® Student Assessments Meet the Digital Age at OUSD Nearly


® Student Assessments Meet the Digital Age at OUSD Nearly
Education + Communication = A Better Nation
Covering the Orange Unified School District
Student Assessments Meet the Digital Age at OUSD
Assessment season is in full force
in the Orange Unified School District
(OUSD), and students in grades three
through eight and 11 are actively
engaged in Smarter Balanced
Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
tests for English language arts and
math. These computer-based
Michael L.
assessments are embedded with
skills required by the college and
career world and provide students
with an opportunity to collaborate, solve problems,
justify their thinking, and respond in a more
creative way than our previous statewide paperand-pencil assessments. By the end of May, the
district will have successfully tested over 20,000
Orange Unified students. The smooth deployment
of these paperless assessments is a testament to the
work OUSD has done in the past two years to build
up the technology infrastructure in support of 21stcentury teaching and learning.
Scores from this year’s SBAC assessments
will serve as a baseline for future growth,
and results will be provided separately for
math and for English language arts. Results of
OUSD students’ performance on the Smarter
Balanced Assessments, as well as other statewide
assessments, will be released in the coming
months. The scores will tell you how your child is
doing with the new state standards, which focus more on realworld skills, such as critical thinking and problem solving, than
previous standards have.
We will mail your child’s results home in a Student Score
Report during the summer. This report will include an overall
score, a description of the student’s achievement level for English
language arts and math, and other information. The overall score
will indicate the student’s proficiency in each subject, ranging
from 2,000 to 3,000 points. A breakdown of the score is also
included in the report and will provide individualized information
on your child’s academic strengths and potential challenges.
The new assessments are
fundamentally different from the
former paper–and–pencil tests
and are based on updated learning
standards, involve different types
of questions, and assess different
skills and levels of testing. For these
reasons, scores from the current
assessments cannot be compared to
scores your child previously received
on the Standardized Testing And
Reporting (STAR) tests.
Staff eagerly awaits feedback from
the new assessments, which provide
our students with an opportunity to
show off the hard work they have put
into learning 21st–century college
and career standards. Information
gathered will be used to shape
future student learning and assist in
individualizing instruction to meet
the needs of each of our students.
Any questions about testing
should be directed to your school
or the district’s Technology and
Assessment Office at (714) 628-5457.
For the latest news and updates
from Orange Unified, please like us
on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
Nearly Impossible Win!
By Dr. Kimberly Fricker, Principal Canyon High School
The expectations were high for Mr. Harrison and
the Comanches to repeat last year’s Division 2AA CIF
championship-title win. And it didn’t come easy!
The competition was steep, but Mr. Harrison had
never quit coaching, planning and strategizing. The
Canyon TRIBE came out in full force to support its
team and never wavered.
The Comanches defended their title in a win that at
times seemed impossible. As the final buzzer sounded,
the score was Canyon 103 and Lawndale 98. The crowd
of nearly 2,000 rose to its feet in celebration.
The contest set two new CIF records for the most
combined points in a game (201) and most points
scored by a single team in the finals (103). In addition,
Coach Harrison was named Coach of the Year for
the second year in a row, Nick Anderson was named
CIF Player of year, and Nick Anderson and Chandler
Dignam were selected for CIF all-league teams
Schools pages 4—17 • OUSD Alternative Education/ROP and OUSD Child Development Svcs. page 17 • AHA for Kids pages 18—22
Orange Unified School District
Education + Communication = A Better Nation
Covering the
562/493-3193 • kay@schoolnewsrollcall.com
714/856-9884 • Fax: 562/430-8063
Kay Coop
Neta Madison
Promotion & Graduation Schedule
Thursday, June 11, 2015*
Special Education School
Lisa Brock, Kate Karp & Anna Zappia
Netragrednik by Neta Madison
P.O. Box 728, Seal Beach, CA 90740
Copyright © 2006, School News Roll Call, LLC
Reproduction in whole or in part without written
permission is strictly prohibited unless otherwise stated.
Opinions expressed by contributing writers and guest
columnists are their views and not necessarily those of
School News Roll Call. This publication is privately
owned and the right is reserved to select and edit content.
The school district does not endorse the advertisers in this
John H.
Congratulations Class of 2015!
This has been a year with many
changes and Superintendent
Christensen’s message on the front
page informs about testing and the
digital age. We’ve come a long ways
from the chalk and blackboard to
iPads, laptops, Chromebooks, Skype
and so much more. Next year will
be even more exciting and we are
looking forward to publishing all of it.
Our AHA for Kids section pages
18-22 offers lots of choices for
summer fun and learning.
Our next issue is August 26th.
Have a wonderful summer!
Vice President
Mark D.
Kathryn A.
Congratulations Class of 2015!
Covering the Orange Unified School District
10:00 am
Middle School Promotions
McPherson Magnet
9:00 am
McPherson Magnet
9:00 am
Portola School
10:00 am
Yorba School
Cerro Villa
10:30 am
Cerro Villa
Outdoor Amphitheater
Santiago Charter
11:00 am
Santiago Charter
Outdoor Amphitheater
Friday, June 12, 2015*
El Rancho Charter
9:00 am
El Rancho
Outdoor Amphitheater
High School Graduations
Board of Education
Dr. Alexia L.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015*
Canyon Hills
El Modena
1:30 pm
Fred Kelly
4:00 pm
Fred Kelly
Orange High
4:30 pm
Orange High
Outdoor Theater
Villa Park
7:00 pm
Fred Kelly
Alternative Ed
10:00 am
Fred Kelly
June—August 2015
Anaheim Hills Elementary
6450 E. Serrano Ave., Anaheim, CA 92807 • 714/997-6169 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Genius Time
By Mr. Tanioka and Mr. Hawley, 6th-Grade Teachers
Genius time in the classroom can be traced back to programs
created by technology and manufacturing corporations like
Google and 3M. These companies allowed their employees to
set aside a portion of their time to work on projects that they
were passionate about. That allowed for innovative ideas like
e-mail services, online news, sticky notes and masking tape to
Sandra Miller
created. Genius hour in the classroom allows students to use
their skills to pursue the topics that interest them and creatively
share their knowledge. Allowing students to choose the direction of their
learning creates a greater sense of ownership, motivation and engagement.
The sixth-graders at Anaheim Hills Elementary worked for an hour every
Friday for the first half of the school year on their genius projects. The students
came up with myriad project ideas. We had students researching everything
from the biomechanics of pitching a baseball to learning how to design and
sew a dress. Each project was as unique as the student who was working
on it. Through the course of the project, the students regularly shared their
progress on the project and got feedback from peers and teachers. Upon the
completion of the projects, the students presented them to the rest of the school
California Elementary
1080 N. California St., Orange, CA 92867 • 714/997-6104 • http://www.orangeusd.org
A Labor of Love
California Elementary unveils a new Butterfly Garden thanks
to the partnership of parents, students, staff, and the Kiwanis
Club of Orange. The new garden features native California plants
as well as rocks that are tied to the Science curriculum. The two
day project was a labor of love. We had teachers, parents, and
students working side-by-side with community volunteers from
the Kiwanis Club. The project was the brainchild of longstanding
Dr. John Albert
Kiwanian Jean Carter who designed the project and spent
countless hours ensuring that every detail was accounted for.
This is a perfect example of what can happen when schools, families, and the
community work together. We have already spotted butterflies making the
new garden their home and we are looking forward to continuing to foster our
partnerships with the community.
Cambridge Elementary
425 N. Cambridge St., Orange, CA 92866 • 714/997-6103 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Home Run Year!
Where has the time gone? We are nearing the end of the
school year and have had such an amazing time with so many
wonderful programs, tremendous 21st Century Skills, engaging
instruction and myriad events throughout the year. Currently,
we are finishing up our third of four weeks of SBAC testing. Our
Crusaders have been working really hard throughout the testing
Jeremy Mortensen window. I am proud of all of our students and look forward to
seeing some great results!
Additionally, Cambridge parents are about to begin a new
and exciting parent academy. The School Smarts Parent Engagement Program
is a model for creating meaningful and diverse parent involvement. It brings
parents from all backgrounds together in support of their common interest:
helping their children and schools succeed.
Cambridge has had many other events and activities that have led this year
to be even better than last! A highlight of this is having participated in the
Foundation Games, in which Cambridge had over 70 students participate—
more than ever before—and brought home over a dozen medals!
Finally, Cambridge is proud to have been adopted by the Los Angeles Angels
of Anaheim! As a result, our school will receive a $2,000 grant from the Angels
Baseball Foundation as well as a visit from an Angels player, broadcaster and
members of the Strike Force. We will also receive tickets to an Angels game for
select students!
What a great year we’ve had so far!
Canyon Hills
260 S. Imperial Hwy., Anaheim, CA 92807 • 714/997-6171 • http://www.orangeusd.org
An Outstanding Year
This has been another wonderful year at Canyon Hills. Our
students have participated in a variety of activities that included
outings in the community and seasonal celebrations on campus.
Being in the community is an effective way for students to learn
as they apply their social, vocational and communication skills
outside school. In addition, through a collaborative effort this
Dr. Karen Hanson year, Canyon Hills has added a sensory garden to the campus.
This is a place for learning and exploration in a peaceful, natural
environment. We are indebted to all those who contributed to the
creation of this beautiful space.
Our mission at Canyon Hills is unique among the schools in the Orange
Unified School District. Our efforts focus on expanding the independence of all
of our students by developing their abilities to communicate, improve personal
and domestic skills, enhance physical coordination, increase technological
competence, and generalize skills into the community.
Canyon High School
220 S. Imperial Hwy., Anaheim, CA 92807 • 714/532-8000 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Nearly Impossible Win!
(Please see our article on the front page.)
Dr. Kimberly
Chapman Hills Elementary
170 N. Aspen St., Orange, CA 92869 • 714/532-8043 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Stuck on a Good Cause
Sandra Schaffer
This year, the Student Council at Chapman Hills wanted to do
something fun to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma
Society. After tossing around all kinds of ideas, they decided on
“Stuck for a Buck.” Of course, they had to convince Mr. Higgins
that this was a really good idea! The event raises money by giving
students the opportunity to buy pieces of tape for $1. The pieces
of tape are used to tape Mr. Higgins, our 4/5 combination teacher,
to the ball wall.
Mr. Higgins and Student Council Representatives.
The weather may have been gloomy, but the students were all smiles and
laughter. After an energetic countdown, the Student Council removed the
chairs that Mr. Higgins was standing on….and he was left stuck to the wall!
Another great way that our Bobcats give back to the community!
Covering the Orange Unified School District
June—August 2015
Canyon Rim Elementary
1090 S. The Highlands Dr., Anaheim, CA 92808 • 714/532-7027 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Everyone is Special
Erika Krohn
Canyon Rim 2nd graders performed the musical Go Fish, a
lively production about celebrating how differences make us
special and unique. In addition to learning lines, songs and
choreography, the students learned new vocabulary, wrote
about the performance, and created a water color painting. The
audience thoroughly enjoyed the performance which included
great scenery and costumes. Thank you to Canyon Rim’s talented
and enthusiastic 2nd grade teachers: Mrs. Budd, Mrs. Augustine,
Mrs. Pinkerton, and Mrs. Ricupito!
Mon. – Fri.: 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. • Sat.: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sun.: Closed
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Cerro Villa Middle School
17852 Serrano Ave., Villa Park, CA 92861 • 714/997-6251 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Celebrating Connections through WEB
Cerro Villa is proud to share information about a
new class called WEB (Where Everybody Belongs),
and the powerful and positive connections it creates
with our students. This class also offers incoming
students assistance with their transition into middle
WEB Leaders are eighth-graders who serve as
Lisa Ogan
positive role models. They are the heartbeat of our
school, a cross-section of the student body that
represents all types of individuals.
WEB also helps to create an
environment where seventhgraders feel cared for in an
atmosphere of connection,
comfort, and belonging. It
serves as a catalyst for change
on campus by modeling
positive behavior, thus
reducing instances of teasing
and bullying and helping to
make middle school a place
where everyone belongs.
Each leader is linked to a seventh-grade homeroom for the entire
year. In addition, WEB Leaders have also implemented community
service projects, Friendship Month, and many other activities on
Canned food drive with over 2400 cans.
Crescent Elementary
5001 E. Gerda Dr., Anaheim, CA 92807 • 714/997-6371 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Partnership Opportunities
By Robin Nelson, Fifth-Grade Teacher
This spring, Crescent Elementary has been partnering with a
local restaurant in a couple of interesting ways.
There our teachers and staff members first participated in
a teachers’ night on Wednesday, April 29 from 5–8 p.m. The
teachers and staff greeted and served customers and also
collected tips. The restaurant generously contributed 20 percent
Randi Leach
all the sales from the evening to the Crescent PTA.
Although the total earnings from the evening are not yet known,
the staff earned $115 in tips alone! The PTA in turn funds student programs to
help offer enrichment classes in such areas as music, art, and literacy.
opportunity came
through with fourthgrade teacher Jennifer
Bond. She was
recently awarded a
$5,000 School Health
Grant to supplement
the health and
nutrition knowledge
of our Crescent
students. Mrs. Bond is
now purchasing new
physical education
equipment with the
funds she found for
our students.
Mrs. Kellie Young, 1st grade teacher, serves Crescent families.
