JULY 2015 DISPENSING OPTICS NEWS, INFORMATION and EDUC ATION for OPTICIANS 201 15 Awar ad AN A AN AM R F Y T YL S Y N VIT I T C YA E E Y II® ph I a r g o t ir Au Sham ® II ude I ttit ir A m a h S VISION WITHOUT LIMITS Offer unparalleled choice & performance with the most innovative products of 2015: SHAMIR AUTOGRAPH AUTOGRAPH III® Holistically individualised for all of your patients needs. SHAMIR AUTOGRAPH AUTOGRAPH INTOUCH INTOUCH™ Right power right place for modern progressive lens users. SHAMIR ATTITUDE ATTITUDE III® Equivalent clear lens performance for all sunwear. SHAMIR SMART SMART SV SV™ Simply the right choice for all single vision lens wearers. CHALLENGE THE TECHNOLOGY TODAY! WWW.SHAMIRLENS.CO.UK Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 Contents 10. 39. 18. 20. 14. Features 34. 20. 36. Enhanced roles in focus Product spotlight Continuing Education & Training An overview of paediatric dispensing Part 1: Frames and faces by Andrew Cripps 29. CET Answers Prescription lenses for sport by Tanya Storey 30. Case report Nystagmus: going the extra mile by Hannah Price 32. Business Marketing to mums by Antonia Chitty Interview ...with Barry Duncan Expressions of youth 24. Consultation Day with the Areas 37. ABDO Conference preview 38. BCLA report Regulars 5. DO Dispatches 6. Black Arts by ABDO president, Peter Black 8. Letters 8. News 41. FAQs answered by Kim Devlin FRONT COVER 42. Jobs & Notices Rodenstock Model R5290A, from the Colorado Kids Collection Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 3 Gl a s se h Trivex Le wit e n z Complete Glazed Packages Available Fantastic children’s range Free case with every frame 1 2c BK00 For kids aged 6m months to 12 years old New trendy frame designs Practical smaller styles - perfect for today’s younger patients BK011 c1 Different eye shapes in exciting bright colours For more information Tel: 01452 510321 Email: View online: DISPENSING OPTICS The Professional Journal of the Association of British Dispensing Opticians VOLUME 30 NO 7 EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Assistant Editor Managing Editor Email Design and Production Email Admin. Manager Email Sir Anthony Garrett CBE HonFBDO Jane Burnand Nicky Collinson BA (Hons) Rosslyn Argent BA (Hons) Deanne Gray EDITORIAL/ADVERTISING Telephone 0781 2734717 Email Website SUBSCRIPTIONS UK £140 Overseas £150, including postage Apply to Tom Veti Association of British Dispensing Opticians Godmersham Park, Godmersham, Kent CT4 7DT Telephone Email Website ABDO CET CET Coordinator 01227 733922 Paula Stevens MA ODE BSc(Hons) MCOptom FBDO CL (Hons)AD SMC(Tech) ABDO CET, 5 Kingsford Business Centre, Layer Road, Kingsford, Colchester CO2 0HT Telephone Email or email 01206 734155 CONTINUING EDUCATION REVIEW PANEL Joanne Abbott BSc(Hons) FBDO SMC(Tech) Keith Cavaye FBDO (Hons) CL FBCLA Andrew Cripps FBDO (Hons) PG Cert HE FHEA Kim Devlin FBDO (Hons) CL Stephen Freeman BSc(Hons) MCOptom FBDO (Hons) Cert Ed Abilene Macdonald Grute FBDO (Hons) SLD (Hons) LVA Dip Dist Ed Cert Ed Richard Harsant FBDO (Hons) CL (Hons) LVA Andrew Keirl BOptom (Hons) MCOptom FBDO Angela McNamee BSc(Hons) MCOptom FBDO (Hons) CL FBCLA Cert Ed Linda Rapley BSc FCOptom DO Dispatches PROPOSED ADDITIONAL ROLE FOR THE AREAS At our Consultation Day with the Areas held on 20 May, Barry Duncan and I outlined proposals to give new wide-ranging responsibilities to ABDO Area committees (see our report on pages 34-35). Amongst ideas considered was the appointment of a clinical lead in each Area, who would focus on the vital and growing topic of local commissioning and the role that dispensing optician practice owners and individual members can play in the delivery of new and enhanced services. This is coupled with the need for Areas to make every effort to encourage and support members in joining and participating in the work of local optical committees (LOCs). There is a steadily growing cohort of DOs taking on responsibilities within LOCs. This is to be greatly welcomed but the picture is still rather patchy. It is hoped that Areas will take on the responsibility of monitoring LOCs and help and encourage members to get involved where gaps exist. These proposals, added to the existing roles in the provision of CET, student revision classes and social activities, mean that Area committees will have a strong and vital role in the future. A board level working party has been established and will report back to the next Consultation Day with the Areas in November with recommendations on how to take these ideas forward. Sir Anthony Garrett ABDO general secretary JOURNAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Richard Crook FBDO Kim Devlin FBDO (Hons) CL Kevin Gutsell FBDO (Hons) SLD Ros Kirk FBDO Angela McNamee BSc(Hons) MCOptom FBDO (Hons) CL FBCLA Cert Ed DISPENSING OPTICS IS PUBLISHED BY ABDO, 199 Gloucester Terrace, London W2 6LD DISPENSING OPTICS IS PRINTED BY Lavenham Press, Lavenham, Suffolk CO10 9RN © ABDO: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatever without the written prior permission of the publishers Dispensing Optics welcomes contributions for possible editorial publication. However, contributors warrant to the publishers that they own all rights to illustrations, artwork or photographs submitted and also to copy which is factually accurate and does not infringe any other party’s rights ISSN 0954 3201 AVERAGE CIRCULATION: 9,025 Jan-Dec 2014 ABDO Board certification Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 5 PETER BLACK Our monthly column from the ABDO president BLACK ARTS Demanding customers or customer demand? L ong-time readers of Black Arts may have noticed it’s been a while since I’ve recanted any tales of my local pub, principally because it has been closed for over 18 months having gone out of business five times in as many years. After more than 100 years as an ‘inn’ the new owners have converted it to a ‘bistro’ and the initial signs were that they had the right idea about their potential local market. Being opposite a school it was an obvious move to start selling posh coffee to parents at school drop-off and pick-up times, and the area has been crying out for a better food offering, yet within weeks it was obvious all was not well at the inn. Whilst yummy mummies are welcomed for coffee before they pick up the children, the welcome is somewhat less warm if parents turn up after school with the kids in tow, largely because this time eats into the precious OAP happy hour of buy-one-getone-free meals from 4pm until 5pm. Clearly thrifty War Babies from the ‘waste not want not’ generation can be persuaded to eat at the most ridiculous times if the offer is cheap enough – but all too often those of us with good money to spend are ignored. There is no kids’ menu or family offer despite nearly 500 children and their parents passing the pub five days per week in term time, almost all of whom live within a few miles. When I tried to book, last orders for food was 7.30pm, yet there is clearly demand for a later sitting, especially as Ethel and Ernie and their coach load of friends usually arrive at 4.58pm to place their half price order and are still eating two hours later. Time will tell whether our new bistro will adapt to satisfy the needs of its potential customers, or will it remain stuck with only low price sales and little else? Discounting services to create 6 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 demand at unpopular times is fair enough if it generates incremental sales that sweat a business’s assets just a little bit more. However, relying solely on this is a dangerous game if there are obviously customers willing to pay more for a better service or a more convenient time. OPEN ALL HOURS? There are clearly parallels between restaurants and opticians. How do we price our services to even out the peaks and troughs of demand to maximise the utilisation of our assets and maximise our attraction to customers with different levels of price sensitivity? And are we open at the times most convenient to our customers? Certainly locum contact lens opticians are reporting very high demand (and fees) for their services on Saturdays, Sundays and late hours trading days, however, they also report it is difficult to get work on other days. It is quite obvious, when you think about it, why this is. Most contact lens patients are of working age, or are at school, college or university and the times they can attend are often limited to weekends and ‘after hours’. So I’m afraid I had little sympathy for a colleague who is not prepared to work Saturdays or Sundays complaining she found it very difficult to get work recently. However, I was more concerned that she was considering opening her own practice in order that she could please herself with regard to the hours she worked! It is a simple fact that businesses that do not supply enough customers with the products and services they demand at a time that is convenient for them are unlikely to survive, and will certainly not thrive in the future. This unfortunately seems to be the plight of some of the independent sector. The fact is standard ‘office hours’ with perhaps Saturday mornings, are only likely to be attractive to people who have time on their hands and, as such, business is likely to be limited to patients who are mainly retired or unemployed. With a business model like this it is fruitless to complain that your patient base is ageing and you don’t get many new customers. It is equally fruitless to engage in marketing activities directed at students or working adults if the business is not able to offer services at a time convenient to them. I often hear independent optometrists and dispensing optician practice owners complain about competitors offering cut price or free eye examinations, and whilst I agree that the NHS (i.e. taxpayer) should not have to pay more than a private customer, I fear many independents are missing the point. The call for the same rules to be applied for sight tests as it is for GOS3 Vouchers, namely that practices can only claim the lower of the NHS fee or the prevailing lowest private rate, may well save the NHS a few million pounds until practices with low private fees put their prices up to equal NHS rates. It will not, however, be the panacea many independents think it is in terms of their long-term survival and success. All practices, whether independent or otherwise, need to maximise the utilisation of their assets to differentiate themselves from their competitors. We can learn a lot from other retail and healthcare businesses and be imaginative in our marketing without the need for colossal advertising budgets. The example above of half price meals for early birds could easily be extended to sight tests and has the considerable advantage that the day starts with higher spending private patients rather than their lower spending NHS counterparts. My dentist offers a five per cent discount if both husband and wife attend the same practice, and I know plenty of businesses that offer incentives to customers who ‘recommend a friend’. Many marketing activities, such as telephoning patients when they are due their next appointment, not only result in appointments and sales, they are seen as great service too. NHS EYECARE: THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMEL’S BACK? In the great scheme of things, eyecare is an irrelevance, a mere dimple on a pimple on the fat rump of the mighty beast that is the NHS. In secondary care, eyecare expenditure pales into insignificance compared to cardiology or cancer. In primary care, community optometry services represent stunning value for money for the NHS despite it being pretty much the only remaining on demand service with an uncapped budget, provided almost exclusively by private contractors. Despite current debate about whether it is ethical for private companies to profit from the NHS, it is my belief that the NHS could get even better value for both patients and the taxpayer if only some common sense were applied and more services moved into community based primary care. Local eyecare commissioning is a scandalous waste of NHS resources and it is surely time for a re-think. In England, over and above the national General Ophthalmic Services contract there are up to 18 locally enhanced services that should be commissioned by the 211 clinical commissioning groups (CCGs). Currently only a small handful of larger CCGs have managed to commission all of these services. This is no surprise. If each service required only one meeting per service per area to scope, define, negotiate payment and implement it would take around 4,000 meetings. In practice, such negotiations are likely to take many more than one meeting, often as many as 10. This could mean a total of 40,000 meetings to negotiate contracts – a scandalous waste of time and money when you consider there are less than 7,000 community optical practices and only 14,000 registered optometrists across the whole UK. In many cases, this means patients have no easily accessible NHS service available to them, and in some cases, especially low vision, no service at all. This is leading to increased sight loss, and increased isolation of vulnerable groups who have to live with sight loss every day. A nationally, or at least regionally commissioned eye health service is required to create value for the NHS and tax payers and improve accessibility for patients by removing the postcode lottery. At a recent lecture from Moorfields’ ophthalmic accident and emergency department I learned that blepharitis and dry eye account for around a third of cases. Itchy eyelids and uncomfortable eyes can hardly be considered accidents or emergencies can they? Away from large urban areas lucky enough to have dedicated eye units, I believe that eye-related conditions account for between three and five per cent of all A&E attendance, yet according to the statistics produced by Moorfields around a third of these conditions could be handled by a dispensing optician or pharmacist, two thirds by an ordinary community optometrist and over four fifths by an independent prescribing optometrist practitioner. Now consider what happens to the majority of eye patients, with non-sight threatening, non-emergency conditions when they attend A&E. Every time a patient appears with chest pains, pregnancy complications or a broken leg, our poor dry eye patient goes to the back of the queue. Routine eye conditions might just be the reason most A&E departments are missing their four-hour target most of the time. Moving minor eye conditions and even some emergencies towards community opticians would save the NHS money and enable politicians to report some good news on A&E targets for a change. Reducing the burden on A&E by just one or two per cent could be sufficient to remove the straw that is breaking the camel’s back if only politicians and NHS leaders could apply some common sense. However, if this is to become reality, as principal triage practitioners dispensing opticians need to step up to the plate, get involved in minor eye conditions in practice and get involved locally to make it happen politically. WHAT’S NEW ON EYECARE FAQ? New! ABDO now has an official page on Facebook. Find us at www.facebook. com/ABDOMembers You can also find news for ABDO members on Twitter @MembershipAbdo and more general news from the world of eyes at @ABDONews New this month on Eyecare FAQ, you’ll find an infographic to share on diabetes, FAQ on the disease as well as an optical lingo bingo card full of related words. How many are you using every day, and do patients know what you mean? You can use any of the FAQ answers and images on your own blog or website. Follow, like and share these useful resources on your practice and personal social media channels, to help the public learn about eyecare and promote the role of the registered dispensing optician. Get involved with Eyecare FAQ, ABDO’s campaign to help consumers learn more about looking after their eyes, and the role of the registered dispensing optician. Eyecare FAQ is also at: • • • • • • or visit the website, information-for-the-public/eyecarefaq/ Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 7 @ HAVE YOUR SAY Email or write to Dispensing Optics, PO Box 233, Crowborough TN27 3AB NEWS Letters HISTORICAL RESEARCH REQUEST I am in the process of writing a history of the binocular ophthalmoscope with a colleague. We have come across such an instrument designed by the ophthalmologist, Andrew Rugg-Gunn, but would like to know more about the company who made it. The manufacturers were SP Holloway Dispensing Opticians of 14a Henrietta Street, W1. Mr Rugg-Gunn presented his instrument at the Ophthalmological Society of the UK congress in 1949. SP Holloway also made an ophthalmoscope called the Twin-Beam. If any reader has information on this company, I would be very pleased to hear from them. Richard Keeler FRCOphth (Hon) London We kindly reserve the right to edit contributions prior to publication. Follow us on Twitter @ABDOCollege and @MembershipABDO ABDO events and booking information can be found at Kevin, Jo and James with fellow new FEAOOs THREE BECOME FIRST DO EAOO FELLOWS Jo Underwood, James Russell and Kevin Milsom have become the first dispensing opticians to be admitted to the European Academy of Optometry and Optics (EAOO) as Fellows. The EAOO welcomed a record 15 new members into Fellowship at its annual conference dinner in Budapest in May, including UK optometrists Dr Frank Eperjesi, Dr Amit Jinabhai and Nick Rumney. Fellowship is awarded to members who have made a significant contribution to optometry and/or optics at a local, national or international level. Budapest 2015 was the Academy’s most successful conference so far, attracting more than 300 optometrists, dispensing opticians and contact lens opticians from 44 countries. Jo Underwood, who is ABDO College principal, said: “I believe passionately in optical professionals working together to share knowledge, harmonise the profession and break down barriers. I consider this to be the role of the Academy, and this is the reason why I am a member, why I sit on its education committee and why I applied for Academy Fellowship. “I was honoured to be considered a suitable candidate for Academy Fellowship and I would encourage everyone to consider applying in order to consolidate their personal achievements, and to strengthen the Academy and its aims,” Jo added. BIFOCALS BRING “AMAZING” BOOST TO YOUNGSTER’S VISION Rob with Henry wearing his new bifocals 8 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 Bifocal glasses prescribed by Vision Express in Horsham, Sussex, have made an “amazing” difference to a 12-year-old boy, Henry, who has Down’s syndrome. Henry’s Mum, Caroline, said: “He took to the bifocals really quickly and is starting to read. He still needs lots of encouragement but now wants to read his key words every day. His handwriting is becoming clearer because he can see what he is writing.” Dispensing optician, Rob Eatwell, who fitted Henry’s new glasses, said: “We try to make children feel as welcome as possible. It’s really important to get a rapport going. Bifocals are known to help children with Down’s syndrome focus better on close work.” Tests carried out by Dr Margaret Woodhouse at Cardiff University led to Henry’s prescription for bifocals. Dr Woodhouse said: “Like most children and young people with Down’s syndrome, Henry is very able if you do things at the right pace and make it fun.” Dr Woodhouse has studied vision in children and young people with Down’s syndrome for 25 years, and has been awarded an OBE for her work. Now, with funding from Horsham-based charity Action Medical Research, she is investigating why bifocal glasses seem to be so beneficial for children with Down’s syndrome. Dr Woodhouse will be presenting at the ABDO Conference in Manchester in September., NEWS Addressing the issue of (dis)comfort Offer from Silhouette Lyndon congratulates Kevin (right) NEW CHAIRMAN FOR AOP Optometrist Kevin Thompson has taken over from Lyndon Taylor as chairman of the Association of Optometrists (AOP). Owner of an optical group in the North East and elected onto the AOP council in 2007, Kevin described his appointment as “a huge honour and privilege”, adding: “My focus will be to ensure that the AOP, as the largest membership organisation in the sector, has a loud voice in influencing developments.” Lyndon Taylor has been presented with an honorary membership to the AOP in recognition of his years of outstanding service. EASING THE PROCESSES Orasis has reported a positive reaction from users of its recently upgraded practice management software. Advancements to the system include: improvements to the recall system, security features, low-cost text-messaging, taking multiple tenders on the same payment transaction, and embedded scanning for a paperless system. David Francis, software developer for the company, said: “We understand how busy it is in practice and we know our software will save you time and look more modern in the eyes of your patients. Orasis will help practices to grow sales, be more organised, stay competitive and spend more time with patients.” Orasis has also launched a complete management system for eyecare plans, which runs alongside its existing contact lens and DD scheme, and is integrating a print client with iMail allowing printing and posting to be done for much less than the price of a second class stamp. 10 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 STYLE SHADES PROMOTION Silhouette has launched a Summer Style Shades promotion providing practitioners who purchase 10 Silhouette rimless frames with 10 free clip-on Silhouette Style Shades. Silhouette Style Shades are clip-ons that transform any Silhouette rimless glasses into stylish sunglasses. Point-ofsale material and marketing support is included in the promotion package. The promotion runs until 31 July. FMO CHIEF EXECUTIVE STEPS DOWN The Federation of Manufacturing Opticians (FMO) has announced that chief executive, Kevin Gutsell, is to step down from the organisation for personal reasons. Barry Dibble, FMO chairman, said: “It is with sadness that I have accepted Kevin’s resignation after eight months in the role. His reasons for doing so are entirely honourable and I respect this. Kevin has had a long and distinguished career in the optical industry and the FMO board of directors and I wish him well for the future.” MOISTURE TECHNOLOGY EXPANDED Alcon showcased its proprietary HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix technology, a wetting agent developed to attract and retain moisture in soft contact lenses, especially silicone hydrogel contact lenses, at the British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) conference in Liverpool last month. First introduced in Opti-Free PureMoist multipurpose disinfecting solution in 2011, the technology is now expanding to be included in AOSept Plus with HydraGlide, the company’s hydrogen peroxide formulation. “Contact lens discomfort is the most common cause of complaints among soft contact lens wearers,” said Dr Inma Perez, head of professional affairs for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Alcon. “It can be caused by both mechanical friction of the contact lens on the eye and increased evaporation of tears due to the contact lens interrupting the tear film. HydraGlide Moisture Matrix embeds itself on and within the lens surface to promote moisture and comfort. “By addressing the issue of (dis)comfort and adherence, eyecare professionals can reduce customer complaints and may significantly increase contact lens wearer loyalty,” she added. DIGGING THEIR NEW PREMISES Martyn Kemp Opticians (MKO), an independent group of opticians in south Yorkshire, is kick-starting its expansion plans with the relocation of its Stocksbridge practice to the new £42m Fox Valley Development in north Sheffield. The new practice, to open in spring 2016, will cover 1,097 sq. ft. – almost four times larger than the existing premises on Johnson Street in Stocksbridge, which the company has occupied for more than 20 years. Pictured from left are MKO managing director, Ron Dolman, Mark Dransfield, Dransfield Properties’ managing director, with Sandra Davis, Andy Winnard and Emma Smith. NEWS Luxurious Chopard from De Rigo ELITE EYEWEAR CLUB LAUNCHED Professor Nathan Efron HIGHEST ORDER FOR EFRON Former British Contact Lens Association president, (1996-97) and council member (1992-99) Professor Nathan Efron, has been made a Companion of the Order of Australia in the Australian Queen’s Birthday honours list – the highest national honour awarded to Australian citizens. Professor Nathan Efron was honoured “for eminent service to medicine in the field of clinical optometry, particularly to vision correction and corneal physiology, as an academic, researcher and author, to the treatment of juvenile diabetes, and through executive roles with national and international professional organisations”. “A highlight of my time in the UK was my involvement with the BCLA, serving on council with a wonderful array of enthusiastic and motivated contact lens practitioners and industry representatives, and having the privilege of being elected for a term as president”, said Professor Efron, who was professor of clinical optometry at the University of Manchester from 1990-95, serving as head of department from 1992-97. He is currently a research professor at the Queensland University of Technology. 50TH YEAR CELEBRATIONS AYR DO WINS TOP AWARD Clair Ledgerwood Dispensing optician Clair Ledgerwood, who runs Black & Lizars’ Kilgour practice in Ayr, has won the Practice Manager of the Year award at the company’s annual awards ceremony. Clair, who has been with the practice for 13 years, trained at ABDO College in Kent before embarking on her professional career. As well as being a dispensing optician, she recently qualified as a contact lens optician. Claire was given her award at a ceremony at the Crieff Hydro. She said: “I am delighted to have won the recognition of my peers with this award, which belongs as much to the terrific team in Dalblair Road who continue to provide a first class service to both existing and new customers.” GALA DINNER SUPPORT Specsavers will be the exclusive sponsor of Vision Aid Overseas’ (VAO) 30th Anniversary gala dinner taking place on Saturday 10 October at the Holiday Inn, Coventry. As part of its commitment to VAO in its 30th anniversary year, and to assist the 12 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 De Rigo launched a new Luxury Members Club at a special event in Hertfordshire recently. De Rigo Luxury is a concept that focuses on beautifully crafted, handmade eyewear and an elite club, which offers its members premium benefits and exclusive service. Launched at Hanbury Manor, Ware, guests were able to view collections from Chopard, Lanvin and new tailor-made, bespoke Lozza Sartoriale. Guests also heard more about De Rigo and its passion for high-quality, fashion-focused frames. The Members Club offers exclusive previews of its latest collections, extended three-year product guarantees, one-to-one exchange, priority shipping, exclusive product SKUs and visual merchandising workshops on a quarterly basis. charity’s aim to raise an additional £150,000 of funds, the optical group has also pledged to support 14 runners who are fundraising for VAO by taking part in this year’s Great Ethiopian Run in November. Tickets to the gala dinner cost £30 for VAO members and £50 for non-members from City & Islington College, formerly City & East London, is inviting alumni to celebrate its 50th anniversary of training and supporting the optics profession on Thursday 9 July from 5-7.30pm. The event takes place in the Centre for Applied Sciences, with Professor Mo Jalie providing a keynote address. Email Gloria Sayers at or telephone 020 7520 0662 for more details and to attend. LICENCE EXTENDED Marchon Eyewear has announced the long-term extension of its licensing agreement with Nike for the exclusive design, production and worldwide distribution of Nike optical and sunglass collections. Claudio Gottardi, president and CEO of Marchon Eyewear, said: “We are confident that with the renewal of our long-standing partnership, which dates back to 1999, we can achieve further success with the Nike eyewear collections.” It’s important to get the right combination, Glasses are no different... Maximise your sales with our new multi pair promotion! Order a pair of our award winning progressive lenses, Intuitiv or Anateo and receive 60% discount off a second pair; any design, any coating, any index! Available from 1st July until 31st December 2015. Remember…One pair is never enough! Tel: 0844 880 1349 Always closer For full terms and conditions, please visit our website or contact our customer service team. NEWS Bright new Progear Eyeguard FRESH OPTIONS FOR SPORTS GOGGLES Norville’s Progear Eyeguard goggles are now available in four eye-catching neon colours and two transparent options. Designed for active sports, with antiallergy soft nose pads and super tough polycarbonate temples, the frame can withstand high-impact knocks whilst retaining a high level of comfort. For best protection, Norville recommends glazing with Polycarbonate or Trivex white or photochromic lenses – +5.00 to -6.00DS cyls to 4.00 SV or multifocal. Progear are ASTM F803-03 and EN 166 certified for basketball, football, squash, badminton and baseball (when supplied with Polycarbonate or Trivex lenses). Judges consider the winning project HIP HOP DESIGN SCOOPS AWARD A professional jury has chosen the three winning projects in the second International Eyewear Design Contest, organised by OWP. A total of 146 young designers from 26 countries submitted their creative ideas for eyewear, with a focus on the current urban street style with a jury made up of designers, an editor from the Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, product managers and the management of OWP. Daniel Choi from Virginia, USA, was declared the winner for his project – ‘Accent: for the urban street dancer’. According to Choi, there are “hardly any glasses that are functional and at the same time suit the sense of style of a hip hopper”. In his design, an elastic band – elegant with golden decoration fixed to the temples – ensures that a hip hop dancer can keep his glasses on his nose no matter what dance position he adopts. The three top designs are awarded prizes totaling between 500 and 2,000 Euro. The winner can also choose between the prize money and a four-week training course at OWP. The best 20 designs are also showcased at the major eyewear trade shows in Paris, Munich and Milan. NEW LIGHT SHED ON INFECTIONS Re-brand for SiH lenses NEW CAMPAIGN FOR CLARITI ‘Live vivid’ is the basis of a new campaign from CooperVision to re-introduce clarity 1 day with a new look that is consistent with other CooperVision lenses. CooperVision added clariti 1 day contact lenses to its portfolio through its acquisition of Sauflon and has been steadily expanding the availability of clariti 1 day lenses worldwide. The ‘Live vivid’ advertising and digital marketing campaign features bright, colourful images and graphics appearing in various markets around the world. 14 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 Using high-precision genetic tests to differentiate the thousands of bacteria that make up the human microbiome, researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center suggest that they have found a possible – and potentially surprising – root cause of the increased frequency of certain eye infections among contact lens wearers. In a study report on their work presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology on 31 May in New Orleans, the researchers said they had identified a diverse set of microorganisms in the eyes of daily contact lens wearers that more closely resembles the group of microorganisms of their eyelid skin than the bacterial grouping typically found in the eyes of non-wearers. Specifically, the team found that the eye surface, or conjunctiva, has surprisingly higher bacterial diversity than the skin directly beneath the eye and three times the usual proportion of Methylobacterium, Lactobacillus, Acinetobacter, and Pseudomonas bacteria in the eyes of the study’s nine contact lens wearers than is typically found on the surface of the eyeballs of 11 other men and women in the study who did not wear contact lenses. When measured and plotted on a graph, statistical germ diversity scores showed that the eye microbiome of contact lens wearers had a composition more similar to that of the wearer’s skin than the eye microbiome of non-lens wearers. “Our research clearly shows that putting a foreign object, such as a contact lens, on the eye is not a neutral act,” said senior study investigator and NYU Langone microbiologist, Dr Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello. “What we hope our future experiments will show is whether these changes in the eye microbiome of lens wearers are due to fingers touching the eye, or from the lens’s direct pressure affecting and altering the immune system in the eye and what bacteria are suppressed or are allowed to thrive,” she added. NEW Built on the ACUVUE® MOIST FAMILY— the #1 prescribed daily disposable brand around the globe1 Her Vision Will Change. Her Experience Won’t. Now you can continue excellent car e care as her vision evolves into pr esbyopia presbyopia The ONL ONLY LY MU MULTIFOCAL ULLTIFOCAL T LENS that uniquely optimises the optical design to the pupil size for a pr predictable edictable perfor performance mance acr across oss the rrefractive efractive range and ADD powers. The T he ONL ONLY LY MUL MULTIFOCAL LTIFOCAL TIFOC T LENS with pupil optimisation: optimisation: INTUISIGHT™ Technology Te echnology PUPIL SIZE v varies by power aries b y age and rrefractive efractive po wer engineered Individually engineer ed across 611 distance acr oss 6 distance powers po wers (+6.00D (+6.00D tto o My Myope ope Emmetrope Emmetrope Hyperope Hyperope -9.00D 0.25D -9 .00D in 0 .25D steps) steps) powers and 3 ADD po wers OPTICAL DESIGN For only.. P Pupil area vary by For illustrative illustrative purposes only luminance.* upil ar ea can v ary b y ~20% at at a given given luminance.* Competitive Competitive lens designs: fixed fixed optical design Continue pr oviding the care care you’ve always deliver providing delivered ed with the multifocal lens you can rrely ely on. To T o learn learn more, more, visit isit www *All ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses ha have UV-blocking radiation to the cornea and into the eye. UV UV-absorbing -absorbing ve Class 1 or Class 2 UV -blocking to help provide protection against against transmission of harmful UV radiation contact lenses are NOT substitutes for protective UV UV-absorbing -absorbing eyewear such as UV-absorbing UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area. 11.. Data Data from 3rd party sources. ACUVUE ACUVUE®, 1-DAY 1-DA AY ACUVUE® MOIST, MOISTT, LACREON® and INTUISIGHT™ are trademarks of Johnson & Johnson Medical Ltd. © Johnson & Johnson Medical Ltd. 2015. 5mayUK1043. NEWS Barry Covill with Sheila Hope NEW CHAIRMAN FOR SOCIETY The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers’ Society ‘Event of the Year’ was held on 23 May at the headquarters of the Magic Circle to mark the handover of chairmanship of the society from Barry Covill to Sheila Hope – former Dispensing Optics production editor. After a wine and canapé reception Freemen, Liverymen and their guests were entertained in the Magic Circle Theatre 16 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 by illusionist Graham Jolley. During a black tie dinner, Barry presented Sheila with the society’s chain of office for the next three years. Sheila, together with a committee, organise events throughout the year to promote the fellowship of Freemen and Liverymen of the company. A raffle made £625 for the company’s charity, which was established to fund the fight against visual impairment in the UK and abroad, improvements to the quality of life of those who have already lost that fight, and research projects within vision science. On the Sunday morning, the society visited Spencer House at St James’s, built by the ancestors of the late Princess Diana. CONSULTATION RESPONSE THANKS The General Optical Council (GOC) has thanked stakeholders for responding in such large numbers to its consultation on new standards of practice designed to raise standards across the optical professions. Alistair Bridge, GOC director of strategy, said: “We are really pleased to have received so many responses to the consultation and from such a wide range of stakeholders, including many registrants. The feedback will really help us to ensure that the final version of the new standards enables us to better protect the public while minimising the burden on registrants and providing room for them to use their judgement as professionals. “It will be really important for the standards to make our expectations clearer and treat registrants as healthcare professionals who provide invaluable services to the public with the potential to do more in the future,” added Alistair. The GOC received around 2,000 responses to the written consultation and an online registrants’ survey. The regulator also held a series of focus groups with patients, the public, registrants, students, insurers, educators and fitness to practise decision-makers. BENEVOLENT FUND If you know of a dispensing optician, or a dependant of a dispensing optician, who might benefit from the ABDO Benevolent Fund, please get in touch with Jane Burnand on 020 7298 5102 or write to her at ABDO, 199 Gloucester Terrace, London W2 6LD ACHROMATOPSIA GENE IDENTIFIED ColorMatic IQ offer SUNNY DAYS PROMOTION Until the end of July, Rodenstock is offering independent practices special net prices on all ColorMatic IQ lenses and polarised lenses, including free glazing or remote edging. Debbie Bathgate, Rodenstock’s lens product manager, said: “We want to give independent opticians everything they could possibly need to offer the best sun protection for their customers. The Sunny Days with Rodenstock promotion provides them with an ideal tool to promote their practice using attractive, professional marketing material while offering their clients exceptional value on ColorMatic and polarised products.” Posters, showcards, patient mailers and demonstration lenses are available. An international research team, including Moorfields consultants Professors Michel Michaelides and Andrew Webster, have discovered a new gene that underlies achromatopsia. According to the study, published in Nature Genetics, there is a fault in the ATF6 gene, which plays a major role in this disorder. Five other genes had previously been identified as causing achromatopsia, but the fact that families remain for whom these genes do not account for their condition led researchers to believe there must be other genes yet to be identified. People with achromatopsia see the world only in black and white and their extreme sensitivity to light makes them nearly blind in bright sunlight. It affects an estimated one in 30,000 people worldwide. There is currently no effective treatment for the disease, which appears in infancy, although a gene therapy trial at Moorfields and the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology is planned for one genetic form of achromatopsia. Ophthalmologists prescribe specially-filtered dark glasses or red-tinted contact lenses to reduce light sensitivity with the intention of improving comfort and visual acuity. A still from the commercial SIR TREVOR BACKS EYE HEALTH CAMPAIGN Sir Trevor McDonald OBE has made his TV commercial debut in an eye health campaign for Vision Express. The broadcasting veteran is backing a call to take eye health more seriously in an ‘Eyewitness’ advert, incorporating footage of Sir Trevor during significant moments in history spanning his 40-year-plus career. Concluding with the message, ‘Look after your eyes and they could last a lifetime’, the advert is the latest release from Vision Express as part of its ‘Vision taken seriously’ campaign. AREA NEWS UPDATE FROM THE AREAS ABDO Area representatives provided an update of their recent activities at the Consultation Day with the Areas in May Area 2: Sixty delegates had attended an evening meeting in March. An FQE revision day had been held for third-year students, with 28 attending and 28 on a reserve list. Two additional evening meetings had already attracted bookings of 40 and 100 delegates respectively. Area 3: A half-day event had been held in March with some 100 delegates. Ten sponsors had supported the event but there had been difficulty in finding space for them due to the large size of their stands. Area 4: A meeting had been held in January, with 80 delegates, and another in May, when 60 delegates had booked but 22 had either cancelled at the last minute or not turned up on the day. This had resulted in a waste of money on catering. The majority of the Area committee members were engaged with their relevant LOCs. Area 5: A CET day had been held in March; unfortunately the date had clashed with a major multiple’s conference and a Sight Care Day, however 67 delegates had attended. There was a 10 per cent dropout rate, which had meant a waste of food and money. Area 6: A meeting had been held in March, with some 30 attendees. A day event had been held in May, when a “disappointingly” low number of 42 delegates had booked; 36 had attended, two had cancelled in advance and four had not turned up on the day. Thirteen sponsors had supported the event. Unfortunately a larger hotel space had been booked than turned out to be necessary, which had been a waste of money. Area 7: A fully booked student supervisor day had been held in March covering the PQE and FQE syllabi; 90 per cent of delegates were students, many of whom asked for the event to be held on a regular basis. There had been 15 ‘no shows’ on the day, which had been “frustrating” as there had been a waiting list for places. A CET day was held n May, and an evening event took place in June.. Area 9: A meeting had been held in March, when 63 members had booked and 52 had attended. An event would take place in May, with 50 bookings. Area 10: An event had been held in March, with 80 bookings but only 57 delegates attending. Fortunately the committee had under-catered. Area 11: Two CET evenings had been held in February with a further meeting in May, when 130 members had booked and there had been a waiting list. There had subsequently been cancellations, the reserve list had been added and 105 members attended. The waiting list was automatically transferred to subsequent bookings. Area 12: A CET day had been held in March, funded by NHS Scotland. Half the booked members did not turn up on the day, whilst there were many more on the waiting list who would have welcomed the places. This had been “hugely embarrassing” for the Area and the chairman had sent emails to all the ‘no shows’. Another NHS-funded event would take place shortly and contact details had been circulated to all delegates so that they could contact someone if they could not attend. Two Area-only events would be held towards the end of the year to avoid any clash with the ABDO conference. Areas 1 and 8 were not represented at the meeting. Read our report from the Consultation Day with the Areas on page 34-35. FOR DETAILS OF FURTHER EVENTS, visit the events section of the ABDO website at 18 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 For more information contact Rodenstock on 01474 325 555 Expressions of youth Children are in the driving seat when it comes to choosing their frames – and what choice there is nowadays... C Model Squaw from the WhizKids range One of the new models in the Blitz Kids collection hildren today want access to the same modern, fashionable eyewear as their parents, according to Federation of Manufacturing Opticians chairman, Barry Dibble. “Sports eyewear is another growth area as eye safety, good vision and protection from harmful UV radiation are increasingly recognised by parents as being important for their children,” says Barry. “A child’s frame, however, is not simply an adult frame in a smaller size because their facial cranial measurements are still developing. Frame designers have responded to this and have produced eyewear suitable for this developing market from three months to young adult.” James Dawson, an award-winning dispensing optician, MD and lead consultant at Serendipity Optical Consultants and 7Shades frame agency, believes more and more kids and parents are seeing glasses as a fashion accessory. He says: “A lot of children who don’t need glasses want them – they see their friends in them and want the same. In practice, it is often the ones who don’t need them that get upset rather than the ones who do need them.” James believes that one of the biggest influences on the trend has been the advent of the 3D cinema experience. “Kids are less self-conscious and definitely more style conscious. When cinema glasses appeared a few years ago, teens were taking the lenses out and wearing them after they had left the cinema. Fashion stores began selling them with non-prescription lenses, even celebs are happy to be seen in their glasses, which in turn makes it popular to the celeb obsessed younger generation. They have become a fashion statement and a way for today’s youth to express themselves.” Here’s a snapshot of just some of the latest eyewear collections for children… ‘STYLISH SEVEN’ ADDED TO WHIZZY COLLECTION Dunelm Optical has introduced seven new optical frames into its popular WhizKids collection, helping children create a stylish identity through eyewear. A range of lightweight frames in durable acetate and metal have been launched for the summer season for toddlers through to pre-teens, specially designed to suit small features and fit with young lifestyles. Curly sides have been designed to fit snug round small ears and remain firmly in place on active toddlers, while extra padding on bridges protects delicate noses. The ‘stylish seven’ include metal plastic hybrids, bright two-way colourations, upswept wayfarer shapes to echo adult styles and playful prints etched on sides. ON TREND, DURABLE STYLES MADE TO LAST The latest Blitz Kidz catalogue from Norville features the full collection of 26 frames including nine trendy new models such as BK026, a silver pin detail Wayfarer and BK031, an oval-shaped metal frame available in pink and green (pictured). The fun and fresh collection for children aged six months to 12 years features different eye shapes in exciting bright colours perfect for today’s younger patients. Every frame is supplied with a novelty shoe-shaped case plus Norville offers a two-year ‘no quibble’ guarantee against lens breakage when supplied glazed with Trivex Trilogy lenses. Rock Star model Calvin and the promotional banner 20 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 CHANCE TO BE A REAL-LIFE ROCK STAR In time for the summer holiday rush on eye examinations, Eyespace’s street-cool ‘Americana’ brand, Rock Star, is offering customers – and nine of their friends – to become a real-life rock star for the day, recording their own music video. The competition will also see the winner’s optician receive a rock star experience. Participating practices will receive a pack containing a double-sided concertina window banner, featuring new Rock Star imagery, plus an A2 poster and entry cards to help promote the competition in-practice. Popular recent releases to the Rock Star range include super-bright complementary frames Calvin and Ariana, which feature on the new banner. FEEL THE FORCE AND FROZEN FEVER International Eyewear has released brand new Star Wars Rebel and Frozen eyewear collections for young patients everywhere. Targeting boys aged between four and 10, the Star Wars Rebels eyewear collection features galactic colour combinations and memorable characters emblazoned on the temples. Modern eye shapes have been designed with children in mind ensuring most prescriptions can be accommodated. Aimed at girls in the same age group, the Frozen eyewear collection provides a flurry of frames featuring enchanting colour combinations and characters from the Disney film and patterns on the temples. Modern eye shapes have been designed with children in mind ensuring most prescriptions can be accommodated. A branded case accompanies every frame in both collections with point-of-sale package featuring some of the most iconic characters also available. TAKING AFTER MUMMY AND DADDY Ogi Eyewear has expanded its Ogi Kids line with two new styles in the ‘Mommy & Me, Daddy & I’ collection, a series of coordinating adult and child-sized frames. New OK316 embraces its parent model, the Ogi Eyewear 9206, in a flattering cat eye shape mixed with bold neon colouring to create a fun and playful look for any stylish trendsetter. The OK317 (pictured) is modelled after the Ogi Eyewear 3126, combining fun colour combinations with a flattering fit. The double laminated acetate features woven strands of glimmer with feather-like iridescence in pink, purple, blue and aqua. Backed in coordinating solid hues for a pop of colour, the OK317 is the perfect accessory to any girl’s wardrobe. Ogi Kids counter cards are available upon request. FROM FRAMES TO GOGGLES AS QUICK AS A FLASH Protective eyewear specialist Wiley X has unveiled its new WX Flash, part of the company’s all-new Young Force line of prescription-ready sports protective eyewear for children. There are four colours for the new Flash frame, all with an eye size of 48 to suit younger boys and girls with smaller face sizes. A unique feature of all Young Force frames is the ability to quickly change from spectacles to goggles, and then back again. With the simple push of a button, wearers can remove the temples and replace them with an included adjustable elastic strap. All frames also come equipped with a removable elastic button strap that plugs into the temple tips for a snug fit. RARING TO GO WITH THE LATEST MODELS A whole host of children’s new models are available from French company Opal – from the Cars collection based on the Disney movie of the same name, to Spider-Man to Hello Kitty for girls. With this new design and its original temples, budding racing drivers will be raring to go with the latest model in the Cars collection (pictured). A frame built for comfort as well as speed, the Cars frame for boys aged from three to six years features a slim front, open end-pieces for lightness, rubber temples with 3D car motif and integral hinge, and temple tips with tyre-track effect. It comes in dark grey, navy blue and claret. PRODUCTS Capture their imagination with Frozen frames The OK317 features fun colour combinations Flash Model YFFLA02 in Royal Blue and Lime Green A new Cars frame built for speed and comfort Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 21 Florals and bright colours epitomise the latest Joules styles Fusing fashion and function with Colorado Kids COUNTRYSIDE THEME WITH PLAYFUL TOUCHES Original prints and a colourful approach are the main ingredients in the new Joules eyewear collection from Mondottica. Featuring combinations of bright, vibrant colours and traditional shades, the Joules signature hare can be found hopping around on tips and inside nose pads and prints run through onto lens cloths. Shapes for girls are taken directly from the adult collection and miniaturised for the smaller face while the signature hare logo gets a colourful makeover as do logo trims and materials. The Joules kids optical frames are vibrant in colour and finish and feature soft touch rubber branding. Prints take on a more playful theme where multicoloured spots meet hand drawn countryside animals. SLIM, SLEEK UNISEX DESIGNS Colorado Kids is a new concept from Rodenstock, offering not only unisex shapes with subtle colour schemes, but also slim and sleek temple designs for the ultimate wearing comfort. The collection features premium acetate frames, which have been fitted with adjustable pad arms with silicone nose pads, which is a must have for a perfect fit says the company. “These models are ideal for children leading up to their teen years where fashion and function slowly fuse together,” said Damien Klevge, Rodenstock business manager eyewear. Models R5288, R5289 and R5290 (pictured) are each available in four colours and two sizes. SUMMER TRENDS IN COLOURFUL COMBINATIONS The spring/summer 2015 sunglasses line from Zoobug features a variety of highly colourful, fashion-led shapes in creative colour combinations. New touches for trendsetting youngsters include flash mirror lenses, Italian striped acetates, classical tortoise, wood grain effects, and neon brights. Iconic Zoobug shapes such as the Daisy and circular Sunny have had a plush makeover and the Aviator has returned in fresh Mediterranean inspired tones or trendy patterns. New shapes include a traditional square (pictured), a sleek cat eye and an elegant super narrow minimal modified butterfly. All Zoobug lenses are polarised or UV400 and selected especially for children’s eyes. The latest styles come with a new foldable orange canvas case with sandy inner flock lining and Zoobug glasses print cloth. A new Zoobug shape for spring/summer 2015 PROTECTION FOR YOUNG ATHLETES The award-winning Bollé Sport Protective programme brings together all the know-how and expertise of the brand in a range of glasses especially designed for young people playing sport. The glasses conform to the European and American standards of reference for eye protection in the area of sport – EN 166 and ASTMF 803 – with or without prescription correction. Sponsored by the international basketball superstar, Tony Parker, the programme provides children with glasses offering superior optical quality lenses, Bollé’s Platinum anti-scratch and anti-fog coating, high frontal impact resistance, protection against side impacts, and 100 per cent UVA and UVB filtration. Next month’s product spotlight is on fashion frames. Bollé model Crunch in pink 22 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 It’s a feeling Stepper UK Limited 11 Tannery Road Tonbridge Kent TN9 1RF 01732 375975 Frame style shown: Si 30059 COMPETENCIES COVERED Dispensing opticians: Professional Conduct, Optical Appliances, Paediatric Dispensing Optometrists: Professional Conduct, Optical Appliances CET An overview of paediatric dispensing Part 1: Frames and faces T he Opticians Act (1989) dictates that spectacles can only be dispensed to patients below the age of 16 by (or under the supervision of) fullyqualified and registered dispensing opticians and optometrists.The reasons for this restricted supply are that children present a special case that requires a different approach to dealing directly with adults, and more specialist knowledge. Appropriate visual experience is essential for the development of most visual functions and it is critical that this experience occurs during a particular stage of a child’s development. This stage of development is often called the ‘critical period’ because if appropriate stimulation fails to occur, it may be difficult, even impossible, to develop that function later. Due to ongoing development of the retina and visual brain, this period extends until about eight years of age, with different processes having different critical periods within that time. Unequal visual inputs in childhood caused by conditions such as strabismus or congenital cataracts can cause amblyopia, a condition affecting around four per cent of the population, in which vision through one eye, the so-called ‘lazy eye’, is poor despite the eye itself being healthy. Patching the better eye can restore the quality of vision through the lazy eye, but only if it is done during the critical period. The accuracy of the visual assessment and any consequent dispensing will, therefore, have a lasting impact on the child’s development. It is often argued that every dispensing, no matter how straightforward or complex it appears, deserves the same degree of attention and expertise, but doing he best that can be done for children requires extra skills and inevitably, a great deal of patience. It should be remembered that a poorly fitting frame could result in lasting disfigurement and it is unlikely that a child will draw attention to any problems unless the frame becomes painful to wear. The General Optical Council (GOC) has produced a series of competency criteria for dispensing opticians, and one specifically for the restricted supply to children. The Elements of Competence and Performance Criteria for paediatric dispensing reads as follows: 9.1 The ability to communicate effectively with the child and their carer 9.1.1 Directs communication to the child in appropriate language and manner 9.1.2 Discusses with the carer as appropriate the factors influencing dispensing 9.2 An understanding of paediatric refractive prescribing and management decisions 9.2.1 Understands the methods of refracting children and prescribing decisions 9.2.2 Understands the investigation and management of children presenting with anomalies of binocular vision 9.3 The ability to advise on and measure for the most appropriate paediatric frames 9.3.1 Takes accurate facial measurements 9.3.2 Understands changes in measurements as the facial features develop 9.3.3 Advises on appropriate frames and availability of special features 9.4 The ability to advise and measure for the most appropriate lens choice 9.4.1 Advises on lens choice with emphasis on safety, comfort and cosmesis 9.4.2 Measures for lens positioning 9.5 The ability to fit, adjust and repair paediatric optical appliances 9.5.1 Fits the appliance effectively and has the ability to adjust and repair the appliance CRITERIA FOR FRAME SELECTION It is worth a reminder of the factors that contribute towards the successful fitting of a child’s spectacles. Frames should: • be cosmetically acceptable • hold and maintain lenses in the correct position • be safe and hard wearing • fit properly in all respects • be comfortable • be light in weight This article has been approved for 1 CET point by the GOC. It is open to all FBDO members, including associate member optometrists. The multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for this month’s CET are available on page 26 and online. An answer sheet for posted or faxed entries is available for download on ABDO’s Dispensing Optics log-in page. Online entry: log in to, and follow the centre section link to ‘CET Online’.Please ensure that your email address and GOC number are up-to-date. The pass mark is 60 per cent. The answers will appear in the November 2015 issue of Dispensing Optics. The closing date is 9 October 2015. 24 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 by Andrew Cripps FBDO (Hons) C-41049 FACIAL MEASUREMENT FRAME MEASUREMENT CREST HEIGHT The distance measured in the assumed spectacle plane between the lower limbus and nasal crest (measured for right and left eyes) CREST HEIGHT The vertical distance from the horizontal centre line of the front to the mid-point of the lower edge of the bridge BRIDGE PROJECTION The horizontal distance between the assumed spectacle plane and the extremities of the lashes in their most protruding position BRIDGE PROJECTION The minimum horizontal distance between the back plane of the front and the centre of the back of the bridge FRONTAL ANGLE The angle between the median line and the and a line representing the average bearing surface FRONTAL ANGLE The angle between the vertical and the line of intersection of the pad plane with the back plane of the front SPLAY ANGLE The angle between the assumed pad bearing surface of the nose and a normal to the spectacle plane SPLAY ANGLE The angle between the pad plane and a normal to the back plane of the front Table 1. Comparison of frame and facial measurements Figure 1.1. Splay angle is the angle between the assumed pad bearing surface of the nose and a normal to the spectacle plane If the child has a favourite colour it would be helpful to steer them (and of course their parents) towards frames that attract them. Some frames are manufactured from nylon-based materials which, although safe, are prone to warp and lose their adjustment easily. It is the fitting and comfort aspects that are most important and frames should be made to measurements that conform to small faces. FACIAL AND FRAME MEASUREMENTS The most important facial and frame measurements in paediatric dispensing are bridge measurements, specifically the crest height, bridge projection, frontal angle and splay angle. The definitions of these measurements are in Table 1. As a child of about four years of age develops into mid-teens it is likely that the four main bridge measurements will change substantially. The crest height is likely to change from being slightly negative to around +5mm and the projection from zero to about +4mm. Similarly, the frontal angle and splay angle will decrease by about 6º and continue to change until growth ceases. Other measurements such as head width, length to bend, vertex distance and angle of side will increase in proportion as the nose structure develops. Although it is possible to tabulate average measurements for given age groups, other factors such as ethnic background will complicate the picture. For example, AfroCaribbean children tend to show a wider frontal angle and splay angle and the facial characteristics in children with Down’s syndrome between about seven and 14 years of age, do not change with age and rarely coincide with those of other children, either of a similar age or younger. If a spectacle frame designed for an adult is simply ‘scaled down’ for a child then the length to bend, box centre distance and eye size can be reduced but it is likely that the projection and crest height will remain the same, so these values will not correspond with the child’s features. Figures 1.2 to 1.4 illustrate how these facial measurements can be taken. The choice of frame can then be aligned with these values so that inappropriate styles are avoided. Even if the child is uncooperative, some idea of the measurements can be assessed. The pantoscopic angle and angle of side are likely to be less than that for an adult. Also, with the sides located more centrally the child will be less likely to look over the top of the lenses. The two comfort areas, the bridge and the ear points, should Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 25 Continuing Education and Training Figure 1.2. Frontal angle is the angle between the median line and a line representing the average bearing surface Figure 1.3. Bridge projection is the horizontal distance between the assumed spectacle plane and the extremities of the lashes in their most protruding position 26 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 received special attention when fitting the frame as they have soft, easily damaged tissue. Silicone material is ideal for forming bridge contours and covering metal and curl sides. For the very young a single bridge component, or insert bridge, is often preferable to separate pads-on-arms so that weight is distributed evenly over the crest and not just on each side of the nose. An example of this is shown in Figure 2. For drop end sides the length to bend and the length of drop will be significantly short, the latter at about 25mm compared with 35mm or more for an adult. It is not acceptable to simply reposition the bend to create the required length to bend and be left with a very long drop, which can disappear below the collar. Similarly, the total length of a curl side is critical as the extreme end should tuck snugly into the gap behind the lobe and the curl should follow the contour of the ear and rest against the head. Pressure at the ear points and the temple must be avoided otherwise marks will be left in the soft, developing skin. Attention to the angles of let-back and any subsequent bowing of the sides will rectify this. Unfortunately, the well set-up frame is not likely to stay that way for long and regular assessments of the fit are essential to check if adjustments are needed or perhaps measurements changed. Figure 2. Children’s frame with a single bridge component (courtesy of Orange Eyewear) Figure 4. Fitting very young children and the frontal angle wide enough to prevent pinching on either side of the nose. Figure 1.4. Crest height is the distance measured in the assumed spectacle plane between the lower limbus and nasal crest Figure 3 is an example of a frame with sprung sides, silicone pads on arms and short drop end sides. The position of the pads will determine the height of the frame relative to the pupil and must be adjusted so that the splay angle accurately follows the facial measurement, avoiding red marks and undue pressure. Pads should be adjustable for height as well as splay angle and frontal angle. Most measurements are easily adjusted on these styles if the correct tools are used. For metal frames it is best to avoid nickel, or to cover the sides where they touch the temple with silicone tubing, just in case the child should be allergic to the material. Some frames have sides fixed open so there is no likelihood of trapping little fingers. It can be seen in Figure 4 that considerable thought has gone into providing a frame for this age group that will actually fit snugly around the contours of the nose, even though there is yet to be any significant development in the bone structure. The crest height is relatively low Figure 3. A typical frame designed for children ADJUSTMENT AND REPAIR OF PAEDIATRIC OPTICAL APPLIANCES The need for regular assessment of the fit of children’s spectacles has already been mentioned. In order to carry out this task and to repair frames, where possible, every practice must have a variety of tools. The following list is not exhaustive and represents the minimum requirements: • Vice and/or suitable holding equipment • Heater • Ruler • Files with a safety edge • Reamers • Screwdrivers and wrenches • Pliers: rim forming, round nose, flat jaw, parallel jaw nylon covered, half round nose • Side cutters • A selection of drill bits and chuck As with any environment where tools are used, every effort must be made to ensure that they are used safely. A supply of consumables such as nose pads and side tips in various materials and sizes is also desirable. If substantial repairs are indicated it may well be best to start again with new measurements and order a replacement. It may then be possible to renovate the existing pair to act as spares in an emergency. Part 2, published later in 2015, will consider communication and lens dispensing. ANDREW CRIPPS FBDO (Hons) is former senior lecturer and pathway leader of the Department of Hearing and Vision Sciences, Anglia Ruskin University. He is a regular CET contributor, an ABDO and WCSM examiner and former member of the GOC’s Fitness to Practise Panel. Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 27 Multiple choice questions: MCQs An overview of paediatric dispensing Part 1: Frames and faces by Andrew Cripps FBDO 2. The facial measurement ‘Bridge Projection’ is defined as: a. The minimum horizontal distance between the back plane of the front and the centre of the back of the bridge b. The horizontal distance between the assumed spectacle plane and the extremities of the lashes in their most protruding position c. The maximum horizontal distance between the front of the frame and the centre of the back of the bridge d. The distance measured in the assumed spectacle plane between the lower limbus and nasal crest 3. Complete the sentence correctly. A frame crest height of +2mm indicates: a. the bridge is inset b. the optical centres should be lowered by 1mm c. eye lashes will not touch the back of the spectacle lens d. the mid-point of the lower edge of the bridge is above HCL 4. Complete the sentence correctly. The length of drop on a child’s frame should be: a. b. c. d. carefully adjusted to 35mm the same length as the equivalent curl side adapted to the individual the same measurement for right and left 5. Complete the sentence correctly. Single component bridges are sometimes preferred to pads on arms because: a. they are made of a softer material b. single components are less likely to break c. they have a positive crest height d. weight can be distributed more evenly 1. Which statement is FALSE regarding the development of facial features? a. Projection is likely to become more positive b. Crest height will tend to become more positive c. Frontal angle will decrease d. Splay angle will increase 6. An ideal spectacle frame for children would be: a. an adult’s style where the measurements have been reduced accordingly b. the child’s favourite frame style c. one which is acceptable to the child, the parents and the practitioner d. the cheapest available as they are replaced frequently THE DEADLINE FOR POSTED OR FAXED RESPONSE IS 9 OCTOBER 2015. The module code is C-41049. Online completion - - after member log-in go to ‘CET online’ After the closing date, the answers can be viewed on the 'CET Online' page of To download, print or save your results letter, go to 'View your CET record’ after the closing date. If you would prefer to receive a posted results letter, contact the CET Office 01206 734155 or email Occasionally, printing errors are spotted after the journal has gone to print. Notifications can be viewed at on the CET Online page NEW STRATEGY TO ADDRESS SIGHT LOSS “FAILINGS” Leading eye health and sight loss organisations in England have launched a new action plan called the England Vision Strategy. The action plan is based on six key priorities including: improving eye health for all; improving treatments and support for people losing their sight; and increasing participation and inclusion for people with sight loss. The England Vision Strategy is part of the UK Vision Strategy, a cross-sector initiative, uniting all those who want to take action on issues relating to eye health and sight loss. The England Vision Strategy will be promoted and driven forward by an executive group consisting of the leading eye health and sight loss experts across England. The action plan will aim to deliver the UK Vision Strategy outcomes in England. 28 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 Peter Corbett, England Vision Strategy co-chair and chief executive of the Thomas Pocklington Trust, said: “I am delighted that we have this opportunity to make a real difference for people with sight loss. Far too often we hear of people across England experiencing a postcode lottery for services or falling through the gaps in current systems resulting in social isolation, loss of independence and far worse. The England Vision Strategy will work to combat these failings, working in partnership with providers and the public to achieve great things.” John Thompson, England Vision Strategy co-chair, added: “Across the sector we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw upon. The England Vision Strategy provides us with a solid framework on which to build, using the strengths of our colleagues to prevent people losing their sight unnecessarily, to provide support to those who need it and to effect lasting change for the better.” For more information visit MCAs Multiple choice answers: Six of the following questions were presented online to entrants to comply with the GOC’s best practice specifications for this type of CET If the line of sight and the optical axis of a spectacle lens do not coincide, the likely result will be: a. an increase in spherical power and decrease in cylindrical power b. a stronger cylinder with its axis perpendicular to the axis of rotation c. a decrease in spherical power and increase in cylinder power d. an increase in both principal powers d is the correct answer. The spherical element will become stronger and a cylindrical element with its axis parallel to the axis of rotation will be introduced, in addition to any original cylinder. Which statement is true? a. 1.74 lens material provides the thinnest and safest option for sport b. Low Abbe numbers result in better optical quality c. Only CR39 lenses need to have a UV absorber for outdoor sports d. A vertex distance is not required if the prescription is under +/-5.00D c is the correct answer. Other materials absorb all incident UVA and UVB wavelengths. Which statement best relates to digital surfacing as a form of lens production? a. It is the utilisation of logarithmic software programmes to enable complex curvatures to be generated b. It allows production of prism compensation for face form angle for the first time c. Surface aberrations are largely confined to the periphery of the lens d. Lenses can now be fully optimised as part of the design process, and individualised during the surfacing process d is the correct answer. Much more complex surfaces can now be generated and the wearer’s specific requirements included in the individualisation process. Complete the sentence correctly. When designing progressive power lenses to be worn playing golf… a. Aberrational astigmatism should be confined to the upper temporal side b. The intermediate corridor should extend below that of a general purpose design c. The minimum fitting height should be as low as possible d. The progression should always be worked on the front surface b is the correct answer. Addressing the ball requires clear intermediate vision at ground level and fairly close to the player. A general purpose progressive lens would have the near portion in this position so the ball would be blurred. A spectacle lens designed specifically for use by a presbyope whilst running should have: a. reduced aberrations in the vertical meridian b. a narrower intermediate corridor c. the addition reduced by 0.50D d. a pantoscopic angle of zero a is the correct answer. The main line of vision will be straight ahead so clear vision is desirable along the vertical meridian from distance up to 1-2m for safety. Which statement is false? a. A lens designed for skiing concentrates on minimising surface astigmatism b. The ‘as worn position’ of a spectacle frame includes information on pantoscopic angle, vertex distance and face form angle c. Choosing a large uncut with a relatively flat base curve will help to reduce aberrations in a wrap frame d. Rodenstock produces fully optimised and individualised sports single vision and progressive power lenses to the same prescription range. c is the correct answer. The increased edge or centre thickness will exacerbate the situation. The estimated number of UK residence who are ametropic and regularly take part in sport is: a. Almost seven million b. 14.759 million c. Nearly five million d. Over nine million c is the correct answer. A progressive power lens design that has not been fully optimised for use in a wrap frame will exhibit the maximum aberrations relative to the uncut’s centre: a. 250 above and 100 to the nasal side b. 200 below and 200 to the temporal side c. 150 below and 200 to the nasal side d. 300 below and 100 to the temporal side b is the correct answer. Optimisation significantly reduces the aberrations and their asymmetrical nature. To download, print or save your CET result letter, go to Log-in and go to 'View your CET record'. Prescription lenses for sport by Tanya Storey FBDO FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE ABDO EVENT DETAILS keep an eye out for the eNews landing in your in-box, and the events section of the website, visit Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 29 CASE REPORT Hannah Price describes one of the more unusual paeditaric dispenses she’s had since working in independent practice Nystagmus: going the extra mile I can remember sitting in one of Sally Bates’ lectures at ABDO College, on paediatric dispensing if I recall correctly. She was discussing therapeutic dispensing – particularly the benefits of yoked prisms. Some people believe that yoked prism lenses can be used to improve posture and co-ordination for children with autism, as they can have problems with ambient vision. For children with Down’s syndrome, it is possible that base down yoked prisms will have the effect of the child lifting their head and reduce the problems that slack jaw can cause. I found the subject fascinating, even though we only touched on the benefits. At the time, I was working for a large multiple and most of my dispensing was run-of-themill. But for the last two-and-a-half years I’ve been working for an independent practice – and in that time I’ve done more interesting and unusual dispenses than in my previous eight years spent in optics. THINKING OUTSIDE THE PRISM Just over a year ago I started one of my more interesting dispenses. A young lad (11 years old at the time) had been in for his routine eye exam. The optometrist he saw, Adrian Buizer, had come through for the handover and to discuss an idea he had regarding a problem the patient was having with his neck, caused by his eye condition. The patient suffers from nystagmus (an eye condition involving involuntary rapid eye movements). He subconsciously compensates for this by using his null point, which is a certain gaze position that reduces the magnitude of the eye movements and so stabilises the vision. The problem was that his null point was an upward gaze. To look straight ahead at the board at school, he had to dip his chin quite significantly. This was leading to him developing ocular torticollis, which is an abnormal head position that maximises visual acuity (torticollis literally means ‘twisted neck’). He was (and still is) under the local hospital eye service for his nystagmus, but they couldn’t offer any suggestions to help. Adrian believed that we could try using yoked prisms, which is where prism of equal deviation and direction is placed in front of each eye. This would, in theory, allow us to Apex Apex Base Base Figure 1. Light is deviated by the prism toward its base. The observer views an object through the prism and the object appears displaced toward its apex 30 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 ‘lift’ the image up. By using this technique, our patient would be able to hold his head in a more comfortable position, but keeping the upward gaze to diminish the effects of his nystagmus. Neither of us had either prescribed or dispensed yoked prisms before. After a quick chat to make sure we were getting the right direction for the prism, we decided that as we wanted to ‘lift’ the image we would need a base down prism. Our thought process was that as a prism deviates light towards the base, the image is displaced towards the apex. As we wanted the image up, the apex needed to be up, so the base needed to be down (Figures 1 and 2). Once we had figured out the direction of the prism, we needed to work out how much. We decided to start with 5Δ down in each eye to begin with. We didn’t want to go too strong all at once, or have lenses that were cosmetically unacceptable. The patient has a slight myopic prescription of -0.75/-0.25x180 in both eyes, so luckily there wasn’t too much lens substance to begin with. I called the patient and his parents through to the dispensing room, and Figure 2. A line of stars seen through a prism base down Figure 3. Patient’s spectacles with the prescription of: Right: -3.00/-1.50x90 6Δ Base Out. Left: -0.75DS 6Δ Base In explained to them what we were planning to do. I made it clear that it was an experiment, how the theory worked, and how we hoped it would help their son. I informed them that if it helped, we might modify the amount of prism to determine the best visual and physical comfort for him. We asked them to advise his teacher about what we were doing, and requested feedback on the impact, if any, on his work at school. On collection the patient, and his parents, were pleased with the results. They were a little worried that he would end up with ‘bottle-bottom’ lenses. I advised that if there were any problems or difficulties to come straight in to see us. Adrian was going to see him again in six weeks to check how he was getting on with the lenses. I followed up with a courtesy phone call a month later; both parents and school were pleased with how his new spectacles were working. At his next vision check, we decided to increase his prism to 8Δ down in each eye, to see if we could elevate his chin a fraction more. We advised his parents to try both and see which one felt more comfortable to use, and that we would have him back in three months to see how it was going. When he returned for the next appointment, the patient felt much happier wearing the 5Δ down rather than the 8Δ down. He felt the stronger prism made him feel ill. Inspecting his frames, they were rather bent out of shape (not unusual for a 12-year-old). I explained that the woozy feeling was probably caused by the crooked frames throwing the prism out of alignment and that in future to come in for an adjustment if the frames didn’t look straight when worn. We reduced the prism to 6Δ down in each eye, and arranged for a review in three months. The patient has since been back twice for further follow-up exams, and finds the 6Δ is working the best for him. The hospital, school and parents are all pleased with his progress. RESEARCH PROPOSES DEMENTIA EYE CARE PATHWAY In an article published last month in the College’s peer-reviewed journal, Optometry in Practice, the team behind the study recommended that a dementia diagnosis should automatically trigger a range of measures, as laid out in a Dementia Eye Care Pathway, that would provide a route through the care system that ensures people are guided to the appropriate treatment at the appropriate time. Mike Bowen, the College’s director of research and lead investigator on the project, said: “Dementia should never be a barrier to a sight test. Through this study, we know there are a range of strategies that optometrists can use to improve the eye examination for people Emerging findings from the PrOVIDE (Prevalence of Visual Impairment in Dementia) project has led to calls for a dedicated Dementia Eye Care Pathway. The two-year project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and was led by the College of Optometrists with nationwide support from the Alzheimer’s Society, Thomas Pocklington Trust, University College London, Newcastle University, City University London and the University of Birmingham. STORY OF SUCCESS The yoked prism has been so successful that we have recently tried it with another older patient with nystagmus. He has to look towards the left (levoversion) to dampen the eye movement. This means that he turns his head to the right to compensate. As he also suffers from spina bifida and walks with the aid of crutches, it would make life a little easier not having to hold his head at that angle. He saw practice optometrist Chris Rushen and he felt that as the 6Δ worked so well for the other patient, we should start him with 6Δ base out in the right lens and 6Δ base in for the left lens. This was worked into his distance prescription of R: -3.00/-1.50x90 L: -0.75DS (Figure 3). He has only had the spectacles for a month so far, and we have arranged for him to come in after three months to see how it is working, again advising him to come in sooner if needed. On a personal note, I do feel very lucky to work with a team of optometrists who are open minded to trying new ideas, and to go that extra mile to help our patients. As a dispensing optician, I think we’re in a position to suggest and discuss these ideas with the optometrists we work with, to not only give our patients the best vision, but also if possible to improve their quality of life. HANNAH PRICE FBDO is a dispensing optician at Buizer & Cole, Clacton on Sea, Essex. with dementia, such as scheduling longer than usual appointments or spreading the exam across two appointments to reduce stress on the individual. A more flexible approach to the GOS contract arrangements would help with this. “As more findings emerge from this study, we look forward to sharing them with the profession to ensure the best possible eye and vision care for people with dementia,” added Mike. Emerging findings are continuing to be reported at various conferences while the project’s final report is currently under review by the funders. Read Optometry in Practice online at Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 31 BUSINESS This month, Antonia Chitty advises on how to ensure mums think of your practice as the number one in the area for family eyecare Marketing to mums I f you plan marketing for your practice it is important to consider who you are targeting. Untargeted marketing is a waste of resources. In this article we consider marketing to one specific group, but the