glengarry regional water supply township of north glengarry natural
glengarry regional water supply township of north glengarry natural
GLENGARRY REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY TOWNSHIP OF NORTH GLENGARRY NATURAL ENVIRONMENT-EXISTING CONDITIONS REPORT PREFERRED ALIGNMENT Prepared for: CH2M Hill Canada Limited Submitted by: Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. PN 12-069 April 2013 April 10, 2013 PN 12-069 CH2M HILL 1101 Prince of Wales Dr., Suite 330 Ottawa, ON K2C 3W7 Attention: André Bourque, P.Eng. Project Manager Project: Glengarry Regional Water Supply Township of North Glengarry Natural Environment-Existing Conditions Report Preferred Alignment Dear Mr. Bourque, We are pleased to submit our final existing conditions report for the Glengarry Regional Water Supply. The report summarizes the findings from our fall 2012 biological inventories including Species At Risk and fisheries. The report is the second phase of our study that examined the entire length of the alignment from Cornwall to Alexandria, Maxville and Martintown. A previous report was submitted regarding the alternative water treatment and storage options in Maxville and Martintown. If there are any comments on our findings, please contact us. Sincerely, Chris Ellingwood President and Sr. Terrestrial and Wetland Biologist 55 Mary Street West, Suite 112, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5Z6 e-mail: Tel: (705) 878-9399 Fax: (705) 878-9390 Website: Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The following NEA staff contributed to this project: Project Co-ordinator: Chris Ellingwood, Sr. Terrestrial and Wetland Biologist Authors: Chris Ellingwood Katherine Ryan, Terrestrial and Wetland Biologist Amanda Smith, Fisheries Biologist Stacey Zwiers, Fisheries Technologist Field Crew: Chris Ellingwood Amanda Smith, Fisheries Biologist Katherine Ryan, Terrestrial and Wetland Biologist Stacey Zwiers, Fisheries Technologist Graphics: Will Pridham, GIS and Graphics Specialist Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. ii PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Letter ...................................................................................................................................................... i Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................................................... ii Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................ iii 1.0 2.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background.................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Study Area ...................................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 General Description of Natural Environment .................................................................. 3 Methodology .............................................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 General Approach........................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Detailed Study Methods ............................................................................................................ 6 2.2.1 Vegetation................................................................................................................................. 6 2.2.2 Birds and Other Wildlife ..................................................................................................... 6 2.2.3 Fisheries .................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2.4 Linkages and Corridors ....................................................................................................... 7 3.0 Key Natural Features .............................................................................................................................. 8 3.1 Wetlands ......................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1.1 Summerstown Swamp Provincially Significant Wetland....................................... 8 3.1.2 Beaudette Swamp Provincially Significant Wetland ................................................ 9 3.1.3 Loch Garry Complex Provincially Significant Wetland ........................................... 9 3.1.4 Highway 43 Swamp Provincially Significant Wetland ......................................... 10 3.1.5 Non-Provincially Significant Raisin River North Branch Wetland (Treated as Significant) ............................................................................................................................ 10 3.1.6 Non-Provincially Significant Maxville Swamp ........................................................ 11 3.1.7 Non-Provincially Significant Junction Swamp......................................................... 11 3.1.8 Non-Provincially Significant Four Corners Wetland ............................................ 11 3.2 Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSIs) .......................................................... 11 3.3 Watercourses/ Fish Habitat ................................................................................................. 12 3.4 Woodlands .................................................................................................................................. 12 Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. iii PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 3.5 Deer Yards ................................................................................................................................... 12 3.6 Significant Wildlife Habitat (Great Blue Heron Colony)............................................ 12 3.7 Federal and Provincial Species At Risk ............................................................................ 12 3.7.1 Birds ......................................................................................................................................... 12 3.7.2 Other Wildlife and Vegetation ....................................................................................... 14 3.7.3 Significant Vegetation Communities ........................................................................... 17 3.8 Regionally Significant Species ............................................................................................. 17 4.0 Key Natural Features - Alternate Route ....................................................................................... 18 5.0 Resource Inventory .............................................................................................................................. 19 5.1 Birds .............................................................................................................................................. 19 5.2 Other Wildlife............................................................................................................................. 19 5.3 Vegetation ................................................................................................................................... 19 5.4 Fisheries and Fish Habitat .................................................................................................... 20 5.4.1 Fish Habitat ........................................................................................................................... 20 5.4.2 Historical Fish Data............................................................................................................ 20 5.4.3 Observed Fish Species ...................................................................................................... 23 5.5 Water Quality ............................................................................................................................. 23 6.0 Watercourse Crossing Impacts and Recommendations ........................................................ 24 7.0 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................. 24 8.0 References ............................................................................................................................................... 26 Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. iv PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Location descriptions and information included in NEA Existing Conditions Report, dated Oct 11, 2012 (Appendix B). 2 Table 2. Breeding Bird Atlas data Species at Risk and the potential for habitat in the study area or species observed. 13 Table 3. NHIC data and Species at Risk found within the NHIC square and whether the species was observed and/or the habitat was present. 15 Table 4. Alternate Route Valued Ecosystem Components observed via Desktop Review 18 Table 5. Summary table of identified valued ecosystem components at all surveyed watercourse crossings. 21 Table 6. Summary of Fish Species Historically Captured within Beaudette River, Raisin River & Riviere Delisle. 22 Table 7. Water quality parameter and results. 24 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Study Area............................................................................................................................................. 4 Figures 2A-2R: Study Site Natural Heritage Features ......................................................................... 28 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix I: Watercourse Crossing Site Assessments Appendix II: Project Bird Species and Breeding Status List Appendix III: Plant Species Appendix IV: Water Quality Results Appendix V: Impacts and Recommendations for Crossings with Valued Ecosystem Components Appendix VI: Photodocumentation Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. v PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 GLENGARRY REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY TOWNSHIP OF NORTH GLENGARRY NATURAL ENVIRONMENT-EXISTING CONDITIONS REPORT PREFERRED ALIGNMENT 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. (NEA) was retained by CH2M Hill Canada Limited to prepare the Natural Environment Component of an Environmental Assessment Report for the Township of South Glengarry for the proposed construction of the following: Water storage tanks; Water booster pumping stations; Transmission lines passing through Martintown, Apple Hill and Dominionville carrying water to Maxville and Alexandria; Construction of a storage reservoir to provide fire protection and emergency storage in Maxville; Water distribution system in Maxville; Connection to the existing Alexandria water treatment plant which is to be converted to a high lift pumping station. Overall Water supply system from Cornwall north This report is the second phase of our study and will examine the natural features and/or species at risk that may be impacted by the development and ways to mitigate potential negative impacts. The study area for this report was a distance of 100 metres either side of the preferred route for the Glengarry Regional Water Supply Project as outlined in the mapping accompanying the CH2MHILL Environmental Assessment Report. This document was written to accompany the NEA report, Existing Conditions Report Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 1 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 completed, dated Oct 11, 2012 (NEA, 2012). The Existing Conditions report focused on four (4) main components of the proposed water supply project occurring in four locations within the study area, Cashion Road, Martintown and Maxville. The Existing Conditions Report (NEA 2012) has been included as Appendix I to this report for ease of reading. The location descriptions and scope of information collected and included with the report have been summarized in Table 1. Table 1. Location descriptions and information included in NEA Existing Conditions Report, dated Oct 11, 2012 (Appendix B). Location 1. Maxville Elevated Storage Tank Sites Task Water Undertake a natural environment assessment at each of the three (3) alternate sites being considered for the water storage tank (Figure 2 & 3). 2. Martintown Water Booster Undertake a natural environment assessment at each Pumping Station Sites* of the two (2) alternate sites being considered for the booster pumping station (Figure 4). 3. Transmission Main Crossing of Undertake a natural environment assessment of the the Raisin River in Martintown* Raisin River at the proposed transmission main crossing location in Martintown (note that the transmission main will be installed by directional drilling, not open cut). The objective is to perform a preliminary desktop review to determine if there are any sensitive aquatic species that would be vulnerable to an uncontrolled release (“frac out”) of drilling mud into the river (Figure 4). 4. Transmission Main Route on Undertake a natural environment assessment along the Cashion Road proposed transmission main route on the 2km long section of Cashion Road, from Glen Road to Street Road. Refer to Figure 3. This section of road is unmaintained and may need to be upgraded (which may include widening) to accommodate the transmission main routing along the road shoulder (Figure 5). Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 2 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 *Note: Location 2 and 3 will be described together as they are located in proximity to each other. Figure #’s correspond to NEA 2012, report figures. 1.2 Study Area The study area for this project extends from the northern limits of Cornwall, through Martintown, Apple Hill and extending to Maxville and Alexandria, totaling approximately 44km of road length. The transmission line will be located within the road allowance throughout the entire study area. Therefore, field investigations focused on the immediate environmental features within 100m of the road allowance along the length of the routing. The main natural features investigated within the study area included watercourses, wetlands, woodlands and potential Species at Risk habitat. 1.3 General Description of Natural Environment The study area is located primarily within rural areas north of Cornwall. The study area contains several ecosystems and natural area types such as watercourses, wetlands, young and mature woodlands, open fields and meadows and manicured and maintained open spaces (urban park). Five watersheds are present within the study area. The main natural environmental features found during field investigations within the study were: Four (4) Provincially Significant Wetlands (Summerstown Swamp, Beaudette River Swamp, Loch Garry Marsh, Highway 43 Swamp); Four (4) evaluated non-significant wetlands (classified as “Other”) (Raisin River North Branch and Maxville Swamp, Four corners wetland and Junction Swamp)(Raisin River North) treated as significant due to Species at Risk; One (1) deer wintering yard; Thirty-eight (38) watercourse crossings; Twenty-four (24) woodlot crossings; Significant Wildlife Habitat: Blue Heron Colony and Critical habitat- Special Concern Species Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 3 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply 2.0 Methodology 2.1 General Approach Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Our approach to preparation of the existing conditions report consisted of three distinct phases. In the first phase, we collected available information on the entire water line routing, including the most recent air photography available, key natural features GIS mapping, wetland mapping and Official plan schedules. Other information that is readily available on the site included key natural heritage features on the MNR GIS mapping; Natural Heritage Information Centre database; and other correspondence or files. In addition to information available from MNR and the municipality, several additional sources were reviewed to complete the literature review. These sources included the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas data (both Cadman, 1987 and 2001-2005 field data), the National Heritage Information Centre, Ontario Herpetofaunal Atlas (Oldham & Weller, 2000) , Ontario Mammal Atlas (Dobbyn, 1994) and the Royal Ontario Museum. The second phase consisted of site visits by our terrestrial/wetland and fisheries biologists to confirm the data collected in the literature review and collect additional information on species presence including vegetation, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians and mammal use. Vegetation information included dominant communities using Ecological Land Classification (ELC), regeneration and disturbance. All communities within the options for proposed development were visited and boundaries of the outer edge, interior habitat, vernal pools, ephemeral channels, wetlands and wildlife documented. All features and boundaries were marked with a GPS unit to ensure accurate mapping of boundaries. Wetland features were delineated following the methodologies of the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (MNR, Third Edition manual, 1993 and updates). The presence of Species at Risk was confirmed during the site visits based on our literature review and documented species in the area. Particular focus was placed on the search for the presence of the endangered butternut tree. The final phase consisted of preparing a summary report of the existing conditions within the study area based upon both the literature review and field surveys. The report focuses on the key natural features and includes a detailed assessment of their features and Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 5 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 ecological functions. 