August 2016 Newsletter Color (1)
August 2016 Newsletter Color (1)
August 2016 PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #64 PORTLAND, ME 04101 Issue No. 0816 40 Westland Avenue Portland, ME 04102 To: Madam President Reali’s Message I would like to congratulate Maddison Bennett who won the Irace Family Scholarship and Megan Devlin who was awarded the first Annual IHC Employee Scholarship. Their essays were awesome! Our fiscal year began on July 1, 2016. Annually the President appoints Committee Chairpersons and other appointed positions. They have been appointed and approved by the Board of Directors. The Board has also approved the Board of Director’s meeting to be on the third Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. followed by the General Meeting at 6:30 p.m. It is with great pleasure, that I would like to announce that we have seven new Lifetime Members this year. They are Simmie Butts, Ilean Cavallaro, Patricia Ciccomancini, Ronald Giroux, Robert Munson, Marianna Olsen and Richard Vassallo. It is quite an accomplishment! (In order to be a Lifetime Member you must be at least 70 years old and have at least twenty five consecutive years of membership). We are looking to fill the vacant position of Activity Director. At this time, one year is remaining on the term. If you are interested in this position and would like to run, please come to the General Meeting on Thursday, August 18, 2016 and either nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Please call me if you have any questions. I would like to welcome our newest members to the Italian Heritage Center. They are: Joseph Ricchio, Rinaldo and Jenny Manago, Danielle DeSimon, Bruno Napolitano and Patricia Anne Russo. Please enjoy what the IHC has to offer. Congratulations to Carl Paquette for being voted to the Board of Directors to complete a two year term. Carl, welcome to the Board. Carl has been involved with many committees at the IHC such as Chair for Scholarship Committee, member of the Charity Committee and also Activity Committee. Thank you. Cammy Reali, President August 18, 2016 Board Meeting & General Assembly Board Meeting - 4:00 pm General Assembly - 6:30 pm Cost - $12 per person Dinner will be served at 5:30 pm. Please call 772-2500, ext. 15 for dinner reservations. Reservations must be made no later than August 16. This is a members only dinner and meeting. You will need your key card when paying for your meal. 1 Officers & Board of Directors Officers: Directors: Carmela Dalfonso Reali President 939-8570 Barbara Pileggi 797-5473 Paul Andriulli Vice President 450-4440 Vincenza Marzilli Dunn 774-5003 Salvatore Bonetti Treasurer 939-6755 Rocco Ferrante 776-4507 Nicola Mandarelli Cox Membership Sec. 829-5604 Carl Paquette 956-3588 Adele Tonini Harnois Recording Sec. 807-6569 Frank Reali Past President 772-5831 Committee Chairpersons Parliamentarian Mary-Jane Robichaud 743-3937 Membership Paul Andriulli 450-4440 Administrative John Hughes Scholarship Carl Paquette Technology Vincenza Dunn 774-5003 Marketing Melissa Martin 615-2203 Facilities Frank Reali 772-5831 Finance Salvatore Bonetti 939-6755 By-Laws Paul Connolly 799-1131 Cultural Jim DiBiase 767-2292 Activities IHC 772-7715 Health & Welfare Mary Keaney 767-2440 Charity Kathy Paquette 272-0573 Sergeant of Arms Robert Doyle 776-8834 650-3336 Contact the President . . . 956-3588 Health & Welfare Committee … You can also send your email message to: If you know of any IHC members who are ill, or recently deceased (including family members), and would like the IHC to send them or their family a get well card, sympathy card, or mass card, please contact: Mary Keaney at 767-2440 All members may contact President Carmela Reali by calling 772-5831 or 939-8570. La Cantina Summer Hours-July and August Congratulations to our newly elected Board Members Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Lounge opens at 4 pm; last call 8:30 pm; lounge closes 9 pm Happy Hour Thursdays - last call 9:00 pm; lounge closes 9:30 pm Vincenza Marzilli Dunn sworn in by President Cammy Reali Friday Nights Lounge opens at 4 pm; last call 11:30 pm; lounge closes 12 am Saturday Nights Lounge opens at 4 pm; last call 8:30 pm; lounge closes 9 pm Carl Paquette sworn in by President Cammy Reali Lounge is closed Sundays and Mondays (no liquor service) 2 General Manager - Kimberly McDonough I hope everyone had the opportunity to see the work we have done in the parking lot. We cleared away overgrowth, and redid the parking lot and front walkway. We have paid off the debt to the sign land on Westland Avenue and own it free and clear as of this fiscal year. Big accomplishment. I am very proud that we did this in the past four years. As we start this new year it's important to recognize this past year. We did the most revenue ever in fiscal year 2016. It was the perfect storm for business; just busy, and so many personal and professional clients that are loyal to the IHC made it happen. It becomes a blur sometimes when the months fly by so fast and here we are staring at yet another uphill climb. Here we go! Many great, great things are on the horizon. This month’s happy hour isThursday, August 4. We are featuring a tapas theme with some fun appetizers and cocktails for the end of summer! Little bites and some sangria, made in house, of course, ...perfect! Thanks to everyone for the patronage. We really do appreciate it! Kimberly A. McDonough July General Meeting Winners Kudos to Gloria Lax Our star photographer, Gloria Lax, has retired as of this current newsletter. She has done a stellar job in the past few years by attending all events to snap those shots which we all have enjoyed tremendously. 50/50 Winner Catherine Dascanio with President Cammy Reali Gloria, our thanks go out to you for all you have done! Now we have an opportunity for someone else to step up and volunteer for this most important feature of the newsletter. It is a lot of fun and can be very rewarding for you. Quorum Winner Please contact President Cammy Reali at 939-8570 for more information. Alex Hunziker with President Cammy Reali 3 Membership News - Nicola Cox Members for Vote . . . The following will be voted on at the August General Meeting: Regular Members Italian Name Vicki Sullivan Cynthia McSorley Joseph and Rosemary Gitto Natasha Pellerin Ciccone DiBiase Gitto-Gaurneri Pesce Sponsor Carmela Reali Norman McDonald Francesca DiBiase Anna Stankiewicz Associate Members Sponsor Everett Dyer Peter Doria Congratulations to our newest members (l-r) Patricia Anne Russo, President Cammy Reali, Jenny Manago and Rinaldo Manago (not pictured): Joseph Ricchio, Danielle DeSimon, and Bruno Napolitano. Notes from the Membership Secretary If you have any correspondence regarding membership, please send it to: or feel free to call me at 829-5604. If you are not receiving your newsletter via email and you would like to, please send me a message to the above address or give me a call. You will receive our newsletter much faster via email. Nicola Cox 4 Scholarship Committee - Carl Paquette Two IHC administered scholarships were awarded at the July 21, 2016 General Meeting. IRACE FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP For the second year, the Irace Family has donated $1,500 to the IHC Charitable Trust to establish and fund a scholarship in memory of John Irace, a founding member of the IHC. At the July general meeting of the IHC, the Irace family gathered to present the award to Madison Bennett. Madison is the daughter of IHC member Torre Donaldson. Madison graduated from Gorham High in 2015. She is currently a Sophomore at the University of New Hampshire and holds a 3.6 GPA. When at Gorham High, Madison was chosen by her team mates to be co-captain of the volleyball team where, according to her coach, Nicole Rizzo, she instilled “confidence, positivity and great energy.” Over the years, Ms. Rizzo watched Madison “grow into a smart, hardworking and generous woman.” It was with pride in her accomplishments that the Irace family awarded Madison the