April 2015 - Tasmania Chapter
April 2015 - Tasmania Chapter
Directors report Chapter 9975 March/April 2015 Edition 67 www.hogtasmania.org.au facebook@hogtasmania.org.au Up coming events........ Kidney awareness Pizza night – 14 March. Kidney awareness Charity ride – 28 March. Annual dinner – details next newsletter – keep 18 July free Hi All, Well another Tassie Rally done and dusted, thanks to all that came along and made it such a great success. I would also like to thank the rally committee for their work and efforts over the last 12 months, it definitely was a fun filled weekend. I hope everyone has the annual Kidney Ride date free, this is always a good day to catch up with H.O.G. members from all over the state and to raise some money for a very worthy cause. Remember to keep an eye on the ride calendar and the webpage as there’s lots of great rides and events coming up over the next couple of months. Paul Marriner Director Tasmanian Chapter Proudly Sponsored by Richardson’s Harley-Davidson 468 Westbury Road, Prospect Tasmania 7250 Ph: (03) 6344 4524 Fax: (03) 6344 3179 263 Elizabeth Street, North Hobart Tasmania 7000 Ph (03) 6231 1442 www.richardsonsharleydavidson.com.au TASMANIA CHAPTER HARLEY OWNERS GROUP COMMITTEE - 2014/2015 Director Paul Marriner 0418 997 389 director@hogtasmania.org.au Assistant Director North Mick King 0400 807 261 Assistant Director South Ian Stanley - 0417 513 073 assistant.director@hogtasmania.org.au assistant.director.south@hogtasmania.org.au Secretary/Public Officer, - Len Treasurer Somers 0447 358 565 Per Nielson 0418 132 338 Webmaster Josh Nielsen secretary@hogtasmania.org.au treasurer@hogtasmania.org.au 0438 557 459 webmaster@hogtasmania.org.au Ladies of Harley Editor/Historian Dienie Binns 0457 204 134 Catherine Mainsbridge loh@hogtasmania.org.au Membership Officer Carol McCullagh 0409 864 665 0409 029 089 newsletter.editor@hogtasmania.org.au historian@hogtasmania.org.au membership.officer@hogtasmania.org.au TASMANIA CHAPTER HARLEY OWNERS GROUP COMMITTEE - 2014/2015 Head Road Captain Leigh McCullagh 0400 120 158 Road Captain North West head.road@hogtasmania.org.au road.north.west@hogtasmania.org.au Road.north@hogtasmania.org.au Photographer North Activities Officer North Road Captain South Brett Cook 0439 242 743 road.south@hogtasmania.org.au Rod Treblico 0439338073 Peter Mainsbridge 0419 899 121 photo.north@hogtasmania.org.au Road Captain North Craig Morgan 0417534693 Susan Neilsen activities.north@hogtasmania.org.au Photographer South Steve Garside photo.south@hogtasmania.org.au Activities Officer North West Donna James 0408 023 218 Quartermaster Andrew Eastman 0439 936 312 quartermaster@hogtasmania.org.au Activities Officers – South Phil & Sonia Latham activity.south@hogtasmania.org.au activity.north.west@hogtasmania.org.au Dealer Representative Dealer Representative Kerry Ollington - 0418 121 839 Mark Proietti - 0417 146 681 Safety Officer Lindsay Haddrick 0400 803 135 admin@rhd.com.au mark@rhd.com.au safety.officer@hogtasmania.org.au WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS Heath Blair John Brett Geoff House Kim Davies Gerrard Hickey Paul Clark Robin Norris Rowan Scott-Andrew Andrew Pullen Bradley Thomas Matt Price Aiden Grant Claus Trutzl Dennis Porter Gary Gossage John Crawford Darren Collins Jack Jordan Chapter Merchandise Stock available T-shirts, H.O.G. rockers (our new logo), pin, cap and stubbie holders Contact our quartermaster Andrew Eastman quartermaster@hogtasmania.org.au Safety Course Program for 2015 Two North West days will need a full class of 6 riders to go ahead. For the North the dates are:- Apr 5, May 24, Sep 13, Oct 11. South:- Apr 19, May 31, Sep 20 and Nov 1. North West:- Mar 15 and Nov 8. ANY inquires call Lindsay Haddrick, Safety Officer at safety.officer@hogtasmania.org.au News from RDH Friday night BBQ’s In Hobart, come and join us at the rear of Richardson’s Harley-Davidson at “H.O.G. Hill”. A BBQ is held every Friday night from 5.30pm every week over the coming day light saving time. Share some great