Sink Reference Guide - Fabricators Unlimited
Sink Reference Guide - Fabricators Unlimited
FABRICATORS SUPPLY SINK REFERENCE GUIDE IN-STOCK Selections! JUNE 2015 1 UNDERMOUNT - STAINLESS STEEL IPT M108 16-1/2” 18-1/2” 32” Bottom Grids Available Min. Cabinet Required: 33” O.D. 31” x 18” x 8” 18 gauge 29-7/16” 31” 13” 15-3/4” 32-1/4” Counter-Seal CS28 Min. Cabinet Required: 33” O.D. 31" x 18" x 8" 18 gauge 16-7/16” 18” 16-1/2” 18-1/2” 18-3/4” 20-3/4” 14-5/8” 14-5/8” Counter-Seal CS27 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 32" x 20-3/4" x 9" (Small 7-1/2") 18 gauge 16-7/16” 18” IPT M208 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 32-1/4" x 18-1/2" x 9" 18 gauge 29-7/16” 31” Bottom Grids Available UDTS32/10 UDTD32/10 STAINLESS STEEL KITCHEN SINK: Single Bowl Undermount Series FrankeUSA UDTS32/10 FrankeUSA UDTD32/10 Ɣ*DXJH Min. Cabinet Required: 33” O.D. 32" x 18" x 10" 18 gauge Min. Cabinet Ɣ6DWLQULPERZO Required: 36” O.D. 35" x 18" x 9" Ɣ5HDUGUDLQZDVWHKROHORFDWLRQ 18 gauge Ɣ8OWUD4XLHWVRXQGGHDGHQLQJ 35” ´ Ɣ´FDELQHWLVUHFRPPHQGHGPLQLPXP 16” 18” 18” Ɣ,QVWDOODWLRQKDUGZDUHDQGWHPSODWHLQFOXGHG 16” Ɣ/LPLWHGOLIHWLPHZDUUDQW\ Ɣ6KLSSLQJZHLJKWOEV ´'((3 16” ´'((3 ´'((3 16” FSUG900-18BX ´ USBSK800-18 Compliance Certifications: ,03257$17'LPHQVLRQVRIIL[WXUHVDUHQRPLQDODQGPD\YDU\ZLWKLQWKHUDQJHRIWROHUDQFHVHVWDEOLVKHGE\ $60($ USASK900-18 DQGPD\YDU\ZLWKLQWKHUDQJHRIWROHUDQFHVHVWDEOLVKHGE\ While Supplies Last 7KHVHPHDVXUHPHQWVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHRUFDQFHOODWLRQ1RUHVSRQVLELOLW\LVDVVXPHGIRUXVHRIVXSHUVHGHG STAINLESS STEEL KITCHEN SINK: RUYRLGHGOHDIOHW QFHOODWLRQ1RUHVSRQVLELOLW\LVDVVXPHGIRUXVHRIVXSHUVHGHG Single Bowl Undermount Series Min. Cabinet Required: 18” O.D. 14-3/4" x 16" x 9" 18 gauge ´ ERZO Ɣ´FDELQHWLVUHFRPPHQGHGPLQLPXP 16” ´ ´ H Ɣ8OWUD4XLHWVRXQGGHDGHQLQJ LHWVRXQGGHDGHQLQJ ´'((3 QHWLVUHFRPPHQGHGPLQLPXP Ɣ,QVWDOODWLRQKDUGZDUHDQGWHPSODWHLQFOXGHG LIHWLPHZDUUDQW\ ´ ZHLJKWOEV RQ1RUHVSRQVLELOLW\LVDVVXPHGIRU ´'((3 ´'((3 ´ ´ Bottom Grid Available Bottom Grid Available \YDU\ZLWKLQWKHUDQJHRIWROHUDQFHV RQKDUGZDUHDQGWHPSODWHLQFOXGHG Min. Cabinet Required: 16” O.D. 16”x17-3/4" x 8" 18 gauge 14” 16” Bottom Grid Available ACCESSORIES - STRAINER BASKETS Compliance Certifications: ,03257$17'LPHQVLRQVRIIL[WXUHVDUHQRPLQDODQGPD\YDU\ZLWKLQWKHUDQJHRIWROHUDQFHVHVWDEOLVKHGE\ $60($ 7KHVHPHDVXUHPHQWVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHRUFDQFHOODWLRQ1RUHVSRQVLELOLW\LVDVVXPHGIRUXVHRIVXSHUVHGHG RUYRLGHGOHDIOHW e Certifications: 7'LPHQVLRQVRIIL[WXUHVDUHQRPLQDODQGPD\YDU\ZLWKLQWKHUDQJHRIWROHUDQFHVHVWDEOLVKHGE\ To Be Specified: Kindred 1135 Franke 900SN VXUHPHQWVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHRUFDQFHOODWLRQ1RUHVSRQVLELOLW\LVDVVXPHGIRUXVHRI Stainless steel strainers basket Polished Nickel RUYRLGHGOHDIOHW cified: Counter-Seal CS1618 21” Ɣ/LPLWHGOLIHWLPHZDUUDQW\ LQZDVWHKROHORFDWLRQ )5$1.