Issue 38 - noiZe Magazine


Issue 38 - noiZe Magazine
The Pr emier G uide t o C ircuit E vents Worldwide
He wanted to do a three-way. The other guy, needgoodluv,
had a hot picture so I was game. rippedbtm acted as the
go-between, sending my face pics to needgoodluv and
making the complex negotiations. He came back and said I
should IM the other guy and talk him into it – he still wasn’t
not much
rippedbtm said you’re unsure
about cummin over to play
it’ll be fun
u should come
that’s not what I said
what I said is that ur ugly
Oh. OK. Well… have a nice night then.
I swear I am giving up Internet sex. Or, I should say, giving
up the attempt to find Internet sex. I know that lots of
people are getting laid via the net. Maybe I just don’t know
how to play the game.
Cover Photo
Stevee Postman
It’s hard for me. On the net it’s impossible to form any kind
of “energetic connection” with the guys you’re cruising.
Moreover, there is a lack of the sensory contact that allows
me to build interest in a guy. There’s no opportunity to see
how they move, to feel how they react to my presence, to
smell them. For me, those are important parts of the ritual
of meeting a guy and dancing the dance that leads to my
bed. I guess I’m just old-fashioned.
A lot of our cruising has always had a dog-eat-dog attitude.
But the Inter net brings a new level of distance and
anonymity. This allows a new level of freedom in taking on a
fantasy persona – which I believe is a healthy thing.
The problem with the anonymity is that it allows some
people to be unnecessarily blunt and even rude. To play in
this world you have to accept the fact that a planned
meeting has only a fifty percent chance of occurring. And
let’s not even talk about how often they really look like their
pictures if they do show up…
Is it the net that makes people less human? New systems
like “Friendster” offer the promise of new formulas that
promote a more civil style of communication on the net.
The technology doesn’t have to be dehumanizing. The
challenge is to create spaces on the net where this evolving
form of communication is not a training ground that
cultivates dishonesty and disrespect.
-Steve Kammon
Circuit Photo
Miami White Party
Dr. Moody Mustafa
Editor in Chief
Steve Kammon
Stephen Ceplenski
The Premier Guide to Circuit Events Worldwide
Advertising Director
Gary Steinberg
Not the Marrying Kind
by John R. Ballew, M.S., L.P.C.
“Twas the Night Before Crackmas”
by Steve K and Jamie Cottage
Bring Me the Axe
by D. Michael Taylor
DJ Profile: Abel
by Rami Ramirez
Arms Race
by Dennis Fleming and Steve Kammon
Circuit Eye for the Queer Guy
Circuit Photo Album
The Ears Have It
Benefit Spotlight: Winter Party
East Coast Office
954-764-8210 (voice)
954-764-6392 (fax)
West Coast Office
11288 Ventura Blvd #700
Studio City, CA 91604
818-769-9390 (voice)
818-769-5482 (fax)
by Steve Kammon
Winter Circuit Schedule
Gays vs. Queers: The Future of the
by Don Spradlin
w w w. c i rc u i t n o i z e . c o m
©Copyright 2003 Circuit Noize. All
rights reserved. Contents may not be
reproduced without permission from
the publisher. Publication of name or
photo of any person or organization
in Circuit Noize is not to be
construed as any indication of the
sexual orientation of that person or
Music Reviews
by DJ Mateo
Senior Editor
Jeffery Taylor
Schedule Editor
Tony Hayden
Art Director
Stephen Ceplenski
Circuit Boyz Productions
Cover Artwork
Stevee Postman
Event Accent Photos
Moody Mustafa
Circuit Photos
Circuit Boyz Productions
Derek Debrew
Scott Goetz
Mark Lynch
Trevor MacNeil
Mark Marple
Moody Mustafa
Robert Riedijk
Writers and Contributors
John R. Ballew, M.S., L.P.C.
Jamie Cottage
Dennis Fleming
DJ Mateo
Rami Ramirez
David Sexton
Don Spradlin
Craig Smith
D. Michael Taylor
Wedding Traditions
Published in February, May, August
and November
from the Internet
by John R. Ballew, M.S., L.P.C.
Have you ever noticed how many people assume that being single is
supposed to be a temporary state? With all of the focus the past few years
on the right of gay folks to marry, sometimes it seems like gay men and
women now have an obligation to marry – and quickly.
But what if being single is a choice,
not a problem? For some men,
settling down feels like settling for
less than they want. They find
themselves less interested in
housekeeping and more interested
in the independent single life.
Society pushes the idea that there is
one way for an adult to live; sooner
or later, we’re expected to spend our
lives with our significant other. That
may be the best option for most
people, but is it the choice for
everyone? Consider these guys:
Jim is 45 and has a wide circle of
friends. He’s devoted to his job right
now, and doing very well for himself.
He’s single.
Walter is 30 and has been in and out
of romantic relationships over the
years. He’s not ruling anything out,
but he’s more interested in figuring
himself out right now than he is in
chasing down another boyfriend.
He’s enjoying the club scene and
often dances the weekend away with
Joseph is 75 and widowed, having lost
his lover to cancer several years ago, but
he’s far from a sad and lonely old man.
He has friends, including some
friendships “with benefits,” he says with
a smile. He’s involved with several
groups in his community and enjoys his
Sure, many single men dream about
finding Mr. Right and settling down. But
many men in relationships that have
gone stale dream about cutting loose
and being single again. The grass, it
seems, really does look greener on the
other side of the fence.
Is it possible to be single and happy?
Social pressure can cause singles to
doubt their choice or even feel guilty for
enjoying their singleness. They wonder:
Am I just deluding myself into thinking
I’m happy? Would I be doing the “right
thing” if I put aside single life and
hooked up with someone for the long
A better question might be, “Am I
enjoying my life?” A little loneliness
from time to time doesn’t mean it’s time
to set up house with someone; it is very
possible to be lonely in a relationship.
Getting involved with someone
primarily to avoid loneliness is not
the way to find a partner. If you are
enjoying your independence and
also managing to get your needs
met, what’s the rush to find a
Happy humans live in networks of
relationships, regardless of whether
they are single or coupled. We need
connection and intimacy of various
sorts if we are going to thrive.
Lonely people may look to
committed relationships the way a
drowning man looks for a life raft,
but healthy relationships rarely come
to people who don’t already have it
together enough to have friends.
Friendships can meet many of the
needs of single people, provided
those friendships are genuine and
strong. Having close friends you can
depend on when needed, men and
women who can be counted on for
company and mutual support, is
infinitely preferable to being in a
relationship you don’t really want.
And then there’s sex. While there
are studies that suggest married
heterosexual couples have more
sexual fulfillment than their single
counterparts, it’s an open question
whether the same is true for gay
men. Sexual pleasure is something
many gay men take very seriously,
and most single guys certainly know
how to get their needs met.
Sometimes it is hard to know exactly
what we want. We drift along
hoping someone else will give us the
answer to life’s questions.
Four things to think about:
Does your life feel balanced and
fulfilling, or does something feel like
it’s missing? If something’s missing,
don’t expect a boyfriend to
magically fill up any empty spaces.
How varied is your social life? If you
only socialize in one place (clubs
and bars, for instance), you are
more likely to become bored.
Is there room in your life for a
partner, or are you pursuing other
aspects of life right now? No
problem there – as long as you’re
not hiding from intimacy by
becoming a workaholic. If you’ve
got compulsive patterns in your life
regarding booze, drugs, sex, or
work, you may be avoiding
intimacy, not choosing the single
Are your needs for intimacy getting
met? We’re not only talking about
sex here. Are there people in your
life you can count on, share the ups
and downs of life – people who
really know you?
What do you see down the road
five or ten years from now? Can
you imagine being satisfied with
how you’ve spent your time, or do
you imagine having regrets?
Having a successful life doesn’t come
from finding the perfect mate. A
successful life comes from leading your
life exactly the way you want to lead it.
John R. Ballew, M.S., is a licensed
professional counselor in private
practice in Atlanta. He specializes in
issues related to coming out, sexuality
and relationships. He can be reached
via the web at
B e n e f i t i n g F l o r i d a’s O n e
S o u rc e For HIV/AIDS C are
Yo u r
one source
F L A S H B A C K– F A S T F O R W A R D
T H E 19 t h A N N U A L
M I A M I , M I A M I B E A C H & F T. L A U D E R D A L E
Tickets and Passes On Sale Now !
Featuring DJs: Victor Calderone,
Tracy Young, Abel, Monty Q,
Susan Morabito, Hex Hector,
Peter Rauhofer, Alyson
Calagna, Manny Lehman, DJ
Pride, Roland Belmares,
Eddie X, Ivano Bellini-SFP
Records. Dale Rozman, Carlos
Sarli, JRNY, David Knapp and
Tony Moran Venues Include:
Space34, Crobar, Maze,
Delano, Miami Seaquarium,
Skybar at Shore Club,12th
Street Beach, Opium, Nikki
Beach, Ritz Plaza Hotel, Jade
Lounge, Cupid’s Cabaret and
Sea Monster. Producers
Include: Mark Baker, Johnny
Chisholm, Jeffrey Sanker,
P.M.Parties and Kiss The Girl
DJs and venues subject to change
White Party 2003
Sponsors as of 10/02/03
Aldo Orta Jewelry
Chicago Free Press
Hotspots! magazine
Interactive Male
Kiss The Girl
Kohlman Hamlin, LLP
Miami New Times
TWN-The Weekly News
For information and
schedules visit our website at:
w w w.whitepar
Adventure Summer Camp, Altitude,
Aqua Girl, Black & Blue Montreal,
Cherry Ball, Chrome Party, Fireball,
Freedom Party, Gay Days Orlando,
Gay Halloween-New Orleans, Gay
Mardi Gras-New Orleans, Gay New
Year’s-New Orleans, Heritage of Pride,
Hotlanta River Expo, Motorball, Pride
South Florida, Red Ball, ReUNION
Party, Southern Decadence, Summer
Camp Provincetown, A Weekend In
Oz, Winter Party, with the support of
the Miami Beach VCA creating
tourism partnerships.
A November Premiere
White Party ‘03 CD
by DJ Tracy Young
on Ferosh Records
Mark Baker, Johnny Chisholm &
Jeffrey Sanker In association with
present A benefit for Care Resource
Friday, November 28th
At The Miami Seaquarium
9pm to 6am
Guest Superstar DJ's
David Knapp & Tony Moran
$85 in advance
$95 at the door
VIP Room:
$160 includes
VIP admittance
and open bar
For more information or to order tickets go to
18+ over
Solar Heated Environment
N O V E M B E R 2 6 – D E C E M B E R 1, 2 0 0 3
M I A M I , M I A M I B E A C H & F T. L A U D E R D A L E
Benefiting Care Resource
Florida’s One Source
“Twas The Night Before Crackmas”
by Steve K and Jamie Cottage
‘Twas the night before Crackmas, when all through the house
Not a tweaker was stirring - they all were passed out.
