Grand County Council on Aging


Grand County Council on Aging
July, 2015
Making your time count
Are you interested in playing card or board
games, maybe some Bingo or perhaps a movie in
the afternoon at the Granby Senior Center? We
could also have some painting or craft classes?
Let us know your interests and we will give it a
try. Call us, let’s talk.
Cont act Ja yne at 970 - 531- 6298
Check out our website
and Facebook page and
engage with us! and
PLEASE Support Senior &
Disabled Programming
Although the word County is in our name, we are not a county department or affiliated with the county. We are a 501C(3) non-profit and
your donations are tax-deductible. You can send in a check or donate
via PayPal on our site. Your generous donations will help sustain
our programs such as: Scheduled and on-demand transportation to
medical and dental appointments, grocery shopping, nutritional lunches,
fitness classes and social events (picnics, hay rides, rafting etc).
Grand Seniors
Monthly Newsletter from GRAND COUNTY COUNCIL on AGING
This month’s issue
YES! I want to help support your important programs! $___________
p.2 Upcoming Events
Name: __________________________________________________
p.2 Letter from Lisa
Mailing Address: __________________________________________
Town: ____________________________Zip Code: ______________
FOR MORE DETAILS on how you can help,
p.3 Lunch Menu, Birthdays
p.4 Eats & Greets
p.5 Support Groups
p.5 Get Involved
Standard Mail
P O B ox 42 * 12 9 T hir d S tr eet
GR AN B Y, C O LOR AD O 80 446
p.6 Support GCCA
Grand County Council on Aging
(GCCA) is a non-profit organization
established in 1974 to assist Grand County
seniors and people with disabilities
maintain their independence. GCCA offers
Monday-Friday 8AM to 2PM
Transportation Service needs to be
scheduled with our office 48 hours in
advance of your appointment.
Contact us by phone at
970-887-3222 or by email
Susan at
Lisa at
You are invited and encouraged to
attend the GCCA board meetings held 8
times per year. Please call the office for
dates and locations as we meet in all
areas of the county.
transportation services, recreational
opportunities, support groups, senior
fitness and educational classes.
Age-related macular
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease that
gradually destroys the center
area of vision and usually disturbs facial recognition and
reading. The macula is a small
area in the center of the retina,
which is the light sensitive tissue at the back
of the eye. AMD is the
most common cause of sight
problems and irreversible
blindness among older Americans. Approximately 1.8 million
Americans, 40 years of age or
older are affected by AMD and
an additional 7.3 million Americans are thought to be at risk.
Risk factors can include obesity,
gender (women are at greater
risk than men), family history/
genetics, hypertension and
Include these foods more
often for healthier eyes!
Lutein and Zeaxanthin
are present in most fruits and
vegetables but especially in dark,
leafy greens such as spinach, kale
and collard greens. Omega-3 fatty
acids found in cold water fish as well
as Zinc found in seafood, red meat,
eggs, whole grains and nuts are also
great for healthy eyes.
Senior outreach programs
Medicare Counseling: 1-800-MEDICARE or CO. SHIP 1-888-96-7213
Access to ENSURE Nutritional Supplement : 970- 887-3222 or 970-724-9730
Home Delivered Meals to Seniors: (Mon, Tues. and Thurs.) Suggested donation is $3.00 for
meal + any donation for delivery. Please call Grand County Senior Nutrition at 970-725-3288
Colorado Adult Protective Services: Report elder mistreatment or abuse at 970-725-3331
Veterans Benefit Assistance: Call Duane Dailey at 970-3347 ext. 122 or 970-509-9024
gccast af f@gr andccoa. or g
Plan for these GREAT EVENTS
Swim classes at the Fraser Valley Recreation
Center have been a bit up in the air lately with the
previous Aquatics Instructor moving out of the
county. But good news...a new instructor has been
hired and we will resume classes at 9:15 AM on
Mondays starting July 6. So the bus will leave
from Granby Senior Center at 8:15AM for those
who need a ride.
Brain Injury
Support Group
Winding River
Play Ball at a
Rockies game
Once again Marcia and Wes
House of Winding River Resort
will be generously hosting a Hay
Ride followed by a camp lunch
on July 16th for our seniors. We
can provide transportation to
those who need a ride and the
bus will originate in Granby from
the Senior Center. Call or email
us to sign up by July 6th. This will
be a terrific time at a beautiful
location. Giddy up!
Rockies vs. Texas
On July 22 with game time at
1:10PM. It is $30 per person ($20
ticket + $10 bus ride). Contact
our office to sign up by July 6.
We need 20 people to make
this event happen.
970-887-3222 or email
We will be heading down the river (with a paddle) for a fun morning of
rafting on the Colorado River with guides from the National Sports Center for the Disabled. The cost is $45.00 per person and covers rafting,
transportation and a bag lunch. Sign up TODAY by calling the office at
887-3222 or emailing Susan at Deadline is
July 31st to reserve.
Fall Prevention tips
Avoid falls with these simple tips. More information at
Get some exercise. Lack of
pharmacist review all medi-
of survivors. Group meets monthly every 4th
exercise can lead to weak
cations can help reduce the
Thursday from 5PM to 6PM at the Granby Senior
legs and this increases the
chance of risky side effects
chances of falling. Exercise
and drug interactions.
A group for survivors, friends and family members
Center. No registration or fee required. For more
programs such as Tai Chi
information contact Lisa at 970-531-4474
Nurse Visits
Nurse visits for blood pressure checks are scheduled
Keep vision sharp. Poor
can increase strength and
vision can make it harder to
improve balance, making
get around safely. Older
falls much less likely.
adults should have their eyes
Be mindful of medica-
checked every year and
tions. Some medicines—or
wear glasses or contact
on the following dates and locations.:
combinations of medicines—
lenses with the right pre-
Granby Senior Lunch-Monday, July 6
can have side effects such
scription strength to ensure
as dizziness or drowsiness.
they are seeing clearly.
Grand Lake Senior Lunch-Wednesday, July 8
Fraser Senior Potluck– Thursday, July 9
This can make falling more
likely. Having a doctor or
Kremmling Senior Lunch-Friday, July 10
Support Group
If you are caring for someone who is elderly, ill,
Notes from Lisa Jonas
disabled or experiencing dementia, plan to visit
our group this month. Support group meets on
Providing support and encouraging independent living is the core of Senior Services in Grand
the 2nd Thursday of each month at 2PM at
County. Grand County Council on Aging helps folks do just that by providing a helping hand or
the Granby Senior Center. Support groups
ride when needed.
Are you aware that there is an array of independent living services for people with disabilities, including but not limited to visual impairments, physical disabilities, psychiatric
disabilities and cognitive disabilities in Grand County? Transportation is the key component for those who need help getting to those medical appointments as well as grocery
shopping, nutrition and fitness events. For seniors and people with disabilities there is no
alternative door-to-door service in our county. The Grand County Council on Aging offers
scheduled and on-demand transportation within and outside of the county to support
independent living and meet the needs of our senior citizens and folks with disabilities in
our communities.
Other Local Resources:
Grand County Home Health:
Grand County Adult & Aging Services:
NW Colorado Center for Independence:
provide a safe, caring, upbeat environment to
share experiences and receive encouragement.
Northwest CO Council of Governments
Northwest Colorado Council of
All are unique because each re-
There is no cost or commitment. Call Betty at
Governments (NWCCOG) is a
flects the needs and desires of its
970-627-2484 or Marsha at 970-887-0255 for
voluntary association of county
membership. NWCCOG literally
more information.
and municipal governments that,
becomes what its members want
individually and collectively, be-
it to be, due to the changing
lieve working together on a re-
needs and opportunities of the
In addition to transportation, other services are available through the Grand County
Council on Aging including swim classes at the YMCA and Fraser Valley Recreation
Center, fitness and N’Balance classes at the Granby Community Center and senior
lunches at various locations in Fraser, Granby, Grand Lake and Kremmling. Plus, there
are educational classes as well as monthly Caregiver Support Groups offered.
gional basis provides benefits that region. The NWCCOG staff is re-
We are investigating new programs and events to keep things fresh and interesting.
Please be patient as we work towards programming that is relevant and interesting to
most. Got a question, please ask and if we don’t know we will find the answer! Call us at
970-887-3222 and talk to me or Susan. We are here for YOU.
tal associations within Colorado.
could not be obtained alone.
sponsible for carrying out the
GCCA is a member of NWCCOG.
Council's direction. Great infor-
There are 14 regional governmen- mation resides on their website at
V I S I T O U R W E B S I TE at Check it out. andsenior s. or g
Join us for good EATS and GREETS
Spend some time with your fellow Grand
Countians at these local lunch meeting places.
Catch up with old friends or make new ones!
FRASER (noon unless otherwise noted)
(noon unless otherwise noted)
at Granby Community Center
7/9: Fraser Historic Church (nurse visit)
7/16: Hayride at Winding River (GL)
Richar d at 303 -882 -0108
7/23: Smokin’ Moe’s on the patio 11:30AM
G R AN BY Se ni or Nut ri t i on
7/30: Summer BBQ at Wolf Park 10:00AM
(11AM during summer, 11:30 otherwise) at the Sagebrush
Every Wednesday
to 2:00PM
Mar sha at 970- 531- 8056
Lynn at 970 - 627- 8828
Every Monday, Tuesday and
KREM M LI NG Seni or Nut ri t i on
Senior Housing
Shel l y at 970- 724- 9730
Every Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday at Silver Spruce
Every Friday POTLUCK at
Fairgrounds Extension Hall
Dot t ie at 970- 724- 9481
JULY birthdays
Happy Birthday to all of you with July
Birthdays!!!! We are working on improving our
client database. At the risk of inadvertently excluding someone or including folks no longer with
us, we are not listing individual names.
Have a HAPPY JULY 4th!
Flower: Larkspur
Birthstone: Ruby
Thank you to all of our active and veteran military personnel
for your service to this amazing country of ours.
Did You Know?
The “Star Spangled Banner” was written by Francis Scott Key
during the War of 1812 and not decreed the official national
anthem of the United States until 1931.
Menu for Granby & Kremmling lunch
Baked Potatoes
Seasoned Green Beans
Seven Layer Salad
Fruit Cocktail
Mac & Cheese with Ham
Chicken in Mushroom Sauce
Green Beans with Red Pepper
Wild Rice
Zucchini, Tomatoes and Corn
Orange Spiced Carrots
Green Beans/Red Pepper
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
Tuna Pasta Salad
Banana/Mandarine Oranges
Cool Cucumber Salad
Bran Muffin
Pork Chops
Seasoned Broccoli
Cinnamon Applesauce
Peanut Butter Cookie
BBQ Pork
Ranch Style
Carrifruit Salad
Cilantro Lime
Chicken and Noodles
Green Bean Almondine
Tossed Salad
Tropical Fruit
Chicken Caesar Salad
Tater Tots
CA Vegetables
Sliced Yellow Squash
Apple Crisp
Roasted Sweet Potato
Tossed Salad
Fruit Salad w/citrus
Scalloped Potatoes with
Ham Bits
Chopped Spinach
Hard Boiled Eggs
Perfection Salad
Fresh Apples
Beef & Sweet Peppers
Steamed Brown Rice
Orange Spiced Carrots
Tossed Salad
Fresh Orange Slices
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie
Roast Beef
Mashed Potatoes/Gravy
Green Beans
Brownies/Ice Cream
Meals are served with bread and butter, coffee, tea and milk.
Suggested Donation for meal is $3.00 for Seniors over 60.
For Visitors under the age of 60, price per meal is $15.00
All donations directly support this meal site and enable continuation of this nutrition program.
For meal reservations in Kremmling call 724-9730, Granby 531-8056
Plan for these GREAT EVENTS
Swim classes at the Fraser Valley Recreation
Center have been a bit up in the air lately with the
previous Aquatics Instructor moving out of the
county. But good news...a new instructor has been
hired and we will resume classes at 9:15 AM on
Mondays starting July 6. So the bus will leave
from Granby Senior Center at 8:15AM for those
who need a ride.
Brain Injury
Support Group
Winding River
Play Ball at a
Rockies game
Once again Marcia and Wes
House of Winding River Resort
will be generously hosting a Hay
Ride followed by a camp lunch
on July 16th for our seniors. We
can provide transportation to
those who need a ride and the
bus will originate in Granby from
the Senior Center. Call or email
us to sign up by July 6th. This will
be a terrific time at a beautiful
location. Giddy up!
Rockies vs. Texas
On July 22 with game time at
1:10PM. It is $30 per person ($20
ticket + $10 bus ride). Contact
our office to sign up by July 6.
We need 20 people to make
this event happen.
970-887-3222 or email
We will be heading down the river (with a paddle) for a fun morning of
rafting on the Colorado River with guides from the National Sports Center for the Disabled. The cost is $45.00 per person and covers rafting,
transportation and a bag lunch. Sign up TODAY by calling the office at
887-3222 or emailing Susan at Deadline is
July 31st to reserve.
Fall Prevention tips
Avoid falls with these simple tips. More information at
Get some exercise. Lack of
pharmacist review all medi-
of survivors. Group meets monthly every 4th
exercise can lead to weak
cations can help reduce the
Thursday from 5PM to 6PM at the Granby Senior
legs and this increases the
chance of risky side effects
chances of falling. Exercise
and drug interactions.
A group for survivors, friends and family members
Center. No registration or fee required. For more
programs such as Tai Chi
information contact Lisa at 970-531-4474
Nurse Visits
Nurse visits for blood pressure checks are scheduled
Keep vision sharp. Poor
can increase strength and
vision can make it harder to
improve balance, making
get around safely. Older
falls much less likely.
adults should have their eyes
Be mindful of medica-
checked every year and
tions. Some medicines—or
wear glasses or contact
on the following dates and locations.:
combinations of medicines—
lenses with the right pre-
Granby Senior Lunch-Monday, July 6
can have side effects such
scription strength to ensure
as dizziness or drowsiness.
they are seeing clearly.
Grand Lake Senior Lunch-Wednesday, July 8
Fraser Senior Potluck– Thursday, July 9
This can make falling more
likely. Having a doctor or
Kremmling Senior Lunch-Friday, July 10
Support Group
If you are caring for someone who is elderly, ill,
Notes from Lisa Jonas
disabled or experiencing dementia, plan to visit
our group this month. Support group meets on
Providing support and encouraging independent living is the core of Senior Services in Grand
the 2nd Thursday of each month at 2PM at
County. Grand County Council on Aging helps folks do just that by providing a helping hand or
the Granby Senior Center. Support groups
ride when needed.
Are you aware that there is an array of independent living services for people with disabilities, including but not limited to visual impairments, physical disabilities, psychiatric
disabilities and cognitive disabilities in Grand County? Transportation is the key component for those who need help getting to those medical appointments as well as grocery
shopping, nutrition and fitness events. For seniors and people with disabilities there is no
alternative door-to-door service in our county. The Grand County Council on Aging offers
scheduled and on-demand transportation within and outside of the county to support
independent living and meet the needs of our senior citizens and folks with disabilities in
our communities.
Other Local Resources:
Grand County Home Health:
Grand County Adult & Aging Services:
NW Colorado Center for Independence:
provide a safe, caring, upbeat environment to
share experiences and receive encouragement.
Northwest CO Council of Governments
Northwest Colorado Council of
All are unique because each re-
There is no cost or commitment. Call Betty at
Governments (NWCCOG) is a
flects the needs and desires of its
970-627-2484 or Marsha at 970-887-0255 for
voluntary association of county
membership. NWCCOG literally
more information.
and municipal governments that,
becomes what its members want
individually and collectively, be-
it to be, due to the changing
lieve working together on a re-
needs and opportunities of the
In addition to transportation, other services are available through the Grand County
Council on Aging including swim classes at the YMCA and Fraser Valley Recreation
Center, fitness and N’Balance classes at the Granby Community Center and senior
lunches at various locations in Fraser, Granby, Grand Lake and Kremmling. Plus, there
are educational classes as well as monthly Caregiver Support Groups offered.
gional basis provides benefits that region. The NWCCOG staff is re-
We are investigating new programs and events to keep things fresh and interesting.
Please be patient as we work towards programming that is relevant and interesting to
most. Got a question, please ask and if we don’t know we will find the answer! Call us at
970-887-3222 and talk to me or Susan. We are here for YOU.
tal associations within Colorado.
could not be obtained alone.
sponsible for carrying out the
GCCA is a member of NWCCOG.
Council's direction. Great infor-
There are 14 regional governmen- mation resides on their website at
V I S I T O U R W E B S I TE at Check it out. andsenior s. or g
July, 2015
Making your time count
Are you interested in playing card or board
games, maybe some Bingo or perhaps a movie in
the afternoon at the Granby Senior Center? We
could also have some painting or craft classes?
Let us know your interests and we will give it a
try. Call us, let’s talk.
Cont act Ja yne at 970 - 531- 6298
Check out our website
and Facebook page and
engage with us! and
PLEASE Support Senior &
Disabled Programming
Although the word County is in our name, we are not a county department or affiliated with the county. We are a 501C(3) non-profit and
your donations are tax-deductible. You can send in a check or donate
via PayPal on our site. Your generous donations will help sustain
our programs such as: Scheduled and on-demand transportation to
medical and dental appointments, grocery shopping, nutritional lunches,
fitness classes and social events (picnics, hay rides, rafting etc).
Grand Seniors
Monthly Newsletter from GRAND COUNTY COUNCIL on AGING
This month’s issue
YES! I want to help support your important programs! $___________
p.2 Upcoming Events
Name: __________________________________________________
p.2 Letter from Lisa
Mailing Address: __________________________________________
Town: ____________________________Zip Code: ______________
FOR MORE DETAILS on how you can help,
p.3 Lunch Menu, Birthdays
p.4 Eats & Greets
p.5 Support Groups
p.5 Get Involved
Standard Mail
P O B ox 42 * 12 9 T hir d S tr eet
GR AN B Y, C O LOR AD O 80 446
p.6 Support GCCA
Grand County Council on Aging
(GCCA) is a non-profit organization
established in 1974 to assist Grand County
seniors and people with disabilities
maintain their independence. GCCA offers
Monday-Friday 8AM to 2PM
Transportation Service needs to be
scheduled with our office 48 hours in
advance of your appointment.
Contact us by phone at
970-887-3222 or by email
Susan at
Lisa at
You are invited and encouraged to
attend the GCCA board meetings held 8
times per year. Please call the office for
dates and locations as we meet in all
areas of the county.
transportation services, recreational
opportunities, support groups, senior
fitness and educational classes.
Age-related macular
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease that
gradually destroys the center
area of vision and usually disturbs facial recognition and
reading. The macula is a small
area in the center of the retina,
which is the light sensitive tissue at the back
of the eye. AMD is the
most common cause of sight
problems and irreversible
blindness among older Americans. Approximately 1.8 million
Americans, 40 years of age or
older are affected by AMD and
an additional 7.3 million Americans are thought to be at risk.
Risk factors can include obesity,
gender (women are at greater
risk than men), family history/
genetics, hypertension and
Include these foods more
often for healthier eyes!
Lutein and Zeaxanthin
are present in most fruits and
vegetables but especially in dark,
leafy greens such as spinach, kale
and collard greens. Omega-3 fatty
acids found in cold water fish as well
as Zinc found in seafood, red meat,
eggs, whole grains and nuts are also
great for healthy eyes.
Senior outreach programs
Medicare Counseling: 1-800-MEDICARE or CO. SHIP 1-888-96-7213
Access to ENSURE Nutritional Supplement : 970- 887-3222 or 970-724-9730
Home Delivered Meals to Seniors: (Mon, Tues. and Thurs.) Suggested donation is $3.00 for
meal + any donation for delivery. Please call Grand County Senior Nutrition at 970-725-3288
Colorado Adult Protective Services: Report elder mistreatment or abuse at 970-725-3331
Veterans Benefit Assistance: Call Duane Dailey at 970-3347 ext. 122 or 970-509-9024
gccast af f@gr andccoa. or g