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End Matter - Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law
Hofstra Law Review Volume 17 | Issue 3 Article 5 1989 End Matter Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr Recommended Citation (1989) "End Matter," Hofstra Law Review: Vol. 17: Iss. 3, Article 5. Available at: http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 This document is brought to you for free and open access by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hofstra Law Review by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law. For more information, please contact lawcls@hofstra.edu. et al.: End Matter HEMPSTEAD, NEW YORK 11550 Volume 17, No. 3 Spring 1989 HOFSTRA IAW REVIEW Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 1 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 Volume 17 of the Hofstra Law Review will consist of three issues. Due to increased printing and mailing costs, the price of individual issues will be seven dollars. HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW is published three times a year for $20 per year by the Hofstra Law Review Association, Hofstra School of Law, Hempstead, New York 11550. Application To Mail At Second-Class Postage Rates is Pending At Hempstead, New York with an additional mailing office at Atlanta, Georgia. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW, Hofstra School of Law, Hempstead, New York 11550. The Law Review is pleased to consider unsolicited manuscripts for publication. Manuscripts should be addressed to Articles Editors, Hofstra Law Review, Hofstra University School of Law, Hempstead, New York 11550. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned except upon specific request at time of submission. Published three times a year by the Hofstra Law Review Association. The current subscription rate is twenty dollars per volume. Individual issues are available at seven dollars per copy. Subscription renewals will be automatic unless notice to the contrary is received. All communications should be addressed to: Business Administrator, Hofstra Law Review Association, Hofstra University School of Law, Hempstead, New York 11550. Copyright e 1989 by Hofstra Law Review Association. http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 2 Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 3 HOFSTRA IAW REVIEW Volume 17, No. 3 Spring 1989 Editor-in-Chief SPENCER DEREK KLEIN Managing Editors SCOTT M. GOLODNER DANIEL MCKENDREE SESSA Articles Editors DUANE JOSEPH DESIDERIO SUSAN GOLDSTEIN JOFFE MARK J. SEELIG Notes & Comments Editors SETH J. ARNOWITZ JOHN HYOK BAE ERIC DESKIN LORI GALLO SULLIVAN Research Editors LAURA E. PECK LAURA J. REIMER CLAIRE R. TELECKI Business Administrator ANDREW P. COOPER Associate Editors BARNEY F. BILELLO THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN ROBERT G. HARRINGTON ERIC ROBERT PFEFFER AMY ROSENKRANTZ RICHARD C. RUBINSTEIN WENDY B. STARR STEVEN R. WEINMANN JOSEPH J. WELTER Staff LAURA C. APRIGLIANO FREDERICK A. AVILA KENNETH PATRICK BACKHUS KEVIN M. BARRY BRYNA R. BECKLER JAMES P. BENINTENDI DAVID L. BERNSTEIN ROBERT A. BERTSCH MICHAEL S. BOGIN KEVIN B. BURKE P. JOSEPH CAMPISI, JR. PAMELA J. CARUSO GLADYS S. CHAFEZ BRUCE H. CHARNOV GAIL S. COHEN MANDY S. COHEN ROBIN A. CORDOVA ANNMARIE D'AMOUR GEORGE A. DAVIS STEVEN M. DAVIS LAURENT SCOTT DROGIN MARK A. ERICSON LESLIE ANN EVANS STEVEN M. GARTEN JEFFREY MARK GOODMAN DIANE P. HELLER DAVID J. HEYMANN DOUGLAS R. HIRSCH PATRICIA M. JASON THOMAS D. JAYCOX MONA JHA KATHLEEN BRIDGET JOHNSON JENNIFER A. JUENGST MICHAEL B. MAGER LAURA MARIE MURRY MICHELE C. PETITT JACK J. ROSE RICHARD C. SCHOENSTEIN ROBBIN D. SCHULSOHN JOEL G. SEGAL MERYL SEROTTA LISA B. SHERMAN MARK A. SILBERMAN MICHELLE G. SONTARP THOMAS M. SWEENEY, JR. DINA TALMOR CRAIG H. THALER STEVEN TUGANDER LINDA J. WANK MARC J. WEINGARD Faculty Advisors RONALD H. SILVERMAN EUGENE M. WYPYSKI M. PATRICIA ADAMSKI LEON FRIEDMAN Administrative Assistant CELINE VELLA et al.: End Matter Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Eric J. Schmertz, A.B., J.D., LL.D., Dean and Edward F. Carlough Distinguished Professor of Labor Law John DeWitt Gregory, B.A., J.D., Vice Dean and Siben and Siben Distinguished Professor of Family Law Robert L. Douglas, B.S., J.D., LL.M., Senior Assistant Dean and Special Professor of Law Hugh R. Christenson, B.A., Assistant Dean for Placement and Alumni Relations Nancy Modell, B.S., M.S., Assistant Dean for Financial Aid Denise W. Purdie, B.A., M.S., J.D., Assistant Dean For Admissions Eugene M. Wypyski, LL.B., M.L.S., Director of the Law Library and Andrew M. Boas/Mark L. Claster Distinguished Professor of Law Library Administration Gerard E. Giannattasio, A.B., M.A., M.S. in L.S., J.D., Assistant Director of the Law Library Joan A. 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Colbert, B.A., J.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Law Mitchell J. Cooper, B.S., J.D., LL.M., Special Professor of Law David A. Diamond, A.B., LL.B., LL.M., Professor of Law Janet L. Dolgin, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., J.D., Assistant Professor of Law Neil Richard Ellis, A.B., J.D., Assistant Professor of Law Eric M. Freedman, B.A., J.D., M.A., Assistant Professor of Law Monroe H. Freedman, A.B., LL.B., LL.M., Professor of Law Leon Friedman, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law Victor Putter, A.B., J.D., Special Professor of Law Linda Galler, B.A., J.D., LL.M., Assistant Professor of Law Mitchell B. Gans, B.B.A., J.D., Associate Professor of Law William R. Ginsberg, B.A., J.D., Rivkin Radler Dunne & Bayh Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law Dwight L. Greene, B.A., J.D., Associate Professor of Law James E. Hickey, Jr., B.S., J.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Law Bernard E. Jacob, B.A., J.D., M.A., Professor of Law David K. Kadane, B.A., LL.B., Harry H. Raines Distinguished Professor of Law, Emeritus Samuel M. Kaynard, B.A., J.D., LL.M., Professor of Law Lawrence W. Kessler, B.A., J.D., Professor of Law Carolyn A. Kubitschek, B.A., J.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Law Eric Lane, B.A., M.A., J.D., LL.M., Professor of Law Katherine D. Levitan, B.A., J.D., LL.M., Special Professor of Law http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 4 Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 5 Malcolm D. MacDonald, B.A., LL.B., Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law Malachy T. Mahon, B.A., J.D., Siggi B. Wilzig Distinguished Professor of Banking Law Lewis R. Mandel, A.B., J.D., LL.M., Special Professor of Law Peter Margulies, B.A., J.D., Associate Clinical Professor of Law Patrick L. McCloskey, B.A., J.D., Special Professor of Law Marjorie Heyman Mintzer, B.A., J.D., Special Professor of Law Richard S. Missan, B.A., LL.B., Special Professor of Law John D. Murnane, B.S., J.D., Special Professor of Law Richard K. Neumann, Jr., B.A., J.D., LL.M., Associate Clinical Professor of Law/Director of Legal Writing Eric D. Offner, B.B.A., J.D., Special Professor of Law Tobias Pieniek, B.A., J.D., Special Professor of Law Neal R. Platt, B.S., J.D., LL.M., Special Professor of Law Bertrand B. Pogrebin, A.B., LL.B., Special Professor of Law Honorable George C. Pratt, B.A., LL.B., Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law Stuart Rabinowitz, B.A., J.D., Alexander M. Bickel Distinguished Professor of Communications Law Stephen Rachlin, B.A., M.D., Special Professor of Law John J. Regan, B.A., M.A., J.D., LL.M., J.S.D., Jack and Freda Dicker Distinguished Professor of Health Care Law Alan N. Resnick, B.S., J.D., LL.M., Benjamin Weintraub Distinguished Professor of Law Andrew Shepard, B.A., M.A., J.D., Associate Professor of Law and Director of Clinical Programs Stephen W. Schlissel, B.A., LL.B., Special Professor of Law Ronald H. Silverman, B.A., J.D., Peter S. Kalikow Distinguished Professor of Real Estate Law Vern R. Walker, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., J.D., Associate Professor of Law Paul J. Weiner, A.B., S.M., J.D., Special Professor of Law Peter C. Williams, B.A., J.D., Ph.D., Special Professor of Law David N. Yellen, B.A., J.D., Assistant Professor of Law Alyson Adler, B.A., J.D., Legal Writing Instructor David A. Bagley, A.B., J.D., LL.M., Legal Writing Instructor Lyle Brooks, B.A., J.D., Legal Writing Instructor Donna Hill, B.A., J.D., Legal Writing Instructor Linda Orth, B.S., J.D., Legal Writing Instructor Carole Shapiro, B.A., J.D., Legal Writing Instructor Suzanne Spector, B.A., J.D., Legal Writing Instructor et al.: End Matter Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 6 et al.: End Matter HOFSTRA IAW REVIEW Spring 1989 Volume 17, No. 3 AUTHOR INDEX OF CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES BREYER, STEPHEN - The Federal Sentencing Guidelines and the Key Compromises upon Which They Rest ........................... 1 BOUDREAUX, DON & ROBERT B. EKELUND, JR. - Inframarginal Con137 sumers and the Per Se Legality of Vertical Restraints ............. Utilization of the Disclaimer as an Effec365 tive Means to Define the Employment Relationship ............... CHAGARES, MICHAEL A. - DAVIS, THOMAS J. JR. - Fine Art and Moral Rights: The Immoral 317 Triumph of Emotionalism ..................................... New Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code: Are Certificated Shares Subject to a Perfected Security 407 Interest if Held in Escrow? ................................... State Competence to Regulate Corporate GARFIELD, ALAN E. 535 Takeovers: Lessons from State Takeover Statutes ................. DICKERSON, CLAIRE MOORE HANDLER, ALAN B. - Individual Worth ........................ 493 LAWSON, GARY - AIDS, Astrology, and Arline: Towards a Causal 237 Interpretation of Section 504 .................................. POLIN, KENNETH L. - Argument for the Ban of Tobacco Advertising: A First Amendment Analysis .................................. 99 SEIDELSON, DAVID E. - The Confrontation Clause and the Supreme Court: Some Good News and Some Bad News ................... 51 SIMONS, JOSEPH J. - Fixing Price With Your Victim: Efficiency and Collusion With Competitor-Based Formula Pricing Clauses ........ 599 TITLE INDEX OF CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES AIDS, ASTROLOGY AND Arline: Towards A Causal Interpretation of 237 Section 504. Gary Lawson .................................... Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 7 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 [Vol. 18:3 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW ARGUMENT FOR THE BAN OF TOBACCO ADVERTISING: AMENDMENT ANALYSIS. Kenneth L. Polin...................... A FIRST 99 FINE ART AND MORAL RIGHTS: THE IMMORAL TRIUMPH OF EMOTIONALISM. Thomas J. Davis, Jr................................ ... 317 FIXING PRICE WITH YOUR VICTIM: EFFICIENCY AND COLLUSION WITH COMPETITOR-BASED FORMULA PRICING CLAUSES. Joseph J. S im ons ....................... ............ INDIVIDUAL WORTH. ................ 599 Alan B. Handler ..................... 493 INFRAMARGINAL CONSUMERS AND THE PER SE LEGALITY OF VERTICAL RESTRAINTS. Don Boudreaux & Robert B. Ekelund, Jr.......... 137 NEW ARTICLE 8 OF THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE: ARE CERTIFICATED SHARES SUBJECT TO A PERFECTED SECURITY INTEREST IF HELD IN ESCROW? Claire Moore Dickerson ........................... 407 STATE COMPETENCE TO REGULATE CORPORATE TAKEOVERS: LESSONS FROM STATE TAKEOVER STATUTES. Alan E. Garfield ............ 535 THE CONFRONTATION CLAUSE AND THE SUPREME COURT: SOME GOOD NEWS AND SOME BAD NEWS. David E. Seidelson .............. 51 THE FEDERAL SENTANCING GUIDELINES AND THE KEY COMPROMISES UPON WHICH THEY REST. Stephen Breyer ..................... 1 UTILIZATION OF THE DISCLAIMER AS AND EFFECTIVE MEANS TO DEFINE THE EMPLOYEMENT RELATIONSHIP. Michael A. Chagares ...... 365 TITLE INDEX OF NOTES A SURVEY, ANALYSIS, AND EVALUATION OF HOLOGRAPHIC WILL STATUTES . .................................................. 159 JUDICIAL REVIEW AND SOLDIERS' RIGHTS: IS THE PRINCIPLE OF DEFERENCE A STANDARD OF REVIEW? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 THE DELAWARE TAKEOVER STATUTE: CONSTITUTIONALLY EVEN UNDER THE MARKET PARTICIPANT EXCEPTION ............... INFIRM THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, RANDOM DRUGTESTING, AND THE ADMINISTRATIVE SEARCH EXCEPTION ............ http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 203 641 8 et al.: End Matter INDEX INDEX A AND AIDS CONDITIONS See AIDS-RELATED AGAINST DISCRIMINATION INDIVIDUALS HANDICAPPED this index ANTITRUST See VERTICAL PRICE RESTRAINTS this index ARTIST'S MORAL RIGHTS 82-97 gle defendant CONSTITUTIONAL LAW See CONFRONTATION CLAUSE this index See DELAWARE TAKEOVER STATUTE this index See SOLDIER'S RIGHTS this index See TOBACCO ADVERTISING this index COPYRIGHT LAW See MORAL RIGHTS LEGISLATION this index See MORAL RIGHTS LEGISLATION this index C CIVIL RIGHTS See AGAINST DISCRIMINATION INDIVIDUALS HANDICAPPED this index COMMERCE CLAUSE See DELAWARE TAKEOVER STATUTE this index COMMERCIAL LAW See SECURED TRANSACTIONS this index CONFRONTATION CLAUSE The Confrontation Clause and joint 52-70 criminal trials 52-60 Delli Paoli and Its Progeny 60-63 Cruz v. New York 63-70 Richardson v. Marsh The Confrontation Clause and single 70-82 criminal defendants The impending convergence of cases involving joint criminal trials of multiple defendants and those involving the criminal trial of a sin- DELAWARE TAKEOVER STATUTE Purposes of the Delaware takeover 205-08 statute Provisions of the Delaware takeover 208-11 statute An analysis of the Commerce 211-13 Clause The Delaware takeover statute directly burdens interstate 213-15 commerce The Delaware takeover statute indirectly burdens interstate 215-20 commerce There are less burdensome alternatives to the Delaware takeover 220-23 statute The internal affairs doctrine 223-26 Delaware as a vendor of a uniquely appealing legal environment 228-30 The monopoly exception to the market 230-33 participant doctrine The lingering string exception to the market participant doctrine 233-34 DISCRIMINATION AGAINST HANDI- CAPPED INDIVIDUALS In General Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 9 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination against handicapped individuals in federal funded programs 237 Section 504 may apply to AIDS, since persons with contagious diseases are not per se exempt from coverage under Section 504 as per the U.S. Supreme Court decision in School Board v. Arline 238-40 Requirements of Section 504 240 Application of Section 504 where HIV-infected individual is symptomatic versus asymptomatic 240-42 Additional legislation directed at preventing discrimination against handicapped individuals 243-44 Criteria for a cause of action under Section 504 244 Defining "individual with handicaps" as "a person who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities" 244-50 Individuals with currently contagious disease or infection that constitute a threat to others are "otherwise unable to perform the job" within the meaning of Section 504 245 Section 504 also includes situations where a person has a "record of such an impairment" or "is regarded as having such impairment" 251-58 Section 504 prohibits discrimination against a handicapped person that occurs "solely by reason of his handicap" 258-65 Key concept for understanding the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is causation 265-66 Section 504, Handicap Discrimination and Astrology Section 504 and Astrology 266-70 Section 504 and other possible definitions of discrimination 271-73 Distinctions between groups of handicapped individuals under Section 504 273-74 Section 504, AIDS and AIDS-related Conditions AIDS as a handicap under Section [Vol. 18:3 504 275-78 AIDS-related Complex as a handicap under Section 504 279 Asymptomatic HIV-infection as a handicap under Section 504279-91 Contagion-based discrimination as a handicap under Section 504291-98 Section 504 requires a causal link between the AIDS or HIV infection and a handicap 298 Arline and Contagion-Based Discrimination Discrimination based upon fear of spread of HIV is irrational and should not be held to violate Section 504 298-99 Under Arline, contagious, infectious tuberculosis is a handicap under Section 504 where it creates physical or mental impairment 299-304 Contagion-based discrimination is not within Section 504 because contagious persons are not handicapped unless they suffer from physical or mental impairment 304-08 Discrimination solely based on fear of spread of the HIV-virus is not discrimination by reason of handicap within the meaning of Section 504 308-10 Response to Critics Belief in signficant risk of HIV transmission through causal contact is on par with belief in astrology 310-11 This position gives little import to the medical evidence regarding HIV transmission, and to scientific evidence regarding astrology 312 Furthermore, this position is contrary to the legislative policies underlying Section 504 312 Little credence should be given to the Court decisions construing the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 312-13 Legislative history provides little guidance as a tool of statutory construction, particularly in the case of the Rehabilition Act of 1973 313-15 DRUG TESTING http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 10 et al.: End Matter INDEX In General Administrative search exception as an exception to the general requirement of individual suspicion 642-43, 658-62 Description of National Collegiate Athletic Association Drug-testing 644-47 program State Action State action theory and the fourth 647-50 amendment Traditional application of state action 650-51 theory to the NCAA Assumption of NCAA to be a state actor for purposes of examining fourth amendment issues raised by drug-testing the NCAA 651 program Fourth Amendment Submission of urine for purposes of drug-testing is characterized as a "search" under the fourth 652-55 amendment 655-56 Warrant requirement Individualized suspicion 656-57 requirement Exceptions to warrant require657-59 ment Administrative search exception 659-62 Application of the administrative search exception to the random drug-testing of jockeys (Shoe662-63 maker v. Handel) Analogizing the administrative search exception to the random drug-testing of United States Customs Service employees (National Treasury Employees Union v. Von 663-64 Raab) Refusal to apply the administrative search exception to the random drug-testing of fire fighters (Capua 664-666 v. City of Plainfield) Application of the Administrative Search Exception to the NCAA Drug Testing Program NCAA will not be required to obtain 666 a warrant NCAA's substantial interest in the random drug-testing of student 666-72 atheletes NCAA characterization as a pervasively regulated industry 672-76 Reasonableness Requirment Supreme Court two-fold inquiry 676-77 NCAA's decision to conduct random drug-testing is "justified at its 677-82 inception" NCAA drug-testing program is "reasonably related to the original 682-87 justification" E EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION Evolution of the Employment at Will Rule at will rule The employment originated in the 19th century and employment the altered 366 relationship Application of the employment at will rule by the late 19th century 366-68 courts Recently, courts and legislators have modified the application of the employment at will rule in certain 368-69 circumstances The public policy exception to the employment at will rule as a basis for termrecovery for wrongful 369-71 ination The implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing as a limitation to the employment at will rule371-72 Relief for wrongful termination under the implied-in-fact contract limitation to the employment at will 372-75 rule Employer Use of Disclaimers Defining disclaimers as a denial or conof specified disavowal 376 ditions Disclaimers may be used to specify terms of the employer-employee 376 relationship Impact of disclaimers on the employ376-80 ment relationship Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 11 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 [Vol. 18:3 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW Effective Use Employment of Disclaimers in Wording and presentation of the disclaimer 380-86 Documents in which to place the disclaimer 386-91 Employer statements which are contradicotry to the disclaimer 392-94 Modification of existing employer statements to include disclaimers 394-99 State recognition of limitations to the employment at will rule 400-05 this index HOLOGRAPHIC WILLS "Writing" requirements and holographic wills 162-66,169-84 Dating requirements of holographic wills 166-67, 184-90 Signature requirements of holographic wills 167-68, 190-96 Requirements concerning proof of holographic wills 168-69, 196-99 The valuable papers of effects requirement 169, 199-200 EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIPS See EMPLOYMENT this index I DISCLAIMERS INDIVIDUAL WORTH In general EMPLOYMENT AT WILL 493-498 DISCLAIMERS Judicial Perceptions of Individual Worth Recent wrongful birth and wrongful life decisions within New Jersey 497-99, 504-15 In re Karen Ann Quinlan 502-03 Emerging doctrine of individual worth 515-21 CORPORATE Judicial/Nonjudicial Treatment of Individual Worth See STATE TAKEOVER STATUTES this index In general 522-23 Signficance of individual worth within the judiciary 523-24 Delegation of decisional responsibility 524-25 Selection and identification of the appropriate decision makers 525-32 See EMPLOYMENT this index F FEDERALIZATION OF TAKEOVER STATUTES FIRST AMENDMENT See TOBACCO index ADVERTISING this FOURTH AMENDMENT See DRUG-TESTING this index JUDICIAL REVIEW See SOLDIER'S RIGHTS this index HANDICAP DISCRIMINATION See DISCRIMINATION AGAINST HANDICAPPED INDIVIDUALS LABOR LAW See EMPLOYMENT TION this index http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 DISCRIMINA- 12 et al.: End Matter INDEX examination of terms utilized in state statutes and in Section 101 of the federal Copyright Act 349-54 M MARKET PARTICIPANT EXCEPTION Discussion See DELAWARE TAKEOVER STATUTE this index MILITARY JURISPRUDENCE See SOLDIER'S RIGHTS this index MORAL RIGHTS LEGISLATION In General Emergence of state statutory protection for the moral rights of creators of intellectual property 317-18 Moral rights refers to the creator's personal right to control his 318-19 creation Recognition of artists' moral right is urged on two distinct grounds 320 The concept of moral rights finds no express provision in federal copyright law, but provides the foundation for American intellectual 320-24 property protectors 354 Defining fine art Distinguishing between state statutes with a recognized quality standard 354-60 and those without Ulimately, all of the state statutes fail to protect the artist or the 360-62 public Many of the statutes raise concerns over their jurisdictional reach in states that are traditional cultural 362-63 and artistic centers N NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ASSOCIATION ATHLETIC See DRUG-TESTING this index P Indidual State Analysis The statutes do not protect all creations or even all copyrightable 325 subject matter Moral rights statutes are of two general types directed at protecting 325-26 works of fine art Analysis of California, Massachusetts, New Louisiana, Connecticut, York, New Jersey, Rhode Island 326-47 and Maine statutes Federal Copyright Preemption Significance of state statutes will depend on the extent, if any, of fed347 eral copyright preemption Section 301 of the Federal Copyright Act of 1976 sets forth a two-prong 347-48 tests Copyrightable subject matter under 348-49 the federal law Whether the new state statutory rights are the equivalent of federally protected rights requires an PRICE RESTRAINTS See VERTICAL Index RESTRAINTS this PRICING CLAUSES Economic analysis of long-term 602-05 contracts Competitor-based formula pricing clauses 605-07 defined Efficiencies of competitor-based formula pricing clauses 607-09 Allocation of risk competitive against Insurance 609-10 disadvantage Maintenance of incentives to minimize 610-11 cost Earlier consummation of transactions due to elimination of risk of price 611 change Anticompetitive effects at competitorbased formula pricing clauses Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 13 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW Cartel theory 611-12 Theory of facilitating prices 616-17 Competitor-based formula pricing clauses as facilitating devices 61726 Legal analysis Agreement requirement 627-34 Rule of reason analysis 634-37 In re Ethyl Corp. 637-39 R RIGHT-TO-DIE See INDIVIDUAL WORTH this Index RIGHT-TO-LIFE See INDIVIDUAL WORTH this Index S SEARCH AND SEARCH See DRUG-TESTING this Index SECURED TRANSACTIONS Pre-Uniform Commercial Code General commonlaw of security410-13 Pre-code history at is applies to escrows 413-16 Pre-1977 Uniform Commercial Code General pre-1977 Code history416-20 Attachment of security interests under pre-1977 U.C.C. 420-24 Perfection of security interest under the the pre-1977 U.C.C. 424-27 Escrows under the pre-1977 U.C.C. 427-35 New Article of the U.C.C. General purpose and structure of new article eight 436-40 Attachment versus perfection as applied to escrows 440-43 Attachment and perfection of a security interest in the escrow context: analysis under Section 8-313 [Vol. 18:3 443-52 Escrows arising under new Section 8452-62 313(1) SENTENCING GUIDELINES Comparing state and federal guidelines 3-4 Purposes of the federal sentencing guidelines 4-6 Guidelines to fulfill the congressional mandate 6-7 The two basic principles guiding the Commission in drafting guidelines 7-8 Compromises made in the drafting process 8-31 Conflict between "procedural" and "substantive" justice 8-15 The nature of Commission 15-18 Traditional trade-offs in substantive proposals 19-25 The "intraltable" sentencing problem 25-28 The problems endemic to the criminal justice system 28-31 General application principles 34-35 Federal bank robbery statute 36-37 Guidelines: statutory index cross reference 38 Robbery, extortion and blackmail sen39-40 tencing guideline Adjustments possible under Chapter Three 41 Criminal history and criminal records and sentencing guidelines 42-43 Introduction to Guidelines 45 Principles governing the redrafting of the preliminary guidelines 47-50 SOLDIER'S RIGHTS The Constitution, the Military and Soldier's Rights The standing army in early American Society 468-71 Constitutional ambiguities and Congress' regulatory authority over the Armed Forces 