Yearbook 2005 - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Yearbook 2005 - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:37 PM Page 1 2OO5 YEARBOOK 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:37 PM Page 2 HOLIDAYS THE ARCHDIOCESE IS CLOSED ON THE FOLLOWING RELIGIOUS AND SPECIAL HOLIDAYS: January 1 January 6 January 17 February 21 March 25 April 29 May 1 May 2 May 30 June 9 July 4 August 15 September 5 September 14 October 10 November 24, 25 December 25, 26 New Year’s Day Epiphany Martin Luther King, Jr. Day President’s Day Annunciation / Greek Independence Day Holy Friday Orthodox Pascha Renewal Monday Memorial Day Ascension Independence Day Dormition of the Theotokos Labor Day Exaltation of the Holy Cross Columbus Day Thanksgiving Christmas The Yearbook of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is published by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. The information contained in the Yearbook is for informational purposes only. Certain individuals and institutions are presented for reference purposes only and may not be under the supervision or jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Executive Editor Ecclesiastical Editor Managing Editor Graphic Design/Production Parishes and Clergy Technical Assistance Presvytera Nikki Stephanopoulos Rev. Fr. Nektarios Morrow Marissa P. Costidis SS Yager Grafix Thalia Georghiou Stavros Papagermanos Photos Dimitrios Panagos Jim Golding Fotis Papagermanos Peter Christopoulos Orthodox Observer IOCC The White House Reflections Photography Printing Ocean Printing Ronkonkoma, NY ' 2005 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. All Rights Reserved. 2 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information Holidays ........................................................................... 2 Table of Contents.............................................................. 3 Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew..................................... 4 Patriarch’s Message (Greek) .............................................. 5 Archbishop Demetrios ....................................................... 6 Archbishop’s Message (English) ......................................... 7 Patriarch’s Message (English) .............................................8 Archbishop’s Message (Greek) ............................................9 Archbishop’s Address (English – Greek) ............................. 10 Movable Ecclesiastical Dates.............................................14 Major Greek Orthodox Holy Days 2005 ..............................15 Ecclesiastical Calendar (Kanonion–English) ........................16 Ecclesiastical Calendar (Kanonion–Greek) ..........................17 2005 Monthly Calendar ....................................................18 The Orthodox Church in the World.....................................42 Directory of Autocephalous Churches.................................44 Ecumenical Patriarchate Directory (Greek) ..........................46 Ecumenical Patriarchate Directory (English) ........................62 Archdiocese of America Archdiocese of America ....................................................73 Holy Eparchial Synod ........................................................74 Direct Archdiocesan District ..............................................76 Metropolis of Chicago.......................................................78 Metropolis of San Francisco ..............................................80 Metropolis of Pittsburgh....................................................82 Metropolis of Boston ........................................................84 Metropolis of Denver ........................................................86 Metropolis of Atlanta ........................................................88 Metropolis of Detroit.........................................................90 Metropolis of New Jersey..................................................92 Auxiliary Bishops ..............................................................94 Former Archbishops/Retired Bishops .................................95 SCOBA ............................................................................96 Archdiocesan Administration Office of the Archbishop ...................................................97 Office of the Chancellor ....................................................98 Office of Administration ....................................................99 Archdiocesan Council .....................................................100 Archdiocesan Advisory Committee on Science and Technology.........................................103 Archdiocesan Departments Archives ........................................................................104 Benefits.........................................................................105 Communications ............................................................106 GOTelecom ................................................................107 Internet Ministries ......................................................108 News & Information/Public Relations............................109 Orthodox Observer......................................................110 Public Affairs .................................................................111 Finance .........................................................................112 Greek Education.............................................................113 Archdiocesan Day Schools Directory ............................114 Information Technologies ................................................116 Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations ...........117 Marriage and Family– Center for Family Care ...................118 Outreach and Evangelism ...............................................119 Philanthropy...................................................................120 Registry.........................................................................121 Religious Education .......................................................123 Stewardship & Total Commitment....................................125 Youth and Young Adult Ministries ....................................126 Camping Ministries.....................................................128 Ionian Village .............................................................129 National Young Adult Ministry......................................130 Archdiocesan Institutions/ Related Agencies & Organizations Archdiocesan Institutions Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity .......................131 Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology ................132 Saint Basil Academy.......................................................136 St. Michael’s Home ........................................................138 St. Photios National Shrine..............................................139 Related Agencies and Organizations Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate ...........................140 Archdiocesan Presbyters Council .....................................146 Ladies Philoptochos Society ............................................147 Leadership 100 Endowment Fund ....................................150 Faith: An Endowment for Orthodoxy & Hellenism...............160 Hellenic Cultural Center ..................................................161 National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians ........162 National Sisterhood of Presvyteres...................................163 Greek Orthodox Chaplains...............................................164 Retired Greek Orthodox Clergy of America........................167 SCOBA Agencies Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting (EOCS)..............168 International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)...............169 Orthodox Christian Education Commission (OCEC) ............170 Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) ................................171 Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC).......................172 Orthodox Christian Network (OCN) ...................................173 SCOBA Commissions......................................................174 Other Jurisdictions Stavropegial Monasteries and Churches ...........................175 American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese .................177 Albanian Orthodox Diocese .............................................183 Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA .............................184 2004 in Pictures ............................................185 Directories Parishes ........................................................................193 Chapels and Missions.....................................................216 Monastic Communities ...................................................217 Priests...........................................................................218 Retired Priests ...............................................................242 Priests with Lay Vocations ..............................................248 Vital Statistics ................................................................249 Resources Media/Print....................................................................251 Radio and Television.......................................................254 Religious Media Resources .............................................257 World Wide Web Sites ....................................................260 Federations/Organizations ...............................................262 Byzantine, Classics/Modern Greek Studies Programs ........265 Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute ........................268 Project Mexico & St. Innocent Orthodox Orphanage...........268 Trinity Children & Family Services ....................................269 Social Services...............................................................269 Senior Residences..........................................................270 Embassies & Consular Offices of Greece..........................271 Embassies & Consular Offices of Cyprus ..........................272 The Calendar of the Orthodox Church ..............................273 Pastoral Guidelines.........................................................274 Forms of Salutation ........................................................279 Calendar........................................................................280 Telephone Directory ................................... inside back cover 3 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 4 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW HIS ALL HOLINESS BARTHOLOMEW Archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch 4 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 5 MESSAGE OF THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH ͒ΉΕЏΘ΅ΘΉ ̝ΕΛΉΔϟΗΎΓΔΉ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǰ ЀΔνΕΘΐΉ Ύ΅ϟ σΒ΅ΕΛΉ ͲΎΉ΅ΑЗΑ ̝ΘΏ΅ΑΘΎΓІ ΘΉ Ύ΅ϟ ̈ϢΕΑΎΓІǰ πΑ ̞·ϟУ ̓ΑΉϾΐ΅Θ Φ·΅ΔΘν ΦΈΉΏΚν Ύ΅ϟ ΗΙΏΏΉΘΓΙΕ·ν ΘϛΖ ψΐЗΑ ̏ΉΘΕϱΘΘΓΖȱΎϾΕΉȱ̇ΐφΘΕΉǰȱΛΣΕΖȱΉϥȱΘϜȱЀΐΉΘνΕθȱ͒ΉΕϱΘΘȱΎ΅ϟȱΉϢΕφΑȱΔ΅ΕΣȱ̋ΉΓІǯȱ ̓ΕϱΖ πΑΐνΕΝΗΑ πΔϟ ΘϛΖ Ύ΅ΌϱΏΓΙ ΊΝϛΖ ΘϛΖ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζ Ύ΅ϟ ΘϛΖ Έ΅ΕΌΕЏΗΉΝΖ ΘЗΑ ЀΔΕΉΗЗΑ ΅ЁΘϛΖ ΘΓІ ΉЁΕΙΘνΕΓΙ πΎΎΏΗ΅ΗΘΎΓІ ΔΏΕЏΐ΅ΘΓΖ Ύ΅ϟ Δ΅ΑΘϱΖ πΑΈ΅ΚΉΕΓΐνΑΓΙǰ ΩΕΗΘΓΑ ΘΕϱΔΓΑ ΌΉΝΕΓІΐΉΑ ΘϱΑ όΈ ЀΔϱ ΔΓΏΏЗΑ Υ·ϟΝΑ ΗΙΑΉΕ΅ΕΛЗΑ Ύ΅ΌΉΕΝΌνΑΘ΅ǰ ΈΏ΅Έφ ΘφΑ σΎΈΓΗΑ Ύ΅ϟ ΎΙΎΏΓΚΓΕϟ΅Α πΘΗϟΝΑ πΎΎΏΗ΅ΗΘΎЗΑ ψΐΉΕΓΏΓ·ϟΝΑȬπΔΉΘΕϟΈΝΑǰ πΐΚ΅ΑϱΑΘΝΑ ΘΣ Έ΅ΎΓΑΓІΑΘ΅ ΔΕϱΗΝΔ΅ Ύ΅ϟ ΏΉΘΓΙΕ·ΓІΑΘ΅ ϡΈΕϾΐ΅Θ΅ πΑ ΐλ οΎΣΗΘϙ πΎΎΏΗ΅ΗΘΎϜ ΔΉΕΚΉΕΉϟθǰ БΖ Ύ΅ϟ ΩΏΏ΅ΖȱΗΙΑ΅ΚΉϧΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΦΑ΅·Ύ΅ϟ΅ΖȱΔΏΕΓΚΓΕϟ΅Ζǯ ̖φΑ ΘΓ΅ϾΘΑ ΔΕ΅ΎΘΎφΑ ΦΔϱ πΘЗΑ όΈ ΦΎΓΏΓΙΌΓІΗ΅ Ύ΅ϟ ψ Ύ΅ΌȂ ЀΐκΖ ͒ΉΕΣ ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔφ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖ Ύ΅ϟ πΎΊΘφΗ΅Η΅ ΘφΑ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφΑ ΉЁΏΓ·ϟ΅Α ΘϛΖ ψΐΉΘνΕ΅Ζ ̏ΉΘΕϱΘΘΓΖǰ σΛΉ Θ΅ϾΘΑ πΎΌϾΐΝΖ ΈΈΓΐνΑΑ Ύ΅ϟ ΔΏΓΙΗϟ΅Α Ύ΅ϟ ΈΣ Θϱ ΗΝΘφΕΓΑ σΘΓΖ ŘŖŖśǰ Ύ΅ΌȂ ϵΗΓΑǰ Ύ΅ΘΣ Θϱ Μ΅ΏΐΎϱΑ ȃψΐνΕ΅ ΘϜ ψΐνΕθ πΕΉϾ·ΉΘ΅ Εϛΐ΅ Ύ΅ϟ ΑϾΒ ΑΙΎΘϟ ΦΑ΅··νΏΏΉ ·ΑЗΗΑȄǰ ρΎ΅ΗΘΓΑ ΑνΓΑ σΘΓΖ Δ΅ΕΓΙΗΣΊΉ Ύ΅ϟ ϳΏΓΑνΑ ΔΏΓΙΗЏΘΉΕΓΑ ΔΑΉΙΐ΅ΘΎϱΑ ΦΐΘϱΑǰ ΔΕΓΎ΅ΏΓІΑΘ΅ ΉϢΖ ΘφΑ Ύ΅ΌȂψΐκΖ ̏ΘνΕ΅ ̞·ϟ΅Α ΘΓІ ̙ΕΗΘΓІ ̏Ή·ΣΏΑ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Α ΈΎ΅ϟ΅Α ΘφΑ πΑ ̙ΕΗΘХ Ύ΅ϾΛΗΑ ΦΏΏΣ Ύ΅ϟ ΘΣΖ ΉЁΛΉΘΎΣΖ ΈΉφΗΉΖ ΔΕϱΖ ΗΙΑνΛΗΑ ΘϛΖ ΔΓΎΏΓΐϱΕΚΓΙ ΔΕΓΗΚΓΕκΖ Ύ΅ϟ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙ Δ΅ΕΓΙΗϟ΅Ζ ΉϢΖ ΘφΑ ΦΛ΅Αϛ Ύ΅ϟ ΈΜЗΗ΅Α ΈΣ ΘφΑ ΦΏφΌΉ΅Α ΘϛΖ ̓ϟΗΘΉΝΖ ψΐЗΑ πΔΎΕΣΘΉ΅Α ΘЗΑ ̽ΑΝΐνΑΝΑȱ̓ΓΏΘΉЗΑȱΘϛΖȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǯ ̅ΉΆ΅ϟΝΖǰ ΈνΑ Έ΅ΚΉϾ·Ή ΘφΑ ΔΕΓΗΓΛφΑ ψΐЗΑǰ ͒ΉΕЏΘ΅ΘΉ ΦΈΉΏΚνǰ ϵΘ Θϱ ΎϾΕΓΑ σΕ·ΓΑ ΘϛΖ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζ БΖ ΗЏΐ΅ΘΓΖ ̙ΕΗΘΓІ ΉϨΑ΅ ψ πΑ ̄ЁΘХ ΗΘΓΛΉϟΝΗΖ Ύ΅ϟ ΗΝΘΕϟ΅ ΘЗΑ ΔΗΘЗΑǰ σΕ·ΓΑ ΓЁΈϱΏΝΖ ό πΏΣΛΗΘ΅ Κ΅ΑϱΐΉΑΓΑ πΒΝΘΉΕΎЗΖǯ ͣΐΝΖǰ Ύ΅ϟ ψ ΈΓΎΘΎφ ΈΣΕΌΕΝΗΖ Ύ΅ϟ Έ΅ΎΓΑΎφ ΐνΕΐΑ΅ πΐΔϟΔΘΓΙΑ ΉϢΖ ΘΣΖ ΥΕΐΓΈϱΘΘ΅Ζ ΘϛΖ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅ΖȱΓЄΗΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΦΑΌΕΝΔϟΑΓΙȱȱϴΕ·΅ΑΗΐΓІǯȱ ̓ΣΑΘΝΖǰ ͒ΉΕЏΘ΅ΘΉǰ ψ ΈΕ΅ΗΘΕϟ΅ ЂΔ΅ΕΒΖ ϴΎΘЏ ΔΓΏΙΔΏΌЗΑ ̝ΕΛΉΕ΅ΘΎЗΑ ̇ΓΎφΗΉΝΑǰ ψ πΑΉΕ·ΓΔΓϟΗΖ οΒ΅ΎΓΗϟΝΑ ΔΓΙ ΈΕ΅ΗΘΕϟΝΑ πΑΓΕЗΑ Ύ΅ϟ ψ πΔȂπΗΛΣΘΝΑ ΈΐΓΙΕ·ϟ΅ Ύ΅ϟ ϡΉΕЗΑ ̏ΓΑЗΑ πΑ ΘϜ ЀΚȂ ЀΐκΖ ΌΉΓΉΙΏΓ·φΘУ ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔϜǰ ЀΔϱ ΘφΑ ΗΘΆ΅ΕΣΑ Ύ΅ϟ ΛΕΗΘΓΚΏϜ ΈΓϟΎΗΑ ΘϛΖ ΔΕΓΗΚΏΓІΖ ЀΐΉΘνΕ΅Ζ ΔΕΓΗΝΔΎϱΘΘΓΖǰ ΘϾΔΓΙ ΦΑ΅ΈΉΛΌΉϟΗΖ ΦΏΌΓІΖ ΦΕΛΔΓϟΐΉΑΓΖ ̍ΙΕϟΓΙǰ ΔΏΕΓϧ ΘΣΖ Ύ΅ΕΈϟ΅Ζ ψΐЗΑ ΘЗΑ πΑȱΘХȱ̍νΑΘΕУȱΘϛΖȱ͞ΕΌΓΈΓΒϟ΅ΖȱΉЀΕΗΎΓΐνΑΝΑȱΛ΅ΕκΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΓЁΛϟȱϴΏϟ·ΖȱΉЁΉΏΔΗΘϟ΅Ζǯȱ ͣΌΉΑǰ ΦΔϱ ΜΙΛϛΖ ΉЁΛϱΐΉΌ΅ ΔκΗ ΘΓϧΖ πΎΉϧΗΉ Δ΅ΕΓΎΓІΗΑ Υ·ϟΓΖ ̝ΕΛΉΕΉІΗΑǰ ΉЁΏ΅ΆΉΗΘΣΘΓΖ ϡΉΕΉІΗ Ύ΅ϟ Έ΅ΎϱΑΓΖǰ ϳΗΝΘΣΘΓΖ ΐΓΑ΅ΛΓϧΖ Ύ΅ϟ ΉЁΗΉΆνΗ ΔΗΘΓϧΖǰ ϵΔΝΖ ϳ Έ΅ΎΕ΅ΘЗΑ πΑ ΘϜ ΛΉΕϟ ̄ЁΘΓІ Ύ΅ΕΓϾΖ Ύ΅ϟ ΛΕϱΑΓΙΖ ̏ν·΅Ζ ̝ΕΛΉΕΉϾΖ Ύ΅ϟ ̍ϾΕΓΖ ψΐЗΑ ͑ΗΓІΖ ̙ΕΗΘϱΖ Λ΅ΕϟΊΘ΅ ΔΏΓΙΗΓΈЏΕΝΖ ЀΐϧΑ ΘφΑ ΉЁΏΓ·ϟ΅Α ΗϾΐΆΓΑ Ύ΅ϟ ΗΙΑΓΈΓΔϱΕΓΑ Ύ΅ϟ Ύ΅ΘΣ Θϱ ΑνΓΑ σΘΓΖ ŘŖŖśǰ ΔΕϱΖ ΈϱΒ΅Α ΘΓІ ̓΅Α΅·ϟΓΙ ̄ЁΘΓІ ͞Αϱΐ΅ΘΓΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΗΝΘΕϟ΅ΑȱΘЗΑȱΜΙΛЗΑȱЀΐЗΑǯ ̽ Έν ΛΣΕΖ Ύ΅ϟ Θϱ σΏΉΓΖ ΘΓІ ̍ΙΕϟΓΙ ΉϥΗ΅Α ΐΉΘΣ ΘϛΖ ЀΐΉΘνΕ΅Ζ ΚϟΏΖ ͒ΉΕϱΘΘΓΖ Ύ΅ϟ ΔΣΑΘΝΑ ΘЗΑ ΉЁΏ΅ΆЗΑ ΘνΎΑΝΑ ΘϛΖ Ύ΅ΌȂЀΐκΖ ͒ΉΕκΖ ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔϛΖ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǯ ΆгΈȂ ͞ΎΘΝΆΕϟΓΙ ΆȂ 5 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 6 ARCHBISHOP DEMETRIOS HIS EMINENCE ARCHBISHOP DEMETRIOS Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America 6 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 7 MESSAGE OF THE ARCHBISHOP Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is with praise to the Lord our God that we begin together a new year given to us by the immeasurable love of Christ. We do so in anticipation of the unique opportunities for worship and ministry that will be presented to us in our homes, parishes, and larger communities. We look ahead with the zeal of the first community of Jerusalem, eager to advance the sacred ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to touch the hearts and minds of both faithful and unfaithful, following the spirit, action and vital tradition of our Ecumenical Patriarchate. The context of our ministry in the 21st century is challenging and daunting. The cross currents of post modernism, globalization and pluralism are among the many influences seeping into the consciousness of contemporary society and affecting the receptivity with which the Gospel message is heard and received. The problems of terrorism, wars, conflicts, problems of the deconstruction of institutions like family or religion, the exploitation of the environment, the increasing violations of human rights and global poverty are among the conditions that beset modern man. And yet, we must be reminded that the powerful message of Christianity has transcended two millennia of ideological diversity and worldly struggle and promoted a way of life that has united men and women of every social class, nation, and tribe for nearly twenty centuries. We remember the words of Scripture: this is the victory that overcomes the world— our faith (1 John 5:4). It is this living and dynamic faith, the deep and moving belief that the Crucified and Risen Christ in His great love and mercy is in our midst doing His gracious work in us and through us, that we must rediscover, further actualize, and incarnate in our words and deeds. My beloved people of God, let us encourage each other to experience in a renewed way the centrality of Christ and saving news of the Gospel in all that we do in our homes and parishes. May we nurture our families as churches at home (Romans 16:5) with the aim of spiritual growth leading to the Kingdom of God. In our parishes where we gather as a family of God in a genuine loving relationship with Our Creator and one another, may we embody the Gospel message in all aspects of ministry. It is in this spirit that I pray that the new year, the Year of the Family, be filled with the spiritual blessings of families and churches growing together in a shared life in Christ. I offer to you the 2005 edition of the Yearbook of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese as a resource to foster further genuine communities of faith and love in our homes and parishes and to celebrate the renewing and sanctifying experience of the Crucified and Risen Christ in our midst. With paternal love in Christ, + DEMETRIOS Archbishop of America 7 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 8 MESSAGE OF THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH Your Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America, most honorable Exarch of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, beloved brother in the Holy Spirit and co-celebrant of our Modesty: Grace and peace from God be with you. The publication and circulation of annual ecclesiastical journal —calendars containing the ministry staff, institutions and departments, as well as other pertinent and necessary information about each ecclesiastical district, a practice which has been established by a multitude of holy Hierarchs, is an excellent vehicle through which any interested party of the greater church flock may stay informed about matters of the entire Church life and the structure of her services. The Holy Archdiocese of America has also been following this practice for many years and we bestow upon her, following her request, the Patriarchal blessing of our Modesty, which we give gladly and richly for this year of salvation, 2005. As the Psalm professes, from day to day word is produced and from night to night it becomes knowledge, and each New Year brings forth more spiritual harvesting that makes our Holy Mother Church of Christ justifiably feel a sense of pride in Christ. Further, the New Year elicits prayerful supplications for the continuation of the Church s diversified offerings and Orthodox presence in the vast land of the United States of America, which thirsts for the truth of our Faith. It does not evade our attention, Your Eminence, that the main core of the Church s work as the body of Christ aims at the founding of the faithful in Christ and their salvation, a task that is neither at large nor minimally an external phenomenon. Moreover, the administrative structure and ministerial care are duties of the Church, which is also a human organism. Certainly, the energetic operation of eight Hierarchal Administrations, the vitality of almost six hundred vigorous parishes and the recent creation of Holy Monasteries within Your God-blessed Archdiocese, under the firm and Christloving administration of Your beloved Eminence, who has been blessed with a personality befitting a truthful great shepherd of the Lord, fills the hearts of us who are in the Center of Orthodoxy with joy and much hopefulness. Thus, we wholeheartedly wish to all holy Hierarchs who live there, to the devout priests and deacons, to the pious monks and faithful people, that the High Priest and our Lord Jesus Christ who holds times and ages in His hand, bestow upon you abundant blessings to follow and walk with you during the New Year 2005, for the glory of His Holiest Name and the salvation of your souls. May the grace and mercy of the Lord be with Your beloved Eminence and all the pious children of Your Holy Archdiocese of America. October 2, 2004 Patriarch of Constantinople BARTHOLOMEW beloved brother in Christ 8 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:04 AM Page 8 MESSAGE OF THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH Your Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America, most honorable Exarch of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, beloved brother in the Holy Spirit and co-celebrant of our Modesty: Grace and peace from God be with you. The publication and circulation of annual ecclesiastical journal – calendars containing the ministry staff, institutions and departments, as well as other pertinent and necessary information about each ecclesiastical district, a practice which has been established by a multitude of holy Hierarchs, is an excellent vehicle through which any interested party of the greater church flock may stay informed about matters of the entire Church life and the structure of her services. The Holy Archdiocese of America has also been following this practice for many years and we bestow upon her, following her request, the Patriarchal blessing of our Modesty, which we give gladly and richly for this year of salvation, 2005. As the Psalm professes, “from day to day word is produced and from night to night it becomes knowledge,” and each New Year brings forth more spiritual harvesting that makes our Holy Mother Church of Christ justifiably feel a sense of pride in Christ. Further, the New Year elicits prayerful supplications for the continuation of the Church’s diversified offerings and Orthodox presence in the vast land of the United States of America, which thirsts for the truth of our Faith. It does not evade our attention, Your Eminence, that the main core of the Church’s work as the body of Christ aims at the founding of the faithful in Christ and their salvation, a task that is neither at large nor minimally an external phenomenon. Moreover, the administrative structure and ministerial care are duties of the Church, which is also a human organism. Certainly, the energetic operation of eight Hierarchal Administrations, the vitality of almost six hundred vigorous parishes and the recent creation of Holy Monasteries within Your God-blessed Archdiocese, under the firm and Christloving administration of Your beloved Eminence, who has been blessed with a personality befitting a truthful great shepherd of the Lord, fills the hearts of us who are in the Center of Orthodoxy with joy and much hopefulness. Thus, we wholeheartedly wish to all holy Hierarchs who live there, to the devout priests and deacons, to the pious monks and faithful people, that the High Priest and our Lord Jesus Christ who holds times and ages in His hand, bestow upon you abundant blessings to follow and walk with you during the New Year 2005, for the glory of His Holiest Name and the salvation of your souls. May the grace and mercy of the Lord be with Your beloved Eminence and all the pious children of Your Holy Archdiocese of America. October 2, 2004 † Patriarch of Constantinople BARTHOLOMEW beloved brother in Christ 8 MESSAGE OF THE ARCHBISHOP ̝·΅ΔΘΓϟȱȱ̝ΈΉΏΚΓϟȱΎ΅ϟȱȱ̝ΈΉΏΚνΖȱπΑȱ̙ΕΗΘХǰȱ ȱ ȱ ̏νȱΈΓΒΓΏΓ·ϟ΅ȱΔΕϱΖȱΘϱΑȱ̍ϾΕΓȱΎ΅ϟȱ̋Ήϱȱΐ΅ΖȱΦΕΛϟΊΓΙΐΉȱΐ΅ΊϟȱρΑ΅ΑȱΎ΅ΑΓϾΕ·ΓȱΛΕϱΑΓȱΘϱΑȱϳΔΓϧΓȱΐκΖȱ ΛΣΕΗΉȱψȱΦΔνΕ΅ΑΘȱΦ·ΣΔȱΘΓІȱ̙ΕΗΘΓІǰȱΈϱΘȱΔΕΓΗΈΓΎΓІΐΉȱΘφȱΆϟΝΗȱΐΓΑ΅ΈΎЗΑȱΉЁΎ΅ΕЗΑȱΏ΅ΘΕΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱΈ΅ΎΓΑϟ΅ΖȱΔΓϾȱΌΣȱΐκΖȱΈΓΌΓІΑȱΗΘΣȱΗΔϟΘ΅ȱΐ΅ΖǰȱΗΘϟΖȱπΑΓΕϟΉΖȱΐ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΗΘφΑȱΉЁΕϾΘΉΕȱΎΓΑΝΑϟ΅ȱΗΘφΑȱ ϳΔΓϟ΅ȱΊΓІΐΉǯȱ̝ΘΉΑϟΊΓΙΐΉȱΘϱȱΐνΏΏΓΑȱΈ΅Ύ΅ΘΉΛϱΐΉΑΓȱΦΔϱȱΘϱΑȱϥΈΓȱΊϛΏΓȱΐνȱ΅ЁΘϱΑȱΘϛΖȱΔΕЏΘΖȱ ΎΓΑϱΘΘΓΖȱΘϛΖȱ͑ΉΕΓΙΗ΅ΏφΐǰȱΦΑΙΔΓΐΓΑЏΑΘ΅ΖȱΑΣȱΔΕΓ΅·Σ·ΓΙΐΉȱΘφΑȱϡΉΕΣȱΈ΅ΎΓΑϟ΅ȱΘΓІȱ̍ΙΕϟΓΙȱΐ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ ̕ΝΘϛΕΓΖȱ͑ΗΓІȱ̙ΕΗΘΓІǰȱΎ΅ϟȱΑΣȱΦ··ϟΒΓΙΐΉȱΘφΑȱΎ΅ΕΈΣȱΎ΅ϟȱΘϱȱΔΑΉІΐ΅ȱΘЗΑȱΔΗΘЗΑȱΦΏΏΣȱΎ΅ϟȱΘЗΑȱ ΦΔϟΗΘΝΑǰȱΦΎΓΏΓΙΌЏΑΘ΅ΖȱΘϱȱΔΑΉІΐ΅ǰȱΘφȱΈΕΣΗȱΎ΅ϟȱΘφΑȱΊΝΘΎφȱΔ΅ΕΣΈΓΗȱΘΓІȱ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱΐ΅Ζǯȱȱȱȱ ȱ ̽ȱΈ΅ΎΓΑϟ΅ȱΐ΅ΖȱπΑΘϱΖȱΘЗΑȱΗΙΑΌΎЗΑȱΘΓІȱŘŗΓΙȱ΅ϢЗΑΓΖȱΉϨΑ΅ȱЀΔϱΌΉΗȱΔΓϾȱΔΕΓΎ΅ΏΉϧȱΈνΓΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΉϨΑ΅ȱ ·ΉΐΣΘȱΔΕΓΎΏφΗΉΖǯȱ̖ΣȱΈ΅ΗΘ΅ΙΕΓϾΐΉΑ΅ȱΕΉϾΐ΅Θ΅ȱΘΓІȱΐΉΘ΅ȬΐΓΑΘΉΕΑΗΐΓІǰȱΘϛΖȱΔ΅·ΎΓΗΐΓΔΓφΗΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱΘΓІȱΔΏΓΙΕ΅ΏΗΐΓІȱΦΔΓΘΉΏΓІΑȱΐΉΕΎνΖȱΦΔϱȱΘϟΖȱΔΓΏΏνΖȱπΔΈΕΣΗΉΖȱΓϡȱϳΔΓϧΉΖȱσΛΓΙΑȱΈΉΗΈϾΗΉȱ ΗΘφΑȱΗΙΑΉϟΈΗȱΘϛΖȱΗΙ·ΛΕϱΑΓΙȱΎΓΑΝΑϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱπΔΕΉΣΊΓΙΑȱΘϱΑȱΆ΅ΌΐϱȱΦΎΕΓΣΗΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΦΔΓΈΓΛϛΖȱΘΓІȱ ΐΑϾΐ΅ΘΓΖȱΘΓІȱ̈Ё΅··ΉΏϟΓΙǯȱ̖ΣȱΔΕΓΆΏφΐ΅Θ΅ȱΘϛΖȱΘΕΓΐΓΎΕ΅Θϟ΅ΖǰȱΘЗΑȱΔΓΏνΐΝΑǰȱΘЗΑȱΗΙ·ΎΕΓϾΗΉΝΑǰȱ ΘϛΖȱΈ΅ΏϾΗΉΝΖȱΌΉΗΐЗΑȱϵΔΝΖȱΉϨΑ΅ȱψȱΓϢΎΓ·νΑΉ΅ȱΎ΅ϟȱψȱΌΕΗΎΉϟ΅ǰȱΘϛΖȱΦΌνΐΘΖȱπΎΐΉΘ΅ΏΏΉϾΗΉΝΖȱΘΓІȱ ΔΉΕΆΣΏΏΓΑΘΓΖǰȱΘЗΑȱ΅ЁΒΐνΑΝΑȱΎΕΓΙΗΐΣΘΝΑȱΎ΅Θ΅Δ΅ΘφΗΉΝΖȱΘЗΑȱΦΑΌΕΝΔϟΑΝΑȱΈΎ΅ΝΐΣΘΝΑȱΎ΅ϟȱΘϛΖȱ Δ΅·ΎΓΗΐϟΓΙȱΚΘЏΛΉ΅ΖȱΉϨΑ΅ȱΐΉΕΎνΖȱΦΔϱȱΘϟΖȱΗΙΑΌϛΎΉΖȱΘϟΖȱϳΔΓϧΉΖȱΦΑΘΐΉΘΝΔϟΊΉȱϳȱΗϾ·ΛΕΓΑΓΖȱ ΩΑΌΕΝΔΓΖǯȱȱ ȱ ͣΐΝΖǰȱΔΕνΔΉȱΑΣȱπΑΌΙΐΓϾΐΉΌ΅ȱϵΘȱΘϱȱϢΗΛΙΕϱȱΐφΑΙΐ΅ȱΘΓІȱ̙ΕΗΘ΅ΑΗΐΓІȱσΛΉȱЀΔΉΕΆΉϧȱΈϾΓȱ ΛΏΉΘϟΉΖȱϢΈΉΓΏΓ·ΎϛΖȱΈ΅ΚΓΕΓΔΓφΗΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΦΑΌΕΝΔϟΑΝΑȱΈ΅ΐ΅ΛЗΑȱΎ΅ϟȱσΛΉȱΔΕΓ΅·Σ·ΉȱρΑ΅ȱΘΕϱΔΓȱ ΊΝϛΖȱϳȱϳΔΓϧΓΖȱοΑЏΑΉȱΘΓϾΖȱΦΑΌΕЏΔΓΙΖȱΎΣΌΉȱΎΓΑΝΑΎϛΖȱΘΣΒΉΝΖǰȱσΌΑΓΙΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΚΙΏϛΖȱΐΉΘ΅ΒϾȱΘΝΑȱȱ ΗΛΉΈϱΑȱπΔϟȱΉϥΎΓΗȱ΅ϢЗΑΉΖǯȱ̳ΑΌΙΐΓϾΐΉΌ΅ȱΘΓϾΖȱΏϱ·ΓΙΖȱΘϛΖȱ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ̆Ε΅ΚϛΖDZȱǯǯǯǯǯȱ΅ЂΘȱπΗΘϟΑȱψȱΑϟΎȱψȱ ΑΎφΗ΅Η΅ȱΘϱΑȱΎϱΗΐΓΑǰȱψȱΔϟΗΘΖȱωΐЗΑȱǻ̄´ȱ͑ΝΣΑǯȱśDZŚǼǯȱ ȱ ̓ΕϱΎΉΘ΅ȱΔΉΕϟȱ΅ЁΘϛΖȱΘϛΖȱΊΝΑΘ΅ΑϛΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΈΙΑ΅ΐΎϛΖȱΔϟΗΘΉΝΖǰȱΘϛΖȱΆ΅ΌΉκΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΗΙ·ΎΑΗ΅ΎϛΖȱ ΔΉΔΓΌφΗΉΝΖȱϵΘȱϳȱȱ̳ΗΘ΅ΙΕΝΐνΑΓΖȱΎ΅ϟȱȱ̝Α΅ΗΘΣΖȱ̙ΕΗΘϱΖȱΐνȱΘφΑȱΦΔνΕ΅ΑΘȱΦ·ΣΔȱΎ΅ϟȱΘϱȱσΏΉϱΖȱ̖ΓΙȱ ΉЀΕϟΗΎΉΘ΅ȱΦΑΣΐΉΗΣȱΐ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱπΕ·ΣΊΉΘ΅ȱΘϱȱΗΝΘφΕΓȱσΕ·Γȱ̖ΓΙȱπΑΘϱΖȱψΐЗΑȱΎ΅ϟȱΐνΗУȱψΐЗΑǰȱΔΕϱΎΉΘ΅ȱ ΔΉΕϟȱΘϛΖȱΔϟΗΘΉΝΖȱΘφΑȱϳΔΓϟ΅ȱΔΕνΔΉȱΑΣȱΦΑ΅Ύ΅ΏϾΜΓΙΐΉȱΎ΅ϟȱΔΣΏǰȱΑΣȱΘφΑȱπΔΎ΅ΕΓΔΓφΗΓΙΐΉȱ ΔΉΕ΅ΘνΕΝȱΎ΅ϟȱΑΣȱΘφΑȱπΑΗΝΐ΅ΘЏΗΓΙΐΉȱΗΘΓϾΖȱΏϱ·ΓΙΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΘϟΖȱΔΕΣΒΉΖȱΐ΅Ζǯȱȱ ȱ ̓ΕΓΗΚΏΉϧΖȱΐΓΙȱΩΑΌΕΝΔΓȱΘΓІȱ̋ΉΓІǰȱΩΖȱπΑΌ΅ΕΕϾΑΓΙΐΉȱϳȱρΑ΅ΖȱΘϱΑȱΩΏΏΓȱГΗΘΉȱΑΣȱΆЏΗΓΙΐΉȱΐȂȱ ρΑ΅ΑȱΎ΅ΑΓϾΕ·ΓȱΘΕϱΔΓȱΘφΑȱΎΉΑΘΕΎφȱΌνΗȱΔΓϾȱΎ΅ΘνΛΉȱϳȱ̙ΕΗΘϱΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΘϱȱΗΝΘφΕΓȱΩ··ΉΏΐ΅ȱΘΓІȱ ̈Ё΅··ΉΏϟΓΙȱΐνΗ΅ȱΗνȱϵǰΘȱΔΕΣΘΘΓΙΐΉȱΗΘϟΖȱΓϢΎΓ·νΑΉνΖȱΐ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΗΘϟΖȱπΑΓΕϟΉΖȱΐ΅Ζǯȱ̡ΖȱΦΑΘΐΉΘΝΔϟΗΓΙΐΉȱ ΘϟΖȱΓϢΎΓ·νΑΉνΖȱΐ΅ΖȱБΖȱΎ΅ΘȂȱΓϨΎΓΑȱπΎΎΏΗϟΉΖȱǻ̔ΝΐǯȱŗŜDZśǼȱΗΘΓΛΉϾΓΑΘ΅ΖȱΗΘφΑȱΔΑΉΙΐ΅ΘΎφȱΦΑΣΔΘΙΒȱΔΓϾȱ ϳΈ·ΉϧȱΗΘφȱ̅΅ΗΏΉϟ΅ȱΘΓІȱ̋ΉΓІǯȱ̈ϥΌΉȱΑΣȱΦΔΓΘΉΏΓІΐΉȱΊΝΑΘ΅ΑφȱπΑΗΣΕΎΝΗȱΘΓІȱΐΑϾΐ΅ΘΓΖȱΘΓІȱ ̈Ё΅··ΉΏϟΓΙȱΗνȱϵΏΉΖȱΘϟΖȱΔΘΙΛνΖȱΘϛΖȱΈ΅ΎΓΑϟ΅Ζȱΐ΅ΖǰȱΗΘϟΖȱπΑΓΕϟΉΖȱΐ΅ΖȱϵΔΓΙȱΗΙ·ΎΉΑΘΕΝΑϱΐΉΌ΅ȱБΖȱ ΓϢΎΓ·νΑΉ΅ȱΘΓІȱ̋ΉΓІȱΗνȱ·ΑφΗ΅ȱΗΛνΗȱΦ·ΣΔΖȱΐνȱΘϱΑȱ̇ΐΓΙΕ·ϱȱΐ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΐΉΘ΅ΒϾȱΐ΅Ζǯȱȱȱȱ ȱ ̏νȱ΅ЁΘϱȱΘϱȱΔΑΉІΐ΅ǰȱΔΕΓΗΉϾΛΓΐ΅ȱΘϱȱΎ΅ΑΓϾΕ·ΓȱσΘΓΖǰȱΘϱȱ̷ΘΓΖȱΘϛΖȱ̒ϢΎΓ·ΉΑΉϟ΅ΖǰȱΑΣȱΉϨΑ΅ȱΔΏϛΕΉΖȱ ΔΑΉΙΐ΅ΘΎЗΑȱΉЁΏΓ·ЗΑȱ·ΣȱΘϟΖȱΓϢΎΓ·νΑΉΉΖȱΎ΅ϟȱπΎΎΏΗϟΉΖȱΔΓϾȱΦΑ΅ΔΘϾΗΗΓΑΘ΅ȱΐ΅ΊϟȱΗνȱΐΣȱΎΓΑφȱπΑȱ ̙ΕΗΘХȱΊΝφǯȱ̕κΖȱΔ΅ΕΓΙΗΣΊΝȱΘφΑȱσΎΈΓΗȱŘŖŖśȱΘΓІȱ̽ΐΉΕΓΏΓ·ϟΓΙȱΘϛΖȱ̴ΏΏΑΎϛΖȱ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔϛΖȱБΖȱΐνΗΓȱ·ΣȱΘφΑȱΔΉΕ΅ΘνΕΝȱΎ΅ΏΏνΕ·Ή΅ȱ·ΑΗϟΝΑȱΎΓΑΓΘφΘΝΑȱΔϟΗΘΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΦ·ΣΔΖȱ ΗΘϟΖȱΓϢΎΓ·νΑΉΉΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΘϟΖȱπΑΓΕϟΉΖȱΐ΅ΖǰȱΎ΅ϟȱ·ΣȱΘϱΑȱοΓΕΘ΅ΗΐϱȱΘϛΖȱΦΑ΅ΊΝΓ·ΓΑΘΎϛΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΎ΅Ό΅·΅ΗΘΎϛΖȱ πΐΔΉΕϟ΅ΖȱΘϛΖȱΔ΅ΕΓΙΗϟ΅ΖȱΘΓІȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΝΌνΑΘΓΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̝Α΅ΗΘΣΑΘΓΖȱ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱπΑȱΐνΗУȱψΐЗΑǯȱ ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ̏νȱΔ΅ΘΕΎφȱπΑȱ̙ΕΗΘХȱΦ·ΣΔǰȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ+ȱϳȱ̝ΕΛΉΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖȱȱȱȱȱȱ 9 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 10 ARCHBISHOP’S ADDRESS A Successful and Blessed 37th Clergy-Laity Congress Opens Creative Perspectives for the New Ecclesiastical Year Protocol 69/04 New York, August 18, 2004 To the Most Reverend Hierarchs, the Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Communities, the Day, Afternoon, and Church Schools, the Philoptochos Sisterhoods, the Youth, the Hellenic Organizations, the members of our Parishes and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America My Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is with great joy and thanksgiving to God that I greet you following the successful and edifying convening of the 37th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress, National Philoptochos Convention, and National Young Adult League of our Holy Archdiocese of America. Over 2000 delegates and participants gathered July 25-30 in New York City for worship, fellowship, training, and meetings that were focused on strengthening and advancing the sacred ministry of each of our parishes and of the entire Church in America. This was a historic Congress for our Archdiocese due to the remarkable level of participation, the recognition and support of the progress made by our national ministries, and the high level of discussions and decisions made by this essential administrative body of clergy and laity. First, we had an increased participation of parishes, compared to previous gatherings, made possible by an effort that provided financial assistance to many of our smaller communities. In addition, attendance of the more than 70 workshops and educational sessions reached 2500, affirming the need and commitment of our faithful to growing parishes of faith and love that offer genuine and effective ministry. Reports from these sessions as well as complete information concerning the decisions made at this Congress will be available in the September issue of the Orthodox Observer. Second, this Congress gave us the opportunity to review the objectives and the accomplishments of the national ministries of our Church. As presented in the departmental, program, and institutional reports, remarkable progress has been made over the last few years in the extent and quality of every aspect of our work. More assistance and additional resources are now available in our Archdiocese, and our quality of leadership in these vital ministry areas will ensure that this level of offering will continue. Third, this Congress advanced the administrative uniformity and strength of our Archdiocese by revising and approving the regulations that will guide the work of our parishes. This was a monumental task for our Archdiocesan Council and for the Clergy-Laity Congress that was accomplished in an open and thorough manner, focused on the growth and progress of the Church in America. Our deliberations and decisions acknowledged that these issues are important, and our conduct and progress affirmed that such matters belong exclusively to the administrative and spiritual purview of the Church, not to courts of law. It is indicative that the 10 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 11 ARCHBISHOP’S ADDRESS very courts of law, by the recent decision of the New York State Supreme Court to dismiss the lawsuit against the Church, recognized this reality and re-enforced the fact that the courts should not intervene in the manner in which the Church is governed. All of these achievements of our 37th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress are truly a recognition of our unity in mission and witness as the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and to our commitment as Orthodox Christians to further the work of the kingdom of God. Both unity and commitment are critical for what God has called us to do at this time and in this country of America. As we approach the beginning of a new ecclesiastical year on September 1 and as we build on the accomplishments and blessings of this Congress, we must be united and committed to a strong and continuous mission that will focus on three objectives: a) the increasing and enhancing of educational opportunities and training in the faith for children, young people, and adults, b) the sustained effort to reach the unchurched and to bring people back to the Church and to Christ, and c) the offering of substantive assistance for the well-being of families, which are the real and vital elements of growing communities. As presented at the Congress, we will facilitate this work by providing more resources for outreach and education and through an intense, yearlong emphasis on the Family, the most fundamental element of strong communities. Within our parishes, our conscientious care for the Family should constitute a permanent activity. Our goal should be to make our families Churches at home, kat oikon ekklesia (Romans 16:5). Here is a principle for our sustained renewal and growth. Making our families Churches at home requires that we give added attention to the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of married couples, children, singleparent families and senior adults. Moreover, we will continue to make strong efforts to minister effectively to intermarried couples who constitute a significant part of our faithful. I call upon each of you to commit to building communities of faith and love through your participation in the worship and ministry of your parish. It is in the local parish, the community of believers, that true, enduring, and life-giving ministry is offered to all in need of truth and salvation. In turn, we promise the continuous efforts of our Archdiocesan ministries in accomplishing these objectives. May the blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon each of you as He leads us as one family, one body, one Church, one people, united in faith and love, laboring together in serving the people and in honoring our God and Savior. With paternal love in Christ, + DEMETRIOS Archbishop of America 11 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:04 AM Page 12 ARCHBISHOP’S ADDRESS ȱ ȱ ̝ΕΌǯȱ̓ΕΝΘǯȱŜşȱȦȱŖŚȱ ̐ν΅ȱͩϱΕΎǰȱŗŞȱ̄Ё·ΓϾΗΘΓΙȱŘŖŖŚȱ ȱ ̓ΕϱΖȱΘΓϾΖȱ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐΝΘΣΘΓΙΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̋ΉΓΚΏΉΗΘΣΘΓΙΖȱ̝ΕΛΉΕΉϧΖǰȱΘΓϾΖȱ̈ЁΏ΅ΆΉΗΘΣΘΓΙΖȱ͒ΉΕΉϧΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̇΅ΎϱΑΓΙΖǰȱΘΓϾΖȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΓϾΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̏ΓΑ΅ΛνΖǰȱΘΓϾΖȱ̓ΕΓνΈΕΓΙΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̏νΏȱΘЗΑȱ̍ΓΑΓΘΎЗΑȱ̕ΙΐΆΓΙΏϟΝΑǰȱΘΣȱ̽ΐΉΕφΗ΅ȱΎ΅ϟȱ ̝ΔΓ·ΉΙΐ΅ΘΑΣȱ̕ΛΓΏΉϧ΅ǰȱΘϟΖȱ̘ΏΓΔΘЏΛΓΙΖȱ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΘΉΖǰȱΘφΑȱ̐ΉΓΏ΅ϟ΅ǰȱΘϟΖȱ̴ΏΏΑΓΕΌϱΈΓΒΉΖȱ͞Ε·΅ΑЏΗΉΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ ϳΏϱΎΏΕΓȱΘϱȱ̙ΕΗΘΉΔЏΑΙΐΓΑȱΔΏφΕΝΐ΅ȱΘϛΖȱ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔϛΖȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǯȱ ȱ ̝ΈΉΏΚΓϟȱΎ΅ϟȱΦΈΉΏΚνΖȱπΑȱ̙ΕΗΘХǰȱ ȱ ȱ ̏νȱϢΈ΅ϟΘΉΕȱΛ΅ΕΣȱΎ΅ϟȱΉЁ·ΑΝΐΓΗϾΑȱΔΕϱΖȱΘϱΑȱ̋ΉϱΑȱπΔΎΓΑΝΑЗȱΐ΅ΊϟȱΗ΅ΖȱΐΉΘΣȱΦΔϱȱΘφΑȱπΔΘΙΛϛȱΎ΅ϟȱ πΔΓΎΓΈΓΐΘΎφȱΗϾ·ΎΏΗȱΘϛΖȱřŝΖȱ̇ΉΘΓІΖȱ̍ΏΕΎΓΏ΅ϞΎϛΖȱ̕ΙΑΉΏΉϾΗΉΝΖǰȱΘϛΖȱ̕ΙΑΉΏΉϾΗΉΝΖȱΘϛΖȱ̳ΌΑΎϛΖȱ ̘ΏΓΔΘЏΛΓΙȱ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΘΓΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΘϛΖȱ̕ΙΑΉΏΉϾΗΉΝΖȱΘϛΖȱ̳ΌΑΎϛΖȱ̐ΉΓΏ΅ϟ΅ΖȱΘϛΖȱ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔϛΖȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǯȱ ̓ΉΕΗΗϱΘΉΕΓȱΦΔϱȱŘŖŖŖȱΦΑΘΔΕϱΗΝΔΓȱΎ΅ϟȱΗΙΐΐΉΘνΛΓΑΘΉΖȱΗΙ·ΎΉΑΘΕЏΌΎ΅ΑȱΐΉΘ΅ΒϾȱŘśȬřŖȱ͑ΓΙΏϟΓΙȱΗΘφΑȱ̓ϱΏȱ 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̖ΕϟΘΓΑǰȱ΅ЁΘφȱψȱ̍ΏΕΎΓΏ΅ϞΎφȱΔΕΓφ·΅·ΉȱΘφΑȱΈΓΎΘΎφȱϳΐΓΓΐΓΕΚϟ΅ȱΎ΅ϟȱϢΗΛϾȱΘϛΖȱ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔϛΖȱΐ΅Ζȱ ΐνȱΘφΑȱΦΑ΅ΌΉЏΕΗȱΎ΅ϟȱσ·ΎΕΗȱΘЗΑȱ̍΅ΑΓΑΗΐЗΑȱΔΓϾȱΈνΔΓΙΑȱΎ΅ϟȱΎ΅ΌΓΈ·ΓІΑȱΘϱȱσΕ·ΓȱΘЗΑȱπΑΓΕЗΑȱΐ΅Ζǯȱ̽ȱ ΐΑΐΉЏΈΖȱπΔΘνΏΉΗȱΘΓІȱσΕ·ΓΙȱ΅ЁΘΓІȱΦΔϱȱΘϱȱ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔΎϱȱΐ΅Ζȱ̕ΙΐΆΓϾΏΓȱΎ΅ϟȱΘφΑȱ̍ΏΕΎΓΏ΅ϞΎφȱ ̕ΙΑνΏΉΙΗȱπΔΘΉϾΛΌΎΉȱΐνȱΈ΅Κ΅ΑΉϧΖȱΈ΅ΈΎ΅ΗϟΉΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΔΏΕϱΘΘ΅ȱΐΉΏνΘΖǰȱσΛΓΑΘ΅ΖȱБΖȱπΔϟΎΉΑΘΕΓȱΘφΑȱ ΦΑΣΔΘΙΒȱΎ΅ϟȱΔΕϱΓΈΓȱΘϛΖȱ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅ΖȱΗΘφΑȱ̝ΐΉΕΎφǯȱ̒ϡȱΗΙΊΘφΗΉΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΦΔΓΚΣΗΉΖȱΐ΅ΖȱΦΑΉ·ΑЏΕΗ΅ΑȱϵΘȱ ΅ЁΘΣȱΘΣȱΊΘφΐ΅Θ΅ȱΉϨΑ΅ȱΗΐ΅ΑΘΎΣǰȱψȱΈνȱΗΙΐΔΉΕΚΓΕΣȱΘЗΑȱΦΑΘΔΕΓΗЏΔΝΑȱΎ΅ϟȱψȱΔΕϱΓΈΓΖȱΔΓϾȱπΗΐΉЏΌȱ πΔΉΎϾΕΝΗΉȱΘϱȱ·Ή·ΓΑϱΖȱϵΘȱΘνΘΓΓΙȱΉϥΈΓΙΖȱΊΘφΐ΅Θ΅ȱΦΑφΎΓΙΑȱΦΔΓΎΏΉΗΘΎΣȱΗΘφΑȱΈΓΎΘΎφȱΎ΅ϟȱΔΑΉΙΐ΅ΘΎφȱ ΗΚ΅ϟΕ΅ȱΘϛΖȱ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅ΖǰȱΎ΅ϟȱϷΛȱΗΘΣȱΔΓΏΘΎΣȱ̇Ύ΅ΗΘφΕ΅ǯȱ̈ϨΑ΅ȱπΑΈΉΎΘΎϱȱϵΘȱΘΣȱ̇Ύ΅ΗΘφΕ΅ǰȱΐνȱΘφΑȱ ΔΕϱΗΚ΅ΘȱΦΔϱΚ΅ΗȱΘΓІȱ̝ΑΝΘΣΘΓΙȱ̇Ύ΅ΗΘΕϟΓΙȱΘϛΖȱ̓ΓΏΘΉϟ΅ΖȱΘϛΖȱ̐ν΅ΖȱͩϱΕΎΖȱψȱϳΔΓϟ΅ȱΦΔνΕΕΜΉȱΘφΑȱ 12 ARCHBISHOP’S ADDRESS ΐφΑΙΗȱΔΓϾȱЀΔΉΆΏφΌȱπΑ΅ΑΘϟΓΑȱΘϛΖȱ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζȱΐ΅ΖǰȱπΔΉΎϾΕΝΗ΅Αȱ΅ЁΘφȱΘφΑȱΔΕ΅·ΐ΅ΘΎϱΘΘ΅ȱΎ΅ϟȱ πΔ΅ΑΉΆΉΆ΅ϟΝΗ΅ΑȱΘϱȱ·Ή·ΓΑϱΖȱϵΘȱΘΣȱΔΓΏΘΎΣȱ̇Ύ΅ΗΘφΕ΅ȱΈνΑȱΔΕνΔΉȱΑΣȱΔ΅ΕΉΐΆ΅ϟΑΓΙΑȱΗΘφΑȱΈ΅ΎΙΆνΕΑΗȱ 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ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ̏νȱΔ΅ΘΕΎφȱπΑȱ̙ΕΗΘХȱΦ·ΣΔǰȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ+ȱϳȱ̝ΕΛΉΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖ 13 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 14 MOVABLE ECCLESIASTICAL DATES This five-year chart has the dates of Feast Days and Fasting Days which are determined annually on the basis of the date of Holy Pascha (Easter). This ecclesiastical cycle begins with the first day of the Triodion and ends with the Sunday of All Saints, a total of eighteen weeks. 2005 2006 2007 2008 (L) 2009 TRIODION BEGINS February 20 February 12 January 28 February 17 February 8 1ST SATURDAY OF SOULS March 5 February 25 February 10 March 1 February 21 MEAT FARE March 6 February 26 February 11 March 2 February 22 2ND SATURDAY OF SOULS March 12 March 4 February 17 March 8 February 28 LENT BEGINS March 14 March 6 February 19 March 10 March 2 3RD SATURDAY OF SOULS March 19 March 11 February 24 March 15 March 7 SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY March 20 March 12 February 25 March 16 March 8 SATURDAY OF LAZARUS April 23 April 15 March 31 April 19 April 11 PALM SUNDAY April 24 April 16 April 1 April 20 April 12 HOLY(GOOD) FRIDAY April 29 April 21 April 6 April 25 April 17 ORTHODOX PASCHA May 1 April 23 April 8 April 27 April 19 WESTERN EASTER March 27 April 16 April 8 March 23 April 12 ASCENSION June 9 June 1 May 17 June 5 May 28 SATURDAY OF SOULS June 18 June 10 May 26 June 14 June 6 PENTECOST June 19 June 11 May 27 June 15 June 7 ALL SAINTS June 26 June 18 June 3 June 22 June 14 FAST OF HOLY APOSTLES BEGINS June 27 June 19 June 4 June 23 June 15 FAST OF HOLY APOSTLES LASTS 2 Days 10 Days 25 Days 6 Days 14 days ‘L’ indicates Leap Year Note: The Holy Apostles Fasting duration varies every year. It begins on Monday following Sunday of All Saints and ends on June 29. Thus, it may last from zero (0) days, if Easter falls on May 3 or later – to twenty-nine (29) days, if Easter falls on April 4 to May 2. 14 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 15 MAJOR GREEK ORTHODOX HOLY DAYS 2005 January 1 The Circumcision of Jesus Christ; St. Basil the Great January 6 Epiphany Day: The Baptism of Jesus Christ, Sanctification of the Waters and Manifestation of the Holy Spirit January 7 St. John the Baptist January 17 St. Anthony the Great January 30 The Three Hierarchs: St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian and St. John Chrysostom February 2 The Presentation of Jesus Christ in the Temple February 6 St. Photios the Great February 10 St. Haralambos the Martyr February 17 St. Theodore March 5 Saturday of Souls March 14 Paschal Lenten Period Begins March 20 Sunday of Orthodoxy (observed on the First Sunday of Lent) March 25 June 29 SS. Peter and Paul July 20 Prophet Elias July 27 St. Panteleimon August 6 Transfiguration of Jesus Christ August 15 Dormition (Falling Asleep) of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Theotokos) August 29 Commemoration of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist September 1 The Beginning of the Ecclesiastical Year (Indiction) September 8 The Nativity of the Theotokos September 14 Exaltation of the Holy Cross The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (The Theotokos) October 23 St. Iakovos (James) October 26 St. Demetrios November 1 SS. Cosmas and Damianos November 8 The Archangels Michael and Gabriel November 13 St. John Chrysostom November 15 Nativity Lenten Period begins April 24 Palm Sunday November 21 The Entrance of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Theotokos) into the Temple April 25–30 Holy Week November 25 St. Catherine April 29 Holy (Good) Friday May 1 HOLY PASCHA The Resurrection of Jesus Christ November 30 St. Andrew the Apostle, Founder of the Church of Constantinople December 4 St. Barbara May 1 St. George (observed) December 5 St. Savas the Sanctified May 21 SS. Constantine and Helen December 6 St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra June 9 The Ascension of Jesus Christ December 12 St. Spyridon June 11 St. Bartholomew June 19 Sunday of Pentecost December 25 CHRISTMAS DAY The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ June 26 All Saints Sunday December 27 St. Stephen the Protomartyr 15 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 16 KANONION 16 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 17 KANONION 17 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 18 JANUARY 2005 18 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 19 19 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 20 FEBRUARY 2005 20 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:38 PM Page 21 21 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:39 PM MARCH 2005 22 Page 22 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:39 PM Page 23 23 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:39 PM APRIL 2005 24 Page 24 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:39 PM Page 25 25 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:39 PM MAY 2005 26 Page 26 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:39 PM Page 27 27 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:40 PM JUNE 2005 28 Page 28 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:40 PM Page 29 29 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:40 PM JULY 2005 30 Page 30 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:40 PM Page 31 31 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:40 PM AUGUST 2005 32 Page 32 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:49 PM Page 33 33 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:49 PM Page 34 SEPTEMBER 2005 34 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:49 PM Page 35 35 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:49 PM Page 36 OCTOBER 2005 36 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:49 PM Page 37 37 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:50 PM Page 38 NOVEMBER 2005 38 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 1:50 PM Page 39 39 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 2:09 PM Page 40 DECEMBER 2005 40 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 2:09 PM Page 41 41 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 2:09 PM Page 42 THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN THE WORLD THE GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA The Rev. Robert G. Stephanopoulos, Ph.D. Dean Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity THE ORTHODOX CHURCH The Orthodox Church today, numbering over 250 million worldwide, is a communion of self governing Churches, each administratively independent of the other, but united by a common faith and spirituality. Their underlying unity is based on identity of doctrines, sacramental life and worship, which distinguishes Orthodox Christianity. All Orthodox Churches are in communion with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople who is acknowledged as primus inter pares, first among equals. All are in full communion with one another. The living tradition of the Church and the principles of love, concord and harmony are expressed through the common mind of the universal episcopate as the occasion arises. In all other matters, the internal life of each independent Church is administered by the hierarchs of that particular Church. Following the ancient principle of the one people of God in each place and the universal priesthood of all believers, the laity shares equally in the responsibility for the preservation and propagation of the Christian faith and Church. The Sacrament: The Mystical Life of Orthodoxy An Orthodox Christian, of whatever national origin, may go to any Orthodox Church and receive the sacraments: Baptism, Chrismation, Holy Communion, Confession, Unction, Matrimony and Holy Orders. Our practice is to baptize infants as full members of the Church, based on a close-knit Christian family and the importance of a sponsor or Godparent in Christian upbringing. Christian nurture is placed properly in the home and in the teaching office of the Church. Baptism: Water Baptism of adults and infants is celebrated by three-fold immersion in the Name of the Trinity. It is an initiation into the Church, forgiveness of sins and the beginning of the Christian life. The Sacrament of Chrismation (Confirmation), in conformity with the ancient practice, is performed immediately after baptism as a seal of the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to the new Christian. Holy Communion is received after baptism, 42 emphasizing the fullness of participation in the sacramental life of the Church. Holy Eucharist/Communion: The Holy Eucharist, known as the Divine Liturgy, is the chief worship service and is celebrated on all Sundays and Holy days during the liturgical year. Orthodoxy maintains a high sacramental view. The Sacraments are visible signs of an invisible Divine Grace. The elements of bread and wine in the Holy Eucharist are the very Body and Blood of Jesus Christ received for the remission of sins and life everlasting, after proper spiritual preparation and fasting. Holy Unction: Holy Unction, the Sacrament of the sick, is an anointing with oil and prayers for those who need healing of body and soul and spiritual support. However, it is not exclusively a last rite. Confession: Confession or the Sacrament of Penance is necessary to the spiritual development, forgiveness and growth of a believer. This is usually conducted privately, in the presence and under the direction of a spiritual father and confessor. Marriage: Christian marriage is the Sacrament of union of a man and woman for mutual complementarity and propagation of the race. The crowning is a sign of witnessing to Christ and His love for the Church. It must be performed by an Orthodox priest on behalf of the community of faith. Holy Orders: Holy Orders or Priesthood is a special ministry of service in and for the Church. The three major orders of clergy are deacon, presbyter and bishop. Bishops are consecrated by at least three other Bishops. Orthodox priests are often married men. Bishops are chosen from among the monastic clergy who have taken the vow of celibacy. The clergy are entrusted with maintaining the unity of the Church teaching and the sacraments. Many other rites and blessings are expressions of the one sacramental ministry of the Church. All of these may be seen as gracious and spiritually 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 2:09 PM Page 43 THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN THE WORLD fruitful actions for the welfare of the faithful. There are services for the dead, based on the understanding that the entire church, visible and invisible, is one communion of faithful bound together in love and prayer. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Before the establishment of an Archdiocese there were numerous communities of Greek Orthodox Christians. The first Greek Orthodox community in the Americas was founded in New Orleans, LA by a small colony of Greek merchants. History also records that on June 26,1768 the first Greek colonists landed at St. Augustine, FL, the oldest city in America. The first permanent community was founded in New York City in 1892, today s Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America was incorporated in 1921 and officially recognized by the State of New York in 1922. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and is composed of an Archdiocesan District — New York and eight Metropolises: New Jersey, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Boston and Denver. It is governed by the Archbishop and the Eparchial Synod. The Synod is headed by the Archbishop and comprised of the Metropolitans who oversee their own Metropolises. The Synod has all the authority and responsibility, which the Church canons provide for a provincial synod. There are over 500 parishes, over 800 priests and approximately 1.5 million faithful in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The Archdiocese receives within its ranks and under its spiritual aegis and pastoral care Orthodox Christians, who either as individuals or as organized groups in Metropolises and Parishes have voluntarily come to it and which acknowledge the ecclesiastical and canonical jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. CLERGY-LAITY CONGRESS The Clergy-Laity Congress, the highest legislative body of the Archdiocese, is convened biennially and presided over by the Archbishop. It is concerned with all matters, other than doctrinal or canonical, affecting the life, growth and unity of the Church, the institutions, finances, administration, educational and philanthropic concerns. The delegates to the Congress are pastors and elected lay representatives. THE ARCHDIOCESAN COUNCIL The Archdiocesan Council is the deliberative body of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, which meets in the interim period between ClergyLaity Congresses. Members of the OrthodoxRoman Catholic Consultation during their June meeting at Holy Cross School of Theology, Brookline, MA. 43 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 2:09 PM Page 44 A SIMPLIFIED DIRECTORY OF Church Jurisdiction Founder & Date Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople Turkey, Parts of Greece Mt. Athos, St. Andrew the Apostle Northern & Western Europe, North & South America, Australia & New Zealand, Southeast Asia, & the Diaspora 37 A.D. Patriarchate of Alexandria All Africa St. Mark the Evangelist 62 A.D Patriarchate of Antioch Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran St. Peter the Apostle, 34 A.D. Patriarchate of Jerusalem Palestine (Israel), Jordan, Arabia & Mt. Sinai St. James the Adelphotheos 55 A.D. Church of Russia Former Soviet Union Conversion and baptism of Prince Vladimir of Kiev and Russian people 988 A.D. 867-886 A.D. Church of Serbia Former Yugoslavia SS. Cyril & Methodios Church of Romania Romania Orthodoxy introduced in 1st Christian centuries by missionaries to Roman seaport colonies on the Black Sea. Church of Bulgaria Bulgaria Baptism of Tsar Boris by Patriarch Photius Also SS. Cyril & Methodios 864 A.D. 867-886 A.D. Church of Georgia Georgia (Iberia) St. Andrew the Apostle 44 A.D. Church of Cyprus Cyprus St. Barnabas the Apostle 46 A.D. Church of Greece Greece St. Paul the Apostle 51 A.D. Church of Poland Poland Orthodoxy introduced by missionaries from Russia during Middle Ages Church of Albania Albania Dates back to Apostolic Time (See Rom. 15-19) Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia Czech Republic and Slovakia SS. Cyril and Methodios 44 867-886 A.D. 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 2:09 PM Page 45 AUTOCEPHALOUS CHURCHES Canonical Status Present Head & Title Episcopal Seat 451: Patriarchate Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch, Archbishop of Constantinople and New Rome Constantinople, Turkey 325: Patriarchate Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa Alexandria, Egypt 325: Patriarchate Ignatius, Patriarch of Antioch, Syria, Arabia, Kilikia, Iberia and All East Damascus, Syria 451: Patriarchate Ireneos, Patriarch of Holy Jerusalem, All Palestine and Holy Zion Jerusalem, Israel 1037: Under Constantinople 1448: Autocephalous 1589: Patriarchate Alexii II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Moscow, Russia 1219: 1346: 1832: 1879: 1920: Pavle, Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Patriarch of Serbia Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1359: Under Constantinople 1885: Autocephalous 1925: Patriarchate Teoctist, Archbishop of Bucharest, Metropolitan of Ungro-Vlachia and Patriarch of Romania Bucharest, Romania 917: 1018: 1235: 1767: 1872: 1945: 1961: Patriarchate (Tsar Simeon) Under Constantinople 2nd Patriarchate Under Constantinople Schismatic (Until 1945) Autocephalous 3rd Patriarchate Maxim, Metropolitan of Sofia and Patriarch of All Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria 325: 451: 1089: 1811: 1917: Under Antioch Under Constantinople Autocephalous Under Moscow Autocephalous-Catholicate Ilias II, Metropolitan of Mitshetis and Tiflis, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Iberia Tiflis, Georgia Chrysostom, Archbishop of New Justinianoupolis and All Cyprus Nicosia, Cyprus 451: Under Constantinople 1850: Autocephalous Christodoulos, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Athens, Greece 1593: Under Moscow 1917: Under Constantinople 1924: Autocephalous Savvas, Archbishop of Varsovia and Metropolitan of All Poland Warsaw, Poland 1346: Under Serbia (Pec) 1766: Under Constantinople 1937: Autocephalous Anastasios, Archbishop of Tirana and All Albania Tirana, Albania 1361: 1766: 1923: 1998: Nicholas, Archbishop of the Czech Lands and Slovakia Prague, Czech Republic Autonomous (St. Savas) Patriarchate (of Pec) Autonomous Autocephalous Patriarchate of Serbia 431: Autocephalous Under Serbia (Pec) Under Constantinople Autonomous Autocephalous 45 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:06 AM Page 46 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ȱ ̗̒̌̍̒̏̈̐̌̍̒̐ȱ̖̙̓̄̔̌̄̔̈̌̒̐ ȱ ȱ ̽ȱ ̄ЁΘΓІȱ ̋ΉΓΘΣΘȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϱΘΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̝ΕΛΉΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖǰȱ ̐ν΅Ζȱ ̔ЏΐΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎϱΖȱ ̓΅ΘΕΣΕΛΖȱ ΎϾΕΓΖȱ ΎϾΕΓΖȱ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϧΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̖΅ΛΙΈΕΓΐΎφȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙDZȱ ȱ ǰȱ řŚȱ ŘŘŖȱ Ȭ ³ǰȱGȬû¢ǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸȱşŖŘŗŘȬśřŗǯşŜǯŝŖȬŜǯȱ ¡ǯȱśřŚǯşŖǯřŝǯȱ ΅ǼȱDZȦȦ ǯȬǯȱ ΆǼȱDZȦȦ ǯǯȱ ȱ ̖̏̊̏̄ȱȱ̄Юȱ ̄̆̌̄ȱ̍̄̌ȱ̌̈̔̄ȱ̗̐̒̇̒̕̕ȱ ̖φΑȱ ̞·ϟ΅Αȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕΣΑȱ ̕ϾΑΓΈΓΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǰȱ ΔΕΓΉΈΕΉΙΓΐνΑΑȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̄ǯ̋ǯȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϱΘΘΓΖǰȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕΣΕΛΓΙȱ ΎΙΕϟΓΙȱΎΙΕϟΓΙȱ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϟΓΙǰȱΦΔΓΘΉΏΓІΗȱΑІΑȱΓϡȱ ΎΣΘΝΌȱ̕ΉΆǯȱ͒ΉΕΣΕΛ΅DZȱ ȱ ϳȱ̆νΕΝΑȱ̳ΚνΗΓΙȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŖśǯŖřǯŗşŜŗǼǯȱ ϳȱ̆νΕΝΑȱ̽Ε΅ΎΏΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̘ЏΘΓΖȱǻŘŞǯŖŜǯŗşśşǼǯȱ ϳȱ̆νΕΝΑȱ̐Ύ΅ϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱǻŘŜǯŖśǯŗşŜşǼǯȱ ϳȱ̍ΕφΘΖȱΎǯȱ̖ΐϱΌΉΓΖȱǻŘŜǯŖŞǯŗşśŜǼǯȱ ϳȱ̍ЏΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̐ΗϾΕΓΙȱΎǯȱ̄ϢΐΏ΅ΑϱΖȱǻŗŘǯŖŜǯŗşśşǼǯȱ ϳȱ̓ΕΓϾΗΖȱΎǯȱ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖȱǻŖŜǯŗŘǯŗşśşǼǯȱ ϳȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖȱΎǯȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖȱǻŗŝǯŖşǯŗşŜŝǼǯȱ ϳȱ̋Ι΅ΘΉϟΕΝΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̏ǯȱ̅ΕΉΘ΅ΑΑϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̆Ε·ϱΕΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŘǯŗŘǯŗşŝŖǼǯȱ ϳȱ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖȱȱ ǻŘŗǯŗŗǯŗşşśǼǯȱ ϳȱ̏ϾΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŘśǯŗŗǯŗşşśǼǯȱ ϳȱ̏ΓΗΛΓΑΗϟΝΑȱΎǯȱ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱǻŘŜǯŗŗǯŗşşśǼǯȱȱ ϳȱ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖȱǻŗŖǯŖşǯŘŖŖŖǼǯȱ ȱ ̖̏̊̏̄ȱȱ̅Юȱ ̖̖̏̊̔̒̓̒̎̌̄̌ǰȱ̙̄̔̌̈̓̌̍̒̓̒̌̕ȱȱ ̍̄̌ȱ̈̓̌̍̒̓̒̌̕ȱ ̖̗̒ȱ̗̗̒̌̍̒̏̈̐̌̍̒ȱ̖̙̗̓̄̔̌̄̔̈̌̒ȱ ȱ ̄ǯȱ̖̖̏̊̔̒̓̒̎̌̄̌Ȭ̙̄̔̌̈̓̌̍̒̓̒̌̕ȱȱ ̖̗̒ȱ̗̋̔̒̐̒ȱ ȱ ̆νΕΝΑȱ̳ΚνΗΓΙȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŖśǯŖřǯŗşŜŗǼȱ ̆νΕΝΑȱ̽Ε΅ΎΏΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̘ЏΘΓΖȱǻŘŞǯŖŜǯŗşśşǼȱ ̆νΕΝΑȱ̐Ύ΅ϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱǻŘŜǯŖśǯŗşŜşǼȱ ̆νΕΝΑȱ̙΅ΏΎΈϱΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ͑Ν΅ΎΉϟΐȱǻŘřǯŖşǯŗşŝřǼȱ ̔ΓΈΓΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ͒ΉΕЏΑΙΐΓΖȱǻŘŞǯŖŗǯŗşśŗǼȱ 46 ȱ ̍ΕφΘΖȱΎǯȱ̖ΐϱΌΉΓΖȱǻŘŜǯŖŞǯŗşśŜǼȱ ̍ΗΣΐΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕ΉΏϟΑΓΙȱΎǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖȱǻŖśǯŗŘǯŗşśŝǼȱ ̍ЏΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̐ΗϾΕΓΙȱΎǯȱ̄ϢΐΏ΅ΑϱΖȱǻŗŘǯŖŜǯŗşśşǼȱ ̓ΕΓϾΗΖȱΎǯȱ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖȱǻŖŜǯŗŘǯŗşśşǼȱ ̕ΏΙΆΕϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̄ϢΐΏ΅ΑϱΖȱǻŖŜǯŗŘǯŗşŜŖǼȱ ̇ΕΣΐ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖȱǻŘŗǯŗŗǯŗşŜśǼȱ ̎΅·Ύ΅ΈκȱΎǯȱ̕ΔΙΕϟΈΝΑȱǻŘŜǯŖŜǯŗşŜŝǼȱ ̓ΓΏΙ΅ΑϛΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍ΏΎΗϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱȱ ǻŘŝǯŖŜǯŗşŜŝǼȱ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖȱΎǯȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖȱǻŗŝǯŖşǯŗşŜŝǼȱ ̓ΗΈϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΉΌϱΈΓΖȱǻŘşǯŗŗǯŗşŜŞǼȱ ̕ΎΣ·ΓΙȱΎǯȱ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖȱǻŘśǯŗŘǯŗşŜşǼȱ ̓νΕ·ΖȱΎǯȱ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖȱǻřŖǯŗŗǯŗşŝŖǼȱ ̎ϾΗΘΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̍΅ΏΏϟΑΎΓΖȱǻŖŜǯŗŘǯŗşŝŖǼȱ ̄ЁΗΘΕ΅Ώϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΘΙΏ΅ΑϱΖȱǻŖŜǯŗŘǯŗşŝŖǼȱ ̝ΈΕ΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̇΅ΐ΅ΗΎΑϱΖȱǻŖŜǯŗŘǯŗşŝŖǼȱ ̋Ι΅ΘΉϟΕΝΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̏ǯȱ̅ΕΉΘ΅ΑΑϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̆Ε·ϱΕΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŘǯŗŘǯŗşŝŖǼȱ ͑Θ΅Ώϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖȱǻŗŝǯŖŗǯŗşŝŗǼȱ ̴ΏΆΉΘϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ͒ΉΕΉΐϟ΅ΖȱǻřŗǯŖŗǯŗşŝŗǼȱ ̇νΕΎΝΑȱΎǯȱ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖȱǻŗŜǯŖŗǯŗşŝŘǼȱ ̋ΉΓΈΝΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖȱǻŖŜǯŖŘǯŗşŝŘǼȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅Αϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̄Ё·ΓΙΗΘϧΑΓΖȱǻŘŜǯŖřǯŗşŝŘǼȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖȱȱ ǻŘŚǯŖşǯŗşŝŘǼȱ ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖȱǻŗŚǯŖŗǯŗşŝřǼȱ ̖ΓΕϱΑΘΓȱΎǯȱ̕ΝΘφΕΓΖȱǻŘŝǯŖŗǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̕ΓΙΈϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΔΣΗΖȱ̕Ύ΅ΑΈΑ΅ΙϪ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̓΅ІΏΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŘǯŖśǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̕Η΅ΑϟΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕΅ΘϟΗΘΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΘЏΑΓΖȱǻŘśǯŖśǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̘ΏϟΔΔΝΑǰȱ̐Ή΅ΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̋ΣΗΓΙȱΎǯȱȱ ̓ΕΓΎϱΔΓΖȱǻŘśǯŖśǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̐ν΅Ζȱ̍ΕφΑΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍΅Ώ΅ΐ΅ΕκΖȱΎǯȱ̓ΕΓΎϱΔΓΖȱȱ ǻŘŜǯŖśǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̏΅ΕΝΑΉϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍ΓΐΓΘΑϛΖȱΎǯȱ̇΅ΐ΅ΗΎΑϱΖȱȱ ǻřŖǯŖśǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̖ΙΕΓΏϱΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕ΉΕΉΑΘϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑȱȱ ǻŖşǯŖŜǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎΖȱΎǯȱ̡ΑΌΐΓΖȱǻŗŚǯŖŝǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΐΙΌϟ΅Ζǰȱ̘Ώ΅ΘЗΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̆ΕΓΐΉΕϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̖ϟΘΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŝǯŖŝǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̅ΉΏ·ϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑȱǻŗŞǯŖŞǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̆ΓΕΘϾΑΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̝ΕΎ΅Έϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖȱǻŗŜǯŖŘǯŗşŝśǼȱ ̍ΙΈΝΑϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̝ΔΓΎΓΕЏΑΓΙȱΎǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖȱȱ ǻŘřǯŖŘǯŗşŝśǼȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ͑Ν΅ΑΑϟΑΝΑȱΎǯȱ̋ΉϱΎΏΘΓΖȱǻŘŜǯŗŖǯŗşŝśǼȱ ̆ΕΉΆΉΑЗΑȱΎǯȱ̕νΕ·ΓΖȱǻŗśǯŖŞǯŗşŝŜǼȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ̘Ε΅·ΎϟΗΎΓΙȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΘЏΑΓΖȱǻŘŗǯŖśǯŗşŝŞǼȱ ̓ΘΘΗΆΓϾΕ·ΓΙȱΎǯȱ̏ΣΒΐΓΖȱǻŗŞǯŖŝǯŗşŝŞǼȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱȱǻŗŜǯŖŝǯŗşŝŞǼȱ ǻΘϛΖȱπΑȱ̍΅Α΅Έκȱ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ̒ЁΎΕ΅ΑΎϛΖȱȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅ΖǼȱ ̙ϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖȱǻŗŗǯŗŗǯŗşŝşǼȱ ̐ΎΓΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̓ΕΉΆνΊΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΉΏνΘΓΖȱȱ ǻŖŗǯŖřǯŗşŞŖǼȱ ̎νΕΓΙǰȱ̍΅ΏϾΐΑΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̝ΗΘΙΔ΅Ώ΅ϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ ̐ΉΎΘΣΕΓΖȱǻŖřǯŖŞǯŗşŞŖǼȱ ̕ϾΐΖȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŖŞǯŗŗǯŗşŞŖǼȱ ͒ΉΕΗΗΓІǰȱ̞·ǯȱ͢ΕΓΙΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̝ΕΈ΅ΐΉΕϟΓΙȱΎǯȱȱ ̐ΎϱΈΐΓΖȱǻŘşǯŖřǯŗşŞŗǼȱ ̅ΓΗΘЏΑΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΉΌϱΈΓΖȱǻŗŞǯŖŝǯŗşŞŘǼȱ ̓΅Α΅ΐκȱΎǯȱ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅ΖȱǻŘŘǯŖŞǯŗşŞŘǼȱ ̍΅ΕΔΣΌΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍ΣΗΓΙȱΎǯȱ̝ΐΆΕϱΗΓΖȱǻŘŚǯŖśǯŗşŞřǼȱ ̏ΌϾΐΑΖȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŖŜǯŖśǯŗşŞŚǼȱ ͕ΐΆΕΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̖ΉΑνΈΓΙȱΎǯȱ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖȱǻŘŝǯŗŖǯŗşŞśǼȱ ̏ΏφΘΓΙȱΎǯȱ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱǻŖřǯŗŗǯŗşŞśǼȱ ̍ϟΘΕΓΙΖȱΎǯȱ̝·΅ΌϱΑΎΓΖȱǻŘŚǯŗŗǯŗşŞśǼȱ ̄ЁΗΘΕϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̏Λ΅φΏȱǻŗŘǯŖŗǯŗşŞŜǼȱ ̐ΘνΑΆΉΕȱΎǯȱ̽Η΅Ϫ΅ΖȱǻŘśǯŖśǯŗşŞŜǼȱ ̓ΉΕ·ΣΐΓΙȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱǻŘŘǯŖŜǯŗşŞŜǼȱ ̝ΘΏΣΑΘ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΏνΒΓΖȱǻŗŝǯŖśǯŗşŞŝǼȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱΎǯȱ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖȱǻŘśǯŗŘǯŗşŞŝǼȱ ̇ΈΙΐΓΘΉϟΛΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ͞ΕΉΗΘΣΈΓΖȱΎǯȱ̐ΎΚϱΕΓΖȱȱ ǻŗşǯŗŗǯŗşŞŞǼȱ ̏ΙΘΏφΑΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖȱǻŘŖǯŗŗǯŗşŞŞǼȱ ̎φΐΑΓΙȱΎǯȱ͒ΉΕϱΌΉΓΖȱǻŘŘǯŗŗǯŗşŞŞǼȱ ̆ΓΙΐΉΑϟΗΗΖǰȱ̝ΒΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̓ΓΏΙΎΣΗΘΕΓΙȱȱ Ύǯȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖȱǻŗśǯŗŖǯŗşŞşǼȱ ̐ν΅Ζȱ̉Ώ΅ΑΈϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΗφΚȱǻŖřǯŗŘǯŗşŞşǼȱ ̎ΣΐΔΖǰȱ̕ΙΆΕϟΘΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Κ΅ΎϟΝΑȱΎǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŚǯŖŘǯŗşşŖǼȱ ̓νΘΕ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̙ΉΕΕΓΑφΗΓΙȱΎǯȱ̐ΉΎΘΣΕΓΖȱȱ ǻŖŜǯŗŖǯŗşşŖǼȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑȱǻŘŞǯŗŖǯŗşşŖǼȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖȱǻŖŚǯŗŗǯŗşşŖǼȱ ̍ΓΕν΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΝΘφΕΓΖȱǻŘŗǯŖřǯŗşşřǼȱ ̅ΉΕΓϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̐΅ΓϾΗΖȱΎǯȱ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑȱȱ ǻŘşǯŖśǯŗşşŚǼȱ ͒ΉΕ΅ΔϾΘΑΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕ΘΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̈Ё·νΑΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŚǯŖŜǯŗşşŚǼȱ ̇ΕΙϞΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖǰȱ̓Ν·ΝΑ΅ΑϛΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍ΓΑϟΘΗΖȱΎǯȱȱ ̝ΑΈΕν΅ΖȱǻŘŞǯŖŗǯŗşşśǼȱ ̑ΣΑΌΖȱΎǯȱ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑȱǻŘşǯŖŗǯŗşşśǼȱ ̳Ώ΅ΗΗЗΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱǻŘŗǯŖŝǯŗşşśǼȱ ̕ΣΐΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ͑Ύ΅Εϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̈ЁΗνΆΓΖȱǻŘŘǯŖŝǯŗşşśǼȱ ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖȱȱ ǻŘŗǯŗŗǯŗşşśǼȱ ̏ϾΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŘśǯŗŗǯŗşşśǼȱ ̏ΓΗΛΓΑΗϟΝΑȱΎǯȱ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱǻŘŜǯŗŗǯŗşşśǼȱ ̍΅ΗΘΓΕϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΉΕ΅ΚΉϟΐȱǻŖśǯŗŖǯŗşşŜǼȱ ̔ΉΌϾΐΑΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̄ЁΏΓΔΓΘΣΐΓΙȱΎǯȱ̡ΑΌΐΓΖȱȱ ǻŖŘǯŗŗǯŗşşŜǼȱ ̆΅ΏΏϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΐΐ΅ΑΓΙφΏȱǻŗŗǯŗŗǯŗşşŜǼȱ ̙ϱΑ·Ύȱ̍ϱΑ·ΎȱΎǯȱ̐ΎφΘ΅ΖȱǻŗŚǯŗŘǯŗşşŜǼȱ ̐ΘΘΕϱϞΘȱΎǯȱ̐ΎϱΏ΅ΓΖȱǻŖřǯŖŚǯŗşşşǼȱ ̘ΏΝΕϟΑΖǰȱ̓ΕΉΗΔЗΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̴ΓΕΈ΅ϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱȱ ̋ΉϱΎΏΘΓΖȱǻŘřǯŖŗǯŘŖŖŖǼȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖȱǻŗŖǯŖşǯŘŖŖŖǼȱ ̍΅ΗΗ΅ΑΈΕΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̐ΎϱΈΐΓΖȱǻŗřǯŖŗǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ̏ΔΓΙνΑΓΖȱ̡ϞΕΉΖȱΎǯȱ̖΅ΕΣΗΓΖȱǻŖřǯŖŜǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ̕ΉΕΕЗΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̐·ΕϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̋ΉΓΏϱ·ΓΖȱǻŗŚǯŗŖǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ̝ΕΎ΅ΏΓΛΝΕϟΓΙǰȱ̍΅ΗΘΉΏΏϟΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̅ΣΑΓΙȱΎǯȱȱ ̝ΑΈΕν΅ΖȱǻŖřǯŗŗǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ̕ΈΕΓΎΣΗΘΕΓΙȱΎǯȱ̏΅ΎΣΕΓΖȱǻŗŜǯŗŘǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ̳ΈνΗΗΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̓νΏΏΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΝφΏȱǻŗśǯŗŖǯŘŖŖŘǼȱ ͒ΗΔ΅Αϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̓ΓΕΘΓ·΅Ώϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΔΚΣΑΓΖȱȱ ǻŖŚǯŖśǯŘŖŖřǼȱ ̐ν΅Ζȱ͑ΉΕΗπΖȱΎǯȱ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖȱǻŗŖǯŖśǯŘŖŖřǼȱ ̉ΛΑЗΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̐ΉΙΕΓΎΓΔϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ͒ΉΕϱΌΉΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŝǯŖśǯŘŖŖřǼȱ ̔ϱΈΓΙȱΎǯȱ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖȱǻŘśǯŖŚǯŘŖŖŚǼȱ ̳ΏΉΙΌΉΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŘŞǯŖŚǯŘŖŖŚǼȱ ̕ΉΕΆϟΝΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍ΓΊΣΑΖȱΎǯȱ̓΅ІΏΓΖȱǻŘşǯŖŚǯŘŖŖŚǼȱ ȱ ̕ΐΉΝΘνΓΑȱ ϵΘǰȱ Γϡȱ ΔΓΐ΅ϟΑΓΑΘΉΖȱ ̳Δ΅ΕΛϟ΅Ζȱ ΘΓІȱ ̋ΕϱΑΓΙȱ πΑȱ Θ΅ϮΖȱ ΏΉ·ΓΐνΑ΅Ζȱ ̐ν΅Ζȱ ̙ЏΕ΅Ζȱ ȱ ΈΓΎΘΎЗΖȱ σΛΓΙΑȱ ΘφΑȱ ΦΑ΅ΚΓΕΣΑȱ ΅ЁΘЗΑȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘφΑȱ 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46 ȱ ̍ΕφΘΖȱΎǯȱ̖ΐϱΌΉΓΖȱǻŘŜǯŖŞǯŗşśŜǼȱ ̍ΗΣΐΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕ΉΏϟΑΓΙȱΎǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖȱǻŖśǯŗŘǯŗşśŝǼȱ ̍ЏΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̐ΗϾΕΓΙȱΎǯȱ̄ϢΐΏ΅ΑϱΖȱǻŗŘǯŖŜǯŗşśşǼȱ ̓ΕΓϾΗΖȱΎǯȱ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖȱǻŖŜǯŗŘǯŗşśşǼȱ ̕ΏΙΆΕϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̄ϢΐΏ΅ΑϱΖȱǻŖŜǯŗŘǯŗşŜŖǼȱ ̇ΕΣΐ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖȱǻŘŗǯŗŗǯŗşŜśǼȱ ̎΅·Ύ΅ΈκȱΎǯȱ̕ΔΙΕϟΈΝΑȱǻŘŜǯŖŜǯŗşŜŝǼȱ ̓ΓΏΙ΅ΑϛΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍ΏΎΗϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱȱ ǻŘŝǯŖŜǯŗşŜŝǼȱ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖȱΎǯȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖȱǻŗŝǯŖşǯŗşŜŝǼȱ ̓ΗΈϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΉΌϱΈΓΖȱǻŘşǯŗŗǯŗşŜŞǼȱ ̕ΎΣ·ΓΙȱΎǯȱ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖȱǻŘśǯŗŘǯŗşŜşǼȱ ̓νΕ·ΖȱΎǯȱ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖȱǻřŖǯŗŗǯŗşŝŖǼȱ ̎ϾΗΘΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̍΅ΏΏϟΑΎΓΖȱǻŖŜǯŗŘǯŗşŝŖǼȱ ̄ЁΗΘΕ΅Ώϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΘΙΏ΅ΑϱΖȱǻŖŜǯŗŘǯŗşŝŖǼȱ ̝ΈΕ΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̇΅ΐ΅ΗΎΑϱΖȱǻŖŜǯŗŘǯŗşŝŖǼȱ ̋Ι΅ΘΉϟΕΝΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̏ǯȱ̅ΕΉΘ΅ΑΑϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̆Ε·ϱΕΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŘǯŗŘǯŗşŝŖǼȱ ͑Θ΅Ώϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖȱǻŗŝǯŖŗǯŗşŝŗǼȱ ̴ΏΆΉΘϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ͒ΉΕΉΐϟ΅ΖȱǻřŗǯŖŗǯŗşŝŗǼȱ ̇νΕΎΝΑȱΎǯȱ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖȱǻŗŜǯŖŗǯŗşŝŘǼȱ ̋ΉΓΈΝΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖȱǻŖŜǯŖŘǯŗşŝŘǼȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅Αϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̄Ё·ΓΙΗΘϧΑΓΖȱǻŘŜǯŖřǯŗşŝŘǼȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖȱȱ ǻŘŚǯŖşǯŗşŝŘǼȱ ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖȱǻŗŚǯŖŗǯŗşŝřǼȱ ̖ΓΕϱΑΘΓȱΎǯȱ̕ΝΘφΕΓΖȱǻŘŝǯŖŗǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̕ΓΙΈϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΔΣΗΖȱ̕Ύ΅ΑΈΑ΅ΙϪ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̓΅ІΏΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŘǯŖśǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̕Η΅ΑϟΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕΅ΘϟΗΘΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΘЏΑΓΖȱǻŘśǯŖśǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̘ΏϟΔΔΝΑǰȱ̐Ή΅ΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̋ΣΗΓΙȱΎǯȱȱ ̓ΕΓΎϱΔΓΖȱǻŘśǯŖśǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̐ν΅Ζȱ̍ΕφΑΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍΅Ώ΅ΐ΅ΕκΖȱΎǯȱ̓ΕΓΎϱΔΓΖȱȱ ǻŘŜǯŖśǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̏΅ΕΝΑΉϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍ΓΐΓΘΑϛΖȱΎǯȱ̇΅ΐ΅ΗΎΑϱΖȱȱ ǻřŖǯŖśǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̖ΙΕΓΏϱΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕ΉΕΉΑΘϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑȱȱ ǻŖşǯŖŜǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎΖȱΎǯȱ̡ΑΌΐΓΖȱǻŗŚǯŖŝǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΐΙΌϟ΅Ζǰȱ̘Ώ΅ΘЗΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̆ΕΓΐΉΕϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̖ϟΘΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŝǯŖŝǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̅ΉΏ·ϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑȱǻŗŞǯŖŞǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ̆ΓΕΘϾΑΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̝ΕΎ΅Έϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖȱǻŗŜǯŖŘǯŗşŝśǼȱ ̍ΙΈΝΑϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̝ΔΓΎΓΕЏΑΓΙȱΎǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖȱȱ ǻŘřǯŖŘǯŗşŝśǼȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ͑Ν΅ΑΑϟΑΝΑȱΎǯȱ̋ΉϱΎΏΘΓΖȱǻŘŜǯŗŖǯŗşŝśǼȱ ̆ΕΉΆΉΑЗΑȱΎǯȱ̕νΕ·ΓΖȱǻŗśǯŖŞǯŗşŝŜǼȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ̘Ε΅·ΎϟΗΎΓΙȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΘЏΑΓΖȱǻŘŗǯŖśǯŗşŝŞǼȱ ̓ΘΘΗΆΓϾΕ·ΓΙȱΎǯȱ̏ΣΒΐΓΖȱǻŗŞǯŖŝǯŗşŝŞǼȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱȱǻŗŜǯŖŝǯŗşŝŞǼȱ ǻΘϛΖȱπΑȱ̍΅Α΅Έκȱ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ̒ЁΎΕ΅ΑΎϛΖȱȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅ΖǼȱ ̙ϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖȱǻŗŗǯŗŗǯŗşŝşǼȱ ̐ΎΓΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̓ΕΉΆνΊΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΉΏνΘΓΖȱȱ ǻŖŗǯŖřǯŗşŞŖǼȱ ̎νΕΓΙǰȱ̍΅ΏϾΐΑΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̝ΗΘΙΔ΅Ώ΅ϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ ̐ΉΎΘΣΕΓΖȱǻŖřǯŖŞǯŗşŞŖǼȱ ̕ϾΐΖȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŖŞǯŗŗǯŗşŞŖǼȱ ͒ΉΕΗΗΓІǰȱ̞·ǯȱ͢ΕΓΙΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̝ΕΈ΅ΐΉΕϟΓΙȱΎǯȱȱ ̐ΎϱΈΐΓΖȱǻŘşǯŖřǯŗşŞŗǼȱ ̅ΓΗΘЏΑΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΉΌϱΈΓΖȱǻŗŞǯŖŝǯŗşŞŘǼȱ ̓΅Α΅ΐκȱΎǯȱ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅ΖȱǻŘŘǯŖŞǯŗşŞŘǼȱ ̍΅ΕΔΣΌΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍ΣΗΓΙȱΎǯȱ̝ΐΆΕϱΗΓΖȱǻŘŚǯŖśǯŗşŞřǼȱ ̏ΌϾΐΑΖȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŖŜǯŖśǯŗşŞŚǼȱ ͕ΐΆΕΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̖ΉΑνΈΓΙȱΎǯȱ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖȱǻŘŝǯŗŖǯŗşŞśǼȱ ̏ΏφΘΓΙȱΎǯȱ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱǻŖřǯŗŗǯŗşŞśǼȱ ̍ϟΘΕΓΙΖȱΎǯȱ̝·΅ΌϱΑΎΓΖȱǻŘŚǯŗŗǯŗşŞśǼȱ ̄ЁΗΘΕϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̏Λ΅φΏȱǻŗŘǯŖŗǯŗşŞŜǼȱ ̐ΘνΑΆΉΕȱΎǯȱ̽Η΅Ϫ΅ΖȱǻŘśǯŖśǯŗşŞŜǼȱ ̓ΉΕ·ΣΐΓΙȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱǻŘŘǯŖŜǯŗşŞŜǼȱ ̝ΘΏΣΑΘ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΏνΒΓΖȱǻŗŝǯŖśǯŗşŞŝǼȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱΎǯȱ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖȱǻŘśǯŗŘǯŗşŞŝǼȱ ̇ΈΙΐΓΘΉϟΛΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ͞ΕΉΗΘΣΈΓΖȱΎǯȱ̐ΎΚϱΕΓΖȱȱ ǻŗşǯŗŗǯŗşŞŞǼȱ ̏ΙΘΏφΑΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖȱǻŘŖǯŗŗǯŗşŞŞǼȱ ̎φΐΑΓΙȱΎǯȱ͒ΉΕϱΌΉΓΖȱǻŘŘǯŗŗǯŗşŞŞǼȱ ̆ΓΙΐΉΑϟΗΗΖǰȱ̝ΒΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̓ΓΏΙΎΣΗΘΕΓΙȱȱ Ύǯȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖȱǻŗśǯŗŖǯŗşŞşǼȱ ̐ν΅Ζȱ̉Ώ΅ΑΈϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΗφΚȱǻŖřǯŗŘǯŗşŞşǼȱ ̎ΣΐΔΖǰȱ̕ΙΆΕϟΘΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Κ΅ΎϟΝΑȱΎǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŚǯŖŘǯŗşşŖǼȱ ̓νΘΕ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̙ΉΕΕΓΑφΗΓΙȱΎǯȱ̐ΉΎΘΣΕΓΖȱȱ ǻŖŜǯŗŖǯŗşşŖǼȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑȱǻŘŞǯŗŖǯŗşşŖǼȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖȱǻŖŚǯŗŗǯŗşşŖǼȱ ̍ΓΕν΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΝΘφΕΓΖȱǻŘŗǯŖřǯŗşşřǼȱ ̅ΉΕΓϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̐΅ΓϾΗΖȱΎǯȱ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑȱȱ ǻŘşǯŖśǯŗşşŚǼȱ ͒ΉΕ΅ΔϾΘΑΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕ΘΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̈Ё·νΑΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŚǯŖŜǯŗşşŚǼȱ ̇ΕΙϞΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖǰȱ̓Ν·ΝΑ΅ΑϛΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍ΓΑϟΘΗΖȱΎǯȱȱ ̝ΑΈΕν΅ΖȱǻŘŞǯŖŗǯŗşşśǼȱ ̑ΣΑΌΖȱΎǯȱ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑȱǻŘşǯŖŗǯŗşşśǼȱ ̳Ώ΅ΗΗЗΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱǻŘŗǯŖŝǯŗşşśǼȱ ̕ΣΐΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ͑Ύ΅Εϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̈ЁΗνΆΓΖȱǻŘŘǯŖŝǯŗşşśǼȱ ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖȱȱ ǻŘŗǯŗŗǯŗşşśǼȱ ̏ϾΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŘśǯŗŗǯŗşşśǼȱ ̏ΓΗΛΓΑΗϟΝΑȱΎǯȱ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱǻŘŜǯŗŗǯŗşşśǼȱ ̍΅ΗΘΓΕϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΉΕ΅ΚΉϟΐȱǻŖśǯŗŖǯŗşşŜǼȱ ̔ΉΌϾΐΑΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̄ЁΏΓΔΓΘΣΐΓΙȱΎǯȱ̡ΑΌΐΓΖȱȱ ǻŖŘǯŗŗǯŗşşŜǼȱ ̆΅ΏΏϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΐΐ΅ΑΓΙφΏȱǻŗŗǯŗŗǯŗşşŜǼȱ ̙ϱΑ·Ύȱ̍ϱΑ·ΎȱΎǯȱ̐ΎφΘ΅ΖȱǻŗŚǯŗŘǯŗşşŜǼȱ ̐ΘΘΕϱϞΘȱΎǯȱ̐ΎϱΏ΅ΓΖȱǻŖřǯŖŚǯŗşşşǼȱ ̘ΏΝΕϟΑΖǰȱ̓ΕΉΗΔЗΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̴ΓΕΈ΅ϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱȱ ̋ΉϱΎΏΘΓΖȱǻŘřǯŖŗǯŘŖŖŖǼȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖȱǻŗŖǯŖşǯŘŖŖŖǼȱ ̍΅ΗΗ΅ΑΈΕΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̐ΎϱΈΐΓΖȱǻŗřǯŖŗǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ̏ΔΓΙνΑΓΖȱ̡ϞΕΉΖȱΎǯȱ̖΅ΕΣΗΓΖȱǻŖřǯŖŜǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ̕ΉΕΕЗΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̐·ΕϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̋ΉΓΏϱ·ΓΖȱǻŗŚǯŗŖǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ̝ΕΎ΅ΏΓΛΝΕϟΓΙǰȱ̍΅ΗΘΉΏΏϟΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̅ΣΑΓΙȱΎǯȱȱ ̝ΑΈΕν΅ΖȱǻŖřǯŗŗǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ̕ΈΕΓΎΣΗΘΕΓΙȱΎǯȱ̏΅ΎΣΕΓΖȱǻŗŜǯŗŘǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ̳ΈνΗΗΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̓νΏΏΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΝφΏȱǻŗśǯŗŖǯŘŖŖŘǼȱ ͒ΗΔ΅Αϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̓ΓΕΘΓ·΅Ώϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΔΚΣΑΓΖȱȱ ǻŖŚǯŖśǯŘŖŖřǼȱ ̐ν΅Ζȱ͑ΉΕΗπΖȱΎǯȱ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖȱǻŗŖǯŖśǯŘŖŖřǼȱ ̉ΛΑЗΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̐ΉΙΕΓΎΓΔϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ͒ΉΕϱΌΉΓΖȱȱ ǻŗŝǯŖśǯŘŖŖřǼȱ ̔ϱΈΓΙȱΎǯȱ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖȱǻŘśǯŖŚǯŘŖŖŚǼȱ ̳ΏΉΙΌΉΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŘŞǯŖŚǯŘŖŖŚǼȱ ̕ΉΕΆϟΝΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍ΓΊΣΑΖȱΎǯȱ̓΅ІΏΓΖȱǻŘşǯŖŚǯŘŖŖŚǼȱ ȱ ̕ΐΉΝΘνΓΑȱ ϵΘǰȱ Γϡȱ ΔΓΐ΅ϟΑΓΑΘΉΖȱ ̳Δ΅ΕΛϟ΅Ζȱ ΘΓІȱ ̋ΕϱΑΓΙȱ πΑȱ Θ΅ϮΖȱ ΏΉ·ΓΐνΑ΅Ζȱ ̐ν΅Ζȱ ̙ЏΕ΅Ζȱ ȱ ΈΓΎΘΎЗΖȱ σΛΓΙΑȱ ΘφΑȱ ΦΑ΅ΚΓΕΣΑȱ ΅ЁΘЗΑȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘφΑȱ ̞·ΝΘΣΘΑȱ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅ΑȱΘϛΖȱ̴ΏΏΣΈΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̅ǯȱ̖̖̗̌̒̎̄̔̌̒̌ȱ̖̖̏̊̔̒̓̒̎̌̄̌Ȭ ̙̄̔̌̈̓̌̍̒̓̒̌̕ȱ̖̗̒ȱ̗̋̔̒̐̒ȱ ȱ ̈ϢΕΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖȱǻŖŝǯŖśǯŗşŝŘǼȱ ̝ΐΗΗΓІȱΎǯȱ̐ΎϱΏ΅ΓΖȱǻŗřǯŖřǯŗşŞřǼȱ ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖȱǻŖŗǯŖŜǯŗşşŝǼȱ ̖ΙΣΑΝΑȱΎǯȱ̓΅ϪΗΓΖȱǻŗŗǯŖŚǯŗşşŞǼȱ ̝ΕΛΉΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱǻŘŝǯŗŗǯŗşŞřǼȱ ͒ΉΕ΅ΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΘЏΑΓΖȱǻŖŜǯŗŖǯŗşŞśǼȱ ̕ΎΓΔνΏΓΙȱΎǯȱ̓΅·ΎΕΣΘΓΖȱǻǼȱȱ ǻŘŝǯŖşǯŗşŞŝǼȱ ̍ΓΐΣΑΝΑȱΎǯȱ̆΅ΆΕφΏȱǻŘŚǯŖŜǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ȱ ̆ǯȱ̅̒̊̋̒̌ȱ̈̓̌̍̒̓̒̌̕ȱ̖̗̒ȱ̗̋̔̒̐̒ȱ ȱ ̍Ι΅ΑνΝΑȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŗşǯŗŘǯŗşŝŖǼȱ ̝ΕϟΗΘΖȱΎǯȱ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱǻŖŗǯŖŘǯŗşŝŜǼȱ ̇νΕΆΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΉΊΉΎφΏȱǻŘŖǯŖřǯŗşŝŝǼȱ 47 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:06 AM Page 48 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̈ЁΐΉΑΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΣΒΐΓΖȱǻŗŗǯŗŘǯŗşŝŝǼȱ ̔ΓΈΓΗΘϱΏΓΙȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŘŘǯŖŚǯŗşŝŞǼȱ ̇ΓΎΏΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̍ΣΏΏΗΘΓΖȱǻŖŜǯŖŜǯŗşŞŘǼȱ ̎΅ΐΜΣΎΓΙȱΎǯȱ̏΅ΎΣΕΓΖȱǻŖřǯŗŗǯŗşŞśǼȱ ̳ΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖȱǻŘŘǯŗŖǯŗşŞşǼȱ ̝ΔΓΏΏΝΑΣΈΓΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΉΕ΅ΚΉϟΐȱǻřŗǯŖřǯŗşşŗǼȱ ̓΅ΕΑ΅ΗΓІȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱǻŘŝǯŗŖǯŗşşŗǼȱ ̝ΗΔνΑΈΓΙȱΎǯȱ͒ΉΕΉΐϟ΅ΖȱǻŗşǯŖşǯŗşşřǼȱ ̎ΉϾΎΖȱΎǯȱ̈ЁΐνΑΓΖȱǻŗśǯŖŗǯŗşşŚǼȱ ̍Ώ΅ΙΈΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̏Λ΅φΏȱǻŖŞǯŗŖǯŗşşśǼȱ ̕ΙΑΣΈΝΑȱΎǯȱ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖȱǻŗśǯŖşǯŗşşŜǼȱ ̖ΕΓΔ΅ϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖȱǻŗŘǯŖŚǯŗşşŝǼȱ ̝Δ΅ΐΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̅ΎνΑΘΓΖȱǻŗŗǯŖŚǯŗşşŞǼȱ ̑ΣΑΌΓΙȱΎǯȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖȱǻŘřǯŖŜǯŗşşŞǼȱ ̝ΑΈϟΈΝΑȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΗΘΓΚϱΕΓΖȱǻŘŜǯŖŜǯŗşşşǼȱ ̐΅Ί΅ΑΊΓІȱΎǯȱ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΘΓΖȱǻŗŞǯŖřǯŘŖŖŖǼȱ ̍ΑΝΗΓІȱΎǯȱ̏΅ΎΣΕΓΖȱǻŖŞǯŗŖǯŘŖŖŖǼȱ ̇ΓΕΙΏ΅ϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̐ϟΎ΅ΑΈΕΓΖȱǻŘśǯŖŘǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ̖ΕУΣΈΓΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΣΆΆ΅ΖȱǻŖŘǯŖŘǯŘŖŖŘǼȱ ̍Ε΅ΘΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΣΗΐΓΖȱǻŖşǯŖŘǯŘŖŖŘǼȱ ̘΅Η΅ΑϛΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΘЏΑΓΖȱǻŘřǯŖŘǯŘŖŖŘǼȱ ̘ΏΓΐΏϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̼Ώϟ΅ΖȱǻŗŘǯŖśǯŘŖŖŘǼȱ ̕ΑЏΔΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅ΖȱǻŘŘǯŖŜǯŘŖŖřǼȱ ̝Ε΅ΑΊΓІȱΎǯȱ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϧΓΖȱǻŗŖǯŖŜǯŘŖŖŚǼȱ ȱ ̇ǯȱ̘̗̙̖̈̊̄̉̒̐̈̕̕ȱ̙̄̔̌̈̔̈̌̕ȱ̖̗̒ȱ ̗̋̔̒̐̒ȱ ȱ ΔΕǯȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϜȱȱ ǻŖŜǯŖŘǯŗşśśǼȱ ΔΕǯȱ̘ΏΝΕϟΑΖǰȱ̓ΕΉΗΔЗΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̴ΓΕΈ΅ϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱȱ ̄Ё·ΓΙΗΘϧΑΓΖǰȱΉΑȱ̘ΏΝΕϟΑϙȱǻŘśǯŖŜǯŗşŜŝǼȱ ΔΕǯȱ̔ϱΈΓΙȱΎǯȱ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖǰȱπΑȱ̔ϱΈУȱǻŘŗǯŗŗǯŗşŝřǼȱ ΔΕǯȱ̐Ή΅ΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱȱ ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖǰȱπΑȱ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎϙȱǻŘŜǯŖśǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ΔΕǯȱ̏ΔΓΙνΑΓΖȱ̡ϞΕΉΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζȱȱ ǻŖŞǯŖŚǯŗşŝşǼȱ ΔΕǯȱ̙΅ΏΈϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΔΙΕϟΈΝΑǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϜȱȱ ǻŘŚǯŗŗǯŗşŞśǼȱ ΔΕǯȱ̕ΉΕΆϟΝΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍ΓΊΣΑΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΐΆΕϱΗΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ ̝ΌφΑ΅ΖȱǻŗŗǯŗŖǯŗşşŞǼȱ ̍΅ΘΣΑΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϜȱǻŘŗǯŖśǯŗşŜŝǼȱ ̋ΉΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑǰȱπΑȱ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎϙȱȱ ǻŖŗǯŖŗǯŗşŝŗǼȱ ̝ΐΓΕϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϜȱǻŗŝǯŖŗǯŗşŝŗǼȱ ̏ΉΏϱΖȱΎǯȱ̘ΏϱΌΉΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϜȱǻŖŜǯŖŜǯŗşŝŗǼȱ ͞ΏϾΐΔΓΙȱΎǯȱ̡ΑΌΐΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϜȱǻŗŝǯŖŚǯŗşŝŝǼȱ ̋ΉΕΐЗΑȱΎǯȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱπΑȱ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎϙȱȱ ǻŖşǯŗŗǯŗşŞŖǼȱ ̓΅ΘΣΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΌφΑ΅ΖȱǻŗŚǯŗŘǯŗşŞŖǼȱ ̳Ώ΅ϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΘΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΌφΑ΅ΖȱǻŘśǯŖřǯŗşŞŚǼȱ 48 ̐ϾΗΗΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΏΉΙΌνΕΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΌφΑ΅ΖȱǻŖŜǯŖŘǯŗşŞŝǼȱ ̖ΕΣΏΏΉΝΑȱΎǯȱ͑ΗϟΈΝΕΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΌφΑ΅ΖȱǻŖŝǯŖŗǯŗşşŖǼȱ ̖Ε΅ΛΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̓΅ІΏΓΖǰȱπΑȱ̆΅ΏΏϟθȱǻŖŘǯŖŜǯŗşşŗǼȱ ̙ΕΗΘ΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΉΕ΅ΚΉϟΐǰȱπΑȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζȱȱ ǻŘŗǯŖŗǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ȱ ̖̏̊̏̄ȱ̆Юȱ ̗̐̒̇̌̍̄̌̕ȱ̖̈̓̌̔̒̓̄̌DZȱ ȱ ̒ϢΎΓΑΓΐΎφȱ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφǯȱ ͟ȱ̽Ε΅ΎΏΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̘ЏΘΓΖǰȱ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱϳȱ̎ϾΗΘΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ̍΅ΏΏϟΑΎΓΖǰȱϳȱ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱϳȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΒΉΏΉ·ΎΘΎφȱ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΚΓΕΉϟ΅ȱ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ̖ΕΣΈΓΖȱ ̙ΣΏΎΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϧΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ν·΅Ζȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ϳȱ Ύǯȱ ̆νΝΕ·ΓΖȱ̖ΙΕΓΆϱΏΖǯȱ ȱ ̍΅ΑΓΑΎφȱ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφǯȱ ͟ȱ ̳ΚνΗΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̖ΙΕΓΏϱΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕ΉΕΉΑΘϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ͩΔΓ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΏΔΈΓΚϱΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱ̇ΓΕΌΓΈϱΒΝΑȱ̉ΘΐΣΘΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̳ΚνΗΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ϾΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕϟΈΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ͩΔΓ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΏΔΈΓΚϱΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱπΑȱΘХȱ̳ΒΝΘΉΕΎХȱ ̳Δ΅ΕΛЗΑȱΘΓІȱ̋ΕϱΑΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ͒ΉΕ΅ΔΓΗΘΓΏϛΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̇νΕΎΝΑȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱϳȱ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖǰȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̍ΝΈΎΓ·ΕΣΚΓΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΣΒΐΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱπΑȱΘХȱ̳ΒΝΘΉΕΎХȱȱ ͒ΈΕΙΐΣΘΝΑȱΘΓІȱ̋ΕϱΑΓΙǯȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ͟ȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̇ΉΙΘΉΕΉϾΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̕ΘνΚ΅ΑΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱ̇΅ΛΕΗΘ΅ΑΎЗΑȱ ̉ΘΐΣΘΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ϾΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕϟΈΖǯȱ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱϳȱͩΔΓ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̳ΏΔΈΓΚϱΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱ̇΅Ώϱ·ΓΙȱΐΉΘΣȱΘЗΑȱȱ ̏φȬ̙΅ΏΎΈΓΑϟΝΑȱ̳ΎΎΏΗЗΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̇νΕΎΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕϟΈΖǯȱ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱϳȱ̏ν·΅Ζȱ̕Ͼ·ΎΉΏΏΓΖȱΎǯȱ ̐ΉΎΘΣΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱ̇΅Ώϱ·ΓΙȱΐΉΘΣȱΘϛΖȱ ̔Νΐ΅ΓΎ΅ΌΓΏΎϛΖȱ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζǯȱ ͟ȱ ̳ΚνΗΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓νΕ·ΖȱΎǯȱ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱϳȱ̓ΉΕ·ΣΐΓΙȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǰȱ Γϡȱ ̍΅Ό·Θ΅ϟȱ Ύǯȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕϟΈΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖȱ ̏΅ΕΘΗνΏΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̍ΝΈΎΓ·ΕΣΚΓΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΣΒΐΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ΎЗΑȱ̏ΉΏΉΘЗΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̳ΚνΗΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̇νΕΎΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕϟΈΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̇ΉΙΘΉΕΉϾΝΑȱΎǯȱ̕ΘνΚ΅ΑΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱȱ̞·ϟΓΙȱ͢ΕΓΙΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ν·΅Ζȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱπΎΈϱΗΉΝΖȱΘΓІȱ̓ΉΕΓΈΎΓІȱ ȍ̒̔̋̒̇̒̑̌̄Ȏǯȱ ͟ȱ̓νΕ·ΖȱΎǯȱ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱϳȱ̇νΕΎΝΑȱΎǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖȱ ̕ΙΑΘΣΒΉΝΖаȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ν·΅Ζȱ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱπΎΈϱΗΉΝΖȱΘΓІȱ ̽ΐΉΕΓΏΓ·ϟΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ΓΗΛΓΑΗϟΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ν·΅Ζȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱ̓ΑΉΙΐ΅ΘΎϛΖȱ̇΅ΎΓΑϟ΅Ζǯȱ ͟ȱ̽Ε΅ΎΏΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̘ЏΘΓΖǰȱ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱϳȱ̎ϾΗΘΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ̍΅ΏΏϟΑΎΓΖǰȱϳȱ̋ΉΓΈΝΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉІΓΑȱ̏νΏΓΖаȱϳȱ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΗΘΕ΅Ύφȱ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφǯȱ ͟ȱ ̋ΉΓΈΝΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̏ǯȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗΣΕΛΖȱ Ύǯȱ̅ΉΑ΅ΐϟΑǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱ̝Α΅Ύ΅ΑϟΗΉΝΖǰȱ ̳ΒΝΕ΅ϞΗΐΓІȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕ΙΑΘΕφΗΉΝΖȱΘΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓІȱ̐΅ΓІȱΎ΅ϟȱ̒ϥΎΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǯȱ ϳȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΖȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΑΈΕν΅Ζȱ ̕ΓΚ΅ΑϱΔΓΙΏΓΖǯȱȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓІȱȱ ̝ΕΛΉΓΚΙΏ΅ΎϟΓΙȬ̅ΆΏΓΌΎЗΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ϾΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̝ΕΛΉΓΚϾΏ΅Βȱ ̒ϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̐ΎϱΏ΅ΓΖȱ ̓ΉΘΕΓΔνΏΏΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΖȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̐ΉϱΚΙΘΓΖȱ̏ΣΑΈ΅ΏΓΖǯȱȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱ̕ΎΉΙΓΚΙΏ΅ΎϟΓΙȬ ̏ΙΕΓΚΙΏ΅ΎϟΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱϳȱ͕ΐΆΕΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̖ΉΑνΈΓΙȱΎǯȱ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖǰȱϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ν·΅Ζȱ ̕Ͼ·ΎΉΏΏΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ̐ΉΎΘΣΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱ̞·΅ΗΐΣΘΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϧΓΖȱ ̕΅ΐ΅ΕκΖǯȱ 49 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:06 AM Page 48 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̈ЁΐΉΑΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΣΒΐΓΖȱǻŗŗǯŗŘǯŗşŝŝǼȱ ̔ΓΈΓΗΘϱΏΓΙȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖȱǻŘŘǯŖŚǯŗşŝŞǼȱ ̇ΓΎΏΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̍ΣΏΏΗΘΓΖȱǻŖŜǯŖŜǯŗşŞŘǼȱ ̎΅ΐΜΣΎΓΙȱΎǯȱ̏΅ΎΣΕΓΖȱǻŖřǯŗŗǯŗşŞśǼȱ ̳ΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖȱǻŘŘǯŗŖǯŗşŞşǼȱ ̝ΔΓΏΏΝΑΣΈΓΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΉΕ΅ΚΉϟΐȱǻřŗǯŖřǯŗşşŗǼȱ ̓΅ΕΑ΅ΗΓІȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱǻŘŝǯŗŖǯŗşşŗǼȱ ̝ΗΔνΑΈΓΙȱΎǯȱ͒ΉΕΉΐϟ΅ΖȱǻŗşǯŖşǯŗşşřǼȱ ̎ΉϾΎΖȱΎǯȱ̈ЁΐνΑΓΖȱǻŗśǯŖŗǯŗşşŚǼȱ ̍Ώ΅ΙΈΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̏Λ΅φΏȱǻŖŞǯŗŖǯŗşşśǼȱ ̕ΙΑΣΈΝΑȱΎǯȱ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖȱǻŗśǯŖşǯŗşşŜǼȱ ̖ΕΓΔ΅ϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖȱǻŗŘǯŖŚǯŗşşŝǼȱ ̝Δ΅ΐΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̅ΎνΑΘΓΖȱǻŗŗǯŖŚǯŗşşŞǼȱ ̑ΣΑΌΓΙȱΎǯȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖȱǻŘřǯŖŜǯŗşşŞǼȱ ̝ΑΈϟΈΝΑȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΗΘΓΚϱΕΓΖȱǻŘŜǯŖŜǯŗşşşǼȱ ̐΅Ί΅ΑΊΓІȱΎǯȱ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΘΓΖȱǻŗŞǯŖřǯŘŖŖŖǼȱ ̍ΑΝΗΓІȱΎǯȱ̏΅ΎΣΕΓΖȱǻŖŞǯŗŖǯŘŖŖŖǼȱ ̇ΓΕΙΏ΅ϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̐ϟΎ΅ΑΈΕΓΖȱǻŘśǯŖŘǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ̖ΕУΣΈΓΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΣΆΆ΅ΖȱǻŖŘǯŖŘǯŘŖŖŘǼȱ ̍Ε΅ΘΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΣΗΐΓΖȱǻŖşǯŖŘǯŘŖŖŘǼȱ ̘΅Η΅ΑϛΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΘЏΑΓΖȱǻŘřǯŖŘǯŘŖŖŘǼȱ ̘ΏΓΐΏϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̼Ώϟ΅ΖȱǻŗŘǯŖśǯŘŖŖŘǼȱ ̕ΑЏΔΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅ΖȱǻŘŘǯŖŜǯŘŖŖřǼȱ ̝Ε΅ΑΊΓІȱΎǯȱ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϧΓΖȱǻŗŖǯŖŜǯŘŖŖŚǼȱ ȱ ̇ǯȱ̘̗̙̖̈̊̄̉̒̐̈̕̕ȱ̙̄̔̌̈̔̈̌̕ȱ̖̗̒ȱ ̗̋̔̒̐̒ȱ ȱ ΔΕǯȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϜȱȱ ǻŖŜǯŖŘǯŗşśśǼȱ ΔΕǯȱ̘ΏΝΕϟΑΖǰȱ̓ΕΉΗΔЗΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̴ΓΕΈ΅ϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱȱ ̄Ё·ΓΙΗΘϧΑΓΖǰȱΉΑȱ̘ΏΝΕϟΑϙȱǻŘśǯŖŜǯŗşŜŝǼȱ ΔΕǯȱ̔ϱΈΓΙȱΎǯȱ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖǰȱπΑȱ̔ϱΈУȱǻŘŗǯŗŗǯŗşŝřǼȱ ΔΕǯȱ̐Ή΅ΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱȱ ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖǰȱπΑȱ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎϙȱǻŘŜǯŖśǯŗşŝŚǼȱ ΔΕǯȱ̏ΔΓΙνΑΓΖȱ̡ϞΕΉΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζȱȱ ǻŖŞǯŖŚǯŗşŝşǼȱ ΔΕǯȱ̙΅ΏΈϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΔΙΕϟΈΝΑǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϜȱȱ ǻŘŚǯŗŗǯŗşŞśǼȱ ΔΕǯȱ̕ΉΕΆϟΝΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̍ΓΊΣΑΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΐΆΕϱΗΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ ̝ΌφΑ΅ΖȱǻŗŗǯŗŖǯŗşşŞǼȱ ̍΅ΘΣΑΖȱΎǯȱ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϜȱǻŘŗǯŖśǯŗşŜŝǼȱ ̋ΉΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑǰȱπΑȱ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎϙȱȱ ǻŖŗǯŖŗǯŗşŝŗǼȱ ̝ΐΓΕϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϜȱǻŗŝǯŖŗǯŗşŝŗǼȱ ̏ΉΏϱΖȱΎǯȱ̘ΏϱΌΉΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϜȱǻŖŜǯŖŜǯŗşŝŗǼȱ ͞ΏϾΐΔΓΙȱΎǯȱ̡ΑΌΐΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϜȱǻŗŝǯŖŚǯŗşŝŝǼȱ ̋ΉΕΐЗΑȱΎǯȱ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱπΑȱ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎϙȱȱ ǻŖşǯŗŗǯŗşŞŖǼȱ ̓΅ΘΣΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΌφΑ΅ΖȱǻŗŚǯŗŘǯŗşŞŖǼȱ ̳Ώ΅ϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΘΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΌφΑ΅ΖȱǻŘśǯŖřǯŗşŞŚǼȱ 48 ̐ϾΗΗΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΏΉΙΌνΕΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΌφΑ΅ΖȱǻŖŜǯŖŘǯŗşŞŝǼȱ ̖ΕΣΏΏΉΝΑȱΎǯȱ͑ΗϟΈΝΕΓΖǰȱπΑȱȱ̝ΌφΑ΅ΖȱǻŖŝǯŖŗǯŗşşŖǼȱ ̖Ε΅ΛΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̓΅ІΏΓΖǰȱπΑȱ̆΅ΏΏϟθȱǻŖŘǯŖŜǯŗşşŗǼȱ ̙ΕΗΘ΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΉΕ΅ΚΉϟΐǰȱπΑȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζȱȱ ǻŘŗǯŖŗǯŘŖŖŗǼȱ ȱ ̖̏̊̏̄ȱ̆Юȱ ̗̐̒̇̌̍̄̌̕ȱ̖̈̓̌̔̒̓̄̌DZȱ ȱ ̒ϢΎΓΑΓΐΎφȱ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφǯȱ ͟ȱ̽Ε΅ΎΏΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̘ЏΘΓΖǰȱ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱϳȱ̎ϾΗΘΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ̍΅ΏΏϟΑΎΓΖǰȱϳȱ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱϳȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΒΉΏΉ·ΎΘΎφȱ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΚΓΕΉϟ΅ȱ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ̖ΕΣΈΓΖȱ ̙ΣΏΎΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϧΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ν·΅Ζȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ϳȱ Ύǯȱ ̆νΝΕ·ΓΖȱ̖ΙΕΓΆϱΏΖǯȱ ȱ ̍΅ΑΓΑΎφȱ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφǯȱ ͟ȱ ̳ΚνΗΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̖ΙΕΓΏϱΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕ΉΕΉΑΘϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ͩΔΓ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΏΔΈΓΚϱΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱ̇ΓΕΌΓΈϱΒΝΑȱ̉ΘΐΣΘΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̳ΚνΗΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ϾΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕϟΈΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ͩΔΓ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΏΔΈΓΚϱΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱπΑȱΘХȱ̳ΒΝΘΉΕΎХȱ ̳Δ΅ΕΛЗΑȱΘΓІȱ̋ΕϱΑΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ͒ΉΕ΅ΔΓΗΘΓΏϛΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̇νΕΎΝΑȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱϳȱ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖǰȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̍ΝΈΎΓ·ΕΣΚΓΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΣΒΐΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱπΑȱΘХȱ̳ΒΝΘΉΕΎХȱȱ ͒ΈΕΙΐΣΘΝΑȱΘΓІȱ̋ΕϱΑΓΙǯȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ͟ȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̇ΉΙΘΉΕΉϾΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̕ΘνΚ΅ΑΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱ̇΅ΛΕΗΘ΅ΑΎЗΑȱ ̉ΘΐΣΘΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ϾΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕϟΈΖǯȱ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱϳȱͩΔΓ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̳ΏΔΈΓΚϱΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱ̇΅Ώϱ·ΓΙȱΐΉΘΣȱΘЗΑȱȱ ̏φȬ̙΅ΏΎΈΓΑϟΝΑȱ̳ΎΎΏΗЗΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̇νΕΎΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕϟΈΖǯȱ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱϳȱ̏ν·΅Ζȱ̕Ͼ·ΎΉΏΏΓΖȱΎǯȱ ̐ΉΎΘΣΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱ̇΅Ώϱ·ΓΙȱΐΉΘΣȱΘϛΖȱ ̔Νΐ΅ΓΎ΅ΌΓΏΎϛΖȱ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζǯȱ ͟ȱ ̳ΚνΗΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓νΕ·ΖȱΎǯȱ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱϳȱ̓ΉΕ·ΣΐΓΙȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǰȱ Γϡȱ ̍΅Ό·Θ΅ϟȱ Ύǯȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕϟΈΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖȱ ̏΅ΕΘΗνΏΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̍ΝΈΎΓ·ΕΣΚΓΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΣΒΐΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ΎЗΑȱ̏ΉΏΉΘЗΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̳ΚνΗΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̇νΕΎΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕϟΈΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̇ΉΙΘΉΕΉϾΝΑȱΎǯȱ̕ΘνΚ΅ΑΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱȱ̞·ϟΓΙȱ͢ΕΓΙΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ν·΅Ζȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱπΎΈϱΗΉΝΖȱΘΓІȱ̓ΉΕΓΈΎΓІȱ ȍ̒̔̋̒̇̒̑̌̄Ȏǯȱ ͟ȱ̓νΕ·ΖȱΎǯȱ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱϳȱ̇νΕΎΝΑȱΎǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖȱ ̕ΙΑΘΣΒΉΝΖаȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ν·΅Ζȱ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱπΎΈϱΗΉΝΖȱΘΓІȱ ̽ΐΉΕΓΏΓ·ϟΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ΓΗΛΓΑΗϟΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ν·΅Ζȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱ̓ΑΉΙΐ΅ΘΎϛΖȱ̇΅ΎΓΑϟ΅Ζǯȱ ͟ȱ̽Ε΅ΎΏΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̘ЏΘΓΖǰȱ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱϳȱ̎ϾΗΘΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ̍΅ΏΏϟΑΎΓΖǰȱϳȱ̋ΉΓΈΝΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉІΓΑȱ̏νΏΓΖаȱϳȱ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱΎǯȱ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΗΘΕ΅Ύφȱ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφǯȱ ͟ȱ ̋ΉΓΈΝΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̏ǯȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗΣΕΛΖȱ Ύǯȱ̅ΉΑ΅ΐϟΑǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱ̝Α΅Ύ΅ΑϟΗΉΝΖǰȱ ̳ΒΝΕ΅ϞΗΐΓІȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕ΙΑΘΕφΗΉΝΖȱΘΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓІȱ̐΅ΓІȱΎ΅ϟȱ̒ϥΎΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǯȱ ϳȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΖȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΑΈΕν΅Ζȱ ̕ΓΚ΅ΑϱΔΓΙΏΓΖǯȱȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓІȱȱ ̝ΕΛΉΓΚΙΏ΅ΎϟΓΙȬ̅ΆΏΓΌΎЗΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ϾΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̝ΕΛΉΓΚϾΏ΅Βȱ ̒ϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̐ΎϱΏ΅ΓΖȱ ̓ΉΘΕΓΔνΏΏΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΖȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̐ΉϱΚΙΘΓΖȱ̏ΣΑΈ΅ΏΓΖǯȱȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱ̕ΎΉΙΓΚΙΏ΅ΎϟΓΙȬ ̏ΙΕΓΚΙΏ΅ΎϟΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱϳȱ͕ΐΆΕΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̖ΉΑνΈΓΙȱΎǯȱ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖǰȱϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ν·΅Ζȱ ̕Ͼ·ΎΉΏΏΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ̐ΉΎΘΣΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱ̞·΅ΗΐΣΘΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϧΓΖȱ ̕΅ΐ΅ΕκΖǯȱ 49 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:06 AM Page 50 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱ̋Ήϟ΅Ζȱ̎΅ΘΕΉϟ΅Ζǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̋ΉΓΈΝΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΙΑΣΈΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̓ΕΝΘΓΜΣΏΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̎ΉΝΑϟΈ΅Ζȱ ̝ΗΘνΕΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ϳȱ ̇ΉΙΘΉΕΉϾΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ̕ΘνΚ΅ΑΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱ̍΅ΑΓΑϟΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ΓΗΛΓΑΗϟΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ν·΅Ζȱ ̒ϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏνΘΓΖȱ ̕΅ΎΎΓΙΏϟΈΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱ̇΅Ώϱ·ΓΙȱΐΉΘΣȱΘΓІȱ͑ΗΏΣΐǯȱ ͟ȱ ̇νΕΎΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̋ΉΓΈΝΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΙΑΣΈΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖǰȱ ȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉІΓΑȱ ̏νΏΓΖȱ ϳȱ ̏ǯȱ ̒ϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΉΏνΘΓΖȱ̕΅ΎΎΓΙΏϟΈΖǯȱȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱ̈ЁΕΝΔ΅ϞΎЗΑȱ̋ΉΐΣΘΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ȱ ̳ΚνΗΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱϳȱ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǯȱ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϧΓΖȱ̕΅ΐ΅ΕκΖǯȱȱ ȱ ̐ΓΐΎϱΑȱ̕ΙΐΆΓϾΏΓΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̇Ύ·ϱΕΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̍΅Ώ΅ΐΣΕΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΖȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ͑Ν΅ΎΉϟΐȱ̏ΔϟΏΏΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱ̕ΙΑΘΣΒΉΝΑȬ̐ΓΗΏΉϟΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ϳȱ ͕ΐΆΕΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̖ΉΑνΈΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖȱ̖ΙΕΓΆϱΏΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱΦΒΓΔΓφΗΉΝΖȱΘϛΖȱ ΔΉΕΓΙΗϟ΅ΖȱΘΓІȱ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΖȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΈΕν΅Ζȱ̕ΓΚ΅ΑϱΔΓΙΏΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̗̐̒̇̌̍̒̐̕ȱ̘̆̔̄̈̌̒̐ǯȱ ȱ ̖ΏǯȱƸȱşŖŘŗŘȬśŘśǯśŚǯŗŜǯȱ¡ǯȱśřŚǯşŖǯřŝǯȱ ȬDZȱȓǯȱ ̝ΕΛ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΝΑаȱϳȱ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǯȱ ͩΔΓ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱϳȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΏΔΈΓΚϱΕΓΖȱ 50 ¡ȱƸşŖŘŗŘȬśřŗǯŜśǯřřǯȱȬDZȱ ȓǯȱ ̍ΝΈΎΓ·ΕΣΚΓΖаȱϳȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΣΒΐΓΖǯȱ ȬDZȱ¡ȓǯȱ ȱ ͑Έ΅ϟΘΉΕΓΑȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱƸȱşŖŘŗŘȬŜřśǯŚśǯŖŗǯȱ¡ǯȱśŘśǯŜŚǯŘşǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̄Юȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱ ȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϧΓΖȱ ̕΅ΐ΅ΕκΖǯȱ ̄Юȱ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϧΖаȱ ϳȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ІΏΓΖȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΣΕ΅Ζǰȱ ΈϟΖȱ ̈ϢΕφΑȱ ̇ΐΘΕϟΓ·ΏΓΙǰȱ ΈϟΖȱ ̎ЏΕ΅ȱ ̒ЄΏΎǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̕Θ΅ІΕΓΖȱ ̔΅Κ΅ΏϟΈΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗΓΆ΅ΏΣΑΘΖȱ ̖Ί΅ΆϟΈΖǰȱΎǯȱ̓΅Α΅·ЏΘΖȱ̐ΎΓΏ΅ϪΈΖǯȱ ȱ ̏̈̆̄̎̊ơ̖̗̇̄̓̔̒̆̍̈̎̎̌̄̕ȱ ȱ ΅ǯȱ̏Ή·ΣΏȱ̓ΕΝΘΓΗΙ·ΎΉΏΏϟ΅ǯȱ̖ΏǯƸȱşŖǯŘŗŘȬ śŘśǯŘŗǯŗŝǯȱ¡ǯȱśřŗǯşŖǯŗŚǯȱ ̓ΕΝΘΓΗΙ·ΎΉΏΏΉϾΝΑаȱϳȱ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǯȱ ȱ Άǯȱ̏Ή·ΣΏȱ̝ΕΛΈ΅ΎΓΑϟ΅ǯȱ̖ΏǯȱΎ΅ϟȱȱ¡ȱƸşŖǯŘŗŘǯȬ śřŗǯşŜǯŝŝǯȱ ̝ΕΛΈ΅ΎΓΑΉϾΝΑаȱϳȱ̇ΉΙΘΉΕΉϾΝΑȱΎǯȱ̕ΘνΚ΅ΑΓΖǯȱϳȱ ̖ΕΘΉϾΝΑȱdzdzdzǯȱǯǯǰȱȱ ϳȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΘϛΖȱ̕ΉΕκΖǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯȱǯȱ ȱ ·ǯȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱ ̍ΉΑΘΕΎφȱ ȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗ΅ΗΘΎφȱȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφǯȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖǰȱϳȱ̏ϾΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱϳȱ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΙΑΣΈΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱϳȱ̏ǯȱ̕Ͼ·ΎΉΏΏΓΖȱΎǯȱ̐ΉΎΘΣΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ Έǯȱ̖ΐϛΐ΅ȱ̋ΕΗΎΉΙΘΎЗΑȱ̓ΕΣΒΉΝΑǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱ ϳȱ ̳ΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ ̕ΙΑΣΈΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱϳȱΎǯȱ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖȱ̍ΓΕΘϟΈΖǯȱ ȱ Ήǯȱ̖ΓΙΕΎΎϱΑȱ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱϳȱȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΘЏΓΖȱ̕ΘνΏΏ΅Ζǯȱ ȱ Ζǯȱȱ̝ΕΛΉΓΚΙΏΣΎΓΑǯȱ ̝ΕΛΉΓΚϾΏ΅Βаȱ ϳȱ ̒ϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̐ΎϱΏ΅ΓΖȱ ̓ΉΘΕΓΔνΏΏΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϧΖаȱ Γϡȱ Ύǯȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅Α΅·ЏΘΖȱȱ ͞ΊΎΓΙΕΎΓϾΘΖǰȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖȱ ̖ΗΎΣΎΖǰȱ ̓νΘΕΓΖȱ ̏Δ΅Ί·ΎΣΕΏΓǰȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙκΖȱ ̏΅ϪΖǰȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̎Α΅ΕΈϛΖǰȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖȱ ̇΅ΎΕΓϾΗΖǰȱ̐ΎϱΏ΅ΓΖȱ̕΅΅ΘΗϛΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕ΘΙΏ΅ΑϱΖȱ ̏ΓΙΛΏϟΈΖǯȱ ȱ Ίǯȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱ̅ΆΏΓΌφΎǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱΎ΅ϟȱ¡ǯȱƸşŖǯŘŗŘȬśřŗǯşŜǯŝŞǯȱ ͩΔΉϾΌΙΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ǯȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϧΖаȱ Γϡȱ ΎǯΎǯȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕϟΈΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖȱ̏ΔΉΑΏϟΗΓϞǯȱ ȱ ǯȱ̎Γ·ΗΘφΕΓΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̖΅ΐΉϧΓΑǯȱ ̎Γ·ΗΘφΖаȱ ϳȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖȱ ̖ΙΕΓΆϱΏΖǯȱ ̖΅ΐϟ΅Ζаȱ ϳȱ Ύǯȱ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖȱ̇΅ΎΕΓϾΗΖǯȱ ȱ Όǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑȱ ̖ϾΔΓΙǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ƸşŖǯŘŗŘǯśŘŗǯŖŚǯřŖǰȱ ¡ȱ ƸşŖǯŘŗŘǯŜřŗǯśśǯřśǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΓΗϟΌΉΓΖȱ ̝Α΅·ΑΝΗΘϱΔΓΙΏΓΖǯȱ ȱ ǯȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΖȱ̐΅ϱΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̏ǯȱ ȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζǯȱ ͟ȱ ̏ǯȱ ̕Ͼ·ΎΉΏΏΓΖȱΎǯȱ̐ΉΎΘΣΕΓΖǰȱϳȱ̏ǯȱ̳ΎΎΏΗΣΕΛΖȱΎǯȱ ̅ΉΑ΅ΐϟΑǰȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϧΓΖȱ ̕΅ΐ΅ΕκΖǯȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓϟȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓDZȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΑΈΕν΅Ζȱ ̕ΓΚ΅ΑϱΔΓΙΏΓΖǰȱΎǯȱ̐ΉϱΚΙΘΓΖȱ̏ΣΑΈ΅ΏΓΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΎǯȱ ͑Ν΅ΎΉϟΐȱ ̏ΔϟΏΏΖǯȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̓ΕΝΘΓΜΣΏΘΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ̎ΉΝΑϟΈ΅Ζȱ ̝ΗΘΉΕΖǯȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̎΅ΐΔ΅ΈΣΕΓΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱ̙΅Ε΅ΘϟΈΖǯȱ̄Юȱ̇ΓΐνΗΘΎΓΖаȱǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǰȱ ̅Юȱ̇ΓΐνΗΘΎΓΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΘΙΏ΅ΑϱΖȱ̘ΏΓϧΎΓΖǯȱ ȱ ΅ǯȱ̎ΓΔ΅ϟȱЀΔΕΉΗϟ΅ǯȱ ŗǯȱ ̖ΉΛΑΎϱΑȱ ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑDZȱ ͩΔΉϾΌΙΑΓΖаȱ ̇Εǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱ̓ΓΕϟΈΖǰȱΦΕΛΘνΎΘΝΑǯȱ Řǯȱ ̖ΏΉΚΝΑΎϱΑȱ ̍νΑΘΕΓΑDZȱ ͩΔΉϾΌΙΑΓΖаȱ ΈϟΖȱ ̏΅ΕΣΑΌȱ̅΅ΚΉΣΈΓΙǯȱ řǯȱ ̖ΕΓΚΓΈΓΗϟ΅DZȱ ͩΔΉϾΌΙΑΓаȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖȱ ̏Δ΅Ί·ΎΣΕΏΓǰȱ ΓϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̍ΙΕϟΘΗΖǯȱ ȱ ̙̄̔̌̈̓̌̍̒̓̊̕ȱȱ ̛̛̖̖̗̍̐̄̐̌̐̒̓̒̎̈̕̕ȱ ȱ ̄Юȱ̘̓̈̔̌̈̔̈̌̄ȱ̖̗̗̄̔̒̇̔̒̏̌̒̕ȱ ̝ΕΛΉΕ΅ΘΎЗΖȱ ̓ΕΓϞΗΘΣΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̈ϢΗΓΈϟΝΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̓νΕ΅Αǰȱȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̖ΕΣΈΓΖȱ ̖΅ΒΉϟΐǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϟΑΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̴ΏνΑΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΈΕΓΐϟΓΙǰȱ ̋Ήϟ΅Ζȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐΓΕȬȬ ΚЏΗΉΝΖȱ̕ΗΏϛȱǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǯȱ ȱ ̅Юȱ̘̓̈̔̌̈̔̈̌̄ơ̖̖̗̇̄̄̄̒̎̐ȱ ̝ΕΛΉΕ΅ΘΎЗΖȱ ̓ΕΓϞΗΘΣΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̓΅ΑΉΕǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̇ΐΘΕϟΓΙȱ ̖΅Θ΅ΓϾΏΝΑǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̝Ό΅Α΅ΗϟΓΙȱ ̖΅Θ΅ΓϾΏΝΑǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̺ΏΉΙΌΉΕϟΓΙȱ ̖΅Θ΅ΓϾΏΝΑȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̈Ё΅··ΉΏΗΐΓІȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̓ΕΓΔϱΈΝΑȱ ̖΅Θ΅ΓϾΏΝΑǰȱ ̇ЏΈΉΎ΅ȱ ̝ΔΓΗΘϱΏΝΑȱ ̘ΉΕϟΎΓϞǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̓ΎΕΈϟΓΙǯȱ ȱ ̆Юȱ̘̓̈̔̌̈̔̈̌̄ȱ̗̅̒̓̒̔̒̕ȱ ̝ΕΛΉΕ΅ΘΎЗΖȱ ̓ΕΓϞΗΘΣΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̇ΔΏΓΎΓΑϟΓΙǰȱ ̆ΉΑΑφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̓΅Ώ΅ΓІȱ̏ΔΣΑΓΙǰȱ̞·ǯȱ̘ΝΎκȱ̏ΉΗ΅ΛЏΕΓΙǰȱ̞·ǯȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̏ΉΗ΅ΛЏΕΓΙǯȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̇ΐΘΕϟΓΙȱ ̑ΕΓΎΕφΑΖǰȱ ̓΅ΐΐΉ·ϟΗΘΝΑȱ ̖΅Β΅ΕΛЏΑȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΓΙȱ ̔ΉϾΐ΅ΘΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕΓΚφΘΓΙȱ ̼ΏΓϾȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΓΙȱ ̔ΉϾΐ΅ΘΓΖȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ̙΅Ε΅ΏΣΐΔΓΙΖȱ̅ΉΆΉΎϟΓΙǰȱ̈Ё΅··ΉΏΗΐΓІȱΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̅΅ΚΉΓΛΝΕϟΓΙǰȱ ̓΅ΐΐΉ·ϟΗΘΝΑȱ ̖΅Β΅ΕΛЗΑȱ ̕ΝΗΌΉΑϟΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙȱ ̐ΉΓΛΝΕϟΓΙǰȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̍ΓΙΐ΅ΕΝΘϟΗΗΖȱ̐ΉΓΛΝΕϟΓΙǯȱ ȱ ̇Юȱ̘̓̈̔̌̈̔̈̌̄ơ̛̗̇̄̏̄̋̈̌̐̚ȱ ̝ΕΛΉΕ΅ΘΎЗΖȱ ̓ΕΓϞΗΘΣΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ̏ϾΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΝΑȱ ̅ΏΣ·Ύ΅Ζǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̍ΙΕ΅ΎϛΖȱ ̍ΓΑΘΓΗΎ΅ΏϟΓΙǰȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̳ΏΔϟΈΓΖȱ ̍ΓΑΘΓΗΎ΅ΏϟΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̏Ακȱ ͩΜΝΐ΅ΌΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̋Ήϟ΅Ζȱȱ ̝Α΅ΏφΜΉΝΖȱ ͩΜΝΐ΅ΌΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙȱ ͩΜΝΐ΅ΌΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̍ΙΔ΅ΕΗΗκȱ ͩΜΝΐ΅ΌΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϟΑΓΙȱ Ύ΅ȱ ̴ΏνΑΖȱ ͩΜΝΐ΅ΌΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙȱ ̖ϱΔΎ΅Δǰȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̸Βȱ ̏΅ΕΐΣΕΝΑǰȱ ̆ΉΑΑφΗΉΝΖȱΘϛΖȱ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ̅ΉΏ·Ε΅ΈϟΓΙǯȱ ȱ ̈Юȱ̘̓̈̔̌̈̔̈̌̄ȱ̘̗̄̐̄̔̌̒Ȭ̖̗̍̈̔̄̌̒ȱ ̗̍̒̓̎̒ȱ ̝ΕΛΉΕ΅ΘΎЗΖȱ ̓ΕΓϞΗΘΣΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̋ΉΓΚΏǯȱ ̳ΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ̕ΙΑΣΈΝΑȱΎǯȱ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̏ΓΙΛΏϟΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙȱ ̖ΊΆ΅ΏϟΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ̓ΓΘΕκȱ̝ΑΘΚΝΑΘΓІȱ̘΅Α΅ΕϟΓΙǰȱ̞·ǯȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̳ΈΕΑνΎ΅ΔΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̇ΐΘΕϟΓΙȱ ̕΅Εΐ΅ΗΎϟΓΙǰȱ ̓΅ΐΐΉ·ϟΗΘΝΑȱ ̖΅Β΅ΕΛЗΑȱ ̅΅Ώ΅Θκǰȱ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱΘϛΖȱ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ̅΅ΏϟΑΓΙǰȱ̞·ǯȱ ̇ΐΘΕϟΓΙȱ̑ΙΏΓΔϱΕΘΖǰȱ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱ̅Ώ΅ΛΉΕΑЗΑǰȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱ ΘЗΑȱ ̒ЁΕ΅ΑЗΑȱ ̕΅Ώΐ΅ΘΓΐΆΕΓΙΎϟΓΙǰȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̙΅ΑΘΊΉΕΝΘϟΗΗΖȱ ̖ΉΎΚΓϾΕΗ΅ΕΣϞǰȱ 51 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:06 AM Page 50 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱ̋Ήϟ΅Ζȱ̎΅ΘΕΉϟ΅Ζǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̋ΉΓΈΝΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΙΑΣΈΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̓ΕΝΘΓΜΣΏΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̎ΉΝΑϟΈ΅Ζȱ ̝ΗΘνΕΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ϳȱ ̇ΉΙΘΉΕΉϾΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ̕ΘνΚ΅ΑΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱ̍΅ΑΓΑϟΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ΓΗΛΓΑΗϟΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̏ν·΅Ζȱ ̒ϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏνΘΓΖȱ ̕΅ΎΎΓΙΏϟΈΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘΓІȱ̇΅Ώϱ·ΓΙȱΐΉΘΣȱΘΓІȱ͑ΗΏΣΐǯȱ ͟ȱ ̇νΕΎΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̋ΉΓΈΝΕΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΙΑΣΈΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖǰȱ ȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉІΓΑȱ ̏νΏΓΖȱ ϳȱ ̏ǯȱ ̒ϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΉΏνΘΓΖȱ̕΅ΎΎΓΙΏϟΈΖǯȱȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱ̈ЁΕΝΔ΅ϞΎЗΑȱ̋ΉΐΣΘΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ȱ ̳ΚνΗΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱϳȱ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǯȱ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϧΓΖȱ̕΅ΐ΅ΕκΖǯȱȱ ȱ ̐ΓΐΎϱΑȱ̕ΙΐΆΓϾΏΓΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̇Ύ·ϱΕΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̍΅Ώ΅ΐΣΕΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΖȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ͑Ν΅ΎΉϟΐȱ̏ΔϟΏΏΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘЗΑȱ̕ΙΑΘΣΒΉΝΑȬ̐ΓΗΏΉϟΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ȱ ϳȱ ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǰȱ ϳȱ ͕ΐΆΕΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̖ΉΑνΈΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ϳȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖȱ̖ΙΕΓΆϱΏΖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱΦΒΓΔΓφΗΉΝΖȱΘϛΖȱ ΔΉΕΓΙΗϟ΅ΖȱΘΓІȱ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̓νΕ·Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΖȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΈΕν΅Ζȱ̕ΓΚ΅ΑϱΔΓΙΏΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̗̐̒̇̌̍̒̐̕ȱ̘̆̔̄̈̌̒̐ǯȱ ȱ ̖ΏǯȱƸȱşŖŘŗŘȬśŘśǯśŚǯŗŜǯȱ¡ǯȱśřŚǯşŖǯřŝǯȱ ȬDZȱȓǯȱ ̝ΕΛ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΝΑаȱϳȱ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑǯȱ ͩΔΓ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱϳȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΏΔΈΓΚϱΕΓΖȱ 50 ¡ȱƸşŖŘŗŘȬśřŗǯŜśǯřřǯȱȬDZȱ ȓǯȱ ̍ΝΈΎΓ·ΕΣΚΓΖаȱϳȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΎǯȱ̏ΣΒΐΓΖǯȱ ȬDZȱ¡ȓǯȱ ȱ ͑Έ΅ϟΘΉΕΓΑȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱƸȱşŖŘŗŘȬŜřśǯŚśǯŖŗǯȱ¡ǯȱśŘśǯŜŚǯŘşǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ ̄Юȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱ ȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϧΓΖȱ ̕΅ΐ΅ΕκΖǯȱ ̄Юȱ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϧΖаȱ ϳȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ІΏΓΖȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΣΕ΅Ζǰȱ ΈϟΖȱ ̈ϢΕφΑȱ ̇ΐΘΕϟΓ·ΏΓΙǰȱ ΈϟΖȱ ̎ЏΕ΅ȱ ̒ЄΏΎǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̕Θ΅ІΕΓΖȱ ̔΅Κ΅ΏϟΈΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗΓΆ΅ΏΣΑΘΖȱ ̖Ί΅ΆϟΈΖǰȱΎǯȱ̓΅Α΅·ЏΘΖȱ̐ΎΓΏ΅ϪΈΖǯȱ ȱ ̏̈̆̄̎̊ơ̖̗̇̄̓̔̒̆̍̈̎̎̌̄̕ȱ ȱ ΅ǯȱ̏Ή·ΣΏȱ̓ΕΝΘΓΗΙ·ΎΉΏΏϟ΅ǯȱ̖ΏǯƸȱşŖǯŘŗŘȬ śŘśǯŘŗǯŗŝǯȱ¡ǯȱśřŗǯşŖǯŗŚǯȱ ̓ΕΝΘΓΗΙ·ΎΉΏΏΉϾΝΑаȱϳȱ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǯȱ ȱ Άǯȱ̏Ή·ΣΏȱ̝ΕΛΈ΅ΎΓΑϟ΅ǯȱ̖ΏǯȱΎ΅ϟȱȱ¡ȱƸşŖǯŘŗŘǯȬ śřŗǯşŜǯŝŝǯȱ ̝ΕΛΈ΅ΎΓΑΉϾΝΑаȱϳȱ̇ΉΙΘΉΕΉϾΝΑȱΎǯȱ̕ΘνΚ΅ΑΓΖǯȱϳȱ ̖ΕΘΉϾΝΑȱdzdzdzǯȱǯǯǰȱȱ ϳȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱΘϛΖȱ̕ΉΕκΖǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯȱǯȱ ȱ ·ǯȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱ ̍ΉΑΘΕΎφȱ ȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗ΅ΗΘΎφȱȱ ̳ΔΘΕΓΔφǯȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖǰȱϳȱ̏ϾΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǰȱϳȱ͑ΎΓΑϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΏΔΘΓΖǰȱ ϳȱ ̕ΙΑΣΈΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱϳȱ̏ǯȱ̕Ͼ·ΎΉΏΏΓΖȱΎǯȱ̐ΉΎΘΣΕΓΖǯȱ ȱ Έǯȱ̖ΐϛΐ΅ȱ̋ΕΗΎΉΙΘΎЗΑȱ̓ΕΣΒΉΝΑǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱ ϳȱ ̳ΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ ̕ΙΑΣΈΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΓΑϾΗΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱϳȱΎǯȱ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖȱ̍ΓΕΘϟΈΖǯȱ ȱ Ήǯȱ̖ΓΙΕΎΎϱΑȱ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱϳȱȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΘЏΓΖȱ̕ΘνΏΏ΅Ζǯȱ ȱ Ζǯȱȱ̝ΕΛΉΓΚΙΏΣΎΓΑǯȱ ̝ΕΛΉΓΚϾΏ΅Βаȱ ϳȱ ̒ϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̐ΎϱΏ΅ΓΖȱ ̓ΉΘΕΓΔνΏΏΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϧΖаȱ Γϡȱ Ύǯȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅Α΅·ЏΘΖȱȱ ͞ΊΎΓΙΕΎΓϾΘΖǰȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖȱ ̖ΗΎΣΎΖǰȱ ̓νΘΕΓΖȱ ̏Δ΅Ί·ΎΣΕΏΓǰȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙκΖȱ ̏΅ϪΖǰȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̎Α΅ΕΈϛΖǰȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖȱ ̇΅ΎΕΓϾΗΖǰȱ̐ΎϱΏ΅ΓΖȱ̕΅΅ΘΗϛΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕ΘΙΏ΅ΑϱΖȱ ̏ΓΙΛΏϟΈΖǯȱ ȱ Ίǯȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱ̅ΆΏΓΌφΎǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱΎ΅ϟȱ¡ǯȱƸşŖǯŘŗŘȬśřŗǯşŜǯŝŞǯȱ ͩΔΉϾΌΙΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̏ǯȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϧΖаȱ Γϡȱ ΎǯΎǯȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕϟΈΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖȱ̏ΔΉΑΏϟΗΓϞǯȱ ȱ ǯȱ̎Γ·ΗΘφΕΓΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̖΅ΐΉϧΓΑǯȱ ̎Γ·ΗΘφΖаȱ ϳȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖȱ ̖ΙΕΓΆϱΏΖǯȱ ̖΅ΐϟ΅Ζаȱ ϳȱ Ύǯȱ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖȱ̇΅ΎΕΓϾΗΖǯȱ ȱ Όǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑȱ ̖ϾΔΓΙǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ƸşŖǯŘŗŘǯśŘŗǯŖŚǯřŖǰȱ ¡ȱ ƸşŖǯŘŗŘǯŜřŗǯśśǯřśǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΓΗϟΌΉΓΖȱ ̝Α΅·ΑΝΗΘϱΔΓΙΏΓΖǯȱ ȱ ǯȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΖȱ̐΅ϱΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̏ǯȱ ȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζǯȱ ͟ȱ ̏ǯȱ ̕Ͼ·ΎΉΏΏΓΖȱΎǯȱ̐ΉΎΘΣΕΓΖǰȱϳȱ̏ǯȱ̳ΎΎΏΗΣΕΛΖȱΎǯȱ ̅ΉΑ΅ΐϟΑǰȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϧΓΖȱ ̕΅ΐ΅ΕκΖǯȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓϟȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓDZȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΑΈΕν΅Ζȱ ̕ΓΚ΅ΑϱΔΓΙΏΓΖǰȱΎǯȱ̐ΉϱΚΙΘΓΖȱ̏ΣΑΈ΅ΏΓΖȱΎ΅ϟȱΎǯȱ ͑Ν΅ΎΉϟΐȱ ̏ΔϟΏΏΖǯȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̓ΕΝΘΓΜΣΏΘΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ̎ΉΝΑϟΈ΅Ζȱ ̝ΗΘΉΕΖǯȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̎΅ΐΔ΅ΈΣΕΓΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱ̙΅Ε΅ΘϟΈΖǯȱ̄Юȱ̇ΓΐνΗΘΎΓΖаȱǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǰȱ ̅Юȱ̇ΓΐνΗΘΎΓΖȱΎǯȱ̕ΘΙΏ΅ΑϱΖȱ̘ΏΓϧΎΓΖǯȱ ȱ ΅ǯȱ̎ΓΔ΅ϟȱЀΔΕΉΗϟ΅ǯȱ ŗǯȱ ̖ΉΛΑΎϱΑȱ ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑDZȱ ͩΔΉϾΌΙΑΓΖаȱ ̇Εǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱ̓ΓΕϟΈΖǰȱΦΕΛΘνΎΘΝΑǯȱ Řǯȱ ̖ΏΉΚΝΑΎϱΑȱ ̍νΑΘΕΓΑDZȱ ͩΔΉϾΌΙΑΓΖаȱ ΈϟΖȱ ̏΅ΕΣΑΌȱ̅΅ΚΉΣΈΓΙǯȱ řǯȱ ̖ΕΓΚΓΈΓΗϟ΅DZȱ ͩΔΉϾΌΙΑΓаȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖȱ ̏Δ΅Ί·ΎΣΕΏΓǰȱ ΓϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖȱ ̍ΙΕϟΘΗΖǯȱ ȱ ̙̄̔̌̈̓̌̍̒̓̊̕ȱȱ ̛̛̖̖̗̍̐̄̐̌̐̒̓̒̎̈̕̕ȱ ȱ ̄Юȱ̘̓̈̔̌̈̔̈̌̄ȱ̖̗̗̄̔̒̇̔̒̏̌̒̕ȱ ̝ΕΛΉΕ΅ΘΎЗΖȱ ̓ΕΓϞΗΘΣΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ̖Ε΅ΑΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΕΐ΅ΑϱΖǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̈ϢΗΓΈϟΝΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̓νΕ΅Αǰȱȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̖ΕΣΈΓΖȱ ̖΅ΒΉϟΐǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϟΑΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̴ΏνΑΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΈΕΓΐϟΓΙǰȱ ̋Ήϟ΅Ζȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐΓΕȬȬ ΚЏΗΉΝΖȱ̕ΗΏϛȱǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǯȱ ȱ ̅Юȱ̘̓̈̔̌̈̔̈̌̄ơ̖̖̗̇̄̄̄̒̎̐ȱ ̝ΕΛΉΕ΅ΘΎЗΖȱ ̓ΕΓϞΗΘΣΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̓΅ΑΉΕǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ̕΅ΗϟΐΝΑȱΎǯȱ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̇ΐΘΕϟΓΙȱ ̖΅Θ΅ΓϾΏΝΑǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̝Ό΅Α΅ΗϟΓΙȱ ̖΅Θ΅ΓϾΏΝΑǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̺ΏΉΙΌΉΕϟΓΙȱ ̖΅Θ΅ΓϾΏΝΑȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̈Ё΅··ΉΏΗΐΓІȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̓ΕΓΔϱΈΝΑȱ ̖΅Θ΅ΓϾΏΝΑǰȱ ̇ЏΈΉΎ΅ȱ ̝ΔΓΗΘϱΏΝΑȱ ̘ΉΕϟΎΓϞǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̓ΎΕΈϟΓΙǯȱ ȱ ̆Юȱ̘̓̈̔̌̈̔̈̌̄ȱ̗̅̒̓̒̔̒̕ȱ ̝ΕΛΉΕ΅ΘΎЗΖȱ ̓ΕΓϞΗΘΣΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̏ΙΕΓΚϾΘΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΉΕΗΘΣΗΉΝΖȱ Ύǯȱ̈ϢΕΑ΅ϧΓΖǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̇ΔΏΓΎΓΑϟΓΙǰȱ ̆ΉΑΑφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̓΅Ώ΅ΓІȱ̏ΔΣΑΓΙǰȱ̞·ǯȱ̘ΝΎκȱ̏ΉΗ΅ΛЏΕΓΙǰȱ̞·ǯȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̏ΉΗ΅ΛЏΕΓΙǯȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̇ΐΘΕϟΓΙȱ ̑ΕΓΎΕφΑΖǰȱ ̓΅ΐΐΉ·ϟΗΘΝΑȱ ̖΅Β΅ΕΛЏΑȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΓΙȱ ̔ΉϾΐ΅ΘΓΖǰȱ ̓ΕΓΚφΘΓΙȱ ̼ΏΓϾȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΓΙȱ ̔ΉϾΐ΅ΘΓΖȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ̙΅Ε΅ΏΣΐΔΓΙΖȱ̅ΉΆΉΎϟΓΙǰȱ̈Ё΅··ΉΏΗΐΓІȱΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̅΅ΚΉΓΛΝΕϟΓΙǰȱ ̓΅ΐΐΉ·ϟΗΘΝΑȱ ̖΅Β΅ΕΛЗΑȱ ̕ΝΗΌΉΑϟΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙȱ ̐ΉΓΛΝΕϟΓΙǰȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̍ΓΙΐ΅ΕΝΘϟΗΗΖȱ̐ΉΓΛΝΕϟΓΙǯȱ ȱ ̇Юȱ̘̓̈̔̌̈̔̈̌̄ơ̛̗̇̄̏̄̋̈̌̐̚ȱ ̝ΕΛΉΕ΅ΘΎЗΖȱ ̓ΕΓϞΗΘΣΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ̏ϾΕΝΑȱΎǯȱ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΝΑȱ ̅ΏΣ·Ύ΅Ζǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̍ΙΕ΅ΎϛΖȱ ̍ΓΑΘΓΗΎ΅ΏϟΓΙǰȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̳ΏΔϟΈΓΖȱ ̍ΓΑΘΓΗΎ΅ΏϟΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̏Ακȱ ͩΜΝΐ΅ΌΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̋Ήϟ΅Ζȱȱ ̝Α΅ΏφΜΉΝΖȱ ͩΜΝΐ΅ΌΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙȱ ͩΜΝΐ΅ΌΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̍ΙΔ΅ΕΗΗκȱ ͩΜΝΐ΅ΌΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϟΑΓΙȱ Ύ΅ȱ ̴ΏνΑΖȱ ͩΜΝΐ΅ΌΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙȱ ̖ϱΔΎ΅Δǰȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̸Βȱ ̏΅ΕΐΣΕΝΑǰȱ ̆ΉΑΑφΗΉΝΖȱΘϛΖȱ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ̅ΉΏ·Ε΅ΈϟΓΙǯȱ ȱ 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̕ΝΘϛΕΓΖȱ ̙ΣΏΎΖǰȱ ΉǼȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐΓΕΚЏΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓΙȱ ̕ΝΘφΕΓΖȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ΖǼȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ΊǼȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐΓΕΚЏΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ ȱ ̝ΑΘ·ϱΑΖǰȱ Ǽȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̍ΓΙΈΓΙΑκȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ΌǼȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̍΅ΕϾΔȱ ̞ΑΘ·ϱΑΖǰȱ Ǽȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐΓΕΚЏΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ ̓ΕЏΘΖȱ ǻ̆ΙΑ΅ΎΉϟ΅Ǽǯȱ řǯȱ̏ΉΘϱΛ΅аȱ̓΅Α΅·ϟΓΙȱ̖ΣΚΓΙȱřǰȱΘΐЏΐΉΑ΅ȱπΔȂȱ ϴΑϱΐ΅ΘȱΘΓІȱ̞·ϟΓΙȱ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙǰȱόΘΓȱπΑȱ̘΅Α΅ΕϟУǰȱ ̙ΣΏΎϙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̐ΉΓΛΝΕϟУǯȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̕Ακǰȱ ΘΐЏΐΉΑΓΑȱ πΔȂȱ ϳΑϱΐ΅Θȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̓ΕΓΈΕϱΐΓΙǰȱπΑȱ̘΅Α΅ΕϟУǯȱ Śǯȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ̓ΕΓΗΎΙΑφΐ΅Θ΅Ȭ̞·ΣΗΐ΅Θ΅ȱ Ŝаȱ ΅Ǽȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̅ΉΚκǰȱ ΆǼȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̋ΉΕΣΔΓΑΘΓΖǰȱ·Ǽȱ̞·ϟΓΙȱ̇ΐΘΕϟΓΙȱ̑ΕΓΎΕφΑΖǰȱ ΈǼȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̖ΕΣΈΓΖȱ ̍ΓΊΏΓІǰȱ ΉǼȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̍΅ΊΏφΘΗΉΗΐΉȱ ǻσΒΝȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΘΉΛЗΑǼǰȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΖǼȱ ̞·ϟΝΑȱ ̖ΉΗΗ΅ΕΣΎΓΑΘ΅ȱ ̏΅ΕΘϾΕΝΑȱ ̇ΔΏΓΎΓΑϟΓΙǯȱ śǯȱ̘ΏϱΔΘΝΛΓаȱ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΘΉΖȱŞǯȱ Ŝǯȱ ͒ΈΕϾΐ΅Θ΅аȱ ̐ΓΗΓΎΓΐΉϧΓΑȱ ̅΅ΏΓΙΎΏϛǰȱ ̆ΕΓΎΓΐΉϧΓΑǰȱ ̚ΙΛ΅ΘΕΉϧΓΑǰȱ ͞ΕΚ΅ΑΓΘΕΓΚΉϧΓΑȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ̋ΉΕΑφȱ ̕Θν·ȱ ̳Ε·΅ΊΓΐνΑΝΑȱ ΑΉ΅ΑϟΈΝΑȱ Ȭ̓΅ΈϱΔΓΏΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐΓΕΚЏΗΉΝΖȱ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ̓ΕЏΘΖǯȱ ŝǯȱ̕ϾΑΈΉΗΐΓаȱ΅Ǽȱ̆ΕΓΎΓΐΓΙΐνΑΝΑȱ̅΅ΏΓΙΎΏϛǰȱ ΆǼȱ̝ΔΓΚΓϟΘΝΑȱ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ̕ΛΓΏϛΖǰȱ·Ǽȱ̝ΔΓΚΓϟΘΝΑȱ ̉Ν·Ε΅ΚΉϟΓΙǰȱ ΈǼȱ ̝ΔΓΚΓϟΘΝΑȱ ͑Ν΅ΎΉΐϟΓΙǰȱ ΉǼȱ ̝ΔΓΚΓϟΘΝΑȱ ̉΅ΔΔΉϟΓΙǰȱ ΖǼȱ ̝ΔΓΚΓϟΘΝΑȱ ̍ΉΑΘΕΎΓІǰȱ ΊǼȱ ̏ΓΙΗΎΓΚϟΏΝΑǰȱ Ǽȱ ̓ΕΓΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Ζȱ ̝ΔϱΕΝΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̝ΗΌΉΑЗΑȱ ̓΅ϟΈΝΑǰȱ ΌǼȱ ̕ϾΑΈΉΗΐΓȱ ̏ΓΕΚΝΘΎΓϟȱ řаȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΓΙȱ ̔ΉϾΐ΅ΘΓΖǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϟΑΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̴ΏνΑΖȱ ͩΜΝΐ΅ΌΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̏ΓΕΚΝΘΎϱΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̍΅ΏΏΘΉΛΑΎϱΖȱ ̕ϾΑΈΉΗΐΓΖȱ ̘ΉΕϟΎΓϞǰȱ Ǽȱ ̕ϾΏΏΓ·Γȱ ̝ΌΏΘΎΓϟȱ Řаȱ ̓νΕ΅Αȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̖΅Θ΅ΓϾΏΝΑǰȱ ΅Ǽȱ ̳Ε΅ΗΘΉΛΑΎϱΖȱ ̋Ή΅ΘΕΎϱΖȱ ͣΐΏΓΖǰȱρΈΕ΅ȱ̘ΉΕϟΎΓϞǯȱ 52 ȱ ̌̈̔̄̌ȱ̖̏̊̔̒̓̒̎̈̌̕ȱ ΅Ǽȱ̳Δ΅ΕΛϟ΅ȱ̙΅ΏΎΈϱΑΓΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̆νΕΝΑȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈϱΑΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ͑Ν΅ΎΉϟΐǰȱ ЀΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ȱ σΒ΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ΔΣΗΖȱ ̅ΌΙΑϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅аȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈЏΑǰȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ¢ȱ ǯȱ řŗȱ ã¢ǰȱ Gǰȱ û¢ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŖŖşŖǯŘŗŜȬřřŜŖǯŚŖŗǯȱ ¡ǯȱ řřŝŖǯśŗřǯȱ ̍ΓΑϱΘΘΉΖȱ ŗŗǯȱ ̳ΚΐνΕΓȱ śǯȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓȱ Řǯȱ ̇ΐΓΘΎϱΑȱ̕ΛΓΏΉϧΓΑȱŗǯȱ̘ΏϱΔΘΝΛΓΖȱ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΖȱ ŗǯȱ̏ΓΕΚΝΘΎϱΖȱ̕ϾΑΈΉΗΐΓΖȱŗǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̖ΕΣΈΓΖȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈϱΑΓΖǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̈ЁΚΐϟ΅Ζȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈϱΑΓΖǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͑·Α΅ΘϟΓΙȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈϱΑΓΖȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱ ̙ΕΙΗΓΗΘϱΐΓΙȱ ̍΅Ώ΅ΐΗϟΝΑǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̆νΏΑΘΉ·ΕΐΉΑǰȱ ̓ΕΓΚφΘΓΙȱ ̼ΏΓϾȱ ̕ΎΓΙΘΣΕΉΝΖǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΓΑΓΖȱ ̍ΓΙΗΎΓΙΑΘΊΓΙΎϟΓΙǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̍ΓΙΗΎΓΙΑΘΊΓΙΎϟΓΙǯȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̖ΗΉ·ΎνΏΎΓϞǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΓΑΓΖȱ ǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅ȱ ̖ΗΉ·ΎνΏΎΓϞǼǰȱ ̕ΝΘϛΕΓΖȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ ̍΅ΑΈΙΏΏϟǰȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱ ǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅ȱ ̆ΎϱΎΗΓΙ·ΓΙǼǰȱ ̞·ϟΝΑȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϟΑΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̴ΏνΑΖȱ ̓΅ΗΣΐΔ΅ΛΘΗΉǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̏ΔνΎΓΊǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ̍ΙΕ΅ΎϛΖȱǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅ȱ̓΅ΗΣΐΔ΅ΛΘΗΉǼǯȱ ȱ ΆǼȱ̳Δ΅ΕΛϟ΅ȱ̇νΕΎΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̇νΕΎΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖǰȱ ЀΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ȱ σΒ΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̅ΓΗΔϱΕΓΙȱ ̋Ε΅ΎΎΓІȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̍Ι΅ΑνΝΑǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅аȱ ̋ΉΕ΅ΔΉϧ΅ǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ǯŗŘȦŚǰȱ řŚȱŞŖŖȱóã¢ȬȱGǰȱû¢ǯȱ̖ΏǯȱŖŖşŖǯŘŗŘǯȱ ŜŜřǯŞŞǯŘŘǰȱ¡ǯȱŜŜřǯŞŞǯŘŗǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧ΅ȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔϱΏΉΝΖаȱ πΑΘϱΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ΅ЁΏΓ·ϾΕΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ͒ǯȱ ̐΅ΓІȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̋ΉΕ΅ΔΉϟΝΑǰȱã¢ȱǯȱŜŚȬŜŞǰȱŞŖŞȱŞŖȱ¢ǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱŖŖşŖǯŘŗŘǯȱŘŜŘǯŖŖǯŘŞǰȱŜŜřǯŞŞǯŘŘǯȱ¡ǯȱŜŜřǯŞŞǯŘŗǯȱ ̍ΓΑϱΘΘΉΖȱ śǰȱ ̳ΚΐνΕΓȱ Śǰȱ ̇ΐΓΘΎΣȱ ̕ΛΓΏΉϧ΅ȱ Řǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̋ΉΕ΅ΔΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̆ΉΑΉΌΏϟΓΙȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱ ̓ΕΓΈΕϱΐΓΙȱ ̆ΉΑφΐ΅Λ΅ΏΏΉǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̅΅ΌΙΕΕϾ΅ΎΓΖǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̕ΘΉΚΣΑΓΙȱ ̆ΉΗφΏΎΓϞǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̏΅ΎΕΓΛΝΕϟΓΙǰȱ ̋Ήϟ΅Ζȱ ̝Α΅ΏφΜΉΝΖȱ ̏΅ΎΕΓΛΝΕϟΓΙȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̅΅ΌΙΕΕϾ΅ΎΓΖȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̴ΏνΑΖȱ ̋ΉΕ΅ΔΉϟΝΑȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǯȱ ȱ ·Ǽȱ̳Δ΅ΕΛϟ΅ȱ͕ΐΆΕΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̖ΉΑνΈΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ͕ΐΆΕΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̖ΉΑνΈΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖǰȱ ЀΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ σΒ΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̄Ϣ·΅ϟΓΙȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̓ΉΏΣ·ΓΙΖǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅аȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅ȱ ͕ΐΆΕΓΙǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ǯǯȱ ŚŘǰȱ ŗŗŝȱ ŜŖȱ ã³Ȭ ,ǰȱû¢ǯȱ̖ΏǯȱŖŖşǯŖŘŞŜȱŞŞŝřǯŖŚŘǰȱ¡ǯȱ ŞŞŝřǯśřśǯȱ̍ΓΑϱΘΘΉΖȱπΑȱ͕ΐΆΕУȱŗŗǰȱπΑȱ̖ΉΑνΈУȱŗǯȱ ̳ΚΐνΕΓȱπΑȱ͕ΐΆΕУȱŗŖǰȱπΑȱ̖ΉΑνΈУȱŗǯȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱ ŗǯȱ ̘Ώ΅ΑΌΕΝΔΎϱΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̏ΓΕΚΝΘΎϱΖȱ ̕ϾΑΈΉΗΐΓΖȱ ͑ΐΆΕϟΝΑȱπΑȱ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘΑΓΙΔϱΏΉǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̏΅ΕϟΑΖȱ ̍ΣΗΘΕΓΙǰȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̆ΏΙΎνΓΖǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̅΅ΕΆΣΕ΅Ζȱ ̈ЁΏ΅ΐΔϟΓΙǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̞·ϟΝΑȱ ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΝΑǰȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̞·ϟΝΑȱ ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΝΑǰȱ ̈Ё΅··ΉΏΗΐΓІȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̝·ΕΈϟΝΑǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̏΅ΕϟΑΖȱ ̕ΛΓΑΓΙΈϟΓΙǰȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̖ΉΑνΈΓΙǰȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΔΣΐΔΓΏΏ΅ȱπΒΝΎΎΏφΗ΅ȱπΑȱ͕ΐΆΕУȱΎ΅ϟȱ̖ΉΑνΈУǯȱ ȱ ΈǼȱ̳Δ΅ΕΛϟ΅ȱȱ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱЀΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱΎ΅ϟȱσΒ΅ΕΛΓΖȱ̓ΕΓΔΓΑΘϟΈΓΖǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅аȱ ̓Εϟ·ΎΔΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ǯȱ ȱ řǰȱ û¢ûǰȱ Gǰȱ û¢ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŖŖşŖǯŘŗŜǯřŞŘǯŚŗǯşŚǰȱ ŖŖşŖǯȱ ŘŗŘǯŘŚŚǯŚşǯŖśǰȱ ŖŖşŖǯȱȱ śřŘǯŘŗŘǯŚŝǯřřǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ŖŖşŖǯŘŗŘǯŘŚŚǯŗśǯŝŝǯȱ ̍ΓΑϱΘΘΉΖȱ Śǰȱ ̳ΚΐνΕΓȱ Řǰȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱ ŗǰȱ ̇ΐΓΘΎϱΑȱ̕ΛΓΏΉϧΓΑȱŗǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̇ΐΘΕϟΓΙȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ̞·ϟΝΑȱ ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΝΑȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϟΑΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̴ΏνΑΖȱ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙȱǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅Ǽǰȱ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ̘ΝΘΉΑϛΖȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙȱ ǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅Ǽǰȱ ̓ΕΓΚφΘΓΙȱ ̼ΏΓϾȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̆ΉΑΉΌΏϟΓΙȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ̓ΕЏΘΖǰȱ̞·ϟΓΙȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱ̓ΕΓΈΕϱΐΓΙȱ ̝ΑΘ·ϱΑΖǰȱ ̓ΕΓΚφΘΓΙȱ ̼ΏΓϾȱ ̝ΑΘ·ϱΑΖȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙȱ ̙ΣΏΎΖǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̙ΣΏΎΖȱ ǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅Ǽǰȱ ̓ΕΓΚφΘΓΙȱ ̼ΏΓІȱ ȱ ̙ΣΏΎΖȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ̘ΝΘΉΑϛΖȱ̓ΕЏΘΖȱǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅Ǽǯȱ ȱ ̌̈̔̄̌ȱ̙̄̔̌̈̓̌̍̒̓̄̌̕ȱ̍̄̌ȱ̖̏̊̔̒̓̒̎̈̌̕ȱ ̛̖̗̈̑̈̔̌̍̒ȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔφȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̐νθȱ ͩϱΕΎϙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̝ΕΛΉΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ͲΎΉ΅ΑЗΑǰȱ ̝ΘΏ΅ΑΘΎΓІȱ ΘΉȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̈ϢΕΑΎΓІȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ŞȬ ŗŖȱ ȱ ŝşȱ ǰȱ ȱ 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̕ΝΘφΕΓΖȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ΖǼȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ΊǼȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐΓΕΚЏΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ ȱ ̝ΑΘ·ϱΑΖǰȱ Ǽȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̍ΓΙΈΓΙΑκȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ΌǼȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̍΅ΕϾΔȱ ̞ΑΘ·ϱΑΖǰȱ Ǽȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐΓΕΚЏΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ ̓ΕЏΘΖȱ ǻ̆ΙΑ΅ΎΉϟ΅Ǽǯȱ řǯȱ̏ΉΘϱΛ΅аȱ̓΅Α΅·ϟΓΙȱ̖ΣΚΓΙȱřǰȱΘΐЏΐΉΑ΅ȱπΔȂȱ ϴΑϱΐ΅ΘȱΘΓІȱ̞·ϟΓΙȱ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙǰȱόΘΓȱπΑȱ̘΅Α΅ΕϟУǰȱ ̙ΣΏΎϙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̐ΉΓΛΝΕϟУǯȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̕Ακǰȱ ΘΐЏΐΉΑΓΑȱ πΔȂȱ ϳΑϱΐ΅Θȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̓ΕΓΈΕϱΐΓΙǰȱπΑȱ̘΅Α΅ΕϟУǯȱ Śǯȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ̓ΕΓΗΎΙΑφΐ΅Θ΅Ȭ̞·ΣΗΐ΅Θ΅ȱ Ŝаȱ ΅Ǽȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̅ΉΚκǰȱ ΆǼȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̋ΉΕΣΔΓΑΘΓΖǰȱ·Ǽȱ̞·ϟΓΙȱ̇ΐΘΕϟΓΙȱ̑ΕΓΎΕφΑΖǰȱ ΈǼȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̖ΕΣΈΓΖȱ ̍ΓΊΏΓІǰȱ ΉǼȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̍΅ΊΏφΘΗΉΗΐΉȱ ǻσΒΝȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΘΉΛЗΑǼǰȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΖǼȱ ̞·ϟΝΑȱ ̖ΉΗΗ΅ΕΣΎΓΑΘ΅ȱ ̏΅ΕΘϾΕΝΑȱ ̇ΔΏΓΎΓΑϟΓΙǯȱ śǯȱ̘ΏϱΔΘΝΛΓаȱ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΘΉΖȱŞǯȱ Ŝǯȱ ͒ΈΕϾΐ΅Θ΅аȱ ̐ΓΗΓΎΓΐΉϧΓΑȱ ̅΅ΏΓΙΎΏϛǰȱ ̆ΕΓΎΓΐΉϧΓΑǰȱ ̚ΙΛ΅ΘΕΉϧΓΑǰȱ ͞ΕΚ΅ΑΓΘΕΓΚΉϧΓΑȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ̋ΉΕΑφȱ ̕Θν·ȱ ̳Ε·΅ΊΓΐνΑΝΑȱ ΑΉ΅ΑϟΈΝΑȱ Ȭ̓΅ΈϱΔΓΏΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐΓΕΚЏΗΉΝΖȱ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ̓ΕЏΘΖǯȱ ŝǯȱ̕ϾΑΈΉΗΐΓаȱ΅Ǽȱ̆ΕΓΎΓΐΓΙΐνΑΝΑȱ̅΅ΏΓΙΎΏϛǰȱ ΆǼȱ̝ΔΓΚΓϟΘΝΑȱ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ̕ΛΓΏϛΖǰȱ·Ǽȱ̝ΔΓΚΓϟΘΝΑȱ ̉Ν·Ε΅ΚΉϟΓΙǰȱ ΈǼȱ ̝ΔΓΚΓϟΘΝΑȱ ͑Ν΅ΎΉΐϟΓΙǰȱ ΉǼȱ ̝ΔΓΚΓϟΘΝΑȱ ̉΅ΔΔΉϟΓΙǰȱ ΖǼȱ ̝ΔΓΚΓϟΘΝΑȱ ̍ΉΑΘΕΎΓІǰȱ ΊǼȱ ̏ΓΙΗΎΓΚϟΏΝΑǰȱ Ǽȱ ̓ΕΓΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Ζȱ ̝ΔϱΕΝΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̝ΗΌΉΑЗΑȱ ̓΅ϟΈΝΑǰȱ ΌǼȱ ̕ϾΑΈΉΗΐΓȱ ̏ΓΕΚΝΘΎΓϟȱ řаȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΓΙȱ ̔ΉϾΐ΅ΘΓΖǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϟΑΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̴ΏνΑΖȱ ͩΜΝΐ΅ΌΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̏ΓΕΚΝΘΎϱΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̍΅ΏΏΘΉΛΑΎϱΖȱ ̕ϾΑΈΉΗΐΓΖȱ ̘ΉΕϟΎΓϞǰȱ Ǽȱ ̕ϾΏΏΓ·Γȱ ̝ΌΏΘΎΓϟȱ Řаȱ ̓νΕ΅Αȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̖΅Θ΅ΓϾΏΝΑǰȱ ΅Ǽȱ ̳Ε΅ΗΘΉΛΑΎϱΖȱ ̋Ή΅ΘΕΎϱΖȱ ͣΐΏΓΖǰȱρΈΕ΅ȱ̘ΉΕϟΎΓϞǯȱ 52 ȱ ̌̈̔̄̌ȱ̖̏̊̔̒̓̒̎̈̌̕ȱ ΅Ǽȱ̳Δ΅ΕΛϟ΅ȱ̙΅ΏΎΈϱΑΓΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̆νΕΝΑȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈϱΑΓΖȱ Ύǯȱ ͑Ν΅ΎΉϟΐǰȱ ЀΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ȱ σΒ΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ΔΣΗΖȱ ̅ΌΙΑϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅аȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈЏΑǰȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ¢ȱ ǯȱ řŗȱ ã¢ǰȱ Gǰȱ û¢ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŖŖşŖǯŘŗŜȬřřŜŖǯŚŖŗǯȱ ¡ǯȱ řřŝŖǯśŗřǯȱ ̍ΓΑϱΘΘΉΖȱ ŗŗǯȱ ̳ΚΐνΕΓȱ śǯȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓȱ Řǯȱ ̇ΐΓΘΎϱΑȱ̕ΛΓΏΉϧΓΑȱŗǯȱ̘ΏϱΔΘΝΛΓΖȱ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΖȱ ŗǯȱ̏ΓΕΚΝΘΎϱΖȱ̕ϾΑΈΉΗΐΓΖȱŗǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̖ΕΣΈΓΖȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈϱΑΓΖǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̈ЁΚΐϟ΅Ζȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈϱΑΓΖǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͑·Α΅ΘϟΓΙȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈϱΑΓΖȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱ ̙ΕΙΗΓΗΘϱΐΓΙȱ ̍΅Ώ΅ΐΗϟΝΑǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̆νΏΑΘΉ·ΕΐΉΑǰȱ ̓ΕΓΚφΘΓΙȱ ̼ΏΓϾȱ ̕ΎΓΙΘΣΕΉΝΖǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΓΑΓΖȱ ̍ΓΙΗΎΓΙΑΘΊΓΙΎϟΓΙǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̍ΓΙΗΎΓΙΑΘΊΓΙΎϟΓΙǯȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̖ΗΉ·ΎνΏΎΓϞǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΓΑΓΖȱ ǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅ȱ ̖ΗΉ·ΎνΏΎΓϞǼǰȱ ̕ΝΘϛΕΓΖȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ ̍΅ΑΈΙΏΏϟǰȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱ ǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅ȱ ̆ΎϱΎΗΓΙ·ΓΙǼǰȱ ̞·ϟΝΑȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϟΑΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̴ΏνΑΖȱ ̓΅ΗΣΐΔ΅ΛΘΗΉǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̏ΔνΎΓΊǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ̍ΙΕ΅ΎϛΖȱǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅ȱ̓΅ΗΣΐΔ΅ΛΘΗΉǼǯȱ ȱ ΆǼȱ̳Δ΅ΕΛϟ΅ȱ̇νΕΎΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̇νΕΎΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖǰȱ ЀΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ȱ σΒ΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̅ΓΗΔϱΕΓΙȱ ̋Ε΅ΎΎΓІȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̍Ι΅ΑνΝΑǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅аȱ ̋ΉΕ΅ΔΉϧ΅ǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ǯŗŘȦŚǰȱ řŚȱŞŖŖȱóã¢ȬȱGǰȱû¢ǯȱ̖ΏǯȱŖŖşŖǯŘŗŘǯȱ ŜŜřǯŞŞǯŘŘǰȱ¡ǯȱŜŜřǯŞŞǯŘŗǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧ΅ȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔϱΏΉΝΖаȱ πΑΘϱΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ΅ЁΏΓ·ϾΕΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ͒ǯȱ ̐΅ΓІȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̋ΉΕ΅ΔΉϟΝΑǰȱã¢ȱǯȱŜŚȬŜŞǰȱŞŖŞȱŞŖȱ¢ǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱŖŖşŖǯŘŗŘǯȱŘŜŘǯŖŖǯŘŞǰȱŜŜřǯŞŞǯŘŘǯȱ¡ǯȱŜŜřǯŞŞǯŘŗǯȱ ̍ΓΑϱΘΘΉΖȱ śǰȱ ̳ΚΐνΕΓȱ Śǰȱ ̇ΐΓΘΎΣȱ ̕ΛΓΏΉϧ΅ȱ Řǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̋ΉΕ΅ΔΉϟΝΑǰȱ ̆ΉΑΉΌΏϟΓΙȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱ ̓ΕΓΈΕϱΐΓΙȱ ̆ΉΑφΐ΅Λ΅ΏΏΉǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̅΅ΌΙΕΕϾ΅ΎΓΖǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̕ΘΉΚΣΑΓΙȱ ̆ΉΗφΏΎΓϞǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̏΅ΎΕΓΛΝΕϟΓΙǰȱ ̋Ήϟ΅Ζȱ ̝Α΅ΏφΜΉΝΖȱ ̏΅ΎΕΓΛΝΕϟΓΙȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̅΅ΌΙΕΕϾ΅ΎΓΖȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̴ΏνΑΖȱ ̋ΉΕ΅ΔΉϟΝΑȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǯȱ ȱ ·Ǽȱ̳Δ΅ΕΛϟ΅ȱ͕ΐΆΕΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̖ΉΑνΈΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ͕ΐΆΕΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̖ΉΑνΈΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖǰȱ ЀΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ σΒ΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̄Ϣ·΅ϟΓΙȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̓ΉΏΣ·ΓΙΖǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅аȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅ȱ ͕ΐΆΕΓΙǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ǯǯȱ ŚŘǰȱ ŗŗŝȱ ŜŖȱ ã³Ȭ ,ǰȱû¢ǯȱ̖ΏǯȱŖŖşǯŖŘŞŜȱŞŞŝřǯŖŚŘǰȱ¡ǯȱ ŞŞŝřǯśřśǯȱ̍ΓΑϱΘΘΉΖȱπΑȱ͕ΐΆΕУȱŗŗǰȱπΑȱ̖ΉΑνΈУȱŗǯȱ ̳ΚΐνΕΓȱπΑȱ͕ΐΆΕУȱŗŖǰȱπΑȱ̖ΉΑνΈУȱŗǯȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱ ŗǯȱ ̘Ώ΅ΑΌΕΝΔΎϱΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̏ΓΕΚΝΘΎϱΖȱ ̕ϾΑΈΉΗΐΓΖȱ ͑ΐΆΕϟΝΑȱπΑȱ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘΑΓΙΔϱΏΉǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̏΅ΕϟΑΖȱ ̍ΣΗΘΕΓΙǰȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̆ΏΙΎνΓΖǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̅΅ΕΆΣΕ΅Ζȱ ̈ЁΏ΅ΐΔϟΓΙǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ̞·ϟΝΑȱ ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΝΑǰȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̞·ϟΝΑȱ ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΝΑǰȱ ̈Ё΅··ΉΏΗΐΓІȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̝·ΕΈϟΝΑǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̏΅ΕϟΑΖȱ ̕ΛΓΑΓΙΈϟΓΙǰȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̖ΉΑνΈΓΙǰȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΔΣΐΔΓΏΏ΅ȱπΒΝΎΎΏφΗ΅ȱπΑȱ͕ΐΆΕУȱΎ΅ϟȱ̖ΉΑνΈУǯȱ ȱ ΈǼȱ̳Δ΅ΕΛϟ΅ȱȱ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔΓΑΑφΗΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΣΎΝΆΓΖǰȱЀΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱΎ΅ϟȱσΒ΅ΕΛΓΖȱ̓ΕΓΔΓΑΘϟΈΓΖǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅аȱ ̓Εϟ·ΎΔΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ǯȱ ȱ řǰȱ û¢ûǰȱ Gǰȱ û¢ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŖŖşŖǯŘŗŜǯřŞŘǯŚŗǯşŚǰȱ ŖŖşŖǯȱ ŘŗŘǯŘŚŚǯŚşǯŖśǰȱ ŖŖşŖǯȱȱ śřŘǯŘŗŘǯŚŝǯřřǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ŖŖşŖǯŘŗŘǯŘŚŚǯŗśǯŝŝǯȱ ̍ΓΑϱΘΘΉΖȱ Śǰȱ ̳ΚΐνΕΓȱ Řǰȱ ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱ ŗǰȱ ̇ΐΓΘΎϱΑȱ̕ΛΓΏΉϧΓΑȱŗǯȱ ͒ΉΕΓϟȱ ̐΅Γϟаȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̇ΐΘΕϟΓΙȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ̞·ϟΝΑȱ ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΝΑȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϟΑΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̴ΏνΑΖȱ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙȱǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅Ǽǰȱ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ̘ΝΘΉΑϛΖȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙȱ ǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅Ǽǰȱ ̓ΕΓΚφΘΓΙȱ ̼ΏΓϾȱ ̓Ε·ΎφΔΓΙȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̆ΉΑΉΌΏϟΓΙȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱ̓ΕЏΘΖǰȱ̞·ϟΓΙȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱ̓ΕΓΈΕϱΐΓΙȱ ̝ΑΘ·ϱΑΖǰȱ ̓ΕΓΚφΘΓΙȱ ̼ΏΓϾȱ ̝ΑΘ·ϱΑΖȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙȱ ̙ΣΏΎΖǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̓΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ̙ΣΏΎΖȱ ǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅Ǽǰȱ ̓ΕΓΚφΘΓΙȱ ̼ΏΓІȱ ȱ ̙ΣΏΎΖȱ ǻ̍ΓΐΘΕ΅ΎϱΖǼǰȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ̘ΝΘΉΑϛΖȱ̓ΕЏΘΖȱǻ̞·ϟ΅Ηΐ΅Ǽǯȱ ȱ ̌̈̔̄̌ȱ̙̄̔̌̈̓̌̍̒̓̄̌̕ȱ̍̄̌ȱ̖̏̊̔̒̓̒̎̈̌̕ȱ ̛̖̗̈̑̈̔̌̍̒ȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔφȱ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̐νθȱ ͩϱΕΎϙǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̝ΕΛΉΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ͲΎΉ΅ΑЗΑǰȱ ̝ΘΏ΅ΑΘΎΓІȱ ΘΉȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̈ϢΕΑΎΓІȱ Ύǯȱ ̇ΐφΘΕΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ŞȬ ŗŖȱ ȱ ŝşȱ ǰȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ŗŖŖŘŗǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘŗŘǯśŝŖǯřśŖŖǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ŘŗŘǯśŝŖǯřśŜşǯȱ DZȱ ȓǯǯȱDZȱ ǯǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔφȱ̄ЁΗΘΕ΅Ώϟ΅Ζȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱ ΘφΑȱ ̄ЁΗΘ΅Ώϟ΅Αǰȱ ̖΅Ηΐ΅Αϟ΅Αȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̐ν΅Αȱ ̆ΓΙϞΑν΅Αǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̕ϾΈΑΉϼǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̝ΕΛΉΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ ̄ЁΗΘΕ΅Ώϟ΅Ζǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ΔΣΗΖȱ ͲΎΉ΅Αϟ΅Ζǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̕ΘΙΏ΅ΑϱΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ¢ȱȱǰȱŘŚŘȱȱ ǰȱ ǰȱ ¢¢ȱ ǯǯǯȱ ŘŖŗŜǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ ŜŗȬŘȬşŜşŞǯśŖŜŜȱ ǻŚȱ ·Ε΅ΐΐνΖǼǯȱ ¡ǯȱ şŜşŞǯśřŜŞǯDZȱ DZȦȦǯǯǯȦDžȦȦȱ ǯǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔφȱ̋Ι΅ΘΉϟΕΝΑȱ ȱΎ΅ϟȱ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ̅ΕΉΘ΅Αϟ΅Ζȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̎ΓΑΈϟΑУǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̝ΕΛΉΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ ̋Ι΅ΘΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ ̅ΕΉΘ΅Αϟ΅Ζǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̇ΙΘΎϛΖȱ ̈ЁΕЏΔΖǰȱ͒ΕΏ΅ΑΈϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̏ΉΏϟΘΖǰȱΎǯȱ̆Ε·ϱΕΓΖǰȱ ̝ΔΓΎΕΗΣΕΓΖȱΘΓІȱ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱ Δ΅ΕΣȱ ΘϜȱ ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔϜȱ ̍΅ΑΘΓΙ΅Εϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱȱȱȱ ȱ¢ȱȱȱǰȱ¢ȱ ǰȱ śȱȱ ǰȱȱŘȱřǰȱǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸȱ ŚŚȬŖŘŖȬŝŝŘřǯŚŝǯŞŝǯȱ¡ǯȱƸŚŚȬŖŘŖȬŝŘŘŚǯşřǯŖŗǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̆΅ΏΏϟ΅Ζȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̓΅ΕΗϟΓΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̆΅ΏΏϟ΅Ζǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ΔΣΗΖȱ ̈ЁΕЏΔΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̳ΐΐ΅ΑΓΙΏǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǯȱ ǰȱ ŝȱ ȱ ȱ £ǰȱ ŝśŗŗŜȱ ǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ƸřřȬǻŖǼȱ ŗǯŚŝǯŘŖǯŞŘǯřśǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ƸřřȬǻŖǼŗǯŚŝǯŘŖǯŞřǯŗśǯȱ DZȱ DZȦȦǯȱ 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şŘǰȱ ŗŗŚȱ ŘŖȱ ǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ ŚŜȬŞȬŜŚŜǯŘŚŘŗǯȱ¡ǯȱşŝǯřŘǯŗŘǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̅ΉΏ·ϟΓΙȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̅ΕΙΒνΏΏ΅Ζǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̅ΉΏ·ϟΓΙǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̍ΣΘΝȱ ̙ΝΕЗΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̎ΓΙΒΉΐΆΓϾΕ·ΓΙǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ŝŗǰȱ ŗŖřŖȱ ¡ǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ řŘǯŘǯŝřŜǯśŘǯŝŞǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ŝřśǯřŘǯŜŚǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̐ν΅Ζȱ̉Ώ΅ΑΈϟ΅Ζȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱΘφΑȱ̐ν΅Αȱ̉Ώ΅ΑΈϟ΅ǰȱ̍ΓΕν΅ΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ ͑΅ΔΝΑϟ΅Αǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̒ЁνΏΑ·ΎΘΓΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̐ν΅Ζȱ ̉Ώ΅ΑΈϟ΅Ζǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̍ΓΕν΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͑΅ΔΝΑϟ΅Ζǰȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΝΗφΚǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ȱ ȱ ǯȱ ǯǰȱ řŜśȱ ¢ǰȱ ǰȱ ǰȱ ȱ ǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱƸȱŜŚȬŚȬŗŞŞǯŗŗşŚǯȱ¡ǯȱƸŜŚȬŚȬřŞŞǯŗŚŞŜǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̴ΏΆΉΘϟ΅Ζȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱΘφΑȱ̴ΏΆΉΘΎφΑȱ̕ΙΑΓΐΓΗΔΓΑΈϟ΅Αȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Θϱȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔκΘΓΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̎ϟΛΘΉΑΗΘΣϞΑǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̕΅ΐΔΉΊϾȱ ̆ΉΑΉϾΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̴ΏΆΉΘϟ΅Ζǰȱ Ύǯȱ ͒ΉΕΉΐϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱȱȱǰȱŘŞŘȱȱȱ ǰȱ ȬŗŘşŘȱ ¢ǰȱ ǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱƸŚŗȬ ŘŘȬŝśŞǯŗŞǯřřȱόȱ¡ǯȱŝśŞǯŘŚǯŗŜǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ͑Θ΅Ώϟ΅Ζȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̅ΉΑΉΘϟθǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ͑Θ΅Ώϟ΅Ζǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ 54 ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̐ΓΘϟΓΙȱ ̈ЁΕЏΔΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱȱȱȱȂȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ Ȃȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ řŚŘŘǰȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ řŖŗŘŘȱ £ǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ řşȬŖŚŗȬśŘǯřşǯśŜşǯȱ ¡ǯȱ śŘǯŘŝǯŖŗŜǯȱ DZȱ DZȦȦ ǯǯȱȬDZȱȓǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̖ΓΕϱΑΘΓȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱ ΘφΑȱ ͟ΐΓΗΔΓΑΈ΅ΎφΑȱ ̇ΐΓΎΕ΅Θϟ΅ΑȱΘΓІȱ̍΅Α΅Έκǯȱ̸ΈΕ΅ȱπΑȱ̖ΓΕϱΑΘΓǯȱ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̖ΓΕϱΑΘΓǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̕ΝΘφΕΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ŞŜȱ ȱ ǯǰȱ ǰȱ ǰȱ Ś ȱ ŗŜȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ƸŚŗŜǯŚŘşǯśŝśŝǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ƸŚŗŜǯŚŘşǯŚśŞŞǯȱ DZȱ DZȦȦ ǯǯȱ ȱ ȬDZȱ ȓȱ ǯǯǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̏ΔΓΙνΑΓΖȱ̡ϞΕΉΖȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱ ΘφΑȱ ̝Ε·ΉΑΘΑφΑǰȱ ̅Ε΅ΊΏϟ΅Αǰȱ ̒ЁΕΓΙ·ΓΙΣǰȱ ̙ΏφΑǰȱ ̓΅Ε΅·ΓΙΣΑǰȱ ̓ΉΕΓϾǰȱ ̅ΓΏΆϟ΅Αȱ Ύ΅ȱ ̳ΎΓΙ΅ΈϱΕǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̏ΔΓΙνΑΓΖȱ ̡ϞΕΉΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̏ΔΓΙνΑΓΖȱ ̡ϞΕΉΖǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̐ΓΘϟΓΙȱ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̖΅ΕΣΗΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱȱǰȱȱǰȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ řŗŞŝǰȱ ȱ ȱ ŗŚŘśǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ƸśŚȬŗŗȬŚŞŖŘǯřŘŖŚǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ŚŞŖŗǯŖŗŘŝǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̓΅Α΅ΐκȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱ ϵΏ΅Ζȱ ΘΣΖȱ ΛЏΕ΅Ζȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̍ΉΑΘΕΎϛΖȱ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǰȱ ̏ΉΒΎΓІǰȱ ̍ΓΏΓΐΆϟ΅Ζǰȱ ̅ΉΑΉΊΓΙνΏ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̍΅Ε΅Ά΅ϞΎϛΖǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̏ΉΒΎХǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̓΅Α΅ΐκǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̍ΉΑΘΕЏ΅Ζȱ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ̄ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζǯȱ̖΅Λǯȱ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ £ȱ ¡ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ǯȱ ǰȱ ȱ ǰȱ ǰȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ¡ǰȱ ǯǯȱ śřşŖŖȱ ¡ǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱƸȱśŘśȬŘşŚǯŚŚŜŖǯȱ¡ǯȱƸȱśŘśȬŘşŚǯŘŜŝŞǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̙ϱΑ·Ύȱ̍ϱΑ·Ύȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱ ΘφΑȱ ̍ϟΑ΅Αǰȱ ͑ΑΈϟ΅Αǰȱ ̘ΏΔΔϟΑ΅Ζȱ ̐φΗΓΙΖǰȱ ̕·Ύ΅ΔΓϾΕΑǰȱ ͑ΑΈΓΑΗϟ΅Αȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̖΅ϼΏΣΑΈΑǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̙ϱΑ·Ύȱ ̍ϱΑ·Ύǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̙ϱΑ·Ύȱ ̍ϱΑ·Ύǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̡ΔΝȱ ̝Α΅ΘΓΏϛΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̐ΎφΘ΅Ζǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ŝŖŚȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ȱȱǰȱřȱȱǰȱ ȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ ŞśŘȬŘśŝřǯŞřŘŞǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ŘśŝřǯŞřŝşǯȱ Ȭ DZȱ ȓǯǯǯȱ DZȱ DZȦȦ ǯǯǯȦ¢ȦȦȦȱ ǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ͒ΗΔ΅Αϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ ̓ΓΕΘΓ·΅Ώϟ΅Ζȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̏΅ΈΕϟΘǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ͒ΗΔ΅Αϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΓΕΘΓ·΅Ώϟ΅Ζǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̏ΉΗΓ·ΉϧΓΙȱ ̋΅ΏΏΣΗΗΖǰȱΎǯȱ̴ΔΚΣΑΓΖǯȱ̖΅Λǯȱ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱ ¢ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ȱ ȱ ǯǯȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ǰȱ ǯȱ ȱ ŗŘǰȱ ȱ ŘŞŖŗŜǯȱ ̈ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ƸřŚǯşŗǯřşŗǯśŖşŖǰȱřŚśǯŚŖǯŞśǯȱ¡DZȱřśŖȬşřǯŝŚǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̍ΓΕν΅Ζȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̍ΓΕν΅Ζǰȱ ȱ Ύǯȱ ̕ΝΘφΕΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ 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̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱΘΓІȱ̋ΉΓΏϱ·ΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̈Ё΅··ΉΏΗΘΓІǰȱϊΘΖȱ ϡΈΕΙΌΉϧΗ΅ȱΔΉΕϟȱΘΣȱΘνΏȱΘΓІȱ̌̄Юȱ΅ϢЗΑΓΖȱЀΔϱȱΘΓІȱ ͟ΗϟΓΙȱ ̓΅ΘΕϱΖȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓΈΓϾΏΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̎΅ΘΕΑΓІǰȱ ΈΝΕΌΉϟΗΖȱΘϛΖȱΑφΗΓΙȱ̓ΣΘΐΓΙȱΔΕϱΖȱ΅ЁΘϱΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ ΛΓΕ·ϟθȱ ΘΓІȱ ΦΉΐΑφΗΘΓΙȱ ̄ЁΘΓΎΕΣΘΓΕΓΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̅ΙΊ΅ΑΘϟΓΙȱ ̝ΏΉΒϟΓΙȱ ̄Юȱ ΘΓІȱ ̍ΓΐΑΑΓІǰȱ ΦΔνΆȱ ΈΣȱ ΐνΗΓΙȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΅ϢЏΑΝΑȱ ȱ ρΑȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΎΙΕΝΘνΕΝΑȱ ΎνΑΘΕΝΑȱΘΓІȱ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΗΐΓІȱπΑȱ̝Α΅ΘΓΏϜǯȱ ̍΅ΘΣȱ ΘφΑȱ ŘśΑȬŘŝΑȱ ̕ΉΔΘΉΐΆΕϟΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ σΘΓΙΖȱ ŗşşŞȱ οΝΕΘΣΗΌȱ Δ΅ΑΓΕΌΓΈϱΒΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Δ΅ΑΉΎΎΏΗ΅ΗΘΎЗΖǰȱΘϜȱπΔΗφΐУȱΗΙΐΉΘΓΛϜȱΘϛΖȱ ̴ΏΏΑΎϛΖȱ ̓ΓΏΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ ψȱ πΔνΘΉΓΖȱ ΘЗΑȱ şŖŖȱ πΘЗΑȱ ΦΔϱȱΘϛΖȱϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱΘϛΖȱ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̏ΓΑϛΖǯȱ ̖φΑȱ ŘŚΑȱ ͑΅ΑΓΙ΅ΕϟΓΙȱ ŘŖŖŖȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱ ̳Β΅ΕΛϟ΅ȱ ΦΔΓΘΉΏΓΙΐνΑȱ πΎȱ ΘЗΑȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏΘЗΑȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅Α΅ΗϟΓΙǰȱ ̓ΕΓνΈΕΓΙǰȱ ̎΅ΓΈΎΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ͑΅ΎЏΆΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑΓΖǰȱ ̏ΉΏЗΑǰȱ ΘϜȱ ΗΙΐΐΉΘΓΛϜȱ Ένȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΘΓΖǰȱ πΎφΕΙΒ΅ΑȱΘφΑȱ͒ΉΕΣΑȱ̏ΓΑφΑȱ̍ΓΑϱΆΓΑǰȱΈΣȱΘϛΖȱ πΑΉΕ·ΓΔΓφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓІȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕ΙΑΓΈΎΓІȱ ̕Ι··ΏЏΈΓΙΖȱ ̆ΕΣΐΐ΅ΘΓΖǰȱ ΘΓІȱ πΒ΅ΔΓΏΙΌνΑΘΓΖȱ πΑȱ σΘΉȱ ŗşŞşУǰȱ ΘϜȱ ΅ϢΘφΗΉȱ ΘϛΖȱ ΘϱΘΉȱ 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̄ЁΗΘΕϟ΅Ζǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̒Ё··΅Εϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̏ΉΗΉΙΕЏΔΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̏Λ΅φΏǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ £ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ŗŖŗŖȱ ǰȱ ȱ ŗřǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ ŚřȬŗȬśřřǯřŞǯŞşǯȱ ¡ǯȱƸȱŚřǯŗǯśřřǯřŞǯŞşǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̕ΓΙΈϟ΅Ζȱȱ Ύ΅ϟȱΔΣΗΖȱ̕Ύ΅ΑΈΑ΅Ιϫ΅Ζȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱ ΘφΑȱ ̕ΓΙΈϟ΅Αǰȱ ̐ΓΕΆ·ϟ΅Αǰȱ ̇΅Αϟ΅ΑǰȱΎ΅ϟȱ͑ΗΏ΅ΑΈϟ΅Αǯȱ̸ΈΕ΅ȱπΑȱ̕ΘΓΎΛϱΏΐϙǯȱ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̕ΓΙΈϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ȱ ΔΣΗΖȱ ̕Ύ΅ΑΈΑ΅Ιϫ΅Ζǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̅ΓΕΉϟΝΑȱ ̙ΝΕЗΑǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ІΏΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ Ȭ¡ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȱ şŘǰȱ ŗŗŚȱ ŘŖȱ ǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ ŚŜȬŞȬŜŚŜǯŘŚŘŗǯȱ¡ǯȱşŝǯřŘǯŗŘǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̅ΉΏ·ϟΓΙȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̅ΕΙΒνΏΏ΅Ζǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̅ΉΏ·ϟΓΙǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̍ΣΘΝȱ ̙ΝΕЗΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̎ΓΙΒΉΐΆΓϾΕ·ΓΙǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ŝŗǰȱ ŗŖřŖȱ ¡ǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ řŘǯŘǯŝřŜǯśŘǯŝŞǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ŝřśǯřŘǯŜŚǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̐ν΅Ζȱ̉Ώ΅ΑΈϟ΅Ζȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱΘφΑȱ̐ν΅Αȱ̉Ώ΅ΑΈϟ΅ǰȱ̍ΓΕν΅ΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ ͑΅ΔΝΑϟ΅Αǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̒ЁνΏΑ·ΎΘΓΑǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̐ν΅Ζȱ ̉Ώ΅ΑΈϟ΅Ζǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̍ΓΕν΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͑΅ΔΝΑϟ΅Ζǰȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΝΗφΚǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ȱ ȱ ǯȱ ǯǰȱ řŜśȱ ¢ǰȱ ǰȱ ǰȱ ȱ ǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱƸȱŜŚȬŚȬŗŞŞǯŗŗşŚǯȱ¡ǯȱƸŜŚȬŚȬřŞŞǯŗŚŞŜǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̴ΏΆΉΘϟ΅Ζȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱΘφΑȱ̴ΏΆΉΘΎφΑȱ̕ΙΑΓΐΓΗΔΓΑΈϟ΅Αȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Θϱȱ ̓Ε·ΎΔκΘΓΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̎ϟΛΘΉΑΗΘΣϞΑǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̕΅ΐΔΉΊϾȱ ̆ΉΑΉϾΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̴ΏΆΉΘϟ΅Ζǰȱ Ύǯȱ ͒ΉΕΉΐϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱȱȱǰȱŘŞŘȱȱȱ ǰȱ ȬŗŘşŘȱ ¢ǰȱ ǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱƸŚŗȬ ŘŘȬŝśŞǯŗŞǯřřȱόȱ¡ǯȱŝśŞǯŘŚǯŗŜǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ͑Θ΅Ώϟ΅Ζȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̅ΉΑΉΘϟθǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ͑Θ΅Ώϟ΅Ζǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ 54 ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̐ΓΘϟΓΙȱ ̈ЁΕЏΔΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉΑΑΣΈΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱȱȱȱȂȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ Ȃȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ řŚŘŘǰȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ řŖŗŘŘȱ £ǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ řşȬŖŚŗȬśŘǯřşǯśŜşǯȱ ¡ǯȱ śŘǯŘŝǯŖŗŜǯȱ DZȱ DZȦȦ ǯǯȱȬDZȱȓǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̖ΓΕϱΑΘΓȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱ ΘφΑȱ ͟ΐΓΗΔΓΑΈ΅ΎφΑȱ ̇ΐΓΎΕ΅Θϟ΅ΑȱΘΓІȱ̍΅Α΅Έκǯȱ̸ΈΕ΅ȱπΑȱ̖ΓΕϱΑΘΓǯȱ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̖ΓΕϱΑΘΓǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̕ΝΘφΕΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ŞŜȱ ȱ ǯǰȱ ǰȱ ǰȱ Ś ȱ ŗŜȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ƸŚŗŜǯŚŘşǯśŝśŝǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ƸŚŗŜǯŚŘşǯŚśŞŞǯȱ DZȱ DZȦȦ ǯǯȱ ȱ ȬDZȱ ȓȱ ǯǯǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̏ΔΓΙνΑΓΖȱ̡ϞΕΉΖȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱ ΘφΑȱ ̝Ε·ΉΑΘΑφΑǰȱ ̅Ε΅ΊΏϟ΅Αǰȱ ̒ЁΕΓΙ·ΓΙΣǰȱ ̙ΏφΑǰȱ ̓΅Ε΅·ΓΙΣΑǰȱ ̓ΉΕΓϾǰȱ ̅ΓΏΆϟ΅Αȱ Ύ΅ȱ ̳ΎΓΙ΅ΈϱΕǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̏ΔΓΙνΑΓΖȱ ̡ϞΕΉΖǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̏ΔΓΙνΑΓΖȱ ̡ϞΕΉΖǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̐ΓΘϟΓΙȱ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̖΅ΕΣΗΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱȱǰȱȱǰȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ řŗŞŝǰȱ ȱ ȱ ŗŚŘśǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ƸśŚȬŗŗȬŚŞŖŘǯřŘŖŚǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ŚŞŖŗǯŖŗŘŝǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̓΅Α΅ΐκȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱ ϵΏ΅Ζȱ ΘΣΖȱ ΛЏΕ΅Ζȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̍ΉΑΘΕΎϛΖȱ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǰȱ ̏ΉΒΎΓІǰȱ ̍ΓΏΓΐΆϟ΅Ζǰȱ ̅ΉΑΉΊΓΙνΏ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̍΅Ε΅Ά΅ϞΎϛΖǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̏ΉΒΎХǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̓΅Α΅ΐκǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̍ΉΑΘΕЏ΅Ζȱ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ̄ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅Ζǯȱ̖΅Λǯȱ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ £ȱ ¡ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ǯȱ ǰȱ ȱ ǰȱ ǰȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ¡ǰȱ ǯǯȱ śřşŖŖȱ ¡ǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱƸȱśŘśȬŘşŚǯŚŚŜŖǯȱ¡ǯȱƸȱśŘśȬŘşŚǯŘŜŝŞǯȱ ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̏ΘΕϱΔΓΏΖȱ̙ϱΑ·Ύȱ̍ϱΑ·Ύȱ ̓ΉΕΏ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱ ΘφΑȱ ̍ϟΑ΅Αǰȱ ͑ΑΈϟ΅Αǰȱ ̘ΏΔΔϟΑ΅Ζȱ ̐φΗΓΙΖǰȱ ̕·Ύ΅ΔΓϾΕΑǰȱ ͑ΑΈΓΑΗϟ΅Αȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̖΅ϼΏΣΑΈΑǯȱ ̸ΈΕ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̙ϱΑ·Ύȱ ̍ϱΑ·Ύǯȱ ͟ȱ ̕ΉΆ΅ΗΐЏΘ΅ΘΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̙ϱΑ·Ύȱ ̍ϱΑ·Ύǰȱ ͩΔνΕΘΐΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̡ΔΝȱ ̝Α΅ΘΓΏϛΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̐ΎφΘ΅Ζǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ŝŖŚȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ȱȱǰȱřȱȱǰȱ ȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ ŞśŘȬŘśŝřǯŞřŘŞǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ŘśŝřǯŞřŝşǯȱ Ȭ DZȱ ȓǯǯǯȱ DZȱ DZȦȦ 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̍΅Ό·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΘϟΔ΅Ζȱ̐ΎΘ΅ΕκΖǯȱ ȱ ̇ΓϟΎΗΖȱ ̸ΈΕ΅аȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ̅΅ΗΏΎφǰȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφǰȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱΘΓІȱ̋ΉΓΏϱ·ΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̈Ё΅··ΉΏΗΘΓІǯȱ̖ǯ̍ǯȱ ŞśśȱŖŖȱȱ̓ΣΘΐΓΖǯȱ ȱ ȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱ ̳Β΅ΕΛϟ΅ȱ ̓ΣΘΐΓΙǰȱ ̖ǯ̍ǯȱ Şśśȱ ŖŖȱ ̓ΣΘΐΓΖǯȱ ̖ΏνΚΝΑ΅ȱ ǻΔΕϱΌΉΐ΅ȱ ŘŘŚŝŖǼаȱ ȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ̍νΑΘΕΓΑȱ řŚǯŗřŘǰȱ řŗǯřşŞǯȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓІȱ̳ΒΣΕΛΓΙȱřŗǯŘŘřǰȱ¡ȱřŗǯřŞŗǯȱ ̽ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ̅΅ΗΏΎφȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱΘΓІȱ̋ΉΓΏϱ·ΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱ̈Ё΅··ΉΏΗΘΓІǰȱϊΘΖȱ ϡΈΕΙΌΉϧΗ΅ȱΔΉΕϟȱΘΣȱΘνΏȱΘΓІȱ̌̄Юȱ΅ϢЗΑΓΖȱЀΔϱȱΘΓІȱ ͟ΗϟΓΙȱ ̓΅ΘΕϱΖȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓΈΓϾΏΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̎΅ΘΕΑΓІǰȱ ΈΝΕΌΉϟΗΖȱΘϛΖȱΑφΗΓΙȱ̓ΣΘΐΓΙȱΔΕϱΖȱ΅ЁΘϱΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ ΛΓΕ·ϟθȱ ΘΓІȱ ΦΉΐΑφΗΘΓΙȱ ̄ЁΘΓΎΕΣΘΓΕΓΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̅ΙΊ΅ΑΘϟΓΙȱ ̝ΏΉΒϟΓΙȱ ̄Юȱ ΘΓІȱ ̍ΓΐΑΑΓІǰȱ ΦΔνΆȱ ΈΣȱ ΐνΗΓΙȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΅ϢЏΑΝΑȱ ȱ ρΑȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΎΙΕΝΘνΕΝΑȱ ΎνΑΘΕΝΑȱΘΓІȱ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΗΐΓІȱπΑȱ̝Α΅ΘΓΏϜǯȱ ̍΅ΘΣȱ ΘφΑȱ ŘśΑȬŘŝΑȱ ̕ΉΔΘΉΐΆΕϟΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ σΘΓΙΖȱ ŗşşŞȱ οΝΕΘΣΗΌȱ Δ΅ΑΓΕΌΓΈϱΒΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Δ΅ΑΉΎΎΏΗ΅ΗΘΎЗΖǰȱΘϜȱπΔΗφΐУȱΗΙΐΉΘΓΛϜȱΘϛΖȱ ̴ΏΏΑΎϛΖȱ ̓ΓΏΘΉϟ΅Ζȱ ψȱ πΔνΘΉΓΖȱ ΘЗΑȱ şŖŖȱ πΘЗΑȱ ΦΔϱȱΘϛΖȱϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱΘϛΖȱ͒ΉΕκΖȱ̏ΓΑϛΖǯȱ ̖φΑȱ ŘŚΑȱ ͑΅ΑΓΙ΅ΕϟΓΙȱ ŘŖŖŖȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱ ̳Β΅ΕΛϟ΅ȱ ΦΔΓΘΉΏΓΙΐνΑȱ πΎȱ ΘЗΑȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏΘЗΑȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅Α΅ΗϟΓΙǰȱ ̓ΕΓνΈΕΓΙǰȱ ̎΅ΓΈΎΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ͑΅ΎЏΆΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̘Ώ΅ΈΉΏΚΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̏ΉΏϟΘΝΑΓΖǰȱ ̏ΉΏЗΑǰȱ ΘϜȱ ΗΙΐΐΉΘΓΛϜȱ Ένȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΘΓΖǰȱ πΎφΕΙΒ΅ΑȱΘφΑȱ͒ΉΕΣΑȱ̏ΓΑφΑȱ̍ΓΑϱΆΓΑǰȱΈΣȱΘϛΖȱ πΑΉΕ·ΓΔΓφΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓІȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕ΙΑΓΈΎΓІȱ ̕Ι··ΏЏΈΓΙΖȱ ̆ΕΣΐΐ΅ΘΓΖǰȱ ΘΓІȱ πΒ΅ΔΓΏΙΌνΑΘΓΖȱ πΑȱ σΘΉȱ ŗşŞşУǰȱ ΘϜȱ ΅ϢΘφΗΉȱ ΘϛΖȱ ΘϱΘΉȱ ΦΈΉΏΚϱΘΘΓΖǰȱ ΔΉΕϟȱ ΐΉΘ΅ΘΕΓΔϛΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ΦΔϱȱ ͑ΈΓΕΕϾΌΐΓΙȱ ΉϢΖȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅ΎφΑǯȱ ̍΅ΘΣȱ ΘϱΑȱ ΘΓΓІΘΓΑȱ ΘΕϱΔΓΑȱ πΔ΅ΑϛΏΌΉΑȱ ψȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ̏ΓΑφȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘφΑȱ ΦΕΛ΅ϧ΅Αȱ ΘΣΒΑȱ ΅ЁΘϛΖǯȱ ̐νΓΖȱ ̍΅Ό·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆϟΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΖȱ ̷Β΅ΕΛΓΖȱ ̓ΣΘΐΓΙȱ πΒΉΏν·ȱ ϳȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱΎǯȱ̝ΑΘϟΔ΅Ζȱ̐ΎΘ΅ΕκΖǯȱ ȱ ͟ȱ̍΅ΌΓΏΎϱΖȱ̒ϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖȱǯǯǯǯǯǯǯǯȱ ͟ȱ̳ΎΎΏΗΣΕΛΖȱ̆νΕΝΑȱ͒ΉΕΓΐϱΑ΅ΛΓΖȱ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖȱ πΎΘΉΏΉϧȱΛΕνȱ̆ΉΑΎΓІȱ̳Β΅ΕΛΎΓІȱ̳ΔΘΕϱΔΓΙǯȱ ̳ΑΓΕ΅ΎΓϟȱ̐΅ΓϟȱŞǯȱ̳ΚΐνΕΓаȱŞǯȱ̇ΣΎΓΑΓΖȱŗǯȱ ȱ Řǯȱ̏ΓΑ΅ΗΘΎφȱ̓ΓΏΘΉϟ΅ȱ̞·ϟΓΙȱ͢ΕΓΙΖȱ ͟ȱ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΗΐϱΖȱπΐΚ΅ΑϟΊΉΘ΅ȱπΑȱ̞·ϟУȱ͢ΕΉȱΔΉΕϟȱ ΘϱΑȱ śΓΑȱ ΅ϢЗΑ΅ȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘφΑȱ ΐΓΕΚφΑȱ ΐΉΐΓΑΓΐνΑΝΑȱ ΦΗΎΘЗΑǰȱ όȱ Ύ΅ΘΣȱ ΐΎΕΣΖȱ ϳΐΣΈ΅Ζȱ ΉϢΖȱ ψΗΙΛϟΓΙΖȱ ΘϱΔΓΙΖȱ ΅ЁΘΓІȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ЀΔΣΕΛΉȱ Δ΅Ε΅ΏΏφΏΝΖȱ ΔΕϱΖȱ ΘϱΑȱΎΓΗΐΎϱΑȱΆϟΓΑǰȱϵΗΘΖȱΈ΅ΘΕΉϧΘ΅ȱΐνΛΕȱΘϱΑȱ ŞΓΑȱ΅ϢЗΑ΅ǯȱ ̍΅ΘΣȱ ΘΣΖȱ ΔΕЏΘ΅Ζȱ ΈΉΎ΅ΉΘϟ΅Ζȱ ΘΓІȱ şΓΙȱ ΅ϢЗΑΓΖȱ ϳȱ̞·ΓΕΉΘΎϱΖȱ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΗΐϱΖȱΉϢΗνΕΛΉΘ΅ȱΉϢΖȱΑν΅Αȱ 55 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:13 AM Page 56 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ΚΣΗΑǰȱϊΘΖȱΉϨΑ΅ȱΐΉΕΎЗΖȱΐΉΐ΅ΕΘΙΕΐνΑȱΦΔϱȱ ·Ε΅ΔΘΣΖȱ Δ·ΣΖǯȱ ̖ϱȱ ͢ΕΓΖȱ Ώ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱ ΘφΑȱ ϢΈ΅ΘνΕ΅Αȱ ΐΓΑ΅ΗΘΎφΑȱ ΚΙΗΓ·ΑΝΐϟ΅Αȱ ΘΓΙǰȱ ΦΔΓΎΘκȱ ΗϾΑΓΕ΅ȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΈΓΎΘΎφΑȱ ϴΕ·ΣΑΝΗΑȱ ΐνȱ ρΈΕ΅ȱ ΘΣΖȱ ̍΅ΕΙΣΖǰȱ σΑΌ΅ȱ ΈΐΓΙΕ·ΉϧΘ΅ȱ ̎΅ϾΕ΅ǰȱ ϴΑΓΐ΅ΗΌΉϧΗ΅ȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏȱ ̏νΗǰȱ ΔΉΕϟȱ Θϱȱ şŚŖȱ ΐǯ̙ǯȱ ̳ΑΘ΅ІΌ΅ȱ οΈΕΉϾΉȱ ϳȱ ̓ΕЗΘΓΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͢ΕΓΙΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱψȱρΈΕ΅ȱΘΓΙȱϴΑΓΐΣΊΉΘ΅ȱȍ̓ΕΝΘκΘΓΑȎǯȱ ̖ϱΑȱ şΓΑȱ ΅ϢЗΑ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̞·ϟУȱ ͢ΕΉȱ σΊΗ΅Αȱ ΈϾΓȱ ΐΉ·ΣΏ΅ȱ ΚΙΗΓ·ΑΝΐϟ΅ǰȱ ϳȱ ̢·ΓΖȱ ̓νΘΕΓΖȱ ϳȱ ̝ΌΝΑϟΘΖǰȱ ϵΗΘΖȱ π·Ύ΅ΌϟΗΘ΅Θ΅ȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘϱΑȱ ̡ΌΝȱ ΔΉΕϟȱ ΘΣȱ ΘνΏȱ ΘΓІȱ ŞΓΙȱ ΅ϢЗΑΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ϳȱ ̢·ΓΖȱ ̈ЁΌϾΐΓΖȱϳȱ̐νΓΖǰȱϵΗΘΖȱϣΈΕΙΗΉȱ̎΅ϾΕ΅ΑȱπΑȱ̞·ϟУȱ ͢ΕΉȱΔΉΕϟȱΘϱȱŞŜŖȱΐǯ̙ǯȱ ̖Хȱ şŜřȱ ΐǯ̙ǯȱ ΈϟΈΉΘ΅ȱ ȍΑνΓΖȱ ΕΙΌΐϱΖȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘϱΑȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΎϱΑȱ ̅ϟΓΑȱ ΐνȱ ΘφΑȱ ϣΈΕΙΗΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ΔΕЏΘΓΙȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΓΙȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆϟΓΙȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̏Ή·ϟΗΘΖȱ ̎΅ϾΕ΅Ζȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̝Ό΅Α΅ΗϟΓΙȎǰȱ πΑΗΛΙΓΐνΑΓΙȱΓϢΎΓΑΓΐΎЗΖȱΎ΅ϟȱωΌΎЗΖȱΦΔϱȱΘϱΑȱ Ώ΅ΐΔΕϱΑȱ̅ΙΊ΅ΑΘΑϱΑȱ̄ЁΘΓΎΕΣΘΓΕ΅ȱ̐ΎΚϱΕΓΑȱ ̘ΝΎκΑǰȱ ΚϟΏΓΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΔΑΉΙΐ΅ΘΎϱΑȱ ΘνΎΑΓΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ̝Ό΅Α΅ΗϟΓΙǯȱ ̽ȱ πΔϟΗΐΓΖȱ ϴΕ·ΣΑΝΗΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΎΓІȱ ̅ϟΓΙȱ πΑȱ ̞·ϟУȱ ͢ΕΉȱ σΕΛΉΘ΅ȱ ΦΔϱȱ ΘϛΖȱ πΎΈϱΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̖ΙΔΎΓІȱ ΘΓІȱ ̅ΙΊ΅ΑΘΑΓІȱ ̄ЁΘΓΎΕΣΘΓΕΓΖȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱ̖ΗΐΗΎϛȱΘХȱşŝŘȱΐǯ̙ǯȱ ̝ΑΣȱ ΘΓϾΖȱ ΅ϢЗΑ΅Ζǰȱ ψȱ ̅ΙΊ΅ΑΘΑφȱ ̓ΓΏΘΉϟ΅ȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Θϱȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎϱΑȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϧΓΑǰȱ ВΖȱ ΗΙΑνΛΉ΅ȱ ΘϛΖȱ ΔΕΓΗΔ΅ΌΉϟ΅Ζȱ ΐΉΘ΅ΈϱΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̙ΕΗΘ΅ΑΗΐΓІȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘΓϾΖȱ ϳΐϱΕΓΙΖȱ Ώ΅ΓϾΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ΅ЁΘΓΎΕ΅ΘΓΕϟ΅Ζǰȱ πΔνΘΕΉΜΉΑȱ ΘφΑȱ π·Ύ΅Θ΅ΆϟΝΗΑȱ πΑȱ ̞·ϟУȱ ͢ΕΉȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛЗΑȱ πΒȱ ΩΏΏΝΑȱ πΌΑΓΘφΘΝΑǰȱ ΎΙΕϟΝΖȱ ͑ΆφΕΝΑǰȱ ̕Ώ΅ϾΝΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̔ΓΙΐΣΑΝΑǰȱ ΔΕΓΎΉΐνΑΓΙȱϣΑ΅ȱΆЏΗΝΗȱΆ΅ΌϾΘΉΕΓΑȱΘϱȱΑϱΐ΅ȱ Ύ΅ϟȱΘϱȱΔΉΕΉΛϱΐΉΑΓΑȱΘϛΖȱ͞ΕΌΓΈΓΒϟ΅ΖǰȱΈΣȱΑΣȱΘϱȱ ΐΉΘ΅ΚΙΘΉϾΗΓΙΑȱ πΑȱ ΗΙΑΉΛΉϟθȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘΓϾΖȱ Ώ΅ΓϾΖȱ ΘΝΑǯȱ ̖ϱȱ̢·ΓΑȱ͢ΕΓΖȱΗφΐΉΕΓΑȱΈΓΎΉϧΘ΅ȱΆΣΗΉȱΘΓІȱȱ ̍ǯ̙ǯ̄ǯ̒ǯȱΜΚΗΌνΑΘΓΖȱЀΔϱȱ̳ΎΘΣΎΘΓΙȱ̇ΔΏϛΖȱ͒ǯȱ ̕ΙΑΣΒΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΎΙΕΝΌνΑΘΓΖȱ ΈΣȱ ̐ǯ̇ǯȱ ΘϛΖȱ ŗŖΖȱ ̕ΉΔΘΉΐΆΕϟΓΙȱ ŗşŘŜǰȱ ΔΉΕΆΉΆΏΐνΑΓΑȱ ΐνȱ ΗΙΑΘ΅·ΐ΅ΘΎϱΑȱ ΎІΕΓΖȱ ǻΩΕΌΕΓΑȱ ŗŖşȱ ̕ΙΑΘΣ·ΐ΅ΘΓΖȱ̴ΏΏΑΎϛΖȱ̇ΐΓΎΕ΅Θϟ΅ΖǼǯȱ ȱ ΅ǯȱ̓ΓΏΘΎ΅ϟȱ̇ΓΎΘΎΣȱ̝ΕΛ΅ϟȱȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ͢ΕΓΙΖȱ ŗǯȱ ̇ΓϟΎΗΖаȱ ̓ΓΏΘΎϱΖȱ ̇ΓΎΘφΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ǯǯǯǯdzdzdzdzǯǯǰȱ ΘΏǯȱ ŘřŝŝŖȬŘřǯŘřŖǰȱ ŘřǯřŗŚǯȱ ̝Α΅ΔΏΕΝΘφΖȱ ̇ΓΎΘφΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΕϟΗΘΓΖȱ ̍΅ΗΐϟΕΓ·ΏΓΙǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ŜřŖȱ ŞŜȱ ̍΅ΕΙ΅ϟȱ 56 ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͢ΕΓΙΖǯȱ ̖ΏνΚΝΑ΅ȱ ǻŘřŝŝŖǼȱ ŘřǯŘřŖǰȱ ŘřǯřŗŚȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ŘřǯŘşŖǯȱ ̳Αȱ ̍΅ΕΙ΅ϧΖDZȱ ̝ΗΘΙΑΓΐΎϱΑȱ ̖ΐϛΐ΅аȱ ŘřǯŘŗŘǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ̝ΗΘΙΑΓΐΎΓІȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘΓІаȱ ŘřǯŘŜŖǯȱ ̖΅ΛΙΈΕΓΐΉϧΓΑаȱ ŘřǯŘŗŚǯȱ ͑΅ΘΕΉϧΓΑаȱ ŘřǯŘŗŝǯȱ ̖̒̈аȱ Řřǯřşşǯȱ ̳Αȱ ̇ΣΚΑϙаȱ ̝ΗΘΙΑΓΐΎϱΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΌΐϱΖаȱ ŘřǯŘŘŘǯȱ̎ΐΉΑ΅ΕΛΉϧΓΑаȱŘřǯřŖŖǯȱ̖ΉΏΝΑΉϧΓΑаȱŘřǯŘŜşǯȱ ̈̎ǯ̖̄ǯаȱ ŘřǯŘşŝǯȱ DZȦȦ ǯǯǯǯȱ ǯȦǯǯȱ ȱ Άǯȱ̏ΓΑ΅ΗΘΕ΅Ύ΅ϟȱ̇ΓΎΘΎ΅ϟȱ̝ΕΛ΅ϟȱ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͢ΕΓΙΖȱ ̖φΑȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗ΅ΗΘΎφΑȱ ̇ΓϟΎΗΑǰȱ Ύ΅ΘΣȱ ΘϱΑȱ ̍΅Θ΅ΗΘ΅ΘΎϱΑȱ ̙ΣΕΘΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͢ΕΓΙΖȱ ΦΗΎΓІΗΑаȱ ȱ ̌ǯȱ̽ȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̍ΓΑϱΘΖǯȱ ̴ΈΕΉϾΓΙΗ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̍΅ΕΙ΅ϧΖǰȱ ΗΙ·ΎΕΓΘΉϧΘ΅ȱ πΒȱ ŘŖȱ ΦΑΘΔΕΓΗЏΔΝΑȱ ΘЗΑȱ ŘŖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑЗΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͢ΕΓΙΖǰȱ πΎΏΉ·ΓΐνΑΝΑȱ Ύ΅ΘȂȱ σΘΓΖȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΓϢΎΉϟΝΑȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑЗΑȱ πΑ΅ΙΗϟΓΙȱ ΌΘΉϟ΅Ζǰȱ ΦΑΘΎ΅ΌΗΘ΅ΐνΑΝΑȱ ΐνȱ ΘφΑȱ σΑ΅ΕΒΑȱ οΎΣΗΘΓΙȱ σΘΓΙΖǯȱ ̈ϢΖȱ ΘφΑȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ̍ΓΑϱΘΘ΅ȱ ΦΑφΎΉȱ ϳȱ ̐΅ϱΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ȍ̓ΕΝΘΣΘΓΙȎǰȱ ΘΐЏΐΉΑΓΖȱ πΔȂȱ ϴΑϱΐ΅Θȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱΘϛΖȱ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱΎΓΗΐΓϾΐΉΑΓΖȱΈΣȱ ΘΓΛΓ·Ε΅ΚЗΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̓΅ΑΗΉΏφΑΓΙǰȱ ϡΗΘΓΕΌΉΗЗΑȱ ΘХȱŗŘşŖǯȱ ȱ ̌̌ǯȱ̽ȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̳ΔΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅ǯȱ ̖φΑȱ πΎΘΉΏΉΗΘΎφΑȱ πΒΓΙΗϟ΅Αȱ ΦΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϾΉȱ ψȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̳ΔΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅ǯȱ ̄ϡȱ ŘŖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ϟȱ Έ΅ΕΓІΑΘ΅ȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΔνΑΘΉȱ ΘΉΘΕΣΈ΅Ζǰȱ οΎΣΗΘȱ ΘЗΑȱ ϳΔΓϟΝΑȱ ΦΗΎΉϧȱ ΦΑΣȱ ΔκΗ΅Αȱ ΔΉΑΘ΅ΉΘϟ΅Αǰȱ πΔϟȱ ρΑȱ σΘΓΖǰȱ ΦΔϱȱ ŗΖȱ ͑ΓΙΑϟΓΙȱΐνΛΕȱΘνΏΓΙΖȱ̏΅ϪΓΙȱΘφΑȱ͒ǯȱ̳ΔΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Αǯȱ ̄Юȱ̖̖̈̔̄̕ǯȱ̎΅ϾΕ΅Ζǰȱ̇ΓΛΉ΅ΕϟΓΙǰȱ̑ΉΑΓΚЗΑΘΓΖǰȱ ̳ΗΚ·ΐνΑΓΙǯȱ ̅Юȱ ̖̖̈̔̄̕ǯȱ ̅΅ΘΓΔΉΈϟΓΙǰȱ ̍ΓΙΘΏΓΙΐΓΙΗϟΓΙǰȱ ̍΅Ε΅ΎΣΏΓΙǰȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΑΎφΘ΅ǯȱ ̆Юȱ ̖̖̈̔̄̕ǯȱ ͑ΆφΕΝΑǰȱ ̓΅ΑΘΓΎΕΣΘΓΕΓΖǰȱ ̘ΏΓΌνΓΙǰȱ̕ϟΐΝΑΓΖȱ̓νΘΕ΅Ζǯȱ ̇Юȱ ̖̖̈̔̄̕ǯȱ ̙Ώ΅ΑΈ΅ΕϟΓΙǰȱ ̑ΕΓΔΓΘΣΐΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̓΅ϾΏΓΙǰȱ͟Ηǯȱ̆Ε·ΓΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̈Юȱ ̖̖̈̔̄̕ǯȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̇ΓΑΙΗϟΓΙǰȱ ̉Ν·ΕΣΚΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΓΑΓΖǰȱ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΐΓΑϟΘΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ΔΕЏΘΓΖȱ ΘϜȱ ΘΣΒΉȱ οΎΣΗΘΖȱ ΘΉΘΕΣΈΓΖȱ ΚνΕΉȱ ΘϱΑȱΘϟΘΏΓΑȱȍ̓ΕΝΘΉΔΗΘΣΘΖȎǰȱΉϨΑ΅ȱϳȱ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̳ΔΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΎΕ΅ΘΉϧȱ ΘφΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̓ΕЏΘΓΙȱ ̔ΣΆΈΓΑǯȱ ̏νΏȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̳ΔΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ΘΣȱ Θϱȱ πΔΗΘ΅Η΅ΎϱΑȱσΘΓΖȱŘŖŖŚȬŘŖŖśȱΉϨΑ΅ȱΓϡаȱȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̓ΕΝΘΉΔΗΘΣΘΖаȱ̆νΕΝΑȱ͑Ν΅ΑΑϟΎΓΖǰȱ͒ǯȱ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̇ΓΑΙΗϢΓΙǰȱ ̳ΔΗΘΣΘ΅аȱ ̆νΕΝΑȱ ̈ЁΌϾΐΓΖǰȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̉Ν·ΕΣΚΓΙǰȱ ̆νΕΝΑȱ ͒ΉΕΓΐϱΑ΅ΛΓΖȱ ̡ΑΌΐΓΖǰȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΓΑΓΖǰȱ ̆νΕΝΑȱ̳ΚΕ΅ϟΐǰȱ͒ǯȱ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΐΓΑϟΘΓΙǯȱ ̖ΏνΚΝΑ΅ȱ ̳ΔΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅ΖDZȱ ǻΔΕϱΌΉΐ΅ȱ ŘřŝŝŖǼȱ ̓ΕΝΘΉΔΗΘΣΘΓΙаȱ ŘřǯŘŘŗǯȱ ̳ΔΗΘ΅ΘЗΑаȱ Řřǯŝŗŗǰȱ ŘřǯŝŗŘǰȱŘřǯŝŗřǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϧ΅аȱ ̝ΕΛ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ͒ΉΕΓΐϱΑ΅ΛΓΖȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΖǰȱ ͒ǯȱ ̍΅ΏϾΆΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̝ΔΓΗΘϱΏΝΑȬ ̓΅ΘΕΣΕΛΓΙȱ ΘϛΖȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘφΑȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑφΑȱ ̏Ή·ϟΗΘΖȱ ̎΅ϾΕ΅Ζȱ ͒ǯȱ ̕ΎφΘΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̡ΑΑΖǰȱ ͩΔΓ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϧΖаȱ ͒ΉΕΓΐϱΑ΅ΛΓΖȱ ̍ΙΕΣΎΓΖǰȱ ͒ǯȱ ̍ΉΏΏϟΓΑȱ ̉ΝΓΈϱΛΓΙȱ ̓·ϛΖǰȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̏Ή·ϟΗΘΖȱ ̎΅ϾΕ΅Ζǰȱ̏ΓΑ΅ΛϱΖȱ̓΅Ώ΅ΐκΖǰȱ͒ǯȱ̍ΉΏΏϟΓΑȱ̞·ϟΝΑȱ ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΝΑǰȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̓΅ϾΏΓΙǰȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖȱ̔ΣΔΘΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ̝ΕΛ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϟ΅Ζаȱ ǻΔΕϱΌΉΐ΅ȱ ŘřŝŝŖǼȱ ŘřǯŝŗŖǰȱ ͩΔΓ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϟ΅Ζаȱ ŘřǯŘŘŚǯȱ ¡ȱ Řřǯřŗśǯȱ Ȭ DZȱȓȬǯǯȱ ȱ ·ǯȱ̄ϡȱπΑȱ̞·ϟУȱ͢ΕΉȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎ΅ϟȱΎ΅ϟȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύ΅ϟȱ͒ΉΕ΅ϟȱ̏ΓΑ΅ϟȱ ŗǯȱ ̏̈̆ǯȱ ̗̎̄̔̄̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ şŜřǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̝Ό΅Α΅ΗϟΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̝ΌΝΑϟΘΓΙǰȱ śȱ ͑ΓΙΏϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̓ΕϱΈΕΓΐΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘŘǯśŞŜǰȱ ŘřǯŝŜŖǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘřǯŝŜŗȬŘǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓаȱŘřǯŘŝŝǯȱ Řǯȱ ̖̗̅̄̒̓̈̇̌̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ şŝŘǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̈Ё΅··ǯȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙǰȱ Řśȱ ̏΅ΕΘϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̳ΚΕ΅ϟΐǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘŗşǯȱ¡ȱŘřǯŝŞŗǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŞřǯȱ řǯȱ ̛̌̅̊̔̐ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ şŝŘǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ̍Γΐǯȱ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙǰȱ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŜŚřǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘřǯŘŚŞǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŖřǯȱ Śǯȱ ̙̗̌̎̌̄̐̇̄̔̌̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ŗŗşŝǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̈ϢΗΓΈǯȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙǰȱ Řŗȱ ̐ΓΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̏ΝΙΗϛΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Řřǯŝşŝǯȱ¡ȱŘřǯŗŖŞǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŞŗǯȱ śǯȱ ̄̆ǯȱ ̗̗̇̌̒̐̌̒̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ŗřŝśǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̆ΉΑǯȱ ̖ΐǯȱ ̓ΕΓΈΕϱΐΓΙǰȱ ŘŚȱ ͑ΓΙΑϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̓νΘΕΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŜŞŝǰȱ¡ȱŘřǯŜŞŜǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŜŞŝȬŞǯȱ Ŝǯȱ̗̖̗̗̗̍̒̎̒̏̒̌̒̕ǰȱσΘΓΖȱϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌̆Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐǯȱ ̕ΝΘϛΕΓΖǰȱ Ŝȱ ̄Ё·ΓϾΗΘΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̙ΕΗΘϱΈΓΙΏΓΖǯȱ̖ΏǯȱŘřǯŘŘŜȱ¡ȱŘřǯŝřŗǯȱ ŝǯȱ ̖̖̓̄̐̒̍̔̄̒̔̒̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ŗřŜřǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐǯȱ ̕ΝΘϛΕΓΖǰȱ Ŝȱ ̄Ё·ΓϾΗΘΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̆΅ΆΕφΏǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘśřȱ¡ȱŘřǯŜŞśǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŖŝǯȱ Şǯȱ ̖̗̑̊̔̒̓̒̄̏̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ̞·ǯȱ ̖ΉΗΗ΅ΕΣΎΓΑΘ΅ȱ ̏΅ΕΘϾΕΝΑǰȱ şȱ ̏΅ΕΘϟΓΙаȱ ͫΜΝΗΖȱ ̖ΐϟΓΙȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓІǰȱ ŗŚȱ ̕ΉΔΘΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ͑ΝΗφΚǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘśŗǯȱ ¡ȱ Řřǯŝřřǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŞŖǯȱ şǯȱ ̛̘̗̉̆̔̄̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΔΉΕϟȱ ̌Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙǰȱ Řřȱ ̝ΔΕΏϟΓΙǯȱ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̝ΐΆΕϱΗΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘŚŝǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŝřǯȱ ŗŖǯȱ ̙̗̇̒̈̌̄̔̌̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̕ϾΑ΅ΒΖȱ ̝ΕΛ΅··νΏΝΑǰȱ Şȱ ̐ΓΉΐΆΕϟΓΙаȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̆ΓΕ·ΓϼΔΎϱΓΙǰȱ ŗȱ ͞ΎΘΝΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̆Ε·ϱΕΓΖǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱŘřǯŘŚśǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŝŗǯȱ ŗŗǯȱ ̗̍̄̔̄̍̄̎̎̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̓νΘΕΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓΅ϾΏΓΙǰȱ Řşȱ ͑ΓΙΑϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̘ΏϱΌΉΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘŘśǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘřǯŝŚŜǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŝşǯȱ ŗŘǯȱ ̘̗̌̎̒̋̈̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ şşŖǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̈Ё΅·ǯȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙǰȱ Řśȱ ̏΅ΕΘϟΓΙаȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̍ΓΗΐκȱ ̄ϢΘΝΏΓІǰȱ ŘŚȱ ̄Ё·ΓϾΗΘΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ̐ΎϱΈΐΓΖǯȱ̖ΏǯȱŘřǯŘśŜǯȱ¡ȱ ŘřǯŜŝŚǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŖŜǯȱ ŗřǯȱ ̛̌̏̐̒̕̕ȱ ̖̓̈̔̄̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ŗŘśŝǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̆ΉΑǯȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІǰȱ Řśȱ ̇ΉΎΉΐΆΕϟΓΙаȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̏΅Εϟ΅Ζȱ ̏΅·Έ΅ΏΑϛΖǰȱ ŘŘȱ ͑ΓΙΏϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̳ΏΗΗ΅ϧΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘśŚǰȱ ŘřǯŝŖŖǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘřǯŝŖŘǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱ ŘřǯŘŖŚǯȱ ŗŚǯȱ̄̆ǯȱ̗̗̓̄̎̒ǰȱσΘΓΖȱϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱΘνΏΓΖȱ̌Юȱ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ͩΔ΅Δ΅ΑΘϛΖǰȱ Řȱ ̘ΉΆΕΓΙ΅ΕϟΓΙаȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̓΅ϾΏΓΙȱ ̑ΕΓΔΓΘ΅ΐΑΓІǰȱ ŘŞȱ ͑ΓΙΏϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̓΅ΕΌνΑΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘśŖǰȱ ŘřǯŜŖşǯȱ ¡ȱ Řřǯřśśǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱ ŘřǯŘŖŞǯȱ ŗśǯȱ ̖̗̖̄̔̒̐̌̍̊̄̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ŗśŚŗǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙǰȱ Ŝȱ ̇ΉΎΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̖ϾΛΝΑǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘśśǯȱ¡ȱŘřǯŘśśǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŝŖǯȱ ŗŜǯȱ ̗̒̌̒̕ȱ ̛̘̖̑̈̐̒̐̒̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌̄Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙǰȱ Řřȱ ̝ΔΕΏϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̝ΏνΒΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘŚşǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘřǯŜřŗǯȱȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŖśǯȱ ŗŝǯȱ ̗̒̌̒̕ȱ ̗̆̔̊̆̒̔̌̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ŗřŗŖǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙǰȱ Ŝȱ 57 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:13 AM Page 56 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ΚΣΗΑǰȱϊΘΖȱΉϨΑ΅ȱΐΉΕΎЗΖȱΐΉΐ΅ΕΘΙΕΐνΑȱΦΔϱȱ ·Ε΅ΔΘΣΖȱ Δ·ΣΖǯȱ ̖ϱȱ ͢ΕΓΖȱ Ώ΅ΐΆΣΑΉȱ ΘφΑȱ ϢΈ΅ΘνΕ΅Αȱ ΐΓΑ΅ΗΘΎφΑȱ ΚΙΗΓ·ΑΝΐϟ΅Αȱ ΘΓΙǰȱ ΦΔΓΎΘκȱ ΗϾΑΓΕ΅ȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΈΓΎΘΎφΑȱ ϴΕ·ΣΑΝΗΑȱ ΐνȱ ρΈΕ΅ȱ ΘΣΖȱ ̍΅ΕΙΣΖǰȱ σΑΌ΅ȱ ΈΐΓΙΕ·ΉϧΘ΅ȱ ̎΅ϾΕ΅ǰȱ ϴΑΓΐ΅ΗΌΉϧΗ΅ȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏȱ ̏νΗǰȱ ΔΉΕϟȱ Θϱȱ şŚŖȱ ΐǯ̙ǯȱ ̳ΑΘ΅ІΌ΅ȱ οΈΕΉϾΉȱ ϳȱ ̓ΕЗΘΓΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͢ΕΓΙΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱψȱρΈΕ΅ȱΘΓΙȱϴΑΓΐΣΊΉΘ΅ȱȍ̓ΕΝΘκΘΓΑȎǯȱ ̖ϱΑȱ şΓΑȱ ΅ϢЗΑ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̞·ϟУȱ ͢ΕΉȱ σΊΗ΅Αȱ ΈϾΓȱ ΐΉ·ΣΏ΅ȱ ΚΙΗΓ·ΑΝΐϟ΅ǰȱ ϳȱ ̢·ΓΖȱ ̓νΘΕΓΖȱ ϳȱ ̝ΌΝΑϟΘΖǰȱ ϵΗΘΖȱ π·Ύ΅ΌϟΗΘ΅Θ΅ȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘϱΑȱ ̡ΌΝȱ ΔΉΕϟȱ ΘΣȱ ΘνΏȱ ΘΓІȱ ŞΓΙȱ ΅ϢЗΑΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ϳȱ ̢·ΓΖȱ ̈ЁΌϾΐΓΖȱϳȱ̐νΓΖǰȱϵΗΘΖȱϣΈΕΙΗΉȱ̎΅ϾΕ΅ΑȱπΑȱ̞·ϟУȱ ͢ΕΉȱΔΉΕϟȱΘϱȱŞŜŖȱΐǯ̙ǯȱ ̖Хȱ şŜřȱ ΐǯ̙ǯȱ ΈϟΈΉΘ΅ȱ ȍΑνΓΖȱ ΕΙΌΐϱΖȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘϱΑȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΎϱΑȱ ̅ϟΓΑȱ ΐνȱ ΘφΑȱ ϣΈΕΙΗΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ΔΕЏΘΓΙȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΓΙȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆϟΓΙȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̏Ή·ϟΗΘΖȱ ̎΅ϾΕ΅Ζȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̝Ό΅Α΅ΗϟΓΙȎǰȱ πΑΗΛΙΓΐνΑΓΙȱΓϢΎΓΑΓΐΎЗΖȱΎ΅ϟȱωΌΎЗΖȱΦΔϱȱΘϱΑȱ Ώ΅ΐΔΕϱΑȱ̅ΙΊ΅ΑΘΑϱΑȱ̄ЁΘΓΎΕΣΘΓΕ΅ȱ̐ΎΚϱΕΓΑȱ ̘ΝΎκΑǰȱ ΚϟΏΓΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΔΑΉΙΐ΅ΘΎϱΑȱ ΘνΎΑΓΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ̝Ό΅Α΅ΗϟΓΙǯȱ ̽ȱ πΔϟΗΐΓΖȱ ϴΕ·ΣΑΝΗΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΎΓІȱ ̅ϟΓΙȱ πΑȱ ̞·ϟУȱ ͢ΕΉȱ σΕΛΉΘ΅ȱ ΦΔϱȱ ΘϛΖȱ πΎΈϱΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̖ΙΔΎΓІȱ ΘΓІȱ ̅ΙΊ΅ΑΘΑΓІȱ ̄ЁΘΓΎΕΣΘΓΕΓΖȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙȱ̖ΗΐΗΎϛȱΘХȱşŝŘȱΐǯ̙ǯȱ ̝ΑΣȱ ΘΓϾΖȱ ΅ϢЗΑ΅Ζǰȱ ψȱ ̅ΙΊ΅ΑΘΑφȱ ̓ΓΏΘΉϟ΅ȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Θϱȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎϱΑȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϧΓΑǰȱ ВΖȱ ΗΙΑνΛΉ΅ȱ ΘϛΖȱ ΔΕΓΗΔ΅ΌΉϟ΅Ζȱ ΐΉΘ΅ΈϱΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̙ΕΗΘ΅ΑΗΐΓІȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘΓϾΖȱ ϳΐϱΕΓΙΖȱ Ώ΅ΓϾΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ΅ЁΘΓΎΕ΅ΘΓΕϟ΅Ζǰȱ πΔνΘΕΉΜΉΑȱ ΘφΑȱ π·Ύ΅Θ΅ΆϟΝΗΑȱ πΑȱ ̞·ϟУȱ ͢ΕΉȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛЗΑȱ πΒȱ ΩΏΏΝΑȱ πΌΑΓΘφΘΝΑǰȱ ΎΙΕϟΝΖȱ ͑ΆφΕΝΑǰȱ ̕Ώ΅ϾΝΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̔ΓΙΐΣΑΝΑǰȱ ΔΕΓΎΉΐνΑΓΙȱϣΑ΅ȱΆЏΗΝΗȱΆ΅ΌϾΘΉΕΓΑȱΘϱȱΑϱΐ΅ȱ Ύ΅ϟȱΘϱȱΔΉΕΉΛϱΐΉΑΓΑȱΘϛΖȱ͞ΕΌΓΈΓΒϟ΅ΖǰȱΈΣȱΑΣȱΘϱȱ ΐΉΘ΅ΚΙΘΉϾΗΓΙΑȱ πΑȱ ΗΙΑΉΛΉϟθȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘΓϾΖȱ Ώ΅ΓϾΖȱ ΘΝΑǯȱ ̖ϱȱ̢·ΓΑȱ͢ΕΓΖȱΗφΐΉΕΓΑȱΈΓΎΉϧΘ΅ȱΆΣΗΉȱΘΓІȱȱ ̍ǯ̙ǯ̄ǯ̒ǯȱΜΚΗΌνΑΘΓΖȱЀΔϱȱ̳ΎΘΣΎΘΓΙȱ̇ΔΏϛΖȱ͒ǯȱ ̕ΙΑΣΒΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΎΙΕΝΌνΑΘΓΖȱ ΈΣȱ ̐ǯ̇ǯȱ ΘϛΖȱ ŗŖΖȱ ̕ΉΔΘΉΐΆΕϟΓΙȱ ŗşŘŜǰȱ ΔΉΕΆΉΆΏΐνΑΓΑȱ ΐνȱ ΗΙΑΘ΅·ΐ΅ΘΎϱΑȱ ΎІΕΓΖȱ ǻΩΕΌΕΓΑȱ ŗŖşȱ ̕ΙΑΘΣ·ΐ΅ΘΓΖȱ̴ΏΏΑΎϛΖȱ̇ΐΓΎΕ΅Θϟ΅ΖǼǯȱ ȱ ΅ǯȱ̓ΓΏΘΎ΅ϟȱ̇ΓΎΘΎΣȱ̝ΕΛ΅ϟȱȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ͢ΕΓΙΖȱ ŗǯȱ ̇ΓϟΎΗΖаȱ ̓ΓΏΘΎϱΖȱ ̇ΓΎΘφΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ǯǯǯǯdzdzdzdzǯǯǰȱ ΘΏǯȱ ŘřŝŝŖȬŘřǯŘřŖǰȱ ŘřǯřŗŚǯȱ ̝Α΅ΔΏΕΝΘφΖȱ ̇ΓΎΘφΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΕϟΗΘΓΖȱ ̍΅ΗΐϟΕΓ·ΏΓΙǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ŜřŖȱ ŞŜȱ ̍΅ΕΙ΅ϟȱ 56 ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͢ΕΓΙΖǯȱ ̖ΏνΚΝΑ΅ȱ ǻŘřŝŝŖǼȱ ŘřǯŘřŖǰȱ ŘřǯřŗŚȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ŘřǯŘşŖǯȱ ̳Αȱ ̍΅ΕΙ΅ϧΖDZȱ ̝ΗΘΙΑΓΐΎϱΑȱ ̖ΐϛΐ΅аȱ ŘřǯŘŗŘǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ̝ΗΘΙΑΓΐΎΓІȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘΓІаȱ ŘřǯŘŜŖǯȱ ̖΅ΛΙΈΕΓΐΉϧΓΑаȱ ŘřǯŘŗŚǯȱ ͑΅ΘΕΉϧΓΑаȱ ŘřǯŘŗŝǯȱ ̖̒̈аȱ Řřǯřşşǯȱ ̳Αȱ ̇ΣΚΑϙаȱ ̝ΗΘΙΑΓΐΎϱΖȱ ̕Θ΅ΌΐϱΖаȱ ŘřǯŘŘŘǯȱ̎ΐΉΑ΅ΕΛΉϧΓΑаȱŘřǯřŖŖǯȱ̖ΉΏΝΑΉϧΓΑаȱŘřǯŘŜşǯȱ ̈̎ǯ̖̄ǯаȱ ŘřǯŘşŝǯȱ DZȦȦ ǯǯǯǯȱ ǯȦǯǯȱ ȱ Άǯȱ̏ΓΑ΅ΗΘΕ΅Ύ΅ϟȱ̇ΓΎΘΎ΅ϟȱ̝ΕΛ΅ϟȱ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͢ΕΓΙΖȱ ̖φΑȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗ΅ΗΘΎφΑȱ ̇ΓϟΎΗΑǰȱ Ύ΅ΘΣȱ ΘϱΑȱ ̍΅Θ΅ΗΘ΅ΘΎϱΑȱ ̙ΣΕΘΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͢ΕΓΙΖȱ ΦΗΎΓІΗΑаȱ ȱ ̌ǯȱ̽ȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̍ΓΑϱΘΖǯȱ ̴ΈΕΉϾΓΙΗ΅ȱ πΑȱ ̍΅ΕΙ΅ϧΖǰȱ ΗΙ·ΎΕΓΘΉϧΘ΅ȱ πΒȱ ŘŖȱ ΦΑΘΔΕΓΗЏΔΝΑȱ ΘЗΑȱ ŘŖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑЗΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ͢ΕΓΙΖǰȱ πΎΏΉ·ΓΐνΑΝΑȱ Ύ΅ΘȂȱ σΘΓΖȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΓϢΎΉϟΝΑȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑЗΑȱ πΑ΅ΙΗϟΓΙȱ ΌΘΉϟ΅Ζǰȱ ΦΑΘΎ΅ΌΗΘ΅ΐνΑΝΑȱ ΐνȱ ΘφΑȱ σΑ΅ΕΒΑȱ οΎΣΗΘΓΙȱ σΘΓΙΖǯȱ ̈ϢΖȱ ΘφΑȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ̍ΓΑϱΘΘ΅ȱ ΦΑφΎΉȱ ϳȱ ̐΅ϱΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ȍ̓ΕΝΘΣΘΓΙȎǰȱ ΘΐЏΐΉΑΓΖȱ πΔȂȱ ϴΑϱΐ΅Θȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̍ΓΐφΗΉΝΖȱΘϛΖȱ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱΎΓΗΐΓϾΐΉΑΓΖȱΈΣȱ ΘΓΛΓ·Ε΅ΚЗΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̓΅ΑΗΉΏφΑΓΙǰȱ ϡΗΘΓΕΌΉΗЗΑȱ ΘХȱŗŘşŖǯȱ ȱ ̌̌ǯȱ̽ȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̳ΔΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅ǯȱ ̖φΑȱ πΎΘΉΏΉΗΘΎφΑȱ πΒΓΙΗϟ΅Αȱ ΦΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϾΉȱ ψȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ̳ΔΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅ǯȱ ̄ϡȱ ŘŖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ϟȱ Έ΅ΕΓІΑΘ΅ȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΔνΑΘΉȱ ΘΉΘΕΣΈ΅Ζǰȱ οΎΣΗΘȱ ΘЗΑȱ ϳΔΓϟΝΑȱ ΦΗΎΉϧȱ ΦΑΣȱ ΔκΗ΅Αȱ ΔΉΑΘ΅ΉΘϟ΅Αǰȱ πΔϟȱ ρΑȱ σΘΓΖǰȱ ΦΔϱȱ ŗΖȱ ͑ΓΙΑϟΓΙȱΐνΛΕȱΘνΏΓΙΖȱ̏΅ϪΓΙȱΘφΑȱ͒ǯȱ̳ΔΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Αǯȱ ̄Юȱ̖̖̈̔̄̕ǯȱ̎΅ϾΕ΅Ζǰȱ̇ΓΛΉ΅ΕϟΓΙǰȱ̑ΉΑΓΚЗΑΘΓΖǰȱ ̳ΗΚ·ΐνΑΓΙǯȱ ̅Юȱ ̖̖̈̔̄̕ǯȱ ̅΅ΘΓΔΉΈϟΓΙǰȱ ̍ΓΙΘΏΓΙΐΓΙΗϟΓΙǰȱ ̍΅Ε΅ΎΣΏΓΙǰȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΑΎφΘ΅ǯȱ ̆Юȱ ̖̖̈̔̄̕ǯȱ ͑ΆφΕΝΑǰȱ ̓΅ΑΘΓΎΕΣΘΓΕΓΖǰȱ ̘ΏΓΌνΓΙǰȱ̕ϟΐΝΑΓΖȱ̓νΘΕ΅Ζǯȱ ̇Юȱ ̖̖̈̔̄̕ǯȱ ̙Ώ΅ΑΈ΅ΕϟΓΙǰȱ ̑ΕΓΔΓΘΣΐΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̓΅ϾΏΓΙǰȱ͟Ηǯȱ̆Ε·ΓΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̈Юȱ ̖̖̈̔̄̕ǯȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̇ΓΑΙΗϟΓΙǰȱ ̉Ν·ΕΣΚΓΙǰȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΓΑΓΖǰȱ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΐΓΑϟΘΓΙǯȱ ͟ȱ ΔΕЏΘΓΖȱ ΘϜȱ ΘΣΒΉȱ οΎΣΗΘΖȱ ΘΉΘΕΣΈΓΖȱ ΚνΕΉȱ ΘϱΑȱΘϟΘΏΓΑȱȍ̓ΕΝΘΉΔΗΘΣΘΖȎǰȱΉϨΑ΅ȱϳȱ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̳ΔΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΎΕ΅ΘΉϧȱ ΘφΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̓ΕЏΘΓΙȱ ̔ΣΆΈΓΑǯȱ ̏νΏȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̳ΔΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ΘΣȱ Θϱȱ πΔΗΘ΅Η΅ΎϱΑȱσΘΓΖȱŘŖŖŚȬŘŖŖśȱΉϨΑ΅ȱΓϡаȱȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̓ΕΝΘΉΔΗΘΣΘΖаȱ̆νΕΝΑȱ͑Ν΅ΑΑϟΎΓΖǰȱ͒ǯȱ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̇ΓΑΙΗϢΓΙǰȱ ̳ΔΗΘΣΘ΅аȱ ̆νΕΝΑȱ ̈ЁΌϾΐΓΖǰȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̉Ν·ΕΣΚΓΙǰȱ ̆νΕΝΑȱ ͒ΉΕΓΐϱΑ΅ΛΓΖȱ ̡ΑΌΐΓΖǰȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΓΑΓΖǰȱ ̆νΕΝΑȱ̳ΚΕ΅ϟΐǰȱ͒ǯȱ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΐΓΑϟΘΓΙǯȱ ̖ΏνΚΝΑ΅ȱ ̳ΔΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅ΖDZȱ ǻΔΕϱΌΉΐ΅ȱ ŘřŝŝŖǼȱ ̓ΕΝΘΉΔΗΘΣΘΓΙаȱ ŘřǯŘŘŗǯȱ ̳ΔΗΘ΅ΘЗΑаȱ Řřǯŝŗŗǰȱ ŘřǯŝŗŘǰȱŘřǯŝŗřǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϧ΅аȱ ̝ΕΛ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ͒ΉΕΓΐϱΑ΅ΛΓΖȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΖǰȱ ͒ǯȱ ̍΅ΏϾΆΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̝ΔΓΗΘϱΏΝΑȬ ̓΅ΘΕΣΕΛΓΙȱ ΘϛΖȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘφΑȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑφΑȱ ̏Ή·ϟΗΘΖȱ ̎΅ϾΕ΅Ζȱ ͒ǯȱ ̕ΎφΘΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̡ΑΑΖǰȱ ͩΔΓ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϧΖаȱ ͒ΉΕΓΐϱΑ΅ΛΓΖȱ ̍ΙΕΣΎΓΖǰȱ ͒ǯȱ ̍ΉΏΏϟΓΑȱ ̉ΝΓΈϱΛΓΙȱ ̓·ϛΖǰȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̏Ή·ϟΗΘΖȱ ̎΅ϾΕ΅Ζǰȱ̏ΓΑ΅ΛϱΖȱ̓΅Ώ΅ΐκΖǰȱ͒ǯȱ̍ΉΏΏϟΓΑȱ̞·ϟΝΑȱ ̋ΉΓΈЏΕΝΑǰȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̓΅ϾΏΓΙǰȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Ύǯȱ ̈ЁΣ··ΉΏΓΖȱ̔ΣΔΘΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ̝ΕΛ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϟ΅Ζаȱ ǻΔΕϱΌΉΐ΅ȱ ŘřŝŝŖǼȱ ŘřǯŝŗŖǰȱ ͩΔΓ·Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϟ΅Ζаȱ ŘřǯŘŘŚǯȱ ¡ȱ Řřǯřŗśǯȱ Ȭ DZȱȓȬǯǯȱ ȱ ·ǯȱ̄ϡȱπΑȱ̞·ϟУȱ͢ΕΉȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎ΅ϟȱΎ΅ϟȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύ΅ϟȱ͒ΉΕ΅ϟȱ̏ΓΑ΅ϟȱ ŗǯȱ ̏̈̆ǯȱ ̗̎̄̔̄̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ şŜřǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̝Ό΅Α΅ΗϟΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̝ΌΝΑϟΘΓΙǰȱ śȱ ͑ΓΙΏϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̓ΕϱΈΕΓΐΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘŘǯśŞŜǰȱ ŘřǯŝŜŖǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘřǯŝŜŗȬŘǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓаȱŘřǯŘŝŝǯȱ Řǯȱ ̖̗̅̄̒̓̈̇̌̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ şŝŘǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̈Ё΅··ǯȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙǰȱ Řśȱ ̏΅ΕΘϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̳ΚΕ΅ϟΐǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘŗşǯȱ¡ȱŘřǯŝŞŗǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŞřǯȱ řǯȱ ̛̌̅̊̔̐ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ şŝŘǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ̍Γΐǯȱ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙǰȱ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̅΅ΗϟΏΉΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŜŚřǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘřǯŘŚŞǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŖřǯȱ Śǯȱ ̙̗̌̎̌̄̐̇̄̔̌̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ŗŗşŝǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̈ϢΗΓΈǯȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙǰȱ Řŗȱ ̐ΓΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̏ΝΙΗϛΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Řřǯŝşŝǯȱ¡ȱŘřǯŗŖŞǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŞŗǯȱ śǯȱ ̄̆ǯȱ ̗̗̇̌̒̐̌̒̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ŗřŝśǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̆ΉΑǯȱ ̖ΐǯȱ ̓ΕΓΈΕϱΐΓΙǰȱ ŘŚȱ ͑ΓΙΑϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̓νΘΕΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŜŞŝǰȱ¡ȱŘřǯŜŞŜǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŜŞŝȬŞǯȱ Ŝǯȱ̗̖̗̗̗̍̒̎̒̏̒̌̒̕ǰȱσΘΓΖȱϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌̆Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐǯȱ ̕ΝΘϛΕΓΖǰȱ Ŝȱ ̄Ё·ΓϾΗΘΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̙ΕΗΘϱΈΓΙΏΓΖǯȱ̖ΏǯȱŘřǯŘŘŜȱ¡ȱŘřǯŝřŗǯȱ ŝǯȱ ̖̖̓̄̐̒̍̔̄̒̔̒̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ŗřŜřǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΐǯȱ ̕ΝΘϛΕΓΖǰȱ Ŝȱ ̄Ё·ΓϾΗΘΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̆΅ΆΕφΏǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘśřȱ¡ȱŘřǯŜŞśǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŖŝǯȱ Şǯȱ ̖̗̑̊̔̒̓̒̄̏̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ̞·ǯȱ ̖ΉΗΗ΅ΕΣΎΓΑΘ΅ȱ ̏΅ΕΘϾΕΝΑǰȱ şȱ ̏΅ΕΘϟΓΙаȱ ͫΜΝΗΖȱ ̖ΐϟΓΙȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓІǰȱ ŗŚȱ ̕ΉΔΘΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ͑ΝΗφΚǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘśŗǯȱ ¡ȱ Řřǯŝřřǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŞŖǯȱ şǯȱ ̛̘̗̉̆̔̄̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΔΉΕϟȱ ̌Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙǰȱ Řřȱ ̝ΔΕΏϟΓΙǯȱ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̝ΐΆΕϱΗΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘŚŝǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŝřǯȱ ŗŖǯȱ ̙̗̇̒̈̌̄̔̌̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̕ϾΑ΅ΒΖȱ ̝ΕΛ΅··νΏΝΑǰȱ Şȱ ̐ΓΉΐΆΕϟΓΙаȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̆ΓΕ·ΓϼΔΎϱΓΙǰȱ ŗȱ ͞ΎΘΝΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̆Ε·ϱΕΓΖǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱŘřǯŘŚśǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŝŗǯȱ ŗŗǯȱ ̗̍̄̔̄̍̄̎̎̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̓νΘΕΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓΅ϾΏΓΙǰȱ Řşȱ ͑ΓΙΑϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̘ΏϱΌΉΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘŘśǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘřǯŝŚŜǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŝşǯȱ ŗŘǯȱ ̘̗̌̎̒̋̈̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ şşŖǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̈Ё΅·ǯȱ ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙǰȱ Řśȱ ̏΅ΕΘϟΓΙаȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̍ΓΗΐκȱ ̄ϢΘΝΏΓІǰȱ ŘŚȱ ̄Ё·ΓϾΗΘΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ̐ΎϱΈΐΓΖǯȱ̖ΏǯȱŘřǯŘśŜǯȱ¡ȱ ŘřǯŜŝŚǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŖŜǯȱ ŗřǯȱ ̛̌̏̐̒̕̕ȱ ̖̓̈̔̄̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ŗŘśŝǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̆ΉΑǯȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІǰȱ Řśȱ ̇ΉΎΉΐΆΕϟΓΙаȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̏΅Εϟ΅Ζȱ ̏΅·Έ΅ΏΑϛΖǰȱ ŘŘȱ ͑ΓΙΏϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̳ΏΗΗ΅ϧΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘśŚǰȱ ŘřǯŝŖŖǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘřǯŝŖŘǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱ ŘřǯŘŖŚǯȱ ŗŚǯȱ̄̆ǯȱ̗̗̓̄̎̒ǰȱσΘΓΖȱϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱΘνΏΓΖȱ̌Юȱ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ͩΔ΅Δ΅ΑΘϛΖǰȱ Řȱ ̘ΉΆΕΓΙ΅ΕϟΓΙаȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̓΅ϾΏΓΙȱ ̑ΕΓΔΓΘ΅ΐΑΓІǰȱ ŘŞȱ ͑ΓΙΏϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̓΅ΕΌνΑΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘśŖǰȱ ŘřǯŜŖşǯȱ ¡ȱ Řřǯřśśǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱ ŘřǯŘŖŞǯȱ ŗśǯȱ ̖̗̖̄̔̒̐̌̍̊̄̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ŗśŚŗǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙǰȱ Ŝȱ ̇ΉΎΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̖ϾΛΝΑǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘśśǯȱ¡ȱŘřǯŘśśǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŝŖǯȱ ŗŜǯȱ ̗̒̌̒̕ȱ ̛̘̖̑̈̐̒̐̒̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌̄Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̆ΉΝΕ·ϟΓΙǰȱ Řřȱ ̝ΔΕΏϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̝ΏνΒΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘŚşǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘřǯŜřŗǯȱȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŖśǯȱ ŗŝǯȱ ̗̒̌̒̕ȱ ̗̆̔̊̆̒̔̌̒ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ŗřŗŖǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̐ΎΓΏΣΓΙǰȱ Ŝȱ 57 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:13 AM Page 58 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̇ΉΎΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖǯȱ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘŗŞǰȱ ŘřǯŜŜşǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘřǯŜŝŗǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱ ŘřǯŘŝŚǯȱ ŗŞǯȱ ̘̗̈̌̆̏̈̐̒̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌̄Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̝Α΅Ώǯȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІǯȱ ǻ̽ȱ ЀΔΣΕΛΓΙΗ΅ȱ ΦΑЏΐ΅ΏΓΖȱ πΑȱ ΘϜȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑϜȱ ΔΑΉΙΐ΅ΘΎφȱΎ΅ΘΣΗΘ΅ΗΖǰȱΓЇΗ΅ȱΗΛΗΐ΅ΘΎφǰȱΈνΑȱ ΦΑ΅·ΑΝΕϟΊΉΘ΅ȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̍ΓΑϱΘΘΓΖǰȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ σΕΛΉΘ΅ȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΦΑΘϟΌΉΗΑȱ ΐνȱ Θϱȱ ΩΕΌΕΓΑȱ śȱ ΘΓІȱ ̍ǯ̙ǯ̄ǯ̒ǯǰȱ ΘΓІȱ Όνΐ΅ΘΓΖȱ ΘΓϾΘΓΙȱ Δ΅Ε΅ΐνΑΘΓΖȱ ΦΑΓΎΘΓІȱ ΔΣΑΘΓΘΉȱ ΈΣȱ ΘφΑȱ ͒ǯȱ ̍ΓΑϱΘΘ΅ȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Θϱȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎϱΑȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϧΓΑǰȱ πΔΚΙΏ΅ΗΗΓΐνΑΝΑȱ ΔΕϱΖȱ ΩΕΗΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ΦΑΝΐ΅Ώϟ΅Ζȱ πΑȱΎ΅ΕХȱΘХȱΈνΓΑΘǼǯȱ̖ΏǯȱŘřǯŝşŜǯȱ ŗşǯȱ ̄̆ǯȱ ̖̓̄̐̈̎̈̊̏̒̐̒̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΓΑΓΖǰȱ Řŝȱ ͑ΓΙΏϟΓΙаȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ͒ΉΕΉΐϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘśŘǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱ ŘřǯŘŖŗǯȱ ŘŖǯơ̖̖̗̇̄̍̐̄̏̒̐̌̒̕ǰȱσΘΓΖȱϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌̄Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̕ΘΉΚΣΑΓΙǰȱ Řŝȱ ̇ΉΎΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̝·ΣΌΝΑǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱŘřǯŘŘŞǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŝŞǯȱ ̕ϾΑΓΏΓΑȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛЗΑȱ πΑȱ ̞·ϟУȱ ͢ΕΉȱ πΑȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΗΘΕϟΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̽ΗΙΛ΅ΗΘΕϟΓΖǰȱ ΔΉΕϟȱ ΘΓϾΖȱ ŗǯśŖŖǯȱ Έǯȱȱ̝ΌΝΑΣΖȱ̳ΎΎΏΗ΅ΗΘΎφȱ̝Ύ΅Έΐϟ΅ȱ ̄ЂΘȱ ϡΈΕϾΌȱ ΘХȱ ŗŝŚşȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΦΈΉΏΚЗΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ̅΅ΘΓΔΉΈϟΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱπΑȱΘϜȱΔΉΕΓΛϜȱ΅ЁΘϛΖǰȱБΖȱ ȍ̘ΕΓΑΘΗΘφΕΓΑȱ οΏΏΑΎЗΑȱ ΐ΅ΌΐΣΘΝΑǰȱ Δ΅ΈΉϟ΅ΖȱΘΉȱΎ΅ϟȱΈΈ΅ΗΎ΅Ώϟ΅ΖȱΔ΅ΑΘΓΈ΅ΔϛΖǰȱσΑȱΘΉȱ ΏΓ·Ύ΅ϧΖȱ ΚΏΓΗΓΚΎ΅ϧΖȱ ΘΉȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΌΉΓΏΓ·Ύ΅ϧΖȱ πΔΗΘφΐ΅ΖȎǯȱ ̖Хȱ ŗŝśřȱ ΈΝΕϟΗΌȱ πΑȱ ΅ЁΘϜȱ ȍΈΈΣΗΎ΅ΏΓΖȎȱϳȱΗΓΚϱΖȱ̈Ё·νΑΓΖȱ̅ΓϾΏ·΅ΕΖǰȱπΔϟȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΛΕϱΑΝΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ΗΛΓΏ΅ΕΛϟ΅Ζȱ ΘΓІȱ ϳΔΓϟΓΙȱ ψȱ ̕ΛΓΏφȱσΚΌ΅ΗΉΑȱΉϢΖȱΘφΑȱΐΉ·ϟΗΘΑȱ΅ЁΘϛΖȱΦΎΐφΑǯȱ ̖ΓІȱ̈Ё·ΉΑϟΓΙȱΔ΅Ε΅ΘΌνΑΘΓΖȱΘХȱŗŝśŝǰȱψȱ̕ΛΓΏφȱ Δ΅ΕφΎΐ΅ΗΉΑȱ σΎΘΓΘΉǯȱ ̏ΉΘΣȱ ΘХȱ ŗŞŗřȱ ψȱ ̕ΛΓΏφȱ π·Ύ΅ΘΉΗΘΣΌȱ πΑȱ ̍΅ΕΙ΅ϧΖǰȱ Έ΅ΎϱΜ΅Η΅ȱ Ένȱ πΑȱ ΘХȱ ΐΉΘ΅ΒϾȱ ΘφΑȱ ΏΉΘΓΙΕ·ϟ΅Αȱ ΅ЁΘϛΖǰȱ πΔ΅ΑνΏ΅ΆΉΑȱ ΅ЁΘφΑȱ ΦΔϱȱ ΘΓІȱ ΗΛΓΏΎΓІȱ σΘΓΙΖȱ ŗşśřȬŗşśŚȱ πΑȱ ̍΅ΕΙ΅ϧΖǯȱ ̕ΛΓΏ΅ΕΛΉϾΝΑȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛϱΖȱ ̐ΎϱΈΐΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘŘŖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱπΑȱȱ̞·ǯȱ͢ΕΉаȱϳȱ̋ΉΓΚΏǯȱ̔ΓΈΓΗΘϱΏΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǯȱ ǻŘŘǯŖŚǯŗşŝŞǼǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ͒ǯȱ̏ΓΑφȱ̏Ή·ǯȱ̎΅ϾΕ΅Ζǰȱ̖ǯ̍ǯȱŜřŖȱŞŜȱ̍΅ΕΙ΅ϟǯȱ ȱ 58 Ήǯȱ͒ΉΕϱΑȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅ΎϱΑȱ ̏ΉΘϱΛΓΑȱ̈Ё΅··ΉΏΗΐΓІȱΘϛΖȱ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱȱ πΑȱ͟ΕΐΙΏϟθȱ̙΅ΏΎΈΎϛΖǯȱ ̖ΓІΘΓȱ ΉϨΑ΅ȱ ̏ΉΘϱΛΓΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̕ϟΐΝΑΓΖȱ ̓νΘΕ΅Ζǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ŜřŖȱ ŝŗȱ ͟ΕΐϾΏ΅ȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈΎϛΖǯȱ ̽·ΓΙΐνΑаȱ ̏ΓΑ΅Λφȱ ̐ΎΓΈφΐǯȱ̏ΓΑ΅Λ΅ϟȱŗŖŜǯȱ̇ϱΎΐΓȱŗŝǯȱ̒ϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΉΘΓΛϟΓΙȱ ͒ΉΕΓΐϱΑ΅ΛΓΖȱ ̕ΉΕ΅ΔϟΝΑǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřŝŗŖȬŚŗǯŘŝŞǯȱ ȱ řǯȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱΘϛΖȱ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ̝Α΅ΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Ζȱȱ ΘϛΖȱ̘΅Εΐ΅ΎΓΏΙΘΕϟ΅ΖȱπΑȱ̙΅ΏΎΈΎϜǯȱ ȱ ̄ЂΘȱ ϡΈΕϾΌȱ Θϱȱ σΘΓΖȱ ŞŞŞȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̄Ё·ΓϾΗΘΖȱ ̋ΉΓΚ΅ΑΓІΖȱ πΔϟȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛϟ΅Ζȱ ̘ΝΘϟΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΓΙǯȱ ̳Αȱ ΘϜȱ ͒ΉΕλȱ ̏ΓΑϜȱ ΚΙΏΣΗΗΓΑΘ΅ȱ ψȱ ̖ΐϟ΅ȱ ̍ΣΕ΅ȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̝Α΅ΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Ζǰȱ ϳΏϱΗΝΐΓΑȱ Θϱȱ ͒ΉΕϱΑȱ ̎ΉϟΜ΅ΑΓΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̋ΉΝΑκǰȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΓΙȱ ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̽·ΓΙΐνΑΓΙȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ǻŗśŘŖǼǰȱ ̖ϟΐΓΑȱ ̑ϾΏΓΑǰȱ ΈΝΕΌνΑȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̋ΉΓΚ΅ΑΓІΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΔΏΉϧΗΘ΅ȱ ΩΏΏ΅ȱ ͒ΉΕΦȱ ̎ΉϟΜ΅Α΅ǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̏ΏφΘΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱ ǻŖřǯŗŗǯŗşŞśǼǯȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΓϟȱ ŗśǯȱ ̇ΓΎΘΎϱΑȱ ̕ΙΐΆΓϾΏΓаȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̏ΏφΘΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖǯȱ ̏νΏаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̍ǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱ ̞·΅Α΅ΗΘ΅ΗЏΘΖǰȱ ͒ΉΕΓΈǯȱ ̍ǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗΓ·ϱΑΖȱ ̞·΅ΑΑ΅ΗΘ΅ΗЏΘΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̕ΝΘφΕΓΖȱ ̅΅ΕΑ΅ΏϟΈΖǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ͩΔΓΐΑΐ΅ΘΓ·ΕΣΚΓΖǰȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ΎϛΖȱ ̕ΛΓΏϛΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̄ǯ̓ǯ̋ǯǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖȱ ̍ΓΙΎΓΙΘΗϟΈΖǰȱ ̇Ύ·ϱΕΓΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΈΝΕΓΖȱ ̏ΉΕΘΊΣΑΖǰȱ ̳ΔΌΉΝΕΘφΖȱ ͩΔΓΙΕ·ΉϟΓΙȱ ̒ϢΎΓΑΓΐΎЗΑǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̝Α΅ΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Ζǰȱ śŝŖȱ ŖŜȱ ̅΅ΗΏΎΣȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈΎϛΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřşŜŖȬŘŘǯŚŚŖǰȱ ŘŘǯŜŜŗǰȱŘŘǯřŚŗǯȱ¡ȱŘŘǯŜŜŘǯȱ ȱ Śǯȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱΘЗΑȱ̅Ώ΅ΘΣΈΝΑȱπΑȱ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎϙǯȱ ̄ЂΘȱ ϡΈΕϾΌȱ ΔΉΕϟȱ Θϱȱ σΘΓΖȱ ŗřśŖȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΦΈΉΏΚЗΑȱ ̇ΝΕΓΌνΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̏ΣΕΎΓΙȱ ̅Ώ΅ΘǻΘǼνΝΑȱ όȱ ̅Ώ΅ΘΣΈΝΑǰȱ ΐ΅ΌΘЗΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΚϟΏΝΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆Ε·ΓΕϟΓΙȱΘΓІȱ̓΅Ώ΅ΐκǯȱ ̓΅Α·ϾΕΉΖаȱŜȱ̄Ё·ΓϾΗΘΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱŘşȱ͑ΓΙΑϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̖ΙΕΓΏϱΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕ΉΕΉΑΘϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑȱ ǻŖşǯŖŜǯŗşŝŚǼǰȱ ͟ΐϱΘΐΓΖȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ ̓΅ΑΉΔΗΘΐϟΓΙǯȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΓϟȱŞǯȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̖΅Λǯȱ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̅΅ΗΏΎφȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱ ΘЗΑȱ ̅Ώ΅ΘΣΈΝΑǰȱ ̴ΔΘ΅ΔΙΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ŜŚǰȱ śŚŜȱ řŚȱ ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ̽·ΓΙΐΉΑΉϟΓΙȬ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϟ΅Ζаȱ ŘřŗŖȬŘŖşǯşŗřǰȱ ̑ΉΑЗΑΓΖаȱ ŘŚŝǯŚşŘǰȱ ̅ΆΏΓΔΝΏΉϟΓΙаȱ ŘŚŜǯřśŝǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘŚŜǯřŚşǯȱ ȱ śǯȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱΘΓІȱ̖ΐϟΓΙȱ̓ΕΓΈΕϱΐΓΙȱπΑȱ̷ΗΗΉΒȱ ̝··Ώϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̽ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ΅ЂΘȱ ̏ΓΑφȱ ЀΔφΛΌȱ ΉϢΖȱ Θϱȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎϱΑȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϧΓΑȱΘϱȱσΘΓΖȱŗşŜśǯȱ ̓΅Α·ϾΕΉΖаȱŘŚȱ͑ΓΙΑϟΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱŘŚȱ̕ΉΔΘΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖǯȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΓϟȱΎ΅ϟȱ̏ΓΑ΅Λ΅ϟȱŗŘǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ǯȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱ ¢ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ǰȱ ¢ȱ ǰȱ¡ȱȱşȱŞǰȱǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸȱŚŚȱǻŖǼȱ ŗŜŘŗȬŞŗŜǯŚŝŗǯȱ ȱ Ŝǯȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱΘЗΑȱ̈ϢΗΓΈϟΝΑȱΘϛΖȱ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱπΑȱ ̝Ώ΅ΐΔΣΐθȱ̊ǯ̓ǯ̄ǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ǰȱǯǯǯȱ ȱ ŝǯȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱΘϛΖȱ͟Ηϟ΅Ζȱ̈ϢΕφΑΖȱΘϛΖȱ ̙ΕΙΗΓΆ΅ΏΣΑΘΓΙȱπΑȱ̝ΗΘΓΕϟθȱ̐ν΅ΖȱͩϱΕΎΖȱ ̊ǯ̓ǯ̄ǯȱ ̽ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ΅ЂΘȱ ̏ΓΑφȱ ЀΔφΛΌȱ ΉϢΖȱ Θϱȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎϱΑȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϧΓΑȱΘϱȱσΘΓΖȱŗşşŞǯȱ ̓΅Α·ϾΕΉΖаȱŘŞȱ͑ΓΙΏϟΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱřŖȱ̐ΓΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̓΅ΑΉΕǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̖ΙΣΑΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ϪΗΓΖȱ ǻŗŗǯŖŚǯŗşşŞǼǯȱ ̝Α΅ΔΏΕΝΘφΖȱ ΅ЁΘΓІаȱ ̋ΉΓΚΏǯȱ ̳ΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ ̝Δ΅ΐΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̅ΎνΑΘΓΖȱǻŗŗǯŖŚǯŗşşŞǼǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ǯȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱřŜȬŖŚȱŘřȱǰȱǰȱȱ ŗŗŗŖśȬŗşŗŜǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ ŗȱ ǻŖǼȱ ŝŗŞȬŜŘŜǯŜŘŘśǯȱ ¡ȱ ŜŘŜǯŝŜŜşǯȱ ȱ ̖̄ȱ̈̐ơ̖̇̄ơ̛̖̇̄̈̑̈̔̌̍ȱ̖̙̓̄̔̌̄̔̌̍̄ȱ ̗̖̌̇̔̏̄̄ȱ ȱ ŗǯȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱ̓΅ΘΉΕΎЗΑȱ ̏ΉΏΉΘЗΑȱπΑȱ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎϙǯȱ ͒ΈΕϾΌȱЀΔϱȱ ΘΓϿȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱ Θϱȱ σΘΓΖȱ ŗşŜśǯȱ ̎ΉΘΓΙΕ·Ήϧȱ ΦΔϱȱ ΘΓІȱ ŗşŜŞǰȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΗΘΉ·ΣΊΉΘ΅ȱ ΉϢΖȱ ϢΈ΅ΘνΕ΅Αȱ ΔΘνΕΙ·΅Αȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϛΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅ΎϛΖȱ̏ΓΑϛΖȱΘЗΑȱ ̅Ώ΅ΘΣΈΝΑǯȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ̕ΉΆǯȱ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̖ΙΕΓΏϱΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕ΉΕΉΑΘϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̅Ώ΅ΘΣΈΝΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ ̓΅ΑΉΔΗΘΐϟΓΙǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱ ̆Ώ΅ΆϟΑ΅Ζǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̙΅ΕΘΓΙΏΣΕΓΖǰȱ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ̓΅ΑΉΔΗΘΐϟΓΙǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱ ̓΅ΘΉΕΎЗΑȱ ̏ΉΏΉΘЗΑǰȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ̏ΓΑϛȱ ̅Ώ΅ΘΣΈΝΑǰȱ ̴ΔΘ΅ΔΙΕ·ϟΓΙȱŜŚǰȱśŚŜȱřŚȱ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎǯȱ̖ΏǯȱΎ΅ϟȱ ¡ȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘΓІаȱ ŘřŗŖȬŘŖřǯŜŘŖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϟ΅ΖаȱŘŖŘǯřŖŗǯȱ̙ΉΕΓ·ΕΣΚΝΑаȱŘŖŘǯřŖŘǯȱ ȱ Řǯȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔφ·ΓΑȱΘΓІȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ̍νΑΘΕΓΙȱΘΓІȱ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱπΑȱ̕΅ΐΔΉΊϾȱ̆ΉΑΉϾΖǯȱ ̖Γȱ ͞ΕΌϱΈΓΒΓΑȱ ̍νΑΘΕΓΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱϡΈΕϾΌȱΎ΅ΘȂȱ͑ΓϾΑΓΑȱΘΓІȱŗşŜŜǯȱ ̇ΓΎΘΎϱΑȱ ̕ΙΐΆΓϾΏΓΑаȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̴ΏΆΉΘϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ͒ΉΕΉΐϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̄Ȃȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕϱΉΈΕΓΖȱ ̳ΑΘΐΓΏǯȱ ̇Εǯȱ ̕ΔΙΕϟΈΝΑȱ ̎ΣΘΖǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̝ΎΘΓΙΣΕΓΖаȱ ̅Ȃȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕϱΉΈΕΓΖȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ̳ΑΘΐΓΏǯȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖȱ ̕ΎΓΙΘνΕΖǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̓ΕΝΘΓΑΓΘΣΕΓΖǰȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ ̓΅ΑΉΔΗΘΐϟΓΙǯȱ ̖΅ΐϟ΅Ζаȱ ̳ΏΏΓ·ΐǯȱ Ύǯȱ ̓ΉΕΎΏϛΖȱ ̓ΉΘ΅ΏκΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ řŝǰȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱ Ȭ ŗŘşŘȱ ¢ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ Śŗȱ ǻŖǼȱ ŘŘȬŝśŞǯşŞǯŜŖǯȱ ¡ȱ ŝśŞǯşŞǯŜŗǯȱ ͒ΉΕϱΖȱ ̐΅ϱΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ȱ ̝ΔΓΗΘϱΏΓΙȱ ΘЗΑȱ ̳ΌΑЗΑȱ ̓΅ϾΏΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ πΑȱ ̕΅ΐΔΉΊϾȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̆ΉΑΉϾΖȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓІȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·ϟΓΙǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ŗŘǰȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȬŗŘşŘȱ¢ǯȱ ȱ řǯȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ͒ΉΕ΅ΔΓΗΘΓΏϛΖȱ̡ΔΝȱ̝Α΅ΘΓΏϛΖȱπΑȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζǯȱ ͒ΈΕϾΌȱЀΔϱȱΘΓІȱ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱΐνȱ ΗΎΓΔϱΑȱ ΘφΑȱ πΑϟΗΛΙΗΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘφΑȱ ΅Ϣ·ϟΈ΅ȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱ πΔΘΉΏΓΙΐνΑΓΙȱ ϡΉΕ΅ΔΓΗΘΓΏΎΓІȱ σΕ·ΓΙȱ πΑȱ ̡ΔΝȱ ̝Α΅ΘΓΏϜǯȱ ̇ΓΎΉϧΘ΅ȱ ЀΔϱȱ οΑΈΉΎ΅ΐΉΏΓІΖȱ ̇ΓΎΘΎΓІȱ ̕ΙΐΆΓΙΏϟΓΙǰȱΈΓΕΊΓΐνΑΓΙȱΦΑΣȱΘΉΘΕ΅ΉΘϟ΅ΑȱЀΔϱȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǯȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ͜ΝΣΑΑΖȱ̎ΣΔΔ΅Ζǰȱ̇Εǯȱ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ͒ΉΕ΅ΔΓΗΘΓΏϛΖȱ ̡ΔΝȱ ̝Α΅ΘΓΏϛΖǯȱ 59 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:13 AM Page 58 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̇ΉΎΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖǯȱ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘŗŞǰȱ ŘřǯŜŜşǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘřǯŜŝŗǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱ ŘřǯŘŝŚǯȱ ŗŞǯȱ ̘̗̈̌̆̏̈̐̒̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌̄Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̝Α΅Ώǯȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІǯȱ ǻ̽ȱ ЀΔΣΕΛΓΙΗ΅ȱ ΦΑЏΐ΅ΏΓΖȱ πΑȱ ΘϜȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑϜȱ ΔΑΉΙΐ΅ΘΎφȱΎ΅ΘΣΗΘ΅ΗΖǰȱΓЇΗ΅ȱΗΛΗΐ΅ΘΎφǰȱΈνΑȱ ΦΑ΅·ΑΝΕϟΊΉΘ΅ȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̍ΓΑϱΘΘΓΖǰȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ σΕΛΉΘ΅ȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΦΑΘϟΌΉΗΑȱ ΐνȱ Θϱȱ ΩΕΌΕΓΑȱ śȱ ΘΓІȱ ̍ǯ̙ǯ̄ǯ̒ǯǰȱ ΘΓІȱ Όνΐ΅ΘΓΖȱ ΘΓϾΘΓΙȱ Δ΅Ε΅ΐνΑΘΓΖȱ ΦΑΓΎΘΓІȱ ΔΣΑΘΓΘΉȱ ΈΣȱ ΘφΑȱ ͒ǯȱ ̍ΓΑϱΘΘ΅ȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Θϱȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎϱΑȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϧΓΑǰȱ πΔΚΙΏ΅ΗΗΓΐνΑΝΑȱ ΔΕϱΖȱ ΩΕΗΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ΦΑΝΐ΅Ώϟ΅Ζȱ πΑȱΎ΅ΕХȱΘХȱΈνΓΑΘǼǯȱ̖ΏǯȱŘřǯŝşŜǯȱ ŗşǯȱ ̄̆ǯȱ ̖̓̄̐̈̎̈̊̏̒̐̒̕ǰȱ σΘΓΖȱ ϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΓΑΓΖǰȱ Řŝȱ ͑ΓΙΏϟΓΙаȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ͒ΉΕΉΐϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘśŘǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱ ŘřǯŘŖŗǯȱ ŘŖǯơ̖̖̗̇̄̍̐̄̏̒̐̌̒̕ǰȱσΘΓΖȱϡΈΕϾΗΉΝΖȱΘνΏΓΖȱ ̌̄Юȱ ΅Ϣǯǰȱ ̍ΓΑΓΆ΅Ύφǰȱ Δ΅Αφ·ΙΕΖȱ ̞·ǯȱ ̕ΘΉΚΣΑΓΙǰȱ Řŝȱ ̇ΉΎΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̝·ΣΌΝΑǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱŘřǯŘŘŞǯȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟΓΙаȱŘřǯŘŝŞǯȱ ̕ϾΑΓΏΓΑȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛЗΑȱ πΑȱ ̞·ϟУȱ ͢ΕΉȱ πΑȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΗΘΕϟΓΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̽ΗΙΛ΅ΗΘΕϟΓΖǰȱ ΔΉΕϟȱ ΘΓϾΖȱ ŗǯśŖŖǯȱ Έǯȱȱ̝ΌΝΑΣΖȱ̳ΎΎΏΗ΅ΗΘΎφȱ̝Ύ΅Έΐϟ΅ȱ ̄ЂΘȱ ϡΈΕϾΌȱ ΘХȱ ŗŝŚşȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΦΈΉΏΚЗΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ̅΅ΘΓΔΉΈϟΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱπΑȱΘϜȱΔΉΕΓΛϜȱ΅ЁΘϛΖǰȱБΖȱ ȍ̘ΕΓΑΘΗΘφΕΓΑȱ οΏΏΑΎЗΑȱ ΐ΅ΌΐΣΘΝΑǰȱ Δ΅ΈΉϟ΅ΖȱΘΉȱΎ΅ϟȱΈΈ΅ΗΎ΅Ώϟ΅ΖȱΔ΅ΑΘΓΈ΅ΔϛΖǰȱσΑȱΘΉȱ ΏΓ·Ύ΅ϧΖȱ ΚΏΓΗΓΚΎ΅ϧΖȱ ΘΉȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΌΉΓΏΓ·Ύ΅ϧΖȱ πΔΗΘφΐ΅ΖȎǯȱ ̖Хȱ ŗŝśřȱ ΈΝΕϟΗΌȱ πΑȱ ΅ЁΘϜȱ ȍΈΈΣΗΎ΅ΏΓΖȎȱϳȱΗΓΚϱΖȱ̈Ё·νΑΓΖȱ̅ΓϾΏ·΅ΕΖǰȱπΔϟȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΛΕϱΑΝΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ΗΛΓΏ΅ΕΛϟ΅Ζȱ ΘΓІȱ ϳΔΓϟΓΙȱ ψȱ ̕ΛΓΏφȱσΚΌ΅ΗΉΑȱΉϢΖȱΘφΑȱΐΉ·ϟΗΘΑȱ΅ЁΘϛΖȱΦΎΐφΑǯȱ ̖ΓІȱ̈Ё·ΉΑϟΓΙȱΔ΅Ε΅ΘΌνΑΘΓΖȱΘХȱŗŝśŝǰȱψȱ̕ΛΓΏφȱ Δ΅ΕφΎΐ΅ΗΉΑȱ σΎΘΓΘΉǯȱ ̏ΉΘΣȱ ΘХȱ ŗŞŗřȱ ψȱ ̕ΛΓΏφȱ π·Ύ΅ΘΉΗΘΣΌȱ πΑȱ ̍΅ΕΙ΅ϧΖǰȱ Έ΅ΎϱΜ΅Η΅ȱ Ένȱ πΑȱ ΘХȱ ΐΉΘ΅ΒϾȱ ΘφΑȱ ΏΉΘΓΙΕ·ϟ΅Αȱ ΅ЁΘϛΖǰȱ πΔ΅ΑνΏ΅ΆΉΑȱ ΅ЁΘφΑȱ ΦΔϱȱ ΘΓІȱ ΗΛΓΏΎΓІȱ σΘΓΙΖȱ ŗşśřȬŗşśŚȱ πΑȱ ̍΅ΕΙ΅ϧΖǯȱ ̕ΛΓΏ΅ΕΛΉϾΝΑȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛϱΖȱ ̐ΎϱΈΐΓΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřǯŘŘŖǯȱ ȱ ̳ΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱπΑȱȱ̞·ǯȱ͢ΕΉаȱϳȱ̋ΉΓΚΏǯȱ̔ΓΈΓΗΘϱΏΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗϱΗΘΓΐΓΖǯȱ ǻŘŘǯŖŚǯŗşŝŞǼǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ͒ǯȱ̏ΓΑφȱ̏Ή·ǯȱ̎΅ϾΕ΅Ζǰȱ̖ǯ̍ǯȱŜřŖȱŞŜȱ̍΅ΕΙ΅ϟǯȱ ȱ 58 Ήǯȱ͒ΉΕϱΑȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅ΎϱΑȱ ̏ΉΘϱΛΓΑȱ̈Ё΅··ΉΏΗΐΓІȱΘϛΖȱ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱȱ πΑȱ͟ΕΐΙΏϟθȱ̙΅ΏΎΈΎϛΖǯȱ ̖ΓІΘΓȱ ΉϨΑ΅ȱ ̏ΉΘϱΛΓΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̕ϟΐΝΑΓΖȱ ̓νΘΕ΅Ζǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ŜřŖȱ ŝŗȱ ͟ΕΐϾΏ΅ȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈΎϛΖǯȱ ̽·ΓΙΐνΑаȱ ̏ΓΑ΅Λφȱ ̐ΎΓΈφΐǯȱ̏ΓΑ΅Λ΅ϟȱŗŖŜǯȱ̇ϱΎΐΓȱŗŝǯȱ̒ϢΎΓΑϱΐΓΖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΉΘΓΛϟΓΙȱ ͒ΉΕΓΐϱΑ΅ΛΓΖȱ ̕ΉΕ΅ΔϟΝΑǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřŝŗŖȬŚŗǯŘŝŞǯȱ ȱ řǯȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱΘϛΖȱ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ̝Α΅ΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Ζȱȱ ΘϛΖȱ̘΅Εΐ΅ΎΓΏΙΘΕϟ΅ΖȱπΑȱ̙΅ΏΎΈΎϜǯȱ ȱ ̄ЂΘȱ ϡΈΕϾΌȱ Θϱȱ σΘΓΖȱ ŞŞŞȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̄Ё·ΓϾΗΘΖȱ ̋ΉΓΚ΅ΑΓІΖȱ πΔϟȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛϟ΅Ζȱ ̘ΝΘϟΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΓΙǯȱ ̳Αȱ ΘϜȱ ͒ΉΕλȱ ̏ΓΑϜȱ ΚΙΏΣΗΗΓΑΘ΅ȱ ψȱ ̖ΐϟ΅ȱ ̍ΣΕ΅ȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̝Α΅ΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Ζǰȱ ϳΏϱΗΝΐΓΑȱ Θϱȱ ͒ΉΕϱΑȱ ̎ΉϟΜ΅ΑΓΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̋ΉΝΑκǰȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΓΙȱ ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̽·ΓΙΐνΑΓΙȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ǻŗśŘŖǼǰȱ ̖ϟΐΓΑȱ ̑ϾΏΓΑǰȱ ΈΝΕΌνΑȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̋ΉΓΚ΅ΑΓІΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΔΏΉϧΗΘ΅ȱ ΩΏΏ΅ȱ ͒ΉΕΦȱ ̎ΉϟΜ΅Α΅ǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̏ΏφΘΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱ ǻŖřǯŗŗǯŗşŞśǼǯȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΓϟȱ ŗśǯȱ ̇ΓΎΘΎϱΑȱ ̕ΙΐΆΓϾΏΓаȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̏ΏφΘΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖǯȱ ̏νΏаȱ ̝ΕΛΐǯȱ ̍ǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱ ̞·΅Α΅ΗΘ΅ΗЏΘΖǰȱ ͒ΉΕΓΈǯȱ ̍ǯȱ ̙ΕΙΗΓ·ϱΑΖȱ ̞·΅ΑΑ΅ΗΘ΅ΗЏΘΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̕ΝΘφΕΓΖȱ ̅΅ΕΑ΅ΏϟΈΖǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ͩΔΓΐΑΐ΅ΘΓ·ΕΣΚΓΖǰȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ΎϛΖȱ ̕ΛΓΏϛΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̄ǯ̓ǯ̋ǯǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̆ΉЏΕ·ΓΖȱ ̍ΓΙΎΓΙΘΗϟΈΖǰȱ ̇Ύ·ϱΕΓΖǰȱ Ύǯȱ ̋ΉϱΈΝΕΓΖȱ ̏ΉΕΘΊΣΑΖǰȱ ̳ΔΌΉΝΕΘφΖȱ ͩΔΓΙΕ·ΉϟΓΙȱ ̒ϢΎΓΑΓΐΎЗΑǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ̝Α΅ΗΘ΅Ηϟ΅Ζǰȱ śŝŖȱ ŖŜȱ ̅΅ΗΏΎΣȱ ̙΅ΏΎΈΎϛΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ŘřşŜŖȬŘŘǯŚŚŖǰȱ ŘŘǯŜŜŗǰȱŘŘǯřŚŗǯȱ¡ȱŘŘǯŜŜŘǯȱ ȱ Śǯȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱΘЗΑȱ̅Ώ΅ΘΣΈΝΑȱπΑȱ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎϙǯȱ ̄ЂΘȱ ϡΈΕϾΌȱ ΔΉΕϟȱ Θϱȱ σΘΓΖȱ ŗřśŖȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΦΈΉΏΚЗΑȱ ̇ΝΕΓΌνΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̏ΣΕΎΓΙȱ ̅Ώ΅ΘǻΘǼνΝΑȱ όȱ ̅Ώ΅ΘΣΈΝΑǰȱ ΐ΅ΌΘЗΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΚϟΏΝΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̞·ϟΓΙȱ ̆Ε·ΓΕϟΓΙȱΘΓІȱ̓΅Ώ΅ΐκǯȱ ̓΅Α·ϾΕΉΖаȱŜȱ̄Ё·ΓϾΗΘΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱŘşȱ͑ΓΙΑϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̖ΙΕΓΏϱΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕ΉΕΉΑΘϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑȱ ǻŖşǯŖŜǯŗşŝŚǼǰȱ ͟ΐϱΘΐΓΖȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ ̓΅ΑΉΔΗΘΐϟΓΙǯȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΓϟȱŞǯȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̖΅Λǯȱ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̅΅ΗΏΎφȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱ ΘЗΑȱ ̅Ώ΅ΘΣΈΝΑǰȱ ̴ΔΘ΅ΔΙΕ·ϟΓΙȱ ŜŚǰȱ śŚŜȱ řŚȱ ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ̽·ΓΙΐΉΑΉϟΓΙȬ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϟ΅Ζаȱ ŘřŗŖȬŘŖşǯşŗřǰȱ ̑ΉΑЗΑΓΖаȱ ŘŚŝǯŚşŘǰȱ ̅ΆΏΓΔΝΏΉϟΓΙаȱ ŘŚŜǯřśŝǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘŚŜǯřŚşǯȱ ȱ śǯȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱΘΓІȱ̖ΐϟΓΙȱ̓ΕΓΈΕϱΐΓΙȱπΑȱ̷ΗΗΉΒȱ ̝··Ώϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̽ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ΅ЂΘȱ ̏ΓΑφȱ ЀΔφΛΌȱ ΉϢΖȱ Θϱȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎϱΑȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϧΓΑȱΘϱȱσΘΓΖȱŗşŜśǯȱ ̓΅Α·ϾΕΉΖаȱŘŚȱ͑ΓΙΑϟΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱŘŚȱ̕ΉΔΘΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ϾΕΏΏΓΖǯȱ ̏ΓΑ΅ΛΓϟȱΎ΅ϟȱ̏ΓΑ΅Λ΅ϟȱŗŘǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ǯȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱ ¢ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ǰȱ ¢ȱ ǰȱ¡ȱȱşȱŞǰȱǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸȱŚŚȱǻŖǼȱ ŗŜŘŗȬŞŗŜǯŚŝŗǯȱ ȱ Ŝǯȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱΘЗΑȱ̈ϢΗΓΈϟΝΑȱΘϛΖȱ̋ΉΓΘϱΎΓΙȱπΑȱ ̝Ώ΅ΐΔΣΐθȱ̊ǯ̓ǯ̄ǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ǰȱǯǯǯȱ ȱ ŝǯȱ͒ΉΕΣȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎφȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅Ύφȱ ̏ΓΑφȱΘϛΖȱ͟Ηϟ΅Ζȱ̈ϢΕφΑΖȱΘϛΖȱ ̙ΕΙΗΓΆ΅ΏΣΑΘΓΙȱπΑȱ̝ΗΘΓΕϟθȱ̐ν΅ΖȱͩϱΕΎΖȱ ̊ǯ̓ǯ̄ǯȱ ̽ȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ΅ЂΘȱ ̏ΓΑφȱ ЀΔφΛΌȱ ΉϢΖȱ Θϱȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎϱΑȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϧΓΑȱΘϱȱσΘΓΖȱŗşşŞǯȱ ̓΅Α·ϾΕΉΖаȱŘŞȱ͑ΓΙΏϟΓΙȱΎ΅ϟȱřŖȱ̐ΓΉΐΆΕϟΓΙǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̓΅ΑΉΕǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̖ΙΣΑΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ϪΗΓΖȱ ǻŗŗǯŖŚǯŗşşŞǼǯȱ ̝Α΅ΔΏΕΝΘφΖȱ ΅ЁΘΓІаȱ ̋ΉΓΚΏǯȱ ̳ΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ ̝Δ΅ΐΉϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ̅ΎνΑΘΓΖȱǻŗŗǯŖŚǯŗşşŞǼǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ǯȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱřŜȬŖŚȱŘřȱǰȱǰȱȱ ŗŗŗŖśȬŗşŗŜǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ ŗȱ ǻŖǼȱ ŝŗŞȬŜŘŜǯŜŘŘśǯȱ ¡ȱ ŜŘŜǯŝŜŜşǯȱ ȱ ̖̄ȱ̈̐ơ̖̇̄ơ̛̖̇̄̈̑̈̔̌̍ȱ̖̙̓̄̔̌̄̔̌̍̄ȱ ̗̖̌̇̔̏̄̄ȱ ȱ ŗǯȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱ̓΅ΘΉΕΎЗΑȱ ̏ΉΏΉΘЗΑȱπΑȱ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎϙǯȱ ͒ΈΕϾΌȱЀΔϱȱ ΘΓϿȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱ Θϱȱ σΘΓΖȱ ŗşŜśǯȱ ̎ΉΘΓΙΕ·Ήϧȱ ΦΔϱȱ ΘΓІȱ ŗşŜŞǰȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΗΘΉ·ΣΊΉΘ΅ȱ ΉϢΖȱ ϢΈ΅ΘνΕ΅Αȱ ΔΘνΕΙ·΅Αȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϛΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·΅ΎϛΖȱ̏ΓΑϛΖȱΘЗΑȱ ̅Ώ΅ΘΣΈΝΑǯȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ̕ΉΆǯȱ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǯȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̖ΙΕΓΏϱΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̕ΉΕΉΑΘϟΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̓΅ΑΘΉΏΉφΐΝΑǯȱ ̽·ΓϾΐΉΑΓΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ǯȱ ̏ΓΑϛΖȱ ̅Ώ΅ΘΣΈΝΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ ̓΅ΑΉΔΗΘΐϟΓΙǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱ ̆Ώ΅ΆϟΑ΅Ζǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̙΅ΕΘΓΙΏΣΕΓΖǰȱ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ̓΅ΑΉΔΗΘΐϟΓΙǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱ ̓΅ΘΉΕΎЗΑȱ ̏ΉΏΉΘЗΑǰȱ ͒ΉΕΣȱ ̏ΓΑϛȱ ̅Ώ΅ΘΣΈΝΑǰȱ ̴ΔΘ΅ΔΙΕ·ϟΓΙȱŜŚǰȱśŚŜȱřŚȱ̋ΉΗΗ΅ΏΓΑϟΎǯȱ̖ΏǯȱΎ΅ϟȱ ¡ȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘΓІаȱ ŘřŗŖȬŘŖřǯŜŘŖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϟ΅ΖаȱŘŖŘǯřŖŗǯȱ̙ΉΕΓ·ΕΣΚΝΑаȱŘŖŘǯřŖŘǯȱ ȱ Řǯȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔφ·ΓΑȱΘΓІȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ̍νΑΘΕΓΙȱΘΓІȱ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱπΑȱ̕΅ΐΔΉΊϾȱ̆ΉΑΉϾΖǯȱ ̖Γȱ ͞ΕΌϱΈΓΒΓΑȱ ̍νΑΘΕΓΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱϡΈΕϾΌȱΎ΅ΘȂȱ͑ΓϾΑΓΑȱΘΓІȱŗşŜŜǯȱ ̇ΓΎΘΎϱΑȱ ̕ΙΐΆΓϾΏΓΑаȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̴ΏΆΉΘϟ΅Ζȱ Ύǯȱ ͒ΉΕΉΐϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̄Ȃȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕϱΉΈΕΓΖȱ ̳ΑΘΐΓΏǯȱ ̇Εǯȱ ̕ΔΙΕϟΈΝΑȱ ̎ΣΘΖǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̝ΎΘΓΙΣΕΓΖаȱ ̅Ȃȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕϱΉΈΕΓΖȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̽ΏΓΙΔϱΏΉΝΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̋ΉϟΕΝΑȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ̳ΑΘΐΓΏǯȱ Ύǯȱ ̍ΝΑΗΘ΅ΑΘϧΑΓΖȱ ̕ΎΓΙΘνΕΖǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̓ΕΝΘΓΑΓΘΣΕΓΖǰȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ ̓΅ΑΉΔΗΘΐϟΓΙǯȱ ̖΅ΐϟ΅Ζаȱ ̳ΏΏΓ·ΐǯȱ Ύǯȱ ̓ΉΕΎΏϛΖȱ ̓ΉΘ΅ΏκΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ řŝǰȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱ Ȭ ŗŘşŘȱ ¢ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ Śŗȱ ǻŖǼȱ ŘŘȬŝśŞǯşŞǯŜŖǯȱ ¡ȱ ŝśŞǯşŞǯŜŗǯȱ ͒ΉΕϱΖȱ ̐΅ϱΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ȱ ̝ΔΓΗΘϱΏΓΙȱ ΘЗΑȱ ̳ΌΑЗΑȱ ̓΅ϾΏΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ πΑȱ ̕΅ΐΔΉΊϾȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̆ΉΑΉϾΖȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓІȱ̕Θ΅ΙΕΓΔ·ϟΓΙǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ŗŘǰȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȬŗŘşŘȱ¢ǯȱ ȱ řǯȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ͒ΉΕ΅ΔΓΗΘΓΏϛΖȱ̡ΔΝȱ̝Α΅ΘΓΏϛΖȱπΑȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζǯȱ ͒ΈΕϾΌȱЀΔϱȱΘΓІȱ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱΐνȱ ΗΎΓΔϱΑȱ ΘφΑȱ πΑϟΗΛΙΗΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘφΑȱ ΅Ϣ·ϟΈ΅ȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱ πΔΘΉΏΓΙΐνΑΓΙȱ ϡΉΕ΅ΔΓΗΘΓΏΎΓІȱ σΕ·ΓΙȱ πΑȱ ̡ΔΝȱ ̝Α΅ΘΓΏϜǯȱ ̇ΓΎΉϧΘ΅ȱ ЀΔϱȱ οΑΈΉΎ΅ΐΉΏΓІΖȱ ̇ΓΎΘΎΓІȱ ̕ΙΐΆΓΙΏϟΓΙǰȱΈΓΕΊΓΐνΑΓΙȱΦΑΣȱΘΉΘΕ΅ΉΘϟ΅ΑȱЀΔϱȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǯȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ͜ΝΣΑΑΖȱ̎ΣΔΔ΅Ζǰȱ̇Εǯȱ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ͒ΉΕ΅ΔΓΗΘΓΏϛΖȱ ̡ΔΝȱ ̝Α΅ΘΓΏϛΖǯȱ 59 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:13 AM Page 60 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̆ΓΙΑ΅ΕΓΔΓϾΏΓΙȱ řǰȱ ŗśŝȱ ŝŗȱ ̉Ν·ΕΣΚΓΙȬȬ̝ΌϛΑ΅ǯȱ 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ΘΓІȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ̍νΑΘΕΓΙȱ σΛΉȱ Ύ΅ΌΓΕΗΌϜȱ ΈΣȱ ΘΓІȱ ΦΔϱȱ ŗşΖȱ ͞ΎΘΝΆΕϟΓΙȱ ŗşŝśȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓІȱ ̕·ΏΏϟΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΦΔΓΗΎΓΔΉϧȱ ΉϢΈΎЏΘΉΕΓΑȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘφΑȱ ȍΦΑΣΔΘΙΒΑȱ πΑȱ ΅ЁΘХȱ πΔΗΘΐΓΑΎΓІȱ ΌΉΓΏΓ·ΎΓІȱ ΚΙΘΝΕϟΓΙȱ πΑȱ ΓϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎϜȱ ΔΕΓΓΔΘΎϜǰȱ ΐνΏΏΓΑΘΓΖȱ ϣΑ΅ȱ ΐΉΘ΅ΔΘΙΛ΅ΎЗΖȱΎ΅Θ΅ΕΘϟΊϙȱΗΘΉΏνΛȱπΒȱΥΔ΅ΗЗΑȱ ΘЗΑȱ Ύ΅ΘΣȱ ΘϱΔΓΙΖȱ ̞·ΝΘΣΘΝΑȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΝΑȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗЗΑǰȱ ΛΕφΗΐ΅ȱ ΈΣȱ ΘΣΖȱ ΦΑΣ·Ύ΅Ζȱ ΅ЁΘЗΑǰȱ πΒΉΈΎΉΙΐνΑ΅ȱ Ένȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘφΑȱ ΈΉΒ΅·Ν·φΑȱ ΈΓΕΌΓΈϱΒΝΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Έ΅ΛΕΗΘ΅ΑΎЗΑȱ Έ΅Ώϱ·ΝΑǰȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΦΑΘϟΈΓΗΑȱ ΦΑ΅ΘΓΏΎϛΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΈΙΘΎϛΖȱ ΌΉΓΏΓ·ϟ΅ΖȎǯȱͩΔϱȱΘφΑȱσΑΑΓ΅Αȱ΅ЁΘφΑȱΔΕΓΗΚνΕΉȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘΓϾΖȱ ΑνΓΙΖȱ ΌΉΓΏϱ·ΓΙΖǰȱ ΎΏΕΎΓϾΖȱ όȱ Ώ΅ϞΎΓϾΖǰȱ ΘЗΑȱ Ύ΅ΘΣȱ ΘϱΔΓΙΖȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΝΑȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗЗΑȱ ΦΚȂȱ πΑϱΖȱ ΐνΑȱ ЀΜΏΓІȱ πΔΔνΈΓΙȱ ΐΉΘ΅ΔΘΙΛ΅ΎΣΖȱ ΗΔΓΙΈΣΖȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘφΑȱ ͞ΕΌϱΈΓΒΓΑȱ ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ϟ΅Αǰȱ ΦΚȂȱ οΘνΕΓΙȱ Ένȱ ΐϟ΅Αȱ ΔΏΕΉΗΘνΕ΅Αȱ ΦΒΓΔΓϟΗΑȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΑΉΝΘνΕΝΑȱ ΘΣΗΉΝΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̔Νΐ΅ΓΎ΅ΌΓΏΎϛΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΕΓΘΉΗΘ΅ΑΘΎϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ϟ΅Ζȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘϱΑȱ ΗϾ·ΛΕΓΑΓΑȱ ΈΣΏΓ·ΓΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ 60 ͞ΕΌΓΈΓΒϟ΅Ζȱ ΔΕϱΖȱ ΘϱΑȱ ΏΓΔϱΑȱ ΛΕΗΘ΅ΑΎϱΑȱ ΎϱΗΐΓΑȱΎ΅ϟȱΔΕϱΖȱΘΣΖȱΩΏΏ΅ΖȱΌΕΗΎΉϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̍ΓΗΐφΘΝΕаȱ ϳȱ ̳ΑΘΐΓΏǯȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ ̇Εǯȱ ̅ΏΣΗΓΖȱ ̘ΉΈκΖǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̇ΈΣΗΎ΅ΏΓΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱȱȂȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ řŝǰȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱ ȬŗŘşŘȱ¢Ȭǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸȱŚŗȬ ŘŘȬŝśŞǯşŞǯŜŚǰȱ ŝśŞǯşŞǯŜŖǯȱ ¡ȱ ŝśŞǯşŞǯşśǯȱ ȬDZȱ ¡ȓ¢ǯǯȱ ȱ Ŝǯȱ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱͩΔΓΗΘΕϟΒΉΝΖȱΘΓІȱ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱπΑȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζǯȱ ̖Ϝȱ Ύ΅ΑΓΑΎϜȱ ΗΙ·Ύ΅Θ΅ΌνΗΉȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̏ΘΕϱΖȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅ΖȱΗΙΑΉΗΘφΌȱπΑȱ̝ΌφΑ΅ΖȱΈΣȱΘΓІȱΦΔϱȱ ŝΖȱ ̏΅ϪΓΙȱ ŘŖŖřȱ ̓ΕΓΉΈΕΎΓІȱ ̇΅ΘΣ·ΐ΅ΘΓΖȱ ȍ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱ ͩΔΓΗΘΕϟΒΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȎȱ πΔϟȱ ΘХȱ ΗΎΓΘХȱ ΘϛΖȱ πΑΗΛϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱΔΓΏΙΐΉΕΓІΖȱΔΑΉΙΐ΅ΘΎΓІȱΎ΅ϟȱΔΓΏΘΗΘΎΓІȱ σΕ·ΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǯȱ ̇ΓΎΉϧΘ΅ȱ ЀΔϱȱ οΑΈΉΎ΅ΐΉΏΓІΖȱ ̇ΓΎΘΎΓІȱ ̕ΙΐΆΓΙΏϟΓΙǰȱ ȱ ΈΓΕΊΓΐνΑΓΙȱ ΦΑΣȱ ΔΉΑΘ΅ΉΘϟ΅Αȱ ЀΔϱȱΘΓІȱ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǯȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ ̋ΉΓΚΏǯȱ ̳ΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ ̍ΑΝΗΓІȱ Ύǯȱ ̏΅ΎΣΕΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱ ͩΔΓΗΘΕϟΒΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǰȱ ̐ΓΘ΅Εκȱ ŗřŗǰȱ ŗŞśȱ řŜȱ ȱ ̓ΉΕ΅ΉϾΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ƸŘŗŖȬŚŘǯşŚǯŚŖŘǰȱ ŚŘǯşŚǯŚŖŜǰȱ ŚŘǯşŚǯŚŖŝǯȱ¡ȱƸŘŗŖȬŚŘǯşŚǯŚŖşǯȱ ȱ ̒̌ȱ̈̐ơ̖̇̄ơ̛̖̇̄̈̑̈̔̌̍ȱ̖̙̓̄̔̌̄̔̌̍̒̌ȱ ̒̔̆̄̐̌̏̒̌̕ȱ ȱ ŗǯȱ̏ϱΑΐΓΖȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟ΅ȱΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱΔ΅ΕΣȱΘϜȱπΑȱ ̆ΉΑΉϾȱρΈΕθȱΘΓІȱ̓΅·ΎΓΗΐϟΓΙȱ̕ΙΐΆΓΙΏϟΓΙȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗЗΑǯȱ ̏ϱΑΐΓΖȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕϱΗΝΔΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̓΅ΑΓΗΓΏǯȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̋ΕϱΑΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̅ΉΑνΈΎΘΓΖȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸȱŚŗȬŘŘȬŝşŗǯŜřǯŚŞǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱΎ΅ǯȱ͞ΏΙΐΔϟ΅ȱ̕ΘΉΚ΅Αϛǰȱǯȱǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ǯȱ ȱȱȱȱǰȱŗśŖǰȱȱȱ ¢ǰȱ ǯǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘŗŖŖǰȱ ŗŘŗŗȱ ȱ Řǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ ŚŗȬŘŘȬŝşŗǯŜřŚŞǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ƸŚŗȬŘŘȬŝşŗǯŜřŚŜǯȱ Ȭ DZȱȓ Ȭǯǯȱ ȱ Řǯȱ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϟ΅ȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱ̓ΕΓΔ΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱΘϛΖȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅ΖȱπΑȱ̕΅ΐΔΉΊϾȱ̆ΉΑΉϾΖǯȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̽ȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϟ΅ȱ πΔϟȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̓ΕΓΔ΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζȱ οΈΕΉϾΉȱ ΉϢΖȱ Θϱȱ ͞ΕΌϱΈΓΒΓΑȱ ̍νΑΘΕΓΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΈΉΙΌϾΑΉΘ΅ȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘΓІȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΓΙȱ ̴ΏΆΉΘϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ͒ΉΕΉΐϟΓΙǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ řŝǰȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱ ȬŗŘşŘȱ¢Ȭǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸȱŚŗȬ ŘŘȬŝśŞǯşŞǯŜŖǯȱ¡ȱŝśŞǯşŞǯŜŗǯȱ ȱ řǯȱ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΖȱ͞ΚΚΎΣΏΝΑȱΘϛΖȱ̞·ϟ΅ΖȱΘΓІȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζȱȍ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱψȱ ̓΅ΐΐ΅ΎΣΕΗΘΓΖȎȱπΑȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζǯȱ ̖φΑȱŗşΑȱ̐ΓΉΐΆΕϟΓΙȱŗşşŗǰȱΗΉΔΘϜȱΉϢΗ·φΗΉȱΘϛΖȱ ̄ǯ̋ǯȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϱΘΘΓΖǰȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕΣΕΛΓΙȱ ΎǯΎǯȱ ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϟΓΙǰȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΦΔΓΚΣΗΉȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙǰȱ ΗΙΑΉΗΘφΌȱ ψȱ ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΖȱ ͞ΚΚΎΣΏΝΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ΘΓІȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζȱ ȍ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱ ψȱ ̓΅ΐΐ΅ΎΣΕΗΘΓΖȎǰȱΐνȱρΈΕ΅ȱΘΣΖȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζǯȱ ̏νΏȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΘΓΖȱ ΘΙ·ΛΣΑΓΙΗΑȱ ΅ЁΘΓΈΎ΅ϟΝΖȱ ΧΔ΅ΑΘΉΖȱ Γϡȱ ϴΚΚΎΣΏΓȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ΘΓІȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζǰȱ ΔΏφΑȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔϛΖȱ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǰȱ ΓϣΘΑΉΖȱ σΛΓΙΑȱΗΙΐΔφΒΉȱϢΈϟ΅Αȱ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΘ΅ǯȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱ ̓΅Δ΅ΐΛ΅ΏΣΎΖǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̏ǯȱ ͩΔΓΐΑΐ΅ΘΓ·ΕΣΚΓΖǯȱ ̆ΉΑǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖȱ ̝ΕΆ΅ΑϟΘΖǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̏ǯȱ̇Ύ΅ΓΚϾΏ΅Βǯȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖȱ ̓ΕΓνΈΕΓΙаȱ ̔·ϟΏΏΖȱ ŘŜǰȱ ŗŖŜȱ ŝŚȱ ̝ΌϛΑ΅ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ řŖȬŘŗŖȬȱ ŝŘřśǯŝřśȬŞǰȱ ŝŘŚŗǯŜŖŗȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ŝŘŘŖǯśŜŞǯȱ ¡ȱ ŝŘŚŖǯŖŖŖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ŝŘŗŝǯŝŜśǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖȱ ̆ΉΑǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘνΝΖаȱ ̖ΐǯȱ ̅ΣΗΗΓΙȱ ŗŖǰȱ ŗŗśȱŘŗȱ̝ΌϛΑ΅ǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸřŖȬŘŗŖȬŜŚǯřŖǯřŘŗǯȱ ȱ Śǯȱ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑȱΘϛΖȱ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζȱ Δ΅ΕΣȱΘϜȱ̈ЁΕΝΔ΅ϞΎϜȱ̴ΑЏΗΉǯȱ ̖ϱȱ ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζȱ Δ΅ΕΣȱ ΘϜȱ ̈ЁΕΝΔ΅ϞΎϜȱ ̴ΑЏΗΉȱ ϡΈΕϾΌȱ Θϱȱ σΘΓΖȱ ŗşşŚȱ ΈȂȱ ΦΔΓΚΣΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǰȱ ΐνȱ σΈΕ΅Αȱ ΘΣΖȱ ̅ΕΙΒνΏΏ΅Ζǯȱȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̆Ε΅ΚΉϟΓΙаȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ̆΅ΏΏϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΐΐ΅ΑΓΙΏǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ŚŖǰȱ ŗŖřŖȱ ¡ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ řŘȬŘȬŝřŚǯŞşǯŞŝȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ŝřŘǯŚŚǯŘŘǯȱ ¡ȱ ŝřŚǯşŖǯŝŘǯȱ ȬDZȱ ȓǯǯȱ ȱ śǯȱ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑȱπΎΔΕΓΗΝΔφΗΉΝΖȱΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱπΑȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̆Ε΅ΚΉϟΓΙаȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̓ΉΕ·ΣΐΓΙȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖǰȱ̝Ύ΅Έΐ΅ϞΎϱΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ̳ΏΏΓ·ǯȱ Ύǯȱ ̳ΏΉΙΌνΕΓΖȱ ̙ΕΙΗΓΛϱΓΖǰȱǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ̐ΉΓΚϾΘΓΙȱ ̇ΓϾΎ΅ȱ şǰȱ ŗŖŜȱ ŝŚȱȱ ̝ΌϛΑ΅ǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸȱřŖȬŘŗŖȬŝŘǯśŝǯŞŜŘȬŚǯȱ¡ȱŝŘǯśŘǯśŚŖǯȱ ȬDZȱȓǯǯȱ ȱ Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope John Paul ll during their first meeting in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican June 28, the Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul and the patronal feast of the Roman Catholic Church. The visit also commemorated the 40th Anniversary of the 1964 meeting of Patriarch Athenagoras and Pope Paul Vl in Jerusalem, the first between a Patriach and Pope since the Schism of 1054. 61 YrBk2005_final.qxd 12/15/04 8:13 AM Page 60 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̆ΓΙΑ΅ΕΓΔΓϾΏΓΙȱ řǰȱ ŗśŝȱ ŝŗȱ ̉Ν·ΕΣΚΓΙȬȬ̝ΌϛΑ΅ǯȱ ̖ΏǯȱƸȱřŖȬŘŗŖȬŝŝǯŗŖǯŝřŘǯȱ¡ȱŝŝǯŞŖǯśŚŗǯȱ ȱ Śǯȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎϱΑȱ͞ΕΌϱΈΓΒΓΑȱ͑ΑΗΘΘΓІΘΓΑȱ ȍ̓΅ΘΕΣΕΛΖȱ̝ΌΑ΅·ϱΕ΅ΖȎȱνΑȱ̏ΔνΕΎΏΉϼȱ ̊ǯ̓ǯ̄ǯȱ ̕ΎΓΔϱΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ЀΔΣΕΒΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓІȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ͑ΑΗΘΘΓϾΘΓΙȱ ΉϨΑ΅ȱ ψȱ ΔΕΓЏΌΗΖȱ ΐκΖȱ ΗΌΉΑ΅ΕκΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Έ΅ΚΝΘΗΘΎϛΖȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ Δ΅ΕΓΙΗϟ΅Ζȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘϱΑȱ ̝Ύ΅Έΐ΅ϞΎϱΑȱ ΛЗΕΓΑȱ ΘЗΑȱ ̊ǯ̓ǯ̄ǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ̝ΔϱΗΘΓΏΓΖȱ ̆ǯȱ ̏΅ΑЏΏΖǯȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖȱ ̕ΙΐΆΓϾΏΓΑаȱ Ύ΅ȱ ̴ΏνΑȱ ̎ǯȱ ̎ΣΐΔΕΓΙǯ̖΅Λǯȱ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱŘřŖşȱ ȱǰȱ ¢ȱ ȱ şŚŝŖşǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ ŗȬśŗŖȬŜŚşǯŘŚśŖǯȱ ¡ȱŞŚŗǯŜŜŖśǯȱ ȱ śǯȱ͑ΑΗΘΘΓІΘΓΑȱ̏ΉΘ΅ΔΘΙΛ΅ΎЗΑȱ̕ΔΓΙΈЗΑȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ϟ΅ΖȱπΑȱ̕΅ΐΔΉΊϾȱ̆ΉΑΉϾΖǯȱ ̖ϱȱ ͑ΑΗΘΘΓІΘΓΑȱ ̏ΉΘ΅ΔΘΙΛ΅ΎЗΑȱ ̕ΔΓΙΈЗΑȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ϟ΅Ζȱ ϡΈΕϾΌȱ БΖȱ ΅ЁΘΓΘΉΏφΖȱ ΦΎ΅Έΐ΅ϞΎφȱΈΕ΅ΗΘΕϱΘΖȱΔ΅ΕΣȱΘХȱ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒУȱ ̍νΑΘΕУȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΏΉΘΓΙΕ·Ήϧȱ όΈȱ ΦΔϱȱ ΘΓІȱ ΦΎ΅Έΐ΅ϞΎΓІȱ σΘΓΙΖȱ ŗşşŝȬŗşşŞȱ πΑȱ ΗΙΑΉΕ·΅Ηϟθȱ ΐΉΘΣȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̔Νΐ΅ΓΎ΅ΌΓΏΎϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ΎϛΖȱ ̕ΛΓΏϛΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̓΅ΑΉΔΗΘΐϟΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̘ΕΆΓϾΕ·ΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̓ΕΓΘΉΗΘ΅ΑΘΎϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ΎϛΖȱ ̕ΛΓΏϛΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̓΅ΑΉΔΗΘΐϟΓΙȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̆ΉΑΉϾΖǯȱ ̽ȱ ΦΔΓΗΘΓΏφȱ ΘΓІȱ ͑ΑΗΘΘΓϾΘΓΙȱ πΑȱ ΘХȱ ΔΏ΅ΗϟУȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΌΉΗΐΎЗΑȱ ΈΕ΅ΗΘΕΓΘφΘΝΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ̍νΑΘΕΓΙȱ σΛΉȱ Ύ΅ΌΓΕΗΌϜȱ ΈΣȱ ΘΓІȱ ΦΔϱȱ ŗşΖȱ ͞ΎΘΝΆΕϟΓΙȱ ŗşŝśȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΎΓІȱ ̕·ΏΏϟΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΦΔΓΗΎΓΔΉϧȱ ΉϢΈΎЏΘΉΕΓΑȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘφΑȱ ȍΦΑΣΔΘΙΒΑȱ πΑȱ ΅ЁΘХȱ πΔΗΘΐΓΑΎΓІȱ ΌΉΓΏΓ·ΎΓІȱ ΚΙΘΝΕϟΓΙȱ πΑȱ ΓϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎϜȱ ΔΕΓΓΔΘΎϜǰȱ ΐνΏΏΓΑΘΓΖȱ ϣΑ΅ȱ ΐΉΘ΅ΔΘΙΛ΅ΎЗΖȱΎ΅Θ΅ΕΘϟΊϙȱΗΘΉΏνΛȱπΒȱΥΔ΅ΗЗΑȱ ΘЗΑȱ Ύ΅ΘΣȱ ΘϱΔΓΙΖȱ ̞·ΝΘΣΘΝΑȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΝΑȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗЗΑǰȱ ΛΕφΗΐ΅ȱ ΈΣȱ ΘΣΖȱ ΦΑΣ·Ύ΅Ζȱ ΅ЁΘЗΑǰȱ πΒΉΈΎΉΙΐνΑ΅ȱ Ένȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘφΑȱ ΈΉΒ΅·Ν·φΑȱ ΈΓΕΌΓΈϱΒΝΑȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ Έ΅ΛΕΗΘ΅ΑΎЗΑȱ Έ΅Ώϱ·ΝΑǰȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΦΑΘϟΈΓΗΑȱ ΦΑ΅ΘΓΏΎϛΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΈΙΘΎϛΖȱ ΌΉΓΏΓ·ϟ΅ΖȎǯȱͩΔϱȱΘφΑȱσΑΑΓ΅Αȱ΅ЁΘφΑȱΔΕΓΗΚνΕΉȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘΓϾΖȱ ΑνΓΙΖȱ ΌΉΓΏϱ·ΓΙΖǰȱ ΎΏΕΎΓϾΖȱ όȱ Ώ΅ϞΎΓϾΖǰȱ ΘЗΑȱ Ύ΅ΘΣȱ ΘϱΔΓΙΖȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΝΑȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗЗΑȱ ΦΚȂȱ πΑϱΖȱ ΐνΑȱ ЀΜΏΓІȱ πΔΔνΈΓΙȱ ΐΉΘ΅ΔΘΙΛ΅ΎΣΖȱ ΗΔΓΙΈΣΖȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘφΑȱ ͞ΕΌϱΈΓΒΓΑȱ ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ϟ΅Αǰȱ ΦΚȂȱ οΘνΕΓΙȱ Ένȱ ΐϟ΅Αȱ ΔΏΕΉΗΘνΕ΅Αȱ ΦΒΓΔΓϟΗΑȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΑΉΝΘνΕΝΑȱ ΘΣΗΉΝΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̔Νΐ΅ΓΎ΅ΌΓΏΎϛΖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̓ΕΓΘΉΗΘ΅ΑΘΎϛΖȱ ̋ΉΓΏΓ·ϟ΅Ζȱ ΉϢΖȱ ΘϱΑȱ ΗϾ·ΛΕΓΑΓΑȱ ΈΣΏΓ·ΓΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ 60 ͞ΕΌΓΈΓΒϟ΅Ζȱ ΔΕϱΖȱ ΘϱΑȱ ΏΓΔϱΑȱ ΛΕΗΘ΅ΑΎϱΑȱ ΎϱΗΐΓΑȱΎ΅ϟȱΔΕϱΖȱΘΣΖȱΩΏΏ΅ΖȱΌΕΗΎΉϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̍ΓΗΐφΘΝΕаȱ ϳȱ ̳ΑΘΐΓΏǯȱ ̍΅Ό·ΘφΖȱ ̇Εǯȱ ̅ΏΣΗΓΖȱ ̘ΉΈκΖǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̇ΈΣΗΎ΅ΏΓΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱȱȂȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ řŝǰȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱ ȬŗŘşŘȱ¢Ȭǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸȱŚŗȬ ŘŘȬŝśŞǯşŞǯŜŚǰȱ ŝśŞǯşŞǯŜŖǯȱ ¡ȱ ŝśŞǯşŞǯşśǯȱ ȬDZȱ ¡ȓ¢ǯǯȱ ȱ Ŝǯȱ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱͩΔΓΗΘΕϟΒΉΝΖȱΘΓІȱ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱπΑȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζǯȱ ̖Ϝȱ Ύ΅ΑΓΑΎϜȱ ΗΙ·Ύ΅Θ΅ΌνΗΉȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̏ΘΕϱΖȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅ΖȱΗΙΑΉΗΘφΌȱπΑȱ̝ΌφΑ΅ΖȱΈΣȱΘΓІȱΦΔϱȱ ŝΖȱ ̏΅ϪΓΙȱ ŘŖŖřȱ ̓ΕΓΉΈΕΎΓІȱ ̇΅ΘΣ·ΐ΅ΘΓΖȱ ȍ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱ ͩΔΓΗΘΕϟΒΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȎȱ πΔϟȱ ΘХȱ ΗΎΓΘХȱ ΘϛΖȱ πΑΗΛϾΗΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱΔΓΏΙΐΉΕΓІΖȱΔΑΉΙΐ΅ΘΎΓІȱΎ΅ϟȱΔΓΏΘΗΘΎΓІȱ σΕ·ΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǯȱ ̇ΓΎΉϧΘ΅ȱ ЀΔϱȱ οΑΈΉΎ΅ΐΉΏΓІΖȱ ̇ΓΎΘΎΓІȱ ̕ΙΐΆΓΙΏϟΓΙǰȱ ȱ ΈΓΕΊΓΐνΑΓΙȱ ΦΑΣȱ ΔΉΑΘ΅ΉΘϟ΅Αȱ ЀΔϱȱΘΓІȱ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǯȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ ̋ΉΓΚΏǯȱ ̳ΔϟΗΎΓΔΓΖȱ ̍ΑΝΗΓІȱ Ύǯȱ ̏΅ΎΣΕΓΖǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ͖ΈΕΙΐ΅ȱ ͩΔΓΗΘΕϟΒΉΝΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǰȱ ̐ΓΘ΅Εκȱ ŗřŗǰȱ ŗŞśȱ řŜȱ ȱ ̓ΉΕ΅ΉϾΖǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ ƸŘŗŖȬŚŘǯşŚǯŚŖŘǰȱ ŚŘǯşŚǯŚŖŜǰȱ ŚŘǯşŚǯŚŖŝǯȱ¡ȱƸŘŗŖȬŚŘǯşŚǯŚŖşǯȱ ȱ ̒̌ȱ̈̐ơ̖̇̄ơ̛̖̇̄̈̑̈̔̌̍ȱ̖̙̓̄̔̌̄̔̌̍̒̌ȱ ̒̔̆̄̐̌̏̒̌̕ȱ ȱ ŗǯȱ̏ϱΑΐΓΖȱ̝ΑΘΔΕΓΗΝΔΉϟ΅ȱΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱΔ΅ΕΣȱΘϜȱπΑȱ ̆ΉΑΉϾȱρΈΕθȱΘΓІȱ̓΅·ΎΓΗΐϟΓΙȱ̕ΙΐΆΓΙΏϟΓΙȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗЗΑǯȱ ̏ϱΑΐΓΖȱ ̝ΑΘΔΕϱΗΝΔΓΖаȱ ϳȱ ̓΅ΑΓΗΓΏǯȱ ̝ΕΛΐ΅ΑΈΕϟΘΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̋ΕϱΑΓΙȱ Ύǯȱ ̅ΉΑνΈΎΘΓΖȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΓΙǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸȱŚŗȬŘŘȬŝşŗǯŜřǯŚŞǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱΎ΅ǯȱ͞ΏΙΐΔϟ΅ȱ̕ΘΉΚ΅Αϛǰȱǯȱǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ǯȱ ȱȱȱȱǰȱŗśŖǰȱȱȱ ¢ǰȱ ǯǯȱ ¡ȱ ŘŗŖŖǰȱ ŗŘŗŗȱ ȱ Řǰȱ ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ ŚŗȬŘŘȬŝşŗǯŜřŚŞǯȱ ¡ǯȱ ƸŚŗȬŘŘȬŝşŗǯŜřŚŜǯȱ Ȭ DZȱȓ Ȭǯǯȱ ȱ Řǯȱ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϟ΅ȱπΔϟȱΘϛΖȱ̓ΕΓΔ΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅ΖȱΎ΅ϟȱ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱΘϛΖȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅ΖȱπΑȱ̕΅ΐΔΉΊϾȱ̆ΉΑΉϾΖǯȱ ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY ̽ȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϟ΅ȱ πΔϟȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̓ΕΓΔ΅Ε΅ΗΎΉΙϛΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζȱ οΈΕΉϾΉȱ ΉϢΖȱ Θϱȱ ͞ΕΌϱΈΓΒΓΑȱ ̍νΑΘΕΓΑȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΈΉΙΌϾΑΉΘ΅ȱ ЀΔϱȱ ΘΓІȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΓΙȱ ̴ΏΆΉΘϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ͒ΉΕΉΐϟΓΙǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ řŝǰȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ǰȱ ȬŗŘşŘȱ¢Ȭǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸȱŚŗȬ ŘŘȬŝśŞǯşŞǯŜŖǯȱ¡ȱŝśŞǯşŞǯŜŗǯȱ ȱ řǯȱ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΖȱ͞ΚΚΎΣΏΝΑȱΘϛΖȱ̞·ϟ΅ΖȱΘΓІȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζȱȍ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱψȱ ̓΅ΐΐ΅ΎΣΕΗΘΓΖȎȱπΑȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζǯȱ ̖φΑȱŗşΑȱ̐ΓΉΐΆΕϟΓΙȱŗşşŗǰȱΗΉΔΘϜȱΉϢΗ·φΗΉȱΘϛΖȱ ̄ǯ̋ǯȱ ̓΅Α΅·ϱΘΘΓΖǰȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϢΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕΣΕΛΓΙȱ ΎǯΎǯȱ ̅΅ΕΌΓΏΓΐ΅ϟΓΙǰȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ΦΔΓΚΣΗΉȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙǰȱ ΗΙΑΉΗΘφΌȱ ψȱ ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΖȱ ͞ΚΚΎΣΏΝΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ΘΓІȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζȱ ȍ̓΅Α΅·ϟ΅Ζȱ ψȱ ̓΅ΐΐ΅ΎΣΕΗΘΓΖȎǰȱΐνȱρΈΕ΅ȱΘΣΖȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζǯȱ ̏νΏȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΘΓΖȱ ΘΙ·ΛΣΑΓΙΗΑȱ ΅ЁΘΓΈΎ΅ϟΝΖȱ ΧΔ΅ΑΘΉΖȱ Γϡȱ ϴΚΚΎΣΏΓȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ ΘΓІȱ ̙ΕΗΘΓІȱ ̏Ή·ΣΏΖȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζǰȱ ΔΏφΑȱ ΘЗΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̝ΕΛΉΔΗΎΓΔϛΖȱ ̝ΐΉΕΎϛΖǰȱ ΓϣΘΑΉΖȱ σΛΓΙΑȱΗΙΐΔφΒΉȱϢΈϟ΅Αȱ̝ΈΉΏΚϱΘΘ΅ǯȱ ̓ΕϱΉΈΕΓΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ͑ΝΣΑΑΖȱ ̓΅Δ΅ΐΛ΅ΏΣΎΖǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̏ǯȱ ͩΔΓΐΑΐ΅ΘΓ·ΕΣΚΓΖǯȱ ̆ΉΑǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ Ύǯȱ ̝Ό΅ΑΣΗΓΖȱ ̝ΕΆ΅ΑϟΘΖǰȱ ̡ΕΛΝΑȱ ̏ǯȱ̇Ύ΅ΓΚϾΏ΅Βǯȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖȱ ̓ΕΓνΈΕΓΙаȱ ̔·ϟΏΏΖȱ ŘŜǰȱ ŗŖŜȱ ŝŚȱ ̝ΌϛΑ΅ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ řŖȬŘŗŖȬȱ ŝŘřśǯŝřśȬŞǰȱ ŝŘŚŗǯŜŖŗȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ŝŘŘŖǯśŜŞǯȱ ¡ȱ ŝŘŚŖǯŖŖŖȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ŝŘŗŝǯŝŜśǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖȱ ̆ΉΑǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘνΝΖаȱ ̖ΐǯȱ ̅ΣΗΗΓΙȱ ŗŖǰȱ ŗŗśȱŘŗȱ̝ΌϛΑ΅ǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸřŖȬŘŗŖȬŜŚǯřŖǯřŘŗǯȱ ȱ Śǯȱ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑȱΘϛΖȱ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζȱ Δ΅ΕΣȱΘϜȱ̈ЁΕΝΔ΅ϞΎϜȱ̴ΑЏΗΉǯȱ ̖ϱȱ ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑȱ ΘϛΖȱ ͞ΕΌΓΈϱΒΓΙȱ ̳ΎΎΏΗϟ΅Ζȱ Δ΅ΕΣȱ ΘϜȱ ̈ЁΕΝΔ΅ϞΎϜȱ ̴ΑЏΗΉȱ ϡΈΕϾΌȱ Θϱȱ σΘΓΖȱ ŗşşŚȱ ΈȂȱ ΦΔΓΚΣΗΉΝΖȱ ΘϛΖȱ ̞·ϟ΅Ζȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ͒ΉΕκΖȱ ̕ΙΑϱΈΓΙȱ ΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙǰȱ ΐνȱ σΈΕ΅Αȱ ΘΣΖȱ ̅ΕΙΒνΏΏ΅Ζǯȱȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̆Ε΅ΚΉϟΓΙаȱ ϳȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ̆΅ΏΏϟ΅ΖȱΎǯȱ̳ΐΐ΅ΑΓΙΏǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ¡ȱ ŚŖǰȱ ŗŖřŖȱ ¡ǯȱ ̖Ώǯȱ Ƹȱ řŘȬŘȬŝřŚǯŞşǯŞŝȱ Ύ΅ϟȱ ŝřŘǯŚŚǯŘŘǯȱ ¡ȱ ŝřŚǯşŖǯŝŘǯȱ ȬDZȱ ȓǯǯȱ ȱ śǯȱ̆Ε΅ΚΉϧΓΑȱπΎΔΕΓΗΝΔφΗΉΝΖȱΘΓІȱ ̒ϟΎΓΙΐΉΑΎΓІȱ̓΅ΘΕ΅ΕΛΉϟΓΙȱπΑȱ̝ΌφΑ΅Ζǯȱ ̇ΉΙΌΙΑΘφΖȱ ΘΓІȱ ̆Ε΅ΚΉϟΓΙаȱ ̕ΉΆǯȱ ̏ΘΕΓΔΓΏϟΘΖȱ ̓ΉΕ·ΣΐΓΙȱΎǯȱ͑ΝΣΑΑΖǰȱ̝Ύ΅Έΐ΅ϞΎϱΖǯȱ ̆Ε΅ΐΐ΅ΘΉϾΖаȱ ̳ΏΏΓ·ǯȱ Ύǯȱ ̳ΏΉΙΌνΕΓΖȱ ̙ΕΙΗΓΛϱΓΖǰȱǯȱ ̖΅Λǯȱ ̇ΉϾΌΙΑΗΖаȱ ̐ΉΓΚϾΘΓΙȱ ̇ΓϾΎ΅ȱ şǰȱ ŗŖŜȱ ŝŚȱȱ ̝ΌϛΑ΅ǯȱ̖ΏǯȱƸȱřŖȬŘŗŖȬŝŘǯśŝǯŞŜŘȬŚǯȱ¡ȱŝŘǯśŘǯśŚŖǯȱ ȬDZȱȓǯǯȱ ȱ Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope John Paul ll during their first meeting in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican June 28, the Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul and the patronal feast of the Roman Catholic Church. The visit also commemorated the 40th Anniversary of the 1964 meeting of Patriarch Athenagoras and Pope Paul Vl in Jerusalem, the first between a Patriach and Pope since the Schism of 1054. 61 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 2:10 PM Page 62 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY 62 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 2:10 PM Page 63 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY 63 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:39 PM Page 64 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY 64 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:39 PM Page 65 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY 65 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:40 PM Page 66 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY 66 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:40 PM Page 67 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY 67 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:40 PM Page 68 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY Archon delegation to Istanbul and Ankara for a series of meetings, aimed at improving the status of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, with His All Holiness. 68 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:40 PM Page 69 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY 69 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:40 PM Page 70 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY 70 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:40 PM Page 71 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY 71 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:40 PM Page 72 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE DIRECTORY Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew made a five-day visit to Cuba, consecrating the new St. Nicholas Cathedral given to the Greek Orthodox Church by President Fidel Castro, who presented the key of the Cathedral to His All Holiness. 72 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:40 PM Page 73 ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America Exarch of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Chairman of the Holy Eparchial Synod Consecrated as Bishop September 17, 1967 Elevated to Metropolitan August 20, 1991 Enthroned as Archbishop of America September 18, 1999 Nameday: October 26 73 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:40 PM Page 74 HOLY EPARCHIAL SYNOD PRESIDENT His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America MEMBERS His Eminence Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony of San Francisco His Eminence Metropolitan Maximos of Pittsburgh His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey His Grace Bishop Gerasimos of Krateia Chief Secretary Holy Eparchial Synod 74 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:40 PM Page 75 HOLY EPARCHIAL SYNOD 10 East 79th Street • New York, NY 10021 • Tel: (212) 774-0542 • Fax: (212) 774-0514 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SECRETARY OF THE HOLY EPARCHIAL SYNOD Bishop Gerasimos of Krateia, Chief Secretary Email: Christine Athanasopoulos, Assistant Tel: (212) 570-3508 • Fax: (212) 570-3515 Email: The Office of the Chief Secretary of the Holy Eparchial Synod reflects the need for greater, more frequent and more effective communication between the hierarchs of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America who are members of the Holy Eparchial Synod. The primary goal of the Office is to provide timely execution of the decisions taken by the Holy Eparchial Synod as well as to aid the process of the work being accomplished by the various Synodical Committees of the Archdiocese. In addition, the Office is responsible for: • Providing appropriate information of administrative and ecclesiastical nature between the Archdiocese and the Ecumenical Patriarchate, especially related to the work of the Holy Eparchial Synod • Communicating information relevant to the work of the Synod, between the Archdiocese and other Eparchies of the Ecumenical Patriarchate • Issuing official communiques on behalf of the Synod • Promulgating official encyclicals issued by the Synod • Distributing Antimensia and Holy Chrism Archbishop Demetrios and members of the Holy Eparchial Synod celebrated the Divine Liturgy during the 37th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City. 75 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:40 PM Page 76 DIRECT ARCHDIOCESAN DISTRICT His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America Presiding Hierarch Direct Archdiocesan District Direct Archdiocesan District 10 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 Tel.: (212) 570-3500 Fax: (212) 570-3569 Email: Web: The Direct Archdiocesan District based in New York City is composed of the parishes in the greater New York City area and northern suburbs and upstate New York, all of Long Island, the western half of Connecticut, Washington, DC, and the Bahamas. The District is under the direct authority, supervision and pastoral care of the Archbishop. Chancellor: Bishop Savas of Troas Assistant Chancellor: Rev. Fr. Michael T. Kontogiorgis Clergy Syndesmos: Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Gratsias Philoptochos: Presvyteres Sisterhood: Registrar: Mrs. Georgia Vlitas Presvytera Paula Strouzas Rev. Fr. Michael T. Kontogiorgis Religious Education: Rev. Fr. Nikiforos Fakinos Choir Federation: Youth Ministry: 76 Mr. Spyro Kalas Dn. Constantine (Bus) Lazarakis NEW YORK STATE Manhattan Holy Trinity (Archdiocesan Cathedral) Annunciation SS. Anargyroi St. Barbara St. Eleftherios St. George St. Demetrios St. George Tropeoforos St. Gerasimos St. John the Baptist St. Nicholas St. Paul (Archdiocesan Chapel) St. Spyridon Bronx St. Peter Zoodohos Peghe Brooklyn Holy Cross Kimissis Tis Theotokou SS. Constantine & Helen Three Hierarchs Staten Island Holy TrinitySt. Nicholas Queens Astoria St. Demetrios Cathedral St. Catherine St. George SS. Constantine & Helen (Romanian) Corona Flushing Jackson Heights Jamaica Whitestone Long Island Blue Point Glen Cove Greenlawn Hempstead Hicksville Island Park Merrick Mattituck Port Jefferson Roslyn Heights Southhampton Wantagh West Babylon Westchester County Middletown New Rochelle Rye Yonkers Prophet Elias Taxiarchai (St. Michael’s Home Chapel) Upstate New York Albany Garrison Kingston Newburgh Poughkeepsie Schenectady Troy West Nyack Windham CONNECTICUT Ansonia Bridgeport Bristol Danbury Hartford New Britain New Haven Norwalk Orange Stamford Annunciation Archangels Storrs (Chapel) Waterbury DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington, DC Saint Sophia SS. Constantine & Helen BAHAMAS Nassau MONASTIC COMMUNITY Roscoe, NY 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 77 DIRECT ARCHDIOCESAN DISTRICT His Grace Bishop Savas of Troas, in the first official hierachical visit to the Bahamas since the return of the parish to the jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America from the Metropolitanate of Panama, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Annunciation Church on the Feast of Epiphany, January 6, 2004, assisted by the pastor of over 50 years, Father Theofanis Kolyvas. Also shown is the Parish Council President Alexander Maillis and community faithful. On November 7, 2004, His Grace Bishop Gerasimos of Krateia ordained to the Holy Diaconate George Anastasiou at St. Demetrios Cathedral, Astoria, NY. Shown from left are: Diaconissa Aliki, Father Stavros Anagnostopoulos, Deacon George, Bishop Gerasimos, Archimandrite Apostolos Koufallakis and Father Andrew Tsikitas. Archdiocesan District Clergy Syndesmos gathers with Archbishop Demetrios for a Christmas Lenten Retreat at the Archdiocese. 77 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 78 METROPOLIS OF CHICAGO His Eminence Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago Nameday: October 23 Consecration: Dec 25, 1969 Enthronement: May 1, 1979 Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago 40 E. Burton Place, Chicago, IL 60610-1697 Tel.: (312) 337-4130 • Fax: (312) 337-9391 Email: Web: Chancellor: V. Rev. Fr. Demetri C. Kantzavelos Secretary to the Spiritual Court: Rev. Fr. Constantine Botsis Secretary: Aphrodite (Faye) Peponis Registry: Peter J. Sarolas Special Administrative Rev. Fr. David Bissias Assistant: Clergy Syndesmos: Rev. Fr. John Kalomas Youth Director: Chris Avramopoulos Religious Education: Rev. Fr. William Chiganos Bishop’s Task Force V. Rev. Fr. on AIDS: Demetri C. Kantzavelos Presvyteres Sisterhood: Presvytera Pearlann Bithos Metropolis Council Vice President: George Vourvoulias, Jr. Summer Camp FANARI: Rev. Fr. William Chiganos Greek Education: Maria Hatzinakos-Litsas Orthodox Missions: Rev. Fr. James Dokos Parish Renewal, Outreach and Evangelism: Rev. Fr. James Dokos Choir Federation: Nikias Paloumpis Pan Orthodox Clergy Association: V. Rev. Fr. Nicholas Dahdal Regional Archon Harold A. Peponis Commander: Philoptochos: Lori Voutiritsas Radio Program: “The Hour of Hope” 78 The Annunciation ILLINOIS Chicago Annunciation (Cathedral) Assumption Holy Trinity St. Andrew St. Basil St. Demetrios St. George Aurora Champaign Decatur DeKalb Des Plaines East Moline Elgin Elmhurst Glenview Hegewisch Joliet Justice Kankakee Lincolnshire Niles Oak Lawn Olympia Fields Palatine Palos Heights Palos Hills Peoria Rockford Rock Island Springfield Swansea Waukegan Westchester INDIANA Hammond Merrillville Schererville South Bend Valparaiso IOWA Cedar Rapids Des Moines Dubuque Mason City Sioux City Waterloo MINNESOTA Duluth Minneapolis Rochester St. Paul MISSOURI Columbia St. Louis Town & Country WISCONSIN Appleton Fond du Lac Madison Milwaukee Annunciation SS. Constantine and Helen Racine Sheboygan MONASTIC COMMUNITIES Kenosha, WI Harvard, IL 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 79 METROPOLIS OF CHICAGO A First for Orthodox Christianity in America With the archpastoral blessings, guidance, and support of His Eminence, Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago, Orthodox Christianity has its first universitycampus student living center in America. In the past, Orthodox Christian college students were limited to choices of dorms, fraternities, and private apartments. Now there is a new option: a campus living space which is imbued with the presence of icons, the aroma of incense, and the taste of fasting-appropriate meals. This new choice is a living and gathering center like no other in America, filled with Orthodox Christian college students engaging in witness of faith, meaningful fellowship, and Orthodox Christian worship as they build lifelong relationships. We are describing the Orthodox Christian Student Living Center at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. Located just five blocks from the center of campus, the centrally air-conditioned and heated building can house 14 students in single rooms, each of which include a built-in desk, large mirrored closet, ceiling fan, small refrigerator, and Ethernet and satellite TV connections. The facility also features a dining and meeting room, a chapel, a television lounge, and a commercially equipped kitchen. This living and meeting center is owned and operated by the Orthodox Christian Alumni Association (OCAA) of the University of Illinois. The first residents moved in on August 20, 2004, a few days before the onset of the semester, paying housing fees comparable to those of standard University Housing dormitories. The residents are excited, and remark how the house helps them grow spiritually. “It is much easier to keep the fast,” said Nick, a sophomore resident, “when there are others around you who are also fasting.” This fellowship and support is incredible not only for the residents, but for all the Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) students, who drop by on a regular basis. Finally, they have a truly wonderful gathering place of their own. The University of Illinois OCF has flourished under the Omophorion of the Metropolitan of Chicago during the last 20 years. It was the late Fr. George Scoulas, of blessed memory, who inspired a young UI sophomore, Tom Kanelos (now president of the Orthodox Christian Alumni Association), to seek the blessings of Metropolitan Iakovos to inaugurate this OCF. This vibrant ministry has touched hundreds of lives, including some who are now priests, or seminarians studying for the holy priesthood. Today, the OCF at the University of Illinois numbers more than 400 students, and is one of the most active fellowships in the country. And now, they have their own campus center. For more information, please contact the OCAA by e-mail: 79 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 80 METROPOLIS OF SAN FRANCISCO His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony of San Francisco Nameday: January 17 Consecration: May 21, 1978 Enthronement: June 7, 1979 Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco 372 Santa Clara Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127 Tel.: (415) 753-3075 • Fax: (415) 753-1165 Email: Web Page: Chancellor: Administrative Secretary/ Registrar/Bookkeeper: Clergy Syndesmos: Presvyteres Sisterhood: Metropolis Council Vice President: Regional Archon Commander: Philoptochos: Youth Director: Religious Education: Spiritual Renewal Ministries: Greek Education: Church Music Federation: Minister of Music: Commission on Orthodox Missions and Evangelism: AIDS Ministry: Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting: St. Nicholas Ranch & Retreat Center: Folk Dance Festival: 80 Rev. C. Paul Schroeder Presvytera Aliki Kyriacou Rev. Theodore Dorrance Presvytera Eleutheria Dogias Mr. Theofanis Economidis Mr. Theofanis Economidis Mrs. Valerie Roumeliotis Rev. Dn. Michael Tervo Ms. Eve Tibbs Ms. Fofo Olsen Ms. Helen Dumas Ms. Kristen Bruskas Dr. Tikey A. Zes Ms. Catherine Lingas Mr. Robert Nemchik Mr. Nicholas Tarlson Rev. Demetrios-Earl Cantos Rev. Fr. Paul Paris CALIFORNIA Anaheim Bakersfield Belmont Camarillo Cardiff by the Sea Castro Valley Claremont Colton Concord Covina Downey El Cajon Elk Grove Fresno Ignacio Irvine Lancaster Long Beach Los Angeles (Cathedral) Modesto Northridge Oakland Palm Desert Pasadena Redding Redondo Beach Roseville Sacramento Salinas San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco Annunciation Cathedral (Seat) Holy Trinity San Jose St. Basil St. Nicholas San Luis Obispo San Juan Capistrano Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Stockton Temecula Upland Vallejo ALASKA Anchorage ARIZONA Chandler Flagstaff Peoria Phoenix (Cathedral) Prescott Scottsdale Tucson HAWAII Honolulu (Cathedral) Maui NEVADA Ely Las Vegas McGill Reno OREGON Eugene Portland Holy Trinity St. John the Baptist WASHINGTON Bellingham Kenmore Pasco Seattle Assumption St. Demetrios Spokane Tacoma MONASTIC COMMUNITIES Florence, AZ Dunlap, CA Goldendale, WA 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 81 METROPOLIS OF SAN FRANCISCO 81 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 82 METROPOLIS OF PITTSBURGH His Eminence Metropolitan Maximos of Pittsburgh Presiding Hierarch Metropolis of St. Photios Nameday: January 21 Consecration: June 18, 1978 Enthronement: April 27, 1979 Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh 5201 Ellsworth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15232 Tel.: (412) 621-5529 Fax (412) 621-1522 Website: Assistant to the Metropolitan: Archdeacon Ryan Gzikowski Youth Ministries Coordinator: Vasie-Leigh Andriotis Mount Tabor Ministries: Fr. Frank Milanese Administrative Assistant & Registrar: Alexandra Kemrer The Illuminator: Metropolis Staff Religious Education: Phyllis Meshel Onest Stewards of St. Photios: Metropolis Finance Committee Metropolis Philoptochos: Sylvia Vitsas Clergy Syndesmos: Fr. Demetrius Nicoloudakis Choir Federation: Mary Ameredes Youth Commission: Fr. Frank Milanese & Damon Halkias Greek Education: Maria Stamoolis Monastery Adelfato: Fr. George Bartz & Fr. John Chakos Regional Archon Commander: 82 Peter J. Zikos Pennsylvania: Aliquippa Altoona Ambridge Bethlehem Camp Hill Canonsburg Clairton East Pittsburgh Easton Erie Farrell Johnstown Lancaster McKeesport Monessen New Castle New Kensington Oakmont Pittsburgh Holy Cross Holy Trinity St. Nicholas Cathedral Reading Scranton Stroudsburg Vandergrift Wilkes-Barre York Ohio: Akron Campbell Canton Cleveland Cleveland Heights Columbus Lorain Mansfield Martins Ferry Massillon North Royalton Rocky River Steubenville Warren Youngstown West Virginia: Charleston Clarksburg Huntington Morgantown Weirton Wheeling Monastic Communities: Perrysville, OH Saxonburg, PA Weatherly, PA Galion, OH Cleveland, OH Summer Camp Program: Butler, PA Mercer, PA 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 83 METROPOLIS OF PITTSBURGH The Metropolis of Pittsburgh is known for its pioneering work in Youth Ministry. Our dynamic ministries will be enhanced by our plan to move our program to our own camp and retreat facility. The Metropolis is moving forward to develop and build a year-round camp and retreat center on nearly 108 acres of rolling farmland near Butler, Pennsylvania. The Camp at Mount Tabor, the first phase of a multi-phase building program under the auspice of Mount Tabor Ministries, initially will be able to house 144 campers per week, with a future phase designed to accommodate nearly 100 more campers per week. This vision is set to become a reality on 108 acres of land near the popular Moraine State Park and Lake Arthur, near Butler, Pennsylvania. Mount Tabor Ministries will house The Camp at Mount Tabor, a Retreat Center, and a Retirement Village. The land has been purchased, the master plan is ready, and the fund-raising is well underway to complete the project. To learn more about Mount Tabor Ministries, and for more information on the status of the project, please visit Mount Tabor Ministries website: For more information on the dynamic Youth and Young Adult ministries of the Metropolis of Pittsburgh, visit: 83 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 84 METROPOLIS OF BOSTON His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston Nameday: June 14 Consecration: July 18, 1982 Enthronement: April 8, 1984 St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston 162 Goddard Avenue, Brookline, MA 02445 Tel.: (617) 277-4742 • Fax: (617) 739-9229 Email: Web: Chancellor: Rev. Fr. Athanasios Demos Youth Director: Rev. Fr. Philippe Mousis Administrative Secretary: Sophia Nibi Camp and Retreat Center: Michael Sintros Philoxenia House: Sophia Nibi Clergy Syndesmos: Rev. Fr. Andrew H. Mahalares Religious Education: Rev. Fr. Andrew George Greek Education: Rev. Fr. Vasilios Bebis Campus Ministry: Rev. Fr. Anastasios Coulouras Choir Federation: James Maheras Regional Archon Commander: Gregory Demetrakas Philoptochos: Merope Kapetanakis 84 MASSACHUSETTS Andover Arlington Boston Annunciation (Cathedral) St. John Brockton Cambridge Chicopee Falls Clinton Cohasset Dracut East Longmeadow Fall River Fitchburg Haverhill Holyoke Hyannis / Centerville Ipswich Lexington Lynn Lowell Holy Trinity St. George Transfiguration Mansfield Marlboro New Bedford Newburyport Peabody Pittsfield Quincy Roslindale Somerville Southbridge Springfield Watertown Webster Weston Woburn Worcester CONNECTICUT Danielson Enfield New London Norwich MAINE Bangor Biddeford Lewiston Portland NEW HAMPSHIRE Concord Dover Franklin Keene Laconia Nashua Manchester Assumption St. George St. Nicholas Newport Portsmouth Somersworth RHODE ISLAND Cranston Newport Pawtucket VERMONT Burlington Rutland 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 85 METROPOLIS OF BOSTON Metropolitan Methodios, a New York Yankees fan, took note of Georgakis’ t-shirt d u r i n g a visit to the Philoxenia House! Georgakis who suffered from leukemia and had a bonemarrow transplant is from Lamia, Greece. Metropolitan Methodios visits the campers every week during the Summer Program in Contoocook, NH and celebrates services in the picturesque Chapel of Saint George, the centerpiece of the Camp & Retreat Center in Contoocook, NH. ABOVE: The Annual Open House at the Metropolis Camp & Retreat Center brings together hundreds of faithful from throughout New England. Following the Hierarchical Liturgy in the St. George Chapel, Metropolitan Methodios blesses the water in the lake and campers dive to retrieve the Cross. RIGHT: Anthony Rapsomanikas, 17, of the St. Spyridon Cathedral in Worcester retrieved the Cross from the waters of the lake at the Metropolis of Boston Camp & Retreat Center in Contoocook, NH on September 12. Metropolitan Methodios and many area clergy presided at the Divine Liturgy and Agiasmo of the Water Service which was attended by hundreds of faithful from throughout New England. Anthony, a high school senior who has been attending the Metropolis of Boston Camp program for the last five years, hopes to be a member of the Camp Staff in the future. He is also planning to participate in the 2005 Metropolis of Boston Mission Mexico program. Metropolitan Methodios enjoys meeting the hundreds who participate in the Annual Open House at the Camp & Retreat Center in Contoocook, NH. Campers at the Camp & Retreat Center A delicious luncheon, fellowship and many activities follow the Hierachical Divine Liturgy and the blessing of the water. enjoy free moments between sessions. 85 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 86 METROPOLIS OF DENVER His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver Nameday: May 9 Consecration: May 25, 1986 Enthronement: Sept. 10, 1992 Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver 4550 East Alameda Avenue Denver, Colorado 80246-1208 Tel.: (303) 333-7794 Fax: (303) 333-7796 Email: Web: Chancellor: Rev. Protopresbyter Luke Uhl Youth Director: Rev. Deacon Paul Zaharas Registrar/Secretary: Presvytera Ruth Uhl Clergy Syndesmos: Rev. Bill Christ Religious Education: Ms. Irene Cassis Greek Education: Mr. John Sofos Choir Federation: Ms. Pam Cramer Logos Director: Mr. Michael S. Johnson Regional Archon Commander: Dr. Nicholas Mamalis Philoptochos: Mrs. Martha Stefanidakis Metropolis Advocates 1000: 86 Ms. Elaine Cladis Pantokrator Icon Assumption Cathedral Denver, CO COLORADO SOUTH DAKOTA Boulder Sioux Falls Colorado Springs TEXAS Craig Denver Amarillo (Cathedral) Austin Hot Sulphur Corpus Christi Springs (Chapel) Dallas Fort Collins El Paso Grand Junction Euless Greenwood Village Fort Worth Pueblo Galveston Houston: IDAHO Annunciation Boise (Proto-Cathedral) Pocatello Saint Basil the Great KANSAS Lubbock Overland Park Port Arthur Wichita San Angelo Assumption LOUISIANA Saint Athanasios Shreveport San Antonio Waco MISSOURI Webster Kansas City Wichita Falls MONTANA UTAH Great Falls Ogden Missoula Price NEBRASKA Salt Lake City (Pro-Cathedral) Bayard Halladay Grand Island Lincoln WYOMING Omaha Casper NEW MEXICO Cheyenne Worland (Chapel) Albuquerque Rock Springs Santa Fe OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City Tulsa MONASTIC COMMUNITY Kendalia, TX 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 87 METROPOLIS OF DENVER Metropolis Center The Metropolis Center accommodates all the church ministries of the Metropolis. There is a permanent Philoptochos Office for the Metropolis, a permanent Youth Office, and a Metropolis Choir Federation Office, in addition to the Metropolitan's and the Chancellor’s offices. The crowning point of the Center is the beautiful chapel which, even though empty of appointments at this time, draws visitors to prayerful attention. The Holy Metropolis of Denver, which was established as a diocese in 1979 by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, has the largest land area among all the metropolises in the continental United States. However, it also has the smallest number of Orthodox Christians, due to the smaller size of most of our parishes. It is apparent that, if a town or city does not increase in population, neither do our parishes grow. Nevertheless, our Holy Apostolic faith continues in those towns because of the deep faith of the people. The priests and deacons of the Metropolis come from different canonical jurisdictions, although a majority are graduates of the Holy Cross School of Theology. Still, at least twenty-five percent of the clergy are converts from Roman Catholicism and different Protestant denominations. The parishes are also gaining new members from newly arrived immigrants as well as newly chrismated converts. In some parishes, the Romanian, Slavonic, Arabic and Spanish languages, as well as Greek and English, are heard in the recitation of the Lord's Prayer in the spirit of Pentecost. The Center also has a Library, a Council Room, and a Great Hall for larger functions, which in time will be appointed and furnished. Included are two guest rooms for traveling clergy, and also a vast storage area for record-keeping for all the ministries. Donations and gifts are constantly being received in order to prepare a Center that will be the joy and blessing of all the Orthodox Christians throughout the plains and mountain states, and will be debt-free. Monasticism The Holy Archangels Monastery, located in Kendalia, Texas, has become a spiritual oasis served by six dedicated monks, which draws many faithful people from various jurisdictions, as well as converts. Ongoing Evangelism Thanks to the dedication of the parish priests, the teachings of our Holy Faith are presented to the faithful throughout the Metropolis with love and conviction. This spirit of love will continue to bless the Metropolis and her faithful people with unending blessings. Pan-Orthodox cooperation is natural and necessary throughout the vast region due to the limited number of Orthodox Christians from the represented Orthodox jurisdictions. This cooperation is expressed more visibly in the areas where there are clusters of Orthodox parishes and where pan-Orthodox services take place on the Saturdays and Sundays of Great Lent. People and Programs Many times throughout the year benefit programs are conducted among the parishes to give assistance to the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) and International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC). On occasions of necessity clergy from the various SCOBA jurisdictions fill in for one another in the spirit of the oneness of our faith. The youth and young adult programs continue to enjoy much popularity and large attendance. This includes the Camp Emmanuel programs, the Metropolis basketball tournament, the Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, and the YAL Snow Conference. Metropolitan Isaiah, raised on a lift, crowns the dome of the center’s chapel with a golden cross. 87 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 88 METROPOLIS OF ATLANTA His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta Nameday: March 17 Consecration: May 17, 1987 Enthronement: May 31, 2003 Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta 2480 Clairmont Road, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329 Tel.: (404) 634-9345 • Fax: (404) 634-2471 E-mail:, Web Chancellor: Executive Assistant: Corresponding Secretary: Treasurer: Finance/Registry Secretary/ Assistant to Chancellor Youth, Education & Hellenic Culture Coordinator: Philoptochos: Assistant to Metropolis Philoptochos Board: Clergy Laity Chairman: Youth, Education & Hellenic Culture Diakonia: Metropolitan Council Vice President Finance, Administration & Parish Development: Choir Federation: Clergy Syndesmos: Archangel Michael Honors: Metropolis Diakonia Deca: Diakonia Center: Diakonia Publication Legal Advisor: Outreach Mission/ Family Diakonia: Web Masters: Radio Ministry: 88 V. Rev. Fr. George J. Tsahakis Cynthia (Cindy) Stanton Karen Powers Dean Pappas Nina Henderson Michelle Cassimus Dee Nicolaou Helen Burleigh Rev. Fr. Anthony Stratis Rev. Fr. Aris P. Metrakos George Matthews Dr. Larry R. Gess Mary Zervos Rev. Fr. Paul C. Costopoulos V. Rev. Fr. George Tsahakis Criton Constantinides Elaine Miller Paula Marchman William Marianes Fr. Paul C. Costopoulos Les P. George, Jerry Paxton Rev. Fr. Christopher T. Metropulos Archangel Michael ALABAMA Birmingham Huntsville Montgomery Mobile Gulf Shores (Chapel) GEORGIA Atlanta (Cathedral) Athens Augusta Brunswick (Chapel) Columbus Cumming Macon Marietta Savannah FLORIDA Boca Raton Clearwater Daytona Beach Destin (Chapel) Ft. Lauderdale Ft. Myers Ft. Pierce Ft. Walton Beach Gainesville Hernando County (Mission) Hollywood Jacksonville Key Largo (Chapel) Lecanto Melbourne Miami Saint Sophia Saint Andrew Naples New Port Richey North Miami Orlando Panama City Pensacola Port Charlotte Sarasota St. Augustine St. Petersburg Tallahassee Tampa Tarpon Springs Saint Nicholas Saint Michael (Chapel) West Palm Beach Winter Haven LOUISIANNA Baton Rouge (Chapel) Monroe New Orleans MISSISSIPPI Biloxi Jackson NORTH CAROLINA Asheville Burlington Charlotte Holy Trinity Cathedral Saint Nektarios Durham Fayetteville Greensboro Greenville (Mission) High Point Raleigh Wilmington Winston-Salem SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston Columbia Florence Greenville (Cathedral) Hilton Head Myrtle Beach Spartanburg TENNESSEE Bluff City Knoxville MONASTIC COMMUNITIES Reddick, FL Lawsonville, NC Willston, FL Troy, NC 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 89 METROPOLIS OF ATLANTA Hellenic Dance Festival “The Hellenic Dance Festival offers precious time to share, as children of God, the joy and heart of our identity and culture. Indeed, each participant’s involvement will increase understanding of and appreciation for our Hellenic ethos, culture and traditions. Therefore, I believe the Hellenic Dance Festival has a bright future, which will reflect the honor and pride of the participants as they appreciate anew the rich legacy of our Hellenic spirit and Orthodox Faith.” †Alexios, Metropolitan of Atlanta – Hellenic Dance Festival Saint Stephen’s Summer Camp – Salem, SC Something amazing happens when you take a group of teenagers out of their element for a week, where there are no TVs, CD players, internet or any other outside distractions, and you get back to the basics of Orthodoxy and Christian living. The young people come to a point where they are comfortable sharing their feelings about faith and life with each other, with their counselors and with their priests. Camp becomes an experience that helps young people grow in their faith. Daily chapel services, Orthodox life sessions, the opportunity to participate in the sacrament of Holy Confession, as well as opportunities to take walks in nature, help them reconnect with God. One night this past summer, a group of campers sat on the dock on a moonless, cloudless night and watched the beauty of the stars in stunned silence. At that moment, there was no doubt in their minds about the presence of God, the might of His power and the beauty of His creation. Camper’s quotes: “When I hear the words ‘life-changing’, I think of an experience where someone has a close sweep with death, or…one witnesses a miracle. This summer was the most amazing and life-changing summer of my life…because I was living in one!” “I don’t think I have ever felt closer to God than this year at camp” “Another great year at camp. I love being here more than anything. It feels like home to me and everyone here has become my family. I love camp and I can’t wait to see it grow.” 89 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 90 METROPOLIS OF DETROIT His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit Nameday: December 6 Consecration: April 3, 1999 Enthronement: April 18, 1999 Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Detroit 2560 Crooks Road, Troy, MI 48084 Tel: (248) 823-2400 • Fax: (248) 823-2401 Web: Chancellor: Assistant to the Metropolitan: Deacon to the Metropolitan/Registrar: Executive Administrative Assistant: Youth Director: Metropolitan Council: Vice President Clergy Syndesmos: Philoptochos: Millennium Campaign/ Friends of Metropolis Religious Education: Hellenic Heritage: Choir Federation: Byzantine Music Director: Metropolitan Protopsaltis: Metropolitan Choir Director: Regional Archon Commander: Rev. Fr. Dean Hountalas Rev. Fr. Nicolaos Kotsis Rev. Deacon Teodor Petrutiu Harriet Stoukas Eva Kokinos Gus Stavropoulos Rev. Nicholas Pathenos Katherine Kotsis Tom Demery Rev. Fr. James Bogdan Rev. Fr. Michael Varlamos Chris J. Zervos Dr. George Bilalis Dr. Panayiotis Mitsias George S. Raptis The Annunciation MICHIGAN Ann Arbor Battle Creek (Chapel) Bloomfield Hills Detroit St. Spyridon (Chapel) Annunciation (Cathedral) Farmington Hills Flint Grand Rapids Kalamazoo Lansing Lexington (Chapel) Marquette Muskegon New Buffalo Plymouth Township Saginaw Sault Ste. Marie Southgate St. Clair Shores Sterling Heights Traverse City (Mission) Troy Westland Mark Stavropoulos ARKANSAS Hot Springs Little Rock MISSIONS OCMC Representative: IOCC Representative: Ecumenical Liaison: Michael Stavropoulos Mark Stavropoulos Rev. Fr. Nicholas Pathenos INDIANA Evansville (Mission) Ft. Wayne Indianapolis REGIONAL LIAISON Ohio Central: Southern: Upstate New York: Sisterhood of Presvyteres: Rev. Fr. William Cassis Rev. Fr. Paul Christy Rev. Fr. Jerry Tasikas Presvytera Goldie Doukas 90 KENTUCKY Lexington Louisville NEW YORK Binghamton Buffalo Elmira-Corning Gloversville Ithaca Jamestown Rochester Annunciation Holy Spirit Syracuse Vestal Watertown OHIO Cincinnati Dayton Middletown Springfield Toledo TENNESSEE Chattanooga Memphis Nashville MONASTIC COMMUNITIES Smiths Creek, MI 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 91 METROPOLIS OF DETROIT National Philoptochos Children’s Medical Fund Luncheon On November 1, 2003, the Metropolis of Detroit hosted the bi-annual National Philoptochos Children s Medical Fund Luncheon. Through the hard work and dedication of the Philoptochos members, as well as the devotion of our Orthodox faithful, over $400,000 was collected for Children s Hospitals in the Metropolis of Detroit and for the National Children s Medical Fund. Over 1000 people attended the banquet, whose keynote speaker was Nia Vardalos. St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival National Philoptochos Children’s Medical Fund Luncheon – hosted by the Metropolis of Detroit. From June 4—6, 2004, the Metropolis of Detroit hosted the annual Archdiocesan St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival. The brilliant young speakers came from across America and beautifully expounded the Orthodox faith and tradition in this annual festival sponsored by the Department of Religious Education. The community of St. George Church in Southgate, MI (Fr. Philemon Karamanos), graciously and generously hosted our guests. Ordinations This past year bore witness to three ordinations in the Metropolis of Detroit. The Reverend Fr. Eleftherios Legakis (Assistant Priest — Holy Trinity/St. Nicholas Church of Cincinnati, OH) was ordained to the diaconate and then to the priesthood, and the Reverend Dr. Peter Bistolarides (final year at Holy Cross) was ordained to the diaconate; both ordinations celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit. Currently, there are 19 students from the Metropolis of Detroit enrolled at either Hellenic College or Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. This is the largest number of students enrolled at HC/HC in the history of the Metropolis of Detroit. It is anticipated that many more ordinations will take place in the next few years. Archdiocesan St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival – hosted by the Metropolis of Detroit and St. George Church of Southgate, MI. Ordination of Dn. Eleftherios Legakis to the Priesthood – Holy Trinity/St. Nicholas Church of Cincinnati, OH. 91 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 92 METROPOLIS OF NEW JERSEY His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey Nameday: March 25 Consecration: May 10, 2003 Enthronement: May 11, 2003 St. John Chrysostom Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey Comprised of Parishes in the States of New Jersey,Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and the Greater Philadelphia Area 629 Springfield Road • Kenilworth, NJ 07033 Tel: (908) 686-0003 • Fax: (908) 686-0046 Email: Web: Chancellor: Vicar General & Director of Philadelphia Office: Vicars: Northern New Jersey: Delaware Valley: Maryland: Virginia: No. Virginia: Chief Secretary: Administrative Assistant: Registry Archivist: Registrars: Youth & YAL Ministries: Metropolitan Council: Financial Officer: Stewardship & Total Commitment: Clergy Syndesmos: Secretaries: Diakonia Coordinator: Philoptochos President: Presvyteres Syndesmos: Regional Archon Commanders: Religious Education: Greek Education: Choir Federation: Ecumenical Affairs & Public Relations: 92 Rev. Protopresbyter Anargyros Stavropoulos V. Rev. Archimandrite Gerasimos Rassias Rev. Protopresbyter Demetrios Moulketis Rev. Protopresbyter Emmanuel Pratsinakis Rev. Protopresbyter Kosmas Karavellas Rev. Protopresbyter Nicholas Bacalis Rev. Protopresbyter Constantine Pavlakos V. Rev. Archimandrite George Nikas Mr. Michael Diamond Rev. Protopresbyter Chyrsostomos Dalamangas Mr. Michael Diamond Ms. Panagiota Dimitropoulos V. Rev. Archimandrite George Nikas, Director Rev. Protopresbyter Kosmas Karavellas, Commissioner Mr. Michael Diamond, Assistant Director Mr. George Kaludis, Ph. D., Vice President Mr. James Fountas Mr. James Youlios Rev. Protopresbyter Demetrios Moulketis Ms. Panagiota Dimitropoulos Mrs. Anita Poulos Mrs. Anita Poulos Mrs. Vasiliki Drogaris Presvytera Alice Noplos Mr. Constantine Caras Mr. Peter Kakoyiannis Mr. Andrew Manatos Rev. Protopresbyter Anargyros Stavropoulos, Chairman Rev. Protopresbyter Emmanuel Pratsinakis, Chairman Rev. Dr. Protopresbyter Demetrios Constantelos, Advisor Dr. Stamatios Kartalopoulos, Co-Chairman Mrs. Maria Keritsis Rev. Protopresbyter Anargyros Stavropoulos NEW JERSEY Asbury Park Atlantic City Cherry Hill Clifton Egg Harbor Elizabeth Fairview Flemington Holmdel Jersey City Evangelismos St. Demetrios Newark North Wildwood Orange Paramus Perth Amboy Piscataway Randolph Tenafly (Cathedral) Toms River Trenton Union Vineland Westfield Wyckoff DELAWARE Wilmington MARYLAND Annapolis Baltimore Annunciation (Cathedral) St. Demetrios St. Nicholas Bethesda Frederick Lanham Ocean City PENNSYLVANIA Broomall Elkins Park Jeffersonville Media Philadelphia St. George (Cathedral) Evangelismos Upper Darby VIRGINIA Charlottesville Danville Falls Church Fredericksburg Hopewell Lynchburg Newport News Norfolk (Cathedral) Richmond (Cathedral) Roanoke Virginia Beach Winchester 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 93 METROPOLIS OF NEW JERSEY ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW MAKES FIRST HISTORIC VISIT TO THE HOLY METROPOLIS OF NEW JERSEY His All Holiness BARTHOLOMEW, Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch made his first historic Patriarchal visit to the Holy Metropolis of New Jersey on March 13–14, 2004. His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos, the first Metropolitan of the recently elevated Metropolis of New Jersey, characterized the Patriarch’s lofty visit as the premier event and single greatest celebration of the Metropolis in the year 2004.” The spiritual leader of the world’s 250 million Orthodox Christians was greeted upon his arrival to the United States by His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos and other dignitaries of the Holy Metropolis of New Jersey. The Patriarch’s first visit was with the Greek Orthodox Youth of New Jersey who had gathered for the annual Sights & Sounds Program hosted by Holy Trinity Church in Westfield, New Jersey. An extremely enthusiastic audience of more than 700 received His All Holiness with deep respect and great anticipation. The Patriarch was “deeply touched” by the many beautiful and multi-talented presentations of the young people, who represented more than 20 parishes from New Jersey. The Patriarchal Delegation was inspired by the numerous sights and sounds presentations. Echoing the Patriarch’s enthusiasm, His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos exclaimed, “I had a dream…and today this dream came true with your visit, Your All Holiness.” On March 14, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross, His All Holiness presided over a magnificent Patriarchal Liturgy at the Metropolitan Cathedral of St. John the Theologian in Tenafly, New Jersey. Orthodox faithful from throughout the Metropolitan area filled the Cathedral and Parish Hall to an overflowing capacity crowd in anticipation of a glorious Divine Liturgy distinguished for its Byzantine grandeur. Applauding Metropli- tan Evangelos’ efforts as the First Metropolitan of the newly elevated Metropolis of New Jersey, His All Holiness said characteristically, “His Eminence Evangelos is a promising laborer of the Gospel…modest and devoted to the Mother Church.” On Sunday evening, more than 1200 faithful from the Metropolis of New Jersey and beyond honored Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at a Metropolis Banquet at the Westmount Country Club in West Paterson, New Jersey, hosted by His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos and the Clergy and Laity of the Metropolis of New Jersey. Metropolitan Evangelos spoke about the vital need to maintain and rejuvenate our dialogue with the Ecumenical Patriarchate as well as further cultivate our close spiritual ties with the Mother Church. His Eminence presented to His All Holiness a small tree plant with the prayer that it “would be planted in the Patriarchal yard of the Phanar and would serve as a reminder of the Patriarch’s memorable visit to the Metropolis of New Jersey.” The Patriarchal visit was truly the watershed event of the year for the Holy Metropolis of New Jersey as it served as a dynamic catalyst to energize the faithful of this most important God-saved See of the Ecumenical Throne. His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos, expressing his deep gratitude to His All Holiness, thanked him for his paternal visit and prayed that God would bless and protect all of the Patriarchal Synodia as well as the Orthodox Faithful in Constantinople. ABOVE: Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of St. John the Theologian, Tenafly, NJ on March 14. RIGHT: Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey. 93 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 94 AUXILIARY BISHOPS 94 His Grace Bishop Dimitrios of Xanthos Nameday: October 26th His Grace Bishop Savas of Troas Nameday: December 5th His Grace Bishop Gerasimos of Krateia Nameday: October 20th His Grace Bishop Andonios of Phasiane Nameday: January 17th 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 95 FORMER ARCHBISHOPS His Eminence ARCHBISHOP IAKOVOS (Formerly of N. & S. America) Nameday: October 23rd His Eminence METROPOLITAN SPYRIDON (Former Metropolitan of Chaldea, 8.19.99) Nameday: December 12th RETIRED BISHOPS His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Catania Nameday: October 23rd His Grace Bishop Philotheos of Meloa Nameday: January 29th His Grace Bishop John of Amorion Nameday: May 8th His Grace Bishop Anthimos of Olympos Nameday: September 3rd 95 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 96 STANDING CONFERENCE OF CANONICAL ORTHODOX BISHOPS IN THE AMERICAS (SCOBA) 10 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 774-0593 • Fax: (212) 774-0202 Web: • Email: Archbishop Demetrios Metropolitan Philip Metropolitan Christopher Metropolitan Nicholas Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Staff: Bishop Dimitrios of Xanthos, General Secretary Email: The Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA), established in 1960, brings together the canonical hierarchs of the Orthodox jurisdictions in America. The purpose of the Conference is to make the ties of unity among the canonical Orthodox Churches and their administrations stronger and more visible. The hierarchs meet twice annually for discussions and decisions on matters of common concern. Commissions and agencies have been established to implement the decisions of SCOBA. Among these are the Orthodox Christian Education Commission (OCEC); International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC); the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) ; the Military Chaplaincy Commission; the Study and Planning Commission; the Scouting Commission, the Orthodox Campus Commission, the Social and Moral Issues Commission and the Orthodox Christian Network. Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America Orthodox Church in America Rt. Rev. Bishop Ilia of Philomelion 6455 Silver Dawn Lane • Las Vegas, NV 89118 Tel.: (702) 221-8425 • Fax: (702) 221-9167 Most Rev. Metropolitan Herman P. O. Box 675 • Syosset, NY 11791 Tel.: (516) 922-0550 • Fax: (516) 922-0954 American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese in the U.S.A. Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese In America & Canada Most Rev. Metropolitan Nicholas of Amissos 312 Garfield Street • Johnstown, PA 15906 Tel.: (814) 539-9143 • Fax: (814) 536-4699 Most Rev. Archbishop Nicolae P. O. Box 27 • Skokie, IL 60076-0027 Tel.: (847) 674-3900 • Fax: (847) 674-4110 Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America Serbian Orthodox Church in the United States & Canada Most Rev. Metropolitan Philip 358 Mountain Road • Englewood, NJ 07631 Tel.: (201) 871-1355 • Fax: (201) 871-7954 Most Rev. Metropolitan Christopher P.O. Box 519 • Libertyville, IL 60048 Tel.: (847) 367-0698 • Fax: (847) 367-7901 Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Most Rev. Metropolitan Joseph 550-A West 50th Street • New York, NY 10019 Tel.: (212) 246-4608 • Fax: (212) 246-4608 Most Rev. Metropolitan Constantine P. O. Box 495 • South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 Tel.: (732) 356-0090 • Fax: (732) 356-9437 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Most Rev. Archbishop Demetrios 10 East 79th Street • New York, NY 10021 Tel.: (212) 570-3500 • Fax: (212) 570-3592 SCOBA Hierarchs in Boundbrook, NJ at a meeting hosted by Metropolitan Constantine of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. 96 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 97 OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP 10 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel: (212) 570-3511,12 • Fax: (212) 570-3592 Email: Alice Keurian, Director Email: Rev. Deacon Pandeleimon Papadopoulos, Deacon to the Archbishop Email: Rev. Deacon John Vlahos, Deacon to the Archbishop Email: Mary Douvres, Administrative Assistant Email: The primary charge of the Office of the Archbishop is to respond efficiently and properly to the rigorous demands associated with the overall duties of the Archbishop. Included in the multifaceted tasks of this Office is the daily, weekly, monthly and annual schedule of His Eminence s pastoral visitations, official and unofficial meetings with clergy and laity, public and official appearances, audiences, conferences and travels, as well as initiation and coordination of meetings and events involving the Archbishop with local, national and international civic, cultural, academic, religious and political leadership. The Office also handles special events which require organization and coordination on the archdiocesan, metropolis, parish and interreligious level. In addition, this Office processes all forms of communication addressed to the Archbishop, and serves as the Archbishop s liaison with various departments within the Archdiocese, the institutions and the governing bodies of the Church in America. CORRESPONDENCE OFFICE Nancy Savaides, Director Email: Maria Kassomenakis, Greek Correspondence Assistant/Translator Email: Cleo Kennedy, English Correspondence Assistant Email: This Office is responsible for all official correspondence in Greek and English of the Office of the Archbishop. The Office assists His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios with the high volume of correspondence addressed to him personally, ensuring that each piece of mail is forwarded properly and receives an accurate and prompt reply. The Office facilitates special correspondence from His Eminence to various groups, as well as to individuals. It also prepares for distribution in both languages the official Encyclicals of the Archbishop that are disseminated on selected feast days, holidays, and other special observances. 97 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 98 OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR 10 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 570-3513 • Fax: (212) 774-0251 Email: His Grace Bishop Savas of Troas, Chancellor of the Archdiocese Email: Rev. Fr. Michael T. Kontogiorgis, Assistant Chancellor Email: Thalia Georghiou, Administrative Assistant Email: Peter Polychroni, Assistant Email: Athena Kotsinos, Assistant Email: The Office of the Chancellor is concerned with the well-being of the clergy, their ongoing assignments and reassignments, their continuing education, and the benefits provided to them by the Church. Clergy entering the Archdiocese through ordination by an Archdiocesan hierarch or by incardination from other Orthodox jurisdictions receive their first assignments through the Chancellor s Office. All assignments within the Direct Archdiocesan District are at present arranged through this office as well. The Chancellor s Office also helps to coordinate the reassignment of clergy from one Metropolis to another. His Grace Bishop Savas The Chancellor is responsible for the administration of the Archdiocesan Clergy Sexual Misconduct Policy. New parishes that are being formed within the Archdiocese receive their canonical status through the Office of the Chancellor. Matters pertaining to parish administration are also reviewed and addressed by the Chancellor s Office. The Chancellor s Office also coordinates and administers the Taylor Scholarship Fund, which provides monetary grants to those pursuing advanced degrees in theological studies, and the James J. Tembelis Scholarship Fund, as well as the Gioles and Malta Scholarships. 98 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 99 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Phone: (212) 570-3566 Fax: (212) 774-0298 Email: Jerry Dimitriou, Executive Director of Administration Email: Maria Andriotis, Executive Administrative Assistant Email: Jerry Minetos, Development Officer Email: Linda Petersen, Human Resource Manager Email: Laura J. K. Paulus, Parish Development Email: The Office of Administration has the responsibility for the administrative, financial, legal and development functions of the Archdiocese. In implementing the Archdiocese s mission, this department, in cooperation with the Chancellor s Office, ensures that the Archdiocesan departments and institutions are meeting their objectives and operate within the administrative and financial guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese. The department also manages human resources, day-to-day operations and strategic planning for the Archdiocesan headquarters in New York, and works with the Metropolises to assist them in their administrative needs. Additionally, in cooperation with the Chancellor of the Archdiocese, the department acts as the coordinator and liaison for the Clergy-Laity Congress, the Archdiocesan Council and the various Archdiocesan institutions. With the assistance of a grant from the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Fund, the Archdiocese has established a Development Office to assist with the growth and future planning of our local and national Church. The Development Officer travels to parishes, local and national meetings to offer presentations and guidance on parish, Metropolis and Archdiocesan development issues of concern. In 2004, working under the guidance of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, the Office of Administration assisted in fulfilling a long awaited goal, the establishment of Faith, An Endowment for Orthodoxy and Hellenism. This new initiative will assist in enhancing the funding resources available to sustain the National Ministries of our Church in America. The Office of Administration continues to be the liaison between this Endowment Fund and the Archdiocese. Jerry Dimitriou Archdiocese Support Staff Mrs. Eva Kafetzis, Reception Ms. Michele Georgiou, Mailroom Mr. Kyriacos Mytides, Kitchen Mrs. Linda Garcia, Maintenance Ms. Moshoula Stenos, Maintenance Mr. Ricardo Miranda, Maintenance 99 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:41 PM Page 100 ARCHDIOCESAN COUNCIL 10 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 570-3511,12 • Fax: (212) 5703592 E-mail: His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Chairman EPARCHIAL SYNOD OF METROPOLITANS His Eminence Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony of San Francisco His Eminence Metropolitan Maximos of Pittsburgh His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey AUXILIARY BISHOPS His Grace Bishop Dimitrios of Xanthos His Grace Bishop Savas of Troas His Grace Bishop Gerasimos of Krateia His Grace Bishop Andonios of Phasiane EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Michael Jaharis Nicholas Bouras Catherine Bouffides-Walsh Vice Chairman New York, NY Treasurer Summit, NJ Secretary Glastonbury, Ct George Behrakis Dr. John Collis Dr. Elenie Huszagh Tewksbury, MA Chagrin Falls, OH Portland, OR John Pappajohn John A. Payiavlas Anthony Stefanis Des Moines, IA Warren, OH Atlanta, GA Emanuel G. Demos General Counsel New York, NY ARCHDIOCESAN COUNCIL 2004–2006 George Anderson Peter Bassett Fred Chapekis Nashville, TN Westin, MA Northbrook, IL Arthur Anton Rev. Fr. Alkiviadis Calivas Stephen Cherpelis Boston, MA Needham, MA Clifford T. Argue George Cantonis Mercer Island, WA Belleair, FL Archdiocesan District Council Vice President Archdiocesan District Douglaston, NY Andrew Athens Michael Cantonis Chicago, IL Tarpon Springs, FL Presvytera Flora Chioros Rev. Fr. Nicholas G. Bacalis Rev. Fr. William Cassis Richmond, VA Cincinnati, OH President National Sisterhood of Presvyteres Newport News, VA Rev. Fr. Andrew Barakos John Catsimatidis Rev. Fr. William Christ Scottsdale, AZ New York, NY 100 Tulsa, OK 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:45 PM Page 101 ARCHDIOCESAN COUNCIL Rev. Deacon Euripides Christulides V. Rev. Fr. Nicholas T. Graff Steven Kyriakos Director, St. Photios National Shrine St. Augustine, FL President, St. Michael's Home New Canaan, CT Rev. Archdeacon Ryan Gzikowski The Honorable Paul Lillios Chancellor, Metropolis of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA Northbrook, IL Thomas Dallas Professor Helen Hadjiyannakis-Bender Lincolnwood, IL New York, NY George Dariotis Anne Halkedis Order of St. Andrew – Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate National Commander Rydal, PA Bayside, NY National YAL Coordinator Yardley, PA Catherine Lingas Chancellor, Metropolis of Boston Brookline, MA Ron Harb Constantine Liollio Little Rock, AR Houston, TX Rev. Fr. James Dokos Dr. Antoine Harovas Lindy Litrides Milwaukee, MI New York, NY Atlanta, GA Theofanis Economidis Rev. Fr. Dean Hountalas Dr. Nicholas G. Loutsion Metropolis Council Vice President Metropolis of San Francisco Los Altos, CA Chancellor, Metropolis of Detroit Detroit, MI Canonsburgh, PA Elaine Jaharis Boston, MA Metropolis Council Vice President Metropolis of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA Gerald Clonaris Charlotte, NC Rev. Fr. Athanasios Demos Johnny Economy Winnetka, IL Atlanta, GA William Kallinikos Gust Feles Oceanside, NY Bloomfield Hills, MI Dr. Anthony J. Limberakis Portland, OR Dr. Nicholas Madias Rev. Fr. Jon E. Magoulias Modesto, CA Rev. Fr. John G. Maheras George Kaludis Cohasset, MA Metropolis Council Vice President Metropolis of New Jersey Potomoc, MD Alexander Maillis President, Retired Greek Orthodox Clergy of America Metairie, LA Thomas Kanelos Andrew Manatos Rev. Fr. Dean Gigicos Chancellor, Metropolis of Chicago Chicago, IL Bethesda, MD Orlando, FL Rev. Fr. James Gordon Michael Kavourias President, Hellenic College/Holy Cross Alumni Association Lincolnshire, IL Manhasset, NY Supreme President, AHEPA Warren, OH Peter Kikis John Marks James Fountas Scotch Plains, NJ Rev. Fr. William Gaines Dr. Steven Gounardes President, Saint Basil Academy Brooklyn, NY Niles, IL Nassau, Bahamas Bethesda, MD V. Rev. Fr. Demetri C. Kantzavelos Tim Maniatis Franklin Manios New York, NY Lincolnwood, IL Nikos Koutsomitis George V. Matthews New York, NY Metropolis Council Vice President Metropolis of Atlanta Atlanta, GA 101 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:45 PM Page 102 ARCHDIOCESAN COUNCIL Phyllis Michaelides Rev. Fr. Paul Schroeder Maria Svolos Gebhard Providence, RI Chancellor Metropolis of San Francisco San Francisco, CA Chicago, IL Demitri Moschos Worcester, MA James Moshovitis Bethesda, MD Rev. Fr. James G. Moskovites Robert G. Shaw President, Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity New York, NY New York, NY Rev. Fr. Mark Sietsema Rev. Fr. James Moulketis Lansing, MI President Archdiocesan Presbyters Council Wyckoff, NJ Chris Skeadas Lou Nicozisis Lancaster, PA Rev. Fr. Peter Orfanakos Orange, CT Panikos Papanikolaou Brooklyn, NY Peter J. Pappas Syosset, NY Dr. Vicki Pappas National Chairperson National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians Bloomington, IN Bethel Park, PA Rev. Fr. Nicholas C. Triantafilou President Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Brookline, MA V. Rev. Fr. George J. Tsahakis Villanova, PA Chancellor, Metropolis of Atlanta Atlanta, GA Georgia Skeadas Kyriakos Tsakopoulos President National Philoptochos Society Villanova, NY Sacramento, CA V. Rev. Fr. Sebastian Skordallos Tarpon Springs, FL Michael Sophocles Weston, MA Alex Spanos Stockton, CA Jim Speros New York, NY Savvas Tsivicos Wayside, NJ Rev. Fr. Luke Uhl Chancellor, Metropolis of Denver Denver, CO Peter Vlachos New York, NY George Vourvoulias Metropolis Council Vice President Metropolis of Chicago Park Ridge, IL Angelo Stamoulis Holliston, MA James Youlias West Paterson, NJ Professor Elias Patsavos Cambridge, MA Rev. Fr. John Touloumes Mark D. Stavropoulos Bloomfield Hills, MI Tom Zaferes Cincinnati, OH Harold Peponis Chicago, IL Rev. Fr. Anargyros Stavropoulos Chancellor, Metropolis of New Jersey Kenilworth, NJ John Zavitsanos Harry Plomarity Gus Stavropoulos Peter Zikos Metropolis Council Vice President Metropolis of Detroit Bloomfield Hills, MI McMurray, PA Corpus Christi, TX Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Pratsinakis Cherry Hill, NJ Dr. Louis Roussalis Metropolis Council Vice President Metropolis of Denver Denver, CO Casper, WY 102 Rev. Fr. Dennis Strouzas Chairman Archdiocese Benefits Committee Roslyn Heights, NY Houston, TX 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:45 PM Page 103 ARCHDIOCESAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 774-0206 • Fax: (212) 774-0287 Email: His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America, Chairman COORDINATING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dr. Achilles G. Adamantiades Dr. Costas Efthymiou Dr. Michael Papaioannou Executive Secretary George Washington University and World Bank (retired) Email: St. Johns University (retired) New York City area International Monetary Fund Washington D.C. area Dr. Aristotle Papanikolaou Dr. Andrea L. Kalfoglou Fordham University New York City area Johns Hopkins University Washington D.C. area Dr. Ioannis Michopoulos Mr. Paul Zamora Naval Research Laboratory Washington D.C. area Archdiocesan Liaison Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, New York City Prof. Gregory Botsaris Tufts University, Boston Prof. Philip Serafim Northeastern University, Boston Rapid scientific and technological changes within contemporary society profoundly affect our everyday lives. These novel developments have the capacity to affect fundamental issues such as the beginning and end of life, human reproduction, the way we receive and process information, the structure of society, and our present and future existence in the physical environment. As a result, critical legal, ethical and moral questions emerge that often puzzle the common citizen as well as societal leadership. Many of these issues have become contested questions in the political arena. They have also entered the consciousness of religious leaders, who are concerned with the impact these developments might have on theological teachings and moral positions and practices. Based on the above observations, a need was perceived for the clergy and lay leadership to be better informed on the scientific and technological issues of our day, and for the laity who are engaged in science and technology to understand the broader implications (ethical, sociological, and religious) of science and technology and the concerns that are generated by rapid and radical advances. To address these needs among both clergy and laity, the Archdiocesan Advisory Committee on Science and Technology (AACST) was formed in 2001 by a group of scientists, engineers, medical and legal professionals, as well as theologians under the guidance of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, and with the approval of the Holy Eparchial Synod and the Archdiocesan Council. The membership of the Committee is based on the following set of criteria: (i) wide professional recognition and excellence in the respective fields of endeavor; (ii) proven, active involvement in the life of the Church; and (iii) a substantive knowledge of Orthodox theology. This Committee membership continues to be enriched with new members as more persons who fulfill these criteria are nominated and appointed. The work of the Committee has been organized in three Subcommittees as follows: 1. Subcommittee on Bioethics and Medical Issues; 2. Subcommittee on Energy, Environment, and Economics; and 3. Subcommittee on Physical Sciences and Advanced Technologies. The Committee works through local meetings, ad hoc consultations, and exchanges of correspondence. It was officially presented for the first time at the 36th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress in Los Angeles, and had its first plenary meeting at Hellenic College/Holy Cross in Brookline, MA, on October 19, 2002. In July 2004, the Committee held a one-day meeting prior to the 37th Clergy-Laity Congress, in New York City, in which ten papers on the various topics of the three subcommittees were presented. Summary presentations of the work of the three subcommittees were also made in a two-hour educational session during the Congress. According to its official terms of reference, the AACST serves in an advisory capacity to the Archbishop, the Synod, and the clergy and lay leadership of the Archdiocese. Its work focuses on contemporary issues of science and technology through a dialogue of scientists and engineers with theologians, lawyers, mental health professionals, and other scholars. 103 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:45 PM Page 104 ARCHIVES 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 570-3517 • Fax: (212) 570-3562 Email: Nikie Calle, Director of Archives Email: Since the establishment of the first Greek Orthodox Church in 1864, the evolution of the Greek-American community has been a primary concern of the leadership of the Church. To meet this concern this department works to maintain the historical documents of the Greek Orthodox Church and of Hellenism in the Americas. Established more than thirty years ago, the Department of Archives is an important ministry of the Holy Archdiocese. The department continues on its mission of becoming a repository of select resources that bear witness to the richness of our Greek Orthodox faith in the Americas and the indelible history of the Archdiocese. It has undertaken the task of systematically evaluating, organizing and classifying voluminous files, dating back as far as 1918. These documents record the history, progress, and growth of the Church and its institutions, of the Greek-American community, and of numerous fraternal, social, cultural, and educational organizations. Of primary concern to this department is the need to preserve and restore historical documents. Many of these records are irreplaceable and in danger of disintegrating because of age. Extreme care is taken to restore and preserve them. Included in the Archives files are hundreds of doc- uments representing numerous categories of Church development. Among the categories indexed are: 1. The establishment and incorporation of the Archdiocese; 2. The historical development of key institutions and governing bodies within the Church; 3. The structure and reorganization of the Archdiocese; 4. The listings of all clergymen within the hierarchy of the Church; 5. The progress of the ecumenical movement; 6. The records of the Ecumenical and Orthodox Patriarchates. In addition, the Archive has gathered an extensive photograph file and book collection on Hellenism in America. Undoubtedly, the most extensive and authentic repository of the history of the Greek Orthodox Church and of Greeks in America, the Office of Archives is now in a position to offer its services to scholars, researchers and authors. It is ready to provide them with the resources necessary for their research. Information and photographs are available upon request. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Demetrios visit with Archbishop Iakovos during the visit of His All Holiness to the United States last year. 104 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:45 PM Page 105 ARCHDIOCESE BENEFITS OFFICE 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 570-3535 • Fax: (212) 774-0294 As Orthodox Christians we are called to trust in the Lord for all our needs both human and spiritual. We know, however, that we must do our share. For the spiritual security of our souls we must pray, fast, confess and live a Christ-like life. For the physical security of our lives we must institute a pension, life insurance, medical and disability program. To address the temporal needs of our clergy the Archdiocese Benefits Committee was established to direct and manage the Archdiocesan Benefits Program for clergy and lay employees. The Archdiocese Benefits Committee meets twice a year, each Spring and Fall, to receive and act on reports from its standing committees. Each standing committee consists of clergy and lay-persons with particular interest and professional expertise in the areas the committee oversees. The Administration Committee meets at least four times a year. It is responsible for the operation of the Pension Plan. It establishes rules for its administration and acts on applications for pension benefits and related issues. The Benevolence Committee considers and acts on requests for financial assistance for clergy and their families. The Investment Committee meets regularly to review the investment performance of the Pension Fund against established objectives and strategies. It establishes the investment guidelines and has the power to appoint and dismiss the funding agent(s). The Insurance Plans Committee meets as needed to consider issues related to the Archdiocese-sponsored insurance plans. It selects the insurance carrier, appoints the brokeradministrator and negotiates benefits and rates. ARCHDIOCESE BENEFITS OFFICE: Katherine Peters, Director Email: Anna Vrettos, Benefit Specialist Email: Peter Boulas, Accountant Email: ARCHDIOCESE BENEFITS COMMITTEE Rev. Fr. D. Strouzas, Chairman Rev. Fr. J. Rousakis, Vice Chairman Rev. Fr. J. Konugres, Secretary Rev. Fr. S. Callos Rev. Fr. A. Demos Rev. Fr. S. Dorozenski V. Rev. Fr. G. Karambis Rev. Fr. C. Kerhulas Rev. Fr. C. Pavlakos Mr. J. Dimitriou, Lay Representative ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE V. Rev. Fr. G. Karambis, Chairman Rev. Fr. A. Demos Rev. Fr. C. Kerhulas Rev. Fr. M. Kontogiorgis Rev. Fr. C. Sitaras Mr. J. Dimitriou INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Rev. Fr. C. Pavlakos, Chairman Rev. Fr. S. Callos Rev. Fr. M. Kontogiorgis Rev. Fr. J. Konugres Mr. A. Anagnos Mr. P. Vlachos INSURANCE PLANS COMMITTEE Rev. Fr. A. Demos, Chairman Rev. Fr. S. Dorozenski Rev. Fr. C. Sitaras BENEVOLENCE COMMITTEE Rev. Fr. J. Rousakis, Chairman V. Rev. Fr. G. Karambis Rev. Fr. C. Kerhulas 105 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:45 PM Page 106 COMMUNICATIONS 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021-0106 • Tel.: (212) 774-0244 • Fax: (212) 774-0589 Email: Marissa P. Costidis, Acting Director Rev. Father Nektarios Morrow, Special Projects/Technical Assistance Email: Paul Zamora, Coordinator, Special Projects Afroditi Poulinas, Administrative Assistant The Department of Communications of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America consists of the following Offices and their Directors & Staff: News & Information / Public Relations Greek Orthodox Telecommunications (GOTelecom) Orthodox Observer Internet Ministries The primary work and ministry of the Department of Communications is to facilitate proper and coordinated communication within the Church in America and to communicate the scope of the ministry and activity of the Archdiocese in the larger contexts of America and the world. The Department has the task of assisting the Hierarchs, Clergy, Parishes, Departments, Organizations, Institutions, and Programs in receiving and communicating information in timely and effective ways, as this is critical both to the growth and support of every area of the life of the Church. The Director of the Department is responsible for coordinating the work and planning of the communication offices of the Archdiocese and with assisting the Department of Information Technologies in the program of the Office of Internet Ministries. 106 The Department of Communications has a vital role in the following basic areas: 1. Communicating efficiently the scope of the ministry and activity of the Archdiocese to all people associated with the Archdiocese, to adherents of the Orthodox Christian faith, to the leadership and members of other religious bodies, and to members of the media, to public officials, and to academic leaders on national and international levels; 2. Assisting the work of the Archbishop through coordinated planning and communication of his vision and goals for the Archdiocese; 3. Developing, evaluating, and modifying a continuous plan for communicating the work of the Hierarchs, Metropolises, Parishes, Departments, Organizations, Institutions, and Programs of the Archdiocese; 4. Providing technical and resource assistance to all of the above to enhance and coordinate their communication and work of ministry. 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:45 PM Page 107 GOTelecom 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel: (212) 570-3588 • Fax (212) 774-0223 Toll-Free: 1-800-888-6835 Web: • Email: Marissa P. Costidis, Managing Director Email: Nicholas J. Furris, Senior Producer/Director Email: MISSION DISTRIBUTION The mission of GOTelecom is to serve the needs of the Greek Orthodox Church in America by producing and disseminating religious, cultural and educational mass media materials pertaining to Orthodox Christianity and Hellenic Tradition. Our goal is to help educate our Orthodox and Hellenic audiences so that they may develop pride and confidence about their faith and cultural heritage. Then we will work to educate the audience at large so that together we may help develop the proper perceptions about Orthodoxy and Greek culture. The Department has continued its sales of videotapes to our parishes, schools, universities and homes. Our daily duties include fulfillment of these orders. Additionally, GOTelecom has acquired the rights to distribute numerous outside productions. In addition to distribution relationships with Greek Orthodox distributors, i.e. Light & Life, we have established contracts with Vision Video, and bookstores of other Orthodox jurisdictions. The mission is three-fold: 1) internally — to archive the activities of the Archdiocese, 2) to produce in-house programs that educate and awaken our faithful about the ministries of our Archdiocese and, 3) to produce programs of quality that can be distributed nationally on television and through video (full-length programs and public service announcements). OTHER GOTELECOM PROGRAMS: Throughout our sixteen years, we have produced over 180 programs and have received awards from many organizations. Our two EMMY Awards have shown our faithful that Orthodox Christianity can be proclaimed with originality and excitement… on videotape. Each parish in America should have our entire library of videotapes available in a lending library . Additionally, university, college and high school libraries should have our major titles available for research and information. BROADCASTING For His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios Holiday Messages, GOTelecom provides over 25 Greek television producers and over 60 radio producers in the United States with tapes for airing, at no cost. Marissa P. Costidis, Managing Director, serves on the Membership Board of Faith & Values Media, whose membership is composed of over 64 different faith groups. Faith & Values Media is a partner with the nationally distributed Hallmark Channel For a free catalogue and for more information please contact our office. 107 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:45 PM Page 108 INTERNET MINISTRIES 50 Goddard Ave., Brookline, MA 02445 • Tel: (617) 850-1350 • Fax: (617) 850-1490 Web: Theo Nicolakis, Director Rev. Dn. Vasileios T. Flegas, Assistant Director Jamil Samara, Assistant Director of Technology and Web Site Developer Andrew Constantinou, Graphic Designer —Web Site Developer Jacob Gorny, E-Business Specialist —Application Developer MISSION AND RESPONSIBILITIES The mission of Internet Ministries is to follow the commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ who said: “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation” (Mark 16.15). Internet Ministries is dedicated to wielding technology for the proclamation of the Good News of the Gospel and for the advancement of Orthodox Christian ministry. In this capacity, the Department is charged with the development and expansion of the Archdiocese’s presence on the Internet and the World Wide Web. Internet Ministries was created through the generous vision and support of Leadership100. BULLETIN BUILDER ( Launched at the 37th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress in New York, Bulletin Builder has revolutionized the way parishes create, edit, and publish their Sunday Bulletins. With this website tool, a parish simply assembles its content, and Bulletin Builder automatically publishes the Sunday bulletin to a printed booklet, a graphical email, and a website. This philosophy of “create once and deploy across any medium” is the foundation of Bulletin Builder and the new tools Internet Ministries is developing for parishes. Bulletin Builder was created through the generous vision and support of Leadership 100. ORTHODOX WEB BUILDER ( Also launched at the 37th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress, Orthodox Web Builder is a web-based tool that empowers every parish, ministry and organization with the ability to develop and maintain a professional web site without any technical expertise or assistance. Orthodox Web Builder represents the Department’s firm commitment towards ensuring that every Greek Orthodox parish in America is online. ORTHODOXPHOTO ( OrthodoxPhoto is a full-featured online photo service that allows parishes, Church schools, camps, organizations, and any individual to develop, share, and store their favorite photos either online or in print. Through OrthodoxPhoto, individuals can send in rolls of film, receive prints and negatives, develop digital prints, and easily share digital albums with others over the Internet. Photos are processed with exceptional, award-winning quality on Kodak paper. ORTHODOX MARKETPLACE ( This year, the Department has launched the first phase of a multiphased program to create a comprehensive online Orthodox store for our faithful. This endeavor will serve as a clearing- 108 house of books, icons, music, clothing, and other Orthodox materials. In addition, there will be new and unique downloadable software products from the Department of Internet Ministries, found only at this new online store: NEW AND IMPROVED ICONOGRAMS ( This new and improved Iconograms is a free e-card service which provides the user with the ability to create your own personalized Iconograms account with address book and calendar, reminding you of namedays, birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates. The automatic scheduling feature, provides for the great benefit of choosing the time and date a card will be sent. With over 1,000 cards to chose from, and with an added search feature, this service provides the perfect way for staying in touch with loved ones who are both far and near. iDONATIONS ( iDonations is a new Iconogram service that provides a steward the ability to send a beautiful customized icon greeting card to a loved one or friend, while financially contributing to the ministries of the Archdiocese, in his or her name. APPLICATIONS FOR PALM PILOT AND WINDOWS CE DEVICES The Department of Internet Ministries is launching a series of new applications targeting mobile users. The first application developed for the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office brings the yearly “Planner” to PDA’s. Users can now have the references for the daily bible readings, saints commemorated, listing of the date of Easter, as well as fasting periods right on their hand-held device. WEBMASTERS NETWORK ( The creation of this online collaborative Webmasters Network for Orthodox Christian web developers and webmasters allows individuals who are developing parish web sites, involved in their organization’s web strategy, or who wish to interact with and learn from other Orthodox Christian Internet professionals the opportunity to communicate and collaborate. ORTHODOX QUESTION BOX ( or ( In cooperation with Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, trained and supervised seminarians respond to questions via email, creating an interactive forum for those exploring Orthodox Christianity as well as those who wish to learn more about their faith. 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:45 PM Page 109 OFFICE OF NEWS & INFORMATION/ PUBLIC RELATIONS 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 570-3530 • Fax: (212) 774-0215 Email: Presvytera Nikki Stephanopoulos, Director/Press Officer Email: OFFICE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS As the Greek Orthodox Church in America has emerged on the national and international scene as a vital and vibrant religious presence, it has become evident that the Archdiocese must become increasingly involved in issues of concern to its members. The Office of Public Relations was established in order to coordinate Archdiocese involvement in matters of public and political affairs in the United States and relations with the White House, Congress, academic leaders and local and state leaders. Further, the Office assists in implementing programming for public events involving the Archdiocese and Clergy-Laity Congresses. OFFICE OF NEWS AND INFORMATION/PRESS OFFICER The responsibility of the Office of News and Information and the Press Office is to communicate the Church’s mission and message of hope and love to our Greek Orthodox faithful and to the public at large. This is done by cultivating professional relationships with print and electronic media, by producing material for print, radio and television in such a way as to achieve clarity in the public mind by providing information service to Archdiocesan publications and Departments, the Metropolises and parishes. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES • Media coverage of all Archdiocesan events (initiate feature and in-depth coverage of same); • Provide information service and establish professional relations with the media, hierarchs, clergy, parishes, government, other faiths and jurisdictions; • Resource for Orthodox and non-Orthodox textbooks, directories, government, jurisdictions, etc; • Maintain Archdiocese membership with religious media professional organizations and Communications Commissions. Facilitated in 2004 New York Times interview with Archbishop Demetrios on progress of St. Nicholas May 14, 2004 (One and 1/2 page) Extensive Press Conference including Bari (Italy) delegation and Mayor Bloomberg. January 17, 2004 Inclusion of Archbishop Demetrios in recently (May 11, 2004) published book “Amazing Men” by noted photographer Joyce Tenneson. Addition of “Epiphany, Festival of Lights” and “The Other Holy Land” to Armed Forces Network Religous Programming Schedule Presvytera Nikki Stephanopoulos has served for 11 years as a member of the Board of Trustees of National Interfaith Cable Coaltion/Hallmark Channel and was elected as secretary of the Communications Commission of the National Council of Churches in 2003. She is also the Archdiocese representative to the NYC2012 Olympic bid committee. Yearbook 2005 The annual Yearbook of the Archdiocese, in addition to offering information to parishes and parishioners, is a resource for the media, government, religious and academic communicators and affiliated organizations. Yearbooks are sent nationwide to members of the print and electronic media, religious and government communicators and press offices. The Yearbook is also available online. Bari, Italy Mayor Simeone di Cagno Abbrescia presents Archbishop Demetrios with a symbolic gift, an icon of St. Nicholas, as New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg looks on. The Mayor led a Bari delegation of city officials that also presented His Eminence a donation of 258,000 euros to aid in the rebuilding of St. Nicholas at Ground Zero. 109 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:45 PM Page 110 ORTHODOX OBSERVER 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021-0106 • Tel.: (212) 570-3555 • Fax: (212) 774-0239 Web: • Email: Stavros H. Papagermanos, Director & Executive Editor Greek Press Officer Email: Jim Golding (Chryssoulis), Editor Email: jim_ Eleftherios Pissalidis, Production Email: Abel Montoya, Graphic Artist Email: Soula Podaras, Administrative Assistant Email: For almost seventy years the Orthodox Observer has been delivering the message and work of the Church to people in America and around the world. Archbishop Athenagoras established the Observer in 1934 as a monthly publication, and the first issue in its current format as a newspaper was published in October of 1971. Throughout its history, it has provided a wide range of news and information about the Church, its ministries, and the activities of its many communities to a readership than now exceeds 500,000. True to its goals, the newspaper has become part of the life of Greek Orthodox faithful. It bridges the enormous distances between the numerous communities of the Archdiocese, reaches the unchurched, and helps nurture a Greek Orthodox identity among parishioners as it keeps them informed about a multitude of subjects. The Observer s bilingual content addresses and affirms this identity. Each issue presents to readers current news and events from the Archdiocese, as well as from the Metropolises, parishes, ministries, and organizations. Standard sections focus on the ministry of the Ecumenical Patriarch and other Orthodox jurisdictions in America and around the world. Feature articles and columns provide spiritual guidance and theological insights. As the official newspaper of the Archdiocese, the Observer publishes encyclicals, statements, and policies as they are issued. Through the years, the Observer has undergone many changes and improvements. One result has been the dramatic rise in its readership from a circulation of about 45,000 issues in the 70 s to the current circulation of approximately 140,000. 110 A new effort to improve the cost effectiveness as well as the contents and the overall appearance of the Observer has been undertaken in recent years. The publication is produced entirely in-house, with substantial and immediate savings in its production costs and its overall cost to the Archdiocese. This also makes it possible to include in each issue more timely articles and news items, as well as high quality graphics and visual highlights. In 2005, attention will given to updating the subscription database and mailing list. Further efforts will be focused on increasing advertising and sponsorship revenue to offset the costs of providing this ministry to the faithful of the Church in America. The Orthodox Observer is also available on the web site of the Archdiocese ( Each issue is published in its entirety on the site as a PDF document (Adobe Acrobat) for viewing, downloading, or printing. Plans are progressing for the production of a complete electronic edition of the Observer that will be integrated with the current publication. This online version will be a virtual magazine providing Orthodox Christians with daily and weekly news and information. Following the vision of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, the Orthodox Observer is striving to enhance the ministries of the Church, to edify the faithful, and to provide a regular source of information about Orthodox Christianity and the global scope and mission of the Orthodox Church. In this task the Observer will remain a vital means of communication and will continue to facilitate the unity and growth of the Church. 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:45 PM Page 111 PUBLIC AFFAIRS 8 East 79th Street • New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 774-0400 • Fax: (212) 774-0523 Rev. Fr. Alex Karloutsos Assistant to the Archbishop for Public Affairs Dina Theodosakis Administrative Assistant The Department of Public Affairs assists the Office of the Archbishop in coordinating the Archdiocese involvement in matters of public and political affairs in the United States, the White House, Congress, academic leaders and local and state officials. This office also implements programming for public events related to public affairs. His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew presided at the Divine Liturgy of the Feast Day of St. Andrew the Apostle at the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. George in Constantinople on November 30, 2004. This day was illustrious because of the joyous and historical occasion of the return of the Holy Relics of Sts. Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom to their original resting place in Constantinople. The relics of these two Great Fathers of the Church were taken 800 years ago during the 4th Crusade in 1204 and were returned by Pope John Paul II to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in a historic Ceremony on November 27 in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. Archbishop Demetrios of America led a pilgrimage of the Archons of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle from the United States during these historic events. His Eminence traveled to Constantinople from the Vatican with His All Holiness and the leader of the official Delegation of the Church of Rome, Walter Cardinal Kasper. At the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. George there were representatives of other Christian Churches to witness this occasion. In his remarks, the Ecumenical Patriarch expressed the hope that “this doubly illustrious day will mark a new period of more concerted progress toward the unity, that is so much desired by all, by all the Christian Churches and by all people in Christ.” 111 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 112 FINANCE 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 570-3545 • Fax: (212) 774-0245 John Barbagallo, CPA Director of Finance Email: Michael Gambeski, CPA Archdiocese Controller Email: Ronald Wilks Investment Accounting Manager Email: George Papadakos Archdiocese Affiliate Controller Email: Ioanna Kekropidou Assistant to Director of Finance Email: Nitsa Sinanis Accounts Payable/Receivable Email: The Church, being the body of Christ in the world, is responsible for the material well-being of the souls entrusted to her care. As an institution in this world, but not of the world, she must carefully balance the spiritual needs of her flock against the material necessities required to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the world. To this end, the Department of Finance is charged with maintaining the material well being of the Archdiocese of America so that it may flourish as an icon of God s plenty and mercy. effects the will of the Archbishop and the The Department of Finance is responsible for the oversight of all financial matters of the Archdiocese. Its constant task is to oversee all the institutions of the Archdiocese and the Metropolises that comprise the Greek Orthodox Church in America. The Department Archdiocese institutions and affiliates. The financial Archdiocesan Council in fiduciary matters. It advises and assists persons and institutions in the Archdiocese on matters relating to accounting, as well as fiscal health and responsibility. The Department also coordinates an extensive year end financial audit of the Archdiocese as well as statements of the Archdiocese, its institutions and affiliates, are audited annually by one of the world s largest independent accounting firms. Opening Plenary Session of the 37th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress. 112 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 113 GREEK EDUCATION 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 570-3552 • Fax: (212) 774-0497 Web: • Email: Maria Makedon, Archdiocesan District Director Vayia Gakis, Administrative Assistant Daisy Tsitouridou, Staff GREEK EDUCATION Greek Education aims at instilling in the minds and hearts of our Youth the spiritual, moral, and cultural values underlying the Greek Orthodox faith and cultural heritage. By helping young students understand the meaning and appreciate the value of their Greek Orthodox faith and cultural heritage, Greek Education contributes immensely to the development of well informed, responsible, and progressive members of our Greek Orthodox Church in America. THE DEPARTMENT OF GREEK EDUCATION The Department of Greek Education is charged with the responsibility of providing community schools with general guidelines and proper teaching materials, in order to enable them to establish a sound Greek studies program that would include the teaching of the Modern Greek language, the history of the Greek nation and the Greek Orthodox faith and cultural heritage. To fulfill its mission, the Department of Greek Education offers the following: • Greek Studies Program Guidelines; • Books and Other Resource Materials; • Teacher Seminars and Workshops; • Student Assessment; • Certificates, Diplomas and Awards. The Comprehensive Examination in Modern Greek Since 1973, the Department of Greek Education develops and administers annually the Comprehensive Examination in Modern Greek to public and parochial school students – in grades 8 and above – in the State of New York as well as in other regions throughout the country. The Comprehensive Examination in Modern Greek is a foreign language achievement test that assesses student proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Modern Greek. Its proficiency level is the equivalent to a third year of a foreign language high school course. Students who successfully pass the Examination are awarded three high school credits in a foreign language. It is estimated that in its 32 years of existence, the Comprehensive Examination in Modern Greek has benefited over 20,000 students. For information on how to administer the Comprehensive Examination in Modern Greek in your area and offer students the opportunity to obtain credits-by-exam in a foreign language, please contact the Department of Greek Education at (212) 570-3552. Informative Material The Department of Greek Education has available a kit of informative materials including the 2004-05 School Calendar, the recommended by the Department teachersalary scale for community school teachers, and a Catalog of Greek books and other resources. To receive this kit, please contact the Department of Greek Education at (212) 570-3552. THE ARCHDIOCESAN SCHOOL SYSTEM A recent survey of the Department of Greek Education has shown that there are 27 community day schools currently functioning in the United States, five of which accommodate exclusively preschool-age children. These parochial day schools have declared an enrollment of 6,606 students for the current school year 2004-05. Also in operation, are 314 Greek afternoon schools with an enrollment of approximately 20,000 students, ages 4-18. In addition, a number of parishes throughout the country offer evening classes in the Modern Greek language to adults. Both the parochial day schools and the Greek afternoon schools offer a unique program of Greek studies consisting of the systematic teaching of the Modern Greek language, Greek history and culture and the history of the Greek Orthodox religion. They all operate under the auspices of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and comprise the Archdiocesan School System. “Holidays & Seasons”– A sticker book for preschool children 113 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 114 ARCHDIOCESAN DAY SCHOOLS DIRECTORY Pre-School & Day Care Centers Parochial Day Schools ALABAMA CALIFORNIA Cathedral Day Care Holy Trinity Orthodox School 307 South 19th Street Birmingham, AL 35233 Tel: (205) 716-3083 Fax: (205) 716-3084 Principal: Mrs. Katherine Sissa Preschool & Kindergarten 2004-05 enrollment: 85 999 Brotherhood Way San Francisco, CA 94132 Tel/Fax: (415) 584-8451 Email: Principal: Fr. Michael Pappas Kindergarten to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 36 ARIZONA Holy Trinity Academy 1973 E. Maryland Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85016 Tel. (602) 248-3881 Fax (602) 230-9099 Website: Director: Heather Diamanti-Fowble Preschool & Kindergarten 2004-05 enrollment: 35 GEORGIA Annunciation Day School Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation 2500 Clairmont Road, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30329 Tel. (404) 982-0711 Principal: Fr. George Alexson Director: Mrs. Michelle Wright Preschool & Kindergarten 2004-05 enrollment: 40 ILLINOIS St. Haralambos School 7373 Caldwell Avenue Niles, IL 60714-4503 Tel: (847) 647-8880 Fax:(847) 647-0991 Principal: Mrs. Eileen Hawryz Preschool & Kindergarten 2004-05 enrollment: 30 “Solon” Greek American School of St. Demetrios Church 2727 West Winona Chicago, IL 60625 Tel. (773) 561-5992 Fax (773) 561-6366 Email: stdemetrioschicago@ameritech.wet Principal: Mr. Nikitas Papageorgiou Preschool & Kindergarten 2004-05 enrollment: 52 114 St. Nicholas School 9501 Balboa Boulevard Northridge, CA 91325 Tel.: (818) 886-6751 Fax: (818) 886-3933 Principal: Mrs. Mari Naltsas Pre-K to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 300 FLORIDA St. John Greek Orthodox Day School 2418 Swann Avenue Tampa, FL 33609 Tel.: (813) 876-4569 Fax: (813) 877-4923 Website: Email: Principal: Mr. James L. Larkin, Jr. Nursery to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 180 St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Parochial School 18 Hibiscus St. Tarpon Springs, FL 34689 Tel: (727) 942-0580 Fax: (727) 943-0857 Website: Email: Principal: Regina Planes Kindergarten to fourth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 24 ILLINOIS Koraes Elementary School 11025-45 So. Roberts Road Palos Hills, IL 60465 Tel.: (708) 974-3402 Fax: (708) 974-0179 Principal: Ms. Mary C. Zaharis Kindergarten to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 216 Socrates Greek-American School 5701 North Redwood Drive Chicago, IL 60631 Tel.: (773) 695-0500 Fax: (773) 695-0600 Website: Principal: Mrs. Stavroula Sellountos Pre-school to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 126 MASSACHUSETTS Hellenic American School 62 Lewis Street. Lowell, MA 01854 Tel.: (978) 453-8092 Fax: (978) 970-0935 Principal: Dr. James A. Demos Pre-K to sixth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 138 NEW YORK The Cathedral School 319 East 74 Street New York, NY 10021 Tel.: (212) 249-2840 Fax: (212) 249-2847 Principal: Mr. Mark Barr Nursery to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 105 “C. Goulandris-T. Tsolainos” Greek Orthodox Parochial School of St. Spyridon Church 120 Wadsworth Avenue New York, NY 10033 Tel.: (212) 795-6870 Fax: (212) 795-6871 Email: Principal: Dr. Andreas Zachariou Pre-K to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 117 Greek-American Institute 3573 Bruckner Boulevard Bronx, NY 10461 Tel.: (718) 823-2393 Fax: (718) 823-0790 Website: Principal: Ms. Anne Prokop Nursery to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 150 Argyrios Fantis Parochial School 195 State Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Tel.: (718) 624-0501 Fax: (718) 624-6868 Principal: Ms. Nicole Heroux Pre-K to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 80 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 115 ARCHDIOCESAN DAY SCHOOLS DIRECTORY Soterios Ellenas Parochial School 224 18 Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 Tel.: (718) 499-5900 Fax: (718) 832-3712 Website: Principal: Mrs. Maria Manolis Nursery to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 120 Three Hierarchs Parochial School 1724 Avenue P Brooklyn, NY 11229 Tel.: (718) 375-1885 Fax: (718) 375-0006 Email: Principal: Mr. James Yeannakopoulos Nursery to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 135 D. and G. Kaloidis Parochial School of Holy Cross Church 8502 Ridge Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11209 Tel.: (718) 836-8096 Fax: (718) 836-4772 Principal: Dr. Thomas DeMarco Nursery to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 167 St. Demetrios Greek-American School 30-03 30th Drive Astoria, NY 11102 Tel.: (718) 728-1100 - Elementary Tel.: (718) 726-6734 - Middle School Tel.: (718) 728-1754 - High School Fax: (718) 726-3482 Principal: Mr. Anastasios Koularmanis Pre-K to twelfth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 600 Jamaica Day School of St. Demetrios 84-35 152nd Street Jamaica, NY 11432 Tel.: (718) 526-2622 Fax: (718) 526-1680 Email: Principal: Dr. John G. Siolas Pre-K to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 135 School of the Transfiguration 98-07 38 Avenue Corona, NY 11368 Tel.: (718) 478-8181 Fax: (718) 478-8199 Website: Principal: Mrs. Helen Lydakis Pre-K to ninth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 142 William Spyropoulos GreekAmerican Day School of St. Nicholas 43-15 196 Street Flushing, NY 11358 Tel.: (718) 357-5583 Fax: (718) 428-3051 Principal: Mrs. Athena Kromidas Nursery to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 477 PENNSYLVANIA Three Hierarchs Eastern Orthodox School 123 Gilkenson Road Pittsburgh, PA 15228 Tel: (412) 851-7279 Fax: (412) 851-7279 Principal: Dr. Christal Chaney Nursery to fifth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 58 TEXAS Holy Trinity Academy 13555 Hillcrest Road Dallas, TX 75240 Tel.: (972) 490-7060 Fax: (972) 991-3424 Website: Email: Principal: Ms. Gloria Bayouth Pre-K to third grade 2004-05 enrollment: 48 Annunciation Orthodox School 3600 Yoakum Boulevard Houston, TX 77006 Tel.: (713) 470-5600 Fax: (713) 470-5605 Principal: Mr. Mark Kelly Founded: 1970 Nursery to eighth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 641 UTAH St. Sophia School 5341 S. Highland Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84117 Tel.: (801) 424-1297 Fax: (801) 277-1026 Website: Email: Principal: Ms. Mary Ann Rees Pre-K to sixth grade 2004-05 enrollment: 106 Greek Orthodox Parochial Day School contestants in the 2004 Spelling Bee with Archbishop Demetrios. 115 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 116 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 8 East 79th Street • New York, NY 10021 • (212) 774-0240 Web: Theo Nicolakis, Director Kashif Chaudhry, Help Desk Carl Reid, Network Administrator MISSION AND RESPONSIBILITIES The mission of the Information Technologies (IT) Department is to: 1) Establish secure, reliable and effective information systems within the Archdiocese and between the Archdiocese, its Metropolises, institutions, organizations, and parishes. 2) Maintain the infrastructure that supports those systems. 3) Provide technical support to the people who use those systems. The fulfillment of this mission involves assessing the informational needs of the Archdiocese as a whole, recommending, and implementing solutions to meet those needs. This departmental mission accomplishes the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The IT Department is responsible for all computer operations and systems at the Archdiocese. Coordinating technology efforts in the various Archdiocesan departments, organizations and institutions is also a focal point for the IT Department in order to provide standardization of technology and improve the speed, efficiency and accuracy of information shared and disseminated. To this end, the IT Department is working on a number of short-range and long-term initiatives to assist the Archdiocese. These include: NATIONWIDE CONNECTIVITY PROGRAM A national initiative to connect every Metropolis and parish to the Internet has begun. Under this plan, each Metropolis will maintain a local Internet ministry team coordinated by the Archdiocese, which will maintain and update the Metropolitan web sites, as well as coordinate Internet connectivity of every parish in each Metropolis. This program exists in conjunction with the Information Technology Department’s Free Computer Program to connect every parish in the Archdiocese to the Internet. FREE COMPUTER PROGRAM Inaugurated by the IT Department in 2001—and developed with the Archdiocese Presbyters Council (APC), the Department of Stewardship Ministries and the Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries—eight retired computer systems were given to Saint Basil Academy and 34 others were donated to the Archdiocese’s neediest parishes with a full-time priest and financial data on file with the Stewardship Department. Under this program, the youth of the parish are required to help setup the system and create a web presence for the parish. As more 116 systems become available, they are allocated according to need. The IT Department aims to expand this program to provide a free computer system to every parish in the Archdiocese and connect them to the Internet. NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM AND PHONE AUDIT Installation of the new telephone system at the Archdiocese was finished in March 2002 and yields an annual savings of $40,000 by taking advantage of new technologies. This, combined with the ongoing phone audit that began in 1999, has recovered nearly $500,000 in refunds and credits due largely to the pro bono assistance of Mr. Ted Apostoleris, President of Great Lakes Telecom and member of the IT Technology Committee. ARCHIVES PROJECT Thanks to a generous grant from the Niarchos Foundation, the IT Department has been working in cooperation with the Archdiocese Archives Department to digitize photos, documents and artwork to create an exhaustive searchable database made available online to clergy, the faithful, and historians. Starting with the archives of His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos, this represents the start of a historical infrastructure in which a Master Archive will be built to reflect the Archdiocese and all its members. NEW INFRASTRUCTURE UPGRADES The IT Department completed systematic upgrades of both Archdiocesan systems and facilities at Saint Basil Academy. After renovation of the new technology center at the Archdiocese a new wide area data network and telephone system was installed in May 2002, which provides high-speed Internet service and network access. Interconnectivity is now possible between Saint Basil and the Archdiocese. Plans to provide the same interconnectivity between all Metropolises and their institutions, as well as remote Archdiocesan departments through a Virtual Private Network (VPN), will take advantage of cost savings and further enhance productivity. TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE The Technology Committee acts as an advisory body to assist the Archdiocese in its technology endeavors. The committee members, made up of both clergy and laity from the Archdiocese, are actively involved with the IT Department in various projects. 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 117 INTER-ORTHODOX ECUMENICAL AND INTERFAITH RELATIONS 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 774-0526 • Fax: (212) 774-0202 Web: • Email: His Grace Bishop Dimitrios of Xanthos, Director Email: Rev. Deacon John Chryssavgis, Ecumenical Assistant Dionisia Floropoulos, Administrative Assistant Email: The Ecumenical Office has as its main function the task of providing information, stimulating interest and coordinating ecumenical activities on the archdiocesan, metropolitan and parish levels. It adheres to the principle that Orthodoxy and Orthodox ecumenism must always speak the truth, never compromising the integrity and purity of Orthodox teachings, but always respecting the sincerity of the religious convictions and spiritual sensitivities of others. It involves the following areas of interest: A) The National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCCC) The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese is represented by clergy and laity on several committees. B) The World Council of Churches (WCC) The Archdiocese is not a member, but participates in work of the WCC, through the membership of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. C) Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) Established in 1960, SCOBA brings together the canonical hierarchs of the Orthodox Jurisdictions in America. The purpose of the Conference is to make the ties of unity among the canonical Orthodox Churches and their administrations stronger and more visible. D) Bilateral Theological Dialogues of SCOBA The following bilateral theological dialogues are coordinated by this office: 1. Joint Commission of Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches 2. North American Orthodox/Roman Catholic Theological Consultation 3. Joint Committee of Orthodox/Roman Catholic Bishops 4. Lutheran/Orthodox Dialogue E) Fraternal Visitations The Ecumenical Office coordinates visitations of various dignitaries, heads of communions and their delegations, to the Archdiocese and/or to institutions of the Archdiocese. F) Inter-Religious Agencies Ongoing relations take place with other groups involved in ecumenical work, such as the American Jewish Committee, the National Conference of Community and Justice (NCCJ), the World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP), Appeal of Conscience Foundation, and the United Nations. Orthodox Delegates to the 2004 General Assembly of the NCCC in St. Louis, MO. From left: David Wagschal, OCA; Fr. Andrew Harrison, OCA; Fr. Olof Scott, AOCA; Elenie Huszagh, GOA, Immediate Past President of NCCC; Bishop Vicken Aikazian, Armenian Diocese; Bishop Dimitrios, GOA; Dr. Antonios Kireopoulos, NCCC Assoc. Gen. Secy. for International Relations; John Paterakis, GOA, Church World Service, treasurer; Eve Tibbs, GOA; Fr. Haigazoun Najarian, Armenian Diocese and Fr. Sergei Kapral, OCA. 117 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 118 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY Center for Family Care 79 Saint Basil Rd., Garrison, NY 10524 • Tel: (845) 424-8175 • Fax: (845) 424-4172 Fr. Constantine L. Sitaras, Director Newly established by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, the Archdiocesan Center for Family Care has begun its ministry for families. The Roundtable on the Family, a select group of clergy and laypeople, has met to help bring to fruition a varied program of support. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios has declared 2005 the “Year of the Family.” The goal for the Year of the Family will be to affirm the importance of the family as a blessed gift from God and to address the specific needs of families as they try to live in a very challenging culture and world. The theme for the Year of the Family will be “Family as Church.” Our hope and prayer is that this program will strengthen and enhance your ministry and the witness of your parish. Resources Available include: Table Prayer Guide–provides a collection of Orthodox prayers and meditations for daily use. It teaches the importance of frequent prayer, and it guides in how to pray. Family Worship Brochure–emphasizes the importance of having a place for worship in the home, including creating and using an iconostasion. Weekly Family Night–includes lessons and activities based on the Sunday Gospel readings to help guide the family in Bible study and worship. Monthly Parish Family Night–this resource will provide suggestions for worship and fellowship, as well as educational sessions for the various age groups within the entire parish. Family Synaxis–over the course of a weekend families will have time to learn, discuss and reflect on what it means to be an Orthodox Family and the role of the family in the Church. Parenting Seminars–These one-day parenting and family seminars will be conducted throughout the Archdiocese to address the needs of today’s families. Year of the Family Web Site–The web site will be launched in early January 2005 under the Family as Church Ministry. The web site will be the place where most of the Year of the Family resources will be available. Rev. Fr. Charles Joanides, Ph.D., LMFT., Researcher P.O. Box 2004, Newburgh, NY 12550 • Web: • Email: The Department of Marriage and Family has been established • A regular column has been featured in the Orthodox Observer. to consider issues relevant to the well-being of family life, our • Articles have been authored for professional journals as well Church and society. While this department is quickly expandas theological publications. These articles are now available ing its focus to include all marital and family challenges, a on the Interfaith Marriage Website. significant part of the department’s work is still concerned with • A resource entitled, When Couples Intermarry: A Resource the intermarriage challenge. for Couples, Parents and their Families is now available. Vital statistics kept by the Department of Registry indicate that • A companion resource for clergy and lay leaders entitled, the numbers of inter-Christian marriages conducted in the Greek Ministering to Intermarried Couples: A Resource for Clergy Orthodox Archdiocese of America (GOA) have steadily and Lay Workers is also available. increased. Today, nearly two thirds (63%) of all marriages con• Marriage building workshops, and lectures on the topic ducted in the GOA are designated inter-Christian. When Greek of intermarriage are being conducted across the GOA Orthodox persons marrying outside of the GOA are also for clergy, seminarians, laity, and intermarried couples. considered, intermarriage rates are likely closer to 75–80%. (Those desiring more information about these workshops Given these and other similar statistics, the Archdiocese has may log onto the Interfaith Marriage Web site or contact chosen to view these trends as a challenge and an opportunity Fr. Charles Joanides.) for growth. With love toward all, and with a desire to witness Orthodoxy to all persons who choose to worship in the GOA, • A new resource will soon be available entitled, Attending to Your Marriage. This resource will (a) assist couple’s the Archdiocese has taken a proactive approach in its efforts to preparing to marry, (b) enhance married couple’s relationreach out to intermarried couples and their families. Some of the ship, and (c) assist conflicted couples in their efforts to steps taken are as follows: resolve conflict in a prayerful, mutually satisfying manner. • Up until recently, there was no empirical evidence to help guide the GOA’s leadership in its efforts to minister to inter- • Fr. Charles will be providing regular commentaries on marital and family concerns and challenges on Come Receive married couples and their families. Thanks to Leadership 100, the Light, a National Orthodox Christian media ministry that this deficiency has been corrected, and a much clearer picture reaches thousands of listeners on a weekly basis. is now available from the Interfaith Research Project (IRP). The primary purpose behind most of this work has been to assist • An Interfaith Marriage Web site has been up and running the GOA at the Archdiocesan, Metropolis and local church level which (a) provides results from the IRP, (b) affords interin its efforts to reach out to intermarried spouses, couples, and Christian, interfaith couples and other interested persons opportunities to offer feedback and ask questions, (c) allows their families. To that end, emphasis has also been made to positively impact GOA members’ attitudes toward interspouses and couples the latitude to communicate privately marriages, and to foster an environment of tolerance and with Fr. Charles regarding issues of a personal, semiacceptance for all individuals, couples and families who choose therapeutic nature, and (d) provides interested persons access to additional readings, resources and related links. to worship in the GOA. 118 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 119 OUTREACH & EVANGELISM 83 Saint Basil Road, Garrison, New York 10524 • Tel (646) 519-6160 Fax (646) 519-6166 Web: • Email: Rev. Father James W. Kordaris, Director Email: “A Community of Faith and Love, a Parish in Worship and Ministry, cannot be built without having a steady experience of outreach, of evangelism directed lovingly towards those outside the Church.” Archbishop Demetrios of America – 37th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress Keynote Address 5-POINT MISSION: 1. Revitalize the faith of active Orthodox. 2. Reach out to inactive Orthodox Christians. 3. Meet the needs of inquirers. 4. Offer the tools for parish renewal. 5. Offer guidance in establishing new parishes. VISION As the presence of the Universal Church, the parish is called to witness to those within and those outside the community of believers. If we believe that in Orthodoxy we have the fullness of the Truth, then we have the great responsibility to share it with all people. All aspects of the parish may be seen as apostolic, and the Orthodox faithful are called to incorporate Christian mission in all aspects of life. THREE-YEAR PARISH PROGRAM: Renewal, Outreach & Evangelism This three-year program of providing quality ministry resources to the parishes was initiated in the fall of 2003. The objectives of this program are to provide tools for revitalizing the faith of active Orthodox Christians, outreach to inactive Orthodox Christians and bringing others to Orthodox Christianity. Sermons, Youth sermons/lessons, profiles of successful ministries, educational brochures, a visitor card and more have been provided. BROCHURE MINISTRY Brochures are being developed in conjunction with the Three-Year Program to assist the priest in educating current, inactive and prospective church members on important aspects of the Orthodox Christian faith. We encourage parishes to carry out a brochure ministry using these inviting and informative brochures. BROCHURE SERIES: Renewing Our Faith and Our Parish This series of educational brochures by prominent Orthodox Christian clergy is designed to renew the faith of active Orthodox Christians, reach out to inactive Orthodox, and to share the Truth of Orthodoxy with those inquiring about the faith. These brochures are formatted for reproduction in the parishes. HOME MISSION PARISH PROGRAM The purpose of this program is to encourage the establishment of new Greek Orthodox Parishes and to provide support for small Greek Orthodox Parishes which are striving to become self-supporting. With the generous assistance of the Leadership 100 Home Missions Grant, The Home Mission Parish Program provides assistance to mission parishes throughout the Archdiocese in their critical first years of existence. SISTER PARISH PROGRAM A Sister Parish Program is being developed whereby established parishes form a relationship with a parish that is new or in a period of renewal. The larger parish could offer financial assistance, liturgical items and more. This program would also include prayers for one another, communication between parishes (the children could participate in this), visitation by parishioners to one another's parish, and possible occasional clergy exchange. CLEARINGHOUSE OF LITURGICAL ITEMS Throughout the Archdiocese there are parishes in need of liturgical items such as censers, chalice sets, baptismal fonts and more. There are also many established parishes that have several of these items which are never used. The Department works with parishes to match those that have with those that need in order to provide these basic liturgical items. MINISTRY PROFILES This is a program designed to profile exceptional ministries carried out in parishes throughout the Archdiocese with a clear plan of implementation. WEB SITE: WWW.OUTREACH.GOARCH.ORG The web site includes resources and ministry tools for outreach and evangelism, relevant articles, sermons, ministry profiles, photos and updates on developments from throughout the Archdiocese. LAY MINISTRY Lay Ministry is a key element in the process of parish renewal. In the words of St. John Chrysostom:“The most basic task of the Church leader is to discern the spiritual gifts of all those under his authority, and to encourage those gifts to be used to the full for the benefit of all. Only a person who can discern the gifts of others and can humbly rejoice at the flowering of those gifts is fit to lead the Church.” INDIVIDUAL BROCHURES The Parish Council is a Ministry – A spiritual approach to parish council membership. Mission USA! – The Home Mission Parish Program Guidelines for Respectful Worship – Card Our Lenten Journey – Preparing for Pascha Welcome to Our Church – Visitors Card BOOKLETS Outreach & Evangelism: Some Practical Steps New & Existing Parish Location Analysis LEFT: Fr. Nicholas Andruchow, Greek Orthodox Mission of Flagstaff, Arizona RIGHT: Fr. Stanley S. Harakas, Christ the Saviour Greek Orthodox Mission Church of Hernando County Florida. 119 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 120 PHILANTHROPY 10 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel: (212) 774-0283 • Fax: (212) 774-0495 His Grace Bishop Andonios of Phasiane, Director Email: Ely W. Papadeas, Administrative Assistant Email: The task of this Archdiocesan Department is to further develop and coordinate the philanthropic work of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Working closely with various community organizations, most especially the Ladies Philoptochos Society, this Department coordinates on a national level the philanthropic work of the Church. Responding to the apostolic exhortations that “our love may abound more and more, with deep knowledge and discernment” (Philippians 1:9) and that “faith without works is dead” (James 2:26), this office seeks to motivate all communicants, men and women, young and old, to be more philanthropic in their outlook. Contrary to the modern definition, which has reduced philanthropy to financial contributions, the Department of Philanthropy is not concerned with fund-raising but rather with promoting philanthropy in its original and purest expression i. e., love for one s fellow man , love expressed in thought, word, and deed, cognizant of the fact that God is love. This office also strives to heighten sensitivity within parishes, Church-affiliated organizations, and the faithful of the Archdiocese so that they will be aware of people with special needs and will reach out and embrace them. These include people who are blind, physically handicapped, mentally challenged, afflicted with debilitating diseases, elderly facing problems because of their advanced age, those in prison, those suffering from terminal illnesses, and countless others. It is the intent of the office to coordinate outreach to these individuals and establish ministries to them thus facilitating as much as possible their participation in the salvific life of the Church. Another task of the office is to monitor closely the developments on the federal, as well as the state and city levels, regarding faith-based funding of charitable programs, and to determine if and how the Archdiocese can participate in governmentally funded programs. National Philoptochos Board members with Archbishop Demetrios and Bishop Andonios for a meeting and traditional cutting of the Vasilopeta. 120 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 121 REGISTRY 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 570-3558 • Fax: (212) 774-0477 Web: Rev. Fr. Michael T. Kontogiorgis, Assistant Chancellor / Director Email: Athena Papandonis, Assistant Email: The Department of Registry is a separate department within the Archdiocese, which functions as a subdivision of the Chancellor’s Office. The Department of Registry maintains a variety of records pertaining to the life and activities of the faithful of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. These records are often used to issue transcripts for the faithful who have lost original certificates (which are now required for legal or ecclesiastical purposes). The Department also issues ecclesiastical licenses to marry, divorce decrees (following a Spiritual Court hearing), baptismal and chrismation certificates (for use by the priests), and forms for reporting deaths and funerals. Below is an overview of how some of these responsibilities are handled: Registry did all of this for all the parishes of the Archdiocese. Since then, this is only done for the parishes within the Direct Archdiocesan District.) Parish Level The Archdiocese also coordinates the tabulation of the statistics from throughout the Archdiocese. This information is published annually in the Yearbook of the Archdiocese. All records of baptisms, chrismations, weddings, divorces and funerals are maintained in the Parish Registry Books. The local parish priest detailing the information recorded in his parish’s Registry Books issues transcripts upon receiving a request from the individual involved. The priest who prepares them signs these transcripts. His hierarch then validates the authenticity of the priest’s signature. These transcripts can be used as needed and serve the same function as those original certificates issued at the time of the Sacrament. In the case of a Church Divorce Decree, however, duplicate copies are not issued. The original, as issued, must be submitted when applying for an ecclesiastical marriage license. Metropolis Level As of September 1, 1979, each Metropolis established a Registry Department, which processes marriage license requests, issues ecclesiastical licenses to marry, and maintains copies of the records for baptisms, chrismations, marriages, and funerals, as the parish priests following the Sacraments submit them. The Metropolis Registry Departments also maintain the petitions for divorces, the minutes of the Spiritual Court hearings that pertain to divorce petitions and copies of the divorce decrees issued. The Metropolis Registry Departments also issue to the priests certificates signed by the Metropolitan for baptisms and chrismations. (Prior to September 1, 1979, the Archdiocesan Department of Archdiocese Level The Archdiocese Department of Registry maintains the records of weddings and divorces from 1923 until August 31, 1979, that took place throughout the Archdiocese. Since September 1, 1979, only those records that pertain to the parishes of the Direct Archdiocesan District are kept at the Archdiocese Registry Department. Records of baptisms, chrismations and funerals as the parish priests submitted them are also archived at the Archdiocese. The Department of Registry will be seeking to utilize the latest technology to address the enormous task of sorting, indexing and cataloguing the paper records archived, as well as to investigate the possibility of processing certificates and documents electronically, in order to: 1) Make it feasible to access the documents that the faithful request in a timely manner; 2) Provide multiple copies of the archiving media for storage and safekeeping at secure locations across the country; 3) Provide the parish priests the ability to process affidavits and certificates in a more timely fashion; and, 4) Enable the Archdiocese and each Metropolis to have close to real-time statistics of Sacraments being celebrated across the country and in each Metropolis. Accurate documentation and the ability to provide such documentation will become even more critical in the years ahead. The Department of Registry is committed to utilizing the resources at its disposal to ensure, as much as possible, that the faithful of the Holy Archdiocese of America have access to the information and documentation that they require. 121 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 122 REGISTRY DIVORCES MARRIAGES Greek InterOrthodox Christian Greek InterOrthodox Christian Total Total FUNERALS BAPTISMS CHRISMATIONS VITAL STATISTICS: JANUARY 1ST - DECEMBER 31ST, 2003 DIRECT ARCHDIOCESAN DISTRICT 1535 150 298 444 742 55 53 108 840 METROPOLIS of CHICAGO 707 130 273 218 491 46 54 100 395 METROPOLIS of SAN FRANCISCO 985 203 298 408 706 41 61 102 524 METROPOLIS of PITTSBURGH 579 110 73 143 216 15 21 36 376 METROPOLIS of BOSTON 786 122 111 255 366 30 29 59 649 METROPOLIS of DENVER 427 75 91 101 192 12 9 21 141 METROPOLIS of ATLANTA 528 68 148 216 364 36 30 66 138 METROPOLIS of DETROIT 552 155 109 155 264 15 21 36 273 METROPOLIS of NEW JERSEY 984 98 125 258 383 31 95 126 356 7,083 1,111 1,526 2,198 3,724 281 373 654 3,692 TOTALS STATISTICS REGISTRY OF THE GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA: 1979-2003 MARRIAGES DIVORCES YEAR BAPTISMS CHRISMATIONS BETWEEN ORTHODOX INTER CHRISTIAN TOTAL BETWEEN ORTHODOX INTER CHRISTIAN TOTAL DEATHS 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996* 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 8293 9650 8238 8843 8690 8109 7934 7389 8472 7854 8799 9350 9142 9204 9427 9232 9172 7155 7394 7203 7438 7300 7132 6894 7,083 890 570 405 645 725 681 655 565 796 720 978 1079 1072 1055 1209 1186 1127 939 974 966 995 1010 1117 1116 1111 2512 2009 1781 1936 1960 1821 2200 1900 1850 2001 2144 2187 2191 1922 2032 2094 2045 1267 1400 1448 1497 1411 1298 1521 1526 2412 2660 3104 3175 3287 3322 3387 3253 3673 3710 3904 3769 3520 3530 3429 3137 3575 2588 2499 2477 2542 2416 2341 2267 2198 4924 4669 4885 5111 5247 5143 5587 5153 5523 5711 6048 5956 5711 5452 5461 5231 5620 3855 3899 3925 4039 3827 3639 3788 3124 430 457 405 442 366 388 360 363 382 362 389 402 409 347 354 345 364 282 288 339 278 267 287 298 281 210 306 339 344 364 336 456 358 332 357 384 338 331 417 395 379 358 372 361 336 349 324 313 395 373 640 763 744 786 730 724 816 721 714 719 773 740 740 764 749 729 722 654 649 675 627 591 600 693 654 4175 3937 3410 3145 3137 3191 3154 2776 3036 3371 3911 4308 4090 3972 4041 4151 4223 3313 3601 3445 3620 3829 3668 3615 3692 TOTALS 205,397 45,953 76,175 122,128 8,885 8,827 17,712 90,811 22,586 TOTAL MARRIAGES 122,128 TOTAL DIVORCES 17,712 *In 1996, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America became the Archdiocese of America. As a result, statistics from Canada, Central America and South America were no longer included in Registry tabulations. 122 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 123 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 50 Goddard Ave., Brookline, MA 02445-7415 • Tel.: (617) 850-1218 • Fax: (617) 850-1489 Web: • Email: Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos, Director & Executive Editor, Praxis Magazine Email: Haidee Marangos, Office Administrator/Assistant to Director/Accounts Payable Brad Borch, Multimedia and Technology Specialist Anestis Jordanoglou, Inventory Controller Tina Millsaps, Administrative Assistant/Graphic Designer Elaine Bucuvalas, Accounts Receivable John Ayoub, Shipping and Receiving The Department of Religious Education is ambitiously pursuing the advancement of an educational agenda that will coincide with the three major objectives described by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios in his keynote address at the 35th Clergy-Laity Congress, namely: (a) faith as worship and prayer, (b) faith as love and philanthropy, and (c) faith as truth. Mission The purpose of the Department of Religious Education (DRE) is to serve the parishes and metropolises of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America by providing materials and services that will advance their programs of religious education. The Department also serves individuals, organizations, military bases, ecumenical groups, and overseas parishes with catechetical resources that advance the spiritual admonition to “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). “Total Parish” Program Development The Department of Religious Education is responsible for developing catechetical resources for Orthodox faithful of all ages. A new educational paradigm for program and resource development that is sensitive to the catechetical needs of the total parish has been adopted. The Department of Religious Education is advancing a pedagogical agenda that will assist Orthodox Christians of all ages to better understand the: (a) liturgical, (b) scriptural, (c) theological, (d) canonical and (e) ethical underpinnings. Resource Catalog A new resource catalog is published every two years. The catalog includes more than 700 resources for adults, teachers, parish youth, vacation church school programs, children s books, prayer books, multimedia resources, icons, gifts and more. The catalog was mailed to all clergy, Church School directors/teachers and individuals on the DRE mailing list. It is also available on the DRE website at Religious Education Seminars The Director of Religious Education may be invited to conduct Religious Education Teacher Workshops and Adult Leadership Training Seminars throughout the Archdiocese. The seminars are based on a 5-Year Curriculum that includes an annual educational theme taught to Orthodox Christians in every context of Parish, Metropolis and Archdiocesan life. Workbooks are developed by the DRE and provided to participants. The Director travels on weekends (Friday-Sunday) to various Archdiocesan parishes, upon invitation, and conducts a Friday evening Leadership Training Seminar, three workshops on Saturday, and provides the sermon on Sunday at the invitation of the host priest. The 5-Year Catechetical Plan themes are: 2003-2004: Teaching Teens: How to Use the CANA Curriculum Model 2004-2005: Teaching Adults: Principles of Orthodox Spiritual Development 2005-2006: The Qualities and Skills of an Effective Orthodox Catechist 2006-2007: How to Develop an Educational Strategic Parish Plan 2007-2008: Liturgical Education: From Catechetics to Mystagogy Multimedia Instructional Technology Four interactive, educational, CD-ROMs have been developed: Crown them with Glory and Honor: The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, The Ecumenical Patriarchate, Put on Christ: Baptism and Chrismation, and the Royal Road: A Journey Through Great Lent. A CD-ROM entitled Celebration: Understanding the Twelve Feast Days is currently in development. The CD-ROMs are superb catechetical resources for families and teachers as well. Praxis — Catechetical Magazine A bi-annual religious education publication that links the local parish, home and national Religious Education office. The magazine s format focuses on total parish education and includes catechetical 123 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 124 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION material, religious home school lessons, leadership development, Internet reviews, and continuing education for Greek Orthodox Christians of all ages. A two-year subscription (four issues) is $15.00 (U.S.). Internet School of Orthodox Studies (ISOS) Established by the Department in 1998, the classes are held on the campus of Hellenic College-Holy Cross and are intended to assist Orthodox Christians to better understand the teachings of the Orthodox Church. Apart from those who can physically attend, the classes can also be accessed via the Internet. The classes are broadcast in real-time through the Archdiocese web server. The broadcasts have been offered in streaming video since the fall of 2002. The ISOS web site address is: The presentations are also archived so that individuals may listen to the classes when their schedule permits. Teenage Curriculum Committee The Teenage Curriculum Committee has completed the first unit of the 9th grade curriculum scheduled for release in the summer of 2005. The committee has been working to complete a comprehensive primer of catechetical lessons for parish teenagers via the CANA Curriculum Design Model designed by Fr. Marangos. This Model may be viewed on the DRE website. The committee is comprised of four specific teams for the 9th through 12th grades. Several Metropolitans of the Holy Synod serve as spiritual advisors, one for each team. An on-going working website has been established for individuals who are interested in reviewing the teenage curriculum at departments/religioused/highschool/. Contributions and suggestions are welcomed. Educational Web Page The Religious Education Web Site, www.religious, is one of the most active sites on the Archdiocesan web page. The interactive web site has been designed for those interested in on-going religious instruction and information regarding the department, its programs (St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, ISOS, Educational Institute, Teacher Certification), miscellaneous educational materials, and a resource catalog offering over 700 items. “Annual Resource Companion” (ARC) This educational volume for clergy, religious educators, church leaders, youth workers and the faithful of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese has been 124 published annually since 1998. The topics for the Annual Resource Companion are based on a five-year cycle of themes. The volumes include insightful articles and essays written by the Archdiocese Metropolitans, Bishops, Clergy, theologians, seminarians and teachers. The 2005-2006 theme is The Festal Menaion. Each volume contains the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival topics, tips and bibliography for the coming year following the same theme. The ARC is sold for $5.00 each. St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival The annual Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival is now in its 22nd year. The 2005 Archdiocesan Festival will be hosted by the Pittsburgh Metropolis on June 3-5, 2005. An Oratorical Festival Foundation provides college scholarships to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place speaker finalists in each division (in the amounts of $2,000, $1,500, and $1,000) and $500 U.S. Savings Bonds to all other national finalists. Since 1997 the theme of the Oratorical Festival has coincided with the annual theme of the Department of Religious Education. The Oratorical Festival Topics, Speaker Tips and Bibliography for each year are included in the appendix of the Annual Resource Companion (ARC) that is based on the same theme. An elementary level Oratorical Festival program takes place for children in grades 4-6 on the parish level only. There is no judging and talks are very brief with simplified topics. Hymnology Website A web-enabled online multimedia presentation for learning traditional Byzantine chant has been developed. The program includes 21 Byzantine hymns representing the major feast days. Visitors can listen to each of these hymns sung in both English and Greek, by either a male or a female, view the words to the hymn in the language being sung, and view both Byzantine and western notation. The site, which includes general information about the feast day, rubrics, scripture, etc., is available at Religious Education Institutes The Department of Religious Education offers a number of educational opportunities to Orthodox Christians interested in learning more about their faith. The Archdiocese Biennial Religious Education Institute is held during alternating Clergy-Laity Congress summers on the campus of Holy Cross School of Theology. The theme of the next Institute is The Family and will be held on June 16-19, 2005. 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 125 STEWARDSHIP & TOTAL COMMITMENT 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 774-0536 • Fax: (212) 774-0252 Web: > Ministry Resources > Stewardship • Email: Rev. Fr. Alexander Leondis, Director/Stewardship & Pastoral Resources Email: CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP Christian Stewardship is a life-style, which acknowledges accountability and responsibility before God. Becoming a Steward begins when we say we believe in God, to whom we give our love, loyalty and trust. We affirm that every aspect of our lives comes as a gift from Him. Stewards are motivated as recipients of God’s abundant love, to respond by participating and supporting His plan of salvation and the ministries of the Church, which make salvation possible for them and for others. In the Bible, the Steward is depicted as a person who is given the responsibility of managing something that belongs to the Owner, God. The Steward as the manager is thus accountable to the Owner for all that he possesses and is responsible to return to the Lord his or her fair share in gratitude and thanksgiving. As God has been generous to us, He expects us to be generous toward the work of Christ and His Church. Our Stewardship Commitment is the tool of ministry, salvation and healing for us and for others. Christian Stewardship is indeed a privilege and honor of directly supporting God’s work on earth through the Church. A flourishing parish Christian Stewardship Program can be compared to a river, which overflows into many tributaries and reaches out in many directions to share and grow our rich and profound spiritual inheritance. Success on the local level emanates to greater support and outreach on all levels of ministry: local, national and international. Christian Stewardship offers each person the means to become an active proponent in disseminating the Greek Orthodox Faith through fair and generous giving to support the Parish, Metropolis and Archdiocesan National Ministries. The Department of Stewardship and Pastoral Resources is tasked with preparing Christian Stewardship material to assist the parishes of our Archdiocese in achieving a successful and hopefully vibrant Stewardship program. A new program is prepared each year and mailed to parishes of our Archdiocese. TOTAL COMMITMENT “On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that contributions need not be made when I come.” (1 Corinthians 16:2) Chris Andreas, Administrator/Total Commitment Program Email: Saint Paul instructed the Corinthians to offer their support for the Church of Jerusalem on a regular and consistent schedule. Total Commitment represents the parishes’ support for the National Ministries of the Archdiocese. The support, according to St. Paul, which should be made on the “first day of every week,” has two meanings for us. The parish Total Commitment to the Archdiocese is to be made from the first fruits, meaning that it should be that portion of the parish’s income, which should be designated for the Archdiocese, and not the local parish. St. Paul, knew that it was easier to give on a regular basis, than to wait until we have enough to meet our spiritual and financial obligation. Therefore he reminds us that the parish is to contribute regularly, monthly so that the Archdiocese, depending on the regular Total Commitment income, may execute its manifold ministries to the parishes and the faithful of our Church. Secondly, the parish’s Total Commitment directly impacts on the National Church’s ability to maintain and augment the necessary programs of the Archdiocese, Metropolises and Parishes. The Archdiocese is sustained by the Total Commitment, which is the lifeblood pumping vitality throughout the entire Body of Christ, which we call the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The support rendered by the local parish is the means by which the Archdiocese is able to support the ministries required of a Major Faith such as ours. These ministries include: the Ecumenical Patriarchate, our Mother Church: the Metropolis Offices and Programs on a regional level; Hellenic College and Holy Cross School of Theology, the source of future Priests and Lay Ministries; Youth Ministry and Religious Education, the present and future of our Church; Internet Ministries and the “Orthodox Observer” for keeping in touch; Saint Basil Academy, for our children in need; Orthodox Christian Missions, for sharing our Faith with others; Greek Language Education for maintaining our Culture. These are some of the obvious ministries, if we were to list all, as Saint John wrote about Jesus: were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. (John 21:25) 125 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 126 YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIES 83 St. Basil Road • Garrison, New York 10524 • Tel: (646) 519-6180 • Fax: (646) 519-6191 Web: • Email: Rev. Fr. Mark A. Leondis, Director Melissa Bazos, Resource Coordinator Christina Meares, Assistant/Special Projects MISSION The mission of the Archdiocese Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries is to minister to youth workers, young people and their families, enabling them to fully experience the Orthodox Faith; to assist the local parish and metropolis in creating and sustaining youth and young adult ministries; and to create resources which are disseminated throughout our Archdiocese. MINISTRIES The Department works with the following ministries of our Church: • • • • Early Childhood HOPE (Kindergarten through 2nd grade) JOY (grades 3 through 6) GOYA (grades 7 through 12) • • • • Young Adult Ministry OCF (Campus Ministry) EOCS (Scouting) Altar Boys ARCHDIOCESE YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY TEAM Rev. Mark A. Leondis, Chair Vasie-Leigh Chames, Metropolis of Pittsburgh Rev. Dn. Constantine Lazarakis, Direct Archdiocesan Eva Kokinos, Metropolis of Detroit District, Michelle Cassimus, Metropolis of Atlanta V. Rev. George Nikas, Metropolis of New Jersey Rev. Dn. Michael Tervo, Metropolis of San Francisco Chris Avramopoulos, Metropolis of Chicago Melissa Bazos, Resource Coordinator Rev. Dn. Paul Zaharas, Metropolis of Denver Rev. Philippe Mousis, Metropolis of Boston RESOURCES Orthodox Christian Teen Video Series The National Department has developed the Orthodox Christian Teen Video Series. This series highlights various issues our young people are facing daily. There are currently three videos in the series produced, Substance Abuse: Our Kids are not Immune, Sexual Purity and Teen Violence. All videos include a resource book for parish programming. View the videos on our web page. Ministry Curriculum The Department is developing ministry curriculum for GOYA, JOY, HOPE and Early Childhood. Each guide contains complete sessions for the entire church year as well as handouts to send home so that the participants and their families can continue building on the lessons. The Planner The Planner, an Orthodox daily organizer and calendar, provides the reader with a daily and weekly guide that includes bible readings, quotes from the fathers, saints commemorated, fasting periods and meditations based on yearly themes. 126 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 127 YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIES Parish Ministry Guidelines Guidelines have been published and prepared for each youth ministry of our Church. Guidelines for developing and sustaining parish ministries include Early Childhood, HOPE, JOY, GOYA, YAL, OCF, Scouting and Altar Boy Training. The Challenge The Challenge is the monthly youth and young adult ministry supplement of the Orthodox Observer for teenagers. This supplement features articles for and written by youth. There is a parent and youth worker corner in every issue directing them to new resources available through our department. Parish and Metropolitan Youth Worker Training The National Department offers in-depth training for Youth Workers, parents and teenage leaders on the parish, regional and the Metropolis level. Training is available on the following topics: • How to start an Early Childhood, HOPE, JOY, GOYA, Young Adult Ministry • Orthodox Youth Ministry • Building Bridges • Relational Ministry • Nuts and Bolts of Youth Ministry • • • • • Drugs and Alcohol Counseling Teenagers Teaching Abstinence Family Ministry Creative Teaching DEPARTMENT LIST-SERVERS The Department ministers to youth workers, parents, college students, young adults and camp staff through the Internet via listservers. They include: Youth Workers ___Young Adults (YAL) Camping Ministries ___ College Students (OCF) ___ Ionian Village To subscribe to one of our listservers, log on to our web-site at: and go to our For Youth Workers Section. Follow the easy instructions. Youth Department Web-site: The web-site includes resources detailing: sessions for various ministries, Ministry Guidelines, Videos, Camping Ministries, links to Metropolitan youth ministries and invaluable information that will assist the local parish priest and youth worker. Every two weeks, additional resources are posted on the web-page. Scouts at 43rd Annual EOCS Retreat at Saint Basil Academy with Father Anthony Falsarella. 127 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 128 CAMPING MINISTRIES 83 Saint Basil Road • Garrison, New York • 10524 • Tel.: (646) 519-6190 • Fax: (646) 5196192 Web: • Email: The Office of Camping Ministries is an office of the Archdiocesan Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, and works directly with the department to create, implement, and produce standards, resources, and staff training sessions for Archdiocesan, Metropolis, and Parish-level Orthodox camping programs. The mission of the office is to provide Christ centered direction and unity for camping programs under the jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. These standards adhere to the American Camping Association’s (ACA) Standards, as to encourage each camp to become ACA accredited in regard to providing safe and efficiently run camps for our Orthodox youth. Additionally, the office provides directors and youth workers of these camps with the opportunity to attend ACA conferences, planning sessions, as well as share and develop ideas and resources for their programs. SUMMER CAMPING PROGRAMS GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA Ionian Village Contact: Rev. Dn. Constantine Lazarakis 83 St. Basil Road Garrison, NY 10524 646-519-6190 DIRECT ARCHDIOCESAN DISTRICT Camp Good Shepherd Contact: Rev. Dn. Constantine Lazarakis 83 St. Basil Road Garrison, NY 10524 646-519-6183 METROPOLIS OF ATLANTA Cathedral of Atlanta Summer Camp Contact: Ethel Gjerde 2500 Clairmont Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30329 404-633-5870 Saint Stephen Summer Camp Contact: Rev. Stavros Akrotirianakis 2418 Swann Avenue (Mailing: PO Box 271828) Tampa, FL 33609 813-876-8830 camps.htm METROPOLIS OF BOSTON Boston Diocese Camp Contact: Rev. Philippe Mousis 162 Goddard Ave. Brookline, MA 02445 617-277-4742 METROPOLIS OF CHICAGO Camp Fanari Contact: Rev. William Chiganos 2501 S. Wolf Road Westchester, IL 60154 708-562-2744 St. Mary’s Church Camp Contact: Doria Saros 3450 Irving Avenue, South Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-825-9595 128 METROPOLIS OF DENVER Camp Emmanuel Contact: Rev. Dn. Paul Zaharas 4550 E. Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80246 303-333-7794 Eastern Orthodox Youth Camp Contact: Stacie Sampson 12001 Wornall Road Kansas City, MO 64145 816-331-6485 METROPOLIS OF DETROIT Metropolis of Detroit Summer Camp Contact: Perry Koulouras/ James Bakalis 760 West Wattles Road Troy, MI 48098 248-269-9130 Metropolis of Detroit Southern Camp Contact: Eva Kokinos 2560 Crooks Road Troy, MI 48084 248-823-2400 St. Timothy’s Summer Camp Contact: Rev. Tom Zaferes 325 Waring Road Syracuse, NY 13224 315-446-5222 sttimothy.php METROPOLIS OF NEW JERSEY Camp Good Shepherd Contact: Very Rev. George Nikas 629 Springfield Avenue Kenilworth, NJ 07033 908-686-0003 CYC Summer Camp Contact: George Maistros PO Box 10848 Baltimore, MD 21234 410-319-9752 METROPOLIS OF PITTSBURGH Camp Nazareth Contact: Vasie-Leigh Andriotis 5201 Ellsworth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15232 412-621-8543 METROPOLIS OF SAN FRANCISCO St. Nicholas Ranch Contact: Rev. Dn. Michael Tervo 38526 Dunlap Rd. (Mailing: PO Box 400) Dunlap, CA 93621 559-338-2103 Annunciation Cathedral Camp Contact: Ari Stratakis 245 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94103 415-864-8000 Ascension Cathedral Camp Contact: George Banis 4700 Lincoln Avenue Oakland, CA 94602 510-531-3400 All Saints Camp Contact: Stacy Mitalas PO Box 23307 Seattle, WA 98102 253-265-6161 Camp Angelos Youth Camp Contact: George Psihogios, Ellen Belesiou 3131 NE Glisan Street Portland, OR 97232 503-234-0468 Saint Sophia Camp Contact: Fr. Alex Chetsas 1324 S. Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90006 323-737-2424 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 129 IONIAN VILLAGE 83 Saint Basil Road • Garrison, New York • 10524 • Tel.: 646-519-6190 • Fax: 646-519-6192 Web: • Email: Rev. Dn. Constantine Lazarakis, Camp Director Ionian Village is the travel abroad camp program of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Ionian Village participants are young people from all over the United States. During the stay with Ionian Village, they are immersed in their Orthodox faith and Greek culture, while making new friends from across the U.S. Each year Orthodox Christian teens and young adults gather together at Ionian Village, nestled between a pine forest and our private beach on the Ionian Sea, to embark on a spiritual and cultural odyssey. The Ionian Village experience provides campers with the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of the saints, the Apostles, and their ancestors. Ionian Village participants travel Greece and broaden their experience of Orthodox Christianity and the birthplace of Hellenism. The Program Ionian Village is a program of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, which guides teens and young adults on a pilgrimage to sacred and culturally significant sites throughout Greece. Ionian Village provides its participants first-hand experience of Greece’s religious and cultural treasures, thereby strengthening the identity as Orthodox Christians and deepening their appreciation of Hellenism. Pilgrimages are made to: • The church of St. Andrew in Patras, to venerate the relics of St. Andrew • The monastery at Mega Spileion, to venerate St. Luke’s first century icon of the Theotokos and experience the miracle behind its discovery. • The islands of Zakynthos and Aegina, to venerate the relics of Saint Dionysios and Saint Nektarios. Rula Thasites, Department Administrator Ionian Village participants visit: • Ancient Olympia • Delphi • Cape Sounion • The Acropolis • Kalavryta • Patras • Meteora • Zakynthos • Kefalonia The camping experience offered by Ionian Village is invaluable. The daily sessions conducted on the campgrounds consist of Athletics, Arts and Crafts, Music and Greek Culture, and Orthodox Life. Daily worship includes morning prayers, evening prayers, and Divine Liturgy on Sundays and major feast days. Of course, travel is the highlight of the Ionian Village experience. Expeditions allow Ionian Village participants to gain a full appreciation for Orthodoxy and Hellenism, and to learn how to become active participants in their Orthodox faith. IONIAN VILLAGE 2004 Summer Travel Camp (7th – 9th grade) Byzantine Venture (10th –12th grade) To Register… Join the more than 15,000 teenagers and young adults, who have become part of a 30-year tradition of building “Faith and friendships that last a lifetime.” Contact the Ionian Village Office for a detailed program brochure and camper registration or staff application packet, or visit and register through our website at Ionian Village participants visit the monasteries of Meteora. 129 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 130 NATIONAL YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY geographic area. For some, it may be campus ministry at the local university through Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF). For others, it may be a young married group. Other parishes may have a geographic young adult group with other Orthodox parishes in their community. Whatever the organization, it must not stand alone, but be incorporated into the entire sphere of the church’s mission. MISSION AND GOAL OF YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY The mission of young adult ministry is to lead all persons to the fullness of the Faith and likeness of God. Young Adults must be integrated into the active life of the Orthodox Church on all levels, Parish, Metropolis, and Archdiocesan. They, also, must be dedicated to serving the church, and its mission and ministries. The Young Adult Ministry is a parish-based organization with Archdiocesan, Metropolis, and Parish organizational structures, which provide and promote opportunities for Orthodox young adults to grow and live in Christ through a balance of: • Worship (Liturgia) • Witness (Martyria) • Service (Diakonia) • Fellowship (Koinonia) PRAYER FOR YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Lord, as we struggle for meaning and purpose in life, Guide us with Your helping hand. Teach us to be aware of God’s abiding love, and stir our concern for our fellow man. We commit to You our lives in the spirit of dedication and obedience so that we may be spiritually renewed through the teaching of our Faith and the guidance of the Greek Orthodox Church. For You are the God that loves mankind and to You we ascribe Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen. WHO IT SERVES PATRON SAINT ST. STEPHEN THE FIRST MARTYR Young Adult Ministry is the ministry to young adults of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, 18-35 years of age. Since it is a ministry, the orientation and implementation of the program should reflect the Orthodox Christian Faith, Tradition, and Life. Furthermore, because there appears to be two age groups within this group, the college-aged group (18-27) and the careeraged group (28-35), this ministry should minister to all young adults as they transition through their different life stages. O, first martyr and Apostle of Christ, you fought the good fight. You exposed the perversion of the persecutors, for when you were killed by stoning of the hands of the wicked men, you received a crown from the Right hand on high. NATIONAL YOUNG ADULT COMMITTEE MEMBERS National Coordinator Anne Halkedis YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY The objective of all young adult ministries is to cultivate and educate our young adults to help them become more active members of the body of Christ. There are many means to this end, which depend upon the needs of the parish and its Assistant National Coordinator Suzi Biblos Spiritual Advisor Reverend Mark A. Leondis Ionian Village participants enjoy a picnic on Ionian Village’s private beach. 130 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:46 PM Page 131 ARCHDIOCESAN CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY TRINITY 319-337 East 74th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 288-3215/6 • Fax: (212) 288-5876 Web: Email: • Email: His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America Rev. Robert G. Stephanopoulos, Ph.D., Dean of the Cathedral Rev. Angelo Gavalas We welcome you to the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. If you are looking for a church home, you are invited by the congregation of the Cathedral to join us in worship, services, mission and fellowship. Archbishop Demetrios is recipient of 24th Holy Trinity Cathedral Award presented by Father Robert and President Robert Shaw. Chartered in 1892, the Holy Trinity Church has been serving Greek Orthodox Christians for over a century. Today, as it has throughout its history, the Cathedral provides regular divine worship, counseling, Christian education, human services and cultural programs for people who live, work and visit in New York City. Further, the Cathedral outreach includes live broadcasts of the Divine Liturgy every Sunday on television and the Internet, and a full service Library and Bookstore. BOARD OF TRUSTEES CLERGY Rev. Fr. Robert G. Stephanopoulos, Ph.D, Dean of the Cathedral Rev. Fr. Angelo Gavalas OFFICERS Robert Shaw, President John Stratakis, Vice President George Tsandikos, Vice President Helen Bender, Legal Counsel Dora Vardis Salusbury, Treasurer Elias Frantzis, Assistant Treasurer Aspasia Smith, Secretary Catherine Moutoussis, Assistant Secretary PAST PRESIDENTS Hon. Michael Sotirhos Demetrios Costaras Emanuel Demos Elias Kulukundis MEMBERS Anthony Argyrides Andreas Beroutsos Herbert Butler Marilena Christodoulou Charles Connant Gerassimo Contomichalos Emanuel Demos Dr. Ajax George George Kapetanakos Professor Ioannis Karatzas Nicholas Koutsomitis Alexander Marchessini James Pantelides John Papachristos Adamantia Polemis Ourania Soumas Michael Xylas Dr. Ioannis Zervoudakis EX-OFFICIO Minna Colakis, Philoptochos President Eleni Savvidou, Fellowship President Philoptochos President Minna Colakis Fellowship President Eleni Savvidou Administrator Alex Mastoras Dean of Music Dr. Dino Anagnost Cathedral School Headmaster Mark Barr Afternoon Greek School Elpida Delicari, Principal Cathedral School Board Marilena Christodoulou, Chairman Cathedral School P.T.A. President Nicolas Konialidis Sunday School Supervisor Effie Doscas Butler Cathedral Fellowship Bookstore Charles Connant, Paul Sengakis Cathedral Fellowship Greek Language Classes Andrea Pappas Cathedral Secretaries Anisa Tundo Liza Zaharopoulos Chanters Andreas Kountotsis, John Paterakis Altar Servers Nicholas Lechich, Dimitri Milonis, Captains THE DIVINE LITURGY AT HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL IS BROADCAST LIVE ON TELEVISION AND THE INTERNET EVERY SUNDAY MORNING. TELEVISION: 10:00 a.m. to 12 Noon on ANTENNA SATELLITE NORTH • NEW JERSEY: Channel 77, Sunday Mornings, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. AMERICA and TIME WARNER DIGITAL CHANNEL 509 (NGTV) in • WESTCHESTER COUNTY: Channel 18 (Harrison/Port Chester) and Metropolitan New York and northern New Jersey. Channel 76 (New Rochelle/Pelham) Wednesdays from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. CABLEVISION PUBLIC ACCESS (Taped): INTERNET: Sundays 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon. • LONG ISLAND: Channel 20, Saturday Afternoons, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Holy Days and Special Services (Refer to Website Schedule) • CONNECTICUT: Channel 77 (Greenwich/Westport), Sunday Mornings, Cathedral website at 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America website: 131 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 132 HELLENIC COLLEGE/HOLY CROSS GREEK ORTHODOX SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 50 Goddard Avenue, Brookline, MA 02445 • Tel.: (617) 731-3500 • Fax: (617) 850-1460 Web: • Email: The Most Rev. Dr. Archbishop DEMETRIOS, Ph.D., Th.D., Chairman The Rev. Nicholas C. Triantafilou, President Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology together comprise the higher educational learning center of Greek Orthodox Christianity in America and the Western Hemisphere. Located on a 52-acre campus in Brookline, Massachusetts, Hellenic College and Holy Cross educate leaders— priests and laypersons, men and women—who will embody the values and spirit of Orthodox Christianity, Hellenic culture and professional excellence. The Institution was founded as Holy Cross Theological School in 1937 in Pomfret, Connecticut. Since its establishment, Holy Cross has been the seminary of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, preparing dedicated men for ordination to the holy priesthood. In 1946, the seminary moved to its current site in Brookline. Responding to the emerging needs of the Church, and by virtue of its own academic maturation, Holy Cross expanded its collegiate division in 1967 into a full and distinct four-year liberal arts college known as Hellenic College. Today the faculty and students of the undergraduate and graduate schools continue to form one harmonious community, sharing the same campus and facilities. Both Hellenic College and Holy Cross are coeducational institutions. As an Orthodox Christian college, Hellenic College offers a comprehensive education in the liberal arts and imbues women and men with the values of the Orthodox faith and the Hellenic cultural heritage. Holy Cross is dedicated to the mission of preparing each student to fulfill his or her calling to serve the Church and the community at large. Holy Cross provides its students with a strong foundation in the scriptural, theological, liturgical and historical thought and life of the Orthodox Church. With their strong administrative and academic leadership, Hellenic College and Holy Cross continue to make significant strides in improving the quality of the educational experience for both undergraduate and graduate students. The Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Scholarship, now in its fifth year of existence, provides scholarships to qualified incoming students preparing for the priesthood at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The program is designed to reduce a student s need for educational loans, thus limiting the amount 132 of debt accrued over the several years of study needed for the priesthood. The School continues to expand its use of instructional technology. Faculty use web-based course software programs for the organization and delivery of classroom materials. Two ‘smart classrooms contain state-of-the-art audio, computer and digital equipment. The School s website ( is continually updated in order to maintain a user-friendly and attractive site. Hellenic College is the recipient of a five-year, $2 million grant from the Lilly Endowment Inc. to create a program for the theological exploration of vocation. The new Office of Vocation and Ministry conducts retreats for Hellenic College students; grant opportunities for Hellenic College faculty; CrossRoad, a 10-day summer program for high school students on campus; and mini-grants to Orthodox Christian Fellowship groups nationwide. These programs encourage participants to reflect on future professional goals and life vocations within the context of their Orthodox Christian faith. In addition to improving the educational experience, the School devotes considerable attention to improving its physical plant. The most important and meaningful of recent projects is the extensive refurbishing of Holy Cross Chapel both inside and out. A new marble floor, restored inconostasis, brick paths and ornamental plantings make the Chapel once again the crown jewel of the campus. In an atmosphere of focused commitment and purpose, Hellenic College and Holy Cross address the vital issues that affect today s world for humanity s survival and salvation. The integration of faith, learning and cultural awareness is the essence of the mission entrusted to Hellenic College and Holy Cross by the Church. Both are accredited institutions of higher learning. Hellenic College offers the Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.) in five programs: classics, elementary education, human development, management and leadership, and religious studies. Holy Cross offers graduate programs of study leading to the degrees of Master of Divinity (M.Div.), Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) and Master of Theology (Th.M.). 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 133 HELLENIC COLLEGE/HOLY CROSS GREEK ORTHODOX SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY CORPORATE BOARD AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2004-2006 The Most Rev. Dr. Archbishop DEMETRIOS*, Ph.D., Th.D., Chairman The Rt. Rev. Metropolitan METHODIOS* The Rev. Nicholas C. Triantafilou, President Dr. James C. Alex Andrew A. Athens* James A. Argeros Dr. James P. Argires Robert Badavas Michael G. Cantonis* Harry T. Cavalaris Leo P. Condakes Charles H. Cotros John Dallas Thomas L. Demakes Rev. Andrew Demotses V. Rev. Michael Ellias Rev. James S. Gordon V. Rev. Nicholas T. Graff Dr. Elias P. Gyftopoulos* Rev. Peter Karloutsos Rev. Nicholas E. Katinas Rev. Spencer T. Kezios Arthur G. Koumantzelis Atty. Michael P. Krone Dr. Thomas C. Lelon Dr. Anthony J. Limberakis* Dr. Tania Lingos-Webb Atty. Thomas J. Lykos Dr. Nicolaos E. Madias Emmanuel Milias Atty. George J. Miller V. Rev. Constantine Moralis Rev. James C. Moulketis Rev. Dean N. Paleologos John P. Panagako Dr. Constantine Papadakis Dr. Nicholas M. Patrikalakis Anthony Payiavlas Gus G. Perdikakis Dr. John G. Proakis George P. Sakellaris Mark Stavropoulos Dr. Theoharis Theoharides Rev. Alexander Veronis Dr. Nick S. Vidalakis EX-OFFICIO: Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Clapsis, SOT Dean Dr. Lily Macrakis, College Dean James Karloutsos, COO Charles Kroll, CFO Dr. Lewis J. Patsavos, SOT Faculty Rep. Dr. Ellen Lanzano, College Faculty Rep. Emmanuel N. Papanickolas, Legal Counsel Angelica Vergados, Pres., Volunteer Women Jesse Robinson, Student Government Pres. HOLY CROSS FACULTY The Most Reverend Archbishop DEMETRIOS Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Clapsis, Dean Very Rev. Dr. Joachim Cotsonis Rev. Dr. George Dion Dragas Rev. Dr. Thomas FitzGerald Dr. Evie Zachariades-Holmberg Mr. Photios Ketsetzis Dr. Lewis Patsavos Dr. Philip Mamalakis Dr. James Skedros Rev. Dr. Theodore Stylianopoulos ADJUNCT/PART-TIME: Rev. Nicholas C. Triantafilou Rev. Nifon Abraham Dr. George Bebis Rev. Dr. Alkiviadis Calivas Rev. Andrew Demotses Rev. Nicholas Kastanas Mr. Constantine Limberakis Very Rev. Dr. Gerasimos Makris Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos HELLENIC COLLEGE FACULTY Dr. Lily Macrakis, Dean Dr. Dimitris Alexandrakis Dr. John Chirban Dr. David C. Dorney Dr. Mata Dova Dr. Evie Zachariades-Holmberg Dr. Demetrios Katos Mr. Photios Ketsetzis Dr. Ellen Lanzano Dr. Alice McIntyre Dr. Aristotle Michopoulos Rev. Dr. Eugen Pentiuc Mrs. Kathleen Ryan *Denotes Corporate Board 133 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 134 HELLENIC COLLEGE/HOLY CROSS GREEK ORTHODOX SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY ADJUNCT/PART-TIME: Ms Susan Arida Mrs. Ann Bezzerides Dr. Raymond Bosse Dr. Peter Georgelas Mr. Demetrios Hanzis Ms. Vivi Hatzigiannis Ms. Pauline Hatzikonstantis Dr. Lawrence Horsborgh Mr. Michael Kallas Rev. Nicholas Kastanas Dr. Michael Kisembo Mr. Constantine Limberakis Ms. Carol McCarthy Mrs. Matilda Mitsakos Dr. Helene Perdicoyianni Mrs. Maria Prevelakis Mr. Nick Sarantopoulos Mrs. Kakia Saridou Mr. Marion Simion Mr. Leon Steinmetz Dr. Chris Stribakos ADMINISTRATION The Most Rev. Dr. Archbishop DEMETRIOS, Ph.D., Th.D., Chairman The Rev. Nicholas C. Triantafilou, President Joanna Bakas, Administrator of the President’s Office The Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Clapsis, Dean, Holy Cross Dr. Lily Macrakis, Dean, Hellenic College Nikki Stournaras, Administrator of the Deans’ Offices James Karloutsos, Chief Operating Officer Charles A. Kroll, CPA, Chief Financial Officer The Rev. James S. Katinas, Director, Institutional Advancement The Very Rev. Archimandrite Gerasimos Makris, Director, Student Life DEPARTMENTS ADMISSIONS Sonia A. Daly, Co-Director, Admissions and Records The Rev. James S. Katinas, Co-Director, Admissions and Records ALUMNI Eleni Geanon, Director BOOKSTORE John Papson, Director BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Howard Thomas, Plant Manager EVENTS COORDINATOR Alba Pagan FINANCE Michael Ohmstede, Director FINANCIAL AID George Georgenes, Financial Aid Officer FOOD SERVICES George Economopoulos, Director Carlos Ramos, Assistant Director HOLY CROSS PRESS Tanya Contos, Editorial Manager Herald Gjura, Production Manager HUMAN RESOURCES Amy O Keefe, Human Resources Specialist INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Peter Cox, Director LIBRARY The V. Rev. Dr. Archimandrite Joachim Cotsonis, Director REGISTRAR Alba Pagan SPIRITUAL FORMATION and COUNSELING SERVICES The Rev. Nicholas Krommydas, Co-Director Michael Kallas, Co-Director Consul General of Greece in Boston Konstantinos Bikas, Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania, Archbishop Demetrios and Metropolitan Methodios of Boston with Alex and Faye Spanos, recipients of Honorary Doctor of Humanities Degrees at HC/HC Commencement Exercises. 134 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 135 HELLENIC COLLEGE/HOLY CROSS GREEK ORTHODOX SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Holy Cross School of Theology Class of 2004 (above) and Hellenic College Class of 2004 (below) with Archbishop Demetrios, Archbishop Anastasios, Metropolitan Methodios, Bishop Ilia, Bishop Gerasimos, Bishop Savas, Father Nicholas Triantafilou and Father Emmanuel Clapsis. Archbishop Demetrios and Father Nicholas Triantafilou, President of HC/HC, present Honorary Doctor of Humanities Degrees to Alex and Faye Spanos. 135 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 136 SAINT BASIL ACADEMY 79 Saint Basil Road, Garrison, NY 10524 • Tel.: (845) 424-3500 • Fax: (845) 424-4172 Web: His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Chairman Reverend Father Constantine L. Sitaras, Executive Director Saint Basil Academy is the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese home for children in need. Purchased in 1944 by the National Philoptochos Ladies society, the former Jacob Ruppert estate is nestled among a lush green forest along the Eastern Bank of the Hudson River directly opposite the United States West Point Military Academy, and within an hour s drive from New York City. Serving as a philanthropic center of the Church, the purpose of the Academy is to provide a loving Christian environment, where resident children are nurtured into adulthood. Although children are brought to the Academy for various reasons, the common thread of all the resident children is the inability of a parent or guardian to sufficiently care for them. Operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the Academy serves Orthodox children from all areas of the country including Arizona, Illinois, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. The children are referred to the Academy through parish priests and Philoptochos, and most recently through referrals from departments of social services in Massachusetts and New York. Focusing on the total child, each child s spiritual, emotional and material needs are addressed and provided for in chapel, recreational, and family type settings. Academically the children are strongly encouraged to meet their goals while receiving their formal education from area school systems. The children are fully integrated within their schools. When not in school, the children are the responsibility of the Residential Life Counselors. The Residential program, which is administered by the Residential Life staff, promotes individual growth and development. Within the dormitory type setting, the Residential Life staff is responsible for maintaining discipline, teaching personal hygiene, and teaching responsibility through the assignment of specific chores. Recreationally, activities such as 136 volleyball, baseball, soccer, softball, arts and crafts and cooking are promoted. Overall, the children have a variety of programs to choose from in order for them to find and develop their own creative outlets. The spiritual aspect of the program beautifully enhances all that the children learn at school and at the Academy. After the daily afternoon chapel service there is a catechetical sermonette where the children learn about their faith. Sunday mornings the children sing the entire Divine Liturgy and are able to share the joy as one family. The importance of the Orthodox faith is always accented. That, coupled with the diverse activities and outside schooling, is what allows the children to grow up to be healthy, wholesome, and well-rounded Christian individuals. The Academy is able to provide this safe family environment and home thanks to the generosity and prayers of many of its stewards. Educating, housing, and clothing a single child is quite costly, and the costs are always increasing. Caring for the children, the first and foremost priority, in addition to maintaining over 260 acres and 25 buildings, is a task of tremendous proportion. However, over the years, the generosity of the Ladies Philoptochos, AHEPA, Daughters of Penelope, various church communities, individuals, volunteers and others who have given of their time, talents, finances and love, is what sustains the children s mission. Throughout the course of the past year, hundreds of individuals and many groups have visited. Retreats and often held at are conferences the Academy, including GOYA retreats, Philoptochos retreats, and visits from the Young Adult League, AHEPA and Daughters of Penelope. Saint Basil Academy always has been and will continue to be a safe haven for Orthodox children in need. However, in an effort to accommodate the many visitors, and expanding on the current mission, there are plans for a new Retreat and Conference 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 137 SAINT BASIL ACADEMY Center, which will be a spiritual haven for all Orthodox Christians, young and old. The future is exciting and the potential for ministry is tremendous...all this for the Glory of God and His children. If you would like information about volunteering or if you are considering Saint Basil Academy for your estate plans, please contact the Executive Director. SAINT BASIL ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios Executive Director Rev. Constantine L. Sitaras President Dr. Steven Gounardes Vice President V. Rev. Arch. Constantine Moralis Treasurer Mr. James Youlios Secretary Presv. Margaret Orfanakos MEMBERS Stella Capiris Eve Condakes James Fountas Dr. Nick Germanakos Peter Kakoyiannis William C. Kallinikos Georgia Kaloidis Demi Kapolis Christine Karavites Maria Logus Franklin R. Manios Aspasia Melis Theodora Mokhiber Pauline O Neal Panicos Pananicolaou John Poniros Alex Pritsos Rev. Demetrios Recachinas Georgia Skeadas Joanne Stavrakas Evelyn Tsiadis Kalliope Tsitsipas Dr. Dean Vafiadis Georgia Vlitas Lea Zervoulias (Soupata) The Saint Basil Academy graduates with Archbishop Demetrios, Bishop Dimitrios, Consul Generals Catherine Boura and Martha Mavrommatis, National Philoptochos President Georgia Skeadas, Fr. Constantine Sitaras and Dr. Steven Gounardes. 137 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 138 ST. MICHAEL’S HOME Quality Care for the Elderly 3 Lehman Terrace, Yonkers, N.Y. 10705 • Tel: (914) 476-3374 • Fax: (914) 476-1744 Web: • Email: His Grace Bishop Andonios of Phasiane, Director Anna Kakomanolis, Assistant to the Director Deacon Andrew Cadieux, Case Manager & Operations Coordinator Susan Vrouvakis, Administrative Assistant Pat Patrick, Bookkeeper BOARD OF TRUSTEES His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Honorary Chairman Steven Kyriakos, President Maria Logus, Vice President George Tsandikos, Treasurer Andre Gregory, Assistant Treasurer Demi Brountzas, Secretary Lily Katos, Assistant Secretary MEMBERS Rev. Nicholas Anctil Stella Capiris George Dariotos Nikitas Drakotos Bessie Drogaris Aspasia Melis Pauline O Neal Cornelia Pappas Harry Raptakis Maria Scaros-Mercado Nicholas Tjartjalis Argyris Vassiliou Georgia Vlitas Karlene Williams Saky Yakas The only Greek Orthodox residential adult care home in the United States, St. Michael s Home is licensed by the New York State Department of Health. Opened in 1958, this Archdiocesan institution has provided quality care to countless Greek Orthodox elderly. While most residents are from the Tri-State area (NY, NJ &CT), a growing number are from other areas of the countries and recently individuals have been admitted from CO, IL, FL, MI, and SC. nutritionist, the Home provides residents with assistance with their daily routine, laundry and housekeeping services, a full-time recreation program and 24 hour supervision. Two geriatric specialists and a podiatrist each visit the Home once a week while a psychiatrist, psychologist, audiologist, dermatologist and optometrist visit as needed. In addition, arrangements have been made for procedures such as x-rays, blood tests, EKG s, etc. to be done in-house by visiting technicians. A non-profit entity, St. Michael s has never received subsidies from the Archdiocese or the government but depends on boarding fees and donations to meet its expenses. Last year, close to one-third of the Home s operating budget was covered by contributions and the quality of life; residents would be greatly diminished without these gifts. Applicants must be Greek Orthodox and as per the strict regulations of the Department of Health, all residents must be ambulatory and not require on-going nursing care. Individuals are not required to turn over their assets but submit the monthly boarding fee established by the level of accommodation they have requested. Applicants on SSI are accepted by the Home and each case is individually evaluated (no one will be denied admission because of inability to pay). The facility encompasses private and semiprivate bedrooms for 60 senior citizens (for the last 2 years the Home has been operating at full capacity); a dining room; a magnificent chapel; modern medical facility; recreation room; beauty salon and other accommodations needed for the quality care of its residents. In addition to housing and meals, which are prepared under the supervision of a certified 138 Because of the increased demand for its services and to meet the growing needs of the community, St. Michael s is aggressively pursuing an expansion project which will not only increase its capacity but will also expand the level of care which the facility is presently permitted to offer by the State. 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 139 ST. PHOTIOS GREEK ORTHODOX NATIONAL SHRINE 41 St. George Street • P.O. Box 1960 • St. Augustine, FL 32085 • Tel: (904) 829-8205 • Fax: (904) 829-8707 Web: • Email: Very Rev. Nicholas T. Graff, Executive Director Andrew J. Lekos, Associate Director James Stremanos, Operations Manager The Saint Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine is a living memorial to the first Greek settlers on the American continent and to all the Greek Orthodox pioneers whose love of freedom and desire for a better life for themselves and their children brought them to this New World. The Shrine honors the memory of that first colony of Greeks and all pioneers who followed to establish the communities that now comprise our Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The St. Photios Shrine is the National Shrine of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. It is located in America’s V. Rev. Nicholas Graff, 23rd Pilgrimage oldest city, St. Augusspeaker Bruce Jenner, Philoptochos tine, Florida, and President Georgia Skeadas, and c o n s i s t s Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit of an original building called the Avero House, built in 1749. It was in this building that, with the demise of the New Smyrna Colony in 1777, the remaining colonists gathered and made the Avero House their place for prayer and fellowship. These pioneers comprise the first permanent settlement of Greeks on the continent. The Annual St. Photios National Shrine Pilgrimage is held on the first weekend in February and features Divine Services and the Shrine’s Feastday Luncheon. The Annual Greek Landing Day Celebration is held on the nearest Saturday and ST. PHOTIOS FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Archbishop Demetrios of America, Chairman Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta, President Very Rev. Nicholas Graff, Executive Director Harry Cavalaris, Vice-President (Atlanta) Nicholas Furris, 2nd Vice-President Maria Carantzas, Treasurer (Atlanta) Anthony Megas, Secretary (Atlanta) METROPOLIS REPRESENTATIVES Bill Bisbikos (Detroit) Peter Carantza (Atlanta) Christopher D'Anna (New Jersey) Cina Daskalakis (Atlanta) Rev. James Dokos (Chicago) Andre Gregory (Archdiocese) Dr. Eleni Huszagh (San Francisco) Angelo Koukoulis (Pittsburgh) Aspasia Melis (Archdiocese) Sunday to June 26th. The St. Photios Shrine Archbishop Iakovos Endowment Fund and Enhancement Project will add to the perpetual growth and needs of the St. Photios National Shrine. The Endowment Fund will help maintain the needs of the Shrine, p r o v i d e funding for revitalization, and insure that the National Shrine remains a self-supporting institution of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. The Enhancement Project will improve the decor of the Shrine, as well as the presentations shown within the exhibit rooms to make it an interactive and meanThe magnificent St. Photios Shrine ingful experience in understanding the history and significance of this sacred institution. The St. Photios National Shrine is in historic downtown St. Augustine, at 41 St. George Street. Called “The Jewel of St. George Street,” the St. Photios Chapel should not be missed by any visitor. Communities are encouraged to organize pilgrimages to the National Shrine. The Shrine is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., except for major holidays. The Shrine is a self-supported Archdiocesan Institution, thanks to the generosity of its benefactors and friends. As a service to churches and the general public, the Shrine operates a Gift Shop and the National Shrine Church Supplies Terry Mitchel (Boston) Rev. Paul Pantelis (Boston) Rev. George Pappas (Pittsburgh) George Parandes (Atlanta) Rev. Nicholas Pathenos (Detroit) Harry Plomarity (Denver) Dr. Steve Poulos (Atlanta) Christopher Skenteris (New Jersey) Paul Sogotis (San Francisco) Joanne Stavrakas (Chicago) Rev. Dean Talagan (Denver) Dr. Manuel Tissura (Atlanta) EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Bishop Dimitrios of Xanthos, Archdiocese Coordinator Dr. Anthony Limberakis, Order of St. Andrew Georgia Skeadas, Ladies Philoptochos Society Andrew Athens, United Hellenic American Congress Franklin R. Manios, Order of AHEPA Nicholas Furris, St. John the Divine, Jacksonville Very Rev. Nicholas Graff, St. John the Divine, Jacksonville Tasso Kiriakes, St. Demetrios, Daytona Beach Gary Peterson, Holy Trinity, St. Augustine Rev. George Savas, St. Demetrios, Daytona Beach Rev. Nikitas Theodosion, Chaplain, Holy Trinity, St. Augustine EMERITUS BOARD Archbishop Iakovos, Chairman Emeritus Bishop John of Amorion, President Emeritus Peter Bouras Eula Carlos George Croffead Charles Masterpolis Ted Pappas Honorary Member Ernest Villas 139 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 140 ARCHONS OF THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 • Tel.: (212) 570-3550 • Fax: (212) 774-0214 Web: • Email: Rev. Fr. Alexander Karloutsos - Spiritual Advisor Dina Theodosakis, Administrative Assistant The Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle are laymen of the Archdiocese who have been honored for their outstanding service to the Church by having a Patriarchal title, or offikion, bestowed upon them by His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch. Those upon whom this title of the Byzantine Church has been conferred are known as Archons of the Great Church of Christ, and the titles are personally conferred by the Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the Americas, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios. NATIONAL COUNCIL OFFICERS Anthony J. Limberakis, M.D. National Commander Aktouarios Nicholas J. Bouras National Vice Commander Depoutatos John Halecky, Jr. Secretary Ekdikos James C. Fountas Treasurer Depoutatos Christopher Stratakis Legal Counselor Notarios Christo Daphnides Historian Kastrinsios NATIONAL COUNCIL REGIONAL COMMANDERS John A. Catsimatides, Notarios Constantine G. Caras, Skevophylax Stephen Cherpelis, Dikaiophylax Andreas D. Comodromos, Dikaiophylax Gregory G. Demetrakas, Depoutatos Theodore D. Demetriou, Exarchos Nikitas Drakotos, Depoutatos Steven Gounardes, D.D.S., Hieromnimon George Kaludis, Ph.D., Didaskalos Tou Genous George C. Kiriakopoulos, D.D.S., Aktouarios Spiro J. Macris, D.D.S., Hieromnimon John N. Panas, Depoutatos Steven P. Papadatos, Ostiarios Alexander Pritsos, Hieromnimon George S. Regas, Skevophylax George E. Safiol, Archiophylax James D. Speros, Kastrinsios Hon. Nicholas Tsoucalas, Hartoularios Konstantine L. Vellios, Depoutatos Harry Cavalaris, Charlotte Region George Dariotis, Metropolitan New York Region Harry Demas, Florida Region Theofanis Economidis, California Region Nicholas Gretakis, Virginia Region Peter Kakoyiannis, Esq., New Jersey Region James Kallins, MD, California Region Nicholas Mamalis, MD, Midwest Region Andrew Manatos, Washington, DC Region Charles Marangoudakis, Metropolitan New York Region Harold Peponis, Chicago Region Michael Serko, Upstate New York Region Mark Stavropoulos, Detroit Region Thomas Year out, Esq., Alabama Region Peter Zikos, Pittsburgh Region EMERITUS & HONORARY MEMBERS Chris Philip, D.D.S. Commander Emeritus, Megas Aktouarios †Anthony G. Borden, M.D. Commander Emeritus, Megas Aktouarios Anastasios E. Manessis, Vice Commander Emeritus, Megas Depoutatos Prof. Deno J. Geanakoplos, Historian Emeritus, Didaskalos Tou Genous Andrew A. Athens, Maestor Thomas H. Bartzos, Ekdikos †Mimis Therry, Depoutatos Archbishop Demetrios and Dr. Anthony Limberakis present the 2004 Athenagoras Human Rights Award to Alex and Faye Spanos. 140 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 141 ARCHONS OF THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE A Achilles G. Adamantiades, Prostatis ton Grammaton Nikolas Agathis, Exarchos Frank P. Agnost, Notarios John P. Alevizos, Depoutatos Steve E. Alexander, Jr., Referendarios Steve E. Alexander, Sr., Depoutatos Menelaos A. Aliapoulios, M.D. Aktouarios Tackos Alissandratos, Depoutatos Peter Allan, Ph.D. Aktouarios Alexander G. Anagnos, Depoutatos Dino Anagnost, Exarchos Ernest W. Anast, Kastrinsios Theodore Anastasopoulos, Depoutatos Ernie Anastos, Hieromnimon Louis Anderson, Depoutatos Anthony G. Andrikopoulos, Depoutatos Nick Andriotis, Depoutatos Leon W. Andris, Ostiarios Andrew C. Andron, Depoutatos George J. Aneson, Exarchos Henry Angelo, Jr., Depoutatos John C. Anggelis, Dikaiophylax Constantine A. Anthony, Notarios Arthur C. Anton, Depoutatos Peter Anton, Depoutatos John Antonopoulos, P.E. Hartophylax Gregory N. Apostle, Depoutatos Paul J. Apostolos, Notarios Andrew P. Arbes, Depoutatos George P. Argerakis, D.D.S. Ypomnimatographos James A. Argeros, Notarios James P. Argires, M.D. Aktouarios Tom G. Argires, Depoutatos Jerry C. Argiriadis, Depoutatos Clifford Argue, Eftaxias Thomas A. Argyris, Ekdikos Andrew S. Armatas, Hon. Ekdikos William Aspros, Depoutatos Basil Assimakopoulos, Depoutatos Peter Athans, Skevophylax Andrew A. Athens, Maestor William A. Athens, M.D. Aktouarios B Peter Baganakis, Hartoularios Bob Bakalis, Maestor Demetrios A. Bakalis, Notarios Dean L. Bakes, Eftaxias Andrew T. Banis, Megas Hieromnimon George M. Bapis, Hartoularios Tom Barbatsuly, Hieromnimon Peter J. Barris, Depoutatos John Bartholomew, Hartoularios Thomas H. Bartzos, Ekdikos Monte G. Basbas, Hon. Depoutatos Peter J. Bassett, Ekdikos Borys Bazylevskyi George S. Bebis, Th.D. Didaskalos Tou Evangeliou George Behrakis, Depoutatos Alexander Bellas, Megas Referendarios Angelo N. Berbatis, Ekdikos Steve A. Betzelos, Hartoularios Elias Betzios, Depoutatos Michael Bilirakis, Hon. Notarios John A. Billinis, Depoutatos Nicolaos P. Bissias, Depoutatos George Bithos, Exarchos Charles G. Bochanis, Depoutatos Theodore Bogdanos, Hartoularios Demetrios Boulafendis, Aktouarios Nicholas J. Bouras, Depoutatos Peter E. Bouras, Skevophylax Efstathios L. Bourodimos, Ph.D. Notarios William Boykas, Architekton Haralambos Bozonelos, Eftaxias John Brademas, M.D. Megas Hartophylax Alex R. Breno, Ekdikos John G. Broumas, Depoutatos Chris Brous, Architekton George P. Brown, Exarchos Emil Bzdil, Depoutatos C Paul Calamaras, Exarchos Thomas Calamaras, Depoutatos Peter G. Calomiris, Lambadarios Tykye Camaras, Lambadarios Tasso E. Camarinos, Dikaiophylax Carl Cantonis Primikirios George M. Cantonis, Exarchos Michael G. Cantonis, Hieromnimon Thomas S. Cappas, Nomophylax Spiro G. Cappony, Hartoularios Chris Caras, Hartoularios Constantine C. Caras, Skevophylax Gregory Caras, Dikaiophylax Nicholas L. Carayannopoulos, Prostatis Michael L. Carousis, Depoutatos Constantine N. Cassis, Depoutatos Diamantis J. Cassis, Notarios Nicholas Catranis, Ostiarios John A. Catsimatidis, Notarios Harry T. Cavalaris, Ekdikos James T. Cavalaris, Depoutatos Constantine P. Cavarnos, Ph.D. Depoutatos Peter W. C. Cayias, Depoutatos George Chacopoulos, Diermineus Gus Chafoulias, Hieromnimon Arthur N. Chagaris, Notarios John Chamis, Depoutatos Anthony Frederick Chapekis, Dikaiophylax Thomas L. Chase, Depoutatos Angelos T. Chatas, Ekdikos Nicholas Chatzopoulos, Aktouarios Gus Cherevas, Kastrinsios Peter Chergotis Jr., Depoutatos Stephen Cherpelis, Dikaiophylax George Chimples, Megas Primikirios Evan Alevizatos Chriss, Depoutatos George Christakis, M.D. Aktouarios George Christopher, Megas ProtoNotarios Philip Christopher, Lambadarios Peter J. Christopoulos, Primikirios Nick D. Christy, Depoutatos George Chryssis, Orphanotrophos Andrew Chudanic, Notarios Gerald Clonaris, Depoutatos Frank Cockinos, Architekton Gustav Coffinas, Megas Notarios Nicholas Coffinas, Hon. Megas Dikaiophylax Vaseleos S. Colevas, Depoutatos George A. Collias, Depoutatos John S. Collis, M.D. Aktouarios Andreas D. Comodromos, Dikaiophylax George P. Condakes, Megas Notarios James P. Condakes, Depoutatos Leo P. Condakes, Depoutatos Sam Constant, Orphanotrofos Alexander A. Constantaras, M.D. Nomophylax Peter G. Constantine, Depoutatos Platon Constantinides, Ekdikos Demetrios Contos, Exarchos Dale Cosgrove, Laosynaktis Jerry A. Costacos, Exarchos Demetrios Costaras, Prof. Notarios Steve J. Costas, Depoutatos Andreas Costea, Depoutatos Costas Costidis, Ipomnimon Charles, H. Cotros, Laosynaktis Peter Couchell, Hartoularios George Coumantaros, Megas Skevophylax James S. Counelis, Ph.D. Hartoularios Nicholas J. Coussoulis, Depoutatos Theodore Critikos, Maestor George S. Croffead, M.D. Aktouarios D George F. Dalianis, D.P.M. Aktouarios Thomas Dallas, Hartophylax James P. Danalis, Exarchos Vassilios T. Daniels, Megas Depoutatos George Danis, Hartoularios Christos Daphnides, Kastrinsios George Dariotis, Ostiarios Lycurgos M. Davey, Aktouarios Milton Davis, Depoutatos James Demakas, Depoutatos 141 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 142 ARCHONS OF THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE Christos P. Demakes, Exarchos Louis F. Demakes, Depoutatos Thomas H. Demakes, Kastrinsios Peter Demakos, Depoutatos Harry Demas, Aktouarios George Demchenko, Megas Referendarios Thomas D. Demery, Depoutatos George P. Demeter, Depoutatos Harry Demeter Jr., Hon. Megas Depoutatos Gregory G. Demetrakas, Depoutatos Peter G. Demetriades, Skevophylax Michael Demetriou, Nomophylax Kyriakos Demetriou, Depoutatos Theodore D. Demetriou, Exarchos John W. Demetropoulos, Kastrinsios Angelo P. Demos, Ekdikos Emanuel G. Demos, Primikirios George T. Demos, M.D. Aktouarios John Demourkas, Ostiarios John N. Deoudes, Depoutatos Anthony S. Diavatis, Exarchos Dennis K. Dickos, M.D. Aktouarios James Dimitriou, Laosynaktis James Dimitriou, Notarios Peter M. Dion, Depoutatos Chris Dionis, Depoutatos John H. Douglas, Exarchos Robert Doumakes, Depoutatos Peter N. Dourdas, Hartophylax George M. Dovellos, Depoutatos Peter Dragadzes, Megas Referendarios Jeremiah A. Drake, Didaskalos Tou Genous Nikitas Drakotos, Depoutatos Arthur G. Dukakis, Exarchos Thomas Dushas, Depoutatos David M. Dutko, Primikirios Aristides Duzoglou, Maestor E Andrew C. Economides, Depoutatos Theofanis V. Economidis, Ekdikos James Economou, Horarchis Johnny Economy, Megas Hieromnimon Victor J. Economy, Hypomnimatographos Anthony Economys, Ipomnimatografos Peter E. Ellis, Depoutatos Antonios Emmanouilidis, Primikirios Andrew Evangelatos, Nomophylax F George Fallis, Depoutatos Nikolai Fartuch, Kastrinsios Christopher Fekos, Ekdikos Gust Feles, Depoutatos Emmanuel Fellouzis, Exarchos Jerry G. Felos, Depoutatos Sam Felos, Hartoularios 142 George K. Filippakis, Hagiografos Orestis D. Finale, M.D. Kastrinsios Frank Finui, Hartophylax Michael Firilas, Depoutatos Peter N. Fisfis, Depoutatos James C. Fountas, Depoutatos Charles C. Fourkas, Exarchos Basil C. Foussianes, Megas Ekdikos Kenneth Frangadakis, Ostiarios Leo Frangis, Kastrinsios Eustace Frederick, Maestor Emmanuel Fthenakis, Exarchos G George P. Gabriel, Depoutatos Michael Gabriel, M.D. Aktouarios Nicholas Gage, Didaskalos Tou Genous Louis A. Gaitanis, Nomophylax John W. Galanis, Notarios Nicholas Galifianakis, Depoutatos Alvin C. Galloway, Depoutatos Isidoros Garifalakis, Depoutatos Peter C. Gazes, M.D. Aktouarios Deno J. Geanakoplos, Ph.D. Didaskalos Tou Genous Anastasius J. Georgalas, Ekdikos John W. Georgas, Hartophylax James P. George, Ekdikos Theodore George, Depoutatos Charles M. Georgeson, Megas Dikaiophylax Stephen P. Georgeson, Ekdikos Cosmas S. Georgilakis, Depoutatos Photios Gerasopoulos, Exarchos Larry R. Gess Ph.D. Notarios Manny A. Gianakakos, Depoutatos Alec K. Gianaras, Depoutatos Alexander Giannaras, Laosynaktis John Gidicsin, Hartoularios John Gikas, Depoutatos Lee Gounardes, Kastrinsios Steven Gounardes, D.D.S. Hieromnimon Michael C. Govostis, M.D. Aktouarios Angelo Gregos, Exarchos Nicholas E. Gretakis, Ekdikos George H. Grigos, Maestor Gary Grysiak, Aktouarios Michael Gurlides, Depoutatos H John Halecky Jr., Ekdikos Michael Halikias, Exarchos Stephen E. Hall, Patriarchal Interpreter Ron Harb, Depoutatos George Hardy, Aktouarios John Haretakis, Depoutatos Antoine C. Harovas, M.D. Aktouarios Nicholas S. Hetos, D.D.S. Depoutatos Marinos D. Hionis, M.D. Aktouarios Peter Holdanick, Ostiarios John Charles Hrapchak, Ekdikos George Husar, Hieromnimon William A. Hunter, M.D. Hartoularios I Constantine Ioannou, Notarios Stratos Inglesis, Depoutatos J Michael Jaharis Jr, Exarchos Gus J. James II, Skevophylax John Johns, Dikaeophylax Michael S. Johnson, Depoutatos Theodore S. Johnson, Depoutatos Chris Jouflas, Kastrinsios K Anastasios M. Kaklamanos, Depoutatos Peter Kakoyiannis, Nomophylax George Kalambokis, Depoutatos Harry Kalas, Kastrinsios Nicholas Kalinin, Maestor John A. Kalinoglou, Aktouarios Nicholas G. Kallas, Depoutatos Michael Kalleres, Vice-Adm. Exarchos P. James G. Kallins, Exarchos Dimitrios Kaloidis, Hartoularios Basil Kaloyanides, Depoutatos George Kaludis, Didaskalos Tou Genous Christ J. Kamages, Architekton Dean C. Kamaras, Architekton Andrew G. Kampiziones, Depoutatos Constantine P. Kanakis, Notarios Thomas Kanelos, Depoutatos John A. Kapioltas, Hartoularios George Kappos, Maestor Pete Kappos, Ostarios Chris Karafotias, Ekdikos Demetri Karagias, Aktouarios George Karagias, Exarchos Peter Karagines, Maestor Ignatius P. Karatassos, Depoutatos Peter Karavites, Notarios Andrew Kartalis, Hieromnimon Peter N. Kartanos, Depoutatos Stamati Kartolopoulos, Exarchos John V. Kassimatis, Depoutatos Michael J. Katos, Depoutatos Stephen Katos, Notarios George Katsarides, Depoutatos Constantine N. Katsoris, Prof. Ekdikos John P. Kavooras, Ekdikos Theodore G. Kays, Eftaxias George J. Kevgas, Depoutatos Stothe P. Kezios Ph.D. P.E., Ipomnimatografos Peter T. Kikis, Maestor Louis A. Kircos, Orfanotrofos 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 143 ARCHONS OF THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE George C. Kiriakopoulos, D.D.S. Aktouarios George S. Kleris, M.D. Protonotarios George P. Kokalis, Depoutatos George Kokkinakis, Depoutatos John S. Kokonos, Ekdikos Ernest T. Kolendrianos, M.D. Aktouarios Harry Kolendrianos, Notarios Thomas Koliopoulos, Depoutatos George M. Kondos, Eftaxias Nicholas D. Konides, Exarchos John K. Kontinos, Depoutatos George J. Kontogiannis, Eftaxias Emmanuel Kontokosta, Depoutatos Evris Kontos, Aktouarios George N. Kontos, Depoutatos Andrew T. Kopan, Ph.D. Didaskalos Tou Genous George J. Korkos, M.D. Aktouarios Tom C. Korologos, Ekdikos George H. Kossaras, Ostiarios Christos Kossovitsas, Kastrinsios John Kost, Depoutatos George J. Kostas, Myrepsos Peter E. Kostorizos, Exarchos Charles H. Kotseas, Depoutatos Notis Kotsolios, Ostiarios Theodore Kotsovolos, Notarios George Koukounaris, Ostarios George Koudelis, Hon. Ekdikos Angelo C. Koukoulis, Hartophylax Arthur G. Koumantzelis, Depoutatos John A. Koumoulides, Ph.D. Hartophylax Peter T. Kourides, Megas Nomophylax Peter Kourmolis, Exarchos Michael Kousaleos, Depoutatos Dimitrios G. Kousoulas, Prof. Depoutatos Gus Kramis, Depoutatos Christ G. Kraras, Aktouarios Gust C. Kraras, Depoutatos Thomas Kress, Notarios Dino A. Kristakis, Ipomnimatografos John Kritikos, Depoutatos Michael P. Krone, Dikaiophylax Lucas Ktistakis, Capt. Exarchos Frank L. Kuchuris, Depoutatos Elias J. Kulukundis, Referendarios Michael Kunart, Orphanotrophos John E. Kusturiss, Depoutatos Michael E. Kusturiss Sr., Hieromnimon Andreas C. Kyprianides, Nomophylax Steven Kyriakos, Ostiarios Gus Kyrkostas, Kastrinsios Socrates Kyritsis, Hartoularios Peter N. Kyros, Depoutatos Thomas C. Kyrus, Depoutatos Georgios C. Kyvernitis, Notarios L Constantine G. Lacas, Depoutatos Constantine P. Ladopoulos, M.D. Aktouarios Peter G. Lagen, Hartoularios Michael S. Lagos, Depoutatos Ilias J. Lalaounis, Exarchos James M. Lalikos, Depoutatos Louis Lambran, Depoutatos Vasilios S. Lambros, M.D. Aktouarios Constantine P. Lantz, Hon. Ekdikos Constantine Lapaseotis, Depoutatos Nicholas R. Larigakis, Hartoularios Demetrios N. Laskaris, Ostiarios Peter C. Latsis, Depoutatos George K. Lavas, Depoutatos Thomas C. Lelon, Notarios James P. Lemonias, Skevophylax George G. Lendaris, M.D. Hartoularios Emanuel Leventelis, Depoutatos George N. Liacopoulos, Prof. Hartophylax John L. Liadis, Depoutatos Paul Lillios, Protekdikos T. Peter Limber, Notarios Anthony J. Limberakis, M.D. Aktouarios Cary J. Limberakis, Aktouarios Dean Limberakis, Primikirios John Lingas, M.D. Aktouarios George Liolis, Depoutatos Steve K. Lioumis, Hartoularios George J. Litras, Depoutatos Spiros P. Livanis, Depoutatos Emanuel N. Logothetis, Depoutatos James G. Logothetis, Kastrinsios James Lolos, Depoutatos Jerry O. Lorant, Hartophylax Costas T. Los, Exarchos Nicos C. Los, Depoutatos Nicholas G. Loutsion, VMD, Aktouarios Nicholas A. Lyras, Ekdikos M Alexander R. Mackiewicz, Hieromnimon Nicholas B. Macris, Depoutatos Spiro J. Macris, D.D.S. Hieromnimon Harry Magafan, Depoutatos James J. Mahos, Lambadarios Angelos Maintanis, Ekdikos John Malatras, Notarios Chris C. Maletis Jr., Primikirios Louis G. Malevitis, Hartophylax Athanasios Mallios, Aktouarios John Mallios, Depoutatos Nicholas Mamalakis, Megas Hieromnimon Nicholas D. Mamalis, M.D. Aktouarios James Mammas, Depoutatos Andrew E. Manatos, Depoutatos John N. Mandalakas, Depoutatos Louis Manesiotis, Megas Ipomnimatografos Anastasios E. Manessis, Megas Depoutatos Charles Mangos, Depoutatos James Maniatis, D.D.S. Ekdikos John D. Maniatis, Depoutatos Peter D. Maniatis, Ekdikos Timothy J. Maniatis, Exarchos Paul G. Manolis, Megas Ipomnimatografos John S. Manos, Depoutatos Leonidas Manta, Depoutatos Steve Manta, Laosynaktis Mark F. Manta, Depoutatos Samuel C. Maragos, Notarios Charles Marangoudakis, Kastrinsios Zachary Marantis, Depoutatos George M. Marcus, Exarchos Pat Margas, Depoutatos William Marianes, Exarchos Gustus Marinakis, Depoutatos Leon Marinakos, Exarchos Peter J.G. Maris, M.D. Aktouarios William G. Markos, Depoutatos John L. Marks, Depoutatos Charles T. Masterpolis, Depoutatos George V. Matthews, Aktouarios Ron G. Matthews, Hartophylax John M. Mavroudis, Notarios Nicholas Mavroules, Cong. Depoutatos Dennis Mehiel, Orfanotrofos John Mehos, Kastrinsios Stavros Meimaridis, M.D. Ekdikos Michael G. Melas, M.D. Aktouarios Nicholas J. Melas, Hon. Ekdikos Charles Mellonas, Depoutatos John Mendros, M.D. Aktouarios Julius D. Metrakos, Depoutatos James M. Mezilson, Notarios Michael W. Miaoulis, Notarios Louis J. Michaelos, M.D. Aktouarios Nicholas Mihalios, Notarios Louis Mihalko III, Hartoularios Orestes J. Mihaly, Nomophylax George Mihos, Depoutatos Emmanuel Milias, Depoutatos Spiros Milonas, Depoutatos Christos G. Miliotes, Hartophylax E. Peter T. Mitchell, Depoutatos Jack T. Mitsakopoulos, Exarchos Nicholas C. Moraitakis, Hieromnimon James W. Morris, Exarchos John Moscahlaidis, Depoutatos Theodoros Moschokarfis, Hieromnimon Demitrios M. Moschos, Dikaiophylax James H. Moshovitis, Depoutatos 143 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 144 ARCHONS OF THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE Harry Moskos, Depoutatos Eleftherios Moussas, Ostiarios Chris J. Moutos, Lambadarios Bert W. Moyar, Hartoularios Daniel John Mucisko, Depoutatos N Sam Nakis, Exarchos Steven Naltsas, Aktouarios James S. Nicholas, Kastrinsios Anthony A. Nichols, Notarios George Nichols, Notarios George Nicolaides, Depoutatos Stratton J. Nicolaides, Depoutatos Louis Nicozisis, Primikirios Gregory Nodaros, Orphanotrophos Peter V. Nychis, Prof. Notarios O William Jesse Oldham, Laosynakte William H. Oldknow, Depoutatos George Omiros, Orphanotrophos P Michael H. Pahos, Ekdikos Themis Pailas, Depoutatos Peter H. Paleologos, Ekdikos Thomas Pallad, Hartophylax Gus S. Pallios, Depoutatos James Pamel, Exarchos Victor A. Panagos, Architekton Dinos N. Panas, Hartoularios George N. Panas, Depoutatos John N. Panas, Depoutatos Christos Panopoulos, Orphanotrophos Nickolas J. Pantazes, Dikaiophylax Constantine Papadakis, Didaskalos Tou Genous Nicholas Papadakos, Hon. Ekdikos Steven P. Papadatos, Ostiarios Stavros S. Papadopulos, Aktouarios Gregory Papalexis, Exarchos Foti Papamichael, Depoutatos Louis J. Papan, Hon. Ekdikos Panayiotis Papanicolaou, Laosynactis Nikos S. Papathanasiou, Primikirios Christos Papoutsy, Depoutatos John Pappajohn, Laosynaktis Louis D. Pappan, Depoutatos Angelo L. Pappas, Depoutatos Christopher J.Pappas, Maestor Constantine Pappas, Architekton George M. Pappas, Exarchos Gus F. Pappas, Maestor Harry J. Pappas, Referendarios Harry L. Pappas, Lambadarios Icarus N. Pappas, Notarios John N. Pappas, Depoutatos John T. Pappas, Primikirios Peter G. Pappas, Exarchos Peter J. Pappas, Exarchos 144 Stephen Pappas, Depoutatos Stephen G. Pappas, M.D. Akouarios Ted P. Pappas, Depoutatos Theodore Pappas, Exarchos T. Peter Pappas, Exarchos William C. Pappas, Hartophylax Jean P. Papps, M.D. Aktouarios Nicholas L. Papson, Nomophylax George Parandes, Ekdikos George E. Paraskevaides O.B.E., Notarios Joseph Parimucha, Orphanotrophos Michael F. Parlamis, Nomophylax John Paterakis, Exarchos John Patronik John G. Patronis, Depoutatos Jimmy T. Patronis, Exarchos Solon P. Patterson, Skevophylax Dr. Peter V. Paulus, Megas Hartophylax Emmanuel Pavlakis, Exarchos Paul Pavlides, Nomophylax Steve Pavlis, Depoutatos John A. Payiavlas, Depoutatos Stephen Pendias, Megas Notarios Harold A. Peponis, Depoutatos Gus G. Perdikakis, Depoutatos Pantelis Perdikaris, Depoutatos Constantine A. Pereos, Hartoularios John Perros, Depoutatos Chris Peters, Notarios Harry M. Petrakis, Notarios Marinos A. Petratos, M.D. Aktouarios Nicholas C. Petris, Hon. Depoutatos Nikos A. Pharasles, Hieromnimon Chris Philip, D.D.S. Megas Aktouarios Nicholas J. Philopoulos, Depoutatos Basil J. Photos, M.D. Aktouarios Paul K. Pialtos, Depoutatos Emanuel Pihakis, Maestor James W. Pihos, Skevophylax James J. Pitchell, Exarchos Nicholas G. Pituras, D.D.S. Hartoularios William Planes, Notarios Eustace T. Pliakas, Nomophylax Harry G. Plomarity, Ekdikos John G. Plumides, Megas Notarios John Poles, Ipomnimon Constantine V. Politis, Referendarios James A. Poll, Hieromnimon George Possas, Depoutatos Charles L. Poulos, Depoutatos Nicholas Poulos, Exarchos Paul P. Poulos, Primikirios Steve Poulos, Ekdikos Peter E. Preovolos, Hartophylax Alexander Pritsos, Hieromnimon Samson J. Procopion, Depoutatos Theodore O. Prounis, Depoutatos Dimitrios Psaltos, Notarios Gus P. Psaras, Depoutatos Konstantinos Pylarinos, Hagiographos R Spiros G. Raftis, Skevophylax John C. Rakkou, Depoutatos Lee Rallis, Ostiarios Gerry Ranglas, Depoutatos John G. Rangos Sr., Exarchos Harry Raptakis, Exarchos George S. Raptis, Lambadarios Stephen J. Redding, Hieromnimon George S. Regas, Skevophylax James A. Regas, Depoutatos Jerry Renesis, Hypomnimatographos Michael Ristvey Jr., Nomophylax Constantine Rizopoulos, Didaskalos Tou Genous Pericles Rizopoulos, Aktouarios Stephen Rockson, Depoutatos Eugene T. Rossides, Ekdikos Louis J. Roussalis, M.D. Aktouarios Demetrios Roussodimos, Depoutatos Nicholas Royce, Depoutatos William Rummel, Notarios S George E. Safiol, Archiophylax Nicholas Sakellaridis, Dikaeophylax John S. Sakellaris, Hartophylax Costas Sarantopoulos, M.D. Aktouarios Paul S. Sarbanes, Hon. Megas Logothetis Anthony Saris, Aktouarios John C. Sarkioglou, Exarchos Frank Sarris, Laosynaktis Nicholas C. Sarris, Maestor Michael C. Savvides, Exarchos William M. Scaljon, M.D. Aktouarios Steven G. Scarvelis, Exarchos John Schwika, Ekdikos James S. Scofield, Megas Ekdikos Stephen S. Scopas, Hartoularios John H. Secaras, Depoutatos Edward Sedor, Ostiarios Michael Serko, Jr., Mousikodidaskalos Robert John Serko, Depoutatos Chris T. Seraphim, Hon. Megas Protonotarios James P. Sfarnas, Depoutatos James Shenas, Depoutatos Harry G. Siafaris, Depoutatos George Siamboulis, Ostiarios Lambros Siderides, M.D. Aktouarios Michael S. Sideris, M.D. Aktouarios Peter Silis, Ekdikos Louis Sinopulos, Primikirios John E. Skandalakis, M.D. Megas Aktouarios Peter J. Skeadas, Hieromnimon Constantine J.Skedros, Depoutatos Robert Sklaris, Notarios George Skoufis, Diermeneus 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 145 ARCHONS OF THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE George Andrew Smisko, Maestor Michael Andrew Smisko, Aktouarios Nicholas Smyrnis, Ekdikos Aris M. Sophocles, M.D. Aktouarios Michael S. Sophocles, Ekdikos Charles Sosangelis, Notarios George A. Sotir, Depoutatos Michael Sotirhos, Hon. Depoutatos George Souvall, Depoutatos Alex Spanos, Depoutatos Dean Spanos, Maestor John J. Spanos, Depoutatos Michael Spanos, Depoutatos George Speal, Depoutatos Raymond E. Speicher, Notarios James D. Speros, Kastrinsios Andrew M. Spheeris, Ekdikos Arthur G. Spirou, Depoutatos Angelo Stamis, Hartoularios Constantine Stamis, Megas Depoutatos James J. Stamos, Depoutatos Angelo A. Stamoulis, Notarios Ernest P. Stassou, Depoutatos Aristidis Stavrakis, Eftaxias Peter Stavrianidis, Aktouarios Gus Stavropoulos, Depoutatos Mark D. Stavropoulos, Referendarios Peter G. Stavropoulos, Depoutatos Nick K. Stavros, Depoutatos Stanley Stavros, Aktouarios Andreas Stavrou, Dikaiophylax Nicholas Stecopoulos, Depoutatos Anthony Stefanis, Hieromnimon Athanasios Stefanopoulos, Depoutatos Michael L. Stefanos, Lambadarios George R. Stephanopoulos, Megas Nomophylax Angelo G. Stoulis, Depoutatos Christos Stratakis, Notarios Nicholas M. Stratas, Depoutatos John Stratoudakis, Megas Ostiarios George L. Strike, Depoutatos William Sutzko T Arthur P. Takes, Notarios Peter Tamaras, Aktouarios George S. Tavlas, Ekdikos Constantine Tchakanakis, Notarios George Tenet, Exarchos William Tenet, Primikirios Steve Terris, Depoutatos Nick A. Theodore, Depoutatos Ted J. Theodore, Didaskalos Tou Genous Basilios Theodosakis, Depoutatos Steve P. Theofilos, Megas Hieromnimon Theoharis Theoharides, M.D. Heiromnimon Patrick N. Theros, Referendarios Spero Theros, Ostiarios Gregory A. Thomas, Hartoularios James Thomas, Hieromnimon James G. Thomas, Depoutatos Ernie Tiboris, Ostarios Ernest Tidick, Aktouarios Manuel N. Tissura, D.D.S. Ekdikos George Tita, Hartoularios Chris P. Tomaras, Eftaxios Sirio Tonelli, Exarchos George Toumpouras, Depoutatos Peter Toutoulis, Exarchos Andreas Touzos, Ostiarios William G. Tragos, Depoutatos Costas N. Trataros, Notarios Nicholas Trataros, Depoutatos Zenon N. Trivelis, Exarchos Chris Tsaganis, Depoutatos Theodore Tsagaris, Depoutatos James Tsairis, Exarchos Harry Tsakalos, Exarchos Angelo K. Tsakopoulos, Ekdikos George S. Tsandikos, Hartoularios Ernest N. Tsaptsinos, Ostarios Sava Tshontikidis, Hypomnematografos Nicholas M. Tsiames, Depoutatos Angelo L. Tsiantis, Ekdikos Demetrios Tsintolas, Depoutatos Nicholas Tsirilakis, M.D. Aktouarios Savas Tsivicos, Kastrinsios Nicholas Tsoucalas, Hon. Hartoularios Elias N. Tsoukas, M.D. Aktouarios James G. Tsunis, Depoutatos Manuel Tzagournis, M.D. Aktouarios Haralambos D. Tzanetatos, Exarchos Andreas Tzakis, Notarios George Tzikas, Depoutatos Nicholas A. Tzimas, M.D. Aktouarios V Dean Vafiadis, D.D.S. Hieromnimon Sotirios J. Vahaviolos, Hartoularios George Varouh, Depoutatos Nikiforos Valaskantjis, Depoutatos Anthony Vasilas, M.D. Aktouarios Emmanuel E. Velivasakis, Eftaxias Konstantine L. Vellios, Depoutatos Peter Venetis, Ekdikos Nicholas J. Vergados, Hon. Depoutatos George J. Veras, Maestor Angelo Verghitsis, Primikirios Dimitri Ververelli, Depoutatos George Ververides, Depoutatos Nicholas Vidalakis, Hartoularios Emmanuel Vihos, Depoutatos Ernest A. Villas, Notarios Louis Vlahantones, Notarios John B. Vlahos, Nomophylax Peter Vlachos, Ostiarios Elmer B. Vogelpohl, Jr., M.D. Aktouarios Thomas Vlahos, Aktouarios John P. Volandes, Hartophylax Louis A. Vose, Referendarios Nicholas Vourlas, Ostiarios Harry C. Vournas, Hartoularios George P. Vourvoulias, Jr., Primikirios George Voutiritsas, Depoutatos Bill J. Vranas, Notarios Gus Vratsinas, Ostarios W Michael Wesko, Notrarios X Anargyros Xepapas, Ekdikos Basil P. Xeros, Depoutatos Y Basil Yanakakis, Ipomnimatografos Steven G. Yatrousis, Exarchos George T. Yearout, Ekdikos Stephen G. Yeonas, Ostiarios Nickas J. Yiannias, Depoutatos James Youlios, Depoutatos Constantine Youssis, Depoutatos Z William Zacharellis, Protopsaltis Stamos Zades, Prof. Depoutatos Thomas P. Zaferes, Depoutatos Louis D. Zakas, Referendarios Cleo N. Zambetis, Megas Referendarios James E. Zambounis, Notarios Theodore J. Zaravinos, M.D. Aktouarios James Zathas, Notarios John Zavitsanos, Ekdikos Peter D. Zavitsanos, Ph.D. Kastrinsios George Zazanis, Aktouarios Nicholas Zervas, M.D. Ostiarios Tikey A. Zes, Ph.D. Lambadarios Peter Zikos, Aktourarios Demetrius C. Zonars, Maestor Peter C. Zourdos, Lambadarios Dimitrios Zygouris, Proto Notarios Archons honor Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. 145 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 146 ARCHDIOCESAN PRESBYTERS COUNCIL 467 Grandview Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 • Tel: (201) 652-4774 • Fax: (201) 652-0789 Web: • Email: The Archdiocesan Presbyters Council issues such as seeks to support, enhance, and proliturgical concerns, continuing educamote the brotherhood of our priests on tion, moral issues, family and celibate all levels of their diakonia, spiritual life, ministry and mission, and clergy growth, and personal needs. benefits. Priests nationwide may keep Established in 1970 as the National abreast of current events through the Presbyters Council with the expressed web-site and the APC publication, The purpose of receiving counsel from and Presbyter. The APC organizes and sponoffering counsel to the Archbishop concernsors the National Clergy Retreat which is ing priestly issues, the current APC continues to held biennially on the off-year of the Clergy-Laity work closely with His Eminence, the Synod of Congress. A Benevolent Fund has been established Bishops and the Chancellor of the Archdiocese in to assist a brother priest, a sister presvytera, or a addressing the concerns of our dedicated clergy. clergy family in time of extreme need. The fund is adEach Metropolitan Clergy Syndesmos is represented ministered jointly by the APC and the National by two members of the clergy who are elected for a Sisterhood of Presvyteres and requests for assistwo year term, which commences with and concludes tance may be made to the President of either at the Archdiocese Clergy-Laity Congress. The Coun- organization. The Council has drafted a plan for a cil extends its function through the appoinment of national clergy education program which it hopes to standing committees, which deals with clergy initiate at the Clergy-Laity Congress. OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE BOARD Rev. Fr. James C. Moulketis, President Rev. Archimandrite Timothy G. Bakakos, Vice President Rev. Fr. Paul A. Kaplanis, Secretary Rev. Fr. William M. Christ, Treasurer Atlanta: Rev. Fr. Paul A. Kaplanis, Rev. Fr. Christopher T. Metropulos Boston: Rev. Fr. Kyriakos V. Saravelas, Rev. Fr. Andrew H. Mahalares Chicago: Rev. Archimandrite Timothy G. Bakakos, Rev. Fr. John N. Kalomas Denver: Rev. Fr. Jordan Brown, Rev. Fr. William M. Christ Detroit: Rev. Fr. Athanasios Michalos, Rev. Fr. Nicholas Pathenos, New Jersey: Rev. Fr. Christopher Constantinides, Rev. Fr. James C. Moulketis New York: Rev. Fr. Emmanuel J. Gratsias, Rev. Archimandrite Eugene N. Pappas Pittsburgh: Rev. Fr. Costas Keares, Rev. Fr. Demetrius G. Nicoloudakis San Francisco: Rev. Fr. Theodore Dorrance, Rev. Fr. Steven P. Tschilis 146 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 147 LADIES PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY 345 E. 74th Street, New York, NY 10021-3701 • Tel: (212) 744-4390 • Fax: (212) 861-1956 Web: • Email: His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Chairman Georgia Skeadas, National President Helen Lavorata, Director The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc., as the philanthropic heart of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, has for more than seventy years undertaken a multitude of philanthropic programs to aid the poor, the sick, and the elderly. The Society was established in November 1931, by the late Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I, who was then serving as Archbishop of North and South America. The structure of Philoptochos includes the National Board, Metropolis Boards and Chapters in the parishes of the Archdiocese. There are approximately 475 Philoptochos chapters throughout the United States. The mission of Philoptochos is: • To aid the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, the victims of disasters, to undertake the burial of impoverished persons and to offer assistance to anyone who may need the help of the Church through fund raising efforts; and • To promote charitable, benevolent and philanthropic purposes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, through instructional programs, presentations, lectures, seminars and other educational resources; and • To preserve and perpetuate Orthodox Christian concepts and the Orthodox Christian Family, and through them, to promote the Greek Orthodox Faith and traditions, in accordance with its doctrines, canons, discipline, divine worship, usages and customs; and • To promote participation in the activities of the Greek Orthodox community, with the cooperation of the Parish Priest and the Parish Council. The charitable work of the Society shall be performed with discretion, courtesy and kindness. NATIONAL PROGRAMS AND COMMITMENTS OF THE PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY Academy of Saint Basil In March 1944, then Archbishop Athenagoras requested Philoptochos to purchase the beautiful 250-acre estate of Jacob Ruppert in Garrison, NY, which is located on the shores of the Hudson River, directly opposite the U.S. Military Academy of West Point. With the purchase of this estate, the Philoptochos had the enormous task of completely renovating the property, which included several buildings, the main administration building, a residence for the Director, classrooms and dormitories, a reception hall and building a Chapel. Today, the Philoptochos continues to be one of the main financial supporters of the Academy through four programs: Vasilopita: This event is conducted during the month of January across the United States by every Chapter in every parish. It is the main source of funding for the operating expenses of the Academy. Sisterhood: This program provides for the ongoing needs of the children of the Academy, such as clothing, furniture, equipment and essentials for the dormitories, kitchen, etc. Shown with Nane Annan, wife of Kofi Annan, UN General Secretary, Keynote speaker at the Philoptochos Clergy-Laity Banquet are Froso Beys, Vice President, Paulette Poulos, longtime assistant of Archbishop Iakovos and honoree and Georgia Skeadas, President. Greatest number of delegates ever attended the Philoptochos Convention. 147 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 148 LADIES PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY Zoe Cavalaris Education Fund: The fund provides financial assistance to the graduates of the Academy to attend schools of higher education, as well as providing for tutors for the younger children in grade school and high school. Academy of Saint Basil Graduation and Awards Fund: This commitment provides funding for the Graduation celebrations as well as special awards for graduating students. Hellenic College Holy Cross School of Theology The then Archbishop Athenagoras established the Holy Cross Theological School in June 1937, in Pomfret, CT. The Archbishop directed a special appeal to the Philoptochos to “devote” themselves to the School, “where your sons will be educated as priests and teachers” and urged the ladies to “prove once again your strong faith.” In the ensuing years, the Philoptochos was, and seventy-two years later continues to be actively involved in offering financial support to Holy Cross. There are two programs for HCHC: Scholarships: For more than 20 years, scholarships have been awarded to worthy and dedicated students at both schools to assist them with their tuition expenses. Lenten Event: This is celebrated on the Third Sunday of Lent, observing the Veneration of the Holy Cross. The chapters are requested to arrange a Lenten Event following the Divine Liturgy. Donations raised are used for the operational expenses of the School. Saint Photios Shrine In 1965, the Archdiocese purchased the Avero house in historic Saint Augustine, Florida to commemorate the arrival of the first Greek settlers to arrive in the New World in 1768. The Philoptochos has continued to provide financial assistance towards the preservation of this National Shrine. Orthodox Christian Mission Center and Support a Mission Priest The Philoptochos Society provides financial support to the OCMC missionary teams, strengthening their ability to empower the Orthodox Church worldwide to carry its message to those who have yet to hear it and bring them within its fold. The Philoptochos, through the Support a Mission Priest program, provides financial support enabling Orthodox bishops and priests in mission areas, to build and restore churches, community centers, schools and medical facilities as well as to participate in training, teaching and field management, therefore increasing productivity. International Orthodox Christian Charities The IOCC is the official humanitarian aid agency of Orthodox Christians, which provides food, shelter, economic self-sufficiency and hope to those in need around the world. This is an ongoing financial commitment of the Philoptochos Society. Ecumenical Patriarchate The philanthropies of the Ecumenical Patriarchate such as Balukli Hospital and nursing home, schools, shrines and parishes are supported by this commitment. 148 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund In 1979, to commemorate the United Nation’s “International Year of the Child,” Philoptochos became an NGO (NonGovernmental Organization) with the United Nations and UNICEF. Through the commitment for UNICEF, Philoptochos donations help this global organization to protect the rights, health and well being of all children. Social Services Since the late 1950’s, upon the recommendation of Archbishop Iakovos, Philoptochos has placed an increased emphasis on the implementation of important programs to benefit the Greek Orthodox community, including, but not limited to, institutions of the Church, the philanthropies of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and assistance to Greek and Greek Orthodox families. Involvement in social and moral issues encouraged the establishment of several committees to address topics such as child abuse prevention, domestic violence, homelessness, pornography, drug and alcohol abuse, and aging. Since 1987, the National Philoptochos office has employed a professional Social Worker, engaged in assisting the Greek Orthodox community in the United States as well as Greek and Cypriot nationals. The Department of Social Services is a very important, vital element of our organization. The mission of the department is to improve the quality of life of those in need, in a way that maintains the dignity and self-respect of the individuals. Through confidential and professional services, the office provides outreach, education, information, support, intervention, motivation, advocacy, financial assistance and referral to local and broader resources. Cancer Fund This Philoptochos commitment raises funds for individuals who need financial assistance with their Cancer treatment. Children’s Cardiac Fund The purpose of this fund is to provide donations to hospitals for children suffering from cardiac problems. Children’s Medical Fund Since its establishment in 1989, the Children’s Medical Fund has sought to provide medical assistance to critically ill Greek, Greek-American and Orthodox children, whose families are unable to afford appropriate and necessary medical treatment. The Fund also researches and provides grants for innovative research programs to pediatric hospitals throughout the United States. For further information contact: Helen Lavorata Diamando Prassakos National Philoptochos Office Social Work Office (212) 744-4390 (212) 744-4774 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 149 LADIES PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY OFFICERS EXECUTIVE BOARD METROPOLIS PRESIDENTS Georgia Skeadas Georgia Vlitas HONORARY NATIONAL PRESIDENTS National President Direct Archdiocesan District Katherine Pappas Maria Logus, Esq. Bessie Drogaris First Vice President Metropolis of New Jersey Beatrice Marks Arlene Siavelis Lori Voutiritsas Dionisia Ferraro Second Vice President Metropolis of Chicago Maria Stavropoulos Merope Kapetanakis Third Vice President Metropolis of Boston Mimi C. Skandalakis Elaine Cladis Dee Nicolaou Secretary Metropolis of Atlanta Eve Condakes Aphrodite Skeadas Sylvia Vitsas Treasurer Metropolis of Pittsburgh Pauline O’Neal Katherine Kotsis Assistant Treasurer Metropolis of Detroit Dina Skouras Oldknow Valerie Roumeliotis Metropolis of San Francisco Martha Stefanidakis Metropolis of Denver HONORARY MEMBERS Sophia Altin Tula Gallanes Anne Gustave Hon. Yorka Linakis Helen Peterson Dorothea Prodromides Lila Prounis Kula Sosangelis Presvytera Flora Chioros, President, National Sisterhood of Presvyteres MEMBERS Patricia Aleck Helen Anagnostakos Pennie Anast Georgia Antinopoulos Pam Argyris Irene Arsoniadis Froso Beys Francesca Callas Stella Capiris Eula Carlos Patricia Chacopoulos Helen Collis Cindy Demeris Beck Demery Dolly Demetris Helen Demos Theone Dickos Marika Drakotos Anne Feles Stella Fiorentino Kathy Gabriel Paulette Geanacopoulos Tarsi Georgas Pat Gogos Ioanna Kakoyiannis Georgia Kaloidis Christine Karavites Anita Kartalopoulos Efthalia Katos Marina Katsoulis Elaine Kevgas Terry Kokas Marina Kookootsedes Penny Korkos Antonia Kourepinos Helen Lambros Nellie Logothetides Argeria Logus Helen Malachias Harriet Matthews Aspasia Melis Haeda Mihaltses Diane Miminos Helen Misthos Esther Mitchell Celeste Moschos Marjorie Moyar Ph.d Laura Nixon Barbara Panaretos Bessie Papigiotis Elizabeth Pappas Evelyn Pavloglou Faye Peponis Mary Plumides Jeanne Ranglas Susan Regos Kassandra Romas Cathy Roussalis Demetra Safiol Presv. Christine Salzman Helen Sampsonis Diane Saphos Evangeline Scurtis Yiota Simoglou Ourania Soumas Joanne Stavrakas Sophie Tangalos Mitzi Theo Kay Theofilos Chrysoula Tomaras Diane Tseckares Evellyn Tsiadis Kalli Tsitsipas Eleni Tzimas Eva Vardakes Anita Varunes Sylvia Vellios Effie Venduras Eleni Zaferes Bessie Zantopoulos Daphne Zaralides Billie Zumo 149 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 150 LEADERSHIP 100 ARCHBISHOP IAKOVOS LEADERSHIP 100 ENDOWMENT FUND INCORPORATED 8 East 79th Street • New York, NY 10021 • Tel: (212) 570-3570 • Fax: (212) 570-5260 E-mail: • Web site: Rev. Fr. Dimitrios J. Antokas E-mail: Fr_ Fran Karivalis Email: Linda L. Paul Email: George Schira, Consultant Email: Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund Incorporated is a separate endowment fund corporation that exists for the purpose of seeding and nurturing the ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese that advance Orthodoxy and Hellenism. Members commit $100,000, which is paid over a period of 10 years or less. The contributions to the Fund remain permanently restricted and inviolate. Only assets in excess of that amount are used for the distribution of grants in accordance with the purpose of the Fund. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE John A. Payiavlas, Chairman Constantine G. Caras, Secretary George D. Behrakis, Vice-Chairman Bert W. Moyar, Treasurer John A. Catsimatidis James A. Regas George M. Marcus Mark Stavropoulos Stephen G. Yeonas LIFE-TIME FOUNDING MEMBERS Arthur C. Anton Andrew A. Athens George K. Chimples Peter M. Dion Michael Jaharis George P. Kokalis BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BY METROPOLIS) ARCHDIOCESAN DISTRICT Froso Beys John A. Catsimatidis Peter M. Dion Michael Jaharis Peter J. Pappas Peter A. Vlachos ATLANTA Jerry O. Lorant Basil S. Yanakakis 150 BOSTON DETROIT PITTSBURGH Arthur C. Anton George D. Behrakis Eve N. Condakes Evie Hasiotis George Safiol Thomas D. Demery James P. Pamel Gus Stavropoulos Mark Stavropoulos CHICAGO Nicholas J. Bouras Constantine G. Caras Aristides Magafan James H. Moshovitis Peter G. Pappas George P. Stamas Stephen G. Yeonas George K. Chimples Dr. John S. Collis, Jr. Bert W. Moyar Louis Nicozisis John A. Payiavlas Spiros G. Raftis Andrew A. Athens Paul H. Athens John L. Marks Jack T. Mitsakopoulos John Pappajohn James A. Regas Michael L. Stefanos Theodore J. Theophilos NEW JERSEY SAN FRANCISCO George P. Kokalis George M. Marcus Angelo K. Tsakopoulos 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:47 PM Page 151 LEADERSHIP 100 Archbishop Demetrios, George Behrakis and John Payiavlas present the Chairman’s Award for service to Arthur Anton as Madeline Anton looks on. Archbishop Demetrios presents the Icon to new members Harry Chakeres and his mother Pauline (Springfield, OH). New Executive Director of Leadership 100 Father Dimitrios Antokas with his son John, Michael Katos, Michael Kavourias and his son and, front row, Elliott Antokas, Presvytera Maria, Alexander Kavourias, Efthalia Katos, Emily Kavourias and Yanni Catsimatidis. Fulfilled members Gerry and Jeannie Ranglas (Rancho Santa Fe, CA) receive their Obelisk from Archbishop Demetrios. L100 Award for Excellence honorees Ambassador John Negroponte and Melina Kanakaredes with Archbishop Demetrios, President and Mrs. John Payiavlas. 151 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 152 LEADERSHIP 100 His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios Leon W. and Robyn Andris Nick & Elaine Bapis & Family New York, NY Potomac, MD Salt Lake City, UT His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos Maria and Andrew Andron Peter J. and Adrienne A. Barris Rye, NY Garden City, NY McLean, VA Dr. and Mrs. Elias† Adamopoulos Merkourios and Liberty Angeliades Constantine and Emmanuelle Barry Salisbury, MD Manhasset, NY New York, NY Nickolas Christopher Agathis Philip N. Angelides Peter J. Bassett Springfield, NJ Sacramento, CA Boston, MA Nikolas Agathis Panayotis Angelopoulos† Christos G. Bastis† Springfield, NJ Chalandri, Athens, Greece Agricultural Bank of Greece S.A. Theodore Angelopoulos Nea Smyrni, Athens, Greece Athens, Greece AHEPA Denver Chapter No. 145 Gus and Pat Anthony Boca Raton, FL Ms. Betty Jean Alevizatos Spyridon and Anastasia Anthoulis Brooklyn, NY Kay and John Alevizos Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Anton, Jr. Carlisle, MA Kostas and Laura Alexakis Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Anton Alex Alexiades Woodbridge, CT Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Alexos Lake Forest, IL Dr. Menelaos and Joan Aliapoulios Weston, MA Mrs. Nadia A. Allega New York, NY Maria and Jim Allwin Greenwich, CT Mr. and Mrs. George K. Almiroudis Whitestone, NY Alpha Finance US Corporation New York, NY Alexander G. Anagnos Fort Lee, NJ Harold V. Anagnos Long Grove, IL Jo G. Anagnos Fort Lee, NJ Loula C. Anaston Los Altos, CA Douglas and Shelley Anderson Family Salt Lake City, UT Dr. and Mrs. John Bendo New York, NY Newton, MA Plainview, NY George and Margo Behrakis N. Tewksbury, MA Baltimore, MD Alex Alexandrou Mr. and Mrs. Drake G. Behrakis Sudbury, MA Denver, CO Falls Church, VA New York, NY Atty. and Mrs. Efthemios J. Bentas Boston, MA Boston, MA Mrs. Froso Beys New York, NY Peter and Christine Anzo Atlanta, GA The Apostol Charitable Foundation Glenview, IL Anastasia and James Argires Lancaster, PA Sarah and James Argyropoulos Montecito, CA George and Bess Bilidas Oakton, VA Nicolaos P. Bissias La Canada, CA Constantine and Catherine Bitounis Westlake, OH Fotios and Judy Boliakis Stamford, CT George L. Argyros Peter M. Boosalis Costa Mesa, CA Nikolas and Adriana Arvanitopoulos Athens, Greece † Persa and Nicholas Athans Palm Beach, FL Edina, MN Dr. and Mrs. Anthony G.B. Borden Rydal, PA In Memory of Anna K. Bouras Summit, NJ Andrew A. Athens Nicholas James Bouras Chicago, IL Summit, NJ Louise G. Athens In Memory of S/Sgt. Sam J. Bouras Chicago, IL Kellee and Paul Athens Burr Ridge, IL † Irene and Thomas Athens Lake Forest, IL Angie and William Athens Grosse Ile, MI Atlantic Bank of New York New York, NY In Memory of Gregory Auger Summit, NJ Eleni and Dimitris Bousis Northbrook, IL Mr. George P. Brown Columbus, OH Aphrodite Browne Roslyn Harbor, NY Plato Cacheris Washington, DC Washington, DC John P. Calamos, Sr. Aurora, IL Kiawah Island, SC Bob & Kally Badavas, Peter and Stephanie Michelle and John Andreadis Needham, MA Atlanta, GA Paramus, NJ Bob Bakalis Gregory P. Callimanopulos George C. Andreas Brooklyn, NY New York, NY McLean, VA Mr. Dean Bakes William Calomiris† Anthony G. and Barbara F. Andrikopoulos Greenwich, CT Washington, DC Lewis and Sandra Bakes Tykye and Elaine Camaras Cheyenne, WY New Canaan, CT Corona Del Mar, CA Nick Andriotis Mr. and Mrs. George Bapis Anastasia Cantonis Long Island City, NY New York, NY Tarpon Springs, FL Lou and Angelika Anderson 152 Maria and Christos Callas 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 153 LEADERSHIP 100 Anne and Carl G. Cantonis Dr. Efstathia P. Chiopelas Constantine and Molly Corpas Fullerton, CA Great Neck, NY Westlake, OH Maria and George Cantonis Peter Chiopelas Jerry and Eva Costacos Tarpon Springs, FL Great Neck, NY Seattle, WA Michael G. Cantonis William G. Chirgotis† Tarpon Springs, FL Constance and Charles Cotros Springfield, NJ Houston, TX Mr. and Mrs. Yianny C. Caparos Louis and Mary Chrampanis Northbrook, IL Christos Michael Cotsakos Staten Island, NY Palm Beach Gardens, FL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cappas Evan and Ceres Alevizatos Chriss Eva and Angelus Cotsidas Munster, IN Baltimore, MD Westborough, MA Mr. and Mrs. Chris William Caras, Sr. Margo and George Chryssis Palos Verdes Estates, CA Church of the Archangels Mr. Constantine and Dr. Maria Caras Greenville, DE Leonardtown, MD New York, NY Atlanta, GA † Massapequa Park, NY Nicholas/Elaine/Emanuel Cassis Freeport, NY Dr. Spyros and Marian Catechis Houston, TX John A. Catsimatidis New York, NY Margo C. Catsimatidis New York, NY Gus and Ann Chafoulias Rochester, MN Mr. Harry N. Chakeres Palm Beach, FL Pauline and Michael† Chakeres Springfield, OH Amy and James Chanos New York, NY John Charalambakis Rock Island, IL Angelo John Coutris Upper Marlboro, MD Rocky River, OH Eugenia Collias† Dairyland Oak Brook, IL Bronx, NY George Aristotle Collias John and Eleftheria Dallas Lake Forest, IL Hingham, MA Helen and John Collis, Jr. Peter and Helene Dameris Chagrin Falls, OH Constance and William Collis Lexington, KY Anthony E. Comninos In Memory of my parents, Alex and Stella Katsaros Mr. and Mrs. George E. Danis Crystal Condakes Reading, MA Beverly Farms, MA John and Evangeline Condakes† Weston, MA Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Danos Oak Brook, IL Cina and John Daskalakis Eve N. Condakes George P. Condakes Houston, TX St. James, NY Piraeus, Greece Mr. Tom Charalambopoulos Nicholas J. Coussoulis San Bernardino, CA Vaseleos Colevas Wilmore, KY Alec P. Courtelis† Micanopy, FL Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Coin Swampscott, MA Mr. Louis Courembis New York, NY Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. Coch † Constantine N. Cassis John Courembis and Family Stamford, CT Worcester, MA Atlanta, GA Anthony and Konstantina Coulianidis Syosset, NY Mr. and Mrs. Christos Cocaine Andrew C. Carlos† Michael C. Carlos Weston, MA Boca Raton, FL Kaity and George David Dallas, TX Beverly Farms, MA Maroussi, Athens, Greece Soteria Cherpelis Vasiliki and James Condakes Anne and James Davis Douglaston, NY Weston, MA Newton, MA Stephen Cherpelis Leo P. Condakes Demetra De Maris Douglaston, NY Swampscott, MA Bal Harbour, FL Mr. Christopher Chimicles Charles C. Condes Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Dellaportas Devon, PA Harwood Heights, IL Oak Brook, IL Nicholas and Kathleen Chimicles Thomas E. and Janet B. Constance Thomas L. Demakes Haverford, PA Sands Point, NY Swampscott, MA Peter and Diana Chimicles Achilles V. Constantakopoulos Gregory P. Demakos† Scottsdale, AZ Athens, Greece Buffalo, NY Mr. Constantine G. Chimples Capt. Vassilis C. Constantakopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Demas Cleveland, OH Athens, Greece Naples, FL George K. Chimples Dimitri Contominas Beck C. Demery Lyndhurst, OH Athens, Greece Franklin, MI † Thomas D. Demery Janet W. Chimples V. Rev. Leonidas C. Contos Lyndhurst, OH Dedham, MA Franklin, MI Eli and Katie Chinonis Nicholas J. Contos Carol and Thomas Demery Grand Blanc, MI Wellesley, MA Alexandria, VA 153 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 154 LEADERSHIP 100 Anastasia and Alexandros Demetriades Andrew J. Eliopulos Peter C. Georgiopoulos Lancaster, CA New York, NY New York, NY Louis J. Elliott Chris Georgoulis Peter G. Demetriades Park Ridge, IL New York, NY Henderson, NC Candida and George Gialamas James E. Demetriou Richard H. and Stephanie Yeonas Ellis South Pasadena, CA McLean, VA Viena and Alec Gianaras Theodore D. Demetriou Estate of John P. Zannaras Bannonckburn, IL Chatham, NJ Congress, AZ Mr. Harry Giannoulis Christopher J. DeMoss, D.D.S. John B. and Maria T. Farmakides New York, NY Phoenix, AZ McLean, VA Mr. and Mrs. Anastasios Gianoplus John C. DeMoss Christopher P. Fekos McLean, VA Phoenix, AZ Pittsburgh, PA Mr. and Mrs. George† Glatis Mr. Arthur T. Demoulas Mr. and Mrs. Gust Feles Alexandria, VA Lowell, MA Bloomfield Hills, MI Constantine Basil Gogos Evan G. Demoulas† Irene and Nicholas Fifis Washington, DC Chestnut Hill, MA Singer Island, FL Dr. John G. Gonis Telemachus A. Demoulas Peter N. Fisfis Wauwatosa, WI Andover, MA Naples, FL Mr. and Mrs. Peter John Goulandris John L. Demourkas Theodore Floridis New York, NY Montecito, CA Dayton, OH Evangeline Gouletas Mary and John Deoudes Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fotopoulos Chicago, IL Bethesda, MD Dallas, TX Mr. Nicholas S. Gouletas Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Diamantis Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Frangadakis Chicago, IL Westlake, OH Saratoga, CA Constantine J. Grapsas Dennis K. Dickos, M.D. Mr. Dionysios Frangakis Morton Grove, IL Carmel, IN Astoria, NY Simos Dimas Louis and Ann Frangos Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension Bronxville, NY Westlake, OH Oakland, CA Jerry and Betty Dimitriou Capt. Nikolaos Frangos Greenlawn, NY Kifissia, Athens, Greece Greek Orthodox Church of St. George Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dimitriou Stella Frangos Bethesda, MD Libertyville, IL Kifissia, Athens, Greece Bessi Dion George and Evangeline Gabriel Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc. Valley Stream, NY Allentown, PA New York, NY Diana and Peter Dion James G. Galanos Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gulas Garden City, NY Los Angeles, CA Birmingham, AL Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Domenikos John Galaxidas George and Anna Halkias Millis, MA San Francisco, CA Warren, OH Dr. Kimon A. Doukas† Carol and George Galifianakis John Haretakis Boca Raton, FL Salisbury, MD Santa Ana, CA Dr. James Doundoulakis Mr. Evangelos Gatzonis Dr. and Mrs. Antoine C Harovas New York, NY Astoria, NY Great Neck, NY Katherine and Peter Dourdas Spyros A. Gavris Demetrios B. Haseotes Jamesville, NY Wellesley Hills, MA Cumberland, RI Thomas and Eva Dushas & Family Dr. Peter and Athena Gazes Dr. and Mrs. George A. Hasiotis Rye, NY Charleston, SC Boston, MA Anthea Dyer For Stephen and Florence Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Nick Geanopoulos George and Daphne Hatsopoulos Pittsburgh, PA Lincoln, MA Scottsdale, AZ Mary and Jack Georgalas Mr. and Mrs. Nick Havoudis Theofanis and Efstathia Economidis Newport News, VA New York, NY Los Altos, CA John and Tarsi Georgas Hellenic Golf Classic Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Economopoulos Palm Beach, FL Chicago, IL Theodore and Rachel Georgelas The Michael Henry Family Montara, CA McLean, VA Rocky River, OH Dr. John P. Eliopoulos John D. Georges Anastasia and William Hoeft Swampscott, MA Elmwood, LA Minneapolis, MN Angela and Nicholas Eliopoulos C. Steven and Patricia P. Georgilakis Michael Huffington Garden City, NY Bethesda, MD Los Angeles, CA 154 Madison, WI 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 155 LEADERSHIP 100 Roula and William Hunter Peter N. and Maria Pappas Kamberos Socrates P. Kokkalis Foundation Bethesda, MD Cecelia and Constantine Ioannou Chicago, IL Mr. and Mrs. John E. Koliopoulos Douglaston, NY Sergei Kampakis† Palos Park, IL Mr. John M. Ioannou Birmingham, AL Matina and Sotiris Kolokotronis New York, NY Kapetanakis Family Sacramento, CA Elaine Jaharis Stafford, TX George Komodikis Winnetka, IL Mr. and Mrs. Peter Karagines Sr. New Rochelle, NY Mary A. Jaharis Yorba Linda, CA Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kondos New York, NY Nicholas Karakas Scarsdale, NY Melina Jaharis St. Louis, MO Savas Konstantinides Winnetka, IL Thalia Mahi Karakitsios Great Neck, NY Michael Jaharis New York, NY Evris and Evangelia Kontos Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Karamatsoukas Franklin Lakes, NJ Gladwyne, PA Warren, OH Mr. and Mrs. Steve Karas Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kontos Aberdeen, MD Warren, OH Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Ann Karis Family George and Helen Kontzias Seattle, WA Dr. and Mrs. George J. Korkos Crystal Stella Condakes Waukesha, WI Manchester by the Sea, MA Achilles N. Kornaros Father Alexander and Xanthi Karloutsos Chicago, IL Southampton, NY Chicago, IL New York, NY Michael Steven Jaharis Winnetka, IL Dr. Steven Jaharis Winnetka, IL Miss Valerie Jaharis Winnekta, IL Alex and Diana Jianas Monarch Beach, CA Timothy J. and Kathy A. Joannides Cheyenne, WY † Alfred and Mary Johnson New York, NY Peania, Attikis, Greece George and Peggy Kontos McLean, VA Aristotle S. Kornaros Peter Karmanos, Jr. Kosta, Anna and Nikos Kostakis Detroit, MI Kirkland, WA Gus P. Karos Kostakopoulos Family Foundation Mayfield Heights, OH New York, NY Nicholas Karos Anne and Peter Kostorizos Chagrin Falls, OH Lexington, MA Michael and Efthalia Katos Charles H. Kotseas Astoria, NY Worcester, MA Demosthenes and Maria Kaufman Alexander S. and Erene Koukias Sacramento, CA Seabrook, NH John and Dorothea Kavooras Kalliope and George Koukounaris Palm Beach Gardens, FL Nahant, MA Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kavourias Nicos John Koulis Manhasset, NY New York, NY Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kazas Leonidas P. Koulos Bridgeville, PA San Francisco, CA Laurie D. Kefalidis Arthur and Vaia Koumantzelis New York, NY Lincoln, MA Nikos Kefalidis† Markos T. and Eleni T. Kounalakis New York, NY Sacramento, CA Maria K. Kellis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kourepinos Chagrin Falls, OH Levittown, NY Virginia and James Kallins Mrs. Frances Demoulas Kettenbach Downey, CA Mr. Peter Kouvaris Boston, MA Great Neck, NY Nicholas J. Kallins Stephan Kiratsous Patrice Ann Kouvas Miranda Heights, CA New York, NY Warren, OH Harold and Agape Kallis George P. Kokalis Demetrios Kozonis Grand Blanc, MI Phoenix, AZ Chicago, IL Mr. and Mrs. George Kaludis Peter G. Kokalis Christ G. and Ann Kraras Potomac, MD Phoenix, AZ Wyomissing, PA Sotirios and Demetra Kamberos Stephanie Kokalis Gust and Stella Kraras Skokie, IL Phoenix, AZ Reading, PA Eppaminondas G. Johnson Sacramento, CA George E. Johnson II Sacramento, CA Chris & Connie Jouflas Family Foundation Grand Junction, CO Michael and Maritza Kakoyiannis Garden City, NY Joanne and Peter Kakoyiannis Yardley, PA George and Maria Kalaitzis Whitestone, NY Gus and Lynne Kalaris Ellicott City, MD Drs. Anthony and Joyce Kales Ann Arbor, MI Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kalkounos Inverness, IL Dr. and Mrs. George J. Kallins Newport Beach, CA 155 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 156 LEADERSHIP 100 Thomas and Sylvia Kress Judge Yorka C. Linakis Franklin and Mary Manios Edison, NJ Jamaica, NY Warren, OH Christos N. Kritikos Steve Livaditis Charles Marangoudakis Weehawken, NJ Winnekta, IL Manhasset, NY Kay and Lucas Ktistakis George P. Livanos Charles and Stacey Maravell Chios, Greece New York, NY Palm Beach, FL Frank L. Kuchuris Mr. Vasilios Livanos Alexander P. Marchessini Chicago, IL Manhasset, NY New York, NY John E. and Marion E. Kusturiss Mr. Andrew Liveris George M. Marcus Newtown Square, PA Midland, MI Palo Alto, CA Michael E. Kusturiss, Sr. Demetrios and Marianthe Logothetis Mr. and Mrs. Markos Marinakis Canonsburg, PA Riverwoods, IL New York, NY Harriet and Stephen Kutulos Emanuel N. Logothetis Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. G. Maris Garden City, NY Short Hills, NJ Steve and Francine Kyriakos Nick Logothetis New Canaan, CT Fort Lee, NJ Minos X. Kyriakou Mr. Jerry O. Lorant Old Westbury, NY Mr. Timothy G. Marken Boston, MA Mr. and Mrs. William G. Markos Marousi-Athens, Greece Birmingham, AL Mr. and Mrs. Socrates A. Kyritsis Angelo Loukas (Alannder) Family Charitable Trust Athena S. Marks Bannockburn, IL Beatrice Marks Basking Ridge, NJ Constantine and Arcondia Lacas Singer Island, FL Michael Lach and Diana Moshovitis Lach Great Falls, VA Ms. Irene Ladas Astoria, NY Dr. Vasilios S. and Helen L. Lambros Manuel and Carolyn Loupassi Richmond, VA Constantine S. and Marie Macricostas New Fairfield, CT Mr. and Mrs. Angelo H. Magafan North Bethesda, MD San Marino, CA Harry and Irene Magafan Christine and Constantine Lapaseotes The Angelo Magafan Family Bridgeport, NE Demetrios† and Fotini Laskaris Wisconsin Dells, WI Mr. and Mrs. Nick Laskaris Wisconsin Dells, WI Miss Ava Ledes New York, NY John Ledes Katonah, NY Kathryn Jaharis Ledes New York, NY Master Wilder A. Ledes New York, NY Anna and James Lemonias Westwood, MA Ted and Lynn Leonsis Washington, DC Charles S. and Athanasia Leventis Suffield, CT Bethesda, MD North Bethesda, MD Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Makkos New York, NY Nicholas G. Makrinos & Family Brooklyn, NY Mr. and Mrs. George Makris Alpine, NJ Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Maletis Portland, OR Louis G. Malevitis and Marion Malevitis Gouvis In Memory of their Parents Sophie and Constantine L. Malevitis Ipswich, MA Los Gatos, CA Chicago, IL John and Niki Marks Lincolnwood, IL Ms. Maria I. Marmarinos Wellesley, MA John and Maxine† Mathrusse Los Altos, CA Ron and Helen Matthews Laguna Niguel, CA Mr. Ted Mavrakis Morton Grove, IL John and Christie Mavredakis Rolling Hills, CA Richard and Patricia McDermott Bloomfield Hills, MI Dennis Mehiel New York, NY Mrs. Karen Mehiel New York, NY Rebecca Alexandra Mehiel New York, NY Stavros and Madeline Meimaridis Oak Brook, IL Columbus, OH Paul and Mary Ann Mallis William G. Meris Pasadena, CA Scottsdale, AZ Dr. Nicholas D. Mamalis C. Dean Metropoulos Tulsa, OK Greenwich, CT Tina and Andrew Manatos Betty† and Basil Mezines Washington, DC Bethesda, MD Tina P. Leventis Mr. David P. Maniatis George and Jennifer Michaels Columbia, SC Scottsdale, AZ New York, NY Thanasi and Stephanie Liakos John D. Maniatis Maryann and Frank Mihalopoulos Nashua, NH Scottsdale, AZ Dallas, TX Mike G. Ligeros Peter D. Maniatis Spiros N. Milonas Denver, CO Scottsdale, AZ New York, NY Drs. Anthony and Maria Limberakis Eustratia and Timothy Maniatis Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Miminos Rydal, PA Bethesda, MD Lexington, MA 156 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 157 LEADERSHIP 100 The Honorable Matthew Mirones Ms. Andrea A. Pandazi Staten Island, NY Milwaukee, WI Louis W. Mitchell† P. Kirk Pandelidis, M.D. River Forest, IL York, PA Boston, MA Vasilios and Alexandra Mitchell – In Memorium Chris and Joan Panopoulos Grand Rapids, MI Mr. and Mrs. James Pappas & Family River Forest, IL Stavros, Harula (in memorium), Artemios and Alexander Panos Nicholas and Dorothy Pappas Jack and Carole† Mitsakopoulos Chicago, IL Lizabeth and Ted Mitsakopoulos Chicago, IL George Moniaros Brooklyn, NY In Memory of John Lambrakopoulos Key Biscayne, FL Harry Moshovitis Bethesda, MD Zoe and James Moshovitis Washington, DC Nkos and Carol Mouyiaris New York, NY Seattle, WA Peter and Hytho Pantazelos Lincoln, MA M. and Mrs. Dennis Pantazes Vestavia Hills, AL Theckla and Nickolas Pantazes Darnestown, MD Dr. and Mrs. John Panton River Forest, IL Peter J. Panton, M.D. River Forest, IL Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios Papacostas The Judge John C. & Katherine A. Pappas Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Oak Brook, IL Wilmington, DE Peter G. Pappas Bethesda, MD Catherine and Peter Pappas, Sr. Syosset, NY Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Pappas, Jr. Oyster Bay, NY Stephen E. Pappas† Boston, MA Mr. and Mrs. T. Peter Pappas Washington, CT Mr. and Mrs. Anastasios Parafestas Boston, MA Bedford, NY George E. Paraskevaides Dr. and Mrs. Constantine N. Papadakis Nicosia, Cyprus Brooklyn, NY Wayne, PA Tenafly, NJ James and Georgia Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. E. Stathis Papadimas Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Parthenis East Grand Rapids, MI Warren, OH Inverness, IL Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Nick Alexander P. Papamarkou† Christina E. Pastore Great Falls, VA New York, NY Stoneham, MA Clara Nicon Panicos and Anastasia Papanicolaou John Paterakis Seattle, WA Brooklyn, NY Lutherville, MD Louis and Helen Nicozisis Christos Papoutsy Xenia and James Patten Lancaster, PA Rye Beach, NH Davenport, IA Philip G. Nicozisis John Pappajohn Angela and James Paulos Manalapan, FL Des Moines, IA Dallas, TX Dina and William Oldknow Mary L. Pappajohn Sam and Aphrodite Paulos Bert and Marjorie Moyar Cleveland, OH Mr. and Mrs. Michael Niamonitakis Pasadena, CA Order of AHEPA Washington, DC Dr. Angelo Orphanopoulos Los Gatos, CA Steve and Judith Padis San Francisco, CA James and Barbara Pagos In Memory of Michael and Elizabeth Pagos Short Hills, NJ Nicholas G. Paleologos Potomac, MD Peter and Elli Paleologos Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Parlamis Des Moines, IA Richardson, TX The Arthur Pappas Family Steve Pavlis Cotuit, MA Christopher and Matima Pappas Hopkinton, MA Mr. Christopher J. Pappas Houston, TX Constantine G. and Victoria G. Pappas Solana Beach, CA Dean and Zoe Pappas Salem, NJ Mr. and Mrs. George F. Pappas Silver Spring, MD Baltimore, MD Palmos Development Corporation George and Irene Pappas Boulder, CO Bethesda, MD Esther and James Pamel Gus Peter Pappas Bensalem, PA Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Payiavlas Warren, OH John A. Payiavlas Warren, OH Marisa Payiavlas Warren, OH Wanda and James Pedas Washington, DC Evangeline and Theodore Pedas Washington, DC Harry and Jane Pefanis Houston, TX Paul G. Perantinides Akron, OH Joann and Gus Perdikakis Bloomfield Hills, MI Washington, DC Pan-Gregorian Enterprises Harry and Agopie Pappas Mr. and Mrs. George Perlegos Scarsdale, NY Downey, CA San Jose, CA Dino and Tina Panas Lisa and James Pappas Mr. Gust Perlegos Seaside Park, NJ Brookville, NY San Jose, CA Maineville, OH 157 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 158 LEADERSHIP 100 Dr. Tom Petropoulos John G. Rangos, Sr. George W. Souvall Palos Hills, IL Pittsburgh, PA Phoenix, AZ Nicholas J. Philopoulos Anna and George Regas Alexander G. Spanos Canton, MA Boca Raton, FL Stockton, CA James S. Pilafas, Psy.D. Georgia and James Regas John J. Spanos Orange, CA Oak Brook, IL Falls Church, VA Irene Pilafas Pappas John Regas James D. and Noreen Speros Paradise Valley, AZ Chicago, IL Berkeley Heights, NJ William Planes John and Doris Rigas SS. Constantine and Helen Church Tarpon Springs, FL Coudersport, PA Annapolis, MD William P. Planes II Kassandra L. Romas St. George Charitable Fund Miami, FL Short Hills, NJ Okemos, MI Dr. Thomas Planzas Eugene T. Rossides Mr. and Mrs. George P. Stamas Brooklyn, NY Washington, DC Baltimore, MD Dr. and Mrs. George C. Ploumbis Dr. George and Betty Rozakis Mr. Manuel N. Stamatakis Warren, OH Lakewood, OH Wayne, PA John G. Plumides E. John Rumpakis Dan S. Stathatos Charlotte, NC Portland, OR San Marino, CA In Memory of My Wife Peaches Panayiota Politis Demetra and George Safiol John and Chresanthe Staurulakis Weston, MA Aventura, FL Newtown Square, PA Julie and Nicholas Sakellariadis Gus and Maria Stavropoulos Josephine and John Politis New York, NY Bloomfield Hills, MI Raleigh, NC George and Cathy Sakellaris Family John Stavropoulos George C. and Patricia Coukos Polley North Quincy, MA Bayside, NY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Salusbury Eleni and Mark Stavropoulos Richmond, VA New York, NY Bloomfield Hills, MI Kenneth N. Pontikes† Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stavropoulos Rosemont, IL Dr. Costas and Pauline Sarantopoulos Charles L. and Sophia Poulos Youngstown, OH Linda and William Stavropoulos Lincoln, MA Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sarris Midland, MI Paulette Poulos Canonsburg, PA Anthony and Lottie Stefanis Brooklyn, NY Nicholas C. Sarris Atlanta, GA Gerald E. Priddy Lowell, MA Dr. George S. Stefanis Denver, CO Constantinos Shiacolas Macon, GA John and Felia Proakis Nicosia, Cyprus Michael Leo Stefanos Andover, MA Alex Siafacas Orland Park, IL Dr. John Psarouthakis Delray Beach, FL Peter Stefanou Ann Arbor, MI Voula and Harry Siafaris McLean, VA Bessie and George Psihas Los Angeles, CA Mr. and Mrs. James P. Stefatos Rochester, MI Singelides Group Long Island City, NY Costas G. Psoinos† Athens, Greece James and Sandra Stellos Tewksbury, MA Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Sioles Nashua, NH Mr. George M. Psoinos Paradise Valley, AZ Steve Pilafas Estate Hudson, NH Chris J. Sioukas Phoenix, AZ Rev. Presbyter Aurel Radulescu Burr Ridge, IL Mr. and Mrs. Eli T. Stevens Astoria, NY John and Angela Sitilides Birmingham, AL Mrs. Angene George Rafferty and Miss Catherine Mary Rafferty McLean, VA Stanley and Kiki Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Chris Skeadas Oak Brook, IL Washington, DC Villanova, PA Mary and Christopher Stratakis, Esq. Cynthia Raftis Aphrodite and Peter Skeadas Douglaston, NY Pittsburgh, PA Greenwich, CT James S. Strong Spiros and Anastasia Raftis James and Alethea Skefos New York, NY Pittsburgh, PA Memphis, TN Christine and George Strumbos Gerry and Jeannie Ranglas Evangelos G. Skoubis Bloomfield Hills, MI Rancho Sante Fe, CA Carefree, AZ Alexander W. Rangos Kula and Charles Sosangelis Styliades Hellenic Orthodox Foundation Dallas, TX Chadds Ford, PA Highland, IN John Rangos, Jr. Hercules and Mary Sotos Clara Sylvester† Allison Park, PA Greenwich, CT Jamaica, NY 158 Bloomfield Hills, MI 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 159 LEADERSHIP 100 Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. Terezis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tzezairlidis Nicholas L. Vinios Steubenville, OH Scotch Plains, NJ Dover, MA Steve A. Terris Sava and Stella Tshontikidis Marianthi and Dionysios Vlachos Rancho Sante Fe, CA Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Theofilos Palm Beach Gardens, FL Kathy and Speros Theofilos Odessa, FL Anne and Theodore Theophilos Baltimore, MD Woodside, NY Mimis and Helen Tsintolas Peter A. Vlachos Silver Spring, MD New York, NY Savas C. Tsivicos Penelope and Theodore Vlahos Wayside, NJ Chicago, IL Mr. and Mrs. Nick Tsoulos John C. Thibault and Elaine Zouzas Thibault Bill Tsourapas Bayside, NY Kewanee, IL Marcella and John Volandes Brooklyn, NY The Vrahas Family Phoenix, AZ Chelmsford, MA Chicago, IL John G. Thomas† Manuel and Madeline Tzagournis Scottsdale, AZ Columbus, OH Drs. Gregory and Virginia Thomas Styliades Constantina and Gary Vrionis Haralambos Tzanetatos Danville, CA Zona 5, Panama Schererville, IN Prof. Speros Vryonis, Jr. Dr. Nicholas and Mrs. Eleni Tzimas El Dorado Hills, CA Tenafly, NJ Mr. Athansios A. Vulgaropulos Paul and Magdalene Vadevoulis Waltham, MA Elk Grove Village, IL John and Melanie Wambold Roy and Diana Vagelos New York, NY James and Lillian Thomas Styliades Dyer, IN James and Denise Thomas Styliades Burr Ridge, IL Jennifer and Peter Tiboris New York, NY Chris Tjotjos Far Hills, NJ Theodore C. Vakrinos Gus and Irene Vratsinas Little Rock, AR James and Maria Wymer Westlake, OH Evanthia and Peter Xenopoulos Rocky River, OH Alexandria, VA Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Tomaras Constantine G. Valanos Chicago, IL Bethesda, MD Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Yallourakis William G. and Lilli M. Tragos Eva Vardakis Greenwich, CT Brooklyn, NY Prof. Basil S. Yanakakis Joanne and Costas Trataros Anthony and Sophia Vasilas Boca Raton, FL Manhasset, NY John P. Trebellas Mr. and Mrs. Demosthenes Vasiliou Stephen G. and Thelma Yeonas Broomall, PA McLean, VA Mr. and Mrs. Alkiviadis† Vassiliadis Nickas James & Christine K. Yiannias San Diego, CA Dubuque, IA Argyris and Ann Vassiliou James Youlios Stamford, CT West Paterson, NJ Spiro G. Vassilopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Alexander E. Zagoreos Chicago, IL John P. Trebellas Chicago, IL Frances and Terry Triades Kings Point, NY Mr. Christos Tsaganis Brockton, MA New York, NY Kingsport, TN Coral Gables, FL Stephen G. and Elizabeth Yeonas, Jr. McLean, VA Cheyenne, WY New York, NY Phoenix, MD John Veleris Family Leonard and Penelope Zangas Peter Tsakanikas Wilmette, IL Manhasset, NY Tucson, AZ Emmanuel and Orsa Velivasakis Angelo K. Tsakopoulos Scarsdale, NY Bay Village, OH Carmichael, CA Mr. Achilleas Venetoulias Kyriakos Yannos Tsakopoulos New York, NY Sacramento, CA Gerasimos U. Ventouras† Nicholas and Angeline Tsakalos Ms. Maria Tsakos Lee and Ageleke Zapis Smaragda Lula Zapis Westlake, OH Xenophon Zapis Westlake, OH New York, NY Dr. Theodore J. Zaravinos Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Vern Fort Lauderdale, FL Darien, IL Stylianos Zavvos John J. Veronis New York, NY New York, NY Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Zikos Mr. John N. Vidalakis McMurray, PA Athens, Greece San Francisco, CA Mr. Nicholas S. Zoullas Mr. Chris Tsamutalis Vidalakis Family Foundation New York, NY Athens, Greece Silia and Nikolas Tsakos Athens, Greece Irene and Panayiotis Tsakos Amfithea, Athens, Greece Panayiotis Nickolaou Tsakos Upper Saddle River, NJ Seattle, WA George S. Tsandikos Nicholas and Nancy Vidalakis Greenwich, CT Seattle, WA Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zourdos Bethesda, MD (list as of October 2004) † Deceased Member 159 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 160 FAITH: AN ENDOWMENT FOR ORTHODOXY & HELLENISM Email: • For more information contact (212) 774-0566 FAITH: AN ENDOWMENT FOR ORTHODOXY & HELLENISM is a separate endowment fund that exists for the purpose of assisting the National Ministries and institutions of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Contributions to the Endowment remain permanently restricted and inviolate in accordance with the purpose of the Endowment fund. Financial support for the Archdiocese Ministries and Institutions comes from the growth of the Endowment s investments. FOUNDERS George D. Behrakis Nicholas J. Bouras George Coumantaros Michael Huffington Michael Jaharis Peter T. Kikis James Moshovitis John Pappajohn John A. Payiavlas William and Regina Planes Alex G. Spanos Angelo K. Tsakopoulos BOARD OF DIRECTORS George D. Behrakis Nicholas J. Bouras Michael Jaharis Peter T. Kikis James Moshovitis John Pappajohn John A. Payiavlas Alex G. Spanos OFFICERS Chairman: Alex G. Spanos Vice Chairman: Peter T. Kikis President: George D. Behrakis Secretary: George P. Stamas Treasurer: Peter A. Vlachos 160 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 161 HELLENIC CULTURAL CENTER 27-09 Crescent Street • Astoria, NY 11102 • Tel.: (718) 626-5111 • Fax: (718) 626-1398 Web: Email:, His Grace Bishop Vikentios of Apameia, Director Christina Kostakis, Administrative Assistant The Hellenic Cultural Center of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America was established in 1986 with the goal of cultivating the rich Orthodox heritage and the Hellenic customs, culture and traditions within the Greek-American community. The Center, located in the heart of the GreekAmerican community in Astoria, New York is equipped with the following: 1) A theater with a seating capacity of 200 seats and equipped with sound and stage lighting equipment, where lectures, concerts, discussions, dance performances and theatrical plays are held regularly. 2) A reception area for exhibitions of iconography, paintings, photography, etc. 3) A Chapel dedicated to Saint Cosmas. 4) A broadcasting studio for the Voice of the Greek Orthodox Church Radio Program and Internet webcast. Tuesday 8:00 pm Hellas F.M. Antenna Radio NY, NJ, CT, and via Satellite 5) A religious bookstore. 6) Four administrative office areas. The Hellenic Cultural Center honored Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta and Demetrios and Georgia Kaloidis, benefactors and philanthropists, at a Celebration of Greek Letters and Arts. 161 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 162 NATIONAL FORUM OF GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH MUSICIANS The musical arm of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America responsible for strengthening and perpetuating its liturgical music WHAT IS THE NATIONAL FORUM? The National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians is the Archdiocesan ministry responsible for liturgical music activities and the development, support, and recognition of church musicians. Chartered in 1976 as an auxiliary of the Archdiocese, the National Forum serves as the liaison among local church musicians, metropolitan church music federations, and the Archdiocese. It also serves as the gathering place for church musicians to discuss issues related to liturgical music and to formulate needed responses and materials. The National Forum has three major areas of focus: • Support for CHOIRS, providing resources and activities to improve the quality of choirs and the availability of choral music in the church • Support for PARISH LITURGICAL MUSIC PROGRAMS, including hymnology, liturgical music programs, and support for clergy • Support for CHANTERS and the preservation of BYZANTINE CHANT WHO ARE THE MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL FORUM? Eight metropolitan church music federations form the governing body of the National Forum. Each federation elects five members to serve on the Forum’s National Coordinating Committee. Individual membership is open to all church musicians: choir directors, organists, choir members, clergy, psaltai, and music educators. National Forum members meet annually to review projects and products, identify needs for materials and programs, and discuss issues of concern to church musicians. WHAT RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE NATIONAL FORUM? • The annual LITURGICAL GUIDEBOOK and the COMPANION • HYMNS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH booklets with instructional tape and CD featuring EIKONA • A Parish Guide to Starting a Youth Music Program • A Guide to Congregational Singing • MUSICA, a liturgical music periodical • Repertoire for the Greek Orthodox Organist • A Guide to Transcription of Post-Byzantine Chant • A Parish Handbook for Conducting a Holy Friday Retreat • Sharing in Song: A Songbook for Orthodox Gatherings • Commemoratives to recognize and honor church musicians THE NATIONAL FORUM ALSO: • Helps local parishes commemorate National Church Music Sunday each October, in conjunction with the Feast Day of St. Romanos, and encourages recognition for church musicians • Sponsors National and Metropolitan Church Music Institutes • Develops position papers, surveys, and other materials about church music issues • Administers the yearly Archbishop’s Years of Service Award 162 to choir directors • Presents the St. Romanos Medallion to church musicians with exemplary national contributions to church music • Presents the Patriarch Athenagoras Award to church musicians with distinguished service in their metropolises • Collaborates with other Archdiocesan departments to address church music needs • Works with Holy Cross School of Theology on the National Forum of Church Musicians/Chrysanthos Visiting Scholar Program in Byzantine and Church Choral Music WHAT IS THE CHRYSANTHOS VISITING SCHOLAR PROGRAM IN BYZANTINE AND CHURCH CHORAL MUSIC? In 1982, the National Forum committed to raise $350,000 for the Holy Cross School of Theology to suppost the liturgical music educ a t i o n program of its seminarians and church choirs. For more than 20 years, the Forum worked to meet that goal, with the support of local church musicians and other individuals, parishes, choirs, and Philoptochos chapters. At the 2004 Clergy-Laity Congress, the National Forum announced the transfer of $325,000 to the School of Theology to establish a Visiting Scholar Program in Byzantine and Church Choral Music. Funds will support yearly visits of prominent church musicians in Byzantine and/or church choral music to teach seminars, give lectures, and mentor and interact with seminarians. This 2004 donation is in addition to $100,000 the National Forum previously gifted to create and equip the Liturgical Music room of the Archbishop Iakovos Library and Learning Center. Thus, the National Forum surpassed its original goal — contributing $425,000 to the Holy Cross School of Theology to enhance its liturgical music curriculum! FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Dr. Vicki Pappas, National Chairman 3814 Regents Circle, Bloomington, IN 47401 Tel: 812-855-8248 Fax: 812-855-9630 Email: Stewardship: Mrs. Donna Aliapoulios Email: Liturgical Guidebook: Mr. Peter N. Vatsures Email: Treasurer: Mrs. Martha Stefanidakis Email: Byzantine Music Project: Dr. Nicolas Maragos Email: and Dr. George Stefanidakis E-mail: 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 163 NATIONAL SISTERHOOD OF PRESVYTERES 120 James Landing Road, Newport News, VA 23606 • Tel.: (757) 597-7786 Web: The National Sisterhood of Presvyteres, formally established in 1982, consists of all Presvyteres of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The purpose of the Sisterhood is to promote the spirit of Christain love among the Presvyteres by giving them opportunities to get acquainted with one another. This is accomplished with retreats, meetings, social gatherings and newsletters which help the Presvyteres develop a unique bond. The Sisterhood National Board meets annually, whereas, the general membership convenes every two years at the Clergy-Laity Congress. NATIONAL BOARD FLORA CHIOROS, President Email: CYNTHIA PALEOLOGOS, Vice President JEANNIE MONOS, Secretary STEPHANIE PANAGOS, Treasurer ANGIE CONSTANTINIDES, Past Pres./Advisor METROPOLIS REPRESENTATIVES Direct Archdiocesan District PAULA STROUZAS Atlanta DIANE SCORDALAKIS Boston VICKI TOPPSES Chicago ANASTASIA JONAS Denver ANDREA SAVAS Detroit GOLDIE DOUKAS New Jersey ALICE NOPLOS Pittsburgh DIANTHE LIVANOS San Francisco ELAINE STEPHANIDES STANDING COMMITTEES AND REPRESENTATIVES Retired Presvyteres IONE FILANDRINOS Widowed Presvyteres ANNE MACRIS Historian CAROLYN NASTOS The Listening Connection KATHRYN PATITSAS Web Site PAULINE PAVLAKOS Sister To Sister NICOLE KEARES Caregivers ALEXANDRA POULOS LEFT TO RIGHT: Jeannie Monos, Secretary; Flora Chioros, President; His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios; Cynthia Paleologos, Vice President; Stephanie Panagos, Treasurer; and Angie Constantinides, Past President/Advisor. 163 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 164 GREEK ORTHODOX CHAPLAINS Military Ordinary: His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver (303) 333-7794 Endorsing Agent: Consultant Rev. Luke Uhl Rev. George I. Paulson (303) 333-7794 CAPT, ChC, USN (Ret.) (757) 422-5600 The Greek Orthodox chaplain is a priest who provides the Holy Mysteries to Orthodox Christians and who additionally provides pastoral ministry to people in all walks of life. Some priests serve full-time as chaplains in the armed forces, whereas other parish priests have assumed additional responsibilities as chaplains at Veteran s Administration hospitals, with local police forces, at prisons, and in hospitals. One of the most significant features of chaplaincy activity is ministry to individuals other than Orthodox Christians, and the witness of our Orthodox faith among all Americans. Orthodox lay persons employed as professional hospital chaplains are not under the ecclesiastical supervision of the Archdiocese and are therefore not listed herein. ARMED FORCES CHAPLAINS Armed Forces chaplains are highly-qualified priests who (1) integrate the roles of clergy and commissioned officer, (2) care for Orthodox Christians while providing for the free exercise of religion by all personnel, and (3) understand the realities of military life. VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CHAPLAINS Veterans Administration chaplains are priests serving within VA facilities who are aware of the spiritual and moral dimensions which often arise from the anxieties, problems and fears which accompany illness and disabilities. These chaplains are also sensitive to the variety of religious and cultural backgrounds of the VA patients to whom ministry is provided. PRISON CHAPLAINS Prison chaplains are priests doing challenging, pastoral ministry with inmates, staff, and their families. These chaplains provide individual spiritual and personal counseling, help bring resolution to crisis situations, respond to inmate needs, and serve as advocates for inmates rights. POLICE CHAPLAINS Police chaplains minister to members of law enforcement agencies having spiritual, psychological or emotional problems. Specific duties include: crisis intervention, death notification, grief counseling, memorial services, victim and witness assistance, confidential pastoral care, stress management, spiritual guidance, marriage and family guidance. OTHER CHAPLAINS All parish clergy routinely visit patients in hospitals and meet with university students. Some priests have additional training and have attained qualifications to provide specialized ministry to individuals in these categories. Note: Following are all chaplains who have submitted information. 164 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 165 GREEK ORTHODOX CHAPLAINS U.S. AIR FORCE CHAPLAINS Lt. Col. John A. Caparisos USAF-R (Reserve) 437 AW/HC 107 Arthur Drive Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5000 843-963-2563 Capt. Peter G. Souritzides USAF-R (Reserve) 514 AMW/FMFP 2217 West Arnold Ave McGuire AFB, NJ 08641 609-754-3261 LCDR John Kalantzis, CHC, USN c/o Chapel Bldg 1301 Great Lakes, IL 60088 LT Paul P. Panos CHC, USNR-R (Reserve) c/o Saint Athanasios Greek Orthodox Church 51 Paramus Road Paramus, NJ 97562 201-368-8881 ENS Damon Smith CHC, USNR-R (Reserve) c/o Holy Cross Brookline, Massachusetts 02445 617-731-3500 U.S. AIR FORCE CIVIL AIR PATROL CONTRACT CHAPLAINS CHAPLAIN Maj. Theodore Kyritsis CAP-USAF 2280-40 Street, North Saint Petersburg, FL 33713 727-323-2596 U.S. ARMY CHAPLAINS Maj. Peter Daratsos, USA (Active Duty) US Army Soldier & Biological Chemical Command 15 Kansas Street Natick, MA 01760 508-233-5011 U.S. ARMY NATIONAL GUARD CHAPLAINS None U.S. NAVY CHAPLAINS CAPT William J. Bartz, CHC, USN 1231 Meadow Lake Road Virginia Beach, VA 23454 ph. 757-496-6007 717-245-9939 e-mail; LCDR John Constantine CHC, USNR-R (Reserve) c/o Saint George Greek Orthodox Church 10846 Downey Avenue Downey, CA 90241 562-862-6461 CDR Milton Gianulis, CHC, USN Carrier Air Wing 3 Chaplain Unit 60106 FPO AE 09504-4400 757-433-2098 office 757-508-5367 cell ARIZONA Rev. Anthony Moschonas (U.S. Army) Fort Huachuca (U.S. Air Force) Davis Montham AFB c/o Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church 1145 East Fort Lowell Road Tucson, AZ 85719 520-888-0505 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CHAPLAINS ARIZONA Rev. Anthony Moschonas c/o Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church 1145 East Fort Lowell Road Tucson, AZ 85719 520-888-0505 CALIFORNIA V. Rev. Michael Rymer Contract Chaplain VA Health Care 3801 Miranda (125) Palo Alto, CA 94304 FLORIDA Rev. Demosthenes Mekras V.A. Medical Center 1201 NW 16th Street Miami, FL 33125 305-324-4455, ext. 3258 ILLINOIS Rev. George E. Philippas North Chicago VA Medical Center 3001 Green Bay Road North Chicago, IL 60064 847-688-1900, ext. 83159 Lakeside VA Medical Center 333 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 312-469-3550 MARYLAND Rev. Athanasios Demos c/o Saint George Greek Orthodox Church 7701 Bradley Boulevard Bethesda, MD 20817 301-469-7990 MASSACHUSETTS Rev. Christopher P. Foustoukos VAMC-Boston 150 Huntington Avenue Jamaica Plain, MA 02130-4893 617-232-9500, ext. 5066 Rev. Harry S. Vulopas VA Hospital 421 North Main Street Leeds, MA 01053-9764 413-584-4040, ext. 2280 MICHIGAN Rev. Basil Stamas VA Medical Center 56 W. Dickman Road Battle Creek, MI 49015 616-375-8389 NEW JERSEY Rev. James A. Aloupis VA Hospital Tremont Avenue East Orange, NJ 07018-1095 973-676-1000 Rev. Anthony N. Pappas Lyons Veterans Hospital Lyons, NJ VIRGINIA Rev. George Chioros c/o Hampton VA Center Hampton, VA PRISON FACILITY CHAPLAINS CONNECTICUT Rev. Peter Karloutsos Federal Corrections Facility Danbury, CT 165 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 166 GREEK ORTHODOX CHAPLAINS FLORIDA V.Rev. Constantine T. Mersinas Eglin Federal Prison Camp Eglin Air Force Base, FL ILLINOIS Rev. James Tsoulos Joliet Correctional Center P.O. Box 51560432 Joliet, IL 60432 815-727-6141, ext. 653 MASSACHUSETTS Rev. Constantine Bebis Bristol County Jail and House of Correction 400 Faunce Corner Road North Dartmouth, MA 02747 508-995-1311 NEW JERSEY Rev. Emmanuel Pratsinakis Federal Prison, Fort Dix, NJ NEW YORK Rev. Emmanuel Mantzouris New York State Department of Correctional Services Ministerial and Family Services 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12226-2050 518-457-8106 Rev. Chris Talleos Napanock, Otisville Federal, & Sing Sing Prisons, NY NORTH CAROLINA Maj. Theodore Kyritsis CAP-USAF c/o 401 Queens Road Charlotte, NC 28207 704-333-6283 POLICE CHAPLAINS FLORIDA Rev. Frank M. Kirlangitis Department Chaplain Manatee County Sheriff’s Office 515 11 Street West Bradenton, FL 34205 941-747-3011 166 ILLINOIS Rev. Christos Vagias HAPA P.O. Box 59401 Chicago, IL 60659-0401 312-204-4845 MARYLAND Rev. Constantine Moralis Baltimore City Police Department 500 East Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21201 410-396-2411 Rev. Louis Noplos Baltimore City Police Southeastern District 410-204-1868 PENNSYLVANIA Rev. John Anthony Limberakis Philadelphia Police Department HALES FIRE DEPARTMENT CHAPLAIN NEW HAMPSHIRE Rev. Angelo C. Pappas City of Portsmouth Fire Department 170 Court Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-427-1515 HOSPICE CHAPLAIN WISCONSIN Rev. Joseph J. Tzougros Waukesha Memorial Hospital 725 American Avenue Waukesha, WI 53188 262-928-2419 HOSPITAL CHAPLAINS MASSACHUSETTS Rev. Harry G. Providakes Tewksbury Hospital 365 East Street Tewksbury, MA 01876 978-851-7321 ext. 2774 MINNESOTA Rev. Nicholas Kasemeotes Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY CHAPLAIN NEW HAMPSHIRE Rev. Anastasios Coulouras Supervisor for Metropolis of Boston OCF Ministries c/o Taxiarcai Greek Orthodox Church 811 Main Street Laconia, NH 03246 603-524-9415 RETIRED MILITARY CHAPLAINS Rev. Theofanis Degaitas, LCDR, CHC, USN,Ret (United States Navy-Retired) 3628 Harwich Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-8399 Rev. Dimitrios Kanellopoulos (Hellenic Air Force-Retired) c/o Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church 229 Powell Lane Upper Darby, PA 19082 610-352-7212 Rev. James D. Moulketis, CAPT, CHC, USNR, Ret (United States Navy-Retired) c/o Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 467 Grand View Avenue Wyckoff, NJ 07481 Reverend George Paulson, CAPT, CHC, USN, Ret (United States Navy-Retired) Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 621 First Colonial Road Virginia Beach, VA 23451 757-422-5600 Rev. Constantine P. Rogakos, LCOL, USA, Ret (United States Army-Retired) c/o Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral 7220 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505 757-440-0500 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 167 RETIRED GREEK ORTHODOX CLERGY OF AMERICA 4712 Marseilles Place • P.O. Box 8243 • Metaire, LA 70002 • Tel.: 504-866-6187 EXECUTIVE BOARD Rev. William G. Gaines, President Rev. Constantine Raptis, Vice President Rev. Nicholas Soteropoulos, Treasurer Rev. James Adams, Secretary BOARD MEMBERS Rev. Constantine Bebis Rev. Milton Efthimiou Rev. Constantine Eliades Rev. Demetrios Kavadas Rev. Nicholas Vieron Membership The Retired Clergy Association (RCA) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America was founded and established on April 26, 1988 with the following purposes in mind: —To continue and promote the fellowship of the retired priests; —To encourage the utilization of the retired priests expertise as a resource; —To guide and help those who are about to retire plan for their retirement; —To help the retired priest readjust to his new status as a retired clergyman; —To promote the improvement of benefits to the retired clergy and help them manage in their retirement years; —To provide support and guidance for clergy who may be facing emotional, personal, family or financial problems; —To communicate news of interest to the retired clergy. All retired clergy of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America are automatically members, as are all presbyteres of retired priests, and all widowed presbyteres. Any active priest is also invited to join as an Associate Member. The RCA Emblem The RCA Emblem is a symbolic one which reminds us that, although we are happily and gratefully retired clergy, each and every one of us remains A Priest Forever as stated in Hebrews 5:6. The outside cirecle represents our Golden Years, and the inner abbreviates the name of our beloved ANOINTED ONE. As for the fish, we who have spent a lifetime serving as fishers of men, also know the acrostic meaning of the word. The RCA Newsletter - Epistle The newsletter was established at the very beginning of our Association in 1988. It was initially a quarterly publication, however, beginning in 1992, Fr. John Zanetos, asked Fr. Nicholas L. Vieron to edit a monthly edition. All issues are sponsored by individuals. The Fishermen Pomfret Graduates enjoyed an emotional reunion with His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, during the Clergy-Laity Congress as they watch a video chronicling the Pomfret years of Holy Cross Seminary from 1937–1947. 167 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 168 EASTERN ORTHODOX COMMITTEE ON SCOUTING (EOCS) The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting (EOCS) was created in 1960 by the Standing Conference of Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA). The mission of EOCS is: • Support and conduct the mission of our Lord and His church via the scouting program; • Recognize the individual youth member as our most important member; • Provide support, programs, and recognition to the scouts and scouters of Eastern Orthodox faith whether in units in the Eastern Orthodox Churches, or registered in units sponsored by other institutions, via the religious youth recognition, adult recognitions for volunteer scouters and clergy, retreats, camp-o-rees, associated events and activities; • Provide support, guidance, programs, and consultation to the Eastern Orthodox Churches that sponsor Scouting and are partners in the scouting program; • Create, expand, enhance and project a presence of Eastern Orthodox Scouting in the Boy Scouts America, Girl Scouts USA, and Camp Fire Boys and Girls; • The EOCS exists to complement and supplement the youth’s program and the unit’s program. The EOCS does not exist to direct or replace a unit’s program; • Encourage the use of the Boy Scouts of America, Girls Scouts USA, and Camp Fire Boys and Girls programs as part of the youth ministry program of the Church and community; • Develop and extend our Scouting network with our ministry partners; • The EOCS is the officially recognized Eastern Orthodox religious committee for the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts USA, and Camp Fire Boys and Girls programs. The committee consists of several priests and adult volunteers. It acts as a liaison between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting (EOCS) publishes various forms of literature, honors and awards, promotes Orthodox Scouting, informs the Orthodox Clergy on the services of Scouting, and keeps those in Orthodox Scouting up-to-date on current progress. It also establishes procedures and coordinates the Orthodox Scouting program in America as well as being the official recognized representative for the Eastern Orthodox Churches by both the Boy & Girl Scouts nationally. Orthodox Church-Scouting Relationship: The twelfth Boy Scout Law states, “A Scout is reverent, He is reverent to God, He is faithful in his religious duties and respects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion.” Consequently, a religious program that allows the Scout to practice his/her religious beliefs should be included as a 168 regular part of the Scouting program if the Scouting unit is chartered to a religious organization. The Scoutmaster, Troop Leader, Scout Coordinator, and adult volunteers together with the priest should plan a religious program for the Scouts which includes prayers, retreats, and worship services. Scouting in the Parish Life: Scouting has many objectives that are common with those of our Holy Orthodox Church. As a program devised especially for the formative years of our Orthodox youth, Scouting encourages a better Christian life; it aids in building character and developing wholesome habits and effective citizenship activities. The Scout motto “Be Prepared” implies not only physical and mental but also spiritual, moral preparedness. Scouting works hand and hand with the Church on all levels. A properly organized and supervised Scout program in a parish can do a great deal in keeping our youth close to the Church and its many varied, wholesome, character building activities; it trains boys and girls to be of service to God, country, and fellowmen - all of which constitutes a Christian upbringing. Finally, it trains our boys and girls not only how to be contributing citizens of tomorrow, but also participating members and leaders in our Holy Faith. For these reasons your national committee on Scouting urges all parish priests and interested laymen to learn more about Scouting and organize and sponsor an Orthodox Boy or Girl Scout troop wherever one does not now exist. Religious Awards: The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting supports our youth through an extensive Religious Awards program which is designed around a scout's spiritual life. This gives the scout a chance to work closely with their spiritual Father to earn their award. The unique bond formed at this age is a stepping stone for the rest of their spiritual life. NATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS George N. Boulukos, National Chairman & Contact 862 Guy Lombardo Avenue, Freeport, NY 11520 (516)868 4050 • FAX:(516)868 4052 Email: Rev. John Paizis, Vice Chairman Kyriakos Bournis, Secretary / Webmaster Van Christakos, Treasurer Sokratis V. Galitsis, Board Member George Holt, Board Member Larry Sherman, Board Member Rev. Luke R. Uhl, Spiritual Advisor 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 169 INTERNATIONAL ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CHARITIES (IOCC) 110 West Road, Suite 360, Baltimore, MD 21204 Tel: (410) 243-9820 • Fax: (410) 243-9824 Email: • Web: Constantine M. Triantafilou, Executive Director & CEO Colin P.J. McGinnis, Chief Operating Officer Paul J. Rock, CPA, Chief Financial Officer Tamara D. Segall, CPA, Director of Finance Samir S. Ishak, Director of Operations Mark R. Hodde, CFRE, Director of Development Founded in 1992, IOCC is the official humanitarian aid agency of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA). A pan-Orthodox agency, IOCC works in cooperation with the Orthodox Church worldwide. Its relief and development programs bring urgent and sustainable assistance to people suffering from war, poverty, disease and natural disasters. Now in its second decade of service, IOCC has maintained a steadfast commitment to the most vulnerable people in the world — children, women, the elderly, the disabled, refugees — and to its principles of Orthodox compassion and justice. It has brought more than $175 million in humanitarian assistance to 27 countries in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas. In 2004, IOCC delivered food and hygiene parcels to thousands of people in post-war Iraq; strengthened family farms in BosniaHerzegovina; repaired educational and community facilities in the West Bank; fed tens of thousands of school children in Lebanon; helped hurricane victims in Florida; began a grassroots campaign against HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia; assisted the victims of violence in Kosovo and Beslan, Russia; and fostered the growth of small businesses in the Republic of Georgia. ® IOCC implements its humanitarian programs solely on the basis of need, in partnership with local organizations, and in consultation with local government, civic and Church leaders. IOCC continues to apply the unique gifts of the Orthodox Church to modern problems wherever its help is needed. BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Bert W. Moyar, Chairman George Djurasovic Elizabeth Oldnow Skouras Huttinger Very Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky, Vice Chairman The Rev. Irinej Dobrijevic Mark D. Stavropoulos David S. Elkouri Thomas M. Suehs George M. Marcus, Treasurer The Very Rev. Michael Ellias James Thomas Albert P. Foundos, Corresponding Secretary Yousif I. Hamati, M.D. The Rev. Nicholas C. Triantafilou Donna Haddad Conopeotis, Recording Secretary Lila J. Kalinich, M.D. Frank B. Cerra, M.D. The Very Rev. Robert S. Kondratick Leonidas Lee Kapetanakis Michael Homsey George Kaludis, Ph.D. Gayle Woloschak, M.D. HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS Charles R. Ajalat (founder) Anne Glynn Mackoul Andrew A. Athens (founder) Alexander Machaskee Maria Zoe Mossaides John G. Rangos (founder) Beverly Yanich, Ph.D. Basil M. Pappas George J. Farha, M.D. 169 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 170 ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMISSION (OCEC) Administration Office — PO Box 174, Centuck Station, Yonkers, NY 10710 Sales Office — PO Box 1051, Syracuse, NY 13201 Phone: (800) 464-2744 or (315) 428-1566 • Fax: (315) 422-1893 Email: Eleana Silk, Corresponding Secretary - Gregory Melnick, Sales Dept. Chairperson - Rev. Martin G. Kraus, Webmaster - The Orthodox Christian Education Commission is an agency of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas. It was founded in 1957 by a group of Orthodox theologians and educators as a forum to exchange ideas and to search for solutions to common educational problems. It currently aims to develop and publish educational material for and offers support services to Orthodox Christian Churches in North America. The OCEC is governed by a Board of Trustees made up of jurisdictional representatives. Under the Presidency of Metropolitan Philip Saliba of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, the Commission seeks to encourage cooperation among member jurisdictions. The daily operations of the Commission are conducted by an Executive Board, composed of a Chairman (the Vice President of the Commission) and the various heads of the departments. Executive Board V. Paul Kucynda, Chairperson Eleana Silk, Corresponding Secretary Rev. Edward Pehanich, Recording Secretary Stephanie Burk, Treasurer Entirely new in scope and presentation, the first text of the revised OCEC series, The Way, The Truth, and The Life, provides a basic understanding of our faith in lessons that both inform and inspire. To further the aims of Christian Education among Orthodox Churches, the commission maintains departments that carry out its work of service to North American Orthodoxy. These Departments are headed by the following persons: Gregory Melnick, Sales Dept. Chairperson Carole Buleza, Curriculum Dept. Chairperson Erin Kimmet, Publications Dept. Chairperson Tina Calligas (far right) and Mitzi Theo, both of Shreveport, LA, spend time with a Bosnian woman and her children— participants in a humanitarian project of International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC). The American women were among 14 Orthodox Christians who traveled to Bosnia-Herzegovina as part of an IOCC study tour during September 2004. Mitzi Theo serves as a member of the National Philoptochos Board from the Metropolis of Denver. 170 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:48 PM Page 171 ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (OCF) P. O. Box 249 Boston, MA 02130 Phone: (800) 919-1OCF (1623) • Fax: (617) 850-1464 Website: • Email: The Campus Ministry Program of The Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas. The mission of Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is to support fellowships on college campuses, whose members experience and witness to the Orthodox Christian Church through community life, prayer, service to others, and study of the Faith (Acts 2:42). Furthermore, OCF will work to nurture and strengthen love for Jesus Christ and His Church in its fullness at this most critical juncture of human life. We are here to guide and support the almost 200 local OCF chapters, through development of resources that Orthodox college students can utilize on their local campuses and our National Programs. To meet the needs of this ministry, National OCF is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts and operates field offices in California and Pennsylvania. NATIONAL PROGRAMS College Conference — Two conferences, one on each coast, attended by over 350 students annually; a great midyear school refresher. Real Break — Short-term service projects to awesome locations; over 375 students in the past four years have chosen this alternative spring break. The Basil Leaf — A student produced newsletter sent to over 10,000 college students covering relevant Orthodox topics. Vocation Grants — National OCF, in conjunction with Hellenic College’s Vocation Exploration Program, will grant in total $25,000 each year to registered OCFs and OCF programs that use the grant to offer opportunities for college students to explore their Christian vocations. College Student Sunday — SCOBA designated the 3rd Sunday in September each year as “College Student Sunday” to raise awareness of our students on campus and OCF’s activities. — A focus point online where many OCF resources are available. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Rev. Mark Leondis, Chairman Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Ms. Natalie Kapeluck, Vice-Chairman Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Rev. Michael Anderson, Treasurer Orthodox Church in America Rev. Timothy Sas Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America & Canada STAFF: Rev. Michael Nasser, Executive Director Jim D. King, Director of Development Joseph J. Samra III, Program Coordinator National Student Advisory Board. The Student Advisory Board was established in 2002. It was established with the intent to give the future vision and activities of OCF to the students, who are the heart of what makes OCF. The Student Board focuses on the big picture, inspiring a strong student movement and outlines visions and priorities assisting the Executive Committee in developing the future of OCF. The 2004–2005 Board are pictured here as they enjoy a light moment at their Fall Meetings. 171 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:49 PM Page 172 ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN MISSION CENTER (OCMC) P.O. Box 4319, St. Augustine, FL 32085-4319 • (904) 829-5132 • FAX (904) 829-1635 Web: • Email: 1-877-GO-FORTH (463-6784) Helping Orthodox Christians respond to Christ’s call to teach, baptize and make disciples of all nations as the official international mission agency of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA). Rev. Fr. Martin Ritsi, Executive Director Seraphim Chip Southworth, Development Director Maria Gallos, Missionary Director Nektarios Ferguson, Mission Teams Director J. Jordan Henderson, Asst. Teams Director & Medical Coordinator Our Mission The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) proclaims and practices the evangelical imperative of the Orthodox faith based on the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who commissioned us to go “and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). Our Projects • Recruiting, sending & supporting long-term Missionaries • Sending short-term Mission Teams to countries spanning the globe • Offering monthly support to over 270 indigenous clergy in 16 countries (SAMP) • Assisting philanthropic programs through Agape Canister donations in 9 countries • Providing scholarships for mission students in several seminaries • Helping to build and support churches, schools and medical clinics Our 2003 Accomplishments • Over 6,300 people received health care at medical clinics • 2,500 people heard the Gospel in Ghana • 800 children attended Orthodox Lenten, Summer and Christmas Day Camps in Albania • 618 children now have a place to live • Over 365 people were baptized in part through the efforts of 13 SAMP priests and short-term mission team members • 350 women attended spiritual life retreats • 345 children received education • 285 students received scholarships for education • 65 students received training in substance abuse counseling • 30 students received seminary training PREACHING THE GOSPEL Every Orthodox Christian is called by Christ to “preach the Gospel to every creature.” (Mark 6:15). OCMC Missionaries respond to this call by crossing cultural boundaries in order to preach the Gospel and share the love of Christ. Fr. Luke, OCMC Missionary in Albania from 1994 until 2004, taught many people, young and old, about the Love of Christ. 172 Richard Callicott, Finance Director Sofia Lopoukhine, Communications Director Jim Marth, Annual Gifts Officer Amy Barrett, Agape Canister Coordinator Presbytera Renee Ritsi, SAMP Coordinator BOARD OF TRUSTEES – EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mr. Clifford Argue, President Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield, Vice President Fr. Raymond Velencia, Treasurer Fr. George P. Liacopulos, Secretary Fr. Alexander Veronis, President Emeritus Fr. John Chakos, ex officio Mrs. Helen Nicozisis, ex officio Fr. John W. Harvey Fr. Peter Gillquist Fr. Ted Pisarchuk Ms. Thalia Karakitsios Fr. Martin Ritsi BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fr. Nicholas Anctil Dr. George Christakis Fr. Louis Christopulos Mr. George Conopeotis Mr. Patrick R. Crosson Mrs. Cina Daskalakis Dr. John G. Demakis Fr. David Hudson Fr. Nicholas Jonas Dr. Spero J. Kinnas Fr. Dimitri Leussis Fr. Christopher Makiej Mr. George Maragakes Fr. Constantine T. Mersinas Fr. Luke Mihaly Mr. Scott Mitchell Fr. David Rucker Mrs. Elizabeth Slanta Fr. Matthew Tate Fr. Constantin Tofan Fr. Nicholas J. Verdaris Dr. Gayle Woloschak Mr. Andrew E. K. Yiannakos 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:49 PM Page 173 ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN NETWORK (OCN) “COME RECEIVE THE LIGHT” The National Orthodox Christian Radio Program Tel: 877-273-2348 • The Orthodox Christian Network is a 501C 3 Organization whose premiere program is the Come Receive The Light Radio Program. The program s mission is to spread joy, hope and salvation in Jesus Christ, while exploring Contemporary Society. As an agency of SCOBA (Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas) OCN s goal is to create a media ministry for the Orthodox Church which will allow the Church to become part of the religious landscape of America. Joining the other agencies of SCOBA such as the IOCC, OCF and the OCMC, OCN s goal is to become the mouthpiece for all the organizations that bring the Church to the World. As a non-profit organization, OCN and Come Receive The Light are funded primarily by its listeners and the parishes who understand what the media can do for the Faith. With a radio presence growing throughout the nation and an internet site which is active in 70 countries throughout the world, CRTL adds the voice of the Ancient, Historic Church of Jesus Christ to the religious landscape of the nation. The presence of CRTL provides a much needed educational tool to the faithful and religious seekers in this country. By visiting you can log on to listen to current programming as well as to 3 years of archive programs which feature guests that range from Church Historians, authors and Church Hierarchs. Thanks to a large number of individuals who are on the Board of Directors and to our growing list of Share the Light Partners, CRTL continues to grow and spread the word of Orthodoxy across the Nation. Director & Host: Program Host: Vice Chairman: Vice-Chairman of Finance: Media Director: Assistant Director: Rev. Dr. Christopher T. Metropulos Emmy Louvaris Lee Zapis Dr. George Mekras Chuck Powell Spiro D. Bobotas Board of Directors Ernie Anastos Fr. John Matusiak Advisory Capacity His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios Jim Angelton Athena Marks John Maddex Dennis Awad Terry Mattingly Charles Ajalat Honorary Chairman George Behrakis Stavros Mavroulis Fr. William Chiganos His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios George Chimples Fr. Elias Mitchell Fr. Peter Gillquist Eve Condakes Fr. Nektarios Morrow George Veras Jerry Dimitriou Fr. Michel Najim Xenophon Zapis Fr. Christopher T. Metropulos Peter Dourdas Garry Paxinos Fr. Stanley Harakas Chairman of the Board Debbie Hadjes-Funti Diane Paxinos Achilles Kornaros Fr. Nabil Hanna John Politis George Collias Doug Harris Spiro Razatos Fr. Frank Miloro Michael Henry Ron Spiegel Treasurer Vincent Hogan James Shreckengost Bill Maraines Dr. Anthony Kales John Zervas Legal Counsel Dr. Joyce Kales Dr. George Mekras Emmy Louvaris Vice-Chairman of Finances Tony Maiorana Honorary Chairman Lee Zapis Vice Chairman Paul Panagos 173 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:49 PM Page 174 SCOBA COMMISSIONS • Study & Planning — Comprised of one member appointed by each hierarch of SCOBA, this commission meets regularly to review the work of all SCOBA Commissions and to review all requests and reports received by the SCOBA office. It prepares the Agenda and documentation for the Spring and Fall SCOBA meetings. It is chaired by Metropolitan Nicholas of Amissos. • Ecumenical — This Commission overseas the Bilateral Dialogues. It is chaired by Metropolitan Maximos of Pittsburgh, with Fr. Thomas FitzGerald as moderator. Dialogues engaged in presently are: 1. Orthodox / Roman Catholic Bishops — 7 Bishops from each tradition gather once each year to discuss topics of common pastoral concern. 2. Orthodox / Roman Catholic Theological Consultation — 12 theologians from each tradition gather twice each year to discuss issues of theological concern. Ongoing for more than 40 years, this Dialogue has produced noteworthy Agreed Statements, the most recent being one on the Filioque. 3. Orthodox / Lutheran Dialogue — 7 theologians from each tradition gather once each year to discuss theological issues, hear papers and when possible issues common statements, the most recent being On Faith in the Holy Trinity. This dialogue started in the 1960 s. • Military Chaplaincy — Chaired by Metropolitan Herman (Orthodox Church in America), this Commission relates to the endorsement and other matters concerning Orthodox Chaplains in the U.S. Armed Forces. • Social and Moral Issues — Established two years ago, this Commission, chaired by Dr. John Dalack, is comprised of clergy and lay specialists charged with helping the hierarchs in the formulation of position papers on the social and moral issues confronting our nation and our church, such as Sexual Abuse, Cloning, Euthanasia, etc. • Oriental & Eastern Orthodox — This Joint Commission gathers twice annually to develop collaborative efforts to offer our hierarchs, clergy and faithful the opportunity to work together and to become acquainted with one another. Co-Chaired by Archbishop Barsamian and Bishop Dimitrios of Xanthos, it includes representatives of the SCOBA jurisdictions and the members of the Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches. ENDORSED ORGANIZATIONS The following groups have received an endorsement from SCOBA: • Orthodox Theological Society in America • Project Mexico • Zoe For Life • North American Orthodox Peace Fellowship • Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration SCOBA Study and Planning Commission. 174 • Orthodox Christian Association of Psychology, Medicine and Religion 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:49 PM Page 175 STAVROPEGIAL MONASTERIES AND CHURCHES Executive Offices: 36-04 23rd Avenue • Astoria, NY 11105-1916 Tel. (718) 626-6225 • Fax (718) 626-7669 Web: • Email: His Excellency Metropolitan Paisios of Tyana Abbot Nameday: June 19 His Grace Bishop Vikentios of Apameia Deputy Abbot Nameday: Nov. 11 The Sacred Patriarchal and Stavropegial Orthodox Monastery of St. Irene Chrysovalantou, in Astoria, New York, is one of the Sacred Patriarchal and Stavropegial Monasteries of the Ecumenical Throne, by a decision of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on April 7, 1998. The Sacred Patriarchal Monastery of St. Irene Chrysovalantou has Metochia (Dependencies) in many states, which remain under the administrative jurisdiction of the Stavropegial Monastery. His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew named His Excellency Metropolitan Paisios of Tyana as the first Abbot of the Monastery and His Grace Bishop Vikentios of Apameia as the Deputy Abbot. CHIEF SECRETARY Dr. John Kotsaridis SECRETARIES Metaxia Giannopoulos Sofia Gianniris ACCOUNTANT Ioannis Psomiadis, CPA LEGAL COUNSELOR Brian Skarlatos, Esq. PHILOPTOCHOS OFFICE Maria Palatianos - President Aggeliki Fessaras - Secretary RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Elisavet Angelidis EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Dr. John Kotsaridis - Director Members: Dr. John Angelidis, Mrs. Vasiliki Filiotis Sister Christodouli Vissa YOUTH MINISTRY Konstantina Agorastos MISSION-SOCIETY MINISTRY Archimandrite Dorotheos PRESS OFFICE Dr. John Angelidis - Director PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICE Constantinos Prentzas - Director Maria Kapsis - Assistant 175 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:49 PM Page 176 STAVROPEGIAL MONASTERIES AND CHURCHES PUBLICATIONS DEPENDENCIES “The Voice of Orthodoxy”, a monthly, bilingual newspaper, published by the Sacred Monastery. Publisher: His Excellency Metropolitan Paisios of Tyana Chief Editor: Dr. John Kotsaridis 2) Mother of God The Liberator Greek Orthodox Monastery (Senior Citizen Center) 42-11 Ditmars Boulevard Astoria, NY 11105-1433 (718) 932-9292 3) Holy Theotokos Monastery 111 Evergreen Road North Fort Myers, FL 33903-3830 Tel. (941) 997-2846 Fax (941) 997-2046 E-mail: Archimandrite John Hieromonk Mark Hieromonk George 4) St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church 340 67th Street Brooklyn, NY 11220-5301 Tel.(718) 748-7667 Fax (718) 748-4114 His Grace Bishop Vikentios of Apameia, Acting Dean Rev. Evgenios 5) St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 1822 65th Street Brooklyn, NY 11204-1901 (718) 232-7358 Presbyter Haralambos 6) SS. Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Gerasimos Greek Orthodox Church Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 (516) 477-1801 TV PROGRAM Channel 95 (NGTV) Every Thursday 7:05 p.m. “Voice of Orthodoxy” Executive Director: His Grace Bishop Vikentios of Apameia POSTAL ADDRESS Sacred Patriarchal and Stavropegial Orthodox Monastery of St. Irene Chrysovalantou, 36-07 23rd Avenue, Astoria, NY 11105-1916. Tel. 1-718-626-6225 Fax: 1-718-626-7669 E-mail: Web: FEAST DAYS July 28 Saint Irene Chrysovalantou and November 30 Saint Apostle Andrew the First called, Patron Saint and Founder of the Mother Church of Constantinople. SACRED PATRIARCHAL MONASTERY-SHRINE 1) Sacred Patriarchal and Stavropegial Orthodox Monastery of St. Irene Chrysovalantou, 36-07 23rd Avenue, Astoria, NY 11105-1916. Presbyter Gerasimos 7) Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church 802 N. Orange Street Wilmington, DE 19801-1710 (302) 836-3959 Protopresbyter Rafael 8) SS. Athanasios and John Greek Orthodox Church 4200 N. Keeler Avenue Chicago, IL 60641-2298 Tel. (773) 286-3735 Fax (773) 286-3753 Rev. Fr. Emmanuel 9) Holy Ascension Greek Orthodox Church 1440 N. Laura Street Clearwater, FL 33755-5221 Tel. (727) 469-8826 Fax (727) 469-8816 Archimandrite Dorotheos 10) St. John Orthodox Mission R.R.1, Smith Road Parksville, NY 12768-9801 (914) 583-5845 Protopresbyter Iakovos 11) Saint Michael Orthodox Mission in Belize 30-32 Macaw Avenue Belmopan BELIZE Tel. (501) 9-22382, 8-23284 fax. (501) 8-23633 Hieromonk Daniel Hieromonk Joseph The Great Procession of the Miraculous Icon of St. Irene Chrysovalantou (July 25, 2004) (l. to r.) His Excellency Metropolitan Paisios of Tyana, the Abbot of the Sacred Patriarchal Monastery, Mr. George Alexopoulos, Consul of Greece in New York (back), His Eminence Metropolitan Theoliptos of Ikonion, representative of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and His Grace Bishop Vikentios of Apameia. 176 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:49 PM Page 177 AMERICAN CARPATHO-RUSSIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE OF THE U.S.A. Diocesan Chancery: The Most Reverend Metropolitan Nicholas of Amissos Nameday: December 6th Consecration: March 13, 1983 Enthronement: April 19, 1985 American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. 316 Garfield Street • Johnstown, PA 15906 Tel.: (814) 539-9143 The American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese was established in 1938 by His All-Holiness, the late Benjamin I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, under the Patriarchal Seal in the official Patriarchal Document listed under Protocol No. 1379 and dated September 19, 1938, and was canonized in the name of the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ. The Diocese was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1950. Metropolitan: His Eminence, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Nicholas, Titular Metropolitan of Amissos, was born on February 23, 1936. He was elected Bishop by the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on March 13, 1983 in St. Mary s Church, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Consecrator was His Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos with Metropolitan Andrej Kuschak, Bishop John R. Martin of Nyssa and Bishop Philotheos of Meloa, co-consecrators. Metropolitan Nicholas was enthroned in Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Johnstown, PA on Bright Friday, April 19, 1985. He was elected Metropolitan by the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on November 24, 1997. The Most Reverend Metropolitan Nicholas: 316 Garfield Street, Johnstown, PA 15906 312 Garfield St., Johnstown, PA 15906 Phone (814) 539-9143 Fax: (814) 536-4699 Business Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday thru Friday Closed Church Holydays and National Holidays Chancellor: Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro, 249 Butler Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15906 Phone (814) 539-9143 Business Hours: 9 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday Treasurer: Very Rev. Protopresbyter Ronald A. Hazuda, 1115 East Avenue, Erie, PA 16503 Phone (814) 453-4902 DIOCESAN BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The Most Rev. Metropolitan Nicholas, Presiding Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro, Chancellor Very Rev. Protopresbyter Lawrence R. Barriger, Vice-Chancellor Very Rev. Protopresbyter Ronald A. Hazuda, Treasurer Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael Polanichka, Consultor Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael S. Rosco, Consultor Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth M. Bachofsky, Consultor Very Rev. Jonathan Tobias, Consultor Mr. Alex R. Breno Mr. Michael J. Fetsko Mr. William Oldham Mr. Stephen Hall Mrs. Sharon Winkler Mr. Joseph Parimucha Mr. Theodore Koast Atty. Michael Ristvey Jr., Diocesan Legal Counselor Honorary Trustee: Mr. Frank Finui 177 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:49 PM Page 178 AMERICAN CARPATHO-RUSSIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE OF THE U.S.A. Diocesan Director of Youth Theological Advisor to the Bishop Rev. Michael Ellis, Administrator of Camp Nazareth, 339 Pew Road, Mercer, PA 16137 Phone: 724 662-4840 Very Rev. Protopresbyter Lawrence R. Barriger Diocesan Priests’ Pension Fund Orthodox Christians For Life His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas Protopresbyter Ronald A. Hazuda, Director Protopresbyter Robert Rebeck, Treasurer Protopresbyter Michael Polanichka, Financial Secretary Protopresbyter Richard Salley, Recording Secretary Mr. Michael J. Zapach, Sr. Miss Christina Duranko Vicariate for Diocesan Liturgical Publications and Music Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael S. Rosco, Chairman Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro Very Rev. Protopresbyter Lawrence R. Barriger Very Rev. James Gleason Very Rev. Robert Prepelka Diocesan Building Commission Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael Polanichka, Chairman Diocesan Education Commission Supervisor of Schools Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky Regional Religious Education Directors Rev. Samuel Sherry, Chicago Deanery Very Rev. Jonathan Tobias, Pittsburgh-Tri-State Deaneries Rev. Tony Joseph, Johnstown Deanery Rev.George Dursa, Pocono and Southern Tier Deaneries Rev. Jeff Zias, Mid-Atlantic Deanery Rev. Peter Paproski, New England Deanery Very Rev. John R. Pribish, New York-New Jersey Deaneries Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky, Youngstown Deanery Rev. Michael Shuster, Florida Deanery Rev. John Zboyovski, Washington, DC Deanery Rev. Maxym Lysack, Canadian Deanery Foreign Missions Commission Rev. Maxym Lysack Very Rev. Luke Mihaly Episcopal Representatives to Commissions of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops Ecumenical Commission Very Rev. Protopresbyter Lawrence R. Barriger Very Rev. Protopresbyter James S. Dutko Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael S. Rosco Diocesan Chaplain of Scouts Very Rev. John J. Beskid 178 Canonical Advisor Dr. Lewis J. Patsavos Rev. Dr. Edward Pehanich SEMINARY Christ the Saviour Seminary 225 Chandler Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15906 Phone 814 539-0116 The Most Rev. Metropolitan Nicholas, President and Rector Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro, Dean Very Rev. Protopresbyter Ronald Hazuda, Treasurer Very Rev. Priestmonk Matthias (Moriak), Prefect DEANERIES New Jersey Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael Rosco, Dean 145 Broad St., Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 Phone: 732 826-4442 New York Very Rev. John Beskid, Dean 288 East 10th Street, New York, NY 10009 Phone: 212 254-6685 New England Very Rev. Luke Mihaly, Dean 74 Joes Hill Road, Danbury, CT 06811 Phone: 203 748-0671 Mid-Atlantic Very Rev. Protopresbyter Robert Rebeck, Dean 1231 North 14th Street, Whitehall, PA 18052 Phone: 610 432-0272 Pocono Very Rev. Protopresbyter Lawrence R. Barriger, Dean 451 Fern St., Freeland, PA 18224 Phone: 570 636-2085 Southern Tier Very Rev. Protopresbyter James Dutko, Dean 280 Clinton St., Binghamton, NY 13905 Phone: 607 797-4471 Johnstown Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro, Dean 249 Butler Ave., Johnstown, PA 15906 Phone 814 539-8086 Pittsburgh Very Rev. Protopresbyter John P. Gido, Dean 450 Glenwood Dr., Ambridge, PA 15003 Phone: 724 266-2879 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:49 PM Page 179 AMERICAN CARPATHO-RUSSIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE OF THE U.S.A. Youngstown Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky, Dean 2053 North Road, NE, Warren, OH 44483 Phone: 330 372-6240 Chicago Rev. Samuel Sherry, Dean 7313 Waukegan Road, Niles, IL 60714 Phone: 847 647-8398 Tri-State Very Rev. James Gleason, Dean 19 West Park Ave., Morgantown, WV 26505 Phone: 304 296-4319 Florida Very Rev. Michael J. Miklos, Dean 302 San Filippo Drive, Palm Bay, FL 32909 Phone 321 676-0583 Washington DC Rev. Miles P. Zdinak, Dean 10201 Democracy Blvd, Potomac, MD 20854 Phone: 301-299-5120 CLERGY AND CHURCHES Editorial Staff Assistant to the Editor – Rev. Mark Leasure Associate Editor – Very Rev. Protopresbyter Lawrence R. Barriger Chancery Editor – Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro Diocesan News and Orthodox Christian News Editor – Very Rev. Luke Mihaly MEMBER: ASSOCIATED CHURCH PRESS Publication Office: The Church Messenger 312 Garfield Street, Johnstown, PA 15906 YOUTH CAMP-RETREAT CONFERENCE CENTER Camp Nazareth Rev. Maxym Lysack, Dean 26 Bowmoor Avenue, Nepean, Ontario K2E-6M4 CANADA Phone: 613 723-7790 339 Pew Road, Mercer, PA 16137 Office-Residence: Phone/Fax: 724 662-4840 Rev. Michael Ellis, Administrator DIOCESAN WEB SITE Father Peter Paproski 1240 Broadbridge Avenue, 06615 Phone: 203 375-2564 BOOKSTORE AND RELIGIOUS GIFT SHOPS Gloria Incense 225 Chandler Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15906 FAX 814 536-4699 DIOCESAN PUBLICATION E-mail: Mail, E-mail and Fax orders only THE CHURCH MESSENGER Editor, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael S. Rosco 145 Broad Street, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 Phone: 732 826-4442 Fax: 732 826-5383 E-Mail: Business Manager Pani Betty Jean Baranik 312 Garfield Street, Johnstown, PA 15906 Phone: 724 479-3656 Fax: 814 536-4699 Bridgeport – St. John the Baptist, Very Rev.David Cochran; Very Rev. Protopresbyter John Duranko, Pastor Emeritus; Deacon Daniel Mahler 384 Mill Hill Avenue. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 576, Stratford, CT 06615 Phone/Fax: 203 335-6170 Danbury – Holy Trinity, Very Rev. Luke Mihaly, Deacon Gregory Justiniano 17 Roberts Avenue, 06810 Rectory: 74 Joes Hill Road, 06811 Phone: 203 748-0671, Fax: 203 7941490 A.C.R.Y. ANNUAL AND CHURCH ALMANAC A.C.R.Y. Annual Staff Rev. Mark Leasure: Editor Stratford – Rev. Andrew Fetchina: Business St. John the Baptist, Manager Reverend Peter Paproski:Spiritual Advisor Very Rev. Edward Macura Canada ISSUED BI-WEEKLY CONNECTICUT Camp Nazareth Gift Shop 339 Pew Road, Mercer, PA 16137 Phone: 724 662-4840 Seminary Bookstore 225 Chandler Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15906 Phone: 814 539-0116 E-mail: Subject Line: “Bookstore” 600 Silver Lane, 06614 Phone: 203 386-8888 Stratford – St. John the Baptist, Rev. Peter Paproski 1240 Broadbridge Avenue, 06615 Phone: 203 375-2564 FLORIDA Hollywood – Presentation of Our Lord, Very Rev. Elias Mitchell 5801 Grant Street, 33021 Mailing address: P. O. Box 6664, 33021 Phone: 954 987-8058 Melbourne – St. Barbara’s, Very Rev. Michael J. Miklos 302 S.E. San Filippo Drive, Palm Bay, 32909 Phone: 321-676-0583 Spring Hill – Holy Trinity, Rev. Michael Shuster 11200 Elgin Blvd., 34608 Phone: 352 686-6050 GEORGIA Woodstock (Atlanta Mission) – St. Elizabeth Mission, Rev. Paul Stoll 206 Deerchase Drive, 30188 Phone: 770 924-7181 179 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 3:49 PM Page 180 AMERICAN CARPATHO-RUSSIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE OF THE U.S.A. ILLINOIS NEW JERSEY Niles – Bayonne – St. Michael’s, Rev. Samuel Sherry 7313 Waukegan Road, 60714 Phone/Fax: 847 647-8398 St. Mary’s, Very Rev. John P. Fencik 90 West 30th Street, 07002 Phone: 201 436-5549; Fax: 201 8580955 Rockford – Christ the Saviour, Rev. Dimitrios Leussis, Deacon Janke Valukeviec 1802 Pershing Avenue, 61109 Phone: 815 398-2134 Residence: 6174 Sulkey Lane, 61107 Phone: 815 399-4292 INDIANA Crawfordsville – Holy Transfiguration Mission, Rev. Alexis Miller 4800W 300S, 47933 Residence: 4626 Fall Creek Rd., 47933 Phone: 765 364-0319 Hobart – St. Nicholas, Rev. Peter Zarynow 954 State Street, 46342 Phone: 219 947-9737 Residence: 4610 15th Place, Hobart, IN 46342 Lafayette – St. Alexis (Toth), Rev. Gregory Allard, Deacon Alexander Boutselis 1418 South 24th Street, 47905 Phone 765-446-9139 Residence: 1106 Wells Street, Lafayette, IN 47905 Phone: 765 471-2580 Schererville – Descent of the Holy Spirit, Rev. Lev Holowaty 545 77th Avenue, 46375 Phone/Fax: 219 864-4342 MARYLAND Elizabeth – St. Nicholas, Very Rev. John R. Pribish 668 S. Broad Street, 07202 Phone: 908 354-1384 Freehold – St. Paul the Apostle, Rev. Robert E. Lucas, Deacon Kenneth Ellis 24 Burke Road, 07728 Phone: 732 780-3158 Manville – Holy Ghost, Rev. Matthew Moriak 249 South 7th Avenue, 08835 Phone: 908 725-3385 Perth Amboy – St. John the Baptist, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael Rosco, Protodeacon Gregory Benc, 145 Broad Street, 08861 Phone: 732 826-4442 Fax: 732 826-5383 Rahway – St. John the Baptist, Rev. Andrew Fetchina 211 West Grand Avenue, 07065 Phone: 732 382-8844 Rockaway – Saints Peter and Paul, Rev. Michael Chendorain 64 Beach Street, 07866 Phone/Fax: 973 627-1462 NEW YORK Binghamton – Holy Resurrection, Rev. Miles Zdinak 10201 Democracy Blvd., 20854 Phone: 301 299-5120 Fax: 301 983-0847 St. Michael’s, Very Rev. Protopresbyter James S. Dutko Very Rev. Protopresbyter Stephen Dutko, Pastor Emeritus 280 Clinton, Street, 13905 Phone: 607 797-4471 Fax: 607 797-1090 Waldorf – Cheektowaga – St. Thomas the Apostle, Rev. Joseph Edgington 4419 Leonardtown Road, 20602 Phone: 301 638-5035 St. Mary’s, Very Rev. Thomas Kadlec, Deacon Donald Koch 940 Losson Road, 14227 Potomac – 180 Residence: 14 Chisolm Trail, Orchard Park, NY 14127 Phone: 716 662-6915 Corning – St. Mary’s, Rev. Stephen Loposky 254 Sunset Drive, 14830 Residence: 7 East Chatfield Place, Painted Post, New York 14870 Phone: 607 962-5285 Endicott – St. Mary’s, Very Rev. Michael A. Kleban 1907 Jenkins Street, 13760 Phone: 607 754-8952 New York City – St. Mary’s, Rev. David J. Kossey 121 East 7th Street, 10009 Phone: 212 674-1066 New York City – St. Nicholas, Very Rev. John J. Beskid 288 East 10th Street, 10009 Phone: 212 254-6685 Seaford – St. Gregory of Nyssa, Very Rev. Robert J. Prepelka, Deacon Richard Howrilka 1100 Hicksville Road, 11783 Phone: 516 541-3628 Yonkers – St. Mary’s, Rev. Michael Psenechnuk, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Elias Kozar, Pastor Emeritus 485 North Broadway, 10701 Phone: 914 963-5549 NORTH CAROLINA Asheville – St. Joseph/St. Andrew, Rev. John Zboyovski 114 Challedon Drive, Candler, NC 28715 Phone: 828 667-4748 OHIO Akron – Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Myron G. Zuder, Ph.D. 91 South Arlington Avenue, 44306 Rectory: 2112 Jennifer Street, 44313 Phone 330 835-4840 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:02 PM Page 181 AMERICAN CARPATHO-RUSSIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE OF THE U.S.A. Barton – Dickson City – Jacobs Creek – St. Nicholas, Rev. Michael Kabel 70600 Barton Road, St. Clairsville 43950 Phone: 740 695-9533 St. Mary’s, Very Rev. Ronald Kovac, Deacon Michael Kozar 522 Main Street, 18519 Phone: 570 489-7023 St. Nicholas, Rev.Dr. Edward Pehanich Main Street, 15448 Administered from Monongahela. 314 Sixth St., 15063 Phone: 724 258-5072 North Royalton – Christ the Saviour, Very Rev. Michael Conrad, Very Rev. Dr. Stephen N. Jula, Pastor Emeritus 10000 State Road, 44133 Phone: 440 237-9196 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 33639, 44133 Phone: 440 582-8163 Warren – St. Nicholas, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth M. Bachofsky 2053 North Road, NE, 44483 Phone: 330 372-6240 Residence Phone: 330 372-9778 Fax: 330 372-5987 Youngstown – St. Michael’s, Very Rev. Protopresbyter George Hutnyan, Deacon William Friedel 125 Steel Street, 44509 Phone: 330 799-8133 PENNSYLVANIA Allentown – East Pittsburgh – St. John the Baptist, Very Rev. Jonathan Tobias 211 Cable Avenue, 15112 Phone: 412 824-0246 Ellwood City – Jenners – St. Mary’s, Rev. Sergei Alekseev 5222 Front Street, 15546 Phone/Fax: 814 629-9177 St. John the Baptist, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Richard Salley 528 First Avenue, 16117 Administered from New Castl Phone 724 652-7602 Johnstown – St. Michael’s, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Lawrence R. Barriger, Deacon Theodore Worobey 451 Fern Street, 18224 Phone: 570 636-2085 Johnstown – Christ the Saviour Cathedral, The Most Rev. Nicholas Smisko, Metropolitan; Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro, Dean; and Erie – Very Rev. Priestmonk Matthias (Moriak), St. Nicholas, Associate Pastor; Very Rev. Protopresbyter Ronald A. Hazuda, Deacon Oleg Aminov Deacon Michael Hronas 300 Garfield Street, 15906 1115 East Avenue, 16503 Rectory: 249 Butler Avenue, 15906 Phone: 814 453-4902 Phone: 814 539-8086 Fax: 814 536-4699 Freeland – Christ the Saviour Seminary, The Most Rev. Metropolitan Nicholas, Rector; Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro, Dean; Very Rev. Priestmonk Matthias (Moriak), Prefect; Mount Christ the Saviour, 225 Chandler Avenue, 15906 Phone: 814 539-0116 Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Robert J. Rebeck, Corner of 6th St. & Tilghman Street, 18103 Residence: 1231 North 14th St., Whitehall, 18052 Phone/Fax: 610 432-0272 Hawk Run – Ambridge – Homer City – St. John the Baptist, Very Rev. Protopresbyter John P. Gido, Protodeacon John S. Youhas 450 Glenwood Drive, 15003 Phone: 724 266-2879 Saints Peter and Paul, Very Rev. Mojmir Zalcik, Deacon Matthew Conjelko 427 South Main Street, 15748 Phone: 724 479-3656 California – Homestead – Holy Trinity (Vacant) 385 Boaz Street, 15419 St. Nicholas, Very Rev. Robert A. Buczak 903 Ann Street, 15120 Phone: 412 461-3264 Fax: 412 461-9437 St. Stephen’s, Rev. Nicholas Ferencz, Deacon James Krisner 1520 Susan Drive, 15650 Phone: 724 539-1109 Residence: 10 West Tacoma Avenue, Latrobe, 15650 Huntingdon – Levittown – Central City – Saints Peter and Paul, Rev. Stephen Kundla 149 Wheeler Street, 15926 Phone: 814 754-4442 Clymer – St. Michael’s, Very Rev. R. Michael Zak 465 Morris Street, 15728 Phone: 724 254-4343 St. John the Baptist, Rev.Charles Kovich; Deacon Emil Gulick 53 Fulton Street, 16840-0203 Phone: 814 342-0163 Epiphany of Our Lord, Rev. Thomas Klein East Penn Street, Blair Park, 16652 Phone: (717) 264-7158 Lansford – St. Nicholas, Rev.Seraphim VonAbele 125 W. Bertsch Street, 18232 Phone: 570 645-4311 Latrobe – Saints Peter and Paul, Very Rev. Theodore Z. Mozes 1314 Randall Avenue, 19057 Phone/Fax: 215 943-8222 181 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:02 PM Page 182 AMERICAN CARPATHO-RUSSIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE OF THE U.S.A. McKeesport – Scranton – St. Michael’s, Rev. George R. Patrick 424 Ninth Avenue, 15132 Phone: 412 678-0517 St. Nicholas, Rev. George Dursa, Very Rev. Protopresbyter John I. Dolhy, Pastor Emeritus 621 Vine Street, 18510 Phone: 570 344-5917 Mercer – Camp Nazareth, SS. Cyril and Methodios Church, Rev. Michael Ellis, Administrator 339 Pew Road, 16137 Phone/Fax: 724 662-4840 Monongahela – St. Nicholas, Rev. Dr. Edward Pehanich 314 Sixth Street, 15063 Phone: 724 258-5072 Mt. Union – Saints Peter and Paul, Rev. Thomas Klein, Deacon Arnold McClure P.O. Box 1495, 17066 Phone: (814) 542-2207 Nesquehoning – St. John the Baptist, Rev. Robert Teklinski, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael Sopoliga, Pastor Emeritus 9 W. Railroad Street, 18240 Phone: 570 669-6623 New Castle – St. Nicholas, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Richard G. Salley 205 E. Reynolds Street, 16101 Phone: 724 652-7602 Sharon – St. John the Baptist, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael Polanichka 725 Cedar Avenue, 16146 Phone: 724 346-4457 Fax: 724 981-0571 St. Clair – St. Michael’s, Rev. Jeff Zias 106 North Morris Street, 17970 Phone: 570 429-0670 Taylor – St. George’s, Rev. Mark Leasure 745 South Keyser Avenue, 18517 Phone: 570 562-1170 Wilpen (Ligonier) – St. John the Baptist, Rev. Tony Joseph 315 Wilpen Road, Ligonier, PA 15658 Phone: 724 238-9783 Residence: 108 Stoneybrook Lane, Johnstown 15904 Phone: 814 266-9475 Windber – Saints Peter and Paul, Very Rev. Protopresbyter David J. Smoley; Holy Ghost, Deacon Robert Conjelko Very Rev. Protopresbyter John R. Fedornock 141 Hoffman Farm Road, 15963 Starr and Bridge Street, Phone: 814 467-7444 Phoenix Park, P. O. Box 66, 19460 Phone/Fax: 610 933-3336 Wood – St. Michael’s, Pittsburgh – Rev. Thomas Klein St. John the Baptist, Box 47, 16694 Very Rev. John S. Brancho Phone: 814 635-3752 2695 Woodland Avenue, 15212 Residence: 2079 Wayne Rd., Phone: 412 766-3460 Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone: 717 264-7158 Rankin – Phoenixville – St. Michael’s, Very Rev. John Lazarek; Very Rev. Protopresbyter Peter P. Buletza, Pastor Emeritus 146 Third Street, 15104 Phone: 412 271-2725 Residence: 538 Foxchase Lane, Ligonier, PA 15658 Phone 724 593-5995 182 VIRGINIA Manassas – Nativity of Our Lord, Rev. Nectarios Trevino 8911 Weems Road, 20010 Rectory: 4119 Bull Run Mountain Road, The Plains, 20198 Phone: 571 261-5161 WEST VIRGINIA Bluefield – Dormition of the Mother of God, Rev. Mark Tyson Rt. 2, Box 677. 24701 Phone: 304 323-2648 Morgantown – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Very Rev. James A. Gleason, Jr. 19 West Park Avenue, 26505 Phone: 304 296-4319 ONTARIO, CANADA Ottawa, Ontario – Christ the Saviour/Holy Trinity, Rev. Maxym Lysack 721 Somerset Street West K1R 6P7; Mailing Address: 26 Bowmoor Avenue, K2E-6M4 CANADA Phone: 613 723-7790 Toronto, Ontario – St. Silouan the Athonite Mission, Rev. Roberto Ubertino 155 Broadview Avenue, M4M 2E9 CANADA Phone 416 466-1357 FAX 416 466-3517 Toronto, Ontario – St. John the Compassionate Mission, Rev. Roberto Ubertino 153 Broadview Avenue, M4M 2E9 CANADA Phone 416 466-1357 FAX 416 466-3517 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:02 PM Page 183 ALBANIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE Mailing Address: 6455 Silver Dawn Lane • Las Vegas, NV 89118 Tel. & Fax: (702) 365-1989 • Cell.: (775) 848-6369 Rt. Rev. Bishop Ilia Katre Bishop of Philomelion ILLINOIS (IL) Chicago 60639 St. Nicholas 2701 N. Narragensett Avenue Tel.: (312) 889-4282 V. Rev. Fr. Philip Koufos MASSACHUSETTS (MA) South Boston 02127 Holy Trinity 245 D Street P.O. Box 224 Tel.: (617) 268-7808 183 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:02 PM Page 184 UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE USA “UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX WORD” The Most Reverend Metropolitan Constantine, Primate Editorial Board: Hieromonk Daniel- Editor-in-Chief Dobrodijka Barbara Kristof Tel.: (732) 356-0090 E-mail: and Memorial Church Museum Nameday: June 3rd Natalia Honcharenko and Lidia Nakonechna Tel.: (732) 356-0090 E-Mail: Cultural Center 1803 Sidney Street • Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Tel.: (412) 431-0743 • Fax: (412) 431-0758 Tom O’Prandy - Manager 135 Davidson Ave. • Somerset, NJ 08873 Tel.: (732) 469-1018 • Fax: (732) 356-5556 Library COUNCIL OF BISHOPS 135 Davidson Ave. • Somerset, NJ 08873 Tel.: (732) 356-0090 His Beatitude Metropolitan CONSTANTINE St. Andrew Bookstore 1803 Sidney Street • Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Tel.: (412) 431-0743 • Fax: (412) 431-0758 Mrs. Shirley Skocypec - Manager 135 Davidson Ave. Somerset, NJ 08873 Tel.: (732) 356-0090 • Fax: (732) 356-5556 His Eminence Archbishop ANTONY P. O. Box 495 • South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 Tel.: (732) 356-0090 • Fax: (732) 356-9437 E-mail: His Eminence Archbishop VSEVOLOD 3200 N. Lake Shore Drive Unit 701 • Chicago, IL 60657 Tel.: (773) 296-2185 • Fax: (773) 296-1829 E-mail: CONSISTORY OF THE UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE USA Mailing Address: All Saints Camp Mr. Stephen Sheptak - Manager 110 All Saints Road Scrubgrass Township Emlenton, PA 16373 Tel.: (724) 284- 1265 (724) 867-5811 ORGANIZATIONS Sr. Ukrainian Orthodox League of USA P. O. Box 495 • South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 Tel.: (732) 356-0090 • Fax: (732) 356-5556 Ms. Melanie Nakonachny- President 11000 Ridgewood, Apt 507 Parma Heights, OH 44130 Shipping Address: Jr. Ukrainian Orthodox League of USA 135 Davidson Ave. • Somerset, NJ 08873 Tel.: (732) 356-0090 • Fax: (732) 356-5556 E-mail: Webpage: Consistory Office of Public Relations Hieromonk Daniel – Director P. O. Box 495 • South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 Tel.: (732) 356-0090 E-mail: Ms. Katya Carman - President 3 Parkwood Dr. Cortland, NY 13045 Tel.: (607) 756-7882 E-mail: St. Andrew Society CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS & INSTITUTIONS Mr. Michael Heretz, P. E. - President 95 Orient Way Apt. 5 B-C Rutherford, NJ 07070 Tel.: (201) 460-0190 Fax: (201) 460-7327 Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary United Ukrainian Orthodox Sisterhoods V. Rev. Bazyl Zawierucha - Administrator V. Rev. Stephen Hutnick - Vocations Director P. O. Box 240 • South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 Tel.: (732) 469-7555 Mrs. Nadiya Mirchuk - President 110 E. Cedar Street Livingston, NJ 07039-4015 Tel.: (973) 992-6479 184 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:18 PM Page 185 CLERGY-LAITY CONGRESS His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios officially opens the 37th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress with his Keynote Address to the delegates. National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians from throughout the United States offered beautiful music to the Congress Opening Ceremonies. NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks at the Opening Ceremonies of the Clergy-Laity Congress. In a moving ceremony at the Clergy-Laity Philoptochos Banquet, six women, from throughout the United States, were honored for the “far reaching impact of their actions on the lives of others.” Shown with Archbishop Demetrios, Metropolitan Panteleimon and National President Georgia Skeadas are: Penny Panagiota Deligiannis, Judge Yorka Linakis, Catherine Pappas, Paulette Poulos, Mardene Moyrkwas and Jeanne Tsakalos. 185 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:18 PM Page 186 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH IN U.S. ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH VISITS His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew made his fifth official visit to the Archdiocese and first official pastoral visit to the Metropolis of New Jersey in March 2004. Immediately upon arrival, His All Holiness visited Holy Trinity Church in Westfield, NJ where he was enthusiastically welcomed by hundreds of young people participating in the annual Sights and Sounds program of the Metropolis. On Monday evening March 15, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew attended a dinner at the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the official opening of the magnificent exhibition BYZANTIUM: FAITH AND POWER (1261–1557). ABOVE: His All Holiness and Archbishop Demetrios admire a two-sided icon from Halki — On the first side is the icon of the Virgin Pafsolype and feast scenes, and on the other, the Crucifixion (14th Century). ABOVE: Phillipe De Montebello, Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, presented His All Holiness with the publication accompanying the Byzantium exhibit, while Michael and Mary Jaharis and Ioannis Costopoulos look on. LEFT: Senator Hillary Clinton met with His All Holiness and Archbishop Demetrios at the Archdiocese. 186 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:18 PM Page 187 ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH IN U.S. ABOVE (left): His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew with the Ambassador of Greece to the United States George Savvaides (l) and the Ambassador of Cyprus to the United States Euripides Evriviades (r). ABOVE (right): Secretary General Kofi Annan welcomed His All Holiness to the United Nations. An enthusiastic greeting for their Ecumenical Patriarch by the students of William Spyropoulos Greek American Day School, Flushing, NY. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop Demetrios of America, Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey and the joyous participants of SIGHTS AND SOUNDS. 187 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:18 PM Page 188 ARCHBISHOP DEMETRIOS OPEN HOUSE Faithful gathered from throughout the U.S. to honor His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios on His Feast Day, October 26th. The celebration began with a Doxology in the Chapel, followed by a reception. Many school children were in attendance and a surprise visitor was Senator Paul S. Sarbanes of Maryland. LEFT: Archbishop Demetrios welcomes Prime Minister of Greece Constantine Karamanlis to the Archdiocese. BELOW: Hundreds of students welcomed His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios and Mrs. Natasha Karamanlis, wife of the Prime Minister of Greece, to the Parochial School of St. Demetrios Cathedral, Astoria, NY. 188 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:18 PM Page 189 ARCHBISHOP DEMETRIOS His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios presided at the enthronement of Metropolitan Sotirios, the first Metropolitan of Korea, at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Seoul, Korea. BELOW: Archbishop Demetrios warmly responds to President George Bush at the national celebration of Greek Independence Day held at the Executive Office Building, Washington, DC. BELOW (left): Archbishop Demetrios received the prestigious Ellis Island Medal of Honor at the 2004 Award Ceremonies on May 15 at Ellis Island. BELOW (right): In a historical decision of the Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, expanding its composition, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios was one of six new members, shown at their first meeting at the Patriarchate presided over by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on April 18th. Archbishop Demetrios offered prayers this summer at the Democratic Convention in Boston and Republican Convention in New York City. 189 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:18 PM Page 190 OUR ARCHDIOCESE Clergy children with Archbishop Demetrios and Metropolitan Panteleimon at the Clergy-Laity Congress. RIGHT: Over 500 people attended the 14th annual “Kids ’n Cancer” reception hosted by Metropolitan Anthony of San Francisco. $100,00 was raised, including a gift of $25,000 from St. Paul’s Church, Irvine, CA from their Festival of Hearts Benefit. BELOW: Fr. Nicholas Vieron, retired priest of Annunciation Church, Memphis, TN, celebrated Divine Liturgy on June 13 with 36 of his former Altar Boys as part of an annual tradition 190 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:19 PM Page 191 OUR ARCHDIOCESE Leading the Greek Independence Day Parade down Fifth Avenue are Archbishop Demetrios, Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City, holding the hand of Eleni Kloni of Brooklyn, and Deputy Foreign Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece Panagiotis Skandalakis. Archdiocesan District 26th Annual JOY/GOYA Olympic gold and silver medalists with chairman Alex Constantinou. BELOW: Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit and the Metropolis of Detroit hosted the 21st Annual St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival at St. George Church, Southgate, MI. 191 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:19 PM Page 192 OUR ARCHDIOCESE Archbishop Demetrios celebrated the Divine Liturgy of the Feast Day of the Three Hierarchs at Holy Trinity Cathedral, NYC. His Eminence then bestowed the Three Hierarchs Award of Excellence upon students who achieved a score of 100 on the 2003 Comprehension Examination of Modern Greek. Presenting the students was Maria Makedon, Archdiocesan District Director, Department of Greek Education. Students of Holy Trinity Church Greek School of Bridgeport, CT enthusiastically join the Greek Independence Day Parade on Fifth Avenue. 192 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:19 PM Page 193 PARISHES 193 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:19 PM Page 194 PARISHES 194 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:19 PM Page 195 PARISHES 195 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:19 PM Page 196 PARISHES 196 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:19 PM Page 197 PARISHES 197 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:20 PM Page 198 PARISHES 198 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:20 PM Page 199 PARISHES 199 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:20 PM Page 200 PARISHES 200 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:20 PM Page 201 PARISHES 201 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:20 PM Page 202 PARISHES 202 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:20 PM Page 203 PARISHES 203 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:21 PM Page 204 PARISHES 204 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:36 PM Page 205 PARISHES 205 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:36 PM Page 206 PARISHES 206 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:37 PM Page 207 PARISHES 207 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:37 PM Page 208 PARISHES 208 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:37 PM Page 209 PARISHES 209 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:37 PM Page 210 PARISHES 210 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:37 PM Page 211 PARISHES 211 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:37 PM Page 212 PARISHES 212 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:37 PM Page 213 PARISHES 213 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:38 PM Page 214 PARISHES 214 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:38 PM Page 215 PARISHES 215 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:38 PM Page 216 CHAPELS AND MISSIONS 216 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:38 PM Page 217 CHAPELS AND MISSIONS MONASTIC COMMUNITIES 217 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:46 PM Page 218 PRIESTS 218 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:46 PM Page 219 PRIESTS 219 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:54 PM Page 220 PRIESTS 220 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:54 PM Page 221 PRIESTS 221 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:54 PM Page 222 PRIESTS 222 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:55 PM Page 223 PRIESTS 223 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:55 PM Page 224 PRIESTS 224 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:55 PM Page 225 PRIESTS 225 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:55 PM Page 226 PRIESTS 226 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:55 PM Page 227 PRIESTS 227 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:55 PM Page 228 PRIESTS 228 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:55 PM Page 229 PRIESTS 229 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:56 PM Page 230 PRIESTS 230 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:56 PM Page 231 PRIESTS 231 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:56 PM Page 232 PRIESTS 232 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:56 PM Page 233 PRIESTS 233 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:56 PM Page 234 PRIESTS 234 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:56 PM Page 235 PRIESTS 235 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:57 PM Page 236 PRIESTS 236 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:57 PM Page 237 PRIESTS 237 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:57 PM Page 238 PRIESTS 238 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 4:57 PM Page 239 PRIESTS 239 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:04 PM Page 240 PRIESTS 240 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:04 PM Page 241 PRIESTS 241 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:10 PM Page 242 RETIRED PRIESTS 242 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:10 PM Page 243 RETIRED PRIESTS 243 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:10 PM Page 244 RETIRED PRIESTS 244 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:10 PM Page 245 RETIRED PRIESTS 245 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:10 PM Page 246 RETIRED PRIESTS 246 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:10 PM Page 247 RETIRED PRIESTS Holy Anargyroi-Sts. Cosmas and Damian Church in Rochester, MN celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Community and door opening of their magnificent new Byzantine Church, Oct.30 – Nov. 1, 2004, the patronal feastday of the Church. An active outreach/hospital ministry describes the signifcant role that this small community plays in southeastern Minnesota. Father Nick Kasemeotes serves as pastor of the Church which serves a diverse community of 125 families including Orthodox Christians of Greek, Russian, Romanian, Ethiopian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Eretrian, Lebanese, Jordanian background and American-born converts. Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago presided at the Blessing and Divine Liturgy. Longtime chanter George Margartsides and Choirmaster Dr. Nick Maragos were given the honor of cutting the ribbon of the $2.5 complex which will be connected to the current church to be re-dedicated for education and community func- In much the same spirit as the two “unmercernary” physician saints for whom the parish is named, the ethnically diverse community, since its inception, has ministered to thousands of Orthodox patients who travel to the Mayo Clinic from throughout the world for treatment of serious and life-threatening illnesses. Opening the Philoxenia House in August 2004 was the realization of the dream to further enhance this ministry. Under the personal aegis and support of the local priest and parishoners, Metropolitan of Chicago Iakovos, the Metropolis of Chicago Philoptochos and visitors and parishes from throughout the United States, $50,000 of the $200,000 purchase price has been paid off and volunteers have repaired, painted and furnished the house, all in less than six months. Located next door to the Church, Philoxenia House recenty accepted two patients, and their families from Greece, for extended stays while awaiting long term treatment. 247 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 248 PRIESTS WITH LAY VOCATIONS Archbishop Demetrios presided at the Blessing and Opening of the new Education Building of Saint Sophia Cathedral, Washington, DC, assisted by Father John Tavlarides, Cathedral Dean, September 18, 2004. 248 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 249 VITAL STATISTICS 2004 ORDINATIONS to the DIACONATE Palumbis, Luke / December 21, 2003 Pelekoudas, Nikolaos / December 28, 2003 Warren, Elias / January 7, 2004 Varonis, Orestes J. / January 31, 2004 Kalina, Paul / February 22, 2004 Legakis, Eleftherios N. / March 6, 2004 Duchow-Pressley, Innocent / March 7, 2004 Day, Peter / April 18, 2004 Ioannou, George / April 18, 2004 Constantine, Kyriakos (Cary) / May 2, 2004 Gartelos, George N. / May 9, 2004 Halkias, Nicholas / May 23, 2004 Hohnholt, Gregory / May 30, 2004 Fox, Haralambos / July 10, 2004 Tervo, Michael / July 11, 2004 Bistolarides, Dr. Panagiotis / August 14, 2004 Cambas, Constantine / August 15, 2004 Tagaropulos, Dimtirio / August 22, 2004 Wilson, Agathonikos / August 22, 2004 Dickos, Frank (Photios) / September 14, 2004 Chris, Dr. Emanuel / September 26, 2004 Georgiou, Rev. Dn. Gregory / October 31, 2004 Anastasiou, George / November 7, 2004 Kotsis, Nicolaos / November 13, 2004 Thornberg, Peter / November 14, 2004 Flegas, Vasilios / November 21, 2004 Boukis, Jon / November 27, 2004 ORDINATIONS to the PRIESTHOOD Warren, Rev. Dn. Elias / January 25, 2004 Palumbis, Rev. Dn. Luke / March 7, 2004 Tsikitas, Rev. Dn. Andrew Nektarios / March 13, 2004 Stanculescu, Rev. Dn. Silviu / May 2, 2004 Hohnholt, Rev. Dn. Gregory / June 13, 2044 Gartelos, Rev. Dn. George / June 27, 2004 Berends, Rev. Dn. James / 7/18/04 Munoz, Rev. Dn. Mark / August 1, 2004 Pieri, Rev. Dn. Athanasios / August 8, 2004 Pappas, Rev. Dn. George / August 15, 2004 Cambas, Rev. Dn. Constantine / August 12, 2004 Kotsis, Nicolaos / December 5, 2004 ASSIGNMENTS Warren, Rev. Fr. Elias / February 1, 2004 Loulakis, Rev. Fr. Sarantis / February 8, 2004 Menis, Rev. Fr. Stelios / February 15, 2004 Kallaur, Rev. Fr. Michael / February 15, 2004 Kehagias, Rev. Fr. Demetrios / February 23, 2004 Rizos, Rev. Fr. Peter G. / March 1, 2004 Koufallakis, V. Rev. Fr. Apostolos /March 1, 2004 Legakis, Rev. Fr. Eleftherios N. /March 6, 2004 Bita, Rev. Fr. Theodore / March 28, 2004 Theoharis, Theoharis G. / March 28, 2004 Garaboa, V. Rev. Fr. Anastasios / April 1, 2004 Kile, V. Rev. Fr. Alexander / May 1, 2004 Theodosion, Rev. Fr. John / May 1, 2004 Panos, Rev. Fr. Paul / May 1, 2004 Lekkas, Rev. Fr. Panagiotis / May 1, 2004 Kontos, Rev. Fr. Michael H. / May 1, 2004 Gartelos, Rev. Dn. George N. / May 15, 2004 Halkias, Rev. Dn. Nicholas / May 23, 2004 Kalomas, Rev. Fr. John /June 1, 2004 Constantinides, Rev. Fr. Michael / June 1, 2004 Hohnholt, Rev. Fr. Gregory / June 1, 2004 Providakis, Rev. Fr. Harry / June 1, 2004 Markopoulos, Rev. Fr. Andreas / June 15, 2004 Khitiri, Rev. Fr. George / June 15, 2004 Gartelos, Rev. Dn. George N. / June 21, 2004 Achlioptas, Rev. Fr. Ignatios / June 27, 2004 Tsikitas, Rev. Fr. Andrew Nektarios / July 1, 2004 Waynick, Rev. Fr. Gregory / July 1, 2004 Stanculescu, Rev. Fr. Silviu / July 1, 2004 Pelphrey, Rev. Fr. Brendan / July 1, 2004 Jacobse, Rev. Fr. Johnannes / July 1, 2004 Alikakos, Rev. Fr. Tilemahos / July 1, 2004 Palumbis, Rev. Fr. Luke / July 1, 2004 Berends, Rev. Fr. James / July 1, 2004 Elliott, Rev. Fr. Mark / July 1, 2004 Milanese, Rev. Fr. Frank A. / July 1, 2004 Munoz, Rev. Fr. Mark / July 11, 2004 Papagikos, Rev. Fr. Alexander / July 12, 2004 Goussetis, Rev. Fr. Alexander / July 15, 2004 Poulos, V. Rev. Fr. Seraphim / July 25, 2004 Bourantas, Rev. Fr. Anastasios / July 25, 2004 Delvizis, Rev. Fr. Petros / July 25, 2004 Stavropoulos, Rev. Fr. Anargyros / July 31, 2004 Moraitis, Rev. Fr. Dimitrios / August 1, 2004 Pappas, Rev. Fr. Michael / August 1, 2004 Christofis, Rev. Fr. Constantine / August 1, 2004 Prevas, Rev. Fr. Michael / August 1, 2004 Pappas, Rev. Fr. Dimitri / August 1, 2004 Kyriacou, Rev. Fr. Gary / August 1, 2004 Dumont, Rev. Fr. Photios / August 1, 2004 Maniudakis, Rev. Fr. Chrysostom / August 1, 2004 Streett, Rev. Fr. Matthew / August 1, 2004 Strongylis, Rev. Fr. Cleopas / August 8, 2004 Pieri, Rev. Fr. Athanasios / August 8, 2004 Denas, Re. Fr. Steve / August 14, 2004 Heropoulos, V. Rev. Fr. John /August 15, 2004 Iliou, Rev. James / August 15, 2004 Petrides, Rev. Fr. Michael / August 15, 2004 Skordallos, V. Rev. Sebastian / August 15, 2004 Pappas, Rev. Fr. George / August 16, 2004 Photos, Rev. Fr. Constantine / August 16, 2004 Pantels, Rev. Fr. Theodore / September 1, 2004 Stratos, Rev. Fr. Peter / September 1, 2004 Leong, Rev. Fr. Alexander / September 1, 2004 Kallaur, Rev. Fr. Michael / September 1, 2004 Akrotirianakis, Rev. Fr. Stavros / September 1, 2004 Kostaris, Rev. Fr. Konstantinos / September 1, 2004 Nikas, V. Rev. George / September 1, 2004 Gavrilos, Rev. Fr. Leo / September 1, 2004 Callozzo, Rev. Fr. Andonios / September 1, 2004 Demopulos, Rev. Fr. Demetrios / September 1, 2004 Pappas, Rev. Fr. Paul / September 1, 2004 Zervos, Rev. Fr. George S. / September 1, 2004 Zurgavu, Rev. Fr. George / September 1, 2004 Tonias, Rev. Fr. Demetrios E. / September 1, 2004 Konugres, Rev. Fr. John / September 1, 2004 Bithos, Rev. Dn. George / September 10, 2004 Dickos, Rev. Dn. Frank (Photios) September 14, 2004 Rousakis, Rev. Fr. Sotirios / September 15, 2004 249 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 250 VITAL STATISTICS 2003 Vaporis, Rev. Fr. George / October 1, 2004 Cantos, Rev. Fr. Demetrios-Earl / October 1, 2004 Schroeder, Rev. Fr. Paul / October 1, 2004 Photos, Rev. Dean / October 3, 2004 Cottros, V. Rev. Fr. Nektarios / October 11, 2004 Stavropoulos, Rev. Fr. John / October 31, 2004 Arey, Rev. Fr. Mark / November 1, 2004 Anastasiou, Rev. Dn. George / November 8, 2004 Steve, Rev. Fr. Polycarpos / November 14, 2004 RETIREMENTS Calivas, Rev. Fr. Alkiviadis C. / September 1, 2003 Michelis, Rev. Fr. Dennis / January 1, 2004 Petsas, V. Rev. Fr. Kallinikos / January 1, 2004 Hatzidakis, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel / January 1, 2004 Rafael, Sr., Rev. Fr. Nicholas / February 1, 2004 Milatos, Rev. Fr. Nicholas / May 1, 2004 Kezios, Rev. Fr. Spencer / May 1, 2004 Tsigas, Rev. Fr. Konstantine / May 1, 2004 Kehayes, Rev. Fr. William / July 1, 2004 Moschonas, Rev. Fr. Anthony / July 1, 2004 Veronis, Rev. Fr. Alexander / July 15, 2004 Sarelis, Rev. Fr. Charles / August 1, 2004 Kamaritis, Rev. Fr. Michael / August 1, 2004 Chamberas, Rev. Fr. Peter A. / September 1, 2004 Economou, Rev. Fr. George E. / September 1, 2004 Loeb, Rev. Fr. Cyril / September 1, 2004 Katerlis, Rev. Fr. Demetrios / September 1, 2004 Antonopoulos, Rev. Fr. John / November 1, 2004 (To Church of Greece) Bell, Rev. Fr. Seraphim / September 15, 2004 (To Church of Russia outside Russia) SUSPENSIONS Barrow, V. Rev. Fr. Gabriel / March 4, 2004 Greer, Rev. Fr. Elias T. /August 9, 2004 O’Keefe, V. Rev. Fr. Gregory / September 18, 2004 RETURNED TO STATUS OF LAYMAN Moskovites, Rev. Fr. Nicholas / February 9, 2004 OFFIKIA Ketrenos, Rev. Deacon George /May 31, 2004 Dokos, Rev. Deacon George A. / May 31, 2004 Bouboutsis, Rev. Fr. Kyprianos / August 10, 2004 Viscuso, Rev. Fr. Patrick – Economos / September 28, 2003 Bourantas, Rev. Fr. Anastasios – Economos / October 5, 2003 Constantinides, Rev. Fr. Christopher – Protopresbyter / November 16, 2003 Nikas, Rev. Fr. George – Economos / December 4, 2003 Samaan, Rev. Fr. Joseph – Confessor / December 7, 2003 Burdusi, Rev. Fr. Manuel – Protopresbyter / December 7, 2004 Christofis, Rev. Fr. Constantine G. – Protopresbyter / December 14, 2004 Delvizis, Rev. Fr. Peter – Economos / January 4, 2004 Tsitsilianos, Rev. Fr. Theodore – Protopresbyter / February 8, 2004 Katsoulis, Rev. Fr. Nicholas G. – Protopresbyter / March 2, 2004 Nikas, Rev. Fr. George – Archimandrite / March 24, 2004 Antokas, Rev. Fr. Demetrios – Protopresbyter / February 8, 2004 Rassias, Rev. Fr. Gerasimos – Archimandrite / April 17, 2004 Michaels, Rev. Fr. Angelo – Protopresbyter / April 25, 2004 Akrotirianakis, Rev. Fr. Stavros – Economos / May 2, 2004 Dumont, Rev. Fr. Photios – Economos / May 9, 2004 Lekkas, Rev. Fr. Panagiotis – Economos / May 9, 2004 Dalamangas, Rev. Fr. Chrysostom A. – Protopresbyter / June 6, 2004 Moraitis, Rev. Fr. Dimitrios – Confessor / June 13, 2004 Moraitis, Rev. Fr. Dimitrios – Economos / June 13, 2004 Roll, Rev. Fr. John – Confessor / July 10, 2004 Stavropoulos, Rev. Fr. Anargyros – Protopresbyter / August 1, 2004 Gianulis, Rev. Fr. Milton - Protopresbyter / August 15, 2004 Andrews, Rev. Fr. Nicholas – Economos / August 22, 2004 Waynick, Rev. Fr. Gregory – Confessor / August 22, 2004 Kallaur, Rev. Fr. Michael – Economos / September 14, 2004 Bociu, Rev. Fr. John – Confessor / September 26, 2004 Kostaris, Rev. Fr. Konstantinos / Archimandrite / October 3, 2004 Dalber, Rev. Fr. Steve – Confessor / October 31, 2004 Emanuelson, Rev. Fr. John – Economos / November 12, 2004 MEDICAL LEAVE NEW PARISHES/COMMUNITIES Katras, Rev. Fr. Elias J. / March 31, 2004 Metropolis of Denver Greek Orthodox Church of Fort Collins Fort Collins, CO CLERGY DEATHS Tsevas, Rev. Fr. Thomas / December 25, 2003 Georgiades, Rev. Fr. George / December 30, 2003 Lawrence, Rev. Fr. Constantine / January 7, 2004 Karalexis, Rev. Fr. James / January 11, 2004 Stevenson, Rev. Fr. George P. / February 6, 2004 Lambrinos, Rev. Dn. John / February 19, 2004 Theodore, Rev. Constantine / May 12, 2004 Kyriakakis, Rev. Fr. James / May 20, 2004 Kosturos, Rev. Fr. Anthony / June 1, 2004 Sevastiades, Rev. Fr. Philemon / August 27, 2004 Kehagias, Rev. Fr. Nektarios / November 5, 2004 LEAVE OF ABSENCE RECEPTIONS Kallaur, Rev. Fr. Michael / January 27, 2004 (OCA) Stanculescu, Rev. Dn. Silviu / April 30, 2004 (Church of Romania) Streett, Rev. Fr. Matthew / June 15, 2004 (Antiochian) PRIESTS ON LOAN Koufallakis, V. Rev. Fr. Apostolos / March 1, 2004 (from Church of Greece) RELEASES Constantopoulos, Rev. Fr. Dean / June 30, 2003 (To Church of Greece) Koumarianos, Rev. Fr. Pavlos / July 6, 2004 250 Metropolis of Atlanta SS Raphael, Nicholas & Irene Mission Palm Harbor, FL Greek Orthodox Mission of Peachtree City Peachtree, GA NEW MONASTIC COMMUNITIES Metropolis of Pittsburgh St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Mission & Monastery Cleveland, OH 44107 (as of November 2004) 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 251 MEDIA/PRINT RELIGIOUS Orthodox Observer Stavros Papagermanos Executive Editor 8 East 79th Street New York, NY 10021 Tel.: (212) 570-3555 Fax: (212) 774-0239 The Illuminator Metropolis of Pittsburgh 5201 Ellsworth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15232 Tel.: (412) 621-5529 Fax: (412) 621-1522 Diocesan News Metropolis of Denver Rev. Fr. Luke Uhl 4550 East Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80246-1301 Tel.: (303) 333-7794 Fax: (303) 333-7796 Diocesan Voice Metropolis of San Francisco Rev. Fr. Peter Salmas Holy Cross Church 900 Alameda de las Pulgas Belmont, CA 94002 Tel.: (650) 591-4447 Fax: (650) 508-9846 Praxis Magazine Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos Executive Director 50 Goddard Avenue Brookline, MA 12445 Tel.: (617) 850-1218 Fax: (617) 850-1489 Email: religious Greek Orthodox Theological Review Holy Cross School of Theology Rev. Fr. George D. Dragas 50 Goddard Ave Brookline, MA 02445 Tel.: (617) 850-1221 Fax: (617)-850-1471 The Epistle Retired Clergy of America Association Rev. Fr. Nicholas L. Vieron, Editor 573 North Highland Street Memphis, TN 38122 Tel.: (901) 323-9530 Fax: (901) 327-4440 The Orthodox Church in America V. Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky, Editor P.O. Box 675 Syosset, NY 11791 Tel.: (516) 922-0550 Fax: (516) 922-0954 The Church Messenger Carpatho-Russian Metropolis Rev. Fr. Michael Rosco 145 Broad Street Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 Tel.: (732) 826-4442 Fax: (732) 826-5383 The Word Antiochian Archdiocese V. Rev. John Abdalah, Editor 358 Mountain Road P. O. Box 5238 Englewood, NJ 07631 Tel.: (201) 871-1355 Fax: (201) 871-7954 Credinta / The Faith Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese Editor V.Rev.Fr. Nicholas Apostola P. O. Box 183322 Shelby Twp, MI 48318-3322 Tel.: (508) 756-9866 Fax: (508) 752-8180 Path of Orthodoxy Serbian Orthodox Church Rev. Fr. Rade Merick English Editor V. Rev. Nedeljko Lunich Serbian Editor PO Box 883 Bridgeport, WV 26330 Tel.: (740) 264-4809 Fax: (740) 282-0313 Tel./Fax: (815) 741-1023 The Voice of Orthodoxy St. Irene Patriarchal Monastery Metropolitan Paisos of Tyana Publisher Dr. John Kotsaridis Editor in Chief 36-04 23rd Avenue Astoria, NY 11105-1916 Tel.: (718) 626-6225 Fax: (718) 626-7669 Orthodox Christian Journal John Kruchok, President Nicholas Ressetar, Editor 10 Downs Drive Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 Tel.: (570) 825-3158 Fax: (570) 825-0136 DAILIES National Herald Antonis H. Diamataris Publisher/Chief Editor 41-17 Crescent St L.I.C., NY 11101 Tel.: (718) 784-5255 Fax: (718) 472-0510 WEEKLIES Greek News Apostolos E. Zoupaniotis, Editor 35-07 23rd Ave Astoria, NY 11105 Tel.: (718) 545-4888 Fax: (718) 545-4884 Greek America Magazine Gregory C. Pappas, Editor 227 Chiokasaw Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15237 Tel.: (412) 630-8690 Fax: (412) 291-1611 The Greek Star Diane Lymberopoulos/Adam Editor 4159 N.Western Ave, 2nd Fl Chicago, IL 60618 Tel.: (773) 313-0250 Fax: (773) 313-2006 Hellas News Athanasios Kourtesis Publisher/Editor in Chief 22-76 Steinway St, Suite #2 Astoria, NY 11105 Tel.: (718) 267-8012 Fax: (718) 267-8027 251 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 252 MEDIA/PRINT The Hellenic Voice John T. Baglaneas Executive Editor & Magazine Director 80 Hayden Avenue, Suite 110 Lexington, MA 02421 Tel.: (781) 402-0027 Fax: (781) 402-0299 BI-WEEKLIES Hellenic Times Jim Kapsalis, Editor 823 11th Ave New York, NY 10019-3535 Tel.: (212) 986-6881 Fax: (212) 977-3662 MONTHLIES/ BI-MONTHLIES & OTHERS Campana Campana Printing Inc Costas Athanasiadis, President 30-96 42 St Astoria, NY 11103 Tel.: (718) 278-3014 Fax: (718) 278-3023 ESEIS Dimitris Kastanas/Publisher Panicos Panayiotou/ Editor 30-97 Steinway St, Suite #301 Astoria, NY 11103 Tel.: (718) 626-6200 Fax: (718) 728-3328 Greek American Review Hellenic Heritage Peter Makrias Publisher/Editor 421 7th Ave - Suite #810 New York, NY 10001 Tel.: (212) 967-5017 Fax: (212) 643-1642 Estiator Inter Hellenic Publishing Inc Peter Makrias Publisher/Editor 421 7th Ave - Suite #810 New York, NY 10001 Tel.: (212) 967-5016 Fax: (212) 643-1642 252 KPHTH Magazine Pancretan Association of America Nikos Katsanevakis Chief Editor/Correspondent PMB #387-94-98 Nassau Ave Brooklyn, NY 11222 Tel.: (718) 302-1100 Fax: (718) 302-0141 Greek Circle Magazine Alexa Ganakos President/Publisher 333 W North Ave Dept#369 Chicago, IL 60610 Tel.: (312) 988-9696 Fax: (312) 943-9950 Hellenic Journal Frosene Phillips Managing Editor Tel.: (925) 743-4500 Fax: (925) 743-4599 The Ahepan Andrew Kaffes Director of PR 1909 Q St NW, Suite #500 Washington, DC 20009 Tel.: (202) 232-6300 Fax: (202) 232-2140 Greece: A News Review Embassy of Greece-Press & Inf/on Office 2211 Massachusetts Ave Washington, DC 20008 Tel.: (202) 332-2727/8 Fax: (202) 265-4931 Greek American Herald George Caloneros Publisher/Editor P.O. Box 840905 Pembroke Pines, FL 33084 Tel.: (954) 797-7551 Fax: (954) 797-9448 Greek Press Ellinikos Typos Aris & Helen Angelopoulos, Editor P.O Box 99 Wood Dale, IL 60191 Tel.: (630) 766-2955 Fax: (630) 766-3069 The Hellenic Calendar Steve Pastis Editor/Publisher 2747 N. Grand Ave PMB 250 Santa Ana, CA 92705 Tel.: (714) 550-9933 Fax: (714) 550-9696 Hellenic News of America Pavlos Kotrotsios Founder/Publisher 26 West Chester Pike Havertown, PA 19083 Tel.: (610) 446-1463 Fax: (610) 446-3189 Odyssey Magazine Odyssey Publication Inc. George Mantzoros - Publisher Rosana Papadopoulos General Manager John Vickers - Editor 217-22 Northern blvd Bayside, NY 11361 Tel.: (718) 428-5527 Fax: (718) 428-5590 Omogeneia Greek American News & Sports Review Nicholas Notaridis Publisher/Editor Tel.: (631) 249-4540 Fax: (631) 249-4543 CORRESPONDENTS Dimitris Apokis To Vima Greek TV (NET) 4201 Massachusetts Ave. NW #A249C Washington, DC 20016 Tel.: (202) 686-2522 Fax: (202) 686-0767 Mobile: (202) 489-6578 Nancy Biskas ANT-1 TV/Satellite 645 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10017 Fax: (212) 688-8136 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 253 MEDIA/PRINT Demetris Dimas Eleftherotypia P. O. Box 19214 Washington, DC 20036 Tel.: (202) 277-0709 Tom Ellis Athena TV, Ta Nea Athens News Agency 2500 Q Street, #309 Washington, DC 20007 Tel.: (202) 944-9825 Fax: 202-944-9826 Mobile: (202) 247-7423 Demetrios A. Filios ERT-RADIO 470 Prospect Ave Brooklyn, 11215 Tel.: (718) 788-2517 Fax: (718) 832-3364 Michael Gripiotis ERT/NET TV 305 Grahams Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11211 Tel.: & Fax: (718) 302-4081 cell: (646) 431-4851 Dimitrios Panagos Greek American News Photo Agency Athens News Agency (Photographer) 37 Field Ave Hicksville, NY 11801 Tel.: (516) 931-2333 Fax: (516) 939-0590 Mobile: (516) 343-5838 Panicos Panayiotou Fileleftheros (Cyprus), To Vima Athens News Agency 5608 212 St. Bayside, NY 11364 Tel.: (718) 626-6200 Fax:(718) 728-3328 Rebekka Papadopoulos Macedonian Press Agency NGTV(National Greek TV) Greek News Newspaper 37 Field Ave Hicksville, NY 11801 Tel.: (516) 931-2333 Fax: (516) 939-0590 Fotis Papagermanos Radio Greece Global Satellite Michalis Ignatiou 146-34 Georgia Rd. Mega TV – Ethnos Newspaper Flushing, NY 11355 Washington Office P. O. Box 1595, Washington, DC 20013 Fax: (718) 463-1745 Mobile: (718) 772-3233 Tel.: (202) 361-7843 New York Office UN Headquarters Suite 451, New York, NY Tel.: (212) 963-0925 Athina Krikeli ERT-3 TV/Voice of America 23-13 Steinway St #3R Astoria, NY 11105 Tels.: (718) 932-4569 (718) 228-5273 Dimitris Papagiannakis Hellenic Press Agency 950 Knollwood Dr Dunedin, FL 36498 Tel/Fax: (727) 462-0461 Lambros Papantoniou Eleftheros Typos, Flash 96.1 Radio Thessaloniki P. O. Box 2391 Washington, DC 20013 Tel./Fax/Mobile: (202) 675-0697 Alexandra Spyridaki Kyriakatiki Eleftherotypia 35 Depeyster Avenue Tenafly, NJ 07670 Tel.: (201) 871-8620 Fax: (201) 567-0799 Panagiotis Stogioglou Agelioforos (Thessaloniki) 18-27 27th Avenue, #3R Astoria, NY 11102 Tel.: (718) 626-0862 Fax: (718) 721-3742 Cell: (917) 553-3769 Athanasios Tsitsas Eleftherotypia 23-55 24th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel.: (917) 470-4526 Fax: (718) 288-8753 Apostolos Zoupaniotis Cyprus News Agency Alpha Television and Radio (Greece) 70-51 Juno Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 Tel: (718) 575-8146 Fax: (718) 575-8342 Cell: (646) 286-9640 Archbishop Demetrios and Prime Minister of Greece Constantine Karamanlis held a Press Conference at the Archdiocese following the first official meeting of His Eminence and the Prime Minister following his election. 253 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 254 RADIO AND TELEVISION RADIO INTERNET Orthodox Christian Network Come Receive the Light Rev. Fr. Chris Metropulos 815 N.E. 15th Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304 Tel: (954) 467-1515 Fax: (954) 467-0312 E-mail: Website: The Voice of the Greek Orthodox Church His Grace Bishop Vikentios 27-09 Crescent Street Astoria, NY 11102 Tel: (718) 626-5111 Fax: (718) 626-1398 E-mail: CALIFORNIA Savas Deligiorgis Hellenic American Broadcast KVTO 2365 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel.: (415) 282-2237 Fax: (415) 282-4250 E-mail: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Voice of America Greek Desk 330 Independence Ave., SW Washington, D.C. 20237 Attn: George Bistis Tel: (202) 619-0366 Fax: 202-260-6450 Email: Website: FLORIDA St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Come Receive the Light Rev. Fr. Chris Metropulos 815 N.E. 15th Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304 Tel.: (954) 467-1515 Fax: (954) 467-0312 Angelos & Sotirios Angelatos Greek Voice Radio WPSO AM 109 Bayview Blvd. S. Suit A Oldsmar, FL 34677 254 Tel.: (727) 725-5555 E-mails: George Calonaros Radio Ellada WEGK – 97.7 FM P. O. Box 840905 Pembrook Pines, FL 33084 Tel.: (954) 797-7551 Fax: (954) 797-9448 Email: ILLINOIS Tom & Katina Chiampas Hellenic American Radio Hour 5431 North Nagle Chicago, IL 60630 Tel.: (773) 775-6577 John Diamantis Athens Greek Radio Program WSBC 528 West Wrightwood Chicago, IL 60614 Tel.: (773) 281-7461 Fax: (773) 281-8929 Athanasia K. Drakoulis/Koutsopanagos Hellenic Radio WHCI – FM 2500 N. Harlem Avenue Elmwood Park, IL 60707 Tel.: (708) 583-1075 Fax: (708) 583-8833 Vicky Kournetas & Costas Stamatakos Orthodox Spiritual Dialogues 1430 AM Radio 721 New Castle Dr. Lake Forest, IL 60045 Tel.: (847) 234-8676 Fax: (312) 733-5388 E-mail: Website: Sotiris & Paula Rekoumis The Chicago Greek Hour WEEF-AM 7902 Maple Street Morton Grove, IL 60053 Tel.: (847) 967-8798 Fax: (847) 967-5166 Email: MASSACHUSETTS Metropolis of Boston Radio Program WNTN-AM 162 Goddard Avenue Brookline, MA 02146 Tel.: (617) 277-4742 Peter Cakridas Theodore Demetriades Grecian Echoes – WNTN-AM 10 Elaine Court Scituate, MA 02066 Tel.: (781) 545-5757 Email: Pericles Diamantopoulos Odyssey - WUNR 164 Massachusetts Avenue Arlington, MA 02474 Tel.: (781) 641-1560 Fax: (781) 641-4612 Email: Angelo & Fofo Evmorfopoulos North-Shore Greek-American Comedy Show-WNSH 101 Lynn Street Peabody, MA 01960 Tel.: (978) 977-9141 Alex Kontis Athenian Time - WUNR 24 Central Square Cambridge, MA 02139 Tel. & Fax: (617) 876-3970 E-mail: Oscar Papanastasiou Soul of Greece WLYN 1360 AM 427 Union Street Lynn, MA 01901 Tel.: (781) 592-3050 Fax: (781) 595-9939 Liza Pappas Hellenic Hour with Liza WTCC-FM 51 Virginia Street Springfield, MA 01108 Tel.: (413) 732-3698 E-mail: 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 255 RADIO AND TELEVISION Athanasios Vulgaropulos Greek Cultural Program of Boston WNTN-AM 26 Tudor Street Waltham, MA 02451-2325 Tel.: (781) 894-7666 Fax: (617) 969-1283 MARYLAND John S. & Nitsa Morekas Greek American Radio Hour WBMD-AM 4704 Eastern Avenue Baltimore, MD 21224 Tel.: (410) 675-4100 Fax: (410) 563-0201 Email: Steve Yianakis Hellenic Melody Hour WBMD 4717 Eastern Avenue Baltimore, MD 21224 Tel.: (410) 342-6900 Fax: (410) 342-7058 MICHIGAN George Bourkoulas Detroit Greek-Radio 22313 Mack Avenue St. Claire Shores, MI 48080 Tel.: (586) 445-8585 Fax: (586) 445-6194 Email: NEW HAMPSHIRE Astoria, NY 11105 Tel.: (718) 728-6114 Fax: (718) 728-6188 Hellas Radio 22-76 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel.: (718) 267-8012 Fax: (718) 267-8027 Email: Elena Maroulleti Executive Producer/President AKTINA FM Radio WNYE 91.5 FM 23-50 27th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-545-1151 Website: E-Mail: Teddy Savalas Soul of Ellas - 90.3 WHPC FM 7 Kingsley Road Huntington, NY 11743 Tel.: (631) 692-5059 Yanni Simonides Cosmos FM Hellenic Public Radio WNYE 91.5 FM 28-18 Steinway Street Suite #302 Astoria, NY 11103 Tel.: (718) 204-8900 Fax: (718) 204-8931 Email: Maria P. Karlatiras The Hellenic Corner WCCD 1000-AM 18101 Potomac Drive Strongsville, OH 44136 Tel.: (440) 572-3488 Hotline: (216) 901-0945 Email: Dr. James Kiriazis Hellenic Programs WKTL-FM 90.7 444 Westgate Boulevard Youngstown, OH 44515 Tel.: (330) 792-4596 Email: PENNSYLVANIA Mike & Aliki Andrews Greek Hour of Pittsburgh WEDO 3107 Eastview Road Bethel Park, PA 15102 Tel. & Fax: (412) 833-4596 Kostas Zidros Radio Cosmos 7922 West Chester Pike Upper Darby, PA 19082 Tel.: (610-924-0101 Fax: (610) 924-0186 E-mail: TELEVISION Andrew Glimenakis WZBK - AM 1220 The Greek Voice 37 Sweeney Road Keene, NH 03431 Tel.: (603) 357-2964 Fax: (603) 352-9429 NORTH CAROLINA CONNECTICUT Rev. Fr. S. Theodore Kyritsis The G/O Church Radio Pulpit 401 Queens Road Charlotte, NC 28207 Tel.: (704) 333-6283 NEW YORK Pete Catavolos International Hellenic Hour 1265 West 108th Street Cleveland, OH 44102-1513 Tel.: (216) 651-9175 Fax: (216) 651-9175 Ilias Tomazos The Hellenic Hour Hellenic Society: Paideia 14 Newell Avenue Bristol, CT 06010 Tel.: (860) 583-5643 Fax: 860-429-8518 Nikos Fillas Hellas - FM 25-11 41st Avenue Long Island City, NY 11105 Tel.: (718) 808-3170 Fax: (718) 707-3170 Email: Manos Galanis Hellenic Harmonies WGBB 1240AM 20-12 20th Street OHIO James Georgiades Dimitris Greek Show 3406 Natchez Avenue Cleveland, OH 44102-1513 Tel.: (216) 221-0330 Fax: (216) 221-3638 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Voice of America Greek Desk RADIO & TV 330 Independence Ave., SW Washington, D.C. 20237 Attn: George Bistis Tel: (202) 619-0366 Fax: 202-260-6450 Email: Website: 255 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 256 RADIO AND TELEVISION FLORIDA NEW YORK Angelos & Sotirios Angelatos WZRA TV Channel 48 UHF 109 Bayview Blvd. S. Suit A Oldsmar, FL 34677 Tel.: (727) 725-5555 E-mails: Dimitris Amperiadis Kyriakos Lagos Interface Productions WNYE Channel 25 146-25 35th Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 Tel: 718-939-4838 Fax: 718-886-3783 E-mail: ILLINOIS Dr. Ernest Panos Grecian Spotlight, Panos Productions 775 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60661 Tel.: (312) 906-8888 Fax: (312) 906-8118 Email: Vicky Kournetas & Costas Stamatakos Hellenic Heartbeats WFBT-TV 721 New Castle Dr. Lake Forest, IL 60045 Tel.: (847) 234-8676 Fax: (312) 733-5388 E-mail: Website: MASSACHUSETTS Steve G. Demos Grecian Melodies 24 Briarcliff Road Brockton, MA 02301 Tel. (Home): (508) 584-0441 Fax: (617) 478-7888 Email: Steve Kalivas Orthodox TV Program of Peabody-Lynnfield Cablevision 5 Paleologos Street Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978-531-0777 Fax 978-538-9522 E-mail: NEW JERSEY GLOBESTAR LLC Mega Cosmos/ERT Sat. TV Georgia Dumas, General Manager 440 Route 17 North, Suite 9 Hasbrouk Heights, NJ 07604 Tel.: (201) 727-0052 Fax: (201) 727-0102 Email: Website: 256 Elena Maroulleti AKTINA TV Channel 25 AKTINA Productions, Inc & Cultural/Educational Media Organization 23-50 27th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-545-1151 Website: E-Mail: Bishop Vikentios of Apameia Voice of Orthodoxy National Greek TV Astoria, NY 11105 Tel.: (718) 626-6225 Fax: (718) 626-7667 Elias Neofytides Macedonian TV of USA 22-63 46th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel.: (718) 956-4523 Fax: (718) 747-0489 Email: Marissa P. Costidis GOTelecom 8 East 79th Street New York, NY 10021 Tel.: (212) 570-3588 Fax: (212) 774-0223 Email: Maria Papadatos WNYX-TV Channel 35 18-08 21st Avenue Astoria, New York 11105 Tel.: (718) 777-0846 Fax: (718) 274-1976 Antenna Satellite TV 645 Fifth Avenue Suite # 406 New York, NY 10022 Tel.: (212) 688-5475 Fax: (212) 688-8136 Mike Zapitis/Thalia Moshakos Hellenic Voice TV Channel 57 22-74-31st. Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel.: (718) 274-5100 Fax: (718) 274-3026 Demetris Kastanas National Greek TV Channel 509 30-97 Steinway Street Suite 206, Astoria, NY 11103 Tel.: (718) 726-0900 Fax: (718) 728-3328 Email: Athina Krikeli, Director ELLOPIA TV USA 25-56 31st Street #301 Astoria, NY 11102 Tel.: (718) 545-9788 Fax: (718) 228-5273 E-mail: Website: PENNSYLVANIA George Burlotos The Greek Spirit & Hellenic World Philadelphia WYBE – TV 35 Atlantic City TV – 25 Stockton College – TV 23 496 N. King’s Hwy Ste. 126 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Tel.: (856) 414-9299 Fax: (856) 482-5681 TEXAS Fred Iconos Greek Corner Access TV 4254 Bissonnet Street Houston, TX 77005-1916 Tel.: (713) 218-7123 Fax: (713) 218-7123 Email: 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 257 RELIGIOUS MEDIA RESOURCES PRINT National ASSOCIATED PRESS Richard Ostling, Religion Writer Email: Rachel Zoll, Religion Writer Email: 50 Rockefeller Plaza, 5th Floor New York, NY 10020 (212) 621-7903 • Fax: (212) 621-7344 RELIGION NEWS SERVICE (RNS) Kevin Eckstrom, National Correspondent 1101 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 350 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 383-7864 • Fax: (202) 463-0033 E-mail: RELIGION NEWSWRITERS ASSN. (RNA) Debra L. Mason,Executive Director P.O. Box 2037 Westerville, OH 43086-2037 (614) 891-9001 • Fax: (614) 891-9774 E:mail: Web: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES Carol Fouke Mpoyo, Media Relations 475 Riverside Dr. Room 850 New York, NY 10115 (212) 870-2252 • Fax: 212-662-9999 Email: NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO (NPR) Duncan Moon, Religion Correspondent 635 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001-3753 Tel: (202) 513-2186 E-mail: Web: RELIGION IN THE NEWS Andrew Walsh Greenberg Center,Trinity College 300 Summit Street Hartford, CT 06106 (860) 297-5354 • Fax: (860) 297-5125 E-mail: USA TODAY Cathy Linn Grossman, Religion Writer Tel: (703) 276-3778 E-mail: NEW YORK TIMES Laurie Goodstein, National Editor (212) 556-1854 Fax (212-556-4109 Email: Dan Wakin, Religion Reporter (212)-556-4332 • Fax: (212) 556-5990 E-mail: 229 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036-3959 Web: NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Charles Bell, Religion Writer 450 West 33rd Street New York, NY 10001 (212) 210-1596 • Fax: (212) 210-2203 NEW YORK NEWSDAY Carol Eisenberg, Religion Writer 235 Pinelawn Road Melville,NY 11747 Tel: 631)843-2780• Fax (631)843-2799 E-mail: TIMES-LEDGER NEWSPAPERS Roz Liston, Managing Editor 41-02 Bell Blvd. Bayside, NY 11361 (718) 225-7117 • Fax (718) 225-7117 E-mail: THE JOURNAL NEWS Gary Stern 1 Gannett Drive White Plains, NY 10604 (914) 694-3513 • Fax: (914) 694-5018 Email: THE WASHINGTON POST Alan Cooperman, Religion Writer 1150 15th Street,NW Washington, DC 20071 (202) 334-5202 • Fax: (202) 496-3883 Email: WASHINGTON TIMES Larry Witham 3600 New York Ave., NE Washington, DC 2002-1996 (202) 636-3302 E-mail: THE SUN John Rivera 501 N. Calvert St. Baltimore, MD 21278 (410) 332-6319 • Fax (410) 752-6049 E-mail: U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT Jeffrey Sheler, Religion Writer 408 Washington St. Portsmouth,VA 23704 (757) 397-2160 • Fax: (202) 318-0078 E-mail: NEWSWEEK Kenneth Woodward,Religion Editor 251 W. 57th St. New York, NY 10019-1894 (212) 445-4362 • Fax (212)-445-4929 Email: TIME David Van Biema Time-Life Bldg. Rm 23-11 Rockefeller Center New York, NY 10020 (212) 522-5150 Email: CHRISTIANITY TODAY Tony Carnes, Senior News Writer 51-26 Manilla St. Elmhurst, NY 11373 Tel/Fax (212) 656-1670 E-mail: Metropolis of Atlanta ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION Gayle White, Religion Editor 72 Marietta St. NW Atlanta, GA 30303-2804 (404) 526-5388 • Fax: (404) 526-5509 E-mail: THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Tim Funk 600 Stryon St. Charlotte, NC 28230 (704) 358-5243 • Fax (704) 358-5036 E-mail: THE NEWS & OBSERVER Yonat Shimron 215 McDowell St. Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 829-4891 E-mail: SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS Ann Stifter,Religion Writer 233 E. Gordon St. Apt. 4 Savannah, GA 31401 (912) 652-0332 • Fax: (912) 234-6522 E-mail: ORLANDO SENTINEL Mark Pinsky, Religion Writer 633 N. Orange Ave. Orlando, FL 32801-1349 (407) 420-5589 • Fax: (407) 420-5350 E-mail: THE PALM BEACH POST Elizabeth Clarke 2751 S. Dixie Hwy. West Palm Beach, FL 33405 (561) 820-4485 • Fax: (561) 820-4445 E-mail: ST. PETERSBURG TIMES Mark Wilson, Religion Writer P.O. Box 1121 St. Petersburg, FL 33731-1121 (813) 445-4206 • Fax: (813) 445-4206 E-mail: TAMPA TRIBUNE/WFLA-TV Michelle Bearden, Religion Reporter 202 S. Parker Tampa, FL 33606-2395 (813) 259-7613 • Fax:(813)259-7676 E-mail: 257 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 258 RELIGIOUS MEDIA RESOURCES Metropolis of Boston BOSTON GLOBE Michael Paulson, Religion Reporter 135 Morrissey Boulevard P.O. Box 2378 Boston, MA 02107-2378 (617) 929-3050 • Fax: (617) 929-8328 E-mail: THE HARTFORD COURANT Frances Grandy Taylor, Religion Writer 285 Broad Street Hartford, CT 06115-2510 (860) 241-3747 • Fax: (860)520-6957 E-mail: PROVIDENCE JOURNAL-BULLETIN Richard Dujardin, Religion Editor 75 Fountain Street Providence, RI 02902-0050 (401) 277-7384 • Fax: (401) 277-7346 E-mail: RELIGION NEWS SERVICE C. Jeffrey MacDonald 24 Charles St. Apt. B Newburyport, MA 01950-301 (978) 462-4957 Fax: (978) 462-4957 E:mail: Web: Metropolis of Chicago CHICAGO TRIBUNE Steve Kloehn (312) 222-5994 E-mail: Dan Mihalopoulos,Reporter (312) 622-5948 436 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 606-4641 ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS Stephen P. Scott 345 Cedar St. St. Paul, MN 55101-1057 (651) 228-5526 • Fax (651)228-5500 E-mail: SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Peggy Stack 143 S. Main Street Salt Lake City, UT 84111-1917 (801) 257-2045 • Fax: (801)257-8525 Email: ST.LOUIS POST DISPATCH Patricia Rice, Religon Editor 900 N. Tucker Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63119 (314) 340-8221 • Fax: (314) 340-3187 E-mail: Metropolis of Pittsburgh Metropolis of Detroit THE BLADE David Yonke,Religion Editor 541 N. Superior St. P.O. Box 921 Toledo, OH 43697-0921 (419) 724-6153 • Fax (419) 724-6439 E-mail: THE TENNESSEAN Brian Lewis 1100 broadway Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 259-8077 • Fax: 615-259-8093 Email: Metropolis of Denver DALLAS MORNING NEWS Susan Hogan/Albach 508 Young St. Dallas, TX 75202 (214) 977-8467 • Fax: 214-977-7992 Email: HOUSTON CHRONICLE Richard Vara, Religion Editor 801 Texas Avenue Houston, TX 77002 (713) 220-7659 • Fax: (713) 220-7410 Email: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Ernie Tucker, Religion Writer 401 N. Wabash Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 321-3000 • Fax: (312) 321-3084 DENVER POST Virginia Culver 1560 Broadway Denver, CO 808202 (800)336-7678 • Fax: (303) 820-1369 ROCHESTER POST BULLETIN Matt Russell 18 1st Avenue, SE Rochester, MN 55904 (507) 285-7712 • Fax: 507-285-7772 Email: DESERET NEWS Lois Collins, Religion Writer P.O Box 1257 Salt Lake City, UT 84110 (801) 237-2100 • Fax: (801) 237-2121 STAR TRIBUNE Nolan Zavoral 425 Portland Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55488-0002 (612) 673-1713 • Fax (612)673-4359 258 ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL Harry Moskos, Consultant P.O. Drawer J-T Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 823-3837 E-mail: CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER Alex Machaskee, President & Publisher E-mail: David Briggs, Religion Editor E-mail: 1801 Superior Avenue Cleveland, OH 44114 (216) 999-4812 • Fax: (216) 999-6375 THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH Felix Hoover 34 S. 3rd St. Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 461-7609 • Fax:(614) 461-7571 E-mail: PITTSBURGH POST GAZETTE Ann Rodgers Melnick 34 Blvd. of the Allies Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1204 (412) 263-1416 • Fax: (412) 263-2014 E-mail: Metropolis of New Jersey ASSOCIATED PRESS/NJ Evan Berland 50 West State Suite 1114 Trenton,NJ 08608 (609) 392-3622 • Fax: (609) 392-3525 Email: THE RECORD Charles Austin 150 River St. Hackensack, NJ 07602 (201) 646-4237 • Fax (201) 646-4135 E-mail: STAR-LEDGER David Gibson, Freelance 290 Potter Pl.#502 Weehawken, NJ 07086-9012 (201)392-9794 E-mail: Metropolis of San Francisco LOS ANGELES TIMES Larry B. Stammer, Religion Writer Times Mirror Square Los Angeles, CA 90053 (213) 237-7031 E-mail: 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 259 RELIGIOUS MEDIA RESOURCES SAN FRANCICO CHRONICLE Don Lattin, Staff Writer 901 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 777-8479 E-mail: SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE Sandi Dolbee, Religion Writer P.O.Box 191 San Diego, CA 93101-2247 (619) 293-2082 • Fax: (619) 293-1896 E-mail: THE SACRAMENTO BEE Jennifer Garza 2100 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95852 (916) 321-1133 • Fax (916) 556-5625 E-mail: SANTA BARBARA NEWS-PRESS Rhonda Parks Manville P.O. Box 1359 Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1359 (805) 564-5281 • Fax (805) 966-6258 E-mail: SEATTLE TIMES Janet I Tu, Religion Reporter P.O. Box 70 Seatle, WA 98111 (206) 464-2272 • Fax: (206) 464-2261 E-mail: RELIGION NEWS SERVICE Ted Parks 1193 Ramons Dr. Newbury Park, CA 91320 (310) 506-4284 • Fax (253) 830-0924 E-mail: CHRISTIAN CENTURY John Dart 12122 Bowmore Northridge, CA 91326 Fax: (818) 366-9734 E-mail: ELECTRONIC FAITH & VALUES MEDIA National Interfaith Cable Coalition 74 Trinity Place New York, NY 100067 (212) 406-4121 • Fax:(212)-406-4105 Edward J. Murray, President & CEO E-mail: Web: THE HALLMARK CHANNEL 12700 Ventura Blvd., Suite 200 Studio City, CA 91604 (818) 755-2400 Web: RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY (PBS) 133 H Street, NW - 6th Floor Washington, DC 20005 Robert Abernethy, Producer/Host Email: Kim A. Lawton, Managing Editor (202) 216-2384 • Fax: (202 408-0608 E-mail: MSNBC Joan M. Connell, Executive Producer Opinions, Partners and Communities One MSNBC Plaza Secaucus, NJ 07094 (201) 583-4130 • Fax (201) 583-5938 E-mail: BELIEFNET.COM Deborah Caldwell 115 East 23rd St., Suite 400 New York, NY 10010 (917-472-3051 • Fax (212)533-1492 E-mail: Web: http:/ ORTHODOXNEWS.COM Orthodox Christian News Service, Inc. 1802 N. Carson St., Suite 2162 Carson City, NV 89701 (775) 544-3621 • Fax: (775) 887-0738 E-mail: Web: WORLDWIDE FAITH NEWS George Conklin, Project Director E-mail: Web: (LIST IN PROGRESS) Among those taking part in the ceremonies were Chancellor Bishop Savas of Troas, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Olympics 2004 President Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki and actress Melina Kanakaredes. Olympic Torch Lighting Ceremonies were held at Athens Square in Astoria, NY, the fourth stop in the United States, on its way to the Athens Olympics 2004. 259 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:11 PM Page 260 WORLD WIDE WEB SITES INTERNET GUIDE FOR ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS MAIN SECTIONS: Icon Gallery: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America: Interfaith Marriages Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople: Lives of Saints: THE ARCHDIOCESE: Departments: Metropolises: Official Documents: Yearbook: Marriage and Family Outreach and Evangelism Pastoral Resources: Prayers and Hymns: Preaching Resources: ARCHBISHOP DEMETRIOS Religious Education CLERGY LAITY ARCHIVES Resources and Links: Audio and text archives of addresses, messages and educational workshops BULLETIN BUILDER Stewardship Materials and Campaigns Your Sunday Bulletin published in print, email, and as a website Social Services: stewardship/ Writings of Saints and Church Fathers: ONLINE STORE Youth and Young Adult Ministries ORTHODOX WEB BUILDER MULTIMEDIA Create an Orthodox parish website with no technical experience or training. Audio Library: ORTHODOXPHOTO Come Receive the Light: A full-featured online photo service Discussion and Chat: ICONOGRAMS: Free electronic icon cards: IDONATIONS: Online donations with electronic cards Icon Gallery: Internet School of Orthodox Studies: Live Broadcasts: SPECIAL WEBSITES Video Library: MINISTRY RESOURCES: Virtual Reality Tours: Daily Bible Readings: NEWS AND PRESS RELEASES: Etiquette and Protocol: ONLINE BOOKSTORES: Holy Cross Orthodox Bookstore: 260 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 261 WORLD WIDE WEB SITES ONLINE CHAPEL: RESOURCES AND LINKS: ORTHODOX CALENDAR: Lives of the Saints Daily Calendar: ABOUT THE ORTHODOX FAITH: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, ORTHODOX SEMINARIES, HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Introduction: ISOS-Internet School of Orthodox Studies: Apologetics: (This site contains several semesters of archived classes.) Art and Architecture: Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute: Biblical Studies: Religious Education Home Page: Canon Law: St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary: Church History: YOUTH, YOUNG ADULT, CAMP, AND COLLEGE MINISTRY RESOURCES Culture and Society: National OCF Home Page: Ecumenical Issues: Syndesmos: Ethical and Social Issues: Environment: Monasticism: Music: Saints and Patristics: Spirituality: Theology: Worship: PARISH DIRECTORY: DISCLAIMER: Web sites not beginning with: 1., 2., 3., or 4. are not official sites of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Listings on these pages do not constitute an endorsement by the Archdiocese of America. 261 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 262 FEDERATIONS/ORGANIZATIONS National Organizations/Federations AMERICAN HELLENIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRESSIVE ASSOCIATION (AHEPA) Franklin Manios, Supreme President International Headquarters 1909 Q St Suite #500 Washington, DC 20009 (202) 232-6300 Fax: (202)-232-2140 Web: Email: AMERICAN HELLENIC INTERNATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION (A.H.I.P.A.) James S. Scofield, President 6100 Sixth Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33707-2327 Tel.: (727) 345-9452 Email: AMERICAN HELLENIC INSTITUTE, INC. Nick Larigakis, Executive Director 1220 16th St, NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 785-8430 Fax: 202-785-5178 Web: Email: CYPRUS FEDERATION OF AMERICA Savas Tsivicos, Supreme President 1309 Allaire Blvd Ocean, NJ 07712 (732) 531-3100 Fax: (732) 517-0820 FEDERATION OF DODECANESE SOCIETIES OF AMERICA Theodore Tiliakos, President 23-18 29th Street Astoria, NY 11105 (212) 672-0950 Fax: (412) 344-0606 HELLENIC AMERICAN NATIONAL COUNCIL Theodore Spyropoulos 2155 W. 80th street Chicago, IL 60620 (773) 994-2222 Fax: (773) 994-5037 Web: Email: 262 HELLENIC AMERICAN WOMEN’S COUNCIL (HAWC) Dora Hancock, President 1101 South Arlington Ridge Rd Suite #1012 Arlington, VA 22202 (703) 685-7442 Fax: (703) 685-7460 ASIA MINOR HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL OBSERVANCE COMMITTEE Basilios Theodosakis, Chairman 1104 East 17 Street Brooklyn, NY 11230 (718) 377-4656 HELLENIC SOCIETY OF CONSTANTINOPLE Vasil Diyamandoglu, President P. O. Box 5456 Astoria, NY 11105 (212) 650-8039 Email: INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE – JUSTICE FOR CYPRUS (PSEKA) Philip Christopher, President 23-15 31st St Astoria, NY 11105 (718) 545-7202 Fax: (718) 626-2061 Email: NATIONAL COORDINATED EFFORT OF HELLENES (CEH) Andrew E. Manatos, President 601 13th St, NW Suite #1150 South Washington, DC 20005 (202) 393-7790 Fax: (202) 628-0225 Email: NORTH & SOUTH AMERICA REGION (SAE) Chris Tomaras, Regional Coordinator 360 N. Michigan Ave Suite #710 Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 357-6424 Fax: (312) 357-0527 Web: Email: 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 263 FEDERATIONS/ORGANIZATIONS ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN LAITY Lee Kopulos, President P.O. Box 6954 West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Tel: 877-585-0245 Fax: 561-547-9362 Web: Email: PAN-ARCADIAN FEDERATION OF AMERICA Chris Vourons, President 880 N. York Rd. Elmhurst, IL 60126 (847) 882-4912 Fax: (847) 882-4247 PAN-ICARIAN BROTHERHOOD Dr. Stanton Tripodis, National President 3072 Woodsong Lane Clearwater, FL 33761-2021 (727) 787-0045 Fax: (727) 726-2341 Web: PAN-LACONIAN FEDERATION OF U.S. AND CANADA Athena Contis, President 64 Whittaker Cres Toronto ONT Canada M2K1K8 (416) 222-1410 Fax: (416) 225-3081 PAN-CRETAN ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Emmanuel Tsikoudakis, President 2190 South Dallas St Denver, CO 80231 (303) 755-0578 Fax: (303) 320-1173 Web: PAN-MACEDONIAN ASSOCIATION USA-CANADA, INC. Nina Peropoulos, Supreme President 149-14 14th Ave Whitestone, NY 11357-1730 (718) 747-0488 Fax: (718) 747-0489 Web: PAN-CYCLADIC FEDERATION OF AMERICA Michalis Volikas 21-52 29th Street Astoria, NY 11105 (718) 777-1206 Fax: (718) 728-2690 PAN-MESSINIAN FEDERATION OF AMERICA Chris Tomaras, President 360 N Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 357-0027 Fax: (312) 357-0527 PANCHIAKI ‘KORAIS’ SOCIETY INC. Costas Parthenis, President 43-15 202nd Street Bayside, NY 11361 (718) 224-4846 Fax: (718) 224-6994 PAN-PONTIAN FEDERATION OF AMERICA Elias Tsekerides, President 30 Elm Street Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 (914) 631-4322 Fax: (914) 631-4322 Email: PANCYPRIAN ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Philip Christopher, President 23-15 31st St. Astoria, NY 11105 (718) 545-3533 Fax: (718) 626-2061 PAN-EPIROTIC FEDERATION OF AMERICA Chris Kirkos, President 1790 Broadway Suite #1315 New York, NY 10019-1412 (847) 679-2958 Fax: (847) 679-4485 PAN-RHODIAN SOCIETY OF AMERICA Christina Kapolis, Supreme President Supreme Lodge Headquarters 29 Brookvale Lane Lake Grove, NY 11755 Tel/Fax: (516) 585-3740 UNITED CHIOS SOCIETY OF AMERICA Gus Sevastos, President 409 Long Ridge Drive Seven Hills, OH 44131 (216) 749-1054 Fax: (216) 391-6960 263 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 264 FEDERATIONS/ORGANIZATIONS UNITED HELLENIC AMERICAN CONGRESS (UHAC) James A. Regas, National Chairman 980 N. Michigan Avenue,Suite 1210 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 640-1055 Fax: (312) 640-1051 Web: Email: FOUNDATION FOR HELLENIC CULTURE Ekaterini Myrivili, Director 7 West 57th Street, Suite 1 New York, NY 10019-3407 (212) 308-6908 Fax: (212) 308-0919 Web: Email: WORLD COUNCIL OF HELLENES ABROAD (SAE) Andrew A. Athens, World President 980 N.Michigan Avene. Suite 1210 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 337-7243 Fax: (312) 337-7245 Web: Email: AMERICAN THYMELE THEATRE Stephen Diacrussi, Director 1202 Lexington Avenue,# 138 New York, NY 10028 (212) 781-3631 Fax: (212) 781-3631 Email: Regional Organizations/Federations AMERICAN HELLENIC COUNCIL OF CALIFORNIA Aris Anagnos, President 8124 West 3rd St Suite #200 Los Angeles, CA 90048 (323) 651-3507 Fax: (323) 658-6306 Email: FEDERATION OF HELLENIC SOCIETIES OF NEW YORK Apostolos Tomopoulos, President 22-51 29th St P. O. Box 5429 Astoria, NY 11105 (718) 204-6500 Fax: (718) 204-8986 Foundations/ Cultural Societies/Museums STAVROS S. NIARCHOS FOUNDATION c/o J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated (Grants in U.S.A.) Community Relations and Philanthropic Services 60 Wall Street New York, NY 10260-0060 ALEXANDER S. ONASSIS PUBLIC BENEFIT FOUNDATION (USA) INC. Ambassador Loucas Tsilas, Executive Director 645 Fifth Avenue, Suite 304 New York, NY 10022-6910 (212) 486-4448 Fax: (212) 486-4744 264 HELLENIC CULTURAL MUSEUM & LIBRARY Chris S. Metos, President 4283 Albright Dr. Salt Lake City, UT 84124-2707 (801) 328-9688 Fax: (801) 328-9688 HELLENIC MUSEUM AND CULTURAL CENTER Jean Costopoulos, Executive Director 168 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 726-1234 Fax: (312) 726-8539 HELLENIC PRESERVATION SOCIETY OF NORTHEAST OHIO Gary Thomas, President 1 Eagle Valley Court Broadview Heights, OH 44147 (440) 449-5035 HELLENIC SOCIETY PAIDEIA Elias Tomazos, President University of Connecticut 20 Dog Lane, P. O. Box 818 Storrs, CT 06268-818 (860) 429-8518 Fax: (860) 583-5643 THE GREEK MUSEUM Katherine Boulukos Anastasia Nicholas P. O. Box 1863, Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163 (516) 868-4092 Fax: (516) 868-4052 Email: (LIST IN PROGRESS) 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 265 BYZANTINE, CLASSICS & MODERN GREEK STUDIES PROGRAMS most of the information below comes from Boston College 140 Commonwealth Ave., Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 (617-552-3664/3665) (Fax: 617-552-2308/8828) Email:; Web: Sponsoring Department : Classical Studies • Established: 1984 Director: Dia M. L. Philippides, Professor of Classical Studies Level: Certificate in Modern Greek Studies Boston University 745 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215 (617-353-2427) (Fax: 617-353-7369) Sponsoring Department: Classics •Established: 1975 Director: Christos Synodinos; Contact: Dr. Stephanie Nelson Level: B.A. Brown University Box E, Providence, Rhode Island 02912 (401-863-3543) (Fax: 401-863-7337) Sponsoring Department: Committee of Modern Greek Studies Established: Language instruction in 1972; Instruction in Modern Greek literature and history in 1995 Director: David Konstan (Classics) Executive Committee: Constantine Dafermos (Mathematics), Georgia Gotsi (Comparative Literature), Elsa Amanatidou (Classics, Modern Greek) Contact: Elsa Amanatidou, Email: Level: B.A. Columbia University Kimon A. Doukas Chair, 515 Hamilton Hall, MC 2873, 1130 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10027 • Email: (212-854-2189) (Fax: 212-854-7856) Sponsoring Department: Program in Hellenic Studies, Classics Established: 1987 Director: Karen Van Dyck, Associate Professor of Modern Greek Language & Literature Level: B. A. Concentration in Modern Greek Studies Cornell University Goldwin Smith 120 Uris Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853 (607-255-7529) (Fax: 607-255-1565) Contact: Gail Holst-Warhaft, Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature • Email: Sponsoring Department: Classics • Established: 1978 Level: Undergraduate elective courses Georgetown University 37th & 0 Sts. NW, Washington, DC 20057 (202-687-5659/7188) (Fax: 202-687-6174) Email: Web: Sponsoring Department: Department of Arabic Language, Literature, and Linguistics Division of Eastern Mediterranean Languages, Program in Modern Greek Established: 1966 Contact: Dr. James E. Alatis, Program Director, Professor of Linguistics and Modern Greek Program Faculty: Dr. James E. Alatis, Professor Ismini Lamb, Dr. Hector Campos, Professor Demetra Rassia, Professor Polyvia Parara the Modern Greek Studies Association Alexander Sens, Chair Georgetown University 322 Healy Hall, Washington, DC 20057-1134 Sponsoring Department: Classics Contact: Alexander Sens • Email: Georgia State University 33 Gilmer Street, SE, Unit 8, Atlanta GA 30303-3088 (404-651-2294) (Fax: 404-651-1542) Email: Sponsoring Departments: Center for Hellenic Studies; Dept. of Modern and Classical Languages; American Foundation for Hellenic Studies Interim Director: David Blumenfeld, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences • Established: 2001 Level: Undergraduate elective courses Harvard University George Seferis Chair, 319 Boylston Hall, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 (617-495-7783) (Fax: 617-496-6720) Sponsoring Department: Classics in collaboration with Anthropology, Comparative Literature, inter-disciplinary programs in Folklore & Mythology, Study of Religion, Women’s Studies • Established: 1978 Contact: Panagiotis Roilos • Email: Level: - B.A. in Modern Greek & Classics, special concentrations in Modern Greek & Anthropology - Ph.D. in Modern Greek, Modern Greek with Byzantine Greek, Comparative Literature, Anthropology Hellenic College 50 Goddard Avenue, Brookline, MA 02146 (617-731-3500) Sponsoring Department: Greek Studies • Established: 1968 Director: Aristotle Michopoulos, Professor of Greek and Greek-American Studies Level: B. A. Minor in Modern Greek Studies. Elective courses: Certificate in Modern Greek Studies Kent State University Kent, OH 44242 (216-672-7980) (Fax: 216-672-4025) Sponsoring Department: History, Modern and Classical Language Studies Director: Victor Papacosma, Professor of History (Greece, Balkans, Europe) • Email: Level: Certificate in Hellenic Studies (ancient to modern) Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, CA 90045-2659 Basil P. Caloyeras Center for Modern Greek Studies (310-338-4463) (Fax: 310-338-1947) Established: 1971 by Prof. Hugh Gray Director: Demetrios Liappas, Modern Languages Department Email: Level: Minor in Modern Greek New School for Social Research 66 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011-8603 (212-229-5676) (Fax: 212-229-5679) Sponsoring Department: Foreign Languages Director: Linda Rodrigues, Professor of Languages Level: Undergraduate elective courses 265 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 266 BYZANTINE, CLASSICS & MODERN GREEK STUDIES PROGRAMS New York University 726 Broadway, Rm. 634, New York, NY 10003 (212-998-3990) (Fax: 212-998-3985) Sponsoring Department: Alexander S. Onassis, Program in Hellenic Studies • Established: 1988 Level: B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Ohio State University 414 University Hall, 230 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210 (614-292-2744) (Fax: 614-292-7835) Web: Sponsoring Department: Greek and Latin • Established: 1975 Director: Gregory Jusdanis, Professor of Modern Greek Email: Level: B.A., M.A., Ph.D. in Modern Greek, in Greek (Ancient through Modern), and in several languages and disciplines housed in other Departments. Old Dominion University Development Office, College of Arts and Letters 100 New Administration Bldg., Norfolk, VA 23529 (804-683-3421) (Fax: 804-683-5911) Sponsoring Department: College of Arts & Letters Established: Currently in planning stage. Director: Harry D. Creemers, Executive Director of Development Level: Undergraduate degree in classical studies Princeton University 58 Prospect Avenue, Princeton, NJ 08540 (609-258-3339) (Fax: 609-258-2137) Sponsoring Department: Program in Hellenic Studies Web: Sponsoring Department: Program in Hellenic Studies Established: 1979 Director: Peter Brown, Professor of History Executive Director: Dimitri Gondicas, Lecturer in Modern Greek Level: Undergraduate Certificate in Hellenic Studies; Ph.D. in Classical and Hellenic Studies Queens College CUNY, Jefferson Hall 301, Flushing, NY 11367-0904 (718-997-4520) (Fax: 718-997-4529) Email: • Web: www.go-edu/greekstudies Sponsoring Department: Center for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies • Established: 1973 Director: Harry J. Psomiades, Professor of Political Science Email: Assistant Director: Ms. Effie Lekas Level: BA, Certificate in Modern Greek Studies Regis College Weston, MA 02493-1571 (781-768-7433) (Fax: 617-484-6223) Sponsoring Departments: History and Classics Established: 1972 Director: A. Lily Macrakis, Professor of History Level: Certificate and minor in Modern Greek Studies Richard Stockton College of New Jersey P.O. Box 195 Jim Leeds Road, Pomona, NJ 08240-0195 (609-652-1776, 609-601-8082) (Fax: 609-601-0247) Sponsoring Departments: Arts and Humanities Established: 1995 266 Coordinator: Demetrios Constantelos Email: Contacts: Alexander Alexakis • Email: Tom Papademetriou • Email: Level: Minor in Hellenic Studies (2002-03) Rutgers University 306 Bishop House, College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (908-932-9637) (Fax: 908-932-1271) Email: (Web: Sponsor: School of Arts and Sciences • Established: 1979 Director: Antonia Tripolitis, Professor of Late Antiquity Level: Undergraduate Minor San Francisco State University School of Humanities, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132 (415-338-1892) (Fax: 415-338-0932) Email: • Center for Modern Greek Studies, Nikos Kazantzakis Chair Sponsoring Departments: Comparative Literature and Classics Established: 1981 Director: Martha Klironomos, Assistant Professor of Modern Greek & Comparative Literature Level: -B.A., M.A. in Classics, minor in Modern Greek -M.A. in Comparative Literature, concentration in Modern Greek Literature Temple University 739-741 Gladfelter Hall, Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215-204-1715) (Fax: 215-204-1715) Sponsoring Department: Center for Hellenic Studies Director: Kyriakos M. Kontopoulos, Professor of Sociology Level: Undergraduate elective courses University of Arizona LSB 203, 1512 East First Street, Tucson, AZ 85721-0105 (520-621-1689) (Fax: 520-621-3678) www.coh.arizona/classics/programs/modern_greek/greek.html Sponsoring Department: Classics • Established: 1973 Directors: Mary Elis Voyatzis, Head, Department of Classics and Associate Professor of Greek Archaeology; Gonda Van Steep, Associate Professor of Classics and Modern Greek Email: Contact: Elini Hasaki, Assistant Professor of Ancient Archaeology Level: Undergraduate minor University of Florida Center for Greek Studies, Box 117435, 125 Dauer Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611 (352-392-2075) (Fax: 352-846-0297) Sponsoring Department: Classics • Established: 1980 Directors: Karelisa Hartigan, Professor of Classics & Drama, Leonidas Polopolus, Professor of Food Resources Economics (ret) Level: B.A. in Classics, with concentration in Greek Studies. Minor in Greek Studies (2003) University of Illinois at Chicago 601South Morgan Street, Chicago, IL 60607 (312-996-5538) (Fax: 312-996-8526) Email: Sponsoring department: Classics & Mediterranean Studies Established: 1978 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 267 BYZANTINE, CLASSICS & MODERN GREEK STUDIES PROGRAMS Director: Pietro Bortone, Assistant Professor Other faculty: Leonidas Pittos, Lecturer in Modern Greek Level: Minor being developed. Currently on offer: Language (1st & 2nd-year), literature in translation, culture in translation. University of Houston Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Houston, TX 77204-3784 • (713-743-3034/2990) Sponsoring Department: Modern and Classical Languages Established: 1990 Director: Valentini Papadopoulou Brady, Professor of French Level: Non-degree program, satisfies language requirement. University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 (301-405-2013) (Fax: 301-314-9084) Email: Sponsoring Department: Classics • Established: 1989 Director: Mary Pittas-Herschbach, Lecturer Level: Non-degree program (four semesters); satisfies foreign language requirement. Modern Greek literature in translation. Study abroad course in Greece. University of Michigan C.P. Cavafy Chair, 2016 Angell Hall, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (734-764-0360) (Fax: 734-763-4959) Web: Sponsoring Departments: Classical Studies and Comparative Literature • Established: 1990 Directors: Vassilis Lambropoulos, Artemis Leontis, Professors of Modern Greek Level: Minor in Modern Greek; M.A. & Ph.D. in several disciplines and departments with special strengths in classics, comparative literature, anthropology, political science, history and sociology. University of Minnesota 325 Social Sciences Building 267- 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612- 624 4526) (Fax: 612- 625 2242 Email: Also: Sponsoring Units: Institute for Global Studies; Department of History; Classical and Near Eastern Studies; Modern Greek Studies • Established in1977 Contact: Dr.Theofanis G. Stavrou,Director, Professor of History Program has been offering language instruction regularly since 1960. Other courses offered: Intellectual and Cultural History of Modern Greece; Eastern Orthodoxy: History and Culture. Special Features: I. Publishes the Modern Greek Studies Yearbook;The Minnesota Mediterranean and Eastern European Monographs and co-sponsors the Nostos series on Modern Greek History and Culture II. The Basil Laourdas Fellowship for Modern Greek Studies and Greek Slavic Relations III. Lecture Series: The Cunningham Memorial Lecture series on Eastern Orthodox History and Culture; The Annual Celebration of Modern Greek Letters University of Missouri-St. Louis 8001 Natural Bridge Road, ST. Louis, MO 63121-4499 (314-516-6241) (Fax: 314-516-6237/6757) Sponsoring Department: Foreign Languages and Literatures Established: 1996 Level: Undergraduate elective courses University of New Hampshire Murkland Hall, 15 Library Way, Durham, NH 03824 (603-862-3190, 603-862-4339) (Fax: 603-862-0104) Sponsoring Department: Classics (Languages, Literatures and Cultures) Established: 1965 Director: Nina Gatzoulis, Lecturer in Classics Email: Level: B.A. in Modern University of South Florida Tampa, FL 33620 (813-974-3211) (Fax: 813-974-2769) Sponsoring Department: Languages & Linguistics Established: 1956 Director: Maria Esformes, Professor Level: Undergraduate elective courses University of Utah 255 South Central Campus Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (801-581-6214) (Fax: 801-585-5190) Sponsoring Department: College of Humanities Established: 1948 Director: William D. Cocorinis, Adjunct Professor Level: Modern Greek, Undergraduate elective courses University of Washington Program in Hellenic Studies 115 Miller Hall, Box 353600, Seattle, WA 98195-3650 (206-221-4737) (Fax: 206-543-1237) Email: Sponsoring Department: European Studies • Established: 1998 Director: Theodore Kaltsounis, Professor of Education and European Studies Level: Concentration within undergraduate degree in European Studies Wayne State University 431 Manoogian Hall, Detroit, MI 48202 (313-577-3032) (Fax: 313-577-3266) Sponsoring Department: Classics, Greek, and Latin Established: 1969 Director: Kenneth R. Walters, Professor and Department Chair Level: Minor in Modern Greek Studies Yale University Center for International and Area Studies, Luce Hall 244, 34 Hillhouse Avenue, PO Box 208206, New Haven, CT 06520 (203-432-9342/3423) (Fax: 203-432-5963) Email: or Web: http://www.yale-edu/ycias/hsp/ Sponsor: European Studies Council, YCIAS • Established: 2001 Directors: John Geanakoplos, Maria Georgopoulou, George Syrimis Level: Elective courses York University Hellenic Heritage Foundation Chair in Hellenic Studies, Vari Hall Room 2140, 4700 Keele Str., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3 (416-736-2100 x30415) (Fax: 416-736-5836 Sponsoring Department: History • Established: 2002 Director: Thomas W. Gallant • Email: Level: B.A. Major (Honors), B.A. Major (Ordinary, and Minor in History and European Studies (Greece) 267 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 268 PATRIARCH ATHENAGORAS ORTHODOX INSTITUTE 2311 Hearst Avenue • Berkeley, CA 94709 •Tel.: (510) 649-3450 • Fax: (510) 841-6605 • Email: Now offering The Master of Arts in Orthodox Christian Studies Community Education programs, lectures Summer Institute — June 15-18, 2005 Books published by InterOrthodox Press Orthodox Christian Fellowship The Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute exists to educate, communicate, promote, and sustain the traditions, values, teachings, and culture of Orthodox Christianity. The Institute advances a strong, effective and highly visible witness of Orthodoxy in the western United States through: teaching, lectures and symposia, a rare book room, archives and museum, publishing, and hosting the Orthodox Christian Fellowship at the University of California, Berkeley and the Graduate Theological Union. The Institute is an affiliate member of the Graduate Theological Union, an ecumenical and interfaith consortium of nine seminaries and ten affiliated centers ( The Institute is an independent, inter-Orthodox center. The Board of Trustees, the Women s Boards, the OCF and the various activities of the Institute strive to represent the diversity of Orthodoxy in America. In recognition of the Institute s inter-Orthodox vision and mission, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, designated the Institute as patriarchal, the only center of learning in the United States with this distinction. INSTITUTE STAFF Anton C. Vrame, Ph.D., Dire c t o r — Nancy Haritatos, Librarian — William Zimmerman, Administrative Manager — John Klentos, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Eastern Orthodox Studies, Graduate Theological Union — V. Rev. Thomas Paris, Chaplain PROJECT MEXICO & ST. INNOCENT ORTHODOX ORPHANAGE P.O. Box 120028 • Chula Vista, CA 91912-3128 • (619) 426-4610 Since 1988, Project Mexico has involved young people in the alleviation of suffering through building homes for Mexico’s poor in the Tijuana area. Over 6,500 volunteers from 43 states and eleven foreign countries have helped Project Mexico build more than 130 homes for families who often live in dirt-floor shacks covered only with tin or cardboard. St. Innocent Orthodox Orphanage, an outgrowth of Project Mexico, opened its doors in 1996 to provide a loving and caring home to orphaned, abandoned and abused teenaged boys. An award-winning institution, it is the only facility dedicated to teenaged boys in Tijuana and one of only four in Mexico. Project Mexico and St. Innocent Orphanage have been envisioned, designed, built and operated by the combined efforts of Orthodox from all jurisdictions. They operate under the blessings of The Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA). There is still a great deal of work to be done! Learn about the many ways you can be a part of this exciting ministry. Visit or call 619.426.4610. 268 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 269 TRINITY CHILDREN & FAMILY SERVICES 1470 East Cooley Drive • P.O. Box 848 • Colton, CA 92324 • (800) 543-7730 Providing quality foster care, residential treatment and education programs in therapeutic environments to over 1,500 abused and neglected children every day. Founded in 1966 by Greek Orthodox clergy and laity, Trinity Children & Family Services provides quality foster care, residential treatment, and education programs in therapeutic environments to abused and neglected children so that they may lead healthy, productive lives. Trinity provides services to more than 1,500 children every day in California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada and Colorado regardless of their ethnic, religious or cultural backgrounds. Services provided to Trinity s children include individualized treatment programs, academic, vocational, and recreation programs, and preparation for independent living. Since 1966, Trinity has touched the lives of more than 40,000 children. For more information, or to learn how you can help Trinity Empower Children for Life, please visit our web site at or call the Development Department at (800) 543-7730 x264. SOCIAL SERVICES NATIONAL PHILOPTOCHOS OFFICE 345 East 74th Street New York, NY 10021 Tel.: (212) 744-4774 Fax: (212) 861-1956 Email: DYNAMIS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAM Contact: Philoptochos Social Services Tel.: (212) 774-4774 ELPIDES, INC. Aristoula Sifnos, Director 21-77 31st Street Suite 108 New York, NY 11105 Tel.: (718) 932-2879 Fax: (718) 932-1027 Email: HANAC, INC. Child and Family Couseling 31-14 30 Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 Tel: (718) 274-9007 Fax: (718) 545-7758 Web: HELLENIC FAMILY & COMMUNITY SERVICES (Agency of Hellenic Foundation) 6251 W. Touhy Chicago, IL 60646 Tel.: (773) 631-5222 Fax.: (773) 631-2835 HELLENIC FOUNDATION 5700 N. Sheridan Rd. Chicago, IL 60660 Tel.: (773) 728-2600 Fax: (773) 728-1718 TRINITY CHILDREN & FAMILY SERVICES 1460 Cooley Drive Box 848 Colton, CA 92324 Tel.: 1-800-543-7730 Web: 269 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 270 SENIOR RESIDENCES ARCHBISHOP IAKOVOS SENIOR CITIZENS RESIDENCE 32-06 21st Street Astoria, NY 11106 Tel.: (718) 726-1227 Fax: (718) 726-0118 DEACONESS TOWER 16400 Dix-Toledo Road Southgate, MI 48195 Tel.: (734) 283-6422 Fax: (734) 283-6679 GREEK ORTHODOX MANOR 9440 W. Congress Wauwatosa, WI 53225 Tel.: (414) 463-6944 HELLENIC NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER (Hellenic Women s Benevolent Association, Inc.) 601 Sherman Street Canton, MA 02021-2053 Tel.: (781) 828-7450 Fax: (781) 828-0244 GREEK AMERICAN REHABILITATION & NURSING CENTRE 220 First Street Wheeling, IL 60090 Tel: (847) 459-8700 Fax: (847) 465-9957 THE HELLENIC SENIOR CENTER 7847 Rush River Drive Sacramento, CA 95831 Tel./Fax: (916) 427-5444 HELLENIC TOWER 8450 Roswell Road Atlanta, GA 30350 Tel.: (770) 992-4393 Fax: (770) 993-3403 HELLENIC FOUNDATION HOLLYWOOD HOUSE 5700 N. Sheridan Road Chicago, IL 60660 Tel.: (773) 728-2603 Fax: (773) 728-1718 ST. GEORGE SENIOR HOUSING Patriarch Athenagoras Manor Archbishop Iakovos Gardens 850 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Tel.: (215) 922-5177 Fax: (215) 677-5612 ST. MICHAEL’S HOME 3 Lehman Terrace Yonkers, NY 10705 Tel.: (914) 476-3374 Fax: (914) 476-1744 Hellenic Foundation – Hollywood House: a 12story, affordable, senior, independent living high rise apartment building, open to seniors 50 years and older. LEFT: Residents hold a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open the rooftop garden and deck area (summer 2004), and meet with members of Assumption Greek Orthodox Church of Chicago for the building’s Annual Christmas Tree Decorating Party. RIGHT: During Great Lent on Holy Thursday, His Eminence Metropolitan Iakovos celebrates Divine Liturgy with the residents in the building’s Saint George Chapel. 270 ST. NICHOLAS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT 10220 Aqueduct Avenue North Hills, CA 91343-1546 Tel./Fax: (818) 894-0084 ST. NICHOLAS SENIOR CITIZENS COMPLEXES Plummer Park Apartments 17051 Plummer St. Northridge, CA 91325 Tel.: (818) 701-9554 SAINT SOPHIA (HOLY WISDOM) APARTMENTS 428 Whitehall Rd. Albany, NY 12208 Tel.: (518) 459-4910/437-1895 Fax: (518) 459-3306 STS. COSMAS AND DAMIANOS APARTMENTS 1030 German School Road Richmond, VA 23225 Tel.: (804) 330-4962 Fax: (804) 560-7034 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 271 EMBASSIES & CONSULAR OFFICES OF GREECE EMBASSY OF GREECE 2221 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel.: (202) 939-1300 Fax: (202) 939-1324 Web: Consular Office 2211 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel.: (202) 939-1318 (202) 939-1333 (202) 939-1334 Fax: (202) 234-2803 Greek Press and Information 2211 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel.: (202) 332-2727 Fax: (202) 265-4931 Web: Email: Office of the Commercial and Economic Counselor 2211 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel.: (202) 332-2844 Fax: (202) 328-3105 Office of the Educational Counselor 2211 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel.: (202) 332-3196 Fax: (202) 332-7656 Defense Attaché Office 2228 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel.: (202) 234-5695 Fax: (202) 232-2605 Naval Attaché Office 2228 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel.: (202) 332-8145 Fax: (202) 232-2605 Air Attaché 2228 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel.: (202) 234-0561 Fax: (202) 232-4422 PERMANENT GREEK MISSION TO THE UNITED NATIONS CONSULATE GENERAL OF GREECE-CA 866 2nd Ave., 13th Floor New York, NY 10017 Tel.: (212) 888-6900 Fax: (212) 888-4440 Fax: (212) 888-4449 Email: 2441 Gough Street San Francisco, CA 94123 Tel.: (415) 775-2102 x4 Fax: (415) 776-6815 CONSULATE GENERAL OF GREECE-NY 86 Beacon Street Boston, MA 02108 Tel.: (617) 523-0100 Fax: (617) 523-0511 Email: 69 East 79th Street New York, NY 10021 Tel.: (212) 988-5500 x11 Fax: (212) 734-8492 Email: Greek Press and Information Office 55 East 59th Street 24th Floor New York, NY 10022 Tel.: (212) 751-8788 Fax: (212) 752-2056 Email: Consulate of Maritime Affairs Marine Office 29 Broadway Suite 2300 New York, NY 10006 Tel.: (212) 425-5764 x6 Fax: (212) 425-3795 Economic and Commercial Counselor 150 East 58th Street Suite 1701 New York, NY 10155 Tel.: (212) 751-2404 Fax: (212) 593-2278 Email: National Tourism Organization of Greece 645 5th Ave. New York, NY 10022 Tel.: (212) 421-5777 Fax: (212) 826-6940 Web: Email: CONSULATE GENERAL OF GREECE-IL 650 N. St. Clair Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 Tel.: (312) 335-3915 Fax: (312) 335-3958 CONSULATE GENERAL OF GREECE-MA Greek Press and Information 86 Beacon Street Boston, MA 02108 Tel.: (617) 523-0329 Fax: (617) 523-0477 Email: CONSULATE OF GREECE-LA World Trade Center 2 Canal Street, Suite 2318 New Orleans, LA 70130 Tel.: (504) 523-1167 Fax: (504) 524-5610 Email: CONSULATE OF GREECE-GA Tower Place, Suite 1670 3340 Peachtree Road, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30326 Tel.: (404) 261-3313 Fax: (404) 262-2798 Email: CONSULATE GENERAL OF GREECE-TX 520 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 310 Houston, TX 77027 Tel.: (713) 840-7522 Fax: (713) 840-0614 Email: CONSULATE GENERAL OF GREECE-CA 12424 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 800 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Tel.: (310) 826-5555 Fax: (310) 826-8670 Email: Greek Press and Information Office 12424 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 800 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Tel.: (310) 826-4749 Fax: (310) 826-3532 Email: 271 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 272 EMBASSIES & CONSULAR OFFICES OF CYPRUS EMBASSY OF CYPRUS 2211 R Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20008 Tel.: (202) 462-5772 Fax: (202) 483-6710 CYPRUS TRADE CENTER 13 East 40th Street New York, NY 10016 Tel.: (212) 213-9100 Fax: (212) 213 2918 PRESS & INFORMATION OFFICE 2211 R Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20008 Tel.: (202) 232-8993 Fax: (202) 234-1936 CYPRUS MARITIME OFFICE 13 East 40th Street New York, NY 10016 Tel.: (212) 686 6016 Fax: (212) 477-1988 CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS 13 East 40th Street New York, NY 10016 Tel.: (212) 686-6016 Fax: (212) 686-3660 PERMANENT MISSION OF CYPRUS TO THE UNITED NATIONS 13 East 40th Street New York, NY 10016 Tel.: (212) 481-6023 Fax: (212) 685-7316 CYPRUS TOURISM ORGANIZATION 13 East 40th Street New York, NY 10016 Tel.: (212) 683-5280 Fax: (212) 683-5282 PRESS & INFORMATION OFFICE 13 East 40th Street New York, NY 10016 Tel.: (212) 686-6013 Fax: (212) 689-5716 The President of Cyprus Tassos Papadopoulos, (center) bestowed upon Archbishop Demetrios and Alex Spanos, the highest honor of the Republic of Cyprus, the Great Cross of the Order of Archbishop Makarios III. They are shown with Philip Christopher, president of the International Coordinating Commitee: Justice for Cyprus and Panicos Papanicolaou, President of the Cyprus Federation of America. 272 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 273 THE CALENDAR OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH Lewis Patsavos, Ph.D. Professor of Canon Law Holy Cross School of Theology ORTHODOX EASTER The determination of the date of Easter is governed by a computation based on the vernal equinox and the phase of the moon. According to the ruling of the First Ecumenical Synod in 325, Easter Sunday should fall on the Sunday which follows the first full moon after the vernal equinox. If the full moon happens to fall on a Sunday, Easter is observed the following Sunday. The day taken to be the invariable date of the vernal equinox is March 21. Herein lies the first difference in the determination of Easter between the Orthodox Church and the other Christian Churches. The Orthodox Church continues to base its calculations for the date of Easter on the Julian Calendar, which was in use at the time of the First Ecumenical Synod. As such, it does not take into consideration the number of days which have since then accrued due to the progressive inaccuracy of the Julian Calendar. In other words, a difference of 13 days exists between the accepted date for the vernal equinox then and now. In the West, this discrepancy was addressed in the 16th century through the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar, which adjusted the Julian Calendar still in use by all Christians at that time. The other difference in the determination of Easter between the Orthodox and other Christian Churches concerns the date of Passover. Jews originally celebrated Passover on the first full moon following the vernal equinox. Christians, therefore, celebrated Easter on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the other tragic events which gave rise to the dispersal of the Jews, Passover sometimes preceded the vernal equinox. This was occasioned by the dependence of the dispersed Jews upon local pagan calendars for the calculation of Passover. As a consequence, most Christians eventually ceased to regulate the observance of Easter by the Jewish Passover. Their purpose, of course, was to preserve the original practice of celebrating Easter following the vernal equinox. Patriarch of Jerusalem and of All Palestine Ireneos honors World SAE President Andrew A. Athens with the Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulcher following Mr. Athens’ international campaign to help achieve official recognition of the Patriarch. 273 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 274 PASTORAL GUIDELINES CHURCH POSITIONS REGARDING THE SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE Rev. Dr. Stanley S. Harakas Archbishop Iakovos Professor of Orthodox Theology, Emeritus, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology The Sanctity of Human Life A major and overarching concern of the Church arises with its commitment to the God-given sanctity of human life. Some of the developments of the biological manipulation of human life, though promising amazing therapeutic achievements, may also be understood as undermining respect for the integrity of human existence. Others may be seen as providing a new means of healing human illness. Discerning the difference is the challenge the Church faces in developing it s teaching on these newly appearing issues. Human Life The Church s teaching about human life is based on Holy Tradition, including the Scriptures as a primary resource and the ongoing teaching and interpretation of the Orthodox Faith. Life is a gift of God in the formation of the created world. All life is precious, but human life is uniquely created by God in the image and likeness of God. Human life as such is deserving of deep respect and individual human beings are to be treated in accordance to their inherent human dignity. Thus, racism, unjust prejudicial treatment of men and women, genocide, forms of sexual exploitation, domestic violence, child abuse, rape, theft or destruction of legitimately owned property, deceptions and deceit, environmental plunder and other such manipulative behaviors violate the human dignity of others. Human life as a gift of God should be respected. Some specific issues are the following. action, or if surviving relatives permit it providing that it was in harmony with the desires of the deceased. Such actions can be approved as an expression of love and if they express the selfdetermination of the donor. In all cases, respect for the body of the donor should be maintained. Organ transplants should never be commercialized nor coerced nor take place without proper consent, nor place in jeopardy the identity of the donor or recipient, such as the use of animal organs. Nor should the death of the donor be hastened in order to harvest organs for transplantation to another person. Cremation Because the Orthodox Faith affirms the fundamental goodness of creation, it understands the body to be an integral part of the human person and the temple of the Holy Spirit, and expects the resurrection of the dead. The Church considers cremation to be the deliberate desecration and destruction of what God has made and ordained for us. The Church instead insists that the body be buried so that the natural physical process of decomposition may take place. The Church does not grant funerals, either in the sanctuary, or at the funeral home, or at any other place, to persons who have chosen to be cremated. Additionally, memorial services with kolyva (boiled wheat) are not allowed in such instances, inasmuch as the similarity between the kernel of wheat and the body has been intentionally destroyed. Donation of Organs Medical Developments and the Church Although nothing in the Orthodox tradition requires the faithful to donate their organs to others, neverthe-less, this practice may be considered an act of love, and as such is encouraged. The decision to donate a duplicate organ, such as a kidney, while the donor is living, requires much consideration and should be made in consultation with medical professionals and one s Spiritual Father. The donation of an organ from a deceased person is also an act of love that helps to make possible for the recipient a longer, fuller life. Such donations are acceptable if the deceased donor had willed such With high frequency, new developments in the area of the life sciences appear in our technologically advanced culture. The Church welcomes efforts and techniques that contribute to healing of human diseases. Yet, many of these advances raise moral questions. Some of the Church s responses to these developments are based on older issues for which the Church has clear and unambiguous are guidelines. Other responses not so evident. 274 Thus, many of these developments form chal- 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 275 PASTORAL GUIDELINES lenges to Orthodox Christian spiritual concerns and moral values. In numerous cases, the Church is still in the process of clarifying its response. The following serve to indicate the general positions and direction of thought in the Orthodox Church. Sexuality The Orthodox Church recognizes marriage as the only moral and spiritually appropriate context for sexual relations. Thus, all other forms of sexual activity such as fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, pornography, all forms of prostitution, and similar forms of behavior are sins that are inappropriate for the Orthodox Christian. Marriage is only conducted and recognized in the Orthodox Church as taking place between a man and a woman. Same-sex marriages are a contradiction in terms. The Orthodox Church does not allow for same-sex marriages. sought it are doing an immoral deed, and are called to repentance. Suicide Suicide, the taking of one s own life, is self-murder and as such, a sin. More importantly, it may be evidence of a lack of faith in our loving, forgiving, sustaining God. If a person has committed suicide as a result of a belief that: such an action is rationally or ethically defensible, the Orthodox Church denies that person a Church funeral, because such beliefs and actions separate a person from the community of faith. The Church shows compassion, however, on those who have taken their own life as a result of mental illness or severe emotional stress, when a condition of impaired rationality can be verified by a physician. Autopsy Abortion The Church from the very beginning of existence has sought to protect the life in the womb and has considered abortion as a form of murder in its theology and canons. Orthodox Christians are admonished not to encourage women to have abortions, nor to assist in the committing of abortion. Those who perform abortions and those who have When a person dies for reasons that are uncertain, a qualified medical examiner may, with the permission of the next of kin, perform an autopsy to determine the cause of death. In some states, this is required by law. In all cases, however, the Orthodox Church expects that the body of the deceased be treated with respect and dignity. Archbishop Demetrios celebrated the traditional St. Basil Liturgy at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity on New Year’s Day. Shown with His Eminence during the Doxology are Bishop Savas of Troas; Bishop Philotheos of Meloa; Father Robert Stephanopoulos, Dean; Father Angelo Gavalas, assistant priest; Deacon Pandeleimon and Deacon John. 275 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 276 PASTORAL GUIDELINES INSTRUCTIONS for WEDDINGS, DIVORCES, BAPTISMS, FUNERALS and MEMORIALS WEDDINGS For the union of a man and woman to be recognized as sacramentally valid by the Orthodox Church, the following conditions must be met: 1. The Sacrament of Matrimony must be celebrated by an Orthodox Priest of a canonical Orthodox jurisdiction, according to the liturgical tradition of the Orthodox Church, in a canonical Orthodox Church, and with the authorization of the Archbishop or Metropolitan. 2. Before requesting permission from the Archbishop or his Metropolitan to perform the marriage, a Priest must verify that: a) neither of the parties in question are already married to other persons, either in this country or elsewhere; b) the parties in question are not related to each other to a degree that would constitute an impediment; c) if either or both parties are widowed, they have presented the death certificate(s) of the deceased spouse(s); d) if either or both of the parties have been previously married in the Orthodox Church, they have obtained ecclesiastical as well as civil divorce(s); e) the party or parties who are members of a parish other than the one in which the marriage is to be performed have provided a certificate declaring them to be members in good standing with that parish for the current year; and f) a civil marriage license has been obtained from civil authorities. 3. No person may marry more than three times in the Church, with permission for a third marriage granted only with extreme oikonomia. 4. In cases involving the marriage of Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christians, the latter must have been baptized, in water, in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Church cannot bless the marriage of an Orthodox Christian to a non-Christian. 5. The Sponsor (koumbaros or koumbara) must provide a current certificate of membership proving him or her to be an Orthodox Christian in good standing with the Church. A person who does not belong to a parish, or who belongs to a parish under the jurisdiction of a bishop who is not in communion with the 276 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, or who, if married, has not had his or her marriage blessed by the Orthodox Church, or, if divorced, has not received an ecclesiastical divorce, cannot be a sponsor. Non-Orthodox persons may be members of the wedding party, but may not exchange the rings or crowns. Days When Marriage Is Not Permitted Marriages are not performed on fast days or during fasting seasons or on the feasts of the Church as indicated: September 14 (Exaltation of the Holy Cross), December 13-25 (Nativity), January 5 and 6 (Theophany), Great Lent and Holy Week, Pascha (Easter), Pentecost, August 1-15 (Dormition Fast and Feast), and August 29 (Beheading of St. John the Baptist). Any exceptions are made only with the permission of the respective hierarch. Inter-Christian Marriages It is a fact that, the more a couple has in common, the more likely they are to live together in peace and concord. Shared faith and traditions spare couples and their children, as well as their extended families, many serious problems, and help to strengthen the bonds between them. Even so, the Orthodox Church will bless marriages between Orthodox and non-Orthodox partners, provided that: 1. The non-Orthodox partner is a Christian who has been baptized, in water, in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; and 2. The couple should be willing to baptize their children in the Orthodox Church and raise and nurture them in accordance with the Orthodox Faith. A baptized Orthodox Christian whose wedding has not been blessed by the Orthodox Church is no longer in good standing with the Church, and may not receive the Sacraments of the Church, including Holy Communion, or become a Sponsor of an Orthodox Marriage, Baptism or Chrismation. A non-Orthodox Christian who marries an Orthodox Christian does not thereby become a member of the Orthodox Church, and may not 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:27 PM Page 277 PASTORAL GUIDELINES receive the Sacraments, including Holy Communion, or be buried by the Church, serve on the Parish Council, or vote in parish assemblies or elections. To participate in the Church s life, one must be received into the Church by the Sacrament of Baptism or, in the case of persons baptized with water in the Holy Trinity, following a period of instruction, by Chrismation. Inter-religious Marriages Canonical and theological reasons preclude the Orthodox Church from performing the Sacrament of Marriage for couples where one partner is Orthodox and the other partner is a non-Christian. As such, Orthodox Christians choosing to enter such marriages fall out of good standing with their Church and are unable to actively participate in the life of the Church. While this stance may seem confusing and rigid, it is guided by the Orthodox Church s love and concern for its member s religious and spiritual well-being. Prohibited Marriages The following types of relationships constitute impediments to marriage: 1. Parents with their own children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren, or godchildren of the same godparents. 2. Brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. 3. Uncles and aunts with nieces and nephews. 4. First cousins with each other. 5. Foster parents with foster children or foster children with the children of foster parents. 6. Godparents with godchildren or godparents with the parents of their godchildren. DIVORCE The parish priest must exert every effort to reconcile the couple and avert a divorce. However, should he fail to bring about a reconciliation, after a civil divorce has been obtained, he will transmit the petition of the party seeking the ecclesiastical divorce, together with the decree of the civil divorce, to the Spiritual Court of the Archdiocesan District or Metropolis. The petition must include the names and surnames of the husband and wife, the wife s surname prior to marriage, their addresses, the name of the priest who performed the wedding, and the date and place of the wedding. The petitioner must be a member of the parish through which he or she is petitioning for divorce. Orthodox Christians of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese who have obtained a civil divorce but not an ecclesiastical divorce may not participate in any sacraments of the Church or serve on the Parish Council, Archdiocesan District Council, Metropolis Council or Archdiocesan Council until they have been granted a divorce by the Church. Noted Orthodox author and founder and president of Light and Life Publishing, Father Anthony Coniaris of Minneapolis, was the featured speaker at the annual Lenten Retreat of the Washington Orthodox Clergy Association held at St. Demetrios Church, Seattle. 277 2005Yearbook.qxd 2/1/05 5:28 PM Page 278 PASTORAL GUIDELINES BAPTISMS A person who wishes to sponsor a candidate for Baptism or Chrismation must be an Orthodox Christian in good standing and a supporting member of an Orthodox parish. A person may not serve as a godparent if the Church has not blessed his or her marriage or, if civilly divorced, he or she has not been granted an ecclesiastical divorce, or for any other reason he or she is not in communion with the Orthodox Church. Baptisms may not be performed from Christmas Day through the Feast of Theophany (December 25-January 6), during Holy Week, or on any of the Great Feastdays of the Lord. FUNERALS Funeral services are permitted on any day of the year, except for Sundays and Holy Friday, unless permission is granted from the Archbishop or Metropolitan. MEMORIALS Memorial services may not be chanted from the Saturday of Lazarus through the Sunday of Thomas, on any Feastday of the Lord or any Feastday of the Theotokos. FASTING 3. Cheesefare Week (the last week before the Great Lent, during which meat and fish are prohibited, but dairy products are permitted even on Wednesday and Friday); 4. Great Lent (from Clean Monday through the Friday before Lazarus Saturday, olive oil and wine are permitted on weekends); 5. Great and Holy Week (note that Great and Holy Saturday is a day of strict fasting, during which the faithful abstain from olive oil and wine), 6. Holy Apostles Fast (from the Monday after All Saints Day through June 28, inclusive); 7. Fast for the Dormition of the Mother of God (August 1-14, excluding August 6, on which fish, wine and olive oil are permitted); 8. Beheading of St. John the Baptist (August 29), 9. Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14); and 10. Nativity Lent (November 15-December 24, although fish, wine and olive oil are permitted, except on Wednesdays and Fridays, until December 17). The following are fasting days on which fish, wine and olive oil are permitted: Just as there are times for feasting, there are also times set aside for fasting. During these periods, certain foods are prohibited. These are, in order of frequency of prohibition, meat (including poultry), dairy products, fish, olive oil and wine. Fruits, vegetables, grains and shellfish are permitted throughout the year. Of course, the Orthodox Church never reduces the practice of fasting to a legalistic observance of dietary rules. Fasting, that is not accompanied by intensified prayer and acts of charity, inevitably becomes a source of pride. The Church also recognizes that not everyone can fast to the same degree, and assumes that individual Christians will observe the fast prescribed for them by their Spiritual Fathers. 1. The Feast of the Annunciation (March 25, unless it falls outside the Great Lent, in which case all foods are permitted); The following are fasting days and seasons: 2. Diakainisimos (or Bright) Week, following the Sunday of Pascha, 1. All Wednesdays and Fridays, except for those noted below; 2. The day before the Feast of Theophany (January 5); 278 2. Palm Sunday; 3. The Feast of the Transfiguration (August 6); and 4. The Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Mother of God (November 21). On the following days, all foods are permitted: 1. The first week of the Triodion, from the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee through the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, including Wednesday and Friday; 3. The week following Pentecost; and 4. From the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord (December 25) through January 4. 12/15/04 8:40 AM Page 278 PASTORAL GUIDELINES BAPTISMS A person who wishes to sponsor a candidate for Baptism or Chrismation must be an Orthodox Christian in good standing and a supporting member of an Orthodox parish. A person may not serve as a godparent if the Church has not blessed his or her marriage or, if civilly divorced, he or she has not been granted an ecclesiastical divorce, or for any other reason he or she is not in communion with the Orthodox Church. Baptisms may not be performed from Christmas Day through the Feast of Theophany (December 25-January 6), during Holy Week, or on any of the Great Feastdays of the Lord. FUNERALS Funeral services are permitted on any day of the year, except for Sundays and Holy Friday, unless permission is granted from the Archbishop or Metropolitan. MEMORIALS Memorial services may not be chanted from the Saturday of Lazarus through the Sunday of Thomas, on any Feastday of the Lord or any Feastday of the Theotokos. FASTING Just as there are times for feasting, there are also times set aside for fasting. During these periods, certain foods are prohibited. These are, in order of frequency of prohibition, meat (including poultry), dairy products, fish, olive oil and wine. Fruits, vegetables, grains and shellfish are permitted throughout the year. Of course, the Orthodox Church never reduces the practice of fasting to a legalistic observance of dietary rules. Fasting, that is not accompanied by intensified prayer and acts of charity, inevitably becomes a source of pride. The Church also recognizes that not everyone can fast to the same degree, and assumes that individual Christians will observe the fast prescribed for them by their Spiritual Fathers. The following are fasting days and seasons: 1. All Wednesdays and Fridays, except for those noted below; 2. The day before the Feast of Theophany (January 5); 278 3. Cheesefare Week (the last week before the Great Lent, during which meat and fish are prohibited, but dairy products are permitted even on Wednesday and Friday); FORMS OF SALUTATION Addressee’s Title 1. The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Form of Address Salutation His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch. Greek: Panagiótatos Your All Holiness His Beatitude the Patriarch of __________ Gr: Makariótatos Your Beatitude Panagiótate 4. Great Lent (from Clean Monday through the Friday before Lazarus Saturday, olive oil and wine are permitted on weekends); 2. Other Patriarchs 5. Great and Holy Week (note that Great and Holy Saturday is a day of strict fasting, during which the faithful abstain from olive oil and wine), 3. Archbishops of Autocephalous Churches, Greece, Cyprus, etc. His Beatitude, the Archbishop of ________ Your Beatitude 4. Archbishop of Crete, America, Australia, and England (under the EcumenicalPatriarchate) His Eminence Gr: Sevasmiótatos Your Eminence Sevasmiótate 5. Metropolitans His Eminence Gr: Sevasmiótatos Your Eminence Sevasmiótate 6. Titular Metropolitan His Excellency Gr: Panierótatos Your Excellency Panierótate 7. Bishop The Right Reverend (Rt. Rev.) Bishop of _____ Gr: Theophiléstatos Your Grace Theophiléstate 8. Titular Bishop The Right Reverend (Rt. Rev.) Bishop of _____ Gr: Theophiléstatos Your Grace Theophiléstate 9. Archimandrite The Very Reverend Father (The V. Rev. Fr.) Gr: Panosiologiótatos Reverend, or Father 10. Presbyter (Priest) - married - married theologian - celibate - celibate theologian Reverend Father (Rev. Fr.) Gr: Aidesimótatos Gr: Aidesimologiótatos Gr: Panosiótatos Gr: Panosiologiótatos Reverend, or Father Aidesimótate Aidesimologiótate Panosiótate Panosiologiótate 11. Deacon Reverend Deacon (Rev. Dn.) Gr: Ierologiótatos Reverend, or Deacon 12. Abbot The Right Reverend Abbot Gr: Igoúmenos Reverend Father, or Father Agie Igoúmene 13. Abbess The Reverend Mother Superior Gr: Igouméni Reverend Mother 14. Monk Brother Gr: Osiótatos Brother Osiótate 15. Nun Sister Gr: Osiotáte Sister Osiotáte 16. Spiritual Father Gr: Géron Géronta 6. Holy Apostles’ Fast (from the Monday after All Saints’ Day through June 28, inclusive); 7. Fast for the Dormition of the Mother of God (August 1-14, excluding August 6, on which fish, wine and olive oil are permitted); 8. Beheading of St. John the Baptist (August 29), 9. Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14); and 10. Nativity Lent (November 15-December 24, although fish, wine and olive oil are permitted, except on Wednesdays and Fridays, until December 17). The following are fasting days on which fish, wine and olive oil are permitted: 1. The Feast of the Annunciation (March 25, unless it falls outside the Great Lent, in which case all foods are permitted); 2. Palm Sunday; 3. The Feast of the Transfiguration (August 6); and 4. The Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Mother of God (November 21). - Theologian On the following days, all foods are permitted: 1. The first week of the Triodion, from the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee through the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, including Wednesday and Friday; 2. Diakainisimos (or Bright) Week, following the Sunday of Pascha, Makariótate Source: Companion to the Greek Orthodox Church. Published by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. YrBk2005_final.qxd Panosiologiótate Ierologiótate Hagia Igouméni 3. The week following Pentecost; and 4. From the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord (December 25) through January 4. 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