Issue No 26_3rd September 2010 Newsletter


Issue No 26_3rd September 2010 Newsletter
3rd September 2010
Issue No: 26
Dancing & Soccer!
Woolwich takes 1st and 2nd place at State Level
Last Thursday 26th and Friday 27th August girls from Years 7, 8, 10 and 11
competed in the NSW Open RoboCup Junior Competition held at the University
of NSW. The girls in Years 7 and 8 competed in the Robotics Dance Competition
while the Year 10 and 11 girls competed in the Robotics Soccer Competition.
Congratulations to all our teams who competed over the two days.
Well done to Antoinette Moliterno, Adrienne Dakhoul and Melissa Towers who
were knocked out in the quarterfinals of the soccer matches.
The dance competition has two categories in which the girls competed, dance and
theatre. In dance the robots must dance to the beat of the music and participants
are only able to use two moving robots. In theatre, the robots must tell a story or a
stage production, and competitors may incorporate as many robots as they like.
Congratulations to all our teams for their participation and to our winners in both
dance and theatre.
Remembering Fathers
Fathers young, fathers old
Remembering good times are our gold.
Value earned through guidance given
Helping us go forth in livin’.
Each father adding to our trove
A treasure chest of love untold.
Remembering fathers in our lives
Taking time to realize.
Fatherly love brings wealth to living
Remembering this, we go forth in giving.
Fathers young, fathers old
We remember you all
As life unfolds.
Susan Kramer
1st Place – “Woolwich Spirit” – Adelaide
Brewer and Alexandra MacKenzie
2nd Place – “Woolwich in Wonderland” –
Francine Crimmins, Kate Field, Stephanie
Hanlon, Louisa Carmody, Alexandra Der
Theatre: 2nd Place – “The Athletes” – Nicola Ray,
Kathryn Delavere, Lanyu Zhang, and
Daniella Indorato.
We wish all our teams well as they advance into the
National Competition to be held on the 18th and 19th of
September. (More photos inside)
On Tuesday of this week, three Year 8 girls and four Year 7 girls represented the College in the Inner Western
Region Division of the annual, Minds on Maths Challenge. The girls competed against nine other schools from the
region and were fortunate to be placed second in the competition. They now go on to represent the Inner West in
the grand final in December.
As Mrs Deborah Palmer, competition
organiser, said of our girls: “They showed
fantastic problem solving ability and their
great teamwork once again catapulted them
into the final three. As well, they were
delightful and a real credit to the school.”
The girls work very well as a team and
deserve to be congratulated on their efforts
in this qualifying round. They will be
working hard over the next few months to
refine their number and problem solving
skills. We wish them well for the December challenge.
Year 8 – Jacinta Birbara, Georgia Houlihan, Lanyu Zhang
Year 7 – Elizabeth Kalotay, Carolyn Love, Natalie Love,
Sophie Woodbury
Member of Association of Marist Schools of Australia and Alliance of Girls’ Schools
Girls with their Robots (story from page 1)
Garden Progress
Sunday 15th August saw many volunteers using their efforts to make the garden area near the boat house something truly special. It was
a very enjoyable and productive day that involved the clearing of many unwanted weeds and nasties that had taken over the land space.
The WSU will be holding further working bees in the future, so watch this space to get involved with all the fun!
Maths Tutoring
Ex-student of MSCW, (current university student)
available for maths tutoring:
Years 7-10
Years 11 and 12 - 2 unit Mathematics
Contact Nicole on 0403 776 695
PDHPE & Coles
Sports for Schools
Year 11 Preliminary Exams
Marist Sisters’ College has registered for the Coles Sports for School
Program. From Thursday 2nd September until Sunday 31st October
2010, every $10 spent* at Coles Supermarkets will earn the PDHPE
Department a Coles Sports for Schools voucher worth 1 point.
For as little as 85 points we will be able to choose some brand new
sporting equipment for our College! There are over 100 different items
of sporting equipment up for grabs including:
Eight two-hour coaching sessions
Sports first aid kits
High jump stands
Cricket bats
Beginner juggling kits
Softball gloves
Relay baton sets
International starting blocks
Orienteering kits
Pop-up goals
It’s pretty simple: the more vouchers we collect, the more sports gear
we will receive! You can collect vouchers from family, friends and
neighbours and drop them into our voucher collection box located
outside the Student Office.
* Excludes purchases on gift cards, mobile recharge, calling cards,
iTunes, tobacco and tobacco related products. Voucher program ends
Sunday 31st October.
