Kiwanis NOV NEWSLETTER - School City of Hobart


Kiwanis NOV NEWSLETTER - School City of Hobart
Dear club members,
I really feel that our Hobart Kiwanis Club is special. From the time I entered my first meeting, I sensed an intimacy and friendship that I have never
felt in any of the other organizations I have belonged to.
During my past eight years of membership, as a family of Kiwanians, we have shared in each other’s tears and sorrows and together we have also
shared in each other’s victories and happy times. We certainly have had a positive and effective influence on the fine city of Hobart. I feel we are
achieving our goals of changing the world one child and one community at a time.
I am humbled that you have chosen me as this year’s president, and together we will continue to accomplish our goals. I really feel we are an
unstoppable team of enthusiastic Kiwanians, and I look forward to working closely with all of you, and with our officers and board of directors.
Interdependently, we can combine our talents and abilities and create a greater Kiwanis club together.
As you know, I was not to be your president until next year. Please remember our past president-elect Tom Campbell and his family in your prayers.
From the President
Calendar of Events
November Programs
Board Highlights
Meeting Highlights
Birthdays this month
Interclubbing places
Puns, quotes & Bible verse
NOV. 24: Wine Tasting @5 pm at Chamber
of Commerce
DEC. 7: Christmas Party at Herricks
Being a Kiwanis member can be rewarding in many
ways. The greatest gift you could ever give
yourself as a person is the gratification in knowing
you are contributing your help, time, and efforts to
people in and out of your community who are in
dire need. Raising funds to help the poor,
participating in fellowship, and giving something
back to your community are the highest levels of
self-satisfaction you can ever encounter.
Source: Dimensions
As always,
Your president,
Jim Burns
Please call Jim Herrick and make
his day. Say, "I'll be in charge of
President Jim Burns presents our club's check to Dave
Spritzer, Principal of Hobart High School for the HALL OF
SCHOLARS project in our new high school.
(by Kay Wiseman, Secretary):Judy Candiano's treasurer's report met with
suggestion that Judy give the whole club future explanation of our finances.
We will serve three families through The Giving Tree this Christmas. Karen
Robbins is our liaison with them.
53 persons attended the Progressive Dinner. . . great success!
Kiwanis International suggests that we have separate meetings for
committees, instead of using a meeting for this purpose.
All year-end reports are completed.
No meeting on Christmas Eve, but we will meet on New Years Eve.
Nov. 5: Janet Herrick presents Tom Coster:
"Hobart's First Brewery & Revitalizing our Downtown"
Nov. 12: Tim O'Brien presents Bloria Touhy
"Indiana Ballet Theater"
Nov. 19: Ken Buczek presents Ross Amundson
"Indiana American Water Company"
Nov. 26: CLUB FORUM Please be here for your committee.
OCTOBER 1, 2008 MEETING NOTES (by Janet Deal)
PRESIDENT JIM BURNS called us to order and Cas led us in "Oh Beautiful". Sharon Tarry led us in prayer.
A MOMENT OF SILENCE for our dear friend, TOM CAMPBELL was observed.
Jim Burns asked for our help in his upcoming year and told us that we were the finest group he had ever belonged to. He
thanked Reita Torin, Doggy Lackey and Judy Candiano for their services in the past. He also thanked the incoming officers
and had Tim O'Brien come forth for induction as Vice President. All new Board members stood for recognition also.
GUESTS: Cheryl Herrick, Hiram Kaiser, Denise Galovic, Greg Crouch, Chris King and Leslie Maxwell with her students who
later presented a wonderful program.
HAPPY BUCKS: many for the White Sox and Cubs being in the playoffs; our FOOD PANTRY DRIVE coming up Saturday; Dan
Leichty's new granddaughter; Sam Hicks loves seeing young faces at our meeting; Carol Shingler's son Shawn was home from
Egypt for last weekend; Linda Buzinec wants donations for the Oct. 17th fireworks at Brickie Bowl's last game; Cancer
Walkathon on Sunday; "Oh, my gosh," said by collector of Happy Bucks, Janet Herrick, when Don Ittle offered a buck (good
laugh, and Don said, "I'm happy that the walnut season has started."; Snedacor's new granddaughter; Judy Riba's foot surgery
recovery going well because Rich is taking care of her; Mike Adams for the Oct. 16th OCTOBER FEST, and Reita for "being
down here instead of up there"
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: sung to Sam Hicks.
50/50 @ $436.50 Sam Hicks didn't pick the Queen of Spades, though.
1. Larry Barrassas thanked Main Source Bank for stapling 5000 bags for the FOOD PANTRY DRIVE. Many who placed bags at
houses also were thanked. He reminded us to collect food on next Saturday.
2. Judy Hevel said that the Presbyterian Church needs blankets to give to many who lost so much in the floods. Call Judy.
PROGRAM: Dr. Peggy Buffington told a brief history of Hobart's many winnings at eh International Media Fair since 1991!
She said it has gotten tougher each year, but that this year's team won "THE BEST OF FESTIVAL" award and will get to travel to
Florida on November 5th to represent Hobart! Teachers from George Earle: Leslie Maxwell and Denise Galovic had their
students who created the wonderful award-winning video stand up: Tracy Tomich (& her mom Veronica & her brother
Domich), Maggie Johnson (& her grandfather Hiram Kaiser), Ara Carrillo (and Thais Carrillo), Ted Kelvin (and Paloma Kelvin)
and Mollie Zakutansky (and Jill Zakutansky) . The wonderful video's theme was "Attitude is Everything" and their Hanna
Montana song was background for their interviews with their friend who has a disability, but knows she is loved and
respected and helped by her fellow students. We gave a standing ovation for this wonderful group, and presented them with
a check for $200 to assist them on their Florida trip.
SCRIPTURE: read by Phil Speer from James 1.
Meeting Note for October 8, 2008 by Kay Moody and Pat Danko (Thanks, ladies!)
SONG: Cas Wiseman led us in singing “God Bless America.”
PRAYER: Polly prayed that God help us with the financial crisis and led us in praying the Lord’s Prayer together.
GUESTS: Vince Verduczo’s son and daughter-in-law; Cheryl Herrick; speaker-Judy Ford; Joenie Gibson, an Ivy Tech Community College
student who’s shadowing Judy Ford this week; Christine McCullum a transfer from the Hammond Kiwanis club and John Jake’s daughter.
50/50 @ $461: Judy Riba drew the 10 of diamonds.
HAPPY BUCKS: Members were very generous in giving happy bucks for Larry Barrassas and Hobart Kiwanians for the highly successful
food drive that filled the Food Pantry’s shelves. 53 persons enjoyed the progressive dinner. Many happy bucks given, especially for
the gracious hosts: Sandy and Tim O’Brien, Mike Adams, Judy Patrick, and Denny and Polly Koesters as well as the social
committee who organized the party, the great food and drink, and Rosemarie’s wonderful macaroni and cheese! Tom Lackey
gave a buck for the fact that even though wife Dottie is out of town, she prepared and left many great meals for him. Phil Speer gave a
dollar for Chicago sports teams; Sherry recognized the awesome youngsters who helped with the drive; and Kay Wiseman noted watching
Extreme Makeover, Home Edition (featuring children’s bedrooms decorated by Jeanne Toth Paxton).
Cards were passed for Bev Reagan who had surgery and Sheila DeBonis whose brother passed away. We sang “Happy Birthday” to
Tony DeBonis.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. Larry Barrassas recognized everyone from Kiwanis who worked on the food drive as well as the following
organizations: Kirby Manor, the Challenge kids, Key Club, Booster Club, Mainsource Bank and Linda Buzinec, Ginter Realty and Polly
Koesters, Boy Scouts Troop No. 42, and the Hobart Athletic Department. 2. Kay Moody distributed the 2008-2009 yearbooks.
3. Sharon Tarry announced that the dictionary project will begin on Monday, October 13th and asked if anyone is interested in giving her
presentation to the schools. 4. Jim Herrick reported that we still have 22 cases of peanuts that need to be sold.
5. Pop tabs netted a $270 donation to the Ronald McDonald House.
PROGRAM: Judy Ford described contributing gift-filled shoe boxes for “Operation Christmas Child.” Fill an empty shoe box with gifts for
children between the ages of 2 and 14. Suggested items: pens, pencils (and sharpner), crayons, stamps and ink pad sets, small toys,
puzzles, yo-yos, toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth, candy, gum, sunglasses, hair clips, etc. The list is endless. Place a rubber band
around the box (you may donate an addition $7 to help cover shipping). The shoe boxes are sent to 90 different countries around the
world. Take your boxes to Burns’ Funeral Home and Jim will take them to Judy for international distribution. This is a fun project to do with
your children or grandchildren to teach them the joy of helping out those who are less fortunate than others! For more information, contact
Jim Burns or Judy Ford at 942-0839. Boxes must be turned in by 1 pm, Sunday, 11/23/08.
SCRIPTURE: Bill Heuring read an inspirational story illustrating the importance of paying attention to the important things in life and to
establish our priorities. Along the same line, Jim Burns concluded the meeting with “The Gift of 24 Hours.”
October 15th Meeting Notes by Nicky Rodrizuez (Thanks, Nicky)
P. 3
Interclubs with Valparaiso: Len Donke, John Ohler, Steven Ingram, Dennis Deeter, Paul Sclarre and Dawn Frye
Gary club had members in attendance: Bruce Woods and Lois Lee
Happy Bucks: --Judy Candiano was congratulated her new granddaughter. --Reita Torin was happy to have Gene out of the hospital.
--Mike Adams was excited about Purdue VS Ohio, the Harvest fest and the Herricks the first associate members of the chamber to become
outstanding members! --Kas Wiseman gave an unhappy buck for Kay. Kas complained that he did not even get lunch since Kay has too much
paperwork to do as Kiwanis secretary. He even stated that he had to eat off the floor, since there was no room on the table.
--Valpo club wanted to announce the Valpo Glee Club on January 25, 2009 tickets are $15.--Linda Buzinec congratulated the Herricks and
requested donations for fireworks for the last game at Brickie Bowl.--Judy Hevel is happy that John is in Kansas.--Kay Moody was happy to
see Mary Ann.--Tom Lackey was glad to have Dottie back after a trip to watch her grandson play football and score a touch down.-President Burns honored our fellow Kiwanians who were former Hobart Football players
50/50:Linda Buzinec did not draw the lucky card. The pot is up to $488.
Committee reports: --Kay Moody has the member directories available, one per household unless requested.--Jim Herrick would
like volunteers to call him the night before wanting to pick walnuts.--Reita Torin announced key club and builders club meetings.
Program: Exceptional Equestians is an educational and therapeutic riding instruction for people with special needs of all ages.
They request an individual $35 donation from Kiwanians to HELPING THE HERD. Sue explained that they are funded by donations and contributions. She shared wonderful stories about how this group helps people with special needs. More information
can be obtained at 219-945-0726.
SONG: AMERICA led by Cas Wiseman. PRAYER: by Gary Brubaker.
GUESTS: Cheryl Herrick and Grace Vettickal (our special mascots) Also: Greg Crouch and Chris King from our MRC.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:1. Wed. Nov. 5th VETERANS' DAY SPECIAL LUNCHEON IN Valparaiso Sign-up sheet passed around.
2. Polly told of the fun it is to shop with youngsters for the SHOE BOXES FOR CHRISTMAS.
3. Margo asked us to consider supporting the Jaycees in their TRICK OR TREAT at the orchard. The board will consider that.
HAPPY BUCKS COLLECTION:(Tom Lackey did a great job and was commended by several, including a kiss from Dotty "who loves
you baby" that made him blush.) Several commented on the great Brickie Bowl's last game and the great fireworks. Dan Liechty will
go to London for a week with his daughter. Bill Barber found a key that had been in a drawer for 30 years, and it fit our podium! Kay
Marcus' daughter made 2 touchdowns. Judy & Raleigh loved their tour of the High School. MARGO BROUGHT US THE FABULOUS
Jim Burns told his joke of the day about "slow down or stop?"
