SWR Institute`s 2008 Winter Technical Meeting is right around the


SWR Institute`s 2008 Winter Technical Meeting is right around the
Look for a special
in this i s s u e
1 SW R I n s t i t u t e ’s 2 0 0 8 W i n t e r Te c h n i c a l M e e t i n g – Quickly Approaching!
6 Me s s a g e F r o m S W R I n s t i t u t e P r e s i d e n t – B i l l Leonhard
8 Fro m t h e S a f e t y C o m m i t t e e - W h e n S a f e t y i s Your Business
10Fro m t h e Va l i d a t i o n C o m m i t t e e - D o w C o r n i n g Corporation
Re- Va l i d a t e s T h e i r L i q u i d S e a l a n t T h r o u g h S WR Institute’s
Val i d a t i o n P r o g r a m
HOLiDAY Savings
promotion on page 12
SWR Institute’s 2008 Winter Technical
Meeting is right around the corner!
Register now and don’t miss your chance to see project
showcases, general sessions, the technical clearinghouse
and much much more! This is a perfect opportunity for
you to experience new trends in the sealant, waterproofing
and restoration industry while getting the opportunity to
networking with you peers.
The 2008 Winter Technical Meeting will take place at
the Hilton Cancun Golf & Spa Resort, Cancun, Mexico.
It is the perfect setting for the meeting with plenty of
opportunities for education and networking! Make plans
now to attend in February we would love to see you there!
Information is on the website www.swrionline.org, but
watch your e-mails for updated information!
LEARN FROM EXPERTS on unique projects – find out
about the challenges encountered and how they were
•The conference kicks off with David Boyers’s
presentation on Selecting the Best Water Repellent
for your Project explaining the considerations that
should be taken into account when selecting a water
repellent for your project.
Continued on Page 2
SWR Institute 2008 Winter Technical Meeting!
Feb.24-27, 2008
Hilton Cancun Golf & Spa Resort
Cancun, Mexico
Look inside for Schedule of Events and more on the
SWR Institute 2008 Winter Technical Meeting!
Click here to register now!
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | SWR Institute 2008 Winter Technical Meeting (Continued from page 1)
•Don’t miss Joseph Solinski’s presentation on
Thin Stone Travertine Veneer in Exterior Walls
– Evaluation and Repair. Learn from three case
studies involving travertine stone veneer system and
the problems and solutions that were developed
during the remediation of these buildings.
•Gain invaluable insights from the expertise of Tim
Gillespie on Innovative Solutions for Masonry
Façade Preservation Using Impressed Current
Cathodic Protection (ICCP). Discover how an ICCP
system stops corrosion activity in the structural steel
members by supplying an electrical current from an
external source to overcome the ongoing corrosion of
the steel.
•Learn from the Safety and Heath Committee
along with OSHA, their presentation on
Safety and Health Show and Tell. During this
presentation they will show, in brief, what is
available to the members, for example: the Safety
and Health Manual, Tool Box Talks and a PowerPoint
Presentation on Fall Protection.
•Learn about research showing how various sealants
age in the field and discover the surprising results of
another study on high performance acrylic sealants
for exterior applications from Pat Gorman during his
presentation, A Study of Performing and Failing
•Learn about the renovation and the many challenges
encountered on the Marina Harbor – Podium
Deck Waterproofing. Karim Allana will explain
complete demolition of the topping slab, landscaping,
hardscaping and waterproofing the podiums with
hot rubberized asphalt. Some of the repair highlights
include columns upgraded with carbon fiber wrap,
garden roof, pool deck, spall repair and tennis deck.
troubleshooting strategies to address varying
field conditions in his presentation, Successful
Application of High Build Coatings.
•Discover the key issues on how the environment
is affected by the construction industry and learn
about ‘Green’ building practices you can use and the
systems for evaluating the environmental impact in
Delph Gustitus’ presentation on Green Building
and LEED: What does it mean for you?
•In Jess Scrivner and Bland Harper’s Project
Showcase on the Westin Lagunamar Ocean
Resort, Cancun, Mexico you will learn about
the challenges associated with this international
project when the architect is from Argentina, the
construction manager is from Brazil, the owner is
from the United States, the window contractor is
from Mexico City and the consultants are from Texas!
Following the 20-minute presentation, attendees will
have the opportunity to go on an organized tour to
the Westin.
•Learn about the challenges encountered assessing
and evaluating damage during the first weeks
following Hurricane Wilma in Les ZumBrunnen’s
Project Showcase on the Hilton Cancun Golf
Resort & Spa – Hurricane Wilma Restoration.
Find out about the international differences in
building codes, the availability of replacement
materials and the solutions developed for adapting
the use of local materials to suit conditions and
business practices. Following the 20-minute
presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to
go on an ‘on-your-own’ tour of the Hilton.
•EXCHANGE IDEAS during the ever-popular
Technical Clearinghouse session, moderated by
Keith Goldstein with Everest Waterproofing &
Restoration. This free-flowing discussion addresses
real-life, work-related problems and the helpful
solutions that fellow attendees have already put to
the test.
•Have you ever understood the major steps taken
to ensure a successful coating application? Well
John McDonald, will explain pre-specification
site inspections, proper substrate preparation,
job-site mock-ups, application techniques and
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | SWR Institute 2008 Winter Technical Meeting
Preliminary Schedule of Events
SAT., FEB. 23, 2008
8:30 a.m. - noon
SWR Institute Committee Meetings
SUN., FEB. 24, 2008
8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
SWR Institute Board Meeting
5 – 6 p.m.
First Timers’ Reception
All first time attendees and their guests are
invited to join the SWR Institute board of
directors, past presidents and SWR Institute
Ambassadors for cocktails prior to the start of
the Opening Reception. This reception gives
first timers the opportunity to learn more about
the value of being a member of SWR Institute.
6 – 8 p.m.
“Tropical Paradise” Opening Reception
Enjoy a casual evening next to the Caribbean
Sea with your fellow SWRIers listening to the
sound of a Caribbean beat trio while getting
reacquainted with your industry peers.
MON., FEB. 25, 2008
7:30 – 8 a.m.
Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
8 – 8:15 a.m.
Opening Remarks & President’s Welcome
Bill Leonhard, SWR Institute President
Program Planning Chair:
Jed Daniel, Seager Waterproofing Co.
8:15 – 9 a.m.
Selecting the Best Water Repellent for
your Project
David Boyer, PROSOCO, Inc., Lawrence, KS
Key learning points: Learn about the
considerations that should be taken into
account when selecting a water repellent
for your project. Find out about the benefits
and limitations of clear water repellents.
Gain an understanding of the steps of proper
application, from onsite testing, surface
preparation, equipment, coverage rates and
quality control on the job site. Additionally,
find out about the recommended performance
tests for the types of installations being
9 – 9:45 a.m.
Thin Stone Travertine Veneer in Exterior
Walls – Evaluation and Repair
Joseph Solinski, Stone & Glazing Consulting,
Lewisville, TX
Key learning points: Learn from three case
studies involving travertine stone veneer
system and the problems and solutions that
were developed during the remediation of
these buildings. This presentation will provide
you with proven methods to evaluate thin
stone veneer cladding, including but not
limited to a process for evaluation, cataloging,
identification and remediation of a travertine
clad building façade.
9:45 – 10:15 a.m.
Coffee Break with Exhibitors
10:15 – 11 a.m.
Innovative Solutions for Masonry Façade
Preservation Using Impressed Current
Cathodic Protection (ICCP)
Tim Gillespie, Sika Corp., Lyndhurst, NJ
Key learning points: This presentation will
focus on the use of Impressed Current Cathodic
Protection (ICCP) and how it can be used to
preserve transitional steel-framed masonry
buildings built between 1890 and 1950 with
minimal invasion and to avoid costly repairs
such as those associated with Local Law 11
in NYC. Discover how an ICCP system
stops corrosion activity in the structural steel
members by supplying an electrical current
from an external source to overcome the
ongoing corrosion of the steel. Also learn how
these systems can be accessed and controlled
remotely via the Internet to monitor the rate of
11 – 11:45 a.m.
Safety and Health Show and Tell
Ron Pilla, Valcourt Building Services,
Elizabeth NJ; Dan Cain, George D. Alan
Company, Irving, TX; and Dave Grady, TriState High Rise Services, Poughkeepsie, NY
Key learning points: The Safety and Heath
Committee along with OSHA, our Alliance
Partner, has developed a few Safety and
Health products over the years. During this
presentation we will show, in brief, what is
available to the members, for example: the
Safety and Health Manual, Tool Box Talks and
a PowerPoint Presentation on Fall Protection.
11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Luncheon for non-golfers
12:30 – 5 p.m.
Red Simpson Memorial Golf Tournament
Hilton Cancun Golf Course - Box lunch
provided at golf course
1 p.m. Shotgun start
TUES., FEB. 26, 2008
7:30 – 8 a.m.
Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
8 – 8:15 a.m.
Town Hall Meeting and 2008 Election of
Officers & Directors
Bill Leonhard, SWR Institute President
8:15 – 9:30 a.m.
A Study of Performing and Failing
Pat Gorman, Gorman Moisture Protection,
Inc., El Paso, TX
Key learning points: Learn about research
showing how various sealants age in the field
and discover the surprising results of another
study on high performance acrylic sealants for
exterior applications. Gain an understanding
from information on sealants subjected to
movement during exposure, what bond
breakers don’t work with what sealants, plus
the “wall of shame” where bad sealants melt
and good ones are –- good. Learn about these
research results and how you can do your own
simple research.
9:30 – 10:15 a.m.
Marina Harbor – Podium Deck
Karim Allana, Allana, Buick & Bers, Inc., Palo
Alto, CA
Key learning points: Due to age and coastal
conditions, major spalling and water conditions
affected 120,000SF of podium decks. Learn
about the renovation and the many challenges
encountered on this project that includes
complete demolition of the topping slab,
landscaping, hardscaping and waterproofing the
podiums with hot rubberized asphalt. Some of
the repair highlights include columns upgraded
with carbon fiber wrap, garden roof, pool deck,
spall repair and tennis deck.
Continued on Page 4
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | Preliminary Schedule of Events (Continued from page 3)
WED., FEB. 27, 2008
TUES., FEB. 26, 2008
10:15 – 10:30 a.m.
Coffee Break with Exhibitors
10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Technical Clearinghouse
Moderator: Keith Goldstein, Everest
Waterproofing & Restoration, Inc., San
Francisco, CA
Key learning points: Always one of the most
highly-rated sessions at an SWR Institute
meeting, this session offers attendees an
interactive discussion format that features
a free-flowing dialogue and addresses reallife work-related problems. Fellow industry
professionals provide helpful solutions they’ve
already put to the test. With the combined
expertise of the individuals in attendance,
beneficial solutions are developed through the
interaction and open discussion resulting in
tangible, cost-saving remedies.
11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Committee Highlights
12 – 1 p.m.
1:30 – 5:45 p.m.
Optional activities and tours
(See descriptions on next page)
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. “Pass the Gavel Gala” Reception
7:30 – 11 p.m.
“Pass the Gavel Gala” Dinner and Dance
Enjoy this festive evening toasting the current
and incoming presidents of SWR Institute.
8 – 8:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
guidelines. Gain an understanding of the
positive things employed by the owner to
address these issues in an attempt to achieve a
properly waterproofed facility.
8:30 – 9:15 a.m.
Successful Application of High Build
John McDonald, BASF Building Systems, W.
Berlin, NJ
Hilton Cancun Golf Resort & Spa
– Hurricane Wilma Restoration
Les ZumBrunnen, Facility Engineering
Associates, Denver, CO
Key learning points: Gain an understanding
of the major steps taken to ensure a successful
coating application. Items reviewed will
include pre-specification site inspections,
proper substrate preparation, job-site mock-ups,
application techniques and troubleshooting
strategies to address varying field conditions.
Learn about other key elements such as different
technologies, material selection, breathability,
crack detailing, maintenance requirements and
red flags for buyer beware.
Key learning points: Learn about the
challenges encountered assessing and
evaluating damage during the first weeks
following Hurricane Wilma. Find out about
the international differences in building codes,
the availability of replacement materials and
the solutions developed for adapting the use of
local materials to suit conditions and business
practices. Observe first hand how water
infiltration issues were eliminated and how this
project was completed within seven months.
9:15 – 10 a.m.
Green Building and LEED:
What does it mean for you?
Delph Gustitus, Gustitus Group, Inc.,
Chicago, IL
12 p.m.
Meeting adjourns
Key learning points: Discover the key issues
on how the environment is affected by the
construction industry. Learn about ‘Green’
building practices you can use and the systems for
evaluating the environmental impact. Find out
about the LEED rating system and how you can
earn LEED points for your construction project.
10 – 10:30 a.m.
Coffee Break with Exhibitors
2008 Winter
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Project Showcases and Site Tours
Following the two 20-minute Project Showcase
Presentations attendees will have the opportunity
to choose from the following: an organized tour to
the Westin or an on-your-own tour of the Hilton.
Transportation and hardhats provided for the
tour to the Westin. Hardhats provided by BASF
Building Systems, Inc.
BASF Building Systems
Westin Lagunamar Ocean Resort,
Cancun, Mexico
Jess Scrivner and Bland Harper, Harper
Brawner, LLC, Arlington, TX
Emseal Joint Systems LTD
Key learning points: Learn about the
challenges associated with this international
project when the architect is from Argentina,
the construction manager is from Brazil,
the owner is from the United States, the
window contractor is from Mexico City and
the consultants are from Texas! Discover the
solutions developed for language barriers,
excessive manpower loading, scheduling
logistics and varying construction safety
Boston Valley Terra Cotta
Cintec North America
Conproco Corporation
Dow Corning Corporation
Gladding McBean
Kaneka Texas Corp.
Sika Corporation
Tremco, Inc.
Red Simpson Golf Tournament
MON., FEB. 25, 2008
Red Simpson Memorial Golf Tournament
Hilton Cancun Golf Course
$140 per person
1 p.m. shotgun start
About the Hilton Cancun
Golf & Spa Resort
Located on 250 lush acres next to the Caribbean Sea, The Hilton
Cancun Golf & Spa Resort offers the serenity and natural
magnificence of a tropical paradise. The Hilton Cancun provides
guests with all the amenities to enhance your Mexico experience;
the hotel offers seven heated pools, pool bar, health club and
world-class spa. Activities abound with the opportunities for
sailing, windsurfing, water-skiing, scuba diving, fishing, a
children’s club program and par 72 golf course.
• All hotel room reservations should be made directly to the hotel’s
reservation department by registering online via SWR Institute’s
website: www.swrionline.org or by calling 011-52-998-881-8000.
A two night’s room deposit must be made with a credit card to
ensure confirmation. Be sure to mention you are with the Sealant,
Waterproofing & Restoration Institute to receive the special
negotiated rate.
OTE: It is important to make reservations by Feb. 1, 2008, after
which the hotel will release rooms to the general public at higher
rates. It is also important to note that the rates quoted above are
always subject to room availability, so it’s very important to make
your reservation just as soon as possible.
Hilton Cancun Golf & Spa Resort
Boulevard Kukulcan, Km. 17,
Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico 77500
Telephone: 001 52 998 881 8000
Fax: 001 52 998 881 8080
Passport Requirements
The 2008 Winter Technical meeting will allow
plenty of time to build those network contacts
so critical in business, and additionally, the Red
Simpson Annual Golf Tournament provides an
opportunity to get to know new members and
share ‘war stories.’ The tournament will be held
at the Hilton Cancun Golf Club.
A shotgun start will begin at 1 p.m. and the
format will be a best-ball scramble.
(Optional activity. Additional fee applies)
Water Safari/Jungle Tour
Don’t miss out on an SWR Institute Networking
TUE., FEB. 26, 2008
Water Safari/Jungle Tour
1:30 – 5:45 p.m.
$90 per person, based on two persons per boat
$180 single boat rider
Grab a friend, family member or fellow SWR
Institute attendee to spend the afternoon driving
your own Aquaray Boat specially designed for
two people along the Nichupte Lagoon. You will
drive through dense mangrove channels to cross
under the road bridge toward the second largest
reef in the world! Jump off your boats and dive
in to snorkel through the crystal clear, turquoise
waters of the Caribbean where myriad colorful
fish and coral formations await your visit!
(Optional activity. Additional fee applies)
Implemented on Jan. 23, 2007, ALL PERSONS traveling by
air between the United States and Canada, Mexico, Bermuda
and the Caribbean region are required to present a passport
or other valid travel document to enter or re-enter the
United States.
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | President’s Message
Finding the Right “Balance”
Bill Leonard
Allied Waterproofing, Inc.
Lyons, IL
As usual, I have procrastinated writing this
column searching for a topic that is interesting,
relevant, thought-provoking or just plain
entertaining. In fact, this has been my most
challenging responsibility as President of
this organization. Each month (or so) when
my Outlook program reminds me that my
column is due in a few days, my heart sinks
because I really struggle with the creative
aspect of writing a column such as this. So
here I am again, gazing out my office window
on a snowy December evening in Chicago,
wondering what my inspiration will be.
As a simple contractor from the heartland,
I’m really not convinced that I have anything
magical to impart to my fellow SWR Institute
members across the country. All I have to
share are my own personal experiences and
how they have shaped me as a business
owner, husband, father and friend. For the
past year, I have encountered some real
struggles both professional and personal.
Professionally, I struggle to balance the
amount of time that I invest in my business.
For those of you who own a business, you are
acutely aware that things are never “done.”
I suspect the same is true for the rest of you.
Even with the best intentions, we can get
wrapped up in our work. Ironically, our good
intentions usually involve admirable things
like providing for our families, growing our
businesses and yes, even doing volunteer
work worthy organizations (like SWR
Institute). In my case, it is a combination of all
these things.
In 2006 my business experienced rapid
growth, which “necessitated” hiring new
people, spending the time to train them and
waiting for them to produce. This proved
to be not only expensive, but very timeconsuming as well. At the time I made these
decisions, it certainly seemed like the right
thing to do. You know the old adage, “If
you’re not moving forward, you’re moving
back.” Isn’t this mentality part of what drives
us to do what we do?
At the same time, my three children are in
high school, college and just beyond. Trying
to manage all of the issues that accompany
this tumultuous time of life is a challenge
indeed. In my case, we became so consumed
with the day-to-day issues, that I found myself
losing track of the big picture. Does any of
this sound familiar to you?
Sometimes it takes a dramatic or tragic event
to help put your career and family issues into
perspective. For me, this awakening occurred
four weeks ago today when my twentyyear-old daughter, Jessica, was involved in
a near-fatal car accident that totaled her car.
Fortunately, she was spared serious injury and
was able to walk away from the crash. As I sat
in the hospital waiting for her surgery to end,
all of these issues came into a much clearer
perspective for me. Suddenly, I was content
with all of my other business and personal
issues. It took a life-threatening accident for
me to appreciate all of the other blessings in
my life.
So during this holiday season as you gather
with your loved-ones to celebrate Christmas
or Hanukkah, consider what life would be
like without one of the people in the room.
Having done this, it is my prayer that your
obligations will come into “balance” without
experiencing a tragedy of your own.
I have often wondered how many people
actually read this column. On occasion, I have
heard from some of you with comments and
thoughts, but I seriously wonder how many
people take the time to read “Members Briefs”
in detail. In order to gauge the answer to this
question, my wife Susan made a very creative
suggestion. I am offering to buy a drink (in
Cancun) for the first 20 people who contact
me by phone (708-447-6800) or email (bill@
alliedwp.com) to confirm that you have read
this column.
I wish you all
Peace and Joy this
holiday season.
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | The SWR Institute
Headquarters and
Board of Directors
would like to wish
everyone a happy and
healthy holiday season
and prosperous new year!
SWR Institute Headquarters will be closed December 24-25 and
December 31 - January 1 so the staff can enjoy the holidays with their family.
Welcome New Members
Allstar Waterproofing &
Building Restoration, Inc.
Norfolk, MA
Century Restoration, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA
Eastern Waterproofing &
Restoration of Va. Co., LLC
Toano, VA
Jenco Building Services, Inc.
Fife, WA
Weatherproofing Services
Cross Roads, TX
Marx/Okubo Associates
Seattle, WA
SWR Institute
Board of Directors
Allied Waterproofing, Inc.
(708) 447-6800
President Elect
Spray-O-Bond Company
(414) 671-7130
Mid-Continental Restoration Company, Inc.
(800) 835-3700
Immediate Past President
Structural Preservation Systems
(941) 358-6600
CHRIS BROWN, Conproco Corporation
(603) 743-5800 (X545); cbrown@conproco.com
DAN CAIN, George D. Alan Company
(214) 496-9999; dcain@georgedalan.com
Pioneer Waterproofing Company, Inc.
(503) 232-9020; mikecrawford@pioneerwaterproofing.com
Attention SWR Institute Members!!
JED DANIEL, Seager Waterproofing, Inc.
(336) 292-9284; jed@seagerwp.com
Free Advertising and PR for your Company
Building Technology Consultants, PC
(847) 788-8880 (X14); kamif@btcpc.com
Send us your Company’s:
•Press releases
• Case Studies
• Business Bits
• Technical Articles
• A highlight of one of your employees
•An article about doing business with other SWR Institute Members
Part of your membership is to get you involved in the industry and the Institute! This is one of your BEST member benefits…so TAKE ADVANTAGE!
