November 27, 2006


November 27, 2006
Vol. 3, No. 2, November 27, 2006
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
any other dealership in the area!
close in on
As Dave Sarmadi and Robert Harper celebrate
anniversary as owners of their automobile dealership, they
marvel at what they’ve been able to accomplish.
In May,
they were
were named
named the
the No.
No. 11 dealership
dealership (based
(based on
May, they
units sold) within their district, a huge geographic territory
stretching from Virginia Beach to West Virginia.
Virginia. The
The secret,
they say,
is not
not that
that complicated:
complicated: “We
“We treat
treat our
our employees
say, is
the way they want to be treated; and we treat our customers
the way they want to be treated,” Sarmadi says. “Happy
employees make for happy customers.”
The appearance of Dave Sarmadi Mitsubishi says a lot
about the company philosophy as well: the dealership is open,
inviting and immaculate. “It’s
not easy
easy to
to keep
keep our
our 26,00026,000“It’s not
square-foot showroom this clean,” Sarmadi admits, “but
it’s worth
worth the
the effort.”
effort.” Just
Just this
this summer,
summer, the
the dealership
dealership has
purchased an adjoining lot, enlarging the property to eight
In June, a new key employee, Emily Wood,
Wood, joined
joined the
the team
Wood, who
who recently
recently earned
as assistant to the president. Wood,
University, brings
brings aa
her degree in marketing from Winthrop University,
feminine perspective to the dealership
“We want
want to
to make
that Sarmadi values. “We
sure we don’t
don’t get
get caught
caught up
up with
with tunnel
“We want
want to
to be
be able
able to
vision,” he says. “We
customer’s perspective.”
relate to every customer’s
The Dave Sarmadi Mitsubishi approach
is clearly working. Sarmadi is proud
file he started keeping when the
of a file
opened last
The file
dealership opened.
file contains
dozens of thank-you notes from satisfied
satisfied customers.
Emily Wood
Come see why Dave Sarmadi
Mitsubishi has created a car-purchasing environment that you
won’t find
find anywhere
anywhere else.
Dave Sarmadi
Ranked ahead of Subaru,
Honda and Nissan in JD
Powers & Associates Initial
Quality study among
Entry SUV’s
Ranked ahead of Honda, Nissan,
Ford Explorer and Toyota
Highlander in JD Powers &
Associates Initial Quality study
among Mid-size SUV’s.
Robert Harper
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
Mike Stevens ........................................... 5
Question for
the Doctor
This month’s question answered by
Chris K. John, M.D.
Bob Teitlebaum ...................................... 6
Christian Moody ..................................... 7
I dislocated my shoulder while kayaking and had
to go to an emergency room to have it put back in
place. How can I prevent this from happening again?
Mike Ashley ............................................ 19
Expert Panel Analyzes Poor Behavior in Sports ..............................4
Emery Wallace Attracts Championship Hardware .........................10
Team Roanoke County Goes International .....................................12
Can the Sport of Roller Derby Survive in Roanoke? .....................14
Hollins Coach Richie Waggoner Sells a Dream ...............................15
Charlie Moir Lands a Spot in Another Hall of Fame ..................... 16
Tiki Barber, a Legend of the Games .................................................18
Question for the Doctor .......3
Natural Health Tip .................6
Playmakers ..............................8
Ask A Ref ..................................8
Snapshots of the Season ......9
Play it Safe ............................13
It’s Here!
In a shoulder dislocation, the ball (humeral head)
comes out of the socket (glenoid). The humeral head is
held in the glenoid by the surrounding ligaments and
muscles, including the rotator cuff. When the shoulder
dislocates, the ligaments often stretch and tear away
from the bone. In general, people under 25 years of
age who are active have a risk up to 75-90% of recurrent dislocations after a first episode. By age 40, this
risk decreases to 30-40% but is highly dependent on
activity level. Many patients will experience subluxDr. Chris K. John
ation episodes where the humeral head partially comes
out of the glenoid. With subluxation, the shoulder feels “loose” as if it is “sliding
After the shoulder is relocated, the treatment of a first-time dislocation is usually ice, a short period of immobilization in a sling, followed by an exercise program. The length of time that a sling is used has not been shown to have an effect
of the risk of recurrent dislocations. Its primary purpose is comfort. Once the initial soreness goes away (1-2 weeks), specific exercises should be started to regain
motion and strength. You will usually be sent to a physical therapist to supervise
the rehabilitation program. It may take six weeks or longer before you are able to
return to sports activities. Adequate strength will help to reduce the risk of subluxation and dislocations.
Patients who continue to have recurrent dislocations or subluxations after a
rehabilitation program should consider modifying their activities or surgery.
Surgery is typically accomplished arthroscopically, and recovery takes three to
four months.
Roanoke Orthopaedic
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NOVEMBER 27, 2006
What Do the Real Experts Think About
‘Bad Boy’ Behavior in Sports?
and click “What Do You Think?”
to comment on this topic.
by Rod Carter
We read and hear a lot these days
about the behavior of athletes: Excessive celebratory behavior often
unrelated to the team’s position in
the game. Violent behavior disassociated with the game. Off-field
criminal behavior that takes players completely out of the game.
Sportswriters are writing about
it. Sports broadcasters are talking
about it. Sports media analysts are
analyzing it. All seem to agree that
this behavior is a real and growing problem. Yet, the only folks
we don’t seem to hear from on the
subject are those who are actually
trained and qualified to observe
and analyze human behavior:
Behavioral Scientists.
So, Play by Play thought it
would be appropriate to ask a few
experienced, professional, behav-
ioral scientists what they thought.
We chose three area experts who
were not directly associated with
any major college or professional
sports programs.
Dr. John Heil
is a clinical psychologist
sport psychologist with Psychological HealthRoanoke.
has been director
John Heil
of sports medicine for the Coventry Commonwealth Games of Virginia. He coordinated medical services for the
Tour Du Pont and served as chair
of sports medicine and science for
U.S. Fencing.
Bill Nye, Ph.D.,
is professor and
chair of the department of sociology at Hollins
University. Nye
has had a long association with and
interest in sports,
Bill Nye
Players in this Issue
Graphic Designer
John A. Montgomery
Donna Earwood
Mike Ashley
Robert Blades
Rod Carter
Tommy Firebaugh
Sam Lazzaro
Gene Marrano
Joyce Montgomery
Christian Moody
Mike Stevens
Bob Teitlebaum
Bill Turner
Cover photograph courtesy of Pinkus Photos
P.O. Box 3285, Roanoke, VA 24015
(540) 761-6751 • E-mail:
On the Web:
©Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No part of Play by Play may be reproduced
by any means or in any form without written permission from the publisher.
Play by Play is published every fourth Monday. Deadline for submissions
for the December 25 issue is December 11.
beginning with
his early years in
the Boston area,
through his Ph.D.
years at the New
School University, in New York
City, and on into
his tenure at Hollins.
M.S., is assistant
professor of sociOakland Raiders defensive end Tyler Brayton was
ology at Virginia
ejected from a game and fined $25,000 for blatantly
Comkneeing another player in the groin
munity College.
Work is new to his post at Virginia
and the pushing contest between
Western but he has had a longtime
players from the Seattle Seahawks
interest in the sociology of sport.
and the Oakland Raiders that esWork is completing his Ph.D. at
calated until one player blatantly
Virginia Tech, but he assured us,
drove his knee into the groin of
and his comments confirmed,
the other.
that he has no bias where sports
Off-Field Criminal Behavior.
behavior issues are concerned.
Examples include a wide range of
We asked our experts to focus
behaviors that have resulted in aron three areas of behavior.
rests and convictions from drug
Excessively demonstrative celuse and vehicular crimes to weapebratory behavior by individual
ons charges and assault. All of our
team-sports players. Examples
experts were well aware of the beinclude: individual celebrations
haviors we suggested by this catafter every successful play; larger
egory. We suspect our readers are
and more demonstrative celebraalso.
tions after scoring or more signifiSports psychologist Heil says
cant plays; and individual celebrait is important to distinguish betions that occur even though the
tween “celebrating and taunting”
player’s team is losing.
when we look at behavior after
plays. “They are different,” Heil
says; “the celebrations are about
sharing something positive; the
taunting is just negative.” Regardless, Heil says, the behavior in the arena will be “nothing
more or nothing less than what
that sport wants.”
Heil believes that professional leagues and college sport programs have all the power they
need to eliminate any behavior
they don’t want. They don’t do
it because the behaviors attract
audience to the games, or they
fear alienating players.
“All they have to do is institute the right deterrents,” Heil
says. “It’s nice and convenient to
blame players, but the leagues
and the teams are responsible.”
