Read our latest Corporate Responsability Report
Read our latest Corporate Responsability Report
sustai nable development We work everyday to contribute to a better country. Sustainability Report 2013 Grupo Éxito Administrative headquarters Carrera 48 No. 32 B Sur - 139, Envigado A.A. 3479 Colombia Telephone: 57 4 339 6565 Facebook/GrupoExitoColombia twitter@grupo_exito Journalism and graphic editing: Taller de Edición Cover: Sancho BBDO. Photos: Andrés Mayr, LaPic, Publicaciones Semana para Revista Aldetalle. General Coordination: Governance and Sustainability and Head of Communications Grupo Éxito. WE SUPPORT THE GLOBAL COMPACT More information on page 14 This report is printed on Colombian Paper from sugar cane bagasse with environmentally friendly inks. index 4 19 49 59 MANAGEMENT REPORT SOCIAL DIMENSION ENVIRONMENTAL DIMENSION 51 We seek to reduce ECONOMIC DIMENSION Scope 21 Solidary player 31 Responsible and inclusive employer 37 Trusted Ally 43 Responsible dealer with our clients This Sustainability Memoire was consolidated with information provided by Almacenes Éxito S.A. and their operations in Colombia, which include stores, administrative, distribution centers, food industry and the textile subsidiary Ditexco, between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31. The Company owns Spice Investments Mer- cosur, a Uruguayan corporation which is the majority shareholder of the companies that operate the Disco, Devoto and Geant stores. The data of this company shall be included in the financial information in this text and in the report on the number of sales points of Almacenes Éxito S.A. our impact on the environment Positive increase Negative increase Positive decrease Negative decrease With the promise of printing fewer copies, this is a summarized version of Grupo Éxito’s Sustainability report. To see the complete report, please visit , the Sustainability Section on our website 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Management Report Letter from the Chief Executive Officer As Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Éxito, it is with great pleasure that I present our Sustainability Report which reflects the results of our sustainable development strategy during 2013. The mission of the more than 38.000 co-workers that daily represent this organization is to work so that our customers always come back. Grupo Éxito fully identifies with The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an organization that promotes the use of sustainability reports as a way of life of organizations towards more sustainable development. A responsible economy must combine long term earnings with ethical behavior on social justice and protection of the environment. Therefore, by integrating sustainability to the balance sheet of our corporate group, we have decided to incorporate four critical aspects of competitive sustainability: social responsibility, the environment, economy and governance. With the purpose of measuring, understanding and communicating the impact that the activities of our organization have on our surroundings, we seek and we listen to the voices of our stakeholders and we strive to create conversations within the framework of our commercial activity and of the interactions required thereby. With this report, I invite you to get to know Grupo Éxito better and to learn in detail about its programs addressed to creating a better country for the present and for the future, based on sustainability. We are aware that a huge contribution to development lies in job creation in Colombia -in 2013 we provided 1.472 new jobs-, and we are proud to say that we also work on other initiatives: Gen Cero: with the knowledge and the outstanding experience of Fundación Éxito acquired in 30 years of working for Colombian childhood we are determined to accomplish the: Responsible trade: we promote initiatives that favor the development and formalization of the economy such CARLOS MARIO GIRALDO MORENO CEO as involvement of the nation to eradicate child malnutrition*. Our goal, set forth in Grupo Éxito’s strategic plan is that in 2025, the first generation of “zero malnutrition” will be born in Colombia. COP19.387 billion were invested in care provided to 36.656 children and y 2.601 expectant families. In 2013, COP19.387 billion were invested in care provided to 36.656 children and y 2.601 expectant families. Responsible trade: we promote initiatives that favor the development and formalization of the economy such as: /// 4 *Weighing less than 2.500 gr at birth due to inadequate nutrition of the mother. low, a subsidiary of the Casino Group. By the end of 2013, 18 stores already showed averageenergy savings of 23% in terms of consumption thanks to this initiative. “We are determined to build a country where formal trade assists the consumer in his decision to purchase Farmers’Commercial Rounds: together with national and local governments, we will hold negotiation rounds so the farmers can offer their products directly without any intermediation whatsoever. Today, nearly 75% of national produce purchases are made directly from the producers. Aliados Surtimax: through a collaboration agreement, the owners of small mini-markets can continue to grow their business with advice on stock, exhibition and commercial activities provided by Grupo Éxito, with our brand Surtimax. By the end of 2013, 269 owners of this type of businesses were part of our network of Surtimax Allies. Inclusion of vulnerable population groups: we strive to create work relationships with these individuals. To this end, we create partnerships with entities that protect the physically disabled and cognitively impaired as well as victims of the armed conflict or reinserted individuals. Actions aimed at compensating the impact of our operation on the environment: environment: in addition to addressing the requirements related to compliance of extended use regulations, we focus on three environmental fronts: Reduction of energy consumption and emissions with the strategic support of Green Yel- Under the name of “Mi Planeta” we work on the measurement, compensation and mitigation of our carbon footprint and the correct management of post-consumption waste with the aim of offering options for millions of customers that visit our stores on a daily basis. The results of all these actions are found in this Sustainability Report. We work for the sustainable progress of Colombia We firmly believe that Grupo Éxito brings progress and development to the communities who welcome any of its units. We are determined to continue to build a country where formal trade supports the consumer in his purchase decision with prices that meet his possibilities, broad and differentiated products and at the same time, the offer of quality living conditions with services and complementary businesses. In 2013 we accomplished a great deal in our quest to continue contributing to the sustainability of Grupo Éxito and Colombia in close relationship to the activities we develop. Besides the work fronts mentioned above, - Gen Zero, responsible trade, inclusion of vulnerable population groups and the compensation of our impact on the environment at Grupo Éxito we continue to consolidate our strategies in terms of responsible growth and the generation of value for our stockholders, employees, customers and the community in general. Cordially, CARLOS MARIO GIRALDO MORENO CEO Grupo Éxito /// 5 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Management Report Grupo Éxito Cifras a 31 de diciembre de 2013 Caption VIVA Laureles Shopping Mall, Medellín. We are a business corporation, leaders in the retail trade in Colombia and with 524 stores, 470 of them in Colombia and 54 in Uruguay. We develop an omni-channel strategy that places the customer at its very center serving him with quality services and products of numerous brands, formats, industries and businesses. Grupo Éxito directly employs 38.422 persons in Colombia an generates more than 6 8,000 indirect and direct jobs through our Éxito, Carulla and Surtimax brands in retail; and Viva in shopping malls. We have services and business lines that supplement our offer: consumer credit with the Éxito card, Viajes Éxito (travel), Móvil Éxito (mobile phone services), international money transfers, Seguros Éxito (insurance), the textile and food industries, e-commerce, fuel distribution (service stations) and a real estate business. Additionally we offer the possibility of paying utility bills and private invoices. Our operation is recognized due to the good /// 6 524 stores 470 in Colombia and 54 in Uruguay 38,422 direct employees in Colombia. quality of the services we provide, the variety of value proposals of its brands and the commitment of all the workers of our Organization so that our customers always have a reason to come back. The Casino Group from France is our majority stockholder. Our operation is centered in Colombia; in addition, we are present in Uruguay where we have share majority in the companies that operate Disco, Devoto and Géant stores, the main local supermarket chains. This structure is integrated by Alomacenes Éxito S. A. as the holding company in Colombia, Distribuidora de Textiles y Confecciones S. A, -Ditexco S. A.