6-13 Only the Tip of the Iceberg ENG
6-13 Only the Tip of the Iceberg ENG
FAMILY COURTS IN CRISIS NEWSLETTER June 2013 Articles in the News ENGLISH Washington Post, Washington., DC Conference Shines Light on Plight of Battered Mothers Seeking Custody http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2013-05-10/opinions/39167079_1_amy-castillo-domestic-violence-child-custody New York Times, NYC Home Is Where the Harm Is by Joan Meier www.nytimes.com/2013/03/06/opinion/when-abduction-is-liberation.html On the Issue Magazine Is World War Needed to Protect Our Children? by Phyllis Chesler http://www.ontheissuesmagazine.com/hot_topics/article/67 The Crime Report Failure to Protect: The Crisis in America’s Family Courts http://www.thecrimereport.org/news/inside-criminal-justice/failure-to-protect-the-crisis-in-americae28099s-family-courts ABC 10 News I-Team Examines High Costs of Family Court Parents Say They Are Drained Of Money by Court Professionals http://www.10news.com/news/i-team-examines-high-costs-of-family-court Huffington Post Kelly Rutherford Custody Battle: Actress Say She's Spent 'Every Penny' On Custody Case http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/29/kelly-rutherford-divorce_n_3179607.html Katie Couric Show Kelly Rutherford on Her Ongoing Custody Battle http://www.katiecouric.com/features/kelly-rutherford-custody-battle-blog/ Articles in the News SPANISH Zoom News, Madrid, Spain Cuando en la batalla por la custodia de los hijos se cruza un maltratador o un abusador by Carolina Martin http://www.zoomnews.es/50366/actualidad/mundo/cuando-batalla-custodia-hijos-se-cruza-maltratador-o-abusador El País, Madrid, Spain by Manuel Altozano Un Imputado por maltrato mantiene la custodia de sus dos hijos menores http://sociedad.elpais.com/sociedad/2013/02/20/actualidad/1361393386_078293.html La Audiencia de Madrid entrega los niños a un hombre al que imputo por maltrato http://sociedad.elpais.com/sociedad/2013/03/28/actualidad/1364504936_991149.html La Nación, Madrid, Spain by Pablo Morosi Por pedido de la víctima, la Justicia liberó a un violador http://www.lanacion.com.ar/949669-por-pedido-de-la-victima-la-justicia-libero-a-un-violador Espejo Público, Antena 3, Madrid, Spain Ana Serrot: "Me dijo que se iba a convertir en el mayor hijo de puta y me iba a quitar al niño" http://www.antena3.com/noticias/sociedad/ana-serrot-dijo-que-iba-convertir-mayor-hijo-puta-iba-quitarnino_2013032500056.html Ana Serrot: "Mi situación es mala, pero soy optimista" http://www.antena3.com/programas/espejo-publico/noticias/ana-serrot-situacion-mala-pero-soy-optimista_2013040100043.html La justicia española no entregará a Ana Serrot a EEUU hasta que no haya juicio http://www.lasexta.com/noticias/sociedad/ana-serrot-madre-reclamada-fbi_2013032500180.html La Razón, Spain Rechazada de nuevo la petición de libertad condicional de María José Carrascosa http://www.larazon.es/detalle_hemeroteca/noticias/LA_RAZON_496731/8365-rechazada-de-nuevo-la-peticion-de-libertadcondicional-de-maria-jose-carrascosa Espejo Público, Antena 3, Madrid, España María José Carrascosa tiene "esperanzas razonables" de abandonar la cárcel http://www.antena3.com/programas/espejo-publico/noticias/maria-jose-carrascosa-tiene-esperanzas-razonables-abandonarcarcel_2013040900074.html 2 Ongoing Cases – Only the Tip of the Iceberg KIDS IN DANGER! One Child in Danger Is Too Many! www.safekidsinternational.org/kids-in-danger.html Each week Safe Kids features children believed to be in danger because a family court judge dismissed evidence of abuse and ordered them into the custody of an abuser. Most of these children have little or no contact with their loving, protective mother in order to ensure the silencing. Week 1 Damon Website: SavingDamon.com FB page: Bring Damon Home Petition: Bring Damon Home Judge Michael T. Smyth Judge Christine Goldsmith Judge Lorna Alksne Justice Alex C. McDonald Endangered by judges Michael T. Smyth Judge Lorna Alksne Judge Christine Goldsmith Justice Alex C. McDonald and other Appellate Court justices San Diego County, Calif., USA Week 2 Angela Now a Safe Kid!! Petition: Mom Held in Contempt for not FORCING 14 yr. old to visit abusive father Judge David F. Bortner Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA Judge David F. Bortner 3 Week 3 Skye Blog: SOS Save Our Skye Skye's sister speaks out Endangered by judge Thomas Smith Amador County, California, USA Judge Thomas Smith Week 4 Max Max's story is told in the article: A Life Sentence Endangered by judge Lynda Munroe Middlesex County, Connecticut, USA Judge Lynda Munro (left) Week 5 Mila Facebook: www.facebook.com/SavingMila Mila's story is told in the article: A Life Sentence Endangered by judge Jeffrey Moskowitz Cumberland County, Maine, USA 4 Week 6 Aaliyah Website: SaveAaliyah.com Endangered by judge Jeffrey Penney Placer County, California, USA Judge Jeffrey Penney (left) Week 7 Rikki Video: http://youtu.be/pastfG1wyUs Blog: http://angelzfury.wordpress.com Article: http://justiceformothers.blog.com Endangered by Judge David Debenham Shawnee County, Kansas, USA Judge David Debenham Week 8 Christopher & Elizabeth Facebook Page: Justice for Christopher and Elizabeth Endangered by Magistrate Janet Terry Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia 5 Week 9 Christian Now a Safe Kid/Adult! No thanks to Judge Catherine Rice Holderfield! Christian just turned 18 and aged out of the system. Judge Holderfield kept him away from his protective mother until the end. Facebook Page: Stop-Abusing-Christian-Coffey WALL OF SHAME Interview with Christian's mom Endangered by Judge Catherine Rice Holderfield Warren County, Kentucky, USA Judge Catherine Rice Holderfield (right) Week 10 Bella Website: Save Baby Bella Endangered by Judge Kim Browne Magistrate Darrolyn Krippel Franklin County, Ohio, USA Judge Kim Browne Week 11 Rikki, Rachel, Haskel & Cody We believe this family went into hiding after Judge Cunningham made it clear he would give the children to their named molester. Their picture has been removed for their safety. FB page Endangered by Judge David S. Cunningham Los Angeles, California, USA Judge David S. Cunningham 6 Week 12 Macey Full Story: http://www.theind.com/cover-story/11142-parent-trap Justice 4 Macey video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AreSkcFm9B8&feature=y outu.be Fugitive mom arrested trying to cross border http://www.katc.com/news/fugitive-mom-arrested-trying-tocross-border/ Endangered by Judge James P. "Jim" Doherty, Jr. St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, USA Week 13 Isabella, Nikki & Anthony There is a hearing for these children coming up soon. If the judge protects them, she will be honored. If not, she will be exposed once again for endangering children. Endangered by judge in Hudson County, New Jersey, USA Week 14 Shelby WEBSITE: Protect Shelby PETITION: Save Shelby Endangered by Judge Charles Short Covington County, Alabama, USA 7 Week 15 Alexandre Petition: www.change.org/petitions/i-needyour-help-to-bring-my-son-back-tome Facebook page: www.facebook.com/irina.viktorovna. vinogradova/timeline Judge Marianne HumbertDeswarte Endangered by Judge Marianne HumbertDeswarte Noumea, New Caledonia Week 16 Allison & Sara Allison bravely reported sexual abuse to several professionals, including a pediatrician, therapist, social worker, detective, ER doctor & nurse, SART doctor & nurse, relatives, friends, and her mother. Yet she and her sister were placed in the full custody of her abuser by Judge Joyce Cram who placed Mom on supervised visitation. Judge Joyce Cram Endangered by Judge Joyce Cram Contra Costa County, California, USA Week 17 The 4 Aussie Sisters Bring the Four Sisters Home Rally: http://bit.ly/AUSSIEgirls Sign petition: http://bit.ly/AUSSIEpetition Justice Colin Forrest Endangered by Justice Colin Forrest Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 8 Week 18 Zander & Makenna Zander and Makenna were taken away from their loving, protective mother as a result of her trying to protect them from the sexual abuse they reported. Their father admitted in open court to molesting his young niece. Judge Joseph Brannigan Endangered by Judge Joseph Brannigan Judge Gregory Pollack, San Diego, California, USA