scholarship. IHC EMPLOYEE SCHOLARSHIP Earlier this year, the IHC Scholarship Committee decided to offer, for the first time, an employee scholarship for $500. When the idea was presented at an IHC general meeting, Dominic and Linda Reali wanted to assure that the award would be the same as other IHC Scholarships and generously said they would add an additional $1,000 to make the award $1,500. The first IHC Employee Scholarship was awarded to Megan Devlin, a long time IHC employee, at the July general meeting. Over the years, Megan has worked with the wait staff, served as bus captain and tended bar both in the function rooms and La Cantina. In her essay, she stated how the IHC has become a second family to her. As IHC General Manager, Kim McDonough, said, Megan is “an amazing employee and citizen. She is dependable and adaptable and a great leader.” It was an honor to present Megan Devlin the first IHC Employee Scholarship. If you are interested in joining the scholarship committee, please contact Carl Paquette via email: or by phone (207)956-3588. Irace Family Scholarship Italian Heritage Center Scholarship Pictured above: Carl Paquette, President Cammy Reali, Madison Bennett, Dina, Anthony, Frederick and Joanne Irace <<<< Pictured to the left: Carl Paquette, Kim McDonough, President Cammy Reali, Megan Devlin, Linda Reali and Dominic Reali 5 Activities Committee Calendar of Events August 12 Kingpin in La Cantina* August 28 Family Fun Festival Movie Night, Carne and Trivia in La Cantina _______________________________________________ September 10 Italian Movie Night ________________________________ September 23 Kingpin in La Cantina October 15 Carne Shoot September 30 Joan Kennedy Band in La Cantina October 22 Trivia _______________________________________________ __________________________________ October 21 Kingpin in La Cantina November 9 Carne Shoot October 28 Red Solo Cup November 26 Trivia *We will be featuring our Chef’s Table for this event at a cost of $5 per person. THANK YOU Calling All Gin Players . . . . Tournament starts Wednesday, Sept 21 . . . Beginners welcome! Effective at the end of this calendar year, Mary Maxwell will be retiring as hostess of the Carne Shoot. Gin is coming back in September for any member that is interested in playing. If you have never played and may be a little nervous, we will host two Wednesdays that will teach or refresh anyone how to play: Sept 7 and Sept 14 at 5:30 pm. Come on down to the Cantina and have some fun. It is a lot of fun and it is a great way to meet other members. Mary has done a fantastic job in the past few years and she will be sadly missed! Thank you, Mary for making this venture such a success. Cost is $25 to join for the ten weeks; and if you are in the top nine at the end of the season, you will play in the playoffs. We are looking for someone to replace Mary as the “Carne Shoot” host(ess). It is a lot of fun and is usually done by 2 people. One person calls the cards and the other person is the runner. If you are interested in hosting a super fun night once a month, please contact Cammy Reali at 939-8570 for more information. This would be a great volunteer opportunity as well as to meet new people. The deadline for signing up and paying is before Sept 14. You can find me in the Cantina most early evenings or leave an envelope with your name/ phone/email/money with one of the bartenders in the Cantina and I will get it. I will definitely be available on Sept 7 and 14 in the Cantina. You can also mail it to me at the Italian Heritage Center with my name on it. Please make checks payable to Brenda Berry. I really need to have a final paid count by that date to set up the schedule. MARY MAXWELL August - First Thursday Happy Hour in La Cantina There are still many lazy summer days left. Join us on Thursday, August 4 from 4-7 pm. for another fabulous happy hour. The tournament will start on Sept 21 at 6:30. The Tournament will run until Nov. 30 with Dec. 7 for the playoffs. You can contact me at 773-1872 or 