2.2 Detailed Study Methods 2.2.1 Vegetation All vegetation communities were visited and species composition of dominant species determined. Community type criteria followed MNR’s Ecological Land Classification for Southern Ontario (ELC) program (Lee et al., 1998) and were determined to the Vegetation Type level. Detailed plant inventories were not conducted at each crossing or in all communities due to the size of the study area and the reconnaissance level assessment being conducted at the preliminary design stage. Surveys were conducted on two field visits of two days each, September 11th and 12th and October 17th, 18th of 2012. Photographs and/or specimens were taken of plants requiring verification of identification. National, provincial and regional significance of species and communities was determined from accepted status lists and published reference lists such as SARA (2011), Ontario Endangered Species Act (June 30th, 2007), COSEWIC (2012), COSSARO (2012), Argus et al. (1982-1990), NHIC (2009), Newmaster et al. (1998) and Cuddy (1991). Notes were made on soil type, depth, topography, drainage and present disturbance. 2.2.2 Birds and Other Wildlife As surveys were conducted outside of the peak breeding bird period, potential habitat for birds was documented. Incidental observations were made for any birds and other wildlife including herpetozoa and mammals. Observations included direct sightings as well as indirect evidence such as calls, trails, tracks, scat, browse, burrows and nests. Any potential for significant wildlife habitat features was also examined. 2.2.3 Fisheries Fish community data was obtained through a desktop review of exiting fisheries information. Electrofishing sample data was obtained from the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) for most of the watercourses within the study area. NEA did not conduct fish Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 6 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 community sampling for this project. Fish community sampling may be required to fill data gaps in the detailed design phase. NEA fisheries biologists were on site October 17th & 18th 2012, to identify aquatic natural features and perform preliminary aquatic habitat assessments. Biologist performed surveys of the aquatic habitat, riparian vegetation communities, in-water and overhead cover, substrate composition, and aquatic habitat types for all defined watercourses within the road allowance. Survey methods followed the MTO protocol and NEA internal site assessment protocol. In addition, local water quality parameters were collected at the six (6) major permanent watercourse crossings within the study site. Measured parameters included, turbidity (NTU), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), pH, conductivity (mS), total dissolved solids (mg/L) and water temperature (°C) using a handled YSI Pro2030 System. Surveyed aquatic natural features were assigned a site number and photo-documented. 2.2.4 Linkages and Corridors The occurrence of linkages and corridors and connectivity between core natural areas was assessed based on field work and existing literature. Observations of bird, mammal and herpetozoa movements will be made through the spring and summer period and information from previous reports reviewed to determine the presence of linkages to core natural areas. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 7 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply 3.0 Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Key Natural Features A detailed background literature search of the study area and our field inventories identified several natural heritage features, significant and/or rare species and vegetation on or adjacent to the proposed alignments (Figures 2A-2R). The figures are appended to the report and were scaled to show the features along each section of the preferred alternative route. 3.1 Provincially Significant Wetlands Evaluated wetlands (Other) Unevaluated wetlands Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI’s), Life Science Woodlands Deer yards Significant Wildlife Habitat (e.g. Great Blue Heron Colonies) Provincially and Federally significant species Regionally significant species Watercourses/ Fish Habitat Wetlands Four (4) provincially significant wetlands (PSW’s), four (4) non-significant evaluated wetlands (labelled as ‘Other’ on report figures) were found within the study area. The provincially significant wetlands included: Summerstown Swamp; Beaudette River Swamp; Loch Garry Marsh; and Highway 43 Swamp. Raisin River North Branch, Maxville Swamp, Four Corners Wetland and Junction Swamp were evaluated wetlands identified as nonsignificant. Raisin River North shall be treated as significant due to the presence of several species at risk records within that area. There were no unevaluated wetlands within the study area greater than 2 ha. 3.1.1 Summerstown Swamp Provincially Significant Wetland Key wetland functions and features of the Summerstown Swamp PSW identified through the Natural Areas Report (NHIC) are: Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 8 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 - Nesting of colonial waterbirds (blue heron), winter cover for wildlife (Deer), Waterfowl production - Significant for fish spawning and rearing (Northern Pike, common white sucker) - Nesting of colonial water birds (green heron, great blue heron) - 12% bog, 1% marsh, 87 % swamp (3 wetland types) - Resource products (bullfrog, snapping turtles) - Furbearers (Muskrat, Raccoon, Beaver, mink, fox, coyote) 3.1.2 Beaudette Swamp Provincially Significant Wetland Key wetland functions and features of the Beaudette Swamp PSW are identified through the Natural Areas Report (NHIC) are: -Composed of three wetland types (10% bog, 86% swamp and 3.6% marsh) -Nesting of colonial waterbirds -Active feeding area for Great Blue Heron -Winter cover for wildlife (Snowshoe hare, ruffed grouse) -Waterfowl production and Staging -Significance for fish spawning and nurserty habitat (Bullhead, pike, white sugger) -Resource products(Bullfrogs, snapping turtles) -Furbearers (Muskrat, raccoon, beaver, mink, fox, coyote, red squirrel and skunk) 3.1.3 Loch Garry Complex Provincially Significant Wetland Key wetland functions and features of the Loch Garry Complex PSW are identified through the Natural Areas Report (NHIC) are: -A wetland complex made of seven (7) individual wetlands with three wetland types (14% bog, 40% swamp, 46% marsh) -Nesting for Colonial waterbirds -Active feeding area for Great Blue Heron -Winter cover for wildlife (local significance for deer) -Waterfowl staging and production -Significance for fish spawning and rearing (largemouth bass, bullhead, muskellunge) Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 9 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 -Resource products (snapping turtles -Furbearers (Muskrat, Beaver, Mink, fox, coyote, red squirrel, skink, weasel) 3.1.4 Highway 43 Swamp Provincially Significant Wetland Key wetland functions and features of the Highway 43 Swamp PSW are identified through the Natural Areas Report (NHIC) are: -Three wetland types (8% bog, 88% swamp, 4% marsh) -Nesting of colonial water birds -Active feeding area for Great Blue Heron -Winter cover for wildlife (Snowshoe hare, rouffed grouse) -Significant fish spawning and rearing (baitfish) -Resource products (Snapping turtle) -Furbearers (Muskrat, raccoon, beaver, mink) 3.1.5 Non-Provincially Significant Raisin River North Branch Wetland (Treated as Significant) The Raisin River North Branch Wetland was evaluated in 1988 as a non-provincially significant wetland however correspondence with MNR (Shaun Thompson, Oct 10, 2012) determined several species at risk in the area which would likely make this wetland provincially significant if evaluated today. It is for this reason the wetland was treated as significant. Key wetland functions and features of the Raisin River North Branch Wetland identified through MNR correspondence and review of the Natural Areas Report (NHIC): -Two (2) wetland types (3% swamp and 97% marsh) -Nesting of colonial waterbirds (active area for Great Blue Herons) -Significance for fish spawning and rearing- regional significance -Furbearers (Muskrat, Raccoon, Beaver) -Species at Risk (4 species) (Correspondence with MNR) Within the study area the wetland corresponded with the emergent vegetation and the Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 10 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 riparian zone located along the Raisin River. The boundaries of these areas, as determined on the site visit in 2012 were generally the same as those determined by MNR. 3.1.6 Non-Provincially Significant Maxville Swamp Key wetland functions and features of the Maxville Swamp identified through review of the Natural Areas Report (NHIC): -Made of five (5) individual wetlands with two wetland types (92.8% swamp and 7.2% marsh) -Winter cover for wildlife (local significance for deer) -Resource products -Furbearers (Muskrat, beaver, mink, fox coyote) 3.1.7 Non-Provincially Significant Junction Swamp Key wetland functions and features of the Junction Swamp identified through review of the Natural Areas Report (NHIC): -Composed of one wetland type (100% swamp) -No significant features listed -Resource Products: Furbearers (Raccoons) 3.1.8 Non-Provincially Significant Four Corners Wetland Key wetland functions and features of the Four Corners Wetland identified through review of the Natural Areas Report (NHIC): -Composed of one wetland type (100% swamp) -No significant features listed -Resource Products (Furbearers-Raccoon) 3.2 Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSIs) No Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSIs) were identified within the study area. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 11 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply 3.3 Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Watercourses/ Fish Habitat The study site runs through multiple watersheds, including Gray’s Creek, Raisin River, Delisle River, a Delisle River Tributary, Baudet River and Loch Garry River. Thirty-eight (38) intersections of watercourses were found within the study area. 3.4 Woodlands Twenty four (24) woodlands were found abutting the development. These woodlands ranged from mixed forests to wooded swamps containing green, red ash and eastern white cedar to deciduous forests. As most of the study area is rural lands, in most cases the woodlands abutting the development were connected to a larger contiguous area of woodland. Appendix II includes detailed descriptions of woodlands found along the transmission line route for each watercourse crossing. Figures 2A-2R show the location of the woodlands. 3.5 Deer Yards One deer wintering yard was present within the study area near Maxville (Figure 2L). 3.6 Significant Wildlife Habitat (Great Blue Heron Colony) There was one great blue heron colony identified during our background review. It is located approximately 165 north of the alternative route on the north side of Highway 401 (Figure 2S). No other significant wildlife habitat features were identified within the study area. Some of the wetlands do provide habitat for frogs, turtles and other herpetozoa on a seasonal basis. 3.7 Federal and Provincial Species At Risk 3.7.1 Birds A review of the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas data (BSC, 2007, 2001-2005) generated for the 10 x 10 km squares 18WR10, 18WR11, 18WQ19, 18WR21, 18WQ28, 18WQ18, 18WQ29 found ten (10) Species At Risk (SAR) with potential habitat present (Table 2). As the study area was quite large and contained many different types of habitats, from coniferous and deciduous forests to treed swamps and marshes there is potential for many SAR bird being present. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 12 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Table 2. Breeding Bird Atlas data Species at Risk and the potential for habitat in the study area or species observed. Common Name Status Status Preferred Habitat Habitat Species (National) (Provincial) present observed Chimney swift THR THR found within 1 km of a √ waterbody, predominantly nests within old chimneys in urban and suburban areas. Barn swallow THR THR Prefers open rural and urban √ √ areas where bridges, culverts and buildings are found near rivers, lakes, marshes or ponds Bobolink THR THR Prefers tall, grassy meadows √ and ditches, hayfields and some croplands Eastern THR THR Prefers grassy meadows and √ meadowlark pastures; also in some croplands, weedy fields, grassy roadsides and old orchards Common THR SC Typically found in open areas √ nighthawk such as sand dunes, recently logged or burned over areas, pastures, open forest, gravel roads, rocky outcrops and rocky barren and even military bases and airports. Canada warbler THR SC The Canada warbler breeds in √ wet deciduous and coniferous forests with a thick shrub under-story. Nests are usually found on mossy logs or roots, along stream banks or hummocks. Black tern SC Nests in shallow marshes, √ especially cattails Least bittern THR THR Nests in large freshwater √ marshes interspersed with open water and dense emergent vegetation. They Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 13 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Loggerhead shrike END END Whip-poor-will THR THR require marshes of at least 5 ha in size and populations are not supported by smaller wetlands Prefers a mixture of grasslands and pastures with low trees and shrubs. Prefers a mix of open and forested areas within open woodlands or openings in more mature, deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. It forages in these open areas and uses forested areas for roosting (resting and sleeping) √ Targeted surveys for these species were not conducted during the fall inventories due to the time of year. The need for specific surveys for these species should be determined at the detailed design stage. 3.7.2 Other Wildlife and Vegetation A review of the NHIC website species geographic query of the area found fourteen (14) additional Species at Risk within the general area (Table 3). NEA field investigations however only found one of these species within the study area, the snapping turtle. Although American eel was not found on the NHIC website for this area, it has been recorded to be within the study area and there is potential habitat for this species. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 14 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Table 3. NHIC data and Species at Risk found within the NHIC square and whether the species was observed and/or the habitat was present. Species name Latin name American Eel Anguilla rostrata Cutlip Minnow Exoglossum maxillingua Caughuawaga Hawthorn Crataegus suborbiculata Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid Greater Redhorse Platanthera leucophaea Moxostoma valenciennesi Halberd-leaved Tearthumb Brainerd's Hawthorn Scarlet Beebalm Ebony Boghaunter Persicaria arifolia Crataegus brainerdii Monarda didyma Williamsonia fletcheri Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. SARO Rank THR S-Rank COSEWIC Rank Prefer large strams and lakes, which have muddy bottom and preferably still water. (Becker, 1983) Lives in rivers and creeks preferring slow-moving water, breeds in gravelly areas. Grows along forest edges, in prairie, meadows and fields and along riparian edges Grows in swamps and tall wet prairies S1S2 S1 END S2 Habitat END S3 Typically found in clear, relatively fastmoving rivers and in both shallow and deep water in lakes Grows in forests and wet areas S3 S2 Prefers full sunlight, well-drained loamy soils Grows in shady woods, generally along stream banks and thickets Breeds in low elevation sphagnum bogs adjacent to coniferous. S3 S2 15 Habitat Present √ Species Observed √ √ √ √ √ √ PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply A Lichen (Dotted Lichen) Green-striped Darner Least Bittern Bacidia trachona S1S2 Inhabits shaded and sheltered under hangs of calcareous or siliceous rock, on walls and in deep crevices at the base of trunks, on exposed roots of trees, near rivers at water level. Breeds in open marshy areas, but can be found feeding in swarms above open fields far from water Mainly found in marshes near the Great Lakes Inhabits shallow ponds, shallow lakes, or streams with some living in brackish environments, such as estuaries. Females nest In gravel or sand along streams, often nesting along roadsides, dams and aggregate pits. Prefers rich deciduous forests, especially beech and sugar maple. S3 Aeshna verticalis Ixobrychus exilis Snapping Turtle Puttyroot Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Chelydra serpentina Aplectrum hyemale Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. THR S4B THR SC S3 SC S2 16 √ √ Several nests were observed within the study area PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 3.7.3 Significant Vegetation Communities A review of the NHIC website community’s geographic query and our field inventory ELC communities found no significant vegetation communities in or adjacent to the study area. 3.8 Regionally Significant Species No regional significant plant species were found during our surveys. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 17 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply 4.0 Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Key Natural Features - Alternate Route An alternate route was explored as another option for the watermain route to get from Cornwall to South Glengarry. This route would extend along Tollgate Road to the east end, cross Hwy 401 and follow along Service Rd to Boundary Rd and South to Glen Rd. As this route was looked at after the field work was conducted for the remainder of the route only desktop analysis was analyzed for this section. Table 4. Alternate Route Valued Ecosystem Components observed via Desktop Review Valued Ecosystem Component Details Provincially Significant wetland Summerstown Provincially Significant Wetland adjacent to the proposed watermain, crossing the road at the intersection of Boundary Road and Service Road Unevaluated wetland Unevaluated wetlands are located directly adjacent to Service Road on the northern side. Several are also located on the southern edge of the 401 and within our study area. Significant Wildlife Habitat: Identified approximately 165m north of Service Road. Great Blue Heron Colony Woodland Woodland exists along the majority of northern edge of Service Road and all along the southern edge of highway 401. Watercourse crossing (Crossing One watercourse crossing exists running north-south #39) across Highway 401 and Service Road with a sharp bend north of Service Road to run east-west. Additional NHIC species Puttyroot was an additional species captured in this desktop review of NHIC (18WQ28) that was not found along the remainder of the watermain route. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 18 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply 5.0 Resource Inventory 5.1 Birds Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Incidental observations of birds observed during surveys conducted by NEA found 23 species within the study area (Appendix II). Birds present included Canada goose (Branta canadensis), turkey vulture (Cathartes aura), red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), ringbilled gull (Larus delawarensis), belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon), downy woodpecker (Picoides pubescens), hairy woodpecker (Picoides villosus), pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus), warbling vireo (Vireo gilvus) and blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata). NEA observations included three (3) area sensitive species (Appendix II) within the study area: the white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis), the pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) and the hairy woodpecker (Picoides villosus). Area sensitive species are species that require a minimum hectarage of contiguous habitat to breed and maintain a population. Large field areas and woodlands are required by some of these species to maintain sufficient habitat. Fragmentation of woodlands in particular can lead to loss of species that require interior forest conditions (greater than 100 metres from the edge). 5.2 Other Wildlife Four (4) species of mammals or indications of their presence were found during the NEA surveys including common raccoon (Procyon lotor), eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus), beaver (Castor canadensis), muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis), coyote (Canis latrans), red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Two (2) amphibian species, spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) and northern leopard frog, were found by NEA. In addition, evidence of snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) nesting was observed in several areas. 5.3 Vegetation A total of 84 plant species were identified within the study area (Appendix III). The transmission route crosses through a mostly rural area with a variety of agricultural field types. There are several large wetland communities (e.g. Cashion Road and Summerstown Swamp wetland) within the road allowance and adjacent lands. Woodlands are scattered throughout with typical forest types including ash deciduous forest, coniferous forest and Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 19 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 mixed forest communities. The woodlands were associated in most cases with upland edges of wetland communities and higher elevations. The creek crossings included typical riparian vegetation communities with bottomland tree species such as willow, ash and elm and small wetland pockets or riparian edges of grasses, cattails and herbaceous plants. Aquatic plant species such as milfoil, pondweeds and water lilies were found at crossings where ponding was present or channels associated with wetland communities. 5.4 Fisheries and Fish Habitat 5.4.1 Fish Habitat Thirty-eight (38) watercourses-road crossings were identified and surveyed within the study area. The surveyed watercourses included Gray’s Creek, Raisin River, Delisle River, tributaries to Delisle River, Beaudette River and Loch Garry. Direct and indirect fish habitat was found thorough the study area. In addition, critical habitat for aquatic species at risk has been identified by DFO in two (2) crossing sites. The substrate generally was comprised of clay/silt, cobble, boulder, aquatic vegetation and sand (Appendix I, Tables #1-37). A summary of site features and identified valued aquatic ecosystem components at all surveyed watercourse crossings has been provided in Table 5. The detailed descriptions of each crossing and the habitat present, as well as data collected during our field investigations are found in Appendix I. Historical Fish Data A summary of fish species historically captured within Beaudette River, Raisin River & Riviere Delisle and the fisheries data was compiled and is shown in Table 6. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 20 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Table 5. Summary table of identified valued ecosystem components at all surveyed watercourse crossings. Valued Ecosystem Components Species at Risk Present (Terrestrial and Aquatic) Regional Rare Species Present (Cuddy, 1991) Amphibian Habitat Habitat for Species at Risk Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) Other wetland Unevaluated wetland Potential turtle habitat Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor Fish Habitat Watercourse Crossing Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 √ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 √ √ √ 30 31 33 34 35 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 38 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Significant Wildlife Habitat: Great Blue Heron Colony √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ * * √ √ √ √ √ * √ √ √ √ √ * √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 39 * √ √ √ 37 √ √ √ 36 √ √ √ 32 √ √ √ 29 √ √ √ 28 √ √ √ 27 √ √ √ * √ *data not available as no field investigations were conducted Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 21 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Scientific Name Amiidae bowfin Amia calva Anguillidae Catostomidae american eel greater redhorse white sucker black crappie largemouth bass longear sunfish pumpkinseed rock bass smallmouth bass slimy sculpin blackchin shiner blacknose shiner bluntnose minnow brassy minnow common carp common shiner creek chub cutlips minnow emerald shiner fallfish fathead minnow finescale dace golden shiner longnose dace mimic shiner northern redbelly dace Anguilla rostrata Moxostoma valenciennesi Catostomus commersonii Pomoxis nigromaculatus Micropterus salmoides Lepomis megalotis Lepomis gibbosus Ambloplites rupestris Micropterusdolomieu Cottus cognatus Notropis heterodon Notropis heterolepis Pimephales notatus Hybognathus hankinsoni Cyprinus carpio Luxilus cornutus Semotilus atromaculatus Exoglossum maxillingua Notropis atherinoides Semotilus corporalis Pimephales promelas Phoxinus neogaeus Notemigonus crysoleucas Rhinichthys cararactae Notropis voluceltus Chrosomus eos Centrarchidae Cottidae Cyprinidae Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 22 Riviere Delisle Common Name Raisin River Family Beaudette River Table 6. Summary of Fish Species Historically Captured within Beaudette River, Raisin River & Riviere Delisle. PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Cyprinodontidae Esocidae Gasterosteidae Ictaluridae Lepisosteidae Percidae Umbridae Existing Conditions-Phase 2 pearl dace rosyface shiner spottail shiner banded killlifish northern pike muskellunge brook stickleback brown bullhead stonecat tadpole madtom yellow bullhead longnose gar faintail darter iowa darter johnny darter johnny/ terrelated darter logperch terrelated darter yellow perch central mudminnow Maragariscus margarita Notropis rubellus Notropis hudsonius Fundulus diaphanus Esox lucius Esox masquinongy Culaea inconstans Ameiurus nebulosus Noturus flavus Noturus gyrinus Ameiurus natalis Leisosteus osseus Etheostoma flabellare Etheostoma exile Etheostoma nigrum Etheostoma nigrum/olmstedi Percina caprodes Etheostoma olmstedi Perca flavescens Umbra limi 5.4.2 Observed Fish Species Fish collection was not conducted during 2012 field investigations. 5.5 Water Quality Water quality surveys were undertaken by NEA biologists at crossings # 2, 5 & 12 (October 17th) and crossings #26, 30 & 38 (October 18th 2012). A summary of water quality results is shown in Table 7. Detailed results for water quality sampling are listed in Appendix IV. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 23 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Table 7. Water quality parameter and results. Water Quality and Environmental Parameters Air Temperature (C) Water Temperature (C) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) pH Total Dissolved Solids (mg/s) Conductivity (um/cm) Turbidity (NTU) 6.0 Crossing #2 Crossing #5 Crossing # 12 Crossing #26 Crossing #30 Crossing #38 16 16 16 21 21 21 6.9 8.6 6.9 8.0 8.8 11.9 10.23 10.26 10.23 10.41 6.36 11.72 7.25 7.53 7.81 7.61 6.31 7.34 418 695 418 20.3 291.3 592 643 1070 643 31.3 448.2 910 10.9 5.37 1.57 1.2 0.56 1.56 Watercourse Crossing Impacts and Recommendations Appendix V summarizes the potential impacts and recommendations for crossings with valued ecosystem components. Appendix VI contains photos of all of the crossings looking upstream and downstream. 7.0 Conclusions Several key natural features were identified within the study area, particularly at the crossings of the watercourses where direct fish habitat is present. The features identified include Species at Risk (Snapping turtle, butternut, barn swallows), critical aquatic habitat for fish species, regionally rare species, Provincially Significant Wetlands, evaluated wetlands (Other), woodland, direct fish habitat and Significant Wildlife Habitat (blue heron colony). At the preliminary design stage information on the construction methods and exact location of construction has not yet been determined. The detailed design stage can provide more detailed recommendations once construction methods and locations are determined. At that time a more detailed analysis of each crossing in terms of sampling may be required to assist in determining appropriate mitigation measures including timing Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 24 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 windows. Preliminary Recommendations The site does have potential habitat for meadowlark and bobolink based strictly on our fall site visit and the presence of hayfield. This needs to be confirmed by completing a summer site visit. Until then , the mitigation recommended is as follows: 1. The presence or absence of eastern meadowlark and bobolink habitat on this site will be confirmed through breeding season site visits, conducted by a bird biologist. 2. If habitat is present, a discussion with MNR will be completed regarding a possible permit for habitat removal/alteration as outlined under the Ontario Endangered Species Act. 3. It is recommended that any clearing of the vegetation be completed outside of the peak breeding bird window (May 1st-July 31st), Summerstown Swamp PSW: 1. It is recommended the construction zone be located entirely within the road ROW or down the centre of Cashion Road. 2. Heavy weight silt fencing be placed along both sides of the road to protect the wetlands features and functions. 3. If dewatering of the trench is required, that the water be treated to remove as much sediment as possible(eg. Filter bag). 4. Avoid construction during the peak amphibian and bird breeding periods (April 1July 31st). 5. Restoration plan be developed for any construction laydown areas or disturbed areas that includes native plant species. 6. Culvert replacements or installation of pipe under culverts be completed with proper sediment and erosion control measures in place. 7. If a turtle or snake that is a Species At Risk is encountered during construction, the animal be left alone to move through or if necessary contact NEA or MNR biologist for advice. 8. If overhanging trees interfere with movement of large construction equipment, those limbs should be trimmed as needed with a chainsaw. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 25 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply 8.0 Existing Conditions-Phase 2 References Becker, G. C. (1983). Fishes of Wisonsin. Retrieved from Ecology and Natural Rescources: Bird Studies Canada. 1981-85, 2001-05. Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas: Atlas Square Summary. Accessed on the World Wide Web at: Cadman, M.D., P.F.J. Eagles and F.M. Helleiner. 1987. Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario. Federation of Ontario Naturalists and Long Point Bird Observatory. COSEWIC. 2012. Species at Risk. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa, Canada. COSSARO. 2012. Species at Risk in Ontario List. Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario. Issued by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Species At Risk Unit. Dobbyn, J.S., 1994. Atlas of the Mammals of Ontario. Federation of Ontario Naturalists. Don Mills, Ontario. Ministry of Transportation (MTO). 2006. Environmental Guide for Fish and Fish Habitat Version October 2006. Part of the MTO Environmental Standards and Practices. Issued by the Provincial and Environmental Planning Office, Ministry of Transportation, 301 St. Paul Street, St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 7R4. MNR. 1993. Raw Data Fieldsheets. Niblett Environnemental Associates (NEA). 2012. Glengarry Regional Water Supply Township of North Glengarry Natural Environment Existing Conditions Data Report, October 11, 2012 . Lindsay, Ontario. 31p. Lee, H., Bakowsky, W., Riley, J., Bowles, J., Puddister, M., Uhlig, P. and S. McMurray. 1998. Ecological Land Classification for Southern Ontario: First Approximation and its Application. OMNR, South Central Science Section, Science Development and Transfer Branch. SCSS Field Guide FG-02. Natural Heritage Information Centre. 