*Every $10 spent* at Coles Supermarkets, Coles Online, Bi-Lo and
Pick ‘n Pay from 2nd September to the 31st October 2010 will earn a
Coles Sports for Schools voucher.
Krystal Klemenic and Madelaine Moscato
Naomi Laffer and Sophie Mullane
Wednesday Holly Lawrence-Watt and Melanie Mursell
Thursday Georgia Layoun and Emma Neiberding
Claudia Leasa and Madeline Nicotra
Girls report to Reception by 8:50 am
Girls are allowed to come and go for their specific exams. They
are also allowed to wear mufti. Please ensure your daughter has
written permission in her diary from you if she is driving and anyone
who intends to be a passenger also needs written permission.
(House Co-ordinators)
Café Lyons is looking for volunteers willing to share their
time by assisting in the canteen. There are a number
of ways to help including, serving, preparing lunches,
baking, handing out lunch orders, making hot chocolates
and plenty more.
If you would like to help please let us know. It’s great to
get involved and I’m sure the girls would love to see you!
Even if you can only make it once a month or term, I can still roster
you on and let you know well in advance.
Thank you to all our volunteers who already generously give their time
helping at Café Lyons
Please email Melanie Mayer at
or phone 9816 4928
(continue until Tues 14th Sept)
7 Sept Archbishop’s Awards for Student Excellence
Yr 10 High Resolves
8th Sept AMSA Oratory
22nd Sept 2010 Yr 12 Carnations Farewell Assembly
23rd Sept 2010 Yr 12 Graduation Breakfast 7:30-8:30am
2010 Yr 12 Graduation Concert & House farewells
2010 Yr 12 Graduation Mass, Ceremony & Supper
starting at 4:30pm and concluding at 8:30pm
Member of Association of Marist Schools of Australia and Alliance of Girls’ Schools
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Sailing News - Dolphin Day!!!
Thanks to Mr Peter McClelland and Mr and Mrs Kerjan, our girls were out sailing Sydney Harbour again.
Mr McClelland’s yacht made it past the Heads to Manly and then back to Lane Cove with spinnaker flying and boat speeds up to
10 knots. Amy Wang (Year 11) is turning out to be the helmswoman of choice on “Mascap”, Mr McClelland’s 37 footer. Amy has a
steady hand and lots of concentration.
Mr and Mrs Kerjan’s “American Pie II” made it to Watsons Bay and return. However, on the return trip from Bradleys Point to Fort
Dennison there was wild excitement on board as we were escorted by a pod of ten dolphins. They played and danced for our girls.
I’m sure our girls had never been so close to dolphins before – such beautiful creatures!
It pays not to make a mistake in front of Year 7 girls. I made a steering error on “American Pie II” while sailing to windward and was
immediately presented with a L-plate by Isabella Shields. Good one Isabella!
Saturday sailing, 4th September, 10am-2pm. Bring warm clothing and jacket, sunscreen, drink, cut lunch and $15.
Thank you to Mr John LeMarquand and Samantha Chidgey for assisting last Saturday.
Following some positive medical news I will be taking a couple of weeks off. However, Saturday sailing will continue under the
guidance of Samantha Chidgey (0415 162 068) on the following dates:
Saturday 11th September
Saturday 18th September
Saturday 25th September
Saturday 2nd October
Mr Maloney (9879 6935, 0415 219 112)
Soccer results
MCCS Juniors: 2-0 win
MCCS Inters: 1-3 loss
Learning Matters at MSCW
magine if the railway shunting yard took on a new face. The carriages are there, waking up after a night’s sleep,
preparing to face a new timetable. The time has come for the first group to roll out and start their journeys along various
routes. The imperative to be in this group is not ‘to be first’, but rather to respond to the needs of the people they serve.
ow do the trains know that it is time to respond, and to change their usual way of doing things? Perhaps they have
heard rumours that change is in the air. Perhaps they think that change is good for a laugh – really rather foolhardy
reasons. What if … just perhaps … they have noticed that the needs of travellers have changed from what they were in
the past, and that they are aware that from the experience from other junction yards, that changing to meet the needs
of travellers has had positive outcomes.