899-5149, or Kim McDonough has a new appetizer for you along with a great refreshing Sangria. Looking forward to seeing you in September. Come down to see what we have cooked up for you! Brenda Berry SAVE THE DATE: next Happy Hour is September 1 6 One Cup Flour, Four Eggs, and A Pinch of Salt We need your recipes!!! The IHC Activity Committee is producing a new cookbook due out in November. We have collected over a hundred recipes to date, but we need more. You only need to send in ONE recipe to help make this a success. You can drop your recipe off at the IHC or send them to Vicki Dunn at Family Festival Lobster Dinner Tickets BOCCE Lobster Dinner Tickets are available in La Cantina. The cost is $20 per ticket and includes twin lobsters, cole slaw and corn on the cob. What a deal!! Remember the tickets must be purchased in advance. Sign-up for the Fall session of Bocce will be held on Tuesday, September 13 and Tuesday, September 20 from 6:00-7:00 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Hutchins at 671-9706. Pot of Gold Just a reminder that you are the only one that should be signing the book. You are not allowed to sign in for anyone else and no one else can sign in for you. If you have any questions, please contact President Cammy Reali at 939-8570. Thanks for your attention to this. Friday night Chef’s Table . . . . La Cantina ATTENTION: This fare will be available EVERY Friday night for July and August. Friday Night Entertainment Cost is $5.00 per person and you must get your ticket from the bartender on duty. August 5 - Dan B. August 12 - Kingpin August 19 - Jeff Rockwell August 26 - Jeff Rockwell Served from 6-7:30 pm 7 Sunday August 28 3 - 7 pm Kids Games Photo Booth Games Face Painting Water Slide Music Petting Zoo Cash Bar Food for Purchase Lobster Dinner Served 4-6pm $20 per person Includes 2 lobsters, corn & coleslaw DJ Erich Kruger LOBSTER TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE Call or text - Vicki Dunn 329-3122 or email; or Kathy Paquette 272-0573 or email Also for sale are hamburgers, hotdogs, BBQ chicken, sausage sandwiches, corn on the cob and more! 8 August 2016 Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu Happy Hour Fri 5 Sat 6 DJ Dan B Karaoke 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Kingpin 14 15 16 Charity 17 18 19 Committee Meeting Board & General Meetings DJ Jeff Rockwell 25 26 5:00 pm 21 22 23 24 Karaoke DJ Jeff Rockwell Karaoke 28 29 30 31 Family Festival 9 20 27 Cultural Committee - Jim DiBiase SEPTEMBER ITALIAN MOVIE NIGHT Saturday, September 10th, 7:00 pm in the Cantina MEET DANNY WILSON starring Frank Sinatra (in the first step of his historic comeback) Frank Sinatra stars as a gifted but quick tempered up and coming lounge singer who makes a meager living singing in dives and hustling pool with his best friend Mike Ryan. Even with a set of golden tonsils, “Easy Street” isn’t so easy for Danny Wilson to find. By chance, one night, they meet entertainer Joy Carrol (Shelley Winters) who gets them a job at gangster, Rick Driscoll’s (Raymond Burr) well-to-do Nightclub. But Rick, seeing the future potential in Danny’s career, wants a high price-50% of all Danny’s future earnings. The movie was made at the low point of Sinatra’s personal life and professional career and pre-dates his huge comeback Oscar winning role in “From Here to Eternity”. Cameo performances by unknown actors Tony Curtis and Jeff Chandler. Movie is American made and entirely in English. Donations accepted to defray cost of DVDs. Join us for snacks and the film that features down and out Italian-American Sinatra’s new found singing voice. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTORY ITALIAN CONVERSATION COURSE Tuesdays from September 6-September 27 6:00 - 7:30 pm A fun six week course (double sessions Sept 20th & 27th) in basic Italian with Assunta Fradella Savage. Members $50; Guests $75 Those interested please call Assunta Fradella Savage at 883-3436 or Jim DiBiase at 767-2292. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Look for the Cultural Committee Table at the IHC Family Day, August 28, 3:00 – 7:00 pm. Upcoming Event: Trip to Italy (Sicily, Calabria, Naples, Amalfi Coast, Sorrento, Capri, Mt Vesuvius, Rome) scheduled for September 26th through October 6th 2016. NOTE: There are no Cultural events scheduled for August, but your Cultural Committee is at work planning for the following events in the coming fiscal year: History of Italian Art, Part 3 with Professor Michael Grillo Italian Paint Night (the Amalfi Coast Scenic) Wine tasting Event in Columbus Room Traditional Christmas Eve Dinner Guest Authors (names TBD) High School age students’ Cultural Exchange Trip to Nepi, Italy Newpoli Musical Troupe performance Italian Auto Show _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Italian Idiom for August: Sono Incazzata Nera Translated as “I’m black mad,” this expression is similar to “I’m seeing red,” or “I’m pissed!” “The Questura (Police Station) lost my paperwork – sono incazzata nera.” “Tickets went up $200 for his flight. He’s incazzato nero.” 10 KINGPIN - JULY 15 Cultural Committee Meeting at Vinnie Fierro’s home - July 18 11 Please Patronize Our Sponsors ACCOUNTANTS RONALD L. TALIENTO FUNERAL DIRECTORS 797-2831 Certified Public Accountant The River’s Edge 23 Bridgton Road Westbrook *************************************************************************** CONROY-TULLY WALKER FUNERAL HOMES 773-6511 172 State St., Portland BAKERS 1024 Broadway, So. Portland BOTTO'S BAKERY 773-9647 Serving the Greater Portland community for over 55 years Locally Owned and Operated 550 Washington Avenue, Portland Italian Bread & Rolls • Pizza Shells Since 1949 ******************************************************** Bob & Steve Mathews, Owners 775-3763 *************************************************************************** JONES, RICH and HUTCHINS 199 Woodford Street , Portland BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTORS A Tradition in Caring Your Dignity Memorial Provider for 177 Years Nappi Distributors 887-8200 615 Main Street, Gorham Miller Lite, Coors Light, Sam Adams, Shipyard, Allagash, and the largest variety of wines and craft beers in the area. ******************************************************* Family owned and operated since 1960, with roots dating back to 1933. Funeral & Cremation Services 660 Brighton Avenue, Portland Carrying on the Hutchins Family Philosophy Of Funeral Service. Locally Owned and Operated A.T. HUTCHINS, LLC 878-3246 *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** CONTRACTORS SAM GRIMALDI AND SON 773-6905 General Excavating, Site Work, Septic Systems, Utility Work, Foundations, Demolition, Grading and Drainage *************************************************************************** T.A. NAPOLITANO, INC. Electrical Contractor P.O. Box 2301, South Portland Commercial, Residential, Industrial 799-0538 ************************************************************************************************ HEATING OIL BREGGY OIL & PROPANE SERVICE 772-4631 84 Congress Street, Portland Propane Service A.R. Breggia “60 years in Business" ************************************************************************************ GIROUX ENERGY SOLUTIONS 797-7111 343 Warren Avenue, Portland Fax 797-7466 Propane-Biofuel-Certified K-1; Family Owned/Operated Since 1959 *************************************************************************** MARKETS & DELICATESSENS ANANIA'S VARIETY STORES 606 Washington Avenue, Portland 1227 Congress Street, Portland 323 Broadway, South Portland “Your Neighborhood Store” 774-4639 774-8104 347-7450 ************************************************************************************ MICUCCI WHOLESALE FOODS 961 Riverside Street, Portland Toll Free: 1-800-MICUCCI Fax: 207-797-4103 E-mail: 12 797-7573 Please Patronize Our Sponsors INSURANCE REAL ESTATE (cont.) Randee A. McDonald Owner 1 (800) 286-5352 P.O. Box 567 2331 Congress St, Portland Michael S. Reali, Vice President Fax 780-6377; E-MAIL: Locations in Portland-Lincoln Brunswick-Windham ******************************************************** 10 Free St , PO Box 599 Portland T: 207.775.6177 F: 207.775.5688 178 Middle St. Suite 402 Portland, ME 04101 Ph: 207.899.4900 Fax: 207.899.4907 Exercise your right to choose your own title company – tell your lender you want to use Cumberland Title. We guarantee Smooth Closings! 86 Main St, PO Box 3160 Auburn T: 207.784.1535 F: 207.777.5208 ******************************************************* FRANCO PROPERTIES LLC Apartment Rentals Frank & Cammy Reali Cell – 207-318-9567 Office – 207-772-5831 ******************************************************** Printers DALE RAND PRINTING 773-8198 104 Washington Ave. Portland, ME ******************************************************* Foster Appraisal Service LLC ******************************************************* Theresa M. Foster REAL ESTATE (207) 310-8716 Residential Appraiser HARBORCITY REALTY 775-1991 9 Weathervane Dr. Windham, ME 04062 502B Woodford Street, Portland Jean Germani-Russo, Owner “Selling Greater Portland For Over 30Years” E-MAIL: ******************************************************** *********************************************************************************** MAINE REAL ESTATE NETWORK Lou & Carmel Croce 75 John Roberts Road, South Portland RE/MAX By The Bay The David Banks Team 883-5135 “Maine’s top producing real estate agent for the past decade” David M. Banks - Broker/Owner 281 Veranda Street, Portland 207.553.7302 Mobile: (207) 838-0581; Fax (207) 829-5446 ******************************************************** PORTLAND APARTMENTS LLC Apartment Rentals 797-4549 1500 Forest Ave - Office 6E Portland, ME 04103 “WHERE YOUR HOME IS OUR BUSINESS” Call: Gary Sidelinger 13 Please Patronize Our Sponsors RESTAURANTS AMATO'S SANDWICH SHOPS SERVICES (cont.) 774-3975 "There's Nothing Like a Real Italian" Now located in Maine, NH, Vermont and New York 47 Convenient Locations Amato's Catering * 774-3975 Amato's Bakery * 774-3544 Serving Maine Businesses Since 1902 ************************************************************************* BRUNO'S 878-9511 33 Allen Avenue, Portland Fine Italian Cuisine ******************************************************* DIMILLO'S ON THE WATER 772-2216 Long Wharf Portland, ME Cell 207.713.4570 ACN Direct Online Storefront: *********************************************************** PORTLAND PRESORT SERVICES 100 Fore Street Portland, ME 874-9780 Daniel Terroni Steaks, Seafood, Italian Food Complete mail service * 1st. class presort * 3rd. class bulk ******************************************************* MAELILY & RYLEIGH’S BREAKFAST AND LUNCH 949 Forest Avenue 878-6575 *********************************************************** MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Closed Monday Tuesday - Friday 6 am to 2 pm Saturday and Sunday 6 am to 1 pm ******************************************************* SERVICES DIRIGO INVESTIGATIONS, LLC Independent Business Owner Lisa Mathieu 839-8150 Edward J. Doyle, AAMS, Edward Jones, Financial Advisor Toll Free 866-839-8150; Fax 877-222-8915 28 State Street Gorham, ME 04038 Member SIPC ******************************************************************************* 373-9317 Confidential private investigations for business, attorneys and private individuals. Tom Santaguida, President Dirigo Investigations, LLC 18 Pleasant Street, Suite 507 Brunswick, Maine 04011; 10% discount to all IHC members 14 Please Patronize Our Sponsors SERVICES (cont.) SERVICES (cont.) Cell 207.310.8716 Phone 207.892.6279 BIG BLUE BUG SOLUTIONS Brandon Watson Branch Manager 1486 Broadway, Unit B South Portland, ME 04116 Ron Foster Home Energy Evaluator Home Inspections ******************************************************* Mark Timothy Pulsoni Senior Regional Leader Financial Planning Services Cell Phone Fax Primerica ************************************************************ TESS - TOTAL EXPRESSION, SIMPLICITY & STYLE 899-1007 930 Forest Avenue Portland Tess Hakkila