Covering the Orange Unified School District
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14151 Newport Avenue, Suite 100, Tustin, CA 92780
June—August 2015
El Modena High School
3920 Spring St., Orange, CA 92869 • 714/997-6331 • http://www.orangeusd.org
El Rancho Charter Middle School
181 S. Del Giorgio Dr., Anaheim, CA 92808 • 714/997-6238 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Congratulations Class of 2015
El Modena High School congratulates our Class of 2015
Valedictorians and Salutatorians. With GPAs ranging from
4.7-4.8, this bright group has high hopes in continuing their
education in order to pursue the career of their choice. Jonathan
Horwitz, undecided on his school, will major in Philosophy,
Politics, and Law to become a lawyer. Megan McCune will attend
Dr. Dustin Saxton Providence College and major in Neural Science and Biology.
Jenna McCune has committed to Claremont McKenna College in
hopes to become an engineer. Natalie Zapoteco will attend UC
Berkeley to become a trauma surgeon and Christina Tsai will attend Berkeley
to become an environmental engineer. Although Ben Woodruff is undecided
on his school, he plans to major in mechanical engineering. Patrick Crouch will
major in Mathematics at the University Of Notre Dame.
Someone We Know
John Besta
Business &
Michele Walker
Jonathan Horwitz, Megan McCune, Jenna McCune,
Natalie Zapoteco, Ben Woodruff, Christina Tsai, and Patrick Crouch.
Jessi Kirby is well known to the students
and staff as the librarian at El Rancho Charter
School. But after publishing of her fourth book,
Things We Know by Heart, she will be a wellknown “celebrity” to young adult readers in the
Orange Unified School District as well as across
the country. Things We Know by Heart has even
been translated in 13 languages throughout the
Mrs. Kirby has visited many Orange
County schools as a guest speaker,
including a large assembly in the
Canyon High School library and small
intimate settings, such as the Yorba
Middle School Book Club. Mrs. Kirby
discusses her books and takes her
enthusiastic audience through her
own personal creative journey and the
whole writing process. Many audience
members have commented positively
about her books and express how she
has changed their lives by encouraging
them to “always follow their dreams.”
For more information about Mrs.
Jessi Kirby and her books, visit her
Web site at www.jessikirby.com. We are
extremely happy to have this talented,
dynamic individual on our campus!
Ice Cream Cakes
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Ask us about school, club and sports fundraisers.
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Are you
looking for me
for the contest
on page 20?
Esplanade Elementary
381 N. Esplanade St., Orange, CA 92869 • 714/997-6157 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Foundation Games
Twenty-three Esplanade
Elementary School Eagles
participated in the annual
Foundation Games. For all
of our students, this was a
first-time event. Students
Irene Preciado were excited about their
events, such as the 100-meter
dash, the 400-meter dash,
the softball throw, and the long jump. Every
student had an outstanding outcome, and
some students scored in the top four of their
The Esplanade Eagles showed pride,
respect, and responsibility during training,
which led them to an admirable showing
at the Foundation Games. Two sixth-grade
students placed in the top four of their
events, making them eligible to participate
in the regional competitions of the Southern
California Municipal Athletic Federation.
Jaretzy Flores placed third in the softball
throw, and Leonardo Rodriguez placed
second in the 100-meter dash and fourth in
the 400-meter dash.
A special thanks to all of our Eagles
and their families for their commitment to
excellence in education, the Eagle way!
Cornerstone Family Dentistry
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181 El Camino Real, Suite B, Tustin, CA 92780
Covering the Orange Unified School District
June—August 2015
Fairhaven Elementary
1415 Fairhaven Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92705 • 714/997-6178 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Fletcher Elementary
515 W. Fletcher St., Orange, CA 92865 • 714/997-6181 • http://www.orangeusd.org
From Stem to Steam
STEAM is an educational movement that aspires to place art
and design into the equation and transform STEM subjects to
help prepare our students for the demands of the new century.
At Fairhaven this begins in kindergarten. Teacher Mrs.
Vazquez-Ramirez has grasped this opportunity to integrate
science, technology, engineering, art, and math to help create
Karen Sandors innovative thinkers. Our kindergartners are taking their study
of shapes and seeing them through the eyes of artists, scientists,
mathematicians, and engineers.
The students have studied the works of Andy Warhol, Piet Mondrian, Wassily
Kandinsky, Leonardo da Vinci, and M.C. Escher. They have also watched videos,
read biographies,
traveled on virtual
gallery walks, and
even gone on an
architectural hunt of
Coupled with the
scientific study of
paper and wood, our
students are thrilled
to both appreciate
and create works
of art using actual
models of geometric
shapes that require
them to collaborate,
communicate, and
think critically.
Technology Upgrades
Rebeca Nelson
Fletcher Elementary School has been working hard to increase
student access to computers and technology. Last year we began
the school year with a new computer lab and SMART Boards in
every classroom. That addition gave teachers and students access
to great resources for teaching and learning. During the school
year, we added electronic tablets for teacher and student use
in the classroom. This school year, we saw the need to add new
classroom computers to support student learning.
With the support of PTA, Fletcher families, teachers, and staff came together
for a technology walk-a-thon in order to raise funds to put one new computer in
every classroom. Everyone put on their tennis shoes and walked to good music
while raising money for a great cause. What a success! With the collaborative
effort of all of our Falcons, each Fletcher classroom will have one new computer
for the 2015–2016 school year.
Handy Elementary
860 N. Handy St., Orange, CA 92867 • 714/997-6183 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Celebrating Science
Dog Walking
618 W. Collins Ave., Orange CA, 92867
Handy Elementary School recently held its annual Science
Night on April 26.Over 200 students participated in science
projects and experiments. Students learned how to make paper,
built soda-straw rockets, investigated their fingerprints, learned
the differences between rotation and revolution in helicopters,
discovered how to analyze leaves, and explored the science
Dr. Michelle Owen behind liquids and gases using raisins and smoke bubbles.
Students also experienced live baby chickens and learned about
the lifecycle of an egg.
The After-School Think Together Program students also shared many
amazing presentations and science projects. Students learned about growing
wheat grass,
recycling, and
how to protect
our Earth. The
robotics team
demonstrated how
to build a robot
and modeled their
robots in mock
All participants
left the event
with new ideas for
exploring their
world and an
increased love of
science learning.
Second grade teacher, Mary Ann Ballestero making paper with Abigail
Garcia and David Sanchez Ventura at the Handy Elementary Science Night.
Imperial Elementary
400 S. Imperial Hwy., Anaheim, CA 92807 • 714/997-6282 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Behavior Reward System
Imperial Elementary
School participates in a
behavior reward system
based upon the book Inch
and Miles, The Journey
to Success, by Coach John
Wooden. In this behavior
Ginette Kelley
system students earn Eagle
Pride tickets for behaviors
that demonstrate the 15 building blocks
of positive behavior and personal success.
These traits include cooperation, selfcontrol, team spirit, and doing their
personal best.
Weekly, a student from each classroom
has the opportunity to join the principal
in the office and receive an Eagle Pride
Certificate to take home and share with
parents, a sticker to wear with pride, and
other little extras that make the moment
This behavior system contributes to
the successes Imperial has with positive
student behavior. At Imperial eagles do
whatever it takes to SOAR!
Jordan Elementary
4319 E. Jordan Ave., Orange, CA 92869 • 714/997-6187 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Go, Jordan Jaguars!
It’s amazing that this school year is coming to a close!
Our Jordan Scholars have been working hard to get ready for
their state testing. As a school, we have also been focusing on the
craft of writing. As our “Theory of Action,” we are excited to see
the growth our students have made in expository writing, which
is a crucial 21st-century skill.
Our Jordan Scholars have also had access to a new laptop cart
Andrea Roman
and two iPad carts this school year. Implementing technology in
the classroom has been a goal for us, one that we will continue to
develop next year. Our plan is to utilize technology as a means to communicate
new learning, and for use as a teaching tool.
Our students are also planning a “Reading Makes a Difference” campaign
during May and June. They are being challenged to read now, and the more
they do, the more books they’ll have donated to a local charity that services
children in our community. Since our students are also expected to read every
day at school, we thought, “Wow! What a great way to get our Jordan students
involved in community service!”
Thank you to all of our parents, students, staff members, and community for
a great year. We hope to make the next one even better!
Please see our ad on page 23.
Covering the Orange Unified School District
La Veta Elementary
2800 E. La Veta Ave., Orange, CA 92869 • 714/997-6155 • http://www.orangeusd.org
A Successful Year
This third trimester was a busy and productive time for our La
Veta teachers and students!
We recently held a special La Veta Academy, where our
students could receive extra support in math or English language
arts. We would like to extend a very special thank-you to the
following La Veta Academy teachers as well: Mrs. Holloway,
Meek, Mrs. Bower, Mrs. Shipman, Miss Kauten, Mrs. Baron,
Lydia Roach
Ms. Gaut, Mrs. Racine, Mrs. Walsh, and Mrs. Watkins.
We also had another wonderful turnout at the Orange
Foundation Games. Our second- to sixth-grade students enjoyed practicing and
participating in this fun event at El Modena High School. We had a number of
students medal in individual events, and our sixth-grade relay team won first
place! Thank you to Mrs. Meek, Coach Craig Schmelter, Coach Laura Valerio,
and Coach Keith Valerio. They were all integral in making the Foundation
Games a success!
As we continue in our PBIS revitalization, a group of fourth-, fifth-, and
sixth-grade students recently filmed and edited some PBIS playground skits
that were shown to the entire school at their grade-level assemblies. It was a true
21st-century experience watching the students plan, act, and edit these skits.
During these assemblies our students also learned the new school motto,
“The La Veta Viking is Safe, Acts responsibly, and Is a respectful Learner who
will SAIL into the 21st Century.” This motto is evidenced by our new “SAIL”
tickets that are given out for positive behavior, as well as in our school-wide
Have a great summer! Our next issue is August 26th.
June—August 2015
Lampson Elementary
13321 Lampson Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92840 • 714/997-6153 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Learning by Doing
This year, our teachers created units of study to incorporate
Common Core State Standards in science, social studies, and
English language arts. The goal was to challenge and engage
students and have them collaborate when learning about a
new topic. Topics of study for kindergarten through fifth grade
included American symbols, weather, living things, biomes
Dr. Maria Chairez and environments, how the Earth changes, and the American
Revolution. Teachers shared the success of their units of study
and what students did to research these topics. It was exciting to
see how much students learned through their research.
Student council organized a number of community service projects, which
helped our students get involved in caring about their community. Students
collected clothing for the needy in our community, canned goods for First
Harvest, and clothing and gift cards for Operation Gratitude, which serves
military families. We also participated in Jump Rope for Heart, where everyone
is encouraged to jump rope and raise funds for heart health.
Students are making great progress in English. Congratulations to 47
English Language Learners for their success on the California English
Language Development Test (CELDT). They students have been reclassified as
proficient English speakers. A celebration breakfast was held for these students
and their parents.
Earth Day was not forgotten by Mrs. Crussell’s students. They planted tree,
which will be a long-lasting reminder of Earth Day for years to come.
Linda Vista Elementary
1200 N. Cannon St., Orange, CA 92869 • 714/997-6201 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Sixth Graders Mentor Kindergarteners
One of Linda Vista’s most popular and anticipated programs
is Big and Little Buddies.
Nerves are high at the
beginning of the year when
big and little buddies meet
for the first time, but getting
Sally Hughson together twice a month
to work, play, and learn
together builds memories
and a bond that most buddies will not
forget. Activities include interviewing
each other, reading together, making
puppets and buddy quilts, and learning to
use apps such as Chatter Pix.
activities include
a hoe down and
picnic. When big
and little buddies
sing to each other
at their graduation
and end of year
celebration, it
is obvious that
real and valued
friendships have
been formed.
McPherson Magnet
333 S. Prospect St., Orange, CA 92869 • 714/997-6384 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Civil War Cannon
Joe Erven
The Civil War cannon is a unique opportunity to learn about
the civil war from experts who participate in reenactments all
over southern California. The group shared their knowledge not
only on how the cannon works but on Civil War soldiering. They
taught McPherson Magnet School students how soldiers lived
and what camp life and war life were like. In addition they talked
about ballistics, changing technologies, and even some math, as
the team looked at trajectories and distances.
This culminating activity started with classroom lessons which allowed
students to analyze the multiple causes and key events of the Civil War,
trace the boundaries constituting the North and the South and discuss the
geographical differences between the two regions, and the study the views and
lives of leaders, including Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, and Robert E. Lee,
and soldiers on both sides of the war.
This activity truly made history come alive for our McPherson Meteors.
Olive Elementary
3038 Magnolia Ave., Orange, CA 92865 • 714/637-8218 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Exciting Opportunities
Olive Elementary School teachers and students are excited
about learning! Kindergarten students are holding a snail race!
After becoming super scientists and learning all about gastropod
mollusks in science, the kindergarten students watched as the
snails used their tentacles and eyes to “run” toward carrots, a
tasty snail treat! Becoming a scientist in kindergarten is super fun!
Technology has found its way into the classrooms at Olive!
Katherine Rizzo
strive to provide the resources and support our
students need to share their work and create digital presentations
in fourth through sixth grades. Kindergarten students rotate through the
electronic tablet center each day, and third-grade students are using the tablets
for cursive writing, mathematic practice, Reading Counts, and picture collages.
