Kaon Nuri
Kaon Nuri
vol 32 2013 / fall TEL +82 31 724 8524 / FAX +82 31 724 8998 / EMAIL srfsb@kaonmedia.com KAONMEDIA bldg, 513-4 Yatap-Dong, Seongnam-City, 463-839, Republic of Korea Kaon Nuri ৰࣖۄઊ൵ݰഡࣖઌѿݱددބ܉ؘ࣏Ҳމഢ़ઔކഡѿؘ࡚ടد ԓҫԓઍടؘҫઊѿॣઊ۫Ҳടؘҫઊ܅ԓ࣏܉ઘԞઍࣥਁѿણ൵ݰഡઍടӋઔ܉ؘ࣏ઊد Designed by B྄ఆ Ӵ܅٩ઘ३ઊࣖਁࣳزഡࠤઊ܅٩ѿॣ۫Ҳടؘઍد֭ކफ़फ़ܾԓઍਁفനીࠅدௗӋ ֪ۙৈઔׂਁؘԪԞՂઊকৈࡘ़ઔ੶މإઊد C .O.N .T .E.N .T .S COVER STORY ؽ३અѿॣ ۫Ҳടؘाҁ vol 32 2013 / fall ၪíᅕ໕ ᰂⅩᦥܭ⣡ᯕᨧŁ Œíᅕ໕ Τᦥܭᔍ௭ᯕᨧᮝࡹ əݡෝ Τᮝಽᅝᯝᯕಽ݅ Kaon Nuri ৰࣖۄઊ൵ݰഡࣖઌѿݱددބ܉ؘ࣏Ҳމഢ़ઔކഡѿؘ࡚ടد ԓҫԓઍടؘҫઊѿॣઊ۫Ҳടؘҫઊ܅ԓ࣏܉ઘԞઍࣥਁѿણ൵ݰഡઍടӋઔ܉ؘ࣏ઊد Ӵ܅Ӌઘ३ઊࣖਁࣳزഡࠤઊ܅٩ѿॣ۫Ҳടؘઍد֭ކफ़फ़ܾԓઍਁفനીࠅدௗӋ ֪ۙৈઔׂਁؘԪԞՂઊকৈࡡ़ઔ੶މإઊد Opening KAON NURI ᱶ᧞ᬊ᮹༊ၝᝍᕽᨱᕽ ▙ಅŁॅ໕ ຝḡᨧ۵ᯕᨧŁ ߏᮝಅŁॅ໕ ༜ߏᮥ⨩ྜྷᨧᮝࡹ ٥Ǎ᮹٩ᨱॅʑ۵⯹ॅᨕࠥ ə٩ၷᨱӹʑ۵ ⦽ᙽeᯕ ȡa᧨ᮡᯱ۵ ə᯦ੱ⦽a௲ᯯౝaᄮŁ ȡaࢱ̝ᬕᯱ۵ ə᯦ੱ⦽ၵ᭥ౝྕÑᬕჶ ᔾbᯕʫᮡᯱᩍ əݡ۵ԉ᮹ัᮥԕัౝ⦹ญ ęᗱᮡ ᔍ௭ᮥນྜྷí⦹Ł ⋎₍ᮡ ᔍ௭ᮥaʾí⦹Ł մᮭᮡ ᔍ௭ᮥí⦹Ł ʫᮭᮡ ᔍ௭ᮥq࠺⍡⦹ܩ ษᮭᯕᦥ݅ᬕᯱᩍ əݡə⨆ʑᨱ ᖙᔢᯕᦥ݅ᬭ ӹᯕaॅ໕ᕽ٩ᯕ⋉⋉⦽äᮡ ⦥ᨧ۵᯲ᮡäᮡᅕḡัŁ ⦥⦽ⓑäอᅕ۵äᯕ໑ ȡaᦩॅญ۵äᮡ ⦥ᨧ۵᯲ᮡัᮡॄḡัŁ ⦥⦽ⓑัอॅᮝ۵äᯕŁ ᯕaฑäᮡ ᩑ⦽ᮭอບŁ ᗭ⪵ᇩపᨧí⦹ಅ⧉ᯕŁ ÙᮭÙᯕaᇡᯱᩑᜅ్ᬕäᮡ ๅᔍᨱ᳑ᝍ⦹Ł ມญaḡั۵äᯕḡ ນญa⦹᧸íࡹ۵äᮡ ມญᯩᨕࠥӹᯕुᔍ௭ᯙäᮥ ᦥᅕí⦹ʑ᭥⦽᳑ྜྷᵝ᮹႑ಅ௮݅ܩ ᱶᝁᯕʽၶÑญ۵äᮡ ᔕᦥ᪉ᖙᬵᮥ݅ʑᨖ⦹ḡ ั۵äᯕŁ 04 CEO LETTER 06 Celebration Kaon Zoom In 08 Business Column Ryan Chung, Strategic Planning Team##⤺⣒⣅#⬬⤝/#⤴▕⎘⯡⬬ 12 Team Introduction Daniel Rho, America Team##⓭⎊#Ⓕ◶/#Dphulfd⬬ 14 Expert Column Gyu-Hyun Son, Sung-Nam Chamber of Commerce and#Industry’s survey and 20 Global Partner Timothy Jeon, Europe/Africa Team##⤴⣅⯗#⍒⤝/#⣧▞2⡂⮋◶⩛⬬ 22 Leports Club Billy Lee, Asia/Middle East Team###⤄Ⓕ⢆#⧫⤝/#⡂⟡⡂2⥵⓭⬬## 24 IBC 2013 Jennifer S. Han, Marketing Team###⮛❕Ⱉ#⧫⤝/#◾⩹⬯⦌⣒⬬ Promotion Team##➕⎊⮯#⍒⤝/#❺❕⍐⯠⣿➒#⥌❉⯓⚼⬬ Kaon Culture 28 Peer Recommendation Relay Sun Joong Lee, German Representative Office##⤄❱⥵#⍒⤝/#ⓤ⤇#❉♑➒## 30 Special Interview1 Dae Young Jung, Kaonsoft##⤺Ⓕ⢏#Ⓕ⭯/#⋹⢜➒⮋⬚ 34 Kaon CSR Bobby Kim, HR Team ⎞⚸⯗#Ⓕ◶/#⤆❉⬬ 36 Special Interview2 Yong Hoon Choi, Korea Technology Finance Corporation, Seongnam Hub Technology Appraisal Center##⨨⣅⯮#⍒⤝/#⎘➺⚼⦋⎘⎓#KOTEC ḡӹ᪉ᖙᬵᮥ݅ʑᨖ⦹໕ ᦥษࠥນญa⦲⦹Ł ࠭ᦥქตÑ௹ ᳬᮡʑᨖᦥ݅ᬕ⇵ᨖอ ʑᨖ⦹۵äᯕ௮݅ܩ ၵ௭ౝ݅a᪅۵eᮥ ᖁྜྷౝၼᦥॅᯕ໕ࡽ݅ḡ 38 National Human Resource Development Scott Lee, HR Team##⤄❺⯮#⍒⤝/#⤆❉⬬ Kaon Endorphin 40 Hopes and dreams of backpacking Justin Choi, Planning Team##⨨⤟⣒#⍒⤝/#Planning⬬ 42 Benefit of Vegetarian diet Jae Ik Chang, WiFi Team##⤝⤟⤅#⧷⤋/#WiFi ⌋⚅⬬ 44 Fall, season of reading Seong Woo Kang, Purchase Planning Team##⌅❺⣆#⍒⤝/#⍮☍⎘⯡⬬ 46 Sound of guitar in fall Jung Eun Lee, Logistic part ⤄⤺⣲#❉⣒/#⤼⭺♖◣⬰⬚ aҵ⯹ॅ໕ ⦽ᚉ⦽ჩᛍŁ ⦹۹ᮥᅕᖙ ຩ⇵໕ ᅕᯕ۵äᯕₙฯ݅ܩ ৡኳ#yro165# ൭ኒჭ#⋹⢜♲┞⡪####൭ኒ#5346#43⣓#4;⤇####ၔ#⌾⎘ⓣ#❺⟡#⛔Ⓑ⍮#⡛⫌⓭#84607#⋹⢜♲┞⡪#⛸┧## လኽආኳ#3640:570;833+Ⓕ⭯⤴⯕,####ኸሸၴzzz1ndrqphgld1fr1nu ㄭ⽓㑯㒺㉅⼍QR㏟⽃ㄭ㎺㓮ㄶ⾆ⷾㆸ㓰KAONョㄷ㉈㔫㉛㓮ㄺㄋ㉣ㄳⷴⷾ FHR#OHWWHU . $ 2 1 RSHQLQJ#NDRQ#QXUL ㏵ ѿॣઊ۫Ҳടؘ ५രܲࠅౕ੶ܾࠅޑઑߗਁமࣷدടਉ ൦࣏ਭӴऀઊࠋڂന़֢҃ઔ٩ܿന१Ԟࠅ܅ સۙഡѿਢ߸ڤৰઅڛӴऀѿॣ۫Ҳടؘ CEOѿٻԞനധࣛӖࡘടӋܲףടҸ।دإ ㏶ Become a leader who makes others passionate ѿਢઌਉ࡚ܟ ѿਢઌਉ࡚ܟ Dear members of KAONMEDIA Members of KAONMEDIA! ৰًߗٕؖਉݵઊ֢ѿӋ3࡚Ԟѿܾાৰৼڝ।دإ ऀًؘݼڛણਁלനৡഥऀدإણടৌؘԞ৹ઊ٩ 2014ך٩ࡻ ݴടૻ ؘഡ १ઽࠉࣛ دإԞਭ Ҏઊ ৰؖ 3࡚Ԟؘਉਁ࡚ܟҲৰۄઅ߸ѿઔؘ१ઽإԪ" ౖਁࠇ़ٽ৺ڡઊଓӘӴऀઅऀણਁ҆ڄഡًؘݼԚ നࡂد۱ңਉ࡚ܟઅીӘઅܾણԞ൛ٻӋઔؘԗܾࠦ 3࡚Ԟؘഡനݼߗބݴଚؘ१ԞઊԞ٩ടࡻךֳކട ࠹ടؘ൝ӄਁહഢ़ઔؘ੭ഡଓ़ڝކ৺।إ ӄԞൠਁڎஜৌӋଔന֢ѿ१Ԟࠅدإ܊ ܛؘહઌ१ઽઊԞ٩ഥدإҀઘࠅޑமࣷدടਉ߸ دઊૻڹഡҫઊࣛࠒفઅѿॣ۫Ҳഢ़ઔ߮௵ؘ ५രܲࠅౕ੶ܾࠅޑઑߗਁமࣷدടਉ൦࣏ਭӴऀ ࡻ࣏ټധङඥਯऀന१Ԟࠅدإ܊ إઊऍܲ؟دإ ઊࠋڂന़֢҃ઔ٩ܿന१Ԟࠅ܅સۙഡѿਢ The hot summer had already passed and it is autumn, ଓઊ࣏ڛ৹زઅણઊڛமӋӄਕઘઊًؘݼڛڛ ߸ڤৰઅڛӴऀѿॣ۫ҲടؘCEOѿٻԞനധࣛ the third quarter of the year. What does third quarter ऀણ ৰૄًਁ فന ԓݼӋ ࣏৹ ࠋ१ౄӋ ޓ ف ӖࡘടӋܲףടҸ।دإ of this year mean to you? १ఇৡ ട ؘԠࠆതਁ فന ଓڝӘ ѿॣ ۫Ҳ ട߮௵ ؘ It is an important time of preparing for 2014. Just like It is a time to wrap up this year but it is also the strate- إઊऍ ഢ ़ ઔৰৡ ഥ دإѿॣ ۫Ҳ ടإ߮௵ ؘ the first half of this year, I hope that you will continue gic period to prepare for the next year. ઊऍކઊଔીഡٳԞࡘਉਭऀӖહઌ൦࣏અ߸ܑݴѿد I hope that each one of you will do your part to the best to go forward with your passion and will power instead ़ઔ।دإ All leaders must focus on the growth. Just as a com- of being left behind in this global economic depression. ¨ ;<£ ; J ; =£ < ; soon as possible. pany that doesn’t grow must fall behind, a leader who is insensitive to the growth of the group and its people ઊࠤѿਁًࣳݼؘ८ਁفനઊৡԞടӋઘഥدإ cannot make a flexible group that can adapt to the ੌݼѿࡂ౿ًݼઅਊഢਁفനઊৡԞഢݴًݼڹඕඥഡ environment that is changing fast. Therefore, commu- Ԟ৹અ CEOܾ ࣥҀടӍ ഥ ݀ߜ دإCEO ؘഡ Ԟ৹અ ࣏Ӌ nication skill that can make others to have passion is ࠒ२ҿીടؘٙઔৰిਕലܲര࣏ടԞًݼਁߚڹઅ important. فહઌਙ܅ഢ़ઔ।دإԓًؘݼ֢ܟґ࠺࣏৹ز Whether it is a member, a chief of a business unit, or અ ણઊң֢ ૂഀઅ ؘۙ ؽعಡી ࡘࣳઅ ؽعઘઍ़٩ ઔ CEO, all leaders must be able to communicate to make ।دإ employees passionate about the growth agenda and In this fall edition, I would like to talk about the leadership. urgent necessity to make business grow and increas- Usually, when talking about the role of a leader, most ing sale. Only the communication that makes others people think of a CEO of a company. Of course, CEO passionate can bring true motivation and the future of is an example of a leader because he or she heavily the successful company. I hope each one of you will do your best in your part based on your executive ability so thatthis company and the members will all grow. I also will always study and make effort to be a CEO that can make the members of KAONMEDIA to be passionate about this company. ੌݼઅܾ੶ܲףѿਢ߸ڤৰدؘۙ१ऀણന֢҃ҫৰ અ७ௗৌ।دإ have no doubt, that through our effort, KAONMEDIA will continue to grow. influences decisions concerning a company’s way of thinking. However, a leader can be a chief of a business unit, a product manager or a manager in a specific department. فઊ࣏ઑ൛ࣽ . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 21PH GLD Fhoheudwlrq . $ 2 1 RSHQLQJ#NDRQ#QXUL Celebration ३Ԑ࣏ઘ 7 ਖ਼B4 WiFi ґࠋಲਠࣴઑӴڤઘઌಲࠆࣷઑӴ SW3ಲ֢ଔઑӴSW4ಲણઌஎࣷઑӴ ͐ᵸẨ᠘ྫྷḄᴌӄ Ẕ ᣜͬⲹਘ 8 ਖ਼B9 WiFi ґࠋಲણથઋઑӴڤઘઌಲઑઑӴWiFi ґࠋಲઊ३ઑӴ फ़ބಠOTT ߚಲߚंਕઑӴڤઘઌಲઊથߺઑӴफ़ބಠOTT ߚಲ੯ਕߺઑӴ WiFi ґࠋಲԤ२ઑӴWiFi ґࠋಲԤੋࣷઑӴफ़ބಠOTTߚಲࠆ൭ଔઑӴ 9 ਖ਼B4 SW6ಲ൙़ӴӴԞ൧ಲԤӄଔઑӴSW1ಲԤفઑӴڤઘઌಲ ઊࣛԐಶಠણ Celebration 7 8 9 Happy Birthday ࡘࣹӴघԤஎߺघણSWԓࡘࣴفݜघણSW3ಲம़़ٌࣴSW1ಲԤ०़PL ਖ਼ ഀଖਕಲીੋಲણSW4ಲી൴ઑSW5ಲӋെઍ़ࣴഀଖਕಲള൭ࣷઑ HGW TFTਠऀߗࡘಲણڤઘઌಲ३ࣛߺઑӴޓಲҋ࠾٩ݼف PMӋથਕPMӴޓઘથԓݜҋ०ԓݜણઌ࣏ಲઊऀ൴ӘણHGW TFTԤऀߺࣷઑӴޓಲࠆઑ ਖ਼ ٪ઍࠩઌઊࣷૻӘણৈ१ৈ§ૻٳಲ(2)֪થઋӘણफ़ބಠOTTߚಲણીஎઑSW1ಲԤെӠPL SW2ಲઊߺԐઑSW6ಲԤଔઑPLANNINGಲԤඟૻ࣏ૂԞीಲமҥߘӘણ SW5ಲݩԢਠӴ੭§ܤৈݼಲ࠾़ୱણSW2ಲࣳԞࣴઑ੭§ܤৈݼಲઊથവӘણ ਖ਼ SW2ಲ३ૻઑQAಲԤٳെݼفSW4ಲણઌஎࣷઑܛԞ൧ಲીੋಲણૂԞीಲ੭०ࠨୱણ ഀଖਕಲԤٳԐӘણफ़ބಠOTTߚಲࠆ൭ଔઑ१फ़౯ಲઊԐࡘಲણ फ़ބಠOTTߚಲࠆെӴૂԞीಲԤଔੌୱણAMERICAಲԤӵࣷಲણ१फ़౯ಲࠆඟऀઑ ઌ࣏ಲԤ࠾൝ߗࠩݼفಶಠԤചૻӘણHGW TFTઊી़ࣷઑफ़ބಠOTTന਼ਕ৹ಲமਕ੍Әણ Child birth Congratulation!! ӴޓಲࠆઑB7ਖ਼15ઍପ֪ښӄਕӚݼಲԤ०ੋӘણB7ਖ਼24ઍପ֪ښ ৈ१ৈ§ૻٳಲऀ֣൴ӘણB9ਖ਼6ઍڅପૂטښഀߜݩಶಠࠔ୳ඟݼفB9ਖ਼16ઍڅପ֪ښ SW4ಲણઌஎࣷઑB9ਖ਼25ઍପ֪ښWiFiґࠋಲԤੋࣷઑB9ਖ਼15ઍڅପטښ . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 21PH GLD . $ 2 1 ]rrp#Lq %XVLQHVV&ROXPQ Business Column ીੋ ܛԞ൧ಲಲણ Ryan Chung Strategic Planning Team Preparing for a new round ਉ࡚ܟՌؘࣳെથఐफ़ذԞ৹1,000ґ൦࣏ૻਯૂഀڝކৰ़ടؘԞ৹ઊઊ ֢دټӋࣥҀട१֢" ఐफ़ࣳਁذਯૂഀَৼڝކ৹ߗ৻ઊઔৼӋԓڝӘৰۍҲৼٻԪ" Out of 1000 companies in KOSDAQ, how many companies do you think make complete products and export them to other countries? In KOSDAQ, what types of businesses were there who made complete products and what had happened to them? 90މفך2000فךਁއ़ؘADSL, VDSLٝ൦࣏ڝઊઔৼ।دإઊؘਁૻڝ ؽ१ࣛણਁ3,000ৱઊࣛઅޓਣݼ१ણઅࠊَఐफ़ذൠૂ٩ઔৼ૮ ઊڝ൦࣏ૻࣛણ൲5ךԠ൦ؘ࣏ңઅ৺।دإ ԓއ़ܾ੶دMP3൦࣏ਭ LCD TVݴ৹੶ܾടؘ൦࣏ڝઊ֢ౌ֭।