- Almacenes Éxito Inversiones S. A. S. Éxito Viajes y Turismo S. A. and Gemex O&W. S.A. Al and BY its foreign subsidiaries Carulla Vivero Holding. Inc- and Spice Investments Mercosur (“Spice”). Our history This is our history; we have been writing it since 1905 with a solid business and service vocation oriented to the country and its people. The Carulla brand is born in Bogotá thanks to the initiative of José Carulla Vidal. Ley in Barranquilla begins operations, founded by Luis Eduardo. Gustavo Toro Quintero begins operations of Éxito in Medellin. Cadenalco begins its history as Ley’ holding company. Alberto Azout founds the Vivero chain in Barranquilla. Creation of Fundación Éxito. Merger of Almacenes Éxito and Cadenalco (owner of Ley and Pomona among other The Éxito Card is born. brands). Casino acquires 25% of Almacenes Éxito’s stock. The virtual store begins operation Éxito acquire 10,5% if Cativen’s shares in Venezuela. Éxito lists its shares in the Medellín Bogotá and Eastern stock markets. Casino obtains the majority stake of Almacenes Éxito. The commercial partnership of Éxito and Cafam. Almacenes Éxito acquires Carulla Vivero in 2007 and in 2010 they merge.. Acquisition of 100% of the stock of Spice Investments Mercosur, the holding company of the Disco, Devoto and Geant chains, leading retailers in Uruguay. Culmination of the Unification process of Cafam, Pomona and Ley stores with the three brands, Éxito, Carulla ande and Pomona Éxito. The real estate business begins. The supplementary business, Seguros Éxito begins. Almacenes Éxito obtains the majority stake of Cadenalco. The Surtimax warehouse model is born. The Éxito Express format is born. Éxito begins the direct operation of its service stations. Mobile Telephone with Móvil Éxito which offers benefits of the loyalty program. International Money Transfers: the first retailer in Colombia to offer this service. /// 7 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Management Report Our Corporate Philosophy Chief Executive Office We are motivated by a mission and we base our work on 4 corporate values. VALUES: Service. Teamwork. Simplicity. Innovation. CARLOS MARIO GIRALDO MISSION: We work so that our customer returns. /// 8 Presidential Committee JOSÉ GABRIEL LOAIZA HERRERA Vicepresidente comercial y de abastecimiento JUAN LUCAS VEGA PALACIO Vice President Real Estate and Development FILIPE DA SILVA Vice President Finance and Administration CARLOS MARIO DÍEZ GÓMEZ Vice President Retail MARCELA QUINTERO VÉLEZ Customer Manager MARTÍN NOVA ESTRADA Vice-President of Marketing JACKY YANOVICH MIZRACH Vice President Éxito Brand GLADYS ELENA ESTRADA YEPES Audit director JESÚS ALBERTO QUINTERO MARÍN Manager Supply Chain JUAN FELIPE MONTOYA CALLE Vice President Human Resources CARLOS FERNANDO HENAO MORENO Manager Corporate Affairs and Secretary General /// 9 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Management Report Our Brands With retail and the shopping malls and business centers as a starting point for generating visits and recall of our brands, we offer different options so that our customers always return. Retail Éxito “Everything for everyone” in modern, comfortable spaces nearby, whre superior service is offered at competitive prices. Carulla Where buying is a unique experience. In Carulla, the extraordinary is a daily happening. It offers the best service so that the customers enjoy the products with the freshness and quality they deserve. The Real Estate Busines Virtual With over 15,000 products is the ideal website to pamper yourself without leaving home. Surtimax The proximity format that offers savings and economy to its customers. “Where buying costs”. VIVA A brand of shopping malls and business centers that reflects the best aspects of every city and sector, creating cheerful, fun and constantly evolving places. A place to celebrate, have fun and feel alive. Easy, quick and with numerous products available for its customer. Economic value generated $10.869.071 millones COP. Consolidated results. /// 10 Complementary businesses and services Figures at December 31, 2013 1st private brand credit card in the count. 3rd in the industry in terms of issuers 1.7 million credit cards issued 17.8% increase IN SALES. Present in 12 MUNICIPALITIES OF THE COUNTRY. 20 1.7 million SERVICE STATIONS CREDIT CARDS ISSUED 2nd PLACE in terms of sales in the travel agency sector in Colombia 37 cities 22 cities 64 stores 600 thousand 1.5 million CUSTOMERS CUSTOMERS Launched in October Mobile phone operator that offers special benefits for customers of the Company’s brands: extra points in ÉXITO, CARULLA AND SURTIMAX, loyalty programs at the stores where they can exchange them for minutes. FIRST RETAIL CHAIN to offer the service 50 MUNICIPALITIES in the country 200 stores ÉXITO, CARULLA AND SURTIMAX. /// 11 61 agencies 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Management Report We are wherever our customers are 470 General total 163 Colombia Service stations Surtimax allies 20 269 Éxito 74 Éxito Express 85 Carulla 146 2 54 Total number of stores in Uruguay Surtimax Homemart Disco 28 Devoto 24 Géant /// 12 2 Uruguay Acknowledgements Grupo Éxito stands out among the eight categories evaluated in the study Élite Empresarial*, that analyzed 300 companies and 50 executives in the country: 2nd 3rd Company that offers the best customer service and the best quality products. Among the companies with best Social and Environmental Responsibility. 5th best manager in the country, Carlos Mario Giraldo, CEO. * Study made by Datexco Company for Portafolio, newspaper. Grupo Éxito is among the ranking of the 50 most valuable Latin American companies, according to BrandZTM. The Colombia Stock Exchange awarded the “Investor Relations” issuance seal for voluntarily using the best practices in terms of revealing financial information for investors in Spanish and English. The Organization is number 6 on the list of the most responsible companies and with the best corporate governance according to MERCO, Monitor Empresarial de Reputación Corporativa. CARLOS MARIO GIRALDO, CEO of Grupo Éxito, starred in the leadership promotion assessment (20 positions). A study made by the Universidad de La Salle ranked Grupo Éxito as the Colombian company with the most transparency, after Ecopetrol, when providing information on line. 7th most valued company in the Colombia Stock Excanage (BVC). Study carried out by Portafolio in July, 2013. Andigraf Ecology Award for Sustainability Report, 2012. /// 13 A study made by Dinero magazine and Invamer-Gallup in Bogotá, Cali, Medellín and Barranquilla concluded that Grupo Éxito stands out as one of the brands that elicits the greatest recall and emotional attachment among Colombians. In the 18 – 24 year olds segment it shows 39% of recall in the retail. Since 1997, when this category began to be studied, the Éxito brand has been the most called to mind of all. 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Management Report How do we prepare the 2013 Report? Since 2008 we have been submitting to our stakeholders an annual report with the challenges, progress and achievements of the Company in terms of Sustainable Development. This document compiles the information regarding the main events according to those issues that the Group has deemed important or material. As in the past, we have prepared this report based on criteria established by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI); in addition, as signatories of the Global Compact, we report on important issues for the Company. In 2011, the material nature of the Organization was evaluated under the criteria of ISO 26.000, the AA 1.000 Standard and the GRI, which was evaluated by the Chairman’s Committee in 2013. The Sustainability Department and the Head of Communications continuously review the best practices in compiling and presenting information on sustainability in order to supplement the preparation of the report. Furthermore, standards such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and the Development Goals of the Millennium, the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) are kept in mind. Given that sustainability is a transversal concept across all of the processes of the Group, the Sustainability Committee has been strengthened; this is an inter-disciplinary team composed by 36 individuals in charge of transmitting and managing the initiatives of this area in the day to day development of each process. /// 14 At Grupo Éxito, sustainability belongs to everyone. Based on the fact that financial sustainability is the result of the adequate management and interrelations of human resources, capital, and naturals, the social and environmental dimensions of Grupo Éxito are expressed under 5 pillars that lead the Organization constantly to be: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sustainability in Grupo Éxito is immersed in all its activities and strategies; it is part of the daily operation of everyone who belongs to the enormous network of relationships that fosters and maintains the largest commercial organization in Colombia. A supportive player. A responsible and inclusive employer. A trusted ally. A responsible business person with its clients. An entity that works towards the reduction of social impact from its activities. In the pillars of the Organization, the management team has established some strategic objectives towards which we continuously strive. The most important is the Gen Zero Strategy, led by Fundación Éxito; its main objective is that by 2025, the first generation free from malnutrition will be born in Colombia. This same objective is part of the mega strategy of Grupo Éxito; thus, the actions required to meet I are not only in the hands of the Fundación but become the responsibility of people at all levels who are part of Grupo Éxito. In addition to this strategy that is to be implemented throughout the country, there are several objectives under the 5 pillars described above and are expressed to stakeholders in different ways in order to elicit from them some level of involvement that will give them the impact that this organization has in its daily activity. Under the seal “My Planet” two significant environmental issues are dealt with; measuring, compensating and mitigating the carbon footprint and leading the retail sector the post-consumption programs. The Organization has two important projects related to the objective of mitigating the carbon footprint: reduction of water and energy consumption and diminishing the use of plastic bags in its operation and by the customer. In terms of the social dimensions, and included in the 5 pillars of sustainability there are two fronts: sustainable trade and involving the vulnerable population. In the former, there are 4 great projects: /// 15 Aliados SURTIMAX Synergies with suppliers Origin purchasing Sustainable packaging The sustainable development processes of the Company are managed by the Governance and Sustainability Department, which, since 2013 is part of Corporate Management. It coordinates environmental, vulnerable population and government relations hip issues and additionally assists and advises all areas of the Organization in planning and creating strategies that aim at consolidating its social responsibility. Moreover, the department supports and assists issues regarding ethics, transparency and good governance. Sustainability in Grupo Éxito is immersed in all its activities and strategies; it is part of the daily operation of everyone who belongs to the enormous network of relationships that fosters and maintains the largest commercial organization in Colombia, thus making this wellbeing available to all, all over the country wherever Grupo Éxito is present. 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Management Report Dialogue with our stakeholders We continue to generate and support spaces where we can exchange news and points of view in an environment of trust and respect regarding our activities. Shareholders 19 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, England, Scotland, Germany, Peru and Chile. An ordinary shareholders’ meeting and four instances for communicating quarterly results and teleconferences with analysts and investors and six with brokering firms. Grupo Éxito Open Day for eight international analysts at the Bogotá Stock Exchange. Speakers in Colombia Inside Out of the Colombia Stock Exchange in New York and London. Suppliers Carlos Mario Giraldo, CEO, met with over 1,000 representatives of suppliers in Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla and Bucaramanga while leading the forum “The Future we Visualize”. 5th version of the Éxito Suppliers Award: 11 suppliers in the same number of categories. Four issues of the quarterly magazine Nosacerca with an average of 4.000 copies each. Collaborators 25.200 UNITS of the poster bulletin ‘Conectados’ distributed weekly to all headquarters, industries and stores in the Company. Every 15 days, the Agenda de Grupos Primarios is published; a guide for process leaders to share routing information. 4 opportunities of face to face communication of Grupo Éxito’s CEO with workers in the cities of Medellín, Bogotá, Cali, Barranquilla and Bucaramanga. Buzón de Sentimientos in operational headquarters (46.218 messages) and 360º Box Exprésate (2.425 messages) in corporate headquarters: channels to hear and channel opinions from collaborators. With the review and classification of requests, we were able to put plans of action in place /// 16 regarding possible topics and situations, and timely responses were given that contributed to improving the trust among collaborators and executive management of the organization. 11 issues of the poster bulletin “Vuelta a Colombia”, with an average of 484 copies per issue; photos of events and news of the units across the country. 11 ISSUES of the magazine alDetalle, a publication of 24 to 32 pages distributed to all units of the country. 23 thousand copies are printed per issue. Clients 288.752.000 mails sent to clients. Through personalized and virtual surveys, the opinions of 195.949 clients from all over the country were received. 61.246 cases addressed through the Quick Response to Clients system QRC. 25.641 mails from clients processed. 15.155 The responsible officers in the organization maintain permanent contact with stakeholders CLIENTS attended personalized meetings. Society and communications media: 92 press releases and response to 81 press questionnaires. 149.456 15.030 Four presentations to the community on different projects of the Company. Participation in 14 job fairs and 3 forums, where 20,000 were in contact with the Organization. 14,000 résumés of people interested in working with Grupo Éxito were received. Government Corporate Affairs Management was consolidated. It is in charge of channeling and guiding the relations with Government bodies, among other topics. Permanent communication with the Financial Superintendence, with quarterly results reports and relevant information for the market. Interacción permanente a través de Fenalco, gremio que agrupa y centraliza el relacionamiento y los intereses del comercio en Colombia. Submission of the survey on best practices of the Good Governance Country Code to the Financial Superintendence. /// 17 /// 19 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension 38.422 DIRECT JOBS Over 68 thousand jobs generated, including indirect jobs. 6.450 SUPPLIERS Commercial, real estate, industrial and services. 3.598 El 21 de noviembre se realizó una noche de gala en la sede administrativa Gustavo Toro Quintero de Medellín para premiar a los proveedores más destacados del año. Nearly 37 thousand children and 2,600 expecting families HOURS OF TRAINING assisted with nutrition aids. 1.392.000 REFERENCES of our own private label brands. 126 suppliers trained in high management. A fundamental part of our sustainability is to work tirelessly for a better country. We want to involve all of our stakeholders in the eradication of malnutrition among our children, as a national cause*. Supporting player; united in the great cause of eradicating child malnutrition in Colombia. Responsible and inclusive employer. Responsible trader. Trusted ally. COP534,293 million paid in taxes. COP456,682 million in savings for our customers in our stores. *Chronic malnutrition caused by inadequate nourishment. /// 20 Supporting player United in the great cause of eradicating child malnutrition in Colombia. Fundación Éxito. Fundación Éxito: 30 years nourishing live Alliances for a better future for the children of Colombia. Tenth version of the Early Childhood Award. Gen Zero. The Éxito Group works to be an exemplary citizen. /// 21 Acting responsibly includes preventing future risks. Surtimax allies. 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension Fundación Éxito A non-profit organization focused on early childhood integral care with emphasis on proper nutrition for children and expecting and lactating families. Its focus on early childhood is due to the fact that it is the age where human beings grow more rapidly and in addition it is the sector where more compelling Fundación Éxito’s social investment: $19.387.775.245 (7% more than in 2012). 3.013 TONS of food valued at 2.410 million delivered to 24 food banks. SUPPORT GIVEN TO 247 social organizations and public administrations. evidence is found regarding the inequality that characterizes the development of our society. It is a second floor foundation, which means that it does not manage programs directly; it works in partnership with over 200 organizations that carry out programs directly with children and their families. Presence in: 72 MUNICIPALITIES AND 23 STATES IN COLOMBIA. In the framwork of the national celebration of the beatification of Saint Laura, the Foundation donated 950 gifts for the children of the Cristianía Indigenous Reservation. 21.969 TONS of recycled material commercialized (0.4% more than in 2012). Origin of the resources of Fundación Éxito TOTAL 20.799.848 TOTAL 24.343.087 25.000.000 Figures in millions of pesos (COP) TOTAL 25.018.081 1.105.156 152.238 1.081.537 245.197 Alliances 103.241 20.000.000 11.826.333 15.000.000 11.800.374 Contributions by Grupo Éxito 11.301.494 Customer contributions 10.000.000 7.323.070 6.892.189 5.400.758 5.000.000 People served: 36.656 CHILDREN AND 2.601 EXPECTING FAMILIES 0 Other contributions 3.182.405 3.502.583 624.280 772.071 2011 2012 /// 22 147.607 23.176 187.668 Supplier contributions Own resources 3.636.656 852.981 2013 Employee contributions 30 years nourishing lives For the celebration of its 30th anniversary, Fundación Éxito in partnership with the Presidential Office for Special Programs, coordinator of the National Strategy for Integral care of Early Childhood, From Zero to Forever, carried out the event called “Prosperity for early childhood, prosperity for all” on October 10 and 11, 2013 in Bogotá. About 1,000 persons representing different sectors of society attended this academic event that had a regional chapter in Barranquilla; they were informed of the results of research and experiences in Colombia and in other countries such as Ireland, New Zealand, Canada, Sweden, England and South Africa thanks to the participation of 6 international experts. The purpose was to mobilize public opinion regarding the importance of eradicating child malnutrition, a goal that should be a national challenge. At the installation of the event that took place at the Palacio de Nariño, the president of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos, awarded the “Order of Merit” to Fundación Éxito, and the “Order of the Cruz de Boyacá” the highest national distinction, to Gonzalo Restrepo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fundación Éxito. Speakers of the event “Prosperity for early childhood, prosperity for all” in the framework of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Fundación Éxito. More than 20,000 collaborators of Grupo Éxito made a voluntary donation to Fundación Éxito as part of the programs “Aportar” (Contribute) and “Día de Salario” (One day’s wages). María Mateus Saba (Surtimax), Céar Augusto Álvarez Gallego (Carulla), and Betsy Hurtado Pardo (Éxito) celebrated with the First Lady, María Clemencia Rodríguez de Santos their acknowledgement as supporting employees for the sale of “Goticas”. /// 23 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension Tenth version of the Early Childhood Award The Early Childhood Award of Fundación Éxito, whose first version took place in 2002, seeks since then to publicly acknowledge those organizations that undertake meritorious work related to caring for the most underprivileged children. The winners of the Early Childhood Award of Fundación Éxito in the five categories, accompanied by the President of the Republic and other authorities and the senior management of Fundación Éxito and Grupo Éxito. Category: Artistic Languages Category: Health Category: Comprehensive Care Fundación Ratón de Biblioteca, with the project “Paramáparapá will benefit 584 persons indirectly. The program “Seres de cuidado”, an experience in the care of indigenous and Afro-Colombian early child. Corporación Día de la Niñez with the play itinerant play stations (children learning, living, experimenting and socializing). This initiative serves 32 states, 132 municipalities and 2,000 neighboring zones in Colombia. 260 464 45 PERSONS WILL BENEFIT among mothers, fathers and children in Medellín. FAMILIES WILL BENEFIT from indigenous and AfroColombian communities. /// 24 THOUSAND BOYS AND GIRLS AND 18,000 parents and caregiver WILL BENEFIT. More work with the public sector The programs designed and financed by public institutions for the care of early childhood arecomplemented with the strategy From Zero to Forever of the national government. Fundación Éxito participates in the following initiatives. Category: Communications media or journalism News item “Leche maternal” (breast milk) broadcast on August 5, 2013 during the Health section of Caracol Televisión newscast: Journalists Ferananda Hernández and Paula Andrea Bedoya. News item “Lactancia, la alternativa alimenticia y económica” published by El Diario del Sur, Pasto on August 7, 2013. Journalist Victor Chávez Rodríguez. 2 AGREEMENTS with the National Government under the strategy From Zero to Forever. WITH THE ICBF, to improve care in children’s institutions. WITH 6 MAYOR’S OFFICES AND 3 GOVERNOR’S OFFICES to serve expecting families at nutritional risk. 1.365 families served. THE PROGRAM Good Beginings of the Mayor’s Office of Medellin that serves 1.405 children in partnership with 4 other foundations. With the purpose of promoting the eradication of hunger and malnutrition, and in partnership with officials of the national, state and municipal governments, alliances were created with public administrations of 9 Colombian territories (Pasto, Patios, Tunja, Bucaramanga, Barranquilla, Manizales; states of Cundinamarca, Antioquia and Huila) seeking to guarantee healthy environments for pregnancy and child rearing that will promote physical, cognitive, emotional and social development of children in their families. /// 25 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension Gen Zero: in 2025, the first generation without malnutrition in Colombia In 2013 Grupo Éxito began to lead a movement in Colombia for the eradication of childhood malnutrition under the slogan Gen Zero, a proposal for a joint effort between the private sector with public bodies aimed at achieving the birth of the first generation in Colombia with zero malnutrition by 2025. Projection of child malnutrition in Colombia*. 13% 6,5% 2010 2020 2,3% 2030 * 2010: Source Ensin 2010 2020 and 2030 Source: projection of technical team of Fundación Éxito Low Birth Weight Index* 35% 31% 17% 2,3% 2010 2015 2020 2025 * 2010: Source DANE 2015, 2020 and 2030: source: projection of technical team of Fundación Éxito. /// 26 Brigade carried out by Antioquia’s Air Patrol with the support of contributions made by Fundación Éxito. WITH THE REDUCTION of these indicators Colombia could accomplish the birh of the first generation with zero malnutrition by 2025. The Gen Zero proposal requires that Fundación Éxito change what it does. This is why in 2013 together with Grupo Éxito, it carried out a planning process that will allow it to concentrate its actions on the mobilization of Gen Zero for the following years. /// 27 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension We foster the development of the locations where we are present Detail of municipal tax payments (industry and commerce, property tax) COP Municipality Apartadó Armenia Barrancabermeja Barranquilla Bello Bogotá Bucaramanga Buenaventura Buga Cali Cartagena Cartago Caucasia Chía Cúcuta Duitama Envigado Facatativá Florencia Floridablanca Funza Fusagasugá Girardot Ibagué Ipiales Itagüí Manizales Medellín Magangué Montería Neiva Pasto Pereira Pitalito Millions 2012 369 249 433 5.969 2.504 38.298 2.385 169 128 3.265 2.649 107 406 394 1.966 NA 9.199 238 NA 237 NA 242 193 565 140 547 764 10.707 214 698 1.563 683 1.145 128 2013 313 273 448 5.964 2.603 38.149 2.427 160 103 3.371 2.882 0 415 471 1.732 111 9.951 246 265 346 152 196 325 606 153 647 755 11.743 210 854 1.268 692 667 117 Opening of the first Éxito store in Santiago de Tolú, state of Sucre. Millions Municipality 2012 2013 Popayán Rionegro Sabaneta Santa Marta Sincelejo Soacha Sogamoso Soledad Tunja Valledupar Villavicencio Zipaquirá Yopal Uruguay 602 457 259 1.279 1.256 179 238 404 453 960 1.393 314 257 1.123 631 466 238 1.324 1.222 201 243 512 438 1.059 1.12 376 239 1.46 Other 1.242 1.434 /// 28 99.578 MILLION COP was the total municipal tax payment in 2013. +2,6% WITH RESPECT TO 2012 Responsible action includes preventing future risks Fulfillment of obligations Expressed in millions of pesos (COP) Type of tax 2012 2013 Industry and Commerce 75.086 76.929 Property 21.886 22.649 Income Tax 83.549 76.211 NA 33.206 54.965 55.780 Revenues for equity CREE Equity Vehicles VAT 48 21 268.063 251.909 NA 17.587 503.597 534.293 Consumption tax Total 534.293 MILLION COP was the total paid for taxes in Colombia. Business units analyzed with respect to risks related to corruption 500 2011 575 650 0 2012 2013 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 BEING Transparent Transparency Line Grupo Éxito 018000 52 25 26 /// 29 The self-control program generates awareness among the collaborators of the Company in their daily activities. Those in charge of the processes evaluate the state of the control system in order to avoid possible risks. In 2013, 822 people were trained in this respect. With the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing system it was possible to verify that any person, employee, supplier or creditor had no history of this offense. During 2013, 6,901 employees were trained in the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing system, that is, 6,533 more than in 2012. 