2010. NHIC website, geographical query and occurrence database. Oldham, M.J. and W.F. Weller. 2000. Ontario Herpetofaunal Atlas. Natural Heritage Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 26 PN 12-069 Glengarry Water Supply Existing Conditions-Phase 2 Information Centre, Ontario Ministry of Natural (updated 15-01-2010). Resources. OMNR. 1993. Ontario Wetland Evaluation System: Southern Manual. March 1993 Edition and 1994-2000 and 2002 updates. OMNR. 2000. Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Manual. Appendix C. Area Sensitive Species. October 2000. SARA (Species at Risk Act). 2011. Schedule 1 (Subsections 2(1), 42(2) and 68(2)): List of Wildlife species at risk, Parts 1-4. Accessed on the World Wide Web at: Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 27 PN 12-069 Appendix I: Watercourse Crossing Site Assessments APPENDIXI:WatercourseCrossingSiteAssessments Table1.Crossing1Site SiteName: Crossing 1(C1) SiteMap#:2A SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover None,noopen wateratsite Channel Width RoadName:BoundaryRoad Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications WatercourseName:GreysCreek Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpeciesAt RiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityof theSite CriticalHabitat(Aquatic SAR) Buriedwatercourse identifiedascritical habitatforfishspecies ofSpecialConcern. Followuprequiredwith MNRdistrictandRRCA toconfirmspecies present.Potential habitatforAmericaneel, cutlipminnoworbridle shiner. Ifaquaticspecieshabitat isconfirmed,aSAR workpermitor agreementmaybe required. SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None Notes:Watercourseiseitherpipedundergroundorwasin‐filledwhenintersectionupdated,checkwithCA/City,Siteadjacentmaintainedlawnandcommercialbuildings. Fish Sampling Required Table2.Crossing2Site SiteName: Crossing2 SiteMap#:2A SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width RoadName: Channel Depth WatercourseName:GreysCreek In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CriticalHabitat(Aquatic SAR) Yes‐Watercourse identifiedascritical habitatforfishspecies ofSpecialConcern. Road Milfoil,floating pondweed, softstem ~4‐5m bulrushand burreed Unknown Bank stabilization Substratenot visible, expected80% clay,10%silt, 10% cobble/boulder s None Moderately stable OpenfootCSP culvert(3m diameter) Direct Unknown Potentialfor AmericanEel, BridleShiner andCutlip Minnow Followuprequiredwith MNRdistrictandRRCA toconfirmspecies present.Potential Beaverdam,40 diameterculvert habitatforAmericaneel, cutlipminnoworbridle shiner. Yes,NEA suggestsfield samplingin 2013. Springor summerfish community sampling required. MNRSAR collection Ifaquaticspecieshabitat permit isconfirmed,aSAR maybe workpermitor required. agreementmaybe required. SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None Notes:Fewscatteredtreesoneastside Fish Sampling Required Table3.Crossing3Site SiteName: Crossing3 SiteMap#:2B SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent None Common cattails Unknown‐ assessment needstobe donenext visitdueto construction Unknown‐ assessment needstobe donenextvisit dueto construction Unknown‐ assessment needstobe donenextvisit dueto construction Unknown‐ assessment needstobe donenextvisit dueto construction Unknown‐ assessment needstobedone nextvisitdueto construction Unknown‐ assessment needstobedone nextvisitdueto construction Unknown‐ assessment needstobedone nextvisitdueto construction Unknown‐ assessmentneeds tobedonenext visitdueto construction Unknown‐ assessmentneeds tobedonenext visitdueto construction Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site Unknown‐ assessment needstobedone nextvisitdueto construction SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony 130 Americanelm (ELCCode: FOD7‐1) None None None No Yes‐running east‐west None RoadName:GlenRd. Notes:On‐goingconstructionatthissite,furtherassessmentsarerequired WatercourseName:Gray’sCreek CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No Yes–Springor summerfish community sampling required. Table4.Crossing4Site SiteName: Crossing4 SiteMap#:2B SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width RoadName:CashionRoad Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications WatercourseName:n/a Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) Indirect‐ None Overhanging Grass,Debris, terrestrial vegetation 0.5‐1m 0.5m None Substratenot visible, expected80% clay,20%silt, None Stable SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat 1450 Silvermaple None None Yes‐Snapping turtlenesting habitat Yes SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor 963 Silvermaple (ELCCode: FOD7‐2) None None None None Yes Notes: Wetland Evaluatedas PSW Yes‐ Summerstown SwampPSW Potentialfor CulvertCSP0.5m directduring None higherflowevents (i.e.spring/fall) None No OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat No None Yes Yes,alonggravel shoulder Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None FishSampling Required Yes,fish sampling requiredto determineiffish habitatdirector indirect. Springor summerfish community sampling required. Table5.Crossing5Site SiteName: Crossing5 SiteMap#:2C SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width RoadName:CashionRoad Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications WatercourseName:SouthNationRiver Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required Yes,specieslist unknownfor watercourse. Yes‐Roadsalt /maintenance Common cattails 4m 0.75m Yes‐bridge abutments, widennatural streamwidth (4m) 5%veg,30% boulder,10% cobble,45% clay,10%silt None Stable,steep slopesonright bankwith erosionaround abutments Bridge abutmentswith verticalconcrete walls Direct None None No Springor summerfish community sampling required. MNRandCAdata requestrequired. SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Linearalong river(size unknown) Canada bluejoint grass(ELC Code:MAS3‐ 1) Speciesat RiskPresent Yes‐barn swallow Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Yes‐barn swallow foragingand potential nestingadjacent yes Wetland OtherWetland Evaluatedas (Evaluated) PSW No‐However Raisinriver southwetlandis evaluatedand willbetreatedas n/a significantdueto severalrecent speciesatrisk records Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat None yes None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None Notes:agriculturallandsurroundingsite Table6.Crossing6Site SiteName: Crossing6 SiteMap#:2C SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site Yes‐golfcourse, privatedriving range cattails 0.5m 0.2‐0.5m None Soils,clay, detritus None stable 2twin,0.5m culvertsCSP Indirect None None RoadName:CashionRoad WatercourseName:TributaryofSouthNation SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None Notes:agriculturallandandbarnsinarea CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No Table7.Crossing7Site SiteName: Crossing7 SiteMap#:2D SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type Yes,farmers field,roadsalt Overhanging grasses 0.5‐0.7m 0.2‐0.5m None Clay,detritus andsilt None Stable Agdrain0.5m width Indirectupstream, potentiallydirect None down‐stream None RoadName:NineMileRoad WatercourseName: AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony 839 Maple/ironw ood(ELC Code:FOC1‐ 2) None None None None Yes‐running east‐west Notes:agriculturallandtowest,woodlandtoeast None CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No Table8.Crossing8Site SiteName: Crossing8 SiteMap#:2D SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Cattailsand Overhanging grasses 2‐3m 0.5‐1m None Yes‐Road, standardimpacts RoadName:NineMileRoad WatercourseName:RaisinRiver Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite 30%silt,30% None clay,20% vegetation,20% detritus BankStability Stable WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Agdrain0.5m width Indirectupstream, None potentiallydirect down‐stream Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site None CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No Yes,specieslist unknownfor watercourse. Springor summerfish community sampling required. MNRandCAdata requestrequired. SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat 14 Slender willow,green ash None None Yes‐Potential snappingturtle nestingsite yes None None yes yes Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor 839 Maple/ironw ood(ELC Code:FOC1‐ 2) None None None None Yes‐running east‐west Notes:swampandwoodlandonbothsides Table9.Crossing9Site SiteName: Crossing9 SiteMap#:2D SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width RoadName:NineMileRoad Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications WatercourseName:TributaryofRaisinRiver Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required Yes,specieslist unknownfor watercourse. None Overhanging Grassesand sedges 1‐2m,wetted width4‐6m 0.5‐0.7m None 30%silt,30% boulders,10% gravel,20% detritus None Unstable CSP5mdiameter Direct None None No Springor summerfish community sampling required. MNRandCAdata requestrequired. SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:Waterqualitysamplewastakenatthissite,Regionallysignificantplantspeciesobservedalongtheroadside(cowparsnip)(Cuddy,1991).Agriculturallandsurrounding PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Table10.Crossing10Site SiteName: Crossing10 SiteMap#:2E SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width RoadName:NineMileRoad Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications WatercourseName:TributaryofRaisinRiver Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required Yes,specieslist unknownfor watercourse. Farmland, salt/sandfrom road Overhanging Grassesand sedges 2‐5m 0.1‐0.3m Yes‐tiledrains, 0.2m 50%Clay,25% AqauticVeg, 25%Silt None Stable CSP3m Indirect None None No Springor summerfish community sampling required. MNRandCAdata requestrequired SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:Surroundedbyagriculture PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Table11.Crossing11Site SiteName: Crossing11 SiteMap#:2E SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width RoadName:NineMileRoad Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications WatercourseName:TributaryofRaisinRiver Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required Yes,specieslist unknownfor watercourse. None Cattails, Overhanging grassesand sedges 0.5‐3m 0.1‐0.2m None 50%Clay,50% AquaticVeg. None stable CSP1mdiameter Direct None Yes‐culvert perched3cm No Springor summerfish community sampling required. MNRandCAdata requestrequired SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:surroundedbyagriculturallands PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Table12.Crossing12Site SiteName: Crossing12 SiteMap#:2G SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Urbanstandards Channel Width Largewoody debris, boulders,veg. 1‐1.5m RoadName:Hwy20 Channel Depth 0.2‐0.5m In‐water Habitat Modifications None WatercourseName:TributaryofRaisinRiver Substrate Composition 30%cobble, 30%clay,20% sand,20% boulder Springsor SeepsatSite None BankStability Moderately unstable WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type 3mopenfootbox Direct culvert,concrete AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Potentialfor AmericanEel, BridleShinerand CutlipMinnow Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site None CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No Yes, springor summerfish community sampling, required. MNRandCAdata requestrequired SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:agriculturallandandrurallotsadjacent PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Table13.Crossing13Site SiteName: Crossing13 SiteMap#:2G SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Overhanging Tribflows Grasses, throughmulti coontails, agriculturalfield. sedges RoadName:Hwy20 WatercourseName:TributaryofRaisinRiver Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site 0.2m 0.2‐0.5m Likely shortened, farmingdrain 50%Clay,25% AquaticVeg, 25%Silt None Stable CSPtwin1.5m Indirect None None PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:surroundedbyagriculturallands CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No Table14.Crossing14Site SiteName: Crossing14 SiteMap#:2G SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site Agricultural cattails 0.1‐0.2m 0.5‐0.1m None Mixedsoils, gravel,siltand clay None Stable CSP0.2m diameter Direct None None PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat RoadName:Hwy20 WatercourseName:TributaryofRaisinRiver SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor 24 n/a None None None None no Notes:WaterQualitysampletakenatthissite.Hayfieldtoeast,youngwoodlandtowest CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No Table15.Crossing15Site SiteName: Crossing15 SiteMap#:2G SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover None Channel Width cattails 0.5‐1m RoadName:Hwy20 Channel Depth 0.2‐0.5m SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species 343 Whitecedar, tamarack, blackash (ELCCode: SWM4‐1) Speciesat RiskPresent No WatercourseName:TributaryofRaisinRiver Substrate Composition Yes‐ditching 20%gravel,30‐ %sand,10% clay,20% detritus,10% Potential emergent vegetation,10% boulders stable CSP0.5m Direct Potentialfor AmericanEel, BridleShinerand CutlipMinnow None Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat No Yes‐Snapping turtle (referencedin wetland evaluation) Yes Yes‐Beaudette RiverSwamp None None Yes‐Referencesin Wetland evaluation Yes Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor 2227 Whitecedar, tamarack, blackash None None None No Yes‐running east‐west Notes: Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site In‐water Habitat Modifications WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No(potential habitatbasedon field investigations) Yes,springor summerfish community sampling requiredto confirmfish communityand presenceofSAR Table16.Crossing16Site SiteName: Crossing16 SiteMap#:2H SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Agricultural Cattails, Overhanging 2m grasses/sedges SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species 63 Tamarack, willow(ELC Code:SWC4‐ 2) Channel Width RoadName:Hwy20 WatercourseName:TributaryofBeaudetteRiver BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site None 10%silt,30% clay,30% detritus,20% None soil,20%gravel, 10%sand Moderately stable‐unstable CSP1.5m diameter Indirect Noneobserved whileonsite. Potentialfor AmericanEel Yes‐culvert crossingbarrier Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat None None None None No No No No Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None Channel Depth 0.1‐.3m In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor 2737 Redmaple, greenash (ELCCode: FOD5‐10) Yes‐butternut None Yes‐butternut No Yes‐running east‐west Notes: No CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No Table17.Crossing17Site SiteName: Crossing17 SiteMap#:2I SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover None Channel Width Reeds, phragmites, pondweed 10mat bridge,3‐7 channel RoadName:Hwy20 Channel Depth 0.5‐2m In‐water Habitat Modifications None WatercourseName:BeaudetteRiver Substrate Composition stained darkwaters, clay30%,10% silt,20% detritus Springsor SeepsatSite None BankStability Stable‐ moderately stable WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type Direct Newspanbridge PossibleEcocide Spawning AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Noneobserved whileonsite. Potentialfor AmericanEel Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required Yes, spring/summer fishcommunity sampling required. None No Specieslist unknownfor watercourse. MNRandCAdata requestrequired. SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species 3 Whitecedar, redash(ELC Code:SWM4‐ 1,SWD3‐1) Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW None None No No None None Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor 95 Redash, whitecedar andwhite birch,red maple(ELC Code:FOM4‐ 1) None None None None Yes‐running east‐west PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat None Present PotentialTurtle Habitat None Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Notes: Unevaluated Wetland SiteFeature: OtherWetland (Evaluated) None Table18.Crossing18Site SiteName: Crossing18 SiteMap#:2I SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Roadsalt/sand Channel Width Cattails, Overhanging grasses 1m RoadName:Hwy20 Channel Depth 0.1‐0.2m In‐water Habitat Modifications None WatercourseName:BeaudetteRiver