Great for Tatting, Knitting, Crocheting, Needlepoint, Hand and Machine Quilting and Embroidery ”LIZBETH” CORDONNET A high quality “Handy Hands” 6-ply- 6-cord cottoncordonnet thread in 119 solids and varigated colors. 100% Egyptian Cotton Now choose from 164 colors. Super-combed and gas-singed for outstanding body, mercerized Packaged as above. HH41 - C ordonnet #10 “L izbeth ” 122 yd , 25 gr , and color fast. Made to Handy Hands’ high standard of quality. HH31 - C ordonnet #20 “L izbeth ” 210 yd , 25 gr , HH10 - #40 Size 10 116 yds - 25ydgrams HH35 - C ordonnet “L-izbeth ” 300 , 25 gr ,$3.95 each HH20 - #80 Size 20 210 yds - 25ydgrams HH42 - C ordonnet “L-izbeth ” 184 , 10 gr ,$3.95 each HH40 - Size 40 - 300 yds - 25 grams $4.25 each HH80 - Size 80 - 184 yds - 10 grams $2.95 each d Ad 2 01 2 ed Matching solids and variegated colors is now EASY! The HH Lizbeth collection includes variegated colors that match solid colors, (refer to color numbers in pink). NOTE: Thread colors shown vary due to printing process. 100 - Falling Leaves Victorian red, orange spice med, melon dk, canary dk. (670) 101 - Spring Flower Golden yellow med, grape med, english rose lt, ocean turquoise lt. (613, 643, 658) 102 - Western Sunset Christmas red, victorian red, grape med, lilac med. (642, 643, 670, 671) 103 - Tutti Frutti Golden yellow med, royal blue dk, azalea pink med lt, white. (613) 104 - Summer Fun Lilac med, seagreen med, pink med, turquoise lt, white between colors. (622, 642, 662 ) 105 - Confetti Boysenberry dk, brt turquoise dk, mint lt, lemon lt. (614, 644, 663, 689) 106- Spring Fling Raspberry pink med and lt, wedgewood dk, country turquoise lt. (623, 624, 656, 660) 107 - Tropical Fruit Seagreen dk, mint lt, melon med and lt. (688, 689) Colors may vary due to printing processes LACIS .com 108 - Sherbet Delight Boysenberry dk, raspberry pink lt, orange lt, yellow med. (623, 644) 109 - Wild Flower Turquoise lt, leaf green lt, dusty rose lt, white. (621, 662, 683) 110 - Desert Bloom Violet pink dk-lt, antique turquoise lt, harvest orange med,-lt.(635, 660, 694) 111 - Cotton Candy Blue lt, pink lt, purple lt, peach med. (630) 112 - Carousel Country grape med, antique blue med, harvest orange med/dk, leaf green med, cream between colors. (637, 653, 684) 113 - Jewels Plum, bright turquoise dk, purple dk, White between colors. (625, 633, 663) 114 - Sea Shells Shell pink lt, antique violet. (626) 115 - Springtime Violet/pink pale, spring green, brt. lavender med, country turquoise med. (661, 680) Page 1 of 6 3163 Adeline St. Berkeley, CA 94703 tel: 510-843-7178 fax: 510-843-5015 e-mail: 116- Christmas Delight Christmas green, Christmas red, white between colors. (671, 638) 117 - Country Side Country turquoise dk, fern green dk, blue med. (651) 118 - Bubble Gum Mix Turquoise lt, pink med, pink dk, between colors a lighter shade. (622, 662) 119 - Jelly Bean Purple med, pink dk, spring green, burnt orange med, between colors a lighter shade. (632, 680) 120 - Denim Whisper Dusty rose lt, denim blue lt, delft blue med, antique blue dk. (621, 650) 121 - Marble Navy blue, shell pink lt, sage green med, harvest orange dk, cream between the colors. (626, 654) 122 - Caribbean Turquoise med, lilac dk, royal blue. (641, 652, 662) 123 - Grape Pizzaz Grape med, plum lt, plum dk, White between colors. (643) 124 - Spring Garden Raspberry pink med and lt, leaf green med and lt. (623, 