Processamento Paralelo Introdução
Processamento Paralelo Introdução
Ontological Foundations for Conceptual Modeling Giancarlo Guizzardi Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil CAISE 2012 Gdansk, Poland What is Conceptual Modeling? • “the activity of formally describing some aspects of the physical and social world around us for purposes of understanding and communication…Conceptual modelling supports structuring and inferential facilities that are psychologically grounded. After all, the descriptions that arise from conceptual modelling activities are intended to be used by humans, not machines... The adequacy of a conceptual modelling notation rests on its contribution to the construction of models of reality that promote a common understanding of that reality among their human users.” • John Mylopoulos Definition (Oxford) • • • Definition (1): a branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being; Definition (2): a particular theory about the nature of being or the kinds of existents; Defintion (3): a theory concerning the kinds of entities that are to be admitted to a language system. Formal Ontology • • To uncover and analyze the general categories and principles that describe reality is the very business of philosophical Formal Ontology Formal Ontology (Husserl): a discipline that deals with formal ontological structures (e.g. theory of parts, theory of wholes, types and instantiation, identity, dependence, unity) which apply to all material domains in reality. ? Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Mixin Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Phase Role Anti-Rigid MixinType RoleMixin Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Mixin Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Phase Role Anti-Rigid MixinType RoleMixin R ? Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Mixin Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Phase Role Anti-Rigid MixinType RoleMixin R R’ Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Mixin Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Phase Role Anti-Rigid MixinType RoleMixin Situations represented by the valid specifications of language L Admissible state of affairs according to a conceptualization C State of affairs represented by the valid models of Ontology O1 State of affairs represented by the valid models of Ontology O2 Admissible state of affairs according to the conceptualization underlying O2 Admissible state of affairs according to the conceptualization underlying O1 State of affairs represented by the valid models of Ontology O1 State of affairs represented by the valid models of Ontology O2 Admissible state of affairs according to the conceptualization underlying O2 Admissible state of affairs according to the conceptualization underlying O1 FALSE AGREEMENT! “one of the main reasons that so many online market makers have foundered [is that] the transactions they had viewed as simple and routine actually involved many subtle distinctions in terminology and meaning” (Harvard Business Review) “What are ontologies and why we need them?” 1. Reference Model of Consensus to support different types of Semantic Interoperability Tasks 2. Explicit, declarative and machine processable artifact coding a domain model to enable efficient automated reasoning A Software Engineering view… Conceptual Modeling Implementation1 Implementation2 Implementation3 A Software Engineering view… Conceptual Modeling DESIGN Implementation1 Implementation2 Implementation3 …transported to Ontological Engineering Ontology as a Conceptual Model Ontology as Implementation1 (SHOIN/OWL-DL, DLRUS) Ontology as Implementation2 (CASL) Ontology as Implementation3 (Alloy, F-Logic…) …transported to Ontological Engineering Ontology as a Conceptual Model DESIGN Ontology as Implementation1 (SHOIN/OWL-DL, DLRUS) Ontology as Implementation2 (CASL) Ontology as Implementation3 (Alloy, F-Logic…) Semantic Networks (Collins & Quillian, 1967) KL-ONE (Brachman, 1979) The Logical Level • x Apple(x) Red(x) The Epistemological Level Apple color = red Red sort = apple The Ontological Level sortal universal Apple color = red Red characterizing Universal (mixin) sort = apple Foundations • (1) We can only make identity and identification statements with the support of a Sortal, i.e., the identity of an individual can only be traced in connection with a Sortal type, which provides a principle of individuation and identity to the particulars it collects Every Object in a conceptual model (CM) of the domain must be an instance of a class representing a sortal type Foundations • Moreover, since Non-Sortals cannot supply a principle of identity for its instances, we have that, all Non-Sortal Types in the model must be represented as Abstract Classes Unique principle of Identity X YY Unique principle of Identity X YY Foundations • (2) An individual cannot obey incompatible principles of identity Distinctions Among Categories of Object Types Type Object Type Sortal Type {Person, Apple, Student} Non-Sortal Type {Insurable Item, Red} Rigidity (R+) • A type T is rigid if for every instance x of T, x is necessarily (in the modal sense) an instance of T. In other words, if x instantiates T in a given world w, then x must instantiate T in every possible world w’: R+(T) =def □(x T(x) □(T(x))) e.g., R+(Person) =def □(x Person(x) □(Person(x))) Anti-Rigidity (R-) • A types T is anti-rigid if for every instance x of T, x is possibly (in the modal sense) not an instance of T. In other words, if x instantiates T in a given world w, then there is a possible world w’ in which x does not instantiate T: R-(T) =def □(x T(x) (T(x))) e.g., R-(Student) =def □(x Student) (Student(x))) Distinctions Among Categories of Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Non-Sortal Type {Insurable Item} Rigid Sortal Type {Person, Brazilian} Anti-Rigid Sortal Type {Student, Teenager, FootballPlayer} A principle of identity cannot be supplied by either of these two anti-rigid types, since it should be used to identify individuals in every possible situations! Foundations • (3) If an individual falls under two sortals in the course of its history there must be exactly one ultimate rigid sortal of which both sortals are specializations and from which they inherit a principle of identity S … P P’ Restriction Principle S … P P’ (4) Instances of P and P’ must have obey a principle of identity (by 1) (5) The principles obeyed by the instances of P and P’ must be the same (by 2) (6) The common principle of identity cannot be supplied by P neither by P’ Uniqueness Principle G (7) G and S cannot have incompatible principles of identity (by 2). Therefore, either: - G supplies the same principle as S and therefore G is the ultimate Sortal - G is does not supply any principle of identity (non-sortal) … S … P P’ Distinctions Among Categories of Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Non-Sortal Type {Insurable Item} Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type {Student, Teenager, FootballPlayer} Kind subKind {Person} {Man, Woman} Foundations • Since the unique principle of identity supplied by a Kind is inherited by its subclasses, we have that: • An Object in a conceptual model of the domain cannot instantiate more than one ultimate Kind «kind» SocialBeing «kind» Group Organization instance of TheBeatles I1 «kind» SocialBeing I1, I2 «kind» Group Organization instance of I1, I2 TheBeatles I2 «kind» SocialBeing «kind» Group Organization instance of TheBeatles «kind» SocialBeing «kind» Group Organization instance of TheBeatles Model extracted from CyC! «kind» SocialBeing «kind» Group Organization instance of TheBeatles Model extracted from CyC! This fragment also Present in FOAF! «kind» SocialBeing «kind» Group «constitution» Organization instance of TheBeatles Staff instance of {John,Paul,George,Ringo} Foundations • It is not the case that we cannot have multiple supertyping. Only that we a type cannot have multiple kinds as supertypes! Type ObjectType Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Non-Sortal Type subKind A Kind cannot be a supertype of another Kind Type ObjectType Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Non-Sortal Type subKind A subKind cannot be a supertype of a kind Type ObjectType Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Non-Sortal Type subKind A subKind type MUST have as a supertype a (unique) Kind Type ObjectType Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Non-Sortal Type subKind An Anti-Rigid type MUST have as a supertype a (unique) Kind Type ObjectType Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Non-Sortal Type subKind A Kind cannot be a supertype of a Non-Sortal Type Type ObjectType Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Non-Sortal Type subKind A Kind cannot be a supertype of a Non-Sortal Type in fact, since all sortals will inherit a principle of Identity from a Kind Type ObjectType Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Non-Sortal Type subKind A Sortal Type cannot be a supertype of a Non-Sortal Type Relational Dependence (D+) • A type T is relationally dependent on another type P via relation R iff for every instance x of T there is an instance y of P such that x and y are related via R: D+(T,P,R) =def □(x T(x) y P(y) R(x,y)) e.g., D+(Student, School, Enrolled-at) =def □(x Student(x) y School (y) Enrolled-at(x,y)) Distinctions Among Categories of Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Non-Sortal Type {Insurable Item} Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind subKind {Person} {Man, Woman} Phase {Teenager, LivingPerson} Role {Student, Husband} Roles «role» Student enrolled-at School * Roles e n «role» Student enrolled-at School * The Relational property in this case is part of the very definition of the Role: Student(x) =def Person(x) y School(y) enrolled-at(x,y) Roles • Defined as a (anti-rigid) specialization of a kind such that the specialization condition is a relational one (correlated with derivation by participation) «kind»Person enrolled-at «role»Student «kind»School 1..* 1..* «kind»Person enrolled-at «role»Student «kind»School 1..* 1..* SCHOOL PERSON STUDENT WORLD W «kind»Person enrolled-at «role»Student «kind»School 1..* 1..* SCHOOL PERSON STUDENT WORLD W’ «kind»Person enrolled-at «role»Student «kind»School 1..* 1..* SCHOOL PERSON STUDENT WORLD W’’ Phases • Defined as a (anti-rigid) specialization of a kind such that the specialization condition is an intrinsic one • Phases are always defined in a so-called Phase Partition • Phase Partitions are partitions in strong sense, i.e., they are disjoint and complete generalization sets Person {disjoint,complete} «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson Person {disjoint,complete} «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson LivingPerson Deceased Person PERSON WORLD W Person {disjoint,complete} «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson LivingPerson Deceased Person PERSON WORLD W’ Person {disjoint,complete} «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson LivingPerson Deceased Person PERSON WORLD W’’ {disjoint,complete} «kind» Person «phase» DeceasedPerson {disjoint,complete} «subkind» Man «phase» LivingPerson «subkind» Woman {disjoint,complete} «kind» Person «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson {disjoint,complete} «subkind» Man «subkind» Woman Man Living Person Deceased Person Woman PERSON WORLD W {disjoint,complete} «kind» Person «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson {disjoint,complete} «subkind» Man «subkind» Woman Man Living Person Deceased Person Woman PERSON WORLD W’ «phase» Child {disjoint,complete} {disjoint,complete} «kind» Person «phase» Teenager «phase» Adult «phase» DeceasedPerson {disjoint,complete} «subkind» Man «phase» LivingPerson «subkind» Woman «role» Customer «kind» Person «role» Customer «kind» Person «kind» Organization «role» Customer «kind» Person «kind» Organization An anti-rigid type cannot be a supertype of a Rigid Type WORLD W Student Person Instance of x WORLD W Student Instance of Person Instance of x WORLD W’ Student R- Instance of Person Instance of x Since Student is anti-rigid, there must be a world W’ such that x is not an instance of Student in W’ WORLD W’ Student R- Person R+ Instance of Instance of x But since Person is rigid then x must be an instance of Person in all worlds, including in W’ WORLD W’ Student R- Person R+ Instance of Instance of Instance of x But, given the semantics of supertying, we have that in all worlds (including W’), whoever is a Person is a Student WORLD W’ Student R- Person R+ Instance of Instance of Instance of x We run into a logical contradiction! Subtyping with Rigid and Anti-Rigid Types Student Person 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. x Person(x) □Person(x) x Student(x) Student(x) □(Person(x) Student(x)) Person(John) Student(John) □Person(John) □Student(John) □Student(John) Student(John) Logical Contradiction! Type ObjectType Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Non-Sortal Type subKind Phase Role An anti-rigid type cannot be a supertype of a Rigid Type Different Categories of Object Types Category of Type Supply Identity Inherits Identity Rigidity Dependence SORTAL - + « kind » + + + - « subkind » - + + - « role » - + - + « phase » - + - - NON-SORTAL - - Distinctions Among Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type subkind {Person} Phase Rigid Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Role {Student, {Teenager, Living Person} Employee} {Customer} Distinctions Among Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Kind subkind Phase {Person} {Man, Woman} {Student, Husband} {Person} Role Rigid Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Category {Teenager, {Physical Object} LivingPerson} {Student, {Teenager, Living Person} Employee} {Customer} Categories (I-,R+) • Categories are rigid non-sortals representing necessary (in the modal sense) features of entities of different kinds • Typically, they form the top-most layer of object types in an ontology «category» Rational Entity PERSON {disjoint} «kind» Person «kind» Artificial Agent ARTIFICIAL AGENT RATIONAL ENTITY Categories • Like all non-sortals, categories are always defined as abstract classes, which means that all categories must have at least a kind as a subtype Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind subkind Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Phase Role Rigid Non-Sortal Type Category Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Categories • A kind can be subtype of multiple categories and a category can be a supertype of multiple kinds • Since all kinds are disjoint (otherwise the instances in their intersection would inherit multiple principles of identity), all subtypes of a category form a disjoint generalization set • On the other hand, since categories represent features of multiple kinds, they are very seldom complete «category» PhysicalObject {disjoint} «kind»Person «kind»Car «kind»Bridge Distinctions Among Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Kind subkind Phase {Person} {Man, Woman} {Student, Husband} {Person} Role Rigid Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Category RoleMixin {Teenager, {Physical Object} LivingPerson} {Student, {Teenager, Living Person} Employee} {Client} {Customer} RoleMixin(I-,R-,D+) • RoleMixen are anti-rigid and relational dependent nonsortals representing contigent (in the modal sense) features of entities of different kinds • As all Non-Sortals, RoleMixins classify entities belonging to different kinds • Like all non-sortals, categories are always defined as abstract classes Roles with Disjoint Allowed Types «role»Customer Person Organization Roles with Disjoint Allowed Types Person Organization «role»Customer participation Forum Participant 1..* Person SIG * participation Forum Participant 1..* Person SIG * Roles with Disjoint Admissible Types «roleMixin» Customer Roles with Disjoint Allowed Types «roleMixin» Customer «role» PersonalCustomer «role» CorporateCustomer Roles with Disjoint Allowed Types «roleMixin» Customer Person «role» PersonalCustomer Organization «role» CorporateCustomer «roleMixin» Customer «kind» Person «role» PrivateCustomer «roleMixin» Participant «kind» Social Being Organization «role» CorporateCustomer «kind» Person «kind» Social Being SIG «role» «role» IndividualParticipant CollectiveParticipant Roles with Disjoint Admissible Types 1..* F «roleMixin» A 1..* D E «role» B «role» C Which one is better? Computer Computer has-part has-part Computer Part Disk Drive Memory Computer Part Disk Drive Memory Disk Part Memory Part by Chris Welty The Pattern in ORM by Terry Halpin RoleMixins • A RoleMixin cannot be a super-type of a category, in fact, an Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal type cannot be a supertype of a rigid one Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind subkind Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Phase Role Rigid Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Category RoleMixin RoleMixin Supplier PERSON Personal Customer CUSTOMER Corporate Customer ORGANIZATION WORLD W RoleMixin Supplier PERSON Personal Customer CUSTOMER Corporate Customer ORGANIZATION WORLD W’ Distinctions Among Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind subkind {Person} {Man, Woman} Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Phase Role Rigid Non-Sortal Type Non-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Category Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Semi-Rigid Non-Sortal Type RoleMixin Mixin {Client} {Insurable Item} {Student, {Teenager, {Physical Object} Husband} LivingPerson} Modal Meta-Properties • We will discuss here four types of Ontological MetaProperties which are of a modal nature RIGIDITY NON-RIGIDITY ANTI-RIGIDITY SEMI-RIGIDITY Non-Rigidity • Anti-Rigidity is not the logical negation of rigidity, nonrigidity is! Anti-Rigidity is stronger than that as a logical constraint Rigidity R+(T) =def □(x T(x) □(T(x))) Logical Negation Non-Rigidity R-(T) =def (xT(x) T(x)) Non-Rigidity • Anti-Rigidity is not the logical negation of rigidity, nonrigidity is! Anti-Rigidity is stronger than that as a logical constraint Rigidity R+(T) =def □(x T(x) □(T(x))) Logical Negation Non-Rigidity Anti-Rigidity R-(T) =def (xT(x) T(x)) R~(T) =def □(x T(x) (T(x))) Non-Rigidity • Anti-Rigidity is not the logical negation of rigidity, nonrigidity is! Anti-Rigidity is stronger than that as a logical constraint Rigidity R+(T) =def □(x T(x) □(T(x))) Logical Negation Non-Rigidity R-(T) =def (xT(x) T(x)) Anti-Rigidity R~(T) =def □(x T(x) (T(x))) Semi-Rigidity R (T) =def R-(T) R~(T) Mixins • Mixins represent semi-rigid features of multiple kinds • Since all kinds are disjoint, all subtypes of a mixin form a disjoint generalization set. On the other, like in the case of categories, these generalization sets are very seldom complete «mixin» InsuredItem «kind»House {disjoint} {disjoint,complete} «kind»Car «phase» «phase» InsuredHouse NonInsuredHouse Mixin CAR INSURABLE ITEM HOUSE Insured house Uninsured house WORLD W Mixin CAR INSURABLE ITEM HOUSE Insured house Uninsured house WORLD W’ Different Categories of Object Types Category of Type Supply Identity Identity Rigidity Dependence SORTAL - + « kind » + + + - « subkind » - + + - « role » - + - + « phase » - + - - NON-SORTAL - - « category » - - + - « roleMixin » - - - + « mixin » - - ~ - Ontological Meta-Properties of Object Types • These ontological meta-properties define a typology of Object Types that: – Define a formal semantics for these modeling primitives (present in a number of current approaches – ORM, OntoClean) but which have been defined in a ad hoc manner in the past – Support a number of operational semantics with important consequences to a number of implementation technologies (e.g., OWL, OOP, RDB), but also for verification and validation technologies – Define methodological guidelines for guiding users in the modeling activity Ontology-Derived Patterns 1..* Obj.Type F «roleMixin» A Sortal D «role» B 1..* Sortal E «role» C min1 ATL Transformation Simulation and Visualization Alloy Analyzer + OntoUML visual Plugin 1..* «mediation» «role» Transplant Surgeon «kind» Person «role»Organ Donee 1 «mediation» 1..* «mediation» «relator»Transplant «role»Organ Donor 1 1..* 1..* FORMAL THEORIES OF PARTHOOD Parthood • Part-whole relations are fundamental from a cognitive perspective, i.e., for the realization of many important cognitive tasks. • Moreover, and also for this reason, parthood is a relation of significant importance in conceptual modeling, being present in practically all conceptual/object-oriented modeling languages (e.g., OML, UML, EER) • Although it has not yet been adopted as a modeling primitive in the semantic web languages, there is a significant body of work discussing its relevance for reasoning in description logics • From now on, we use the symbol (<) to represent the partwhole relation Ground Mereology Parthood is irreflexive, i.e., nothing is part of itself x (x<x) Ground Mereology Parthood is irreflexive, i.e., nothing is part of itself x (x<x) Parthood is anti-symmetric, i.e., if X is part of Y then Y cannot be part of X x,y (x < y) ¬(y < x) Ground Mereology Parthood is irreflexive, i.e., nothing is part of itself x (x<x) Parthood is anti-symmetric, i.e., if X is part of Y then Y cannot be part of X x,y (x < y) ¬(y < x) Parthood is transitive, i.e., if X is part of Y and Y is part of Z then X is part of Z x,y,z (x < y) (y < z) (x < z) Minimum Mereology • The formal semantics just present defines a so-called strict partial order relation • These axioms are not sufficient to differentiate parthood from other partial order relations (e.g., less-than, biggerthan, causality, strict temporal precedence) • A stronger theory named Minimum Mereology, thus, defines some additional notions Overlap X Y Two entities overlap if they share a part (x y) =def z (z x) (z y) Notice that this includes the case in which one is part of the other Y X X Y Disjointness X Two entities are disjoint if they do no overlap (x y) =def ¬(x y) Y Weak Supplementation • Mininum Mereology takes the partial order axioms of Ground Mereology and includes the so-called WSP (Weal Supplementation Property) X Y ? Weak Supplementation X Y ? X Y Z Weak Supplementation Principle If Y is part of X and if parthood is irreflexive Then there must be another part of X which is complementary to Y x,y (y < x) z (z < x) (z y) Weak Supplementation Principle * Event * 1..* Event * Weak Supplementation Principle * Event * 1..* Event * Weak Supplementation Pattern 2..* Entity {disjoint,complete} AtomicEntity ComplexEntity * Weak Supplementation Pattern 2..* Event {disjoint,complete} AtomicEvent ComplexEvent * Extensional Mereology • From a formal perspective, the most used theory of parthood is the Extensional Mereology, which can be obtained from the Minimum Mereology by including a Strong Supplementation Principle Extenstional Mereology (+Strong Supplementation Principle) Minimum Mereology (+WSP) Ground Mereology (Irreflexivity, Anti-Symmetry, Transitivity) Extensional Mereology • The Strong Supplementation Principle implies something called the Extensional Principle which implies that: two e entities are identical if they have the same parts ((x=y) z ((z < x) (z < y))) Problems from a Conceptual Modeling point of view • Ground Mereology – Unrestricted transitivity of parthood John part of Conceptual Modeling Group part of part of UFES John´s Brain part of part of John part of UFES John´s Brain part of part of John part of UFES Problems from a CM point of view • Extensional Mereology – Extensional Principle of Identity which makes all parts of an entity as essential parts – In other words, every object is defined by the sum of its. Thus, we have that: • (i) The change of any of the parts changes the identity of the object John George Paul Paul John Pete The Beatles Ringo George ? Problems from a CM point of view • Extensional Mereology – Extensional Principle of Identity which makes all parts of an entity as essential parts – In other words, every object is defined by the sum of its. Thus, we have that: • (ii) Two objects are the same if and only if they have the same parts John George Paul Pete The Beatles = The Liverpool Indoors Football Team Problems from a CM point of view • Extensional Mereology – Failure to take into account the different roles that parts play within the whole. In other words, not all parts have the same importance with respect to the whole: some parts are optional, some parts can be replaced by others of the same kind, some parts cannot be replaced without causing the entity to change its class. Finally, some parts cannot be replaced at all, i.e., without altering the identity of the whole Problems from a CM point of view • Extensional Mereology – There are other meta-properties that can be used to qualify the relation between parts and wholes. An common one is the distinction between shared or non-shared parts. Problems from a CM point of view • Extensional Mereology – There are other meta-properties that can be used to qualify the relation between parts and wholes. An common one is the distinction between shared or non-shared parts. •The other representations of parthood in UML is termed Composition •The black diamond is connected to the whole •Composition is supposed to be a irreflexive, anti-symmetric and transitive relation •It is also suppose to imply non-shareability of parts and lifetime dependence from the part to the whole •As we will see, the notions of non-shareability, lifetime dependence and transitivity are orthogonal! Problems from a Conceptual Modeling point of view • In general, mereological theories treat aggregates (wholes) roughly as sets of entities • As a consequence, the conditions that bind all the parts of a whole together are minimal. Thus, a whole formed by any arbitrary sum of entities is considered as good as any other (e.g., the aggregate of number 3, van Gogh’s ear and the third act of Turandot) • However, humans only accept the aggregation of entities if the resulting aggregate plays some role in their conceptual schemes, i.e., if the wholes they form represent genuine categories • We need then genuine unifying (characterizing) relations for Integral Wholes Integral Wholes • We must complement mereology (the theory of parts) with a theory of wholes, in which the relations that tie the parts of a whole together are also considered. Not one but several parthood relations • Studies in Cognitive Science and Linguistics have shown that we do not have a single notion of part, but multiple parthood relations forming different types of aggregates – (a) Quantities • Subquantity of (alcohol-wine) – (b) Collectives • Member of (a specific tree – the black forest) • Subcollective of (the north part of the black forest – the black forest) – (c) Functional Entities • Component of (heart-circulatory system) Not one but several parthood relations • These different notions of part are neither orthogonal to the previously mentioned mereological axioms nor to the different meta-properties that can be applied to part-whole relations. Moreover, different notions of parts are related to different sorts of unifying relations Tool Support The underlying algorithm merely has to check structural properties of the diagram and not the content of involved nodes OPTIONAL, MANDATORY, IMMUTABLE AND ESSENTIAL PARTHOOD Optional Parts • Optional Parts are parts that the whole can lack without having any effect on its classification or identity Car Spare Tyre 1 0..1 • Contrast it with non-optional parts: Car Engine 1 1 John partOf John’s Heart Heart John’s Person Heart 1 1 John partOf John’s Brain Person Brain 1 1 Different Types of Dependence Relations • The two relations just described reflect two different types of ontological dependence relations Generic Dependence • An individual y is generic dependent of a type T if for y to exists it requires an instance of T to exists as well GD(y,T) =def □((y) x T(x) (x)) Generic Dependence • An individual y is generic dependent of a type T if for y to exists it requires an instance of T to exists as well GD(y,T) =def □((y) x T(x) (x)) represents existence Mandatory Parthood • An individual x is a mandatory part of another individual y if y is generically dependent of an type T that x instantiates, and y has, necessarily, as a part an instance of T: MP(T,y) =def □((y) (x T(x) (x < y)) John partOf John’s Heart Heart John’s Person Heart 1 1 □(x Person(x) (□((x) !y Heart(y) (y < x)))) Existential Dependence • We have that an individual x is existentially dependent on another individual y (symbolized as ed(x,y)) if, in order to exist, x requires that (one specific ) y exists as well ed(x,y) =def □((x) (y)) Essential Parthood • An individual x is an essential part of another individual y if y is existentially dependent on x and x is, necessarily, a part of y: EP(x,y) =def □((y) (x y)) John partOf John’s Brain {essential} Person 1 Brain 1 □(x Person (x) (!y Brain(y) □((x) (y < x)))) Contrast Mandatory vs. Essential Parthood Mandatory Part □(x Person(x) (□((x) !y Heart(y) (y < x)))) Consider □ as an iterator over a set of worlds The instance of heart can change from world to world Essential Part □(x Person (x) (!y Brain(y) □((x) (y < x)))) The instance of Brain is selected before □ starts Iterating from world to world, i.e., the instance of Brain is fixed and cannot change! Essential vs. Mandatory Part {essential} Car Chassis 0..1 1 0..1 Engine 1 Essential Parts Time Lifespan of an essential part a b c Possibilities for the lifespan of the whole d = start of lifetime = end of lifetime Extensional Individuals • Now, one can easily define the notion of an extensional individual (from the extensional mereology) using the notion of Essential Parts Ext(y) =def □(x (x < y) EP(x,y)) Now from the part to the whole… Inseparable Parthood • An individual x is an inseparable part of another individual y if x is existentially dependent on y, and x is, necessarily, a part of y: IP(x,y) =def □((x) (x y)) Inseparable Parthood • An individual x is an inseparable part of another individual y if x is existentially dependent on y, and x is, necessarily, a part of y: IP(x,y) =def □((x) (x y)) {essential, inseparable} Person 1 Brain 1 □(x Brain (x) (!y Person(y) □((x) (x < y)))) Mandatory Wholes • An individual y is a mandatory whole for another individual x if, x is generically dependent on a type T that y instantiates, and x is, necessarily, part of an individual instantiating T: MW(T,x) =def □((x) (y T(y) (x < y))) Mandatory Wholes • An individual y is a mandatory whole for another individual x if, x is generically dependent on a type T that y instantiates, and x is, necessarily, part of an individual instantiating T: MW(T,x) =def □((x) (y T(y) (x < y))) Person Heart 1 1 □(x Heart(x) (□((x) !y Person(y) (x < y)))) Inseparable Parts Time Lifespan of the whole a b c d Possibilities for the lifespan of an inseparable part Essentiality and Inseparability • Essentiality does not imply inseparability: – • Think about a Collected Works publication of some authors. It is defined by that specific extensional collection of papers, but the papers could exist prior to and outlive the collection Inseparability does not imply Essentiality : – A whole in this table is an inseparable part of it, but not an essential part of the table Essential and Inseparable Parts Time Lifespan of the whole Lifespan of an essential and inseparable part As we will see later Essentiality does not imply unshareability... Unshareability also does not imply Essentiality! John’s Heart partOf «kind»Person «kind»Heart 1 1 1 {essential, inseparable} partOf «kind»Brain 1 Parts of Anti-Rigid Object Types • • “every boxer must have a hand” “every biker must have a leg” «kind» Person «role»Boxer «kind»Hand 1 1..2 Mandatory Part? «kind» Person «role»Boxer «kind»Hand 1 1..2 □(x Boxer(x) (□((x) y Hand(y) (y < x)))) Mandatory Part? «kind» Person «role»Boxer «kind»Hand 1 1..2 □(x Boxer (x) (□((x) y Hand(y) (y < x)))) The instance of hand can change from world to world? Mandatory Part? «kind» Person «role»Boxer «kind»Hand 1 1..2 □(x Boxer(x) (y hand(y) □((x) (y < x)))) Essential Part? «kind» Person «role»Boxer «kind»Hand 1 1..2 □(x Boxer(x) (y hand(y) □((x) (y < x)))) This implies that the boxer must have that hand in every possible situation. Is it true? De Re/De Dicto Modalities (i) The queen of the Netherlands is necessarily queen; (ii) The number of planets in the solar system is necessarily even. Sentence (i) • The queen of the Netherlands is necessarily queen: x QueenOfTheNetherlands(x) □(Queen(x)) □(x QueenOfTheNetherlands(x) Queen(x)) DE RE DE DICTO Sentence (i) • The queen of the Netherlands is necessarily queen: x QueenOfTheNetherlands(x) □(Queen(x)) □(x QueenOfTheNetherlands(x) Queen(x)) DE RE DE DICTO Sentence (ii) • The number of planets in the solar system is necessarily even: x NumberOfPlanets(x) □(Even(x))) □(x NumberOfPlanets(x) Even(x))) DE RE DE DICTO Sentence (ii) • The number of planets in the solar system is necessarily even: x NumberOfPlanets(x) □(Even(x))) □(x NumberOfPlanets(x) Even(x))) DE RE DE DICTO The Boxer Example “every boxer must have a hand” “If someone is a boxer than he has at least a hand in every possible circumstance” DE RE □((x Boxer(x) y Hand (y) □((x) (y < x))) □((x Boxer(x) □((x) y Hand(y) (y < x))) “In any circumstance, whoever is boxer has at least one hand” DE DICTO The Boxer Example “every boxer must have a hand” “If someone is a boxer than he has at least a hand in every possible circumstance” DE RE □((x Boxer(x) y Hand (y) □((x) (y < x))) □((x Boxer(x) □((x) y Hand(y) (y < x))) “In any circumstance, whoever is boxer has at least one hand” DE DICTO The Boxer Example “every boxer must have a hand” “If someone is a boxer than he has at least a hand in every possible circumstance” DE RE □(x Boxer(x) y Hand (y) □((x) (y < x))) □(x Boxer(x) □((x) y Hand(y) (y < x))) “In any circumstance, whoever is boxer has at least one hand” DE DICTO □(x Boxer(x) y Hand(y) □((x) Boxer(x) (y < x))) The Boxer Example “every boxer must have a hand” “If someone is a boxer than he has at least a hand in every possible circumstance” DE RE □(x Boxer(x) y Hand (y) □((x) (y < x))) □(x Boxer(x) □((x) y Hand(y) (y < x))) “In any circumstance, whoever is boxer has at least one hand” DE DICTO □(x Boxer(x) y Hand(y) □((x) Boxer(x) (y < x))) On one hand, the object is fixed .On the other hand, the parthood relation is only required to take place in those worlds in which the person is a Boxer Further Distinctions among Part-Whole relations (i) specific dependence with de re modality: Essential Parts (ii) generic dependence with de re modality: Mandatory parts (iii) specific dependence with de dicto modality: Immutable parts Lifetime Dependency (Essential Parts) Notice that 1. Only Rigid Types can be connected to Essential Parts 2. Essential implies Mandatory – If you need to have a specific part X in every possible situation then you need to have a part of type T (where T is the type of X) in every possible situation {essential} A B 1 * Notice that 1. Only Rigid Types can be connected to Essential Parts 2. Essential implies Mandatory – If you need to have a specific part X in every possible situation then you need to have a part of type T (where T is the type of X) in every possible situation {essential} A B 1 * {essential} A B 1 1..* Notice that 3. Inseparable implies Mandatory Whole – If you need to be part of a specific whole X in every possible situation then you need to be part of an instance of type T (where T is the type of X) in every possible situation {inseparable} A B 1 1..* Notice that 4. Essential implies Immutable Part 5. Inseparable implies Immutable Whole The De Dicto equivalent of De Re formulae Essential Part (DE RE) □(x Person (x) !y Brain(y) □((x) (y < x))) Inseparable Part (DE DICTO) □(x Person (x) !y Brain(y) □((x) Person(x) (y < x))) The De Dicto equivalent of De Re formulae Essential Part (DE RE) □(x Person (x) !y Brain(y) □((x) (y < x))) Essential Part (DE DICTO) □(x Person (x) !y Brain(y) □((x) Person(x) (y < x))) Notice that this identical to the definition of Immutable Parts If Person is Rigid then this is always true! In other words, an Essential Part is immutable part defined for a Rigid Type The De Dicto equivalent of De Re formulae Mandatory Part (DE RE) □(x Person (x) □((x) !y Heart(y) (y < x))) Mandatory Part (DE DICTO) □(x Person (x) □((x) Person(x) !y Heart(y) (y < x))) Immutable Part «kind» Person {immutable part} «role»Boxer «kind»Hand 1 1..2 □(x Boxer(x) y hand(y) □((x) Boxer(x) (y < x))) □(x A(x) □((x) A(x) y C(y) (y < x))) A C 1 1 1 {immutable part} 1 B □(x A(x) y B(y) □((x) A(x) (y < x))) □(x A(x) □((x) A(x) y C(y) (y < x))) A C 1 1 1 {immutable part} 1 B □(x A(x) y B(y) □((x) A(x) (y < x))) If A is a rigid type then B becomes an essential part of A and the formulae can be simplified □(x C(x) □((x) C(x) y A(y) (x < y))) A C 1 1 1 {immutable whole} 1 B □(x B(x) y A(y) □((x) B(x) (x < y))) □(x C(x) □((x) C(x) y A(y) (x < y))) A C 1 1 1 {immutable whole} 1 B □(x B(x) y A(y) □((x) B(x) (x < y))) If A is a rigid type then B becomes an inseparable part of A and the formulae can be simplified Example of Immutable Whole «kind» Brain {disjoint,complete} 1 «phase» NonFunctioningBrain 1 «phase» FunctioningBrain «kind»Person {essential, immutable whole} Example of Immutable Whole «kind» Brain {disjoint,complete} 1 «phase» NonFunctioningBrain 1 «phase» FunctioningBrain «kind»Person {essential, immutable whole} □(x FunctioningBrain(x) !y Person(y) □((x) FunctioningBrain(x) (x < y))) Example of Immutable Whole □(x Person (x) !y FunctioningBrain(y) □((x) FunctioningBrain(y) (y < x))) «kind» Brain {disjoint,complete} 1 «phase» NonFunctioningBrain 1 «phase» FunctioningBrain «kind»Person {essential, immutable whole} □(x FunctioningBrain(x) !y Person(y) □((x) FunctioningBrain(x) (x < y))) Immutable Whole and Immutable Part □(x LivingPerson (x) !y FunctioningBrain(y) □((x) LivingPerson(y) FunctioningBraing(x) (y < x))) «kind» Brain «kind»Person {disjoint,complete} {disjoint,complete} 1 «phase» NonFunctioningBrain 1 «phase» LivingPerson «phase» FunctioningBrain «phase» DeceasedPerson {immutable part, immutable whole} □(x FunctioningBrain(x) !y LivingPerson(y) □((x) FunctioningBrain(x) LivingPerson(y) (x < y))) □(x A(x) □((x) A(x) y C(y) (y < x))) A C 1 1 1 {immutable part} 1 B □(x A(x) y B(y) □((x) A(x) B(y) (y < x))) If A and B are rigid types then the predicates in red can be omitted □(x C(x) □((x) C(x) y A(y) (x < y))) A C 1 1 1 {immutable whole} 1 B □(x B(x) y A(y) □((x) B(x) A(x) (x < y))) If A and B are rigid types then the predicates in red can be omitted For the case of mandatory parts and mandatory wholes, these remain the same □(x C(x) □((x) C(x) y A(y) (x < y))) A C 1 1 1 {immutable whole} 1 B □(x B(x) y A(y) □((x) B(x) A(x) (x < y))) If A and B are rigid types then the predicates in red can be omitted Mandatory Part and Mandatory Whole □(x LivingPerson(x) □((x) LivingPerson(x) y FunctioningHeart(y) (y <x))) «kind» Person «kind» Heart {disjoint,complete} {disjoint,complete} 1 «phase» NonFunctioningHeart «phase» FunctioningHeart 1 «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson □(x FunctioningHeart(x) □((x) FunctioningHeart(x) y LivingPerson(y) (x < y)))