Issue #5 - Modern BoyLover Magazine
Issue #5 - Modern BoyLover Magazine
Modern Boylover Magazine is a semiannual publication written by the members of The magazine appears each January and July. If you have questions about the magazine or would like to leave a comment or submit a letter to the editor for publication, please contact Letters to the editor may be published in a future edition of the magazine. If you are submitting a letter to the editor, please provide a nickname that we can use in the event of publication (for example, “Nick in London,” “Boylover from Tokyo”). Where possible, messages about a specific article will be forwarded to the original author of that article. The publication of this magazine is a community effort. Special thanks everyone who has participated to this point. The community spirit plays a continuing role, since material for the magazine is to be provided by the members of With pride, Underdog An Interview With SimbaLion Features and Profiles 4 TOP TEN Reasons Matters To You! 10 An Interview With Blondeboy 22 The State of the Childlove Movement Rich Boy Threads Testicular Torsion Editorial Essays 12 BOY FASHION 14 Boys and Health 18 CREATIVE WORk In Dreams 11 Sandcastles 21 (untitled) Moonlit boy at the riverside A Reflection on Brotherhood 21 24 MEMBER REFLECTIONS 26 Magazine layout by Vanitas. Logo design by flints. Cover photo provided by Pinocchio and chosen by the members of Cover designed by WigginBoy. Original concept by SimbaLion. Organisation by Underdog. Modern Boylover Magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. If you share this work or selected content from it, attribution must be made to Modern Boylover Magazine at Additional permission is granted to translate the magazine and its contents into languages other than English, as long as the other provisions of the license are followed. Questions about the license can be directed to Modern Boylover Magazin uses images from,,, and ( photographers: page 2f Frank Gleitsmann) Features and Profiles An Interview With SimbaLion by 420Guy This interview with SimbaLion was conducted in July, 2008. Since joining in September, 2005 he has spent time on staff as a Buddy, Moderator and Entertainment Coordinator. As a member he continues to contribute to the boylover community in a positive way. 420Guy: You are a very literary cat as shown by right for them not to read. How dare you suggest your many contributions to BLN; Modern Boy- I do so! Which leads to the politics of the “com- lover Magazine, The Book Club mon man” : people would rather vote for someone and the new Biweekly Boylover. What are your they’d feel more comfortable having a beer with thoughts on literacy, and how important do you versus the guy who’s probably better educated. think education is? Can you really trust someone with “too much” education? So while we may all embrace the idea of SimbaLion: Literacy and education are both very education, there are many people who personally important, I think. But we live in a time which reject it, and participate in a politics that requires devalues both of these in practice, if not in theory. rejection of it. For instance, politicians always say that education is a top priority, but those who win are often those Pedophiles in relationships with boys can do more who are better at manipulating an uninformed in this regard, I think. How often will a pedophile public. How seriously can we take a politician tell a boy in his life that he should do his home- who speaks about the value of education when he work instead of going out with him to the movies? hopes to gain power by treating people like they’re It’s easy to indulge a boy’s wishes, especially if stupid? And sadly, we live in a time when people you find time with him so precious, but indulgence are happy to embrace being stupid. isn’t always in the long-term best interests of a boy : not to mention the society that the boy will There’s unprecedented opportunity in public be growing into. education these days, and yet the vast majority of people find reading a bore. Most people who are 420Guy: You seem to have some strong political able to do so don’t read books any more. We have views. Do you think there is any hope left in the a whole generation of young people growing up current political structure? who know that the Internet is the easy way out. SimbaLion: My politics tend to be pragmatic. I’m Why read a book or do research on a subject when more interested in the art of the possible than the you can spend 2 minutes on Google supposedly pursuit of high ideals. People with high ideals vote finding everything you need to know? Why read for Ralph Nader and get George W. Bush elected. when there are more important things to do, like 420: Have you ever thought of getting into poli- watching TV or a movie, or spending a few hours killing something online? tics yourself? Many people think that it’s almost a constitutional Simba: Who says that I’m not already? 4 420: When did you first have the idea to start Mod- online form, is an anthology of writings that one ern Boylover Magazine, and what was your initial can hold in his hands and say “ah, here’s a reflec- goal behind it? tion of what was going on at that time!” Would it be a complete reflection? No; nothing ever could Simba: There were a few. I thought it would be be. But it would be a lasting reflection. And the cool to have a general interest magazine for a pe- “lasting” part of it was important to me. We live dophile audience, one that struck a middle ground in a period of time that thinks of pedophiles as between being informative and being fun. I had unhinged baby rapists. My hope was that the maga- a few notions of what I didn’t want the magazine zine would be a part of the evidence : no doubt a to be as well. I didn’t want it to be dogmatic and very small part : that people could look back on politically serious, treating its readers like partici- and say, “Well, they weren’t only unhinged baby pants in a movement. I also didn’t want it to be rapists.” the boylove equivalent of Maxim, with cover-tocover pictures of hot boys and articles all about I’m also interested in whether pedophiles have a sex or the physical aspects of boys. We no doubt different cultural sensibility, a way of seeing the could use a magazine like that, but not this time world that is shared and different from the rest of around. And I wanted it to emphasize non-fiction the world, in the way that urban gay men are said material, since this is harder to come by. to possess. Discovering it isn’t and wasn’t a goal of the magazine per se, but it’s also something I Which pedophile hasn’t written a short story or a think of when I think about the lasting evidence of poem at some point in his life about his attraction ourselves that we will leave behind. At some point, to boys? Pedophile creative works are fairly com- someone will need to write the pedophile equiva- mon, but the vast majority of them don’t meet lent of Susan Sontag’s ‘Notes on Camp.’ the kind of aesthetic criteria that you’d want for a published magazine. Not that it should : a lot of 420: Did you find it difficult at first to generate this work is written for therapeutic or erotic rea- interest in the project? If so, why do you think sons, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But that that is? which is therapeutically or sexually necessary isn’t Simba: It’s the type of thing that people support, always art. but fewer will have time to write for it, or will I was also interested in the idea of the magazine want to write for it. Like reading, writing is not as something you could store in a time machine. something that people look forward to, especially An online forum is an awkward fit for a time ma- if it’s writing that’s in essay form, and not the type chine. The writing is transitive : always in motion, of quick sentence-making that one can do on an always changing over time, with one hot topic be- online forum. But let’s face it : no one gets paid, ing pushed to the second page just hours after the and contributing to something like the magazine is new hot topic emerges : and a lot of the material decidedly a volunteer effort, and I’m pleased that isn’t the type of stuff that would be of interest there are people who have the time and interest to even to the original posters six months not to men- contribute what they can. We certainly have talent tion six years down the road. A magazine, even in and skill on the board, and we can see that talent 5 reflected in different areas, including these pub- 420: As a Buddy, you are often a member’s first lications. Often the board focuses on the lowest contact in the boylove community. Are there any common denominator : who can make the silliest stories you would like to share? Did you build post and get praise for it? In that environment, it’s any lasting friendships through being a Buddy? difficult for people to stand out with the best of Simba: When I was on staff, the typical breakdown what they can do. was something like this: for every 10 New Kids that My hope is and was that these publications would you were assigned, you could expect two of them reflect many different voices from the board. Nei- to become full members by making their ten posts. ther of them would be very interesting as the sole And if you took ten of this latter group, only two reflection of a single voice. There are, however, of them become long-term active posters on the only so many hours in the day, and people only board. Many would still be around, but only lurk- have time to write something after they’ve worked ing in The Gallery, or maybe making one post every the hours they need to work and done everything three months or so in one of other rooms. So this else that needs to be done in their lives. So it can is roughly 1 in 50 New Kids who will become known be exhausting trying to assemble enough mate- by their posts on the board : and, come to think rial, which is the chief reason why I thought that of it, that really does fit the ratio of active mem- a once-every-six-months publication schedule for bers that we can see. We have 50,000 members the magazine made sense. To allow not only the in theory, but maybe no more than a thousand of accumulation of enough material, but to make it them have a presence such that you can say “Oh personally less taxing to organize it. yeah, that guy!” when they post : if that! I actually don’t mind The Gallery lurkers and the people who 420: You were an active staff member for al- don’t post a lot. If the community offers them no most two years. Did you openly volunteer to join more than a place to download boy pictures and the staff crew, or were you asked by a fellow talk about them with glee, what’s wrong with that? member(s)? Owing to the “1 in 50” rule, there aren’t that Simba: I joined the board in September 2005 and many former New Kids that I established last- became a Buddy that December. I didn’t know that ing bonds with, but there are a few. Mostly, the you could write to the Buddy Manager or the Mod- friendships that I made were among fellow staff erator Manager to let them know you were inter- members at the time, or through other New Kids ested in a job. I first heard about the possibility of that I met through threads in The Entry. Like every becoming a Buddy when I received a message from Buddy, I’ve also had my share of dicey New Kids as one of the Senior Buddies. This was at a time when there were more English-speaking Buddies being well. One of my first New Kids was so happy about hired than now. Today, there’s more consistent becoming a member of the board that he offered need for Buddies who can speak a language other to send me naked pictures of boys that he knew. than English, allowing them to participate in one of I gently reminded him of board rules, and never the rooms of the International Wing. It’s no coinci- heard from him again. dence that English is not the primary language for three of the current Senior Buddies. 