Read Dr. Lippitt`s full Alumni Reflection here.


Read Dr. Lippitt`s full Alumni Reflection here.
Ug Orthopedics
Ali Bagheri,NID
-5prire5irrgerr-,tl tn irnaI! y
/r:rasir,ecl Conrpler Re{:rr.srrucliye
NicholasJ. DiNicola, lvlD
()rthopeclic lrauna
.1dult Recor:stnrcf
A! .5ur,qer!.
-9pine Suigen-l.l
l , ' . , . r . - .r','? l 'e r
i n i nt al I t
q '.t..r'...f
Jordan P. Crossnan,
Foot & irlle
Nlichele L. Hatherill, MD
{,eneraIO rthopedic 5rrrsen
RachelL" Hunmel, D()
Anthorr1,T. Karttaras,N'lD
.Sportj ,l'/edlcine
(neer& Shou/derSurqcrt
I otal Kn ee Arthtopl astr
L a u r enL. K is hnan,D P M
ioot & Ank/e
Williaml. Kurtz, i)lD
arthr:peclic Trauna
,Ar/ulaReconstrlr:five .Srrrpcrr
William D. Lanzinger,MD
I land Surgerv
Aaron N'l. Lear,MD
5p{)rli l./edlclne
?ritnarv Care
Sreven B. Lippitt, MD
-Shculder& Flbcu,Sirrer.r'l,
leiierv Peiifer,D{)
-lpOrfi ,V/ediche
Prinarv Care
lohn L. Pinkowski,
Knee r! Shou/de.rSurger',;
Iota/ Knoe.,1
Michael J. Smith,MD
!,licrcsurger,tcti the Spine
PaulA. Steurer,NID
,\1ccli caII v,l/al:rge'r/
arthopedic lssues
Iom R. Thontpson, NID
.Adull Reconstrucl;ve
Hlp t Knee Repia.e/refi
Amv E.Tucker,
()rthopedic Surg:n
Foor & Ank/e .Surger1:
CregoryA. Vrahec, NiD
uIt Recor)strLrctiye-5urqen,
l/lp & Knee Rephcemenl
NO O A - 0 0. 4
. .I 0 1 0 7 1 5 1
StevenB. Lippitt, MD
ClinicAkron General
Akron, Ohio
JJJ I E.rchangc-5lr€ret,Suite110, ,\ kron, ()t1 :11 iLt:
11j i ,ti edi na R oac/.-9urte2A 0( & )01 . A k rr,tn,
OH 41 I ) )
l 946Torvn P arkB l vd., S ui te l 0O, Ltni onton,n.Ol i l l { tB 5
'1.10) Allen Road, Sulte ..110, Sto*, ()H :l-+.]20
l.l J. r\Jain Slreet.Nlunrot Falls,OH ,1'll6)
).t0-3.1,1BO \t f i 2 66 i )
1-8A A ,4B 8951)
Universityof WashingtonShoulderand ElbowFellowship
fuly 1, 1990- |une30,1992
I cantruthfully saythat Dr. Matsen'sFellowshipexperiencewas so
outstandingthat I beggedto stayan additionalyear. Evenbeforewe
arrived,Rickand AnneMatsenadoptedmy wife and new born son,
Corey,helpingus selectand moveinto our apartment.Throughout
the 2 years,Rickprovideda wonderfulbalanceof the excellentpatient
careand researchdutieswith the importanceof family,which Rick
and Anne modeledso well. They often providedweekendactivity
ideasto enjoythe greatnorthwest,which providedfoellenand I very
specialmemories.I alsorecallthe mentoringgainedwith the late Dr.
DougHarryman.He and his youngfamily sharedvery much in making
us feelat hopeduringour time there.
This fellowshipprovideda remarkableclinicaland surgical
experiencewith a brilliant coordinationwith the residents'rotation.
UnderDr. Matsen'schairmanship,I neverfelt accusedof distractingor
stealingfrom the residents'hands-on
which canbe a
problemin somefellowships.I quickly gainedexperiencein the
balanceof teachingresidentswhile advancingin my fellow duties,
which helpedmold my desireto teachresidentsas a career(which I
haveenjoyedfor 24yearsthus far).
The fellowshipacademicperspectivewas incredible.Therewere often
severalinternationalvisiting fellowsor faculfi/presentat any given
time which enhancedthe learningatmosphere.Mywife and I very
much enjoyedDr. FrancisBallmerand his youngfamily visiting from
Switzerland.Dr. Matsencould uniquelymanagethe pull from many
directionsto the benefitof all involved.He truly hashad a global
contributionto fellow educationduring his continued,illustrious
professorship.I enjoyedbeingin Seattlewhen Dr. Matsenwas the
ASESpresidentfand climbingMt. Ranierroped to his teamJ.I recall
the AAOSShouldermeetinghe hostedin Hawaiiwith an amazing
The researchexperiencewas certainlya highlightof my fellowship.
Dr. fohn Sidlesplayeda literally geniusrole in much of the UW
biomechanicalexperiments.Dr. Matsendisplayeda selfless
commitmentto shoulderresearch,allowingDougHarrymanto drill 7+
inch Steinmanpins into his scapulaspineand proximalhumeralshaft
for attachmentof sensorson at leasttwo occasionsfor extensive
\lenrb<,.roi \ltron fenera/ Pitrtnersand Partntr:; Pl,.r.'sir:l.rn
L,roirp . [r.1ual()pporLunitr En]plover
kinematicanalysisof shouldermotionand stability.Dr Matsenunderstoodthe
potentialbiasthat as a fellow who would havelikely doneanythinghe asked,I was
neverapproachedor pressuredto participatein this invasivetechniquemyself. I
becameso enthralledwith the extentof quality researchprojectsand subsequent
publications,that I discussedthe opportunity of an additionalyear with research
emphasis.Dr Matsenwas extremelyaccommodating
and helpedcoordinate
continuedclinicaldutiesalongwith Statisticscoursesat UW.He arrangeda visit
with my orthopaedicresidencychairman,Dr. BuelSmith,Akron GeneralMedical
Center,which helpedme securetheir positionof OrthopaedicResidencyResearch
Directorupon my completion,a positionI continueto hold. I very much enjoyed
working with the next year'sfellow,Dr. MichaelPearl,who alongwith many of Dr.
Matsen'sgraduates,went on to amazingshoulderspecialtycareersafter his
mentoring.Needlessto say,Dr. Matsen'scontinuedinfluencehasbeenvalued
throughoutmy career.
My interestin educationvia medicalillustration alsoblossomedwhile in Seattle.I
learnedof a UW coursein basiccomputerillustration,"MacromediaFreehand"for
the Maccomputer,which I was allowedto attendon Saturdaymornings.Rick
that I becameconfidentin providingshoulder
conceptfiguresfor the abundantpublicationscomingfrom the program.He
subsequentlyinvited me to be co-authorfor the text, PracticalEvaluationand
the Shoulder(Matsen,Lippitt,Sidles,Harryman,W.B.Saunders,
L994).This helpeddevelopmy style of illustrationsthat hasopenedmany doors
with variousshouldersurgeonsand projectsthroughoutmy career.My illustrations,
though,haveneverhad suchprofoundimportanceaswhen linked with Dr. Matsen's
The Shoulderand Elbow Fellowshipof UW under Dr. RickMatsen'sdirectionhas
continuedto definemanytenantsof successfulpractice.To mentionbut a few of the
establishedprinciplesthat we all benefitfrom include:
Rotator Cuff
- Changein emphasisfrom extrinsicimpingementand acromioplastyto
intrinsic factorswith cufftears
- Importanceof preservingthe acromialarch and CAligamentwith largeand
- Rotatorcuff and ConcavityCompression
- Mobilizationtechniquesfor contractedcuff tears
- Humeroscapularmotion interface
- Rationalefor anatomicBankartrepair to the glenoidrim to restoreglenoid
labral concavity
- Stabilitymechanismsof Concavity-Compression,
and BalancedNet GlenohumeralReactionForce
- Importanceof rehabilitationin atraumatic,multidirectionalinstability
TUBSvs AMBRIIacronym
Conceptof tight capsuleand obligatetranslationandeccentricjoint load
- Conformingvs Nonconformingarthroplasty;Diametricmismatch(previous
Neerconformingglenoidand rim loadingwith increasedwear and loosening
via rockinghorsemechanismJ
- Introductionof glenoidsphericalreamingto enhancebonecontactof poly
- Fivepegglenoidfor multiplaneglenoidfixationvs. previouskeeledglenoid
- Offsethumeralheadcenterof rotation relativeto definedhumeralaxisand
subsequentintroductionof eccentrichumeralheadcomponent
- Balancedarthroplasty;avoidoverstuffing,40/5A/60
rule for softtissue
- Humeralcanalanatomyvs.humeralstem fixationand concepthumeral
- Problemswith glenoidprostheticarthroplasty:Ream& Runtechnique
- Earlycareeremphasison outcomeresearchfrecognizingCodmanJ
- SimpleShoulderTest[SST)
- Costeffectiveshoulderpractice(early perspective!)
- Importanceof radiographicanalysis
I remain extremelygratefuland humbledat the opportunityto work with Dr.
Matsenand beingpart of suchan eliteShoulderand Elbowfellowshipprogram.
Steve Lippitt, MD

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