ast weekend’s edition of the SMH included an article in which the vice-chancellor of Macquarie University, Steven
Schwartz, and others, spoke of changes to university courses that have been introduced in, or have been proposed
for Australian universities. Typical of what is implied in the proposals, is that students need to be taught how to think
(Schwartz), and that students will benefit from having ‘… the ability to excel in challenging and everchanging situations,
and excel in the way they relate to others …’ ( Richard Sheppard, Macquarie Group). Although from a sector different
from the research we have discerned and are conducting, the ideas support our belief that the MSCW train is on track.
nd, speaking of trains and attendant journeys, the Year 12 girls have finished the Trial HSCE, and perhaps are taking
a little spell in a siding. That is not disastrous if it is only for a day or three. However, as they were advised by their
House Co-Ordinators this week, they can not afford to gear down in any substantial way at this time. Achieving the
best they can in the HSCE demands a commitment to a steady study program that will allow them to peak in OctoberNovember. If they choose not to come to classes these coming three weeks, they are foolish. To do so will be to make
it very difficult for them to regain momentum after Graduation. To do so will be to waste an opportunity that will not
come their way again. Any girl who queries this should just have a chat to any former student who decided that ‘things
were under control’ when she decided to call an end to formal classes before the scheduled time. Make the mantra not
‘Let’s be slack’, but rather, let it be ‘Stay on track.’
(Dr Liz Lamb, Director of Learning & Teaching)
Member of Association of Marist Schools of Australia and Alliance of Girls’ Schools
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Thank you to all our dads who attended the Fathers’ Day breakfast on
Wednesday. Some words to think about and some photos are below.
“What do dads teach girls?
Dads teach girls fundamental lessons about interacting with males.
As my girls were growing up I wanted them to expect to be treated well and respectfully by males (both present and future) as well as
having the confidence to be assertive.
That meant that I needed to treat my daughters kindly, while allowing them to speak up to me (in the nicest possible way) when
Numerous studies have linked fathers with the healthy development of girls, including self-esteem and confidence.
Certainly dads should complement their daughters genuinely and persistently in adolescence when body image doubts are very
common. But they also need to let their daughters grow away.
This is a challenge as dads tend to be protective of their daughters and hard on their sons.”
By Michael Grose (Australia’s leading parenting educator), Insights Parenting Ideas.
MSCW wish all our dads a wonderful
Fathers’ Day
Member of Association of Marist Schools of Australia and Alliance of Girls’ Schools
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Marist Sisters’ College Ex-Students’ Association
PO Box 96
Hunters Hill 2110
The annual ex-students’ Reunion is held on
the first Sunday in May and this tradition has
been carried on for well over 50 years. Every
year, a small committee of ex-students
organise a late morning Mass on this Sunday,
followed by a delightful lunch on the school
This year, in particular, was a wonderful
event because we held our lunch on the
new rooftop terrace and the weather was
absolutely perfect. See the photos below.
Pictured below are the lovely Year 11 Hospitality
students who volunteered to look after us this
year. Their professional help makes the day run
very smoothly as they set up for the function,
serve the food and clear up. The ex-students
love to hear what school is like in this day and
age and the girls are always willing to keep us
up to date. The event gives the girls practical
experience and we issue them with a certificate
and payment for their services.
The Annual Reunion is also the major fundraiser for
the Association and we rely on the generous
support of the ex-students to enable us to make a
contribution to the current students.
The Ex-Students Association contributes 2 bursaries
at Speech Night every year to a Year 8 and a Year
10 student. The Encouragement and Assistance
Awards each of $200, are presented to assist with
the next year’s expenses.
Year 12 Morning Tea
Tuesday 21 September at 10.00am
Year 12 graduation mugs are given to each Year
12 girl by the Association.
In 2010, we (the
President and Committee) will be presenting these
gifts at a special morning tea to be held in the last
week of Term 3. This will mark the end of their
school days, as they prepare to sit their HSC and
become ex-students themselves!
relatives of the Year 12’s are very welcome and
encouraged to attend.
The Association is trying to get email addresses for
all our ex-students so we can cut down on the cost
of postage. So if your grandmothers, mother or
sisters are ex-students, please ask them to email us
via so we can
update our records and welcome them back to
the school on the first Sunday in May. Contact us if
it will be a 10 year, 20 year or even 50 year reunion
in 2011 and we will help you reunite with the girls
from your graduating year.
Member of Association of Marist Schools of Australia and Alliance of Girls’ Schools
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Apprenticeship and Traineeship Expo will be held at Cherrybrook Technology High School on Tuesday 31st August from 4pm-7pm, 28-44
Purchase Road, Cherrybrook. Bring along a pen and several copies of your resume as there is the opportunity to talk to training organisations
and employers.