ideas can be applied to any group. Read on to find out more about reaching out to mothers and marketing your practice to families, as well as to discover how one practice engages with children from birth to teenagers. If a parent makes an appointment for one child in the family to have an eye examination he or she is likely to bring their siblings along for one too. If during that appointment you find out more about the family, you may discover that the parents haven’t had an eye exam for some time, or they are worried about their elderly parents and whether they should be living independently. At this point, you can mention how an eye exam can detect eye problems before they cause symptoms, which might prompt a parent to book for herself or her partner. Alternatively, you could talk about the eye exam as a way of helping to keep older people safe and cutting the risk of slips and falls. However the conversation goes, once one member of the family is a patient, soon the rest of the family can follow. Mothers are often seen as the gatekeeper to the health of the family. Whether they work or not, women are more likely to make health appointments for parents, children and their partners, so if you want to attract more families to your practice you need to consider how to market your services to mums. TARGETING YOUR MESSAGES Part of targeting a specific audience for marketing can involve understanding more about them. Look at the records of women with children who attend your practice. Which parts of town do they live in? What age range do they fall within? What times of day and days of the week do they attend? There may be different sub-groups of mothers: those who work and those who don’t; those with babies and pre-schoolers and those who rush in at 4.15pm after collecting the children from school. The more you know about your target audience, the better you can target the marketing. Once you understand who you are Consider having an online presence on a parenting website 32 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 talking to, you can think more about what you want to say to them. Key messages could include: • Look after your children’s eyes – children don’t need to be able to read to have an eye exam • An eye exam can detect eye disease before it causes serious problems • Eye exams can help prevent trips and falls • For working women and busy mothers a key message is also ‘look after yourself’ Pick one of these messages to focus on at a time; you may use the first as a way to encourage families to bring children in from a young age. Your other messages are things that you can make staff aware of to bring into conversations once people are in the practice. Why divide marketing by gender? Men and women do respond differently to marketing and they respond to different words, colours and images. A targeted flyer addressing the concerns of the mother will achieve better results than a more general practice flyer, for example. Listen to mothers who attend your practice, ask them what motivated them to book and you will be able to refine your outreach further. You can mock up some designs for flyers and posters, show them to staff and patients and get their views. All this will help you come up with an effective outreach campaign. Alongside planning your marketing, make sure that your practice is family friendly: good level access and clutter free corridors are a plus point whether you have a toddler in a buggy or an elderly parent with mobility problems. What else might make your practice attractive to families? Think about factors from space to play to a good range of low vision aids. As well as making your practice welcoming, you need to reach out to families where they are. Consider how you might promote your practice in playgroups, at the school gates, or via women’s groups such as the WI or Townswomen’s Guild. A well placed banner, a schedule of interesting Case study: Speaking to toddler groups and schools ABDO board member, Jo Holmes, is the manager at Pilgrim Optical. She says: “We were tasked with bringing more children into the practice, so we looked at all ages, from the day they are born to those taking A-levels. We thought about how to educate parents about the importance of eye exams for their children and realised that we can do this from a very young age. We send our optometrist to visit health visitors when they have their twice-yearly meeting together with advice about eyecare for babies and what advice they can give to worried mums. In our practice we start examining children from six months of age. “We also visit mother and toddler and groups and make ourselves available for advice during their coffee breaks. Another contact is the local children’s centre. This is a great way to access mums en mass. I try to promote the message that children have their hair cut, feet measured, they go to the dentist regularly, please include the eye exam too! “The next age group that we reach out to are the children in pre-schools. I take the Kay cards, the cards for checking for colour vision, and I draw the basic eye with the kids. I give a covering letter to the teachers to give to the parents telling them about what I have talked about that day with their offspring and reminding them that their children can have their eyes examined on the NHS. “I’m well known in the local primary schools and often get asked to go in and talk about eyes during science week, and healthy eating week. I tend to do this during their assemblies. I have touched base with the secondary schools by promoting eye health in the form of a spectacle design competition. The winner had their entry made up and I had either prescription lenses glazed in or plano sunspecs.” talks, distribution of flyers; mix and match methods like this. Liaise with local parenting magazines; might they want an occasional column on looking after your child’s eyes? Once you have decided who you want to reach, the messages you want to share and how you could reach them, look for a hook. There might be a promotional week coming up; a local or national event related to age can be a chance to ask men and women with elderly parents to think about whether they are looking after their eyes. Back to school time is an ideal period during which to reach out to mums and dads. This is another opportunity to contact local schools, playgroups, nurseries and parenting groups and see if they would be interested in a talk too. Ask them about who will be attending a talk so you can offer age and stage appropriate messages, and remember to check the ABDO Members’ area online where there are a number of PowerPoint presentations already devised targeting parents and children of different ages. Back up local marketing with a good online presence. Can you arrange to feature on local parenting sites with eyecare tips? How might you continue your campaign messages on social media channels such as Facebook or on your practice blog? Chelle McCann is a social media consultant and founder of Social Sparkle, an agency that often devises campaigns targeting parents. She says: “Know your audience – chat to them and don’t just pump out promo. Make sure you give them issuable content and reply back to comments. Check your insights and statistics – this will help you see what your audience responds to. And don’t be a copycat – often social media has the same repetitive feel. Think about how you can stand out from the crowd.” People take a number of prompts before they take action. If you want to make sure that mums think of your practice as the number one in the area for family eyecare, make sure that they see your promotional materials online, in print and in the locality. If you include advertising by the school gate, an online presence on a parenting website, flyers in a key target area and something in the local paper, people will get the series of gentle prompts that they need to raise the importance of eyecare in their minds and make it more likely that they will think to book an eye appointment for a family member, and that they will book it at your practice. ON THE CASE FOR THE SUMMER the summer including a swinging 70s Flower Power case with a paisley covering, red telephone boxes and Big Ben on a London themed case, and a new Summer Floral that takes inspiration from the recent Chelsea Flower Show. Angela Beaumont, manager of Dunelm’s accessories operation, said: “The stylish and playful designs play on British themes and are a real selling point for independent opticians, adding value when selling a pair of frames.” Sausage dogs, paw prints and bones adorn the Man’s Best Friend design in the latest additions to Dunelm’s limited edition, handmade spectacles case collection. There are six new varieties in the 100strong collection, with a patriotic theme for Jo Holmes New doggie design Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 33 REPORT Proposed enhanced roles for ABDO Areas was high on the agenda at the Consultation Day with the Areas in May Enhanced roles in focus H eld at the offices of the Association of Optometrists (AOP) in London on 20 May, the day began with a welcome and update by ABDO president, Peter Black. Outlining discussions that had taken place at meetings of a General Optical Council (GOC) working group reviewing legal supply, on which he served, Peter suggested it was likely that in the future, online suppliers would be required to have sight of the original prescription or have it verified by the issuing professional; a faxed or electronically scanned copy might be acceptable to reduce the administrative burden on the originating practice. Once the GOC had issued its revised standards, ABDO would review its own professional guidance. ABDO general secretary, Tony Garrett, then highlighted the growing importance and enhanced role of local optical committees (LOCs), supported by the Local Optical Committee Support Unit (LOCSU), and explained that the ABDO board was presently in discussions on ways of involving more members in targeted local work. Tony stressed that discussions were only the start of the process, and a small working group would be established with Area representatives, with firm proposals put to the next Consultation Day with the Areas. Addressing attendees next, ABDO head of policy and development, Barry Duncan, mentioned the requirement, set out in an intercollegiate document published a year ago, that dispensing opticians in England should undertake a Level 2 qualification in Safeguarding; this was also likely to be introduced in the rest of the UK. Despite indications to the contrary, there was no specific deadline but all practitioners would eventually have to obtain the qualification. After exploring other, very costly, options the ABDO board had decided that ABDO should provide its own Safeguarding training for members and ABDO CET 34 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 There was much to feed back at the Consultation Day with the Areas in May coordinator, Paula Stevens, was in the process of developing this. It was hoped to make the training available to all members from the beginning of 2016, with the possibility of a session at the ABDO conference in September 2015 if the training programme had been completed by then. FUTURE ROLE OF THE AREAS Barry Duncan then gave a presentation on the possible future role of ABDO Areas, reiterating that this represented initial ideas – nothing had been decided. He outlined the current position and acknowledged the huge success of Areas’ activities, especially in terms of CET. Continuing local involvement was essential and in the light of the five-year forward view from NHS England and similar overviews from the other UK nations, Barry suggested that now was a good time to consider future aspirations including local involvement extending to engagement with other stakeholders. The current Areas were based on a complex geographical structure, explained Barry, with widely differing membership numbers, a complicated committee structure with the Areas’ remit lacking definition. “There is a real opportunity to align Area boundaries within NHS regions, and to extend the roles and remit of Areas beyond the provision of CET,” Barry said. The aim going forwards was to have one dispensing optician on each LOC, AOC and ROC, and for local members to be involved in the commissioning process. Local practitioners would identify local opportunities for involvement in the provision of eyecare in community practices, for example low vision services, paediatric eyecare and school vision screening, etc. It was proposed to review Areas’ geographical structure to take account of the NHS regions; this would result in the need for each Area to have a CET liaison and clinical commissioning lead, Barry explained, adding: “In essence the aim is to prepare for a future where dispensing opticians were integral to eyecare provision.” In order to take the project forwards, a working group is being established to put forward proposals to the next Consultation Day with the Areas, with a view to making recommendations to the board. Consultation would then take place with the current Barry Duncan outlines proposed new role for the Areas week joining. In addition, the website had more than 122,000 users and over 288,000 page impressions. Google+ had 20,000 page views. Pinterest and Instagram pages had also recently been set up. Antonia also highlighted a major radio day in September linking with back-to-school time and encouraging parents to have their children’s eyesight checked. She asked for members’ help in finding local opticians and parents who would be willing to talk on their local radio station about their experiences in specific cases relating to children's eyecare. She also urged members to encourage parents to use the FAQs on Facebook for information about eyecare. Antonia Chitty updates members on social media activities Areas in December 2015 and January 2016. If the proposals are agreed, training in commissioning and enhanced services would commence through LOCSU in spring 2016, with implementation towards the end of 2016 or early 2017. “Clearly changes could not happen overnight and each Area would develop at its own pace,” Barry added. PROGRESS REPORTS AND UPDATES The remainder of the meeting was devoted to updates on other ABDO activities and projects. ABDO course coordinator for optical support programmes, Debbie Gigg, gave a presentation on developments in the provision by ABDO and ABDO College of the educational elements of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers (WCSM) qualifications for support staff in manufacturing and retail. She outlined the current WCSM qualifications, which “were confusing for learners and employers, did not target specific job roles, and contained a number of options which overlapped several qualifications”. Under the new structure, provision had been streamlined to make it easier for learners and employers to understand. Antonia Chitty, ABDO media consultant, proceeded to updated the meeting on the use of the FAQs section of ABDO’s website that she had developed as part of the social media campaign. She encouraged members to provide ideas for topics and news items, to raise the profile of eyecare and to promulgate information about the role of the profession. Antonia reported that Twitter now had 1,000+ followers and Facebook 1,504 followers with an extra 40 a Sue Bennett, ABDO’s new CET administrator ABDO CET coordinator, Paula Stevens, then introduced Sue Bennett, the new CET administrator, and updated the meeting on current CET provision. She noted that ABDO, as a CET Provider, had 189 approved elements in 12 learning modalities, and outlined the points content of the latter. She was currently working on expanding online interactive modalities, although the interactive element was proving difficult to achieve. So far, Paula had developed online twopoint interactive case discussions, twopoint interactive presentation-led CET, Area members listen to future plans Sharing positive developments three-point interactive event-led CET and four-point competency modules. These online modalities had been developed in response to members’ feedback and pilot schemes were currently underway. Paula also reported that the GOC’s proposed requirement that six CET points each year should be obtained by interactive means would not be introduced for the 2016-18 cycle. Statistics showed that there had been a huge reduction in the number of dispensing opticians who had only achieved their points so far by text-based noninteractive learning, making the requirement unnecessary. However, if the GOC did decide that six points should be obtained by interactive means each year, Paula outlined the difficulties that might arise. Closing the meeting, Peter Black, ABDO president, highlighted all the positive developments that had been discussed, including the future scope of practice. The next Consultation Day with the Areas will be held on 18 November. During proceedings, Peter Black presented the Dispensing Optics Readership Prize for the best CET article in 2014 to Andrew Keirl for his two part article: “What are you on?”. The article reviewed commonly used optical drugs and the optical effects of systemic drugs, as well as the effects of illegal and recreational drugs. Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 35 Barry Duncan talks to Nicky Collinson about his hopes and plans for the future as newly appointed ABDO head of policy and development INTERVIEW Working together NC: What key progress has been made in the regional Areas since you were appointed as members’ support manager in 2012? BD: One of my key objectives as ABDO members’ support manager was to introduce more structure and planning so we could meet the needs of the new CET requirements. Members are very busy, both in practice and at home, so it was essential ABDO had in place a CET scheme that allowed individuals to plan accordingly to fulfill their points requirements. Each year, the Areas have responded to the requests made of them, which has been excellent for the ABDO Membership and in most cases something unrecognised by the majority. Even this year we have seen a massive change as to how we go about our business. It has been the first year there has been no charges out with the membership fee for attendance at CET events. The effort to achieve this was significant but nonetheless extremely satisfying that ABDO has done so. NC: And what progress has been made in a political sense? BD: It can be difficult to measure political progress, however, it is clear that ABDO has a voice round the table nowadays and we are most certainly taking the opportunity to tell as many people as we can about why dispensing opticians are integral to community and secondary eyecare. Lots of changes have occurred in recent years; we now have the Optical Confederation, Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning, Optometry Scotland, Optometry Wales and Optometry NI. When you add the General Optical Council, the charity sector, Department of Health and the devolved governments, there are lots of people to get round and be engaged with. It is, of course, essential that we make progress in the next few years and we move forward as a profession – as standing still is almost certainly not an option. NC: Can you tell me about your new role and remit? BD: In the next few months I will concentrate fully on the political front and look at how ABDO can ensure our members are given as many opportunities to progress as a profession as possible. My role as ABDO head of policy and development brings with it great responsibility, therefore, with immediate effect I will stop being an ABDO practical examiner and reduce greatly my participation in the delivery of ABDO CET. Obviously, I will miss doing these things but equally it is important to concentrate on the requirements of this role as it carries great responsibility and will no doubt evolve in the near future as activity increases. NC: How will your changed role benefit members and the Association in a wider sense? BD: Historically, there has been limited resource to fully engage with all stakeholders/partners but that has changed and hopefully we can begin to see the benefits of someone working at this full time. The speed of change is incredible in optical politics at present so clearly the fact we will be involved in everything presents excellent opportunities. There is a real sense of collaboration between most of the optical bodies as everyone recognises that needs in both the community and secondary sector are changing. The days of protectionism by professions will hopefully stop in order to provide a service within GOS and clinical commissioning groups, etc, for the benefit of all patients. I sincerely hope that in the fullness of time, our members will be afforded opportunities to participate in these services, which frankly is well overdue. NC: How will members be supported in preparing for the new CET cycle from January 2016? BD: At this stage we do not anticipate much change in the requirements, therefore, it is full steam ahead for the new cycle. We will continue to deliver CET to our members and attempt to fulfill all the requirements where possible. My only hope is that members continue to support the Area events and recognise the enormous work that goes on behind the scenes to put on these events. NC: What are your short-term and longterm goals? BD: Short term it would be helpful to achieve a few ‘wins’ politically. Safeguarding is something we will deliver as an Association in 2016 but it goes without saying that the platform to deliver this training exists already; it would be fantastic if our members can access it accordingly. In itself that might well restore a bit of belief in our profession and start sending out the right messages about us as a profession. Long-term it is a case of fighting our corner at every given opportunity and being in constant discussion with those who can alter the direction of travel for dispensing opticians. It is imperative that we all work together to achieve success, so let’s hope that we do. It won’t be for the lack of trying or belief in our ability as dispensing opticians. On yer bike! GET YOUR BIKE OUT OF THE SHED, DONE YOUR LYCRA (IF YOU DARE) AND GET PEDDLING FOR THIS YEAR’S OPTICS CYCLING FOR SIGHT CHALLENGE IN SUPPORT OF OPTOMETRY GIVING SIGHT (OGS) The goal is to collectively cycle 25,000 miles and raise £1 for each mile cycled up to World Sight Day on 8 October. To register and take part visit, and register your fundraising page at 36 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 This year’s ABDO Conference will expose the holistic side of low vision management and how we put patients first, writes Elaine Grisdale Low vision focus O ne of the most popular streams of the two previous ABDO conferences has been the one dedicated to low vision. Low vision is a core competency that we all need to obtain in the CET cycle. It is also a discipline that we can study further through the increasingly popular post-FBDO Honours Diploma in The Assessment and Management of Low Vision. The 2015 ABDO Conference and Exhibition in Manchester will once again offer two days of CET-approved low vision lectures and workshops. We hope that as well as hitting your GOC CET requirement, attending the low vision events will encourage members to think about specialising later in an area which, with our ageing population, will become increasingly valuable. Visual impairment can affect not only the elderly but also children and adults. It can be caused by congenital conditions, injury or illness. Eye conditions leading to visual impairment include cataract, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. Working in low vision means that you become part of a multidisciplinary team who manage the related conditions and support people with visual impairment. People in a multidisciplinary team often include ophthalmologists, optometrists, dispensing opticians, GPs, rehabilitation workers, social workers, teachers and charity network facilitators. TAKING A HOLISTIC VIEW The CET offering this year explores the holistic side of low vision management and how we put the patient first. An array of low vision specialist speakers will communicate how interesting low vision clinical practice can be, looking at areas such as ocular pathology, epidemiology, lighting, optical design, psychological adaptation and devices for sensory substitution. A new and must-see element of the low vision journey will be visible in the registration area of Manchester Central. Having first met Andy Guiel at Optrafair in 2014, I had the chance to have a guided walk with a guide dog, wearing a blindfold, walking in the shoes of a blind person for only 20 minutes and realising just how challenging life as a blind person is. This experience has stayed with me and I have kept in contact with Guide Dogs since. To give people the chance to experience this first hand, we have asked Andy and a team of people from Guide Dogs to be with us for the weekend. As part of our CET offering, there will be a three-point interactive session with one CET point for the lecture, and potentially a further two points for an interactive exercise involving a guided walk and the sensory tunnel. The sensory tunnel has differing floor surfaces and wall textures as well as a selection of varying noises to simulate walks in what (normally) would be normal situations – but when you have no or little sight, what is ‘normal’ can be frightening. Andy has many years’ experience of working internationally with Guide Dogs and their owners. He joined Guide Dogs in 1973 as a Guide Dog Mobility Instructor, PREVIEW Andy Guiel and his Guide Dog, Nathalie training the dogs and their blind owners. He served 25 years at the Wokingham Training Centre before leaving to run his own canine behavioural clinic, supporting clients throughout the UK and USA. After this, he worked with the Royal Netherlands Guide Dog School for four years before being given the opportunity to start the Guide Dogs Education and Demonstration Team in 2006. Andy has selected and trained his Demonstration Dogs to be able to show all aspects of Guide Dog work in any environment, often working in front of large audiences. His dogs are confident, calm and adaptable, which is essential as they often work with vulnerable people of all ages including sighted people under blindfold – which was my experience and hopefully will be that of many more people during the conference weekend too. We hope that you will come along and enjoy the lectures and workshops given by our team of experts, as well as meeting Andy and his Guide Dog, Nathalie. Download the full programme and book your place online at GUIDE DOG DEMONSTRATION: A NOTE FROM ANDY GUIEL, GUIDE DOGS EDUCATION AND DEMONSTRATION TEAM LEADER “Most of us take our daily journeys for granted in the comfort of knowing we can walk safely along a pavement and crossroads without the constant fear of accidents. This is a luxury that people with sight loss do not have. Please come and join our Guide Dog Demonstration highlighting the difficulties of sight loss, the emotional impact this can have on the individual and the dangers that a blind person faces each time they leave their home. “Low vision isn’t just about magnifiers – it is about coping and giving advice to people who are losing or who have lost their sight. Understanding such a lifechanging thing cannot be comprehended fully by reading about it in a book. “During the demonstration you will see how a Guide Dog can negotiate hazards and solve problems that would otherwise be almost impossible without sight. More importantly, you will be able to see just how these wonderful partnerships are the key to unlock a completely new life for a blind person. “I will also be putting on ‘rolling’ demonstrations for small groups through the conference centre and on to the street, which will give you a better understanding of the ways in which our dogs guide their blind owners, negotiating crowds, steps, junctions and crossings. etc. “You will see how the dog uses its initiative and intelligence to assess situations and safely guide its blind owner in a calm and relaxed manner while adapting to the constantly changing environment.” Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 37 Described as “an exceptional conference” with a “fantastic buzz”, the 2015 BCLA conference assembled the global contact lens community in Liverpool for three days of education and business, reports Nicky Collinson REPORT Global contact lens community ‘Comes Together’ H eld at the ACC Liverpool from Friday 29 to Sunday 31 May, the 39th British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) Clinical Conference & Exhibition – #BCLAComeTogether – delivered a record 69 CET points, plus seven COPE-accredited sessions for North American delegates. According to the Association, attendance figures exceeded all expectations with a record number of delegates arriving on the Friday to register onsite for the full conference – the first in a new two-yearly schedule. The conference saw optometrist and long-standing BCLA council member, Brian Tompkins, installed as BCLA president and contact lens optician Keith Tempany as President Elect. At the BCLA AGM on the Sunday afternoon the following new Council members were announced: Attendance expectations Jonathon Bench were exceeded and Michael Kilpartrick (optometric representatives) and Nick Atkins and David Samuel (contact lens optician representatives). Also joining the Council as medical representative is Professor Sunil Shah. Speaking after the conference, Brian said: “BCLA 2015 really #CameTogether with knowledge sharing, interaction and Newly installed BCLA president, Brian Tompkins 38 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 fun. My job is to make sure that during the two-year gap between clinical conferences we #StayTogether. Having the chance to lead the best contact lens organisation in the world is something I cannot wait to begin as BCLA President. I hope to bring enthusiasm, passion and fun into every aspect of the contact lens world.” Asked for his thoughts on the event, BCLA clinical conference consultant, Professor James Wolffsohn, said: “The buzz at the conference was fantastic; around 1,000 people from across the globe hearing and debating the latest research and its implications for clinical practice today – and for the future – on topics such as myopia control, the correction of presbyopia, minimising complications, fitting complex corneas and managing dry eyes. “In particular the retinal risks of even low levels of myopia became very evident, which will radically change the way we need to manage patients in the future; the ease of techniques such as orthokeratology were demonstrated live during the conference including the follow-up, but there are also a range of soft lens designs becoming available. The social programme was also not to be missed with the Awards Dinner in the stunning Liverpool Anglican Cathedral a real high-point,” James concluded. MYOPIA MANAGEMENT IN FOCUS #BCLAComeTogether saw the inaugural BCLA Myopia Management Day take place on Friday 29 May, bringing together a “Biggest and best BCLA panel ever” global ‘who’s who’ of the field with delegates witnessing what BCLA CEO, Cheryl Donnelly, described as “the biggest and best BCLA panel discussion ever”. The day also saw a live ortho-k fitting facilitated by Shelly Bansal, ably assisted by BCLA president Live ortho-k fitting elect, Keith Tempany, and BCLA council member, Professor Christine Purslow. From Ian Flitcroft discussing the epidemiology of myopia, to Dr Nicola Logan arguing the case for spectacles treatment, through to Professor Brien Holden presenting the case for multifocal contact lens treatment, the consensus was that myopia was not just an Asian problem but a global one, with myopic maculopathy a “public health time bomb” waiting in the wings. Delegates were asked to decide whether to ‘treat’ or ‘correct’ (Ian Flitcroft), to consider the potential rebound effects of any treatment/s, and “to think about the future beyond what’s sitting in the chair” (Kate Gifford) because by 2050 there would be close to 2.5 billion myopes on the planet, including 55 per cent of the UK population (Professor Holden). Immediate past BCLA president, Susan Bowers, said of the day: ”I thought that the speakers really were able to empower those practitioners attending to start fitting myopia control lenses by looking at the risks of myopia from an epidemiology base.” The three-day programme also included a wide selection of specialist symposia, educational courses, a dedicated business track, rapid-fire sessions, sponsor showcases, a product and technology exhibition and more CET workshops than ever before. Bringing some humour to proceedings was a Contact lens and technology showcase ‘Four men in a pub session’ on the Sunday afternoon. This saw subject heavyweights, Dr Noel Brennan, Professor Phil Morgan, Professor Lyndon Jones and Professor Eric Papas take part in ‘The great debate: silicone hydrogels versus hydrogels’, with BCLA president, Brian Tompkins, tending the bar. Commenting on this year’s programme, optometrist Drew Thompson, said: “The programme was, as always, at the forefront of contact lens practice and optometry. I took away lots of ideas on how to improve my clinical practice and maximise its business potential in several areas – not just contact lenses. I also received my BCLA Fellowship, which is a huge achievement for my practice.” Contact lens optician, Suzanne Czerwinski, had this to say: “Overall I thought this year’s conference was exceptional. From the venue to the logistics, from the exhibitors to the lectures, I think the BCLA should be proud of such a world-class event. Socially, I particularly enjoyed the relaxed approach and atmosphere of the Friday evening drinks reception. I attended some excellent lectures and workshops, one of the highlights being the Johnson & Johnson Vision Care 1-Day Acuvue Moist Brand Multifocal presentation. A powerful message on the ease of multifocal fitting was demonstrated at the Acuvue stand later when my husband was fitted successfully with a brand new multifocal in less than 10 minutes! “Perhaps the highlight for me overall was being asked by Professor Phil Morgan to appear on a practitioner panel during a lecture on staining. Although a little nervous, as it was my first time presenting as part of a panel, I really enjoyed the experience. “There are many things I will take away from the conference but the best bits for me are the many things that I learned that will help me complete my Contact Lens Honours course. Having qualified as a contact lens optician five years ago, at Specsavers in Nottingham, I feel inspired to continue to make a difference and a contribution – and feel that this is just the beginning.” Optometrist Indie Grewal commented: “For me BCLA 2015 was about exploring new concepts and enhancing current thinking with friends and peers – all balanced with ‘Four men in a pub’ an excellent social agenda with an inspired venue for the Awards Dinner.” HONOURS AND AWARDS As always, the BCLA took great pride in recognising and honouring the achievements of those practising, researching and working within the global contact lens community. Professor Fiona Stapleton was presented with the 2015 BCLA Medal, Benjamin Coldrick with the 2015 Da Vinci Award winner, and Dr Nicole Carnt and Dr Simon Kilvington with the 2015 Dallos Award. Wolfgang Sickenberger of Ernst Abbe University, Germany, was the winner of the 2015 Photographic Competition, for his image of “Piggyback lens with air bubbles and mucus between soft and rigid contact lens in high magnification. Slit lamp technique – retro illumination with offset beam’. The winner of the Poster Competition was Dorota H. Szczesna-Iskander with ‘Dry contact lens, poor wettability and visual performance’. In second place was Renee Reeder with ‘Abnormal rosacea as a differential diagnosis in corneal scarring’, and in third place was Maria J. GonzalezGarcia with, ‘Dry effect of the environmental conditions on tear inflammatory mediators concentration in contact lens wearers’. All prizewinners received a £100 Amazon voucher, courtesy of Elsevier. This year’s Awards Dinner had a Swinging 60s Beatles theme and was held at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral with music provided by the Mersey Beatles. Many of the 21 new BCLA Fellows, who had taken and passed their viva voce examination on the Friday of the conference, were present to collect their certificates from the outgoing and incoming presidents. During the course of the evening, which included the Presidential handover, Tony Martin, known as ‘The father of Acuvue’, was named as the winner of the 2015 BCLA Industry Award. Mr Martin said: “It’s a great honour to accept this award, and I do so on behalf of all of the team members who were part of the development of Acuvue. We knew that introducing a disposable soft contact lens had the potential to dramatically change the market, but I’m not Beatles fun at the Awards Dinner sure we ever really thought about how successful it would become.” The night also saw Honorary Life Memberships of the BCLA awarded to past presidents, Dr Catharine Chisholm and Professor James Wolffsohn. BCLA CEO Cheryl Donnelly, who was instrumental in evolving the BCLA Clinical Conference and Exhibition into a biennial, three-day event, reflected afterwards: “This year’s conference marked the start of a new era for the BCLA, showcasing what its members, partners and exhibitors can expect going forward. The new format, including the bite sized sessions integrating research and clinical practice papers, which ran throughout the conference, and the Specialist Symposium on Myopia Management, was very well received. “We look forward to building on this year’s conference with more member focused activities during the remainder of 2015 and throughout 2016, culminating in the Clinical Conference in 2017,” Cheryl added. Over the coming weeks, many of this year’s presentations will be available for BCLA members to view on the BCLA’s website. The 40th BCLA Clinical Conference and Exhibition will take place in 2017. The dates and venue will be announced in due course. The next date in the BCLA Events diary is the 2015 Presidential Address to be delivered by Brian Tompkins on Wednesday 7 September at the Royal College of Physicians, London. For more information about BCLA events and how to join the Association, visit, email or call 0207 580 6661. Honorary Life Membership for Professor James Wolffsohn Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 39 Proudly cycling for the Cycle for sight and help people around the world get access to eye care. Get fit, have fun and raise funds! Join in and collectively cycle the world – 25,000 miles! Every mile makes a difference Start anytime from now until World Sight Day – Thursday 8th October Are you up for the Challenge? • You can choose to do as little or many miles as you like anywhere in the country, on your own, a static bike or as part of group, or • Join an organised CET cycle organised by Eyecare on Sunday 30th August For more information email or visit For the CET cycle by Eyecare visit: Sponsors Frequently asked questions answered by Kim Devlin FBDO (Hons) CL HANDLING NON-TOLS FROM AN OUTSIDE DISPENSE The query this month was from a member who had dispensed a walk-in prescription, which then became a nontolerance case; did they have to refund or was that up to the prescriber who had made an error? These are the patients who make your heart sink aren’t they? They’ve been to every optician in the town, never happy but would like you to try your best. It is your choice if you dispense an outside prescription or not, but if you do dispense it, you also take on the responsibility if they then non-tol. On first glance it can look harsh; you take the prescription at face value, spend a long time selecting frames and lens design. Extra care is taken with measurements and they still fail to ‘get on’ with them. There are some safeguards. You could neutralise the previous (always perfect) spectacles to check if the prescription has changed significantly, noting the optical centre positions and original lens design. You may even go to the lengths of sitting the patient in the consulting room chair to show them on the chart exactly what the new prescription looks like – and still they don’t like it. But, and it is a ‘but’, get it right and you have a patient (and their family/friends and neighbours) for life. That is the chance you take with such patients. Decide now, in the calm of a quiet moment, whether such patients are the type you would be happy to dispense and spend time trying at least to sort out? If not, and no-one has to dispense a prescription they don’t wish to, decline politely and firmly with: “We only dispense our own prescriptions I’m afraid”. It is to no-one’s advantage to play ‘he said/they said’ with such patients. If they are unhappy with the final product, it is in everyone’s best interest that the patient gets satisfaction from the supplier (even if the possible fault was in the original prescription) and give a refund, if that is what it takes. The cost of such occurrences must be factored in to the pricing structure of the practice as such things will always happen, whatever the source of the prescription. Kim Devlin is chair of ABDO’s Advice and Guidelines Working Group Past FAQs are available for reference on the ABDO website at VISION UK CALLS FOR CONTINUED COLLABORATION The seventh annual Vision UK conference took place on 18 June at Central Hall Westminster, London. Titled ‘Working together to deliver the UK Vision Strategy’, it was the largest Vision UK conference to date and welcomed more than 550 attendees. Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE The opening session included a keynote address from Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE, who highlighted the importance of collaboration, stating that “we must continue to work together to make the UK Vision Strategy a reality”. Through a new format of five conference streams focused on delivering aspects of the UK Vision Strategy, the conference shared best practice and highlighted the work that has been happening across the UK. Vision UK 2015 was also supported by Justin Tomlinson MP, Minister for Disabled People, who said: “Almost two million people in the UK live with sight loss and Vision UK 2015 is vital in bringing together the various groups and organisations that work on their behalf. The Royal National Institute of Blind People can be proud of supporting such a worthwhile and well-attended event.” UK Vision Strategy also created a fully accessible conference experience for all attendees with the first Vision UK smartphone application. Delegates could access the programme, vote in the poster competition and network with other attendees through the app, which was available in IOS, Android and web formats. The day concluded with the People’s Panel, which was made up of speakers who are blind or partially sighted from each of the five conference streams. Chaired by Vidar Hjardeng, diversity consultant for ITV News, the panel shared their pledges from the event which included continued emphasis on the importance of accessible technology, hearing what service users have to say and collaborating to influence decision makers. Fazilet Hadi, lead officer, UK Vision Strategy Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 41 Jobs & notices DISPENSING OPTICIAN Optician Index - April 2015 Summary • Practice turnover at 180 Index points is the highest value since August 2009 • The number of eye examinations increased by five per cent from last month and April 2014 to 108 Index points • The volume of spectacles dispensed has increased by one per cent year-on-year matching the increase in the number of eye examinations • New contact lens new fits are seven per cent higher than April last year at 126 Index points, annual growth is positive at three per cent • Solution sales are also seven per cent higher than April last year at 100 Index points, annual growth is positive at six per cent but the trend is decelerating The full April 2015 report was published in the 29 May issue of Optician ABDO GOLF SOCIETY The ABDO Golf Society will play for the Stercks Martin Silver Salver on Thursday 10 September 2015 at Harborne Golf Club Birmingham. This will also be a joint meeting with the Optical Golf Society. The Salver competition is open to qualified dispensing opticians. Guests are welcome. Entry forms will be sent to society members in mid July. For further enquiries please contact Mike Stokes at Required for a forward thinking independent practice in South Manchester (Wilmlsow). THE ROLE IS ON A FULL-TIME BASIS WORKING 4.5 DAYS PER WEEK, MONDAY TO FRIDAY (EXCEPT THURSDAY) AND SATURDAY MORNINGS 10AM-1PM. The position would suit a newly qualified or adaptable individual who is FASHION CONSCIOUS and CONFIDENT with luxury/niche eyewear. A POSITIVE ATTITUDE and clear communication skills are essential. You will benefit from continued training and development in a forward thinking and supportive environment, 26 days holiday, as well as profit-related bonus. SALARY WOULD RANGE BETWEEN 18-23K + BONUS DEPENDENT ON EXPERIENCE AND THE RIGHT CANDIDATE. Please email your CV with covering letter to Deepak Oberai at or post to: Albert Road Opticians, 18 Albert Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5HT. NOTICE Closing date – 31 July 2015 – for Registration of Supervisors and Practices for those wishing to sit the winter 2015 Contact Lens Practical Examinations Those planning to sit the winter 2015 practical examinations for the Certificate in Contact Lens Practice, which are held in January 2016, should note that the closing date for registering Supervisors and Practices for Provisional Approval is 31 July 2015. Candidates wishing to sit the CL practical examination in winter 2015 must have at the time of their examination application, and throughout the period up to and including their practical examination, a supervisor and practical experience practice on the current ABDO approved register – or have been given provisional approval following completion of a supervisor/practice registration application form. Completed Registration application forms relevant to the winter 2015 sitting must reach the ABDO offices in Kent by 31 July 2015. Late arrival of the relevant documentation will mean deferment to the following examination session. Registration documents are available upon request from Examinations and Registration Department on 01227 732921/732924 or email PATIENT STORIES WANTED DISPENSING OPTICS CONTRIBUTOR, ANTONIA CHITTY, IS LOOKING FOR PATIENT STORIES – IN PARTICULAR RELATING TO SQUINT AND AMBLYOPIA If someone in your practice has picked up a pre-school child with a lazy eye, and the parents would be willing to appear in the media, please let Antonia know by emailing any time until 15 August To place an advert, telephone 0781 273 4717 or email Booking deadline for the August issue is Thursday 9 July. Special rate for ABDO members 42 Dispensing Optics JULY 2015 EEVERYTHING VERYTHING A C CONFERENCE ONFERENCE SSHOULD HOULD B BEE FACE TO FACE UP-TO-DATE NEW IDEAS NET WORKING • CONFERENCE • EXHIBITION NEW INSPECT ENHANCE PRODUCTS UPGRADE EVALUATE COMPETION MEET THE MANUFACTURERS ALL WELCOME T ALL UNDER ONE ROOF INNOVATIONS he 2015 ABDO Conference and Exhibition will be held at Manchester Central - an award winning venue located in the heart of city centre Manchester. As well as an exciting CET conference programme and unique networking opportunities, the event features an exhibition to showcase the latest developments in fashion, technology and business solutions. ABDO LATEST SOLUTIONS INSIGHT ENGAGE EXHIBITION AN EXHIBITION AN E XHIBITION TTHAT’S HAT’S FREE FREE TO TO ATTEND ATTEND Exhibitors confirmed so far include: • ABDO College • Adidas • AOP • Brulimar • Essilor • Eyes • Hilco • Hoya • Maui Jim • Mondottica • National Eyecare Group • Nikon • Ocuco • OWP • Per formance Finance • Safilo • Shamir • Sight Care Group • Stepper • Tokai Optical • Topcon • Ultravision • William Morris • Zeiss B BOOK OOK O ONLINE NLINE w Association Association of of British British Dispensing Dispensing Opticians Opticians ABDO A B D O CONFERENCE CO N F E R E N C E AND A N D EXHIBITION EXHIBITION 20 and Monday 21 SSunday unday 2 0a nd M onday 2 1 2015 SSeptember eptember 2 015 Manchester Central M anchester C entral PRE-CONFERENCE GOLF P R E - CO N F E R E N C E G OLF TOURNAMENT T OURNAMENT SSaturday aturday 1 19 9 September September 2015 2015 PRE-CONFERENCE P R E - CO N F E R E N C E WELCOME PARTY W E LCO M E P A RT Y 19 2015 SSaturday aturday 1 9 September September 2 015 Wolfson Reading Room, W olfson R eading R oom, Manchester Central M anchester C entral LLibrary ibrary ABDO ABDO G GALA ALA D DINNER INNER 20 2015 SSunday unday 2 0 SSeptember eptember 2 0 15 Midland Hotel, Manchester TThe he M idland H otel, M anchester abdo COLLEGE Let us further your career ABDO College provides comprehensive education for dispensing opticians and is currently accepting applications for a range of different courses. Some of the reasons why you should make ABDO College your first choice to either start or further your career in optics are: • An extensive range of courses to suit your individual needs • Dedicated and experienced academic staff • Friendly and supportive learning environment • Consistently high theory and practical examination results • Helpful course tutors • Vibrant and positive attitude towards students • Committed to the furtherance of dispensing optics • Established by the profession for the profession • A proven track record of success CONTACT LENS CERTIFICATE The Contact Lens Certificate course provides an ideal opportunity for opticians to further their career by specialising in contact lenses. The course leads to the ABDO Level 6 Certificate in Contact Lens Practice qualification, enabling registration on the General Optical Council specialty register for contact lens dispensing. Course features • A one year course commencing in September 2015 • Two separate weeks block release at Godmersham • Block release accommodation can be provided Entry requirements • ABDO Fellowship Diploma and GOC registration or for existing students a successful pass in the final theory examinations • Qualified, registered optometrists and ophthalmologists are also eligible to enrol Application deadline: August 2015 KEEPING EXCELLENCE IN YOUR SIGHTS For further information and application forms for these and other courses, or to request a copy of the ABDO College Prospectus, please contact the ABDO College Courses Team on 01227 738 829 (Option 1) or email ABDO College Operational Services, Godmersham Park, Godmersham, Canterbury, Kent CT4 7DT