6 420: If we were to go back in time and follow before the thought of getting naked with them an 8 year old SimbaLion into his bedroom, what entered my mind. I can probably trace several could we expect to see? fetishes to this period as well. One of the first boys I really fell for was an all-around jock, and I Simba: Probably a mess. My packrat tendencies can remember, for instance, how incredibly hot he expressed themselves at a very early age, and I looked sweating in his baseball uniform. haven’t really outgrown them. The last time a friend came to visit me, I arranged a hotel room, 420: What was your school social life like? Did because I couldn’t bear the idea of cleaning up. the young Simba have a large group of friends, or There are people who have their desks organized were you more of a loner? and very clean. Mine is the kind where there are Simba: I was well known at school without really papers and upturned books strewn everywhere, being a member of the most popular clique. Since but I somehow know where things are when I need adult life often reduplicates life at school, it’s to find them. These are no doubt signs of an intro- probably not surprising that this statement prob- verted personality. It matters more to me what’s in ably describes my status at as well. the papers and books than in them being well orga- I did a lot of extracurricular activities : school nized. So the young SimbaLion was an introspective government, etc. : and was also active in class- child, prone to reading and other flights of imagi- room discussions. So I was fairly well known. And nation, who cared less for the niceties of making a even though I didn’t belong to the popular clique, good appearance, including in his bedroom. I had a few friends who did, which always helps, I 420: Did you have a favorite series or author suppose. As for close friends : the people I spent when you were a boy? time with over the weekend : that group was fairly small. Most of my weekends were spent in Simba: Oddly, I can’t recall any single book that the company of one, two, or three friends. Oc- stands out as being a childhood favorite. My book casionally there would be larger groups, but I was reading was fairly eclectic, and there are a few less interested in those. And I was never a fan of things that I read that made more sense to me parties, in large part because the typical goal of when I encountered them later in life (like Crime a party : finding someone to make out with at the and Punishment). I also collected a lot of comic end of the night : was something that my closeted books, and enjoyed many different titles : The gay self wasn’t really that interested in. Uncanny X-Men, the Alan Moore run on The Swamp Thing, and just about anything that Frank Miller 420: Could you describe your ideal young friend? did. Simba: He knows my sexual needs and fulfills 420: Did you enjoy school as a child? them. And he likes to walk around the house in white briefs and tube socks. And he likes to eat out Simba: Yes, very much so. It was intellectually and at fancy restaurants and go to the opera. In other creatively inspiring, and : later on : sexually inspir- words, Freddie Highmore. ing as well, even before I knew what sex really was. I had attractions to other boys develop long 7 420: You are known on BLN for having many fe- boy’s feet (or shoes, legs, socks, etc.) in public, or tishes. What are your thoughts on them? How did look at pictures of them, and not be violating any you come to realize you had them? rules. What a wonderful thing. Simba: The traditional explanation for why people 420: You are also a homosexual; are you openly develop sexual fetishes is interesting, but not fully gay in your offline life? compelling. Simba: Yes. Which in addition to being true is also According to the traditional psychoanalytic view, a good cover. It frees me from having to talk about people who develop fetishes fear or are trauma- relationships and sex, because people just as- tized by thinking about the genitals. As a result, sume that I’m involved in some kind of gay sexual their sexual interests get ‘displaced’ onto some- underground, or some such. It’s not the kind of thing else (a non-genital part of the body : like the thing people want to bring up over coffee, or when foot : or a non-bodily object : like a shoe). After you’re at their house for a backyard barbecue. this fetishistic ‘displacement,’ people can develop 420: So, are you involved in a gay sexual under- a ‘fixation’ on the thing that now attracts them ground, or some such? sexually. Simba: We don’t talk about such things. Recently, My problem with this theory, which is my problem though, some have questioned why I have silver- with traditional psychoanalysis in general is that it plated dog bowls in my living room, but don’t own believes that procreative sex is the normal state of a dog. things, and that every other sexual experience is therefore abnormal. So whole categories of people 420: In countries where people are more open : those who desire sexual relations with members about homosexuality (such as the United States, of the same sex, for example : are deemed abnor- Canada) there is still a level of discrimination. mal just because they have no interest in procre- Have you ever felt discriminated against person- ative sex. ally, or had to overcome barriers because of your sexuality? Relatedly, the traditional view also holds that sexual pleasure is only correct if it comes from procre- Simba: Oh certainly. But most of the time it’s ative sex. For me, I prefer not to be so judgmental pretty low-key. Anytime someone calls someone about such matters. And perhaps rightfully so, else a “faggot” and means it as an insult, or says since a boy wearing a pair of tube socks can really something is “gay” and means it as an insult, excite me. If something is sexually pleasurable, I there’s homophobia there. It may not be person- say enjoy it, rather than worry about whether it ally intended, but it’s there nevertheless. But this is normal or not, or whether you should be finding is much different from not renting an apartment pleasure in things that another person might find to someone because he’s gay, or something like strange. that. Thankfully, I’ve lived in cities with active gay populations, so I haven’t experienced serious Finally, having a boy-related fetish can be ben- discrimination, but I certainly brush up against eficial. Someone who loves boyfeet can look at a homophobia in its lower forms all the time. 8 420Guy: Top or bottom? might just accept this distinction, and others will just laugh at the clumsy attempt to justify a politi- Simba: I like to be dominated. Even when I’m cal view through language, and note that the only doing the dominating, I have a hidden need to thing really separating terrorists from freedom be dominated. After all, what’s hotter than a top fighters is that freedom fighters are terrorists on who’s been overpowered and made someone else’s our side. So “boylover” is a lie in much the same bitch? Boy or man, I crave someone I can submit way that “freedom fighter” is a lie, to the extent myself to. In other words, Freddie Highmore. that it’s a term intended to efface the sexual at- 420: Can you remember the first time you real- traction we have towards boys. Pedophile, the ized that you might be a pedophile? What were term they want for us, is more upfront; pedosexual your initial thoughts and feelings about it? is even better. Indeed, it’s more consistent with the way other orientations are described. We gen- Simba: Oddly, it was probably more of a problem erally describe gay men as “homosexuals,” after dealing with “being gay” than “being a pedophile.” all, not “androphiles.” In part, this is because one’s attraction to boys doesn’t really seem so odd when you’re closer in 420: Do you think that a pedophile should be age to them. It’s the old “gay teen or teen boy- law-abiding above all else? lover” phenomenon. It’s quite different being a Simba: That is rather slippery of you, Agent Star- 14-year-old attracted to a 10-year-old versus being ling. Is sex a basic human need? If so, what’s a a 34-year-old attracted to a 10-year-old. And since person to do if his sexual desires are against the I was always also attracted to people my age as law? That’s a tough question to answer, yet it’s one well as boys, I didn’t really think of it being one of the most essential ones we face. thing or another. Plus, the culture thought and still thinks that gay men are pedophiles at some level 420: Is there anything that you can tell us about anyway, so this all seemed like part of the pack- yourself that we might not know? age. Simba: I’ve been trying to keep it a secret, but I 420: You will often use the word pedophile in- have a thing for Freddie Highmore. stead of boylover, what are your thoughts on the use of the word ‘boylove’? Is there a difference, should it matter which word we use? Simba: The problem with “boylover” is that it often sounds like a euphemism. “No no : I’m not someone who wants to have sex with boys : I LOVE boys!” It’s become one of those terms that seems so evasive that whenever anyone uses it, you wonder what else they’re lying about. It’s like when a politician tries to make a distinction between “terrorists” and “freedom fighters.” Some people 9 TOP TEN Reasons Matters To You! 10 It’s an escape for me from offline life that helps bring down my heart rate! 9 Because this board has been an education both about life and male sexuality. 8 To just talk about boys constantly without the audience getting sick and tired, cos it’s basically all they want to talk about too. 7 It’s a special place where I can go to get away from all the stress I have. 6 Because of all the great people I have met on here! 5 The freedom to be friend and have a bit of fun. 4 Because where else can you tell people your fantasy of Cole Sprouse and Freddie Highmore getting it on without people lookin’ at you funny? 3 Because it feels like home, I can put my feet up here. 2 Because here there are 54744 persons who have the same feelings as I do for boys. 1 To feel more comfortable about being a boylover. ds wi th “S ome i have be come fr ien art an d some have to uche d my he me !” T.B.L a fe w have se en th e re al “ there are heaps of cool people here. and they all like me:-D” boy Whisp erer Statements posted & voted on by members of in July, 2008. Special thanks to Mr Bolo, Kylito, two boys together, boy Whisperer, doodinthemood, ELP, imbooboo, tyrew01, BubbleGum, T.B.L, thelittlehappyprince & 420Guy for their contributions! Also thanks to Underdog, Vanitas and everyone who voted! 10 CREATIVE WORk In Dreams by Pantherion The boy of my dreams sheds his jeans licks his lips of shining red as he jumps into my bed. If horses could fly high in the sky ! But did they not in Ancient Greece? Where men would teach and boys would please? Or is that just a sorry myth to cling to over the abyss? If horses could fly high in the sky my dreams wouldn’t shatter my dreams wouldn’t die. So I’ll pin my dreams on horses, the winged variety, and study Greek in evening courses quite sure that I will see: That horses can fly high in the sky and that boys shed jeans not only in dreams. 11 Editorial Essays The State of the Childlove Movement by Crake As we all know, what began in the seventies as the lantes accosted that innocent family because they much maligned and now defunct organization NAM- happened to have moved into a house once belong- BLA in North America (in Europe: DPA, Martijn, and ing to an individual listed on Perverted Justice, we IPCE), has become nothing more than a fragmented were at the center of that just as much as they batch of privately owned message boards and photo were. When vigilantes attacked that daycare center galleries. There is no movement because there is no for supposedly allowing an employee listed on their chance of anything less than life threatening retali- database to work there, it was us that they were ation from a vast, well organized, and well funded targeting. We exist, and so long as we exist, we vigilante counter-movement that has been wreak- make impacts on society. Our choice now is, what ing havoc on society, and profiting handsomely from kind of impact do we want to make? Passivity leads it, for the past three years using pedophilia as a to hysteria, activity can lead to rationality. scapegoat. The Childlove Movement is no longer a pedophile However, criticism has been swift. With pending movement, but a human one. We can’t stand up lawsuits over the accidental death of a suspected for the right of adults and children to have sexual (not charged) individual spurned on and encircled relations anymore, the issue has gotten so out of at his own home by Dateline camera crews assisted control. Bygone are the days of the “Boylove Mani- by vigilante group Perverted Justice, the media festo”. These are different times, and we need to has been beginning to take note of the dangers in change our purpose. Outside our little play areas, this trend. With a hit list of more than 2000 so far boylove is one big joke. It isn’t taken seriously by untried people, trials underway all over the United anyone, and when we make it an issue by being States, convictions using evidence obtained illegally serious, such as the case with Rookiee and Lindsay (via Perverted Justice vigilantism) are becoming Ashford, we face life-threatening prejudice to such common place in the American justice system, and an extreme that there is no martyr’s remorse, no it won’t be long before this establishes a very dan- historical vindication — just utter personal destruc- gerous legal precedent for all areas of prosecution tion that continues long after we’ve given in. to follow. One only has to look at NAMBLA to see the effects. We are silenced, but we still exist. Our presence in Despite being long defunct, it is still harassed in the society is unleashing a whole new array of social ills media as if it were a viable and working presence. perpetrated by those who rule though hysteria. We Despite being long defunct, many boylovers count have to be mindful of this situation, seeing as we on these organizations to provide for the frontlines, are the scapegoat for these atrocities. When vigi- as if it were still possible to those who wish to 12 make a difference to do so. How ignorant and far such antagonism is counter productive to keep- removed we have become, on either side. Young ing children safe. We have to make the children’s boylovers are becoming passive pawns in the social safety and happiness the key issue, not pedophile upheaval, fighting with each other for superficial rights, and we’ll remain true to our beliefs as child- status on message boards when their unique talents lovers. and perspectives could be ushering in a new era for Privately, we’ll live the way we speak, and change our kind. one mind at a time. This is the only way change Our new century is a dynamic one though. The will happen. Continuing to campaign for pedophile Childlove Movement must not get distracted by rights is only digging the hole deeper in a fruitless the ignorance of those parading around message pursuit. That’s why I encourage you all to write boards with talk about changing laws for our sexual editorials, blogs, phone in responses, to comment purposes, or making something legal that is now il- and call into question. Be the rational person in the legal. We must also not get drawn in to useless and room without having to come out as a pedophile endless debate on topics concerning these pointless attempting to “surprise” everyone else with your issues such as the meaning of “consent” or whether good nature. That never works. Love your yf’s, but children possess it. We have to change our way of don’t be expecting them to spread the good word thinking. about pedophilia in the future. Society won’t ever listen to children, not at the policy making level at The current discussions were NAMBLA talking points least. as far back as Ginsberg and the gay movement and are no longer relevant. This mode of conversation In the coming century, we have to put our mes- has been nothing but a pointless distraction for sage out there without identifying “ourselves” as the last decade, it has been set in the fabric of our the messenger. Irrational minds are taking control communities to keep us low, inhibited, and pur- of the conversation for us, and we are silencing posefully ignorant of the real issues facing our kind, ourselves out for superficial and outdated reasons. by those who stand to profit from the practice. We can not afford to be passive any longer in this One doesn’t have to look farther than the pages of climate. this magazine to see examples of our passive negli- This is the state we find ourselves in. Be safe, but gence. This self-repressing cycle must end. more importantly, be PROACTIVE. In the new century, proactive boylovers no longer will come out in support of pedophilia, but rather come out as a rational mind against the absolutely vulgar and completely irrational perspectives of those condemning it. If someone comes out in any media with such violent antagonism expressed towards our kind, we have to be there, writing our rational response — never condoning pedophilia or child molestation, but stating quite clearly that 13 BOY FASHION Rich Boy Threads by Blondeboy In this edition of “Boys Quarterly” we get to take a glimpse at the gear of the extremely privileged little guys. The attire we’re taking a look at come courtesy of world-renowned name that needs no introduction, Giorgio Armani. Unlike some of the brands I have covered in previous issues, this label makes the vast majority of its money with adult lines. But, alas, I saw it completely fitting to give his Junior line some credit and lets face it, there are bl’s out there(including myself) who get hot and bothered with boys dressed in the crème de la crème of the fashion industry. I wasn’t able to gather as much information on Giorgio’s clothing as I was on some of the past designers, but I do have some very good pictures that I think will make up for a slight lack of writing material. I have decided to break this article up into different sections. I wanted to make sure I had a little something for everybody here so I have gathered pictures starting at about age 4 or so up to our beloved tweens. So, there’s two sections, one for the little guys and another for the ones just starting to sprout. 14 Let s get on to the goo ds, an d tak e a loo k at the ult ra-pam pered wo rld of the Ar ma ni we ari ng 7 an d under set . Thi s firs t outfit is a sim ple t-shirt an d sho rts, but someho w bec aus e of all that Gio rgi o Ar ma ni sta nds for ma kes it see m so much hot ter to me . Thi s nex t loo k is bec om ing mo re an d mo re pop ula r in bot h the adu lt an d chi ldren’s fashio n indust ry. It tak es the sho rts an d t-shirt loo k an d dre sse s it up a bit by adding a cas ual bla zer. I fee l thi s outfit app ears a bit aw kward but I wo uld be lying if I said I didn’t fee l tha t a certai n boy can definitely pul l it off . 15 ado rable and ver y Thi s nex t loo k is one I find to be sup er pai r of pan ts wit h sophis ticated . It inc orp orates a nic e t and voi la. You a pre sse d but ton up shi rt, add s a ves le guy that is sure have a sup er mo der n loo k for you r litt it, that is wh y I to dri ve the BL’s cra zy. An d lets fac e le way to attem pt wr ite the se art icle s. Its my ow n litt g to all of us. to ma ke the wo rld a litt le mo re aro usin From that litt le bun dle of cutene ss, we wo rk our way up to a ful l on sui t min us the tie. Ag ain, thi s outfit tak es a timele ss cla ssic from the adu lt line s, and put s it on a litt le guy. An d as u can see , the res ult s can be stu nni ng. The formu la here is pre tty sim ple . Tak e a sex y lad , dol l him up in hot clo the s and u get a boy that no res pec table per v wo uld tur n dow n. boy, a t we en if you wil l. From here we mo ve on to a litt le older -12 yea r old s in sho rts The re we ren’t any pic tures of the 10 thi ng and sta rte d from and a t-sh irt so I too k the nex t bes t ’s for mu la is pre tty simthe re. As wit h the litt le guys, Gio rgio oling boy lovers . I kno w ple , sex y boy + vin tage clo the s = dro doe sn’t see it that way, that the res t of the wo rld pro bably The onl y thi ng that is rebut we all kno w his rea l intent ion s. t the T-shirt is a V-neck . ally dif ferent abo ut thi s outfit is tha 16 Nex t we have thi s same boy in the same outfit, wit h a sna zzy bla zer and u have a wh ole dif ferent sty le. Las tly, we mo ve ont o eve ryb ody’s ero tic fav ori te, sw imwear. An d I have to say that thi s sec tio n is a strong sug ges tio n that he might be int o our litt le object s of aff ect ion as we ll. I me an, he put his name on the bac k of a tigh t-fitti ng boys spe edo. That is somethi ng a high percen tage of us cou ld onl y dre am to do. An d I have to say the spread eag le on the bac k ma kes me thi nk ext remely naught y thi ngs . Thi s is Mr. Arm ani’s way of hanging 10 in the wo rld of the sur fer boy loo k. Eve ryb ody kno ws tha t boa rd sho rts have bee n pop ula r on the We st Coa st for a long time. In fac t, the y ear ned the ir name from the sur fers wh o init iall y wo re the m. Now, the y have per me ate d the res t of the cou ntr y and oth er cou ntr ies as we ll bec aus e the y are a highly fashio nable pie ce of clo thi ng that is ver y versat ile. Som e boys eve n we ar the m in the ir dai ly act ivit ies. An d aga in, u wil l not ice how he has dro ppe d the wa ist ban d ver y ver y low on his version of boa rdies and pic ked an abs olu tely stu nni ng boy to mo del the m. 17 Boys and Health Testicular Torsion by Liam96 Not long ago, about a week, I was checking on my son in the shower. He impressed on me that something felt weird with one of his testicles. He said that it hurt, and he was having pains in the lower right quadrant of his abdomen as well has his right testicle. To me everything seemed fine. Nevertheless, I took him to the doctor who checked him out and ran some tests. By this time my son was in real discomfort. We found out that he had twisted some important equipment while playing. Below is a very real issue that all parents and sons should be aware of. Advertising Disclaimer Causes: Testicular torsion is a disorder in which the testi- Injury to the scrotum can initiate a muscle spasm cles rotate (twist) and strangle the spermatic cord, that cause the testicles to twist. Some cases result which consists of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, from inadequate connective tissue that “anchors” nerves, and the duct that carries sperm from the the testicle within the scrotum. Many cases are body (vas deferens), cutting off the blood supply idiopathic (i.e., have no known cause). to the testicles. Torsion can cause shrinkage (atro- Signs and Symptoms: phy) and tissue death (necrosis), and may require Blood in semen, Lower abdominal pain, Lump surgical removal of the testicles (orchiectomy) if in testicle, Nausea and vomiting, Sudden severe not treated promptly. Torsion often occurs during testicular pain, followed by diminishing pain after sleep. several hours (after necrosis begins to set in), Incidence and Prevalence: Redness of scrotum, Swelling of one testicle Testicular torsion primarily affects infants in the Diagnosis: first year of life and adolescent boys age 12-18, although it can occur at any age. Males with one or Advertising Disclaimer both testicles not descended into scrotum (cryp- A patient history and physical examination is usu- torchidism) develop testicular torsion more often ally sufficient to diagnose testicular torsion. Tes- than the general population. ticular torsion may cause symptoms (e.g., testicular pain and swelling) similar to epididymitis (i.e., Risk Factors: inflammation of the tubule where sperm is stored) Injury to the scrotum or groin and vigorous physical and diagnostic tests may be necessary. activity are risk factors. 18 A true story Color Doppler sonography (color printout of an ultrasound echo test) is used to identify the absence I’ve never told this story to such a wide audience. of blood flow typically found in a twisted testicle, Most people don’t know this happened to me but I which distinguishes the condition from epididymi- feel compelled to tell everyone about it, and may- tis. be just maybe I can help some young 12-18 year old cope with this extremely painful experience. Urinalysis (analyzing chemical composition of urine) can be used to rule out bacterial infections. It was May of 1993 (the link goes to things that happened in 1993 - good stuff!!!) Surgical exploration may be necessary if diagnosis cannot be made using other methods. I was a ripe 13 years old and in the 7th grade. I Treatment: wish I had some photos of me when I was 13 years Treatment involves untwisting (detorsion), manu- old. I was extremely hot trust me with that. Imag- ally if possible and surgically if necessary. Surgi- ine a young Gregg just entering puberty with a cal detorsion requires anesthesia followed by an lean semi-hairless body! I was in a couple of bas- incision in the scrotum. The testicles are untwisted ketball leagues and played sports on the side with and evaluated for necrosis. Dead tissue is removed; my friends so I stayed very active. The day arrived removal of one or both testicles may be necessary. and it was a warm spring evening. My brother, his If necrosis has not occurred, the healthy testicle(s) friend Doug & I decided to go play some hoops are then sutured (stitched) to the scrotal wall to (basketball - duh!) at Stonehill College. avoid recurrence. We got to the courts and the basketball rims Prognosis: were really low. They weren’t the typical 10 feet If torsion is diagnosed and treated within 5-6 high - these were more like 9 feet high. Well we hours, the prognosis is good. The more time that played basketball for a couple of hours. We played elapses before resolution worsens the prognosis. “Horse” “21” & “Around the World” When we were After 18-24 hours, necrosis usually develops and finished playing we all tried to grab the rim and indicates removal of the affected testicle (orchiec- dunk