on
"File" menu and choose "Open" command. Please note, that you probably will have to split
this file into several parts.
3 - Click on "Hoop Size" button (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
4 - Choose "Janome #5 - Vertical" or "Janome #5 - Horizontal" option (Picture No. 2).
Typical position is vertical, with 11 overlapping hoops. The horizontal position works the
same way as the vertical does, just the parts are automatically rotated by -90 degrees when
saving to hard disk.
Picture No. 2
5 - You can see now, that the design exceeds size of hoops drawn behind and therefore must
be split into two parts. (Picture No. 3). Use "Freehand Select Mode" to select stitches you
want to cut out (separate). More information regarding splitting is available in "Interactive
Free-Hand Splitting" tutorial.
Picture No. 3
6 - Once the selection is finished, click on "Split" button (or use "Split" command in "Edit"
menu) to separate the red selection. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
7 - You can see design parts (part1 and part2) at "Object Order Bar" at the right side of screen
(Picture No. 5). Each part now lies completely in some of the hoops drawn behind.
Picture No. 5
8 - Save design to your hard disk Click on "File" menu and choose "Save As" command to
save the file. Specify "Janome .SEW" format. Each part will be stored in a separate file, and
Embird will automatically add extension "_1" to "_11" to the name you specify . This
extension indicates the position in Janome #5 Hoop. Position no. 1 is the top hoop, position
no. 11 is the bottom hoop.
Save Singer Multi-Hoop Design
written by Elaine Bell
1. Click on New icon or Files -> New. At the Open menu, click New. At the New menu, click
on 210x430mm. Click OK.
2. Load the 210x430 Multi Hoop.
3. Click on Create -> Add multiple hoop cross
4. A stop is automatically added at the beginning of the cross to give you the option of sewing
it. The cross is a reference line used to align designs at the XL1000 layout screen. The cross is
optional, but I find it invaluable in lining up designs. The cross is a basting stitch and is easily
removed. The color stop is unnecessary in Embird, so to delete it - click on the Edit Outline
icon (or Edit -> Edit Outline). Press Home on the keyboard to go to the beginning of the
cross, press the right arrow on the keyboard twice to move to the STOP. Press delete to
remove the color stop.
5. Save the cross reference line as crossref.xxx.
Note: You can create the reference line easily in Embird. In Editor, choose the Options ->
Hoop Size -> Singer Multi-Hoop Horizontal. Then click on Insert -> Cross Reference Line
1. In Editor, choose Options -> Hoop Size -> Singer Multi-Hoop Horizontal (Picture No. 1).
Click OK.
Picture No. 1
2. Press Ctrl+Page Down on the keyboard until hoop fits within screen. Picture No. 2 shows
the darker blue lines that indicate the center of the Singer multi hoop. These lines correspond
with the cross reference line in PSW.
Picture No. 2
3. File -> Merge (Ctrl+M) to bring in files to be split. Files will be rotated automatically by 90 degrees.
4. Move/rotate/size files as you please. When the designs are in desired arrangement, Select
All (Ctrl+A) and click the Center icon to center the designs both horizontally and vertically.
This step is optional.
5. Decide how the design will be split. Picture No. 3 shows the designs that will be split into
three sections - 1) elephant, 2) tree, 3) zebra and giraffe.
Picture No. 3
6. File -> Merge to merge the previously saved cross reference line. The cross is
automatically centered and aligned with the darker grids in the multi hoop (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
7. The elephant will be split first.
Note: Hide colors of any design(s) that interfere with splits. In this example, only the tree
interferes with splitting the left and right sections.
a. From the Objects Order Bar (right side of screen), right click one of the colors in the tree.
Choose "Hide All Colors".
b. Click Freehand Select Mode (left side of screen). Left mouse click to draw a polygon
around the elephant and the center of the cross (Picture No. 5). Double click when finished to
close the polygon. Click Split.
c. File -> Save Selected as -> Compucon.XXX ® save as AnimLeft.
d. Click the Undo icon. Since a portion of the cross reference line was included in the split,
we will need to undo this action so the entire line will be available for future splits.
Picture No. 5
8. Split the giraffe and zebra:
a. With tree still hidden, click the Freehand select icon and left click around the giraffe, zebra
and the center of the cross reference line (Picture No. 6). Split.
b. File -> Save Selected as AnimRt.
c. Undo to restore the cross reference stitches that were split.
Picture No. 6
9. Split the tree:
a. From the Objects Order Bar, right click on one of the colors in the tree and choose Show
All Colors.
b. For this exercise, the height of the tree should fit within the 130mm width of the large
hoop. Since the tree is 126mm tall, only 4mm of the vertical cross can be included before
we're at the 130mm limit. Zoom in so the tree will fill the screen.
c. In Freehand select mode, draw around the tree, getting as close as you can at the top and
bottom so you won't pick up more than 4mm of the cross reference line (Picture No. 7). Split.
d. File -> Save Selected as AnimCtr.
