Presorted Standard U. S. Postage Paid Charleston, lL 61920 Permit No. 2 Midwest Open-Air Museums Coordinating Council clo Debra A. Reid Department of History Eastern lllinois University 600 Lincoln Ave. Charlestono IL 61920 USA DATED MATERIAL - OPEI{ IMMEDIATELY Hotel reservation deadline - October 9o 2015 Earlv-bird MoMCc c""r.'9i".*qg$!.f{'Sid!$gl$*: o"rt${,lfir391,},r,,1,,p,,,,y$gli,hrrl1,r,{:ir ii, ii: nnOnnCC 2015 Fall Con Pre-conference workshop Registration Please complete all relevant sections of this form (an electronic version is at Make checks MoMCc or charge with a visa or Mastercard. Mail with your payment to: Rachel Neubauer payable to N1710 Co. Rd. H Palmyra, WI 53156 C. Half Day Workshops: Thursday, November 5 xlndicates lunch included $2s Sawmill WorkshoP* $10 Henning's Cheese Tour TOTAL _ C $ Early registration deadrine is october 19. Please note: MOMCC cannot guarantee placement in workshops for registrations receivbd after Octobet D. Futl Day Workshops: Thursday, November 5 *Indicates lunch included 19 ' Name: Dance Dance Dance* Start or Finish* $25 $25 Position/Title: Wisconsin Maritime Museum Tour $1s $1s EAA AirVenture Museum Site/Organization: TOTAL_D Address: sr. ziP- E. MembershiP Renewal Email: I require vegetanan meals I am a first time MOMCC conference participant I am a vendor am willing to drive to facilitate car pooling Institutional $s0 I will bring an item for the auction Concurrent Sessions: Fri. & Sat., November 8 & -Modern StressedA Out! Case Study sauder Village: -seriously member in choices -ChickensDance-Tango S.T.E.M. -Modern of History LegacY of the Civil War There is ap\antlpaste/tincture/oil -Hidden $90 for that! Modern Dance- Foxtrot 2l Fact and Fiction Intersect $110 MOMCCI ALHFAM member Postmarked after Octobet 2l Non-member Postmarked before Octob er 2l Non-member Postmarked after October 2l TOTAL_A 9 101 -The Postmarked before Octob et $ Dance- Waltz and meals MOMCC/ALHFAM A-E GRAND TOTAL (Please mark the sessions you plan to attend')' Conference Registration A. Full Conference Registration: *includes: Thursday ,uttptton & auction, Friday & Saturday sessions, lunch, breaks & banquet *Vendor Full Registration includes; / table, all conference sessions Household $30 $35 Individual Phone: _I $ Out With the Old, in With the New(er) -When FoodwaYs-Alcoholic $ 120 -Drunk _Making $ 140 _Hirtoric -Drunk F g ata Living History Site oodwaYs-Non-Alcoholic Clothing on a Shoestring Budget Wagon $ B. Conference A La Carte Vendor fee Per table *number of tables Friday Sessions ONLY (member) Friday Sessions ONLY (non-member) Saturday Sessions ONLY (member) Saturday sessions ONLY (non-member) Friday Lunch ONLY Friday Dinner ONLY TOTAL _ B Choices: Curatin Like the Real Thing -DunbarNothing without a Site - Ushers Ferry _Programming -Ain't $20 $e5 $ 10s $6s $7s $2s $3s General Keynote session: Fri., November 6 _Burt Logan - cEo of the ohio History connection PAYMEIi{T INFORMATION (payable to MoMcc) _check Expiration Date -visa -Mastercard Card # Signature Print Name below as it appears on Card: LODGING & CONFERENCE HEADQUARTERS The Osthoff Resort 101 Osthoff Ave, Elkhart Lake, Wl 53020, Phone: (8SS) 826-S999 or (gzo)826-5566 Reservations: Call toll-free: l-800-876-3399 or visit'eservations 39 + Taxes 2 Bedroom Courtyard or Lakeview Suite $1 2 Bedroom Woodland Suite $119+Taxes Run of House One Bedroom Suite $99 + Taxes Reservations must be made bv October 9.2015. To qualiff for the group rate, identiff yourself Directions: From West: I * 3 * Take l{uy 23 [:ast to [{wy 67 }.lorth (right hancl exit) Follorv llvry 57 Narth into Elkhart Lake Tunr left at the lbur-urBy stop onto Rliine Street Turn le{i onto Osthoff Avenue, {first le ti turn) From North: * * Take l-4i South to [lwy 12 Turn onto l-lr.r'y 42 and {cllorv into * s s Horryards Grove Take l-{r,v,r'' ,,\ Wesl into Elkhart Lake Proceed straight at the loLrr-way stop Turn lelt orrto Osthoff Avenue, (ilrst left turn) From points south: * Take I-94 tvhich ivill turn into I-43 North iust * G Cor:tirlue on l-'tr3 North out of Milr,r'aukee Veer left to frit #t)7 , i,vhich turns into Fh.r'y 57 North to Plymouth Turn left onto l_ls,y 23 West Erit onto Hny 67 North Turn le ft onto Hu'v 67 lrJorth Follorv fiwy 57 f{orth into L,lkhirrt Lake Turn lefi at the I'bur-\ray stop onto Rhine Street r {n * s s * outsicle o l' h{ ihva ukee Turn iefi onto Osthotf Ave nlie, (lirst lefi tuni) as