50/50 @ $516. Judy Hevel drew the ten of spades, so the money grows!
PROGRAM: Shannon O'Brien was introduced by Peggy Buffington who told us of a new program called PARENTS
AS TEACHERS, which the Hobart Schools hope to start very soon. is a wonderful site:
Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a parent education and family support program serving families throughout
pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten, usually age 5.
Parents are supported by PAT-certified parent educators trained to translate scientific information on early
brain development into specific when, what, how and why advice for families. By understanding what to expect
during each stage of development, parents can easily capture the teachable moments in everyday life to
enhance their child's language development, intellectual growth, social development and motor skills. Each
child gets personal visits to discuss all aspects of their early education and map a program. Early detection of Shannon O'Brien
physical or other problems is a boon to the child's readiness for school.
Peggy explained that we will start with as many teachers as we raise funds
for, and explained the greater needs in some areas will be met first.
THANK YOU NOTE read from Sheila and Maggie for our contribution to the
Chesterton meetsThursday at noon at the
Cancer Walk ($100 from the club plus individual contributions.)
Porter Library
"GIFT OF A REAL FRIEND" shared by President Jim Burns.
Crown Point Evening Club meets on Wednesdays
Scripture read by Kay Wiseman from I Thes. "Rejoice ever more."
at 6:30 pm at St. Anthony's Hospital.
OCTOBER 29TH MEETING NOTES: (by Janet Deal) Prayer by Dave Albrecht
GUESTS: Pat Hawkins,( former Gov. of IN District), Cheryl Herrick and Grace Vettickal. Gary Club meets at noon on Tuesdays at the
HAPPY BIRTHDAY sung to Pat Danko.
Dusty's Buffet at 411 E 5th Ave, Gary, IN
(Directly across from the 1st Base line gate of
november birthdays
The SteelYard)
Nov. 10: Ruth Ittel
(Their biographies will be in the next issue!)
Merrillville Breakfast meets Thursdays at
Nov. 11: Judy Hevel
50/50 @$541 but Rosemarie didn't draw the
7:30 am at Sheffields
Nov. 11: Carol Shingler
Queen of Spades. Charlie Deal hugged her
Restaurant (formerly Sicilian Cart)
Nov. 12: Sally Cope
anyway, in Bill Heuring's absence.
Nov. 12: Dave Kietzman
Merrillville Noon meets Thursdays at noon
Nov. 13: John Hevel
at the Old Country Buffet.
HAPPY BUCKS: many for Dictionary project. "No
Nov. 15: Lou Mikolics
more walnuts", by Phil Speer. Pat Hawkins'
Portage Breakfast meets Tuesdays at 7:30
Nov. 15: Polly Koesters
adopted Cavia is a US Citizen now! Welcome
am at Tate's Place, 3051 Willowcreek Rd.
Nov. 22: Mary Ann Thompson
back to Evelyn Campbell. Sam Hicks for
Nov. 24: Rosemarie Ehrhardt
his kids, winners & low scorers. Judy CanValparaiso Noon meets Wednesdays at noon
Nov. 26: Charlie Deal
at the Strongbow Inn.
diana for good Disney Trip. Mike Adams
Nov. 26: Evelyn Campbell
for Ball State University.
Nov. 27: Jim Thorne
Valparaiso Sunrise meets on Tuesdays at
6:45 am at Round the Clock.
Nov. 29: Cas Wiseman
REPORTED. Scripture read by Sam Hicks.