(86$ Ɣ6KLSSLQJZHLJKWOEV Min. Cabinet Required: 24” O.D. 21" x 17" x 8" 18 gauge 15-3/4” 17-3/4” Ɣ5HDUGUDLQZDVWHKROHORFDWLRQ FrankeUSA USBSK800-18 ´ ´ FrankeUSA USASK900-18 17” Cabinet Required: 27” SS STEEL KITCHENMin. SINK: Ɣ*DXJH O.D. 23-5/8" x 17-5/8" x 9" wl Undermount Series Ɣ6LONULPERZO 18 gauge ´ FrankeUSA FSUG900-18BX To Be Specified: 2 assembly with polypropylene shell and tailpiece Strainer Basket Franke 900 Polished Chrome Strainer Basket Elkay LK35 Type 304 stainless steel body and removable conical basket strainer with metal stem and rubber stopper. UNDERMOUNT - STAINLESS STEEL Strainer Basket Included Strainer Basket Included Min. Cabinet Required: 45” O.D. 17 3/4” x 42” x 8” (Small 7”) BGA1517S MB100 DBR10S C09S 20 gauge Strainer Basket Included Strainer Basket Included 16” 8 3/8" [21cm] 10-5/8” 16 3/4" [43cm] 10” 42” 14” Bottom Grids Available Bottom Grid Available Vanity Sinks KSS4UA/9D SPECIFICATION n 0315 n O.D. 18 3/4" x 16 3/4" x 9" (48 x 43 x 23 cm) Recommended for minimum 21" cabinet for Kindred install method 18" cabinet minimum to accept sink bowl FUN# 122.0183.165 Kindred KSOWB1420U/5 Kindred KSOV1318U/7 Min. Cabinet Required: 18” x 7" 18 gauge O.D. 13-3/8" x 17-7/8" Phone: 866-687-7465 Fax: 800-361-8408 12” 14” Min. Cabinet Required: 18” Franke Kindred Canada Limited O.D.Midland, 14" x Ontario, 20" x 4-1/2" P.O. Box 190, 1000 Franke Kindred Road, Canada, L4R 4K9 18 gauge 61558 Model KSS4UA/9D is a single bowl undermount sink manufactured by Franke Kindred Canada Limited from 18 gauge, 18-10 stainless steel. Product has a silk finished rim and radiant silk finished bowl. Sink is fully undercoated. Basket strainer waste fitting (3 1/2", 89 mm), template, and installation kit are included. Sink is backed with a limited buyer lifetime warranty. n Printed in Canada 15410 Bottom Grids Available Plumbing Fixture / Kitchen Sinks 14” 15" [38cm] 31-1/2” Bottom Grids Available 9" [23cm] 11” 13-3/8” 17-3/4” 30-7/8” Franke Kindred Canada Limited 18-1/2” 20-5/8” 14” 14” Min. Cabinet Required: 18” O.D. 18-3/4" x 16-3/4" x 9" 18 gauge 18 3/4" [48cm] Certified Kindred QTU1842/8 16” 17-3/4” Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 31-1/2” x 20-5/8” x 9” (Small 7”) 18 gauge 16” 17-3/4” Min. Cabinet Required: 33” O.D. 30-7/8” x 17-3/4” x 9” 18 gauge Optional Accessories Kindred KSS4UA/9D 12 5/8" [32cm] Kindred KSDCRU/9 17" [43cm] Kindred KSD2UA/9D 18” 20” 15-1/2” 17-7/8” Elkay Stainless Sinks With eDock™ Magnetic Rail System Elkay ELUH3120REK Non-eDock Model: ELUH3120R Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 31-1/4” x 20-1/2” x 9-7/8” (Small 7-7/8”) 18 gauge Elkay ELUH281610EK Non-eDock Model: ELUH281610 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 30-1/2” x 18-1/2” x 10” 18 gauge Elkay ELUH3118EK Non-eDock Model: ELUH3118 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 30-3/4” x 18-1/2” x 7-7/8” 18 gauge 16” 18-1/2” 16” 18-1/2” 18” 20-1/2” 14” 13-1/2” 31-1/4” Bottom Grids Available 16” 18-1/2” Free 28” 30-1/2” Bottom Grid Available 13-1/2” 13-1/2” 30-3/4” Bottom Grids Available The handy hook for hanging dishrags, rings, and other small gadgets is included FREE with every e-dock sink. See the Elkay catalog or website for additional e-dock accessories. Keep all of your kitchen tools within reach! 3 UNDERMOUNT - STAINLESS STEEL Franke RGX-120 34-1/16” Bottom Grids Available 17” 18-1/2” 11-13/16” 12-9/16” 15-9/16” 15-9/16” 31-1/2” Min. Cabinet Required: 18” O.D. 15-1/2” x 18-1/2” x 9-1/2" 18 gauge Min. Cabinet Required: 15” O.D. 12-9/16”x14-3/16" x 5-7/8" 20 gauge 18-15/16” 20-7/16” 16-1/2” 18-1/8” 18-5/16” 20-7/16” 13-3/8” 15-9/16” Franke PEX110-14 Franke CPX110 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 34-1/16” x 20-7/16” x 9" 18 gauge 13-3/8” 14-3/16” Franke RGX-160 Min. Cabinet