Full text Document PDF - Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
Full text Document PDF - Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
ANNUAL REPORT 2011 INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY EDITORS Prof. Jacek Michalik, Ph.D., D.Sc. Wiktor Smułek, Ph.D. Ewa Godlewska-Para, M.Sc. PRINTING Sylwester Wojtas © Copyright by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2012 All rights reserved CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION 7 MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE 9 MANAGING STAFF OF THE INSTITUTE 9 HEADS OF THE INCT DEPARTMENTS 9 SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL (2008-2011) 9 SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL (2011-2015) 11 ORGANIZATION SCHEME 13 SCIENTIFIC STAFF 14 PROFESSORS 14 SENIOR SCIENTISTS (Ph.D.) 14 CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 17 – 2 OXIDIZING RADICALS AND THEIR REACTIVITY IN IONIC LIQUIDS BASED ON NTf ANION J. Grodkowski, R. Kocia, J. Mirkowski, M. Nyga, A. Sulich, T. Szreder 19 FREE RADICAL REACTIONS OF NICOTINE K. Kosno, M. Celuch, J. Mirkowski, I. Janik, D. Pogocki 20 PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON RADIATION DEGRADATION OF AQUEOUS SOLUTION OF LINURON M. Celuch, A. Bojanowska-Czajka, K. Kulisa, J. Kisała, K. Kosno, D. Pogocki 23 REACTIVITY OF C-CENTRED RADICALS STABILIZED IN ZSM-5 ZEOLITE M. Sterniczuk, J. Sadło, G. Strzelczak, J. Michalik 25 MULTIFREQUENCY EPR STUDY ON γ-IRRADIATED BONE SUBSTITUTING BIOMATERIALS J. Sadło, G. Strzelczak, M. Lewandowska-Szumieł, M. Sterniczuk, J. Michalik 26 SURFACE MODIFICATION OF POLY(ESTERURETHANE) BY RADIATION-INDUCED GRAFTING OF N-ISOPROPYLACRYLAMIDE M. Walo, G. Przybytniak, M. Barsbay, P.A. Kavaklı, O. Guven 28 RADIATION-INDUCED REDUCTION OF CARBON DIOXIDE AS POSSIBLE EXPLANATION OF ABIOTIC FORMATION OF METHANE E.M. Kornacka, Z.P. Zagórski 30 STUDIES OF PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF GELS BASED ON IRRADIATED WHEAT STARCH K. Cieśla, W. Głuszewski 31 CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY 37 ION EXCHANGE EVIDENCE FOR CHEMICAL ISOTOPE EFFECTS OF GALLIUM AND INDIUM IN AQUEOUS HCl SOLUTIONS I. Herdzik-Koniecko, S. Siekierski, J. Narbutt 39 NEW METHOD FOR DISSOLUTION OF THORIUM OXIDE K. Łyczko, M. Łyczko, I. Herdzik-Koniecko, B. Zielińska 41 44 LABELLING OF DOTATATE WITH CYCLOTRON PRODUCED Sc S. Krajewski, I. Cydzik, K. Abbas, A. Bulgheroni, A. Bilewicz, A. Majkowska-Pilip, F. Simonell 42 99m Tc-LABELLED VASOPRESSIN ANALOGUE d(CH2)5[D-Tyr(Et2),Ile4,Eda9]AVP AS A POTENTIAL RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL FOR SMALL-CELL LUNG CANCER (SCLC) IMAGING E. Gniazdowska, P. Koźmiński, K. Bańkowski 43 THE CONCEPT OF A HYBRID SYSTEM FOR TREATMENT OF LIQUID LOW- AND MEDIUM-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE G. Zakrzewska-Trznadel, A. Miśkiewicz, A. Jaworska-Sobczak, M. Harasimowicz 45 STUDIES ON THE LEACHING OF URANIUM FROM LOWER TRIASSIC PERIBALTIC SANDSTONES G. Zakrzewska-Trznadel, K. Kiegiel, K. Frąckiewicz, D. Gajda, E. Chajduk, I. Bartosiewicz, J. Chwastowska, S. Wołkowicz, J.B. Miecznik, R. Strzelecki 47 SYNTHESIS OF URANIUM DIOXIDE MICROSPHERES BY WATER AND NITRATE EXTRACTION FROM URANYL-ASCORBATE SOLS M. Brykała, A. Deptuła, W. Łada, T. Olczak, D. Wawszczak, T. Smoliński 48 SYNTHESIS OF PEROVSKITE BY COMPLEX SOL-GEL PROCESS FOR NUCLEAR WASTE IMMOBILIZATION T. Smoliński, A. Deptuła, T. Olczak, W. Łada, D. Wawszczak, M. Brykała, F. Zaza, A.G. Chmielewski 51 CENTRE FOR RADIOBIOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL DOSIMETRY 55 OPTIMIZATION OF A FINGER-PRICK BLOOD COLLECTION METHOD FOR THE γ-H2AX ASSAY: POTENTIAL APPLICATION IN POPULATION TRIAGE M. Wojewódzka, A. Lankoff, M. Kruszewski 57 CLONOGENIC ABILITY DOES NOT CORRESPOND TO DNA DAMAGE INDUCED IN HUMAN CELLS TREATED IN VITRO WITH SILVER AND TITANIUM DIOXIDE NANOPARTICLES I. Grądzka, T. Bartłomiejczyk, T. Iwaneńko, M. Wojewódzka, A. Lankoff, M. Dusinska, G. Brunborg, I. Szumiel, M. Kruszewski 58 COMPARISON OF FREQUENCIES OF DICENTRIC CHROMOSOMES AND HISTONE γ-H2AX FOCI IN HUMAN LYMPHOCYTES X-IRRADIATED AT 4, 20 AND 37oC A. Lankoff, S. Sommer, I. Buraczewska, T. Bartłomiejczyk, T. Iwaneńko, H. Lisowska, A. Węgierek-Ciuk, I. Szumiel, I. Wewiór, A. Banasik-Nowak 59 THE EFFECT OF CONJUGATED LINOLEIC ACID (CLA) SUPPLEMENTATION ON LIPID RAFT PROPERTIES AND RADIOSENSITIVITY OF HUMAN COLON CANCER HT-29 CELLS I. Grądzka, B. Sochanowicz, K. Brzóska, G. Wójciuk, Ch. Degen, G. Jahreis, I. Szumiel 60 LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS 63 RADIOLYTIC DECOMPOSITION OF DICLOFENAC – ANALYTICAL, TOXICOLOGICAL AND PULSE RADIOLYSIS STUDIES A. Bojanowska-Czajka, G. Kciuk, M. Gumiela, G. Nałęcz-Jawecki, K. Bobrowski, M. Trojanowicz 64 ELABORATION OF OPTIMAL CONDITIONS OF GEOLOGICAL MATERIALS ANALYSIS FOR URANIUM DETERMINATION I. Bartosiewicz, E. Chajduk, M. Pyszynska, J. Chwastowska, H. Polkowska-Motrenko 68 LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH 71 STRUCTURAL STUDIES IN Li(I) ION COORDINATION CHEMISTRY W. Starosta, J. Leciejewicz 73 NANOPORES WITH CONTROLLED PROFILES IN TRACK-ETCHED MEMBRANES B. Sartowska, O. Orelovitch, A. Presz, I. Blonskaya, P. Apel 77 IMPROVEMENT OF TRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF STAINLESS STEEL BY ALLOYING ITS SURFACE LAYER WITH RARE EARTH ELEMENTS USING HIGH INTENSITY PULSED PLASMA BEAMS B. Sartowska, J. Piekoszewski, L. Waliś, J. Senatorski, M. Barlak, W. Starosta, C. Pochrybniak, I. Pokorska 79 INAA AS A SOURCE OF INFORMATION FOR THE PROVENANCE OF ALABASTER SCULPTURES T. Śliwa, E. Pańczyk 80 POLLUTION CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES LABORATORY 85 MODELLING STUDY OF NOx REMOVAL IN FLUE GAS IN THE PRESENCE OF C2H6 UNDER ELECTRON BEAM IRRADIATION Y. Sun, V. Morgunov, A.G. Chmielewski 86 EMISSION PROCESSES IN THE BALTIC SEA REGION – PLASMA TECHNOLOGIES IN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (PlasTEP) S. Witman, A. Pawelec, A.G. Chmielewski 87 STABLE ISOTOPE LABORATORY 89 STABLE ISOTOPES METHODS FOR JUICE AUTHENTICITY CONTROL R. Wierzchnicki 91 STABLE ISOTOPE RATIO ANALYSIS TO CHARACTERIZE CHOSEN SAMPLES OF POLISH HONEY K. Malec-Czechowska, R. Wierzchnicki 92 LABORATORY FOR MEASUREMENTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL DOSES A STUDY OF FILMS: CTA, B3 AND PVC AS POTENTIAL DOSIMETERS FOR DOSIMETRY AT LOW TEMPERATURES A. Korzeniowska-Sobczuk, K. Doner, M. Karlińska 95 96 LABORATORY FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD 99 INCT PARTICIPATES IN THE INTERCOMPARATIVE EXERCISE FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE ON TL, PSL AND EPR IRRADIATED FOOD DETECTION METHODS W. Stachowicz, M. Sadowska, G. Liśkiewicz, G.P. Guzik 100 EFFECTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT PROCEDURES OF MINERAL ISOLATION FROM IRRADIATED SPICES SUITABLE FOR THERMOLUMINESCENCE DETECTION METHOD M. Sadowska, W. Stachowicz 102 LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS AND METHODS 107 THE RADIOMETRIC PROBES FOR INDUSTRIAL MEASURING SYSTEMS A. Jakowiuk, E. Kowalska, J. Pieńkos, P. Filipiak, Ł. Modzelewski, J. Palige, J. Kraś 108 MOBILE DOSIMETRIC GATE A. Jakowiuk, E. Kowalska, J. Pieńkos, P. Filipiak, Ł. Modzelewski 109 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 113 ARTICLES 113 BOOKS 119 CHAPTERS IN BOOKS 119 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS 121 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 121 CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS 124 SUPPLEMENT LIST OF THE PUBLICATIONS IN 2010 137 NUKLEONIKA 139 INTERVIEWS IN 2011 143 THE INCT PATENTS AND PATENT APPLICATIONS IN 2011 144 PATENTS 144 PATENT APPLICATIONS 144 CONFERENCES ORGANIZED AND CO-ORGANIZED BY THE INCT IN 2011 146 Ph.D./D.Sc. THESES IN 2011 148 Ph.D. THESES 148 D.Sc. THESES 148 EDUCATION 149 Ph.D. PROGRAMME IN CHEMISTRY 149 TRAINING OF STUDENTS 149 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS RESEARCH PROJECTS GRANTED BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE CENTRE IN 2011 151 151 DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS GRANTED BY THE NATIONAL CENTRE FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN 2011 151 INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS CO-FUNDED BY THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN 2011 152 STRATEGIC PROJECT “NEW TECHNOLOGIES SUPPORTING DEVELOPMENT OF SAFE NUCLEAR ENERGY” 153 STRATEGIC PROJECT “ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES FOR GAINING ENERGY” 153 IAEA RESEARCH CONTRACTS IN 2011 153 IAEA TECHNICAL AND REGIONAL CONTRACTS IN 2011 154 PROJECTS WITHIN THE FRAME OF EUROPEAN UNION FRAME PROGRAMMES IN 2011 154 EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: BALTIC SEA REGION PROGRAMME 154 INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMMES IN 2011 154 STRUCTURAL FUND: OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME INNOVATIVE ECONOMY 155 LIST OF VISITORS TO THE INCT IN 2011 156 THE INCT SEMINARS IN 2011 158 LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2011 159 LECTURES 159 SEMINARS 163 AWARDS IN 2011 164 INDEX OF THE AUTHORS 166 GENERAL INFORMATION 7 GENERAL INFORMATION Poland decided to start a national nuclear energy programme 55 years ago and the Institute of Nuclear Research (IBJ) was established. Research in nuclear and analytical chemistry, nuclear chemical engineering and technology (including fuel cycle), radiochemistry and radiation chemistry, and radiobiology were carried out mainly in the Chemistry Division, located in Warsaw Żerań, which became the interdisciplinary Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) in 1983. The INCT is Poland’s most advanced institution in the fields of radiochemistry, radiation chemistry, nuclear chemical engineering and technology, application of nuclear methods in material engineering and process engineering, radioanalytical techniques, design and production of instruments based on nuclear techniques, environmental research, cellular radiobiology, etc. The results of work at the INCT have been implemented in various branches of the national economy, particularly in industry, medicine, environmental protection and agriculture. Basic research is focused on: radiochemistry, chemistry of isotopes, physical chemistry of separation processes, cellular radiobiology, and radiation chemistry, particularly that based on pulse radiolysis method. With its nine electron accelerators in operation and with staff experienced in the field of electron beam application, the Institute is one of the most advanced centres of science and technology in this domain. The Institute has four pilot plants equipped in six electron accelerators: for radiation sterilization of medical devices and transplantation grafts; for radiation modification of polymers; for removal of SO2 and NOx from flue gases; for food hygiene. The electron beam flue gas treatment in EPS Pomorzany with the accelerators power over 1 MW is a biggest radiation processing facility ever built. The Institute trains many of IAEA’s Fellows and plays a leading role in agency regional projects. Because of its achievements, the INCT has been nominated the IAEA’s Collaborating Centre in Radiation Technology and Industrial Dosimetry (www-naweb.iaea.org/ na/collaborating-centres.html). The INCT has started implementing several projects in the programme “Innovative Economy” POIG, granted on the basis of high evaluation of the Institute’s achievements: • Centre of Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry – meeting the needs of nuclear power and nuclear medicine; • Analysis of thorium usage effects in a power nuclear reactor (coordinated by the Institute of Atomic Energy); • Analysis of the possibilities of uranium extraction from indigenous resources (in cooperation with the Polish Geological Institute – NRI); • New generation of intelligent radiometric tools with wireless data transmission; • Development of a multi-parametric triage approach for an assessment of radiation exposure in a large-scale radiological emergency; • New generation of electrical wires modified by radiation. The INCT is a leading institute in Poland regarding the implementation of nuclear energy related EU projects. Its expertise and infrastructure was the basis for participation in EURATOM and FP7 grants: • ACSEPT: Actinide Recycling by Separation and Transmutation; • ADVANCE: Ageing Diagnostics and Prognostics of Low-voltage I&C Cables; • IPPA: Implementing Public Participation Approaches in Radioactive Wastes Disposal; • MULTIBIODOSE: Multidisciplinary Biodosimetric Tools to Manage High Scale Radiological Casualties; • NEWLANCER: New MS Linking for an Advanced Cohesion in Euratom Research. The mission of the INCT is the implementation of nuclear energy for social development, health and environmental protection. The Institute represents the Polish Government in Euroatom Fuel Supply Agency, in Fuel Supply Working Group of Global Nuclear Energy Partnership and in Radioactive 8 GENERAL INFORMATION Waste Management Committee of the Nuclear Energy Agency (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). The Institute is listed in the cathegory I of scientific institutions based on the evaluation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The INCT Scientific Council has rights to grant D.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in the field of chemistry. The Institute carries out third level studies (doctorate) in the field of nuclear and radiation chemistry and in 2011 one D.Sc. and four Ph.D. theses were defended. In 2011, the INCT scientists published 67 papers in scientific journals registered in the Philadelphia list, among them 39 papers in journals with an impact factor (IF) higher than 1.0. Five scientific books and 17 chapters in the books were written by the INCT research workers. The INCT had actively participated in the numerous events associated with the International Year of Chemistry (IYC 2011) and the 100th Anniversary of Maria Skłodowska-Curie Nobel prize in chemistry. We took part, among others, in exhibition in Brussels “Maria Skłodowska-Curie in science, yesterday and today”, in education project “Following Maria Skłodowska-Curie – questioning”, in main IYC 2011 event – scientific picnic in the Institute of Physical Chemistry and in the lectures and exhibitions in Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań under the name “Life and work of Maria Skłodowska-Curie – women in science”. Annual awards of the INCT Director-General for the best publications in 2011 were granted: • first degree award to Krzysztof Bobrowski for the chapter “Chemistry of sulfur-centered radicals” in the book “Recent trends in radiation chemistry”; • second degree award to Andrzej Pawlukojć for five publications on the structure and dynamics of charge transfer (CT) complexes published in international journals with high IF; • third degree award to Janusz Leciejewicz and Wojciech Starosta for five publications on the properties of new complexes of uranium, lead, zinc and lithium with a pyridazine-carboxylic ligand published in “Acta Crystallographica”. The research teams in the INCT were involved in organization of 11 scientific meetings: • Polish National Group Meeting in the frame of IPPA FP7 EU Project (5 April 2011, Warszawa, Poland); • Seminar on the Exchange of Information on Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection with participation of government delegations of Austria and Poland (25-26 May 2011, Warszawa, Poland); • Polish National Group Meeting in the frame of IPPA FP7 EU Project (1 July 2011, Warszawa, Poland); • PlasTEP Summer School and Training Course in Warsaw/Szczecin (25 July-5 August 2011, Warszawa/Szczecin, Poland); • Workshop “Current trends in radiation chemistry research” (26 August 2011, Warszawa, Poland); • International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies NUTECH-2011 (11-14 September 2011, Kraków, Poland); • Polish Reference Group Meeting in the frame of IPPA FP7 EU Project (20 September 2011, Warszawa, Poland); • XI Training Course on Radiation Sterilization and Hygenization (20-21 October 2011, Warszawa, Poland); • Coordination Meeting on Radiation Engineered Nanostructures – Supporting Radiation Synthesis and the Characterization of Nanomaterials for Health Care, Environmental Protection and Clean Energy Applications, RER/8/014 (16-18 November 2011, Warszawa, Poland); • 1st Workshop in the frame of IPPA FP7 EU Project (24 November 2011, Warszawa, Poland); • IX Conference “For the city and environment – problems of waste disposal” (28 November 2011, Warszawa, Poland). The INCT also is editor of the scientific journal “Nukleonika” (www.nukleonika.pl). MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE 9 MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE MANAGING STAFF OF THE INSTITUTE Director Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Deputy Director for Research and Development Prof. Jacek Michalik, Ph.D., D.Sc. Deputy Director of Finances Wojciech Maciąg, M.Sc. Deputy Director of Maintenance and Marketing Roman Janusz, M.Sc. Accountant General Maria Małkiewicz, M.Sc. HEADS OF THE INCT DEPARTMENTS • Centre for Radiation Research and Technology Zbigniew Zimek, Ph.D. • Centre for Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry Prof. Jerzy Ostyk-Narbutt, Ph.D., D.Sc. • Centre for Radiobiology and Biological Dosimetry Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. • Laboratory of Nuclear Control Systems and Methods Jacek Palige, Ph.D. • Laboratory of Material Research Wojciech Starosta, Ph.D. • Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Methods Halina Polkowska-Motrenko, Ph.D., D.Sc, professor in INCT • Stable Isotope Laboratory Ryszard Wierzchnicki, Ph.D. • Pollution Control Technologies Laboratory Andrzej Pawelec, Ph.D. • Laboratory for Detection of Irradiated Food Wacław Stachowicz, Ph.D. • Laboratory for Measurements of Technological Doses Anna Korzeniowska-Sobczuk, M.Sc. SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL (2008-2011) 1. Prof. Grzegorz Bartosz, Ph.D., D.Sc. University of Łódź 4. Prof. Stanisław Chibowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University 2. Prof. Aleksander Bilewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 5. Prof. Rajmund Dybczyński, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 3. Prof. Krzysztof Bobrowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Vice-chairman) Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 6. Prof. Zbigniew Florjańczyk, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Chairman) Warsaw University of Technology 10 MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE 7. Prof. Zbigniew Galus, Ph.D., D.Sc. University of Warsaw 8. Prof. Henryk Górecki, Ph.D., D.Sc. Wrocław University of Technology 9. Prof. Leon Gradoń, Ph.D., D.Sc. Warsaw University of Technology 10. Jan Grodkowski, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 11. Edward Iller, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in NCBJ National Centre for Nuclear Research 12. Tomasz Jackowski, M.Sc. Ministry of Economy 13. Iwona Kałuska, M.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 14. Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Vice-chairman) Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 15. Prof. Marek Wojciech Lankosz, Ph.D., D.Sc. AGH University of Science and Technology 16. Prof. Janusz Lipkowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences 17. Zygmunt Łuczyński, Ph.D. Institute of Electronic Materials Technology 18. Prof. Andrzej Marcinek, Ph.D., D.Sc. Technical University of Łódź 19. Prof. Bronisław Marciniak, Ph.D., D.Sc. Adam Mickiewicz University 20. Wojciech Migdał, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT 24. Halina Polkowska-Motrenko, Ph.D. D.Sc., professor in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 25. Grażyna Przybytniak, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 26. Prof. Leon Pszonicki, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 27. Jarosław Sadło, Ph.D. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 28. Ryszard Siemion, M.Sc. PKN ORLEN 29. Prof. Irena Szumiel, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 30. Prof. Marek Trojanowicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 31. Hanna Ewa Trojanowska, M.Sc. Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economy 32. Andrzej Tyrała, M.Sc. Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. 33. Piotr Urbański, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT (Vice-chairman) Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 34. Lech Waliś, Ph.D. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 35. Maria Wojewódzka, Ph.D. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 36. Prof. Zbigniew Zagórski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 37. Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc., 21. Prof. Jerzy Ostyk-Narbutt, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (Vice-chairman) Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 22. Jan Paweł Pieńkos, Eng. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 38. Zbigniew Zimek, Ph.D. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology professor in INCT 23. Dariusz Pogocki, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology HONORARY MEMBERS OF THE INCT SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL (2008-2011) 1. Prof. Antoni Dancewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. 2. Prof. Sławomir Siekierski, Ph.D. MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE 11 SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL (2011-2015) 1. Prof. Grzegorz Bartosz, Ph.D., D.Sc. University of Łódź 2. Prof. Aleksander Bilewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 3. Prof. Krzysztof Bobrowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Vice-chairman) Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 4. Marcin Brykała, M.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 5. Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 6. Andrzej Chwas, M.Sc. Ministry of Economy 7. Jadwiga Chwastowska, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 8. Krystyna Cieśla, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 9. Jakub Dudek, Ph.D. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 10. Prof. Rajmund Dybczyński, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 11. Prof. Zbigniew Florjańczyk, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Chairman) Warsaw University of Technology 12. Prof. Zbigniew Galus, Ph.D., D.Sc. University of Warsaw 13. Prof. Henryk Górecki, Ph.D., D.Sc. Wrocław University of Technology 19. Anna Lankoff, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 20. Prof. Marek Wojciech Lankosz, Ph.D., D.Sc. AGH University of Science and Technology 21. Prof. Janusz Lipkowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences 22. Zygmunt Łuczyński, Ph.D. Institute of Electronic Materials Technology 23. Prof. Jacek Michalik, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 24. Wojciech Migdał, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 25. Prof. Jarosław Mizera, Ph.D., D.Sc. Warsaw University of Technology 26. Prof. Jerzy Ostyk-Narbutt, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 27. Andrzej Pawlukojć, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 28. Dariusz Pogocki, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 29. Halina Polkowska-Motrenko, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 30. Grażyna Przybytniak, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 14. Prof. Leon Gradoń, Ph.D., D.Sc. Warsaw University of Technology 31. Prof. Janusz Rosiak, Ph.D., D.Sc. Technical University of Łódź 15. Jan Grodkowski, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor 32. Lech Waliś, Ph.D. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in INCT Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 16. Edward Iller, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in NCBJ National Centre for Nuclear Research 17. Adrian Jakowiuk, M.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 18. Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Vice-chairman) Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 33. Maria Wojewódzka, Ph.D. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 34. Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT (Vice-chairman) Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 35. Zbigniew Zimek, Ph.D. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 12 MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE HONORARY MEMBERS OF THE INCT SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL (2011-2015) 1. Prof. Sławomir Siekierski, Ph.D. 2. Prof. Irena Szumiel, Ph.D., D.Sc. 3. Prof. Zbigniew Paweł Zagórski, Ph.D., D.Sc. MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE 13 ORGANIZATION SCHEME Scientific Council DIRECTOR Accountant General Deputy Director of Finances Deputy Director of Maintenance and Marketing Deputy Director for Research and Development Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Methods Centre for Radiation Research and Technology Stable Isotope Laboratory Centre for Radiobiology and Biological Dosimetry Pollution Control Technologies Laboratory Laboratory for Detection of Irradiated Food Centre for Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry Laboratory for Measurements of Technological Doses Laboratory of Material Research Laboratory of Nuclear Control Systems and Methods 14 SCIENTIFIC STAFF SCIENTIFIC STAFF PROFESSORS 1. Bilewicz Aleksander radiochemistry, inorganic chemistry 13. Migdał Wojciech, professor in INCT chemistry, science of commodies 2. Bobrowski Krzysztof radiation chemistry, photochemistry, biophysics 14. Ostyk-Narbutt Jerzy radiochemistry, coordination chemistry 3. Chmielewski Andrzej G. chemical and process engineering, nuclear chemical engineering, isotope chemistry 15. Pawlukojć Andrzej, professor in INCT chemistry 4. Chwastowska Jadwiga, professor in INCT analytical chemistry 5. Cieśla Krystyna, professor in INCT physical chemistry 16. Pogocki Dariusz, professor in INCT radiation chemistry, pulse radiolysis 17. Polkowska-Motrenko Halina, professor in INCT analytical chemistry 6. Dybczyński Rajmund analytical chemistry 18. Przybytniak Grażyna, professor in INCT radiation chemistry 7. Grigoriew Helena, professor in INCT solid state physics, diffraction research of non-crystalline matter 19. Siekierski Sławomir physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry 8. Grodkowski Jan, professor in INCT radiation chemistry 9. Kruszewski Marcin radiobiology 10. Lankoff Anna, professor in INCT biology 11. Leciejewicz Janusz Tadeusz crystallography, solid state physics, material science 20. Szumiel Irena cellular radiobiology 21. Trojanowicz Marek analytical chemistry 22. Zagórski Zbigniew physical chemistry, radiation chemistry, electrochemistry 23. Zakrzewska-Trznadel Grażyna, professor in INCT process and chemical engineering 12. Michalik Jacek radiation chemistry, surface chemistry, radical chemistry SENIOR SCIENTISTS (Ph.D.) 1. Barlak Marek chemistry 5. Buczkowski Marek physics 2. Bartłomiejczyk Teresa biology 6. Chajduk Ewelina chemistry 3. Bojanowska-Czajka Anna chemistry 7. Danilczuk Marek chemistry 4. Brzóska Kamil biochemistry 8. Deptuła Andrzej chemistry SCIENTIFIC STAFF 9. Dobrowolski Andrzej chemistry 15 31. Ostapczuk Anna chemistry 10. Dudek Jakub chemistry 32. Ozimiński Wojciech chemistry 11. Frąckiewicz Kinga chemistry 33. Palige Jacek metallurgy 12. Fuks Leon chemistry 34. Pawelec Andrzej chemical engineering 13. Głuszewski Wojciech chemistry 35. Pruszyński Marek chemistry 14. Gniazdowska Ewa chemistry 36. Ptaszek Sylwia chemical engineering 15. Grądzka Iwona biology 37. Rafalski Andrzej radiation chemistry 16. Harasimowicz Marian technical nuclear physics, theory of elementary particles 38. Roubinek Otton chemistry 17. Herdzik-Koniecko Irena chemistry 18. Kciuk Gabriel chemistry 19. Kiegiel Katarzyna chemistry 20. Kierzek Joachim physics 21. Kornacka Ewa chemistry 22. Kunicki-Goldfinger Jerzy conservator/restorer of art 23. Lewandowska-Siwkiewicz Hanna chemistry 24. Łyczko Krzysztof chemistry 25. Łyczko Monika chemistry 26. Machaj Bronisław radiometry 27. Majkowska-Pilip Agnieszka chemistry 28. Męczyńska-Wielgosz Sylwia chemistry 29. Mirkowski Jacek nuclear and medical electronics 30. Nowicki Andrzej organic chemistry and technology, high-temperature technology 39. Sadło Jarosław chemistry 40. Samczyński Zbigniew analytical chemistry 41. Sartowska Bożena material engineering 42. Skwara Witold analytical chemistry 43. Sochanowicz Barbara biology 44. Sommer Sylwester radiobiology, cytogenetics 45. Stachowicz Wacław radiation chemistry, EPR spectroscopy 46. Starosta Wojciech chemistry 47. Strzelczak Grażyna radiation chemistry 48. Sun Yongxia chemistry 49. Szreder Tomasz chemistry 50. Turek Janusz chemistry 51. Waliś Lech material science, material engineering 52. Warchoł Stanisław solid state physics 53. Wierzchnicki Ryszard chemical engineering 16 SCIENTIFIC STAFF 54. Wiśniowski Paweł radiation chemistry, photochemistry, biophysics 57. Zielińska Barbara chemistry 55. Wojewódzka Maria radiobiology 58. Zimek Zbigniew electronics, accelerator techniques, radiation processing 56. Wójciuk Karolina chemistry CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY Electron beams (EB) offered by the Centre for Radiation Research and Technology located at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) are dedicated to basic research, R&D and radiation technology applications. The Centre, in collaboration with the universities from Poland and abroad, apply EB technology for fundamental research on the electron beam-induced chemistry and transformation of materials. Research in the field of radiation chemistry includes studies on the mechanism and kinetics of radiation-induced processes in liquid and solid phases by the pulse radiolysis method. The pulse radiolysis experimental set-up allows direct time-resolved observation of short-lived intermediates (typically within the nanosecond to millisecond time domain), is complemented by steady-state radiolysis, stop-flow absorption spectrofluorimetry and product analysis using chromatographic methods. Studies on radiation-induced intermediates are dedicated to energy and charge transfer processes and radical reactions in model compounds of biological relevance aromatic thioethers, peptides and proteins, as well as observation of atoms, clusters, radicals by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR), also focused on research problems in nanophase chemistry and radiation-induced cross-linking of selected and/or modified polymers and copolymers. This research has a wide range of potential applications, including creating more environmentally friendly and sustainable packaging, improving product safety, and modifying material properties. Electron accelerators provide streams of electrons to initiate chemical reactions or break of chemical bonds more efficiently than the existing thermal and chemical approaches, helping to reduce energy consumption and decrease the cost of the process. The Centre may offer currently four electron accelerators for study of the effects of accelerated electrons on a wide range of chemical compounds with a focus on electron beam-induced polymerization, polymer modification and controlled degradation of macromolecules. EB technology has a great potential to promote innovation, including new ways to save energy and reduce the use of hazardous substances as well as to enable more eco-friendly manufacturing processes. Advanced EB technology offered by the Centre provides a unique platform with the application for: sterilization medical devices, pharmaceutical materials, food products shelf life extension, polymer advanced materials, air pollution removal technology and others. EB accelerators replace frequently thermal and chemical processes for cleaner, more efficient, lower-cost manufacturing. EB accelerators sterilize products and packaging, improve the performance of plastics and other materials, and eliminate pollution for industries such as pharmaceutical, medical devices, food, and plastics. The Centre offers EB in the energy range from 0.5 to 10 MeV with an average beam power up to 20 kW and three laboratory-size gamma sources with Co-60. Research activity are supported by such unique laboratory equipment as: • nanosecond pulse radiolysis and laser photolysis set-ups, • EPR paramagnetic spectroscopy for solid material investigation, • pilot installation for polymer modification, • laboratory experimental stand for removal of pollutants from gas phase, • laboratory of polymer and non-material characterization, • microbiological laboratory, • dosimetric laboratory, • pilot facility for radiation sterilization and food product processing. The unique technical basis makes it possible to organize a wide internal and international cooperation in the field of radiation chemistry and radiation processing including programmes supported by the European Union and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). It should be noticed that currently there is no other suitable European experimental basis for study radiation chemistry, physics and radiation processing in a full range of electron energy and beam power. Since 2010, at the INCT on the basis of the Centre for Radiation Research and Technology, an IAEA Collaborating Centre for Radiation Processing and Industrial Dosimetry is functioning. That is the best example of capability and great potential of concentrated equipment, methods and staff working towards application of innovative radiation technology. CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 19 OXIDIZING RADICALS AND THEIR REACTIVITY IN IONIC LIQUIDS BASED ON NTf2– ANION Jan Grodkowski, Rafał Kocia, Jacek Mirkowski, Małgorzata Nyga, Agnieszka Sulich, Tomasz Szreder Ionic liquids (ILs) belong to quickly expanding field of science. Their properties: negligible vapour pressure, non-flammability, thermal and chemical resistance, high conductivity, possibility to be reused and others make them a very attractive alternative to classical solvents [1-4]. Additionally, the properties of ILs can be controlled to a large extent by variation of both cation or anion [5, 6]. The aim of the study is to understand radical-ion reactions in selected ILs. We focused on kinetics and spectral characteristic of oxidizing species N6●– in these solvents. The N6●– radical belongs to pseudohalide radicals family and is known as intermediate in radiation chemistry. This radical is a strong one-electron oxidant and can be used in studies of electron transfer reactions. Since reactions in water are very fast and individuals are very short-lived, the spectral and kinetic characterization of species participating in reaction (1) in aqueous solutions were investigated before [7, 8]. Equilibrium constant values (K) for reaction (1) was determined to be equal to 0.33 [9] and 200 [10] in water and acetonitrile, respectively. Due to high viscosity of ILs radiation-induced reactions are slowed down in such media. Thus, one can expect different behaviour of certain species. For instance, the participation of presolvated electron vary with viscosity of medium. In very viscose solvents presolvated electrons are more likely to react before their solvation and thus influence radiation yield of radicals species [11]. N3− + N3● ' N6●− (1) In the present paper the mechanism of the azide radical anion dimmer N6●– formation (1) was studied in three different ILs: methyltributylammonium N,N-bis(trifluoromethylosulphonyl)imide (MeBu3NTf2), 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium N,N-bis(trifluoromethylosulphonyl)imide (hmimNTf2) and triethylammonium N,N-bis(trifluoromethylosulphonyl)imide (Et3NHNTf2), (Fig.1). All of ILs base on the same anion N,N-bis(trifluoromethylosulphonyl)imide which was used to obtain low melting point of solvents. The most useful technique to study the chemistry of short-life free radicals is pulse radiolysis. In our research we used 10 ns pulses of 10 MeV electrons from a LINAC linear electron accelerator (LAE 10) with spectrophotometric detection. Energy from the incident electron beam radiation was absorbed in ILs generating a range of ILs excited states (IL*), electrons and ionized species. The electron deficiency species often called “holes” [12] react with azide anion forming azide radical N3● according to reaction (2). Then, the azide radicals react as mentioned above via reaction (1) forming N6●–. IL⊕”hole” + N3– → N3● + IL (2) Spectrum of the N3–/MeBu3NNTf2 system, recorded by means of pulse radiolysis, is shown in Fig.2. Basing on the literature data [7, 8] the band with distinct absorption maxima at 700 nm was assigned to N6●–. Observed increase of absorption of A B C D Fig.2. Pulse radiolysis of N2O-saturated solution of tetrabutylammonium azide (0.06 M) in MeBu3NNTf2: (■) 1 μs, (●) 5 μs, (▲) 10 μs, (▼) 40 μs after the pulse; 20 Gy. this band with N3− concentration confirmed our assignment. The calculation of equilibrium constants was carried out basing on the equation: 1 1 1 1 = + × G G 0 G 0K [N 3− ] Fig.1. Methyltributylammonium cation (a), triethylammonium cation – Et3NH+ (b), 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium cation – hmim+ (c), N,N-bis(trifluoromethylosulphonyl)imide anion (d). (3) where: G0 – the radiolytic yield at 700 nm at infinitely high N3− concentrations, G – the radiolytic yield at given N3− concentrations, K = [N6–●]/[N3●] [N3–] – the equilibrium constant. 20 CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY A plot of 1/G vs. 1/[N3–] is a straight line. From the slope of this line, K value can be extracted. Obtained K values in MeBu3NTf2 and hmimNTf2 were determined to be equal to 7 ± 2 and 6 ± 1, respectively. In protic ionic liquids (Et3NHNTf2) we did not observe formation of N6●– which is probably due to the reaction of N3● with the amine resulting from the radiolysis of ionic liquid, or from contamination from the synthesis of IL (Et3NHNTf2). From the obtained data, it can be observed that the K value does not dramatically change in the case when methyltributylammonium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulphonyl]imide (MeBu3NNTf2) is satured with water (0.15% mass percent of water). The equilibrium constant K in this case was determined to be equal to 7. Concluding, the low K value can be interpreted in terms of the relatively little difference in free energy of formation of the N6●– radical as compared to the sum of free energy formation of N3– and N3● species and may reflect the difficulty in forming stable bonding in N6●– species. Stability of N6●– radical in ionic liquids is much higher as compared to aqueous solutions. References [1]. Aparicio S., Atilhan M., Karadas F.: Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49, 9580-9595 (2010). [2]. Endres F., El Abedin S.Z.: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 8, 2101-2116 (2006). [3]. Plechkova N.V., Seddon K.R.: Chem. Soc. Rev., 37, 123-150 (2008). [4]. Wasserscheid P., Keim W.: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 39, 3772-3789 (2000). [5]. Earle M.J., Seddon K.R.: Pure Appl. Chem., 72, 1391-1398 (2000). [6]. Welton T.: Chem. Rev., 99, 2071-2083 (1999). [7]. Alfassi Z.B., Prutz W.A., Schuler R.H.: J. Phys. Chem., 90, 1198-1203 (1986). [8]. Hayon E., Simic M.: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 92, 7486-7487 (1970). [9]. Butler J., Land E.J., Swallow A.J., Prytz W.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 23, 265 (1984). [10]. Workentin M.S., Wagner B.D., Negri F., Zgierski M., Lusztyk J., Siebrand W., Wayner D.D.M.: Phys. Chem., 99, 94-101 (1995). [11]. Wishart J.W., Lall-Ramnarine S.I., Raju R., Scumpia A., Bellevue S., Ragbir R., Engel R.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 72, 99-104 (2005). [12]. Wishart J.F.: J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 1, 3225-3231 (2010). FREE RADICAL REACTIONS OF NICOTINE Katarzyna Kosno1/, Monika Celuch1/, Jacek Mirkowski1/, Ireneusz Janik2/, Dariusz Pogocki1,3/ 1/ 2/ Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory, University of Notre Dame, USA 3/ Faculty of Biology and Agriculture, University of Rzeszów, Poland Nicotine (3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)pyridine), a natural alkaloid of main responsibility for tobacco smoking addiction, has some medical applications. Besides its common usage in nicotine replacement accompanied by an extensive oxidative stress, where nervous tissue is exposed to the presence of oxygen radicals beyond a threshold for proper antioxidant neutralization [2-4], and therapeutic usage of nic- Fig.1. Acid-base properties of nicotine in aqueous solution at 25oC [6]. therapy, is applied in neurodegenerative diseases diagnosis, and for alleviation of some symptoms and ailments accompanying these diseases [1]. Nicotine can have a potential protective effect on nerve cells. Neurodegenerative diseases are usually otine can be related to its free radical scavenging capacity. Nicotine molecule is made of two rings – aromatic pyridine and aliphatic pyrrolidine. In physiological pH of blood 7.4, ca. 76% (37oC) of nicotine Fig.2. Alternative pathways of ●OH radical reaction with nicotine. CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 21 0.1 μs 2 μs 60 μs 155 μs Fig.3. Transient absorption spectra obtained by ●OH-attack on nicotine recorded 0.1 μs (○), 2 μs (●), 60 μs (■) and 155 μs (▲) after the pulse in the N2O-saturated 1 mM nicotine solution, at pH 10. Inset: kinetic traces recorded at λ = 330 and 460 nm, respectively. is protonated at pyrrolidine nitrogen [5] (Fig.1). This protonation can influence its reactivity in radical reactions. Free radical reactions of nicotine in aqueous solution can be initiated by water radiolysis [7, 8]. Nicotine radical reactions were studied for the first time with pulse radiolysis technique by Wang et al. in 2003 [9]. These authors suggested that nicotine reacts with hydrated electron, hydrogen atom and hydroxyl radical producing anion radical and neutral radicals, respectively. However, their kinetics data (rate constants) are not consistent with the results previously obtained by Getoff’s group for nicotine molecular components, i.e. pyridine and pyrrolidine [10, 11]. Combining reaction mechanisms proposed for model compounds, three alternative pathways of nicotine reaction with hydroxyl radical (Fig.2) can be taken into account. However, basing on thermodynamics calculation, the most stable product of these reactions are the radicals located at 2’-carbon atom as 2’-carbon-hydrogen bond has the lowest BDE (bond dissociation energy) due to 2’-radical stabilization by the interactions with π electrons of pyridine ring and the nonbonding electron pair of the nitrogen atom. Importantly, protonation elim- inates coupling with a lone pair and the data from DFT calculations indicating an increase of BDE for C2’−H bond. We have studied the reaction of nicotine and its model compounds with ●OH radicals with a ns pulse-radiolysis technique applying UV-Vis time-resolved detection systems. Pulse radiolysis experiments at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) were performed with a LAE 10 linear accelerator with typical pulse lengths of 4-10 ns [12]. Absorbed dose per pulse was ca. 20 Gy. Pulse radiolysis experiments at the Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory were performed with a Titan Beta Model TBS-8/16-1 electron linear accelerator, which provided 4-5 ns pulses of 8 MeV electrons [13]. Absorbed doses per pulse were in the range 4-12 Gy. Reactions with ●OH radicals were studied in aqueous solution saturated with N2O, which scavenges hydrated electrons and nearly doubles the amount of ●OH radicals [14]. In the reaction of ● OH radicals with nicotine we obtained transient products absorbing with the maxima at 330 and 460 nm (Fig.3). The build-up kinetics at these two maxima are essentially the same, so they probably Table. Rate constants k [dm3mol–1s–1] for the reaction of ●OH radicals with nicotine and its model compounds. Reagent Nicotine IChTJ, NDRL OH Wang et al. [9] IChTJ Pyrrolidine Getoff et al. [11] Getoff et al. [10] 3.2 × 10 (pH = 1, 4.5 × 10 (pH = 7, 1.4 × 10 (pH = 3, 1.0 × 10 (pH = 2.0-4.5, 9.6 × 109 (pH = 2) λmax = 330 nm) λmax = 460 nm) λmax = 320 nm) λmax = 315 nm) 1.45 × 1010 (pH = 8) 9 9 2.7 × 10 (pH = 5.6, 5.3 × 10 (pH = 10, 3.0 × 109 (pH = 10, 5.7 × 109 (pH = 6.2, λmax = 330 nm) λmax = 320 nm) λmax = 322 nm) λ = 222.5 nm) 8 ● Pyridine 3.8 × 109 (pH = 7.4, λmax = 330 nm) 6.2 × 109 (pH = 10, λmax = 330 nm) 8 8 8 max 2.1 × 1010 (pH = 13.2, λmax = 230 nm) 22 CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 0.1 μs 1.5 μs 20.0 μs 45.5 μs 137.6 μs Fig.4. Transient absorption spectra obtained by ●OH-attack on pyridine recorded 0.1 μs (■), 1.5 μs (●), 20 μs (□), 45.5 μs (▲) and 137.6 μs (○) after the pulse in the N2O-saturated 1 mM pyridine solution, at pH 10. Inset: kinetic traces recorded at λ = 320 nm. Fig.5. Reaction scheme of N3●-induced nicotine 1e-oxidation. 0.03 μs 5.6 μs 36 μs 102 μs 155 μs Fig.6. Transient absorption spectra obtained by N3●-attack on nicotine recorded 0.03 μs (■), 5.6 μs (○), 36 μs (●), 102 μs (□) and 155 μs (▲) after the pulse in the N2O-saturated 1 mM nicotine solution containing 10 mM NaN3, at pH 10. Inset: kinetic traces recorded at λ = 330 and 460 nm, respectively. CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY come from the same product. The second-order rate constants, k(OH+Nic), determined at 330 nm are collected in Table. It can be noticed that the rate constant at pH 7.4 is almost one order of magnitude higher than that obtained by Wang et al. However, our values are very close to those previously measured for pyridine [10, 11], suggesting a close similarity of the reactions pathways. In order to examine this similarity, we conduct analogous experiments for pyridine obtaining (similarly to the results of Getoff et al. [10, 11]) transient absorption spectra with one distinct maximum at 320 nm and a broad absorption band in the visible range (Fig.4). (The calculated rate constants, presented in Table, are also very close.) We conducted similar experiments for aqueous solutions of pyrrolidine, but in this case we did not observe short-lived transient species absorbing in the examined 280-600 nm wavelength range. Earlier work of Getoff et al. shows that transient products of ●OH radicals reaction with pyrrolidine are characterized by a single absorption maximum at about 230 nm [10]. In order to examine 1e-oxidation pathway of nicotine reaction we studied it using the reaction of nicotine with azide radical (N3●), which reacts mainly via electron transfer. It is a weak oxidant not abstracting hydrogen atoms nor forming adducts to π-electron systems. In such process nicotine radical cations are generated (Fig.5). The pulse-radiolysis experiments were conducted here in N2O-saturated 1 mM nicotine aqueous solution containing 10 mM NaN3. The transient absorption spectra with two pronounced maxima at 330 and 460 nm, were obtained (Fig.6). 23 Our results support the assumption that ●OH radicals can react with nicotine following three different pathways: (i) addition to pyridine ring, (ii) direct hydrogen abstraction from pyrrolidine ring, and (iii) one-electron oxidation of nitrogen at pyrrolidine ring. References [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10]. [11]. [12]. [13]. [14]. Pogocki D., Ruman T., Danilczuk M., Danilczuk M., Celuch M., Wałajtys-Rode E.: Eur. 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Bobrowski K.: Nukleonika, 50, 3, 67-76 (2005). Hug G.L., Wang Y., Schöneich Ch., Jiang P.-Y., Fessenden R.W.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 54, 559-566 (1999). Janata E., Schuler R.H.: J. Phys. Chem., 86, 11, 2078-2084 (1982). PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON RADIATION DEGRADATION OF AQUEOUS SOLUTION OF LINURON Monika Celuch1/, Anna Bojanowska-Czajka1/, Krzysztof Kulisa1/, Joanna Kisała2/, Katarzyna Kosno1/, Dariusz Pogocki1,2/ 1/ 2/ Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland Faculty of Biology and Agriculture, University of Rzeszów, Poland Phenylurea herbicides were introduced in the 1950s, and since that time their use has become significant. Linuron (N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N’-metoxy-N’-methylurea) is one of the most commonly used phenylurea herbicides. It has been broadly used to control weeds by inhibiting photosynthesis. Linuron (Fig.1) has been reported to inhibit the Fig.1. Chemical structure of linuron. activity of 5-α-reductase, reduce testosterone production. Its naturally decayed intermediates (i.e. chloroaniline) have been suspected as endocrine disruptors. Linuron is widely used in pre- and postemergence for treatment of both crop and non-crop cultures. This herbicide is moderately persistent in soils, with a field half-life 30 to 70 days, and are slightly to moderately soluble in water (81 mg/dm3 at 25oC). Since linuron can give rise to important residues in soil and in water and simultaneously it is resistant to the standard oxidants such as chlorine and permanganate, there is a strong need for finding new methods and/or developing known ones for effective degradation of linuron. For decomposition of pesticides, some microbiological and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are used, e.g. O3/UV, O3/H2O2, electro- or photo-Fenton and others. Some of them were successfully used also for linuron degradation [1-13]. Mechanisms of pesticides degradation are very complex and depend on many environmental fac- 24 CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY tors as pH changes, presence of metal ions, etc. Detailed understanding of pesticides decomposition is very important as some by-products can be much more toxic than the parent compound. Detailed describing of mentioned reactions should allow to predict degradation pathway of some molecule and designed structure and in such a way to decrease toxicity of by-products. Ionizing radiation has been applied to the decomposition of different groups of compounds [14, 15]. This seems to be a very effective way of its degradation, especially in the case of particularly oxidation-resistant compounds. In our work linuron (technical grade) was obtained from Zakłady Chemiczne Organika-Sarzyna S.A. (Poland) and the other chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich with highest analytical grade and, apart from linuron, all were used without further purification. Linuron was recrystallized from DMSO (dimethyl sulphoxide) befor use. For pH adjustment, solutions of 70% perchloric acid (HClO4) and 50% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were used. All experiments were carried out at room temperature. Experiments were performed using a solution of linuron concentration equal to 0.0641 g/dm3 and pH 10. Specially constructed glass tubes were used during saturation of samples with N2O, and following the irradiation in a Co-60 source (dose rate – 7.6 kGy/h). In analytical determination of linuron and products of its decomposition some chromatographic techniques were used: HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography) technique with spectrophotometric detection (at 254 nm) and ion-chromatography (HPIC – high-performance ion chromatography) with conductometric detection. HPLC analyses were carried out just after irradiation and 9 days after irradiation. Results obtained for the samples measured just after irradiation show about a 20% decrease of linuron concentration for the absorbed dose of 1 kGy (Fig.2). were observed and pH of the stored solution decreased from 10 to 7. HPIC analysis shows substantial amount of acetates and formates (Fig.3). Fig.3. Concentration of anionic products of linuron degradation formed as post-radiation effect. The results of our preliminary studies are very interesting and important from both basic and environmental research. Degradation processes should be examined to detailed described mechanism of linuron decomposition. Due to the fact that very often by-products are more toxic than the parent compound, as many as possible intermediates products should be identified. Also the influence of some environmental factors (pH, metal ions, inorganic anions, etc.) on the degradation process should be examined. References [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10]. [11]. [12]. Fig.2. Yield of radiation-induced degradation of linuron. [13]. Degradation process is relatively slow and no significant amount of degradation products were observed. During analysis of samples stored 9 days at a temperature of about 6oC, some new peaks [14]. [15]. Farre M.J., Domenech X., Peral J.: Water Res., 40, 13, 2533-2540 (2006). Farre M.J., Domenech X., Peral J.: J. Hazard. Mater., 147, 1-2, 167-174 (2007). Gatidou G., Iatrou E.: Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 18, 6, 949-957 (2011). Katsumata H., Kaneco S., Suzuki T., Ohta K., Yobiko Y.: Chem. Eng. J., 108, 3, 269-276 (2005). Katsumata H., Kobayashi T., Kaneco S., Suzuki T., Ohta K.: Chem. Eng. J., 166, 2, 468-473 (2011). Rao Y.F., Chu W.: Chemosphere, 74, 11, 1444-1449 (2009). Rao Y.F., Chu W.: J. Hazard. Mater., 180, 1-3, 514-523 (2010). Zouaghi R., Zertal A., David B., Guittonneau S.: Rev. Sci. Eau, 20, 2, 163-172 (2007). Ghalwa N.A., Hamada M.,. Shawish H.M.A, Shubair O.: Electrochemical degradation of linuron in aqueous solution using Pb/PbO2 and C/PbO2 electrodes. Arabian J. Chem. (2011), in press. Faure V., Boule P.: Pestic. Sci., 51, 4, 413-418 (1997). Sung M., Huang C.P.: J. Hazard. Mater., 141, 1, 140-147 (2007). Bourgin M., Violleau F., Debrauwer L., Albet J.: J. Hazard. Mater., 190, 1-3, 60-68 (2011). Tahmasseb L.A., Nelieu S., Kerhoas L., Einhorn J.: Sci. Total Environ., 291, 1-3, 33-44 (2002). Liu S.Y., Chen Y.P., Yu H.Q., Zhang S.J.: Chemosphere, 59, 13-19 (2005). Drzewicz P., Trojanowicz M., Zona R., Solar S., Geringer P.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 69, 281-287 (2004). CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 25 REACTIVITY OF C-CENTRED RADICALS STABILIZED IN ZSM-5 ZEOLITE Marcin Sterniczuk, Jarosław Sadło, Grażyna Strzelczak, Jacek Michalik Radicals play an important role in catalysis. Their structure and properties are difficult to study because of their extremely high reactivity. Matrix isolation technique in halocarbon and noble gas matrices and trapping in zeolites are the methods of choice for studying electronic structure and geometry of radical ions in solids [1-3]. In this paper we present a study on the reactivity of carbon paramagnetic centres generated radiolytically in H-ZSM-5 zeolites. We generate free radicals by γ-irradiation at liquid nitrogen temperature of zeolites exposed earlier to carbon monoxide and follow their reactions by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy gradually increasing temperature. Based on EPR measurements, we measure their ractivity and postulate the sites of their stabilization owing to quantum mechanics computation. The H-ZSM-5 zeolite samples placed in spectrosil tubes were degassed and next dehydrated at 300oC on vacuum line under the pressure of 10–5 Torr. Carbon monoxides, 12CO and 13CO were adsorbed at room temperature under the pressure range 5-100 Torr. Then the EPR tubings were sealed and irradiated at 77 K in a 60Co γ-source with a dose of 6 kGy. The EPR spectra were recorded with an X-band Bruker ESP 300E spectrometer equipped with a transfer nitrogen dewar. The temperature of the sample during EPR measurments was controlled by a Bruker variable temperature unit in the range 100-380 K. The EPR spectrum of γ-irradiated H-ZSM-5/ 13 CO recorded at 300 K consists of two doublets: anisotropic doublet A with gx = 2.0005, gy = 2.0010, gz = 1.9995, Ax = 30.2 mT, Ay = 27.4 mT, Az = 26.0 mT and isotropic doublet B – giso = 2.0002, Aiso = 21.4 mT. We assigned signal A to two paramagnetic centre which are characterized by the same EPR parameters: the first one – 13CO+● radical cation interacting with lattice oxygen between Si and Al atoms and the second one – 13CO+● radical Fig.1. Temperature dependence of H-ZSM-5/13CO spectra. cation interacting with lattice oxygen between two silica atoms. Instead, signal B we assigned to 13CO interacting with oxygen bonded to one only Si atom. The stability of A and B doublets depends on sample dehydration temperature, however always signal B is more stable than signal A. In a sample dehydrated above 300oC doublet A disappears completely at 350 K, while signal B is still detected at 370 K (Fig.1). In hydrated samples both signals are much less stable; signal A decays at 160 K and B – at 200 K. When H-ZSM-5/13CO zeolite is exposed at 77 K just after irradiation to 5 Torr of oxygen, the doublets A and B disappear completely and a singlet with axial anisotropy: C(gII) C(g┴) Fig.2. Temperature dependence of H-ZSM-5/13CO+O2. The arrow shows the next measuring steps. g┴ = 2.0065, gll = 2.0470 and additional structure in the central part is recorded (Fig.2). During thermal annealing above 200 K, signals A and B start appearing, reaching the highest intensity around 300 K. However, when the temperature of EPR measurments decreases again to 100 K, the doublets disappear. The process is reversible and Fig.3. Distribution of unpaired electron spin density on paramagnetic centre A. 26 CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY the 13CO+● doublets are recorded only above 200 K. A similar effect was observed by Vedrine et al. [4] in zeolite H-Y exposed to 13CO and was explained by coadsorption of O2 molecule on the CO+● tropic singlet of peroxy radical. In the H-Y zeolite, Vedrine observed only one CO+● centre (centre A). Our results prove that all the observed CO+● centres in H-ZSM-5 zeolites are able to coadsorb oxygen forming peroxy radicals. To better understand the reactivity between the carbon-centred radicals and molecular oxygen we applied the DFT method. Computation clearly shows how the unpaired electron density is distributed on paramagnetic centre before (Fig.3) and after coadsorption of oxygen (Fig.4). Unpaired electron density before oxygen adsorption was localized principally on the carbon atom. After O2 coadsorption, we are observing a change of electron spin density distribution, the unpaired electron being localized almost only on the oxygen atoms. References Fig.4. Distribution of unpaired electron spin density on coadsorbed complex with oxygen. centre. This leads to the transfer of unpaired electron from carbon to the oxygen nucleus which is manifested in the EPR spectrum as axially aniso- [1]. Knight L.B., Jr., Steadman J.: J. Chem. Phys., 77, 1750 (1982). [2]. Garcia H., Roth H.D.: Chem. Rev., 102, 3947 (2002). [3]. Knight L.B., Jr., Gregory B.W., Cobranchi S.T., Williams F., Qin X.: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 110, 327 (1988). [4]. Vedrine J.C., Massardier J., Abou-Kais A.: Can. J. Chem., 54, 1678 (1976). MULTIFREQUENCY EPR STUDY ON γ-IRRADIATED BONE SUBSTITUTING BIOMATERIALS Jarosław Sadło, Grażyna Strzelczak, Małgorzata Lewandowska-Szumieł1/, Marcin Sterniczuk, Jacek Michalik 1/ Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland For years, orthopaedic surgeons have been using many synthetic materials (metals, plastics, polymers, ceramics, etc.) to replace human tissues in order to restore their lost functions. The biomaterial market is expanding rapidly, parallel to the growing demands for bone graft substitute materials. The substitutes should promote the formation of new natural bone, while the external material should be degraded. Therefore, a great variety of specially synthesized calcium phosphate materials to be used as bone graft substitute materials is proposed [1]. Hydroxyapatite (HA) Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 is the major mineral phase in natural bone and teeth, so synthetic HA is widely used in medicine and dentistry because of its biocompatibility and bioactivity properties. Producers of bone graft substitute materials often describe their products as chemically and mineralogically identical to the inorganic part of bone [2]. In bone which has been exposed to ionizing radiation several radicals are induced, which can be detected by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. In the present study we apply X- and Q-band EPR spectroscopy to identify paramagnetic centres which are responsible for EPR signals that are stable at room temperature in γ-irradiated bone substituting biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite [3-5]. Two types of synthetic bone substituting materials – NanoBone® (Artoss GmbH) and HA Biocer (CHEMA), a synthetic chemically pure hydroxyapatite powder purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Co. and powdered defatted human compact bone samples in natural form, obtained from the National Centre of Tissue and Cell Banking (Warszawa, Poland) were used in this study. All samples were irradiated at room temperature, with a dose of 5 kGy in a 60Co gamma source “Issledovatel”. The EPR measurements at X- (9.5 GHz) and Q-band (34 GHz) were carried out at room temperature just after the gamma irradiation, one day and five days later, in order to make sure that all signals derived from the unstable radicals decayed. The most stable and intense EPR signal in both natural bone and synthetic HA is an anisotropic singlet of an orthorhombic symmetry, with the following spectroscopic parameters of the g tensor: gx = 2.0030, gy = 1.9973, gz = 2.0017 and peak-to-peak width ΔHpp = 0.85 mT (Fig.1). EPR spectrum of synthetic HA recorded in X-band (Fig.1a) represents CO2– radical anion. The spectrum recorded in Q-band (Fig.1b) is much better resolved giving evidence that is consists of two CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 27 assure that the hydroxyapatite used in their product is almost the same as in autologous bone. However, the EPR study of irradiated compact bone and the synthetic graft materials suggests that their microscopic structures are different. NanoBone® Fig.1. EPR spectra of synthetic hydroxyapatite powder sample γ-irradiated at room temperature: (a) recorded in X-band 1 day after irradiation, (b) recorded in Q-band 1 day after irradiation. separate signals: CO2– orthorhombic and isotropic CO2– with g factor gav = 2.0006 [3, 5-7]. The EPR signals of the irradiated synthetic bone grafts substitute NanoBone® and HA Biocer detected in the X-band looks like a broad singlet with two inflection points. The Q-band spectrum is much better resolved showing clearly the signal anisotropy with the orthorombic g factor of gx = 2.0041, gy = 2.0036, gz = 2.0018, characteristic of the CO33– anion radical. After 5 days of storage, the EPR spectrum was changed in a similar way for both NanoBone® and HA Biocer samples, showing a weak high-field component (gll = 1.997) of the CO2– signal (Fig.2). The EPR results prove clearly that the long-lasting radiation effects associated with carbon-centered radicals in commercial bone substitutes are different than those in biological hydroxyapatites. It might be related to the different locations of the CO32– anions and/or the CO2 molecules in both types of materials. HA Biocer and NanoBone® are commercial synthetic bone substituting or reconstructing materials based on hydroxyapatite. Producers of both the graft materials Fig.2. EPR spectra of NanoBone® powder sample γ-irradiated at room temperature: (a) recorded in X-band 1 day after irradiation, (b) recorded in X-band after 5 days storage, (c) recorded in Q-band 1 day after irradiation. The results presented prove that EPR spectroscopy is a useful tool for studying subtle structural changes in bone substitute materials. References [1]. Dorozhkin S.V.: Biomaterials, 31, 1465-1485 (2010). [2]. Leventouri Th.: Biomaterials, 27, 3339-3342 (2006). [3]. Strzelczak G., Sadło J., Michalik J.: Nukleonika, 54, 247-250 (2009). [4]. Fattibene P., Callens F.: Appl. Radiat. Isot., 68, 2033 (2010). [5]. Callens F., Vanhaelewyn G., Matthys P., Boesman E.: Appl. Magn. Reson., 14, 235-254 (1998). [6]. Strzelczak G., Sadlo J., Danilczuk M., Stachowicz W., Callens F., Vanhaelewyn G., Goovearts E., Michalik J.: Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 67, 1206-1209 (2007). [7]. Ikeya M.: New application of electron spin resonance: dating, dosimetry and microscopy. Eds. M.R. Zimmerman, N. Whitehead. World Scientific, Singapore 1993. 