Public Works Research Institute
Public Works Research Institute
National Research and Development Agency Public Works Research Institute 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 1 15/08/26 12:58 8:49 15/08/04 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 2 15/08/26 8:49 Message from the President Taketo Uomoto President National Research and Development Agency Public Works Research Institute The Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) was transformed into a “national research and development agency” as of April 1, 2015. Incorporated administrative agencies were classified into the following three categories as of April 1, 2015 with the enforcement of the Amended General Rule Act for Independent Administrative Corporations; “Agency Managed under the Medium-term Objectives”, “National Research and Development Agency” and “Agency Engaged in Administrative Execution”, and PWRI was transformed into a “national research and development agency” which mainly carries out research and development regarding science and technology as a national policy, raises the level of technology in Japan and aims to maximize the outcome of research and development in order to contribute to sound development of the national economy and other public interests. Japan is confronted with various issues such as intensified natural disasters and aging social infrastructures. Therefore the importance of research and development on civil engineering technology required for development of social infrastructures will further increase in the future. PWRI has advanced research and development on civil engineering technology in order to contribute to efficient development of good social infrastructures. Newly starting as a “national research and development agency”, it is important for PWRI to promote research and development more than ever and maximize the outcome of research and development. The nation and the society would also have large expectations for research outcomes. In these circumstances, PWRI needs to have its sights firmly fixed on specific measures for practical application of research outcomes in advance and further promote efficient and effective collaboration on research and development with other agencies in order to maximize the outcome. On the same date, April 1, 2015, “Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center (iMaRRC)” was established in PWRI in order to cross-organizationally conduct survey researches regarding practical use of innovative materials in the civil engineering field, advancement of civil engineering materials such as durability enhancement, efficient use of disposals and related energies, etc. in collaboration with external agencies. PWRI will continue to respond to domestic social requests from both short- and long-term perspectives as well as engaging in international contribution activities as a world-class core agency for civil engineering. We would appreciate your continued support and cooperation in this regard. April 1, 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 3 15/08/26 8:49 Contents 1 What is the Public Works Research Institute? 2 Number of Staff・Budget, Research Concepts & Attitudes of Researchers 3 Organization 4 Focused Research & Development (Priority Project Research & Sub-Priority Research) 21 Introduction of institutions Tsukuba Central Research Institute Construction Technology Research Department, Geology and Geotechnical Engineering Research Group, Water Environment Research Group, Hydraulic Engineering Research Group, Erosion and Sediment Control Research Group, Road Technology Research Group Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region Cold-Region Construction Engineering Research Group, Cold-Region Maintenance Engineering Research Group, Cold-Region Hydraulic and Aquatic Environment Engineering Research Group, Cold-Region Road Engineering Research Group, Cold-Region Agricultural Development Research Group, Director for Cold-Region Technology Development Coordination, Research Unit International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) Water-related Hazard Research Group Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research (CAESAR) Bridge and Structural Engineering Research Group Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center (iMaRRC) Materials and Resources Research Group 44 Joint Research and Partnership with Other Organizations 45 Creation / Protection / Utilization of Intellectual Properties 46 Introduction of PWRI-Developed Technologies Utilized at Construction Sites 51 Technical Instruction 54 Dissemination of Research Findings 56 Open House 58 International Contribution 60 Introduction of Facilities 64 Lease System of Facilities 65 History of PWRI 66 Map and Access to PWRI 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 4 15/08/26 8:49 What is the Public Works Research Institute? The National Research and Development Agency Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) conducts high-quality studies as a core institution of civil engineering research in Japan. PWRI was founded to improve civil engineering technology by conducting research and development on civil engineering techniques, providing technical guidance, disseminating research results, etc., and to contribute to society by improving infrastructure and promoting development of Hokkaido. PWRI began anew in April 2006, when the Civil Engineering Research Institute of Hokkaido, which had been established in 1937 as the Testing Laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department of Hokkaido Agency, was integrated into PWRI, which itself had been established in 1920 as the Road Materials Testing Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and was transformed into a “national research and development agency” in April 2015. PWRI aims to deliver outstanding achievements that meet public and international needs for civil engineering techniques. To this end, PWRI is systematically promoting research and development projects that are necessary to improve civil engineering technologies, and construct and manage infrastructure. PWRI focuses on priority projects that are classified into four categories: “Realization of a safe and secure society,” “Realization of a sustainable society through green innovation,” “Strategic maintenance and life extension of infrastructure,” and “International contributions through civil engineering technology.” The Tsukuba Central Research Institute aims at improving civil engineering technology by conducting studies on civil engineering techniques, experiments, research and development, as well as giving technical instruction and disseminating research achievements. It also aims at contributing to society by efficiently improving infrastructure and appropriately accomplishing the duties in land, infrastructure, transport and tourism policy. The Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region Hokkaido has particularly severe winters and the widest spread in Japan of peaty soft ground, one of the typical grounds in snowy and cold regions in the world. Based in Hokkaido, the Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region aims at improving civil engineering technology by conducting pioneering research and development, giving technical instruction and disseminating research results widely to domestic and international snowy and cold regions, and contributing to society by efficiently improving infrastructure and promoting development in Hokkaido. International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) was established in March 2006 under the auspices of UNESCO, based on the agreement between the Japanese government and UNESCO. The Centre will utilize Japan’s accumulated achievements, and promote integrated studies related to the prevention and mitigation of water-related disasters around the world, disaster prevention training, and networking of information related to water hazards. Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research (CAESAR) In Japan, road structures such as bridges are subjected to heavy traffic and severe natural environments. In addition, the numerous structures that were built during Japan’s period of high economic growth are all aging. Against this backdrop, urgent steps must be taken to evaluate the soundness of these structures and to develop proper technologies and techniques for maintaining and managing them. For this purpose, on April 1, 2008, various existing research facilities were integrated into CAESAR, the Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research. Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center (iMaRRC) In the material resource field, research and development have been sophisticated and diversified. PWRI is asked to advance such sophistication and diversification in collaboration with other research institutes and contribute to effective maintenance and renewal of civil engineering structures and building of a low-carbon recycling society. For this purpose, the Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center (iMaRRC) was established on April 1, 2015. PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 1 1 15/08/26 8:49 Number of Staff · Budget Number of Staff Executives 4 Administrative staff 124 Research staff 325 Full-time staff 449 Part-time executives 1 Budget * Staff 453 Income from commissioned 57 research (projected) 438 Facilities expenses 431 Budget 9,426 Unit: one million yen Grants for operating expenses 8,500 *Income from rented facilities and others (projected) Note: Units are rounded off, so totals may not match. As of April 2015 Research Concepts & Attitudes of Researchers Research Concepts 1. Research that can assume the responsibility for society for the coming one hundred years 2. Research that is recognized by academia and trusted by local communities and practical engineers 3. Research that respects traditions and has enterprising spirit Attitudes of Researchers ・ Work on research with a view to society for the coming one hundred years. ・ Remember that a wonderful study is an impressive one. ・ Endeavor to cultivate insight and culture at all times based on a broader vision. ・ At a critical moment, always consider the responsibility to coming generations. ・ Be enthusiastic and carry out discussions as much as you can without leaving any doubts. 2 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 2 15/08/26 8:49 Organization As of April 1, 2015 General Affairs Department General Affairs Division Welfare Division Budget and Accounting Division Planning and Research Administration Department Planning and Management Division Research Evaluation and International Section Facilities Management and Research Information Division Tsukuba Central Research Institute Construction Technology Research Department Advanced Technology Research Team Geology and Geotechnical Engineering Research Group Geology Research Team Soil Mechanics and Dynamics Research Team Construction Technology Research Team Water Environment Research Group River Restoration Research Team Water Quality Research Team Aqua Restoration Research Center Hydraulic Engineering Research Group Dam and Appurtenant Structures Research Team River and Dam Hydraulic Engineering Research Team Erosion and Sediment Control Research Group Volcano and Debris Flow Research Team Landslide Research Team Snow Avalanche and Landslide Research Center Road Technology Research Group President Director for Geological Research Acting President Vice President Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region Auditor (Executive Director for Research Coordination) Pavement Research Team Tunnel Research Team Planning Division Deputy Director for Research Coordination Administration Department Auditor (part-time) Administration Division Accounting and Contract Division Director for Cold-Region Technology Development Coordination Councilor Cold-Region Technology Promotion Division (Northern Hokkaido and Eastern Hokkaido Branch Office) Machinery Technology Research Team Auditing Director Cold-Region Construction Engineering Research Group Executive Director for Research Coordination (2) Structures Research Team Geotechnical Research Team Geological Hazards Research Team Cold-Region Maintenance Engineering Research Group Audit Office Materials Research Team Road Maintenance Research Team Cold-Region Hydraulic and Aquatic Environment Engineering Research Group River Engineering Research Team Watershed Environmental Engineering Research Team Port and Coast Research Team Fisheries Engineering Research Team Cold-Region Road Engineering Research Group Traffic Engineering Research Team Snow and Ice Research Team Cold-Region Agricultural Development Research Group Rural Resources Conservation Research Team Irrigation and Drainage Facilities Research Team Director for Special Research Director for Geological Research International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management Water-related Hazard Research Group Chief Researcher (Communications and Training) Chief Researcher (Risk Management) Chief Researcher (Hydraulic and Hydrologic Engineering) Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research Bridge and Structural Engineering Research Group Research Coordinator for Earthquake Engineering Chief Researcher (Management System and Substructures) Chief Researcher (Structural Assessment and Superstructures) Chief Researcher (Rehabilitation and Earthquake Engineering) Chief Researcher (Inspection Technology and Concrete Structures) Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center Materials and Resources Research Group Chief Researcher (Cocrete and metallic materials) Chief Researcher (Advanced materials and improvement) Chief Researcher (Recycling) PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 3 3 15/08/26 8:49 Focused Research & Development (Priority Project Research & Sub-Priority Research) The Public Works Research Institute is systematically promoting research and development projects that are necessary to improve civil engineering technologies and construct and manage infrastructure. PWRI is committed to six focused R&D topics appropriately corresponding to the four medium-term goals of “Realization of a safe and secure society,” “Realization of a sustainable society through green innovation,” “Strategic maintenance and life extension of infrastructure,” and “International contributions through civil engineering technology” that has high social demand. List of Focused R&D Projects Four goals Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Basic Research Plan Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Basic Research Plan in Hokkaido Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Technology Basic Plan Science & Technology Basic Plan A) Realization of a safe and secure society 1) Research on prevention and mitigation of and early restoration from intensifying and diversifying natural disasters Technological development contributing to the prevention and mitigation of and early restoration from damages by earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, windstorms/floods, landslides, snow and ice disasters, etc. 2) Research on innovative technologies to make infrastructure green Technological development contributing to the realization of a low-carbon and low environmental-load society including use of renewable energy sources such as biomass and cyclic use of natural resources B) Realization of a sustainable society through green innovation 3) Research on management technology of watersheds and infrastructure for the realization of a nature-friendly society Technological development contributing to a sustainable society where humankind can coexist with nature, including the preservation and regeneration of natural environments, maintenance of sound water supplies, development of production infrastructure in Hokkaido to strengthen food supply capability, etc. 4) Research on strategic maintenance and management of infrastructure stocks C) Strategic maintenance and life extension of infrastructure Technological development contributing to efficient maintenance and management of infrastructure, given today’s aging infrastructure and tight financial situation 5) Research on enhancement and life extension of infrastructure function Technological development contributing to the enhancement of the original function of infrastructure and to promoting its social optimization and life extension along with the progress of materials technologies D) International contributions through civil engineering technology 4 Six focused R&D topics 6) Research on support to Asia with Japan’s excellent civil engineering technology Technological development contributing to international development, support to developing countries and international contributions such as dissemination of technologies to Asia and other parts of the world PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 4 15/08/26 8:49 A) Realization of a safe and secure society 1. Research on prevention and mitigation of and early restoration from intensifying and diversifying natural disasters Technological development on prevention and mitigation of intensifying water disasters due to climate change Frequent local heavy rains have occurred recently in and outside of Japan. As one of the causes, there is a concern over the global warming effect; the IPCC fourth report predicts a rise in heavy rains that may cause water disasters, devastation from typhoons and intensification of associated storm surges. Therefore, development of technology for forecasting the effects of global warming with consideration for the uncertainties of flood and drought, as well as development of flood forecasting technology that can respond to short-term rapid swollen water (flash floods) in developing countries are desired. In order to protect against flood disasters, it is important to ensure the safety of river levees. However, rapid and efficient implementation of countermeasures for gigantic river levees requires the development of levee reinforcing technologies. This included the development of techniques that closely examine penetration safety and seismic adequacy with full consideration for levees, peripheral levees around structures and foundation ground, as well as low-cost penetration countermeasures and effective earthquake countermeasures. The importance is that damage from flood disasters is minimized as much as possible, therefore research and development of supporting technologies for mitigating the risks of water disasters in developing countries are necessary. This priority project research is aimed at contributing to the planning, by implementing these studies, of adaptive flood control measures for countering the effects of climate change associated with global warming, and to the mitigation of damage from intensifying water disasters. Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Construction Technology Research Department Example of bias seen in global warming prediction model (MRI-GCM3.2S, 20-km mesh) Development of forecasting technologies to predict effects of global warming with consideration for uncertainties of flood and drought Earthen levee Examination of in-levee situations by geophysical exploration Examination of mechanisms of victimization in model experiment Foundation ground Geographical reading result Backswamp Natural levee Old river channel Research Summary Back slope Back slope Spring point Sliding point Natural levee Backswamp Viscous soil layer (Backswamp) Gravel layer (Alluvial) Sand layer (Meandering stream) Close examination of victimization based on geological cross section with consideration to the topographical history Close examination of penetration safety and seismic adequacy of levee as a system Impermeable wall Compaction Shutdown at the river side Penetration measures Permeable layer Increased intensity with sand pile Sand Earthquake measures pile Levee penetration/earthquake combined measures PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 5 5 15/08/26 8:49 A) Realization of a safe and secure society 1. Research on prevention and mitigation of and early restoration from intensifying and diversifying natural disasters Development of reduction and early restoration technologies against large-scale sediment disasters Research Summary Recent frequent severe rainfalls and high magnitude earthquakes have caused large-scale sediment disasters and extensive damage in the affected regions. This research is conducted to study techniques for extracting potential hazards where large-scale sediment and other disasters may occur, building countermeasure techniques and establishing emergency restoration techniques with an aim to build a society capable of quickly and effectively recovering from a large-scale disaster. (1) Establishing techniques for extracting potential hazards where large-scale sediment and other disasters may occur Establishing techniques for extracting potential hazards where there is a risk of sediment disaster due to deep-seated collapses, abnormal sediment disasters of natural dams and volcanic eruptions and fluidizing landslides and establishing methods of warning and evacuation will lead to better warning systems that will help prevent the loss of life in disasters. (2) Establishing countermeasures against large-scale sediment disasters Improving the manual on risk management and response in the event of abnormal sediment disasters from volcanic eruptions and natural dams and the manual on management of large-scale bedrock and road slopes will lead to better risk management and contingency plans that will help to make communities safe. Also, improving performance verification techniques for rock fall protection structures and their structural members and/or materials will contribute to the promotion of rationalized road disaster prevention works. (3) Establishing emergency restoration techniques for recovering from large-scale sediment disasters Establishing emergency restoration and construction techniques for implementation in large-scale landslides and embankment disasters will help to mitigate damage and quickly restore affected areas. Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Erosion and Sediment Control Research Group Technique for extracting potential hazards of occurrence ○Prior understanding of the normal status (Debris migration phenomena: Hazards of occurrence, scope of damage) Deep-seated collapses triggering natural dam and debris flow, fluidizing landslide ○Emergency response (Volcanic eruption: Time of occurrence, scope of damage) Debris flow (after ash fall), volcanic mudflow (snowmelt type), pyroclastic flow (lava dome falling type) Establishment of techniques for extracting potential hazards of large-scale sediment disasters Monitor Countermeasures to hazard Improvement of hazard monitoring techniques Facility Improvement of performance Verification techniques Establishment of countermeasure to large-scale landslides Progress of mechanical controls and communication technology Reform of construction methods Effective use of space Analysis of construction methods Effective use of construction materials Application of cutting-edge construction methods Research on safe mechanical construction Research on post-disaster emergency restoration techniques Establishment of emergency restoration techniques for large-scale landslides 6 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 6 15/08/26 8:49 A) Realization of a safe and secure society 1. Research on prevention and mitigation of and early restoration from intensifying and diversifying natural disasters Research on securing the functional performance of diversified structures based on seismic performance Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Research Coordinator for Earthquake Engineering Research Summary It has been pointed out that large-scale earthquakes, such as the Tokai, Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes and earthquakes in the Metropolitan Tokyo, are very likely to occur in areas where population and property are concentrated, thus the prevention and mitigation of damage caused by these earthquakes are said to be pressing challenges. In light of the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake in March 2011, occurrence of a large-scale earthquake must be regarded as a realistic matter. Also, seismic measures must be provided properly and reasonably in proportion to the significance and management standards of structures, as much infrastructure stock is in need of maintenance and renewal. With this in the background, this research is intended to develop seismic design methods and seismic countermeasures based on the seismic performance of various structures and different levels of significance and management standards so as to ensure adequate functional performance of structures and systems of structures. It is also intended to develop measures to ensure the seismic safety of structures against earthquake-induced ground deformation, earthquake resistance measures for earth structures with consideration for the impact of prior precipitation, and seismic design methods for new types of structures that have never experienced an earthquake disaster. The goals of this research are to; (1) Elucidate the seismic behavior of structures; (2) Identify limits on the basis of diversified seismic performance models, and; (3) Verify methods of seismic performance evaluation and develop seismic design methods. Probabilities of earthquakes above intensity 6 in coming 30 years (As of January 1, 2011) Fallen bridge caused by ground deformation Fallen Saiji Ohashi Bridge Collapsed Embankment at Makinohara on the Tomei Expressway Examples of Recent Earthquake-induced Damage Background and necessity of research Seismic design methods and seismic countermeasures based on seismic performance are needed to ensure the functional performance of a network consisting of various structures in proportion to their significance and management standards. Tunnel Pedestrian overpass Overpass Embankment Bridge in mountain area Culvert River bridge River bridge PWRI Assessment of seismic performance Development of verification methods Reflection in technical standards Research programs NILIM Development of standards for seismic performance ◆Establish the seismic limit state of structures appropriate for the intended performance and develop seismic design methods/ ◆Structures subject to research: Bridges, underground structures (box culverts, open-cut tunnels), mountain tunnels, earthwork structures Development of technologies for securing adequate functional performance of various road structures system PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 7 7 15/08/26 8:49 A) Realization of a safe and secure society 1. Research on prevention and mitigation of and early restoration from intensifying and diversifying natural disasters Research on technologies for reducing snow and ice disasters Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Cold-Region Road Engineering Research Group Research Summary Recent climate changes have become fierce such as wild temperatures, localized massive snowfalls, stormy winds and abnormally high temperatures induced by inflow of warm air. Snow and ice disasters have increased and changed in their mode of occurrence as well. However, many of the conditions of snow and ice disasters are still unknown, and their elucidation and research on countermeasures are strongly needed. In this situation, we are promoting the following research programs to address the escalating massive snowfalls and snowstorms induced by recent climate changes and frequent wet snow avalanches caused by temperature variations, and to mitigate the effects on people’s lives and socioeconomic activities. Distribution map of snowdrift transport rate for each winter (avg. year) Presentation of a hazard map that reflects recent climatic variations [Changes of winter climate] ○Research for identifying changes in the snow and ice disasters environment due to climatic variations ・We elucidated the changes and characteristics of winter climates, and present hazard maps of increasingly more varying ice and snow values and disasters. <Continuous data collection by moving observation vehicle> Development of continuous snowstorm risk assessment technologies as a route compacted snow granular snow unsettled point snow depth (cm) [Snow avalanche] ○Research on countermeasures to snow avalanches during winter rainfalls ・We developed technologies for assessing snow avalanche risk associated with winter rainfall and/ or temperature rises. Snowstorm risk assessment as a route snow depth (cm) [Snowstorm / Poor visibility] ○Research on forecast technologies and risk assessment of snowstorm-induced poor visibility that is the majority of the causes for road closures in snowy and cold regions. ・We will develop technologies for forecasting