Judge Gregory Pollack Week 19 Sarah, Jessica, Thomas, Eva & David 'Please don't send us back to Spain': http://bit.ly/WALES Justice Roderick Wood Hunt for missing teacher and her four children: http://bit.ly/WALES1 Children Write about Father's Violent Outbursts: http://bit.ly/WALES5 Endangered by Justice Roderick Wood and Justice Mark Hedley, Wales, UK Justice Mark Hedley 9 Week 20 Jacob Jacob's father admitted to molesting him. Jacob's older brother also reported being molested, but Jacob was ordered into the full custody of his molester by FIVE judges and mom was placed on supervised visits. Information about Jacob's case: http://bit.ly/JACevid Judge Edward Huntington Judge Lorna Alksne McKellar Judge Thomas Ashworth III Petition: http://bit.ly/PETjacob Endangered by: Judge Edward Huntington Judge Thomas Ashworth III Judge Edward Allard III Judge Lorna Alksne McKellar Judge Maureen Hallahan San Diego, California, USA Judge Edward Allard III Judge Maureen Hallahan Week 21 Angelina After Angelina reported sexual abuse, she was placed full-time with her identified molester and her protective mother was placed on supervised visits. Recently Judge Michael Terrell prohibited the mom from filing any papers for five years, so she has no way of fighting for Angelina's protection anymore. Endangered by Judge Michael Terrell, San Fernando, California, USA 10 Week 22 Milla & Fiona Petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/mariapia/petition.html Blog: http://fionaetmilla.blogspot.it/2011/05/blog-enanglais-english.html Milla Protective mother's FB: http://www.facebook.com/mariapia.maoloni?fref=ts Video News Coverage: http://fionaetmilla.blogspot.it/2010/05/interview-demaria-pia-pour-la-tv.html Endangered by judges in Mons, Belgium and Rome, Italy Fiona Week 23 Nydaya Nydaya is allowed to sleep with her sex offender uncle, but cannot even visit her protective mother unsupervised. Nydaya's mother was prosecuted for "abduction" when she fled to protect her. The judge kept out evidence of abuse, so the jury convicted her. She will be sentenced to up to 11 years on Jan. 18, 2012. Petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/unityand-re-unification-we-deserve-asecond-chance Endangered by Judge Rosalie Bailey Erie County, New York, USA 11 Week 24 Presley "I am only 12 and was court ordered to live with my dad who has sexually abused me…I want to be with my mom…Please help me…" Judge Edward Steenburg Website: projectpresley.org/ Endangered by Judge Edward Steenburg, Judge Derek Weimer and Judge Randin Roland Cheyenne County, Nebraska, USA Judge Randin Roland Judge Derek Weimer Week 25 Dennis There is much evidence that Dennis is being sexually assaulted by his father, however, authorities refuse to do a proper investigation and evidence is being dismissed and concealed, resulting in Dennis living with the identified perpetrator part-time. Petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/a-little-boy-isunder-sexual-abuse-in-belgium Endangered by Judge Wendy Verhaegen, Antwerp, Belgium Week 26 Charles Protective Mother Linda is in jail for trying to protect Charles. Petition: http://bit.ly/petcharles Endangered by judge Rosalie Bailey Caddo Parish, Louisiana, USA Charles with Protective Mom Linda 12 Week 27 Emily Substantial evidence of sexual abuse was ignored and Emily was taken away from her protective mother and placed with her identified molester. A new judge, Judge William Lantrip, will hear the case on February 19, 2013. Save Emily Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/32 5467527574470 FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/KeepPea ceWithKem Judge Brandon Fisher Endangered by judge Brandon Fisher, Anderson County, Tennessee, USA Week 28 Lexi Lexi has been placed under the complete custody and control of her identified molester despite the fact that he is under active criminal investigation for molesting her and the police say they have enough evidence to submit the case to the D.A. Media Coverage: http://www.myfoxla.com/story/214 20842/lost-in-the-system-custodyfight Judge James Waltz Endangered by judge James Waltz, Orange County, CA, USA 13 PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE AND OTHER CASES Women around the world are increasing being incarcerated in our prisons due to widespread corruption, negligence, lack of due process, violation of their rights, and discrimination against women by family courts. Maria Jose Carrascosa – Prisoner of Conscience Carrascosa In November 2006, Maria Jose was arrested by a team of 17 police agents, shackled in leg irons, and hauled before the New Jersey judge where she was threatened with incarceration of 40 years if she did not turn over her daughter. She has been held prisoner in the Bergen County Jail since then, the judge refusing all pleas to free her. Judge Edward Torack www.facebook.com/groups/854306 54239/?fref=ts In the News: Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women Maria Jose Carrascosa. numero presa -648144 P.O. Box 4004 Clinton, New Jersey 08809 Hunterdon County 908-735-7111 www.myfoxla.com/story/21420842 /lost-in-the-system-custody-fight Judge Edward Torack, Bergen County, NJ, USA Judge Donald Venezia Elsa Newman – Falsely Accused Elsa Newman Elsa Newman, who currently is incarcerated in a Maryland state prison. Elsa has been in prison for nine years. Her “crime” is familiar to many of you--- she heard her children alleging sexual abuse from their father and she believed them. A review of the children’s disclosures by numerous professionals confirmed that they had made allegations of horrific sexual abuse. www.justice4elsanewman.com/About_Us.html Petition: www.thepetitionsite.com/5/Free-Elsa-Newman 14 Kelly Rutherford – Punished for Being a Good Mother Kelly Rutherford The bitter custody battle between Kelly Rutherford and ex-husband Daniel Giersch continues. During a recent appearance on NBC’s Dateline, the Gossip Girl actress, 44, openly sobbed and shared her story. She said that because Giersch’s visa has been revoked, an L.A. judge ruled that Hermés, 5, and Helena, 3, must live in France with their father for the foreseeable future. “Why would you take the kids away from their mother, out of their school, away from their friends and everything they’ve known, and plant them somewhere else?” asked Rutherford, who lives in New York City. “It’s hard to even believe it’s real.” The judge ruled that Giersch must provide Rutherford with plane tickets, a car and accommodations in France. “I was on a plane three weekends a month,” she said. “I’m being punished for being a good mother and taking care of my children, and he’s being rewarded for having his visa revoked. Our kids are U.S. citizens and they have a right to be raised in the U.S.” The actress openly sobbed during the interview. “It’s crazy,” she said. “It’s like, what matters other than your babies? Nothing. What matters is that your babies are okay.” www.celebritybabyscoop.com/2012/11/21/kelly-rutherford-im-beingpunished-for-being-a-good-mother Ana Serrot – Sought by the FBI Ana Serrot Ana Serrot, the spanish woman pursued by the FBI after having been accused of kidnapping her son, explains in Antena 3 “Espejo Publico” that when she decided to stay in Spain the father threatened her, saying “If you leave me I am going to make your life impossible, I am going to become the biggest SOB, and I am going to destroy your life and that of your family, I am going to take your child and make sure you end up in prison.” www.antena3.com/noticias/sociedad/ana-serrot-dijo-que-ibaconvertir-mayor-hijo-puta-iba-quitar-nino_2013032500056.html 15 Sylvina Bassani – In Remembrance Sylvina Bassani On April 10, 2008 José Javier Lacasa knocked on the door of the home of Andrés Marzal shot him to death then entered the kitchen of this home and shot and killed his ex-wife, Sylvina Bassani. He then called emergency told them there were two dead bodies, and maybe three then shot himself to death; all in front of his 4 year old son. This child is now under the care of his grandparents who declared “We are strong for him. If you know what this child has suffered, it is incredible… He saw everything and afterwards hugged his dead mother’s body; this is how he was found one or two hours later. If they (the Spanish judicial system) had done everything correctly and with care, our daughter would still be alive today. How many cases like this are there in Spain?” Obstinada Realidad, Derechos Pendientes Amnesty International http://www.es.amnesty.org/index.php?id=3054 Anonymous Prisoner of Conscience in Spain Woman in Spain “I am a female that has been in a violent marriage in Spain, and I'll tell there is no help from the Guardia Civil, Police, Social Services or the courts. There are no investigations carried out so you are sentenced according to denouncias, anyone from the street that you never met can be a testigo. If you do not speak the language they do not offer a translator for your statement only for the courts questions to you and your answers. Then you sign maybe 10 papers or more of the legal documents and that is in a language you do not understand. You are not given a choice you have to sign and nothing is explained even when you are sent to prison as was in my case. I'm still waiting to hear from someone out there why I was sent to prison but unfortunately all the forms I signed is proof I'm guilty. Wish I knew what crime I committed to be collected from my house and not read my rights, even at the courts, forced to sign a document and that was that. If there is help out there I would appreciate it. Thank you (2007)” www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=6561252&postID=10879007 5745822956 16 Case in Spanish Courts British Woman in Spain The judge walked over to me and told me "YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS" don't come back here again and ask to see anything, your files are not available to you, don't ask for photocopies, don't bother my staff, and if you don't leave right now I will call security" And she walked over to the door and held it open with her secretary by her side and the whole room of staff in silence having heard what she said. I left stunned without saying a word and was very shocked. At that moment I knew that they intend to keep me here until my death or until I flee the country with nothing. They clearly have no intention of finishing this divorce.” Case in Florida Courts Grandma Loses Custody of Florida 3-Year-old to Sex Offender Father The bitter custody fight for Florida preschooler Miranda Wilkerson ended last week when a Jacksonville judge shifted guardianship from the 3-year-old's grandmother to her father, a registered sex offender. www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/18/miranda-wilkerson-sexoffender-custody_n_901526.html?utm_hp_ref=custody-battle Prisoner of Conscience in Louisiana Mother Incarcerated in her Efforts to Protect Her Son Linda Tieuel was arrested by Caddo Parish Sherrif’s Office, Sheveport, Louisiana, on March 10, 2013 and is currently incarcerated. https://www.facebook.com/SeekingJusticeForLindaCharlesTie uelJrCj?fref=ts 17 Quenby Wilcox –“Rebel” of Conscience in Spanish Courts Quenby Wilcox Quenby Wilcox Founder - Global Expats www.global-xpats.com Email: quenby@globalxpats.com Juzgado de Mostoles 1º Instancia 2 JUDGES In June 2007 my then husband threatened to take away my children, all my assets y throw me onto the streets if I did not stop working on www.global-expats.com, promising he had the power to do as he promised. When I refused, his intimidation escalated to threats on my life, promises to throw me in prison or institutionalize me “drugging me up for the rest of my life….” At first I thought these were just more of his crazy ranting and ravings. Pilar Saldaña Cuesta Francisco Javier Correas Gonzalez Angel Sanchez Franco Rosario Hernandez Hernandez Skype: quenby.wilcox2 Cel. (USA) 202-213-4911 Since then, with negligent legal counsel, prejudice judges and the help of his cousin (a member of the guardia civil of Mostoles) I learned he has had the power to do as promised. My Consulates (American y French) response (champion human rights defenders….? ) have basically been “Well, if that’s what they do in Spain, tough luck for you!” My only consolation; I was not killed nor incarcerated like so many other women out there. The only thing that keeps me going day after day are my children, my desire to be re-united with them, and my promise to them. “I will do everything in my power to assure that this does not happen to other women and children.” Journal & Blog www.apadeshi.org.ar/reversion_custodia_sap.htm *************** NEGLIGENT LEGAL COUNSEL Gonzalo Martínez de Haro of Vinader, Carlos y Associados Belén García Martin Jose Manuel Hernández Jiménez (court-appointed) www.worldpulse.com/user/2759/journal www.quenby.wordpress.com Global Expats Groups LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/groups/GlobalExpats-3906296 Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/GlobalExpats/305653496313 Twitter: www.twitter.com/GlobalExpats Jorge Capell - Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira www.cuatrecasas.com Alberto Fontes García Calamarte Safe Child International Groups LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/groups/SafeChild-International-3912973 Facebook Cause: www.causes.com/SafeChildInternational Miguel Martínez López de Asiain and Ignacio González Martínez (Alcalde de Gargantilla del Lozoya y Pinilla de Buitrago www.gargantillaypinilla.org) 18 ABBOTT VS. ABBOTT Amicus brief by DV Leap (www.dvleap.org) Diane & Philippe Diane & Philippe … Diane also became increasingly aware of how isolated she & the children were in their life abroad. For example, Philippe would not let Diane go out except to go to work, & he had insisted that the family move to a very remote area of the country. One day, Diane’s mother took her to social services where she saw a brochure entitled, “It Shouldn’t Hurt to Go Home.” Diane saw her own relationship in the description of abuse, which was the first time she really understood that she was in a domestic violence situation. At this time, Diane was planning to return abroad, & she began to try to contact social services there for support, including a women’s aid domestic violence shelter. They originally said they would help her, but then later refused & said they needed to prioritize assisting local women. During this time, Diane also learned that Philippe had not completed Diane’s immigration paperwork accurately so she could no longer get back into the country… Heather & David Heather & David … returned to northern Europe two months later. Heather returned with her children but did not have anywhere to go… Heather received public assistance as, not being a citizen, she could not work… After several months, immigration served her & her children with a deportation notice to return to the U.S. They have been living in the U.S. since then. A year later, the interviewee obtained sole physical custody of the children but still has joint legal custody with her abusive ex-husband who lives in northern Europe… Claudia & Raul Claudia & Raul … Claudia went to the police, who told her to go to the Red Cross, who told her to come back in two days when the bruises were visible, only to turn her away two days later, saying they couldn’t help her after the fact. Claudia had no one to defend her, & Raul was well-connected, both to powerful politicians & to drug dealers… Eight months after she came to the U.S., Raul filed a Hague petition & had the police remove the children from her custody… 19 Catherine & Jack Catherine & Jack … She had no money, & nowhere to live. She spoke with her local attorney & U.S. embassy staff, both of whom said they thought Christine should return to the U.S…. Three months after that, Jack was granted custody of the children, saying that Christine had violated the custody agreement by leaving the country… Jack filed a Hague petition against Christine six months later. The U.S. court ruled that Christine’s children had to return to Jack, & her appeal failed. After being in the U.S. for a year, Christine’s children were returned to her abusive husband. They have experienced physical abuse from him since their return. Christine has returned to Europe & is continuing her efforts to win back custody…. Sarah & Miguel Sarah & Miguel A year after leaving, Sarah was served with Hague papers. The case went to trial several months later, & the children were returned to Miguel. Sarah then learned that Miguel had filed criminal kidnapping charges against her for leaving with her children… In the Hague case, the federal judge ruled that those charges should be dropped. Sarah returned to the Latin American country to be with her children & began to have some limited, supervised visitation with her sons. A few months later, Sarah learned that the kidnapping charges had not been dropped….She began battling custody & property issues in family court & kidnapping charges in criminal court. Six months later, Sarah was awarded custody of the boys again, but the order was reversed one month later due to a “legal technicality.” …Sarah continued to fight for Miguel to have no visitation rights to the children because she was deeply concerned for their well-being…Sarah is now in hiding with her sons in the U.S… Janet & Marco Janet & Marco “… Once they were abroad, Janet was very isolated. She was not allowed to drive or do anything on her own, & Marco controlled all of the family finances. Marco would also consistently call Janet derogatory names. Two years later, Janet got a job outside the home. At this point, the jealousy, resentment, & name-calling by Marco increased…During the court case, there was information presented from a school psychologist that there was possible sexual abuse of the daughter by Marco. However, the judge insisted that this was not a “grave” as the children were not going to a war zone… A month after filing the Hague petition, local courts in the other country gave Marco sole custody of the children & Janet had no contact with her children for six months. …She still is not able to have regular phone contact with her children who are still living in the other country with her abusive ex-husband.” 20 Rita & David Rita & David “… Rita also sought help from a government agency for family development, but David behaved more violently after the agency became involved, & the agency was ultimately not helpful.…The judge noted that domestic violence was not relevant to the determination. The children returned, but Rita could not immediately return, because David had filed criminal kidnapping charges against her. Rita sought help in the U.S. & was able to find a lawyer in the other country who obtained temporary “immunity” for her… Rita works, & earns enough to help her afford a small house & car. Her oldest daughter, now 14 years old is in the U.S. living with Rita’s parents. Rita does not have enough money to go & see her, & is uncertain if she would be able to obtain a visa for the travel. They communicate via the internet. Rita’s children in the other country are having psychological difficulties, including showing aggressive behaviors at school.” Carmen & Rafael Carmen & Rafael … Rafael threatened Carmen twice with weapons. The first time, he held an ice pick to her stomach while holding her jaw so tightly he dislocated it. Another time, he held a gun to her head & pulled the trigger. Carmen thought it was loaded & that he was going to kill her. After that, Carmen says she decided to obey everything Rafael said because she was afraid. Rafael hit all the children, sometimes with a belt & left marks…. After they fled to the U.S., her oldest daughter reported that Rafael touched both girls sexually, although he did not rape them. He raped Carmen. She sought help from family services in the other country, but they did nothing. Carmen went repeatedly to the police, but Rafael was a former police officer, & they also did nothing. After Carmen’s youngest child was born, she asked for a divorce, in part because her oldest daughter had started standing up to Rafael when he hit her. Rafael refused to divorce Carmen. The following year, Rafael moved out for a year but came back to the house frequently & was abusive. He found a therapist & asked Carmen to attend with him. The therapist told Carmen that she needed to go back to Rafael…. A year later, Rafael’s behavior changed, became more erratic, guarded. He hit Carmen repeatedly with a doll in the face. She filed another police report, but the police would not pursue it. Rafael pushed her down the stairs while her son watched. He was three years old… Rafael’s mother told Carmen to forget about the past & focus on being his wife. It is unclear what finally motivated her to leave. Carmen had a brother in the U.S., so she came to be with him….Carmen & her oldest daughter had visas & came legally, but her two younger children were smuggled across the border by a coyote. She sought help at an immigrant women’s program & was told to file for asylum…. 21 Lindsey & Michael Lindsey & Michael … Once in the other country, Michael told Lindsey that he did not want to return to the U.S. Lindsey felt she had been “tricked” & “trapped,” especially after she had her first son… Michael ripped up her passport & the passport of one of her sons. Michael told Lindsey she would never leave again. …According to local law, both parents have to agree to get a passport for a child. Michael did not allow Lindsey to have a bank account, credit card, or money. He monitored Lindsey’s phone calls to her family… telling her ways (he could) kill her. Lindsey felt very afraid of him at this point… She had been told by others in the other country that a person could be detained in a psychiatric hospital if a spouse & a psychiatrist agreed they were mentally ill. Lindsey feared that her husband was trying to have her hospitalized & trying to win the support of the psychiatrist… Six months after returning to the US, Lindsey received a Hague petition in the mail from Michael. …She had no proof of the abusive situation she had lived through in the other country. She says that he was rarely physically abusive to her, & never hurt the children, just neglected them or did bizarre things like taking all of their schoolbooks & burning them in a bonfire. .. After losing her appeal, she was ordered to return the children to the other country… Lindsey found the only international attorney in her area of the U.S., & this was who she hired to represent her in the Hague petition. Lindsey had another attorney in the other country who is appointed by the state… but has not worked while living there, in part because the country restricts the ability of non-residents to work. Amy & Raymond Amy & Raymond ... Amy said “we became prisoners,” because they were isolated in the country, with no money & no help from the police. Amy found pictures taken by Raymond of the children naked with their genitals exposed. She talked to the U.S. consulate staff who advised her that she could go home to the U.S. for a visit with the children. …Raymond filed a Hague petition a few months later.. Amy flew back to the other country at the same time as her children & tried to get the local judge to enforce the undertakings that the U.S. judge required – namely, that criminal kidnapping charges against her be dropped, that the children receive counseling, that the father allow visitation, & that her son receive the operation for his medical problem…Has been living in various shelters in the U.S. since, she says because Raymond is continuing to harass her by tapping her parents’ phone & having her followed when she lived in an apartment. She found a new attorney through an international battered women organization & she is continuing to pursue her legal case in the other country.” 22 www.damonslist.org Damon's List is a list of family court judges, lawyers, psychologists, and other officials who are known or believed to aid and abet child molesters and abusers in getting custody and control of their victims S T A T E JUDGES GUARDIAN AD LITEMS (GAL'S) LEGAL COUNSEL PSYCHOLOGISTS, THERAPISTS, MEDIATORS VISITATION MONITORS D.A.'S, DETECTIVES, POLICE, SHERIFFS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AL AK AZ Judge George Roy Green Judge Sharon Gleason Judge Mark Ridner Judge Jack W. Smith Judge Eric A. Aarseth Judge Patrick J. McKay Palmer Judge Kari Kristiansen Judge Vanessa White Sitka Judge David V. George Judge Susan Brnovich Judge Connie Contes Judge Jose Padilla Judge Carey Snider Hyatt Judge David M. Talamante Melonie Darden John Vigileos Robert Collins James Osborn Judy Morse Christopher Rike John Vigileos Carl Fatta Stephanie Chambers Susan Coleman Charles Hoskins Lily Kimura David S. Levine Cynthia Podren Kathleen Reeves Helen Page Stuart Fishman Paula Lorentzen Terry Mockler Palmer Riedel Brett Bianco Matthew Breddan Gabriel Castellanos John De Heart Dorothy Carfrae Sonia B. Dujan Donald Dunham Donald Eisenberg Linda Grillo Steven Knowles Steven Kolodny Marcia Kraft Connolly Oyler David T. Pisarra Eugene Salmonsen Kenneth Schwartz Sandra Segal Polin Blake Thompson Byron Thompson Laura Wasser Claudia Weaver Beverly Wilson AR Judge John Lineberger Judge Collins Kilgore Judge Van Smith Susan Coleman Charles Hoskins CA Judge Morris Jacobsen Judge Ronnie MacLaren Judge Kevin Murphy Nirut Mussen, Special Master Christine Pigeon, Special Master Judge Eileen Preville Commissioner John C. Porter Judge Charles Smiley Judge Harold Bradford [Retired] Judge Susan Harlan Judge Thomas Smith Judge Steven Austin Judge Joyce Cram Commissioner Josanna Berkow Judge Judy Craddick Commissioner James Libby Judge Mary Ann O'Malley Commissioner Barbara Suskind Judge Aviva K. Bobb Dorothy Carfrae (Judge pro tem) Commissioner Rocky L. Crabb Erlinda Castro Cheryl Hicks Larry Dixon Nicole Anderson Dorothy Carfrae John Carlson Angela Pierce diDonato Sonia Dujan Ruth Estep Sandra Etue L. Ernestine Fields Diana Gould-Saltman Elise Greenberg Marcia Kraft Helen Lee Kenneth Sherman William (Bill) Spiller Pamela Stenner Claudia Weaver Marin County Sandra M. Acevedo David Donner Mary Halbert Scott Lueders Robert L. Walker Kathy Stoner Harold LaFlamme Gary Smith Rebecca Bowman Marie Moreno-Myers David Brown [Evaluator] Marlene Joy [Evaluator] Andrea Lucas [Mediator] Kathleen Miholich [Parent Coordinator, Evaluator] John Moran [Evaluator, Therapist] Julie Skakoon [Therapist] Dr. Kevin Theirot [Evaluator] Diana Vigil [Therapist] Kim Wright [Therapist] Dr. David Margolis Dr. Paul L. Deyoub Mathew Frederick [Therapist] Mary Duryee [Co-parenting Facilatator] Kayra Fortunee-Stuart [Evaluator] Erica Meyers [Evaluator] Alicia Howard [Mediator] David Karp [Mediator] Mary S. Krentz [Therapist] Esther Martino [Mediator] Christine Pigeon [Evaluator] Stephen Walrod [Co-parenting Facilatator] Diane Goodman [Evaluator] Larry Leatham Ph.D. [Evaluator] Barbara LibertyVick [Evaluator] Rhonda Barovsky [Evaluator] Shary Nunan [Evaluator] Olga Parades [Mediator] Dr. Theresa Schuman [Reunification Therapist, Mediator, Special Master] Patrice Solomon [Evaluator] Phil Stahl [Evaluator] Anna Weisberg [Evaluator] Dr. Ronald Gandolfo Christine Taylor Brown [Mediator] Dr. Kay Bathurst [Evaluator] Angela Bissada, Ph.D. Dr. Sidney J. Brown Dr. Charles Browning Duke Bussy Ph.D. [Evaluator] Officer Zaragoza Officer Phyllis Newton Alica Bacon Phyllis Block Sam Brown Michael Howard Harry Kent Marcela Perez Alcira Shultz Jamie Snyder Henry Stewart Larretta Warabow Hector Delgadillo Jonathan Dean Monika Konia Guity Reaves Monica Venuti, Casa de Amparo Dr. Lawrence T. Woodburn Rachael Van Sloten [Police Investigator] Steve Cilenti [Former D.A.] Sgt. Kenneth Powers D.D.A. Kirk Andrus Mark Ernst, Investigator Deputy Hock John Moulin Henry Stewart [Sheriff's office] Sergeant Steve Wheatcroft Rebecca Leonard [Sheriff's office] Al Kaan [Former D.A.] Paula Kamena [Former D.A.] Patricia Stafford D.A. Bradford R. Fenocchio D.A. Susan Gazzaniga Sergeant Victor Pecoraro D.A. Lori Green Detective Cindy Brady D.A. Bonnie Dumanis Sgt. Brian Estrella Deputy D.A. Kimberley Lagotta 23 Judge Elizabeth Feffer Commissioner Alan Friedenthal Judge Brian F. Gasdia Judge Arnold Gold Commissioner Scott M. Gordon Judge Diana GouldSaltman Commissioner Patricia Ito Judge Mark Juhas Judge Lloyd Loomis Judge Michael Terrell Judge Thomas Trent Lewis Commissioner Patricia Ito Commissioner Steff Padilla Judge Stephen Petersen Judge Gerald Rosenberg Commissioner Robert Schneider Judge Frederick Shaller Kenneth Swartz Judge Harvey Silberman Judge Marjorie Steinberg (Supervising Judge) Commissioner Bobbi Tillmon Commissioner Robert Zakon Judge Verna Adams Judge Michael Dufficy Judge Lynn Duryee Commissioner Goldfine Commissioner Heubach Commissioner Sylvia Shapiro Judge John A. Sutro Judge Marla O. Anderson Commissioner Diana C. Baker Judge Richard Curtis (Retired) Judge Robert O'Farrell Judge Francisco Firmat Judge Gale P. Hickman (Retired) Judge Michael Knaughton Judge Nancy Polowski Commissioner Richard Vogl Commissioner Dirk Amara Commissioner Trilla Bahrke Judge Mark S. Curry Judge Larry Gaddis Judge Frances Kearney Judge Colleen Nichols Judge Jeffery Penney Judge Alan Pineschi Judge Michael Smith Commissioner Lawrence P. Best Judge L. Jackson Lucky Judge Dale Wells Judge Jerilyn Borak Jill Demmel Mike Hansell Charlotte Keeley Carolyn Kemper James Mize Diane Wasznicky Nicole Bernice Anderson Sissie Barker Darlene Anderson Charlene Baron Terence (Terry) Chucas Lorraine Craig James P. Clark Judith Klein Margo Lewis Edlene McKenzie Marcia Ornstein Gary Plavnick Dave Schulman Timothy N. Smith Aleta Beaupied David Donner Stephan Montalvo Rebbeca Ross Judge James Rigali Mike Minzen Marcia Kraft Quinn Gary Weyman Jan Eric Bolt Paula Camera Mary Halbert Richard Helzberg Terry Layer Jeff Niesen Nancy Nugent David Ostiller Michael Samuels Sylvia Shapiro John Hannon Jeanne O’Brien Matthew S. DeArmey Victor Dewitt Karen A. Rhyne James Riddet Sandra Amara Brenda BallewWard Kyle Farquhar David Heisler Stephanie Kuhns Palmer Riedel Beverly Wilson Quinn Gregg Anderson Leonard Block II Dave Grotewohl Camille Hemmer Vince Jacobs Karen Leder Kevin Mendendrids Susan M Reiter Gerald Singer Melva Warrner Diane Wasznicky Brenda BallewWard Marc Cohen Elizabeth Courntey Olga Fabrick Carroll "Mickey" Lawson Timothy Pittulo Beverly Wilson Quinn James Allen Darlene Anderson Pert Axe William Baker Shana Black Sharon Ann Blanchet Janet Bledsoe Lacy Cynthia Baker Bill Blatchley Terrence Chucas James P. Clark William Eddy Jeffrey Fritz Karen Heffron William Henrich Stanwood C. Johnson Lou Manor Kesterson Judith Klein Dr. Gary A. Chase [Evaluator] Ana Couch Lynda Doi-Fick, MFT Judy Cole [Evaluator] Judy Cotton [Therapist] JoAnn Feigin, LCSW Lisa Hacker [Reunification Therapist, Therapist] Dr. Bruce Harshman [Therapist] Dr. Joe Kenan [Evaluator] Dr. King [Therapist] Jeff Lumaya Dr. Mary Lund Dr. Jane Major Renata Mirabella Dr. Clinton Montgomery [Therapist] Dr. Fred Norris [Evaluator] Dr. Susan Rabin Casey Adams [Therapist] Mauna Berkov Dr. Fredrica Conrad Kristin Diefenbach [Mediator] Bonnie Hoag [Therapist] Joan Kelly [Evaluator] Robert Lasser [Evaluator] Dr. Margaret Lee [Evaluator] Dr. Edward Oklan Randy Rand [Evaluator] Leo Terbieten [Mediator] Cheryl Vanderwaal [Mediator] Tony Von Heineman [Evaluator] Marjorie Gans Walters [Mediator] Gloria Wu [Mediator] Dr. Ronald Gandolfo Amy Velasquez, MFT [Evaluator] Dr. Ronald Gandolfo Amy Velasquez, MFT [Evaluator] Julianne Leavy Stephen Adam Ph.D. [Evaluator] Janice Beacon [Evaluator] Duke Bussy [Evaluator] Dr. Connerly Brian Gordon [Mediator] Dr. Russell Johnson Christine Taylor Brown [STEP Program] [Mediator] Christine Forrester [CPS] Dr. Eugene Roeder [Evaluator] Sharon Sloper, MFT [Mediator] Chris Trejo [STEP Program] Vivian Vasquez [CPS] Emelinda McGinnis [Mediator] Tiffany Tsai-Bradbury [Evaluator] Candace Adams [Therapist] Janelle Burrill, Diploma Mill [Evaluator, Mediator] Rocky Derrico [Therapist] Carol Fox [Mediator] Mary Ann Frank [Reunification Therapist] Don Hansen [Therapist] Doug Liebert [Evaluator] Barbara Morden [Mediator] Sidney Nelson [Evaluator] Larry Nicholas [Therapist] Marsha Nohl [Therapist] Patrick Peralta [Mediator] Dana Samiento [Mediator] Timothy Rood, MFT [Mediator] Thomas Russell [Evaluator, Deputy Lawrence Deputy Jose Martinez Sgt. Fran Passalaqua D.A. Delores Carr Lt. Ron Castaneda Deputy D.A. Phil Espashade D.D.A. John Hanson A.D.A. Mike Knowles D.A. Donald Segerstrom Mike Mock [Deputy D.A.] Dave Williams [Police Investigator] 24 Janelle Burill, Special Master Judge Thomas Cecil Commissioner Matthew Geary Peter Helfer, Referee Judge Robert Hight Judge Peter McBrien Judge James Mize Sidney Nelson, Referee Judge Michael Savage Judge Michael Ullman Thomas Russell, Special Master Diane Wasznicky, Special Master Judge Janet Frangie Commissioner Michael J. Gassner Judge Debra Harris Judge Robert Lemkau Judge J. David Mazurek Judge John M. Pacheco Commissioner David Proulx Commissioner Michael J. Torchia Judge Lorna AlksneMcKellar (Supervising Judge) Judge Edward Allard III Judge Thomas Ashworth III (Retired/JAMS Judge) Judge Laura J. Birkmeyer Judge Blaine K. Bowman Judge Joseph Brannigan Commissioner Alan Clements Judge Robert P. Dahlquist Judge Peter Deddeh Judge Eugenia Eyherabide Judge Susan P. Finlay Judge Patricia Garcia Judge Christine Goldsmith Judge Bill Howatt (Retired/JAMS Judge) Justice Richard D. Huffman (Appellate Court) Judge Edward Huntington (Retired/JAMS Judge) Judge Robert J. Kearney Judge Kimberley Lagotta Judge Joan Lewis (Daniellson) Commissioner Jeannie Lowe Judge William H. McAdam Justice Alex C. McDonald (Appellate Court) Judge William McGrath Justice James A. McIntyre Commissioner Edlene McKenzie Margo Lewis Domenic J. Lombardo Moreno and Associates Olga Natzimova Laurence E. Peterson Richard Peterson Janice S. Pohl John Rigney Dave Schulman Timothy N. Smith Lori Viviano Jeffrey P. Wade Barbara Weiser Rachel P. Young Brian A. Delbove Jayne Kelly Joyce Bernstein Nancy Deita Judith Jaeger Bradley Kass Steven Pollock Philip Schecter Steven Steiner Tammi Faulks Larry Peterson Scott Sagaria Timothy Wright Marjorie Slabach Tulare County Tiffany SmithHenson Mark Borden Michael Cogan Marcia Kraft Therapist] Leava Ung [Mediator] Dr. Roy Bradbury [Evaluator] [Suicide by gunshot to head] Dr. Les Herold Joyce Noblitt-Herold, M.S. [Therapist, Reunification Therapist] Solutions for Families Penny Angel-Levy [Evaluator, Therapist, Mediator] Virginia Ayagab [Therapist] Dr. Breffni Barrett [Evaluator, Therapist, "Reunification" Therapist] Janet Baterman [Mediator] Perla Bransburg [Therapist] Dr. Craig Carlson [Therapist] Dr. William (Jay) Dess [Evaluator, Therapist] Dr. Stephen Doyne [Evaluator, Therapist] Sue Ann Edwards [Therapist] Laurie Fortin [Forensic Interviewer] Dr. Jacqueline Gang [Therapist] Dr. Russell Gold [Evaluator] Dr. David Green [Evaluator, Therapist, Mediator] Diana Guest, MFT [Therapist] Dr. Beatriz Heller [Therapist] Michelle Koonin [Therapist] Patricia Landes [Evaluator] Marilyn Lewis [Therapist] Dr. Lori Love [Evaluator, Therapist] Dr. Marilyn Marshall [Therapist] Dr. Raymond Murphy [Evaluator] Dr. Stephen Parker [Evaluator, Expert Witness] Linda Proctor [Therapist] Dr. Stephen Sparta [Evaluator] Betty J. Waldheim, Ph.D. [Evaluator] Jordanna Wasilesku MFT San Francisco County Kathy Knudson [Therapist] Dr. Toni Vaughn Heineman [Evaluator, Therapist] Dr. Bill Perry [Evaluator, Therapist] Faren Atkins [Evaluator] Dr. William Hamilton Ayres Bruce Bess [Evaluator] Kay Coddington [Mediator] Diana Everstein [Evaluator] Dr. Terry Johnston [Evaluator] Michael Kerner [Evaluator] Jeanne Loveland [Therapist] Leslie Packer [Evaluator] Kenneth Perlmutter [Evaluator] Dianne Thomas [Evaluator] James Tahmisian [Evaluator] Diana Everstein [Evaluator] Dr. Michael Jones Michael Kerner [Evaluator] Dr. Stephan Newton [Evaluator] Kenneth Perlmutter [Evaluator] Margaret La Liberte [Therapist] Dr. Steven Carmichael 25 CO Judge Thomas B. Murphy Justice Terry B. O'Rourke (Appellate Court) Judge Gregory W. Pollack Judge Michael Smyth Judge Margie G. Woods Judge Patrick Mahoney Judge Lillian Sing Commissioner Marjorie Slabach Commissioner Rebecca Wightman Judge Frank Grande Commissioner Richard DuBois Judge Steven Dylina Judge Beth Labson Freeman Judge Norman Gatzert Commissioner Kathleen McKenna Commissioner George Taylor Dianne Thomas, Special Master Stephen Anderson, Referee Judge Bruce Dodds Judge Vincent Chiarello Judge Edward Davilla Jamie Jacobs‐May Judge Patrick Mahoney Judge Margaret Johnson Judge James Augustus Accurso Judge Robert Martin Judge Glenn Ritchey Gerry Blassingame, Special Master Commissioner Cara Beatty Judge Anthony Edwards Judge Jennifer Shirk Judge William Silveira Judge Douglas Boyack Judge Eric DuTemple Judge William Polley Judge Brian Beck Commissioner Marsha Izen Fred Norris, Special Master Judge John R. Smiley Judge Henry Walsh Judge Bruce Young Judge Rebecca Moss Douglas County Magistrate Rebecca Moss El Paso County Judge Gilbert Martinez Judge Margie Enquist Judge Christie Phillips Judge Michael Bieda Judge Julie Kunce Field Judge Deanna Hickman Judge John Jostad Judge Leopold Judge McCrumb Jaye Davis [Evaluator] Dr. Cindy VanSchooten Dr. Ronald Gandolfo Dr. Steven Carmichael Jaye Davis [Evaluator] Amy Velasquez, MFT [Evaluator] Fred Norris [Evaluator] Dee Shafer [Evaluator] Lester Summerfield [Evaluator, Therapist] Dr. Leonard Diamond [Therapist, Consultant] Dr. Gordon Ulrey Susan Dycus Tom Selkin Paula Tomko Doris Truhlar Danita Alderton Ronald B. Taylor Raymond F. Chamberland, III James Keil, Jr. Linda Connors Susan Dycus Debra Getz Chris Hefty Diane Lathrop Michael Liggett Sarah Liggett Beverly Parmer Andrew Taylor Dr. Marian Camden Dr. Dennis John Mancuso Dr. David Kieffer Marlene Bizub, Psy.D. Amber L. Butler, M.A. Dr. David Kieffer Jean Lacrosse Dr. Dennis John Mancuso Dr. Gail Adams Dr. Dee Brodbeck Leona Kopetsky Dr. Frank Kunstal Dr. Kate McNamara Carol Kryder Officer Mary Miklos Sheriff Justin Smith 26 Judge David Crockenburg Magistrate Clint Smith Paula Tomko Doris Truhlar Mark Workman Pueblo County Carl Fatta CT Judge Richard E. Burke Judge Herbert Barall Judge Sandra Vilardi Leheny Judge Eliot D. Prescott Judge Linda Prestley Judge Thelma Santos Judge Elaine Gordon Judge Maureen M. Murphy Judge Lynda B. Munroe Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto Judge Elaine Gordon Judge Robert T. Resha Judge Marylouise Black Schofield Judge Edward Grezani Jocelyn Hurwitz Mary Brigham Helen Murphy Maureen Murphy Kerry Tarpey Esq. Louis Kiefer Jeffrey D. Mickelson Debra C. Ruel Michael Fasano Mary P. Brigham Rosemary Giuliano Greg Mogel Maureen Murphy Michael Perzin Julie Porzio Rick Richardson Michael Blanchard Richard E. Cohen Michael Lockaby Carlo Porzani FL Judge T. Mitchell Barlow Judge Warren Burk Judge Charles G. Crawford Judge James A. Earp Judge Jere Lober Judge John D. Moxley, Jr. Judge Tonya B. Rainwater Judge Edward Richardson Judge Charles J. Roberts Judge Vincent Torpy Broward County Judge Arthur Birken Judge Susan Greenhawt Collier County Judge Lauren Levi Brodie General Magistrate Lester Bass Judge Kim A. Skievaski Miami‐Dade County Judge Daniel C. Banina Judge Maria SampedroIglesias Judge Bernard S. Shapiro Judge Michael Coffee Judge Scott Stevens Judge Hentz McClellan Okaloosa County Judge Jack R. Heflin Judge Terrance R. Ketchel Judge Thomas T. Remington Judge William F. Stone Judge Theotis Bronson Judge Robert M. Evans Judge Belvin Perry Judge Pat Siracusa Jr. Anne Alper Randy Bovan Vicki Plant Holly Chernoff Thomas W. Deans Karen Amlong Holly Chernoff Michelle Hill J. Christopher Lombardo Jon Douglas Parrish John Elias Jonathan Jonasz Robert D. Orshan Jacquiline Valdespino Nile Broous James Lowey Carlos Ramirez Maggie McCain Stephanie Ockuzzi Polk County Robert L. Valentine Beach A. Brooks, Jr. [Mediator] Dr. Rachel Moriarity Dr. Claire Purcell Dr. Gary Ranch Elizabeth Seaboch Joyce Ann Williams Lillian Crow-Jones [Therapist] Gregory Troutt [Evaluator] Dr. James C. Black Dr. Laura Cohen Dr. Bruce Freedman Dr. Sidney Horowitz Dr. Howard Krieger Dr. Kenneth Robson Mary Wheeler, MSW Dr. Donald Hiebel Dr. Kenneth S. Robson Dr. Keith Roeder Dr. Elizabeth S. Thayer Dr. Gabrielle Carlson Dr. John Collins Dr. Sidney Horowitz Dr. Howard Krieger Robert LaMontagne Dr. Kenneth Robson Dr. Diane Rotnem Dr. Linda Smith Dr. Donald Tolles Peter Myers [Mediator] Terry Tarpey [Mediator] Dalia Biller [Therapist] Dr. Glen Caddy ["Expert" on PAS] Dr. Sherri Bourg Carter [Evaluator, Forensic Consultant] Jan Faust [Expert] Dr. Martha Jacobson [Evaluator] Dr. David Justig [Therapist] Dr. Deborah Carter Dr. Robert Crawford Phillip Boswell [Reunification Therapist] Miguel Firpi [Evaluator] Tyrone Lewis [Therapist] James Flens [Evaluator] Katherine Kuenhle [Evaluator] James Flens, Psy.D. [Consultant] Dr. Debra Carter Dr. J. Michael Bone Dr. Phil Heller [Evaluator] Dr. S. Richard Sauber [Evaluator] Dr. Joel Freid [Evaluator] Sarasota County Dr. Debra Carter Dr. Deborah Day John Sarno Mary Canfield Detective Howard