President: Jim Burns
Vice President: Tim O'Brien
Secretaries: Kay Wiseman 942-6338 &
Nicky Bush-Rodriquez
Treasurer: Judy Candiano
Past President :
Reita Torin
Board of Directors:
one year term
two year term
Carla Burger
Gene Torin
Rich Lain
Mike Adams
Kay Moody
Linda Buzinec
Jim Herrick
Karen Robbins
Betsy Kietzman
GOVERNOR: Terry White
EXEC. DIRECTOR: Susan Walker
LT GOV. DUNELAND Judy Rooney-Davis
Hobart Breakfast Kiwanis
Founded February 1, 1975
P.O. Box 491
Hobart, IN 46342
Club Meeting and Administration: Tim O'Brien, Chairperson
Bill Cope, and Les Reagan
Community Service:
Carl Atseff, Larry Barrasas, Ken Buczek, Judy Candiano, Charlie Deal,
Sheila DeBonis,Tom Ehrhardt, Judy Enslen, Raleigh Enslen, Janet Herrick,
Jim Herrick, Don Ittel, Betsy Kietzman, Dave Kietzman, Dotty Lackey,
Rich Lain, Maggie Lain, Tom Lackey, Marilyn Leach, Judy Riba, Rich Riba,
Mary Ann Thompson, Raleigh Thompson, Gene Torin, Reita Torin, Vince
Verduzco, Cas Wiseman, Josh Krause, Jack Burger, Carla Burger, Ray
Rodriguez, Larry Martin, Phil Speer, Patty Rees, Mike Adams, Karen
Human and Spiritual Values: Ruth Ittel and Sherry Williams, Co- Ch.
Carl Atseff, Dave Albrecht, , Bill Barber, Gary Brubaker, Bill Heuring, Dan
Liechty, Patty Rees, David Spitzer, Reita Torin
Social Committee Kay Moody, Chairperson
Jim Burns, Ken Buczek, Linda Buzinec, Tony DeBonis, Sheila DeBonis,
Rosemarie Ehrhardt, Janet Herrick, Polly Koesters, Jim Moody, Tim
O'Brien, Judy Patrick, Carol Shingler, Kathy Smith, Jim Thorne, Jay
Membership Growth & Education: Linda Buzinec & Paul Sheehy, Co- Ch.
June Barrassas, Larry Barrassas, Sally Cope, John Hevel, Monica Wiley
Public Relations: Janet Deal & Rich Riba Co- Chairpersons
Peggy Buffington, Lisa Field, Judy Hevel, Elsie Koleff, Steve Toth, Jay
Vettickal, Christy Renn
Sponsored Programs:
KEY CLUB at Hobart High School: Alice Cope, & Kari Roach, Co Sponsors
meets in Rm.226
Nicky Bush-Rodriguez, Dan Liechty, Reita Torin, Robert Glover,
Dave Spitzer, Lou Mikolics, Gene Torin, Sam Hicks
BUILDERS CLUB at Hobart Middle Sch.: Crystal Kistler, sponsor Rm.101
Bill Cope, Karen Robbins, Sam Hicks, Reita Torin, Tim O'Brien,
Jeff Renn
Young Children Priority One: Marcia Speer, Chairperson
Rich Anderson, Margo Brown, Evelyn Campbell, Pat Danko, Dale Marcus,
Kay Marcus, Christine McCullum, Judy Patrick, Marlene Rhode, Shirley
Youth Services: Sharon Tarry, Chairperson
Carla Burger, Bruce Bush, Joel Helding, Ruth Ittel, Jenny Lynn, Mark
Malczewski, Jeff Renn, Paul Sheehy, Phil Speer, Brian Snedecor
More Hobart Kiwanis Photos
Wednesday 7:15 a.m.
Paragon Restaurant
1701 E. 37th Ave.
Hobart, IN 46342
about this newsletter:
Please submit any news to:
Editor: Janet Deal
219 942-9629
& Rich Riba
219 942 8141
click on Community & then on
Dr, Peggy Buffington
New members inducted! Left picture: Jim Burns looks on as Tim O'Brien introduces Christine
McCollum to the club. In the right picture, Paul Sheehy introduces Dave Brandenberg. Sally
Cope inducted them at the Oct. 29th meeting. Their biographies will be in the next issue.
Photos by JMD
RIGHT PHOTO: Sharon Tarry, Ray
Rodriguez, Rich Lain and Kay Marcus
present a new dictionary to the Martin
School 3rd graders. All Hobart
elementary schools have now had
dictionaries given to their 3rd graders.
Many Kiwanis members have
participated in this fun and worthy