From the Relieving Principal


From the Relieving Principal
MARCH 2013
We acknowledge The Traditional Custodians of this Land.
From the
Relieving Principal
Welcome to 2013
This has been one of the most
successful and dynamic
commencements to a school year
that Keira has experienced. Only
a month has passed and already our students and
teachers have been engaged in a myriad of learning,
sporting and cultural challenges with incredible
successes being achieved.
School Dux Nisha Pradhan.
The last month of 2012 saw our
Year 12 students achieve excellent
Higher School Certificate results
with a significant percentage
gaining entry to pursue their
learning at a tertiary level. Nisha
Pradhan was identified as Dux with
a staggering ATAR of 97.25. Nisha
has now begun her studies at the
University of New South Wales
having been successful in gaining
a place in the very competitive
area of Bachelor of Electrical
Engineering/Masters of Electrical
Welcome to those student and staff members who are
joining the Keira Community. Year 7 have made an
excellent beginning to the year and have impressed all
with their active participation in their lessons and extra
curricular activities. Congratulations to Ms Kalatzis-
Vlahakis, Head Teacher Welfare and Year 7 Advisers
Ms Hicks and Mr Guevara for their facilitation of a well
supported and organised transition to high school for our
new Year 7.
Never before have we begun the new year with so many
teachers joining our permanent teaching staff. We
welcome Ms Elizabeth Alexander in Mathematics,
Ms Erin O‟Leary and Mr Timothy Mortimer in PDHPE,
Mr Peter Slattery in Science/PDHPE, Ms Kim Beale in
English, Mr Michael Kahabka in History/LOTE
(Japanese), Mr Adam Bridger in Social Science, Ms Lee
Aynsley in Learning Support, Ms Jennifer Kay in the
Library and Ms Vicky Kalatzis-Vlahakis as Head Teacher
Welfare. We welcome these teachers to the permanent
teaching staff of Keira and a sizeable proportion to their
first appointment in our world class Public Education
Wednesday 6 March 2013 at 7.30pm
in the Staff Common Room. ALL WELCOME.
(Enter from car park via rear door, then upstairs)
Keira is a powerhouse in sport and only last week we
stormed into the world of Triathlon Competition winning
the NSWCHS and NSW All Schools Triathlon at the
Open Girls event held at Penrith Regatta Centre.
Welcome Year 7!
We have a great nucleus of students in Year 7, who are
very mature, eager, passionate and willing to learn. Their
„give it a go‟ mentality has been evidently shown in class,
on the sporting fields, and in the playground.
Here’s what they had to say about starting Year 7 at
Keira High School:
I enjoy Wednesdays because its sports
day and we can do various sports.
Gaby White-Davis ex Fairy Meadow Dem School
Our team of Karlie Picton, Olivia Lavalle and Josie Talbot
displayed incredible concerted talent in defeating over
160 teams, representing both Government and
Independent schools from across NSW. A phenomenal
result. In Individual Intermediate Boys Max Stapley, in
Year 8, was placed 3rd in NSWCHS and 6th in NSW All
Schools. Max as been selected to represent NSW at the
Australian Individual Triathlon to be held at the Penrith
Regatta Centre in early April.
Australia Day is a important moment
for all of us to reflect upon our
nation‟s history and to acknowledge
those Australians who make a
significant contribution to our
community. In 2012 Mr Guevara
was recognised in the Wollongong
City Australia Day Awards for his
contribution to special education
and this year Mrs Green received a
commendation at the annual awards
dinner for her work within our
refugee community. A proud record of acknowledgment
for Keira High School, we congratulate Mrs Green on this
Aboriginal Education is a priority at Keira and all public
schools. You will notice on the front page the beautiful
image of Mount Keira and the coastal strip that runs
down to the Tasman Sea and the Five Islands
immediately off shore. These significant geographical
landmarks are the intrinsic element of an important
dream time story. This image is a central focus in our
entrance foyer and has been used this year as the cover
of our student diary. This beautiful photograph was taken
by renowned local photography Brad Chilby.
Please note that last week I spoke to the students about
this being our last newsletter that will be printed and
posted home. It will, as it has always been, available
online. However, we are encouraging parents to
subscribe for email updates of the newsletter through our
website. You will also be able to read this file on your
iPhone, iPad and Android Apps. The benefits will be that
you can view it immediately after it is published and in
glorious colour. Please refer to page 11 on instructions
how to subscribe.
Mr D J Robson
Relieving Principal
Good friends, good times, fun classes
every day. That’s why I like being at my
high school.
