Mise en page 1 - CCI Marseille Provence
Mise en page 1 - CCI Marseille Provence
GENERIQUE - ANGLAIS:Mise en page 1 18/01/10 11:55 Page1 The film-friendly Mediterranean Context The MovieMed study presents the audiovisual and cinema sectors, how they work around the Mediterranean and in particular in six partner countries (Egypt, France, Lebanon, Morocco, Spain and Tunisia). It aims to give a broad view of the possibilities offered for hosting foreign film shoots. Audiovisual production in the Mediterranean is a major challenge for the attractivity of the territories concerned. It represents a considerable source of economic benefit (hotels, restaurants, retail trade, etc.), is an important creator of local employment (local recruitment of skilled workers, use of local post-production companies, for example) and has a big impact on a destination's image and its communication. The study reveals how the Mediterranean countries present their assets to attract foreign film shoots, whilst supporting or developing their domestic film industries as features of a strong cultural identity. This study is aimed particularly at film project leaders and, more widely, at audiovisual sector professionals : it demonstrates the capabilities the Mediterranean undeniably possesses in terms of technical, natural and human resources. The Mediterranean : unbeatable assets The Mediterranean offers a favourable environment for film production thanks to: H a mild climate and exceptional light (300 days of sunshine per year in Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt and Lebanon, for example) H varied and distinctive landscapes (from the Egyptian desert to the Greek islands) and renowned natural locations (the Nile Valley, the Atlas mountains, etc.) H a heritage dating back several thousand years (Petra, the pyramids, Greek temples, the ruins of Baalbek, for example) H a skilled workforce (with a wide selection of specialised schools) H excellent accommodation capacity, ready to adapt to the needs of film crews (hours, use of premises, etc) H political determination to develop the film sector by putting in place the necessary specialised structures (film commissions, etc.) H incentive measures (tax credits, free availability of extras, for example) GENERIQUE - ANGLAIS:Mise en page 1 18/01/10 11:55 Page2 The film-friendly Mediterranean The northern shore : predominance of the European model Cinema market around the Mediterranean in 2008 H The 11 countries of the northern shore are Albania, Bosnia-HerzegoMediterranean 22 countries 478 million inhabitants 508 million box office entries 600 domestically produced films 234 co-produced films Northern shore - 11 countries 194 million inhabitants 430 million box office entries 441 domestically produced films 180 co-produced films Southern shore - 11 countries 284 million inhabitants 78 million box office entries 159 domestically produced films 54 co-produced films vina, Cyprus, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain.There is in place a structured organisation of the sector with proactive specialised institutions (National Cinematographic Centres, film commission networks...), often benefiting from financial aid and incentives. This is most notably the case in Spain, France and Italy. Domestic production is aimed at the domestic market and both are growing despite the economic crisis. Shared challenges : to offer a clear and attractive image internationally, « The film-friendly Mediterranean » - The cinema is a vehicle for cultural identity, the transmission of shared values of equality and tolerance, in the framework of a union for the Mediterranean - The economic benefits for an area from film shoots are far from being negligible. They represent between 15 and 25% of the total cost of a film and between 25 and 40% of the actual production cost. The southern shore : a diverse but high potential area for audiovisual production H The 11 countries of the southern shore Algeria, Palestine Authority, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Lybia, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, constitute : - a market of almost 280 million inhabitants united by a common language : Arabic - Almost 45% of the population is less than 25 years old. Demand for new audiovisual products is thus particularly strong and in constant growth.Production remains weak, with around 200 films produced per year, concentrated on a few countries (mainly Egypt and Turkey) and with little export. 10% of films reach European screens. The MovieMed Project For some regions film production is a new source of direct and indirect economic and tourism benefits : it develops the attractivity of a region by strengthening its brand image. Responding to this challenge, the MovieMed project aims to improve the visibility of the film sector around the Mediterranean by developing a network of tourism and film professionals. The project is organised over two years around the following : - The production of a study presenting the current situation and opportunities in the Mediterranean film sector (2010) and a guide to the best practices for hosting film shoots in the Mediterranean (2011). - The organisation of annual professional meetings between the tourism and film sectors and workshops focussing on the challenges posed by the two sectors' working together. MovieMed is lead by the Marseille Provence Chamber of Commerce and supported by the European programme Invest-in-Med. It has been developed in partnership with public and private sector bodies from six Mediterranean countries (Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon and France). To learn more about the project and to download the 2010 study « The Film-Friendly Mediterranean », go to www.moviemed.ccimp.com Edition 2010 Sources : Trends in the world film market - Focus 2009 - European Audiovisual Observatory Film France - CNC - Screen Digest. http://cineuropa.org EGYPTE angl- FICHE 11:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 16:40 Page1 EGYPT Challenges and opportunities Challenges The country in figures PoPulation 2008 76.8 million CaPital Cairo tourism 2007 10.61 million tourists surfaCe area 995 450 km² GDP 2008 offiCial lanGuaGe : (sourCe Wto) $140 billion arabiC Context The birth of Egyptian cinema dates from 1896, at the same time as France (1895). From the golden years of the 50s to Nasser's nationalisation (1960), from the economic liberalisation under A. El Sadat up to the present day, Egyptian cinema has enjoyed a long life and an international reputation. Egypt and Turkey are the two largest producers of films amongst the southern Mediterranean countries. The Egyptian cinema industry is dominated by major private interests (referred to locally as « cartels ») which control both film production and distribution. It is a concentrated sector, operating closely alongside a highly powerful television sector dominated by public sector organisations. Since 1997 powerful broadcasting companies finance Egyptian production and we see today the arrival of a new, highly commercial cinema, based on the « star system » and accompanied by corresponding rises in production costs. Alongside this, but to a lesser degree, we can witness the development of an independent cinema financed by independent producers. H To maintain the attractivity of Egyptian cinema in the face of competition from new countries hosting film shoots that could have taken place in egypt. to this end they must convince the different government authorities which issue permits or censor productions to accompany them in their actions. H To allow Egyptian cinema, as part of the culture and identity of the country, to continue to develop alongside more commercial productions, in all its varied forms : political, social, popular or historical cinema and musical comedies EGYPTE angl- FICHE 11:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 16:40 Page2 EGYPT Challenges and opportunities 100 years of cinematographic history, positioning Egypt as a major player in the Middle East H A large domestic market of almost 80 million inhabitants (of which a high proportion of young people) thanks to a highly developed televisual sector, a distribution network of 400 screens throughout the country and digital broadcasting H A broadcasting language which lends itself to export throughout the Arab countries. egyptian is understood in all the arab countries and thus offers high market potential particularly in the middle eastern countries (300 million tV viewers) H Unique natural sites which are recognised throughout the world and illustrate different historical periods : pharaonic, coptic, muslem.... 4 unesCo World Heritage sites: the Giza pyramids, the karnak, Philae and abu simbel temples....egypt also offers unique film locations such as the nile Valley, the white desert, the red sea.... International festivals and meetings of professionals from all over the world H the 33rd Cairo International Film Festival, accredited by the international federation of films Producers associations (fiaPf), with an on-the-spot film market : 150 films presented, 33 in competition, with an international jury H the 25th Mediterranean Film Festival of Alexandria : 45 selected films from 20 mediterranean countries, with an international jury H the 19th International Festival of Children's Cinema : 230 works presented, 46 countries present H the 13th Arab Media Festival of Cairo concerns audiovisual production. it is also a market for radio and televisual production, bringing together more than 100 exhibitors from 20 countries (including 12 arab states) this market aims to dynamise the distribution of arab and foreign audiovisual production, to promote exchanges between audiovisual product sales companies and to facilitate the sharing of experience. egypt also hosts the 13th ismailia international film festival for Documentary and short films, the Port said short film festival, the film festival of the egyptian association for Cinematographic art, the nile international festival for environmental films and finally the egyptian Cinema oscars Well-trained professionals H International Academy for Engineering & Media Science. this private school, founded in 2002, trains students up to bachelor degree level. it is linked to the egyptian media Production City in 6th october City. H The Higher Institute of Cinema, Giza (1958). the institute produces about 70 master's level graduates per year across 8 disciplines : editing, screenwriting, direction, animated film, sound, production, image, decors H The Higher Institute for Applied Arts, 6th October City (1993) gives training in several disciplines : graphic arts, decor.... the main universities have media departments offering programmes in audiovisual production The climate « asset » egypt has a mediterranean climate in the north on the coast, with semidesert inland and desert covering the rest of the country, guaranteeing optimal and varied filming conditions throughout the year. edition 2010 opportunities EGYPTE angl- FICHE 22:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:54 Page1 EGYPT Cinema and Audiovisual Production Large-scale audiovisual production in the Arab world High volume cinema production Egyptian production master of Arabic audiovisual production H Egyptian cinema has long dominated the Arab world as much for the quantity of its production as for its quality (golden age in the 40s and 50s) H An audiovisual scene characterised by powerful TV broadcasting companies (A.R.T., Rotana, etc.) H After nationalisation, public money became hard to find but production continued at a good level thanks to the financial markets and major private funds. Production financed by private investment H Involvement of these companies in the cinema industry through agreements with Egyptian production companies (Al Arabia/Rotana, United Artistic/Good News, Al Massa, Oscar, and El Nasr/A.R.T., etc.) Key facts on television production H Egyptian television has been broadcasting since 1960. It has been present at MIPTV in Cannes since 1972. H Egypt is the 1st Maghreb country to have launched its own TV satellite. Today, it has 2 : Nilesat 1 and Nilesat 2. H Numerous national channels : Egypt has 3 national channels, 6 local channels, 9 theme channels and 2 satellite channels. Certain channels broadcast 24h/24, others for 18 hours/day. All programmes are Egyptian productions. Famous directors : Youssef Chahine In May 1997 the cinema profession awarded the prize for the 50th anniversary of the Cannes Film Festival to Chahine's « Destiny » and his lifetime's work which he began in 1950. He described the social and human state of the country through films like « The Earth » (1970), « The Sparrow » (1973), « Alexandria....Why? » (1978), « Adieu Bonaparte » (1985), « The Sixth Day » (1986) or « The Emigrant » (1995) Key figures 2008 H Number of films produced : 48 in 2008 3 categories of film, depending on whether a star is featured or not : - budgets around $400 000 - budgets around $1.5 to $2 million - budgets around $4 to $5 million H Cinema industry turnover : $60 million of which $10 million for foreign films, mainly American. H Box office entries : 80% for national films, 19.9% for north American films, O.1% for the rest Getty Getty Une structure fé EGYPTE angl- FICHE 22:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:54 Page2 EGYPT Cinema and Audiovisual Production A large workforce A federating body : the Cinema Chamber Created in 1972 as part of the Federation of Egyptian Industry, its rôle is: - To promote, support and aid producers, studios, laboratories, etc. - To register films before and after shooting, awarding visas for screening or distribution on CD, DVD, TV broadcasting - To represent the interests of the profession on social or fiscal matters, and more recently to represent Egypt at different festivals such as Cannes or Berlin. H 1797 professionnals located principally in Cairo, Giza or 6th October City in an outlying district of Cairo, of which : - 3 « majors »: Al Arabia cinema , founded in 2000, now the leader in production and distribution - The trio (Al Massa, Oscar and El Nasr) - United Bros (to which should now be added the producer and distributor Good News) H 1 co-producer : MISR International Film ( MIF), founded in1972 by Youssef Chahine