Heil explains how this probThe ‘Denver Salute’ is a well-known
model can be apexample of excessive celebration
plied specifically to unwanted
Inappropriate violent behavviolent behaviors. He uses the
iors by athletes during sport coninternational soccer community
tests. Recent examples include:
as an example of the process at
the sizable brawl that occurred
during the Florida International
See BEHAVIOR, Page 17
University-Miami football game;
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
Mitchell dedicates season to loved one
f there was ever proof of the old
adage, “It’s not how you start,
but how you finish,” it would
have to be the Lord Botetourt High
School football team and, in particular, Andrew Mitchell.
The Cavaliers began the 2006
season picked to finish at or near
the bottom of the Blue Ridge District, but rallied on the final night of the
regular season to make the playoffs for the first time since
The team’s star player had to beat even greater odds to get
through his season.
Mitchell is no different than a lot of other teenagers in many
ways. His favorite athlete is Ohio State quarterback and Heisman Trophy favorite Troy Smith, and when Mitchell’s not
checking out Ron Burgundy in the movie Anchorman for the
hundredth time, he’s got Jay-Z pumping in his iPod.
But unlike so many carefree —
and occasionally uncaring — teenaged athletes, the star running back
had to play this season with a burden few of us can comprehend.
The day before school started in
August, Mitchell’s girlfriend, Torie
Phillips, was killed in a car wreck
on U.S. 11 near her home in Cloverdale.
“It was definitely the most difficult opening day of school that I’ve
been through in 23 years,” says Lord
Botetourt Assistant Principal Tim Bane. “Coming into the school that
day reminded me of walking into a funeral home.”
Phillips was driving a 1998 Saturn when she ran off the road, went up
an embankment and overcorrected. She likely could have made it, but
her car was then hit by a Ford F-350 pickup, which caused her vehicle to
turn and then be struck by a Nissan truck. Even though she was wearing her seatbelt, the multiple impacts
were too much for the popular student
‘She just motivates to survive.
news of the 16-year-old’s death
me every day to be hitThe
the Botetourt school community
a better person on like a hard tackle to the solar plexus.
The wind was completely knocked out
and off the field’
of the administrators, teachers, the student body — and especially Mitchell.
“It’s been real tough,” says Mitchell.
“You just have to live every day one
minute at a time and it gets better.”
Torie’s parents and Mitchell have remained close since the accident.
They talk often and her mom and dad were faithful fans at Andrew’s
—Andrew Mitchell
games this fall. They also returned a necklace to him before the start of
the season, one that he had given to Torie as a gift.
Inscribed on it is the word “Lucky.”
Mitchell wore the necklace under his uniform, and before every game
he would write her initials on his taped wrists before leaving the locker
“She just motivates me every day to be a better person on and off the
field,” he says. “On game day, all I think about is her and what I’m supposed to do because it’s all for her.”
He dedicated the season in her honor
and heaven knows Torie has to be proud
of him.
Mitchell, who had never played running back before this school year, finished the regular season with 1,267
yards rushing and 14 touchdowns. Plus,
along the way, his fellow students voted
him this year’s Homecoming King.
“If I was making a movie of the allAmerican high school student, Andrew
would have to be in the starring role,”
says Bane. “He has a 3.75 GPA in advanced classes and gets it done in the
Andrew Mitchell lost girlfriend classroom, as well as on the athletic
Torie Phillips the day before
The way Mitchell tackled this tragschool started in August
edy head-on, in many ways, mirrors his
straight-ahead running style. Without question, he did his absolute best
this fall to make something positive out of the unthinkable.
“It’s a test of character and he has certainly passed the test,” says Lord
Botetourt head football coach Tater Benson. “He’s definitely done her
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Must be exchanged at the Salem Civic
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Subject to capacity control. Maximum
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NOVEMBER 27, 2006
What will become of Bob McLelland Field?
Natural Health
Tip of the Month
From Dr. Jeffrey Barker, DC, CCSP
This time of year a lot of people will be doing extra amounts of yardwork.
To protect your back and shoulders from this added stress, remember that
good posture and balance are the keys. Try these tips...
1. Use your legs when lifting by bending at the knees instead of the waist and keep
your back straight
2. Make sure that you face objects when lifting, and avoid twisting at the waist by
moving your feet
3. Carry heavy objects close to your body
4. If carrying multiple objects, try to balance out the weight evenly on each side of
your body
5. If you have overdone it, visit your chiropractor to get rebalanced
ployees to whom she talks are dismissive. In fact, one official asked if she
wanted the plaque to melt it down. She was told that she could stop by
and view the plaque if she wished.
In fairness, McLelland holds a special place for me. He hired me in 1970
and gave me a chance to cover a lot of big-time sports — the Washington
Redskins, the Baltimore Colts and the ACC basketball tournament.
For those who don’t know, McLelland was the sports editor of the old
Roanoke World-News, an evening paper that merged with The Roanoke
Times in 1976 when Landmark Communications, which owned both
products, decided to put out an “all-day newspaper” (called the Roanoke
Times & World-News), combining the staffs.
The merged sports department reported to Bill Brill, who had previously been sports editor of The Times. McLelland, famous for his love of
high school sports and coverage of prep athletics, was retained as the high
school sports editor for both papers, with a focus on the schools in metropolitan Roanoke.
McLelland probably coached
half of the football players in
youth leagues around Roanoke before they played in high
school. It seemed as if everyone
knew “Guts,” as McLelland was
affectionately known.
When I was in town to interview with McLelland for a job
at the World-News, Brill also
talked to me about a job on The
Times. I wanted to work for an
evening paper, so I went with
McLelland. Of course, I had
previously been a prep editor
for two other newspapers, so
McLelland’s interest in high
school sports was a key in my
McLelland’s passion was youth sports
final decision.
McLelland told me that by joining the World-News that I would also
cover the Washington Redskins’ home games as well as those of the Baltimore Colts. What a dream for a 31-year-old sportswriter! I would also
cover ACC sports as well as the basketball tournament. Sportswriting assignments don’t get much better.
I found out quickly that Brill and McLelland didn’t care much for one
another. They had different journalistic callings. Brill loved to get scoops
and when The Times did, all I would hear was the members of that department bragging about the scoop. From my morning paper experience,
I knew they had a huge edge in breaking stories, most of which happened
during the day after an evening paper had gone to press.
At times, I had to resort to guerilla tactics to beat the morning paper
reporters. I had several notable successes, some of which have been previously recounted in this space. McLelland was a competitor on and off
the field, and I knew he appreciated my efforts.
Working for an evening paper meant arriving at work at 6:30 a.m., so
McLelland saw to it that everyone got an extra day off each week. When
I was in the office with him and assistant sports editor Marty Horne on
those early mornings, I’d walk down Campbell Avenue to get breakfast.
“(McLelland) always wanted a fried egg sandwich on burnt toast with
extra mayonnaise,” Horne recalls.
Horne also tells another story about McLelland. It seems he was covering a Jefferson High School football game one night and the Magicians
quarterback, who had played sandlot football for McLelland, was standing on the sidelines waiting for Jefferson to get the ball back. “Bob called
the quarterback over and suggested a play that they had used in sandlot
football,” says Horne. “And Jefferson scored.”
During the several years that I worked for Bob, we had a tempestuous
relationship at times. When we disagreed, we’d yell at each other violating
every boss-employee relationship known to mankind. Then we calmed
down and got along until the next disagreement a few weeks later.
Still we remained very close until his death in 1994. Like nearly everyone else who ever knew Bob McLelland, I respected him greatly.
It’s only right that Bob McLelland Field receive similar treatment.
Photo courtesy of Barbara McLelland
still unanswered after Victory Stadium was demolished
this past summer is what will become of Bob McLelland Field, the
playing surface named after the
late legendary sports editor and
sandlot football coach.
So far, I haven’t heard any discussion about that subject and neither
has McLelland’s family. To me, the obvious answer is to name the new
field at Patrick Henry High School after McLelland. After all, he covered
most of the athletes to come through that school in its first 20-25 years
and he also sent four daughters to the school.
Bob’s wife, Barbara, says their daughter, Ginny Headen, called City
Manager Darlene Burcham’s office and said that when the stadium was
demolished, the family would like the “McLelland Field” plaque.
As far as the McLelland family knows, the plaque is being kept in storage under the premise that it will be used when the city decides what to
do with the land. It might eventually be used for soccer fields.
There was a sign on the old press box calling it McLelland Field. Barbara McLelland says her grandson, Travis Whisnant, retrieved the sign,
which was bent at one end. It’s now under a deck at McLelland’s house.
Still, you’ve got to wonder why they gave out bricks when the stadium
was torn down. Why didn’t they give out clumps of the field in honor of
McLelland? The clumps might have been just as popular as the bricks,
which led to traffic jams on Franklin Road when they were given away.
McLelland had many admirers in this town; almost every football
player and coach would probably like to have had a piece of the turf.
Headen says she was told that they were going to use the ticket booths
and plaques to build a tribute to the veterans and her father. “I don’t think
anything will ever develop,” Headen says. She further asserts that citizens
have suggested honoring her father, but when she calls, Roanoke city em-
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
Rutgers was reminiscent of ’99 Tech team
HY IS COLLEGE FOOTball so great? Two reasons:
Rutgers and Wake Forest.
Where did these teams come
from? Nowhere and everywhere.
They’ve always been there. Rutgers played in the first-ever college
football game, for goodness sake.
Since its 6-4 victory over Princeton played before 200 fans on Nov. 6, 1869, Rutgers football hasn’t been
(There is no truth to the rumor that Bob Teitlebaum covered that game and it’s just mean-spirited
to imply Bob is that old. Bob had not yet graduated
from Vanderbilt when it was played. Bill Brill covered the game.)
Wake Forest has had a few moments in the sun
— running back Brian Piccolo was a star in the
1960s — but it is first and foremost a basketball
school. Local football standout Richard Goodpasture, now an important cog in Salem’s coachBill Brill
ing engine, was part of the Demon Deacons’ 1992
Independence Bowl win over Oregon. Goodpasture had an interception in that game and might have scored, but he was tackled by a
Until Rutgers lost to Cincinnati on Nov. 18, the ubiquitous question on
ESPN Radio was whether the Scarlet Knights deserved a shot at the National Championship if they went undefeated. If there was a Hokie fan
out there saying “no,” that person has a short memory.
It was seven years ago that the Hokies were waltzing through a Big East
schedule, undefeated, hoping for a shot at the title. Other teams with one
loss were decrying the Hokies’ weak schedule, weak conference, lack of
decades-long tradition.
The Hokies and the Florida State Seminoles completed their regular
seasons as the country’s only two undefeated teams. Looking back, did
the Hokies belong? Absolutely.
If a team goes out, plays its schedule and does so without a loss, why
should that team not have a chance for a title? The only reason I can offer
is the one that affected Auburn two years ago — three teams did just that
and there’s only room for two in a game.
Although the point is now moot, the Scarlet Knights would have had
to beat two Top 10 teams — Louisville (mission accomplished) and West
Virginia. As of this writing, the WVU game is still looming, but I just don’t
see the state university of New Jersey pulling that one out in Morgantown.
Apparently, the Cincinnati Bearcats had other ideas as well.
Agree with Weaver?
Rare is the day I find myself agreeing with Tech Athletic Director Jim
Weaver and disagreeing with my friend Aaron McFarling, the sports
columnist for The Roanoke Times. But McFarling recently took Weaver to
task for his effort to reduce or eliminate booing at football games.
McFarling seemed to say that booing is harmless fun and should be allowed. Besides, the players love getting booed by opposing fans.
While it might be harmless, it’s also classless. It’s obnoxious. And
frankly, it’s pointless. If the opposition actually
gains motivation from it, that should be reason
enough not to boo.
I love the geniuses who decide that using the
First Amendment to justify booing is an acceptable
defense. Having the right to boo in no way justifies
it. People everywhere have the right to be moronic
jerks, but if they choose to do so, it still reflects negatively on them.
My friends who had the good fortune to attend
the Tech game at Texas A&M a few seasons back told
Jim Weaver
me it was amazing. Without exception, every person
I know who went to that game was enormously impressed with the fans
— and by extension, the team and the university. At Texas A&M, booing
is considered to be beneath the character of a good Aggie. They would not
stoop so low. I’ve heard Nebraska is the same way. Now that’s impressive.
High school playoffs
I like Lee Johnson, the head football coach at Glenvar High School. I
was sorry to see his team miss out on the VSHL playoffs, despite posting
a 9-1 record.
True, it doesn’t seem fair, but the idea that a good fix is to expand the
playoffs is a bit too much.
The Virginia High School League has allowed each region the opportunity to expand its football playoffs from four teams to eight next year.
Considering there are two divisions per region, this means 16 teams
would make the playoffs in each region. That might save a 9-1 team from
being left out, but it would also mean several 3-7 teams would be included — teams that did nothing to deserve a post-season berth, and teams
that would likely be fodder for much stronger teams in that first round. As
it is, the top seeds are now rarely challenged by the fourth seeds.
For instance, if that system was in place this season in Region III of
Group AA, every school in the region but Northside, Staunton River and
Appomattox would be in the playoffs. Salem would open the playoffs
against Pulaski County. William Byrd would go to Amherst for a firstround game. Would there really be any need to play those games? Sure, it
would make more money for the VHSL, but in the end, would it be what’s
best? No.
Things that need to go, part deux
I wrote a couple of months ago about things in sports that I’m sick of
seeing. I’ve heard general agreement from those comments. One thing
most people would like to include is something that I should have added
the first time — the ever-present idiot in the background at a sporting
event with a cell phone to his ear, obviously talking to someone watching the game, who then learns he’s on camera and has to make a fool of
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Butch Blessard
Tommy Firebaugh
lessard fired a net score of
59 to capture the Roanoke
Valley Senior Golf Tournament Championship played at
Ashley Plantation on Nov. 1,
the final event of the year.
Blessard’s net score was
the lowest in the nine-tournament competition played
at various courses throughout
the area during 2006. Forty-seven
golfers participated in the RVSGT
when the season started last spring;
the membership roster grew to 99
by the end of the year.
Playmakers is sponsored by Professional Therapies of Roanoke
From Page 18
tory. That’s one credential the Hall
of Fame voters will have a hard
time overlooking as the Giants
rank as one of the most successful
and storied franchises in NFL history.
There’s more. Barber made the
Pro Bowl in 2004 and ’05. It’s likely
he’ll make it for a third-straight
season. He is also the first player
in league history to rush for at least
1,800 yards in one season while
racking up 500 yards as a receiver.
Hence, Barber has given the term
“all-purpose” back new meaning. When he’s not running or going out for a pass, Barber is often
blocking an opponent to help protect quarterback Eli Manning.
“I don’t know if people pay attention to being an all-purpose
back. While I run pretty well, I’ve
been exceptional as an all-purpose back, which is what the Giants ask me to do,” Barber said.
Surprisingly, his work on television might be just as impressive
considering he has never had formal training. He has appeared numerous times on Fox News’ morning show, Fox and Friends. He also
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Rocky Mount
appears in a weekly show called
Tuesdays with Tiki. He also has
been a sports analyst for WCBS-TV
in New York and this year became
a guest anchor on WNYW’s Good
Day to New York program.
For good measure, he and Ronde
have teamed up to write books for
children and together they have
a show on satellite radio entitled
“I never played the game [to
make] the Hall of Fame,” Barber
said. “I played it to do the best job
and help get my team to the Super
Bowl. [Making] the Hall of Fame is
not something you should strive to
Rick Reilly wrote a column in
Nov. 13’s Sports Illustrated comparing Barber to other players
who stayed in the game too long.
Most of them can hardly walk and
are crippled with arthritis.
“The physical pounding, I’m
used to and I’ve thrived on it. But
it’s getting harder and harder,
which is one reason I want to move
on,” Barber said.
“It [game preparation] wears on
me. I find myself thinking of other
things which makes me want to do
something else.”
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NOVEMBER 27, 2006
In an effort to inform fans of the finer points of the rules of the
games, Play by Play regularly features “Ask A Ref,” a chance for
fans to ask a question about specific sports rules, preferably those
related to high school or the NCAA.
Questions can be sent to
What are the changes to high school basketball rules this
The National Federation of High Schools announced the
new rules changes for basketball in April. Among those is
the reduction of warnings given a team for a delay, from three
to one. If a delay is called a second time, a technical foul is assessed. Water on the floor is now a cause for a delay and a warning. The other delay situations are for throw-in plane violations,
for a huddle by either team and contact with the free thrower,
and for interfering with the ball following a goal.
Another change is in regard to timing. Previously the brief
time lag between a whistle and the stopping of the clock by the
clock operator was part of the game. Now, if a referee sees the
exact time on the clock when a whistle is sounded, but the slight
delay causes a change in the timing, the exact time can be put
back on the clock.
Also, uniforms, headbands and sweatbands must be either
white or the color of the torso part of the jersey, and the team
must wear bands of the same color.
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
Snapshots of the season
Salem’s streak
Thanks to the direction of Salem High School
head football coach Stephen Magenbauer and
quarterback Mark Hanabury (left) and the
strong running of Brandon Grigsby (7, below),
the Spartans had extended their winning streak
to 33 consecutive games as of press time.
Bill Turner
Mud Bowl
William Fleming High School quarterback
Deandre Mumford found the conditions especially challenging when the Colonels traveled to Lord Botetourt on the rainy night of
Oct. 27. Nevertheless, the Colonels weathered the quagmire and prevailed in overtime, 3-0.
Bill Turner photos
 Hidden Valley
It’s been another
good sports year for
the Titans. On Nov.
10, the football team
(blue uniforms, left)
defeated Cave Spring
(28-10) for the first
time in school history
and the girls’ soccer
team (right) was recently recognized for
winning the Group AA
state championship
last spring.
Cave Spring Volleyball
The Knights (shown below celebrating their River Ridge District tournament championship) captured their fourth Group AA state volleyball title in the last five years in Richmond on Nov. 18. On the same day, Glenvar took the Group A state volleyball title.
Bill Turner
Catherine White
Perhaps the premier female distance runner in Roanoke Valley sports history (10 individual state titles and counting), the Northside High School senior
committed in November to run next year for the University of Arkansas.
Jon Copper
The Northside graduate (54) has been an anchor for the University of
Virginia’s football defense, which this season has shut out Duke and North
Carolina and held North Carolina State and Miami to 7 points each.
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
by Mike Ashley
up as she talks about basketball.
Unfortunately, at this
moment, that’s about all the roundball-loving Roanoker can do with
the game. For the second time in
20 months, Wallace is rehabbing
from a knee injury, only this time
she’s doing it as the only freshman
on the defending national champion Maryland Terrapins’ team.
“I’d love to be back on the court, I
can’t stand (not playing),” Wallace
says. “I don’t want to rush back,
though. I want to go through this
experience and see where I am,
and if it’s better for me to redshirt,
I’d love to be here another year.”
Maryland coach Brenda Frese,
arguably the top recruiter in the
country in the women’s game, isn’t
ready to close the door on her lone
freshman playing this season.
Wallace, who had surgery in the
preseason on a torn meniscus in
her knee, is expected back by December or January. Realistically,
with the all the talent in the Terrapin cupboard this year, Wallace
might be better off sitting out, but
Frese isn’t freezing her out.
“We’ll really evaluate that come
December, once we see how her
rehab is going,” says Frese. “She’s
doing a tremendous job with it.
The more experience she gets,
practicing and competing in this
league is going to help her.”
Wallace went down in a preseason agility drill. “My knee just
popped out of place,” she recalled.
“I was running and cutting and
it felt like it popped. I was fine for
about a week and I was still able to
run but there was some swelling.”
Then making a post move a week
later, Wallace felt the pop again
and had to have an MRI on her
left knee, the same one in which
Bill Turner
Chipping in for
the Champs
first 10 games of her senior seashe had torn her anterior cruciate
son at Hidden Valley last year.
ligament (ACL) during the playoffs
Wallace’s knee swelled but once
as a junior at Hidden Valley High
she got back, the Titans’ fortunes
School. This injury is different,
swelled, too. Averaging 14 points a
though maybe not completely uncontest and displaying a versatile
related. In any event, rehabbing a
inside-outside game, Wallace led
damaged knee is something WalHidden Valley to 18 straight viclace knows all about.
tories and a spot in the state title
Wallace first injured the knee
while leading her 2004-’05 team
Along the way, she picked up
through the post-season — one of
district player of the year honors,
several times she went to the state
first-team all-state accolades and
Elite Eight — and began the ardushowed the kind of game that first
ous process of coming back from
caught Frese’s eye.
major surgery.
“In high school, her leadership,
“I always heard the ACL was a
her vocal-ness was what we liked,”
hard recovery but I never expected six months of
work like that,”
she says. “It
made me realize
how important
basketball was
in my life. Not
being able to do
what everyone
else was doing,
not being able
to run. It was really tough.”
Tendonitis in
her patella tendon even kept The trio of (left to right) Abby Oliver, Abby Redick
her out of the and Emery Wallace led Hidden Valley last year
Photo courtesy of University of Maryland Athletics
says Frese of Wallace’s strengths.
“She was the
ultimate team
and fiery, obviously the way
led her
team to the
state tournament. I think she’s one
of those glue players that does all
the little things to allow your team
to be successful.”
Wallace compiled a 91-10 overall record in high school, first at
Northside and then as a junior and
senior at Hidden Valley. She scored
1,497 points, snared 580 rebounds
and hit 106 three-pointers, transferring to HV to be with her two
younger sisters, Maggie and Kelly,
after her family had moved crosscounty.
When she made the decision to
attend Maryland during her junior
year, it was similar. It was about a
feeling of “family.” It was also before basketball blew up in College
Park in the women’s game, the
Terrapins taking the 2006 national
“I came to Maryland because I
loved this team, loved the coaches,” Wallace says. “I knew when I
came on my visit. I knew this was
where I wanted to go. It was just
really the chemistry of the girls.”
Wallace had played AAU basketball with Maryland star guard
Kristi Toliver for the Elkton Elks,
and she was hosted by Final Four
MVP Laura Harper on her official Maryland visit, hitting
it off with the fun-loving
Harper from the start.
But the competitive
fire in Wallace also
drew her to Maryland,
a place where Frese
was rapidly assembling
a juggernaut in an Atlantic Coast Conference
full of powerful teams.
“I wanted to be in a
program that was on the
rise, and I like to work hard
so it was basically challenging myself,” Wallace says of
her decision to join such a
talent-laden program.
How talented? Maryland
has all five starters back from
that national title team of a
year ago, plus Virginia Tech
transfer Christie Marrone,
eligible from the get-go this
year, and Tennessee transfer Sa’De Wiley-Gatewood,
who’ll join the team the
second semester.
Wallace had seen Marrone play, even on her
visits to Virginia Tech,
another suitor for her
services. She also played
against Marrone and
Wiley-Gatewood in AAU
ball, playing for Elkton
and before that, a Washington, D.C.-based team.
Wallace wasn’t anti-Roanoke AAU, she just had
an opportunity to travel and play
in more events and more prestigious tournaments for the other
Her father, Tom, coached her
Bill Turner
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
Wallace has grown comfortable
with championship hardware
for three years with the Roanoke
Stars and is a major influence in
her career. He’s the first one that
Wallace wants to talk to after each
game, and she credits him with
first teaching her basketball.
“He’s always been there for me,”
she says.
Emery Wallace says she hopes
to eventually work for her father,
who owns Dominos Pizza franchises along the East Coast, but
like playing basketball right now,
she’ll have to wait.
“He says I have to have a job
for five years before I can come
work for him,” she explains with a
With that plan in mind, Wallace
wants to major in communications or criminal justice at Maryland. Already a polished public
speaker, Wallace would be a natural in broadcasting, but she’s keeping all her options open, on and off
the court.
Once she’s cleared to practice
again, she wants to improve her
ball-handling to have a better
chance of contributing as a wing
forward. Frese also wants her to
get stronger so she can bring that
versatile game she had in high
school to the paint and the perimeter. One way or another, Wallace
plans on making her presence felt
this season, whether on the floor
or from the bench as a vocal cheerleader for her teammates.
“I’m working as hard as I can to
get back and my teammates and
my coaches are supporting me,”
she says. “Maryland’s going to be
very good this year and I’m going
to be a part of that. There’s a little
bit of pressure (coming off the
championship) but this team is
experienced and they work hard.
They proved last year that they can
do anything they set their minds
Wallace fits right into that mentality and she can’t wait to show
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
by Gene Marrano
going to Malta.
Never heard of Team Roanoke County, or Malta, an island
nation south of Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea? You figure to hear
more about Malta in the next few
weeks as a hardy band of amateur
athletes who work for Roanoke
County prepares to travel there for
the World Team Challenge, where
it will battle squads from all over
the globe. Britain-based Challenger World sponsors a series of
corporate team-building challenges globally and Team Roanoke County placed 12th overall
(among nearly 50 teams) in the BG
US Challenge event held in October at various venues around the
Roanoke Valley.
Reverse checkers was a mental
challenge in the competition
The five-member squad also finished fourth in the co-ed division
since one of its members and the
only woman was Natalie Dibling,
a career firefighter in the county
and a former varsity soccer player
at Virginia Tech.
Team Roanoke County also includes Marcus Ordonez, assistant
parks and recreation director for
the county and no athletic slouch
himself: Ordonez played linebacker for James Madison University
and, at one point while pursuing
athletic training in school, interned with the Dallas Cowboys
and the Colorado University Buffaloes football squad.
Roanoke County Police Lt.
Jimmy Chapman is the team captain and a long-distance runner;
Michael Roth is a firefighter and
Greg Martin is the manager of
Camp Roanoke.
The US Challenge was a blend
of athletic pursuits — running,
biking, canoeing, even building
and using a catapult — plus mental exercises that included reverse
checkers, where the object is to
lose all of the pieces, not to jump
the opponent and take theirs. No
one on Team Roanoke County had
ever played reverse checkers.
Chapman, who has competed
in triathlon events, called the catapult stage at Green Hill Park the
most difficult for him “because I
had to sit out.” One member of the
team did so at each event — except
for Dibling.
Chapman learned that “teamwork was absolutely necessary for
overall success” and has brought
that motivation back to his work
with the police department. He
couldn’t easily decide which event
he found the most demanding at
the Challenge since “I consider
Gene Marrano
Courtesy of Challenge World
Team Roanoke County goes international
Team Roanoke County (l to r): Marcus Ordonez, Jimmy Chapman, Natalie
Dibling, Greg Martin and Michael Roth with County Supervisor Mike Wray
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
Courtesy of Challenge World
myself an all-or-nothing kind of
even more taxing.
guy — I give 110 percent.”
Ordonez didn’t find his “quick
Dibling has high praise for her
and fast” football-training backteammates, who graciously rotatground to be all that helpful physied riding the bench so she could
cally, but where the mental strateparticipate in every stage, a regy aspects were concerned being a
quirement to qualify for the co-ed
linebacker in college turned out to
be a plus. “You’re vir“I just like to comtually a quarterback
pete,” says Dibling,
on the [defensive]
who warmed up by
side of the ball,” says
entering the Virginia
Ordonez. “This thing
Derailers Series of
really involved heavy
mountain bike races
for the first time this
He remembers just
year. At the US Chalwanting to sleep when
lenge, “if we weren’t
the team sat down to
killing our bodies Running is part of the
play reverse checkers
physically we were multi-day competition
as one of the biggest
racking our minds —
obstacles. Canoeing
I don’t think I’ve ever been more
into a strong headwind at Carvins
stressed out and worn out from a
Cove while trying to solve puzzles
game of checkers before.”
at the same time wasn’t far behind.
Working with male firefightAbout halfway through the Chalers every day helped prepare her
lenge, after a mountain bike race,
for the Challenge. “I leave all my
the team realized it might have a
clothes and horse talk at home,”
chance to finish strong.
says the Northern Virginia native
Roanoke County Administraof her day job.
tor Elmer Hodge called Team
Despite working at bucolic
Roanoke County “outstanding,”
Camp Roanoke, Martin hadn’t
as he got ready for a television feadone much mountain biking — he
ture with the group shortly after it
purchased one just to train for
qualified for the World Challenge
the US Challenge. He has other
in Malta. He also deemed them
passions: “I’ve been an avid rock
five people who were already exclimber and mountaineer for
celling in their own departments.
about 15 years,” Martin says.
Getting the word out about the
The New River Gorge in West
Roanoke Valley through media
Virginia has been a focus lately.
outlets like Fortune magazine
He’s lived in California, Arkanwon’t hurt, says Hodge. Besides a
sas, Tennessee and North Carohandful of Roanoke Valley-based
lina over the years while pursuing
teams, heavy hitters like Hewlettoutdoor camp-related positions
Packard, Accenture and Cisco Sysand has climbed vertically at welltems also came here to compete
known Eldorado Canyon in Coloduring the Oct. 19-21 event.
rado. Pushing his body in different
Hodge figures all of that coverways — like running long distancage “will certainly pay off” in the
es — left Martin still sore a week
years ahead with new economic
after the Challenge was over. Havdevelopment prospects. The couning to solve a language problem
ty is soliciting contributions and
exercise in the middle of a run at
Hodge said the board of superviExplore Park left his muscles very
sors might be willing to make up
tight; he recalls teammates urging
any shortfall to help cover a prohim on as they chugged toward the
jected travel budget of $13,000.
finish line. Who is the mental giTeam Roanoke County has been
ant among Team Roanoke County
seeking corporate sponsors and
members? “I can tell you it’s not
will also raise money for Dreamme,” says Martin with a wide grin.
flight, a Malta-based non-profit
Roth is an ex-Chicagoan and
that flies seriously ill children to
a former Marine who put those
Florida for vacations.
memories of boot camp to good
The US Challenge got started
use in October. The mountain
with a fast-paced team captains’
biker and runner “let a lot of stuff
meeting at the Wyndham Hotel on
roll all off my shoulders” when the
a Thursday night and the moongoing got tough, something he atlight navigation of a course in the
tributed in large part to Marinewoods on Mill Mountain. The next
instilled discipline.
two days were a physically and
Roth has, in fact, been to Malta
mentally taxing blur that has now
before while in the service. Havlanded Team Roanoke County on
ing to compete in so many physiMalta from Dec. 7-10 — among the
cal challenges over a short period
best of the best in the world.
of time took a toll on Roth and the
“It’s a once in a lifetime oppormental games might have been
tunity,” says Chapman.
Play it Safe...
A message from On-Site Sports Medicine Services
Skin Infections in Athletics
The superbugs are here, and your child may be at risk.
idespread and inappropriate antibiotic use has encouraged the emergence of
a “superbug” version of the familiar “Staph,” short for Staphylococcus aureus.
The superbug version is called MRSA — Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus. It has
become resistant to most antibiotics, causing devastating infections in hospitals and
nursing homes.
Experts have cited school athletic teams and daycare centers as sources in recent
outbreaks. MRSA infections are spread by direct contact with an infected person or
object, such as using the same gym equipment, handling dirty wound dressings, or
touching liquid from an open wound.
Prevention guidelines include:
• Don’t allow sharing of towels, soap, or grooming aids.
• Have athletes shower as soon as possible after direct-contact sports.
• Clean equipment weekly with a solution of one tablespoon of bleach in one
quart of water.
• Wash soiled uniforms in hot water and dry them on the hottest cycle. Take in a
plastic bag.
• Keep infected areas covered with dressings. Dispose of soiled dressings
• Inform the athletic trainer or coach if a child has a skin infection diagnosed
as MRSA. These students should avoid contact sports until the athletic trainer
or a doctor clears the athlete to return.
If your child has an area that is red, swollen and painful, you should see the doctor
• It lasts for more than a few days;
• The infected area is spreading;
• A wound appears infected;
• A fever is present.
Community-acquired MRSA can be serious, even life threatening in rare cases. If
your child is diagnosed with abscess or cellulitis, ask about the possibility of MRSA.
As for any other infection, the best defense is prevention, so make hand-washing a
priority in your home.
Who’s taking care of your
kids during practice
and games?
Teams without a certified athletic trainer had a 63%
re-injury rate and teams with a certified athletic trainer
had a 3% re-injury rate.
Our certified athletic trainers work with you to prevent
injuries and keep athletes participating safely in sports.
On-Site Sports Medicine provides top-quality services
at competitive costs. We are happy to provide detailed
cost information
based on your
specific needs.
Please contact
Roanoke, Virginia
us for more
Tournament and Game Coverage Available
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
Letting out aggression in a positive way
us for a group that could
and a boxer on the roster
compete in a profesas well.
sional circuit.
Haines, aka Maureen
advertise as the type of girl
That’s the plan put
O’Havoc, figures the
you bring home to mother
forth by the founders
Roller Girls will split into
— what with all the tattoos, ocof the Star City Roller
two or three teams over
casional nose ring and the like
Girls, who describe
the next few months,
— and the recent “Spank-a-thon”
themselves as regular
with intramural bouts
fundraiser isn’t quite like selling
working folks during
to follow. “Then we’ll try
the day but “punk rockto find teams in other
But one thing is for sure: these
ers” at night. Most of
leagues to bout.”
women just want to have fun. The
those who have showed
Joining the Women’s
Star City Roller Girls roller derby
up so far hail from the
Flat Track Derby Assoclub hopes to get off the ground
Roanoke area, although
ciation (,
in the next few months and join
participants come from
a professional circuit,
a professional league within the
as far away as Natural
is the ultimate goal but
Siobhan Haines, Heather O’Bryan and Jill Carter (l to r)
next year.
that could be a year or
Once a staple on national televiDuring drills on a hope roller derby will catch on in the Roanoke Valley
more away. The Charm
sion, roller derby might be makand the apparel isn’t uniform just
recent Wednesday night, skaters
City Girls in Baltimore just joined
ing a comeback locally — if these
yet. At least one competitor wore
took turns jabbing each other with
that league after two years of
women have anything to say
fishnet stockings tucked into her
elbows to simulate the action they
preparation, notes O’Bryan, or
about it. Already in training at
skates as she circled a track that
might face during a bout, when the
“Ace Space” as she will be known
the Star City Skate Center on Heris actually a family skating center
“jammer” from an opposing team
on the track.
shberger Road twice a week, the
most of the time, complete with a
attempts to lap the field and score
The Star City Roller Girls travel
Roller Girls hope to attract enough
mirrored disco ball on the ceiling
points by passing opponents. A
team could venture to Pennsylwilling participants so that severand a snack bar.
well-placed elbow or body block is
vania and beyond if it joins the
al squads can be formed soon for
“We’re girls that know how to
often used to stop the jammer.
WFTDA as planned. It must meet
“bouts” against each other on the
have fun. We’re not a bunch of
Some of the prospective Star
certain performance criteria beflat track.
sissies,” says Ashley Dodd, aka
City Roller Girls are in better
fore it can. There are franchises all
The best players from those
Frances Harmer, as she watches
shape physically than others, the
over the country with names like
teams would then form the nuclefrom the sidelines while nursing
age range seems to vary somewhat
the Tucson Saddle Tramps, Dalan injury. All of the skaters adopt
las Derby Devils and the B.A.D.
ominous-sounding stage names,
part of the mystique that makes
For now, it’s back to basics as the
Roller Derby seem like professionteam attempts to bring up the varal wrestling to some.
ied skill levels now evident during
“This is a contact sport,” Dodd
points out. Watching practice with
“Most of the girls coming in
her is Jess Howell — “Sister Vigiare saying they skated as a kid
lante” — a former soccer player at
but haven’t skated forever [since
William Byrd High School. She disthen],” says Carter, aka Whistlelocated a knee and broke an ankle
bait. “It only takes a few weeks
at a practice some time back.
of practice before they get it
“Two screws later, here I am
[but] I’m trying to stay involved
She has wheeled through the
as much as I can,” says the Mount
streets of downtown Roanoke
Pleasant resident, who calls roller
just for fun and jumped at the
derby “a good way to let out agchance to sign on with Haines and
gression in a positive way.”
Co-president Siobhan Haines
“A lot of us are getting to the
had seen roller derby on televipoint where we can skate well
sion and was trying to get a team
enough to know we could get into
it. I’m getting fairly excited,” adds
Heather O’Bryan and Jill Carter
Haines, before she rolls off to re— a graphic artist for the adverjoin the practice.
tising agency Access by day but a
For the record: that spanking
Star City Roller Girl by night.
fundraiser at a nightclub involved
“It just took off after that,” says
$5 donations given up by willing
Haines. O’Bryan knew “plenty of
men for the right to be paddled by
girls” willing to try out. “A lot of us
Star City Roller Girls armed with
are in the same circles — typical
leather belts, riding crops, etc. All
punk rock girls.”
of the proceeds went for uniforms
Don’t let that moniker fool you
and equipment not purchased by
though: Haines says there are
the sponsors that have come forspeed-skating champions and
ward so far.
true athletes from other sports,
For more information, contact
team at starcityrollers@hot��������������� ��
compete. There are skateboarders
by Gene Marrano
Gene Marrano
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
Waggoner sells the dreams of opportunity
“We won about 80 to 85 percent
of our games during that stretch,”
recalls Waggoner, who is not exICHIE WAGGONER HAS
pected to match that track record
tasted some success before
at Hollins, a perennial second-dias a basketball coach, both at
vision team in the ODAC.
the high school and collegiate levWaggoner stayed with Dunael. Those memories will be good
gan for nine seasons, several after
things to hold on to as he wades
he graduated in ’92. During his
into his latest challenge: WaggonRoanoke College tenure, he also
er is the new head coach at Hollins
helped close friend Bryan Harvey
University, where the basketball
— Karen’s husteam at the allband — at Glenwomen’s undervar High School,
graduate school
and was there
went 0-25 last
when the Highseason
landers won a
Karen Harvey.
state title in 1997,
Wag goner,
led by Katrina
who grew up
locally and atFrom Dunatended
Botetourt High
learned “everySchool, took a hithing,” calling
atus for a year afher “one of the
ter coaching the
best motivators
women’s team at
you will ever
Lynchburg Col- Richie Waggoner won 16 games
meet in your enlege for six sea- at Lynchburg three years ago
tire life. That’s
sons. He led the
her thing.”
Hornets to a cumulative 67-84 reWaggoner says the family atcord, three Old Dominion Athletic
mosphere that Dunagan fosters
Conference tournament berths
means that players don’t want to
and a 16-10 record in 2003-’04, the
disappoint her. “She means so
school’s best mark in 10 years.
much to me. I wouldn’t be doing
Waggoner played high school
what I’m doing without her,” he
basketball himself and was part
of the first Cavalier team to make
Re-creating that family atmothe state tournament. He also
sphere has been one of Waggoncompeted in golf at LB and went to
er’s goals ever since. Less attitude
Roanoke College, intending to do
issues and, in general, a willingthe same after being courted by
ness to follow instructions are two
Division I Campbell University.
reasons he finds coaching females
“I ended up staying close to
“more rewarding than coaching
home,” says Waggoner, who wasn’t
impressed with the surrounding
Waggoner “got to be the good
environs — or the lack thereof — at
guy” as an assistant but learned
the central North Carolina school.
there were tough decisions to be
A broken collarbone that he
made as a head coach, about playsuffered while umpiring a Little
ing time, about who gets cut, even
League baseball game during
about where to stop and eat after a
his senior year at Botetourt put a
road game.
damper on his collegiate golf ca“You can’t make everybody
happy and sometimes you have to
He wound up helping out with
be the bad guy. That’s tough,” he
the intramural basketball proadmits.
gram at Roanoke College — “in
Waggoner points out that actual
college, you do anything for cash”
games only account for about 10
— and got to know Maroons head
percent of coaching responsibiliwomen’s basketball coach Susan
ties — a far cry from the accountDunagan. Soon he was helping
ing profession he thought was his
her from the sidelines as an asdestiny after earning a business
sistant; the program won seven
administration degree from Roawomen’s Old Dominion Athletic
noke College. Waggoner quickly
Conference championships in the
realized that “sitting in an office
’90s and went to eight NCAA tourand not talking to anybody” might
naments, with a Sweet 16 spot in
not be the right career path for
1992 and an Elite Eight berth in
him, however. He is now chipping
1991 as part of the mix.
by Gene Marrano
Bill Turner
away at a master’s degree in education and teaching could be a future option.
Over the years, Waggoner, 36,
also helped coach softball at William Byrd High School and is assisting the golf squad when he can
at Hollins, so he likes to keep busy.
Like Karen Harvey before him,
Waggoner also has the responsibilities of sports information director at Hollins.
With Hollins, as at Lynchburg,
there hasn’t been a lot of success
on the basketball court over the
years, so Waggoner has to sell
prospects on other attractions at a
school known more for academic
excellence than athletics.
“You’re selling the opportunity
to continue playing in what is, in
my opinion, the best Division III
basketball league in the country,”
Waggoner says. “Here’s where I
think we can go…you’re selling
that dream.”
Waggoner says a supportive student body and more focus on athletics recently at Hollins should
help make the job a bit easier. He’ll
have just nine players on the roster
so conditioning will be a major factor. Senior point guard Ashleigh
Smith figures to be the leader on
a team he calls “hungry. You can
use that to your advantage.”
Lynchburg College was a “great
opportunity” that Waggoner took
on at age 29, but Hollins may be an
even tougher task. He also looks
forward to the SID duties and
hopes to get more information
about the school’s athletes out to
the media and the public.
“You’re not on scholarship,
you’re not on TV,” Waggoner says
about the sacrifices D-III athletes
make in general. Hollins University gave him a chance to return
to the Roanoke Valley and despite
the 0-25 record last season, he remains optimistic.
Karen Harvey did have a couple
of seasons where her teams won
more games than any others in
the school’s history and Waggoner hopes to build on that. It’s not
unfamiliar territory: Lynchburg
squads accustomed to winning
about five games a season more
than doubled that mark during his
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NOVEMBER 27, 2006
Hall-of-famer Moir retains his humility
rheumatic fever, Charlie
Moir might never have made
it to the Virginia Tech Athletic Hall
of Fame.
It was that illness that ended
Moir’s professional baseball career and sent him on the path to
become the winningest basketball
coach in Tech history.
Moir was a basketball and baseball player at Appalachian State,
then gave up collegiate baseball
when he was drafted into the pro
ranks. He was allowed to remain
an amateur in basketball, so he
played baseball in the summer
and basketball in the winter. As a
first baseman and outfielder, Moir
advanced to Double-A before he
was forced to give up the game.
So Moir took up residence on
the basketball court, becoming a
coach after his playing days. He
coached high schools in Virginia
and North Carolina, then in 1963
accepted an offer by Tech head
coach Bill Matthews to become
an assistant. A year later, Howie
Shannon took over as the head
to the cheers one more time. His
man for the Gobblers, but Moir
enshrinement into the Tech Hall
stayed to recruit and coach the
of Fame was recognized at halffreshman team.
time of the football game that day,
In 1967 Moir left Tech for a head
Betsy’s birthday.
coaching job at Roanoke College.
It came 19 years after Moir left
His success there is a story well
Tech. Then he was a casualty of an
known in these parts, guiding the
athletic department house-cleanMaroons to the NCAA College Diing that removed some who likely
vision championship in 1972.
had it coming, and others who
Moir then
went to Tuvictims. That
lane, but in
1976 Matthews
however, does
called again.
not diminish
Now an assisthe
accomtant athletic
plishments of
director, Matthe man and
thews asked
the coach who
Moir to return
was loved by
to Blacksburg
univerand coach the
sity for putHokies. Moir Charlie and Betsy Moir were honored ting teams on
accepted, then by Virginia Tech in November
the court that
found himself
in the same conference with Tuwith anyone, fill up the basket
lane just two years later when the
from anywhere, and routinely find
Metro Conference was formed.
themselves ranked in the top 20.
Saturday, Nov. 10, Moir and his
“I liked to get good athletes,”
wife, Betsy, stood on the football
Moir says. “Sometimes they were
field at Lane Stadium and listened
better athletes than they were basketball players.”
Case in point: Al Young, a point
guard from 1982-’86 who was not
only drafted, but was the last man
cut by his professional team in
training camp. That team? The New
York Giants. Yep, the football-playing Giants. Moir talked frequently
with Giants head coach Bill Parcells about Young, a thick-legged
guard with incredible quickness
who feared no press or doubleteam. Young had signed a grantin-aid to play football at UNC, but
at a North Carolina high school
all-star basketball game, realized
playing hoops in college was what
he wanted to do. Moir had a place
for him. Moir says Young was one
of the top 5 pure athletes ever to
play any sport at Virginia Tech.
Current Roanoke County resident Bobby Beecher was another
North Carolinian that Moir was
able to sign away from tobacco
road schools like Wake Forest,
which wanted Beecher for its
front line. Beecher grew up close
to Mt. Airy, Moir’s native stomping grounds. Moir knew Beecher’s
high school coach well. The rest is
After leaving Tech, Moir decided he had been in coaching long
“I had been in coaching 35 years.
I had a good career,” he says.
Christian Moody
by Christian Moody
Looking forward to retirement,
Moir stayed in Salem and played
golf. The good life, no doubt. But
Moir soon found the good life boring. “I was watching soap operas,
and I didn’t like that too much.”
So Moir took a job as a sales representative for Dillard Paper Co.,
now xpedx. “I told them I knew
people, but I didn’t know anything
about paper,” Moir says. A company replete with former athletes
turned business executives, Dillard recognized that Moir had what
the job took — being in coaching
is the same as being in sales.
He worked for more than five
years before giving retirement a
more earnest try.
By the time Tech realized Moir
belonged in its hall, he had been
enshrined in three other halls of
fame — the Virginia Sports Hall of
Fame, the Roanoke College Sports
Hall, and the Mt. Airy Sports Hall.
Regarding those honors, Moir exudes typical humility.
“Hall of fame players make hall
of fame coaches,” he says.
With Frankie Allen, Hal Johnston and Jay Piccola at Roanoke
College, and Beecher, Dell Curry
and Dale Solomon at Tech, to name
just a few, great players were often
on the court for Moir’s teams. But
even great athletes need coaching,
and they got it from Moir.
With Beecher and Curry leading the charge, the Hokies defeated Memphis State when the Tigers
were the country’s top-ranked
team. Memphis State and Metro powerhouse Louisville were
threatened by Tech with Curry’s
range, so when the 3-point line
was first being debated in conferences, the Metro coaches voted
against adopting the new rule.
Curry played exactly one college
game where a 3-point shot was
within the rules.
On those early-’80s Tech teams
was a small guard who came in
for mop-up duty — Moir’s younger
son, Page. He watched the game
and followed his father into the
coaching fraternity, even following Charlie Moir to one of his former bailiwicks, the head coach’s
office at Roanoke College.
For someone retired, Moir has
kept busy in the local sports scene.
He was part of the group that
started the Roanoke Valley Sports
Club in 1993; he still enjoys its programs. Who better to be part of a
sports club than a man now in four
halls of fame?
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
From Page 4
“Soccer had problems,” Heil
says, “many worse than ours. Violence on the field, violence by fans.
Soccer made a conscious decision
to deter the behaviors and they got
the results they wanted.” The tight
officiating during last summer’s
World Cup is probably the only
exposure most Americans had to
the process, says Heil. “We didn’t
understand it, because we didn’t
know where they were coming
from and what they were trying to
correct. Perhaps they have gone
too far the other way. They have to
In Heil’s view, off-field criminal
behavior is more complicated and
involves other forces that may not
be related to the sports environment. But if criminal behavior is
“enabled by the system, then the
sport is also responsible,” Heil
says. “If you do something and get
away with it or you see others getting away with it, you will view it
as acceptable.”
Overall, Heil sees a need for
sports leadership to accept its real
role and to improve its own values
before significant, long-term improvements can be made.
“The leaders of the sport are the
governors of the sport,” Heil says.
“They have to raise their own standards.”
Too many sports league managers, athletic directors and team
owners are “not integrity-driven;
they are marketing driven,” Heil
says. “They don’t make changes
until society threatens to lose interest in their sport.”
Referencing the more benign,
celebratory behaviors once again,
Heil suggests that there may also
be a “cultural bias” driving the
criticism. NBA players were the
first to come under scrutiny for
these behaviors, according to Heil.
The celebrations there are now
recognized as part of the whole
Hip-Hop culture of the NBA and
as such part of black culture. These
cultural aspects of the NBA have
gradually become more accepted,
so the behavior has become more
Heil suggests that celebratory
behaviors are being viewed as a
greater problem now because they
are becoming prominent in football, a sport that has a much wider
appeal with the majority culture.
Sociologist Nye thinks players
generally act out “badly” because
they aren’t prepared for the environment they meet in college and
professional sports. “Their previous experience doesn’t work in
the new environment,” Nye says.
its subculture.
“It is a way to make a statement,”
Nye says, “to express identity.”
Nye likens the
celebrations to urban graffiti.
“What everyone
believed was just
vandalism eventually came to be
taken as art,” Nye
says. He believes
are another form
of styling and are
meant more for the
player’s own subculture than for the
live audience or the
TV cameras.
As for violent beFormer Ohio State football star Maurice Clarett
and off-field
(center) received a prison sentence in September
criminal activities,
“It creates a ‘normless’ situation.
Nye points to the same anomie/
They don’t know how to act.”
socialization, problem/solution
Nye believes this “normlessmodel described above, but he
ness,” or “anomie,” as it is known
doesn’t think these problems are
to sociologists, explains why
really growing at a high rate or are
young athletes can struggle to adeven anything new.
just, regardless of how disciplined
“They are getting much more attheir early training may have
tention,” Nye says. “Everything is
been. Athletes who may have been
examined so closely. There are so
raised in environments with a lot
many cameras. There is so much
of structure and constraint sudmedia. They have to use it for
denly find themselves in an envisomething.”
ronment with almost no limits on
Sociologist Work shares much of
their behavior, according to Nye.
the same problem/solution model
The more open social environwith Heil and Nye. Like them,
ment of the college world and the
Work sees the so-called problem
special attention and privileges
athletes as behaving according to
accorded to athletes are foreign
the norms they perceive in their
to these young people. They can
cultural environment.
become “spoiled by this excess of
The question is “how you socialfreedom,” Nye says. “Then they
ize teams,” Work says. “You have
don’t tolerate any
to teach the value of
limits very well.”
team as opposed to
Nye believes that
The sports media individual values.
You have to reinforce
are ‘selling the
needs to address this
values and rules.”
drama produced
challenge of anomie
very specifically and
by these behavdeliberately.
be more successful
iors. Add drama
“Players need to
if they built a probe socialized into
cess where players
and you increase
their new environand coaches agree
ment so that they
to rules together.
understand clearly
“Rules have to be
what is expected of
set as a group to get
the strongest comThis process isn’t one-time-only
mitment from the players.”
either, according to Nye. It will
Work also views the process as
need to be done repeatedly to be
an ongoing effort. “It’s a constant
successful and still there will be
struggle to maintain group think,”
some deviance.
Work says. “You will have to keep
Nye also offers specific insight
coming back to it over and over.”
into the excessive celebrations that
The process would be simpler
have been the focus of so many.
and more successful, according to
Like Heil, Nye views the behavWork, if the greater culture were
ior as more positive than negative
more in tune. Work cites the imand more understandable within
portance placed on certain indi-
—Bill Work
vidual contests and the value of
winning at all costs as examples of
conditions that can threaten the
commitment to a team’s agreed
Some games are viewed as having “critical importance,” Work
says. “These may be championships, or games that qualify teams
to advance, or just longtime rivalries.” The special importance
placed on these games may cause
players to set aside the rules and
act inappropriately.
Work believes that the conflict between winning and good
sportsmanship is a deep-seated
issue. As a prime example of the
problem, Work points to youth
training league games where
there is no score kept during the
“The parents are sitting in the
stands keeping score,” Work notes
with disgust. “Which value do
you think will get reinforced at
and Nye, Work
also views the
same entities
that complain
about player
sources of rei n forcement
for the behavBill Work
ior they criticize. The sports media are “selling
the drama produced by these behaviors,” Work says. “Add drama
and you increase viewership.”
The attraction to drama and the
focus on the deviant are general
culture issues that also impact
sport, according to Work.
“Most of the players on these
teams are not involved in these
behaviors,” Work says, “but we focus on the few who are.”
Work compares the situation to
studies of deviant behavior in the
general population. Demographically the portion of the population
that is engaged in the most deviant
behavior is never more than about
one percent, according to Work.
“But we focus on that one percent.
We learn more when we focus on
why most people don’t commit
crimes than we do by focusing on
the few who do.”
So, there you have it. That’s what
the experts say. But what do you
think about these behaviors and
the views of these experts? Visit and
click “What Do You Think?” Then
send us a message with your view
of this subject.
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
Tiki Barber wants to leave NFL in tact
by Bob Teitlebaum
NY MEMBER OF THE LOcal media who covered Roanoke native Tiki Barber at
Cave Spring High School or the
University of Virginia has always
known Barber is a story waiting to
First of all, Legends of
Barber knows the Games
how to talk to Twenty-seventh in a Series
the media. His
diction is excellent; he doesn’t
stutter and doesn’t brutalize the
King’s English as do so many athletes who think of college as simply a springboard to a professional
sports career. Barber has long been
preparing for a career beyond his
playing days.
So when Barber said recently
that he was thinking of retiring
from the NFL, then
confirmed this
notion a few
days later, it
should have
been no surprise.
Ba rber
s a id
people who really know him understand the decision.
Tony Kornheiser said on Pardon
the Interruption, an ESPN sports
show where Kornheiser and fellow Washington Post sportswriter
Michael Wilbon debate topical issues, that he couldn’t believe Barber was retiring in his prime. That
was tame compared to other media members. One accused Barber
of creating a distraction and then
former Dallas Cowboy Michael
Irvin called him a quitter for walking away from a contract that calls
for Barber to earn millions of dollars in the next few years.
With the exception of Kornheiser, Barber spoke harshly about
his critics. “I’ve been talking about
retirement for years now, and
it has nothing to do with being
physical or money or the Hall of
Fame,” Barber told
Associated Press
sportsw riter
Tom Canavan
the week the
story of his
ret irement
“I’m a diverse
a second Super
person. I have a lot
Bowl is certainly
of interests and,
still plausible as
at some point, it’s
the Giants are 6-3
time to execute a
following a Nov.
plan that’s been
12 loss to Chicago.
in place for me
for about seventhe Super Bowl
and-a-half to eight
won’t affect me.
For the longest
Barber said he
time, I thought I
met with Kornhad to win a Super
heiser in a producBowl. Now I know
tion meeting the
that I don’t have
week of the ESPN
to do that to deMonday
fine what kind of
game in Dallas
player I am. Right
and straightened
now, I have other
things out.
dreams,” Barber
Nothing will prevent Barber’s
retirement, not even a chance
er reason, some
Barber’s other
to play with twin Ronde (on
people think I am
dreams concern
right in bottom photo)
disingenuous and
television. He almisrepresent my intentions,” Barready has his own show in the New
ber told this reporter in a Nov. 9
York area. He also frequently aptelephone interview.
pears on Pardon the Interruption.
“I’ve never categorized myself
“A pre-game show could be
with football. I’ve had a lot of other
in the works,” he admitted. “But
interests. I think over time people
that’s a component of a lot of
will understand. Over the short
things I want to do. There are a
term, people won’t understand
lot of options. I’m very interested
because our culture is so obsessed
in news broadcasting. I’m sort of
with sports.”
interested in sports broadcasting.
None of this should have been
It’s a long process to figure out
a surprise. Barber hinted last year
what is best for me.”
that this, his 10th season, might
Some people have speculated
be his last. Running backs take the
that retiring at his peak will cost
most brutal pounding in the NFL.
Barber a shot at making the Hall
As an all-purpose back, Barber
of Fame. That might be a little fargets hit on rushing and passing
fetched considering what he has
“Nothing will bring me back,
Barber has rushed for 9,757 canot even if [I was traded] and could
reer yards (ranking him in the top
play with Ronde,” Barber said
20), including 971 through the first
about a possible trade that would
nine games this year, which leads
send him to Tampa Bay to hook up
the NFL. He finished second in the
with his twin brother for the first
league a year ago. His career total
time since they were stars at UVa
is the best in New York Giant hisin the mid-1990s.
See BARBER, Page 8
Tiki Barber’s last shot at making
NOVEMBER 27, 2006
The dire ramifications of killing off Tag
sometimes is that when I’m
thinking I have nothing to
write about in this fine space each
by Mike
month, quite often some group of
puffed-up meatheads will provide
me with more than enough fodder.
And with that said, I give you the
school boards of Cheyenne, Wyo., and Spokane, Wash., which in their infinite wisdom have recently joined the ranks of municipalities that have
banned that scourge of the playgrounds — the game of Tag — from their
school yards.
Tag may well be the most noble playground pursuit possible without
a ball.
Admittedly, I haven’t been in a game in at least a couple of years but
I hate to hear it may soon be no more. Apparently today’s kids are too
rough, pushing each other down with shenanigans escalating to the level
of a Miami-FIU extra point attempt.
Beyond the physicality, there are those who worry the acts of exclusion
that define this sport — being “It” — are filling our children with desperate angst and can only lead to low self-esteem, global warming and
In the past, we called people who thought this way “grandmothers.”
Today, they’re councilmen and board members and they wonder why
kids grow up so confused. Hey, I was a fat kid. You ever try being It when
you’re lugging around the extra pounds and little second-grade Sammy
and Shirley are dodging and taunting you with their waif-like figures and
comparatively cheetah-like speed?
You gotta be tough and smart to succeed. There’s the old, “Look, your
shoe’s untied” trick to slow them down. Or variations that include: “The
teacher is talking to you,” or “Hey, look at that alien spacecraft landing on
the jungle gym.” I had a million of them. “Hey, I’ll give you candy, if you
come here.”
Of course, even getting out of being It, I was always in danger of a relapse if I ventured more than a few feet away from home base. Think of
the valuable lessons that taught me about being careful and always being
aware of my environment. To this day, I have never accepted candy from
a stranger. I don’t have to, I can afford to buy it myself now.
Which brings us to Halloween. I found myself conflicted about Halloween this year. Let me get this straight, a nation absolutely chockfull
of young fatties (and I can say this — they are MY people) continues to
promote a holiday that involves gorging on candy and sweets. I wanted
to help stop the whole thing but then I realized going door-to-door is the
only exercise a lot of these little Pudgies ever get.
Particularly if they’re not even going to let them play Tag at school.
First Dodgeball, and now this. I’m waiting for the lobby of the Cruelty to
Oversized Red Utility Balls to come out in support of a kickball ban.
Come to think of it, it hurt my self-esteem when I kicked the ball all the
way to the swings and I was so fat I could only get to second base on the
playground field. Of course I also wanted to kick Miles Schmitt’s butt for
always “bouncing” the ball in when he was the roller instead of giving me
a smooth roll to clout.
If I’d only had the guts to put one right in Miles’ grill on a return kick.
Sometimes in my sweaty flashbacks, I can hear the big, red ball popping on his braces. (I’m telling you, I need teams of psychiatrists working
around the clock.)
(Speaking of which, I’m going to round up all these fat, little, non-tagplaying, all-the-time-sitting-on-their-butts couch potatoes and go beat
the tar out of that Jared guy from the Subway sandwich commercials.
Yeah, you lost all that weight eating Subway sandwiches every day. And
I’m performing with the Radio City Rockettes this weekend, Ace.
Geez, a guy who must live in his mom’s basement is the centerpiece of
a national ad campaign. Get out of my face or I’m going to beat you senseless with a Chicken Teriyaki Club…)
Hey, if they’re so big on self-esteem in the schools, here’s a list of grievances I would have liked addressed back in the day:
• You want to help my self-esteem? Get the head varsity cheerleader to
date me my sophomore year. My esteem would have soared.
• Give me more Tater Tots “just because” instead of issuing the regulation six with my inedible hot dog and somebody please tell me what that
is in the other tray compartment.
• Don’t ask me any more questions about Beowulf. I’m not reading it in
any version other than the Cliffs Notes (and even that was too dull to get
• Oh, and talk about esteem issues; don’t send me to the blackboard
to do the algebra problem in front of everyone. And stop giving me the
squeaky chalk when I get there. (I still have bad dreams about that kind of
experience and to the best of my recollection I actually did wear clothes
to school every day and there was never really a talking badger playing
pinochle at my desk.)
It feels good to vent, so now let me sum up. What does all this mean, this
Weenie-fication of our public playgrounds? Let’s go to the scoreboard...
Our Winter Olympic team, international men’s and women’s basketball, gymnastics, World Cup Soccer, Ryder Cup teams — you name it —
seem to all have marched off proudly to foreign lands in recent months
essentially to bring home Certificates of Participation instead of championships.
Foreign athletes are filling spots in our Major Leagues and the NBA, and
while there’s nothing wrong with that, I remember when it just seemed
silly to think internationals could compete with us in those sports — our
I always figured they could have soccer. Watching it was like reading
Beowulf. (Though I’m sure playing it is a lot of fun for those who avidly
enjoy the sport, are bigger and stronger than me and are prone to write
snippy Letters to the Editor about fat whining columnists. Fair warning if you do so, though — I may need something else to rail about next
I feel a little like Archie Bunker on this rant but what are we as Americans going to do about this? We’re too sissy to get hit by a dodgeball and
we’re too yellow-bellied to get pushed down playing tag.
I’m depressed now. Where’s the Halloween candy? Whaddya mean it’s
gone? Are there any strangers passing by with some?
NOVEMBER 27, 2006