Their bumpers were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes kitty fairy soon would be there.
The crack-ho’s were nestled real snug in their beds,
While visions of muscleboyz danced in their heads;
My trick in his undies, me au natural,
Had just had the only intense bacchanal.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tripped on the weight bench, and fell on my ass.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave my eyes the illusion of a mountain of blow.
When, what to my dilated eyes should appear,
But a sleigh pulled by porn stars - and all with tight rears!
The driver - a drag queen in the new Prada shoe,
I knew right away it was KiKi LaBlue!
More rapid than eagles her studboys they came,
And she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
“Now, Hunter! Now, Fuller! Now, Gunther and Stryker!
On, Bender! On, Spencer! On, Turner and Ryker!”
To the tops and the bottoms and the versatiles called,
“Now hump away! hump away! hump away all!”
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When met with an obstacle, mount up to the sky,
So up to the house-top the porn stars they flew,
The sleigh full of Circuit toys, MDMA too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The grunting and humping of many buffed poofs.
As I drew in a bump, and was turning around,
Down the chimney came KiKi, with a leap and a bound.
She was dressed in faux fur, from her head to her foot,
And her clothes were all flawless - no ashes or soot;
A bundle of goodies was flung on her back,
She looked like a dealer just opening her pack.
Her eyes were quite bloodshot! Her skin was quite scary!
Hanging ‘neath her nose - a Tina dingleberry!
Her glass pipe she held clamped quite tight ‘tween her teeth,
And the smoke, it encircled her head like a wreath.
She was plump and yet fierce, a right jolly old queen,
And I laughed when I saw her (I guess that was mean);
With a wink of her eye and a snap of her wrist,
She made her request - Cosmo with a twist!
She spoke not a word (girl, that bitch she could work),
She filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk
And laying her finger aside of her nose,
She did a hot rail - up the chimney she rose!
She sprang to her studs, on each butt laid a slap,
And away they all flew…(Damn! She must have good crap!)
And I heard her exclaim, ‘ere she drove out of sight,
“Merry Crackmas to all, and to all a safe night!”
by D. Michael Taylor
Quick, who wrote the following about human sexuality:
I guess what I am trying to say is that I oppose the dogmas of some
organized religions who accept marital relationship only as a “tolerated”
sin for the purpose of conceiving children and who believe all children to
be born in sin. My personal belief is that God couldn’t create evil so the
desires he planted in us are good…
Give up?
Ronald Reagan, in a letter to a
recently widowed family friend in
1951. Spooky, huh? The man who
ignored the AIDS crisis during its
crucial initial phase believed that
sexuality was a healthy part of our
psychological makeup. Perhaps it is
his notorious antipathy to our cause
that underscores the importance of
what he’s saying in this letter. Out
of the mouths of babes, as it were.
Isn’t it ironic that many homosexuals
have so much trouble with this
simple and poetic logic? Masters of
theatrical psychological excess and
intricate masks of self-loathing,
some of us dive headfirst into an
abyss of drugs and sex in order to
fulfill a destructive impulse. Our
outsider status grants us a radical
independence that is often difficult
to handle responsibly, and many
suffer as a result. Rampant STD
infection rates and persistent high
suicide counts in our teenage
population testify to the fact that not all
of us have managed to integrate
sexuality into our lives successfully.
I’m not one to jump on a moral
soapbox. My own life has been a
patchwork of misadventures that help
define who I am and how I have grown
to see myself in the world. A mantra of
no regrets and an amazing foundation
laid down for me by my family have
helped me emerge stronger and more
confident, if not a bit worse for wear.
Reagan is saying nothing more
complicated than ‘God don’t make no
crap’. I’m not a religious man, but
there’s a universal message in that
sentiment that rings true for me. Our
actions help define who we are, but
who we think we are helps determine
how we act. The collective middle
finger given to the world of bourgeois
culture thirty years ago has become a
defensive wall that pens us into our
own self-imposed cell, often far from
the world of functional adulthood
and real feelings of self-worth. It
was important for us to make that
gesture, but it is also important for
us to stop making it. In our struggle
to differentiate ourselves, we may
have forgotten that we are, in fact,
just like everyone else.
Gay marriage is about to become
one of the most pivotal issues of
our time. It will be an interesting
development in the history of our
civil rights movement, as we tend to
Stephen Miller crystallizes this in the
Independent Gay Forum by pointing
out that “it’s a matter of the legal
option to wed, for those who wish to
do so. Why is that so threatening to
the ‘anti-assimilationists’ of the left and
the social conservatives of the right?”
The parallel between the far gay left
and far religious right on the marriage
issue is confusing, but hard to ignore.
Clifford Krauss expands on the
marriage ‘threat’ in The New York
Times : “It is a debate that pits those
who celebrate a separate and
be divided on the issue ourselves.
Being exiled from the stifling world
of straight relationship conventions
that were denied to us for so long
has made many of us, and often the
most vocal among us, unable to
comprehend integrating them now.
Struggle was all that many of our
activist leaders knew, and so they
may struggle against victory itself.
Certain political goals have been
unrealistic for so long that, now that
they are within our grasp, some
choose to deny their worth.
flamboyant way of life as part of a
counterculture against those who long
for acceptance into the mainstream. So
heated is the conversation that some
gay Canadians said in interviews that
they would not bring up the topic at
dinner parties.” I know that feeling.
Feisty political discussions have been
reduced to hushed and grave
intonations of agreement by those who
still choose to discuss politics and
differing opinions are generally seen as
a tacky display. Why bother our pretty
heads about rifts and inconsistencies in
our own ranks during happy hour?
I’ve talked to gay men in New York
who don’t even know who the
Presidential candidates are, content
to ignore the whole mess and vote
for anyone but Bush, if they bother
to vote at all. Many of them are
genuinely shocked when I tell them
that it was Bill Clinton who signed
the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ military
policy and the Defense of Marriage
Act. Both were crucial blows to
federalism and gay rights, and both
were gifts to the most reactionary
elements in our country. We are
often taken for granted by the
Democratic Party, and some of us
are starting to notice.
It’s time we started to chop down some
of the choking vines of apathy and
ignorance that are exhausting us at a
time when we need to have our wits
about us. We need to re-conceptualize
our struggle as a deeply human one,
fraught with inconsistencies and
quarrels. We’re bound to have
disagreements - we are among the
most talented, intelligent people on
Earth. But we’re also just squabbling
assholes like everyone else, capable
and worthy of the love and lives that
we crave, in whatever form we crave
them. Diversity can only work if we
include the possibility that some of us
want to play the same game that
everyone else gets to play.
After thirty years of struggle,
disease, and inch-by-inch victory in
this society it’s understandable that
many of us want to ignore the
whole mess, smoke a little Tina, and
have some fun with each other.
There are always meds if you wake
up out of a stupor with HIV, right?
It’s cocktail hour! Toxic chemicals
shoved violently through your
kidneys and liver until your body fat
redistributes itself in grotesque
ways and you forget what it feels
like to not be tied to a sickening
regimen. At least it’s not the 80’s,
you know what I mean? The
tragedy of seeing an entire
generation of gay men waste away
and die has inoculated us to the
much more subtle horror of life with
the virus today. We have shoved
the slowly sick and dying among us
into a very real closet again, and
have laid the groundwork for a
second wave of the pandemic and a
second crippling round of deaths.
Reagan finishes his letter by stressing
the uniquely human ability to delude
ourselves into believing idealistic
The world is full of lonely people—
people capable of happiness and of
giving happiness, and love is not a
magic touch of cosmic dust that
preordains two people and two people
only for each other. Love can grow
companionship and none of us should
be afraid to seek it.
There is more than one way to love,
one way to fight, and one way to
achieve victory for ourselves. In fact,
victory may be the realization that
we’re all very different creatures after
all, even if we want to be just like
everyone else. It’s time we took an axe
to some of our own dogma, don’t you
465-467 Church St. Toronto
Canada 416-972-0887
Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 04-30-2004
with DJ Brett Henrichson
Location: Beurs van Berlage, ancient Stock Exchange building/monument
Time: 8PM till late || International performance || Presale: € 34,- || VIP-tickets € 100,separate room || dance floor || cloack room || all night open bar || entertainment
Thursday, 04-29-2004
Evening street parties & After Hours @ Club Cockring
Friday, 04-30-2004
Queens Day! It is the Queen’s birthday and you are invited!
Experience the biggest Mardi Gras-like celebration in Europe.
Party in the streets with thousands of guys from all over the world.
Day time
“Cruising” – 3 hour Canal Party Cruise
MAIN EVENT: Orange Ball IV
with DJ Brett Henrichson
Saturday, 05-01-2004
11pm-5am Workers Party - Labor Day Europe @ amuse
| food | fashion shows | DJ’s | Location Amsterdam
docks (boat-museum / 17th century) | Boat shuttle
included | Only VIP passes/tickets
Amsterdam, 11-29-03
Military Ball
Tel Aviv, Israel, 02-06-04
White FLOWER party
Amsterdam, 03-26-04
Military Ball
London, 05-31-04
White Party
Amsterdam, 08-07-04
White Party/Gay Pride
Sunday, 05-02-2004
11pm-6am T-Dance @ Club iT
Special discounted group rates at various hotels in the center
of Amsterdam. We also organize optional tours in and around
For more information on Queens Day,
parties, hotels, discounted airfare and
to order tickets and weekend passes:
Pick Me Up...
at these Fabulous Locations:
New York
Heartbeat Records
Rainbows and Triangles
XL Lounge
Wear Me Out
19th Street Gym
Los Angeles /
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Perfect Beat
The Factory
Capital Drugs
Raving Rainbow
Pleasure Chest
L.A. Sporting Club
Rage Nightclub
A Different Light
In 101
Video West
Miami/Ft. Lauderdale
Georgie's Alibi
Whittal and Shon
Sea Monster
Universal Gear
Unabridged Books
Century Tan
Borderline Music
Circuit Nightclub
Washington, DC
Nations Night Club
Capital City Health
Universal Gear
Lambda Rising
To Become a
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Cross Roads Market
The Brick
JR’s Bar and Grill
The Forum
Outwrite Books
Boy Next Door
The Poster Hut
12th Street Gym
Millenium Coffee
5ive Lifelounge
Laguna Beach
Boom Boom Room
Hula’s Bar and Leistand
Cabana at Waikiki
Rami Ramirez
Abel Aguilera has been on the scene for a long time. With a career
spanning more than twenty years, Abel has managed to spend most of
that time at the top of his craft. Currently being celebrated as a savior of
good club music in New York, his Alegria parties have all been wild
successes with positive buzz resonating not only through the Circuit
community, but through the New York nightlife community as well.
With several top Billboard dance hits
as half of Rosabel, and many remixes
(both commissioned and privately
produced) floating proudly around
clubs, he is undoubtedly one hot
DJ/producer commodity.
Most of the parties Abel was playing in
the 80s were straight. However, Abel
frequently spun at some private gay
after-hours parties. “I knew I loved
working at the gay clubs because the
music was always much more intense.”
Abel has been DJing all
of his adult life. He
weddings, high school
homecomings, proms,
and private parties in
Abel’s first big ‘gay break’
came in the summer of
1985 when he became
one of the very first DJs
to break Miami Sound
Machine’s new single
“Conga”. It was at a
members-only gay afterhours
Horizons which required
not only a membership
but a special knock as
Abel’s very first club
break was in Miami in
1980 at Club Menage, an
exclusive location on
Brickell Avenue. The
owner of the club
introduced Abel to a Photo courtesy of
Abel is fond of those
Miami radio personality;
years in Miami. “Miami in
shortly afterwards, Abel landed a
the 80s was very fierce. It used to be a
radio gig on Miami’s SuperQ radio
seven-nights-a-week town. There were
station. Through the popularity
a lot of great clubs. The music was the
generated by his five years of radio
same for both the gay and the straight
mixing, Abel was booked regularly at
crowds.” This made it possible for Abel
Miami’s biggest clubs throughout the
to easily crossover into the gay dance
urtesy of
Photo co
the club’s owners did not want to sell –
the club was at the peak of its popularity
– but that Prince’s third offer broke the
owners’ will to keep the club. It was just
too much money to turn down.
Abel next major gig was at the new
South Beach hotspot Salvation (which
had formerly been the club Diamante)
as the resident DJ. Once again at the
helm of South Beach’s most popular gay
Saturday nightclub, Abel’s talents and
creativity flourished. It was during this
time that Abel would create a whole
new sound that would become his
trademark. His style had the driving
beat of techno with the melodies of
house and an underlying Latin sensibility
that made it Miami’s own underground
house sound.
In 1992, the notorious 1235
Washington Avenue in South Beach
was purchased dirt-cheap by a duo
from up north who turned it into the
now famous Paragon. Abel, who
had been a breath away from
purchasing the club himself, offered
to help the new owners with his club
expertise in opening Paragon.
Fortunately for Abel, the DJ that had
originally been hired for Paragon’s
Saturday nights, a big shot name
from New York, was not delivering
the goods and had to be let go.
Abel was hired to spin all three
nights for the upcoming White Party
weekend. The weekend was a huge
success, setting attendance and
financial records for the short-lived
Paragon. Abel’s Circuit fame had
The original Paragon closed in 1994
when Prince bought the club and
made it Glam Slam. Abel claims that
Party promoter Jeffrey Sanker, aware of
Abel’s growing popularity, selected him
to spin his Miami White Party event,
Snowball. Abel was so impressive that
Sanker then offered him the chance to
headline White Party in Palm Springs.
His performance was unforgettable and
his appearance at a major Circuit event
outside of Miami marked the beginning
of a new leg of his career.
Abel credits three DJs for inspiring him all as different as can be from one
another, each one influencing Abel in a
different way. Bill Kelly, now owner of
Winter Music Conference, used to spin
at gay parties in the 80s. Abel testifies
to Kelly’s smooth mixing and crowdworking, “I just found him to be fierce. I
loved what he did.”
Production-wise, Abel had long been a
big fan of Ralphi Rosario (who now is
Abel’s partner in Rosabel, the
production team that gave us the
Billboard #1 “Don’t You Want My Love”
featuring Debbie Jacobs Rock). Early
on, Abel was quite familiar with
Rosario’s production work. “Ralphi
was THE producer. Everything I saw
with Ralphi’s name on it I would have
to buy because it was my taste in
music. Every single record.”
remarks. Hmmm… New Yorkers can
only hope that Abel is being considered.
After his glorious six-year residency at
South Beach’s Salvation, and several
years spinning Circuit parties all over the
country, Abel is now wowing audiences
in New York regularly at Ric Sena’s
Alegria parties at Sound Factory.
“Alegria is my baby right now,” Abel
says. “I am extremely happy and
thankful to Ric Sena and New York City
for accepting me and believing in me.”
Abel claims that the last Alegria party,
Brazil, was one of his all-time favorite
parties, and he swears that everybody
should do two things before they die:
experience Carnivale in Brazil, and
experience an Alegria party in New York.
His other major inspiration was
Junior Vasquez during the Sound
Factory years. “Junior was the only
DJ that could really make me dance
like an animal. I would get out of
work and jump on a plane to come
to New York and hear Junior. People
would leave the club and say, ‘He
just whooped my ass!’”
And now Abel is whooping asses
himself. Abel is one of the resident
DJs at Crobar Miami where he spins
regularly. He points out, however,
that the definition of ‘residency’ has
changed over the past few years.
One club can now have five or six
‘resident’ DJs who actually spin
regularly in several cities. Although
he has a strong relationship with
Crobar Miami, he is tight-lipped at
the mention of the highly anticipated
Crobar New York. “Nobody knows
anything. It’s all top secret,” he
Miami can salivate over Abel’s
scheduled New Year’s gig at the new
Parrot Jungle in Miami for Jeffrey
Sanker’s “Miami 2004”. New York can
celebrate with regular Alegria parties
every other month. And everyone in
between and beyond can rejoice with
the sounds that Abel has served over
the past twenty years and in the fact that
there is plenty more yet to come.
All Time TOP
01. Debbie Jacobs Rock - Don't You Want My Love - Original and New Mixes
02. Allison Limerick - Where Love Lives
03. Jackie Moore - This Time Baby - 1979 Disco Mix
04. Bronski Beat - Small Town Boy
05. Bronski Beat - I Feel Love
06. Donna Summer - Love's About to Change My Heart
07. Donna Summer - I Will Go With You
08. Chaka Khan - Love You All My Lifetime
09. Jigsaw - Sky High
10. Diana Ross - The Boss
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by Dennis Fleming and Steve Kammon
This article is about the war for turf. No, we’re not talking about Iraq, or
the battle between the Bloods and the Crips in South Central Los Angeles,
or even for front row seats to Cher’s Farewell Tour.
This piece is about a skirmish that
takes place all over the world, every
single day. It’s a personal battle,
always fought between you and the
person to the left, to the right, or, in
some cases, to both sides.
This war is for dominance over
territory, over space in which to be
comfortable. The larger you are, the
more vital it is for you to win. This
may sound like a fight for space on a
very crowded dance floor, but it’s
not. This is a competition that takes
place high above in the “friendly
skies” where space is coveted and in
very short supply. I am speaking of
the crusade for possession of the
armrest in coach during commercial
airline flights.
It is important to realize that this
battle is not just for extra space in a
cramped situation, but is also vital in
terms of your appearance. If you’re
on your way to a party, then the
plane is often the first place to begin
your cruising odyssey. Remember,
the early bird catches the worm! If
you have to keep your elbows in
your lap then your posture will be all
scrunched up and you won’t be
projecting your best masculine image.
W ith both of your elbows on the
armrests, you can keep your shoulders
back and your chest out.
There is an unofficial protocol for who
gets to control the armrest. This is
usually based on gender, body size, and
degree of importance given oneself.
Standard protocol dictates that we as
gay men are near the bottom of the
feeding chain; however, we have several
tricks at our disposal that may help win
this desirable prize.
First, if the person sitting next to you is a
woman, you should consider the fact
that women, who have undergone
centuries of social conditioning to
surrender to men, will rarely challenge a
man over this piece of airline real estate.
However, you may wish to share the
armrest or even give it up to a woman if
any of the following conditions exist: 1)
her Versace bag compliments her Prada
shoes; 2) she knows that Blue Ball is in
Philadelphia and Black and Blue is in
Montreal; 3) she shows you a picture of
her very attractive son and offers to
introduce you; 4) she has every season
of Oz on DVD.
Of course, you should probably give
up any claim to the armrest if the
woman is either a lesbian wearing a
shirt that says “I HATE MEN MORE
THAN MY PERIOD” or looks like she
might be either Tonya Harding or
Shannen Doherty. Yielding to these
more aggressive members of the
female species would be wise,
especially if the flight is long.
Things get a little more complicated
if your flight neighbor is a man. If
you have ascertained that the guy
next to you is gay, the fate of the
armrest depends entirely on whether
you are interested in him or not. If
he is not your type or he’s not
interested in you, then treat him just
like any other straight guy. If you are
interested, then the whole armrest
battle can be turned into a flirtatious
vehicle to convey your attraction.
“Here, you take the armrest. Those
large biceps may need to relax awhile,
because they are really wearing me
out!” (OK, maybe not quite like that,
but you get the idea.)
If you’re lucky enough to have ended up
next to a cute gay boy and all signs
point to “Go!”, it sometimes works best
to simply go right in for the kill. Physical
contact is best initiated with the knee. If
he doesn’t withdraw his leg, he is either
interested or unwilling to give up any
more space. If he starts to return the
pressure, you might try sharing the
armrest with him. Slide your elbow in
behind his. If you start getting return
arm pressure then you know it’s not just
your imagination – he’s interested!
(Note, however, that using the airline
blanket as cover for becoming more
intimately acquainted should only be
attempted on the “red eye” when
the lights are low and most people
are sleeping.)
You have several options when
dealing with a straight guy
approachability, and the level of his
homophobia. The overweight
businessman is the most dangerous,
because he will leak over into your
seat if you allow him to control the
armrest. He is used to being in
control and once he has established
jurisdiction, you will most likely never
see the armrest again. Here is where
food can be your biggest ally. Take
anything edible - from your bag of
in-flight snacks to that half bag of
Sour Patch Kids in your carry-on and graciously ask if he would like
some. When he reaches for the bag,
conveniently drop it on the floor. Of
course he will bend over to pick it up
- that’s when you grab the armrest!
How can he demand you give it back
when you so kindly offered him your
Then there’s the young, football
player type - aggressive and used to
having his own way. But he’s also
extremely touchy about his
homophobic. Look at him glowingly
and introduce yourself in your best
nelly queen voice. Just open your
mouth and let the Louis Vuitton bag
and matching Hermes scarf fall out
and do the talking for you. Once
you have set the tone, at the
slightest bit of turbulence, grab his
arm and screech like a virgin getting
plowed for the first time. Follow that
with a profuse apology in your best
Richard Simmons voice. That armrest
will be yours for the rest of the flight!
Finally, you can always pull the one card
that always works with a straight man –
the breast card. I’m talking about a
woman’s breast. Nothing makes a
straight man act like a silly two-year old
more than thinking he may get to see a
woman’s breast. Men endlessly talk
about breasts, daydream about breasts,
and drool over breasts. Even a slight
chance at seeing a woman’s breast will
allow a man to throw his dignity out the
window. In this case, look across the
aisle and exclaim, “Oh shit, would you
look at the rack on her!” As your male
breeder strains to get a glimpse of the
almighty mammary glands, you
conveniently grab the armrest. The
armrest is yours for the rest of the flight,
because the straight man will spend the
rest of the time obsessed with getting a
peek of the breast.
As gay men we are used to being the
underdog in contests that involve
confrontational behavior. But you can
win this game if you don’t play
according to the accepted rules. We
have tried to present you with several
different tactics for achieving victory in
the “arms race”. A little strategy and
adaptability in your approach goes a
long way. Using finesse is key, but even
more important is scoring points for
originality and style.
Don’t believe that hype about the
“friendly skies” – it’s a war zone up
there! Good luck, men!
Whether it’s a sexy pair of tight-fitting jeans,
a fashionable shirt that exposes a ripped midsection,
or a warm long-sleeved knit for those early cocktail parties, dinners,
pre-parties or early evening events,
a Circuit party weekend demands that we wear something snazzy.
Jeans, shirts, vests (and sometimes boys), all available at
BodyBodyWear stores in the USA and Canada.
All Photo courtesy of Stephen Sandler, BodyBodyWear
All Photo courtesy of Stephen Sandler, BodyBodyWear
Everyone Else Does.
Next issue: February 15, 2004
Ad Deadline: January 15, 2004
(818) 769-9390
Photos: David Morgan NY
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A White Party
All photos by Moody Mustafa
…you never know who’s listening!
"The new substitute for Viagra
keeps you hard for 36 hours. What
else do you need?"
"A whole lot of crystal!"
"I'm not into muscle boys. That
one's more my type."
"I know, I saw him clucking across
the dance floor."
"I only buy Magnums.
If you don't fit in them,
you don't fit in me."
"So, did you guys do it or
"Yeah. It was OK. But he was
slingin' more mud than a fourwheel drive."
"Only when there was
no crack did we finally
"How old are you?"
"How old do you want me to be?"
"Does 11 make you nervous?"
"Would you really get surgeries
just because of some little lines
on your face?"
"Surgeries or procedures?"
"He swept me off my
feet and onto my
"I'm open to anything...
and for everyone!"
"Oh my god, this picture on my
driver's license makes me look like
I'm high!"
"Good. If you get pulled over some
night when you're a mess they'll just
think you look normal."
"Hmmm. Check him out."
"Yeah, looks good. Let's
eat it!"
"I know when to say
when... I just don't."
"I'm going crazy."
"Not a far drive,
Submit your own “Overheards” to us at
by Steve Kammon
photos by Tom Franks
Gays have traveled a long and twisted path to gain protection from
discrimination in this country. A big part of that journey took place in the
1970s in Dade County, home of Miami and South Beach. Money was
needed to defeat the religious right forces that were aligning against us.
Surprisingly, it was a Circuit party
that helped to fund our eventual
victory. The Winter Party® was the
first of the benefit Circuit parties to
be created to fund a non-HIV-related
in having this law repealed by using the
standard propaganda of the time. The
“Save Our Children” campaign was very
direct and very loud. It succeeded in its
goal - to instill a fear of the “homosexual
The beginning of this story dates
back to 1977. Dade County was one
of the first places in America to pass
an anti-discrimination law that
gays. The
right lost no
t h e i r
W ith Anita
B r y a n t
leading the
t h e y
When the anti-discrimination law was
repealed, it was a very bitter and decisive
defeat for the gay community in South
Florida. But it was also a very galvanizing
event for the
across the land.
For the first
time, the “gay
issue” was on
the front page
of newspapers
and the press
was listening to
and reporting
activists had to
During this time, gays in Dade
County could be legally targeted for
eviction from an apartment or fired
from a job. In 1992, Miami Beach
became the first community in Dade
to protect gays from discrimination.
Individual gay rights laws began
popping up in various South Florida
communities. In 1994, rather than
fighting many battles in the
American Family Association
submitted the signatures needed to
put a state-wide initiative on the
ballot that would prevent any
communities in the state of Florida
from protecting gays. It would also
void those few laws (like the one in
Miami Beach) that were in existence.
Knowing that a state-wide battle was
going to be expensive to wage, a
group of friends - Stewart Stein,
Ignacio Martinez-Ybor, Clark
Reynolds and Dennis Leyva - met to
discuss the concept of creating a
party as a fundraiser to support this
worthy cause.
sunset, it was clear in that very first year
that we’d experienced the birth of a new
Circuit legend.
Winter Party was underwritten by the
“fierce four” and their friends for the
first two years. After the Dade Human
Rights Foundation was bor n, the
structure of the party changed and the
process became more community-wide.
Over the years, more than five hundred
volunteers have been the backbone of
this event, creating magic with their
selfless acts.
Winter Party grew very quickly, doubling
in size in the second year and again in
the third. Out Magazine signed on as a
sponsor from the very first year and
helped to get the word out. Without a
doubt, the impressive growth was also
due to perfect timing. South Beach was
just beginning to explode as a party
An eclectic artist
Modeled after the Morning Party on
Fire Island, the Winter Party began
as a daytime beach party. The
second weekend of March was
chosen because it is statistically the
driest month of the year in Miami
Beach with an abundance of picture
perfect days.
Though it was
originally conceived as a one-time
event to raise money for this very
important cause, its early success
assured that it would be carried
A thousand people
attended that first beach dance.
Mother Nature smiled on the
revelers providing one of those
war m but breezy days under a
perfectly blue sky. After a brilliant
Reynolds tried to secure the large
Styrofoam blocks that made up an
almost life-sized Sphinx, the whole
structure toppled, narrowly missing him.
Amazingly, it seemed to make the décor
all that much more real, truly being
Egyptian “ruins” at this point. The boys
were soon dancing on top of the four by
four blocks of Styrofoam. Because the
winds were causing the records to skip,
the DJ booth was slowly wrapped in
more and more tarps until Buc was
peering through a little two inch slit in
his wind barricade.
community with a very gay
sensibility, South Beach also featured
one of the hottest new clubs on the
national scene - the newly renovated
art deco theater known as Paragon.
Winter Party’s first DJ was the late
Buc, who spun the beach party for
the first three years. Other DJs have
included Julian Marsh, Manny
Lehman, and Tracy Young. This year
the excitement continues with the
ever-popular Tony Moran.
The first beach party theme was
simple but elegant with pink and
black palm trees sprouting up
around a wooden dance floor
constructed right on the beach. The
second year offered a water theme
with dolphins, sea horses, mermen,
and a dance floor painted as an
In more recent years, Sean DeFreitas of
Designs by Sean has helped transform
the Winter Party into larger-than-life
explorations of fantasy worlds. His
installations have included such
wonderlands as a journey to Atlantis and
a trippy rainforest complete with
oversized, fluorescent blooms.
The most “lively” theme was
featured the third year with an
Egyptian motif. That was the only
year when the weather didn’t
cooperate, delivering high winds
and inter mittent rain. As Clark
The original Sunday afternoon party has
been complimented in recent years by
other Winter Party Weekend® official
events. From VIP cocktail parties to
sold-out five-day nightclub passes, every
year promises something new.
W inter Party has become a
weeklong holiday for the gay
Both the City of
Miami Beach
MiamiDade County
recognized the
e c o n o m i c
Winter Party has
had in South
Florida; both
Foundation with
funding and
support to help market the event to
other cities around the world.
After the enormous success of the
first Winter Party, the Gay & Lesbian
Foundation of South Florida
(originally the Dade Human Rights
Foundation) was formed to expand
the group’s role in raising money and
to fund projects important to the gay
and lesbian community. In that first
year, the anti-gay referendum was
prevented from getting on the ballot
by the state’s Supreme Court. The
money raised was used to found an
organization named Safeguarding
American Values for Everyone (SAVE)
which would go on to fight other
political causes in South Florida.
The Foundation was the first Circuit
party beneficiary to use the funds for
causes beyond just those related to
HIV. It continues to provide the
community with a dedicated
organization that responds year
round with funding for various gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgender
organizational needs.
Since its
inception, the Gay & Lesbian
Foundation of South Florida has
over $900,000
d i ff e re n t
W inter Party
will experience
partnering with
the inaugural
Fun Under the
Sun in Fort
Conceived by the Gay Business Alliance
of Greater Fort Lauderdale, Fun Under
the Sun is a tourist-driven weekend of
very diverse events, including a gay and
lesbian film festival, golf tournament,
bike-a-thon, live performances and an
evening beach party on Fort Lauderdale
Beach. Fun Under the Sun will take
place the first weekend in March
followed by W inter Party the next
Many of the Circuit’s benefit parties are
aspiring to become festivals that offer
something beyond just the party.
Combining the energy of Fort
Lauderdale and Miami Beach into a
joint ten-day event allows Winter Party
to evolve to the next level.
If you want to put the winter behind you
this year, there’s no better way to do it
than to fly south for Winter Party.
For more information on Winter Party,
As the cooler weather of fall changes to the cold weather of winter, the
coat check lines of the Circuit become both an annoyance and a delight as
you get to watch the boyz disrobe from their jackets, scarves and hats to
reveal their skimpy dance floor costumes.
The cold weather doesn't slow down the pace or number of events during
this season. Miami is one of the few warm-weather destinations during this
period with three different upcoming events - White Party over
Thanksgiving, New Year's and Winter Party.
As we head into the holiday season, New Year's festivities in every major
U.S. city, and many more exotic destinations across the globe including
Brazil, Europe, Australia and South Africa provide plenty of opportunities
to get the year started right.
Three major ski weeks take place this Winter, providing a bit of sport in
conjunction with some dancing and playing. Blue Ball and FireBall prove
that cold cities only make the boys of the Circuit's dance floor that much
November 8-15, 2003
CLUB ATLANTIS VALLARTA - Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Club Atlantis creates an all-gay village out of one of Mexico’s finest resorts. The
Hotel Sierra Resort will be used as an exotic landscape for the weeklong, allinclusive vacation. Once in the resort you won’t need cash, as everything,
including drinks, is included. Each day Atlantis will provide tailored entertainment
options featuring comedians, beach discos, pool parties, surprise guests and wellknown DJs. Atlantis will even rent out a fabulous nightclub in the heart of gayfriendly Puerto Vallarta for an all-gay night. There is also snorkeling, kayaking,
beach volleyball, and windsurfing. The resort’s private beach and two pools offer
plenty of opportunities for relaxation and boy-gazing.
Info: / 800-6-ATLANTIS
November 26, 2003
ALEGRIA - New York, New York
This is one New York Thanksgiving hunk parade you don’t want to miss. Ric Sena
presents a special Alegria on the biggest party night of the year. Wednesday,
Thanksgiving Eve, Sound Factory opens its doors for the legendary man-magnet of
a party. The ultimate in horny studs will be busy doing some holiday cooking to
the sounds of DJ Roland Belmares.
November 26 - December 1, 2003
WHITE PARTY MIAMI - Miami, Florida
Everything you need to experience the perfect week on the shores of Miami Beach
is waiting for you this Thanksgiving. Make your plans now to attend the 19th
Annual White Party at Vizcaya and the week of events leading up to it. On Friday,
superstar DJ/Artist/Producer Tony Moran and White Party at Vizcaya veteran DJ
David Knapp are set to cast their magic musical spell on over 3,000 revelers at this
year’s spectacular White Dreams event at the Miami Seaquarium. Produced by
Circuit party impresarios Mark Baker (Gay Days Disney), Jeffrey Sanker (White Party
Palm Springs) and Johnny Chisholm (Memorial Day, Pensacola) - White Dreams will
have guests dancing all night on a 75,000 square foot dance floor overlooking
Biscayne Bay. On Saturday, Muscle Beach flexes its Monty Q muscle at the 12th
Street Beach on Ocean Drive. Peter Rauhofer heats up Maze on Saturday night for
White Heat. On Sunday morning, dawn breaks and Susan shakes at Crobar for the
ultimate morning party - White Dawn ala Morabito. The actual 19th Annual White
Party at Vizcaya brings 3,000 beautiful people, all clad in white and features DJ
Manny Lehman. Stroll through the manicured gardens, enjoy delicacies from South
Beach’s and Miami’s hottest restaurants, and dance under the stars on the shores of
Biscayne Bay. Sunday evening features a pair of Noche Blanca parties with DJ
Victor Calderone at Crobar and Tracy Young at Space 34. And finally a Monday
morning’s “white Horizon celebration makes Space the place with DJ Abel. The
Royal Palm Crowne Plaza Resort on Miami Beach will be the Official White Party
Host Hotel and will be the location of the official White Party Welcome Center for
the second year in a row. This luxury hotel features state-of-the art amenities and is
within walking distance from the hottest clubs, trendy shops, and cafes in Miami
Beach’s historic Art Deco district. The amazing week of events benefits Care
Resource - South Florida’s oldest and largest HIV/AIDS service organization serving
both Dade and Broward Counties.
November 27-30, 2003
Hailed as one of North America’s largest, wildest and most euphoric leather
celebrations, Mr. Leatherman Toronto returns over American Thanksgiving
weekend. Leather folk from across North America converge at the massive main
event - the Mr. Leatherman Toronto Competition and Victory Ball on Saturday
night. DJ Blaine Soileau spins for a hot crowd of daddies, bears and muscle boys.
This year’s party moves to the state-of-the-art Kool Haus. Weekend events include
leather market, brunches, seminars, and meet-and-greets. Net proceeds to benefit
the Toronto People with AIDS Foundation.
Info: / Tickets: 800-387-1240
November 27 - December 3, 2003
LATIN FEVER - Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
On Thanksgiving Weekend, Will Gorges and Gilles Belanger give you “Fever” and
more than just the temperatures are rising in Puerto Vallarta this November.
Everybody is dancing all weekend long and celebrating at events like the Welcome
Party, Noche de Blanco, Squirt Gun Party, and an Adios Farewell Party. “We Give
You Fever” is the main event on Saturday night and will feature DJ Warren Gluck at
Cactus. Plenty of warm weather and lickable Latin men are waiting for you at this
Mexican resort town. Contact Rob Bell with House of LaFabula for travel
arrangements - 1-800-667-2474.
Look for the Circuit Noize QuickTrip Logo to make
fast travel and ticket reservations for selected
events. Enter to Win FREE Airline and Party
Tickets online at:
November 29, 2003
AMSTERDAM GOES BLACK - Amsterdam, Netherlands
This is one Military Ball that is bound to get a discharge out of you. Join DJ Doug
Gray at Club It for a naughty night of “don’t ask, don’t tell” fun. Later the party
takes on an even a darker groove at Amsterdam’s legendary Cock Ring.
December 7, 2003
TOYS IN BOYLAND 5 - Dallas, Texas
Let visions of Super Circuit DJ Manny Lehman dance in your head at this year’s Toys
in Boyland. Abused and underprivileged children of Dallas will have a happy
holiday thanks to the thousands of toys you bring to the 5th annual Toys in Boyland
at “Gotham” (Club One). This popular toy-drive charity once again requests a new
unwrapped toy (check web for full details). For those who like to jingle their bells
till the dawn, ToyDance after-hours is slated to follow. Boys4Toys, a nonprofit
whose aim is to strengthen community ties by collecting toys for Dallas’ less
fortunate, has donated over 20,000 toys to the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center
and WFAA Santa’s Helpers.
Info: / 214-522-5200
December 26, 2003 - January 4, 2004
KARAMU NEW YEAR’S - Cape Town, South Africa
This New Year’s Eve could be the most memorable of your life. The location is
Cape Town at the bottom tip of the African continent. It is summer there in
December and the weather is perfect for sunbathing or hiking in the countryside.
The scheduled events are few, but extraordinary. Opening Party on Sunday is
planned and of course an official New Year’s Eve party on December 31st with
Cocolatte London. DJs from London, Africa and the U.S. will fill the evening with
dance and celebration. This indoor/outdoor party takes place in the heart of the
city at the center of nightlife. This is a vacation for those who are curious, openminded, and ready and willing to go beyond the ordinary to a once-in-a-lifetime
travel experience.
December 27-31, 2003
NEW YEAR’S - LA - Los Angeles, California
Your First Stop for New Year’s in L.A. happens the Saturday before New Year’s Eve.
Bill Bouvier, Brett Henrichsen, & Tom Whitman present “Transit” at Park Plaza. DJ
Lydia Prim spins the tunes. Then it’s “Victor Calderone and The Temple of BOOM”
at the Mayan on Tuesday the 30th. Let the dance floor take you to where you
haven’t gone before as LA’s sexiest turn out for Resolution at the Mayan Theater.
On Wednesday, celebrate New Year’s Eve Masterbeat style at the Grand Olympic
Auditorium in Los Angeles with DJ Brett Henrichsen. This is where all the boys in
Los Angeles spent New Year’s last year, so be prepared for another year of hot
men, hot music, and the best New Year’s celebration on the West Coast! And this
year, a first - on the first! Resolution heats up again for a very special Morning Party
with DJ Manny Lehman on January 1st.
Info: /; Transit info: 310-366-5544
December 31, 2003 - January 4, 2004
NEW YEAR’S WEEKEND - New Orleans, Louisiana
Are you ready for an irresistibly fun, vibrant, sarcastic, and sassy final chapter to
2003? There are plenty of reasons to make New Orleans your one stop bop for
New Year’s. The Bourbon Pub / Parade will be hosting a great way to kick off the
New Year beginning with a fabulous New Year’s Eve featuring DJ Rick Mitchell and
the $1000 balloon drop and complimentary champagne toast at midnight. DJ’s
Jayskee, Darren Thomas, and Max Rodriguez are all onboard to dance you into the
New Year. Over at Oz the year 2004 might “officially” start at midnight, but the
party goes on all day and all night at Oz New Orleans. Fabulous dancers, live
entertainment, and a Top Ten Countdown will keep you partying the entire time
you’re in the club.
Info: / /
December 31, 2003
METROPOLIS - San Francisco, California
Dance your way into 2004 at San Francisco’s largest New Year’s celebration. Gus
Presents invites you to join all the hottest boys for a 12-hour New Year’s Eve dance
marathon at 550 Barneveld. Featured will be Circuit superstars Kimberly S and Neil
Lewis, a special live performance from Gay Pimp (as seen on Ricki Lake), monster
sound, lights and laser, a heated outdoor chill tent, complimentary champagne and
breakfast, party favors galore and the return of the “superstar photo booth”! And
if you can still move on New Year’s Day, be sure and catch the annual Mass
Recovery T-dance with SF’s favorite DJ Phil B.
For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and
Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ.
December 31, 2003
MIAMI 2004 - Miami Beach, Florida
Didn’t get enough eye-candy in your holiday stocking? The million-dollar sandbar
has plenty of year-end hunky treats for you. Be prepared to celebrate Miami 2004,
a weekend of events in Miami with the best DJs in the country. Jeffrey Sanker
introduces Miami’s newest and most exciting venue! Just minutes from South
Beach, across Biscayne Bay you will enter another world and experience firsthand
the heat of the jungle. Enter the tropical rainforest, following a path deep into the
heart of the jungle where you can unmask your wildest fantasies. A full night of the
hot, sultry sounds of Miami’s own tribal king, DJ Abel, will bring out the animal in
you! A spectacular midnight countdown, wild performances and sizzling, sexy men
will keep you dancing all night long on the 15,000 square foot dance floor. An
outdoor terrace provides a dazzling view of the Miami skyline. Anything can
happen in the wilds of the jungle... so come prepared for adventure! Returning
again this year is the very popular morning party Morning Magic at Maze. Emerge
from the heat of the jungle and immerse yourself in the magic of the morning. A
stellar line up of DJs will revive and refresh you starting with Miami favorite Eddie
X. Enjoy a special midday set with the first time ever performance of DJ Steven
Gomez spinning his own distinctive mix of vocal Euro House. Then, to add the
finishing touch, DJ Roland Belmares, direct from Los Angeles and spinning his
sensational sounds, will keep the hottest, sexiest men in the world dancing until the
sun starts to go down on the first day of the New Year.
Crobar hosts the Genesis morning party on New Year’s day beginning at 8AM.
Circuit fave, DJ Tracy Young, will keep the boys hoppin through the first day of the
new year. This all-day event, hosted by Vito, begins a new Miami tradition. Tickets
are available through
Info: /
December 31, 2003
HEAVEN NEW YEAR’S EVE - Vancouver, British Columbia
Let the music lift you up to Vancouver for the final chapter of 2003. TBB
Productions once again holds your ticket to the hottest parties in Vancouver and
this New Year’s promises to leave a lasting impression. New Year’s returns to
Atlantis Nightclub with DJ Joe Gauthreaux as your DJ for a night in Heaven.
Expect an experience that provides top value for the community’s entertainment
December 31, 2003 - January 1, 2004
BAL DES BOYS - Montreal, Canada
When the BBCM are involved, you can always expect plenty of production. New
Year’s Montreal is going to pack all the fierce and meaty men into their end-of-theyear blowout, so expect plenty of fervent fleshy fun.
December 31, 2003
MILLENIUM MEN - Venezuela, South America
It’s one global end of the year dance in Venezuela with the sexiest men all grooving
to the international sounds of high energy DJs Thomas Ravelo and Vogue
Generation. Join thousands of gays and lesbians from all over the nation and the
globe. Come for New Year’s but stay for Venezuela’s vibrant nightlife, cultural
offerings and a host of stunning natural attractions in and outside of the city.
January 18, 2004
RESOLUTION - MEN OF LA - Los Angeles, California
The Men of LA! This is one party that has been named appropriately. The Mayan
Theatre is blowing up again with the sights of LA’s hunkiest men and this time the
hot boys are all up in the DJ booth. DJ Kio Kio, Brett Henrichsen, and Paulo are
pulling their tasty testosterone together and squeezing out a party that you won’t
soon forget. Take it like a man and stay till closing.
January 25 – February 1, 2004
Wow. That’s the only way to describe what you’ll feel when you step onboard.
Atlantis reinvents their all-gay Caribbean Cruise in 2004 aboard the luxurious
Celebrity Millennium, bringing you the ultimate premium cruise experience.
Atlantis’s signature entertainment team will take over the venues to produce
fabulous theme parties, T-dances, and daily on-deck parties. These parties will
feature world-class gay DJs and entertainers to provide an ultimate party
experience. Discover a new dimension of pleasure aboard the most magnificent
ship ever chartered. Where walls of glass meet elegant teak decks, and boldly
designed public spaces cater to your every pleasure. Sophisticated but never
stuffy, you’ll marvel at the attention to details in service, comfort, cuisine, and style
- all creating a perfect setting for more fun and excitement than any Atlantis cruise
Info: / 800-6-ATLANTIS
January 25 - February 1, 2004
ASPEN GAY SKI WEEK - Aspen, Colorado
Attended by nearly 5000 skiers and boarders, this event started it all when it comes
to gay ski weeks! With four mountains, Aspen’s skiing is legendary. Mix, mingle,
and meet new friends in Aspen for a splendid skiing destination. Gay and Lesbian
Ski Week once again provides the most beautiful scenery - both the mountains and
the men will take your breath away this winter.
January 30 - February 1, 2004
BLUE BALL - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
A month will have passed since New Years Eve…Forget those “winter blahs” and
head out for the “fierce blues” instead! Come see for yourself why Philadelphia’s
Blue Ball rates among the best parties on the Circuit. Be captivated as Blue Ball
2004 beckons you to ascend to, shall we say, “angelic” places. ShamBlue Friday
inaugurates the weekend with the wondrous DJ Michael DeCero; you will then
descend into the Far Side for a *69 Records event highlighting DJ Peter Rauhofer,
DJ Angelo Kortez and DJ Hector Fonseca. Enter a glorious novel space for
Saturday’s main event where DJ Abel and DJ Paulo will weave their talents to “Lift
You Up” with their complimentary styles. These two masters of the music are more
than “able” to provide you with a journey that will get down and deep to your very
soul. DJ Billy Carroll returns to Cobalt, his signature Blue Ball event, for an afterhours that will leave you breathless on a rapturous dance floor. On Sunday
evening, “tango” along for Susan Morabito’s legendary closing party Blue Redo, as
we bid “adios” to the Blue Wigs during the final production of what has proven to
be a shining Sapphire in the weekend’s crown. Finally, a newly refurbished Club
Transit provides the background for DJ Chad Jack and DJ Escape to assist your
final ascension into musical bliss. Under the direction of The Sapphire Fund and
produced solely by volunteers, Blue Ball proudly enters its 14th year of fundraising
for Philadelphia’s GLBTQ community. Join us in the city of Brotherly Love and
Sisterly Affection to support this worthy cause and start your year with an
“uplifting” experience.
Look for the Circuit Noize QuickTrip Logo to make
fast travel and ticket reservations for selected
events. Enter to Win FREE Airline and Party
Tickets online at:
February 1-9, 2004
ALTITUDE TWELVE - Whistler Resort, Canada
Vancouver is where the Altitude Twelve journey begins. Vancouver is a uniquely
beautiful city that deserves to be explored and enjoyed for its magnificent scenery,
its friendly people, and its many other attractions. An over-the-top fashion show
and the Avalanche kick-off party take place this first weekend. Then enter a winter
adventure with over 3000 friends from around the world. We offer complete
packages that include the world-renowned Canadian skiing and snowboarding.
With picturesque European-styled hotels, Whistler was recently awarded the honor
of hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics. The week is packed full of more than 24
events including cowboy night, a uniform party, a mountain top tea dance, the
high-energy Snow Ball, Meltdown and Recovery. This weeklong experience
includes the sounds of Circuit DJs Roland Belmares, Victor Calderone, Alex
Lauterstein, Tony Moran and more.
Info: / 1-888- ALTITUDE
February 5-15, 2004
Fireball Weekend is a dazzling array of world-class talents and venues that returns
permanently to President’s Day Weekend starting in 2004. The Hearts Foundation
continues its fundraising tradition for Chicago area LGBT and HIV/AIDS
beneficiaries. Tracy Young “Ignites” your experience at the historic Aragon
Ballroom (with lead-in by Greg Drescher). Recently voted the “Top Circuit Party
Venue”, the Aragon event moves to Friday, signaling that spectacular opening
parties will remain a hallmark of Fireball Weekends. “Hearts” will stay “On Fire”
when the Saturday event moves to the Finkl Steel Mill with the musical magic of
Abel and Ralphi Rosario as Rosabel. Anyone who went to the first-ever “steel mill
party” in 2003 will marvel, as this venue is expanded and reconfigured for Saturday
night. If you missed last year at the mill, don’t let it happen again! Sunday keeps
the “Inferno” roaring with Kimberly S and Lydia Prim performing for the first time
as a team. Their tea dance duet will lead into the “Closing” class of none other
than Susan Morabito. Check the website for weekend details, including the
exciting venues for Sunday, the possibility of a Monday event, and on-line ticketing.
The Fireball Festival is a whole week of activities including such diverse events as
the Hearts Gala Reception, the Lesbian Community Cancer Project’s “Coming Out
Against Cancer Ball” at the South Shore Cultural Center, the Andersonville “Shop
and Dine Your Hearts Out” evening, “Fire Fashion and Ice Skating” in Chicago’s
new, downtown Milennium Park by Chicago House and the “Art Against AIDS”
auction at Germania Place. The Hearts Foundation exists to support the efforts of
service agencies that promote the health and well-being of the Chicago Lesbian
Gay Bisexual Transgender community.
February 6-7, 2004
You think you’ve been to every white party? It’s a special holiday weekend in Israel
so break out your brightest whites and experience The White Flower Weekend.
There are several parties all weekend long and special travel packages. Experience
U.S. and European DJs in a brand new setting.
February 12-15, 2004
RED PARTY WEEKEND - Montreal, Canada
Let the color Red seduce you to a heart-pounding weekend of BBCM’s best.
Although Montreal is a vibrant city all year long, Red Party Weekend turns the
volume up with pulsating production and international DJs. This spectacular,
feverish feast combines all the global allure of Canada’s best with the warm,
welcoming atmosphere so characteristic to this wonderful city.
February 14, 2004
You are cordially invited once again to experience all that The Saint has to offer.
The Circuit’s longest running and most celebrated franchise returns for a night in
white. Superstar DJ talent and an unequaled energy wake up New York for this
extended party.
February 14-15, 2004
PRESIDENT’S DAY WEEKEND - San Francisco, California
Come experience all the President’s men - San Francisco style. Bust out your
dancing shoes and get to The City by the Bay for a very special party weekend.
Gus Presents has lined up three great parties and several of the country’s hottest
DJs for one unforgettable dance experience. Tracy Young, Phil B, David Knapp,
Neil Lewis and many others will spin your socks off at Mass, Metropolis and
Sanctuary parties.
For recent changes or updates to this schedule, please visit us online at: and
Search 100’s of events by city, state, date or DJ.
February 19-24, 2004
MARDI GRAS WEEKEND - New Orleans, Louisiana
Although Mardi Gras is celebrated around the world, no one does it like New
Orleans. This is the peak of this party town’s party season and a perfect time to
enjoy life to its fullest. The Bourbon Pub / Parade is your gay hotspot to observe
one of the wildest free shows on earth with some of the craziest street scenes
available to the public. The DJs currently on the lineup for the weekend are Lydia
Prim, Max Rodriguez, Kimberly S., Rick Mitchell, Darren Thomas and Jayskee. And
of course, Mardi Gras means that Oz is definitely the place to party 24-hours a day!
The music and fun never stops, and you’ll want to be on the balcony every day to
see the happenings on Bourbon Street. You’ll certainly get an eyeful. Throughout
the weekend, Oz will feature beautiful male dancers on the bar-tops, and awardwinning DJs from around the country. Mardi Gras is a great pre-spring party to
check out before the rest of the Circuit gets busy.
Info: / /
March 4-7, 2004
FUN UNDER THE SUN - Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The folks that bring you Winter Party are teaming up with a Fort Lauderdale group
to bring you a new dance party on the beach. Unlike Winter Party, this beach party
premieres at nighttime. With the sounds of DJ Roland Belmares who brought
down the house (or should we say the beach) at last year’s Winter Party, this is sure
to be a festive affair. There are many clubs in this very gay town that will be hosting
after-parties including Coliseum, Copa, and Sea Monster. But this event is more
than just a dance party and includes a gay and lesbian film festival, golf
tournament, beach sports, live performances and a bike-a-thon. And Miami and
the Winter Party are just down the street and only days away!
March 5-7, 2004
VOLCANO PARTY - Honolulu, Hawaii
The premier Circuit event of the Pacific once again erupts in the Hawaiian Islands.
On the eve of the Atlantis all-gay Hawaiian cruise, you can be sure the locals will be
joined by a large crowd from around the globe. The main event, “Embrace the
Fire,” is on Saturday night at the Hawaii Convention Center. Top DJ’s will be
featured, including Brett Henrichsen. The finale of the Volcano Party Festival of
events concludes with DJ Roland Belmares at the Grand Waikapu Resort on Maui.
This venue was commissioned by Marilyn Monroe and designed by Frank Lloyd
Wright. It features spectacular views of the Island and world famous Haleakala
Volcano - the House of the Sun. This event is an amazing experience that captures
the magic of the Circuit with great energy and fantastic visuals. This benefit party
week is presented by the Maui Aids Foundation.
Info: 877-242-4900 /
March 7-14, 2004
Join Atlantis Events aboard our favorite ship in the largest all-gay cruise to ever sail.
Atlantis charters the 2200 passengers Norwegian Star for the weeklong Hawaiian
Island cruise. Check out the fabulous Hawaiian Islands, tour some of the world’s
best beaches and even visit Fanning Island (In the republic of Kiribati)! On board
you will have plenty of options for fun and excitement with the tea dances, theme
parties, and daily gatherings catered to the all-gay clientele. Well-known DJs
provide the sounds and gay celebrities host pool games, perform in the three-story
theater and mingle with the guests. Atlantis’s first Hawaiian cruise sold out in
record time. Don’t miss out!
Info: / 800-6-ATLANTIS.
March 7-14, 2004
WINTERFEST 2004 - Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Produced by the Nevada Gay and Lesbian Visitor & Convention Bureau, WinterFest
has grown into a full week of fun with the friendliest skiers and boarders from
around the globe. Enjoy the beautiful ninth annual Lake Tahoe skiing experience
with your choice of three World Class Ski Resorts and nightly entertainment. The
week is capped by a private Top of the Tram Dance Party.
March 10-15, 2004
WINTER PARTY - Miami Beach, Florida
This is how every winter should be. Where else but Miami Beach can winter be
defined by the sun on your back and thousands of sexy hard bodies dancing all
around you? The Winter Party’s headline event is held every March on the beach at
14th Street and Ocean Drive in Miami Beach, Florida. This year‘s seaside edition
features a spectacular solo performance by DJ Tony Moran. There’s plenty to do all
week long as official Winter Party Week events are held at the hottest nightclubs
with a bevy of top DJs including Abel, Manny Lehman, Victor Calderone, Susan
Morabito, Lydia Prim, Pride and Adien. The return of Paragon along with the
signature beach party and popular pool parties will keep the boys dancing. This
year South Florida presents two back-to-back destination events, see the Fun
Under the Sun listing above for details on making it a longer stay. Winter Party
Week benefits the Gay and Lesbian Foundation of South Florida. Their primary
mission is to advance education and public awareness with respect to GLBT issues
and to support the South Florida GLBT Community.
March 13, 2004
THE GREEN PARTY - San Francisco, California
Gus Presents the fourth annual Metropolis Green Party! The Metropolis venue will
be transformed into a virtual rainforest (complete with tropical palms, 5-watt green
laser and 25-foot Jolly Green Giant) for this very special 10-hour dance marathon!
Circuit heavyweight DJ Paulo will keep the hottie leprechauns dancing! Suggested
attire is green.
March 20, 2004
The hottest of the hot turn out for this renowned party. Black leather, uniforms,
and a touch of bondage doesn’t come close to describing these manly hours of
darkness. Unleash your fetish for a wildly wicked night to the pulsating sounds of
the finest DJ/Producers.
March 25-28, 2004
ELEVATION 2004 - Mammoth Lakes, California
Elevation weekend brings hundreds of West Coast boys to Mammoth for four days
of the best spring skiing and snowboarding in North America. With apres-ski and
nighttime events to round out the schedule, a good time will be had by all.
Mammoth Mountain is rated one of the top 5 resorts in North America, and
consistently rated top in the U.S. for snowboarding. Masterbeat DJ Brett
Henrichsen headlines the Saturday main event and DJ Scotty K spins the signature
apres-ski parties. This is one of the fastest growing gay ski events in the country
and will soon be bringing boys from all over the continent.
Info: /
April 8-12, 2004
WHITE PARTY - Palm Springs, California
White Party wizard Jeffrey Sanker is going to astonish you with a gigantic
celebration for the 15th year of the largest event in the country! With a
fresh line up of new DJs as well as some familiar favorites, featuring
superstar DJ/Producer Tony Moran at the controls of the main event White
Party XV, this weekend will shake you up and brighten your world! Energize
and revitalize yourself with bigger pool parties, extraordinary
performances, and beautiful men from all over the world. Come enjoy the
gorgeous desert community of Palm Springs, California. This weekend will
be one you will never forget, so don’t miss out! If you think you’ve been
there, done that, think again.
April 9-11, 2004
JUNGLE 12 - Houston, Texas
Gather the tribe! The gods have been summoned to Houston on Easter Weekend
2004 as Bayou City Boys Club presents the 12th edition of its highly acclaimed
Jungle weekend. The Saturday night main event, produced by BCBC, returns to
the Verizon Wireless Theater in the heart of downtown Houston’s arts and
entertainment district. BCBC is once again teaming with local clubs and promoters
to create an entire weekend of high-energy fun with a lineup of top-notch Circuit
DJs. Watch for DJ and venue announcements coming soon. All ticket proceeds
from the main event and a portion of the proceeds from the rest of the Jungle 12
weekend events are donated to Houston-area HIV and AIDS service and education
April 11, 2004
Bunnies on the Bayou is celebrating its Silver Anniversary on Easter Sunday.
Starting as a small party, Bunnies has grown steadily in its 25 years, and now is one
of the most eagerly anticipated gay events in Houston. Described once as the
“world’s largest cocktail party,” thousands of partygoers spend an Easter afternoon
with great music and old friends while making new friends. 100% of the gate
receipts go to local charities. Celebrate Bunnies on the Bayou’s 25 years of parties
this Easter. Think Silver!
April 29 - May 4, 2004
This is the perfect time to visit this vivacious city. It’s one of the biggest and most
popular national holidays in Holland as literally millions take to the streets.
Amsterdam transforms itself into a fairground as the streets become one huge
market. There are parades and orange pennants flying from every conceivable
foothold. But what’s probably of most interest is the array of gay parties, over six
days, which coincide with this national holiday. Riedijk Productions presents the
main event of the weekend Orange Ball Amsterdam IV. The sexy Masterbeater DJ
Brett Henrichsen promises to keep you dancing all night at the historical
Amsterdam Stock Exchange “Beurs van Berlage”. The weekend also includes
other parties, with top international DJs including a canal party cruise on Queens
Day, and a T-dance @ Club iT. Join thousands of other guys from all over Europe
for the largest Mardi Gras celebration in Europe’s gay capital: Amsterdam.
“Orange you glad you came?”
April 30 - May 2, 2004
CHERRY 9 - Washington, D.C.
The nation’s capital once again welcomes the ultimate spring festival. From the
historic streets of D.C. to the magnificently grand venues, Cherry 7 is prepared to
celebrate the extraordinary. Hot boys, hot DJs and plenty of Cherry pickin’ fun. It’s
easy to see why so many Circuit boys from all over come to this event. The Cherry
Fund’s weekend dance event is a benefit party that is produced entirely by
volunteers, and it donates all of its proceeds to worthy non-profit charitable
organizations in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
May 13-17, 2004
HOT & DRY WEEKEND - Montreal, Canada
The award-winning creation team from the BBCM is at it again. Wildly avant-garde,
Hot & Dry sparks unconventional productions and brilliant performances by
international DJs. It’s getting hot in here, so take off all his clothes as you vibrate
to the beat of one imaginative event after another.
May 28-31, 2004
VIVA LAS VEGAS 7 - Las Vegas, Nevada
The world’s greatest casinos and hotels welcome the wildly entertaining
Viva Las Vegas 7 back to town. The deck has been reshuffled and this year
all the glitter, the glamour, and excitement will hit on Memorial Day
Weekend. Join DJs Phil B, Jason G., Warren Gluck, and Brett Henrichsen
for more Vegas than ever.
by Don Spradlin
There seems to be a cultural shift rocking our world. This shift is in the
way that younger guys are approaching the dance scene. It’s critical to
understand this shift, not only for the future of Circuit parties, but also to
understand our dance culture in general.
My sense is that younger guys have
a totally different slant on life than
the older gay generation. This
perspective is only available thanks
to the activism of those of us elders
who consider ourselves ‘gay’ men.
The new ‘queer’ boy is assumptive
about his rights and looks at
homophobic slurs as the problem of
the homophobe. Older guys – say,
over 30 – seem to generally share
my ‘gay’ perspective of fighting for
or demanding our equal rights.
What we fought for as activists is
now becoming manifest in the
younger ‘queer’ generation’s
mindset. They think differently and
own a completely new perspective
on life. The problem is that we
don’t have a clue how to create or
promote events for them. And it’s
not just a marketing issue.
I’ve noticed within the past year that
my friends under 25 typically don’t
go to the big, expensive-to-produce
dance events here in San Francisco.
While certainly cost is an issue, they
focus more on the fact that they
have no interest in going to a Circuit
party. These young queers view
themselves as outside of the Circuit
They talk about how they are turned off
by the Circuit’s perceived ‘drug culture’.
The E, G, T, or K drug rituals within the
Circuit are alien to them. The fact that
they drink alcohol and smoke weed
does not, even marginally, make them a
part of that culture. Additionally, these
younger guys seem to show a
preference for the smaller clubs environments where the clientele is
more mixed, more edgy and alternative.
Certainly, there is a large economic
element in these preferences. The
Circuit is more popular with guys who
are wealthy enough to afford to go to
events, even to travel to them if they so
desire. These gay men enjoy the Circuit
as a lifestyle - getting in shape,
experimenting with drugs, making new
friends. Most of them move on to other
interests after some number of years
spent enjoying the scene. Generally,
younger guys as a market demographic
have less income to pay for the more
expensive, produced event tickets.
Further, these new queers are turned off
by the homogenous visuals of
steroid-pumped muscle men. That
big-muscle look so sought after by
gay men in their 30’s and 40’s has
inevitably evolved into thinner,
leaner, younger models.
popular urban playgrounds around
which a constellation of smaller, more
private subculture parties evolve. Only
one huge ‘circus’ of a main event can
generate the ticket sales needed to
support major production costs.
