Portfolio - Ramon Feller


Portfolio - Ramon Feller
Ramon Feller
Rotbuchstrasse 77
8037 Zürich
+4178 828 10 76
solo exhibitions
if you boil a frog, Stadtgalerie, Bern
qwertz, sic! Raum für Kunst, Luzern
point of view, Projekt Felix, Bern
Das Be ist B, la Rada at Sonnenstube, Lugano
Lokal-int. at Docks, with Aline Zeltner, Basel
Lokal-int., with Angela Wüst, Biel
Projekt Balkk, Bern
group exhibitions (selection)
better ideas for life, Karlin Studios, Prague
better ideas for life, Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel
Cantonale Berne Jura, Kunsthalle Bern
Side Dishes, die Diele, I shine - you shine, Zürich
Projekt Engstligenalp, Engstligenalp
The Wild Bush Residency, Amden
Projekt Zorten, Zorten
Swiss Art Awards, Kiefer Hablitzel Price, Basel
There is no need to look any further, Milieu - Galerie/ Artspace,
collective project, Bern
Kunst nährt, Aeschliman Corti Stipendium, Kunstmuseum Bern
Cantonale Berne Jura, Museé Jurassien des Artes, Moutier
Cantonale Berne Jura, Centre Pasquart, Biel
Das Raster gehört ein bisschen Mondrian, Kunsthaus Langenthal
Aquasana zeigt wieder, Chur
residencies and prices
Kiefer Hablitzel Price
Atelierstipendium Kairo of the City Bern
Kiefer Hablitzel Price
u30, im Kunsthaus Glarus
Swiss Art Awards, Kiefer Hablitzel Price, Basel
Old Friends New Ideas – Old Ideas New Friends, Milieu, Bern
Die Basis, Kunsthaus Langenthal
Trächsler Stipendium with Kollektiv Feld 65
Cantonale Bern Jura, Kunstmuseum Thun
Moviment, at ION, Zürich
Gap, at the Schwarzwaldallee with Jan Hostettler and Matthias Liechti, Basel
Künstler reagieren auf erzählten Raum, Off Center at PROGR, Bern
U30, im Le Commune, Bâtiment d’art contemporain, Genf
Hot Jam Hot Jam at les Urbaines, Lausanne
1. Price Artist at Work
Jeune Art Suisse 2015 Junge Schweizer Kunst < 30 XI
(Z)orten 13
Jeune Art Suisse 2013 Junge Schweizer Kunst < 30 IX
Im the One, collektiveprojekt
If you boil a frog
The interventions are marked by a slow, hardly noticeable change. The title
of the exhibition “if you boil a frog” points to this: it describes behaviour in
relation to an unnoticed increase of a factor within a system. The saying is
based on a myth, which was disproven scientifically. It claimed, a frog would
not notice if he was cooked slowly, but would jump away if you threw it into
boiling water.
Do you know
The screen in the entrance hall shows the 250 top movies listed on IMDb
(International Movie Database). They are played one after the other for the
entire duration of the exhibition. The list is based on an online ranking, which
is generated by assessing the number and kind of evaluations. From movies
just recently played in theatres to old classics, the list includes a great variety
of stories which are remembered instantly when viewed again.
I said all the words in this sentence
In the halls, audio installations are triggered upon entering. The presence
of the visitor is indicated by the recording. This results in the sound pieces
generating a rhythmic, acoustic frame. In the first passage, a computer
generated voice speaks sentences that describe itself and hence expand
endlessly. In the second door, words are spoken that have a poetic ring, but
are names of processors. The single letters xxx (?) and become individual
fragments. The sound is only triggered when entering the room.
The two almost symmetrical rooms in the city gallery each contain one set
of each work. At first glance, they are not distinguishable. However, some
factors are increased/accelerated/emphasized? in the second room. This
increase within the different systems demonstrates the diverse strategies
which can be applied to standing one’s ground under ever changing
In the front aquariums live the ancient crustacean Artemia salina. Thanks to
their adaptability to their specific habitat they have survived for 195 Million
years. The species Artemia nyos lives in a second aquarium. In the 60ies,
these crustaceans were distributed as “sea monkeys” in form of give-aways in
comic books. The advertisement targeting children presented the crustaceans as
beings that enjoy a royal existence in a fairy-tale like underwater world. Motivated
by this child-like idea, cultivating them turns into a scientific observation. The “sea
monkeys” grow bigger and faster than Artemia salinas.
No more rave
The presented idea of sea monkeys is reflected on the front page of the
publication “no more rave”. Designed similarly to a sketch book or a diary, it
consists of empty, color-printed pages. The colors are deduced from the computer
program “if or else”, which is projected in both rooms.
If or else
Colored balls jump through a white space free of gravity, with an arm swinging
above trying to catch them. Once a ball is caught, the entire screen is projected in
its color for a certain a mount of time. The colors are generated randomly by the
program. In both rooms, the program starts with the same conditions.
1,2,4 and more / 8,16,24 and more
Another part of this set of works are concrete poles sealed in plastic and
surrounded by vinegar. The liquid erodes the concrete, deposits of it can be seen.
In the second room it is soaking in acetic acid, which causes the reaction to run
1. do you know..., 2016
250 Filme, basierend auf Ranking der IMDb
ca. 641 Stunden
2. No more rave, 2016
30 Stück
Zusammenarbeit mit Vera Kaspar
3. I said all the words in this sentence, 2016
Ton, Arduino Aktivboxen, Kopfhörer, Verstärker
4. 1, 2, 4 and more, 2016
Beton, Armierungseisen, Plastik, Essig
Verschiedenen Dimensionen
5. Aquarium (Artemia salina), 2016
Aquarium, Artemia salina, Metall
170 x 240 x 120 cm
6. if or else, 2016
7. Aquarium (Sea-Monkeys), 2016
Aquarium, Artemia nyos, Metall
170 x 240 x 120 cm
8. 8, 16, 24 and more, 2016
Beton, Armierungseisen, Plastik, Essigsäure
Verschiedenen Dimensionen
Büro Stadtgalerie
maybe tomorrow
installation 2016 at the exhibition better ideas
for life
4 x 2.5 x 0.9m
steahl, ceramicwole, bioethanol
The bio-ethanol fire was lit in regular intervals
in the exhibition hall. By heating the steel, the
poles bent. When they cooled off, they went
back into their original form.
In the exhibition project better ideas for live,
five artists form Switzerland and five from
the Czech Republic created two exhibitions
in two different locations. A publication is
created in two different countries at the end of
the process.
GP000067 - GP040067
video 87min 15sek
found footage
I found a Camera on the Beach which was
filming from the moment it was lost until there
was no more memory space.
installation 2015
mixed media
An aluminum structure with the masses four
by eight meter long and three meter high,
is pulled together by an electric gear motor
in the middle of the room. Ballmicrophones
on the ceiling record the noises in the room
for five minutes. During the recording, the
engine is running. After five minutes, the
motor stops and the audio starts to play
directly. After playing the recording, the motor
begins to pull and the microphones to record
again. The current recording will be placed
on the previous ones so that all recordings
are over eachother. Then they played
simultaneously. These procedural loop runs
during the opening times of the space.
till now
installation 2015
mixed Media
The individual elements of the installation are
spatially separated.
A screen displays various screensaver. Each
screen saver is shown once. the duration of
the video is the duration of the opening time
of the exhibition.
A speaker starts counting at the beginning
of the exhibition at the number one. It is
counting in steps of one up for the entire
duration of the exhibition (also outside of
opening times).
A Speaker is palying an audio file that was
recorded the day before. The recording
is renewed every day. It is as long as the
opening times of the museum.
A carbon fiber rod bends slowly and stretched
again, loop 30 min.
The Be is B
The exhibition consisted of various rhythms
superimposed over the duration of the
exhibition period. The processes were
arranged on the basis of a fractal principle.
The exhibition was based on symmetries that
are broken by the process of the works during
the exhibition period.
The work „diving“ consists of an aquarium
that is felt with 30l water that is connected
via roperolls on an african blue king granite
block 25kg. By the water evaporate in
the aquarium, it loses weight. During the
exhibition a time is reached at which the tank
is lighter than the block of granite, which has
the consequence that the block falls to the
The work „V“ consists of a concrete slab was
poured the basis of symmetries in space. The
plate get transformed from a motor on with
cast steel ropes slowely during the opening
times 0.3 U / min.
At work „vibration“ a servo motor strikes a silk
thread, on which hangs a lead weight. The
thread with the weight starts to vibrate. On
the point of completed still standing the motor
strikes again on the thread.
At work, „X, Y, Z“ a motor stretched and
relaxed an elastic thread attached diagonally
across a corner of the room.
The work „darft fading“ consists two laser
pointer witch are mounted on the buildings on
opposite of the exhibitionspace. The pointers
shine in to the space. Through the wind, the
points are moved on the wall in the exhibition
point of view
site-specific installation in 2014
laserpointer, billboard
Fourteen laser are placed in appartmentsand
houses in the surrounding neighborhood.
They were pointing on the billboard. During
the night a network of lines is visible.
site-specific installation in 2014
concrete, steal, motor, steal cabel
One in showroom poured concrete plate, with
the dimesion, 9m long and 1.5m wide and
3cm thick, lies flat on the floor. An electricgearmotor transforms the plate slowly during the
exhibition period (0.03U / min).
inaccurate / precission
installation 2014
mixed media
The work performs various movements.
Each motion differs from the previous one.
By different rhythms, the movements are
intensified. The programming, controls the
movements consists of fixed as well as
pseudo-random and random elements.
The system interacts, through programming,
with itself.
A mouse is drwan through the movement in a
self-written drawing program that is displayed
on a LCD screen.
installation 2013
aluminum, rope, motor, metal
Seven, 1.5 to 2.2 m aluminum plates are
slowly pulled up on ropes. By pulling up
and lowering the the positions of the plates
always change. By clashing, scraping, sliding
and rubbing together result in noise.
What is the beginning of this sentence
sculpture 2013
metal frame 150 x 220, aluminum plate 100 x
300, polyamide rope, electric gearmotor
The motor rotates the rope around its own
axis with minimal speed. This proces causes
a spiral shaped traction onto the two frames.
This traction is increased throughout the
whole time of the exibition.
The sculpture is made up of two metal
frames, and four aluminium sheets that
are each 4 meters in width and 3 meters
in height, an electrical geared motor and a
polyamid rope.
no titel
sculpture 2012
servos, carbon rod, gymnastics fabric,
aluminum, wood, round cell holder,
The carbon rod of 1.5m length moves
throughout the room. The corrersponding
programing is a mixture of random intervals
and well-defined seqences. In the coding part
the speed of the movement and the angle is
defined. The rod aims towards different spots
in the room.
sculpture 2012
servos, computer mouse, macbook Air,
beamer, cord, aluminum metal pipes, wood,
LCD-screen, transparency texture
The platform is moved by servos that are
controlled by a mixture of pseudo- and
physical coincidences which cause the
computer mouse to be moved on top of it.
The mouse signal is interpreted by a
computer and fed into a painting program
that draws according to pseudo coincidences
and pre-defined intervals set by myself. The
image is shown on an LCD screen. The
drawing is projected from a beamer onto the
glass plate in real time where cristalglass
prisms break the light. All the elements of
the sculpture are based on fundamental
geometrical forms.