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension Surtimax Allies Under the Surtimax brand this business model established by Grupo Éxito offers shopkeepers and owners of self-service stores an alliance to make their businesses grow in an organized and efficient manner by offering them mass consumption products to provide their customers with more and better savings opportunities under the benefits of formal trade. “My life has changed positively because I have the support of the Surtimax brand. In these two months the sales of my business have increased by more than 20%. I have had more people coming in and al the neighbors are very happy. WILSON MENJURA, Surtimax ally of the store La Flor del Campo. Before After 269 SURTIMAX ALLIES at the end of 2013. Aliados Surtimax is one of the options of Grupo Éxito to foster sustainable trade. It is not a franchise. THE OWNER continues to manage the business. IT IS A collaboration agreement. GRUPO ÉXITO manages promotional activities, provides private labels and promotes commercial campaigns. With the Surtimax brand, Grupo Éxito develops the program known as Surtimax Allies, a business model based on a business cooperation agreement whose purpose is to help to develop the businesses of the owners of small Colombian mini-markets and also to reach more consumers in the country by making /// 30 the advantages of formal trade available for the benefit of the community. It is a business unit based on a business cooperation agreement that gives the owners of Colombian mini-markets the opportunity to develop their businesses. It is not a franchise. Responsible and inclusive employer We are a company with national presence, with persons who represent various ways of thinking and acting, united by our values and our mission to work so that the customer returns. This is what we are like in Grupo Éxito. Selection, training and promotion. Funds: Present and Future. /// 31 Comprehensive health care for the wellbeing of our people Equal opportunity employer – Labor inclusion 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension This is what we are like in Grupo Éxito 19.802 38.422 WOMEN 18.620 In 2013 Grupo Éxito created 1.472 new jobs in Colombia. TOTAL NUMBER OF DIRECT EMPLOYEES MEN BETWEEN 30-50 30 AND 50 BELOW THE AGE +50 ABOVE THE AGE OF 50 Type of recruitment 15.503 2012 0 Undefined term /// 32 Fixed term 3.101 5.250 3.716 5.000 4.157 6.033 2013 3.117 14.912 2011 11.682 10.000 15.221 15.000 15.645 20.000 12.674 -30 1.925 17.138 19.359 Selection, training and promotion of our people Number of employees per region TIME FOR YOU Región 2012 Centro (Boyacá, Caquetá, Casanare, Cundinamarca, Huila, Meta y Tolima) 2013 15.470 16.638 Antioquia 9.621 9.949 Costa (Atlántico, Bolívar, Cesar, Córdoba, Guajira, Magdalena and Sucre) 5.592 5.712 Suroccidente (Caldas, Cauca, Nariño, Quindío, Risaralda and Valle del Cauca) 4.409 4.155 1.858 36.950 1.968 38.422 Santander y Norte and Santander Total Hours of Internal Training 900.000 1.392.052 1.369.682 1.200.000 1.237.459 1.500.000 2011 0 Since its launch on May 22 to is closing at he end of the year, 8,320 employees have enjoyed Tiempo para ti. Corporate: One day or two half days to run personal errand. One day off or two hal days off to share with the family. One day off during the birthday month. 4 work schedules to chose from. Operational: Half a day during the birthday month. 100% of the people hired for an indefinite term with not less than 24 hours per week =30.689 EMPLOYEES. 600.000 300.000 Time for you is a program established aimed at having the workers spend work time with their loved ones or for other personal activities. It has two sets of benefits: 2012 2013 Our Card External Training 84 leaders from levels 2, 3,and 4 in the management sector: 44 TRAINING PROGRAMS Thanks to the use of “Our Card” employees and their families saved over 8.400 million COP 449 collaborators: 62 TRAINING PROGRAMS. /// 33 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension Funds Employee Fund Presente Presente is the largest employee fund in the country, with 36.145 MEMBERS. An investment of over COP3.600 MILLION in social, healthcare, education, recreation and housing for its members. 144.580 It granted more than COP120.000 MILLONES in loans. INDIVIDUALS BENEFITED 138 auxilios de vivienda. Futuro Mutual fund 27.344 It is the mutual investment fund. 601 undergraduate and post graduate SCHOLARSHIPS 19.366 PERSONS enjoyed their six vacation centers. 12,77% VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS FROM EMPLOYEES vs. 2012. AFFILIATES. Return of 12.43% in the year. MORE THAN COP21 BILLION 346 MILLION pesos in capital saved by its affiliates. 5.4% number of affiliates /// 34 Comprehensive health care, for the wellbeing of our people During the entire year training activities were held regarding hand care, including hand washing and the use of personal protection elements. 5,000 people in positions that require it, had access to this training in all of the stores in the country. Health care events were held in 90% of the stores throughout the country; they included medical checkups, prevention and risk assessment of cardiovascular diseases, vaccination, pap smears and talks. Days of absenteeism due to work accidents 7.000 EMPLOYEES all over the country participated in health events. With the purpose of creating development parameters for 2014, a pilot program was implemented; it evaluated the psycho-social conditions of 4,115 collaborators. Fall protection systems were installed in 5 of the main stores in the country. 1,932 persons were trained to work in heights. A new manual on safety and health regulations for contractors was developed. Number of professional illnesses in the year 15.000 19 10 11 15 9.341 9.000 11.989 12.000 12.752 19 20 6.000 3.000 5 2011 2012 2012 0 2011 2013 0 /// 35 2013 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension Employment Inclusion We respect rights, diversity and we are an inclusive workplace. Consistent with a clear, organized and coherent inclusive employment process for vulnerable population groups that has been ongoing since 2006, in 2013 Grupo Éxito decided to concentrate its efforts in strengthening and following up on the process of those who had joined in the past and in addition, to create and sign alliances with other institutions in the country that work to approach the vulnerable population groups to the labor world. Such was the case with the following foundations: Matamoros, Red Unidos and FIDES. With the later 19 cognitively impaired youths were hired through SENA*. *At the beginning of 2014, an alliance was signed with FIDES to employ more youths directly with the entity and thus to strengthen the employee inclusion program. TOTAL TOTAL 352 TOTAL 369 Collective agreement in the Food Industry and union organizations Sintraéxito exists since 1945, a union with 2,466 members of Grupo Éxito. Another 225 workers are affiliated to three other unions -Sintrainac, SintraGexito, Sintraincomaf- all of which have recently been created. In the food industry located in Bogotá, a collective agreement was signed in 2013 which is valid until 2017; it covers 898 workers of that unit. Vulnerable population employed by Éxito at the end of each year 400 We are proud of our diversity and contribute to peace in Colombia with policies and acts of labor inclusion. 282 350 300 168 250 81 220 200 150 40 25 28 42 73 84 64 54 49 26 100 50 0 49 2011 2012 2013 Disabled * Participant: a person who was part of illegal armed groups and made the decision to return to civilian life. ** Victim: a person affected by the armed conflict. ***Youths at risk: due to abandonment or orphanhood, they are protected by the Instituto de Bienestar Familiar; but when they become of age, they must abandon this institution and are exposed to the risks involved in the social situation. Participant* Victim** Youths at risk*** Relative of a participant /// 36 The number of people that belong to vulnerable population groups who were employed by the end of the year was higher with respect to 2012 due to the rotation and dropouts of the program and to the efforts to seek new allies with the purpose of creating alliances that effectively came about during the year. Trusted Ally With our suppliers, we have a common client whom we wish to satisfy with the best options in terms of quality, price and variety. We seek, all over the country, farming and livestock producers who can become our direct suppliers. This is what the suppliers of Grupo Éxito are like. Recognition and development for our suppliers /// 37 Commercial Rounds 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension Allies to reach out to our customers 6.450 Retail SUPPLIERS TOTAL SUPPLIERS NATIONAL SUPPLIERS 94% of the purchases are made from national suppliers. FOREIGN SUPPLIERS of these companies are suppliers of our own PRIVATE BRANDS 90,7% of Grupo Éxito’s suppliers are SMEs* and 20% of the purchases of the Company are made from them.* SUPPLIERS for the industry REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES *SME and non SME qualifications are determined according to internal criteria of the Organization. FOOD INDUSTRY SERVICES AND SUPPLIES TEXTILE INDUSTRY /// 38 5th Suppliers Award Winners of the V Éxito Suppliers Contest with Carlos Mario Giraldo, CEO, Grupo Éxito Éxito Supplier Award: SC Johnson. Sustainable Development Award: Nutresa. Private Label Award: Fábrica de Bolsas de Papel Unibol. Outstanding variables in 2013: quality service to satisfy the needs of the customers. Supplier Award per business: Entertainment: JEN. Home: Industrias Cannon de Colombia. Textile: C.I. Diversificadora Comercial. Fresh products: Grupo Comercial Tolimense. Consumer products: Don Maíz. Comprehensive Purchases supplier Award: Coordinadora Mercantil. SME Award with Éxito: Manitoba. Real Estate ally Award: GTECH. /// 39 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension Development for our supplier Exchange of information, development of new products, strengthening of categories and innovation for suppliers at the service of our common customers. Certified Course on Business Training: Grupo Éxito and Eafit Social Under the agreement with EAFIT University and its EAFIT Social Program 1,280 suppliers were invited to take the Certified Course on Business Training, partially subsidized by the agreement. 293 REPRESENTATIVES of 126 SMEs trained: It’s Ours 37 SMEs from 14 municipalities and four sates prepare 80 food products with broad added value, l00% Colombian, sold in 42 Éxito stores and 53 Carulla stores. Es Nuestro creates 85 direct jobs and is developed jointly with Promotora de Comercio Social.* 37 SMEs, 14 municipalities, 80 products 100% Colombian. 81 from Medellín 20 from Bogotá 13 from Barranquilla 2 from Cali Second version of the Simplex Seminar with private label suppliers. 9 suppliers for private labels were invited to the second version of the Simplex Seminar in France to learn about the best practices of the Casino Group, visit the supplierts’ plants in their same categories and identify new products * For over 25 years we have worked with Promotora de Comercio Social, an entity that groups together 920 small producers and craftsmen. /// 40 Environmentally friendly textile finishing technique Reduction in invested time Five dry cleaners that provide finishes for the Didetexco textile industry, with around 400 employees, were assisted in replacing the process of appearance of fabric wear with laser. Reduction in money -20% 3 DAYS LESS Fairs and events to strengthen specialized categories Cumbre de la pasta Expovinos Carulla es café Salón del queso + than 80 thousand VISITORS /// 41 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension Rural commercial rounds and direct purchases Grupo Éxito led the initiative of rural commercial rounds which, together with the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Propaís, seek to facilitate the direct sale by farming and livestock producers of their products directly to the Company 144* PRODUCERS attended. 11 suppliers encoded. 4 making successful deliveries. 23 in the codification process. + than 520 *All of them received information on codification and requirement. Montería (Córdoba) Popayán Pasto (Cauca) (Nariño) SUPPLIERS – PRODUCERS: 18% more than in 2012. Tunja (Boyacá) La Calera, El Rosal y Villapinzón (Cundinamarca) Bucaramanga (Santander) FISH PURCHASES from artisanal fishing of around 100 cooperatives in Buenaventura and Santa Marta. 24% increase compare to 2012. NEARLY 75% of national farming and livestock purchases are made directly from the producers. /// 42 Responsible merchant with our clients We are a reflection of our mission. Therefore, every day and from different fronts, we work so that our customer always returns. Customers Recycling of receipts Towards a healthy lifestyle Products developed with the needs of our customers in mind Sustainable consumption. Éxito explorers The customer at the core of Client Management /// 43 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension Omni Channel Model: This corporate approach aims at making the purchase experience an exceptional one, regardless of the selected channel. It combines the physical and the virtual worlds, making the client the center of both. Leader in electronic commerce in Colombia. More than 38 million visits. 15 years’ experience. More than 15,000 references. App More than 15,000 downloads. More than 45,000 for sale. HOME DELIVERIES PHYSICAL INTERACTION DELIVERY POINT SERVICES Virtual catalogs Offer products not physically available at stores. Virtual Aisles Sale of products with QR codes (Quick Response Code) in 5 cities of the country. Drive–in - Groceries For .com channels and home deliveries, so that the customer can buy his groceries and pick them up at his convenience. It was launched in Medellín and will presently be available in Bogotá Drive–in – Non - Groceries For purchases on the Internet that can be picked up in 160 Éxito, Carulla, or Surtimax stores at no charge. VIRTUAL SERVICES Domicilios Éxito y Carulla Más de 15 años de experiencia. Más de 580 mil pedidos en el año. MOBILE APPLICATIONS Retail Éxito, Carulla and Surtimax. Real Estate 5 VIVA MALLS, 44 commercial galleries, 431 dealers and spaces leased for specific seasons. E-COMMERCE /// 44 We listen to our customers and cater to their needs In order to measure, understand and communicate the impact that the work of our organization has on the environment, we look and listen to the voices of our stakeholders, among them and primarily, our customers. More than 6 million of them are loyal to our programs Puntos Éxito, Súper Cliente Carulla and La Caja regalona de Surtimax. Qualification Service Assessment QSA* Benefits for our customers In addition to the Puntos Éxito, Super Cliente Carulla and La Caja Regalona de Surtimax loyalty programs the customers of the brands and different channels of Grupo Éxito have access to other benefits. 4,37 4,44 4,27 4,28 4,22 4,36 4,38 4 4,42 5 3 Universidad del hogar (Home university) Training provided to housewives on topics akin to their activities in the care of their families; through an Alliance with SENA. 12 stores 480 housewives trained in gastronomy, household cleaning, oral hygiene, infant care and family celebrations. 2 2011 1 2012 0 2013 Éxito Surtimax **Carulla Éxito Explorers 4 to 9 year old children from educational institutions in the vicinity of Éxito facilities can visit the stores and have fun while they learn about healthy eating and the care of the environment. *Qualification Scale of 195 ** Carulla’s QSA for 2011 is not available because a different methodology was used. 120.169 195.949 ÉXITO EXPLORERS visited our stores. NUMBER OF CUSTOMER SURVEYS ONLINE: 174.472 PERSONAL: 21.477 /// 45 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Social Dimension Products and activities with the health and needs of our customers in mind We continue to build and improve our private label healthy products portfolio with different presentations and with the price that our customers deserve. Development of a portfolio adapted to the Surtimax format. Surtimax and Ekono private label brands: Presentations with less units and smaller sizes. Safe and healthy products. Towards a healthy and active lifestyle: Taeq product. Sponsorship of the FIDES race with activation and gifts of Troopx, the children’s private label brand. Inventory of 1,040 products evaluated in terms of nutrition, and identifying weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and hazards. Sponsorship of recreational and sensitization races aimed at a healthy lifestyle. A complete line of healthy, high quality foods for balanced nutrition for those who take care of their bodies without giving up the pleasure of eating. Recycling of receipts Thanks to interaction with our customers collection boxes for receipts were strategically placed. The receipts are recycled and the resulting resources are destined to Fundación Éxito. Thus we create greater trust among our customers, we protect the environment and we continue to support early childhood nutrition through Fundación Éxito. /// 46 The customer at the core of Customer Management With the creation of Customer Management, Grupo Éxito reinforces its mission. The needs of the customer, as the center of the Organization, are coordinated with the efforts and the commitment of the different areas; this results in a superior service that differentiates our brands. Éxito Ambassadors and Carulla Hosts To listen to, address, care for, help and accompany our clients through close and permanent contact. Motivation of and gratitude towards our collaborators for their attitude of service “People with Éxito”: 308 employees rewarded. Outstanding store, nationwide: Éxito San Pedro in Neiva. “I am a Carulla Salesperson” “Max Service”: Four Surtimax districts were rewarded for the best results in general client satisfaction, emotional attachment, employee customer service and cashier service. Service Promises for Carulla customer “We promise to enable an additional cashier when there are more than 3 customers in line. Otherwise, we will double your purchase points”. “We promise to offer you the freshest fruits and vegetables”. /// 47 /// 49 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Environmental Dimension 14.068 COP1.037 TREES planted with the help of our customers. MILLION in environmental investments and expenses. 18 23% 192 STORES post consumption COLLECTION SITES ENERGY SAVINGS thanks to the Green Yellow Initiative. NIGHTLY STOCKING OF STORES 134 296,164 re-usable bags redeemed with points and cash or acquired by customers 100+ more than in 2012 Fewer CO2 emissions. Graphic information on all private label and personal care products in order to separate and dispose of the packaging. COP7.013 MILLION donated to Fundación Éxito. 21.938 SAVINGS IN PACKAGING MATERIAL: Éxito and Carulla Pizza: + THAN 10 TONS. 68% in Cautivia. TONS of waste separated for recovery. /// 50 We seek to reduce our impact on the environment At Grupo Éxito, we understand that our commitment to the environment must be part of our every day activities. That is why we strive to make our operation increasingly sustainable and friendly with the environment. We isolate and recycle, as a source of resources of the nutrition for Colombian children. With our clients, we take care of the environment. More sustainable packing. /// 51 We want to give back to the environment what we use for our operation. Green Yellow. 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Environmental Dimension We isolate and recycle, as a source of resources of the nutrition for Colombian children The whole profit of isolation and recycling is donated to Fundación Éxito, as a resource, equivalent to COP7.013 million. More than 28% of the total resources of Fundación Éxito are the product of Grupo Exito’s donation of recyclable material, generated by its operation. Isolated waste with recovery purposes Carton Plastic Other Total 2011 17.449 1.570 1.497 20.516 2012 18.339 1.644 1.327 21.310 Approximately equivalent to: 2013 18.022 1.225 2.691 21.938 71.300 53.500 TREES. /// 52 M3 OF LANDFILL. Environmental Investment and Expense Expressed in millions of pesos ($COP) Concepto Treatment and disposal of waste External services in environmental management Noise and vibration studies Technical concept and permissions with environmental authorities Endowment of environmental inputs Other* Total* 2012 644 234 10 2.2 62 117.2 1.069,4 2013 773 223 4.3 9.4 37 * The presentation procedure and the final amount vary against 2012. Among other aspects, because the following topics ceased to be handled by the environmental management: Emptying Control. Treatment of air emissions. Bags 1.037,3 Total amount of waste by type and treatment In tons Hazardous Not hazardous Type of waste 2011 2012 2013 Disposición Reinstatement to the production cycle and reuse Recyclable 20.880,00 21.310,01 21.968,73 Organic Ordinary Other Total non hazardous wast 5.138,16 23.495,00 92,56 49.605,72 6.151,19 20.849,95 11.88 48.323,03 5.345,89 156.118* 3,35 183.435,87 55,50 19,18 16,52 Recovery inside and outside the country Stabilization or other treatment (security cell, sterilization, among others) Total residuos no peligrosos Hazardous with potential usage Not incinerated hazardous 20,14 26,27 11,53 Burnable waste Total hazardous waste 11,36 87,00 143,23 188,68 87,87 115,92 49.692,72 48.511,72 183.551,79 Total waste Composting, donation and marketing Landfill Incineration or shredding Incineration * A calculation of organic waste took place in 2013 under a new methodology: which makes the information not comparable with 2012. /// 53 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Environmental Dimension With our clients, we take care of the environment Total amount of waste handed over by the clients In compliance with the national regulations in the context of post-consumer strategies, in some of our stores, the customers brought the following residues*: Alkaline batteries: 7.14 Expired medicines: 10.10 Light elements: 8.95 Home Pesticides: 0.19 * In tons. Other actions 192 postconsumer collection points in Company dependencies. 44 More than in 2012. 9.500 TREES WERE PLANTED thanks to the fact that the clients followed the Company’s network during “Earth hour” in partnership with WWF. The stores shut off their lights from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. and the customers were able to calculate their carbon footprint with an application for mobile devices. 286.147 REUSABLE BAGS were redeemed with cash and points of loyalty programs, or purchased by the clients. With this, we are contributing to the objective of reducing the use of plastic bags. Customers who bring reusable bags to pack their purchases receive Extra Points. /// 54 Over 600 employees were trained in the tasks of separation at the site and in the normativity of post consumtion. More sustainable packing Information is important, to separate waste better All products with private brands, of food and personal care have graphical information that allows the client to separate the packing properly and place it in the recipient provided for that purpose. Encuentra una línea variada de pizzas congeladas para que disfrutes. Fáciles de preparar. Pizza hawaiana piña, queso y jamón Pizza hawaiana piña, queso y jamón Rápido y Pizza hawaiana piña, queso y jamón queso y jamón queso y jamón Calorías Grasa Una tajada de pizza hawaiana aporta: 18% 11% 350 INGREDIENTES INSTRUCCIONES DE USO En Horno Convencional: Precalentar el horno a 290°C (550°F) durante 5 minutos. Retire la pizza de la caja y retire la envoltura plástica que la recubre. Lleve la pizza al horno sobre un recipiente resistente al calor (se recomienda que sea metálico). Caliente el producto por 12 minutos aproximadamente y/o retírelo cuando el queso se funda y alcance un dorado superficial. Retire el producto del horno y consúmalo. Rápido y práctico Encuentra una línea variada de pizzas congeladas para que disfrutes. Fáciles de preparar. Pizza hawaiana piña, queso y jamón PRECAUCIONES práctico INSTRUCCIONES DE USO PRECAUCIONES Después de calentar la pizza, utilice una espátula metálica para retirar las porciones y así evitar quemarse. Se recomienda que el horno tenga resistencia en la parte superior e inferior, así el producto se calentará por ambos lados. La preparación en microondas no tuesta la masa de la pizza, por lo tanto no quedará crujiente. 7g Sodio 1010 mg % del Valor Diario 42% recomendado Calorías Grasa Una tajada de pizza hawaiana aporta: 18% 11% Información Nutricional INGREDIENTES Tamaño de la porción 1 tajada (150 g) Masa para pizza (harina de trigo fortificada, agua, Porciones por empaque 2 Masa para pizza (harina de trigo fortificada, agua, En Horno Convencional: el horno 5 minutos.por porción condimento para pizza (harinaPrecalentar de maíz, sal, azúcara y290°C aceite(550°F) vegetalduranteCantidad condimento para pizza (harina de maíz, sal, azúcar y aceite vegetal Retire pizzahidrogenado), de la caja y retire la envoltura plástica quecalada la recubre. de maízla no leudante (levadura)), piña 31% Calorías 350 Calorías dehidrogenado), grasa 60 leudante (levadura)), piña calada 31% de maíz no Lleve pizza alsalsa horno sobre un(tomate, recipientecebolla, resistente al calor (se recomienda que sea (piña, laazúcar), napolitana pasta de tomate, Valor Diario* (piña, azúcar), salsa napolitana (tomate, cebolla, pasta de tomate, metálico). aceite de girasol no hidrogenado, ajo, fécula de maíz, especias Grasa Total 7 gaceite de girasol 11 no % hidrogenado, ajo, fécula de maíz, especias Caliente el producto por 12laurel, minutos aproximadamente y/o retírelo queso Saturada se deshidratadas (orégano, tomillo, pimienta molida)), quesocuando elGrasa 6g 30 % laurel, tomillo, pimienta molida)), queso deshidratadas (orégano, funda y alcance un superficial. mozzarella 8%dorado (leche semidescremada higienizada, sal, Grasa Trans 0 mozzarella g 8% (leche semidescremada higienizada, sal, Retire del horno y consúmalo. cultivoel producto láctico, enzima (cuajo)), Jamón de res y cerdo 4%. Colesterol 0 mgcultivo láctico, 0enzima % (cuajo)), Jamón de res y cerdo 4%. Contiene gluten, y lactosa. Puede contener trazas de soya y sulfitos. Sodio 1010 mg Contiene gluten, 42y % lactosa. Puede contener trazas de soya y sulfitos. CONSERVACIÓN Carbohidratos Totales 61 g Fibra Dietaria 5 g Azúcares 9 g Después de calentar la pizza, utilice una espátula metálica para retirar las porciones y así evitar quemarse. Se recomienda que el horno tenga resistencia en la parteProteína superior 13 e g 20 % 20 % CONSERVACIÓN 26 % bienCcerrado a temperatura de congelación a -18°C. Consérvese cerradose acalentará temperatura de congelación a -18°C.en microondas Vitamina Ano 0 % Consérvese Vitamina 0% inferior, así elbien producto por ambos lados. La preparación Las variaciones de temperatura afectan la calidad sensorial del Calcio 15 % Hierro 20 % Lastuesta variaciones delatemperatura afectan la calidad sensorial del la masa de pizza, por lo tanto no quedará crujiente. * Los porcentajes de ValoresNo Diarios producto. volverestán a congelar después de descongelado. Después producto. No volver a congelar después de descongelado. Después basados en una dieta de 2000consumir calorías. en Susel menor tiempo posible.Tener en cuenta al de ser abierto, de abierto, consumir en el menor tiempo posible.Tener en cuenta al valores diarios pueden mayores o menores la compra que el empaque no presente ninguna dependiendo de susmomento necesidadesdecalóricas. momento de la compra que el empaque no presente ninguna ruptura. ruptura. 350 7g Sodio 1010 mg % del Valor Diario 42% recomendado Información Nutricional Tamaño de la porción 1 tajada (150 g) Porciones por empaque 2 Cantidad por porción Calorías 350 Calorías de grasa 60 Valor Diario* Grasa Total 7 g Grasa Saturada 6 g Grasa Trans 0 g Colesterol 0 mg Sodio 1010 mg Carbohidratos Totales 61 g Fibra Dietaria 5 g Azúcares 9 g Proteína 13 g Fabricado por Quick and Tasty (Rápidos y Sabrosos) de Colombia S.A. Kilómetro 12 via Cali – Candelária, Cavasa Bodega No. 5 Para Almacenes Éxito S.A. Registro Sanitario No. RSAV21I10809 Fabricado por Quick and Tasty (Rápidos y Sabrosos) de Colombia S.A. Kilómetro 12 via Cali – Candelária, Cavasa Bodega No. 5 Para Almacenes Éxito S.A. Registro Sanitario No. RSAV21I10809 INDUSTRIA COLOMBIANA INDUSTRIA COLOMBIANA Almacenes Éxito S.A. realiza un estricto proceso de aseguramiento de calidad a través del cual garantiza el cumplimiento de los requisitos sanitarios y la legislación vigente, permitiendo así comercializar Almacenes Éxito S.A. realiza un estricto proceso de aseguramiento de calidad a través del cual garantiza el cumplimiento de losyrequisitos sanitarios y la legislación permitiendo comercializar productos sanos seguros, aptos para su consumo. Paravigente, cualquier sugerenciaasí favor relacionar lote y fecha de vencimiento impresos en el empaque y contactarnos al servicio de atención al consumidor. productos sanos y seguros, aptos para su consumo. Para cualquier sugerencia favor relacionar lote y fecha de vencimiento impresos en el empaque y contactarnos al servicio de atención al consumidor. 12 12 , HORNO CONVENCIONAL Contenido Neto 300 g , 7701001127231 7701001127231 HORNO CONVENCIONAL Preguntas y sugerencias SERVICIO AL CLIENTE Contenido Neto 300 g 018000110007 LOTE/VENCE: Preparación Sugerida More than 42 REFERENCES de la marca propia Taeq se presentan en empaques elaborados en material 100% reciclado. 18 cms diametro 68% 18 cms diametro More than 10 DATOS GENERALES Proyecto PIZZA HAWAIANA 300g Cliente CARULLA Fecha 24 SEPTIEMBRE12 La aprobación de este Proceso Impresión LITOGRAFÍA pdf en medio digital Software ILLUSTRATOR CS3 - PHOTOSHOP CS3 SANDRA MORA constituyeDiseñador la aceptación final SANDRA MORA del diseño,Arte textos legales, SELECCIÓN DE COLOR TINTAS DIRECTAS plano mecánico y número de código de barras. DATOS GENERALES Proyecto PIZZA HAWAIANA 300g Cliente CARULLA Fecha 24 SEPTIEMBRE12 Proceso Impresión LITOGRAFÍA Software ILLUSTRATOR CS3 - PHOTOSHOP CS3 Diseñador SANDRA MORA Arte final SANDRA MORA SELECCIÓN DE COLOR TINTAS DIRECTAS Tómese NOTAS el tiempo necesario - para revisar EN ESTE ARCHIVO, LAS IMAGENES VAN CON SU RESPECTIVOS LINKS. CYAN SAVING with respect to 2012 in packing material in the personal care Line of Cautivia brand. /// 55 Calle 85 No. 14-16 Bogotá. Colombia Tel. 691 30 16 Fax 6912545 MAGENTA AMARILLO NEGRO 376 C 151 C La aprobación de este pdf en medio digital constituye la aceptación del diseño, textos legales, plano mecánico y número de código de barras. Tómese el tiempo necesario para revisar el arte adjunto. Tenga en cuenta que con esta aprobación se realizará el arte final. TONS of packing material were saved in the portfolio of pizzas of Éxito and Carulla brands. CYAN Calle 85 No. 14-16 Bogotá. Colombia Tel. 691 30 16 Fax 6912545 MAGENTA AMARILLO NEGRO 376 C 151 C el arte adjunto. RESPONSABILIDES DIRECTAS DEL IMPRESOR. - ESTA PRUEBA LASER NO ES UNA GUÍA DE COLOR, SIRVE PARA CORRECCIÓN DE NOTAS - EN ESTE ARCHIVO, LAS IMAGENES VAN CON SU RESPECTIVOS LINKS. - TODOS LOS OVERPRINT, TRAPPING, Y SALIDAS DE NEGATIVOS Y/O POSITIVOS SON RESPONSABILIDES DIRECTAS DEL IMPRESOR. - ESTA PRUEBA LASER NO ES UNA GUÍA DE COLOR, SIRVE PARA CORRECCIÓN DE TEXTOS, DIMENSIONES Y PLANO. - TODOS LOS OVERPRINT, TRAPPING, Y SALIDAS DE NEGATIVOS Y/O POSITIVOS SON TEXTOS, DIMENSIONES Y PLANO. Tenga en cuenta que con esta aprobación se realizará el arte final. Preguntas y sugerencias SERVICIO AL CLIENTE LOTE/VENCE: Preparación Sugerida 018000110007 11 % 30 % 0% 42 % 20 % 20 % 26 % Vitamina A 0 % Vitamina C 0 % Calcio 15 % Hierro 20 % * Los porcentajes de Valores Diarios están basados en una dieta de 2000 calorías. Sus valores diarios pueden ser mayores o menores dependiendo de sus necesidades calóricas. 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Environmental Dimension We want to give back to the environment what we use for our operation Thanks to our management and the support of our customers, we measure, mitigate and compensate the carbon footprint. STORE’S NIGHT SUPPLY CO2 emission through our operation* Tons of carbon produced through our operation 2012 2013 Scope 1 189.001 185.931 Scope 2 77.883 79.629 * Source: greenhouse effect protocol. ¿What are the scopes? Scope 1: it refers to the direct green-house effect gas emissions, through company own source. Scope 2: emissions coming from power purchased generation which is consumed in operations or own equipment, or controlled ones. 134 100+ than in 2012. Less CO2 emission. Tree planting to compensate WITH THE HELP OF OUR CUSTOMERS: 4.568 Logistics efficiency for protecting the environment 27% decrease of 20ft containers (110 less containers against 2012) = less movement of containers and trucks in national transportation. 134 stores supplied at night, 100 more than in 2012 = travels at night allow more efficient and fast travels (before 3 and today, 5 stores), with less CO2 emission. 37.840 new folding baskets = reduction in number of return trips of the baskets. 42.927 repaired wood pallets at the logistic centers = less wood used. /// 56 ÉXITO 9.500 TOTAL 14.068 Green Yellow Savings and efficiency with energy consumption With this iniciative, it is possible to avoid the emission of 131 tons of CO2 per store, per year. In partnership with Green Yellow, a subsidiary of the Casino Group, we have implemented our operation in terms of consumption and energy saving. We reduced energy consumption thanks to changes in the adjustments of the refrigerators, lighting and air conditioning. We will continue to work in more stores and units, to improve the efficiency in energy consumption in other cities, in addition to Bogotá, Medellin and Barranquilla, where the first adjustments were made. /// 57 18 STORES 23% APPROXIMATE ENERGY SAVING /// 59 Informe y balance 2013 /// Dimensión económica Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidated Balance Sheet Figures in millions of pesos Diciembre 2013 Diciembre 2012 10.785.341 10.322.002 4,5% Current asses 4.353.122 4.018.132 8,3% Cash 1.772.411 1.591.110 11,4% 981.754 916.067 7,2% 1.138.925 1.106.138 3,0% 460.032 404.817 13,6% Non-current assets 6.432.219 6.303.870 2,0% Liabilities 2.910.231 2.716.545 7,1% Current liabilities 2.676.984 2.428.208 10,2% 102.325 77.372 32,3% 1.784.319 1.648.639 8,2% Others 790.340 702.197 12,6% Non-current liabilities 233.247 288.337 -19,1% Non-current financial liabilities 150.000 150.000 0,0% 83.247 138.337 -39,8% Assets Negotiable investments Inventories Other Current financial liabilities Suppliers Others Minority interest Shareholder’s Equity 14.480 13.678 5,9% 7.860.630 7.591.779 3,5% Capex Consolidated investment, detail of performance at December 31, 2013. Millions of pesos For expansion in Colombia 68%, openings, conversions and remodeling and 32% for IT, logistics and others Uruguay Total Investment Grupo Éxito % Var. 420.734 81.749 502.483 /// 60 Stock Information Behavior of share price in the Colombia Stock Exchange BVC Colombia Stock Exchange: Éxito YEAR 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Maximum price 16.060 19.020 17.100 19.900 25.000 28.500 37.300 36.560 Minimum Price 7.510 13.420 7.360 9.000 16.020 21.000 24.000 27.800 Closing Price 15.920 17.100 10.160 19.500 23.360 25.460 35.500 30.000 Average Price 11.000 15.507 11.394 13.830 19.779 24.297 28.603 32.166 3.332 4.192 1.997 2.535 4.147 4.199 6.814 7.512 3.327.290 4.850.025 2.881.652 6.496.893 7.786.647 11.396.006 15.889.953 13.428.129 Average Volume COP Million Market capitalization (COP Million) Price Evolution Éxito vs. IGBC (Colombian Stock Exchange Index) Daily average historical volume 8.000 7.000 6.000 5.000 Base 100 (Dec 31, 12) ec /d /n ov 31 t 30 t /o c 31 ug 30 /s ep /a /ju l 31 31 /ju n ay 30 /m 3.000 YEAR Ordinary Dividend ($) (*) Ordinary Shares ($COP Million) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 0 Share information 2008 1.000 2007 2.000 Éxito Colcap 2006 pr 31 /a ar 30 b /m 31 /fe 28 /ja n 4.000 28 28 /d ec 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 2013 25,0 25,0 60,0 60,0 60,0 75,0 108,8 132,8 209,0 283,6 283,6 333,2 333,3 447,6 447,6 447,6 (*) The payment of the dividend from 2008 to 2012 is made on a quarterly basis; from 2003 to 2007 it was made on a monthly basis. /// 61 2013 Report and balance sheet /// Environmental Dimension /// 62