Required: 33” O.D. 31-1/2” x 20-7/16” x 9" (Small 6-7/8”) 18 gauge 14” 15-1/2” Bottom Grids Available Bottom Grid Available FFD33B-9-18 Apron Front Sinks RETRO-FIT - FOR THE REMODELER FrankeUSA FFD33B-9-18 Elkay ECTRUF32179R Min. Cabinet Required: 33” O.D. 33” x 19” x 9" 18 gauge Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 35-7/8” x 20-1/4” x 9" 18 gauge 33” (Side view) ”'((3 13” 13” 17” 35-7/8” OC3322-1 (Champagne) OGR3322-1 (Graphite) OW3322-1 (White) 17” 20-1/4” COMPOSITE GRANITE DUAL MOUNT ”'((3 17” ” 3” 31-1/2” 12” Bottom Grids Available Shown in White DUAL MOUNT Minimum Cabinet Width: 36” Comes in: FrankeUSA GHSOX901 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 33” x 22” x 9” Colors: Onyx Includes: 2 sliding glass cutting boards, 1 stainless steel colander Sanitized® built-in protective barrier fights bacteria Topmount Installation 1 hole for faucet (4 additional holes can be knocked out if needed) Comes with: 22” Hide the mess, create a prep area, expand your countertop Minimum Cabinet Width: 36” 33” 9” DEEP 9” DEEP 14 5/8” 14 5/8” 16 3/8” 1RUHVSRQVLELOLW\LVDVVXPHGIRUXVHRI COMPOSITE GRANITE TOPMOUNT GHSOX901 (Onyx) DU\ZLWKLQWKHUDQJHRIWROHUDQFHVHVWDEOLVKHGE\ Accessorize with: The Elkay ECTRUF32179R apron-front sink has a new installation option for which a modified sink base cabinet to GRAPHITE FBGRD1915 FBGG1614 house these semi-exposed modelsCHAMPAGNE is not required. The new apron design uses a sink front that slips over the front edge of the sink base cabinet, making installation easier and allowing FDBA1614 WHITE FCBG1614 for retro-fitting. 2 sliding glass cutting boards TOPMOUNT 1 stainless steel colander The Hidden Sink. Functioning with you to cover life’s everyday moments. 4 + FAUCETS + AVAILABLE + ELKAY - FRANKE - KINDRED Expand your countertop. Create a prep area. Hide the mess. 8" DEEP 8" DEEP KGS1U/8 8" DEEP KGD1U/8 KGDCR1U/8 Kindred Granite sinks must have a reveal. 13 9/16" 15 3/8" 18 1/8" 15 3/8" 18 1/8" UNDERMOUNT - COMPOSITE KGS3U/8 28 7/16" 31 9/16" 13 9/16" n 18 1/8" 15 3/8" 18 1/8" [46cm] 15 3/8" [39cm] 15 3/8" 18 1/8" KGS3U/8 SPECIFICATION Model KGS3U/8 is a single bowl undermount sink, cast from colour Granite composite. Stainless steel strainer waste fitting (3 1/2", 89 mm), template, and installation kit are included. Sink is backed with a lifetime warranty. n n n 8" DEEP O.D. 18 1/8" x 16 3/4" x 8" (46 x 43 x 20 cm) Recommended for minimum 21" cabinet for Kindred install method 18" cabinet minimum to accept sink bowl 13 9/16" Franke Kindred Canada Limited 16 3/4" P.O. Box 190, 1000 Franke Kindred Road, Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 4K9 Phone: 866-687-7465 Fax: 800-361-8408 Topmount Model: KGSL2017/8 Topmount Model: KGDL2031/8 BWSTUG/CPNE BWDTUG/ CPNE BWDTUG/ MLB 18 1/8" Franke Kindred Canada Limited P.O. Box 190, 1000 Franke Kindred Road, Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 4K9 Phone: 866-687-7465 Fax: 800-361-8408 8" DEEP BWDTUG/ORB 28 7/16" 31 9/16" 13 9/16" 16 3/4" 8" DEEP STRAINERS COLOR MATCHED TO e-GRANITE SINKS 7" DEEP 8" DEEP 17 1/8" 31 9/16" Elkay ELG1515 Min. Cabinet Required: 21” O.D. 16-5/8” x 16-5/8” x 8” Colors: White, Bisque, Black, Mocha, or Dusk Gray 8" DEEP 18 1/8" White LKS35WH LKD35WH Bisque LKS35BQ LKD35BQ Black LKS35BK LKD35BK Mocha LKS35MC LKD35MC N/A N/A Dusk Gray 14” 16-5/8” 