471-74 Deference in Perspective Theoretical bases for deference474-77 Deference challenged 477-81 http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 14 et al.: End Matter INDEX Is the Principle of Deference a Standard of Review Supreme Court must provide some standard of review for lower 481-82 courts The Court's constitutional review of military regulations is more deferential than the same review of laws for civilian society, however, the court does not reveal how much 482-91 more deferential STATE PROTECTION LIBERTIES OF CIVIL 100-08 advertising The first amendment on commercial 108-112 speech Tobacco advertising and limitations on 113-22 commercial speech The health consequences of cigarette smoking constititute a "substantial 122-24 goverment interest" A ban on tobacco advertising directly advances the substantial govern125-29 ment interest at stake The "least restrictive means" requirement and tobacco advertising 129-34 See MORAL RIGHTS LEGISLATION this Index U STATE TAKEOVER STATUTES Overview of state takeover regulation "First Generation" regulation 542-48 "Second Generation" regulation 548-57 State incompetence to regulate corporate takeovers takeover motiviated Protectionist 558-67 legislation Federal limitations on corporate 567-78 law State incompetence to regulate corporate takeovers: the management bias in the chartering market 578-93 Delaware takeover statute and promotion of management interests 580-93 Federal limitations on corporate law 594-98 UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE See SECURED TRANSACTIONS this Index V VERTICAL RESTRAINTS Vertical restraints and their impact on the inframarginal consumer139-40 Vertical restraints and their impact on 140-43 consumer welfare An analysis of inframarginal con145-51 sumer demand Vertical restraints and the rule of rea151-57 son in antitrust law T W TOBACCO ADVERTISING Operational setting WILLS of tobacco See HOLOGRAPHIC WILLS this Index Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 15 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 18:3 TABLE OF CASES Abram's Will, In re ........ 184, 185 Abrisz v. Pulley Freight Lines ..... 401 Acting Attorney General, Capital Broadcasting v ................ 102 Action on Smoking & Health v. Harris ........................ 104 Adair v. United States............. 367 Adamson, City of Santa Barbara v. . 317 Addyston Pipe & Steel Co. v. United States .......... .... 154, 636 Adler v. American Standard Corp. .. 402 Admiral Theatre Corp. v. Douglas Theatre Co........ ........ _.627 Adolph Coors Co., Copper Liquor, Inc. v. ....................... 636 Aetna Life & Cas. Co., Finley v. ... 400 Afandor, United States v ......... 653 Affiliated Hosp. Prods., Beasely v . 402 Ahmad, Southwest Gas Corp. v. .. . 403 Aiello v. United Air Lines .... 392, 405 Alabama, Coleman v............. 70 Alabama, Douglas v......... 71, 72 Alabama, Marsh v.. ..... 648 Alexander v. Choate ............... ...257, 261, 262, 263, 265, 271, 274 Alexander, Lindenau v ........... 489 Alexander v. Phillips Oil Co........ 392 Alexandria Scrap Corp., Hughes v .... ............ 227, 232, 233 Alkota Mfg., Inc. Osterkamp v .... 404 Allan, Berman v................. ......... 493, 496, 498, 499, 501 Allen v. City of Marietta ..... 655, 669 Allen v. Safeway Stores, Inc. . ... 405 Allied Cent. Stores, Inc., Kulkay v ..... ..................378, 382 Almeida-Sanchez v. United States.. 660 Alston, State v. ............... 317 Amalgamated Transit United, Local 1277 v. Sunline Transit Agency......... ... 643, 658, 660 Amanda Acquisition Corp. v. Universal Food Corp.............. 577 Ambroz v. Cornhusker Square Ltd... 403 American Airlines, Cleary v............ ...............368, 373, 400 American Automobile Ass'n, Anderson v. ................... 636 American Broadcasting Cos., Gilliam v... ................ .... 323 American Can Co. v. Oregon Liquor Con- trol Comm'n ....... 574 American Excelsior Co., Carpenter v. . .. . .. .... . 390 American Fed'n of Gov't Employees v. Dole ............. 642, 659 American Fed'n of Gov't Employees v. Weinberger ...... 643, 658, 660 American Guard & Alert, Inc., Knight v. 400 American Home Prods. Corp., Murphy v. 403 American Hotels, Inc., Parner v. 370, 372, 401 American Hosp. Ass'n, Bowen v. .. 258, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264, 298, 315 American Int'l Pictures, Jaeger v. 323 American Mini Theatres, Inc., Young v. .... . ... . . 108, 110, 125 American Motor Inns, Inc., v. Holiday Inns, Inc.. . . ... . 636 American Motor Inns, Inc., Thompson v. 405 American Red Cross, Lovskog v. 170 American Standard Corp., Adler v.. 402 American Standard Inc., Black & Decker Corp. v. ....... 206, 210, 214, 215 American Synthetic Rubber Corp., Shah v. . . .402 American Tobacco Co. v. United States 627, 628 American Tobacco Co., United States v. 154 American Washboard Co. v. Saginaw Mfg. Co. 323 Amos Treat & Co., Katz v. 449 Anaconda Indus., Magnan v. . 372, 400 Anco Constr. Co. v. Freeman. 401 Anderson v. American Automobile Ass'n . .. . 636 Anguillard, Edwards v... 314 APL Ltd. Partnership v. Van Dusen Air, Inc. ..... .. ... 554 Arie v. Intertherm, Inc ........ 373 Arizona v. Maricopa County Medical Soc'y ... ........ 599 Arizona, Mincey v......... ... 657 Arkansas, Gladden v. .. .. 400 Arline, School Board v. .. 237, 239, 240, 241, 242, 245, 254, 256, 257, 275, 283, 285, 288, 294, 295, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310, 312 http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 16 et al.: End Matter INDEX Arlosoroff v. NCAA 641, 648, 650, 651 Arnold v. Diet Center, Inc.......... 382, 383, 385, 386, 387 Ash, Cort v. 226 Associated Press, Bell v ... .... 675 Associated Press, International News Service v. . ..... 323 Associated Students, Inc. v. NCAA . 649 Afascadero Unified School Dist., Thomas v. ........... ...... 285 Atkins, Scott v ... 197 Atlantic Richfield Co., Roberts v... 368 Atlantic Richfield Co., Tameny v ........ ..,371,400 Atlas Van Lines, Rothery Storage & Van Co. v. . . .... ... 599 Automobile Club, Bullock v .... . 381 Automobile Club, Farrell v . ...... 395 Avis Rent A Car Sys., Ohanian v....... . .......... 373, 393 Azzolino v. Dingfelder ............ . 494, 496, 497, 499 Badger, State v. ............ 317 Bailey v. Perkins Restaurants, Inc. . . 386 Baird, Eisenstadt v. ... 502, 513, 516 Baker v. Brown ........ 175, 177 Baker v. Carr .... 474, 475 Baker, Estate of .. ..... 178, 181 Baker Voorhis & Co., Clevenger v.. 322 Baldwin v. G.A.F. Seelig, Inc ........ ... 211, 212, 568, 569, 575 Ballard, Schlesinger v ............. 465, 466, 467, 484 Banas v. Matthews Int'l Corp ...... 397 Bani-Esraili v. Lerman ......... 501 Bankers Trust Co., Roberge v . 419 Banzhafv. FCC .99, 102, 113, 114, 122, 125, 128, 131, 133 Barber v. Page .... 72, 73, 74, 77 Barger v. General Elec. Co. 365 Barlow's, Inc., Marshall v........ 682 Barnwell Bros., South Carolina State Highway Dep't v........... 568 Barrett, Gregg v. . ........ 314 Barry Gilberg, Ltd. v. Craftex Corp ... .. ...... . .395, 396, 398 Bartinikas v. Clarklift of Chicago N., Inc. 395, 396, 398 Bartlett, In re Will of ........... 198 Bartoio, Proffitt v.. ......... 500 Basin Elec. Power Coop., Sadler v ...... ... 381, 396 Batchelor v. Sears, Roebuck & Co....... .373, 379, 390, 392, 394 Bates v. State Bar of Arizona . . 109, 130 Bauman, City of Palm Bay v ........ . ............ ...654, 655, 657 Beasely v. Affiliated Hosp. Prods. .... 402 Becker v. Schwartz ....... 499, 500, 501 Beebe Rubber Co., Mongev ......... .............. 365, 372, 403 Beecham Laboratories, Radwan v .... 390 Beedy, Kruse, Kruse & Miklosko, Inc. v.. 434 Belfatto v. Robert Bosch Corp.. 384 Bell v. Associated Press .......... 675 Bell, Burton v ................. 193 Bell, Farr v.............. ... 197 Bell v. Faulkner ............... 367 Bell v. Timmins . 171, 175, 176, 177, 178 Bellotti, First Nat'l Bank v. ....... 113 Bell v. Wolfish ............ 676, 682 Bendix Corp. v. Flowers ........... 401 Benedict v. Ratner ............... 413, 422, 423, 427, 428,....... 442 Beneficial Corp. v. FTC......... 114 Bennett, Estate of ........... 175, 177 Bennett's Will, In re ............ 200 benShalom v. Marsh ............ 489 Berger v. California ............. 79 Berman v. Allan 493, 496, 498, 499, 501 Bernalillo, Hooper v ............... 485 Berry v. Doctor's Health Facilities . 387 Bethesda Hosp. Ass'n v. Bowen ..... 315 Bialk, In re ........ 423, 424, 425, 426 Bibb v. Navajo Freight Lines....., 223 Bibb Co., Evans v................ 401 Bibbs v. Block ............... 259 Bigelow v. Virginia ...... 108, 109, 112 Bio-Science Laboratory, Curlender v ..... . ...............496, 500 Birch, Kanable v............... 186 Bird v. J.L. Prescott Co .......... 367 Bishop Clarkson Memorial Hosp., Jeffers v. ........ .403 Bissell, Inc., Chamberlain v........ 376 Biswell, United States v. . 659, 661, 662 B.L. Lanier Fruit Co., Varner v .... 380 Black, Estate of . . . 171, 172, 173, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 192, 193, 194 Black & Decker Corp. v. American Standard, Inc... ... 206, 210, 214, 215 Blair, In re Estate of ....... .171, 172 Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithographing Co.. . ... ................. 355 Block, Bibbs v ............... 259 Bludworth, John F. Kennedy Memorial Hosp. v. .............. 508 Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 .... 17 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Toussaint v... * 373, 374, 377, 378, 390, 395, 402 Blue Cross, Staggs v .............. 402 Blunt, Icahn v ........... 554, 561, 563 Blum v. Yaretsky ..................... ............ 647, 648, 649, 650, 651 BNS Inc. v. Koppers Co ......... 584 Board of Educ., District 27 Community School Bd. v.................. 278 Board of Educ., Patchogue-Medford Congress of Teachers v ..... 643, 655, 658 Board of Regents v. Roth ...... 651, 670 Board of Trustees of E. Cent. Junior College, Robinson v ............ 402 Board of Wardens, Cooley v ........ 541 Boise Cascade Corp. v. FTC ....... 621 Bolling v. Sharpe ................ 487 Bolger, de la Torres v............ 247 Bolger v. Youngs Drug Prods. Corp.... . ......... 108, 109, 110, 131 Borelli, Ochs v .......... .... 500 Borowski v. Vitro Corp ............. 402 Boudar v. EG & G Inc.......... 403 Bouvia v. Superior Court ...... 508, 516, 523, 525 Bouse v. Bussey ............... 685 Bowen v. American Hosp. Ass'n .... 258, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264, 298, 315 Bowen, Bethesda Hosp. Ass'n v ..... 315 Bowers v. Hardwick ............ 490 Bowman v. State Bank .......... 405 Brainard v. Imperial Mfg Co ..... 404 Brandon's Estate, In re .......... 192 Breard v. City of Alexandria ....... 109 Brener v. Industrial Steel Container Co... ....................... .....449 Brensic, People v .......... ..... 86 Briggs, In re Estate of ............ 191 Brigstocke, Hall v....... 192, 193, 194 Broadcast Music, Inc. v. Columbia Broadcasting Sys ................ 153 Brockmeyer v. Dun & Bradstreet ....... ............... .370, 405 Breen v. Dakota Gear & Joint Co. .. 404 Brooks v. TWA ................ 392 Brookshaw v. South St. Paul Feed, Inc.., ................ 381, 394, 395, 396 Brophy v. New England Sinai Hosp...... ................ 507, 509 Brown, Baker v ............. 175, 177 Brown, Elliot v ................ 500 Brown-Forman Distiller's Corp. v. New York State Liquor Authority ........ ...... ............. 214, 223, 570 [Vol. 18:3 Brown v. Glines ..... 465, 466, 467, 474, 478, 479, 486, 487 Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp, Schoenkopf v .. 627 Brown Mach. Co., Pratt v. 388 Brown, West v.......... .. 489 Bruce Church, Inc., Pike v. 211, 212, 220, 546, 568, 576, 569, 570 Bruggeman v. Schimke . .496, 497, 500 Bruton v. United States ...... 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 67, 69, 83 BT Investment Managers, Lewis v.. .............. .569, 570, 575 Buckley v. Valeo ............ ... 133 Buckton v. NCAA .... .. .. 649 Bullock v. Automobile Club .... 381 Burger, Naccash v......... 501 Burger, New York v . .659, 660, 661 Burks v. Lasker............. 226 Burnett, In re . 421 Burnley, Railway Labor Executives Ass'n v...642, 643, 658, 659, 662, 677, 686 Burroughs Corp., Crain v . 376, 386 Burton v. Bell . ..... 193 Burton v. Wilmington Parking Auth. .... .. . 647, 648 Bussey, Bouse v.............. 685 Bustamonte, Schneckloth v... 658 Butler v. Michigan ......... 120, 121 Butler Serv. Group, Inc., Consultants & Designers, Inc. v............. 155 Butts, Curtis Publishing Co. v.. 675 Business Elecs. Corp. v. Sharp Elecs. Corp. 137 .. . . . . .... Cahall Bros., United States v .. 420 Cain-Sloan Co., Clanton v . . 404 Califano v. Webster ......... 488 California, Goldstein v. .. . 321, 355, 362 California v. Green .......... 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, ..... .74, 88, 95 California, Harrington v ........ 58 California, Kerv ........ 647 California Retail Liquor Dealers Ass'n v. Midcal Aluminum, Inc..... 634 California, Schmerber v. . .. .....-. . . ... 653, 654, 656, 666 Camara v. Municipal Court ... ...... 654, 657, 658, 664, .652,666, Campbell, Hoffman-La Roche, Inc. v.. ........... 373, 374, 395, 396, 400 Canadian Pac Airlines, Kinoshita v.. 401 Canisius College v. United States .. 216 Cannon v. National By-Prods., Inc... 401 http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 .373, 18 et al.: End Matter INDEX Canterbury v. Spence .. 