June 2016 Airstream Newsletter - WBCCI Idaho Unit
June 2016 Airstream Newsletter - WBCCI Idaho Unit
WALLY BYAM CARAVAN CLUB INTERNATIONAL REGION 10 ! JUNE 2016 Idaho Unit of WBCCI A WORD FROM OUR PRESIDENT …and this month’s word is change! What did you say? Yes that’s right, last month’s word was change as well. As I write this article, the weather man is predicting 101 degrees for this weekend. And with the warm summer months fast approaching, I thought we could all use a reminder of the beautiful snowscapes Idaho can provide. Like the changes in the weather, as my age progresses I have noticed the changes in our lives include changes in our children. Many of us started camping as kids with our parents, then we as young parents took our kids camping and traveling. Now our kids are of the four legged variety. We love them just the same, they can make us just as crazy (me anyway) as our human kids, and they require extra preparation when traveling. If you have traveled with a baby, you know what I am talking about, the diaper bag, car seat, extra formula and more changes of clothes than a Kardashian. Our four legged children are somewhat the same, each have their own beds, blankets, special foods, toys, treats and leashes. Somehow, things don’t seem to have changed all that much. On a more practical note; just because we think our little Johnny is the cutest little thing, not everyone is so enamored with our child’s antics. The same is true for our four legged kids. I know this may sound like crazy talk, but not everyone loves our little kids like we do. A little courtesy goes a long way, if it is a crying baby or a barking dog. Now before you start thinking there is some hidden agenda in this message, just stop right there. I will let you in on the secret code. If you take the first letter of the second word of each sentence, multiply by 2, then select that numbered letter from the first word of the next sentence it spells a not so secret message. That is; Airstreaming with our children, both two legged and four, brings joy to the family and memories for a lifetime! (Hey Kathleen, do you think we could sell this dog hair on eBay?) See you down the road...Michael Idaho Unit Officers President - Michael Archer 1st Vice President - Fonny Davidson 2nd Vice President - Peter Goedeking Secretary - Kathleen Archer Treasurer- - Earl Brace Past President - Bill Lawrence Trustees: Charlie Burke, Betty Burke, Ben Campbell, Andy Falk 1 ! ! Archer The kids may change, but the kid in all of us stays the same! Page 2-Upcoming Events/Sunshine News/ New Member Welcome Page 3-New Member News/Aug. Rally Info & Coupon Page 4-Member Spotlight-Davidsons Page 5-2016 Rally Schedule/May Picnic Re-Cap Page 6-May Picnic Photos Page 7-June Rally UPDATED Itinerary Page 8-Guess Who?/Sun Valley Music Festival Info Page 9-Nominating Committee Notice Page 10-Caravan to Kalispell Coupon/Ads WALLY BYAM CARAVAN CLUB INTERNATIONAL REGION 10 ! UPCOMING EVENTS Monthly Unit Breakfast 8:30am on the 2nd Saturday of every month. Golden Corral, 8460 W. Emerald St, Boise, ID. Peggy Campbell (208) 853-6243 June RALLY June 24-27-Indian Springs Resort, American Falls, ID. Hosts: Goedekings, Co-Hosts: Pete & Fay Petersen. Info on Page 8. July “un-rally” before the caravan July 21-24-Make Your Own Reservations, Canyon Pines RV Park, Pollock, ID, Hosts: Merells, Co-Hosts: Pullmans. July caravan to region 10 rally July 24-27-Travel to Region 10 Rally in Kalispell with stops in Grangeville, ID & Missoula, MT. Hosts: Davidsons, Co-Hosts: Falks. Coupon on Page 10. august RALLY August 19-22-Installation Rally, Arrowhead RV Park, Cascade, ID. Hosts: Lawrences, Co-Hosts: Archers. Coupon on Page 3-due by July 2nd. Summer Hello IDAHO UNIT June Birthdays SUNSHINE NEWS July Birthdays 02--Margaret Gorrissen 03--Gretchen Falk 05--Audrey Falk 15--Jerry Collins/Marlene Peck 16--Cara Goedeking 19--Kellyann Mooney 22--Lorri Karpinski 23--John Mooney 06--Jim Borowicz 09--Peg Campbell 09--Andy Falk 10--Wilda Robison 11--Mine Schmidt 14--Michael Allen 19--Bob Norris 29--Gene Pullman June Anniversaries July Anniversaries 07, 1973--Bob & Faith Simms 09, 2000--Jeff & Gretchen Pettey 10, 1967--Richard & Vivian Schultz 15, 1968--David & Rebecca Jauquet 20, 1981--Michael & Kim Schanze 20, 1981--Jerry & Linda Settle 07, 2012--John & Myrna Merell 07, 1995--Larry & Donna Peterson 09, 1988--Jim & Susie Borowicz 11, 1959--Norm & Bonnie Anderson 25, 2008--Bernard & Faith Dawson 27, 2002--Pete & Cara Goedeking Congratulations Schanzes and Settles for 35 years together!! 