May 2015 Summer Songs Beach Party Luau


May 2015 Summer Songs Beach Party Luau
May 2015
Summer Songs Beach Party Luau
First Ever, Friday May 1st at The Minstrel
It’s a party and a show wrapped into one. Audience: Bring your voice, your guitar, and your joy. We’ll
provide the lyrics, the chords, and additional entertainment. We’re celebrating the end of a long,
cold winter, and the beginning of sunshine, sand, and summer fun. This will be the best damn music
luau the Minstrel has ever seen. Possibly because it’s our first. Or maybe because three first prizes
will be awarded in The Loudest Hawaiian Shirt contest. But most likely it’s because the Minstrel
audience loves a good time, and we’re going to give you one.
The Getaway Gang is going all-out for this. AMP’ed-up Song Leader Fil Wisnewksi is leading the
audience singalongs. Project Instrumental Pros Dave Rimelis and Frank Sole are backing up the
onstage soloists. Valentines Extravagandist Mark Schaffer is collecting the talent and planning the
program. Pro Caterer Bob Cole and Registrar Extraordinaire Betsy Rose are preparing exotic decorations and special luau party food. Getaway CNO (Chief Nudge Officer) Robin Schaffer will award
the loudest shirts with fabulous prizes. Work Organizer Pat Brangs will be organizing the workers.
Sound Chief Mike DelVecchio will be making it all sound perfect.
Tonight’s $12 admission includes your special food and desserts without further donation.
Okay. We get it. You can’t possibly know what this is because it’s never been done. Right? Wrong.
This is a going to be a great party, and we’ve been throwing great parties forever. Questions? Send
them to Answers? Send them to the same email address.
See the Morris Arts Award Ceremony
If you could not make it to the award ceremony where the Folk
Project received the Morris Arts Award for Outstanding Arts
Organization for 2015, you can still see key moments of the presentation by going to the website and clicking
on the link of the picture showing Mike Agranoff. The coverage
includes videos of Folk Project members performing, including
Mike's rendition of "Before They Close the Minstrel Show." It is well
worth a visit.
A Folk Project Special Concert������������������������������������������������������� 2
May Evening o' Music��������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
Pelvis Burlapp's Guide to Life�������������������������������������������������������� 6
Coming Soon to a Weekend Near You����������������������������������������� 7
Board Meeting: The Summary�����������������������������������������������������10
Good o’ the Order�������������������������������������������������������������������������11
Meet the Board: Joanne Cronin���������������������������������������������������12
Members’ Gigs & Friends�������������������������������������������������������������13
NOTE: web links in the eNewsletter are now clickable
A Folk Project Special Concert
New ambassadors
of Welsh Cool...
Friday • July 3, 2015 • 8pm •
Doors open at 7pm
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
21 Normandy Heights Road • Morristown, NJ
Price: $12 in advance • $15 at the door
Tickets available at the Minstrel
on Friday evenings,
or at All ticket sales are final.
For more information go to
or call 908/229-1214
Calan bring together the remarkable talents of 5 young musicians giving a fresh
and vibrant sound to traditional Welsh
music. With a contemporary and lively
approach they breathe new life into the
old traditions through their sparkling
melodies, foot tapping tunes and spirited
and energetic performances of Welsh
step dancing.
With their unique instrumental blend of
accordion, fiddle, guitar, Welsh pipes,
Welsh harp and the percussive sound
of the Welsh clogs, Calan has certainly
found its musical niche and its plan is
to continue to delight audiences far and
Uke New Jersey 3!
August 28–30 in Morristown, NJ
We are back at The Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Hall for this year’s festival, featuring the incredible talents of:
¤¤ Li’l Rev
¤¤ Sarah Maisel
¤¤ Craig Chee
¤¤ Jim & Liz Beloff
¤¤ Steve Boisen
¤¤ Christine DeLeon
As in years past, we will start the festivities with a concert on Friday night and continue on Saturday
with workshops, jams, vendors and friendship, culminating with the second concert on Saturday
night. Sunday is a freeform Jam on the Green in downtown Morristown, hosted by our local Meetup
Group “Morristown Uke Jam.”
By the time you read this, more detailed information will be up on The Folk Project website at and early-bird tickets will be on sale. Any questions, call 908/229-1214.
The Minstrel
Acoustic Concert Series
May 2015
presented by
Concerts every Friday at 8pm at the Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
21 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown, NJ • 973/335-9489 •
Fri., May 1: Summer Songs Beach Party ($12 admission includes special desserts tonight only)
You are the music at tonight’s special Minstrel. It’s a party and a members concert rolled into one. Bring
your guitars, your voices, your ukuleles, your bongos, your finest Hawaiian shirts, whatever. We’re welcoming summer with our first ever Beach Party Sea Shanty Luau Key West Surfin’ USA Rockin’ Sing-Along &
Members Concert. All night long we’ll sing songs about summer, the ocean, and the beach. We’ll be alternating group songs from the entire audience with member performances from the stage. We’ll provide
special food. You’ll provide the gusto.
Fri., May 8: Open Stage
This is an opportunity for all acoustic musicians to perform a 15-minute set on our stage, and
for the audience to be treated to a diverse collection of acoustic musicians. We’ve often seen
previews of our regular scheduled acts for the first time at Open Stage. For information on
how to secure a performance slot, call 973/335-9489, or visit
Fri., May 15: Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris Newman with Wee Doggies
To say that Máire Ní Chathasaigh (Moira Nee-KA-ha-see) & Chris Newman play the Celtic Harp and guitar is like saying Earl Scruggs and Bill Monroe pick out tunes on the banjo and
mandolin. These two are past masters of their craft, and their craft is virtuoso
performance on their chosen instruments.“Awesome” is a word overused these
days, but I was drop-dead awe-struck by their performance. Their forte is the Irish
and Scots repertoire, but they take detours into old-time American tunes and
swing(!!). This is a must-see show even for people who are not into harp music.
They are jaw-dropping mind-bending out-freaking-standing.