Officer Perez Officer Titusville Officer Melbourne Sheriff Williams D.A. Wolfinger D.A. Mark Simms Officer Jennifer Bellamy Officer Dowdy Deputy Jacox [Investigator] Officer Snider 27 GA HI IL IN IA KA Judge Thomas Turner Judge Bob Wattles [deceased] Judge John L. Phillips Judge J. Michael Hunter Judge Steven Self Judge William B. Smith Judge James Yancy Judge Shawn L. Briese Judge Herbert Crane Judge Cary Nelson Judge Velma Tilley Commissioner B.J. Walker Judge John Lee Parrott Judge Dan Camp Judge James Bodiford Judge Adele Grubbs Judge Bensonetta Tipton Lane Judge Cynthia Wright Judge Calvin Murashige Judge Keith Tanaka Judge Geronimo Valdriz Judge Paul T. Murakami Judge Edward Arce Judge Celia Gamrath Cook Judge Adrienne GearyJudge Nancy Katz Judge Mark Lopez Judge Michael Panter Commissioner Roberto Maldonado Judge Regina Scannicchio Judge Karen G. Shields Chief Judge Michael Stuttley Judge Elizabeth Tavitas Judge Joseph Waldeck Judge John W. Demling Judge David Hall Judge Sarah P. Lessman Judge Emilio Santi (Retired) Jane Drew Waller Judge James Souk Hamilton County Judge William Hughes Judge William Greenaway Judge Richard Culver Judge Mary Lee Comer Commissioner Christopher B. Haile Judge Alicia Gooden Judge Gary L. Miller Judge Curtis D. Palmer Judge Monica Ackley Justice Larry J. Eisenhauer Justice Amanda Potterfield Justice Michael Mullins Judge R. David Fahey, Jr. Judge John Weingart Sedgwick County Judge Daniel T. Brooks Jamie Grantham Averitt, GAL Diane Woods Megan Miller, GAL Joshua Earwood Anthony Perrotta John Mayoue Barry Staples J. Chris Lombardo Jonathon Parrish Andrea Knight Dr. Rwanda Akers [Evaluator] Dr. Andrea Bishop Marbury [Evaluator] Dr. Dan Dougherty [Therapist] Elizabeth Hudson [Therapist] Betsy Prince Dr. Elizabeth King [Evaluator] Lorita Whitaker Sara Harvey Anabel Murray Geoffrey Hamilton Charles Kleintop Dyan Medeiros Lynne Youmans Mimi DeJardins Craig G.H. Yim Norman Kurtz Jeffrey M. Leving Peter R. Olson Miriam Solo John L. Steele Matthew (Motty) Lee Stone Zachary Williams Kathryn D. Farmer Sean Lazzari Jeffrey Leving Todd Roseberry Marvin Acklin [Evaluator] Trina L. Yamada [Evaluator, Therapist] Tim O'Hara Jill Swope Tim O'Hara Kim Bacon Jeffry Price Dr. Richard Lawlor Dr. Jonni Gonso Dr. Jonni Gonso [Evaluator] Dr. Marguerite Rebesco Angie Cleveland Marion County Dr. Richard Lawlor Jeffrey W. Vanderwater Piercy, Ph.D. Teresa Slayton, LCSW Jerry S. Goldberg Regina Scannicchio Gary Schlesinger Jill Swope Zachary Williams Joyce Corbitt Dr. Daniel DeWitt Alan M. Jaffe Dr. Sol Rappaport Dr. Alan Ravitz Dr. Beth Wilner Dr. Mark L. Goldstein Dr. James Gioia Dr. Roger Hatcher Dr. Robert Puls Cheryl Scallon [Therapist] Michael J. Schilling David Burbidge Bruce McDonald Jill Dykes Scott McKenzie Rene Netherton Todd Tedesco Alan Alderson Jill Dykes Officer JT Root Francey Hakes D.A. Pat Head Charles Andersen Pat Andersen Officer Joseph Avila David Lynch, Prosecutor D.A. Mike Short Officer John Symmonds William Albott, Ph.D. Dr. Milfred "Bud" Dale Richard Maxfeild, Ph.D. D.A. Nola Tedesco Foulston Deputy D.A. Ron 28 KY LA ME MD MA MI MN Judge James L. Burgess Judge Anthony (Tony) J. Powell Judge J. Patrick Walters Judge Richard Anderson Judge David Bruns Judge David Debenham Judge Timothy H. Henderson Judge Joseph D. Johnson Judge Jan W. Leuenberger Judge Vic Miller Judge Nancy E. Parrish Judge Lloyd Swartz Judge Evelyn Z. Wilson Judge Linda Bramlage Cumberland County Judge Eddie Lovelace Judge John David "Jack" Seay Judge Catherine Rice Holderfield Judge Rebecca Doherty Judge Jeffrey Moskowitz Mary "Jill" DouganDykes Brian Frost Donald R. Hoffman Jason P. Hoffman Scott McKenzie Rene Netherton David Rodeheffer, Ph.D. John Spiridigliozzi, Ph.D. Marci Duff Keith Wilcutt Robert Carren Edward Drennen Leslie Bucklew Casey Hixson Virginia Pepper [Therapist] Kimberly Wolfe [Therapist] Sara Jones Dr. Bruce Fane [Therapist] Anne Arundel County Judge Philip A. Caroom Judge Robert Cahill Judge William O. Carr Judge Angela Eaves Montgomery County Judge Joseph A. Dugan, Jr. Judge S. Michael Pincus Judge Richard A. Palumbo Judge Arline Rotman George S. Lantzas T. Joseph Touhey Alan Town Judge Kevin Cronin Judge Jane Dobrich Judge Thomas S. Eveland Judge Kathleen Feeney Judge Patricia Gardner Judge Daniel Zemaitis Judge Martha D. Anderson Judge Jon Hulsing Judge Arthur Tarnow Judge Janet Barke Cain Judge Kevin Eide Judge Philip Kanning Judge Richard C. Perkins Judge Tim Warmager Judge Timothy Blakely Judge Michael J. Davis Referee Marybeth Dorn Judge Steven C. Lange Judge Jack Nordby Judge Charles A. Porter MO Judge W. Stephen Nixon MS Judge Sebe Dale, Jr. Lamar County Judge Sebe Dale, Jr. Judge Sebe Dale, Jr. Paschel Edin Smajlagic Sheriff Michael Helmig D.A. JR Shrand Lieutenant Jonathon Blevins Dr. Timothy Trant [Evaluator] Michael J. Waxman Tom Pavlinic Stacy Blondes Stephen A. Friedman David L. Levy Ronald Schwartz Bruce Kraft Gerald (Jerry) Nissembaum Freeman M. Haehnel Demosthenes Lorandos Linda Gerr Jean Hariman Jamie Manning Jean Peterson Gordon Whiteman James Campbell Mary Laughead Michael J. London Jamie Manning Cynthia Lee Christopher Banas Jennifer Jameson Patricia Scaglia Leslie Riggs Arla Witte Philip Zuspan James (Pete) Barden [Evaluator] Dr. Michael Malone [Mediator] T. Richard Saunders [Therapist] Maggie Bruck [Evaluator] Dr. Kimberly Witczak Dr. Bruce Copeland [Evaluator] Mark Hirschfeld [Evaluator] C. David Missar [Evaluator] Dr. Jill Scharff Thomas Coke Detective Kaczynski Detective Elisa Brown Attorney General Doug Gansler Detective Q.E. Wallace Prosecutor Kathryn Winfree Jeffrey Postuma Deputy D.A. Cole Eason NEW JERSEY D.A. William Lamb Queens County Detective Ruiz Jeanette (Jean) Ruth Leone Mitchell Dr. Mindy Mitnick Dr. Terence W. Campbell Hennepin County Susan DeVries Kay Kraus Michael Weinstein Dr. Ralph Underwager Lynn Arborgast [Parenting Coordinator, Mediator] Sharon Doffing [Therapist] Dr. Gregory Sisk ["Expert"] Karen Allen [Therapist] 29 MT NV NJ NM NY Judge Sebe Dale, Jr. Judge Sebe Dale, Jr. Judge Ted O. Lympus Judge David Barker Judge Jennifer Elliott Judge Steven Jones Judge Bill Maddox Judge William DeLorenzo, Jr. Judge Ellen Koblitz Judge Bonnie L. Mizdol Judge Edward V. Torack Judge James B. Convery Judge James G. Troiano Judge Joseph Isabella Judge Maureen Sogliuzzo Judge Thomas Kelly Judge Alan J. Pogarsky Judge Fred Kieser, Jr. Judge Andrea CarterLatimer Judge Deborah Venezia Judge Paul Escandon Judge James J. McGann Jan Murphy, Referee Judge Richard C. Camp Judge Abigail Aragon Commissioner John A Johnson Chautauqua County Judge Judith Claire Brooklyn County Judge Leon Deutsch Justice Doyle Judge Gerald Garson Judge Bernard Graham Judge Damian Amodeo Judge Peter Forman Judge Valentino Sammarco Judge Eileen Bransten Judge Jeffrey Gallet Judge Judith J. Gische Judge Saralee Evans Judge Gloria Sosa‐Lintner Judge Helen Sturm Judge Laura Visitacion‐Lewis Judge Ruth Jane Zuckerman Judge John F. Batt Judge Gilbert Abramson Judge John C. Bivona Commissioner Janet DeMarzo Judge Friedman Judge Caren Loguercio Jan Murphy, Referee Judge Andrew Tarantino Judge Esther Morgenstein Judge Fernando Cemacho Judge Rosa Cabanillas Judge Colleen Duffy Judge Sandra Edlitz Judge Hal Greenwald Judge James Hubert Judge David Klein Christopher Tilman Emily McFarling Stephanie Holland Toba Beth Stutz Gregg Rubenstein Jamie K. Von Ellen Dr. Richard Gardner [Evaluator, Expert Witness, Deceased] Dr. Judith Greif Dr. David Brodzinsky Dr. Dina Jonasz Nancy Gera Moglia, Psy.D. Dr. Francesca Peckman Dr. Aime Wolf A. Brian Gordon [Evaluator, Mediator] Dr. Sharon Ryan Montgomery Edith Larsen Nancy Gera Moglia, Psy.D. Allison Kollins Myers Joe Egitto Deborah Golomb Gary Lane Frank Marocco Joanne Douglas Stephanie L. Rancer Cynthia Falk Queens County Marjorie Steinberg Tasha Foster Jan Murphy Robin Carton Theresa Daniele Leslie Ira Levine Theresa Mallach Gregory Salant Robert Hersh Michael D. Kranis Anthony Markus Kevin McDermott Levy Santoro Thomas Vasti Harvey S. Jacobs Joshua S. Ketover Stephnie L. Rancer Bradley Gillam Niagra County Michele Bergevin Maria Moyer Gordon Burrows Robin Carton Theresa Daniele Leslie Ira Levine Gregory Salant Dr. Anthony Bongiavanni Ina Berg [Therapist] Carla Donahue [Evaluator] Cindy