I realize that fashions inevitably shift
- short hair morphs into longer hair,
tattoos become passé - but this
change of perspective seems to be
more than that. It’s systemic - a sea
change. Much more than just a
preference for something different
than the previous generation, the
seemingly superficial reasons
underlie a larger shift in the queer
Those bigger productions will be
founded on the queer sensibilities that
allow them to cross over to include the
straight market, and thereby generate
sufficient ticket sales. There are already
good models for these big extended
weekends. Both Sydney’s Mardi Gras
and Montreal’s Black & Blue are
extraordinary weekends produced by
gay organizations for a crossover
When we are oppressed, we seek
protection in a ghetto – a place
where we are safe from the larger
community’s slurs and bigotry.
When we are less oppressed, we
begin to move out into broader
culture without the need for a ‘circle
the wagons’ mentality. The new
queers seem less concerned about
what is the most important element
in a Circuit party for me – the
affirmative feelings I get by being in
a roomful of my fellow gays who are
having a great time. The new queer
seems to have evolved away from
Even on those big weekends, large
numbers of queer visitors ‘cherry pick’
smaller, less expensive events to adapt
to their restricted budgets. I envision
big event weekends as having a
plethora of small dance parties aimed at
smaller market niches. These satellite
events will be stripped down to the
basics without big production budgets.
If we continue to market our events
to the aging demographic instead of
the younger queers who are now
moving into the dance culture
window, then we are going to lose
our market. So what comes next?
My view through the fog into the
future is a perception of fewer,
larger, and more theatrical major
events – huge centerpiece events in
These smaller, private venues will allow
us to move back out of the party
spotlight where we can again enjoy the
sexual nature that defines us as gay
men. But again, perhaps that’s just my
view, colored by a ghetto mentality. I’m
not so sure the new queer boyz care
about those dark basements as much as
we do.
What I do know is that “the times, they
are a-changin’,” and unless we change
with them, we’ll be left behind.
Don Spradlin lives in San Francisco and
is the founder of HellBall and
ReUNION@CityHall. You can reach him
by DJ Mateo @
Neon Nights
Fly Again
Dannii Minogue
Ultra Records
Kristine W
Tommy Boy
Kylie’s younger sibling, otherwise
known as “Slutty Minogue” by the
colorful British press, may be poised
for the same kind of long-awaited US
success recently achieved by her
sister. Signed in the States by Ultra
Records, Dannii Minogue’s new
album, Neon Nights , plays on 80’s
nostalgia (“Don’t Wanna Lose This
Feeling”), ghetto funk (“Put The
Needle On It”), and electro house (“I
Begin To Wonder”) for an album that
offers as much fun as it does frivolity.
Those who find Kylie’s cooing, at
times pornographic, “baby voice” an
irresistible talent may find Dannii an
even sweeter treat. Or they might just
puke. Either way, Neon Nights is
surefire entertainment.
After surviving all kinds of label drama (in
addition to winning a hard-fought battle
against leukemia), Kristine W is at last
ready to Fly Again. For her debut album
on Tommy Boy, the talented
singer/songwriter has truly pulled out all
the stops, employing the production
wizardry of some of the hottest names in
dance music, including The Scumfrog,
Mac Quayle, Orange Factory, Eran Tabib,
Trendroid, and David Maurice. The result
is one of the most multi-dimensional
albums of the year, with widely varying
tracks such as the glitzy “Crazy Life” and
alter nately demure “Broken”. Any
concerns that Fly Again may come across
a bit schizophrenic are immediately put
to rest as Kristine’s superb voice shines
through as the album’s centerpiece in
both heart and soul. A welcome return.
The Curse Of Blondie
Benny Benassi
ZYX/ Ultra Records
This year has been a dream come true
for Benny Benassi, the talented electro
house producer responsible for the
worldwide success of tracks like
“Satisfaction”, “Able To Love”, and
remixes for such artists as Sonique.
Developing a unique sound all his own
that showcases a deep bass and
synthetically warped hooks, Benassi is
among a small group of artists who are
actually deserving of the attention they
receive. His album, Hypnotica, offers an
extension of his trademark sound in a
series of cuts such as the fierce “No
Matter What You Do” and twisted
electro funk as featured on “Don’t Touch
Too Much” and “Put Your Hands Up”.
Few albums can boast this much fun.
Debbie Harry and crew couldn’t have
picked a better time to release a new
album, what with the 80s having made a
serious comeback in both mainstream
and underground cultures. Yet Blondie
can hardly be accused of capitalizing on
a trend - the band has been making
music for over two decades, having
delivered their previous album, No Exit,
prior to the rebirth of Reagan-era
nostalgia. Their latest work, cleverly
titled The Curse Of Blondie, plays like
the perfect soundtrack to a sleazy night
at the bathhouse, with tracks like the
scintillating “Golden Rod” and the
insidious “Shakedown” (which includes
such bold lyrics as “Shakedown baby
that’s all I gotta say / What’cha got
hiding in your body cavity?”) Yeah, we
thought you’d like that. Don’t forget to
check out the import single for the
album’s lead single, “Good Boys”, which
includes remixes by Giorgio Moroder
and Arthur Baker.
Buy these releases and all your other
dance music favorites at
Kevin Aviance
Emerge/Centaur Entertainment
One of clubland’s most talented
performance artists, the inimitable
Kevin Aviance, once again grabs the
spotlight and commands attention
with his impressive sophomore
release, Entity . Having risen to
stardom through Washington’s
legendary House of Aviance, Kevin
has built quite a memorable career in
the Circuit scene with a string of
Billboard Top 10 dance hits, such as
“Rhythm is My Bitch”, “Din Da Da”,
and the unforgettable “Cunty” - the
latter of which was actually banned in
the UK. More recently, Aviance
teamed up with Victor Calderone and
Junior Vasquez to unleash the
worldwide Circuit smash “Alive”, an
uplifting anthem that boasted a more
mature sounding Kevin sharing a
positive lyrical message. Given the
success of “Alive”, it wasn’t such a
surprise to find Aviance hard at work
on a brand new album to meet the
demand of an impressive, growing
fanbase. The result is Entity , a
collection of eleven new tracks,
ranging in style from Circuit anthem
(“Twirl”), theatrical pop/rock
(“Seattle”) and outright fierce house
(“Ready Set Go”). The album is a
major step forward from his debut effort,
the somewhat shaky Box of Chocolates,
which didn’t do as good a job of
showcasing the many faces of Aviance.
Instead of just stringing together a bunch
of singles, Entity stands out as a real
artist album, delivering a spectrum of
emotion while cleverly masking a subtle
political statement about struggle and
hope. Its only real error lies in the cover
art, a mysterious mish-mash of dingy,
black and white imagery (it’s a picture of
his face underneath all sorts of beads and
bejeweled bling) that ultimately pales in
comparison to the beautiful photography
as featured within the CD booklet.
Packaging aside, Entity is a good record
with a lot to offer audiences looking for
something more significant than just
another DJ mixed compilation. This is
Kevin Aviance, and there’s nothing quite
like him.
Buy these releases and all your other
dance music favorites at
Masterbeat: The Club Volume 2
Party Groove: A Weekend In Oz
Mixed by Brett Henrichsen
Master Entertainment
Mixed by Alyson Calagna
The next time you stop by some trick’s
house in the middle of the night, take a
moment to sort through his CD
collection. Chances are you’ll find at
least one compilation from Master
Entertainment, the Circuit boy’s premier
dance label responsible for such PNP
classics as the official White Party CDs
and the popular Masterbeat series. With
the exception of Montreal’s Black & Blue
collections, Master’s compilations are all
mixed by the label owner, Brett
Henrichsen, whose recent attempt to
branch out to straight audiences with his
new series, The Club , was met with
mixed reviews by his loyal, predominantly
gay fan base. The latest addition to the
series continues in the tradition of its
predecessor, which essentially merges
straight packaging with gay music. An
interesting concept, for sure, though it’s
hard to tell which audience Henrichsen is
looking to attract. Still, with tracks like
Guido and DJ Escape’s remix of Praxis
featuring Kathy Brown’s “Turn Me Out”
as well as new singles from the delicious
Kevin Aviance (“Ready Set Go”) and
Weekend Players (“Into The Sun”) it just
may serve as the ideal soundtrack for
your next trick. Classy.
Centaur Entertainment, the label
responsible for the popular Global
Groove CDs, continues with its
somewhat less cleverly titled Party
Groove series, which is kind of silly in
the first place since they both offer same
exact content - primarily authentic
Circuit music that’s often hot off the DJs
decks. Indeed, the PG series has
gradually built a respectable reputation
among Circuit audiences through its
releases alongside such as Rosabel, Joe
Gauthreaux, Tony Moran and David
Knapp; all corresponding to a specific
Circuit party of note, such as The Fire
Ball, Blue Ball, Hotlanta, and Motor Ball,
respectively. Their latest collection, a
continuous DJ mix by the talented
Alyson Calagna, showcases the tribal
house and traditional Circuit music as
featured at the recent Weekend In Oz
event. The collection features soughtafter tracks by Praxis featuring Kathy
Brown (“Tur n Me Out”), Amuka
(“Appreciate Me”), and Purple Kitty
featuring Latanza Waters (“Bang On”).
When it comes to finding a collection
that actually sounds like a night out at a
special event, it really doesn’t get any
more authentic than this.
recommended release.
from the Internet
Now that the Supreme Court has said that it’s OK to bury your sausage
between your buddy’s buns, and gay marriage has been legalized just
over the border in Canada, it’s time to start thinking about reinventing the
marriage traditions to fit our own unique cultural mores.
Here are just a few...
On the day of the wedding,
it’s bad luck for the two
grooms to see each other at
the gym.
During the first dance, it’s
considered unlucky to use glow
sticks, flags, whistles or
handheld lasers.
Superstition suggests that for
good luck the couple should
have: something bold,
something flirty, something
trashy, something dirty.
For good luck at the union of a
drag queen, the bouquet is
always thrown in the face of a
hated rival.
The reception hall must have a
disco ball and at least one gogo dancer.
Music selection for the
reception shall not contain the
songs “Let’s Hear It For the
Boy”, “It’s Raining Men”, or “I
Will Survive”.
There should be plenty of
bottled water at the
The grooms only pretend to
eat a bite of wedding cake
from each other’s hands
because it’s all carbs and
It’s considered bad luck for
either of the grooms to have
slept with the priest.
10) The father of the bottom pays
for everything.

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