624, 683, 684) 125 - Sea Scape Ocean turquoise lt, wedgewood dk, harvest orange med with ecru between colors. (656, 657, 694) 126 -Paint Brush Lilac dk, victorian red, seagreen lt, royal blue dk. (641, 670, 686) 127 - Butterfly Breeze Yellow lt, raspberry pink lt, seagreen lt, denim blue lt. (615, 623, 650, 686) 128 - March Breeze Lilac med, victorian red, spring green, wedgewood dk. ecru between colors. (642, 656, 670, 680) Colors may vary due to printing processes LACIS .com 129 - Purple Splendor Purple dk, purple med, boysenberry dk, boysenberry lt. (632, 633, 634, 644) 130 - Island Breeze Ocean turquoise lt and med, violet pink med, pink med. (622, 635, 657, 658) 131 - Vineyard Harvest Olive dk, country grape med, boysenberry dk, mulberry dk (637, 644, 678) 132 - Tropical Punch Autumn orange med, Yellow lt, geranium pink lt, azalea med (615, 620, 696) 133 - Razzle Dazzle Wedgewood dk, autumn orange med, purple dk, azalea med. (620, 633, 656,696) 134 - Mountain Breeze Mocha brown dk and lt, avocado green lt, salmon med. (628, 690, 692) 135 - Lollipop Salmon med, spring green lt, lilac dk. (628, 641) 136 - Autumn Spice Mocha brown dk & med dk, terra cotta, harvest orange dk & lt, olive dk & med. (673, 678, 692) 137 - Berry Burst Violet dk, boysenberry dk, cornflower blue med, country turquoise dk (644) 138 - Leafy Greens Leaf green med, pine green, olive med, leaf green lt. (683, 684,) 139 - Fruit Fizz Raspberry pink med, autumn orange med, melon lt, purple med. (624, 632, 696) 140 -Country Grape Swirl Country grape dk, country grape lt. (636, 682) 141-Purple Twist Purple dk and white. (633) Page 2 of 6 3163 Adeline St. Berkeley, CA 94703 tel: 510-843-7178 fax: 510-843-5015 e-mail: 142 - Turquoise Twist Bright Turquoise dk, turquoise lt. (662, 663) 143 -Royal Wave Royal blue, white. (652) 155 - Ocean Sunset Grape med, boysenberry dk, raspberry pink lt, ocean teal med and dk, autumn orange med (623, 643, 644, 664, 665, 696) 156 - Juicy Watermelon Melon lt, geranium lt and med, salmon med, lime green and lime green lt. (628, 679) 157 - Raspberry Frappe Raspberry Pink med, Boysenberry dk, Magenta med & Lt (617, 624, 644) 158 - Niagara Falls Ocean turquoise dk, lt & vy lt, Ocean teal dk, lt & vy lt (657, 658, 665) 144 - Leaf Swirl Leaf green med, cream. (684) 145 - Pink Parade Pink med, pink lt. (622) 146- Mocha Swirl Mocha brown dk, cream (692) 159 - Easter Eggs Purple iris lt, seagreen vy lt, magenta lt, lime green vy light. (646) 147 - Red Burst Red med to beet red dk. 148 - Zebra Black and white. (604) 160 - Country Kitchen Shell pink lt, country turquoise lt, country grape lt, natural between colors. (602, 626, 636, 660) 161 - Sea Island Citrus Yellow lt, ocean turquoise vy lt, lime green lt, ocean teal pale. (615) 149- Peacock Blues Electric Blue dk and med, ocean turquoise lt, deep royal blue. (658) 150- Rootbeer Float Mocha brown dk and med, beige brown lt, brown med and lt. (691, 692) 151- Angels Love Christmas red and white. (671) 162 - Purple Iris Fusion Purple iris dark to med to light. (646, 647) 163 - Blue Ice Bright Blue to very light to a blue white. 