Send all material via e-mail to Erin Nied at erin@robstan.com
ROBERT MAZUR, Western Waterproofing Company
(734) 464-3800; rmazur@westernwp.com
(800) 760-6776; morris@tnemec.com
RON PILLA, Valcourt Exterior Building Servies, LLC
(908) 965-3400; rpilla@valcourt.net
AL ROSE, Richmond Primoid, Inc
(804) 644-4561; alrose@primoid.com
BILLY WINTERS, Schnell Contractors, Inc.
(502) 969.7534 X 214; bwinters@schnellcontractors.com
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | From the SWR Institute Safety Committee
When Safety is Your Business:
United Fire Equipment Company’s
Drug-Free Workplace Program
An Arizona-based fire safety
company has discovered the benefits
of being drug free and is taking steps
to encourage other small businesses
to follow suit.
United Fire Equipment Company
President Daniel Matlick considers
his company’s drug-free workplace
policy a key component of overall
efforts to ensure the highest
standards of workplace safety
and customer service. In fact,
his business is built on safety
and service. Family-owned and
operated since 1968, United Fire is
an equipment and service supplier
to those charged with protecting the
safety of communities. It provides
and maintains fire extinguishers, fire
department equipment, basic life
safety equipment, fire suppression
systems and water sprinkler systems.
It also has a fire truck repair facility.
Matlick said it was a sense of
responsibility that prompted
United Fire to develop its drugfree workplace policy. Safety is
paramount, because the company
serves the men and women that
communities depend on in times of
crisis. “We started the program for
obvious reasons. We’re in the life
safety business, and we simply have
to have a high level of integrity in
our workforce,” Matlick said. “We
are an integral link in the chain of
public safety.”
At the core of United Fire’s drugfree workplace policy is drug
testing, specifically pre-employment
screening and post accident.
According to Matlick, both types of
testing are effective prevention tools,
with pre-employment screening
helping to attract a higher caliber
of employee and post accident
serving as a deterrent to current
employees. Matlick does not feel
random testing is necessary, but said
he would consider implementing it
if an increase in accidents or injuries
indicated a possible problem within
the company.
All United Fire employees are
informed of the drug-free workplace
policy and procedures for reporting
accidents and injuries during
orientation. Matlick also educates
employees about the dangers of drug
and alcohol abuse through informal
means, such as bulletin boards and
the company’s intranet. Because
many employees are parents, he also
includes information about steps
parents can take to help prevent
youth substance abuse. These
activities are part of a larger effort
to be a family-friendly employer
and encourage healthy lifestyles
among employees. “I’m very much
into health, safety and wellness,
and this is all part of that,” he said.
Reflecting this dedication, United
Fire’s employee health plan includes
coverage for treatment for substance
use disorders.
There was little resistance when
the policy was implemented ten
Continued on Page 9
The Department of Labor’s
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) and NFIB
have established an alliance to
enhance safety and health
throughout the nation’s small and
independent businesses. As part of this alliance, they are working
together, along with the Department of Labor’s Working Partners for an
Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace program, to communicate to small
businesses ways they can protect their workplaces from the hazards of
alcohol and drug abuse.
The Department of Labor’s Working Partners Web site and OSHA’s
Workplace Substance Abuse topic page offer guidance for employers
interested in developing drug-free workplace policies and learning about
related issues.
E DOL’s Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace
Web site OSHA’s Workplace Substance Abuse topic page
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | From the SWR Institute Safety Committee
continued from page 8
years ago, and most employees
recognize that it protects them as
well as the company, Matlick said.
At first, the policy was overseen
by the company’s combination
comptroller/human resources
director. Today it is administered
by a dedicated HR director United
Fire brought on board as a result
of staff growth and the increased
responsibilities that accompany it. In
the last two decades, United Fire has
expanded from eight employees to
more than 60.
Matlick said the drug-free workplace
program helps protect his investment
in people. United Fire has its own
custom built applications, and he
estimates that it takes about one year
for most people to be fully trained
on them. “We’re a unique business,
so we spend a lot of time educating
people. Few employees come to
United Fire knowing our business,”
he said. “The policy prevents us
from hiring someone who has an
obvious drug and alcohol problem
and investing a lot of time and
money in them.”
But Matlick emphasizes that
the greatest benefits
derived from drugfree workplace
programs are
not financial.
Alcohol and
drug abuse
a serious
workplace safety
hazard that can lead
to accidents, injuries and
even death.
“Fire insurance cannot always
protect a business as well as a good
prevention program,” he said, noting
that 43 percent of businesses that
suffer a significant fire never reopen,
and among the rest, 29 percent
fail within three years.
Likewise, the cost of
just one accident
caused by an
impaired by
alcohol or
drugs can
devastate a
small business.
According to
Matlick, “It’s like an
insurance policy, but it actually
has the power to save a life.”
“Insurance can’t ever replace a life,
but by acting wisely, we can prevent
one from ever being lost in the first
place,” he said.
“It’s like an insurance
policy, but it actually has
the power to save a life.”
A certified firefighter and fire
inspector himself, Matlick draws
an analogy between fire safety and
drug- and alcohol-abuse prevention.
2008 - Fall Technical
September 21-23, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Hyatt Regency Baltimore
300 Light Street • Baltimore, MD 21202
Tel: 410-528-1234
Fax: 410-685-3362
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | From the Validation Committee
2008 Calendar
of Events
Dow Corning Corporation Re-Validates Their Liquid
Sealant Through SWR Institute’s Validation Program
Dow Corning, a major U.S. manufacturer and a global supplier of silicone-based
chemicals, recently submitted 795 Silicone Building Sealant for re-validation
to the Sealant, Waterproofing, & Restoration Institute (SWR Institute) Liquid
Sealants Validation Program. The product passed when tested by third parties
to verify that the product meets the ASTM tests identified below. By verifying
that the data sheet for those tests are correct, end-users should feel confident
about the product’s stated capabilities.
The product was tested by DL Laboratories Inc. for conformance to ASTM C 719
and ASTM C 661. The following are the test results:
795 Silicone Building Sealant:
World of Concrete
Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV
Colorado Convention Center
Denver, CO
ASTM C 661: Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Elastomeric - Type
Sealants by Means of Durometer Hardness; Shore “A” Durometer Rating: 35
SWR Institute 2008 Winter
Technical Meeting
Hilton Cancun Golf & Spa
Cancun, Mexico
Validation Date: 8/17/2007 – 8/16/2012
PLEASE NOTE: In November’s issue of Member Briefs CHEM LINK INC’s DuraLink
Super Adhesion Sealant was listed incorrectly, the correct name and testing results are
Brick Show 2008
Hyatt Regency Hill Country
Resort & Spa
San Antonio, TX
ASTM C 719: Adhesion and Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint Sealants Under
Cyclic Movement [Hockman Cycle]; Pass: Yes Extension: +50% Compression:
-50% Substrate: Aluminum, Glass [Glass and Aluminum substrates were tested
The product was tested by DL Laboratories Inc. for conformance to ASTM C 719
and ASTM C 661. The following are the test results:
DuraLink Super Adhesion Sealant:
ASTM C 719: Adhesion and Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint Sealants Under
Cyclic Movement [Hockman Cycle]; Pass: Yes Extension: +50% Compression:
-50% Substrate: Mortar, Aluminum, Glass [Mortar substrates were primed with
ChemLink Primer 52.]
ASTM C 661: Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Elastomeric - Type Sealants
by Means of Durometer Hardness; Shore “A” Durometer Rating: 20
Validation Date: 6/28/2007 - 6/27/2012
Manufacturers that wish to have their wall coating, deck coating, liquid sealant, or
pre-cured sealant products validated through the respective programs simply choose
an independent laboratory from a list provided by SWR Institute. Once the lab is
chosen, the manufacturer provides the name of the product to be tested, as well as
a current manufacturer data sheet with the stated performance characteristics, test
results and any other collateral materials. The third-party lab will randomly purchase
from a local retailer the product to be tested, and tests the product to the greatest
claim on the manufacturer’s data sheet.
For more information about the validation program or any other validated product,
please contact SWR Institute Headquarters at 816.472.7974 or visit the SWR
Institute Website at www.swrionline.org.
Greening Rooftops for
Sustainable Communities
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, MD
AIA National Convention
Boston Convention and
Exhibition Center
Boston, MA
Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | 10
Click on links below to view our validated products
Liquid Sealants
BASF Building Systems
Sonolastic Ultra Sealant
Sonolastic NP-1 Sealant
Sonolastic TX-1
Momentive Performance Materials
SilPruf LM SCS2700
SilPruf SCS2000
SilPruf NB SCS9000
Pecora Corporation
Pro-Sil 1 One-Part Hybrid Sealant
Wall Coatings
BASF Building Systems
Conpro Lastic
864 Silicone Architectural Sealant
Dow Corning
Chem-Calk 915
Dynatrol I-XL Polyurethane Rubber
AllGuard Silicone Elastomeric Coating
Chem-Calk 900
Dynatrol II Polyurethane Sealant
GPS1 Sealant
895 Silicone Building Sealant
Chem-Calk 916 Construction Grade
Textured Urethane Sealant
890 Silicone Building Sealant
Geocel Engineered Polymers
Sika Corporation
Geolastic GPX Architectural Wall Coating
Chem-Calk 2000
Duralink Super Adhesive Sealant
NovaLink All Weather Polyether
Construction Sealant
Edison Coatings
Sikaflex 1A Construction Sealant
Momentive Performance Materials
Sikaflex 15 LM
SilShield SEC2400 Elastomeric Wall
Tremco Incorporated
Dow Corning
Spectrem 1 Silicone Building Sealant
Sika Corporation
995 Silicone Structural Sealant
Tremsil 600 Silicone Glazing Sealant
Sikagard 550W Elastocolor
790 Silicone Building Sealant
Spectrem 3 Silicone Sealant
STO Corporation
795 Silicone Building Sealant
Spectrem 4-TS Silicone Sealant
222 StoSilco Lastic
756 SMS Building Sealant
212 Stolastic
Contractors Weatherproofing Sealant
Pre-Cured Sealants
Contractors Concrete Sealant
Dow Corning
Deck Coatings
791 Silicone Weatherproofing Sealant
123 Silicone Seal
Dryvit Systems, Inc.
May National Associates, Inc.
Dryvit Elasti Care Sealant
Bondaflex Silbridge 300
Tremco Vulkem 360 NF SL Basecoat &
951 NF Topcoat
Geocel Engineered Polymers
Momentive Performance Materials
400 Construction Tripolymer Sealant
Geocel 200
UltraSpan US1100 Pre-Formed Silicone
500 Polyurethane Sealant
Pecora Corporation
SL 1500 Self Leveling Polyurethane
Sil-Span Pre-Cured Seal
1000 Two-Part Polyurethane Sealant
Sealex, Inc.
May National Associates, Inc.
Bondaflex Sil 290 Silicone Construction
Bondaflex Sil 295 Silicone Construction
Bondaflex PUR 25 Polyurethane Sealant
Tremco Vulkem 350 SL Basecoat & 346
SWR Institute Validated Products
The SWR Institute Validation Program currently validates 5 pre-cured sealants,
40 liquid sealants, 9 wall coatings and 2 deck coating systems through the program.