2 JUNE 2016 IDAHO UNIT COMMITTEE LEADS r Budget—Earl Brace r Calling Coordinator—Peggy Campbell r Caravan—Darrell Ostyn r Directory—Ann Lindley r Hospitality/Sunshine—Ann Lindley r Legislative—Charlie Burke r Newsletter—Cara Goedeking r Rally Coordinator—OPEN r Membership—Mim Davidson r Web Site—Benji Mellish r Historical—Betty Burke r Constitution and Bylaws—Charlie Burke r Safety—Fonny Davidson r Community Service—Judy Canada Welcome NEW Members! Joe & Eileen Ambrose from Salt Lake City, UT -andBob & Pam Liles from Boise, ID WALLY BYAM CARAVAN CLUB INTERNATIONAL REGION 10 ! JUNE 2016 NEW MEMBER NEWS Membership Chair Mim Davidson asked new members Bob & Pam Liles to share a little about themselves... Today we are on our maiden voyage in an RV park close to the Airstream dealer in Caldwell. There's so much we don't know since this is our first RV. We both camped as kids, Pam in Indiana and me from Virginia to Maine, but nothing recent. In July 2015 we moved from Florida, living there for 25 years after a job transfer. Before that we lived in Indiana and Iowa. I retired a while ago as a Project Manager for Verizon and Pam worked for Bank of America. We like to hike and bike, visit with our two adults kids, visit Nordic countries. I am a fan of Nordic crime novels and Pam likes classics and historical subjects. Pam likes old movies, me not so much. We both like British TV series. And we love the outdoors. We're thinking of names for our Airstream and truck. We'll probably name out Airstream "Apple" since they paid for it and our truck "Moose" because it's brown (but Ford calls the color Caribou). We'll try to make the next breakfast but one of us is not a morning person. We hope to make a rally soon, sounds like fun. Bob & Pam Liles #7479 AUGUST INSTALLATION RALLY INFO Join us at Arrowhead RV Park on the River in beau0ful Cascade, ID for our fall business mee0ng and Installa0on Rally. We have reserved four spaces for Thursday night, August 18th and four spaces for Sunday night, August 21st. We have reserved 15 more spaces (for a total of 19 spaces) for Friday and Saturday nights, the 19th and 20th. Please be sure to specify your arrival and departure dates on your coupon. *The Saturday, July 2nd deadline is essen:al because the Lawrence’s are leaving town on July 4th, not to return from the Region 10 Rally un0l early August. **Park management will make more spaces available for Thursday and Sunday nights if more than 4 units want to arrive early or stay later. AUGUST RALLY COUPON-August 18th-21st Arrowhead RV Park on the River, 955 S. Main, Cascade, ID Hosts: Bill & Sharon Lawrence ; Co-‐hosts: Michael & Kathleen Archer Name(s): ____________________________________________ WBCCI #: ________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ Email: __________________________ Phone: _____________ Number in Party: _____ Arrival Date: ___________ Depart: ____________ Trailer Length: ________ MH Length: _________ Will you be using a Free Rally Coupon? Yes____ No____ Please send this coupon and a check for total advance fee payable to WBCCI Idaho Unit by Saturday, July 2nd to: Bill & Sharon Lawrence Rally Fee Deposit __25.00___ 417 Yakima St. S. Vale, OR 97918 Total Advance fees = _$25.00___ phone-‐541-‐212-‐9400 3 WALLY BYAM CARAVAN CLUB INTERNATIONAL REGION 10 ! JUNE 2016 member spotlight FONNY and MIM DAVIDSON How long have you been members? · We joined in 2005. What kind of Airstream do you have? Have you ever owned any other trailers/Airstreams? · We own a 1975 Airstream Safari – it is 23’ long with center twin beds and a rear bath. · Our first 'Airstream' was a 1976 24’ Argosy center twin purchased in the early 90s. The lay-out was very similar to the Safari; there were several things we liked better about our Argosy… What's the best part of being an Airstreamer?· An Airstream trailer is an open invitation to share with WBCCI. The rally schedule helps us plan more summer camping and travel activities, hence we have used our trailer more since joining the club. · We truly value the knowledge, experience and the support of our fellow members. But best of all we find friendship in this group. Why did you join/who asked you to join the club?· Charlie Burke…Charlie and Fonny met over the parts counter at American Way RV in the 90's when we had the Argosy. We didn’t join then, because we didn’t understand WBCCI support and opportunities. · Charlie helped us a lot when our Argosy was destroyed in 2003. After purchasing our Safari, we decided to take his advice and give the group a try. What have been your favorite trips/rallies as a part of the club? · Steen Mountain/Malheur Wildlife Refuge and City of Rocks were pinnacle rallies! · Kilgore, ID and the Peterson Farm in Carey, ID have been special treats. · Last fall’s caravan in Oregon opened our eyes. · Every rally introduces us to something interesting; sometimes it's a locale we thought we already knew. We get to explore and learn – and hang-out in our Airstream! What is the most interesting place you've visited (can be a "field trip" experience that was part of a rally) as part of a trip/rally? · Do we have to pick one? We have toured fish hatcheries, power plants, and wineries, traveled the CPR in Malheur, and hiked though the City of Rocks. We’ve visited historic cabins in the back-country, learned about mint oil production, and so much more. Fonny often finds new locations to explore that he can use for paintings! Any places that we haven't gone as a club that you would recommend to others? (campgrounds, parks, etc) · There is so much in Idaho and the USA to explore! You can find something interesting anywhere you go. · Our short caravan this summer to the Kalispell Montana Region 10 rally will give us another chance to explore new areas along the way. We may come back with a list for future destinations! 4 WALLY BYAM CARAVAN CLUB INTERNATIONAL REGION 10 ! JUNE 2016 2016 RALLY SCHEDULE June 24-27 Indian Springs Rally, Indian Springs Resort, American Falls, ID. Hosts: Goedekings 208-887-5388, Co-Hosts: Petersens june 26-July 5 International Rally, Lewisburg, WV. Hosts: WBCCI July 21-24 Make Your Own Reservations Hosts: Davidsons 208-336-8325, CoHosts: Falks July 27-august Region 10 Rally, Kalispell, MT. Hosts: Region 10 August 19-22 Installation Rally, Arrowhead RV Park, Cascade, ID. Hosts: Lawrences 541-212-9400, Co-Hosts: Archers Un-Rally, Canyon Pines RV, Pollock, ID, Hosts: Merells 760-954-1057, Co-Hosts: Pullmans September 16-19 Wobbly Rally, Peterson July 24-27 Caravan to Region 10 Rally, October 20-23 Region 10 Music & Jazz travel to Region 10 Rally in Kalispell with stops in Grangeville, ID and Missoula, MT. MAY Farm, Carey, ID. Hosts: Burkes 208-344-8745, Co-Hosts: Petersons Festival (Dry-Camp), Ketchum, ID. Hosts: Region 10, Co-Hosts: Davidsons PICNIC RE-CAP by Charlie Burke Thanks to the generosity of one of our newer members, Lori Girdner, the Idaho Unit’s annual picnic was a special gathering. Hosting us at her property on Eagle Island, 40 plus members of the Idaho Unit gathered under fair skies for a great day of food, friends and fellowship. Folks made a special effort to gather for this picnic, coming from far and wide...even down out of the mountains. Lori has two fishing ponds on the property. Betty B., John M. and Gene P. hooked into some pretty big bass. New members Tom and Marilyn Usselman got to meet a great sample of the many members of our unit. We all look forward to seeing them at their first unit rally with their new (to them) Airstream. We hope a good time was had by all. Gene & John enjoying some fishing. 5 WALLY BYAM CARAVAN CLUB INTERNATIONAL REGION 10 ! JUNE 2016 THANK YOU to our RALLY HOST and CO-HOStS!!! Couldn’t have asked for better food, better weather or better company... ELLIE GOEDEKING enjoying some snuggle time with lori’s mastiff, diesel. THANKS Betty, charlie and lori for putting on such a fun event in such an amazing location! it was great to have new members, the usselmans, join us. l to r: jerry collins, tom usselman, bob simms, marilyn usselman, marilyn collins, jerry settle. such great fellowship! love these two sister’s smiles!! phyllis pullman and myrna merell 6! WALLY BYAM CARAVAN CLUB INTERNATIONAL REGION 10 ! JUNE 2016 We’re excited for our JUNE RALLY! See our UPDATED Itinerary!! June 24-27, 2016, Indian Springs Resort, American Falls, ID 3249 Indian Springs Rd, American Falls, ID, http://indianspringsresortandrv.com Hosts: Pete & Cara Goedeking, Co-hosts: Pete & Fay Petersen (NOTE: Coupons have been collected and we have 13 rigs coming-‐-‐-‐with at least 8 staying through Monday!) We’ve planned a weekend full of fun! Indian Springs and surrounding area offer so many great op0ons-‐-‐go for a swim in the Olympic-‐sized natural hot springs pool (pool fees are separate-‐-‐see website), enjoy a round of golf on the 9-‐hole American Falls Golf Course, visit Massacre Rocks, or head to the nearby Salmon River for some fishing 0me. IMPORTANT INFO: *Camping fees are $35-‐37 (30 amp/50 amp) a night including tax. The park does offer a 5% Good Sam discount. You will be responsible for paying all your own fees at the office when you enter the park. **There is an on-‐site dump sta0on (pre-‐pay cost (pay at office) is $6, cost goes up to $10 if you pay aqer you dump) ***Showers are available for a fee of $3 per person (pre-‐pay at office and you will be given a code for the shower) Friday, June 24 *Please bring your own drinks/cups, plates and utensils to all meals at the park. Check in begins at 3pm 5pm Happy Hour (bring snacks to share and your own drinks) 6pm Dinner: Pulled Pork Sliders and homemade White Mac n Cheese, Coleslaw, Chips provided. April/May/June birthdays and anniversaries please bring a dessert or ice cream to share. 7:30pm Group Games Saturday, June 25 9am Bring a Breakfast Item (Sign Up for an item to bring at www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C0B4BA5AC2EA4FE3-‐june) 10:20am Line up/carpool to Blackfoot 10:30am Leave for Blackfoot to visit the Idaho Potato Museum (hsp://idahopotatomuseum.com)-‐130 NW Main St. 11:15am Arrive at Idaho Potato Museum. Enjoy a lunch at the Potato Sta0on Cafe (serving all things “potato”). 1pm Get ice cream at Rupe’s Burgers (awesome Root Beer/Vanilla Swirl Soq Serve)-‐a short jaunt away-‐302 NE Main St. 1:30pm Line up to head to Pocatello to visit the Museum of Clean (hsp://www.museumofclean.com)-‐711 S. 2nd Ave. 2pm Arrive at the Museum of Clean 3:30pm Head back to RV Park 4pm Arrive back at RV Park. Relax a bit! 5:45pm Line up to head to American Falls for dinner at Tres Hermanos Mexican (2854 Pocatello Ave, American Falls) 6pm Meet for dinner at Tres Hermanos Mexican Restaurant in American Falls-‐order off menu, pay for yourself 8pm Marshmallow Roast at Firepit (bring whatever you want for marshmallows, s’mores, etc.) Sunday, June 26 9am Breakfast Provided-‐Muffins, fruit and yogurt 11am Check out for those leaving today Lunch and aqernoon on your own 6pm TBD-‐We can do dinner on our own or a dinner out in American Falls or Pocatello as a group Monday, June 27 9am Breakfast meet-‐up at Subway in American Falls (2815 Pocatello Ave.) 11am Check out 7! WALLY BYAM CARAVAN CLUB INTERNATIONAL REGION 10 ! JUNE 2016 We are excited to announce that our very own Bill Lawrence, current past president of our Idaho unit, has been selected to be the Master of Ceremonies at the Region 10 Rally in Kalispell, MT. Congratulations Bill - we know you’ll do a GREAT job! SUN VALLEY JAZZ & MUSIC FESTIVAL RALLY Sun Valley Jazz & Music Festival Rally Coupon, October 19 – 23, 2016 River Run Ski Lodge Parking Lot, Ketchum, ID Hosts: Region 10; Co-‐hosts: Fonny & Mim Davidson Name(s): ____________________________________________ WBCCI #: _________________ Address: ____________________________________________ Email: ___________________ Phone: _____________ Number in Party: _____ Arrival Date: ________ Depart: ________ Trailer Length: ________ MH Length: _________ Please send this coupon and a check for total advance fee payable to Region 10 WBCCI to: Fonny & Mim Davidson Parking (non-‐refundable) __30.00___ 3422 Tamarack Dr Rally Admin fee __10.00___ Boise, ID 83703 Total Advance fees = _$40.00___ 208.336.8325 This registra0on form is for Idaho Unit members who chose reduced par0cipa0on in the Fes0val (or just want an excuse to spend a weekend in Ketchum). Pick your arrival date and buy your own Fes0val 0ckets on-‐line. • Rally Admin fee is $10/per Airstream. • Day or evening passes are available at the Sun Valley Jazz & Music Fes0val website. Children under 13 are free with paid adult 0cket. Order by July 31 for the lowest price. • RV parking includes use of River Run Lodge bathrooms and showers. Dry-‐camp RV parking is adjacent to the magnificent River Run Lodge at the base of Baldy Mountain and overlooks the Big Wood River. RVs must be self-‐contained, however free use of luxurious bathroom and shower facili0es at the lodge (a 3-‐ minute walk) is available. Generators are allowed with quiet hours from 10PM to 7AM. There will be no pump-‐outs or water fills; dump sites are close by. If you want the full Fes0val experience, use the registra0on on the Region 10 site. 8! WALLY BYAM CARAVAN CLUB INTERNATIONAL REGION 10 ! JUNE 2016 Hello WBCCI friends, Your Airstream club needs you to volunteer!! I accepted the responsibility of chair for the WBCCI Unit 35 nominating committee to find volunteers to fill the several open positions for the coming 2017 year. We want to finish the candidate nomination process by July 30th and publish the nominations in the August newsletter. That newsletter is our best opportunity to reach every club member with the candidate names before August 17th installation meeting. The open Executive board positions are: • 2nd Vice President… you will assume that position on the 2017 Unit 35 executive board, become 1st vice president the following year, and then president for the 2019 year. • Trustee… you will assume that role on the 2017 executive board and hold it for a two-year term. There are two open positions for trustee. Non-executive board positions include: • Rally Chair…. responsible for establishing rally destinations and hosts for the up-coming year. o Rally planning & preparations can be worked on throughout the year. The final schedule is due for board acceptance and presented to WBCCI International by Nov. 1 of the year prior to the rallies. o The responsibilities can actually be filled in a relatively short time, leaving you free for the winter. There are normally 6-7 rallies each year. Unit 35 is a small club with roughly 60 members. Our problem is we have a small group of members who are willing to take responsibility for the efforts needed to keep our club vibrant. We all wish to share and support the growth of our group, so I ask each of you to consider these leadership roles. Even if you have served before, the need is still there and we ask you to step up again. If you are interested in one of these open positions, please contact me at: " phone: 208-336-8325 " email: madcad@cableone.net Thank you for your confidence and support for the club we all enjoy. Please consider volunteering. ~Fonny Davidson 9! WALLY BYAM CARAVAN CLUB INTERNATIONAL REGION 10 ! JUNE 2016 Are you planning to a/end the Region 10 Rally July 27 – August 1? JOIN OUR CARAVAN! Travelers make their own reserva>ons; meals will be potluck or on your own. Your registra>on helps us plan and lets us provide details as they develop. COUPON for CARAVAN TO KALISPELL, July 24 – 27, 2016 Hosts: Fonny & Mim Davidson; Co-‐hosts: Andy & Stephanie Falk Name(s): ____________________________________________ WBCCI #: _________________ Address: ____________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Email: ______________________________________________ Number in Party: _____ Trailer Length: ________ MH Length: _________ There is no registra-on fee for this caravan. Travelers are responsible for their own costs. Please send or email this coupon to: Fonny & Mim Davidson 3422 Tamarack Dr Boise, ID 83703 208.336.8325 mimad@cableone.net Idaho Airstream Dealership 1705 Industrial Way, Caldwell, ID 83605 Phone - (208) 454-5417 Airstream Adventures Northwest provides courtesy parking www.AirstreamNW.com On the Web (Helpful Links) www.airstream.com www.airstreamofspokane.com www.anareservoirrvpark.com www.wbcci.org www.wbcci10.org idahounit.wbcci.net www.airstreamlife.com www.tour.airstreamlife.com www.airstreamtrailers.com http://www.blueberetonline.com ************************************************************** Spokane Dealership Wally Byam Caravan Club International Region 10 Cara Goedeking, Editor 1409 Ponderay Rd. Boise, ID 83705 1104 N Park Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99224 (509) 534-8599 www.AirstreamofSpokane.com 10! Phone: 208-887-5388 E-mail: caragoedeking@yahoo.com