C NOT YOUR AVERAGE GUY NOVEMBER 2010 ISSUE 29 www.cliveworld.com WIN! EXCLUSIVE PREMIUMS + MOVIE PASSES TO FASTER, DUE DATE + UNSTOPPABLE! THE SURVIVOR ISSUE LIAR LIAR 6 WAYS TO GET THE TRUTH OUT OF EMPLOYEES DETAINED IN NORTH KOREA WELCOME TO THE LABOR CAMPS CLIVE CANDY SONIA NG “I SHARE A LOT OF DARK SECRETS” HOSTAGE IN KL VIOLENCE VICTIMS RECOUNT CAR HELL MY GIRL: THE POLYGAMIST DON’T GET CAUGHT IN HER SIX-WAY MIZZ PLUS MAN, WOMAN, WILD LIGHTNING STRIKES! SIX TIMES SAFRAN FOER’S EATING ANIMALS NINA HIP-HOP HOMEGIRL GROWS UP RM9.00 (WM) RM10 (EM) PP15887/07/2011 (028138) “THERE AREN’T ENOUGH HOT MALAYSIAN GUYS” 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM GULP LETTER FROM THE EDITOR N ove m b e r 2010 / vo l . 29 W h a t d o e s i t m e a n t o c o m e f a c e t o f a c e w i t h a d v e r s i t y ? To t a k e a l o n g h a r d l o o k a t d e a t h , r e a c h i n t o i t ' s m o u t h , g r e e t t h o s e w h o' v e b e e n s w a l l o w e d i n i t 's g u t a n d c o m e b a c k o u t a l i v e ? U n c e r t a i n t y c a n b e m o s t u n c o m f o r t a b l e a s a b e d p a r t n e r, a n d t h i s i s c e r t a i n l y t r u e o f o u r i n t e r v i e w s u b j e c t s o f a r e c e n t h o s t i l e c a r- j a c k i n g i n K L . R e a d i t b e f o r e f u e l i n g u p a t a n o t h e r p e t r o l s t a t i o n . A n d s p e a k i n g o f b e d p a r t n e r s , w e' v e g o t a f e w cautionar y tales of love that will have you running for the hills , thanks to M a r k 's i n q u i s i t i v e r e s e a r c h s k i l l s . Ta l e s o f w a y w a r d t r a v e l e r s a r e a p l e n t y but when it involves souring nuclear relations and maybe a stoning to d e a t h o r t w o , t h i n g s b e g i n t o l o o k p r e t t y b l e a k . We' v e g o t t h e l o w d o w n o n t h o s e w h o' v e c h e c k e d i n t o t h e H i l t o n s a t P y o n g y a n g a n d Te h r a n i n t h e past twelve months, two of the most secretive and oppressive regimesin t h e w o r l d . F o r o u r h i p - h o p p i n', O ' D o n n i s - d u e t i n g c o v e r g i r l , a d v e r s i t y i s a t w o l e t t e r w o r d : ' m e '. C h a l l e n g i n g h e r s e l f t o b r i n g t h e f i e r c e s t b e a t s t o k iller rhymes , Miz z Nina shows C live how to make it in hip-hop. Granted s h e d o e s h a v e a t e n y e a r h e a d s t a r t o n u s , b u t w e' l l c a t c h u p a f t e r t h i s Photo Credit Vincent Paul Yong/www.studio-verve.com 4 issue is safely in your hands. ROBERT CHAN C NOT YOUR AVERAGE GUY NOVEMBER 2010 ISSUE 29 www.cliveworld.com WIN! EXCLUSIVE PREMIUMS + MOVIE PASSES TO FASTER, DUE DATE + UNSTOPPABLE! THE SURVIVOR ISSUE LIAR LIAR 6 WAYS TO GET THE TRUTH OUT OF EMPLOYEES GET CONNEC TED WITH CLIVEWORLD.COM Get The Best In St yle, Celebrities, Enter tainment, And Culture, Don't Miss Out On The Latest News ! DETAINED IN NORTH KOREA WELCOME TO THE LABOR CAMPS CLIVE CANDY SONIA NG “I SHARE A LOT OF DARK SECRETS” HOSTAGE IN KL Become a Fan Facebook.com /Clive.Magazine VIOLENCE VICTIMS RECOUNT CAR HELL MY GIRL: THE POLYGAMIST DON’T GET CAUGHT IN HER SIX-WAY MIZZ PLUS MAN, WOMAN, WILD LIGHTNING STRIKES! SIX TIMES SAFRAN FOER’S EATING ANIMALS NINA HIP-HOP HOMEGIRL GROWS UP EDITORIAL EDITOR Robert Chan robert@catchacorp.com WRITER Mark Jansen mark.jansen@catchacorp.com WEB EDITOR Bervin Cheong bervin.cheong@catchacorp. com EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Muna Noor muna@catchacorp.com DESIGN ART DIRECTOR Azlene Azlan azlene@catchacorp.com ON THIS MONTH’S COVER RM9.00 (WM) RM10 (EM) PP15887/07/2011 (028138) “THERE AREN’T ENOUGH HOT MALAYSIAN GUYS” F o l l o w U s O n Tw i t t e r Tw i t t e r. c o m / C l i v e M a g PHOTOGRAPHER Eric Chow @ Blink Studio ART DIRECTOR Azlene Azlan STYLIST Allien MAKE-UP Khir Khalid HAIR Ming Wong Outfit by Dress from Herve Leger ADVERTISING Tel 03 2297 0880 Fax 03 2297 0888 HEAD OF SALES Brian Alexis brian@catchacorp.com 03 2297 0807 SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER Kimberly Lim kimberly.lim@catchacorp.com 03 2297 0844 MARKETING MARKETING MANAGER Nicole Leong nicole@catchacorp.com 03 2297 0884 MARKETING EXECUTIVES Geeta Dass 03 2297 0879 marketing@catchacorp.com Justin Yip 03 2297 0933 justin.yip@catchacorp.com PRODUCTION TRAFFIC & PRODUCTION MANAGER Santakumari santa@catchacorp.com 03 2297 0887 TRAFFIC & PRODUCTION EXECUTIVE Mohd Faizal Bin Mohd Ariffin mohd.faizal@catchacorp.com 03-2297 0905 Printed by Percetakan Osacar Sdn Bhd, Lot 37659, No. 11, Jalan 4/37A, Taman Bukit Maluri Industrial Area, Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur Distributed by MMS-Media Marketing Services Sdn Bhd CLIVE cannot accept any responsibility for unsolicited contributions. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without permission. November 2010 CLIVE PP15887/05/2010(024615) CLIVE is a monthly publication, published by Catcha Sdn Bhd 45-7 The Boulevard, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel 03 2297 0909 Fax 03 2297 0888 Email mail@clivemag.com Catcha Publishinga is a division of Catcha Media Group Pte Ltd Catcha Media CEO: Ken Tsurumaru COO: Alex Khan Catcha Publishing GM: Voon Tze Khay is a member of The Magazine Publisher Association, Malaysia 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM GULP CONTENTS N ove m b e r 2010 / vo l . 29 54 THIS WAY FOR MIZZ NINA'S MUSIC LESSONS White jacket by A.L.L.I.E.N 6 WOMEN F E AT U R E S 13 Sonia Ng On girl talk and dark secrets 62 Hostage In KL Lock your door, watch the CCTV 54 Mizz Nina Dropping beats with KL's most lyrical lady 68 Detained Tales of the rescued from North Korea and Iran 90 Love Disasters Where is the love? 3 readers recount their relationship horrors PROFILE ST YLE 26 Anthony Morse Discovering more than hidden cities 34 Style Bear Grylls, Havaianas 88 Mykel & Ruth Hawke Could you survive outdoors with your spouse? They tried 74 Neck Of The Woods Going country with Topman 80 Discovery Signal Camel Active's roughwear 8 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM GULP CONTENTS N ove m b e r 2010 / vo l . 29 90 "MY GIRL WAS TEXTING MY BUDDY BEHIND MY BACK" REGULARS 14 The Urge Blackberry Torch 9800 18 Video Se7en, Requiem For A Dream 15 Outside Flaming Lips, Gents 2010 18 Beat Deadmau5, Kanye West 16 Celluloid Machete, The Social Network, Megamind 20 Web + Word Child Soldiers, Nurse Ratchet, Recordedattacks.com 24 Wheels Lotus Evora S, Mitsubishi ASX, Honda CR-Z 28 Plug & Play Blackberry Playbook, Cool iPhone Apps 30 Games Starcraft2, TNA Impact 44 Score Board Bad Boys Of Soccer 32 Eats Social KL, Robot Sushi 48 Check In Lying Low In Koh Phangan & Koh Samui 36 Gulp Movida, Wineactually.com 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM GULP MAILBAG N ove m b e r 2010 / vo l . 29 SHOP DIRECTORY 58 10.10 59 O n T h e C o v e r O n T h e C o v e r CLIVEWORLD.COM 10.10 T. 03 2283 2655 Blackberry Torch 9800 www.brightstarcorp. com.my CLIVEWORLD.COM MCS Explore Floor, Starhill Gallery T. 03 2144 7862 Burberry Brit Ltd Edition Available at leading department stores SHE'S EVERY Oris Lot G21, Ground Level, Lot 10 Shopping Centre Camel Active Lot G10, Ground Level, 1 Utama Shopping Centre T. 03 7726 9823 WOMAN Paul Smith Man 2 Available at leading department stores Certina Available at America Watch Lot 017, Ground Level, Mid Valley Megamall T. 03 22844228 MODEL AND HOST PATRICIA SUE LIN IS EVERY WOMAN WE'VE EVER DREAMED OF BEING WITH, AND THEN SOME Sony Bravia NX810 Available at Sony Centre Lot T-202, Level Three, The Gardens Mall T. 03 2288 1727 Coach Lot G-228 , Ground Level, The Gardens Mall T. 03 2288 1177 Timberland Lot G033A, Ground Floor, Mid Valley Mega Mall T. 03 2283 1180 DKNY Jeans Lot 2.44.00, 2.45.00 & 2.47.00, Level 2, Pavilion KL T. 03 2141 9770 Chain mail necklace (worn as bracelet) from ROXY. Bodycon dress from TOPSHOP. 10 Tissot Lot G22, Ground Level, Lot 10 Shopping Centre T. 03 2144 0688 DKNY Be Delicious Fall Harvest Available at leading department stores Topman Lot G071 & 072, Ground Level, Mid Valley MegaMall T. 03 2287 9308 Guess Watches Available at leading timepiece retailers WD Elements Play www.wdc.com iPod Touch Epicentre Lot 5.24.07, Level 5, Pavilion KL T. 03 2141 6378 Lacoste Lot G353A , Ground Floor, One Utama Shopping Centre T.03 7729 7533 Letter Of The Month Pretty Patricia Lenovo Available at leading IT retailers Great job get ting Patricia K as the feature and cover girl. It must have been hard to l e a v e t h e s h o o t c o n s i d e r i n g h o w s e x y a n d b e a u t i f u l s h e w a s o n t h e d a y ! S h e ’s t h e t y p e Longines Available at Cortina Watch Lot 122/123, Level One, Suria KLCC Shopping Centre T. 03 2164 5175 of woman that ever y guy wants, but only a few can handle. Gary L Luminox Available at leading timepiece retailers New Balance x DDC Lab Lot T-221, Level Three, The Gardens Mall 83 0.10 10.10 WORLD.COM WIN ! The best letter of the month will receive a pair of cufflinks from Cuffz w o r t h R M14 0 ! S e n d y o u r l e t t e r s i n t o m a i l @ c l i v e m a g . c o m b y 15 N o v e m b e r 2010 ( i n c l u d e yo u r n a m e, co n t ac t number). All letters will be published unless stated otherwise. Style Cramped The article, ‘Is She Cramping Your Style’ was an entertaining read and I could relate to most of the situations. Women are great, but sometimes they can really suffocate a man when we’re least expecting it. A total buzz kill! Jeremy Kwan CLIVEWORLD.COM Tell-tale signs that she’s stepping on you Text by Mark Jansen IS SHE CRAMPING YOUR STYLE? “Baby, why do we have to go see your friends? You know how much I don’t like hanging around them, so you just stay home with me okay?” If this has happened to you, your style has off icially been 'cramped'. We’ve all been there, so there’s no shame in admitting it. So we tend to give a little leeway to our loved ones (especially those we share a bed with). But sometimes ignoring the facts means you’re just keeping every thing inside. When that happens it’s inevitable that things are going to blow up like Mount Saint Helen’s. Sometimes we need to posture around our friends, to keep up 'with the Joneses', but it might be next to impossible with a ball and chain around your ankle. How to spot those signs of an oncoming 'cramp'? We've got the list... STYLE CRAMPER NO. 1 THE FOOD FUSS SCENE You’re out at a shopping mall with your ‘sweetheart’ trying to decide what to eat. Only thing is, she’s fussy with her food. So you pick a restaurant that’s capable of satisfying her selective stomach but she disagrees with that self less choice even though you agreed to go along with her game. This process goes on for a further ten minutes and the both of you end up walking in opposite directions with a dismissed look from you, and a teary eyed expression from her. Sound familiar? SHUT IT DOWN If a couple can’t even agree on where to eat without getting into a heated argument, then what’s the point in showing some table What not to say in your letter to us Since you’re advertising the new Reebok Zig Zag shoes. can I have a free sample? Im sorry, you must have taken a wrong turn on the way to the North Pole. Santa Claus’s house is left at the T-junction. 18 10.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM Dubalicious I’m happy to see that CLIVE has finally jumped on the Dubstep bandwagon. The feature could have been researched better, but the essence and feel of the genre was described well. Good job exposing one of my favorite musical styles. Thomas B THE BEAT THE BEAT THE START THE START DUB YOUR LIFE Exploring a genre that’s grimy with filth-infested beats. Its roots started as far back as 1999, but Dubstep was only just of what originally the equation. As it out of control with defined the dance scene. It’s not a genre was originally an experimental process massive drops of head banging moments. As picked up within the international scene of predictable dance for the faint hearted nor is it for those who like contemporary of the genre ‘Garage’, dubstep is invading listeners ears to either the near sound of it stimulates another side and electronic music. For those who have stumbled upon this commercial tunes. Dubstep is catered to those who have a wild an extreme level of hate or love to the point where you could only be described as an audible orgasm, it’s article having no idea to what dubstep is, here’s a brief description to get that mind thinking; It has imagination in a dirty yet danceable sense of ‘letting go’. We all love letting go now, don’t assume and judge a persons personality by that decision. Pioneering the crazy bass drops that every party go-er craves, its unique electronic we? If one is capable of handling Drum & dubstep genre were British artists Caspa and Rusko with their sounds remind most of a possible robotic alien invasion of the Bass, just think of dubstep as half the timing, reducing D n vinyl abusing talents, and as it progressed to a heavier mind set earth, and it’s a mood setter that demeans the conventional happiness B’s vigorous speeds while adding a tinge of wobbleness in with the sounds of Excision, Downlink, and Datsik, things got BRAIN SNACKS of a person that could unique ‘dark’ melodies and beats can also create an unlimited [1] EMPIRE OF THE SUN amount of scenarios to describe each dubbed song, with word play between your friends being a very useful and fun game when boredom succumbs. Want-aways that need a change and are open to suggestion when it comes to new music should definitely check this less then delightful your dreadful souls from the Gaga’s and Beibers of this failing genre out and be ready to experience something out of world. Walking in a Dream SynthPop Walking in a Dream is eccentric, upfront and theatrical. His vocals call those to the forefront of exploration as Empire of the Sun storms the synthpop scene to great effect. Representing a fun atmosphere of raised hands and crowd participation, the dynamic duo plays a tune to a world of fun filled fantasy. the norm to save www.walkingonadream. com A true music composer will know that writing a song comes from personal inspirations, but sometimes the ideas just fall into their waiting laps. In George Michael's case, when writing Wham! 's hit song ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go Go’, the title was slid under his hotel room door in a note by band mate Andrew Ridgeley. It read, “Don’t forget to wake me up up before you go go, George.” How convenient! HALL OF FAME 3 INFO DECK New York's much celebrated disco punks The Rapture making some new friends backstage, just before their hectic set [2] KID CUDI [3] PHANTOGRAM Man on the Moon II (Hip Hop) With a talent to lyrically twists ones mind, KiD CuDi has emerged as one of the front-runners to take the alternative hip hop crown in 2010. Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr.Rager collaborates with musical moguls Jay Z, Snoop Dogg and David Guetta for reasons of expanding diversity. He's the real prospect of past legends. Eyelid Movies (Trip Hop) Her voice and lyrics will keep you wanting more and the melodic beats by him will keep your feet tapping. Their debut 4 album Eyelid Movies is current, revigorating, and vocally blissful. It's trip hop perfection and an exceptional band that caters to the masses. Check out, 'Mouthful of Diamonds' for a sneak peak at inspiration. www.kidcudi.com CLIVE'S PLAYLIST Ellie Goulding www.myspace.com/ phantogram [4] BOMBAY BICYCLE CLUB Flaws (Indie Rock) They've got indie fans drooling over their new album with melodic guitar skills and gentle vocals able to tame a restless beast. Taking their strengths from previous works, the trio added some spice of nostalgia to flaws that can be appreciated by the musically inclined and tone deaf listeners. www. bombaybicycleclubmusic.com [5] N.E.R.D Nothing (Funk/Rock) Electronic riffs with subtle bass lines complete the lyrical preaching of N.E.R.D in 2010's Nothing. This tri-factor of talent moved from conservative funk to experiment using their urban style and trend setting finesse. They're definitely stepping into the great unknown, testing the power of suggestion. Creative overload! A Young Legend Falls December 28th 2009 was a sad day for Avenged Sevenfold fans as their drumming prodigy James Sullivan aka the Rev was found dead in his home at the age of 28. His drumming skills will forever be remembered, with Dream Theater legend Mike Portnoy helping A7X record their ‘Nightmare’ album the following year. Carpe Noctrum. www.n-e-r-d.com/ Delphic Cashier No. 9 A unique electropop femme fatal that matches a rememberable voice from the heavens. An alternative four-piece band from the motherland that’s making some credited noise. An alternative band that tributes those who have fallen from grace. Indie rock that brings you back in time away from whatever’s getting at you (metaphorically). elliegoulding.co.ukww.feederweb.com www.delphic.cc host co uk www.myspace.com/cashierno9 www scoutingforgirls com www.myspace.com/magicandfur www myspace com/thisisdrake Magic & Fur 19 10.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM M A N ' S 12 02.2009 B E S T F R I E N D _ W W W . C L I V E W O R L D . C O M SONIA NG What are guys like when they're with you? There was one guy who wouldn't quit calling and texting me. I had to stop taking calls for awhile. Luckily, he lost interest after that. What's the best way to stand out from other people in a crowd? Just be myself. Then people will know who I am. Photographer Shawn@ Blink Studio Art Director Azlene Azlan Stylist Calvin Cheong Hair & Make Up Ming Wong What do you like to do in your free time? I like to hang out with my girl friends! Some of my girl friends have been my friends since primary school! We share a lot of “dark” secrets. You never know when it comes to girl talk... If you had to pick between being with a guy who's famous, rich or good-looking, who would you pick? It's a tough question but I guess I'll pick a guy who is rich. Although I dont consider myself to be a gold-digger, I would prefer to have more money as it's an essential thing in this life. A girl needs to be pampered sometimes... MORE! EXCLUSIVE BEHIND-THE-SCENES PHOTOS AND VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH SONIA ON CLIVEWORLD.COM THE START 13 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 14 1110 CLIVEWORLD.COM THE URGE [1] THE TOUCHSCREEN MEDIA DEVICE THE START 2 1 Start a video call with Face Time or record HD video, you'll barely have time to scan MP4s with the iPod touch. iPod Touch by Apple [2] THE SHOE [2 Lux luggage as Luxury fo footwear? The Storm LB uses heavy weight wax waxed canvas and metal foil stamped logos. Sto Storm LB Khaki by Lac Lacoste [3] THE BAG Just what the style doc doctor ordered: mul multifunction pockets and a zip enclosure kee keeps your daily acti activities sorted. Har Harrison Suede Slim Tote by Coach [4] THE HOME PC Perfect for home browsing and video chats with the High Sense Webcam, the C200 is a worthy addition to living spaces. 