St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church 47-225 Washington Street La Quinta, CA 92253 February 21, 2016 Mass Schedule Inside this issue: Readings 2 Liturgy 3 Lenten Hymns 4 Announcements Announcements 5 6 Liturgia 7 Anuncios 8 Anuncios 9 ViӋt Nam 10 ViӋt Nam 11 ViӋt Nam 12 Parish Ministries 13 Follow us on Mission Statement St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, united with our Bishop, is dedicated to revealing the love of Christ to our parish and beyond. Strengthened by the Word, sacraments, and vibrant worship, we strive to be a shining light throughout our community and supportive of all on their spiritual journey. As a parish of diverse backgrounds, we vow that our faith in action and ministries will be fruitful and welcoming to all. Saturday 8:30 a.m. First Saturday 4:30 p.m. Vigil 6:00 p.m. Español Sunday 7:30 a.m. English 9:15 a.m. English 11:00 a.m. English 12:30 p.m. Español 5:00 p.m. English 6:45 p.m. Vietnamese Holy Days 8:00 a.m. English 12:00 noon English 6:30 p.m. Bilingual Weekday Mass Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m. Pastor: Fr. James McLaughlin Parochial Vicar: Fr. Johnny Dang Deacons: David Hockwalt and Victor Gonzalez Seminarian: Antonio Padilla PARISH OFFICE 760-564-1255 Fax 760-564-0763 Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. BAPTISMS Apply 3 months in advance MARRIAGE Apply 9 months in advance ANOINTING OF THE SICK Call the parish office to request a visit RECONCILIATION Wednesday: 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:30 a.m. First Friday: After the 8:00 a.m. Mass EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesday Devotions: 6:00 p.m. First Friday: 8:00 a.m. ROSARY Monday-Friday 7:40 a.m. CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA Wednesday 8:30 a.m. February 21, 2016 St. Francis of Assisi Church Page 2 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The Lord made a covenant with his faithful servant, Abram, saying, “To your descendants I give this land” (Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18). Psalm — The Lord is my light and my salvation (Psalm 27). Second Reading — We await the Lord Jesus, who will change us to conform with his glorified body (Philippians 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]). Gospel — Peter, James, and John witness the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain (Luke 9:28b-36). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. WE ARE TO BE TRANSFORMED Today’s showing forth of God’s glory is filled with a light that astonishes and reveals. Jesus transfigured on Mount Tabor energizes even the sleepy apostles, who see but cannot get hold of it. They can be forgiven for not apprehending the full meaning of this extraordinary vision of a transfigured Jesus with Elijah and Moses. The whole of the Law and prophets is summed up here on this mountain. The transfiguration on Mount Tabor is handed over to us this Sunday. As Paul reminds us, it is we who are to be transformed. The light and life of the Resurrection are set forth here so we do not lose heart and fall entirely asleep. This Sunday looks to Easter. It looks to transformation. It asks us to lift up our heads and acknowledge the risen Lord as our light and our salvation. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The treasures of our tradition can often be traced to one source, but like the waters of a river branching out on its way to the sea, are received differently as they filter through various cultures and customs. Long ago, mostly because of the preparation of candidates for baptism, the annual feast of the Lord’s death and resurrection was preceded by a period of preparation. In the West that comes to us as Lent, a word drawn from the Old English word for springtime, referring to the lengthening hours of sunlight in this hemisphere. In the East, the tradition of preparing for Easter is received as “Great Lent,” to distinguish it from a secondary “Lent” preceding Christmas, and a two-week period, a kind of “pre-Lent,” that gradually introduces the faithful to the austerities of Great Lent. One of the major differences between East and West is in the vigor of the Lenten fast. In Great Lent the customs of fast and abstinence are far more strict than we are accustomed to. For us, meat is off our Lenten tables on Friday, but in the East, meat disappears from the diet completely, along with dairy products. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. February 21, 2016 St. Francis of Assisi Church Mass Intentions for the Week Intenciones de la Misa de la Semana †symbolizes Mass for the Deceased. Sat Feb. 20 Sun Feb. 21 4:30 p.m. Alexander and Bernice Ciambor, † 6:00 p.m. Parish Community 7:30 a.m. Frieeda Borger, † 9:15 a.m. Gary Dime, † Since the time of the early Christians, it has been part of our Catholic tradition to walk the path of Jesus commemorating His Passion and Death. During this Lenten season, you are invited to come and participate in our candlelight Stations of the Cross at 6:00 p.m. on the following Wednesdays of Lent: February 24, 2016 March 2, 2016 12:30 p.m. Ramiro and Amalia Jimenez, S.I. March 16, 2016 James McCabe, † 6:45 p.m. Parish Community Mon Feb. 22 8:00 a.m. Charles King, † Tue Feb. 23 8:00 a.m. Lorenza Peralta, † Wed Feb. 24 8:00 a.m. Paul Marselle, † Thu Feb. 25 8:00 a.m. Jenny Gilbert, † Fri 8:00 a.m. John Cooke, † Feb. 26 STATIONS OF THE CROSS 11:00 a.m. Christopher Arnold Lopez, † 5:00 p.m. Page 3 March 9, 2016 Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus invite you to join them on Sunday, February 28, 2016 for their monthly pancake breakfast. They will have pancakes, eggs and sausage from 8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. and from 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. February 21, 2016 St. Francis of Assisi Church Page 4 February 21, 2016 St. Francis of Assisi Church St. Francis of Assisi Parish Annual Birth Choice of the Desert Baby Bottle Fundraiser After all mass this weekend, Saturday, February 20th & Sunday, February 21st Support Birth Choice of the Desert and Our Respect Life Ministry here at St. Francis of Assisi after all Masses on Saturday, February 20th and Sunday, February 21st. Pick up a baby bottle from one of our volunteers after Mass and fill it with your donation, then return it within the following two weeks. For your convenience, there will be baskets inside the church at every door for you to deposit your filled baby bottles at every Mass in the weeks following the fundraiser. Birth Choice of the Desert is a local pregnancy resource center with an office in La Quinta. Your support will enable us to continue to serve pregnant women and teens in the valley and help prevent abortion. God Bless you for your support of the Respect Life Ministry and Birth Choice of the Desert. Page 5 Welcome to the 2016 Bible Study Group! Through interaction with God’s word and one another, it is our hope that the lives of our Bible study members will be profoundly changed. The purpose of a Bible study is not to simply learn information or to be a part of a Bible study club, but allow the Lord to transform our lives. Specifically, we hope that each person, through Scripture, are drawn more intimately to our Lord in the sacraments and liturgy of the Church where they can most fully receive the gift of God’s grace in their lives. Intimate Fellowship: If people are going to be deeply transformed, they will need others along the way, not only to help this transformation, but also to make sure they continue this transformation in the future. Your goal as a leader is to take a group of people with various backgrounds and personalities and help them form authentic relationships with one another. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI WOMEN’S PRAYER GROUP St Francis of Assisi Breakfast Club Praying the Psalms!! All are welcome You are invited to share in St. Francis Breakfast Club the last Tuesday of each month; our next gathering will be: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 after the 8:00 a.m. morning mass. St. Francis Breakfast Club is an opportunity for our parishioners to gather as one family to deepen our understanding of our faith and share God’s love with each other. This is a wonderful opportunity to open our hearts to inspire each other as pilgrims on a journey and enjoy a delicious breakfast prepared by the Knights of Columbus. Our Next Gathering will be on Feb. 26th We will gather in the hall after the 8:00 a.m. Mass Our Presentation will be: OUR LENTEN JOURNEY For more information please call Yvonne at 760-564-1255 X 208 You are invited to join St. Francis of Assisi Book Club. We will begin Wednesday, March 1st at 1:30 p.m. in the parish hall. For more information, please call Yvonne at (760) 564-1255. Sandra A. Giovannitti, will be facilitating the Book Club at St. Francis, we are very grateful to Sandy for sharing her time and talent with the community. February 21, 2016 St. Francis of Assisi Church Page 6 Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women, is hosting their Quarterly Prayer Meal at The Indian Wells Country Club in Indian Wells. March 5, 2016, Saturday from 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Guest Speaker, Betty Gorey, 102 years old and counting! Born in Iowa and growing up in Chicago, Betty eventually ended up in California where the direction of her life changed dramatically when she entered the Catholic Church at the tender age of 22. It has been her vocation as a Third Order Servite, a servant to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary that she regards as her life work. Come and listen as Betty shares her pearls of wisdom, pearls purchased at the price of a lifetime of faithfulness and service. $28.00 per person if postmarked by 2-27-16. From 2-28-16 to 3-2-16, $35 per person CALL for Reservations. After 3-2-16 “Stand-by List” on site—if seats are available. For more details, see blue registration flyer in the Church Ticket Info, call Janice at 760-902-7395 or visit St. Francis of Assisi Youth Ministry – (F-AYM) If you are a teen in Middle School or High School OR a Young Adult come to one of the sessions listed below. We love you just the way you are. Follow the Youth Ministry at Upcoming events are posted — Don’t miss out For more information contact Debbie Ribera 760-564-1255. YOUNG ADULTS MEET 1st WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH Middle School next FAYM Nights 02/01/2016 & 02/29/16 NO Youth Group 02/15/2016 6th— 8th Grades High School next FAYM Nights 9th—12th Grades 2/08/2016 & 02/22/2016 February 21, 2016 St. Francis of Assisi Church Page 7 21 de Febrero de 2016 El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación, ¿a quién temeré? — Salmo 27 (26):1 LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — El Señor hizo una alianza con su siervo fiel Abram, diciendo: “A tu descendencia daré esta tierra” (Génesis 15:5-12, 17-18). Salmo — El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación (Salmo 27 [26]). Segunda lectura — Esperamos al Señor Jesús, quien nos cambiará para conformarnos con su cuerpo glorificado (Filipenses 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]). Evangelio — Pedro, Santiago y Juan presencian la transfiguración de Jesús en el monte (Lucas 9:28b-36). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. SEREMOS TRANSFORMADOS La manifestación de la Gloria de Dios en el Evangelio de hoy está llena de una luz que a la vez asombra y revela. Jesús, transfigurado en el Monte Tabor, llena de su energía a los apóstoles adormecidos, que ven la visión, pero no la saben captar. Es perdonable que no capten del todo el significado de esta extraordinaria visión de Jesús transfigurado, entre Moisés y Elías. Aquí, en el monte santo, se resumen la Ley y los profetas. Hoy esa transfiguración se nos ofrece y se nos entrega. Como nos recuerda san Pablo, somos nosotros los que vamos a ser transformados. Hoy se nos presentan la luz y la vida de la Resurrección, para que no nos descorazonemos, no sea que nos quedemos del todo dormidos. Este domingo ya mira hacia la Pascua. Mira hacia la transformación. Nos pide que levantemos la cabeza, y reconozcamos al Señor Resucitado como nuestra luz y salvación. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE La Cuaresma nos llama a la conversión, a la cual deberíamos estar dedicados toda el año. En muchas parroquias latinas la cuaresma también es tiempo de misiones. De niño recuerdo haber participado cada año en las misiones de mi parroquia. Escuchábamos a los predicadores con curiosidad, ya que aparecían solo una vez al año y luego se regresaban a lugares lejanos y desconocidos. Nunca imagine que algún día yo también estuviera como predicador de misiones. Me gustaría darles un resumen del mensaje que he sembrado en varias parroquias. Las misiones no son para repetir doctrina, sino para evangelizar a los bautizados. Con cinco temas se puede evangelizar a los bautizados recordándoles los cinco puntos claves del Evangelio cristiano: 1) Dios nos ama y nos hizo para él; 2) Nosotros hemos pecado y sufrimos las consecuencias; 3) Dios nos manda a su Hijo para librarnos del mal; 4) Jesús desea formar parte de nuestras vidas personales, ¡invitémoslo! y 5) Jesús llena nuestro corazón con el poder y la presencia de su Espíritu. Este mensaje es uno de conversión y esperanza. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. St. Francis of Assisi Church February 21, 2016 Page 8 Taller/Reflexión sobre “La Eucaristía” Para el día 27 de Febrero tendremos este taller para los voluntarios y quien desee asistir, de 3:00 p.m. a 6:00 p.m. en la capilla del Laberinto. Para mayores informes comunicarse con Lupita Jimenez. “EL Sagrario de Dios son nuestras familias” Papa Francisco Mamá y papá, si tu niño o niña pide ir al baño durante la Eucaristía, favor de acompañarlo, no dejarla (o)ir sola (o) GRACIAS La Iglesia de St. Francisco de Asís ya cuenta con su “noche de comunidad” para las parejas que ya vivieron su Fin De Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial y esa noche es los Martes a las 7:15p. en el salón parroquial. Se les invita a todas las parejas. Para más información llamar a Mario y Bertha Estrada al 760-578-889 o a Juan y Maria de los Angeles Valencia al 760-6731035 February 21, 2016 St. Francis of Assisi Church Page 9 RETIRO DE CUARES MA En Epañol En Marzo 9 tendremos el retiro por cuaresma, en Español, preparándonos para la Pascua, a través de profundizar en las Bienaventuranzas de Jesús nuestro Maestro. De las 5:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. “Santa Maria de Guadalupe, Emperatriz de América, salva nuestras Patrias y conservanos la Fe”. Te encomendamos al Papa y a nuestros sacerdotes. February 21, 2016 St. Francis of Assisi Church Page 10 February 21, 2016 St. Francis of Assisi Church Page 11 February 21, 2016 St. Francis of Assisi Church Page 12 St. Francis of Assisi Church February 21, 2016 Page 13 PASTORAL CENTER Ministries, Parish Organizations and Parish Support Pastoral Care Parish Staff - (760) 564-1255 Accountant Frank Rizzo St. Francis Guild Marlene Hatch 564-7215 Catechesis (K-12) Yolanda Castillo Funerals Margaret Delgado 564-1255 Communications Maria E. Miranda Marriage Preparation Imelda Garcia 564-1255 Secretary Emily Steed Outreach to the Poor Margaret Delgado RCIA/Adult Formation Yvonne Bacchus Pro-Life Irene Molnar 345-9177 Quinceañeras Lupita Jimenez 564-1255 Latino Ministry/RICA Lupita Jimenez Read with Me program Ron Currier 564-1255 Business/Facility Myrna Phelps Pastoral Care Margaret Delgado Reception Marisol Franco Assistant to the Pastor Esmeralda Parra Youth Minister Debra Ribera Little Rock Yvonne Bacchus 564-1255 Secretary Monica Billings Faith Sharing Yvonne Bacchus 564-1255 Construction Coordinator Roberta Arquilla Grupo de Oración Socorro Alonso 564-1255 Chanh Nguyen 564-1255 Senior Adult Ministry Sunday Hospitality 564-1255 Pablo Mendez 564-1255 Monica Billings 564-1255 Bible Study Liturgy Altar Servers Chris Phelps 564-1255 Small Faith Sharing Lloyd Ault 564-1255 Monaguillos Ruben Tamayo 564-1255 Tepeyac Maria Trejo 564-1255 Docents Mary Harder 775-1427 Great Adventure Nancy Jacobs 564-1255 Environment Doris Ziemba 564-1255 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Sheryl Benoit 345-9346 Catechesis Catechesis (K-12) Yolanda Castillo 564-1255 Yvonne Bacchus 564-1255 Lupita Lopez 564-2059 Ricky Nguyen 564-1255 Rite of Christian Initiation– Adult and Children Readers Virginia Nelson 564-1255 Parent Formation Yolanda Castillo 564-1255 Lectores Martha Mendez 775-6834 Youth Ministry Debra Ribera 564-1255 Readers - Vietnamese 564-1255 Mass Coordinators Music Marlo McCormick 564-1255 Lupita Jimenez 564-1255 Ricky Nguyen Kairos Prison Ministry Tom Green 636-0903 564-1255 Knights of Columbus Daniel G. Prentice 899-7302 Ken Camarella 777-8668 Magnificat Noreen Fortier 771-6501 Guillermo Delgado 347-8385 Men’s Fellowship John Hussar 345-3452 Women’s Retreat Mary-Ellen O’Neill 777-7403 Viet Vu Mass Translator Coordinator Lupita Jimenez 564-1255 Ushers/Hospitality Mario Estrada 564-1255 Francisco Lopez 564-1255 Cong Nguyen 564-1255 Pastoral Care Baptism Communion to the Sick Parish Ministries/Organizations Joseph Alcon 564-1255 Lupita Jimenez 564-1255 Margaret Delgado 564-1255 Councils/Committees Pastoral Council Darren Di Maria 564-1255 Building Committee Jerry Herman 340-1356 Finance Council Bill Poland 564-1255 STEUBENVILLE SAN DIEGO! JULY 29-31, 2016 REGISTER TODAY – DON’T DELAY – SPACE IS LIMITED Steubenville San Diego is an amazing gathering of Catholic Teens from all over the western states. Join over 5000 Teens and Youth Leaders for a weekend of faith, friendship and fun. Come and discover God who loves you, who is thirsty for a real relationship with you (Rom 5:8). There will be great music, incredible speakers, time for prayer, friends, and good food. Best of all you will really celebrate Mass and have an amazing time. Don’t miss one of the best weekends of your life! We are now taking Reservations for Teens and Young Adults. When: July 29-31, 2016 Where: University of San Diego Who: High school teens, graduaƟng 8th grade through 12th grade in high school. Young Adults come and be a part of our 18:23 at Steuby SD track. Cost: $195.00 – Reserve your spot with a $40 deposit: No refunds. Deadline to register is Monday, February 22, 2016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------————————————————Don’t miss Steubenville San Diego - Please drop oī this form oī at the Parish Youth Oĸce. Make your check payable to the parish- Or for more informaƟon contact Debbie Ribera @ 760-564-1255. ප ප ප Yes I want to go to Steubenville San Diego 2016. Yes, I will help with fundraising to lower the cost of aƩending. Yes, I would love to sponsor a Teen/Young Adult Teen Name: _______________________________________________________ Grade: _________________ Parent Name: _________________________________________________Phone: ______________________ Best email: ________________________________________________________________________________