and which produces, co-produces, provides services for or distributes around a hundred films, videos or advertising films. References such as: Transformers 2, Revenge of the Fallen, Cairo Time, Malcolm X,… and the latest Besson movie « Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec » H Semi-nationalised companies such as the Egypt Company for Sound and Light , created to offer 'sons et lumières' services for tourist sites and in various audiovisual productions. H Small independent companies like Film House which has won awards with Heliopolis, or Egypt Films H Around 8 to 10 post-production companies, among which are: Film House, Aroma Designs & Solutions ;Teamwork ; Cinepost; ... Edition 2010 Getty Getty H 12 editing units EGYPTE angl- FICHE 33:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:55 Page1 EGYPT Studios and other filming locations STUDIOS AND OTHER LOCATIONS IN EGYPT (Fortifications) (Fortifications) Alexandria (Fortifications) Alexandria Alexandria (Fortifications) (Fortifications) featured in in The The Yacoubian Yacoubian Building Building (FR), (FR), featured in The Yacoubian Building (FR), featured in The Yacoubian Building (FR), in featured featured The Yacoubian Building (FR), Myfather father is is on on the the tree tree (EG), (EG), My father is on the tree (EG), My Adieu Bonaparte Bonaparte (EG-FR) (EG-FR) Adieu Bonaparte (EG-FR) Adieu Bonaparte (EG-FR) Adieu Adieu Bonaparte (EG-FR) Ramses (Studios) Ramses (Studios) (Studios) Ramses (Studios) Ramses Ramses Ramses (Studios) Pyramids (Studios) (Studios) Pyramids (Studios) Pyramids (Studios) Pyramids (Studios) Pyramids Cairo Cairo (Giza (Giza (Giza pyramids, pyramids, pyramids, Great Great GreatSphinx, Sphinx, Sphinx, Citadel, Citadel, Citadel, Cairo Mosque, Al-Manyal Al-Manyal Palace) Palace) Mosque, Al-Manyal Palace) Mosque, Al-Manyal Palace) Mosque, Al-Manyal Palace) Mosque, featured in in Malcolm MalcolmX X (US), (US), James James Bond Bond featured in Malcolm X (US), James Bond featured in Malcolm X (US), James Bond featured in Malcolm X (US), James Bond featured The spy spywho who loves loves me me (GB), (GB), Independance Independance Day Day(US), (US), Independance The spy who loves me (GB), Independance Day (US), The spy who loves me (GB), Independence Day (US), Independance The spy who loves me (GB), Independence Day (US), Independance The Transformers 2, Revenge of the Fallen (US), Transformers 2, 2, Revenge Revenge of ofthe the Fallen Fallen (US), (US), Transformers Whatever Whatever Lola wants (FR-CA), The Other (EG-FR) Whatever Lola Lola wants wants (FR-CA), (FR-CA), The The Other Other (EG-FR) (EG-FR) Libyan Libyan Libyan Desert (Oasis, water sources, Desert(Oasis, (Oasis, water water sources, sources, Libyan Libyan Desert desert) desert) white white white desert) desert) desert) featured in in Dawn Dawn of ofthe the World World (FR-DE-IQ) (FR-DE-IQ) featured in Dawn of the World (FR-DE-IQ) featured in Dawn of the World (FR-DE-IQ) featured in Dawn of the World (FR-DE-IQ) featured Israel Israel Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria .. Alexandria · · Galal (Studios) (Studios) Galal (Studios) Galal (Studios) Galal (Studios) Galal ¸¸ ¸ ¸ ¸¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ Cairo · Cairo )) Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo ¸ ¸· Ahram (Studios) Al Al Al Ahram Ahram(Studios) (Studios) Gabri Gabri Gabri (Studios) (Studios) Gabri Gabri Gabri (Studios) (Studios) (Studios) (Studios) (Studios) Masr (Studios) Masr (Studios) Masr (Studios) Egypt Egypt Jordan Jordan · · South Sinai Sinai (St. (St. Catherine's Catherine's South Sinai (St. Catherine's South Sinai (St. Catherine's South Sinai (St. Catherine's South Monastery, sand sand dune, dune, Monastery, sand dune, Monastery, sand dune, Monastery, sand dune, Monastery, western valleys) valleys) western valleys) western valleys) western valleys) western Nile valley (Agricultural valley, plantations, palm Nile valley valley(Agricultural (Agricultural valley, valley, plantations, plantations, palm palm Nile valley (Agricultural valley, plantations, palm Nile Nile valley (Agricultural valley, plantations, palm groves)featured featuredin inDeath Deathon onthe the Nile Nile (GB), (GB), groves) featured in Death on the Nile (GB), groves) featured in Death on the Nile (GB), groves) featured in Death on the Nile (GB), groves) Les aventures aventures extraordinaires extraordinaires Les aventures extraordinaires Les aventures extraordinaires Les aventures extraordinaires Les d'Adèle Blanc-Sec Blanc-Sec (FR)) (FR)) d'Adèle Blanc-Sec (FR)) d'Adèle · · · · (Temples) (Temples) Abou Simbel (Temples) Abou Abou Simbel Simbel (Temples) (Temples) featured in in featured featured in The Mummy Mummy333 (US) (US) The Mummy (US) The Aswan Aswan Aswan Aswan Aswan Aswan .. Aswan (Temples) Aswan (Temples) (Temples) Aswan featured featured in featured in featured in featured in featured in in 500 years years later later (GB-US) (GB-US) 500 years later (GB-US) 500 years later (GB-US) 500 years later (GB-US) 500 · · Libyan Libyan Arab Arab Jamahiriya Jamahiriya ¸ Studio · Film location ¸ · © CCI Marseille Provence - Ressources Economiques - 2009 © Fond IGN · · Abou Simbel Abou Simbel Abou Simbel Simbel Abou Abou Simbel Abou Simbel .. 0 0 00 00 00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 EGYPTE angl- FICHE 33:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:55 Page2 EGYPT Studios and other filming locations 6 studios : Pyramids, Ramses, Galal, Al Ahram, Masr, Gabri Studio Masr, a reference for Youssef Chahine and for the country Created in 1935, and a private tax-free zone since 2006, the studios were renovated in 2008.They have 5 stages totalling 76 000 m², a laboratory equipped with the latest technology (editing rooms, auditoriums, decors, dressing rooms for actors...) The largest complex in the Middle East Created as a 3000 hectare tax-free zone in 2000 to attract investment into audiovisual production Other filming locations (Natural sites) Alexandria Underwater ruins, fortifications Assouan Pharaonic monuments (Abu Simbel), Lake Nasser, Dam Cairo Pharaonic monuments (Giza Pyramids, the Sphinx), citadel, mosque, Manial Palace Nile Valley Agricultural valley, plantations, palm trees Red Sea Underwater flora and fauna , coast Sinaï Desert St Catherine's Monastery , dunes, western valleys White Desert oasis, sulphur springs Edition 2010 Egyptian Media Production City (EMPC), 6th October City, « the TV cluster » This complex for TV and cinema production was created at the beginning of the 90s by the Ministry of Information. It offers a cinema zone within a vast complex of 64 studios (dispersed over 6 complexes) and 15 exterior filming locations, with decors representing different environments : countryside, pharaonic, desert.... It hosts pre-production and post-production units, a hotel, a training centre.... EGYPTE angl- FICHE 44:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 16:46 Page1 EGYPT Host structures and useful contacts Getty Foreign film productions can consult : the National Cinema Centre and the Cinema Chamber for help with regulations; the technicians' guild for obtaining filming permits; the Egyptian Ministries of Culture, Commerce and Industry, Investment, the Interior, and Information to obtain the various administrative permits (film facilitation on archaeological sites); and the different private partners (co-producers and local line producers) Some films shot in Egypt Director Year Box office Europe + USA Cairo Time R. NADDA Christmas on the Nile Death on the Nile Independance Day James Bond : The Spy who Loved Me The Mummy Malcolm X Rainbow for Rimbaud Syriana Transformers 2, Release of the Fallen Dawn of the World N. PARENTI J. GUILLERMIN R. EMMERICH 2002 1978 1996 release October 16th 2009 nc nc 111 861 611 L. GUILBERT S. SOMMERS S. LEE J. TEULE S. GAGHAN 1977 2007 1992 1996 2001 nc 54 130 361 nc nc 12 048 089 M. BAY N. AYOUCH 2009 2008 release 2009 nc Getty Shoot hosting regulated by the government and facilitated by the Cinema Chamber EGYPTE angl- FICHE 44:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 16:46 Page2 EGYPT Host structures and useful contacts Useful contacts : For a first contact in Egypt H Egyptian Film Center, Giza Tel : +20 22 585 48 01 www.egyptianfilmcenter.org.eg H Chamber of Cinema Industry, Cairo www.egy-cinemachamber@hotmail.com Tel : +20 22 741 677 To contact government bodies and institutions H Ministry of culture, Cairo www. mculture@idsc.gov.eg Tel : +20 22 74 86 957 H Cultural Development Fund, Cairo : www.cdf@cdf-eg.org To contact professional bodies H Cinema Workers Union, Cairo Tel: +202 39 36 687 To locate studios H Studio Masr, Giza Tel : +20 22 733 4823 www.studiomasr.com H Egyptian Media Production City, 6th October City – Giza Tel : +20 22 385 552 62 www.empc.com.eg To find training organisations H Higher Institute of Cinema, Giza, Tel: +202 585 07 27 H International Academy for Engineering & Media Science www.iams.edu.eg Tel : +20 22 385 55380 H Higher Institute for Applied Arts, 6th October City: www.appliedarts.org FInformation obtained through internet responses to survey questionnaire + on the spot interviews + European project : Euromed Audiovisual II Edition 2010 www.touregypt.net Getty To contact Tourism professionals Ministry of Tourisme ESPAGNE angl- FICHE 11:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 13:50 Page1 SPAIN Challenges and opportunities Challenges The country in figures POPulATIOn 2009 46.7 MIllIOn InhABITAnTS CAPITAl MAdrId TOurISM 2008 57.4 MIllIOn TOurISTS SurfACE ArEA 504 782 KM² GdP 2008 $1 611 BIllIOn OffICIAl lAnGuAGE SPAnISh (SOurCE WTO) Context Spanish audiovisual production mirrors the evolution, history and culture of Spanish society. Its cinema is the illustration of this particularity, via the surrealism of Luis Bunuel in the 1930s with “The Golden Age” and then, in the 1980s, the “Movida” personified in the cinema of Pedro Almodovar or the actress Victoria Abril. Today the country paradoxically finds itself confronted with a highly unequal recognition of its works according to their genre (cinema or television) and their public (national or international). H To continue the development of its exports through major productions like « Agora » and « Planet 51 », the 2 latest Spanish super-productions. H To win back the Spanish public which has deserted its cinema for a powerful and well-organised television sector with a more industrial approach to production and the market. Opportunities The presence of the « Spain Film Commission », the first contact for film shoots in Spain It plays the role of facilitator by informing cinema professionals about financial aid, the regulatory framework and film locations. (See section 4 for more details) Professionals available throughout the country H More than 110 national and regional associative structures group the workforce together by profession or sector. They include : 196 TV producers, 243 cinema producers, 5 major line producers, 8 professional location scouts. H Businesses are concentrated in the major metropolitan areas like Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga, Seville and Valencia where audiovisual activity is developing strongly. Skilled personnel at attractive rates H Over the years Spain has developed teaching programmes for the different audiovisual professions, from writing to production, taking in photography, make-up, costumes, image and sound...ECAM (the Cinema and Audiovisual School of Madrid), ESCAC (the Cinema and Audiovisual School of Catalonia) in Barcelona, and the Communication School CEV (Madrid) are the best known. H Personnel costs make up 42% of production budget (actors’ fees included) ESPAGNE angl- FICHE 11:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 13:50 Page2 SPAIN Challenges and opportunities Public and private financial measures for the development of national production European, national (almost 70 million Euros) and regional (30 million Euros) aid H Investment of 5% of turnover of radio and TV companies in national film production (on the french model) H Ease of access to credit lines for producers (announced by the Minister for Culture in 2009) Promotional events for cinema in Spain SILE 2009 : the 1st Location Trade Show (LTS) in Europe, an alternative to the Los Angeles LTS (now in its 25th year) Alongside its 6th International festival, Seville has successfully launched the first European locations Trade Show, a locations and film commission market. The event has made a good impression on professionals, bringing together 400 producers and 60 international stands including Thailand, dubai, Buenos Aires and Mexico. for more information: http://www.silesevilla.com H Almost 200 festivals, of which some of major importance (including professional events) - 57th Cinema festival of San Sebastian, first festival accredited by the fIAPf, the International federation of films Producers Associations - 42nd International festival of fantasy films of Catalonia, Sitges (320 films screened, 140 000 visitors, 700 professionals and guests) - 54th International film festival of Valladolid Seminci - 47th festival of Cinema for Youth, in Gijon - 12th Spanish Cinema festival of Malaga - Other more recent events are also more specialised : Animadrid, the “Punto de Vista” documentary film festival Edition 2010 Getty H Created in 2006, Madrid de Cine – Spanish Film Screenings is an event which promotes Spanish cinema and where foreign distribution rights for Spanish productions are negotiated. for its 3rd edition in 2009 it welcomed 664 participants, including 146 buyers from 36 countries. http://www.madriddecine.es ESPAGNE angl- FICHE 22:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 10:11 Page1 SPAIN Cinema and Audiovisual Production High volume audiovisual production Ranked 2nd in Europe With more than 600 productions in 2008 (source Imdb) including features, short films, TV films and series, Spain is ranked 2nd for European audiovisual production behind France. Its production is dominated by the powerful and popular « Television » sector, with record audiences in 2008 (almost 4 hours/day/viewer) and domestic production at more than 60%. New TV productions based on recent current events such as « El Castigo » have growing success and claim more than 26% market share. Key figures 2008 (clips and advertising films not included) • • • • 173 feature films 210 short films Financial aid of more than 100 million €uros Co-producers : Argentina, Mexico and France ESPAGNE angl- FICHE 22:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 10:11 Page2 SPAIN Cinema and Audiovisual Production Internationally recognised cinema production Alejandro Amenabar Cinema production which is particularly successful abroad H Spanish cinema suffers at present from a lack of popularity with its own public. Often its most gifted professionals export their talents to achieve greater success, as their real worth only seems to get recognition at the international level : - Talented directors such as Luis Bunuel and, more recently, Pedro Almodovar - Actors Antonio Banderas « Zorro », Javier Bardem « Vicky, Christina, Barcelona », Penelope Cruz « All about my Mother ». - Artistic and Photographic Directors Gil Parrondo (2-time Oscar winner as artistic director), Nestor Almenderos (Director of Photography. - Spanish films which sold well abroad in 2008 : « The Orphanage », « REC » and « Vicky, Christina, Barcelona » A prodigy of Spanish cinema, Alejandro Amenabar directed his first short film, « La Cabeza », when he was 19 years old. In 1996 he had his first commercial success with « Tesis » which opened the Berlin Festival and won 7 Goyas, notably those of 'best film' and 'best new director'. With « Open Your Eyes » he received good reviews and Tom Cruise, seduced by the film, acquired the rights and produced the remake « Vanilla Sky ». He has gone from success to success with « The Others » in 2001, « The Sea Inside » in 2004 (14 Goyas, an Oscar and Golden Globe for 'best foreign film') and recently « Agora » which confirmed his immense talent as a director as far as the critics were concerned. Key figures 2008 Edition 2010 Getty Getty • 173 feature films, of which 124 national productions • Co-producers: Argentina, Mexico, France, USA • Average budget for a film : 3 million € although 2 super-productions in 2009 cost more than 50 million € (« Agora » and « Planet 51 ») • Average length of shoots : 6 weeks • 132 million € export turnover with 72 (co)produced Spanish feature films • Main countries exported to : France, USA, Canada ESPAGNE angl- FICHE 33:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 13:54 Page1 SPAIN Studios and other filming locations ESPAGNE angl- FICHE 33:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 13:54 Page2 SPAIN Studios and other filming locations Major cinematographic complexes in development : Contrasting natural decors and locations To meet the need to industrialise the sector, Spain has developed audiovisual business parks, offering in one place all products and services needed for production. - Ciudad de la Luz, Complejo Industrial Audiovisual in Alicante (see box) - Palma Pictures in the Balearic Islands : 4 500 m² surface area, 2 stages (1026m² and 90 m² ), 460 m² truck parking - Loasur (Malaga) 4 stages, total surface area 2 600m² - Cinearte in Madrid - Audiovisual Park of Catalonia (2 stages of 1 200 and 600m²) in Barcelona. With uncontestable natural assets and a centuries-old cultural, architectural and historic heritage, Spain is bursting with locations which meet the most varied criteria for shooting audiovisual works of all descriptions. Certain genres might appear obvious : Peplum (The Last Days of Pompeii), Westerns (Lonesome Gun), action films (Go Fast), romance (Vicky, Christina, Barcelona), comedy (Olé), drama (Chicas), historical (The Bridge of San Luis Rey) Others are less so : the jungle landscapes in « Che » were shot near Cadiz. Regions such as Andalusia or Castilia have capitalised on the success of certain films by producing « Movie Maps » to guide tourists to locations made famous on the big screen : e.g. the Andalusia Film Commission has created 3 brochures on noteworthy films recently made in the region : « Summer Rain », « Alatriste » and « Le coeur de la terre » Ciudad de la Luz The regional government of Valencia has grouped art, industry, services and entertainment in one place as part of a move to industrialise the sector. The studios opened in 2005, creating more than 7000 jobs. The business park brings together companies responding to all types of audiovisual production needs (travel agencies, accommodation agencies, technical equipment, catering, decors, laboratories, vehicle hire....) Some figures • 11 000m² of stages • 12 hectares of outside decors • 11 100m² warehousing, workshops, and office facilities The park has notably hosted the shooting of : Asterix at the Olympic Games, His Majesty Minor and Amores Locos. For more information : http://www.ciudaddelaluz.com Other Locations (natural sites) Almeria Desert, sea and mountain lanscapes, the « Cabo de Gata » nature park Barcelona Modern city, artistic, famous monuments, beach, ports Oviedo Historic city, UNESCO World Heritage-classed cathedral Malaga Modern city with historic monuments (Cathedral, Alcazaba), beaches Salamanca Historic city, UNESCO World Heritage site (Plaza Mayor, University…) Madrid Capital of Spain, cosmopolitan city, modern and historic, palace, parks, gardens Edition 2010 3 film developing laboratories : Cinesa (Madrid), Kodak cinelabs (Alicante), Molinaire (Barcelona) ESPAGNE angl- FICHE 44:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 13:55 Page1 SPAIN Host structures and useful contacts The « Spain Film Commission » : One-stop-shop for film shoots Spain has had a National Film Commission since March 2001, complementing the Ministry of Culture which promotes the audiovisual arts and cinema in Spain and other related or independent institutions (ICAA, Spanish Cinema Academy...). It is an independent association and is a founding member of the EuFCN (European Film Commission Network). Its mission is to promote Spanish audiovisual production. It actively takes part in national and European discussions on audiovisual policy A national network of film commissions The network is made up of 20 regional commissions and local film offices. The Spain Film Commission determines shared objectives and coordinates actions within the network The regional commissions are spread throughout the country in strategic locations for audiovisual production both in terms of landscapes and technical ressources. Host structures in Catalonia Catalonia has developed 2 commissions : one in Barcelona, the regional capital, and the other, the « Terrassa Film Commission » in the Audiovisual Park of Catalonia, the 50 000m² production complex. Each has a rôle of hosting shoots, giving information and advice, and promoting audiovisual production in the territory. Some films shot in Spain Director Year Box office Europe + USA Vantage Point Vicky, Christina, Barcelona Summer Rain Perfume: the Story of a Murderer Volver Goya's Ghosts The Bridge of San Luis Rey All about my Mother 1492, Conquest of Paradise Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Cleopatra Lawrence of Arabia The Colossus of Rhodes P. Travis W. Allen A. Banderas 2008 2008 2006 13 997 533 8 469 067 717 525 T. Tykwer P. Almodovar M. Forman M. McGuckian P. Almodovar R. Scott 2006 2006 2006 2002 1999 1992 11 939 298 10 370 181 2 019 693 304 543 9 624 480 n.c S. Spielberg J.L Mankiewicz D. Lean S. Leone 1989 1963 1962 1961 70 716 237 1 033 999 9 624 480 8 469 067 ESPAGNE angl- FICHE 44:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 13:55 Page2 SPAIN Host structures and useful contacts Useful contacts: To find studio facilities H Ciudad de la Luz - Audiovisual Industry Park - Alicante Tel : +34 96 590 80 90 www.ciudaddelaluz.com www.spainfilmcommission.org H Cinema and Audiovisual Arts Institute - ICAA - Madrid www.mcu.es/cine Tel : +34 91 701 70 00 H Cine & Tele On Line - Madrid Tel : +34 91 541 54 02 www.cineytele.com To contact government bodies and institutions H Ministry of Culture +34 91 701 70 00 H Media desk Spain - Madrid Tel : +34 91 512 01 78 www.mcu.es www.mediadeskspain.eu H Palma Pictures - Palma de Mallorca Tel : +34 97 122 62 32 www.palmapictures.es H Cinearte - Madrid Tel : +34 91 364 06 78 H Audiovisual Park of Catalonia - Barcelona Tel : +34 90 250 30 80 www.cinearte.com www.parcaudiovisual.cat H Savitel - Seville Tel : +34 954 930 424 H Loasur Audiovisual SR - Malaga Tel : +34 95 245 32 32 www.savitel.es www.loasur.com www.academiadecine.com For training and higher education H Ecole de Cinématographie et de l’Audiovisuel de Madrid ECAM - Madrid Tel : +34 91 512 10 60 www.ecam.es To contact professional bodies H Federation of Spanish Audiovisual Producer Associations - Madrid Tel : +34 91 512 16 60 www.fapae.es H Ecole Supérieure de Cinéma et Audiovisuel de Catalogne - Terrassa Tel : +34 93 736 15 55 www.escac.es H Spanish Cinema Academy - Madrid Tel : +34 91 593 43 33 H AITE (Association of audiovisual technical industries) - Madrid Tel : +34 91 711 46 83 www.aite.es H Cinema Federation of Spain Tel : +34 91 319 22 92 H Cineguia - Madrid Tel : +34 91 323 51 15 www.fece.com www.cineguia.es H University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona - Barcelona Tel : +34 93 542 20 00 www.upf.edu/es H Ecole Superieure de Communication, Image et Son - Madrid Tel : +34 91 550 29 60 www.cev.com To contact Tourism professionals H Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce - Madrid Tel : +34 902 44 60 06 http://www.mityc.es/turismo/ and http://www.spain.info/ Information obtained from the Malaga Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the collaboration of the Malaga Film Office, from the Spain Film Commission, the FAPAE, the ICAA, Proincine, PECAA, and on the spot in Malaga and Madrid. Edition 2010 For a first contact in Spain H Spain Film Commission and its network Tel : +34 91 522 21 27 FRANCE angl- FICHE 11:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 16:59 Page1 FRANCE Challenges and opportunities Challenges The country in figures PoPulation 2009 65 073 482 inhabitants CaPital Paris tourism 2007 81.9 million tourists surfaCe area 675 417Km² GDP 2008 $2 865 billion offiCial lanGuaGe frenCh (sourCe: Wto) Context France is the main European producer of audiovisual content (including cinema). At least two explanations can be offered : H The cultural factor : the 7th Art was born in France with the Lumière brothers. Since then, cinema and audiovisual production in general have remained a part of French culture. Faced with competition from Hollywood in the 1980s, it managed to continue its development in the less competitive areas of French drama and independent cinema. H The financial factor : France has developed an effective policy of financial aid to national cinema and TV production. H To find sources of finance for national productions. the reduction in pre-buying by the tV channels makes it necessary to find new sources of finance, - from new broadcasters using new formats. this can be web providers, generalist search engines and web portals, tV portals, independent video packagers (joost, mobibase...), viral video platforms (Youtube, dailymotion), telecom manufacturers (nokia). - from abroad, by developing the export of french productions H By developing France's attractivity to foreign productions through putting in place financial incentives likely to generate direct economic benefits through the hosting of foreign shoots. opportunities A one-stop-shop for film shoots : Film France and the film commission network H film france, the national film Commission, gives all necessary information for preparing a film shoot : regulations (tax credit for foreign shoots, coproduction, shoot permits, Customs, employing staff, copyright for text and image) and how to carry out a ist location scouting (more than 14000 locations listed in france). H 41 local film commissions in metropolitan france and in the overseas territories work as a network to facilitate film shoots and post-production activity on their territory. (for more information, see section 4) enjeux FRANCE angl- FICHE 11:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 16:59 Page2 FRANCE Challenges and opportunities H For French-initiative films: the amount of national and regional aid makes up almost 10% of the financing of such works, but the primary source remains that of the « producers » (more than 25%) : these consist of the production companies, the tV channel subsidiaries (arte france Cinema, france 2 Cinema, france 3 Cinema, m6 films, studioCanal, tf1 film Productions) and, quite recently, the telecom operator france telecom via « studio 37-orange ». H For foreign productions: the international tax credit « C2i », amounting to 20% of expenses with a ceiling of 4 m€, aims to : - reinforce and prolong the presence of foreign shoots in france (shoots related to decors) - attract new foreign productions which could benefit from french expertise at comparable rates to those of services offered by france's european neighbours (shoots related to expertise). The CNC (Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image Animée) : a major player in the sector: under the authority of the minister in charge of Culture, the CnC assures coherence in conception and application of the french government's policy towards cinema and other animated image arts and industries. its main mission is to support creativity within the cinema and audiovisual sector by redistributing support fund money in the form of automatic and selective aid. its budget of more than 540 million € is made up principally from a system of taxes raised on the industry itself (screens, tV,video). Highly skilled personnel in large numbers H france has a large workforce : more than 156 000 professionals with the status of « intermittents du spectacle » are registered with the Pole emploi spectacle, the employment agency specialised in the creative industries. H internationally recognised schools (eiCar, la femis, ina’sup, ecole nationale superieure louis lumière, ecole du film d’animation de la Poudrière, ensaD,...). the young graduates from les Gobelins, l’école de l’image, or from supinfocom are particularly sought after by the american animated film studios (Pixar, Dreamworks...). A large domestic market offering openings to all types of production H france is the largest european market with 190 million box-office entries in 2008 : its population is cinema-loving, going to see on average 3 films per person per year compared to an average of 1.85 in the 27 countries of the european union, but behind the usa (4.5). H its distribution and operating network is one of the densest in the world with 88 screens per million inhabitants, behind the usa (132; european union: 60) Several film markets alongside high visibility festivals more than a hundred film festivals take place in france. the most important festivals have film markets running concurrently : H The International Cannes Film Festival, benefiting from an international reputation (more than 3500 journalists present) and its film market (more than 10500 participants, 97 countries, 4000 films and projects presented). H MIPTV (Cannes) : the international TV programme market. more than 13000 participants of whom 3800 buyers and more than 4500 companies. 