snowstorm-induced poor visibility to support decision-making for road administrators and road users. ・We will develop technologies for assessing poor visibility risk as a route. Distribution map of frequency of poor visibility (avg. year) unsettled stability Numerical snow pack models which can represent the water infiltration Development of risk evaluation of snow avalanche hazard induced by winter rain event 8 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 8 15/08/26 8:49 A) Realization of a safe and secure society 1. Research on prevention and mitigation of and early restoration from intensifying and diversifying natural disasters Research on efficient utilization techniques for disaster prevention and disaster information Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Water-related Hazard Research Group Research Summary Unlike an earthquake that occurs because of a sudden large external force, the hazard level of a water disaster changes with time and its occurrence is predictable (Fig. 1). In the event of this type of disaster, it is sufficiently possible to minimize property and human damage by providing information appropriate to the evolving situation. This research consists of the below three segments, and takes as its objectives to integrate technologies for understanding the state of a disaster and damage in real-time with relevant information already possessed by various agencies, by utilizing information collection techniques, and to develop efficient techniques for utilizing disaster prevention and disaster information in ways that respond to the changing situation. (1) Development of tools supporting the establishment of an environment where disaster prevention staff can utilize optimum disaster prevention and disaster information in a voluntary manner (2) Development of ways to efficiently generate information on disaster hazards (3) Development of techniques for identifying the scope of widespread disaster and the scale of damage using satellites and others Disaster occurs Disaster hazard/disaster external force Occurrence of a disaster is predictable. The ground suddenly starts shaking . The emergency earthquake alert rings shortly before the earthquake. It starts raining. Occurrence of a disaster is unpredictable. Take prompt post-disaster action. Earthquake/Fire Time Figure 1 Graphic image of disaster hazards that may increase with time Cabinet Office Prefectural government Regional Development Bureau MLIT Other ministries and agencies Office 1. Development of tools supporting the establishment of an environment where disaster prevention staff can utilize optimum disaster prevention and disaster information in a voluntary manner Increased flooding No change Satellite office Observation III. Development of techniques for identifying the scope of widespread disaster and the scale of damage using satellites and others Disaster site Area B Area A End of flood Satellite Adequate decision-making utilizing information from residents and Push & Pull information Municipality These activities will establish a method for estimating damage and hazards utilizing real-time measured information (Fig. 3), and will provide disaster prevention staff at local governments easy access to disaster information systems developed and provided by various agencies, thereby supporting decisionmaking for flood prevention activities and evacuation warnings in emergencies with the aim to minimize the disaster impact. Water disaster Urgency is highetned because of an imminent disaster. Connect to optical fiber embedded in the levee Obtain data on water levels at high density and high frequencies Collapse detection sensor Occurrence of slope failure = The risk of sediment disaster in the surrounding area intensifies Optical fiber cable Water-level gauge, etc. Research & Development Analyze data on water level cross-sectional distribution and time change in PC (Riverbed Change Prediction) Specify hazardous locations at the occurrence of riverbed variation based on the prior cross-section observation results Estimate hazardous locations to be affected Instruct patrol members where and what to inspect Early detection of affected area Flow rate observation Increased flow rate = The surrounding area’s soil water intensifies = The risk of sediment disaster intensifies Early initiation of flood prevention activitiesPrompt transmission of information on evacuation guidance II. Development of techniques for identifying the scope of widespread disaster and the scale of damage using satellites and others Figure 2 Image of disaster prevention staff utilizing optimum information adequate for a time, event and objectives Narrowing hazardous areas on the basis of slope deformation information ・Collapse detection sensor Occurrence of slope failure = The risk of sediment disaster in the surrounding area intensifies Slope collapse ・Flow rate observation detection sensor Increased flow rate = The surrounding area’s soil water intensifies = The risk of sediment disaster intensifies Slope hydrological observation Pinpointing the time of disaster occurrence using a progressive prediction model at the sediment disaster occurrence location Figure 3 Image of the methodology for generating disaster hazard information on the basis of real-time observation information PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 9 9 15/08/26 8:49 B) Realization of a sustainable society through green innovation 2. Research on innovation technologies to make infrastructures green Research on technologies for utilizing and introducing to communities renewable energy sources and fertilizers derived from waste modified biomass Research Summary Research period: FY2011 -2015 Project leader: Director for Cold Region Technology Development Coordination It is necessary for the realization of a low-carbon recycle-oriented society to develop technologies for effectively and locally utilizing biomass generated in urban and farm areas as resources and energy. So, in order to make infrastructure green, we are committed to research of the following individual topics with an aim to develop technologies for the collection, production (processing) and use of biomass and for the introduction of renewable energy sources into communities, thereby developing a low-carbon recycle-oriented society. (1) Development of technologies to collect waste system biomass generated at city sewage treatment plants and to develop a sewage system highly effective in reducing emission of greenhouse gas (2) Development of efficient elemental technologies (nutrient removal and collection from water and sludge, conversion of nutrient salts into energy by algae, techniques for the use of collected resources) taking advantage of the location of sewage treatment plants where massive amounts of nutrient salts are collected in urban areas (3) Establishment of integrated assessment methods such as life cycle assessments for local use of biomass and a sustainable resource management system based on individual elemental technologies for the use of biomass (4) Comparison of the soil productivity improvement impact of waste modified biomass (livestock slurry, compost, aerobically feritilized irrigation slurry, methane-fermented digested slurry, sewage nutrient salts, etc.) by application to farmland, and proposal of improvement technologies for effective soil productivity (e.g., drainage, water retention, Cation Exchange Capacity [CEC], crop yield, crop quality improvement, increased soil carbon storage amount) Consecutive algae culture test by sewage treatment discharge (Culture and resource collection of algae having strong oil generative capacity by utilizing nitrogen and phosphorous contained in sewage treatment discharge) Microscopic magnification ×45 Phosphate precipitated by electrolysis of sewage (Collection of useful compounds contained in sewage sludge such as phosphorous) Frame format of electrolysis experiment system for sewage Field spray of waste modified biomass (fermented livestock excrement) as liquid fertilizer 10 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 10 15/08/26 8:49 B) Realization of a sustainable society through green innovation 2. Research on innovation technologies to make infrastructure green Development of low-carbon and low environmental-load construction materials and technologies through recycling Research period: FY2011 -2015 Project leader: Director of Materials and Resources Research Group The prevention of global warming and the preservation of local environments are necessary for the realization of a sustainable society. Infrastructure must be in line with these goals. Specifically, low-carbon technologies through recicling resources, technologies for local production for local consumption by fully utilizing local resources and technologies for reducing loads on local environments are desired. In response to these needs, this priority project research is committed to the following. (1) Low-carbon construction materials and technologies By establishing the quality assessment methods and the design and construction methods for concrete with blended cement utilizing recycled matelials we will promote the use of low-carbon concrete. Also, we will convert to low-carbon pavements by developing technologies to reduce CO2 emissions CO2 emissions (t-CO2) Research Summary Approx. 20% reduction 250 200 Dismantling and removal 150 In service Construction 100 Material manufacture 50 0 Portland cement Low-carbon cementitious materials *Example of use in road concrete structures Low-carbon cementitious materials containing 50% blast-furnace slag in the superstructure and 70% in the substructure Calculation of reduction in CO2 emissions resulting from use of low-carbon cementitious materials No warm mix additive After infusion of warm mix additive during the production process of pavement materials, improving in the efficiency of lowcarbon pavement work and developing pavement recycling techniques for snowy and cold regions. These technologies will have assessment methods for CO2 emission in place, thereby promoting their introduction to the construction works. (2) Technologies to reduce loads on local environments By conducting rational hazard assessments of heavy metalscontained in surplus soil and introducing technologies to assess the migration of these substances to groundwater and the impact on drinking water, we will promote recycling the surplus soil for road embankment. We will also propose rational countermeasures to heavy metals contained in surplus soil to realize safe and low-cost. Low-carbonization of pavement through the use of warm mix additive (above) and a review for improvement of quality and workmanship of road surface layer recycling method (below) <Conceptual diagram of absorption layer> Cover soil Excavated earth Pavement Absorption layer Off-limits fence Top soil (Thickness 50cm) Surface greening Excavated earth containing heavy metals, etc. Off-limits fence ‖ Absorption layer Underground monitoring well Development of heavy metals elution measures using absorption construction method PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 11 11 15/08/26 8:49 B) Realization of a sustainable society through green innovation 3. Research on management technology of watersheds and infrastructures for realization of a naturecoexistent society Research on technologies for river-channel design and management that are effective in preserving and regenerating the river ecosystem Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Water Environment Research Group Research Summary The research goals are to: (1) Elucidate the impact on river ecosystems from changes in physical surroundings; (2) Develop technologies for river-channel design and management taking into account habitats for living organisms, and; (In order to enable adequate prediction of the impact on creatures from man-caused alterations, etc. and to contribute to adequate river environment and ecosystem assessments, design and management, we will elucidate the impact on river ecosystems and develop technologies for river-channel design and management from the viewpoints of habitat environments in brackish waters, regeneration of floodplain environments (wando/pool), spawning environments for salmonid fish, forest management in riverchannels and multi-nature river bank protective construction.) (3) Develop assessment techniques for river environments. (In order to enable more adequate assessment of habitats for living organisms and integrated assessments of river environments, assessment techniques will be developed using physical surroundings as indicators.) 50 Appearance frequency In this research, we will elucidate the impact on river ecosystems from changes in physical surroundings with particular attention to low-water channels, flood channels, configuration and settings of riverbeds for river-channel design and management effective in preserving and regenerating the river ecosystem. We will also develop assessment techniques for river environments using physical surroundings as indicators, as well as technologies for river-channel design and management taking into account habitats of living organisms. To this end, the following research goals are set. Surveyed points n=112 Spawning beds n=13 40 Sandbar 30 Non-sandbar 20 10 0 <0.5 0.5-1.0 1.0-1.5 1.5< <0.5 0.5-1.0 1.0-1.5 1.5< i/i a Relative riverbed gradient Masu trout spawning beds seen as river terrain 1994 Preservation priority A Preservation priority B Preservation priority C Natural bare surface 2008 River Not assessed Plant community preservation priority map using National Census on River Environment Hydrological analysis Flow Multi-nature river bank protective construction (Wooden sunken bed) Flow Flow rate distribution around wood piles (Assessment of external force) Hydrological function assessment of multi-nature river bank protective construction 12 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 12 15/08/26 8:49 B) Realization of a sustainable society through green innovation 3. Research on management technologies for watersheds and infrastructures for realization of a naturecoexistent society Research on understanding the characteristics of river soil behavior and the impact on river environment and preservation techniques Research project: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Dam and Appurtenant Structures Research Group Research Summary Many rivers and coasts have recently experienced progressive coastal erosion, riverbed armoring and fixation of a water route resulting from uneven sediment transport, leading to rapid deterioration of natural river/coast environments and rapid collapse of ecosystems peculiar to rivers and coasts. On the other hand, drainage canal and small-to-medium-sized rivers downstream have accumulated soil sedimentation and many dams have accelerated sediment at a speed faster than planned. These are big issues for the maintenance of infrastructure. To solve these problems, it is necessary to make meticulous corrections to the balance of sediment transport in the entire watershed with consideration for the river environment including the riverbed situation. Techniques for soil supply from dams, and soil control from farmland are required for this purpose. Currently, this priority project research intends to: (1) Identify the characteristics of soil behavior, taking into account the impact of the grain size of sediment to be transported, riverbed materials and cross-sectional configuration, in addition to the traditionally focused total amount of sediment to be transported in stony bed; (2) Elucidate, on the basis of the above results, the effects and impact on the river environment and configuration from soil supply and soil drain from dams, etc. and propose the assessment technique, and; (3) Develop techniques for environmentally-sound soil supply and control at river crossing works such as dams, etc. necessary for soil management in the entire watershed based on the above. Fixation of a water route, overgrowth of vegetation Bridge pile scouring Loss of coastal sand beach Issues in the watershed resulting from uneven sediment transport Riverbeds affected by sediment runoff from the watershed Cited from the homepage of Chubu Regional Development Bureau, MLIT Sediment in a dammed lake PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 13 13 15/08/26 8:49 B) Realization of a sustainable society through green innovation 3. Research on management technologies for watersheds and infrastructures for realization of a naturecoexistent society Research on understanding nutrient dynamics and water quality control techniques on a watershed scale Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Water Environment Research Group Research Summary It is essential for the preservation of biological diversity and for the realization of a nature-coexistent society to resolve remaining water quality issues in public water areas including the slowed tendency of water quality improvement in the closed water areas and an increased risk to water quality. This research is conducted to obtain unit load of organics and nutrient, and elucidate load run off phenomena, develop survey methods for pathogenic microbes, These studies lead to establishment of comprehensive water quality control techniques,elucidate of the actual condition and behavior and proposal of countermeasures on a watershed scale. (1) We conduct research to understand the characteristics of material dynamics seen on a watershed scale and build a water/material environmental model that integrates material dynamics in respective land use on a watershed scale. (2) We conduct research on the influence of changes in land use and environment on water quality and bottom sediment in closed water areas in order to elucidate the impact of pollution load from the immediate area on water quality of closed water areas and propose countermeasures. (3) We conduct research to establish countermeasures to pathogenic microbes in water environments in order to understand the risks to water quality on a watershed scale and propose countermeasures. We also plan to conduct research on the dynamics of chemicals from the watershed that have not been regulated and research on chemical control techniques for sewage treatment processes. Average COD of rivers flowing to Lake Nishiura Average COD of rivers flowing to Lake Kitaura Changes in COD (river water in rivers flowing to Lake Kasumigaura) The inflow load is reducing, but Changes in COD (Lake Kasumigaura) Nishiura Kitaura The water quality in the lake has leveled off. Japanese Fiscal Year Example changes in COD Previous reproduction/assessment was performed by modeling plane source load of nutrient salts from farmland. Farmland + New material circulation modeling Forest Urban area Livestock raising (Plane source) (Plane source/sewage) (Point source) Water/Material circulation model on a watershed scale (N, P) Past material transport modeling studies adopted either the regression or original unit method, but in, this research, a new approach will be developed in line with the physical conservation law on the basis of the WEP model. Material dynamics in forest, urban and livestock raising areas are also incorporated into the model to develop a water/material circulation model on a watershed scale that can assess the levels of contribution by source and the effects of measures. Summary of research on characteristics of material dynamics on a watershed scale (Partial) Social issues Intake source ・Appearance of super resistant strains (Drug resistance) ・Presence of chlorine-resistant protozoa ・Rash of norovirus and other infections Reuse Livestock discharge Recycle Current status Sewage treatment discharge Septic tank discharge Accelerated urbanization Overflow water ・Mix of water intake and discharge systems ・Pollution cause in the public water area Technology status Intake source Actual situation is unclear. ? ・Detection technologies are being developed. ・The current indicators cannot find out the actual situation at existing sites. Assessment of actual conditions/ countermeasures ・Delay in assessment of countermeasures to actual conditions and non-point loads River Lake Achievement goals ・Elucidation of the actual conditions of viruses, protozoa and drug-resistant bacteria ・Development of technologies for preconcentration and determination appropriate for extremely low concentration samples ・Elucidation of factors for improving the removal rate by biological advanced processing method ・Assessment of non-point source loads and development of countermeasures Sea area Development of adequate countermeasures Securing/Enhancement of hygienic safety for water environment Summary of research on development of countermeasures to pathogenic microbes in water environments 14 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 14 15/08/26 8:49 B) Realization of a sustainable society through green innovation 3. Research on management technologies for watersheds and infrastructures for realization of a naturecoexistent society Research on conservation technologies for ecosystems appropriate for local environments Various human activities affect the flora and fauna ecosystems through the river environment. Under changing social conditions such as a decreasing population and aging society, it is socially demanded that ecosystems be evaluated for their relations with humans and that conservation be applied to maintain good river ecosystems. To these ends, we will elucidate ecosystem conservation of a watershed from two directions -productivity and correlations with humans -- in the network including the floodplain, comprehend environmental interactions across a wide area from the upstream reaches to estuaries, and propose watershed-specific management techniques. Further, in order to grasp the impact of structural changes in society on ecosystems, we will conduct field surveys of rivers and floodplains, and propose an assessment approach for river ecosystem conservation projects. Also, to understand ecosystems from the viewpoint of their relations with humans and establish an ecosystem assessment approach, we will proceed with surveys from physiological aspects . (1) Comprehension of the impact of turbidity flow from a watershed on the estuary environment and establishment of management technologies (2) Proposal on methods for evaluating characteristics of topographic changes in estuaries and coastal area (3) Proposal on floodplain management techniques for entire watersheds with regards for the conservation of biological diversity in the floodplain from physiological and behavioral viewpoints (4) Proposal on best management techniques for habitat environments of living organisms in snowy and cold coastal regions Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Cold-Region Hydraulic and Aquatic Environment Engineering Research Group Creation of a nature-coexistent society that conserves sound aquatic environments and ecosystems Precipitation Water circulation system Mountain (Core of green) Evapotranspiration River (Water corridor) Ocean area (Core of water) Soil Load Old river/lake Forest zone Farmland/Cropland Nutrient salts Chemicals Mudland/estuary Floodplain Load Interactions Impact = Response Ecosystem/Material transport Humans/Society Population decrease/low birthrate and aging population Conservation of mudland/wetland (Aquatic environments) Sediment transport mechanism and river channel characteristics of rovers in snowy and cold regions (River) Turbidity flow in the watershed (Aquatic environments) Drift sand characteristics in estuaries and coastal areas (Coasts) Evaluation of habitat environments for fisheries products Key research topics Supply from land area Reproduce the impact on water quality variation and fisheries products and lead to future predictions. Data must be obtained though field observation. Aeration Secretion DOM (Dissolved organic matter) Phytoplankton Decomposition DO (Dissolved oxygen) Decomposition Firing Decom position Mineralization Respiration POM (Particulate organic matter) Respi ration Herbivory Nitrifi cation Excretion/death Zooplankton Feeding Mineralization Sediment oxygen consumption Insolation Photosynthesis/Respiration Nutrient salts Sedimentation Research Summary Respiration Excretion PO4-P Phosphate phosphorous Photosynthesis (Nutrient intake) Silica DIN (Dissolved inorganic nitrogen) Sedimentation Nitrification/Denitrification Benthos Nitrification/Denitrification Dissolution Population dynamics model Feed intake Research example (Impact of land area, reproduction of flow area in coastal areas) PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 15 15 15/08/26 8:49 B) Realization of a sustainable society through Green Innovation 3. Research on management technology of watersheds and infrastructures for realization of a naturecoexistent society Functional strengthening for food supply infrastructure that adapts the environmental changes and establishment of a sustainable system The research goals are to: (1) Perform water management simulations with a view to the forecasted demand for agricultural water based on meteorological information and to information on water resources and develop agricultural water management technology that permits stable supply of agricultural water and optimum water temperatures. (2) Develop irrigation techniques in a large-sized paddy field to respond to the variation in the water demand, conduct laborsaving management of ponding depth, water temperature and nutrient control and care for suppression of outflow of water quality loads. (3) Analyze the factors contributing to the deterioration of drainage facilities in a upland field area and develop a functional diagnostic technique to keep the function favorable. (4) Elucidate the primary productivity such as physical surroundings, water quality and biomass in the northern ocean area and develop technologies for improved biological productivity such as fertilization of the ocean and protection of young fish. Ecosystem and population dynamics models will be developed to predict and evaluate effects. Prediction of variation in integrated runoff 1600 1991-2000 1400 1200 The heavy line represent mean 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 12/1 11/1 9/1 10/1 8/1 7/1 6/1 5/1 4/1 12/1 11/1 9/1 0 10/1 8/1 7/1 6/1 5/1 4/1 3/1 2/1 0 1/1 The heavy line represent mean 1000 800 3/1 1000 2031-2050 (Predicted) 1400 2/1 1200 1/1 Integrated flow (mm) 1600 The beginning date of snowmelt become earlier. Therefore, it is difficult to store irrigation water for summer season. Current river runoff (Development of agricultural water management technologies that enable stable supply under climatic changes) Seasonal of paddy field water management (Example) Groundwater level control period Surface irrigation Groundwater level control period Submerged depth (m) Despite being a snowy, cold region, Hokkaido has developed and improved infrastructure for agriculture and fisheries over a long period of time, and became a bastion for food supply in Japan. However, food supply sources are beginning to show the impact of climate changes and signs of hydrographic changes. The food production system is as readily susceptible to socio-economic changes as it is to changes in the natural environment. Therefore, we aim to establish a sustainable food production system by conducting research and development into technologies for adapting food production infrastructure to these environmental changes and improving the system. Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Cold-Region Agricultural Development Research Group Groundwater level (m) Research Summary Sep 2 Drainage Repeatedly open/close ,Adjust the irrigation gate to submerged depth promote seed to precipitation. germination and stabilize early phase growth. Submerged depth Groundwater level Buried culvert location (Pipe bottom) Repeatedly open/close irrigation gate for cultivation of low protein rice. Water supply (Development of irrigation technology in a large-sized of paddy field using the underground irrigation) Technology development for improvement of fishing grounds 1. Upwelling mound Source: Fisheries Agency Supply of nutrient salts to the surface layer Fertilization of the ocean and increased primary production 2. Protecting and rearing reef Source: Contractor Increasing resources by protecting young fish and by ensuring spawning and nursery areas (Technological development to elucidate the primary productivity and develop technologies for improved biological productivity such as fertilization of the ocean and protection of young fish ) 16 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 16 15/08/26 8:49 C) Strategic maintenance and life extension of infrastructure 4. Research on strategic maintenance and management of infrastructure stock Research on development and systematization of maintenance and management technologies to help use infrastructure stock longer Research Summary Infrastructure developed in an accelerated manner during Japan’s years of rapid economic growth are all due for renovation, but because of tight financial constraints of central and local governments, this may not be possible with the conventional maintenance and management techniques. Since damaged structures and equipment may directly threaten human safety, promotion of sustainable, strategic maintenance and management is desired. In the process of past technological development efforts, highly accurate investigation and inspection techniques for damage and deformation in various structures and equipment, diagnostic techniques based on those results, and rational repair and reinforcement techniques have been developed as individual elemental technologies. And, ways to organically combine and manage these technologies have been developed. However, in the face of aging stocks, the need to ensure safety and current financial constraints, it is necessary to systematically establish rational management standards that are appropriate for their social significance, and develop elemental technologies for these management standards and a management process combined with such technologies. This research is intended to develop rational maintenance and management technologies (investigation and inspection, diagnosis and evaluation, and repair and reinforcement) appropriate for various management standards for structures and equipment, and develop a process for managing them. Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Bridge and Structural Engineering Research Group Crack found Measurement of deformed tunnel Proposal of tunnel inspection items, frequency and inspection methods appropriate for management standards Case in tunnel area Aged and deterioration of dams Leakage from downstream face Freeze-thawing of dam concrete Deterioration in measurement instruments for safety management Classification of various deterioration and damage to dams Development of a methodology for deterioration and damage focusing on their impact on dam safety Case in dam structures area Potential collapse (Occurrence of risk) Impact from occurrence of risk Risk assessment methods Fractured diagonal member at the Kiso River Ohashi Bridge (2007) Closure by traffic accident on a metropolitan expressway (2008) Risk assessment methods To be reflected in the management system for road bridges Case in bridge area PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 17 17 15/08/26 8:49 C) Strategic maintenance and life extension of infrastructure 4. Research on strategic maintenance and management of infrastructure stock Technological development for maintaining functions of structures in cold environments Research Summary Infrastructures in cold and snowy regions are subjected to snowfalls, low temperatures, repeated freezing and thawing, and climate changes. Especially, civil engineering structures that have functionally declined as a result of that exposure are likely to have serious problems with soundness and durability. It is important to address such functional decline and maintain the original performance of the structure. There is particular need to develop technology to maintain the performance of concrete materials and the concrete structures in cold and snowy regions affected by frost and salt damage, countermeasures against deterioration and damage in asphalt pavements and coastal structures affected by the recent abnormal weather and climate changes, and technologies contributing to the stabilization of earth structures that maintain the road function. In this research, we are conducting various verification tests and on-site field investigation/demonstration tests to develop the following technologies necessary towards maintaining the function of civil engineering structures in cold environments. (1) Development of deterioration assessment techniques for road structures and coastal structures resulting from cold climates, frost damage and sea ice action, and development of repair, reinforcement and preventive maintenance technologies for maintaining and improving performance (2) Development of rational maintenance and management technologies for earth structures, utilizing the long-term settlement prediction method of peaty soft ground (3) Development of frost damage deterioration diagnostic techniques as a means for maintaining and managing irrigation and drainage infrastructure in cold and snowy regions (4) Development of eco-friendly maintenance, management and assessment techniques for coastal infrastructure in cold ocean areas Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Cold-Region Construction Engineering Research Group Temperature [° C] Lowest of daily minimum temperature (Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System [AMeDAS], normal values from 1979 – 2000) RC slab deteriorated by frost damage RC bridge wall rail deteriorated by combined effect of frost and salt attack Pavement deteriorated by snowmelt water Coastal structure deteriorated by sea ice action Unequally settled embankment on peaty soft ground Deterioration survey of coastal structure by a diver Irrigation open channel deteriorated by freeze damage Study of sustained epiphytic effects of algae on coastal structure Civil engineering structures to be studied and their conditions 18 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 18 15/08/26 8:49 C) Strategic maintenance and life extension of infrastructure 5. Research on enhancement and life extension of infrastructure performance Development of technology to increase infrastructure performance and enhance durability Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Road Technology Research Group Research Summary While the cost of maintenance and renovation associated with population decrease, declining low birthrate juxtaposed by an aging population, and aging infrastructure stock is increasing, reserves for the development of new infrastructure are diminishing. This situation requires the promotion of efficient and more effective infrastructure development and improvement, that preserves quality as a means for stabilizing people’s lives and vitalizing local economies. This priority project research focuses on the following topics. (1) Development of performance assessment techniques for new types of road structures of which performance design methods have not been established, such as bridge approaches and consecutive culverts, and civil engineering structures of which performance assessment methods pose issues, such as retaining walls and reinforced earth wall, with the objective of efficiently and effectively developing and improving infrastructure by increasing reliability and the degree of freedom of design work and encouraging the introduction of performance design methods that facilitate the development and utilization of new technologies and materials. (2) Development of quality control and inspection systems that assess the durability of concrete structures in line with performance codes at the time of construction, methods that ensure the quality of earth structures built in cold seasons in snowy icy regions, methods for assessing the durability performance of concrete structures that exhibit various forms of deterioration due to freeze damage and methods that assess the durability performance of bridges such as steel bridge painting with the objective of prolonging the service-life of infrastructure. Bridge approach (Bridge civil engineering boundary) Bridge (Bridge structure) Embankment (Civil engineering structure) Bridge approach Consecutive culverts Reinforced earth wall Structure for which performance assessment methods will be developed (Current status) Select materials Specify construction method Inspect strength and shape as built (Quality control/ inspection anticipated in this research) No limitation is set (Limit elements that cannot be inspected afterwards) An inspection system that can assess durability in addition to strength and shape as built Completion of quality control/inspection Inspection system to ensure the quality of concrete structures at the time of construction Conventional (Specifications finalized) Painting specifications (materials and construction method) are finalized. Performance requirements needed for steel bridge coating have not been fully included in specifications. Review for stipulating performance requirements Elucidate performance requirements/functions that must be retained by painting/coating to demonstrate adequate anticorrosion and durability, and consider performance assessment techniques to allow for absolute assessment of painting/coating. (1) Streamline the performance requirements needed for steel bridge painting and the current performance assessment techniques. (2) Performance assessment tests for various paintings and coatings Complex cycle corrosion test Outdoor exposure test (3) Review performance assessment techniques and reference values Performance assessment techniques for steel bridge coating PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 19 19 15/08/26 8:49 C) Strategic maintenance and life extension of infrastructure 5. Research on enhancement and life extension of infrastructure function Research on performance improvement technologies for winter roads in cold regions [Road management in winter] ○Development of technologies to improve efficiency and adequacy of road management in winter ・We aim to establish technology to support the judgment assessment of road surface management level/status in winter. ・We will develop complex technologies for road surface management via pavement, mechanical modifications, spraying of antifreeze agents, etc. ・We will elucidate solutions to problems with efficiency improvement for snow removal works, and propose countermeasures and management techniques. [Sidewalks in winter] ○Development of technologies to improve the safety and reliability of sidewalks in winter ・We will develop surface treatment technologies and sidewalk structures for winter. [Traffic accidents in winter] ○Development of effective countermeasures to traffic accidents in winter ・We will develop technologies for preventing accidents caused by skidding from traffic lanes using flexible preventive fencing that is effective for preventing serious accidents in winter. Monitoring Result (Quantitative data) Skid resistance value Send out XXX at (time)! 38.5 38.0 37.5 37.0 35.5 36.5 10 36.0 In order to support an affluent high-quality way of life and draw out the dynamics of communities faced with population decline, a low birthrate juxtaposed by an aging population and tough financial situations, it is essential to maintain and improve the function of road traffic in the community. What is especially important in a cold region is technology for maintaining and improving winter road performance in cold seasons. To this end, we are working on the following research topics to effectively and efficiently maintain and improve road performance in winter. Research period: FY2011 – 2015 Project leader: Director of Cold-Region Road Engineering Research Group 35.0 Research Summary Dispatch/ Countermeasures Judgment based on quantitative assessment of winter road surface level (Image) Establishment of technology to support judgment of road surface management level/status in winter Snow removal machinery work information Snow removal machine Analysis/Assessment of snow removal work efficiency (Image) Elucidation of issues on efficiency improvements to snow removal works and countermeasures/management techniques Flexible protective fencing Development of technologies to prevent accidents caused by skidding from traffic lanes using flexible preventive fencing 20 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 20 15/08/26 8:49 Introduction of institutions Tsukuba Central Research Institute TSUKUBA CITY The Tsukuba Central Research Institute, which was inaugurated in 2006 when the Civil Engineering Research Institute of Hokkaido was integrated into the former PWRI currently consists of the Construction Technology Research Department, the Geology and Geotechnical Engineering Research Group, the Water Environment Research Group, the Hydraulic Engineering Research Group, the Erosion and Sediment Control Research Group and the Road Technology Research Group, and conducts surveys, tests, researches, developments and instructions regarding construction technologies based on civil engineering. Through these activities, we contribute to efficient development of quality social infrastructures and accurately carries out missions regarding the policy of land, infrastructure, transport and tourism. PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 21 21 15/08/26 8:49 Construction Technology Research Department PWRI is responsible for high-quality research and development showing Provision of technical Appropriate management information via various leadership in the innovation of civil engineering technology, turning research of intellectual properties Construction Technology public events Research Department results into “technologies utilized”, and widely disseminating them. Based on ★Support of interdisciplinary work and leading R&D this aim, the Construction Technology Research Department supports ★Strategic dissemination of research results interdisciplinary work including that which involves non-civil engineering Advanced Technology areas and leading R&D, and is actively committed to the dissemination of Research Team Improvement of civil engineering research results in Japan and overseas. technology utilizing IT and advanced technology Collection of relevant Support for technical Specifically, the department releases technical information at various public information on international assessment, consultation events, appropriately manages intellectual properties, supports technical standards, etc. and guidance assessments, consultations and guidance, and collects relevant information on international standards to appropriately introduce civil engineering technologies to sites and meet the needs for internationalization. The Advanced Technology Research Team provides support for these activities, and carries out research and development for advanced technologies related to civil engineering, construction machinery, and civil engineering machinery/equipment including information and communication technology, robotics technology, and environmental technology and safety technology. Advanced Technology Research Team ●Research on informatization and robotization for the sophistication of construction, production, maintenance management projects Working to achieve more advanced technologies for construction and production processes, and also for disaster response, we are conducting research to further improve the levels of safety, efficiency, quality, and reliability of construction and maintenance by utilizing technologies below. ・GNSS and other positioning technology ・Information and communication technology ・Robotics technology We are also engaged in research for rationalizing construction, maintenance, and management through the communication and sharing of information throughout the life cycle of a construction project. ●Research on design of civil engineering machinery/equipment (drainage pumps, etc.) and sophistication of maintenance/ management In the maintenance and management of civil engineering machinery/equipment that serves as the core of infrastructure, ensured reliability and drastic cost reductions are desired. And, it is urgent to establish management techniques matching the individual objective, type and installation site of such equipment. The team is committed to proposing and organizing failure risk/system safety assessments, status monitoring and recording operations, information management (DB, mode of information management), and equipment economy (including LCC reduction, convenience assessment and technology improvement). ●Research on environmental impact/emission gas assessments associated with construction projects It is required to appropriately get a grip on what impact the noise and vibration generated from construction machinery at a construction site have on the living environment and what impact emission gasses have on the atmospheric environment, and to take efficient and effective countermeasures. Recently, efforts have been actively directed at reducing global warming gases, and the need for technological development that encompasses all of these aspects is increasing. Therefore, the team is committed to research and development of environmental impact identification techniques and countermeasures, and to technological development to assess the effects of such countermeasures. 22 Affected site (Unattended construction block) Loading/Unloading yard (Attended construction block) Stationary camera Stationary camera Remote control room Case: Vibration analysis and tribology of pumping equipment Sloped conveyor Pool hopper Overhead crane Diesel machine Bevel gear reducer Analyze engine oil and diagnose deterioration level of each part in sections containing oil. Water-level gauge Horizontal conveyor Discharge Backflow Discharge valve Cooling tank Automated dust collector Vertical shaft type mixed Absorption flow pump tank Identify vibrations of primary axis from outside the pump and diagnose wear and tear of blades and bearings. Example of emissions measurement using an on-board emissions measurement system The emissions values of construction machinery from different manufacturers and with different operating times are measured in order to identify the emissions volumes at actual work sites and to check for deterioration in emissions performance. The emissions values are measured using biodiesel fuels from different producers in order to check for problems in the use of these fuels. PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 22 15/08/26 8:49 Geology and Geotechnical Research Group The Geology and Geotechnical Research Group is conducting research in a broad range that covers all steps from surveying and design to construction and management, including disaster prevention and environmental protection measures, for ground and rock, slopes, earth structures, soil environments, and other areas. The Geology and Geotechnical Research Group is a new group that was established in FY2011 and is comprised of the Geology Research Team, Soil Mechanics and Dynamics Research Team, and Construction Technology Research Team. The Geology Research Team conducts research on foundation ground properties and develops investigation methods and test procedures. The Soil Mechanics and Dynamics Research Team conducts research for the development of design methods including seismic design and reinforcement methods for civil engineering structures. The Construction Technology Research Team conducts research for the development of construction and maintenance/management technologies used in civil engineering structures. Geology Research Team Dam Provision of basic information on design of civil engineering structure Bridge Cost for design, construction and maintenance of civil engineering structure Retaining wall River levee Road embankment t Comprehend properties of foundation ground (geology, soil components, physicochemical and dynamic characteristics) Image of Geological and Geotechnical Research Group research areas Consecutive precipitation 400mm ●Research on sophistication, standardization and utilization of civil engineering geological surveys The team conducts research on investigation and assessment technologies for foundation ground necessary for the construction and management of civil engineering structures, such as roads (tunnel, bridge, etc.) and riverworks, (dam, embankment, etc.) and on technologies for investigating, evaluating and effectively utilizing stone materials. The team conducts research into the standardization of the above civil engineering geological surveys and technologies for utilizing survey results in national land management (National Land Ground Information Database, etc.). ●Research on prevention of geological disasters and response to geological risks The team proposes surveys and hazards/risk assessment and disaster preventive measures, utilizing Predicted incident of road slope geographical and geological approaches, against various geological disaster; road slope disaster, active fault disaster using past disaster data disaster, and disasters caused by the penetration and liquefaction of river levee foundation ground. and topographical/geological information ●Research on geological environment conservation/countermeasures Many stones and sediments contain large quantities of hazardous heavy metals in their natural states. The team is developing comprehensive technologies for geological and groundwater environment conservation, such as technologies for investigating, assessing, responding to and monitoring heavy metals so as to help excavate, move and manage these stones safely in construction projects. ○Point of disaster outbreak before consecutive precipitation Incident of road slope disaster (/km/15 yrs) Soil Mechanics and Dynamics Research Team ●Response to earthquakes and precipitation on road civil engineering structures and slopes The team is studying disaster preventive technologies in the road civil engineering and slope areas, such as inspection/diagnostic technologies and reinforcement technologies for the safety of civil engineering structures, e.g., embankments and cut slopes affected by earthquakes, precipitation and liquefaction. ●Response to earthquakes and precipitation on river levees The team conducts research into disaster preventive technologies for river levees, such as inspection/ River levee damaged by earthquake diagnostic technologies for the safety of river levees against earthquakes, including seepage and liquefaction, as well as complex reinforcement technologies in preparation for seepage and earthquakes. ●Protection of ground environments at construction projects The team conducts research into ground environment-conscious technologies at construction projects, including response to ground contamination, effective use of construction generated soil and ground reforming utilizing microbes. Construction Technology Research Team ●Researches related to advancement of design/construction for earth structures and emergency restoration methods for sediment disasters Earth structures are designed and constructed under various ground, material and environmental conditions. In recent years, further cost reduction and shortening of construction period have been required. In addition, it is also necessary to correctly construct, maintain and repair earth structures in order to prevent a collapse that can cause extensive damage with rainfall or earthquake, and to Embankment compaction experiment rapidly carry out emergency restoration in the event that such a collapse occurs. Through analysis of case studies and testing, the team is conducting research regarding proposals of new methods for appropriate design, construction and urgent restoration of earth structures. ●Research for clarifying maintenance and reinforcement methods for existing earth structures Earth structures are able to ensure stable delivery of the required performance over long periods of time by conducting appropriate maintenance and repair. Therefore, it is required to establish an efficient maintenance technique for earth structures. Through analysis of case studies and testing, the team is conducting research related to reinforced soil wall/ground anchor maintenance and repair/ strengthening technologies. PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 23 23 15/08/26 8:49 Water Environment Research Group The natural environment of rivers and lakes has been greatly affected by human activities and man-made alterations. The Water Environment Research Group conducts research into mechanisms of river and lake ecosystems and their anthropogenic impacts, river/lake restoration techniques, river management techniques based on the natural river environment and Neo-natural River Reconstruction, water pollutant dynamics in rivers/lakes, water analysis and monitoring techniques for endocrine disrupters and trace toxic substances, and ecological impacts of polluted river water and treated wastewater. Furthermore, the Aqua Restoration Research Center (ARRC) located in Kagamiharashi, Gifu Prefecture carries out experiments using full-scale model rivers and ponds. River Restoration Research Team The River Restoration Research Team conducts research related to assessments of river environments, and to reducing problems in river environment management, in order to preserve the natural environments of rivers and lakes. It also conducts research for identifying ecological mechanisms in rivers, lakes, and surrounding areas, and technologies for their restoration. ●Research related to assessment of river environments, and to reducing problems in river environment management This group is engaged in research aimed at establishing the river environment assessment methods and indexes that are necessary for assessing, protecting, and restoring river environments. This research includes studies for assessment of fish habitat spaces, and for applying the results to construction Forest management method which controls resprouting by tree girdling projects. The team studies methods of managing forestation in river channels, which is a factor adversely affecting biodiversity and flood-control safety in rivers across Japan, and also studies how water quality and flow changes caused by dams affect the habitats of aquatic species. ●Research for identifying ecological mechanisms in rivers, lakes, and the surrounding areas, and technologies for their restoration The team is working to identify ecological mechanisms in rivers and also the surrounding areas, developing technologies to restore underwater plant communities in lakes, and conducting research for environmental protection in areas which affect the rivers. It also studies design technologies, and river structures for maintenance and management, related to the important fishways needed to ensure fish mobility. Water Quality Research Team The team researches and investigates water quality in rivers and lakes from the watershed viewpoint, in order to preserve water environments that are safe for humans and ecosystems. This includes water quality risk management in assessing environmental impacts by trace toxic substances and their countermeasures, and elucidation of runoff mechanisms of nutrient and their countermeasures. The team also conducts basic research on water quality measurement techniques from the viewpoint of impacts on ecosystems and the impact of global warming on water quality, in the interest of improving future water quality. ●Research on water quality risks assessment and management Since diversified chemicals have recently been detected in water environments, there is increased interest in their presence and environmental impacts. Efforts to realize and preserve safe and comfortable water environments should be made. The team aims to properly manage the risks of these chemicals and take measures against them. ●Research on eutrophication control Efforts are made to improve water quality in lakes and closed water areas, but some water areas have not shown improvement in water quality. Therefore, the team studies the source of nutrient salts and organics, and pollutant mechanisms by means of surveys in watersheds and lakes. The demand for the use of sewage reclaimed water is increasing, but water channels using reclaimed water often pose a problem with the growth of algae. The team studies methods for controlling the proliferation of algae at relatively reasonable costs. Aqua Restoration Research Center (Kagamiharashi, Gifu Prefecture) The ARRC conducts the following research topics utilizing model rivers and facilities, to create naturecoexistent riverworks. ●Research related to the effects of dam sediment flushing on aquatic life Dam sediment flushing and other man-made supply of sediment alters the riverbed environment downstream of the dam, and may improve the habitat environment for fish and other riverbed creatures. However on the other hand, when supplied sediment is different from the natural conditions, there is also the possibility of adversely affecting the habitat environment. This research is being conducted to investigate the effects on aquatic life of changes in the riverbed environment caused by sediment supply, and to develop sediment supply technologies which will not adversely affect habitats. ●Research related to the creation of small and mid-sized riverworks After small and mid-sized riverworks, the river channels become in most cases straight and narrow with deep protective banks. This not only reduces the habitat for fish and riverbed insects, but also can cause destruction of protective banks due to the lower riverbed level. In this and other ways, the riverworks are unable to deliver its full function in terms of both flood control and the environment, increasing the costs of corrective measures which become necessary after the construction. This research aims to resolve these problems by developing corrective work methods to ensure living habitats, as well as river channel design tools that allow seamless consideration of both flood control and the environment. 24 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 24 15/08/26 8:49 Hydraulic Engineering Research Group Secure a safe and secure life 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake that took place on March Dam Reservoir 2011, both private and public facilities were severely damaged by tsunami Safety/efficiency and strong motion. It is important to construct national land in anticipation Economic efficiency of such large-scale earthquakes in future. Coupled with the recent progress Impact on natural environment of global warming, more frequent heavy rains and less snowfall are forecasted. Although frequent disasters by typhoons and torrential rains River damage various parts of Japan almost every year, the risk of droughts has not diminished despite well developed reservoir facilities. Rivers located directly below a dam have accelerated armoring, and the middle and down streams have lowered the riverbed, locally scoured and vegetation formed due to the fixated water route, posing flood-control and environmental problems in many areas. The Hydraulic Engineering Research Group is striving energetically to resolve these problems by various technologies for developing seismic performance evaluation for dams against large-scale earthquakes, dam upgrading projects, design/construction of new-type dam, river sediment management, and sediment supply from dams. The Hydraulic Engineering Research Group has the Dam and Appurtenant Structures Research Team and Hydraulic Engineering Research Team. The Dam and Appurtenant Research Team is conducting researches on dam design/construction,as well as soundness evaluation , maintenance/repair and upgrading of existing dams with three main goals: ensuring safety, reducing costs, and minimizing environmental impacts. The Hydraulic Engineering Research Team researches on river channel sediment management methods, supply of sediments accumulated in a dam to the downstream and improvement of water quality in reservoirs. This team also researches on the control methods of inflow and outflow rates appropriate for the water level in a reservoir to make the effective use of the reservoir. Dam and Appurtenant Structures Research Team ●Research on rationalization and sophistication of seismic performance evaluation/ technologies for dams A technology for seismic performance evaluation/ for dams has already been established at the basic level by contributions of findings rom past researches. However, furthe needs arise such as the application of the technology to a new-type dam,such as - trapezoidal CSG dam, and to redeveloped dam upgrading projects aimed at the enhancement of flood control capacity. Another need arises for further advanced evaluation methods including earthquake-induced settlement of embankment dams . The team aims to establish rational seismic performance evaluation technologies for dams which are composed of various materials and have various structural forms, by elucidating the damage modes and their mechanisms through experiments and numerical analysis. Increased dam rehabilitation projects Seismic performance evaluation method for a dam rehabilitation project has establishednot established Dam heightening Outlet expansion Elucidation of tensile crack propagation properties by dynamic test Analysis of dam behavior using measurement data Establishment of Seismic perfomance evaluation method for dam rehabilitation projects Reflection in the Guideline for Seismic Performance Evaluation of dams against Large-scale Earthquake (Draft) Hydraulic Engineering Research Team ●Research on retaining continuity with the river for a dam For construction of a dam, mitigation of environmental impacts is required more than ever and expectations are raised for a flowing dam in which water is not usually pooled but pooled only at the time of flood. It is difficult to retain continuity for movement of sediment and living creatures in a dam where water is usually pooled, but it may be possible to do so in a flowing dam. Based on this end, the team aims to develop outflow facilities fitted for a flowing dam to retain continuity with the relevant river. [Usual] [At the time of flooding] Usually buried in the sediment like a river channel At the time of flooding, the sediment is flushed and the absorbing function is recovered. PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 25 25 15/08/26 8:49 Erosion and Sediment Control Research Group Located as it is on plate boundaries, the Japanese archipelago is typified by a fragile geology resulting from active crustal movement. With frequent earthquakes and numerous active volcanoes, the movement of sediments such as mud flows, earth slides, slope failure, and pyroclastic flows occurs readily. Moreover, because the Japanese archipelago is also in the monsoon zone, it is frequently affected by typhoons and torrential rains. In winter, the coast along Sea of Japan is subject to heavy snowfalls and these factors combine to create an environment that favors landslide disasters. Japan's living and industrial areas extend beyond the flat regions into hilly and mountainous areas, so social factors also contribute to the general vulnerability to natural disasters. The Erosion and Sediment Control Research Group studies the mechanisms behind disasters caused by volcanoes, mudflows, landslides, and avalanches, conducting research into prediction, detection, and monitoring of their emergences, methods of warning and evacuation, and risk management in order to prevent and mitigate these disasters, and to ensure the safety and well-being of the areas. Prevention and mitigation of sediment disasters Mudflow disasters Mudflow disasters Elucidation of mechanisms, prediction, detection, and monitoring of the emergences, disaster prevention/mitigation construction methods, warning and evacuation and risk management system Volcano disasters Snow avalanche disasters To ensure the safety and well-being of the communities Conceptual diagram of research topicsa Volcano and Debris Flow Research Team ●Research on damage estimating methods and countermeasures for catastrophic sediment disasters such as landslide dams In recent years, extensive damage caused by deep-seated landslides and landslide dams have occurred both domestic and overseas, including the Kii Peninsula Great Flood in 2011 and the Iwate–Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008. This team conducts research aimed at developing the necessary technologies for predicting the locations of deep-seated landslides, estimating the extent of damage, and enacting Occurence of the landslide dam Debris flow in a volcanic area mechanical countermeasures and carrying out crisis management in the event of (Izu Oshima, 2013) emergency. ●Research on damage estimating methods and countermeasures for debris flow induced by volcanic eruptions In order to mitigate the damage caused by landslides induced by volcanic eruptions, it is necessary to rapidly carry out both human and mechanical countermeasures in pace with changing situations during volcanic activities. This team is developing methods for estimating the extent of damage in case of mudslides caused by falling ash and other disasters at times of volcanic eruption, and other emergency damagemitigation technologies. Landslide Research Team ●Research on landslide risk evaluation and damage prediction A landslide suddenly occurs in a location that has not obviously exhibited slip landform and not recognized as a highly hazardous slope. This kind of the first-occurrence landslide was not measured beforehand and its dynamics are usually unknown. Therefore, the team is conducting research on the methods for predicting landslide scale and area using data obtained by airplane laser measurement and developing a variation measuring system. Also, induced by earthquake A figure showing elevation data the team is working with the Snow Avalanche and Landslide Research Center on fluidized Landslide (Shirakawa, 2011) superimposed on the surface asperity of an outdoor experimental site (within a red landslides to predict points of occurrence and reach. frame) conducting variation measurement ●Research on seismic performance evaluation of methods for landslide countermeasures In recent years, there have been many major earthquake events, such as the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake. In order to clarify the earthquake resistance of landslide countermeasures, the team is conducting studies about earthquake resistance of countermeasures, collecting and classifying cases of landslide movements. Snow Avalanche and Landslide Research Center ●Research on avalanche disasters caused by heavy snowfall in a short time and on improvement of management techniques for anti-avalanche facilities In recent years, sudden heavy snowfalls have occurred and triggered local avalanches such as “2006 Heavy Snowfalls” and those in the Kanto-Koshin regions in February 2014. Antiavalanche infrastructure is gradually being put in place but in order to accelerate Snow avalanche due to heavy Imperforate collecting pipe development, countermeasure construction costs need to be reduced. In this situation, the snowfall in short time (Yamanashi center conducts research on improvement of management techniques for anti-avalanche Pref. Feb. 2014) facilities and on techniques for assessing the hazards that would cause snow avalanche due to heavy snowfall in a short time. ●Research on checking methods and soundness evaluation of groundwater drainage works and on groundwater flow investigation More than 50 years have passed since the Landslide Prevention Act came into force and the need of maintaining landslide prevention facilities is increasing. The center is conducting, in collaboration with the Landslide Research Team, research on safe and efficient checking methods and quantitative sound evaluation of groundwater drainage works. Furthermore, groundwater is surveyed for location of groundwater drainage facilities, but it costs a lot of money and takes a long working time. Therefore, the center is developing a technique to accurately and efficiently understand the groundwater flow conditions. 26 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 26 15/08/26 8:49 Road Technology Research Group Roads are fundamental infrastructure for the exchange of people, goods, and Road: Networking and urban framework building information, and are also an essential part of overall transportation systems and link with other modes of transport such as trains, aircrafts and ships. Roads also provide Pavements Tunnels space for accommodating lifelines and can assist the development of urban areas. Today, facing big issues such as population decline, a low birthrate juxtaposed by an Economical maintenance and aging population, and extraordinary long-term debt, aging road infrastructures must management be dealt with while meeting the needs of road users. The Pavement Research Team and Tunnel Research Team in the Road Technology Research Group conduct research to resolve these issues. They are looking for ways of Rational construction efficient construction and maximum utilization of roads with the objective of providing technologies safe and comfortable road space. The Pavement Research Team conducts research on new pavement technologies by investigating performance evaluations of pavement and design methods, analyzing the economical management of pavement, improving the roadside environment and promoting energy conservation and recycling. The Tunnel Research Team conducts experiments and numerical analyses, and, at the same time, carries out field-based research through on-site measurements to establish rational and economical methods for investigations, design, construction, maintenance and management of tunnel structure and attached facilities such as ventilation and emergency facilities. Pavement Research Team ●Research on pavement technologies to contribute to a low-carbon society Efforts to realize a low-carbon society in the pavement area are important. Pavement technologies that may be effective in reducing the emission of CO2 include manufacturing temperature reduction, pavement recycling, life prolongation and long-life pavement. The team clarifies the evaluation methods of CO2 emission for these pavement technologies, and conducts development and research on the sophistication of existing technologies based on the evaluation of CO2 emissions, and new low-carbon pavement technologies. ●Research on management of pavement Pavements must be managed more efficiently because of limited budgets for strategic maintenance and management. As technological development for this purpose, the team conducts research on methods for setting pavement management goals that meet the needs of road users, roadside residents and road administrators, methods for efficient inspection and evaluation of existing pavements, and life extension methods for pavements based on life cycle assessments. Accelerated load facility for evaluating the durability of pavement ●Research on theory-based pavement design The team conducts research into improving the theoretical design of pavement with the goals of enabling rational design work that increases the reliability and degree of freedom of design, using diversified materials generated from the construction industry, applying new construction methods and accommodating various site conditions in the structural design of new pavements or repairs to existing pavements. Tunnel Research Team ●Research on reduction of tunnel construction costs With recent road tunnels, the mountain tunneling method has expanded to include locations where the ground conditions are bad. At the same time, there is growing use of the shield tunneling method for large-section tunnels such as those on urban expressways. For these situations, the team is studying mountain tunneling methods that enable efficient and safe tunnel construction while ensuring the stability of the excavation face even in poor ground where large deformation occurs during the work. The team is also studying the shield tunneling method so as to establish a segment design method that is rational, economical and excellent in long-term durability. ●Research for more advanced and rationalized tunnel maintenance and management There are a great number of tunnels in Japan, and the number of aging tunnels is continuing to grow. The team is conducting research for improving the efficiency of tunnel maintenance and management, and for rationalizing the methods of operating tunnel equipment. ●Research on efficient maintenance and management of tunnels Mountain tunnels which are mainly constructed in rock were thought to be empirically earthquakeproof structures with the exception of certain limited conditions. However, the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake caused relatively large-scale damage such as collapse of lining, though limited in number. So, the team is conducting research to establish effective seismic measures and their selection methods by performing experiments and numerical analyses concerning seismic measures for mountain tunnels. Segment assembly in shield tunneling method Case of tunnel damaged by Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 27 27 15/08/26 8:49 Introduction of institutions Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region SAPPORO CITY The Testing Laboratory, the forerunner of the present-day Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region, was established in August 1937. The Laboratory was under the jurisdiction of the Civil Engineering Department of the Hokkaido Agency, which was administered by the Ministry of Home Affairs. In September 1947, the Laboratory became the Hokkaido Civil Engineering Institute, an independent government agency. In July 1951, with the establishment of the Hokkaido Development Bureau as a national government office, the Institute became an affiliate of the Bureau and was renamed the Civil Engineering Research Institute of Hokkaido Development Bureau. In January 2001, as part of a reorganization of government ministries and agencies, the name was changed to the Civil Engineering Research Institute of the Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. In April 2001, a second reorganization established the institute as an Independent Administrative Institution: the Civil Engineering Research Institute of Hokkaido. In Hokkaido where a severe winter climate and a wide distribution of peaty soft ground pose prominent problems peculiar to a snowy, cold region, the Institute has conducted advanced research for cost-effective development of infrastructure, environmental-friendly improvements to infrastructure and the mitigation of natural disaster damage to infrastructure. It has conducted research efficiently and effectively, and cooperated with other organizations. It has continued to provide technical guidance, including on measures against disasters, to disseminate research results. In April 2006, the Institute was combined with the Public Works Research Institute, another Independent Administrative Agency under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and started anew as the Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region. The new Institute will continue fulfilling the task of supporting the development of Hokkaido through the investigation, examination, research and development of civil engineering technologies, as well as the dissemination of research results to cold regions and other areas in Japan and abroad as a sole laboratory core of civil engineering technology for cold regions with an aim to become the civil engineering technology base for cold region in Japan. 28 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 28 15/08/26 8:49 Cold-Region Construction Engineering Research Group Realization of a safe and secure society Strategic maintenance and management of infrastructure In cold and snowy regions, the construction of infrastructure exposed to In a cold environments severe environmental conditions requires structures and construction methods designed to resist these conditions such as low temperatures. Safety Bridge Rock slopes Concrete The construction of road embankments and river levees requires Economic efficiency measures to stabilize soft ground, because extremely peculiar soil called Life extension Embankment Countermeasures “peat” is widely distributed on lowlands throughout Hokkaido. Soft ground against rockfall Response to snowy, Furthermore, there is the need for measures against rock slope failures cold conditions that consider the geological and environmental features of coastal and mountainous roads. The Cold-Region Construction Engineering Research Group has organized the Structures Research Team, Geotechnical Research Team and Geological Hazards Research Team to respond to these issues and conduct research on technology development to maintain the performance of structures in cold environments and to reduce rock slope disasters. Structures Research Team ●Research into techniques for preventive maintenance and repair/reinforcement of bridges in cold and snowy regions RC slabs of road bridges under heavy traffic and/or in cold and snowy regions deteriorate and incur damage under the influence of wheel loads, surface ponding, and frost and salt damages. These deteriorated roads are problematic in terms of traffic safety and damage to third parties as well. In this research, the team develops sound repair and reinforcement technologies to resolve these deterioration and damage, water-proof performance verification technologies and advanced waterproofing systems as preventive maintenance measures. ●Research into performance verification and repair/reinforcement techniques for rockfall protection structures Under financial constraints, a new type of rockfall protection structure that prevent slope disasters with a widened scope of application was developed without standardized performance verification technique. In the meantime, existing structures have exposed deterioration and damage. In this research, the team develops techniques for performance verification and repair/reinforcement to ensure the safety that must be originally fulfilled by rockfall protection structures. Random wheel running test for frost damege Rock slope disaster Geotechnical Research Team ●Research on efficient maintenance methods for structures on peaty soft ground In banking on peaty soft ground, the maintenance cost increases in order to restore long-term settlement or liquefaction occurring during earthquakes. To reduce life cycle costs, the team carries out research on rational countermeasures and maintenance methods which fit the field condition. ●Research on countermeasure techniques against frost heave of cut slope In cold snowy regions, damage to civil engineering structures caused by frost heave of cut slope is of a problem. The team conducts research on countermeasure techniques against frost heave under the cold environment through on-site fact-finding surveys and trial constructions. ●Research on aseismatic reinforcing technologies for foundation structures on problematic soil The team clarifies behavior of problematic soil during earthquakes such as peaty soft ground and volcanic ash soil and conducts research on aseismatic reinforcing technologies for pile foundations constructed in problematic soil. Long-term settlement of embankment Geological Hazards Research Team ●Research into rock slope disasters In Hokkaido, there have been many rock slope failures such as Toyohama Tunnel in 1996 and Erimo Slope in 2004, threatening the life and property of residents and obstructing traffic and economic activities. In this situation, the team conducts research with a special focus on rock ground deterioration and the histories of collapses on rock slopes, which are outstanding issues for evaluating rock slope failures appropriately and taking effective countermeasures. ●Research into natural heavy metals Recently, natural hazardous heavy metals such as arsenic and lead exceeding the environmental limits Rock slope failure on Route 5 (2007) have been increasingly detected at construction sites for tunnel construction, etc. Appropriate evaluation and countermeasures are urgently needed. In this situation, the team conducts research to develop technologies for long-term hazards evaluation of heavy metals and highly accurate risk assessment technologies, in order to resolve the outstanding issues in evaluating and taking measures against these natural heavy metals. PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 29 29 15/08/26 8:49 Cold-Region Maintenance Engineering Research Group Civil engineering structures in cold snowy regions are subject to the actions of freezing and thawing caused by low temperatures, and chloride ions from seawater and deicing salt. So they are deteriorated by frost or combined frost and chloride attack etc., and their functions are reduced by frost heaving or insufficient bearing capacity. In order to improve durability and to appropriately maintain the functions of civil engineering structures for a longer period of time under such environmental conditions, developments of design and maintenance technologies adapted to the unique conditions of cold snowy regions in particular are required. In the Cold-Region Maintenance Engineering Research Group, in order to resolve these subjects, the Materials Research Team and the Road Maintenance Research Team, are conducting research to develop technologies to preserve structures: quality control and maintenance, repair, renewal, reinforcement and other technologies to improve durability of concrete or pavement structures in cold snowy regions. Materials Research Team ●Research into evaluation of the durability and load bearing capacity of concrete structures deteriorated by combined effect of frost and salt attack To maintain the performance of concrete structures over a long period of time, the team develops progress prediction method of combined deterioration by crack and scaling due to frost attack, equations for evaluating chloride ion penetration and performance verification methods. Concerning the impact load bearing strength of RC bridge wall rail deteriorated by a combination of frost and salt attack, the team conducts experiments with freeze-thawed specimens and actual structure, and establishes evaluation, inspection and diagnostic techniques to reflect in maintenance. ●Research on repair technologies for concrete structures In order to extend the life of concrete structures, the team, sharing with Tsukuba Central Research Institute, is conducting experiments, exposure tests and trial constructions for crack repair methods aimed at systematization of required performances and existing technologies. Field work of the complex deterioration structure Exposure test of the repaired concrete specimens near the shore Road Maintenance Research Team ●Research into measures against pavement deterioration in cold regions Pavement in snowy, cold regions has been deteriorated and damaged uniquely by frost heaving and low-temperature cracking in midwinter, decreased subgrade bearing capacity and freeze-thawing in snowmelt season as well as snow removal and spraying of anti-freezing agents in winter. The team is conducting research to elucidate of pavement deterioration mechanisms under this kind of cold environment, and countermeasures with materials and design methods. ●Research into environmental-friendly pavement technologies In the development of infrastructure, environmental-friendly attempts are being made for the realization of a low-carbon society such as by promoting recycling. Such efforts in the pavement field include low-temperature technologies at manufacturing temperatures for asphalt admixtures and recycling technology for pavement materials. The team conducts research into applying these environmental-friendly technologies by overcoming conditions different from other regions such as temperatures, at the time of construction and specifications for asphalt in cold, snowy regions. 