Martinson [Evaluator] S. Pieschette [Evaluator] Dr. Meg Sussman [Evaluator] Dr. Bruce Bleichfeld Dr. Anthony Bongiavanni Dr. Warren Keller [Evaluator] Amy J. L. Baker,Ph.D. Larry Cohen, Ph.D. Jane Fixman, Ph.D. Marion Gindes, Ph.D. Sandra Kaplan [Evaluator] Judge John F. Batt Dr. Bachara Burkhard [Therapist] Pederson Krag [Therapist] Dr. Jeffrey Apothekar Dr. Kathleen McKay Dr. Prema Moorthy Leslie Cummins Linda Ehrenfreund Richard Spitzer Ann Sydor Beth Zetlin Carmen Candelario Nick Candelario Richard Torrisi D.A. William F. Grady D.A. Fairstein Detective Di Marfino Deputy Yapank 30 NC OK OH Judge Sam D. Walker Judge Charlotte Brown Judge Nathaniel Proctor Judge Becky Tin Judge Julius "Jay" Corpening [Supervising Judge] Judge Lisa Thackert Judge Ned Mangum Judge Donald Deason Judge Lisa Hammond Judge Patricia Parish Judge Matthew Henry Judge Tom Bartheld Judge Kim A. Brown Judge Tim Horton Magistrate C. Darrolyn Krippel Judge Jim Mason Judge Judson Shattuck, Jr. Hamilton County Judge David L. Hildebrandt Judge Mark Painter Judge Ronald "Ronnie" A. Panioto Judge Judson Shattuck, Jr. Justice J. Howard Sundermann Judge Susan Tolbert Sam Ryan Althea Richardson Charles H. Crowder III Jim Lea Shawn Collins Althea Richardson Jonathan Gould [Evaluator, Consultant] Dr. H.D. Kirkpatrick Christine Gronlund Stacy Weibelt Lawrence Martin Dr. David Worthington Stacy Abroms Bandler William Abernethy Dominic Mastruserio Dr. Michael Borack Dr. Douglas Darnall ["Expert" on PAS] Philip Lewis Dr. Jake Cooley Dr. David Sweet [Evaluator] Dr. Robert Basham [Evaluator] Dr. Norvin "Jake" Cooley [Evaluator] Dr. Lorah Sebastian [Evaluator] Frank Colistro Kids Peace Dr. Linda Shope Dr. Peter Von Korf [Evaluator] Dr. Anthony Pisa Barry Bricklin Dr. Kenneth Byrne Dr. Robert Gordon OR PA RI Judge John Cleland Judge Leslie Dutchcot Judge David Bortner Judge John F. Spataro Judge Anthony Vardaro Judge Lawrence J. Stengel Judge Bradford Charles Judge Samuel Klein Judge John Tylwalk Judge Mark A. Ciavarella, Jr. Judge Michael T. Conahan Judge Richard Saxton Judge Michael Toole Judge Richard A. Gray Judge Jeremiah Jeremiah Judge John Mutter General Magistrate John J. O'Brien, Jr. Judge William E. Smith SC Judge Jamie Lee "Jim" Elizabeth (Libby) Prather Danielle Ross Harry Fenton Lisa Gentile Danielle Ross Michael Gough Robert Powell Tom Pavlinic Lise Iwon Sharon O'Keefe Neville Bedford Richard Boran Lise Gescheidt Christopher Heliquit Lise M. Iwon Martha Kelly Norbara Octeau Richard Parker Barry Pollack Charles Tamiliviz David M. Tassoni Deborah M. Tate Hugh W. Welborn Brad Martin Dr. James Beck Bernice Kelly, Psy.D. Peter J. Kosseff, PhD Lori Meyerson, PhD Haven Miles, LSW Dr. John P. Parsons D.A. Daniel Ehrgood D.A. Bradford Charles Attorney General Patrick Lynch Nancy C. Welch 31 TN TX Murdock Jr. Judge Ross Hicks Judge William K. Swann Judge Houma Lark Judge Curtis Perkins Dan Michael, Referee Judge Rita Stotts Judge Kenneth Turner Judge William Adams Judge Jack Robison Judge Robert Dry Judge Scott Beauchamp Judge Dan Mike Bird DC. Judge Leon Dever Sandra Dredge, Special Master Judge Lynn Davis Judge Harding Jr. Judge Claudia Laycock Commissioner Thomas Patton Judge James Taylor Judge Edward Berry Judge Cheryl Higgins Judge George Varoutsos Judge Esther Wiggins‐Lyles Judge Frank Somerville Judge Randall Smith Judge Larry Willis Judge Leslie M. Alden Judge Gaylord Finch Judge Teena D. Grodner Judge Sandra Havrilak [Pro Tem] Judge Richard J. Jamborsky Judge Thomas Sotelo Judge Arthur Vieregg Judge Bruce D. White Judge George (Jeff) Fairbanks Judge Samuel T. Powell Judge George Fairbanks Roanoke County Judge Phillip Trompeter Judge Martin Bass [Retired] Gerald Daltan [Pro Tem] Judge Julian Johnson Judge Tandy Rinehart Judge Ann Hunter Simpson Judge Samuel T. Powell JudgeThomas Kohl Commissioner Jacqueline Jeske Pierce County Judge Kathryn J. Nelson Judge Herbert B. Dixon WV Judge Robert C. Hicks UT VA WA Clair Reno Becky Caperton [Therapist] Sonny Gentry [Evaluator, Therapist] Robert F. Lipo Kevin Buras Paul Stuckle Cheryl Snyder Kevin Buras Lorie D. Fowlkie Kelly Peterson Richard Smith Paul Waldron Ronald Wilkinson Rose Blakelock Lorie D. Fowlkie Kristen Gerdy Paul Waldron Ronald Wilkinson Jonathan Westreich Paul Dryer Karen Grane Deborah Olin Richard L. Buyrn Jeffrey Hallock Deborah Olin George Pearson Susan Oliver Diana Perkinson Shana Gertner Michael O'Connell Allyson Lee Kristi Wooten Daniel Chichester Sandra Havrilak Eric Olsen Thomas P. Sotelo Tom Pavlinic Denise Rafferty Tandy Rinehart Delores Sarandos Dr. Jack Ferrell [Rachel Foundation] Bob Hoch [Rachel Foundation] Pamela Stuart-Mills Hoch [Rachel Foundation] Collin County Monika Logan [Evaluator, Therapist] Ron Stone [Evaluator] Dallas Gail Inman Dr. Richard Warshak Dr. John Zervopolous Travis County Maureen Adair Dr. Harold Blakelock Dr. Walter Blaycock Dr. Matt Davies Dr. Lois Dettenmaier Dr. Darren Featherstone Dr. Valerie Hale Dr. Natalie Malovich Kristin Davidson [Therapist] Maggie Bruck [Expert] Margaret "Markie" McDowell Dr. William B. Zuckerman Wendy Caroll [Evaluator] D.A. Greg Abbott The Family Academy (ACAFS) Carolyn Gage, Renaissance Dr. Jay Jensen, ACAFS Dr. Kaydeen Jensen, ACAFS Sue Petty, Willwin Officer Julie Jenkins Fletcher James City County D.A. Nat Green Dr. Jon Ingram [Evaluator for CPS] Dr. Stuart Greenberg [Evaluator] (Deceased) Demosthenes Lorando Dr. C. David Missar [Evaluator] 32 WI Judge David Miron Commissioner Francis Boyle Commissioner Frank Calvert Judge Richard Delforge Aaron Krzewinski Ed Burke Jr. Aarom Krzewinski Dr. Michael Mervilde Jennifer Werner [Therapist] INTERNATIONAL JUDGES MINOR COUNSEL LEGAL COUNSEL PSYCHOLOGISTS, THERAPISTS, D.A.'S, DETECTIVES, POLICE, SHERIFFS MEDIATORS, SOCIAL WORKERS AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND HIGH (SUPREME) COURT OF AUSTRALIA QUEENSLAND TASMANIA VICTORIA WESTERN AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND Justice Susan Mary Kiefel Justice Virginia Bell Chief Justice Dianne Bryant Judge Neil Buckley Judge Colin Forrest Judge Michael Jarrett Justice Robert Benjamin Justice Norah Hartnett Judge Jane Crisford Dr. William Wrigley Rodney Kroon Dr. Kenneth Byrne Dr. Stephen Cohen Dr. George Lipton Dr. Kenneth Byrne CANADA ALBERTA BRITISH COLUMBIA (BC) MANITOBA ONTARIO QUEBEC Justice Donna Martinson Jessica Ko. Judge Lori Douglas Judge Catherine Everett Judge R. L. Bannister Judge Harvey Brownstone Justice Faye McWatt Judge Francine von Mell Judge Michael J. Epstein Jack King Justice John Gomery Judge Helene Lebel Elizabeth McCarty Harold Greenfield Joe Feinstein Gene C. Colman C. Gwendolyn Landolt Brian Ludmer Harold Niman Catherine Rogers Christine Stroemer Donald Wowk Anne-France Goldwater Dr. Abraham Worenklein Dr. Donald Dutton Bob Finlay, M.A Dr. Barbara Fidler Dr. Marty McKay Susan Cook Bernard "Joe" Goldberg Dr. Raymond David Lisette Laurent Boyer UNITED KINGDOM ENGLAND Judge Peter Thornton IRELAND Judge John Brophy ISLE OF MAN Judge (Deemster) Peter Birkett Dr. Ludwig Lowenstein Dr. George Hibbert Dr. Gerard "Gerry" Byrne Nuala Docherty Ray Parkinson Brian Me Eneany FRANCE Judge Estelle Sablayrolle Unfortunately, these cases are only the tip of the iceberg 33 This Newsletter was prepared by Quenby Wilcox, Founder of Global Expats (www.globalxpats.com,) and Safe Child International (www.linkedin.com/groups/Safe-Child-International3912973.) Quenby Wilcox, is a career Expat Mom and activist whose work focuses on domestic violence as a human rights violation, the advancement of women/homemaker’s rights, and promoting the interests of expatriated citizens around the world. Her research, and lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill and with the US Department of State, as well as her analysis of the issues and challenges involved in cases of international divorce and custody battles are posted on www.worldpulse.com/user/2759/journal. Her blogs are posted on www.quenby.wordpress.com. She may be contacted at quenby@global-xpats.com, www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/Quenby/Wilcox, or +00.1.202-213-4911 with any questions or requests for interviews. Free, downloadable copies of Family in Crisis Newsletters are posted on www.worldpulse.com/user/2759/journal. 34