104 countries represented. H The International Short Film Festival of Clermont-Ferrand (32nd edition, with 137 500 visitors) and its short film market. H The International Animated Film Festival of Annecy (50th), and its international animated film market H The La Rochelle International Film Festival with over 73 000 visitors H The American Film Festival of Deauville (35th) with 200 000 visitors edition 2010 Financial support for national and foreign shoots FRANCE angl - FICHE 22:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:01 Page1 FRANCE Cinema and Audiovisual Production European leader in audiovisual production H Three main genres : fiction, animated film and French documentaries make up more than 3000 hours of televisual production each year H The important rôle of the TV channels : the TV channels weigh heavily in the financing of fiction, animated film and documentary programmes. They finance on average 60% of costs, against only 15% for cinema films H An important economic sector : according to the Ile de France Observatory of Audiovisual and Cinema Production, the audiovisual production sector in France is made up of a thousand companies with a total turnover of around 2 billion € and a workforce of 60,000 permanent and temporary workers Key figures 2008 (not including cinema, clips and advertising films) • 3985 hours of audiovisual programmes, of which over half documentaries. • 1.3 billion € budget covering all production (except cinéma) of which more than 57% fiction and almost a quarter documentaries. • 150.4 million € export of audiovisual programmes. Source : CNC FRANCE angl - FICHE 22:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:01 Page2 FRANCE Cinema and Audiovisual Production Two types of foreign productions are shot in France French cinema production is diversified and high volume thanks to the importance of public financing and the obligation on channels to invest in cinema production via pre-buying and investment in co-production. In 2008 it reached its highest level since 1980 with strong growth in investment Co-productions are European, with Belgium, Italy, Germany and Great Britain as main partners. Thanks to the success of « Welcome to the Sticks » with more than 20 million box-office entries, and « Asterix at the Olympic Games » (7 million entries ), for the first time ever market share for French films was higher than for American films. H Big budget films and TV films by American and British producers for worldwide distribution represent almost the entire spending by foreign shoots in France. The International Tax Credit (C2I) has been put in place to develop this type of shoot with high economic benefit. Each of these productions represents on average more than 120 shooting days in France (about 17 weeks) and around 300 000€ spending per shooting day (including a portion of expenses engaged in France to prepare the shoot). Amongst this type of production we can mention The Da Vinci Code, The Devil Wears Prada, Marie Antoinette, Mr Bean 2, A Good Year, RushHour 3, The Bourne Ultimatum and, less frequently, episodes of TV series such as The Sopranos, ER or Sex and the City. Key figures 2008 H More modest productions are also hosted but they represent less than 5% of total spending of foreign shoots in France. Amongst these we can find Russian films (Belle, 1 million € spending for 11 shooting days), Chinese (« Rêves derrière un rideau de cristal », 500 000€ for 36 shooting days), or Indian (« Jhoom Barabar Jhoom », 400 000 € for 7 days) • 240 feature films produced of which 196 with more than 50% French capital and 44 with more than half foreign capital. • 1.5 billion € investment (budget) covering all production. • 188.82 million box office entries. • 45.7% French market share. • Average length of shoot : 5 weeks. • Average film budget : 6 million €. • 1164 weeks of shooting in France for French-initiative films and minority French co-productions • 421.5 million € box office receipts in foreign cinemas in 2008 Sources : CNC, Film France and Unifrance Variable production costs The amount of spending budgeted by producers in the host country is highly variable. It depends principally on two factors : - The length of the shoot : the shorter the shoot in France, the higher the spending per shooting day. For this reason « The Devil Wears Prada » budgeted 1.2 million € for 3 shooting days ; - The type of production : films involving costumes and those with stunt sequences require additional personnel, with direct impact on the level of spending. Source : FICAM Edition 2010 Cinema production at record levels FRANCE angl- FICHE 33:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:07 Page1 FRANCE Studios and other filming locations FRANCE angl- FICHE 33:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:07 Page2 FRANCE Studios and other filming locations Attractive filming locations Studios concentrated in the Paris region H About 15 studios, of which three quarters are located in the Ile de France region. - Concentration in the Seine-Saint-Denis county, a few minutes from Paris, in which there are the Studios de France, the largest French studios so far built (with 10 stages on a 11 000m² site) and where Luc Besson's Cinema City will soon be located. Cinema City aims to attract French big budget productions, as well as European and American, and group together all the cinema professions involved in the production of a film. The objective is to give France a major production structure on the model of Pinewood Studios in Great Britain (where the James Bond films are shot). - 4 studios are in the provinces, near large French cities (Marseille, Lyon, Lille and Nice) with several film stages, workshops, and tanks or reservoirs. Natural decors : 1st reason for filming in France for foreign producers STUDIOS AND OTHER LOCATIONS IN FRANCE (ZOOM IN THE PARIS REGION) Val d'Oise EclaireStudios Studios(Studios) (Studios) Eclaire Studios (Studios) Eclaire Studios (Studios) Eclaire Studios (Studios) Eclaire Studios (Studios) Eclaire Studios (Studios) Eclaire Studios (Studios) Eclaire Oise sets (Studios) (Studios) Studiossets sets(Studios) (Studios) Studios Studios sets (Studios) Studios sets sets (Studios) Studios sets (Studios) Studios Studios sets (Studios) Studios VCFLa LaChapelle Chapelle(Studios) (Studios) VCF La Chapelle (Studios) VCF La Chapelle (Studios) VCF La Chapelle VCF La Chapelle (Studios) VCF La Chapelle (Studios) VCF La Chapelle (Studios) VCF (Studios) de France (Studios) Studios Studios Studios Studios de de France France (Studios) (Studios) Studios Studios Studios Studiosde de de de deFrance France France France France(Studios) (Studios) (Studios) (Studios) (Studios) ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ 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Versailles Versailles (Palace and Park) VCF VCF St St Cloud Cloud (Studios) (Studios) Versailles Versailles (Palace (Palace and and Park) Park) (Palace and Park) Park) (Palace and Park) Versailles Versailles (Palace and Versailles Versailles(Palace (Palaceand andPark) Park) VCF featured in Marie-Antoinette (US-FR-JP), featured featured featured in in Marie-Antoinette Marie-Antoinette (US-FR-JP), (US-FR-JP), featured in Marie-Antoinette (US-FR-JP), featured in Marie-Antoinette (US-FR-JP), featured featuredin in inMarie-Antoinette Marie-Antoinette Marie-Antoinette(US-FR-JP), (US-FR-JP), (US-FR-JP), Liaisons(US-GB) (US-GB) Liaisons (US-GB) DangerousLiaisons Dangerous Liaisons (US-GB) Dangerous Dangerous Liaisons (US-GB) HautsLiaisons (US-GB) Liaisons (US-GB) Dangerous Dangerous Liaisons (US-GB) Dangerous Dangerous de-Seine · · Seine-St-Denis SFPStudios Studiosde deBry Bry(Studios) (Studios) SFP Studios de Bry (Studios) SFP Studios de Bry (Studios) SFP Studios de Bry (Studios) SFP Studios 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Rush Hour Julie & Julia Amélie (FR-DE), Rush Hour Julie & Julia Amélie (FR-DE), Rush Hour 3 (US), Julie & Julia (US), Amélie 3(US), (US),Julie (US), 33 (US), (US), 3 (US), (US), The The Pink Pink Panther Panther (US-GB), (US-GB), Mr Mr Bean's Bean's Holiday Holiday (GB) (GB) The ThePink Pink PinkPanther Panther Panther(US-GB), (US-GB), (US-GB),Mr Mr MrBean's Bean's Bean'sHoliday Holiday Holiday(GB) (GB) (GB) The The Pink Panther (US-GB), Mr Bean's Holiday (GB) The The Pink Pink Panther Panther (US-GB), (US-GB), Mr Mr Bean's Bean's Holiday Holiday (GB) (GB) Seine et Marne Essonne © CCI Marseille Provence - Ressources Economiques - 2009 © Fond IGN 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres France has a major asset for attracting film shoots which is its wide variety of natural decors and of sites notable for their architecture, their history or their reputation. More than 14 000 locations are listed by the film commissions of the Film France network according to the geographical location, the type of decor or the landscape sought after. For more information : www.filmfrance.net Edition 2010 Apart from the National Commission and the local commissions, it is also possible to work with professional location scouts (scouting companies, freelance scouts, etc.) who have local expertise and can take in charge the administrative steps to obtain shooting permits FRANCE angl- FICHE 44:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 17:46 Page1 FRANCE Host structures and other useful contacts Efficient hosting A shoot hosting organisation and network For film projects (short films, feature films, TV films, advertising films, documentaries) each local film commission (sometimes known as a Bureau du Cinema or Film Office) is a member of the Commission Nationale de Film France network and offers free assistance on different types of service : - information on locations and scouting (creation of a data bank, digitalized photos) - identifying suitable technicians, actors, extras (for most film offices, possibility of casting) - administrative procedures, assistance in obtaining shooting permits - logistics and general information (vehicle hire, accommodation, etc.) - making available production offices, documentation - relations with the press and local authorities Some films shot in France Director Year Box office Europe + USA Inglorious Basterds Q. Tarantino 2008 nc GI Joe : The rise of cobra S. Sommers 2008 nc Chéri S. Frears 2008 nc Rush Hour 3 B. Ratner 2007 26 715 280 Marie-Antoinette S. Coppola 2005 5 471 924 Da Vinci Code R. Howard 2005 69 472 207 A Good Year R. Scott 2006 4 206 801 The Devil Wears Prada D. Frankel 2005 34 138 206 Ocean's 12 S. Soderbergh 2004 36 869 207 Femme Fatale B. De Palma 2002 2 673 934 Chocolat L. Hallstrom 2001 24 355 876 Julie & Julia Nora Ephron 2008 nc Pink Panther 2 Harald Zwart 2007 18 669 422 Mr Bean's Holiday Steve Bendelak 2006 20 367 573 FRANCE angl- FICHE 44:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 17:46 Page2 FRANCE Host structures and other useful contacts For a first contact in France H Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image animée (CNC) - Paris www.cnc.fr Tel : +33 (0)1 44 34 34 40 H Commission Nationale du Film- Film France (practical guide for film shoots: data-base of more than 14000 décors, data-base TAF (technicians - actors extras) and sector observatory - Paris www.filmfrance.net Tel : +33 (0)1 53 83 98 98 To contact government bodies and institutions H Ministry of Culture (list of professional organisations) - Paris www.culture.gouv.fr Tel : +33 (0)1 40 15 80 00 H BIFI (Bibliothèque du Film) - Paris www.bifi.fr Tel : +33 (0)1 71 19 32 32 H Eurimages - Strasbourg www.coe.int/eurimages Tel : +33 (0)3 88 41 26 40 H Media - Paris www.mediafrance.eu Tel : +33 (0)1 47 27 12 77 H Unifrance - Paris - Tel : +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 www.unifrance.org H TVFI - Paris - Tel : +33 (0)1 40 53 23 00 www.tvfrance-intl.com H CMCA (Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle) - Marseille www.cmca-med.org Tel : +33 (0)4 91 42 03 02 To contact professional associations: Producer associations H Association des Producteurs de Cinéma (APC) - Paris www.producteurscinema.fr Tel : +33 (0)1 53 89 01 30 H Société Civile des Auteurs Producteurs (l’ARP) - Paris www.larp.fr Tel : +33 (0)1 53 42 40 00 H Union des producteurs de films (UPF) - Paris www.upfilms.fr Tel : +33 (0)1 44 90 07 10 H Syndicat des Producteurs indépendants (SPI) - Paris www.lespi.org Tel : +33 (0)1 44 70 70 44 H Union Syndicale de la Production audiovisuelle (USPA) - Paris www.uspa.fr Tel : +33 (0)1 40 53 23 00 Technical associations H Association des chefs décorateurs de cinéma (ADC) - Bry sur Marne www.adcine.com H Association Française des Assistants Réalisateurs (AFAR) - Paris Tel : +33 (0)9 70 40 67 23 www.afar-cinema.com H Association des repéreurs de cinéma (ARC) - Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 53 83 98 98 www.arc-cinema.fr H Association des Directeurs de Production (ADP) - Paris Tel : Tel : +33 (0)1 46 43 23 78 www.directeurdeproduction.com H Association Française des Régisseurs (AFR) - Paris www.afrcinetv.org H Association Française des Directeurs de la Photos (AFC) - Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 42 64 41 41 www.afcinema.com Industry representatives H Federation des industries du Cinéma, de l’Audiovisuel et du Multimédia - Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 45 05 72 55 www.ficam.fr To find professional listings H Annuaire (Directory) du Cinéma, Télévision,Vidéo - Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 42 33 52 52 www.bellefaye.com H Annuaire Film, Télévision et video en Europe - Strasbourg Tel : +33 (0)3 90 21 60 00 www.obs.coe.int H BusinessGuide de l'audiovisuel - Clichy Tel : +33 (0)1 41 40 33 33 www.bga-database.com H Qui fait quoi (who does what), audiovisuel - Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 44 65 80 57 www.sonovision.com H Guide Kodak du jeune cinéaste - Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 42 18 40 24 www.jeune cineaste.net To contact tourism professionals H Tourism Department - Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 70 39 93 00 www.tourisme.gouv.fr H Atout France - producers of a guide on Tourism and Film-making - Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 70 39 94 00 www.odit-france.fr Information obtained from answers to the survey questionnaire by Film France, the CNC data base and the European audiovisual observatory Edition 2010 Contacts utiles : LIBAN angl- FICHE 11:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 13:58 Page1 LEBANON Challenges and opportunities Challenges The country in figures POPuLATiON 2008 4.1 miLLiON iNhABiTANTS CAPiTAL BeiruT TOuriSm 2007 1.01 miLLiON TOuriSTS SurfACe AreA 10 450 Km² GDP (2008) $24 BiLLiON OffiCiAL LANGuAGe (SOurCe WTO) ArABiC H With a limited domestic market (4.1 million inhabitants) Lebanese cinema must target the Gulf and Arab state markets, developing the quality of scenarios and widening the selection of subjects. H Convince producers and foreign insurers that security within the country is assured H Encourage the Lebanese government to invest and legislate for the sector, to help relaunch the national economy and tourism activity in particular. Context Opportunities Lebanon is particularly dynamic today in the production of advertising films, TV series and video clips. The sector is buoyed by strong domestic and foreign demand (Saudi Arabia, Gulf States...) and by the development of Arab satellite channels. Recognised expertise of Lebanese production companies Today in Lebanon there are : - 33 national delegate producers : Pierre Sarraf / Né à Beyrouth, Georges Schoucair / Abbout production, Sadek Sabbah/ Cedars Art production - 329 line producers : 25 cinema, commercials and clips and 4 television – entertainment and reality shows. - 310 location scouts/managers (companies or free lance) - Around 1500 technicians Getty Lebanese cinema began in 1930 and became organised after the country obtained independence in 1944. During the 1960s, when Egypt nationalised its cinema industry, Lebanon welcomed independent Egyptian film-makers. However, 16 years of civil war (1975-1991) brought national cinema production to a halt : capital fled the country, investment was directed towards TV production, studios were destroyed. Lebanese cinema, although highly creative, still has difficulty finding development capital. They are recognised for the quality of their productions, their professionalism and their state-of-the-art technical resources. They are mainly based in Beirut. Today, even with relatively few foreign shoots in Lebanon, 80% of the personnel can be Lebanese, including key positions. LIBAN angl- FICHE 11:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 13:58 Page2 LEBANON Challenges and opportunities Highly skilled personnel working in Lebanon or abroad (cinema or TV) H 150 graduates each year from 8 highly international programmes such as those offered by the Lebanese Academy of fine Arts (Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts - ALBA) or the Cinema and Audiovisual Production School. The master degree programme in Cinema and Audiovisual Production, offered by the Lebanese Academy of fine Arts (ALBA), is an example of a partnership with the french school, iNA Sup. The following institutes also offer training programmes : - institut d'études scéniques, audiovisuelles et cinématographiques (ieSAV), - Notre Dame university (Louaizé) - université Saint-esprit of Kaslik (uSeK ) - Lebanese American university - AuST (American university of Science & Technology) / Communication Art Department - The institute for the Performing Arts - Kafa’at H The universities maintain close links with the professional world : internships, hiring equipment at preferential rates, etc. H A trilingual population (Arabic-French-English) with highly varied backgrounds, available at competitive salary rates H Promote Lebanese identity through better promotion of culture and local talent. many recently created festivals make it possible to discover Lebanese creative potential, such as : - the 9th Beirut international film festival, generally considered as the main Lebanese festival promoting cinema and innovative Arab and international films - The 8th « Born in Beirut » festival : created in 2001, offering a panorama of Lebanese film production, with 4 to 5000 visitors. Shown through the art house cinema « metropolis », opened in 2006 alongside the more commercial distribution circuits empire (1956), Grand Cinema and Planète cinemas. - « Ayam Beirut al cinema’ya » festival - « Docudays » (Beirut international Documentary festival ) - european Cinema festival moreover, the emergence of Cine Clubs makes it possible to create a « cinema loving public » and projects are underway to finance the restoration and valorisation of the Lebanese audiovisual patrimony (more than 5500 hours of film). This project is lead by the Lebanese Cinema foundation. The climate « asset » Lebanon enjoys a mediterranean climate : temperate on the coast, semi-arid in the mountains, desert in the Anti-Lebanon, and continental on the Bekaa plain, together offering exceptional filming conditions throughout the year. The blossoming of private initiatives to redynamise the national cinema industry H Creation of professional groups to share resources, carry out promotional operations or lobby the government. The creation in 2009 of the Association of Advertising film Producers, or the private sector « mediacentre » project to host businesses from different segments of the production chain in 25 000m² premises in Beirut illustrate this type of grouping. edition 2010 The initiatives are mainly of two sorts : LIBAN angl- FICHE 22:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 14:00 Page1 LEBANON Cinema and Audiovisual Production Audiovisual production specialised in short format films Lebanon, leader in advertising films and clips for the Middle East Lebanese production companies have attracted important Middle Eastern clients for several years, requiring major investments (HD equipment...) in advertising film production. Between 60 and 80% of shoots are for foreign clients whose budgets are higher than those of local customers. Advertising film shoots bring quite considerable economic benefits as a typical film crew will be made up of more than 70 professionals for lighting, sound, editing, costumes, make-up... This successful positioning on the « ad » production market is now attracting European advertising agencies. Key figures 2008 (The following figures are to be used as indicators only. In the absence of more reliable statistical sources, they represent a partial estimation of current Lebanese audiovisual production): • 149 hours fiction • 12 documentaries • 95 reports • 2 short films • 70 advertising films, average budget : $500,000 • 21 institutional films LIBAN angl- FICHE 22:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 14:00 Page2 LEBANON Cinema and Audiovisual Production Quality cinema production Cinema co-productions or 100% foreign productions The production of Lebanese films is seen as a powerful vehicle for national identity. It is today financed through European co-productions, notably French. Franco-Lebanese films such as Caramel (2007), presented at Cannes and Abou Dhabi, or Under the Bombs (2008), prize-winner in Dubai, have been broadcast in France (TV, cinema). A renewed interest in domestic productions by the Lebanese public has been noticed. Key figures 2008 • 3 foreign feature films, of which 2 European co-productions • Feature film budget : between $800,000 and $1.5million per film • 35 shooting days per film Important Franco-Lebanese production collaboration H THALASSA : THE EXPEDITION : the French programme Thalassa recently produced a 110 min edition centred on Beirut and Lebanon. This documentary was first broadcast on December 11th 2009 in France. Lebanese post-production facilities were used. Edition 2010 H CANAL Plus : Carlos d'Olivier Assayas, a trilogy of 3 x 90 minutes on the life of the venezuelan terrorist Ilitch Ramirez Sanchez was partly filmed in Lebanon by a Franco-Lebanese team of technicians. The team spent a month in Beirut to film in Furn El-Chebbak or in the Bekaa, locations which substituted for the Sudan, Yemen or Syria. The film is to be broadcast on Canal + in February 2010 , then in the cinemas with a multilingual version. LIBAN angl- FICHE 33:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 11:30 Page1 LEBANON Studios and other filming locations STUDIOS AND OTHER LOCATIONS IN LEBANON site) Byblos (Archaeological Byblos (Archaeological site) site) Byblos Byblos (Archaeological (Archaeological site) site) Byblos (Archaeological featured in in featured in featured in featured in featured Twenty-Four Hours Hours to to Kill Kill (GB) (GB) Twenty-Four Hours to Kill (GB) Twenty-Four Hours to Kill (GB) Twenty-Four Hours to Kill (GB) Twenty-Four Third Eye Eye Fx Fx (Studios) (Studios) Third Eye Fx (Studios) Third Eye Fx (Studios) Third Eye Fx (Studios) Third Studio Vision (Studios) Studio Studio Vision Vision (Studios) (Studios) Virtual Media Productions (Studios) Virtual Media Media Productions Productions (Studios) (Studios) Virtual VIP Films (Studios) VIP VIP Films Films (Studios) (Studios) The The Talkies Talkies Talkies (Studios) (Studios) (Studios) The Talkies (Studios) The The Talkies (Studios) ·Byblos · Byblos .. Byblos Byblos Byblos Byblos © CCI Marseille Provence - Ressources Economiques - 2009 © Fond IGN Baalbek (Archaeological (Archaeological site) site) Baalbek (Archaeological site) Baalbek featured in in Spy Spyin in Your Your Eye Eye (IT), (IT), featured in Spy in Your Eye (IT), featured in Spy in Your Eye (IT), featured in Spy in Your Eye (IT), featured LastPlane Plane to toBaalbek Baalbek (IT-FR-LB) (IT-FR-LB) Last Plane to Baalbek (IT-FR-LB) Last Plane to Baalbek (IT-FR-LB) Last Plane to Baalbek (IT-FR-LB) Last · · Baalbek Baalbek Baalbek ¸Jounieh ¸ Jounieh Jounieh .. Jounieh Jounieh Jounieh Antelias Antelias Antelias ¸ .. ¸ Antelias Antelias Antelias ¸ ¸)) Beirut Beirut Beirut Beirut Beirut Beirut ¸ ¸ · · ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ Baalbek .. Baalbek Baalbek Syrian Arab Arab Republic Republic Syrian Platform Platform Platformstudios studios studios studios (Studios) (Studios) (Studios) (Studios) Platform Platform studios Platform studios (Studios) Beirut (Old and modern city) Beirut(Old (Oldand andmodern moderncity) city) Beirut (Old and modern city) Beirut Beirut (Old and modern city) featured in in Beirut Beirutthe the Last LastHome Home Movie Movie (US), (US), Carlos Carlos the the Jackal Jackal (FR-DE), (FR-DE), featured in Beirut the Last Home Movie (US), Carlos the Jackal (FR-DE), featured Terror's Advocate (FR), Labyrinth (GB), Circle of Deceit (FR-DE), Terror's Advocate (FR), Labyrinth (GB), Circle of Deceit (FR-DE), Terror's Advocate Advocate (FR), (FR), Labyrinth Labyrinth(GB), (GB), Circle Circle of ofDeceit Deceit(FR-DE), (FR-DE), Terror's Advocate (FR), Labyrinth (GB), Circle of Deceit (FR-DE), Terror's SpyGame Game (US-DE-FR-JP), (US-DE-FR-JP), The The little little drummer drummer girl girl (US), (US), Spy Game (US-DE-FR-JP), The little drummer girl Spy Game (US-DE-FR-JP), The little drummer girl (US), (US), Spy Game (US-DE-FR-JP), The little drummer girl (US), Spy Game (US-DE-FR-JP), The little drummer girl Spy Honeybaby, Honeybaby (US) Honeybaby, Honeybaby Honeybaby(US) (US) Honeybaby, Honeybaby (US) Honeybaby, Honeybaby, Honeybaby (US) The Fantastic Film Factory (Studios) The Fantastic Fantastic Film FilmFactory Factory(Studios) (Studios) The Fantastic Film Factory (Studios) The The Fantastic Film Factory (Studios) ¸ Studio · Film location ¸ · Lebanon Lebanon Israel Israel 0 00 00 00 0 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 LIBAN angl- FICHE 33:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 11:30 Page2 LEBANON Studios and other filming locations Varied filming locations Studios of a size for shooting advertising films, clips and TV programmes Lebanon has 9 studios, located mainly in Beirut or nearby. They are :« Platform studios », « Studiovision », « The Talkies », « Interneon », “Fantastic Film Factory », “VIP – Virtual Media Production”, “Thrid eye Fx”, “VMP”, “Ice skating Arena”. For outside filming, several companies specialise in cinema equipment hire, catering and logistics. Many have subsidiaries in Middle Eastern countries (Jordan, Egypt, United Arab Emirates ) to develop markets and/or services. There is also a film developing laboratory : « The Gate – Kodak » A variety of natural locations in a small area of just 10 452 km² Other Locations (natural sites) Hermel … Desert Faraya, Sannine, Dahr El Baidar, Zaarour, cedars… Mountains, ski resorts Kadicha, Nahr el Kalb, Janné… Valleys Bekaa, Koura, … Green plains Beirut, Tripoli, Saida, Beiteddine… Modern and historic cities, palaces Baalbeck, Byblos, Tyr, Anjar, Echmoun Archaeological sites Jeita Cave, cedars Natural sites Edition 2010 207 lieux de tournages répertoriés offrent un large éventail de paysages à distance proche, avec des décors évoquant le far west américain, les pays arabes tels l'Irak, le Kurdistan ou d'autres évoquant Paris, l'Andalousie et même la Suisse. LIBAN angl- FICHE 44:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 14:03 Page1 LEBANON Host structures and useful contacts The development of hosting structures The promotion of Lebanon as a film-friendly country is carried out by : H The Lebanese Tourist Office in Paris, which is present at international festivals (Cannes, Berlin...). In 2008 it created a specialised promotional site for Lebanon as a film-friendly country, and organises familiarisation trips to Lebanon for French film professionals. For more information : www.35mmfrombeirut.com H The