Untitled - Gazeta.pl


Untitled - Gazeta.pl
Publication Management
Name of the programme
Hürriyet Kampüs – Tabloid size, 16 pages
Schooldays since 01/03/2010
Category of the entry
Young Reader Newspaper Of The Year /
Brand / Special Category: Helping To Go
Description of project
Sponsoring Newspaper
Hürriyet - Turkey, 500.000 copies daily
Hürriyet Dünyası 100. Yıl Mah.
Matbaacılar Cad. No:78 34204 Bağcılar/
Project Director
Serdar Devrim sdevrim@hurriyet.com.tr
Hürriyet is Turkey’s leading long-standing
and powerful 65 year-old brand. Hürriyet
Kampüs is Hürriyet’s brand-revitalization
project, which aims to produce a new
newspaper specifically targeted towards
university students, delivering content they
wish to read and sold primarily on college
campuses throughout the country. It is sold
with Hürriyet daily newspaper. In order to
connect Hürriyet brand directly with
students. Total price would be 0,85TRY.
Instead it is sold 0,50TRY with %40
Target of project
18-24 year old university students.
Social Media
Neslihan Yönet nyonet@hurriyet.com.tr
Tiraje Erginer terginer@hurriyet.com.tr
Prepared by
Eser Yaraş eyaras@hurriyet.com.tr
Marketing Group:+9 0212 677 00 00
100.000 Daily twitter.com/hurriyet_kampus
Hürriyet Kampüs Newspaper is published under the following condi:ons; • A content which a=racts young people’s a=en:on and university students • Tabloid ‐ 16 pages, • From 1st of March 2010, • Published every schooldays, • 0,50 TL sales price (0,26 USD) • www.hurriyetkampus.com web site • Hürriyet e‐newspaper app include Hürriyet Kampüs as .pdf Why a Youth Platform ?
•  In a country with a large youth popula:on like Turkey, where over 42% of meaning (more than 30 million people) is between 0 and 24 years of age, Hürriyet Newspaper decided to invest in youth and produced projects that aimed to create future readers and brand loyalty. The Hürriyet Kampüs project, which has started in March 2010, is the focal point of these investments. •  It is targeXng the college students with the mo=o I read what I know is right and the philosophy of AGE GROUP
45 üstü
Collegers read, Collegers write, Collegers sell . The project was set off with the idea to create a special printed newspaper for the college students. Then the idea included also the publica:on, besides the printed newspaper, through website, social media and e‐
newspaper in order to ensure that Hürriyet Kampüs is accepted as a mee:ng pla[orm for the young people, that is close to digital pla[orms. Why to Target a Youth Platform ?
•  There are roughly 170 higher educa:on ins:tu:ons hos:ng 4.3 million students in our country. We planned to reach 1.5 million students on 50 campuses of 46 universi:es in 35 ci:es in 2013 in order to develop and strengthen our dialogue with students and to increase our points of contact among young people. •  Hürriyet Kampüs has two dis:nct field agencies and brand ambassedors team consists of 150 people. In addi:on there are 10 editors, a social media agency and a team of 7 execu:ve working for sales and marke:ng. Our Goals: • To posi'on Hürriyet Kampüs as the preferred pla$orm of the youth market by crea'ng brand loyalty • To increase access to Hürriyet and decrease reader age • To strengthen the emo2onal bond between the Hürriyet brand and young people • To develop and strengthen the dialogue with university students • To strengthen the percep2on and image of our brand, to encourage contact with youth • To create a database for future‐oriented direct marke'ng and CRM ac'vi'es • To strengthen the Hürriyet brand percep'on as leader and as trustworthy Targetted University Reach
Sales of Hürriyet Kampüs is organized not at only stand‐ alone sales points, but rather with mobile sales teams. There are 1,5 mio targetted students in 35 ci:es on 50 campuses. 150 sales personnel were introduced to the market with private sales kiosks and bicycle sales personnel. Distribu:on is made in areas connected to the prin:ng centers of Ankara, İzmir, Antalya and Trabzon. Sales begins each morning at 07:30. Index
•  Astrology / Meral Pala •  Psychology / Cenk Erdem •  Oto moto / Ahmet Köseoğlu •  Student kitchen / Irmak Değirmencioğlu •  Internet ‐ Technology / Selçuk Yaşar •  Culture & Arts •  Entertainment / Magazine •  Ornitorenk (a full page of caricatures prepared by the Penguen, weekly best seller humor magazine in Turkey) •  Cinema and Book Reviews/(Erkut Tezerdi) •  College Events •  Sports •  Gaming (Talha Turhal) In our newspaper each semester we used on average 100 news, edited by the students. Marketing
Project : Project Descrip?on : «News Room» Workshop Workshops conducted by the Hürriyet Kampüs editorial staff with the students from relevant journalism facul:es of selected universi:es. Project Aim : To demonstrate the prac:cal applica:on of theore:cal knowledge for the students. Project Result : Conclusions of workshops together with the name of the university and par:cipants were published in the following day s newspaper. Following the project, we have observed an increase in the number of news edited from the students from the universi:es in which the project applied. Kocaeli University (September 2012) Marmara University (November 2012) İstanbul University (December 2012) Marketing
Project POP & Guerilla Project Descrip?on Branding ac:vi:es inside the campuses Flip Cards
Table Mats
To increase brand recogni:on and to inform the audience with the content. Stickers
Project Aim Paper Cups
Project Flashmob / «We are protected, you?» Project Date 1 December 2012, World AIDS Day Project Descrip:on We have constructed a team with the members of dance and show clubs of the universi:es in Izmir. With a choreography made of red umbrellas and flashlights, team created a big red ribbon at the dimensions by 32 meters to 20 meters at Gündoğdu Boulevard. Project Aim To create awareness for AIDS with red ribbons and brochures distributed to the audience aser the Flash Mob performance. Project Results We have reached 6.000 people on site, 15.000 people on social media and 1 mio people on TV. Flash Mob video was aired on the news hours and daily news reports of leading TV Channels. Video link ( h=p://youtu.be/yPDRj7KQEVE ) Marketing
Project Brand Ambassadors Training Seminars Project Descrip?on We have launched these seminars to brief and train our brand ambassadors. Interac:vely performed, some of our BAs told their success stories on the stage during seminars. We have provided trainings on marke:ng, sale and edi:ng. Project Aim To increase the sales mo:va:on of our BA’s and to make them embrace the brand. Project Results 150 BAs were a=ended three :mes to these seminars in different ci:es. We have observed increases in their mo:va:ons and in the sales up to %10 aser each seminar. Marketing
Project I Have An Idea Project Descrip?on A contest targeXng the sales team. We have given monetary awards to students who have given the most crea:ve and prac:cal answers to 4 different ques:ons. Ques?ons 1) How can we increase the sales? 2) How can we increase the Brand Recogni:on? 3) What can we communicate on social media and digital pla[orms? 4) What kind of Hürriyet Kampüs would you want to read? Rewards 4x300TL / 4x200TL / 2x100TL /4x50TL Total: 2400TL ($1275) Marketing
Project Hürriyet Kampüs Quizzes Project Descrip?on A quiz show, with entertaining ques:ons and answering op:ons on Hürriyet Kampüs Facebook page to share general knowledge Project Aim To distribute prizes to students matching their needs. Project Results We have given giss to 5 students every day in 2 different ci:es for 41 days in total. Total par:cipa:on was more than 10.000. Rewards • More than 200 Cinemaximum (Most common cinema saloon’s in Turkey) 'cket • 10 Müze Kart (Museum entrance cards over Turkey) • 50TL giN cards of Migros (Most common supermarket in Turkey) • 50TL giN cards of yenicarsim.com • 50TL giN cards of D&R (Most common bookstore in Turkey) • 100TL giN cards of Tekin Acar and Sevil Parfümeri (Two common perfumery of Turkey) Marketing
We have also par:cipated to most famous university fes:vals with plays and concerts. We have opened stands where we can play games based on the guess and skills of the couples, a type of game which is on the rise in the mainstream entertainment programs. These games were newspaper themed and played using the newspaper or the sec:ons of the newspaper as a source. We have also sponsored concerts of popular singers. Within the context of the giss “meet&greet”, students were offered possibili:es to meet their most favored singers. Total Number of students reached by the concerts: 120.000+ Number of students reached by the games: 100.000+ Marketing
Project Hürriyet Kampüs Tweet Ormanı ( Hürriyet Kampüs Tweet Forest) Web (microsite) tweetormani.hurriyetkampus.com Project Descrip?on Each tweet posted with #tweetormani is published in our microsite. We will plant one tree for each 100 tweets. We will construct a Hürriyet Kampüs Forest in an area defined by the Ministry of Forests. Project Aim To contribute the increase of the green areas in Turkey with the par:cipa:on of college students, by launching a campaign on Twi=er, the most intensively used social media channel by the young people. Project Situa?on Ongoing. Current +8600 tweet mean 86 trees. Planta:on is targeted for October. Online
100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 09/2011 10/2011 11/2011 12/2011 01/2012 02/2012 03/2012 04/2012 05/2012 06/2012 07/2012 08/2012 09/2012 10/2012 11/2012 12/2012 01/2013 02/2013 03/2013 04/2013 05/2013 06/2013 *Peak on 03.2012‐05.2012 is because of an online marke:ng organiza:on. 25000 Cooperation With Different Brands to Increase the Sales
•  We had an agreement with the company for the introduc:on of Alegria, Nescafe s new product, to the collegers. •  We have selected 12 universi:es where there is a Nescafe Alegria coffee machine and 4.000 promo:onal flyers were distributed during the first day. •  We have distributed 7.500 free coupons on the second day in these 12 universi:es to students who bought a Hürriyet Kampüs. Students were offered free coffees from the cafeteria in return for a coupon. •  Nestle bought a total of 20.000 Hürriyet Kampüs under the project. These newspapers were distributed in the dormitories free of charge. Cooperation With Different Brands to Increase the Sales
We have distributed flyers in 46 universi:es in which the Hürriyet Kampüs Newspaper was sold and we hanged the posters of «Yapı Kredi Afife Theatre Awards». We have reached roughly a total of 20.000 students. We have also distributed to the students 20.000 newspapers, bought by the company within the project, in private dormitories. Results of the Project
Sales: A comparison of the sales through exis:ng distribu:on channels before the project began with the sales at universi:es involved in the project resulted in an average of an 18‐fold increase in sales. At the same loca:ons that previously sold 315 issues of Hürriyet Kampüs, 6.728 issues were sold at first period. The total average sales at 2011‐2012 were 12.854. The last year 15.453 issues were sold. Moving forward from the first period to the second year, a 100% increase was observed on account of both management change and varia:on in the sales channels (canteen, cafe, etc). An increase of 20% in propor:on to previous year occurred in the last year. (next slide) Brand Awareness: In May 2012, a “brand awareness” research was conducted by Nielsen Research Company. The universi:es where the research was conducted, the sampling structure etc. are included in the slide number 20. Awareness level of Hürriyet Kampus newspaper, as specified in the slide number 21, was 41%. Research for the year 2013 will be reported at the end of June. Sales
2,500,000 500,000 841,019 1,000,000 1,748,183 1,500,000 2,178,876 2,000,000 0 2010‐2011 2011‐2012 2012‐2013 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 15,453 8,000 12,854 6,000 4,000 7,728 2,000 0 2010‐2011 2011‐2012 2012‐2013 Brand Awareness Research
Who? How? A Total of 1008 interviews Quan:ta:ve Research College students Face to face Interview technique From all Socio‐Economical & age groups 50% Female, 50% Male When? Field dates: 18 April – 9 May 2012 University and inside‐
the‐ campus loca:ons where Hürriyet Kampüs is distributed City University Sample Çanakkale Samsun 18 Mart Üniversitesi 19 Mayıs Üniversitesi 35 40 Bolu Antalya Eskişehir Sivas Adana İzmir İzmir Kayseri Elazığ Ankara Malatya Trabzon Zonguldak Kocaeli Mersin Denizli Sakarya Konya Kahramanmaraş Bursa İstanbul Abant İzzet Baysal Üniv. Akdeniz Üniverisitesi Anadolu Üniversitesi Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Çukurova Üniversitesi Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Ege Üniversitesi Erciyes Üniversitesi Fırat Üniversitesi Hace=epe Üniversitesi İnönü Üniversitesi Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Karaelmas üniversitesi Kocaeli Üniversitesi Mersin Üniversitesi Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sakarya Üniversitesi Selçuk Üniversitesi Sütçü İmam Üniversitsesi Uludağ Üniversitesi Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Total 40 46 40 30 50 50 50 50 35 50 39 49 34 49 35 51 50 50 35 49 51 1008 Brand Awarness Research (%)
Hürriyet Kampüs is obviously the most remembered youth journal considering the first men:oned and spontaneously men:oned scores. When the audience is ques:oned about the youth journals without help, Hürriyet Kampüs s total recogni:on is 41% whereas the score goes up to 78% with reminded ques:oning and without help totally. TA %78
70 60 61.3 50.4 50 33.2 40 When the college students are asked What are the top :er youth journals that you can name/as the first ones coming to your mind? the scores turned out as Hürriyet 28%, Milliyet 23% Posta %13 and Habertürk 12%. We can interpret these scores as the newspapers are approached based on their content . 40.7 28.1 22.8 30 17.2 20 7.9 10 12.7 11.1 6 12.3 11 5.2 5.2 4.2 Posta Sabah 3.4 3 1.7 1 Zaman Star 0 Hürriyet (Total ) Hürriyet Kampüs Hürriyet Milliyet Radikal Top of Mind First Awareness HaberTürk Top of Mind Total Awareness Project Financing and Development
Hürriyet Gazetecilik ve Matbaacılık A.Ş. was founded and registered in Turkey in 1960. Opera:ng in the fields of journalism, prin:ng, adver:sing, publicity and online publishing, the company has seven prin:ng centers located in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Antalya, Trabzon and Germany. The majority of Hürriyet’s shares are owned by Doğan Holding A.Ş. Hürriyet Campus Project is primarily financed by the Hürriyet Newspaper marke:ng budget as part of its marke:ng goals. However, Hürriyet Newspaper, which can claim the Turkish newspaper market’s most experienced adver:sing teams, plans that in the future projects will finance themselves through adver:sing and newspaper sales profits. ‘‘Thank You’’