TAFE Meadowbank College is running HSC Preparation classes, starting in term 4, for anyone interested in preparing for year 11 or the HSC
exams in 2011. The classes will run Tuesday-Friday, 9:30-2pm and include English, Maths, Science and Humanities subjects. The information
night is Tuesday 21st September, 6pm in Room Q1.2. For more information contact Mary O’Connor, 9942 3782 or Judith Lambkin 9942 3785.
In 2011 Meadowbank College of TAFE is offering a number of Intensive HSC subjects offered at night. Intensive HSC subjects are a combined
year 11 and year 12 program completed in 30 weeks for the 2011 HSC exams. The subjects are run subject to demand but could include:
Geography, Society and Culture, Economics, Visual Arts, Senior Science and IPT. Please contact Mary O’Connor, 9942 3782 for more
The International College of Management, Sydney (ICMS) is holding its Open Day on Sunday 19th September 10am-2pm. There is also
a Careers Day on 4th October 8am-5pm for which students must book in at or call 1800 657 572. ICMS offer
courses through Macquarie University and by direct entry in Sport Management, Business Management, Event Management, Retail Services
Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Property Services Management.
Bluescope Steel 2011 Cadet Applications are open until 31st August for careers in Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, Mechatronics, Civil/
Structural, Materials and Chemical Engineering as well as Chemistry. Detailed information is available at
Cultural Care Au Pair offer opportunities for travel and work in the USA as an Au Pair. For details about the programs and information nights
visit the website or call 1800 677 373.
The School for Excellence is offering final HSC exam preparation lectures on Sunday 12th September. For more information and to enrol visit
the website or call 1300 364 173.
The University of Sydney is offering a 4-week head start program designed to prepare new students for academic success in their degree. It
is available not just to Sydney University students, but to all intending students. Each day is a mixture of morning classes followed by practical
learning on campus in libraries, labs, museums, student union, and so on. For more information, email
Professional Cadetships Australia has announced the launch of Furthernet, a free online talent network for Year 11 and 12 students and
university undergraduates who are keen to pursue a career in business, economics or finance. Furthernet provides information on education,
courses and careers in banking and finance and connects students with leading companies in the sector who may choose to contact them
about employment and other opportunities. Applications for the Furthernet Talent Bank are now open to Year 11 and 12 students: www.
The National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) is seeking young people entering Year 11 or 12 next year to audition for the Certificate III in Circus
Arts. This is an exciting opportunity for students who wish to pursue a career as a circus performer. The audition date for Sydney is Tuesday
5th October at Aerialize (Sydney Aerial Theatre), 16/142 Addison Road, Marrickville. Applications close on Friday 10th September 2010. For
application details, visit
Raffles College of Design and Commerce Open Day is on Saturday 11th September at 99 Mount Street, North Sydney. For more information,
contact Sue Nelson, Quick Thinking Communications, 02 9939 3555, 0403 343 275, or Gifford Lee
0406 757 256,
EF High School Year Overseas offer exchange opportunities for school students in a variety of countries. For information on programs and
information sessions visit the website or call 1800 251 866.
The Audit Office of New South Wales are offering positions as Audit Trainees for students completing the HSC in 2010.
Mrs Smith, Careers Advisor
Parents and Friends
Incentive Program
The Athlete’s Foot North Ryde and Top Ryde City are excited to
introduce our new Parents and Friends Incentive program.
Ascent Adiv
Each time you, your family or your friends purchase a pair of shoes from The Athlete’s
Foot North Ryde or Top Ryde City, we will contribute $5 from your purchase to your
school through cash or sporting goods! This offer is available at anytime during the
year! It will certainly help give much needed funds a great boost!
Our team is dedicated to ensuring the correct fit for your child’s feet.
We care that much, we guarantee it!
...and don’t forget to ask about our Clubfit® program which rewards you with vouchers,
competitions, giveaways and exclusive services (ask for details instore).
Ascent Apex
Thee As
cent Apexx & Adiva.
ailabble in both
b boys
and girls
ls fit
The Athlete’s Foot, North Ryde – Shop 105, Level 3, Macquarie Centre, Waterloo Rd North Ryde – 9887 3975
Top Ryde – Shop 2017 LG1, Top Ryde City Shopping Centre, Cnr Blaxland Rd & Devlin St, Ryde – 9808 6556
Member of Association of Marist Schools of Australia and Alliance of Girls’ Schools
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