Lebanese Cinema Foundation, in Beirut, which takes part in the main international film festivals and markets and is preparing a data base on the Lebanese audiovisual sector. It also supports Lebanese cinema industry development by putting young screenwriters through writing workshops and by campaigning for national heritage conservation. H The National Cinema Centre is also present at the main festivals. It gives information on legislation and can support small-budget screenwriting, production or distribution. Another of its roles is the management of the Cinematheque, created in 1999, and the search for partners for archiving and restoring films. H For hosting film shoots, Lebanese line producers look after the process of facilitating the various measures necessary (location scouting, shooting permits, castings or equipment hire.) Some films shot in Lebanon Director Year Box office Europe + USA Carlos O. Assayas 2009 Television L’avocat de la terreur B. Shroeder 2007 Documentary Labyrinth L. Thyssen 2003 n.c Spy Game T. Scott 2001 19 694 956 Beirut the last home movie J. Fox 1987 Documentary The little drummer girl G. Roy Hill 1984 n.c Le Faussaire W. Shclondorf 1981 1 873 714 LIBAN angl- FICHE 44:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 14:03 Page2 LEBANON Host structures and useful contacts For a first contact in Lebanon H National Cinema Centre at the Ministry of Culture – Beirut www.culture.gov.lb Tel : +961 (0)1 756317 H The Fantastic film factory - Beirut Tel : +961 (0)1 511 501 www.thefantasticfilmfactory.tv H Third Eye Fx - Tel : +961 (0)9 236 411 www.thirdeyefx.com H VIP – beirut - Tel : +961 (0)4 401 881 www.vipfilms.com H Lebanese Cinema Foundation - Beirut Tel : +961 (0)1 612500 - ext:4124 & 4125 www.fondationlibancinema.org H The Gate – Beirut - Tel : +961 (0)1 689 111 To contact government bodies and institutions H Ministry of Culture – Beirut www. Culture.gov.lb Tel : +961 (0)1 744250/1/2/3/4 For training and higher education H IESAV (Institut d' Etudes scéniques, audiovisuelles et cinématographiques) - Beirut Tel : +961 (0)1 421 000 H Ministry of Tourism – www. Destinationlebanon.gov.lb To contact professional bodies H Union of Cinema Technicians – Pavillon Imm N° 123 Tel/Fax : +961 (0)11346466 - P.O. 113/7273 Beirut - Lebanon To find suitable locations : H Ministry of Tourism - Lebanon H Lebanese Tourist Office in Paris : www.destinationlebanon.gov.lb www.35mmfrombeirut.com To find producers, line producers and service providers : H Orjouane Productions : +961 3 499080 (site in development) H Né à Beyrouth- Beirut – Tel : +961 (0)1 203485 H Gamma Engineering – Beirut Tel : +961 (0)0 595050 www.neabeyrouth.org www.gamma-engineering.com H Platform studios – Beirut Tel : +961 (0)1 877 448 www.platformstudios.com H Studio Vision – Metn Tel : +961 (0)4 444 000 www.studiovision.com.lb H The Talkies – Beirut Tel : +961 (0)1 511 116 www.thetalkies.com H Notre Dame University – Zouk Mosbeh Tel : +961 (0)9 218 950 H ALBA (Academie Libanaise des Beaux Arts) – Sin el Fil Tel : +961 (0)1 480 056 H USEK (Université Saint-Esprit of Kaslik) – Jounieh Tel : +961 (0)9 600 000 H Lebanese American University – Beirut Tel : +961 (0)1 786 456 H AUST - Beirut Tel : +961 (0)1 218 716/7 H Kafa'at – Hadath Tel : +961 (0)1 879 301 www.the-gate.tv www.iesav.com www.ndu.edu.lb www.alba.edu www.usek.edu.lb www.lau.edu.lb www.aust.edu.lb www.alkafaat.org Information obtained from the Lebanese Cinema Foundation and on the spot in Lebanon. Edition 2010 Useful contacts: MAROCangl-FICHE11:Miseenpage108/01/1017:26Page1 MOrOccO Challenges and opportunities opportunities The country in figures PoPulation 2009 34 435 719 inhabitants Facilitators for film shoot organisation CaPital Rabat business CaPital CasablanCa H the moroccan Cinema Centre (mCC) is the first point of contact in morocco. it has the role of - promoting and organising the cinema industry - keeping watch over how legislation is applied and gives information on all main procedures. the regulatory framework has been developed since 2004 under its aegis. in particular, all foreign productions must go through moroccan line producers. - delivering filming permits, professional membership cards, operating visas, licenses for producers, distributers, cinema and video club operators. obtaining permits for crews and equipment is fast (from 1 to 2 weeks). - listing all professionals working in the sector. for 2012 the mCC aims to increase the number of screens in morocco, in particular by encouraging the opening of multi-screen facilities. touRism 2007 7.4 million touRists (souRCe : Wto) suRfaCe aRea 710 850 Km² GDP $85.2 billion offiCial lanGuaGe aRabiC Context and challenges Moroccan cinema and audiovisual production started at the end of the 1950s but developed particularly in the 1980s with the creation of a film support fund. Aware of the economic benefits that film shoots represent, the Moroccan government has applied a series of measures to create favorable conditions for : H Morocco to become a world-rated filming centre H Moroccan cinema and its young, emerging talent to develop King Mohammed VI is a lover of cinema and is strongly encouraging its development in Morocco. H The Ouarzazate Film commission, created in 2008, is a member of the association of film Commissions international (afCi). it structures and facilitates the hosting of film productions, principally in the ouarzazate region (« the moroccan hollywood ») but also in the rest of the country. it is the only structure of its type in the southern mediterranean (see section 4) Financial support for national productions, support in kind for foreign productions H For national productions, moroccan institutions can award advances against earnings, financial support for screenwriters and quality bonuses for films. H For foreign productions, morocco offers facilities and support in kind, for example: armed forces in uniform as extras, discounted air transport for crews, weapon and munition import facilitation, accelerated customs and filming visa formalities, and Vat exoneration for goods and services. MAROCangl-FICHE11:Miseenpage108/01/1017:26Page2 MOrOccO Challenges and opportunities A large audiovisual sector workforce morocco has many mCC-accredited professionals working at all levels in the filming process : 580 production companies, 100 line producers, 38 production managers, 1000 technicians... Fully trained, good value, skilled technicians H skilled technicians are often bilingual (french – arabic) or trilingual (english as well) H full training is offered in the audiovisual and filming professions : the ecole superieure des arts Visuels in marrakesh (training film executives), the institut superieur des metiers du Cinema in ouarzazate, the university of ouarzazate, schools in Casablanca and a graduate school planned for 2011 in Casablanca. H knowledge transfer is encouraged by local legislation which imposes a quota of local personnel to be employed on shoots taking place in the area H the 15th International Festival of Mediterranean cinema in Tetouan : 10 feature films, 15 shorts, 10 documentaries in competition, 14 different countries represented, prizes worth 25 500€, more than 70 films in the programme. 200 guests, of whom 120 from other countries, 50 000 visitors expected. H the 3rd Salé International Women's Film Festival : 12 films in competition, of 12 different nationalities, prizes worth 15 500€, an international jury of 7 women, 300 guests of whom 100 from other countries. and also the 9th international animated film festival of meknes, the amazigh film festival in ouarzazate, and the 12th festival of african Cinema in Khourigba. The climate “asset” morocco offers a particularly mild climate, with more than 300 days of sunshine per year and exceptional light, guaranteeing optimal filming conditions throughout the year. H the wages bill of a film shot in morocco makes up only 30% of total budget, compared to 50% in european countries. A large workforce of extras of varied ethnic backgrounds suitable for major film shoots : this was an asset which helped bring the martin scorcese production "Kundun" to morocco. the tibetan extras were in fact found in a village in the ouarzazate region, where the local inhabitants had asiatic features. recurrent international film festivals H the 7th Mediterranean Short Film Festival of Tangier : 58 films from 20 different countries, an international jury of 7 film industry personalities edition 2010 H the 9th Marrakech International Film Festival : 15 films in competition, more than 30 films in the programme, an international jury made up of 9 film industry personalities MAROC angl- FICHE 22:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:30 Page1 MOrOccO Cinema and Audiovisual Production Audiovisual production in progress International audiovisual production H The sector has experienced constant growth over the last two decades thanks to positive cultural policies and awareness by the government of the potential economic benefits of film-making H Foreign productions in Morocco have increased in every category of film (features, reports, TV series, short films and commercials). H Recognition of the needs of foreign producers has allowed continuous improvement to be made in the quality of services on offer. Productions by type and origin Institutional films Clips Commercials Documentaries/Reports TV Films/Series National Foreign Shorts Feature films 0% H The indirect benefits for tourism development have favoured the creation of new hotel capacity in Ouarzazate Key figures 2008 • • • • • • • • 49 Feature films 77 Shorts 772 Documentaries or reports 16 TV films or series 55 Institutional films 201 Commercials Advance-on-earnings payments of 8 million €uros for national production Economic benefits of more than $100 million from international film shoots 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% MAROC angl- FICHE 22:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:30 Page2 MOrOccO Cinema and Audiovisual Production A pioneering, private sector project for Moroccan cinema: the « Film Industry » Launched at the end of 2005 by « Ali n' Productions » company and the national TV network « SNRT » with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Communication, the “Film Industry” has the objective of supporting the emergence of the Moroccan film industry by producing 30 films in 6 different genres (comedy, action/police, social drama, horror/fantastic, historical, musical comedy), all using a 100% Moroccan film-making process, from writing the screenplay to distribution. A diverse cinema industry cinema production with 3 co-existing economic models : H Western-style international super-productions (Martin Scorcese’s “Kundun”, or Ridley Scott’s “Kingdom of Heaven”) The project creates local employment opportunities : since October 2005 the project has established a permanent team of about 50 technicians It has generated new skills in professional areas in which Morocco was lacking personnel (screenwriters, directors of photography, production crews...) by offering young people training from experienced Moroccan or European professionals. H Productions targeting a limited video market in the same manner as the 'Nollywood' productions from Nigeria. H The growth of Moroccan cinema over the last few years with young emerging directors : N. Ayouch (Whatever Lola Wants), N.Neijjar (Wake up Morocco), L.Marraakchi (200 dirhams), L.Lahlou (The Gardens of Samira), A.Boulane (The Angels of Satan). • • • • • • 49 feature films, of which 16 foreign productions Co-producing countries: France, Spain, Italy, Belgium,Great Britain 2.96 million entries (Box office 2008 MCC) Box office share by nationally-produced films :15.6% Average film budget (foreign) : 2.5 million €uros Average length of shoot : 4 weeks for a national production, 6 weeks for a foreign production Edition 2010 Key figures 2008 MAROC angl- FICHE 33:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:36 Page1 MOrOCCO Studios and other filming locations · · STUDIOS AND OTHER LOCATIONS IN MOROCCO · · · · Tangier (Port) (Port) Tangier (Port) Tangier featuredin in L'Adieu L'Adieu (FR), (FR), featured in L'Adieu (FR), featured in L'Adieu (FR), featured in L'Adieu (FR), featured Changing ChangingTimes Times Times (FR), (FR), (FR), Changing Times (FR), Changing Changing Times (FR), The Bourne Bourne Ultimatum Ultimatum(GB) (GB) The Bourne Ultimatum (GB) The Bourne Ultimatum (GB) The Bourne Ultimatum (GB) The Tangier Tangier Tangier Tangier Tangier Tangier .. Casablanca Casablanca Casablanca (Mosque, (Mosque, (Mosque, coast coast coastroad) road) road) featuredin in Syriana Syriana (US), (US), Secrets Secrets Agents Agents (FR), (FR), featured in Syriana (US), Secrets Agents (FR), featured in Syriana (US), Secrets Agents (FR), featured in Syriana (US), Secrets Agents (FR), featured Babel (US-FR), (US-FR), Wake Wake up up Morocco Morocco(MA), (MA), Babel (US-FR), Wake up Morocco (MA), Babel (US-FR), Wake up Morocco (MA), Babel (US-FR), Wake up Morocco (MA), Babel The Satanic Satanic Angels Angels (MA) (MA) The Satanic Angels (MA) The Satanic Angels (MA) The Satanic Angels (MA) The (Fortifications) El Jadida El Jadida Jadida (Fortifications) (Fortifications) (Fortifications) El (Fortifications) El Jadida featuredin in Othello Othello (US) (US) featured in Othello (US) featured in Othello (US) featured in Othello (US) featured Marrakech (Djemaa (Djemaa el el Fna Fna square, square, Marrakech (Djemaa el Fna square, Marrakech (Djemaa el Fna square, Marrakech (Djemaa el Fna square, Marrakech The Saadian SaadianTombs, Tombs, Menara Menara gardens) gardens) The Saadian Tombs, Menara gardens) The Saadian Tombs, Menara gardens) The Saadian Tombs, Menara gardens) The featured in Alexander (US), Traitor (US), featuredin in Alexander Alexander (US), (US), Traitor Traitor (US), (US), featured Green Zone Thriller (US) Green Zone Thriller (US) Green Green Zone Zone Thriller Thriller (US) (US) Green Zone Thriller (US) Green Zone Thriller (US) · · ¸ Studio · Film location ¸ · © CCI Marseille Provence - Ressources Economiques - 2009 © Fond IGN Fes Fes Fes .. Fes Fes ·Fes · · · · · .. · · ¸ Cinedina ¸ Cinedina (Studios) Cinedina (Studios) Cinedina (Studios) (Studios) Cinedina (Studios) Cinedina (Studios) Meknes Meknes Meknes Meknes Meknes Meknes .. Casablanca Casablanca Casablanca Casablanca Casablanca Casablanca El El Jadida El Jadida El Jadida El Jadida El Jadida Jadida .. featured in in Iznogoud Iznogoud(FR) (FR) featured in Iznogoud (FR) featured in Iznogoud (FR) featured featured in Iznogoud (FR) Morocco Morocco · · .. Essaouira Essaouira .. 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Ouarzazate Ouarzazate ¸ ¸ ·Ouarzazate ¸ ¸· · · CLA (Studios) CLA(Studios) (Studios) CLA featured in in Nativity Nativity(US), (US), featured in Nativity (US), featured in Nativity (US), featured in Nativity (US), featured Prince of ofPersia Persia (US) (US) Prince of Persia (US) Prince of Persia (US) Prince of Persia (US) Prince Kan Zaman (Studios) Kan Zaman Zaman (Studios) (Studios) Kan Fes (Imperial (Imperial city city(historic (historic Fes (Imperial city (historic Fes (Imperial city (historic Fes (Imperial city (historic Fes medina, palace)) palace)) medina, palace)) medina, palace)) medina, palace)) medina, featured in Sound of the Soul (US), featured featured in in Sound Sound of ofthe the Soul Soul (US), (US), Les Bandits Bandits (MA) (MA) Les Bandits (MA) Les Les Bandits (MA) Meknes (Imperial (Imperial city city(historic (historic Meknes (Imperial city (historic Meknes (Imperial city (historic Meknes (Imperial city (historic Meknes medina, palace)) palace)) medina, palace)) medina, palace)) medina, palace)) medina, featured in The Jewel of the Nile (US), featured in in The The Jewel Jewel of ofthe the Nile Nile (US), (US), featured The Last Temptation of Christ (US) The Last Temptation of Christ (US) The The Last LastTemptation Temptation of ofChrist Christ(US) (US) The Last Temptation of Christ (US) The Last Temptation of Christ (US) Aît Ben Haddou Kasbah (Fortified city) AîtBen Ben Haddou Haddou Kasbah Kasbah (Fortified (Fortified city) city) Aît featured featured in Kingdom of Heaven (US), featuredin inKingdom Kingdomof ofHeaven Heaven(US), (US), Gladiator (US-GB), (US-GB), Babel Babel (US-FR), (US-FR), Gladiator (US-GB), Babel (US-FR), Gladiator (US-GB), Babel (US-FR), Gladiator (US-GB), Babel (US-FR), Gladiator Lawrence of ofArabia Arabia (GB) (GB) Lawrence of Arabia (GB) Lawrence of Arabia (GB) Lawrence of Arabia (GB) Lawrence (TaourirtKasbah) Kasbah) (Taourirt Kasbah) Ouarzazate Ouarzazate (Taourirt (Taourirt Kasbah) Ouarzazate (Taourirt Kasbah) featured in in The The The Jewel Jewel Jewel of of the Nile (US), featured featured in ofthe the Nile Nile (US), (US), Prince of Persia (US), Spy Game (US), Prince of Persia (US), Spy Game (US), Prince Prince of ofPersia Persia (US), (US), Spy SpyGame Game (US), (US), Prince of Persia (US), Spy Game (US), Prince of Persia (US), Spy Game (US), Green Zone Thriller (US) Green Zone Zone Thriller Thriller (US) (US) Green Zone Thriller (US) Green Zone Thriller (US) Green Zone Thriller (US) Green Algeria Algeria 0 00 00 0 75 75 75 75 75 Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres 150 150 150 150 150 150 MAROC angl- FICHE 33:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:36 Page2 MOrOCCO Studios and other filming locations H Casablanca also has a specialised production unit : the MPS Cinedina Studios. H The Moroccan Cinema Centre in Rabat is where most national and foreign films from Africa and the Maghreb are developed. It includes a development laboratory for 35 and 16mm formats and a sound auditorium (sound effects, dubbing, mixing...) Natural decors for all types of production Ksar Aït Ben Haddou (Ouarzazate) Fortifications Amridil, Telouert, Tamdakt Taourirt (Ouarzazate) Kasbah Toudra, Dadès (Ouarzazate)… Canyons and valleys Fint Oasis Oasis Essaouira Fortifications, Port Casablanca Modern and historic oriental city Marrakesh Historic Medina, palm garden, local squares, mosque, palace, gardens Tanger Seaside resort, Roman and Phoenician ruins H Multi-purpose natural landscapes Moroccan landscapes can be taken for the rocky deserts of Jordan or Arizona as easily as the great dunes of Saudi Arabia. Its mountains can provide decors for Tibetan landscapes in "Kundun" or serve as a backcloth in fantastic films like "La Montagne a des Yeux". H A wide variety of decors Sets constructed for major productions in Ouarzazate have been conserved and, with restoration, can be used again (examples: biblical villages, Egyptian decors, Tibetan decors, peplum, adventure.... as seen in Ben Hur, Kundun, The 10 Commandments, Gladiator, Asterix, Jerusalem, King of Eleven ..) H A varied climate The Moroccan climate is varied, each season offering advantages : in winter heavy snow in the Atlas mountains, in springtime flower-filled valleys, and in the Saharan regions a dry climate with exceptional light : perfect for filming. Edition 2010 Studios and an international-standard laboratory H Ouarzazate, a real open sky studio, where you can find 3 major production structures : - Atlas Studios (private Moroccan investors), with integrated offices and hotel - CLA Studios (private Moroccan and Italian investors - De Laurentis, Cinecitta), with office blocks and hangars for interior decors - Kan Zaman Studios as well as a Cinema Museum displaying a collection of sets from early productions MAROC angl - FICHE 44:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:48 Page1 MOrOCCO Host structures and useful contacts The organisation of film hosting underway Aware of the considerable challenge represented by the audiovisual production sector, the MCC and the Ministry of Culture and Communication put in place the necessary regulatory, financial, political and technical structures. The only missing element was a film commission for hosting film shoots. For political and economic reasons, the first Moroccan film commission, created in 2008, only covers one region : Ouarzazate, an iconic location since Orson Welles' “Othello” in 1952. H A regional structure to host filming : the Ouarzazate Film Commission - Created in January 2008 by the Souss Massa Drâ Regional Council and the Moroccan Cinema Centre - The first of its type in the country : its mission is to promote film-making in the region, notably at the international level, and to facilitate the hosting of film shoots - Its role is to provide cinema professionals and film crews in the region with the best conditions and production environment H The most experienced western-style film commission amongst the southern Mediterranean countries With the creation of the Ouarzazate Film Commission, the Souss Madra region aims to be African leader in film shoot hosting by 2016. The OFC has 5 main missions : - promotion, with the participation of major international festivals - help to young entrepreneurs creating their own businesses through a financial support fund - developing synergies with the training sector - developing synergies between tourism and cinéma : development of the Eroud/Zagora region, creation of a Cinema Museum, enriching the city with cinema decors... - the creation of the first American-style "one-stop-shop" in Africa. Developing private initiatives As well as the information to be obtained from the CCM, the Guide to audiovisual, cinema and communication professions in Morocco (Guide des métiers de l’audiovisuel, du cinéma et de la Communication au Maroc) is a mine of information. It identifies film-making professionals and gives information on all procedures to follow to film in Morocco. It is edited and produced by Précom and was distributed to local and foreign professionals at the International Film Festival in Marrakech. Some films shot in Morocco Director Year Box office Europe + USA Secret Agents Alexander And now ladies and gentlemen Astérix and Obélix: Meet Cléopatra Babel Dans la Vallée d'Elah F. Schoendoerffer O. Stone C. Lelouch 2004 2004 2001 1 069 923 15 083 653 517 128 A. Chabat A. Inaratu M. Weisz/ Paul Haggis R. Scott R. Bouchareb R. Scott M. Scorsese S. Sommers L. Teague P. MacDonald M. Newell T. Scott 2000 2006 22 818 656 11 634 800 2007 2000 2006 2004 1997 1999 1985 1999 2008 2002 2 471 670 66 623 828 3 200 226 19 552 338 2 808 622 54 130 361 n.c 481 684 Release in 2010 19 694 956 Gladiator Days of glory Kingdom of Heaven Kundun The Mummy Le Diamant du Nil Legionnaire Prince of Persia Spy Game MAROC angl - FICHE 44:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 17:48 Page2 MOrOCCO Host structures and useful contacts Useful contacts: For training and higher education H Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels in Marrakech www.esavmarrakech.com Tel : +212 (0)5 80 200 2006 For a first contact in Morocco H Moroccan Cinema Centre (CCM) - Rabat Tel : +212 (0)5 37 28 92 00 www.ccm.ma H Ouarzazate Film Commission – Ouarzazate www.ouarzazatefilmcommission.org Tel : +212 (0)5 24 89 08 88 To contact government bodies and institutions H Ministry of Culture- Rabat Tel : +212 (0)5 37 20 94 94 www.minculture.gov.ma H Ministry of Tourism – Rabat Tel : +212 (0)5 37 57 78 00 H Institut Supérieur des Métiers du Cinéma in Ouarzazate Tel : +212 (0)5 24 88 20 88 www.ismc.hostwq.net To contact Tourism professionals H National Tourism Federation - Casablanca Tel : +212 (0)5 22 88 08 00 H Tourism Observatory - Rabat Tel : +212 (0)5 37 57 78 00 www.fnt.ma www.observatoiredutourisme.ma www.tourisme.gov.ma To contact professional bodies H Moroccan Chamber of film producers – Casablanca Tel:+212(0) 5 22 26 09 55 H Moroccan Chamber of film distributors - Casablanca www.ccm.ma/interan/cmdf.html Tel :+212 (0)5 22 26 09 55 H Moroccan Chamber of film technicians - Fès Tel :+212 (0)5 35 93 26 93 Information obtained from the Ouarzazate Film Commission, the MCC data www.techniciensfilms.ma H Moroccan Chamber of cinema operators - Casablanca Tel: +212 (0)5 22 22 37 81 H Writers, Directors and Producers Group - Casablanca Tel :+212 (0)5 22 24 53 64 H MPS Cinedina - Had Soualem Tel : +212 (0)5 22 96 44 44 www.atlastudios.com www.mps.ma Edition 2010 H Atlas Studios - Ouarzazate Tel : +212 (0)5 44 88 22 23 www.cla-studios.com Getty To find studio facilities H CLA Studios - Ouarzazate Tel : +212 (0)5 44 88 20 53 TUNISIE angl- FICHE 11:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 14:05 Page1 TUNISIA Challenges and opportunities The country in figures Challenges 10.76 million inhabitants CaPital tunis tourism 6.76 million tourists surfaCE arEa 163 610 km2 GDP 2008 $41.8 billion offiCial lanGuaGE arabiC (sourCE : Wto) Context Tunisian audiovisual production is essentially geared to TV formats and more particularly to advertising films for national advertisers. The television industry is being restructured and modernised in 2009 and Tunisia is a pioneer amongst the Maghreb countries with : H the launch of terrestrial DTV (digital TV) at the end of the year H the presence of 2 private TV channels since the issuing of a new licence for “Nessma TV”, a generalist channel . Tunisian cinema dates from the 1960s but local production remains weak with 6 feature films in 2008. The size of the domestic market obliges producers of Tunisian films : H to diversify into advertising films in order to generate regular income H to explore international markets either to co-produce with France or Italy and thus be able to finance projects or to find new openings H To export local audiovisual know-how by positioning the industry on complementary market segments to those already occupied by neighbouring countries (lebanon, Egypt, morocco) H To export by producing Tunisian films capable of interesting maghreb-origin Europeans H To structure the sector in order to attract foreign shoots to the country opportunities Ease of travel and proximity to Europe tunisia has a multimodal transport network (7 international airports, 19000 kms of roads, 3 motorways/highways, 2000 kms of railway) which facilitates domestic travel and means that tunisia is just 2 hours from most European countries and 55 minutes from italy. A Tunisian private sector which is investing in the film industry H the Chamber of tunisian Producers, part of utiCa (an employer organisation for business advice and professional networking), has produced a promotional brochure, “shooting in tunisia”. the Chamber is present at the Cannes film festival international village to promote tunisian film locations. H studios are currently being renovated or are under construction with heavy involvement from the private sector H tunisia has 249 producers (source : ministry of Culture), 180 directors and 6 distributors (source : africiné) H for professional training, the post-production laboratory « ltC-Gammarth » is preparing a partnership with the government and the different public and private schools to train technicians. Edition 2010 PoPulation 2009 TUNISIE angl- FICHE 11:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 14:05 Page2 TUNISIA Challenges and opportunities Good value, skilled personnel H 2 schools train audiovisual technicians : EDaC, Ecole des arts du Cinema (undergraduate level) and EaD, Ecole d'art et Decoration (a private school, undergraduate level). there are 2 graduate schools : EsaC (Ecole superieure des arts de l'audiovisuel et du Cinema) and l'isamm (institut superieur des arts multimedias) H real expertise in 3D production, digital effects and special effects : netinfo in nabeul (autodesk accredited), isim (institut superieur d'informatique et de multimedia) in sfax H labour costs represent just 20 to 30% of production budgets A one-stop-shop for shooting permits since April 2009 Created in april 2009 at the ministry of Culture and safeguard of Patrimony, it has the job of giving the necessary information and administrative permits for film shoots. its aim is to obtain all the necessary permits for a shoot within one week. it is part of a more global reform and development of the cinema and audiovisual sector currently being undertaken by the tunisian government. H The International Festival of Carthage is considered to be one of the most important arab and african festivals. 