Broden Mawson ex Fairy Meadow Demonstration School
I love being at Keira because we do
exceptionally well in sport, have a really
nice canteen and wonderful teachers and
Maria Micale ex Wollongong Public School
I’m glad I came to Keira because of the
vibe the environment has.
Max Madden ex Wollongong Public School
I like my new school because I am able to
make new friends but still keep my old
ones. Jasmine Balkwill ex Balgownie Public School
I’m glad I came to Keira. All the teachers
and students put in a lot of effort to try and
make us feel welcome.
Brooke Wilson ex Balgownie Public School
The one thing I like most about high school
is that you have many different teachers
and another great thing is the new friends
you meet.
Gabrielle Weine ex Pleasant Heights Public School
I love Keira because every day extends
my knowledge to achieve a brighter life in
my school years.
Adam Karayiannis ex Coniston Public School
I love Keira because I have made awesome
friends and have new exciting classes.
Alex Organ-Caldwell ex Wollongong Public School
I like my new school because it is
challenging and exciting.
Ayrton Jacobs ex Pleasant Heights Public School
I love to experience new things and that’s
what I was looking for and found.
Tara Manocher ex Coniston Public School
Explicit Teaching and ALARM
From the
Deputy Principals
Current educational research is telling
us that students learn at a higher level
and achieve better outcomes when
explicit teaching strategies are
employed by the teacher.
Welcome to Year 7
It was a wonderful sight to see our
new Year 7‟s finally arrive after
meeting them several times last year. I have had the
pleasure of visiting many of their classes and from
what I have seen the students are engaged and
fitting in well within their new school. Some Year 7
students are starting to involve themselves in school
activities. A few groups have put their teams in for
the “Canteen Cup” a lunchtime volleyball
competition initiated
Miss Hicks and Mr
Guevera for all their
hard work in helping
smooth transition into
high school
Year 7 Advisers:
Miss Hicks and Mr Guevera.
Year 9 Laptops
Year 9 students will soon be receiving their laptops.
They are presently being set up at school and will be
delivered to students who have returned the
completed “Laptop Charter” as soon as possible.
Year 9 are also experiencing electives for the first
time which gives students the opportunity to follow
an interest in greater depth. Mrs Power and Mrs
O‟Keefe continue to support their year and have
assisted many new students who have come to
Keira as their school of choice.
Year 11
To support Year 11 students and their families Mr
Schmidt and Miss O‟Leary ran a highly informative
evening which highlighted programs that we are
running at school for senior students, what can be
done at home to aid in developing success for a
senior student and some insight from senior
students concerning methods they are using to
achieve at a high level in their HSC. This is the first
of a number of initiatives designed to assist Year 11
in these important years.
Mr D Sharpe
Relieving Deputy Principal
Important elements of explicit
teaching are; a highly structured learning
environment, a focus on specific learning outcomes
and breaking subject matter into small parts. In
explicit teaching students are provided with a
structured framework where content is taught in a
logical order and lessons are teacher directed.
It is with this knowledge of the benefits of explicit
teaching that Keira High School, (along with other
schools in our region) have adopted the Explicit
Teaching Model. ALARM© stands for “A Learning
And Responding Matrix” ALARM© provides a pattern
of learning and responding (writing and constructing
answers) that enables students to move beyond
surface learning and into deep learning. Deep
learning is where the student understands and
masters material to the point where it can make a
difference in their life, allowing them to better
understand their world and enables them to shape
their attitudes and beliefs.
Deep learning also allows students to achieve better
outcomes in the HSC. By following the highly
structured pattern of learning and responding that
ALARM provides, students are more able to achieve
in bands 5 and 6 in the HSC. This has been proven
convincingly at other DEC schools in NSW. We are
currently implementing the ALARM© model with
Years 11 and 12 at Keira High School. Staff and
students have been introduced to the model and it is
being implemented in their lessons.
As with anything new, there will be some challenges
and I do not expect students to find it easy in the first
instance. Learning at the deepest level and thus
achieving bands 5 and 6 in the HSC is not easy BUT
it is achievable for many students with diligent
preparation and development of the necessary skills.
The ALARM© Program allows students to develop
these skills. Our development of our explicit learning
program has been in collaboration with our partner
high schools. In particular our initial planning was
enhanced by work with Woonona High School and
most recently we have become a professional
partner of Corrimal High School as they begin to
formalise their inclusion of ALARM© in the school‟s
strategic plan.
Mr B Ellevsen
Deputy Principal
Indigenous community marks
apology anniversary
Career News
Rural Fire Service Cadet Program
This year in Term 2
students in Year 9 and
10 will be given the
complete the Rural
Fire Service Cadet
program as a sport
Aunty Lila Lawrence (left), Ricci-Rose Hampten, Aunty Rhonda CruseRawiri and Liam Borst . Picture: DAVE TEASE at Illawarra Mercury
On Wednesday 13 February, Keira High School
participated in the fifth anniversary of Kevin Rudd‟s
National Apology to the stolen generation. This day
was held at the Warrigal Employment in Windang and
overseen by Aboriginal elders who shared their
knowledge and experience. Each of the sixteen
schools that participated sent one indigenous and
one non-indigenous student to symbolise
reconciliation and to learn the stories and history of
our nations past.
Year 10 student Dylan Skinner and Vice-Captain
elect Liam Borst attended the proceedings,
representing Keira as a fine Public High School and
as an ambassador for multicultural schools across
the Illawarra. This day was a great day for all and a
step closer to the long overdue healing of past
Liam Borst and
Dylan Skinner at
the Warrigal
Employment in
marked the fifth
anniversary of
Kevin Rudd's
national apology
to the stolen
Liam Borst
Year 12
Vice Captain
A long-term volunteer,
Pam Fothergill, came
to speak to the
students on assembly
about the program,
Guest speaker: Pam Fothergill
which includes theory,
such as fire safety in the bush, and hands on activities
using the equipment on the fire trucks.
The response has been overwhelming and we thank
the RFS for giving us the chance to run this program
at Keira High School.
Ms S Wilcock
Careers Adviser
UOW Discovery Day 2013
On Monday 4 February,
Year 12 students were
given the opportunity to
participate in the UOW‟s
Discovery Day. A Discovery
Day gives high school
students the opportunity to
experience first hand what
a day at university is like.
They receive a personal
timetable and attend lectures just like a current UOW
student. The day is about getting students to
understand and familiarise themselves with life after
the HSC. Discovery Day provides students with an
opportunity to experience, for a day, life as a
university student. For example, finding your way
around the campus, reading timetables and attending
classes and lectures. The day was a great success
with all students encouraged to apply for tertiary study
next year.
Rachel Wilson
Year 12 Vice Captain
Meet our Wellbeing Team 2013
This is an exciting time for the Wellbeing Team at
Keira High School, as it is going through a number of
changes. Due to growing student numbers the school
has been fortunate enough to attain a new role, Head
Teacher Wellbeing. I was successful in achieving this
position and will be managing the Learning Support
Team and the Wellbeing Team. The position entails
leading and supporting staff in order to coordinate
programs that assist the physical and mental
wellbeing of students at Keira High School.
The Wellbeing Team consists of:
Our Year Advisers: Year 7 - Ms Hicks, Year 8 - Ms
Cusack, Year 9 - Ms Power, Year 10 - Mr English,
Year 11 - Mr Schmidt, Year 12 - Ms Arvela,
Supervisor Of Female Students - Ms Green and
Head Teacher Wellbeing - Mrs Kalatzis-Vlahakis.
Women’s Day 2013
Each year around the world,
International Women's Day (IWD) is
celebrated on Friday 8 March. It is also known as „The
United Nations Day (UN) for Women‟s Rights and
International Peace‟. Thousands of events occur not
just on this day but throughout March to mark the
achievements of women.
“The story of women's struggle for equality belongs
to....all who care about human rights” - Gloria
Steinem. At Keira High School we care deeply about
human rights and this is a value that we strive to instil
in our students. During the week from the 4 to 8
March students will participate in lessons where an
awareness will be raised about the significance of this
day. Students will engage in discussion, drama
activities and empathy tasks to celebrate the
achievements of women in the past, present and
Ms Mors will continue the tradition of hosting a
morning tea which involves female staff and senior
female students.
The team works closely ensuring that the students
are happy, healthy and safe.
Mrs Kalatzis-Vlahakis
Head Teacher Wellbeing
This is my first year undertaking the role of
Supervisor of Female Students.
I am looking forwards to being part of a united team,
aiming to provide support for girls to ensure their
safety and security in order for them to maximise their
chances of being happy, confident, active global
citizens. My role is to support girls in achieving
success in learning and to promote positive
behaviours via specific programs. I enjoy the
responsibility of caring for the welfare of female
students. I would like to ensure that girls have equity
in terms of the opportunities they can access in order
to fulfil their individual potential. Our school believes
that it is important to establish a quality learning
environment that has significance for girls in order to
increase their engagement and consequently, their
Ms Sandra Green
English Faculty
Four senior students leaders in our school: Ciara
Smith (Female Captain), Rachel Wilson (Female Vice
Captain), Lisa Sengul and Maddy Hutchinson (two
active SRC members and strong leaders) have been
invited to a brunch sponsored by the Bluescope WIN
Partnership. They will have the opportunity to listen to
a variety of female speakers who are successful in
economic, political and social arenas.
During the year Keira High School students will have
the opportunity to be involved in a whole school
project to educate and empower girls globally, in
developing nations. This contribution will assist in
further sustainable change towards the global
momentum for women's equality. We are all
responsible for ensuring that the future for girls is
equal, safe and rewarding.
Sandra Green
English Teacher
Wellbeing Team - Supervisor of Female Students
for every child living with cancer in Australia.
This years walk will take place on the 23 and the 24 of
March, the walk is designed for young and old and
has no restriction on the distance you walk.
The Great
Illawarra Walk
The Great Illawarra Walk was an amazing event to
attend last year. Keira High entered as a small team
of roughly ten students and two teachers. This team
consisted of students from all years and in total raised
a staggering $800. Most of the team walked from
Shellharbour Village to Thirroul, which is about 38
This event made each of us very proud, knowing that
we were giving back to the community and also
helping sick children and their families. I still drive
past certain points of the walk and think to myself “Did
we really walk this far?”
Photo (left to right): Kate Gill, Sarah Broadhead, Simone James, Miss
Leisa Hicks, Miss Erin O'Leary, Rachel Wilson, Josh Pereira, Dylan
Arvela, Amena Hadaya and Tahlia Hebben.
The Great Illawarra Walk is now in its sixth year and
the event is growing steadily. To date it has raised
over $200,000 for Camp Quality, the children‟s family
cancer charity whose purpose is to create a better life
This year we are attending the event again and we
are hoping to represent Keira High School with
greater numbers. We will also be representing the
school by wearing our sports uniform on the day. All
family and friends are welcome to join in the walk.
Josh Pereira
Year 12
Girls in Sport
Girls In Sport is an initiative that aims to increase the physical activity
levels of girls. Keira High School has developed a training program
to encourage all female students to be active and as a result, gain
the health benefits that physical activity brings e.g. feeling good and
increased concentration. This program will be run throughout the
year with the following days and times being run during Term 1:
3:15 - 4:00pm
3:15 - 4:00pm
Personal Trainer
PDHPE Teacher
(various activities)
(see calendar below)
Emily Robinson, Abby Trommestad and
Renee Henderson are all enthusiastic
about the Girls in Sport initiative.
Girls who join this rewarding program only have to pay $2 per session – an amazing bargain in view of normal
pricing. They will receive a loyalty card where their 1st and 5th session is free and their 10th session earns them
a merit stamp. At the end of the term, nominated students for „Best Participant‟ and „Best Attendance‟ will be
rewarded with various prizes such as Lorna Jane vouchers. This is a great opportunity for all female students
to increase their physical activity levels and gain the health benefits that follow. Please encourage your child to
join this excellent program.
Miss E O’Leary - PDHPE Faculty
Week 2
3:15 - 4pm
5th Feb
Kelly (PT)
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
12th Feb
19th Feb
26th Feb
5th March
12th March
19th March
26th March
Kelly (PT)
Kelly (PT)
Kelly (PT)
Kelly (PT)
Kelly (PT)
Kelly (PT)
Kelly (PT)
1st March
8th March
8th Feb
15th Feb
3:15 - 4pm
Kelly (PT)
22nd Feb
Throw &
Catch Activities (Teacher)
15th March
Throw &
Catch Activities (Teacher)
22nd March
29th March
Vaccinations for
Male and Female students.
Boys in NSW high schools will be offered human
papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination from 2013 to
provide protection against developing infections that
can lead to cancer.
In 2013, the 3-dose course of vaccine will be
offered to:
Year 7 boys as part of the routine school-based
vaccination program.
Year 9 boys as part of the national „catch up‟
program in 2013 and 2014 only.
HPV is the name given to a group of viruses that
affect both males and females. Most people who are
sexually active will have a genital HPV infection at
some time in their lives. HPV infection usually causes
no symptoms and goes away by itself. However, in
rare cases can cause life-threatening cancers.
The vaccine is highly effective in preventing the main
types of HPV infection and is most effective when it is
given to people before they are exposed to the virus.
As well as protecting males from HPV infections,
immunising young men will also help protect women
from infection.
Parent Information Kits will be sent home to parents
shortly. To consent to vaccination, parents are
advised to read all the information provided, complete
the Consent Form and return it to the school.
Both female and male students in Year 7 will also be
offered vaccination against other diseases, including
diphtheria-tetanus-whooping cough (dTpa), hepatitis
B and varicella (chicken pox).
Impor tant Dates
VISIT 1 Thursday 4 April 2013
Friday 5 April 2013
VISIT 2 Thursday 6 June 2013
VISIT 3 Thursday 24 October 2013
Friday 25 October 2013
visit or contact the
Public Health Unit - Wollongong Office on 42216700.
Mrs Kalatzis-Vlahakis (Head Teacher Wellbeing) and
Ms Green (Supervisor of Female Students) at Keira
High School are both available to address any issues
or concerns.
Ms S Green
Wellbeing Team - Supervisor of Female Students
Maths News
Tax File Number Applications
Secondary School Students Program
All Year 9 students have been given the opportunity
to apply for a tax file number through this program.
This process is by far the easiest way for students to
apply for a tax file number as they need to provide the
details of only one document to prove their identity.
The school then verifies the information the student
has provided on the form (name, address and date of
birth) with the information provided to the school on
Once the information has been verified by the front
office, completed forms will then be sent to the
Australian Taxation Office. Students will then receive
their tax file numbers within 28 days of the ATO
receiving the forms. The school does not receive
student TFN from the ATO.
Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 who do not have a
TFN can see their mathematics teacher and ask for
an application form.
Students are asked to return their completed
applications to their mathematics teacher before
Friday 22 March.
Ms C Pemberton
Head Teacher Mathematics
Blood Drive
February, 23 Year 12
students and one
teacher participated
in a second blood drive at Wollongong Blood Bank.
Donating blood provides an opportunity for people to
get together and do something special by rolling up
their sleeves. For many people blood donors are their
lifeline. Currently one in three Australians need blood,
yet only one in 30 donate. Modern processing
techniques mean that a single blood donation, when
separated into its components, can help three
different patients.
So far 72 lives have been saved by our generous
donations and we should strongly commend those
who gave blood for the first time. We hope to
encourage more donations from students and
teachers in the future.
Rachel Wilson -Year 12 Vice Captain
Keira’s Alumni
Where are they now?
Michael Scerri
I attended Keira High from
1999 to 2004 and was
privileged to represent the
school as captain in 2004. In
2008 I completed a bachelor
degree in Exercise Science
and Rehabilitation at Wollongong University, working
at Unanderra physiotherapy as an Exercise
For six years after finishing Year 12 I worked as a
professional lifeguard over summer and spent most
winters overseas. I have seen some beautiful places
in the world, having travelled through Europe,
Indonesia, the pacific islands, Northern and Central
In 2008 along with a few mates, we founded Port
Kembla Boardriders, and for six years I have been
organising, running and competing in monthly surfing
competitions. This offers me an enjoyable, unrelated
outlet from studying and provides a great sense of
belonging in my local community.
In 2010 I was accepted into the Bachelor of Medicine
and Surgery at Wollongong University on a medical
rural bonded scholarship. I anticipate to graduate this
year, and will then be spending six weeks in the
emergency departments of South Africa, before
finishing in Darwin hospital completing a general
surgery rotation. I plan to apply for surgical training,
wherever that takes me is unknown. I recently got
married, bought a little red Kelpie and am building my
first house, planning to start a family some time soon.
Favourite Keira moment as a student:
I have many favourite memories of high school and
the experience definitely got more enjoyable as I
moved through the senior years. Music was always
great; I thoroughly enjoyed the company, and
appreciate Mrs O‟Leary‟s sense of humour
immensely for putting up with all the laughter and
rubbish we spun!
Advice for present students:
Save some pennies and travel the world. What you
will learn from experiencing different cultures will
serve a life lesson, you will learn to not take your life
for granted and have a lot of fun. Also make time to
do the things you enjoy. Having an outlet and
allowing yourself to have fun enables you to
concentrate on and appreciate your work.
Michael Scerri will be our guest speaker at the
Captains Induction Dinner on Thursday 7
Student Attendance and
Absentee Notes
Students, parents and caregivers are reminded that
absentee notes and late notes are to be given to roll
teachers on the first day of attendance following any
whole day or partial absence. It appears from our
current records that a growing number of students
have overlooked this important requirement.
Under new computer monitoring of student
attendance by the Department of Education, students
who fail to bring in notes seven (7) days after
returning from absence are now marked “unjustified
absence” on school records. Our school‟s new halfyearly and yearly reporting program will also have the
facility to identify these absences on future student
Roll teachers monitor student absences and your
child receives regular notification from them of the
dates of any unexplained absences.
Please be prompt in returning absentee and late
notes to roll teachers in order that the school may
maintain accurate recording and reporting of your
child‟s absences.
Mr R Wilkinson
Head Teacher Administration
Have you received the
School kids Bonus ?
Do you know about the Schoolkids Bonus? It is a
new cash payment to help eligible families and
students with the costs of primary and secondary
school studies.
If you receive a family or income support payment,
including Family Tax Benefit Part A, you could be
eligible to receive $410 a year for each primary
student and $820 a year for each secondary
student, with half paid in January and half paid in
The Schoolkids Bonus replaces the Education Tax
Refund (ETR) and is a much simpler system. You
no longer need to collect receipts and payments are
made automatically so you don‟t have to wait
months to make a claim via your tax return.
visiting and if you think
you might have missed out on the January payment,
contact Centrelink on 132 468.
Production Rehearsal
Menace in the Meadow:
Keira High’s whole school
production is almost here!
Our production team has been hard at work
rehearsing for our up and coming „Menance in the
Meadow‟ performance. Here are some photos.
All talking! All singing! All dancing!
Follow the action….
This year‟s thrilling show is set in our own
Fairy Meadow - back in the days when it was just
that - a meadow.
By Dylan Maguire and
Chris Wilson, Year 10
An evil villain, a sweet heroine, a handsome hero
and a cast of colourful characters will thrill you with
their quest for development dollars, true love, or
just a decent feed!
Show dates are
Wednesday 3 April
Friday 5 April
Saturday 6 April
(Week 10)
The Keira High Band has begun, with a great turnout
of musicians ready to get involved, and the sound
coming from room 306 was awesome. We are still
hoping to get more students involved - if you play an
instrument WE NEED YOU!! Band plays from 8.10
am every Monday morning, and all musicians are very
welcome. First gig will be the Year 6 showcase
evening in March.
A delicious colonial style supper
is included in the cost
$25 adults, $15 concession
and $65 for a family of four.
Only 20 will be chosen……. to participate in
WotOpera this year. This fantastic opportunity for
students to devise, compose and perform their own
opera will enable our school community to be a part of
something big! Not sure?
Tickets go on sale
Wednesday 6 March
from the school office.
Only 120 tickets per show, so get in
quickly. Our 2011 show was sold out.
Check out WotOpera on Youtube.
The cost of participation is $4000, and we are grateful
to the P&C for their donation of $500, and also to the
generous students of Keira High who gave $429 in
gold coin donations as they entered the swimming
carnival. Fundraising progress can be followed on our
temperature chart in the office. Performance will be at
the IPAC in late June.
NOTE: people with mobility issues
are advised to contact the school before booking.
Ms A Lawrence
Head Teacher CAPA
Is your child beginning
Year 7 in 2014 ?
Shaniece Igano made a short film about Warrawong estate's
“Legoland”. Picture: ORLANDO CHIODO - Illawarra Mercury 22/2/13
Then come along to our
Parent Information Evening at
Keira High School
The school of choice for our local
community of schools.
Congratulations to Shaniece Igano, a student in Year
12 last year, who is the recipient of one of four
scholarships offered by the Illawarra International
Women‟s Day Committee.
Each scholarship of $2,000 was awarded “to
encourage women in our community, who might not
otherwise have the opportunity, to expand their
knowledge, skill and experience in a field of their
interest or in which they have shown great potential”.
Shaniece‟s involvement as a volunteer with a
community film organisation Beyond Empathy,
Illawarra, her commitment to her own filmmaking and
her success in being selected for artexpress all
contributed to Shaniece‟s success in being the
recipient of the Cate Stevenson Scholarship. We
wish her all the best as she pursues her career in
filmmaking at a tertiary level.
Ms K Mors
Visual Arts Faculty
Parking Issues in Lysaght Street
Please be mindful when dropping off
and picking up students from school.
Street parking on Lysaght Street is
minimal and mostly signposted with
restrictions - No parking between
8.00am - 9.30am and 2.30 - 4.00pm
on school days. Please ensure that
you do not park in resident
driveways. Cars have previously been fined for
parking across driveways.
Mr D J Robson
Relieving Principal
Wednesday 13 March 2013
The evening starts at 6.00pm in the
school hall and concludes at 8.30pm
Find out what makes Keira High School so
Official welcome by the Principal
Organised tours
Student displays
Head Teachers available to
answer questions
Supper provided for parents, caregivers and
their children.