the ball. Well my brother and Doug had no tomy). problem doing it. My brother is 6’2, Doug is 5’11 & in 1993 I was 5’7. I could only grab the net not the rim. I tried grabbing the rim a good handful of times. Well on the ride home I started to get these stomach aches which weren’t uncommon for me during this time. I would often get really bad stomach aches and then they would eventually go away. So as you can see I was thinking it was just another bad stomach ache. We got home and the “stomach ache” persisted for about 2 hours. I said to my mom my stomach ache won’t go away and it really hurts, I think I need to go to the emergency room. 19 So she called the emergency room to get info on if they could take me immediately and so I went outside and I began throwing up uncontrollably. My sister came out and tried to comfort me but I kept getting sick so she went in and told my mom. My mom, sister & I then all headed to the emergency room at Brockton Hospital. We arrived at the hospital and they took us in immediately. They asked me where the pain was and I told them my stomach so they started to push on my abdomen, my testicles and stomach. They finally found where it hurt most when they pushed on my testicle and they determined it was either a twisted testicle or a tumor in my testicle but they needed to do x-rays to be sure. Now as I waited for them to get the x-ray room ready the pain was getting worse and worse. I’ve never been in such bad pain in my life. I was rolled up in a ball, squeezing my mom and sisters hands, yelling for them to get me some pain killers but no one could get me anything cause I needed to go into surgery. They took the x-ray’s and determined it was a twisted testicle and it needed to be operated on immediately! I was taken into emergency surgery and they untwisted my testicle. I later found out it was twisted 6 times inside and it was the worse case they had ever seen! If I hadn’t gotten the surgery I would have lost my testicle because what basically happens is the testicle isn’t getting any oxygen so it just dies. I was also the proud parent of 6 stitches in my testicle - ouch! I went to a Urologist once a week for him to check it all out and on the last visit he pulled the stitches out - Ouch! I hope you enjoyed my story. It’s a story of the ages that the whole family can enjoy! 20 CREATIVE WORk CREATIVE WORk Sandcastles by _ami_ My hands shape an image, once the world Towering testimony to tenacity is beautiful My mind seeks a flight to the boy with blue skin Caged dove remnants of a prevailing culture not now Soul’s sight, piercing eyes enraptured smile his blue skin We cry, through curved lips, thrashing is only hidden Fragile wing, empty bones snap, behind all the blue skin people White, to crimson, hidden from the distance As our Tears and Blood mix the boy with the blue skin We smile, he glances again then feel An invisible hand, divinity, turns him, sorrow inside Pulls away, away, My heart, sunken treasure dont overlook lost to the world, that feeling lost to me, dont lost the feeling lost to the small boy, who cried in his smile over what going on we who know wonder and amazement Artwork by Caiman At the bottom of the ocean 21 Features and Profiles An Interview With Blondeboy by Underdog Blondeboy has been a member of since February 2004. He is a regular contributor to the fashion section of MBM. This interview was done in June 2008. Underdog: When you first noticed your attrac- Bb: No, I realized quickly that there were way bet- tion to boys, did you think that you were just a ter parts to the board. homosexual at the time? Did you initially think Ud: How have you evolved into yourself as a boy- that your attraction to boys your age would grow lover since joining the site? into an attraction in to men your age? Bb: Well, there are a few very influential people Blondeboy: Yes, I initially thought I was simply a who have played a big role in creating the perv you homosexual. The answer to the second question see today. I still feel like I have a lot to learn about isn’t as simple. It’s complicated because I am into myself to be honest. guys my own age too but not nearly as much as boys. I think I truly realized I was different when I Ud: Has your AOA (Age of Attraction) changed was about 15 or 16 and was still wanking thinking since you became a member of about 10 year olds. Bb: Yeah. It has gotten a little lower. The upper Ud: When did you decide that you were in fact a end hasn’t come down but the bottom end has. My “boylover?” AOA kind of goes through phases. When I joined my AOA was like 10-21. I was 19 when I joined. Bb: It’s pretty simple. I obsessed about Haley Joel Osment when “The Sixth Sense” came out. It was Ud: Who have been some important boys in your pretty obvious then. I didn’t know the term boy- life? How have these boys changed your life for lover though. I remember one time in the mall better or worse? when I was going to buy the DVD and my mom Bb: They have all been important in one way or asked me why I was so into it. I could sense she was suspicious. another. The first boy was Bailey and he was more Ud: If I remember correctly, you came across the cer practice together when we ran into these high board like me and many other members. How did school kids. They were gay bashers, big time. They you come to find literally beat him to death. I couldn’t do anything a bf than an yf. We were walking home from soc- to stop them. They weren’t prosecuted as adults Bb: I admit, I was looking for pictures. because they were only 16. When they turned 21 Ud: As you evolved into your membership on the they were released. board, did you immediately leave the galleries Then there was Neil. He was the little brother of or did you lurk before realizing that there was my best friend and was a god among boys. Next more out there? was Dylan. He was the boy that I was closest too. I 22 truly loved him. I was 21 when I met him, know you’re probably jackin now but let’s focus. I he was 13. have a simple rule about boys clothes, when they are single digit ages dress them to be cute. For Ud: So has the incident with Bailey affected how double digits, dress them sexy and preppy. you feel about society as a whole? Has it changed Ud: Let’s talk about images. Is there a certain how you display your sexual orientation? image that you couldn’t imagine life without? Bb: Yes, it has