Substrate Composition 10%organics, 20%gravel, 20%silt,10% cobble,10% boulder,20% coverbank Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability Downstreamof site,2drains Stable inputintostream WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type 1.5mboxculvert, openwater Direct concrete AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required Yes spring/summer fishcommunity sampling required. None No No Specieslist unknownfor watercourse. MNRandCAdata requestrequired. SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:AgriculturallandandruralresidentialofAppleHilladjacent PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Table19.Crossing19Site SiteName: Crossing19 SiteMap#:2J SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Yes‐streamruns throughfarm upstreamofsite Channel Width Cattailsand Overhanging Sedges/Grasse s 0.5‐1.5 RoadName:Hwy20 Channel Depth 0.1‐0.2 In‐water Habitat Modifications None WatercourseName:TributaryofBeaudetteRiver Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite 20%sand,50% silt,10%cobble, None 20%boulder BankStability Moderately stable‐stable WaterCulvert Type CSP1.5m diameter FishHabitat Type Direct AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent None Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site None CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) No FishSampling Required Nofishsampling, openwater outsideROW, onlyculvert withinROW. MNRandCAdata requestrequired. SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:pasturelandandhayfieldadjacent PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Table20.Crossing20Site SiteName: Crossing20 SiteMap#:2J SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Roadsalt/sand Cattailsand Overhanging 0.5‐1m grasses/sedges Channel Width RoadName:Hwy20 WatercourseName:TributaryofBeaudetteRiver Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site 0.5‐0.7m None 20%Cobble, 30%Sand,50% Silt None Stable CSP1.5m diameter Indirect None None PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:pasturelandandhayfieldadjacent,watercourseagriculturaldrain CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No Table21.Crossing21Site SiteName: Crossing21 SiteMap#:2J SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Farmer’sfield, roadsalt/sand Channel Width Overhanging Grassesand sedges 0.2‐0.75m RoadName:Hwy43 Channel Depth 0.05‐0.1m In‐water Habitat Modifications WatercourseName:TributaryofBeaudetteRiver Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site Indirect None Culvertbarrier duringlowflow tonon‐jumping fish PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat None 50%Clay,40% Silt,10% AquaticVeg. None Stable CSP1.5m extensiononold concretebox culvert, upstream‐ concretebox closedfoot SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:pasturelandandhayfieldadjacent,watercourseagriculturaldrain CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No Table22.Crossing22Site SiteName: Crossing22 SiteMap#:2J SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site Agriculturaland cattle Overhanging Grassand vegetation (leaves) 0.5‐3m 0.5‐1m Yes‐tiledrain outlet,cattleuse 50%Clay,40% Silt,10% AquaticVeg. None Stable,steep banks CSP Indirect None No SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None RoadName:Hwy43 WatercourseName:TributaryofBeaudetteRiver SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:WaterQualitysamplingatthissite.Agriculturallandssurrounding CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No Table23.Crossing23Site SiteName: Crossing23 SiteMap#:2J SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type None Overhanging Sedgeand grasses 0.2‐1m 0.2m None 30%clay/silt, 70% vegetation/soil None unstable RoadName:Hwy43 WatercourseName:TributaryofBeaudetteRiver AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CSP1mdiameter indirect None None PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat FishHabitat Type SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:Agriculturallandssurrounding, CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No Table24.Crossing24Site SiteName: Crossing24 SiteMap#:2P SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width RoadName:HighlandRd. Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications WatercourseName:TributaryofBeaudetteRiver Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No. Roadsalt/sand Overhanging Grasses/sedge s SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species None 0.3‐0.5m Yes‐tiledrains Silt,clay,sand, vegetation None stable CSP Direct None None Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony 0.3m SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:Agriculturallands No Fishcommunity dataobtained fromcrossing25 canbeappliedto crossing24. Table25.Crossing25Site SiteName: Crossing25 SiteMap#:2P SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover None Channel Width Overhanging grasses 1‐2m RoadName:HighlandRd. Channel Depth 0.3‐0.4m In‐water Habitat Modifications Yes‐Tiledrained WatercourseName:TributaryofBeaudetteRiver Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite 20%silt,30% detritus,30% clay,20%gravel None BankStability Moderately stable WaterCulvert Type CSP1.5m diameter FishHabitat Type Direct AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent None Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site None Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:Agriculturallands No FishSampling Required Yes,Fishspring summer community sampling required. Datacanbe appliedto Crossing24and 25. SiteFeature: None CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Table26.Crossing26Site SiteName: Crossing26 SiteMap#:2Q SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover None Some overhanging grass,common bluejointand goldenrode Channel Width 2‐6m RoadName:HighlandRd. Channel Depth 0.5‐0.6m WatercourseName:DelisleRiver In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition DoubleCSP, alterstream morphology 10%gravel, 10%cobble, 30%detritus, 30%clay,10% sand,20%silt Springsor SeepsatSite None BankStability Moderately stable WaterCulvert Type Twin2.5mCSP culvert FishHabitat Type Direct AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent None Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site Potential barriersduring lowflow CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) No FishSampling Required Yes, Fishspring summer community sampling required. SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony No None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor 14 Mixedforest None None None No No Notes: PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Table27.Crossing27Site SiteName: Crossing27 SiteMap#:2Q SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover None Overhanging grasses/sedges ,common 1‐2.5m bluejoint, filamentous algaeinstream Channel Width RoadName:HighlandRd. Channel Depth 0.05‐0.2m WatercourseName:DelisleRiver In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Yes‐CSP 20%gravel, 20%sand,10% cobble,5% boulder,20% clay,20% detritus Springsor SeepsatSite None BankStability Moderately stable WaterCulvert Type CSP2.5‐3m diameter FishHabitat Type Direct AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent None Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site None CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) No FishSampling Required No,Fishspring summer community samplingdata fromCrossing26 canbeapplied. SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat 13 Greenash, red,ash,red maple,black ash None Yes‐European beggar‐ticks (Cuddy,1991) None Yes No‐ Yes‐Maxville Swamp None None Valuable Wildlife Corridor Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) 642 Notes: PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Greenash, redash,red maple,black ash(ELC Code:SWD2‐ 2) None Yes‐European beggar‐ticks (Cuddy,1991) None No Yes‐running northeastto southwest. None Table28.Crossing28Site SiteName: Crossing28 SiteMap#:2K SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth Channel ephemeral/inter mit(not permanent) Overhanging grassesand cattails 0.2‐1m 0.01‐0.1m SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent 735 Greenash, whitecedar (ELCCode: SWM1‐1) None RoadName:Hwy43 In‐water Habitat Modifications WatercourseName:DelisleRiverTributary WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Oldboxconcrete openfoot>1m diameter Indirect None Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site None Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Yes No Yes‐Junction Swamp None None Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability organics None stable Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat None None ATVsdriven through tributary SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor >750 Whitebirch, whitecedar (ELCCode: FOM4‐1) None None None No Yes‐running north‐south Notes:WaterQualitySampletakenatthissite None CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No None Table29.Crossing29Site SiteName: Crossing29 SiteMap#:2K SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site None Cattails 0.2‐1m 0.05‐0.1m None Soil,organics andemerging cattails None Stable Oldboxconcrete culvert Indirect None None PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat RoadName:Hwy43 WatercourseName:DelisleRiverTributary SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat 735 Greenash, whitecedar None None None Yes No No None None Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor >750 Whitebirch, whitecedar None None None No Yes‐running north‐south Notes:WaterQualitySampletakenatthissite CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No None Table30.Crossing30Site SiteName: Crossing30 SiteMap#:2L SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover None Channel Width Overhanging grassesand sedges 1.5‐6m RoadName:Hwy43 Channel Depth 0.05‐0.5m WatercourseName:DelisleRiverTributary In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition None 70%detritus, 10%silt,10% clay,10%sand andgravel Springsor SeepsatSite None BankStability Slightlyunstable WaterCulvert Type Boxconcrete culvert,approx. 4mopenfoot FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Direct Noneobserved butpossibilityof Bridleshiner habitat Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site None CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) No FishSampling Required Yes,Fishspring summer community sampling required. SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk 82 Tamarack None None Yes‐Snapping turtle(reference Yes dinthewetland evaluation) Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW No‐However treatedas Provincially Significant SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor Greaterthan 1000 Tamarack None None None No Yes‐moving northsouth Notes: OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat No None Yes Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None Yes Table31.Crossing31Site SiteName: Crossing31 SiteMap#:2L SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Roadsalt/sand Channel Width Cattails, overhanding 1.5‐3m grasses/sedges RoadName:Hwy43 Channel Depth 0.05‐0.01m WatercourseName:DelisleRiverTributary In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Yes,oldbeaver damrecently removed 45%vegetation, 20%silt,30% None organic,5% sandandgravel Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability Moderately stable‐stable WaterCulvert Type Boxculvertopen foot25mnew FishHabitat Type Direct AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent None Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site None CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) No FishSampling Required Yes,Fishspring summer community sampling required. SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat 0.28 Sedgespecies None None None Yes‐northern leopardfrog, springpeepers No No None None Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None Yes‐Canadian St.John’s‐wort and Pennyslvania smartweed (Cuddy,1991) None No Yes‐running northsouth None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species 1450 Whitespruce andwhite cedar(ELC Code:FOC2‐ 2) Notes:WaterQualitySampletakenatsite PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat None Table32.Crossing32Site SiteName: Crossing32 SiteMap#:2L SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site Roadsalt/sand Cattails, detritus (leaves) grassesand sedges 0.05‐2m 0‐0.05m None 30%Clay,30% Silt,40% AquaticVeg None Stable Openfootbox concreteculvert 1.5mdiameter Indirect None None SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat 5 Common cattail(ELC Code:MAS3‐ 1) None None Yes‐Snapping turtles Yes(referenced inthewetland evaluation) Yes‐LochGarry Marsh None None Yes‐snapping turtle(referenced inthewetland evaluation) Yes Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None RoadName:Hwy43 WatercourseName:TributaryofLochGarry SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor 1450 Poplar, Americanelm None None None No Yes‐running northsouth Notes: CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No Table33.Crossing33Site SiteName: Crossing33 SiteMap#:2L SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type None Overhanging grassand sedges 0.1‐0.4m 0.01‐0.03m None 70%silt,20% detritus,10% cobble None Stable BCC1mdiameter (needstobe Indirect replaced) None Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat RoadName:Hwy43 WatercourseName:TributaryofLochGarry FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site Upstreamendof culvertisbarrier tofish,BCC SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk 56 unknown None None Yes‐Snapping Yes(referenced turtle(reference inthewetland dinthewetland evaluation) evalatuion) Yes‐LochGarry Complex None None Yes‐snapping turtle Yes‐snapping turtle Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None Yes‐movingto theeastand west,inaddition toanorth‐south passage None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Greaterthan 1450 unknown Notes: Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent None None None CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No Table34.Crossing34and35Site SiteName: Crossing34 &35 SiteMap#:2M SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type Roadsalt/sand Cattails 0.05‐0.1m 0.01‐0.03m Onlinepond upstream Organicandsilt sediment70%, 30%vegetation (cattails) None Stable SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat None RoadName:Hwy43 WatercourseName:TributaryofLochGarry AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required CBC1mdiameter Indirect Noneobserved whileonsite. Potentialfor AmericanEel Onlinepond No No Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:Agriculturallands FishHabitat Type Table35.Crossing36Site SiteName: Crossing36 SiteMap#:2M SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Residential/agric ultural surrounding stream.Road salt/sand Channel Width Cattails 0.5‐2m RoadName:Hwy43 Channel Depth 0.1‐0.2m WatercourseName:TributaryofLochGarry In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type FishHabitat Type AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site None 10%sand,10% gravel,40% detritus,20% silt,20%clay, 10%cobble, 10%boulder None unstable CSP1.5m diameter Indirect Noneobserved whileonsite. Potentialfor AmericanEel Yes‐Damin culvert PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat 5 Willow(ELC Code:MAS3‐ 1/SWT3‐2) Yes‐Snapping turtle None Yes‐snapping turtlenesting habitat No No No None Yes Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor 7 unknown None None None No No Notes: Yes CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No Yes Table36.Crossing37Site SiteName: Crossing37 SiteMap#:2N SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover Channel Width Channel Depth In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type None Cattails, overhanging trees,grasses andsedges 0‐0.3m 0‐0.02m None Graveland cobble None Stable SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat None RoadName:Hwy43 WatercourseName:LochGarry AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CBC1mdiameter Indirect Noneobserved whileonsite. Potentialfor AmericanEel None Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:WaterQualitySampletakenatsite.Agriculturallands FishHabitat Type CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required No No Table37.Crossing38 SiteName: Crossing38 SiteMap#:2N SiteFeature: Watercourse Potential contaminant sources Upstream Cover None Cattails, overhanging 0.5‐1.5m grasses,sedges Channel Width RoadName:Hwy43 