Wee Doggies are Earl Karlsen on mandolin, Arnie Reisman on banjo, and Jerry Fabris upright bass. They
play classic bluegrass, straight up and pretty, with great instrumental chops and sweet vocal harmonies.
Fri., May 22: CLOSED for the Folk Project Acoustic Getaway
The Folk Project Spring Getaway is SOLD OUT! Don’t miss our Fall Acoustic Getaway Columbus Day
Weekend, October 9–11, 2015.
Fri., May 29: Brother Sun with Diane Perry
The whole of Brother Sun is greater than the sum of its already substantial parts: Greg Greenway, Pat
Wictor, and Joe Jencks, each well known as strong and successful singers,
songwriters, and performers. But together, they blossom and explode, putting terrific vocal harmonies and solid guitar and piano arrangements to their
already powerful songs. Think of them as a male counterpart to Red Molly.
Not to be missed.
Diane Perry is a natural. One of those performers who, from their very first note, you just know was born
to her instrument. Diane’s instruments are the violin and her voice. And she spans genres from swing
standards to folk to her own compositions. She does not let her classical training at Julliard get in the
way of improvisational brilliance. And her vocal interpretations are unique and perfect for the material.
UPCOMING: 6/5: The EastRiver Chinese Ensemble; 6/12: Open Stage; 6/19: Carla Ulbrich with Joe Giacoio; 6/26: Toby
Walker and A Personal History of the Blues; 7/10: Open Stage; 7/17: Huxtable, Christensen, & Hood with Gordon
Ward; 7/24: The Minstrel’s 40th Birthday Show; 7/25: A concert featuring Tom Paxton to celebrate the Minstrel's
40th Anniversary. advance tickets at; 7/31: Silk City with Rick Ilowite
To volunteer, e-mail
All Venues That Fit We Print
Acoustic Cafe, Pascack Valley: Our Lady of Mercy Academy, 25 Fremont Road, Park Ridge, NJ, 8pm,
$20 advance/$22 door,, 201/573-0718; Sat. 5/30 Kim & Reggie Harris with
Arlon Bennett & The Healing Project
Albert Hall/Sounds of the NJ Pines: Country/bluegrass/folk every Saturday. 125 Wells Mills Rd.
(Route 532), Waretown. 609/971-1593 or
Blairstown Theatre: 30 Main Street, Blairstown, NJ, 8:30pm,, 908/362-1399
Bluegrass & Old Time Music Assoc. (BOTMA): Every 3rd Sun. from Sept. thru May, Embury United
Methodist Church Hall, 49 Church St, Little Silver, NJ. 1–5pm. $4 for BOTMA members, $5 nonmembers. Info:
Borderline Folk Music Club: Nanuet Public Library, 149 Church Street, Nanuet, NY, 1pm,,, 718/761-0709
Celebration House Concert & Workshop Series: In Clifton, address given with reservation,
973/879-8568 or Workshops usually 3:30–5:30pm, concert usually 6:30pm. Concert $15, workshop $20, concert and workshop combo $30
Coffee With Conscience: 1st United Methodist Church of Westfield, 1 E. Broad St., Westfield, NJ,
8pm, $20 online, $25 at the door,,,
Community Theater at Mayo Center for Performing Arts: 100 South St., Morristown, NJ, for tickets/info call 973/539-8008,, shows at 8pm
Crossroads Coffeehouse: 8pm, Crossroads Community Church, 104 Bartley Rd., Flanders.
973/786-7940 or 908/879-7739
Ethical Brew Coffeehouse: Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County, 687 Larch Avenue, Teaneck,
NJ, 8pm (doors open at 7:30pm), $20 online/$25 at door,, 201/836-5187
Fanwood Performance Series: Patricia M. Kuran Cultural Arts Center, 75 North Martine Avenue,
Fanwood, NJ, 7pm, donation $15, seniors/students $10,;
Sat. 5/9 Rich Deans with The Fine Line
Folk Arts Fridays at Ethical Culture: 516 Prospect St., Maplewood. 2nd Friday (except June–Aug.).
Bring instruments and voices for singing, playing, quilting, crafts. Run by Lisa Novemsky and Anja
Moen, or 973/763-8293.
Folk Music Society of NY: 8pm,; Sat. 5/30 Annie & The Hedonists, at Christ Church
in Riverdale, 5030 Henry Hudson Parkway East, Bronx, NY
Godfrey Daniels: 7 E. 4th St., Bethlehem, PA 610/867-2390,
Good Coffeehouse: The Good Coffeehouse at The Old Stone House, 336 3rd Street, Brooklyn, NY,
doors open at 7:30, music at 8pm, 718/768-3195 or
Hurdy Gurdy Folk Music Club: Fair Lawn Community Center, Fair Lawn, NJ, 8pm, $20, member $17,, 201/384-1325; Sat. 5/9 Modern Man with The Levins
Mannion’s NJAMP Acoustic Jam: EVERY Thursday, 6pm, Mannion’s, 150 West Main St., Somerville
Morris County Center for the Arts: Darress Theatre, 615 Main St., Boonton. 973/334-9292,
Morristown Uke Jam: Ukulele playalong and jam, 7pm every 1st Wed at Anthony’s Pizza & Pasta, 47
S Park Pl, Morristown (on the Green in warm weather. Info:,
Mark 973/978-0751,
Music at the Mission: 1452 Union Valley Rd, West Milford, NJ, 7pm, $5 admission,; Sat. 5/2 Young Talent Showcase and Open Mic Night
Music on Main Street: Woodbridge Community Center, 600 Main St., Woodbridge, NJ, 7:30pm,, 732/596-4048
NJ Friends of Clearwater Circle of Song: Eatontown Community Center, 72 Broad Street (Route 71),
Eatontown, NJ, 2–4pm, $3–7,, 732/869-9276; Sun. 5/3 Tommy and Abby Anton
Outpost In The Burbs: Unitarian Church of Montclair, 67 Church St., Montclair, NJ, 8pm, $22 in
advance, $25 at the door,, 973/744-6560; Fri. 5/15 Jesse Terry, Rebecca
Loebe, Abbie Gardner, Tracy Grammar; Sun. 5/31 5pm, Anna Nalick with Christina Holmes, at Van
Vleck House & Gardens
People’s Voice Cafe: Community Church of New York Unitarian Universalist, 40 East 35th St., New
York, NY, 8pm, $18 contribution, members $10,, 212/787-3903; Sat.
5/2 Anne Hills, Harmonic Insurgence; Sat. 5/9 2nd Annual Pete Seeger Sing Along (PVC Benefit);
Sat. 5/16 The Cost of Freedom—Kent & Jackson State 1970-2015, with emma's revolution and
Magpie, readings by Vince Brown
Pinewoods Folk Music Club: 444 W. 54th St., #7, New York, NY 10019, 718/651-1115,, Every Monday, Irish Traditional Music Session, 8–11pm at the Landmark
Tavern. Visit web site for details.
The Place: Livingston, NJ, 3pm pot luck, 4pm music, house concert, $20 suggested donation,, 973/992-7491
Prallsville Mill: Route 29, Stockton, NJ, 8pm, 5 miles north from New Hope and Lambertville, adults $35
in advance, $20 for 25 and under in advance,,
Princeton Folk Music Society: Christ Congregation Church, 50 Walnut Lane, Princeton, NJ,
8:15pm, $20, Members $15, Students 12–22 $10, kids under 12 $5,,, 609/799-0944; Fri. 5/15 Mary Courtney
Roxbury Arts Alliance: Roxbury Performing Arts Center, 72 Eyland Ave, Succasunna, NJ,, 862/219-1379; Sat. 5/2 8pm, Desire (Doo-Wop)
Sacred Bean Coffeehouse: Flanders United Methodist Church, 2 Park Place (corner with Hillside
Ave), Flanders, NJ, 7pm,,, 973/584-5426;
Sat. 5/9 Bootz O'Hagen with Jeff & Karen
Sacred Harp Singings: Much info at, 2nd Sun.: 2pm, St. Paul’s Church, 199 Carroll
St., Brooklyn. 718/293-2848, 2pm, Montclair Friends Mtg., Park & Gordonhurst. 973/509-2165,
Midweek singing Wednesdays, 7–9:30pm, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 346 W. 20th St.
Sanctuary Concerts: The Presbyterian Church, 240 Southern Boulevard, Chatham, NJ, 8pm,,, 973/376-4946; Sat. 5/9 Slaid
Cleves with Meg Braun
Skylands Native American Flute Circle: meets at a home in Panther Valley. Info: Allan Johnson
908/850-5772 or
Stony Brook Friends of Old Time Music Jam: Mannion’s Pub & Restaurant, 140 West Main Street,
Somerville. Starting around 7:30pm, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month. 609/924-5353 or visit;
Walkabout Clearwater Coffeehouse: Memorial United Methodist Church, 250 Bryant Ave., White
Plains, NY, 7:30pm, Walkabout Chorus "Teachabout" at 6:45pm, $18 in advance, $23 at the door,, 914/949-2146; Sat. 5/9 Kim and Reggie Harris
A Salute to Tom Paxton
The Borderline Folk Music Club (West Nyack, NY) Annual Picnic will take place on Sunday, 8/23/2015.
This year's theme will be "A Salute to Tom Paxton." If you are an entertainer who would like to perform, please contact Kathy Sturgis at .
May Evening o' Music
Sat. 5/9, 8pm • Chateau d’Amy and Brian
229 South 11th Avenue, Highland Park, NJ • 732/249-1995
We’ll gather as we always do with instruments and our voices in harmony. Bring a dish and/or dessert to share with your fellow strummers, pluckers, bowers, and crooners. The kittens love to play,
so you can throw them some string or a capo if you like. Hey, can anyone fit a Maypole in their car?
FROM POINTS NORTH AND WEST: I287 to Exit 9 (Rt. 622 South a/k/a River Road); LEFT on Rt. 27 East (a/k/a Raritan Avenue); SLIGHT
RIGHT on to Rt. 514 (a/k/a Woodbridge Avenue); RIGHT on to South 11th Avenue, House is on the Right side of the street, Parking only
on the same side as the house or on side streets.
FROM POINTS SOUTH: I95 North to Exit 9 (Rt. 18 North); Exit on to Rt. 1 North; RIGHT exit at sign for “514 West/Woodbridge Avenue”;
RIGHT on to Rt. 514 (a/k/a Woodbridge Avenue); RIGHT turn at sign for “Highland Park”; LEFT on South 11th Avenue; House is on the
right side of the street; Parking on the same side as the house or on side streets.
Outdoor Poolside Pot Luck Singalong
Sun. 5/17, 1:30pm • Barbara Hall's "Club Med North"
60 Balsam Road, Wayne, NJ • RSVP 973/839-8586
Bring your best singing voice, instruments, towel, bathing suit (if you are brave and it is warm) for
an afternoon of music. Fair weather only! Bring a dish or dessert to share, non-alcoholic beverages
will be provided. Family members of all ages welcome to join in. Directions provided if you don't
have GPS.
Pelvis Burlapp's Guide to Life
Just announced! The first all-folk TV channel: TFN...The Folk Network. It took a long time, because,
well, folkies don't watch much TV. But, they've pretty much run out of ideas for networks, so our
time has finally come. Here are a few of the scheduled programs:
¤¤ Contra Dancing With the Stars: Season one features Gov. Christie and Abe Vigoda.
¤¤ Antique Mode Show: Locals bring their detuned instruments, and experts tell them what
mode they are using.
¤¤ CSI: Copyright Security Inspectors: Exciting adventures with the men and women of ASCAP.
¤¤ Breaking Strings: Drama series, starring Ike Magranoff as a man armed with wire-cutters and
a desire to rid the world of out-of-tune instruments.
¤¤ Pick Pickers: Clem and Roberto are pick collectors. In this reality series, we join them on the
road in search of plectrum pleasure.
¤¤ Potlucks, Parties, and Portapotties: This cooking series features the best foods at folk events
around the world. It includes tips on using whatever's left in your fridge for those last-minute
music parties, such as salad-dressing souffle and creamed butter.
¤¤ Name This Tune: Game show, hosted by Norm Crosby, where contestants attempt to name
fiddle tunes after hearing only the "A" and "B" sections.
You can pick up TFN on your shortwave radio or your Atari game system. The folks at TFN have
hopes that there will be a place for them on the internet, though early reports say all the spots
are filled at this time.
The Mystery of the Sold-Out Getaway
WATSON: Very strange, Mr. Holmes. The Spring Acoustic Getaway sold out almost immediately, yet
nobody has signed up for the Fall Getaway. How is that possible?
SHERLOCK: Elementary, my good friend. Registration for fall begins on July 4th. Logically, anyone
who missed out this time will mark their calendars, and on American Independence Day will proceed to and register.
WATSON: Brilliant, Holmes. Brilliant. Dot what?
Coming Soon to a Weekend Near You
In this third collection of musical offerings, we're showcasing performers who will be featured at
the Folk Project's Spring Getaway. That may be something of a tease since it’s already sold out, but
these are the kind of folks who’ve played for us in the past, and the kind of folks who will likely play
for us in the future. If you didn’t get into the May 2015 weekend, there’ll be another chance come
October, with a whole new raft of talent.
Lucy Kaplansky: Scavenger (
Based in New York City, Lucy records and has played both as a solo performer and as a member of
the groups Cry Cry Cry (with Dar Williams and Richard Shindell) and Red Horse (with John Gorka
and Eliza Gilkyson). And she has a fallback career as a clinical psychologist.
The Wiyos: Dying Crap Shooter's Blues (
An old-timey band that specializes in early swing music and old time blues, filtered through a
contemporary sensibility. The BBC described them as "wonderful, weird and at times scary" so
what more could you ask? Currently a trio, this video features an earlier incarnation as a quartet.
Pat Donohue: Maple Leaf Rag (
Probably best known as A Prairie Home Companion's resident guitar player, Pat is a Grammywinning fingerpicker who's been described as a guitarist's guitarist. He does his own versions of
blues, swing and R&B standards, as well as original material. He also teaches at popular music camps.
Brendan Taffe: The Devil's Nine Questions (
Brendan is hard to categorize, being a performer, a composer, and a song leader who has taught
choral workshops and master classes around the world. He's known for blending traditional Irish
and American ballads with African rhythms, playing guitar, fiddle, banjo and mbira.
—Chris Riemer
Finest Kind Disbanding
After 24 years of singing and touring, Finest Kind will be disbanding at the end of 2015. This is not
a decision we have taken lightly, but it is one we agree on, and is certainly not due to any interpersonal issues between us three. We remain good friends, and will likely continue to sing together
from time to time. However 24 years is a long time; singing hard and in harmony as we do does
not get easier as we grow older, and we all feel it's time to bid Finest Kind adieu.
We have come to the realization that the less attractive aspects of life on the road have begun to
outweigh the benefits. We owe a huge debt of thanks to everyone who has booked us, billeted us,
played us on the radio and supported us in so many ways over the years. The folk scene we move
in is primarily volunteer run, and your warmth and generosity have been an important part of what
made touring fun. We are most grateful.
To those of you who are aware of Shelley's health issues last year, we should report that he's doing
just fine, and that the decision to disband has nothing to do with his recent illness. We plan a farewell concert in Ottawa, probably in October.
FP Calendar: May 2015
For venue addresses & contact information, see Venues, Feets, or Gigs
Please use contact information to verify dates and times of shows before you go
Minstrel: Summer Songs Beach Party
Martin Swinger: 7:30pm, Garden Stage at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of
Central Nassau, with Matt Nakoa, Garden City, NY, $20 advance, $22 door
Swingin' Tern: Dave Rupp and Dead Sea Squirrels
EVERY Saturday: CD*NY: 8pm, Contra dances. NYC,
Russ Kelner: 8pm, Albert Music Hall, with Ramapo Valley Ramblers, 131 Wells Mill Road (Rt.
532), Waretown , NJ,, 609/971-1593
Music at the Mission: 7pm, Young Talent Showcase and Open Mic Night, $5 admission
People’s Voice Cafe: 8pm, Anne Hills, Harmonic Insurgence, $18 contribution, members $10
Roxbury Arts Alliance: 8pm, Desire (Doo-Wop), $15 adults, $12 seniors and students
EVERY Sunday: 7pm, Music You Can’t Hear on the Radio. WPRB 103.3FM;;
EVERY Sunday: 7–10pm, Radio Nowhere. WMSC 90.3FM Montclair or streaming at or
EVERY 1st & 3rd Sunday: 6pm, Open Irish session. Dublin House, Red Bank
EVERY 1st Sunday: 2–4pm, NJ Friends of Clearwater Circle of Song
Mara Levine: 4–6pm, Good Coffeehouse, with Caroline Cutroneo and Celestial Harmonies,
Brooklyn, NY, $10 adults, $6 children
NJ Friends of Clearwater Circle of Song: 2–4pm, Tommy and Abby Anton, $3–7
EVERY Monday: 7:30pm, Maplewood International Dancers. Maplewood,
FP Board Meeting: 8pm. At Amy & Brian Livingston's in Highland Park, NJ
EVERY Tuesday: 7pm, Northwest NJ Acoustic Jam. Westside United Methodist Church,
Hopatcong. 973/770-0179
EVERY Tuesday: 7–9:30pm, Open Mic, Anthony’s Pizza & Pasta, 47 S Park Pl, Morristown,
EVERY 1st & 3rd Tuesday: 7:30pm, Stony Brook Friends of Old Time Music Jam. Mannion’s
EVERY Wednesday: 7:30pm, Morristown Int’l Dancers. Mountain Lakes Community Church.
EVERY Wednesday: 8pm, Princeton Country Dancers, Contra Dance, $8 ($5 seniors &
students). More info on Dance page.
EVERY Wednesday: 7:30pm, “Down Jersey” with Jim Albertson. WSNJ am1240, am1440 and;
EVERY Wednesday: 9pm, Open Mic, McLynn’s Restaurant, Springfield. 973/258-1600
EVERY 1st Wednesday: 7pm, Folk Open Sing. Ethical Culture Society, 53 Prospect Park West,
Brooklyn. 212/636-6341 or 718/788-7563
EVERY 1st Wednesday: Morristown Uke Jam;; Mark
EVERY Thursday: 6pm, Mannion’s NJAMP Acoustic Jam. Somerville. 908/203-9700;
Alternate Thursdays: 7:30pm, Scandinavian couple dancing. Bound Brook. See for dates/info
Minstrel: Open Stage
FP Evening o' Music: 8pm. At Chateau d’Amy and Brian in Highland Park, NJ
EVERY 2nd Saturday: 8pm, Princeton Country Dancers, English Country Dance, $10 ($5
seniors & students). More info on Dance page.
Fanwood Performance Series: 7pm, Rich Deans with The Fine Line, donation $15, seniors/
students $10
Hurdy Gurdy Folk Music Club: 8pm, Modern Man with The Levins, $25, members $22
People’s Voice Cafe: 8pm, 2nd Annual Pete Seeger Sing Along (PVC Benefit), $18
contribution, members $10
Sacred Bean Coffeehouse: 7pm, Bootz O'Hagen with Jeff & Karen
Sanctuary Concerts: 8pm, Slaid Cleves with Meg Braun, $25
Walkabout Clearwater Coffeehouse: 7:30pm, Kim and Reggie Harris, $18 in advance, $23 at
the door, Walkabout Chorus "Teachabout" at 6:45pm
Mike Agranoff: 7:30pm, Focus Concerts, with Richard Weil, Rockville, MD, $18/members $15
Mike Agranoff: Southeast Regional Folk Alliance Conference, through 2015-05-17,
Montreat, NC,,, 870/404-9662
Russ Kelner: Westfield Senior Housing Art Show, with NJIO Outreach Ensemble
NJ Songwriters Circle: 7pm. Dave Kleiner’s, 32 Williamson Ave., Bloomfield. 973/429-0288
Minstrel: Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris Newman with Wee Doggies
Newsletter Deadline: Send stuff to
Outpost In The Burbs: 8pm, Jesse Terry, Rebecca Loebe, Abbie Gardner, Tracy Grammar, $22
in advance, $25 at the door
Princeton Folk Music Society: 8:15pm, Mary Courtney, $20, Members $15, Students 12–22
$10, kids under 12 $5
Swingin' Tern: Don Flaherty and Off'n Ensemble
People’s Voice Cafe: 8pm, The Cost of Freedom—Kent & Jackson State 1970–2015, $18
contribution, members $10, with emma's revolution and Magpie, readings by Vince
Kathy Moser: 1pm, Medicine Wheel Festival, Route 519 at milemarker 81, Wantage, NJ,
Folk Project Acoustic Getaway: Fri.-Mon., weekend of music, workshops, and
contra dancing (SOLD OUT).
Minstrel: CLOSED for the Folk Project Acoustic Getaway
ALMOST EVERY 4th Saturday: 8pm, Princeton Country Dancers, Contra Dance, $10 ($5
seniors & students). More info on Dance page.
EVERY 4th Sunday (except July and August): 2–5:30pm, Sacred Harp Singing, Montclair
Friends Meeting House, 289 Park Street, Upper Montclair, NJ;
Minstrel: Brother Sun with Diane Perry
Acoustic Cafe, Pascack Valley: 8pm, Kim & Reggie Harris with Arlon Bennett & The Healing
Project, $20 advance/$22 door
Folk Music Society of NY: 8pm, Annie & The Hedonists, $22, members $18, at Christ Church
in Riverdale, 5030 Henry Hudson Parkway East, Bronx, NY
Mike Agranoff: 6pm, Or Shalom Concert Night, Congregation Or Shalom, Berwyn, PA, $50
(annual fundraiser)
Kathy Moser: 2:15pm, Warren County Preservation Day, Rutherfurd Hall, 1686-R Route 517,
Allamuchy, NJ,
Outpost In The Burbs: 5pm, Anna Nalick with Christina Holmes, $25, at Van Vleck House &
Folk Project Board Meeting • April 7, 2015
Board Meeting: The Summary
Note: web links to full reports are provided following many summary reports .
The April Board Meeting was called to order at 8pm at the home of Gloria Friedman.
Present: Officers Barrett Wilson, Elizabeth Lachowicz, Andrew Hines; Trustees Grover Kemble, Allan Kugel, Joanne
Cronin, Lindsey Meyer, Lois DeRitter, Barrett Wilson, Bob McNally, Jay Wilensky, Deborah Graham; Committee
Chairs Gloria Friedman, George Otto, Lori Falco, Andrew Hines, Barrett Wilson, Eddie Roffman, Pat Brangs, Mike
Agranoff, Christine DelVecchio, Leigh Walker, Paul Fisher; Mike DelVecchio, Mark Schaffer.Absent: Treasurer Chris
Riemer; Committee Chairs Scooter Ferguson, Rachel Streich.
PRESIDENTS REPORT: The motion by Barrett at the March meeting, and tabled until the April meeting, regarding the sound grant was held over until the May meeting. Barrett asked for discussion on several subjects:
appropriate and safe display of the Morris Arts Award, and Guidestar, a service presenting a “snapshot” of
nonprofits, like the D&B of nonprofits. The Board agreed that our profile should be updated by the President.
Barrett also thanked Michael Agranoff for his work in improving strategic communications with performers to
streamline the setup for the Sound crew. The Volunteer/Tick use sign-in sheet at the door is also an improvement.
SECRETARY: The March 2015 minutes were accepted. Moved to accept; seconded and passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Chris Reimer was ill but reported cash on hand as of 3/31 at about $16,340 in checking,
$21,600 in Money Market and $230 in cash boxes, totaling $38,170. Advance receipts from Getaway & Paxton
PUBLICITY: Tell us early about items such as special concerts, etc.
MEMBERSHIP: Eddie Roffman stressed that the use of rosters should always be carefully considered by all. Use
good judgment AND common sense.
COMMUNITY SERVICES: Dave Kleiner signed up for Bloomfield Earth Day on Saturday April 25th, 10am to
3pm. We could use booth staff.
MINSTREL BOOKING: As of 4-6-15 there were 60 Paxton tickets sold to volunteers. Since opening up registration to the FP & Sanctuary general population on 4-13, there are now 184 sold. Total tickets sales limited to 425.
This is Paxton’s last scheduled career performance. Grover Kemble asked how the Open Mike went, holding it
in the Garden Room. Michael responded that it went SO well, that he intends to repeat as it saves about $200
in rental. The logistics functioned smoothly.
SOUND REINFORCEMENT: We have gotten prices on monitors.
GETAWAY: SOLD OUT, in record time! But, because they were all Early Bird enrollees, we lose about a $1,000 in
discounts. Roster was more expensive because we were fortunate to add Lucy Kaplansky. We will examine the
entire process for the fall Getaway.
Barrett capped the meeting by stressing the need for nearly everything to carry its weight and earn some money.
Even though we are a nonprofit, we still need to have a positive cash flow to stay in existence.
Motion to adjourn was seconded and passed at 10:10pm
Next Meeting: 8pm on May 5th, 2015, at the home of Amy & Brian Livingston at 229 South 11th Avenue, Highland
Park, NJ 08904
Grants: Mark reported that Stephanie will be working on the effort in a week or so, having been delayed. Eddie
Roffman will forward some past grant information on to Mark.
Valentines Show: Lois DeRitter brought up a topic that was discussed at the last meeting regarding the 2/15
Valentine’s show. Specifically, some people had shared with Lois that the fundraising was too heavy handed
and the admission was too high. Mark responded as last month, that he felt “charged & challenged” by past
remarks to make money on the show. Lois noted the timing was within two months of two other fundraisers.
Healthy discussion on topics such as fundraising, food and Messages from the Heart has this being examined
for next year. It was also noted that the upcoming Summer Song show will be $12.
Mike Agranoff asked that the committee members try to file reports earlier.
Bob McNally suggested that the Board consider some means to identify Board members at our events. Elizabeth
added that perhaps we should note staff members as well.
AD HOC TECHNOLOGY: George Otto indicated the comprehensive report will be ready for the May meeting,
but that certain challenges surfacing are to BRAND all of the FP media across the social media spectrum such as
Facebook, website advertising and such. Discussion ensued regarding trade/service marking, copyrighting, etc.
Bob McNally has offered to look into this. Barrett will be reporting on this next month.
MERCHANDISING: Gloria indicated that she resigned as the committee Chair. This was news to all. There was
some discussion involving a replacement, but no action was taken pending its being properly presented for
discussion at the May meeting.
SPECIAL CONCERTS: Scooter not present. Mark Schaffer spoke about the May Summer Songs Special Concert.
The audience is invited to bring instruments and sing to projected words. In response to a question, Mark stated
this is not billed as a fund raiser. Admission will be $12, no ticks may be used, and refreshments will be provided.
There won’t be a creel, or messages sold.
HSNOI: Volunteers are adjusting to the new staff. Gerry and Olga are appearing at the next show. Still need
volunteers in the graphics area.
SWINGIN’ TERN: Best month financially in a couple of years. Anniversary dance usually one of the best, but
this year—SNOW STORM. Attendees have been donating in the jar, knowing we need support to maintain
the level of callers and musicians. It would be great if all FP'rs would join our MeetUp.
Good o’ the Order
(Community News)
This is a place to share news about memorable events and challenges
you have faced in the past month with your Folk Project Community.
Please send items to Joanne Cronin,
Lindsey Meyer's son, Miles Regan, just started a new job at Sound Lounge, a movie post-production studio on 5th Ave. As a Client Services Rep, he gets paid to prepare food with the in-house
corporate chef and serve clients such as Uma Thurman. Oh the boring life of a sound engineer ;-) .
He also continues his internship at Dubway, another post-production studio near Wall St.
Andrew Hines has received the patent on his SitAssist device, which will bring a prone person to
a seated position without caregivers needing to lift.
Larry Flanigan has started a new business, Morris County Mobile Sewing Machine Repair, which
has its own Facebook page.
Mark Schaffer recently returned from two weeks in Utrecht, where the streets are cobblestone
and the bikes outnumber cars 15 to one. He loved it. Unfortunately, due to family commitments,
he will miss the Paxton concert in July.
Carl Zebooker and Linda Goodman want to share the happy news that they got married in
Rockville, MD, on March 9, 2015. Yes, they eloped! They look forward to celebrating with their
Projectile friends as soon as they can!
George Otto attended the marriage of his niece Katy on April 4rd in Philadelphia. She and her
husband Chris are expecting a son in May.
Meet the Board: Joanne Cronin
The First in a New Series
Hi, Projectiles,
My name is Joanne Cronin, and I have been on the Folk Project Board of Directors since January 2014.
Q. What exactly do you do on the Board of Directors? I am a Trustee, which means I attend monthly
Board meetings, read committee reports, discuss Project activities and participate in Board decision
making. Trustees are elected by the Folk Project membership at the annual meeting in December
for three-year terms and are representative of and responsible to the membership.
Q. What first attracted you to serving on the Board? How did I get here?
My first exposure to the group was at a FP Festival at Camp LinwoodMcDonald in October 1981. I only knew one person at the Festival at
the time, but It seemed like a fun group of people. When I landed in
New Jersey in 1982, some work colleagues introduced me to several
of the folk venues in the area and I looked into the Minstrel. Before I
knew it, I had successively gained a roommate, a husband, a great bunch
of friends, and a family of choice. While some of that has gone by the
wayside, the Folk Project and my job are two of the main reasons I stay
in New Jersey. You are my (dys)FUNctional family, my community, and I
wanted to give back to a group that has given me much.