2009 is its 45th edition. for more information : http://www.festivalcarthage.com/ H Doc in Tunis is the essential meeting place for mediterranean documentaries. for its 4th edition, 73 films of 17 different nationalities from different continents were presented. for more information : http://docatunis.nesselfen.org/ H the 14th Arab Festival for Radio and Television in tunis, organised by the arab states broadcasting union (asbu) is among the most important arab events in audiovisual production. it awards 4 prizes for television and a further 4 for radio. in the tV category, the competition covers drama, documentaries on Palestine, children's programmes and variety programmes. a programme market is organised alongside the festival. The climate « asset » tunisia offers a particularly mild climate, with more than 300 days of sunshine per year and exceptional light, guaranteeing optimal filming conditions throughout the year. H The Carthage Cinema Days festival was created in 1966. organised every two years, it is the oldest cinema festival in africa and aims to promote sub-saharan and arab cinema, and to encourage dialogue between north and south. it benefits from enormous popularity with the tunisian public and from high-profile international partners. Edition 2010 International festivals and meetings of professionals from all over the world TUNISIEangl-FICHE22:Miseenpage111/01/1014:07Page1 TUNISIA Cinema and Audiovisual Production Rising audiovisual production Low-volume national production but improving in quality Tunisian audiovisual production is especially geared to advertising films. National production can be seen on the Tunisian public TV channels particularly during the month of Ramadan. Since 2005 the sitcom « Choufli hal » has been the most popular Tunisian fiction programme, broadcasting its 6th season in September 2009. It also won 1st prize for TV films at the Arab Festival for Radio and Television. The story takes place around a psychiatrist and a clairvoyant and raises questions about the most topical societal problems encountered in Tunisia today : youth, unemployment, fraud, the housing crisis for young people, etc Key figures 2008 • • • • • • 23 feature films 9 short films 13 Documentaries or reports 5 TV films or series 10 institutional films 278 advertising films Getty (source Ministry of Culture) TUNISIEangl-FICHE22:Miseenpage111/01/1014:07Page2 TUNISIA Cinema and Audiovisual Production A Creative Film Industry Creative but low volume cinema production LTunisia is not lacking in creativity : films like « Halfaouine : Child of the Terraces » by F. Boughedir, « The Silences of the Palace » by M. Tlatli or more recently « Making Of, le Dernier Film » by N Bouzid are all examples. However national production is rarely more than 10 feature films in a year, primarily because of a lack of adapted financing opportunities and a small local market. Key figures 2009 • 23 feature films of which 12 foreign, 6 Tunisian and 5 co-productions (with foreign majority share) • Co-producing countries : Belgium, France, Italy… • Box office entries: 300 000 • of which domestic production share : 15% • Average budget for a foreign film : 1.1 million € • Average length of a shoot : 3 months 10 Tunisian films (features and shorts) were screened during Tunisia Day, including « The Accident » by Rachid Ferchiou, « The Other Half of the Sky » by Kalthoum Bornaz, « I saw the Stars », the documentary by Hichem Ben Ammar, « Bab'Aziz » by Naceur Khemir and others. « The Directors' Two Weeks » in Cannes 2008 honoured Moufida Tlatli, director, with a screening of her first feature film « The Silence of the Palace ». Extracts from films such as « Cinecitta 7, Avenue Bouguiba » by Ibrahim Letaief, « Chevaux de guerre, Chevaux de paix » by Khaled Barsaoui, « Thalathoun » by Fadhel Jaziri were proposed to foreign producers to find financing for their completion. Tunisia had a stand in the international village for the second year running in Cannes. Edition 2010 Tunisia Day at the Cannes Film Festival 2008 TUNISIE angl- FICHE 33:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 10:12 Page1 TUNISIA Studios and other filming locations STUDIOS AND OTHER LOCATIONS IN TUNISIA Tunis Tunis Tunis featured in in Asfour Asfour Stah Stah (FR-TN-IT), (FR-TN-IT), featured in Asfour Stah (FR-TN-IT), featured in Asfour Stah (FR-TN-IT), featured in Asfour Stah (FR-TN-IT), featured Baaria (IT-FR), Clay Dolls (TN-FR-MA), Baaria (IT-FR), (IT-FR), Clay ClayDolls Dolls (TN-FR-MA), (TN-FR-MA), Baaria A Summer in La Goulette (FR-BE-TN), A Summer in La Goulette (FR-BE-TN), A ASummer Summer in in La La Goulette Goulette (FR-BE-TN), (FR-BE-TN), The Navel Navel of ofthe the World World (FR-TN), (FR-TN), Red Red Satin Satin (FR-TN) (FR-TN) The Navel of the World (FR-TN), Red Satin (FR-TN) The Navel of the World (FR-TN), Red Satin (FR-TN) The Navel of the World (FR-TN), Red Satin (FR-TN) The Sousse Sousse Sousse Sousse Sousse featured in in Pirates Pirates (FR-TN) (FR-TN) featured in Pirates (FR-TN) featured in Pirates (FR-TN) featured in Pirates (FR-TN) featured oasis) oasis) Tozeur (Dunes, oasis) Tozeur Tozeur (Dunes, (Dunes, oasis) oasis) featured in The English Patient (US-GB), featured in Patient(US-GB), (US-GB), featured in The English Patient (US-GB), in The The English English Patient featured featured Patient (US-GB), Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark (US) Indiana Jones, Jones, Raiders Raiders of ofthe the Lost LostArk Ark (US) (US) Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark (US) Indiana Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark (US) Nefta (Dunes) (Dunes) Nefta (Dunes) Nefta featured in Would lie to you ??? 222 (FR), featured in in Would Would IIIII lie lie to to you you ? ?2 2 (FR), (FR), featured in Would lie to you (FR), featured featured in Would lie to you (FR), It's Not Me, It's Him (FR) It's Not NotMe, Me, It's It's Him Him(FR) (FR) It's Not Me, It's Him (FR) It's It's Not Me, It's Him (FR) ¸ Studio · Film location ¸ · © CCI Marseille Provence - Ressources Economiques - 2009 © Fond IGN ¸ ¸Tunis · Tunis Tunis · · Tunis Tunis )) · ¸ ¸Tunis Hammamet Hammamet .. Hammamet Hammamet Hammamet Hammamet ¸ ¸ · · Monastir Monastir .. Monastir Monastir Monastir Monastir · · Mahdia Mahdia . . Mahdia Mahdia Mahdia · Mahdia · · · · · (Amphitheatre) Carthage Carthage (Amphitheatre) (Amphitheatre) Carthage Carthage (Amphitheatre) (Amphitheatre) Carthage featured in in Life Life of ofBrian Brian (GB) (GB) featured in Life of Brian (GB) featured in Life of Brian (GB) featured in Life of Brian (GB) featured Monastir Monastir Monastir Monastir Monastir Monastir featured in in Quo Quo Vadis Vadis ? ? (PL-US), (PL-US), Quarter Quarter featured in Quo Vadis ??? (PL-US), Quarter featured in Quo Vadis (PL-US), Quarter featured in Quo Vadis (PL-US), Quarter featured toTwo TwoBefore Before Jesus Jesus Christ Christ(FR) (FR) to Two Before Jesus Christ (FR) to Two Before Jesus Christ (FR) to Two Before Jesus Christ (FR) to Mahdia Mahdia Mahdia Mahdia Mahdia Mahdia featured in in The The English English Patient Patient(US-GB) (US-GB) featured in The English Patient (US-GB) featured in The English Patient (US-GB) featured in The English Patient (US-GB) featured Tozeur Tozeur Tozeur Tozeur Tozeur .. .. Tozeur · · Tataouine Tataouine .. Tataouine Tataouine Tataouine Tataouine · · (Dunes) (Dunes) Tataouine (Dunes) Tataouine (Dunes) Tataouine (Dunes) featured in in Star Star wars wars (US) (US) featured in Star wars (US) featured in Star wars (US) featured in Star wars (US) featured 0 0 000 75 75 75 75 75 Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres Kilomètres 150 150 150 150 150 TUNISIE angl- FICHE 33:Mise en page 1 08/01/10 10:12 Page2 TUNISIA Studios and other filming locations H The « Empire studios », in Latrach, near Hammamet were relaunched in 2002, with a $20 million investment by the Italian company Lux Vide. It offers 5 500m² of stage area on an 11 hectare site, 3 air-conditioned studios (two stages of 1 000 m² and one 400 m²) with permanent decors (two-thirds of actual size), decor workshops (tannery, plaster works, wall hangings, carpentry) and 5000 costumes (Roman, Egyptian, Greek...) The site has hosted TV film and film shoots such as : Nero, The Guardians of Rome, The Last Legion, Pompeii.... H The Ben Arous Studios are 15 minutes from Tunis airport. Built in 2007 on more than 10 hectares of land, they offer two polyvalent stages, decor workshops, costumes, accessories, etc. Giuseppe Tornatore shot « Baaria » there, telling the story of 40 years of a Sicilian village, which was completely reconstructed at the studios. H The Gammarth Studios are currently under construction 15 minutes from Tunis airport. They are on a 12 hectare site, by the sea and next to the already operational laboratories of the same name . 5 million € have been invested, along with a public subsidy of about 80 000€. The LTC-Gammarth post-production site has been operational since September 2007. Feature films are made there, but production is mainly of advertising films for Algerian, Moroccan, Libyan and other African accounts. The laboratory is duty and tax free. It targets first and foremost the needs of the French market abroad and of the big studios working outside France. It also targets local, African and Middle Eastern audiovisual production. Tarak Ben Ammar: a major player in the sector Born in Tunis, this cinema producer and cosmopolitan businessman counts today as an essential player in the cinema industry of the Maghreb and France. After producing feature films in France and Italy, he acquired businesses in post-production in France. Quinta Industries, the group owned by Tarak Ben Ammar, is a major player in Image and Sound post-production for cinema and TV in France. He has invested massively in Tunisian studios and is developing an independent European film distribution platform. He has one of the five Italian television companies. With the Italian communications group Mediaset, he has recently taken a 50% holding in Nessma TV, which is based in Tunis and broadcasts on several satellites. Its ambition is to become the « Big, tolerant Maghreb » channel. Other filming locations H A variety of landscapes within easy reach - To the north: The cork-oak forests of Ain drahem, Bizerte Lake, The orange groves of Cap Bon, The rocky coast of Kélibia - To the centre and the Sahel: Sandy coastline (Sousse, Mahdia) - To the south: Sand dunes (Tataouine, Tozeur, Matmata), Oasis montage (Chebika, Tamerza), Volcanic desert (Onk Ejjemal), Salt desert (Chott Jerid), Cliffs and cuestas (Chenini and Douiret). H Historical heritage Roman style: Aqueducts (Zaghouan), coliseum (El-Jem), Byzantine style: Acropolium (Carthage), Village (Gightis), Carthaginian style: Baths (Kerkouan), amphitheatres (Takrouna, Oudhna, Sbeitla, Carthage), Arab style: Medinas, Kasbah, Medressas, Palace, Souks, lakes (Tunis, Kerouan, Sousse), forts and ribats (LeKef, Monastir), Berber style: brick architecture (Tozeur, Nefta), fortified garrets (Ksar Hedada, Ksa Ghilan), Colonial style: art nouveau (Tunis), red tiles (Tabarka), World War II remains. Edition 2010 Studio renovation promoted by Tarak Ben Ammar TUNISIE angl- FICHE 44:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 14:11 Page1 TUNISIA Host structures and useful contacts The development of host structures Some films shot in Tunisia Director Year Baaria The English Patient Would I lie to you 2 Dead Weight Quo Vadis Quarter to Two before Jesus Christ Un si beau voyage Red Satin Clay Dolls The Sun Assassinated Pirates A Summer in La Goulette Le Nombril du Monde Making of, le dernier film Star Wars G Tornatore A. Minghella T Gilou A. Berberian J. Kawalerowicz 2009 1996 2001 2002 2001 J. Yanne Khaled Ghorbal R Amari N Bouzid A.Bahloul R. Polanski F. Boughedir A. Zetoun N. Bouzid Georges Lucas 1982 2008 2002 2002 2004 1986 1996 1993 2006 1976 H The creation in April 2009 of a one-stop-shop for shooting permits created in April 2009 at the Ministry of Culture and Safeguard of Patrimony, it has the job of giving the necessary information and administrative permits for film shoots. Its aim is to obtain all the necessary permits for a shoot within one week. H The national Chamber of Film Producers, part of UTICA, looks after the promotion of Tunisia as a film-friendly country and can be a useful source of information. Getty Getty H The Ministry of Culture and Safeguard of Patrimony gives information on Tunisian legislation and regulations, and provides a list of the Tunisian companies entitled to work as line producers in the country. They also provide scouting permits, on application by the Tunisian producer. TUNISIE angl- FICHE 44:Mise en page 1 11/01/10 14:11 Page2 TUNISIA Host structures and useful contacts Useful contacts : For a first contact in Tunisia H Ministry of Culture and Safeguard of Patrimony - Direction General of Audiovisual and Scenic Art Tel : +216 71 563 006 www.culture.tn/culture www.tunisieinfo.com/ H Tunisian Cinema - Tunis +216 71 333 699 www.cinematunisien.com/. H To contact government bodies and institutions : Ministry of Culture and Safeguard of Patrimony www.culture.tn To contact professional bodies H national Chamber of Film Producers (UTICA) - Tunis Tel : +216 71 142 000 www.utica.org.tn H Association Tunisienne de la Promotion de la Critique Cinématographique (ATPCC) - Tunis Tel : +216 71 333 699 www.atpcc.org.tn/ H FTCC : Tunisian Federation of Cine Clubs Tel : +216 71 348 435 H ISIMSF ( Institut Supérieur Informatique et Multimédia de Sfax) - Sfax Tel : +216 71 74 452 632 www.isimsf.rnu.tn/ H Netinfo - Nabeul - Tel : +216 72 230 230 To contact Tourism professionals H Tunisian Tourism Office Tel : +216 71 341 077 www.netinfonabeul.com www.tunisietourisme.com www.bonjour-tunisie.com FichInformation obtained in answer to survey questionnaire from the Ministry of Culture with the collaboration of the CCI Tunis + on the spot interviews. European project : Euromed Audiovisual II French Embassy/French Centre for Culture and Cooperation: http://www.cfcc-eg.org Ministry of Culture: www.culture.tn http://www.tarakbenammar.com www.laftcc.org/ To locate studios H Empire Studios in Hammamet - Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 40 76 04 54 www.quintaindustries.com H Studio Village « Carthago-Annabib » www.quintaindustries.com To find training programmes H EAD (École d'Art et de Décoration) Tel : +216 71 781 807 H ISAMM (Institut supérieur des arts multimedias) - Tunis Tel : +216 71 70 837 206 www.isa2m.rnu.tn www.ead.com.tn www.edac-sybel.com Edition 2010 H EDAC (Ecole des Arts du Cinéma) - Tunis Tel : +216 71 797 589 Getty H ESAC (Ecole Supérieure des arts de l'audiovisuel et du Cinéma) - Gammarth Tel : +216 71 981 441 www.esac.rnu.tn