fellowship with members, enjoy a sausage and hamburger sizzle in bread, a salad and a drink. Vest Name Badges If you’ve seen other HOG members who have a ‘NAME’ or ‘NICKNAME’ badge on their HOG vest and you thought, “that’s a good idea” then these badges are now available to order. Badges: o are made locally on the North West coast (supporting a Tassie business) o cost is $7-70 for most name badges plus $1 for postage o cost may be $1 or so extra if you want more letters than example shown o text will be in CAPITALS and text style shown only o text colour is ORANGE only o standard black background size is 35mm high and 70mm wide o background width may need to increase if you have more letters…..check the intended badge location on your vest to ensure it will fit. o delivery should take around 8-10 work days. See you there, All Chapter members welcome. Launceston H.O.G. Park BBQ’s are less frequent but check the ride calendar and keep an eye on facebook. Next one Friday 20 March from 6pm. To order, send an email to secretary@hogtasmania.org.au with the badge ‘NAME or ‘NICKNAME’, your name and your postal address details. No email? Then text the information to 0407 885 337. Please order before the first day of the month. eg next batch order is May 1st, then June 1st, etc. We’ll work out how you can pay depending on your location. Questions? Please contact as above. Len & Lynda Somers Chapter Ride Rules Our objective as H.O.G. members is to Ride and have Fun Our responsibility as H.O.G. members is to Ride safely. Here are the ways to achieve this: Arrive at the nominated meeting place with a full tank of fuel where possible. Adhere to State Road Rules and Speed Limits. The Road Captain leads the group. Do not overtake him/her We try to maintain a group to and from our destination. Depending on group size and type of roads, we may need to split into groups. Listen to the Road Captains instructions before we leave in case the group does separate. Please be aware of who is behind you, make sure they are not too far behind for safety reasons and to help the group stay together. Ride in staggered formation, not side by side. In the rain and poorer conditions, or if the road is narrow travel in single file. Use only one lane of a multi-lane highway. Make sure you are well off the road when you stop for a scheduled stop. Do not “Rubber Band”, speed up and slow down, when riding in the group. If a Rider stops or breaks down Tail end Charlie will render assistance. Ride within your safety zone. If you have to go slower that’s fine – let the others safely get past and then meet everyone at the next stop. Complying with the Ride Rules keeps you in the official Ride Group. If you intend leaving the ride group before the intended destination please let the road captain know, this will prevent someone coming back and looking for you unnecessarily. Safe Riding Tips Riding is fun and exciting, but like any other activity it has risks. You are exposed and vulnerable. To reduce the risk of accident and injury here are a few simple tips. Know your riding skills. Take a beginners or refresher course from a recognized training centre. The more you learn, the better rider you become. Know the road rules and respect the other road users. Know the limits of your skills, your motorcycle and the conditions around you. Ride with the appropriate gear. A safety approved helmet, eye protection, jacket and pants, boots and gloves are your best defence against injury. Above all: Ride to survive. Contact our safety officer Lindsay Haddrick Safety course Places are available – following detail see 63 ELIZABETREET, HOBART eydavi6 STATE H.O.G. RALLY PICS 2015 SLOW RACE WINNER ON LEFT THE VENUE WINE AND SWINE RACE FRIDAY NIGHT REVERLLERS BIKE GOLF GYMKHANA DONE Canberra – winners of the gymkhana chapter challenge Tasmania State Rally 2015 A replica Swiss village, known as Grindelwald, was the character location of our 2015 State Rally. Grindelwald is located on the western side of the Tamar River which begins in Launceston and flows north to Bass Strait. Around 160 H.O.G.'s from as far away as W.A. Other members came from Central Coast N.S.W., Canberra, Adelaide and Victoria to make the weekend of 30 January – 1 February, one to remember. Some H.O.G.'s had been to our past Rally's, others were virgins. Registration commenced at 12pm and members began riding in. The afternoon was free but could be spent checking out nearby wineries, playing mini golf, checking out the village shops or relaxing. Dinner on Friday night was followed by a great local band called Well Strung and use of a photo booth. Some interesting pics evolved with two ladies receiving awards the next night for their efforts. It was a big night for quite a few. Saturday, after an awesome breakfast, there was a ride through the back roads to the town of Beauty Point for a well catered BBQ at the local yacht club. One of the yacht club ladies judged our best bike competition – well done Rod Treblico. Next on the schedule was the gymkhana. It included a three bike events and a relay event on foot. The slow race was well won by Mark from Dandenong chapter who dropped his bike on the grass in the second last round. Next was the Donga throw (what did the donga’s remind you of). Bike golf (easier on a trike!!!) showed how difficult it is to keep a ball on track and through the correct goals. The relay on-foot event was called “Wine and Swine”. Members had to run (we saw some innovative styles) with a bottle of ‘wine’ (pink lemonade) between their legs and then carry a tray with a glass and biscuits and cheese back to the other end for their Swiss picnic. Great viewing. This proved to be a great drink to shake up and tip over people, eh Timmy Bowden. Congrats to Canberra for accumulating the most points and winning the chapter challenge. Saturday night was a little quieter than Friday, people may have been a bit weary. Another great dinner was intermixed with a few speeches. With another local band playing, the breaks were filled with presentations, a raffle draw and auction. Our fund raising was directed to Ronnie Burns Appin Hall (a place for kids and family to have some time out. Thanks Wookie (Graham Blinksell) for your continued generosity purchasing our signed Rally Banner Sunday morning, after another fine breakfast starter, we had a thunder ride around the Tamar River, via the Batman Bridge, finishing at Richardson’s Harley Davidson. It was a great weekend for catching up with old friends, making new ones and taking in the opportunities that owning and riding a Harley can bring. Thank you to everyone who came along and contributed to the event. a special thanks to the committee for a dedicated team effort. Until our next one, Cath and Pete Mainsbridge, Rally Committee . Tasmania H.O.G. Chapter ride and events calendar North/North Western departures from H.O.G. Park, RHD Launceston (HP) & Homemaker Centre off the western side of the highway in Devonport (HMC) Southern departures from H.O.G. Hill, RHD, 263 Elizabeth St, North Hobart (HH) MARCH MARCH SUN 1- Bothwell via Campania – Leave 10am. SAT 14 –Kidney Awareness Charity Pizza Night – see Flyer SUN 15 - Cygnet Loop Ride- Lake Leake 10am. TUES 17 – Twilight Ride – Leave 6:15pm. SUN 22 – Lake Barrington Picnic Ride (BYO food, with a stop at ETC for those wishing to get lunch here) – Leave HP & HMC 10am. SAT 28-Kidney Awareness Charity Ride – see flyer. SAT 28-Kidney Awareness Charity Ride – see flyer APRIL APRIL SAT 11 – SUN 12 Rolling road show, Burnie. SAT 11 – Great Lake – Leave HMC 9.30am & HP 11am SUN 12 – Oatlands via Runneymede Hill – Leave10am. SAT 18 – LOH Ride – Leave HMC 9am;& HP 10.30am.. SUN 26 – Chapter meeting Swansea – Leave HMC 9am and meet northern at Perth Roadhouse 10.30am. SUN 26 – Chapter meeting Swansea – Leave 9.30am MAY MAY SUN 3 – Head Road Captains Ride - Leave Leave HMC 9am & HP 10.30am. SAT 16 – Director’s Ride - Leave HP and HMC 10.30am. SAT 30 – Penguin pub - Leave HP 9.30am and HMC 11am. SUN 9 – National Park Hotel – leave 10.30am. SAT 24 – Eagle Hawk Neck – leave 10.30am.