The Sketch Book of Giovannino de` Grassi A


The Sketch Book of Giovannino de` Grassi A
The Sketch Book of
Giovannino de’ Grassi
The graphic testament of the International Gothic's Master
The Sketch Book of Giovannino de' Grassi is the most prestigious manuscript in the Bergamo Library and is universally recognized as
a masterpiece of late European Gothic. Produced in the Visconti court around 1400, it contains 77 drawn/painted subjects and 24
illustrated letters of the alphabet on 31 sheets of parchment of different sizes (19 x 26 to 17 x 22.7 cm), divided into 4 booklets. The original
16th century binding was restored by Opificio delle Pietre Dure workshop in Florence.
Giovannino de' Grassi
Giovannino de' Grassi was born presumably in Milan between 1355
and 1360 and supervised the Milan Cathedral works until his death
in 1398.
He is recognized as a leading figure in Italian International
Gothic, a culture that was later continued by Michelino da Besozzo,
Belbello da Pavia and Pisanello. Other illuminated masterpieces
have been attributed to him, among them the Visconti Offiziolo
and a Tacuinum sanitatis.
The illustrated alphabet
The famous illustrated alphabet is
illuminated on five extraordinary sheets
of the Sketch Book. The first two are
monochrome and the others polychrome.
The letters are made up of entwined human
figures superimposed with religious icons,
animals and bizarre inventions of Gothic
Fine Art Facsimile Edition
The facsimile was realized at the same time as the restoration
of the Sketch Book. The detailed knowledge allowed for a
faithful reproduction of the original book. The thirty-one sheets,
having the same irregular edges as the original, are divided
into 4 hand sewn booklets and brought together in 16th century
archive binding. This world exclusive edition is limited to 999
numbered copies. The 64 page commentary contains essays by
O. Bravi, M.G. Recanati, M.G. Vaccari and L. Montalbano.
A complete reproduction of the codex Cassaf. 1.21; Civica Biblioteca «Angelo Mai», Bergamo (Italy)
Manuscript on parchment, 1390-1405 ca., 31 folios, 19 x 26 cm (7.48 x 10.24 in)
Limited edition of 999 copies. Italian commentary, English, German and Spanish abstracts.
Codices Illustres
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