Q.Which “part” of the Folk Project community do you participate in most? I have participated in a lot
of the Folk Project activities over the years. Most of my Fridays are spent at Minstrel. I have occasionally danced at Swingin’ Tern. Evenings of Music, Winter/Summer weekends, more Festivals/
Getaways than I can remember. Folk Project is most of my social life. At Evenings of Music I have
generally been in the kitchen schmoozing, but my inner performer has been sneaking out recently.
Q. Day job? By day I work at the Morris County Library, which has a collection of CDs donated by
performers who have played at the Minstrel over the years. Come by to take a look in the Music
and Media department. And if you’re looking for some good books, like Christine Lavin’s memoir,
go to Book Information, look for me and say hi.
Q. What’s this about volunteering? What can I do? It’s fun to volunteer at Minstrel. If you work the
door you get a chance to match names and faces. If you sign up for sound assistant you learn a
lot about the technical aspects of putting on the show. If you sign up to bake, you can wow the
audience with your awesome cookies. What I like most is being part of a group that works, and
has worked for forty years.
If you’re curious or uncertain about getting involved. give it a try. We don’t bite. We’re folkies. We
hug. We’ll help you out. And who knows- you may be on the Board, or on stage, some day. It happened to me.
Want to Learn TV Production?
... Horses Sing None of It! Looking for Cablevision-Area Volunteers
The Folk Project TV series, Horses Sing None of It, needs volunteers who have an address in one
of the following towns: Allamuchy, Boonton Town, Boonton Township, Chatham, Denville, Dover,
East Hanover, Florham Park, Hanover, Hopatcong, Jefferson, Madison, Mine Hill, Montville, Morris
Township, Morris Plains, Morristown, Mt. Arlington, Mountain Lakes, Mt. Olive, Netcong, Parsippany
Troy-Hills, Picatinny, Randolph, Rockaway Borough, Rockaway Township, Roxbury, Stanhope, Victory
Gardens, and Wharton.
Residence in the Morris Cablevision service area qualifies you to receive Cablevision's free technical training in video production which is required before you can handle the equipment to be a
technical volunteer and help produce the show. Interested? Please contact one of the producers:
Sandie Reilly or Ralph Litwin
Members’ Gigs & Friends
Please use contact information to verify dates and times of shows before you go
Mike Agranoff (, Tue. 5/12 7:30pm, Focus Concerts, with
Richard Weil, Ted's 355 Diner, Wintergreen Shopping Center, 895 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD,,, 301/275-7459, $18/members
$15; Wed. 5/13–5/17 Southeast Regional Folk Alliance Conference, Montreat Conference Center, 401
Assembly Drive, Montreat, NC,,, 870/404-9662;
Sun. 5/31 6pm, Or Shalom Concert Night, arrive at 5pm for pizza dinner, included with admission,
Congregation Or Shalom, 835 Darby Paoli Road, Berwyn, PA,,
610/724-8674, $50 (annual fundraiser)
Russ Kelner: Sat. 5/2 8pm, Albert Music Hall, with Ramapo Valley Ramblers, 131 Wells Mill Road
(Rt. 532), Waretown , NJ,, 609/971-1593; Thu. 5/14 Westfield Senior Housing Art
Show, with NJIO Outreach Ensemble
Mara Levine (,, 732/549-9722): Sun. 5/3 4–6pm, Good Coffeehouse,
with Caroline Cutroneo and Celestial Harmonies, payment at door is cash only, The Old Stone House,
336 3rd Street, Brooklyn, NY,,, 917/402-9261, $10 adults, $6 children
Kathy Moser (, Thu. 5/21 1pm, Medicine Wheel Festival, Route 519
at milemarker 81, Wantage, NJ,; Sun. 5/31 2:15pm, Warren
County Preservation Day, Rutherfurd Hall, 1686-R Route 517, Allamuchy, NJ,
Diane Perry (, Fri. 5/29 8pm, Minstrel Acoustic Concert
Series, Morristown Unitarian Fellowship, 21 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown NJ, folkproject.
org, 973/335-9489, $9
Martin Swinger (, Fri. 5/1 7:30pm, Garden Stage at the
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Central Nassau, with Matt Nakoa, 223 Stewart Avenue,
Garden City, NY,,, 516/248-8891, $20 advance, $22 door
“...Horses Sing None of It!”
A folksy non-commercial public access TV series featuring a surprising variety of guest performers, hosted by Ralph Litwin. All types of mainly acoustic music,
storytellers, dancers, others. Schedule available at
Seen on: Cablevision Morris area, Sun. 7:30pm ch. 21; Manhattan
Neighborhood Network (MNN), New York City, Thurs. 2:30pm
on Time/Warner Cable ch. 34 and on RCN Cable ch. 82; also
broadcast via streaming video on the web at
(popup players 34/82 http | mms); Service Electric Cable
TV Allentown, PA, Thurs. 9:30pm ch. 50; Staten Island
Community TV (SICTV) Thursdays 7:30pm ch. 35; Fargo Access
( on Cable One, Fri. 6:30pm & Mon. 3pm
ch. 12 in Fargo, ND; Cablevision 67; RCN 82; Verizon 42. Also streams via Mendham
TV: Mon., Wed., Fri.: 8am, 2pm & 8pm; Tues., Thurs., Sat.: 7am, 1pm & 7pm (same episode all week)
on Comcast ch. 22 or 25 & Verizon ch. 22 or 25; Comcast Central NJ 2, 3:30pm Friday, Ch. 280;
simulcast on Comcast Northwest NJ (Hunterdon County area) ch. 21. Watch archived shows on
Steve Holland & Root Mean Square
Feets Don’t Fail Me Now!