28 CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY SURFACE MODIFICATION OF POLY(ESTERURETHANE) BY RADIATION-INDUCED GRAFTING OF N-ISOPROPYLACRYLAMIDE Marta Walo, Grażyna Przybytniak, Murat Barsbay1/, Pınar Akkas Kavaklı1/, Olgun Guven1/ 1/ Department of Chemistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey It is generally known that the required properties of biomaterials are biocompatibility, sterilizability, adequate mechanical and thermal properties as well as specific surface characteristic [1]. Among the polymeric biomaterials, polyurethanes (PUR) have attracted a great interest due to their unique chemical and physical properties. Biomedical polyurethanes are widely used in medicine for production of scaffolds in tissue engineering and for manufacturing medical devices, such as vascular grafts, artificial hearts, wound dressings, blood tubing, catheters and mammary implants [2]. Polyurethanes are microphase-separated polymers containing hard and soft segments arranged alternately. Thanks to the possibility to model their properties by selecting various types and molecular weights of the oligodiol, the chemical structure and symmetry of diisocyanate, the hard/soft segment weight ratio, the synthesis method, PUR can be used for specific clinical applications. However, it is difficult to synthesize polyurethanes with appropriate bulk and surface properties simultaneously. It is well known that the surface properties of materials in contact with biological systems play a key role in determining the outcome of biological material interactions [3]. Therefore, selected functional groups must be introduced to surfaces in order to change their properties. There is a multitude of surface modification methods including chemical treatment, immobilizing biological molecules, radiation grafting of hydrophilic monomers and gas plasma treatment [4]. Among these methods, radiation-induced graft polymerization is a well-known technique for modifying the chemical and physical properties of polymeric materials without altering their inherent properties. The aim of the reported researches was to modify the surface of polyurethane by radiation-induced grafting to improve its hydrophilicity. The samples used for grafting were synthesized by a two-step polycondensation without any catalyst, solvent and additives. PUR was constructed from soft segments of oligo(ethylene-buthylene adipate) diol end-capped with molecular mass of 2000 Da and hard segments of isophorone diisocyanate and 1,4-butanediol. The weight ratio between hard and soft segment was 40:60. In this study the mutual radiation grafting of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm) onto polyurethanes films was performed. At the first stage of investigations, several important factors determining the final effect of graft polymerization were tested, namely: monomer concentration, homopolymer suppressor concentration and dose. Then, non-grafted and grafted polyurethanes with different grafting yield (GY) of 22, 59 and 77% were characterized using the following methods: ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), gel permeation chroma- tography (GPC), contact angle measurements (CA) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Chemical structures of non-grafted PUR and PNIPAAm (poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)) grafted Fig.1. ATR-FTIR spectra of PUR (A) and PUR-g-NIPAAm (B), GY = 22%. PUR were investigated by FTIR spectroscopy (Fig.1). Analysing the carbonyl region of PUR and PUR-g-NIPAAm a new C=O stretching band at about 1656 cm–1 characteristic of PNIPAAm structure appeared. For neat PUR two steps decomposition, it is revealed in the TGA curves (Fig.2). The first low temperature stage of thermal degradation is associated with scission of the urethane linkages in hard segments combined with the emission of carbon dioxide. The second one corresponds to the soft segment chain cleavages. After NIPAAm grafting, the changes on TGA thermogram were observed as a newly formed peak at around 400oC attributed to the degradation of PNIPAAm. On the basis of GPC results, it was found that the grafting of NIPAAm onto polyurethane surface causes a shift of the chromatograms to higher molecular weight regions. A new peak appearing in the GPC traces is attributed to the grafted Fig.2. DTG thermograms of PUR and PUR-g-NIPAAm. CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 29 dominant participation of C-O and C-C/C-H groups in the PUR surface. Carbonyl groups of the ester units also contribute significantly to the surface structure (25%), contrary to the peak at 288.6 eV attributed to N(H)-C(O)-O whose participation does not exceed 4%. For PUR-g-NIPAAm with GY = 22%, C-O-C(O) and C-N groups conTable 1. Deconvolution of C1s XPS spectra. Sample Peak Centre [eV] Ratio [%] A 288.6 3.9 B 287.0 25.0 C 285.1 15.3 D 284.0 55.8 A 287.9 30.1 B 286.8 23.2 C 285.2 25.2 D 284.2 21.5 PUR Fig.3. GPC chromatograms of PUR and PUR-g-NIPAAm in THF (tertrahydrofuran). PNIPAAm chains, and the intensity of this peak increases with increasing grafting yield. These results clearly proved formation of the covalent bonds between the PNIPAAm chains and the polyurethane surface (Fig.3). PUR-g-NIPAAm stitute 25% of the C1s bands, whereas before grafting their contribution was about 10% smaller. Additionally, for the grafted surface summary input of N(H)-C(O)-O and N-C-C(O) enhances significantly as compared to the untreated PUR (Table 1). Surface hydrophilicity of the PUR film was enhanced by grafting of NIPAAm (Table 2). It was observed that the contact angle measured vs. water diminished to about 67 deg for the sample grafted to GY = 77%. Table 2. Contact angle measurements vs. water at 23oC. Sample PUR PUR-g-NIPAAm GY [%] 0 22 59 77 CA [deg] 87.0 71.0 69.0 67.0 The obtained results suggest that the radiation-induced grafting seems to be a promising method to improve the biocompatibility of polymers for biomedical applications. By introducing specific functional groups to the trunk polymer, surface properties changed significantly. Contact angle, which is an important macroscopic parameter characterizing surface wettability, decreases from 87 to 67 deg confirming increasing hydrophicility of polyurethane surface. References Fig.4. XPS spectra of C1s for PUR and PUR-g-NIPAAm, GY = 22%. XPS results confirmed NIPPAm grafting onto polyurethane surface (Fig.4). High-resolution C1s region comprising four distinct peaks indicates [1]. Chen K., Kuo J., Chen C.: Biomaterials, 21, 161-171 (2000). [2]. Gorna K., Gogolewski S.: Polym. Degrad. Stabil., 79, 465-474 (2003). [3]. Gold J.: Eur. Cell. Mater., 10, Suppl. 1 (2005). [4]. Alves P., Coelho J.F.J., Haack J., Rota A., Bruinink A., Gil M.H.: Eur. Polym. J., 45, 1412-1419 (2009). 30 CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY RADIATION-INDUCED REDUCTION OF CARBON DIOXIDE AS POSSIBLE EXPLANATION OF ABIOTIC FORMATION OF METHANE Ewa Maria Kornacka, Zbigniew Paweł Zagórski The presence of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the solar system, in particular, on the planet Mars is explained by different hypotheses, especially by biotic formation in the last-mentioned case. The explanation providing formation of methane as the by-product of life processes is doubtful in the light of few arguments for existence of the present and of any time ago, of life on Mars. In view of justified considerations of ionizing radiation on the surface of Mars, present and actual and consequences of the phenomenon [1, 2], we propose the formation of methane from carbon dioxide in the presence of water by chemical reactions induced by ionizing radiation, abundant on the surface of Mars, due to its weak protection by a thin atmosphere, very different from the thick atmosphere around the Earth. Raw materials for the set of chemical reactions, induced by ionizing radiation coming from the outer space are minerals incorporating water, surrounded by atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide and Martian ice consisting of water and carbon dioxide mixed ice, covering parts of the surface of Mars, under constant thawing and freezing in cold regions of Mars. The road map of methane formation is complicated and involves several steps, through intermediates. In checking these possibilities, we have started from two materials, resembling those which may be present on Mars. First, it was montmorillonite as a model compound of Martian regolith, containing bound and added water (cf. [3]) and the second was CO2/H2O ice obtained by freezing from a gaseous mixture. Both materials were gamma-irradiated in ampoules filled with carbon dioxide, and the gas phase was analysed by gas chromatography on a column in an argon stream. Products were identified as hydrogen formed directly from both forms of water, as it is the common case described in [4, 5] and as methane. Both materials were also investigated in separate experiments after irradiation, by EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy for identification of intermediates leading to the formation of methane. Gas chromatographic results will be published later. A mixture of CO2/H2O was obtained by flowing of carbon dioxide saturated with aqueous vapour into liquid nitrogen. Resulting solid phase was irradiated to a dose of 20 kGy at 77 K (Fig.1). EPR spectra were measured with a Bruker X-band ESR-300 spectrometer at 77 K using a microwave power of 10 mW. Samples were annealed by warming to required temperatures, as measured by a thermocouple placed in the middle of the samples, then re-cooled down to 77 K and spectra were recorded [6]. Double integration of the experimental spectra and the signals were recorded. Fig.1. EPR spectra of irradiated mixing media CO2/H2O. Most atmospheric carbon dioxide on Earth has been changed biologically into CaCO3 during the last 600 million years. Solid carbon dioxide is present in nature on several planets, also on the surface of Mars. Figure 2 shows the EPR spectra of solid carbon dioxide irradiated by γ-rays at 77 K and measured also at 77 K after annealing to indicated temperatures. It turned out that in the sample a contaminant of water coming from the moisture was found and three peaks belonging to ●OH radicals – gzz = 2.055, gxx = 2.029, gyy = 1.995 – were observed at 120 K. The character of the recorded spectra suggests interaction between the radicals present in atmosphere. Peroxy radicals such as HO2, CH3O and NO2 were measured in free troposphere and a atmosphere boundary layer [7]. The radicals are not stable because they quickly disappeared and at 120 K their amount is ca. 50%, but at 150 K they convert to such a different radical which shows a spectrum in the form of singlet. Fig.2. EPR spectra of irradiated solid carbon dioxide. Three spectra were identified corresponding to the radicals: hydroxyl radical, carbon dioxide radical, superoxide radical. At least one unidentified species was found whose extreme lines are indicated by the arrows in Fig.3. CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY Fig.3. Isolated EPR spectra of selected radicals. Methane formed is a stable compound remaining in the atmosphere, or bound in situ as a clathrate if sufficient amount of water is available. There are assumptions, that methane aqueous clathrates exist on Mars. Answering the question of quantities of methane which can be formed in the proposed way, one has to know the flux of ionizing radiation on the surface of Mars. Astonishingly, in spite of several kinds of measurements of the surface of Mars, the exposure to ionizing radiation, important in view of possible human exploration, has not been measured (or not published to avoid objections to human exploration missions, or even panic). A paper, which was kept for one year in the editors processing [8], does not mention the dose on the surface of the space ship; another paper [9] mentioning the sterilization of the surface of Mars does not give the dose of radiation, etc. There are some clues, as considering the radiation flux on the surface of Mars, because it must be similar to the flux on the surface of any object in the outer space in the solar system. Recalculation of data in Ref. [10] suggests that an average dose of 0.1 Gy per day may be liberally assumed. All calculations are estimates in orders of magnitudes only. The discussed intensity of ionizing radiation reaching Mars is difficult to estimate, because of highly non-homogeneous character of radiations, by both quality measured by LET and distribution in time. As the flux of galactic cosmic rays may be considered stable, more intensive radiation is reaching Mars during periodical Sun activity. In particular, that radiation is considered specially dangerous for the crew in space. A warning is announced to hide behind the cargo of the space ship, after electromagnetic, faster radiation than 31 protons, is signalled as approaching. A mixed character of ionizing radiation leaves open the question of the depth-dose distribution, which is deep in the case of low LET fractions. One should note that it is anyway deeper than in the case of UV+VIS radiation which also can contribute to methane formation, but its action is limited to a thin surface of Mars. Presented hypothesis cannot be a complete and final one, because there are many paths involved in reaching final stable products of radiolysis. Only the primary products, as observed by EPR, are of a zero order considering kinetics and, therefore, are independent of the temperature of irradiated material. However, secondary products of chemical changes of the primaries can be temperature dependent. Another problem is the total balance of radiation, in particular the question of the excess of oxygen, resulting from the conversion of carbon dioxide to methane. One explanation is the assumed formation of hydrogen peroxide, suggested by Houtkooper [11], and listed among other compounds of Mars by Irwin and Schulze-Makuch [12]. Another one is the decomposition of one of primaries observed by EPR into molecular oxygen, disappearing in the gaseous sink, surrounding irradiated clays or mixed ice. This investigation is supported by European COST action CM0703 and by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant. References [1]. [2]. Zagórski Z.P.: Nukleonika, 50, Suppl. 2, 59-63 (2005). Zagórski Z.P.: Role of radiation chemistry in the origin of life, early evolution and in transportation through cosmic space. Chapter 5. In: Astrobiology: emergence, search and detection of life. Ed. V.A. Basiuk. American Scientific Publishers, 2010, 57 p. [3]. Ehlmann B.L. et al.: Nature, 479, 53-60 (2011). [4]. Zagórski Z.P.: Indian J. Rad. Res., 3, 89-93 (2006). [5]. Zagórski Z.P.: Origins Life Evol. Biospheres, 36, 3, 244-246 (2006). [6]. Kornacka E.M., Ambroż H.B., Przybytniak G.K.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 70, 677-686 (2004). [7]. Mihelcic D., Voltz-Thomas A., Patz H.W., Kley D.: J. Atm. Chem., 11, 271-297 (1990) [8]. Pálfalvi J.K.: Radiat. Meas., 44, 724-728 (2009). [9]. Dartnell L.R.: Astrobiology, 11, 551-582 (2011). [10]. Semkova J. et al.: Adv. Space Res., 49, 471-478 (2012). [11]. Houtkooper J.M., Schulze-Makuch D.: Int. J. Astrobiol., 6, 147-152 (2007). [12]. Irwin L.N., Schulze-Makuch D.: Cosmic biology. Springer, New York 2011. STUDIES OF PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF GELS BASED ON IRRADIATED WHEAT STARCH Krystyna Cieśla, Wojciech Głuszewski Starches derived from various plants are an abundant and cheap raw material with a high potential for application in various food, pharmaceutical and technical industries [1]. Gelling properties of starch, viscosity and stability of gels appear to be the crucial factors that affect its possible application. This concerns the application of modified starches as the functional additives in food prod- 32 CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY ucts (gelling, firming or bulking agents, thickeners and emulsifiers) or as a component of plastics and packaging (films and coatings), including active packaging and variety of delivering systems (paper, textile, chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries). This occurs because the film forming ability depends on the properties of the starch gel. Although potato starch is in Poland largely used for this purposes, the possibility of application of other starches seems to be also beneficial. Wheat starch appears as an alternative due to the content of naturally occurring lipids that make it possible to modify the functional properties of starch additives or to obtain products with reduced hydrophilicity as compared to the starch not containing hydrophobic additives. The gels prepared basing on wheat starch reveal a lower viscosity as compared to the gels prepared basing on the potato starch. This might be beneficial for some applications requiring a high content of the solid matter accompanied by low or medium viscosity (i.e. textile or paper coatings). Starch degradation accompanied by oxidation are desirable processes that enable to obtain products forming gels with reduced viscosity in relation to those formed by the native starch. Several chemical and enzymatic methods are involved in modification of starch properties leading to obtain on an industrial scale appropriate products that can serve for the production of gels with the required viscoelastic properties. Research concerning the development of methods of starch modification and testing the new products containing such hydrocolloids are being conducted [2]. Ionizing radiation seems to be a perspective alternative method enabling to reduce the use of toxic and strong chemicals, in relation to chemical methods, to reduce the costs in relation to the enzymatic methods, and easily steering of the process by the way of irradiation parameters. Such methods appear to be perspective also for starch modification, (independently of the present restriction concerning foodstuffs) in regard to the occurring degradation and oxidation processes leading to a significant decrease in swelling power and viscosity of gels [1, 3, 4]. Accordingly, some trials were done last years for re-investigation of the radiation processes in starches in relation to their possible practical implementation [5]. Our results dealing with gelatinization behaviour of the irradiated starches have shown a decrease in the swelling power induced by irradiation accompanied by an increase in the content of water soluble fraction [4]. It was also found that gamma irradiation performed for the wheat starch lead to the improvement of the functional properties of the films prepared basing on this starch [6]. Wheat starch films have appeared, moreover, more elastic as compared to the potato starch films, although their tensile strength was smaller [6]. Accordingly, the present studies dealt with the influence of irradiation performed for wheat starch on the viscoelastic properties and stability of the formed gels. These properties were related to the gelling behaviour of the starch and to the structure of the gels. The solid wheat starch of Sigma production (S-5127) was irradiated with Co-60 gamma radiation in air at ambient temperature in a gamma cell “Issledovatel” placed in the Centre for Radiation Research and Technology, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT). The doses of 5, 10, 20 and 30 kGy were applied with a dose rate of 0.36 Gys–1. Gelling behaviour of the starch was examined using a procedure described in [4]). This concerns determination of the volume of the gel formed after heating of 3 ml aliquots of 20% starch suspensions at selected temperatures (50, 60, 75, 90, 120oC) during 40 min, and centrifuged. Then, the apparent amylose content was evaluated basing a blue value method. A Beckman DU-68 spectrometer was applied for the collection of VIS spectroscopy data. For examination of the viscoelastic properties [7], 20 wt% gels were prepared. Gelatinization was carried out on an oil bath maintained at 140oC (1 h at a temperature in the range from 70 to 140oC and 30 min at 140oC). The gels were cooled down to 25oC and submitted to examination using a Brookfield viscometer DVII+Pro connected to a thermostat. Three experimental procedures were applied: • Procedure I: Dependence of the shear stress, torque and viscosity on the applied shear rate (rotation speed) were determined for the gel sample (non-irradiated) maintained at the required temperature. The selected temperatures were: 25, 35, 50, 75, 90 and 95oC. The measurements were carried out during increase and decrease of the shear rate. These experiments were done during increase of temperature followed by decrease of temperature. • Procedure II: Examination of the gels were carried out at the selected shear rate during dynamic heating with an average rate of 3.5 oC/min followed by cooling with an average rate of 1.4 o C/min. The value of shear rate equal to 20.9 s–1 was selected basing on the results arising from experiment I. The measurements were performed at 25oC and after increasing/decreasing temperature with a step of 5 till 95oC. • Procedure III: Examination of the gels were carried out at the selected shear rate during prolonged storage at ambient temperature. The minimum value of shear rate 1.1 s–1 (5 RPM) was selected for this purpose. For SEM observation gels containing 12.5% of dry matter were prepared on the way of heating the starch suspensions for 35 min in glass tubes placed in a heating chamber stabilized at 100oC. With the purpose of attaining freezing, a drop of hot gel was flowed out or made a smear on the frozen metal surface. SEM studies were conducted at depressed temperature (-15oC) at low vacuum using a Quanta 200 Microscope (FEI) installed in the Analytical Centre, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 33 the process increases due to the more advanced gelatinization (Fig.2). Figure 3 present the example of dependence of the shear stress on the shear rate recorded during the increasing or decreasing temperature for the gel prepared using the non-irradiated starch. The curves show hysteresis with the values recorded on the increasing shear rate in most of the cases higher than the values recorded on the decreasing shear rate. As can be expected, decrease in the shear stress (and in viscosity) was observed as related to the increase of temperature. However, higher values of shear stress and viscosity were recorded at a temperature of 95oC than at 90oC. At the same shear rate, all the values of shear stress Fig.1. Dose dependence of the volume of gel formed at 120oC after heating of 3 ml of starch suspension. Decrease in swelling power (Fig.1) accompanied by an increase in the apparent amylose and leaching of the grains during gelatinization (shown by the increasing absorbance of the polyiodine com- Fig.4. The dependence of the shear stress on temperature, determined (at the shear strain equal to 17.6 s–1) on the basis of the data obtained during heating (data in Fig.3) and during cooling (data not shown) in the frame of experiment I for the gel formed using the non-irradiated starch. Fig.2. Dose dependence of the maximum absorbance of the polyiodine complexes formed by the small molecular fraction of the irradiated native potato starched after heating at the selected temperatures. plex; Fig.2) are related to the decrease in the molecular mass of starch after irradiation. The increasing amount of the gel formed and the higher absorbances are detected when the temperature of A were higher during cooling as compared to the values recorded during heating. The dependence of the shear stress on temperature, determined on the basis of the data obtained in the frame of experiment I shows the significant increase of this parameter during cooling below 35oC (Fig.4). On the contrary, experiment II (dynamic heating and cooling) carried out for the residue obtained after experiment I indicated only small differences of B Fig.3. The dependence of the shear stress on shear rate recorded during the increasing temperature for the gel prepared using the non-irradiated starch: A – 25, 30, 50 and 70oC; B – 90 and 95oC. 34 CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY A Although the considerably higher values of shear stress were observed during heating of the non-irradiated samples in all the temperature range, the values recorded during cooling at a temperature lower than 80oC became comparable for both samples. The hysteresis in the shear rate – shear stress curves was observed also in the case of the gels obtained basing on the starch irradiated using a 10 kGy dose. A B B Fig.5. The dependence of the shear stress on the temperature determined at the shear strain equal to 20.9 s–1 during dynamic heating and cooling (experiment II) for the gel formed using the non-irradiated starch (A) and the starch irradiated using a 10 kGy dose (B). the gel shear stress during cooling. Moreover, decrease of this parameter was observed contrary to the increase determined basing data from experiment I. The curve representing dependence of shear stress on the temperature during heating was similar to that shown in Fig.5, with the difference that the increase in shear stress starts already at a temperature higher than 75oC. Therefore, experiment of the II type was carried out for both the gels obtained basing on the non-irradated starch and the starch irradiated using a dose of 10 kGy. The gels obtained basing on the irradiated starch were characterized by the lower stress (and consequently viscosity) as compared to the gels obtained basing on the non-irradiated starch (Fig.5). In the cases of both samples, the increase in the shear stress was observed during heating at a temperature higher than 85oC. Moreover, the increase in shear stress was recorded also during heating in the range of the intermediate temperature above 35-50oC. The fluent decrease in shear stress was observed during cooling in the case of both samples. However, this decrease was more evident in the case of the irradiated starch. Fig.6. The changes of the shear stress of the gels (formerly processed) during storage at 25oC at the shear strain equal to 1.1 s–1: (A) non-irradiated starch, (B) starch irradiated using a 10 kGy dose. The gels with the same “history” prepared basing on the non-irradiated starch and the starch irradiated using a 10 kGy dose both have revealed after the dynamic cooling a relatively low viscosity (12.4 and 5.6 cP). However, the viscosity considerably increased already after 10 min of storage at room temperature. It appears that the stability of the parameters of the cold gels of both types, irradiated and non-irradiated, might be different. Therefore, the experiment of the III type was performed after a heating-cooling cycle (Fig.6). It can be stated that the stress in the non-irradiated gels decreases gradually during storage with a minimally slow stirring, while the stress in the gels irradiated using 10 kGy dose, after the fast preliminary decrease, stabilizes at a relatively constant level. Table. The shear stress values at a shear rate of 12.1 s–1 and the average values of dynamic viscosity determined for the 20% gels of wheat starch at a temperature of 25oC: directly after preparation (measurement I) and after subsequent 13 h (measurement II). Dose [kGy] Shear stress calculated at shear rate of 12.1 s–1 –1 –1 The average dynamic viscosity I [D cm ] II [D cm ] II/I I [P] II [P] II/I 0 10 746 10 937 1.02 986 ± 126 1 050 ± 118 1.06 10 5 756 66 233 1.17 370 ± 29 405 ± 36 1.36 20 3 019 5 643 1.87 181 ± 17 362 ± 29 2.00 CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY Consequently, the studies of the gels stability were continued under static conditions. The measurements were done according to an experimental procedure (I) at a temperature of 25oC directly after preparation and after the subsequent 13 h for the gels prepared using the non-irradiated starch and two irradiated starches (10 and 20 kGy). The viscoelastic properties of the gels containing the non-irradiated starch have revealed no essential differences after 13 h storage as compared to the fresh gels and only negligible differences could be detected in the case of the starch irradiated using a 10 kGy dose. On the contrary, the gels obtained basing on the starch irradiated using a 20 kGy dose were characterized after storage by the double value of the preliminary viscosity and shear stress (Table). A 35 ones. Beside to viscoelastic properties, the stability of these properties of both the type gels depends strongly on their history and the procedures applied during examination. Therefore, when the gels were slowly stirred at room temperature (after additional heating-cooling treatment), a stability of the gels formed using the irradiated starch (10 kGy) was higher than the stability of the non-irradiated specimens. On the contrary, the stability of the freshly prepared gels left without stirring was the lower, the higher was irradiation dose. Moreover, the gradual increment in gel strength occurs contrary to the stirred gels. The differences in the gels properties were related to the differences in their structure. Dependence of viscoelastic properties of the gels on their thermal history is probably connected with the increasing amount of the B Fig.7. Examples of SEM images of the wheat starch gels: (A) non-irradiated, (B) irradiated with a 30 kGy dose (magnification – 1000x). The SEM images of the non-irradiated gels indicate generally a honey-comb structure (Fig.7A), similarly as in the case of the potato starch gels [8]. However, a considerable distribution of the honey-comb cages were observed. After irradiation, lengthening of the cages accompanied with the reduction in thickness of the transverse walls can be noticed (Fig.7B), leading to the gel orientation. The effect is similar to that observed in the case of potato starch, finally resulting in the increased gel homogeneity. The observed changes might be attributed to the radiation-induced weakening of the internal forces in gels, indicated by their smaller strength (as shown by the lower values of viscoelastic parameters). In summary, it can be stated that although irradiation induces lowering of the strength of the starch gels, the relatively fast dynamic cooling might result in the similar viscoelastic properties in both the cases: the gels formed using the non-irradiated starch and those formed using the irradiated starch (10 kGy). Slow cooling, as well as even short storage at room temperature induces, however, a high increase in the gel strength and this increase is much higher in the case of the non-irradiated species as compared to the irradiated apparent amylose leached from the grains during the prolonged thermal treatment. The participation of these formerly leached short molecular products (larger in the case of the irradiated starch) in further formation of crosslinkages in the gel might have an additional impact on the faster strengthening during storage of the gels formed using the non-irradiated starch. References [1]. Cieśla K.: Przekształcenia struktury nadcząsteczkowej w polimerach naturalnych inicjowane promieniowaniem jonizującym (Transformation of supramolecular structure initialised in natural polymers by gamma irradiation). Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2009, 223 p. (in Polish). [2]. Tomasik P.: Przemysł Spożywczy, 54 (4), 16-18 (2000), in Polish. [3]. Raffi J., Agnel J.P., Thiery C.J., Fréjaville C.M., Saint-Lèbe L.J.: Agric. Food Chem., 29, 127-132 (1981). [4]. Cieśla K., Eliasson A.-C.: Acta Alimentaria, 36 (1), 111-126 (2007). [5]. Chung H.-J., Lee S.-Y., Kim J.-H., Lee J.-W., Buyn M.-W., Lim S.-T.: J. Cereal Sci., 52, 53-58 (2010). [6]. Cieśla K., Nowicki A., Buczkowski M.: Nukleonika, 55, 2, 233-242 (2010). [7]. Cieśla K. et al.: Wpływ promieniowania gamma na właściwości skrobi: oddziaływania z wodą i z lipidami, 36 CENTRE FOR RADIATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY folie skrobiowo-lipidowe (Influence of gamma irradiation on the starch properties: starch interaction with water and lipids, starch-lipid films). Projekt badawczy 2 P6T 026 27 Sprawozdanie merytoryczne 2007 (in Polish). [8]. Cieśla K., Sartowska B., Królak E., Głuszewski W.: Gamma irradiation influence on structure of potato starch gels studied by SEM. In: Annual Report 2006. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2007, pp. 49-52. CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Chemical issues of nuclear power and radiopharmaceutical chemistry – the top two domains of contemporary applied radio- and nuclear chemistry over the world – remained the subject of the research activity of the Centre for Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry in 2011. The main research projects from the Centre were financed from the European Commission (FP7 Euratom, Fission), from the Operational Programme Innovative Economy (PO IG), as well as from the National Science Centre (NCN) and the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR). In line with the governmental plans to develop nuclear power programme in Poland, the main efforts of the Centre were focused on the chemical issues of nuclear power. The research teams of three Centre laboratories (Laboratory of Radiochemical Separation Methods, Laboratory of Membrane Processes and Technologies, and Laboratory of Sol-Gel Technology) continued their studies on radioactive waste managing, and on special nuclear materials. As a partner in the European Collaborative Project “Actinide recycling by separation and transmutation” (ACSEPT), we carried out studies on solvent extractive separation of americium from highly radioactive nuclear waste by using new selective poly-N-heterocyclic ligands, followed by theoretical investigations of potential reasons of their selectivity, as well as studies on sol-gel producing uranium dioxide matrices for nuclear transmutation of the separated americium (MOX fuels). Further work on new types of MOX nuclear fuels based on uranium oxides and carbides is the subject of a new Collaborative Project “Advanced fuels for generation IV reactors: reprocessing and dissolution” (ASGARD), that starts in 2012 with participation of our Sol-Gel team. Realization of two other European FP7 projects started in 2011. These are: (i) Collaborative Project “Implementing public participation approaches in radioactive waste disposal” (IPPA), aimed at creation of the arena for exchange of opinions and public acceptation of the problems of radioactive waste disposal, and (ii) “New MS linking for an advanced cohesion in Euratom research” (NEWLANCER), aimed at the increase of participation of Polish teams in the coming research Euratom programmes. On the national scale, the Centre coordinated the research project devoted to the possibilities of producing uranium from indigenous resources, and completed participation in the research project on the use of thorium based fuels in nuclear power reactors, both financed from PO IG. We evaluated Polish uranium resources and adapted efficient methods for extracting uranium from these materials. Within the new NCBiR strategic project “Supporting technologies for the development of safe nuclear power” that started in 2011, the Centre coordinates the workpackage entitled “The development of supporting technologies for the management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste”. Within another NCBiR project, a small membrane plant has been designed for managing liquid low-radioactive waste. Within own, Institute statutory research, novel methods were studied for separation of metal ions, based on combination of membrane processes with adsorption (biosorbents), and complex formation with ultrafiltration, considered the basis for further technologies of radioactive waste management. Sol-gel methods have also been elaborated for obtaining novel materials (silica glasses, SYNROC matrices) making it possible to encapsulate and immobilize nuclear waste. Radiopharmaceutical chemistry research, conducted mainly in the Laboratories of Radiopharmaceuticals Synthesis and Studies, and of Radiochemical Separation Methods, were focused on obtaining novel potential radiopharmaceuticals, both diagnostic and therapeutic, by either labelling novel biological vectors (peptides) with well-known radionuclides (99mTc, 188 Re), or labelling of the known vectors with unusual radionuclides therapeutic 123Ra and PET 44Sc, including labelling with the use of functionalized nanozeolites. A number of novel 99m Tc-labelled bioconjugates were synthesised and tested as potential receptor-imaging radiopharmaceuticals. A sol-gel method has been elaborated for producing yttrium oxide microspheres as precursors of potential radiopharmaceuticals for anticancer therapy. Apart from the Institute statutory research, the research in this field were funded from eight NCN and NCBiR projects, some of them under international cooperation. The international and national scientific cooperation of the Centre in both main fields of its activity, and the participation of the Centre researchers in international organizations and associations, described in the previous issues of INCT Annual Reports (2009 and 2010), were successfully continued and developed. Two young researchers continue their post-doc contracts at Duke University (NC, USA) and the Institute of Transuranium Elements JRC, Karlsruhe (Germany). One member of the Centre staff defended her PhD thesis. Five medals or other prizes have been awarded to the staff of the Laboratory of Sol-Gel Technology at three international trade shows and exhibitions for their three inventions of new materials. Two PhD students employed at the Centre have been granted with special half-year fellowships funded by the Government of Mazovia Province, and one got a European fellowship for a 3-month research stay at the Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany). On the occasion of the International Year of Chemistry and the International Year of Maria Skłodowska-Curie, numerous staff members of the Centre were very active in organizing performances that popularized nuclear chemistry and its role in developing nuclear power and nuclear medicine, i.e. scientific exhibitions and demonstrations for the public, in particular pupils and students, as well as in presenting invited lectures related to scientific conferences and seminars both in Poland and abroad. The research activity of the Centre staff was complemented by their participation in the realization of the big PO IG project “Centre for Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry – meeting the needs of nuclear power and nuclear medicine”, directed towards modernization of the research infrastructure of the Centre (laboratories and research equipment), funded from the structural funds of EU and of the Government of Poland. CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY 39 ION EXCHANGE EVIDENCE FOR CHEMICAL ISOTOPE EFFECTS OF GALLIUM AND INDIUM IN AQUEOUS HCl SOLUTIONS Irena Herdzik-Koniecko, Sławomir Siekierski, Jerzy Narbutt Ion exchange chromatography was applied to study the chemical isotope effects of gallium and indium in ligand exchange reactions in aqueous HCl solutions. Cation and anion exchange resins, strongly acidic Dowex 50W-X8 and strongly basic Dowex 1-X8, were used as solid phases separating isotopically enriched chemical forms of the metals. In order to enhance the isotope separation by increasing the path through the beds of ion exchangers, the merry-go-round elution method was used, where the band leaving a standard, 1 m long chromatographic column was introduced back on the top of the column after each cycle. The number of cycles varied from 5 to 9, except for Ga on anion exchanger where – due to a large broadening of the band – it was equal to only two. Isotope ratios, It has been found that on the cation exchanger the light isotope 69Ga was enriched at the front part of the elution band and the heavy isotope 71 Ga at the end part (Fig.1), whereas the light 113In isotope was enriched at the end part and the heavy isotope 115In at the front part (Fig.2). The isotope separation factor ε was equal to 3.3 × 10–5 for Ga and 2.0 × 10–4 for In [1]. The picture was found to be reversed in the case of the anion exchange, where the heavy gallium isotope was enriched at the front part and the heavy indium isotope at the Fig.3. Elution curve and isotope ratio, Ri (▲), of gallium in the anion exchanger/2.5 M HCl system after 2 cycles. Ro denotes the gallium isotope ratio in the feed solution. Fig.1. Elution curve and isotope ratio, Ri (▲), of gallium in the cation exchanger/2.5 M HCl system after 7 cycles. Ro denotes the gallium isotope ratio in the feed solution. Ri, the ratios of the mass of the light isotope to that of the heavy isotope (69Ga/71Ga and 113In/115In) were determined in selected fractions, i, of the effluent by means of the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS, Elan 6100, Perkin El- end part of the band (Figs.3 and 4), with ε equal to ~10–3 and 1.7 × 10–4, respectively [2]. Moreover, the chromatographic band of gallium, eluted from the anion exchanger column was extremely broad and asymmetric (Fig.3). Our analysis shows that the opposite isotope effects for the two elements, the neighbours in group 13 of the periodic table, can be explained in terms of the significant difference in their coordination chemistries, which is a manifestation of the so-called secondary periodicity observed in numerous properties of group 13 elements [3]. In fact, stability constants of chloride complexes, low for [Ga(H2O)5Cl]2+ and high for [In(H2O)5Cl]2+, dif- Fig.2. Elution curve and isotope ratio, Ri (▲), of indium in the cation exchanger/0.5 M HCl system after 9 cycles. Ro denotes the indium isotope ratio in the feed solution. mer Sciex). In the feed solution the isotope ratios, Ro, were equal to 1.50677 for gallium and 0.04482 for indium. Fig.4. Elution curve and isotope ratio, Ri (▲), of indium in the anion exchanger/1 M HCl system after 5 cycles. Ro denotes the indium isotope ratio in the feed solution. 40 CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY fer by about three orders of magnitude [4]. Gallium and indium also differ in the coordination number and in the structure of their highest chloride complexes: tetrahedral for gallium and octahedral for indium. Analysis of the numerical values of the stability constants of the Ga and In chlorides leads to the conclusion that the Ga3+–OH2 bond is slightly stronger than the Ga3+–Cl– bond, whereas for the indium complexes the bond strength is reversed and the difference of bonds energies is much greater. Therefore, the energy of the Ga3+–OH2 bond in hexahydrate [Ga(H2O)6]3+ (which because of its +3 charge prevails in the resin phase) is greater than the average energy of the Ga–ligand bonds in the [Ga(H2O)5Cl]2+ complex (which prevails in the 2.5 M HCl solution [4]). The above assumption permits to expect, in accordance with the Bigeleisen-Mayer theory [5], the enrichment of the heavy 71 Ga isotope in the resin phase, i.e. at the end part of the band, in agreement with the experiment (Fig.1). Small difference in the bond energies, the fact that only one Cl– anion is replaced by the H2O molecule upon [Ga(H2O)6]3+ adsorption, and practically no change in the coordination geometry, from [Ga(H2O)5Cl]2+ to [Ga(H2O)6]3+ species point to the small value of the isotope separation coefficient for Ga (ε = 3.3 × 10–5). On the contrary, much weaker the In3+–OH2 than the In3+–Cl– bond permits to expect the enrichment of the heavy 115In isotope in the aqueous phase, i.e. at the front part of the band eluted by 0.5 M HCl; opposite to gallium but also in agreement with the experiment (Fig.2). The isotope separation factor for indium, ε = 2.0 × 10–4, one order of magnitude greater than that for gallium, points to much greater difference in the energy between the In3+–Cl– and In3+–OH2 bonds than the respective difference for gallium, which is consistent with the reported stability constants [4]. The other factor contributing to the higher ε value for indium than for gallium is the greater change in the coordination sphere of the former, accompanying adsorption process. Because the indium complexes predominating in 0.5 M HCl are [In(H2O)4Cl2]+ and [In(H2O)3Cl3], hence two or even three Cl– ions have to be replaced by H2O molecules upon [In(H2O)6]3+ adsorption, whereas in the case of gallium, only one Cl– ion is replaced by H2O molecule (see above). The end boundary of the gallium elution band, somewhat more broadened than the front boundary (Fig.1), implies slightly slower substitution of H2O by Cl–, that accompanies [Ga(H2O)6]3+ adsorption, than substitution of Cl– by H2O, that accompanies [Ga(H2O)5Cl]2+ desorption. On the contrary, the indium elution band shows a sharp end and broadened front boundary (Fig.2), which suggests faster substitution of H2O by Cl– (desorption) than the reverse substitution. The picture observed in the case of anion exchange systems is fully consistent with that observed for cation exchanger, but with the opposite directions of the isotope effects. The anionic [GaCl4]– complex is probably the only form adsorbed on the anion exchange resin, and the energy of the Ga3+–Cl– bond is somewhat smaller than the average energy of the Ga–ligand bonds in the [Ga(H2O)5Cl]2+ complex which predominates in the aqueous phase [4]. Therefore, according to the theory, the light isotope ought to be enriched in the resin and at the end part of the elution band. Really, Fig.3 shows that the light isotope 69 Ga is enriched at the diffuse end part and the heavy isotope 71Ga at the less diffuse front part of the band. The very large width of the elution band (only two cycles of the merry-go-round method could be performed) points to particularly slow changes between tetrahedral and octahedral species: [GaCl4]– ↔ [Ga(H2O)4Cl2]+; that accompany the sorption/desorption processes of gallium on the anion exchanger, as confirmed by kinetic studies [6]. The asymmetric shape of the band (very long tail) seems to be due to particularly slow change from tetrahedral to octahedral coordination upon desorption. The great change of the coordination is probably the main reason of the high value of ε, equal to about 10–3, though the asymmetry of the band makes this value only approximate. Contrary to gallium, the merry-go-round method consisting of 5 cycles was successfully applied for indium on the anion exchanger, for which the band profile at 1 M HCl shows a sharp front and slightly broadened end boundary (Fig.4). Owing to the charge, the main species in the resin is [InCl6]3– with admixture of the lower charged [In(H2O)Cl5]2–, while the more hydrated complexes with weaker In–ligand bonds predominate in the aqueous phase (see above). Therefore, according to the theory and contrary to gallium, the heavy isotope ought to be enriched in the resin and at the end part of the elution band. Indeed, the experiment shows that 115In is enriched at the end part of the band, whereas 113In is enriched at the narrow front part (Fig.4). The band is broader than those eluted from the cation exchanger, but sharper than that for gallium. This picture can be attributed to the quite different composition of indium complexes predominating in both phases, but to the same octahedral coordination of the species. The ε value, equal to 1.7 × 10–4, a little bit lower than that for indium in the cation exchange system, reflects some smaller number of exchanged ligands, accompanying sorption/desorption in the present system, at the same difference in the energy between the In-ligand bonds. The broadened end boundary of the band means that the conversion of [InCl6]3– into the eluted, partly hydrated forms, is slightly slower than the reverse process. It is interesting to notice that the observed enrichment of the front part of the elution band of indium in the light isotope and the end part in the heavy isotope in the anion exchanger/Cl– system shows the same pattern as that of gallium in the anion exchanger/NCS– system [7]. The reason is that both metals form rather strong complexes, of similar strength, in the respective solutions – indium with Cl– ions [4] whereas gallium with NCS– ions [8]. In conclusion, we state that the opposite directions and various magnitudes of the chemical iso- CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY tope effects for gallium and indium, observed in separation systems consisting of ion exchange resins and aqueous HCl solutions, can be explained, in accordance with the Bigeleisen-Mayer theory, in terms of the differences in coordination chemistry of chloride complexes of these two elements. These differences appear in the composition and coordination geometry of the separated complexes, as well as in the strength of the M3+–OH2 and M3+–Cl– bonds. In particular, the processes of gallium sorption/desorption in the system anion exchanger/HCl are accompanied by the mutual conversion of tetrahedral and octahedral gallium chlorides. This great difference between the two forms results in the high value of isotope separation factor, but the slow kinetics of these processes makes the elution band of gallium very broad and asymmetric. The different pattern of isotope enrichment for gallium and indium, the neighbouring elements in group 13, is an example of the secondary periodicity present in numerous chemical properties of these elements. 41 References [1]. Dembiński W., Herdzik I., Skwara W., Bulska E., Wysocka A.I.: Nukleonika., 51, 217-220 (2006). [2]. Herdzik I., Dembiński W., Skwara W., Bulska E., Wysocka A.: Gallium and indium isotope effects in the Dowex 1-X8/HCl system. In: INCT Annual Report 2006. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2007, pp. 81-82. [3]. Siekierski S., Burgess J.: Concise chemistry of the elements. Horwood Publishing, Chichester 2002, pp. 90-91. [4]. Wood S.A., Samson I.M.: Ore Geol. Rev.., 28, 57-102 (2006). [5]. Bigeleisen J., Mayer M.: J. Chem. Phys., 15, 261-267 (1947). [6]. Herdzik I., Narbutt J.: Kinetics of ion exchange of gallium and indium ions in the system aqueous HCl solution/anion exchange resin (Dowex 1-X8). In: INCT Annual Report 2008. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2009, pp. 86-88. [7]. Machlan L.A., Gramlich J.W.: Anal. Chem., 60, 37-39 (1988). [8]. Das R.C., Dash A.C., Mishra J.P.: J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 30, 2417-2423 (1968). NEW METHOD FOR DISSOLUTION OF THORIUM OXIDE Krzysztof Łyczko, Monika Łyczko, Irena Herdzik-Koniecko, Barbara Zielińska Recently, the interest revived in the thorium-uranium fuel cycle, in which – as a result of irradiation by neutrons – thorium-232 (a fertile material) is converted into uranium-233 (a fissile material). For nuclear power reactors that use thorium oxide, it is necessary to develop a method of thorium recovering from spent fuel. However, the problem of dissolving ThO2 becomes the goal not only for the nuclear issues, but also for the processing of ores containing thorium oxide. It is known that thorium oxide is chemically an inert compound. In aqueous solution it dissolves in concentrated nitric acid only in the presence of small amounts of fluoride ions. The most common method of dissolving of ThO2 is to treat it with the so-called THOREX solution, containing 13 M HNO3, 0.02-0.05 M HF and 0.1 M Al(NO3)3 [1]. In this system, hydrofluoric acid becomes a catalyst of the reaction, and aluminium nitrate protects against the corrosive action of HF, preventing the precipitation of thorium fluoride as well. Another way of obtaining thorium compounds easily soluble in aqueous solutions is sintering thorium oxide with ammonium sulphate at temperatures of 250, 365 or 450oC, which gives (NH4)4Th(SO4)4, (NH4)2Th(SO4)3, or Th(SO4)2, respectively [2]. Hydrated Th4+ ions exist in aqueous solutions only at low pH. For concentrated thorium solutions, the hydrolysis is considerable even at pH 1. Therefore, when dissolving ThO2 and other thorium compounds in aqueous media very low pH value should be maintained. We have found another simple route for conversion of thorium oxide into a soluble form during its heating in the concentrated aqueous solution of trifluoromethanesulphonic (triflic) acid under reflux condition [3]. As a result of this reaction, we obtain an easily soluble in aqueous media a thorium trifluoromethanesulphonate (triflate) salt. With the appropriate concentration of acid this dissolution process can be shortened to several or tens of minutes. It turned out that adding a small amount of water to the concentrated triflic acid significantly accelerates the dissolution process. The synthesis of thorium triflate in the reaction of triflic acid with thorium nitrate [4] or with thorium hydroxide [5] was described earlier. The method presented herein has many advantages. It is achieved in a very simple system without necessity of adding to the solution other inconvenient compounds such as hydrofluoric acid and aluminium nitrate. Furthermore, in a small volume of solution, a large amount of ThO2 can be dissolved. The approach described may be important in the processing of nuclear fuel based on thorium oxide and in processing of ores containing ThO2. It can become a competitive method compared to that currently used, applying a mixture of mineral acids HNO3 and HF. This work was financed by the Operational Programme Innovative Economy and supported by the European Regional Development Fund (project POIG 01.03.01-00-076/08-00 “Analysis of thorium use in nuclear power plant”). References [1]. Takeuchi T., Hanson C.K., Wadsworth M.E.: J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 33, 1089-1098 (1971). [2]. Chaudhury S., Keskar M., Patil A.V., Mudher K.D.S., Venugopal V.: Radiochem. Acta, 94, 357-361 (2006). [3]. Łyczko K., Łyczko M., Herdzik I., Zielińska B.: Method of dissolution of thorium oxide. Polish Patent Applica- 42 CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY tion No. P-390844 (2010); European Patent Application No. 11460009.1-2111 (2011). [4]. Bouby M., Billard I., MacCordick J.: J. Alloys Comp., 271-273, 206-210 (1998). [5]. Walker M.: Process for the preparation of aryl ketones generating reduced amounts of toxic byproducts. US Patent No. 6362375 (2002). LABELLING OF DOTATATE WITH CYCLOTRON PRODUCED 44Sc Seweryn Krajewski, Izabela Cydzik1/, Kamel Abbas1/, Antonio Bulgheroni1/, Aleksander Bilewicz, Agnieszka Majkowska-Pilip, Federica Simonell1/ 1/ European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Ispra, Italy 177 Lu- and 90Y-DOTATATEs have been introduced by the European Association of Nuclear Medicine into the Investigational Medicinal Products List, since both radiopharmaceuticals are highly promising agents for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. They are used in treatment of inoperable and metastasized neuroendocrine tumours, which overexpress somatostatin receptors [1, 2]. 68 Ga-DOTATATE is used to visualize such tumours and plan targeted radionuclide therapy. However, it demonstrates a number of pharmacokinetic drawbacks, which could be avoided by using the longer-lived 44Sc (τ1/2 = 3.92 h) as a prospective radionuclide for PET (positron emission tomography) imaging. 44Sc has better nuclear properties than 68 Ga and, contrary to Ga3+, forms complexes of structure similar to those of Y3+ and Lu3+ [3]. Scandium-44 can be obtained from a 44Ti/44Sc generator, but the cost of 44Ti production is very high [4]. Alternatively, it can be produced in small medical cyclotrons by the 44Ca(p,n)44Sc nuclear reaction. The aim of our study was to optimize the parameters for 44CaCO3 irradiation, in order to maximize the production of 44Sc with minimal impurities of 44mSc and to develop a simple procedure of 44Sc separation from the calcium target for labelling the DOTATATE. Highly enriched 44CaCO3 (Isoflex, Russia) was used as a target material. Irradiations were performed using the Scanditronix MC 40 cyclotron of the European Commission Joint Research Centre (Ispra, Italy). In order to optimize the yield of 44Sc formed in the 44Ca(p,n)44Sc reaction, 44CaCO3 targets of 2 mg in the form of dry powder were irradiated by protons in the energy range from 5.5 to 23 MeV. The activity of the samples was measured by high resolution γ-ray spectrometry. For labelling experiments, 5-10 mg of the 44 CaCO3 were irradiated for approximately 1 h by a proton beam of 9 MeV on the target and applying the proton current of 5-15 μA. Afterwards, the target material was dissolved in 1 ml of 0.1 M HCl and diluted with 1 ml of water. Then, the solution was passed through a commercially available column (d = 0.8 cm, h = 4.0 cm) filled with chelating ion exchange resin Chelex 100. After adsorption of 44Sc, the column was washed with 30 ml of 0.01 M HCl and the effluent containing enriched 44Ca was collected for target recovery. The scandium radionuclides were eluted with 1 M HCl in 0.5 ml fractions. 44 Sc-DOTATATE radiobioconjugate was synthesized using 10, 25 and 38 nmol of the peptide in sodium acetate buffer of pH = 6. The solution was heated for 30 min at 95oC. Product formation and reaction yield were estimated by instant thin-layer chromatography. The 0.1 M citric buffer was used as the eluent. Free 44Sc moved with the front boundary of the solution whereas the labelled bioconjugate stayed at the starting point. The 10 cm ITLC strip was cut in the middle and each part was measured with a γ-spectrometer. The volume of the collected effluent was decreased to less than 1 ml in a drier heated at 140oC. Next, 200 μl of concentrated ammonia was added to the solution, which was then heated at 170oC to decompose NH4Cl and to obtain pure 44Ca(OH)2. The recovered target was irradiated for 1 h with a proton beam of 9 MeV and a current of 10 μA. Next, the separation and labelling procedures were Table 1. Activity of 44Sc and 44mSc as a function of the proton energy on the target. The optimum proton beam energy is marked in bold. 44 Sc [kBq] 44m Sc [kBq] 44m Proton energy [MeV] Proton energy on target [MeV] Sc [%] 19.0 5.57 25.8 0.02 0.081 19.5 7.28 4 240 0.94 0.022 20.0 7.88 4 350 2.6 0.060 20.5 8.89 27 000 43 0.159 21.0 9.83 31 000 57.8 0.186 21.5 10.7 9 370 23 0.245 23.0 13.2 13 600 76 0.559 26.0 17.5 4 600 40 0.869 CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY repeated, but instead of sodium acetate buffer, the ammonia acetate buffer was used. The analysis of the results obtained from optimization studies shows that in the proton energy range of 9-10 MeV on the target, the amount of 44 Sc reaches a maximum (Table 1) with a minimum production of 44mSc impurity that is estimated to (0.16%). The 44Sc activity obtained after irradiation of a 5 mg target was around 40 MBq for 1 h irradiation and a 10 μA proton current. The activity can be easily increased by prolonging the irradiation time, using higher beam current and amount of the target material. Fig. Elution curve of 44Sc with 1 M HCl from column filled with Chelex 100 resin. The separation on the Chelex 100 resin is very efficient. More than 60% of 44Sc activity was eluted with 1 M HCl in three initial 0.5 ml fractions (Fig.). The content of Ca2+ in 44Sc was less than 1 ppm, which was measured with ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy). We obtained a high yield of labelling DOTATATE with 44Sc. The labelling yield exceeded 98% for all amounts of the bioconjugate (Table 2), which shows that very pure and n.c.a. 44Sc was obtained. When the yield of reaction is not high enough, the labelled peptide can be purified on a Sep-Pak® C-18 column. 43 Table 2. Labelling yield as a function of the amount of DOTATATE used in the reaction. Amount of peptide [nmol] Yield of labelling [%] 31 98.2 25 99.5 10 98.3 First experiments on the recovery of the calcium target showed that up to 50% of 44Ca could be recovered. The work was performed on small amounts of the target (5 mg), which could strongly influence the final efficiency. This issue requires further studies. The recovered 44Ca target was irradiated again, 44Sc was separated from the target on the Chelex 100 column and 25 nmol of DOTATATE was labelled with a yield of 99.5%. Irradiations of 44Ca provide an opportunity to produce GBq activity levels of 44Sc. The proposed separation process of 44Sc from the calcium target is simple and fast. The obtained 44Sc can be used, instead of 68Ga, in PET imaging and in planning peptide receptor radionuclide therapy with 177Luand 90Y-DOTATATEs. 44CaCO3 is expensive, but the production cost of 44Sc-DOTATATE can be reduced by target recovery. References [1]. Kwekkeboom D.J., Teunissen J.J., Bakker W.H., Kooij P.P., de Herder W.W., Feelders R.A., van Eijck C.H., Esser J.-P., Kam B.L., Krenning E.P.: J. Clin. Oncol., 23, 2754-2762 (2005). [2]. Kunikowska J., Królicki L., Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A., Mikołajczak R., Sowa-Staszczak A., Pawlak D.: Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imag., 38, 1788-1797 (2011). [3]. Majkowska-Pilip A., Bilewicz A.: J. Inorg. Biochem., 105, 313-320 (2011). [4]. Zhernosekov K., Bunka M., Hohn A., Schibli R., Türler A.: J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm., 54, S239 (2011). 99m Tc-LABELLED VASOPRESSIN ANALOGUE d(CH2)5[D-Tyr(Et2),Ile4,Eda9]AVP AS A POTENTIAL RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL FOR SMALL-CELL LUNG CANCER (SCLC) IMAGING Ewa Gniazdowska, Przemysław Koźmiński, Krzysztof Bańkowski1/ 1/ Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Warszawa, Poland The aim of the work was to synthesize and investigate the conjugate of the d(CH2)5[D-Tyr(Et2),Ile4, Eda9]AVP (AVP(an)) peptide, the analogue of vasopressin, with a mixed-ligands “4+1” technetium(III) complex. Vasopressin (arginine vasopressin, (Arg8)-Vasopressin, AVP) is a cyclic peptide (disulphide bond between Cys1 and Cys6) containing nine amino acid residue (Cys1-Tyr2-Phe3-Gln4-Asn5-Cys6-Pro7-Arg8-Gly9). AVP is a peptide hormone found in most mammals, including humans. AVP regulates body retention of water, being released when the body is dehydrated (antiduretic action of AVP, mediated via V2 type receptors). In addition to its predominantly antidiuretic and blood pressure activities, vasopressin demonstrates a variety of neurological effects on central nervous system (CNS). It is involved, via different receptor subtypes, in higher brain functions, including cognitive abilities and emotionality. In the recent years, interest increased in the role of vasopressin in its participation in such diseases as schizophrenia and autism [1]. The half-live of the vasopressin peptide in vivo is about 15-20 min [2]. The overexpression of vasopressin receptor V2 has been found on small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) [3-5]. Physicochemical properties of the 99mTc-labelled vasopressin peptide were already studied [6]. 44 CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY The AVP analogue, AVP(an), is one of the several effective antagonists (Fig.1A) of the antidiuretic (V2-receptor) responses to arginine vasopressin [7]. The “4+1” mixed-ligand technetium complex consists of central metal ion Tc(III) coordinated by a tetradentate tripodal chelator tris(2-mercaptoethyl)-amine, NS3, and a monodentate isocyanide ligand previously coupled with the selected biomolecule (Fig.1B). The identity of the 99mTc-laA O N H N O O N H O H N H N N H O O O B O H N NH2 N H R N S O N N N O S thesized according to the procedures described in Refs. [6, 8-11]. MS of CN-AVP(an), (m/z): calcd – 1231.61, found – 616.1 [M+H]+, 1254.3 [M+Na]+. MS of Re(NS3)(CN-(AVP(an)), (m/z): calcd – 1612.1, found – 806.8 [M+H]+, 1634.5 [M+Na]+. The 99mTc-labelled AVP(an) conjugate was formed in two-step synthesis, via the 99mTc-EDTA intermediate complex [6, 8, 9, 11], with a final yield of 95%. M S N 9 O Re Fig.1. (A) d(CH2)5[D-Tyr(Et ),Ile ,Eda ]AVP, (AVP(an)); (B) 99m belled AVP(an) was corroborated by investigation of an analogous rhenium compound. The analogue AVP(an), was a gift from Prof. Maurice Manning from the University of Toledo (Ohio, USA). The compounds: tetradentate NS3 ligand (tris(2-mercaptoethyl)-amine; 2,2’,2’’-nitrilotriethanethiol, R=H), aliphatic linker CN-BFCA (BFCA – bifunctional coupling agent) – monodentate isocyanide ligand (isocyanobutyric succinimidyl ester), CN-AVP(an) – the isocyanide linker CN-BFCA coupled with AVP(an) and the “cold rhenium precursor” Re(NS3)(PMe2Ph) were syn- The HPLC chromatograms of the compounds Re(NS3)(CN-AVP(an)), RT = 15.9 min, and 99m Tc(NS3)(CN-AVP(an)), RT = 16.3, min are shown in Fig.2. The log P value of -0.44 ± 0.03 for the 99mTc-labelled AVP(an) was found (the value may be corrected by introduction a hydrophilic group, R, at the periphery of the NS3 ligand). The conjugate 99mTc(NS3)(CN-AVP(an)) exhibits high stability. Figure 3 shows the percentage of intact conjugate in the challenge experiments with an excess (10 mM) of histidine or cysteine during incubation of the isolated conjugate at 37oC. After 24 h of incubation, the obtained HPLC chromatograms have shown the existence of one radioactive species in the solution, of the retention time characteristic of the complex studied. The HPLC chromatograms obtained after incubation of 99mTc(NS3)(CN-AVP(an)) conjugate in human or rat serum are shown in Fig.4. The conjugate studied is also very stable in human and rat serum, on the contrary to the 99mTc-labelled arginine vasopressin peptide. The biomolecule AVP(an), the antagonist of the V2 vasopressin receptor, does not undergo enzymatic biodegradation in vivo, even in rat serum. 99m Tc(NS3)(CN-AVP(an)) labeling mixture, g detection 100 Tc(NS 3)(CN-AVP(an)) 99m Tc(NS3)(CN-AVP(an)) purified, g detection 0 5 10 15 20 25 75 50 99m Re(NS3)(CN-AVP(an)) UV-Vis detection, 220 nm 0 Tc-labelled peptides using the “4+1” approach. 30 min Fig.2. The HPLC chromatograms of the 99mTc/Re complexes prepared in this study (analytical Phenomenex column – Jupiter Proteo, 4 μm, 90 Å, 250 × 4.6 mm; under condition: solvent A – water with 0.1% TFA (v/v), solvent B – acetonitrile with 0.1% TFA (v/v); gradient elution – 0-20 min 20 to 80% solvent B, 10 min 80% solvent B; 1 ml/min, γ-detection). % of intact 4 peptide N M=99mTc, S 2 C S in 10 mM histidine solution 25 in 10 mM cysteine solution 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 time of incubation [h] Fig.3. Histidine and cysteine challenge experiments: the percentage of intact 99mTc(NS3)(CN-AVP(an)) complex remaining after various incubation times at 37oC. CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY B cpm cpm A 45 after 15 min of incubation after 15 min of incubation after 90 min of incubation after 90 min of incubation 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 25 5 10 15 20 25 min min Fig.4. HPLC chromatograms of 99mTc(NS3)(CN-AVP(an)) conjugate after incubation at 37oC in human (A) and rat (B) serum (analyses carried out under the conditions described above). In conclusion, one can say that the novel conjugate of the vasopressin peptide analogue d(CH2)5[D-Tyr(Et2),Ile4,Eda9]AVP with the “4+1” mixed-ligands technetium(III) complex can be considered promising diagnostic radiopharmaceutical for patients suffering from small-cell lung cancer. References [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. Frank E., Landgraf R.: Best Pract. Res. Clin. Anaesthesiol., 22, 265-273 (2008). Guyton A.C., Hall J.E.: Text book of medical physiology. 10th ed. Saunders W.B., Philadelphia, PA 2000. Pequeux C., Breton C., Hendrick J.-C., Martens M.-T.H., Winkler R., Legros J.-J.: Cancer Res., 62, 4623-4629 (2002). North W.G., Fay M.J., Longo K.A., Jiniin Du: Cancer Res., 58. 1866-1871 (1998). Pequeux C., Keegan B.P., Hagelstein M.-T., Geenen V., Legros J.-J., North W.G.: Endocr. Relat. Cancer, 11, 871-885 (2004). Gniazdowska E., Kozminski P., Bankowski K., Pietzsch H.-J.: Vasopressin peptide (AVP) labelled with a “4+1” mixed-ligand technetium complex. In: INCT Annual Report 2008. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2009, pp. 77-81. [7]. Manning M., Przybylski J., Grzonka Z., Nawrocka E., Lammek B., Misicka A., Ling Ling Cheng: J. Med. Chem., 35, 3895-3904 (1992) and references cited therein. [8]. Seifert S., Kuenstler J.-U., Schiller E., Pietzsch H.-J., Pawelke B., Bergmann R., Spies H.: Bioconjugate Chem., 15, 856-863 (2004). [9]. Kunstler J.-U., Seidel G., Bergmann R., Gniazdowska E., Walther M., Schiller E., Decristoforo C., Stephan H., Haubner R., Steinbach J., Pietzsch H.-J.: J. Med. Chem., 45, 3645-3655 (2010). [10]. Spies H., Glaser M., Pietzsch H.-J., Hahn F.E., Luegger T.: Inorg. Chim. Acta, 240, 465-478 (1995). [11]. Kuenstler J.-U., Veerenda B., Figueroa S.D., Sieckman G.L., Rold T.L., Hoffman T.J., Smith C.J., Pietzsch H.-J.: Bioconjugate Chem., 18, 1651-1661 (2007). [6]. THE CONCEPT OF A HYBRID SYSTEM FOR TREATMENT OF LIQUID LOW- AND MEDIUM-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Agnieszka Miśkiewicz, Agnieszka Jaworska-Sobczak, Marian Harasimowicz Radioactive wastes in Poland arise from research reactors and from various applications of radioisotopes in industry, medicine and science. The waste from around the country is collected, processed and prepared for disposal at the Radioactive Waste Management Plant at Świerk (Poland). At present, only the institutional radioactive waste is treated and conditioned there, however, the development of the Programme of Polish Nuclear Energy will imply necessary activities concerning the future strategy of radioactive waste management. The first step in the processing of low- and medium-level liquid radioactive waste is a reduc- tion in the volume of liquid containing small concentrations of radionuclides. Various methods for concentrating radioactive waste have been studied and developed at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT), including membrane processes. Reverse osmosis (RO) has been implemented at the Radioactive Waste Management Plant. Other methods such as ultrafiltration (UF), membrane distillation (MD) and adsorption processes were studied within the scope of national and international projects. The current work presents the results of development studies performed at the INCT, aiming at implementation of 46 CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY these methods at nuclear centres that produce liquid wastes, as well as on the plans devoted to longer term issues of low-level waste treatment from the future nuclear power industry in Poland. Implementation of liquid-radioactive-waste management is difficult and requires effective methods, including separation processes of high selectivity. To obtain the desired effects, several consecutive steps of treatment using various separation methods should be performed. More frequently, the use of hybrid systems which combine two or more processes is considered to treat the waste material. These systems, enabling higher decontamination factors, can also be considered as selective methods for various types of metal ions, allowing their recovery. Hybrid arrangements are effective and flexible; they are useful in solving complex technical problems encountered in the economy and environmental protection. The concept of small hybrid systems for lowand medium-level liquid radioactive waste treatment based on membrane processes was developed in the scope of the project No. R05-05806/2009 financed from the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR). A variety of methods – such as microfiltration (MF), chemical precipitation, ultrafiltration, seeded ultrafiltration (SUF), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis, as a main unit of processing – were tested at the INCT with institutional radioactive wastes collected from the Radioactive Waste Management Plant. As a final step in the decontamination, the use of hydrophobic microfiltration membranes was proposed as part of the membrane distillation unit to complete the entire scheme. The output streams from the plant are: clean water that can be discharged to the communal sewage system, and the concentrate of radioactive compounds, ready for immobilization – the last stage of waste conditioning. The hybrid system for the treatment of liquid low- and medium-level radioactive waste originated from nuclear applications (institutional waste) was composed of four stages: pretreatment, basic stage, final polishing and concentration stage (Fig.). Radioactive aqueous waste enters the pretreatment stage where it is prepared before the basic stage of processing, which is composed of RO or UF membrane modules. In the pretreatment stage, all suspended matter is removed by depth filters. The organic compounds and oxidizing agents like chlorine are retained by sintered or granulated activated carbon filters. A large pro- portion of the radioactivity load can be removed in the precipitation process with ferric hydroxide or ferrocyanides. Pretreated waste can be cleaned with UF or RO membranes, depending on the Fig. The scheme of the system for radioactive waste treatment. waste composition. UF is generally applied for colloidal solutions; however real waste containing small cations like Co2+ or Cs+ can be treated in the UF process enhanced by complexing agents (soluble polymers, cheap biopolymers), or dispersed sorbents like activated carbon (SUF). After the basic stage of processing, the final polishing of permeate takes place in an MD module or in standard ion exchange columns. The effluent from this stage is relatively pure water (below clearance limits: 10 Bq/L) that can be discharged to the sewage system or used as process water, e.g. for cleaning the membrane modules or other components of the plant. Further concentration of retentate from the membrane basic system occurs in the concentration stage composed alternatively of high-pressure desalination RO elements or of an additional MD module. Such a system is very flexible and universal. The module design makes it possible developing the capacity according to specific conditions and actual needs, and an easy up-scaling. It is possible to redesign some components if the composition of the waste is stable enough and the rest of apparatuses guarantee the target goals: a clear effluent from the plant and a concentrate appropriate for cementation and disposal. The whole installation can be a very useful tool for testing different options of treatment depending on the waste composition. The research has been supported by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) – research grant No. R05-05806/2009. CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY 47 STUDIES ON THE LEACHING OF URANIUM FROM LOWER TRIASSIC PERIBALTIC SANDSTONES Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Katarzyna Kiegiel, Kinga Frąckiewicz, Dorota Gajda, Ewelina Chajduk, Iwona Bartosiewicz, Jadwiga Chwastowska, Stanisław Wołkowicz1/, Jerzy B. Miecznik1/, Ryszard Strzelecki1/ 1/ Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Warszawa, Poland Nuclear power is one of the branches of power industry which, despite a temporary slowdown caused by an accident in Fukushima, will be fast developing (reported by Cap Gemini). The alternative to nuclear power for Europe is its dependence on gas import from Russia [1]. The inevitable development of nuclear power implicates the interest in evaluation of domestic resources and possibilities of uranium exploitation [2] for production of nuclear fuel for Polish reactors. The project entitled “Analysis of the possibility of uranium supply from domestic resources”, developed by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) and Polish Geological Institute, makes an effort to evaluate the possibility of uranium production from indigenous resources.The main objectives of the project are: • to assess the possibility of exploitation of uranium resources in Poland, • to work out methods for uranium extraction from the ores and production of the yellow cake – U3O8. According to the assessments done by the Polish Geological Institute, apart from the well-known resources in Sudetes exploited in 1948-1973, there are other deposits of uranium on the territory of Poland: in the Lower Ordovician Dictyonema shale of Podlasie Depression (North-East Poland) with the metal concentration of 75-250 ppm, and the most prospective uranium mineralization – the Lower and Middle Triassic rocks of the central parts of Peribaltic Syneclise [3]. The ore material originating from these two resources was selected for laboratory studies carried out in the scope of the present project. The analysis of uranium con- centration in sand stones from Peribaltic Syneclise shows a big diversity of uranium concentration in the vertical profile: from 4.8 to 1316 ppm. In the ores, uranium usually was accompanied by other valuable metals, e.g. V, Mo, Th, La, Cu or Co, that can be recovered in technological process to improve the economy of the whole venture. The exemplary results of chemical analysis of Peribaltic sandstones are presented in Table. The first stage of uranium extraction from the sandstones is leaching by acidic or alkaline solutions. It is well established that many factors such as temperature, pressure, leaching mode (acidic or alkaline), and the concentration of reagent exert a significant effect on the efficiency of extraction of uranium and other metals from uranium ores. The influence of all these factors on the leaching efficiency was examined. Prior to the leaching, the samples of the ores were crushed and ground. The experiments were performed in a round bottom glass flask equipped with a reflux condenser and a magnetic stirrer (Star FishTM, Multi-experiment work station) at a temperature of 80oC under ambient pressure. The samples of grain size in the range of 0÷0.2 mm were tested. The oxidizing agent (MnO2 or 30% H2O2) was added to oxidize all uranium to U(VI). The post-leaching solution was separated from the leached ore by filtering and successive washing with distilled water. A sample of the solution was drawn for ICP-MS analysis [4] to estimate the leaching efficiency. The experiments performed with 10% H2SO4 lixiviant at 80oC showed the efficiency of uranium extraction on the level of 63÷80%. The results are shown in Fig.1. Very interesting results were obtained when alkaline lixiviants (5% Na2CO3/5% Table.The content of selected metals in uranium ore samples. Sample notation Deposit notation 21/10/138 21/10/140 Sandstones U [ppm] Th [ppm] Cu [ppm] Co [ppm] La [ppm] V [ppm] Yb [ppm] Ni [ppm] Fe [ppm] Ptaszków IG-1 1 120 4.0 42 127 14 142 0.8 21 8 080 Ptaszków IG-1 1 316 5.1 28 81 47 625 1.7 41 12 680 21/10/141 Ptaszków IG-1 1 144 14 47 117 51 717 2.5 52 21 590 21/10/142 Ptaszków IG-1 670 4.8 32 57 29 770 1.6 26 8 500 21/10/148 Ptaszków IG-1 526 10 46 71 43 232 2.3 36 28 270 21/10/149 Ptaszków IG-1 159 3.3 20 7.4 18 370 0.7 18 8 400 21/10/160 Krynica Morska 565 4.3 59 96 14 371 2.0 45 16 000 21/10/161 Krynica Morska 355 4.1 78 65 2 100 25 158 2.1 3 280 21/10/166 Krynica Morska 260 5.3 33 35 33 230 2.9 29 7 500 21/10/169 Krynica Morska 457 7.8 65 97 33 83 5.3 53 20 780 48 CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY 80 21/10/160 60 40 20 0 U Th La V Yb Cu 21/10/138 100 21/10/142 % leaching efficiency % leaching efficiency 100 21/10/142 80 21/10/160 60 40 20 0 U Th La V Yb Cu metal metal Fig.1. Efficiency of acid leaching (10% H2SO4) of sandstones from Peribaltic Syneclise. Fig.3. Efficiency of alkaline leaching (8% NaOH/18% Na2CO3) of sandstones from Peribaltic Syneclise. NaHCO3 and 8% NaOH/18% Na2CO3) were used as leaching solution (Figs.2 and 3). These experiments show that the alkaline leaching is more selective than acidic leaching. In the post-leaching solutions only uranium, vanadium, and copper were detected. of reagents, leaching mode, temperature, and particle size of ground ores. The effect of these factors was tested as well. It is expected that the present project will provide the data answering the question whether indigenous resources can be considered as a potential reserve of uranium for Polish nuclear reactors in the future. The studies were supported by PO IG 01.01.02-14-094-09-00 research grant “Analysis of the possibility of uranium supply from domestic resources”. 100 % leaching efficiency 21/10/138 80 21/10/142 21/10/160 60 40 References 20 0 U Th La V Yb Cu metal Fig.2. Efficiency of alkaline leaching (5% Na2CO3/5% NaHCO3) of sandstones from Peribaltic Syneclise. When 5% Na2CO3/5% NaHCO3 was used as the leaching solution, the yield of recovery of uranium was low (20÷52%) (Fig.2). However, the leaching with 8% NaOH/18% Na2CO3 was very satisfactory. The almost complete extraction of uranium was observed in that case (Fig.3). The efficiency of uranium leaching also depends on other factors such as the concentration [1]. Ciepiela D.: Energetykę jądrową na świecie czeka świetlana przyszłość (Nuclear power in the world waiting for a bright future). http://www.elektrownia-jadrowa. pl/energetyke-jadrowa-na-swiecie-czeka-swietlana-przyszlosc-html (2011), in Polish. [2]. International status and prospects of nuclear power, 2010 edition. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 2011. http://www.iaea.org/books. [3]. Miecznik J.B., Strzelecki R., Wołkowicz S.: Prz. Geol., 59, 10, 688-697 (2011), in Polish. [4]. Chajduk E., Kalbarczyk P., Dudek J., Polkowska-Motrenko H.: Isotope ratio measurements for uranium by quadrupole-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. In: INCT Annual Report 2010. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2011, pp. 77-78. SYNTHESIS OF URANIUM DIOXIDE MICROSPHERES BY WATER AND NITRATE EXTRACTION FROM URANYL-ASCORBATE SOLS Marcin Brykała, Andrzej Deptuła, Wiesława Łada, Tadeusz Olczak, Danuta Wawszczak, Tomasz Smoliński A new method for the synthesis of uranium dioxide microspheres has been developed. It is a variant of our patented complex sol-gel process (CSGP) which has been used to synthesize high-quality powders of a wide variety of complex oxides and oxide compounds. In the new method, uranyl nitrate-ascorbate sols (alkalized by aqueous ammonia) were emulsified in 2-ethylhexanol-1 containing SPAN 80. Drops of emulsion were gelled by extraction of water by solvent. The technique exhibited two serious disadvantages: long gelation time and destruction of the microspheres during thermal treatment owing to highly reactive components in the gels (ascorbic acid – ASC, NH4+, NO3–). We, therefore, modified the gelation step by simultaneously extracting water and nitrates using Primene JMT (commercial name of aliphatic amines, principally C18H37N2). We observed more than one order of magnitude decrease in gelation time, and the microspheres remained intact during heating, even when using relatively high (10 o C/min) heating rates. The final thermal treat- CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY ment step was reduction at 1100oC in a gas mixture atmosphere containing hydrogen. Because of the presence of ascorbic acid in the gels, the sinterability of the spherical powders was higher than that of routinely synthesized uranium dioxide powder. Uranium dioxide is the principal compound used as nuclear fuel, either in the natural form or enriched in 235U. For the present generation of nuclear reactors, uranium dioxide powder is synthesized by various routes (e.g. thermal decomposition and reduction of U(VI) to U(IV) of simple uranium substrates, such as uranium trioxides, ammonium poliuranates or uranyl nitrate). If enriched UF6 is used, then the defluorinating step is necessary, followed by further processing to UO2. Finally, UO2 powders are pressed to pellets and after sintering loaded into fuel rods. Nuclear fuels of spherical shape are proposed for IV generations of power nuclear reactors (e.g. high temperature gas cooled reactors). The main Fig.1. Flow chart of preparation of uranium dioxide in the form of microspheres (< 100 μm) by CSGP and IChTJ processes. 49 and the most popular method for fabrication of uranium-containing spherical particles is the sol-gel process. It is a chemical method which mainly involves the gelation of droplets of sol to the desired fuel material into gel microsphere. Afterwards, the gels are washed, dried and thermally treated to obtain high density microspheres [1, 2]. At the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT), a new method of synthesis of uranium dioxides has been elaborated, by a new variant of the sol-gel method – complex sol-gel process (CSGP) [3, 4]. The main modification step is the formation of uranyl-nitrate-ascorbate sols from components alkalized by aqueous ammonia. By applying of IChTJ process [5], final products are obtained in the shape of medium-sized spherical particles with a diameter below 100 μm [6]. According to our best knowledge, CSGP has never been applied for the preparation of uranium dioxide [7]. It is important to recognize that the sols and gels are not in thermodynamic equilibrium, and their properties depend critically on the preparation conditions. Consequently, the effects of changes in the conditions were difficult to predict, and studies were conducted for the development of the best parameters requested for these complexes. The following reagents were used: uranyl nitrate (Chemapol Praha), ascorbic acid pharmaceutical grade (Takeda Europe GmBH), 2-ethylhexanol-1 (Acros Organics, 99%), SPAN-80 (Fluka), and Primene JMT (Fluka). Gels and products were characterized by the following methods: thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) with a Hungarian MON Derivatograph, scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation with a Zeiss DSM 942 and Jeol JSM64-90LV. The CSGP and IChTJ processes applied to the synthesis of spherical particles of uranium dioxide consist of following steps which are shown in Fig.1. The first step of the method consists in the formation of complex solution – uranyl-nitrate-ascorbate sol (mole ratio U/ASC = 1) by addition of a very strong complexing agent – ascorbic acid – this is the salient feature of CSGP process. Afterwards, partial hydrolysis by addition of ammonia solution to a certain pH value before precipitation (approx. pH ~ 4) is carried out. The results of potentiometric titration with ammonium hydroxide, of various ascorbate-uranyl sols (0.001 M) obtained Fig.2. Potentiometric titration of 0.001 M UO2(NO3)2 with ammonia (0.1 M); MR – mole ratio. 50 CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY from uranyl nitrate, are shown in Fig.2. In the sample without ascorbic acid, we can observe a small plateau in the pH region of ~6 (mole ratio NH4OH/U = 3), connected with polymerization of uranyl ion to polynuclear ions, followed by a definite increase in pH (inflection point at approx. mole ratio = 3.5), representing formation of ammonium polyuranates in the solution. These effects are considerably disappearing with an increase in ASC concentration, which confirms strong complexing ability of this reagent. Evidently, a value of inflection points is proportionally higher with an increase in the mole ratio ASC/U. The next step, which influences obtaining of the desired shape of final product, is the gelation of complex sol. The sols can be gelled: into irregular agglomerates by evaporation of water; to spherical particles, like kernels (Ø > 200 μm) by internal gelation; and to medium sized spherical particles (Ø < 100 μm) by modified external gelation – IChTJ process (Fig.1). The products, after this part of method, are shown in Fig.3. Fig.3. SEM of spherical particles of ascorbate-uranyl gel. The final step of the combination of CSGP and IChTJ processes is a non-destructive thermal treatment with reduction U(VI) to U(IV). The uranyl-nitrate-ascorbate gels were annealed according to the temperatures indicated by the results of thermal analysis – TG, DTA (Fig.4). The first weight loss of all obtained gels, at temperatures of 100-300oC, is connected to evaporation of molecular water and splitting the hy- Fig.4. Thermal analysis (TG, DTA) of ascorbate-uranyl gels. droxide groups, but it is also connected to the decomposition of U-ASC-NO3-NH4OH gel when one of the components – ammonium nitrate – decomposes with explosion. This means that thermal treatment requests special procedures to avoid explosions. The simplest way was the application of low heating rate (1-2 oC/min) to a temperature of 250oC, when the decomposition of ammonium nitrate occurs. Unfortunately, despite this procedure, the spherical particles are chipped (Fig.5A). Consequently, a new method of gelation sols to spherical particles has been elaborated. This procedure consists of the following steps: 1 M uranyl-nitrate-ascorbate sols (alkalized with aqueous ammonia) were emulsified in 2-ethylhexanol-1 (2EH) containing SPAN 80. The gelation step was modified by simultaneously extracting of water by 2EH and nitrates using Primene JMT. The volume of used Primene JMT is 2% of the 2EH volume. We observed that the microspheres remained intact during heating, even when using relatively high (10 oC/min) heating rates (Fig.5B). These positive results are the effect of lower concentration of nitrates in U-ASC-NO3-NH4OH, and consequently much less content of potentially explosive ammonium nitrate. Fig.5. SEM of triuranium octoxide in the shape of spherical particles obtained by: A – IChTJ process, B – double extraction process. CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY For both curves, the next weight loss, with broad exothermic effect at 400-600oC, is connected with the combustion of ASC and the products of its decomposition. After that, the weight is stable and represents the formation of triuranium octoxide (U3O8). The obtained triuranium octoxide was then reduced to uranium dioxide in the 5% hydrogen and 95% nitrogen atmosphere at a temperature of 900oC. In conclusion, a new technique of gelation of uranyl sols obtained from uranyl nitrate has been elaborated. This modification (simultaneous extraction of water and nitrate anions) eliminates the serious disadvantage – the destruction of microspheres during thermal treatment, which is connected with violent decomposition of ammonium nitrates formed in time of alkalization of uranyl-nitrate-ascorbate sol by ammonium hydroxide. After that, even relatively high heating rates (10 oC/min) can be used. It is necessary to underline that the preparation of uranyl gels from uranyl nitrate by extraction of nitrates without addition of ascorbic acid is not possible. The work has been carried out within the Collaborative Project ACSEPT (Actinide Recycling by Separation and Transmutation), contract No. FP7-CP-2007-211267. 51 References [1]. Sood D.D.: J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol., 59, 404 (2011). [2]. Vaidya V.N.: J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol., 46, 369 (2008). [3]. Deptuła A., Brykała M., Łada W., Wawszczak D., Olczak T., Chmielewski A.G.: Method for obtaining uranium dioxide in the form of spherical and irregular grains. Polish Patent Aplication No. P-389385 (2009); UE Patent No. 101884385-1218 (2010); Russian Federation Patent Application No. 2010 136670; Republic of Belarus Patent Application No. 2010 1305; Ukrainian Patent Application No. 2010 10756. [4]. Deptuła A., Brykała M., Łada W., Olczak T., Wawszczak D., Modolo G., Daniels H., Chmielewski A.G.: Synthesis of uranium dioxides by complex sol-gel processes (CSGP). In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Uranium, 40th Annual Hydrometallurgy Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Vol.II. 2010, pp. 145-154. [5]. Deptuła A., Hahn H., Rebandel J., Drozda W., Kalinowski B.: Sposób wytwarzania sferycznych ziaren tlenków metali (Method for preparing spherical grains of metal oxides). Polish Patent No. 83484, (1977). [6]. Deptuła A., Brykała M., Łada W., Olczak T., Sartowska B., Chmielewski A.G.: Fusion Eng. Des., 84, 681 (2009). [7]. Deptuła A., Łada W., Olczak T., Lanagan M.T., Dorris S.E., Goretta K.C., Poeppel R.B.: Sposób wytwarzania nadprzewodników wysokotemperaturowych (Method for preparing of high temperature superconductors). Polish Patent No. 172618 (1997). SYNTHESIS OF PEROVSKITE BY COMPLEX SOL-GEL PROCESS FOR NUCLEAR WASTE IMMOBILIZATION Tomasz Smoliński, Andrzej Deptuła, Tadeusz Olczak, Wiesława Łada, Danuta Wawszczak, Marcin Brykała, Fabio Zaza1/, Andrzej G. Chmielewski 1/ Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment (ENEA), CR Casaccia, Rome, Italy Synroc is a kind of “synthetic rock” which has been invented by Ringwood in 1978 [1, 2]. It has been regarded as the second generation of high level waste (HLW) immobilization forms in the world. Because of higher leaching resistance and better durability, it can be a better solution for immobilizing nuclear waste [3, 4]. Basically, Synroc materials are a ceramic made from several natural minerals which incorporate nearly all of the elements present in high level radioactive waste into their crystal structures [4]. This advanced ceramics comprises geochemically stable natural titanate minerals which occur naturally in the earth’s crust [5-7]. Crystal structures of these materials allow to incorporate almost all of the elements present in high level radioactive waste. Synroc can take many forms which depend on the type and form of waste [5-7]. Synroc C consist of the following materials: perovskite (CaTiO3), zirconolite (CaZrTi2O7) and hollandite (BaAl2Ti6O16). Long-lived actinides such as plutonium are immobilized in perovskite and zirconolite. Perovskite immobilizes also strontium and barium. In hollandite is immobilized caesium, potassium, rubidium and barium. The most common method of production of Synroc is its synthesis in solid-state reaction. Radioactive waste elements are added into the obtained matrixes. After that, the material is pressed and sintered. An alternative solution for synthesis of the various Synroc materials seems to be the sol-gel method. This method allows for the direct incorporation of radioactive elements into the mineral structure during its formation [3]. The homogeneous distribution of the components reduces the Fig.1. Flow chart for preparation of Sr-doped perovskite. 52 CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY sintering temperature and increases the product resistance to leaching of radioactive elements. In this work, our patented complex sol-gel process (CSGP) [8, 9] was used to synthesize the perovskite capable of incorporating significant amounts of high level nuclear waste. The goal of this work was limited to incorporating strontium into titania ceramic, and studing the course of reaction and characterizing the final product. The flow-chart of the preparation of Sr-doped (mole 10%) titanate gels is shown in Fig.1. Commercial TiCl4 was introduced via pumping into dechlorination step [8, 9]. During the dechlorination step, we observed decomposition and vigorous evolution of gas, due to oxidation of the ASC by the nitrates. The resulting sols were nearly transparent, pale yellow in colour, and stable. This sol was used to produce perovskite of various composition. Thermal treatments were conducted in air. Gels and final powders were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). All the resulting products were analysed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) as well. Fig.2. Thermal analysis of gel powders dried at 105oC: (1) CaTiO3, (2) CaTiO3 + ASC, (3) CaTiO3 + 10% Sr, (4) CaTiO3 + 10% Sr + ASC. concentrated HCl. The titanium concentration was ca. 4 mol/L. The main preparation step consisted of chloride elimination [8] by distillation with nitric acid, addition of hydroxides of Ca and Sr (mole 10%), evaporation of water and hydrochloric acid from sols to dry substance, grinding, and thermal treatment to titanates of Ca and Sr. There were synthesized four samples: CaTiO3 (P1), CaTiO3 + ASC (P2), CaTiO3 + 10% Sr (P3), CaTiO3 + 10% Sr + ASC (P4). To prevent precipitation we added ascorbic acid (ASC) to samples P2 and P4 before the The thermal decomposition of gels dried under vacuum at 80oC is illustrated in Fig.2. For all four gels, the loss of mass, Δm, became significant above 120oC. TGA traces revealed systematic escape of volatile substance without clearly defined thermal effects. Distinct exothermic effects have been observed above 500oC, which was connected to the formation of crystalline phase of perovskite. In the samples prepared with ASC addition (P2, P4) this temperature was lower. The samples P1 and P2 treated at 450oC were essentially amorphous. The samples containing Fig.3. XRD patterns of titania gels cacined for 2 h at various temperatures. CENTRE FOR RADIOCHEMISTRY AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY 53 Table. The samples analysed by XRD. Samples T [oC] Chemical nature Structure order/ disorder Lattice systems Size [nm] P1 1200 CaTiO3 crystalline orthorhombic 27.7 P2 1200 CaTiO3 (with ASC) crystalline orthorhombic 21.8 P3 1200 Sr0.1Ca0.9TiO3 crystalline orthorhombic 22.4 P4 1200 Sr0.1Ca0.9TiO3 (with ASC) crystalline orthorhombic 22.4 P1 700 CaTiO3 crystalline orthorhombic 27.6 P2 700 CaTiO3 (with ASC) crystalline orthorhombic 25.9 P3 700 Sr0.1Ca0.9TiO3 crystalline orthorhombic 20.7 P4 700 Sr0.1Ca0.9TiO3 (with ASC) crystalline orthorhombic 23.0 P1 450 CaTiO3 amorphous - - P2 450 CaTiO3 (with ASC) amorphous - - P3 450 Sr0.1Ca0.9TiO3 amorphous - - P4 450 Sr0.1Ca0.9TiO3 (with ASC) amorphous - - strontium, small bands (presumably of non-reacted substrates) are observed. The samples calcined at 700oC were fully crystalline and had a perfect orthorhombic structure (Fig.3). This temperature is significantly lower than that reported when solid state reaction had been used [2]. The average crystallite sizes of our samples is between 20 to 28 nm (Table). Crystalline structure of synthesized perovskites is shown in Fig.4. The Synroc materials – perovskite CaTiO3 also Sr0.1Ca0.9TiO3, were synthesized directly by using Fig.4. Crystalline structure: (1) Ca or Sr, (2) Ti, (3) O. the complex sol-gel process. The gels prepared from stable, transparent titanium-nitrate sols with ASC addition, formed crystalline titanate phases at lower temperatures than did gels without this additive. The added strontium is homogeneously distributed in the crystalline structures. The very small crystallite size (20-28 nm) allows us to assume that powders will be easy tractable by pressing and sintering. The complex sol-gel process for synthesizing of Synroc material seems to be advantageous in comparison to conventional methods. Consequently, we are going to synthesize other Synroc materials containing various HLW (e.g. Cs, Co, and U or actinide surrogates e.g. Nd). We expect their increased resistance to radionuclide leaching and improved durability. References [1]. Ringwood A.E., Kesson S.E., Ware N.G., Hibberson W., Major A.: Nature, 278, 219-223 (1979). [2]. Ringwood A.E.: Am. Sci., 70, 2, 201-207 (1982). [3]. Ringwood A.E., Oversby V.M., Kesson S.E., Sinclair W., Ware N., Hibberson W., Major A.: Nucl. Chem. Waste Manage., 2, 4, 287-305 (1981). [4]. Ringwood A.E., Kessom S.E., Ware N.G., Hibberson W.O., Major A.: Geochem. J., 13, 141-165 (1979). [5]. Ojovan M.I., Lee W.E.: An introduction to nuclear waste immobilization. Vol.1. Elsevier, London 2005, 316 p. [6]. Woignier T., Reynes J., Phalippou J., Dussossoy J.L.: J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol., 19, 833-837 (2000). [7]. Clarke D.R.: Ann. Rev. Mater. Sci., 13, 191-218 (1983). [8]. Deptula A., Lada W., Olczak T., Lanagan M.T., Dorris S.E., Goretta K.C., Poeppel R.B.: Sposób wytwarzania nadprzewodników wysokotemperaturowych (Method for preparing high-temperature superconductors). Polish Patent No. 172618 (1997). [9]. Deptuła A., Olczak T., Łada W., Sartowska B., Chmielewski A.G., Casadio S., Alvani C., Croce F., Goretta K.C., Di Bartolomeo A.: Fabrication of spherical and irregularly shaped powders of Li and Ba titanates from titanium tetrachloride by inorganic sol-gel process. In: Advances in Science and Technology 30, 10th International Ceramic Congress – Part A. Techna Srl, 2003, pp. 441-452. CENTRE FOR RADIOBIOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL DOSIMETRY The Centre continued and completed the projects that were carried out in 2010. Studies carried out in 2011 concentrated on two main topics: validation, adaptation and implementation of various biodosimetric methods and biological effects of nanoparticles. The biodosimetric methods can be divided into two categories: the first category is for radiation dose estimation in a multiparametric triage test for nuclear and radiological mass-casualty incidents (supported by the European Union Structural Funds and Ministry of Regional Development, Poland, project No. POIG.01.03.01-14-054/09). The second category of methods is that of cytogenetic methods and the work has been carried out in a close international cooperation in the frame of the European Union MULTIBIODOSE (241536 FP7-SECURITY SEC-2009-4.3-02 Bio-dosimetric tools to manage radiological casualties) programme. It comprises, among others, validation of automating the scoring and implementation of telescoring of the standard biodosimetric cytogenetic methods (dicentric assay, micronucleus test) as well as optimization and validation of the γ-H2AX assay as a rapid triage device for a mass casualty scenario. The participation involves cooperation with other European laboratories, exchange of samples and microscopic preparations in order to unify the procedures and training. Our contributions to the POIG.01.03.01-14-054/09 and MULTIBIODOSE programmes were presented at the 1st International Nuclear Energy Congress (Warszawa), the 19th Nuclear Medical Defence Conference (Monachium) and the XIV International Congress of Radiation Research (Warszawa). As both programmes are targeted at testing large groups of potential victims, time is an important factor and the speed of analysis counts more than accuracy. Hence the necessity to establish automated, high-throughput, cytogenetic biodosimetry methods to process a large number of samples for conducting the assays using peripheral blood from exposed individuals according to internationally accepted protocols (i.e. within days following radiation exposures). The Centre is being prepared to participate in triage tests with the use of various methodological approaches. An automated metaphase finder and micronucleus finder is presently used for validation of the biodosimetric methods. The nanoparticle project is carried out in the frame of the Polish Norwegian Research Fund (PNRF-122-AI-1/07) in cooperation with several laboratories (Norwegian Institute of Air Image analysis system METAFER 4, Metasystems with a Research, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Zeiss fluorescent microscope at the Centre for Radiobiology National Institute of Public Health – National and Biological Dosimetry. Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw University of Life Sciences). During 2011, we studied the effects of DNA damage induced by treatment with uncoated silver nanoparticles (Ag NP) 20 nm or 200 nm particles and titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NP) 21 nm in three human cell lines: hepatocellular liver carcinoma HepG2, colorectal adenocarcinoma HT29 and lung carcinoma A549. It was also presented at the Annual Meeting of the Polish Biochemical Society in Kraków. In cooperation with the Jena University, in the frame of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant DPN/N23/NIEMCY/2009, we continued the study of the role of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) in the cellular response to X-rays. We have previously found that the X-irradiated colon cancer HT-29 cells become markedly radiosensitized in result of culture in a CLA complemented medium and this is accompanied by an impaired repair of DNA double strand breaks. These data were further completed by determination of the formation and decay of the γ-H2AX “repair foci”, examination of the extent of chromosome fragmentation with the use of the premature chromosome condensation (PCC) method and recently, by analysis of lipid raft properties. These results were presented at the Annual Meeting of the Polish Biochemical Society and at the XIV International Congress of Radiation Research (Warszawa). Three PhD theses were defended in 2011 by the Centre’s PhD students. During 2011, 12 papers were published and 26 posters and lectures presented at meetings in Poland or abroad, and also at the 14th International Congress of Radiation Research that took place in Warszawa (28th August-1st September). The congress was organized by the Polish Radiation Research Society under the auspices of the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council. Anna Lankoff and Marcin Kruszewski worked in the Organizing Committee, Irena Szumiel – in the Scientific Committee. Most of the younger members of the Centre also participated as volunteers in various organizational tasks during the sessions and symposia. CENTRE FOR RADIOBIOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL DOSIMETRY 57 OPTIMIZATION OF A FINGER-PRICK BLOOD COLLECTION METHOD FOR THE γ-H2AX ASSAY: POTENTIAL APPLICATION IN POPULATION TRIAGE Maria Wojewódzka, Anna Lankoff, Marcin Kruszewski Accurate methods for measuring the biological effects of radiation are critical for estimating the health risk from radiation exposure. Foci of γ-H2AX which form in response to radiation-induced DNA double strand breaks and can be quantified by immunofluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry have been considered for application in population triage [1-3]. However, application of this method as a triage tool in large-scale radiological accidents demands immediate blood collection and high throughput sample processing and analysis. Since the γ-H2AX foci scoring assay seems to be the most sensitive to ionizing radiation, the aim of our study was to optimize a finger-prick blood collection method for the automated γ-H2AX assay in relation to various blood storage conditions. Peripheral whole blood was collected from five healthy volunteers. For each donor, blood samples were irradiated with 250 kV X-rays (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4 Gy). After irradiation, one set of samples was incubated at 37oC for 30 min. Three other sets of samples were incubated at 0 and 37oC for 24 h, followed by 30 min incubation at 37oC. Blood samples (50 μl) were mixed with 900 μl of medium and loaded into eppendorf tubes containing 100 μl of Histopaque 1077. The samples were spun two times at 2000 g for 3 min. The cells were spotted onto slides with a cytospin at 490 g for 10 min, fixed in paraformaldehyde for 30 min and permeabilized/blocked in KCMT buffer (120 mM KCl, 20 mM NaCl, 10 mM Triton, 1 mM EDTA) containing 2% BSA and 10% low fat milk for 1 h at temperature. Slides were mounted with DAPI Vectashield and analysed with an automated image acquisition and analysis system Metafer (Metasystems, Germany). Our results revealed that the number of γ-H2AX foci was linearly related to the radiation dose. The number of radiation-induced γ-H2AX foci obtained for samples incubated at 37oC for 30 min was comparable to that for samples incubated at 0oC for 24 h followed by 30 min incubation at 37oC (Figs.1 and 2). This result points to the possibility of sample storage in situations when very high Fig.2. Dose response curve for radiation-induced γ-H2AX foci in human peripheral blood lymphocytes incubated at 0oC for 24 h followed by 30 min incubation at 37oC. numbers of samples have to be analysed in the frame of a triage procedure. The number of radiation-induced γ-H2AX foci obtained for samples incubated at 37oC for 24 h decreased significantly, irrespective of the radiation dose (not shown). Also, we observed that the inter-individual variation in the number of spontaneous γ-H2AX foci (2-7 per cell) was related to various blood storage conditions. To conclude, our finger-prick blood collection method for the γ-H2AX assay allows to obtain reproducible and quantitative results using small aliquots of blood and appears to have a potential use for rapid population triage in case of a large-scale radiological event. References Fig.1. Dose response curve for radiation-induced γ-H2AX foci in human peripheral blood lymphocytes incubated at 37oC for 30 min. room temperature. The cells were incubated with monoclonal γ-H2AX antibody for 1 h, washed in PBS and incubated with FITC-conjugated goat anti-mouse secondary antibody for 45 min at room [1]. Rothkam K., Horn S.: Ann. Ist. Super. Sanita, 45, 265-271 (2009). [2]. Horn S., Barnard S., Rothkamm K.: PLoS ONE, 6, e25113 (2011). [3]. Roch-Lefevre S., Mandina T., Voisin P., Gaëtan G., Mesa J.E., Valente M., Bonnesoeur P., García O., Voisin P., Roy L.: Radiat. Res., 174, 185-194 (2010). 58 CENTRE FOR RADIOBIOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL DOSIMETRY CLONOGENIC ABILITY DOES NOT CORRESPOND TO DNA DAMAGE INDUCED IN HUMAN CELLS TREATED IN VITRO WITH SILVER AND TITANIUM DIOXIDE NANOPARTICLES Iwona Grądzka, Teresa Bartłomiejczyk, Teresa Iwaneńko, Maria Wojewódzka, Anna Lankoff, Maria Dusinska1/, Gunnar Brunborg2/, Irena Szumiel, Marcin Kruszewski 1/ 2/ Norwegian Institute of Air Research, Oslo, Norway Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway Due to their antibacterial properties, silver nanoparticles (Ag NP) have been integrated into hundreds of consumer products. They have also found numerous technical and medical applications. It is generally agreed that the oxidative stress is the main cause of the Ag NP-induced effects at the cellular level, such as genotoxicity and mutagenicity, disturbed mitochondrial respiration, impaired proliferation and apoptotic death. These effects may be the potential cause of toxicity of Ag NP and are sufficient to raise concern for the human health and the environment [1]. Although Ag NP and TiO2 NP (titanium dioxide nanoparticles) belong to the NP most often studied, the mechanisms of their biological effects are still not fully understood. Moreover, there are numerous discrepancies in the reports on the extent of DNA damage induced by Ag NP in various mammalian cells in in vitro studies [2]. Some of these discrepancies may be due to the different properties of Ag NP preparations, such as their size, since they are prepared according to different protocols, uncoated or coated with polymers such as polyvinylpyrrolidone, polyethylenimine or starch. Additionally, different treatment protocols involve preliminary NP dispersion, e.g. in either a BSA (bovine serum albumin) or an FCS (foetal calf serum) containing medium. Finally, cell type may affect the resulting extent of genotoxic damage. There are relatively few data on NP genotoxicity and no attempt has been made to directly relate DNA damage to clonogenicity loss. Therefore, we undertook studies of the effects of DNA damage induced by treatment with uncoated Ag NP 20 nm or 200 nm particles and TiO2 NP 21 nm in three human cell lines: hepatocellular liver carcinoma HepG2, colorectal adenocarcinoma HT29 and lung carcinoma A549. The end-points examined were DNA breakage estimated by the comet assay and oxidative base damage recognized by formamido-pyrimidine glycosylase (FPG) and estimated with the FPG + comet assay, frequencies of histone γ-H2AX foci and micronuclei, apoptosis and clonogenic survival. Each cell line had a different pattern of DNA breakage and base damage vs. NP concentration and time of treatment. Figure illustrates the sensitivity difference to applied NP treatment between the resistant A549 cells and the sensitive HepG2 cells. However, after 24 h treatment, these differences became smaller. Titania NP were the least damaging in all cell lines. Interestingly, there were no increases in the frequencies of histone γ-H2AX foci and micronuclei A B Fig. DNA damage (single stand breaks, SSB, and base damage recognized by FPG in cells treated with Ag NP or Ag 200 nm particles and TiO2 NP for 2 h at concentrations indicated: A – A549 cells, B – HepG2 cells; asterisks mark the statistically significant difference from control (Student’s t-test). as compared to those in the untreated cells. This means that the DNA damage types do not include double strand breaks (DSB). The reported experiments provided no data that would directly correlate DNA damage induced by Ag NP or TiO2 NP to early apoptosis or loss of clonogenic ability. References [1]. AshaRani P.V., Hande M.P., Valiyaveettil S.: BMC Cell Biol., 10, 65 (2009). [2]. Karlsson H.L.: Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 398, 651-666 (2010). CENTRE FOR RADIOBIOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL DOSIMETRY 59 COMPARISON OF FREQUENCIES OF DICENTRIC CHROMOSOMES AND HISTONE γ-H2AX FOCI IN HUMAN LYMPHOCYTES X-IRRADIATED AT 4, 20 AND 37OC Anna Lankoff, Sylwester Sommer, Iwona Buraczewska, Teresa Bartłomiejczyk, Teresa Iwaneńko, Halina Lisowska1/, Aneta Węgierek-Ciuk1/, Irena Szumiel, Iwona Wewiór, Anna Banasik-Nowak1/ 1/ Department of Radiobiology and Immunology, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland In the frame of experiments aimed at validation, adaptation and implementation of various biodosimetric methods we carried out a comparison of frequencies of dicentric chromosomes and histone γ+H2AX foci in human lymphocytes X-irradiated at 4, 20 and 37oC. The effect of temperature at which human lymphocytes are X-irradiated on dicentric chromosome frequency was first described by Bajerska and Liniecki [1] and recently further examined [2]. As it may affect the cytogenetic evaluation of ionizing radiation dose, the temperature effect is both of practical and basic science interest. The experiments were carried out on blood taken three times from four healthy male donors. Mononuclear cells were isolated from the peripheral blood samples, suspended in the RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with foetal calf serum, antibiotics, L-glutamine and phytohaemagglutinin at three temperatures mentioned above. After 30 min incubation at the three temperatures, all samples were irradiated with 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 Gy of γ 60Co (Siemens Theratron Elite 80) at a dose rate of 1.1 Gy/min. Standard procedures were applied for the chromosomal microscopic preparations [3] and cell samples for the flow cytometric determination of histone γ-H2AX foci [4]. Figure shows the three dose-effect curves for dicentric chromosomes in peripheral blood lymphocytes γ-irradiated at three different tempera- Fig. Dose-effect curves for dicentric chromosomes irradiated at three different temperatures, as indicated; each point represents mean value with standard deviation indicated. Asterisks mark statistically significant differences between irradiation temperatures 4 and 37oC at doses 2, 2.5 and 3 Gy (p < 0.05). tures; each point represents mean value from 12 results (4 donors x 3 replicates). The dose-effect curves were described by the following linear-quadratic equations (D – dose): 4oC: y = 0.002 + 0.024 · D + 0.024 · D2 20oC: y = 0.008 + 0.028 · D + 0.027 · D2 37oC: y = 0.008 + 0.025 · D + 0.038 · D2 Looking for the significance of differences between aberration frequencies after irradiation at various temperatures, we analysed the variance values at experimental points for the respective doses (not shown). No differences were found between temperatures 4 and 20oC, as well as 20 and 37oC. Statistically significant differences between irradiation temperatures 4 and 37oC were found at doses 2, 2.5 and 3 Gy (Fig.). Also, aberration distribution for each dose and irradiation temperature was analysed to see whether it deviates from the normal Poisson distribution. To this end, dispersion indices (variance-to-mean ratios) were calculated and used to calculate the u function, i.e. normalized dispersion index [5]. Their values (not shown) are between the -1.96 to +1.96 limits, indicating no deviation from the Poisson distribution. Further, the flow cytometric determination of γ-H2AX foci was carried out at 1 and 24 h after irradiation at the respective temperatures. The dose-effect curves obtained were described by the following linear equations: 4oC: y = 9.052 + 9.789 · D 20oC: y = 7.857 + 5.925 · D 37oC: y = 6.926 + 5.702 · D Variance analysis showed no differences in the total histone γ-H2AX fluorescence at 1 h after irradiation between the same doses and temperatures of exposure to γ rays, in contrast with the data for dicentric chromosomes. The total histone γ-H2AX fluorescence at 24 h after irradiation was lower from that at 1 h independently of the exposure temperature. Fluorescence decrease (FD) was calculated as FD = (F1 – F24) · 100/F1 where F1 – fluorescence measured at 1 h post irradiation [%], F24 – fluorescence measured at 24 h post irradiation [%]. FD was about 90%, i.e. close to the control values, notwithstanding the dose (F = 0.949, p = 0.458) or temperature at which irradiation was carried out (F = 1.612, p = 0.121). On the one hand, the presented results point to a lack of effect of the exposure temperature on the initial double strand break level, as measured by the γ-H2AX foci fluorescence. On the other hand, the altered, temperature-dependent frequency of dicentric chromosomes may be taken as indication that the exposure temperature affects the fidelity of double strand break rejoining. References [1]. Bajerska A., Liniecki J.: Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 16, 483-493 (1969). 60 CENTRE FOR RADIOBIOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL DOSIMETRY [2]. Brzozowska K., Johannes C., Obe G., Hentschel R., Morand J., Moss R., Wittig A., Sauerwein W., Liniecki J., Szumiel I.,Wojcik A.: Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 85, 891-899 (2009). [3]. Sommer S., Buraczewska I., Wojewodzka M., Boużyk E., Szumiel I., Wojcik A.: Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 81, 741-749 (2005). [4]. Jucha A., Węgierek-Ciuk A., Koza Z., Lisowska H., Wójcik A., Wojewódzka M., Lankoff A.: Mutat. Res., 696, 16-20 (2010). [5]. Radhakrishna C.R., Chakravarti I.M.: Biometrics, 12, 264-282 (1956). THE EFFECT OF CONJUGATED LINOLEIC ACID (CLA) SUPPLEMENTATION ON LIPID RAFT PROPERTIES AND RADIOSENSITIVITY OF HUMAN COLON CANCER HT-29 CELLS Iwona Grądzka, Barbara Sochanowicz, Kamil Brzóska, Grzegorz Wójciuk, Christian Degen1/, Gerhard Jahreis1/, Irena Szumiel 1/ Institute of Nutrition, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany Ionizing radiation-generated reactive oxygen species activate epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in the plasma membrane. Instead of being degraded upon internalization (as it takes place after the ligand binding), thus activated EGFR migrates to the nucleus in vesicles formed of caveolin-enriched lipid rafts. Translocation of the receptor is required for activation of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) – the key enzyme of the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), the leic acid (c9,t11-CLA) which is the main isomer in a mixture of CLA, derivatives of linoleic acid (LA, C18:2, cis-9, cis-12), with two double bonds separated from each other by one single bond. CLA are natural components of diary products and meat of ruminants. C9,t11-CLA sensitizes human colon cancer HT-29 cells to X-radiation (dose modification factor, D0 control/ D0 CLA = 1.55). The increase in radiosensitivity is not due to changes in cell cycle progression or a decrease in DNA repair- Fig.1. Distribution of EGFR and cav-1 among cellular membrane fractions. HT-29 cells were cultured without or with 70 μM c9,t11-CLA for 22 h, then irradiated with a dose of 5 Gy. Fifteen minutes after irradiation, membrane vesicles were prepared according to a detergent-free method [1] and fractionated by flotation through OptiPrep gradients. 100 μl aliquots of each fraction were subjected to Western blot analysis. A representative experiment of the three performed is shown. Abbreviations for the experimental groups are in the text. major double strand DNA break (DSB) repair system in mammals. We examined the radiosensitizing properties of 9cis,11trans-conjugated lino- -related gene expression (not shown), but is associated with a transcription-independent decrease in DNA-PK activity that results in transient accumu- CENTRE FOR RADIOBIOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL DOSIMETRY lation of DSB during repair. The latter, however, is not followed by a significant increase in chromosomal aberration frequencies (not shown). Here, we report that c9,t11-CLA influences the distribution of EGFR, cav-1 (caveolin-1) and cholesterol in cellular membrane fractions. Fractions of cellular membranes from HT-29 cells, obtained with the use of a detergent-free method [1], were analysed in terms of the content of EGFR, cav-1 and cholesterol. Localization of EGFR and cav-1 in the membrane fractions, visualized by Western blotting, is shown in Fig.1, while Fig.2 presents the graphs of distribution of both proteins and cholesterol, normalized to protein content. Generally, in preparations from c9,t11-CLA supplemented cells (CLA, X+CLA) the distributions of all the three membrane components were shifted towards lighter (top) fractions compared to the distributions in the corresponding control preparations (C, X). This appears reasonable, as the CLA isomer incorporated into cellular lipids, increasing the overall content of unsaturated fatty acids (not shown), which must affect the density of the membrane vesicles. Previously, it was established, that in the density gradient preparations from mammalian cells the EGFR-enriched fractions designated the position of lipid rafts [1]. In this position, covered by fractions 8-14 in our experiments (Fig.2), a co-occurrence of EGFR and cav-1 was observed in control (C) but not in c9,t11-CLA supplemented (CLA) cells. X-irradiation (X) did not essentially change the relative distribution of the proteins, but again, in X-irradiated and CLA-supplemented cells (X+CLA), cav-1 was displaced from the EGFR-enriched region. Interestingly, the distributions of cav-1 and cholesterol in the preparations from non-supplemented cells (C, X) did not correlate with one-another, whereas they nearly overlapped in the preparations from c9,t11-CLA supplemented cells (CLA, X+CLA). In conclusion, CLA supplementation of cell culture medium for 24 h changes the pattern of cholesterol and EGFR distribution in the lipid rafts of HT-29 cells. This is accompanied by a decreased nuclear translocation of EGFR (not shown). As reported by Dittmann et al. [2, 3], the EGFR import to the nuclei is indispensable for the in- 61 Fig.2. Distribution of EGFR, cav-1 and cholesterol in fractions of cell membranes. The charts are based on the data presented in Fig.1: the Western blots were scanned and quantified using ImageJ software; the values were normalized to total protein content of each fraction and presented as a percentage of all fractions. In addition, cholesterol content in each fraction was measured and the distribution of cholesterol/protein ratio was added to the charts. The data for EGFR, cav-1 and cholesterol are from the same experiment – a representative of three experiments performed. crease in DNA-PK activity in response to ionizing radiation, thus influencing the cellular radiation sensitivity. References [1]. Macdonald J.L., Pike L.J.: J. Lipid Res., 46, 1061-1067 (2005). [2]. Dittmann K., Mayer C., Fehrenbacher B., Schaller M., Raju U., Milas L., Chen D.J., Kehlbach R., Rodemann H.P.: J. Biol. Chem., 280, 31182-31189 (2005). [3]. Dittmann K., Mayer C., Fehrenbacher B., Schaller M., Kehlbach R., Rodemann H.P.: FEBS Lett., 584, 3878-3884 (2010). LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS The Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Methods was created on the basis of the former Department of Analytical Chemistry in 2009. The research programme of the Laboratory has been focused on the development of nuclear and nuclear-related analytical methods for the application in a nuclear chemical engineering, radiobiological and environmental problems associated with the use of nuclear power (as well as other specific fields of high technology). New procedures of chemical analysis for various types of materials are also being developed. The main areas of activity of the Laboratory include inorganic trace analysis as well as analytical and radiochemical separation methods. The Laboratory cooperates with the centres and laboratories of the INCT and provides analytical services for them as well as for outside institutions. The Laboratory has been also involved in the preparation and certification of new certified reference materials (CRMs) for inorganic trace analysis and is a provider of proficiency testing schemes on radionuclides and trace elements determination in food and environmental samples. The main analytical techniques employed in the Laboratory comprise: neutron activation analysis with the use of a nuclear reactor (instrumental and radiochemical modes), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (together with laser ablation and HPLC), atomic absorption spectrometry, HPLC including ion chromatography, as well as gamma-ray spectrometry and alpha- and beta-counting. In 2011, the research projects carried out in the Laboratory were concerned with: • chemical aspects of nuclear power, • radiopharmaceuticals and health protection, • nuclear and related analytical techniques for environment protection. In 2011, the Laboratory participated together with the Centre of Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry in two Operational Programme Innovative Economy (PO IG) projects. The project on the use of thorium-based fuels in nuclear power reactors was coordinated by the Institute of Atomic Energy POLATOM. The second project on the possibilities of producing uranium from indigenous resources, and to the safety of nuclear power, including radiation protection of humans and environment was coordinated by the INCT and the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute was the partner. In 2011, the Laboratory has started participation in the strategic research project from the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR), Poland No. SP/J/3/143045/11 on bioleaching of uranium mine waste heaps. The project is coordinated by the Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw. Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Methods is a provider of proficiency tests. Two main proficiency testing schemes are conducted: (i) on the determination of man-made radionuclides and (ii) trace elements in waters, food and environmental samples. In 2011, proficiency test on the determination of Am-241, H-3, Pu-239 and Ra-226 in water, food and environmental samples was conducted on the request of the National Atomic Energy Agency, Poland for laboratories forming radiation monitoring network in Poland. Proficiency testing scheme PLANTS 11: Determination of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se and Zn in dry edible mushroom powder was provided for laboratories analysing food and environmental samples. All proficiency tests are provided following requirements of ISO/IEC 17043:2010 and IUPAC International Harmonized Protocol (2006). 64 LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS RADIOLYTIC DECOMPOSITION OF DICLOFENAC – ANALYTICAL, TOXICOLOGICAL AND PULSE RADIOLYSIS STUDIES Anna Bojanowska-Czajka, Gabriel Kciuk, Magdalena Gumiela1/, Grzegorz Nałęcz-Jawecki2/, Krzysztof Bobrowski, Marek Trojanowicz 1/ 2/ Department of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Poland Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland With commonly observed in recent decades an increase of the use of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals one can observe also an increase of the presence of their residues in the environment. This fact together with a finding of synthetic pharmaceuticals in finished drinking water causes an increasing concern about potential environmental and health harmful effects. The most commonly accepted form of toxicity associated with environmental pharmaceutical residues is endocrine disruption, which means the disruption of chemical signalling mechanisms controlling cellular development. First reports about detecting pharmaceuticals in environmental samples were published in the early 1970s [1], and in 1965 it was observed for the fist time that residues of steroid hormones are not completely decomposed by wastewater treatment [2]. Since then a fast increase of interest in different aspects of the presence of pharmaceutical residues in environmental waters is observed. Number of papers published annually was about 500 in 2000, while it reached a level of about 3000 in 2010 [3]. In a recent decade this problem was a subject of several published books, e.g. [4], and numerous valuable review articles in scientific journals, e.g. [3, 5]. Pharmaceuticals are a very large and diverse group of chemicals consisting of both human and veterinary medicinial compounds. It is assumed that it consists of about 4500 species, including pharmaceuticals which are in various stages of investigation. Research studies concerning their presence in the environment and their removal from waters and wastes published so far, deal with about 160 human and veterinary pharmaceuticals and about 30 by-products [5]. The main groups of pharmaceuticals, which are detected in the aqueous environment include anti-inflammatory drugs (analgestics), steroids and related hormones, antibiotics, β-blockers and lipid regulators. Some of them are consumed annually even in tens or hundreds of tons. For instance, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug paracetamol – 622 t in Germany in 2001, ibuprofen – 345 t in Germany in 2001, diclofenac (DCF) – 86 t in Germany in 2001, and naproxen – 35 t in England in 2001 [6]. As the main source of wide presence of pharmaceuticals in the environment is considered municipal water discharge, of which many residual drugs are not removed by current wastewater processes. Another contributing sources are industries, farms and hospitals, although as it was demonstrated recently by studies carried out in Norway, the point sources discharges from hospitals typically make a small contribution to the overall pharmaceutical load in comparison to municipal sources [7]. Many pharmaceuticals are excreted mainly as metabolites and hence their presence in the aquatic environment. A significant element of these environmental processes is also indirect potable water reuse. Wastewater treatment plant discharge is directed to surface waters, and in some cases effluent dominated surface waters are used for drinking treatment facilities. Besides increasing consumption of pharmaceuticals, a significant factor contributing to their presence in the environment is the limited efficiency of their decomposition in wastewater treatment plants, and in drinking water treatment plants. This concerns such methods as UV irradiation, oxidation with free chlorine, or even ozonation [8]. Concentration of some pharmaceuticals detected in effluents (antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or steroid hormones) may reach even fractions of mg/L [9]. This is then reflected by concentrations of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites in worldwide tap water, which are found in some cases in the level exceeding 1 μg/L (iodinated X-ray contrast medium diatrizoate, analgesics AMIDOPH, ibuprofen) [10]. Hence, strong attention is focused in recent years on the development of radical methods of decomposition, described as advances oxidation processes. Especially efficient process is radiolytic decomposition by the use of ionizing radiation (gamma or beam of accelerated electrons), where, as a result of water radiolysis taking place during irradiation of aqueous solutions, radicals of oxidative and reductive properties are formed. These processes were already examined for satisfactory decomposition of β-blockers [11], and antibiotics nitroimidazoles [12]. Very recently, when the present studies were in progress, the first paper was published on radiolytic decomposition of diclofenac [13], which as a widely used analgesic and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, is a subject of wide studies in terms of its occurrence in waters and its removal in wastewater treatment [14]. Frequent occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment, and also in finished drinking water, is a source of concern about their impact on public health, although commonly encountered opinion in the literature is that our current knowledge what is the effect of human exposure to low-dose mixture of pharmaceuticals is none. One can find opinions about no appreciable risk to human at detected concentrations of pharmaceutical residues [15], but due to consuming contaminated drinking water over a lifetime, chronic toxic effects cannot be excluded because of lack of chronic ecotoxicity data [16]. This creates both demand for LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS 100 80 60 - 40 50 ppm NO3 2- 50 ppm CO3 2100 ppm CO3 50 ppm humic acid 20 0 0 1 2 3 Dose, kGy 4 5 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 Dose, kGy Fig.1. Effect of dose on yield of radiolytic decomposition of diclofenac in 50 mg/L aqueous solutions gamma-irradiated in different conditions: (■) aerated solution, (●) solution saturated with N2O, (▲) solution of pH 7.0, containing 0.52 mM tert-butanol and saturated with argon. aqueous solution requires a dose of 4.0 kGy, in the process carried out with scavenging of solvated electron by saturation of irradiated solution with N2O, the required dose drops down to 1 kGy. The deaeration of irradiated solution by saturation with argon and irradiation in the presence of tert-butanol decreases the yield of DCF irradiation only in the range of doses from 0.5 to 3 kGy, whereas above 3 kGy has no effect. Such studies were not reported in recently published work [13], and they evidently show the predomination of oxidative decomposition of DCF by gamma irradiation. The presence of such ●OH radical scavengers as nitrate, carbonate or humic acid at 50 mg/L level does not affect decomposition of DCF at an initial level of 50 mg/L (Fig.2), which is in good agreement with reported data [13]. It was ob- B 100 80 0 Chloride concentration, ppm Yield of decomposition % A dative and reductive conditions due to different reactivity of different radicals. This was shown recently, e.g. for the decomposition of pesticide carbendazim [17]. As it is shown in Fig.1, while the decomposition of DCF in 50 mg/L DCF in aerated Yield of decomposition % wide monitoring of presence of pharmaceuticals in waters and wastes, and search for more efficient and cost-effective methods of their removal. In the coarse of this study aqueous solutions of DCF were gamma-irradiated using a 60Co source Gamma Chamber with a dose-rate of 8.0 kGy/h. Using chromatographic methods several factors affecting efficiency of radiolytic decomposition of DCF and formation of products of radiolysis were examined. The reversed-phase HPLC determinations of DCF were carried out using a Shimadzu chromatograph with a diode array UV/Vis detector, a Luna ODS2, a 5 μm 250 × 4.6 mm analytical column and a guard column from Phenomenex (Torrance, CA, USA). The following conditions were employed for determination of DCF: isocratic elution with eluent consisted of 50 mM phosphate buffer of pH 7.0, methanol and acetonirile (58:21:21 v/v), flow-rate – 1.0 mL/min, sample injection volume 20 – μL. The determinations were carried out without additional preconcentration, and limit of detection for DCF was evaluated as 0.13 mg/L. The ion-chromatographic determinations of chloride were performed using a chromatograph Dionex model 2000i/sp, equipped with an ASRS I electrochemical anion self-regenerating suppressor, a conductivity detector, an AG9HC guard column, and an AS9HC analytical anion exchange column from Dionex. Mobile phase of the system was sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate with a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Studies in this stage of the project included experimental determination of the yield of radiolytic decomposition of DCF in various conditions of irradiation where different products of water radiolysis predominate. They also included effect of the presence of selected scavengers of radicals commonly occurring in natural waters, and also effect of matrices of different natural waters on the efficiency of radiolytic decomposition. In numerous reported investigations of radiolytic decomposition of different organic pollutants it was shown that the yield of decomposition is different in oxi- 65 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2- 50 ppm NO3 250 ppm CO3 2100 ppm CO3 50 ppm humic acid) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Dose, kGy Fig.2. Effect of the presence of selected scavengers of radicals on (A) yield of decomposition of diclofenac in aerated aqueous solutions at initial concentration 50 mg/L, and (B) release of chloride during irradiation at different doses. 66 LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS A diolytic decomposition of organic pollutants was reported also earlier, e.g. in radiolysis of pesticide atrazine [18]. Humic acid as effective scavenger of hydroxyl radicals may favour reaction of solvated electron, which in the case of some transient products formed during radiolysis of DCF may lead to more effective release of chloride. The effectiveness of DCF decomposition carried out in complex matrix of river water is illustrated by chromatograms shown in Fig.3A. Irradiation of river water spiked with 50 mg/L DCF with a 0.2 kGy dose leads to a 24% decrease of DCF concentration. In the same figure it is shown a chromatogram recorded for a Vistula river water sample without irradiation, which indicates the presence of 0.29 mg/L DCF. As it is shown in Fig.3B, the yield of irradiation is similar for distilled and river waters, but evidently larger in tap water, and these data require further investigations. The goal of this work was also investigation of the radiation-induced degradation pathway. The knowledge regarding kinetic parameters of reactions of parathion with radical species (e–aq and ● OH) will be useful in ascertaining the degradation reaction pathways. The radiolysis of water and aqueous solution is based on the ionization of water molecules, because in dilute solution, when concentration ≤ 0.1 mol dm–3 the ionized molecules are essentially those of the solvent: H2O => ●OH + ●H + e–aq + H3O+ + H2O2 In this stage of the project the reaction between diclofenac and hydroxyl radical (●OH), was studied by the puls radiolysis method. A comparison between the obtained data and the data concerning radical reactions of dichloro-derivatives aromatics compounds available in the literature will give additional information about the nature of occurring Yield of decomposition % B 100 80 60 40 20 50 ppm DCF in distiled water 50 ppm DCF in tap water 50 ppm DCF in river water 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Dose, kGy Fig.3. Effect of different water matrices on yield of radiolytic decomposition of diclofenac with initial concentration 50 mg/L: A – HPLC chromatograms recorded for Vistula river water spiked with 50 mg/L DCF and irradiated with 0.2 kGy dose (a), and for non-spiked Vistula river water prior to the irradiation (b); B – yield of radiolytic decomposition of DCF in aerated solutions of 50 mg/L in distilled water (■), tap water (●), and Vistula river water (▲). served, however, only in this study that in the presence of 50 mg/L of humic acid in irradiated solution a much more effectively inorganic chloride are released from transient products of DCF irradiation in comparison to other examined conditions of irradiation (Fig.2B). A favourable effect of the presence of humic acid on the yield of ra- 3.24 k obs × 106 [s-1] G × ε [dm3 J–1 cm–1] × 103 12 2.43 k = 1.24 × 1010 mol-1s-1dm3 10 8 6 4 2 1.62 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 concentration [mM] [mM] concentration 1.0 a A b B c C d 0.81 D 0.00 325 390 455 520 585 Wavelength [nm] Fig.4. Absorption spectra recorded in pulse radiolysis system for 0.1 mM aqueous solution of diclofenac of pH 7.0 saturated with N2O at different time delays: (a) 0.12 ms, (b) 0.8 ms, (c) 16 ms and (d) 500 ms. Inset shows the Stern-Volmer plot of the absorption growth at 370 nm. LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS radical reactions. The reaction of ●OH radical with diclofenac water solution (at pH 5.6) was carried out in solution saturated with N2O – a well-known electron scavenger. The main absorption spectrum constitutes of three bands seen on the spectra recorded during oxidation of DCF by ●OH radical. The first – most intensive absorption band, is located at λmax = 370 nm, it grows up within < 0.8 μs time domain (Fig.4, curve b), with rate k = (1.30 ± 0.06) × 107 s–1, and decay with rate k = (6.4 ± 0.5) × 104 s–1. The second absorption band is located at a shorter wavelength, and also is built up within microsecond time domain (Fig.4, curve b). The location of the second band is changing with time, it starts at λmax = 335 nm (Fig.4, curve a), after 0.8 μs is moved to λmax = 325 nm (Fig.4, curve b), and after 6 μs is seen as a shoulder of absorption band located at a wavelength below λ = 320 nm (start of measurement). This observation clearly indicates that at this region more than one species is responsible for absorption, and therefore its interpretation is ambiguous. The absorption spectra recorded 0.8 μs after electron pulse comprises additional shoulder-shape absorption (Fig.4, curve b), and with elapsed time it reveals absorption band located at λmax = 430 nm (Fig.4, curve c and d). The absorption recorded after the end of OH-radical reaction with DCF (Fig.4, curve b) can be attributed to the primary product(s) of oxidation diclofenac by ●OH radicals. Probably it is an adduct(s) of ●OH to aromatic rings of DCF (Fig.5). The overall rate constant of the ●OH radical reaction with DCF deducted from the Stern-Volmer plot of absorption build-up at λmax = 370 nm is equal to k = 1.24 ± 0.02 × 1010 dm3 mol–1 s–1 (inset 10 irradiated solutions. This allows the determination of authentic environmental impact of applied processes with the use of different test organisms. It was not reposted so far for radiolytic decomposiO Cl O Cl Microtox Cl NH + HO 5 4 HO Cl Fig.5. Formation of diclofenac adduct(s). tion of DCF. In this study three different tests were employed, which are widely used in environmental toxicity studies. Microtox is based on the use of the bioluminescent marine bacterium Vibrio fisheri as the test organism, Spirotox is a test undertaken with a very large ciliated protozoan Spirostomum ambiguum, while Thamnotoxkit is a bioassay using larvae of the freshwater anostracen crustacean Thamnocephalus platyurus hatched from cysts. The toxicity studies were conducted for 50 mg/L DCF solutions irradiated in aerated solution with doses up to 5 kGy. With all employed tests a certain increase of toxicity was observed for the applied doses in the range 0.5-0.8 kGy, where as it was shown above about 50-60% of DCF is decomposed (Fig.6). This indicates a larger toxicity of formed transient products from the decomposed DCF. At a 3.5 kGy dose, where complete decomposition of DCF was observed (Fig.1), a 33% de- B C Spirotox Thamnotoxkit 6 4 3 2 2 1 1 0 8 5 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 2 0 0 OH NH TU 50 6 TU 50 7 6 O Cl Cl 8 7 OH OH 10 9 8 OH NH 10 A 9 TU 50 67 0 0 1 Dose, kGy 2 3 4 Dose, kGy 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Dose, kGy Fig.6. Toxicity changes observed with different toxicity tests at different applied doses for irradiation of 50 mg/L aerated solution of diclofenac: A – Microtox, B – Spirotox, C – Thamnotoxkit. in Fig.4). In a longer time scale the decay of absorptions band λmax = 370 nm is observed, which is associated with the decay or transformations of primary products. The absorption of transient products of DCF oxidation recorded 0.5 ms after electron pulse (Fig.4, curve d) reveals absorption at λmax = 430 nm and a shoulder at shorter wavelengths. A very important supplement to analytical investigation of the efficiency of radiolytic decomposition of organic pollutants for environmental protection is the monitoring of toxicity changes of crease of Microtox toxicity was observed, while practically no changes of toxicity with two other employed tests was found in comparison to initial values prior to irradiation. This means a very low toxicity of DCF for the organisms employed in those two tests, and also a differentiated environmental impact of DCF residual in waters and wastes. References [1]. Tabak H.H., Brunch R.L.: Devel. Ind. Microbiol., 11, 367-376 (1970). 68 LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS [2]. [12]. Sanchez-Polo M., Lopez-Penalver J., Prados-Joya G., Ferro-Garcia M.A., Rivera-Ytrilla J.: Water Res., 43, 4028-4036 (2009). [13]. Liu Q., Luo X., Zheng Z., Zheng B., Zhang J., Zhao Y., Yang X., Wang L.: Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 18, 1243-1252 (2011). [14]. Zhang Y., Geissen S.-U., Gal C.: Chemosphere, 73, 1151-1161 (2008). [15]. Schulman L.J., Sargent E.V., Numann B.D., Faria E.C., Dolan D.G., Wargo J.P.: Hum. Ecol. Risk Assess., 8, 657-687 (2002). [16]. Carlsson C., Johansson A.K., Alvan G., Bewrgman K., Kuhler T.: Sci. Total Environ., 364, 67-87 (2006). [17]. Bojanowska-Czajka A., Nichipor H., Drzewicz P., Szostek B., Gałęzowska A., Męczyńska S., Kruszewski M., Zimek Z., Nałęcz-Jawecki G., Trojanowicz M.: J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 289, 303-314 (2011). [18]. Basfar A.A., Mohammed K.A., Al-Abduly A.J., Al-Shahrani A.A.: Ecotox. Environ. Safe., 72, 948-953 (2009). Stumm-Zollinger E., Fair G.M.: J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 37, 1506-1510 (1965). [3]. Fatta-Kassinos D., Meric S., Nikolaou A.: Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 399, 251-275 (2011). [4]. Kümmerer K.: Pharmaceuticals in the environment: sources, fate, effects and risks. Springer-Verlag 2008. [5]. Mompelat S., Le Bot B., Thomas O.: Environ. Int., 35, 803-814 (2009). [6]. Fent K., Weston A.A., Caminada D.: Aquat. Toxicol., 76, 122-159 (2006). [7]. Langford K.H., Thomas K.V.: Environ. Int., 35, 766-770 (2009). [8]. Snyder S.A.: Ozone Sci. Technol., 30, 65-69 (2008). [9]. Ikehata K., Naghashkhar N.J., El-Din M.G.: Ozone Sci. Eng., 28, 353-414 (2006). [10]. Jones O.A., Lester J.N., Voulvoulis N.: Trends Biotechnol., 23, 163-167 (2005). [11]. Song W., Cooper W.J., Mezyk S.P., Greaves J., Peake B.M.: Environ. Sci. Technol., 42, 1256-1261 (2008). ELABORATION OF OPTIMAL CONDITIONS OF GEOLOGICAL MATERIALS ANALYSIS FOR URANIUM DETERMINATION Iwona Bartosiewicz, Ewelina Chajduk, Marta Pyszynska, Jadwiga Chwastowska, Halina Polkowska-Motrenko The plans of building a nuclear power plant in Poland resulted from the fact that it is the most effective way to cover the growing demand for electricity. Because of this the problem of perspective domestic uranium deposits has become very actual. The purpose of our work was the elaboration of optimal conditions of analysis of geological materials for uranium content. Dictyonema shales and sandstones were chosen for the analysis. These materials are known as uranium-bearing [1, 2] and differ significantly in composition. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used for the analysis [3-5]. The methods of digestion are essential for the analysis of geological materials. Two methods of digestion were taken into consideration: alkali fusion [6] and mineralization in a microwave digestion system with using suitable mineral acids [3, 7]. In the case of high content of organic substances, especially in shales (20-30%), a stage of preliminary roasting before fusion is necessary (4.5 h at 550oC) when alkali fusion is applied. This stage prolongs the time of analysis. When the acid mineralization method is applied, hydrofluoric acid has to be added to the digestion mixture to remove silicon present in the sample. However, some elements like Al, Fe, alkaline earths and rare earth elements form low soluble fluorides and such elements as U, Th, lanthanides form stable fluoride complexes, what can cause losses of the determined elements. In order to avoid these effects, boric acid is usually added to complex remaining HF and to enable dissolution of the precipitated fluorides [8-10]. In this work, the influence of different methods of digestion of geological samples on the results of the determination of elements was studied. The following methods of digestion were examined: a) fusion with Na2O2 [11] in zirconium crucibles; b) mineralization in a closed microwave digestion system (Anton Paar Multiwave 3000) of 250 mg sample in a mixture of HNO3 + HF; Table 1. Results of ICP-MS determination of U, Th, La, Yb in dictyonema shales using different digestion methods. Fusion Sample Element with Na2O2 1 2 Mineralization Evaporation with H3BO3 Removing of F– in microwave digestion system 12 mL 4% H3BO3 0.5 g H3BO3 1g H3BO3 U 41 8 35 41 26 43 Th 12 0.14 7.3 15 7 11 La 40 0.28 29 43 18 43 Yb 4.0 0.21 3.5 3.7 2.5 3.3 U 100 40 83 103 80 100 Th 13 1.8 11 16 11 13 La 41 0.8 25 48 28 43 Yb 4.0 0.9 3.5 4.2 3.1 3.4 LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS c) mineralization as described in point b) followed by removing of fluoride ions by evaporation with H3BO3 solution on a hot plate; d) mineralization as described in point b) followed by removing of fluoride ions applying two-step procedure with solid H3BO3 or 4% H3BO3 solution added in the second step. The obtained results of the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of two different samples of dictyonema shales are shown in Table 1. The obtained results show that the use of two-step process (mineralization + removing fluorides in a microwave digestion system using 4% H3BO3) ensures complete recovery of elements which form stable fluoride complexes. It reduces significantly also the analysis time and can be recognized as an optimal mineralization procedure. Sandstones contain as a rule high content of silica and not so high of organic substances. In that case the digestion by fusion is preferred. The following trace elements were determined: U, Th, Cu, Co, Mn, Zn, La, V, Yb, Mo, Ni and Sb by the ICP-MS method. Elaborated procedures of analysis Geological materials are heterogeneous, therefore much affords were made to get a representative sample. The analysed samples was homogenized by milling in an agate ball mill (dictyonema shales) and in tungsten carbide ring mill (sandstones) to obtain the grain size less than 0.2 mm. Then, the obtained fraction was carefully mixed. Analysis of dictyonema shales 0.25 g of a sample was weighed directly to a digestion vessel, a mixture of 6 mL of HNO3 + 2 mL of HF was added and the vessels were capped. The digestion programme for geological materials was applied. Then, the vessels were left for cooling and opened. Twelve mL of 4% H3BO3 solution was added and the second step of digestion was completed (50 bar, 220oC, 45 min). The obtained solution was transferred into a 50 mL PFA volumetric flask and submitted to analysis by the ICP-MS method. Analysis of sandstones 0.5 g of a sample was weighed to zirconium crucibles, 2 g of Na2O2 was added and carefully mixed. The fusion process was carried out in an oven at a temperature of 550oC during 1 h. The alloy was dissolved in water, then HNO3 concd. was added to attain 5 M, and the mixture was heated at a temperature of about 80oC to obtain clear solution. The obtained solution was transferred to a 250 mL volumetric flask and adjusted with water to 250 mL. Blanks were prepared in the same way as the samples. After suitable dilution, the samples were analysed by the ICP-MS method. Conditions of determination by ICP-MS The instrument used was ELAN DRC II (Perkin Elmer) with a crossflow nebulizer with a Scott double-pass spray chamber and Ni cones. Optimization of experimental parameters of an ICP-MS spectrometer was performed with respect to the maximal ion intensity of chosen elements 69 Table 2. Working parameters for ICP-MS analysis. RF power: 1000 W Plasma gas: 13.0 L min–1 Auxiliary gas: 1.2 L min–1 Mass spectrometer ELAN DRC II Nebulizer gas: 0.92 L min–1 Lens voltage: 6.75 V Detector mode: dual Cones: Ni Working mode: standard (daily performance solutions of concentration of 1 ng mL–1 – Perkin Elmer). The optimal conditions of analysis by the ICP-MS method (Table 2) were established by checking the effect of the following parameters: RF power, nebulizer gas flow and lens voltage. After sample decomposition, the obtained solutions were diluted with 0.7% HNO3 and In was added as an internal standard prior to the analysis. The following nuclides: 238U, 232Th, 63Cu, 59Co, 55 Mn, 66Zn, 139La, 51V, 174Yb, 98Mo, 60Ni, 121Sb and 57 Fe were selected since they are free from interference and are sufficiently abundant for quantitative measurement by ICP-MS. Expanded uncertainty – U (k = 2) was evaluated as 5-15%. The elaborated methods were applied to the analysis of 50 samples of dictyonema shales and 50 samples of sandstones. The examples of results of analysis are presented in Table 3. The uranium content range was from 41 to 215 ppm and 5 to 1316 ppm for shales and for sandstones, respectively. Beside uranium, V, Ni, Cu, Mo, Mn were also determined, as they can be important for technology. From the obtained data, a big diversity of uranium as well as other elements Table 3. Results of analysis of some geological material samples [mg kg–1]. Dictyonema shales Element Sandstone Sample code 3 8 141 160 U 41 142 1144 565 Th 12 15 14 4.3 Cu 244 208 47 59 Co 13 20 117 96 Mn 94 50 890 640 Zn 240 4830 999 45 La 40 45 51 14 V 1730 1650 717 371 Yb 4.0 3.7 2.5 2.0 Mo 68 270 <5 <5 Ni 247 287 52 45 Sb 7.0 18 0.3 0.2 70 LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS concentration is observed. Bigger diversity is observed in the case of sandstones samples. References [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. Bareja E.: Kwart. Geol., 21, 4, 705-714 (1977), in Polish. Bareja E.: Kwart. Geol., 28, 2, 353-366 (1984) , in Polish. Krachler M., Mohl C., Emons H., Cozzi G., Barbante C., Cescon P., Shotyk W.: J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 17, 844-855 (2002). Balcerzak M.: Anal. Sci., 18, 737-750 (2002). Celo V., Dabek-Zlotorzynska E., Mathieu D., Okonkaia I.: Open Chem. Biomed. Meth. J., 3, 143-152 (2010). [6]. Galindo C., Mougin L., Nourreddine A.: Appl. Radiat. Isot., 65, 9-16, (2007). [7]. Chen M., Ma L.Q.: Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 65, 491-499 (2001). [8]. Krachler M., Mohlb C., Emons H., Shotyk W.: Spectrochim. Acta Part B, 57, 1277-1289 (2002). [9]. Swami K., Judd C.D., Orsini J.,· Yang K.X., Husain L.: Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 369, 63-70 (2001). [10]. Ivanova Ju., Djingova R., Korhammer S., Markert B.: Talanta, 54, 567-574 (2001). [11]. Choy C.C., Korfiatis G.P., Meng X.: J. Hazard. Mater., 136, 53-60 (2006). LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH Activities of the Laboratory are concentrated on: • studies of coordination polymers built of s block metals and azine carboxylate ligands, • synthesis of nanoscale porous metal organic framework materials (nanoMOFs) using particle track membranes as template, • synthesis of functional materials – silver modified cotton and cellulose fibers using radiation beam techniques, • modification of surface layer of engineering materials by implantation of lanthanide elements and nitrogen atoms using high intensity plasma pulses, • characterization of art objects. The design and construction of coordination polymers have been studied intensively in recent years, as evidenced by the very rapid growth of publications. Particularly, the porous coordination polymers or the so-called metal organic framework materials (MOFs) are of great interest due to their potential applications for gas storage, gas separation, catalysis, sensors, etc. Despite of many achievements in the field, new rational and effective methods for assembling coordination polymers with specific or desired structure are still awaited. Our interests are focused on light s block metals coordination polymers with carboxylic ligands with carboxylic and/or nitrogen functionality. In the last year the crystal structures of seven new lithium coordination polymers with azine dicarboxylic acids have been solved and published. For many potential MOF applications, it is essential to obtain them on the nanometer length scale (nanoMOFs). Nanoscopic dimensions are essential for many applications, particularly, for biomedical applications, like drug carriers and diagnostic agents. They also find applications in the field of catalysis, to obtain materials with better kinetic properties due to higher ratio of surface to bulk atoms, and for surface sensors development by integrating nanoscale materials on the surface. For the synthesis of nanoMOFs, we have applied the so-called template synthesis method using particle track membranes. The possibility of HKUST-1 MOF nanocrystals synthesis in the pores of track-etched membranes has been demonstrated. The results were presented at the NUTECH 2011 conference and the paper concerning the results should appear in the conference materials in “Nukleonika”. The production of the track-etched membranes is well-known in membrane science and described in the literature. However, the increasing interest of polymer track-etched membranes with nano-channels still exists and is related to development and creation of nanoporous materials with unique properties. New achievements concerning membranes with diode-like pores and membranes with highly asymmetrical nanopores have been obtained in the course of the last years in the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia). Their structural properties have been documented in the course of joint research work of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and the Laboratory of Material Research. In the cooperation with the National Nuclear Research Centre at Świerk (Poland) studies on the modification of surface properties of AISI 316L stainless steel with REE (Ce+La) using high intensity pulsed plasma beams (HIPPB) have been carried out. The results of this work show that improvement by alloying AISI 316L stainless steel with REE (Ce+La) leads to the formation of a remelted and enriched with active elements near surface layer, and that the obtained modified surface layers show marked improvement of tribological properties as compared to initial material. The research on radiation enhanced synthesis of silver nanoparticles on a number of polymeric matrices like cellulose and cotton fibres as well as powdered silica contained materials have been continued. The silver ions deposited from a solution of silver salts were reduced using accelerator electron beam. The materials obtained have been characterized using scanning electron microscope with back-scattered electrons detector (SEM-BSE), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR). Their thermal properties have been determined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) methods and their antibacterial and antifungal properties have been determined as well. The results were presented recently at the 27th Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP 2011), 12th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies NUTECH 2011. Nuclear analytical techniques have been applied in the Laboratory for many years for examination, characterization and analysis of cultural heritage artefacts or art objects and their component materials. The unique properties of this technique like high sensitivity, reproducibility, non-destructive and non-invasive character are crucial for an enhencement of our knowledge concerning their elaboration, their evolution and degradation during time. They provide a basis for their restoration and conservation. Recently, studies on the basic attributes and limitations of INAA technique for the analysis of alabaster sculptures has been completed in the Laboratory. LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH 73 STRUCTURAL STUDIES IN Li(I) ION COORDINATION CHEMISTRY Wojciech Starosta, Janusz Leciejewicz An analysis of the crystal structures of Li(I) ion complexes with diazine carboxylate ligands determined up to now in the course of the present project reveals a number of interesting features which are briefly summarized below: • Li(I) ions show an evident preference to adopt distorted trigonal bipyramidal coordination geometry with coordination number five. Among 17 symmetry independent Li(I) ions, which were observed in the crystal structures of 11 complexes [1-11], 12 ions show this coordination mode, 4 ions distorted tetrahedral environment with coordination number four. In only one complex [2] octahedral coordination with six coordinated atoms has been observed. • Apart from one structure [5], the others show more or less complicated polymeric molecular patterns, irrespectively whether the ligand is mono- or multicarboxylate. • In three complexes [1, 6, 7] centrosymmetric moieties have been found as building blocks of the structures. • Water molecules are active in 11 structures as coordinating and bridging agents. Only in two structures [9, 10] solvation water molecules have been also detected. The structure of one complex [7] does not contain water molecules, but besides the N,O bonding groups, nitrate groups act as coordinating and bridging. • In all compounds systems of hydrogen bonds are responsible for the stability of their structures. Short hydrogen bonds linking protonated and deprotonated carboxylic groups of the same ligand molecule are observed in the structures of three compounds [3, 4, 9]. In two more complexes short bonds with the hydrogen atom located at an inversion centre are observed. They act as bridging to form catenated [2] and layered [11] molecular patterns. Part 06. Poly[aqua(μ3-(pyridazine-4-carboxylato-κ2O:O:O’)lithium] [6] The structural unit of the title compound is a centrosymmetric dimer composed of two Li(I) bridged by a bidentate carboxylate O1 atom, each the carboxylate group and the pyridazine ring is 43.4(2)o. The pyridazine ring is almost planar with r.m.s. of 0.0148(2) Å. Both ligand’s heterocyclic N atoms remain coordination inactive. The Li(I) ion is coordinated by the bridging carboxylato O1 and O1(ii) atoms, a bridging carboxylato O2(i) donated by the adjacent dimer and the aqua O3 atom resulting in a distorted tetrahedral coordination. Carboxylato O2 atoms bridge the dimers into molecular layers which are approximately parallel to the crystal bc plane. The structure of a layer can be visualized as composed of corrugated loops with four equal sides and the dimers at their apices. Hydrophobic parts of pairs of pyridazine rings are directed inside the loop with closest distance of 4.91(1) Å between ring centres while heterocyclic N atoms are directed outside and participate in a network of hydrogen bonds. The latter consist of coordinated water molecules acting as donors and Fig.2. The packing of layers composed of dimeric units viewed along the c axis. the pyridazine N atoms in an adjacent layer as acceptors. They form centrosymmetric rings which give rise to a three-dimensional structure (Fig.2). Part 07. Poly[(μ2-nitrato-κ2O;O’)(μ2-pyrimidinum-2-carboxylato-κ2O;O’)lithium] [7] The structure of the title compound contains Li(I) ions, each coordinated by two ligand carboxylato and two nitrato O atoms at the apices of a distorted trigonal bipyramid. Its base is composed Fig.1. A dimeric structural unit of the title compound with atom labelling scheme and 50% probability displacement ellipsoids. Symmetry code: (ii) -x, -y+1, -z. donated by one of two symmetry related ligands (Fig.1). The ligand carboxylate group C7/O1/O2 makes with the O1/Li1/O1(ii) Li(iii) plane a dihedral angle of 10.9(1)o, while the dihedral angle between Fig.3. A fragment of the structure with atom labelling scheme. Non-hydrogen atoms are shown as 50% displacement ellipsoids. Symmetry code: (ii) -x+1, -y+1, -z+1; (iii) -x+3/2, y+1/2, z. 74 of coplanar carboxylato O1, nitrato O11 and O12(ii) atoms (Fig.3). The Li1 ion is shifted by 0.0548(2) Å above this plane. The carboxylato O2(iii) is at the apex of the pyramid. Li-O bond distances fall in the range from 1.967(3) to 2.019(3) Å, commonly observed in the structures of Li(I) complexes with LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH 1 and 0.0069(1) Å for ring 3; carboxylate groups C17/O11/O12 and C37/O31/O32 make with relevant rings dihedral angles of 11.2(1)o and 11.0(1)o, respectively. The nitrate anion is planar (r.m.s. Fig.5. A dimeric structural unit with atom labelling scheme and 50% probability displacement ellipsoids. Symmetry code: (i) -x+2, -y, -z+2; (ii) x, y+1, z; (iii) x, y+1, z. Fig.4. Packing of molecular layers viewed along the a axis. carboxylate ligands. The Li1-N1 bond distance of 2.467(3) Å as too long was not allowed in coordination of the Li1 ion. The pyrimidine ring is planar with r.m.s. of 0.0074(1) Å. A hydrogen atom attached to the hetero-ring N2 atom, clearly visible on the Fourier map, maintains the charge balance. It links the N2 atom with the carboxylate O(i) atom via a hydrogen bond of 2.5762(17) Å. Bond distances and bond angles within the pyrimidine ring do not differ from those reported earlier in the structures of other metal complexes with the title ligand. The C7/O1/O2 carboxylate group makes with ring a dihedral angle of 14.81(2)o. Two Li(I) ions, one coordinated by the carboxylato O1 atom, the other by the second carboxylato O2 atom of the same ligand form molecular ribbons composed of dimeric units (Fig.4). The latter bridged by nitrato O11 and O12(ii) atoms give rise to molecular layers. Part 08. Poly(di-μ2-aqua-μ2-(-5-methylpyrazine-2-carboxylato)-(5-methylpyrazine-2-carboxylato)-μ3-nitrato-trilithium] [8] The asymmetric unit of the title compound contains three Li(I) ions, two 5-methylpyrazine-2-carboxylate anions, two water molecules and a nitrate anion (Fig.5). The coordination environment of the Li1 ion is composed of N11, O11(i), O1, O4 and O11 atoms. The latter three form a base of a distorted trigonal bipyramid, N11, O11(i) atoms are at its apices. Li1 ion is 0.0097(2) Å out of the basal plane. The Li2 ion is coordinated by water O4, O5, carboxylate O12(i) and nitrate O2(iii) atoms which form a distorted tetrahedral coordination environment. The same distorted tetrahedral coordination geometry shows the Li3 ion sorrouded by N31, O31, O1 and O5 atoms. Both methylpyrazine rings are planar with r.m.s. of 0.0074(1) Å for ring 0.0002(1) Å). Its O1 atom acts as bidentate and bridges Li1 and Li3 ions, while the O2 atom chelates the Li2 ion. Nitrato O3 atom is coordination inactive. Li1 and Li1(i) ions bridged by bidentate carboxylate O11 and O11(i) form a core of a centrosymmetric cluster composed of Li1 and Li3 ions bridged by bidentate nitrato O1 atom, Li1 and Li2 bridged by the aqua O4 atom, Li2 and Li3 bridged by the aqua O5 atom. The clusters bridged via nitrato O1 and O2 atoms, form molecular columns along the crystal [010] direction (Fig.6) which are held together by a network of hydrogen bonds in which aqua O4 and O5 molecules are as donors and carboxylate O31 and O32 atoms as acceptors. π-π type interactions between methylpyrazine rings belonging to adjacent columns are also observed as indicated by the distances between the centroids of slightly shifted each to the other hetero-rings which amount to 3.694(3) and 3.796 Å. Fig.6. The alignment of the polyhedra columns in the unit cell. LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH Part 09. catena-Poly[[[aqualithium]-μ3-carboxy-pyrazine-2-carboxylato-κ4O 2,N 1:O 3,N 4] monohydrate] [9] The asymmetric cell of the title compound contains two symmetry independent Li(I) ions, two ligand molecules, two coordinated and two solvation water molecules (Fig.7). Li(I) ions and the ligands form two parallel molecular chains propagating in the crystal b direction (Fig.8). In each, the Li ion shows a distorted trigonal bipyramidal 75 carboxylate groups C27/O21/O22 and C28/O23/O24 with the pyrazine ring 2 amount to 15.4(2)o and 4.3(1)o, respectively. Solvation and coordinated water molecules participate in a network of hydrogen bonds which bridges the ribbons. They act as donors, the carboxylato O atoms as acceptors. Part 10. catena-Poly[[μ2-aqua-diaquabis(μ2-pyradizine-3,6-dicarboxylato) tetralithium] monohydrate] [10] The title compound is a polymeric complex with four symmetry independent Li ions in the asymmetric cell. Two of them show distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry, the two other exhibit distorted tetrahedral coordination environment. The asymmetric cell contains also two symmetry independent pyridazine-3,6-dicarboxylate ligand molecules (PY1 and PY2), three coordinated water molecules and a solvation water molecule (Fig.9). Fig.7. Two structural units of the title compound with atom labelling scheme and 50% probability displacement ellipsoids. Symmetry code: (iii) -x+1, y-1/2, -z; (iv) -x, y+1/2, -z+3/2. coordination mode. The Li1 ion is 0.017(1) Å out of the basal plane composed of carboxylato O11, O14(i) and aqua O15 atoms; hetero N11 and N12(i) atoms are at axial positions. The equatorial plane in the case of the Li2 ion consists of carboxylate O21, O24(ii) and water O25 atoms; hetero N21 and N22(ii) form the apices. The Li2 ion is 0.012(1) Å out of the basal plane. The observed Li-O and Li-N bond distances are characteristic of Li(I) complexes with diazine carboxylate ligands. Each ligand uses both its N,O chelating sites to bridge Li(I) ions. The second carboxylato O atoms do not participate in coordination but remain protonated to maintain the charge balance. In both ligands these protons are active in short intra-molecular hydrogen bonds of 2.393(3) Å and 2.416(3) Å. Bond lengths and bond angles within both pyrazine rings do not differ from those reported in the structures of two modifications of the parent acid. Pyrazine rings are planar with r.m.s. of 0.0040(2) Å and 0.0094(2) Å, for ligand 1 and 2, respectively. The carboxylate groups C17/O11/O12 and C8/O13/O14 make with the pyrazine ring 1 dihedral angles of 4.8(1)o and 3.8(1)o, respectively. Dihedral angles made by the Fig.8. Packing diagram of the structure viewed along the b axis. Fig.9. The structural unit of the title compound with atom labelling scheme and 50% probability displacement ellipsoids. Symmetry code: (i) -x+2, -y, -z+2; (ii) -x+2, -y+1, -z+2; (iii) -x+2, -y, -z+3; (iv) -x+2, -y+1, -z+1. The equatorial plane of Li1 coordination polyhedron is composed of O11, N21, O24(iii) atoms; the Li1 ion is 0.0285(2) Å out of the plane, O21 and N11 atoms are at axial positions. Li2 ion is shifted by 0.0186(2) Å from the basal plane composed of O12(i), O23, N12 atoms; O13 and N22 atoms make the apices. Li3 ion is coordinated by O21, O22(iv), O31, O42(i) atoms at the apices of a distorted tetrahedron while the coordination tetrahedron of the Li4 ion is composed of O13(ii), O14, O41, O42 atoms. Both pyridazine rings are planar with r.m.s. of 0.0154(2) Å and 0.0123(2) Å for the ring PY1 and PY2, respectively. Carboxylate C17/O11/O12 and C18/O13/O14 groups make with the hetero-ring PY1 dihedral angles of 14.3(1)o and 22.2(2)o, respectively. Dihedral angles formed with the hetero-ring 2 by carboxylate groups C27/O21/O22 and C28/O23/O24 amount to 3.8(1)o and 17.2(2)o, respectively. The Li1 and Li2 ions bridged by hetero-ring N atoms donated by both 76 ligands along the Li1-N11-N12-Li2-N22-N21-Li1 pathway form a dimeric moiety. The C27/O21/O22 and C27(iv)/O21(iv)/O22(iv) groups acting as biden- LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH zine-2,6-dicarboxylate ligand molecule and a coordinated water molecule (Fig.11). The coordination environment of the Li1 ion is composed of five atoms: ligand carboxylate O1, O1(i), heteroring N1, aqua O3 and O3(iii) atoms. Coplanar Li1, N1, O3 and O3(iii) form the base of a distorted trigonal bipyramid, with O1 and O1(i) atoms at its apices. The observed Li-O and Li-N bond distances are typical for Li(I) complexes with diazine carboxylate ligands. The aqua O3 atom bridges Li1 with Li1(ii) ion to form molecular ribbons which propagate in the crystal c direction (Fig.12). The Fig.10. Packing diagram of the structure viewed along the b axis. tate bridge the Li3 and Li3(iv) ions to form a loop which joins a dimer with an adjacent from one side via O21 and O21(iv) atoms since the latter are also bonded to the Li1 and Li1(iv) ions, respectively. A similar loop bridges the dimers from the other side as the bidentate O13 atom links the Li2 and Li4(ii) ions. A molecular ribbon propagating along the crystal c direction can be visualized The ribbons bridged by carboxylate and coordinated water O atoms form molecular layers which are parallel to the crystal bc plane and stacked along the a direction (Fig.10). The bridging of ribbons proceeds via carboxylato O12 and O24 atoms: O12 atom is coordinated to the Li2(i) atom in an adjacent ribbon while the Li2 ion – by the O12(i) atom from the same ribbon. The O24 atom is chelated to the Li1(iii) ion in the other adjacent ribbon, while the O24(iii) atom is coordinated to the Li1 ion. In addition, pairs of ribbons are bridged by coordinated aqua O42 atoms via Li4-O42-Li3(i) and Li3-O42(i)-Li4(i) links. An extended system of hydrogen bonds in which coordinated water molecules are donors and carboxylato O atoms in adjacent layers act as acceptors, maintains the stability of the structure. Two intra-molecular hydrogen bonds are also observed. Part 11. catena-Poly[[(6-carboxypyrazine-2-carboxylato)lithium]-μ-aqua] [11] The asymmetric unit of the title compound consists of a Li(I) ion, a singly deprotonated pyra- Fig.12. The alignment of the ribbons viewed along the a axis. carboxylato O1 atom remains protonated and mantains the charge balance. This proton, located at an inversion centre, forms a short centrosymmetric O1-H1… O1(iv) hydrogen bond of 2.455(3) Å which links adjacent ribbons to form molecular layers. The pyrazine ring is planar with r.m.s of 0.0024(1) Å. The C7/O1/O2 and C7(i)/O1(i)/O2(i) carboxylic groups make with it dihedral angles of 3.0(1)o. Bond distances and bond angles within the ligand molecule do not differ from those reported in the structure of pyrazine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid dihydrate. The layers are held together by weak hydrogen bonds in which the coordinated water molecules act as donors and carboxylate O atoms and hetero-ring N atoms from adjacent layers are as acceptors. References [1]. [2]. Fig.11. The asymmetric unit of the title compound with atom labelling scheme and 50% probability displacement ellipsoids. Symmetry code: (i) x, -y+3/2, z; (ii) x+1, y, z; (iii) x-1, y, z; (iv) -x+1, -y+1, -z; (v) -x+1, y-1/2, -z; (vi) x, -y+1/2, z; (vii) x-1, y+1/2, -z; (viii) -x+2, -y+1, -z. [3]. [4]. Starosta W., Leciejewicz m744-m745 (2010). Starosta W., Leciejewicz m1362-m1363 (2010). Starosta W., Leciejewicz m1561-m1562 (2010). Starosta W., Leciejewicz m50-m51 (2011). J.: Acta Crystallogr., E66, J.: Acta Crystallogr., E66, J.: Acta Crystallogr., E66, J.: Acta Crystallogr., E67, LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH [5]. Starosta W., Leciejewicz m202 (2011). Starosta W., Leciejewicz m425 (2011). Starosta W., Leciejewicz m818 (2011). Starosta W., Leciejewicz m1000-m1001 (2011). [6]. [7]. [8]. J.: Acta Crystallogr., E67, J.: Acta Crystallogr., E67, J.: Acta Crystallogr., E67, 77 [9]. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J.: Acta Crystallogr., E67, m1133 (2011). [10]. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J.: Acta Crystallogr., E67, m1455-m1456 (2011). [11]. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J.: Acta Crystallogr., E67, m1708-m1709 (2011). J.: Acta Crystallogr., E67, NANOPORES WITH CONTROLLED PROFILES IN TRACK-ETCHED MEMBRANES Bożena Sartowska, Oleg Orelovitch1/, Adam Presz2/, Irina Blonskaya1/, Pavel Apel1/ 1/ Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia 2/ Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland The production of track-etched membranes is well-known in membrane science and described in the literature [1-4]. Latent ion tracks are the result of the passage of swift ions through solid matter which can be etched selectively in many materials. As a result the conical, cylindrical or other shape channels can be obtained. The increasing interest of polymer track-etched membranes with nano-channels is connected with the development and creation of nanoporous materials with unique properties. The main directions of the research work include: (i) development of membranes with diode-like pores, highly asymmetrical nanopores for molecular sensors; highly asymmetrical nanopores for atom beam optics, etc. [3, 5]; (ii) development of high-performance asymmetrical track membranes [3]; (iii) study of propagation of X-rays and acoustic waves through track-etched membranes as model porous medium [6]; (iv) development of nano-capillary bodies for modelling the transport of molecules and ions in constrained volumes [5]. It has been found that conical nanopores are cation selective and possess diode-like voltage-current characteristics [1, 7]. It has been also shown that the shape of the pore tip determines the transport properties of the asymmetric narrow channels [8, 9]. Asymmetric pores have been produced by the surfactant-controlled etching of heavy ion tracks in a polymer foil. The formation of nanopores with different tip shapes is based on the interplay between the chemical attack by alkali ions and the protection effect of the surfactant. These two components of the etching solution diffuse into the pore at different rates, which results in the formation of a channel with a narrow neck at the surface. Varying the etchant component concentrations makes it possible to control the degree of tapering. The scheme of the etching process is presented in Fig.1. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film 12-μm thick (Hostaphan RNK, Mitsubishi Polyester Films) was irradiated with accelerated heavy ions: 170-MeV Xe-ion beam with the ion fluence in the range of 5 x 104 to 1 x 108 cm–2 from an IC-100 accelerator at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia). In the next step of asymmetric membrane Fig.1. Scheme of track etching in an ion-irradiated polymer film in the presence of nano-sized surfactant molecules. production one surface of the irradiated foil was exposed to UV radiation from a source. After UV exposure, the samples were etched during different times with sodium hydroxide solutions to which 0.05% (w/w) Dowfax 2A1 (Dow Chemicals) was added at a constant temperature of 60oC. Alkaline solutions with NaOH concentrations of 4 M, 5 M, 6 M were used to produce membranes with gradually increased tapering of the pore tips. The etched samples were examined using an LEO 1530 (Zeiss, Germany) field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). Small pore density and pore diameters (tip region) were estimated by observing the membrane surface. The pore profiles were determined via imaging of fractures of the samples. The FESEM images of pores with highly tapered tips with the “bullet-like” shape produced by etching at three different alkali concentrations are shown in Fig.2. It can be clearly seen that use of the lower alkali concentrations provides a less pronounced bullet-like tip. 78 LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH A B C Fig.2. FESEM images of typical pore tip in membranes obtained by etching in surfactant-doped alkaline solutions: A – 4 M NaOH, 7 min; B – 5 M NaOH, 6.5 min; C – 6 M NaOH, 5 min. Pore radius a(x), nm From the images of membrane fractures, one can extract quantitative information on the pore profile. The data measured for several single channels were averaged to obtain a profile typical of used etching conditions. Experimentally obtained tip profiles of the observed membranes are 200 (c) 150 (b) 100 (a) 50 0 0 1000 2000 3000 Depth x, nm Fig.3. Experimentally obtained tip profiles for pores obtained by etching in surfactant-doped alkaline solutions: (a) 4 M NaOH, 7 min; (b) 5 M NaOH, 6.5 min; (c) 6 M NaOH, 5 min. presented in Fig.3. The pore profile a(x) was fitted using an exponential function suggested by Ramirez [9]: a(x) = aR – (aR – aL) exp [-(x/d)n (d/h)n] where: aR – pore diameter at the foil side exposed to UV irradiation; aL – pore diameter at the foil side not exposed to UV irradiation; d – pore length (thickness of used polymer foil); n and h – parameters of the pore profile (here: n = 1). Profiles shown in Fig.3 were calculated using this equation. The fitting curves (lines) and obtained experimental data (points) are presented in the diagram. In conclusion: Surfactant controlled etching method presented in this work allows us to control the shape of track-etched pores in polymeric membrane and the use of the described controlled etching method can give pore channels unique properties with potential practical applications, for example: ultrafiltration and microfiltration processes, cation selectivity, mimicking the properties of biological ion channels, nanocapillary bodies for modelling molecule transport in constrained volumes. This work has been partially supported by the cooperation programme of the Polish scientific institutes with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in 2010 according the subject number 04-5-1076-2009/2011. This work has been partially supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the project with a decision 766/W-ZIBJ DUBNA/2010/0. References [1]. Apel P.Yu., Korchev Yu.E., Siwy Z., Spohr R., Yoshida M.: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 184, 337-346 (2001). [2]. Apel P.Yu., Blonskaya I.V., Dmitriev S.N., Orelovitch O.L., Presz A., Sartowska B.A.: Nanotechnology, 18, 305302-305308 (2007). [3]. Apel P.Yu. et al.: Radiat. Meas., 43 (1), 552-555 (2008). [4]. Apel P.Yu., Blonskaya I.V., Orelovitch O.L., Dmitriev S.N.: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 267, 1023-1027 (2009). [5]. Gillespie D., Boda D., He Y., Apel P., Siwy Z.S.: Biophys. J., 95, 609-619 (2008). [6]. Gomez Alvarez-Arenas T.E., Apel P.Yu., Orelovitch O.L., Munoz M.: Radiat. Meas., 44, 1114-1118 (2009). [7]. Siwy Z. et al.: Surf. Sci., 532-535, 1061-1066 (2003). [8]. Cervera J., Schiedt B., Neumann R., Mafe S., Ramirez P.: J. Chem. Phys., 124, 104706 (2006). [9]. Ramirez P., Apel P.Yu., Cervera J., Mafe S.: Nanotechnology, 19, 315707 (2008). LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH 79 IMPROVEMENT OF TRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF STAINLESS STEEL BY ALLOYING ITS SURFACE LAYER WITH RARE EARTH ELEMENTS USING HIGH INTENSITY PULSED PLASMA BEAMS Bożena Sartowska1/, Jerzy Piekoszewski1,2/, Lech Waliś1/, Jan Senatorski3/, Marek Barlak1,2/, Wojciech Starosta1/, Cezary Pochrybniak2/, Irena Pokorska3/ 1/ 2/ Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland The Andrzej Sołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Otwock-Świerk, Poland 3/ Institute of Precision Mechanics, Warszawa, Poland Austenitic stainless steels are used in numerous industrial applications, due to their very good corrosion resistance in different environments. This is connected with an adherent and self-healing passive film on the surface and thus received growing attention in nuclear and petrochemical industries, pulp and paper chemical, food and chemical processing and biomedical industries. However, poor tribological and mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steels in terms of abrasion resistance limited their applications in engineering fields. Improvement of the wear resistance of austenitic stainless steels without loss of corrosion resistance can be achieved using different surface treatment, for example: re-solidification techniques or enrichment of the surface layer with reactive elements. High oxygen affinity elements such as Y, Ce, La, Er and other rare earth elements (REE) added to steels in small amounts can improve their resistance for electrochemical corrosion [1], high temperature oxidation [1, 2] and wear [3, 4]. REE can be alloyed during the steel making process or can be added to the surface region of materials using different surface modification techniques such as: ion implantation [1, 2, 4, 5], sol-gel coating [5], metal organic chemical vapour deposition [6]. Austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L was used as the substrate for investigations. As a REE source, the mischmetal with a composition: Ce – 65.3 wt% and La – 34.0 wt% was used. REE were incorporated into one surface of steel samples using high intensity pulsed plasma beams – HIPPB (106-108 W/cm2). The plasma pulses were generated in a rod plasma injector (RPI) described in details elsewhere [7]. The plasma pulses are formed at a low pressure, high-current discharge between two concentric sets of electrodes. Two modes of RPI operation are possible: (i) pulse implantation doping (PID) – when plasma contains practically exclusively ions of the working gas and (ii) deposition by pulsed erosion (DPE) – when the beam contains also ions/atoms eroded from ends of the electrodes. The pulse energy was high enough for melting the surface layer of material. The melt duration lasts in the μs range and the rapid solidification takes place. The cooling rate was estimated in the range of 107-108 Ks–1. Heating and cooling processes were of non-equilibrium type. The thickness of melting layer is about 1.5 μm. Samples were irradiated with 3 pulses with an energy of density 2.0 J/cm2, in DPE mode with ti- tanium rods coated with mischmetal tips as electrodes and nitrogen as the working gas. The samples were characterized by: scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with DSM 942 (Zeiss, Germany) for initial and modified surface morphology observations, grazing angle X-ray diffraction (GXRD, ω = 5o) with CuKα radiation with a diffractometer D8 Advanced (Bruker, Germany) for material structure determination. Wear resistance measurements were carried out using the Amsler method with an A135 Amsler machine with the parameters: sliding friction distance – 3000 m, constant load – 5 daN, 41Cr4 steel counter-sample and single immerse lubrication. SEM micrographs of the surface of an untreated sample and a sample treated with HIPPB are shown in Fig.1. Grain boundaries on the untreated sample are clearly visible as a result of steel pro- Fig.1. SEM surface morphology of AISI 316L samples. duction process. After the modification process, grain boundaries almost disappeared and features of the mixed deposit-substrate material form can be seen. Craters, cracks and other morphological features were observed by SEM on the modified surfaces. They are typical for melted and rapidly solidified material known from previous investigations [8]. XRD spectra for initial and modified material analysis show the FCC phase presence. This is clearly recognized in the initial material – austenitic stainless steel. In the case of modified material peaks characteristic of FCC structure confirm that after remelting and alloying with REE austenitic phases are still present in the surface layer of steel. This result was observed in previous investigations and explained by a very high cooling rate [8]. Two first peaks – diffraction patterns of initial and material modified up to 1.2 and 2.01 80 LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH at% REE are shown in Fig.2. The (200) peaks shifting towards higher angles 2θ were observed, what corresponds to a smaller lattice parameter of identified austenitic phase. Lattice parameters de- Fig.3. Changes in linear wear of AISI 316L samples. Fig.2. First two peaks of GXRD spectra of AISI 316L samples. termined from these shifts were: a1 = 0.3575 nm (AISI 316L initial material), a2 = 0.3537 nm (AISI 316L + 1.2 at% REE) and a3 = 0.3535 nm (AISI 316L + 2.01 at% REE). It should be taken into consideration that theoretical austenite lattice parameter equal to a0 = 0.3582 nm [9]. It was suggested that very high cooling rate and very high crystallization rate lead to obtain dispersed structure. Figure 3 shows the dependence of linear wear for initial and alloyed with REE materials. HIPPB modified AISI 316L steel reveals a smaller value of linear wear after each one part of wear measurements as compared with the initial material. Additionally: the presented results show a bigger improvement of tribological properties for higher REE concentrations. Even small REE incorporation (0.23 at% REE) improved the tribological properties of AISI 316L steel by about 25%. The present authors supposed that the improvements of tribological properties are connected with following findings: (i) enrichment of grain boundaries with REE, (ii) fine grains creation in the modified material as a result of very high cooling rate and (iii) nitrogen presence in the modified layer. In conclusion: (i) alloying of AISI 316L stainless steel with REE (Ce+La), using high intensity pulsed plasma beams (HIPPB) lead to formation of the remelted and enriched steel with active elements near the surface layer and (ii) obtained modified surface layers showed improvement of the tribological properties as compared with the initial material. References [1]. Abreu C.M., Cristobal M.J., Novoa X.R., Pena G., Perez M.C., Rodriguez R.J.: Surf. Coat. Technol., 158-159, 582-587 (2002). [2]. Cleugh D., Blawert C., Steinbach J., Ferkel H., Mordike B.L., Bell T.: Surf. Coat. Technol., 142-144, 392-396 (2001). [3]. Cheng X.H., Xie C.Z.: Wear, 254, 415-420 (2003). [4]. Jin F., Chu P.K., Xu Z., Zhao J., Zhu M., Fu R.K.Y., Tong H.: Surf. Coat. Technol., 201, 4357-4360 (2006). [5]. Riffard F., Buscail H., Caudron E., Cueff R., Issartel C., Perrir S.: Appl. Surf. Sci., 199, 107-122 (2002). [6]. Picardo P., Chevalier S., Molins R., Viviani M., Caboche G., Barbucci A., Sennour M., Amendola R.: Surf. Coat. Technol., 201, 4471-4475 (2006). [7]. Werner Z., Piekoszewski J., Szymczyk W.: Vacuum, 63, 701-708 (2001). [8]. Sartowska B., Piekoszewski J., Waliś L., Senatorski J., Stanisławski J., Nowicki L., Ratajczak R., Kopcewicz M., Szymczyk W., Nowotnik A.: Plasma Process Polym., 4, S314-S318 (2007). [9]. Saker A., Leroy Ch., Michel H., Frantz C.: Mater. Sci. Eng., A 140, 702-708 (1991). INAA AS A SOURCE OF INFORMATION FOR THE PROVENANCE OF ALABASTER SCULPTURES Tomasz Śliwa1/, Ewa Pańczyk 1/ Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Sciences and Technology, Kraków, Poland For the examination, characterization and analysis of cultural heritage artefacts or art objects and their component materials, a conservation specialist needs a palette of non-destructive and non-invasive techniques, in order to improve our knowledge concerning their elaboration, their evolution and degradation during time, and to a give basis for their restoration and conservation. Among various methods used for the examination of art ob- jects, nuclear techniques are crucial due to their high sensitivity and reproducibility. In this paper, the basic attributes and limitations of INAA (instrumental neutron activation analysis) technique for analysis of alabaster sculptures are described. There are many works of art made of alabaster the authors of which as well as the centres in which they were created are unknown. The only criterion LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH 81 used for dating a sculpture is the style of the epoch or the artist. Nuclear methods, in particular neutron activation analysis (NAA) can furnish data for estimation of the sculpture origin. By comparing the content of trace elements in alabaster form deposits and in alabaster of the examined sculpture, it is possible to estimate where the sculpture comes from, because the content of trace elements in alabaster from different sources significantly differs. For this purpose, a catalogue containing data on the content of trace elements in alabaster originating from various mines is necessary. Alabaster is a massive crypto-crystalline form of gypsum deposited by precipitation in inland seas in the last Paleozoic-Permian period and the first period of Mesozoic-Triassic period. Alabaster is a pure substance with a very low trace element concentration [1]. Alabaster was used, particularly in the Middle Ages as sculptor’s material mainly in Normandy, Westfalen, North Netherlands and England. As sculptor’s material, alabaster has excellent properties: it can be readily shaped, it permits to obtain fine details, it is semitransparent, can be readily gold-coated or polychromed [2]. Its disadvantages are: brittleness and sensitivity to atmospheric agents. The purpose of this research was to identify historical Badenian alabaster deposits from the Table 1. Description of analysed alabaster sculptures. No. Sculpture Desciption of sample 1 The Wawel Cathedral, Potocki’s Chapel, Bishop’s Padniewski figure a_1 2 The Wawel Cathedral, Waza’s Chapel, fragment of cartouche a_2 3 The Wawel Cathedral, Lipski’s Chapel, fragment of Andrzej Lipski tombstone (1) a_3 4 The Wawel Cathedral, Lipski’s Chapel, fragment of Andrzej Lipski tombstone (2) a_4 5 The Wawel Cathedral, Lipski’s Chapel, fragment of Cardinal Jan Aleksander Lipski tombstone a_5 6 The Basilica of Corpus Christi (Kraków), St. Stanisław Kazimierczyk Mausoleum, Madonna with Child a_6 7 The Cathedral Basilica (Tarnów) – Ostrogski’s tombstone a_7 8 Parish church dedicated St. Cross (Zbylutowska Góra), Zbylitowski Family tombstone a_8 9 Parish church (Dobromil), epitaph of child from Herbut Family a_9 10 Parish church (Dobromil), fragment of sacrarium a_10 11 Church of the Dominican Fathers (Lvov), tombstone monuments of Władysław Dzieduszycki, Jan Swoszowski, Stanisław Włodek – figure in vestibule (pillow) a_11 12 Church of the Dominican Fathers (Lvov), tombstone monuments of Władysław Dzieduszycki, Jan Swoszowski, Stanisław Włodek – figure in vestibule (fragment of thigh) a_12 13 Church of the Dominican Fathers (Lvov), tombstone monuments of Władysław Dzieduszycki, Jan Swoszowski, Stanisław Włodek – figure in vestibule on the right side (pillow) a_13 14 Church of the Dominican Fathers (Lvov), tombstone monuments of Władysław Dzieduszycki, Jan Swoszowski, Stanisław Włodek – figure in vestibule on the left side (pillow) a_14 15 Church of the Dominican Fathers (Lvov), tombstone monuments of Władysław Dzieduszycki, Jan Swoszowski, Stanisław Włodek – figure in vestibule on the left side (pedestal) a_15 16 Church of the Dominican Fathers (Lvov), tombstone monuments of Władysław Dzieduszycki, Jan Swoszowski, Stanisław Włodek – figure in vestibule on the right side (pedestal) a_16 17 St. Michael Archangel Ortodox Church (Lvov), St. Cross Altar, Jan Szolc-Wolfowicz foundation a_17 18 Latin Archbishop’s See (Lvov), Kampians Chapel, table a_18 19 Latin Archbishop’s See (Lvov), Kampians Chapel, interior decoration (base of 1st pillar) a_19 20 Latin Archbishop’s See (Lvov), High Sacristy, Altar of Family Zapała foundation a_20 21 Latin Archbishop’s See (Lvov), High Sacristy, St. Joseph Chapel, St. Joseph Altar a_21 22 Parish church (Rymanów), Jan and Sophia Sieniński tombstone (1) a_22 23 Parish church (Rymanów), Jan and Sophia Sieniński tombstone (1) a_22a 24 Parish church (Rymanów), Jan and Sophia Sieniński tombstone (2) a_23 25 Parish church (Rymanów), Jan and Sophia Sieniński tombstone (2) a_23a 26 Castle Chapel (Brzeżany), west crypt a_24 27 Castle Chapel (Brzeżany), fragment of architectural framework a_25 82 Ukrainian part of the Carpathian foredeep, which served as a raw material for historical sepulchral and figural statues from the Renaissance era to the interwar period. Using the method of INAA, 24 samples of alabaster gypsum were examined from, among others, the chapels of the Wawel Cathedral, Lvov and Tarnów, as well as from the parish churches of the Tarnów and Przemyśl dioceses. Small amounts of alabaster were collected along with antique furnishings from the Roman Catholic parishes around Lvov and the Orthodox Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Lvov. Forty five alabaster samples collected from natural outcrops and quarries that appear along the Dniester Valley in the historic regions of Eastern Galicia, Podolia and Bukovina served as reference material. The samples are described in Tables 1 and 2. Analysis of the samples was carried out by INAA using standards of the elements to be determined. Major components of alabaster (CaSO4*2H2O) have low (n,γ) reaction cross-sections which is of advantage for carrying out the analysis. By irradiating alabaster with thermal neutrons, its main component undergoes the nuclear reaction 46 Ca (n,γ) 47Ca → 47Sc The radioisotope 47Ca has a half-life of 4.53 days and emits gamma rays of energies 1290 and 800 keV. On the other hand, 47Sc with a half-life of 3.4 days emits gamma rays of an energy of 160 keV. The reaction cross-section is 0.250 barn and the natural abundance of 46Ca is 0.0033% [3]. The samples were sealed in quartz ampoules and then packed together with standards of 48 elements. Each packet contained also Sc and Au used as monitors of the thermal neutron flux. The irradiation was carried out in the MARIA reactor at Świerk (Poland), at a neutron flux of 8 x 1013 ncm–2s–1. The samples were irradiated for 24 h and cooled for 12 h. The radioactivity of the samples was measured by means of an HP-Ge detector (ORTEC) coupled to a CANBERRA-System spectrometer, controlled by an IBM computer. The analysis of gamma-ray spectra of the samples was performed with the aid of the GENIE 2000 program. A multi-parameter statistical analysis was performed to determine the degree of similarity between the studied objects (analysis of principal components and cluster analysis) using the STATISTICA-8 program [3]. Forty eight elements were identified and determined in the samples examined. Out of 48 determined elements, only the elements identified in all tested samples were selected for further analysis. Elements such as Cd, Ga, Ho, Lu, Mo, Ni, Rb, Se, Tb, Ta and Zr, the content of which in the majority of analysed samples, was below the method detection threshold, were disregarded. The clustering analysis using STATISTICA (StatSoft) program was carried out to identify the similarity degree of analysed objects. The clustering analysis was carried out for standardized variables. Results of this analysis are presented in Fig., which clearly shows the division into two groups in which LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH Table 2. Description of studied alabaster deposits. No. Localization of alabaster deposit Sample description 1 Kostriżiwka (1) z_1 2 Kostriżiwka (2) z_2 3 Dubowce (1) z_3 4 Dubowce (2) z_4 5 Werenczanka (1) z_5 6 Werenczanka (2) z_6 7 Łokutki (1) z_7 8 Łokutki (2) z_8 9 Szczerzec (1) z-9 10 Szczerzec (2) z_10 11 Szczerzec (3) z_11 12 Czynków z_12 13 Kriwa z_13 14 Słoboda z_14 15 Zagóreczko z_15 16 Mamałyga z_16 17 Podłuże z_17 18 Głuszków z_18 19 Skowiatyn z_19 20 Wojniłów z_20 21 Borszczów z_21 22 Podkamień z_22 23 Anadoły (1) z_23 24 Anadoły (2) z_24 25 Pałahicze (1) z_25 26 Pałahicze (2) z_26 27 Kudryńce (1) z_27 28 Kudryńce (2) z_28 29 Żurawno z_29 30 Bochnia z_30 31 Mielnica Podolska z_31 32 Podillia z_32 33 Oleszyw (1) z_33 34 Oleszyw (2) z_34 35 Krzywcze z_35 36 Wasiuczyn z_36 37 Łopuszka Wielka z_37 38 Pohoryłówka z_38 39 Kudryńce (Zamek) z_39 40 Jezierzany z_40 41 Pawlikówka z_41 42 Czerwonogród z_42 43 Kreszczatyk z_43 44 Hołowczyńce z_44 45 Kołokolin z_45 46 Toutry z_46 LABORATORY OF MATERIAL RESEARCH 83 Fig. Cluster analysis for 73 objects (sculptures and deposits); describes 36 features equal number analysed elements, standardized variables. the objects are very similar. Probably, the applied alabaster was obtained from the same source. Several limitations and assumptions for the provenance studies of sculptures on the basis of elemental composition have to be kept in mind: • We assume that alabaster used for sculpture is homogeneous. • The samples removed from sculpture are representative of its stone. • Statistically a significant number of samples from deposits is taken to the elemental analysis. References [1]. Beasley S.M.: The attribution of alabaster tomb carvings to Medieval schools. Analytical and typographical problems. A further study. Post-graduate thesis. University of Bradford, 1978, unpublished. [2]. Cheetman M.: English Medieval alabasters catalogue. Victoria and Albert Museum, Oxford 1984. [3]. Ligęza M., Pańczyk E., Rowińska L., Waliś L., Nalepa B.: Nukleonika, 46, 2, 71-74 (2001). POLLUTION CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES LABORATORY Research activities of the Pollution Control Technologies Laboratory concern the concepts and methods of process engineering application to the environmental area. In particular, we participate in research on the application of an electron accelerator in such environmental technologies as flue gas and water treatment, wastewater purification, processing of different industrial waste, etc. The main aims of activity of the Laboratory are: • development of new processes and technologies of environmental engineering, • development of environmental applications of radiation technologies, • promotion of nuclear methods in the field of environmental applications. The activities of our group are both basic and applicable research. Among others, the most important research fields are: • development of electron beam flue gas treatment (EBFGT) technology, • investigation of chemical reaction mechanisms and kinetics in gas phase irradiated by electron beam, • study on the mechanism of removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from flue gas by electron beam excitation, • process modelling. The Laboratory is equipped with such research tools as: • laboratory installation for electron beam flue gas treatment (flow rate up to 400 m3/h), • gas chromatograph with a mass spectrometer, • portable gas analyser (NOX, SO2, CO, O2, etc.). In 2011, the research staff is involved in the following projects: • “Dissemination and fostering of plasma-based technological innovation for environment protection in Baltic Sea Region – PlasTEP” (project co-financed by ERDF). • “Laboratory study on SO2 and NOx removal from marine diesel engines exhaust gases with use of electron beam technology”. • “Electron beam flue gas treatment pilot tests”. The Laboratory is open to any form of cooperation. The most important partners of the Laboratory are: • Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland); • International Atomic Energy Agency; • Saudi ARAMCO (Saudi Arabia); • A.P. Moeller and Maersk A/P (Denmark); • EB Tech Co., Ltd. (South Korea); • Technology Centre of Western Pomerania (Germany); • Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (Germany); • Risø National Laboratory for Sustainble Energy, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark); • Uppsala University, The Ångström Laboratory (Sweden); • Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania); • Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania); • Robert Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland); • West Pomeranian University of Technology (Poland); • Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy (Ukraine). 86 POLLUTION CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES LABORATORY MODELLING STUDY OF NOx REMOVAL IN FLUE GAS IN THE PRESENCE OF C2H6 UNDER ELECTRON BEAM IRRADIATION Yongxia Sun, Volodymyr Morgunov1/, Andrzej G. Chmielewski Electron beam flue gas treatment (EBFGT) technology has demonstrated its efficiency in purification flue gases from SOx and NOx from coal and oil fired boilers [1]. High removal efficiency of SO2 (> 95%) and NOx (> 70%) has been demonstrated and an industrial plant applying this process has been built in Poland [2]. However, SO2 removal from off-gases by using electron beam (EB) is relatively easy, but NOx removal needs higher energy consumption. It demands a new method to remove NOx with lower energy consumption. Our previous work showed that NOx removal efficiency was improved in the presence of alcohol [3]. In this work we theoretically studied NOx removal in the presence of C2H6 with the aid of computer simulation. The computer simulation of NOx removal in flue gas under EB-irradiation was carried out by using a self-developed computer code “ELO”, a GEAR method was used. 883 reactions involving 94 species were considered for NOx + (air + CO2 + H2O) + C2H6 (0-400 ppm) system, and 998 reactions involving 137 species were considered for NOx + (air + CO2 + H2O) + 400 ppm C2H6 + 700 ppm SO2. Five main groups of reactions were included, the rate constants of reactions were mostly taken from the literatures [4-6]. The units of rate constant are 1/s, m3/mole·s and m6/mole2·s for the first-, second- and third-order reactions, respectively. When fast electrons from electron beams are absorbed in the carrier gas, they cause ionization and excitation process of the nitrogen, oxygen, CO2 and H2O molecules in the carrier gas. Primary species and secondary electrons are formed. The generation of active species under the electron beam is described by [6]: dn i xρ = G ni D i dt (1) where: ni – concentration of the i-th component [mole/m3], Gni – radiation yield of the i-th component of the gas [mole/J], xi – mole fraction of the . i-th component, D – dose rate [J/(kg·s)], ρ – gas density [kg/m3]. Kinetics of chemical reactions of species formed during the gas irradiation with molecules of the gas medium and with one another is described by differential equations: n dn i = n i ∑ k (n) i ∏ nk dt n k =1 (2) For given initial concentrations: ni(0) = ni0 (3) where: ni – concentration of the i-th component [mole/m3], ki(n) – the rate constant for n-order chemical reaction between the i-th and the k-compo- Concentration [ppm] General and Experimental Physics Department, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine Dose [kGy] Fig.1. Experimental and calculation results of NOx removal from flue gas vs. dose under EB-irradiation. nents of gas, nk – concentration of the k-th component, ni0 – the initial concentration of the i-th component. Calculations were made in the following conditions: • NO = 494 ppm, NO2 = 38 ppm, CO2 = 7%, H2O = 10-11% (v/v), O2 = 10%, N2 as balance, T = 70oC (no any additives); • NO = 494 ppm, NO2 = 38 ppm, CO2 = 7%, H2O = 10-11% (v/v), O2 = 10%, N2 as balance, T = 70oC (with presence of 100 and 400 ppm C2H6, respectively); • NO = 494 ppm, NO2 = 38 ppm, CO2 = 7%, H2O = 10-11% (v/v), O2 = 10%, N2 as balance, T = 70oC (with presence of 700 ppm SO2 and 400 ppm C2H6). Figure 1 presents the calculation and experimental results of NOx removal in flue gas vs. dose under EB-irradiation. Calculation results agree, to some extent, with the experimental results [3]. NOx removal under the influence of additives is presented in Fig.2. It is seen that NOx removal efficiency is slightly improved in the presence of C2H6. The key reactions are listed below: Removal efficiency [%] 1/ Dose [kGy] Fig.2. Experimental and calculation results of NOx removal from flue gas vs. dose under EB-irradiation in the presence or absence of additives. POLLUTION CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES LABORATORY OH + C2H6 = C2H5• + H2O (R1) O2 + C2H5• = C2H5O2• (R2) 2C2H5O2• = 2C2H5O• + O2 (R3) C2H5O2• + NO = C2H5O• + NO2 (R4) (R5) C2H5O2• + NO + M = C2H5ONO2 + M C2H5O2• + NO2 + M = C2H5O2NO2 + M (R6) (R7) NO2 + OH + M = HNO3 + M The oxidation-reduction cycle between NO2 and NO is toward the oxidation path and an increase in NOx removal efficiency is favoured. From calculation results, the following conclusions are drawn: • Removal efficiency of NOx is increased by 3% at a dose of 10.9 kGy in the presence of C2H6 when the concentration of C2H6 is in the range of 100 to 400 ppm. 87 • Removal efficiency of NOx is decreased by 23.84% at a dose of 10.9 kGy in the presence of 400 ppm C2H6 and 700 ppm SO2. The SO2 presence decreases the removal efficiency of NOx when ammonia is not added. References [1]. Basfar A.A. et al.: Fuel, 87, 8-9, 1446-1452 (2008). [2]. Chmielewski A.G. et al.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 71, 1-2, 439-442 (2004). [3]. Chmielewski A.G. et al.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 65, 4-5, 397-403 (2002). [4]. Albritton, D.L.: At. Data Nucl. Data, 22, 1-101 (1978). [5]. http://kinetics.nist.gov/kinetics/index.jsp. [6]. Mätzing H.: Advances in chemical physics. Vol. LXXX. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey 1991, pp. 315-402. EMISSION PROCESSES IN THE BALTIC SEA REGION – PLASMA TECHNOLOGIES IN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (PlasTEP) Sylwia Witman, Andrzej Pawelec, Andrzej G. Chmielewski Air pollution is one of the biggest environmental problems, because the combustion products in the form of volatile compounds of sulphur, nitrogen are often transported along with the wind towards regions distant from the place of generation. There, reacting with the moisture contained in the atmosphere, these compounds form acids, causing acidification of the environment affecting the resources of water and soil. Transport, industry (metallurgy, cement and chemicals), energy generation, heating and waste incineration have the largest share in the production of gaseous air pollutants. Analysis of the main sources of air pollution in the Baltic Sea Region was conducted within the international project – PlasTEP. Mapping the specificity of NOx and SO2 emission in the Baltic Sea Region is the basis for further discussions on possible implementation of plasma pollution control technologies. Therefore the document presenting main sources of emission in certain countries has been elaborated. As a next step of this work, an elaboration list of potential proTable 1. Annual SO2 and NOx emissions in the Baltic Sea Region countries. Country Emission [t/year] SO2 NOx Finland 70 119 165 877 Estonia 69 333 34 393 Latvia 2 831 38 122 Lithuania 31 531 67 739 Poland 998 561 831 225 North Germany 842 6 190 Denmark 19 605 151 686 Sweden 30 521 154 403 cesses suitable for plasma technologies application is foreseen. According to PlasTEP project assumptions, emission in the following countries was concerned: Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, North Germany, Denmark and Sweden. The national emissions of NOx and SO2 are presented in Table 1. The highest emission were reported in Poland. It is the biggest of all concerned countries (38.1 mln citizens). The lowest emissions were reported in North Germany with 1.7 mln citizens. Therefore, the total emission per capita will be a better indicator in order to compare emission in the Baltic Sea Region countries. The emission of main inorganic pollutants per capita is presented in Table 2. Table 2. Annual SO2 and NOx emissions per capita in the Baltic Sea Region countries. Country Emission [kg/year] SO2 NOx Finland 13 31 Estonia 52 26 Latvia 1 17 Lithuania 9 20 Poland 26 22 North Germany 0.5 3.6 Denmark 4 28 Sweden 3 16 Average 15.4 22.8 Many problems associated with environmental pollution may be solved by properly using electromagnetic phenomena. Technologies based on electricity are environmentally „clean” and therefore wasteless, in contrast to most of the chemical technologies. Many of the newly created electromag- 88 netic technologies of air purification from gaseous pollutants (processes in non-thermal plasma, laser technologies, technologies using electron beam) have already been applied on an industrial scale. A progressive increase in demand for electricity also brings challenges for the electricity industry to develop more efficient technologies being in comply with the requirements of environment. The presented structure of emission opens new possibilities for plasma technology for exhaust gas purification. Nowadays the improvement of efficiency of electricity generation systems are realized through the use of combined heat and electricity generation. With the proper use of various technologies, the emissions of harmful compounds was partially decreased, but still many problems are unsolved and application plasma technologies for environment protection may improve this situation. Non-thermal plasma, generated in barrier discharges, is used in the processes of sterilization and disinfection of solid, liquid and gas media due to its numerous advantages – the most important being the lack of side effects as harmful to the environment waste products, the ability of plasma-chemical treatment at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperatures. Survey in this field are con- POLLUTION CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES LABORATORY ducted by many scientific and research centres in the world. The use of non-thermal plasma in the agricultural and food industry for disinfection, storage products, plant growth stimulation, seems to be a competitive solution against conventional chemical methods and fully justified to continue the research in this area. Research of plasma technologies for reducing emissions in transport is also conducted in the country and abroad. Mobile sources that use diesel engines (very large emission of NOx) can use non-thermal plasma generated by electric discharges which significantly reduces the negative impact on the environment. Thus, plasma technology can be used in: • exhaust gases purification processes on a large-scale production (EB) and small boilers (plasma created in discharges), • removing harmful pollutants from exhaust gases from industry, • purification of exhausts from mobile sources. The results of the PlasTEP project, in which the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) is involved, are the confirmation of the importance of the research in the development of plasma technologies for the environment. STABLE ISOTOPE LABORATORY Basic activity of the Stable Isotope Laboratory concern the techniques and methods of stable isotope measurements by the use of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer – IRMS. Our activity area concerns also the application to the environmental area: stable isotope composition of hydrogeological, environmental, medical and food samples. The main aims of activity of the Laboratory are: • preparation and measurement of stable isotope composition of food and environmental samples; • new area of application of stable isotope composition for food authenticity control, environmental protection and origin identification. The Laboratory is equipped with the following instruments: • mass spectrometer – DELTAplus (FinniganMAT, Germany); • elemental analyser Flash 1112NCS (Thermo Finnigan, Italy); • GasBenchII (ThermoQuest, Germany); • H/Device (ThermoQuest, Germany); • gas chromatograph (Shimadzu, Japan); • gas chromatograph with a mass spectrometer (Shimadzu, Japan); • liquid scintillation counter (for 14C and tritium environmental samples) 1414-003 Guardian (Wallac-Oy, Finland); • portable gas analyser (N2O, CO2, CH4, H2S), (Nanosens, Poland). Research staff of the Laboratory is involved in the following projects: • “Formation of the data bank on original products for the juice sector, to supply requirements of the Polish market and producers, basing on the method of stable isotopes” (Ministry of Science and High Education grant PBZ-MEiN NR12-0043-10/2010); • “Differentiation of organically and conventionally produced foodstuff by the stable isotope method”; • accreditation process (isotopic method for food authenticity control); • interlaboratory proficiency test FIT-PTS (food analysis using isotopic techniques – proficiency testing scheme). Specific activity: industrial emission control of greenhouse gases by the use of isotopic composition and food authenticity control and origin identification. The Stable Isotope Laboratory is open for any form of cooperation. We are ready to undertake any research and development task within the scope of our activity. Especially, we offer our measurement experience, precision and proficiency in the field of stable isotope composition. Besides, we are open for any service in the area of food authenticity control by stable isotope methods supported by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) methods. Our Laboratory cooperates with the following national partners: • Inspekcja Jakości Handlowej Artykułów Rolno-Spożywczych, • Urząd Ochrony Konsumenta, • Krajowa Unia Producentów Soków, • customs inspections, • food export-import company, • food control laboratories, • private people – customers and foreign partners: • Eurofins Scientific Analytics (France), • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), • Join Research Centre (Ispra, Italy), • AgroIsoLab (Juelich, Germany), • others isotopic laboratories. STABLE ISOTOPE LABORATORY 91 STABLE ISOTOPES METHODS FOR JUICE AUTHENTICITY CONTROL Ryszard Wierzchnicki With the globalization of trade, quality control of food products is gaining increasing importance for ensuring consumer and producer protection. Adulteration as an addition of the artificial (prohibited) components to natural products, a cheaper product put into a place expensive one and mislabelling is still frequently meet fraud. The addition of cheaper fruits, glucose syrup, acids, aromas and water are typical examples of adulteration which may occur in the juice production. The Polish market has started to speed with the latest challenges facing the food industry with regard to food fraud. This is connected with the economic politics of EC in the agriculture sector of all EU countries. Nowadays in Europe, stable isotope composition is probably one of the most important characteristic of juice for its authenticity control. The standard method applied to determine the authenticity of juice is the measurement of δ13C of sugar and pulp and δ18O of water (Table 1). The ticity control. Important limitation of the application of isotopic method for juice authenticity control is the lack of database of stable isotope composition in fruits and vegetables of different origin. This Laboratory since many years is carrying out a study of isotopic composition of food for the elaboration and implementation of new IRMS methods and database for some food products from the Polish market. For testing of food products, we need extensive knowledge of the original material. Our recent studies concern the intramolecular isotopic distribution pattern between the juice components. The aim of the studies is the extraction of chemical components and investigating their intermolecular relation with δ13C composition. The specific natural isotopic profile method (SNIP-IRMS) [5] is based on multi-isotopic fingerprinting in which isotopic ratios are measured on several components of the same product and their Table 1. The isotopic methods accepted as international standards for juice authenticity control. Product Isotopic parameter 13 Fruit juice sugar, C Fruit juice Method Document IRMS* ENV 12140 (CEN/TC174N108) [1] 13 IRMS ENV 12140 (CEN/TC174N108) [2] 2 IRMS ENV 12141 (CEN/TC174N109) [3] 18 pulp, C Fruit juice water, H Fruit juice water, O IRMS ENV 12141 (CEN/TC174N109) [4] Fruit juice ethanol, (D/H)I, (D/H)II, R SNIF-NMR** AOAC method 995.17 IRMS AOAC method 2004.01 13 Fruit juice ethanol, C * IRMS – isotope ratio mass spectrometry. ** SNIF-NMR – site-specific natural isotope fractionation determined by nuclear magnetic resonance. difference between sugar and pulp isotopic composition is the reason to ascertain the addition of sugar to tested juice. The oxygen isotopic ratio in juice is directly related to the oxygen ratio of regional precipitation and groundwater which, in turn, is linked to geographical origin of fruits. It is possible to discriminate between natural and synthetic components (aromas, pigments, etc.) using nitrogen and carbon isotopic composition. The use of multicomponent and multielement approach is studied, in which isotopic profile is built up for different food products in order to address authen- intermolecular isotopic correlation is investigated. The main components of juice are presented in Table 2. Nowadays, the role of the Stable Isotope Laboratory is the implementation of the SNIP-IRMS method on the basis of original Polish fruits originated from important regions of fruit production. In the future our Laboratory will check the compliance of both content and labelling of fruit juice sold in the Polish marketplace. In the last year the laboratory has taken part in Food Isotopic Techniques – Proficiency Testing Scheme organized by Table 2. Basic chemical components of fruits and vegetables. Basic components of fruits and vegetables Content [%] Minor components of fruits and vegetables Content [mg] Water 78-95 organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric) < 100 Sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose) 5-15 vitamins < 80 Cellulose (texture) 0.4-5 enzymes < 0.1 Starch 0.3-1 aromas < 0.001 pigments < 0.001 Fats 0.1-0.6 Proteins 0.3-1.8 Asch 0.3-1.0 92 STABLE ISOTOPE LABORATORY the Eurofins Scientific Analytics, Nantes, France and Bevabs office, JRC, Ispra, Italy. Isotopic composition of samples of wine, juice, honey and casein were tested. Studies of this kind, using a multicomponent and multielement approach, concerning isotope profiles for different products, are prospected for future needs of authenticity control of food. This work is supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education under grant No. NR12-0043-10/2010. [2]. [3]. [4]. References [1]. PN-ENV 12140 : 2004 Fruit and vegetable juices – Determination of the stable carbon isotope ratio (13C/12C) [5]. of sugars from fruit juices – Method using isotope ratio mass spectrometry. PN-ENV 12141:2004 Fruit and vegetable juices – Determination of the stable oxygen isotope ratio (18O/16O) of water from fruit juices – Method using isotope ratio mass spectrometry. PN-ENV 12142:2004 Fruit and vegetable juices – Determination of the stable hydrogen isotope ratio (2H/1H) of water from fruit juices – Method using isotope ratio mass spectrometry. PN-ENV 113070:2004 Fruit and vegetable juices – Determination of the stable carbon isotope ratio (13C/12C) in the pulp of fruit juices – Method using isotope ratio mass spectrometry. González J., Remaud G., Jamin E., Naulet N., Martin G.G.: J. Agric. Food Chem., 47(6), 2316-2321 (1999). STABLE ISOTOPE RATIO ANALYSIS TO CHARACTERIZE CHOSEN SAMPLES OF POLISH HONEY Kazimiera Malec-Czechowska, Ryszard Wierzchnicki Since many years the activity of the Stable Isotope Laboratory has been concentrated on the application of stable isotope mass spectrometry for environmental investigation and food authenticity control. In 2011, samples of Polish honey with a different floral type such as rape, linden, buckwheat, honeydew and mixed floral (multiflorous) were tested. The products were purchased in a local shop in Warsaw. The investigated honeys were produced in apiarian farms situated in the Masuria geographical region of Poland. Honey is a sweet natural product, produced by bees from flower nectar or from honeydew. Floral honey is composed mainly of carbohydrates, fructose and glucose; but these sugars can be artificially added to falsify honey. Stable carbon isotope ratio analysis (SCIRA) is used to demonstrate C4 (corn or cane) sugars in honey at a concentration > 7%. The apparent C4 sugar content of the honey is calculated using the following formula: C4 sugars [%] = 100 x [δ13Cp – δ13Ch]/[δ13Cp – (-9.7)] where: δ13Cp and δ13Ch – the δ13C values [‰] for protein and honey, respectively; -9.7‰ – the average δ13C value for a corn syrup. Proteins from honey were isolated according to the AOAC Official Method 998.12 and own procedure [2]. Briefly, 10-12 g of a honey sample was placed in a 50 ml centrifuge tube and 4 ml of distilled water was added and mixed. In another tube about 2 ml of 10% sodium tungstate solution was mixed thoroughly with 2 ml of 0.7 N sulphuric acid. The solution was added to the centrifuge tube and mixed with the solution containing the sample of honey. The tube was heated in a water bath at 80oC until visible flocks were formed (3-4 min). If no visible flocks were formed, or if the supernatant remained cloudy 0.7 N acid in 2 ml increments was added and repeated heating between additions. The sample was then centrifuged at 1500 x g per 5 min and the supernatant removed. The precipitate was washed with 50 ml of distilled water, mixed and centrifuged. The washing procedure was repeated at least five times, until the su- pernatant was clear. The precipitated protein was dried in an oven at 60oC during at least 5 h and transferred to a small tube before analysis. Six parallel samples between 1.0 and 2.0 mg each of the tested materials and each of two reference standards for δ15N and δ13C (B 2155 and USGS-40) were transferred into tin capsules using our elemental analyser. Carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) were performed on a DELTAplus mass spectrometer (Finnigan MAT, Bremen, Germany), interfaced to elemental analyser (elemental analyser Flash 1112 NCS – Thermo Finnigan, Italy). In one measurement the value for two isotopes were simultaneously obtained. The standard deviations of the values obtained from measurements were: 0.3‰ for δ15N and 0.2‰ for δ13C. The values of the isotopic ratios are expressed as δ and correspond to an international standard (V-PDB for δ13C, and Air for δ15N) respectively for carbon: δ13C vsPDB ⎡ 13 C ⎤ ⎡ 13 C ⎤ − ⎢ 12 ⎥ ⎢ 12 ⎥ ⎣ C ⎦SAMPLE ⎣ C ⎦STANDARD = ∗1000 0 00 ⎡ 13 C ⎤ ⎢ 12 ⎥ ⎣ C ⎦STANDARD and for nitrogen: δ15 N vsAIR ⎡ 15 N ⎤ ⎡ 15 N ⎤ − ⎢ 14 ⎥ ⎢ 14 ⎥ ⎣ N ⎦SAMPLE ⎣ N ⎦STANDARD = ∗1000 0 00 ⎡ 15 N ⎤ ⎢ 14 ⎥ ⎣ N ⎦STANDARD The carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes ratios in honey and honey proteins with different floral types such as lime tree, rape, buckwheat, multiflorous and honeydew are presented in Table and in Fig. Multielement stable isotope ratios (H, C, N, S) of honey from different European regions were reported by A. Schellenberg [3]. In the frame of this STABLE ISOTOPE LABORATORY 93 Table. The carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes ratios in honey and honey proteins for chosen Polish honey. 13 Code sample/honey type 15 Nprotein -23.66 -25.14 4.26 MP2/Rape -27.16 -27.55 1.09 MP3/Linden -26.04 -26.45 4.08 MP4/Multiflorous -26.91 -26.95 3.25 MP5/Linden -23.72 -26.15 3.62 MP6/Buckwheat -27.93 -27.27 3.85 MP7/Honeydew -25.55 -26.13 3.03 MP8/Multiflorous -26.39 -26.29 2.65 5 -15 2.5 -17.5 0 -20 δ13C honey δ13C honey δ13C protein δ13C protein δ15N protein δ15N protein -2.5 -22.5 -5 -25 -7.5 δ13C δ15N Cprotein MP1/Multiflorous study it was to test if honeys produced in regions with different climatic and geological characteristics could be discriminated on the basis of the isotopic data. Honey samples from twenty European regions including thirty samples from Poland were collected. The δ13C and δ15N mean values of the honey proteins for Poland honey were -26.2 ± 0.4 and 3.9 ± 0.9, respectively. The results obtained in our Laboratory show that the samples coded as MP3/Linden, MP5/Linden, MP7/Honeydew and MP8/Multiflorous have δ13C and δ15N -27.5 -10 -30 MP8 13 Choney MP7 MP6 MP5 MP4 MP3 MP2 MP1 Fig. The carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in honey and honey proteins for chosen Polish honey. values of the honey proteins within the range calculated by A. Schellenberg. The samples coded as MP1/Multiflorous, MP2/Rape, MP4/Multiflorous and MP6/Buckwheat have analysed values δ13C and δ15N of the honey proteins beyond the definite area. These divergences resulted probably from the fact that the examined honeys originated only from one region of Poland, while the honeys examined by A. Schellenberg originated from different regions of Poland and different type of floral. Until now, not much is known as to the investigation of geographical origin of honey from one whole country. To our knowledge, there is only one study where the determination of geographical origin of Slovenian black locus, linden and chestnut honey was investigated by the analysis of some physicochemical parameters and the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios using isotope ratio mass spectrometry [4]. On the other hand, the difference in the value δ13C for protein and honey for the samples MP1/Multiflorous and MP5/Linden is greater than 1‰ what is evident indication of honey manipulation with C4 plant sugars such as high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The addition of C4 plant sugars calculated on the basis of the formula is about 9.3% for MP1/Multiflorous honey, and about 14.7% for MP5/Linden honey. References [1]. Padovan G.J., De Jong D., Rodrigues L.P., Marchini J.S.: Food Chem., 82, 633-636 (2003). [2]. White J.W.: J. AOAC Int., 75 (3), 543-548 (1992). [3]. Schellenberg A. et al.: Food Chem., 121, 770-777 (2010) [4]. Kropf U. et al.: Food Chem., 121, 839-846 (2010). LABORATORY FOR MEASUREMENTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL DOSES Laboratory for Measurements of Technological Doses (LMTD) was created in 1998 and accredited as testing laboratory in February 2004 (Polish Centre of Accreditation, accreditation number: AB 461). The actual accreditation range is: • gamma radiation dose measurement by means of a Fricke dosimeter (20-400 Gy), • gamma radiation dose measurement by means of a CTA film dosimeter (10-80 kGy), • electron radiation dose measurement by means of a CTA film dosimeter (15-40 kGy), • electron radiation dose measurement by means of graphite and polystyrene calorimeters, • irradiation of dosimeters or other small objects with Co-60 gamma radiation to strictly defined doses, • irradiation of dosimeters or other small objects with 10 MeV electron beams to strictly defined doses. The secondary standard of the dose rate using by the LMTD is a Co-60 gamma source “Issledovatel” (cylindrical geometry, actual dose rate ~0.7 kGy/h, transit dose ~3 Gy). The source was calibrated in April 2009, according to NPL (National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK) primary standard. The uncertainty of the dose rate was estimated to be 2.9% (U, k = 2). 96 LABORATORY FOR MEASUREMENTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL DOSES A STUDY OF FILMS: CTA, B3 AND PVC AS POTENTIAL DOSIMETERS FOR DOSIMETRY AT LOW TEMPERATURES Anna Korzeniowska-Sobczuk, Katarzyna Doner, Magdalena Karlińska Sterilization of health care products, pharmaceutical and of tissue banking are important applications of radiation technology. The manufacturer must document that the entire process is continuously under control and in compliance with national and international standards for radiation sterilization. Most of the dosimetry with films is based on optical signal measurements [1-3]. All dosimetry systems commonly used in the irradiation industry are temperature sensitive. Radiation of low-temperature samples, must therefore take these dosimeter temperature effects into consideration. Although some information on temperature correction factors is available in the literature, the application of a single correction factor is difficult because there can be batch to batch differences in dosimeter response and because temperature during the irradiation process itself is not constant throughout the entire process. In a book, W. McLaughlin says that “Irradiation temperature is, in fact, the most important environmental factor contributing to errors in absorbed dose estimation, and in radiation processing it is sometimes poorly determined and difficult to correct for” [4]. The alanine dosimeter response has a small but noticeable temperature dependence, and thus the dosimeter temperature during irradiation must be measured properly to correct this effect. The irradiation temperature coefficient is 0.23% per oC [5], 0.185% per oC [6] or is 0.11% per oC [7]. The reasons for differing values of temperature coefficient reported for different studies are not fully understood, but may by due differences in measurement conditions. The characteristics and dosimetric response of thin film dosimetry after irradiation in room temperature are exactly known. CTA and B3 are films widely use in routine dosimetry and were introduced into practice a few years ago [1, 2, 8, 9]. The technical PVC film had been used as a routine dosimeter at a sterilization plant of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) for many years [3, 6, 10-12]. In the present paper, we studied the response of dosimeters after irradiation at a temperature of -78oC (dry ice – solid CO2). Presented are the impact of the density of dry ice and other materials on the reduction of the dosimetric response films. In experiments three types of foil dosimeters were used: CTA, B3, PCV with optical signal detection. The film dosimeters were irradiated: • with 10-MeV electron beams from an industrial 10-kW linear accelerator. The mean electron energy measured by the wedge method was in the range 9.6-9.8 MeV. The interrelation between the electron beam flux and the speed of the conveyor delivering dosimeters under the beam allowed keeping the dose at a specified level. The dosimeters placed in dry ice were irradiated in the polystyrene phantoms. The dose measurements were performed in a polystyrene or a graphite calorimetric dosimeters irradiated in the same experiment. Calorimetric dosimeters and phantoms were produced at the High Dose Radiation Laboratory – HDRL (Risø, Denmark); • in the gamma field of a reference 60Co source Issledovatel (0.650 kGy/h), having the dose rate traceable to a primary standard maintained by the National Physical Laboratory – NPL (Teddington, UK); • in the gamma field of 60Co source Gamma Chamber 5000 (7.803 kGy/h), having the dose rate measured using of a Fricke dosimeter. Film dosimeters were placed in a glass-metal thermos in the same position as during the measurements by determining the source using the Fricke dosimeter. All irradiations in the 60Co source were performed at the same packing geometry. The mean temperature of irradiation was calculated as the average of temperatures before and after the irradiation, which were measured with a calibrated thermocouple. The B3 and PVC films were heated immediately after irradiation to accelerate the chemical reactions initiated by the ionizing radiation and playing a role in the growth of the dosimetric signals. The absorbance was measured by using a JASCO-V650 spectrophotometer UV/Vis. The wavelength and absorbance scales were checked before each experiment by a calibrated reference standard. During irradiation in the gamma source, sterilization dose (35 kGy) the impact was examined of the density of the material being filled response on the weakening of the responce of dosimetric film. Summary of the results obtained is shown in Table. For all investigated films, calibration curves were constructed for the irradiation of highly en- Table. The response of dosimeters irradiated in the Gamma Chamber 5000 to a dose of 35 kGy, at temperatures -78oC (dry ice – solid CO2), and 25oC (room temperature) in dependence on the density fill material. Nominal Measuring The response in dry ice The response at room temperature A – Ao The foil A – Ao thickness wavelength dosimeters [mm] [nm] d = 1.048 g/cm3 d = 0.842 g/cm3 d = 0.677 g/cm3 d = 0.07 g/cm3 CTA 0.128 280 0.1581 ± 3.4% 0.2604 ± 1.0% 0.2871 ± 1.7% 0.2492 ± 1.4% B3 0.018 556 0.1944 ± 6.0% 0.3702 ± 2.0% 0.3979 ± 2.8% 0.3994 ± 1.9% PCV 0.257 396 0.385 ± 0.8% 1.3009 ± 1.2% 1.3981 ± 0.7% 1.6247 ± 0.7% LABORATORY FOR MEASUREMENTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL DOSES ergetic electrons at the temperature of dry ice and for a density of 0.75 g/cm3. The largest discrepancies were observed for CTA films, the convergence rate was 83% and the uncertainity measurement was 16.6%. Good results were obtained for PVC and B3, the convergence rate was 94 and 96%, respectively. The uncertainity measurement for the films PCV and B3 were 9.3 and 7.8%, respectively. The results are shown in Fig. Fig. Calibration curves for irradiation with a 10 MeV electron beam from the accelerator at a temperature of dry ice for the dosimetric films: (□) PCV, (♦) B3, (○) CTA. Factor associated with the density (0.75-1.05 g/cm3, depending on the granulation of dry ice) should be taken into account during irradiation in dry ice. PVC and B3 are the potential dosimeters that can be used for dosimetry at low temperatures and to process sterilization tissue. This requires further study. References [1]. [2]. [3]. ISO/ASTM 51275:2004(E). Standard practice for use of a radiochromic film dosimetry system. ISO/ASTM 51650:2005(E). Standard practice for use of a cellulose triacetate system. Bułhak Z.: Stosowanie dozymetrów foliowych w eksploatacji wielkiego źródła promieniowania – liniowego akceleratora elektronów LAE 13/6 (Use of foil dosimeters in the exploitation of a large radiation source – the electron linear accelerator LAE 13/6). Instytut Badań Jądrowych, Warszawa 1975. Ph.D. dissertation (in Polish). [4]. 97 McLaughlin W.L., Boyd A.W., Chadwick K.H., McDonald J.C., Miller A.: Dosimetry for radiation processing. Taylor & Francis, 1989, 251 p. [5]. Sanchez-Mejorada G., Frias D., Negron-Mendoza A., Ramos-Bernal S.: Radiat. Meas., 43, 287-290 (2008). [6]. Mehta K.: Appl. Radiat. Isot., 47, 11-12, 1155-1159 (1996). [7]. Wieser A., Siegele R., Regulla D.F.: Appl. Radiat. Isot., 40, 957-959 (1989). [8]. Peimel-Stuglik Z.: Odpowiedź dozymetryczna nie barwionych folii z trioctanu celulozy (CTA) na promieniowanie gamma 60Co (Dosimetric response of untinted, commercially available CTA foils for 60Co gamma rays). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2001. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 11/2001 (in Polish). [9]. Peimel-Stuglik Z., Fabisiak S.: Odpowiedź radiacyjna folii PCW i folii B-3 na promieniowanie elektronowe o energii 10 MeV w zakresie dawek 5-40 kGy (Dosimetric answer of PVC and B-3 films to electron beams with energy 10 MeV in the range 5-40 kGy). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2005. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 4/2005 (in Polish). [10]. Peimel-Stuglik Z., Fabisiak S.: Badanie czynników wpływających na odpowiedź radiacyjną folii PCW napromienianej w źródle kobaltowym (A study of influence factors affected dosimetric answer of PCV films irradiated in 60Co source). Raporty IChTJ. Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2005. Seria B nr 5/2005 (in Polish). [11]. Peimel-Stuglik Z., Fabisiak S.: Rewalidacja metody pomiaru dawki pochłoniętej promieniowania elektronowego dozymetrem foliowym z polichlorku winylu. Cz.1. (Revalidation of the method used for measurement of electron beam absorbed dose by means of a polyvinylchloride film dosimeter. Part 1). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2007. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 3/2007 (in Polish). [12]. Peimel-Stuglik Z., Fabisiak S.: Rewalidacja metody pomiaru dawki pochłoniętej promieniowania elektronowego dozymetrem foliowym z polichlorku winylu. Cz.2. Krzywe kalibracyjne i post-efekty. (Revalidation of the method used for measurement of electron beam absorbed dose by means of a polyvinylchloride film dosimeter. Part 2. Calibaration curves and post-effects). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2007. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 4/2007 (in Polish). LABORATORY FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD The Laboratory for Detection of Irradiated Food was created in the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in 1994 and, after adoption of the quality assurance system, received its first accreditation certificate in 1999. From that time, it renders analytical service in the field of detection of irradiated food to domestic and foreign customers in many countries. During the last 10 years, more than 2000 food samples have been successfully examined. In 2010, the Laboratory received a new Accreditation Certificate of Testing Laboratory Nr AB 262 issued by the Polish Centre of Accreditation on 22.10.2010 valid until 24.10.2014. The integral part of accreditation documentation is the Scope of Accreditation Nr AB 262 comprising the list of detection methods which are in use. These are: • detection of irradiated food containing bone by EPR spectroscopy – analytical procedures based on PN-EN 1786:2000 standard; • detection of irradiated food containing cellulose by EPR spectroscopy – analytical procedures based on PN-EN 1787:2001 standard; • detection of irradiated food containing crystalline sugars by EPR spectroscopy – analytical procedures based on PN-EN 13708:2003 standard; • detection of irradiated food from which silicate minerals can be isolated using thermoluminescence – analytical procedures based on PN-EN 1788:2002 standard; • detection of irradiated food using PSL (photostimulated luminescence) – analytical procedures based on PN-EN 13751:2009 standard. The analytical activity of the Laboratory, to the orders of domestic and foreign customers during the last 12 months, compiles the detection of irradiation in spices, herbal pharmaceuticals, fruit and vegetable pulps, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, diary, mushrooms and fish. In parallel, the Laboratory develops new analytical and measuring procedures making it possible the detection of irradiation in complex food articles containing typically low content of irradiated ingredient and minerals. The attention was focused on the examination of wet samples in L-band by EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) method and the effectiveness of different procedures for mineral separation in TL (thermoluminescence) method. In the present year, 200 samples have been L-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroexamined which represented very different meter in the INCT designed and constructed in the Institute groups of foodstuffs. As much as 14% of the of Telecomunication, Teleinformatics and Acoustics, Wrocław total number of the samples were found to be University of Technology. irradiated. The TL, EPR and PSL examination of foodstuffs were executed for domestic firms and food control institutions as well as for foreign customers in Germany, Italy, France, Denmark, Spain, the Untied Kingdom, Switzerland, Russia. The Laboratory was invited in November 2011 to join the “Intercomparative exercise for quality assurance on EPR and TL irradiated food detection method. 3rd round” organized by the Food Technology Department of Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition with the participation of specialized analytical laboratories from many countries. 