3 C200 Touchscreen Desktop by Lenovo 4 [5] THE DRIVE Our personal media collection has been getting the better of us, but luckily this plug and play drive keeps things accessible. WD Elements Play by Western Digital [6] THE SMARTPHONE RIM's ultimate social media device ups the user experience with touch screen, trackpad and OS6. Let the Tweets begin. Torch 9800 by Blackberry BRAIN SNACKS Tumi Carbon T3 MULTIFORMAT 5 H.264, MKV, MOV and RMVB are all supported. Digital audio output and file deletion from user interface is included too 6 Made from Hybrix fabric, all 7 items in the racing inspired range include Tumi Tracer tags which can be registered for the complimentary bag recovery program. www.tumi.com OUTSIDE THE START Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Thursday Friday 4 3 Saturday 5 The Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra is ready to jam like they’ve never jammed before. Come watch Malaysia’s most talented, where seriousness is forbidden and just about anything else goes. Originating from Belgium, trance sensation and crafty producer Johan Gielen is back to get the dance floors busy When: 3rd November Where: Galeri Petronas, Suria KLCC How Much: RM 10 T +603 2051 7007 W mpo.com.my 7 9 8 6 VOLUME PRESENTS JOHAN GIELEN MPO JAM-BUSTERS When: 6th November Where: Mist Club, Bangsar T +603 2282 2018 E info@mistclub.com W mistclub.com.my 11 10 12 13 19 20 THE FLAMING LIPS LIVE IN SINGAPORE A colorful and energetic live show is expected when the Flaming Lips hits Singapore. Named as one of the '50 bands you must see before you die’, their eccentric props light up the stage in true indie fashion. When: 11th November Where: Marina Bay Sands Hall E, Singapore How Much: $110 W sistic.com.sg 14 15 16 17 18 RAJA MUDA SELANGOR INTERNATIONAL REGATTA Watch a variety of yachts take on rough seas and cheer for your 'Captain Jack Sparrow'. When: 19th – 27th November Where: Langkawi, Penang, Pangkor Island Tel: +603 3168 6964 E info@rsyc.com.my W rsyc.com.my 21 23 22 24 25 26 GENTS 2010 For the first time in Malaysian history, an event solely for men will be starting on the 26th of November. From gadgets to babes, come experience the manly side of things and be sure to leave your wives at home. When: 26th – 28th November Where: Mid Valley Exhibition Centre How Much: Free T +603 9285 0168 E etainevent@hotmail.com W www.etainevent.com 28 29 30 METRO FINE ART: FACE MONSOON CUP 2010 Experience self-expression at its best with Metro Fine Art’s, FACE. This viewing will feature self-portraits that are painted, sculpted, drawn and photographed. Representing individuals who have an interesting story to tell, a day of inspiration is to be anticipated. Known as the ‘Formula One of Sailing’, the Monsoon Cup is back stronger than ever with competitive head-to-head sailing at its peak. Come support your favorite team in the East and don’t let a little rain spoil the fun. When: 29th November – 11th December Where: Metro Fine Art, Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. T +603 4042 2224 W www.metro3gallery.com When: 30th November – 5th December Where: Pulau Duyong, Kuala Terrenganu T 03-8871 3333 W www.kgs.gov.my 27 15 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 16 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM CELLULOID HOT SCREEN BABES THE START Emily Blunt Last seen making werewolves howl in The Wolfman, Blunt’s fashionably tasty. [1] MACHETE Gory to the bone and desperate for acclaim, this Ethan Maniquis and Robert Rodriguez directed collaboration does Tarantino proud. Similar to 2007’s Grindhouse, Machete promises to follow an artistic vision of cinematography that's sure to please. NEWS Scream for a Sequel The thriller that launched teen killer flicks to popularity in the early 2000’s is back again for it’s fourth installment. The original cast is starring, and we’re looking forward to the reunion of our friends Courteney Cox and Neve Campbell. We can only hope that they put a little more effort in the fourth production and maybe a splash of eye-candy to boost ticket sales. www.vivamachete.com Bryce Dallas Howard Twilight vampire or not, the daughter of 'Happy Days' legend Ron is smoking hot. BRAIN SNACKS [2] MEGAMIND An all-star cast that includes Brad Pitt, Will Ferrell and Tina Fey, Megamind is a comedy filled 3D animation by Dreamworks looking for heroes in unexpected places. It’s evil against good in what seem to be reversed roles for the pessimistic observer. www.megamind.com [3] SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD 4 [4] THE SOCIAL NETWORK Michael Cera comes back with love and game inspired super powers in this much anticipated action comedy. Fighting for a girl has never seemed so literal than with this comic interpretation of persevering over evil. Facebook exploded with popularity to ‘tag’ itself as the #1 online social hub. Now it’s time to explore the trials and tribulations in Mark Zuckerberg’s journey to become the youngest billionaire entrepreneur ever. Runaway trains have never looked more distinguished than in Denzel Washington’s latest hero escapade. With volatile liquids onboard (of course), can Washington and Star Trek’s Chris Pine save a city from inevitable doom? www.scottpilgrimthemovie. com www.thesocialnetworkmovie.com/site/ www.unstoppablemovie. com [5] UNSTOPPABLE Lee’s Curse 31st March, 1993. Bruce Lee’s son Brandon Lee was accidently killed with a loaded .44 Magnum while filming ‘The Crow’ series. An unlucky way to meet his maker, but there's no doubt that he’ll be going down in the history books of great film-making as one of the last action heroes like his old man. 18 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM VIDEO THE WATCH LIST THE START SURVIVAL ON THE REEL Top Videos This Month Heart dropping films with a twisted sense of reality Surviving incarceration, psychopathic abuse, drugs, memory loss and the hand of fate! Looking for Eric Eric Cantona is back as a philosophical advisor in this British comedy drama. Solitary Man Michael Douglas womanizes his way to trouble in a college campus. Hooray. [1] SE7EN Centered around a serial killer that works his crimes around the seven deadly sins, Se7en has a plot to intrigue skeptics and a twist to shock even the most intuitive psychic. Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman star in this 1995 thriller that’s set to send a jolt of fear to you sinners out there. Blood Into Wine A comedic documentary on the wine industry starring Tool’s leading man, Maynard James Keenan. James and the Giant Peach A movie adaptation that would make Roald Dahl smile in approval. THE VAULT [2] AMORES PERROS Intertwining stories of Mexican heritage come together in 2000’s Amores Perros. Being the first film in the trilogy of death series, it inspired 21 Grams and Babel to excel in later years. Corruption, brutality and twisted fates are expected, so be prepared. [3] SCHINDLER'S LIST Schindler’s List set the bar for multiple Oscar-winning films with it’s tragic tale of a man’s sacrifice during the WWII Holocaust. Its brutal scenes of Jewish onslaught depict a clear picture of heartbreak. An extraordinary flick. [4] MEMENTO A Christopher Nolan classic circa 2000 that needs a second viewing for a complete understanding. With amnesiac characters and a double sequence plot and storyline that will get you scratching your head, Memento is perception-changing on all accounts. [5] REQUIEM FOR A DREAM Drug addiction and false fantasies surround each character in Darren Aronofsky’s 2000 hit drama. Scenes show the epitome of desperation, with Jared Leto and Jennifer Connelly shining in their start to fame. Pirate’s Treasure The most expensive movie ever made was ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End’ getting a budget of $300,000,000. No wonder Mr.Depp enjoys himself on his own private island! 19 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM A DV E R T O R I A L TOYOTA COROLLA ALTIS Setting the bar high, Toyota has upgraded one of their favorite models in supreme style, comfort and power. It’s the tenth generation of the new Toyota Corolla Altis and it’s setting a benchmark for superior sedan four-door vehicles. With a sporty and distinctive look, the 2010 Altis comes in four vibrant colors of Pearl White, Black Mica, Silver Metallic, and Medium Silver Metallic. It’s a driving experience like no other, with Dual VVT-I engines fitted in its sleek body for faster acceleration and smooth transitions for the modern day driver. Out of the four variants available, the new Altis 2.0V is Toyota’s most prized asset in the new range. EXTERIOR Seven changes were made to incorporate a sporty appearance in comparison to its predecessor. The new Altis now looks bolder, with changes in the front lamp and grille to give it a slimmer profile. The rear bumper has a ‘catamaran shape’ and is fitted with trapezoidal reflectors. These overall exterior changes make the new Altis more streamline and more importantly, stand out in style. To distinguish it from other variants, the new Altis 2.0V has a dark single bar grille. Transmission with intelligence) in the 1.8E, 1.8G & 2.0V variants, it makes for a powerful driving experience that is smooth, has excellent acceleration and top-end power. PERFORMANCE Carrying Dual VVT-I engines in the 1.8G and 2.0V versions, the new Altis has been designed to optimize combustion efficiency. Combined with a new Super CVT-I (Continuously Variable This allows drivers to merge and overtake easily on busy highways, making trips around town enjoyable rather than a chore. The new engines are from the latest ZR series and are of ‘all-aluminium’ design with 16-valve double overhead camshaft cylinder heads. Besides the 1.6-litre and 1.8-litre models, the 2.0-litre version is the first time a Corolla with this engine size is offered in Malaysia. The 2ZR-FE (1.8L) and 3ZR-FE (2.0L) engines also have an Acoustic Control Induction System (ACIS) which alters the length of the intake pipe to improve torque delivery. This gives the engine potential to perform at its optimal best in all conditions with controlled airflow. INTERIOR Aiming for a feel of advanced luxury, the inside of the new Altis has been refined to suit its occupant. Attention to detail on surface quality gives the new Altis a class-above impression. Comfort was one of Toyota’s top priorities, with perforated leather upholstery integrated in the two higher versions of the Altis (2.0V & 1.8G). 20 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM THE BEAT THE START BRAIN SNACKS Power to the People Did you know that Pink Floyd’s smash hit, ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ was banned by the South African Government after it become the anthem for African American children? Rebels without a cause! [1] DEADMAU5 AU5 At Play 3 ouse Electro House Hitting the dance scene ing eletro with pumping essive house, and progressive 5 has become Deadmau5 an icon in originality and ssories. 2010's head accessories. album, At Play 3 gives a ompositions, variety of compositions, way from his straying away al chart album, commercial For Lack off a Better Name. HALL OF FAME www.deadmau5.com mau5.com 3 [2] KANYE WEST [3] THE CONCRETES [4] BEASTIE BOYS [5] LIQUID STRANGER Dark Twisted Fantasy (Hip Hop) If he’s not waving the flag for controversy in tabloids, he’s in the studio making magic. Dark Twisted Fantasy promises to be his best album to date, with a heightened sense of personal theatrics to his usual lyrical expressions. It's bigger and bolder than ever before. WYWH Indie Pop The Swedish indie supremes are back with a retro inspired vibe to new album, WYWH. It’s fun, catchy and reminds 4 us of the 90’s in a 'totally retrospective' way. Check out their song, ‘Good Evening’ to get a taste of their refreshed sound of simple melodic creations. Hot Sauce Committee Hip Hop The Boys have been around since the 80’s and are still going strong with newly released Hot Sauce Committee. Using samples seemingly borrowed from a frequent miles traveler, the Beastie Boys still have their tongue twisting raps down in the mix. The Private Riot Experimental Dubstep Martin Staaf comes out with his grimiest album to date, reinventing a darker side of dubstep with experimental sampling. The Private Riot has 10 songs that are best described by Music and Happy Life as 'totally devastating dance-floor monsters'. It's time to let loose. www.kanyewest.com www.myspace.com/ theconcretes www.beastieboys.com www.myspace/ liquidstranger.com CLIVE'S PLAYLIST Stellar Minds Incubus started out in 1991 when lead singer Brandon Boyd recruited his high school buddies, guitarist Mike Einziger and drummer Jose Pasillas. After a change in personnel in the bass and DJ areas, they diversifi ed their sounds through each album after their success of Morning View (2001). To date, their most successful hits were, ‘Drive’ and ‘Are You In?’ which shot them to fame. With unique drumming, timeless samples, and expert guitar work, Incubus are deserved title holders of their genre. The Cat Empire Arcade Fire Australia’s lead alternative band is back with mind-bending effect. www.thecatempire.com The AF’s epitomize indie culture with tunes from ‘The Suburbs’. Trey Songz Avenged Sevenfold Rhythm and blues gets a second chance with sexy swagger. A7X returns with a play on refi ned vocals and fi endish metal. www.treysongz.com www.avengedsevenfold.com www.arcadefi re.com 22 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM WEBWORD THE START LONG WAY GONE Ishmael Beah recounts life as a Sierra Leone child soldier Learning how to shoot an AK-47, being hooked on cocaine that the army feeds you — Beah might have been recruited as an unsuspecting child soldier into the war-torn internal conflict of Sierra Leone but with the help of UNICEF, life began a second time in the U.S. The work has attracted it's fair share of controversy, in part due to critics pointing out that it seems to contain fictive elements with help from Beah's creative writing professor. Truth of a life less ordinary or a good combination of fact and fiction? COMMON LANGUAGE Masturdating Doing common social activities by yourself [1] SAS SURVIVAL HANDBOOK 26 years of British Special Air Service work form the backbone of this 'back-to-nature' guide. Flip through before popping any unidentified berries in the mouth. “THAT CHRONIC MASTURDATER LIKES TO WATCH MOVIES IN CINEMAS BY HIMSELF ” John 'Lofty' Wiseman [2] ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST [3] BRAVE NEW WORLD [4] TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD More than a novel, it's a running commentary on the 60s obsession with electroshock therapy for loony bin patients. Woe is the patient who has a run in with Nurse Ratchet... Huxley's stab at utopian society is chillingly reflected in today's society. A warning of pill-popping sterility and test-tubed baby absence of individuality in a post modern world. What's right and what's wrong? The critically acclaimed novel uses the plot device of a black man charged with the rape of a white girl to recount the innocence of childhood. One for book clubs. Ken Kesey Aldous Huxley Harper Lee WEB Recordedattacks.com Taking a leaf from the hugely popular Zombie Survival Guide, this online companion allows you to download the iPhone Zombie Scanner App, screen savers and a free chapter. Be wary of who you kiss next. CULT THE START FRED PERRY F/W10 The British have an unparalleled knack for turning the most mundane outfit into something even the most jaded makeover show host would approve and this season Fred Perry does not disappoint. Taking a leaf from the 'peacock' colors of traditional men's dressing – bright orange, fern green and lagoon make an appearance on striped polos, pindot shirts, brushed tartan shirts with a soft, laundered handle, Y-neck knits, and of course, the classic Fred Perry shirt with multi-colored laurel logo. www.fredperry.com 23 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 24 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM WHEELS THE START ROCKING ROADSTERS Pimp up your garage with worthy automobiles [1]LOTUS EVORA S A new generation of the Evora has come back in stunning fashion with a stylish machine built for the pure driving experience. Form and function playon equal grounds, the Evora S holds 350 hp/400 Nm of torque with a maximum speed of 172mph going from 0-100 km/h in 4 seconds. A grand release to relish. www.lotuscars.my [2] HONDA CR-Z The two-door CRZ is the first car to combine a 1.5 litre i-VTEC engine and an IMA system for better fuel efficiency. It’s body resembles it’s older cousin the CR-X, with an athletic, streamline shape which gels nicely to the 124 hp/174 Nm of torque it carries. Definitely a hatchback that set the bar high. www.honda.com.my [3] MITSUBISHI ASX For those who like an adventure in the outbacks of the unknown, the Mitsubishi ASX can take you there in sufficient style. This compact SUV suits the rugged, having a 1.8 or 2.0 turbo diesel engine managing 110 kW (@ 4000 rpm) to its 200 Nm of torque (@ 2000 rpm). www.mitsubishi-motors.com.my KNOW YOUR RIDES Group Lotus vs Team Lotus? With Proton owning Group Lotus and Air Asia entrepreneur Tony Fernandes buying over Team Lotus Ventures, there’s a dispute to who gets to use the Lotus brand name. What happened to patriotism and One Malaysia? 