1:177SED PLA - Maribyrnong City Council
1:177SED PLA - Maribyrnong City Council
OF MARIBYRisla% .'1:177SED PLA BALCONY SPOS METAL SHED 3660 NO. 77 SINGLE STOREY RESIDENCE METAL HIP & SKILLION ROOF, WBD WALLS METAL SHED 2/3000L rainwater tanks to provide water supply for toilet cistern, wm and for irrigation of landscaped areas 13110 3070 EXISTING VERANDAH Apt 450AVIVIVO AO' 12850 POS 4 .0 NO. 79 SUBJECT SITE 2000h screen wall & bbq/water feature PROPOSE-1E-- NO. 34 RICHELIEU ST DOUBLE STOREY RESIDENCE EXISTING GARAGE/LAUNDRY 3660 ° POS SERVICE YARD TILED HIP ROOF, BRICK WALLS LLI 4,444141060646,11646 e • 'NAV* trItrA1411 29010 glazed 6100 / 3050 door NO. 81 SINGLE STOREY RESIDENCE TILED HIP ROOF, WBD & BRICK WALLS hrw ADJOINING GARAGE METAL GABLE ROOF, PREFAB METAL WALLS SPOS BALCONY AREA ANALYSIS 1771 = proposed addition SITE EXISTING RESIDENCE EXISTING GARAGE/LAUNDRY EXISTING POS & SERVICE YARD EXISTING SPOS EXISTING SITE COVERAGE = proposed DECK II = existing footprint II - new rainwater tank/bbq = timber lattice or similar with creeper plant. height of lattice determined by overlooking angle with respect to north facing windows and balcony at NO. 34 Richelieu Street 195.08m2 72.64m2 26.17m2 48.48m2 47.75m2 50.65% PROPOSED ADDITIONAL AREA ( = PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT (EXCL. VERANDAH! PROPOSED SPOS PROPOSED PERMEABLE SURFACES (33.32% OF SITEI PROPOSED SITE COVERAGE = proposed low to medium height edp = existing downpipe deciduous shrub or tree (native, small root systems variety only1 hws = hot water service hrw = habitable room window SITE PLAN 15.48m2 88.12m2 31.22m2 65.01 m2 58.59% < NORTH 1:10079 SUFFOLK ST, FOOTSCRAYAO 1 °ITV OF MARIBYRMCNI < NORTH remove roof sheeting, fascia and gutter as required by proposed work demolish entire structure incl. roof, walls arid floor NO. 77 SINGLE STOREY RESIDENCE METAL HIP & SKILLION ROOF, WBD WALLS 13110 3070 ENTRY U7 120 HALL 05L2) ptb ptb vinyl N, VERANDAH 12850 `— —9- BATH 3050 ADJOINING METAL SHED ADJOINING METAL SHED 3050 1960h timber paling fence & 500h x 72001 trellis relocate as required edp not connected to swd 005g) BED 1 BED 2 ptb ptb ptb i POS 3050 2000h timber paling fence SERVICE YARD skylight overSPOS I_ _I _,1"7/1 -- e / ',...._ ./.i / GARAGE LAUNDRY concrete 00 ,...' \/up 50 up 50-, remove downpipe & weatherbds as required tiles KITCHEN slate p —1 2300 replace window LLI POS 2960h conc block wall \ L _ _ MEALS \ slate\ C2.I25j) 1 -\i, NO. 34 RICHELIEU ST DOUBLE STOREY RESIDENCE TILED HIP ROOF, BRICK WALLS 1960h timber paling fence 500h x 48001 trellis 29010 0 glazed NO. 81 door SINGLE STOREY RESIDENCE TILED HIP ROOF, WBD & BRICK WALLS retain hrw SPOS ADJOINING GARAGE METAL GABLE ROOF, PREFAB METAL WALLS demolish roof/walls lexcl. party wall] - retain floor if appropriate = structure to be removed/opening to be formed 1/1 = roof/fascia/gutter to be removed = existing structure edp = existing downpipe hws = hot water service htr = heater ptb = polished timber boards Ibaltic pinel hrw = habitable room window = concrete paving to be removed = door & frame to be removed 3050 = ceiling height - direction of floor boards EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 1:10079 SUFFOLK ST, FOOTSCRAYA02 NO. 79 NO. 77 NO. 81 < SUBJECT SITE NO. 81 NO. 77 NO. 79 SUBJECT SITE retain corrugated roof sheeting & quad profile gutter edp = existing downpipe hws = hot water service FFL = finished floor Level FCL = finished ceiling level FCL III C\T = structure to be removed/opening to be formed hws FFL L FFL demolish entire structure except for party wall concrete level concrete/grass level OF MARIEWF/PiCAlf Ani/F2R.riSD PL, SOUTH (REAR) ELEVATION NORTH (FRONT) ELEVATION demolish entire structure except for party wall FCL CD 10 CD hws relocate as required concrete/grass level F FL FFL retain secluded private open space demolish 4. GARAGE/LAUNDRY 4. WEST ELEVATION FCL ensure that brick party wall continues to underside of corrugated roof sheeting 2460h timber paling/picket fence hws concrete/grass level FFL secluded private open space JrGARAGE/LAUNDRY'11 CD 10 CD C") relocate as required FFL retain party wall in its entirety EAST ELEVATION EXISTING CONDITIONS ELEVATIONS1:10079 SUFFOLK ST, FOOTSCRAYA03 crrv NORTH niiiiviteMvONC wriSE.-‘2,D Pi.; 904670 VOS 6050 VOS 90 2500 0/A DECK 13110 0 I- ADJOINING METAL SHED NO. 77 SINGLE STOREY RESIDENCE METAL HIP & SKILLION ROOF, WBD WALLS ADJOINING METAL SHED perimeter of RITEK roof panesl over perimeter of MEZZANINE over 1 850 — — itingESMIN 3070 VERANDAH up 120 ENTRY eptb cupbds over BED 2ttic 005) .0 2001h scrElen to obscure door/proposed lattice _ (2400LTA - kit ptb ci 0 shwr t NO. 81 SINGLE STOREY90 RESIDENCE TILED HIP ROOF. WBD & BRICK WALLS tiles FAMILY/ ME ptb eptbl cider eptb tv unit Lb/head afring BED 1 POS 2400 I 0050 POS sound-insulated feature wall panel HALL 3050 eptb (4175-0 " ref stereo unit highlight window over 1940 90 600 2700 b/head over —20:5141 GARAGE/ LAUNDRY NO. 34 RICHELIEU ST DOUBLE STOREY RESIDENCE TILED HIP ROOF, BRICK WALLS concrete 29010 glazed door .e1, hrw 2500 90 Spas ADJOINING GARAGE METAL GABLE ROOF, PREFAB METAL WALLS BATH 90 342 ' 2630 90 3600 2500 4670 VOS 0/A DECK = timber stud wall 8730 0/A = new window/door = cabinetry = plumbing fixtures/appliances = timber deck II = existing structure = polystyrene panels - render finish = timber lattice or similar with creeper plant = ceiling height direction of floor boards = direction of floor joists edp = existing downpipe hws = hot water service rwt = rainwater tank eptb = existing polished timber boards (balk pine) ptb = polished timber boards hrw = habitable room window p = pantry ref = refrigerator vb = vanity basin wc = toilet VOS = verify on site PROPOSED PLAN 1:10079 SUFFOLK ST, FOOTSCRAYA04 <N dJ ORTH -01",sRrisrz 'BYRN 4-0 pLe , NO. 77 SINGLE STOREY RESIDENCE METAL ROOF, WEID WALLS 0 ADJOINING SHED ADJOINING SHED connect rainwater head & downpipe to tanks 3000 13110 12850 3070 rwt 2° f19Gmm fa rwt 6 LLI SPOS POS 0 0" folding attic ladder LCD MEZZANINE ptb new zincalume box gutter 300w x 75d min. 17.5° > 1111 1000h glass balustrade DECK 150mm half round RITEK gutter GARAGE/ LAUNDRY NO. 34 RICHELIEU ST DOUBLE STOREY RESIDENCE TILED HIP ROOF, BRICK WALLS h=1 POS [F:2° [90m rn fatli: SPOS 29010 /\ NO. 81 SINGLE STOREY RESIDENCE TILED ROOF, WBD & BRICK WALLS ADJOINING GARAGE METAL ROOF, PREFAB WALLS edp = existing downpipe dp = new 1000 colorbond downpipe rwh = 300h x 150d x 300w rainwater head - colorbond finish ptb = polished timber boards rwt = rainwater tank - direction of floor boards = timber stud wall. kial1;1 = new window/glass balustrade = polystyrene panels - render finish El = RITEK roof panels & gutter - colorbond finish zincalume box gutter (600w x 75d min.) = zincalume roof sheeting = parapet wall capping - colorbond finish PROPOSED MEZZANINE PLAN1:10079 SUFFOLK ST, FOOTSCRAYA05 ( priaz7L Itt. 76.1 NO. 77 SINGLE STOREY RESIDENCE METAL ROOF, WBD WALLS NORTH ADJOINING SHED ADJOINING SHED 0 13110 12850 3070 LLI 9 DECK 17.V GARAGE/ LAUNDRY NO. 34 RICHELIEU ST DOUBLE STOREY RESIDENCE TILED HIP ROOF, BRICK WALLS 29010 /\ NO. 81 SINGLE STOREY RESIDENCE TILED ROOF, WBD & BRICK WALLS ADJOINING GARAGE METAL ROOF, PREFAB WALLS edp = existing downpipe = RITEK roof panels/gutter - colorbond finish PROPOSED ROOF PLAN1:10079 SUFFOLK ST, FOOTSCRAYA06 NO. 79 NO. 77 NO. 81 NO. 81 SUBJECT SITE A NO. 77 NO. 79 SUBJECT SITE 7- edp = existing downpipe hws = hot water service FFL = finished floor level FCL = finished ceiling level = polystyrene panels - render finish (TAUBMANS manhattan) FCL = new timber window/door frame/post - white gloss paint finish = glass = timber deck = parapet wall capping hws FFL = corrugated wall cladding/RITEK roof panels/ gutter colorbond finish FFL concrete/grass level concrete levet NORTH (FRONT) ELEVATION SOUTH (REAR) ELEVATION 1:>4 OS V'9Piartir P FCL timber window (to replace existing metal framed window) FFL FFL MEZZANINE FFL— FCL hws FFL EAST ELEVATION PROPOSED ELEVATIONS1:10079 SUFFOLK ST, FOOTSCRAYA07 e)17 0;MARIBYRNONC; 4MM' x Col \ \\ 1. 900 250 thi finish ck RITEkal top & bottotr)- tot corrugated roof pan I "R 3000 0/A 90 MEZZANINE \\ value clear toughened glass balustrade R6.5 ridge/party wall beyond \ FCL timber lattice or similar with creeper plant. height of lattice determined by overlooking angle with respect to north facing windows and balcony at NO. 34 Richelieu Street cNk -mqz. riSZID PLA Lf) i ‘\FFL L_ f loor - floor FCL ED 2 u/s of bulkhead beyond BAT 90 FAMILY/ E MEALS (NI KITCHEN timber framed/ lined screen wall 900 300Q va5 GARAGE/ LAUNDRY DECK FFL • Xs( (A's.lx•V II edge of proposed robe beyond tiled recess 4. tv unit supplied by OWNERS = timber structure = new window/door/glass balustrade [in elevation] = cabinetry = plumbing fixtures/appliances = timber deck = existing structure = RITEK roof panels = concrete • FCL = finished ceiling level FFL = finished floor level topping screed = insulation boards = polystyrene panels - render finish SECTION AA (1 of 2)1:50 79 SUFFOLK ST, FOOTSC RAYA08 timber lattice or similar with creeper plant. height of lattice determined by overlooking angle with respect to north facing windows and balcony at NO. 34 Richelieu Street 774, 90 FAMILY/ MEALS MA RIB Y9P.103G LJ boundary line 1 ‘ : , IT? OF- t ght timber framed/ lined screen wall 900 GARAGE/ LAUNDRY eN LANE NO. 34 RICHELIEU ST DECK = timber structure = new window/door/glass balustrade (in elevation) = cabinetry plumbing fixtures/appliances = timber deck II = existing structure = RITEK roof panels = concrete FCL = finished ceiling level FFL = finished floor level = topping screed = insulation boards = polystyrene panels - render finish SECTION AA (2 of 211:5079 SUFFOLK ST, FOOTSCRAYAO* L'rir?Od:,16.1P IBY,t?I'^` lMG ?Ng f . ridge beyond MEZZANINE -— toughened glass balustrade FFL 0, CN CD CD r•-• KITCHEN (N f loor - floor FCL EEL natural ground level— adjustable glass louvres = timber structure = glass batustrade/splashback I1 cabinetry = plumbing fixtures/appliances = glass to window = existing structure = RITEK roof panels = concrete FCL = finished ceiling level EEL = finished floor level - topping screed = insulation boards •= polystyrene panels - render finish SECTION BB 1:5079 SUFFOLK ST, FOOTSCRAYAl 0 .;111' OF iviiiiliklYRNCING Robert P Busse!mann & Associates COI/PAT/SE° 5/22-28 Best Street North Fitzroy 3068 PLAA' ph: 9481 7002 email: fourbtoo©bigpond.netau Reg Building Practitioner No DP-AD2232 EXTERNAL MATERIALS AND COLOUR SCHEDULE 79 Suffolk Street, West Footsc ray 27.02.15, amended 06.03.15 WO( roof panels (First Floor gable profile root) COLORBOND Coo!max Whitehaven top, COLORBOND Surfmist bottom Selected profile roof sheeting and associated box gutters/sumps/flashings Zincalume Fascia (Z type 1)/end capping (C Channel)/ barge capping COLORBOND Windspray -WINDSPRAY, C1JCK HERE . Half round profile gutters/downpipes/rainwater heads/parapet capping COLORBOND Ironstone IRONSTONES CLICK HERE KOOL THERM 1(5 rendered polystyrene wall panels Taubmans "Manhattan"(Grey) Corrugated wall cladding/rainwater tanks COLORBOND Surfmist Timber windows and bi-fold door stiles/rails Gloss white paint finish Deck flooring 90x22 Jarrah boards spaced 3mm apart nominally P`T' Robert P Busselmann & Associates 5/22-28 Best Street North Fitzroy 3068 CITY OF mARIBYRNONG D VeRTI S ED PLAN ph: 9481 7002 email: fourbtoo@bigpond.net.au Reg Building Practitioner No DP-AD2232 Date: 10.03.2015 to:Maribyrnong City Council re:79 Suffolk Street, West Footscray Al. Existing neighbourhood character is eclectic to say the least therefore allowing for an innovative, site responsive and energy efficient approach to the proposal. It is assumed that 'preferred neighbourhood character' would echo the intention of this application. The proposed skillion roof form of the proposed addition at the rear of the existing residence blends with roof forms found within the immediate vicinity and scale/massing is not disproportionate. Most importantly, the design's intent to introduce North light/winter heat into the main living areas via the use of openable highlight windows in conjunction with cathedral ceilings is generally encouraged by all Councils and Policy Frameworks. A2. Not applicable as the existing facade is retained. A3. Not applicable (As the existing front setback is retained). A4. Building heights are indicated on drawing A07 and are considerably less than the maximum of 8m. Proposed height of the addition blends reasonably well and is in keeping with some of the (Two storey) surrounding development with regards to massing/bulk, but is not as high. A5. Proposed site coverage is less than 60% (58.59) and in keeping with existing and preferred neighbourhood character. The design retains sufficient Private/Secluded Open Space which is both easily accessed, attractively landscaped and facing North. Visible bulk is negligible and only visible from the West to any great extent. A6. Area of permeable surfaces is acceptable at 33.32%. The inclusion of two, three thousand litre rainwater tanks to collect the bulk of the roof run-off associated with the development will substantially reduce the impact on existing stormwater drain infrastructure. With a site area of under 200 square metres, the proposal offers a good outcome. A7. The proposal introduces plenty of North facing solar access to the FAMILY/MEALS area (Also refer A08). The design incorporates cantilevered roof panels on the North side to eliminate summer sun penetration, double glazing and no windows on the West side of the addition. The use of polystyrene in both the perimeter walls and roofing panels of the proposed addition will provide significant thermal efficiency (R6.5 for the roof and R6.3 for walls) and limit greenhouse gas emissions. The adjoining property's (No 81) habitable room window along its East side and its access to natural daylight is minimally (If at all) affected by the design due to the proposed 3m high boundary wall being aligned with the North edge of said window. Also, the proposed skillion roof form at the adjoining habitable room window's location is relatively low. No 77's access to solar energy is not affected by the proposal. A8. Although the subject site and surrounding properties are bereft of any substantial landscaping whatsoever, it is the intention of the proposal to plant low to medium height, deciduous trees and/or shrubs along the West, South and East sides of the Secluded Private Robert P Busse!mann & Associates 5/22-28 Best Street North Fitzroy 3068 CITY OF IVAHIBYFIPIONU Nr)1/PPT1SED PLA ph: 9481 7002 email: fourbtoo@bigpond.net.au Reg Building Practitioner No DP-AD2232 Open Space. This will facilitate visual (And, to some extent, audio) privacy, summer sun control and in a minute way aid carbon absorption. A9. Although not applicable to extensions and alterations, there is single on-site car parking available at the rear of the site by way of the existing prefabricated metal clad Garage. There is on-street parallel car parking available on both sides of Suffolk Street and public transport in the form of a bus (Route 216 along Richelieu Street) and train (Nearest station is West Footscray Railway Station, 1.5km away from the subject site) are within the vicinity. Additionally, car hire company Flexicar provides a 'pod' relatively close to the subject site (Victoria University Carpark, Ballarat Road). It should be noted that many inner city residents also use alternative forms of transport such as bicycle, scooter and motorbike. Many walk to work as well. All of this negates the requirement of owning a car and the provision of having one located on-site. A10. This objective only applies to the proposed East and West facing skillion silhouettes of the addition. Although heights along the North-West and North-East sides of the aforementioned skillion roof silhouettes exceed maximum allowable dimensions when taking into account their respective side boundary setbacks, it is considered that these 'transgressions' do not (No 77) or do not significantly (No 81) impact upon the amenity currently enjoyed by adjoining properties' habitable room windows or Secluded Private Open Spaces. Existing or preferred neighbourhood character may not be entirely satisfied but the proposed roof shape is the only economically viable way of satisfying the objective/standard of A7 and of making a considerable contribution to the immediate environment (Far and beyond that of existing housing stock within this precinct). All. Even when the existing West wall of the GARAGE/LAUNDRY is added to the proposed boundary wall (West wall of FAMILY/MEALS), the total of 8.5m is still well within the maximum allowable 14.75m. Al2. It is considered that the adjoining habitable room highlight window (Refer photo below) at the property to the West of the subject site (No 81) is not unduly impacted upon. The room belonging to this window receives plenty of natural daylight and ventilation via its South facing windows/doors. Furthermore, the start of the proposed boundary wall is aligned with the edge of the aforementioned highlight window and the height of said wall is set at 2.9m above natural ground level. It is worth noting that the proposed boundary wall will replace an existing, illegally constructed, non-complying wall of similar height and length. Therefore, it may be argued that the status quo is largely maintained but brought into compliance with BCA requirements, specifically from a fire rating perspective. Also, a gutter which is currently built over the boundary line will be removed. Robert P Busselmann & Associates 5/22-28 Best Street North Fitzroy 3068 JITY Of- migsHibYFINONL DVPRI1SED PLA?k ph: 9481 7002 email: fourbtoo@bigpond.net.au Reg Building Practitioner No DP-AD2232 A13. This does not apply as the long boundaries of the subject site face West and East. A14. There is minimal additional overshadowing of the Secluded Private Open Space at No 81 during the early morning hours of September 23. Most of this area is currently being shaded by the existing 2.46m high timber paling fence with trellis extension and existing residence. No 77's Secluded Private Open Space will not be affected by this application. All of the Secluded Private Open Space on the subject site faces North and although some overshadowing will be experienced by the proposed skillion roof form of the addition, it by no means is "unreasonable" (Also refer Section AA on A08 which indicated shadow angles at noon during summer, winter and autumn/spring). At just over 31 usable square metres, the proposed Secluded Private Open Space layout will receive more than five hours of direct sunlight during the September equinox. A15. The adjoining properties' visual privacy remains unaltered due to the height of the existing boundary fences, proposed vegetation and complete lack of any windows facing West or East. A16. All proposed habitable room windows receive an abundance of light and ventilation. Robert P Busse!mann & Associates CITY OF ANNHIE3Y9140;c 5/22-28 Best Street North Fitzroy 3068 ph: 9481 7002 nVeRnSED PLIV email: fourbtoo@bigpond.net.au Reg Building Practitioner No DP-AD2232 A17. The proposal totals 49.57 square metres of Private Open Space plus 31.22 square metres of Secluded Private Open Space. The latter is located at the rear of the residence and faces North. Direct access from the FAMILY/MEALS is provided. A18. The proposed SECLUDED PRIVATE OPEN SPACE complies with the intent and desired outcome of this Objective/Standard as well as Diagram A5. A19. The proposal incorporates roof form, materials and detailing that integrates appropriately with adjoining buildings and preferred neighbourhood character. In particular, the skillion roof component of the addition sits well with the current roof form at the rear of both Nos 77 and 79 and similar additions at the rear of residential dwellings found in this part of West Footscray. More importantly, the proposal's addition will make a significant energy efficiency contribution and, arguably, add an aesthetically pleasing addition to the current, mundane architectural immediate environment. A20. Not applicable.