100 LABORATORY FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD INCT PARTICIPATES IN THE INTERCOMPARATIVE EXERCISE FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE ON TL, PSL AND EPR IRRADIATED FOOD DETECTION METHODS Wacław Stachowicz, Magdalena Sadowska, Grażyna Liśkiewicz, Grzegorz P. Guzik The National Center for Food (CNA) in Spain organized in 2011 an international intercomparative study (3rd round) on the detection of food preserved by ionizing radiation with the use of standardized EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance), TL (thermoluminescence) and PSL (photostimulated luminescence) methods and/or their own protocols. The task of the present exercise was to detect which of coded food samples was irradiated and to distinct the samples irradiated with lower and higher doses of radiation. The CEN (European Committee for Standardization) standardized methods for the detection of irradiated food by EPR, TL and PSL methods [1-5] were validated with the use of model samples irradiated with doses equal or close to technological doses recommended. Nowadays, food producers and distributors tend to decrease irradiation doses to the lowest acceptable levels assuring the intended preservation effect and microbial food safety. Such “optimal” doses are markedly lower than those recommended earlier. It is why in the present study low dose irradiated food samples were examined, too. In the present exercise twenty two laboratories were involved from EU countries (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom) and from Turkey. Participating laboratories are working on or are engaged in the detection of irradiated food for customers or for the Official Food Control System. Thirteen laboratories including the Laboratory for Detection of Irradiated Food, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) participated earlier (2010) in the round 2nd intercomparative exercise in 2010, while nine were new. The samples The following products were selected to be tested throughout the study (Table 1): • for TL method two samples of dried herbs, oregano and green tea, coded as IE 3-1 and IE 3-2 and weighing about 50 g each; • for PSL method four samples of dried spices, curry, camomile, black pepper and rosemary, coded as IE 3-3 to IE 3-6; • for EPR method eight different samples as chicken bone, pork bone, razor shell, clam shell, walnut shell, cayenne, raisins, coded IE 3-7 to IE 3-14. Full list of the investigated products: • chicken bone, • pork bone • walnut (shell), • dried herbs, • raisins (whole fruits), • pepper, • curry, • cayenne, Table 1. Samples prepared by the organizer to be analysed in participating laboratories. Irradiation status is indicated. Origin code Sample Irradiation dose IE3-1 oregano 1 kGy IE3-2 green tea unirradiated IE3-3 curry 1 kGy IE3-4 camomile 1 kGy IE3-5 pepper (black) unirradiated IE3-6 rosemary unirradiated IE3-7 chicken bone unirradiated IE3-8 pork bone 1 kGy IE3-9 razor shell unirradiated IE3-10 clam shell 1 kGy IE3-11 nut shell 1 kGy IE3-12 cayenne unirradiated IE3-13 raisins 1 kGy IE3-14 raisins unirradiated • camomile, • rosemary, • raizor shell, • clam shell. Organization of the study The CNA Laboratory has prepared 14 test samples irradiated and/or not irradiated to be delivered to the participant by post for examination. Thus, each of the participating laboratories analysed the following number of samples: • two samples for TL method (each sample in duplicate); • four samples for PSL method (each sample in duplicate); • eight samples for EPR method: two samples containing cellulose, two containing crystallized sugar, two samples of bones and two of molluscs. All samples were coded with numbers. Irradiation of samples The samples analysed in the INCT for calibrated irradiation were irradiated with the use of a 60Co gamma source calibrated with a ferrous-ferric dosimeter (Fricke dosimeter). The dose rate was 0.95 kGy/h. The CNA dosimetry was done using ECB dosimeters calibrated at the High Dose Reference Laboratory of Risø National Laboratory (Denmark), which has traceability to the National Physical Laboratory (UK). The dose rate was 6.94 kGy/h. EPR examination The samples were examined in the INCT following the procedures adapted in the Laboratory for Detection of Irradiated Food and based on those recommended by the European standards: LABORATORY FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD • EN 1786 (chicken bones, pork bones, raizor shell, clam shell); • EN 1787 (walnut shell, cayenne); • EN 13708 (raisins). The EPR measurements have been done with the use of a Bruker ESP 300 spectrometer in X-band. The samples (ca. 2.5 cm high) were placed in 5 mm 101 Walnut shell and cayenne contain cellulose and hence were expected to give rise to the specific cellulose EPR signal. The criterion for the detection of irradiation in cellulose containing products is the appearance of two satellite lines distanced by 6 mT belonging to cellulose radical triplet (central line of this triple signal is overlapped by a Table 2. EPR examination of investigated samples. Origin number Mass of sample [mg] Name of sample INCT result Result as origin IE 3-7 104.5 chicken bone negative negative IE 3-8 75.8 pork bone positive positive IE 3-9 309.1 raizor shell negative negative IE 3-10 300.9 clam shell positive positive IE 3-11 107.7 walnut (shell) positive positive IE 3-12 75.1 cayenne negative negative IE 3-13 103.1 raisins positive positive IE 3-14 102.1 raisins negative negative Wilmad glass sample tubes. The EPR measuring conditions have followed those recommended in the above-named standard documents. PSL examination The samples were examined with a SURRC PSL screening system installed in this Laboratory following the procedures recommended in the European standard EN 13751. The samples (pepper, curry, camomile, rosemary) were placed in 5 cm diameter Petri-dishes. The PSL measuring conditions were adjusted as those recommended in the above-named standard document. Detection criteria The criteria of the detection of radiation treatment were: • identification of the EPR signal specific for irradiated samples, • comparison of the PSL signal with the lower and upper threshold values (T1 and T2) estimated for herbs and spices, • identification of the TL signal based on the glow ratio Glow 1/Glow 2 and the shape of Glow 1 within the range of temperatures 150-250oC for mineral debris isolated from food samples. strong quinone derivative signal). EPR signal recorded with radiation treated cayenne and walnut shell was not specific enough to be qualified definitely as belonging to irradiated stuff. Nevertheless, a very weak shoulders in the EPR signal distanced by 6 mT allowed to conclude that walnut shell could be irradiated. It was not the case with cayenne which was qualified unirradiated. Both qualifications were consistent with organizers data as issued in the final report of the test. Results of intercomparison study obtained in the INCT Laboratory A. EPR examination (Table 2): • all non-irradiated samples were classified correctly, • all irradiated samples were classified correctly. B. PSL and TL examination (Table 3): • all non-irradiated samples were classified correctly, • all irradiated samples were classified correctly, Conclusions The standardized PSL and EPR methods for detection of radiation treatment of selected groups of food are reliable and enable the detection of Table 3. TL and PSL examination of investigated samples. Origin number Name of sample Glow 1 – for fresh sample Glow 2 – after control irradiation INCT result Result as origin IE 3-1 oregano 2 923 366 3 893 179 positive positive IE 3-2 green tea 9 736 650 039 negative negative IE 3-3 curry 8 257 376 15 113 288 positive positive IE 3-4 camomile 88 282 119 194 positive positive IE 3-5 pepper 268 5 023 negative negative IE 3-6 rosemary 304 63 670 negative negative All samples investigated by the EPR method, with the exception of walnut shell and cayenne, are mentioned in relevant European standards as suitable for EPR examination whether irradiated. food samples irradiated with 1 kGy. The PSL and EPR methods for the detection of radiation treatment of selected groups of food are capable of distinguishing low dose (1 kGy) and high dose 102 LABORATORY FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD (7-10 kGy) irradiations. The investigated range of doses covers that commercially adapted for radiation treatment of most of foodstuffs. However, at doses lower than 1 kGy, like for example 0.5 kGy, the sensitivity of EPR and PPSL methods was found not sufficient resulting in the difficulty in the qualification of samples. The best and most reliable method for the detection of irradiation of the investigated group of products was found the TL method. References [1]. EN 13708:2003: Foodstuffs – Detection of irradiated food containing crystalline sugar by ESR spectroscopy. European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brussels. [2]. PN-EN 1788:2001: Foodstuffs – Thermoluminescence detection of irradiated food from which silicate minerals can be isolated. European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brussels. [3]. PN-EN 13751:2009: Foodstuffs – Detection of irradiated food using photostimulated luminescence. European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brussels. [4]. PN-EN 1786:2000: Foodstuffs – Detection of irradiated food containing bone – Method by ESR spectroscopy. European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brussels. [5]. PN-EN 1787:2001: Foodstuffs – Detection of irradiated food containing cellulose by ESR spectroscopy. European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brussels. EFFECTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT PROCEDURES OF MINERAL ISOLATION FROM IRRADIATED SPICES SUITABLE FOR THERMOLUMINESCENCE DETECTION METHOD Magdalena Sadowska, Wacław Stachowicz Analytical methods suitable for the detection of irradiated food have been developed to assure independent control of radiation preserved foodstuffs and to strengthen consumers confidence to this relatively new method of food conservation [1]. At present, the method most frequently used in practice is thermoluminescence (TL) [2-4]. Substantial condition assuring high reliability of the method is the isolation of mineral contaminants from the tested food. Thus, sensitivity and reliability of the detection of irradiated food by thermoluminescence depends on the effectiveness of mineral isolation from the rest of food samples. Isolation procedure recommended by CEN (European Committee for Standardization) standard EN 1788:2002 [5] represents a number of analytical steps including the main one – density separation of the mineral fraction from the organic remainder in sodium polytungstate water solution (d = 2.0 g/cm3). The product most frequently undergoing examination whether irradiated in analytical laboratories specialized in the detection of radiation treatment of foodstuffs are spices and seasonings in a pure state (leafs or powders) or blended, while recently quite often food products and diet supplements containing spices and dried vegetables as additives as souses, instant soups, phyto-pharmaceuticals and flavour extracts. Usually, the content of mineral in such products is extremely low and the application of most effective and universal isolation procedure, as that recommended in EN 1788:2002, is needed. On the other hand, however, spices and dried vegetables in pure state or blended contain typically a lot of mineral which could be isolated by a more simple, less time consuming and inexpensive method. In the present study the usefulness of such methods of mineral isolation from this kind of product was proven. As a subject of study, five commercial spices commonly used in the kitchen were chosen. These were: dried basil leafs, powdered onion, powdered garlic, powdered paprika and powdered chili, all purchased in supermarkets. The samples undergone preliminary control by applying a standard TL method (density separation) of mineral isolation to prove whether irradiated. The control was positive – none of the investigated products was found irradiated. Samples were irradiated at a dose of 10 kGy (technological dose adapted for spices) in a 60Co Gamma Chamber (dose rate – 7.5 kGy/h) owned by the Centre for Radiation Research and Technology, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT). The weight of each of the samples taken for TL examination was 25 g ± 2%. The following mineral isolation procedures were tested and subsequently compared: • N – density isolation method recommended by EN 1788:2002 lasting at least 2 h. A sample suspended in mineralized water undergoes ultrasound treatment for 10 min. Afterwards, it is sieved wet through a 125 μm nylon net, treated with sodium polytungstate water solution of the density 2 g/cm3. Then, mineral debris was treated with 3 M hydrochloric acid, washed manifolds with water and centrifuged. Mineral deposit was taken from an ampoule, treated with acetone, transferred to TL measuring cups and dried. • H – acid hydrolysis method lasting at least 2.5 h. Sample suspended in water undergoes hydrolysis with 6 M HCl for 2 h and is sieved wet through a 125 μm nylon net. Mineral deposit taken from the button of receiver bigger is centrifuged. The isolated mineral debris is treated with acetone and subsequently taken to TL measuring cups and dried. • P – wet sieving method lasting ca. 1 h. Sample was stirred in demineralized water, sieved wet through a 125 μm nylon net, while decanted LABORATORY FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD mineral deposit is taken from the button of the vessel after removing the excess of water, treated with acetone and transferred to TL measuring cups. • U – ultrasound method. Sample suspended in mineralized water is for 10 min treated with ultrasounds and then sieved wet through a 125 μm nylon sieving net. Mineral debris is taken from the button of the vessel after removing of excess water, treated with acetone and transferred to TL measuring cups, as above. Minerals deposited on TL measuring cups isolated by four mineral separation procedures from each of the five investigated products (test sample weight – 25 g ± 2%) were weighed with an accuracy of 0.0001 g. According to EN 1788:2002 standard, the weight of mineral isolated from food that 103 silicates in it. However, this factor remains not controllable and everything depends on recorded data (counts of TL glow pulses/photons). Accord- Fig.3. The normalized glow curves recorded with mineral fraction isolated from irradiated garlic by four isolation procedures tested: N – mineral separation, H – hydrolysis, P – sieving, U – ultrasound treatment. ingly, weighing of minerals is in practice not necessarily needed. Nevertheless, weighing of mineral deposits in the present study is rational, indicating how efficient was isolation procedure despite of its composition. Fig.1. The normalized glow curves recorded with mineral fraction isolated from irradiated basil by four isolation procedures tested: N – mineral separation, H – hydrolysis, P – sieving, U – ultrasound treatment. guarantee the reliable TL detection of irradiation lies between 0.1 and 5 mg. It is also recommended to divide bigger mineral volumes to parts before TL measurement. Low mineral weight below 0.1 mg is too low to proceed properly TL measure in most cases. It is pertinent to note that a lower (0.1 mg) threshold value of mineral weight has only empirical origin and was established on the ground Fig.4. The normalized glow curves recorded with mineral fraction isolated from irradiated paprika by four isolation procedures tested: N- mineral separation, H – hydrolysis, P – sieving, U – ultrasound treatment. For each of the investigated spices, two TL measurements were done in parallel. The intensity of thermoluminescence (the area below glow curves) was measured within the range of temperature between 150 and 250oC. It is the region where only radiation-induced thermoluminescence appears. Fig.2. The normalized glow curves recorded with mineral fraction isolated from irradiated onion by four isolation procedures tested: N – mineral separation, H – hydrolysis, P – sieving, U – ultrasound treatment. of a number of repeated measurements done with selected model samples. The factor that influences TL response of mineral deposit is the content of Fig.5. The normalized glow curves recorded with mineral fraction isolated from irradiated chili by four isolation procedures tested: N – mineral separation, H – hydrolysis, P – sieving, U – ultrasound treatment. 104 LABORATORY FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD In Figs. 1-5 the TL glow curves recorded with mineral debris isolated from irradiated test products by four mineral isolation methods are compared. As seen from the Table (column III), the highest volumes of mineral were isolated from garlic, a little lower, but still high from paprika and chili, but markedly lower from powdered onion. Isolation procedure based on sieving only result in the lowest yield of mineral, lower than acceptable threshold level (01 μg, see EN 1788:2002). This parameter, however, is different from sample to sample depending on the initial state of product (cleaning/washing procedures). Very interesting results were obtained when TL intensities of Glow 1 (column IV) recorded with mineral debris isolated by four different procedures from seven tested products were compared: • Basil – the highest TL intensities were recorded with mineral isolated by using hydrolysis (H) and ultrasound treatment (U). The efficiency of recommended mineral separation procedure (N) was lower although still acceptable. • Onion – positively the highest TL intensity was obtained by using a density separation procedure, while the application of ultrasound delivered also a satisfactory result. However, hydrolysis was found not suitable at all. • Garlic – the highest TL intensities were obtained by the examination of mineral isolated with the use of density separation and hydrolysis. Both simplified isolation methods (sieving – P and ultrasound treatment – U) were found also efficient enough. • Paprika – the most effective mineral isolation was obtained by using hydrolysis (H) and simple sieving (P). The effectiveness of two other isolation procedures was acceptable, too. • Chili – the most efficient was mineral separation (N) and ultrasound treatment (U), while the other two methods were effective, too. From the above comparative study, it is clearly seen that by the examination of dried spices and Table. The results of TL examination of mineral debris isolated from irradiated (10 kGy). Sample number Isolation procedure* Weight of isolated mineral [mg] I II III Glow 1 – Glow 2 – count number count number 150-250oC 150-250oC IV Glow ratio Glow1/Glow2 TLGlow maxima [oC] V VI VII BASIL 1 N 1.24 102 761 197 26 653 589 3.85 187 2 H 1.88 148 997 859 35 116 171 4.24 192 3 P 2.04 67 270 283 15 361 976 4.37 192 4 U 2.77 132 898 929 30 471 611 4.36 191 ONION 5 N 0.18 948 159 384 089 2.47 182 6 H 0.80 2 034 15 299 0.13 211 7 P 0.01 128 372 13 370 9.60 185 8 U 0.44 523 517 380 465 1.37 184 GARLIC 9 N 2.70 240 336 683 160 706 762 1.49 212 10 H 2.40 277 935 518 97 515 393 2.85 207 11 P 2.4 135 691 991 68 385 190 1.98 215 12 U 2.6 162 791 696 79 627 348 2.04 218 PAPRIKA 13 N 2.5 253 405 801 158 385 613 1.59 199 14 H 2.1 277 457 004 124 366 735 2.23 200 15 P 3.2 291 027 650 166 605 537 1.74 200 16 U 1.2 137 331 443 69 698 228 1.97 202 CHILI 17 N 1.6 238 175 443 131 728 313 1.81 198 18 H 1.3 175 049 815 58 646 969 2.98 205 19 P 1.8 161 833 118 73 704 992 2.19 206 20 U 1.9 191 628 642 92 256 991 2.07 199 * For more details see the text above. LABORATORY FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD vegetables the recommended density separation procedure (N) does not dominate much over three other isolation procedures tested including relatively simple sieving (P) and ultrasound treatment (U). It is advisable to use these methods in analytical practice under the condition that for each product the testing and validation of isolation procedures will be done in advance. It has to be pointed out that the recommended density separation is not only a complex and time consuming procedure, but also the most expensive one. References [1]. FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius. Vol. XVI. 1984. 105 [2]. Autio T., Pinjoja S.: Z. Lebensm. Untersuch. Forsch., 191, 177-180 (1990), in German. [3]. Calderon T., Rendell H.M., Beneitez P., Townsed P.D., Millan A., Wood R.: J. Food Sci., 59, 1070-1071 (1994). [4]. Lesgards G., Fakirian A., Raffi J.: Thermoluminescence identification of irradiated food: LARQUA research. In: Detection methods for irradiated foods – current status. Eds. C.H. McMurray, E.M. Stewat, R. Gray, J. Pearce. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK 1996, pp. 158-167. [5]. EN 1788:2002: Foodstuffs – Thermoluminescence detection of irradiated food from which silicate minerals can be isolated. European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brussels. LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS AND METHODS The main subject of the Laboratory activity in 2011 was the development of methods and apparatus, based generally on the application of ionizing radiation, and process engineering for measurements and diagnostic purposes. The research programme of the Laboratory was focused on the following topics: • development, construction and manufacturing of measuring devices and systems for industry, medicine and protection of the environment; • elaboration and implementation of wireless communication systems based on GPS or the Internet for data acquisition and transmission; • construction and laboratory testing of a gamma scanner for diagnostics of industrial installation; • development of measuring equipments for other Institute laboratories and centers; • development of a new leakage control method for testing of industrial installations during their operation; • identification and optimization of industrial processes using tracers and radiotracer methods; • application of membrane processes of biogas separation and their enrichment in methane; • elaboration and implementation on an industrial scale of new methods and technology of biogas production by fermentation of agriculture substrates and by-products; • hydrogen production from the synthesis gas using membrane separation. In the field of elaboration and construction of new nuclear instrumentation the works were directed towards radioactive contaminations, measurements of concentration of radon daughters and wireless data transmission. A radiometric stand based on the application of large area thin scintillators for alpha-, beta- and gamma-radiation measurement, was constructed and tested for contamination detection in laboratory and industrial conditions. The system for attached and unattached radon 222Rn decay products in air or water was elaborated and tested in laboratory conditions. In the frame of realized R&D project, development of a new generation of mining radiometers was undertaken. The radiometer to be used in mines where methane gas can be present, must satisfy the explosion proof conditions. All realized and constructed instruments are prepared in the version with wireless transmission of results and their storage in memory of data acquisition system. The Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) and GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) are used for data transmission depending on the distance between the detector and control unit. The same type of measuring equipment is used in a gamma scanner for diagnostics of large industrial installations. 108 LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS AND METHODS THE RADIOMETRIC PROBES FOR INDUSTRIAL MEASURING SYSTEMS Adrian Jakowiuk, Ewa Kowalska, Jan Pieńkos, Paweł Filipiak, Łukasz Modzelewski, Jacek Palige, Janusz Kraś In the frame of the development of new measuring systems a wireless probe (detector) was designed for measurements of ionizing radiation in industrial and field conditions (Fig.1). to determined the location and type of column damage or disturbance of the process. The measurements is based on the simultaneous move of the radiation source and scintillation probe on opposite sides of the tested column. The drive of source and detector are on the ground (level zero). Measuring diagram is shown in Fig.2 [1]. Fig.1. Probe for industrial radiometry. Scintillation probe allows for the collection, processing and storage of measurement results through a dedicated steering software. These probes have a built-in battery and are equipped with a system for wireless communication to the central unit of data acquisition. The detector consist of radiometric and electronic parts and is equipped with a microcontroller that controls operation of communications systems and proper operation of the probe. The measurement results can be sent to a unit of data collection using one of two transmission channels in Wi-Fi for short measurement series (up to 48 h) or through the GSM and the Internet for long-term measurements. Functional parameters of detector are the following: • X-rays or gamma-radiation measurements in the environment probes for quantum energy above 50 keV; • possibility of continuous work with radioactive isotopes 60Co, 137Cs, 241Am; • possibility of probes work in vertical and horizontal positions also as hanging device in industrial and field conditions; • active front surface – 20 cm2, side – 25 cm2; • counts efficiency for isotope 137Cs: ≥ 20%; • counts efficiency for isotope 60Co: ≥ 40%; • manage of the probe work by a laptop or PDA; • collection the measurements results of the probe by using wireless communication (Wi-Fi, GSM); • power supply: built-in battery allows continuous operation of the probe during 10-14 days. Possible connection with solar panels battery; • range of operating temperatures: -10 to +40oC; • dimension and weight: diameter – 9 cm (with antennas φ12), length – 63 cm, weight – 7 kg. Scintillation probes of this type can find application in the control and measuring the operation parameters of various object and industrial installations. Such probes have been used in the gamma scanner, which is used for identification of operation parameters of rectification columns in the petrochemical industry. The test column is screened by using radiation sources 60Co or 137Cs. Based on the measurements recorded in combination with archival measurements made on the same installation, it is possible Fig.2. Functional diagram of a gamma scanner: Z – gamma-radiation source 137Cs, 555 MBg (15 mCi); SS – scintillation probe with scintillate NaI(Tl) φ50 x 50 mm, equipped with a wireless communication system, powered from a local battery; NZ – drive shift of a source with a wireless control system; NS – drive shift of the scintillation probe with a wireless control system; PC – portable computer, a “notebook”, and a scanner program with a system of wireless communication; P – fence; LP – leading rope; NL – tension of the rope leading; KZ – wheel suspension of probe and container with the source. The designed system does not have a network cable (with electric contact) for data transmission from the probe (detector) to the control and data processing unit, what is important for its use in the petrochemical industry. Test may be conducted during normal operation of installation and requires no intervention within the diagnosed column. Realization of measurements requires only location on the external parts of the installation, and using of lines to move the source and detector in selected vertical sections of the installation. Typical scans obtained during the experiments are shown in Fig.3. Another application of this scintillation probe type system is used for leak testing of industrial objects using a unique method developed in the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) using radioactive tracer [2]. This kit consists of: • four scintillation probes for the measurement of gamma and beta radiation, • multichannel impulse amplitude analyser, • wireless system for information transmission between the probe and the central unit, • the software that controls work of the whole set. A scheme of leak testing is presented in Fig.4. In the case of studying industrial objects, the most important statement is the presence or ab- LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS AND METHODS series 1 series 3 series 4 109 probes S1 to S4. Based on the time elapsed from the registration of radiation on individual probes, the overall leak installation is calculated. When none of the probes register growth radiation, the Fig.4. A scheme of leak testing of industrial object. installation is considered as a 100% air-tight. In the case of a leak detection, the order methods for leakage localization are applied [3]. References Fig.3. Course of the scan test installation (distance between source and detector – 120 cm; series 1 – step of distance discretization – 1 cm, time per channel – 10 s; series 3 – step of distance discretization – 5 cm, time per channel – 30 s; series 4 – step of distance discretization – 5 cm, time per channel – 10 s. sence of leak. The applied method is based on the introduction of radioactive tracer (methyl bromide) to the controlled object, followed by continuous measurement of radiation values by using [1]. Machaj B., Jakowiuk A., Świstowski E., Palige J.: Gamma skaner GS-08. Instrukcja obsługi (Operation manual of gamma scanner GS-08). Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2011. Opracowanie wewnętrzne IChTJ nr 36/LTJ/11, in Polish. [2]. Kraś J., Waliś L.: Lokalizacja nieszczelności w obiektach technologicznych przy użyciu metody znaczników promieniotwórczych (Localization of leakages in technological objects using the method of radioactive markers). Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 42, 4 (1999), in Polish. [3]. Kraś J., Waliś L., Myczkowski S.: Doświadczenia z izotopowej kontroli szczelności obiektów technologicznych – aspekty techniczne i ekonomiczne (Experience in isotope leak-proof control of engineering objects – technical and economical aspects). In: Technika jądrowa w przemyśle, medycynie, rolnictwie i ochronie środowiska T.2. Raporty IChTJ. Seria A nr 2/2002. Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2002, pp. 373-379, in Polish. MOBILE DOSIMETRIC GATE Adrian Jakowiuk, Ewa Kowalska, Jan Pieńkos, Paweł Filipiak, Łukasz Modzelewski Mobile dosimetric gate was constructed for the purpose of continuous monitoring of radiation background in places involving work with radioactive sources (possibility of contamination) and constant control of places with high concentration of people (railway stations, airports, underground) in order to detect an illegal transport of radioactive isotopes. When comparing to similar devices [1-3], mobile dosimetric gate is a stand-alone device, able to work either indoors or outdoors. Current measurements of background radiation can be received continuously or periodically by a computer through wireless communication network Wi-Fi [4]. Several gates, placed in different locations, can be connected to the computer forming a monitoring network. The gate signals dangerous exceeding of the surrounding radiation background using light and sound signalling. Principles of operation and construction of the gate The gate uses a scintillation probe containing a sensitive to X- and gamma radiation integrated detector with a NaI(Tl) scintillator, φ50 x 50 mm. Pulses from the detector, shaped and amplified, are sent to two measuring channels. In the first channel, after the photomultiplier noise being cut off, pulses go to the counter, where under the control of microcomputer are counted at specified time intervals. The second measuring channel is to analyse radiation registered by the probe, by finding and positioning peaks in the spectrum recorded by the analyser. As a result, it is possible to determine the probable isotope type which caused the alarm. This channel runs continuously, but the results are analysed only when the alarm counting threshold is exceeded. 110 LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS AND METHODS The gate works under the control of microcomputer, which manages the operation of the probe, registers actual measurements in the memory, launches the light and sound signalling (after exceeding alarm counting threshold) and sends information to the control centre about dangerous breaches of the background. The gate (Fig.1) consists of a long tube (φ15 x 70 cm) expanded in the lower part (φ33 x 30 cm). The scintillation probe is located in the upper part. In the middle part, electronics which registers measured radiation can be found. In the expanded part there are batteries to power the electronics and a signalling system (placed in the upper part). Thanks to using the internal power, the designed gate is mobile and easy to change location. Measurement results and ways of presenting Current measurement results of radiation background around the gate can be tracked on the computer monitor, connected to the gate through Wi-Fi network. Basic program panel to support mobile dosimetric gate (Fig.2) displays digitally the current (last 15 s) average number of background counts in pulses per second and illustrates this value graphically. There is also given a number of exceedances of background for the set time range of the measurement. When turning the advanced panel on, the results can be seen as graphs for a selected period of time. Sample plot of background radiation measurements of four consecutive days is shown in Fig.3. It is also possible to individually elaborate the measurement results in different graphic programs by transferring the results from the computer’s memory (“Save to file” command). This is how the results of an experiment carried out with a 60Co source were illustrated. After establishing the back- Fig.2. The main program window for mobile dosimetric gate. Fig.1. Mobile dosimetric gate with a solar cell used to battery charging. ground radiation (Fig.4, A area), a 1 μCi 60Co source was placed at a distance of 30 cm from the centre of the probe. The system responded by turning on the alarm, rapid growth of background indications and changed to one-second measurements (Fig.4, B area). After changing the distance to 50 cm, the average measurement results are shown again in five-second intervals (Fig.4, C area). The average background exceeding level followed by a sound and light threat signal and the change of sending results to computer memory LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS AND METHODS 111 Fig.3. The waveform of the background radiation measured in four consecutive days. The solid line – 1 h moving average of the measured background. every 1 s was set up to be 100 Bq. This value can be changed on user’s request. Exceeding the alarm threshold of radiation around the gate, is a signal to carry out preliminary analysis of the radiation source (energy). The second measuring channel containing a simple analyser of the pulses amplitude is used. The operation of this system can be observed on the computer screen when you run advanced panel and Rys.4. The measurement of dosimetric gate B_DOZ:A001 with 60Co source ca. 1 μCi: A – background radiation, B – source at a distance of 30 cm, C – source at a distance of 50 cm from the centre of the probe. A, C – 5 s measurements, B – 1 s measurements. choose the option “Collect spectrum”. The image of the spectrum changes every 5 s and after 1 min (depending on the energy and the intensity of the radiation reaching the gate’s head) it shows the main peaks of the radiation source. The device periodically calculates, for the main peaks occur- ring in the spectrum, their location and their percentage in the spectrum. It can be then a basis for determining the type of isotope which caused the alarm threshold crossing. The position of the peaks can be also checked manually by changing the position of two cursors on the spectrum image. The basic operational parameters of the gate Mobile dosimetric gate is a sensitive detector of X- and gamma radiation in its surrounding from 50 keV energy. Detection area depends on the energy and intensity of the radiation, but for the most commonly used isotopes in industry and medicine with an average activity over 200 μCi, is about 2 m around the gate (if there are no natural or artificial screens between the gate and the source of radiation). Efficiency of indications of the Gate for different incident radiation energies equals: over 90% for 1200 keV, over 60% for 660 keV and about 30% for 60 keV. Current measurement results of the gate can be received and registered on a computer using Wi-Fi wireless communication. The developed system allows different ways of viewing the results from different periods of time. The gate turns the sound and light signalling, when the radiation in surrounding area increases by 100 Bq in relation to the fixed background. Then, the 1 s long measurements are made and the results are transmitted to the computer with the same intervals. When the computer is disconnected from the network, the counts exceeding the background are stored in the gate’s local memory and send to the computer when the connection is established. 112 LABORATORY OF NUCLEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS AND METHODS Several gates placed in different locations can be connected via Wi-Fi network with a single computer creating a network monitoring It is ensured that the continuous operation of mobile dosimetric gate in normal conditions should be equal to about 10 to 14 days without charging the batteries. There is a possibility of connecting the gate to the solar batteries power supply. Mobile dosimetric gate was developed and made within the project “New generation of intelligent radiometric tools with wireless data transmission” co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Found. References [1]. Bramka dozymetryczna typ BD-01. www.polonizot.pl/ bd-01.php (in Polish). [2]. Świstowski E., Mirowicz J., Urbański P., Pieńkos J.: Dosimetric gate DSP-15. In: INCT Annual Report 2006. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2007, pp. 158-159. [3]. Stacjonarne monitory do kontroli pojazdów VM 250AG/VM 250AGN. www.polon-alfa.pl/produkty/ aparatura-dozymetryczna/ (in Polish). [4]. Jakowiuk A., Pieńkos P., Kowalska E.: Wireless system for radiometric measurements. Nukleonika, in press. PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 113 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 ARTICLES 1. Abbas K., Cydzik I., Simonell F., Krajewski S., Kasperek A., Bilewicz A. Cyclotron production of 44Sc – new radionuclide for PET technique. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 54, S1, S53 (2011). 2. Apel P.Yu., Blonskaya I.V., Orelovitch O.L., Ramirez P., Sartowska B.A. Effect of nanopore geometry on ion current rectification. Nanotechnology, 22, 175302 (13 p.) (2011) (DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/22/17/175302). 3. Barlak M., Piekoszewski J., Werner Z., Sartowska B., Pisarek M., Waliś L., Starosta W., Kolitsch A., Groetzchel R., Bocheńska K., Pochrybniak C. Modes of the use of high intensity plasma beams for ceramic surface modification. Surface & Coatings Technology, 206, 916-919 (2011). 4. Bojanowska-Czajka A., Nichipor H., Drzewicz P., Szostek B., Gałęziowska A., Męczyńska S., Kruszewski M., Zimek Z., Nałęcz-Jawecki G., Trojanowicz M. Radiolytic decomposition of pesticide carbendazim in waters and wastes for environmental protection. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 289, 303-314 (2011). 5. Brzóska K., Sochanowicz B., Siomek A., Oliński R., Kruszewski M. Alternations in the expression of genes related to NF-κB signaling in liver and kidney of CuZnSOD-deficient mice. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 353, 151-157 (2011). 6. Brzóska K., Stępkowski T.M., Kruszewski M. Putative proto-oncogene Pir expression in significantly up-regulated in the spleen and kidney of cytosolic superoxide dismutase-deficient mice. Redox Report, 16, 3, 129-133 (2011). 7. Chatgilialoglu C., D’Angelantonio M., Kciuk G., Bobrowski K. New insights into the reaction paths of hydroxyl radicals with 2’-deoxyguanosine. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 24, 2200-2206 (2011). 8. Chmielewska D., Gryczka U., Migdał W., Ignatowicz S. Application of radiation methods to preservation of cultural heritage. Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research, Series II, 43, 2, 237-244 (2011). 9. Chmielewski A.G. Chemistry for the nuclear energy of the future. Nukleonika, 56, 3, 241-249 (2011). 10. Chmielewski A.G. Electron accelerators for environmental protection. Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology, 4, 149-161 (2011). 11. Chmielewski A.G. Ionizing radiation as a tool to protect environment. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AAA Physica, 66, 117-124 (2011). 12. Chmielewski A.G. Projekt atomowy – pierwsza elektrownia jądrowa w Polsce (The atomic project – the first power station in Poland). W Pionie i na Poziomie. Aktualności ULMA Construction Polska SA, 1, [3] p. (2011). 13. Chmielewski A.G. Przyszłość energetyczna świata i Polski (The future of energy in the world and Poland). Chemia w Szkole, 4, 6-21 (2011). 114 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 14. Chmielewski A.G. Success of flue gas cleaning by electron beam and other applications of radiation processing in Poland. Radiation & Industries, 130, 15-19 (2011), in Japanese. 15. Chmielewski A.G., Urbaniak A., Zalewski M.K., Roubinek O.K., Harasimowicz M., Krzywda R., Zalewski M. Wzbogacanie biogazu w metan w kaskadzie modułów membranowych (Biogas enrichment in methane with membrane cascade). Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna, 5, 24-25 (2011). 16. Cieślik E., Walkowska I., Molina Ruiz J., Cieślik I., Migdał W. The level of selected minerals and cadmium in chicken livers in dependence of age. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 58, S3, 419 (2011). 17. Danish M., Ghafoor S., Ahmad N., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. (Dimethyl sulfoxide-κO)trimethyl(2-methyl-3,5-dinitrobenzoato-κO1)tin(IV). Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, m923 + [7] p. (2011). 18. Danish M., Ghafoor S., Ahmad N., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. (Methanol-κO)(2-methyl-3,5-dinitrobenzoato-κO)triphenyltin(IV). Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, m519 + [9] p. (2011). 19. Deptuła A., Miłkowska M., Łada W., Olczak T., Wawszczak D., Smoliński T., Zaza F., Brykała M., Chmielewski A.G., Goretta K.C. Sol-gel processing of silica nuclear waste glasses. New Journal of Glass Ceramics, 1, 105-111 (2011). 20. Duchiewicz J., Dobrucki A., Francik A., Duchiewicz T., Stachowicz W., Oleś T. Two-channel EPR spectrometer for quantitative measurements in relation to reference sample. Elektronika, 11, 106-110 (2011). 21. Duchiewicz J., Dobrucki A., Francik A., Sadowski A., Duchiewicz T., Stachowicz W., Kupriyanova G. The 2-channel EPR spectrometer Radioman SE/X-254x for relative quantitative measurements. Elektronika, 11, 101-103 (2011). 22. Dybczyński R.S., Kulisa K. Unusual elution sequence of rare earth elements (REE) in some ion chromatographic systems and the effect of temperature. Separation Science and Technology, 46, 1767-1775 (2011). 23. Głuszewski W., Zagórski Z.P., Tran Q.K., Cortella L. Maria Skłodowska-Curie – the precursor of radiation sterilization methods. Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, 400, 1577-1582 (2011). 24. Gniazdowska E., Koźmiński P. Towards substance P labeling with the ‘4+1’ technetium-99m mixed-ligand complexes. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 54, S1, S327 (2011). 25. Gniazdowska E., Koźmiński P., Fuks L. Lapatinib labeled with technetium-99m complexes as molecular imaging radiopharmaceuticals. Nuklearmedizin, 6, A175 (2011). 26. Hug F., Danish M., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. trans-Bis(3-hydroxypyridine-κN)-diiodidoplatinum(II) dimethyl sulfoxide disolvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, m721 + [7] p. 27. Kaniewski J.T. Odpady promieniotwórcze z elektrowni jądrowych (Radioactive waste from nuclear power stations). Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 54, 4, 2-12 (2011). 28. Kapka-Skrzypczak L., Cyranka M., Kruszewski M., Turski W.A. Środki ochrony roślin a zdrowie rolników – biomarkery oraz możliwości ich wykorzystania do oceny ekspozycji na pestycydy (Pesticides and the health of farmers – biomarkers and the possibilities of their use to evaluate pesticide exposure). Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu, 17, 1, 28-32 (2011). PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 115 29. Kapka-Skrzypczak L., Cyranka M., Skrzypczak M., Kruszewski M. Biomonitoring and biomarkers of organophosphate pesticides exposure – state of the art. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 18, 2, 294-303 (2011). 30. Kapka-Skrzypczak L., Kulpa P., Sawicki K., Cyranka M., Wojtyła A., Kruszewski M. Legal hight – legal aspects and legislative solutions. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 18, 2, 304-309 (2011). 31. Kapka-Skrzypczak L., Niedźwiecka J., Cyranka M., Kruszewski M.K., Skrzypczak M., Wojtyła A. Nutrigenetyka – perspektywy żywienia zindywidualizowanego (Nutrigenetics – perspectives of personalized nutrition). Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, 17, 4, 222-226 (2011). 32. Kapka-Skrzypczak L., Niedźwiecka J., Cyranka M., Skrzypczak M., Kruszewski M.K. Zespół metaboliczny a stres oksydacyjny – możliwości dietoterapii (The metabolic syndrome and oxidative stress – possibilities of dietotherapy). Medycyna Środowiskowa/Environmental Medicine, 14, 2, 57-63 (2011). 33. Koźmiński P., Gniazdowska E. Ghrelin peptide labelled with mono- or trivalent technetium-99m complexes. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 54, S1, S380 (2011). 34. Koźmiński P., Gniazdowska E. Technetium-99m(I), ‘2+1’, and technetium-99m(III), ‘4+1’, mixed-ligand complexes conjugated to Ghrelin. Nuklearmedizin, 6, A1 (2011). 35. Koźmiński P., Gniazdowska E., Fuks L., Kowalska S. ‘2+1’ Tricarbonyltechnetium(I)/tricarbonylrhenium(I) mixed-ligand complexes with methyl thiosalicylate and isocyanide ligands as potential precursors of radiopharmaceuticals. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 69, 436-442 (2011). 36. Krajewski S.A., Bilewicz A., Łyczko K. Synthesis of 105Rh carbonyl and ferrocene complexes for targeted radionuclide therapy. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 54, S1, S362 (2011). 37. Krygowski T.M., Ozimiński W.P., Ramsden C.A. Sigma- and pi-electron structure of aza-azoles. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 17, 1427-1433 (2011). 38. Kunstler J.-U., Bergmann R., Gniazdowska E., Koźmiński P., Walther M., Pietzsch H.-J. Impact of functionalized coligands on the pharmacokinetics of 99mTc(III) ‘4+1’ mixed-ligand complexes conjugated to bombesin. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 105, 1383-1390 (2011). 39. Lewandowska A., Hug G.L., Hörner G., Pogocki D., Kazmierczak F., Marciniak B. Intramolecular H-atom transfer reactions in rigid peptides – correlated solvent and structural effects. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 89, 266-278 (2011). 40. Lewandowska H., Kalinowska M., Brzóska K., Wójciuk K., Wójciuk G., Kruszewski M. Nitrosyl iron complexes – synthesis, structure and biology. Dalton Transactions, 40, 8273-8289 (2011). 41. Machaj B., Mirowicz J., Kowalska E. Large area scintillation detector for dosimetric stand with improved light collection. Nukleonika, 56, 4, 317-321 (2011). 42. Machaj B., Mirowicz J., Kowalska E. Performance of a plastic scintillator and GM pancake tubes as alpha and beta contamination detectors in dosimetric stand. Nukleonika, 56, 1, 53-56 (2011). 43. Majkowska-Pilip A., Bilewicz A. Macrocyclic complexes of scandium radionuclides as precursors for diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 105, 313-320 (2011). 116 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 44. Melski K., Kubera H., Głuszewski W., Zimek Z. Effect of ionizing radiation on the properties of PLA packaging materials. Nukleonika, 56, 1, 65-69 (2011). 45. Miśkiewicz A., Velizarov S. Effect of molecular mass on boron-doped diamond anodic mineralization of water-soluble organic polymers. Separation and Purification Technology, 83, 166-172 (2011). 46. Neves M., Teixeira F.C., Antunes I., Majkowska A., Gano L., Santos A.C. Chemical and biological evaluation of 153Sm and 46/47Sc complexes of indazolebisphosphonates for targeted radiotherapy. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 69, 80-84 (2011). 47. Orlikowski L.B., Migdał W., Ptaszek M., Gryczka U. Effectiveness of electron beam irradiation in the control of some soilborne pathogens. Nukleonika, 56, 4, 357-363 (2011). 48. Owczarek M., Jakubas R., Bator G., Pawlukojć A., Baran J., Przesławski J., Medycki W. Vibrational and thermodynamic properties and molecular motions in the incommensurate crystal of morpholinium tetrafluoroborate studied by 1H NMR. Chemical Physics, 381, 11-20 (2011). 49. Ozimiński W.P., Krygowski T.M. Aromatization of rings of fulvene and heptafulvene due to the through space interactions in [34]3,4,6,6-fulvene-4,5,8,8-heptafulvene-cyclophane. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 965, 240-243 (2011). 50. Ozimiński W.P., Krygowski T.M. Natural bond orbital approach to the transmission of substituent effect through the fulvene and benzene ring systems. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 17, 565-572 (2011). 51. Palige J., Majkowska A., Herdzik I., Ptaszek S. 68 Ge/68Ga radioisotope generator as a source of radiotracers for water flow investigations. Nukleonika, 56, 1, 77-80 (2011). 52. Palige J., Rudniak L., Dobrowolski A., Zalewski M., Chmielewski A.G. Optymalizacja parametrów mieszania biozawiesiny w fermentorze z wykorzystaniem metody CFD (Optimization of biomass suspention miting in fermentor with CFD method). Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna, 5, 82-83 (2011). 53. Papagiannopoulou D., Tsoukalas C., Makris G., Raptopoulou C.P., Psycharis V., Leondiadis L., Gniazdowska E., Koźmiński P., Fuks L., Pelecanou M., Pirmettis I., Papadopoulos M.S. Histidine derivatives as tridentate chelators for the fac-[M1(CO)3] (Re, 99mTc, 188Re) core: Synthesis, structural characterization, radiochemistry and stability. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 378, 333-337 (2011). 54. Pawlukojć A., Sawka-Dobrowolska W., Bator G., Sobczyk L., Grech E., Nowicka-Scheibe J. The structure and vibrational spectra of the 2,5-dimethylpyrazine (2,5-DMP) 1:1 adduct with 2,5-dichloro-3,6-dihydroxy-p-benzoquinone (CLA). Chemical Physics, 380, 34-38 (2011). 55. Persson I., Łyczko K., Lundberg D., Eriksson L., Płaczek A. Coordination chemistry study of hydrated and solvated lead(II) ions in solution and solid state. Inorganic Chemistry, 50, 1058-1072 (2011). 56. Piekoszewski J., Sartowska B., Barlak M., Konarski P., Dąbrowski L., Starosta W., Waliś L., Werner Z., Pochrybniak C., Bocheńska K., Stoch P., Szymczyk W. Improvement of high temperature oxidation resistance of AISI 316L stainless steel by incorporation of Ce-La elements using intense pulses plasma beams. Surface & Coatings Technology, 206, 854-858 (2011). 57. Poboży E., Król E., Wójcik L., Wachowicz M., Trojanowicz M. HPLC determination of perfluorinated carboxylic acids with fluorescence detection. Microchimica Acta, 172, 409-417 (2011). PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 117 58. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E., Danko B. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) for steel analysis and certification. Nukleonika, 56, 4, 311-315 (2011). 59. Przybytniak G., Kornacka E.M., Fuks L. Functionalization of polyamide surface by radiation-induced grafting of N-vinyl-pyrrolidone and acrylamide. Journal of Polymer Research, 18, 541-547 (2011). 60. Sartowska B., Piekoszewski J., Waliś L., Barlak M., Starosta W., Pochrybniak C., Bocheńska K. Structure and composition of scales formed on AISI 316 L steel alloyed with Ce/La using high intensity plasma pulses after oxidation in 1000oC. Acta Physica Polonica A, 120, 1, 83-86 (2011). 61. Sartowska B., Piekoszewski J., Waliś L., Senatorski J., Barlak M., Starosta W., Pochrybniak C., Pokorska I. Improvement of tribological properties of stainless steel by alloying its surface layer with rare earth elements using high intensity pulsed plasma beams. Surface & Coating Technology, 205, S2, s124-s127 (2011). 62. Schlegel-Zawadzka M., Osielczak M., Migdał W., Rokitka M. Hiking in Tatra mountains and eating habits of Polish tourists. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 58, S3, 169 (2011). 63. Sommer S. Informacje o 14. Międzynarodowym Kongresie Badań Radiacyjnych (ICRR 2011), Warszawa, 28.08.2011 – 1.09.2011 (Information about 14. International Congress of Radiation Reasearch in Warsaw, 28.08.2011 – 1.09.2011). Eko-atom. Kwartalnik popularnonaukowy, 3, 10-11, 99-106 (2011) 64. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. catena-Poly[[(6-carboxypyrazine-2-carboxylato)lithium]-μ-aqua]. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, m1708-m1709 + [7] p. (2011). 65. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. catena-Poly[[(aqualithium)-μ-3-carboxypyrazine-2-carboxylato-κ4O2,N1:O3:N4]monohydrate]. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, m1133-m1134 + [9] p. (2011). 66. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. catena-Poly[[μ2-aqua-diaquabis(μ4-pyridazine-3,6-dicarboxylato)tetra-lithium] monohydrate]. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, m1455-m1456 + [10] p. (2011). 67. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. Poly[aqua(μ3-pyridazine-4-carboxylato-κ2O:O:O’)lithium]. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, m425-m426 + [8] p. (2011). 68. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. Poly[di-μ-aqua-μ4-(pyrazine-2,5-dicarboxylato)-dilithium(I)]. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, m50-m51 + [8] p. 69. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. Poly[di-μ2-aqua-μ2-(5-methylpyrazine-2-carboxylato)-(5-methylpyrazine-2-carboxylato)-μ3-nitratotrilithium]. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, m1000 + [11] p. (2011). 70. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. Poly[μ2-nitrato-κ2O:O’)(μ2-pyrimidinium-2-carboxylato-κ2O:O’)-lithium(I)]. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, m818 + [7] p. 71. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. trans-Diaqua(pyridazine-3-carboxylato-κ2N2,O)lithium. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, m202 + [7] p. 72. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. trans-Tetraaquabis(pyridazine-4-carboxylato-κO)magnesium(II) dihydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, m316 + [7] p. 118 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 73. Stępkowska A., Bieliński D.M., Przybytniak G. Application of electron beam radiation to modify crosslink structure in rubber vulcanizates and its tribological consequences. Acta Physica Polonica A, 120, 1, 53-55 (2011). 74. Stępkowski T.M., Kruszewski M.K. Molecular cross-talk between the NRF2/KEAP1 signaling pathway, autophagy, and apoptosis. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 50, 1186-1195 (2011). 75. Szumiel I. Autophagy, reactive oxygen species and the fate of mammalian cells. Free Radical Research, 45, 3, 253-265 (2011). 76. Szumiel I. Co dała światu uparta Polka, czyli od narodzin chemii radiacyjnej po współczesną biologię molekularną (What did the adamant Pole offer to the world: from the emergence of radiation chemistry to the contemporary molecular biology). Kosmos. Problemy Nauk Biologicznych, 60, 1-2, 1-3 (2011). 77. Szumiel I., Foray N. Chromatin acetylation, β-amyloid precursor protein and its binding partner FE65 in DNA double strand break repair. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 58, 1, 11-18 (2011). 78. Uzal N., Jaworska A., Miśkiewicz A., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Cojocaru C. Optimization of Co2+ ions removal from water solutions via polymer enhanced ultrafiltration with application of PVA and sulfonated PVA as complexing agents. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 362, 615-624 (2011). 79. Walo M., Przybytniak G., Nowicki A., Świeszkowski W. Radiation-induced effects in gamma-irradiated PLLA and PCL at ambient and dry ice temperatures. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 122, 375-383 (2011). 80. Werner Z., Pochrybniak C., Barlak M., Piekoszewski J., Korman A., Heller R., Szymczyk W., Bocheńska K. Implanted manganese redistribution in Si after He+ irradiation and hydrogen pulse plasma treatment. Nukleonika, 56, 1, 5-8 (2011). 81. Witman S., Pawelec A. Technologie plazmowe w ochronie środowiska (Plasma technologies in environmental protection). Przegląd Przemysłowy i Gospodarczy, 5-6, 57 (2011). 82. Wojewódzka M., Lankoff A., Dusińska M., Brunborg G., Czerwińska J., Iwaneńko T., Stępkowski T., Szumiel I., Kruszewski M. Treatment with silver nanoparticles delays repair of X-ray induced DNA damage in HepG2 cells. Nukleonika, 56, 1, 29-33 (2011). 83. Yasodha V., Govindarajan S., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. New metal-organic framework solids built from barium and isoelectronic chelidamic and chelidonic acids. Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 41, 1988-1997 (2011). 84. Zagórski Z. Nukleonika militarna – nieznane fakty z historii najnowszej (Military nucleonics – unknown facts from the modern history). Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 54, 2, 22-25 (2011). 85. Zagórski Z.P. Zimna fuzja raz jeszcze. [List do Redakcji] (Cold fusion once more – A Letter to the Editors). Wiadomości Chemiczne, 1-2, 157-161 (2011). 86. Zagórski Z.P., Rajkiewicz M., Głuszewski W. Radiacyjna modyfikacja elastomerów (Radiation modification of elastomers). Przemysł Chemiczny, 6, 1191-1194 (2011). 87. Zhydachevskii Ya., Berkowski M., Warchoł S., Suchocki A. Dosimetric properties of the 570 K thermoluminescence peak of YAlO3:Mn crystals. Radiation Measurements, 46, 494-497 (2011). PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 119 BOOKS 1. Monitoring, control and effects of air pollution. Ed. A.G. Chmielewski. InTech, Rijeka, Croatia 2011, 254 p. 2. Radiotracer applications in wastewater treatment plants. Eds. L.E.B. Brandao, P. Brisset, A. Chmielewski, S. Genders, J.M. Griffith, J.-H. Jin, I.H. Khan, R. Kjellstrand, J. Palige, A. Pandit, H.J. Pant, Sung-Hee Jung, J. Thereska. Training Course Series no. 49. IAEA, Vienna 2011, 93 p. 3. Samczyński Z., Dybczyński R.S., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E., Pyszynska M., Danko B., Czerska E., Kulisa K., Doner K., Kalbarczyk P. Preparation and certification of the new Polish reference material: Oriental Basma Tobacco Leaves (INCT-OBTL-5) for inorganic analysis. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2011, 87 p. 4. Samczyński Z., Dybczyński R.S., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E., Pyszynska M., Danko B., Czerska E., Kulisa K., Doner K., Kalbarczyk P. Preparation and certification of the new Polish reference material: Oriental Virginia Tobacco Leaves (INCT-PVTL-6) for inorganic analysis. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2011, 88 p. 5. Sun Y. Air organic pollutants destruction by using electron beam technology. Experimental and theoretical study. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011, 152 p. CHAPTERS IN BOOKS 1. Bilewicz A., Bobrowski K., Chmielewski A.G., Marcinek A., Narbutt J., Przybytniak G., Szamrej-Foryś I. Chemia radiacyjna, chemia jądrowa i radiochemia (Radiation chemistry, nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry). In: Misja nauk chemicznych. Ed. B. Marciniec. Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, Warszawa 2011, p. 83-108. 2. Bobrowski K. Radiation-induced radicals and radical ions in amino AIDS and peptides. In: Selectivity, control, and fine tuning in high-energy chemistry. Eds. D.V. Stass, V.I. Feldman. Research Signpost, Trivandrum 2011, p. 41-68. 3. Boguski J., Przybytniak G., Mirkowski K., Bojanowska-Czajka A., Nowicki A. Starzenie radiacyjne kabli w elektrowniach jądrowych – wpływ antyutleniacza Irganox 1035 (Radiation ageing of cables in nuclear power plants – influence of Irganox1035 antioxidant). In: Modyfikacja polimerów. Stan i perspektywy w roku 2011. Ed. R. Steller. Wydawnictwo TEMPO s.c., Wrocław 2011, p. 207-210. 4. Bojanowska-Czajka A. Zastosowanie promieniowania jonizującego do rozkładu wybranych zanieczyszczeń organicznych wód i ścieków (Application of ionizing radiation to the decomposition of selected organic impurities in waters and professional sources). In: Rola dokonań młodych naukowców a możliwości osiągnięcia sukcesu naukowego i zawodowego. Vol. 2. Ed. M. Kuczer. Creativetime, Kraków 2011, p. 107-111. 5. Brandenburg R., Barankova H., Bardos L., Chmielewski A.G., Dors M., Grosch H., Hołub M., Laan M., Mizeraczek J., Pawelec A., Stamate E. Plasma-based depollution of exhausts: principles, state of the art, and future prospects. In: Monitoring, control and effects of air pollution. Ed. A.G. Chmielewski. InTech, Rijeka, Croatia 2011, p. 229-254. 6. Chajduk E., Doner K., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Bilewicz A. Opracowanie układu rozdzielczego Se-As i jego wykorzystanie w generatorze radionuklidów 72Se/72As (Elaboration of a Se-As separation system and its use in a 72Se/72As generator). In: Rola dokonań młodych naukowców a możliwości osiągnięcia sukcesu naukowego i zawodowego. Vol. 2. Ed. M. Kuczer. Creativetime, Kraków 2011, p. 128-130. 120 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 7. Dybczyński R. Neutronowa analiza aktywacyjna i jej zastosowania (Neutron activation analysis and its applications). In: Nauka i przemysł – metody spektroskopowe w praktyce, nowe wyzwania i możliwości. Ed. Z. Hubicki. Uniwersytet M. Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Lublin 2011, p. 12-25. 8. Hęclik K., Balawejder M., Kisała J., Mazurkiewicz W., Pogocki D. Betulina i jej pochodne – triterpeny pochodzenia naturalnego o różnorodnej aktywności farmakologicznej (Betulin and its derivatives – triterpenes of natural origin and different pharmacological activity). In: Nowoczesne metody analizy surowców rolniczych. Eds. Cz. Puchalski, G. Bartosz. Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Rzeszów 2011, p. 523-533. 9. Jakowiuk A. Nowa generacja inteligentnych urządzeń radiometrycznych z bezprzewodową teletransmisją informacji (New generation of inteligent radiometric facilitaties with a wireless transmission of information). In: Nowe projekty rozwojowe. Wybrane projekty realizowane w ramach poddziałania 1.3.1 programu „Innowacyjna gospodarka”. OPI, Warszawa 2011, p. 216-217. 10. Kalbarczyk P., Polkowska-Motrenko H. Optymalizacja procesu rozpuszczania ThO2 napromienionego w reaktorze jądrowym (Optimization of the dissolution process of ThO2 irradiated in a nuclear reactor). In: Rola dokonań młodych naukowców a możliwości osiągnięcia sukcesu naukowego i zawodowego. Vol. 2. Ed. M. Kuczer. Creativetime, Kraków 2011, p. 161. 11. Kasztovszky Z., Kunicki-Goldfinger J. Applicability of prompt gamma activation analysis to glass archaeometry. In: Proceedings of the 37. International Symposium on Archaeometry. Ed. I. Turbanti-Memmi. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 2011, p. 83-90. 12. Kruszewski M., Brzóska K., Brunborg G., Asare N., Dobrzyńska M., Dusińska M., Fjellsbø L.M., Georgantzopoulou A., Gromadzka-Ostrowska J., Gutleb A., Lankoff A., Magdolenová Z., Pran E.R., Rinna A., Instanes C., Sandberg W.J., Schwarze P., Stępkowski T., Wojewódzka M., Refsnes M. Toxicity of silver nanomaterials in higher eukaryotes. In: Advances in molecular toxicology. Vol. 5. Ed. J.C. Fishbein. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam 2011, p. 180-218. 13. Nowicki A., Przybytniak G., Mirkowski K. Opracowanie kleju termotopliwego do instalacji ciepłowniczych (Developing of hot-melt adhesive for hot-water installation). In: Modyfikacja polimerów. Stan i perspektywy w roku 2011. Ed. R. Steller. Wydawnictwo TEMPO s.c., Wrocław 2011, p. 663-666. 14. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Kalbarczyk P., Chajduk E., Dudek J. Oznaczanie uranu w torze aktywowanym neutronami w reaktorze Maria (Determination of uranium in thorium neutron-activated in the reactor Maria). In: Badania materiałowe na potrzeby elektrowni i przemysłu energetycznego. XVIII seminarium naukowo-techniczne, Zakopane, Poland, 28-30.06.2011. IAE, Otwock-Świerk 2011, p. 127-132. 15. Przybytniak G., Kornacka E.M., Fuks L., Walo M., Łyczko K., Mirkowski K. Functionalization of polymer surfaces by radiation-induced grafting for separation of heavy metal ions. In: Report of the 3. RCM on “Development of novel adsorbents and membranes by radiation-induced grafting for selective separation purposes”, Budapest, Hungary, 6-10 December 2010. IAEA, Vienna 2011, p. 212-230. 16. Wójciuk K., Lewandowska H., Lewandowski W. Zastosowanie radiolizy impulsowej oraz metod spektroskopowych w badaniach właściwości antyutleniających polifenoli występujących w żywności (Use of pulse radiolysis and spectroscopic method in the studies of antioxidant properties of polyphenols). In: Nauka i przemysł. Metody spektroskopowe w praktyce, nowe wyzwania i możliwości. Uniwersytet M. Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Lublin 2011, p. 214-222. 17. Zalewski M., Chmielewski A.G., Palige J., Roubinek O., Wawryniuk K., Usidus J., Kryłowicz A., Chrzanowski K. Zagospodarowanie odpadów roślinnych i spożywczych do produkcji biogazu (Management of vegetable and food waste for biogas production). In: Człowiek a środowisko – w poszukiwaniu możliwej symbiozy. Kraków 2011, p. 151-157. PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 121 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS 1. INCT Annual Report 2010. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2011, 161 p. 2. Lazurik V.M., Lazurik V.T., Popov G., Rogov Yu., Zimek Z. Information system and software for quality control of radiation processing. International Atomic Energy Agency/Collaborating Centre for Radiation Processing and Industrial Dosimetry (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology), Warszawa 2011, 232 p. 3. Samczyński Z., Dybczyński R.S., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E., Pyszynska M., Danko B., Czerska E., Kulisa K., Doner K., Kalbarczyk P. Preparation and certification of the new Polish reference material: Oriental Basma Tobacco Leaves (INCT-OBTL-5) for inorganic trace analysis. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2011, 87 p. 4. Samczyński Z., Dybczyński R.S., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E., Pyszynska M., Danko B., Czerska E., Kulisa K., Doner K., Kalbarczyk P. Preparation and certification of the new Polish reference material: Polish Virginia Tobacco Leaves (INCT-PVTL-6) for inorganic trace analysis. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2011, 88 p. 5. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E., Dudek J., Skwara W., Pyszynska M. Badanie biegłości ROŚLINY 10 – oznaczanie zawartości As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se i Zn w cebuli suszonej (Allium cepa) (Proficiency test PLANTS 10 – determination As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se and Zn in dry onion powder). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2011. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 1/2011, 28 p. 6. Sadowska M.W., Stachowicz W. Efektywność różnych procedur izolacji minerałów w metodzie termoluminescencji stosowanej do identyfikacji napromieniowanej żywności (Effectiveness of different procedures for mineral separation in thermoluminescence method adapted for the detection of irradiated food). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2011. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 2/2011, 15 p. 7. Zimek Z., Przybytniak G., Nowicki A., Mirkowski K., Roman K., Bułka S., Skajster J., Pujdak D. Uruchomienie modelowego urządzenia do przewijania kabli i przewodów elektrycznych w procesie obróbki radiacyjnej w akceleratorze IŁU-6 (Testing set up for electrical cables and wires rewinding during radiation processing based on ILU-6 electron accelerator). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2011. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 3/2011, 44 p. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Alaimo G., Alessi S., Enea D., Pitarresi G., Przybytniak G., Spadaro G., Tumino D. The durability of carbon fiber/epoxy composites under hydrothermal ageing. XII DBMC – International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, Porto, Portugal, 12-15.04.2011, 8 p. 2. Chmielewski A.G., Berejka A.J. Electron accelerators: a powerful tool for polymer processing. Thermoset 2011: From Monomers to Components. Proceedings of the 2. International Conference on Thermosets, Berlin, Germany, 21-23.09.2011, p. 29-31. 