some. I don’t flaunt being gay at all. Ud: As these boys get older, do you keep contact with them? How is your relationship now? Bb: I visited Neil a few times when I was in Cali last year. Dylan is passed too. Car crash. After Dylan came Tyler. My relationship with him is over. It ended with him hating me. Ud: Let’s change gears. In past issues of the magazine, you have done articles about boys fashion. What has drawn you to boys fashion? If I gave you a hot ten year old right now, Bb: This image is just two cuties who are obviously how would you dress him? very good friends. Boy friendship is so special. Bb: Well boys and fashion are my two favorite Ud: What are your thoughts about boy-related things. It just kind of makes sense. To answer the porn? Are all the boys who appear in such mate- second question, it would depend on a few things rial victims of exploitation, even though they about his physical attributes. His hair and eye color may not think so? Should one feel guilty about would determine the possible colors of the shirts seeking or finding pleasure in such material? I would put him in and his body type would deter- Bb: No, I don’t believe that at all. I was a bit of a mine a lot of things. porn actor and I loved it. Ud: Blonde hair, blue eyes, light skinned, skinny Ud: This next question could be the most used and semi muscular. His hair is in a surfer cut. question but I think that it can give us a perspec- Kind of bowl cut but messier. tive on where you stand right now. What has your membership on this board meant to you? Bb: I see him in a red shirt. I’m thinking a Volcom polo or maybe Gap. No boy doesn’t look cute in Bb: It means a place to be myself. A place where I Gap. Especially the younger lads. White looks good can vent about frustrations that all boylovers deal on blue eyed blondes too. It really picks up their with in the real world. It’s a simple answer for me eyes. He would also have some cute little plaid really. polo chino shorts and some cute little flip flops. I 23 CREATIVE WORK Moonlit boy at the riverside 24 by Caiman 25 MEMBER REFLECTIONS A Reflection on Brotherhood by Underdog “To the outside world we all grow old but not to brothers. We know each other as we always were. We know each other’s hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family grief’s and joys. We live outside the touch of time.” Clara Ortega I can remember the first night in great detail. you are twelve, would you like to take the man We were both sleeping in my brother’s room. He test?” I asked. “What do you mean?” He asked. was on his bed and I was on the trundle that was “You let me touch you anywhere I want and you so low to the floor because it was broken. It was can’t giggle.” summer so mom was letting us stay up later than usual while she went to bed. That was when it hap- “Ok.” pened. I asked and he nervously obliged. “Get naked.” It would probably make more sense if I gave some “Why?” more background. The summer after fourth grade, I attended a YMCA day camp because my dad was “I did say that I would have to touch you any- too busy to watch us. It was there that I was asked where.” if I have ever tried masturbation. Being a curious and never shy boy, I answered honestly that I tried “Ok, I guess.” but quit when it felt like I passed out. I was informed that I had to keep going and that I wouldn’t I proceeded to start with his feet. He was gig- pass out. After that evening I was in masturbation gling a little and I had to stop and explain the heaven. I immediately told my best friend. rules again. Him promising that he wouldn’t giggle again. Seeing him lay there naked was such a Through fifth and part of sixth grade we fooled pleasure. I was sporting a large hard on that was around. We masturbated and sucked each other hidden in my boxers. As I moved to his leg, I could any chance we got. Looking back, it has to have tell that he was getting excited. I stopped at his been the best years of my life. This was also the inner thigh and began with his arms, gently moving time that I discovered that I was into younger to his armpits, and then to his ribs and stomach. At boys. I told my friend this and I don’t think that this point, he was semi hard and I made my move. he thought much of it. I was hoping that by telling He fit into my had so well. him he would get his sexy little brother to join in however, much to my disappointment, that never With this new touching he began to giggle a bit as happened. I worked him. Then the giggling was replaced with soft grunts and moans. He wanted to stop me say- Moving back to that summer night, I was thirteen ing that he felt like he was getting light headed. and my brother had just turned twelve. “Now that I persuaded him to let me continue until he shot 26 what little juice he had. I was more than excited to share with him a joy that I had been sharing with my friend for years. Night after night for over a year he would sneak to my room so I could take care of him. He would then return the favor. Hell, there were even times in the day when Mom would run to the store and he would ask me to take care of him. He would even ask when Mom was around but working in the house! Of course, I obliged. My brother and I are now 21 and 22 respectively. We live two hours apart and never really speak about what happened to us anymore. Has this made us closer as brothers? I would say yes. We shared something that I wouldn’t change for the world. It’s almost like today that there is a taboo on things that happened in the past. My brother is in a serious relationship with a woman and I often wonder if he ever told her. I’m guessing that he hasn’t. I don’t think it was gay, even today. “Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk.” Susan Scarf Merrell My brother and I are still very close even though we live in different towns. I miss him everyday and the companionship that I could always rely on. I am thrilled that I got to share a large portion of my journey, sexually and physically, with him. To my brother: I love you. I will always love you. I miss what we had but understand that we have to move on. I hope that one day we can look back on what happened and laugh. Thanks for being the greatest little brother I could ever ask for. I love you. “A brother shares childhood memories and grownup dreams.” Unknown 27
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