Center Contra: Gender-role free contra dance in NYC. LGBT Community Center, 208 West
13th St., Room 301, 7:30pm. Usually 2nd Fri. Open to all. 971/991-0597, 347/275-7983, or or e-mail
Country Dance*New York: Contra every Sat., English Country every Tues., Church of the
Village, 201 West 13th St. (NW corner of 7th Ave.). Sept.–June, or 212/459-4080
Lambertville Country Dancers: Soft soled shoes only! Contra/English country.
Info: 609/882-7733 or
Maplewood International Dancers: Recreation House, 124 Dunellen Rd., Maplewood.
Mondays 7:30pm, $5. Beginners welcome, partner not necessary, refreshments served. Days
908/273-6468, eves 973/376-7568.
Morristown International Dancers: Wednesdays, Mountain Lakes Community Church,
48 Briarcliff Rd., 8:30pm, 7:30pm beginners. $4 member/$5 non-member 973/539-7020 or
North Jersey English Country Dancers: 2nd & 4th Sundays, 2–5pm, Unitarian Society,
113 Cottage Pl., Ridgewood. $8 members, $10 non. 201/445-4497 or 201/447-1136.
Palisades Folk Dancers: Twice a month on Sundays, 3pm, Church of the Atonement, Engle St.
& Highland Ave., Tenafly.
Philly Family Folk Dances: Memorial Church of the Good Shepherd., 3820 The Oak Rd., East
Falls, PA. 2nd Sundays, 2–4:30pm 215/844-2474
Craig Edwards: fiddle • Cathy Mason: fiddle • Henry Yoshimura: guitar—Contras
Digging up the Dead Sea Squirrels, Dave discovers the lost lines of Ecclesiastes:
To everything, Tern, Tern, Tern;
There is a season, Tern, Tern, Tern;
And a time for every contra made in Heaven.
A time to tune, a time to play;
A time for contras, a time for squares;
A time to be ones, a time to be twos;
A time to lead, a time to follow;
A time to balance, a time to swing;
A time to twirl, a time to refrain from twirling;
A time to dance, a time to waltz.
Princeton Folk Dance Group: 7pm, Riverside School, Riverside Dr., Princeton. Tuesdays
(except school closings); 609/921-9340, 609/912-1272;
Heidi Hammel: hammered dulcimer, english concertina • Steve Smith: guitar • Elliott
Schmuckler: upright bass • Bob Yarbrough: flute, whistle, banjo, bodhran—Contras
Princeton Folk Dancers: 9pm (teaching 8pm) Fridays, Susan Patterson Center, Stockton St.
and Monument Dr. (behind Borough Hall), Princeton,
As Off’n Ensemble exhibits their ensemble of euphonics and Don calls his collection of contras, expect an aggregation of allemandes, a coterie of contra corners,
a gathering of gypsies, a summation of swings, a panoply of petronellas, a congregation of circles, a throng of twirls, a body of balances, a deluge of dosidos and a
horde of heys for our convocation of contradancers.
Princeton Country Dancers: Suzanne Patterson Center, 1 Monument Drive, Princeton, NJ
behind the former Borough Hall/police station, near intersection of Routes 27 & 206,
Wed. (and most 4th Saturdays) 8pm (intro/basics 7:30), $8 Wed., $10 Sat. ($5 seniors &
students), 609/844-0459 or 609/275-7275, e-mail Performer listing at, pickup band musicians welcome.
PCD English Country Dance Series: Second Saturday of the month, 8pm; intro/basics at 7:30.
$10 ($5 seniors & students).Info: 609/844-0459,
Scandinavian Folk Dancing: Bound Brook. Alt. Thursdays, See for info.
Scottish Country Dancing: most Tuesdays from September through May, 7:30–10pm;
Fanwood Presbyterian Church, 74 South Martine Avenue (at LaGrande Avenue), Fanwood, NJ;, 732/356-3923
Swingin’ Tern: 5/2: Dave Rupp and Dead Sea Squirrels; 5/16: Don Flaherty and Off'n Ensemble
Valley Contra Dance Society: 7:30pm (lesson at 7pm), 2nd and 4th Saturdays, Unitarian
Church of The Lehigh Valley, 424 Center Street, Bethlehem, PA. $10 ($5 students)., 610/868-7432
More on dancing at the Country Dance and Song Society •
Non-dancing children must be supervised at all times.
Contra and Square Dancing to Live Music. All dances taught.
No partner necessary. Beginners’ workshop, 7:30pm;
dance at 8pm. $10, $5 with student I.D. Soft soles only.
First Presbyterian Church of East Hanover
Parish House • 14 Hanover Road, East Hanover, NJ 07936
From I-287 northbound or southbound: Exit 39, travel East on Route 10 for approx. 3.5 miles. Exit by the Ford dealership (“To River Road/
Okner Pkway”) onto Mount Pleasant Ave. Right at the second light onto Hanover Rd. then immediate left into the parking lot of the Parish
House. From I-78: Exit 48 (Route 24 West) to Exit 2B, Route 510 East/Florham Park. Go 1.9 miles and turn left onto Hanover Rd. Turn right
into the parking lot of the Parish House just before the road ends at Mount Pleasant Ave. Additional directions are on our website.
TERN ON THE NET! Find us at
Presented by the Folk Project
Box 41
Mendham, NJ 07945
Newsletter submissions: George Otto
582 Long Hill Road, Gillette, NJ 07933
Deadline is the 15th
Membership, corrections/changes: Eddie Roffman
c/o Eddie Roffman
11 Butternut Road
Randolph, NJ. 07869
Folk Project Officers:
President: Barrett Wilson
Vice President: Elizabeth Lachowicz
Secretary: Andrew Hines
Treasurer: Chris Riemer
Trustees thru 2015: Joanne Cronin, Bob McNally, Jay Wilensky
Trustees thru 2016: Grover Kemble, Allan Kugel, Lindsey Meyer
Trustees thru 2017: Lois DeRitter, Deborah Graham, Barrett Wilson