3. Chmielewski A.G., Pawelec A., Witman S. Technologia jednoczesnego usuwania SO2 i NOx z gazów odlotowych przy użyciu wiązki elektronów (Simultaneous technology of SO2 and NOx removal from exhaust gases using electron beam). IX Konferencja „Dla miasta i środowiska – Problemy unieszkodliwiania odpadów”, Warszawa, Poland, 28.11.2011, p. 134-137. 4. Chmielewski A.G., Urbaniak A., Harasimowicz M., Zalewski M.K., Wawryniuk K., Roubinek O.K. Wzbogacanie biogazu w metan w kaskadzie modułów membranowych (Biogas enrichment in methane with using mobile membrane cascade). IX Konferencja „Dla miasta i środowiska – Problemy unieszkodliwiania odpadów”, Warszawa, Poland, 28.11.2011, p. 138-141. 122 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 5. Chmielewski A.G., Urbaniak A., Zalewski M.K., Roubinek O.K., Wawryniuk K. Membranowa separacja biogazu uzyskanego podczas fermentacji i kofermentacji odpadów lignocelulozowych (Membrane separation of biogas produced in fermentation and co-fermentation of lignocellulosic wastes). IX Konferencja „Dla miasta i środowiska – Problemy unieszkodliwiania odpadów”, Warszawa, Poland, 28.11.2011, p. 181-183. 6. Fuks L., Gniazdowska E., Koźmiński P., Mieczkowski J. Novel technetium and rhenium complexes with the N-heterocyclic aldehyde thiosemicarbazones – potential radiopharmaceuticals. 7. International Symposium on Technetium and Rhenium – Science and Utilization, July 4-8, 2011, Moscow, Russia. Book of proceedings. Eds. K.E. German, B.F. Myasoedov, G.E. Kodina, A.Ya. Maruk, I.D. Troshkina. Publishing House GRANITSA, Moscow 2011, p. 339-342. 7. Głuszewski W. Maria Skłodowska-Curie prekursorka metody radiacyjnej sterylizacji (Maria Skłodowska-Curie as precursor of the method of radiation sterilization). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. I(1-6). 8. Głuszewski W. Oddziaływanie promieniowania jonizującego na materię (Interaction of ionization radiation with matter). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. III(1-4). 9. Gniazdowska E., Koźmiński P., Bańkowski K. 99m Tc-labelled vasopressin analog d(CH2)5[D-Tyr(Et2),Ile4,Eda9]AVP as a potential radiopharmaceutical for small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) imaging. 7. International Symposium on Technetium and Rhenium – Science and Utilization, July 4-8, 2011, Moscow, Russia. Book of proceedings. Eds. K.E. German, B.F. Myasoedov, G.E. Kodina, A.Ya. Maruk, I.D. Troshkina. Publishing House GRANITSA, Moscow 2011, p. 343-346. 10. Kałuska I. Czy szykują się jakieś zmiany w przepisach związanych ze sterylizacją radiacyjną? (Are the changes in rules of radiation sterilization in preparation?). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. XIX(1-2). 11. Kałuska I. Kwalifikacja procesowa ze szczegółowym omówieniem wyznaczania dawki sterylizacyjnej (Process qualification with particular discussion on the determination of sterilization dose). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. VIII(1-4). 12. Kałuska I., Bułka S. Analiza ryzyka procesu sterylizacji radiacyjnej (Analysis of the risk of radiation sterilization process). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. X(1-2). 13. Kornacka E.M. Rola opakowań w sterylizacji radiacyjnej (The role of package in radiation sterilization). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. IX(1-6). 14. Korzeniowska-Sobczuk A. Akredytowane Laboratorium Pomiarów Dawek Technologicznych (Accredited Laboratory for Measurements of Technological Doses). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. XVII(1-2). 15. Kruszewski M. Biologiczne działanie i ryzyko promieniowania jonizującego (Biological action and the risk of ionization radiation). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. IV(1-4). PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 123 16. Mehta K., Chmielewski A.G. Stacje sterylizacji radiacyjnej wyposażone w izotopowe źródła promieniowania gamma (Stations of radiation sterillization equipped with isotope sources of gamma radiation). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. XX(1-9). 17. Migdał W., Gryczka U. Mikrobiologiczna dekontaminacja radiacyjna ziół i przypraw. Przepisy Unii Europejskiej (Microbiological radiation decontamination of herbs and spices. Regulations of the European Union). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. XVIII(1-4). 18. Przybytniak G. Modyfikacja materiałów polimerowych pod wpływem promieniowania jonizującego (Modification of polymer materials under the influence of ionizing radiation). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. XIII(1-4). 19. Rafalski A. Kontrola dozymetryczna radiacyjnej sterylizacji wyrobów medycznych (Dosimetric inspection of radiation sterilization of medical appliances). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. VII(1-5). 20. Stachowicz W. Przegląd metod sterylizacji (A review of sterilization methods). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. II(1-14). 21. Stachowicz W. Samodzielne Laboratorium Identyfikacji Napromieniowanej Żywności (Laboratory for Detection of Irradiated Food). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. XVI(1-6). 22. Walo M. Nowe materiały polimerowe modyfikowane radiacyjnie (New polymeric materials modified by radiation). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. XIV(1-4). 23. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Frąckiewicz K., Miśkiewicz A., Zielińska K., Herdzik-Koniecko I., Szczygłów K., Wołkowicz S. Uranium supply from domestic resources in Poland. Nuclear 2011: 4. Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development through Nuclear Research and Education, Pitesti, Romania, 25-27.05.2011, Session I, p. 161-166. 24. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Miśkiewicz A. Membrane distillation as a method for liquid radioactive waste treatment. Nuclear 2011: 4. Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development through Nuclear Research and Education, Pitesti, Romania, 25-27.05.2011, Session II, p. 161-167. 25. Zalewski M., Chmielewski A.G., Palige J., Roubinek O., Wawryniuk K., Chrzanowski K., Kryłowicz A., Usidus J. Analiza pracy małej biogazowi dla przerobu traw i ich kiszonek (Analysis of operation of small biogas plant using grasses and their silage). IX Konferencja „Dla miasta i środowiska – Problemy unieszkodliwiania odpadów”, Warszawa, Poland, 28.11.2011, p. 142-144. 26. Zimek Z. Akceleratory elektronów. Zastosowania dla potrzeb sterylizacji radiacyjnej (Electron accelerators. Applications for the need of radiation sterilization). XI Szkoła Sterylizacji i Mikrobiologicznej Dekontaminacji Radiacyjnej, Warszawa, Poland, 20-21.10.2011, p. VI(1-4). 124 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS 1. Abbas K., Cydzik I., Simonell F., Krajewski S., Majkowska-Pilip A., Kasperek A., Bilewicz A. Cyklotronowa produkcja 44Sc – nowego radionuklidu dla techniki PET (Cyclotron production of 44Sc – a new radionuclide for PET techniques). Ogólnopolska Konferencja Radiofarmaceutyczna, Łódź, Poland, 12-13.05.2011, p. 64. 2. Barlak M., Piekoszewski J., Werner Z., Sartowska B., Waliś L., Starosta W., Kierzek J., Bocheńska K., Heller R., Wilhelm R., Kolitsch A., Pochrybniak C., Kowalska E. High-temperature oxidation resistance of stainless steel doped with yttrium using ion implantation. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 66. 3. Barlak M., Piekoszewski J., Werner Z., Sartowska B., Waliś L., Starosta W., Kierzek J., Bocheńska K., Heller R., Wilhelm R., Kolitsch A., Pochrybniak C., Kowalska E. Wettability of carbon and silicon carbide ceramics induced by their surface alloying with Ti, Zr and Cu elements using high intensity pulsed plasma beams. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 82. 4. Bartłomiejczyk T., Wojewódzka M., Grądzka I., Lankoff A., Iwaneńko T., Kruszewski M., Szumiel I. The protective effect of iron chelator on DNA base damage in HepG2 cells treated with silver nanoparticles. 2. Congress of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Kraków, Poland, 5-9.09.2011. Abstracts, p. 255. 5. Bartosiewicz I., Chwastowska J., Chajduk E., Dudek J., Pyszynska M., Polkowska-Motrenko H. Oznaczanie uranu i toru w materiałach geologicznych za pomocą spektrometrii mas z jonizacją w plazmie indukcyjnie sprzężonej (Determination of uranium and thorium in geological materials by means of inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, p. 21. 6. Bayda M., Majchrzak M., Hug G.L., Burdziński G., Kciuk G., Bobrowski K., Marciniec B., Marciniak B. Reactivity of arylene-silylene-vinylene polymers and their model compounds in the excited states. Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Symposium on the Foundation of Physical Chemistry, Warszawa, Poland, 18-19.11.2011, p. 30. 7. Biełuszka P., Frąckiewicz K., Herdzik-Konecko I., Miśkiewicz A., Szczygłów K., Wołkowicz S., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Zielińska B. Nuclear power industry in Poland: analysis of uranium supply from low grade ores. European Nuclear Young Generation Forum 2011, Praha, Czech Republic, 17-20.05.2011. Extended abstracts, p. 65. 8. Bobrowski K. Radiation-induced oxidation processes in peptides and proteins relevant to oxidative stress. 5. European Young Investigator Conference, Frankfurt, Germany-Słubice, Poland, 22-26.06.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 29. 9. Bobrowski K., Hug G.L., Pędziński T., Kaźmierczak F., Wiśniowski P., Marciniak B. ● OH-induced oxidation of Met-Met dipeptides: influence of geometric and steric factors. 27. Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Tällberg, Sweden, 20-25.05.2011, P-44. 10. Bobrowski K., Hug G.L., Pędziński T., Kaźmierczak F., Wiśniowski P., Marciniak B. ● OH-induced oxidation of Met-Met dipeptides: influence of geometric and steric factors. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 243-244. 11. Bobrowski K., Mozziconacci O., Kciuk G., Rusconi F., Mirkowski J., Wiśniowski P.B., Houee-Levin C. Methionine residue acts as a prooxidant in the ●OH-induced oxidation of enkephalins. COST Workshop CM603 Free Radicals in Chemical Biology, Zagreb, Croatia, 14-17.06.2011, p. 21. 12. Boguski J., Przybytniak G., Mirkowski K., Bojanowska-Czajka A. Lifetime prediction of cables installed in nuclear power plants based on antioxidant decomposition in insulations. PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 125 NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 70. 13. Bojanowska-Czajka A., Trojanowicz M., Soltan D., Kciuk G., Nałęcz-Jawecki G. Radiolytic decomposition of diclofenac in water by gamma irradiation. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 79. 14. Brykała M., Deptuła A., Łada W., Olczak T., Wawszczak D., Smoliński T. Badania nad otrzymywaniem dwutlenku uranu dotowanego torem za pomocą kompleksowej metody zol-żel (CSGP) (Synthesis of uranium dioxide doped by Th by complex sol-gel process (CSGP)). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, p. 25. 15. Brzóska K., Siomek A., Sochanowicz B., Oliński R., Kruszewski M. Sod1 deficiency in mice results in increased NF-κB activity and altered expression of NF-κB related genes. Current Trends in Biomedicine Workshop: Molecular and Cellular Bases of Redox Signaling and Oxidative Stress: Implications in Biomedicine, Baeza, Spain, 2-4.11.2011, [1] p. 16. Brzóska K., Sochanowicz B., Grądzka I. Conjugated linoleic acid sensitized human colon cancer HT-29 cells to X-radiation by impairing DNA double strand break repair. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 136. 17. Buczkowski M., Sartowska B., Starosta W. Influence of ionising and UV radiation on template deposited microstructures of silver haloids. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 68. 18. Chajduk E., Danko B., Polkowska-Motrenko H. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) for steel analysis and certification. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 159. 19. Chajduk E., Doner K., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Bilewicz A. Badania układów rozdzielczych Se-As oraz ocena możliwości ich zastosowania do produkcji generatorów do Pozytonowej Tomografii Emisyjnej (Studies on separation systems for Se-As and evaluation of the possibilities of their use to the production of generators for positron emission tomography (PET)). I Ogólnopolska Konferencja Radiofarmaceutyczna, Łódź, Poland, 12-13.05.2011, p. 38. 20. Chajduk E., Dudek J., Danko B., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Skłodowska A. Analiza chemiczna blaszek z welurów genueńskich (Elemental analysis of metal threads from Genoa velvets). Analiza zabytków w ochronie zabytków – Sympozjum, Warszawa, Poland, 8-9.12.2011, p. 27. 21. Chajduk E., Kalbarczyk P., Dudek J., Polkowska-Motrenko H. Oznaczanie stosunków izotopowych uranu techniką ICP-MS (Determination of uranium isotope ratio by ICP-MS). XVI Konferencja: „Zastosowanie metod AAS, ICP-OES i ICP-MS w analizie środowiskowej”, Łódź, Poland, 5-6.12.2011, p. 27. 22. Chajduk E., Kalbarczyk P., Dudek J., Polkowska-Motrenko H. Oznaczanie stosunków izotopowych uranu techniką ICP-MS (Determination of uranium isotope ratio by ICP-MS). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011, [1] p. 23. Chajduk E., Kalbarczyk P., Dudek J., Polkowska-Motrenko H. Oznaczanie stosunków izotopowych uranu techniką ICP-MS (Determination of isotope ratios of uranium by ICP-MS technique). Konferencja naukowa: „Perspektywiczne cykle paliwowe energetyki jądrowej”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.06.2011, [1] p. 24. Chajduk E., Kalbarczyk P., Polkowska-Motrenko H. Zastosowanie techniki ICP-MS do oznaczania stosunków izotopowych uranu (Application of ICP-MS technique to the determination of isotope ratios of uranium). 54. Zjazd Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego i Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Chemicznego, Lublin, Poland, 18-22.09.2011. Materiały zjazdowe, p. 371. 126 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 25. Chajduk E., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dybczyński R. Zastosowanie neutronowej analizy aktywacyjnej do oznaczania metali szlachetnych (Application of neutron activation analysis to the determination of noble metals). 54. Zjazd Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego i Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Chemicznego, Lublin, Poland, 18-22.09.2011. Materiały zjazdowe, p. 81. 26. Chajduk E., Skwara W., Bartosiewicz I., Pyszynska M., Chwastowska J. Ocena odpadów i produktów ubocznych przemysłu miedziowego jako źródła pierwiastków rzadkich (Evaluation of wastes and by-products in the copper industry as a source of rare earth elements). Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków. Materiały Jubileuszowego XX Poznańskiego Konwersatorium Analitycznego, Poznań, Poland, 27-29.04.2011, p. 63. 27. Chmielewska D., Gryczka U., Migdał W., Daszewski W., Kuberka A., Chyrczakowska M. Radiation treatment of library and archival collections for microbiological decontamination. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 181. 28. Chmielewska D., Starosta W. Influence of ionizing radiation dose on size, distribution and properties of nanosilver particles embedded in different matrixes. 27. Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Tällberg, Sweden, 20-25.05.2011, p. 51. 29. Chmielewska D., Starosta W. Radiation synthesis of silver micro- and nanoparticles embedded in cotton fabric. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 78. 30. Chmielewska-Śmietanko D., Gryczka U., Migdał W., Daszewski W., Kuberka A. Electron beam application to microbiological decontamination of library and archival collections. International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP), Montreal, Canada, 13-16.06.2011. Book of abstracts, EA-13, p. 146. 31. Chmielewska-Śmietanko D., Sartowska B., Starosta W., Walo M. Radiation synthesis of silver nanostructures in cotton matrix. International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP), Montreal, Canada, 13-16.06.2011. Book of abstracts, HC-08, p. 212. 32. Chmielewski A.G. Chemistry for the nuclear energy of the future. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 68-69. 33. Chmielewski A.G. Electron accelerators application for wastewater treatment. Gdańsk Workshop: “Progress in new methods of water and waste water cleaning”, Gdańsk, Poland, 4-5.07.2011, p. 6-7. 34. Chmielewski A.G. Nanotechnology and radiation chemistry. International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP), Montreal, Canada, 13-16.06.2011. Book of abstracts, EA-01.02, p. 67-68. 35. Chmielewski A.G. Rola Rady ds. Atomistyki przy Prezesie Państwowej Agencji Atomistyki w przygotowaniu programu badawczo-rozwojowego energetyki jądrowej (Role of the Council of Atomics, affiliated to the National Atomic Energy Agency, in the preparation of a research – development programme for nuclear power engineering in Poland). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011, [2] p. 36. Chmielewski A.G., Harasimowicz M., Palige J., Polak A., Roubinek O., Wawryniuk K., Zalewski M. Wzbogacanie biogazu w metan przy wykorzystaniu mobilnej instalacji membranowej (Enrichment of biogas in methane with using mobile membrane installation). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, P-115. 37. Chmielewski A.G., Licki J., Pawelec A., Zimek Z., Sun Y., Witman S. Treatment of off-gases containing NOx by electron beam. PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 127 International Symposium on Nitrogen Oxides Emission Abatement NOEA 2011, Zakopane, Poland, 4-7.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 17. 38. Chmielewski A.G., Migdał W., Chmielewska-Śmietanko D., Gryczka U. Biogas and radiation chemistry. International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP), Montreal, Canada, 13-16.06.2011. Book of abstracts, EA-20, p. 153. 39. Chmielewski A.G., Pawelec A., Licki J., Witman S., Sun Y., Zimek Z. Plasma processes including electron beam for off-gases purification. 12. Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Zalakaros, Hungary, 27.08.-1.09.2011, p. 15. 40. Chmielewski A.G., Pawelec A., Licki J., Witman S., Zimek Z. Electron beam treatment of high NOx concentration off-gases. International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP), Montreal, Canada, 13-16.06.2011. Book of abstracts, EA-02.02, p. 69. 41. Chmielewski A.G., Polak A. Wzbogacanie biogazu w metan w celu uzyskania produktu do zasilania sieci gazowych i wykorzystania w silnikach samochodowych (Enrichment of biogas in methane to obtain a product to supply the gas grid and to apply in motor-car engines). Energia elektryczna, ciepło i gaz – perspektywą dla gminy, Minikowo, Poland, 11.03.2011. Materiały konferencyjne, p. 1-4. 42. Chwastowska J., Chajduk E., Dudek J., Pyszynska M., Bartosiewicz I., Polkowska-Motrenko H. Opracowanie optymalnych warunków roztwarzania materiałów do oznaczania U i Th metodą ICP-MS (Elaboration of optimal conditions for the disgestion of materials for the determination of U and Th by the ICP-MS method). Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków. Materiały Jubileuszowego XX Poznańskiego Konwersatorium Analitycznego, Poznań, Poland, 27-29.04.2011, p. 65. 43. Chwastowska J., Skwara W., Dudek J., Pyszynska M., Sadowska-Bratek M. Badanie wpływu nanocząsteczek srebra na organizmy żywe. Problemy analityczne (The study of influence of nano amounts of silver on living systems. The analytical problems). Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków. Materiały Jubileuszowego XX Poznańskiego Konwersatorium Analitycznego, Poznań, Poland, 27-29.04.2011, p. 64. 44. Cieśla K. Radiation modification of the physicochemical and functional properties of the polysaccharide films. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 76. 45. Cieśla K., Sartowska B. Modification of the structure of the films prepared basing gamma irradiated starch examined by scanning electron microscopy. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 204. 46. Cieśla K., Sartowska B., Królak E., Głuszewski W. Gamma irradiation influence on the structure of potato starch gels studied by SEM. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 187. 47. Dispenza C., Sabatino M.A., Niconov A., Chmielewska D., Spadaro G. E-beam crosslinked, biocompatible functional hydrogels incorporating polyaniline nanoparticles. 12. Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Zalakaros, Hungary, 27.08.-1.09.2011, p. 112. 48. Doner K., Polkowska-Motrenko H. Ocena czystości chemicznej kompozytów WO3/ZrO2 wzbogaconych w izotop 186W wykonana metodą NAA oraz ocena stopnia Lucji 188Re (Assessment of chemical purity WO3/zrO2 composites enriched in the isotope 186W made by NAA and assess the degree of elution 188Re). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, P-16. 49. Dybczyński R.S. Aktywacyjne metody analizy i ich znaczenie w nieorganicznej analizie śladowej (Activation methods od analysis and their significance in trace analysis). Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków. Materiały Jubileuszowego XX Poznańskiego Konwersatorium Analitycznego, Poznań, Poland, 27-29.04.2011, p. 26. 128 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 50. Dybczyński R.S, Danko B., Pyszynska M., Polkowska-Motrenko H. Ilorazowa podstawowa pomiarowa procedura odniesienia (metoda definitywna) dla oznaczania żelaza w materiałach biologicznych za pomocą radiochemicznej neutronowej analizy aktywacyjnej (Ratio primary reference measurements procedure for the determination of iron in biological materials by radiochemical neutron activation analysis). 5. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa: „Jakość w chemii analitycznej”, Mory k/Warszawy, Poland, 24-25.11.2011, p. 9. 51. Dybczyński R.S., Kulisa K. Teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty oznaczania ziem rzadkich w materiałach biologicznych i środowiskowych za pomocą chromatografii jonowej (Theoretical and practical aspects of the determination of rare earth elements in biological and environmental materials by ion chromatography). II Konferencja Naukowa: „Monitoring i analiza wody. Chromatograficzne metody oznaczania substancji i charakterze jonowym”, Toruń, Poland, 3-5.04.2011, p. 19. 52. Dybczyński R., Pyszynska M., Chajduk E. Poszukiwanie nowej metody oddzielania śladowych ilości uranu od toru i 233Pa (Search for the new method of the separation of the amounts of uranium from thorium and 233Pa). Konferencja naukowa: „Perspektywiczne cykle paliwowe energetyki jądrowej”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.06.2011, [1] p. 53. Filipiak P., Jakowiuk A., Bartak J., Machaj B., Pieńkos P., Kowalska E. Laboratory automatic measuring system of gamma specimens. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 136. 54. Fuks L. N-heterocyclic aldehyde thiosemicarbazones – ligands for the technetium and rhenium complexes, potential radiopharmaceuticals. 5. EuCheMS Conference on Nitrogen Ligands in Coordination Chemistry, Metal-Organic Chemistry, Materials & Catalysis, Granada, Spain, 4-8.09.2011. Conference book, p. 147. 55. Fuks L., Gniazdowska E., Koźmiński P. Novel technetium and rhenium complexes with the n-heterocyclic aldehyde thiosemicarbazones – potential radiopharmaceuticals. 7. International Symposium on Technetium and Rhenium – Science and Utilization, Moscow, Russia, 4-8.07.2011. Book of abstracts. Eds. K.E. German, B.F. Mysoedov, G.E. Kodina, I.D. Troshkina, T. Sekine. Publishing House Granitsa, Moscow 2011, p. 148. 56. Fuks L., Gniazdowska E., Koźmiński P. Technetium-99m complexed with n-heterocyclic aldehyde thiosemicarbazones – potential precursors of the radiopharmaceuticals. 11. International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry, Barcelona, Spain, 2-5.12.2011, [1] p. 57. Głuszewski W. Application of GC to study radiolysis of cultural heritage artefacts. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 176. 58. Głuszewski W. Rok 2011 rokiem Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie (The year 2011 – the year of Maria Skłodowska-Curie). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011, [1] p. 59. Głuszewski W., Zagórski Z.P., Rajkiewicz M. Modification of elastomers by ionizing radiation. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 171-172. 60. Głuszewski W., Zagórski Z.P., Rajkiewicz M. Radiation modification of elastomers. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 75. 61. Głuszewski W., Zagórski Z.P., Rajkiewicz M. Radiation modification of elastomers/Radiacyjna modyfikacja elastomerów. XIV Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna ELASTOMERY 2011: „Elastomery – innowacja i zrównoważony rozwój”, Warszawa, Poland, 23-25.11.2011, p. 118-119. PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 129 62. Gniazdowska E., Koźmiński P., Bańkowski K. 99m Tc-labelled vasopressin analog d(CH2)5[D-Tyr(Et2),Ile4,Eda9]AVP as a potential radiopharmaceutical for small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) imaging. 7. International Symposium on Technetium and Rhenium – Science and Utilization, Moscow, Russia, 4-8.07.2011. Book of abstracts. Eds. K.E. German, B.F. Mysoedov, G.E. Kodina, I.D. Troshkina, T. Sekine. Publishing House Granitsa, Moscow 2011, p. 149. 63. Grądzka I., Sochanowicz B., Brzóska K., Wojewódzka M., Sommer S., Wójciuk G., Gasińska A., Degen C., Jahreis G., Szumiel I. Mechanism of HT-29 cells radiosensitization by conjugated linoleic acid: changes in lipid raft properties. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 139-140. 64. Grądzka I., Sochanowicz B., Brzóska K., Wojewódzka M., Sommer S., Wójciuk G., Gasińska A., Degen C., Jahreis G., Szumiel I. Mechanism of HT-29 cells radiosensitization by conjugated linoleic acid: influence on double-strand DNA break repair and lipid rafts properties. 2. Congress of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Kraków, Poland, 5-9.09.2011. Abstracts, p. 80. 65. Guzik G.P. Rozdzielanie i unieszkodliwianie odpadów promieniotwórczych z elektrowni jądrowych (Separation and neutralisation of radioactive waste from nuclear power stations). Konferencja naukowa: „Perspektywiczne cykle paliwowe energetyki jądrowej”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.06.2011, [1] p. 66. Guzik G.P., Stachowicz W., Michalik J. Study on radiation induced radicals giving rise to EPR signals employed for the detection of radiation treatment in sugar containing food. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 190. 67. Ignasiak M., Pędziński T., Scuderi D., Filipiak P., Kciuk G., Houee-Levin Ch., Marciniak B. Oxidation studies of methionine-containing peptides. 5. European Young Investigator Conference, Frankfurt, Germany-Słubice, Poland, 22-26.06.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 35. 68. Jakowiuk A., Bartak J., Machaj B., Kowalska E., Filipiak P. System pomiaru stężenia radonu w powietrzu i wodzie (System for measuring the concentration of radon in air and water). III Pomorska Konferencja z cyklu „Jakość powietrza”, Gdańsk, Poland, 7-8.04.2011, p. 45. 69. Jakowiuk A., Machaj B., Pieńkos P., Kowalska E., Filipiak P., Świstowski E. Wireless system for radiometric measurements. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 216. 70. Jaworska A., Romm H., Oestreicher U., Thierens H., Vral A., Rothkamm K., Ainsbury E., Bendertitter H., Voisin P., Fattibene P., Lindholm C., Barquinero F., Sommer S., Woda K., Scherthan H., Beinke C., Vojnovic B., Trompier F., Bajinskis A., Wójcik A. MULTIBIODOSE: multi-disciplinary biodosimetric tools to manage high scale radiological casualties. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 64. 71. Kalbarczyk P., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E. Study of thorium-uranium fuel cycle. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 51. 72. Kalbarczyk P., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E. Wydzielanie uranu z dwutlenku toru napromieniowanego w reaktorze jądrowym (Separation of uranium from thorium dioxide irradiated in a nuclear reactor). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, p. 58. 73. Kalbarczyk P., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E. Wydzielanie uranu z dwutlenku toru napromieniowanego w reaktorze jądrowym (Separation of uranium from thorium dioxide irradiated in a nuclear reactor). Sympozjum: „Bezpieczeństwo i ochrona radiologiczna w aspekcie budowy elektrowni jądrowej w Polsce”, Warszawa, Poland, 6.06.2011, [1] p. 130 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 74. Kałuska I., Zimek Z., Sadło J. Comparison trials in dosimetry. International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP), Montreal, Canada, 13-16.06.2011. Book of abstracts, TE-06, p. 219. 75. Kaźmierczak U., Banaś D., Bogowicz M., Braziewicz J., Buraczewska I., Choiński J., Czerwiński M., Czub J., Jaskóła M., Korman A., Kruszewski M., Lankoff A., Szefliński Z., Wojewódzka M., Wójcik A., Wrzesień M. Investigation of bystander responses in CHO-K1 cells irradiated by 12C ions. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 89-90. 76. Kciuk G. Electron transfer in dipeptides containing methionine and tyrosine. 5. European Young Investigator Conference, Frankfurt, Germany-Słubice, Poland, 22-26.06.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 44. 77. Kciuk G., Bobrowski K., Mirkowski K., De la Fuente J.R., Aliaga C. Spectral and kinetic properties of transient species derived from 2-methyl-3-azaoxoisoaporphine in organic solvents. 5. European Young Investigator Conference, Frankfurt, Germany-Słubice, Poland, 22-26.06.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 68. 78. Kciuk G., Bobrowski K., Mirkowski K., De la Fuente J.R., Aliaga C. Spectral and kinetic properties of transient species derived from quinoxaline-derivatives in irradiated organic solvents. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 113. 79. Kisała J., Kumięga P., Balawejder M., Hęclik K., Pogocki D. Linuron contaminated water detoxification by ozonolysis and Fenton reaction. Risk Factors of Food Chain – 11. International Conference, Iwonicz, Poland, 5-6.09.2011, p. 44. 80. Kocia R., Grodkowski J., Mirkowski J. Excited states of p-terphenyl in selected ionic liquid under electron pulses irradiation. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 313. 81. Kocia R., Grodkowski J., Mirkowski J., Szreder T., Nyga M., Sulich A. Inicjowana radiacyjnie redukcja CO2 w środowisku wybranej cieczy jonowej (Radiation-induced reduction of CO2 in a medium of a selected ionic liquid). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, p. 69. 82. Kornacka E.M., Zagórski Z.P. Ionizing radiation assisted, abiotic formation of methane. ESF-COST High-Level Research Conference on Systems Chemistry III, 23-28.10.2011 and Systems Chemistry, COST Action CM0703 Meeting – Chembiogenesis 2011, 27-30.10.2011, Heraklion-Crete, Greece. Abstracts, p. 37. 83. Kornacka E.M., Zagórski Z.P. Radiation chemistry of DNA as origins of life connection. Origins 2011: ISSOL and Bioastronomy Joint International Conference, Montpellier, France, 3-8.07.2011. Program and abstracts, [1] p. 84. Korzeniowska-Sobczuk A., Doner K., Karlińska M. Accredited Laboratory for Measurement of Technological Doses (LMTD). NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 193. 85. Kosno K., Celuch M., Mirkowski J., Pogocki D. Dwa oblicza nikotyny (Two faces of nicotine). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, p. 72. 86. Krajewski S., Kasperek A., Bilewicz A., Abbas K., Cydzik I., Simonell F. Cyclotron production of 44Sc – new radionuclide for PET technique. EU COST Action D38 Final Meeting, Oxford, Great Britain, 13-15.09.2011, [1] p. 87. Kruszewski M., Brzóska K., Stępkowski T., Wojewódzka M., Wójciuk G., Wójciuk K., Lankoff A., Dusińska M., Dobrzyńska M., Gromadzka-Ostrowska J., Brunborg G. PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 131 Nanosilver induced changes in cellular signal transduction in HEPG2 cells. EEMS – European Environmental Mutagen Society Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 4-7.07.2011, p. 100. 88. Kruszewski M., Buraczewska I., Lankoff A., Sommer S., Wojewódzka M. Radiobiologia w służbie energetyki jądrowej (Radiobiology for nuclear industry). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011, [1] p. 89. Kruszewski M., Grądzka I., Bartłomiejczyk T., Iwaneńko T., Lankoff A., Dusińska M., Brunborg G., Dobrzyńska M., Gromadzka-Ostrowska J., Wojewódzka M. In vitro and in vivo toxicity of silver nanoparticles. 9. International Comet Assay Workshop, Kusadasi, Turkey, 13-16.09.2011, p. 42. 90. Kubera H., Melski K., Assman K., Głuszewski W., Zimek Z., Czaja-Jagielska N. Changes in properties of hydrobiodegradable film based on aliphatic-aromatic copolymers treated by ionizing radiation. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 60. 91. Łyczko K., Łyczko M., Herdzik-Koniecko I., Zielińska B. Nowa metoda rozpuszczania tlenku toru (New dissolution method of thorium oxide). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011, [1] p. 92. Migdał W., Chmielewska-Śmietanko D., Dubiel M. Możliwości wykorzystania materiałów lignocelulozowych do produkcji biogazu (Possibilities of application lignocellulose materials for biogas production). Energia elektryczna, ciepło i gaz – perspektywą dla gminy, Minikowo, Poland, 11.03.2011. Materiały konferencyjne, p. 5-6. 93. Migdał W., Ptaszek M., Gryczka U., Orlikowski L.B. Możliwość wykorzystania technologii radiacyjnych w ochronie roślin przed chorobami (Possibility of application radiation technologies in protection of plants against diseases). 51. Sesja Naukowa Instytutu Ochrony Roślin Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego, Poznań, Poland, 17-18.02.2011. Streszczenia, [2] p. 94. Migdał W., Ptaszek M., Orlikowski L., Gryczka U. Influence of electron beam irradiation on the growth of Phytophthora cinnamoni and its control in substrates. International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP), Montreal, Canada, 13-16.06.2011. Book of abstracts, EA-21, p. 153-154. 95. Miśkiewicz A., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. Radiotracers as an effective tool for membrane processes investigation. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 137. 96. Miśkiewicz A., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. Using of isotopes produced from radionuclide generators as tracer for membrane installation investigation. 6. International Conference on Tracers and Tracing Methods, TRACER 6, Oslo, Norway, 6-8.06.2011. Abstracts, [1] p. 97. Narbutt J. Ekstrakcyjne wydzielanie pierwiastków transuranowych z wypalonego paliwa jądrowego (Solvent extraction separation of transuranium elements from spent nuclear fuel). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011, [1] p. 98. Nichipor H., Yacko S., Sun Y., Chmielewski A.G., Zimek Z., Bułka S. Degradation mechanism of benzene in air under electron beam irradiation. 4. Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Zlatibor, Serbia, 21-25.08.2011. Book of abstracts. Eds. M.M. Kuraica, B.M. Obradović, p. 107-108. 99. Nyga M., Grodkowski J., Kocia R., Mirkowski J. Różnice wartości stałej równowagi w cieczach jonowych w porównaniu do klasycznych rozpuszczalników (Differences in the values of equillibrium constant in ionic liquids compared to classical solvents). 132 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, p. 109. 100. Nyga M., Hug G.L., Mirkowski J., Szreder T., Grodkowski J. Equilibrium reactions in ionic liquids. 27. Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Tällberg, Sweden, 20-25.05.2011, p. 63. 101. Nyga M., Hug G.L., Mirkowski J., Szreder T., Grodkowski J. Generation of oxidizing radicals and their reactivity in ionic liquids with the same anion. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 313-314. 102. Orlikowski L.B., Gryczka U., Ptaszek M., Migdał W. Activity of e-beam irradiation in the control of Rhizoctonia solani. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 186. 103. Pitarević Svedružić L., Rončević S., Chajduk E. Spectrometric analysis of lanthanides in archeological ceramics. IX International Congress of Young Chemists ‘YoungChem 2011’, Cracow, Poland, 12-16.10.2011, [1] p. 104. Polkowska-Motrenko H. Jądrowe metody analizy. Znaczenie dla metrologii chemicznej (Nuclear analytical techniques – importance for chemical metrology). Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków. Materiały Jubileuszowego XX Poznańskiego Konwersatorium Analitycznego, Poznań, Poland, 27-29.04.2011, p. 27-28. 105. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E. Przypisanie wartości właściwościom materiałów do badań w programie Rośliny (Assigment of property values in the procifiency test scheme Plants). 5. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa: „Jakość w chemii analitycznej”, Mory k/Warszawy, Poland, 24-25.11.2011, p. 19. 106. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Fuks L., Kalbarczyk P., Pyszynska M. Przygotowanie materiałów do badań biegłości laboratoriów oznaczających pierwiastki radioaktywne w środowisku i żywności (Preparation of materials for proficiency tests of laboratories determining radioactive elements in the environment and food). Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków. Materiały Jubileuszowego XX Poznańskiego Konwersatorium Analitycznego, Poznań, Poland, 27-29.04.2011, p. 47. 107. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Fuks L., Kalbarczyk P., Skotniczna M. Program badań biegłości dla placówek specjalistycznych prowadzących pomiary skażeń promieniotwórczych w ramach monitoringu radiacyjnego kraju (Proficiency test scheme for radiochemical laboratories forming the radiation monitoring network in Poland). Sympozjum: „Bezpieczeństwo i ochrona radiologiczna w aspekcie budowy elektrowni jądrowej w Polsce”, Warszawa, Poland, 6.06.2011, [1] p. 108. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Fuks L., Kalbarczyk P., Skotniczna M. Program badań biegłości dla placówek specjalistycznych prowadzących pomiary skażeń promieniotwórczych w ramach monitoringu radiacyjnego kraju (Proficiency test scheme for radiochemical laboratories forming the radiation monitoring network in Poland). 5. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa: „Jakość w chemii analitycznej”, Mory k/Warszawy, Poland, 24-25.11.2011, p. 19. 109. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Kalbarczyk P., Chajduk E., Łyczko K. Badania produktów napromieniania ThO2 (Studies on the irradiation products of ThO2). Konferencja naukowa: „Perspektywiczne cykle paliwowe energetyki jądrowej”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.06.2011, [1] p. 110. Przybytniak G. Degradacja kabli i przewodów niskiego napięcia wykorzystywanych w elektrowniach jądrowych (Degradation of low-voltage cables and wires applied in nuclear power plants). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011, [1] p. 111. Przybytniak G. Radiation-induced effects in polyesters – influence of chemical structure and morphology. 27. Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Tällberg, Sweden, 20-25.05.2011, p. 43. PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 133 112. Przybytniak G., Nowicki A., Boguski J. Starzenie polimerów stosowanych jako warstwy izolacyjne i osłony w kablach (Ageing of polymers applied as insulating layers and shields in cables). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011, [1] p. 113. Przybytniak G., Zimek Z., Nowicki A., Mirkowski K., Boguski J. Selection of the materials for radiation cross-linked cables. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 80. 114. Ritter S., Pignalosa D., Lee R., Hartel C., Durante M., Sommer S., Nikoghosyan A., Debus J. mBAND analysis of aberrations reveals marked differences between cells exposed in vitro and in vivo to X-rays or C-ions. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 195-196. 115. Sadło J., Michalik J., Strzelczak G., Lewandowska-Szumieł M., Sterniczuk M. Carbon-centered radicals in γ-irradiated bone substituting biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite. III Spotkanie Użytkowników Systemów Firmy Bruker w Polsce, Poznań, Poland, 27-28.09.2011, p. 70. 116. Samczyński Z. Determination of uranium(VI) and thorium(IV) in technological phosphoric acid solutions. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 156. 117. Samczyński Z., Dybczyński R.S., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E., Pyszynska M., Danko B., Czerska E., Kulisa K., Kalbarczyk P., Doner K. Nowe polskie materiały odniesienia dla nieorganicznej analizy śladowej (New Polish reference materials for inorganic trace analysis). 5. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa: „Jakość w chemii analitycznej”, Mory k/Warszawy, 24-25.11.2011, p. 21. 118. Sartowska B., Orelovitch O.L., Presz A., Apel P.Yu., Blonskaya I.V. Nanopores with controlled profiles in track-etched membranes. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 205. 119. Sartowska B., Piekoszewski J., Waliś L., Barlak M., Starosta W., Pochrybniak C. Poprawa odporności na wysokotemperaturowe utlenianie stali AISI 316L przez stopowanie pierwiastkami ziem rzadkich przy wykorzystaniu intensywnych impulsów plazmowych (Improvement of high temperature oxidation resistance of AISI 316L steel by alloying with rare earth elements using intense pulses). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011, [1] p. 120. Sartowska B., Piekoszewski J., Waliś L., Starosta W., Barlak M., Ratajczak R., Kopcewicz M. Application of nuclear techniques for materials surface characterisation: own investigations examples. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 154. 121. Skłodowska A., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Danko B., Dudek J., Chajduk E. INAA and other analytical techniques in cultural heritage – elemental analysis of metal threads from silk velvet in Wilanów Museum-Palace. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 178. 122. Smoliński T., Deptuła A., Chmielewski A.G. Methods of immobilization of radioactive elements in Synroc materials. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, [1] p. 123. Smoliński T., Deptuła A., Chmielewski A.G. Nowoczesne metody neutralizacji odpadów radioaktywnych w materiałach typu SYNROC (Modern neutralization methods of radioactive wastes immobilized in SYNROC materials). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, p. 126. 134 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 124. Sommer S., Buraczewska I., Grądzka I., Szumiel I., Kruszewski M. On the role of biological dosimetry in nuclear power industry safety assurance. 1. International Nuclear Energy Congress, Warszawa, Poland, 23-24.05.2011, [2] p. <http://nuclear.itc. pw.edu.pl/eng/proceedings> 125. Sommer S., Kowalska M., Szymańska M., Buraczewska I., Kruszewski M. Inter-laboratory comparison of ionising radiation dose reconstruction by the dicentric assay in Poland. 19. Nuclear Medical Defence Conference, Munich, Germany, 16-19.05.2011. Supplement to MCIF 2/4, p. 20-21. 126. Sommer S., Lankoff A., Wojewódzka M., Buraczewska I., Szumiel I., Kruszewski M. Development of multiparameter biodosimetry test for triage of casualties in a large scale radiological event. 19. Nuclear Medical Defence Conference, Munich, Germany, 16-19.05.2011. Supplement to MCIF 2/4, p. 20. 127. Sommer S., Nasonova E., Kruszewski M., Ritter S. Aneuploidy of individual human chromosomes in m-FISH assay. 19. Nuclear Medical Defence Conference, Munich, Germany, 16-19.05.2011. Supplement to MCIF 2/4, p. 20. 128. Starosta W., Sartowska B., Pawlukojć A., Waliś L., Buczkowski M. Metal-organic framework materials (MOF) and their applications. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 203. 129. Steczek Ł., Kiegel K., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. Application of Calix[6]arene for extraction of uranium(VI) from water solution. 1. International Conference on Methods and Materials for Separation Processes: Separation Science – Theory and Practice 2011, Kudowa Zdrój, Poland, 5-9.06.2011, [1] p. 130. Steczek Ł., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. Design of liquid membranes with calixarenes as carriers for separation of uranium from aqueous solutions. XXVIII Membrane Summer School, Smardzewice, Poland, 11-15.09.2011, p. 78. 131. Steczek Ł., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Kiegiel K. Synthesis of Calix[6]arenes as carriers for separation of uranium from aqueous solutions. ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, P-115. 132. Sterniczuk M., Michalik J., Sadło J., Strzelczak G. Paramagnetic centers generated radiolytically in molecular sieves exposed to carbon monoxide. III Spotkanie Użytkowników Systemów Firmy Bruker w Polsce, Poznań, Poland, 27-28.09.2011, p. 69. 133. Sterniczuk M., Michalik J., Sadło J., Strzelczak G. Paramagnetyczne produkty radiolizy tlenku węgla stabilizowane w sitach molekularnych (Paramagnetic products of carbon monoxide radiolysis in molecular sieves). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, p. 134. 134. Sterniczuk M., Michalik J., Sadło J., Strzelczak G. Radiolitically generated paramagnetic centers in molecular sieves with adsorbed carbon monixide. EUROMAR 2011 - Magnetic Resonance Conference, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 21-25.08.2011, p. 85. 135. Sterniczuk M., Michalik J., Sadło J., Strzelczak G. Radiolitically generated paramagnetic centers in molecular sieves with adsorbed carbon monoxide. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 172. 136. Stępkowski T., Bartłomiejczyk T., Grądzka I., Iwaneńko T., Męczyńska-Wielgosz S., Kruszewski M. Oxidative stress related effects in HepG2 and A549 cells treated with silver nanoparticles. Current Trends in Biomedicine Workshop: Molecular and Cellular Bases of Redox Signaling and Oxidative Stress: Implications in Biomedicine, Baeza, Spain, 2-4.11.2011, [1] p. 137. Strzelczak G., Pogocki D., Bobrowski K. EPR study of dipeptides containing tyrosine. 27. Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Tällberg, Sweden, 20-25.05.2011, p. 54. PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 135 138. Sulich A., Grodkowski J., Mirkowski J., Kocia R., Foreman M. Benzophenone as a probe in the pulse radiolysis of cyclohexanone and 1-octanol, diluents for procedures in minor actinides extraction. 5. European Young Investigator Conference, Frankfurt, Germany-Słubice, Poland, 22-26.06.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 57. 139. Sulich A., Grodkowski J., Mirkowski J., Kocia R., Foreman M. Radioliza impulsowa wybranych ligandów i rozpuszczalników, proponowanych do procesu SANEX w przetwórstwie zużytego paliwa jądrowego (Pulse radiolysis of selected ligands and solvents proposed for the SANEX process in reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, p. 135. 140. Sulich A., Grodkowski J., Mirkowski J., Kocia R., Foreman M. Studies on improving radiation stability of substances applied in the recycling of a spent nuclear fuel. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 178. 141. Sun Y., Chmielewski A.G. Overview of multiple pollutants treatment by using electron beam technology. 4. Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Zlatibor, Serbia, 21-25.08.2011. Book of abstracts. Eds. M.M. Kuraica, B.M. Obradović, p. 27-28. 142. Szczygłów K., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Frąckiewicz K. Metody pozyskiwania uranu ze złóż występujących w Polsce (Methods of recovery uranium from low grade ores in Poland). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, P-120. 143. Śmietanko-Chmielewska D.K., Chmielewski A.G. Application of ionizing radiation for metal nanoclusters synthesis. 12. Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Zalakaros, Hungary, 27.08.-1.09.2011, p. 39. 144. Thierens H., Vral A., Romm H., Oestreicher U., Barnard S., Rothkamm K., Ainsbury E., Sommer S., Beinke C., Wójcik A. The automated micronucleus assay as a reliable biodosimetric tool for population triage in large scale radiation accidents. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 64. 145. Trojanowicz M., Bojanowska-Czajka A., Gumiela M., Męczyńska S., Kruszewski M., Nałęcz-Jawecki G. Hyphenated ionizing radiation based AOP methods for decomposition of toxic pollutants in waters. International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP), Montreal, Canada, 13-16.06.2011. Book of abstracts, EA-02.04, p. 70. 146. Walo M., Przybytniak G. Polyurethane biomaterial modified with electron beam radiation. 27. Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Tällberg, Sweden, 20-25.05.2011, p. 22. 147. Walo M., Przybytniak G., Akkas Kavakli P., Barsbay M., Güven O. Functionalization of polyurethane surface by radiation-induced graft polymerization. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 172-173. 148. Walo M., Przybytniak G., Mirkowski K. Radiacyjna modyfikacja poli(estrouretanów) (Radiation modification of poly(estrourethanes)). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, p. 144. 149. Wawryniuk K., Chmielewski A.G., Palige J., Roubinek O., Zalewski M. Procesy membranowe oczyszczania gazu syntezowego (Membrane processes of the synthesis gas purification). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, P-129. 150. Węgierek-Ciuk A., Arabski M., Lisowska H., Banasik-Nowak A., Kędzierawski P., Florek A., Gozdz S., Wójcik A., Lankoff A. Relationship between acute reactions to radiotherapy, micronucleous yields in lymphocytes and SNP polymorphisms in XRCC1, XRCC3, OGG1 genes in cervix cancer patients treated by external beam radiotherapy. 136 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 165. 151. Witman S., Pawelec A., Chmielewski A.G. Technologie plazmowe w ochronie środowiska (Plasma technology for environment protection). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, P-133. 152. Wojewódzka M., Iwaneńko T., Bartłomiejczyk T., Lankoff A., Kruszewski M. The gamma-H2AX assay – an effective alternative for the comet assay in biodosimetry? 9. International Comet Assay Workshop, Kusadasi, Turkey, 13-16.09.2011, p. 73. 153. Wojewódzka M., Lankoff A., Kruszewski M. The optimisation of a finger-prick blood collection method for the gamma-H2AX assay: potential application in population triage. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 83-84. 154. Wójcik A., Bajinskis A., Romm H., Oestreier U., Thierens H., Vral A., Rothkamm K., Ainsbury E., Bendertitter M., Fattibene P., Jaworska A., Lindholm C., Barquinero F., Sommer S., Woda K., Scherthan H., Vojnovic B., Trompier F. Multi-disciplinary biodosimetric tools to manage high scale radiological casualties – MULTIBIODOSE. 1. International Nuclear Energy Congress, Warszawa, Poland, 23-24.05.2011, [2] p. <http://nuclear.itc. pw.edu.pl/eng/proceedings> 155. Wójcik A., Bajinskis A., Romm H., Oestreier U., Thierens H., Vral A., Rothkamm K., Ainsbury E., Bendertitter M., Fattibene P., Jaworska A., Lindholm C., Whitehouse C., Barquinero F., Sommer S., Woda K., Scherthan H., Vojnovic B., Trompier F. MULTIBIODOSE: multi-disciplinary biodosimetric tools to manage high scale radiological casualties. 19. Nuclear Medical Defence Conference, Munich, Germany, 16-19.05.2011. Supplement to MCIF 2/4, p. 15. 156. Wójciuk G., Wójciuk K., Kruszewski M. Biokoniugaty des-acyl greliny z wybranymi radionuklidami jako potencjalne radiofarmaceutyki (Bioconjugates des-acyl ghrelin analogs with chosen radionuclides as potential radiopharmaceuticals). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, P-135. 157. Zagórski Z.P., Kornacka E.M. Connections of radiation research to origins of life. 14. International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 28.08.-1.09.2011, p. 134. 158. Zagórski Z.P., Kornacka E.M. Critical analysis of attempts leading to the experimental confirmation of Panspermia hypothesis. ESF-COST High-Level Research Conference on Systems Chemistry III, 23-28.10.2011 and Systems Chemistry, COST Action CM0703 Meeting – Chembiogenesis 2011, 27-30.10.2011, Heraklion-Crete, Greece. Abstracts, p. 49. 159. Zagórski Z.P., Kornacka E.M. Ionizing radiation assisted, abiotic formation of methane. Origins 2011: ISSOL and Bioastronomy Joint International Conference, Montpellier, France, 3-8.07.2011. Program and abstracts, [1] p. 160. Zagórski Z.P., Kornacka E.M. Składowisko odpadów w kopalni soli w USA – wizja lokalna (Waste storage in a salt mine in the USA – a local visit). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011, [1] p. 161. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. Implementing public participation approaches in radioactive waste disposal. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 45. 162. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. Projekty badawcze wsparciem energetyki jądrowej w kraju (Research projects as support for nuclear energy in the country). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011, [1] p. PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 137 163. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Frąckiewicz K., Zielińska B., Herdzik-Koniecko I., Biełuszka P., Miśkiewicz A., Szczygłów K., Wołkowicz S., Strzelecki R., Kiegel K. Analysis of uranium supply from domestic resources. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, [1] p. 164. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Frąckiewicz K., Zielińska K., Herdzik-Koniecko I., Miśkiewicz A., Szczygłów K., Biełuszka P., Chajduk E., Oszczak A. Metody pozyskiwania uranu z rud występujących w Polsce (Methods for obtaining uranium from ores occurring in Poland). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna: „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011, [1] p. 165. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Harasimowicz M., Miśkiewicz A., Jaworska A. The hybrid system for liquid low-level radioactive waste treatment with application of membrane processes. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 54. 166. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Miśkiewicz A., Fuks L., Kulisa K. Concentration of liquid radioactive waste using biopolymer-enhanced ultrafiltration. NUTECH-2011 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011. Book of abstracts, p. 42. 167. Zalewski M., Chmielewski A.G., Palige J., Roubinek O., Wawryniuk K., Chrzanowski K., Kryłowicz A., Usidus J. Instalacja do wytwarzania biogazu z odpadów rolniczo-spożywczych (Installation for production of biogas from agricultural and food waste). ChemSession’11: VIII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 13.05.2011. Streszczenia, P-142. 168. Zimek Z., Przybytniak G., Nowicki A. Optimization of electron beam crosslinking of wire and cable insulation. 12. Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Zalakaros, Hungary, 27.08.-1.09.2011, p. 78. SUPPLEMENT LIST OF THE PUBLICATIONS IN 2010 1. Biełuszka P., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. Zagęszczanie i oczyszczanie roztworów uranu za pomocą metod membranowych (Concentration and purification of uranium solutions by means of membrane methods). ChemSession’10: VII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 14.05.2010. Streszczenia, p. 36. 2. Deptuła A., Brykała M., Łada W., Olczak T., Wawszczak D., Modolo G., Daniels H., Chmielewski A.G. Synthesis of uranium and thorium dioxides by Complex Sol-Gel Processes (CSGP). Proceedings of the First ACSEPT International Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 31.03.-2.04.2010, [10] p. 3. Harasimowicz M., Chmielewski A.G., Palige J., Roubinek O., Zalewski M., Urbaniak A. Zastosowanie kaskady membranowych modułów separacyjnych do wzbogacania biogazu w metan (Application of separation membrane module cascade for biogas enrichment in methane). VIII Konferencja „Dla miasta i środowiska – problemy unieszkodliwiania odpadów”, Warszawa, Poland, 29.11.2010. Materiały konferencyjne, p. 66-68. 4. Koss U., Bilewicz A., Czerwiński A. Otrzymywanie beznośnikowego 186Re z naświetlonych neutronami tarcz Re2(CO)10 i Re(CO)5Cl z wykorzystaniem efektu Szilarda-Chalmersa (Obtaining of carrier-free 186Re from neutron-irradiated Re2(CO)10 and Re(CO)5Cl targets, using the effect of Szilard-Chalmers). ChemSession’10: VII Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 14.05.2010. Streszczenia, p. 87. 5. Krygowski T.M., Oziminski W.P., Palusiak M., Fowler P.W., McKenzie A.D. Aromaticity of substituted fulvene derivatives: substituent-dependent ring currents. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12, 10740-10745 (2010). 138 PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 6. Kubera H., Melski K., Ziajka A., Głuszewski W., Zimek Z. Influence of ionizing irradiation on polymers sleeves using for sterilization of medical utensils. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, 160, 43-49 (2010). 7. Majkowska A., Bilewicz A. Macrocyclic complexes of scandium radionuclides as precursors for diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. In: Application of radiotracers in chemical, environmental and biological sciences. Vol. 3. Eds. S. Lahiri, M. Maiti, S.K. Das. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata 2010, p. 324-326. 8. Majkowska-Pilip A., Pruszyński M., Bilewicz A., Loktionova N., Rösch F. Labeling and stability of 46Sc-DOTATATE and 44Sc-DOTATATE radiobioconjugates. COST D38 Action: Metal-based systems for molecular imaging applications. Annual Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece, 20-22.06.2010, [1] p. 9. Musijowski J., Szostek B., Koc M., Trojanowicz M. Determination of fluoride as fluorosilane derivative using reversed-phase HPLC with UV detection for determination of total organic fluorine. Journal of Separation Science, 33, 2636-2644 (2010). 10. Oszczak A. Paliwo jądrowe. Przerób wypalonego paliwa (Nuclear fuel and reprocessing). Materiały Krakowskiej Konferencji Młodych Uczonych, Kraków, Poland, 23-25.09.2010. Sympozja i Konferencje KKMU no. 5, p. 131-136. 11. Oziminski W.P., Garnuszek P., Mazurek A.P. Theroretical modeling of Pt-histamine complex hydrolysis and interactions with guanine and adenine. 5. Central European Conference “Chemistry towards biology”, Primošten, Croatia, 8-11.09.2010. Book of abstracts, p. 108. 12. Oziminski W.P., Krygowski T.M. Substituent effects in exocyclically substituted fulvene derivatives. Central European School on Physical Organic Chemistry, Przesieka, Poland, 8-12.06.2010, p. 39. 13. Oziminski W.P., Krygowski T.M., Fowler P.W., Soncini A. Aromatization of fulvene by complexation with lithium. Organic Letters, 12, 21, 4880-4883 (2010). 14. Trojanowicz M. Chromatographic and capillary electrophoretic determination of microcystins. Journal of Separation Science, 33, 359-371 (2010). 15. Trojanowicz M., Latoszek A., Poboży E. Analysis of genetically modified food using high-performance separation methods. Analytical Letters, 43, 1633-1679 (2010). NUKLEONIKA 139 NUKLEONIKA THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR RESEARCH EDITORIAL BOARD Andrzej G. Chmielewski (Editor-in-Chief, Poland), Krzysztof Andrzejewski (Poland), Janusz Z. Beer (USA), Jacqueline Belloni (France), Grażyna Bystrzejewska-Piotrowska (Poland), Gregory R. Choppin (USA), Hilmar Förstel (Germany), Andrei Gagarinsky (Russia), Andrzej Gałkowski (Poland), Evgeni A. Krasavin (Russia), Marek Lankosz (Poland), Stanisław Latek (Poland), Sueo Machi (Japan), Dan Meisel (USA), Jacek Michalik (Poland), Heino Nitsche (USA), Robert H. Schuler (USA), Christian Streffer (Germany), Irena Szumiel (Poland), Alexander Van Hook (USA) CONTENTS OF No. 1/2011 1. Editorial – 2011 – the Year of Maria Skłodowska-Curie 2. Implanted manganese redistribution in Si after He+ irradiation and hydrogen pulse plasma treatment Z. Werner, C. Pochrybniak, M. Barlak, J. Piekoszewski, A. Korman, R. Heller, W. Szymczyk, K. Bocheńska 3. Targetry and radiochemistry for no-carrier-added production of 117,118m,119,120m,122Sb M. Sadeghi, M.R. Aboudzadeh Rovais, M. Enferadi, P. Sarabadani 4. Application of a neuro-fuzzy model for neutron activation analysis (NAA) H. Khalafi, M.S. Terman, F. Rahmani 5. Self-absorption correction and efficiency calibration for radioactivity measurement of environmental samples by gamma-ray spectrometry R. Misiak, R. Hajduk, M. Stobiński, M. Bartyzel, K. Szarłowicz, B. Kubica 6. Treatment with silver nanoparticles delays repair of X-ray induced DNA damage in HepG2 cells M. Wojewódzka, A. Lankoff, M. Dusińska, G. Brunborg, J. Czerwińska, T. Iwaneńko, T. Stępkowski, I. Szumiel, M. Kruszewski 7. Preparation and evaluation of a [66Ga]gallium chitosan complex in fibrosarcoma bearing animal models A. Pourjavadi, M. Akhlaghi, A.R. Jalilian 8. Preparation and primary evaluation of 66Ga-DTPA-chitosan in fibrosarcoma bearing mice M. Akhlaghi, A. Pourjavadi 9. The effect of external wedge on the photoneutron dose equivalent at a high energy medical linac S.M. Hashemi, G. Raisali, M. Taheri, A. Majdabadi, M. Ghafoori 10. Performance of a plastic scintillator and GM pancake tubes as alpha and beta contamination detectors in dosimetric stand B. Machaj, J. Mirowicz, E. Kowalska 11. Seasonal variation of the elemental composition of particulate matter collected in a small town near Warszawa, Poland L. Samek, M. Lankosz 12. Effect of ionizing radiation on the properties of PLA packaging materials K. Melski, H. Kubera, W. Głuszewski, Z. Zimek 13. Evaluation and benchmarking of gamma dose rate employing different nuclear data libraries for MCNP code at the decommissioning stage of Ignalina NPP G. Stankunas, A. Tonkunas, R. Pabarcius 14. 