Channel Depth 0.05‐0.3m WatercourseName:LochGarry AquaticSpecies AtRiskPresent Barrieror Damsin Vicinityofthe Site CriticalHabitat (AquaticSAR) FishSampling Required CBC1.5diameter Indirect None No No No PotentialTurtle NestingHabitat In‐water Habitat Modifications Substrate Composition Springsor SeepsatSite BankStability WaterCulvert Type None 20%silt,30% detritus,10% clay,10% cobble,10% boulder None Stable FishHabitat Type SiteFeature: Wetlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Wetlandsize (ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally rarespecies present Habitatfor Speciesatrisk Amphibian Habitat Wetland Evaluatedas PSW OtherWetland (Evaluated) Unevaluated Wetland PotentialTurtle Habitat Significant Wildlife Habitat:Blue HeronColony None SiteFeature: Woodlandsadjacentwatercoursecrossing Present Approximate Woodland Size(ha) Dominant Species Speciesat RiskPresent Regionally RareSpecies Habitatfor SpeciesatRisk Woodland Valuable Wildlife Corridor None Notes:WaterQualitySampletakenatsite.Agriculturallands Appendix II: Project Bird Species and Breeding Status List APPENDIX II Project Bird Status Report Bird species observed by NEA are listed in the order followed the American Ornithologists' Union (AOU) Check-list of North American birds (7th edition, 1999, 47th Supplement). Common and scientific nomenclature are based on those used by AOU. Any significant status for a species on national and provincial lists is displayed as well as those from relevant regional lists. List Status : END - endangered A wildlife species facing imminent extirpation or extinction. END-R -endangered regulated A wildlife species facing imminent extirpation or extinction in Ontario which has been regulated under Ontario's Endangered Species Act (ESA). A wildlife species likely to become endangered if limiting factors are not reversed. THR - threatened A wildlife species that may become threatened or an endangered species because of a SC - special concern combination of biological characteristics and identified threats. A wildlife species that requires large areas of suitable habitat in order to sustain their YES - Area Sensitive population numbers. * Other status levels are not displayed List Sources: COSEWIC COSSARO SARA Area Sensitive The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, May 2012. The Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario, January 2012. Species At Risk Act, Schedule 1, Government of Canada, 2011. Significant Wildlife Technical Guide, Appendix C, OMNR, Oct. 2000 Region 6 Northern Ontario Wetland Evaluation Appendix 11B, February 2000 Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. Appendix II Page 1 of 3 PN 120-69d Breeding Status: (Observed By NEA) B -species observed in breeding season in suitable habitat with some evidence of breeding (confirmed, probable or possible as per Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas, 2002). F -species observed in breeding season but no evidence of breeding or suitable nest sites available on the study site (includes flyovers, migrants and foraging colonial breeders). M -species observed outside of breeding season for that species and in area outside of the known breeding range for that species. STATUS LISTS Common Name Scientific Name Canada Goose Turkey Vulture Red-tailed Hawk Ring-billed Gull Belted Kingfisher Downy Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker Pileated Woodpecker Warbling Vireo Blue Jay American Crow Black-capped Chickadee White-breasted Nuthatch American Robin European Starling American Pipit Song Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Branta canadensis Cathartes aura Buteo jamaicensis Larus delawarensis Megaceryle alcyon Picoides pubescens Picoides villosus Dryocopus pileatus Vireo gilvus Cyanocitta cristata Corvus brachyrhynchos Poecile atricapillus Sitta carolinensis Turdus migratorius Sturnus vulgaris Anthus rubescens Melospiza melodia Zonotrichia leucophrys Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. Observed Breeding Status COSEWIC COSSARO B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Appendix II Page 2 of 3 SARA Area Sensitive Region 6 No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No PN 120-69d STATUS LISTS Common Name Scientific Name Dark-eyed Junco Red-winged Blackbird Purple Finch American Goldfinch Evening Grosbeak NO. of SPECIES: 23 Junco hyemalis Agelaius phoeniceus Carpodacus purpureus Carduelis tristis Coccothraustes vespertinu BREEDING SPECIES: Observed Breeding Status COSEWIC COSSARO B B B B B 23 0 0 SARA 0 Area Sensitive Region 6 No No No No No RS 3 1 0 0 BIRD SPECIES WITH SIGNIFICANT STATUS Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. Appendix II Page 3 of 3 PN 120-69d Appendix III: Plant Species APPENDIX III Plan t Species by Community Families and genera for the plant species found in this appendix are listed in taxonomic order. The species are listed alphabetically by scientific name within each genus. Three standard reference works were used for the botanical nomenclature and taxonomy (Newmaster et. al., 1998; Gleason and Cronquist 1991; Voss 1980; 1985). Other published works for botanical names included; ferns (Cody and Britton 1989); grasses (Dore and McNeill 1980); orchids (Whiting and Catling 1986); shrubs (Soper and Heimburger 1982) and trees (Farrar 1995). Total: X: Number of communities where plant species was recorded Plant species recorded COMMUNITY NUMBER Common Name Scientific Name STONEWORT FAMILY CHARACEAE stonewort Chara spp. HORSETAIL FAMILY EQUISETACEAE field horsetail Equisetum arvense ROYAL FERN FAMILY OSMUNDACEAE cinnamon fern royal fern Osmunda cinnamonea Osmunda regalis var.spectabilis BEECH FERN FAMILY THELYPTERIDAE marsh fern Thelypteris palustris WOOD FERN FAMILY DRYOPTERIDACEAE oak fern sensitive fern Gymnocarpium dryopteris Onoclea sensibilis Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 X 2 1 X 2 X 1 X 2 X 11 12 X X X 1 X 2 X Appendix III 1 of 6 9 X PN 120-69d COMMUNITY NUMBER Common Name Scientific Name PINE FAMILY PINACEAE balsam fir tamarack white spruce Abies balsamea Larix laricina Picea glauca CYPRESS FAMILY CUPRESSACEAE eastern white cedar Thuja occidentalis WATER-LILY FAMILY NYMPHACEAE bullhead pond-lily Nuphar variegata BUTTERCUP FAMILY RANUNCULACEAE Canada anemone tall meadow rue Anemone canadensis Thalictrum pubescens ELM FAMILY ULMACEAE American elm Ulmus americana NETTLE FAMILY URTICACEAE false nettle wood nettle American stinging nettle Boehmeria cylindrica Laportea canadensis Urtica dioica ssp. Gracilis BEECH FAMILY FAGACEAE bur oak Quercus macrocarpa BIRCH FAMILY BETULACEAE white birch Betula papyrifera PINK FAMILY CARYOPHYLLACEAE bouncing bet Saponaria officinalis BUCKWHEAT FAMILY POLYGONACEAE Pennsylvania smartweed curled dock Polygonum pensylvanicum Rumex crispus Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 X X 7 8 9 10 12 X 1 3 X 1 X X 2 X X 1 3 11 X X X X 2 7 X 3 X X X X 2 X X X X X X X X 2 1 X X 1 1 X X X 1 X 1 X 1 X ST. JOHN'S-WORT FAMILY GUTTIFERAE Canadian St. John's-wort Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. Hypericum canadense Appendix I - A 2 of 6 PN 120-69d COMMUNITY NUMBER Common Name Scientific Name LINDEN FAMILY TILIACEAE American basswood Tilia americana WILLOW FAMILY SALICACEAE trembling aspen Bebb's willow pussy willow shining willow slender willow Populus tremuloides Salix bebbiana Salix discolor Salix lucida Salix petiolaris PRIMROSE FAMILY PRIMULACEAE fringed loosestrife Lysimachia ciliata SAXIFRAGE FAMILY SAXIFRAGACEAE foam flower Tiarella cordifolia ROSE FAMILY ROSACEAE hawthorn species yellow avens wild red raspberry dwarf raspberry narrow-leaved meadowsweet Crataegus spp. Geum aleppicum Rubus idaeus Rubus pubescens Spiraea alba WATER-MILFOIL FAMILY HALORAGACEAE Eurasian water-milfoil Myriophyllum spicatum LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY LYTHRACEAE purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 X 1 1 X 1 X 1 X X 1 X 3 X X X X X 1 X 1 3 X 2 X X X X X 1 X 1 2 1 10 X X X X X 6 X X EVENING PRIMROSE FAMIL ONAGRACEAE northern willow-herb Epilobium ciliatum ssp. Glandulosum DOGWOOD FAMILY CORNACEAE red-osier dogwood Cornus stolonifera BUCKTHORN FAMILY RHAMNACEAE European buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. X 3 5 X X 1 Appendix I - A 3 of 6 X X X X X X PN 120-69d COMMUNITY NUMBER Common Name Scientific Name GRAPE FAMILY VITACEAE wild grape Vitis riparia MAPLE FAMILY ACERACEAE Manitoba maple red maple sugar maple Acer negundo Acer rubrum Acer saccharum ssp.saccharum CARROT FAMILY APIACEAE cow parsnip wild parsnip Heracleum lanatum Pastinaca sativa MILKWEED FAMILY ASCLEPIADACEAE swamp milkweed Asclepias incarnata NIGHTSHADE FAMILY SOLANACEAE bitter nightshade Solanum dulcamara VERVAIN FAMILY VERBENACEAE blue vervain Verbena hastata OLIVE FAMILY OLEACEAE black ash red ash green ash Fraxinus nigra Fraxinus pennsylvanica Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. subintegerr FIGWORT FAMILY SCROPHULARIACEAE turtlehead Chelone glabra HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY CAPRIFOLIACEAE high bush cranberry Viburnum trilobium Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. Total 1 1 X 3 X 2 3 X 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 X X 1 1 X 1 X X X 2 X X X 1 X 1 X 3 4 9 X 1 2 8 X X X Appendix I - A 4 of 6 X X X 1 1 X X PN 120-69d COMMUNITY NUMBER Common Name Scientific Name ASTER FAMILY ASTERACEAE New England aster European beggar-ticks marsh beggar-ticks Philadelphia fleabane spotted joe-pyeweed elecampane rough-leaved goldenrod tansy coltsfoot Aster novae- angliae Bidens connata Bidens frondosa Erigeron philadelphicus ssp. Philadelphi Eupatorium maculatum Inula helenium Solidago patula Muhlenb.ex Willd. Tanacetum vulgare Tussilago farfara DUCKWEED FAMILY LEMNACEAE common duckweed greater duckweed Lemna minor Spirodella polyrhiza SEDGE FAMILY CYPERACEAE retrorse sedge tussock sedge needle spike-rush wool-grass softstem bulrush Carex retrorsa Carex stricta Eleocharis acicularis Scirpus cyperinus Scirpus validus GRASS FAMILY POACEAE redtop awnless brome grass Canada bluejoint grass fowl manna grass reed canary grass common reed fowl meadow grass Agrostis gigantea Bromus inermis ssp.inermis Calamagrostis canadensis Glyceria striata Phalaris arundinacea Phragmites australis Poa palustris BUR-REED FAMILY SPARGANIACEAE broad-fruited bur-reed Sparganium eurycarpum Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. Total 1 5 X 2 3 4 5 6 X X 7 12 X X X X X X X X 1 X 2 X X X 1 X 6 X X X X X X X 1 X 1 X X 3 X X X 1 3 11 X 4 2 10 X 2 1 9 X 1 1 8 X X X X 1 1 X 6 X X X X X X 3 5 2 X 2 X X 3 X X X X X X X X X X X Appendix I - A 5 of 6 X PN 120-69d COMMUNITY NUMBER Common Name Scientific Name CATTAIL FAMILY TYPHACEAE narrow-leaved cattail common cattail Typha angustifolia Typha latifolia LILY FAMILY LILIACEAE lily-of-the-valley Convallaria majalis L. IRIS FAMILY IRIDACEAE wild blue flag Iris versicolor Total Number of Plant Species 84 Total 1 2 6 X 7 3 4 5 6 X X X X X X 7 8 X X 12 17 9 10 X X 11 12 X X X 1 X 1 16 19 15 16 23 8 11 22 5 11 Number of Plant Species Per Community Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. Appendix I - A 6 of 6 PN 120-69d Appendix IV: Water Quality Results APPENDIX IV: Water Quality Results PN 12069 Sample Site: 5 Site Type: point Waterbody/Watercourse: Raisin River Comments: Northing: Easting: Sample ID: 12-069_05WQ01 Date: 17-Oct-12 Sample Depth (m) Start Time: 1:00 PM Water Depth (m) End Time: 1:20 PM Weather: overcast Surface Conditions: Calm Velocity (m/s): Air Temp *C Water Temp *C DO2 (mg/L) pH TDS (mg/s) Phosporus Conductivity Turbidity (ppb) (us/cm) (NTU) Water Colour 16 8.6 10.26 7.53 695 1070 Colourless 5.37 Sample Site: 2 Site Type: point Waterbody/Watercourse: Raisin River Comments: Northing: Easting: Sample ID: 12-069_02WQ01 Date: 17-Oct-12 Sample Depth (m) Start Time: 11:00 AM Water Depth (m) End Time: 11:10 AM Weather: Sunny Surface Conditions: Calm Velocity (m/s): Air Temp *C Water Temp *C DO2 (mg/L) pH TDS (mg/s) Phosporus Conductivity Turbidity (ppb) (us/cm) (NTU) Water Colour 16 6.9 10.23 7.25 418 643 Turbid Niblett Environmental Associates Inc Page 1 of 3 10.9 Appendix IV:Water Quality Results Sample Site: 12 Site Type: point Waterbody/Watercourse: Raisin River Comments: Northing: Easting: Sample ID: 12-069_12WQ01 Date: 17-Oct-12 Sample Depth (m) Start Time: 2:10 PM Water Depth (m) End Time: 2:30 PM Weather: overcast Surface Conditions: Rippled Velocity (m/s): Air Temp *C Water Temp *C DO2 (mg/L) pH TDS (mg/s) Phosporus Conductivity Turbidity (ppb) (us/cm) (NTU) Water Colour 16 6.9 10.23 7.81 418 643 Colourless 1.57 Sample Site: 40 Site Type: point Waterbody/Watercourse: Raisin River Comments: Northing: Easting: Sample ID: 12-069_40WQ01 Date: 17-Oct-12 Sample Depth (m) Start Time: 4:00 PM Water Depth (m) End Time: 4:20 PM Weather: overcast Surface Conditions: Calm Velocity (m/s): Air Temp *C Water Temp *C DO2 (mg/L) pH TDS (mg/s) Phosporus Conductivity Turbidity (ppb) (us/cm) (NTU) Water Colour 16 8.1 11.17 7.53 398.7 613 Turbid 5.32 Sample Site: 26 Site Type: point Waterbody/Watercourse: Raisin River Comments: Northing: Easting: Sample ID: 12-069_26WQ01 Date: 18-Oct-12 Sample Depth (m) Air Temp *C 21 Water Temp *C Start Time: 10:00 AM Water Depth (m) End Time: 10:20 AM Weather: Sunny Surface Conditions: Calm Velocity (m/s): DO2 (mg/L) pH TDS (mg/s) Phosporus Conductivity Turbidity (ppb) (us/cm) (NTU) 10.41 7.61 20.3 31.3 Niblett Environmental Associates Inc Page 2 of 3 Water Colour 1.2 Appendix X:Water Quality Results Sample Site: 30 Site Type: point Waterbody/Watercourse: Raisin River Comments: Northing: Easting: Sample ID: 12-069_30WQ01 Date: 18-Oct-12 Sample Depth (m) Start Time: 11:00 AM Water Depth (m) End Time: Weather: Sunny Surface Conditions: Calm Velocity (m/s): Air Temp *C Water Temp *C DO2 (mg/L) pH TDS (mg/s) Phosporus Conductivity Turbidity (ppb) (us/cm) (NTU) Water Colour 21 8.8 6.36 6.31 291.3 448.2 YellowBrown 0.56 Sample Site: 38 Site Type: point Waterbody/Watercourse: Raisin River Comments: Northing: Easting: Sample ID: 12-069_38WQ01 Date: 18-Oct-12 Sample Depth (m) Start Time: 1:10 PM Water Depth (m) End Time: Weather: Sunny/warm Surface Conditions: Calm Velocity (m/s): Air Temp *C Water Temp *C DO2 (mg/L) pH TDS (mg/s) Phosporus Conductivity Turbidity (ppb) (us/cm) (NTU) Water Colour 21 11.9 11.72 7.34 592 910 Colourless Niblett Environmental Associates Inc Page 3 of 3 1.56 Appendix X:Water Quality Results Appendix V: Impacts and Recommendations for Crossings with Valued Ecosystem Components Appendix V. Impacts and Recommendations for Crossings with Valued EcosystemComponents Thefollowingcrossingshavenotbeenevaluatedforimpactsandrecommendationsduetoabsence ofvaluedecosystemcomponents:1,20,21,22and23. Categoriesthatarenotrelevanthavebeenleftblankinthecrossing’simpactandrecommendation table. Crossing2 SpeciesatRiskPresent Potentialforspeciesatrisktouseasapassageway RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Critical Habitat present “All Special Concern Species (Sch 1,3 and Newly Listed)”. Follow up required with MNR district and RRCA to confirmthepresenceofaquaticspeciesatriskhabitat. If aquatic species at risk confirmed, a SAR work permit or agreement mayberequired.Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningand nursery periods of fish. Restrict in‐water works to the approved fish timingwindowforthisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 1 Appendix V Crossing3 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Alargewoodlandexistssouthofthecrossing.Whenpossibleavoidtree removalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench. Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnature and extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtrees inwoodland. Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Critical Habitat present “All Special Concern Species (Sch 1,3 and Newly Listed)”. Follow up required with MNR district and RRCA to confirmthepresenceofaquaticspeciesatriskhabitat. If aquatic species at risk confirmed, a SAR work permit or agreement mayberequired. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 2 Appendix V Crossing4 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland Turtlenestinghabitat(snappingturtle)wasfoundatthissite,seeabove forrecommendations Alargewoodlandexistsnorthofthecrossing.Whenpossibleavoidtree removalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtreesin woodland. Nosetbacksshouldberequired. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. AmphibianhabitatwasobservedwithintheadjacentPSW, transmissionlineshouldbeplacedinroadROWwithpropersiltfencing alongtheroadsidetoprotectamphibianhabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Nestinghabitatforthesnappingturtlewasobservedalongtheroadside. Risk Priortoconstructionaqualifiedbiologistshouldconductnestsearches alongroadsideinspringorearlysummertotargetanynests. DiscussionswithMNRwilldeterminenecessaryprotectivemeasures, includingrelocationfornestsfoundorrestrictivefencingandtiming windows. ProvinciallySignificant SummerstownSwampPSWexistsdirectlyadjacenttocrossing4.Itis Wetlands recommendedthetransmissionlinebelocatedwithjntheroadROWor downthecentreofCashionRoadandpropersiltfencingbeplacedalong eithersideoftheroadtoprotectthewetlandsfeaturesandfunctions OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 3 Appendix V Crossing5 SpeciesatRiskPresent foragingBarnswallowswerepresentatthislocation,nonestinghabitat existedinproximitytothiscrossing,itisrecommendedthatany clearingbeoutsideofthebreedingbirdwindow(May1st‐July31st), nestsearchesshouldalsobecompletedbyaqualifiedbirdbiologistto identifyanynestspriortoconstructionIfrecommendationsare followedtherewillbenoimpacttothebarnswallowsatthislocationas aresultoftheconstruction RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat Amphibianhabitatwasobservedwithinthesmallwetlandareasbythe crossing.Thetransmissionlineshouldbeplaceddownthecentreofthe roadwithpropersiltfencingalongtheroadsidetoprotectamphibian habitat HabitatforSpeciesat Nestinghabitatforthesnappingturtlewasobservedalongtheroadside. Risk Priortoconstructionaqualifiedbiologistshouldconductnestsearches alongroadsideinspringorearlysummertotargetanynests. DiscussionswithMNRwilldeterminenecessaryprotectivemeasures, includingrelocationfornestsfoundorrestrictivefencingandtiming windows. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands Anunevaluatedwetlandexistedadjacentthecrossing.Itis recommendedthetransmissionlinestayoutsideofthewetlandareas andasiltfencebeplacedalongsidetheroadtoprotectthewetlandfrom siltenteringasaresultoftheconstruction PotentialTurtle Duetothepresenceofwetlandandgravelshouldersthereispotential Habitat turtlehabitat,seeaboveforrecommendations. Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 4 Appendix V Crossing6 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Nosetbacksshouldberequired. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 5 Appendix V Crossing7 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRareSpecies (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Alargewoodlandexistsnorth ofthecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtrees inwoodland. Nosetbacksshouldberequired. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 6 Appendix V Crossing8 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat Amphibianhabitatwasobservedwithinthesmallwetlandareasbythe crossing.Thetransmissionlineshouldbeplaceddownthecentreofthe roadwithpropersiltfencingalongtheroadsidetoprotectamphibian habitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands Anunevaluatedwetlandexistedadjacentthecrossing.Itis recommendedthetransmissionlinestayoutsideofthewetlandareas andasiltfencebeplacedalongsidetheroadtoprotectthewetland fromsiltenteringasaresultoftheconstruction. Anunevaluatedwetlandexistedadjacentthecrossing.Itis PotentialTurtle recommendedthetransmissionlinestayoutsideofthewetlandareas Habitat andasiltfencebeplacedalongsidetheroadtoprotectthewetland fromsiltenteringasaresultoftheconstruction. Woodland Alargewoodlandexistsnorth ofthecrossing.Whenpossibleavoidtree removalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench ValuableWildlife Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand Corridor extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtrees inwoodland. FishHabitat Nosetbacksshouldberequired. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 7 Appendix V Crossing9 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat Cowparsnipwasobservedalongtheroadsideandisconsidered regionalrarebyCuddy(1991),since1991thisspeciesthrivesin disturbedareasandwouldnotbeconsideredararespeciesbyNEAin 2012thereforetherearenorecommendationstoconservethisspecies HabitatforSpeciesat Risk AmericaneelandCutlipMinnowhavebeenidentifiedwithinthe watercourse,notnecessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoing observationforSAR,andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertaken duringconstructionbyallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbe encounteredduringworkrelatedactivities,orifthereispotentialto negativelyimpactSAR,orwildlifemoregenerally,contactResource ConservationinPeterborough(705)7504900immediatelyfor guidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 8 Appendix V Crossing10 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk AmericanEelandCutlipMinnowhavebeenidentifiedwithinthe watercourse,notnecessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoing observationforSAR,andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertaken duringconstructionbyallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbe encounteredduringworkrelatedactivities,orifthereispotentialto negativelyimpactSAR,orwildlifemoregenerally,contactResource ConservationinPeterborough(705)7504900immediatelyfor guidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Nosetbacksshouldberequired. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 9 Appendix V Crossing11 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk AmericanEelandCutlipMinnowhavebeenidentifiedwithinthe watercourse,notnecessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoing observationforSAR,andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertaken duringconstructionbyallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbe encounteredduringworkrelatedactivities,orifthereispotentialto negativelyimpactSAR,orwildlifemoregenerally,contactResource ConservationinPeterborough(705)7504900immediatelyfor guidelinesonhowtoproceed ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 10 Appendix V Crossing12 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk AmericanEelandCutlipMinnowhavebeenidentifiedwithinthe watercourse,notnecessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoing observationforSAR,andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertaken duringconstructionbyallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbe encounteredduringworkrelatedactivities,orifthereispotentialto negativelyimpactSAR,orwildlifemoregenerally,contactResource ConservationinPeterborough(705)7504900immediatelyfor guidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 11 Appendix V Crossing13 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk AmericanEelandCutlip Minnowhavebeenidentifiedwithinthe watercourse,notnecessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoing observationforSAR,andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertaken duringconstructionbyallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbe encounteredduringworkrelatedactivities,orifthereispotentialto negativelyimpactSAR,orwildlifemoregenerally,contactResource ConservationinPeterborough(705)7504900immediatelyfor guidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Nosetbacksshouldberequired. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 12 Appendix V Crossing14 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk AmericanEelandCutlipMinnowhavebeenidentifiedwithinthe watercourse,notnecessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoing observationforSAR,andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertaken duringconstructionbyallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbe encounteredduringworkrelatedactivities,orifthereispotentialto negativelyimpactSAR,orwildlifemoregenerally,contactResource ConservationinPeterborough(705)7504900immediatelyfor guidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Alargewoodlandexistsadjacentto thecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from the appropriate authorities. Restore banks to original condition if any disturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 13 Appendix V Crossing15 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat AmphibianhabitatwasobservedwithintheadjacentPSW, transmissionlineshouldbeplacedoutsideofthePSWwithpropersilt fencingalongtheroadsidetoprotectamphibianhabitat HabitatforSpeciesat AmericanEelandCutlipMinnowhavebeenidentifiedwithinthe Risk watercourse,notnecessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoing observationforSAR,andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertaken duringconstructionbyallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbe encounteredduringworkrelatedactivities,orifthereispotentialto negativelyimpactSAR,orwildlifemoregenerally,contactResource ConservationinPeterborough(705)7504900immediatelyfor guidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant TheBeaudettRiverSwampPSWwasfoundadjacentthecrossing.Itis Wetlands recommendedthetransmissionlinebelocatedoutsideofthePSWand thatpropersiltfencingbeinstalledalongeithersideoftheconstruction toprotectthewetlandsfeaturesandfunctions OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony DuetothepresenceofaPSWthereispotentialturtlehabitat,proper siltfencingshouldbeinstalledalongtheconstructionsitetoprotect habitat,nestsearchesinspringorsummerforsnappingturtleshould beconductedinordertoidentifyanyactivenests.Ifnestsarefound, discussionswithMNRwilldeterminepropermeasuresforprotection. Alargewoodlandexistsadjacent tothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtrees inwoodland. Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from the appropriate authorities. Restore banks to original condition if any disturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 14 Appendix V Crossing16 SpeciesatRiskPresent Onebutternuttreewasobservedadjacentthecrossing.A25mbuffer aroundthetreeshouldbeimplementedtoprotectitfromanynegative impactsthatmayoccurasaresultoftheconstruction. RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk Butternutwasobservedadjacentthecrossing.Seeabovefor recommendations AmericanEelhasbeenidentifiedwithinthewatercourse,not necessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoingobservationforSAR, andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertakenduringconstruction byallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbeencounteredduringwork relatedactivities,orifthereispotentialtonegativelyimpactSAR,or wildlifemoregenerally,contactResourceConservationinPeterborough (705)7504900immediatelyforguidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands Anunevaluatedwetlandexistedadjacentthecrossing.Itis recommendedthetransmissionlinestayoutsideofthewetlandareas andasiltfencebeplacedalongsidetheroadtoprotectthewetlandfrom siltenteringasaresultoftheconstruction. PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland Alargewoodlandexistsadjacenttothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench ValuableWildlife Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand Corridor extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtreesin woodland. FishHabitat Nosetbacksshouldberequired. SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 15 Appendix V Crossing17 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk AmericanEelhasbeenidentifiedwithinthewatercourse,not necessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoingobservationforSAR, andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertakenduringconstruction byallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbeencounteredduringwork relatedactivities,orifthereispotentialtonegativelyimpactSAR,or wildlifemoregenerally,contactResourceConservationin Peterborough(705)7504900immediatelyforguidelinesonhowto proceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands Anunevaluatedwetlandexistedadjacentthecrossing.Itis recommendedthetransmissionlinestayoutsideofthewetlandareas andasiltfencebeplacedalongsidetheroadtoprotectthewetland fromsiltenteringasaresultoftheconstruction. PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland Alargewoodlandexistsadjacenttothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench ValuableWildlife Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand Corridor extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtrees inwoodland. FishHabitat Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 16 Appendix V Crossing18 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk AmericanEelhasbeenidentifiedwithinthewatercourse,not necessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoingobservationforSAR, andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertakenduringconstruction byallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbeencounteredduringwork relatedactivities,orifthereispotentialtonegativelyimpactSAR,or wildlifemoregenerally,contactResourceConservationin Peterborough(705)7504900immediatelyforguidelinesonhowto proceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 17 Appendix V Crossing19,24and25 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 18 Appendix V Crossing26 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Alargewoodland existsadjacenttothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 19 Appendix V Crossing27 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) Europeanbeggar‐ticksaregionallyrarespeciesaccordingtoCuddy (1991).Thisspecieswasfoundadjacentthecrossing.Further investigationswillberequiredpriortoconstructiontodetermineits proximitytothetransmissionlineandconfirmitspresence. Discussionswithlocalauthoritieswilldeterminewhetherre‐location willbeappropriate. Amphibianhabitatwasobservedwithintheadjacentwetland, transmissionlineshouldbeplacedoutsideofthewetlandwhere possiblewithpropersiltfencingalongtheroadsidetoprotect amphibianhabitat AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands Anevaluatedwetland(MaxvilleSwamp)existedadjacentthecrossing. (Evaluated) Itisrecommendedthetransmissionlinestayoutsideofthewetland areasandasiltfencebeplacedalongsidetheroadtoprotectthe wetlandfromsiltenteringasaresultoftheconstruction. UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Alargewoodland existsadjacenttothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtrees inwoodland. Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitat may potentially be impacted, all works shall cease until the problem has been corrected or authorization has been obtained from theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 20 Appendix V Crossing28 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat Amphibianhabitatwasobservedwithintheadjacentwetland, transmissionlineshouldbeplacedoutsideofthewetlandwhere possiblewithpropersiltfencingalongtheroadsidetoprotect amphibianhabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands Thisevaluatedwetland,Junctionswampwaslocatedadjacentthe (Evaluated) crossing.Itisrecommendedthetransmissionlinebelocatedoutsideof thewetlandareaandthatpropersiltfencingbeinstalledalongeither sideoftheconstructiontoprotectthewetlandsfeaturesandfunctions. UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Alargewoodlandexistsadjacenttothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtrees inwoodland. Nosetbacksshouldberequired. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 21 Appendix V Crossing29 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat Amphibianhabitatwasobservedwithintheadjacentwetland.The wetlandareasshouldbeavoidedasmuchaspossibleandpropersilt fencingshouldbeinstalledalongtheroadsidetoprotectamphibian habitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands Anunevaluatedwetlandexistedadjacentthecrossing.Itis recommendedthetransmissionlineavoidthewetlandareasasmuchas possibleandasiltfencebeplacedalongsidetheroadtoprotectthe wetlandfromsiltenteringasaresultoftheconstruction. PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland Alargewoodlandexistsadjacenttothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench ValuableWildlife Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand Corridor extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtreesin woodland. FishHabitat Nosetbacksshouldberequired. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitatmaypotentiallybeimpacted,allworksshallceaseuntilthe problemhasbeencorrectedorauthorizationhasbeenobtainedfrom theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 22 Appendix V Crossing30 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk Habitatforspeciesatriskwasconfirmedinthewetlandevaluationfor snappingturtle.Nestinghabitatforthesnappingturtlewasobserved alongtheroadside.Priortoconstructionaqualifiedbiologistshould conductnestsearchesalongroadsideinspringorearlysummerto targetanynests.DiscussionswithMNRwilldeterminenecessary protectivemeasures,includingrelocationfornestsfoundorrestrictive fencingandtimingwindows. HabitatforBridleShinerwasconfirmedatthiscrossing.Dailyongoing observationforSAR,andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertaken duringconstructionbyallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbe encounteredduringworkrelatedactivities,orifthereispotentialto negativelyimpactSAR,orwildlifemoregenerally,contactResource ConservationinPeterborough(705)7504900immediatelyfor guidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands Anunevaluatedwetlandexistedadjacentthecrossing.Itis recommendedthetransmissionlineavoidthewetlandareasasmuchas possibleandasiltfencebeplacedalongsidetheroadtoprotectthe wetlandfromsiltenteringasaresultoftheconstruction. PotentialTurtle Potentialturtlenestinghabitat(snappingturtle)wasfoundatthissite, Habitat seeaboveforrecommendations. Woodland Alargewoodlandexistsadjacenttothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench ValuableWildlife Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand Corridor extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtreesin woodland. FishHabitat Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitatmaypotentiallybeimpacted,allworksshallceaseuntilthe problemhasbeencorrectedorauthorizationhasbeenobtainedfrom theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 23 Appendix V Crossing31 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) CanadianSt.John’swortandPennsylvaniasmartweed(regionallyrare accordingtoCuddy,1991)wereobservedalongtheroadside.Asthislist wascreatedin1991,therarityformanyofthesespecieshaschanged. ItisinNEA’sopinionthatbothplantsarecommonlyfoundand relocationofthesespeciesisnotnecessary. AmphibianHabitat Amphibianhabitatwasobservedwithintheadjacentwetland.The wetlandareasshouldbeavoidedasmuchaspossibleandpropersilt fencingshouldbeinstalledalongtheroadsidetoprotectamphibian habitat HabitatforSpeciesat HabitatforBridleShinerwasconfirmedatthiscrossing.Dailyongoing Risk observationforSAR,andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertaken duringconstructionbyallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbe encounteredduringworkrelatedactivities,orifthereispotentialto negativelyimpactSAR,orwildlifemoregenerally,contactResource ConservationinPeterborough(705)7504900immediatelyfor guidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands Anunevaluatedwetlandexistedadjacentthecrossing.Itis recommendedthetransmissionlineavoidthewetlandareasasmuchas possibleandasiltfencebeplacedalongsidetheroadtoprotectthe wetlandfromsiltenteringasaresultoftheconstruction. PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland Alargewoodlandexistsadjacenttothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench ValuableWildlife Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand Corridor extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtreesin woodland. FishHabitat Direct fish habitat, a minimum 15m‐30m construction setback may be required. SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 24 Appendix V Crossing32 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk Habitatforspeciesatriskwasconfirmedinthewetlandevaluationfor snappingturtle..Nestinghabitatforthesnappingturtlewasobserved alongtheroadside.Priortoconstructionaqualifiedbiologistshould conductnestsearchesalongroadsideinspringorearlysummerto targetanynests.DiscussionswithMNRwilldeterminenecessary protectivemeasures,includingrelocationfornestsfoundorrestrictive fencingandtimingwindows.. ProvinciallySignificant ThePSWLochGarrymarshwasadjacentthecrossing.Itis Wetlands recommendedtoavoidwetlandwherepossibleandtoproperlyinstall siltfencingalongtheperimetertoprotectthefeaturesandfunctions. Nonegativeimpactswilloccurasaresultoftheconstruction OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands Anunevaluatedwetlandexistedadjacentthecrossing.Itis recommendedthetransmissionlineavoidthewetlandareasasmuchas possibleandasiltfencebeplacedalongsidetheroadtoprotectthe wetlandfromsiltenteringasaresultoftheconstruction. PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland Alargewoodlandexistsadjacenttothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench ValuableWildlife Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnature and Corridor extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtreesin woodland. FishHabitat Nosetbacksshouldberequired. SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 25 Appendix V Crossing33 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland Potentialturtlenestinghabitat(snappingturtle)wasfoundatthissite, seeaboveforrecommendations. Alargewoodlandexistsadjacenttothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtreesin woodland. Nosetbacksshouldberequired. Amphibianhabitatwasobservedwithintheadjacentwetland.The wetlandareasshouldbeavoidedasmuchaspossibleandpropersilt fencingshouldbeinstalledalongtheroadsidetoprotectamphibian habitat HabitatforSpeciesat Habitatforspeciesatriskwasconfirmedinthewetlandevaluationfor Risk snappingturtle..Nestinghabitatforthesnappingturtlewasobserved alongtheroadside.Priortoconstructionaqualifiedbiologistshould conductnestsearchesalongroadsideinspringorearlysummerto targetanynests.DiscussionswithMNRwilldeterminenecessary protectivemeasures,includingrelocationfornestsfoundorrestrictive fencingandtimingwindows. AmericanEelhasbeenidentifiedwithinthewatercourse,not necessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoingobservationforSAR, andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertakenduringconstruction byallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbeencounteredduringwork relatedactivities,orifthereispotentialtonegativelyimpactSAR,or wildlifemoregenerally,contactResourceConservationinPeterborough (705)7504900immediatelyforguidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant ThePSWLochGarrymarshwasadjacentthecrossing.Itis Wetlands recommendedtoavoidwetlandwherepossibleandtoproperlyinstall siltfencingalongtheperimetertoprotectthefeaturesandfunctions. Nonegativeimpactswilloccurasaresultoftheconstruction OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 26 Appendix V Crossing34&35 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk AmericanEelhasbeenidentifiedwithinthewatercourse,not necessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoingobservationforSAR, andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertakenduringconstruction byallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbeencounteredduringwork relatedactivities,orifthereispotentialtonegativelyimpactSAR,or wildlifemoregenerally,contactResourceConservationinPeterborough (705)7504900immediatelyforguidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Nosetbacksshouldberequired. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 27 Appendix V Crossing36 SpeciesatRiskPresent Nestingevidenceofsnappingturtleexistedontheshoulder.Priorto constructionaqualifiedbiologistshouldconductnestsearchesalong roadsideinspringorearlysummertotargetanynests.Discussions withMNRwilldeterminenecessaryprotectivemeasures,including relocationfornestsfound. RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk NestinghabitatforsnappingturtlewasconfirmedinthefieldbyanNEA biologist.Priortoconstructionaqualifiedbiologistshouldconduct nestsearchesalongroadsideinspringorearlysummertotargetany nests.DiscussionswithMNRwilldeterminenecessaryprotective measures,includingrelocationfornestsfoundorrestrictivefencingand timingwindows. AmericanEelhasbeenidentifiedwithinthewatercourse,not necessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoingobservationforSAR, andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertakenduringconstruction byallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbeencounteredduringwork relatedactivities,orifthereispotentialtonegativelyimpactSAR,or wildlifemoregenerally,contactResourceConservationinPeterborough (705)7504900immediatelyforguidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands Anunevaluatedwetlandexistedadjacentthecrossing.Itis recommendedthetransmissionlineavoidthewetlandareasasmuchas possibleandasiltfencebeplacedalongsidetheroadtoprotectthe wetlandfromsiltenteringasaresultoftheconstruction. PotentialTurtle Potentialturtle nestinghabitat(snappingturtle)wasfoundatthissite, Habitat seeaboveforrecommendations. Woodland Alargewoodlandexistsadjacenttothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat Nosetbacksshouldberequired. SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 28 Appendix V Crossing37&38 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat HabitatforSpeciesat Risk AmericanEelhasbeenidentifiedwithinthewatercourse,not necessarilyatexactcrossing,butdailyongoingobservationforSAR, andallwildlifemoregenerally,willbeundertakenduringconstruction byallpersonnelonsite.ShouldanySARbeencounteredduringwork relatedactivities,orifthereispotentialtonegativelyimpactSAR,or wildlifemoregenerally,contactResourceConservationinPeterborough (705)7504900immediatelyforguidelinesonhowtoproceed. ProvinciallySignificant Wetlands OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands PotentialTurtle Habitat Woodland ValuableWildlife Corridor FishHabitat SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Nosetbacksshouldberequired. Scheduledactivitiestoavoidmigratory,spawningandnurseryperiods offish.Restrictin‐waterworkstotheapprovedfishtimingwindowfor thisproject. Shouldworkconditionschangesuchthatitispossiblethatfishorfish habitatmaypotentiallybeimpacted,allworksshallceaseuntilthe problemhasbeencorrectedorauthorizationhasbeenobtainedfrom theappropriateauthorities. Restorebankstooriginalconditionifanydisturbanceoccurs. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 29 Appendix V Crossing39 SpeciesatRiskPresent RegionallyRare Species (Cuddy,1991) AmphibianHabitat Possibleuseofwetlandalongshores HabitatforSpeciesat Risk ProvinciallySignificant SummerstownSwampPSWexistsdirectlyadjacenttocrossing39.Itis Wetlands recommendedtheTransmissionlinebelocatedoutsideofthePSW boundaryand30mfromandpropersiltfencingbeplacedalongeither sideoftheroadtoprotectthewetlandsfeaturesandfunctions OtherWetlands (Evaluated) UnevaluatedWetlands Anunevaluatedwetlandexistedadjacentthecrossing.Itis recommendedthetransmissionlineavoidthewetlandareasasmuchas possibleandasiltfencebeplacedalongsidetheroadtoprotectthe wetlandfromsiltenteringasaresultoftheconstruction. PotentialTurtle Nofieldworkconducted‐informationnotavailable Habitat Woodland Alargewoodlandexists adjacenttothecrossing.Whenpossibleavoid treeremovalandlimbwhenpossible.Cutrootscleanlywhererootsof largertreesextendsintoexcavationtrench ValuableWildlife Avaluablewildlifecorridorduetothewoodlotscontiguousnatureand Corridor extentacrossthelandscape.Avoidremovalofhabitatorcuttingtreesin woodland. FishHabitat Nofieldworkconducted‐informationnotavailable SignificantWildlife Habitat:BlueHeron Colony Theblueheroncolonyexistedapproximately165mfromServiceRoad. DiscussionswithMNRwilldeterminetheexactlocationofthiscolony. Itisrecommendedthatnoconstructionwilltakeplaceinsensitive breadingtimes(March15‐August1).Notreeremovalwithin300mof thecolonyispermittedasthisactsasavaluablebufferfromhighway 401andassociateddisturbancesforthecolony. Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. 30 Appendix V Appendix VI: Photodocumentation Glengarry Regional Water Supply Environmental Assessment Upstream: Crossing 2 (October 17, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 2 (October 17, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 4 (October 17, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 4 (October 17, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 5 (October 17, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 5 (October 17, 2012) Niblett Environmental Associates Inc 1 PN12-069 Glengarry Regional Water Supply Environmental Assessment Upstream: Crossing 6 (October 17, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 7 (October 17, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 7 (October 17, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 8 (October 17, 2012) Niblett Environmental Associates Inc Downstream: Crossing 8 (October 17, 2012) 2 PN12-069 Glengarry Regional Water Supply Environmental Assessement Upstream: Crossing 9 (October 17, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 9 (October 17, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 10 (October 17, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 10 (October, 17, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 11 (October 17, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 11 (October 17, 2012) Niblett Environmental Associates Inc 3 PN12-069 Glengarry Regional Water Supply Environmental Assessment Upstream: Crossing 12 (October 17, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 12 (October 17, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 13 (October 17, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 13 (October 17, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 14 (October 17, 2012) Niblett Environmental Associates Inc Downstream: Crossing 14 (October 17, 2012) 4 PN12-069 Environmental Assessment Glengarry Regional Water Supply Downstream: Crossing 15 (October 17, 2012) Upstream : Crossing 15 (October 17, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 16 (October 17, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 16 (October 17, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 17 (October 17, 2012) Niblett Environmnetal Associates Inc Downstream: Crossing 17 (October 17, 2012) 5 PN12-069 Glengarry Regional Water Supply Environmental Assessment Upstream: Crossing 18 (October 17, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 18 (October 17, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 19 (October 17, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 19 (October 17, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 20 (October 17, 2012) Niblett Environmental Associates Inc Downstream: Crossing 20 (October 17, 2012) 6 PN12-069 Glengarry Regional Water Supply Environmental Assessment Upstream: Crossing 21 (October 18, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 22 (October 18, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 22 (October 18, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 23 (October 18, 2012) Niblett Environmental Associates Inc Downstream: Crossing 23 (October 18, 2012) 7 PN12-069 Glengarry Regional Water Supply Environmental Assessment Upstream: Crossing 24 (October 18, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 24 (October 18, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 25 (October 18, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 25 (October 18, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 26 (October 18, 2012) Niblett Environmental Associates Inc Downstream: Crossing 26, (October 18, 2012) 8 PN12-069 Glengarry Regional Water Supply Environmental Assessment Upstream: Crossing 27 (October 18, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 27 (October 18, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 28 (October 18, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 28 Ocotober 18, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 29 (October 18, 2012) Niblett Environmental Associates Inc Downstream: Crossing 29 (October 18, 2012) 9 PN12-069 Glengarry Regional Water Supply Environmental Assessment Upstream: Crossing 30 (October 18, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 30 (October 18, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 31 (October 18, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 31 (October 18, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 32 (October 18, 2012) Niblett Environmental Associates Inc Downstream: Crossing 32 (October 18, 2012) 10 PN12-069 Glengarry Regional Water Supply Environmental Assessment Upstream: Crossing 33 (October 18, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 33 (October 18, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 34 (October 18, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 35 (October 18, 2012) Niblett Environmental Associates Inc Downstream: Crossing 35 (October 18, 2012) 11 PN12-069 Glengarry Regional Water Supply Environmental Assessment Upstream: Crossing 36 (October 18, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 36 (October 18, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 37 (October 18, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 37 (October 18, 2012) Upstream: Crossing 38 (October 18, 2012) Downstream: Crossing 38 (October 18, 2012) Niblett Environmental Associates Inc 12 PN12-069