30 Measures against deterioration/ damage unique to cold region Application of environmental technology to pavement in cold region PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 30 15/08/26 8:49 Cold-Region Hydraulic and Aquatic Environment Engineering Research Group Safe and sound living and vigor Balance Preservation of natural environment Approximately half of the annual precipitation in Hokkaido falls as snow. Snowy, cold This means that the snowmelt runoff mechanism greatly affects the river environment. The prefecture’s coastal areas abound in marine resources, but they are prone to severe conditions during winter, including frigid River basins Coastal area weather and drift ice. Environment Fisheries The Cold-Region Hydraulic and Aquatic Environment Engineering Group develops technologies that are needed to strike a balance among securing a safe and sound living in river basins and coastal regions, maintaining vigorous socio-economic activities in those places, and preserving the rich natural environment. The Group also surveys interactions among these elements of river management. These studies contribute to state-of-the-art projects of the government. River Engineering Research Team ●Research into experiment for the mechanism of the overflow levee failure and disaster mitigation countermeasures Recently, there has been a concern that the risk of overtopping floods spawned by local torrential rains is increasing, therefore technologies to mitigate damages on the occasion of levee failures and technologies for safety assessment of levees are needed. In response to this situation, the team is conducting large-scale overtopping failure experiments close to the actual scale using the Chiyoda Experimental Water Channel, in order to elucidate the mechanisms of levee break expansion and analyze the hydraulic characteristics, thereby researching to improve the disaster mitigation techniques against overtopping failures, safety evaluation technologies for levees, and non-structural countermeasure techniques in flooded areas. ●Research into elucidation of river-ice hazards and development of their countermeasures River-ice hazard such as ice jams, i.e. ice blocking the river channel during snowmelt season, occur in ice-covered rivers in snowy, cold regions. Moreover, the impacts of global warming are expected to increase the risk of disasters in the future. Also, the precision of discharge observations is compromised by the impact of ice. Therefore, the team is working to elucidate the hydraulic characteristics in an icecovered river, field observation is carried out, and develop a numerical calculation model that can reproduce ice sheet thickness and hydraulic of ice-covered rivers as a preliminary step to proposing ice disaster countermeasures. Experiment for the destructive mechanism at the CHIYODA EXPERIMENTAL CHANNEL The freezing situation of the class A river Watershed Environmental Engineering Research Team ●Research into river channel continuity for fish and the spawning bed environment Blocking the migration for salmonid with river structures such as head works and sluice gates leads to emaciation and extinction of that spices. Even if river channel continuity is secured, the absence of spawning beds cannot allow sustainable inhabitation. Therefore, the team researches the physical conditions of flow channel needed to secure river channel continuity and spawning beds for cold water fish. ●Research into impact assessments of turbidity outflow and management method Recently, a lot of turbidity has flowed out in association of extremely heavy rains, causing declines in fish catches and suspended water intake for tap water due to longterm concentrated turbidity. Contrary to this, smaller suspended soil outflows have caused coastal erosion and the loss of mudland. To resolve these problems, the team is working to develop a method for turbidity assessment and management by estimating turbidity outflow per grain size using radioisotopes. Physiological/behavioral experiments on fish using circulating water channel Mu River Tomakomai East Port Mukawa Fish Port Sp ALOS: 26 August 2006 (Courtesy of JAXA) Saru River rin W int er gt oA ut um n Pacific Ocean Turbidity outflow from the Mu River and Saru River PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 31 31 15/08/26 8:49 Port and Coast Research Team Sea ice flowing into the entrance to the lake (February 2004) Lake Notoro ●Research into coastal structure design responding to variations in ice force Sea ice is widely distributed in the Sea of Okhotsk, but the recent change in ice force has greatly affected fishing activities at coastal areas. For this reason, the team has been conducting research on the development of structures to control ice movements at entrances to the lake in coastal area and the research results have been applied to the design for the ice booms. As of 2011, In order to cope with deterioration of coastal structures induced by the action of the ice force, we have started in 2011 to study on life extension of coastal structures in the cold regions by elucidating the deterioration mechanisms of coastal structures exposed to sea ice action and low-temperature environments, and proposing measures against deterioration based on the phenomena. ●Research into coastal disaster prevention for ice impact due to tsunamis As in the case of the Great East Japan Earthquake, damage by tsunamis caused significant loss of life and property. Especially, damage by tsunamis with sea ice is anticipated to be greater than normal tsunamis. For this reason, the team will clarify potential damage due to tsunamis in the presence of sea ice in coastal regions, and develop, as disaster prevention, design methods for tsunami evacuation facilities (structural measures) and creation support of tsunami hazard map considering sea ice impact (non-structual measures). Sea of Okhotsk Sea ice inflow Ice boom Sea ice flowing into the entrance to the lake on the Sea of Okhotsk coast Case of damage by tsunami with sea ice (Hokkaido Tokachi-oki Earthquake in 1952) Fisheries Engineering Research Team ●R esearch into coastal structures in harmony with the natural environment A seaweed bed is utilized as a fishing ground for kelp, sea urchin and abalone. It is also the spawning bed for fish, and fosters diversified organisms as the base of creating a good sea environment. However, due to recent large-scale environmental changes including rising sea temperatures, seaweed beds especially in the Sea of Japan off Hokkaido are disappearing ( Barren ground), which is a grave concern. The team will, therefore, conduct research to add the capacity to create seaweed beds to coastal structures in order to maintain a good sea environment. ●Research into environmental conservation in coastal areas Places near the mouth of a river are good fishing spots because of the abundance of nutrient salts, but, on the other hand, flooding from the river poses a big issue as massive numbers of useful marine species can perish. The team will, therefore, investigate the impact of outflow of floating mud and nutrient salts from the land on the habitat environment, and conduct research contributing to proper management methods in coastal areas. 32 Barren ground Wave → Restored seaweed bed Addition of seaweed bed Natural harmony type coastal structure Impact of turbidity reproduced with numerical simulation PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 32 15/08/26 8:49 Cold-Region Road Engineering Research Group On winter roads in cold snowy regions, congestion, accidents, and road closures are caused by snow falling and accumulating on roads, road surface freezing, whiteouts caused by blowing snow, or snow avalanches. In order to support rich and high quality lives of the citizens of Japan and increase the vitality of cold snowy regions in the face of population decline, aging of society, and tight financial conditions, it is vital to maintain and to improve the functions of winter road traffic by using more efficient and more effective winter road management technologies and effective countermeasures to prevent winter traffic accidents. Climate change which has occurred in recent years has increased the severity of snow and ice disasters such as heavy snowfall, blowing snow, or snow avalanches, and it is necessary to apply countermeasure technologies to deal with these phenomena in order to lower the impact of snow and ice disasters on the daily lives of citizens and on their social and economic activities. Therefore, in the Cold-region Road Engineering Research Group, the Traffic Engineering Research Team and the Snow and Ice Research Team are conducting research to maintain and improve the functions of roads in cold snowy regions and on snow and ice disaster countermeasures. Traffic Engineering Research Team ●Research into technology to support assessments of road surface management level in winter Any improvement intended to ensure safe and smooth winter road traffic requires effective and efficient winter road surface management based on objective and quantitative data. Cold-Region Traffic Engeneering Resaerch Team is struggling to develop technologies to support appropriate winter road surface management by road managers through research and development of quantitative and objective winter road surface condition measurement technologies applying the friction value of road surfaces etc., and technologies to correctly evaluate the effectiveness of snow removal and other road management. ●Research into lane-departure preventive measures in suburban areas Roads in suburban regions generally have two-lane without median strips, Therefore, many serious accidents such as head-on collisions have occurred by slipping during the winter on these roads. The teams is, therefore, working to develop effective lane deviation prevention countermeasure technologies such as buffer type guard fences to enhance safety of road traffic for suburbs in cold snowy regions. View of continuous measurement of road surface friction values Buffer type wire rope guard fence Snow and Ice Research Team ●Research on the technology for poor visibility estimate in snowstorms In late years, by a low pressure developing rapidly, a snowstorm disaster occurs so far in the infrequent area. However, the installation of snowstorm countermeasures such as snow-break forests and snow fences requires costs. In addition, these countermeasures have limitation for extreme snowstorms. Therefore this team works on the development of the technique to predict a snowstorm visibility, and to give information to contribute to the risk reduction of the snowstorm disaster. ●Research on technology for risk assessment of snow storm along continuous road side On winter roads, many multi-vehicle collisions and stranded vehicles caused by snowstorm have occurred. In order to take efficient countermeasures against snowstorm, it is necessary to extract places (high-snowstorm-risk places) in which countermeasures will be taken preferentially from regular routes. Therefore, this team is carrying out research on technology for risk assessment of snowstorm along continuous road side based on continuous weather data measured by using a visibility observation vehicle. Snowstorm Visibility Information System The visibility observation vehicle PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 33 33 15/08/26 8:49 Cold-Region Agricultural Development Research Group Hokkaido is a cold, snowy region with widely distributed problem soils such as peat and heavy clay soil. It is innately a severe farming environment, but soils have been improved and agricultural irrigation and drainage infrastructures have been built. Hokkaido is now home to highly productive large-scale faming practiced mostly by full-time farmers and serves as the food supply of Japan. To further develop strong agriculture in Hokkaido utilizing the rich water and spacious land resources, the group conducts research and technological development into maintaining and managing existing irrigation and drainage infrastructures in a good condition, for reinforcing drainage and irrigation facilities that are suited for climate variations and changes in the water demand, and establishing a system for utilizing local organic resources and natural energy. These activities are undertaken by the Rural Resources Conservation Research Team and Irrigation and Drainage Facilities Research Team. Agriculture in Hokkaido, the base of food / Sustainable growth of rural areas Improvement of land productivity and labor productivity ・Technology development to support farming in large-scale farmland Technology development for maintaining and preserving the agricultural irrigation and drainage facilities ・Establishment of stock management for irrigation and drainage facilities Technology development to sustain agricultural infrastructure ・Demonstration and development of field technologies to support cyclical farming ・Technology development for controlling material cycle in soil Adaptive technology to climatic change ・Development of technologies for effective management of water recourses irrigation and for preservation of farmland Rural Resources Conservation Research Team ●Research into soil nutrient control technologies for large-scale rice paddy through underground irrigation The dynamics of soil nutrients have not been elucidated for rice paddies installed with underground irrigation in peaty soil widely found across cold, snowy regions. The team aims to realize a large-scale farmland usage system that is Methane-fermented digested Soil water determination device being liquid being applied installed sustainable and in harmony with the environment by elucidating the dynamics and developing technologies for controlling soil nutrients by means of controlling underground irrigation water levels appropriate for the growth stage of crops. ●Research into technologies for improving soil productivity through fermented livestock feces The team compares the soil productivity improvement effects among waste modified biomass (livestock slurry, composts, aerobically fertilized irrigation slurry, methane-fermented digested slurry, sewage nutrient salts, etc.) which are applied to farmland, and aims to propose effective technologies for improving soil productivity (e.g., drainage, water retention, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), crop yield, crop quality improvement, and increased soil carbon storage amount). Irrigation and Drainage Facilities Research Team ●Research into methods for diagnosing deteriorating agricultural water use infrastructure because of frost damage and technologies for improving durability In order to ensure a stable supply of food, it is necessary to ensure that irrigation and drainage infrastructure is maintained and managed properly. Therefore, the team develops methods for diagnosing deterioration induced by frost damage and highly durable repair technologies that are applicable to the irrigation and drainage infrastructures under the severe conditions of cold regions where Irrigation open channel deteriorated by frost damage and snowmelt water concrete is prone to freeze-thawing action. seeping through a crack ●Research into technologies for controlling sediment yield from large-scale farmland Some upland field areas in Hokkaido are at a high risk of water erosion, because the flow of rainfall and snowmelt water is likely to concentrate in a large-sized area and erodible volcanic ash soil is distributed in some areas. Therefore, the team proposes technologies for controlling sediment yield in large-scale upland field areas for the purpose of conserving the function of drainage canals and small rivers. ●Research into agricultural water management under climate variations in snowy cold regions In snowy cold regions where snow is an important water resource, changes in snow precipitation Water erosion in a upland field in and snowmelt season due to climate variations have great impacts. For this reason, the team is snowmelt season working to elucidate the influence of climate variations on the demand and supply of agricultural water, and develop water management technologies for a stable water supply. 34 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 34 15/08/26 8:49 Director for Cold-Region Technology Development Coordination This organization of the Director for Cold-Region Technology Development Coordination and his staff was established in fiscal 2008 to promote greater effectiveness and efficiency in resolving technical issues and disseminating research results associated with the development of cold and snowy regions including Hokkaido. The director has established a Cold-Region Technology Promotion Division (with Branch offices in northern and eastern Hokkaido) and Machinery Technology Research Team. Each team works cross-functionally across the entire institute and in collaboration/cooperation with respective research teams at the institute and other project institutions. The Cold-Region Technology Promotion Division disseminates research results inside and outside of Hokkaido, and promotes use of intellectual properties. Branch offices are involved in technical dissemination activities and research supports, and the Machinery Technology Research Team is committed to research and development by fully utilizing mechanical technologies in the cold snowy regions and information and communications technologies. Director for Cold-Region Technology Development Coordination Research team Collaboration/ cooperation ○Cold-Region Technology Promotion Division ・Dissemination of research results in and out of Hokkaido ・Promotion of using intellectual properties ・Research supports in the area with a research team ○Branch offices ・Technical dissemination in various parts of Hokkaido ・Research support in the area with a study team ○Machinery Technology Research Team ・Research and development on mechanical technologies in various business areas Collaboration/ cooperation Project institution Cold-Region Technology Promotion Division The Cold-Region Technology Promotion Division is involved with the dissemination of research results at the Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region, promotion of using intellectual properties, e.g., patents obtained from the research results, technical consultations, technical guidance and publicity activities for the Institute. [Dissemination of research results] Selection of technologies that the Institute should focus on Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region seminar disseminating, show at technology exhibitions inside and (Special lecture and panel exhibition) outside of Hokkaido, and sponsorship and operation of PWRI new technology showcase and the Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Regions’ seminars. [Promotion of using intellectual properties] Activities relating to the acquisition, maintenance and promotion of intellectual properties, e.g., patents [Technical consultations] Various coordination as a point of contact for the overall Institute concerning technical consultations and guidance [Publicity activities] Planning and operation of efforts to open the Institute to the public, coordination for and operation of facility tours of the Institute, preparation of the Institute brochure and video picture materials Branch offices The two Branch offices established in northern and eastern Hokkaido respond to regional technical consultations for resolving regional technical issues and are committed to disseminating research results and activities for improving regional technological capabilities. Also, they are, in collaboration with research teams, involved with research supports such as field surveys and tests, and introduce technical Engineer Exchange Forum Field survey at the paddy field data, etc. in order to disseminate research results. [Technical consultations and technology dissemination activity] Regional point of contact for technical consultations, sponsorship and operation of on-site seminars and cold region technology seminars held in various parts of Hokkaido, and hosting of engineer exchange forum aimed at exchange of information on regionally-required technology development and exchange and collaboration of academic, business and governmental engineers and researchers [Research supports] Survey on research needs of the regions, surveys and research supports in collaboration with research teams (preliminary coordination with related agencies for field surveys and tests and conducting of surveys and tests, analysis/compilation of data, preparation/ dissemination of technical data, etc.), investigations and studies for resolving technological issues peculiar to the region PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 35 35 15/08/26 8:49 Machinery Technology Research Team [Snow removal machinery management system] ●Research into efficient and effective snow removal technologies Securing smooth winter road traffic in cold, snowy regions is indispensable for communities, and local needs for snow removal from the roadways is very high. On the other hand, public investment in recent years is restricted and it is in the situation which the cost about snow removal must also Snowfall forecast, reduce. And in order to secure smooth winter road traffic, it is necessary to consider more efficiency etc. Snow removal operation state, in snow removal. Therefore, the team shares, accumulates and analyzes detailed information on the spraying state, call-out decision, operation support operation of snow removal machinery, weather information, etc. utilizing ICT and works to develop Information sharing snow removal management technology to allow more efficient and effective snow removal work. (Collection and instruction) The team also works to develop technologies for treating frozen road surfaces coupled with improvements to spraying of deicing agents and spraying machines, and to develop technologies for treating winter road surfaces of sidewalks. ●Research into underwater investigation technologies for coastal facilities in cold ocean areas Harbor and port facilities are rapidly aging. 18 years later, approximately 58% of quays will be over 50 years old. Repair and renovation en bloc will be necessary. Inspection of underwater infrastructure is conducted by divers, but the involved work is inefficient and high-cost, and is greatly affected by the low temperatures. There is no underwater probing technology to examine the inside of the structures, while probing is strongly desired by harbor and port manager. Supposing that the inside of underwater structures can be probed, the team is working to measure the cavities inside of a structure using pumped filler sand, along with the defective state on the underwater structure surfaces. Their aim is to develop measurement technology that permits visual expression using acoustics, as well as technology for measuring sea ice as it approaches coastal infrastructure in order to identify the influence on structures. Research Unit A research unit is established to address flexible and multidisciplinary research that meets the needs of government and the public. It is involved in effective and efficient research and development without being divided into research groups or teams. Scenic Landscape Research Unit Research outline Since old times, it has been said that beauty (landscape) is a requirement to be fulfilled for social capital, as well as utility (function) and solidity (strength/durability). In recent years, on the other hand, it has been required to utilize infrastructures for creation of good landscapes and tourism following the promulgation of the Landscape Act and the Basic Act for Promoting a Tourism-Oriented Country. Also, tourism has become an important industry in Japan and Proposal for creating methods for good road landscapes many tourists visit Hokkaido from home and abroad seeking the beautiful scenery. This unit conducts research to support these areas by improving infrastructure quality and enhancing the utility value. Research topics ●Research into landscapes in public spaces The unit studies evaluation methods for road landscapes, methods for improving landscapes in cold snowy regions and conducts a broad range of other road landscaping research. The results are compiled in the Hokkaido Road Design Book (tentative title). To facilitate landscaping construction in public spaces, the unit conducts research on the social effects of landscapes, effective landscaping measures against electric cables Proposal for improving plan for attractive road stations and poles, functional and color designs for road infrastructures, utilization of wood for civil engineering (michi-no-eki) facilities, evaluation technologies for public spaces in tourist destinations, etc. ●Research into the utilization of infrastructure for tourism The unit conducts research leading to easy-to-understand informatory signs and environmental improvement for rapidly increasing foreign tourists by car. To respond to recent various needs for michi-no-eki (road stations) that are very effective in regional developments, the unit also studies techniques of planning/design leading to function improvement and of disaster prevention function improvement. Weather Disaster Prevention Unit Irrigation and Drainage Facilities Research Team Research outline Prediction by Estimation of Recently, serious disasters that had not been encountered before have occurred, e.g., decreased climatic change snowfall and of influence snowmelt snowmelt flow and heavy traffic jams induced by blizzards associated with the climate change. The unit influence of climatic change is comprised of three teams Watershed Environmental Engineering Research Team, Snow and Ice on cold regions Research Team and Irrigation and Drainage Facilities Research Team. The teams cooperate and Watershed coordinate with each other about such research topics as influence prediction of climate change and Environmental Snow and Ice Engineering Research Team Research Team change in the snowmelt flow in snowy cold regions, which are shared topics among these teams. The unit exchanges information with weather research institutions, etc. to extend our knowledge of the Relation between the research unit climate so that each team may advance their research efficiently and effectively. (enclosed in red) and respective teams Research topics ●Influence prediction of climate change in snowy cold regions,and future estimation of snowfall and snowmelt 36 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 36 15/08/26 8:49 Research groups International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) TSUKUBA CITY Water-related disasters, such as floods, droughts, landslides, tsunamis and storm surges, and water pollution, are among major problems that mankind has to overcome to ensure sustainable development and eliminate poverty. They are coming to be recognized as common challenges that international society must tackle cooperatively to resolve. This is due to the fact that serious water-related disasters are on the rise in various parts of the world, and the potential for damage is growing more serious because the risk of disaster is increasing as people and public resources concentrate in urban areas and because industrial structures are growing more sophisticated. Furthermore, global climate change is reportedly causing local increases in heavy rains and lengthening drought periods, which could worsen the situation. The spirit of UNESCO has a lot to do with ICHARM. UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to peace and security around the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science and culture. As a way to achieve this mission, UNESCO has stated that helping to resolve water-related issues is one of the priorities of its science division. Against this backdrop, the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) was established under the auspices of UNESCO as a category II center within the Public Works Research Institute on March 2006. ICHARM’s mission is to function as a global Center of Excellence that provides and assists regions with different natural and social conditions in the implementation of the best practicable strategies for managing the risks of water-related disasters. ICHARM has engaged in various activities since it was established. In 2010, ICHARM was recognized as the world's most active UNESCO’s water-related center in UNESCO’s external audit report as a result of the comparative crossfunctional evaluation that compared ICHARM with other category II centers. In this way, our activities have received worldwide recognition. ICHARM will continue improving its expertise and deepening its activities to implement "Local Practice". PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 37 37 15/08/26 8:49 Water-related Hazard Research Group In order to fulfill the ICHARM mission, the Water-related Hazard Research Group has been formed as the main part of ICHARM and implementing all the ICHARM's pillar activities, based on localism, a guiding principle that considers the needs, key issues and developmental stage of a locality and respects its natural, social and cultural diversity while reflecting global and local experience and trends in disaster management and other relevant fields. The mission of ICHARM is to serve as the Global Centre of Excellence for water hazard and risk management by observing and analyzing natural and social phenomena, developing methodologies and tools, building capacities, creating knowledge networks, and disseminating lessons and information in order to assist governments and all stakeholders in managing risks of water-related hazards at global, national, and community levels. The hazards to be addressed include floods, droughts, landslides, debris flows, tsunamis, storm surges, water contamination, and snow and ice. We envision a Center of Excellence housing a group of world-leading researchers and superior facilities and knowledge base, all of which are committed to i) innovative research, ii) effective capacity building, and iii) efficient information networking. Standing on these three pillars, ICHARM will globally serve as a knowledge hub for best national and local Innovative Research practices and as an advisor in practical policy making. -Advanced Technology( i ) Innovative research New Knowledge Result High-quality research outcomes and a wide scope of knowledge relevant to water-related risk management establish ICHARM as a Communities Donors global leader and resourceful partner for promoting water-related risk NGOs KDPA, KICT, K -Water management world-wide. USGS, USBR, IWR SHI IWHR, IRTCES MLIT, MEXT, NILIM, UNU, ADRC, FRICS, NARBO, IFNet, 1. Develop methodologies to observe, predict and analyze waterTC JWF, JICA, GRIPS, JAXA, UNESCO, WMO, ISDR, ICIMOD, DPRI, UY IAHS, IAHR, ICSU, BWDB, RID, UCD related hazards, supporting assessment of water-related risks. UNESCO -IHE DID, HTC, HidroEX ADB, PAGASA MRC RCUWM TEHRAN, IWPC 2. Pioneer new methods and models to assess, analyze and monitor UGM, TDMRC, BBWS Solo exposure and vulnerability to water-related hazards, supporting risk Practitioners Researchers management at both local and global scales. Policymakers Data New research 3. Propose practical policy tools for integrated and comprehensive theme Knowledge water and risk management to enhance human and ecosystem Efficient Information Effective Capacity resilience, for instance through preparedness, early warning, and Networking New network Building hard-soft integration. ( ii ) Effective capacity building Three goals of ICHARM activities Local capacity is essential to sound management of water-related risks. Through provision of cutting-edge training which emphasizes development and application of advanced knowledge and solutions, ICHARM supports a global network of exemplary practitioners of water-related hazard and risk management. 4. Foster the development of solution-oriented practitioners with solid theoretical and engineering competence who will contribute effectively to the planning and practice of disaster management at any levels, from local to international. 5. Build a network of local experts and institutions equipped to address water-related risks with accumulated knowledge and applied skill both in research and practice. ( iii ) Efficient information networking ICHARM’s broad knowledge base and primary research findings support powerful and comprehensive opinions which guide water-related hazard and risk management solutions from global to local scales. 6. Accumulate, analyze and disseminate major water-related disaster records and experiences as the comprehensive knowledge center for practitioners. 7. Mainstream disaster risk reduction policy by facilitating active collaboration and communication within an influential global institutional network and through dissemination of technical knowledge for water-related hazard and risk management. ●Development of core technology for flood and water resource management ICHARM develops basic technology for integrated flood and water Development of basic technology for flood/water resource management resource management using satellite-based rainfall observation IFA S data and elevation data, and provides flood/water resource analysis Integrated Flow Analysis System tools, which can be used to analyze long-term flow of not only flood flows but also low-lying water and artificial water control systems in developing countries with poor hydrologic engineering/GIS data. ●Research on flood risk assessment and management ICHARM aims to develop assessment methods and countermeasures on the basis of research on flood risk assessment and risk Drafting of the flood disaster harm risk management management and their local practice. Research on flood risk assessment and management policy and human resources development ●Development of people who will plan and implement policies on water disaster risk management ICHARM undertakes short-term training countries for regional disaster prevention planning, flood forecasting, etc. in cooperation with agencies such as the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and UNESCO. Also, in collaboration with the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and JICA, this group has provided the one-year master’s degree program entitled Water-related Risk Management Course of the Disaster Management Policy Program since FY2007. Fig. 4 Simulated peak water depths at the Kabul River basin. The circled areas A to E were suggested to be flooded by the model simulation . 1970s 1980s Forest silviculture and nursing 1990s Maintenance 2000s 2010s Mangrove forestation (Year ) Logging mangrove forest A No. of cyclone evacuation shelters built 132 470 770 2,100 2,941 Development of an early warning system and improvements B Senario Progress of cyclone disaster measures and improvements 1960s Banking Disaster-prevention education Disaster-prevention education for women Reinforcement and renovation of housing (Proposal) Dama ge de clinin Death toll 50,000 g (1960-65) Death toll 30,000-50,000 (Cyclone in 1970) Death toll 50,000 (1960-65) Death toll 138,863 (1991) C Death toll 3,363 (Cyclone Sidr in 2007) Cyclone damage countermeasures in Bangladesh and transition of damages 38 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 38 15/08/26 8:49 Introduction of institutions Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research (CAESAR) TSUKUBA CITY In 2007, an interstate highway bridge in the American state of Minnesota collapsed, resulting in a number of casualties. In Japan, emergency measures were taken to repair structural members of bridges such as the Kisogawa Bridge on National Route 23 and the Honjo Bridge on National Route 7, and it had a major social impact. In the near future, the tremendous number of structures that were built during the period of high economic growth will start to deteriorate at around the same time. Therefore, urgent measures must be taken to evaluate the soundness of these structures and develop techniques and technologies for maintaining and managing them. For this purpose, the Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research was established as part of the reorganization of the existing research facilities on April 1, 2008. The Center is composed mainly of part of the former Technology Promotion Division’s Structural Management Technical Team of the Tsukuba Central Research Institute, the Seismic Reinforcement Team of the Seismic Reinforcement Research Group, and the Base Team and Bridge Team of the Structure Research Group. The Center consists of a Director and the Bridges and Structural Engineering Research Group. The Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research works with road managers to maintain and Saiji Bridge collapsed during the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Inland Earthquake Failure in a truss bar of the Kisogawa Bridge manage the soundness of road bridges and other such structures, conduct research to solve problems related to seismic reinforcement measures, and promotes the development and widespread use of technology and knowledge related to the maintenance, design and construction of road bridges. Furthermore, to provide the public with research results and accumulated technologies, standardization is being promoted, and technicians and researchers from road management organizations, universities, the private sector, etc., are being accommodated at the Center to further enhance technical The reinforced concrete Miuchi Bridge was damaged by ASR. An inner section of Kuretsubo Bridge that sustained salt damage. prowess. PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 39 39 15/08/26 8:49 Bridges and Structural Engineering Research Group The Bridges and Structural Engineering Research Group focuses on developing technologies that can quickly and accurately evaluate and predict the performance of individual bridges. It is engaged in research that covers all aspects of road bridges, including design and construction technology, maintenance and management technology, survey and diagnostic methods, and repair and reinforcement techniques. It is also promoting the development of a comprehensive technical maintenance and management system, and a technical system for preventing disasters. The Group is organized to transcend the traditional framework of specialists who would develop technologies for their respective fields of steel superstructures, concrete superstructures, substructures, base structures, and seismic reinforcement. The research rather takes a longitudinal approach focusing on inspection methods, evaluation and prediction methods, reinforcement and repair methods, and management systems. At the same time, integrated research is conducted with dual employees from the Tsukuba Central Research Institute, the Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Regions, etc., and the acquisition of technologies, as CAESAR is promoted by having alliances with outside specialists. In this way, the Group acts as a “control tower” for maintaining the structural safety of road bridges in Japan. Superstructure Outside experts Invited researchers Base material Cold regions Inspection technology Seismic reinforcement technology Maintenance and reinforcement technology Organization of special countermeasures unit Prediction evaluation technology Management system Concrete structure Substructure Solving problems on-site using a clinical research approach The condition of an existing bridge depends not only on how it was originally designed, but also on conditions during its construction, the subsequent environment after many years of use, traffic load, and erosion environments such as windblown salt. The complex phenomena that differ with each bridge are extremely difficult to reproduce with model tests. For that purpose, it is essential to examine numerous clinical case studies of severe damage and acquire large amounts of experimental and measured data from actual bridges that can be integrated with the theoretical framework of model tests. Therefore, target bridges are selected from throughout Japan and subjected to measurements and structural analyses using state-of-the-art methods in order to understand the true state of damage. The results are being continuously surveyed for both bridges that have already been repaired and/or reinforced, or will be in the future. Studies targeting such actual bridges are called “clinical studies” in the same sense as clinical studies used in medical research, and form the core methodology of research and development. In order to prevent collapse, damage, closure, etc. of aging bridges… Preventing collapsed bridges What is the level of damage? Various non-destructive inspection methods Leveling off concurrent replacement time Management system When should the bridge be maintained? Inspection Various methods have been proposed but are the survey results reliable? Deck plate Crack U-rib What repair method should be used? Various maintenance methods Did you select a method that matches the cause of damage and the state of progression? Maintenance requires again… Follow-up Monitoring technology Detection of damage, etc. Degradation prediction Nondestructive inspections Invisible parts, etc. The concept does exist but… Prediction/ evaluation Load bearing force of materials and bridges Repair/ Prediction of future Reinforcement degradation, etc. Selecting a method that matches the cause of damage and the state of progression Is it safe to let people use the bridge as is? Methods for evaluating the load resistance of bridges to match the state of their damage Replacement (of bridges) It is necessary to upgrade the evaluation methods Incorporation into new Bridges that are more resilient to earthquakes bridges Bridges that are easy to manage and maintain 40 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 40 15/08/26 8:49 Increasing the level of maintenance and management technology for bridges An asset management system exists for evaluating technologies and techniques that can make efficient and effective investment in public infrastructure and enable strategic management and maintenance. However, it is necessary not only to improve the techniques for evaluating aging trends of bridges on the macro level, which has attracted attention so far. It is also necessary to focus on clinical surveys and research activities for individual road bridges. Therefore, surveys are conducted with consideration given to differences in individual bridges and estimates are made of their remaining load resistance at the present time and the process of deterioration that is expected to occur in the future, in an effort to raise the technical level for determining the timing for repairing, reinforcing, or even replacing bridge sections or even entire bridges. As technological development at various stages of maintenance and management, we conduct research and development on inspection technology to comprehend the state of bridges efficiently and rationally, ways to accurately evaluate the impact of damaged material on the soundness of the entire bridge system, methods for verifying whether the repair/replacement technology meets performance requirements, and the rationalization and sophistication of maintenance and management by accumulating and utilizing information. Deteriorated reinforced concrete bridge and load bearing test using its member Development of comprehensive technical disaster mitigation for major earthquakes Since public infrastructure in Japan suffered major damage as a result of the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995, seismic resistance for bridges in Japan was studied and improved. In more recent years, however, there have been frequent major earthquakes with epicenters directly beneath the ground, such as the Niigata Chuetsuoki Earthquake of 2007, and the Iwate and Miyagi Inland Earthquakes of 2008, followed by a gigantic earthquake in the Pacific Ocean off of the Tohoku area with a magnitude of 9.0 in 2011. These earthquakes reveal that there are many more issues to be taken into account. Major earthquakes, such as Metropolitan epicentral earthquakes and Tonankai earthquakes, are said to be imminent dangers. Against this backdrop, we need measures for more efficient earthquake resistance despite limited budgets. Therefore, we focus our research on technology for more exhaustive evaluations of earthquake-induced behavior and the resistance characteristics/weakness of structures at the time of an earthquake, and on technologies for proper reinforcement and/or for prompt function recovery if damaged. Load bearing test with a corroded steel truss removed from a bridge Performance requirements and verification methods Various new technologies are introduced to improve techniques for designing and building bridges, but at the same time, the quality of bridges must be ensured. Therefore, the performance required for individual elemental technologies and methods for that verification are presented as a set via technical materials. To set technical standards, the Group does not merely develop specifications, it also recommends required performance, items that should be verified, etc., and is working to develop a new system that can report on technical efforts made to improve the precision of design and construction. As performance is developed, many new types of road structures are proposed and are expected to increase in the future. And, diversification is required of methods for designing and verifying these proposals in line with performance requirements. Therefore, we are working to create an environment for socially optimum and rational new road structures to be introduced and easily adopted by enabling standardized evaluations of the safety and operability in a similar way to conventional road structures. Bridge column base cracked by reaction to alkali aggregate and specimen simulating it * For more information about CAESAR, visit the following website. Emergency function recovery of an earthquakedamage bridge column (Sheet and bandage used) PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 41 41 15/08/26 8:49 Introduction of institutions Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center TSUKUBA CITY In recent years, cases in which deterioration of civil engineering materials affects safety of the structure have occurred. With respect to social infrastructures which will further get older, it is required to repair, apply reinforcing materials and improve the durability of civil engineering materials for prolonged life of infrastructures. It is also necessary to improve not only durability but also performances or functions of civil engineering materials. In these circumstances, “realization of effective and efficient maintenance and renewal of infrastructures” was positioned as a focused goal to be achieved in 2030 in “Comprehensive Strategy on Science, Technology and Innovation 2014” adopted by the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, i.e. it was determined to promote the development of technologies to improve the durability of structural materials for infrastructures. It is also required to examine the applicability of advanced materials to be developed here to the civil engineering sector and carry out research toward practical use of them. On the other hand, it is also necessary to promote research and development toward a low-carbon recycling society, e.g. promoting effective utilization of construction waste and those derived from other public works and streamlining energy use relating to this utilization. Based on above backgrounds, the Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center (iMaRRC) was established on April 1, 2015. This center consists of a executive director and a material resource research group. iMaRRC promotes research and development of sophisticating and diversifying material resources in collaboration with other research institutes and contributes to efficient maintenance and renewal of civil engineering structures and building of a low-carbon recycling society. In particular, iMaRRC conducts research on engineering evaluation and suggestion for improvement of advanced materials for site application, as well as studying sophistication of overall civil engineering materials such as durability improvement. With regard to construction waste, iMaRRC examines new recycling techniques and carries out research on evaluation and improvement of environment safety/energy efficiency. Outdoor exposure test for durability improvement (Okinawa) 42 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 42 15/08/26 8:49 Materials and Resources Research Group Performance improvement of civil engineering materials For civil engineering structures, steel and concrete materials are widely used as well as other various materials such as asphalt, paint, rubber and plastics. In order to extend service life and ensure load-carrying capacity of civil engineering structures, we have to achieve performance improvement of these materials. In the case of concrete, for example, quality control of materials, design of concrete mixtures, and utilization of surface impregnation materials and coating materials are considered as measures for durability improvement. In addition, toward extended service life of newly-developed and existing structures, it is required to not only understand performances of materials and methods for repair and retrofit but also select appropriate materials and methods for the structures. This group conducts research toward performance improvement of overall civil engineering materials. In addition, the group performs experimental studies such as outdoor exposure tests to evaluate durability of civil engineering materials and carries out investigation on verification methods for performance requirements. Outdoor exposure tests of concrete specimens Practical use of advanced and innovative materials Research on only conventional materials such as steel and concrete is not always sufficient in the sense of realizing a breakthrough. Recent research and development on materials have remarkably progressed and many of advanced and innovative materials are newly being developed. Some of these advanced materials have new functions such as lifetime/durability improvement of civil engineering structures and easy detection/diagnosis of deterioration. For instance, FRP achieves far higher strength than conventional steel and its weight is one-quarter of steel, i.e. reducing weight at the same time. It is expected that effective application of such advanced and innovative materials will significantly contribute to overcome the problems on deteriorated structures and reduction in environmental impact we are facing right now. There are various advanced construction materials under study and new seeds are constantly created. The group conducts research accurately understanding such seeds in collaboration with related research organization so that those can be effectively utilized for construction structures. Experiment of asphalt materials for paving Experiment of materials having sensing functions (neutralization detection sensor) Effective utilization of construction waste/by-product derived from other public works and streamlining energy use relating to this utilization In order to realize a sustainable society, it is necessary to develop technologies which effectively utilizes waste generated during the construction/maintenance as a resource or energy in the region. With regard to effective utilization, the group aims to develop low-carbon technologies and local-production-for-local-consumption technologies making full use of unused local resources. With respect to technology development, the group offers required standards to be uniformly applied across the country such as securing of safety and reduction in environmental impact, streamlines safety and environmental preservation measures utilizing regional characteristics and techniques to improve individual and regional energy efficiency and realizes technologies which are able to respond to Japan’s various local environments and changes in the local society in the future. Full-scale model experiment of advanced structural materials (experiment of structural FRP) Methane fermentation experiment using a mixture of sewage sludge and crushed cut grass As for the development technology, the center systemizes and standardizes introduction methods of it to the site or region, facilitates dissemination of it and contributes to the progress of the international society by participating in international standardization activities, etc. PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 43 43 15/08/26 8:49 Joint Research and Partnership with Other Organizations Joint Research We conduct joint research with research organizations such as private corporations and universities to promote more efficient and effective research and development. Joint research includes an external research organization participating in PWRI-proposed research topics, i.e. “PWRI proposed project”, and projects conducted in response to a proposal from an external organization, i.e. “private proposed project”. During the 3rd period of our medium-term goals, we are scheduled to conduct approximately 100 joint projects annually in an effort to create high-quality research results. Joint Research Project System Diagram PWRI proposed joint research project Present a research topic PWRI Private proposed joint research project Setting a research area Joint research project Private sector, etc. Joint research project for which PWRI presents a research topic, and publicly seeks or designates a partner PWRI Joint research project Proposing technology Private sector, etc. Joint research project for which PWRI sets a research area, receives proposals through public posting and designates a private, etc. partner who proposes unique and innovative technology Effects of efficiency-focused joint research system Discover technical seeds possessed by private sector Use part of intellectual property possessed by private sector Creation of high-quality research results Dissemination/Promotion of research results Alliance with other organizations PWRI makes Agreements for Civil Engineering Technology Alliance/Cooperation with local governments, universities and other research institutions, and strives to create better and more ample research results for the purpose of contributing to the efficient development of high-quality infrastructure under a comprehensive civil engineering technology alliance and in mutual cooperation. For example, we made an Alliance/Cooperation Agreement with the Independent Administrative Agency National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in 2007 for the purpose of mutual growth and contribution to the society through research and development. Under the agreement, a “Study on an Integrated Subsurface Structural Database” was conducted in the geological area by combining geological information with geotechnical engineering information. Additionally, information was exchanged in the areas of road and robotic technologies. In this way, both institutes work together and cooperate with each other in a wide variety of research areas. In 2010, the Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research (CAESAR) made an Alliance/Cooperation Agreement with the Independent Administrative Agency RIKEN on research into a small neutron imaging system to combine with elemental technology on neutron radiography, and to inspect and analyze internal structures of bridges and other structures. Application of the principle of neutron radiography, which offers excellent permeability, is expected to permit nondestructive verification of the interior condition of bridge members, which is otherwise difficult to check. A) Concrete specimen B) Surface image C) Aggregates D) Aggregates/Cement Fluoroscopy of concrete interior by neutron radiography 44 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 44 15/08/26 8:49 Creation / Protection / Utilization of Intellectual Properties PWRI appropriately manages intellectual properties based on an Intellectual Property Policy to bring the best possible value to society as a whole in a strategic and active manner. Concepts of the Intellectual Property Policy Strategic Creation ・Conduct R&D by utilizing intellectual information ・Secure excellence of technology Active Appropriate Utilization Protection ・Comprehend the utilization state at all times ・Actively promote utilization ・Bring useful valuable intellectual property property to light ・Periodic reviews based on usage status, status, etc. ○Industrial properties such as patents Updated information on PWRI industrial properties can be found at ○Publication under corporation copyright Books available at bookstores have been published as PWRI copyrighted work. Book titles can be found on page 54 “Directory.” Practical use example of industrial property: Many patented construction methods are utilized at construction sites under a license agreement. Invairowan Method (Patent No. 3985966) (Environment-friendly technique for on-site removal of coating film from steel structures) 3H Method (Patent Nos. 3463074 & 3424012) (New technology for high pier construction) ○Program copyrighted works The following programs are utilized by the private sector, etc. as utilization of PWRI copyrighted programs. 1D Sediment Simulation Program 1D Reservoir Riverbed Variation Calculation Program Vertical 2D Reservoir Flow Calculation Program Compartment Line Repainting Assessment Software For an outline and use of individual intellectual properties, please contact the Construction Technology Research Department via telephone at 029-879-6800 or e-mail at as we will brief you separately. PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 45 45 15/08/26 8:49 Introduction of PWRI-Developed Technologies Utilized at Construction Sites Received the Monozukuri Nippon Grand Award / Infrastructure Technology Development Award Invairowan Method (Environment-friendly technique for on-site removal of coating film from steel structures) (Advanced Materials Research Team) In order to prolong the lifespan of steel structures, it is necessary to peel of conventional coating materials and switch to longer lasting heavy-duty anti-corrosion coating materials. In joint research with a private sector company, PWRI has developed a new removal method that can safely and efficiently remove and collect the old coating film softened in the form of sheet without scattering coating dust in the surrounding area; it is much better than conventional mechanical methods such as blasting, disk sanding, Coating film being peeled off Site application water jetting, etc. This method received the 8th Infrastructure Technology Development Award (MLIT Minister’s Award) in 2006 and the 2nd Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Award (Prime Minister’s Award) in 2007. So far, it has been applied to a total of 285 bridges and other structures throughout Japan, exceeding 460,000 m2 in total area, by the national government, local governments, and a government-affiliated corporations. Gravity thickening technology that uses ‘Water Path Forming Poles’ (Recycling Research Team) In order to efficiently treat sewage sludge, it is necessary to remove as much water as possible from the sludge and thicken it. This technique increases the sedimentation rate of sewage sludge using 'Water Path Forming Poles' (WPFPs). Specifically, by slowly rotating a sludge collector fitted with WPFPs vertically in a gravity thickener, ‘water paths’ where liquid moves easily form immediately behind the poles. This draws out the water present between sludge particles and high density thickened sludge precipitates to the bottom of the thickener. This technique received the 7th Infrastructure Technology Development Award (MLTL Minister’s Award) and the 1st Water path Forming poles WPFPs installed at the Engaru Wastewater Treatment Plant Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Award (Prime Minister’s Award) in 2005. This technique has been introduced at wastewater treatment plants in 13 locations in Japan including Tomakomai, Kumamoto, and Imabari, resulting in higher-density thickened sludge at all of the plants. PCL construction method using a partially- thinned reinforcing plate PCL construction method is a technology to reinforce an aged tunnel with inner reinforcing precast concrete. There was a problem when lining concrete of a tunnel in service is deformed by external force, etc., the hollow cross section is too small to provide inner reinforcement and the clearance limit is not secured. Therefore, this team has developed a reinforcing slab with a partially-thinned shoulder (Tunnel Research Team) Existing lining Waterproofing (sheet) Injection of backfilling material PCL panel in which the clearance limit is hard to be secured and a PCL construction method using it. The team won the 16th Infrastructure Technology Development Award 2014 (podium) for this technology. This method has been adopted to Naruko Tunnel on Route 47 and Tashiro Tunnel on Niigata prefectural road. Thin parts 46 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 46 15/08/26 8:49 ALiCC Method (Design method that applies the arch effect for soil improvements using a lower improvement ratio) (Construction Technology Research Team) The ALiCC (Arch-action Low improvement ratio Cement Column) Method is a design method used when carrying out soil improvements with a low improvement ratio. It considers the arch effect that occurs within the embankments in order to rationally calculate the embankment loads that act upon the cement improvement columns and on the unimproved soft ground. As a result, by equally arranging the improvement body directly below an embankment at the entire area, it is possible to reduce costs and shorten the construction period, while controlling embankment Soil improvement work at Maibara Bypass Soft ground countermeasure work at the Maruyama River settlement and uneven settlement. As a result, by placing the improvement columns evenly across the entire area directly beneath an embankment, it is possible to reduce costs and shorten the construction period, while also reducing embankment subsidence and uneven settlement. This method was awarded the 15th Infrastructure Technology Development Award in 2013. It has been adopted in constructions of Maibara Bypass and Maruyama River by the Kinki Regional Development Bureau and a road widening construction on Route 57 in Moriyama region by the Kyushu Regional Development Bureau. As of December 2014, the number of constructions is 104 and the constructed volume is more than 670,000 m3. Technique Selected as an effective and Serviceable method on the NETIS Rumble Strips (Traffic Engineering Research Team) The installation of rumble strips is a technique to prevent (Project cost per meter) vehicle-departure head-on collisions by excavating and 250,000 yen or above Project cost < _ 1/160 250K yen recessing the centerline pavement surface. This recessed centerline generates sound and vibrations to awaken/remind the driver when a running vehicle passes over the centerline. 4K yen This technique was utilized for 1,655 km as of the end of FY2009 0 This technique is highly effective in preventing lane-departure. 641 km and were improved with rumble strips from FY2002 to 1,500 yen 2K yen and selected as a NETIS-recommended technique in FY2009. On 43 routes in Hokkaido which accounted for a total length of 5,500 yen 6K yen Rumble strips 2007, the fatalities from head-on collisions for two years after Central divider Rubber poles Rumble strips Cost reduction effects of rumble strips (Comparison of actual costs in Yakumo in 2002) installment are compared with that for two years before installment; the fatalities from head-on collisions decreased from 59 to 19, or, in other words, by 68%. This technique is highly economical and easy to construct, and can reduce the cost per meter greatly compared to the center divider. This technique is utilized for 2,060 km as of the end of FY2013. PWRI’s Focused Dissemination Technologies/Techniques (FY2015) In order to promote dissemination of R&D results efficiently and effectively, PWRI selects effective technologies for application as “focused dissemination technologies/techniques” each year, and focuses on active dissemination activities. Representative examples are introduced below. Fluidized Bed Incineration System with Turbocharger (Recycling Research Team) This system improves incineration efficiency by incinerating the composite Exhaust gas of sewage sludge and other biomass at approximately 0.15 MPa, and Turbocharger Chimney allows utilization of compressed air generated by operating a turbocharger with exhaust gas. It can reduce power consumption by 50%, fuel by 15% and CO2 by 40%. It can also reduce a great amount of N2O, which has more of a greenhouse effect than CO2 when the combustion temperature is adjusted to the high-temperature zone. Based on good results in an experimental plant located in Oshamanbe, Hokkaido, this system has been adopted at 7 wastewater treatment plants in Tokyo and other places. pressurized Air preheter Fluidized Bed Incinerator Metered-dose feeder Whitesmoke Flue-gas prevention White- heat exchanger treatment Dust collector smoke tower prevention fan Image diagram of this technology PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 47 47 15/08/26 8:49 Tunnel repair technologies (NAV method) (Tunnel Research Team) (NAV method) Tunnel where cracking occurs due to material degradation and other factors even though no large earth pressure is acting on it NAV method is a repair technology which attaches a newly-developed transparent sheet with cohesive resin to the cracked surface of lining concrete in order to prevent the Conventional concrete falling prevention method concrete from falling. Because the progress of the cracks can still be seen after the sheet is installed, it is possible to check the effects of the repair and the need for additional measures. This technology is an effective means of preventing damage to users caused by delamination or separation of lining concrete. It has been used for approximately 25,000 m2 of road, railway, subway tunnels and others as of December 2014. The lining surface is not visible! NAV met hod Location where there is risk of concrete falling due to cracking Cracking and other details of the lining surface can be inspected even after the repairs! Gas-liquid dissolving apparatus (Technology for improving bottom water quality by supplying water with supersaturated dissolved oxygen) (Water Quality Research Team) The release of nutrients and metals from sediments as a result of oxygen-poor coudition in the bottom layer caused by thermodine Before sometimes significantly compromises water quality in closed water body such as reservoirs. Therefore, PWRI developed a novel gas-liquid dissolving system: creating pure oxygen gas to supply water with supersaturated dissolved oxygen to the bottom layer at any depth and increasing Do in order to improve water quality. Because the technology After can supply DO across a broad spectrum without destruction of the thermodine, unlike conventional aeration systems, water quality can be restored efficiently and effectively. To date, this technology has been adopted by the Chugoku, Kanto and Shikoku Regional Development Bureaus for domestic dams and harbor facilities in Tokyo and other Experimental result at the Haizuka Dam (The darker the color, the higher the concentration of dissolved oxygen.) areas, as well as dams in Jiangsu Province, China. Installed anchor tensile monitoring system (Aki-Mos) Gas-liquid dissolving apparatus (Made of FRP) (Landslide Research Team) It is necessary to maintain a certain tensile stress level with ground anchors that are used for slope stability and to prevent landslides. It is important to know the stress and any changes to it in order to maintain the anchors properly. But, stress is not measured in many anchors so it is impossible to evaluate the condition of the anchors and slopes. We therefore developed continuous monitoring techniques of load for installed anchors, which was extremely difficult to set load gauges before. These techniques allow a continual series of measured tensile force load data to be stored, and to be acquired remotely by radio. The load meters are placed by anchor heads of existing anchors, which could hardly be done in the past. Using stressing tools, the stress on anchors are transferred to the meters. By utilizing this technology, it is possible to maintain important anchors for disaster prevention Installation of the technology at reasonable costs. 82 systems have been adopted by the Tohoku, Hokuriku and Shikoku Regional Development Bureaus and NEXCO at 24 construction sites including dams and roads. Drainage system for the end of concrete bridge girders (CAESAR) A rubber or polyethylene gutter-shaped drainage available to insert into the expansion gap Expansion device from the side of existing concrete bridges allows preventing salt damage of girders and substructures due to leakage water contaminated by deicing salt from expansion joints. This drainage can be easily installed from under the bridges without affecting to traffic flow. The drainage system has been applied to a highway bridge in Akita Prefecture. Parapet Drainage for the end of girders Draining to the side of the bridge Schematic diagram of the drainage 48 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 48 15/08/26 8:50 Driving type water level observation device (Soil Mechanics and Dynamics Research Team) An observation well is conventionally excavated by boring (1) Drive a casing as an observation well. to observe underground water levels. This is a simple observation device that can be driven and installed using a (2) Insert a rod into the casing, drive the edge and expose the perforated part. Weight Weight simple penetration machine. Because a simple temporary scaffold is used to install the device, it can be easily installed in a short period of time at low cost, thereby enhancing Rod Casing Device (3) Install a water-level gauge. Casing Water-level gauge*3 work safety. Specifically, the device is used for verifying the effectiveness of river levee flood countermeasures and Edge corn earthquake countermeasures, assessing the stability of Perforated part Edge corn road embankments, and measuring declining water levels Foundation ground around underground excavation sites. Perforated zone Water-level gauge pressure receiving surface Setting image of the device This device has been installed in more than 60 places of 15 Photo of the device being installed sites including Yonesiro River and Tokushima Expressway. Cushioning-type guard fence reeving wire rope (Traffic Engineering Research Team) This technology consists of wire rope having high toughness and relatively weak supports and is expected to drastically reduce major accidents such as fatal one by absorbing shocks of vehicle collision mainly with deflection of wire rope. The guard fence consists of supports 9 cm in diameter reeving wire rope and there is no difference between the two sides, and thus the width required for installation is small and the installation cost can be reduced. The wire rope-type protective fence Since this guard fence can be installed and removed Collision experiment with the large-size car by humans, it is possible to partially make opening sections in an emergency to allow car drivers to drive in the opposite lane and complete repair work in a short time. In the future, it is expected to make safer and smoother transportation by utilizing it for a median strip of a high-standard arterial road having temporarily two lanes. This guard fence has already been installed on the Hokkaido Expressway (1,600 m from Onuma Interchange to Mori Interchange), Tenpokutoge of Route 275 (325 m), the Ban-Etsu Experssway (390 m), the Kisei Expressway (128 m), and was installed on Route 238 (323 m) and the Obihiro-Hiroo Expressway (1,668 m from Churui Interchange to Churuitaiki Interchange) in FY2014. High-performance SMA ( Road Maintenance Research Team) High-performance SMA is a new asphalt mixture that has both a draining pavement texture and stone mastic asphalt (SMA) superior in durability. Although pavement surface layer is usually designed, produced and placed so that the physical and mechanical quality is even in the vertical direction, highperformance SMA has a porous layer near the surface and dense middle and lower layers. Therefore, as a surface layer of SMA with durability Function of porous pavement pavement, it has sufficient durability (plastic flow resistance, wear resistance, aggregate scattering resistance, etc.), safety (drainage function, skid resistance, glare-proof, etc.), Aggregate Asphalt Void Mortar environmental preservation (low noise, etc.) and comfort Upper layer With sufficient roughness (smoothness, etc.) in a balanced manner. This has been used in about 400 locations, i.e. more than 1,000,000 m , for slopes, urban intersections and pavement 2 repair in tunnels. One layer placement with different characteristic Middle to lower layer Stable and durable High-performance SMA PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 49 49 15/08/26 8:50 Attachment-type road sweeping device for rotary snowplow (Machinery Technology Research Team) Since road maintenance- and snow removal-dedicated cars are operated for only half a year, we developed an attachment-type road sweeping device for the purpose of reduction in machinery expenses, focusing on the fact that rotary snow plows can be utilized throughout the year. This device makes costs lower than the conventional machinery expenses by utilizing rotary snow plows throughout the year. This has been introduced into the Sapporo Development Snow removal by the rotary snowplow and Construction Department (Takikawa Road Office: Road surface cleaning by attachment-type road sweeping device for rotary snowplow FY2012) and the Asahikawa Development and Construction Department (Asahikawa Road Office: FY2013) of the Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and used for road maintenance works. Quality control of embankment with impact acceleration tester (Geotechnical Research Team) This Impact Acceleration Tester can control quality of embankments that serve as the Handle base for roads in a simple, prompt and inexpensive manner. The quality control method for embankments that has widely been used requires at least one whole day until the results are available and sometimes affects the progress of work. Fall height 40cm This Impact Acceleration Tester is easy to use and generates results on-site at once to allow ensure quality control of embankments in a short time. The quality control technology for embankments using this tester is clearly stated in “Common Specifications on Road/River Construction Work” issued by the Hokkaido Regional Development Acceleration sensor Diameter 6cm Bureau, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and has been applied to many works, especially stability treatment ones. Impact Acceleration Taster can control quality Smart shot method The smart shot method is a reinforcing construction method which Aramid fiber mesh installs aramid fiber mesh on a planar structure such as a floor slab, a wall and a girder and sprays mortar or concrete mixed with short fibers such as vinylon fiber. This provides a higher strengthening effect by using aramid fiber mesh instead of metallic mesh and has excellent Smart shot method Normal mortar Vinylon short-fiber (Materials Research Team) Construction underway toughness due to cross-linking effect of vinylon short fiber, and thus spalling can be prevented. In addition, freeze-thaw resistance is enhanced by mixing hollow microspheres. Some of conventional concrete spraying construction methods use accelerating agent in order to prevent spraying material from flowing down. In such case, however, spraying material sets quickly so the Vinylon short-fiber Aramid fiber mesh Hollow microspheres surface cannot be smoothly finished and crack is easy to occur, i.e. causing the problems of aesthetic appearance and spalling. This construction method has no such problems because set accelerating agent is never used and is able to maintain a reinforcing effect for a long time without corrosion because the spraying material consists of mortar/concrete and synthetic fibers. So far, this method has been applied to four sites. 50 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 50 15/08/26 8:50 Technical Instruction Disaster Restoration Support Japan has been affected by frequent natural disasters involving earthquakes, torrential rains, sediment disasters and snow damage, resulting in major human and property losses. PWRI has a system in place for prompt response to the occurrence of a disaster to survey the actual condition of damages immediately after the disaster, to give technical instruction on restoration methods for affected civil engineering structures and to provide technical assistance relating to lifesaving techniques from a sediment disaster. Immediately following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, at the requests of the central and local governments, we surveyed the damage to bridges, road embankments and other structures, provided instructions for emergency restoration, and thus made great contributions to securing the safety of roads, the key of the transport routes for emergency vehicles and relief supplies. We also sent experts as appropriate to help technically respond to damage induced by river levees and landslides, as well as damage to dams and sewage treatment plants. Following the debris flow disaster which occurred in Hiroshima in 2014, we dispatched landslide experts to the site at the request of the national government. Based on the concept of criteria for determining the termination of search advised by PWRI and the results of on-site investigations for resuming of search, the timing for resuming the search activities of the prefectural police department, the fire department and the Japan Self-Defense Forces was decided. In this way, we contributed to securing of the safety for their search activities. Fire Department PWRI Bridge damage survey (Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011) PWRI staff checking for on-site safety during rescue activities by the Tokyo Fire Department (landslide on Izu Oshima in 2013) PWRI staff giving technical guidance at the area affected by earthquake centered in the northern part of Nagano Prefecture which occurred on November 22, 2014 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 51 51 15/08/26 8:50 Technical Instruction In response to requests from the national government and local authorities, PWRI provides technical instruction to resolve issues relating to civil engineering and cold regions. We assist in more than 2,000 cases each year, in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, and harbors. PWRI also participates in some 1,500 governmental and academic technical committee meetings every year, supporting national and regional authorities with technical advice. We also reflect accumulated findings and research results in the development and revision of various technical standards. Dispatch of Lecturers PWRI strives to guide and disseminate civil engineering information. We send lecturers for a wide variety of courses from training courses for engineers at the College of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, regional development bureaus, the Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau, local governments, and universities, to lecture meetings directed toward high schools, primary and secondary schools, and the general public. Lecture meeting for the general public Business trip class to a primary schoolchild 52 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 52 15/08/26 8:50 Other Technical Instruction PWRI has concluded agreements with local governments for the purpose of civil engineering technical support, training and developing engineers, and providing disaster support, and we are striving to strengthen our technical support system. For instance, the Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region made a statement in 2010 that the institute aims to become a civil engineering ‘home doctor’ and announced a policy to gear up its technical support to local governments. In response to this statement, an alliance/cooperation agreement for civil engineering was concluded with Hokkaido, Sapporo City and Kushiro City, and the institute is engaged in activities with the objectives of improving technical capacity and training engineers in these regions. On the internet Support to the New Technology Information System (NETIS) Upon requests of regional development bureaus, the PWRI Committee for NETIS examines technical items such as the safety and economic efficiency of proposed new techniques and replies to the relevant regional development bureau, etc. as appropriate. We also send our people to the regional development bureaus’ committee for NETIS as its members. In this way, we are contributing to the usage promotion of new technologies and the enhancement of overall technology development competencies. Furthermore, we send our people to the NETIS review meetings organized by MLIT as members and provide a wide range of support to technological issues consulted individually from the regional development bureaus, etc. concerning the utilization of new technologies. In this way, PWRI is actively involved with the overall operation of the system. NETIS evaluation information ・Safety / Durability ・Quality / Completion soundness ・Construction efficiency / Economic efficiency ・Environmental impact NETIS proposal information Posting of evaluation result Regional Development Bureau, etc. New Technology Information System (NEIS) Committee Content: Preliminary examination, trial planning, post evaluation Composition: Experts from industry, academia and governments, members sent by PWRI Evaluation RDB Person who wishes to utilize new technology (XXXX method) Developed by Constructed by Ordered by New Technology Information System (NEIS) review meeting (MLIT) Content: Dissemination (select recommended technologies) Analyze usage inhibitors Extract field needs Composition: Experts from MLIT, industry and academia Director of Construction Technology Research Department Evaluation works PWRI dispatched members [Hokkaido] Bridge, slope [Tohoku] Dam, civil engineering Director of Hydraulic Engineering Research Group [Kanto] Environment, foundation Director of Construction Technology Research Department [Hokuriku] Sediment control and others Director of Erosion and Sediment Control Research Group [Chubu] Concrete, pavement Director of Bridges and Structural Technology Research Group [Kinki] Road, machinery Director of Road Technology Research Group [Chugoku] Retaining wall, road Director of Water Environment Research Group [Shikoku] Temporary scaffolding Director of Material and Geotechnical Engineering Research Group [Kyushu] Ground treatment and others Research Coordinator for Earthquake Engineering Director of Cold-Region Construction Engineering Research Group Chief Researcher (Construction Technology) Request for examination Report of examination results Public Works Research Institute Committee for New Technology Information System (NTIS) Content: Examine validity of technology, etc. Members: Chief Executive as Chairman and executive group heads For a highly difficult technology ・Organize an expert review meeting that includes outside experts. ・Also participate in trial plans and ex-post evaluations. Hokkaido Road, river, dam, sediment, etc. Disaster support in disaster emergency Technical instruction/ cooperation Technology enhancement, development of engineers Technical instruction to municipal governments Survey research, technology development Dissemination of research results, etc. Communication for coordination Acting Chief Executive Kawamura (right) and Director Miyaki (left) of the Construction Bureau of Hokkaido shaking hands Construction Bureau Contact, communicate and coordination cooperation matters Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region Research groups (Research teams) Deputy Director for Research Coordination Planning Division Cold Region Technology Promotion Division Efficient and effective development and maintenance/management of infrastructure Promotion of development of Hokkaido Conceptual view of alliance PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 53 53 15/08/26 8:50 Dissemination of Research Findings Publications of the Public Works Research Institute Research results of PWRI are published and/or posted on the internet as: Reports of PWRI, PWRI Materials, Joint Research Reports, Monthly Reports of the Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region, etc. Publications by Corporation PWRI has published the below books under copyright law. These books are available at bookstores. Book title Publisher Eco-cement Concrete Utilization Technology Manual Manual on the Application of Nondestructive Testing for Soundness Diagnosis of Concrete Civil Engineering Structures Countermeasure Manual of Ground Contamination for Construction Sites (provisional edition) Gihodo Shuppan Price excluding tax JPY 2,000 Gihodo Shuppan JPY 4,400 Kajima Publishing JPY 2,300 Public Works Research Center JPY 1,905 Gihodo Shuppan JPY 6,400 Taisei Shuppan JPY 1,900 Surplus Soil Utilization Technique Manual (Third Edition) Collection of Physical and Chemical Information Regarding Human Use Pharmaceuticals Manual on Recycling of Construction Scrap Lumber (Draft) Countermeasure Manual of Dioxin Contaminated Soil for Construction Sites (provisional edition) Manual of Simple Measurement Methods for Dioxins in Soil Manual of Application Technology of Other Industries Recycled Material in Construction Works ALiCC Method Manual for Ground Improvement Utilization Technique Manual for Liquefied Stabilized Soil Manual for Recycling Construction Sludge Maintenance Manual for Ground Anchors Soil-based Pavement Handbook (for Pedestrian Pavement) Manual for Landslide Measurements with Insertion Borehole Inclinometer Manual for Inspection of Concrete Structures by Nondestructive/ Micro-destructive Tests Surplus Soil Utilization Technique Manual (Fourth Edition) Practical Guide to Water Drainage Boring for Preventing Landslides Kajima Publishing JPY 2,200 Kajima Publishing JPY 1,900 Taisei Shuppan JPY 3,900 Kajima Publishing Gihodo Shuppan Taisei Shuppan Kajima Publishing Taisei Shuppan JPY 1,900 JPY 3,000 JPY 5,000 JPY 3,000 JPY 2,000 Rikohtosho JPY 3,200 Taisei Shuppan JPY 3,400 Public Works Research Center Kajima Publishing JPY 2,000 JPY 3,400 Application in Standards Research findings are reflected in new and revised standards for infrastructure. ■River Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism ・Preliminary Technical Guidelines for Landslide Investigation and Its Remedies for Reservoirs ・Guidelines for Seismic Safety Evaluation of Dams for Large Earthquakes (Draft) ■Road Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism ・Highway Bridge Specifications and Instruction Manual ■Ministry of the Environment ・Guidelines for Applying for Offshore Disposal of Waste ・Guidelines for Topographical Changes to Final Disposal Sites ■Related Organizations ・Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures etc. Japan Society of Civil Engineers ・Engineering Bedrock Classification Method, etc. Japanese Geotechnical Society ・Guidelines and Commentary on Earthquake Proofing Sewage Treatment Facilities, etc. Japan Sewage Works Association ・River Earthwork Manual etc. Japan Institute of Construction Engineering ・Manual of Design and Construction of Reinforced Earth Using Geotextiles, etc. Public Works Research Center ・Manual of Design and Construction of High-Standard Embankments Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration ・Electronic Delivery Methods for Geological and Soil Research Findings Japan Construction Information Center Presentation of Papers PWRI publishes approximately 1,500 papers each year, including the presentation of papers at international conferences and academic meetings, and the submission of papers for publication in collections and specialist journals. We aim to present highquality findings, with more than 300 of these papers undergoing peer review before publication. 54 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 54 15/08/26 8:50 PWRI New Technology Showcase The “PWRI new technology showcase” is a seminar event for explaining new technologies developed in joint projects, exhibiting panels and models in another room and responding any technical consultation for application to actual sites. The showcase is held every year in Tokyo and a few other cities including Sapporo to promote new technologies. PWRI New Technology Seminar / On-site Seminar The PWRI New Technology Seminar gives lectures on selected technologies for cost reduction, time shortening or other application effectiveness so as to address current detailed technical trends in the respective areas as may be required for application at sites, etc. The seminar is held every year in Tokyo. The On-site Tour is held on as many occasions as practical in the field where PWRI developed technology is being actually applied to ensure that the participants can actually see with their eyes, understand application methods and benefits. Lecture being delivered Scene of on-site tour (1) Developmental Technology Seminar PWRI holds briefing sessions on development technologies regarding subjects which are of interest to engineers in snowy cold regions by actively calling on related institutions in order to promote the utilization of new technologies researched and developed in snowy cold regions on sites of public works. On-site Seminar On-site seminars are cosponsored in various areas of Hokkaido by the Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region and the Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau because survey methods and countermeasures in snowy cold regions are effectively utilized at sites and such seminars contribute to the promotion of development in Hokkaido. Scene of on-site tour (2) Exhibition/Technical consultation corner Lecture being delivered Scene of on-site tour (3) PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 55 55 15/08/26 8:50 Open House The PWRI utilizes a variety of opportunities to inform the general public of its research programs and civil engineering in general during Science and Technology Week, and on Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Day (July 16) and on Civil Engineering Day (November 18). During open house events, professionals and students from other institutes, universities and vocational colleges, as well as lay people, including children, come to get a glimpse of what PWRI is doing as a research institute. Beside open house settings, the PWRI also offers tours of its facilities if applications are made in advance. stitute Public Works Research In In order to encourage the general public to learn about civil engineering research, the PWRI has open house every year on Civil Engineering Day, which is in midNovember. During this event, participants ride shuttle buses that travel loop routes to the various experimental facilities, Display of removed bridge members where they can learn a little about the experiments and how the results are used. They can also see actual experiments done with models. The PWRI also holds hands-on workshops where participants can become more familiar with civil engineering, and “bridge contest” where contestants cardboard. 56 make bridges out of Trying to make concrete PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 56 15/08/26 8:50 rch Civil Engineering Resea Institute for Cold Region The Open House of the Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region has been held in July around Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Day every year since 1983 so that the general public and children may get to know about the role of the Institute and research topics and results we are Model experiment of snowstorm working on. Every year, each team sets a theme and displays elaborate exhibitions in line with a theme. Furthermore, a quiz rally is held. We make efforts to introduce our research in enjoyable, playful and interactive settings. Recently, the Institute has provided a special activity for professional civil engineers in addition to activities for the general public. h Center rc Aqua Restoration Resea The Aqua Restoration Research Center (Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture) offers facility tours (advance reservation required) aimed at introducing technologies related to the river environment conservation and restoration activities in ARRC and at achieving a broader understanding of its research results. These facility tours consist of guided tours which are aimed Tour of the test river for engineers at improving technical knowledge primarily for river engineers, and guided walks where individuals can tour the test river using video and voice guidance from a portable terminal. The tour contents can be broadly adapted to suit the purpose of the tour visitors. PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 57 57 15/08/26 8:50 International Contribution Collaboration with International Organizations PWRI actively promotes research and practical on-site activities in collaboration with international research institutes in Asian and other countries. For example, the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) concluded a partnership agreement with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in November 2009, conducted “Technical Assistance of Investment in Water Hazard Management (TA7276)” in Indonesia and Bangladesh until the end of March 2013, in which it introduced the Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS) and prepared a basic policy for building a flood forecasting and warning system. ICHARM also carried out “Strategic Strengthening of Flood Forecasting/Warning and Management Capacity in Pakistan” managed by UNESCO, in which it developed and introduced a flood forecasting and warning system utilizing IFAS and implemented training for government officials. ICHARM has been in charge of strengthening urban flood management capacity in ADB’s project for Myanmar, “Transformation of Urban Management (TA8456MYA)” since July 2014, implementing training for government officials and conducting assessment of flood and storm surge risks. In addition, ICHARM has been serving as the secretariat of “the International Flood Initiative (IFI)”, a framework to promote collaboration in flood management among international organizations such as UNESCO, WMO, UNU, and UNISDR. PWRI will plan and implement various activities in collaboration with funding organizations such as the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the World Bank. H.E. Mrs. Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO (right) visited ICHARM Meeting with Pakistan government officials and UNESCO survey group Sweden Russia Britain Holland Germany France Romania Sapporo Korea China Tsukuba Iran Taiwan Myanmar Thailand Philippines Malaysia Indonesia Country with international research partners Country where JICA has sent PWRI experts 58 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 58 15/08/26 8:50 Human Resource Development Over the past five years, PWRI has received 1887 trainees in the civil engineering field from 114 countries in Asia, Africa and Central & South America. We also strive to train and develop human resources across the world in civil engineering technology by dispatching many lecturers for civil engineering professional training courses on rivers and dams, road administration, bridge technology, measures against sediment disaster, disaster prevention, etc. These training courses are sponsored by JICA and targeted at engineers from developing countries. Meanwhile, in collaboration with the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and JICA, ICHARM has since 2007 been implementing a 1-year Master’s Degree Program entitled Water-related Risk Management Course of the Disaster Management Policy Program, as well as a Doctoral Course in the Science of Disaster Prevention Program since 2010. Oceania 51/11 Middle East 84/8 North America 7/1 Europe 186/17 Central and South America 206/21 Number of foreign trainees People / Country 1887/11 2010 ‒ 2014 Asia 1038/21 Africa 315/35 Record of foreign trainees welcomed by PWRI Overseas Technical Support At the requests of the JICA and the government, academic conferences, and overseas research institutions, PWRI sends employees (2014:90) abroad and actively provides PWRI’s findings and research results to the international community. As a specific example of technical assistance, when a natural dam failed in Ambon Island, Indonesia, in July 2013, water level information from “ PWRI airdropped water-level monitoring buoys" which had been placed there by PWRI in February 2013 was utilized for evacuation of residents and damages were minimized. After the failure of the natural dam, PWRI participated in the government fact-finding mission, checked on damages and advised emergency recovery measures, etc. Buoy Cage The setting situation of the buoy Cage PWRI airdropped water-level monitoring buoys were placed in a natural dam in Ambon Island, Indonesia (February 2013). Sapporo USA ea Tsukuba s Chile PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 59 59 15/08/26 8:50 Introduction of Facilities Tsukuba Central Research Institute, International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management, and Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research, Innovative Materials Resources Research Center Land and Buildings As of 1 April 2015 Facility name Land 337,349 Headquarters (Tsukuba) Building Total floor area space 39,185 49,485 10,031 Snow Avalanche and Landslide Research Center (Niigata) 1,422 Land 2,656 18,511 65 65 Aqua Restoration Research Center (Gifu) 164,554 597 597 Total 530,445 41,269 52,803 Asagiri Environmental Material Observation Station (Shizuoka) Building National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, 922,340 MLIT (Asahi Office) Total (Tsukuba Area) 1,259,689 The Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), which was part of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, has recently been relaunched as an independent administrative institution. However, PWRI also carries out experiments using the facilities of National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management. Unit: m2. Values are rounded off to the nearest whole number. E-15 Pavement road surface noise research laboratory Current meter calibration channel Hydraulics laboratory annex Hydraulics laboratory E-13 Greenery test field Greenhouse Geological investigation Recycle pavement material test field accelerated durability test facility J-1 F-9 Tohigashi Laboratory E-1 Groundwater hydrology laboratory E-3 E-5 E-2 E-4 River hydrau Refluxa flow Sanitary engineering channel laboratory Hydraulics laboratory F-7 Mist environment Skid resistance test field F-6 Shinkotsu ITS Center building F-8 Nishi Oodori Ave. (R408) F-5 Pavement test field I-1 F-10 Construction materials research center Tunnel laboratory Garage for field testing devices F-3 Hydrological observation field F-4 F-2 Earth works test field Experimental river C Experimental river B Experimental river A Meandering zone (Downstream) Lagoon zone Floodplain zone Natural Meandering zone environment (Upstream) regeneration zone Aqua Restoration Research Center 60 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 60 F 15/08/26 8:50 TSUKUBA CITY 3D large-scale shaking table Tunnel lining loading test 30 MN large-scale universal test machine E-9 River model test yard PA building Observatory oundwater drology boratory Structural dynamics laboratory Torrent Vibration laboratory E-14 channel mode test field Wave channels E-10 D-3 -2 E-12 E-4 Archive D-2 D-7 Structural engineering laboratory Sanitary engineering and hydrology Hydraulics laboratory laboratory Full-scale test tunnel G -1 A-5 e. (R408) Structural aerodynamics laboratory D-4 D-1 F-1 Test track F-8 Atmospheric diffusion laboratory D-5 E-7 River hydraulics laboratory Coastal hydraulics laboratory aulics laboratory F-7 G-5 River environment laboratory Earthquake engineering laboratory D-8 D-6 E-6 E-5 Wheel running machine Construction material laboratory Storage for removed materials for clinical research Wastewater treatment plant A-2-1 Traffic sign laboratory C-4 Traffic collision test field C- Noise control laboratory A-2-2 A-3 Micropollutant Material and structural analysis engineering laboratory laboratory complex A-1 Annex (7F/8F) Security Security gate gate Front gate Main research building International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management Mechanized construction laboratory A-0 A-4 Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research ・Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center B-2 Foundation engineering laboratory B-1 Seepage laboratory Snow Avalanche and Landslide Research Center Construction machine test field C-3 Strong motion earthquake observation station Earth structure laboratory B-4 Landslide model test laboratory G-3 B-6 B-3 B-9 B-5 Earth works laboratory Geological engineering laboratory B-7 B-8 Underwater environmental test pit Facility for compacting snow and measuring slipperiness Dynamic geotechnical centrifuge laboratory B-10 Construction environment laboratory Hanger Storage for samples Low-temperature testing facility Office Office Large-scale lab for testing landslide Newton’s apple tree Earth structure laboratory Weather observation equipment Storage Storage City road Urban Area of Myoko City Large-scale Geotechnical Dynamic Centrifuge PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 61 61 15/08/26 8:50 Introduction of Facilities Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region (Sapporo City) Facilities Large dynamic triaxial compression test bench Wave basin Centrifuge High-speed hydraulic channel Irregular oscillatory water tunnel Bibi Concrete Exposure Site (Tomakomai City) Cold-Region Test Track in Tomakomai (Tomakomaii City) Construction Test Field in Tomakomai Construction Test Field in Tomakomai 62 Cold-Region Test Track in Tomakomai PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 62 15/08/26 8:50 SAPPORO CITY Rumoi Concrete Exposure Test Site (Mashike Town) Ishikari Experiment Site (Ishikari City) Facilities Rockbed crack generator Wind tunnel experimental apparatus Kakuyama Experiment Site (Ebetsu City) PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 63 63 15/08/26 8:50 Lease System of Facilities ■ Please contact: Public Works Research Institute Facilities Management and Research Information Division: Telephone +81 29-879-6754 Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region Planning Division: Telephone +81 11-841-1636 PWRI leases test facilities and equipment in its possession to national institutions, local governments, universities, public-interest corporations and private research organizations as a rule. There are special civil engineering test machines that are expensive or difficult to maintain properly. Some of the lease-signers are from fields other than civil engineering. Example of lease Civil engineering-related experimental research Experiment using a wheel running machine Channel to generate waves and reproduce the phenomena in 2D Experiment using a 3D large-scale shaking table Cold-Region Test Track in Tomakomai Other experiments Other facilities for lease Dam hydraulics laboratory Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region 30 MN large-scale universal testing machine Pavement test field Earthquake engineering laboratory Current meter calibration channel Tsukuba Earth Structure Laboratory Differential settlement Earthwork experimental laboratory Large-scale Geotechnical Dynamic Centrifuge High speed hydraulic channel Wave basin Spike raveling testing machine Ion chromatography Gas chromatography Large dynamic triaxial compression test apparatus Indoor icy road driving test machine Impact acceleration tester Other civil engineering facilities Large-scale box shear test apparatus ■ Please check our homepage for application procedures, forms and regulations. Check our homepage 64 Application Receipt Approval Agreement Lease PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 64 15/08/26 8:50 History of PWRI May 1921 Established as the Road Materials Testing Department in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Sep. 1922 Reorganized as the Civil Engineering Laboratory in Komagome, Tokyo. Apr. 1926 Set up the Akabane Branch Office in Tokyo. Dec. 1947 Dissolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Jan. 1948 Renamed as the First Technical Research Institute of the Construction Bureau, Prime Minister’s Office. July 1948 R e n a m e d a s t h e P u b l i c W o r k s R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e , M i n i s t r y o f Construction. July 1949 Merged with the Engineering Staff Training Center of the Ministry of Transportation in Numazu City. Apr. 1952 Established the Shinozaki Branch Office as a hydraulics research facility for rivers and dams in Tokyo. July 1953 Renamed the Engineering Staff Training Center as the Numazu Branch Apr. 1958 Launch of the department system Apr. 1960 Established the Chiba Branch in Chiba and integrated the Numazu Branch into it. Apr. 1960 Established the Niigata Laboratory for Landslide Experiments. Apr. 1961 Established the Kashima Hydraulics Laboratory. May 1962 Renamed the Niigata Laboratory for Landslide Experiments as the Niigata Experimental Laboratory. Sep. 1963 Approval by the Cabinet of construction of the Science City in the Tsukuba area June 1967 Renamed the Akabane Branch Office as “Akabane Branch,” the Shinozaki Branch Office as “Shinozaki Laboratory,” and the Kashima Hydraulics Laboratory as “the Kashima Laboratory.” Mar. 1979 Relocated all the facilities to the new Tsukuba Science City. Apr. 1991 Established the Construction Management Engineering Center. Apr. 1993 Established the Environment Department. May 1996 Established the Earthquake Disaster Prevention Research Center. Apr. 1997 Renamed the Construction Management Engineering Center as the Research Center for Public Works Management. Jan. 2001 Renamed as the Public Works Research Institute of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Apr. 2001 Established the Independent Administrative Agency Public Works Research Institute, due to restructuring of the government ministries and agencies. Some departments were integrated into the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management. The Niigata Experimental Laboratory and the Aqua Restoration Research Center remained with PWRI. Founded as the Testing Laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department, Hokkaido Agency. Sep. 1947 Became independent as the Hokkaido Civil Engineering Institute. Aug. 1937 Established six divisions (River and Port Engineering, Road, Structure, Dam, Geology and Machinery). Attached to the newly established Hokkaido Development Bureau and July 1951 renamed as the Civil Engineering Research Institute. July 1950 Apr. 1959 Established three divisions (Applied Science, Soil Conservation and Special Soil Development). Dam Division was renamed as the Geotechnical Division, and the Machinery Division was closed. Apr. 1962 River and Port Engineering Division was divided into two divisions: River Engineering and Port and Harbor Engineering. Apr. 1964 Established the Concrete Division. Apr. 1966 Established the Pavement Division. Apr. 1968 May 1972 Apr. 1978 Apr. 1979 Established the Foundation Work Division. System of three Directors changed to system of four Directors. Established the General Affairs Department. Established the Fisheries Engineering Division. Special Soil Development Division was reorganized into Agricultural Engineering Division. Established various research programs (Joint Research, Commissioned May 1985 Research, Admission of Temporary Researchers and Specially Assigned Trainees). Apr. 1986 Established the position of Research Coordinator. Apr. 1988 Reorganized the entire body. Apr. 1985 Apr. 1995 Renamed the Hydraulic Engineering Department as the Environment and Hydraulic Engineering Department. Apr. 2001 Renamed as the Independent Administrative Institution the Civil Engineering Research Institute of Hokkaido. Apr. 2003 Established the position of Director for Special Research. Apr. 2004 Established a task force on setting up a center for UNESCO. Apr. 2005 Reorganized the Niigata Experimental Laboratory as the Snow Avalanche and Landslide Research Center. Mar. 2006 Established the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management. The Independent Administrative Agency Public Works Research Institute Law was amended. Apr. 1, 2006 Integrated as the Incorporated Administrative Agency Public Works Research Institute, not directly belonging to the ministry Apr. 2006 The Incorporated Administrative Agency Public Works Research Institute was reorganized into the General Affairs Department, the Planning and Research Administration Department, the Tsukuba Central Research Institute, the Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region, and the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management. Apr. 2008 Established the Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research. Established the Cold Region Technology Promotion Division (includes Northern Hokkaido and Eastern Hokkaido Branch Office) and Machinery Technology Research Team under the Director for Cold Region Technology Development Coordination. Apr. 1, 2015 Transformed into the National Research and Development Agency Public Works Research Institute Apr. 2015 Established the Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center. PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 65 65 15/08/26 8:50 Map and Access to PWRI (Tsukuba) Ginan I.C. Building Research Institute National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention Public Works Research Institute (Tsukuba Central Research Institute) Tsuchiura Kita I.C. National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management Shibasaki University of Tsukuba Geographical Survey Institute ka Dori Hiratsu Nishihiratsuka gakuen hiura sen Tsuc i- O Tsukuba Station ri do ri (TX ) Gakuen Higashi Tsukuba Center Gakuen Nishi Lin e To Mito Tsukuba Botanical Garden ash Hig do O hi- Nis Tsuku ba Exp res s National Science Museum University of Tsukuba Hospital Kenkyugakuen Station To Mito Sakuragawa River Minami Odori Higashi JR Tsuchiura Sta. Minami Odori Nishi Tsukuba Center, Inc. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Tsukuba Chuo I.C. e JR Jo ba n Science Odori Sakura-Tsuchiura I.C. Lin Banpaku-Kinen Koen St. Sasage Tsukuba JCT Midorino St. Yatabe I.C. Train Arakawaoki Sta. Industrial Science and Technology Organization Tsukubausiku I.C. Japan Iternational Cooperation Agency (JICA) KenkyuGakuen Sta. Tsukuba Express Line (about 50 minutes by semi-rapid) Akihabara Sta. Tsuku-bus bound for Teragu (about 25minutes) Tsukuba Express Line (about 45 minutes by rapid) Tsukuba Sta. JR Joban Line (about 60 minutes) Ueno Sta. Highway Bus Tokyo Sta. Car Tokyo Kantetsu Bus bound for University of Tsukuba (about 25 minutes) Hitachinoushiku Sta. JR Joban Line (about 60 minutes) Arakawaoki Sta. (West Exit) Kantetsu Bus bound for University of Tsukuba (about 25 minutes) JR Joban Line (about 70 minutes) Tsuchiura Sta. (West Exit Bus Terminal 2) Kantetsu Bus bound for University of Tsukuba (about 25 minutes) Tsukuba Sta. (Tsukuba Center) Kantetsu Bus, Gate No. 5 bound for Shimotsuma Sta. or Kenchiku Kenkyusho /Building Research Institute (about 25 minutes) Doboku Kenkyusho Mae (PWRI) At Tokyo Station, go to bus gate No. 5 Yaesu South exit. Take Tokkyu (express) Tsukuba-Go bound for Tsukuba Center or University of Tsukuba (about 70 minutes). Shuto Kosoku (Metropolitan Expressway) Misato I.C. Joban Expressway (about 30 minutes) Yatabe I.C. or Sakura-Tsuchiura I.C. Suitable route (about 20 minutes) Public Works Research Institute (Tsukuba Central Research Institute) 1-6 Minamihara, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken 305-8516 Phone: +81 29-879-6700 Aqua Restoration Research Center Snow Avalanche and Landslide Research Center To Niigata and Toyama To Joetsu To Gifu City Ginan I.C. GifuKakamigahara I.C. Miyake Signbord Komeno ay JR Tokaido Line Meitetsu Nagoya Line T y sswa xpre ku E kuri Ho okai pres sw Kitahasen Kiso River Kita-arai Sta. tsu E x Aqua Restoration Research Center in-e Kasamatsu Sta. Josh To minokamo City Echigo-Tokimeki Line To Ogaki City Joetsutakada I.C. Kawashima P.A. Kiso River Arai P.A. Smart I.C. Michino-eki Arai Arai Sta. Minamihasen Twin Arch 138 Myoko City Hall Yashiro River Ichinomiya Kisogawa I.C. Nishijima 5 Owari Ichinomiya Sta. Snow Avalanche and Landslide Research Center Ichinomiya I.C. Meishin Expressway Ichinomiya JCT To Nagoya City Nakago I.C. To Nagano Kan-yuchi-mubanchi Kawashimakasada-machi, Kakamigahara-shi, Gifu-ken 501-6021 Phone: +81 586-89-6036 2-6-8 Nishiki-cho, Myoko-shi, Niigata-ken 944-0051 Phone: +81 255-72-4131 [Train] Take the Meitetsu Nagoya Line either from Shin Nagoya Station or Shin Gifu Station. Get off at Kasamatsu Station. From the Kasamatsu Station, 10 minutes taxi ride (taxi is the only means of transportation). [Train] ・Hokuriku Shinkansen (Tokyo-JoetsuMyoko) About 2 hours Echigo-Tokimeki Line (JoetsuMyoko-Arai) About 10 minutes Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . About 2 hours and 10 minutes ・Niigata-Naoetsu-Arai.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . About 2 hours and 30 minutes [Car] ・From Joetsutakada I.C. on Joetsu Expressway . . About 8 km 15 minutes From Nakago I.C. on Joetsu Expressway . . . . . . . . . . About 4 km 10 minutes From Arai Sta. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . About 2 km 5 minutes [Car] The ARRC is 10 minutes drive from Gifu Kakamigahara I.C. on the Tokai Hokuriku Expressway. Use the west parking area of the Water Eco Park. The ARRC is also within walking distance from the Kawashima P.A. on the Tokai Hokuriku Expressway. 66 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 66 15/08/26 8:50 Access to Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region Shinkawa I.C. Fushiko I.C. Sapporo-Kita I.C. Hassamu Chuo Sta. Hachiken St. Sapporo Nishi I.C. Kotoni Sta. Hokkaido University Hokkaido Government er Riv ira h yo To CERI te Lin Kitago I.C. e Shinrinkoen Sta Heiwa Sta. Atsubetsu Sta. JR Oyachi I.C. CERI Toho Line Horohira Bashi da Shiroishi Sta. Hokkai Gakuen University Nakajima Park Nakajima Koen ko City Hall Tozai Line Susukino Oasa Sta. Ha ne Sapporo Namboku Line JR Soen Sta. Li Sapporo Station Sapporo JCT Naebo Sta. Sapporo Sta. Odori Ebetsu I.C. Hokkaido Expressway da te Sasson Expressway Kariki I.C. Ha ko Hassamu Sta. JR Teine I.C. Okadama Airport JR Li n Gaku e en Shin Kotoni St. tos hi Inazumi Koen Sta. Ch itos eL ine Shin Sapporo Sta. d Sapporo Minami I.C. Sapporo University Nakanoshima Station Kaminopporo Sta. Access CERI is located on the eastern side of the Toyohira River that goes through the center of Sapporo City, in an area called Hiragishi in Toyohira-ku. The institute is about 200 meters north of, or 3 minutes walk from, the Nakanoshima Station on the Namboku Line of the Sapporo City Subway System. Rapid train (about 36 minutes) Train JR Sapporo Sta. Change trans (about 5 minutes) About 10 minutes Sapporo Sta. on Namboku Line Highway Bus New Chitose Airport Car Nakanoshima Sta. About 3 on Namboku Line minutes walk Highway Bus (about 60 minutes) Suitable route (about 10 minutes) Hokkaido Expressway (about 25 minutes) Chitose I.C. Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region Suitable route (about 20 minutes) Kitago I.C. Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region 3-1-34 Hiragishi Ichijo, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo-shi 062-8602 Phone: +81 11-841-1624 Northern Hokkaido Branch Office Nijo dori Midoribashi dori Sanjo dori Eiryubashi dori Yojo dori Kus hiro 39 Nothern Hokkaido Branch Office Ichijo dori Showa dori Asahikawa Station Eastern Hokkaido Branch Office Sta tion JR N em uro Kita odori Hokkaido Kushiro Area Police Headquarters Line Eastern Hokkaido Branch Office Joint Government Building Kushiro City hall JR Soya Line Asahikawa Midoribashi-dori Daiichiseimei Building 9-50-3 Ichijo-dori, Asahikawa-shi Hokkaido 070-0031 Phone: +81 166-72-6001 Facsimile: +81 166-22-3747 o Belt Kushir Line udo o Kok Kushir Daidoseimei Kushiro Building 10-1-6 Suehiro-cho, Kushiro-shi Hokkaido 085-0014 Phone: +81 154-25-6777 Facsimile: +81 154-25-6787 PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2015 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 67 67 15/08/26 8:50 Public Works Research Institute Tsukuba Central Research Institute International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research Innovative Material and Resource Research Center 1-6 Minamihara, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken 305-8516 Phone: +81 29-879-6700 Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region 3-1-34 Hiragishi Ichijo, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido 062-8602 Phone: +81 11-841-1624 Recycled paper 土木研究所要覧2015-英.indd 68 1 土木研究所要覧2015-英_表紙.indd 15/08/26 8:50
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