152 - Christmas Green Mix Christmas green, green med Pistachio lt, white. (638, 681) 153 - Rainbow Taffy Pink lt, autumn orange med, yellow lt, avocado green lt, bright blue lt, purple med. (615, 632, 696) 154 - Wildflower Garden Lilac med, purple lt, autumn orange med, pink coral med, blossom pink med, english rose lt, olive dk. (642, 678, 696) Colors may vary due to printing processes 164 - Blue River Glades Fern green dk, med, lt, river blue dk, med, lt. (675) 165 - Grape Splash Lilac med to lt, grape med to lt. (642, 643) Cones available in Snow white ONLY 2.2 pounds per cone. Size 10 - Approx. 4880 yards - $80.00 Size 20 - Approx. 8400 yards - $80.00 Page 3 of 6 Size 40 - Approx. 12,000 yards - $90.00 LACIS .com 3163 Adeline St. Berkeley, CA 94703 tel: 510-843-7178 fax: 510-843-5015 e-mail: 166 - Pink Cocoa Mocha brown dk to lt, Azalea pink to lt. (620, 691, 692) 167 -Jungles Greens Olive vy dk, leaf green dk, blue green dk, laurel green dk. (676) 168 - Latte Foam Ecru to vy lt, mocha brown lt to vy lt. (603, 690) 169 - Autumn Apple Pie Garnet dk, Victorian red, Toast lt, mocha brown lt (670, 690) 170 - Pineapple Parfait Yellow lt, daffodil med, buttercup med. (615,616) 171 - Green Coral Sea Coral pink med and dk, Orchard green med and dk (608, 609, 667, 668) 172- Pink Marble Charcoal med, pink lt, plum (607,625) 601 - Snow White 602 - Natural 603 - Ecru 604 - Black 605 - Silver 606 - Charcoal 607 - Charcoal Med 608 - Coral Pink Med 609 - Coral Pink Dk Lizbeth® Thread Holder Retail $9.95 each Includes a free sample ball of Lizbeth thread. 173- Purple Marble Charcoal med, Purple Iris lt and dk (607,646, 647) 174- Girly Girl Azalea med to lt, Purple iris dk to lt. (620,646, 647) 175- Scottish Thistle Lime green med and lt, Purple iris med and lt (646, 677) RICH, vibrant Lizbeth read is the most versatile thread on the market. You can use it for knitting, crocheting, tatting, and needlepoint, as well as hand or machine quilting. It comes in 151 colors, for endless creative possibilities. We’ve taken great care to match variegated colors with solids, to make project planning easy and fun. Best of all, Lizbeth thread offers unsurpassed quality. You’ll notice a beautiful sheen—that’s because the colorfast, 6-cord cordonnet thread is made with 100% long-fiber Egyptian Cotton that has been mercerized. Because it’s super-combed and gas-singed, it has outstanding body, and it’s much less likely to tangle. There’s nothing like Lizbeth thread! Colors may vary due to printing processes v Use ribbon to hang from wrist, neck or anything! v Internal peg holds thread for easier unwrapping v Side opening - for easy changing of thread v Latch keeps thread ball intact if dropped v Protect thread from dust, spills and curious pets v Made of durable poly carbonate plastic v Patent Pending Available in the following translucent colors: HH5010 - Purple Lt. HH5030 - Pink Lt. HH5020 - Teal Lt. HH5040 - Green Lt. LACIS .com Page 4 of 6 3163 Adeline St. Berkeley, CA 94703 tel: 510-843-7178 fax: 510-843-5015 e-mail: Lizbeth® Colors - Matching Variegated & Solids Color # - Matching Numbers Color # - Matching Numbers Color # - Matching Numbers 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 670 613, 643, 658 670, 671, 642, 643 613 622, 642, 662 614, 644, 663, 689 623, 624, 656, 660 688, 689 623, 644 621, 662, 683 635, 660, 694 630 637, 653, 684 625, 633, 663 626 661, 680 638, 671 651 622, 662 632, 680 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 120 121 122 123 124 125 621, 650 626, 654 641, 652, 662 643 623, 624, 683, 684 656, 657, 694 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 641, 670, 686 615, 623, 650, 686 642, 656, 670, 