From kindergarten through sixth grade, every Olive student is engaged in
collaborative activities, which spark communication among students. Teachers
provide opportunities for students to use their creativity to solve problems and
express their knowledge. In addition, students are stretching their minds using
critical-thinking skills as they maneuver through their lessons. Our teachers
strive to create a rich learning environment that is engaging, resourceful and
We extend a special thank you to our wonderful and supportive parents. We
greatly appreciate your unfailing support for and involvement in your children’s
education. The parent/home/school partnership is a key ingredient to the success
of Olive School. As a staff, we understand your caring, concern, and interest in
what is best for the students. Our volunteers are also vital to the success of our
students! We value our volunteers, and they are always welcome at Olive!
It is our goal to continue to grow and expand our capabilities to provide the
highest quality education for our children. Our staff continues its commitment
to 21st-century teaching and learning through professional development and
ongoing collaboration.
Nohl Canyon Elementary
4100 E. Nohl Ranch Rd., Anaheim, CA 92807 • 714/997-6203 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Proud to Serve
The end of another amazing year is upon us here at Nohl
Canyon, and we can’t help but reflect upon what a good one it
has been. After two retirements, and a relocation, six new
teachers joined our Distinguished School staff last August.
NCSA’s annual “Run for Your Life” Jog-A-Thon fundraiser
brought in enough money to supply our classrooms with 10 new
laptops and 40 iPads for instructional use! Events like Donuts
Amy Hitt
with Dad, Muffins with Mom, the Carnival, Parents’ Night Out,
Mindset, and Thinking Maps nights presented by OUSD personnel
have also kept our families even more connected with the school.
Our students enjoyed a year of events coordinated by the Student Council,
including canned food, book, and school supply drives (which supported the
OUSD’s early readiness programs), and the Jump Rope for Heart events that
made sure each class and student had heart-healthy choices.
Nohl Canyon’s fifth-grade teachers have also partnered with the Anaheim
Ducks by traveling to the Pond and participating with thousands of other
Orange County students in various physical fitness challenges. Our sixthgraders also went to Outdoor Ed and Catalina overnight field trips. All other
grade levels enjoyed trips to fun and educational locations like Amy’s Farm,
Mission San Juan Capistrano, and the Aquarium of the Pacific.
Our teachers were busy this year using Understanding by Design lesson
planning and Units of Study to integrate Common Core Standards and
strategies. They continued their focus in collaborative inquiry and active
engagement, while also exploring the concept of a growth mindset. We have a
cream-of-the-crop staff, and are proud to be serving our students and families
with the kind of top-notch education that Nohl Canyon provides.
Orange High School
Palmyra Elementary
1325 E. Palmyra Ave., Orange, CA 92866 • 714/997-6207 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Working with the Community
The SUCSESS program at Palmyra Elementary School is
a special education program that is specifically designed for
students with autism. We strive to offer as many inclusion
opportunities as possible for our SUCSESS students.
Here they work with peer buddies to develop the typical peer
relationships and social skills. These interactions take place
Brenna Godsey inside the classroom, during speech and language sessions, or out
on the playground.
Our peer models also feel the benefits of this exchange.
Heather Dickson, a SUCSESS teacher, recently said that, “It really is a twoway street. My SUCSESS students get a positive social model, and our general
education students learn acceptance.”
students recently
participated in the
Faley Memorial
CSUF Special Games
on May 1. At this
event, our special
needs children
were paired with
local volunteers in a
variety of sporting
activities. Our
students and staff
members had a great
time participating in
this fun community
525 N. Shaffer St., Orange, CA 92867 • 714/997-6211 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Creative Writing Partnership
by Hailey Haskell
More than 25 OHS students participated in the Chapman
University Literacies Partnership Creative Writing Workshop this
year. Workshops were held on Monday evenings at the college,
where OHS students would work with graduate students to
produce pieces of prose and poetry.
A reading of students’ work was held on April 27, where
Ernest Gonzalez
friends, families, and teachers were invited to hear the students’
pieces of writing. Students were presented with certificates for
their participation in the workshop, and all seniors were given $500 scholarships
for college books and materials from the Orange County Literary Society.
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Covering the Orange Unified School District
June—August 2015
Panorama Elementary
10512 Crawford Canyon Rd., Santa Ana, CA 92705 • 714/997-6265 • http://www.orangeusd.org
An Outstanding School Year
Kathryn Martin
It is a clear, beautiful morning at Panorama Elementary as
students and their teachers gather before school. At 7:57 AM, Patriotic
music rings through the campus (and the neighborhood). At 8:00,
a flag is raised by a child, and every Panther, puts his hand over
his heart and recites the Pledge of Allegiance. We will miss this
special time over the summer. It is hard to believe that our year as
Panorama Panthers has come to a close. It has been one of amazing
growth for our Panthers. Students have soared academically
through the hard work and endless dedication of their teachers and
parents. Our Panthers have grown socially, as well.
Each student continues to practice being a Panther who CAREs. Courtesy,
Achievement and Responsibility are at the forefront for Everyone, every day. It
has been an outstanding school year. Congratulations and GO PANTHERS!
Portola Middle School
270 N. Palm Dr., Orange, CA 92868 • 714/997-6361 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Portola Middle School is proud to announce that over
100 of our AVID students visited UCLA on a field trip. AVID
(Advancement via Individual Determination) is a collegereadiness program dedicated to closing the achievement gap
by preparing all students for college and other postsecondary
opportunities. Part of the AVID curricula helps students to
develop a sense of hope for personal achievement gained through
Jill Katevas
hard work and determination. It is important that we inspire our
students through real-world experiences to bring true meaning
to their education.
Prior to visiting UCLA, each student chose a college to research and
completed a project for a class presentation. The timing was perfect for visiting
UCLA! Our students were greeted by five UCLA student guides who toured
them around and told them about all of the myths and superstitions about the
campus. Our students were amazed by how old the buildings were and saw how
they were decorated in beautiful art. They were also impressed with the library
and how there were napping areas available for students to use between their
classes. However, most importantly, this visit had a real impact on our students,
as it showed them that they can achieve their goal of attending college. As
one of our eighth-grade students said, “It made me realize that college is right
around the corner and I better get focused because a lot of people are trying to
get in, too.”
By having our students participate in these types of experiences, we know
that this is something they will remember for a lifetime and it will motivate
them to achieve their dreams. One seventh-grader said it best: “Visiting UCLA
motivated me to strive for my goals and look ahead to the future.”
Prospect Elementary
379 N. Virage St., Orange, CA 92869 • 714/997-6271 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Our Top Winners
Our annual PTA
Jog-a-Thon was held
in late March. This
event promoted
healthy habits and
raised funds for our
Elena Rodriguez PTA. Our small but
mighty PTA group
raises these funds to
support our students in enrichment
activities like field trips and other
special events.
This year we offered a “Principal
of the Day” grand prize for our top
fundraising student. We had a tie
this year, and Dailey and Abigail
Delaney both earned the title!
Yes, they are brother and sister,
and together they took over the
role for the entire day. They helped
Abigail and Dailey Delaney enjoying
supervise recess duty, were tour
Principal for the day reward with
guides for a prospective family,
Rodriguez, principal at Prospect.
visited classrooms, handed out
incentives, and assisted in many other miscellaneous duties. They both had
a great time, and realized that there are many tasks a principal must handle
Congratulations to our Jog-a-Thon fundraising duo. Maybe one of them
might be an aspiring school administrator some day!
Richland High School
615 N. Lemon St., Orange, CA 92867 • 714/997-6167 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Condor of the Year
It is a Richland tradition to recognize one student as its
“Condor of the Year.” This recipient has demonstrated exemplary
personal, social, and academic responsibility, while also
overcoming adversity. This year our Richland Condor of the Year
is Madison Krangle.
Madison was the overwhelming selection of our Richland staff.
at Richland she has earned 18 A’s out of 18 classes taken.
Dennis McCuistion
Her teachers describe her as responsible, consistent, outstanding,
polite, helpful, efficient, and a leader.
Madison moved to Orange from Colorado to live with guardians. While she
was in Colorado she struggled academically, and fell behind the rest of her
class. With different state requirements, and some failing grades, Madison had
to enroll in Richland for a chance to graduate in June.
Since her arrival she has demonstrated personal responsibility by working at
a local coffee shop, as well as volunteering during the holidays. She has a perfect
4.0 grade point average,
and has not lost sight of
her personal goals.
Despite having every
excuse to give up on
school and life, Madison
works hard every day to
be a better person and
accomplish her goals.
Richland High School
is proud to award her
with their Condor of the
Year and “Every Student
Succeeding” honors.
Running Springs Elementary
8670 E. Running Springs Dr., Anaheim, CA 92808 • 714/281-4512 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Santiago Charter Middle School
515 N. Rancho Santiago Blvd., Orange, CA 92869 • 714/997-6366 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Fostering Leadership
Running Springs Elementary School’s sixth-graders support
growth and development on campus with the Big Buddy
mentoring program. Each week, sixth-graders buddy with
a transitional kindergartener to help with reading, writing,
technology, and art lessons. Special Education students are also
paired up with sixth-graders to socialize by playing games, doing
Antoinette Coe puzzles, reading books, and making crafts together.
This cross-grade interaction is important for the sixth-graders,
who are given the great responsibility of being mentors and enjoy
the opportunity to give back to their school. The feedback has been positive for
all involved. Transitional kindergarten students are excited to interact with the
upper grades, a
sense of belonging
is reinforced
with the Special
students, and
develop an
appreciation for
helping others.
This program
has fostered
some amazing
relationships as
Running Springs
prepares students
to be the leaders
of tomorrow.
Serrano Elementary
17741 Serrano Ave., Villa Park, CA 92861 • 714/997-6275 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Another Successful Year
Dr. James
Taft Elementary
1829 N. Cambridge St., Orange, CA 92865 • 714/997-6254 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Trek 4 Tech
We had a wonderful day in April at Serrano for the third
annual Trek 4 Tech Jog-A-Thon. The Serrano “big apple” field was
ablaze with gold-and-red T-shirts to acknowledge this special
event and to thank our sponsors.
Thanks go to our Serrano Foundation members for organizing
and the many volunteers for helping. A special thank-you goes
to the Hughes family and the Butler Garner family for the final
Dr. Bobbie
and extensive bookkeeping. It is the many volunteers,
the sponsors and the runners jogging, running, walking, and
skipping that made this Trek 4 Tech such a success.
All proceeds will be going toward additional Chromebook carts for Serrano
students. A special thanks to our awesome Trek 4 Tech DJ Rosei Goldsmith
and our Early
Act students—
auxiliary of Villa
Park Rotary—who
helped serve water
to the joggers
along the track.
participated as
part of PE for the
day and enjoyed a
cold bottle of water
and a Popsicle
after the run.
Serrano Trek 4
Tech 2015 was a
huge success!
Happy third graders.
Covering the Orange Unified School District
As we get ready complete our 20th year as Orange County’s 1st
Charter School, we have many things to be proud of at Santiago
Charter Middle School. Our 8th grade students recently won 1st
place in this year’s Academic Pentathlon team category. Santiago
also won 1st place in this year’s Foundation Games for the second
year in a row. Our teachers have created an environment that
allows students to thrive in academics, athletics, Clubs and
Community Service! Our students continue to rise to challenges
and exceed our expectations. This is one of our most successful
years ever at Santiago thanks to our students, teachers, staff, and
parents. We look forward to another 20 + years of excellence!
On Beyond Duties!
Connie Smith
In April, Debbie Milovic was honored as one of the Orange
County Department of Education Classified Employees of the
Year. As our attendance/health clerk, Ms. Milovic is always eager
to work with students, parents, teachers and staff. She is so
efficient and skilled in the completion of her job duties that she is
able to volunteer for projects, fund-raisers and family events. In
addition, she is a Gang Reduction Intervention Program (GRIP)
mentor to one of our students. Whether she is advocating for a
child, giving a little extra TLC, or encouraging a student with
academics or social skills, Ms. Milovic is all in!
Ms. Milovic goes
to great lengths to
find the resources
that our families
need. Parents often
compliment her for
the outstanding
customer service
she provides. Ms.
Milovic actively
seeks out assistance
from community
organizations and
local businesses in
order to support her
passion for making
a difference in the
lives of children.
June—August 2015
Sycamore Elementary
340 N. Main St., Orange, CA 92868 • 714/997-6277 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Need a Friend?
Inspired by a classroom unit of study, a group of Sycamore
Elementary School students recently put together an anti-bullying
campaign in an effort to make a difference in their school. Under
the direction of Mrs. Shoemaker, students on this committee
developed presentations to persuade their peers that “Bully Free
Is the Way to Be.” They collaboratively designed and created
a presentation, which they shared in many classrooms. The
presentation discussed different types of bullying and actions
students could take to promote respect, kindness, and proactive
problem solving. The presentation ended with an anti-bullying
video that the student committee produced themselves.
Additionally, the committee engaged students campus-wide in a poster
contest to help spread awareness on this topic with slogans such as “Need a
friend? Look for one of the Anti-Bullying Committee students wearing a badge
at recess.”
West Orange Elementary
243 S. Bush St., Orange, CA 92868 • 714/997-6283 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Sustainability Showcase
West Orange Elementary School sent two teams to California
State University, Fullerton’s Sustainability Showcase in April.
The second-grade team presented “3Rs are Us.” The second team,
representing the After-School Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics (STEM) Academy Environmental Engineering
Club, presented “Pollution Solution.”
More than 100 students participated, showcasing presentations
Dr. Jennifer
about the 21st-century issues of the environment, energy, and
health. They explained how these issues are interconnected
in our lives and how we can deal with these challenges. These
students were given a forum to discuss problems and solutions to develop a
more sustainable society.
The team representing Mrs. Anderson’s second-grade class included Julia
Lopez, Arianah Ramos, Isaiah Colbert, Cristian Diaz, and Yara Sanchez. The
STEM Academy team which won first place at the elementary level, included
Ava Carpenter, Daniel Vega, Harry Podell, Dulce Gallardo, and Hayden Reed.
First place winners in the elementary level from West Orange After-School STEM Academy:
Advisor Mrs. Anderson, Ava Carpenter, Daniel Vega, Harry Podell,
Dulce Gallardo, Hayden Reed, and Principal Dr. Bourgeois.
Yorba Middle School
These leaders are committed to ensuring that all Sycamore students feel
welcome and valued and don’t spend recess alone.
Villa Park Elementary
10551 Center Dr., Villa Park, CA 92861 • 714/997-6281 • http://www.orangeusd.org
What’s the Buzz?
In May, our first-graders were excited to embark on their
Common Core State Standards, hands-on insect unit. This
fascinating unit explores the characteristics and habitats of
insects, which make up the largest group of animal life on the
planet, and integrates language arts, mathematics, and science.
We learned to follow directions when writing a research report
made dioramas to illustrate what we learned. We studied the
Debra Larson
work of author Eric Carle and explored our last literature theme,
“Wonders,” which included the story, “Fireflies for Nathan.” We
used these literature stories to enrich our nonfiction science unit and extend
our study of insects and how they affect the balance of nature. Math was
integrated through the use of graphs, measurement, and problem solving.
We are guiding the students to meet the 21st-century Common Core goals
of collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication and helping
them to become expert entomologists!
935 N. Cambridge St., Orange, CA 92867 • 714/997-6161 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Gift of Time
“Volunteers are not paid – not because they are worthless, but
because they are priceless.” – Author Sherry Anderson.
Yorba is thankful to have the support of so many volunteers.
As the 2014–15 school year comes to a close, we take this time to
reflect and extend our gratitude to the volunteers who make an
impact on every part of our educational program as well as the
overall culture of our school. We truly could not do it alone!
Tracy Knibb
One organization that reaches out and builds the sense of
community at Yorba is our Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
Parents willingly take on challenging roles in the PTA in order to create a
supportive and nurturing environment for all students. They become students
themselves as they create a team that is student centered at all times. Thanks
to the hard work of all the volunteers, our memberships have grown to over 100
people! We welcome everyone to our meetings, which are held the first Friday of
every month at 8:30 a.m.
You cannot underestimate the impact that one person can have on a campus.
Thank you to each individual who takes even the smallest amount of time out
of his or her day to make our school a better place. As we say congratulations
to our eighth-grade class of 2015, I am proud to also stand side by side with the
volunteers that have stood by our students every step of the way!
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they have the heart.”
– Author Elizabeth Andrew
Villa Park High School
18042 Taft Ave., Villa Park, CA 92861 • 714/532-8020 • http://www.orangeusd.org
Science Championship
One year after losing the title,
VPHS once again claimed the Orange
County championship and advanced
several projects to the state and one to
the international level of competition.
Advancing to the state are Quentin
Gonzales, “Can Algae Be Used as an Ink
Ed Howard
Substitute?” first place; Emily Alexander,
“Closer Look on Vitamin Water,” first
place; Conrad Frisch, “Evaluating Bernoulli’s Principle
through the Use of a Hovercraft,” first place; and
Charlie Noyes, “Fast Anti-Malware through Distributed
Block-Chain Consensus and Feedforward Scanning,
Using Cache-Resident Bloom-Bloomier Filters,”
sweepstakes winner.
Charlie has been selected to represent VPHS and
the state at the 2015 Intel International Science and
Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Pittsburgh in early May.
The Intel ISEF is the world’s largest international
precollege science competition. More than 1,700 high
school students from over 70 countries, regions and
territories are awarded the opportunity to showcase
their independent research and compete for more than
$5 million in prizes.
Time to get excited about science at VPHS! Good
luck, Charlie!
OUSD Alternative Education / ROP
1401 N. Handy St. Orange, CA 92867 • http://www.orangeusd.org
OUSD Child Development Services
Parkside Campus: 2345 E. Palmyra. Orange, CA 92869 • www.orangeusd.k12.ca/child_care/
Developing to Highest Potential
By Jim Stephens, Director
Orange Unified has two preschool opportunities for children. Our parent
paid program at the Child Development Center provides a part day or full
day program. Also, State Preschool half day programs operate at Fairhaven,
Jordan, Lampson, and Sycamore elementary schools. The program will expand
to Esplanade, Fletcher and
possibly Palmyra schools for
Our Child Development
program believes every child
is capable and eager to learn.
The programs provide a safe,
nurturing and enriching
environment for a child to
learn. By providing caring
teachers and an environment
conducive to learning, a child
can reach their potential
in the emotional, social,
physical, and cognitive areas
of development. Through
developmentally appropriate
curriculum and handson activities children are
excited to learn. Together
with parents and teachers
we can help young children
develop to their highest
Covering the Orange Unified School District
The Accomplishments of the Year
Wow! It is hard to believe that the school year is finally coming
to an end.
It is an honor and privilege to be the site administrator for
Alternative Education. I am proud of the various programs on
campus, and the dedication to student growth that I have seen
displayed all year from our outstanding staff in the various
programs on campus.
As we say goodbye to our eighth- and twelfth-grade students,
wish them well as they move on to high school, college,
or careers. Let’s take the time to celebrate all of our many
accomplishments, and remember the fun and exciting enrichment activities
that our students have participated in throughout the year.
This includes science labs, mock interviews, career fair, special guest
speakers, and various performance tasks. We look forward to creating new and
exciting opportunities at Alternative Education next year.
June—August 2015
Build It Back Again
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(next to IHOP, North of Chapman)
I’m delighted whenever I
come across a collection for
children featuring music that
isn’t formulated, childishly cute
or backed with electronic tracks.
Build It Back Again by the Billy
Jonas band is none of this, even
with the use of a toy piano as a percussion instrument. The
Kate Karp
melodies are catchy compositions performed by a full range of
vocal and instrumental mastery—even that little piano—and the lyrics do
more than instruct and educate. They traverse sometimes wonky pathways to
communicate profound messages of determination, maintaining humanity in a
technological world, balance and historical significance.
The title song features a strong tempo with words to match. From the
architecture of ancient Greece to the ravages of Hurricane Katrina—and
certainly not stopping there—the band sings of the resolve of the human
spirit to rebuild, often in new ways. The rollicking “Monkeys Driving Cars”
tells how necessary it is to advance ourselves as humans to the same extent
as technology if we want to survive as people. In a primal atmosphere of
percussion, “Moment of Noise” seamlessly transitions from the creation of
the universe to thankfulness and appreciation for every little sound and what
causes it.
The CD is heavy but not any means ponderous. The songwriters also love
wordplay, especially as it increases vocabulary and wallows in punning, as in
“Hairy,” “Maybe Maybe Not” and “What Kind of Bear Are You?”
The Billy Jonas Band has dug a sturdy foundation in Build It Back Again”—
good stuff for any group discussion that involves young minds.
Kate Karp is an editor for School News Roll Call and a freelance writer and editor.
at Covenant Christian School
1855 Orange Olive Rd. • Orange, CA 92865
The iInspire Academia at California Elementary
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NR Computer Learning Center
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The Value of Camp for Every Child
What happens when you make the decision to choose a camp?
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Camp gives each child a world of good.
Flag Football, Soccer, and Basketball
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held on the same day,
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Covering the Orange Unified School District
June—August 2015
This Mr. Ruler is
hidden somewhere
in this publication.
When you find him,
email the
page number to:
Halstrom Academy’s flexible schedule is designed specifically
to fit around your summer activities! Summer is the perfect
time to Catch up, Make up or Get ahead!
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Please put OUSD in the subject line.
Your entry must be received by July 15, 2015.
From the correct entries, we will draw a winner to receive a
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Anaheim Tennis Center Junior Summer Camps
Celeb th year
our 2 mps in
of ca County
Format for all Camps: Instruction, Ball Machine Hitting, Match play, Conditioning Hitting, and Footwork Drills.
Elite/Advanced/Intermediate Summer Tennis Camps
Head Coach: Mike Nelson Day: M – T – W – Th Time: 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Ages: 9 – 18 Cost: $175 per week
Call us aboutation
additional insu
on all our m
Beginner Jr. Development Camps
Day: M – T – W – Th Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Ages: 6 – 12 Cost: $99 per week
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In the community since 1997
Panther Soccer Camp 2015
Summer Sessions
Boys & Girls Ages 5-13
Camp Director: Eddie Carrillo Director of Soccer and Men’s Head Coach
Chapman University, Teacher with OUSD & Anaheim Surf Club Director
Soccer Camps
Open to all levels of Soccer Players;
Recreation, Signature and Club.
Camps are staffed by collegiate
Summer Sessions
coaches and collegiate players.
June 15 thru June 19
Sessions 1 – 3 are hosted at
Yorba Regional Park, Anaheim
June 22 thru June 26
Session 4 is hosted at
July 13 thru July 17
Riverdale Elem. School, Anaheim
July 27 thru July 30 (Adv. Camp Only) Register on-line ~ Register Early
Full Day 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. $160
Half Day 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. $115
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Camp Ohana
Hero recruitment: friday april 24th
from 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
camp dates: June 15th - August 14th
campus closed: august 17th – august 21st
first day of school: august 24th
Session 1: June 15th - July 3rd
session 2: july 6th - July 24th
Session 3: july 27th - August 14th
Tuition due: May 29th
Tuition due: June 15th
Tuition due: July 13th
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit,20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the
very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
Camp Keiki:
Camp Ohana:
• On-site field trips
• Water days
• Chapels
• Children’s authors
are celebrated
• Off-site field trips, twice a week • Vacation Bible School
• Water days
• Middle school activities
• Theme days
• A rockin’ praise band
• Counselor-in-training program • Summer School/Tutoring
5900 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim Hills, 92807
www.hephatha.net/school/ • 714.637.0887, ext. 136 •
Covering the Orange Unified School District
Want to ignite a creative spark in your young artist this
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Offer expires 8/28/15. Cannot be combined with any other offers.
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650 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, CA / 949-464-4234
©2015 Festival of Arts. A non-profit organization. Proceeds support the Arts.
June—August 2015
Parent To Parent
Don’t let your child watch TV and
glue on video games ALL DAY!!
Enroll in
Create & Bounce Camps
Camp Weeks: Jun. 15 – Aug. 21
Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Ages: 4 – 14
Daily: $45/Child; $40/Sibling
Weekly: $169/Child; $154/Sibling
(Lunch is not included, snacks will be provided)
Fill the day with arts, crafts,
actitivities, games, and a whole
lots of bouncing fun!
Call or log on for more info!
Let Us Host Your Private
Birthday Party and Other Events!
• Gigantic Indoor Inflatables
• 100% Private Bounce Stadiums
• 100% Private Party Rooms
• Ultimate Safety & Fun
• We Plan Your Party With You
• We Clean Up 100%
Childrens Programs
Summer Camps and Classes for Kids and Teens – Held on the Cal State Fullerton Campus
Art Camp
Weekly Classes
One-week courses on topics such
as algebra, geometry and writing
skills. Designed to prepare kids in
grades 2 through high school for
the year ahead.
Classes start as early as July 6.
It was a really
wonderful camp, we will
be back next year!
These programs are made available through the CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Service Corporation.
8915 2/15
Q: Our 18-year-old son is supposed to have an internship
this summer at the college he is going to be attending in the
fall. We think this is great. However, he wants to live in a college
apartment and this is where we have a problem. He’s never been
away and we are apprehensive of the environment he could be
introduced to during the “summer” party group. Are we being
weird? Any rules that you could suggest?
A: If you haven’t experienced any previous challenges with
Jodie Lynn
him drinking and partying, it may be a situation where you don’t
need to worry too terribly much. However, whether he is going early for an
internship or moving into a dorm for the fall, this is a big step and most parents,
as well as the kids, are more than anxious about leaving home and entering
college. If for some reason you feel like he really is not ready to live on his own
or not sure if he could easily be persuaded to party with the summer group,
you might want to talk with the adult in charge of his internship and find out if
there are other options for his housing for the summer. Oftentimes, there are
families who take in college students just for the summer, especially if they are
new to the area. It’s more personalized because the people are doing it because
they enjoy mentoring new kids and showing them around. You and your son can
even meet them beforehand to get to know them a little better. This way, you
can ask about their household rules and expectations and talk it over with your
son. Of course, either way, we have to let our kids go, let them make choices and
hope for the best.
Jodie Lynn is an award winning, internationally syndicated family/health and education
columnist and best selling author. Her column Parent to Parent™ (www.ParentToParent.com)
has been successful for more than 15 years. She is a regular contributor to several sites and has
written four books and contributed to three others, one of which was featured on the Oprah
Winfrey Show. She has authored several books including Mom CEO (Chief Everything Officer),
Having Doing, and Surviving it All! and Syndication Secret—What No One Will Tell You!
Check www.ParentToParent.com for details on new radio talk show, Inside Parenting Success.
(714) 744-5867 • www.BounceU.com/Orange
428-A W. Katella Ave., Orange, CA 92867
A two-week program designed for
7-14 year olds where students
explore the exciting world of art,
musical theater and creativity.
Session 1: July 6-17
Session 2: July 20-31
College Internship
Azusa Pacific University
Crystal Olson ’11, M.A.Ed. ’12
Master of Arts in Education: Special Education
Earn your master’s degree and credential
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