Note 1: A quick method to select several designs, left click on first design, then while holding
down the Shift key, left mouse click on another design to add to your selection. You can click
on a design within the design screen or click a design icon on the Objects Order Bar (right
side of the screen).
Note 2: After a design has been selected and split, the bottom of the screen will show size,
stitch count and color count of the selection.
Note 3: When you "Save selected as", Editor will display an error message if the design is too
large or exceeds the color and stitch count limitations.
Note 4: When you save the parts to .XXX format, they will be rotated back by 90 degrees.
Picture No. 7
Open each split design in PSW (1.1 users do not convert stitches to block). Write designs to
1. At the XL1000 embroidery screen, select Multiple Hoop Embroidery.
2. Load each multi hoop design into the embroidery machine.
3. Use Zoom and Edit/Position to align the multi hoop cross from each design with the X/Y
axis on the XL1000 layout screen.
For detailed instructions on loading multi hoop designs in the XL1000, please read the
XL1000 manual.
Sew Simulator
1 - Run Embird and click on "Editor" menu.
2 - Open the design using "File -> Open" command.
3 - Click on "Sew Simulator" button (Picture No. 1), or run "View -> Sew Simulator"
Picture No. 1
4 - Simulation of sewing can be paused by pressing "Pause" button (2) and resumed by
pressing "Play" button (1). Simulation can be finished by clicking on "Finish" button (3).
Speed of sew simulation is adjusted in "Stitches per second" box (5). Stitch counter can be
seen at the right side of control panel (6). Click on "Close" button (4) to return to "Editor"
(Picture No.2).
Picture No. 2
Sfumato Stitch 1.x (2 colors):
Creating Designs in Sfumato Stitch
Sfumato Stich is additional plug-in for Embird.
To use it, you must download and install it separately.
1. Run Sfumato Stitch and Painter program with use of "Insert / Sfumato Stitch Design" menu
in Embird Editor.
2. Open .bmp or .jpg image in Balarad Painter with menu File/Open.
3. Crop image with Selection Tool and menu Edit/Crop.
4. Resample image to required size with Image/Resample.
5. Select Background Color in Painter Tool Bar. Basic colors (like Lime green R=0, G=255,
B=0) are preffered. Fill all areas of image that should be not covered with stitches with
Selection Tool and menu Edit/Delete Inside or Outside Selection.
6. Click Preview button in Preview window. Wait a second to see preview of embroidery
design in Preview window. Select Hoop Size in Hoop Combo Box. Adjust Hoop position (red
rectangle in Preview window) with mouse move and right mouse button pressed.
7. Click Compute Stitches button. Program will start computing the stitches. When finished,
return to Embird Editor. Calculation of design may last several minutes or even hours for very
large designs.
Sfumato Stitch 1.x (2 colors):
Advanced Use of Sfumato Stitch
Sfumato Stitch is additional plug-in for Embird.
To use it, you must download and install it separately.
Detailed description of Sfumato Stitch controls and some Painter functions is given in this
tutorial. The main goal is to describe How and When should be used particular controls and
functions .
Important Tips for work with Sfumato Stitch and Painter:
• When deleting background, you can select and delete small areas one-by-one.
You do not need to select whole background at once.
• You can combine editing of image in Painter and other programs.
• When doing portrait, use Paint Tool in Painter to emphasize the bright spots in eyes. Use
background without outline (color fuchsia by default) for fill of bright spots in eyes and
teeth to avoid placing of stitches on these places. Use background with outline (color
lime by default) for fill of deleted areas around head.
• Almost every image can be significantly improved with use of Equalize function from
Painter/Adjust menu. Use this function separately for hair, shirt, etc. to achieve more three
dimensional look of image and design.
• Usually, portrait looks better if you make eyebrows, mouth and subtle shadows around
nose and mouth somewhat darker with use of Adjust Image Characteristics function
from Painter/Adjust menu. In this case, select desired area roughly with selection tool, then
go to Adjust Image Characteristics function and make further selection based on color
you want to make darker. Then change Brightness or other characteristic of selected
pixels. You can make some areas brighter using the same algorithms.
Stitch-count limit of demo version: there is about 7000 stitches limit for each design in the
demo, which means that when demo of Sfumato completes design and sends it to Embird
Editor, design may be truncated. Truncation usually affects the second color of design.
1. Sfumato Stitch
More Controls window (Picture No. 1)
Make Short Stitches Longer. If set on, Sfumato will prolong stitches shorter than 0.5mm.
This may somewhat distort edges of objects like letters etc.
Vertical Fills. By default, Sfumato fills darkest areas with horizontal fills. You may want to
change direction of fills, especially on designs with majority of horizontally oriented dark
objects like mouth, eyes, eyebrows.
Better (but Longer) Calculation. If set on, Sfumato pays more attention to reduction of
stitches crossing forbidden areas marked by Background colors (which are Lime and Fuchsia
by default). Usually, you do not need to use this option on simple designs like portraits. Use it
on more complex designs with lot of different forbidden (background) areas and designs with
complex shapes (tiger head with protruding moustaches). Even if you do not use this option,
Sfumato eliminates stitches going through background areas by snapping them to edges of
design. However, this may cause that edges are stitched several times on some places.