For more information about the SWR Institute’s Validation Programs, contact
SWR Institute headquarters at 816.472.7974 or online at www.swrionline.org.
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | 11
Holiday Savings!
Looking for holiday gift ideas for your clients and co-workers?
Look no further! SWR Institute’s “Holiday Savings” provides excellent
gifts at excellent prices. Order fast – the “Holiday Savings” will end
Thursday, January 31st.
Ordering Information
NEW Clear Water Repellent Manual
The new and updated 2007 Clear Water Repellent Manual has
all the makings of a great training program as well as an overall education
piece and discusses the surface preparation, protection as well as the proper
equipment and proper applications necessary to ensure long term performance.
SWR Institute member price: $44.95
Summer Savings: $35.95
Applying Liquid Sealants
Clear Water Repellent Manual
_____ @ $35.95 = ________
Applying Liquid Sealants
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
l English l Spanish
_____@ $127.95 = ________
_____ @ $39.95 = ________
_____ @ $23.95 = ________
_____ @ $19.95 = ________
An Applicator Training Program.
An outstanding training program to train new employees or use as a refresher
course for experienced personnel. Videos and manuals also available in
Summer Savings:
Option A: Five manuals and one video $127.95 compared to $159.95
Option B: One manual and one video $39.95 compared to $49.95
Option C: One manual $23.95 compared to $29.95
Option D: One video $19.95 compared to $24.95
*The videos are your choice of DVD, VCD or VHS
Below Grade Waterproofing Manual
_____ @ $32.00 = ________
A Practical Guide to Waterproofing
Exterior Walls
_____ @ $35.95 = ________
Sealants: The Professionals’ Guide
_____ @ $32.00 = ________
Technical Bulletin Series
_____ @ $23.95 = ________
Below Grade Waterproofing Manual
l UPS Regular (First Class Mail) - $12
l UPS Second Day - $15
l UPS Next Day/FedEx - $27
l Canadian/UPS Regular - $22
l International (30% of order)
l Use my FedEx shipping number _______________________________
A comprehensive guidebook that provides an overview of below grade
waterproofing, it illustrates the importance of proper design, material selection,
surface preparation and problem solving.
SWR Institute member price: $40.00
Summer Savings: $32.00
Shipping = ________
TOTAL = ________
(no shipping/handling charges will apply for this case)
Mailing Information
A Practical Guide to Waterproofing Exterior Walls
This is a comprehensive guidebook that provides an overview of above grade
waterproofing techniques and products for exterior walls. It offers a better
understanding of the best practices in the field of waterproofing repairs,
including brick, concrete, curtain walls, EIFS, stone, stucco, and terra cotta.
SWR Institute member price: $44.95
Summer Savings: $35.95
Sealants: The Professionals’ Guide
This guidebook provides a comprehensive overview of building sealants It
includes charts, sketches, photographs and highlights of the importance of
proper design, material selection, surface preparation, installation (new and
retrofit) and problem solving.
SWR Institute member price: $40.00
Summer Savings: $32.00
Technical Bulletin Series
This growing series of bulletins brings you the “best practices” covering a
variety of topics, including elastomeric wall coatings, exterior stone restoration,
mortar joint removal, clear water repellents for masonry, below grade
waterproofing - sheet membrane, and repointing mortar joints.
SWR Institute member price: $29.95
Summer Savings: $23.95
Street Address (No PO Boxes for Shipping Purposes Please)
Payment Information
Please make check payable in U.S. funds and remit to: SWR Institute.
If you would like to charge your order, please fill out the inforamtion below
l AMEX l Discover l VISA l MasterCard
Card Number
Expiration Date
Name of Cardholder
Authorized Signautre
Please remit to: Sealant Waterproofing & Restoration Institute
14 W. Third St., Suite 200, Kansas City, MO 64105
816.475.7974 • 816.472.7765 fax
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | 12
This form can only be used for one attendee and guest/spouse. Photocopy this form for each additional company
representative. Please print clearly or type.
Is this your first SWR Institute meeting?
I am a:
I am interested in registering
for AIA/CES credit:
Your registration fee includes all educational sessions and materials; daily
continental breakfasts; two lunches; the Opening Reception and “Pass the Gavel
Gala” Reception, Dinner and Dance.
• When paying for additional company representatives, be sure to
include a completed registration form along with this payment.
• Make checks payable in U.S. funds to SWR Institute.
• Or charge your registration, (complete the following)
SWR Institute Member..................................................$650 = ___________
Non-Member ............................................................. $700 = ___________
Guest/Spouse Program ................................................ $375 = ___________
Fee includes Opening Reception, Continental Breakfasts, Spouse/Guest Options
1,2, or 3 (see descriptions in the brochure), “Pass the Gavel Gala” Reception,
Dinner & Dance.
Please select one option:
Option 1: Educational Track
Option 2: Xaman-Ha Aviary and Shopping Tour in Playa del Carmen
Option 3: Snorkeling Tour to Punta Nizuc
Opening Reception & “Pass the Gavel Gala”
Reception, Dinner & Dance ........................ # _____ @ $250 = __________
Xaman-Ha Aviary and Shopping
Tour in Playa del Carmen ............................ # _____ @ $160 = __________
Snorkel Tour to Punta Nizuc ...................... # _____ @ $160 = __________
Red Simpson Memorial Golf Tournament ... # _____ @ $140 = __________
(Complete golf registration form on next page.)
Water Safari/Jungle Tour ......................... # _____ @ $90 = __________
(Based on two people per boat)
Water Safari/Jungle Tour ......................... # _____@ $180 = __________
(Single boat rider)(See back cover for full description of event.)
(Complete form on other side of this page.)
• All cancellations must be made in writing and can be mailed,
faxed or e-mailed to SWR Institute headquarters.
• Any cancellations received on or before Feb. 7, 2008, will be
honored, but will result in a $50 per person processing charge.
• There will be no refunds for cancellations received after
Feb. 7, 2008.
Please fax or mail this form to:
Sealant, Waterproofing
& Restoration Institute
14 W. Third St., Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
816.472.7974 phone
816.472.7765 fax
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | 13
Monday, Feb. 25 • 1 p.m. shotgun start
Cost: $140 per person
(Includes green fees, ½ cart rental, range balls, box lunch and beverage)
A (0-10) B (11-16) C (17-22) D (23-Beginner)
Do you need rental clubs?
Yes No
Men’s Women’s
Each golfer is responsible for payment of
rental clubs with the pro shop
Please Check:
First Timers’ Reception ................................$1,000_____________________
Opening Reception ......................................SOLD - Kaneka Texas Corp.
Reception Entertainment ..............................$1,000_____________________
Monday Cont. Breakfast ...............................SOLD - Neogard
Monday Coffee Break...................................SOLD - Boston Valley Terra Cotta
Red Simpson Memorial Golf Tournament… ...SOLD - Sika Corporation
Golf Tournament Box Lunches ………….….$750______________________
Luncheon for Non-golfers……. ………….…$500______________________
Tuesday Cont. Breakfast ...............................SOLD - CETCO
Tuesday Coffee Break...................................SOLD - Gladding McBean
A (0-10)
B (11-16) C (17-22) D (23-Beginner)
Do you need rental clubs?
Tuesday Lunch.............................................SOLD - Conproco Corporation
Each golfer is responsible for payment of
rental clubs with the pro shop
“Pass the Gavel Gala” Entertainment..............SOLD - Dow Corning Corporation
Please Check:
“Pass the Gavel Gala” Reception ...................SOLD - Sika Corporation
“Pass the Gavel Gala” Dinner & Dance ..........SOLD - BASF Building Systems
Wednesday Cont. Breakfast...........................SOLD - Tremco, Inc.
Foursome Request: (include your name on request)
Wednesday Coffee Break ..............................SOLD - BASF Building Systems
Registration/Beach Bags...............................SOLD - BASF Building Systems
Meeting Notepads .......................................SOLD - Gladding McBean
Meeting Pens ..............................................SOLD - Boston Valley Terra Cotta
Badge Lanyards............................................SOLD - Tnemec
Stand out from the crowd by being a sponsor at SWR Institute’s 2008
Winter Technical Meeting! Take advantage of the extraordinary
opportunity to reach this lucrative audience with unique marketing
opportunities. Showcase your company before your industry
professionals and prospective customers. Please take a moment
to review the list of sponsorships to learn how you can build brand
awareness and drive more traffic to your company.
T-Shirts ......................................................SOLD - PROSOCO, Inc.
Room Key Cards ..........................................SOLD - Emseal Joint Systems LTD
Registration Packet Insert .............................SOLD - Cintec North America
Project Showcase Tour Hard Hats..................SOLD - BASF Building Systems
Foundation Support …………………..… ...$100-$249__________________
Bricks & Mortar Support……………..….....$250-$500__________________
Pinnacle Support………..……………..… ..$500 & Above_______________
The deadline for meeting sponsorship is Jan. 14, 2008
to ensure listing in official program.
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | 14
Exhibiting at the SWR Institute 2008 Winter Technical Meeting
is a great way to get your products and services in front of the
people who use them.
The deadline for exhibitor registration is Feb. 1, 2008.
IF YES, EXPLAIN REQUIREMENTS (Electrical hook-up or any other
special needs may necessitate charges for actual cost and will be billed
to the company):
Shipping to the Hilton Cancun Golf Resort & Spa
Be sure to mark your shipping label as follows:
Hilton Cancun Golf Resort & Spa
Boulevard Kukulcan, Km. 17,
Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico 77500
Attention: (Guest Name)
(Guest Arrival Date)
Hold for SWR Institute Meeting, Feb. 24 - 27, 2008
1. Tabletop displays only (table area is 6’ x 30”). All products and table
display must fit within these parameters.
2. Tables will be located around the perimeter of the room where the
continental breakfast and breaks will be held and must be unmanned
while the educational sessions are in progress.
3. Displays must be set by 7 a. m. on Monday, Feb. 25, and dismantled
by Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2 p.m. The room will be available for set-up
on Sunday, Feb. 24 at 2 p.m. SWR Institute will not be providing
security, but the room will be locked when not in use.
4. For those specifying electricity, your booth has been placed on a
hard wall with access to electrical outlets. You can either provide
your own long extension cord or rent an electrical cord. Please note
that you will be responsible for payment directly to the hotel.
5. All boxes and displays may be shipped directly to the Hilton Cancun Golf
& Spa Resort, with delivery no sooner than Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2008.
Please fax or mail this form to:
Sealant, Waterproofing & Restoration Institute
14 W. Third St., Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
816.472.7974 phone
816.472.7765 fax
For more information, contact SWR Institute
headquarters. Confirmation will be sent upon
MemberBRIEFS | December 2007 | 15