680 632, 633, 634, 644 622, 635, 657, 658 634, 644, 678 615, 620, 696 620, 633, 656, 696 628, 690, 692 628, 641 673, 678, 692 644 138 683, 684 139 624, 632, 696 140 636, 682 141 633 142 662, 663 Colors may vary due to printing processes 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 611 652 684 622 692 604 658 692, 691 671 638, 681 615, 632, 696 642, 678, 696 623, 643, 644, 664, 665, 696 628, 679 617, 624, 644 655, 658, 665 646 626, 660, 636 615 647, 646 675 642, 643 620, 691, 692 676 603, 690 670, 690 615, 616 608, 609, 667, 668 607, 625 607, 646, 647 620, 646, 647 646, 677 172, 173 171 171 624 625 626 627 628 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 646 647 649 650 651 652 653 654 LACIS .com 101, 103 105 127, 132, 153, 161 170 157 132, 133, 166 109, 120 104, 118, 130, 145 106, 108, 124, 127, 155 106, 124, 139, 157 113 114, 121, 160 134, 135, 156 111 119, 129, 139, 153 113, 129, 133, 141 129 110, 130 140, 160 112, 131 116, 152 122, 126, 135 102, 104, 128, 154, 165 101, 102, 123, 155, 165 105, 108, 129, 131, 137, 155, 157 159, 162 162 120, 127 117 122, 143 112 121 Color # - Matching Numbers 655 656 657 658 660 661 662 663 664 665 667 668 670 671 672 673 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 106, 125, 128, 133 125, 130, 158 101, 130, 149, 158 106, 110, 160 115 104, 109, 118, 122, 142 105, 113, 142 155 155, 158 171 171 100, 102, 126, 128, 169 102, 116, 151 136 164 167 175 131, 136, 154 156 115, 119, 128 152 140 109, 124, 138 112, 124, 138, 144 126, 127 107 105, 107 134, 168, 169 150, 166 134, 136, 146, 150, 166 110, 125 132, 133, 139, 153, 154, 155 697 Page 5 of 6 3163 Adeline St. Berkeley, CA 94703 tel: 510-843-7178 fax: 510-843-5015 e-mail: 611 - Gold 639 - Antique Violet Lt 670 - Victorian Red 612 -Golden Yellow Lt. 640 - Antique Violet Med 671 - Christmas Red 613 - Golden Yellow Med 641 - Lilac Dk 672 - Burgundy 614 - Lemon Lt 642 - Lilac Med 673 - Terra Cotta 615 - Yellow Lt 643 - Grape Med. 675 - Fern Green Med 616 - Daffodil Med 644 -Boysenberry dk 676 - Leaf Green Dk 617 - Magenta Med 646 - Purple Iris Lt 677 - Lime Green Med 618 - Magenta Dk 647 - Purple Iris Dk 678 - Olive Dk 619 - Baby Pink 649 - Baby Blue 679 - Lime Green 620 - Azalea Med 650 - Denim Blue Lt 680 - Spring Green 621 - Dusty Rose Lt 651 - Blue Med 681 - Pistachio Green Lt 622 - Pink Med 652 - Royal Blue 638 - Christmas Green 623 - Raspberry Pink lt 653 - Antique Blue Med 683 - Leaf Green Lt 624 -Raspberry Pink Med 654 - Navy Blue 684 - Leaf Green Med 625 - Plum 655 - Wedgewood Lt 685 - Evergreen Dk 626 - Shell Pink Lt 656 - Wedgewood Dk 686 - Seagreen Lt 627 - Shell Pink Med 657 - Ocean Turquoise Dk 658 - Ocean Turquoise Lt 660 - Country Turquoise Lt 661 - Country Turquoise Med 688 - Seagreen Dk 632 - Purple Med 662 - Turquoise Lt 692 - Mocha Brown Dk 633 - Purple - Dk 663 - Bright Turquoise Dk 693 - Linen Med 634 - Violet/Pink Med 664 - Oecan Teal Med 694- Harvest Orange Med 635 - Violet/Pink Dk 665 - Ocean Teal Dk 695 - Bright Orange 636 - Country Grape Lt 667 -Orchard Green Med 696- Autumn Orange Med 637 - Country Grape Med 668 - Orchard Green Dk 697- Fudge Dk 628 - Salmon Med 630 - Peach Lt. 631 -Country Purple Lt 689 - Mint Lt 690 - Mocha Brown Lt 691 - Mocha Brown Med 682 - Country Grape Dk Colors may vary due to printing processes LACIS .com Page 6 of 6 3163 Adeline St. Berkeley, CA 94703 tel: 510-843-7178 fax: 510-843-5015 e-mail: