2015 Annual Report Executive Summary
2015 Annual Report Executive Summary
URBAN LAND INSTITUTE 2015 ANNUAL REPORT DEVELOPING FOR HUMANITY E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | ULI 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | 1 “ What we accomplished in fiscal year 2015 helped raise ULI’s visibility and strengthen its impact. We stayed ahead of the times while staying true to our mission. “ Patrick L. Phillips PATRICK L. PHILLIPS Throughout fiscal year 2015, ULI continued to evolve, responding to the rapid changes taking place throughout the industry and in our communities, and innovating to meet the needs of members around the globe. Highlighting the year were our signature global meetings, each of which provided excellent networking and great content, raised ULI’s visibility among new audiences, and attracted new members. The content we produced reflected a focus on building for change in the 21st century, with a goal of advocating new thinking about design and development and delivering practical, actionable, and replicable solutions. It’s an approach that continues to guide our current work and will guide it going forward. We made great progress in FY 2015 with our global evolution initiative, which will strengthen our global networks, empower members to be land use leaders, and enhance the overall membership experience. In addition, we continued to move ahead with technology advancements, which will 2 | A N N U A L R E P O R T. U L I . O R G improve how you communicate with other members and simplify how you transact business with us. Another project started in FY 2015 was the relocation of ULI’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. The plans we conceptualized between June 2014 and June 2015 are now being completed, with a design that is welcoming to members and fosters more interaction and collaboration among staff. Our achievements in FY 2015 helped raise ULI’s visibility and strengthen its impact. As you will see in the Annual Report, we stayed ahead of the times while staying true to our mission. Thank you for making ULI the world’s most trusted organization on the responsible use of land and the creation of thriving, sustainable communities. Patrick L. Phillips Global Chief Executive Officer Urban Land Institute Leadership Messages GEOFFREY STACK LYNN THURBER During 2015, the ULI Foundation marked its 45th anniversary—a milestone I was pleased to recognize as Foundation Chairman. In this very productive year, our Annual Fund contributions totaled more than $1.6 million—a strong showing of support due to the tireless efforts of our very capable Annual Fund Chairman Michael Hayde. This includes gifts from nearly 3,000 donors, representing a 10 percent increase over 2014. Throughout the real estate industry, the need to embrace change has perhaps never been greater. In fiscal year 2015, which was my final year as ULI chairman, the Institute’s work in the key areas of building for health, creating resilient communities, expanding housing options, and fostering leadership reflected a growing emphasis on building for change. We looked closely at how urbanization, demographic shifts, technology advancements, climate change, and new economic growth drivers are upending long-held notions about what is built, and where and how it’s built. Equally significant, we added 20 Governors to our roster of Foundation benefactors, raising the total number of ULI Foundation Governors to 300—another high mark for the organization. Together, these achievements helped significantly in strengthening ULI’s influence and stretching its reach. The 2015 Annual Report is the story of ULI pushing the envelope, every day, around the globe, helping foster better decisions about how our communities are growing, and ultimately leading to better communities for the generations ahead. Every piece of ULI’s content, every ULI program, and every ULI service funded by the Foundation helps reinforce the Institute’s longstanding reputation as the world’s leading authority on responsible land use and excellence in urban design and development. Every gift to the ULI Foundation contributes to the very real impact ULI is making on people’s lives every day. Thank you for helping us keep ULI strong and successful in 2015, and in the years ahead. Together, ULI and the ULI Foundation are helping build a better world through better communities. Geoffrey Stack C h a i r m a n , U L I Fo u n d a t i o n ULI’s focus on embracing change was elevated by our 2015 Midwinter Meeting, held for the first time in Paris, where ULI convened 150 ULI Trustees and other thought leaders from around the globe to discuss how the built environment needs to change for future generations. This meeting was a highlight of my chairmanship: it was pivotal for ULI in that it set a course of action that continues to influence the Institute’s entire program of work. The theme of building for change is reflected in every aspect of the 2015 Annual Report, which serves not just to chronicle achievements, but also to illustrate ULI’s powerful influence as the world’s leading authority on responsible land use and urban development. Of course, all of what ULI accomplished in 2015 is attributable to each of you. Your support of the Institute is enabling ULI to reach farther, delve deeper, and demonstrate progressive thought leadership that reinforces the Institute’s brand as an organization of innovators. Thank you for keeping the momentum going. Lynn Thurber Global Chairman, Urban Land Institute F i s c a l Ye a r s 2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 5 E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | ULI 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | 3 Our Priorities Advising Communities in Need ULI delivers the experience and expertise of Institute members to communities facing critical land use challenges. The ULI Advisory Services program partnered with the World Bank and the South African government to unlock the potential of land in Durban, Cape Town, and Buffalo City. 4 | A N N U A L R E P O R T. U L I . O R G Building Sustainably ULI clarifies the connections among responsible use of resources, the built environment, and longterm environmental health, and demonstrates a compelling business case for resource efficiency. ULI Virginia and the Advisory Services program identified strategies for resilience for Norfolk, Virginia, which is coping with sea-level rise and other impacts of climate change. Connecting Capital & the Built Environment ULI ensures the attractiveness of real estate to global allocators of capital by understanding and explaining the dynamics affecting real estate value. ULI Poland held its inaugural Competitive Cities Conference, where municipal leaders met private sector representatives and capital providers to discuss the future of Polish cities. Learn more at annualreport.uli.org/our-priorities. Developing Excellence through Education Driving Innovation in Real Estate & Urban Development ULI creates learning experiences that develop professional expertise and personal leadership skills in support of the individual, the community, and the real estate industry. ULI analyzes the evolution of real estate market demand, changing technology, policy trends, and investment patterns to help identify opportunities, develop creative responses, and manage risk. The ULI Real Estate Entrepreneur Program cultivates small-scale developers who are remaking cities, block by block and neighborhood by neighborhood. The ULI publications America in 2015 and Gen Y and Housing shed light on the housing and community preferences of millennials, the demographic cohort that is reshaping society. Shaping Cities & Regions ULI fosters the planning and development of vibrant, competitive metropolitan areas through the sharing of global best practices and promotion of effective relationships among business, government, and community stakeholders. The ULI Healthy Corridors project aims to transform automobile-centric, fast-moving commercial corridors into healthy and safe destinations for people. E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | ULI 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | 5 Program Highlights The mission of the Urban Land Institute is to provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide. Advisory Services Awards Building Healthy Places The ULI Advisory Services program provides The ULI Awards Program recognizes excel- The ULI Building Healthy Places Initiative expert, independent advice to communities lence and visionary thinking in urban design, af- shapes projects and places in ways that im- grappling with complex land use challenges. fordable housing, and real estate development. prove the health of people and communities. Case Studies Center for Capital Markets Center for Sustainability ULI Case Studies showcase innovative The ULI Center for Capital Markets tracks, The ULI Center for Sustainability provides lead- approaches and best practices in real estate analyzes, and explores real estate investment ership on energy performance and resilience to and urban development. trends globally. impacts resulting from climate change. 6 | A N N U A L R E P O R T. U L I . O R G Learn more at annualreport.uli.org/program-highlights. District & National Councils Global Convenings Fellows ULI’s District and National Councils deliver ULI’s Global Convenings draw land use pro- ULI Fellows conduct research and provide the Institute’s mission at the local and fessionals from around the world to connect, thought leadership on real estate development regional levels. contribute, and share best practices. and other topics of relevance to the Institute’s global membership. “ In 2015, ULI members demonstrated extraordinary leadership and a willingness to share knowledge to improve people’s lives in communities around the globe. “ Leadership & Education Product Councils ULI’s Leadership and Education programs ULI’s Product Councils allow land use cultivate leadership and land use decision- leaders from across geographical markets making skills among emerging professionals to engage with each other candidly in smaller and young people. group settings. Rose Center for Public Leadership Terwilliger Center for Housing Urban Land The Rose Center for Public Leadership The ULI Terwilliger Center for Housing Urban Land magazine is ULI’s flagship publi- in Land Use encourages and supports facilitates the creation of a full spectrum of cation, providing timely, accurate, and in-depth excellence in land use decision making housing opportunity in communities across coverage of trends in urban development. by local governments. the United States. Lynn Thurber E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | ULI 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | 7 ULI Financials Balance Sheet Key Cash & Short-Term Investments Assets in Assets in Funding for ULIF (loan callback) 2015 2014 $72,259,570 $60,723,578 ULIF Temp Restricted Gifts ULIF Operations Other Inventory Prepaid Expenses and Deposits Investments Property and Equipment, Net Key Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Liabilities in Liabilities in $21,666,162 $16,267,759 2014 2015 Deferred Revenue Deferred Rent Key Undesignated Net Assets in 2015 $50,593,408 8 | A N N U A L R E P O R T. U L I . O R G Net Assets in 2014 $44,455,819 Board Designated – District Councils Temporarlly Restricted FINANCES Income Statement Global District/ National Councils Temp. Restricted Total 2014 24,597,045 — 24,597,045 20,169,888 REVENUE AND SUPPORT District Council (local programs) — Meetings and conferences 15,826,656 — — 15,826,656 14,139,777 Membership 13,922,170 — — 13,922,170 12,928,893 Content 6,337,439 — — 6,337,439 5,716,685 Advisory Services 1,904,650 — — 1,904,650 2,089,297 Urban Land magazine 1,763,835 — — 1,763,835 1,695,252 Product Councils 1,602,658 — — 1,602,658 1,341,853 Publishing 1,224,529 — — 1,224,529 1,134,493 Professional Development 1,288,623 — — 1,288,623 800,477 District Council support from ULI 430,093 — — 430,093 490,013 Awards 562,636 — — 562,636 478,481 — — 3,732,627 3,732,627 1,195,752 397,257 — — 397,257 100,713 45,260,546 24,597,045 3,732,627 73,590,218 62,281,574 — 23,304,952 — 23,304,952 19,300,883 Meetings and Conferences 9,721,608 — — 9,721,608 8,604,993 Membership 3,580,665 — — 3,580,665 2,988,882 Content 8,499,977 — — 8,499,977 7,974,369 Advisory Services 2,014,633 — — 2,014,633 2,001,446 Urban Land magazine 2,251,857 — — 2,251,857 2,049,550 Product Councils 2,507,000 — — 2,507,000 1,862,205 Publishing 1,705,270 — — 1,705,270 1,709,408 Professional Development 1,561,575 — — 1,561,575 986,013 District Council Support from ULI 6,615,392 — — 6,615,392 6,002,795 Awards 1,143,715 — — 1,143,715 991,953 Strategic Communications 2,200,471 — — 2,200,471 2,947,577 775,035 — — 775,035 843,371 1,209,075 — — 1,209,075 1,284,927 43,786,273 23,304,952 — 67,091,225 59,548,372 Net Income before Investments 1,474,273 1,292,093 3,732,627 6,498,993 2,733,202 Investment Gain/(Loss) (361,404) — — (361,404) 285,708 1,112,869 1,292,093 3,732,627 6,137,589 3,018,910 Net assets released from restrictions Other Total Revenue and Support EXPENSES District Council (local programs) ULI Foundation Contribution Development Total Expenses Change in Net Assets E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | ULI 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | 9 ULI Foundation Financials Balance Sheet Key Cash & Short-Term Investments Assets in Assets in 2015 2014 $54,331,901 $61,065,505 Endowment and Annual Fund Pledges Long-Term Investment Website Net of Amortization Accrued Interest Receivable Key ULI Reserve (recallable loan) Accounts Payable Grant Funds in Advance Liabilities in Liabilities in $6,166,560 $15,669,092 2014 2015 Key Unrestricted Net Assets in Net Assets in $48,165,341 $45,396,413 2015 1 0 | A N N U A L R E P O R T. U L I . O R G 2014 Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted FINANCES Income Statement Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted 2015 Total 2014 Total 1,100,408 8,038,248 (562,900) 8,575,756 3,382,312 Contributions from ULI 946,341 — — 946,341 843,371 Interest and Dividends, net of fees 198,090 446,744 15,828 660,662 694,756 4,117,806 (4,092,674) (25,132) — — 6,362,645 4,392,318 (572,204) 10,182,759 4,920,439 5,743,931 — — 5,743,931 5,869,918 Fundraising 755,375 — — 755,375 657,276 General and Administrative 262,303 — — 262,303 310,831 6,761,609 — — 6,761,609 6,838,025 Change in Net Assets before Investment Gain (398,964) 4,392,318 (572,204) 3,421,150 (1,917,586) Investment Gain/(Loss) (103,071) (531,460) (17,691) (652,222) 5,532,962 (502,035) 3,860,858 (589,895) 2,768,928 3,615,376 REVENUE AND SUPPORT Contributions Net Assets Released from Restrictions Total Support and Revenue EXPENSES Program (Grants to ULI) Total Expenses Change in Net Assets “ The 2015 Annual Report is the story of ULI pushing the envelope, every day, around the globe, helping foster better decisions about how our communities are growing, and ultimately leading to better communities for the generations ahead. “ Geoffrey Stack E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | ULI 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | 11 GLOBAL IMPACT BY THE NUMBERS ULI brings together experts in the fields of real estate and land use who each year help communities around the world thrive. In 2015, we made a significant impact through education and leadership initiatives that instill our passion for building the best possible future across the world. 1 2 | A N N U A L R E P O R T. U L I . O R G FISCAL YEAR 2015 35,601 members delivering ULI’s mission in 80 countries 3,400 more than $1.6M 7,500 in contributions to the ULI Foundation Annual Fund ULI members serving in leadership roles across 73 District and National Councils 1.25M 300 students shaping the future of land use leadership through UrbanPlan and the ULI Hines Student Competition people who viewed ULI content via social media channels; 2.6 million unique visits to ULI’s family of websites 98 170 recipients of ULI awards, recognizing exemplary people, policies, projects, and places that demonstrate leadership and excellence in land use members serving on Advisory Services panels held around the world ULI Foundation Governors, who make significant philanthropic investments in ULI 390 articles in the Urban Land print and online magazine, sharing member knowledge and expertise E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | ULI 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | 13 Annual Fund Donors Founders Circle ($25,000 or more) Richard Price ♦ Diana Reid ♦ Leadership Circle ($10,000–$24,999) Thomas Arnold ♦ Jeff Blau ♦ Marty Burger ♦ Patrick Callahan ♦ John Chandler Frank Cohen Bruce Etkin ♦ Michael D. Fascitelli Michael Franco Mark Gibson Richard Gollis ♦ Roz Gorin ♦ Michael Hayde ♦ W. Dean Henry ♦ Tyler Higgins ♦ Jeffrey Horowitz Gregory Johnson ♦ Chaim Katzman Jeffrey Kelter James Klingbeil ♦ Steven Kohn ♦ Jeffrey Kott ♦ Mark Kroll ♦ David Lentz Douglas Lyons ♦ Cia Buckley Marakovits ♦ Melinda Masson ♦ Jodie McLean Robert McLeod ♦ Constance Moore ♦ Barry Moss ♦ Mark Myers Stephen Navarro ♦ Daniel Neidich ♦ Robert O’Brien ♦ John O’Donnell Richard Perlmutter ♦ Philip Riordan Joseph Rose Ralph Rosenberg ♦ Howard Roth ♦ Randall Rowe ♦ Glenn Rufrano Deborah Ratner Salzberg ♦ Adam Schwartz Michael Spies ♦ Geoffrey Stack ♦ Dorine Holsey Streeter ♦ Owen Thomas ♦ Thomas Toomey ♦ Alexander Twining ♦ Serena Wolfe ♦ Margaret Wylde ♦ Chairman’s Circle ($5,000–$9,999) Douglas Abbey ♦ David Allman Joseph Azrack ♦ Joseph Brown ♦ Peter Catalano Charles Cobb ♦ Steve Crosby James Curtis ♦ Mark Elliott Douglas Etkin ♦ Theresa Frankiewicz Mary Hager John Hagestad ♦ Alison Hawkins Clyde Holland Kenneth Hubbard ♦ Tracy Kennedy Vincent Lo Anthony Malkin Scott Malkin ♦ Bowen “Buzz” McCoy ♦ Alexander Mehran Ronald Nahas ♦ Timothy Naughton Tom Owens Stephen Quazzo ♦ James Ratner ♦ Kevin Shannon Hap Stein Marilyn Taylor ♦ F. Bogue Wallin Kurt Wilkinson President’s Circle ($2,500–$4,999) Arthur Adler John Ashworth James Bachner Peter Ballon Phil Belling C. Joseph Blackbourn Graham Bond Mary Borgia ♦ Jonathan Brinsden Colleen Carey Mona Carlton Daniel Cashdan ♦ James Chaffin Stephen Conley Stephen Cordes Michael Covarrubias ♦ Richard Dishnica ♦ Ambrose Dittloff David Dufenhorst John Echols Jeremy Fletcher John Healy ♦ Patricia Healy ♦ Pamela Herbst Jonathan Holtzman Glenda Hood Kirk Humphreys Edward James ♦ Bruce Johnson ♦ David Johnson Sonny Kalsi Mary Ann King M. Leanne Lachman ♦ David Larcher Mychele Lord Robert Lowe ♦ William MacDonald James Maginn ♦ John McKinnerney Robert Merck Dennis Oklak Edward Pettinella John Porter Whayne Quin ♦ Robert Reidy Carl Rieger Jonathan Rose Peter Rummell ♦ Daniel Safier 1 4 | A N N U A L R E P O R T. U L I . O R G Richard Saltzman ♦ Robert Skeeles Tony Spaeth Ron Sturzenegger Warren Troupe Don Vita John Walsh K. Jay Weaver Bret Wilkerson Smedes York ♦ Skyline Club ($1,000–$2,499) Matthew Akin Harry Alcock Toni Alexander ♦ Jeffrey Alpaugh Howard Altshuler Tyler Anderson Susan Ansel Scott Appenzeller Charmaine Atherton Scott Ball Will Balthrope Jonathan Bell Michael Berman Michael Berry Laura Beuerlein Alan Billingsley Annette Billingsley Caroline Blakely John Blumberg David Bohannon ♦ Scott Bohannon James Boone Brandt Bowden William Bowness Sean Breslin Richard Burns Edward Burr Edson Burton Brian Byrne James Callard ♦ Gary Campbell Kathryn Campbell David Carliner Lynn Carlton Andrew Carmody James Chaffin ♦ Paul Chapman Vishal Chawla Haim Chera J. Richard Choate David Christensen ♦ Sheri Chromow Andrew Cohen U.L. Coleman III Kevin Colket Franz Colloredo-Mansfeld Paul Corley Michael Couch Douglas Crocker ♦ Brian Cullen Cheryl Cummins Sean Deasy Rex DeLong Gary Derck Robert DeWitt Thomas Donnelly ♦ Peter Donovan Jeffrey Dritley Ronald Druker ♦ Lili Dunn Steven Eggert Arthur Fields ♦ Eric Fischer Thomas Fisher Adam Flatto Leigh Fletcher Charles Flint Adrian Foley Mark Forrester John Fowler Harry Frampton ♦ Dovid Frankel Merrie Frankel Karl Frey Lewis Friedland Mark Friis Calvin Gladney Rick Graf Don Grant Robert Gray Erin Green Bert Gregory Bradley Griggs Aubrey Haines William Halford John Hardy Deborah Harmon Jeffrey Harris Ada Healey Bohdy Hedgcock John Herbert ♦ Charles Hewlett Phillip Hughes ♦ Adam Ifshin Robert Ivanhoe F. Scott Jackson ♦ Sarah Jelencic Robert Jennett Larry Johnson Marty Jones Craig Kaufman Michael Kelly ♦ Richard Kessler James Ketai Walter Koelbel ♦ Robert Kogod Craig Krumwiede ♦ Matthew Lawton Matthew Lazenby Mark Leary Mary Ludgin Donald MacKenzie Barry Mandel David Manfredi Isaac Manning Alan Mark Craig Martin William Seth Martin Michael May John Mays Brian McAuliffe Thomas McCarthy Andrea “Dee” McClure John McClutchy John McGurk Thomas McNearney Michael Medzigian Suzanne Mellen David Mgrublian Andrew Miller Glen Mitts Donald Monti Jonathan Moore James Mulvihill Charlie Myers Steven Napolitano Patrick Nash David Nelson ♦ George Ochs William O’Connor John O’Donnell ♦ John Olivier Alfred Pace Lisa Palmer Alan Patton Christopher Payne Gregory Pinkalla Russell Platt Roger Pratt Adam Raboy Ron Rasmussen Dale Reiss ♦ Marc Renard Lance Robbins David Robertson Alex Rose ♦ Wendy Rowden Robert Ruth ♦ Anne Ryan David Schonbraun Michael Schueler ♦ Ira Schulman David Schwartz Elizabeth Seifel Thomas Senkbeil Jay Shah Scott Shapiro Robert Sharpe ♦ Lewis Shaw Richard Sinkuler John Slidell Brian Smith Jerry Smith Richard Sonntag Krista Sprenger Peter Steil Yaromir Steiner Sabine Stener Lisa Stewart Cassie Stinson Phillip Stoffregen Rebecca Stone Jeffrey Swope ♦ Jonas Sylvester Robert Taubman Mark Tennison Christopher Thomas Sheri Thompson William Tooley ♦ Michael Torres Vincent Toye Simon Treacy Andrew Trotter Jackie Vanco George von Liphart ♦ Lee Wagman Frank Walter Jean Paul Wardy Philip Waterman Daniel Weaver H. Lawrence Webb Robert Webster ♦ Robert Weekley ♦ Jeff Whiting Stephen Whyte Stephanie Wiggins John Wilbanks Marcelo Willer Sean Williams Michael Winn Gregory Wolkom Erik Wood James Worms Mathew Wyman William Yowell F. Karl Zavitkovsky ♦ Foundation Club ($500–$999) J.J. Abraham Stuart Ackerberg Dallas Addison Thomas Adler Nariman Afkhami Chris Akbari Mark Alfieri Dennis Allen David Alperstein Ryan Anderson Bill Andrews Steven Arthur Michael Atkins Anthony Avila Ambrish Baisiwala Thomas Bak Laurie Baker Anthony Balestrieri Steve Bassett Scott Bassin Peter Bechen Christopher Beda Stephen Beinke Stephen Benjamin Thomas Bennison Jack Berquist Jeffrey Bijur Matthew Birenbaum Karl Blackley Laura Bonich W. Thomas Booher James Borders Andrew Borsanyi Martin Bovill Robert Bowman Charles Brindell Barry Brown Neil Brown Rick Brown Roger Brown Scott Brown Ted Brown Bruce Burkard James Butz Kurt Buxton Robert Byron David Cacciapaglia Margaret Cafarelli Brad Calbert Beth Callender Richard Campo Michael Caprile Amy Cara Robert Cardoza James Carpenter Noble Carpenter George Carras Michael Carroll Daryl Carter George Casey ♦ Lawrence Casey ♦ Riaz Cassum Stephen Cebra John Cecil ♦ Kathleen Cecilian ♦ Rajesh Chandnani Anthony Chang Wayne Chasen Charles Christensen John Cibinic Jeffrey Citrin Kenneth Code Douglas Cole Bill Collins Brian Collins Chip Colvill Joseph Corcoran Fred Cordova Mary Corley Kathleen Corton Jeff Courtwright David Cropper Douglas Dahlin Michael Dardick Charles Davidson Todd Davidson Malcolm Davies Warren de Haan Manuel De Zarraga Daniel Deibel Thomas Dennard Mark Detmer Bruce Dorfman Gary Downs Mark Drumm Carl Duke David Durning Joe Dykstra Andrew Ebbott Lee Edlund Brian Edwards Grant Ehat Joel Eisemann Greg Engler Garth Erdossy Randall Evans Michael Everett Peter Falco Carlos Febres-Mazzei Robert Feinberg Patrick Fitzgerald Robert Foley Leonard Forkas Brad Foss Cynthia Foster Christopher Frampton Jonathan Fredricks Kemper Freeman Jeff Friedman John Gavin Dietmar Georg Thomas Geshay Patricia Gibson Lance Gilliam Edward Glaeser Larry Golinsky Todd Gomez Manuel Gonzalez John Goodman Mark Goodman Gary Gordon Marshall Gordon Joseph Gorin John Gray Anthony Greenberg Nina Gruen Greenlaw “Fritz” Grupe ♦ John “Wes” Guckert John Gunther-Mohr Timothy Haahs Nick Hackstock Michael Hagan Jay Hailey David Hale Timi Hallem Nedra Halley V.R. Halter ♦ Clark Hanrattie Kevin Harrigan Jay Hart Jill Hatton Jeffery Hayward Arden Hearing Jeffrey Heller Grant Herlitz Jennifer Hernandez Carlos Hernandez-Garcia Kyle Herren Arthur Hill Dennis Hillier Scott Hodson Gentry Hoit Elizabeth Holland Matthew Holmes Erik Horvat R. Michael House Katie Hubbard Donald Huffner Ogden Hunnewell Brad Hutensky Mitchell Imanaka Russell Ingrum Jeremiah James Sly James Mats Johansson David Johnson ♦ Kirk Johnson Randy Johnson DONORS Alexander Kalamaros I. Michael Kasser ♦ Mark Katz Stephen Kaufman Brian Kavoogian Peter Kaye John Keeling Daniel Kelly Douglas Kessler John Kessler Marcum D. Khouri Matthew Kidd Edwin Kimsey Rick Kirkbride P. Christopher Kirles Robert Kline Ryan Krauch Peter Krause Quentin Kuhrau George Ladyman John Landwehr Keith Largay Andrew Larrick Brian Lavin Stephanie Lawrence Aaron Lazovik James Lee Scott Lee Rob Leinbach Christopher Leinberger Christian Lessard Daniel Levitt Robert Lewis Kenny Lipschutz Michelle Lord Perry Lorenz Cynthia Wilusz Lovell Ken Lowney Katherine Lugar Larry Lukanish Mark Lunt Ronald Lunt Matthew Lustig Taylor Mammen David Martin Jamie May Michael May Joel Mayer Marc McAndrew Thomas McCahill S. Eric McClelland James McCormick Mary Beth McCormick Tom McGonagle Ken McIntyre Jeanette McKague William McLaughlin James McLeish Susan Merrick Fred Merrill Dwight Merriman Nelson Migdal Robert Milkovich Donald Miller Robert Miller Tadd Miller Tommy Miller John Millham Christopher Milton Andy Mitchell Bill Montgomery Keith Morrow Jonathan Moss Jordan Moss James Motta Suzanne Mulvee W. Michael Murphy Sakura Namioka Shekar Narasimhan Frank Navarro Ella Neyland Peter Nichol Arndt Nicklisch Christopher Niehaus Rex Noble Matthew Norton Steve O’Connell John Oharenko H. Pike Oliver Debbie Orshefsky Robert Ozaki Lawrence Palumbo Judson Pankey Mehul Patel Maxwell Peek Marc Perrin Harold (Skip) Perry Jr. Mark Petersen Richard Petersheim J. Michael Pitchford Roger Platt Samuel Plimpton Marc Pollack Douglas Poutasse John Powell Brad Power Albert Praw Eric Price Jay Pruitt William Puckett Jeffrey Quicksilver David Rae David Ramus Ali Razi Lee Redmond Eugene Reilly William Reister Wellington Reiter Michael Reschke William Reynolds Ken Rhee Frank Ricks Christopher Rising Struan Robertson Ruben Roca Peter Rooney Kenneth Rosen David Rosenbaum Daniel Rosenbloom Michael Ruane Joseph Rubin John Ryan Ed Ryder Mitchell Sabshon Federico Sanchez-Ortiz ♦ Brian Sands Preston Sargent Judie Scalise Michael Schall John Schoenfeld Daniel Schulte Anthony Seijas William Selvage Michael Severson Carl Shannon Robert Sheppard Steven Shores Elizabeth Shreeve Steve Siegel Eugene Sisco Tyson Skillings Sean Slater Teri Slavik-Tsuyuki James Smith ♦ Jeff Smith Julie Smith Kelley Smith ♦ Hilary Spann Michael Speer Greg Spencer Kim Sperry Danielle Sprouls Christopher Squadra Paul Stein Jeffry Stoddard Joyce Storm David Streicher Marilyn Strickland Susan Swanezy Carl Tash David Taussig Timur Tecimer Robert Thiergartner Anne Torney Mark Toro Frank Transue ♦ Thomas Trkla Mark Tsocanos Richard Tucker Steve Van Amburgh Stephen Van Dusen Gregory Vilkin R. Warren Walters Ranne Warner William Warnick Thomas Wattles Susan Watts J. Ben Wauford H. Thomas Webb Steven Weilbach Robert Weinberg Andrew Weir Glen Weisberg Herb Weitzman Marilyn Kramer Weitzman Charles Werhane Michele Wheeler W. Don Whyte Dennis Williams Evan Williams Ione Wilsmann Douglas Wilson Jon Wilson Joseph Wisniewski Thomas Woliver Eric Wood Wistar Wood R. Mark Woodworth Frank Wuest Dennis Yeskey ♦ Deno Yiankes Sean Zasche John Zeiler Bill Zhou Michael Zietsman Michael Zoellner Mark Zytko Friend (up to $499) Anonymous Ryan Abbe Derek Abbott Ned Abelson Valerie Achtemeier Amachie Ackah Jeffrey Ackerman Charles Adams Harry Adams Matthew Adams Scott Adams John Adams Patricia Adell David Adelman David Adelman Mark Aden Drew Ades Jeff Adler Imran Ahmed Christopher Aiken Mason Ailstock Marianne Ajemian Denise Akason Christine Akins Anthony Albanese Joseph Albanese John Alexander Gary Allen Jeffrey Allen Mark Allyn Karen Alschuler Ann Althoff Jeffrey Altman Barry Altshuler Nicole Ament Bird Anderson C.A. Anderson Donald Anderson Joshua Anderson Luke Anderson Morgan Anderson Natalie Anderson Robert Anderson Scott Anderson Daniel Anderton Gary Andrews Steve Angel William Anthony Frank Apeseche Russell Appel Alan Araki Gabriel Arias Robert Armstrong Alan Arnold Richard Arnold Carlton Arrendell Alan Aschenbrenner David Ash Henry Ashforth Ryan Aubry Bryan J. Auchterlonie Erwin Aulis Don Baarman Elinor Bacon Edjuan Bailey Laura Bailey Candace Baitz David Baker James Baker Jeffrey Baker Edward Balazs Kenneth Balin ♦ Hugh Balloch Jason Ballow Jesse Bank Phillip Bankhead Randy Banks Deb Barbanel Michael Barker Jonathan Barnes Joseph Barnes Andrew Baron Andre Baros Collin Barr Jason Barron Maria Barry Jan Bartholomew Jonathan Bartlett Daniel Bartok Sara Barz Lorne Bassel Todd Bassen James Batchelor Tarik Bateh John Batey Andrew Beaird Pamela Beam Ronald Beard Denis Beaudin Peter Bedford ♦ Brad Beelaert Peter Belisle Dean Bellas Robert Bellinger Joseph Belmont Douglas Bennett Terry Bennett Jill Bensley Amanda Benton Craig Berberian Blake Berg Stacey Berger Eric Bergwall Jeffrey Berkes Scott Berman Carl Berry Hilary Bertsch Robert Best Nathan Betnun Steven Betts David Beznos Mark Bhasin Douglas Bibby Daniel Biederman Howard Biel Gregory Bielli Ross Bierkan David Biggs David Birdsall David Birnbrey Robert Bisno Andrew Blair Andrew Blake Deborah Blake Margaret Blakey Brandon Blaser Kenneth Bleakly Buck Blessing John Bliss David Blom Melvyn Blum Robert Blumenthal Deron Bocks Fred Bolt John Bonanno Mark Bonapace W. Douglass Bond Paul Boneham Zach Bonsall Allina Boohoff Evan Boris Marty Borko J. Theodore Borter Peter Borzak Jennifer Boss Kenneth Bowers William Bowman Zach Bowyer Marshall Boyd Maureen Boyer Thomas Bozzuto Toby Bozzuto Richard Brace Alexander Brackenridge Ralph Braden Zeb Bradford Thomas W. Bradshaw Jr. Joe Brady Dave Bragg Jeffrey Bramson Andrew Brand Wayne Brander Uwe Brandes Wayne Brandt Mark Bratt Tim Brauer Raymond Braun Robert Braunohler Charles Brecker Sarah Breen Ben Breslau Deborah Brett Julie Brinkerhoff-Jacobs Kathleen Briscoe Timothy Brislin William Brizee Russ Brockelbank Don Broderick Keith Brodock Rita Brogan Richard Broming Eric Brooks James Brooks James Brooks Andrew Brown Drew Brown Jay Brown Joshua Brown Kate Brown Landon Browning John Brownlee Andrew Bruce Richard Brustad Kathryn Bucklew Kimberly Bucklew Henry Bullock Jay Bullock Glenn Burdick Lynsey Burgess Kathleen Burgi-Sandell Mike Burlbaugh Tom Burleson A. Michael Burnett Kathryn Burns Mitchel Burns Hafsa Burt Jamie Burt Brad Burton Thomas Burton Peter Burwash Nicholas Buss David Butler John Buza Christopher Cacheris Margaret Caldwell Peter Calkins Suzanne Cameron ♦ Christine Camp John Campanella Mary Campbell Brian Canin Kevin Cantley Edward Carey Alan Carlisle Ian Carlton Frank Carmel Richard Carr Susan Carras John Carrick Christopher Carroll Joseph Carter Kevin Carter Susan Carter Jeffrey Caruso Edward Casal Nick Cassala Peter Cassiano Anthony Castillo Anthony J. Catanese Todd Cates Peter Cavaluzzi Martin Caverly William Cawley Joe Cebina Michele Centeno Richard Centolella Jeffery Cernuto Lee Cervantes Ada Chan Dan Chandler David Chandler Theddi Chappell Monica Chavez Robert Chavez Jason Check Brad Chelton Alexia Chen Lynn Cherney Taylor Chess Danita Childers Donald Chiofaro Scott Chisholm James Chrisman Chad Christensen Marvin Christensen Michael Christopher Peter Ciaccia John Cigna Catherine Clark Rebecca Clark Chip Clarke William Clarke Isabelle Claver Robert Clement Michael Cochran Robert Cochran Richard Coe Andrew Cohan Bruce Cohen Howard Cohen Jack Cohen Laura Cole Peter Cole Art Collins Michael Collins Alan Colyer Wayne Comer Tyler Congleton Alice Connell Thomas Connolly Daniel Conway Joseph Coomes Andrew Cooper Jeffrey Cooper Jerome Cooper Keith Copaken Brian Corbett Peter Corbett Blake Cordish Daniel Corfee Jonathan Cornelius Gladys Cornell Lawrence Corson Gregory Cory Ryan Cosgrove Greg Cosko Stephen Coslik Elizabeth Costello Wayne Costley John Cottle Stephann Cotton Jamie Covello Mark Cover Ross Cowan Elizabeth Cowles Michael Cox Scott Cox Thomas Cox ♦ Catherine Coyle Michael Coyle Steve Coyle LeeAnn Crabbe Chris Crawford Roger Cregg Peter Crolius Anthony Crooks Todd Crow Trammell Crow John Crowley Thomas Crowley Kevin Crummy Alison Cumberland Jack Cuneo Charles Cunniffe Daniel Cunningham Thomas Cunningham William Cunningham Van Currell Christopher Curry Donald Curtis NormaLynn Cutler Warren Dahlstrom Thomas D’Alesandro Tom Danahy Robert Daniel Arthur Danielian John Danielian Jeffery Daniels Charles Darby Peggy DaSilva Eliza Datta Cappy Daume Brian Dauskurdas Linda Davenport John Davidson Jack Davis Jon Davis Ryan Davis Todd Davis David De Vos Juan DeAngulo Michael DeAscentis Mark Deason Jeffrey DeBoer James DeFrancia ♦ Dirk Degenaars John Delatour Joseph DeLuca Paul DeMartini Michael DeNicola Peter Dennehy Robert Derck Maggie Derk John Detwiler Patrick Devereaux Darryl Dewberry Kim Diamond Robert Diamond Adolfo Diaz Richard Dickinson John DiCola Peter DiCorpo Mark Diedrich Daniel DiLella Jim Dillavou Peter DiLullo John DiMare Brian Dinerstein Barry DiRaimondo Michael DiRe Colette English Dixon Bridget Dixon Joseph Dobronyi Bradford Dockser Sara Doelger Rosalyn Doggett Ben Doherty Geoffrey Dohrmann Drew Dolan Paul Donahue Edmund Donaldson Bridget Donovan Paul Doocy Robert Doty Stephen Douglass David Doupe Everett Dowling Peter Doyle John Dragat Andrea Drasites Debra Dremann Brian Driscoll Andrew Dubill Adam Ducker Tamara Dudukovich Chris Duey Melina Duggal Pankaj Duggal David Duncan Robert Duncan James Dunlop Chris Dunn Timothy Durie Colby Durnin James Durrett Patricia Earnest George Eckard Douglas Eddleman John Eddy Robert Edelstein James Edison Marc Ehrlich Lawrence Eiben Glenn Eisen & Barbara McNear Pryse Elam Howard Elkus Danny Ellis Peter Ellis Brett Ellsworth Jonathan Emami Connie Emmitt-Stern Barbara Emmons Stephen Engel Thomas Enger Gerald Engle Mark Engstrom Robert Engstrom Peter Epping Jonathan Epstein Douglas Erdman Bruce Erhardt Christopher Erickson Michael Escalante Tripp Eskridge Anthony Esparza Michele Evans Raymond Evans Reinerio Faife Chris Fair Mark Fallon Judith Brower Fancher Angela Fanney James Fant Jennifer Farino Teddy Farrell ♦ Denotes ULI Foundation Governor E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | ULI 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | 15 ANNUAL FUND DONORS Iman Farrior J. Terrence Farris Burke Fathy Kevin Faxon Ben Fedewa Arthur Fefferman James Feild Alan Feldman Justin Felker Gary Fenchuk ♦ Leigh Ferguson Paul Ferreira Hal Ferris Matthew Ferris Darryl Fess Peter Fioretti Thomas Fish Ambrose Fisher Ted Flagg Jonathan Flaherty Anne Fletcher Lucy Fletcher Richard Flohr James Flynn Thomas Fo Chris Foley Jim Folkman Henry Fonvielle Jonathan Fore Frank Forelle Jeff Foster Clayton Foulger Jack Fraker Cassandra Francis Lawrence Frank Ari Frankel Joseph Fraser Bruce Freeman Kyrus Freeman Terry Freeman Jan Freitag Samuel Freshman Jonathan Frey Alan Friedman Jason Friedman Jeffrey Friedman Joshua Friedman Stephen Friedman Steven Friedman Myles Friel Adam Fruitbine Glenn Fuhrman Donn Fuller Frank Fuller Wes Fuller Orion Fulton Drew Fung Stephen Furnary ♦ Patricia Gage Samuel Gaines Todd Gaines Roger Galatas Kenneth Gall David Galowich Theodore Gamble Julia Gammon Bruce Ganong Clayton Gantz Miles Garber Jorge Garcia Norman Garden Peter Garver Jim Garvey Lydia Garvey James Gascoigne Jonathan Geanakos David Geller Andrew Genova Suman Gera Eugene Geritz Wilkingson Germain Lev Gershman Claudia Gerster Richard Gerwitz Shelton Getter Paul Geyer Michael Giaimo Brent Gibadlo Stewart Gibbons Thomas Gibson Steven Gichner Alexander Gilbert John Gilchrist William Gilchrist Tim Gillespie Sean Gillilan Thomas Gilmore Andrew Gindy Russell Ginise Carine Girardin Todd Glass Danielle Glickson W. Douglas Goff Brian Goguen Jeffrey Goldberg Rickie Golden Richard Gomel Donald Goodman Thomas Goodsite R. Randy Goodson Derek Goring Thomas Gorman Frederick Gortner Dirk Gosda Alan Gosule Gregory Gotthardt W. Andrew Gowder Joseph Grant Steve Grant Rose Gray W. Cabell Grayson Jonathan Grebow Daniel Green Gregory Green Richard Green Tony Green Gary Greenberg Matthew Greenberger Alan Greenwald Catherine Gregory John Griffin Thomas Griffin Kendrick Grimes Thomas Grimes David Grissom Barry Gross Michael Grove R. Gordon Grubb Edward Grun Jason Grupe Ryan Guheen Gene Guidry Jeffrey Gumbiner Jeffrey Gumenick Terri Gumula Jeffrey Gunning Christian Gunter John Haak Bruce Habig Jeffrey Hack Veronica Hackett ♦ David Haemisegger Christopher Hager Steve Haggerty James Hahn Matt Haley Rodney Hall Toxey Hall Michael Halperin Frederick Hammann John Hammerschlag Michael Hammond Lani Kane Hanan Mark Hanson R. William Hard David Haresign Matt Hargis Larry Harmsen Keith Harney Miller Harper Patrick Harper Scott Harper Jeffrey Harris Keith Harris Stephanie Harrison Christopher Hartung Jay Hartzell Bart Harvey Cindy Harvey H. Darrell Harvey Timothy Haskin David Hatch Patricia Hauserman Randolph Hawthorne Richard Hayes Guy Hays Brian Heafey Nolan Hecht Christopher Hecker James Hedden Michael Hedden Jim Heid Adam Heine Ralph Heins Marc Heisterkamp Jason Hellendrung Matthew Heller Jeff Helminski John Hempelmann Will Hendrickson 1 6 | A N N U A L R E P O R T. U L I . O R G Tom Heneghan Erica Henning Jim Henry Tara Hernandez Phil Herring Brent Herrington Mark Hertz Heather Hetherington Phil Hettema Erik Heuser John Heywood Vanessa Hickman M. Maxine Hicks John Higgins M. Edward Hill Roger Hill David Hilliard Lisa Hillier Leslie Wohlman Himmel Clint Hinds David Hirschberg Kevin Hites Thomas Hoban Scott L. Hobby Ronald Holecek Daniel Hollander Richard Holliday John Holmes David Holton Brian Hooker Kevin Hoover Joy Horak-Brown Lewis Horne Ryan Horne Michael Horst ♦ James Houser Randal Howard Andrew Hudacek Jeremy Hudson Grace Huebscher Tracy Huggins John Huguenard Claire Humber Mark Huppert Richie Hurd Andrea Huseman Mackenzie Hutton Bill Hvidt William Ingraham David Ingram Paul Ingrassia Linda J. Isaacson John Izard Allen Jackson Brian Jackson C. Ray Jackson Christopher Jackson Michael Jackson Randal Jackson ♦ K.J. Jacobs Kevin Jacobs Matthew Jacobs Jay Jacobson Darcy Jameson William Janes Frank Jansen ♦ Duff Janus Shawn Janus Steve Jasa Benton Jenkins Jane Jenkins Robert Jenkins Lynn Jerath Monica Jindia Olivia John Eric Johnson Karen Johnson Neal Johnson Patrick Johnson Scott Johnson Stephen Johnson Brian Jones Clint Jones Duncan Jones Hunter Jones Mike Jones Robert Jones Scott Jones Stephen Jones Lance Josal Maureen Joyce Robert Jue John Jugl Bomee Jung Timothy Junglas Kevin Kaberna Joshua Kagan Theodore Kahan C. Michael Kamm Stephen Kanoff Fern Kanter Jarett Kaplus Maurine Karabatsos Lee Karny Barry Karpay Gerald Karr Christine Kaufman Todd Kaufmann Joel Kaul Philip Keb Kenneth Kecskes Mark Keiser Ladd Keith Steven Kellenberg Jason Keller Brian Kelley Denton Kelley Ed Kelley George Kelly John Kelly McClure Kelly Christopher Kelsey John Kennedy Robert Kennis Tyler Kent Joseph Keough Stuart Ketchum ♦ Shlomo Khoudari Mitchell Kiffe Robert Kildow Robert Kilroy Heidi Kimball Jeff Kingsbury G. Allan Kingston Lynn King-Tolliver Madelyne Kirch Louis Kirven Paul Kissinger Bradford Klatt Daniel Klein Matthew Klein Michael Klein Robert Klein Jason Kliewer Jon Kline Evan Knapp Douglas Knaus Ethan Knight Andrew Knudtsen Kim Koehn Carl Koelbel ♦ Todd Kohli V. Michael Komppa Howard Kozloff Frederick Kramer Sara Kramer Stanley Kraska John Kratzer William Krauch Greg Kraus Mark Krebs Paul Krueger Jim Kruse Scott Kubly Paulius Kudirka Donald Kuemmeler Douglas Kulig Sandra Kulli Anish Kumar Raymond Kuniansky Donald Kurdziel Christopher Kurz ♦ Mary Beth Kuzmanovich Brian Kuzniar Christine Kwak Edward LaGrassa Kirk Laguarta Harry Lake Aman Lal Colleen Pentland Lally Kevin Lambert Steve Lamberti Charles Lancaster George Lancaster Jeff Land Charles Lande Paul Landen Charles Landry Mark Lanspa Antonio Larino Lawrence Larisma Todd LaRue William Lashbrook Wade Lau Andrea Lauer Matt Lavin Kelli Lawrence Mathew Lawson Paul Layne Lori Lazo Gregory Leadholm Chang Lee Jin Lee Larry Lee Sidney Lee Robert LeFeber Ryan Lefkowitz John Lehigh Austin Lehr Richard Leider Megan Leinart David Leininger Nila Leiserowitz Steve Lekki Ryan Leong Emily Leppert Tim Lescalleet Emily Lesk Brian Leslie Jay Leupp Lewis Levey Deborah Levinson Andrew Levy Jerry Levy John Levy Randall Lewis ♦ Renee Lewis Justin Leyda Frank Liantonio David Libonn Scott Liebman Peter Liebowitz Andrew Light Todd Lillibridge Janice Lin Kevin Lindquist Gary Linhart Alfred Linley Pamela Lippe Chang Liu Frank Lively John Livingston Keith Locker David Lodwick Mark Lomanno Gary London Charles Long Elliot Long Anthony LoPinto ♦ Emerson Lotzia Lester Love Michael Lowe Rex Lowe Troy Lucas Jere Lucey ♦ Colin Lund Scott Lutgert Thomas Lydon Robert Lyles Stephanie Lynch Walter Lynch Brendan MacDonald Scott MacDonald Mark Macedo Colm Macken Kevin MacKenzie Henry MacNair Will MacNair John Macomber Garry Maddox Charles Madison Blake Magee Steven Magee William Maher Heidi Majerik Justin Mak David Maki Johanna Maldonado Gregory Maloney Andrew Mandell Linda Mandolini Melanie Mann John Mannix Damian Manolis James Manskey John Mansour Mark Marasciullo Ramsey March Clint Marchuk Howard Margolis Stuart Margulies Chris Marino Michael Marino Warren Marr Chris Marsh Steven Marsh Aaron Martell James Martell Aimee Martin John Martin Adolph Martinelli Joan Matera Robert Mathews Jonathan Mayblum Jeff Mayer Martin Mayer Bernard McAuley Molly McCabe Brent McCaffrey Robert McCaffrey Marcus McCall Jacinta McCann Jordan McCarthy Kevin McCarthy Mark McCarthy Mary McCarthy Steve McCarthy Margaret McCauley Patrick McCleary Richard McClintock Kathleen McCormick Laurin McCracken Ty McCutcheon Nyal McDonough Gregory McDuffee Stephanie McFadden Lizann McGowan Nancy McGrath Ian McKay Kimberly McKay Molly McKay Thomas McKay Collin McKenna Robert McKim Yolanda McLain Michael McMenomy Edwin McMullen Michael McNamara Michael McNaughton John McNellis ♦ Jeffrey McQueen Sean McReynolds Michael McRoberts Ed McWhorter Christopher Meany Alberto Medina Jim Mehalso David Mehl Bettina Mehnert Kelly Meissner John Melicharek Susan Mello Thomas Melody Manuel Menendez Lee Menifee David Menke John Menne Ayesha Menon Roland Merchant Frederick Merrill Ted Messner Benjamin Metcalf Adam Metz John Meyer Robert Micera Greg Michaud Paul Milana Richard Mildner Anastasia Mileham Andrea Miller Christopher Miller Jonathan Miller L. Edward Miller Thomas Miller Geoffrey Millerd Edward Minskoff Jarrett Minton Keith Misner Bhavna Mistry Jennifer Mitchell Paul Mittmann Craig Mode Jon Moeller Maura Moffatt Lauri Moffet-Fehlberg Byron Moger Anita Molino John Monahan Jeffrey Mongan Carl Montante John Montesi Baker Montgomery Brian Mooney David Moore James Moore Leroy Moore Thad Moore Roger Morales Greg Moran Charles Morgan Robert Morgan Paul Morris Craig Morrison S. Craig Morrison Trey Morsbach John Morton James Moses Mitch Mosesman Steven Mosites Catherine Mossman Paul Moyer Kristin Mueller Paige Mueller Kevin Mulhall Dan Mullen Rod Mullice Daniel Mullinger Robert Muravez Daniel Murphy Joel Murphy Ted Murray Salvatore Musarra Tim Mustard Neil Myers Tom Myers Dan Naef Michael Nagin Cherrie Nanninga Francis Nardozza Collin Nash Brian Natwick David H. Naus Thomas Neary Gleb Nechayev Joseph Neckles Doug Neff Brian Nelsen Dionne Nelson Scott Nelson Kaia Nesbitt Jenny Netzer Jerold Neuman Jeffrey Newman Michael Newman Richard Newman Shannon Nichols Kerry Nicholson Jeffrey Nickell Ferdinand Niemann Tyler Niess Dan Nishikawa Christopher Noon David Norden John Norjen Matthew Norris Philip Norwood Charles Nottingham Paul Novak Stephan Nygren Jordan O’Brien Michael O’Callaghan Bill Odle William O’Donnell David O’Donoghue Chris O’Grady Siobhan O’Kane James O’Keefe Lucy O’Laughlin Diane Olmstead Jay Olshonsky Barry Olson Josh Olson Jason Olt Brendan O’Neill Terry O’Neill Jay Orelup Thorleif Orndahl Tom Orradre Chris Osmundson Paul Ostergaard Tim Overland Michael Pacillio James Page Chrissa Pagitsas Brandon Palanker Barbara Paley Robert Paley Gary Palmer George Pandaleon Joseph Pangburn George Pappadopoulos Michael Parker Scott Parker Alan Parkin Mark Parrell Robert Parsons Nipul Patel Pamela Hughes Patenaude John Patelski Lance Patterson DONORS Justin Pattner James Paulmann Cyril Paumier Jacob Pavlik Gene Payne Laurie Payne Onay Payne Philip Payne ♦ Neal Payton Joseph Pazdan Marv Pearlstein Stephanie Pearson Robert Peck Richard Peiser ♦ Robert Pell Brent Pendleton Alison Pepe Juan Diego Perez-Vargas D. Hara Perkins Eric Perkinson Kathleen Perkinson Kenneth Perlman Diana Permar Carl Perrone Natalie Perry Heather Personne Puja Peruto John Petrovski Theola Petteway Billy Pettit Erik Pfahler John Philipchuck Alexander Philips James Phillipp Rawlston Phillips Scott Phillips Wendell Pickett Andrea Pierce Page Pierce Robert Pinkard Perry Pinto Leo Pircher Charles Place Lou Plasencia Todd Platt David Plummer Joshua Poag Jody Pokorski Michael Polentz Steven PonTell Bradley Pontius James Pope Joe Porter Mark Portner James Postweiler Gabe Potyondy Daniel Poulin Richard Poulos Michael Powers R. Thomas Powers Tony Premer Adam Preski Marja Preston Amy Price James Price James Prieto Joshua Pristaw Jeffrey Prostor Hilary Provinse Donald Provost Elizabeth Ptacek Matthew Pullen Steven Pumper Richard Putnam Bobby Qualkinbush David Quigley B. Douglas Quimby Stephen Quinlan Lance Ramella Veronica Ramirez Chasen Rapp Elias Rashmawi James Ratkovich Wayne Ratkovich ♦ Ronald Rayevich Alan Razak Robert Rediker John Reed ♦ Pratt Reed Allison Reid Brent Reid Joseph Reidy Soultana Reigle Joseph Reilly Jeffrey Reiman Thomas Reiman Byron Renfro Beth Resetco Bruce Retzsch Dan Reuter Vincent Reyna John Reynolds Kai Reynolds William Reynolds ♦ Patrick Rhamey Amanda Rhein David Ricci Amber Richane Hope Richardson Timothy Richey Stephan Richford Christine Richman Kevin Rieger Donald Riehl Kevin Riley Carleton Riser R. Scott Ritter Malaika Rivers Mark Rivers Will Rivett Craig Robbins Abbey Roberson William Roberts Andrew Robins Neil Robinson Darrell Rockefeller Gregory Rockett David Roderique Michael Rodgers Richard Rodriguez Michael Roepcke J. Gary Rogers Maggie Romine Shlomi Ronen Paul Rookwood John Ropes ♦ Kathleen Rose Lawrence Rose Terrence Rose Brian Rosella Barry Rosenberg Robert Rosenberg Deborah Rosenthal Brian Ross Rick Ross Stan Ross ♦ Eric Rothman Lisa Royer Blake Rubin Mitchell Rudin ♦ Sherry Rudnak Tony Ruggeri Carol Ruiz Christian Ruiz Teresa Ruiz Charles Rulick Philip Russ Terence Russell Michelle Russo Cynthia Russomano Paul Ryan Robert Rydel Kirby Sack Greg Sadick Lynne Sagalyn Susan Sagy Jun Sakumoto David Rey Salinas Stephen Sallman Kristi Saluga Scott Sambade Eric Samek Howard Samuels Bryan Sanchez William Sandifer Mike Sanford Cherie Santos-Wuest Shelley Santulli Byron Sarhangian Bry Sarte Mark Saturno Peter Savoie Gregory Scharff Richard Schaupp Sheridan Schechner Jeremy Scheetz Hunter Schenk Aaron Schlagel Howard Schlesinger Michael Schlesinger Stephen Schoch Tomas Schoenberg Mark Schoenfeld Scott Schoenherr Gregory Schott John Schrader Marc Schulder Gregory Schultz Mark Schurgin Michael Schwaab Daniel Schwaegler Douglas Schwartz Judi Schweitzer Andrew Scott Joshua Scoville Marcus Scroggins Mandy Scully David Sears Lynn Sedway ♦ Gregory Senkevitch ♦ Richard Serfas Douglas Sesler Robert Sessa Scott Settle Richard Severance Paul Shadle Asheel Shah Suril Shah Glenn Shannon John Shardlow Jeremy Sharpe David Sheldon Stephen Shelesky James Shelton John Sheridan Ruth Shikada Paige Shipp John Shooshan Nina Shor Noah Shore Bill Shubin William Shubin Jeff Shuster Claudia Sieb Bernie Siegel Andrew Silberstein Sandy Silverman Jamie Simchik David Simon Patrick Simons Bob Simpson Charu Singh Greg Singleton Ellen Sinreich Paul Sisson Andrew Siwulec Andrew Skipper Todd Sklar Dustin Slack Neal Sleeper Matthew Slepin ♦ Duncan Slidell Matthew Sloan Daniel Slone Stanley Sloter Paul Slye Jan Smidek Andrew Smigielski Douglas Smith Fred Smith Jack Smith Kevin R. Smith Michael Smith Stephen Smith Thomas Smithgall Janet Smith-Haltom Ross Smotrich Eric Snider Lee Sobel Steven Sobel David Sonnenblick ♦ Jonah Sonnenborn W.F. “Cody” Sonntag Randy Sovich George Sowa Deirdre Spalding Bryant Sparkman Steven Spears Ann Sperling Maryanne Speroni Adam Spies Wes Spiker James Spitzer Sindy Spivak Ryan Spruston William Srinivasan Daniel St. Clair Jeffrey Staat Randall Stadtmueller Rob Stanek George Stanziale David Starnes Gayle Starr David Stebbins Michael Stedman Mark Steele David Steinwedell Peter Stelian Dwight Stenseth Chris Stephens Jeremy Stephenson Mark Stern Martin Stern Robert Stern Andrew Sternlieb Ellen Stevens Thomas Stevens William Stevens Clinton Stevenson Martin Stever Andrew Stewart Bruce Stidworthy Geoff Stodola Brian Stoffers Nicholas Stolatis Pete Stone William Stone Wilson Stone Mark Strauss Theresa Strempek Cheryl Strickland Norman Strong Spencer Stuart Jo Anne Stubblefield Susan Stupin Frank Sullivan Mary Sullivan Michael Sullivan Thomas Sullivan Alex Sutton Andrew Sutton William Swackhamer Belinda Sward Marilyn Swartz-Lloyd Emily Sweitzer Noelle Taeabulski Jon Talty Rusty Tamlyn Dennis Tanida William Taubman Tenel Tayar Deeni Taylor Jessica Taylor Rives Taylor Dale Taysom Gary Teague Charles Teal Brittany Tegeler Jamie Telchin Jeff Temple John Temple ♦ David Tepperman Eric Termansen Gary Tesch Michael Tevis Craig Theirl Gerard Thibodeaux W. Aaron Thielhorn Craig Thomas David Thomas Kevin Thomas Kristina Kopf Thomas Sandra Thomas Jeff Thompson William Thompson Mark Thorne Bryan Thornton Jena Thornton David Thorpe James Threatt Greg Thurman Kathy Thurston A. James Tinson John Tirrill Malee Tobias David Todd Neil Tofsky Peter Tomai Patrick Trask Clifford Treese Cary Treff Harriet Tregoning George Tremblay Greg Trimmer Mark Troen Katie Troutman Joseph Tufariello Eric Tupler Bryce Turner Frank Turner David Twardock Robert Underhill John Unwin Silvia Urrutia Jeffrey Usow Robert Vahradian David Valiaveedan Matt Van Buren Stephanie Van Dyke Michael Van Epp Philip Van Syckle Mark Van Zandt Russell Vandenburg Wayne Vandenburg Bill Vanderstraaten Rob Vecsler Patrick Vedra Frederick Veitch Diego Velasco Todd Vender Alex Villegas Stephen Vinson Steven Vittorio Charles Vogel Greg Vogel ♦ Rodney Vogel Richard von Luhrte Vance Voss Robert Voyles Diane Vrkic Michael Vu Jake Wagner William Waldron Jed Walentas Matthew Walker Kitty Wallace Rebecca Walters Scott Wandro Jonathan Wang Gregory Ward Jim Warmington Paul Wasserman Eva Wassermann Francine Waters David Watson Dustin Watson Monty Watson Todd Watson John Watt Nadine Watt Jaidev Watumull Kevin Wayer Eric Weatherholtz Greg Weaver Jennifer Webber Richard Webel Laurence Weese Robb Wehmueller George Weidenfeller Chris Weilminster Adam Weiner Scott Weiner Andrew Weiss Adam Weissenberg Philip Weller Irvine Welling Peter Weltchek Sondra Wenger James Wentworth Jennifer Wenzel Michael Werner Richard West Thomas Weston Larry Whaley Nathan Whaley A.C. Wharton Philip Wharton Chris Wheeler James Whelan Matt Whelan John Whitaker Frederick White Jason White Jeremy White Thomas White W. Cary Whitehead Richard Whiteley Chris Whitener William Whitlow Leo Wiener Nancy Wilhite Julia Wilk Careina Williams John Williams ♦ Richard Williams Stuart Williams Bradley Wilmot Christopher Wilson James Wilson Kristine Wilson Stephen Wilson Jonathan Winer Christopher Winnen Roger Winston Dan Withee Beth Witte G. Ronald Witten J. Mark Wolf Lawrence Wolfe John Wolff Seth Wolkov Alex Wong Lee Wong Raymond Wong Andrea Wong-Miller Leslie Woo Davis Wood Dexter Wood Kimball Wood Mark Woodbury Jeff Woolson Ruth Wuorenma Stuart Wyeth Clint Wynn Diane Yep George York Philip York Gary Young Thomas Zacharias Mathieu Zahler Thomas Zarrilli Becky Zegar David Zehnder Kenneth Ziebelman Hillary Zimmerman Eric Zimmermann Jeffrey Zimmermann Kevork Zoryan Philippe Zrihen ULI Staff Corinne Abbott Benjamin Abraham Rita Adams Lela Agnew Eralda Agolli Paul Angelone Kelly Annis Aubrey Austin Susan Baltake Gideon Berger Danielle Bilotta Manikka Bowman Carolyn Brennan Maya Brennan Micah Brill Kristen Busby Carly Bushong Joan Campbell Kathleen B. Carey ♦ Kendra Chandler Craig Chapman Felix Ciampa Carolyn Clark Carla Clements Carla Coleman Tim Cooper Mary Beth Corrigan Richard Cox Kathryn Craig Bridget Crowther Cheryl Cummins Marc Curtin Trey Davis Martha Demissie Vanessa Dennis Caren Dewar Bernadine Dullaghan Timothy Dwyer Thomas Eitler Rose Faeges-Easton John Fitzgerald Heather Foley Camille Galdes Alicia Gaston Cate Gogol Gail Goldberg Luis Gonzalez Steven Gu Helen Gurfel Sara Hammerschmidt Chelsea Hampton Klade Hare Lori Hatcher Rebecca Hertz Jessie Himmelrich Katie Holst Andrea Holthouser David Howard Alison Johnson Corey Jones Jared Jonson Richard Joy Beshka Kandell Irene Katradis Rose Kim Hannah King Andrew Kinsella Sarah Kirsch Jerry Kirschenman Anita Kramer Sarah Krautheim Robert Krueger Emma Lalley Sophie Lambert Michelle Landers Michael Leccese Andrew Leishear Emeri Lewkowicz Geraldine Lipp Daniel Lobo Misty Loocke Michelle Lopez Surbi Luhadia Mary Lydon Rachel MacCleery Johanna Maldonado Kelly Mann Iskra Marinova Sarene Marshall Calvin McCargo Banu Bungul McKinley Edward McMahon Cynthia McSherry Julie Medley Ellen Mendelsohn Matthew Merrill Jane Milici Jennifer Milliken Thomas Mitchell Anne Morgan Olivia Moses Holly Muchnok James A. Mulligan David Mulvihill Thomas Murphy Phillip Nelson Jonathan Nettler Stephanie Ng Victoria Oestreich Pauline Oh Kerry O’Neill Sydney Parker Shannon Paterson Novia Pau Julie Paul Patrick L. Phillips ♦ George Prior Archana Pyati Jason Ray Elizabeth Razzi Steve Ridd Trisha Riggs Ariel Romell David James Rose Lisa Rother Theresa Salmen Eric Sanford Martin Schell Spencer Scherer Dean Schwanke Shannon Sclafani Brandon Sedloff Kellee Seif Natalia Serejko Allison Sherman Beth Silverman Kenneth SooHoo Trisha Stanger Melanie Starkey Elliot Stein Pamela Stein Sydney Swanson Heidi Sweetnam Darnell Swinton Deb Sydenham Ileana Tauscher Ann Taylor Michael Terseck Debra Throckmorton Phyllis Tuchmann Marilee Utter Liz Waller Peter Walker Stephanie Wasser Alison Watch Emily Weberman Brett Widness Stockton Williams Nick Wuckovich Yasmine Yates-Kidwell Jess Zimbabwe ♦ Denotes ULI Foundation Governor E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | ULI 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | 17 Annual Fund Allocations Every gift to the ULI Foundation Annual Fund advances ULI’s mission to provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide. Member contributions to the 2015 ULI Foundation Annual Fund brought in more than $1.6 million in funding for ULI programs and initiatives that make an impact every day. GLOBAL OUTREACH $100,000 EDUCATION $545,000 RESEARCH $466,000 Your 2015 Gift at Work BEST PRACTICE $503,000 1 8 | A N N U A L R E P O R T. U L I . O R G DONORS ULI FOUNDATION PRIORITY RESEARCH Development Case Studies 2015 ALLOCATION $466,000 $100,000 Emerging Trends in Real Estate $70,000 Terwilliger Center for Housing $60,000 Visiting Fellows Program $60,000 Council Research Grants $55,000 Center for Sustainability Innovation Grants $50,000 Building Healthy Places Toolkit $40,000 Center for Sustainability $31,000 EDUCATION $545,000 Women's Leadership Initiative $180,000 UrbanPlan $100,000 Rose Center for Public Leadership $75,000 Food and Real Estate: Trends and Opportunities Forum Series $50,000 Larson Leadership Initiative $50,000 UrbanPlan Europe $50,000 Real Estate Entrepreneur Programs $40,000 BEST PRACTICE $503,000 Global Awards for Excellence $233,000 Urban Innovation Grants $200,000 Advisory Services Panels $50,000 Greenprint Center for Building Performance $20,000 GLOBAL OUTREACH $100,000 Asia Content Programs $50,000 Europe Content Programs $50,000 TOTAL $1,614,000 E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | ULI 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | 19 Donors Heritage Society Foundation Partners The ULI Foundation Heritage Society is composed of members and donors who have pledged to support the Institute's future programs and long-term sustainability as part of their estate and legacy planning. The list below reflects active grants in Fiscal Year 2015 (July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015). Preston Butcher Suzanne H. Cameron Joseph C. Canizaro James J. Curtis III James DeFrancia Bruce H. Etkin Michael D. Fascitelli Greenlaw (Fritz) Grupe Jr. John Hagestad Gerald D. Hines Stuart M. Ketchum James D. Klingbeil Randall W. Lewis Stan Ross Randall K. Rowe Peter S. Rummell Geoffrey L. Stack J. Ronald Terwilliger Frank Transue Greg Vogel Annie E. Casey Foundation Colorado Health Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation The Kresge Foundation John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Metlife Foundation J.C. Nichols Charitable Trust Miller Nichols Charitable Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Wells Fargo Housing Foundation Major Gifts and Endowments Project Gifts The ULI Foundation’s major gifts and endowments programs provide the Institute with the capital to address emerging land use issues and to exercise thought leadership and influence across land use disciplines. ULI's project gift program gives members an opportunity to support specific projects or initiatives within the Institute's current program of work. J. Ronald Terwilliger ULI Terwilliger Center for Housing Daniel Rose Rose Center for Public Leadership Gerald D. Hines ULI Hines Student Competition Joseph C. Canizaro and James D. Klingbeil ULI Canizaro/Klingbeil Families Chair for Urban Design Matthew and John Bucksbaum ULI Bucksbaum Family Chair for Retail Peter S. Rummell and Harry Frampton ULI Charles E. Fraser Chair for Sustainable Development and Environmental Policy Stan Ross ULI Stan Ross Real Estate Trends Conference Charles B. Leitner ULI Greenprint Center for Building Performance Steve and Susan Chamberlin Graduate Student Fellowships at the University of California, Berkeley; the University of Pennsylvania; and the University of Colorado Bruce H. Etkin Graduate Student Fellowships at the University of Colorado Bowen H. “Buzz” McCoy ULI McCoy Symposium on Real Estate Finance Charles H. Shaw (1933–2006) ULI Charles H. Shaw Forum on Urban Community Issues Robert C. Larson (1934–2010), Thomas W. Toomey, and Michael Horst ULI Robert C. Larson Leadership Initiative John S. Hagestad ULI Advisory Services Program Douglas D. Abbey ULI Douglas D. Abbey Research and Education Endowment Carolyn and Preston Butcher ULI Carolyn and Preston Butcher Forum on Multifamily Housing 2 0 | A N N U A L R E P O R T. U L I . O R G Dave Christensen Scholarships to the ULI Building the Resilient City Conference John S. Hagestad ULI Advisory Services Program James R. Harris ULI Creative Financing Project Michael K. Hayde ULI Foundation Governors Giving Back to Tomorrow’s Leaders Program John Jr. and Patricia Healy Real Estate Technology Initiative Kenneth Hubbard ULI Greenprint Center for Building Performance Linda Law Women’s Leadership Initiative Randall W. Lewis Randall Lewis Health Policy Fellowship/Building Healthy Places Initiative George Marcus ULI Real Estate Entrepreneur Program Peter A. Pappas Profiles in Leadership Video Series Geoffrey L. Stack ULI Foundation Governors Giving Back to Tomorrow’s Leaders Program James W. Todd Ten Principles for Building Healthy Places Greg Vogel Large Landowners Forum Nancy Vorhees Real Estate Development: Principles and Process, Fifth Edition Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Fund ULI Chicago Women’s Leadership Initiative DONORS ULI Foundation Governors Benefactor ($1 Million or More) John L. Bucksbaum Joseph C. Canizaro Gerald D. Hines James D. Klingbeil Daniel Rose J. Ronald Terwilliger Sustainer Francis Najafi Peter Pappas Philip Payne Dante Petrocchi Patrick L. Phillips Jerome L. Rappaport Jr. Randall K. Rowe Michael T. Schueler Jerry I. Speyer Geoffrey L. Stack Owen D. Thomas Lynn Thurber Thomas W. Toomey Frank M. Transue ($500,000–$999,999) Stephen W. Chamberlin Susan C. Chamberlin James J. Curtis III Stan Ross Developer ($250,000–$499,999) Douglas D. Abbey Charles E. Cobb Jr. Bruce H. Etkin Harry H. Frampton III Lizanne Galbreath Greenlaw “Fritz” Grupe Jr. John S. Hagestad Michael L. Horst Charles B. Leitner Bowen H. “Buzz” McCoy Robert B. McLeod Ronald C. Nahas Jon Q. Reynolds Peter S. Rummell James W. Todd Greg J. Vogel Builder ($100,000–$249,999) Toni Alexander Mahlon “Sandy” Apgar IV Joseph F. Azrack Preston Butcher James M. DeFrancia Thomas Donnelly Richard M. Gollis Rosalind E. Gorin James R. Harris Michael K. Hayde John J. Healy Jr. Patricia R. Healy Gadi Kaufmann Mark C. Kehke Frederick A. Kober Mark R. Kroll Eric B. Larson Anthony E. Mansour Governor ($50,000–$99,999) Andrea Amadesi John H. Anderson Thomas R. Arnold Kenneth P. Balin Peter B. Bedford Marshall Bennett Jeff T. Blau David D. Bohannon II Niles Bolton Clifford A. Booth Mary C. Borgia Kenneth D. Brody Joseph E. Brown Charles R. Burd II William F. Burge III Marty Burger Tim Byrne William F. Caldwell Patrick Callahan James H. Callard Suzanne H. Cameron Kathleen B. Carey R. Byron Carlock Jr. George E. Casey Jr. Lawrence P. Casey Daniel M. Cashdan John F.A.V. Cecil Kathleen B. Cecilian James J. Chaffin Jr. Larry Chapman William D. Chilton David S. Christensen Martin J. Cicco Frank Cohen Michael Covarrubias Glen E. Coverdale Thomas P. Cox Douglas Crocker II James J. Didion Richard J. Diedrich Richard J. Dishnica Wayne S. Doran Ronald M. Druker Ronald E. Eastman Eric Y. Eichler James F. Ellis Ray Ellison Douglas M. Etkin Stephen O. Evans John E. Farrell Michael D. Fascitelli Gary W. Fenchuk William J. Ferguson Arthur W. Fields Stephen J. Furnary John S. Gates Jr. Alan W. George John William Graham Harvey E. Green Kevin R. Hackett Veronica W. Hackett V.R. Pete Halter Easley Hamner James D. Harper Jr. Thomas F. Harrison Ian D. Hawksworth Dean Henry Eddie Henson John Herbert John R. Herbert Tyler W. Higgins David P. Howerton Kenneth W. Hubbard Phillip R. Hughes Robert E. Hughes Jr. Gregory W. Hummel Wayne S. Hyatt Thomas R. Ike Stanley L. Iezman Clyde C. Jackson Jr. F. Scott Jackson Randal W. Jackson Edward R. James Frank J. Jansen David D. Jenkins Bruce M. Johnson David V. Johnson Gregory K. Johnson Neisen O. Kasdin Michael Kasser Gerald L. Katell Chaim Katzman Edmond A. Kavounas Michael F. Kelly Stuart M. Ketchum Robert W. Kline Donald R. Knab Carl Koelbel Walter A. Koelbel Jr. Eugene Kohn Steven A. Kohn Jeffrey S. Kott Craig L. Krumwiede James D. Kuhn John Z. Kukral Christopher W. Kurz M. Leanne Lachman Tom H. Lang Linda Law Patrick R. Leardo Steven R. LeBlanc Mark W. Lewis Randall W. Lewis Robert C. Lieber James W. Light Peter D. Linneman Sir Stuart Lipton Anthony J. LoPinto Arthur L. Lorenzini Jr. Robert J. Lowe Sr. Jere Lucey Bruce L. Ludwig Douglas W. Lyons Victor B. MacFarlane James J. Maginn Robert F. Maguire III Akio Makiyama Scott D. Malkin John Manly Todd W. Mansfield Cia Buckley Marakovits Roy Hilton March George M. Marcus Marvin G. Marshall J. Kell Martin Lauralee E. Martin Melinda Masson James E. Maurin David R. Mayhood William F. McCall Jr. Lynn McCarthy Thomas B. McMullen Donald J. McNamara John E. McNellis Aria Mehrabi Raymond C. Mikulich Henry S. Miller Jr. Hamid R. Moghadam Peter C. Moister Terry R. Montesi Constance B. Moore Barry G. Moss Vicki R. Mullins Raymond D. Nasher Stephen P. Navarro Daniel M. Neidich David Robert Nelson Jeremy Newsum Robert W. Nilsson George S. Nolte Robert O’Brien Joseph W. O’Connor John D. O’Donnell Roger G. Orf Henry J. Paparazzo Gerald N. Parkes Darryl W. Parmenter George R. Peacock John K. Pearcy Richard B. Peiser Richard L. Perlmutter Fredrick W. Petri Michael Phillips Willis K. Polite Jr. Richard T.G. Price Lat Wesley Purser III Stephen R. Quazzo Whayne S. Quin I. Rocke Ransen Wayne Ratkovich James A. Ratner John P. Reed Sr. Diana Reid Dale Anne Reiss Richard W. Reynolds William W. Reynolds Kim A. Richards James Richmond Jr. John Ropes Richard M. Rosan Alex J. Rose Ralph Rosenberg Ronald Rosenfeld Howard Roth Mitchell E. Rudin Robert N. Ruth Richard B. Saltzman Deborah Ratner Salzberg Federico F. Sanchez-Febles Federico J. Sanchez-Ortiz Lynn M. Sedway Gregory N. Senkevitch Robert M. Sharpe Ronald I. Silverman Richard G. Sim Richard D. Sinkuler Matthew B. Slepin Adrian D. Smith James S. Smith Kelley J. Smith David N. Sonnenblick Michael Spies Frank P. Stanek Martin E. Stein Jr. Robert T. Steinberg Phillip E. Stephens Morgan A. Stewart Robert A. Stine Dorine Holsey Streeter Federico M. Stubbe Eric D. Swanson Jeffrey L. Swope Marilyn Jordan Taylor John W. Temple William L. Tooley Alexander C. Twining Daniel C. Van Epp Alexis P. Victors Mark A. Viets George von Liphart David P. Waite John E. Walsh Jr. Robert L. Webster Gregory M. Weingast John R. Williams R. Kyle Winning Serena Wolfe Leonard Wood Margaret Ann Wylde Dennis P. Yeskey Smedes York Roger A. Zanarini Karl Zavitkovsky Jon H. Zehner Samuel Zell Claude J. Zinngrabe Jr. E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | ULI 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | 21 Board of Directors ULI Foundation ULI AT LARGE Randall K. Rowe Global Chairman Lynn Thurber Immediate Past Chairman Patrick L. Phillips Global Chief Executive Officer Roger G. Orf ULI Europe Chairman AT LARGE Geoffrey L. Stack Chairman Ian Hawksworth Stephen P. Navarro Olivier Piani Richard Price Diana Reid Deborah Ratner Salzberg Owen D. Thomas Thomas W. Toomey Michael D. Fascitelli John S. Hagestad Melinda Masson James A. Ratner Greg J. Vogel Randall K. Rowe ULI Global Chairman Patrick L. Phillips Global Chief Executive Officer Michael K. Hayde Annual Fund Chairman Raymond Chow ULI North Asia Chairman Stephen P. Navarro ULI Board of Directors Member Lauralee Martin Treasurer Cia Buckley Marakovits Treasurer Jonathan Brinsden Secretary Stephen R. Quazzo Secretary Michael Spies European Charitable Trust Chairman James D. Klingbeil Jr. Chairman Emeritus ULI Trustees Naoto Aiba David B. Allman Thomas R. Arnold Joseph F. Azrack Peter Ballon Jeffrey A. Barclay Jeff T. Blau Mary C. Borgia Jonathan H. Brinsden Nicholas Brooke John L. Bucksbaum Marty Burger Patrick Callahan Joseph C. Canizaro Colleen Carey Lynn Carlton Susan Swindell Carter James Christopher Chaffin James J. Chaffin Jr. John R. Chandler Henry Cheng Sean Chuan-Sheng Chiao Raymond Chow Tobin Cobb Frank Cohen Michael Covarrubias Tracy Dodson Sigrid Duhamel Bruce H. Etkin Michael D. Fascitelli Rosemary Feenan Juergen Fenk Michael Foust Harry H. Frampton III Michael Franco Teresa O. Frankiewicz Thomas Garbutt Lev Gershman Mark D. Gibson Calvin Gladney Edward Glaeser Richard M. Gollis Sujata S. Govada Greenlaw “Fritz” Grupe Jr. Bernhard H. Hansen Deborah Harmon Ian D. Hawksworth Michael K. Hayde John J. Healy Jr. 2 2 | A N N U A L R E P O R T. U L I . O R G Peter Hendrikse W. Dean Henry John R. Herbert The Honorable Glenda E. Hood Jeffrey D. Horowitz Kirk Humphreys The Honorable Sylvester “Sly” James Gregory K. Johnson Marty Jones Chaim Katzman Gadi Kaufmann Anne Kavanagh Michael F. Kelly Jeffrey E. Kelter James D. Klingbeil Barbara Knoflach Steven A. Kohn Jeffrey A. Kott Mark R. Kroll Eric B. Larson Steven R. LeBlanc Charles B. Leitner David B. Lentz Mary K. Ludgin Douglas W. Lyons Todd W. Mansfield Cia Buckley Marakovits Andy Martin Lauralee E. Martin Melinda Masson Dame Judith Mayhew-Jonas Jodie W. McLean Robert B. McLeod Robert R. Merck Mark L. Myers Gerard Mooney Hiroo Mori Stephen P. Navarro Daniel M. Neidich Jeremy Newsum Mark Noskiewicz Robert O’Brien Joseph W. O’Connor David O’Donnell Roger G. Orf Alexander Otto Mehul J. Patel Richard L. Perlmutter Patrick L. Phillips Olivier Piani Roger Platt Jonathan Pollack Brad Power Mark Preston Richard T.G. Price I. Rocke Ransen Diana Reid Robert Reidy Wellington Reiter Philip A. Riordan Struan Robertson Joseph B. Rose Ralph Rosenberg Howard Roth Randall K. Rowe Carlos S. Rufino Glenn J. Rufrano Peter S. Rummell Hitoshi Saito Massimo Saletti Deborah Ratner Salzberg Adam Schwartz Michael Spies Geoffrey L. Stack Dorine Holsey Streeter The Honorable Marilyn Strickland Van J. Stults Eric D. Swanson Marilyn Jordan Taylor J. Ronald Terwilliger Owen D. Thomas Lynn Thurber Thomas W. Toomey Simon Treacy Simon M. Turner Alexander C. Twining F. Bogue Wallin Ronald P. Weidner Serena Wolfe Margaret Ann Wylde Smedes York Jon H. Zehner E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y | ULI 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | 23 ULI's global headquarters and the ULI Foundation are located in Washington, D.C. 1025 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW Suite 500 West Washington, DC 20007 United States uli.org ulifoundation@uli.org Phone: 1-202-624-7000 ULI Asia Pacific Room 3418, Jardine House 1 Connaught Place, Central Hong Kong asia.uli.org Phone: +852 2886 1620 ULI Europe 50 Liverpool Street London EC2M 7PY United Kingdom europe.uli.org Phone: +44 20 7487 9586 2 4 | A N N U A L R E P O R T. U L I . O R G