Reduce Stitch Count. If set on, Sfumato tries to reduce number of stitches of final design by
rearranging short stitches. This may reduce about 10% of stitches. However, very dark
(almost black) areas may be little distorted.
Use Two Colors. If set on, design is created in two colors (or different shades) instead of just
on color.
Reverse Sewing Order of Colors. By default, Color no.1 (which is the darker color) sews as
first. You may want to swap sewing order of Color 1 and 2. You may as well swap colors on
finished design in Embird Editor.
Outline in Color 2 instead of Color 1. By default, Sfumato creates dark outline in Color 1
around outlined Background areas. You may want the outline to be in Color 2, especially
when creating design in bright colors to be sewn on dark fabric.
Color 1 for Dark Tones. Color 2 for Light Tones. Sfumato approximates shades of photo
by lines and curves created with thread. Darker tones of photo are approximated by thread of
Color 1. Lighter tones are approximated by thread of Color 2. You may set the threshold of
these two color with use of scrollbar. Threshold value may vary between numbers 0 and 255,
where 0 represents black tone and 255 white tone. Setting threshold to 160 causes that tones
darker than 160 or equal to 160 will be sewn in Color 1. Tones lighter than 160 will be sewn
in Color 1. The threshold value is also indicated by horizontal blue line on Tone Curve Box in
Sfumato Stitch Controls.
Default Values. Use this button to set all controls to default values.
Picture No. 1
Sfumato Stitch Controls window (Picture No. 2)
More. Hit this button to access More Controls window.
Tone Curve Box. On this area, tone curve of image and horizontal line representing value of
threshold of thread Color 1 and 2 are displayed. Usually, design created directly from photo
(if tone curve would be straight) looks much different than photo. By deformation of tone
curve you may enhance the look of design. Deformation of curve (or tone adjustment) can be
done with use of Highlights, Midtones and Shadows controls. The course of tone curve
determinates how input tones from photo will be transformed to output tones of design. Input
tones are represented by horizontal axis and output tones by vertical axis. Bottom left corner
represents black and top right corner represents white.
Highlights, Midtones, Shadows. Use these controls to enhance look of design in Preview
window. Take a look at below Picture No. 3 of creating baby portrait to see how tone
adjustment controls work. Fist picture (a) shows design created from photo with straight tone
line. You can see that design is flat and without contrast. We can improve its look by
decreasing the Midtones value (picture b), which means that dark tones and middle tones will
by darker while leaving bright tones almost untouched. The design is still not very contrast.
Therefore, we add more Highlights and Shadows (picture c).
Hoop. Combo box for selection of hoop type and size. Only those parts of design, which are
inside of hoop will be covered with stitches after computation, although Preview window
shows whole design. You can move the hoop in the Preview window if you move the mouse
with right button pressed.
Regarding hoop size: current version of Sfumato offers only three predefined sizes of hoops.
However, you can always choose the maximum hoop, but make design (image) only as big as
to fit into your machine's hoop. When Sfumato finishes the calculation, design appears in the
Embird Editor window. Here, you can select the right hoop and finally save the design.You
may ask why Sfumato offers 3 different hoops if it is always possible to use maximum hoop
and then chose the right hoop later in Embird Editor. It is because when creating design for
multiposition hoop (Viking Plus), Sfumato needs to know how and where it should split
Picture No. 2
Colors of areas without stitches. All areas of image which are filled with these colors are
forbidden for laying of stitches, which means that Sfumato will avoid to place stitches there.
Thus, you can eliminate the background from the image. You may want to create thin
running-stitch outline on edges of remaining design. Therefore, there are two types of
background (forbidden areas) available: background with and without outline. Background
with outline is by default of green color (Lime). Background without outline is by default of
magenta color (Fuchsia). Sfumato can recognize background colors only if their R,G,B values
in Controls window are exactly the same as on the image. Outlined backround may be used
around objects like head or figure. Backround without outline should be used on areas like
bright in eyes (Pcture no. 4) or on teeth where stitches are undesirable as well as outlines.
Compute Stitches. When you finish all work on image, enhancement of design look and
setting of controls (including selection and placement of hoop), hit this button to start
calculation of design. Do not forget to "Save Sfumato Stitch Project" to preserve settings.
Calculation of stitches may last several minutes (4 inches design on 400 MHz computer) or
even hours for very large designs (10 inches design on the same computer). When calculation
is over, chose "Return to Embird Editor" for further work with design. In demo version,
Sfumato uses stitch count limit for all designs, which means that designs may appear
incomplete in Embird Editor. If you want to try complete Sfumato Stitch designs, please use
designs provided with Embird Plus. These designs are located in the same folder as Embird
(usually EMBIRD32), in the subfolder FILES.
Open Sfumato Stitch Project. Hit this button to open previously created project. Project
contains values of all Sfumato Stitch controls and link to image. If image was deleted or
moved in the meantime, you will have to import image from Painter menu. To preserve links
between projects and images, it is highly recommended to save all images and projects into
default subfolder PROJECTS. The reason why images are just linked not stored in the project
files is that by leaving images in original .BMP or .JPG form Sfumato allows you to edit them
also in other programs.
Save Sfumato Stitch Project. Hit this button to save values of settings and link to image into
so called "project" file (extension .ss1). To preserve links between projects and images, it is
highly recommended to save all images and projects into default subfolder PROJECTS.
Picture No. 3
Picture No. 4
2. Painter
BMP or JPG picture loaded into Sfumato (Painter) should be not larger than about 3000 x
3000 pixels. In fact, 1500 x 1500 pixels picture has enough detail for maximum design that
Sfumato can create. When scanning the photo in scanning programs, you can adjust size of
scanned picture by selecting the lower resolution of scanning.
Adjust Image Characteristics functions from Painter/Adjust menu (Picture No. 5)
Left Picture. This picture shows image or selected part of image on which adjustments will
be applied.
Right Picture. This picture shows another selection made from left picture based on Selected
Color and similar colors. Range of similarity is given by Fuzziness value. The larger is the
Fuzziness, the wider is the range of selected colors. The "strength" of color selection is greater
for more similar colors than for less similar colors. The "strength" of color selection is
represented by brightness of gray areas on the right picture. To select new color, move cursor
over the left image and pick desired color.
Picture No. 5
You may decide to make adjustments on image areas shown on left picture or just on the
selected color and similar colors. In the second case, set "Affect Only Selected Color and
Similar Colors" to on.
Usually, you do not want to affect Background Colors on the image, because Sfumato Stitch
would not recognize them if they change. Therefore, "Do Not Affect Background Colors"
check box is checked by default.
Gamma Correction. If Gamma Correction is set to greater than zero, dark areas of image
will become brighter (if Gamma Correction is set to lower than zero, dark areas of image will
become even darker). This function is important for scanned images, because they are often
too dark. This function does not affect highlights very much. Therefore, use it when you are
satisfied with highlights and you only want to brighten dark areas of selection.
If the whole selection is too dark and you want to distribute shades equally from black to
white, use Equalize function from Painter/Adjust menu.
Brightness, Contrast. Use these functions to improve look of whole image, its parts or
selected colors. You may combine selection of area and colors by selecting the area of image
first (in the Painter), then entering this Adjust Image Characteristics window and making
further selection of colors. Thus, you can make eyebrows, mouth, nose or other parts of image
more distinctive.
Equalize function from Painter/Adjust menu (Picture No. 6 and 7)
You may want to emphasize some areas of image to achieve better looking design. Equalize
function redistributes the brightness values of the pixels in an image so that they more evenly
represent the entire range of brightness levels. Typically, this function is used separately for
hair, face, shirt and other parts. Picture No. 6 shows equalization effect on the hair.
Equalize Selection Based on Entire Image setting means that brightness values of whole
image are redistributed, but only selected pixels are really changed. Thus, selected area is
equalized in appropriate brightness range and not whole black-to-white range.
Equalize Selection Based on Selection setting means that brightness values of selected
pixels are redistributed in whole black-to-white range.
Usually, it is desirable to not affect background colors by equalization, because Sfumato
Stitch would not recognize them if they change. Therefore, "Do Not Affect Background
Colors" check box is checked by default.
Histogram graphs the number of pixels at each brightness level in an image. It gives a quick
picture of the tonal range of the image. The tonal range of image after equalization (New
Histogram) is same or wider than before equalization (Old Histogram).
Picture No. 6
Picture No. 7
Sfumato Stitch 2.x - How To Create Single Color Design
In Sfumato
I have received several e-mails with question how to create single color design in Sfumato.
The program does not allow user to disable the last color scale (usually the scale number 3)
and there are three colors in design, therefore. In fact, Sfumato needs to have at least one scale
enabled. However, user can influence amount of each color in design by setting the
Thresholds to appropriate values. Following example shows how to do design in just black
1. Default colors in Sfumato are black, dark gray, light gray and white (not used on white
Fabric). If you hit the Preview button, design that appears has 3 colors (black, dark and light
2. Gray colors can be eliminated by proper setting of Darkest Color Threshold.
Darkest Color is black in this case. Click on Color Scale Bar number 3 to open Scale
Parameters window (below picture). The scale (bar on the left side of below picture) consists
of black, dark gray and light gray and their mutual bleedings.
3. Set the Darkest Color Threshold to 255 so that the black covers whole scale. You will
also have to set the Blend Range of Darkest Color to 0, in order to prevent bleeding of other
color into black.
4. Close the Scale Parameters window. The scale no.3 is whole black now, which means that
no gray colors will appear in design. Hit Preview button to see result. Design is just single
color now.
Using the same approach, you can eliminate just the dark gray color or just the light gray
color by proper setting of Thresholds.
Even if you create multicolor design, you may want to not use dark or light shade of some
color scale to reduce number of colors in design. Again, you can eliminate it by proper setting
of particular threshold.
Sfumato Stitch 2.x - More Detailed Colors
and Density Tutorial
This is an additional tutorial for multicolor Sfumato Stitch. Its meaning is to provide deeper
insight into how the program converts image into stitches. This knowledge should help users
to create better designs with less effort.
When converting color image into embroidery design, Sfumato performs two main steps: 1.
splitting of whole image into several color areas, 2. approximation of brightness in each color
area with thread.
To be able to this, Sfumato uses brightness and color components of image separately. This
separation is transparent to user who works with complete image. It is necessarry, however, to
understand meaning of this process to master Sfumato Stitch completely.
1. Thread colors that will be used in design and their number is defined either automatically or
manually by user. Sfumato compares each pixel (dot) in image with chosen thread colors and
uses the most similar thread color for this pixel. Result of reduction of millions of colors into
several thread colors is Color Map of image. In Color Map, each pixel is assigned with some
thread color. Color Map defines color layout of design. i.e. how the image will be split into
color areas.
2. Brightness component of image is used for calculation of thread density. Sfumato
approximates brightness of image with density of stitches forming small curves and lines
(Picture No. 1). On most dense areas, Sfumato uses fill stitches to avoid too short stitches.
Picture No. 1
Original image and its brightness and color components.
Picture no. 2 is the original image.
Picture no. 3 is separated brightness map, which is used by Sfumato for calculation of stitch
density. This brightness map is not visible to user. User can bias the thread density by:
1. Adjusting the brightness and contrast or by equalization of image or just its selection.
2. Adjusting the Density Curve of whole design.
3. Adjusting the Additional Density of chosen colors.
Picture no. 4 is Color Map of design. It shows how will be the design splitted into separate
colors. Design has black outline around head, because of background color of original image.
Color Map can be used for manual editing of colors layout and it may be displayed in untrue
colors for better contrast of different areas. The Colors and Density subjects are discussed in
further text.
Picture No. 2
Picture No. 3
Picture No. 4
What is the meaning of Color Map ?
The easiest way of design creation is to just hit the Auto button and let the program chose the
thread colors automatically. This can be used as a first step, but usually some further
adjustment of parameters is necessarry to produce really good designs. For example, if there
are similar colors on shirt and face (like on above picture), program may assign face colors to
shirt because it doesn't know where the face ends and shirt begins. Therefore, Color Map is
accessible to user for manual editing to adjust colors layout. Of course, if edited Color Map is
used (loaded), program can no longer allow user to change some parameters, because edited
Color Map would be replaced by new automatically generated Color Map. Therefore, some
controls are locked after loading of edited Color Map.
Why is the Color Map displayed in untrue colors when loaded into Painter for editing ?
Imagine the situation when you are working on design with lot of similar color like yellow,
orange, light red etc. If you would edit the Color Map of such design in real colors, some
solitary dots and thin lines will be hardly visible. Moreover, if you change the thread colors,
Sfumato would be not able to read this edited Color Map because it would not recognize its
colors. Therefore, Color Map is saved in untrue colors that are always the same regardless of
thread colors used in design. Thus, the details are more visible when editing the Map and
Sfumato can read edited Color Map even if thread colors are changed.
What are Color Scales ?
Sfumato reduces millions of colors in image to just several chosen Palette Colors. To achieve
subtle graduation of brightness, Sfumato divides each palette color into 4 different shades:
Darkest Thread Color (usually black), Dark Thread Shade, Light Thread Shade and Lightest
Thread Color (usually white). When creating multicolor design, Darkest and Lightest colors
are common for all color scales. For example design in red and yellow scales would be sewn
with following threads: black, white, dark red, light red, dark yellow, light yellow. Any of
these colors can be omitted by proper adjustment of particular Threshold value.
The process of colors reduction is following:
Millions of image colors -> Palette Colors chosen automatically or by user -> Thread Shades.
The processing of image by Sfumato can be devided into following main steps:
1. Editing of image and elimination of backround in Painter.
2. Hitting of Auto button to achieve preliminary version of design.
3. Adjustment of design parameters, colors and their number.
4. If preview of design is still not satisfactory, the editing (retouch) of Color Map.
5. Calculation of design based on original or edited Color Map.
How should you choose the Palette Colors ?
When you hit Auto button, program choses Palette Colors and their number automatically.
However, automatical choise is often not optimal. To choose Palette Colors manually make
the following:
1. Decide what number of color do you need (two shades for face, one shade for shirt ... etc.).
Enable corresponding number of scales. If you need just one shade from scale, adjust the
threshold accordingly.
2. Click on Palette Color box to access the color editing window. On the right side is color
square with all posible image colors (deprived of brightness). This color square is Color
Palette from which you can choose several Palette Colors. On the left side, you will find the
Colors Histogram that shows how often colors from palette appear in the image. The more
frequent is the use of color in the image, the brighter is the corresponding spot in the
Histogram square. Black color in Histogram means that color is not used in image.
3. The strategies for choice of just few Palette Colors for a good approximation of millions of
image colors may be different and none of them is universal. You should combine below
methods and find what is best for particular image.
a) You can choose the colors that are mostly used in image. In such case, place the Palette
colors into brightest spots of Histogram. However, imagine picture with sky where are many
shades of blue and small yellow moon. Using this approach, you will choose several blue
Palette Colors but no yellow. The moon will be blue after colors reduction.
b) You can choose colors that are sufficiently different one from other. This approach does
not take into account amount of color in the image. You may have a lot of unnecessary thread
colors in your design then and some colors will be used only for a few stitches.
For best result you should combine approaches a) and b), i.e. place Palette Colors into centers
of brightest clouds (aggregations) that are sufficiently distant one from other at the same time.
The number of bright clouds also shows you how many Palette Colors should be used for
your image to achieve design with similar look as image.
You may need to emphasize colors sometimes, to get more distinctive aggregations in the
Histogram. Adjust Saturation of image colors in this case. You can also select some part of
image (moon for example) and change the Color Balance so that it will be more yellow, or
green ... Doing this, you do also change the aggregations in the Histogram.
When separating image into color areas, Sfumato disregards brightness of image pixels and
takes into account only the chromatic components of image, because brightness is later
approximated by density and shades. Therefore, colors in the palette are deprived of
Example of manual selection of Palette Colors. For Eva image (above), two color scales are
sufficient. Two Palette Colors (brown and teal) are placed into largest aggregations of colors
(see red dots on Histogram). Green and black lines show how the whole Histogram and the
Color Palette are divided by colors separation. All colors in area below line will be replaced
by brown Palette Color and all colors in area above line will be replaced by teal Palette Color.
Sfumato Stitch 2.x - Complete Example of Design Creation
In further text you will find complete example how to create color design in Sfumato. I will
endeavour to show you how to edit the image, adjust the colors and their number, edit the
color map of design and adjust the density of stitches.
1. This is the original image GLADIATOR (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
2. First of all, I have cropped the image to remove unnecessary parts of photo. I have used the
rectangular selection tool and then Crop command from Edit submenu (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
3. I have resampled the image to desired size. (Picture No. 3)
Picture No. 3
4.The scanned image was somewhat blurred. I have used Sharpen function to enhance the
image. (Picture No. 4)
Picture No. 4
5. The next step is to remove background that should be not stitched. (Picture No. 5). I have
used lime color (R=0, G=255, B=0), which is default background color. As it is defined as
color of background with outline (in the Controls widow on the right side of the screen), the
design will have thin running stitch outline. The color of outline will be black because it is
default outline color and I have not changed it.
Picture No. 5
6. I hit the Auto button to see what colors would program choose automatically. Preview of
design appeared in the Preview window in the right bottom corner of screen. I was not
satisfied with colors because I wanted the skin to be of separate color and the red cloth too.
Therefore, I tried to adjust the colors manually. The Maximum Hoop is default hoop in the
Sfumato and I have used it for this design. You do not need to use other hoop unless you
create design for multiposition hoop (Viking Plus hoop is supported). However, keep in mind
maximum size of design that you can sew on your machine. (Picture No. 6)
Picture No. 6
7. I hit the More button to access window with more controls. Automatically chosen colors
can be seen in this window. Sfumato chosed black, white (which will be not used in design
because of white fabric), blue, gray and gold. I will edit these colors to make design looking
more like original image. I hit the blue color box to open color editing window. (Picture No.7)
Picture No. 7
8. The color editing window opened. The grayscale histogram that indicates the frequency of
use of each color shows four distinctive aggregations of colors. These aggregations are
displayed as brighter clouds. I saw that two of chosen colors (the gray and gold) are placed
correctly (in the centers of aggregations). The third color (blue) is not placed correctly
because it is in black (not used) area. (Picture No. 8)
Picture No. 8
9. I decided to replace blue color with red. I have placed the corresponding dot into another
aggregation. There is one more bright spot just in the joint of the green lines. It corresponds to
pink palette colors (see the color around joint of black lines in palette). I could use one more
color, but I did not wanted many colors in design. Moreover, pink is very similar to red and it
is not really necessarry for this design. (Picture No. 9)
Picture No. 9
10. I closed the color editing window and hit the Preview button to see design in new colors.
Color layout was much better but the skirt of gladiator seems to be too dark (see design in
Preview window in Picture No. 10).
Picture No. 10
11. I have selected the skirt on image with polygonal selection tool and I have adjusted the
selection with Equalize function that distributes shades in selection evenly from lightest to
darkest. I checked the 'Based on Selection' option because I wanted to equalize just the skirt
independently on the rest of image. (Picture No. 11)
Picture No. 11
12. The skirt looks more three dimensional now and shows more detail. (Picture No. 12)
Picture No. 12
13. I saw that red, gold and gray colors are mingled on the arm and face of the man (see
Preview). I decided to make skin a separate color. I did not wanted to add more colors (just
now 7 colors were used), so I decided to use dark gray for skin (I will later replace the dark
gray with more appropriate tone). The shirt of the second man that is only partly visible will
be of light gray color. As I wanted to make detailed change of colors layout, I needed to edit
(retouch) the Color Map of design. I have saved the Color Map to hard disc and then I opened
it in Painter instead of original image (which I saved to disc too). Color Map opens in Painter
in untrue colors for better contrast. The untrue color are always the same regardless of chosen
palette colors. (Picture No. 13)
Picture No. 13
14. I have edited the Color Map with use of polygonal selection tool and Replace Background
with Foreground Color command. In untrue colors the brown corresponds to gray threads,
blue to red threads and teal to gold threads. Compare the Color Map on this and above
snapshots. The arm and face are filled with dark brown (which means dark gray in real
design). The cloth of gladiator is just blue and not mingled with brown like above. The
armour is just teal. The shirt of man that is only partly visible is light brown. (Picture No. 14)
Picture No. 14
Doing this editing of Color Map I have achieved two goals:
- the colors are exactly where I wanted them to be
- the colors do not intermingle so much one into other as before.
15. I have loaded the edited Color Map back into Sfumato and I have also loaded image back
into Painter. Preview shows old picture. The changes did not took effect yet. (Picture No. 15)
Picture No. 15
16. I hit the Preview button and I saw that color layout is now just as I wanted it to be.
However, the dark gray doesn't look good on gladiator's face and arm. I have opened the More
Controls window to change this color. Of course, some controls are locked now (the light blue
panel with lock icon), because the manually edited Color Map would be spoiled if any of
these controls changes. Other controls do not affect Color Map and they are still enabled,
Picture No. 16
17. I have clicked on Scale bar of gray color to edit it. The Color Scale Parameters window
opened. I have changed the dark gray tone to color more appropriate for skin. (Picture No. 17)
Picture No. 17
18. I hit the Preview button. The design with new color is shown on Picture No. 18. There are
empty white areas on the head and the arm that are not filled with stitches. I decided to
increase the density of stitches on these places as well as on the light gold areas on armour.
Picture No. 18
19. I have clicked on the Scale bar belonging to gray palette color again. I have changed the
Additional Density for skin color to +15 value. I did the same with light gold color. (Picture
No. 19)
Picture No. 19
20. I hit the Preview button to see result. The head, arm and the armour are of higher density
now (compare left and right snapshots).
Picture No. 20
Picture No. 21
21. I was satisfied with preview of design now. I hit the Compute Stitches button to calculate
the design. When Sfumato finished the calculation, I have chosed the 'Return to Embird
Editor' option from window that appeared.
Picture No. 22
22. Sfumato was closed and finished design appeared in the Embird Editor. I have saved it to
hard disc and closed the Editor window.
Picture No. 23
23. The Embird Manager window was opened and the 3D preview of finished design
appeared in the middle panel. The thread colors of finished design are displayed below
design. (Picture No. 24)
There are some things that I could do better:
- There should be more black color on face and hand
- The coat of arm on the armour could be more visible if I would do some equalization on it or
if I would draw some lines with darker color there to emphasize it.
- The small black stitch between helmet and left hand should be divided in two or three
stitches in Embird Editor and snapped to edge of design. The same applies to single red stitch
between skirt and strip.
Picture No. 24
Splitting - Interactive Free-Hand Splitting
1 - Select the "Editor" mode.
2 - Open file, which will be split into two parts.
3 - Select "Freehand Select Mode" (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
4. - Select the area which to extract. Click single left mouse button at the starting point and
following points, click double left mouse button in the last-but-one point (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
5 - Click on the "Split" button on the right hand side of the screen (Picture No. 3).
Picture No. 3
6 -To save separated part into file, or to move it, click left mouse button on this part to select
it. A black frame is drawn around the design when it is selected. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
7 - To save the selected part click on "File" and then on "Save Selected As..." (Picture No.5)
Picture No. 5
8 - Choose the target file format from the list (Picture No.6)
Picture No. 6
9 - Select folder/file where you want to store the part and save (click on OK button)
(Picture No. 7).
Picture No. 7
10 - To save the second part of the design, select it first and then repeat steps 6 to 9.
11 - When finished Exit.
Splitting - Split Before/After Color, Separate Color
1 - Select the "Editor" mode.
2 - Open file, which will be split.
3 - Select color, which will be separated (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
4 - Push right mouse button for popup menu and select "Split Before Color" (Picture No.2).
Picture No. 2
5 - To save separated part into file, or to move it, click left mouse button on this part
(Picture No. 3).
Picture No. 3
6 - To save selected part click on "File" and then on "Save Selected As..." (Picture No. 4)
Picture No. 4
7 - Choose the target file format from the list (Picture No. 5)
Picture No. 5
8 - Select folder/file where you want to store the part and save (click on OK button)
(Picture No. 6).
Picture No. 6
9 - To save second part of the design repeat steps 6 ~9.10 - When finished Exit.
Splitting - Using Initial and Ending Stitch Boxes
1 - Select the "Editor" mode.
2 - Open the file that you want to split.
3 - Let suppose that you want to split the design bellow into two parts - dog and barrier. You
know that barrier has colors different from dog colors. Set "Initial Stitch" to 1. To find the last
stitch of dog (being the same as initial stitch of the barrier), click repeatly on "To Next Color"
button, which is located to the right of "Ending Stitch" box . Selected part of embroidery, i.e.
stitches 1 to 6667 are drawn in red color. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
4 - When the stitches are selected, click on "Split" button (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
5 - To save separated part into file, or to move it, click left mouse button on this part
(Picture No.3).
Picture No. 3
6 - To save second part of the design repeat step 5.
Thread Catalogs
1 - Select the "Manager" mode.
2 - Select design, view design.
Choosing color from the built-in thread catalogs.
3 - Move mouse pointer to the color which you want to change and press right mouse button
for popup menu. (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
4. - Select "Choose Color from Catalog...". (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
5 - Choose thread (Picture No.3).
Picture No. 3
6 - Push "Apply Color Changes" (Picture No.4).
Picture No. 4
Searching for the color in the built-in thread catalogs.
7 - Move mouse pointer to the color, which you want to find in catalog, and press right mouse
button for popup menu.Select color, click right mouse buton, select "Find Color in Catalog..."
(Picture No. 5).
Picture No. 5
8 - Find color in thread catalog (Picture No.6)
Picture No. 6
9 - Push "Apply Color Changes" (Picture No.7).
Picture No. 7
Uninstalling Embird
1 - Click on "Start -> Programs -> Embird Plus -> Uninstall Embird Plus" command.
(Picture No. 1)
Picture No. 1
2 - In the dialog box which appears on screen, click on "Remove" button. (Picture No. 2)
Picture No. 2
3 - Another dialog box will appear, allowing you to back-up your passwords in Embird.
(Picture No. 3). If you want to back-up the passwords, please insert formatted floppy disk into
drive A: and hit "Back-up" button. Once the back-up process is finished, click on "Close"
button to close this dialog box.
Picture No. 3
4 - Continue with uninstallation process by clicking on "Yes" button. (Picture No. 4)
Picture No. 4
5 - When the uninstallation process is finished, the information message is displayed.
(Picture No. 5)
Picture No. 5
Viewing Designs
1 - Select the "Manager" mode.
2 - Select design.
3 - Push first button to see design (Picture No. 1).
Picture No. 1
3. - Push second button to see designs defragmented on partial colors. Click on the small
figure to show details. (Picture No. 2).
Picture No. 2
5 - Push third button to see list of colors (Picture No.3).
Picture No. 3
6 - Select type of threads. You can see thread's consumption, name of color and number of
thread. (Picture No. 4).
Picture No. 4
7 - To see thumbnails of designs select designs and push forth button (Picture No. 5)
Picture No. 5
Writing Designs to Floppy Disks
DOS formats, 2HD or 2DD floppy disks,
use Right Panel to process these disks in Embird
1 - Select the "Manager" mode.
2 - Insert floppy disk into drive.
3 - In the "Files:" box on right panel select designs which will be copied to floppy disk
(Picture No. 1). To select the files, depress left mouse button and drag mouse over the
Picture No. 1
4 - Move mouse pointer to the "Files:" box on right panel and click right mouse button for
popup menu. Choose "Copy Files to Clipboard" command to copy selected designs to the
clipboard (Picture No. 2). You will find this command also in "Right Panel" menu.
Picture No. 2
5 - Choose floppy disk drive on the right panel in "Drive:" box (Picture No. 3).
Picture No. 3
6 - Move mouse pointer to the "Files" box on right panel and click right mouse button for
popup menu. Choose "Paste Designs from Clipboard" command to copy the files from floppy
disk to hard disk (Picture No. 4). You will find this command also in "Right Panel" menu.
Picture No. 4
Non-DOS formats (used by industrial embroidery machines
e.g. Barudan FDR, FMC or ZSK), 2DD floppy disks,
use Left Panel to process these disks in Embird
1 - Select the "Manager" mode.
2 - Insert floppy disk into drive.
3 - Click "List A:" button and wait until Embird recognizes the floppy disk format
(Picture No. 5).
Picture No. 5
4 - In "Files:" box on the right panel select files which will be saved to the floppy disk
(Picture No. 6). To select the files, depress left mouse button and drag mouse over the
Picture No. 6
5 - Move mouse pointer to the "Files:" box on right panel and click right mouse button for
popup menu. Choose "Copy Files to Floppy Disk..." command (Picture No. 7). You will find
this command also in "Right Panel" menu.
Picture No. 7
6 - Once the writing process is finished, you will see files saved on the floppy disk on the left
panel in "Files:" box (Picture No. 8).
Picture No. 8