twothousand12 - Logistica Management
twothousand12 - Logistica Management media kittwothousand12 LOGISTICA MANAGEMENT is the leading magazine in the Italian logistics and supply chain management market. It is the official magazine of AILOG (Italian Logistics Association) and has been in publication for over twenty years targeting a broad spectrum of managers in the areas of logistics, production, distribution and supply chain. With a monthly circulation of 8000 copies, 10 issues are published throughout the year, including the YEARBOOK, which features a yearly in-depth overview of the industry. The web site and weekly e-newsletter complement the printed magazine, supplying information in real time to managers and directors in Italian companies. In addition, Logistica Management videos on, bring news to life and serves as an excellent and efficient tool of communication. Target Audience Logistica Management readership encompasses professionals, directors and managers in production (food and non food), retail distribution and key players in logistics and transport companies. Directors of logistics and supply chain management 28,2% Logistics and production managers 21,5% Logistics consultants and organizations 12% Directors of companies supplying technology and service to the logistics market 13,3% Production supervisors 12% Managing directors and company presidents 9% Professors, researchers, students and others 4% Companies and Industry Sectors Logistics and Transport Services Retail Distribution 19% 11,4% Logistica Management Food and Beverage Clothing Electronics and electrical Chemical and pharmaceutical Mechanical/Metalworking Various Furniture and accessories Logistics education 12,9% 15,9% 11,2% 10,5% 6,5% 5,9% 4,8% 2,1% Circulation Monthly Frequency: 8,000 copies on a monthly basis of which 3500 are subscribers and 6500 are contacts selected on a rotating basis from a database of 25,000 names. The magazine is distributed at all the most important industry events. Where in Italy NORTH CENTRAL SOUTH ISLANDS 60% 28% 10% 2% 224 April Initiatives RETAIL LOGISTIC SERVICES WORKSHOP: SOFTWARE FOR MANUFACTURING/MES All print editions cover topics related to the world of logistics and supporting this, there are the following initiatives: LEAN HEALTHCARE Logistics contribution to healthcare management SPECIAL THEMES : in-depth coverage of a special topic or news in the logistics world. The content prepared by the editorial staff is dedicated to a specific area and can also be based on company contributions. WORKSHOPS : focus on a specific range of products and technologies. The content is made up of advertorial spaces on double page. THE YEARBOOK of Logistica Management’s July/ August edition: an overview of the leading suppliers and technology for logistics. Content is organized in an info-sheet format with a lay-out that highlights the essential technical information. Editorial Calendar 2012 225 May 226 June FASHION: Logistics and value added technology WORKSHOP: FORK LIFTS 227 July August Logistica Management YEARBOOK VALUE-ADDED LOGISTICS OPERATORS, MATERIAL HANDLING AND TECHNOLOGY 228 September GREEN LOGISTCS Reverse logistics, alternative energy, innovative buildings, recyclable packaging, alternative transport systems WORKSHOP: SOFTWARE FOR SCM 222 October THE LOGISTICS OF E-COMMERCE: planning, management, delivery WORKSHOP: FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES: ROUTE OPTIMIZATION, GEO/RADIO TRACKING AND GPS 223 November 222 January/February OUTSOURCING: models and strategies 223 March THE MANAGEMENT OF “SEASONALITY ” WORKSHOP: SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE FOR DEMATERIALIZATION INTERMODAL TRANSPORT Ports, Interports and international logistic networks LAST MILE LOGISTICS WORKSHOP: Automated warehouses 224 December Portal and Web