26 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM MANEXTRA THE START Anthony Morse EXPLORING THE SECRET BEHAVIOR OF CITIES As a kid, did you know you were the exploring type? Absolutely not. I loved reading National Geographic, learning about different places and cultures that I could travel to in the future. I always thought it would be for personal pleasures rather then for work or business. One thing that probably did help my cause in becoming an explorer was my childhood house. There were a lot of people coming and going always sharing great stories about their travels and the people they met. I guess that’s where I got my interest for things like adventure, exploring and to travel. What makes Hidden Cities different from other discovery-driven shows? Being a program for the History Channel, viewers can use 'Hidden Cities' as an educational program as well as a platform to seek adventure. One big difference between this program and the rest is that in every location we filmed, we got to see all the historic sites from the natives’ point of view. Rather than asking the professionals of the sites to help us out, we asked the locals to show us around, and by doing this we got to see the history of each site through their cultured eyes. Other than exploring the hidden relics and cities of Asia, what other continents tickle your fancy? South America is definitely a continent I would love to venture into. I’m fascinated by how every country, despite having their own individual cultural values, share an important tool such as the same language (Portuguese). Reasons like this make traveling worthwhile because it’s the people that make cities come alive. One other country I am looking forward to explore when the time comes is India. How dangerous was it to film on an active volcano like Mount Merapi in Indonesia? There was always the thrill factor that we were filming next to an active volcano, but we weren't exactly near the opening of it. We could always see the exuding smoke which we took as a sign of caution. On the volcano itself, we visited the station towers that recorded the seismic activity of Merapi and that helped calm everybody's nerves. If Merapi was to erupt, the crew and I were far enough to escape safely. Out of the four countries you filmed in, which one rocked it out? I always tell myself that asking that particular question is like asking a mother which is her favorite child! All four locations were unique in their own aspects in terms of the people, culture, food, and environment. If I had to pick however, I’d say that Taiwan was a wonderful experience because I was blown away by its extraordinary people and fascinating places. In a way, because it was the fourth and final episode, I had already become comfortable with my hosting abilities and that allowed me to fully take in the beauty of what Taiwan had to offer. Does being the host of 'Hidden Cities' score bonus points with the ladies? We have yet to see those results! Give it a few months once the program is aired, and I’ll definitely get back to you on that question! In a way, women themselves are like 'Hidden Cities’. Were there any close shaves during filming? During filming, there wasn't any obvious danger. In Fort Cornwallis Penang, Malaysia we were about to film one scene down a well when we were told that there were spitting cobras. The locals advised me not to go down there to explore when I asked if it was possible, but it was my decision to make. In another scene, I went down an elevator shaft that was 80 feet deep and extremely wide. Upon returning from it, the locals were extremely surprised with my bravery as that was the 'well' which contained the cobras! In that case ignorance was bliss. “ WOMEN THEMSELVES ARE LIKE ‘HIDDEN CITIES’ ” Hidden Cities premieres Sunday, 24th October on the History Channel (Astro Channel 555) THE BEAT THE START 27 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 28 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM PLUG&PLAY THE START BLACKBERRY PLAYBOOK RIM might be one of the last off the block but they're certainly not the least NEW [1] FLYING ALARM CLOCK Early mornings just got more interesting. The alarm clock launches a spinner in the air once the alarm goes off, and won’t stop until it’s attached back to the main unit. Might need to wear a helmet to sleep though. www.thinkgeek.com The new tablet from it's functions include the Playbook has dual is the perfect toy for Blackberry looks uncompromising web HD cameras for video multitasking between fantastic and it might surfing, true multitasking conferencing that can work and play. Apple's just be the antidote. and high performance both record HD video iPad might be first off the It’s ultra slim, has a 7” multimedia while also at the same time, and block but other tablets high resolution display providing advanced an HDMI-out port for such as the BlackBerry supported by a 1 GHz security features and presenting creations Playbook are making dual-core processor out-of-the-box enterprise on external displays. a storm to compete and runs with the new support. For smooth Efficient and oozing with to be the number one Blackberry OS. Giving interaction with clients professional style, the touchscreen panel in the users what they want, for business purposes, BlackBerry Playbook market. ezMemorize Trouble remembering all those useful factoids in life? This app will save you from scratching your head one too many times. The Illusionist If you like your visuals trippy and colors brain-numbing, this is the application for you. RjDJ Show off your rapping skills by creating beats that synchronizes with your voice. Watch out Eminem! Smart Fingers is a handy device made from silicon and built for measuring length, width, and breadth just by a simple click of a button. The results are shown on a LED display. Architects and builder Bobs can breathe easy now. www.inewidea. com/2010/09/16/33599 [3] SONY BRAVIA NX810 COOL IPHONE APPS Can I Drive Yet? Calculate your blood alcohol content by entering simple facts about yourself and the number of drinks you’ve had. [2] SMART FINGER BRAIN SNACKS Brain Snacks In 1981 Japan, a repairman neglected safety procedures and died when a robot pinned him against a machine processing automobile gears. Big Brother's watching. Yikes... Immerse yourself in threedimensional heaven with Sony’s new 3D television. A stunning elegant Monolithic design complements its functions, and quality is assured even in 2D as it holds a BRAVIA Engine 3 high definition video processor. www.sony.com.my PLUG&PLAY THE START THE EYEBORG PROJECT Filmmaker Rob Spence, famed for his camera eyeball implant, is looking for an eligible young woman who is missing a leg. Sounds creepy? What’s even weirder is what he wants to do with this ‘lucky woman’. Spence plans to attach a paintball machine gun to her leg, emulating Cherry Darling in Robert Rodriguez’s Planet Terror. So far, candidates have been few and far between, but Spence isn’t stopping until he gets his girl. WINDOWS LIVE Social media has taken the world by storm and sometimes we find ourselves sifting through unnecessary junk, taking up precious minutes of our time. These minutes add up to hours in a week, and that’s just a whole lot of time wasted. Windows Live has a solution to this time wasting problem, with efforts to save social energy. WHAT’S SOCIAL ENERGY? Spending time in a stimulating environment with other people. HOW ARE WE GOING TO SAVE SOCIAL ENERGY? Saving social energy is about having the right attitude and using the right tools to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of time spent online. MICROSOFT PROVIDES THE TOOLS HOTMAIL One of the first ever web-based email offerings, Hotmail has been upgraded and designed with smart tools to help people manage the clutter in their inboxes, save time social networking and view and edit Microsoft Office documents right in the Hotmail inbox. Key Features Hotmail Highlights, Quick Views, Sweep, Virtual Anywhere Access MESSENGER The new Messenger provides users with tools that make it easy to cut through all the clutter and keep up with the very best of their social updates from across the web. Key Features Social Highlights, Synchronized Status Updates, Simple Privacy Settings ESSENTIALS Essentials is a free suite of software that makes it simple for consumers to create and share polished photos and movies, organize email and stay in touch with their closest friends. Key Features Photo Fuse, Facial Recognition, Retouch, Additional Publishing Options 29 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 30 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM GAMES THE START STARCRAFT 2: WINGS OF LIBERTY (Microsoft/Mac OS X) It's taken over ten years to release the follow up to the highly successful Starcraft. Blizzard Entertainment ups the notch on the franchise with Terran, Zerg and Protoss getting a new spin on units, skills, and equipment. With multiplayer options and a continual storyline, get ready for the onset addiction to this sequel of sorts. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days To be thrown into a situation of action-filled gunfights with Chinese triad gangsters is almost a prerequisite in IO Interactive’s new release. Expect to follow a realistic and intense experience through Lynch’s point of view, with multiplayer co-ops available as Kane. PS3/Xbox 360/Microsoft NEWS Hollywood rumor mill ShowbizSpy says sources indicate movie star Brad Pitt is first in line to play John Marston in a big screen adaptation of Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption. Yee-ha! TNA IMPACT: CROSS THE LINE (PSP/DS) Those with a PSP or DS will be wrestling it out in TNA’s first ever game for handheld consoles. Pick your favorite wrestlers to enjoy the experience of body slams and table disseminations at various arenas hosting payper-view events. Game features are very much similar to the PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360 versions. 32 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM GRUB THE START SOCIAL KL You bring your friends, Social KL will bring everything else While Social KL makes no song and dance of its CONTACT bang up-to-date approach G02 & LG02-04, GTower, 199, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur T.03 2164 4424 W.socialkl.com to your palate/ senses, rest assured that you are in good company should you be required to wow your slack-jawed dining 1 companions. The splitlevel glass/ wood interior houses a restaurant, bar and winepost. They've done good on the lighting and the overall feeling is 'ClubMed-by-the-lobby' — the world might be rushing by but you've got time to chew your slow-cooked 16 hour Wagyu beef cheeks or take in a game on one of the many flat screens with a cold pint in hand. FOOD FOR THOUGHT [1] EATING ANIMALS [2] GEOMETRY OF PASTA [3] FUNNY TOMATOES [4] SALAMI TUSCANY Meat On The Line Jonathan Safran Foer examines the industrialization of feeding ourselves within the context of his impending dad-dom and what it means for the planet. Put down your burger now. Celebrating Diversity Moving way past canned spaghetti, Hildebrand and Kenedy will blow your mind with this 270 page tome on pasta history and perfect sauces. Cliffs Notes for Italian noodle lovers. Pascal Wyse & Joe Berger On bergerandwyse.com, the duo expunge their love for conversational carrots and dozing chefs in a series of single panel funnies. Catch them on The Guardian's food blog. Meat Landscapes Inspired by surrealism and floating broccoli, Carl Warner produces 'foodscapes' — postcard perfect photos of food. “Food Landscapes”, his first book, is out now. 33 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM WEAPON OF CHOICE CHEF CHRISTOPHE PIENKOWSKI Pairing delectable cuisines with fine cognac Who has time to stand around and watch water come to boil? Simply chuck in the Boil Buoy into your pot and you'll know it's reached boiling point thanks to a stainless steel chime. Comes with a handle that doesn't get hot for safe removal. www.quirky.com QUOTE "I love Thanksgiving turkey... it's the only time in Los Angeles that you see natural breasts” Cognac and food? Usually, French food is better paired with red or white wine. Asian food is more suited for cognacs. In Martell’s range of cognacs, the spicy aroma and flavor is a good match with Malaysian food. Do you take both the taste and aroma of cognac into account when pairing the dishes? Yes. When considering the different pairings, I work with Jacques Meunier, the Heritage Director of Martell & Co. What’s your preferred cognac? Martell’s Cordon Bleu is one of my favorite cognacs. I like to have a glass of that with spicy food. Classic dishes like abalone or shark’s fin soup with Cordon Bleu will work out well too. Any pairings so far that has turned out to be a surprise? I’ve tried a traditional French recipe before called chicken halicot but when paired with Martell XO, the flavors that was brought out surprised me. It is said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. On the flipside, do you similarly impress women with your cooking? Yes (laughs). In France a lot of the women are working full time and they don’t have the opportunity to cook much. It’s no longer like 20 or 30 years ago, now both men and women have to share daily chores. In that way, I guess men who can cook are definitely more attractive to women. Arnold Schwarzenegger NEWS Robot Sushi NOT JUST FOR ROBOTS Tapping into the neo-cyber stylings of Tokyo, Robot Sushi serves up a platter of fusion rolls such as the aptly named Avatar and Eelectric, with an idiot-proof menu on hand. Save your synapse functions for memorizing their different themed nights instead. Sunway Pyramid OB3.LG2.1B, Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall T. 03 5622 1343 W.robotsushi.com.my 34 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM GULP A DV E R T O R I A L MARTELL COOKS UP THE INTERNATIONAL DINNER SERIES 2010 WEEK LONG CELEBRATION OF FINE COGNAC AND FINE CUISINE CULMINATES IN GRAND FINALE AT THE CHINESE ASSEMBLY HALL Martell once again served up a gastronomic experience for culinary aficionados and connoisseurs of cognac to savor the finest cuisine with its finest cognac at different fine dining establishments through the prestigious Martell International Dinner Series 2010. Each night, the Martell International Dinner Series created a different culinary journey – pulling inspiration from various cuisines, including Italian, Chinese, French and Japanese – all specially prepared by chef extraordinaire Christophe Pienkowski, resident chef of Martell & Co. at the Château de Chanteloup in Cognac, France. The masterfully-prepared menus enhanced the enjoyment of Martell’s wide range of cognac including Martell VSOP, Martell Cordon Bleu, Martell XO and Martell Creation Grand Extra and is designed to impress upon cognac connoisseurs of Martell's international versatility and that Martell is an excellent accompaniment to the world's finest cuisines. Taking place from 15th to 22nd September, the International Dinner Series kicked off at Eest at The Westin Kuala Lumpur before making it's way to Sage at The Gardens Residences, The Olive at Genting Hotel, Fukuharu Restaurant & Bar at Terrace @ Hock Choon and culminating in the Martell International Dinner Series 2010 Finale at the Chinese Assembly Hall. Among the luminaries present throughout the Dinner Series with chef Christophe Pienkowski were Heritage Director of Martell & Co., Jacques Meunier and Brand A MAGICAL SETTING FOR THE MARTELL INTERNATIONAL DINNER SERIES A TIME FOR FRIENDSHIP A TIME FOR FRIENDSHIP CHEF CHRISTOPHE AT GRAND FINALE THE GALLANT ORCHESTRA AT THE MARTELL INTERNATIONAL GRAND FINALE 35 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM DEEP FRIED HOKKAIDO PRAWN & SEA URCHIN L-R JACQUES MENIER, CHEF CHRISTOPHE, TERENCE ONG, BERTRAND GUINIOSEAU BERTRAND INTRODUCING THE RANGE OF MARTELL COGNAC CHEF CHRISTOPHE AT WORK WAGYU BEEF TENDERLOIN WITH CELERIAC POTATO WITH SHISHITO Ambassador of Martell & Co., Bertrand Guinoiseau. CK Tan, Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Malaysia, which markets Martell among other wine and spirit brands, commented: “The Martell International Dinner Series is a unique culinary adventure that combines classic tradition with modernity to represent Martell’s rich heritage and today’s contemporary style. With such a wide range of cognac, guests will be able to indulge in the multitude of luxurious qualities that Martell brings to the table.” HARK'S FIN SOUP WITH CORDON BLEU To continue your enjoyment of Martell, log on to www.martell.com 36 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM GULP THE START MOVIDA A kitchen-bar-club-lounge that serves a variety of international cuisines during the day and houses the party population of Kota Damansara at night, Movida's music may be generic to some (expect the latest from Rihanna), but it panders to overworked yuppies with a good mix of current hits, house, R&B and technotrance. Happy hours are 12pm to 10.30pm and beer promos are buy-1-free-1 at reasonable hours. Considering that mineral water runs from RM6-14, you're better of downing whiskey by the glass (RM17 – RM24) and save your surprise-face for the cover charge that runs from Wednesdays to Saturdays. C-03 & C-03A, Block C Sunway Giza 2 Jalan PJU 5/14, Kota Damansara, PJ T. 03 6141 8022 W. movida.my MOVE-WHAT? Movida is a Latin mash-up that means “party” in Cuban and “movement” in Spanish CRAFT VODKA The next trend for vodka will see producers go back-to-basics without compromising on quality. As with whiskies such as single malt varieties, vodka makers are focusing on small batch production. Vodka brands Sipsmith, Silver Tree and Hangar One are on the right track. NEWS Bill Hardys With 150 years of wine-making expertise and a cast of colorful Hardys clan members, including matriarch Eileen Hardys who held the company together during tough times (a top of the line range is named after her), you can expect some pretty fine Merlots and Rieslings. Most ost of the ranges are available in Malaysia, sia, including Nottage Hill, Oomoo, Sir James and Thomas Hardy. www.hardys.com.au Hardys wines is available from Cave & Cellar Sdn. Bhd. No.47, Jalan PJU 1A/16, Ara Damansara, 46050 P.J. T. 03 7845 0670 BRAIN SNACKS Wineactually.com Wines delivered to your door-step through simple point-and-click online. Isn't it about time? The brainchild of ex-London financiers Shaun Lee and Wilson Quah, Wineactually.com runs the gamut from RM50 to RM500 and everything in between. A monthly wine club Mystery pack is also on offer every month. THE CARLSBERG GUIDE TO | GETTING AHEAD Throw The Best Party In Town! WHAT’S YOUR THEME? A themed party is always fun – whether it’s ‘Superheroes & Superbabes’ or ‘Beautiful Stranger’, having an exciting theme will get your guests talking about your party way before and long after the celebratory tinsel is thrown. Don’t make it too complicated, pick something generic enough for your guests to follow. Throw in a prize for best dressed and your party is well under way to success. LET’S DANCE! Key to a great party is rocking music. Try to keep your music loosely related to your party’s theme, for example, throwing the Superman song on every 30 minutes could be your cue to get everyone to put their masks back on. A mix of old favorites and Top 10 tunes always does the trick. INVITE A VARIETY OF GUESTS Don’t just invite your office colleagues – ask them to bring someone that is not in their immediate circle of friends – this could be their tattoo artist, kick-boxing instructor or even hair-stylist. The idea is to inject variety into your party and create talking points between a diverse crowd. CREATE AN ICE-BREAKER If your guests are feeling shy, stick another party guest’s name on their arm and get them to find that person. Alternately, have everyone take turns to perform a party trick – anything from tap-dancing to mime! IS THERE A CENTRAL ACT? Decide on whether you want your party to lead up to a pivotal moment, for example, to announce the Best Dressed winners or a ‘dance-off’. Alternately, let everyone mingle and create their own moment of fun! THANKS, EVERYBODY Let everyone have a memento to remember the party by. This could be anything from Polaroid snaps of themselves in their super hero costumes to a key-chain figurine of their favorite super hero. 38 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM TICK THE START BLACK BEAUTY BON VOYAGE Longines celebrates adventurer Lindbergh’s explorations American aviator Charles Lindbergh was the first man to fly non-stop across the North Atlantic in his Spirit of St. Louis and in 1933 he set off with his wife on a trip of 47,000 km around the North Atlantic. Lindbergh took with him a Longines chronograph developed specially for his flight to Greenland and the far north. A wristwatch chronograph movement with a 30-minute counter, it measured time to the fifth of a second and the chronograph mechanism also had a tachymeter that could measure speeds of up to 500 kph. Reissued as the Longines Lindbergh’s Atlantic Voyage Watch, the time measurements on this mechanical wrist chronograph are displayed using hands of blued steel on a silvered dial with a white surround, on a diameter of 47.50 mm and a self-winding movement. www.longines.com Equipped with the DS Double Security protection system, the Certina DS Master chronograph impresses with a 45mm black PVD stainless steel case, tactile rubber strap and multilevel dial. The icing on the cake? COSC certification. www.certina.com SPEED TIMERS Q+A What can I wear with skinny wrists? We've tried on quite a few watches in our time. The trick is not to make your wrist smaller with a giant mechanical device. Watch bezel diameters in the region of 38mm – 40mm can work wonders for a slim limb, once you get over your fixation with 'big is better'. Watch straps in leather that taper gently can also downplay narrow joints. 4 [1] GUESS [2] LUMINOX [3] ORIS [4] TISSOT From their Eurosport range comes Vortex, a chronograph quartz movement with a carbon fiber dial and molded silicone strap inserts and a unique curved date window. Part of the Sea, Air, Land (SAR) range, the Ronda Chronograph movement watch for land comes in earth tones and blue illumination for easy readability. The Oris Williams F1 Team Day Date incorporates a silicon shock absorber with Superluminova numerals outlined in Williams blue and the 2nd hand in blue/white. The PRS516 Chrono Auto Valjoux makes full use of it's 45mm casing to show off it's tire tread detailing and cutout circles that emphasize it's retro speed stylings. www.guesswatches.com www.luminox.com www.oris.ch www.tissot.ch Your vote counts! Vote now to decide the winner in each category for the 2010 Malaysian evo Car of the Year Awards. Simply log on to www.facebook.com/malaysianevo, Like the page, and follow the instructions! 40 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM STYLE THE START THE LOOK Bear Grylls, Adventurer, Man Vs Wild THE DETAILS Jeans by MCS Watch by Luminox Shoes by Timberland Wallet by Camel Active Bag, belt, shirt and jacket by DKNY Jeans Q+A My girlfriend thinks my style is “gay”. What does that mean? You can either try to conform (she:happy, you: repressed) or you can find another girlfriend who's not so concerned. Maybe it's time to leave these labels at home. NEW Havaianas By the time you read this, a 900 square foot store will have opened in the heart of KL, featuring a fl ip flop color wall and a “premium” area. The sandals from Brazil date back to 1962 and the secret to it's global success is a closely guarded rubber compound formula. Slap a pair on at Pavilion KL. Havaianas is located at Lot 4.52.00, Level 4 Pavilion KL 41 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM A DV E R T O R I A L COMPACT DIGITAL CAMERAS DSLR Nikon D7000 It’s Nikon’s new line of mid-class Nikon DX-format digital-SLR cameras. Take professional photos exhibiting superior image quality, and record full HD videos using the D-movie function. Nikon D3100 Nikon COOLPIX S1100pj Equipped with a new CMOS image It’s the second projection-equipped sensor, this camera enables users to digital camera by Nikon offering brighter capture high-definition images and has a projection and a large touch panel Guide mode that allows users to capture monitor. Share photos with friends easily images just as they intended. with fun projections on a surface of your choice. Nikon COOLPIX S80 NIKKOR LENSES AND SPEEDLIGHT The S80 has advanced touch panel functions in a stylish slim design. The perfect camera to take for a night out with friends. AF-S 85mm f/1.4G AF-S 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G VR AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G VR Nikon COOLPIX S5100 Enjoy blur-free capture of nighttime shots, high-definition movie recording AF-S NIKKOR 24-120mm AF-S NIKKOR 200mm f/2G and smart portrait function with one of f/4G VR ED VRII Speedlight SB 700 Nikons more versatile models. AT THE HEART OF THE Nikon COOLPIX P7000 It’s Nikons latest f lagship model and is a classic compact digital camera offering advancements in image quality, shooting functions and operations. IMAGE Photos are a treasure that keeps our memories alive. It’s moments of fun and beauty that are captured, and it’s Nikon’s goal to always acquire this target in the best possible way. Aiming to further strengthen their position in the camera industry, Nikon have added two DSLR models, five compact cameras, and six professional lenses to their existing products Nikon COOLPIX S8100 It’s a compact camera that has functions that include high-speed continuous shooting, recording of HD movies with stereo sound, 10x optical zoom and creative slider function. in the Malaysian market. Photographers can now snap quality photos using the best equipment and newest technologies thanks to the innovation of the Nikon team. 42 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM GROOM THE START LAB APPROVED SKIN The future of anti-ageing is here, and it involves carbon dioxide and body fluids [1] BURBERRY BRIT LTD EDITION Cool gets cooler with a reflective metal finishing featuring the tonal Burberry check. Inside, notes of tonka bean with fresh, green aromatics. [2] DKNY BE DELICIOUS Just in time for X'mas, the Fall Harvest holiday set with an EDT spray and shower gel comes in special packaging. Perfect for the indecisive. [3] PAUL SMITH MAN 2 Capturing the sense of fun and formality, Man 2 mixes fruit, musk and woody elements for take two on a favorite scent. Carbon Dioxide Injections Instead of botox or fillers, the buzz word for wrinkle reduction is carboxytherapy. Carbon dioxide is injected below the skin and is said to help combat dark circles under the eyes, reduce fat in the local area and tighten skin. By boosting the flow of blood and oxygen to the skin it is believed that this helps to nourish and regenerate skin cells. Carbon dioxide jabs have also been used to help cure baldness. The injections have been reported to “reopen” closed pores thus allowing hair to regrow. At RM600 a session, you might want to pass the hat around. PRP Skin Rejuvenation Platelet Rich Plasma therapy uses blood extracted from the patient. The blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the yellow fluid (plasma), which is then injected back into the patient as a natural filler. Originally used to treat athletes who needed sports injuries to heal quickly (even Tiger Woods has done PRP), PRP is now widespread. RM800 to RM1000 per session. Stem Cell Therapy The principle is that by injecting stem cells into areas that are not functioning as efficiently (due to old age), the stem cells will encourage new tissue to regenerate, hence the look and feel of younger skin. At the moment, stem cell therapy is only used for treatment of life-threatening diseases, such as blood disorders. THE BEAT NEWS Is Running Barefoot Good For You? LICENCE PLS Ask for your doctor's medical certificate before you submit to any procedure. Check it's validity with the Malaysian Medical Council In modern society, shoes play an essential role to our lifestyle. Runners have adapted to streamline and lightweight footwear to better their performances. But what if it’s actually a hindrance? CLIVE takes a barefooted walk through the facts. Running with shoes: Pros To protect their feet from harmful objects. To enjoy the comfort of highretail manufacturers. It adds to the performance of running with cushioning and motion control. Running with shoes: Cons Due to constant acceleration and deceleration that feet are subjected to, it takes up a high-energy cost. With extra weight like shoes on your feet, performance is lowered. NEW BALANCE X DDC LAB Only 24 pairs of feet each will be shod in the MT580 and 574 as reworked by fashion label DDC Lab in gray suede, black-dotted white leather, holographic nylon, and snakeskin. The two styles also feature a gray suede mudguard and heel with holographic nylon toe box and collar. Blink and you'll miss it. www.newbalance.com 4 When shoes are worn, it tricks the brain to ‘switch off’ in reaction and alertness. Muscles normally worked in your feet are not used like they were made for, and injuries occur more frequently. 1 Running barefoot is good for feet and produces better performances, but take it slow and steady if you’re testing the theory. THE NEW SUPER FOOD Black rice is rich in anthocyanin antioxidants, substances that show promise for fi ghting heart disease and cancer. Research suggests that plant antioxidants, which mop up harmful molecules, can help protect arteries and prevent DNA damage that lead to fatal conditions like cancer. 43 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 44 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM SPORTS THE START With all its fantastic goals, technical skills, and dedicated following, football has a dark side that’s more often than not caught on camera rather than by the referee. Players are normally a composed bunch (as composed as FIFA rules can keep them!), but sometimes these feelings show in a physical and shocking way. Some call it loyalty and undying passion, while others laugh at what's perceived as stupidity, and in certain cases, career suicide. But it’s these moments of madness that win World Cups, or at the very least, garner you regular column inches. CLIVE takes a guarded peek at four of the most controversial moments in football's rich history. BAD BOYS OF FOOTBALL FROM KUNG-FU KICKS TO 'THE HAND OF GOD': PLAYERS WHO TEAR UP THE REFEREE RULEBOOK Paolo Di Canio Friend or Foe? Italy has produced a handful of magical players, and Di Canio certainly fits into that category. He was the driving force for West Ham United in the early 2000’s, showering Upton Park with his dazzling footwork and special goals. However, this feisty Italian has a temper to feed, often forcing referees to show him the dreaded red. On September 1998, while playing for Sheffield Wednesday against Arsenal, Di Canio was sent off by referee Paul Alcock. In retaliation, Di Canio pushed Alcock, who fell to the ground theatrically. It might have been comical to audiences, but Di Canio was awarded with an eleven-match ban. In a turn of events, while playing for THAT GIRL CANTONA'S MOMENT OF MADNESS West Ham in 2000 against Everton, Di Canio caught the ball with the goal-post at his mercy because Everton’s keeper was injured outside the box. This act of fair play was recognized by FIFA’s Fair Play Award in 2001. It’s a tale of two twists, from one of the most memorable characters of the beautiful game. Zinadine Zidane The Raging Bull Probably the most gifted footballer to ever graze a pitch, Zidane was smack in the middle of 2006’s World Cup highlights – but for all the wrong reasons. Having helped his national side reach the finals with master class performances to make even Ronaldinho cry, it was the taunting of Italy’s Marco Materazzi that blew the lid of the now legendary Zizu. A derogatory remark about Zidane’s sister from Materazzi was enough for the Frenchman to headbutt Materazzi in the chest. He was then sent off in the 110th minute, marking it as the last time he would ever play in a competitive match again. France ended up losing the penalty shootout, with punters and critics saying how Zidane could have proven to be the deciding factor. Eric Cantona Kung Fu Insanity They called him ‘The King’ at Old Trafford; an arrogant genius with the ball. Eric Cantona can only wish his acting was as good as his football, with Manchester United reaping the rewards of his nonchalant abilities. There was to be a big dent in his career however, when an act of pure futility plagued 'WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?' him in 1995’s Premiership game against Crystal Palace. While walking to the tunnel after being dismissed for a vengeful kick at Palace defender Richard Shaw, Cantona violently attacked Crystal Palace fan Matthew Simmons with a kung fu kick and repetitive punches. He was banned for eight months, with FIFA stating that ‘it was a stain on our game’. In 2007, Cantona was quoted as saying, “I have a lot of good moments, but the one I prefer is when I kicked the hooligan.” Diego Maradona Hand of God His second goal against HOTTIE OF THE MONTH TENNIS PLAYER, ALLISON STOKKE USA’s female pole-vaulting team has never looked as good as Ms. Allison Stokke. A Great feature to the sport! England in the 1986 World Cup quarterfinal match has gone down in history as the goal of the decade, as voted by fans on FIFA.com. But it was his first goal that will always be remembered by all, known as ‘The Hand of God’. After dribbling past a few English players, the ball rebounded into the air with English keeper Peter Shilton as the favorite to catch it. With Maradona running at momentum, he leaped in the air challenging Shilton, but knocked the ball towards the goal with his hand. The referee was oblivious to Maradona’s cheeky illegal foul, despite most of the English team protesting for the goal to be disallowed. The Argentine legend then proved his doubters wrong with the second goal, and Argentina then went on to win the 1986 World Cup in deserved fashion. BRAIN SNACKS Eyebrow Raising Football Quotes “I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel” Stuart Pierce “SOMETIMES IN FOOTBALL, YOU HAVE TO SCORE GOALS” OALS Thierry rry ry Henry “I definitely want Brooklyn to be christened, but I don’t know into what religion yet” David Beckham “WINNING DOESN’T REALLY MATTER, AS LONG G AS YOU WIN”” Vinny Jones 45 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 46 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM POWER THE START 6 WAYS TO GET THE TRUTH OUT OF EMPLOYEES GAP SCRAPS NEW LOGO How to become a human lie detector When Gap tried to roll out it's new logo in October, more than 2,000 comments on it's Facebook page called for the old one back. After a week which saw President Marka Hansen defend the move on Twitter and online media, the new one was discontinued. Q&A Can I stop my boss from harassing me while he's on holiday? [1] EXCESSIVE EYE CONTACT [2] LIP MOVEMENTS Is he/ she trying hard to focus on you? People normally engage in eye contact 60% of the time. A clear indicator that the subject is uncomfortable with the proceedings [3] UNCONTRACTED SENTENCES [4] CONTRADICTING ACTIONS Using overly long sentences (remember Clinton's “I did not have sex with that woman”?). Saying “yes” while shaking the head sideways is an example. 3 Ways To Fix Office Screw-ups Come Clean Don't give excuses, own up to the boss and ask for help Ask Your Peers It shows you're tackling the problem head on Restore Your Reputation Tell people what you're doing to correct your mistakes [5] QUALIFYING LANGUAGE Statements like “At least to the best of my knowledge,” or “That’s what I’ve heard anyway” are clear giveaways. [6] FAKE SMILE If the smile doesn't engage the crow's feet around the eyes, then it is most likely a cover-up. (Source: Bnet.com) The answer is no. It sounds like your boss is suffering from office separation anxiety. There isn't much you can do to stop this compulsive behavior but you can change how you view him. Think of him/ her as an addict – when he/ she calls, make sure you administer to the correct “dosage”. Experiment with playing the part of perfect deputy. (Source: FT.com) 48 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM CHECK IN THE START A BACKPACKER'S GUIDE TO KOH SAMUI & KOH PHANGAN What's in store for you guys who like it cheap, but not nasty? No, we're not talking about what you think — everyone likes a good deal, and even more so when there's a holiday attached to the bargain. There are loopholes for the budget traveler especially in destinations that we hold close to our hearts and even better; closer to our homeland. We’re talking about a country that’s just up north that's known for it’s scandalous lifestyles, unique culture and beautiful islands. Thailand holds an abundance of island gems for the inquisitive globetrotter. The islands of Koh Samui and Koh Phangan are firmly planted on hitchhiker's maps, and here's CLIVE’s take on how to keep it cheap and tight (in the wallet, that is). Koh Samui Island Breakdown A beautiful island in the province of Surat Thani, it's total square area is 247 km with a 55-kilometer road paved around its perimeters. Named as the 'island of coconut trees', it’s the third largest island THAT GIRL in Thailand. Different beaches in Koh Samui have certain advantages of privacy (Lamai, Bophut, Hua Thanon) while the wheeling and dealing can be found on popular main beach, Chaweng. The first thing to do is avoid the quieter beaches where over priced items are the norm. Head to Chaweng, where alcohol, food and entertainment is cheaper. Don’t be fooled by the fancy Brazilian restaurants on the main stretch, where roasted condiments are displayed at the entrance Just stick with the local delights because it’s as authentic as it gets and it doesn’t burn a hole in your wallet. The local restaurants might not look the part of a delicious dining experience, but the proof is in the tasting. Ninja Restaurant on Chaweng’s main thoroughfare serves good Thai food at less than RM10. It's a great value-formoney place that you can visit for breakfast, lunch or dinner. take a 'tuk-tuk' instead of a normal taxi. It only costs RM5 to go anywhere on the island — that’s three to four times cheaper than a normal cab. 'Tuk-tuks' are a boon for budget travelers because it’s open-air, can hold about eight people (which means friends can be made) and of course, it’s dirt cheap. Don’t hold your breath if your driver’s speeding like a maniac, it’s part of Thai culture. Thinking of taking a tour round the island to see the sights? The Big Buddha Temple, Sky Fox and island safari can take a rain check. They’ll cost too much, take up most of your day, and you’ll end up exhausted. Instead, why not take a nap on the beach or explore the locale at a leisuirely pace? Make friends with locals, and you could get a free tour that only involves you spending on a a frosty beer. Koh Phangan Island Breakdown With a population of 14,000, Koh Phangan is a forty-minute ferry ride from neighboring Koh Samui. It's total square area is 168 km and has a main town named Thongsala. Phangan is famous for its clear water snorkeling beaches in the North (Had Kuat, Ao Thong Nai Pan Noi, Had Mae Had) and its beaches in the South (Had Rin Nok, Had Rin Nai) that hosts the biggest beach parties in the world. Other than taking the normal tourist trails, why not head up to Mellow Mountain in the Southern beach of Haad Rin. Located at the end of the beach, a rock staircase leads up to the elevated clubs. Drinks trend toward cheap and the décor When travelling around, KOH SAMUI FACT GUIDE 1. Koh Samui’s population is around 40,000, but during peak season, numbers can get as high as 1 million people. 2. Make sure you tell shop ownors that you’re Malaysian. You’ll get cheaper prices because of our close quarters. 3. Drivers on the island are reckless and they drive fast. Be careful when crossing roads and junctions. 49 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 50 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM CHECK IN THE START is Rastafarian approved. Compared to other venues, Mellow Mountain has a bird’s eye view, and an aura to make you want to stay. In other words, less money spent. The infamous Full Moon Party is held on a monthly basis on Haad Rin, and is the biggest beach party in the world. People from around the globe travel just for the full moon experience, as it’s known to be the Ibiza of Asia. One important thing to note when at the Full Moon party is to stick with the alcoholic buckets. They’re between RM10 to RM30, but one is enough to get you dancing the night away. If that’s still out of your budget, share a bucket with a friend. The Full Moon party is a great time to spend less because there’s free entertainment all along the beach. From fire-eaters to the countless of clubs playing different genres of music, it’s all free for the public, with just the occasional purchase of alcohol to add to the party mood. What more could you ask for? than the full moon party, Koh Phangan also hosts the half-moon party and black-moon party. KOH PHANGAN 1.2. Other The full moon party can get a bit dodgy. Be careful throughout the night, and keep your belongings with you at all times. FACT GUIDE 3. Between 10-30 thousand people attend the full moon party every month. That’s more than the island population! 52 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM GULP 53 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM A DV E R T O R I A L Arthur’s Day, dedicated to honouring Arthur Guinness – the pioneer and philanthropist who signed the 9,000 year lease on the St. James's Gate Brewery in 1759, thereby introducing GUINNESS®, the distinctly dark brew, to the world – was definitely a night to remember! Arthur’s Day was celebrated with much excitement and exhilaration as Flo Rida, Sean Kingston, Colby O’Donis, Thaitanium, Pop Shuvit, Mizz Nina, Melissa Indot and DJ Fuzz artists rocked the stage at Arthur’s Day, Surf Beach, Sunway Lagoon on 24th September! The 8,000-strong crowd cheered on as these eight talented artists brought the house down with a night of electrifying performances. First up on stage was turntable guru, DJ Fuzz, who kicked off the night with a set of thumping club hits, followed by R ‘n’ B singer, Melissa Indot, who wowed the crowd with her fantastic vocals. Independent rap-rock band, Pop Shuvit, was next on stage to get the energy rising before hip-hop and R ‘n’ B artist, Mizz Nina worked the crowd and the stage as she sang and dance the crowd to euphoria. She also performed alongside American hip-hop artist, Colby O’Donis to a wild and cheering crowd when the dynamic duo belted out their hit single, “What You Waiting For?” The energy just kept on going throughout the night, with Thai hip-hop band, Thaitanium, giving an explosive performance, followed by Jamaican American singer, Sean Kingston. The sizzling sensation drove the crowd into a screaming frenzy with his hits “Beautiful girls” and “Eenie meenie”. Last, but most certainly not least, the new “it” man of hip-hop, Flo Rida took centre stage, performing “In The Ayer” to fans who cheered him on. The two-time Grammy award nominee threw candy into the crowd while singing “Sugar” and left fans begging for more. They certainly weren’t disappointed when Flo Rida sang his award-winning hit, “Low”, and a recent favourite, “Can’t Handle Me Now” – not once, but twice! The amazing night ended with all artists toasting to the truly remarkable man that was Arthur Guinness! Colourful fireworks lit up the night sky to mark the final leg of the Arthur’s Day celebrations. During this year’s Arthur’s Day in Malaysia, bottled water was also distributed as part of Guinness’ “Drink Sensibly” campaign. In addition to this, concert goers were also directed to taxi stands to ensure a safe ride home. 54 11.10 O n T h e C o v e r MAKING HER OWN CLIVEWORLD.COM MOVES Text by Robert Chan Art Director Azlene Azlan Photography Eric Chow @ Blink Studio Stylist Allien Make Up Khir Khalid Hair Ming Wong @ bombshell Shot on location @ KLPAC Special thanks to Yaniz Merican www.yzinternational.com and Valerie at KLPAC Top from ho.Lang Bottom from Stylist's own Shoe from Pulle Dada by A.L.L.I.E.N Mizz Nina steps into uncharted territory as Hip-Pop's sexiest saviour 55 O n T h e C o v e r 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 56 11.10 O n T h e C o v e r CLIVEWORLD.COM MIZZ NINA A.K.A. SHAZRINA AZMAN. WHAT YOU MAY KNOW ABOUT HER: WHAT WAS THE LAST TOUGH DECISION YOU HAD TO MAKE? ALL THE BUDGETS FOR THE FORMAT RADIO'S BEEN PRODUCTION OF MY ALBUM PLAYING HER COLBY O' AND FOR THE PROMOTIONS. DONNIS VOCODERED HIT, ALWAYS A TOUGH ONE. WHAT YOU WAITING FOR, ONE WITH TORCHLIGHTS) DATING-WISE, DO YOU HAVE A TYPE OF GUY THAT YOU NORMALLY GO FOR? WHAT'S YOUR 'FLAVA'? AND FRANKLY, THERE I DON'T HAVE A PARTICULAR HASN'T BEEN AN ARTIST 'FLAVA' THAT I LIKE BUT, THAT'S SO TUNED IN TO THIS GUY WOULD NEED TO DEATH, SHE LOOKS DAMN FINE IN A CORSET (YOUTUBE IT: IT'S THE 'GLOCALIZATION' SINCE AT LEAST ONE OF THESE QUALITIES. HE NEEDS THE POP SHUVIT GUYS TO BE ABLE TO LISTEN, MADE IT BIG IN JAPAN. BE INTUITIVE, BE ABLE WHAT YOU MAY NOT KNOW TO MAKE ME LAUGH, BE IS THAT IT'S TAKEN MIZZ UNDERSTANDING AND HE NINA TEN YEARS TO BUILD HAS TO LOVE MUSIC. MAYBE UP TO THIS MOMENT I LIKE THE 'MUSICAL' TYPE OF GUY. OF CRITICAL PUBLIC AWARENESS. DRAWING FROM THE HIPHOP STYLISTICS THAT SHE MASTERED AS THE IN YOUR OPINION, HOW DO MALAYSIAN MEN MEASURE UP AGAINST OUR INTERNATIONAL COUNTERPARTS? I THINK OUR MALAYSIAN ONLY GIRL IN THE TEH MEN ARE HOT, FINE AND TARIK CREW, FOR DEBUT JUST AS YUMMY AS GUYS ALBUM WHAT YOU WAITING ABROAD. ONLY THING IS, I FOR, MIZZ NINA SLIPS THINK THERE ISN'T ENOUGH INTO A PAIR OF VH1 DIVA- OF THEM. APPROVED THIGH-HIGH VERSES IN YESTERDAY ( “I IS THERE ANY TRUTH TO THE RUMOR THAT TIMBALAND MIGHT WORK ON YOUR NEXT ALBUM? TREAT MY BODY LIKE A MYSELF AND TIMBALAND? WORK OF ART ” ), GOLDEN HOW I WISH — IF IT WERE BOOTS, AND ALTERNATES BETWEEN MACHINE-GUN HONEY-TONED R& B (ONE ) “I THINK MALAYSIAN MEN ARE HOT. ONLY THING IS, THERE ISN'T ENOUGH OF THEM” TRUE, I WOULD TELL THE WORLD ABOUT IT! POP (AWAY WITH YOU ). MIZZ NINA IS COMING AT YOU WITH A BAG OF TUNES READY TO CHART, KILLER BOOTS AND A SEXY NEW IF KANYE WEST DID A 'TAYLOR SWIFT' TO YOU ON STAGE, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR IMMEDIATE REACTION? I'D BE LIKE “EXCUSE ME! DEMEANOR. GENTLEMEN, HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ON THIS STAGE, I DON'T CARE IF YOUR KANYE WEST OR JAY-Z, GET OFF All from Mizz Nina Accessories by stylists own AND GOOD OLD-FASHIONED 57 O n T h e C o v e r 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 58 11.10 O n T h e C o v e r Dress by ho.Lang CLIVEWORLD.COM 59 O n T h e C o v e r 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM WITH ME ON A SONG THAT WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO COME OUT WITH THE DEBUT ALBUM? HE PRODUCED (AND I OWN THE PRODUCTION THE RIGHTS) THEN I'D TOOK ABOUT A YEAR TO PROBABLY KEEP MY MOUTH COMPLETE, I STARTED SHUT. PLANNING IN 2008, AND MY SPACE! " UNLESS HE OFFERS TO DO A DUET WORKED ON IT LAST YEAR. “IN THE TARIK CREW, I HAD TO PROVE TO MYSELF THAT I COULD BE JUST AS GOOD AS THE BOYS” SOMETIMES YOU LOOK LIKE ONE OF THE KARDASHIANS. IF YOU WERE ONE OF THE SISTERS, WHICH ONE WOULD YOU BE AND WHY? OUT OF THE 14 TRACKS, WHAT? REALLY? WOW... IF I SENI KL. I COMPLETED HAD TO CHOOSE ONE, IT'LL RECORDING IN KL FIRST, PROBABLY BE KOURTNEY. THEN FLEW OFF TO LA SHE'S LESS DRAMATIC FOR A FEW WEEKS. IT THAN THE REST... MINUS TOOK ME A WHILE TO FIND HER BABY AND HUSBAND THE RIGHT PRODUCERS OF COURSE. AND SONGWRITERS TO 5 WERE RECORDED IN SOUNDCUBED STUDIOS IN LA AND THE REST WERE DONE AT THE SINGING SHOP STUDIO, STUDIO 2105 AND AND AT K AMAR COLLABORATE WITH, AS BEFORE YOU STARTED ON YOUR DEBUT ALBUM, WERE YOU WARY OF BEING IN THE LIMELIGHT AS A SOLO ARTISTE? I'M VERY PICKY WITH THE I WAS DEFINITELY A MANAGEMENT TEAM WITH LITTLE NERVOUS ABOUT ME WHO HELPED SOURCE THE WHOLE IDEA OF ME FOR THE RIGHT PEOPLE GOING SOLO, IT TOOK ME AND EVERYTHING JUST A WHILE TO REALLY COME TOOK OFF FROM THERE. TO TERMS WITH IT AS IT ONCE THAT WAS DONE, WAS SOMETHING THAT I THE NEXT STEP WAS TO HAD WANTED TO DO FOR A FINALIZE THE SOUND LONG TIME, BUT LUCKILY I — THE MAJORITY OF THE HAVE A LOVING FAMILY AND SONGS WERE MIXED AND SUPPORTIVE FRIENDS WHO MASTERED IN LA. SO YOU NUDGED ME FORWARD AND CAN IMAGINE THE AMOUNT I FINALLY TOLD MYSELF: OF EMAILS THAT WENT WHAT AM I WAITING FOR? BACK AND FORTH FOR JUST DO IT! EVERY SONG! WHAT CHALLENGES DID YOU FACE DURING THE PRODUCTION OF THE ALBUM AND HOW DID YOU OVERCOME THEM? WHAT DOES 'HIP-HOP' MEAN TO YOU? GETTING BACK INTO THE DJ-ING, GRAFFITI ART, STUDIO AT THE START WAS BREAK-DANCING AND DIFFICULT BECAUSE IT HAD KNOWLEDGE. IT'S A BEEN A FEW YEARS SINCE POSITIVE WAY FOR PEOPLE I HAD RECORDED BUT ALL I TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES NEEDED TO DO WAS WARM THROUGH MUSIC, ART AND MYSELF UP TO THE MIC AND PERFORMANCE. GET COMFORTABLE. FEEL AND SOUND OF MY SONGS. PICKING THE RIGHT TEAM WAS CHALLENGING. LUCKILY I HAVE A GREAT HIP-HOP IS A CULTURE WHICH CONSISTS OF 5 ELEMENTS — EMCEEING, 60 11.10 O n T h e C o v e r CLIVEWORLD.COM WHAT WOULD CLIVE NEED TO BE A HIP-HOP ARTISTE? ON YOUR ABILITY TO WRITE WE KNOW THAT MUSIC FANS PREFER TO DOWNLOAD MUSIC OFF THE WEB FOR FREE NOWADAYS. HAS THIS CHANGED YOU AS AN ARTISTE? LYRICS AND EXECUTE THEM I USED TO GET ANGRY BUT WELL ON A BEAT. ONCE NOWADAYS I'VE LEARNED YOU CAN DO THAT, TAKE TO ACCEPT THE FACT THAT IT A STEP FURTHER AND IT STILL HAPPENS, NO FREESTYLE. THIS TAKES MATTER HOW MUCH YOU TIME AND PRACTICE, THEN TRY TO PROTECT YOUR HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE ALL GROWN UP, WITH A GROWN-UP WARDROBE OF KILLER BOOTS AND SEXY TOPS? BUILD ON YOUR WORD MUSIC. I'M STILL AGAINST IT, I FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE HANDS, I WOULD BUILD DATABASE AND READ A LOT. DON'T GET ME WRONG BUT AND HAPPY IN MY OWN MORE CONCERT VENUES BASICALLY, YOU NEED TO YOU KNOW IF YOUR SONG SHOES — I KNOW WHAT FOR OUR LOCAL ARTISTS WORK ON YOUR SKILLS. IS BEING DOWNLOADED, IT I WANT, NEED, WHAT TO USE AS PLATFORMS THEN, MAKE SURE THE MEANS THAT PEOPLE LOVE MAKES ME HAPPY AND I'VE TO SHOWCASE THEIR BEATS THAT YOU CHOOSE IT! GROWN TO LOVE FASHION MUSIC. I WOULD ALSO ASK AND DRESSING UP. WHO PROMOTERS TO ORGANIZE DOESN'T? MORE GIGS AND MUSIC IS THERE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 'MIZZ NINA' AND 'SHAZRINA AZMAN'? TO PROMOTE OUR MUSIC NOW, YOU NEED TO GET IN TTC, YOU WERE THE ONLY WOMAN IN THE BAND. DID YOU HAVE TO CONSTANTLY PROVE YOURSELF TO THE BOYS? YOURSELF SOME GIGS SO THEY KEPT ME ON MY TOES MIZZ NINA IS A SEXY DIVA SHOULD ALSO BE MORE YOU CAN SHOW OFF ON AND FOR THE MOST PART I – STRONG, EDGY AND MUSIC AWARD SHOWS THE MIC AND CONNECT TO HAD TO PROVE TO MYSELF MYSTERIOUS. SHE'S MY ON- AND COMPETITIONS SO THE CROWD. GOOD LUCK! THAT I COULD BE JUST AS STAGE PERSONA. SHAZRINA THAT ARTISTS MAY GAIN GOOD AS THEM, WHICH AZMAN IS SHY, LAZY, MORE RECOGNITION. I WAS A LOT OF FUN. SWEET AND LOYAL. ALSO THINK MORE MUSIC, I'M NO EXPERT, BUT FROM EXPERIENCE, I WOULD SAY THAT YOU'D NEED TO BUILD REPRESENT YOU AND WHAT YOU WANT TO PORTRAY. IMAGE IS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT, SO MAKE SURE YOU GET YOU GEAR RIGHT! IS YOUR DEBUT ALBUM MADE FOR A GLOBAL AUDIENCE, A '1MALAYSIA' ALBUM OR AN R&B ALBUM? WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO ON YOUR IPOD NOW? IT'S A POP ALBUM MADE FOR A PARAMORE, AND MOS DEF, GLOBAL AUDIENCE. TO NAME A FEW. WHAT KIND OF STEPS WOULD YOU TAKE TO IMPROVE THE LOCAL MUSIC INDUSTRY? JANELLE MONAE, KEYSHA COLE, JAY-Z, ALICIA KEYS, MISSY ELLIOT, SORE, IF THE POWER WERE IN MY FESTIVALS THAT PAY WELL TO EVERYONE AND BRING US OVERSEAS. THERE ARTS AND DANCE RELATED CLASSED SHOULD BE I THINK YOU NEED TO BE EXPOSED AND THEREFORE VERY STRONG WHEN IT IMPROVE THEIR OWN GAME. INTRODUCED EARLY IN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS. FINALLY, I FEEL THAT WE NEED TO BRING IN MORE INTERNATIONAL ACTS SO THAT THE LOCAL INDUSTRY CAN BE MORE COMES TO CRITICISMS WILL DESPISE YOU. IF YOU WE HEAR YOU PACK A MEAN PUNCH FROM KICK-BOXING AND TAEKWONDO. WHAT ARE YOUR BEST DEFENCE MOVES? LET THEM RULE YOUR LIFE I HAVEN'T PRACTICED IN A THEN IT'S OVER. MOST WHILE, BUT MY PUNCHES IMPORTANTLY YOU NEED TO ARE KINDA HEAVY. FROM FANS OR WRITERS AND HATERS. YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO ACCEPT THAT SOME PEOPLE WILL LOVE YOU, AND OTHERS STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF AND KEEP RE-CREATING AND KEEP INSPIRING YOURSELF TO DO WHAT YOU LOVE. Dress by ho.Lang Shoe from Pulle Dada by A.L.L.I.E.N “I DON'T HAVE A PARTICULAR 'FLAVA' THAT I LIKE IN GUYS, BUT IT HELPS IF HE'S INTO GROOVES” YOU'VE BEEN IN THE MUSIC BIZ FOR MORE THAN 10 YEARS. WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO SURVIVE IN AN INDUSTRY WHERE FANS ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR THE NEXT BIG POP STAR? CLIVE 2036P.JPG O On n TThhee CC oo vv ee rr 61 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS AND PHOTOS OF MIZZ NINA ON WWW.CLIVEWORLD.COM 62 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM HOSTAGE MONDAY NIGHT IN THE SUBURBS OF PJ — SARAH* AND JACK* WALK OUT OF A POPULAR BAR WITH A GROUP OF TWENTY PEOPLE MADE UP OF ASSORTED FRIENDS, LOVERS AND BUDDIES. “I wasn't dressed up or anything, I was just going to chill. I had no make-up on, that's it. I remember before I went out, I had taken all the stuff out of my bag. Luckily, my passport as well (was taken out). I had a couple of beers and what happened after that was I wanted to grab a cab home but then Jane* was like, no, don't be silly, my friend will send you home, he lives nearby. I was still standing on 'no, I'll take a cab' but they were like, 'no it's dangerous, it's dangerous' so I said fine. So I went into Jack's car, one of their friends, and we drove off. Jane's iPhone was in the bag, and she needed it back so they wanted to meet us in Taman Tun. We weren't actually going that way but we went there and then they called and said, let's meet up another day. I've only met Jack two or three times and we don't really know each other. We needed petrol so we stopped at one of the petrol stations that lined the main highway,” recounts Sarah. “We parked and because I was on the phone, I didn't really pay attention to anything that was going on around me — I just sat in the car and then suddenly I looked to my right and then there's a guy that gets in the car. It's so silly because normally we'd lock the door but we didn't really think and it was only about one plus in the morning,” she continued. While Jack got out to pump petrol, he noticed that a car had sidled up to the other side of the pump. Suddenly Sarah hears yelling. While Jack was walking back to the driver's side of the car, one of the men from the car approached him. “He pulled a parang on me and from then on I was defenseless. I didn't realize until I was watching the CCTV recording later that three guys jumped me,” he recalled. Sarah, at the time was trying to get out of the car when she heard Jack's warning. “I heard Jack say, 'Sarah, get out of the car', and then I grabbed the handle of the door out of ref lex because I saw a guy with a knife. So I opened the door, right when I'm opening the door someone pulls it open and my bag falls out. Straight away, this stranger grabs my bag and we're wrestling for awhile. I'm holding on to my bag and all the things inside fall to the ground. And then he tried to grab my phone. I was holding on to it so he didn't manage to get my phone. And then instead of pulling me out, they closed the door on me and drove off,” she said. At this point, one of the three assailants had got in the driver's seat and tried to start the ignition. But he couldn't do it and the guy (who was driving the other car) had to show him how to do it. When they drove off, one of them pulled Jack's T-shirt IN KL Beaten, bound and bloodied: two survivors of a hostile carjacking recount their terrifying joyride Text by Robert Chan Photography by Miranda Yeoh Special thanks to Mark Jansen and Emma Lee for re-enactment of the scenes *Names have been changed over his head, obscuring his view. After a short distance, they threw Sarah in the back as well. At this point, they had an assailant on each side of them, one of them holding a parang. “I managed to put my phone in my pocket but they were ripping everything off us. There was a guy in the back with Jack, then there was a driver, the guy that took my bag then when we drove off another guy got in the car and sat with me and put my head down between my legs”, said Sarah. “I discovered that I didn't really shout, I was more like, 'What the hell are you doing?' Jack said that when they held my head down, I was crying and saying 'What the hell was going on' and I could hear one of the guys shouting at us 'Shut up! Shut up!', threatening us, 'If you don't shut up, we're going to kill you!' and every time I tried to raise my head they'd say, 'Don't look, don't look.' They were speaking in English and Malay but mostly in Malay. They held my head down throughout the entire time we were in the car, for three or four hours.” “I remember the guy that was sitting next to me and holding my head down was fat and sturdy, the guy next to Jack was skinny, small and short with a cap and holding a parang. The guy sitting in front was older — the two guys in the back with me were about twenty and twenty-two years old. I saw them more than Jack but they kept brushing my hair down to block my view. Jack didn't see anything at all in the car. The guys sounded very kampung, but they definitely THAT GIRL 63 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 64 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM THAT GIRL looked like they had done this before. The guy who took my bag looked really mean — he had big, bushy eyebrows. They seemed like they knew what they were doing – they were on walkie-talkies. The whole way they were trying to intimidate us, shouting 'Shut the f*** up' and they told Jack 'If she doesn't stop crying, we're gonna kill you, we're gonna do stuff' and Jack was a complete gentleman, trying to calm me down.” The guys were very cocky. Jack told them, 'Just take my car', and the driver was like, “'I don't want your f***ing car, I've a f***ing Ferrari.' Well, if you have a Ferrari, why are you kidnapping us? They wanted RM10,000. From the moment we drove away they were ripping my rings off — I managed to get one ring off and sneak it into my bra and I managed to sneak the phone into the car seat. They took Jane's phone so they had two phones and they thought it was mine. They were asking 'Where's your phone? Where's your phone?,' but I said 'No, I don't have it, you took it, you took it.' They took all of Jack's stuff in the car; they were just grabbing everything they could. They were going through a lot of things while they were driving and they were driving fast. Basically we were just speeding for a long time and we didn't know where we were going. They kept turning, stopping, talking to each other on their walkie-talkies and they asked Jack for his credit cards and passwords.” “Basically the whole ride was yelling and Jack was just so calm, it was unbelievable, he was saying 'Sarah, don't worry, it's under control', and I was scared. I didn't say anything but I was damn scared. I kept asking Jack, 'We're gonna get killed right?' And most of the time, he'd be like, 'No Sarah, no', but then he'd be like, 'I don't know Sarah, I don't know.' And he would hold my hand because we both didn't know what to do. They would ask stuff about me. I heard them ask Jack: Is she your girlfriend? “Yes, she's my girlfriend.” “Do you love her?” “Yeah, I love her a lot. Please don't hurt her.” He didn't even know me! “Okay, if you don't want us to hurt her, give me RM10,000.”“I don't have RM10,000.” “What do you have?” “Here, take my credit cards.” So Jack gave them all his cards and the other car stopped and the guys in our car passed over the cards. They'd be like, 'Give me the password! Bam!Bam!' Actually they were just looking for excuses to rough him up. They took his I.C. and were threatening to kill his family if he did anything in retaliation. And they kept asking him if I was a foreigner. I think Jack said that I was from Ukraine or something. They asked him what's my name and he blurted out Sally. “Why are you calling her Sarah?” “That's her nick name.” “So you love her?” “Yeah, I love her a lot.” “Okay, just give me your money and we won't hurt her.” Sarah remembers too that “The guy next to me would reach over to punch Jack. They'd keep beating me on my neck and back, kept pushing my head down.” “They were beating Jack wherever they could hit him in the car. I remember sitting in the car and there was blood everywhere – down my legs, on my arms, wherever the light hit I could see blood. It was Jack's but I don't know how. I just remember blood down my arms and I remember whenever I moved, I could feel the stickiness of the blood against my thighs. I found out later that the parang had cut through his hand. They beat him up quite well, his eyes and his ribs were blue-black.” “The guy with the parang was kind of the 'good guy'. At one point when I was crying, he started to caress my neck. You could call it good or not, but he was trying to comfort me. The fat guy was trying to open my bra, put his hands down my chest and touch my breasts. The driver reached behind and fondled my breasts as well. And the fat guy put my hand down his pants. But every time they'd do something I'd voice out, 'Jack, he's touching me.' I don't care if they were going to stab me, but I just didn't want that. I let them at one point because I was scared but then I'd move out of the way. Jack could've just been some guy. Any person in a life or death situation would show their true colors — 'Take her, take the car, take whatever you want. Just let me go, you know?' He could've done that, but he didn't. He was very heroic in that situation. They took Jack's belt, shoes and my shoes. They said they were from Indonesia but it was so obvious that they were not. Jack could hear from their dialect that they were not.” O T D E I R T Y E H “T PULL ME OUT OF THE CAR TO S ' T A H T . E M RAPE D E T R A T S I WHEN SCREAMING” SARAH 65 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 66 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM Sarah was thinking of the worst-case scenario at this point, that they wouldn't get out of this alive. They seemed to be driving around forever, going in no particular direction. “We had been driving around for such a long time and if they'd just wanted money, we'd given them already — why would they drive around with us?,” Sarah reasoned. Jack recalled, “We were in the car for about three and a half hours. In that time, I was questioned about what I did, where I lived, what my parents did, what Sarah did, where she was from...they were just trying to get more money. And more cars too.” When the car-jackers realized that they weren't going to get any more money from their two victims, they stopped the car and tried to forcibly pull Sarah out. “At one point, they were trying to pull me out of the car, because they said they were going to rape me. They grabbed my legs and that's when I started screaming. Jack was holding on to my body with his legs, even though he couldn't see what was happening. The guy who was ripping me out was at the same time kicking Jack to let go of me. There was too much commotion so the fat guy had to let go of me and he went to the other car. So there was only the driver, the guy in the front and the guy with the parang behind with us. Since there was no one holding me, the guy with the parang put his blade against the side of my leg so that I would know, 'Okay, it's just us.'” “I honestly went to a point where I was thinking, I've missed out too much in my life. I'm too young to die. I haven't seen my family enough. Stuff like that just goes through your mind. And then you start planning your escape scenario. I could hit the guy in the face but then Jack would still be there next to the guy with the parang, so we still wouldn't be able to do anything. So much goes through your head. I wish I had my pepper spray. But you're just not able to do anything and you feel helpless and it's such an awful feeling. I'm sure Jack felt the same way, he could only talk to them nicely. You don't want to talk to them nicely but you have to. You have to be gathered. I couldn't cry. I couldn't yell. I couldn't show them I was scared because they would do something. You just have to gather yourself, forget you're in that situation and just be like, 'Okay, we're gonna be okay', and just do our best.” “I was constantly thinking when to take my phone out, and in the car, Jack said, 'She's so scared, can I hold her?' And the guy with the parang actually let him. Jack put his arms around me, even though they were bound. The ties on my arms were so painful, it felt like I had no circulation in my hands. I was telling Jack that I couldn't feel my hands and he said to the guy sitting next to him if he could do something, and the guy actually tried to open it for me. It was strange because they were giving us a false feeling that we were going to be okay but at the same time going, 'We're going to kill you'. I managed to take the phone out at one point and hold it down but the guy in front kept looking back. And if I turned it on, they would see the screen light up. I was hoping to dial a number, and just leave the phone so that they could hear what was going on. When they pulled us out it was too late.” The car stopped abruptly. Jack and Sarah are pulled out of the car, Jack with his hands tied and T-shirt still over his head. “They put me on my knees. It was pitch black: quiet as hell, all I could feel was grass. I gotta admit, at this point I thought they were gonna chop my head off. So I pulled my tee off, tried to get up and ask them what was going on, but they just shoved me back down and told me to shut up. When I noticed that he wasn't holding the parang I looked over to my left and saw Sarah kneeling down, and the other guy next to her holding the parang. So I told them not to hurt us, or not to kill us, maybe both.” That's when their assailants ran back to the car and drove off. “It was really quiet, the grass was damp, and the only thing you could hear were crickets and we knew that we were somewhere where there was nobody. That feeling when they ran to the car was like, 'Oh my god, we're alive!' I didn't even care that we were in a jungle. The first thing we did was ask each other if we were okay. Jack ripped off his cables but I couldn't get mine off – we didn't have much time to think before a truck passed by. Jack stood in front of the truck and it stopped and this old Chinese guy let us get in. We just sat there in a daze. The driver couldn't speak English so he didn't know what was going on, he just saw me drenched in blood with no shoes on with my hands tied up. I borrowed the truck driver's phone but we couldn't get through to anyone, didn't have any numbers on us. I could only remember my mom and my boyfriend's number. My boyfriend didn't pick up — before I left home we had a little argument so he had put his phone on silent. Now he feels so bad about it.” “THEY PU ON MY K T ME N THOUGH EES. I WERE GO T THEY NNA CH OP MY HEAD OFF” J ACK THAT GIRL “It was strange because when we were hostages I really wanted to see my boyfriend but there I was sitting next to a guy who was protecting me as well. But it was probably a good thing because my boyfriend would've done something stupid. I was quite lucky I was with a guy who did all he could but he was not emotionally attached. When they were touching me, Jack was really calm whereas my boyfriend would have freaked out. In that sense, it was a 'good' situation.” It took them twenty minutes to get out of the secluded area they were in. The truck driver got them a taxi and gave them RM10 and they went to the nearest police station. *Names and other forms of identification have been changed / The case is still pending in the courts 67 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 68 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM HELD CAPTIVE: THE STORIES OF ORDINARY CITIZENS CAUGHT IN A POLITICAL POWER PLAY BY ROBERT CHAN THAT GIRL 69 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 70 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM reported that he was most likely chosen due to his efforts to build diplomacy with Pyongyang ten years earlier. The KCNA news agency reported that Clinton had an “exhaustive conversation” with reclusive leader Kim Jong Il and top officials. Further to that, they also released a statement: “Clinton expressed words of sincere apology to Kim Jong Il for the hostile acts committed by the two American journalists against the DPRK after illegally intruding into it.” After the pardon, Ling and Lee were flown back to the U.S. with Clinton, and landed at Bob Hope airport, shortly before 6a.m. local time. In May 2010, Laura and Lisa Ling published Somewhere Inside: One Sister's Captivity in North Korea and the Other's Fight to Bring Her Home. COUNTRY NORTH KOREA DETAINED EUNA LEE & LISA LING, AMERICAN CITIZENS WORKING FOR AL GORE'S CURRENT TV Th T The he Newswire Newswire N ws wsw s ire ire ir e Report Repor Report porrt por March Ma Mar M arch c 17th 17t 1 7th 2009 2009 09 – Laura L ura Lau La ra Lin L Li Ling i in and d Eun E Eu Euna un na a Lee Le were detained by North Korean border guards when they crossed into North Korea from China without a visa. Their South Korean guide, Kim Seong Cheol, and American cameraman Mitch Koss evaded capture by running away faster. At the time, the group were reported to have been filming video footage for a story on the trafficking of women when they were arrested at Tumen River. Political Environment George W. Bush's presidency had severed all diplomatic ties and he made it clear that he had no intention of “legitimizing Kim's regime by talking about it.” North Korea had boasted of successfully testing a nuclear weapon equivalent to the one that destroyed Hiroshima on 25th May. Facing fresh sanctions from the U.N. and it's political allies, North Korea was not in the mood for diplomacy. Detainment March 17th to June 8th 2009 – Media reports emerge that the journalists are being held in separate rooms while awaiting trial in North Korea, and are only “occasionally allowed outside.” They have only been allowed one visitor in 12 weeks, Swedish ambassador Mats Foyer, as the U.S. has no diplomatic relations with North Korea. The two women were reported to be “very, very frightened”. If convicted, they could spend the rest of their lives in a labor camp. The worst of the camps, Kwan-li-so Reeducation Center No. 15, or "Yodok" force inmates to do mountain logging, coal mining and stone quarrying up to 15 hours per day. An ex-camp guard who defected to South Korea told Agence France- KOH SAMUI WHITE PARTY “AT YODOK, INMATES ARE FORCED TO DO MOUNTAIN LOGGING, COAL MINING AND STONE QUARRYING UP TO 15 HOURS PER DAY” Presse last year he was “trained to kill all the inmates in an emergency.” Sentencing & Imprisonment June 8th 2009 – North Korean media confirm that the pair had been found guilty of illegal entry and sentenced to twelve years of hard labor. In the aftermath of the announcement, political camps in the U.S. called for amnesty for the two journalists, which some news outlets interpreted as an admission of guilt. Others called for them to be releases on humanitarian grounds. Repatriation August 4th 2009 – Former U.S. President Bill Clinton makes a covert visit to North Korea, in the hopes of securing the release of Laura Ling and Euna Lee. While The White House played down Clinton's trip as a “solely private” effort, Newsweek LAURA LING AT CURRENT TV LING THANKS HER RESCUERS Dispute Both maintain that they were never warned by their guide not to go near the river. Christian missionaries active among North Korean refugees claim that the guide was in cahoots with North Koreans to capture a "foreign prize" — a journalist. Ling and Lee later claimed in a written statement on Current TV that they had only briefly entered North Korean territory before crossing the river back to China but were pursued by soldiers who dragged them to North Korean soil. THAT GIRL House Of Pain North Korea's punishment list Attempting or abetting escape Torture with hot coals while being hung from a ceiling Pregnancy Forced abortion. Infants born alive are killed. Forgetting the words to "patriotic songs" beatings, forced exercise or public humiliation. Unauthorized communications Beatings with iron pipes or wooden sticks. "After the beating, cold water is reportedly poured over the prisoners' bodies even in the middle of winter," Amnesty has reported. Others are forced to drink water until their stomachs burst. But most who die in the e camps wither away from starvation. (Amnesty International, the UN , U.S. State Dept.) pt.) GOMES' RELATIVES GREET HIM UPON ARRIVAL IN US The Newswire Report January 25th 2010 – An unnamed 30 year old American man was reported to have been arrested for crossing the border into North Korea. That man was later confirmed to be Aijalon Gomes from Boston, who was working as an English teacher at Chunghui Middle School, an hour and a half from Seoul. US requests to free Gomes will not be accepted while the dispute over the sinking of the warship continues. Political Environment In June 2010, North Korea threatened "harsher punishment" by "applying a wartime law to him" (life sentence or a death penalty) if the United States continued its "hostile approach" in the follow-up to the sinking of the ROKS Cheonan. According to a BBC report, a North Korean torpedo pedo edo was waass found to be the cause of th the he ssinking iink nkking n g of of th tthe he South Korean warship. w rsh wa r hip rs ip. KCNA KCNA reported KC re rep epor ort rted ted d that t t tha Detainment January 25th to August 27th 2010 – While in confinement, Gomes was alleged to have attempted suicide out of “frustration with the U.S. government’s failure to free him.” It remains unclear why he crossed over although speculators suggest that he may have been trying to emulate fellow Christian Robert Park, who crossed over to highlight North Korea's human rights record. Park was expelled after 40 days with KCNA carrying reports of his “apology.” Other reports interviewed those who worked with him, such as van Broekhuizen, a fellow colleague. “As an outsider, it seems incredibly stupid what he did, but Aijalon stopped living for himself awhile ago," van Broekhuizen said. “I'm sure he was convinced that what he did could in a way help the people of North Korea to be free again.” North Korea allowed a U.S. State Department team to visit Pyongyang during the detainment. “For whatever reason he went to North Korea, he doesn't pose a security threat," State Department spokesman Crowley said. "We think on that basis he should be returned to the U.S. as soon as possible.” Y COUNTRKOREA NORTH ED DETAIN OMES MAHLI G AIJALON Sentencing & Imprisonment April 5th 2010 – Gomes was tried by North Korea and sentenced to eight years of hard labor and fined USD $700,000. Repatriation August 25th 2010 – Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was tasked with the mission of bringing Gomes back. While the Obama administration distanced itself from the proceedings, stating that Carter was on a “private humanitarian mission.” In a New York Times piece, the writer stresses that the North Koreans have used captive Americans as bargaining chips “in exchange for visits from high-profile Americans.” On 27th August, Aijalon Gomes stepped off the plane with Jimmy Carter into the waiting arms of friends and family. Gomes' mother and family members hugged Carter and shook his hand before the group headed inside the terminal, as Gomes smiled and waved at loved ones along the way. A few minutes later, Carter reboarded the plane and left Boston. “AFTER BEATINGS, COLD WATER IS POURED OVER PRISONERS' BODIES IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER” AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL REPORT ON NORTH KOREA 71 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 72 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM The Newswire Report July 31st 2009 – Three Americans, s, S Sarah arah ara h Shourd (31), Shane Bauer (27) and d Jo Joshua oshu hu ua Fattal (27) were detained by Iranian bo border b orde rde der guards while hiking in Iraqi Kurdistan.. Iran claims the three crossed into Iranian nian aan n territory, but the three Americans claim m tthey hey ey were kidnapped from within Iraq. The Charge According to the BBC, they were not “publicly charged” with a crime by Iran; but according to the New York Times, they have been held on espionage charges since e their arrest. On November 9, 2009, it was announced they were to be charged for espionage by Iranian authorities. In August, the Iranian government reiterated its belief that the trio should stand trial for illegal entry, and announced it was considering other charges such as “intentionally acting against Iranian security.” Detainment While Shourd was released on 14th September 2010, Shourd's boyfriend Bauer and friend Fattal remain in Evin Prison. Due to the number of intellectuals held there around the time of 1979's Iranian Revolution, the prison was known as Evin University. Iranian prisons are rife with allegations of female rape and prison authorities have been alleged to use it as a form of intimidation or punishment. Shourd was lucky to have escaped such a fate, being in solitary confinement but allowed to meet the other two for 30 minute periods twice a day. In a NY Daily News piece Shourd recalls being interrogated by Iranian officials and asked to write about every detail of her life, including growing up in Los Angeles, and living with Bauer in Syria where she taught English. “I just had to be sure that I was strong when I went into the interrogation room because I wanted to make sure that they didn't manipulate me into saying anything that I didn't want to say,” she told The Associated Press. “IRANIAN PRISONS ARE RIFE WITH RAPE ALLEGATIONS” Repatriation In mid-September 2010, after more than a year in prison, Sarah Shourd was released on US$500,000 bail, without charge when she broke the news that she found a lump in her breast. She is still not sure who paid her bail. Iran's judiciary also announced that the detention of Bauer and Fattal had been extended for two more months. She told AP that Bauer and Fattal are currently being held in a cramped space, not bigger than the size of a towel and said she would consider returning to Iran if that is what it took to prove their innocence. Y COUNTR IRAN ER & ED NE BAU DETAIN RD, SHA U O H S SARAH FATTAL JOSHUA THAT GIRL 73 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM The Designer // Zang Toi 74 11.10 S t y l e s h o o t CLIVEWORLD.COM VINTAGE AMERICAN SPORTSWEAR PROVIDE A SUBTLE WAY TO UPDATE THE GRUNGE AESTHETIC NECK OF THE WOODS TOPMAN'S COUNTRY COLLECTION GIVES YOU REASON TO GO OUTSIDE FOR A BREATH OF FRESH AIR 75 S t y l e s h o o t 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM PLAYING ON THE MILITARY TREND, HEAVY KNITS ARE EQUIPPED WITH ARMY INSIGNIA AND EPAULETTE DETAILING 11.10 Off duty Rocka-Bowie — a high collared 'blouson' jacket looks great with slim, turned-up jeans. (Right) Classic Bowie — a slim, fitted suit with a buttoned-up white shirt and a scarf replacing the tie. Smart enough for a dinner party or drinks at the bar 76 CLIVEWORLD.COM S t y l e s h o o t LEATHER HIKING BOOTS AND UTULITY WEAR SUCH AS A WORN JERSEY TOP COMPLETES THE OUTDOORS LOOK GO COUNTRY WITH BOLD KNITS WORN 77 11.10 S t y l e sWITH h oWASHED o t PLAID CLIVEWORLD.COM AND CORD SHIRTING 78 A NAVY TWEED SUIT MATCHED 11.10 WITH GRANDDAD S t y l e s h o o t COLLAR SHIRTING IN AUTUMNAL SHADES IS JUST RIGHT FOR A SPOT OF LOUNGING ON THE GRASS The oversized military-style cardigan, perfect for cold office environments. Bowie hair optional CLIVEWORLD.COM 79 S t y l e s h o o t 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM FADED COLORS ON A POLO-SHIRT PLAY ONTO THE IDEA OF VINTAGE AND GRUNGE, WITHOUT LOOKING TOO 90S 80 11.10 S t y l e s h o o t CLIVEWORLD.COM THIS PAGE GET A HEAD START ON THE DAY AHEAD WITH A LIGHT NYLON CARBON LEATHER JACKET. TWO-TONE SURFACE EFFECTS AND STRIKING AND STRIKING SEAMS MAKE THIS A STAND-OUT AGAINST THE EARLY MORNING CHILL OPPOSITE PAGE QUILTED FIELD JACKETS WITH MULTIPLE POCKETS IS READY FOR ANY WEAR AND TEAR YOU MIGHT PRESENT TO IT. 81 S t y l e s h o o t 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM DISCOVERY SIGNAL SEARCH FOR YOUR TRUE CALLING WITH CAMEL ACTIVE'S INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION-INSPIRED WORKWEAR 82 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM S t y l e s h o o t 83 S t y l e s h o o t 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM THIS PAGE WHAT MIGHT APPEAR TO BE A HEAVY WOOL SWEATER ACTUALLY WEIGHS NEXT TO NOTHING, THNAKS TO INNOVATIVE YARNS THAT ALLOW YOU TO ENGAGE IN HEAVY-DUTY WORK MINUS THE HEAVY0DUTY SWEAT OPPOSITE PAGE KNITS ARE 'COMFORTBLY LIVED IN' WITH TWEED EFFECTS AND ALL OVER PRINTS LIKE CHECKS ON WOOL 84 11.10 S t y l e s h o o t CLIVEWORLD.COM THIS PAGE NEW TO THE LINE – BOMBER JACKETS AND BUTTON-UP JACKETS IN SWEATSHIRT QUALITIES, BRAVE ENOUGH FOR ANY MAN OPPOSITE PAGE THE BENEFIT FROM SUPER BRUSHED COTTONS? IMPRESSIVELY SOFT SWEATSHIRTS AND JERSEYS SUITABLE FOR A HIKING TRAIL 85 S t y l e s h o o t 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 86 11.10 S t y l e s h o o t CLIVEWORLD.COM THIS PAGE FRAYED EDGES AND HAND-REPAIR UNDERLINE THE WORKWEAR FEEL OF DENIM OPPOSITE PAGE TROUSER FITS COME WITH NARROW, CONICAL LEGS AND WILLOWED SEAMS AND FOLD-UPS, AS WELL AS HANDCRAFTED WAISTBAND FINISHES TO WITHSTAND ANY AMOUNT OF SITTING DOWN AND STANDING UP DURING YOUR ADVENTURE 87 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM PROMO T I O N WIN! DUE DATE MOVIE PASSES PLUS EXCLUSIVE PREMIUMS! HOW TO ENTER Answer The Question & Complete The Slogan Below. 1. In DUE DATE, the actor who plays high-strung father-to-be Peter Highman is A. Zach Galifianakis B. Jamie Foxx C. Todd Phillips D. Robert Downey Jr. 2. Complete the sentence below in less than 10 words I like going on road trips because… KEY IN YOUR ANSWER SEND IT TO CLIVE <space>DUE<space> Multiple Choice Answer<space> Sentence<space>name<space> NRIC and send it to 36322 PRIZES 1st Prize X1 • 1 X DUE DATE Dog Carrier • 1 X DUE DATE Men’s Tee • 1 X DUE DATE Worn Hat • 1 X DUE DATE Luggage Tag • 1 X DUE DATE Movie Poster • 4 X Single DUE DATE Movie Passes 2nd Prize X1 • 1 X DUE DATE Plush Dog With Cone • 1 X DUE DATE Men’s Tee • 1 X DUE DATE Movie Poster • 4 X Single DUE DATE Movie Passes 3rd Prize X2 • 1 X DUE DATE Worn Hat • 1 X DUE DATE Luggage Tag • 4 X Single DUE DATE Movie Passes Consolation Prize X5 • 4 X single DUE DATE Movie Passes IN CINEMAS DECEMBER 2 F r o m d i r e c t o r To d d P h i l l i p s , “ D U E D AT E ” s t a r s R o b e r t D o w n e y J r. a n d Z a c h G a l i f i a n a k i s a s t w o unlikely companions who are thrown together on a road trip that turns out to be as life-changing a s i t i s o u t r a g e o u s . D o w n e y p l a y s P e t e r H i g h m a n , a n e x p e c t a n t f i r s t- t i m e f a t h e r w h o s e w i f e ’s d u e d a t e i s a m e r e f i v e d a y s a w a y. A s P e t e r h u r r i e s t o c a t c h a f l i g h t h o m e f r o m A t l a n t a t o b e at her side for the bir th, his best intentions go completely awr y when a chance encounter with a s p i r i n g a c t o r E t h a n Tr e m b l a y ( G a l i f i a n a k i s ) f o r c e s P e t e r t o h i t c h a r i d e w i t h E t h a n — o n w h a t turns out to be a cross-countr y road trip that will ultimately destroy several cars , numerous f r i e n d s h i p s a n d P e t e r ’s l a s t n e r v e . RULES & REGULATIONS This is an SMS contest only. E-mail and phone entries will not be entertained. Each SMS received will be charged RM1.00. SMS entries are open to Maxis, DiGi and Celcom subscribers only. Participants below the age of 18 are advised to get parental consent before entering. The closing date for entries is Thursday 18 November 2010. All winners will be notified by telephone by Friday 25 November 2010 stated otherwise. Winners will be selected on their correct answer and most creative slogan. Prizes not collected by Saturday 3 December 2010 will be forfeited. Prizes are not exchangeable for cash. The promoter (Catcha Lifestyle Publications Sdn Bhd) reserves the right to substitute the prize with another of the same value should the prize for some reason become unavailable. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained. Employees of Catcha Lifestyle Publications Sdn Bhd, their sponsors and their advertising agencies are not eligible to participate. Powered by Beta Technology Sdn Bhd 88 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM JUNGLE LOVE Husband and wife Mykel and Ruth Hawke recommend jungle living therapy for all couples PUT TOGETHER A JOURNALIST/ FILM-MAKER AND PHOTOGRAPHER (RUTH) WITH AN ARMY VETERAN OF 25 YEARS (MYKEL) IN THE WILD, AND MAKE SURE THEY'RE MARRIED. IT SOUNDS LIKE A SCRIPT FOR ADAM SANDLER'S NEXT COMEDY. WELL , IT ISN'T BECAUSE THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL HAS BEATEN HIM TO THE METAPHORICAL PUNCH WITH MAN, WOMAN, WILD, A MULTI-EPISODE SERIES THRASHING THROUGH DIFFERENT SURVIVAL TERRAINS WITH RUTH AND MYKEL HAWKE, MARRIED AND WITH A 4 YEAR OLD BACK HOME. SO YOU THOUGHT TAKING OUT THE GARBAGE WAS TOUGH? Why do you think survival shows are so popular? Ruth It's a mixture of things. They kind of capture the current gist of the world. There's been a spate of terrorism attacks around the globe and I think people feel the world is less secure than maybe it was 10 to 12 years ago. The internet, has spurned this kind of insecurity as well. I think people are just learning that they might have to one day look after themselves and their family. Mykel I think also that in modern times we're so removed in society from our roots — where we came from — that a lot of people find it interesting to get back to basics. I see it as not only a survival interest but also a “back-to-basics” interest. Were there any specific challenges during filming on location that brought you both closer together as husband and wife? Mykel It's the hardest thing in the world to do survival and it's really difficult to do it with someone you care about. Not only because they see your weaknesses – you can't be perfect – but you see them suffer and it goes both ways. But we accept each others' weaknesses and basically every bit of it has made us stronger. Ruth Mykel would go out and do the hunting because he's got the training. He couldn't have the film crew with him because it would scare off any game so he wore a special kind of helmet cam. He would just walk off into the Amazon by himself. I was terrified that he would take the wrong turn, fall down and die. So whenever he returned I was just hugely relieved. 89 11.10 "IT'S REALLY DIFFICULT TO BE IN A SURVIVAL SITUATION WITH SOMEONE YOU CARE ABOUT, NOT ONLY BECAUSE THEY SEE YOUR WEAKNESSES — BUT YOU SEE THEM SUFFER" MYKEL HAWKE Did you discover anything previously unknown about each other through living in the wild? Ruth I've discovered that I've married a caveman. I understand him so much better now. It's one thing when you're surrounded with technology and conveniences and luxury of modern life. Mykel I've found that as beautiful as Ruth is and as girly as she can be that she can also be very tough and just a wonderful partner out in the bush. What's it like when you come back home to other couples talking about laundry and you're talking about pythons? Ruth You do have to decompress. I kind of find it more difficult at the front end because I've been taking my little boy to kindergarten and talking to other mothers about diets and which playgrounds are good for the kids. Then two days later, I'm skinning boa constrictors in the middle of the CLIVEWORLD.COM jungle wondering if I'm going to get bitten by something in the middle of the night. So, it's quite a difficult adjustment. People think we're odd, basically. Would you advise couples to go on their own adventure in the wild? Mykel I believe that's the best way for people to learn about each other and bond and grow strong. So the short answer is heck, yes! Ruth Definitely, but I second that by saying that people should never take undue risks. They should always tell people when and where they are going and when they are due to return. If you're not used to being out in the wild make sure you take a basic survival kit and a first aid kit. Man, Woman, Wild premieres ever y Tuesday on Discover y Channel (ASTRO channel 551) at 2200 hrs, beginning October 12. Encores Wednesdays at 1000 hrs and Saturdays at 1500 hrs and 2000 hrs. Interested in sur vival series? Catch Dual Sur vival on November 1st, Discover y Channel (Astro channel 551) at 9pm 90 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM LOVE IS BATTLE THAT GIRL RELATIONSHIPS ARE LIKE RUBIK'S CUBES. JUST WHEN YOU THINK YOU'VE SOLVED ONE , ANOTHER MORE COMPLEX-LOOKING CUBE COMES ALONG THAT REQUIRES MORE NAVELGAZING, EYEBROW-FURROWING AND SORE DIGITS. YOU MAY NEVER UNLOCK ALL THE SECRETS TO A PERFECT RELATIONSHIP (BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU WON'T GIVE IT A SHOT, DAMN IT! ) BUT YOU CAN SURE AS HELL LEARN FROM OTHER PEOPLE'S CASUALTIES IN THE LOVE WAR ZONE . WE NEED LOVE . JUST NOT THE NEEDINESS, EMOTIONAL WISH-WASH AND DECEPTION THAT COME WITH IT. AVOID BEING HIT BY YOUR LOVER'S EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE . YOU CAN BE UNLUCK Y OR PLAIN NAÏVE BUT WHAT’S MOST IMPORTANT IS TO COME OUT OF EACH BATTLE FIELD OF LOVE ON TOP INSTEAD OF BEING CAUGHT BETWEEN A ROCK AND A MAD FACE . CLIVE TAKES A PLUNGE INTO THE REAL-LIFE STORIES OF INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE BEEN THROUGH HELL AND BACK (LIKE THAT MEATLOAF SONG) . MEN AND CHILDREN OFF THE LOVE BOAT FIRST. HE SAYS: "FALSE IMPRESSION" Clive's read and learn: identify the signs of a sinking loveboat “Every Saturday, my friends and I meet up for a drink at a local restaurant. All our eyes wander, and normally I’m not lucky enough to scope a female that piques my interest. One night however, while walking back from the restroom, I spot a beautiful woman sitting by herself at the bar. There was something about her that seemed mysterious, and I was determined to find out what it was. I walked over expecting her walls to be up, but she was as friendly as she was gorgeous. We ended up going on a few dates, and got together the following month. At first, everything seemed perfect. She was great, my friends loved her, and she was good to me. As the months went by, things started going down hill. She always had ‘urgent’ meetings for work when we were together and didn’t seem to put much effort in the relationship. I thought it was just a busy time of year for her, so I let her be. After two years, I found out from a friend that she A FIELD Text by Mark Jansen 91 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 92 "SHE ADMITTED TO CHEATING WHEN I CONFRONTED HER. WITH SIX DIFFERENT GUYS" 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM THAT GIRL was cheating on me. I confronted her, and she admitted to cheating — with six different guys! The break-up was painful (at least for me, it was), but I composed myself and listened to her side of the story. It turns out she was a serial polygamist, and I was lucky not to catch any STDs or worse. We broke up after that confrontation and I walked away feeling like an idiot, but a free idiot nonetheless.” back with weapons of love: buying f lowers, bringing back old memories with photos. I playing finally won the tug of war with my heart and walked out. I now have great boyfriend who treats me the way I should be treated, and I can only hope my ex learns from our failure.” CLIVE’S RESPONSE HE NEEDS A DATE IN AA AND YOU NEED CUSHIONING. CLIVE DOESN'T CONDONE CLIVE’S RESPONSE VIOLENCE FROM EITHER PARTY. SIX DIFFERENT GUYS? THAT’S A REMEMBER THE BRUISES, NOT THE SHOCKER. YOU HANDLED THE NEWS FLOWERS. HOW TO MOVE ON Hang out with friends VALIANTLY AND K ARMA WILL SURELY BITE HER BACK IN THE A**. NOW IF ONLY THERE WAS A BREATHALYSER TEST FOR POLYGAMY... SHE SAYS: "TRAPPED" “I met a guy who I thought was great. So of course, I did all the things a girl would do to impress him. I realize now that I must have had really bad self-esteem issues to think I needed to impress a person like that, but that's exactly what I did. What I didn't realize was that if I was going to pretend to be who he wanted me to be, I would have to keep up this facade throughout the 3 1/2 years we ended up being together. I sensed his possessiveness early on in the relationship and whilst trying to impress him, I used to tell him I didn't hang out with many guys. In actual fact, most of my friends were guys. I would avoid outings if it meant there'd be more guys than girls and I'd pick up every call on the first ring and be back extra early to avoid confrontation and accusations. Obviously this game was hard to keep up for 3 1/2 years and I must have some how become deluded in the whole romance thing to think this was actually acceptable. But the lower it got, the harder it became to get out of it. He was also a heavy drinker and when he was drunk, his abuse became worse. Our relationship reached an all time low when he became violent with me. Of course, my head said ‘get out’ but in actual fact, I felt trapped. This went on for almost another year before I finally found the strength to get out. He fought HE SAYS: "GROWING PAINS" “I met a girl who was perfect for me in everyway except for one minor detail — her obsessive neediness. We met at a friend’s party and started what was to be a four-year relationship. At first, things were going smoothly: my parents accepted her, she was smart, and had a direction in life which I admired. I did see from the beginning that she was fairly needy, which of course I didn’t mind at first. We were in our ‘honeymoon’ period, and the physical part of our relationship was occurring at a very steady rate! That aside, an emotional connection followed, and this was my downfall when the good times came to end. First of all, I slowly saw myself staying in all the time. I didn’t see my friends at all, and this was the case until we broke up. Every time we got into a fight, it would drag on for days and she often got my parents involved. She would answer my phone calls without me knowing, and tell my friends that I was busy working. All of these things bothered me, but what was to come next crossed the line. One of my friends, who was the only guy except for my girlfriend who I saw on a regular basis because of work, said he had to tell me something. He said that my girlfriend was texting him all the time and it was getting a bit awkward for him. When I confronted her, she said she was doing it so she could have me all to herself after I found out that my friend would have ‘betrayed’ me. I Avoid couples Put yourself out there Immerse yourself in work Avoid places you both used to frequent Know that you can’t ‘just be friends’ Move to a different country Get a rebound Never be alone Have some self-respect ended it after a tiresome five-day talk, and it was the best decision of my life. She’s found someone more suited for her now, and I’m finally able to breathe again after being smothered for so long.” CLIVE’S RESPONSE YOU COULD HAVE SAVED YOURSELF SOME TIME WHEN YOU SAW SHE WAS NEEDY IN THE FIRST PLACE ! GUESS IT WASN’T YOUR BRAIN THINKING AT THE TIME , BUT WE JUST HOPE THE PHYSICAL SESSIONS WERE WORTH THE MENTAL AGGRAVATION. 93 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 94 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM ABOUT TOWN A DV E R T O R I A L 95 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM HENNESSY ARTISTRY @ MIST CLUB, KL After a nationwide tour through Penang and Kota Kinabalu, H-Artistry “The Global Art Of Mixing” returned to KL to a 900 strong crowd that saw electro-pop princess ZE!, DJ Nesh and DJ Iquisitive throw out roof-blowing performances. Blending hip-hop, house and electro, the night served up Hennessy VSOP signature long drinks coupled with first-time stage collaborations between the DJS and ZE!, much to the crowd's excitement. For more information on H-Artistry events or to receive updates on the upcoming party, visit the official website www.h-artistry.com.my or click on the “Like” button in our Facebook page: www.h-artistry.com.my/facebook or follow H-Artistry on Twitter: www.hartistry.com.my/twitter 96 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM ABOUT TOWN HENNESSY X.O. APPRECIATION GROWS GASTRONOMY 2010 @ BUKIT KIARA EQUESTRIAN CLUB, KL Invited guests indulged in X-treme Chinese cuisine created by Hong Kong's Michelin-starred chef Alvin Leung in a specially enacted gastronomic “pleasure dome” with 360 degree visual projections in the middle of the club's field. Regional Brand Ambassador Arnaud Mirey conducted a Hennessy X.O. Tasting before guests partook in a culinary journey of dishes such as sous vide egg white, foie gras and julienned truffle in boiled chicken soup and kikorangi blue cheese, milk, cream and dried longan granita. The highlight of the night was the opportunity for guests to savor the Ultra Limited Edition Hennessy X.O Mathusalem created by master blender and secret keeper, Yann Filloux. 97 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM ROG ROGER DUBUIS @ SPA 24-HOURS, BEL BELGIUM As the o only brand in the world with all its watc watch movements certified by the Geneva Seal , Roger Dubuis was one of the p proud sponsors of #67 United Autospo Autosports Audi R8 LMS, driver Alain Li sport sported the Roger Dubuis EasyDiver chronog chronograph watch. First introduced in 1924, th the classic Spa 24-hour car race is now h held annually in Belgium and is conside considered to be one of the greatest enduran endurance racing challenges in the world. 98 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM ABOUT TOWN FUTURE PRESENTS BOYS NOIZE @ ZOUK, KL Who says electro is dead? The bleepy genre might be plagued by throngs of wannabe DJs with basic Ableton knowledge, but thankfully there are still people keeping it fresh like German producer/DJ Alexander Ridha aka Boys Noize, who gave KL a mid-week kick in the proverbial nads. Jetting across the seas for event organiser and promoter Future Sound Asia’s 10th anniversary, Boys Noize brought the dancefloor at Zouk to feverish highs and with the help of LapSap, Goldfish, Jee Hoe and HypeEmBeats, packed the club’s mainroom from entrance to exit. Girls got on the podiums shoulder-toshoulder and started pumping their fists. It was a sexy sight.Bang boy! Bang! 99 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM 4TH ANNIVERSARY @ 7ATENINE, KL Guests were decked out in white, as were the Mardi Gras-esque performers, in a plethora of feathers and sequins. Platters filled with dishes from 7atenine’s new menu’s circulated the room and were washed down with a generous free flow of lipsmacking drinks! With DJs Keli Hart from Australia and Switzerland’s Michael Vagas on the decks, the dancefloor was on fire right until the end of the night. And electro shaman Michael Vagas took it techy to the max. Clive was more than happy to be there to help blow out the candles! 100 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM ABOUT TOWN OWN WN NIKE CITY 10K @ KLCC, KL Pound that pavement! More than 8,000 runners raced through the streets of Kuala Lumpur in their bid to be crowned champions of the city in Nike's inaugural marathon. Runners gathered as early as 6am at the KLCC Outdoor Car Park as they waited eagerly for the flag-off at 7.15am for both 5km and 10km routes. Engaging performances by Joe Flizzow, Pop Shuvit, Estranged, One Buck Short, Bunkface that were positioned in key zones along both race routes motivated and energized runners. 101 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM PROMO T I O N WIN! FASTER MOVIE PASSES! HOW TO ENTER Answer The Question & Complete The Slogan Below. 1. What is the driver’s (Dwayne Johnson) goal after he gets out of prison? A. To avenge his murdered mother during a botched bank robbery that lead to his imprisonment. B. To avenge his murdered sister during a botched bank robbery that lead to his imprisonment. C. To avenge his murdered brother during a botched bank robbery that lead to his imprisonment. D. To avenge his murdered father during a botched bank robbery that lead to his imprisonment. 2. Complete the sentence below in less than 10 words Revenge is sweet because… KEY IN YOUR ANSWER SEND IT TO CLIVE <space>FAS<space>Multiple Choice Answer<space>Sentence <space>name<space>NRIC and send it to 36322 PRIZES 1st Prize X5 1 x Limited Edition ‘Faster’ USB Drive Keyring 2nd Prize X5 1 x Limited Edition ‘Faster’ Sunglasses 3rd Prize X5 1 x Limited Edition ‘Faster’ Singlet Screening Details Date: Monday, 29th November 2010 Time: 9.00pm Venue: TGV KLCC Hall: 4 RULES & REGULATIONS A f t e r 10 y e a r s i n p r i s o n , D r i v e r ( D w a y n e J o h n s o n ) h a s a s i n g u l a r f o c u s – t o a v e n g e t h e m u r d e r of his brother during the botched bank robber y that led to his imprisonment. Now a free man w i t h a d e a d l y t o - d o l i s t i n h a n d , h e ’s f i n a l l y o n h i s m i s s i o n … b u t w i t h t w o m e n o n h i s t r a i l – a veteran cop ( Billy Bob Thornton ) just days from retirement, and a young egocentric hitman ( Oliver Jackson-C ohen ) with a flair for the ar t of killing and new found wor thy opponent. The h u n t e r i s a l s o t h e h u n t e d . I t ’s a d o o r d i e r a c e t o t h e l i s t ’s f i n i s h a s t h e m y s t e r y s u r r o u n d i n g h i s b r o t h e r ’s m u r d e r d e e p e n s , a n d n e w d e t a i l s e m e r g e a l o n g t h e w a y h i n t i n g t h a t D r i v e r ’s l i s t m a y be incomplete. This is an SMS contest only. E-mail and phone entries will not be entertained. Each SMS received will be charged RM1.00. SMS entries are open to Maxis, DiGi and Celcom subscribers only. Participants below the age of 18 are advised to get parental consent before entering. The closing date for entries is Thursday 18 November 2010. All winners will be notified by telephone by Friday 19 November 2010 stated otherwise. Winners will be selected on their correct answer and most creative slogan. Prizes not collected by Friday 26 November 2010 will be forfeited. Prizes are not exchangeable for cash. The promoter (Catcha Lifestyle Publications Sdn Bhd) reserves the right to substitute the prize with another of the same value should the prize for some reason become unavailable. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained. Employees of Catcha Lifestyle Publications Sdn Bhd, their sponsors and their advertising agencies are not eligible to participate. Powered by Beta Technology Sdn Bhd 102 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM ABOUT TOWN NEW BALANCE APAC TRI COLOR LAUNCH @ TOKYO The annual New Balance Asia Pacific project launch took place in Tokyo on the 27th of September, having previously been held in cities such as Shanghai and Singapore. 2010’s New Balance APAC Tri Color collection is a celebration of the footwear giant’s heritage colours - burgundy red, navy blue and classic gray, and the collection was launched alongside a photographic art exhibition. The event also showcased the 10 winners from the Japanese side of the ‘What’s your Balance?’ photo contest and were presented prizes from photographic artist Mr. Masatoshi Nagase. After the event, an excursion to Omotesando Station revealed the new advertising campaign, which features the works of the photographic artists. 103 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM PROMO T I O N WIN! UNSTOPPABLE MOVIE PASSES PLUS EXCLUSIVE PREMIUMS HOW TO ENTER Answer The Question & Complete The Slogan Below. 1. What is the nickname of the unmanned locomotive headed to destroy a heavily populated area? A. The Brick B. The Beast C. The Bat D. The Bomb 2. Complete the sentence below in less than 10 words I would stop the locomotive by… KEY IN YOUR ANSWER SEND IT TO CLIVE <space>UNS<space> Multiple Choice Answer<space> Sentence<space>name<space> NRIC and send it to 36322 1st Prize X1 • Train Shaped USB • T-Shirt • 4X single Unstoppable Movie Passes 2nd Prize X1 • Duffle Bag • Beanie Hat • 4X single Unstoppable Movie Passes 3rd Prize X1 • T-Shirt • Key chain • 4X single Unstoppable Movie Passes 4th Prize X2 • Beanie Hat • Key chain • 4X single Unstoppable Movie Passes Consolation Prize X5 • 2X single Unstoppable Movie Passes RULES & REGULATIONS O s c a r- w i n n e r D e n z e l Wa s h i n g t o n a n d “ S t a r Tr e k ’s ” C h r i s P i n e t e a m w i t h a c t i o n m a e s t r o To n y S c o t t i n t h i s n o n - s t o p t h r i l l e r. A m a s s i v e u n m a n n e d l o c o m o t i v e , n i c k n a m e d “ T h e B e a s t ” a n d loaded with toxic cargo, roars through the countr yside, vaporizing any thing put in front of it. A v e t e r a n e n g i n e e r ( Wa s h i n g t o n ) a n d a y o u n g c o n d u c t o r ( P i n e ) , a b o a r d a n o t h e r t r a i n i n t h e r u n a w a y ’s p a t h , d e v i s e a n i n c r e d i b l e p l a n t o t r y a n d s t o p i t – a n d p r e v e n t c e r t a i n d i s a s t e r i n a heavily populated area . This is an SMS contest only. E-mail and phone entries will not be entertained. Each SMS received will be charged RM1.00. SMS entries are open to Maxis, DiGi and Celcom subscribers only. Participants below the age of 18 are advised to get parental consent before entering. The closing date for entries is Thursday 18 November 2010. All winners will be notified by telephone by Friday 19 November 2010 stated otherwise. Winners will be selected on their correct answer and most creative slogan. Prizes not collected by Saturday 27 November 2010 will be forfeited. Prizes are not exchangeable for cash. The promoter (Catcha Lifestyle Publications Sdn Bhd) reserves the right to substitute the prize with another of the same value should the prize for some reason become unavailable. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained. Employees of Catcha Lifestyle Publications Sdn Bhd, their sponsors and their advertising agencies are not eligible to participate. Powered by Beta Technology Sdn Bhd 104 11.10 CLIVEWORLD.COM GREAT SURVIVORS Thanks for nothing, Death: Six men that lived to tell their tales Lost In The Antarctic Douglas Mawson was the sole survivor at the Australian Antarctic Expedition of December 1911 after his fellow explorer, Lieutenant Ninnis, fell through a crevice. The other member of his exploration team, Xavier Mertz, died from vitamin A poisoning. So bad was his condition when he arrived at base camp, his rescuer exclaimed, “My God, which one are you?” Chopped In Half Truman Duncan is anything but a half a man, anymore. The one time railroad switch man fell off the front of a moving train and was literally cut in two. Still he managed to call 911, wait 45 minutes for help and endure and survive 23 surgeries. 10 Weeks In The Outback In April 2006, 35-year-old Ricky Megee, made it out alive after being lost in the outback for an incredible 10 weeks. Apparently drugged and left for dead by a hitch-hiker he had picked up (though he also claimed his car had broken down), Megee survived by staying close to a dam and eating leeches, grasshoppers, and frogs.While police and the public had doubts about the story, especially when it came to light that Megee had minor drug convictions, there’s no question he was lost in the outback, for whatever reason, and lucky to have survived. Six Times A Winner Frane Selak might just be the luckiest man alive. He has survived a train derailment into icy waters, the door blowing off a plane he was on, a bus crash while traveling, two cars catching fire while he was driving, drove off a mountain road landing in a tree while he watched his car continue down and explode 300 feet below, and if that wasn’t enough to prove how lucky he is, he won a million dollars lottery. Lucky Strike Roy Sullivan’s story will light up your life. This electrifying fellow has been hit by lightning not once but seven times! On the eighth time, the universe missed and got his wife instead while they were hanging laundry. Tetra Pak even made an ad on the story. Two Atomic Bombs! To survive an Atom bomb is extraordinary, to survive two, amazing. Tsutomu Yamaguchi survived both Nagasaki and Hiroshima. He is the only man known to have lived through both bombings.