Seabed geodiversity and benthic assemblages at
Seabed geodiversity and benthic assemblages at
Seabed geodiversity and benthic assemblages at the eastern Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea Anu Kaskela, Kotilainen, A., Orlova, M., Ronkainen, M., Rousi, H., Karjalainen, M., Neevin, I., Puro, H., Ryabchuk, D., Sergeev, A., Venesjärvi, R., Zhamoida, V. & TOPCONS partners Geological Survey of Finland, Zoological Institute RAS, Finnish Environmental Institute, Kotka Maritime Research Centre, A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, Metsähallitus/Åbo Akademi, University of Helsinki, Russian State Hydrometerological University Introduction – The reasons for the study • Blue growth, Marine strategy framework directive • Ecosystem based marine spatial planning • Marine diplomacy between economical and environmental values • Need for understandable transboundary knowledge • Local/Regional/International • Science/Planning 2 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 Baltic Sea • Non-tidal epicontinental Baltic Sea, brackish water • Shallow, archipelago area • Cities, marine traffic • Mosaic of different bathymetric, hydrographic and geologic environments Eastern Gulf of Finland • Strong (seasonal) gradients in salinity (0-5), oxygen and temperature • Species poor • Rock and boulders, eskers, moraines, clays 3 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 More specific aims: • What are the ecologically significant abiotic characteristics of this sea area? • How these parameters should be classified? • Are the parameters included in current classification schemes (e.g. EUNIS)? Understandable, relevant and transboundary knowledge on the regional seabed characteristics of the EGoF to serve marine management. 4 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 Field surveys Representative key areas in Finland & Russia Bio & Geo surveys 5 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 • Environmental data Datasets • Benthic dataset • Fin - Rus • Late summer conditions • > 200 sites (2012-2013) 6 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 • Geological data • Key areas/MBES • Harmonised data/EGoF • Hydrographic parameters • Coastal parameters Data: VSEGEI BACC II, 2015 Environmental data EGoF has a diverse seafloor environment with a vast archipelago. Emphasis of variables describing physical heterogeneity and geomorphology with multiple scales. 7 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 What are the ecologically relevant environmental parameters? Marina Orlova, RAS Minna Ronkainen & Heta Rousi, SYKE 8 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 Multivariate statistics to select the combination of variables that best explain the species community pattern (PRIMER; BEST) Ecologically significant parameters 0.58 0.52 0.42 0.37 0.36 0.15 0.08 0.01 Benthic data 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.55 0.46 0.54 0.53 0.49 0.63 0.66 0.6 0.48 0.38 0.4 0.23 0.19 0.16 0.10 0.05 0.8 0.67 0.57 0.51 0.47 0.46 0.37 0.06 0.04 0.2 0.12 0.11 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.0 -0.02 -0.03 Salinity, depth, roughness and archipelago co-varied Coastal impact Substrate heterogeneity Substrate Topographical heterogeneity Topography Salinity Depth Secchi depth Zsd /D Slope Aspect Curvature BPI 1 km BPI 0.5 km BPI 3 km BPI 5 km Roughness 0.5 km Roughness 1 km Roughness 3 km Roughness 5 km Roughness 10 km Soft sediments Roughness 20 km Sand Gravel Stones Boulders Rock Concretions Variability 0.5 km Variability 1 km Variability 3 km Variability 5 km Variability 10 km Variability 20 km Patchiness 0.5 km Patchiness 1 km Patchiness 3 km Patchiness 5 km Patchiness 10 km Patchiness 20 km Distance to land Direction to land Land/Sea 3 km Islands 3km Land/Sea 5 km Islands 5km Islands 20km Openness 3km Openness 5km Openness 15km Broad scale descriptors: Roughness, Salinity, Secchi depth, Substrate variability, Archipelago gradient -0.07 -0.14 -0.2 Hydrography Roughness (20km) and Secchi depth resulted as a best combination 9 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 Classification with Linktree R20 < 0.66 • Secchi depth (Zsd) and roughness (R20) were analysed against benthic data (ρ= 0.69) Zsd<2(>2.5) R20>0.59 R20>0.77 R20<0.71 Zsd>3 R20<0.16 R20<0.73 10 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 • Cut-off values on the basis of species abundance with LINKTREE method Classification, Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) Three species were identified to contribute most to similarity within landscape groups: Marenzelleria spp., oligochaeta and Chironomidae. Complex, ”average” seafloor H2 highest avg. species richness (9 species) 11 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 Homogeneous seafloor D1 most species poor/avg (3 species) Spatial outlook Flat environment • Neva, Strong riverine influence • Salinity separates fresh and brackish waters Seabed complexity Km scale Complex habitats, High species diversity Hydrographical processes 12 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 Discussion and conclusions • Benthic assemblages of the EGoF are related to geodiversity, archipelago gradient, salinity, depth and photic depth • In a heterogeneous seafloor environment at broad regional scale • Submarine labyrinth channels water movement, distributing hydrological parameters (e.g. oxygen) • Geodiversity overrides the influence of seabed substrate and geomorphology (vs. detailed scale) • Multitude of habitats - linkage with biodiversity Geodiversity has not been included in the broad scale marine classification systems. 13 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 MSP for Kymenlaakso (Fin) Marine area Marine geodiversity hotspot 14 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016 Thank You! More info: Image by Mia Välimäki, Merikotka, 2013 15 Anu Kaskela 4.5.2016