Definition of standards for anatomical specifications of French
Definition of standards for anatomical specifications of French
FAIM IV: Fourth Annual Conference on Body and Carcass Evaluation, Meat Quality, Software and Traceability, 22-23 September 2015, Edinburgh, Scotland Definition of standards for anatomical specifications of French cuts of pork meat A. VAUTIER1, A. NICTOU2, T. LHOMMEAU1, M. MONZIOLS1 and G. DAUMAS1 1 Ifip-Institut du porc, La Motte au Vicomte, BP35104, 35651 Le Rheu, France FranceAgriMer, 12 rue Henri Rol-Tanguy,TSA 20002, 93555 Montreuil cedex 2 Avec échine Sans échine Introduction and objectives t1*&%AVANT"7&$$06&//& Sans pied Avec pied 10.700 The proportion of carcasses cut into the French pork slaughterhouses is now very important and is still increasing. To assess the cuts flows it is needed to have standards of pork cuts. This would avoid any confusion when describing all the specific meat cuts that could be recorded in the French market. Moreover, these standards could be helpful to re-normalize a French industrial cutting for grading and marketing carcasses based on the quality of the cuts. Avec os Avec palette t(03(&SANS $06&//& Avec jarret Avec palette t+"33&5"7&$1*&% 10.402 10.100 t."*(3&%&(03(& 11.501 t&1"6-ŭ& "7&$1*&% Sans jarret A Sans jarret 11.502 t(03(& Avec gorge 11.500 Sans gorge Avec gorge Sans gorge S Avec gorge Avec gorge Sans gorge t2UARTAVANT t2UARTAVANT Sans gorge BRUT 10.000 Avec coti Sans coti t&1"6-& #365& t&1"6-ŭ& "7&$#"5&"6 10.102 Sans coti Avec coti t$OTI3"4& 10.603 t$OTI4&.*7*"/%& 10.103 Avec coti Avec coti t&1"6-& Sans coti t&1"6-& SANS+"33&5 10.104 10.115 10.602 Avec coti Sans coti Avec coti t)"$)"(& BRUT SANS+"33&5 t "$)"(& t) BRUT SANS+"33&5 SANS$05* t)"$)"(& SANS+"33&5 10.207 t$OTI7*"/%& 10.001 Sans coti t)"$)"(& SANS$05* SANS+"33&5 10.211 10.210 10.208 10.600 Avec bateau Avec bateau Sans bateau Parée ronde Materials and methods Avec bateau Parée ronde (A/S cartilage) Non parée Parée ronde t&1"6-& $061&30/%& SANS#"5&"6 t&1"6-& $061&30/%& "7&$#"5&"6 10.112 t&1"6-&30/%&+"33&5 10.110 Découennée partiellement diagrams were logically constructed from raw primary cuts to deboned, defatted and trimmed cuts t&1"6-&$061&*5"-*&//&.*-²1"6-&) t)"$)"(& SANS+"33&5 SANS #"5&"6 10.212 $06 SAN SAN Coupe ½ jarret Parage à 2 doigts t&1"6-& $061&30/%& 1"3"(&%0*(54 t&1"6-& $061&30/%& +"33&5 SANS#"5&"6 10.114 10.107 10.108 Non parée 10.116 Coupe ½ jarret 4 diagrams, corresponding to the four main cuts Sans bateau t)"$)"(& BRUT Pa SANS+"33&5 SANS#"5&"6 10.209 t&1" t&1"6-& $061&30/%& "7&$#"5&"6 SANS+"33&5 10.106 Based on a large french survey (16 slaughterhouses) Sans bateauSans bateau Coupe ½ jarret Parage à 2 doigts t%&.*+"33&5 10.403 t)"$)"(& +"33&5 SANS$05* t&1"6-& $061&30/%& SANS#"5&"6 1"3"(&%0*(54 10.205 10.113 t&1"6-&$061&.06426&5"*3&#"4&+"33&5) 10.109 Diagrams can be used as a tool to identify a specific meat cut with an identification number and its dedicated data sheet. 269 data sheets with anatomical description and standardized pictures Avec couenne Découenné Découenné Avec couenne Avec couenne Découenné Découenné Avec couenne Découenné Décou Découenné Avec couenne t$OTI7*"/%& %²$06&//² 10.120 10.601 Désossée t&1"6-& #365& %²4044²& "7&$+"33&5 11.101 Désossée Désossée t&1"6-ŭ& % t&1"6-&% %²4044²& "7&$+"33&5 11.102 Désossée t&1"6-& %²4044²& "7&$+"33&5 "7&$#"5&"6 11.104 %²4044²& "7&$#"5&"6 11.103 ref. 10.104 - Shoulder without jowl Désossée Désossée t&1"6-& #365& t&1"6-& %²4044²& SANS#"5&"6 %²4044²& "7&$$05* SANS+"33&5 11.111 11.107 11.108 Désossée Désossée Déso Désossée Non désossée Désossée Non désossée Désossée t&1"6-&% t&1"6-&% SANS+"33&5 t& t)1"6 "$)"(&% tP"-&55&% tP"-&55&% tP"-&55& "7&$OS tP"-&55& %²4044²& "7&$#"5&"6 SANS+"33&5 11.113 11.112 DÉSOSSÉ %²404 SANS +"33&5 SANS #"5&"6 Dégraissée Dégraissée Dégraissée Dégraissée Dégraissée Dégra Dégraissée t&1"6-&% "7&$+"33&5 SANS#"5&"6 t&1"6-&% "7&$+"33&5 SANS#"5&"6 t&1"6-&% SANS+"33&5 "7&$#"5&"6 t&1"6-&% SANS+"33&5 "7&$#"5&"6 t) "$)"(&% t&1"6 SANS SANS+"33&5 SANS SANS#"5&"6 10.118 11.109 Dénervée Dénervée t&1"6-&% "7&$+"33&5 "7&$#"5&"6 t&1"6-&% "7&$+"33&5 SANS#"5&"6 11.110 11.114 10.119 %²4044²& 11.301 %²4044²& 11.300 10.302 Dégraissée t1"-&55&% 10.301 11.302 11.204 10.120 Dénervée/parée Dégraissée tP"-&55&% Dénervé t&1"6-&%SANS+"33&5"7&$#"5&"6 Légende t&1"6-&%SANS A/S= avec ou sans Figure 1: Cutting diagram for shoulder 11.115 Epluchage individuel des piècées Dépiécé t&1"6-&% SANS+"33&5 "7&$#"5&"6 t&1"6-&% SANS+"33&5 "7&$#"5&"6 11.117 Shoulder with breast flap ref.: 10.106 10.300 11.203 t&1"6-&% "7&$+"33&5 "7&$#"5&"6 11.106 skin removed %²4044²& "7&$+"33&5 SANS#"5&"6 Dégraissée riblet removed ref. 10.106 - Shoulder with breast flap Désossée t&1"6-&% t&1"6-&% "7&$+"33&5 "7&$#"5&"6 11.105 Dép t&1"6 SANS SANS 11.116 Short description: Bone-in shoulder, with skin, withshank, with blade, with breast flap, without foot, without jowl, without riblet. (the presence/absence of the cartilage has to be mentionned). Other given name: round cut shoulder ref. 10.120 - Shoulder without skin ref.: 123 Desciption of the cutting: obtained from the soulder without jowl (10.104) by removing the riblet (10.603) with a cut practiced between the group of the pectoralis profondus ascendens + pectoralis transversius, and the group of serratus ventralis + scanlenus dorsalis + scalenus ventralis + intercostales externis. The skin and the subcutaneous fat is removed following the natural curve of the dorsal part of the Scapulum. Bone description • Bones from arm and forearm: scapulum, humerus, radius, ulna Muscle description Less than 30% 30% 50% 70% 100% • Same as the shoulder without jowl (10.104) • Except the removal of some muscles from the thorax: rectus thoracis, sternothyroideus, sternohyoideus, sternocephalicus, omohyoideus, transversus thoracis, intercostales externis, serratus ventralis, scalenus ventralis, scalenus dorsalis, cutaneus trunci, obliquus externus abdominis, • Except the reduction of the proportion of some muscles from the thorax: pectoralis descendens, pectoralis transversus, UNECE standard ref.: 4044 deboned ref. 11.104 - Shoulder deboned without skin defatted ref. 11.105 - Shoulder deboned defatted without skin connective tissue removed ref. 11.106 - Shoulder deboned defatted trimmed without skin 1 0 . 1 20 Découenné t&1"6-&% Meat cut number Medial view Medio-caudal view Caudal view Latero-caudal view Major piece number Meat cut subgroup 1 = shoulder 2 = loin Bone status 3 = ham 0 = bone-in 4 = belly 1 = deboned 1 = full shoulder 2 = blade 3 = shoulder lower half Conclusions The aim of this work was to develop new standards to describe the exhaustive list of pork cuts that could be found in the French market. With a total of 269 data sheets including anatomical specifications and standardized pictures, that are logically linked together in four diagrams, these standards can be used as a tool to described with any doubt most of the pork cuts.