Cut, Color, Occasion Styling, Nails and more *********************************************************** State of Maine Notary Public Documents Weddings Free consultation for weddings ******************************************************* Checkmate Appliance Repair LLC Ollie La Chapelle 41 Curtis Street South Portland, ME 04106-3513 207-767-0712 ************************************************************ LJ Casemore Managing Member THE UPS STORE Phone: 207-627-2246 Web: Email: ******************************************************* Amber Roberge Arbonne Independent Consultant 207.632.6612 207.894.7746 877.223.4803 48 Tandberg Trail Suite 1 Windham, ME 04062-6402 Offering solutions for skin, health and income 888-BLUE-BUG (258-3284) (207) 805-4684 207-632-0497 Swiss-formulated, vegan certified skincare and nutritionals for the whole family 871-9355 Jetport Plaza 405 Western Ave P.O. Box 9241, South Portland, ME 04106 Email: Document Shredding ************************************************************ Kayla Foster (207) 310-8718 Hairstyles for Beauty, Comfort & Style Xclusive Salon| 1041 Brighton Ave Ste. 10 | Portland, ME 04102 **Pure** Safe** Beneficial** Contact me for a complimentary consultation and product trial! ************************************************************ WASTE DISPOSAL SERVICES TROIANO WASTE SERVICES, INC. Containerized Waste Disposal P.O. Box 3541, Portland fax 767-6158 15 767-2070 In Memory of our Deceased Members John J. Aceto, Jr. Donald E. Daniels Rocco Marzilli, Sr. Joseph A. Alberti, Sr. Antonio Dell'Aquila James P. McCarthy Ed Anania, Sr. Rocco Dell'Aquila Leo Emilio Micucci Peter E. Anania Louis & Rose Vacca DiBenedetto Vin Migliaccio Pierina Axelsen John DiBiase Al Neff Richard L. Bailey Joseph R. DiMauro, Sr. Jim & Betty O’Brion Rose V. and Louis D. Bennett Charles & Madeline DiMauro Guido & Mary (Pio) Pardi, Sr. Sarah & Peter Brichetto Edward & Henrietta DiPhlippo Carmine Pesce Angelina & Joseph Caminiti Antonio DiPietro Bettie Pileggi Diane M Caminti Concetto DiPietro Frankie Pileggi John E. Caminiti Joseph DiPietro Mickelena Pileggi Joseph Caminiti, Jr. Mario DiPietro Rose Pileggi Michael F Caminiti Nicholas DiPietro John and Marty Pizzo Franceso & Angelina Capelluti Carmine & Lauraine Ferrante Alfonso & Margaret Pizzo Joseph A. Capelluti Charlie Ferrante Al and Frances Pizzo Josephine N. Capelluti Donato Ferrante Armando & Isabel Profenno Polito Orlando J. Capelluti Samuel S. Ferrante Donato & Angela Polito Profenno William M. Caprio Giro, Rosina, Sam Fornisano Sam and Glenys Profenno Francesco & Anna Teresa Capozza Louis D. & Rose Germani Arduino & Celeste Reali Joseph A. & Marion G. Capozza Nino & Connie Giordano Giovanna Ricci Anna Marie Ciccarelli Louis & Theresa Grassi Theresa (Suzie) Ricci Guy & Anna Ciccarelli Joseph & Fannie Grimaldi Alphonse and Anna Russo Anthony "Tony" Colello Rose Martini Lane Anthony A. Sesto Thomas D. Colucci Frank P. Lapomarda Frank and Nora Taliento George P. Conicelli Sr. Frank & Richard Lorello Rocco & Patricia Toppi, Jr. Thomas A. Conicelli Donald Lefebvre Settimo Trivellin Mary Connolly Eleanor Marshall Santino Jack Viola Charles & Delia Dalfonso Antonio Marzilli In Appreciation to our Lifetime Members Dick and Carolyn Barter Sam & Marge DiBiase Maria Marzilli Joan Bartlett Jim DiPhilippo Rose McCarthy Maryann Bonetti Rudy DiPietro John and Betty Paris Simmie M. Butts, Sr. Dominic Distasio Michael Pizzo Paul Connolly Annetta Ferrante Mary Jane Robichaud Guy Ciccarelli, Jr. Lucy Ferrante Rose Rumo Madalyn J. Daniels Madeline Fornisano Lucy A. Sesto Anna Dell’Aquila John C. Keaney, Jr. Eleanor Caprio Small Francesca DiBiase Teresa Lefebvre Marilyn DiBiase Beth & Fred Leone Grace Ann Caminiti Thomas Phyllis Tripaldi Guy Martini Elma Marzilli 16 If you would like your loved one’s name in the Memoriam section or if you are a lifetime member and would like to list your name as a Lifetime Member, please contact Barbara Pileggi at 797-5473 or The new cost is $10 per name for the year starting July 1, 2016.