being with MOMCC Conference at a Glance THURSDAY. NOVEMBERS Breakfast on your own. AII Day Workshops & Tours o o o o Dance, Dance, Dance Start or Finish Workshop The Wisconsin Maritime Museum Tour EAA AirVenture Museum Tour Half Day Morning Workshops o o Henning's Cheese Factory Tour Sawmill Workshop - Wade House Historic Site h'irst-Timers Reception Opening Reception - - 6:30PM 7:00-9:00PM Hospitalify Room - 9:30PM Stop in for socializing and networking! FRIDAY, NOVEMBER6 Breakfast on your own. Resource Group Session - l:45-2:45PM o Interpretation, Music, Art, Material Culture o' o Break Leadership, Supervision Agriculfure, Gardens, Foodways - 2:45-3:00PM Concurrent Sessions . . o o - 3:00-4:15PM Modern Dances of the Jazz Age -Foxtrot When Fact and Fiction Intersect Out With the Old, in With the New(er)-How one site traveled in time to better connect with their visitors Drunk Foodways-Alcoholic Salon- 4:30PM Help get ready for the evening festivities Cash Bar - 6z00PM Dinner, f)ance & Silent Auction- 7:00PM Hospitality room to follow! Vendor Area Open- 9:00AM - 5:00PM SATURDAY. I\OVEMBER Welcome/Town Hall - 8:00-8:45AM Breakfast on your owrl. Concurrent Sessions - 9:00-10: 15AM Vendor Area Open 9:00A M-12:00PM o . . o Break Modern Dances of the Jazz Age -Waltz Seriously Stressed Out! Effective stress management in a highly stressful environment Sauder Village: Chickens - 10:15-10:30AM 10:30AM-1 I :45PM Modern Dances of the lazz Age -Tango The S.T.E.M. of History: Fresh Perspectives on Old History There is a plant/paste/tincture/oil for that! Hidden Legacy of the Civil War Concurrent Sessions o o o o - LUNCH/MEETII\G & KEYI{OTE- 12200-l :30PM General Keynote Session Burt Logan Executive Director & CEO of the Ohio History Connection 7 Concurrent Sessions - 9:00-10: 15AM . Making Choices between Authenticity, A Case Study in Choices 101 ! o o Break Preservation and Programming: Curating at a Living History Site Drunk Foodways-Non-Alcoholic Historic Clothing on a Shoestring Budget - 10:15-10:30AM Concurrent Sessions - 10:30-1 I :45AM o An Unexpected History: o o The Tale of Dunbar Wagon#3149 Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing Programming Without a Site-Ushers Ferry CLOSI|{G REMARKS - I I :45AM-12:00PM I All Thursday, November 5 Workshops & Tours will meet at the hotel lobby at the designated time listed below. All Dav YVorkshoqs EAA AirVentu{e Museum Time: 9:00AM -meet in lobby Location: Oshkosh (5)min. l4/est of Elkhart Lake) Host: Jim Bloomstrand Maxirnum Participants : 3 0 Cost: $15 (does not include lunch) The EAA Museum is one of the most extensive aviation afrractions in the world. Come and explore world-class displays and galleries including a collection of more than 200 historic airplanes. Spend time in one of four movie theaters and witness a piece of history in the Eagle Hangay a tribute to World War II aviation. Dance. Dance. Dance Time: 9 : 00AM -meet in lobby Location: Osthoff Resort Host: Ross Urven Cost: $25 per person (includes lunch) Join us as *e leam three popular social dances of the jazz age, the foxtrot, the tango and the waltz. We will learn basic steps and movements that will allow you to enjoy these "modern dances". Wear comfortable shoes with a reasonable heel for women. You don't need a partner. We will take what we learn to the dance floor for the Friday night dinner/dance. Start or Finish Workshop Time: 9:00AM-meet in lobby Location: Wade House Historic Site Instructor: Rachel Neubauer Mmimum P articipants : 3 0 Cost: $25 per person (includes lunch) Bring your half-finished or not quite sewing projects and work on them in the company of someone who can help! Raghel Neubauer spent nearly a decade as the Period Clothing Coordinator for Old World Wisconsin outfitting stafffor the 1840s through tt . tqtOr. Now she runs her own side business as a seamstress. She is well versed in corsetry, fitting of garments, tttiot ing through those problem projects and helping fix oopses. Participants are asked to email information about their intended proj ects to Rachel Neubauer' rachellois ne The Wisconsin Maritime Museum Tour Time: 9:00AM -meet in lobby Location; Manitowoc (45min. It{ortheast of Elkhart Lake) Maximum Participants : 20 Cost: $ I5 per person (does not include lunch) Experience Great Lakes maritime history at the largest maritime museum in the Midwest and the first Smithsonian Affiliate in Wisconsin. Take a guided tour of USS Cobia, the nation's most completely restored WWII submarine; learn even more about the everyday of life of the Cobia crew in their newest exhibit USS Cobia Below the Surface; operate a tripleexpansion steam engine; stroll the streets of a historic Great Lakes port; scan the harbor through a periscope and explore some of the spectacular boats made in Wisconsin. Half Day Worhshop,s Sawmill Workshop -,Wade House Historic Site Time: 9:00AM -meet in lobby Location: Wade House Historic Site Hosts: Paul Edmonds - Lead Trades Interpreter, Wade House Historic Site Jim Willaert - Curator of Interpretation and Collections, Wade House Historic Site Maximum Participants: I 5 Cost: $25 per person (includes lunch) Join the Trades Staffof Wade House to explore the workings and interpretive program of water powered sawmill. This half day program will introduce participants to mill operations, the challenges and evolution of the interpretive progr,rm, and provide the opportunity to get our hands dirty moving logs, sharpening blades, and running the saw. Lunch will be provided by the Butternut Caf6. Eennine's Cheese Fa Time: 9:A0AM-meet in lobby Location: Kiel (20min. North of Elkhart Lake) Host: Monique Inglot Cost: SI0 (does not include lunch) Henning's Wisconsin Cheese is a fourth generation family owned cheese factory based in rural Kiel, Wisconsin that features an on-site cheese store and museum. Take a tour of the Cheese Factory and visit the cheese museum showcasing the cheese equipment that was used during the early 1900's. There will be delicious cheese to sample as well. Thursduyo f{ovember 5 Opening Reception at Wade House Wade house is located 7 miles from the OsthoffResort. Transportation by carpool. Directions at registration table. 6:30-7:00PM First Timer's Reception We invite all first timers to MOMCC to attend this reception at Wade House to meet the MOMCC Board of Directors and learn more about ttre organization. 7:00-9:00 PM Opening Reception Meet at the Wade House Historic Site, for light appetizers and refreshments! Volunteer Soldiers. Come hear a presentation about the Marion, IN Branch founded in 1888 for the mentally afflicted. There is a plant/paste/tincture/oil for that! Presenter: Melinda Carriker, Living History Farms A discussion on how different cultures throughout the centuries have used the plants and items around them to aid them in everyday life. Learnabout some of the plants native to North America and the plants brought to this continent. Have a chance to smell some of the oils made from plants mentioned in the discussion. 12:00-1:30PM Lunch/Meeting Keynote Session Keynote Speaker Burt Logan Executive Director & CEO, Ohio History Connection l:45-2:45PM o o o Resource Group Session Interpretation/MusiclArtlMaterial Culture Leadership/Supervision AgriculturelGardens/Food 2:45-3:00PM Break 3:00-4:15PtI Concurrent Sessions Modern f)ances of the Jazz Age -Foxtrot Presenter : ^Ross [Jrven This will be an extension of the Dance, Dance, Dance workshop with three separate sessions focusing on one dance. Each session will offer further instruction and The Ohio History Connection recently underwent relevancy-not history. Starting in the spring of 2016 Ohio Village will interpret the 1890s. This panel will share the guiding philosophy of the change; explore the impact of such a change on our First Person interpreters, and open up a discussion about the challenges and opportunities of deciding that history didn't matter, event planning and logistics, staffittg and volunteers, managing food and beverage concessionaires, budgeting, and more. Learn ways to make your events run smooth and more successful and maybe steal a new event idea. Drunk Foodw"rJ- Alcoholic Presenter: Betsy Urven, Rachel Neubauer, Monique Inglot Many people started the day with a pick-me-up and ended it with a put-me-down. Alcohol can strengthen the weak, enliven the aged and generally make the world a better place. Corne j oin us as we explore the vast world of cockfails, supply a little history, share some recipes and of course raise a glass with some samples. 4:30PM Out With the Oldo in With the New(er)-How one site traveled in time to better connect with their visitors Presenter: Anna Altschwager, The Ohio History Connection Salon Grab your curling iron and hair pins and let some of our very own hair-pros help you get the perfect up-do for the evening festivities! Cash,Bar Dinner, I)ance practice. When Fact and Fiction Intersect Presenter: Kathleen Ernst Do fiction and poetry have a place at museums and historic sites? Interpretation isn't about fabrication, but it's intriguing to speculate about gaps in the historic record. Stories do matter, and they have the power to provide creative opportunities for interpreters, enhance interpretation, and attractnew audiences. At this session you'll discover how one former curator turned her sites experience into a writing career, consider new approaches to interpretive programming, and have fun with a few quick writing prompts. a name change and a revamping of its brand and mission. The Visitor Experience team then translated this larger organi zational brand into an interpretive philosophy and a new mission for Ohio Village, their recreated 1 860s village. This session would share a case study of how Ohio Village assessed its strengths and weaknesses and reahzed that history didn't matter. What they do best has nothing to do with the 1860s or the Civil War, so they gave it up. With the new mission, the goal became & Auction Dust off your best resort wear spanning all ages and join us for a delightful evening of dancing and dining, There will be great mus ic, abeautiful venue and plenty of opportunities to practice your dance skills during this resort theme-d dinner party. Fiii--s SaturdilyrNovember 7 10:30-11:45AM Concurrent Sessions An Unexpected History: The Tale of Dunbar Wagon #3149 Presenter: Robert Wallace, Historic Wagner Farm After a two-year restoration effort at Historic Wagner Farm, the 1915 Model 1200 from Dunbar & Comp any looks like it did the day it left the factory. However, through the restoration an amazing and ultimately tragic history of this wagon and its owners came to light in an 9:00AM-12:00PM Vendor Area Open 9:00-10:1sAM C:oncurrent Sessions Making Choices befween Authenticity, Preservation and Programming: Curating at a Living History Site Presenter: Tracie Evans, Sauder Village Are you charged with managing the collection of a living history site but constantly feel like you are unbelievable way. This was an afiifact that was believed to have been destroyed decades ago; come hear about its "rediscovery" and how its history has been completed and preserved. fighting an uphill battle with the interpreters, education department and other staff who insist on using and touching the collection or augmenting your furnishing plan inappropriately? Being the curator of a nontraditional museum often means making choices related to preservation policies and being flexible with policies that traditional museums may strictly obserye. Tracie will share how she has and continues to make these choices and then join in an open discussion on making these often difficult decisions. Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing Presenter: Ericka Osen An analysis of the actual fabric swatches glued into the advertisements of,4 ckermann's Magazine from 1809 to 1815. Programming without a Site Ann Cejka, (Jshers Ferry Historic Village In 2008, Cedar Rapids and much of Eastern Iowa was devastated by a flood that entered the record books as the 5th worst disaster in national history. With 36 exhibit buildings damaged or destroyed, and the grounds of their lO-acre site closed to the public for a year, Ushers Ferry Historic Vill age faced a double-edged challenge: rebuilding their site while simultaneously trying to retain their programs and revenue. Learnhow they managed this feat by evaluating their existing programs and surviving resources, building partnerships to relocate programs within the community, and even creating a few new and unorthodox programs along the way. Drunk Foodways - Non-Alcoholic Presenters: Betsy (Jrven, Rachel l{eubauer, Monique Inglot ...But what about those people that don't drink? Or rvhat about alternative beverages at dry sites? Nonalcoholic cocktails have a longer history than alcoholic ones. Come join us as we explore the vast world of 'mocktails', SUpply a little history, share some recipes and of course rais e a glass with some samples. Historic Clothing on a Shoestring Budget Presenters : Ericka Osen A practical discussion on maximizing your historic clothing budget, time and resources. Come Join tls in Lafayette, Indiana for the March 10-1212016 Hosted by the Wabash & Erie Canal Park 2016 MOMCC Spring Conference: