Initial Operation of a Pulse-Burst Laser System for High
Initial Operation of a Pulse-Burst Laser System for High
Initial Operation of a Pulse-Burst Laser System for High-Repetition-Rate Thomson Scattering W.S. Harris, D.J. Den Hartog, and N.C. Hurst, Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison Nd:YVO4 Master Oscillator Characterization 4 6.4 9 12 16 16 1 1a 2 4 6 6 4 × 67 4 × 67 4 × 67 4 × 67 8 × 250 8 × 250 Set-up Double-pass Double-pass Double-pass Single-pass Single-pass Single-pass aThese stages share a single flashlamp within a single pumping chamber. bThis stage has been installed, but not yet operational. cThis stage has not been installed. 80 100 0.8 2.5 2.0 1.5 • 7 ns pulse width 7 ns pulse width 1.0 • Pulse energy is 1.5 J after subtracting ASE contribution to the energy meter 0.5 0.0 20 40 60 time(ns) 80 b) 0.5 c) 0.5 Sync Pulse 0. 1.0 d) 0.5 0. 0 50 100 150 Time (µs) 200 250 Requirements for Master Oscillator Energy Stability • Laser rod must be at a constant temperature for energy stability to be achieved – Does not occur for an isolated burst of pulses • The (unamplified) master oscillator is run continuously prior to a burst, and turned off briefly (100-200 µs) while the flashlamps are pumped • The pumpdiode is turned off while the Q-switch is off to prevent heating of the oscillator crystal • 18 amplified Q-switch pulses 0.4 • Ignoring the first and last pulse – Average pulse energy is 0.53 J 0.2 – Relative pulse deviation ∆E/E is 4.6% 0.0 0.0 b) 45 ns pulse width • Pulse width at 250 kHz is 45 ns (FWHM) 0.2 – Pulse width decreases with Qswitch frequency 0.0 200 400 600 Time (ns) 800 1000 • Burn paper patterns after the fourth Nd:YAG amplifier stage 2.0 2.5 • Flashlamps operating at 15% explosion energy • 250 µs flashlamp pump pulse • Uniform beam profile 2.0 • Beam diameter is 12 mm 12mm • Photodiode output through a flashlamp pulse • Amplified laser pulses observed at 10 kHz (100 µs spacing) • Baseline signal due to ASE increases throughout flashlamp pumping time (500 µs) and decreases after lamps turn off 20 15 10 5 0 -5 0 1.0 1.5 time (ms) Pulse Energies at 100 kHz Operation 0.6 0.4 0.5 • Pulse to pulse energy stability ∆E/E is 4.6% Flashlamp Current (A) Triggering Sequence: 1. Nd:YVO4 Q-switch (orange) continuously pulses prior master trigger, with pump diode (green) energized 2. Master trigger (blue) sent to CompactRIO to begin amplified pulsing sequence 3. Q-switch and pump diode turn off briefly to allow flashlamps to pump amplifier stages 4. Flashlamps (red) in amplifier stages are pulsed 5. Master oscillator pump diode turns on 6. Q-switch turns on to produce amplified laser pulses • 2 ms flashlamp pump pulse 100 200 400 600 Time (µs) 800 400 200 0 t0−ε • 150 µs wide flashlamp pump pulse 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 0 • tL is a time window chosen to be much longer than the flashlamp pulse • t0 is the time of the Q-switched laser pulse • 2 × ε is the width of the laser pulse The integral over the interval [t0 −ε, t0 +ǫ] gives the contribution of the laser pulse, I pulse, to the total energy measured by the energy meter, Etotal, while the rest of the integral, IAS E , is the contribution due to ASE. The energy of the amplified pulse is then taken to be I pulse Etotal. (2) E pulse = I pulse + IAS E 1.0 – Average pulse energy is 0.32 J 0.5 – Relative pulse deviation ∆E/E is 6.6% 0.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 time (ms) 0.15 0.20 • Flashlamps operating at 30% explosion energy ∗ Optimization of flashlamp voltages and trigger timing has not been performed • Operation at 21% of the flashlamp explosion energy Future Work 100 200 Time (µs) 300 400 100 Acknowledgements 10-2 10-4 10 -6 10-8 Oscillator Laser pulse energy after spatial filtering. • Further testing of the fifth amplification stage (Nd:glass). • Optimization of the flashlamp charging voltages and Q-switch timing for stable, repetitive pulsing. • Characterization of the laser pulse energy with five amplifier stages. • Installation of the sixth amplification stage (if deemed necessary). • Extend the laser beam path to the MST vessel. 102 Pulse Energy (J) Gain a −9 Oscillator 35×10 1 108×10−6 3000 2 0.12 1000 3 0.69 6 4 1.48 2 a • Ignoring the first two pulses b) Stage t−ε 1.5 0 Gain Characterization of Nd:YAG Amplifier Stages Numerical integration of the energy monitor’s analog output, f (t), is broken up into three intervals in order to determine the pulse energy: Z tL Z t−ε Z t0+ε Z tL f (t)dt = f (t)dt + f (t)dt + f (t)dt (1) 0 • Applied flashlamp voltage (blue) and current (red) a) 1000 Amplified Laser Pulse Energy is Determined by Integrating Energy Meter Output • 10 amplified Q-switch pulses 600 Pulse Energy (J) Q-Switch Pump Diode Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Nd:glass Nd:glass Flashlamp arc Diameter Nlamps diameter × length (mm) (mm × mm) a 40 60 Time (µs) Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) Levels are Acceptable Photodiode Level (A.U.) Trigger a) 0.5 0. 1.0 A new pulse-burst laser being built is described as follows: • Nd:YVO4 master oscillator, 5-250 kHz • Continuous mode – 20 ms long train of pulses at ≤50 kHz • Burst mode – Bursts of 10-30 pulses at frequencies up to 250 kHz • Output pulse energy 1-2 J • Master-oscillator power-amplifier whose amplification stages have the following properties: 20 • Pulse to pulse deviation of energy, ∆E, is calculated from the variance between pulses, σ Flashlamp Voltage (V) Laser Triggering Control Technique for Optimum Energy Stability 0. 1.0 1 2 3 4 5b 6c 0.2 • Single pulse amplified through all four Nd:YAG amplifier stages 800 1.0 Pulse-Burst Laser System • 250 kHz operation of master oscillator 0.4 -0.2 0 Thomson scattering on MST has been performed using two commercial (Nd:YAG) Spectron lasers. Recent upgrades permit operation of the diagnostic with the following characteristics: • 2 J pulse energies at 1064 nm • 1-25 kHz operation • Multi-point collection system allowing 21 simultaneous radial measurements Material 0.6 1.0 Spectron Laser System Stage 0.8 3.0 Pulse Energy (J) Thomson Scattering on MST • Commercial laser delivers 2-8 µJ pulses at 1064 nm 1.0 0 Stable Pulse Energy at 10 kHz Operation 0.6 a) 0.0 Photodiode Signal (V) • National Instruments cRIO-9073 • 40 MHz clock for fast timing control • Eight control modules: – 2× digital I/O modules - triggering of master oscillator, flashlamps, digitizers, and beam alignment cameras – Analog output module - control of pump diode level of master oscillator – 5× analog input modules - Flashlamp voltage and current monitors, 12-bit and 62.5 kHz per channel • Synchronization between flashlamps and Q-switch is made possible by using the cRIO system Photodiode Signal (V) 1.2 Single Laser Pulses of 1.5 J with Uniform Burn Patterns are Achieved Pulse Energy (J) Laser Control Accomplished Using CompactRIO Integrated System A pulse-burst laser has been installed for Thomson scattering measurements on the Madison Symmetric Torus (MST) reversed-field pinch. The laser design is a master-oscillator power-amplifier. The master oscillator is a commercial Nd:YVO4 laser (1064 nm) which is capable of Q-switching at frequencies between 5-250 kHz. Four Nd:YAG amplifier stages are in place to amplify the Nd:YVO4 emission. Single pulses through the Nd:YAG amplifier stages gives energies up to 1.5 J and the gain for each stage has been measured. Repetitive pulsing at 10 kHz has also been performed for 2 ms bursts giving average pulse energies of 0.53 J with ∆E/E of 4.6%, where ∆E is the standard deviation between pulses. The next step will be to add one of two Nd:glass (silicate) amplifier stages to produce final pulse energies of 1-2 J for bursts up to 250 kHz. Energy Meter Output (A.U.) ABSTRACT 1 2 3 Amplifier Stage 4 The authors would like to thank Mike Borchardt, Adam Falkowski, Josh Reusch and Ming Yang from the Thomson Scattering group at MST for their help. Mikhail Reyfman and David Deicher from the electronics shop have also provided valuable assistance. In addition, the efforts of Jack Ambuel and Phil Robl of the Physical Sciences Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are also recognized. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation.