Boilex Military product sheet Artwork
Boilex Military product sheet Artwork
Military Cooking Zip™ & Boilex™ CLEAN COOKING SYSTEMS Sustaining soldiers in field or emergency situations Having used Hexamine and gas type “heaters for many years... It was great to use a new, innovative stove and fuel that heats water quickly and efficiently. Corporal, British Army ” Military Cooking Challenges For over 70 years, militaries around the world have used cooking fuels and stoves that have remained largely unchanged since their introduction. It is essential that all modern military personnel are well fed and able to sustain themselves in the field either as individual soldiers or as groups. Over the past few years much effort has been made to improve the content and quality of ration packs issued to soldiers. Now there is even more need to improve the Operational Ration Heaters and cook stoves so that the soldiers can cook safely, cleanly and quickly in any military situation. Military Cooking Solutions With the advent of new materials and smarter technologies, Zip™ and Boilex™ have created a complete range of clean cooking systems that meet the current needs of the modern soldier. Each Boilex™ stove has been uniquely designed to optimise the power and efficiency of Zip™ Cooking Fuel, so food can be cooked quickly and cleanly, making them highly effective alternatives to traditional options such as wood, gas, Hexamine, alcohol gels or Kerosene, many of which present safety and transport issues. BoilexTM Stoves All of the Boilex™ stoves are constructed from durable Stainless Steel or Aluminium metal to ensure that the stove is lightweight, easy to use, robust and efficient. They may also all be used with standard-issue pots, cups and pans. Designed for individual cooking, The Boilex™ Pyramid, Flexifold, All in One and Nano stoves are small enough to be carried in a soldiers pocket or backpack. Moreover the All in One stove negates the need for additional cooking equipment as it has an integrated water chamber as part of the stove. The Boilex™ Ultra stove is more durable and more powerful to cater for the needs of larger groups of soldiers. ZipTM Cooking fuel To fuel the range of Boilex™ stoves, Zip™ have produced a range of cooking fuels that are non – toxic and formulated using naturally derived, sustainable biofuel that burn cleanly with a high calorific value and no sooty deposits. They can be used both indoors and outdoors (providing adequate ventilation) and in all weather conditions from Arctic, through to deserts and jungles. Since the fuel is not classified as hazardous and is non-explosive it can be air transported to remote locations and parachute dropped as required. Current Fuel Choices Boilex™ Cooking Systems The Boilex™ stoves and the Zip™ Cooking Fuel work very efficiently together to deliver optimum water heating and food cooking system solutions for use in any location, by every modern army. They can also be delivered as bespoke solutions to meet all military cooking and fuel requirements. Until now, the choice of fuel and energy technology options available for military situation has been limited. These traditional fuels have significant weaknesses. Our clean burning Boilex™ stoves include the following: WOOD Smoky, unclean burn stains pots and damages respiratory health KEROSENE Smoky, unclean burn and poses re-supply issues HEXAMINE Highly toxic in all forms, dangerous if accidently ingested, releases Hydrogen Cyanide when burning TRIOXANE Toxic to humans and the environment GAS Unable to be transported by air, heavy to carry, difficult to re-supply locally ALCOHOL GEL Dangerously flammable and explosive, restrictions on air transportation Individual Cooking Boilex™ Pyramid stove The perfect operational ration heater. A lightweight (50g), multiple-use, flat packed stove that simply folds out to form an ideal stove for personal cooking. Easy to use in any environment, it is designed to work specifically with Zip cooking fuel to heat 500ml of water in c9 mins. Boilex™ All in One Stove Originally designed for one-time use in Arctic and mountain warfare survival packs, it can in fact be used in all survival and emergency situations and in all conditions. Its unique flat packed design folds out into a stove and receptacle all in one. Made of lightweight aluminium, it weighs only 55g and is assembled by simply pulling its two corners to create an integral water/food chamber on top with a stand below. Ideal for one to two people, and will heat 500ml of water in c7 mins. Boilex™ Flexifold stove Designed for use with one Zip Cooking Fuel 26g wrapped cube, it is made of a flat piece of heat resistant coated steel that has four sides capable of being folded upwards to hold a mug or mess tin, and then downwards again for carriage. Lightweight and easy to use, 500ml of water will boil in c10 minutes. KEY ADVANTAGES Zip Cooking Fuel TM Powerful and long burning Non-toxic and safe for humans and wildlife if accidently ingested The Boilex™ Nano Stove Perfect for individuals, a complete, clean, easy to use, personal cooking system that fits inside a cup. A small battery (4xAAA) operated fan blows air through the combustion chamber and over the fuel, ensuring complete combustion (translucent blue flame) and giving a cleaner, hotter burn. 500ml of water will boil in c 6 mins and food can then be simmered by turning down the air inlet gauge. Once cooled, the stove and any unused fuel can be stored in the cup for later use. Suitable for use in extreme weather conditions Clean to handle/ clean burn – no soot Easy to light Suitable for indoor and outdoor use (providing adequate ventilation) Lightweight and easy to carry Odourless Group Cooking Boilex™ Ultra Stove One of the cleanest burning, most economical stoves on the market with the added convenience of being able to use liquids, biomass and high energy fuels in the one stove. Ideal for large groups, it will boil 5 litres of water in c12 mins and will use up to 40% less fuel than comparable stoves and c80% less than open fires. Made of steel and aluminium, it is sufficiently robust to hold extremely large pots and pans. It works by an in-built battery-operated fan blowing air through the crucible and over the fuel, ensuring more complete combustion of the fuel being used. The power of the stove is varied by modifying the air inlet gauge, and thereby works in a similar fashion to a gas stove. The battery and fan are housed in a separate engine unit that slots on the front of the stove and that can be stored inside the crucible during transit, minimising space. The engine unit has the added advantage of an integrated USB / DC port for charging / powering items such as cell phones and lights. Long shelf life Not classified as hazardous - air transportable Consistent quality - made in EU € Low cost Non explosive; can be parachute dropped Boilex™ Stoves Maximise fuel power and efficiency Designed to reduce smoke emissions € Low cost Easy to cook with Lightweight and easy to carry Durable and long lasting Suitable for indoor and outdoor use (providing adequate ventilation) Zip & Boilex CLEAN COOKING SYSTEMS ™ ™ Zip, the Heart logo and Boilex are registered trademarks and used under licence. Stove patent and design protection applied for. Standard Brands (UK) Ltd, 4 Cleeve Court, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7SD, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1372 360 833 • Mob: +44 (0) 7808 761114 • Fax: +44 (0)1372 360 996 Email: • Visit: Contacts: Keiron Francis, Terry Coates Boilex Cooking Systems