Marketing As a complement to the print magazine, is a meeting place for the key players in the logistics market: a forum where the latest information is available on a daily basis. Updates on transport, logistics, technology solutions and support are all available on a broad basis to furnish real value to companies. KEY DATA PORTAL: diverse communication options with banner advertising (rotating, slim, frame) and fixed buttons. e-NEWSLETTER weekly publication sent to 10,496 users (includes communication banners) DEM/HTML: custom messages sent in defined web (avarage monthly statistics 2011) - unique visitors/month: - pages visited/month : 12.996 32.490 newsletter - Registered users : 10.496 video TeMichannel on YouTube (from june 2011 to october 2011) 3.636 viewings periods, ideal for product launches, strategies and market news. Sent to registered users COMPANY VIDEO: production of company videos and video interviews posted on com/temichannel as well as the home page of Logistica Management , in prime position for a week. All videos are promoted via the dedicated e-newsletter. BA NN ER 10 00 x1 00 portal SL IM BA NN ER 10 00 x4 5 8x 60 BA N N ER 46 8x 60 BA N N ER 46 FR A M E 5 ER 10 00 x4 SL IM BA N N FIX ED BU TTO NS 30 0x 30 0 TTO N S FI XE D BU30 30 0x 0 FIX ED BU TTO NS 30 0x 10 0 TTO N S FI XE D BU10 30 0x 0 TTO N S FI XE D BU20 30 0x 0 SL IM B A N N ER 10 00 X 45 fixe d bu tt o ns 30 0x 30 0 FIXED BUTTO 300X100 NS FIX ED BU TTO NS 30 0x 20 0 fixe d bu tt o ns 30 0x 20 0 fixe d bu tt o ns 30 0x 20 0 weekly newsletter banner DEM(html) custom Web marketing 2012 portal SERVICE DESCRIPTION DURATION BANNER STANDARD 468x 60 pixel, graphic / flash / code file, app. 50kb; viewed in rotation (max 10 banner) 3 months 6 months 12 months BANNER LEADERBOARD 1000x100 pixel,graphic / flash / code file, app. 50kb; viewed in rotation (max 5 banner) 3 months 6 months 12 months BANNER SLIM 1000x45 pixel, graphic / flash/ code file, app. 50kb viewed in rotation (max 5 banner) 3 months 6 months 12 months FIXED BUTTONS 300X300 - 300X200 - 300X100 pixel - graphic/ flash / code file, 50kb, fixed right side, always visible in all pages of site 1 month 300x300 1 month 300x200 1 month 300x100 FRAME Rectangle totaling 1260x1000 pixel, with usable area made up of: -2 side bands 130X900 pixel + -upper band 1000x100 pixel, graphic or flash file max 250kb, visible only on home page VIDEO - 10mb, format 320x240,wmv,ar 4100,fps15 - 1 company logo 160x50 pixel - title and description (50 characters) - link sent with newsletter and posted on on home page of for one week VIDEO production Complete turnkey service 1 week 1 day newsletter SERVICE DESCRIPTION BANNER STANDARD 468x60 pixel, JPG or GIF graphic file, 50kb FILE HTML/DEM charset=iso-8859-1 images on line on your server w w w . l o g i s t i c a m a n a g e m e n t . i t Advertising 2012 technical specs magazine PAGES Double page Full page Half page Special positioning FULL PAGE TRIM 210x290 mm Cover 2 Cover 3 Cover 4 ADVERTORIAL Full page Double page Editor is responsible for the graphic layout supplied by the advertiser. 1/2 PAGE HORIZ. 210x145 mm 1/2 PAGE VERT. 103x290 mm Material: - High resolution PDF - bleed: 4 mm per side for trim, with crosses and cut marks Reserving space: 60 days from the date of publication of the edition of materials Material delivery: via e-mail at least 45 days before the printing date Publication: generally the last week of the cover month YEARBOOK JULY/AUGUST Full page Double page 2011 Dossier leaN: “sNelli per competere” l’importaNza Del risk maNagemeNt Nell’area acquisti Dematic, iNNovazioNe iN movimeNto Workshop : softWare per il scm oda 2011 o della m Nel moNd de ll a re te logiStica a ca l gi : e te l ra a i St c Spe ca zio Ne uz ioN e/ me S ai N: pi aN ifi pe r la pr od Su pp ly ch op : So ft Wa re Sh rk o tWo t o b R e a 2 ic i 0 1 1 tic r lo giS i ve t z iN o a a m B io m aG a z ic N 1 r atto u i 1L’imp deLL : 0 d a tecN H i 2 oLog suLL Gio pa rtia RFid BS N i ’out-oF- stoc k ge 1 maG d e l l13e/04/11 15o:3r2 tPai ita l ia eRieN meto G iS t ic S aespe z io N 0 o pdue appR occi peR La e e N l o doiae/o 180x18 a za: N if ic T ITAL LeaN li er l e : G r oRga p CA ia a AGEMEN i N e G c l AN e &M p Nizat S r cWoRk shop : geoL ocaL izzaz za ISTI ioNe ioNe e siste mi gps f f ic ie N 180x180 :LOG ic o m d e lICl’A&eMANAGEMENTdITeALl t r a f f o ST r d LOGI Qua logiST per Editrice TeMi Srl al CMP di Roserio to recapito inviare In caso di manca reca Edi di mancato In caso inE MagaZ . 7.5 PT E - € 7.5 PT MAGAZIN Luglio / Agosto 2011 - Anno 22 n. 217 pagamento resi. e al mittente previo GISTICA MANAGEMENT di Roserio per la restituzion apito inviare al CMP DISCOUNT 20% 30% 40% 2011 e 2011 - io pagamento resi ditrice TeMi Srl logiST Maggio prev ica ManagEMEnT n caso di mancato 22 n. 215 ione al mittente - anno 219 recapito inviare al CMP EnT - anno22 ituz ottobre 2011 la EM PT MagaZinE perper Managdi Roserio la restituzione al mittente e 7.5 PT MagaZinE 2011 - e 7.5 di Roserio iSTica 22 n. 214 aprile previo pagame pagamento resi. - annonto i Srl log pito inviare al CMP mittente previo resi. ica ManagEMEnT trice TeM la restituzione al ORGANO UFFICIAL E DI LUGLIO/AGOSTO discount Editrice TeMi Srl logiSTica ManagEMEnT - anno 22 n. 218 Settembre 2011 - e 7.5 PT MagaZinE In caso di mancato recapito inviare al CMP di Roserio per la restituzione al mittente previo pagamento resi. ORGAN O UFFICI ALE DI DI ORGA NO UFFIC IALE DI UFF ICIA LE °20107 N°0 aprile ADVERTISING PLACEMENT Front and back sheet max size : 280 x 205 on 200g weight paper For different formats/weights, request custom quote GROSS REVENUE From 10,000 to 20,000 From 20,000 to 30,000 > 30.000 settembre ORGANO UFFICIALE DI N°215 N°214 of materials OR GAN O Double page Editor is responsible for the graphic layout supplied by the advertiser. N°219 N°218 WORKSHOP Copertina.indd 1 ISTICI OPERATORI LOG NTO A VALORE AGGIU n no IONE TAZ EN in VIM a MO ch stra ply . e la vo loreGIO tra sup STO crescita vaAG e vostra ntoCC integrat La vos avutoE ta per la istiche chiave ioni log et mento un eleMA nte soluz TIO N siness.n ha mai lla supply chINF ain è OR efco-bu stanteme co w.g ta en il sito ww ollo de ate e implem ult Y tta ns Il contr OG ge co , OL più O pro TEC HN perne di à. GEFC l'Annuario 13/09/11 10:07 19/04/11 12:57 L’EXPERTISE NELLA LOGIST ICA CHE FARA’ CRESCERE IL VOS TRO BUSINESS Copertina.indd 1 . Per sa redditivit azionale la intern su sca .logisticamanagemen 13/05/11 09:57 specialized publishing house, web marketing, event organization E D I T R I C E T E M I publishes Logistica Management (, the magazine of reference for the Italian logistics and supply chain management market and official journal of AILOG (Italian Logistics Association). In addition, the company publishes DATACollection (, in Italy (since 1995), in Spain (since 1997) and in France (since 2000), a monthly publication focussing on automatic identification technology and solutions for tracking, tracing and logistics and GreenLog (, a Spanish magazine dedicated to sustainable logistics. Editrice TeMi also organizes targeted events and offers its clients a range of web marketing services that provide complete market communication in real time and organization of targeted events.. Editrice TeMi manages the web TV channel, which publishes videos of case histories and demonstrations of products and services. This is a highly efficient tool that complements the print and web content of the magazines. CONTACTS Editrice TeMi Srl Via Italia 39 -20900 Monza (MB), tel. 039-2302398, fax 039-2302383 General Management and Administration Advertising: Marketing: Editorial: Subscriptions: