July 2016 - Jefco Aeromod`lers
July 2016 - Jefco Aeromod`lers
THE JEFCO FLYER AMA #176 2015-16 Board of Directors President Peter Thompson 303-791-3407 Vice President Glenn Lee 303-972-6470 Treasurer Lora Knowlton 303-973-1209 Secretary Larry Fagan 303-697-4569 AMA Safety Officer Steve Rosselot 303-378-4990 Board Member Ron Ratcliffe 303-660-3842 Board Member Kevin Furman n/a Board Member Art Wilson 303-506-7449 Board Member Bud Glass 303-347-2078 2015-16 Volunteers Safety Officer: Steve Rosselot Club Historian Lee Taylor Park Liaison Tom Elliot Drawings Dave Hock A/V Coordinator Larry Fagan Flt. Inst. Coordinator/ Student Trng. Dave DeLapp Storage Shed Bud Glass Chief Flight Instructor Vacant Event Coordinator Paul McIntosh LRPC Chairman Bruce Ream Volume XLV 303-378-4990 303-237-8772 303-795-2547 303-842-6794 303-697-4569 303-346-9897 303-829-5351 N/A 720-480-5879 303-346-5722 Membership Coordinator Field Clean Up Coordinator Equipment Repair Lost and Found Runway Maintenance Chair Program Director Newsletter Editor Web Master Media Liaison Fire Marshal &First Aid Asst. Fire Marshal Club Photographer Jefco Home page: AMA Website: Dist IX webmaster Dist IX website: Meeting Hospitality Lora Knowlton 303-973-1209 Vacant N/A Larry Bickel 303-794-2167 Ed Scholes 720-352-8157 Robert Willdigg 303-921-2940 Larry Fagan 303-697-4569 Larry Fagan 303-697-4569 Terry Hock N/A Bruce Robson 303-933-9727 Ron Ratcliffe 303-660-3842 Ed Scholes 720-352-8157 Bud Glass 303-347-2078 www.jeffcoaeromodlers.com www.modelaircraft.org Norm Berger acedrummond@gmail.com www.amadistrict-ix.org Brad Weissenfels, Action Hobbies 303-233-6275 Newsletter Submissions e-mail larrynotcurlyormho@centurylink.net Monthly Newsletter archived at: www.jeffcoaeromodlers.com Chatfield Aerodrome Weather: www.jeffcoaeromodlers.com/weather/ Jefco Aeromod’lers Mailing Address: Jefco Aeromod'lers RC Club P.O. Box 621156 Littleton, CO 80162-1156 July 2016 Number 9 Do not allow your aircraft to fly over the campgrounds or the guard shack. Flight Instructor Contact: Mike Boyer 303 781 7144 Above: Reed, the youngest pilot at Warbirds Over Denver this year, with his P-47 Thunderbolt. Bud Glass Photo July’s business meeting will be held at the Chatfield Aerodrome, bring something to fly in lieu of a program! President’s Message - July, 2016 Its hot! But not too hot to fly in the evening at the next Jeffco Aeromodlers regular meeting scheduled to be at the aerodrome on July 6. Bring your planes to show and tell. A few of us were out last night and wow, how beautiful it was. A perfect time to meet and fly. June is almost over, Mars and Jupiter are high in the sky at night and Warbirds is over. A great event. The Welcome New Jefco Aeromod’lers R/C Club Members Thomas Corbett – Englewood, CO H. Jay Hardesty – Edmond, OK Aiden Williams – Edmond, OK Kenny Murray – Sedalia, CO weather was perfect and there was a wide variety of pilots and planes. Even pictures of "foamy" Warbirds made it on to the website. I think what impressed me the most was the level of support by volunteers like Betty and Leo serving food. Be sure to thank Lora for her devotion to Warbirds. Last weekend, Jeffco Aeromodlers participated at a BSA Cub Scout event, Twilight Day Camp at deKoevend Park in Littleton. I want to thank Bud Glass, Bruce Robson, Paul Walker, Paul McIntosh and Kevin Furman for their participation. As an AMA chartered club, part of our duty is to be involved in the community. If you know of other ways we can involve our selves with youth, please let me know and be ready to volunteer. I will back you 100%. Jim Tiller, AMA VP joined us at Warbirds this year. He held a District Meeting Saturday afternoon. We discussed the FAA involvement with our hobby but more importantly the need to keep up with the changes in the hobby. His point was to embrace FPV, Quad Racing and other activities that will grow the club and widen its influence. If you have an interest (and I know you do) in FPV, Quad Racing and Night Flying (I like this one) let me or anyone on the board know. Last, we have events in July and August that are most exciting. In July, our annual Chatfield Ranger Fun Fly. I’ve asked Mike Boyer to help in this regard, so if you want help, contact Mike or