68 Ge/68Ga radioisotope generator as a source of radiotracers for water flow investigations J. Palige, A. Majkowska, I. Herdzik, S. Ptaszek 140 NUKLEONIKA CONTENTS OF No. 2/2011 Proceedings of the 9th Kudowa Summer School “Towards Fusion Energy”, 8-12 June 2010, Kudowa Zdrój, Poland 1. Editorial – 9th Kudowa Summer School “Towards Fusion Energy” 2. Generation and diagnostics of fast electrons within tokamak plasmas M.J. Sadowski 3. Studies on fast electron transport in the context of fast ignition D. Batani 4. Diagnostics and scaling of fusion-produced neutrons in PF experiments H. Schmidt 5. Laser-induced ablation: physics and diagnostics of ion emission L. Torrisi 6. Measurements of electron and ion beams emitted from the PF-1000 device in the upstream and downstream direction R. Kwiatkowski, E. Skladnik-Sadowska, K. Malinowski, M.J. Sadowski, K. Czaus, J. Zebrowski, L. Karpinski, M. Paduch, M. Scholz, I.E. Garkusha, P. Kubeš 7. Optical emission spectroscopy of plasma streams in PF-1000 experiments K. Jakubowska, M. Kubkowska, E. Skladnik-Sadowska, K. Malinowski, A.K. Marchenko, M. Paduch, M.J. Sadowski, M. Scholz 8. Creation of linear DC plasma generator for pyrolysis/gasification of organic materials A. Tamošiūnas, V. Grigaitienė, P. Valatkevičius 9. Real-time diagnostics of fast light ion beams accelerated by a sub-nanosecond laser D. Margarone, J. Krása, A. Picciotto, J. Prokupek 10. CVD diamond detectors for fast alpha particles escaping from the tokamak D-T plasma I. Wodniak, K. Drozdowicz, J. Dankowski, B. Gabańska, A. Igielski, A. Kurowski, B. Marczewska, T. Nowak, U. Woźnicka 11. Ponderomotive self-focusing of a short laser pulse under a plasma density ramp N. Kant, S. Saralch, H. Singh 12. Conceptual design of Light Impurity Monitor for Wendelstein 7-X I. Książek, R. Burhenn, J. Musielok 13. Post-acceleration of ions from the laser-generated plasma L. Giuffrida, L. Torrisi 14. Carbon equation of state at high pressure: the role of the radiative transport in the impedance mismatch diagnostics A.A. Aliverdiev, D. Batani, R. Dezulian, T. Vinci 15. Localized plasma polarimetry based on the phenomenon of normal mode conversion Yu.A. Kravtsov, B. Bieg 16. Possible accuracy of the Cotton-Mouton polarimetry in a sheared toroidal plasma Yu.A. Kravtsov, J. Chrzanowski 17. On the study of ion cyclotron waves in a cylindrical magnetized plasma N.G. Zaki 18. Post-recoil thermal annealing study of compounds L. Nassan, B. Achkar, T. Yassine 177 Lu, 169 Yb, 175 Yb, 166 Ho and 153 Sm in different organometallic CONTENTS OF No. 3/2011 Special Issue on the 100th Anniversary of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Maria Skłodowska-Curie 1. Marie Skłodowska-Curie: teacher, mentor, research center founder, and “la Patronne” D.C. Hoffman NUKLEONIKA 141 2. Historic landmarks in radiation chemistry since early observations by Marie Skłodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie J. Belloni 3. Synthesis of heaviest nuclei and heaviest chemical elements A. Sobiczewski 4. Isotope effects in chemistry W.A. Van Hook 5. Chemistry for the nuclear energy of the future A.G. Chmielewski CONTENTS OF No. 4/2011 1. Clastogenic effects in human lymphocytes exposed to low and high dose rate X-ray irradiation and vitamin C M. Konopacka, J. Rogoliński 2. Routine simultaneous production of no-carrier-added high purity 64Cu and 67Ga A.H. Al Rayyes, Y. Ailouti 3. Production of 166Ho and 153Sm using hot atom reactions in neutron irradiated tris(cyclopentadienyl) compounds L. Nassan, B. Achkar, T. Yassine 4. Production of 18F by proton irradiation of C6H6NF and C6H5NF2 E. Běták, R. Mikołajczak, J. Staniszewska, S. Mikołajewski, E. Rurarz, J. Wojtkowska 5. Preparation, quality control and biodistribution studies of 165Dy-chitosan for radiosynovectomy S. Shirvani-Arani, A. Mahmoodabadi, A. Bahrami-Samani, A.R. Jalilian, M. Mazidi, H. Afarideh, M. Ghannadi-Maragheh 6. Computer simulation of temperature distribution on a solid target for 201Tl production M.R. Aboudzadeh Rovais, K. Yousefi, K. Ardaneh, M. Mirzaii 7. Monte Carlo study on a new concept of a scanning photon beam system for IMRT A.M. Wysocka-Rabin, G.H. Hartmann 8. Simulation of computed tomography (CT) images using a Monte Carlo approach A.M. Wysocka-Rabin, S. Qamhiyeh, O. Jäkel 9. Effects of warmness and spatial nonuniformity of plasma waveguide on periodic absolute parametric instability N.G. Zaki, A.H. Bekheit 10. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) for steel analysis and certification H. Polkowska-Motrenko, E. Chajduk, B. Danko 11. Large area scintillation detector for dosimetric stand with improved light collection B. Machaj, J. Mirowicz, E. Kowalska 12. A real-valued genetic algorithm to optimize the parameters of support vector machine for classification of multiple faults in NPP F.Z. Amer, A.M. El-Garhy, M.H. Awadalla, S.M. Rashad, A.K. Abdien 13. Radiation-heterogenic processes of hydrogen accumulation in water-cooled nuclear reactors A. Garibov 14. Experimental research on the effects of radioactive waste repository upon groundwaters A. Zagorskis, V. Verikaitė 15. Electron beam decomposition of pollutant model compounds in aqueous systems T.-M. Ting, K.Z.M. Dahlan 16. Effectiveness of electron beam irradiation in the control of some soilborne pathogens L.B. Orlikowski, W. Migdał, M. Ptaszek, U. Gryczka 17. Natural radioactivity in building materials in Iran S. Mehdizadeh, R. Faghihi, S. Sina 142 NUKLEONIKA 18. Development of an automation system for iodine-125 brachytherapy seed encapsulated by Nd:YAG laser welding S.L. Somessari, A. Feher, F.E. Sprenger, M.E.C.M. Rostelato, F.E. da Costa, W.A.P. Calvo 19. Leakage test evaluation used for qualification of iodine-125 seeds sealing A. Feher, M.E.C.M. Rostelato, C.A. Zeituni, W.A.P. Calvo, S.L. Somessari, J.A. Moura, E.S. Moura, C.D. Souza, P.R. Rela 20. An intraoral cone system for a Neptun 10PC linear accelerator P. Shokrani, M. Soltani 21. Effect of magnetic field on the corrosion of iron as studied by positron annihilation R. Pietrzak, R. Szatanik 22. In memoriam – Professor Antoni M. Dancewicz Information INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY NUKLEONIKA Dorodna 16, 03-195 Warszawa, Poland phone: +48 22 504 11 32; fax: +48 22 811 15 32; e-mail: nukleon@ichtj.waw.pl Abstracts and full texts are available on-line at http://www.nukleonika.pl INTERVIEWS IN 2011 143 INTERVIEWS IN 2011 1. Chmielewski A.G. Projekt atomowy – pierwsza elektrownia jądrowa w Polsce (The atomic project – the first power station in Poland). W Pionie i na Poziomie. Aktualności ULMA Construccion Polska SA, 1(9), 8-10 (2011). 2. Chmielewski A.G. Indeks cen uranu wzrósł o 75 proc. w ciągu roku (The index of uranium prices increased by 75% within one year). Puls Biznesu, www.pb.pl, 20.02.2011. 3. Chmielewski A.G. Sytuacja reaktora Fukushima (Situation in the Fukushima nuclear reactor). TVN, 15.03.2011. 4. Chmielewski A.G. Truszczak D.: Sytuacja reaktora Fukushima (Situation in Fukushima reactor). Program I Polskiego Radia, 16.03.2011. 5. Chmielewski A.G. Feder A.: Program “Era Wynalazków”, TVP Info, 20.11.2011. 6. Chmielewski A.G. Truszczak D.: Atomowa czy zielona? (Nuclear or green?). Wieczór z Jedynką. Program I Polskiego Radia, 07.12.2011. 7. Kruszewski M. Szmidt B.: Wiadomości. Program IV Polskiego Radia (TOK FM), 16.03.2011. 8. Lankoff A. Truszczyńska B.: Katastrofa w elektrowni jądrowej Fukushima w Japonii (The catastrophe in the nuclear power plant Fukushima). Wieczór Naukowy. Program I Polskiego Radia, 16.03.2011. 9. Lankoff A. Husberg Å.: Maria Skłodowska-Curie – woman of science. www.nobelmuseum.se/en/marie-sklodowska-madame-curie, 16.09.2011. 144 THE INCT PATENTS AND PATENT APPLICATIONS IN 2011 THE INCT PATENTS AND PATENT APPLICATIONS IN 2011 PATENTS 1. Sposób otrzymywania terapeutycznych ilości radionuklidu 177Lu (Method for obtaining therapeutic quantities of the 177Lu radionuclide) A. Bilewicz, E. Iller Polish Patent 209169 2. Sposób otrzymywania dwuwolframianu itrowo-potasowego oraz nanokompozytu tego dwuwolframianu dotowanego iterbem (Method for obtaining yttrium-potassium ditungstate and nanocomposite of this compound doped with ytterbium) A. Deptuła, W. Łada, T. Olczak, D. Wawszczak, M. Borowiec, H. Szymczak, W. Diakonow, M. Barański Polish Patent 209170 (with the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences) 3. Sposób otrzymywania warstw ochronnych z dwutlenku tytanu (TiO2) albo tytanu litu (Li2TiO2) na katodach niklowych (Method of production protective coatings made of titanium dioxide (TiO2) or lithium titanate (Li2TiO2) on nickel cathodes) W. Łada, A. Deptuła, D. Wawszczak, E. Simonetti, A. Sabazia, M. Brocco Polish Patent 209414 4. Sposób otrzymywania napełniaczy o strukturze montmorylonitu (Method for obtaining fillers of montmorillonite structure) Z. Zimek, I. Legocka, K. Mirkowski, A. Nowicki, G. Przybytniak Polish Patent 5. Sposób modyfikowania srebrem pigmentów mineralnych i tkanin (Method for modification of mineral pigments and fabrics with silver) A. Łukasiewicz, D. Chmielewska, L. Waliś, J. Michalik Polish Patent 6. Method and equipment for simultaneous removal of acidic inorganic pollutants and volatile organic compounds from stream of flue gases A.G. Chmielewski, A. Pawelec, B. Tymiński, J. Licki, A.A. Basfar Saudi Arabia Patent No. 2810 (with King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology) PATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Radiofarmaceutyk terapeutyczny znakowany radionuklidami radu oraz sposób jego wytwarzania (Therapeutic radiopharmaceutical labelled with radionuclides of radium and method for its obtaining) A. Bilewicz, A. Kasperek P-394340 2. Sposób otrzymywania sferycznych ziaren trójtlenku itru (Method for obtaining spherical grains of yttrium trioxide) A. Deptuła, W. Łada, D. Wawszczak, E. Iller, L. Królicki, J. Ostyk-Narbutt P-394645 3. Sposób i układ transportu i mieszania zawiesiny biomasy w hydrolizerze i fermentorze (Method and system of transport and mixing of biomass suspension in a hydrolyser and fermenter) A. Kryłowicz, J. Usidus, K. Chrzanowski, A.G. Chmielewski P-395860 4. Sposób selektywnego wydzielania uranu i protaktynu z materiału zawierającego tor (A selective extraction of uranium and protactinium from material containing thorium) P. Kalbarczyk, H. Polkowska-Motrenko, E. Chajduk P-396564 THE INCT PATENTS AND PATENT APPLICATIONS IN 2011 145 5. Sposób pozyskiwania i separacji cennych pierwiastków metali, zwłaszcza z ubogich rud uranowych oraz ścieków radioaktywnych (Method for separation and obtaining of valuable metals particularly from low-grade uranium ores and radioactive effluents) G. Zakrzewska-Trznadel, A. Jaworska-Sobczak, A. Miśkiewicz, W. Łada, E. Dłuska, S. Wroński P-397379 6. Sorbent for receiving radionuclide arsenic-72, production of this sorbent and its use H. Polkowska-Motrenko, A. Bilewicz, K. Doner, E. Chajduk European Patent Application No. EP12152024.1 7. A selective extraction of uranium and protactinium from material containing thorium P. Kalbarczyk, H. Polkowska-Motrenko, E. Chajduk European Patent Application No. EP12152025.8 8. Method of dissolution of thorium oxide K. Łyczko, M. Łyczko, I Herdzik, B. Zielińska European Patent Application 9. Method of dissolution of thorium oxide K. Łyczko, M. Łyczko, I. Herdzik, B. Zielińska Indian Patent Application 146 CONFERENCES ORGANIZED AND CO-ORGANIZED BY THE INCT IN 2011 CONFERENCES ORGANIZED AND CO-ORGANIZED BY THE INCT IN 2011 1. SPOTKANIE POLSKIEJ GRUPY ROBOCZEJ PROJEKTU IPPA FP7 EU (POLISH NATIONAL GROUP MEETING IN THE FRAME OF IPPA FP7 EU PROJECT), 5 APRIL 2011, WARSZAWA, POLAND Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Institute of Atomic Energy Organizing Committee: Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT, Barbara Zielińska, Ph.D., Agnieszka Miśkiewicz, M.Sc., Bogumiła Mysłek-Laurikainen, Ph.D., Ewelina Miśta, M.Sc. 2. SEMINAR ON THE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION ON NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION WITH PARTICIPATION OF GOVERNMENT DELEGATIONS OF AUSTRIA AND POLAND, 25-26 MAY 2011, WARSZAWA, POLAND Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology 3. SPOTKANIE POLSKIEJ GRUPY ROBOCZEJ PROJEKTU IPPA FP7 EU (POLISH NATIONAL GROUP MEETING IN THE FRAME OF IPPA FP7 EU PROJECT), 1 JULY 2011, WARSZAWA, POLAND Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Institute of Atomic Energy Organizing Committee: Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT, Barbara Zielińska, Ph.D., Agnieszka Miśkiewicz, M.Sc., Bogumiła Mysłek-Laurikainen, Ph.D., Ewelina Miśta, M.Sc. 4. PlasTEP SUMMER SCHOOL AND TRAINING COURSE IN WARSAW/SZCZECIN, 25 JULY-5 AUGUST 2011, WARSZAWA/SZCZECIN, POLAND Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology; Faculty of Electrical Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology Organizing Committee: Andrzej Pawelec, Ph.D., Sylwia Witman, M.Sc., Marcin Hołub, Ph.D. 5. WORKSHOP “CURRENT TRENDS IN RADIATION CHEMISTRY RESEARCH”, 26 AUGUST 2011, WARSZAWA, POLAND Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Organizer: Prof. Krzysztof Bobrowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 6. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS OF NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES NUTECH-2011, 11-14 SEPTEMBER 2011, KRAKÓW, POLAND Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology; Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology Organizing Committee: Prof. Marek Lankosz, Ph.D., D.Sc., Dariusz Węgrzynek, Ph.D., D.Sc., Marek Ciechanowski, Ph.D., Zdzisław Stęgowski, Ph.D., Joanna Chwiej, Ph.D., Joanna Dudała, Ph.D., Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc., Wojciech Migdał, Ph.D., D.Sc., Wojciech Głuszewski, Ph.D., Piotr Urbański, Ph.D., D.Sc. 7. SPOTKANIE POLSKIEJ GRUPY REFERENCYJNEJ PROJEKTU IPPA FP7 EU (POLISH REFERENCE GROUP MEETING IN THE FRAME OF IPPA FP7 EU PROJECT), 20 SEPTEMBER 2011, WARSZAWA, POLAND CONFERENCES ORGANIZED AND CO-ORGANIZED BY THE INCT IN 2011 147 Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, National Centre for Nuclear Research Organizing Committee: Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT, Barbara Zielińska, Ph.D., Agnieszka Miśkiewicz, M.Sc., Bogumiła Mysłek-Laurikainen, Ph.D., Ewelina Miśta, M.Sc. 8. XI SZKOŁA STERYLIZACJI I MIKROBIOLOGICZNEJ DEKONTAMINACJI RADIACYJNEJ (XI TRAINING COURSE ON RADIATION STERILIZATION AND HYGENIZATION), 20-21 OCTOBER 2011, WARSZAWA, POLAND Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Organizing Committee: Zbigniew Zimek, Ph.D., Iwona Kałuska, M.Sc., Andrzej Rafalski, Ph.D., Wojciech Głuszewski, Ph.D. 9. RER/8/014 COORDINATION MEETING ON RADIATION ENGINEERED NANOSTRUCTURES – SUPPORTING RADIATION SYNTHESIS AND THE CHARACTERIZATION OF NANOMATERIALS FOR HEALTH CARE, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND CLEAN ENERGY APPLICATIONS, 16-18 NOVEMBER 2011, WARSZAWA, POLAND Organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Organizing Committee: Andrei Chupov, Agnes Sáfrány, Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc., Wojciech Starosta, Ph.D., Marek Buczkowski, Ph.D. 10. PIERWSZE WARSZTATY W RAMACH PROJEKTU IPPA FP7 EU (1st WORKSHOP IN THE FRAME OF IPPA FP7 EU PROJECT), 24 NOVEMBER 2011, WARSZAWA, POLAND Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, National Centre for Nuclear Research Organizing Committee: Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT, Barbara Zielińska, Ph.D., Agnieszka Miśkiewicz, M.Sc., Bogumiła Mysłek-Laurikainen, Ph.D., Ewelina Miśta, M.Sc. 11. IX KONFERENCJA “DLA MIASTA I ŚRODOWISKA – PROBLEMY UNIESZKODLIWIANIA ODPADÓW” (IX CONFERENCE ON “FOR THE CITY AND ENVIRONMENT – PROBLEMS OF WASTE DISPOSAL), 28 NOVEMBER 2011, WARSZAWA, POLAND Organized by the Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (PlasTEP project), Solid Communal Waste Utilization Plant (Warszawa), Gdańsk University of Technology Organizing Committee: Maria Obrębska, Ph.D., Michał Kalita, Ph.D., Agata Urbaniak, M.Sc., Sylwia Witman, M.Sc. 148 Ph.D./D.Sc. THESES IN 2011 Ph.D./D.Sc. THESES IN 2011 Ph.D. THESES 1. Maroor Raghavan Ambikalmajan Pillai, Ph.D. Studies on radioimmunoassays for thyroid and related hormones University of Mumbai, India, 1986 Nostrification: Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 25.02.2011 2. Kamil Brzóska, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Aktywność szlaku NF-κB w warunkach permanentnego stresu oksydacyjnego: wnioski z badań na modelu myszy pozbawionych cytozolowej dysmutazy ponadtlenkowej (SOD1) (NF-κB signalling pathway activity under conditions of chronic oxidative stress: lessons from cytosolic superoxide dismutase (SOD1) deficient mice) supervisor: Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 10.05.2011 3. Sylwia Męczyńska-Wielgosz, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Wpływ tlenku azotu i nadtlenoazotynu na konformację i aktywność białek zawierających żelazo (The influence of nitric oxide and peroxynitrite on conformation and activity of iron containing proteins) supervisor: Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 30.06.2011 4. Karolina Ewa Wójciuk, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Rola wysokocząsteczkowych ligandów w powstawaniu dinitrozylowych kompleksów żelaza (Role of high-molecular ligands in the formation of dinitrosyl complexes of iron) supervisor: Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 30.06.2011 5. Gabriel Kciuk, M.Sc. (Industrial Chemistry Research Institute, Warszawa, Poland) Wpływ grup funkcyjnych aminokwasów na mechanizmy reakcji rodnikowych w peptydach zawierających tyrozynę (Influence of functional groups of neighbouring amino acids on the mechanism of radical reactions occurring in peptides containing tyrosine) supervisor: Prof. Krzysztof Bobrowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 30.06.2011 6. Danuta Wawszczak, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Synteza kompleksową metodą zol-żel kompozytów ZrO2, TiO2, SiO2 na bazie tlenków wolframu, ich badania strukturalne, przykładowe zastosowania (A complex method for the synthesis of sol-gel composites ZrO2, TiO2, SiO2 on the basis of tungsten oxides) supervisor: Edward Iller, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in NCBJ Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 16.12.2011 D.Sc. THESES 1. Maroor Raghavan Ambikalmajan Pillai, Ph.D. (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, India) Metallic radionuclides and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 15.12.2011 EDUCATION 149 EDUCATION Ph.D. PROGRAMME IN CHEMISTRY The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology holds a four-year Ph.D. degree programme for graduates of chemical, physical and biological departments of universities, for graduates of medical universities and to engineers in chemical technology and material science. The main areas of the studies are: • chemical aspects of nuclear energy, • radiation chemistry and biochemistry, • chemistry of radioelements, • isotopic effects, • radiopharmaceutical chemistry, • analytical methods, • chemistry of radicals, • application of nuclear methods in chemical and environmental research, material science and protection of historical heritage. The candidates accepted for the mentioned programme will be employed in the Institute. The candidates can apply for a doctoral scholarship. The INCT offers accommodation in 10 rooms in the guesthouse for Ph.D. students not living in Warsaw. During the four-year Ph.D. programme, the students participate in lectures given by senior staff from the INCT, University of Warsaw and the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the third year, the Ph.D. students are obliged to prepare a seminar related to the various aspects of nuclear energy. Each year the Ph.D. students are obliged to deliver a lecture on topic of his/her dissertation at a seminar. The final requirements for the Ph.D. programme graduates, consistent with the regulation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, are: • submission of a formal dissertation, summarizing original research contributions suitable for publication; • final examination and public defense of the dissertation thesis. In 2011, the following lecture series were organized: • “The physical foundations of nuclear energy. Radioactivity, its application and elements of radiation protection” – Prof. Ludwik Dobrzyński, Ph.D., D.Sc. (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland); • “Adsorbents and their part in environmental protection, in industry and in analytical chemistry: classical approach and the trends of the current studies” – Krystyna Cieśla, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland); • “Automatization and miniaturization of instrumentation in chemical analysis” – Prof. Marek Trojanowicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland). The qualification interview for the Ph.D. programme takes place in the mid of September. Detailed information can be obtained from: • head: Prof. Aleksander Bilewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. (phone: +48 22 504 13 57, e-mail: A.Bilewicz@ichtj.waw.pl); • secretary: Dr. Ewa Gniazdowska (phone: +48 22 504 11 78, e-mail: E.Gniazdowska@ichtj.waw.pl). TRAINING OF STUDENTS Country Number of participants Period Adam Mickiewicz University Faculty of Law and Administration Poland 1 2 weeks Korea Nuclear Energy Foundation Korea 4 one-day course Institution 150 EDUCATION Country Number of participants Period Philippines 1 2 weeks University of Warsaw Faculty of Chemistry Poland 3 3 weeks Warsaw University of Life Sciences Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences Poland 42 one-day course Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering Poland 8 one-day practice Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Chemistry 2 1 month Poland 2 1.5 month Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering 15 one-day course Poland 2 1 month Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Physics 15 one-day course Poland 20 one-day practice WAT Military University of Technology Poland 4 1.5 month Zespół Szkół Samochodowych i Licealnych nr 3 im. I.J. Paderewskiego Poland 16 one-day course Institution Philippine Nuclear Research Institute RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS 151 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS RESEARCH PROJECTS GRANTED BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE CENTRE IN 2011 1. The influence of nitric oxide and peroxynitrite on conformation and activity of iron containing proteins. supervisor: Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 2. Novel technetium and rhenium complexes with the N-heterocyclic aldehyde thiosemicarbazones – the potential radiopharmaceuticals. supervisor: Leon Fuks, Ph.D. 3. Provenance and chronology studies of selected silver coins minted in the Polish and Central Europe coinages by means of chemical composition, sources of raw materials and technology. supervisor: Lech Waliś, Ph.D. 4. Synthesis and physicochemical properties of conjugates technetium-99m complexes with n-octanoyl-[Ser3]-ghrelin(1-6) peptide as potential diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals. supervisor: Przemysław Koźmiński, M.Sc. 5. Radiochemical separation of arsenic from selenium and its potential usage in generator 72Se/72As construction. supervisor: Ewelina Chajduk, Ph.D. 6. Glass in Central Europe from the late-medieval times to the end of the pre-industrial era. Chemical composition. supervisor: Jerzy Jakub Kunicki-Goldfinger, Ph.D. 7. Complexes of 44Sc as precursors of radiopharmaceuticals for molecular imaging. supervisor: Prof. Aleksander Bilewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. 8. Participation of radiation chemistry in systems chemistry, especially in prebiotic chemistry. supervisor: Prof. Zbigniew P. Zagórski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 9. Radiosensitizing effect of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on the colon adenocarcinoma cells HT-29 investigation of the mechanism of double-strand DNA break (DSB) repair delay. supervisor: Iwona Grądzka, Ph.D. 10. Radiation-induced radical processes in model amino acid and polypeptide molecules. supervisor: Prof. Krzysztof Bobrowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS GRANTED BY THE NATIONAL CENTRE FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN 2011 1. New detection systems for the control of dosimetric stands. supervisor: Bronisław Machaj, Ph.D. 2. A new generation of mining radiometers for the measurement of radon decay products. supervisor: Jakub Bartak, Eng. 3. A plant for the liquid radioactive waste treatment in research institutes and organizations using radioactive substances. supervisor: Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT 4. Obtaining of carrier-free-scandium-47 – a radionuclide for therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. supervisor: Prof. Aleksander Bilewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. 152 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS 5. Labelling of biomolecules with At-211 –- obtaining of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals for nuclear medicine. supervisor: Monika Łyczko, Ph.D. 6. Preparation of a hot-melt adhesive for the insulation of joints in preinsulation pipes used in heating installations. supervisor: Grażyna Przybytniak, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT 7. Radiation sterilized substrata for plant cultivation inoculated with selected microorganisms. supervisor: Wojciech Migdał, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT 8. Formation of the data bank on original products for the juice sector, to supply requirements of the Polish market and producers, basing on the method of stable isotopes. supervisor: Ryszard Wierzchnicki, Ph.D. 9. Elaboration of the synthesis procedure of a receptor diagnostic radiopharmaceutical for breast cancer, of the type Her-2, imaging lapatinib labelled with technetium-99m. supervisor: Ewa Gniazdowska, Ph.D. 10. A mobile membrane installation for the enrichment of gas in methane (project INITECH). supervisor: Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 11. Technical project of high-performance installation for obtaining and management of biogas (project INITECH). supervisor: Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS CO-FUNDED BY THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN 2011 1. Functionalization of polymer surfaces by radiation grafting for the separation of heavy metals including radioactive lanthanides. supervisor: Grażyna Przybytniak, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT 2. Developing of an advanced industrial gamma scanning system with wireless data acquisition. supervisor: Jacek Palige, Ph.D. 3. Supporting radiation synthesis and the characterization of nanomaterials for health care, environmental protection and clean energy applications. supervisor: Dagmara Chmielewska-Śmietanko, M.Sc. 4. Enhancing quality control methods and procedures for radiation technology. supervisor: Iwona Kałuska, M.Sc. 5. Radiation supporting synthesis and curing of nanocomposites suitable for practical applications. supervisor: Grażyna Przybytniak, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT 6. Ageing diagnostic and prognostic of low voltage C and I cables. supervisor: Grażyna Przybytniak, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT 7. Multi-disciplinary biodosimetric tools to manage high scale radiological casualties. supervisor: Sylwester Sommer, Ph.D. 8. Implementing public participation approaches in radioactive waste disposal. supervisor: Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT 9. Synthesis and research on new metal-organic framework coordination compounds of light sblock metal ions with heterocyclic ligands. supervisor: Wojciech Starosta, Ph.D. 10. Formation, investigations and characterization of new nanostructured porous and composite materials. supervisor: Bożena Sartowska, Ph.D. RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS 153 STRATEGIC PROJECT “NEW TECHNOLOGIES SUPPORTING DEVELOPMENT OF SAFE NUCLEAR ENERGY” 1. Scientific problem no. 3: Principles to secure fuel needs for the Polish nuclear energy supervisor: Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 2. Scientific problem no. 4: Development of techniques and technologies aiding the management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive wastes supervisor: Leon Fuks, Ph.D. 3. Scientific problem no. 5: Participation criteria of the Polish industry in the development of nuclear energy. Study of the case supervisor: Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 4. Scientific problem no. 6: Development of methods securing nuclear safety and radiological protection for the current and future needs of nuclear energy supervisor: Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. STRATEGIC PROJECT “ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES FOR GAINING ENERGY” 1. Scientific problem no. 3: Elaboration of a technology of coal gasification for highly efficient production of fuel and electric energy (coordinated by the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal) • Studies on the processes of membrane purification of synthesis gas supervisor: Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 2. Scientific problem no. 4: Elaboration of integrated technologies for production of fuels and energy from biomass, agriculture waste and others (coordinated, in part, by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn) • Concentration of methane in biogas formed during fermentation and co-fermentation of lignocellulose (4.2.1.C) supervisor: Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. • Studies on the degradation efficiency of lignocellulose materials under the influence of ionizing radiation (4.4.A) supervisor: Wojciech Migdał, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT • Design work on a biogas-plant (2.1.B) supervisor: Jacek Palige, Ph.D. IAEA RESEARCH CONTRACTS IN 2011 1. Functionalization of polymer surfaces by radiation grafting for separation of heavy metals including radioactive lanthanides. No. 14431 principal investigator: Grażyna Przybytniak, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT 2. Radiation supporting synthesis and curing of nanocomposites suitable for practical applications. No. 16666 principal investigator: Grażyna Przybytniak, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT 3. Laboratory and feasibility study for industrial waster wate effluent treatment by radiation. No. 16454 principal investigator: Zbigniew Zimek, Ph.D. 154 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS IAEA TECHNICAL AND REGIONAL CONTRACTS IN 2011 1. Developing of an advanced industrial gamma scanning system with wireless data acquisition. POL/0/010 2. Supporting radiation synthesis and the characterization of nanomaterials for health care, environmental protection and clean energy applications. RER/8/014 3. Enhancing quality control methods and procedures for radiation technology. RER/8/017 4. Using nuclear techniques for the characterization and preservation of cultural heritage artefacts in the European Region. RER/8/015 PROJECTS WITHIN THE FRAME OF EUROPEAN UNION FRAME PROGRAMMES IN 2011 1. FP7 Integrated Project: Actinide recycling by separation and transmutation (ACSEPT). principal investigator: Prof. Jerzy Narbutt, Ph.D., D.Sc. 2. FP7 Collaborative Project: Multidisciplinary biodosimetric tools to manage high scale radiological casulaties (MULTIBIODOSE). principal investigator: Sylwester Sommer, Ph.D. 3. FP7 – EURATOM, FUSSION: Ageing diagnostic and prognostic of low voltage C and I cables (ADVANCE). principal investigator: Grażyna Przybytniak, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT 4. FP7 – EURATOM, FUSSION: Implementing public participation approaches in radioactive waste disposal (IPPA). principal investigator: Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT 5. FP7 – EURATOM, FUSSION: New MS linking for an advanced cohesion in Euratom research (NEWLANCER). principal investigator: Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: BALTIC SEA REGION PROGRAMME 1. Dissemination and fostering of plasma based technological innovation environment protection in BSR PlasTEP. supervisor: Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMMES IN 2011 1. European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research. COST CM0703 Systems chemistry – Chemistry and molecular sciences and technologies. Participation of radiation chemistry in systems chemistry, especially in prebiotic chemistry. supervisor: Prof. Zbigniew Zagórski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 2. European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research. COST ACTION CM 0603 – Free radicals in chemical biology. supervisor: Prof. Krzysztof Bobrowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 3. European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research. COST D38 – Metal based probes for imaging applications. Complexes of 44Sc as precursors of radiopharmaceuticals for molecular imaging. supervisor: Prof. Aleksander Bilewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS 155 4. Polish-Norwegian Research Fund – Impact of nanomaterials on human health: lessons from in vitro and animal models. supervisor: Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 5. European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research. COST Action BM 0607 Targeted radionuclide therapy. supervisor: Prof. Aleksander Bilewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. STRUCTURAL FUNDS: OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME INNOVATIVE ECONOMY 1. Centre of Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry – meeting the needs for nuclear power and nuclear medicine. supervisor: Roman Janusz, M.Sc. 2. Analysis of the possibilities of uranium supply from indigenous resources in Poland supervisor: Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc. 3. Analysis of the effects of utilization of thorium in a power reactor supervisor: Prof. Jacek Michalik, Ph.D., D.Sc. 4. New generation of electrical wires modified by radiation. supervisor: Zbigniew Zimek, Ph.D. 5. A multiparameter “Triage” test for assessment of radiation exposure to the general population. supervisor: Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 6. A new generation of radiometric devices with wireless transmission of information. supervisor: Adrian Jakowiuk, M.Sc. 156 LIST OF VISITORS TO THE INCT IN 2011 LIST OF VISITORS TO THE INCT IN 2011 1. Adliene Diana, Department of Physics, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, 16-18.11.2011. 2. Alessis Sabina, University of Palermo, Italia, 14-18.02.2011. 3. Alkin Ahmet, TUPRAS, Turkey, 05.04.2011. 4. Amilcar Antonio, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal, 29.11.-02.12.2011. 5. Benea Vasile, Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Republic of Moldova, 16-18.11.2011. 6. Brisut Patrick, International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria, 12-15.12.2011. 7. Cantser Valeriu, National Council for Accreditation and Attestation, Republic of Moldova, 16-18.11.2011. 8. Chitho Pavayno Feliciano, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, Philippines, 01.09.-30.11.2011. 9. Chupor Andrey, International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria, 15.11.2011. 10. De la Fuente Julia, University of Chile, Chile, 25.10.-14.11.2011. 11. Dogan Alisan, TUPRAS, Turkey, 05.04.2011. 12. Gabulov Ibrahim, Institute of Radiation Problems, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan, 16-18.11.2011. 13. Garibov Adil, Institute of Radiation Problems, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan, 15.11.2011. 14. Guidez Joel, Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA), France, 13.03.2011. 15. Guven Olgun, Department of Chemistry Hacettepe University, Turkey, 16-18.11.2011. 16. Hoveé-Levin Chantal, University of Paris-Sud 11, Orsay, France, 25-31.08.2011. 17. Hyun Jin Kim, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, 26.05.2011. 18. Jaksic Milko, Division of Experimental Physics, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia, 16-18.11.2011. 19. Kalugin Oleg N., Kharkiv National University, Ukraine, 20-26.02.2011. 20. Kovac Peter, BIONT a.s., Slovakia, 16-18.11.2011. 21. Krkljes Aleksandra, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia, 16-18.11.2011. 22. Letournol Eric, VIVIRAD, France, 05.04.2011. 23. Lyssukhin Sergey, National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNC), Kazakhstan, 16-18.11.2011. 24. Maningas Aurelio, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, Philippines, 01.09.-30.11.2011. 25. Morgunov Volodymir, Kharkiv National University, Ukraine, 05-15.12.2011. 26. Ristova Mimoza, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 16-18.11.2011. 27. Sabatino Maria Antonella, University of Palermo, Italy, 14-18.02.2011. 28. Schay Zoltan, Institute of Isotopes Co., Ltd., Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary, 16-18.11.2011. 29. Seanh Wan Baek, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, 26.05.2011. 30. Spadaro Giuseppe, University of Palermo, Italy, 14-18.02.2011. 31. Sueo Machi, Japan, 14-17.09.2011. 32. Tan Erdal, Turkish Atomic Energy Commission (TAEK), Turkey, 05.04.2011. 33. Tchelidze Tamar, Tbilisi State University, Georgia, 16-18.11.2011. 34. Tetsuro Majimy, Osaka University, Japan, 27-31.08.2011. 35. Tulsi Mukherjee, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India, 25.08.-02.09.2011. 36. Vnul Suat, Turkish Atomic Energy Commission (TAEK), Turkey, 05.04.2011. LIST OF VISITORS TO THE INCT IN 2011 37. Wischart James F., Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, 25.08.-02.09.2011. 38. Yeunje Oh, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, 26.05.2011. 39. Ylli Fatos, Centre of Applied Nuclear Physics, Albania, 16-18.11.2011. 40. Young Mi Nam, Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute, Republic of Korea, 09.03.2011. 157 158 THE INCT SEMINARS IN 2011 THE INCT SEMINARS IN 2011 1. Tomasz Białopiotrowicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland) Swobodna energia powierzchniowa i kąt zwilżania jako parametry określające stan energetyczny powierzchni (The surface free energy and contact angle as parameters determining energetic state of a surface) 2. Krystyna Cieśla, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor in INCT (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Chemia w żywności: zagrożenia czy ulepszenie. Rola dodatków funkcjonalnych w kształtowaniu cech współczesnej żywności (Chemical substances in food: impendence or improvement. The weight of functional additives as the agents modifying the properties of the contemporary food) 3. Izabela Cydzik, M.Sc. (Joint Research Centre, European Commission, IHCP Nanobioscience Unit, Ispra, Italy) Production of radioactive nanoparticles for biological studies 4. Nasir Hamodi, M.Sc. (Nuclear Fuel Group, University of Manchester, United Kingdom) Manufacturing TRISO particles from kernel to a nuclear fuel element used in high temperature reactor (HTR) 5. Prof. Oleg N. Kalugin (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine) Computer modelling nanomaterials: possibilities and perspectives 6. Prof. Zbigniew Karpiński, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland) Katalityczne wodoroodchlorowanie tetrachlorometanu na katalizatorach platynowych (Catalytic hydrogen-dechlorination of tetrachloromethane on platinum catalysts) 7. Robert Kołos, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland) Kilka nienasyconych cząsteczek łańcuchowych o znaczeniu astrochemicznym: teoria, eksperyment, obserwacje (A few unsaturated chain molecules of astrochemical importance: theory, experiment, observations) 8. Seweryn Krajewski, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Metaloorganiczne i chelatowe kompleksy 105Rh i 103mRh jako potencjalne prekursory radiofarmaceutyków terapeutycznych (Organometallic and chelate compexes of 105Rh and 103mRh as potential precursors of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals) 9. Prof. Doron Lancet (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel) Life’s origin: complex networks right from day one 10. Małgorzata Nyga, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Generowanie rodników utleniających i ich reaktywność w wytypowanej grupie cieczy jonowych (Generation of oxidizing radicals and their reactivity in selected group of ionic liquids) 11. Prof. Jerzy Ostyk-Narbutt, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Chemia dla energetyki jądrowej przyszłości (Chemistry for the nuclear energy of the future) 12. Marcin Sterniczuk, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Centra paramagnetyczne generowane radiacyjnie w sitach molekularnych z zaadsorbowanym tlenkiem węgla (Radiation generated paramagnetic centres in molecular sieves with adsorbed carbon oxide) 13. Prof. Ion Tiginyanu (Academy of Sciences of Moldova) Novel nanomaterials based on inorganic nanostructured membranes 14. Marta Walo. M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Rola segmentów giętkich w radiacyjnej modyfikacji poli(estrouretanów) (The role of soft segments in radiation modification of poly(ester-urethanes)) LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2011 159 LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2011 LECTURES 1. Bilewicz A. Wyzwania stojące przed kształceniem w zakresie chemii dla enegetyki jądrowej w Polsce (Challenges of education and training in chemistry for nuclear energy in Poland). Francusko-Polska Konferencja „Chemia dla energetyki jądrowej przyszłości” (French-Polish Symposium “Chemistry for the nuclear energy of the future”), Montpellier, France, 05.04.2011. 2. Bobrowski K. Chemia radiacyjna w Polsce: 100 lat po odkryciu Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie (Radiation chemistry in Poland: 100 years after Maria Skłodowska-Curie’s discovery). Seminarium „Maria Skłodowska-Curie: naukowe dziedzictwo i współczesne polskie badania” (Seminar “Maria Skłodowska-Curie: scientific heritage and contemporary Polish research”), Brussels, Belgium, 09-11.06.2011. 3. Bobrowski K. Radiation-induced electron transfer in enkephalins. ESF Conference in partnership with LFUI “Charge transfer in biosystems”, Obergugl, Austria, 17-22.07.2011. 4. Bobrowski K. Radiation chemistry in Poland: 100 years after Maria Skłodowska-Curie’s discovery. Workshop “Current trends in radiation chemistry research”, Warszawa, Poland, 26.08.2011. 5. Bobrowski K. From retinal polyenes to peptides and proteins: radiation chemistry approach. Colloque Chimie sous Rayonnement: l’Heritage de Marie Curie, Paris, France, 14-17.11.2011. 6. Buczkowski M. Influence of ionising and UV radiation on template deposited nano-/microstructures of silver haloids. RER/8/014 Coordination Meeting on Radiation Engineered Nanostructures – Supporting Radiation Synthesis and the Characterization of Nanomaterials for Health Care, Environmental Protection and Clean Energy Applications, Warszawa, Poland, 16-18.11.2011. 7. Chmielewski A.G., Polak A., Palige J., Harasimowicz M., Zalewski M., Wawryniuk K., Roubinek O. Nowe rozwiązania technologiczne biogazowni – współpraca polskiej nauki z przemysłem (New technologic solution of biogas-works – cooperation of the Polish science and industry). Konferencja „Energia elektryczna, ciepło i gaz – perspektywą dla Gminy”, Minikowo, Poland, 11.03.2011. 8. Chmielewski A.G. Przyszłość energetyczna świata (The future of energy of the world). Mazowieckie Forum Nauczycieli Przedmiotów Przyrodniczych „Poznać chemię. Zrozumieć przyrodę”, Warszawa, Poland, 16.03.2011. 9. Chmielewski A.G. Chemia dla energetyki jądrowej przyszłości (Chemistry for nuclear energy of the future). Francusko-Polska Konferencja „Chemia dla energetyki jądrowej przyszłości” (French-Polish Symposium “Chemistry for the nuclear energy of the future”), Montpellier, France, 05.04.2011. 10. Chmielewski A.G. Role of the Polish R&D institutions, academic organizations and industry in the development of nuclear energy in Poland. 1st International Nuclear Energy Congress, Warszawa, Poland, 23-24.05.2011. 11. Chmielewski A.G. Chemia dla energetyki jądrowej przyszłości (Chemistry for nuclear energy of the future). 160 LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2011 Chemia w rozwoju i postępie cywilizacji – Konferencja w Senacie Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej z okazji Międzynarodowego Roku Chemii IYC 2011 i Roku Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie MSC-100, Warszawa, Poland, 07.06.2011. 12. Chmielewski A.G. Fossil, fissile and renewable energy sources, they role in sustainable country development. Conference “Scientific support to a competitive European carbon economy: energy, transport and emerging technologies”, Warszawa, Poland, 07.06.2011. 13. Chmielewski A.G. Electron beam generated plasma flue gas treatment. 17th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sinaia, Romania, 07-10.09.2011. 14. Chmielewski A.G. Chemia radiacyjna i radiochemia w Polsce – sto lat później (Radiation chemistry and radiochemistry in Poland – 100 years later). Konferencja „Historia badań radiacyjnych w Polsce”, Warszawa, Poland, 14.11.2011. 15. Cieśla K. Application of ionizing radiation for preparation of edible and biodegradable nanostructured packaging materials based on polysaccharides. RER/8/014 Coordination Meeting on Radiation Engineered Nanostructures – Supporting Radiation Synthesis and the Characterization of Nanomaterials for Health Care, Environmental Protection and Clean Energy Applications, Warszawa, Poland, 16-18.11.2011. 16. Deptuła A., Brykała M., Łada W., Olczak T., Wawszczak D., Modolo G., Daniels H. Badania na syntezą tlenków uranowych za pomocą kompleksowej metody zol-żel (CSGP) (Synthesis of uranium oxides by complex sol-gel processes (CSGP)). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011. 17. Deptuła A., Brykała M., Łada W., Wawszczak D., Olczak T. Synthesis of uranium oxides doped by Th by complex sol-gel processes (CSGP). ACSEPT 3rd Annual Meeting, Manchester, Great Britain, 04-07.04.2011. 18. Głuszewski W. Radiacyjne metody modyfikacji elastomerów (Radiation methods for modification of elastomers). Seminarium poświęcone tematyce tworzyw sztucznych, Poznań, Poland, 22.03.2011. 19. Głuszewski Wojciech Wpływ prac Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie na rozwój technik radiacyjnych (Impact of the work of Maria Skłodowska-Curie on the development of radiation techniques). Konferencja „Maria Skłodowska-Curie. Dwukrotna noblistka i jej wkład w powstanie nowych dziedzin nauki”, Warszawa, Poland, 24.03.2011. 20. Głuszewski W. Maria Skłodowska-Curie prekursorką radiacyjnych metod konserwacji dzieł sztuki (Maria Skłodowska-Curie precursor radiation method of preservation art work). XII Beskidzki Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki, Bielsko-Biała, Poland, 27-28.05.2011. 21. Głuszewski Wojciech Od Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie do radiacyjnych metod konserwacji obiektów o znaczeniu historycznym (From Maria Skłodowska-Curie to radiation methods of conservation of historical objects). Konferencja „Wybitne odkrycia źródłem inspiracji dla wynalazców – w 100-lecie II nagrody Nobla Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie”, Warszawa, Poland, 17.06.2011. 22. Głuszewski W. Prezentacja wystawy poświęconej 100. rocznicy nagrody Nobla przyznanej Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie (Presentation of the exibition, devoted to the anniversary of the Noble Prize for Maria Skłodowska-Curie). 3rd International Nuclear Energy Forum, Warszawa, Poland, 18-19.10.2011. 23. Głuszewski W. Od Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie do radiacyjnej modyfikacji polimerów dla energetyki jądrowej (From Maria Skłodowska-Curie to radiation modification of polymers for nuclear power). 3rd International Nuclear Energy Forum, Warszawa, Poland, 18-19.10.2011. LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2011 161 24. Kalbarczyk P., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E. Wydzielanie uranu z dwutlenku toru napromieniowanego w reaktorze jądrowym (Separation of uranium from thorium dioxide irradiated in nuclear reaction). Sympozjum „Bezpieczeństwo i ochrona radiologiczna w aspekcie budowy elektrowni jądrowej w Polsce”, Warszawa, Poland, 06.06.2011. 25. Kałuska I. Radiation sterilization – operational experience. IAEA Technical Cooperation Regional Project – RER/8/017 “Enhancing quality control methods and procedures for radiation technology” – IAEA Regional Training Course on Feasibility Studies for the Establishment of Radiation Processing Facilities, Zalakaros, Hungary, 28.08.-02.09.2011. 26. Kałuska I. Radiation sterilization – QA/QC requirements and programs. IAEA Technical Cooperation Regional Project – RER/8/017 “Enhancing quality control methods and procedures for radiation technology” – IAEA Regional Training Course on Feasibility Studies for the Establishment of Radiation Processing Facilities, Zalakaros, Hungary, 28.08.-02.09.2011. 27. Kałuska I. Inter-comparison trials in dosimetry. IAEA Technical Cooperation Regional Project – RER/8/017 “Enhancing quality control methods and procedures for radiation technology” – IAEA Regional Training Course on Feasibility Studies for the Establishment of Radiation Processing Facilities, Zalakaros, Hungary, 28.08.-02.09.2011. 28. Kciuk G. Electron transfer in dipeptides containing methionine and tyrosine. Workshop “Current trends in radiation chemistry research”, Warszawa, Poland, 26.08.2011. 29. Krajewski S., Bilewicz A., Łyczko K. Dicarbonyl and cyclopentadienyl 105Rh complexes as precursors for therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. Working Group and MC Meeting of COST Action BM0607 “Targeted radionuclide therapy”, Innsbruck/Igls, Austria, 08-09.04.2011. 30. Kruszewski M., Buraczewska I., Lankoff A., Wojewódzka M., Sommer S. Dozymetria biologiczna w Centrum Radiobiologii i Dozymetrii Biologicznej Instytutu Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej (Biological dosimetry in the Centre of Radiobiology and Biological Dosimetry, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology). Sympozjum „Bezpieczeństwo i ochrona radiologiczna w aspekcie budowy elektrowni jądrowej w Polsce”, Warszawa, Poland, 06.06.2011. 31. Kruszewski M. Nanosilver panaceum or Pandora box? RER/8/014 Coordination Meeting on Radiation Engineered Nanostructures – Supporting Radiation Synthesis and the Characterization of Nanomaterials for Health Care, Environmental Protection and Clean Energy Applications, Warszawa, Poland, 16-18.11.2011. 32. Lankoff A. Mechanizmy popromiennej śmierci komórkowej (Mechanisms of radiation-induced cell death). Kurs specjalistyczny z radiobiologii, Kielce, Poland, 07-10.11.2011. 33. Lankoff A. Mechanizmy powstawania popromiennych uszkodzeń DNA i ich naprawa (Mechanisms of radiation-induced DNA damage and repair). Kurs specjalistyczny z radiobiologii, Kielce, Poland, 07-10.11.2011. 34. Nyga M. Generation of oxidizing radicals and their reactivity in a selected group of ionic liquids. Workshop “Current trends in radiation chemistry research”, Warszawa, Poland, 26.08.2011. 35. Ostyk-Narbutt J. Co może wnieść Polska do współpracy międzynarodowej w zakresie chemii dla energetyki jądrowej? (What can Poland contribute into international collaboration on chemistry for nuclear power?). Francusko-Polska Konferencja „Chemia dla energetyki jądrowej przyszłości” (French-Polish Symposium “Chemistry for the nuclear energy of the future”), Montpellier, France, 05.04.2011. 36. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Fuks L., Kalbarczyk P., Skotniczna M. Program badań biegłości dla placówek specjalistycznych prowadzących pomiary skażeń promieniotwórczych w ramach monitoringu radiacyjnego kraju (Proficiency testing scheme for laboratories forming radiation monitoring network). 162 LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2011 Sympozjum „Bezpieczeństwo i ochrona radiologiczna w aspekcie budowy elektrowni jądrowej w Polsce”, Warszawa, Poland, 06.06.2011. 37. Przybytniak G. Radiation chemistry of polymers. Top-down and bottom-up apporaches. Workshop “Current trends in radiation chemistry research”, Warszawa, Poland, 26.08.2011. 38. Przybytniak G. Effect of ionizing radiation on epoxy resin based composites. RER/8/014 Coordination Meeting on Radiation Engineered Nanostructures – Supporting Radiation Synthesis and the Characterization of Nanomaterials for Health Care, Environmental Protection and Clean Energy Applications, Warszawa, Poland, 16-18.11.2011. 39. Sartowska B., Piekoszewski J., Waliś L., Barlak M., Brunelli K., Starosta W., Senatorski J. Alloying the near surface layer of stainless steel with rare earth elements (REE) using intensity pulsed plasma beams (HIPPB). XIV International Conference on Electron Microscopy, Wisła, Poland, 26-30.06.2011. 40. Sommer Sylwester Biologiczne skutki promieniowania jonizującego (Biological effects of ionizing radiation). Konferencja „PoRa na Marię. Promieniotwórczośc wokół nas”, Warszawa, Poland, 09.11.2011. 41. Sommer Sylwester Biologiczne skutki promieniowania jonizującego (Biological effects of ionizing radiation). II Forum Nauczycieli Przedmiotów Przyrodniczych „PoRa na Marię. Promieniotwórczość wokół nas”, Ciechanów, Poland, 23.11.2011. 42. Starosta W. Metal-organic framework materials as templates for nanomaterials synthesis. Synthesis and characterization methods. RER/8/014 Coordination Meeting on Radiation Engineered Nanostructures – Supporting Radiation Synthesis and the Characterization of Nanomaterials for Health Care, Environmental Protection and Clean Energy Applications, Warszawa, Poland, 16-18.11.2011. 43. Sterniczuk M., Michalik J. Silownie jądrowe oparte na reaktorach PWR i BWR (Types of nuclear reactors – PWR and BWR systems). Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Polska nauka i technika dla elektrowni jądrowych w Polsce”, Mądralin, Poland, 13-14.01.2011. 44. Walo M. Radiation modification of polyurethane biomaterials. Workshop “Current trends in radiation chemistry research”, Warszawa, Poland, 26.08.2011. 45. Wołkowicz S., Miecznik J., Strzelecki R., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Polkowska-Motrenko H. Uranium resources of Poland. IAEA Technical Meeting on Uranium Provinces and Mineral Potential Modeling, Vienna, Austria, 20-22.06.2011. 46. Zagórski Z.P.., Kornacka E.M. Historia badań radiacyjnych w Polsce po II wojnie światowej (The history of radiation research in Poland after the World War II). Konferencja „Historia badań radiacyjnych w Polsce”, Warszawa, Poland, 14.11.2011. 47. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Frąckiewicz K., Herdzik-Koniecko I., Kiegiel K., Gajda D., Chajduk E. Leaching of uranium ores from Polish deposits. Third General Assembly of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform, Warszawa, Poland, 29-30.11.2011. 48. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Biełuszka P., Zielińska B., Oszczak A., Chajduk E. Membrane processes for the uranium recovery from aqueous solutions. Third General Assembly of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform, Warszawa, Poland, 29-30.11.2011. LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2011 163 SEMINARS 1. Brykała Marcin Chemia paliw jądrowych (Nuclear fuel chemistry). Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warszawa, Poland, 30.03.2011. 2. Chmielewski Andrzej G. Chemia i inżynieria chemiczna w energetyce jądrowej (Chemistry and chemical engineering in nuclear technologies). Łódź University of Technology, Łódź, Poland, 07.03.2011. 3. Chmielewski Andrzej G. Plazma generowana wiązką elektronów w technologiach ochrony środowiska (Electron-beam-generated plasma in technologies for the protection of environment). Rzeszów University of Technology, Rzeszów, Poland, 09.12.2011. 4. Chmielewski Andrzej G. Inżynieria chemiczna i procesowa w energetyce jądrowej (Chemical and process engineering in nuclear technologies). Rzeszów University of Technology, Rzeszów, Poland, 09.12.2011. 5. Chmielewski Andrzej G. Chemia w energetyce jądrowej (Chemistry for nuclear power). Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland, 14.12.2011. 6. Doner Katarzyna Promieniowanie w nas i wokół nas (Radiation in us and around us). Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum, Warszawa, Poland, 18.09.2011. 7. Głuszewski Wojciech Od Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie do współczesnych zastosowań chemii radiacyjnej (From Maria Skłodowska-Curie to modern applications of radiation chemistry). Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum, Warszawa, Poland, 20.09.2011. 8. Krajewski Seweryn Przyroda sama tworzy reaktor? Reaktor w Oklo – stworzony w naturalnych warunkach (Does nature create reactor by itself? Reactor in Oklo – created in natural conditions). Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum, Warszawa, Poland, 21.09.2011. 9. Lankoff Anna Maria Skłodowska-Curie – woman of science. Noble Museum, Stockholm, Sweden, 16.09.2011-31.01.2012. 10. Smoliński Tomasz, Chmielewski Andrzej G. A jednak, mimo wszystko, energetyka jądrowa? (In spite of everything, nuclear power?). Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warszawa, Poland, 19.09.2011. 164 AWARDS IN 2011 AWARDS IN 2011 1. Preparation of nanocomposite tungsten-zirconium, potential material for radionuclide generators W-188/Re-188 Special award of the Croatian Association of Inventors at the XIV Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies “Archimedes-2011”, Moscow, Russia, 05-08.04.2011 Edward Iller, Danuta Wawszczak, Andrzej Deptuła, Marcin Konior, Wiesława Łada, Tadeusz Olczak 2. Diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project “Method of bioceramic material production” Wiesława Łada, Andrzej Ignaciuk, Andrzej Deptuła, Michał Kozłowski, Tadeusz Olczak 3. Diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project “Method for obtaining uranium dioxide in the form of spherical and irregular grains” Andrzej Deptuła, Marcin Brykała, Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Danuta Wawszczak, Wiesława Łada, Tadeusz Olczak 4. Application of GC to study radiolysis of cultural heritage artefacts The Best Poster Presentation Award at the International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies NUTECH-2011, Kraków, Poland, 11-14.09.2011 Wojciech Głuszewski 5. Method of production protective coatings made of titanium dioxide (TiO2) or lithium titanate (Li2TiO2) on nickel cathodes Gold Medal at the V International Warsaw Invention Show IWIS 2011, Warszawa, Poland, 03-05.11.2011 Wiesława Łada, Andrzej Deptuła, Danuta Wawszczak, Elisabetta Simonetti, Marco Brocco 6. Method of production protective coatings made of titanium dioxide (TiO2) or lithium titanate (Li2TiO2) on nickel cathodes Special Prize of Scientific School of Causality at the International Trade Fair “Ideas – Inventions – New Products” IENA-2011, Nuremberg, Germany, 27-30.10.2011 Wiesława Łada, Andrzej Deptuła, Danuta Wawszczak, Elisabetta Simonetti, Marco Brocco 7. Officer’s Cross of Order of Polonia Restituta conferred by the President of Poland for outstanding achievements in the scientific, didactic and social work and for the popularization of science in Poland and in the world Irena Szumiel 8. First degree award of Director of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology for the chapter “Chemistry of sulfur-centered radicals” in the book “Recent trends in radiation chemistry” Krzysztof Bobrowski 9. Second degree award of Director of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology for five publications on the structure and dynamics of charge transfer (CT) complexes published in international journals with high IF Andrzej Pawlukojć 10. Third degree award of Director of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology for five publications on the properties of new complexes of uranium, lead, zinc and lithium with a pyridazine-carboxylic ligand published in “Acta Crystallographica” Janusz Leciejewicz, Wojciech Starosta 11. Distinction of the first degree of Director of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology for the achieved progress in the preparation of thesis and professional activity Marcin Sterniczuk 12. Distinction of the second degree of Director of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology for the achieved progress in the preparation of thesis and professional activity and participation in the preparation and realization of research projects Paweł Kalbarczyk AWARDS IN 2011 165 13. Distinction of the second degree of Director of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology for the achieved progress in the preparation of thesis and professional activity and participation in the preparation and realization of research projects Przemysław Koźmiński 166 INDEX OF THE AUTHORS INDEX OF THE AUTHORS A Abbas Kamel 42 Apel Pavel 77 B Banasik-Nowak Anna 59 Bańkowski Krzysztof 43 Barlak Marek 79 Barsbay Murat 28 Bartłomiejczyk Teresa 58, 59 Bartosiewicz Iwona 47, 68 Bilewicz Aleksander 42 Blonskaya Irina 77 Bobrowski Krzysztof 64 Bojanowska-Czajka Anna 23, 64 Brunborg Gunnar 58 Brykała Marcin 48, 51 Brzóska Kamil 60 Bulgheroni Antonio 42 Buraczewska Iwona 59 C Celuch Monika 20, 23 Chajduk Ewelina 47, 68 Chmielewski Andrzej G. 51, 86, 87 Chwastowska Jadwiga 47, 68 Cieśla Krystyna 31 Cydzik Izabela 42 D Degen Christian 60 Deptuła Andrzej 48, 51 Doner Katarzyna 96 Dusinska Maria 58 F Filipiak Paweł 108, 109 Frąckiewicz Kinga 47 G Gajda Dorota 47 Głuszewski Wojciech 31 Gniazdowska Ewa 43 Grądzka Iwona 58, 60 Grodkowski Jan 19 Gumiela Magdalena 64 Guven Olgun 28 Guzik Grzegorz P. 100 J Jahreis Gerhard 60 Jakowiuk Adrian 108, 109 Janik Ireneusz 20 Jaworska-Sobczak Agnieszka 45 K Karlińska Magdalena 96 Kavaklı Pınar Akkas 28 Kciuk Gabriel 64 Kiegiel Katarzyna 47 Kisała Joanna 23 Kocia Rafał 19 Kornacka Ewa Maria 30 Korzeniowska-Sobczuk Anna 96 Kosno Katarzyna 20, 23 Kowalska Ewa 108, 109 Koźmiński Przemysław 43 Krajewski Seweryn 42 Kraś Janusz 108 Kruszewski Marcin 57, 58 Kulisa Krzysztof 23 L Lankoff Anna 57, 58, 59 Leciejewicz Janusz 73 Lewandowska-Szumieł Małgorzata 26 Lisowska Halina 59 Liśkiewicz Grażyna 100 Ł Łada Wiesława 48, 51 Łyczko Krzysztof 41 Łyczko Monika 41 M Majkowska-Pilip Agnieszka 42 Malec-Czechowska Kazimiera 92 Michalik Jacek 25, 26 Miecznik Jerzy B. 47 Mirkowski Jacek 19, 20 Miśkiewicz Agnieszka 45 Modzelewski Łukasz 108, 109 Morgunov Volodymyr 86 N Nałęcz-Jawecki Grzegorz 64 Narbutt Jerzy 39 Nyga Małgotrzata 19 H Harasimowicz Marian 45 Herdzik-Koniecko Irena 39, 41 O Olczak Tadeusz 48, 51 Orelovitch Oleg 77 I Iwaneńko Teresa 58, 59 P Palige Jacek 108 INDEX OF THE AUTHORS Pańczyk Ewa 80 Pawelec Andrzej 87 Piekoszewski Jerzy 79 Pieńkos Jan 108, 109 Pochrybniak Cezary 79 Pogocki Dariusz 20, 23 Pokorska Irena 79 Polkowska-Motrenko Halina 68 Presz Adam 77 Przybytniak Grażyna 28 Pyszynska Marta 68 S Sadło Jarosław 25, 26 Sadowska Magdalena 100, 102 Sartowska Bożena 77, 79 Senatorski Jan 79 Siekierski Sławomir 39 Simonell Federica 42 Smoliński Tomasz 48, 51 Sochanowicz Barbara 60 Sommer Sylwester 59 Stachowicz Wacław 100, 102 Starosta Wojciech 73, 79 Sterniczuk Marcin 25, 26 Strzelczak Grażyna 25, 26 Strzelecki Ryszard 47 167 Sulich Agnieszka 19 Sun Yongxia 86 Szreder Tomasz 19 Szumiel Irena 58, 59, 60 Ś Śliwa Tomasz 80 T Trojanowicz Marek 64 W Waliś Lech 79 Walo Marta 28 Wawszczak Danuta 48, 51 Wewiór Iwona 59 Węgierek-Ciuk Aneta 59 Wierzchnicki Ryszard 91, 92 Witman Sylwia 87 Wojewódzka Maria 57, 58 Wołkowicz Stanisław 47 Wójciuk Grzegorz 60 Z Zagórski Zbigniew Paweł 30 Zakrzewska-Trznadel Grażyna 45, 47 Zaza Fabio 51 Zielińska Barbara 41