2011 Annual Report


2011 Annual Report
2011 Annual Report
Mission Statement
Building a literate community and transforming
lives by strengthening reading and language skills
It’s hard to believe another year has passed! I’m always amazed at the successes
of our adult learners, volunteers, donors and staff. Celebrating our 25th year, we
created our 2011–2013 Strategic Plan, served a record number of West Michigan
adults, launched the Community Literacy Initiative, and wrapped up our Blueprint
for Literacy campaign.
With input from our board of directors, management team, and staff, we pulled
together goals for the next three years, all focused on our mission of building a
literate community and transforming lives. Measurement of our progress toward our
strategic plan will be noted through a new balanced scorecard approach.
Lisa D. Buffin
Board of Directors
Our programs, all aligned with the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC),
served over 1500 adults. Achieving an NCRC enables more adults to become
qualified candidates for employment and job promotion. We are proud to report
that 80 Literacy Center adult learners achieved this certificate! The Customized
Workplace English™ Program (CWE) received international recognition after a
delegation from Singapore visited the Literacy Center to study our program as
a best practice. Later in the year, CWE was once again recognized as a best
practice for the Pathways to Prosperity program.
In October, the Community Literacy Initiative (CLI), formerly Greater Grand Rapids
Reads, was launched. The Initiative seeks to empower community leaders, parents,
and residents to improve literacy for all ages in West Michigan. Over 80 community
leaders attended the launch offering their perspective on the state of literacy in Grand
Rapids. Our Literacy Champions, Mayor George Heartwell and Eastern Floral CEO
Bing Goei, help gain the support and participation of the community. Funded by the
W.K. Kellogg and Doug & Maria DeVos Foundations, the CLI will continue to lead our
community’s efforts in improving literacy for all ages.
Susan K. Ledy, MA
After a three-year advancement campaign, we reached our Blueprint for Literacy
fundraising goal of $1.5 million. The success of our campaign allowed us to move
to our own site, improve visibility, support a leadership role in the community
through the CLI, and build infrastructure for growth. A progress report and special
thank you to our donors is included in this report.
A warm thank you goes out to our faithful volunteers and committed partners
that assist us in maximizing our resources. Committing their time, talents, and
resources, we are able to improve the reading and language skills of adults in our
community. Combined with our adult learners’ desire to excel, we are all on our
way to improving literacy in West Michigan.
Now that the Blueprint for Literacy campaign is complete, we will be focusing on
the sustainability of our organization and how our mission is impacting the lives
of the people in our community. We ask you to join other donors to build the
operational support needed toward mission fulfillment.
Thank you for the advocacy, donations, and time you have contributed to the
Literacy Center of West Michigan. We are incredibly grateful for your investment in
improving literacy in West Michigan.
Once again, many thanks!
Susan K. Ledy
Lisa D. Buffin
President/CEOBoard Chair
LCWM Staff: (front row, from left): Tatum Rucker, Shay Kraley, Karen
Krieg, Susan K. Ledy, Lindsay McHolme, Diedre Deering, Jennifer Kraai
and Laurie Emelander. (back, from left) Valerie Emmenecker, Kristin Brace,
Catherine Bolster, Luke Ridout, Anita Matlock-Murphy, Karen Sellaro,
Jane DeGroot, Angela Steele, Chris Belding, Kenny Williams-Buck,
Nancy VanIngen, Joan Ferrier, Olivia Destrades-Mendoza and Lori Visser.
Not pictured: Bruce Bennett, Vera Grishkina and Colleen Blaszak
2011-12 Board of Directors: (from left) ): Lisa Buffin, Rick Adamy,
Sandy Sefton, Dave Clark, Karen Bakale, Stephanie Setterington, Jesse
Hertstein and Kimberly Large. (not pictured) Katie Ferris, Micki Benz, Gilda
Gely, Jenn Groendyke, Monica Scott, Ken Jansen and Mark Peters.
AmeriCorps Members: (from left) Heather Harrison, Bethany Kim,
Melissa Stek and Amy Clay. Not pictured: Dan Drust, Veronica
Clapp, Paul Campbell and Christina Kaufmann
There’s no substitute
for rolling up your
sleeves and working
with the people who
can make a difference.
They get the benefit
of your participation
and you gain a direct
understanding of the
real problems and
potential solutions,
which makes you a
more informed giver.
Michael Milken
Community Need & Literacy Statistics
83% of children entering kindergarten in Grand Rapids Public Schools lack the pre-reading
skills necessary to learn to read. (CRI data)
The number one indicator of a child’s success in school is the education level of the parent,
particularly the mother. (National Center for Family Literacy)
One in three working-age Michigan adults – 1.7 million people – lack basic skills or credentials
to attain family-sustaining jobs and contribute to the state’s economy. (US Census Bureau
American Community Survey, 2006.)
According to community colleges around the state, at least 60% of students entering these
institutions require remediation prior to engaging in post-secondary education. (Michigan
Community College Association)
Michigan’s high school dropout rate is 11% and the dropout rate at Grand Rapids Public
Schools is 22%. ( Michigan Department of Education)
70% of 8th graders in the country read below grade level, with 66% not having adequate literacy
skills upon graduation. The job of retraining and remediation will continue to be a problem for a
skilled workforce.
Only 25% of the population in Michigan has a BA degree or better compared to a national
average of 28%.
The ACSET (Area Community Service Employment and Training Council) pilot study of adults
taking the WorkKeys® test, show 15% did not pass the test. If we translate this figure to all
adults in the county, it is approximately 33,000 adults. Individuals who do not pass the test are
likely to earn less than $15,000.00 per year. This test is also taken by all high school juniors in
the State of Michigan.
Community Partners and Collaborators
Providing funding for workplace training within companies to help workers
retain and improve employment.
Doug and Maria DeVos Foundation
Partnering to provide adult and family education programs in the Hope Zones.
Provides funding for the Iglesias de Esperanza program of family literacy within
Hispanic churches in Grand Rapids.
Grand Rapids Community College
Working with the Literacy Center to provide seamless transitions for students
and ensuring that they receive courses in employability skills, GED, KeyTrain,
financial literacy, and computer literacy. Education and Training Specialists work
with students to ensure they are ready to move from pre-GED to GED to post
secondary education and employment.
Grand Rapids Public Library
Providing marketing, financial support, and tutoring space for adult learners in
our community.
Grand Rapids Public Schools (Schools of Hope Program)
Partnering to provide family literacy programming in seven elementary schools
for 2010-2011, with a goal to ultimately provide programming in all 15 Schools
of Hope. This programming includes adult education, parenting classes, child
education, and parent and child together (PACT) time.
Head Start for Kent County
Partnering to provide family literacy programming to Head Start families. This
programming includes adult education, parenting classes, child pre-school
education, and parent and child together (PACT) time.
Kent District Library
Providing marketing and tutoring space for adult learners in our community.
Pathways to Prosperity
This collaboration includes the Literacy Center of West Michigan, Grand
Rapids Community College, Women’s Resource Center, Goodwill Industries,
Manpower, and Kent and Allegan County MiWorks! These organizations are
working together to move adult learners through the continuum of education into
green jobs and providing seamless transitions for all students. This is a two-year,
grant-funded program.
Program Overview
Adult Tutoring Program
Our Adult Tutoring Program provides one-on-one individualized instruction to adult learners reading
below a 9th grade level. Instruction is provided for both native and non-native speakers of English. All
lessons are contextualized to the learner’s personal goals and educational needs. This program serves
more than 600 adult learners annually and trains approximately 100 volunteer tutors each year.
Customized Workplace English™ Program
Serving more than 700 adult learners annually, our Customized Workplace English™ Program provides
customized training to employers in Workplace English (ESL), Workplace Literacy, Accent Modification,
Cross-Cultural Workplace Communication, ACT’s WorkKeys® assessment, job profiling and training
in Foundational Skills. As a partner organization in Pathways to Prosperity, our education specialists
help students transition through the education and employment pipeline. Our program is an authorized
provider of ACT’s WorkKeys system, which offers an opportunity for learners to obtain a National Career
Readiness Certificate and companies to be more targeted in their workforce development efforts. Our
learners in the community-based ESL courses learn English for the workplace and transition to postsecondary education, job training and employment.
Head Start Family Literacy Program
Serving more than 50 families annually, the Head Start Family Literacy Program provides tutoring and
workshops to assist parents and caregivers with children enrolled in participating Head Start for Kent
County programs to become better readers to their children. Volunteer tutors work one-on-one with
parents and caregivers to improve their reading and language skills.
Schools of Hope Family Literacy Program
Our Schools of Hope Family Literacy Program is a partnership with Grand Rapids Public Schools and
the Heart of West Michigan United Way to provide family literacy. Parents participate in English as a
Second Language classes at their child’s elementary school. Parents also benefit from guidance on how
to become involved in their child’s education. Each month, a Family Literacy Night provides a night of fun
literacy activities and food for the participating families. The Schools of Hope Family Literacy Program is
available at seven elementary schools and serves more than 200 families.
Community Literacy Initiative
Launched in October 2011, the Community Literacy Initiative (CLI) is a literacy coalition that seeks to
empower community leaders, parents, and residents to improve literacy for all ages in West Michigan.
CLI will coordinate an annual Community Literacy Summit, develop an online Community Literacy
Directory for providers and parents, develop a common literacy measurement system, collect and report
literacy data to the community, and provide forums for sharing resources and learning from one another.
Iglesias de Esperanza Program
The Iglesias de Esperanza Program is a partnership with the Doug and Maria DeVos Foundation. Our
program trains instructors in Hispanic churches to provide family literacy programs to their congregations
and neighborhoods.
Accomplishments & Results
Adult Tutoring Program
77% of learners made a reading gain
64% of learners made a listening gain
Average reading gain 5.8 points
Average listening gain 2.7 points
Customized Workplace English™ Program
Recognized as a Best Practice by CASAS Agency and
Singapore Workforce Development Agency
Average reading gain 3.6 points
Average listening gain 5.0 points
85% of learners assessed with WorkKeys® (or 123 learners) achieved
Level 3 or higher in at least one of the WorkKeys subjects
80 learners achieved a Bronze or higher National Career Readiness
Head Start Family Literacy Program
Program completion rate: 85%
69% of adult learners made a 3-point or greater gain on their literacy post-test
100% of parents increased their frequency of pre-reading activities with a
child in the home
90% of parents increased involvement with Head Start
100% of children made a gain on their literacy/language post assessments
Schools of Hope Family Literacy Program
47% of parents had significant increases in their reading comprehension
75% of parents had significant increases in their listening comprehension
230 parents were enrolled in the program
54% of children (grades K-5) met their target reading growth on their districtwide reading tests
Community Literacy Initiative
80+ community leaders attended the public launch
40+ participants in Neighborhood Literacy Forums from Central and West
Hope Zones
Mayor George Heartwell & Bing Goei named Literacy Champions
15 committed Advisory Council members
Iglesias de Esperanza Program
Worked with three churches: Iglesia Centro Cristiano de Grand Rapids, Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal,
Iglesia Adventista Maranatha
91% of participants had significant increases in their literacy levels
78% of participants engaged their children in five or more literate behaviors every week
52% of participants made progress toward life goals
63% of participants reported an increased comfort level when interacting with their child’s school
Your support continues to inspire us to do more, to
serve more, and to be good stewards of the gifts
that you provide.
Thank You
Dank U
“I like to come to
the English
classes because
I need to improv
my English and ha
ve a better
with my children
helping them with
their homework.
~ Monica Zavala,
parent in the
Schools of Hope
Family Literacy
Program at Cesa
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Elementary Scho
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Butterball Farm
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Career Readiness
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Butterball Fa
ter and my dear
“I want to thank the Literacy Cen
cation and help.
re I was not
Now I can understand
every time, and this
is so good.”
r, adult learner in
~ Flor de América Heredia de Javie
the Adult
Donors Reader’s Circle ($10,000+)
Amway Corporation
Charles M. Gates, Jr. Foundation
Douglas & Maria DeVos
Richard & Helen DeVos
Grand Rapids Public Library
Heart of West Michigan United Way
JPMorgan Chase Bank
Sebastian Foundation
Literary Society
($5,000 – 9,999)
Dick & Betsy DeVos Foundation
Dollar General Literacy
Keller Foundation
Non Profit Technical
Assistance Fund
PNC Foundation
Poetry League
Dyer-Ives Foundation
Frank B. & Virginia V. Fehsenfeld
Verizon Wireless
West Michigan Association of
Insurance Agents
Book Club ($1,500-2,999)
Adamy Valuation Advisors
Bill & Janice Currie
Grand Rapids Community
Foundation in honor of
Shavon Doyle
Lacks Enterprises, Inc.
J. David & Roxie S. McGee
Mika Meyers Beckett &
Jones PLC
Mark Peters
Reliable Auto Finance Inc.
Spartan Stores Inc.
Mitchell & Belinda Stapley
The Grand Rapids Press
West Michigan Strategic Alliance
Speller’s Association
Rick & Loy Adamy
Butterball Farms, Inc.
John Cowles
Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr, &
Huber, Inc.
Foremost Insurance
Listing is for donations from Oct. 1, 2010 through Sept. 30, 2011
Grand Rapids Community
Jack & Rita Kirkwood
Ken & Linda Krombeen
Susan K. Ledy
Lion Rock Holdings
Meijer Inc.
Bonnie K. Miller
Elizabeth & Mark Murray
National Heritage Academies
Spectrum Health
Marilyn Titche
Nancy Treul
University of Phoenix, Inc.
Steve & Cindy Van Andel
Van Haren Electric Inc.
Tom & Betty Williams
Zondervan Publishing House
Fiction Guild ($500-999)
Jay Andreini
Matthew & Kristy Becker
Betz Industries
Susan Brower
Chuck & Mary Jo Burpee
Comerica Bank
Jean Dugan
Thomas & Carolyn Fehsenfeld
Tom & Mickie Fox Family
Friend Foundation
Gary Family Foundation
Grand River Grocery
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Haas, Ph.D.
J.C. Huizenga
Irwin Seating Company
Win & Kyle Irwin
Fred & Linn Keller
Mimi Madden
Mercantile Bank of Michigan
Metrics Reporting, Inc.
Ellen L. Myler
National Christian Foundation
West Michigan - The
Catherine and Julien Neis
Laurie Pawlowski
Gary Perras
Adam & Kathlene Sheridan
Smith Haughey Rice & Roegge
William E. & Norma Sprague
Charitable Fund
Barbara Stanford and
Mark Coleman
Jerry & Judy Subar
Dr. Jacqueline Taylor
The Founder’s Fund
Literacy Sustainers
Karen Bakale
John & Julia Barnes
Amy Bird
Lisa D. Buffin
James Crosby
Tim & Anne Cusack
James H. Earley
Steve & Karen Ender
Diane Farage
Kayne Ferrier
Katie Ferris
Richard & Barbara Foster
Founders Bank & Trust
Grand Rapids GLBTA Alliance
Doris G. Griffith
Ms. Nancy H. Hart
Sue Jackson
Birgit Klohs & Greg Northrup
Cathleen Luck & Michael Brown
Macatawa Bank
Hope Margherio
Douglas & Cindy Martin
Michael & Sheila McGuire
Gerry Molyneux
May and Michael Mulligan
Duane & Nancy Nagel
Leonard & Eileen Newman Fund
James O’Connor
Therese Oniskin
Julie Roman
Josh & Sarah Rose
Deborah Schuitema
Dell Sweeris
Doug & Linda Vander Hoff
Literacy Friends
2/90 Sign Systems Employees
Barbara W. Amberg
K. Laurel Balkema
Clark Benton
Dianne Boozer
Steve & Cheryl Boshoven
Larry & Karen Braendle
The Breton Garden Dentists
Nancy & Jerry Brian
Dwight M. Burch
Anna Moore Butzner
Carol Bylsma
Julie Cameron
Elizabeth Carrier
Kalista Castine
Carolyn Chapman
Jon Chism
Roger & Lee Clark
David Deering, Jr.
Kreigh & Diedre Deering
Ms. Lynne M. Deering
Michael Delaney
Henry & Lisa Droski
Diane Dustin
Laurie Zarzecki Emelander
Pat & Dan Esch
Bill Essling
Char Firlik
Evelyn & Loyd Fitch
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Francis
Kimberly Frantz
Furniture City American
Legion #258
Don & Laurie Gardner
Cheryl Garrison
Gilda G. Gely
Dave & Sandy Gibbs
William & Kathleen Gilbert
Robert Goodrich
Goodrich Quality Theaters Inc.
Grand Rapids Griffins
Michael Haines
Mary A. Hanson
Stacey & Bill Heisler
Mary L. Hockwalt
Russell & Barbara Hohman
Steve & Mary Hollander
Howe Marketing
Communications, LLC
Sarah & Mike Julien
Matthew & Laura Kendall
Mary E. King
Anna Kruse & Tom Zook
Mr. & Mrs. William Kruse
Jeffrey & Kathy Lambert
Land & Company
Kelli Langan
Matthew & Kimberly Large
Katherine Little
Irma M. Love
Dennis & Wendy Madden
Ernest & Lorraine Malkewitz
James Manning
Linda Masbruch
Meyaard, Tolman & Venlet P.C.
Heidi Nagel
Kathleen & Ken Nelson
Juan & Mary Olivarez
Nancy L. Owens
Sheila C. Paavo
Parrish Consulting Inc.
Linda B. Paul
Roland Prevost
Jason & Kate Rehmus
Cindy Ritter
Diane and Steve Rosen
Emil & Nancy Sabolish
Kevin & Amy Schaaf
James and Jayne Schafer
Robert J. Schichtel
Barbara Schneider
Monica Scott
Donors, continued
David & Lynn Seeber
Sandy Sefton
Joe & Lavonne Singer
Johanna T. Sizick
Ruth & Bill Stubbs
Jonathan F. Thoits
Jeannie & Tim Thoits
Thomas Townsend
Patti Trepkowski
James VanderBaan
Noel VanNess
Marianne & Werner Veit
Michael & Sara Washburn
Earl & Mary Ann Williams
Joan Wilson
Joanne Wolfe
Richard & Barbara Young
David & Camilla Zawacki
Henry & Verla Zuiderveen
Literacy Patrons ($1-99)
John Adamopoulos
The American Marketing
Association of West Michiga
John & Kristi Arndts
Randy Austin
Lori Baker
Gregory & Anna Bauer
Alan Bedell
Anita & Eric Bennett
Bruce Bennett
Judith Bergsma & Richard Safar
Charles and Marcia Betsch
Ruth M. Bitting
Rob Bondy
Patricia Boyle
John & Virginia Braley
Elizabeth Bransdorfer
Scott & Carol Brinkmeyer
Michelle Burns
June M. Bustraan
Dick & Judy Byrne
Lynn Carlon
Tina Carney
Scott Chaudoir
Bob & Mary Christenson
William & Linda Clifford
Suzanne Cole
Joseph & Martha Crawford
William Cunningham
Nancy K. Dausman
Jane H. DeGroot
June S. Bazuin DeHaan
Gail DeYoung
Deborah S. Drake
Rosemary Dressler
James & Cynthia Emmert
Cheryl & William Endres
Ms. Virginia Engleman
Joseph Fisher
Anita C. Garber
David & Jone Goudzwaard
Betty Groff
Scott & Gail Haebich
Hanson Collision
Al & Marlene Heemstra
Krista Helder
Stephen A. Herman
Dr. & Mrs. Hesselschwerdt
Mary Hodges
Robert Hoff
Bobbe Horton
Stephen & Roxanne Host
David E. Howard
John & Janyce Huff
Neil Jansen
Crystal Jones
David & Lydia Jonson
Cathleen Kaiser
Dr. Donald J. & Julie Klein
Kristin Kol
David G. Kovac
Shay Kraley
Sylvia Krissoff
Janet Krueger & Bruce
Klaas Kwant & Candace
Ms. Susan Laninga
Carol Lautenbach
Ross & Sheryl Leisman
Mark & Barbara Levandoski
Marcie & Mark Lewis
Kenneth Lobbes
Ms. Anne Logan
Rita Loper
Thomas Maguire
Gail P. Mancewicz
Robert Marko
Anthony Matson
Robert L. Matthews
Lesley Mayer
Terry & Audrey McBurney
Linda McGowan
John McMullen
Patricia McNeal
Hector & Kim Melendez
Howard Meyerson
Wendy Morga
Glenn & Carla Morris
Mary Jo Nye
Dawn Orr
Bob & Gretchen Partridge
Ms. Joann Paul
Linda Philo
Carl Poll
Kathryn J. Post
Ruth L. Post
Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy of this list. We apologize for any unforeseen error.
Esther Prins
Frank & Annette Remsburg
Elizabeth Riley
Gerard & Marcia Ritzenhein
William & Evelyn Rogell
Rick & Penny Romans
Jodi M. Rothenthaler
Monica Sanders
Rev. Robert Alan Schiesler,
Melissa Seguin
C. Shapiro
Anita Silverstein
Clare & Jann Snyder
Elizabeth Storey
Dale & Carol Svihl
Steele & Mary Taylor
Millie L. Tegner
Susan M. Thoits
Megan Thomson
Cheryl Tully
Sheryl J. Van Woerkom
Pam Vandekerkhoff
Jadee Vander Cica
Don & Lillian VanderVeen
Dean & Amy Vandyke
Nancy VanIngen
Sally W. VanOtteren
Robin E. Velte
Richard W. Verburg
Michael J. Verdun
Susan Wabeke
Jill Warren
Kimberly Warren
James & Carol White
Ronald M. Wierenga
Jim Yates
Edwin & Mary Rose Zarzecki
Patrick & Melinda Zoerman
Volunteer Tutors
Tutors instructing adult learners within the 2010-2011 program year July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011
(Tutors instructing students after June 30, 2011 will be highlighted in the next annual report)
James Adado
Sarah Aldrich
Wendy Allen
Kathleen Ammons
Jane Anderson
Theodore Andrews
Alice Apol
Susan Arnold
Sue Baar
Nicole Baeten
Linda Barar
Peggy Barding
Nora Barkey
Ruth Baron
Pat Bartlett
Alice Beery
Patricia Belanger
Gina Bivins
Sheri Bjornseth
Colleen Blaszak
Denise Blumberg
Viola Bogard
Nancy Boomer
Pam Boomer
Linda Booth
Christian Borg
Sherrie Bothee
Mary Brillhart
Stephanie BrockKnoper
Lynn Brooks
Duane Brummel
Tamara Buitendorp
Dwight Burch
Rachel Burkhart
Shirley Burnham
Mary Jo Burpee
Michael Burton
James Carpenter
Elizabeth Carrier
Ernest Cascini
Natalie Chase
Janet Cornell
Juliette Cowall
Catherine Curtis
Steven Davison
Julianne Day
Cheri DeClercq
Mary DeGroot
Charlotte DeJong
Marilyn DeJong
Tom Dooley
Dan Dorn
Michelle Downer
Carol Doyle
Marilyn Driesenga
Jean Dugan
Amy Earl
E. Diane Eddy
James Emmert
Karen Ender
Bill Essling
Rebecca Farnsworth
Evelyn Fitch
Barb Foley
Laura Folske
Sarah Fors
Karen Francois
Barbara Friend
Alaina Furr
David Gainor
Lois Gard
Lou George
Elizabeth Gerritsen
James Gillard
Marilyn Gillem
Candy Godfrey
Laurie Gole
Pablo Gonzalez
Marielos Good
John Gorsky
David Greeno
Abby Griffin
Susan Grimm
Iama Guna
Lisa Haight
Mary Hancock
Carolyn Hawkins
Kathy Hawkins
Evelyn Hazenberg
Tess Hazenberg
Linda Healy
DeAnna Heindel
Mary Heller
Susan Hengstebeck
Mikalene Henry
Sally Herrema
Lanita Hobson
Nancy Hollowell
John Horaney
Roberta Horton
David Howard
Kimberly Howell
Barbara Hudson
Frances Ignasiak
Don Jackson
Amanda Johnston
Denise Joseph
Sarah Julien
Scott Kaplan
William Karpowicz
Karen Karppinen
Phyllis Karsina
Ellen Keener
Susan Keith
Tracy Kenney
Laurie Kent
Sharon Kiel
Harper L King
Kevin Knoll
Jack Kok
Shay Kraley
Mary Krupiczewicz
Josie Kulak
Virginia LaGrand
Vanessa Lake
Sandra Landry
Deborah (Deb) LaPres
Suzanne Latham
Amanda Leamer
Joni Leyrer
Sarah Lindberg
Joseph (JJ) Lindke
Jennifer Lindsay
Vera Littler
Renee Lorenz
Vaughn Love
Cynthia Machiela
John MacKeigan
Ann Matchinsky
Anne McElheny
Susan McFarland
Laurie McGuire
Sheila McHugh
William McKee
Sheila Meeusen
Brenda Merizon
Sue Miller
Justin Minor
Jennifer Molyneaux
Dan Morris
Gosia Morris
Hadiya Muhammad
Mary Munson
Monica Napieralski
Kathy Nelson
Loretta Nelson
Lois Nota
Halimah Nuriddin
Sharon Oatley
Joseph Oettinger
Roberta Oettinger
Jim Overzet
Susanne Peck
Sharon Pegman
Maureen Perideaux
James (Jim) Peterson
Sherry Phillips
Jim Poelstra
Rick Polhill
Ed Potterack
Richard Pranger
Julie Pruiett
Charlotte Pullen
Susan Rabick
Jessica Rabideau
Ronald Reed
Kelly Reeder
Annette Remsburg
Steven Reynolds
Ricardo Rezende
Roberta Rice
Dirk Richardson
Mary Richardson
Valerie Richardson
Elaine Rietema
Mona Riswadkar
Angel Rosales
Marni Rose
Myra Rudy
C. Rebecca Ruth
Susan Sandberg
Kathryn Saukas
Andy Saur
Bob Schichtel
Joe Schmidt
Rose Schmidt
Marcia Schuette
Kathy Schultz
Pam Schwallier
Mark Sevald
Tom Sibley
Sandra Siegel
Susan Simons
AnnMarie Smith
Julianne Smith
Timothy Sneller
Anthony Spyker
Cheri Stanard
Belinda Stapley
Martin Story
Gregg Stuart
Dale Svihl
Elizabeth Swartz
T. Margie Tabor
Candice Tajak
Natalie Tassell
Kathy Taylor
Millie Tegner
Beth Thomas
Margaret Thomas
Roberta Thomas
Andrea Tiller
John Tillman
Marilyn Titche
Lauren Tolliver
Mary Ellen Troy
Anita Troyer
Penny Urbanski
Shelly Van Liere
Donna VanAssen
Maureen VandeBrake
Maggie VandeVelde
Gloria VanDragt
China VanProoyen
Jeanne VanTil
Lisa Verhil
Julie Walwyn-Tross
Kimberly Warren
Catherine Waters
Ruth Weber
Kathy Wendling
Stacey White
Robin Whitney
Terrie Wicks
Ashten Marie Wilkey
Don Williams
David Wills
Kay Wisner
Nelson Wood
Elizabeth Wright
Leslie Yarhouse
Chris Young
Jessica Young
Stephen Zamarron
Robert Zeeff
Elizabeth Zeller
Tom Zyskowski
Nancy Zywicki
Blueprint for Literacy
Advancement Campaign Progress Report
Advancement goals that were 100% complete by the end of the fiscal year
-- Move to our current location (completed in 2009)
-- Hiring of Vice President of Operations (Spring 2011)
-- Hiring of Public Relations Specialist (Spring 2011)
-- Increase in number of adult learners served from 900 to 1,500
Advancement goals that are nearing completion (80% complete or more):
-- The establishment of relationships with adult literacy providers in Kent
County through our recently launched Community Literacy Initiative
Advancement goals that are more than 60% complete:
-- The establishment of relationships with Adult Literacy providers in
adjacent counties, such as the Lakeshore Learning Center and Zeeland
Community Adult Education in Ottawa County, and Read Muskegon in
Muskegon County
-- Speaking to the community on a regular basis includes our newly
designed Neighborhood Literacy Forums held in the West & Central
Hope Zones in Grand Rapids
-- Twice the number of classes held in either math, reading, parenting,
health literacy, financial literacy, ESL, and WorkKeys testing preparation
-- Taking a bold leadership role in the community to drive literacy
Blueprint for Literacy Campaign Donors
We have successfully reached our fundraising goal for the Blueprint for Literacy
Campaign. Here is the full listing of all of our donors who have made this possible.
$1 - $499
Karen Anderson
Christine Belding
Bruce Bennett
Catherine Bolster
Neal & Kristin Brace
Larry & Karen Braendle
Andrew & Janay Brower
Byrne Electrical Specialists
Mark Custer
Kreigh & Diedre Deering
Jane H. DeGroot
Beverly A. Drake
Joan Ferrier
Gentex Corporation
Estela Gonzalez-Setles
Vera Grishkina
Mary A. Hanson
Jorge & Kelly Hernandez
Mary Hockwalt
Michael & Rachael Jungblut
Bob & Jeanne Keller
Kevin Konarska
Birgit Klohs & Greg Northrup
Rebecca D. Knack
Dirk & Jennifer Kraai
Janet Krueger & Bruce Goodman
Peter & Mary Lewandoski
Cathleen Luck & Michael Brown
Anita Matlock-Murphy
Lesley Mayer
Lindsay McHolme
Duane & Nancy Nagel
Carl Poll
Luke Ridout
Cindy Ritter
Tatum Rucker
Sandy Sefton
Karen Sellaro
James VanderBaan
Don & Lillian VanderVeen
Robin E. Velte
Neil & Paula Villeneuve
Marcia Warner
Michael & Sara Washburn
Don & Sandy Williams
Joan Wilson
Edwin & Mary Rose Zarzecki
$500 - $999
Barbara W. Amberg
AT&T Telecom Pioneers - Club #310
Karen Bakale
Bert & Janet Bleke
Nancy & Jerry Brian
Kristin Ekkens
Diane Farage
Diane Herbruck
Sue Jackson
Shay Kraley
Heather Lee
Don & Nancy Lubbers
Ruth A. Lumpkins & Elias Lumpkins
Macatawa Bank
Patricia L. Missad
Morrison Family Foundation
Linda B. Paul
Jason & Kate Rehmus
Monica Scott
Nancy VanIngen
$1,000 - $2,999
Lisa D. Buffin
Comerica Charitable Foundation
Jean Dugan
Laurie Zarzecki Emelander
Martha Esch
GR Spring & Stamping, Inc.
Mayor George & Susan Heartwell
Russell & Barbara Hohman
Keith & Mary Kay Hopkins
Jerome P. Subar Foundation
Metro Health/Metropolitan Hospital
Peter & Stephanie Setterington
Steve & Cindy Van Andel Foundation
Jerry & Judy Subar
Dr. Jacqueline Taylor
Marilyn Titche
Lori Visser
Craig & Marcie Woods
$3,000 - $4,999
Matthew & Kristy Becker
David & Karla Clark
James H. Earley
Richard & Barbara Foster
Patrick & Melissa Hackett
Ken & Linda Krombeen
Bill Neiboer
Richard & Barbara Young
$5,000 - $9,999
Rick & Loy Adamy
Cascade Engineering, Inc.
Win & Kyle Irwin
Susan K. Ledy
The National Christian Foundation West
S. Abraham & Sons, Inc.
Slemons Foundation
The Grand Rapids Press
VanderWeide Family Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Consumers Energy Foundation
Bill & Janice Currie
Dick & Betsy DeVos Foundation
J.C. Huizenga
Jack & Rita Kirkwood
Bonnie K. Miller
PNC Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999
Amway Corporation
Douglas & Maria DeVos Foundation
Farmers Insurance Group
Frey Foundation
Irwin Seating Company
Lacks Enterprises, Inc.
Robert & Margaret Sneden Fund of the ME
Davenport Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
Grand Rapids Community Foundation
Ladies Literary Club
Richard & Helen DeVos Foundation
Steelcase Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Financial Information - Fiscal Year 2010/2011
October 1, 2010 - September 30, 2011
Condensed Statement of Activities
Temporarily Unrestricted Restricted Total
Total Revenue 1,045,064 229,835
Total Expenses
1,517,880 1,517,880
Change in Net Assets before
Advancement Campaign
255,967 (146,495) 109,472
(216,849) 83,340 (133,509)
Current Assets
Property and Equipment (Net)
Endowment Fund: Legacy for Literacy
Total Assets**
Advancement Campaign
Revenue and released from restrictions
Total Change in Net Assets*
Condensed Statement of Financial Position
Liabilities & Net Assets
Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
*The deficit reflected in Net Assets is
partially due to funds received in previous
fiscal years, but spent in this fiscal
year. **These statements do not reflect
approximately 35,300 hours donated
by our volunteers during the fiscal year.
The value of their hours is estimated at
$736,000 for the fiscal year.
Functional Expenses
(includes Advancement Campaign)
Program Services
1,188,511 (78%)
242,101 (16%)
87,268 (6%)
2010/2011 Revenue Sources
Workplace & Other Fees (9%)
United Way Designations (1%)
Special Events/Sponsorships (4%)
United Way Subsidy (4.5%)
Individual Contributions (2%)
Business Contributions (3%)
Organizational Contributions (1.5%)
Advancement Campaign (8%)
Board of Directors
Lisa Buffin,
Eric A. Adamy
Adamy Valuation Advisors
Lisa Buffin,
Eric A. Adamy,
Adamy Valuation Advisors
Katie Ferris
Monica Scott
MLive Media Group
Katie Ferris,
Monica Scott,
MLive Media Group
Dave Clark
Past Chair
Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr &
Huber, Inc.
Ken Jansen
Lake Michigan Insurance
Dave Clark,
Past Chair
Fishbeck, Thompson,
Carr & Huber Inc.
Jorge Gonzalez
West Michigan Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce
Karen Bakale
Mercantile Bank
Kimberly Large
Mika Meyers Beckett & Jones
Micki Benz
Saint Mary’s Health Care
Mark Peters
Butterball® Farms, Inc.
Gilda Gely
Grand Rapids Community
Sandy Sefton
Metro Health Hospital, Retired
Jenn Groendyke
Lacks Enterprises Inc.
Jesse Hertstein
Stephanie Setterington
Juan R. Olivarez, PhD
Honorary Board Member
Aquinas College
Karen Bakale
Mercantile Bank
Jim Botts
Grand Rapids
Public Library Board
Jim Earley
Foremost Insurance
Gilda Gely
Grand Rapids
Community College
Kimberly Large
Mika Meyers
Beckett & Jones, LLC
Mark Peters
Butterball® Farms, Inc.
Sandy Sefton
Metro Health Hospital, Retired
Stephanie Setterington
Juan R. Olivarez, PhD
Honorary Board Member
Kalamazoo Community
1120 Monroe NW, Suite 240
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 459-5151 (p)
(616) 245-8069 (f)
www.literacycenterwm.org (web)
info@literacycenterwm.org (e-mail)
Grand Rapids, MI