myself. This event is held on Wednesday, July 13. Also, do not forget the AMA sanctioned PYLON races at the Aerodrome in August. More about this later. See you at the meeting. Good Flying! Pete Thompson President Jeffco Aeromodlers Jefco Aeromod’lers July July July July July July July July July July July July July 2 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 14 15 15 16 17 Ronald Al Chet Stace Ethan Kevin Bob H. Jay Morgan Armand Bailey Jim Ray July Birthdays Schnabel Holzwarth Rutledge Arnston Kress Brown Carver Hardesty Young Ciuffo Massa Flannery Carver July July July July July July July July July July July July July 2 17 18 19 20 22 23 26 26 26 28 29 29 31 Theo Boyer Jon Magee John Roenfeldt Bud Turk Chuck Beckey Judy Gerken Werner Illig Bill Zimmerman Scott Cline Randal Steven Clark Dean Lassek Dave Holtz Roger Kruse June 1st, 2016 Jefco Aeromod’lers R/C Club Business Meeting Minutes COMMITTEE REPORTS: Due to unforeseen/unknown circumstances, the Sheridan School District was not available to unlock doors to the Alice Terry Elementary School cafeteria for our meeting. Therefore, an informal meeting was held outdoors in the nearby parking lot. Luckily, it was a nice early summer evening. The meeting was called to order by President Peter Thompson at 7:14 PM in the Alice Terry Elementary School back parking lot. There were 28 attendees. No guests were present. President’s Comments: Theft at Flying Field – In May, three of the club lawn mowers and a snow blower were stolen from the shed area at the flying field. Theft report was filed with the park. Pre-Warbirds Field Clean Up – Scheduled for this Saturday, June 4 at 8am, volunteers and mowers are needed. Please consider bringing your own mower. If you have a mower and are willing to donate it for the day for club use, let us know. Take Flight with the Cub Scouts – The club has been invited to participate in this day camp experience for young Scouts. Club would have a table to promote RC, will be able to do demo flying, etc. This is a great addition to their themed “Take Flight” camp experience. Camp will take place at deKoevend Park in Littleton, June 16-18. As a Leader Member AMA club, the Jefco Aeromod’lers need to continue to do community outreach and education. This will also be a great opportunity to promote the hobby to the younger generation. If you are interested in participating, please contact Bud Glass at budglass@comcast.net about specific details. PROGRAM: Doug Knowlton’s Scale Weathering Presentation – Due to no meeting space (with electricity and a video screen) for tonight’s meeting, Doug Knowlton’s presentation will be postponed to August or perhaps September – stay tuned (the July meeting is at the flying field). SECRETARY’S REPORT: Bruce Robson made a motion to approve the May Business minutes as published in the June newsletter. Bruce Ream seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Lora Knowlton gave a brief treasurer’s report. The Club has received several pre-registrations for Warbirds and several new memberships. If any members have questions, please let Lora know. Kevin Furman made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Art Wilson seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried. Membership Report: Membership Coordinator Lora Knowlton reported there are 225 active, current members, 18 Life members and 4 pending for AMA numbers. Total membership is 243. Field Maintenance & Runways: Bob Willdigg reported that the runways will be seal coated tomorrow. Safety: Safety Officer Steve Rosselot had nothing new to report. Fire Marshall Ron Ratcliffe reported there was a small fire at the field on Tuesday, caused by a foamie crash. Ron filed a report with President Thompson. Flight Instruction/Training: President Thompson reported that Brad Weissenfels will assist with instruction. Events: Field Clean Up – Saturday, June 4th: This is the weekend before Warbirds Over Denver. Club members are encouraged to attend and participate. Warbirds Over Denver (WOD) – June 10-12, 2016 Contest Director Lora Knowlton gave a detailed report: Basics – Friday - Informal Warbird flying day, Shaz Kianpour will again host resident Vets from VA. Saturday - 9am flag ceremony, 3:30pm AMA District IX Membership Meeting where a Spectrum DX8 transmitter will be given away. Sunday - awards at 2pm. Admin - Registration form available online; $5 reg benefits Vacations for Warriors – local supporting local injured Vets to send them families on a vacation; No early set-ups earliest) from each non-profit and their (Thursday Logistics - Equipment Reservations – restrooms, storage tent, tables, chairs have been ordered. Lunch - Leo & Bette Hrdlicka will coordinate lunch; need someone to pick up ice – Sat & Sun; need someone to pick up Subway – Sat & Sun; No BBQ’ing in the pits or in your tent area as this is a safety concern. Marketing – please help us promote the event by taking a few posters/flyers to post in the community. Merchandise – Pilots who register will receive a polo shirt (color and design to be unveiled at the event), knee pads, and other merch will be available for sale. Bring your spending money. Sponsors – Thanks to RC Hobbies Littleton (Shaz Kianpour), RC Hobbies, Inc. (Ken Monblatt) and Action Hobbies (Brad Weissenfels). Volunteers – The list of volunteer positions was reviewed and a signup sheet from distributed. 3 Continued on Page 4, left column June 1st, 2016 Jefco Aeromod’lers R/C Club Business Meeting Minutes (Con’t) Mile-High Challenge RC Pylon Race – August 6-7, 2016 Event Coordinator Hank Diepenbroek reported that 27 pilots have committed with more anticipated. He reviewed some of the volunteer opportunities that are needed. More info on those opportunities will be available soon. OLD/UNFINISHED BUSINESS: July Club Meeting – July 6 – NOTE – MEETING WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE FLYING FIELD – 6:30PM! Meeting will include a BRIEF business meeting, Show & Tell and then Electric Fly. Bring your electrics to fly!! Bring your own dinner or eat before. Meeting is RAIN OR SHINE. Taxiway Construction & Project Management – President Thompson has asked the LRPC to get an additional third proposal from a concrete company to do taxiway additions. NEW BUSINESS: Equipment Storage Container - Due to the recent theft of club equipment, there is now an immediate need to figure out secure storage in the future. Bud Glass presented a concept to invest in a 8’ x 8’ x 20’ metal storage container with approx. cost of $3500. The park would like to see what the club has in mind, then they can approve or not. There are two options: (1) situate the container next to the shed or (2) move the container down a bit from the shed and create a truss roof over it. Container could be delivered within a few days after purchase. Club will purchase/secure new mowers/ equipment after the storage container situation is resolved. The Board met prior to this meeting and recommended moving forward with Bud’s storage container concept pending club membership approval. There was a question regarding insurance. Club member and State Farm agent Bruce Riley commented that insuring property dealing with anything aviation-related is very difficult to procure. Bruce Robson made a motion to authorize expenditure of up to $4000 for a metal storage container, contingent on park approval. Kevin Furman seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried. Start-Up Safety Bench Additions – The Board is accepting design submissions for new start-up safety benches to accommodate gas/glow/electric aircraft. There was discussion about whether these new benches would be in addition to the existing or replacements. President Thompson stated it was to be determined. There was discussion about the condition of the existing benches and most are still stout and in good shape. July Ranger Fun Fly – President Thompson will have a signup sheet available soon. BREAK: A special thank you to Brad Weissenfels for bringing donuts and cookies for the break – in the parking lot! So we did “Donuts in the Parking Lot”….haha. SHOW & TELL: Peter Thompson and Terry Hock both had Show & Tell items. DRAWING: A special thank you to Dave Fagan for coordinating the drawing in Dave Hock’s absence. MOTION to ADJOURN: Kevin Furman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Lora Knowlton seconded the motion. All were in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm. Respectfully submitted, Lora Knowlton, Treasurer I would like to thank Lora Knowlton for taking minutes for me during my absence overseas and Michael Peterson for publishing the June newsletter after adding the May minutes provided by Lora. - Larry Fagan, Secretary and newsletter editor. Below, cleanup up day for Warbirds Over Denver. Most of the cleanup crew for the Warbirds Over Denver event. Apologies if anybody was missed. 4 June 15th 2016 Jefco Aeromod’lers R/C Club Board Meeting Minutes Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Peter Thompson. Peter Thompson(P), Present Lora Knowlton (Treas), Absent Ron Ratcliffe (BM), Absent Glenn Lee (VP), Present Steve Rosselot (Safety), Present Art Wilson (BM), Present Larry Fagan (Sec), Present Kevin Furman(BM), Present Bud Glass (BM), Present Guests Chuck Beckey and Larry Bickel representing the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) addressed the Board. At the June general meeting, President Thompson had asked the LRPC to get a third bid for the new taxiway construction project. Chuck and Larry brought in four bids for concrete flatwork for the new taxiway. The bids ranged from $5800.00 to $8750.00. The LRPC’s coversheet for the bids states that “All bids are to spread the dirt on site, compact the base, install 4”, 4000 PSI minimum, fiber reinforced concrete with 10’ control joints and broom finish, one year warranty.” The winning contractor is required to provide a certificate of insurance. The LRPC further recommended that the Board award the bid to E&L Flatwork and have the LRPC manage the project with a $600.00 contingency fund with authorization to approve any change orders that would fall within the contingency. Many questions followed concerning the scope of the work, which Chuck and Larry fielded well. After Chuck and Larry left, the Board had a very long discussion about the project. The consensus of the Board was to award the bid to E&L Flatwork as recommended by the LRPC. The Board also discussed the recommendation of having the LRPC manage the project. The Board came to no conclusion on this item. During the discussion it became apparent that there were many questions concerning the grade at the infield where the taxiway would be installed. It was decided that Larry Fagan and Kevin Furman would look into mapping the infield grade. Bud Glass stated he thought his son had access to a contractor’s level and would check that out. President’s Comments: • Warbirds Over Denver: President Thompson stated that he thought that this year’s Warbirds Over Denver was a great event. Several positive statements about the event were made by other members of the Board. • Starting Benches: President Thompson asked if anyone had had an opportunity to look over the starting bench made by Lanny Waguespack. Several of the Board members had, and the general consensus was it was very stable as well as being attractive and quite usable. Secretary’s Report: Kevin Furman motioned to accept the May Board meeting minutes published in the June newsletter. The motion was seconded by Bud Glass and carried. 5 Larry Fagan wanted to thank Lora Knowlton for taking the May Board meeting minutes in his absence and getting them to Michael Peterson. He also wanted to thank Michael for shoehorning them into the newsletter and getting it published before the deadline. Treasurer’s Report: Lora Knowlton was absent, so no report. Committee Reports: • Membership Report: Lora Knowlton was absent, so no report. • Field Maintenance & Runways: President Thompson stated that Bob Willdigg arranged for SealTec to crack fill the runways prior to Warbirds Over Denver. • Safety: Steve Rosselot reported no issues. President Thompson was appreciative of having the fire carts out and ready during the Warbirds Over Denver event. Having a spotter for overflights of the roadway during future Warbirds events was discussed. • Flight Instruction / Training: Peter Thompson reported that Rob Brandi, longtime club member and Student Training Committee Chair recently passed away. New instructors and a committee chair will be discussed at a future meeting. • Events: º President Thompson stated that we need to start focusing on the Pylon Racing event coming up in August, and that we need to get volunteers scheduled. º The “Take Flight” district Cub Scout Twilight Camp is this coming Saturday, and club members will be making demo flights during the lunch and dinner hours. º The Ranger Fun Fly is scheduled for July 13th. President Thompson would also like to invite the Rangers to our July general meeting which will take place at the aerodrome. • Programming: º There will be a fly-in for the July general meeting at the aerodrome. The fly-in starts at 5:00 with a meet and greet at 6:30 and the business meeting from 7:00 - 8:00. There will be a show and tell and a drawing as usual. Continued on Page 6, left column June 15th 2016 Jefco Aeromod’lers R/C Club Board Meeting Minutes (Con’t) • Programming (Con’t): º Larry Fagan is to contact Doug Knowlton about presenting his originally planned June program at the August general meeting. º It was decided that future Board meetings will start at 6:30 PM. Old/Unfinished Business: • Park Liaison discussion: It was discussed that according to Article 7-1-I of the bylaws the LRPC is re s p o n s i b l e fo r Pa r k L i a i s o n w i t h t h e Pa r k Management. • Club member only flying: This is addressed in the Park agreement. It will be revisited with the Park management. • Taxiway construction, next steps: This was addressed at the beginning of the meeting. See “Guests Chuck Beckey and Larry Bickel . . .” at the beginning of the minutes. New Business: • Startup Benches: This was addressed in the president’s comments. During the discussion that followed, it was pointed out that the Warbirds Over Denver had 70+ pilots with 135+ airplanes using the existing startup benches without a waiting line forming up. It has been observed that many electric flyers use the tables under the pavilion to set up their airplanes, which is unsatisfactory since this is part of the spectator area. The idea was advanced that maybe we need electric arming tables to discourage setting up and running electric models in the spectator area. • Theft discussion, Container vs. Lawn Service?: Bud Glass got 4 bids to have a lawn service mow and trim the immediate area north of the spectator area. This would mean we would not have to replace the stolen equipment and it would spread most of the expense and labor of field mowing and trimming out amongst all the membership. Bud will present a proposal to the membership at the July general meeting. • Community Involvement: Peter Thompson cited the recent success hosting the Cub Scouts. He suggested possibly forming a committee to perform this function. • Grass Landing Strip: Glenn Lee proposed that we consider enhancing our airfield by grading a grass landing strip along the northwest side of the E-W runway and along the southeast side of the northsouth runway. This would facilitate models that are more suited to grass take-offs and landings and would further reduce damage to any planes that run off the runway or are unable to make it back to the runway. He suggests that a committee consisting of interested pilots be formed to determine the best way to pursue this project. Further discussion will follow at future meetings. Motion to Adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Steve Rosselot and was seconded by Art Wilson. The motion carried at 9:02 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Larry Fagan, Secretary. Warbirds Over Denver Results 6 AWARD Special Recognition Farthest Traveled Youngest Pilot Best Lunch Caterers First Heli Event Pilot NAME PLANE Robert Hilden Portland, Oregon Reed 10 years old Bette & Leo Hrdlicka Patrick Vestal Guess What It Is? Air Motor Brace Wire in P-39 Larry Osborn No winners Pueblo, CO Best Small Scale World War I World War II Modern John Roenfeldt Michael Sadler Tim Brown Sopwith Pup Tiger Moth Yak 130 Best World War I First Place Second Place Third Place Bruce Ream Tom Sarber Marco Zarate Fokker DVII Nieuport 28 Eindecker E-IV Best World War II First Place Second Place Third Place Zach Cozzolino Robert Ihly Keith Davis FW190 A8 ME 109 Lysander Best Modern First Place Second Place Third Place James Shaquille Ken Monblatt Jim Tiller F15C F4U4 Corsair T-28 Best Multi Engine Brad Wiessenfels P-61 Black Widow Technical Merit Larry Osborn Curtis A-12 Shrike Best Effective Crash First Place Second Place Third Place Brent Cozzolino Glenn Mattern John Putnam P-47 Thunderbolt Best of Show - Pilot's Choice James Shaquille F15C Lora, left, with Best Lunch Caterers, Leo and Bette Hrdlicka. Warbirds Over Denver Photos by Bud Glass Bob DeManbrun, left, explains the Vacations for Warriors Project while President Thompson listens intently. It all starts at the registration table. Such fine detail! Lined up for the landing Touchdown! 7 Lora and Robert Hilden, all the way from Portland, Oregon. More Warbirds Over Denver Photos can be found at the Club Website Ready for a mass take-off. B-17 Bomber approaching. Flaps down for landing, a beautiful head-on shot. Nice fly-by. Jim Tiller, AMA District 9 Vice President, was on hand at Warbirds Over Denver to field questions about AMA. Elder James H. Brown, Tuskegee Airman, surrounded by scouts. Norm Berger notes that http://www.amadistrict-ix.org links to the new website for District 9 on the AMA server. The District 9 Yahoo group link is at http://www.amadistrict-ix.com 8 The June Business Meeting was held Outside! Show and Tell Terry Hock’s electric pylon racer. Drawing Winners - Prizes from Colpar's HobbyTown USA in Lakewood, CO Bruce Riley, epoxy Lora Knowlton, Gift Card Art Wilson, Airplane Stand Dave and Pete start the show 9 Doug Knowlton, instant glue Terry Hock, UMX B-25 10 Airpark elite r/c aircraft club formally invites you to a gathering of all who want to fly and raise money for the disabled American veterans who served the United States of America. THIS IS IN CONJUNCTION WITH Model aviation DAY HOSTED by the AMA. Date:&&August&13,&2016 Time:&&&10&AM&to&3&PM Entry&fee:&&$25 Loca2on:&&Airpark&Elite&Field&&&&60600&E.&64th&Ave.&&&Strasburg,&CO Take&I770&east&to&the&Strasburg&exit. At&top&of&exit,&turn&leD&at&stop&sign. Follow&to&next&stop&sign&(Colfax&Ave.)&&Take&a&right&on&Colfax&to&Strasburg&Rd.&(Approx&3&blocks)&&& There&is&a&carwash&on&your&leD&side.&Take&the&leD&onto&Strasburg&Rd.&&Drive&approximately&5&miles& to&64th&Ave.&Turn&right&onto&64th&Ave.&going&east.&&64th&Ave.&is&a&dirt&road.&&Follow&east&past& Headlight&Rd.&to&the&3rd&house&on&the&right.&&Go&past&the&first&driveway&to&the&second&drive.& There&is&an&Airpark&Elite&sign&posted.&Turn&right&to&the&field.&You&will&see&a&small&red&storage&barn. Bring&anything&to&fly….&&Jets,&foamys,&large&or&small&scale,&trainers,&electrics,&even& pylon&racers.&Make&sure&your&AMA&and&FAA&numbers&are&on&your&aircraD.& & Food&will&be&on&hand&for&a&small&donaXon. A&por2on&of&all&proceeds&from&event&will&be&donated&to&the&Disabled& Americans&Veterans. Special&Event:&&&“Blow&the&Enemy&out&of&the&Sky&with&a&Shotgun!”&&Try&to& shoot&a&provided&R/C&aircraD&out&of&the&sky.&Bring&your&own&shotgun&and& ammo.&&&&& Event&sponsor:&&Colpar’s&Hobby&Town,&AMA,&Airpark&elite&R/C&club& rsvp the contest director TOM Neff at (303 829 5416) Thomas.neff@comcast.net 11 6th 9th 13th 20th 30th July 2016 Business Meeting at the Chatfield Aerodrome Field Cleanup Ranger Fun Fly Board Meeting Field Cleanup August 2016 3rd Business Meeting 6th & 7th Mile High Challenge pylon racing event 17th Board Meeting 24th Old Farts Fun Fly 27th Field Cleanup September 2016 7th Business Meeting 21st Board Meeting 10 - 12th Jefco Heli Fun Fly Business meetings: First Wed. night of each month. Meetings are called to order at 07:00 P.M, programs to follow, at the Alice Terry Elementary School at 4485 S. Irving Street, (located approximately 1/4 mile away from the previous middle school location). Board meetings are held the third Wed. night of each month, 07:00 P.M. If you wish to attend, contact President Peter Thompson in advance. Note! The July Business meeting will be held at the Chatfield Aerodrome. The BOD has approved the Field Safety & Operations Manual. All members should review this document in the club’s website www.jeffcoaeromodlers.com for the latest rules and regulations. Views and or opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the editor, staff, and writers of articles submitted. They may or may not be those of the Jefco membership, club officers, or board members. The Jefco Flyer Larry Fagan, Editor 4881 S Arbutus St. Morrison, CO 80465 The welcoming sign greeting guests for Warbirds. 12