16-3/8” 18-3/4” 15-1/16” 16 3/4" 14” 16-5/8” 15-1/4” 33” 33” Bottom Grids Available Disposal Flange 13 9/16" 18-3/16” 20-1/2” 15-1/8” Elkay ELGU250R Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 33” x 20-1/2” x 9-1/2” Colors: White, Bisque, Black, Mocha, or Dusk Gray 16-3/16” 18-1/2” Elkay ELGU3322 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 33” x 18-3/4” x 9-1/2” Colors: White, Bisque, Black, Mocha, or Dusk Gray 15 3/8" 16 3/4" Strainer Basket 10 1/16" 13 9/16" 15-1/8” 16 3/4" [43cm] KGS3U/8OS - Oyster FUN# 125.0308.174 KGS3U/8ON - Onyx FUN# 125.0183.336 KGS3U/8ES - Espresso FUN# 125.0183.966 13 9/16" 31 9/16" KGD1U/8CH - Champagne FUN# 114.0061.222 KGD1U/8OS - Oyster FUN# 125.0308.159 KGD1U/8ON - Onyx FUN# 125.0183.330 KGD1U/8ES - Espresso FUN# 125.0183.331 18 1/8" 15 3/8" 15 3/8" 15410 O.D. 18 1/8" x 31 9/16" x 8" (46 x 80 x 20 cm) Recommended for minimum 36" cabinet for Kindred install method 13 9/16" 33" cabinet minimum to accept sink bowls 8" DEEP BWSTUG/ORB BWSTUG/MLB 10 1/16" Plumbing Fixture / Kitchen Sinks 18 1/8" 18 1/8" 15 3/8" 15410 n Espresso 15 3/8" N/A 17 1/8" Onyx 18 1/8" Disposal Flange Color matches are not 31 perfect. 9/16" Disposal flanges snap over existing disposer basket. 15 3/8" 18 1/8" [46cm] 15410 Plumbing Fixture / Kitchen Sinks N/A 18 1/8" Champagne 7" DEEP 13 9/16" [35cm] 0315 Oyster 8" DEEP n Franke Kindred Canada Limited P.O. Box 190, 1000 Franke Kindred Road, Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 4K9 Phone: 866-687-7465 Fax: 800-361-8408 STRAINERS COLOR MATCHED TO KINDRED GRANITE SINKS Strainer Basket 8" [20cm] 12 3/16" [31cm] Bottom Grids Available Color matches are not perfect. Disposal flanges snap over existing disposer basket. STRAINERS COLOR MATCHED TO Q-350 SINKS Karran Q-350 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 32-3/8” x 19” x 8-1/2” Colors: White, Bisque, Grey, Black, Concrete, or Brown Strainer Basket 1135 Strainer White Bisque Black Brown Grey Concrete Strainer Basket BWSTUG/PWG BWSTUG/CPNE BWSTUG/MLB BWSTUG/ORB N/A N/A Disposal Flange BWDTUG/PWG BWDTUG/CPNE BWDTUG/ MLB BWDTUG/ORB N/A N/A Color matches are not perfect. Disposal flanges snap over existing disposer basket. 16-1/2” 19” 14-1/4” 14-1/4” 32-3/8” 61558 Topmount Model: KGDC2031R/8 RM50S 8 3/8" [21cm] 0315 31 9/16" KGDCR1U/8ES - Espresso FUN#125.0202.026 Topmount Model: KGSL2031/8 10 1/16" C50S 61558 17 1/8" GB50 BG180S Model KGD1U/8 is a double (two equal size) bowl undermount sink, cast from colour Granite composite. Stainless steel strainer waste fittings (3 1/2", 89 mm), template, and installation kit are included. Sink is backed with a lifetime warranty. KGS3U/8CH - Champagne FUN# 125.0078.228 0315 n 8" DEEP 8" DEEP KGD1U/8 SPECIFICATION 61558 n O.D. 18 1/8 " x 31 9/16" x 8" (small bowl is 7" deep) 46 x 80 x 20 cm (small bowl is 18 cm deep) Recommended for minimum 36" cabinet for Kindred install method 33" cabinet minimum to accept sink bowls KGDCR1U/8CH - Champagne FUN# 125.0055.314 Franke Kindred Canada Limited KGDCR1U/8OS - Oyster FUN# 125.0308.160 P.O. Box 190, 1000 Franke Kindred Road, Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 4K9 Phone: 866-687-7465 Fax: 800-361-8408 KGDCR1U/8ON - Onyx FUN# 114.0183.332 28 7/16" 31 9/16" 8 3/8" [21cm] 13 9/16" [35cm] 31 9/16" [80cm] waste fittings (3 1/2", 89 mm), template, and