The teaching staff and students of Keira
look forward to meeting you on
Wednesday 13 March 2013
For further information, please contact the
school on 4229 4644
or visit our website at
UOW Science Workshop
Electronic Newsletter
On the 17 and 18 of January a few students and I
were invited to take part in a workshop at Wollongong
University. When the day came, and we all showed
up eager to start. Minutes later we were broken up
into groups. Me and my friends chose to participate in
the course Segments, Joints and Muscles:
Investigating How We Move, while others chose
other workshops like Industrial Robotics and
Creative Writing For Beginners And Beyond.
Email Subscriptions iPhone, iPad and Android Apps
As the workshop started, we discussed things like
motor control and how we react through feedback
and feed-forward control. As soon as the lecture
ended, we were told to go near a computer monitor
and start attaching electrodes to our skin. We first
attached them to our legs and used a rubber hammer
to test our kneecap reflex and see how long it took us
to react. And other stuff like testing out our muscle
memory, or our ability to adapt. We tested this by
attaching electrons to our arms and setting two water
jugs on each end of a tray and quickly removing it to
see how our muscles adapt to sudden change.
The second day was almost similar, we were told to
work on our muscle memory again by doing a series
of tests like we had had to put a dot in the middle of a
x on a piece with our eyes closed. And the same test
again, except this time wearing goggles that blurred
our vision. And to top it off, we went to one of the
university rooms designed for observing muscle
movement like the type they use in movies.
I quite enjoyed being involved
in these workshops and I am
looking forward to them again
in the future.
Justin Candelaria
Year 9
Dear Parent
We are pleased to inform you that you can
now subscribe to receive your newsletters via email
and also access these via an app for your
smartphone and tablet. We will no longer be mailing
newsletters home.
We would prefer you to receive the newsletter
electronically. There are many advantages including:
easy and direct reminders straight to your email
simple to use mobile apps;
a student can‟t forget or lose the newsletter;
access to the newsletter if the student is absent
from school;
reduced photocopying and administration time
costs to the school; and
supporting our environmental initiatives.
Please note that any savings to the school is money
that can be better used on classroom resources or for
improving the students‟ school environment.
How To subscribe for email updates
1. Visit our website at
2. On the “News & Dates” drop down menu, click
“Newsletters and Notes”
3. Under the “Subscribe” heading, tick on the
“Newsletters List” and the appropriate year lists
4. Enter in your name and email address.
5. Click Subscribe
6. IMPORTANT: An email will be sent to your email
address, you MUST click the “Activate Now”
inside this email that is sent to you.
Get the school newsletter via an app on
your iPhone and iPad
Get the iPhone and iPod Touch app by visiting:
Get the iPad app by visiting:
Android and other apps visit:
Please note: Parents who had previously requested
their newsletter to be emailed to them will have to
subscribe to this new computer system.
Mr D J Robson
Relieving Principal
Sport News
School Sport has started in earnest with the election of House Captains, the annual swimming carnival, Wednesday
afternoon sport and a large number of South Coast Regional trials.
A reminder to students, parents and care givers that sport is a compulsory part of their education and
attendance is a requirement of the Department of Education.
Students whose behaviour is unsatisfactory and those who come out of uniform or are unprepared for participation in
sport on a Wednesday will be sent to sport detention
which concludes at 3.00pm. Students who are required to
leave early for any reason on Wednesday must have an
appropriate note from their carer and have it signed by
Ms Vecanski prior to going through Mr Wilkinson, Head
Teacher Administration. Students who constantly
request to leave early for medical reasons must have
a doctor’s certificate indicating the length of time the
student is unable to participate in sport.
Your 2013 House Captains & Vice Captains
House Captains 2013
Congratulations to our 2013 House Captains who were elected by their peers at House meetings Week 2.
Boronia (blue)
Captain Girls
Sari Boschiero
Vice Captain Girls
Campbell Rutty
Captain Boys
Izak Delich
Vice Captain Boys
David Trang
Waratah (red)
Captain Girls
Chelsea Hurt
Vice Captain Girls
Ayla Yagmur
Captain Boys
Bryce Boyd
Vice Captain Boys
Liam Mahoney
Acacia (yellow) Captain Girls
Karlie Picton
Vice Captain Girls
Tori Dyson
Captain Boys
Kurt Foulger
Vice Captain Boys
Daniel Olsen/Evan Johnston
Banksia (green) Captain Girls
Acacia Braithwaite
Vice Captain Girls
Erica Bell
Captain Boys
Djordje Uzelac
Vice Captain Boys
Laughlan Bennett
Swimming Carnival
Some outstanding results were seen by swimmers across all ages at the annual swimming carnival held in beautiful
weather at Corrimal Swimming pool. An enormous number of long standing records were broken and I am looking
forward to seeing our strong Zone team perform at the upcoming Northern Illawarra Zone carnival at Corrimal Pool
late in February. Well done to all our swimmers and congratulations to our Age Champions and record breakers and
the all the competitors in Boronia House whose efforts were rewarded with being named Champion House.
12 years
13 years
14 years
15 years
Adam Karayiannis
Braxton Hurt
Lachlan Kimberley
Jayden Hutchinson
16 years
17+ years
Izak Delich
Liam Borst
Age Champions
Sarah Shin
Annalisse Boschan
Sophia McLean
Alicia Anderson/
Ashleigh Anderson
Chelsea Hurt
Karlie Picton
Swimming Carnival Age Champions
Records Broken
Harrison Corby
Alicia Anderson
Jayden Hutchinson
Izac Delich
13 years boys 50m Breaststroke
13 years boys 50m Freestyle
15 years girls 100m Freestyle
15 years girls 50m Freestyle
(previous record 40.41sec
(previous record 30.14sec
(previous record 1:05.05sec
(previous record 29.40sec
15 years boys 200m Freestyle
15 years boys 100m Freestyle
15 years boys 50m Freestyle
15 years boys 50m Breaststroke
15 years boys 50m Butterfly
15 years boys 50m Backstroke
16 years boys 50m Freestyle
(previous record 2:10.07sec
(previous record 1:01.07sec
(previous record 27.40sec
(previous record 39.10sec
(previous record 31.20sec
(previous record 35.00sec
(previous record 27.30sec
Regional Selection
Congratulations to Lincoln Mackreth-D‟Souza for his selection in the South Coast Regional Baseball team to
compete at NSWCHS state championships.
Ms K Vecanski
Sport Organiser
Swimming Carnival Photos
Community News
KHS does not receive or accept any paid advertising for Community Notices. Also, we have no way of checking the bona fides of any information
received. We encourage parents/caregivers to make all necessary checks prior to involving their children in activities listed.
World Education Program
(WEP) Australia is now accepting applications from students who wish to
participate in 2013/14 exchange programs for a summer, semester or year. Students can choose to study
and live life with a carefully selected host family in more than 25 countries.
Exchange students return to Australia with maturity, confidence, and in many cases, proficiency in another
language. If learning another language is not for your child, excellent programs to the USA, Canada, Ireland
and the UK are also available. Scholarships to Argentina and China and Early Bird Specials are now
available for programs commencing in 2014!
Become a WEP Host Family!
Experience the joys of hosting an exchange student and gaining an international family member. Visit to find out more. Find Out More!
Request a free information pack. Visit, email or call 1300 884 733.
Grand Pacific Walk Information Session
Wollongong City Council is developing the Grand Pacific Walk, a 60km path that will run from the Royal National Park to Lake
Illawarra. The share-path will follow the Grand Pacific Drive route, giving pedestrians and cyclists safe access to enjoy the views and
attractions of this beautiful area. The Grand Pacific Walk will provide means for healthy and environmentally sustainable activities
while promoting connections between local communities. Council invites the community to be involved in the development of this
project by having their say at the following information session:
Sunday 3rd March - 11am - 1pm, next to North Beach Bathers Pavilion
For more information visit the Council website at or call Paula Kennedy on 4227656.
Wednesday 6 March 2013
P&C Meeting in the Common Room at 7.30pm, all welcome.
Friday 8 March 2013
Year 11 Biology Excursion
Wednesday 13 March 2013
Year 6 into 7 (2014) - Information Evening
Thursday 14 March 2013
Captain‟s Induction Ceremony in School Hall 12.10pm
Friday 15 March 2013
Year 7 Zoo Excursion
Wednesday 20 March 2013
Year 12 Half Yearly Exams commence
Thursday 28 March 2013
Uluru Parent Information Night at 5.30pm in the Common Room
(for parents who have students attending the camp).
Wednesday 3 April 2013
Whole School Production Opening Night
Monday 8 April - Friday 12 April
Year 10 Work Experience Week
Friday 12 April 2013
End of Term 1
Monday 29 April 2013
Term 2 commences - Staff Development Day
Wednesday 1 May 2013
Students return to school for Term 2
Tuesday 14 May 2013
Year 8, 9, 10 Parent / Teacher Afternoon
Tuesday 21 May 2013
School Athletics Carnival
Tuesday 28 May 2013
Year 7, 11, 12 Parent / Teacher Afternoon