Is ADD a new fad? - Lewis Central Community Schools


Is ADD a new fad? - Lewis Central Community Schools
A Deadly Comedy
Coming Near You!
- Page 6
October 2006
- Page 6
Is A DD a
new fad?
New Year,
New Shows
- Page 2
- Page 5
Haunted Houses
to Shake-Up Your Weekend
Abducted Teen Saved by... Heroes Arise in
Cell Phone?! Midst of Gunfire
Lewis Central
High School
Issue 2
- Page 7
Upcomi ng
Even ts
Oct o ber
28: ACT
29: James Blunt @ Qwest
Center, 7:30 pm
No vember
1: Early Dismissal
3-4: Arsenic and Old
Lace @ LC Auditorium,
7:30 pm
4: State Cheer Competition @ Des Moines
9: End of 1st Trimester
9: Toby Keith Concert
@ Qwest Center
10-13: No School!
15: Early Dismissal
22: Early Dismissal
22-24: Thanksgiving
26: Panic! At the Disco
Concert @ MAC, 7 pm
out about the story. MarVictoria Means
had his mother and com- Points.
ian Fischer, one of the girls
Copy Editor
mon-law wife buying and
It is unknown why an
who was fatally wounded,
bringing him supplies to Amber Alert was not isWe are all exposed to asked to be shot in hopes that
hide from the authorities. sued for the girl. Accord- violence. We are surrounded Roberts would let the others
His mother, Ginger Nell ing to, the by it. Violence is rampant in go. “Shoot me and leave the
Amanda Goeser
Cobb, has since been following must be true in video games, movies, and other ones loose,” 13 year-old
Ads Editor
arrested, as well as order to issue an Amber television shows. We can’t Fischer said.
If your parents his common-law wife, Alert:
open a newspaper or surf the
The schoolhouse has been
haven’t quite bought Cynthia Hall.
1. “Law enforce- internet without seeing some torn down, no longer standing
into the idea of adding
Cobb would get ment must confirm that sort of violence. One form as a sad memorial for these
text messaging to your the items to Hall, who an abduction has taken of violence that affects us is young, innocent lives. In its
cell phone, or buying a would leave them for place.
school shootings. In the last place is now an empty field,
cell phone all together, Filyaw to get from
this abduction may just an
be enough to convince vehicle near the
A fourteen-year“She is really
old girl in Texas was lucky she got it
abducted by Vinson [the text message]
Filyaw, a 36 year-old out and got any
man who had an arrest service,” said juwarrant out for him for nior Mike Dillon.
sexual assault on a 12
Police caught
year-old. He was hid- up with Filyaw
ing in a system of bun- Sunday morning
kers near his home.
and he is being
Relating to this held without bond
case, he was charged in the county jail.
with kidnapping and To go along with
raping the young girl. the other charges,
Filyaw, dressed in a he faces possesshirt with the image of sion of an incenphoto by Victoria Means
sheriff’s badge on it, diary device, or
Knocking down the competition, Jordan Quick perfects his form at the prelimiabducted the girl as she something
nary Special Olympics.
was walking home from can easily catch
her school bus stop.
fire, and impersonating
2. The child must month we have been bom- a place of somber silence
He had been hold- an officer. (All of the be at risk of serious injury barded by news stories cov- where five young girl’s lives
ing her in an under- above information can or death.
ering shootings all over the were taken. These girls will
ground bunker for ten be found at abcnews.
3. There must be United States.
not be forgotten by family or
days, until she was able
sufficient descriptive inRecently in George- friends.
to get to the
f o r m a t i o n town, Pennsylvania, ten
Another school shooting
s u s p e c t ’s
child, Amish schoolgirls, rang- which has trumped the news
cell phone
captor, or ing from ages 7 to 13, were channels in recent weeks took
to send her
c a p t o r ’ s attending school on October place on September 29 in Camom a text
vehicle to 2nd when a man named zenovia, Wisconsin. Principal
an Charles Carl Roberts IV took John Klang, 49, was shot
that read:
them hostage in school and three times with a pistol in
“Hi mom.
shot all of them. He then took the main entrance of the high
I’m in a
The child his own life. Five of the girls school. He then wrestled the
hole across
must be 17 were fatally wounded, while pistol away from the shooter,
from Charm
years old or five more remain under con- Eric Hainstock. This fifteen
Hill where
stant care. Roberts was a deep- year old boy brought a gun
C e l l ly troubled man. In his suicide to school because he was,
trucks go
phones pro- note he confessed to molesting reportedly, angry about being
in and out.
vide instant two relatives nearly 20 years disciplined for having tobacco
There’s a
help where ago and also lamented about on school grounds. Less than
bomb. Call
an Amber his first-born daughter who a week later the students repolice.”
Alert some- lived for less than a half an turned with commemorating
times can’t. hour.
shirts. They called Principal
why God
The idea of
This incident brought Klang “their hero.”
m a d e
a text mes- on great suffering for theAmish
Tragedies occur at unDemonstrating his superior texting skills, senior
sage saving community. The heartbroken known times and unknown
Chris Williams communicates with his friends and
No one exsomeone in families of four slain girls laid places. They are a part of life.
family through his cell phone.
pected her
such a way their daughters to rest on Thurs- As we can learn from comto be in a bunker eight
“It [an Amber Alert] is quite an idea. This new day, October 5. The final girl munities that have dealt with
feet down,” said fresh- maybe would’ve helped technology makes for a was buried the next day. For a school shootings or other disasman David Carr.
them find her in the bun- happy ending to a not so while, the event was shrouded ters, life moves on. The country
The suspect, Filyaw, ker,” said freshman Tyler happy story.
in secrecy, but as time has of America, though wounded,
‘Holy’ Words Create Chaos
Pope Benedict XVI isn’t afraid to voice his controversial opinions
Jay Sturm
In a university lecture on September 12,
Pope Benedict XVI
quoted a fourteenth century Byzantine Emperor:
“Show me just what Muhammad brought that
was new, and there you
will find things only evil
and inhuman, such as his
command to spread by
the sword the faith he
preached.” The Pope later said he did not believe
the words he had quoted.
He said he meant for his
speech to promote a conversation with the Islam
“If you call someone’s religion evil and
inhumane that’s probably
not the best way to promote conversation,” senior
John Power says, “If I said
something to that extent
about someone’s religion
in school, they would
probably attack me.”
The speech sparked
two violent protests as
Muslims around the
world regarded the Pope’s
remarks as an insult to Islam and Muhammad. On
the West Bank in the Gaza
Strip, firebombs were
thrown and bullets were
shot at three churches.
Protests erupted in Indonesia, across Saylasia and
in the Middle East. In
Iraq, demonstrators carrying black flags burned
an image of the Pope.
(New York Times)
Sister Leonella, age
65, and her bodyguard
were murdered by two
gunmen near a hospital
Sunday, September 17.
She had finished nursing
school for trainee medics; as she was leaving
the clinic, the two men
fatally shot her in the
back. It is not known
whether the Pope’s
speech directly caused
this attack or not.
Senior Fina Lyons
gives her opinion about
the Pope’s choice of
words: “It sounds like
he’s judging; he should be
more down to earth and
understanding since he’s
the Pope.” She also added, “The Pope shouldn’t
be judging because it’s
against his religion and
he should definitely think
before he speaks.”
In response to the
statements made by the
Pope, many angry Italian
Catholics are concerned.
There is a complicated
debate in Italy about the
Pope’s message.
“In a statement issued first on his behalf
and then twice in person,
the Pontiff expressed deep
regret” for the offense
that had been taken. (The
Economist Sept 23rd,
2006) Very few in the Islamic world seem content
with this hasty apology.
progressed more has come
will move on.
World News
Victoria Means and Jay Sturm
Copy Editor and Reporter
Smoking Ban Finally Takes Action in Omaha
A city-wide policy finally has some action put to it.
Restaurants and stores can no longer allow smoking
within their facility.
An Indonesian Tree with Mystical Powers
One tree in Indonesia was protected by police after
several youth attacked it to prove that it held no
mystical powers. This landmark is over 100 years
old and will now be protected by all authorities.
New Perspectives on the Government in Afghanistan
Bill Frist, a top Republican senator, says that the
time has come to realize that the war cannot be won
militarily, and that the Taliban should be invited into
the Afghan government.
Page 2
October 2006
Scientology: Cult vs. Religion
Religion, by definition according to Webster’s dictionary, is a set of beliefs
concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when
considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually inAmanda Berg
volving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code
governing the conduct of human affairs.
Most bona fide religions can be supported historically. For instance, the
Koran and the Bible can be historically supported by Roman, Greek, and Egyptian literature and
archeology. In fact, the Koran and the Bible are almost the same stories but are told from entirely
different perspectives.
Anyone can make a religion, but sometimes it crosses the line and that’s when it
becomes a cult. Scientology is one religion that crossed the line. The main belief in scientology has to do with aliens. Xenu is an alien ruler of the “Galactic Confederacy,” who, 75
million years ago, brought billions of happy little people to Earth in a happy little spacecraft,
stacked them on volcanoes and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. Yay!
Their souls then fused together and stuck to the bodies of the living like parasites, and
continue to wreak chaos and havoc today. One of the less oblivious flaws with this theory is that
scientists have placed the age of the universe to be around 33 - 56 million years old.
75 – 33 = 42. hmm….
The problems with Scientology reach far beyond their belief of creation though. I
further this point with the fact that in “auditing” sessions, something much like psychiatry, unlicensed people
perform hypnotherapy on individuals. Scientology nearly avoided being sued for malpractice by stating it
was a “religious ritual.”
According to former members Jon Atack, Steven Girardi, and Jesse Prince, “The Church used information obtained in auditing sessions against [them].” A claim like this would be actionable as extortion,
blackmail or harassment within most legal jurisdictions. However, no such claim has to date been legally
confirmed against Scientology based solely upon use or revelation of auditing records.
They also were forced to release a statement that the E-meter, used in auditing sessions to measure
your electrical emissions, alone is useless. In fact, this so called religion is so out of whack I don’t even
know where to start. Scientology also believes that birth is a trauma for the infant and not the laboring
mother, so certain words should not be said during birth or it will mess up the baby.
Scientology even claims that breast feeding is a huge No-No. I’d like to point that if women were not
meant to breast feed, THEYWOULDN’T PRODUCE MILK! Instead, followers insist the infant should be
given a special Barley formula consisting of barley water, homogenized milk, and corn syrup or honey. Ask
any pediatrician and they’ll tell you that this mixture could kill infants fewer than twelve months old and lacks
special nutrients found in breast milk. You’d think an all knowing “religion” would know that.
The most despicable belief that scientology has is that anything that happens to you… you’ve
willed it to happen to you. That means if a little girl is molested she let it happen. A man gets cancer
because he willed it so. If you’re raped it’s because you wanted it. I am very disturbed by this and you
should be as well. No one WANTS to be molested, get cancer, or be raped.
Far more disturbing things surface when you look at Scientology’s war on psychiatry that started in
1969. Scientology’s founder, Hubbard, goes as far to tell his followers, “We want at least one bad mark
on every psychiatrist in England; a murder, an assault, or a rape or more than one. Our war has been
forced to become ‘To take over absolutely the field of mental healing on this planet in all forms.”
Hubbard claims in a 1982 bulletin, “Pain and sex (supposedly invented eons ago by psychiatrists) are the ‘Invented tools’ of degradation… (Psychiatrists) have been on the [time]
track a long time and are the sole cause of decline in this universe.” He then claims that they,
the psychiatrists, helped Xenu kill all those poor people 75 million years ago and must pay.
Does anyone remember Charles Manson’s philosophy (or cult) called “Air-Trees-Water-Animals” also
known as theA.T.W.A.? His “religion” got a lot of criticism too, especially after all those messy little murders.
What I’m getting at here is just because someone calls something a religion doesn’t make it one.
Their bible is based on a science-fiction novel, you can’t talk during the birth of a
baby, breast feeding is some kind of carnal sin, if you’re raped it’s because you wanted
to be, followers are hypnotized during auditing, scientology cannot historically prove
any of its text, and it’s okay to kill, rape, or maim psychiatrists.
Clearly, Scientology is a cult.
Religion: belief, spirituality, morality, theology, and ethical standard. That’s the definition Webster’s dictionary gives me.
Scientology has all of these; a belief system, a moral Damien Croghan
standard, and a standard of ethics. Most people just know
about scientology via its famous follower, Tom Cruise,
but few know what the religion is.
Scientologists believe in a system of reincarnation. Much like the Hindu concept, reincarnation is the cycle of life, death, and rebirth of the thetan, scientology’s
equivalent to the soul. However, scientology does drift slightly away from Hinduism; they believe that we were not only people, animals, and other such things in past
lives, but also extraterrestrial life forms. Yes, scientologists believe in aliens, and so
do many other people out there, some not necessarily scientologists.
Like most religions, scientology believes that people have an existence beyond the body. Thus, they believe in an afterlife, like most mainstream religions.
At least in this aspect, scientology can agree with Christianity, Buddhism, and
others. Unlike those mentioned, scientology doesn’t mention an exact afterlife
theory, nor does it mention an exact ‘God’ theory.
Yes, scientologists do believe in God, also known as the Supreme Being, but
unlike many, their religion does not require the worship of it. Instead, it takes a different approach; the individual becomes enlightened and realizes the truth for themselves. That means that they’ve put the average person on a higher level, stating that
people are smart enough to figure it out. And as for an explanation of God’s actions
on Earth, the Church of Scientology’s official website states “scientologists take the
maxim quite to heart that God helps those who help themselves.” Translation; the
more you try to better yourself, the more you are rewarded. Kind of like karma;
what goes around, comes around.
Now, this is where scientology gets a little out of whack for most: their creation
myth. According to scientology, an alien named Xenu came to earth 75 million
years ago, carrying billions of people aboard spacecrafts. He landed the people next
to volcanoes, which were blown up by hydrogen bombs. The result was that the
dead people’s thetans were left behind and re-incarnated into modern-day people.
This is the part where many start to ridicule scientology, and an episode of South
Park might come in mind to some. But if we were to ridicule all religions because
of their over-the-top creation myths, then nearly every religion would be deemed
absurd. And to be fair, there are many other odd creation myths: Charles Darwin’s
Theory of Evolution and the Big Bang Theory are just two.
Also, they have a moral standard that defies the norm of our society; the
detoxification from all drugs. That means no drugs, prescribed or otherwise.
This may seem bizarre to most, considering that most Americans pop Tylenol like
M&M’s, but down to its core it can be a good thing. It’s taken to an extreme in
scientology, and other religions have similar ideals that go against the modern
ethics of the medical community. For example, Jehovah’s Witnesses are against
the use of blood transfusions, believing that blood is sacred and should stay in the
body. Does disagreeing with contemporary medical breakthroughs make either
religion’s beliefs illegitimate?
Now, I can understand how scientology would be considered farfetched to
many, but so can any other religion if you haven’t been exposed to it. Just because some aren’t familiar with the religion doesn’t make it any less of a religion. Extremist scientologists do some things that many frown upon, but so do
any other religious extremists. Some extremist Muslims become members of Al
Qaeda, but that doesn’t mean that all Muslims do. Some extremist Christians
victimize abortion clinic patients, but that doesn’t mean that all Christians do so.
Scientology, just like every other religion, shouldn’t be judged by their extremist
followers. The Church of Scientology deserves the recognition of being considered a religion, not a cult.
Diagnosing the World With An Excuse
Victoria Means
Copy Editor
A widespread disorder, a
common joke, a mother’s fear,
and a schoolteacher’s nightmare; Attention Deficit Disorder
(ADD) is an ordinary, household
word. We see it all the time, it
surrounds us everyday… maybe
it is in our homes or sitting next
to us in school, maybe it rides
the bus with us each morning
or shops next to us in the mall.
Chances are we all could name
at least five people who have
this common disorder. But, is it
really that prevalent? Does this
disorder truly exist, or is it more
an issue of responsibility as an
Webster describes ADD as
“a disorder that can bring about
distractibility, forgetfulness, and
disorganization.” Let us reflect
upon ourselves for a moment.
Are you always on task, do you
remember every little thing, and
do you feel that every aspect
of your life is organized? More
than likely, you answered “no”
to most of those questions. Does
that mean you suffer from ADD?
The answer to that is probably
not. Most health professionals,
doctors, and educators do believe that ADD, and its partner
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), are valid medical conditions. They also agree
that these disorders are being
wildly over diagnosed.
I, also, believe that ADD is
a legitimate problem in schools
and homes in our culture. However, how can it be that ten years
ago this diagnosis was rarely
even thought of when a child
misbehaved? If this is such an
epidemic, then why is it surfacing now? Why has it only been
prevalent in the last ten years? I
can tell you why. In the name of
being politically correct we no
longer allow discipline. Spankings, restrictions, and punishments in the home are a thing
of the past. These staples of ten
years ago have gone out with
stretch pants. In school, children no longer accept authority
because that is what is learned
in their growing up years. We
want our children these days to
make their own mistakes even
if it hurts them. Boundaries
were created to help and not to
harm, we hear that all too often,
but that doesn’t change the truth
of it. Children need discipline.
The Wire Staff
Editor-In-Chief.......................Jennifer Ettinger
Assistant Editor...........................Kristin Coppa
Design Editor.........................Courtney Dusing
Photography Editor........................Sara Grimes
Ads Editors..............................Amanda Goeser
Copy Editor...............................Victoria Means
Cartoonists.........Amanda Berg, Blake Johnson
Reporters...............................Damien Croghan,
Maria Jones,
Kayla Palma,
Hayley Perrin,
Josh Stroeher,
Jay Sturm and
Tedi Swanson
Humans are creatures of habit,
and with that comes a need for
routine and established limitations. Even if you disagree, that
doesn’t make it false.
Another fact that surrounds
ADD is that is gives an excuse
for bad behavior. I state, once
again, that in rare cases attention deficit disorder is a real
problem. Nevertheless, the three
major symptoms of this disorder are impulsiveness, inattention, and hyperactivity, and we
are all guilty of those at times.
The imperfections of being a human need to be harnessed and
disciplined, not written away
on medical forms and doctors’
notes. Self-discipline, in the
case of older children and teens,
is a core need. It is a necessity
to survive day to day life in the
world of high school and careers.
Merely explaining away bad behavior and inability to perform
at high standards is unacceptable. Disciplining yourself is
a calling and a goal. American
writer, Grenville Kleiser says,
“By constant self-discipline and
self-control, you can develop
greatness of character.
continued on page 4 as
The Internet: Friend or Foe?
Hayley Perrin
A lonely, young 16-yearold girl who is neglected and
often picked on has trouble finding that special someone. She
has asked out several guys but
has never actually been on a real
date. This girl decides to take
a different approach, one that
many of her peers have tried
successfully. All of her friends
found steady boyfriends by using the internet. On the first
attempt, she meets a seemingly
nice guy herself, but what she
doesn’t know CAN hurt her.
The unfortunate truth is
that internet is taking over the
lives of teens across the nation.
People don’t just get online for
research anymore. Among other things, the internet is used for
shopping, playing video games,
previewing movies, watching
television clips, or chatting with
friends and relatives. Amazingly, online courses are becoming
available for college students as
well. Some even use it as a superficial dating device.
All these things make the
internet sound like an awesome,
21st century luxury. You can do
Editorial Policy
The Wire is the official Lewis Central student newspaper and is
distributed free of cost to students. The opinions expressed in
this publication reflect those of the student writers and not Lewis
Central administration, faculty, or its advisor. The Wire is published
seven times throughout the school year by the Suburban Times in
Papillion, Nebraska.
The purpose of The Wire is to:
* inform students of current and relevant events
* interpret and analyze complex events and issues that affect
* serve as a forum for discussion of controversial issues
Letters to the Editor:
The Wire staff strongly encourages responses to articles appearing
in the newspaper. Letters may be submitted to room 401 or emailed to The letters must be signed,
legible, and concise. The staff reserves the right to edit letters for
length, grammar, and punctuation. These letters should also be free
of profanity, vularity, or words with undesirable meanings.
Advertising will be sold at $25 for a 2 x 2.5 space or $50 for 4.5 x
4 space. Information can be obtained by calling 366-8220. Ask for
Mary Langille. Or by e-mail:
just about anything without ever
leaving the house or your chair.
It is so convenient, all you need
to do is sit down at your computer, click on an icon, type in a
website, and explore.
The down side of this is
you never really know what
you’re getting into. With a click
of a button, you could be downloading a virus or chatting with
a serial killer who wants you as
his next victim.
This dangerous place may
seem like lots of fun with prizes
and free giveaways. However,
many times you are asked to
give some of your information
in return. It seems reasonable,
but on the other end could be
someone who doesn’t want to
give you your prizes… they just
want to get a hold of that information. Depending on what
you disclose, they may be able
to steal your identity, find out
where you live, or send you that
dreaded junk mail.
The biggest problem is that
too many people use the internet so religiously they wouldn’t
know what to do without it. I’ve
witnessed the influence kids
have on their parents and many
adults have fallen to this same
addiction. My own mom uses
the internet more than I do.
While the internet has expanded and evolved into a multipurpose tool that is both useful
and resourceful, some aspects
end in less than desirable consequences. Use the internet
wisely and beware of the many
dangers that lurk behind the cyberspace corners. Do not let it
control your every move. It is
okay to take the extra twelve
steps to the phone if you need
to talk to someone, and going to
the mall to buy the perfect dress
for the upcoming school dance
will not kill you. Finally, for
your benefit, do not rely on sites
like to provide you
with the love of your life. The
choices you make today will affect your future tomorrow.
Back to
The strangest things make people happy. Businessmen can stare
at a chart for hours, and then suddenly burst out in a fit of uncontained
laughter, only to compose themselves
seconds later. Chefs are happy when
they are lavished with praising reviews
and even happier when their motherin-law chokes on a crab leg. Teachers
are happy when
kids begin to
eyes bright and
cheeks flushed.
Jennifer Ettinger
Editor-in-Chief washing machine doesn’t
sound like a rocket moments from
takeoff. Opera stars are pleased when
they only succeed in shattering one
person’s ear drum, and mechanics are
ecstatic when a naïve customer doesn’t
know quite what’s wrong with their
shuttering vehicle. But children…
children’s happiness is something altogether different, something so pure
and unrestrained it is beyond our understanding.
There’s something so charming
about a child at play. Their games
are so complicated even the dog is
confused, but they are utterly satisfied
with their imaginary world. When I
was nine I wanted to ski, and I sat for
hours in front of the TV, hungrily
soaking up each race of the Winter
Olympics. The athletes would race
down the hill, flowing effortlessly
over the purest snow I had ever
seen. I would stand, my eyes never leaving the screen, and imitate
each shift, each stroke, each victory pump of the arm. My mother
just shook her head when I skied
around the living room and mentioned that perhaps racing would
be a bit easier outside.
Delighted at the idea, I
strapped on my roller blades and
prepared myself for the biggest
race of my life. With two rather
tattered umbrellas in hand and a
lopsided bike helmet, I scoffed at
my knee pads. Real skiers needed
no such protection. With one last
look in the mirror, I grabbed my
sunglasses and positioned myself
at the top of my driveway.
“After only two minutes in the
business, young Jennifer Ettinger
has risen to the top, and isn’t about
to stop,” the announcer boomed.
“Her mere presence makes the
other skiers tremble. Here they
are, taking position at the top of the
hill. Jennifer tightens her grip on
her poles, shifting comfortably
into the starting stance. Three…
two… one… and they’re off,
Jennifer quickly taking the lead,
her eyes bright, hair flying in the
wind. Trouble ahead folks; an
unexpected bump in the swirling
snow throws the champ off balance and the prodigy totters…”
A flying umbrella, knees
leaving their mark on the cruel
concrete, and screeching roller
blades ended my career as a
professional skier. I glanced
back at my driveway, absolutely
mortified at my horrific fall. I
took off my scarred helmet and
attempted to lift myself from
the ground, but instead caught a
glimpse of skinless knees dripping
blood onto my steep driveway.
Immediately, I began to wail. Not
only was I in the worst pain I could
ever remember experiencing, but I
had undoubtedly lost the race.
My mother wouldn’t let me
into the house even after I had
scaled the stairs, in roller blades
no less. She was sure I would
stain the carpet with blood, so
she shut the door in my face. She
returned eternities later with bandages, and I was soon riding the
slopes once more.
Pain and joy aren’t like that
once you hit thirteen. Our emotions seem to dull with time, saving us from the sorrows, but robbing us of true happiness. If only
I could capture the feeling I had
rushing down that hill one more
time. If only my stories still consisted of a cowboy, a dog, and a
Ninja Turtle. If only we could
be children again.
October 2006
of the
photo by Sara Grimes
Name: Kelsey Schomburg
Grade: 12
Sport: Swimming
Level: Varsity
How long have you been doing
this: My first meet was when I
was 3, so 14 years.
Why do you do this: I’ve made
the best friends I could ask for
and I just can’t imagine myself
not doing it.
This seasons main goal: I
would like to qualify for state
in both my events, 200 freestyle and 500 freestyle.
What separates this season
from the last: I am a year older,
obviously, which makes me try
even harder because I know
this is my last chance. Even
though we have lost some
good swimmers, we should
still do good at the same level.
What is your most memorable
moment: We get up at 4:45 AM
for morning practice, it’s like
the middle of the night. So when
we got there we aren’t exactly
the most talkative group. We put
our suits on and sweatshirts over
that, cause it’s cold, then go out
to the pool. No one looked at
each other and our hoods were
up. We were just sitting there trying to delay getting in the water
as much as possible. All of a
sudden the radio turns and starts
blaring “We Are Family!” Me
and Shanna still laugh about it at
almost every morning practice.
photo by Sara Grimes
photo by Sara Grimes
Name: Buck Morris
Grade: 12
Sport: Football
Level: Varsity
How long have you been doing
this: 7th grade
Why do you do this: It’s fun
What is your main goal: To win
What separates this season from
the last: I’m a senior now, there
are more expectations.
What is your most memorable
moment: Roll out
translated by Damon Coyle:
“Coach told me to ‘roll out’
during a play and I literally
did a roll.”
photo by Sara Grimes
As the Dust Settles...
‘District 8 becomes more competitive’
Josh Stroeher
After week five of prep
football the playing field was
split into two groups. Being as
blunt as possible, it was the strong
versus the weak, an age-old battle
between the teams that are going
somewhere this year and the teams
whose fire will fizzle short of state
competition. The teams that stand
amongst the great this year are
the Harlan Community Cyclones,
the Carroll Tigers and the Lewis
Central Titans. However, week
six would set two undefeated
teams against each other and
bring the teams closer together
in win/loss ratios. The two indomitable teams that would
battle on October sixth were the
Harlan Cyclones and the Lewis
Central Titans.
Unfortunately, the Titans
came up short in one of the best
games this year falling to the Harlan cyclones by 21 points+, who
kept their streak of 44 wins
“It was a great game, I am
sure there were mistakes made
on both sides of the ball that
could’ve swayed the game,”
said Harlan Head Coach Curt
Bladt, “LC has improved greatly
and we hope to play them again
later in the season.”
Lewis Central now stands at
5-1 and hosts Perry this Friday.
LC looks forward to winning
their next three games and going
to the playoffs to hopefully meet
Harlan again in the playoffs.
“Perry should be an easy
win, but then again you never
know,” said junior receiver Justin Kathrens, “hopefully we’ll
do well our next three weeks
and go to state, I really want us
to play Harlan again, but it’s all
up to us.”
The next three weeks for LC
football include Perry, Glenwood
and Carroll. The team that they
believe poses the greatest threat
is Carroll, who currently stand at
6-0, Perry and Glenwood should
be warm-up games with only one
being a district match-up.
“Carroll will be a tough game,
just like Harlan, but we need to regroup and come out there fighting,”
said senior defensive end, Alex
So, after six weeks the Titans stand at 5-1 with only two
undefeated teams left in District 8 football. The next three
weeks can very well determine
the state championships this
year and after a tough loss the
Titans are still in the running.
Many people at Lewis Central
can’t wait until the Titans meet
the Cyclones again for another
Go Ramrod!
love us and some people hate
us. It causes competition between the student body to see
It’s Friday night and who can show the most school
you’ve just arrived at another spirit for LC.”
Junior Morgan Wolff
Lewis Central football game.
You make your way through the joined Ramrod for a little difstands and finally reach a seat, ferent reason.
“I joined Ramrod to be
only to find yourself surrounded
by many people dressed in blue around friends and eat great
and orange attire. “Blue and food. After all they do have the
orange?” you think to yourself. best food ever, and my favor“Those aren’t LC’s colors,” ite part about being a member
and you’re right, they’re not. is inviting people to chill out
Those people dressed in blue after the game when we’re all
and orange and being as loud exhausted from screaming our
as possible are an elite group lungs out!”
thing that
sets each
as Team
g r o u p
A f a p a r t
ter being
from each
on September
photo by Sara Grimes their nick22, 2005, Ramrod Tailgaiting is a high-quality expe- n a m e s .
when for- rience equipped with grills, couches, food, E a c h
mer se- drinks and enough fun for everyone!
nior Nick
Coleman randomly yelled team has received a nickname
“Ramrod,” these select few die somehow and there are some
hard fans having been working pretty interesting stories beto improve the school spirit of hind each one!
“I got my nickname, the
all the students at LC.
“We love to go crazy at Mascot, from the team last
games, grill out and basically year,” said Danielsen. “If I
have an awesome time,” said had to guess why they gave
junior Goodmond Danielsen. me that name, I would guess
“Together, we decided that we it’s because I work so hard to
had a common goal of becom- promote Ramrod and what it
ing a new wave of LC fans that stands for. I’m not afraid to
go crazy when the time calls
would never cease to exist.”
So far, they have done just for it. Besides, have you ever
that. Before each game, the 32 met anybody as loud as me?
members of Team Ramrod get I can be at my loudest, and
together to do, what else, tail- our crowd just won’t be loud
gate. The tailgating involves enough. That just makes me
many things but the best part get way louder!”
One person’s nickname
about it just might be the
came from a certain part of
“We grill,” said Danielsen. their body.
“I have the nickname G
“I think we just might have the
best brats, dogs and burgers Raffe because my neck is really long,” said Wolff. “It makes
Along with the many grill- me look similar to a giraffe.
outs they hold, Team Ramrod’s It’s a sweet animal with a ghetmain goal is to get everyone to face!”
Senior member Jordan
pumped up at the games. Although those are their main Bockert may just have the sim“responsibilities,” each mem- plest answer to why they call
ber of the team has his/her fa- him “The Lazer.”
“Because I’m a quick
vorite part!
“My favorite part of being shooter!” he said.
Thanks to all the members
a member of Team Ramrod is
definitely just the fact that we of Team Ramrod for your help
cause so much controversy,” in promoting school spirit.
said Danielsen. “Some people
Kayla Palma
Page 3
The Forgotten: JV Sports
leyball team this season.
They’re holding a strong 9-6-2
record including tournament play.
The JV team works along side
the varsity and occasionally with the
freshmen at practice.
“My favorite drill is ‘Snickers’ [a
fast-paced continuous play drill which
led by Coach Ankenbauer, is finishing
off the season on the right foot. Cross
Country is different from football and
Behind our favorite varsity team,
volleyball in several ways.
is a group of athletes who are always
Both the boys and girls run togethgoing the extra mile to get to be in that
er. “The fact that we all practice togethvarsity match-up. They are the ones
er and get to know each other makes us
giving their all to get the team ready for
like one big family,” said junior Amber
their oppoForbes.
Cross CounThe JV
football team
individual are
placed, and
working hard
then those all
this season.
come together
While their
for a team
record is 2-3,
Coach Koes“Our top
ter sees more.
finishers for
JV boys are
won more
usually Nate
games this
Dreager, Jayear than
cob Power,
the last three
photo by Sara Grimes David Ebke,
combined,” Down, Set, Hike! Denver Lohnes gets ready to pass the ball to his JV team- and Keenan
said football mates. Working just as hard as the varsity players, the JV team endured L i n d s a y .
coach Steve grueling practices to help better themselves in their sport.
For girls it is
usually Jaci
T h e
captains change for each game, but involves all aspects of the game],” said Joanna Drummey, and Connie Smith.
several players have been playing a sophomore Kayla Bergantzel.
It depends on whether or not they are
little more varsity. Koester named Alex
The team loves to have fun running varsity or JV,” said Coach AnRocha, Kyle Mohr, Brady Wells, Jeff together, but can kick it up a notch kenbauer. He goes on to say, “As far
Jorgensen, and D.J. Gnader.
when they need to.
as team placing goes, boys have been
The team has worked through
“One of our harder games above average this year compared to
games against some of their biggest was against Red Oak,” said Coach past seasons, and girls have been about
rivals. Coach Koester said, “You’d Berkenpas. The JV team has a small- average or a little below.”
always like to beat Harlan and Saint er number of girls this year, which
As the season is winding
Albert, and you never want to lose to has required a lot of teamwork.
down, the team is getting ready for
The team has grown quite the bigger meets of the season.
The varsity football team has close. Junior captains Allie
“Our team is pretty laid back,
an impressive 5-1 record, but it Frost and Sydnie Dennis lead but when we have to, we work
couldn’t be done without the ju- juniors Rachel Schultz, Jamie hard. We don’t really have a cernior varsity players at practice.
Swisher, Kailin Bellows, and tain rival, we just RUN!” said ju“It’s hard for JV during practice. Amanda Goeser, as well as sopho- nior Connie Smith.
All they get to work on is opponents’ mores Moryssa Prichard, Kayla
“Use the hill!” as they say at
plays against varsity and don’t have Bergantzel, Kelsey Tech, Sammi meets!
much time to practice our own plays to Wilson, Aleesha Cox, and Ariel
While the fall sports
use in games,” said Coach Koester.
Bowman. Sophomore Kristin season is winding down, we’d
Keep it up, guys!
Waters is their hardworking man- like to tell all golfers, swimager.
mers, runners, and football and
Let’s finish this season strongly!
volleyball players to represent
Working through injury and
the blue and white. Make the
Cross Country
illness has been the name of the
games for the junior varsity volThe JV Cross Country team, Titans proud!
Amanda Goeser
a small preview to upcoming events
Oct. 27th - Varsity Football at Carroll
Oct. 23-26- Volleyball districts
Oct. 30-Nov. 2- Volleyball Regionals
Oct. 28- Girls Swimming Districts
Oct. 28- State Cross Country
Nov. 1- First round for Football
Nov. 21- Girls Basketball at AL
Nov. 28- Girls Basketball vs. TJ at Home
Nov. 30- Wrestling vs. Shenendoah/Clarinda Home
Nov. 30- Boys Swimming Home
Dec. 1- Girls Basketball vs. Clarinda Home
Dec. 1- Boys Basketball at Clarinda
Dec. 5- Boys Basketball vs. Creston Home
Page 4
To Infinity
and Beyond!
Amanda Goeser
Ads Editor
Ladies, take note from
Anousheh Ansari, to prove that
space, the “Final Frontier”, is
within reach, even if NASA isn’t
a career path you’ve considered.
The first female space tourist,
Iranian American Anousheh
Ansari, made her way up to the
International Space Station just
last month.
Not only is she the first
woman space tourist; she is also
the first Iranian in space all together. Anousheh has trained
for the past six months to fulfill
this childhood dream.
“I’d pay a lot of money if
I wouldn’t die,” said freshman
Mackenzie Means.
She took off from Kazakhstan for a ten-day voyage with
both an American and Russian. These astronauts will be
in space for the next six months
and Anousheh has returned with
another shuttle, as planned, on
their way back down to earth after a week and a half.
Not allowed to mention the
cost by contract, it is estimated
she paid about the same amount
as the first three [male] tourists,
more than a whopping 20 million dollars. So just where does
a person get $20 million for a
vacation like this?
Acquiring millions of dollars starts with a dream and it
can’t just happen over night.
Anousheh left Iran at the young
age of sixteen, with the support
of her family to pursue her interest in the sciences. Arriving
in America, she knew merely a
few lines of English from “The
Sound of Music.” She taught
herself English and earned a
university degree within a few
Anousheh went to work at
MCI, where she was making
$26,000 a year. She soon met
the man that would become her
husband at MCI. It didn’t take
them long to quit their jobs, cash
in retirement, and run up their
credit cards to start a telecommunications company.
By 2000, they had sold
this company to another, Sonus
Networks Inc., for more than
(get this) a half a billion dollars.
Fortune magazine estimated her
personal wealth at $180 million.
Shortly after this, stock in Sonus
hit the bottom and Anousheh
was sued for insider trading. To
this, she had no comment. (Information found on
She returned to Earth at the
beginning of October after conducting three experiments for
the European Space Agency and
photographing the Earth.
“It was wonderful to be
able to see where I was born and
where I lived and grew up from
the station,” Anousheh told reporters.
She said that her experience
has motivated her to “campaign
for peace and the preservation of
the natural world.” While space
tourism seems to be a rather
distant idea, it is here and something to get excited about. Junior Becky Lane summed it all
up, “It’s the first woman [tourist]
in space!” (Information found
Amanda Goeser and Kayla Palma
Ads Editor and Reporter
According to 118 students and 2
teachers, these are their favorite Disney movies. Some of them are from
way back, and some from a few years
10. Mulan
9. Cinderella
8. Pocahontas
7. Incredibles
6. TIE:
Fox and the Hound
Beauty and the Beast
5. The Little Mermaid
4. TIE:
Toy Story
Monsters Inc.
3. Finding Nemo
2. Aladdin
and #1 is...
Did You
“Dude Looks
Like a Lady”
was written
about Vince
Neil of Motley
More people die from eating
sharks then from being eaten
by them. This is due to a
poison in shark meat.
October 2006
An office desk has
400 times more
bacteria than a
A single chocolate chip gives
enough energy to a human being to walk 150 feet.
Gaining Weight? Sleep More!
Kristin Coppa
Assistant Editor
Almost everyone has tried
to knock a few pounds of their
body. For some, it was easy
and for others, it was difficult.
People on diets normally think
exercise and eating less is the
key losing weight. Have you
ever thought that your sleeping habits may be the solution?
As Madelyn Fernstrom
Ph.D., CNS says, people who
sleep less than six hours a night
have a higher body mass index
than those who sleep eight hours
a night. In fact, people who slept
less than eight hours a day had
more body fat than those who
slept longer.
In some cases, when
people are tired they figure
food can be the cure to keep
their body energized, like the
snack right before bed. Usually, when people are tired
they choose high calorie
foods rather than a healthy
Senior Kelli Cochrane
agrees, “It does affect you because late at night, mostly on
the weekends, people always go
and get fast food, especially if
they’re bored.”
That common snack that
people have before bedtime also
influences you to eat more than
you should and to chose high
calorie foods.
“A lot of people have “their
bedtime snack” hoping it will
make them fall asleep easier, but
in reality the food they choose
might keep them up at night or,
if they have their snack every
night, make them gain weight,”
says sophomore Abbey Edwards.
Madelyn Fernstrom Ph.D.,
CNS reported sleeping eight
hours a night is easier said than
done. These guidelines will help
you get caught up with your lack
of sleep and lose weight:
• Don’t use high calorie
foods to “wake you up!” Naps
that are less than 30 minutes
will give you that boost of energy that you’ve been craving.
• Always try to set a regular schedule. Even though students are very busy these days,
eating three to four meals a day
and getting at least seven hours
of sleep will help with setting a
regular schedule. Sleep is very
important, so do it while you
• If you’re stressed out,
do something about it. Go on
a walk with some friends or
by yourself and increase the
amount of exercise in your life.
Getting seven or eight
hours of sleep a night is very
important. It will give that
boost of energy and weight loss
that we all sometimes want and
need. The bottom line is, getting more sleep can make a big
‘ADD’ continued from page 2...
As I mentioned earlier in
this article, professionals do
recognize ADD as a valid and
serious disorder, yet treatment
is extensively disputed. The
most common treatment of
ADD is distribution of a drug
known as Ritalin. This drug is
a stimulant, however it does
not double activity, but it cancels out the energy the body
creates, cutting energy flow in
half. Ritalin is a narcotic and
has a high chance of addiction. Immunity is also an issue.
Your body becomes used to it
and it is no longer is effective.
The answer to this problem is
to treat this disorder with more
hands-on approaches, instead of
throwing drugs at each child that
glances out the window during
school. The first line of therapy,
according to Zachor, an ADD
researcher, is to intervene in the
classrooms. Give the children
other methods of learning outside of the typical routine, and
help the move their bodies in
association with learning. The
second line of therapy is behavioral management, which is a
kind way of saying discipline.
That inescapable “d-word” that
haunts each parent is generally
the answer to most school and
home-related problems. The
last resort to solving behavioral
problems is a drug, such as Ritalin or its sister drugs Dexedrine
or Dextrostat.
In closing, ADD is a plaguing problem sweeping youth today. It is a “fad” diagnosis that
is applied to many behavioral
problems. It is much easier for
parents and students to recognize a genetic disorder rather
than a lack of discipline or of
parenting skills. Waking up and
realizing that ADD is not the all
inclusive, super disorder that
can write away our problems is
a necessity in order to continue
on with life. This diagnosis does
not get rid of our problems. It
may solve the problem today,
but it actually heightens our
problems of tomorrow. We must
not allow the youth of today to
think that medicines and therapies can solve our problems. We,
as a united youth, must realize
that we have to be disciplined,
responsible, and able to accept
that we create and solve our own
problems in life. We can no longer rely on the myth that it is not
our fault. Pay attention to life,
and become your own warden.
This is a challenge, each and every one of you, to take responsibility for yourselves. (www.add. www.environment.
October 2006
Page 5
A Surefire Way to Make Your Halloween Experience
the Best it Can Be
Tedi Swanson
October 31st, All Hallows
Eve, otherwise known as Halloween. Everyone is familiar
with the holiday. It’s the one
day out of the year, other than
homecoming week, when you
can dress up as whatever you
want and get a reward for doing
so. Candy! The holiday is soon
approaching, so what can you
do to get yourself in the mood
for Halloween? That answer is
Watch scary movies. Some
movies, such as Halloween are
even based around the holiday.
Watching horror films will give
you that eerie sense and leave
goose bumps on your skin. The
Exorcist has been considered
the number one scary movie on
several top ten lists; the psychological drama is one that is
worth catching. If you’re not
brave enough to watch the movies alone, view them in large
“Scary movies make you
cautious of what you do at night
and just get you in that mood.
I can’t stand to be outside my
house at night anymore because
of all the movies I’ve seen,” says
senior Allison Johnson.
If you’re too scared to go
outside at night after watching
the horrific scenes of the movie,
large group viewings are definitely for you. Walking outside
in groups will keep you safe
from the mass murderer that
came straight off the screen.
You should also try watching ABC Family’s 13 Nights of
Halloween. The annual tradition makes several movies and
show such as Scariest Places
on Earth available for viewing.
Its convenience makes it worth
watching! It just may possess
Go to Haunted Houses and
Pumpkin Patches. Feeling your
heart beat racing and the hair on
the back of your neck stand up is
always enjoyable, after it’s over.
Experiencing these thrillers is
great for the season!
“It’s always fun to get the
crap scared out of you to get
you in the mood for Halloween
– haunted houses do that,” says
junior Amberly Proctor.
Being chased by a clown
with a chain saw is the perfect
way to get you freaked out and
ready to have a blast. Some
of the more popular Haunted
Houses around here are Mystery Manor and Shadow’s
Edge. Take a look at the article
by Hayley Perrin and pick and
choose the best ones for you.
Haunted Houses may give you a
good scare, but another option is
Pumpkin Patches. They’re the
best place to pick out the PERFECT pumpkin for carving and
normally provide several Halloween activities. Sure, they
may be tailored to little kids, but
that doesn’t mean big kids won’t
have fun, too! I would definitely
check them out.
Have Halloween parties and
jam out to Halloweeny tunes!
Dancing to songs such as The
Monster Mash brings out the
Halloween spirit in you. The
costume wearing at these parties
helps you come up with good
ideas for your costume on the
actual holiday. Take your mouth
along for the ride and enjoy
some Halloween treats, as well.
“You get to dress in your
costumes and eat a lot of candy
and sugar. Then you’re so hyped
up that you’re ready for more
candy,” says senior Sara Triplett
The amount of candy you
eat will have you craving more
by the end of the night. These
cravings can easily be satisfied
on Halloween, once again getting you prepared for your trickor-treating adventures. Halloween parties are a great way to get
you ready.
Once the night approaches
and you prepare your costume
to the fullest extent, no one will
be quite as prepared as you. After doing all of these things to
get you in the mind set, Halloween night is sure to be worthwhile.
If you’re still in need of the
Halloweeny feel and would like
some comedy thrown in with the
horror, check out the fall play
Arsenic and Old Lace being performed November 3rd and 4th.
“It’ll close your Halloween
door and give you the last thriller for the season,” says junior
Goodie Danielson.
Trick-Or-Treat! Sc ar e Yoursel f Silly With T hese
It’s that time of year again…
Halloween. The night for fright and
trick-or-treating is just around the
corner. Get ready to grab your costumes and bags of candy; prepare
for Jack-o-lanterns set on porches to
light the way. Kids will be running
around like crazed animals from
door to door with their buckets of
treats in hand.
It was the last day in October.
The wind had a cold chill to it. It
was a clear, moonlit night.
“HA! I got you!!”
The boys walked home from
their trick-or-treating adventure
thinking of what their costumes
would be next year.
“I want to be a vampire and
suck your blood.”
“Hey, boys, how was the trickor-treating tonight?” asked their
“It was great, we can’t wait ‘till
next year.”
“Hold on you two, I think you
guys are getting too old for that
now.” And that was that. The two
boys never went trick-or-treating
“You’re too old for that.”
This is the excuse that many
parents will use. Sophomore Alli
Mingus doesn’t buy that.
“Everyone should get to go
trick or treating. There shouldn’t be
an age limit,” she says.
Many think that way, but do
some irresponsible kids ruin it for
Taylor Basch, a sophomore,
says that the trick-or-treating should
be for the younger kids as the older
kids can go to Halloween parties.
And that is what many of our
LC students do. Well, that, and go
to as many haunted houses as they
can. Mystery Manor, Shadows
Edge and Scary Acres are the three
most popular places to go. See reviews in this section.
The trick-or-treaters get to have
a lot of fun, but what do those who
pass out the candy do for fun while
their waiting for the kids?
Sophomore Caitlin Carlson
said, “I just wait and eat the extra
candy if the kids are going to be so
The kids may not be slow;
there just aren’t as many kids out
trick-or-treating as there was a few
years ago. Parents have been very
cautious for the past few years; the
many scares of trick-or-treating
have finally gotten to them.
Many horrifying stories have
been told from past holidays that
have almost stopped the entire
trick-or-treating part of Halloween.
Razors in the candy, drugged candy,
and kidnapping are what are feared
by today’s parents.
Should that really stop the
parentals from letting their kids go
trick-or-treating? What was ever
wrong with parental chaperones?
You just need some supervision for
the younger kids and you’re good
to go.
Grab the candy, the costumes, and head out the door to
start you night of fun. Whatever
you are doing for Halloween, be
sure to be safe, take care of your
costumes and do Halloween your
iridescent specks on my floor and
My alarm clock went off.
Flashes of red light danced. Lights
like the ones you see when you
hear a siren. I turned it off. When
I did, it sent a little shock through
my body. I stood there for a moment, but only for a moment.
2 ½ hrs till I’m worm food.
The radio blared in my car
as the soft rain played tag on my
windshield. My headlights cut
through the fog sharp as a knife.
I turned them off. The fog had
vanished. I watched the street
lights turn off one by one like
dominoes. Their tall shadows
stretched across the road. They
tried to grab me as I passed. Trying to keep me from pressing forward. Like guardian angels.
I passed under the via dock.
Lines of graffiti were a blur. I
gripped the wheel tighter as I
made a quick right. There were
blocks of chain link fence that followed the road into downtown. I
wondered what they were trying
to keep out.
2 hrs till I meet my maker.
“Just go in.” I thrust the
key into the lock with no avail. I
found another and tried my luck
again. The metal was cold in my
hand. I watched my breath float
above my head as I shivered in
the morning air. The sun had disappeared behind a cloud. “damn
it.” My keys slipped out my
hands and landed in the puddle at
my feet. It was black and even as
I drew closer. I couldn’t see my
forlorn keys. I reached to where I
thought they had landed. I moved
my hand back and forth searching for them.
I brushed against something warm. I froze. “Aaahhh”
a strong force pulled my down.
I could feel my circulation stopping. In a blink of an eye I was
trying to keep from being pulled
in. My free hand grasped at broken asphalt, gravel, anything. I
could feel the blood on my hand
as it sliced across broken glass
on the ground. Then it let go. I
pulled myself up onto the side of
the building. My left hand was
a deep purple. I ran to the front
of the office to wait for someone
else to arrive.
1hr & 15 minutes till lights
Maria Jones
Boolicious Hau nte d Houses
Hayley Perrin and Maria Jones
Halloween is almost here.
Are you ready? Some may
still enjoy trick-or-treating,
but those of us looking for a
more thrilling way to spend
the evening probably prefer
haunted housing. The problem is finding a good one so
it is not a total waste of time
and money.
Mystery Manor helps raise
money for the Prevent Blindness
Nebraska foundation and your
charity is appreciated. Kim
Shillito, executive director for
Prevent Blindness Nebraska,
said that profits from the manor will help with screenings
and operations. They bring
in a potential $10,000 for the
program. To show your support, you can buy a Mystery
Manor Haunted Theatre Comic Book for only $3.
The Shadows Edge:
Haunt is one of the scariest places to go this Halloween. Things to be found in this
creepy place are tight hallways in complete darkness
and small rooms with horrors
popping out from the walls
and windows. Faintly lit arrows and voices screaming at
you are the only things to lead
the way. If you do get scared
and need an early exit there
is said to be an exit in each
room. You just need to ask the
actors to get you there. Located at 716 N. 18th Street in
Omaha; cost is $10/person
Walk through the home
of William and Greta Hall in
this interactive tour led by the
monsters within. Do exactly
what they ask and nobody
gets hurt… maybe. Be aware
of camouflaged creatures,
statues that spring to life, and
worst yet ‘friendly’ demons
who may turn their back on
you. You can find safety as
you flee from the evil on the
‘Slide of Doom.’
Bobo (the killer clown), the
night stalker, the ape man, and
other ‘Freak Show’ members
will greet you upon entrance to
the manor and bid you farewell
on the way out. If you’re lucky,
they may even escort you to
your car.
This isn’t highly terrifying
but is great fun. Note: Mystery
Manor is not claustrophobic
friendly or intended for those
prone to motion sickness. Proceed at your own will!
Located at 3457 S. 84th Street
in Omaha (in Mangelsen’s parking lot); cost is $10/person
Don’t be deceived by the
fact that it is in a parking lot.
This frightening attraction gives
you more scare for your money.
From the angry Santa to the
too-happy-to-be-sane stalker
clowns, expect surprises around
every corner. Guys chase you
with chainsaws, portraits reveal the faces of monsters, and
blood from slaughtered animals
splatters the walls in room after
Lines tend to be long so
come early. If you can’t, do not
worry. There is a live band that
plays for you as you wait in line.
But with a band called ‘Wake
the Dead,’ is their purpose for
your entertainment or to drown
out the sound of screams. Find
out for yourself.
Haunt: Located at 73rd
and Blondo in Omaha; cost is
Haunted Hollow:
Located at 120th and Giles
Road in Omaha; cost is $12/person- good for one trip through
haunted house, everything else
you can go through as many
times as you want.
Are you a total baby? Do
you hate going to scary places
with your friends? If so this
is the best place for you to go
and have a good time. Haunted
Hollow is more of a recreational place than a house of screams
(but you do need to watch out
for guys carrying chainsaws
and machetes).
Haunted Hollow has a
trail/obstacle course, a barn
maze, and a small haunted
house. Other fun features include an outdoor movie theater, a bonfire, the most adorable café and gift shop. So as
you can tell this is not a place
for those looking for a good
scare, but a fun place to go and
spend an evening.
Everyone from the office
had arrived. Kit offered to buy
me some coffee after she inquired
about my bandaged hand. “Scrap
booking accident.” I told her. We
left through the front door; I insisted.
1hr till I meet my childhood
dog Lucky…
I offered to pay as the clerk
rang up our mocha lattes and
crumb cake. She smiled, “That’ll
be $6.66.” I thru a pack of cinnamon mints on the counter and
“You forgot something.”
She smiled again and rang up the
45 minutes till show time…
My computer screen flashed
at me. I remembered what the
old lady digging in trash had told
me as I came back with my latte.
Said I shouldn’t be here. The
dead can’t stay with the living. I
laughed. She threw a empty Starbucks container at me. It missed
and landed at my feet. I kicked it
into the sewer drain.
I snapped back. Thousands
of pop ups threatened to overrun
my computer. I killed them without hesitation.
35 minutes till the candle
burns out…
I rocked back in forth in my
chair humming a TV jingle I had
heard last night.
34 minutes till death do us
The power went out. I
opened a drawer in my desk.
There were murmurs all around
me. My hand found the flashlight
I’d been reaching for. Click. No
light came out. I threw it down.
32 minutes left.
Nobody said anything. It
was if they had all disappeared. I
took in a deep breath and started
to count one, two, three…
15 minutes till
The air was damp. I kept
hearing sounds all around me.
Things were moving. I brought
my knees to my chest and rocked
back in forth in my chair. “Everyone went to go find out why
the lights were out. That’s it, their
here somewhere.” I said that over
and over as the sounds grew
10 minutes
The sounds were on our
floor now. I could hear computers being smashed. I felt papers
fly past my face. I crawled under
my desk.
2 minutes
I had been found. I knew it
was in front of me. “I don’t want
to go back.” I moved back further
under my desk. A felt a warmth
like nothing I’d ever felt before.
I was quickly dragged out form
under the desk. I sobbed.
1 minute
I began to sink into the floor.
It felt like I was being crushed
from all sides. “No”
“The dead cannot linger
among the living”
“I’m not dead! I’m not
“You died in your sleep. ”
“Heart failure,” I was completely engulfed by the floor now.
“Runs in your family you know.”
“I’m not dead” I sobbed.
“Just let go. It’ll all be okay”
Everything had stopped.
The noise, the pain, the fear.
I let go.
A Spooktacular Horror Story That’s to Die For
Amanda Berg
For some people it is impossible to accept death. But it
is inevitable and to fight it only
causes more grief. That is where
our story begins with a young up
and coming ads director Amelia
4hrs till eternal sleep…
It was like any other day. I
remember waking up and being
tired. I felt dead. Hah. I rolled
over threw the empty bottle of
chardonnay on the floor. I got
out of my bed and looked out
the window staring at the grey
outline of dawn. The fog was so
thick I bet a peeping Tom could
have been staring right back at
me. I reached for my medication. All gone. I’ll have to call the
pharmacy and get a refill.
3hrs & 5 minutes till damnation.
The light began to cut
through about the time I got out
of the shower. First through the
fog, then through my light catcher, and finally resting on my face.
The light danced in multitudes of
Page 6
A Hilarious Thriller, a Chilling Comedy:This Play Will Leave You Gasping
Tedi Swanson
“I push. You pull.” A
foreign accent instructs its
listener, beginning to shove
a dead body through a window. What’s the story behind
the death? Why are the men
attempting to sneak it into
an unsuspecting house? The
answers to these questions
are somewhere inside of this
year’s fall play, Arsenic and
Old Lace.
Arsenic and Old Lace is
definitely a crowd pleaser.
Mixing comedy with murder
and throwing in a little bit of
plastic surgery gone wrong,
the characters of the show will
leave the audience laughing…
or cringing in their seats.
“This show is going to
make you bust a gut and
scare you to pieces. It mixes
together two strong acting
styles, thriller/mystery and
comedy,” says junior Caleb
Mixing such opposing
acting styles may be a challenge, but the students chosen for the roles are capable
of pulling it off and leaving
many plans on how to get students interested, the directing team has already started
the audience stunned.
Stunning the audience
isn’t only a skill of the actors;
preparing things for publicity
and may have a few special
effects up their sleeves.
the production team backing
them up has their own ways of
astonishing the viewers. With
“Well, I can’t give away
too much, but what I can tell
you is we’re having more than
just seeing and hearing things.
We’re attempting to make it
like a 3D or 4D experience.
The Wire Staff
is Overworked!
B e ing overworked and
being a reporter
do not go hand in
hand. For example, being overworked means
being stressed. Being stressed
leads to writer’s block. Writer’s
block makes writing articles a lot harder
than it normally would be.
Damien Croghan
It’ll pretty much rock,” said
senior David Ebke.
Making the show have
multiple dimensions is definitely something unique to
the Arsenic and Old Lace
team, but what else about
this show makes it distinctive
from others?
During the show, there are
built-in “Team Days” where
the team spends time together
doing something other than
“The team days are really
good for the people involved
with the play. It keeps us as
one team instead of splitting
up into four or five different
groups,” said freshman Holly
One unified team along
with some sweet special effects, throw in a little bit of
comedy and a dash of horror
and you’ve got this year’s fall
play, Arsenic and Old Lace.
After running for 1,444 performances on Broadway, this
show definitely has potential
to leave you craving more.
Get your tickets early for the
performances on November
4th and 5th! The goal is to
have a full auditorium!
Wake up. School. Play practice. Homework. Sleep. Wake
up. School. Play practice. Sleep.
The routine is the same every day, never
leaving enough hours to get everything
done. Being a senior, researching colleges and
filling out applications is important. I need to
figure out where I’m going after high school is over, but
high school keeps me so busy that I don’t have time to
get any of that done. Calculus has taken over my
life; I spend a lot of my time each night struggling
through the homework and hoping that I
somehow grasp how to do the problems.
Not to mention the chores I need to
do around the house. There’s never
time for anything.
Tedi Swanson
Sports, homework, plays, chores, how much stuff can our students take?
As the youngest child in the family, I get the leftover rides and the leftover
time for sports. I like being active. My favorite sports are basketball and track.
But of course my older brother, well, is my older brother. He believes that no one,
besides him, should be able to participate in the sports and activities that he has
been in. Even if he hasn’t been in a sport, to him I still shouldn’t be allowed to
be in even those sports. The activities that are off limits: basketball, track, cross
country, band, and oh, get this one, dodgeball. We’re not allowed to be good at
dodgeball in gym class.
As a result of this abuse, I am not in any activities, so that should give me
the time to get my homework done. But no, I do the chores; I clean the house,
and try not to kill my lazy brothers. Homework comes close to last in my home
life, because it’s simply not as important as everything else. But I try to keep
my grades up; they are usually Bs if I’m really lucky. It would really help if the
homework wasn’t so heavy, but it’s only what would help almost every student,
so we know it’s impossible.
Aah! How does life
keep going when you
are so busy that it seems like sleep is
a frivolous way to spend your time?
Every weeknight is filled with practice or a
game. Then there is homework and when it
starts getting late, you have to start deciding
which homework you’re going to do first and
hope you stay awake long enough to finish it all.
I always used to long for the weekend, until
I got a job. That only adds to my schedule.
But, I love my crazy busy life and
can’t imagine it any other way!
Amanda Goeser
October 2006
Fine Arts
Seniors of
the Issue:
Amber Barr
photo by John Petri
Involved in...
1. Dance Team
• A member all
four years of
high school
2. Chamber Choir
3. Lewis Corporation
• Involved for two
After high school,
Amber is applying for the a Universal Dance Association Instructor
position where she
will be teaching at
high school summer
school dance camps.
She is considering
the University of
Kansas or the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her
possible majors are
business management or journalism.
She is planning to
audition for the university’s dance team
and will probably
minor in dance.
Brad Bass
Maria Jones
photo by Josh Stroeher
Homecoming Headquarters • Book Your Updo Today!
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Need a Quick Tan? Try our UV FREE InstaBronze!
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Hey LC Studen ts!
Ha ve you tried this
new salon? Sto p in
and gi ve us a try!
Involved in...
1. Lewis Corporation Band
• Involved all four
2. Chamber Choir
• Joined choir merely because Mr.
Huth gave him a
• Made All-State
last year.
After high school,
Brad wants to go
to college and
study something
to do with computers.
October 2006
Page 7
TV Turns Over a New Leaf With These New Fall Shows “Enchated Arms”
as if it were their last. John
Lithgow and Heather Burns
bring Twenty Good Years to
life on October 11th at 8:30
p.m. on NBC.
Kristin Coppa
Assistant Editor
Fall is the time for changes
to be made and new television
shows to watch. The weather
is getting colder, so kick up
those feet on your lazy boy
chair, grab a bowl of popcorn and a coke and relax as
the new fall television show
lineup on NBC comes to a
T.V. near you.
We have all seen comedy shows and movies in
the past, but there has never
been a show about the hard
work and dedication put into
making a television show.
“Studio 60 on the Sunset
Strip,” a drama packed sitcom, is supposed to represent life behind the scenes of
a comedy sitcom somewhat
like “Saturday Night Live.”
Starring in “Studio 60” is
Matthew Perry as Matt Albie
who is a senior writer for the
television series “Studio 60.”
Along with Matthew Perry
are actors Bradley Whitford,
Timothy Busfield, D.L. Hughley, Steven Weber, Amanda
Peet, Sarah Paulson, and Nate
Corddry. The show will air every Monday night at 10 p.m. on
NBC and last for one hour.
“The truth is, nothing is
guaranteed… so don’t be afraid.
Be alive.”
Sarah Dessen’s novel, “The
Truth About Forever,” emphasizes the importance of living
life and appreciating what it
can give you. As soon as main
character Macy Queen
watched her father die
the day after Christmas,
she and her life drastically changed. All of a sudden Macy could only see
“The Face” around her.
The Face is what
people put on when the
only thing they can say
is “I’m sorry,” since
all they are thinking is
“poor Macy.” Her relatives, teachers, and even
friends were masked
with The Face; therefore,
Macy felt the only person she could trust was
herself. Drawing into
herself and focusing on
what she could do for her
widowed mother, Macy
went through the next
few years of high school
with a new goal: to be
When the pressure
from her workaholic mother and
flawless “kind of” boyfriend got
to be too much, Macy lashed out
of her comfort zone and landed a
job in a chaotic catering company. Wish (the company) introduced her to a motley group of
teens who became determined to
loosen Macy up.
Kristy and Monica (also
known as Monotone) are sisters
who show Macy that you don’t
have to be exactly like the ones
you love. Kristy is boisterous
and friendly teen who dresses in
outrageous clothing and looks
for a “nice guy” to date. Monotone is sloth-like and barely
speaks, but Kristy always seems
to know what’s going on with
Monotone on the inside.
Blake Johnson
Another television show
that tells all the drama and
comedy that actually goes on
behind the curtain is airing
this fall as well. “30 Rock”
stars Tina Fey, who wrote
the comedy film of “Mean
Girls.” She plays Liz Lemon,
the head writer of “The Girlie
Show,” a fictional television
show. I guess you could say
anything can happen on the
set of this new fall comedy
also starring Alec Baldwin
and Tracy Morgan.“30 Rock”
will premiere on October
11th at 8 p.m. on NBC.
A story of a small town
and the love they have for
Lights” is directed and written by Peter Berg and Brian
Grazer. This drama filled
show focuses on the town of
Dillon, Texas. Starring in this
new amazing series are Kyle
Chandler, Scott Porter, Gaius
Charles, Taylor Kitsch, Connie Britton, Zach Gilford,
and Minka Kelly. “Friday
Night Lights” will air on October 3rd at 8 p.m. on NBC.
Returning to the television screen again is the
“The Biggest Loser,” which
will take place on the beach
and will air on Wednesday
nights at 8 p.m. on NBC.
“Deal or No Deal,” one of
America’s favorite game
shows, will now appear
on Mondays, Thursdays,
and Fridays, each at different times on NBC. Why
wouldn’t you want to watch
beautiful women, a bald
host and people going crazy
over money?
Everyone loves a good
story about friends and their
differences. “Twenty Good
Years” is a brand spankin’
new comedy of two best
friends who finally realize
that they won’t live forever.
These two bud’s have a hard
time agreeing except that
they have twenty good years
left to live. They decide that
they should live every day
If you like movies about
superheroes then you will
love this new television series. “Heroes” is a story
of incredible people who
thought they were normal.
With their special powers
they will be able to save the
lives of others or help those
in need. This show aired on
September 25th at 9 p.m. on
This fall, NBC’s new
television shows will premiere. So far the new television series are off to a good
start. There are plenty of
shows to keep you satisfied,
so kick back and relax this
fall and let the new fall sitcoms entertain you.
“The Truth About Forever”
Strikes Close to Home
Courtney Dusing
Design Editor
Enchants Players
Brothers Bert and Wes illustrate to Macy how a family that
has gone through a tragedy can
still have faith in life and one another. Bert is the youngest and
the one everyone picks on, but
is completely determined to be
himself. Wes is an ex-“bad kid”
turned artist. He woos Macy all
summer until both of their “onhold” relationships are back,
staring them in the face.
As Macy lives in the Wish
world at night, during the day
she is stuck with her “on-hold”
boyfriend, Jason’s, previous
stuffy library job and tending
to her mother’s housing development tribulations. Macy’s
older sister Caroline enters the
picture with an objective to help
the family move on after their
father’s death. Caroline was a
“wild child” throughout high
school and pushes Macy to continue being happy and living life
with the Wish crowd, while their
mother demands the “perfect”
Macy back.
With Wish on her side,
Macy pushes through her barrier
into a world of taking chances,
facing fears, and telling the truth.
She opens her heart and mind to
learning how to live life to the
fullest and not worry about what
could go wrong. That is… until
Jason comes back and wants to
discuss the break in their relationship. Macy has the chance
to go back to a life of simplicity.
A life planned out to the second.
She wouldn’t have to worry
about anything… forever.
Or she could live a life of
chances. Failures and successes at every decision
she’d make. Knowing that
she could be the one in
charge… forever.
The themes of this
book are what make me
love it. Reading material
that reminds me that imperfections make a person
who they are and makes
me want to live each day as
if it is my last always gets
a thumbs-up. Although the
themes are wonderful and
well written into the story,
the plot is kind of sporadic.
Wish and it’s employees
are well developed, but the
interaction between Macy
and her mother seems out
of place and awkward at
times. Bringing in passionate Caroline helps
show the real stiffness and
routine that her mother forces
upon Macy.
Overall, I think the book is
great for high schoolers and creates questions that most teens
don’t think about. Teens usually
think they have it figured out
until someone shoves another
“what if” in their face. This
story may help us realize that no
one knows everything so all we
can do is take it as it comes.
When we reach a crossroads, remember what Kristy
would say, “For any one of us
our forever could end in an hour,
or a hundred years from now.
You can never know for sure, so
you’d better make every second
count.” What will Macy do?
Better yet, what will you do?
Enchanted Arms is the first
and only Japanese role playing
game on the 360 (not counting
a certain god-awful MMO). It’s
gotten mediocre reviews from
pretty much everyone, but I
decided to pick it up anyway
due to my biting need to play a
new RPG. After playing it for a
while, a couple things came into
my mind:
o Beggars can’t be choosers.
o What is everyone whining about? This game rules.
That’s right: Enchanted
Arms is awesome. I mean, one
of the main characters (early in
the game, anyway) is an exceptionally flamboyant transsexual
that fights with a saxophone. If
that doesn’t immediately sway
you, then the game itself will.
The battle system is completely
tactics based, but there’s also a
Dragon Quest-ish out-of-battle
/ exploration part complete
with towns and NPCs (unlike
most tactics games where it’s
just a constant battle with the
occasional pub or shop thrown
in). So, it’s odd that the main
complaint of reviewers is that
it’s “nothing new.” It is. Sure,
it takes a bit from other games,
but it combines those parts into
something unique and enjoyable. And who cares if it has
been done before? You don’t see
the entire country of Japan doing
anything but nearly exploding
with excitement any time a new
Dragon Quest is announced,
even though the gameplay of the
eighth game is barely different
than that of the first. I guess the
phrase “If it isn’t broken, don’t
fix it,” sums up what I’m trying
to say.
There are a couple bad parts
that stick out, though – the English voice acting is absolutely
terrible, which is a shame considering it has some of the best
dialogue I’ve ever seen in a
game. A good solution to this is
to just put Japanese voices on so
you can’t even tell if the voice
acting’s bad or not. Another
thing that bugged me was how
weird the characters look. I’m
not talking about their costumes,
of course (it’s a JRPG; I think
crazy costumes are a prerequisite), but the faces. They look
like they’re made out of plastic,
and their mouths don’t move too
realistically. It’s not that big of a
problem, and I think the beautiful, albeit shiny (why do all 360
games have to be so shiny?) environments make up for it.
Overall, I’d say it’s definitely worth buying if you’re
looking for a good, long-lasting
RPG for the 360, and don’t mind
some slightly used (but still in
good condition) gameplay elements.
Good: character development / personality, environments, battle system, and dialogue.
Bad: character graphics,
voice acting, and it isn’t very innovative.
Rating: 9.0
Band of the Issue
Name: The Heroic
Members: Matt Spitznagle-Lead Guitar/Piano
Chris Loftus-Vocals
Josh Tiffey-Rhythm Guitar
Eric Hayes-Bass Guitar
Ross Jones-Drums
Genre: Punk/Post-Hardcore
Inspirations: Linkin Park, Avenged Sevenfold
Upcoming Shows:
Oct. 21- Rebels
Oct. 28-Regal Lanes
Oct. 29-The Rock
Oct. 31-Council Bluffs Skatepark
Although the band has only been together for a short time they have already played a
few shows and have an entire month planned out by performing four times in the next
three weeks. In the future they plan on playing National shows and hope to be signed
*And Remember You Can Always Check Out Each Bands Music on Their Personal
Myspace Pages*
New Evanescence CD Blows Critics Away
Damien Croghan
It’s been three years
since Evanescence released a
new CD, but the wait’s been
well worth it. The Open Door
is very different from most
bands’ second
albums; it’s
the first, and
boring after
many plays on
your iPod.
A m y
Lee’s famous
operatic vocals get revamped and
The synergy
of metal guitar, piano, and
classic-sounding instrumental openings
give the bands old style a
fresh touch. To simply put it,
it’s amazing!
The lyrics stay bittersweet, and cover subjects
that hit home for many.
Relationships gone bad,
depression, not feeling accepted and losing control
are all things anyone can
relate to, so I think this album is accessible to a wide
range of people. Those that
enjoyed Evanescence’s debut album will enjoy this
one as much, if not more so.
And for those who haven’t
experienced the miracle that
is this CD, then buy a copy
and decide for yourself.
Listening to this CD allows you to feel the emotions poured into every
track. It’s dark but beautiful, not drifting away from
what people
while blowing
critics away at
time. If you
fan of Evanescence
before, you
B e s t
t r a c k s :
Sweet Sacrifice, Lacr y m o s a ,
You’re Sober (despite being
overplayed on MTV and the
If you liked this CD,
you’ll like: Lacuna Coil,
Student Life
Page 8
October 2006
Undercover Editor and the Secret Staff
by Blake
Bond Girl Balooza!
Match each actress to her James Bond movie.
Bring your answers to room 401, and you will receive a prize from Mrs. Langille!
Izabella Scorupco
• The World is Not Enough
• Casino Royale
• Golden Eye
• Die Another Day
• Tomorrow Never Dies
Halle Berry
Eva Green
Sophie Marceau
Michelle Yeoh
Who is your favorite James Bond character?
“Goldfinger because basically it’s the only video
I’ve seen.”
- senior Natalie Jacoby
“Q because he’s brilliant
and he makes all of Bond’s
cool gadgets.”
- sophomore Matt Wolf
“James Bond, he’s a supercool spy.”
- freshman Bridget Hall
“I like James Bond. He’s
smart, gets to drive nice
cars, and always gets the
- junior Nick Kempton
photos by Sara Grimes and Josh Stroeher