509, 510 Capital Broadcasting Co. v. Acting Attorney General . .102 Capital Broadcasting Co. v. Mitchell . . 102, 125, 131 Capital Cities Cable, Inc. v. Crisp.. 132 Capua v. City of Plainfield .. 642, 643, 647, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 660, 662, 664, 665, 669, 670, 673, 674, 682, 683, 684, 685 Caraher, State v ''' 317 Cardiff Acquisitions, Inc. v. Hatch .. 551 Care-More, Inc., Whittaker v. . 390, 404 Carey v. Population Serv. Int'l.. 109, 112 Carlucci, National Fed'n of Fed. Employees v. .. 683, 685, 686 Carolene Prods. Co., United States v.. 99 Carpenter v. American Excelsior Co.... ........... 390 Carpenter's Estate, In re ... . 184, 186 Carr, Baker v ..... 474, 475 Carter, Paragon Homes, Inc. v ..... 380 Caserta, James G. v. ........ 501 Cashman, Crawfor v. .. 489 Castaner v. Superior Court ... 167 Castiglione v. Johns Hopkins Hosp.... 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383 Catepillar Tractor Co., Schoen v. . 367 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service Comm'n . . 102, 105, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 116, 121, 122, 124, 125, 128, 129, 130 Central Ind. Gas Co., Frampton v... 401 Chalk v. United States Dist. Court .. 309 Chamberlain v. Bissell, Inc .. . 376 Chambers v. Mississippi . . 79, 82 Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire ... 108 Chappell v. Wallace 465, 466, 476, 477 Charles-O. Finley & Co., Twin City Sportservice, Inc. v. ..... .... 633 Charles of the Ritz Corp. v. FTC . 114 Chem-Lawn Corp., Morris v... 373, 383 Chevalier, In re Estate of .. ... . 186 Chicago Board of Trade v. United States . 636 Chicken Delight, Inc., Siegel v. . 636 Choate, Alexander v. . . 257, 261, 262, 263, 265, 271, 274 Christenson, Valentine v. .. 109 Chrisian, Estate of .. 173 Chuy v. Philadelphia Eagles Footbal Club . ... 675 Cillo, Procanik v. 493, 494, 497, 498, 502 Cities Serv. Co., First Nat'l Bank v.. City of Alexandria, Breard v ....... City of Burley, Harkness v......... City of Chattanooga, Lovvorn v ......... .................. .643, 655, 657, 658, 660, 663, 682, 683, 627 109 401 654, 685, 686 City of Cleveland, Feliciano .... 643, 658 City of Marietta, Allen v ....... 655, 669 City of Palm Bay v. Bauman ........ ........ 654, 655, 657 City of Plainfield, Capua v ..... 642, 643, 647, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 660, 662, 664, 665, 669, 670, 673, 674, 677, 682, 683, 684, 685 City Capital Assocs., L.P. v. Interco, Inc. ... 218 City of Cleburne v. Cleburne Living Center, Inc ................ 485 City & County of San Fransisco, Fadhl v. ........ 259 City of Madison, Dean Milk v ... 212 City of Oxford, Dunagin v ...... 125, 127 City of Philadelphia v. New Jersey ..... 569, 570 City of Santa Barbara v. Adamson .. 317 City of San Diego, Metromedia Inc. v.... ....... 129, 133 City of Santa Monica, Shell Oil Co. v... .. ...... 205, 227, 231, 232, 233 Civil Rights Cases ............... 647 Clanton v. Cain-Sloan Co.......... 404 Clark Oil & Refining Corp., Phipps v. ... ........ 402 Clarklift of Chicago N., Inc., Bartinikas v. . . .. . . . .395, 396, 398 Clearman's Golden Cock Inn, Glenn v.... ...... 371 Cleary v. American Airlines ............ 373, 400 Cleburne Living Center Inc., City of Cleburne v.................. 485 Cleveland Board of Educ. v. Loudermill.. ......... ............. 65 1 Clevenger v. Baker Voorhis & Co. .. 322 Cockels v. International Business Expositions, Inc................... 402 Coleman v. Alabama .............. 70 Coleman v. Garrison ............. 500 Coleman Co., Morriss v .... 387, 392, 401 Colin v. Schmidt ................ 273 Collins, In re Estate of ........... 184 Colonnade Catering Corp. v. United States ........ ....I 659, 661 Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 .214, ... .368, .... ....... 19 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 [Vol. 18:3 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW Colorado Interstatd Gas Co., Jimenez v.. ........... 384, 385 ........... 647 Colorado, Wolf v .............. Columbia Broadcasting Sys., Broadcast Music, Inc. v......... ........ 153 Colyer, In re .................... 529 Commissioner, Estate of Kamm v.... 408 Connecticut, Griswold v. .... 502, 513, 516 Connolly, Hyde Park Partners v...... ..... ................ 212, 551, 558 Conroy, In re ... 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 511, 521, 524, 526, 528, 532 Consolidated Edison Co. v. Public Serv. 108 ........ Comm'n ........ Consolidated Equip. Sales, Inc. v. First State Bank & Trust Co......... 419 Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Darrone ..... .................... 256, 257, 258 Consolidated Rail Corp. DiBonaventura v. .............. .............. 404 Consultants & Designers, Inc. v. Butler Serv. Group, Inc.............. .... 155 Container Corp. of America, Continental Air Lines v. Keenan ... .................. 373, 374, 400 Continental Television Inc. v. GTE Sylvania, Inc ...... 138, 156, 157, 630, 634 374, 405 Cook v. Heck's, Inc ........... Cooley v. Board of Wardens ....... 541 657 Coolidge v. New Hampshire ....... Copeland, In re .... 408, 430, 431, 432, 434, 435, 440, 442, 443, 454, 455, 456, 457, 463 .... 367 Coppage v. Kansas ..... Copper Liquor, Inc. v. Adolph Coors Co.. ............... ........... 636 650 Cornell Univ., Mchale v........... Cornhusker Square Ltd., Ambroz v. . 403 226 Cort v. Ash .................. Cory, Western Oil & Gas Ass'n ....... .............. 227, 231, 232, 233 499, 523 Cosgrove, Gleitman v........ 497, 501 Cote, Smith v............. C-O Two Fire Equipment Co. v. United 628 States .................... 655 Coughlin, Storms v............ 472 Covert, Reid v.................. Coyne, Fort Halifax Packing Co. v. . 574 Craftex Corp., Barry Gilberg, Ltd. v... ... 395, 396, 398 ............ 488 Craig v. Boren ................ 376, 386 Crain v. Burroughs Corp ..... Crain Consumer Group Div. of Crain Comms. Inc., Fazekas v. ...... 675 Crawford v. Cushman .... Crisp, Oklahoma Broadcasters Ass'n ... *....... ... . 489 100, 113 Crocker, United States v.. 28 Cruz v. New York. 86, 87 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 63, ...... 509 Cruzan v. Harmon .......... CRTF Corp. v. Federated Dep't Stores, 214, 215 Inc................. CTS Corp. v. Dynamics Corp. of America 213, 217, 218, 220, 535, 537, 541, 542, 555, 556, 557, 565, 572, 573, 574, 576, 577, 581, 582, 597 177 Cummings v. Curtis ........ 404 Cummins v. EG&G Sealol, Inc. Cunningham, In re Estate of 192, 193, 194 Curlender v. Bio-Science Laboratory 496, 500 ......... 177 Curtis, Cummings v... 675 Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts 322 Curtis Publishing Co., Peay v. 489 Cushing v. Tetter ........ Dakota Gear & Joint Co., Breen v. 404 . 485 Dandridge v. Williams .. 401 Danners, Hamblen v....... ... 205, 223, 548, 569, 207, 224, 551, 570, 211, 231, 554, 571, Darrone, Consolidated Rail Corp. v. 256, 257, 258 . 354, 541 . Davidowitz, Hines v . . .. 190, 191, 197 Davis, Fenton v. Davis, Southeastern Community College v. 263, 270 . 658 Davis v. United States Dayton Tire & Rubber Co., Webb v. 404 159, 169, 170 Dean v. Dickey.. 573 Dean Milk Co. v. Madison 171, 172 DeCassia, In re Estate of Degen v. Investors Diversified Servs. 368 Deho v. Westchester County Med. Center . .. . . . 652, 654, Delaware v. Prouse. . de Lasala, Mitford v. .. de Ia Torres v. Bolger Dell v. Montgomery Ward & Co. . . 381, 382, 383, 386, 387, 388, Decci Paoli v. United States.. . 507 659 400 247 389 . 52, 53, 54, 55, 69 Democratic-Herald Publishing Co., 404 Yartzoff v ...... Department of Army, Mullholland v. 674, 682, 686.642, http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 20 et al.: End Matter INDEX DeRose v. Putnam Management Co.. 402 DeSalle v. Key Bank ..... ..... 402 Detroit, Toledo & Ironton RR, Trombetta V. . . . ..... .... ....... 371 Dewey, Donovan v. . 659, 660, 661, 682 DiBonaventura v. Consolidated Rail Corp. ................. 404 Dickey, Dean v ......... 159, 169, 170 Diet Center, Inc., Arnold v .......... ... ...382, 383, 385, 386, 387 Dingfelder, Azzolino v ........ ....... ...... 494, 496, 497, 499 Dispatch Printing Co., Mers v... 373, 404 District 27 Community School Bd. v. Board of Educ. ............ 278 Dobson, In re Estate of .......... 176 Doctor's Health Facilities, Berry v. .. 387 Dole, American Fed'n of Gov't Employees v. ................ 642, 659 Dolly Madison Indus., Inc., In re ....... 427, 428, 430, 431,434, 455, 460 Donaldson Lithographing Co., Bleistein v. ................. 355 Donovan v. Dewey . 659, 660, 661, 682 Dorr Woolen Co., Howard v....... 403 Douglas v. Alabama ........... 71, 72 Douglas Theatre Co., Admiral Theatre Corp. v. ............... __.627 Dreyfus' Estate, In re ............ 159 Dronenburg v. Zech ............. 489 Dr. Miles Medical Co. v. John D. Park & Sons Co. ..........630, 633, 634 Dudkin v. Michigan Civil Serv. Comm'n . ................. 381 Duke Power Co., Griggs v ......... 261 Duke Power Co., Harris v .......... 403 Duke Univ., Gallagher v.. 496, 501 Duke Univ., Sides v......... 403 Dukes, New Orleans v........... 485 Duldulao v. Saint Mary Nazareth Hosp. Center ............. 373, 401 DuMond, H.P. Hood & Sons v.. 211, 212 Dumer v. St. Michael's Hosp ...... 501 Dun & Bradstreet, Brockmeyer v . ... ...... 370, 405 Dunagin v. City of Oxford ..... 125, 127 Durlewanger, In re Estate of ...... 172 Dutton v. Evans ............ 79, 88 Dynamics Corp. of America, CTS Corp.. 205, 207, 211, 213, 217, 218, 220, 223, 224, 231, 535, 537, 541, 542, 551, 554, 555, 556, 557, 565, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 576, 577, 581, 582, 597 Eales v. Tanana Valley Medical-Surgical Group ......... ....... 373, 400 Edgar v. Mite Corp ............ ... 207, 212, 217, 219, 220, 224, 537, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 554, 556, 557, 570, 571, 573, 574, 576, 577, 580, 581, 596, 597 Edward J. Sweeney & Sons v. Texaco Inc. ............ ............. - 154 Edward v. Anguillard ........... _314 E.E. Black Ltd. v. Marshall ......... 248, 255 EG&G Inc., Boudar v........... 403 EG&G Sealol, Inc., Cummins v ..... 404 Eldridge v. Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Soc'y ........ 383, 387, 388 E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Co. v. FTC. ............ 601, 627, 631, 637, 638 Eiberger v. Sony Corp ......... 634 Eisbrenner v. Stanley ............ 501 Eisenbaum, Limnger v .......... 500 Eisenstadt v. Baird ....... 502, 513, 516 Eliel v. Sears, Roebuck & Co... 390, 394 Elliot v. Brown .......... ..... 500 Ellis v. Sherman ............... 501 Engstrom v. John Nuveen & Co..... 404 Erznoznik v. City of Jacksonville .... 120 Ethyl Corp. In re .................. ... 601, 602, 606, 616, 623, 624, 637, 638, 639 Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Soc'y ............. .. 383, 387, 388 Evans v. Bibb Co ......... _.401 Evans, Dutton v ..... ........ 79, 88 Evans v. Newton ........... 648, 649 Evans v. United States ........... 55 Eve, In re .................. 515, 524 Exchange Nat'l Bank, Robinson v. .. 414 Ex Parte Milligan .............. 472 Fadhl v. City & County of SanFrancisco. ................. ... 259 Fairweather v. Nord ,... 171, 174, 192 Farr v. Bell ........... ....... 197 Fatico, United States v. .......... 11 FCC, Banzhaf v. ... 99, 102, 113, 114, 122, 125, 128, 131, 133 FCC, Larus & Brother Co. v... 116, 122 FCC v. Pacifica Foundation .... 120, 131 Farmer's Educ. & Coop. Union v. Langlois - - -........ 367 Farrell, In re ...................... 504, 505, 508, 516, 523, 525, 528, 532 Farrell v. Automobile Club ........ 395 Farrier, Spence v..............655 Faulkner, Bell v............... 367 Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 .247, 21 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW Fassoulas v. Ramey ............ 500 Fazekas v. Crain Consumer Group Div. of Crain Comms. Inc ............. 675 Federal Express Corp., Leahy v ....... *..*.............. 381, 383, 390 Federal Land Bank Ass'n, Hillesland v... ............................. 464 Federated Dep't Stores, Inc., CRTF Corp. v................ ... 214, 215 Fegley, In re Estate of ..... 192, 193, 194 Feliciano v. City of Cleveland .. 643, 658 Fenton v. Davis ........... 190, 191, 197 Ferc, Hirschey v............... 314 Ferraro v. Koelsch .............. 392 Fetter Printing Co., Nork v .......... ................. 377, 386, 387 Finegold, Speck v ............. 497, 501 Fink v. Revco Discount Drug Centers, Inc. .............. .............. 377 Fenley v. Aetna Life & Cas. Co ..... 400 Firestone Textile Co. Div., Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. Meadows.. 370, 402 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. FTC .... ........ .............. 114, 118 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Perks v.... ................. ........... 37 1 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Veere, Inc. v....................... 218 First Interstate Bank, Wilcox Development Co. v .................. 627, 628 First Nat'l Bank v. Bellotti ........ 113 First Nat'l Bank v. Cities Serv. Co. . 627 First Nat'l Bank, Harless v ..... 371, 405 First Nat'l Maintenance Corp. v. NLRB. ..... ...... ............. 590 First State Bank & Trust Co., Consolidated Equip. Sales, Inc. v ..... 419 Fisher v. Jackson .............. 368 Fisher, People v............. 69, 70 Fleet Aerospace Corp. v. Holderman. 555 Fleming, Rasmussen v.............. ... *......... 507, 509, 511, 526 Flowers, Bendix Corp. v.......... 401 Ford Motor Co., Schipani v. ... 392, 393 Forest City Enterps., Polk Bros. v... 599 Forrester v. Parker............. 403 Fort Halifax Packing Co. v. Coyne.. 574 Fortune v. National Cash Register Co.... ..................... 371,402 Frampton v. Central Ind. Gas Co.... 401 Fraternal Order of Police, Turner v...... .................... 653, 655, 657 Freeman, Anco Constr. Co. v . 401 Frichter v. National Life & Accident Ins. [Vol. 18:3 Co. ................... 402 Friedman v. Rogers ......... 110, 113 Fritz, United States R.R. Retirement Bd. v........................485 FTC, E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Co. v. 601, 627, 631, 637, ........ 638 FTC V. Motion Picture Advertising Serv. Co. ........... 626, 630, 632, 633 FTC, Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. .. . .....114, 118 FTC, National Comm'n on Egg Nutrition v................ ... 115 FTC v. Simeon Management Corp. . . ... 114, 115 ..... Fulton-DeKalb Hosp. Auth. v. Graves 500 F.W. Woolworth Co., Shaver v. 395, 396 G.A.F. Seelig, Inc., Baldwin v.. ..... .... 211, 212, 568, 569, 575 Gallagher v. Duke Univ .. . 496, 501 In re Gardner ........ 509 Garmon v. Health Group of Atlanta, Inc. .. 401 Garrison, Coleman v ...... . 500 Garrity v. Valley View Nursing Home, Inc. ...... 402 Gates v. Life of Mont. Ins. Co. . 372, 403 Gatling, In re Will of . .. 198 General Dynamics Corp., McQuitty v. .......... . . . 463 General Elec. Co., Barger v.. . . 365 General Elec. Co., United States v. 601, 608, 615 .. General Motors Corp., Kari v. . 384, 385 General Motors Corp., Taylor v. . 390 George's Estate, In re .. .192, 193, 195 Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc. . 110 Gianaculas v. TWA, .. 383, 390 Gilbert v. California ... . 96 Gilbert, Pioneer Bank & Trust Co. v. . .. 421 Giles, Estate of v. Shannon. 167 Giles, In re Estate of... 192 Gilliam v. American Broadcasting Cos. . ..... . 323 Gilligan v. Morgan . 473, 476 Ginsberg v. New York 120 Gilroy, In re Will of ....... 199, 200 Gladden v. Arkansas 400 Gleitman v. Cosgrove ... 499, 523 Glenn v. Clearman's Golden Cock Inn 371 Glines, Brown v......... 465, 466, 467, 474, 478, 479, 486, 487 http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 22 et al.: End Matter INDEX Goldberg, Lord v .................. 367 Goldberg, Rostker v ................ 465, 466, 467, 468, 474, 475,476, 478, Goldberg v. Ruskin .......... .497, 500 Goldman v. Secretary of Defense.... 490 Goldman v. Weinberger... 465, 466, 467, 468, 474, 477, 478, 479, 480, 482, 483, 490, 491, 492 Gooch v. Gooch ................. 174 Goldstein v. California ..... 321, 355, 362 Gomez v. Murdoch ............ 675 Gould Inc., Wisconsin Dep't of Indus., Labor & Human Relations v ....... 227 Graham v. NCAA .......... 649, 650 Graham v. Scissor-Tail, Inc ......... 379 Grady, In re .................... • . 493, 513, 514, 515, 521, 523, 524 Gram v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co ...... 372 Grant, In re............. 507, 508, 526 Graves, Fulton-DeKalb Hosp. Auth. v. ... . ... . ....... .. ....... 500 Gray v. Romeo ............... 504 Greary v. United States Steel Corp. . 404 Great Western United Corp., Leroy v. ... ...... .......... ...... 541 Greco v. Halliburton Co ............ 390 Green, California v ................ ... 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 88, 95 Green, Santa Fe Indus. v ........... 226 Gregg v. Barrett ................. 314 Griffen v. Wisconsin .............. 657 Griggs v. Duke Power Co ......... 261 Griswold v. Connecticut .... 502, 513, 516 Grobman, In re Estate of ...... 180, 181 GTE Sylvania, Inc., Continental Television Inc. v ..... 138, 156, 157, 630, 634 Guiney v. Roache ............. 655, 666 Gulino, In re .................... 418 Gunn v. Phillips ........ 196, 197, 201 Gwinn, Thomason v ............... 197 Haelan Laboratories v. Topps Chewing Gum, Inc .................. 322 Hail, In re Estate of .............. 186 Hall v. Brigstocke......... 192, 193, 194 Halliburton Co., Greco v.......... 390 Hamblen v. Danners ............ 401 Hamby v. Genesco, Inc.......... 404 Hamlet v. Hamlet . 191, 193, 194, 195 Hammond v. North Dakota State Personnel Bd ................... 404 Handel, Shoemaker v .... 642, 660, 661, 662, 664, 665, 669, 673, 674, 682, 683, 684 Hanson v. Harrah's ............. 403 Harbeson v. Parke-Davis ....... 495, 501 Hardwick, Bowers v............... 490 Harkness v. City of Burley ......... 401 Harless v. First Nat'l Bank .... 371,405 Harmon, Cruzan v ............... 509 Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. v. Nation Enters ........................ 353 Harrah's, Hanson v ................ 403 Harrington v. California ............ 58 Harris, Action on Smoking & Health v... ........... 104 Harris v. Duke Power Co........... 403 Harris Trust & Say. Bank, Morgan v. .... ... 385 .................. .......................... Harret v. Unity Medical Center, Inc ..... ....... 382 ...................... Haskins v. United States Dept of the Army ........................ 259 Hatch, Cardiff Acquisitions, Inc. v... 551 Hastings v. Lincoln Trust Co ....... 422 Hauck, Sabine Pilot Serv., Inc. v ...... ..... ....... .......... 405 .371, Hawaiian Oke & Liquors, Ltd., Joseph E. Seagram & Sons v ........... 627 Hawkins v. NCAA................... ........ 647, 648, 649, 650, 670, 671 Haymon v. Wilkerson ............. 500 Hazelwood, Estate of .............. 188 Health Group of Atlanta, Inc., Garmon v. ............................. 401 Hecht v. Pro-Football ............. 631 Hecks, Inc., Cook v............ 374, 405 Heffner v. Heffner ................ 185 Heideck v. Kent Gen. Hosp ......... 401 Helix Milling Co. v. Terminal Flour Mills Co ........................... 153 Helle v. Landmark, Inc ................ ............ 379, 392, 393, 395, 396 Hengy, Estate of ................. 188 Henry, Middendorf v...... 465, 466, 467 Herd v. Herd ................... 198 Hier, In re ....................... 514 Hillesland v. Federal Land Bank Ass'n... ............................. 404 Hines v. Davidowitz ........... 354, 541 Hinson v. Cameron .............. 404 Hirschey v. FERC ................ 314 Hocks, Nees v .................. 404 Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc. v. Campbell ..... 373, 374, 395, 396, 400 ............ Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., Woolley v....... ....... 368, 373, 374, 375, 377, 378, 380, 395, 403 Holderman, Fleet Aerospace Corp... 555 Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 23 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW H.P. Hold & Sons v. Dumond.. 211, 212 Holiday Inns, Inc., American Motor Inns, Inc...................... 636 Holmes v. Union Oil Co......... 401 Hooper v. Bernalillo ............ 485 Hopkins v. Price Waterhouse ...... 259 Hospital Care Corp., King v ....... 395 Household Int'l. Inc., Moran v ...... 576 Howard v. Dorr Woolen Co ........ 403 Howard Univ. v. NCAA ............. ... . .......... 648, 649, 670, 675 Huber, Schork v................ 500 Hughes v. Alexandria Scrap Corp. ..................... 227, 232, 233 Hughes v. Oklahoma ............ 211 Hughlett v. Sperry Corp.......... 376 Hugo v. Tomaszewski ........... 401 Human Relations Comm'n, Pittsburgh Press Co. v.................. 109 Hunt v. IBM Mid America Employees Fed. Credit Union ............ 402 Hunt v. Washington State Apple Advertising Comm'n ...... 212, 220, 565, 570 Hunter, McDonell v .............. 654, 655, 657, 659, 662, 669, 674, 682 Hutton v. Watters .............. 367 Hyde Park Partners v. Connolly ...... ..................... 212, 551, 558 IBM Mid American Employees Fed. Credit Union, Hunt v .......... 402 Icahn v. Blunt......... 554, 561, 563 Idaho Falls Consol. Hosps., Inc., Watson v. ....................... 374 Illinois, Ybarra v ............... 656 Illinois Bell Tel. Co., Moore v ....... ..................... 373, 378, 385 Illinois, Lee v.. 51, 54, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87 Imperial Mfg. Co., Brainard v ...... 404 Industrial Steel Container Co., Brener v.. ...................... 447 Ingersoll-Rand Co., McClendon v.... 405 Ingersoll-Rand Financial Corp. v. Nunley ...................... .. 426, 434 In re. ............ (see name of party) Inglegon Life Ins. Corp. v. Vandegrift ... .............. ..... .... 373 Intel Corp., Loffa v ....... 383, 392, 393 Interco, Inc., City Capital Assocs., L.P. v. ........... ........... ...... 218 International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Petermann v ............ 369, 370 International Business Expositions, Inc., Cockels v................... __ _.402 [Vol. 18:3 International Harvester Co., Palmateer v. . 370, 371 International News Serv. v. Associated Press .............. 323 International Salt Co. v. United States 600, 609 ''.*......* *.... . . . Intertherm, Inc., Arie v...... 373 Investors Diversified Servs., Degen v. 368 Irvis, Moose Lodge No. 107 v. 648 Isla Petroleum Corp., Puerto Rico Dep't of Consumer Affairs v ....... 314 Jackson, Fisher v .......... . 368 Jackson v. Metropolitan Edison Co. ............ . 647, 648, 650 Jackson State Univ., Whiting v. 259 Jacobs v. Theimer .. . 501 Jacobsen, United States v. 652 Jaeger v. American Int'l Pictures . 323 James G. v. Caserta...... 501 Jarrett, United States v. .. I Jeffers v. Bishop Clarkson Memorial Hosp. ... .... .... .... . .. . 403 Jennifer S. v. Kirdnual ........ 501 Jicarilla Apache Tribe v. Supron Energy Corp .................... 601 Jimanez v. Colorado Interstate Gas Co. ....... .... ... 384, 385 J.L. Prescott Co., Bird v..... ... 367 Jobes, In re . . . .. ....... . ... 504, 505, 507, 508, 510, 511, 521, 524, 525 John D. Park & Sons Co., Dr. Miles Medical Co. v........ .630, 633, 634 John F. Kennedy Memorial Hosp. v. Bludworth ................. . 508 John F. Kennedy Memorial Hosp., Strachan v. .. 494, 512, 520, 521, 523 John Nuveen & Co., Engstrom v. 404 John Q. Hammons Hotels, Inc., Rompf v. . 405 Johns Hopkins Hosp., Castiglione v. .......378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383 Johnson, In re Estate of .. . 180, 183 Johnson v. McDonnell Douglas Corp. - 11.... . ........- .... 402 Johnson v. United States . . 656 Johnston v. Panhandle Coop. Ass'n 374, 384, 403 .373, Johnston, Time Inc. v ...... 695 Jones, In re Estate of.......... 180 Jones v. Mahnowski .......... 500 Jones v. McKenzie....... 660, 686, 687 Jones v. NCAA ............ 649 http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 24 et al.: End Matter INDEX Jones, Sullivan v................ 188 Joseph E. Seagram & Sons v. Hawaiian Oke & Liquors, Ltd............ 627 Kanable v. Birch ..............186 Kahn, Estate of v. Commissioner .... 408 Kansas, Coppage v............... 367 Kari v. General Motors Corp. .. 384, 385 Katcoff v. Marsh .............. 489 Katz v. Amos Treat & Co .......... 449 Katz v. United States ................. ...... ........ 652, 655, 656, 657 Keenan, Continental Air Lines v ...... .. ...... ......... 373, 374, 400 Kelsay v. Motorola ............ 371,401 Keneally v. Orgain ............... 403 Kent Gen. Hosp., Heideck v....... 401 Kentucky v. Stincer ............. 51 Ker v. California ............... 647 Key Bank, DeSalle v............ 402 Khalsa v. Weinberger ........... 489 Killough, Williams v............ 400 King v. Hospital Care Corp ......... 395 King, In re Estate of ............ 191 Kings Entertainment Co., Thompson v... .... . .. . ... 395, 396, 398, 399 Kinoshita v. Canadian Pac. Airlines ..... ... ... ........ .. 373, 401 Kinsella v. United States ex rel. Singleton ................ 472 Kirdnual, Jennifer S v........... 501 Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Neighbors v .................. 402 Kline, Natanson v.............. 509 K-Mart Corp., Link v .......... 381, 393 K-Mart Corp., Ponsock v ........... 403 Knight v. American Guard & Alert, Inc.. ................ 400 Koelsch, Ferraro v.............. 392 Kohn, Rendell-Baker v ................. -........... 647, 648, 649, 650, 651 Konigsberg v. State Bar ...... 08, 110 Kontaratos, In re ........... 407, 418 Koppers Co., BNS Inc. v ........... 584 Kraemer, Shelley v ............ 647, 648 Kramer v. Union Free School Dist... 130 Krein v. Marian Manor Nursing Home .. .....................404 Kroger Co., Sventko v........... 371 Kruse, Kruse & Miklosko, Inc. v. Beedy. ................ 434 Krusen, Nelson v....... 501 Kuenzi, Wilson v....... 497 Kuhn, Ludtke v................ 676 Kulkay v. Allied Cent. Stores, Inc ....... ....... - 378, 382 ....... Lampe v. Presbyterian Medical Center... ....................... 400 Landmark, Inc., Helle v ................ 379, 392, 393, 395, 396 ....... Langdon v. Saga Corp .............. ................ 374, 395, 396, 404 Langlois, Farmer's Educ. & Coop. Union v............. ......... 367 Laris & Brother Co. v. FCC ... 116, 122 Largey v. Rothman .......... 509, 525 Larrabee v. Penobscott Frozen Foods, Inc. ........ .................... 402 Larson Distrib. Co., Pittman v ...... 400 Lasker, Burks v .............. 226 Leahy v. Federal Express Corp ......... 383, 390 .381, Leathern v. Research Found. of City Univ. of New York .................. 395 LeBleu v. Manning .......... .195 Lederer v. United States .......... 118 Ledl v. Quick Pik Food Stores, Inc ..... ..................... 379, 390, 393 Lee v. Illinois . 51, 54, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87 Lee, Louis K. Liggett Co. v....... 229 Lee v. Sperry Corp ........ 394, 395, 396 Legal Aid Society, Pridemore v ....... ......................... 255, 283 Lehman v. City of Shaker Heights ...... ............... ............ 132, 133 Leikvold v. Valley View Community Hosp. 373, 380, 400 ..................... Lerman, Bani-Esraili v............. 501 Leroy v. Great Western United Corp..... 1 .54 ........................... LeVant v. NCAA ................. 651 Levy, Parker v.................. ... 465, 466, 467, 476, 477, 483, 484, 487, 491 Lewis v. BT Investment Managers, Inc... 570, 575 .569, Lewis, McDermott Inc. v... 223, 224, 225 Liberty Mutual Ins. Co., Gram v .... 372 Life of Montana Ins. Co., Gates v ....... ...... 372, 403 ................ Louis K. Liggett Co. v. Lee ....... 229 Limnger v. Eisenbaum ............. 500 Lincoln Trust Co., Hastings v ...... 422 Lindenau v. Alexander ............. 489 Lindsey v. Normet ............... 485 Lindsley v. Natural Carbonic Gas Co .... .485 Link v. K-Mart Corp ........ Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 381, 393 25 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW Linmark Assocs. v. Township W illingboro ............... of 122, 129 Litaker, Pounds v .............. 174 Lloyd A. Fry Roofing Co., Valasco Prods. ..... 627 Co. v .................... Local 1812, Am. Fed'n of Gov't Employees v. United States Dep't of State .. 278 Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Satterfield v....................... 404 Loew's Inc., Milgram v.......... 627 Loffa v. Intel Corp ....... 383, 392, 393 Logan v. Zimmerman Brush Co. . . 485 Long Island R.R. Co., Railway Labor Executives' Ass'n v.............. 655 Lord v. Goldberg .............. 367 Loudermill, Cleveland Board of Educ. v.. ......................... 651 Love's Estate, In re ............... 188 Lovskog v. American Red Cross .... 170 Lovvorn v. City of Chattanooga ....... ... 643, 654, 655, 657, 658, 660, 663, 682, 683, 685, 686 Lowrance's Will, In re ............ 174 Lucas, Matthews v ............ .485 Ludtke v. Kuhn ................. 676 Ludwick v. This Minute of Carolina, Inc. ....................... 404 Lutheran General Hosp. v. Siemeniec .... ........ ........ .... ..... 500 MacDougal v. Sears, Roebuck & Co .... ........................ 393 MacNeil v. Minidoka Memorial Hosp.... ...... 401 McNamara's Estate, In re 172 Madison, Dean Milk Co. v. ...... 573 Madison, Marbury v ...... 473, 478 Magnan v. Anaconda Indus.. 372, 400 Magnavox Co., Singer v ..... Mahnowski, Jones v ....... Maine Coal Prods., Pooler v. Mallon, O'Sullivan v ........ ...... 371 Manning, LeBleu v...... Mapp v. Ohio .......... Mara, United States v ...... Marbury v. Madison ....... 473, 478 Marian Manor Nursing Home, Krein v... ........................... 404 Maricopa County Medical Soc'y, Arizona v......... ...... ........ _ 599 Mark IV Indus. Inc., Rite Corp. v... 215 Mark, Niezner v ...... .... ...... 489 Marsh v. Alabama ........... 648 Marsh, benShalom v ........... 489 Marsh, Katcoff v............... 489 [Vol. 18:3 Marsh, Richardson v.... 51, 52, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 Marshall, E.E. Black Ltd. v. .. .- ... . ...... 247, 248, 255 Marshall v. Barlow's Inc. 682 Martin v. New York Life 367 Martinez-Fuerte, United States v. . 656, 660, 683 ......... Mason v. Mason ...... 160 Massachusetts Council of Constr. Employers, White v ........ 227 Matthews v. Lucas ... .. 485 Matthews Int'l Corp., Banas v. 397 Matthysse v. Securities Processing Servs., Inc.................... 447 Mattox v. United States 79 Mau v. Omaha Nat'l Bank 384 Maul v. Williams ..... 175, 177 Maxwell v. Sisters of Charity. 376 Mazer v. Stein ......... 321 McClendon v. Ingersoll-Rand Co. . 405 McClusky v. Owens . . .. 196 McCluskey v. Unicare Health Facility, Inc. 382, 385, 387 McCormack v. NCAA . 650 McCormack, Powell v.. 478 McDermott Inc. v. Lewis .223, 224, 225 McDonnell Douglas Corp., Johnson v. ..... *.. .......... .. 402 McDonnell v. Hunter.. 654, 655, 657, 659, 662, 669, 674, 682 McElroy v. United States ex reL Guagliardo ......... 472 .... McGraw-Hill, Inc., Weiner v. 403 McGreevy v. Racal-Dana Instruments, Inc. 405 McHale 650 .581 v. Cornell Univ. McKelvey v. Turnage . , . 272, 273, 274 .500 McKenzie, 660, 686, 687 .402 Jones v ...... McMillan v. Pennsylvania 11 11.. McQuilen v. Wisconsin Educ. Ass'n .195 Council............... 259 .647 McQuitty .685 v. General Dynamics Corp. 403 McReynolds, Tyson Foods, Inc. v... 576 Meader Distrib. Co., Simonson v.. 381 Mendenhall, United States v. .... 658 Meadows, Firestone Textile Co. Div., Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v.. 370, 402 Meadows v. Radio Indus. . .. 367, 368 Mers v. Dispatch Printing Co. 373, 404 Mesa Petroleum Co., Unocal Corp. v.. 206 http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 26 et al.: End Matter INDEX Metromedia Inc. v. City of San Diego . 129, 133 Metropolitan Edison Co., Jackson v ...... • 647, 648, 650 Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Ward.. 485 Mettille, Pine River State Bank v ..... 373, 374, 377, 395, 396, 402 Michigan Civil Serv. Comm'n, Dudkin v.. 381 ................. Michigan Consol. Gas Co., Suchodolski v. ....... ....... 402 Michigan Dep't of Mental Health, Watassek v.. ............... 371 Midcal Aluminum, Inc., California Retail Liquor Dealers Ass'n v ....... 634 Middendorf v. Henry ...... 465, 466, 467 Milgram v. Loew's Inc ........... 627 Miller's Ex'r v. Shannon ..... 182, 191 Milligan, Ex parte .............. 472 Millinocket Community Hosp., Terrio v.. ... ............. 373 Mincey v. Arizona .............. 657 Mindes v. Seaman ........... 489, 490 Minidoka Memorial Hosp., MacNeil v... ................ 401 Mississippi, Chambers v ......... 79, 82 Mistretta, United States v........... 1 Mitchell, Capital Broadcasting Co. v .... ............. 102, 131 MITE Corp., Edgar v .................. 207, 212, 217, 219, 220, 537, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 554, 556, 557, 570, 571, 573, 574, 576, 577, 580, 581, 596, 597 Mitford v. de Lasala ............ 400 Mobil Coal Producing Inc. v. Parks ..... ............ 373, 405 Molli, In re Will of ....... 170, 200 Molrins, Estate of .............. 175 Monge v. Beebe Rubber Co.......... ......... 365, 372, 403 Moran v. Household Int'l, Inc. 576 Morton Salt Co. v. United States ... 627 Monsanto Co. v. Spray-Rite Serv. Corp.. .......... 137, 154, 156 Montaove v. Street ...... 184, 185, 188 Montgomery Ward & Co., Dell v ...... 381, 382, 383, 386, 387, 388, 389 Moore v. Illinois Bell. Tel. Co ........ . .......... 373, 378, 385 Moose Lodge No. 107 v. Irvis ...... 648 Morejun-Ortega v. United States ..... 28 Morgan, Gilligan v .......... 473, 476 Morgan v. Harris Trust & Say. Bank.... .....385 Morris v. Chem-Lawn Corp... 373, 383 173 Morrison's Estate, In re........... Morriss v. Coleman Co. ... 387, 392, 401 Mosinee Paper Corp., Rondeau v ...... 544 Mosley, Police Dep't of Chicago v. .. 108 Motion Picture Advertising Serv. Co., FTC v ............ 626, 630, 632, 633 Motorola, Kelsay v ........... 371,401 Mount Vernon Hous. Auth., Spady v .... .540, .467 MSI Data Corp., Telxon Corp. v. ... 213 Muller v. Stromberg Carlson Corp... 401 Mullholland V. Department of Army .... 674, 682, 686 ............. .642, Mulkins, Estate of ............. 177 Mulkins, In re Estate of ...... 181, 182 Municipal Court, Camara v ............. ... 652, 654, 657, 658, 664, 666, 676 Murdoch, Gomez v .............. 675 Murphy v. American Home Prods. Corp.. . ......... ....... 403 ... Myers, United States v ............. 118 Natanson v. Kline ............... 509 Naccash v. Burger ............... 501 Nation Enters., Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. v .................... 353 National Bank of Commerce, Pierce v .... .................. .414, 415, 422 National Broadcasting Co., Prouty v ..... ...... 322 ....................... National By-Prods., Inc., Cannon v. . 401 National Cash Register Co., Fortune v... 371,402 ......................... National Comm'n on Egg Nutrition v. FTC ........ 115 National Fed'n of Fed. Employees v. Carlucci .............. 683, 685, 686 National Fed'n of Fed. Employees v. Weinberger ........... 655, 674, 677 National Football League Inc., North Am. Soccer League v............ 631 National Life & Accident Ins. Co., Frichter v .................. 402 National Soc'y of Professional Eng'rs v. United States ............ 626, 636 National Treasury Employees Union v. Von Raab................... ... 641, 642, 653, 654, 655, 656, 659, 661, 662, 663, 664, 676, 684, 685 Natural Carbonic Gas Co., Lindsley v.... ................ .. .......... 485 Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 27 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW Navajo Freight Lines, Bibb v ..... 223 NCAA, Arlosoroff v. 641, 648, 650, 651 NCAA, Associated Students, Inc. v.. 649 NCAA, Buckton v............. 649 NCAA, Graham v .......... 649, 650 NCAA, Hawkins v ............... ........ 647, 648, 649, 650, 670, 671 NCAA, Howard Univ. v. ........... ...........648, 649, 670, 675 NCAA, Jones v ...... ....... 649 NCAA, LeVant v .............. 651 NCAA, McCormack v........... 650 NCAA, Parish v .......... 648, 649, 670 NCAA, Regents of Univ. of Minn. v ..... .. ..................... .... 648 648, 651 NCAA v. Tarkanian ......... Nebraska Pub. Power, Rushton v ........ ............ 654, 655, 659, 661, 662 404 Nees v. Hocks............. Neighbors v. Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine ............. 402 185, 186 Nelson, In re Estate of ....... Nelson v. Krusen .............. 501 55, 56, 57, 58 Nelson v. O'Neil ....... 112 Nevada, Princess Sea Indus. v .... New England Sinai Hosp., Brophy v ... .... . ... . ........... 507, 509 657 New Hampshire, Coolidge v ....... New Jersey v. T.L.O. ........ 655, 657, 658, 659, 666, 677 648, 649 Newton, Evans v .............. 100 New, Wilson v ................. New Hampshire, Chaplinsky v ...... 108 212 New Jersey, Philadelphia v ........ New Jersey, City of Philadelphia v ...... .................214,569, 570 The New Mexican, Sanchez v ..... 403 New Orleans v. Dukes ........... 485 New York, Cruz v............... .......... ... 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 63 New York Life Ins. Co., Martin v... 367 New York v. Burger ...... 659, 660, 661 New York, Payton v........... _657 New York State Liquor Author., BrownForman Distillers Corp. v.,....... ...............214, 223, 570 Nicley v. Nicley ........ 192, 193, 194 Niezner v. Mark ................ 489 NLRB, First Nat'l Maintenance Corp. v.. . . .... ... ......... ....590 Nord, Fairweather v .. 171, 174, 192 .... 196 Noel v. Orr ............ Norlin Corp. v. Rooney Pac. Inc. ... 225 [Vol. 18:3 Nork v. Fetter Printing Co......... 377, 386, 387 485 Normet, Lindsey v.........-. North Am. Soccer League v. National Football League, Inc...... 631 North Broadway Funding Corp., In re ..... . ...... . ... 434 North Dakota State Personnel Bd., Hammond v .. .... 404 Northern Pac. Ry. v. United States . 157 Novosel v. Sears, Roebuck & Co. . -..... ..... .. 378, 390, 392 Nunley, Ingersoll-Rand Financial Corp. v. 434 .426, 500 Ochs v. Borelli ................ O'Connor v. Ortega ..... 652, 658, 676 Office of Disciplinary Counsel, Zauderer v. ........ .... ..I... . . . . 110 .. . 643, 658 O'Grady, Taylor v .... .. O'Halloran v. University of Wash. ... 643, 646, 647, 650, 655, 670, 676, 677, 681 Ohanian v. Avis Rent A Car Sys. .... .... . ........ . 373, 393 ..... 647 Ohio, Mapp v........ Ohio v. Roberts............. 51, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, ...... 88, 97 Ohio State Bar Ass'n, Ohralik v.. .... 108, 109, 110, 113, ...... 117 652, 656, 657, 677 Ohio, Terry v ....... Ohralik v. Ohio State Bar Ass'n ..... . .......... 108, 109, 110, 113, 117 Oklahoma Broadcasters Ass'n v. Crisp .... ... 100, 113 ......... Oklahoma, Hughes v .......... 211 Oklahoma, Skinner v . .... 513, 516 Oliver v. United States .......... 652 517 Olmstead v. United States ..... Omaha Nat'l Bank, Man v ........ 384 55-58 O'Neil, Nelson v.............. 11 O'Neill, United States v......... O.P.M. Leasing Servs., Inc., In re ...... 435, 456, 458 .434, ........ Oregon Liquor Control Comm'n, American 574 Can Co. v................. Orgain, Keneally v ............. 403 Orloff v. Willoughby ......... 466, 473 Orr, Noel v ............ .... 196 Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp., Pierce v. .................. 368, 370, 403 Ortega, O'Connor v ...... 652, 658, 676 404 Osterkamp v. Alkota Mfg., Inc ..... 371 O'Sullivan v. Mallon ........... 196 Owens, McClusky v ............ http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 28 et al.: End Matter INDEX Owens, United States v. ............. 51, 75, 76, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 Oxford, Sterling Drug, Inc. v..... 400 Packer Corp. v. Utah .......... 132 Page, Barber v... ... 72, 73, 74, 77 Palmateer v. International Harvester Co.. ........... 370, 371 Panhandle Coop. Ass'n, Johnston v...... . 373, 374, 384, 403 Paragon Homes, Inc. v. Carter ...... 380 Paris Adult Theater v. Slaton . 125, 130 Parish v. NCAA . .... 648, 649, 670 Parke-Davis, Harbeson v...... 495, 501 Parker, Forrester v............. 403 Parker v. Levy . 465, 466, 467, 476, 477, 483, 484, 489, 491 Parker v. Randolph ........ 58, 59, 60 Parks, Mobil Coal Producing, Inc. v..... ............. 373, 405 Parnar v. American Hotels, Inc. ...... .370, 372, 401 Parrott's Adm'y, Parrott v......... 192 Parrott v. Parrott's Adm'y ........ 192 Patchogue-Medford Congress of Teachers v. Board of Educ ...... 643, 655, 658 Paull's Estate, In re ............. 184 Payne v. Rozendaal ............ 405 Payne v. Western & At. R.R.. 367 Payton v. New York ........... 657 Peay v. Curtis Publishing Co...... 322 Peevy v. Ritcherson ..... 190, 193, 195 Pennsylvania, McMillian v......... 11 Penobscott Frozen Foods, Inc., Larrabee v. ................. 402 Pension Benefit Guar. Corp. v. R.A. Gray & Co ......... ......... 216 People v. Brensic ......... 86 People v. Fisher ......... 69, 70 Perkel, Schroeder v....... 497, 498, 489 Perkins Restaurants, Inc., Bailey v... 386 Perks v. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co... ................ 371 Perna v. Pirozzi ............ 508 Perry v. Sears, Roebuck & Co. . 376, 384 Peter, In re . 504, 505, 508, 525, 532 Petermann v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters .... ....... 369, 370 Petitto, United States v........... 11 Phifer, Estate of ........... 180, 185 Philadelphia v. New Jersey ........ 212 Philadelphia Eagles Football Club, Chuy v. .............. 675 Phillips, Gunn v.............. 201 Phillips Oil Co., Alexander v ...... 392 Phillips v. United States .......... 501 Phipps v. Clark Oil & Refining Corp... .......... 402 Phung v. Waste Management, Inc. .. 404 Picker Int'l, W hite v ............... 380 Pierce v. National Bank of Commerce._ ........ .414, 415, 422 ....... Pierce v. Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp ..... . .368, 370, 403 ................ Piezo Technology & Professional Adm'rs, Smith v...................401 Pilcher v. Pilcher ................ 191 Pike v. Bruce Church, Inc.......... 211, 212, 220, 546, 568, 569, 570, 576 Pincitelli v. Southern Utah State College. .....405 Pine River State Bank v. Mettille ...... 373, 374, 377, 395, 396, ....... 402 Pinkis v. United States .......... 121 Pioneer Bank & Trust Co. v. Gilbert .... .421 ............ Pirozzi, Perna v ............... 508 Pittman v. Larson Distrib. Co.... 400 Pittsburgh Comm'n on Human Relations, Pittsburgh Press Co. v.......... 105 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. v. United States . . ......... 627 ........... Pittsburgh Press Co. v. Pittsburgh Comm'n on Human Relations ........... 105 Pittsburgh Press Co. v. Human Relations Comm'n .................. 109 Pittston Coal Group v. Sebben ...... 315 P. Lorillard Co. v. FTC ........... 115 Pointer v. Texas ........ 70, 71, 73, 81 Polaroid Corp., Shamrock Holdings, Inc. v. .210 ......................... Police Dep't of Chicago v. Mosley... 108 Policemen's Benevolent Ass'n v. Township of Wash ........ 659, 661, 662, 666 Polite, Wilson v .......... 191, 192, 193 Polk Bros. v. Forest City Enterps. .... 599 Pollack, Public Utils. Comm'n v .... 648 Pooler v. Maine Coal Prods....... 402 Population Serv. Int'l, Carey v.. 109, 112 Posadas De Puerto Rico Assocs. v. Tourism Co. of Puerto Rico ............. 102, 111, 112, 113, 129,....... 131 Pounds v. Litaker............... 174 Powell v. McCormack ........... 478 Pratt v. Brown Mach. Co......... 388 Preferred Communications v. City of Los Angeles ................. 132 Presbyterian Medical Center, Lampe v... ............... ........ _ 400 Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 29 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW Price Waterhouse, Hopkins v....... 259 Price v. Western Loan & Say. Co. .. 367 Pridemore v. Legal Aid Society. 255, 283 631 Pro-Football, Hecht v. .......... .... 500 Proffitt v. Bartoio ........ Princess Sea Indus. v. Nevada ...... 112 Procanik v. Cillo. 493, 494, 497, 498, 502 Prouse, Delaware v ...... 652, 654, 659 Prouty v. National Broadcasting Co.. 322 Prudence, In re ................ 413 Prudential Ins. Co., Ware v....... 392 Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins ... ................... . 652 Public Serv. Comm'n, Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corp. v............. . .102, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, Public Serv. Comm'n, Consolidated Edison Co. v.................... 108 Public Utils. Comm'n v. Pollack .... 648 Puerto Rico Dep't of Consumer Affairs v. Isla Petroleum Corp .......... 314 Pugh v. See's Candies, Inc.. ... 365, 400 401 Pulley Freight Lines, Abrisz v..... 601, 609 Pure Oil Co........... .... Putnam Management Co., DeRose v ..... ...................... 402 Pyrene, Savarese v ......... . 367 Qualley v. Snoqualmie Valley Bank ..... . .......... 415, 422, 427, 429 Quarles, United States ex rel Toth v ..... ....................... 472, 476 Quejada-Zurique, United States v. ... 28 Quick Pik Food Stores, Inc., Ledl v. ..... .................... 3.79, 390, 393 Quinlan, In re............. . ..... ...493, 502, 503, 506, 507, 508, 513, 526, 529 R.A. Gray & Co., Pension Benefit Guar. Corp. v............. . ....... 216 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., In re ... 116 109, 110, 113 R.M.J., In re .......... Racal-Dana Instruments, Inc., McGreevy v....................... 405 367, 368 Radio Indus., Meadows v.. Radwan v. Beecham Laboratories ... 390 Railway Labor Executive's Ass'n v. Burnley .................... 642, 643, 655, 658, 659, 662, 677, 686 Railway Labor Executives Ass'n, Skinner v....... 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 661, 666, 677, 686 500 Ramey, Fassoulas v ............. Rand Constr. Co., Stein v .......... 434 Randall v. Salvation Army ......... 186 [Vol. 18:3 Randolph, Parker v........ 58, 59, 60 Rasmussen v. Fleming ....... ............ 507, 509, 511, 526 Ratner, Benedict v............. .... 413, 422, 423, 427, 428, 442 Ravin v. State ........ ...... 317 Realty Multi-List Inc., United States v.. ....... ..*..... .*626, 635, 636 Reed v. Reed .................. 99 Reeves, Inc. v. State .......... 227 Regents of Univ. of Minn. v. NCAA ., ...... .......... .. .... 648 Reid v. Covert .................. 472 Reid v. Sears, Roebuck & Co .... .....383, 384, 390, 393 ......... Reliable Mfg. Corp., In re ........ 420 Rendell-Baker v. Kohn ............. 648, 649, 650,....... .647, 651 Research Found. of City Univ. of New York, Leathern v............ 395 Reserve Life Ins. Co., Spooner v. ... 380 Retail Clerks Int'l Ass'n, Safeway Stores, 370 Inc. v................... Revco Discount Drug Centers, Inc., Fink v. 377 Rhodes Pharmacal Co. v. FTC . 114, 118 Richardson v. Marsh . .. . 51, 52, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 Ringwelski v. Sears, Roebuck & Co. ........ ...... ........ 390 Ritcheson, Peevy v....... 190, 193, 195 215 Rite Corp. v. Mark IV Indus., Inc. Roache, Guiney v........... 655, 666 Roberge v. Bankers Trust Co ....... 419 Robert Bosch Corp., Belfatto v..... 384 Robert H. Jacobs, Inc. v. Westoaks Realtors, Inc. ................ 327 Robert Welch, Inc., Gertz v....... 110 Roberts v. Atlantic Richfield Co.. . 368 Roberts, Ohio v........... ....... 51, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 88, 97 Robins, Pruneyard Shopping Center v.. ............ .............652 Robinson v. Board of Trustees of E. Cent. Junior College .............. 402 Robinson, Estate of .......... 177, 180 Robinson v. Exchange Nat'l Bank . 414 Roe v. W ade ...... ..... ...... . . ........ 495, 501, 502, 513, 516, 528 Roe, Whalen v.......... 517, 647, 654 Romeo, Gray v................ 504 Rompf v. John Q. Hammons Hotels, Inc. http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 .. . ... . ....405 30 et al.: End Matter INDEX Rondeau v. Mosinee Paper Corp. 540, 544 ............ 110, 113 Rogers, Friedman v....... Rouwey, Pac Inc., Norlin Corp. v. . 225 Rostker v. Goldberg . 465, 466, 467, 468, 474, 475, 476, 478 651,670 Roth, Board of Regents v. 509, 525 Rothman, Largey v........ 434 Roulain, In re ............. Rothery Storage & Van Co. v. Atlas Van .. .599 Lines Roy v. Woonsocket Inst. for Say ..... 381, 404 ...... 99 Royster Guano Co. v. Virginia ... 405 Rozendall, Payne v ............ RP Acquisition Corp. v. Staley Continental . 213, 215, 216, 217, 585 Inc. Rucker v. Secretary of the Army.... 489 . 497, 500 Ruskin, Goldberg v. Rushton v. Nebraska Pub. Power Dist.. 654, 655, 659, 661, 662 Rutland Hosp., Inc., Sherman v. .... 405 Sabine Pilot Serv., Inc. v. Hauck 371 405 Sadler v. Basin Elec. Power Coop....... .......381, 396 405 Safeway Stores, Inc., Allen v ...... Safeway Stores, Inc. v. Retail Clerks Int'l .... 370 . . ..... Ass'n 467, 485 ...... Safley, Turner v... Saga Corp., Langdon v ............. 374, 395, 396, 404 415 ........ Sage, Schram v. .. Saginaw Mfg. Co., American Washboard 323 Co. v. ................ Saint Mary Nazareth Hosp. Center, 373, 401 Duldulad v............. Saikewicz, Superintendent of Belchertown 514, 528, 529 State School ...... 186 Salvation Army, Randall v. ........ Sanchez v. The New Mexican ...... 403 226 Santa Fe Indus. v. Green ........ Satterfield v. Lockhead Missiles & Space .. 404 ..... Co . 367 Savarese v. Pyrene ............. Schaill v. Tippecanoe County School Corp. 643, 655, 659, 661, 669, 670, 674, 676, 679, 682, 687 Schimke, Bruggeman v. . .496, 497, 500 Schipani v. Ford Motor Co..... 392, 393 Schlesinger v. Ballard .............. 465, 466, 467, 484 ....... Schloendorff v. Society of N.J. Hosp ..... 504, 510 .............. Schmerber v. California ........... ....... 653, 654, 656, 666........ 658 Schneckloth v. Bustamonte v....... Schoenkopf v. Brown & Williamson . 627 273 Schmidt, Colin v ................. 367 Schoen v. Catepillar Tractor Co .... Scholtes v. Signal Delivery Serv., Inc.... ...... 400 ...... 500 Schork v. Huber ...... School Board v. Arline............. 238, 239, 240,.237, 241, 242, 245, 254, 256, 257, 275, 285, 288, 294, 295, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310, 312 ...... 415 Schram v. Sage ........ 497, 498, 499 Schroeder v. Perkel .... 177 Schuh, In re Estate of ............. 499, 500, 501 Schwartz, Becker v ....... 170 Schwartz, Scott v .............. 379 Scissor-Tail, Inc., Graham v ....... 402 SCM Corp, Wyant v. .......... 197 ...... Scott v. Atkins ........ 170 Scott v. Schwartz .............. Scottsdale Memorial Hospital, Wagenseller v......... 370, 371, 383, 393, 400 489, 490 Seaman, Mindes v ........... 315 Sebben, Pittston Coal Group v ..... Secretary of the Army, Rucker v. ... 489 490 Secretary of Defense, Goldman v ... Servs., Inc., Processing Securities 447 Matthysse v ................ Sears, Roebuck & Co., Batchelor v .... .373, ......... 379, 390, 392, 394 Sears, Roebuck & Co., Eliel v. . 390, 394 Sears, Roebuck & Co., MacDougal v. ... 393 Sears, Roebuck & Co., Novosel v........ . . . . . 3 7 8 , 3 9 0 , 3 9 2 ... . . . . ... Sears, Roebuck & Co., Perry v.. 376, 384 Sears, Roebuck & Co., Reid v. ...... 383, 384, 390, 393 ............. Sears, Roebuck & Co., Ringwelkski v. ... ..................... .390 Sears, Roebuck & Co., Summers v ..... 378, 390 Sears, Roebuck & Co., Tiranno v .... 392 See's Candies, Inc., Pugh v ..... 365, 400 Severns, In re ................... 507 Shah v. American Synthetic Rubber Corp. ... . 167 Shannon, Estate of Gilles v ......... 182, 191 Shannon, Miller's Ex'r. v ..... Shamrock Holdings, Inc. v. Polaroid Corp. ....... 210 . ........ Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 ................ .... ............ .402 ...... 31 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW Sharp Elecs. Corp., Business Elecs. Corp. V. ...... .......... 137 Sharpe, Boiling v .............. 487 Shaver v. F.W. Woolworth Co. , 395, 396 Shaw v. S.S. Kresge Co .......... 401 Sheets v. Teddy's Frosted Foods ..... . ...... .. ....... .. 371,400 Shelby v. Zayre Corp....... 378, 394 Shelley v. Kraemer ..... .. 647, 648 Shell Oil Co. v. City of Santa Monica ........ 205, 227, 227, 231, 232, 233 Sherman, Ellis v. ............ 501 Sherman v. Rutland Hosp., Inc. . 405 Shoemaker v. Handel. 642, 660, 661, 662, 664, 665, 669, 673, 674, 682, 683, 684 Sides v. Duke Univ.... ... 403 Siegal v. Chicken Delight, Inc. . 636 Siemeniec v. Lutheran General Hosp.... 500 Signal Delivery Serv., Inc., Scholtes v. _ .... . ................ ... 400 Simeon Management Corp., FTC v ... ...114, 115 Simonson v. Meader Distrib. Co... 381 Singer v. Magnavox Co.. ...... 581 Sisters of Charity, Maxwell v ....... 376 Skinner v. Oklahoma ........ 513, 516 Skinner v. Railway Labor Executives Ass'n 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 661, 666, 677, 686 Small v. Springs Indus ... 373, 378, 404 Smith v. Cote ....... 497, 501 Smith v. Piezo Technology & Professional Adm'rs ..................... 401 Smith v. St. Elizabeth Medical Center,... ........................ 386 Smith v. Smith .......... .. 170, 200 Smith, Weems v. .......... 191, 192 Smith's Transfer Corp., Speelman v.. 405 Snoqualmie Valley Bank, Qually v ...... ............. .415, 422, 427, 429 Society of N.J. Hosp., Schloendorff v... * ................. 504, 510 Socony-Vacuum, United States v ...... 155, 600, 601, 606, 608, 618, 619, 621 Soher, Estate of .................. 173 Solorio v. United States ... 465, 466, 467 Sony Corp., Eiberger v............. 634 Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios ............... .. 322 Sortini, Turpin v ........... 499, 500 South Carolina State Highway Dep't v. Barnwell Bros.............. 568 [Vol. 18:3 South Central Timber Dev., Inc. v. Wunnicke ... ... 205, 212, 227, 230, 233, 234 South St. Paul Feed, Inc., Brookshaw v. 381, 394, 395, 396 Southeastern Community College v. Davis 263, 270 Southern Utah State College, Piacitelli v. 405 Southwest Gas Corp. v. Ahmad 403 Spady v. Mount Vernon Hous. Auth. . . .467 Speck v. Finegold . 497, 501 Speelman v. Smith's Transfer Corp. 405 Spence, Canterbury v. 509, 510 Spence v. Farrier . 655 Sperry Corp., Hughlett v. 376 Sperry Corp., Lee v. 394, 395, 396 Spooner v. Reserve Life Ins. Co. 380 Spray-Rite Serv. Corp., Monsanto Co. v. 137, 154, 156 Spring, In re .... 514 Springs Indus., Small v. . 373, 378, 404 S. S. Kresge Co., Shaw v.. 401 St. Michael's Hosp., Dumer v. 501 Staggs v. Blue Cross 402 Stake, Reeves, Inc. v.. 227 Staley Continental, Inc., RP Acquisition Corp. v .... 213, 215, 216, 217, 585 Standard Oil of New Jersey v. United States Standard Oil Co. v. United States Stanley, Eisbrenner v. State v......... .(see . 155 632 501 opposing party) State Bank, Bowman v ..... State Bar of Arizona, Bates v. 405 109, 130 State Bar, Konigsberg v... 108, 110, 113 Stein, Mazer v ... ........ . 321 Stein v. Rand Constr. Co. 434 St. Elizabeth Medical Center, Smith v. . 386 Sterling Drug, Inc. v. Oxford 400 Stevens v. Stubbs ....... 303 Stincer, Kentucky v.. .. 51 Stirer v. Texas Instruments, Inc. 393 Street, Montague v...... Starr, In re ............. Storms v. Coughlin . 184, 185, 188 509, 511 655 Strachan v. John F. Kennedy Memorial Hosp . . ..494, 512, 520, 521, 523 St. Regis Paper Co., Thompson v. .., 368, 370, 372, 373, 380, 382, 405 Stromberg Carlson Corp., Muller v. 401 Stubbs, Stevens v ..... 303 http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 . . . 32 et al.: End Matter INDEX 185 Succession of Boyd ......... 174, 176, 177 .. Succession of Burke 197 Succession of Currie 185 Succession of Lefort ............ 185 ..... Succession of Montero.. 185, 186 Succession of Raiford ........ Suchodolski v. Michigan Consol. Gas Co. 402 ..... ........ 188 ...... Sullivan v. Jones . Summers v. Sears, Roebuck & Co...... .... 378, 390 ... Sunline, Amalgamated Transit Union, Lo. ... 643, 658, 660 cal 1277 v.. Superintendent of Belchertown State School v. Saikewicz ... 514, 528, 529 .167 Superior Court, Castaner v....... Supermercados San Juan, Inc., In re ... .... I........ 418, 419 ... Superior Court, Bouvia v ...... 508, 516, 523, 525 Supron Energy Corp., Jicarella Apache 601 Tribe v.. ............... 371 Sventko v. Kroger Co ........... Systems Research Laboratories, Inc., Tay385 ............. lor v. Tameny v. Atlantic Richfield Co ....... 371,400 ............... Tanana Valley Medical-Surgical Group, 373, 400 ..... Enles v. Taylor v. General Motors Corp...... 390 643, 658 Taylor v. O'Grady ......... Taylor v. Systems Research Laboratories, 385 Inc... . ............. Teddy's Frosted Foods, Inc., Sheets v. .... .. 371, 400 .... Telxon Corp. v. MSI Data Corp..... 213 Telex Corp., TLX Acquisition Corp. v.... .. 224, 554, 577 Terminal Flour Mills Co., Helix Milling 153 Co. v. ........... Terminal R.R. Ass'n of St. Lewis, United States v. .. .. .... 631 Terrio v. Millinocket Community Hosp... ..... 373 . 652, 656, 657, 677 Terry v. Ohio 554 Terry v. Yamashita ........... 489 Tetter, Cushing v............. Teubert, In re Estate of ............. ... .. . 160, 170, 174, 175, 177 Texaco Inc., Edward J. Sweeney & Sons v. ....... I.... 154 . Texas Instruments, Inc., Stirer v. . . 393 70, 71, 73, 81 Texas, Pointer v........ 501 Theimer, Jacobs v.............. Therrien v. United Air Lines . 378, 386, 390 ............ . ..... This Minute of Carolina, Inc., Ludwick v. 404 Thomas v. Atascadero Unified School Dist. . ..... .. 285 .. ........ 197 Thomason v. Gwinn ............ Thompson v. American Motor Inns, Inc.. .... .405 Thompson v. Kings Entertainment Co .... ...... ... ... .395, 396, 398, 399 Thompson v. St. Regis Paper Co ........ .. 368, 370, 372, 373, 380, 382, 405 Thomson v. Weinberger....... 643, 658 171 Thorn, In re Estate of .......... 675 Time Inc. v. Johnston ........... Timmins, Bell v. . 171, 175, 176, 177, 178 Tippecanoe County School Corp., Schaill v. .643, 670, 655, 659, 661, 669, 674, 676, 679, 682, 687 392 Tiranno v. Sears, Roebuck & Co. . T.L.O., New Jersey v .............. .655, ..... 677 657, 658, 659, 666, TLX Acquisition Corp. v. Telex Corp. ... ...224, 554, 577 171 ...... Toebbe v. Williams ..... 401 Tomaszewski, Hugo v............ Topco Assocs., United States v. . 601, 626 Topps Chewing Gum, Inc., Haelan Labora. 322 .. tories v............ ... 528, 529 Torres, In re .... Tourism Co. of Puerto Rico, Posadas de Puerto Rico Assocs v ............ .. 102, 111, 112, 113, 129, 131 Toussaint v. Blue Cross & Blue Shield... ... 373, 374, 377, 378, 390, 395, 402 171, 172 Towles Estate, In re. .......... Township of Wash., Policemen's Benevo659, 661, 662, 666 lent Ass'n v ...... Township of Willingboro, Linmark Assocs. 129 v....................... Association, Freight Trans-Missouri 153 United States v. ............ Traynor v. Turnage ....... 271, 272, 273 Trombetta v. Detroit, Toledo & Ironton 371 R.R........ 255 Tudyman v. United Airlines ....... 648, 651 Tarkanian, NCAA v .......... 272, 273, 274 Turnage, McKelvey v. 271, 272, 273 Turnage, Traynor v . Turner Eckhorn Mining Co., Usery v... . . 216 . . .......... ........ Turner v. Fraternal Order of Police .... 653, 655, 657 .... Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 33 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 xxviii HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW Turner v. Safley ............ 467, 485 Turner v. Winn Dixie, Inc ........ 402 Turpin v. Sortini ........... 499, 500 TWA, Brooks v ...... ........ 392 TWA, Gianculas v.......... 383, 390 Twin City Sportservice, Inc. v. Charles 0. Finley & Co ............... 633 Twohig, Estate of............... 191 Tyrell, In re Estate of .......... 190 Tyson Foods, Inc. v. McReynolds .. 576 Unicare Health Facility, Inc., McCluskey v................. 382, 385, 387 Union Oil Co., Holmes v......... 401 United Air Lines, Aiello v .. 392, 405 United Air Lines, Therrien v......... ................. 378, 386, 390 United Airlines, Tudyman v........ 255 United States v..... (see opposing party) United State Army, Watkins v. . 489, 490 United States Dep't of the Army, Haskins v.............. ........... 259 United States Dep't of State, Local 1812, Am. Fed'n of Gov't Employees v .... .......... .... ...... .....278 United States Dist. Court, Chalk v. . 309 United States ex rel. Gugliardo, McElroy v................... .....472 United States Gypsum Co., United States v................ .... 627 United States R.R. Retirement Bd v. Fritz ............... ........ ....485 United States ex rel. Singleton, Kinsella v. ........................ 472 United States Steel Corp., Geary v. . 404 United States ex rel Toth v. Quarles .... ..... ... ................ 472, 476 United States Dist. Court, United States v. .- 1................ . 656 Unity Medical Center, Inc., Harvet v .... .................... 382 Universal, Amanda Acquisition Corp. v... ..... . . .................... 577 Universal City Studios, Sony Corp. of America v.................... 322 University of Wash., O'Halloran v ..... ... 643, 646, 647, 650, 655, 670, 676, 677, 681 Unocal Corp. v. Mesa Petroleum Co ..... .................... .... 206 Usery v. Turner Eckhorn Mining Co ._ .................... ........ 216 Utah, Packer Corp. v............ 132 Valasco Prods. Co. v. Lloyd A. Fry Roofing Co..................... 627 [Vol. 18:3 Valentine v. Chrestensen 109 Valeo, Buckley v. . ... 133 Valley View Community Hosp., Leikvold v. 373, 380, 400 Valley View Nursing Home, Inc., Garrity v........... 402 Vance, In re Estate of 186 Vandergrift, Integon Life Ins. Corp. v. 373 Van Dusen Air, Inc., APL Ltd. Partnership v .. ...... 554 Varner v. B.L. Lanier Fruit Co. 380 Veere, Inc. v. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. . .. . . . 218 Venzie Corp. v. United States Mineral Prods. Corp. . . . 627 Virginia, Bigelow v. ... 108, 109, 112 Virginia Citizens Consumer Council, Virginia State Board of Pharmacy v. .. 102, 109, 112, 113, 116, 121, 129 Virginia, Ruyster Guano Co. v. . 99 Virginia State Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Citizen's Consumer Council .... .. 112, 113, 116, 121, .109,129 Vitro Corp., Borowski v. . . 402 Von Raab, National Treasury Employees Union v. . .... 641, 642, 653, 654, 655, 656, 659, 661, 662, 663, 664, 676, 684, 685 Wade, Roe v ........... 501, 502, 513, 516, .495,528 ...... Wagenseller v. Scottsdale Memorial Hosp. 371, 383, 393, ........ .370, 400 Walker-Thomas Furniture Co., Williams v. .... ... 379 ..... Walker v. Westinghouse Elec. Corp. 403 Wallace, Chappell v ....... 465, 466, 474, 476, ........ 477 Ward, Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. 485 Ware v. Prudential Ins. Co. 392 Warwick v. Warwick ...... 196 Washington State Apple Advertising Comm'n, Hunt v. . 212, 220, 565, 570 Waste Management, Inc., Phung v. 404 Watassek v. Michigan Dep't of Mental Health ...... . 371 Watkins v. United States Army 489, 490 Watson v. Idaho Falls Consol. Hosps., Inc. ...-..... . . . .. . 374 Watters, Hutton v . 367 Webb v. Dayton Tire & Rubber Co.. .. . .... 404 Webster, Califano v ........ 488 Weeks v. United States . . ... 657 http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 34 et al.: End Matter INDEX Weems v. Smith .... 191, 192 Weinberger, American Fed'n of Gov't Employees v. . 643, 658, 660 Weinberger, National Fed'n of Fed. Employees v. 655, 674, 677 Weinberger, Goldman v. ............ 465, 466, 467, 468, 477, 478, 479, 480, 482, 483, 490, 491, 492 Weinberger, Khalsa v., 489 Weinberger, Thomson v...... 643, 658 Weiner v. McGraw-Hill, Inc....... 403 West v. Brown 489 Westchester County Med. Center, Deho v. 507 Western & Atl. R.R., Payne v .... 367 Westerm Loan & Say. Co., Price v.. 367 Western Oil & Gas Ass'n v. Cory. 227, 231, 232, 233 Western Publishing Co., Zim v.... 323 Westinghouse Elec. Corp., United States v. ...... 647, 654 Westinghouse Elec. Corp., Walker v ... ... ....... 403 Westoaks Realtors, Inc., Robert H. Jacobs, Inc. v. 327 Whalen v. Roe ..... 517, 647, 654 Whilton, Zamore v............. 418 White v. Massachusetts Council of Constr. Employees ...... 227 White Motor Co. v. United States... 156 White v. Picker Int'l ......... 380 Whiting v. Jackson State Univ...... 259 Whittaker v. Care-More, Inc.. 390, 404 Wilcox Development Co. v. First-Interstate Bank ............. 627, 628 Wilkerson, Haymon v........... 500 Williams, Dandridge v........... 485 Williams v. Killough ........... 400 Williams, Maul v .. .... 175, 177 Williams, Toebbe v............ 171 Williams v. United States ......... 489 Williams v. Walker-Thomas Furniture Co. ............ 379 Williams' Will, In re ............ 199 Williams, Zobel v ................. 485 Willoughby, Orloff v......... 466, 473 Wilmington Parking Auth., Burton ..... 647, 648 ......... Wilson v. Kuenzi ............... 497 Wilson v. New ................ 100 Wilson v. Polite ............. 191-93 Winn Dixie, Inc., Turner v ........ 402 Wisconsin Dep't of Indus., Labor & Human Relations v. Gould, Inc... 227 Wisconsin Educ. Ass'n Council, McQuillen v............ ............ 259 Wisconsin, Griffen v............. 657 Wolcott's Estate, In re ......... 171-73 Wolf v. Colorado ............... 647 Wolfish, Bell v ............. 676, 682 Woolley v. Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc ...... 368, 373, 374, 375, 377, 378, 380, 395, 403 Woonsocket Inst. for Say., Roy v ....... 404 .381, Wunnicke, South-Central Timber Dev., Inc. v .... 205, 212, 227, 230, 233, 234 Wyant v. SCM Corp ......... 402 Yaretsky, Blum v................... ......... 647, 648, 649, 650, 651 Yartzoff v. Democratic-Herald Publishing Co. ...................... .404 Ybarra v. Illinois ................ 656 Yamashita, Terry v ............. 554 Young, State v ................ 198 Young v. American Mini Theatres, Inc... ...... ........ 108, 110, 125 ... Youngs Drug Prods. Corp., Bolger v .... 109, 110, 131 .108, Yowell's Estate, In re ..... 172, 173, 180 Zamore v. Whilten ............. 418 Zauderer v. Office of Disciplinary Counsel 110 ......... Zayre Corp., Shelby v ......... 378, 394 Zech, Dronenburg v ............. 489 Zim v. Western Publishing Co ...... 323 Zimmerman Brush Co., Logan v. ... 485 Zobel v. Williams.............. 485 Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 35 Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 [1989], Art. 5 http://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/hlr/vol17/iss3/5 36 Published by Scholarly Commons at Hofstra Law, 1989 37 H o t s t r a law review K8 .045 THE LAW IS YOUR BUSINESS PRINTING IS OUR BUSINESS DARBY PRINTING COMPANY — 117 years of Experience You can see the difference in a Darby printed book. It comes from the people at Darby and the pride and workmanship put forth in every Law Review and Law Journal we produce. Experience, Service, and Flexibility make the difference when printing a quality product on time. Please contact a Darby Sales Representative for more information or to obtain a price quote. DAKHY Pjff.vri.vc 715 W. Whitehall Street, S.W. 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