ކدإઊਊ१ ࡚ࣛࡘفણٻң֢৹൝നࣳޔҁ३ඥ੭ടӋઔؘી٩ઊ ઊ൲PMPֳࡻҲઊऍઊҎԢҧৼӋെથؘୱࠆܒࡷੋܞफ़ી٩ѿઔؘࣛൠدإ In late 1990s and early 2000s, there were numerous ASDL, VDSL modem companies. Among them, was a company that had the attention of the market with the sales over 300 billion won (about $279,069,767.44) and its stocks were expensive. Among those companies, most of them didn’t last longer than 5 years after being on the market. Afterwards, there were many MP3 businesses and companies that focused mostly on LCD TV. Those companies also, are either no longer in the market or switched to other business and surviving barely. After that, PMP and navigation went down the same path, and currently the black boxes for the cars are remaining. ણൠടҲఐफ़ذ१ણਁࣳفԞ৹ઊৈا൦࣏ڝઊَৼڝކਯૂഀઅਊ࣏ڝݴஜࡅҫ ߜ݀ੌݼെࡻଊإफ़މݴടԞതدإ90މفךઊ൲ܾ٩ԙԪճඥੌݼ৹ ਁࣳ৲Ԛَৼٻ৹ڝӘؘୱ࠺൛ٻৰଔ൛ടӋࠋട֢ܾࣳفݵઅ٪ࡂહઌਕ ਊ൜ࡂന।دإ ߜ݀ԓ࣏ઊґ࠺৹ஔڝઅ़އ٩ؘౖઔৼݼੌކѿਢܣ१ણԞीڭݼനਢ൦ ࣏އؘԞीઅଔ൛ਭࠋङਁࣳ٩֑ઑ৺ઊ१ણ൜فടӋԗܾࠦ१ણਁࣳԓݴ ౄ।دإఐफ़ࣛذણؽ१ઌ2005ך൦Ӌനࡂً܅٩ੌݼѿਢ࣏ޅ৹ઘ१ણਁࣳ ݴӴஸടؘܱી٩અزӆਁӘയކઊૂؘԗܾ࣏ࠦ৹ઘ१ણਁࣳઘౌѿӖઌടؘ ެઊસԞ৹੶ܾԓࣛઊఽҲৈ।دإ . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 21PH GLD . $ 2 1 ]rrp#Lq %XVLQHVV&ROXPQ ㏵ ԗܾࠦࣷ٩Ԟ৹੶ܾઅऀણंਁӋࣇؽ੍ًݴԞӋ ٳ१ਁ३࣏৹੮ऀ౿നࡂऀއدણԞ൦અ൜ࡂਭ ㏵ ङѿऀ؟ઍ़ઔ٩ܿઑଓઅહԔહઌ୶ਉਭ ५രܲઊӴؘٻ१ઽدإ Reason for looking at the history of the lengthy lists of companies that made complete products is, of ङહઌऀણڛԞ৹ઊஷӴടؘઊӋઊݴനԞ࣏৹અݴڎઊ course, to take a look at our business at present. From late 90s to present, our type of business has been ܾࣝ߸ܑऀણܲٳ൜ࡂടؘઍॕৌӘૂدإ differentiated from the other businesses mention above, evolving, developing, and securing our own area. ़އఐफ़ࣛذણ࣏ૻਁࣳ3ךઊࣛङऀણനਢ൦࣏ݴؘ࣏ܺԞৰܱી Of course there were many individual companies fell behind. However, company like Kaon that had been ٩ دإઊف ؘԞ৹ਁ અޓ ټӴܾࡘౡ ԞઌടԞ٩ ട ࡚ࡘف ކ٩હ leading the technology, continued to expand market and held our place in the global market in the midst ઌԞी൝ӄઅ࠹൛ݼ߸ݴਙௐട߆ടӋઊਁفടؘٙ५ೂയԞߚڹدإ of evolution and development of many technologies. Looking back to 2005 when we were first listed in the ૻއҽԞ৹ڝઊ३࣏৹ஷଔടކԓਊ१ܿפৌ।ًدإӶૂ֢دഡټઌ market, we were just trying to establish our place in the market. But now, our status as one of the major હߜહઘਁࣳ३Ԑ࣏৹અ५ೂؘԞ৹અށୱౖനؘӄੌ٩ࡂৈ company, recognized by everyone in the global market, grows. ।دإ Continuous growth is the goal that all companies pursue and securing the source of power ࣏५ਯૂഀڝކৰ़ഡؘدҫਕ৹Ӵૂޓ࣒ࣥഀଖߜݩ൝ઘԙࡃ֢ߗׂڢ for the future growth that will follow the original business for this goal is a hard task. ઠടࣳ٩ܲףടؘӘીңஜৡഥدإઊڛҫૻघૻҽԞ৹ઊઘനֳࣳԗܾࠦ Among the many companies listed in KOSDAQ, it is hard to find the case of a company that Ԟ৹੶ܾऀણഡؘدҫીزفމഡઍઊৈ़ب৺।دإ continued to grow for over 3 years. Part of the reason is the sales structure that is depend- Actually, making complete products and exporting them goes through process that is very complicated ant of the large companies, but mostly, it is because the companies failed to predict and and requires effort such as sales, purchase, manufacturing, production, quality, distribution, exchanges, and respond to the changes in challenging technological environment. funds. It is an incredible accomplishment for small or medium sized business to handle all those processes Many medium sized companies pursue new business however; it too, is not easy. On top and still grow up to become a global company. of if, we have seen cases where failure in new business with limited human and material resources can jeopardize the very existence of the company. ԙԪੌؘݼৰܱӘીङਁࣳ٩ઝനކઊૂੌݼѿӄભനৡടؘفؘࣛଔીഡԗܾ ࠦެઊસԞ৹ڝઊӋઊӘࡻݳدؘਭބѿଘઊചഡ܅ڝਁڙৰࣷҫۙدإഡࠒडӘ ੌݼ൦࣏٩ઊૂWi-Fi࣏৹Әѿਢघಠઌ़ݴ౿നࣳ३Ԑࡻଊإफ़ݴ१ઙയ ౿३ڤԞԞҁੴࡃഥઊࢆݱҲѿङ൛࣒ݼੌࣳٻ৹ਁ٩ӘңਭؘൄݳدԞࣛൠઊೠ Ӌઊਁ࣏હઌއӚ७ӘকӋઔ।دإടد१ഗੌؘݼৈଓفԞ৹ ஜӋઔؘҫ٩࣏५دإઊૂੌݼઅӄભزाඥੌݼ৹ਁؘߗޡҫઊৈ܅إԞਁӄભ ઊৈإӋއҫ१٩യد५ೂഢ१ҁહߜહઘҌӋઔৌࣛൠدإ ܾࣛࣥفҀടৌԞ৹ઊ֢৹ઊੌݴݼടӋઔؘҫدإ ԓٳҽӋടҲॻৈَੌ࣏ݼ৹࡚ৡਁࣳԗܾࠦࣷ٩Ԟ৹੶ܾઅऀણंਁӋࣇݴ ੌؘݼധࣛӘң٭ݴৈࡇӘٳ१ਁെથઅੌݼઅௗݴી൜ඥઌടਉ३Әࠋަஷމৈ ੍ًؽԞӋٳ१ਁ३࣏৹੮ऀ౿നࡂऀއدણԞ൦અ൜ࡂਭङѿऀ؟ ৡടܾࣝ10ך20ܑ߸ؘࡂدֳךઅࡻ٩ௗടҲന֢ѿৡؘࣛٻކൠਁଓനઔ।دإ ઍ़ઔ٩ܿઑଓઅહԔહઌ୶ਉਭ५രܲઊӴؘٻ१ઽدإ We have been doing well until now despite the difficulties, however, now we are competing with major Our company has now started a new business by taking over Wi-Fi business and KAONSOFT global companies and this is the new round where we need different preparation and mindset from previ- and poring our interest and support in it. Hesitantly, we are not a large company and cannot ous rounds. Also, it is true that as the media, communication, digital equipments are speedily fusing to- afford more time or material resources to try different businesses and fail. gether and becoming more complex, our industry is facing crisis that are completely different from the past. We ought to pull on the rein in the growth of our company as a leading global company in Now, our competition is not in our area of industry only, but the companies we never considered as our the area of our business while securing growth opportunities and increasing growth sus- competition or businesses in completely different areas are threatening us as well. tainability through growing a new business. To achieve these, active participation and ac- We are faced with the situation where we must continue innovation and development through always look- tion from all of the members are required. ing back to the past and recognizing our present state, and intensely prepare for the future, looking 10, 20 years down the road. . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 2 1 P H G L D 7HDP, QWURGX FWL RQ . $ 2 1 ]rrp#Lq Team Introdution ٳףԐ Americaಲݼف Americaಲघґ Daniel Rho America Team Introduction of America Team Americaಲघґ AmericaಲԤӵࣷಲણઅҀਠ ࣏ଔѿٙ Introducing America Team Resolution of Richard Kim, a Team Manager of the America Team સඟಲਕ৹2ಲֳLATAMಶಠܾ१ઙٻৰԙਕ ԙԪ ౌ ࡘࣳઅ ੭Ԟહઌ ৹ߗ ѿ ઔৼԞਁ ૻ֪߸ ਊ ৹2ԓֳݜAmerica Teamઊؘ܅ଓઊݵടਁ߸१ ३Ԑ१ણઊѿ؟ടਔ।دإઊࠤघґೖઊݴ౿ടਉ ણਕ৹ߚ൛ଙૻ൛ਁޓଔടӋઔ।߸֪ૻدإਊ ന३ࣳࡘڛಲڝՌ࣏҆અމਣݼԙԪڂ ѿܲףഡ़Ӌѿഺٻৌ٩ܿࠉڙ१ѿ१હઌઊઋ౿ 2014܅ࡴךଖਖ਼ڙ१ܾӄૂܲӘઌӴ ౕࠅݴടਉѿਢ२Ӵڂڝѿऀ҆ѿଖ़ઔ٩ܿܲףടҸ।دإ ੶ܾڤࠒड౿३ૂഀ१ણਁفഡ़ѿࢆݱҲ ߸ १ણ ৈଓ٩ ࣏હઌ १ણ ґ ൞ٳઊ ചഡ ਕਊإ ѿടӋઔ੶֥നടࠉԞࡘౡૻ֪߸१ણਁفഡࡅ دৗ੶ܾ٩સඟಲڝӘ৹ടਉ߸ਊਁࣳ٩ԗܾࠦӄભ һહઌӖԚઊѿ१൛܅گਁپ൦࣏ޓ३ણਁઊࠅട ࣏ਭҽ़ઔޓؘઍ੶ే़ઔ٩ܿமࣷدടҸ।دإ Ӌઔ।دإԙԪઍԁਢ߸ܑӄભܲԞࠉ੶ܾ࡙ Creating new market in Latin America area was possible be߸ਊ٩ङહઌܲףԞਉفൌ౿३ࠒड࣏৹ઘ ലޓ൞ऀ൛ݴനޓଔടӋઔ।دإ cause of the cooperation of the other department. Through this introduction page, I would like to thank all of the team members of the other department who cooperated with us. Our team started out as LATAM Part in Sales Team II and To make sure that everyone’s effort will not be in vain, I will do is now working under the group called American team my best to create visible profit to make everyone in Kaon feel as a part of Sales Group II, focusing on specialization the sense of accomplishment. and concentration in American continents. With 2014 Brazil World Cup coming up, and based on economic Ҁಲڝઅҁزघґࠃޑ৹ߗघґ Introduction of the team members and their tasks. power and population, Latin America’s demand for digi- ٳףԐݼف Assistant Manager Daniel Rho ࣏ଔਠݳୄ tal media and communication products is increasing Americaಲઅ ઍ੶ܾ ࡙߸ ޭ१ఐ ਊ ؽع৹ߗ ട fast. Since we begin supplying the Latin American mar- Ӌઔ।دإ ket starting last half of the previous year, we have been As a member of America Team, Assistan Manager Noh provides contributing to the increase of company’s sales. With support to those who are in charge of North America and Mexico. ࠆી࣏Staff Isabella Park ࣏ଔਾୄ competitiveness we have been building up as a founAmericaಲઅઍ੶ܾૻ֪߸ਊؽع৹ߗടӋઔ।دإ dation, we are striving to increase sales, develop com- As a member of America Team, Staff Isabella Park provides supmunication and broadcasting industry in Latin America port to those who are in charge of Latin Americaand friends or through our effort. restaurants more frequently. . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 2 1 P H G L D ([SHUW&ROX PQ .$2 1 ] r r p # L q# ֳ࣏ߚ൛અ ઽ൛൭Ә ဟኽዏ##㽌♲◶#⭺⣲#⌀⤺⤄␜#⒐␘⤄# ⒩⣵#⤇⡻#⢏⮬⣳#⥬⒒#⯀❕㽍 Priming effect of organizational culture छԐവ ऀ֪ࣛӖ൦અघ࣏൙ࡂಲӘણ ཬัရ࿘ಠৡစ౧೦ሑኃோ້ଌ Gyu Hyun Son Sung-Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s survey and Promotion Team 4<93Ⓕ#☃⍒#:3Ⓕ#⨜#⍚⥬⍰#⥵⛒☱#⤇Ⓕ⡻#Ⓕ⒬⦌⋹#⥌❺⓵☱❭#❭⣉#⨈⌝♴#⤆⍮⋹#⏭⥮Ⱏ#⣧⤌⓵⡪#❺⤄╿⒒# ⨜⎘##ⓣ⟡⣿#⯆⫐⋹#☀┗⡪⥉⒩1#⦌␟#93䂟:3Ⓕ#⣆◶␜╿#Ⓕ⛒⛔⣿#⦌⢄⤄#⎍▙⮙┛#❺⣲#⤺☃#⋹␟⮙⍅#⮰⚤⣲#ⓣ⟡ ⢎⒩1#⎍▙␜#⛖⍒#63073#❉⤄#❺⣲#⪘⤳⮛#⥬⌝⯗⌾⍒#⮞⏆#⎘⡳⮙⎘#⋹⤝#⥗⣲#⍏⣰▸#Ⓕ⮛♴⍯⣳#Ⓕ⭯⮙⍅#⤎⒩1# Sung-Nam, one of the most dramatic city in history. In late 1960s and early 70s, large-scale housing complex was formed in Jungbu-myeon, Gwangju-gun and population from Seoul steadily flowed in forming the early stages of city called Seongnam. Like most areas of Korea in 60s and 70s, Sung-Nam was a poverty-stricken city. However, within just 30-40 years Seongnam represents Korea as one of the place for business with its pleasant environment. ᄄნၴཬิཛၔோኑரਦਸཛၝဤဴิཛ࿚ဤ൚ໍೞᅴ൹ೞೖଫඤቁೞኃੑᇡ ྮພኃิཛታ౧ೖ৮ᄛᄐჱஔཛோ້ಠඛഠኁྲྀ ံ ଌኁᇍᆟ൹ೞೖ ෝದኁཫ டᇍᆟመᆟ ᄐ ဴ ማੑᇍᆟ൹ೞೖ ၝ࿘ಠ ཛ࿚ ᆡ ோང࿇ኊ൚ಠလၶኁਭ ⬛Ⱏ#⮬⫲#⎘⡳⤆#❑⢏⤴⤒⍐⡳/#⬰◶⪷╿❕/#⪊☎⟘◮#⛵▾⮙⢃#⬳⍩⫥⪷⚑◶#⣿#VN⩹♲⩞/#⡽⠺➒⮋⬚/#⩛⩛⢚⫳/# ⑉⢚⣟⦄⌬⤋⦄#├#⣧➶⣿#☁⣲#⎘⡳┗⤄#┗⡪❭⍅#⤎⍅/#⛔Ⓑ❱⣳#⥵⟧⣰▸#NW/#⑉⤄⚜/#VN#F)F/#⋹⢜♲┞⡪#├⣿#⎘⡳ ┗⤄#❺⣿#⦌⢄#❌⡳⣳#⥬ⓣ⮙⍅#⤎⒩1# Light industry-centered manufacturing industries that led local industries in early days have transformed to cuttingedge enterprise city almost equaling American Silicon Valley with convenient transportation and excellent industrial infrastructure. With original Seongnam High Tech Valley and Bundang Techno Park, and newly formed Pangyo Techno Valley as center, the companies are continuing their way in to the future to take bigger steps forward. Especially, local companies such as Sam-Young Electronics, Paris Croissant, Commax and other companies in Pangyo Techno Valley like SK Chemicals, NC Soft, Kakao Talk, Neo Wiz Games and many other companies are coming in. Also, centering on the Boon-Dang subway line, many companies including KT, Naver, SK C&C, KaonMedia are leading the Seongnam’s local industries. . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 2 1 P H G L D ([SHUW&ROX PQ .$2 1 ] r r p # L q# ㏵ ऀ֪ਁ࣏৹ણઊघથഡஔԞ৹ૻ ㏵ ਉౌ৹ਁࡻന,7͌%7͌Ҳઑ࣒৹ઊѿણ ࡻૻୱടӋઔد ଌ଼້ྻၖ࿘ಠᄄၴჶᄐᄄಠඑჭཛჯ৳৳ัೖመኁྲྀ࿘ഗ ଼ဇဢೣோလᄄၴჶ້͌ৡྰஔ࿇౧ኁஇဢ೫೩൭လኁྲྀ ╓#⦌␟#5346#9⣓☃#❺⦌⢄⣿#⎘⡳⨎#⯀⯚⣳#⥌❉⮛#❺❕⍐⯠⣿➒#⤒○◮#⚼☱/#❺⡻#❉⡳⤝⤄#➒⤟⮛#⤴⨎#⎘⡳# ⥵#⢃⫆#⡳⥔⡻#⛵⮢#LW䂟EW䂟⌬⤋#❌⡳⤄#⋹⤝#⑦⣲#⛵⥵⣳#⧫⦌⮙⍅#⤎⒩1#### ⤄▢┛#❺⣿#❌⡳#⯗⌾⤄#⚳⮢⋹⒒#⌥⣲#☸⓼⡻⌬#⚃⋹⣈#⤇⤄⒩1#⎍☀⪻#⦌⢄⌾⤼ⓣ#⚅⤴⮙⍅/#⡂⣉▙#ⓣ⟡#⤄♲⦌ⓣ#⥗ ⡂⦌⒟#⤇❮⤄⥌╿#⮜#➶#⤎⒩1#⮙⦌☀#❺⣿#⌾⤼⋹#☁⤄#⚅⤴⮙⢎⦌☀/#⤄#⢧⥵⡻#⮛#⋹⦌#⡂⟊⣈#⤷ⓣ#⤎⒩1# ཛัକ഼ኽྮఆਔඛኽਭఛ഼ພ໐଼ৣྮೞ౧ཛକဴၵ഼ኽພቆရྞཛ Companies did grow a lot on the outside, but won’t organizational culture change easily? Perhaps it’s because although the number of women working has increased, still the male-dominant culture, vestige of people who led industrialization in the past focusing on the growth only, and the culture of military that is mandatory to Korean men are still deeply rooted in our organization. ೞ࿇ལ๕൦࿘ಠକಓৡഝኁ໊ພၵ഼ኽৡටདྷ Based on July 2012, the number of Seongnam city’s venture businesses went over 1000 (1017 businesses), which is the first time for the basic local government. And in 2013, Seongnam city placed first in financial independence rate among the local governments throughout the nation, so Seongnam had really grown. Also, looking at the record of the current state of businesses in Seongnam, a survey taken by Seongnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in late June, 2006, of all the businesses in the city, IT䂟BT䂟game industries had the highest percentile compared to the other types of industry. The fact that Seongnam’s industrial environment is changing is welcoming news for everyone. As the industrial environment changes for the better, economy grows and as well as the city’s reputation, it would be killing two birds with one stone. However, although Sung-Nam’s economy has grown much, there is an area of shortcoming. It is the fact that culture within the company is changing very slowly. For decades, the culture of the Korean companies have been based on vertical relationships where employee must obey his or her bosses as suppose to horizontal structures of many foreign firms. ଼ᄄᄜඊኃ൨ኯဢයၔྦဢჟဤၝኁნဴਦဤ ๙ோ͌ნኮਦဤಠ༪ৡ࿇ኊਦဤစሤಁလ້ᆦნဴਦဤჱஔኂຢ,&7ఄ൫࿘ಠิ ཛ͌ຢৣ࿖ኇᇡኊစခဇಔኾᄠኁਭೖᇡኊဿ࿚ೞೖ೨࿇ኃ൚ኃ ⦅/#⒬➸Ⱏ#⦌⟡⢧#☵△⡻#⣿⮢#⣌⦍⤄⒒#⌥⤄#⡂⒟╿#⟘⟘▸#❟⋺⮙⍅#⧴⣿❺⍒#⓭⎘⛒⢃◮#⌆⍅#⎘⡳#⌾⢏⣳#⮙⒒#⌥⤄ ╿#⮜#➶#⤎⒩1#⤄▙⮛#⧴⥌⌾⤼⒒#⥗⣲#⤆⤟⋹#⤎⣳#┳⡻#⋹⒙⮙⒩1#⥵⍯⣿#⍅⤴#❑⍯⦌⣿#⣧⛵⋹#Ⓑ⟡#⨨⍅⣿#⤴▕⋹⤄ ⤒#⦌▕⋹⤆#⤼⋽⍐☵⣳#⡮⎘#⣟⮢Ìูਭᄄಓᑛ⋦Í◮#◾⒩⮙⦌#⡆⒒#⌥⨅▝#⎘⡳⣳#⣈⢏⮙⒒#⌾⢏⤆⤄╿☱#⑹⍮╿ ⓣ#⣧⒙⮛#⤆⤟◮#⣒⮛⒩1 ⎍▙␜#⥗⣲#⤆⤟◮#⡮⡶⒩#⮢ⓣ#⎍#⥌⦍#♔⯕⋹#⌾⦍⓶#❕☵⮙⒮⟢⣿#♔⯕⋹#⯆❺⓵⡪#⤎⒩☱/#⎍#⤆⤟⒒#⤒⟣⣿#⒙▬⣳# ⟨⛔#⚅⯾#⮜#➶#⡴⌝␜#⥌⦍⣳#┼␡⦌ⓣ#☸◭⒩1#⧴⣿⤳⤄⍅#⟘⟘▸#♑⡵⤆⋹◮#⮜#➶#⤎⒩⒒#⢄⓭⤳⤆#❉#⯗⌾⤄#⥬⡪ ⦎⒩☱/#⥌⦍#⍮❺⣒┗⣲#⯠❉◮#⣟⮢#⤺☃#⢇⟧Ⱏ#⤇⮛⒩1#⤄▸#⤆⮢#⎘⡳⣲#❺⤝⮙⍅/#❺⤝⮙⒒#⎘⡳⤄#⬃⤒◮#⣟⮢#⤇⤒ ◶◮#Ⓟ#⒓◶⌬#⓵☱/#♖►#⣆◶#⌾⤼ⓣ#⚅⤴⮙⌬#⓶⒩1# One of the main policies of Geun-Hae Park administration, who started early this year, is creative economy. Creative economy is an economy that turns paradigm of economic growth around in order to go forward as leading, creative, economy. It means securing ቼਸወ౧ਦဤஔჶལ଼ଫਔഹኁങ๕ဤဴัයᇃჱஔඑჭཛჶઌၴၴཬཛከစಹ ཛဴၵ഼ኽೖ೩ဠኊඤਭ ⡳⥔⚴#╓⒒#FHR⣿#⌾⢏#◾⤆┓⡻#┩╿#⎍#⎘⡳♔⯕⒒#⒩◫⌬#❺◻⓵⡪#⤎⦌☀/#Ⓕ⛒⛔#⣆◶#⎘⡳┗⣿#⛒#⥌⦍#♔⯕⒒# ⚴⚃#♿␂⦌#⡆⍅#⤎⒩1# ⎘⡳┗⣲#⛔☵#⢶⯆⤳⣰▸#☁⤄#❺⤝⮙⢎⦌☀/#⥌⦍♔⯕⒒#⟏⌬#♿␂⦌#⡆⣲#⌡⎤B#⨨⎏#⢃❺⣿#❉⯠#⦎⨴⤄#☁⤄#⒓⡶ ⒩⍅#⮙⦌☀/#⡂⦍⎤⦌#⥬⢾#⦍⧷⣳#⧫⦌⮙⍅#⤎⒒#❺#⥬ⓣ⯆⣿#♔⯕⢧#╓#⍒⌝#❺⤝☀⣳#⣟⮢#❌⡳⯕◮#⥬ⓣ⮩Ⓢ#❱⚎ ┗⣿#⤔⤟/#Ⓕ⮛♴⍯#❺⤄╿☱#⑹⍮␜#⒩⢚⒒#⍰Ⓕ#♔⯕⋹#⣆◶#⥌⦍#⛒⡻#⎣➷⤄#⟘☯┗⡶⎘#┳♔⤄#⡂⒢⎤#⟫⒩1 Working for the Chamber of Commerce for over 10 years and visiting many companies from manufacturing company to cutting-edge venture businesses, I have experienced many organizational cultures of the companies. The culture of the each company is different depending on the type of business or the mindset of the CEO but for most companies, the organizational culture hasn’t really changed. . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 growth potential by fusing industry and technology basing on cutting -edge technology and ICT and through growth potential creating better jobs. In other words, it is thinking on one’s own and running business with creativity and motivation, not just simply following orders. This kind of creative economy is possible when there are talented individuals. Just as in Chinese three kingdom period, Liu Bei, one of the king, visited Zhuge Liang three times in person to gain a talented tactician, anyone who runs business wants capable individual. However, even if a company has gained a talented individual, in the company where its organizational culture is rigid and has too vertical structure, that individual may not reach his or her full potential or leave the organization. If the members are given the environment where they can be creative and have sense of accomplishment, they will work really hard for their company. From this, the company will grow and growing company increases jobs for investments and of course, our economy will grow as well. . $ 2 1 P H G L D ([SHUW&ROX PQ .$2 1 q# ]rrp#Lq ㏵ ઘ३ઊޣસज़ࣷࠨടӋҀઘઅઘࣳਁݼ ૂ߀دഢܾࡻਁڹघ൞ܲઊஜؘ֢ ଓߚ൛ીȂܲףকৈࡡؘଓڝઅ ।ਁࣳԓԞ৹ङહ੶ܾऀણടӋ ৈܟԜીઊؘ܅ઽ൛൭Әݴѿଖڹ ㏵ ӴऀӘԓڝѿԓݼӋੌڂݼѿ രࡃനࡻؘҿઊৈبԪ" ၴଇ଼ྻੑ࿐ኂຢයྏኃੑ࿐৳൭ྺ൭ኃÌ଼ੑ࿐ටᇡਨÍལኁങକணኂၶኂ࿚ ഹಓಠᆮଏ ⣆◶␜╿⒒#RHFG#⍯⋹#⥵#Ⓕ⮚⦎⮚◦⤄#;3(⤆#⯋⥬#⒩⣵#➶⥮⣰▸#Ⓕ⮚#⦎⮚◦⤄#☍⣆#⑦⒩1# ❑⭣❼Ⓕ/#⨨⡃⣿#⍅⣅⛽⮙⎘/#⨽⦓#├#❗▸⣈#❉⯠#⟣⥌⡪⋹#❟⎘⒒#⋹⣈ⓓ#⮚♔⣿#⚎⣌⫛⤆#Ⓕ⮚⡻❭#☶#⮢#⓭⡄#⤅Ⱑ#⤴ ⍐⣳#❎◶⎘#⣟⮢#⡪▫⣈#⨽⡳⤴❱⣳#╡⍅#⤌❉⮛#❉⯠#❗⎘┗⣿#⎘✿⣲#⤙⟡#⤇#➶ⓣ#⤎⒩1##⌟⌅⮛#⥌⦍#♔⯕⡻#⤌❉⮛# ⦍⣒⣲#⤒⟣⣿#⏲⍒#⒙▬⣳#☀⌋⮙⢃#⎍#⯠❉⣿#⮣⟧#⤆⤟▸#❺⤝⮙⒒⋹#⮙☱/#⤄⢧#⒮◶#⛖⮟◶⮙⍅#⌾⦍⓶#⥌⦍♔⯕⡻# ⤌❉⮛#⦍⣒⣲#⤒⟣⣿#⏲⣳#⤸⍅#⍅♴⡻#Ⰳ⟬⤄⌬#⓶⒩1# Evaluation of Donald from each group was drastically different. Participants who memorized positive remarks gave him positive remarks and those who memorized negative remarks gave him a negative evaluation. This experiment bout priming effect, used a lot in marketing, shows how the way a person usually thinks can affect his or her speech and action. Last September, 2012, according to basic educational statistics from MEST (Ministry of Education and Science Technology) and Korean Educational Development Institute, Korea’s college entrance rate is 71.3%. Among OECD Countries, our rate is second highest after Australia (80%). In the midst of newly coined words such as generation of giving up (giving up dating, marriage, and childbirth), worst employment ice age, job+ marriage, the joy of the people who got the job fresh out of college to find a career in their major despite of the difficulties can be short lived. Employees who get into the company with healthy organizational culture will bring out their full potential and vision to become an asset to the company while those in irrational and rigid organizational culture will give up their dream and experience inner turmoil. ંྻ༬ရᄸཛဴၵ഼ኽືਔ൧૪དྷಘ ⮙⦌☀#⟡⋻⣳#⓼⍅#⤓⣲#⌥⛒⫛#⮙␜⮙␜#⤷⦋⤳⣰▸#⚳⯕⟡⪁#␜⋻⒩☱#⎍#⥌⦍♔⯕⒒#♿␄#➶#⤎⣳#⌥⤄⒩1# ࿇ೖକಓ࿚ัྏੵೖံਦኁྺኳཛྷᇡᇡኊਸ২ਸ࿏౧ంၴདྷኆમৡ ൫౧໋ಬೖኮኊඤ൮࿚็ৢඤഅယಳೖ൶ಓኁ็ዀኽኁങੵཛ࿚็ਇ৭ ኃัକ഼ኽೖ೨ພ It is hard to change organizational culture that has been forming for a long time. However, if people start changing little matters one by one, that organizational culture can change. Let us build trust as partners who identify and share feelings with each other through constant communication between superiors who are less authoritative and employees ೞኂྭདྷၝÌ൚ೞቢ࿚২ဢལཷኔၔከÍ ೫ኁÖဟኽዏ×౧೫ ⣧☵⮛#ⓤ⤇#⟧◶⮚⤒#㽌◾⑹⡾#⬃⟊㽍⒒#⤷⯕⯧⍒⢧#⍔▭⓶#⟥⮲⣳#⮙⢎⒩1#⧰⋹⤒┗⡻⌬#㽎♔⤄#⢇◶⤒#ⓣ⑀┓⋹#┗⡪⢮⟞ who respect him. If I always think positively and consider others more than myself, that company can make lively and healthy organizational culture. ⒟⒩1㽏╿⒒#⌌⍔⤳⤆#❕⯚⣳#☃⮛#⒩⣵#⮛#⎍◖⡻⌬⒒#㽎⡂⤄┞⡪⋹#♑⍹♑⦎⮙⒩/#⤒⟣⌀⤄#⑃⩓⒩1㽏╿⒒#⎖⤺⤳⤆#☃⣳/# ⒩◭#⎍◖⡻⌬⒒#㽎⮭⭽⤄#⟧⮙⒩/#⌝☀⮙⒩㽏╿⒒#☃⣳#⢶⣆⌬#⮩⒩1 ⓣ⑀┓⡻#Ⓕ⮛#⭞⋹⒒#⎍◖⡻#┩╿#⯀⤲⮙⌬#⧫⤄⋹#⒩1#⥗⣲#⭯⯀⣳#⢶⣈#⧰⋹⤒┗⣲#ⓣ⑀┓⡻⌬#⎖⤺⤳⤆#⭞⋹◮/#␜ ✽#♔⤝⣳#⢶⣈#⧰⋹⤒┗⣲#⛒⤺⤳⤆#⭞⋹◮#▲⒩1# ཛ೦ᅡሗལ๕ோ೩ዀྭਭဟኽዏལணኃໍኚ࿚ั౫ቆདྷద็ৢ৮ৡལ౧ੵั౫ པඛኒལཷኔ൚ᄻ༯ພ# In physiological terms there is a word for ‘an emotion or feeling one has beforehand effecting subsequent event’ called# priming effect. Famous German psychologist Mauel Tusch did an experiment related to priming effect. To participants, he explained the situation in objective viewpoint saying, “Donald came in”. Then, to one group he had them memorize positive remarks such as “he has many ideas, he’s confident” and to another group, he had them memorize negative remarks such as “he’s bluffing, arrogant”. . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 ဴၵ഼ኽೖ൧࿚ਅნኃ༪இ ࿚ໆ਼࿚້ເᇑඛኽৡဴ༣ໝྲྀఛਰဴၵ഼ኽৡਭੵཛ࿚൭လኃ ⤒⟣⤄#☝⤲#➖❱➶⚢#⮙⍅#⋺⤒⣿#⤒◶⡻❭#⤼#☺⣳#⒩⮜#┳⡻#⛵▸➒#⯘▬⤄#⑃⨖␜⒒#⥌⦍♔⯕/#⢇⤺䂟▬⣳#⠏⡂#⛛⒒# ⦍⣒┗⣿#☸⟞⡻❭#⎍#⎘⡳⣲#⦌➓⤳⣰▸#❺⤝⮙⍅/#⡂⣉▙#⎖⤺⤄╿⒒#⤷⯕⯧⍒◮#⋹⦐#┳#⍮❺⣒⍒#⎍┗#⋹⥍/#⎍◶⍅# ⣆◶#☸⓼⋹#⮪⚽⮢⦌⒒#⛵⌹⤄#⡂⒢⎤B# It is hard to change organizational culture that has been forming for a long time. However, if people start changing little matters one by one, that organizational culture can change. Let us build trust as partners who identify and share feelings with each other through constant communication between superiors who are less authoritative and employees who respect him. If I always think positively and consider others more than myself, that company can make lively and healthy organizational culture. . $ 2 1 P H G L D . $ 2 1 ]rrp#Lq */2%$/ 3$571(5 Rl Global Par tner O i ~ ೩ ݱಉ ҃ ৰ ܾ h i ؘ ܅અ ߸ ݴ إӋ ઔ د Oi Introduction ㏵ ઊࣛઅઌౡוѿӋҒਁࣳङહ੶ܾऀણടӋઔ߸ؘ֪ஔ१ણਁؘࣳAmerica Kick-Offކټు Movil ిܾ੶د2ࠤପ࣏৹ઘد ࢆڡഡઍીઊކ Oi, is “hi” in Portuguese. Established in 1998, it is the largest mobile communication com- launching१ే़ pany in Brazil with over 40,000 employees. Also, with over 30 million cable customers, over 50 million in wireless, and over 5 million customers in internet, it is the second largest next to America Movil in the South American market and is continuing to grow. ઔ٩ܿԙࡘౡ ࣳࡘڛਭઅܲ ౿നد१७ඥ ㏵ Timothy Jeon Europe/Africa Team ٳ౿३࣏৹ઘઊۙدഡ3ކઊࣛઅ੭ࣷѿઘ5ކઊࣛઅߗࣷѿઘࠃ5ࠕކ Oiઅܾૃಠѿ ࡅܾૃಠऀݴӖહ੶ܾ ੋ൝ ੭ܤৈݼಲӘણ Oi ؘ1998ٻށࣹךৰ4ކઊࣛઅଓࡂ੭ടӋઔ܅ࡴؘଖਁؘࣳமفԐઅઊ Rio de Janeiro ਁௗഡ Oi ࡅ࣏ਁࣳ Kick-Off ߸ವߗ࣏ඥބௗӋ֢ਠࣳࡅ ܾૃಠ࣏ऀݴ१ౄԞԪѿਢࡴ܅ଖࠩઌઅङહઌਕ৹ӘۙܲףഡҿӘѿ ֢ਠԞԪઍીਁސிനѿ३ಲڤઘઌಲࠃEMS ಲઅؽعڛઘ࡚ڝ ۫ৰৡҸؘد ӘҎઊയَाҁाҁڝઊࣝࣗफ़ܤҲ֢અࣥҀफ़ஞد ࣥҀઊدڛ After successfully finishing the kick-off meeting in Oi headquarters located in Rio de Janeiro, I think about the continuous work and effort of Brazilian subsidiary to accomplish this project, and times spent with everyone in cost innovation team, design team, and EMS team supported the project according to the schedule until we had a good result. فഡߺӵ ࠉفਁ ઔ܅ࡴ ؘଖਁ ۙ ട֢અ KAON ૂഀઊ १ࣥ ؘدټҀਁ ઘࡘ७ ؖՖ࣏ࡅدઅङਁࣳࡴ܅ଖࠩઌઅ֙৺ܾ੶ܲףؘਠܓԞਁ֙ހد१ઙ ټઊࠤOi અܾૃಠѿKick-Off ކټుࢆڡഡઍીઊࡅކܾૃಠऀݴӖહ੶ ܾ launching १ే़ઔ٩ܿԙࡘౡࣳࡘڛਭઅܲ౿നد१७ඥ۫ৰ ৡҸؘࣥدҀઊدڛ I felt proud at the thought that another KAON product will be released in Brazil which is on the other side of the world from Korea. Since this is a long-awaitedproject started by Brazilian subsidiary with the support of headquarter, though I’ll be on the tight schedule, I am motivated to work hard by cooperating with all departments in order to successfully launch the project. ৲ৰਭߚ൛ѿ܅ࡴݳدଖ१ણਁ KAON ૂഀઊઘݴݼઠӋӆङടਉ൜ણٻৰѿԢ നङહઌدܲףଘനࡅد I am resolved to make continuous effort to make KAON product to hold its place and continue to expand in Brazil market where the language and culture are different, . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 2 1 P H G L D . $ 2 1 ]rrp#Lq /HSRUWVFOX E ᎀబፌ⢄Ეჼ ⲨỄ⟄ჼᴄ High Clear! High ClearߺڙࠔؘౣਁࣳࣛفఐڎڙୄਁઊӖؘ֧ݼҫدإ ઊౌӴࠩѿڟدԞനӴ࣏ടؘԞीܾഡࠆઘॐܛଟӋۙഡஸ ټඩ੶ܾઍһചࣔઅӖһࡻഢ़ઔؘ१ҁࠦԞഡԞीدإ ़ܾࣷٳਭ ઍࠉ ଓણઌઅ ѿણ ి ୱઊࡻ ؘടؘٙ ઔৰࣳ ক ؘඩӘ ࡻѿ د دݱӋഥدإ In Badminton, “High Clear” is a hitting the ball deep into the opponent’s net. This is a technique used to brace oneself up. It is a technique used to take a break and come up with strategy, and buy time to prepare for delivering that killer shot with the condensed power. The biggest difference between the professional athletes and a company worker is the energy spent in preparation. ़ܾࣷٳB90%ࡻ10%१ഥ ઍࠉଓણઌB90%৹ߗ10%ࡻ Professional athletes _90% preparation, 10% games. Employees _90% work, 10% preparation ѿਢടઊీݼৰѿٳ൦ਁڂڝҲफ़ಠܩफ़ݼܱ֧ࠢݼޤݼޤݴӋ߄Әބ ҥҋടҲനৰѿીӘ൦࣏৹ߗਁڂ൭ੰહ੶ܾഢ़ઔԞ੶ބؘ܅ࠅݴ ܾٳ൦ৼڝކ।دإ 2013ך9ਖ਼ 24ઍ 28અ൦੶ܾѿਢࠔߺڙౣٳ൦²ടઊీݼৰ³અٳઑ १ઙടҲٻৰزفඥڝ۳ބدإ ѿਢ߸ڤৰ1ਁࣳࡘౡ8ԪҀҀઅࡘࣳਁࣳڂਔ^^ ڎઊدؘڹ৩ഡف൛़֢ݴઔৰࣳѿॣࣹܩ ѿਢਁࣳഡਙࣅട१ؘਉଓ࡚ڂڝѿ൦ઊدإ܊ ޓ൛ઍਁؘഡ१હ੶ܾߚҋ࣏تઅҋ।ࠊৈஔӆહઌٳઊٽҫدإ KAON High Clear was formed in hopes of making members to be efficient at home and ઊف ৈ१ৈૻٳಲୱણ their work place by giving all club members the opportunities to relieve stress and helping them to be healthy physically and mentally. Billy Lee Asia/Middle East Team It is exciting to start the first meeting of KAON badminton club “High Clear” on Sep. 24, 2013 with 28 members. People from each and every department in KAON Media from 1stfloorto8thfloorarepresent. After the meeting we are able to have variety of conversation which is exciting. All pretty ladies in KAON Media are all members of the club. Every Tuesday, temporarily, we will bring in an instructor for more methodical exercise. ൛Ԟഡ࡚Ԟਁࣳٳഢ़ઔ٩ܿѿਢടઊీݼৰಶઊವ For a safe exercise in cheerful environment, go KAON High Clear! . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 2 1 P H G L D ,%& . $ 2 1 ]rrp#Lq IB C 2 0 1 3 ౄ ؘڙUHDTV IBC2013१൦(9/13~9/17.ٜڙ܇फ़౫عݱѿৢ5ކ3ਉઅ ୶ӚҒ੭ௗടࣳऀӖહ੶ܾޅടਔد ਣന IBCઅ൛ؘڂਊ१UHDTVਔدਣന4ਖ਼ਁґமټNAB 2013 ‘UHDTVѿౖٳഡܾࣝࠒडԞीઅ१ઙ±ઊ܅Ӌીઅഡد9ਖ਼અIBC 2013ؘ°ઊ߸ࡅԇ٩ਁਠݳUHDTVઅ߸ܑ±܅Ӌز৲ഢ़ઔد6ґਖ਼ކ ਁUHDTVࣳਁؘࣥઍࣛહଔ൛ܾાৰڛआઊد ഡࣛඟ ބವಲୱણ Jennifer S. Han Marketing Team IBC2013 Exhibition (Sep. 13 – Sep. 17, Amsterdam, Netherlands) concluded suc- IBC 2013 Netherlands Amsterdam tion for 4K Contents Delivery grabbing the attention of businessmen from broadcasting industry. In the area of STD, including our company, major competing companies such as Pace, Humax, Samsung, Sagemcom, etc, competitively demonstrated 4K STB in order to lead the industry and show their competitive advantages. In broadcasting equipments, Japan’s Sony and Panasonic showed various cameras and editing technology based on the advanced technology of UHDTV. Also, American companies like Black Magic Design, ex- cessfully with about 53,000 participants and viewers. hibited lower price cameras and the solution that enables one to do editing, revision, and This year’s major topic was UHDTV. If NAB 2013 held in April is defined as “the transmission altogether which drew people’s attention start of new broadcasting technology that witnessed the birth of UHDTV”, IBC2013 of September is said to be the “future of UHDTV that is well on its track” In just 6 month, UHDTV went from birth to evolution െથUHDTVؘԞઅMPEG4ࡂدஸݬઊ۫ৰ֥HEVCఐٚઅڢણ੶ܾ֧ґ ࣛزݴൠઊدടކHEVCఐ֥ٚ7ਖ਼ਁৡӵૂ൛ѿਯކټݑుࣛفહ੶ ܾࣛੋ൛ݴഡࡻԞҁઊତدԓܡઊ੭ܾIBC 2013ਁࣳ8+'ਕࣛ५१ҁ੶ ५ૂܾIBC 2013ਁؘUHD ࠒडഡਕࠃଙडણࡻ܅ઌ ৹ईࠆफ़EncodingࠃDecodingजݗऍઊ1ୱਯऀزӆܾાৰڝৰઔ ൜ઌഢ़ઔৼدHarmonic, Cicso, EricssonڢSI৹ஔਁؘࣳ4K Contents Delivery ݴഡ HEVC Encoding ࠃ Decoding जݗऍ ࣷࡂਉ ࠒड࣏৹ઘڝઅ Ӛ७ ଙૻ१ دSTB ࡘߚਁࣳ ݴ࣏ؽ ؘ೩തടਉ Pace, Humax, Samsung, Sagemcomڢӄભ࣏ڝઊ4K STBݴӄભહ੶ܾٙ നਣനIndustryݴLeadingടࣳ৹ӆਁࣳઅӄભહੌࡂࣷݴઊӋઘ . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 ܾஸടؘઌఐًਭઊݴৰڤؘఐًણࡻઅڢણࡆ़৺ৼَઽৈॐف ઊंدӆ੭़અਕࣛఐٚ൦࣏٩HEVC५१ҁఐٚടࠒؘ२HDਁߜޡ ܟઔӋUHDԚനࣛ٩ݴടؘણࡻߚؘൌࡻڤਠਁӵഡٻৰઔؘدઽ٩࣏५ ઊدԓ֢ܟமԕHEVCఐٚઊৈاMPEG4ఐٚ੶ܾ UHD ५१ҁࠒडडടࠒؘ २ઊґࠋؘٻѿടHEVCఐٚઅࠋ٩Ԛङ٩ܾଔരؘ࡚ٻԞѿٻӋઔد ઊزܡઽ१ҁઊ़֧ܿґࣷٽҫ੶ܾࡂઌد Currently, UHDTV took wings since the appearance of HEVC codec which has much better ടਔࠒدडણࡻௐਁؘࣳઍࡅઅघإਭಶ֢घئઊUHDTVઅৗࣷԞी compressibility than the original MPEG4. However, as it was internationally standardized in ܲࠅౕ੶ܾد৩ഡެ܅ਭࠒडଙԞीࡂࣷڢਔӋ߸ӵઅࡷޓܒଓ last July, HEVC codec had short preparation period for commercialization. For this reason ڤઘઌ(Black Magic Design)ڢ٩સܵഡѿһઅެ܅ਭതՌଙࡂીड to our regret, the encoder that compresses UHD videos and decoder that undo it could not Ԫઍӛહ੶ܾഢ़ઔؘजݗऍ१നԢ֒ৼد be seen in IBC 2013. It is true that video codec companies’ technology to support HEVC live Actually, in IBC 2013, it could be seen that the recording, editing, transmission codec is still staying in HD level, and device that supports UHD level resolution is limited to device line up, Set up Box, Encoding and Decoding Solutions for UHD broad- the VOD. However, recently a method of transmitting UHD live through MPEG4 instead of casting were at the begging level of completion. Major SI companies such as HEVC was discovered and advancement of HEVC codec’s technology is progressing in fast Harmonic, Cicso, Ericsson, etc, showcased HEVC Encoding and Decoding Solu- speed. It seems that these disadvantages will be improved as time goes on. . $ 2 1 P H G L D ,%& . $ 2 1 ]rrp#Lq 01 02 02 03 04 01 03 01. ࡘ࣏ؽफ़ӄ 04 ઊૂUHDTVؘܾࣝࠒड१ણઅஷࣛહઌ߸ܑਁࣳࡅһહઌӄભઅെ५ઊٻ 02. ࣗऀࡘफ़ӄ ৼد५ૂܾ2014ࡘךౡ4K TVୱंفӋ൛ଖനࣛ٩TVѿࡅһહ੶ܾࡂԚޏٽઊ 03. ඌޔफ़ࡘफ़ӄ 4K TVੋఒ౭ݴґࠋടԞഡӚ࣏ܳ৹ઘڝઅଓઑઊ൞ࠋനଘਁ܅گఒ౭ 04. ਁݽॠࡘफ़ӄ ӄભ٩७൛ٽҫ੶ܾਙࣛدټ ڤफ़ഓܩઊ ߚ १ણ࣏ԞӚઌ ڤफ़ഓܩઊࣳௗ ؘ2013 ך1࡚Ԟਁ ࠋҁഡ 4K TV ࡚ࣴ ࡂӋࣳਁࣳ4K TVടܞઊ2013ך93ࣳਁفކ2014ؘਁך400ݴفކৰࣳӋ2016 ؘਁך1,000٭ݴفކಶഢҫઊ܅Ӌ࡚ࣴടӋઔۙدഡ4K TVઅ१൜فѿһઌ 2013ך6ਖ਼ऀࠒड࣏৹ઘઌMeasatਁݽॠӘUHDTV܅ઊࡴࠒड१ࠨࣳ 01. Home Networking Show Room ടӋ൛ଖڤफ़ഓܩઊਁفഡ़ѿܾ੶ڢ4K TVѿ3D TVࡂࣥࠋݴ़د१ 02. ӴԗTV१ઘਭ࣏ؽઑ൛ࣽف ࡻफ़ݴ५१ഡدӋࠋടԞ٩ടਔدMeasatઘ࣏અऀಠఽݴ൞ੋനUHD ేҫઊ܅ӋޏടӋઔد 03. DTࠒߚ_HDMI Dongle&Mango१ TVԞࠉӋ൛ଖ߸ڤৰఒ౭ૂݴӖഢਙીઊਁݽॠࠒडਁചഡٳਕࣛஸ Now, UHDTV has become the reality of competition in the abstract future of new broad- 04. Telekom AustriaԞઘߚࠒزઌౡ Ԟीࠒडड़३ણࡻૂڢӖഢਙીઊد casting market. 2013ך1ਖ਼ਁؘ܍फ़ऀ౿३࣏৹ઘઌEutelsatઊ੭ܤமܾUHDTV׆ґӵ Starting 2014, 4K TV (nest-generation HD resolution TV) will be on the market, and as the ടࣳെથઅࣛઊࡷؘܾ4KԚ൛ଖਁചഡفਊ೪डഢ़৺ކऀ businesses will be active in developing contents for 4K TV, it can be predicted that the ࠺٩અടڙਫ਼ৰ࠹ӄ৺ઊ٩4KԚ൛ଖ१ஓഢ़ઔدӋࠌඥԞ٩ടਔد competition will be more intense. Display Search, a market research agency specializes in display, published 4K TV analysis report in 1st quarter of 2013, predicting that the supply of 4K TV will increase from 930,000 in 2013 to 4 million in 2014, and in 2016, it will be over 10 million. Also, it is predicted that increased supply of 4K TV, lower-price, and increasing demand for HD display, will result in higher demand of 4K TV compared to 3D TV. In June 2013, Measat and Ericsson, a satellite broadcasting companies, stated that they will start UHD TV Live Broadcasting trial service. Measat will provide UHD TV based HD media contents using its own satellite network, and Ericsson will provide the necessary devices for broadcasting such as video compression technologies, transmission devices, reception devices, and etc. In January 2013, French satellite communication business Eutelsat started UHD TV channel for the first time in Europe. Eutelsat stated that though it’s impossible to transmit band- ઊܟഡಠڙܫઅ࠹൛ਁ܅گTV Ӛܳԗܾ࣏ࠦ৹ઘڝઅ4K TVࠃఒ౭ґࠋઊ without changing hardware. ன3ݩઅ4K TVݴ१നಹޓടӋઔۙدഡ2014ך7ਖ਼ࡴ܅ଖਖ਼ڙਁސி4Kࠒ डࣳࡻफ़ݴґ१ഢӆ൧ઑࠌටघؘإ4K TVݴ౿നܾࣝTV़ܾട 2013ך5ਖ਼ԗܾࠦமفOTT࣏৹ઘઌNetflixؘ4KԞࠉઅఒ౭ૂݴӖഢӆ Ӌઔ੶ࠒडࢻৈ܅إਕ൛फ़೩دڢ৩ഡఒ౭ૂઙਁ٩֢ࣹਙીઊ܅Ӌഡد ൧ઊ܅ӋࠌටࠅઔدെથNetflixؘFull HDԪടӋઔ੶നؽԞीઊ٩ To these changes in trend, TV-related global businesses are developing 4K TV and contents دټமܾ4Kࣳࡻफ़ૂݴӖടؘமઅOTT࣏৹ઘѿޏٽઊد one after another. Sony said it plans to release 4K broadcasting by 2014, and currently selling In May 2013, largest global OTT business Netflix stated that it plans to provide 4K based 3 types of 4KTV. Sony plans to start 4K broadcasting service in time for 2014 Brazil World Cup contents. Currently, Netflix is supplying Full HD, and if that technology is adopted, it will be in July. Sony’s goal is creating new demands for TV through 4K TV and plans to produce not only broadcasting but also produce various contents such as movie, sports, etc. . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 width necessary for 4K level HD using cables, with satellite it is possible to watch 4k HD TV ઓݱگӋઔدघؘإ2014ךܾ4Kી२ࠒड१ഢӆ൧ઊ܅ӋࠌോӋെથ the first OTT business to provide 4K service. १ણઘݑSource Market data source _Display Search, KISA . $ 2 1 P H G L D Shhu#Uhfrppdqgdwlrq#Uhod| . $ 2 1 Fxowxuh ઌ࣏ಲ੶ܾࡘౡ୳ઌӖ੶ܾࣷીؘدৼٻघ२ڜӋઅৈയ।دإઊથஎઑՌࣳ୳നऒ ؘٙӘ࡚અ୳ઊ܅ӋࣥҀടӋًઝടؘ܅અ߸ܾࠊৈڝઊҸ।دإ ࠡ π ͪ ۋ ઊࣷૻӘણ I’m Sun-Joong Lee from German subsidiary/ office. I heard from the Human Resources team that I was selected as a receiver of compliment in a compliment relay and thought it rather odd. Assistant Jae-Chul Lee complimented me in the last volume, but I consider it is unmerited, and will take it Peer Recommandation Relay as a sign of encouragement to do a better job. સؘ࣒ಶಠઊࠨਕ࣏୳ടӋॱ।دإ ੌݼѿӋҒૻ७અؘ܅െއઊؘٙߗ৻ࡂ਼࣏دӋҒਁއؘઊௗ७ട"ֳ࣏ކӋҒਁҲ ઊࠨਕ࣏ ؘԓކుીऀӘӚ७কԞॕৌ।دإԓܡӚઽਁࣳࡆڹઊࠨਕ࣏ѿਢ߸ڤৰ२ӴਁڝҲ ৲ૂ֢ടҲ٩१ؘҫࡆ़ઔ।دإ સؘന਼ਁࣳԕߗടԞਁߚڹઘઌ࣏ݿڙԞ൦ؘ৺ৼ࣏ࡅކણѿҲףڹٽಠ࡙ईವڢઊ ചനࣳࡘ్ؘܸڙٙৈടҲന१Ӌۙԕߗടؘઘਁݼୱ٩Һऋࣳ୶ބઊگ۸ നؘҫؖՖ।دإԓݼӋ ٪ઍ ࠩઌ ࡃԉ ઊ൲ਁ٩ ࣒ಲઅ ٩ઊ ചന دބڹ ݿڙ܆ਉ ܟѿ࣒֢ࣳࠢݼടऋৡഢઍઊއٙ٩ടҲҺऋࣳઊઘࡾݴݼৰد१ԙ࣏҆અ ઌ࣏دإށڙݴ I would like to compliment my co-worker Bum-Yung Lee from Data Processing part. We often use the expression “customer-centered”. Above all, we pay much attention to customers outside the company however; it is difficult to give same kind of energy and attention to those within the company. From that point of view, Bum-Yung Lee is always helping KAON family with kindness. I didn’t have a lot of opportunities to say hi since I work overseas, but when I was on a business trip to the headquarter, I needed thing such as setting up a lap-top and I asked co- worker Lee which he did kindly. Also, he supplied me with a car which did my heart good. And after I got back to Germany, I contacted him from time to time when I needed help form his team and though he had lots of work to do, he was still kind. Through this page I want to thank him again. સਭҎࣥҀѿ३࡚ڝઊֳ࣏ਁ٩އҫઊ܅ӋࣥҀഥدإ ઊࠨਕ࣏د१ԙ࣏҆ݼڙӋৗ੶ܾ٩ઝࡘ్ݼڙҸ।دإ I’m sure there are many people who have same thoughts. Co-worker Bum-Yung Lee, thank you again . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 2 1 P H G L D Vshfldo#Lqwhuylhz4#bNDRQVRIW .$21 F x o w x u h# ########⋹⢜⑹◶#⦌☱⣳#⫹⮙⢃#⤄▢⌬#⤆❉◮#┓◶⌬#⓵⡪#⌀❉⮙⍅#⢏⍚⟘▞⌬#❟⋺⮟⒟⒩1 We are thankful and honored to send our greetings through KAON- NURI Papers. #########⋹⢜➒⮋⬚⋹#⦌␟#;⣓⛒⫛#⋹⢜♲┞⡪#⟢⍮┗⍒#⮞⏆#❟⯘⮙☱❭/#⤋⯕❷Ⓕ⭯⒤#⤄⮙#⢃▙#⣧⍔⛒❭#⍮❺⣒┗⣿# ┩╲⮛#⍔⟧⍒#⯃⥌#➓⡻❭#❟⯘⮙⍅#⤎⟞⒟⒩1 ⤼⋹#⨅⣵#⋹⢜♲┞⡪#❉♑⟥⡻#┗⡪❭☱❭#⚿#♔⍮⋹#⤎⟞⒟⒩1#ታಠ໊ໍಔ೨ྮೞ໋ৡဵ൚ೖඤစኊၛஇ# ☶#⚞⣳#❟⋺⮢ⓣ#☆⡻#⢧#Ⓔ⒒#♑❭⣈+B,#⦎◶⤌⒟⒩1# Since KAONSOFT became part of KAONMEDIA starting last August, we are continuing in the warm attention and cooperation of CEO Hwa-Sup Im and the members of the related departments. There is a writing I was when I first came into the KAONMEDIA office. “Only a professional mind and skills will assure ourselves, our family and future.” Rethinking about the sentence several times, it’s still the truth that hits hard. ########⡪⒐#⧷⡻❭#⮋▸⢧#⡂◾⨱⡪⣿#⧫⤄⡻#Ⓕ⮙⢃#⤄⡛⎘⮙☱❭/#⮋▸⒒ÌੵಅལோኁਭÍ◮#⤒⥬⠮⍅/# ⡂◾⨱⡪⒒Ìੵಊఛ഼ལÍ◮#⥬♑⎘▸#⠰⒩⒒#⤟♲⤎⒒#⎑⣳#⤈⣲#⤳⤄#⤎⟞⒟⒩1 Kaon soft ࿚କட༪இ౧๕a# ੵဢோኊோග഼ဤৡཛྷདྷ๕a# ####ੵಊఛ഼ལ96ੵಅལோኁਭ ####ੵಊఛ഼ལ96ੵಅལோኁਭ ້ৣཛྷདྷ๕a# ੵಊਔኁങକৡኊඨᇏa# ####ੵಊఛ഼ལ96ੵಅལோኁਭ ####ੵಊఛ഼ལ96ੵಅལோኁਭ ીفਕ ѿਢघಠف I read an interesting statement in a book that talked about the difference of pro and amateur stating that pro uses word ‘despite of’ and amateur uses the word ‘because of’ as a weapon Dae Young Jung Kaonsoft CEO This isn’t a part of my job~ (because of vs. despite of ) / I don’t have time~ (because of vs. despite of ) This isn’t really a problems with that-it’s enough ~ (because of vs. despite of ) If I do it that way I will be at a disadvantage ~ (because of vs. despite of ) ########⤲Ⱉ#⋹⢜➒⮋⬚ⓣ#⤒▇⟘▛#⋹⢜⤆⣰▸⟿/#⮛⌹⌈⣲#⢇⤺⣰▸#⦎⤺⮛#⮋▸⋹#⓵⎘#⣟⮙⢃#⤴⦎⮜#⌥⤌⒟⒩1# ⛒⥍⮛#⛒⛔⤄#⤎Ⓟ╿ⓣ#☁⤄#⌵▫⮙⢃#⥬⟡⍅#⤄␌⡪#⥬⟡⎘#♿▄⒟⒩1 As a proud family of KAONMEDIA, KAONSOFT will do its best with unchanging passion to become true professional. We hope that you will encourage us and lead us even if we have shortcomings. # # # # # #⤲Ⱉ# ⋹⢜➒⮋⬚⒒# 5344# 4⣓⡻# ❳◻⓵⡶⣰☯/# ⤄⯬# ⯀⤟⡻# ⤄◫⎘⎤⦌# ⎘⡳⣅# ⡳♑⟡⟘⫩# ⍮⨲⣳# ⣟⮛# 㽌Preloh# Sodwirup㽍#⣳#⌋⚅⮙⢃#⢮⟞⒟⒩1#5344#⎍#⎘➺▬⣳#⤆⤺⚄⡂#PV#♲⍯⚿❉⡻❭#⌋⨨⮙⒒#㽌Whfk#uhdg|㽍◮#⫹⮙⢃#⍔▭⛔ ⡛#❱ⓣ⡳⨎▸#➒⌋⓶#♿#⤎⍅/#5345⡻⒒#VEFN+➒⮋⬚⚖⪷,/#⮛⎑⍒#⩴⮅⫛/#⒩⣆ⓓ⤄⫛#├#⍯#⣧⍔⛔⡛#❱ⓣ⡳⨎┗⍒⣿# Exvlqhvv#⯃▬⍀⡜⣳#⨎⌹⮛#♿#⤎⣰☯/#Plfurvriw⡻❭#⣈⢏⮙⒒#PVGQ⡻#├⤟⓶#♿#⤎⟞⒟⒩1#⤄▙⮛#⎘➺⤳#⣆➶❺⡻#Ⓕ ⮛#⟡⤝⭞⋹⢧⒒#♑⍔⮙⌬/#⮢Ⓑ⛔⡛#⬛⣧⣿#⦎⤌⤝⚲#├⣰▸#⤆⮙⢃#⯠❉#⌾⢏❕⣿#⡪▫⣌⣳#⌾⮲⮙⌬#⓵⡶⍅/#⯠❉⣿#⍮⥌⤳# ⚳⯕◮#⫹⮛#❺⤝⡻#Ⓕ⮙⢃#⍅♴#⮙Ⓢ#⥵/#⋹⢜♲┞⡪⢧#⤆⢆⤄#Ⓔ⡂#❗▸⣈#ⓣ⡜⣳#⎘⡜⮙⌬#⓵⡶⟞⒟⒩1# KAONSOFT was established in January 2011, and since then, we have been developing ‘Mobile Platform’ for building business system for companies. In 2011, our technical skills were recognized and in ‘Tech Ready’ hosted by MS American Headquarters, we were introduced as a leading company of the related industry. Also in 2012, we signed BCC (Business Cooperation Contract) with leading companies in related industries such as SBCK(Softbank), Hancom, and DAODATA, and were listed in MSDN run by Microsoft. Regardless of the evaluation about the technical excellence, we experienced difficulties in running our company because . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 2 1 P H G L D Vshfldo#Lqwhuylhz4#bNdrq#vriw .$21 F x o w x u h# of the obstacles peculiar to our types of business and were Development Kit(CDK) for efficient usage of Solution. Also, contemplating about the growth of our company through to satisfy customer’s functional need, we supply Hybrid changes in company’s structure when we met KAONMEDIA Components such as Push Alarm, Camera, QR Scanning, and were given anew chance to take a step forward. Virtual Keypad, Real-time dashboard, MDM, and etc. Currently, KAONSOFT’s Solution is in the form of Middleware ########Vpduwskrqh)Wdeohw⣿#⚼⭙⯕/#♑❱⫹⟣☉⣿#⦌➓ Framework, and it is optimized for building mobile busi- ⤳⤆#⦎⯕#├⣰▸#⤆⮙⢃#⤴❼⍀⤳⣰▸#Preloh⟡Ⓕ⋹#⚿ ness system through SI. Through additional system sophis- ⌵⯕⓵⍅#⤎⟞⒟⒩1#⡪⒐#⥌❉⎘⍔⣿#⤒○⡻#⣿⮙☱#Pr0 tication and improvements in function, we are planning to eloh#⡳♑⟡⟘⫩⣳#⤄⣅⮙⒒#⎏▸⤒⋹#5348⡻⒒#46⡫ commercialize SW product in a package form (a SW prod- ીفਕ#bⒻ⭯⤄❉###Dae Young Jung _CEO ☵⣳#⑃⡪❳#⌥⤄╿⍅#⮟⒟⒩1# uct for development purposed for the use of a developer VZ⛔⡛⡻❭#⎘➺⍒#⬚▍┓◮#❱ⓣ⮙⒒#❼⍀⤳⤆#⋹⢜➒⮋⬚▸#⌝┚␜⎘#⣟⮙⢃/#⋹⢜⟢⍮┗⍒#⮞⏆# ⋹⢜➒⮋⬚⋹# ⌋⚅⮙⢃# ⚼⣧⮙⍅# ⤎⒒# ➖◑➇+PHHUXH, of development tem who want to build mobile business ⣲/#⡬⤼#⡪┞❭␜#Preloh#Ghylfh◮#⯘⣅⮙⢃#⡳♑⣅#⟡ system) in December, 2013. Also, by developing efficient ⢇⤺⍒#⎏❺⣳#⋹⦌⍅#⤴⦎⮙⌲⟞⒟⒩1#⋹⢜#⟢⍮┗⣿#⦌➓⤳⤆#⍔⟧⍒#❺⣒⣳#⛒⫇#┓◻⒟⒩1 Kaonsoft will march forward with passion and perseverance till the day we become a renowned brand that represents Korean software prowess in global scale. Thank you for continuous support and warm welcomes. ⟘⫩+VDS/#Rudfoh/#Vkduhsrlqw/#H{fkdqjh├,⣿#⒩⡣⮛# Business Application based on the combination of MEERUE ⎘⒙⣳#⤄⣅⮜#➶#⤎ⓣ▹#⮢⥬⒒#⣝+Zhe,⎘⚃⣿#Preloh# Solution and Cloud, and providing it to the companies, we Sodwirup# Vroxwlrq⤌⒟⒩1# RVPX+Rqh# Vrxufh# Pxowl0 are planning to take a step forward as a strong company Pictures of the members and their resolution Daniel Lee#b⢆⍮➒⤝#Head of R&D Xvh,◮#⫹⮙⢃#⒩⡣⮛#⯗⌾⣰▸⣿#⯋⯗❺⍒#⌋⚅⭙⣿❺⣳# specialized in Mobile Application for the businesses. ⋹⢜➒⮋⬚⒒#❱⦎⎘➺#❱⓼⡳⨎⤌⒟⒩1# ⤼⍐⮙⍅/#➖◑➇⣿#⯧⣪⤳⤆#⣈⣅⣳#⣟⮙⢃#⚴ⓣ⣿#⌋⚅⬆ ⡑❭⋹⒒#⎘➺▸#⛔⡛##❼⍀⟡⤝⣿#⥵⟧⡻#❭⌲⟞⒟⒩1#⮜#➶#⤎⎘⡻#⏔#⤄◑⌲⟞⒟⒩1 We pride ourselves in the fact that we are at the front line of modern mobile technology. We strive to on the cutting edge of mobile technology and trends. We “Will-do” because “Can-do” +FGN,◮#⤼⍐⮙☯/#⍅⌌⣿#⒩⡣⮛#⎘⒙⤳⤆#⢾⍮❉⮡⣳#⨸ # #####⋹⢜➒⮋⬚⒒#❼⍀⟡⤝⡻❭#⤆⤺⚄⒒#⎘⡳⣅#Preloh#Ds0 ⥍⟡⪾⎘#⣟⮙⢃#Sxvk#Dodup/#Fdphud/#TU#Vfdqqlqj/# solfdwlrq#Ⓕ⭯⎘⡳⤄#⓷#⌥⤄☯/# Prelorxg+Preloh.Forxg,⛔ Yluwxdo# Nh|sdg/# Uhdo0wlph# gdvkerdug/# PGP# ├⣿# ⡛#⎘⚃⣿#⣮⮟⎘➺⤄#⤸☹⓶#⨨❕⣿#VZ⤼⭺⍒#❭⛵⟘#⤼ K|eulg#Frpsrqhqwv◮#⦌⣒⮙⍅#⤎⟞⒟⒩1## ⍐⣳#⫹⮙⢃#⍅⌌#☀⥍⣳#⟥⯀⮞⣰▸⟿/#⟡⤝#❟⫐⍀⣿#⥵ ࠆࣛੋ#b⧷⤋⢆⍮⣒###Sang Yong Park#_Deputy Principal Engineer# ⯀⤟/# ⋹⢜➒⮋⬚⣿# ➖◑➇⣲# Plggohzduh# Iudphzrun# ⟧⣰▸# ⤒◶☍⎞⮜# ⌥⤌⒟⒩1# ⋹⢜➒⮋⬚# ⤋⦍⣒# ☸⓼⒒# PHHUXH#➖◑➇⣿#⢩❺ⓣ◮#⑦⤄⎘#⣟⮢#⥬⡪⦎#⢄⮜⡻#⨨❱⣳#⒩⮙⌲⟞⒟⒩1 ⯆⫐▸/# VL◮# ⫹⮛# ☸♿⤇# ⡳♑⟡⟘⫩# ⍮⨲⡻# ⨨⤳⯕⓵⡪# ╫⌝⣈# ⢇⤺/# ⧴⣿⤳⤆# ❉⍅/# ⦌➓⤳⤆# ▬⣳# ⫹⮙⢃# ⦎ I will do my best to do my part in improving the completion level of MEERUE Solution ⤎⣰☯/#⮢Ⓑ#➖◑➇⡻#Ⓕ⮛#⨱⋹⤳⤆#⍅ⓣ⯕⢧#⎘⒙⚼⌅⣳# ⤺⮛#Surihvvlrqdo▸#⌝┚␜⍅/#⤄◮#♿⫏⣰▸#⤋⦍⣒⍒# ⫹⮙⢃/#Sdfndjh#⯆⫐⣿#VZ⤼⭺+☸♿⤇#⡳♑⟡⟘⫩#⍮⨲ ❉⯠⡻# ⨨⍅⣿# ⋹⩑◮# ⤼⍐⮞⣰▸⟿# ⤄⮢⍔⍀⤒# ♽# ⍮❺ ⣳#⣒⮙⒒#⌋⚅⤒␜#⌋⚅⬬⤄#⯘⣅⮜#➶#⤎⒒#⌋⚅⣅#VZ⤼ ⣒⡻⌬# ⮪⚽⍒# ⌀⓭⣳# ⤴⮙⒒# ⎘⡳⤄# ⓷# ⌥⤌⒟⒩1# ⤄⯬# ⭺,⣳#5346#45⣓⡻#❕⣅⯕⮜#⢓⤺⡻#⤎⟞⒟⒩1#Ⓟ⛖⡪/# ⋹⢜⤆# ⢃▙⛔⣿# ┩╲⮛# ⍔⟧⍒# ❺⣒⣳# ⛒⫇# ┓◶☯/# ⤲ PHHUXH#➖◑➇⍒#⌹⮟⓶#Forxg⎘⚃⣿#⯧⣪⤳⤆#⡳♑⣅# Ⱉ#⋹⢜➒⮋⬚⣿#⤺❕⣳#⮬⮛#ⓣ⤴⡻#⮞⏆⮙⢃#⥬⟡⎜#⛒ Dssolfdwlrq⣳# ⌋⚅⮙⍅/# ⤄◮# ⎘⡳┗⡻⌬# Vhuylfh▸# ⤼ ⫇#┓◻⒟⒩1 ⍐⮞⣰▸⟿/#⌷⟥⮛#⎘⡳⣅#☸♿⤇#Dssolfdwlrq#⤴♔⎘⡳ KAONSOFT will be a representative company Mobile Appli- ⣰▸#⚅ⓦ⣌⮜#⍀⯡⣳#⋹⦌⍅#⤎⟞⒟⒩1#### cation for businesses recognized by the market world-wide. As Smartphone & Tablet has become popular, and with And, we will be the center of the global market by achiev- cellular network evolving constantly, we are really enter- ing customer satisfaction though proviing best SW products ing the age of mobile world-wide. According to the data of where Mobiloud(Mobile+Cloud) area –based fusion tech- some survey agency, in 2015, the number of workers using nology is applied, and providing best service. All members mobile business system will be over 1.3billion. A solution, of KAONSOFT will become a true professional through pas- developed by KAONSOFT, is a web-based, Mobile Platform sion, creative thinking, and constant effort. With profession- Solution that lets people use various functions of a busi- alism as a foundation we will provide the best value to the ness system (SAP, Oracle, SharePoint, Exchange, etc.,) by employees and society in order to be a company that gives utilizing Mobile Device. Through OSMU (One Source Multi- joy to the interested parties and company’s workers. We ask use), we provide compatibility to various environment for KAONMEDIA’s interest and support and hope you will and convenience, and we also provide additional Cloud journey with us as we strive to climb to the top. . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 ીӄ़#b⤴⤋⢆⍮⣒###Kyung Soo Jung _Assistant Engineer # 㽌PHHUXH㽍⋹#⡂⟡⡂◮#⑃⡪#⤴#❼⍀⤳⣰▸#Hqwhusulvh#Preloh#Vroxwlrq⣿#⎘⥮⤄#⓷#➶#⤎ⓣ▹# ▬⮙⌲⟞⒟⒩1 I will try hard to make MEERUE to become a standard of Enterprise Mobile Solution not just in Asia but globally. ીࣛ൴#b⥬⤋#⢆⍮⣒###Sang Hun Jung _Staff Engineer ⮡❕#▬⮙☯#␋⤋⡴⤄#⚅⤴⮢#␜⋹⒒#⋹⢜⤆⤄#⓵⌲⟞⒟⒩1 I will relentlessly try my best to be a proud Kaon-man. Ԥଔࣷ#b⥬⤋⢆⍮⣒###Jin Sun Kim#_Staff Engineer##### Jrrg#Ghvljq$#.#Jrrg#lghd$#@#Jrrg#exvlqhvv1#⋹⢜#➒⮋⬚⢧#⮞⏆#❺⤝⮙⒒#┞⤒⤄⋹#⓵⌲⟞⒟⒩1 Good Design! + Good idea! =Good Business. I will become a designer who grows together with the KAONSOFT. . $ 2 1 P H G L D .$21 F x o w x u h# NDRQ#&65 Kaon CSR ીऀףઌઅଙ ৩ ܾ ఒ ࣳ ಠ Story Jeongseong Nursing Home concert Ԥ࠾൝ ઌ࣏ಲݼف Bobby Kim HR Team உÑᭁᩍᯕḡӹŁᖁᖁ⦽ၵ௭ᮥ฿ᯕ⦹۵ᨕ۱aᮥႅ ஜ⦹ḡᦫᮡⅩݡᰆᯕࠥ₊⧩݅ܩ ֥ᮭᮝಽᩑᠲ ᮥ๛ᮡᱶᖒיᯙ᮹Ḳᨱᕽ⬥ᬱᯱᯱᬱᅪᔍᯱॅᨱí qᔍ᮹ษᮭᮥᱥ⦹۵ᮭᦦ⫭Ⲱ⮕ⲱₑ ᮹Ⅹݡᰆᯕᨩ݅ܩ ᱶᖒיᯙ᮹ḲᮡᇥݚǍᕾᬕ࠺ᨱ᭥⊹⦽יᯙᱥྙ᧲ᖅಽᕽ ֥ᬵᖅพࡹᨕᙹฯᮡྕ᮹┢יᯙᯕӹיᯙᖒḩ⪹ᯱॅᮥᅕ⪙⧕᪵݅ܩ One autumnal evening, when hot summer has passed and we start to greet cool breezes, an unexpected invitation arrived. It was an invitation to the concert from Jeongseong Nursing Home, with whom we first formed relationship in 2012. It was a concert to thank sponsors and volunteers. ᬑญa᪉ၙॵᨕᨱᕽ֥ࠥĉᬙᮥ᯲ᮝಽ ᅪᔍ࠺⪙⫭ᯙⲰa᪉ᔍӹ௹ⲱᨱᕽЙᵡ⯩ᅪᔍ⪽࠺ᮥḥ⧪⧕᪵݅ܩ ⬥ᬱᯱॅᨱ⦽ݡqᔍ➉ᱥݍᯕҾӹŁ᯲ࡽᮭᦦ⫭ ᨕ۱⧁ᦥქḡ᪡⧁ນܩ᮹ᔕᦥ᪉ᯙᔾᮥ⫭ᔢ⦹໑ᔩಽᬕ⧪ᅖᮥᦥa۵ q࠺ᱢᯙᜅ☁ญෝᮭᦦᮝಽᱥ⧉ݍᮡๅᬑᝁᖁ⧩݅ܩ ⓕ௹aᰍᷩ❾॒ᩍ్ᰆॅᮥᩍ్⬥ᬱ݉ℕॅ᮹ྕݡᨱᕽᱲ⧁ভ ᬑญa᪉ᯙॅࠥₙᩍ⧁ᙹᯩ۵ԁᯕäᮥʑ᧞⧕ᅕᦹ݅ܩ ᝁᖁ⦽aᮥ᮹ᱡ֢Ŗʑ᪡⧉̹a᜕ᮥᱢᮭᦦᯕ⧉̹⦹ᩍ aᮥႅ᮹ᱶ≉ෝྜྷᦍ۱ӥᙹᯩᨩᮭᦦ⫭Ⲱ⮕ⲱₑ ԕ֥ᨱ۵a᪉ၙॵᨕ᮹ᯕᮝಽ⧉̹⧁ᙹᯩ۵ ྕݡaᯩᨩᮝ໕⦹۵ၵ௭᯦݅ܩ . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 2 1 P H G L D Vshfldo#Lqwhuylhz#5 .$ 21 F x o w x u h# ԞीࡂԞԙ Korea Technology Finance Corporation மੋ൴ ԞीࡂԞԙKOTECӘણ Yong Hoon Choi Korea Technology Finance Corporation), Seongnam Hub Technology Appraisal Center Qןടं ࡅઌघґਭതՌ ԞीࡂԞԙਁفനࣳ घґࡘ్دإށڙ Hello, please introduce yourself along with Korea Technology Finance Corporation Q৹ߗݴട१ࣳઔৼَ ਁഗघ֢ڙઌࣛԩৼَઍઊ ઔމدനं Please tell us about any work episode or a memorable experience. Qട३ؘ৵ٻބଔৌކ ѿԪઊࣳࡂ३સඟѿਢ߸ڤৰਁ فഡઌࣛઊ֢੶ࠊ֞ؖऒؘ ӿԙട" We know that you recently moved but we would like to know your impression of KAONMEDIA. QԞౌട१Ӌॱމઊ ઔ੶१ઘ੭݃Ҳࡘ్دإށڙ Is there anything else that you wish to add? . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 ԞीࡂԞԙऀ֪ࡅࡘѿऄౡਁࣳԕߗടӋઔؘமੋ൴Әણدإ A ੌݼԞԙԞीܲઔૻؘघԞ৹ਁفഡ౿നӄૂࠋਁઊࠅടӋୱंऀف ણ࣒ܲٳ৹ࠋӸടԞനࣹټށӖӖԞӚࡘࡅ֪ऀدإѿऄౡ֪ऀؘӠ ਊਁघથഡૻघԞ৹ܾ੶ࣛف৹ߗݴടӋઔ।دإԞीࡂԞԙܲࡂعઊ߸ৢ ഡૻघԞ৹ਁҲઘԙടؘԞઅ৹ߗઊ਼ਁ٩Ӗ३ܲઔؘԞीѿݴ౿നӵ ֳ੭ઍઅԞीѿԞӚ੶ܾࠋ٬ടӋઔ।دإ I’m Yong-Hoon Choi, a manager of SeongnamHeadquarter Evaluation Center of Korea Technology Finance Corporation. We are a public institutionestablished with the purpose of contributing to the economic growth through supporting small and medium sized businesses with technical skills and to discover the industries of next generation that has potential to grow. Seongnam Headquarter Evaluation Center works with small and medium sized business in Seongnam and Gwangju area. Korea Technology Finance Corporation not only supplies fund to businesses with weak security capacity but through technical evaluation, we are stepping upward as the only technology evaluation organization in Korea. A ѿਢ߸ڤৰਁࣳ಄ଓട३࡚ઊ৹ടऋࣳસඟԞԙਁઘԙࣛعਠ३હ ઊઔ।دإԞ৹ஔઅಡളԃઌ़നܾ࣏ࣳࣝ৹൛ട१َܱ࡚ઊৼؘٙಡളԃ ਁԞ৹ஔઅԃઘڝઊѿݴݩനౖࣛઌҧݱӋઌ़ࠊ੶ऋ্ܱࣳݾڙહ ઊઔ।دإԙ࣏৹ઝടӋӆ३ݱҸ A retired KAONMEDIA employee created a new business and came to our institute for financial advice. This person was trying to buy the patent rights of the original company to start a new business; however, he bought it without knowing the creditors of the original company had put provisional attachment on the paten right and we let him know. I don’t know how he is doing in his business though ѿਢ߸ڤৰؘસඟԞԙઊੋടӋઔؘӋҒԞ৹ઊԞ٩ഥدإ A ીࡂ౿३ଔඝԞԙ࣏৹ࠃઊࡻףଊԞ৹ઌѿڢસඟԞԙਁࣳଔരയৼ੶ ؽ१ѿԞܿࡂ$ڢԚઅੌ़ഡԞीܲѿଔԞ৹੶ܾѿࠅټઔ।دإ ࠭ݼઊౡਁࣳބௗؘଓڝ٩ധࣛ൞ԞୱӋࠌ।ઊৰࣳࡂԞ।دإ KAONMEDIA is also our client. We did the information-communication promotion fund supporting, evaluation for Inno-Biz approval for KAON MEDIA and looking back at the record, it was evaluated as a A-level company with excellent technology. Also, I really liked the fact that KOANMEDIA’s employees I ran into in the elevator were always lively and smiling. A ѿਢ߸ڤৰࡾਁڭഡઊૂ3ґਖ਼ી٩ৼٻ।دإ ധࣛരࡃഡ൦࣏ࣥ൞നܾࣳ੶ࠌҲֺ੶Ҹ।دإ It has been about 3 month since I moved into the KOANMEDIA building. I hope that we will always smile and maintain cheerful attitude to make our lives at work happier. . $ 2 1 P H G L D 1DWL RQDO+X PDQ5HVRX UFH'HYHORSPHQW .$21 F x o w x u h# ӵѿઌહઘґࠋ௷घ१৸࣏৹ घґഥدإ National Human Resource Development ןടंѿਢઌਉ࡚ܟ Hello, Members of KAON, ۱ңਉݵઊ֢Ӌৰٕࣷࣷؖഡࠅ܉ӘതՌҺઅߚ The how summer has passed and we are now at the start of ౢਁڝৰࣷҫҎ।دإ the autumn with cool breezes. ઊࠤ࣏ࡂݴ౿നઌ࣏ಲਁؘࣳ°ӵѿઌહઘґࠋ௷घ Through this edition, the Human Resource team would १৸࣏৹(CHAMP)± ҁزඥ घґടӋઘ ഥ دإെથ އ like to introduce Consortium Business for National Hu- ଓણઌڝઊૻघԞ৹ਁࣳઍടӋઔކથଓઘѿߚહઊ man Resource Development (CHAMP). Currently many Ӌஔӆહઌӯ੮൴ܳࠊԞ୶܇ৰܱҫઊെ५دإ people are working for small or medium sized businesses ଓਁ فഡ ಉઘѿ ӎ ൦࣏અ ऀણӘ ҿٻৰ ઔدކ but it’s hard for those employees to receive professional Ԟ৹અણਁࣳ٩ࠅࣃെ৹੶ܾଓڝઅଓ৹ܲ؟ґࠋ and systematic training. And the reality is that it is hard ന १ҁӘ ٫ ಉઘടԞ ୶ ܇ৰܱ ҫઊ ۙ ݳدെ for companies invest time and money for the employee’s ५دإઊਁӵѿਁࣳفؘԞ৹ਁࡻനࣛفહ੶ܾଓ৹ development. Therefore, the Korean government set of ܲ؟ґࠋઊ ৰܱ ૻघԞ৹ ԕܾઘઅ ൴ܳ ൞ऀ൛ ݴന the system where employees from small and medium ਕԞӚ ౿ന ߗݑ़ ਊഢ ़രട٩ܿ ടਉ ઍஔ sized businesses can train for free though an agency in અ ࡻੋࡘ ع৺ઊ ़ҋ३ஓ ܾ੶ކଓߗ ܲ؟ലࣛӯ੮ ࠊ order to increase their capability to perform their duty. ़ ઔ٩ܿ ഡ ૂ٩ѿ ࠅܾ°ӵѿઌહઘґࠋ ௷घ१৸ That system is CHAMP. ࣏৹(CHAMP)±دإ ॕ Ҳ ৬Ԟനࣳ ੌ़ ൴ܳ१ࣹ ણࡻ ڢઘஔܾ ࡂ੭ In other words, it is simply a program that trains employees ഡ Ԟ৹ઊ֢ زஔ فഠઊ ૻघԞ৹ਁ થଓૻઌ ԕܾઘਁ from small or medium sized businesses for free in order to Ҳ ଓߗ ܲ؟ലࣛ൴ܳ ߗૂ ܾݑӖട ؘܾԓܕઊ܅Ӌ increase their capability and it is provided by companies, or- ࡂ१دإٿ ganization, or colleges who owns excellent training facilities ৈܑਁҁزഡਕஔӆ٩ݴघґനݼڙҸ।دإԓހ or equipments. I will introduce the system below. Using the ࡂ१ًॕҲઊനട५ҫҎ।دإ picture below as a reference will help you understand better. ઊऀ൴ ઌ࣏ಲӘણ Scott Lee HR Team െથઘؘ࣏2013ך7ਖ਼ࡘౡઘࡘഀӴ(KETI)Ә Currently, our company signed consortium with KETI (Ko- ௷घ१৸ޜৰ°࡚ܛৡ ITੴഥ१फ़౯ࠃੴࡃഥ࡚ৡ± rea Electronics and Technology Institute) in July 2013, and અӯ੮ӘીOpenടਔӋӴܾ੶ࣛفӯ੮ଔ opened a course called “Strategic IT Fusion System and Areas രടӋઔ।دإ of Fusion and Combination” and starting to train engineers. ৗ੶ܾ3ךҁઘؘ࣏ઘࡘഀӴӘന௷ؽघ१৸ For the next 3 years, though the consortium with KETI, our ౿നߗܾݑଓ৹ܲ؟ലࣛӘી़ڝѿઔ੶ً company can receive training in improving work skill for free. ֢ৈѿ ઘ࣏ਁ ಡ൛ ټӯ੮Әી(Linux, Kernel, WiFi ڢ Furthermore, we will be able to create specialized training pro- ڝކৰઘ࣏ز٪ӯ੮ଔരഢ़٩ઔ।دإ gram (Linux, Kernel, WiFi, etc) and conduct our own training. ѿ ਢઌਉ࡚ܟ Dear members of KAONMEDIA! ԙੌਁݼҲചഡҫെ५ਁفഡކӘࡂؘدѿ I believe that we need now is thequalification and ability to ਢ߸ڤৰઅ߸़ܑࡆݴઔؘઘһӘܲ؟Ҍஷؘҫઊࣥ܅ look into the future of KAONMEDIA, rather than setting for ҀഥدإઘࡘഀӴӘଔരടؘ°ӵѿઌહઘґࠋ௷घ where we are and complaining. I hope that we will have that १৸࣏৹±౿നੌݼѿਢઌઊԓܟഡઘһӘܲ؟Ҍ़ qualification and ability though CHAM with KETI. ઔৼ੶Ҹ।ंدإӆહ੶ܾ੭ഡઙѿܾࠢಠԓݾ World-renowned author Robert Greene, in his book Mastery, ԓઅ३ઙ°ބफ़ౡݼઅࠩ±ਁࣳઘԞґࠋઅૻऀৈܑਭ expressed the importance of self development as below: Ҏઊെയ।دإ . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 ²ഡ࡚ৡਁࣳشઌઊؘٻٙ 1ކ१ҁઊചടӋބ “It takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in one area, and फ़ౡѿ ؘٻٙ 2 ކ१ҁઅ ़ܳઊ ചട د३ઊ ֳ ݾ 20,000 hours of training to be a master. There is no born-geni- થؘ৺دӴ֢ԓ࡚ৡݴৈ 2ކ१ҁઅ़ܳԞݴң us. Anyone who finds an area and goes though 20,000 hours ௗԓ࡚ৡઅથѿدټ³܅Ӌމഥدإ of training becomes the master in that area.” Әੌؘݼઘ३અܲ؟ന৵އ֢ބ१ҁಉ I hope we ask ourselves how much time we are investing for ઘടӋઔؘ٭ٻৈࡂҸ।دإ developing our skills. . $ 2 1 P H G L D K AO N Endorphin Hopes and dreams of backpacking ㏵ ㏶ ৈ߸࣒ਉരടৌӋؘࣳ ࣏ऀ੭܉യމدഢ़৺د ടஓݴڂਉരടҲٻಹݴدઘࡆ़ѿઔ।دإ ஓࠢࣳਁڂफ़ܾ3१ҁѿ֣࣒ઊؘ܅٩१ѿઔؘٙਉԞਁ ंفؘ࣒֣ӆߚ൛੭࣒ઌৈ߸࣒ઊઔ੶ৈ߸࣒ӘӚܳന ؘࣳ੭ഡԗԉ٩ઔ।دإ ²ৈ߸࣒ਉരടৌӋؘ࣏ࣳऀ੭܉യމدഢ़৺د³ ބૻܾ੶ޅӄѿݸҋӘણҋઊ֢ކ৩ҋઊࣛݟനԪ ܟѿؘৈ੭ഡӕدإ ̆wiki ѿ֢ۂӋॱӆ ոӘඟޏઅࠔ֮ਉര Hopes and dreams of backpacking மથPlanningಲӘણ Justin Choi Planning Team ڂҋઊؘ֢ކઽઌߚਁࣳࠅࡅ܅৩ҋൠൔതԓઘ ஔدإඩڛઍઊઔڹઊӕਁѿࣳ৩ҋઅࠅސ܉Ӌ ৰݾ१Ӵ֢ഡࠤৰࡍ²80ઍҁઅंӆઍ³ؘ܅ ৩ҋ੭܉ടؘ੭ࣷ܉અ൛ܱഡࡂࣳޔഡચ Әܾࠔੌ4࡚ઊ੭ކفܤӕӕਉരടઍࣛਁஜ१ ടӋ֢ԓ֧અഗܾѿॳѿ५ી٩ܾൠൔഥدإ ҁਁୋҺࠔ֮ਉര़҃৺ਁڝ܉ؘ࣏Ҳކݼف१ఇ Ӌઔؘ²գࡂدഢࠔ³ؘ܅TV ܾԓܕઊઔ।دإ ࣏ࠒਁңഢڹԞৱਁؘ֪ઍࣛࣥ൞ܾૻؘӄઅਉݵ ઊԞৱടӋઊTVܾԓَৼ઼ࣳࡂܕԓ१ۂ ਢ٩ѿ40~45٩Ԫਣ܅ѿؘٙ42٩ઊࣛઊٻଙਁࣳৈߗ ਣݼ१ڝؘ࡚ઊ੶އ५ҫҎ।دإ ٩֢ਠ٩ৌӋԓ֧ԕടৌৈ٩ৈߗ٩ߥ܅Ӌടؘ સ٩2003ךਉݵ200ކઅહ٫੶ܾ30ઍҁ੭֮ࠔܤਉര ࣏܉ઊ৺ؘدҪدإ טدਢહઊઔ।ؽدإ१ਁؘԓܡਉര٫ކ܉࣏އઅ ടҲ٩TV൛ਠݳୄࣛਁزԓޒҲԓ֧અԞਢઊ१ ੭ߜܾਉӃৼކ५ૂഡࠤטدਭࡂإਉരઊؘ܅ҫ٫ ѿٻৰઔৰਉ֧ݵৈਁؘധࣛTVݴఇࣳਢ٩ݴ൜ઌടؘଔ ઊৈੋ܅إԞਭ५ઊؘ܅ҫԶش।دإ ഃӄઊࠦৰଙدإ ੭ܤਉര൲ૻӵਁࣳઅ5ךҁથࣥ൞ٳԙઍસކי ԓݼӋ१ࡻѿ֣સܵടਉڝ܉࣏އઊ१ݴੋടؘٙ ࡻ ٻരԞౌ ݴӋ ૻӵ ӕӕ ൔܾ ࠔ֮ ട֢ਁ અഡ ٭ १ીݩણઊܾگ৺ৰࣳࣳ१ౌݴৌӋࣝௗԞدؘ ৈৼמد।دإ ࠉ࣏ઊ१ֳਁࣳ१ࡽܱౌݴ१ѿਠؘധࣛଙૻ घґݼڙӋॱӕׂߗ֢އކѿણઌࣛԩৼӋ՚ഡࠤد१ ടӋઔৰৡҺੌ१़ݴѿઔ।دإ ѿӋॱӕૻӵ࣏અஓૻ࣒֣ڂӄघґدإށڙ ઍࣛࣥ൞અѿણૻഡޢңݼ ૻӵઅ֪ࣳࡘਁௗഡ࣏ࠒӋ࡚৲ٌڢઊࡃഥહ ࣏ࠒӠٳࠒӘ୳ބѿܾޢңݼઅӵدإ ੶ܾൌऀٻৰઔ੶ࣳୄ੶ؘܾ੭ഡ֪ॲ܅ୄ੶ؘܾథࠂ ѿһ٩ੌޓસܵട८ךҁԓӵߜԓܾفশدӋ٩্ ࡙ୄ੶ܾ܇ؘસੌڢઊௗനઔӋਉരઘૻӵஔਁࣳ ܱଔࣦࡴࣦࡴൺԁଙഡଙҥׂഡଙઊઔી٩ܾفહઌ ٩࡙ࣳӄૂௗӋ1ݴୱടӋઔंؘӆߚ൛੭࣒ਉര ݼدإ ఐफ़ܾઝ্ܱଔӕدإ . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 ࣗӵઅ٩१ܾ੭ഡஓ҃ૂؘਁڂӖ३࣏ؽઌߗ൲࣏ಹ ਉڝ࡚ܟ٩ৗ੶ܾ१ҁઊ࣏ڹٽࠒਉരട३فد دઅࣳ२ஓऀ࣒ंӆமઅ़ݼ१ࣹઌ٩ҋ৲ઊઔ।دإԓ ൲൦ട१ؘৌ੶५ң܅Ӌ҆ඥݼڙމҁܛഡघґބௗ ݼӋंӆહઌඟԉ੶ܾ੭ഡઘઊ৲ಠೄًࣳ२ܾ٩੭ ٩ܿടҸ।دإ . $ 2 1 P H G L D K AO N Endorphin Benefit of Vegetarian diet ৰೂؘݩӢ୴ৌ֢ ࣳനઅௗઠઊധӴݙدݴഡTVدహޮౡݼѿઔৼ।دإௗݴ ԓߜਁࣳێৰֳܱࣳௗઅચനѿധӴࠅॻਁࠄددإԓ ҫઊ़߸ౡॻݴਉআৰѿӋઔ।دإ ܾ࣏֢ࣝކڝ܉ӋࠐҎઊޢҲٻഗഢ़৺ؘસਁف ഡघґدإ ԓݼӋࣥࣷਁ़ڢઅਠਐߜଖઊஸહؘٻٙਠਐઊ৺্ؘܑफ़ ਁࣳઠටࣥࣷਁࣳ٩ࣛؽഡ৩ઊҩدټഥدإઍࡅӘੌ܅֢ݼ અݼޡਁ़ࣳއدࡂ܅֢ݳدઊҩدټഥدإ २ടؘઊ੭ؘਉܟѿѿઔ।دإӯҥҋ൝ӄڢ घਭٹކؘޢPolloੌ੭شҝࣥࣷԪؘޢކPesco ੮ݩৰೂੌݩ੭شҝؘޢVeganࣥ२ކടؘRawӘ ઍؘޢކFruitarianدڢڢ৩ഡӴ࡚ઊઔ।دإઊѿٙࣳ સؘਯ२ઌVeganدإ It is my introduction that is unavoidable when I meet new people and dine with them. Among vegetarian, I’m a vegan, a vegetarian ੭ૂഀ" ਠੌؙ֧੭٩ਞ֧࣏ڝ܉ઊੌَޢ੭ѿৈدإثധࣥૂ֢߁ݱ ੌ੭އ ݴઊ ࣒ࣥ१ౄ ؘணଔૂਁ فഡ ܅ًڂ ܇ץ٩ ਙਁ ۴ৰޢӋଡੌ੭ਭਠ࣒ࣥܞفؙ֧നਡ़़࣏ޢݴݑਉࣳ ֢ਢੌ੭ؘҎҫઊৈًدإثઘंഡҫ୶ઘݴݑৈࡂऒ ੶ഥૂدإഡټ੶ܾ with stricter diet. २৲ૂࡘౡ २અԞৱ 2001਼ ךӵ ણ 1ઍ Ҳ ҃ ઍઊ ઔৼ। دإસ ؘણઊ ਙߺ ࣒৹൛ ઊކന٩ ӋԞѿ ඕട ৌৈ ࣛ१ਃ ޢԞ ৰܱੜԞਁ ৰ ഥدإਉരѿ2-3ઍણઊௗৌৈ1ઍઊ֢ৰۍҲࠢಱ ହ ़ ৺ઊ २ ടਔ। دإԓݼӋ ӯઅ ਕല੶ܾ २અ ਕല ԪҤીઊৼٻ।دإҲدѿ਼ӵਢ౿ӋԞ२ࢻઍңߗؘ܅ ઊ֪ৈઔ।دإ २ഡ୲Ҁടਔ।دإӋԞޢކӋؘӧܾ֢֧ઊٽңؘ܅Ҥ ԓܡٙੌࣳਁ܅֢ݼԚһඥઘࡅઅѿࠋٻӋघښઅലࣛӘ҈ઊ ીਁ°ԓܣ२ഡدടߥa±ടࣳߗؘҿ७ടҲدإٿઊܨ ॲࣳ܉࣏އઊ੮२ടҲৼٻ।ޢ߆݀ߜدإӋ߆َࣔ१ ҲزाടҲҥҋਐܱܾ१ઙഡҫઊԓڎઅࣖৰۍҲࠅն߸ ਃࠕزଖࠒӖԚടԞനӋԞؘޢݴҫઊҥҋਁҫ ߂܌।دإ دإടކԙ֢ਕ৩ઊߚૂѿٻӋઔ੶ܾ੶࣒ࣥܞف ઌഡ൝ӄӘ२અਠਐߚૂԪࣥҀടӘ੮२ӆङഢ़ઔ २ട܉ؘ࣏ Benefit of Vegetarian diet ୶࣏ઊಠઘݑ www.veg.or.kr २ઑӚܳઘݑીࡂѿઔد २ݼӘ࣏ઊಠ٩ઔ www.vegedoctor.net અ࣏ڝઊڛކ२࣏ઊಠ www.johnrobbins.info ࠭फ़ెࡽ܅फ़અछઘઌܾࡽफ़અൖೖઊ ࣛङ೩ԞടӋ२൝ӄٳടӋઔدਗԓઅ ਸ਼२ടؘѿ ઍز२ഡدӋމടӋ֢ઘ࣏ਁڝ܉Ҳਸ਼२ടؘଖߚࠊҲ ֢ടَߜؘҲഥدإ २د৩ऀઅઌી ٻӋԓਁفഡغടӚܳټીࡂڝҲৼٻ।ૻدإഡं ѿدؘӘҎ।دإ ࣥߜઅد৩ऀઊౖࣥӆઅҥҋത֢ౌֳڡઊߚ൛અد৩ऀԓ ޣޕસઊ੭ؘҥҋدإҥҋനࣷӋԞޢݴৰৡഡؘدҫઊ ࣏൦અҥҋതࡂਉૹدإઊؘઘӘӄૂ൝ӄઅ࠹൛ਁفഢ ࡂ౿ࣛ२ઊކਠݼੌؙ֧ѿؘޢӋԞؘਞ֧࣏ڝ܉ઊَޢӋԞਭ ़ઔؘඩઊٽҫدإ ҎӋԞѿৈގدإثҲടԞനރࡷބടৣࠒކ ࡂڝ܉࣏ އ دઊ २ ઊനടӋ ५ടҲ ٻҸ।دإԞ ࣳڝ೩൛ࠒӘఓܩफ़౫֢݁ௗҲޢҲدټഥކࡻدإӘ ࡅ२ઊӋऍ੶ܾӋԞݴஷѿടҲടؘ२੶ؘܾҫࡂًد ޔٳӄ൛ӋേڢઅઌઌؘٻҫدإԓݼӋ࣏੮ӘѿӖӘી ടؘҲॐੌܾ߳ અധࣥૂ֢܇ץ߁ݱ٩ઔ।دإ ֙੶ܾ२ઊৗ੶ܾੌ࣏ݼ൦ݴઊ֒ৰ֢҃൵ݰഡߚ൛ѿ܅ݼٻ ԓ د൝ӄ ߚૂ دإमӋԞ 1Kg ࣒ࣥਁ ڝৰѿ ؘӌߜ 7Kg ൜३ടਉ࡚ܟ٩ԓਁതՌടԢࠅ܅Ҹ।دإ ઊ10ݼކౡઅߜઊചടدӋഥंدإӆӌߜ࣒ࣥܞઅ40%ݴ ણથઋ:L)Lґࠋಲઑ Jae Ik Chang WiFi Team ѿஸ࣏ܾ੶ੋݑশدӋഥدإઊܟഡ࣏࣒ࣥݑനࣴ੭ѿ࣏ੋ ٻӋઔ।ࣴدإ੭ѿӋ҃ٻԙ܉࣏އܣઊॵ҈੶ܾ੮२ ഢ़ઔԪ"ԙ٩࣏҈ݑઊਣ࣏܅੮೩ԞടؘѿݴTV ਁࣳࡆ़ઔ।دإ ۙഡઊ࣒൛घܾ੶دӴਢ֥൛ਁԞਉടؘҫઊެઌٙઊ ࣒൛घઅ24ࠔਁشടؘਢ५൭ӘفڝކݴԞૻ٩٩ർূࢉ ࣛݼ०१ెدӋഥ߸دإ൝ӄࡂஓਁंݱگӆفԞૻઌ ҁઊڝކৰֵެѿफ़અ25%ؘஸ৹੶ܾڝކৰଔҫઊ܅ഥدإ ބߜٳܾ੶ޅચടҲݗدৌԞനࣳدإઊઋഡف ࣒ࣥܞӘીਁࣳ߄ڝߜٳઅઍࡘ࡚ઊઝܱଔ࣏੮ٻસ࡚ഡ ൝ӄਁࣳफ़ಠܩफ़੶ࠊݴֳࣥৡഥدࡂدإઘंഡֳੋ ઌౡ‘ࣳਁוMeet your meat’ٳؘ܅ਕࣛҩࣞനࣳࡂ१Ԣࡻѿৢ ഡ࡚ඩ़ڝઔ।دإ . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 २१ઙTip 1 ॐҫࡘౡਃӋԞޢކৌؘҫ੶ܾ१ઙઋऽന ട֢ুؙܱҁد५ઊૻഡ२ਁࣳӋԞݴӋݴݼ ന٩़ֶގઔد 2 فஔഢ़ઔؘҫৈࠅճԞ੮فݩ३ੌࡘڂ੭ف३ڂ੭ ੮़٩ࠢࣾد१ބ৩ಶܾގઔҲ़ڝކઔد 3 २ѿ؟२دؘؽ२ஔઌઽઌLovinghut࣏୵ݼ ઽफ़ބಠ೫२२ؽҩࣞappઊ֢ઌౡוҩࣞ੶ܾ ़ઔد 4 २ѿݴؐެ؟Ӌ੮ݴݩӋߚࡻࢀࠐشҝӋԞ Ӌగӵ़ುӵ़ڢҁଟણ٩ૻӵ२ؘࣳؽӋԞ Ӌڝކৰد . $ 2 1 P H G L D K AO N Endorphin Fall, season of reading ऀӖടؘԞ৹ڝઅ8ѿ।Ӛ Built to last સؘઊાയڹजଓඥ౹ԪӋܱڂઊৗࣿ। ܾ࠺دإӋॱৌүਁૂ٩ֳѿਉౖৰ َڝӘ֞ؖݳدؘਸઊനടԞඩڛӄૂੋৰڝઊ ࡻഢҫҎઊ܅ਃৰ୨֢Ҥીઊৗؘࣿٙઅ਼ܾ ୶થ߸ઔҲৼ।دإ ࣔࣳഡࠤڝৰࡍࠩഡԞ৹ڝઊݵӘԓਁֳࡘહઌ Ӵࡻ़্ڢઔؘԞ൦ѿৼٻӋࣛؽඥࠔઽઊއ Ԟਁਉ࡚ܟՌઊघґടӋઘഥدإ To be honest, I was dreading when I first saw the book. Because the book had the dull front cover, title that was unfamiliar compared to books I’ve been reading, and it seemed to contain economic words that are hard to understand, I wondered how I would read it at first. However, to my surprise, I enjoyed it. I would like to introduce this book to you because it was an opportunity to find out about the name, inner system, and visions of the companies that are familiar to most people and because there is a lot to learn. ઊઅૻഡֳੋ4ѿدإ 1 १ҁ্ܱ܉ؘ࣏ઊৈ܅إ 2 °ԓݼӋ±ؘ܅ਉ३ࠊৈڝਉ܅ १ӆڝކݴৰ܉ؘ࣏ଋҥஸѿѿ܅ٻ ؘѿ ৈઊڤৰട֢ܾ੶ކԞ৹੭़ٽ৺।دإৈߗ۫ݼৰ֥ އԞ৹ઊ°ৈإ±અതીਁࢆدإڠ Fall, season of reading ৈઊڤৰ܅٩ ৲ૄѿ ֨ ؘҫઊ ٻңԞਁ ކઅട ൦࣏ ਙڝݴഀଖലࣛৈ(إor)ࡻੋ҆ઊܡ२ઊ૮°ԓݼӋ± ׂߗؘҲٻৰઔԞܳބઊ૮ৈઊڤৰട֢ਁެؘҫઊৈ فݴനࡂഀଖലࣛԓݼӋࡻੋ҆৩ઘઍઅाҁઊৈ ܅إ৲ૂ ڛ१ҁৈઊڤৰ ൜ઌഢ ़ ઔ ؘ१ӆࡻԞ৹ݴ ܅إԓ ڛҫ ઊ ़ ݚઔؘ°ԓݼӋ± ؘ܅ਉ३ ࠊৈڝઊ ڝކৰৡഥدإ ؘҫઊૻടҸ।دإ ҋऀੌӴޓԞ൧ಲӘણ Seong Woo Kang Purchase Planning Team 3 ഩ७ࡂടӋࠋઘԔട܅ 4 ઍӚऀઔؘ৵܅ઌޣಠݴஷӴട܅ અ१ઙࡘౡഡҿҎઊҋടَҫઊࠅܾઊഩ७دإ ৵܅ઌޣಠ܇൦࣏અഩ७ઊऀشࠃלടӋઘടࠋؘଋࡻ ഩ७ ઊלઊ މ ܇൦࣏ѿ ৰࣛ ۄൠਁ ࡘذஜ ઔ ڹ٩ ࠹ട ടਁࣳ൦࣏અڛघѿതՌ൛ݴઊݗৰଓઊӋઔؘ ৌҋܲഡஎഠઊࡻԞ৹ڝ100ਁךѿԪԞҁٳ ҫઅ߸ഥدإଋऀӖടؘԞ৹અ8ѿ।Ӛઊࡻ܇Ԟ৹ઊ ԓҫઐৌԞਁࣥഢ़ઔৼ।ࠋدإઘԔട܅ ٻԞഡ8زӆઅӆزઊৈ܅إઊڛघѿٳ१ਁહഡ ؘ۸१فઅඓݵઅ࠹൛ਁސஷৰ֑ઑ৺ઊ࠹൛ടӋ٩ട ൛ݴઊࣥڹৼݗഡؘدઅ߸دإ ؘ܅અ߸عݴӋઔ૮৵ഝࡂઊڂѿґؘٻࠉࣛלҫ Built to last ࡂܣઊކഩ७ઊ਼ૂלഡڛҫࠅնҀਠѿചഥ دإԞ৹࣏ڝણٽৈઊڤৰگਁଙ୲ഢҫઊৈ܅إഩ७ ઊלౄӋ൦࣏ݴౄԞനࣷӆङടਉࠋനৡഥدإ ਉڝ࡚ܟઊԗӋৰࣥۄҀടҲ"֢ৼٻઊԗહ੶ࣳد१ഡࠤԩઊࣥҀനࡂ।دإ ଔ७Әऀ७دഡدӋടؘ֢ކെથৰۄ৹ߗਭৰۄઘंܾઑടӋઔؘ"Ӌਉઔߜؘܣીஔټҫৈا" ࣝ݃ҲًࠋടԞടਉܲףҲݼടؘৌؘ"ৰૂਭਠؙԓݼӋֳઍৰۍҲࡂֺӋࡻടӋઔؘ" ઊԗڝ࡚ڛ٩સਭҎࣥҀയҫઊ܅Ԟفഥدإ ਉࡻܟોԞ৹ઊஷӴയَҫݼੌܣѿਢઌڂѿ۫ৰً֥ݼѿٻৰܾࣝৈઊڤৰݴടਉѿਢઊѿӋઔؘ ഩ७Әઊࡂלഡدৗ੶ܾ००ણӴടࡻؘોԞ৹ઍݩԞ৹੶ܾऀીനѿؘѿਢ߸ڤৰѿٻৌԪસؘ൜३ഥدإ . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 2 1 P H G L D K AO N Endorphin Sound of guitar in fall ןടंѿਢઌਉ࡚ܟ સૂؘഀߜݩಶಠઅઊી࣏دإѿސৈѿਁৰؘݼ߸ઌ°౿Ԟౌࠔ ѿਃԞౌઅܑףघݼ ੌԞ±ݴघґടӋઘഥؘٻࡃࠉدإઍࣛਁௗң֢ܾࣝҫࠔࡂӋॱڹԞ ౿ԞౌࠔੌԞ ۙഡઙךઊڹތѿࡘౡ°౿ԞౌࠔੌԞ±ݴ१ઙയԞਁৈଓࡂ़ઊކѿ Sound of guitar in fall ࠔݴࡅدࣥ߸ܾࣳऀ҆٩ڝӋӢ୴߸ѿৈبԪടؘࣥҀઊدإڠસ ઙ٩ઊٻৰݼڙӋॱ।دإ How do you do, everyone in Kaon? I am Jung-Eun Lee, a staff in product distribution part. As we get in to fall, I would like to introduce “learning how to play a guitar”, a hobby that is befitting autumn. When you are tired of tedious schedule or wanting to learn something new, learning an instrument could give a sense of accomplishment as a lifelong hobby and I believe it would be a good hobby to have. Ԟౌࠩࠒؘੌࠔݴਉܟѿѿઔކԓૻਁࣳ٩ഠઊ֢ٳ൦ڢઊੋടؘ ҫઊ५ܲઊࢉࠩࠒؘؖݼدإસٳؘ൦ݴઊੋനԞౌࠔݴੜؘٙد৩ഡ࣏ڝ܉ ़֧ކઔӋીԞઑڢ౿നߗࣳਁفӖഢԞ൦ѿৰԞਁߚڹݗടৌҲࠔ ़ઔ।دإસۙഡࡂહઌ़ઑਁ٩Ҏ५ܲઅӴڝӘടؘӌ।നࣳߗ ઊીૂഀߜݩಶಠ࣏ ࣳਁفݴടҲټહઊઔؘٙߗܸۅކԙਁ٩ಡ࠺ഡԞৱ੶ܾ֪ৈઔ।دإ Jung Eun Lee Logistic part ౿Ԟౌ܅ӋടؖݼޤՒކઽઽ߸ܾԞؘੌࠔݴଓણઌڝઊؙӋઔؘ ҫҎ।دإൖऴഞਁࣳ٩ԞౌݴӴഢ़ઔӋઌౡࣳਁו٩ࡂࠃઘݴݑॕҲ৴ ़ઔًؘઊࣛԞࠔੌԞޅؘടކৌҫҎ।دإ ਣѿܾࣝ߸ܾ°౿ԞౌࠔੌԞ±ݴ१ઙടؘҥৰۂ३ѿ"" . $ 2 1 201 3. 10 . $ 2 1 P H G L D
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