installation kit are included. Sink is backed with a lifetime warranty. RM50S Optional Accessories MB50 Printed in Canada 31 9/16" [80cm] C50S GB50 8" [20cm] 11 7/16" [29cm] 13 9/16" [35cm] KGDCR1U/8 SPECIFICATION Model KGDCR1U/8 is a large/small bowl combination Granite composite. Stainless steel strainer 8"undermount DEEP sink, cast from colour 7" DEEP n MB50 Kindred 8" DEEP KGS3U/8 7" DEEP Included Accessories Min. Cabinet Required: 21” O.D. 18-1/8" x 16-3/4" x 8" Colors: Oyster, 17 1/8"Champagne, 10 1/16" Onyx, 31 9/16" or Espresso Stainless strainer basket & a bottom grid included BG180S Certified Printed in Canada 15 3/8" 10 1/16" [26cm] Printed in Canada 18 1/8" 17 1/8" [43cm] 0315 KGS1U/8CH - Champagne FUN# 125.0078.233 KGS1U/8OS - Oyster FUN# 125.0308.173 KGS1U/8ON - Onyx FUN# 125.0183.334 KGS1U/8ES - Espresso FUN#125.0202.340 18 1/8" 15 3/8" 7" [18cm] Optional Accessories Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 31-9/16" x 18-1/8" x 8" Colors: Oyster, Champagne, Onyx, or Espresso Stainless strainer basket & a bottom grid included BG180S Certified 8" [20cm] 61558 O.D. 18 1/8 " x 31 9/16" x 8" (46 x 80 x 20 cm) Recommended for minimum 36" cabinet for Kindred install method 8" DEEP 33" cabinet minimum to accept sink bowl Printed in Canada Model KGS1U/8 is a single bowl undermount sink, cast from colour Granite composite. Stainless steel strainer waste fitting (3 1/2", 89 mm), template, and installation kit are included. Sink is backed with a lifetime warranty. n Included Accessories RM50S C50S 6 5/8" [17cm] KGS1U/8 SPECIFICATION n GB50 12" [30cm] 31 9/16" [80cm] n MB50 Plumbing Fixture / Kitchen Sinks 15410 28 7/16" [72cm] Plumbing Fixture / Kitchen Sinks BG170S Franke Kindred Canada Limited 15 3/4" [40cm] Kindred KGD1U/8 Optional Accessories Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 31-9/16" x 18-1/8" x 8" (Small 7") Colors: Oyster, Champagne, Onyx, or 28 7/16" Espresso 31 9/16" Stainless strainer basket & a bottom grid included Franke Kindred Canada Limited 8" [20cm] 12 3/16" [31cm] Kindred KGDCR1U/8 8" DEEP Included Accessories BG190S Certified 15 3/8" RM50S 15 3/8" [39cm] C50S 18 1/8" [46cm] GB50 Franke Kindred Canada Limited 15 3/8" [39cm] MB50 15 3/8" Optional Accessories Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 31-9/16" x 18-1/8" x 8" Colors: Oyster, Champagne, Onyx, or 13 9/16" Espresso 13 9/16" 31 9/16" Stainless strainer basket & a bottom grid included Franke Kindred Canada Limited 18 1/8" [46cm] 18 1/8" Kindred KGS1U/8 8" DEEP 8" DEEP Included Accessories BG210S Certified 15 3/8" [39cm] 15 3/8" 18 1/8" 31 9/16" 5 LAMINATE UNDERMOUNT WITH COUNTER-SEAL RING While Supplies Last 16-1/2” 18-1/2” 32” 29-7/16” 31” Bottom Grids Available 15 3/8" 18 1/8" Bottom Grids Available Min. Cabinet Required: 33” O.D. 31” x 18” x 8” 18 gauge 29-7/16” 31” 14” 16” 13” 15-3/4” 32-1/4” Counter-Seal CS28 Min. Cabinet Required: 33” O.D. 31" x 18" x 8" 18 gauge Min. Cabinet Required: 16” O.D. 16”x17-3/4" x 8" 18 gauge Black, White, & Bone Ring Only 16-7/16” 18” 16-1/2” 18-1/2” 18-3/4” 20-3/4” 14-5/8” 14-5/8” Counter-Seal CS27 Counter-Seal CS1618 16-7/16” 18” IPT M108 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 32" x 20-3/4" x 9" (Small 7-1/2") 18 gauge 15-3/4” 17-3/4” IPT M208 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 32-1/4" x 18-1/2" x 9" 18 gauge 8" DEEP 8" DEEP KGD1U/8 KGDCR1U/8 KGS1U/8 Vanity Sink 13 9/16" 13 9/16" 18 1/8" [46cm] 15410 Plumbing Fixture / Kitchen Sinks 18 1/8" 15 3/8" 15410 15 3/8" Plumbing Fixture / Kitchen Sinks 10 1/16" 31 9/16" n n n O.D. 18 1/8" x 31 9/16" x 8" (46 x 80 x 20 cm) Recommended for minimum 36" cabinet for Kindred install method 33" cabinet minimum to accept sink bowls 13 9/16" 13 9/16" KGD1U/8CH - Champagne FUN# 114.0061.222 KGD1U/8OS - Oyster FUN# 125.0308.159 KGD1U/8ON - Onyx FUN# 125.0183.330 KGD1U/8ES - Espresso FUN# 125.0183.331 17-1/4” 19-1/4” 0315 17 1/8" 8" DEEP 8" DEEP SPECIFICATION KGD1U/8 Model KGD1U/8 is a double (two equal size) bowl undermount sink, cast from colour Granite composite. Stainless steel strainer waste fittings (3 1/2", 89 mm), template, and installation kit are included. Sink is backed with a lifetime warranty. 0315 n KGDCR1U/8CH - Champagne FUN# 125.0055.314 KGDCR1U/8OS - Oyster FUN# 125.0308.160 866-687-7465 Fax: 800-361-8408 KGDCR1U/8ON - Onyx FUN# 114.0183.332 KGDCR1U/8ES - Espresso FUN#125.0202.026 8 3/8" [21cm] 13 9/16" [35cm] 31 9/16" [80cm] Min. Cabinet Required: 24” O.D. 19-1/4" x 16" x 6-1/2" CSA Approved Colors: White, Cream, or Black Black, White, & Bone Ring Only 61558 n O.D. 18 1/8 " x 31 9/16" x 8" (small bowl is 7" deep) 46 x 80 x 20 cm (small bowl is 18 cm deep) Recommended for minimum 36" cabinet for Kindred install method 33" cabinet minimum to accept sink bowls Counter-Seal CSVU BG180S 61558 n RM50S Printed in Canada KGDCR1U/8 SPECIFICATION C50S 8" [20cm] 11 7/16" [29cm] 13 9/16" [35cm] Model KGDCR1U/8 is a large/small bowl combination Granite composite. Stainless steel strainer 8"undermount DEEP sink, cast from colour 7" DEEP waste fittings (3 1/2", 89 mm), template, and installation kit are included. Sink is backed with a lifetime warranty. GB50 Franke Kindred Canada Limited 10 1/16" [26cm] 31 9/16" [80cm] MB50 BG180S Printed in Canada 28 7/16" Franke Kindred Canada Limited P.O. Box 190, 1000 Franke Kindred Road, Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 4K9 Phone: 31 9/16" 17 1/8" [43cm] Optional Accessories Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 31-9/16" x 18-1/8" x 8" Colors: Oyster, Champagne, Onyx, or Espresso Stainless strainer basket & a bottom grid included 14-1/8” 16” Included Accessories RM50S 7" [18cm] 8" [20cm] 0315 KGS1U/8CH - Champagne FUN# 125.0078.233 KGS1U/8OS - Oyster FUN# 125.0308.173 KGS1U/8ON - Onyx FUN# 125.0183.334 KGS1U/8ES - Espresso FUN#125.0202.340 61558 O.D. 18 1/8 " x 31 9/16" x 8" (46 x 80 x 20 cm) Recommended for minimum 36" cabinet for Kindred install method 8" DEEP 33" cabinet minimum to accept sink bowl Printed in Canada KGS1U/8 SPECIFICATION 18 1/8" C50S 6 5/8" [17cm] Model KGS1U/8 is a single bowl undermount sink, cast from colour Granite composite. Stainless steel strainer waste fitting (3 1/2", 89 mm), template, and installation kit are included. Sink is backed with a lifetime warranty. 31 9/16" See page 5 for color matched strainer baskets for Kindred Granite Sinks Franke Kindred Canada Limited P.O. Box 190, 1000 Franke Kindred Road, Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 4K9 Phone: 866-687-7465 Fax: 800-361-8408 7" DEEP 10 1/16" 15 3/8" 18 1/8" 16 3/4" 18 1/8" 15 3/8" 15 3/8" 18 1/8" 31 9/16" ® 28 7/16" 31 9/16" 13 9/16" 8" DEEP 13 9/16" 16 3/4" Available Counter-Seal Ring Colors The Counter-Seal® system is a functional, decorative seal system that protects 8" DEEP 7" DEEP substrate materials from liquids, enabling stainless steel, granite composite, and 17 1/8" 10 1/16" to be undermounted in porcelain sinks 31 9/16" laminate countertops. 15 3/8" 17 1/8" 8" DEEP 8" DEEP 18 1/8" 8" DEEP 15 3/8" 18 1/8" 15 3/8" Franke Kindred Canada Limited P.O. Box 190, 1000 Franke Kindred Road, Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 4K9 Phone: 866-687-7465 Fax: 800-361-8408 18 1/8" n GB50 12" [30cm] 31 9/16" [80cm] n MB50 18 1/8" 8" [20cm] 12 3/16" [31cm] 15410 BG170S Certified 15 3/4" [40cm] n Kindred KGD1U/8 Optional Accessories Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 31-9/16" x 18-1/8" x 8" (Small 7") Colors: Oyster, Champagne, Onyx, or 28 7/16" Espresso 31 9/16" Stainless strainer basket & a bottom grid included BG190S 28 7/16" [72cm] Plumbing Fixture / Kitchen Sinks Kindred KGDCR1U/8 8" DEEP Included Accessories 15 3/8" RM50S Certified 15 3/8" [39cm] C50S 18 1/8" [46cm] GB50 Franke Kindred Canada Limited 15 3/8" [39cm] MB50 15 3/8" Optional Accessories Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 31-9/16" x 18-1/8" x 8" Colors: Oyster, Champagne, Onyx, or 13 9/16" Espresso 13 9/16" 31 9/16" Stainless strainer basket & a bottom grid included Franke Kindred Canada Limited 18 1/8" [46cm] 18 1/8" Kindred KGS1U/8 8" DEEP 8" DEEP Included Accessories BG210S Certified 15 3/8" [39cm] 15 3/8" 18 1/8" 31 9/16" Printed image not representative of actual ring color or scale. 8" DEEP 13 9/16" 16 3/4" Black 6 Bone White Speckled Sand Speckled Black Espresso Coffee Chip Cinnamon Latte LAMINATE UNDERMOUNT WITHOUT SINK RING Karran Integrated sinks allow undermounting sinks to laminate countertops and the seamless integration of stainless steel sinks into solid surface. From thermo-formed solid surface sinks to stainless steel sinks with cast resin rims, Karran offers practical, beautiful and affordable sink options that are easy to clean. Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Vanity 14-1/4” 14-3/4” 32-3/8” Bottom Grids Available 13-5/8” 15-7/8” Bottom Grid Available 15-1/2” 17-1/2” Bottom Grid Available Acrylic Quartz 13-1/2” 13-1/2” 13-5/8” 31-1/2” White Strainer WHDA006213 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 32-3/8” x 19” x 8-3/8” Colors: White, Bisque, Grey, Black, Concrete, or Brown 15-1/2” 14-1/4” 11-3/4” 14-1/4” 32-3/8” 32” See page 5 for color matched strainer baskets Bisque Strainer WHDA006214 Overflow not standard on Karran vanities, they need to be ordered and attached. York model is available with integrated overflow if “IO” model is ordered. O.D. 21” x 14” x 5-3/4” Colors: White or Bisque 12” 14” 12-3/4” 15” 16-1/4” 18-3/4” Karran HD530 19” 21” Karran HD535 Karran OXFORD O.D. 20-1/2” x 17-5/8” x 7-1/2” O.D. 24-3/16” x 17-11-16” x 8-3/4” O.D. 21-7/8” x 15-3/4” x 6-1/2” Colors: White or Bisque Colors: White or Bisque Colors: White or Bisque 18-5/8” 20-1/2” 22-7/16” 24-3/16” Karran sinks can also be undermounted in Solid Surface & Quartz tops. 12-3/4” 15-3/4” O.D. 18-3/4” x 12-7/8” x 7” Colors: White or Bisque 15-15/16” 17-11/16” Karran WINDSOR Karran SHEFFIELD 10-1/4” 12-7/8” Karran YORK O.D. 18-1/2” x 15” x 5-1/4” Colors: White or Bisque 13-5/8” 31-3/4” 15-3/4” 17-5/8” Acrylic Vanity Sinks Karran Q-350 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 32” x 21-1/4” x 9” (Small 7-1/4”) Colors: White or Bisque 16-1/2” 19” 16-3/4” 19” 17” 19-1/8” 14-3/8” 32-7/8” Karran SORRENTO 18-3/4” 21-1/4” 14-3/8” Karran HAMPTON Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 31-3/4” x 20-3/4” x 8-3/4” Colors: White or Bisque 15-3/4” Karran NEWPORT Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 31-1/2” x 19” x 8-3/4” Colors: White or Bisque 18-1/2” 20-3/4” Karran A-350 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 32-7/8” x 19-1/8” x 9” Colors: White or Bisque 16-1/4” 18-1/2” Karran E-303 O.D. 17-1/2” x 14-3/8” x 5-3/4” 18 Gauge 15-5/8” 17-7/8” 28-3/8” 30-3/4” 13-5/8” 32-3/8” Bottom Grids Available Karran E-315 Min. Cabinet Required: 18” O.D. 15-7/8” x 17-7/8” x 8” (Small 6-1/4”) 18 Gauge 12-1/4” 14-3/8” Karran E-340 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 30-3/4” x 18-7/8” x 9” 18 Gauge 16-3/8” 18-7/8” 16-1/2” 19” 18-1/2” 21-1/8” 14-1/4” Karran E-360R Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 32-3/8” x 21-1/8” x 8-1/2” (Small 6-1/4”) 18 Gauge 16” Karran E-350 Min. Cabinet Required: 36” O.D. 32-3/8” x 19” x 8-1/2” 18 Gauge 18-3/4” 21-7/8” 7 PORCELAIN VANITY BOWLS Vessel Sinks Color options listed are what we stock. Call for availability of additional options. O.D. 20-1/4" x 14-1/8" x 5-3/4" White 17-3/4” 9-5/8” 16-1/8” 20-1/4” O.D. 20-3/8" x 16-7/8" x 6" White or Bisque 17-1/8” 20-3/4” 14-3/4” 17” Chemcore BUD O.D. 15-1/4” x 13-3/8” x 5-7/8" White or Bisque 13-3/8” 15-1/4” Chemcore DAISY O.D. 22-1/4" x 18-7/8" x 7-5/8" White or Bisque 1 or 3 hole available 17-1/8” 22-1/8” Chemcore TRENCH O.D. 20-7/8" x 14-5/8" x 6-7/8" White or Bisque 18-1/8” 20-7/8” 8 Chemcore BASIN O.D. 20-5/8” x 13-1/4” x 5-1/4" White or Bisque 828 NP Ave Fargo, ND 58102 ph 701.298.0644 800.298.0644 fx 701.235.0584 18-1/4” 20-5/8” 11” 13-1/4” 21-1/4” 24-1/8” 12-1/2” 15-1/4” O.D. 24-1/8" x 15-1/4" x 5-1/2" White or Bisque 11-7/8” 14-5/8” Chemcore TROUGH 3700 Global Dr Bismarck, ND 58501 ph 701.223.4304 800.298.0644 fx 701.323.7143 Chemcore DERBY O.D. 17-1/2" x 15-1/8" x 7" White or Black 13-3/4” 17-5/8” 11-1/4” 15-1/4” O.D. 17" x 14" x 6-1/8" White, Bisque, or Black 12-1/4” 18-3/4” Chemcore ACORN 11-1/2” 13-3/8” 14-1/4” 15-3/4” 17-1/2” 19-3/8” Drop-In Sinks 11-7/8” 14” Chemcore LOTUS 19-1/4” Chemcore APRON Undermount Sinks O.D. 19-1/2" x 15-3/4" x 6-1/2" White, Bisque, or Black 18-1/8” Chemcore DUGOUT O.D. 22-5/8" x 18-1/4" x 6-5/8" White or Bisque 4” C/C only 14-5/8” 22-5/8” 130 Riverside Rd Billings, MT 59101 ph 406.245.6770 800.298.0644 fx 406.245.6975 11-1/8” 18-1/4” 17-1/8” 20-1/8” Chemcore BASIN VESSEL 11-5/8” 14-1/4” Chemcore BOX 15-1/2” 16-5/8” O.D. 18-1/2" x 13-3/4" x 5-3/8" White or Bisque 15-3/8” 16-5/8” 23-1/2” 17-1/2” outer dia. Chemcore TUB O.D. 16-1/2" x 16-1/2" x 5-3/8" White, Bisque, or Black 11” 17-1/4” 16” inner dia. O.D. 19-3/16" x 15-3/16" x 5-1/4" White or Bisque Chemcore CONTOUR 12-1/4” 13-1/2” Chemcore CANOE O.D. 22-7/8" x 14-3/4" x 7-1/2" White 15-1/2” Chemcore BLOOM O.D. 17-3/4" x 17-3/4” x 5-7/8" White or Bisque 4501 103rd Ct NE Suite 170 Blaine, MN 55014 763.270.0580 fx 763.444.1803 Northern Pacific Center 1340 Northern Pacific Rd Brainerd, MN 56401 218.838.5114 fx 218.824.5621
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